Vote-Buying Scheme Exposed: Stacey Abrams Admits on MSNBC Biden EPA Handed Her $2 Billion to Buy New Home Appliances to…
Vote-Buying Scheme Exposed: Stacey Abrams Admits on MSNBC Biden EPA Handed Her $2 Billion to Buy New Home Appliances to…
We are doing 3.8’s over here. We are catching up, Americans….said with 100% respect. It’s great Clay bought all his…
Keir Starmer ‘sidelining’ Christianity to ‘promote Islam’
True of both sides. Amber-Jade won’t take long. And Saffioti knows the clock is ticking. And the fuzz, teachers and…
Tase and tear gas. Reduces the blowback, whil offering genuine entertainment. Driving them through razor wire is good for some…
by Samuel D. Samson
9 . 14 . 23
John Elliott’s exit as gangster-in-chief at Carlton
Tom, he’s still not too highly regarded around Bridgewater.
bought them 4 Apple Air Tags and have turned out to be invaluable in being able to direct AA to their baggage location
Also bought cheap kids location watches
We spoil them, don’t we? But that is what grandparents do. Wait till they get to tertiary level – & it is expected (by their parents) that you will pay their residential college fees. And that is after paying boarding school fees in secondary private school.
KD, re the Baggers
Didn’t John Nicholls also work for a bank early in his footy career?
Fifth Element on World Movies now.
One of my favourite movie scenes.
Poor Bruce, now battling debilitating illness.
Dunno Bill. I am assuming, Nicholls being a Carlton bloke that his occupation in a bank was some sort of ruse to dodge the salary cap.
Hmm. I also saw “Big John” and thought John Nicholls. Might be older than I like to think.
After some comments on a previous thread about the massacre of the Israeli Olympic team, at Munich, in 1972, I ordered “One Day In Spetember” by Simon Reeve, on that subject. Good reading!
“To discourage any memories of Germany’s Nazi past, the two thousand Olympic security guards were dressed in sky-blue uniforms, and sent out to charm the world, armed with nothing but walkie talkies. ” (Page xi)
The German attempt to rescue the hostages, at Furstenfeldbruck was such a farce, that film made during that attempt is shown to German anti terrorist GSG – 9 soldiers, during their training, (as an example how NOT to rescue hostages!) (Page 237.)
Friend’s brother got 2 years jail time for stealing a doctor’s prescription booklet to fuel his drug habit.
Vicki, don’t do it. Unless the grandchildren are in a terrible school environment, this is a parental responsibility.
*says the grannie subsidising yet another guitar purchase with birthday money*
Maybe his enormous royalty payments can keep me in style! 😀
Last thread we had a bit of a food run. If anyone is interested, I dug out a favourite pasta recipe that is even easier than Cacio e Pepe. It was another of my go-to meals when absolutely knackered and didn’t feel like doing more than boil water.
Afternoon and evening jobs await before I can settle comfortably in front of Lenny the laptop. 😀
ps, slowly unpacking my beloved cookbooks and rediscovering old friends. 😀
Oh and a big shout out to Kelvin Cunnington of the Downticks.
What would the blog be without you?
Pogria, save it for a future recipe post. Our inaugural post appears next Friday.
Pogs, I have just about the complete set of WW* books. The old Best Ever is still a go-to, also the big WW hardcover one.
* not Weight Watchers
In other news, I walked almost 2k today. Less than a month after the angle grinder and kango refashioned my knee.
I took the time to wade through Document 14 of the Uluru Statement.
“Sovereignty” – how can nomads claim sovereignty with a straight face?
“Invasion” – what invasion. Where is the documented evidence to support the assertion this country was invaded?
“Stolen Generation” – yeah, right. Proper research indicates otherwise. Half-castes were removed from violent environments for their own safety.
“Truth-telling” – a huge LOL. Truth-telling with regard to what Grandma’s rainbow serpent dreamt up – or truth-telling according to recorded history? Nope – let’s leave the facts out of that one!
An even bigger NO from me after reading the document.
Ditto, JMH. A confection of lies and half-truths posing as a convincing argument. All couched in stilted legalese, typical of a first year BA LLB wannabe.
As you wish my Doverlordship. ;D
Calli, I have the original WW hardback cookbook also, plus a ton of the others. Also the complete Golden Cookery Collection by WW.
I don’t buy anymore of them now as they are rehashing the same stuff with new titles.
Great news about your knee.
Sep 16, 2023 4:58 PM
You can see the Grievance Industry was in full “voice” throughout the document. Hello, Marcia and Noel and others.
Friday might be about right for a foodie thread. I made Cacio e Pepe after it was mentioned earlier in the week; took on the recommendation to use more than 150gm pasta, used 200gm; been eating the leftovers ever since.
Hoping Pogria’s recipe is the one with anchovies!
Nice one. I worked up from about 100m when I got my walker. Seems like a long time ago now. Behind the gate. Walked the length of the place then 10 minutes rest before heading back.
I miss the dance floor. I need to get back into it.
Louis Prima – Sing,Sing,Sing (With a Swing)
“Native title” and “land Rights” could only exist if Australia was “settled” and NOT “invaded”, and the High Court has twice declared Australia “settled.”
Had Australia been “invaded” today’s Aborigines would be declared a “conquered people”, and their land rights would be abolished…
Dover Beach:
The Whitmer kidnapping hoax result:
Not Guilty.
There need to be questions asked about the FBI who set these blokes up, and provided funding, manpower and a coercive environment that contributed to this farce.
Nomads without a written language or a central Government?
am I allowed to say,
Aldi … 21 day aged Eye Fillet with green pepper corn and shallot gravy ?
And it’s on special this week too, Matrix. $29.99/kg.
Vicki, don’t do it. Unless the grandchildren are in a terrible school environment, this is a parental responsibility.
And Calli, the parents are high level execs earning a bl—dy fortune. But, at the end of the day, the parents hold the levers – at least for a while. The kids are caught in the vortex – although the years bring independence. And actually, one of the kids was in a terrible school environment and had to be removed. The other had learning difficulties but was an elite athlete – so the choice was a no-brainer.
Spot on, Zulu.
Student, 20, tragically dies just hours after eating reheated pasta dish (14 Sep)
Okaaay, I can see where the poor guy went wrong. On the other hand students are students and if it even remotely looks edible…down the hatch. It’s amazing I survived university.
Sovereignty” – how can nomads claim sovereignty with a straight face?
Nomads without a written language or a central Government?
Such is the cognitive dissonance that masquerades as serious policy AND is quietly approved by our current government.
had to do special trip to IGA for the little french tins of peppercorns though
Good memories.
The Stranglers – Always The Sun (Official Video)
Sep 16, 2023 11:02 AM
While on the subject of soap…
I buy whatever is on special. I need all the specialness I can get.
Vicki, you’re a good grannie. Lots of them (and Pa’s) here – generosity seems to typify many contributors here. With your input, those grandchildren will be a credit to you. It just takes time and the occasional disappointment. They’ll get there.
Ron Barassi dead.
Any ‘invasion” also raises the issue – was there ever a country conquered so totally, after such an ineffectual resistance?
Ron Barassi brown bread.
I guess the closeness of both his old teams last night did for him.
Sep 16, 2023 5:32 PM
Ron Barassi dead.
Oh no. Family has history with Ron. Saddened to learn of his death.
I’ve been thinking, if demented doesn’t contest 24, why not Crooked Hillary? I don’t think anyone has mentioned her as a possibility.
It wasn’t so much the Uluru Statement from the Heart as the Uluru Demands of the Urban Activists.
There have been rumors that the old slag, the corrupt little tramp, might have another go. Toxic trash like clinton and pelosi don’t go away.
It is indeed a mystery.
Except when it is not, which would be all the time.
Fatty Trump is not a fashionable figure, it seems – for many, many yet to be explained reasons. 😕
As claims are made over ever more urban and developed areas, a brave council needs to take the “invasion” statements now being made on a journey to the High Court.
Yet before he ventured into politics, he was.
I hated Fatty trump until he ventured into politics.
The fact that he kept saying things I agreed with was most unsettling.
Until it was not. 🙂
BoN – 5 days at room temperature is pushing your luck. Even as a student. That’s why 2 minute noodles were invented.
He missed. Maybe on purpose.
Daddy’s Packing Heat
Fatty Trump is not a fashionable figure, it seems – for many, many yet to be explained reasons. ?
Certainly made Howard out himself as a globalist lackey and cemented my dislike of him.
Ron Barrassi had an excellent inninngs. He was 87.
Barrassi was the AFL’s second most famous hot gospelling coach after North Melbourne’s Allan Killigrew, but coached and played in many more premierships. He was a true football legend.
While, except for the persistence of Indolent and a couple of others, we are increasingly moving away from the Covid debacle, I think we need to be aware of just how our society has changed as a result of disastrous decisions of global governments.
Statistician and indefatigable Covid investigator, Dr. Jessica Rose, has written a very insightful article on the long term effects of the last few years. She is not a “conspiracy theorist” and does not believe the policies were designed to reduce the world population or anything like it. But she does believe that wrong and stupid decisions have had a profound effect on the world. Forgive me (with the indulgence of Dover) if I post the article:
The other day, I had one of those Zoom meetings with a group of people – basically just to catch up – and it turned out to be a really interesting meeting for many reasons. I think our little group represents many, if not all, people scattered around the globe and so I thought it might be important to share some of the questions that popped up and some of the answers or ideas shared.
First of all, I would like to reiterate my sentiments concerning just how very confused I believe everybody is at this point in time. This is by design, in my opinion. Confused about what happened in the past 3 years. Confused about whether or not a zoonotic pathogen called SARS-CoV-2 ever circulated the globe. Confused about this pathogen being constructed by the hands of man. Confused about the validity of the so-called ‘PCR tests’. Confused about whether or not a cabal is trying to eliminate people deemed not worthy to be alive. Confused about how to proceed in this life; having lost businesses, loved ones, the ability to walk, the will to live, among other things.
Even though I still have no solid answer to some of the questions, in my own mind, I do know two things:
People’s lives have been destroyed/taken because of the measures taken to counter something the ‘leaders’ referred to as a zoonotic pathogen.
People continue to suffer because of their treacherous, ongoing and deliberate acts.
I want to go over some the evidences for and against some of the topics above, if I may. By the way, I think that even if you believe that the cabal is trying to kill you, it’s important to go ahead and fully accept that, but then take one step further past acceptance into, ‘bring it on’ territory.
Above all things, it is vital not to despair.
The past 3 years have brought things to all of our lives that none of us have seen before. Some of our elders have surely seen the signs of rising dictatorships scattered around the globe, but global lock ups and persecution of healthy people has no precedent. So why did they do this?
They claim they needed to do it to ‘keep us safe from a deadly pathogen’. They claim there was an emergency.
Fact: There was no pathogen that was deadly to all demographics. This was a manufactured and propagated lie. We knew this early on, as well. Children and people with functioning immune systems were fine. Bit of Vitamin D and some NAC, and off you go. In the infirm and elders, focused care should have been the protocol. Like always, the threat of secondary infections like bacterial pneumonia are always present in the infirm – especially in hospital settings when there is viral pathogen involvement, such as is the case with influenza.
So why did they lie? And why did so many people blindly believe the lie to the point where health care workers and home care workers just left their patients alone to die in many cases?
Answer: Fear of catching ‘the deadly pathogen’. Instilled and distilled like a fine wine of delusion.
Answer: To get the injections into every arm.
Does a pathogen named SARS-CoV-2 exist?
Unless the Genbank is completely farcical (and it might be), something named SARS-CoV-2 (aka: Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1) certainly did exist.
Was this pathogen constructed by the hands of man?
I think it was. There’s the Moderna patent thing linked to Bancel and the MSH3 homology thing, the furin cleavage site thing and the “PRRARSV” motif thing, the cutting site thing, and the fact that we already knew that they were doing this kind of frakenwork using coronaviruses. Why wouldn’t they have been playing with newly-made spike studded coronaviruses under the guise of trying to make a new awesome vaccine against it to ‘protect the people’.
I have to ask, do these people ever think – like actually think – about the idiocy behind what must be their own thought processes? We have to make a deadly weapon because we heard they were making a deadly weapon and we have to defend ourselves against their deadly weapon by making our own deadly weapon.
The PCR ‘tests’. Don’t get me started. Forget the fact that that PCR is simply an amplification technique, forget the fact that it is not, and never was, designed as a diagnostic tool, forget the fact that the primers they are using might not be sufficient, and forget the fact that they ordered cts of 45 cycles, if the PCR ‘test’ concept had not been incepted and forced on everyone, the concept of a ‘COVID case’ and ‘COVID death’ would not have been possible.
Everyone would have done what they always do and all would have been fine. Doctors would have doctored, nurses would have nursed, and with proper off-label drug use and conventional antibiotic prescribing and care, the world would have kept spinning as it always did. What bugs me the most about this is that our elders would not have been abandoned and treated like they had the literal plague, and many who died miserable deaths – alone, wouldn’t have.
Is the ‘cabal’ trying to kill everyone and reduce our numbers to 500,000,000?
I don’t think so. I think it would serve the bankers better if we were perpetually sick, rather than dead. You can’t enslave and exploit a dead person, after all. Take note of the fact that these shots are inducing autoimmunity and dysfunction in our immune systems.
How should we all proceed then, in the wake of so much loss and lingering sadness and desperation? I mean, it’s almost impossible to afford to live in Canada now, even if you have a good job. Rent and the cost of food has exploded. This all fits nicely into the idea that people will eventually be forced into accepting government handouts. Good for government sanctioned serfdom – bad for people. Those government handouts will probably include a hit of heroin and a leaflet on how to MAID yourself. If you’re in Canada anyway.
MAID in Canada. Now that’s some dark-ass humor.
I say we proceed by using cash, refusing to have our earnings stolen under the guise of necessities for city infrastructure, saying a solid ‘NO’ to any attempt at an imposition on our physical movement, jobs or personal health choices.
People’s lives have been destroyed because of the measures taken to counter something the ‘leaders’ referred to as a zoonotic pathogen.
They lied. And people died. People continue to suffer. And justice needs to be served up hot and covered in thick coconut curry sauce.
Speak out. Share your stories of injection injury and loss with whomever will listen. You matter. Your personal story is important. Do not let them censor you.
We the people have the power. Do not forget this. Take it back. ‘Their’ (the bankers) control over you is an illusion. Learn to say no, and mean it.
That’s what I would do. I love you guys, by the way. I don’t say it enough.
who will, of course make up the majority of the Voice.
Before DJT went into politics he was an 80s person to me- Donald and Ivana Trump.
The Donalds main claim to fame may still be a bit part in either American Psycho or The Simpsons.
Busy morning, went to Pilates, then rushed home to get ready for Mum to pick me up to take me to family lunch. Walking home after Pilates, I did see two YES spruikers, both elderly very white women (of course), but fortunately for them they were on the other side of the road to me.
Today in Sydney it’s been gloriously hot, gorgeous weather. I love hot dry days, you feel summer, the warmth on the body is wonderful. So, I quickly got ready for Mum to collect me, I put on a nice dress, grabbed my handbag and gift, and as I opened my front door to leave my unit I saw noticed a young man putting pamphlets into my block’s mailboxes, so I thought to myself…that’s a YES spruiker, I’m going to get you! I closed my front door quickly, rushed outside and confronted the young man. I said “what are you doing, I hope you’re not a YES spruiker”. He got a fright, pivoted and said…”no, no, I’m dropping brochures to oppose the planned Oxford Street cycleway”. I said to him “oh, that’s okay, I was ready to be furious if you were dropping “YES” rubbish in my mailbox.”. Anyway, he asked what I thought about the cycleway and I said it was ludicrous, it’ll destroy businesses but I then said to him that “this electorate, this suburb is “hypocriteville”, full of wealthy hypocrites and nimbies”. Anyway, we had a good discussion (my mother was running late), the young man is a Liberal party member, works for Andrew Bragg. I told him he looks like a Green voter but that I’m heartened there are young people who are right of centre. I also told him that I don’t much care for dripping wet Andrew Bragg, and that I didn’t vote Liberal in May 2022 for the first time in decades, I said I was furious (and still am) with Dave Sharma for crossing the floor to vote against a core Liberal Menzian principle……………………religious freedom! We spoke briefly about the Voice and I said how I was very against any Voice and how impressed I am with the likes of Senator Jacinta Price, and then this young man said something interesting, he said that a few months ago he was travelling in the Kimberleys, he spoke to a lot of indigenous, they hadn’t even heard of the “Voice”, and when it was explained to them most laughed at the idea!
I took his pamphlet, which is from Andrew Bragg’s office. I smiled at the young man, he walked off and I felt good, a nice young man, conservative, gives me hope.
Tucker at the Nixon Library … 🙂
The Simpsons PREDICT California FIRES Using DEW!
Fascinating read on how generative AI has and is being developed.
Wouldn’t a big language like English, with around 25% of humans possessing passable knowledge of the language have a huge advantage then?
Hence the recent inventions of aboriginal agriculture and aquaculture, implying a settled existence.
No, they were not. He was just dipping a big fat orange toe.
I believe Trump decided to run because of the Kenyan that night.
So sorry to hear about Barassi. Note during the week that Bobby Skilton was inducted into yet another sports Hall of Fame. Feel so so lucky to have enjoyed the VFL in the sixties. Dad had played regional Aussie Rules and also in the Army, where he came across various ‘names’ of the game, so Saturday’s were filled with regional football genealogy. Just this arvo talking to hubby, he was the same in NZ with Rugby – I just found out his rugby coach as a schoolboy was Colin Meades!
He also did a cameo in one of the Home Alones.
Video here
The very attractive headliner impresionist painting is a fraud.
There is no single piece of grass to sit on in France without the Pelouse Police dashing up to move you on.
‘Pelouse Interdite’ signs are almost as ubiquitous in France as ‘No Right Turn’ signs in Sydney. No, that is a silly thing to say. No place in the World has as many ‘You Can’t’ signs as Sydney.
JC – Fatty Trump embodies everything I love about Americans.
Very loud and larger than life, but always having time for Ozzies.
Went for a wonderful drive to Mount Macedon today. Gorgeous weather, gorgeous place. Passed two schools along the way with Aus flag, plus the other two Marxist constructs. No Victorian flag. It’s like a quiet coup has taken place. No Victorian flag on the Westgate either. No one was asked about this of course- just a fait accompli. Marxist pollimuppets and pubic serpents undermining society.
I just read that and was going to ring the other half, who just rang me about it instead. We’re both a bit emotional.
These blokes are mental!
World of Outlaws NOS Energy Drink Sprint Cars | Kings Speedway | September 15, 2023 | HIGHLIGHTSM
Oh, you terrible insult-o-bot! Poor lad. Now he’ll go home and study his reflection.
What gave it away? Lace ups and no socks? Skinny pants with a baggy bum?
And this has anything to do with anything, I asks ya?
I love my city of Sydney, bons.
Nicholls being a Carlton bloke that his occupation in a bank was some sort of ruse to dodge the salary cap.
KD, before your time I suppose. All alleged – had hand in the till and Ming had a few
words in the right places to keep him playing.
Candy …
Frontier wars.
Every modern man (hopefully) has this … 🙂
Sandals with socks?
Barassi gorn.
No. 31 should be immediately retired.
My father, who saw most of the greats from Hayden Bunton snr. up to five years ago, said that Skilton was the greatest footballer he ever saw.
He said that Skilton (who was playing in a very poor South Melbourne side) nearly beat Essendon single-handedly at Windy Hill one day.
“What gave it away? Lace ups and no socks? Skinny pants with a baggy bum?”
Long hair, he needed a haircut! I did scare him at the beginning! LOL
All the rockers are dying, Rabz, of old age. We lost one of ours yesterday.
Screaming Jets – Stop The World (1991)
Stockholm syndrome Rabz?
A personage of Italiano extraction, KD?
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha Avatar
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Sep 16, 2023 4:29 PM
It is too.
If there is no will to succeed, there will be no good outcome.
When it comes to Sydney, bons, then yes.
The syndrome is evidence.
For me, Sydney can do no wrong.
Driving across the Harbour Bridge in a convertible listening to this, for example … 🙂
I won’t claim that my efforts are exhaustive, but in regard to the early phases of these alleged wars, I’m yet to find a unit of red coats who were awarded battle honours for such, including the well-known skirmish that took place in these parts. For that’s all it was, skirmishing.
Chuckle. The 5th Element, now Galaxy Quest on Go. Later the final instalment of LOTR.
They’re all about unlikely heroes – the best sort of tales, because we can be part of them. The type of stories that have been told for millennia (think poor old Gideon hiding in the cellar).
My Saturday Night is complete. 🙂
err, Rog, it’s all a load of horse manure, FFS.
Was anyone there actually there taking “detailed” records?
Cue “the fabrication”.
Great memory Lee. Dads Army bestie was South Melbourne, our family was born into the Essendon tribe, that would have been a game etched in the memories of Rupe and Lyell. God Bless them, and those wonderful teams that gave a bit of entertainment to the bush.
Burn Back Better; It’s Not Climate Change, it’s Psychopathy
Speaking of advertising I’ve noticed a couple of (very attractive) plus size models on Japanese billboards, don’t know what they are advertising but they aren’t reflective of the population, that is for sure.
Police officers chosen for a hostage rescue, on the basis of having previously fired a rifle, F.F.S.
The British units engaged did.
That was my point.
Wally’s put up a suggestion for your next radio night – protest songs.
Surprised to learn today that F-35s are routinely patrolling near the Ukraine border, sometimes with tankers. It is not just a fighter, it has remarkable surveillance abilities.
As for the later phases of the so-called frontier wars, there is ample record in settlers’ diaries and letters.
There was no war. It was a series of skirmishes over sheep and water and such.
This will prove important when indigenous activists take the British settlement of Australia before the international courts in an attempt to subvert its legal basis.
Well, if I can remember John Nicholls, I can certainly remember, and watching him play, Barassi.
I would like to say it’s the end of an era, but I think that finished a while ago.
Met Barassi a few times, the last at the lunch for the 50th anniversary of the 1964 premiership. He had his memory issues then, but so long as you didn’t ask questions about things that happened the previous day, you wouldn’t know anything was amiss.
I do think how he was taken in and brought by Norm Smith and his family is inspirational.
Sad he’s gone, but a good life, lived well.
Arrived in Hiroshima this afternoon. There are a couple of buildings nearby that survived the blast, one 390 metres away from the epicentre (a bank, all 42 inside killed) , the other a primary school 450 metres away, where most buildings were wooden but the concrete building on the east side survived, almost all the teachers and children killed. On the main drag the site of a girls high school, completely destroyed except for concrete entrance pillars, all killed.
I don’t know how that makes anyone, even a former POW feel good, as someone claimed.
(Not like I don’t have a beef with the Japanese who were directly responsible for the prolonged suffering and premature death of my father who served in PNG during WWII.)
Gil Scott Heron – translating the plain speaking of Professor Sowell into collectivist slogans:
Mandate my donkey
All consumers know that when the Perducer names the tune, the consumers will be a dancin’
The yarabs used to exist in the second world – they have put a firm down payment on the first one …
Not knowing if they would like to be Matt Dillon or Blob Dylan …
While purveying some nookular nightmare diplomacee … 😕
Still relevant. The man is a legend. We are all actors in this.
Actors or Extras?
I have just put my Kilkanoon 2016 ‘Oracle’ Shiraz in gge fridge to shave a few degrees off it.
Clare Valley, and I believe grown on a hill and therefore less direct sunlight and therefore therefore less tannin, and also cooler on hills than valley floors so less ‘jammy’.
There was some chatter here the other day along the lines that a $25 bottle of wine can be as good as a $250 bottle, and it is only pretentiousness that that creates the price difference between the two.
(Just tasted, I was right – although still a little to acidic so I will let aeration soften it.)
I have had some fine $25 wines – for a wine in that price range. There really are differences as you move up through more premium wines. Not everyone appreciates it, but there is an inverted snobbery in pretending it doesn’t exist.
It is just a matter some people choosing to delve deeper and discovering nuances. But if you do not recognise the nuances it does not mean they do not exist. Just that you do not see them.
I do not pretend to be an expert in electric guitars. The fact I cannot distinguish between a Big W Rock Star 1000 and a Gilbert African Teak tri-laminar with fractal harmony pick-ups and strings carefully tempered by tying them around a rare species of sheep for castration purposes does not mean there is no difference. Merely that I don’t see it.
And I am fine with that.
Have a comment on Barassi in moderation presumably due to mucking up my name.
Wanted to mention that I can remember seeing photos of Bob Menzies, sitting in his Bentley, at the edge of the oval- Prince’s Park? – watching Carlton play.
New World Odor™
Dr Peter McCullough testified at EU Parliament that the WHO with a complicated syndicate including the WEF, UN, Gates Foundation, GAVI, CDC, FDA, & gov public health agencies, appear to be a part of the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex hell-bent on getting a needle into every arm with no regard for patient safety.
Avi Yemini
Novak Djokovic is the GOAT on and off the court.
History will not be kind to Australia for what our tyrannical government did to him in the name of ‘public health’.
What is it about old Boomers that make them want to go and make cups of tea for Get Up swampies? They can’t all be ex schoolteachers. I guess a lifetime on the take does bring some desire to recompense.
Senator Malcolm Roberts
Stop Hollowing Out the Bush
You go give those gliberals hell, Ronnie.
Left a lengthy post over the last page about wine, but there ya go.
Dr. John Campbell
Covid booster jabs for all
There’s never been any forensic evidence of any such war.
I am getting infernal errors too.
And I have even changed my underpants!
That went through.
The problem must have been regarding people doing Pilates, and asking if there is a ‘Pontius’ version.
I like Avi’s work, but I think he’s lost some perspective here.
Novak was prevented from playing in a tennis tournament.
Australians, meanwhile, were losing their livelihoods, their businesses, their minds and in some instances their lives.
My own son nearly lost his leg due to delayed diagnosis & surgical intervention for a rare and aggressive tumour.
There’ll be a day of reckoning, in this life or the next.
Novak can take a ticket and get to the back of the line.
Bill, of course I did. I took an hour out to do that on a busy day and I don’t have time to watch another till I reach Singapore for two days and then Italy.
I can’t even recall the Pilot’s name but I watched the video I put up and someone else here also did. The pilot chappie went through the rather odd placement of the various fuel tanks and spoke of how when thrust was needed to get take-off uplift at high speed pilots moved fuel loads. Also showed that the plane was overweight. What makes you think, in saying that, that I didn’t watch it?? Or do you disagree with my view and that of others that the fuel tanks were rather vulnerable in the design? That’s ok, if so, make your case. At the end of the video the discussion said that tyres and Kevlar lining the tanks were ‘the fix’, but I wouldn’t have travelled on Concorde with that limited assurance.
Mother Lode Avatar
Mother Lode
Sep 16, 2023 7:05 PM
LOL ML I am a sourpuss at the best of times and not easily amused but you made me giggle, thank you.
This doesn’t make any sense! – Kula, Maui wildfires
BBS and the Wallee Dali – the next radio show Rocktober 2023 will be “Protest Songs”
Here is one.
“He’s a Hollyweirdo” 🙁
Dad jokes hit the rotors.
Believe me.
Sep 16, 2023 5:43 PM
Prior to roughly 18 months ago, I had never had an issue with my blood pressure. Despite multiple other physical and mental challenges, my blood pressure was strangely spot on, over decades.
As a result of choosing not to be vaccinated, however, the aggressive approach of my employer (including an intimation – but not specific accusation – of fraud, which was commonly utilised by Qld Health to deprive hold-outs of remuneration, accompanied by the threat of further legal action), and the financial pressure that put on me (yes, a public servant, but part-time, and the very bottom of the totem pole; I mean the bottom bottom), amongst a ludicrous rental market, and managing chronic mental and physical health conditions with no support network (long, traumatic story), have all resulted in hypertension and noticeable changes in brain white matter in certain areas. I’ve been waiting several months for a neurologist appointment, with my G.P. not saying anything at all, so obviously this has not been helping my blood pressure. I’m telling myself that if my G.P. (an extremely poor communicator) thought the scans were potentially life-threatening, I would have been sent to hospital immediately, but that self-reassurance is not as comforting as I had hoped.
My point being – and generally I’m enormously reluctant to write anything personal on here, due to the predilections of certain individuals – that despite NOT being jabbed, I’m acutely feeling the consequences of what I would generously describe as mass psychopathy.
I have no words strong enough to describe the bitterness and resentment I feel towards those I describe as Lords and Ladies of Fire (Burn them! Burn them all!). Financially, I’ve had about $100,000+ in wages, super, etc., stolen from me, with no likelihood of ever being compensated for that material loss, let alone for the measurable consequences such a sustained coercive thuggery has had on my physical and mental well being. I feel as though five years has been removed from my potential life span.
I’ve left out a lot of detail, and no doubt I’ll come to regret revealing the above, but but I remain seething with a venomous rage and a desire to lash out.
Welcome to modern life.
Which is rubbish.
It is not a gospel song, I assures ya … 🙂
Maui Horror Told In Their Own Words!
Well, not all of them, but enough…
Perhaps it is that, remembering a youth of believing in various socialistic imperatives, followed in their 20’s and onwards having to accomodate crass reality to provide for their children and themselves, they can finally repent for their pragmatism and pretend they are again the stinking sweaty pig-ignorant hippy dipshits they always, in their deepest hearts, told themselves they were.
Creeping dementia is an ugly thing. As ugly as a hippy’s grey unshaven armpit, distended leathern paunch, and acrid medicine stinking breath.
They are regaining a youth that even then did such damage to society.
Vale Ron Barassi.
Some of his work
What in the woild?
Four of the great coaches
Boambee John:
Make any reference to the “gross cultural differences” and be termed a racist by damn near everyone on the Cat. Even if it takes deliberately misrepresenting what the argument was initially about.
No longer my problem.
I can only gift you everythang, Baybee … 🙂
It was the sheep’s scrotums, wasn’t it?
Sympathies Muddy. You are in a very difficult position. The GP is probably reluctant to provide info on the white matter changes because that does require a neurologist. I know your frustration. Many years ago I was given two hospital referrals but it took over 3 years before I was contacted. One was a potential cancer. When they finally rang I dropped the appointment and told the caller if it was cancer it is too late now.
The white matter changes, is that compared from a previous scan? I’m asking because white matter changes are almost inevitable with aging.
Black Ball
Sep 16, 2023 2:43 PM
Robert Sewell I have it on PDF so here is what Document 14 says:
Excellent – thanks for the time, BB.
I’ll read the document tomorrow when I’m better.
I’ve spent the last three hours ensconced in a banana lounge watching the sun set and the stars come out. Three satellites so far but no meteors.
The Child Bride and I used to spend many hours in quiet conversation and competition to find the first satellites of the night, whilst having the odd thirst quencher, of course.
Signing off.
I spent this afternoon trying to understand a staccato Indian accent delivered at speed telling me our options for travel insurance given our ages and co-morbidities. He kept on quoting different amounts for different things until my head was spinning and then changing the amount for the same thing when we went back to the original formulation, where everything should have stayed the same. I think the problem was him more than me. I paid up just short of two thousand bucks in order to get out of there alive. I am exhausted. Very temped to self-insure next time.
I don’t think Novak wants any sort of compensation and I doubt he’s expecting an apology either. The real point with him is that he is a role model, someone at the top of his game willing to stand up and say his health, and his right to make decisions regarding his own body must come above all other considerations. I fully realise that he’s in a position to do so with the financial consequences many people have have to face, but he is still leading by example.
Then get off your house sized yartz and do some exercise.
This is not rocket surgery.
Just make sure you get the papadams, Liz.
Always with Indian.
BREAKING: Assassination attempt on Robert F. Kennedy Jr.?
BREAKING: Big bunch of collectivist alien pooftahs land in Vegas and die after seeing the bad taste?
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Sep 16, 2023 7:53 PM
Why do you even bother? Is it worth the effort or money?
RACV in Vic told me they insure anyone regardless of age, but you live in Sidney.
That will help, stress management is very important. Anxiety will elevate both heart rate and blood pressure. It can become a vicious cycle.
Sep 16, 2023 7:57 PM
Novak can take a ticket and get to the back of the line.
That is the problem many of us faced, losing your job or business or stand up and be brave wasn’t an option.
He could afford it, I couldn’t.
John H.
Thanks, John.
Without revealing my age, I’m not yet biologically in the position where such changes might be naturally expected, hence my concern. The changes are not comparative, as I’ve not previously had the symptoms which prompted the scan.
I’ve opted for a private referral due to how clogged the hospital system is up here (Sunshine Coast: Too busy with White Ribbon this, NAIDOC that, etc.).
I’m aware that many are in far worse situations (the homelessness here is becoming more visible), but I mentioned my circumstances as a support to the ‘Never forget, Never forgive’ approach. I still find it difficult to comprehend the degree to which ordinary citizens were told ‘You have NO human rights.’
Then you learn to ruthlessly isolate anxiety – which is invariably a figment of the imagination.
Children and grandchildren, as upthread. I have spent my life and much time and effort trying to help out there. Interesting to see other Grandkittehs do so too and bring it to the table here.
I’m grappling with the DSP/NDIS forms now for my autistic son (a bureaucratic medicalised nightmare of form finding and collating), finally properly psychologically tested as severely disabled. Throughout his life so far he has fallen through every crack in a corrupted and uncaring system, which soured him to resist all testing and labelling. Aged 51 soon, he is unlikely to get the help he desperately needs, but I can at least try. When he was a child ASD was almost unknown, no-one could give me an answer about him. Once I fall off the twig he will be totally lost unless someone or something else can step in. He won’t inherit until Hairy also goes, so he will have some money from me, but not all of it. When he’s rich I’ll bet the leeches will arrive.
Yep, definitely. And depression, if it is exogenous.
Beholding beautiful young women always helps …
Rumours circulating that the attacker was a member of a fringe far-Yes extremist group.
See what I did there? 🙂
Be exceedingly careful. One mistake on the DSP form, they’ll knock it back and then you have to wait 3 or 6 months before you can make another application.
Whoever it is with the stupid downticks, PO and get your jollies elsewhere.
I can understand contentious issues being ticked down but simple posts about nothing important??
Eddles – not happy, he is 🙂
Sep 16, 2023 7:59 PM
BREAKING: Assassination attempt on Robert F. Kennedy Jr.?
Interesting. The guy looks like a Mexican drug soldier. No way this was a sophisticated hit with those tattoos. RFK jr is very strong on the border and his hippie drug policies would be a direct threat to the drug barons.
The other issue is biden’s refusal to give RFK jr a security detail; although, like most other whitehouse policies this wreaks of the poofta obuma who hates the Kennedys.
A Goilette … 🙂
Summary of the facts. John Hutchinson goes over all this.
Retired BA Concorde pilot speaks out on the cause of the AF4590 disaster
Retired Concorde pilot John Hutchinson gave a lecture to the RAeS last week. The speech is forthright and damning of Air France and also the Bureau of Enquiry and Analysis for Civil Aviation Safety (BEA), the agency of the French government responsible for investigating aviation accidents and incidents and making safety recommendations based on what is learned from those investigations.
The truth is that Air France was totally to blame. Firstly their maintenance procedures were extremely poor. During an undercarriage service a spacer, that kept the wheels tracking straight, was not replaced. The spacer was later found on the shelf in the maintenance hangar. The aircraft had done four flights with this defect prior to the crash so it wasn’t the prime cause, but as with all accidents there were a number of other errors that all added up. This may have been another successful flight had the crew not of had such a cavalier attitude to flight safety.
The first officer’s licence had expired making the flight illegal. This wasn’t a factor in the crash but demonstrates the unprofessional attitude in Air France. The main fault lies with the Captain who overrode procedure and ordered the tanks to be filled to the brim instead of the normal 80%. He ordered more fuel than was required to be put in the aft tanks used for taxiing. He allowed 19 bags, that had not been weighed, to be loaded in the aft hold. All this made the aircraft over weight and the CofG out of limits. Presumably due to the weight and balance being out of limits he requested to use the runway extension, even though it was officially out of use because it was being re-surfaced. He also elected to take off with an 8 kt tail wind.
The French investigations verdict was that the crash was caused by a metal strap falling off a Continental airways DC10 onto the runway which burst a tyre, punctured the Concordes fuel tank starting a fire.
What really happened was that as the aircraft accelerated over the unprepared part of the runway it hit a ledge as it crossed onto the prepared surface at about 100kt. This caused the wheels to track to the left as they had no spacer to constrain them. The tyres overheated and burst starting the fire. The aircraft slewed off the runway to the left, hit a runway light and the metal strap which carved a piece of tyre off which was then thrown up into the wing tank setting up a shock wave. As the tank was full there was nowhere for it to go other than out through the top of the wing streaming fuel into the engine efflux. The engine overheated but wasn’t on fire and was still producing power. The flight engineer ignored normal procedure and shut the engine down. As the aircraft was past V2 he should have allowed the aircraft to gain height before doing that. All this contributed to the aircraft crashing into a hotel killing all 109 on board and 4 people in the hotel.
The death toll could have been a lot worse. As the Concorde was careering off the runway it missed a fully loaded 747 waiting for permission to cross, by just 20 feet. On board that aircraft was the President of France and his wife. In addition to that a British youth orchestra had planned to stay in the hotel. Had it not been for their ferry being delayed they would have checked in and certainly perished as well.
What makes the French authorities actions even worse was that they obstructed the UKs AAIB investigation, not allowing full and timely access to the crash site and certain evidence. The French prosecuted the Continental Airlines engineers for manslaughter and they unfairly blamed design weaknesses in Concorde. The engineers were later acquitted on appeal, and this is where much of the hidden evidence came to light. After the trial the French barrister, who successfully defended the engineers, was mysteriously found dead but the French didn’t hold an inquest into that.
A disgraceful chain of events that eventually led to Air France, who wanted to see Concorde grounded, putting pressure on Airbus, who were the design authority for Concorde, to increase their charges to British Airways. This was a deliberate act to make the aircraft too expensive to operate and resulted in an unjustifiable slur on the reputation of one of the greatest aircraft ever to fly.
Source: https://www.euroweeklynews.com/2019/…aims-ex-pilot/
Time was by your side … 🙂
I’m surprised at such a simplistic gasp for attention coming from you, Rabz. Disappointing. Uneducated comments like that are the reason why I was unsure about posting such personal information.
Scene in my local pub.
Sound system launches into John Farnham’s “You’re The Voice.”
“TURN. THAT. SH1T. OFF.” comes the shout……
It is hopelessly simplistic. HBP can arise from a number of causes. Arginine insufficiency, nitric oxide uncoupling(don’t ask), potassium sodium imbalance, and others I don’t know about.
Muddy, it’s always a risk to tell personal tales here. I’m so sorry for what has happened to you. You are stronger than you think.
I forgot the most recent finding on HBP. Very surprising. Nodules can form in the adrenal glands. Remove those and HBP gone.
Muds – if you have high blood pressure, then get off your yartz and start moving around, for goodness’ sake.
This is not advice, it’s “lived experience”.
Ultimately, we are responsible for our own existences. Your Mantra from tomorrow morning, “Bloody rabz – that silly ol’ pooftah – I’ll teach him”
You are in charge of your destiny.
You’ll make Richard Simmons look like Oprah, Squire.
Thanks Kelvin. You’re all class.
Thanks Bill. Reminds me of those episodes of Aircraft Investigations where stupid mistakes were made.
Not missed.
A journey you can, but don’t have to go on. That’s why it’s a slightly more interesting beverage than Fanta.
I see, a sign, of a lifetime …
I feel your heat …
At the risk of sounding like a sad ol’ sex pest …
Hey, Miss Personage, I left my city, my family, my precinct …
I do not need your foolish kiss …
I tells ya … 😕
Toby Greene is top 5 in the AFL. Eyebrows were raised when he was named All Australian captain, but it is a wise decision.
Funny watching Port Power masquerade as a serious football team. Giants on the other hand, Collingwood would want to be at their absolute best.
Sweet Jane – you brunette personage …
If you need a giggle -Is there too much fuss over bosoms in Australia – 1966.
Oh no, Rabz, not again. Not after I clicked one of your links earlier and it led me to a Kate Bush music video. I forgot to use a Private Mode window for that click, so now my YouTube front page is absolutely flooded with Bush.
In the most tepid and pedestrian way.
Finished season 1 of the zombie apocalypse series THE LAST OF US .. no idea if there is plans for a 2nd season but they left it open ended .. Turns out, apart from episode 3 .. 20 years of queerdom in the apocalypse dragged over a painstakingly long hour .. to be a worth watching series .. lot more realistic than “The Walking Dead” and concentrates more on how ordinary folk are coping rather than a plethora of zombie massacres .. plus “our” hero & heroine aren’t overly sentimental types when crossed or threatened by friend or foe ……
7/10 .. would have gone 8.5 but once watched episode 3 can’t be unwatched .. duuuuh!
Carolyn’s fingers
Gabor Avatar
Sep 16, 2023 8:32 PM
Fine, the last time I will make any comments about ticks, up or down, but why did this comment deserve 5 downs??
“Fine, the last time I will make any comments about ticks, up or down, but why did this comment deserve 5 downs??”
It didn’t but clearly there are lurking trolls who seemingly delight in adolescent down ticking.
Because you gifted it.
Well said, Cassie.
luke … use you heart not your head
She is magnifique 🙂
Fine, the last time I will make any comments about ticks, up or down, but why did this comment deserve 5 downs??
This is a bit like Luigi & the gucci gnome drawing attention to those nasty “NO” folk .. keep mentioning down tix and whoever it/they is will take delight in following thru knowing they are points scoring …..
Miss Planet – a goil with a taut tummee who moves like no other … 🙂
Bought a pack (3) of usb light bulbs .. just plug into a usb port (laptop/desktop/powerpoint) and auto light up .. the globe is about half the size of one of those roll top deodorant balls (whole unit about 4cms) but the light is brighter than the ceiling light ..
Some days …
Bill P, good stuff there. The video I saw contained all of that info except re the people who got lucky and didn’t get to the hotel or who were on the waiting full 747. The missing spacer was demonstrated, showing how it caused the veering left, which caused the edge bump (not really emphasised in this vid), which caused the tyre bursting and also the Continental’s metal flaying of the tyre, which hit the overfull fuel tank which was pressured into a burst, which caused the fuel stream, which caught light due to frayed electrical wires hanging loose from the wing crack (or the heat from the turbo thrusting) and which then proceeded to burn out some of the wing features. The aircraft was doomed.
There was mention too in my video of the obstructionist attitude of Air France to the British investigators and the captain’s laxness in checking extra luggage load and authorising fuel overload, and the fact that the plane had flown three times already with the spacer missing (thus the missing spacer was seen as possibly not too contributory, although the left vearing was not then explained). More was made in the vid I saw of the fact that the piece that fell from the Continental Airlines plane was not made to specification, had been drilled far more times than was allowable, and that a piece next to it was mal-sized, causing the overdrilled piece to fall off, so Continental were to blame also.
Do you want make a deal?
So, how does it feel?
You have to apply through a rigmarole of questions no matter who provides your travel insurance and if you are unlucky the company you choose outsources its phone service to call centres in India where the accents are sometime good and sometimes impenetrable. I could have hung up and gone elsewhere but once you’ve got halfway through a 40 minute minimum set of warnings and legalities and then questions it’s hard to bear the thought of starting over again elsewhere.
As I said, it’s probably better to self-insure. However, with something dire this could cost you up to $400K for repatriation from Europe back to Oz after much hospitalisation in the country of your near demise. Insurance might seem a bargain in that case and the trouble it takes worth it. We skipped insurance recently on our Malaysia trip, with Hairy saying a credit card and a short flight would see us home in an emergency. He might have been right.
Hairy wanted to skip the insurance this time too. $400K wouldn’t break us, but it would make a dent in ready assets. Medicare covers medical in Italy on a reciprocal basis, but not Singapore, Austria, Croatia, Montenegro, Greece and Thailand for this trip, and then there is any problem on a cruise where you have to be flown off from sea. Had to pay a separate cruise cover for that.
This trip’s travel insurance has been cheaper anyway than the Southern US road trip and Panama cruise, plus Singapore and Korea stop overs, for our US trip in October 22 which hit us for closer to $3K than the $2k for the current project. We do have some cover from Amex and the Platinum Visa but it comes with many restrictions so we ignore it.
My vid also mentioned the French raised the charges, and clearly they wanted to wash their hands of the Concorde.
It’s no crime to be in love with a beautiful craft, Bill, but as others have said, technology basically overtook the Concorde and the accident showed how easily a local impact could damage the fuel tanks. Sleekness outside but lots of making things like fuel tanks fit in the limited space may point to design limitations.
Keep in mind, Wallace was Bush Jr’s White House Spokesperson for a time. Unfathomable scumbaggery. There is absolute panic breaking out in the Uniparty.
Inexplicable evil.
Cop that c-bomb.
steveinman :
He finally had enough of the bullying.
I think that is the fastest runs in the loop. Mental!
Dafydd Phillips:
16 Sept 2023
From a busy day on Cad West we had a pair of Canadian F/A-18 Hornets out of RAF Waddington whilst on exercise in the UK and also we had a flight of four F35A United States Air Force out of RAF Lakenheath. Amongst the heavy metal a phenom from RAF Cranwell dropped in to slow the temp
50 acres = $250 land tax a year. Since the last video hid got chicks from across the world calling.
Peter Santenello:
Two months ago I made my first video with Titus, “The Man With No Legal Identity.” And when the opportunity arose to return and make another video together, I flew to Kentucky to meet up with Titus again. People from all over the world have loved his message and many of you have wanted to hear more. So today we dive deeper inside the life of Titus and learn more about him and the changes he’s gone through recently.
Inside the Life of Titus
whats worse than getting down ticks , is no ticks. Always have a chuckle at posts that get heaps of down ticks because it’s stupidly funny.
How Ukraine Hit Russian Forces Deep Inside Crimea
Week In Pictures.
Excellent WIP. Thanks Tom.
The Long Walk….just a thought.
If Michael Long walked all the way from Melbourne to Canberra to promote the inVoice…..
How come he was still so fat when he cuddled up to Sleazy on Commonwealth Avenue Bridge?
Just asking.
How come he was still so fat when he cuddled up to Sleazy on Commonwealth Avenue Bridge?
Demonstrates that even if you are exercising a lot, if you don’t have your diet sorted, weight loss is minimal.
2.26/litre for the premium fuel this morning.
I’m diesel now (I actually can’t remember what I paid for diesel).
But I do keep an eye on the premium price when I fill up.
From the WSJ.
Ten years ago, Hostess Brands declared bankruptcy for the second time in a decade. Then, two investment firms rescued the Twinkie maker, paying $410 million for most of its brands. A long fix-up job culminated this week in a deal to sell Hostess to J.M. Smucker for $4.6 billion. The deal comes as the nation’s food giants scramble to appeal to consumers after raising prices on nearly everything they sell at grocery stores.
Buying assets from administrators & liquidators can be rewarding.