Re 1: For about the fifth time, your retort not only makes no sense, but it’s also an intellectual travesty.…
Re 1: For about the fifth time, your retort not only makes no sense, but it’s also an intellectual travesty.…
Sheesh Duk, throw down a /sarc tag if you’re going to drop this sort of cold cut
My pleasure.
Douglas Murray Addresses the Mass Murder of Christians in Syria | Direct Address EP. 6 I am still thinking of…
China’s threat is the left is using it as blueprint for population control.
A 6b housing development in Kaurna country has been halted after remains were unearthed and it now seems its an old burial site. Going back 6,000 years.
‘How would they like it if we dug up their parents’ remains ?’
None of the objectors knew it was a burial site until recently but they all run around screeching as if they had personal acquaintance with the disinterred.
A lot of talk about wanting the spirits to have a happy life in the next world with friends you know, like nothing is different. The dead bet on the races and watch the football just like they did before, I suppose.
Scams like this are an appalling indictment of we stupid white people and our governments.
I do fondly recall those days, calli, especially the oranges!
When it was mum’s turn to launder the jerseys and hang them out on the line they appeared to me as like the battle flags hanging in the cathedral.
GMC erases women from maternity policies
Oh well, the site’s IQ just dropped below average. Fetterman’s back all tanked up ready to stoush.
Well, I never!
You just drop it cold like that.
Andrew Bolt is an intolerant clown who can’t stand anyone with a different opinion.
He might as well be a leftard.
somebody attacked with a cream-bun?
a mUnty to the face
ample sweet buns, filled with creamy whiteness, big red streak of strawberry jam.
You’re not convincing me here. I had no idea until recently that the US’s Seventh Fleet was based in Japan. That it has two ther naval bases and 12 air bases surrounding China, in the Phillipines, Korea, and Japan. Beside the ongoing dispute over Taiwan, a lot of this looks like disputes that typically arise when a great power in concert with others is looking to contain another power.
Not sure it’s actually a fascist model. It is probably something closer to the economic system of most Western nations prior to WW2. Would be interesting to look at comparatively. As for companies moving, probably has more to do with rising wages and strategic concerns in the future.
hi bespoke … s’up nerd-boy?
good to see you back
Brussels sprouts
Reading Nigel Biggar “Colonialism A Moral Reckoning.”
They recognised the problem.
There were too many Hamish’s, Dougald’s and Malcolm’s running the game.
Unfortunately they solved the problem by appointing a Raelene.
How dare you!
Interesting chat about Uranium.
We’ll know it’s on when Trumble junior buys in.
What a bully. Jacinta should pick on someone her own size.
Who down ticked the loss of the suave debonair lover of smokin hot women that was Roger Moore.
Show yourself Sirrah and expect a jolly good thrashing.
And a hearty rogering by some chap named Nigel that i met in the pub.
“Yesterdays oppressors were often the day before yesterday’s victims.
In a letter published in The Times some years before, a former British diplomat recounted a conversation he had had, shortly after Nigeria’s independence, with one of the country’s new rulers. The ruler was pressing the case for Britain to compensate the Nigerians for decades of colonial oppression. After listening intently, the diplomats turn to rely came. “I entirely agree,” he said. “And you shall have your compensation – just as soon as we get ours, from the Romans.” Page 278.
Now people realise they were the good old days. Ah fear dere mae hae been a wee leprechaun’s fingers in haer.
Sheer magnetism, darling.
The ticker URNM ETF on the ASX has shareholdings in all the major global uranium miners, and mirrors the big kahuna Sprott URA ETF. It’s been pretty hot , up 60+% since March this year.
There is without doubt a looming supply of uranium but much of that news is already well priced in for now. (The situation in Niger also helps) And as they say the best cure for high prices are high prices. I suspect, like the gas/oil producers their valuations will next be repriced – up. Possibly way up. The next decent pull back 30%+ will be very interesting for me to add.
Linda Burney?
I wasn’t trying. You asked for a response.
China claims some very important waterways that a lot of nations in the region use. It would be negligent if the US didn’t take some action. If a lot looks like it’s a dispute between them for the reason you suggest it possibly is. I’m guessing that you’re suggesting the US should be doing less in the region?
In any event, if China wasn’t making all sorts of threats the US would have less of a reason to boost its presence north Asia.
Are you including Italy, Germany and Spain in the mix.
Explain what you mean by that?
Probably both, but more to do with strategic concerns. I would imagine every single board of major US firms would be asking how is the firm ensuring their supply chains aren’t concentrated in China for the obvious reasons.
Just watching Bolt, he was interviewing Esther Krakou. OMG, I may need some time to recover!
It would be the equivalent of DeSantis debating Biden.
Possibly one of the worst interviewers going around.
Just ask the question and STFU.
… I meant 30%+ of this years price increase in the ETF.
By popular demand, Monday’s cute owls. Not a dick in sight.
Uncle Wichetty Grub does Welcome to Country at the Brownlow at Crown Casino.
Acknowledging the traditional owners of the land … Allen’s Sweets.
Cheers Matrix.
I must say when kenny is talking about anything else than the screech he makes sense. He had a lot of fun with rub and tug’s Australia becoming a renewable super power. What sort of imbecile says that. I’m really starting to worry about Australia. It goes with out saying the liars are a bunch of retards but their poll numbers are still at their election win levels. There are a lot of stupid people in this shithole who still support them; and shithole it will be when the lights go out.
FMD. An old white bloke just did a Welcome to Country at the AFL Brownlow Medal — not a 60,000-year-old tradition, but a fad invented in the 1970s by Ernie Dingo.
Fake culture for a race of nomads pretending to be scholars a la Bruce Pascoe, the ultimate carpet bagger.
Whereas Norwegian is far simpler… it is a test of how long can go talk without taking a breath. That’s per word, just to be clear.
Someone once explained to me there are two languages in Norway.
I’m not sure what they speak in Northern England, but it must take generations to understand let alone learn how to speak it.
Arriving in Oz in 1967, 19 years old direct from the County Durham coalfields was a jaw breaker to discover after spending my entire life and being educated in GeordieLand that I didn’t, actually, speak English but used a dialect that no one else seemed to understand …… !
I can relate, shatterzzz.
… because they’re all highly educated retards who’s pan-global plans are falling to pieces?
From the Hun.
Indeed there is two official languages.
(They seem quite similar to the outsider.)
Hence the paper money has a different name for the country on each side, many postage stamps have two country names.
And when watching an English language film in the cinema, there are two simultaneous sets of subtitles. (Seems to take up about one third of the screen.)
Arabic is mainly expectoration.
back in the day,
a j’ismist I know actually rang the Tampa
and started talking Norwegian to the Captain
took a while for the Cap to get his head around it all before he responded “wtf?’
The problem with Rugby Australia is that it went woke.
Crikey, their English is better than in Anglosphere countries.
English and Norwegian. Also, apparently, a dialect up north which is related to Lapp, I think. I never got exposed to that… not much call for that in insurance software!
Could have lessons for any demands for reparations under a treaty?
“You want reparations? Sue the British Crown!”
From the Australian. Same old bullsh!t!
Sort of depends upon the legitimacy of the claims or counter-claims. This is just something you would typically expect from any country protecting its national interests that is not a cuck. As to the latter, its not as if the US makes no threats itself. Foreign affairs often involves the threat of force; that’s just the nature of the beast.
Sure, but even the French, Brits, etc. were highly regulated economies. As I said, a comparative look would be very interesting.
Yup, the Voice is just like a criminal drug addict dying of a massive self-inflicted overdose. Does she even realize what she’s saying?
Seems the car was a 1964 Impala…….with left hand drive…
ABCcess as even handed as usual.
” Voices of Australia” covering the treaty of Waitangi in NZ and how wonderful it’s been…
Way back when, United States servicemen, posted to Australia, had the right, under certain conditions, to bring their cars with them.
One young Yankee bloke was having a night out, in the mess, and, come time to go home, being well lubricated, threw the keys to his wife and told her she would be driving to their married quarter. She threw the keys back – she’d had enough of the drinking, he would be driving home and if he was busted, well that was his career down the pan.
So, they were pulled over on the way home, the cop walked up to the drivers door, handed the wife a breath-testing kit – she, being a non drinker, passed with flying colours – and the cop never noticed the absence of a steering wheel…
If you think that is going to happen by magic with the LNP moving further right at the same time, Cranky, you are as foolish as they are.
The core Liberal electorate has clearly moved left on the climate change issue. You and the party can hope that it will go away by itself but, like the warming itself, things are only going to get worse.
Many languages, if softly spoken, are easy on the ear. A Mongolian speaker appears to be rearranging spittle in the mouth. Sounds terrible as described, but hypnotic if muted.
Just one of the many reasons a man’s mind turns to Rome some time each day.
monty wants to give the Libs advice while Labor’s Voice campaign is crashing and burning. Dude, please.
Sticking the boot into Wikipedia.
Mark Dice:
It All Makes Sense Now
I’ll keep it simple for our resident pervert apologist…..
Pluck off.
Did you punch any Nazis today pervert apologist?
You’re a moron dickless. AGW was disproved in 2007 when the Judgment in the Gore movie case was handed down dismissing all the alleged consequences of AGW depicted in the garbage movie as non-existent or exaggerated and alarmist. The best alarmist scientists (sic) were involved in this movie.
The days of wearing flowers in your hair, in San Francisco are long gone, then?
I thought you a lady, Cassie, completely unaware of the existence of such words, let alone be able to spell them….another youthful illusion, rudely shattered..
I’ve never heard of any historical claims and don’t believe these ownership claims carry any international legitimacy. In fact, China’s said they don’t recognize any laws pertaining to the law of the sea in the disputed region in the South China Sea. I suppose we could go as far back as aboriginal claims of ownership too and consent to their demands. 🙂
The national interest argument would apply to any country in the region, even those using the waterway for trade routes like Australia.
Protecting sea lanes to assist in trade and keep the peace has been a hallmark of US foreign policy since the birth of the US Navy. It’s been a benign policy that appears to have benefited the world, especially since ww2. You disagree?
There was a semblance of a fascist movement in economies between the war years. I don’t know much about what occurred in France, but the UK moved towards creating a welfare state. Is that what you’re referring to in the UK? The New Deal in the US would resemble something akin to fascism, but by about 1935, it was largely dead in the water.
I recall you sometimes writing about this in the old Cat. There was a collectivist movement in Europe and the US, particularly during and after the Great Depression.
Interestingly, I think we saw something similar in America after the financial crisis, which rose under the Kenyan, reared its ugly head during the Trump term through the deep state, and returned with a vengeance with the cadaver in the White House.
Not if he’s posting on the cat.
One cannot type with broken fingers.
Voice recognition software won’t recognise speech if one’s teeth have been knocked out.
Ergo he didn’t punch anybody.
Yank version of ” where do you come from” with wobble bottom and victimologist Michael Moore.
Finds out an ancestor was sent to America as a convict labourer/ slave after a failed insurrection in Scotland. Did his 7 years before being released and settling in a town near Boston only to be slaughtered when Indians attacked the place.
Moores take on it…
” well it’s terrible how the settlers took over and made the Indians do that”
Brownlow Medal is very tight. Any one of 5 blokes could win.
And it’s Lachie Neale ahead of Bontempelli to win his second medal.
Cue Carringbush supporters crying because either Neale got too many votes in the first half of the season or Daicos didn’t get enough.
Moore and Fatboy are identical twins separated at birth.
Moving further to the Right? The Libs? If only!
More like brainwashing. If anyone believes the current policy will achieve anything other than misery, they need serious medical intervention on the couch and heavy-duty medication.
Fatboy, it’s sad to see you buying into this alarmist crap. It’s sad in the sense that you’re no longer able to distinguish between brainwashing propaganda and reality. It’s really done you in, and rather than beat you around the head, I actually feel a tinge of sadness for you.
CDC Refuses To Release Updated Information On Post-COVID Vaccination Heart Inflammation
Rasmussen Reports
More than two-thirds of American voters are worried that their country is turning into a police state – a tyrannical government that engages in mass surveillance, censorship, ideological indoctrination..
More At Rasmussen Reports:
I’m Collingwood and Daicos was never going to win it, particularly after his injury.
I had my dosh on Petracca.
Watch the decline.
Wall Street Silver
“The Vaccine is 100% Safe and Effective”
Clearly whoever was live-blogging the Brownlow for the Oz had the put the farm on Daicos.
il Donaldo Trumpo
As soon as I found out Eddie Everywhere and Tony Jones weren’t casting the votes I knew he wouldn’t win.
Even her own cat doesn’t want to hear what her pronouns are. Can we just stop with this pronoun nonsense?
Americans exercising freedom of the press have been reporting Ray Epps is a plant since January 5, 2021.
As soon as I found out Eddie Everywhere and Tony Jones weren’t casting the votes I knew he wouldn’t win.
Not sure they umpired a match. If ever.
Seriously running out of conspiracy theories
If one looks at the European experience over the past, say, 7 years, what the Libs ought to do – for the good of the nation – is to announce a complete change of direction. Be something like exactly the Alternative for Australia (AfA) as it were.
If “far right” policies like a repudiation/nuclearisation of the climate nonsense; a crackdown on welfare and – especially – NDIS rorting; a serious rethinking of “big Australia” generally and migration in particular; a long-overdue audit of education, health and indigenous spending; and, vitally, a thorough rethinking and audit of Defence aren’t popular, it would be good for Australia to know that.
For better for worse, they would help set the course. Isn’t that what HM’s Loyal Opposition is supposed to facilitate?
I think those are excellent policy ideas and they’re also pretty big and very far reaching. You have to be a truly excellent speaker- great at articulation and response to challenge. I don’t think Dutton is any good at that. Howard, in his early years was excellent at being able to articulate a good story and push back.
If something happens to Trump, I reckon this dude could very well be the parachute candidate.
I don’t think you having not heard of them and them not existing is quite the same thing. Are you really trying to tell me they have no historical claim to the Spratly Islands?
No it wouldn’t because it’s qualified by those disputed areas being at least contiguous with their undisputed territorial holdings.
I meant both. They don’t exist for the most part.
Don’t know, but are you really trying to tell me they have a legitmate claim to most of the South China and by creating these fictitious islands it gives them a right to order commercial shipping around and the Navies navigating international waterways?
One other thing Dover, The UN convention,pertaining to the law of the sea, to which China is also a signatory, does not recognize the right of countries “to make claims based on historical legacy”. Also, these historical claims are bullshit at best.
Daics couldn’t win after missing so many games from injury at the arse end of the season.
Not a bad effort though for a 20 year old in his second season running a close third.
I was pretty pissed off though with the insipid AFL having the white uncle herpes lecturing us about welcome to my country.
When will they learn.
Barking Toad
Sep 26, 2023 2:27 AM
I was pretty pissed off though with the insipid AFL having the white uncle herpes lecturing us about welcome to my country.
You got it the wrong way around.
When will we learn?
I recommend Adam Piggott’s latest about the Voice.
A different view.
JC, we’ve been on a Panama Cruise since then, the one that kicked us off in Mexico in 2020. The world is back to rights now, as Top Ender says, no screens in shops, no masks, and no vaxx certificates required in Italy which is a good proxy for Europe.
I got it wrong. Hairys said we were going through Bologna, not to Bologna. And around it we sped on the autostrada at 130kms average. We are actually now in Verona, where I will be looking around for Two Gentlemen. Plus Romeo and Juliet, who are of course, just as fictional but here nevertheless, in fact down the road from where we are staying near the Roman arena. A house with a balcony claims these starcrossed lovers as their own, and lovers from around the world leave notes there. Apparently. Will check it all out tomorrow. On a balcony myself ow with Hairy sharing a drink overlooking iron gates and a driveway to this property which is now various apartments, one of them ours for two days. They don’t supply cups or glasses (lucky I have some plastic ones) but there is an endless supply of coffee capsules and tiny cups for it. Main priority it seems.
John Spooner.
Mark Knight.
Peter Brookes.
A.F. Branco.
Matt Margolis.
Tom Stiglich.
Tom Stiglich #2.
Gary Varvel.
Lisa Benson.
Advance notice that there’ll be no cartoons tomorrow as I’ll be in hospital for a scheduled minor plumbing operation. ‘Toons will be back on Thursday morning.
Getting a few inches taken off Tom?
Thanks Tom – much appreciated.
And all the best for the plumbing
Thanks Tom for the Toons and hope all goes well for you tomorrow.
Brand is back posting content on his Youtube channel.
No doubt the English bird who headed up that committee who sent the very stern letter will send another very stern letter.
Listening to a bit of the Baris live stream.
He’s saying Fox is now all in on Haley & that this has occurred over the last 24 hours.
Wonder what has happened at Fox in the past few days to cause this.
good luck Tom
All the best Tom with your plumbing procedure. Thanks for the toons, they make my day
Bests, Tom
The US government really dropped the ball.
If it wasn’t for Elon Musk, China would dominate the orbital platforms.
Sep 26, 2023 5:24 AM
I don’t think the numbers matter, like the old adage, what matters is what you do with it and how you use it.
Sure there has to be enough to be useful.
Most posters here would know I am a fan of organic foods.
More recently I have become concerned with the raw milk crowd trying to connect their universe to the organics universe.
I think the raw milk crowd need to learn that correlation is not causation.
Ie, if you live in a Brooklyn townhouse and introduce raw milk into your diet when your’e in your 30’s, your health outcomes will be different to the teenager on a Wisconsin dairy farm who has been raised on the stuff.
It’s not the raw milk you chumps!
and a single comment to Adam’s piece
points out that we’ve been Hegel-ed … who knew?
Her husband is a retired reservist MAJGEN who was in charge of a political nudge unit, he’s a sitting life peer, a former Armed Services Secretary and former MP!
This is LITERALLY the establishment attacking Brand!
Eight days after the media campaign begins, the Met opens an investigation?
Lady Dinenage’s involvement with social media companies at least seems improper.
1. Xi is like Cersei. I liked Cersei because she was competent. But it’s like having a favourite Sopranos character. They all terrible.
2. Go Ireland!
3. My friend reckons Penrith Panther have a trans cheer leader? WTF!?
4. Monty’s plan to transform the LNP into the ALP will surely work as lifelong ALP voters will NEVER vote LNP and the ALP vote is shrinking anyway…appealing to a smaller and smaller base of people who hate you, surely this will work?
Forgive my ignorance, but the perceived difficulty of learning Russian is perception?
I mean once you’re fine with Cyrillic then you realise Russian is not far off other European languages.
If it used Latin script, would it be considered easier than French?
Monty @ 9:56pm
Admitting it’s all about politics/ideology and nothing to do with science.
I liked Cersei because she was competent.
I liked Cersei because she would always start a pants party.
h/t Brick.
It’s remarkable and amazing how the press has obsessively gone after Brand for four years BUT the Epstein client list is suppressed even at Ghislaine Maxwell’s trial and sentencing!
Brand would have been better off if he went to Epstein Island.
…and this sort of dishonest nonsense is why the little guy feels like everyone is lying, they start believing in conspiracies uncritically and assume their masters are all crooks or worse.
Been told same a Cyrillic on the more tonal languages of East & South East Asia the key to the language is the alphabet.
Found this trying to see if the NRL has a tranny cheerleader.
The headline vs the narrative. From the NFL preseason, 2022.
From the article inset:
Alarming rates of violence against trans-people
Absolutely incredible.
Where was the press hammering these two for abusing women and gaslighting people with threats of murder?!
In Canada now they give standing ovations to former SS guards.
Trudeau is beyond parody and protected by a friendly press the way the British monarchy once was.
Beyond his physical capability here, and he couldn’t get to Canada to punch the 98 year old one there.
Another Malmo moments.
IKEA Farms am remembers.
I noticed that. Lachlan and Sarah must be desperate for Republicans to lose the next election so they can be invited to Manhattan dinner parties again. Lachlan is following the Warwick Fairfax game plan to the letter, let’s see how long it takes him to destroy the company.
Sadly Elon Musk will not be allowed to provide an alternative media outlet not controlled by the left. He will be made to choose between SpaceX and TwitterX and it looks like free speech will be dead on the launchpad.
A former Waffen SS soldier honoured in a parliament.
The West in 2023.
Trump Calls for Government Shutdown
Anti-Grooming Protests Sweep Canada, Parents Speak Out Against Transgender Propaganda in Schools
Stiglich covered it this morning in his second cartoon. Maybe we had Trudeau all wrong, he’s not a communist, he’s a Nazi.
27-Year-Old Women’s Soccer Star Maddy Cusack Dies Suddenly
The cause of death was not revealed but, strangely, this article from July was linked at the bottom –
1,884 Athlete Cardiac Arrests in 2.5 Years, 1,310 Dead
I seem to have joined Calli’s thumbs down club, so be it.
Brand needs to fight back but even with his millions, I’m not sure he has enough to do what must be done.
He needs to attack, not nuclear like Bannon but real wrath of the Lord style.
The accusers, journos, investigators, politicians, tangential commentators and journalists who softball them, look into their past and their associates, bosses, underlings and family and crucify whomever he can if them if he finds anything adverse.
He needs to become Sama’el (the poison of God).
Now that’s nasty stuff but he could end up dead in a prison cell if he sits there and tries to debate people like Carl Benjamin.
Attempting to get my Vic Uniparty woke credentials approved. Is this where I label the girl a Nazi and deplatform her?
Given the history of the Nazi SS division murdering Canadians (150+) in Normandy shortly after D Day, it beggars belief how breathtakingly demented the Canadian Parliament must be to honor and then applaud that Nazi.
Canadian police are working on identifying all of them and they will be debanked pronto, just like we’re the truckie protesters and anyone who helped them. Canadians are cute but naive.
I see that the Donut King dragged out gerbil worming last night, apparently in a doomed attempt to divert attention from AnAl’s disastrous campaign for the InVoice, after his silly claim of Kamahl-mentum collapsed.
Teal voters want the Liberal Party in just about every respect, except for that whole climate change denial thing.
And you want them to double down on denial, plus extra racism? Yeah nah.
That “we’re” in my last comment should be “were”, ah the perils of not proof reading iPad corrections.
Do you want nuclear power OR are you scientifically illiterate and also accept Bowen’s false and misleading statements about the costs of SMRs?
We don’t want your doctors.
We don’t need your engineers.
Polack MEP takes the piss.
The Murdochs had been urging Youngkin to run. That was some weeks ago and there’s nothing in the news about him doing so. Maybe they’re supporting Haley as Plan C since DeSantis isn’t looking good either. And they won’t want Vivek to get up since he’s a MAGA candidate.
Former Prime Minister Bob Hawke had no friends, played up his “Aussie ocker” image and was influenced by his dominant mother, a newly unsealed report by the British Government claims.
The once confidential circular on leading Australian personalities in 1983 also labels late media tycoon Kerry Packer “anti establishment” and “hard-nosed” and then-NSW Premier Neville Wran “well-groomed” but with a “weak speaking voice”.
The highly personal and often patronising document, compiled by a senior British diplomat at the High Commission in Canberra, was declassified this month at London’s National Archives library.
In his weighty file, dated July 31, 1983, second secretary John Russell described Mr Hawke’s sudden rise to power as causing much resentment, suggesting “he will have to watch his back.”
“Born in South Australia in 1929, he is the son of a congregational minister and a mother who was the dominating influence in his life,” Mr Russell writes.
“His popularity stems partly from his carefully cultivated ‘ocker Aussie’ image, exemplified in a raucous ‘strine’ accent which is quite unlike his usual speaking voice.
“His self confident, self-advertising, at times abrasive, manner appeals to lower and to some middle-class Australians, while repelling others.
“There is a certain admiration for him as a reformed drinker and womaniser. Beyond this, he has shown considerable political skill in his eight months in office.
“Publicly, he has a particular need to be liked and appreciated, and indeed feeds on public adulation.
“But it is odd that his ministerial colleagues, and almost anyone who knows him, do not like him much. He has no close friends.”
Daily Tele
I started to learn Russian before the Coof came along for a trip on the Silk Road through China, into the Stans, the up to Ekaterinaburg then West. Really pissed about China, never going to go there now though they may come to me.
Kamahl-mentum has been highly entertaining particularly the switchback on Das Projekt. Those idiots fact checking on air Kamahl’s aboriginal industry funding figure have just made people go and check it out themselves. When you need rubbery figures* you must go to Channel Ten.
*The world has gone completely upside down since those long ago days of Mike Carlton’s Rubbery Figures. I still can’t pinpoint the moment when we crossed into the alternate universe.
Teal voters should stop being climate deniers then Monty.
“A Cleverly Staged Hoax.” …Former German TV Meteorologist Slams “Climate Hysteria” (23 Sep)
There still isn’t much happening climatewise except in otherworldly computer models and fake adjustments. But low information Teals and Greens don’t have the statistical and scientific skills to work out they’ve been had.
Don’t you just love the progressive left, be it Justin Trudeau, Daniel Andrews or our very own pervert apologist here, how they all delight in smearing and smacking down anyone and everyone on the right as Nazis and yet, in Canada’s parliament in the last few days, they gave a real Nazi, a man who enlisted in the Waffen SS, a standing ovation (and who, without a doubt, if he was stripped naked, the Waffen SS tattoo would still be visible on his arm).
My God, my God, words fail me. And without a doubt, that vile Chrystia Freeland knew the history of this man. She and her nasty, totalitarian buddy, Justin Trudeau, should resign in disgrace but of course they won’t because they’re on the left, and so there’s never any accountability for them. If this had happened under a Canadian Conservative PM, he/she would have already resigned in disgrace.
But whilst there’s little accountability in the MSM or among progressives generally, there can be some accountability here on this blog, only the other day our resident progressive grub and all round pervert apologist was again smearing NO protesters in Melbourne as Nazis, meanwhile he and his ideological comrades fawn over real Nazis, real Jew haters and real Jew killers. So, if you wonder why I won’t and I don’t tolerate the pervert apologist’s racism, anti-Semitism and all round crap, just yesterday he now styles himself as some kind of Liberal Party advisor, it is because if he insists on coming here and defecating the place with this offensive bullshit, I’ll throw his shit right back back in his face.
Dot, I can’t take nuclear at all seriously. It is pushed by economic illiterates. You can whinge ideologically about China distorting the market with their huge supply side investment, but the inescapable consequence of their largesse is that solar has made nuclear economically obsolete.
Solar PV is just too cheap and too easily available to make discussion of nuclear in two-plus decades of any interest at all. Nukes just don’t matter.
Like you there is no way I would go to China, for business or pleasure. There are so many parts of the world now that are too dangerous for Western travellers, ironically most of them speak English now yet hate the native speakers of it.
Easily refuted.
Saw an ad pushing the yes vote, an Aboriginal boy who wanted a voice and an education. Made me wonder about BB and how he manages to articulate his feelings since he never had an education. Do I need to put Sarc after that? My son has two Aboriginal mates. One is a PHD candidate in science and the other in IT. Never had any problem hearing what they had to say. The ad would appeal to mutley. This is the level of intelligence we’re dealing with daily.
Bruce of N
Munty has things backwards. He is supposed to stuff the donuts into his mouth until he gets diarrhea, not stuff them up his backside until he gets verbal diarrhea.
So why is such “cheap” electricity still subsidised?
No wonder you failed Economics 1.
That’s very funny Monty. Bowen trotted out the 71 SMRs study and howled how expensive $387 billion is. It was amusing.
We’re saved from ‘climate change’— if — world spends $70 trillion plus! US$2.7 trillion annual investment required for global net-zero by 2050 (25 Sep)
We’re 1.6% of global GDP, so that means we’re up for $1.1 trillion to reach net zero using renewables (and I think that’s an underestimate given recent articles about offshore wind lately). Thus the SMRs are actually cheap by comparison, and I suspect the usual suspects have inflated their cost.
Also building conventional nuke plants would probably be even cheaper, since you get the advantages of scale.
Judith Sloan in the Oz on the immigration Ponzi that noone voted for.
Oops, I forgot the USD AUD exchange rate. That makes the renewables number A$1.7 trillion, which even more underlines the benefit of nuclear.
Like that kid said on Q And A, stop the subsidies, remove bans and let’s see what comes out on top. But turtle head can’t handle the truth.
I’d forgotten that one, Makka, thank you.
The Kevin 07 campaign.
This is the height of temerity.
Bowen’s figures are three times the actual prices of SMRs.
At 1 PM during summer, when it’s not raining.
Factories and streetlights run 24/7.
Err, TRAFFIC lights.
Tom Dusevic in the Oz on the obvious tension between the Employment White Paper ambitions, and the Union’s IR wishlist.
“The Kevin 07 campaign.”
Makes you almost pine for the good old days of the Rudd era when we had 50,000 annual arrivals by boats.
But they do exist. And many of them are prior to ’49.
That would be worked out by the various parties to the dispute. These are invariably claims about who has rights to the resources therein, not just to rights of passage to commercial shipping.
I don’t know. And I’m certainly not going to form a judgement either way from a single article from Chatham House. What’s interesting though is that China isn’t alone in making these claims here, Taiwan, Phillipines, et al have their own.
Snic assured us overseas migrants were skilled after a few years (presumably at RMIT). Both he and Judith can’t be right? Chalmers won’t be the one to turn off the Population Ponzi. Very hard to understand unemployment over the past few years. 180o turn from when I was around at Uni.
It is like those early humans who would kill an animal and then find a use for every part of the carcass – the bones would be turned into needles, awls, and spearpoints, fur for clothing and sinews used for stitching them together, teeth for jewelry, muscles and viscera for food, and ornaments such as horns to creep about the cave and scare the bejesus out of the kids.
Same principle but much simpler. When Monty eats a donut the dough goes straight to his waste and the hole to his braincase.
Nothing wasted.
To be slightly fair, the Ukrainian SS chaps seemed to have been formed up too late in the war to have participated in the main slaughter of the Jews.
The country which should have the shots is Poland, as a number of towns were liquidated by the group.
They did do a fair bit of anti- partisan activity though, which was a very dirty fight on both sides.
Doesnt excuse the idiocy/vileness of applauding the chap in Parliament though.
I know it’s easily refuted, but it still annoys me when the likes of Linda Burney can push all the old myths, in State and federal parliament, and she is never called to account for making such claims.
Japan and France, full to the brim of economic illiterates.
Also India China Turkey even Bangladesh and Egypt.
Also Barack Obama who authorised the latest addition to the nuclear power array in the US.
Aurora [Canada] says NO to 15 minutes cities!
Let’s see how long before the “Stop The Oil” crowd are told in no uncertain terms by the new arrivals to unglue themselves from the roads or they will be driven over. The greenie are all for Big Australia and think that it will be on their terms but will find out differently. I’m looking forward to the Labor’s course correction either on immigration numbers or Carbon Zero targets.
BOMBSHELL: New-Found Emails Prove Biden White House Hid COVID Vaccine Harms from the Public
We have never had so many people in uni.
We have never had such large shortages of nurses/ doctors.
Please explain…..
Loved school GreyRanga. Was always the most capable in my classes but come Years 12, I didn’t have the work ethic, thinking everything would fall into my lap which of course is the wrong attitude to have. That wasn’t through any intergenerational trauma or some other confected rubbish our elites foist upon us.
Thinking of study now, what course I don’t know. Even an electrician apprenticeship. See what happens. I’m becoming a restless soul 🙂
What he actually seems to be saying is that they’re overgilding the lily and the peasants are starting to see through it.
Bill Gates Admits ‘Climate Crisis’ Narrative Is a Hoax
Renew Economics is rueing roof top solar which forces commercial solar to loss money in the middle of the day when they all produce power no-one wants to use.
So cheap! So efficient!
If only manufacturers could hyper produce all their goods between 12 and 1 on sunny days.
Just a bunch of economic illiterates.
Former Indian diplomat claims Justin Trudeau’s plane to India was ‘full of cocaine’
I’m not familiar with “swatted” in this context, but the meaning seems fairly self-evident.
Catturd ™
So, I was just swatted during my podcast.
The caller pretended to be me and told the cops – “I’ve stabbed someone, had a gun, and was going to kill myself.”
This is the result of being doxxed over and over by leftist outlets. You can imagine how dangerous this is.
I’m okay, the pets are okay, and the local cops were fantastic.
Thanks for your concern. I’ll continue to talk truth to power. I won’t stop. Love you all.
“To be slightly fair, the Ukrainian SS chaps seemed to have been formed up too late in the war to have participated in the main slaughter of the Jews.”
No, the Germans found willing accomplices from the moment when, in 1941, they arrived in Ukraine. Many Ukrainians flocked to join the SS. Ukrainians participated in Babi Yar and other mass slaughters of Jews.
But these SS squads also slaughtered many, many Poles, which is why Poland has been somewhat obtuse about supporting Ukraine since Russia invaded.
If we were to strip Hunka naked I have no doubt that we’d see his Waffen SS tattoo.
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Sep 25, 2023 8:46 PM
From the Hun.
Our people are hurting more now, I think, then you know, the George Floyd moment’, Lidia Thorpe says
Lady thought on the Line SS bloke.
In what universe is it not manna from heaven for Putin’s propaganda?
Was there no adult in the room who could have said ” don’t applaud the exact group Putin is claiming to be fighting against ( Ukrainian Nazis) because it’s a silly thing to do”
I don’t have a lot of time for Albo and the ALP, but at least they have managed to avoid applauding unit 731 so far.
All those people complaining about sky-rocketing energy prices and general cost of living expenses.
Just a bunch of economic illiterates.
Unlike windmills and solar panels, which are pushed by economic and scientific illiterates such as Blackout Bowen.
But yeah, just look out for that (cue spooky muzak …) gerbil broiling, as coined by another economic and scientific illiterate.
True blue smug self satisfied yet respectful progressives full of generous self applause with their two good incomes and two rental properties don’t give a fig if you economic illiterates can’t pay your Hopper’s Crossing mortgage or afford to put the heater on.
Just eat your two minute noodles and stop your piteous whining.
On a lighter note, I watched “Cocaine Bear” last night.
Absolutely bloody hilarious. Highly recommended, Cats.
Further to my aborted Japanese trip.
We got bad but expected news yesterday, still have some treatment options.
As someone kindly reminded me.
“Never, ever give up on hope, never doubt, never tire, and never be discouraged. Be not afraid.
St. John Paul II”
She is right, women and children in NT and other remote communities are abused as much if not more than before but I don’t think Lidia cares about that. She is interested in the incarcerated perpetrators whom she wants to enlist in her racial war. She sees herself as an indigenous Boudicca. The sad fact is that Australia will be infested by this political parasite for another five years and then hopefully she will not be re-elected.
Sep 26, 2023 8:08 AM
We don’t want your doctors.
We don’t need your engineers.
Polack MEP takes the piss.”
The only thing that would have made that speech better would have been a standing ovation at the end.
Who am I kidding.
Great speech though, thanks for linking to it Loto.
I deliberately ignored the earlier slaughters only because that wasn’t carried out by the blokes group.
It’s not meant to downplay the crimes committed in the bloodlands of the East.
Illya Kuryakin has gone.
David McCallum has died. sob.
Monty, do you condemn Trudeau and Zelensky for applauding an actual Nazi? If not, why?
It seems according to the suit and tie, the planet is sinking and boiling and at open gates of hell. I had no idea that there is a greenie Book Of Revelation but I shouldn’t have doubted it since this is the new global religion.
I deliberately ignored the earlier slaughters only because that wasn’t carried out by the blokes group.
They all participated.
There was a line up of Ukrainians to join the Germans.
More pay, more food, better privileges & the opportunity to continue age old gripes in a Hugo Boss uniform.
What the Canadians did was a f*cking disgrace.
Man From U.N.C.L.E. David McCallum dead at 90
Monty will no doubt accelerate the healing process through GoFundMe.
Thanks Tom and best of luck. You’ll still be a bloke on Thursday, right?