Open Thread – Mon 25 Sept 2023

Morning, Overcast Day, Rouen, Camille Pissarro, 1896

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Cassie of Sydney
September 26, 2023 9:35 am

Ponder this…

“The Normandy massacres were a series of killings in-which approximately 156 Canadian and two British prisoners of war (POWs) were murdered by soldiers of the 12th SS Panzer Division (Hitler Youth) during the Battle of Normandy in World War II.””

And now, under Trudeau and Freeland, Canada’s parliament gives a standing ovation to a former Waffen SS soldier.

I feel sick.

September 26, 2023 9:36 am

We’ll all be rooned.
It’ll be a Saturday.

September 26, 2023 9:37 am

Sorry to hear that, rosie. Deut 33:27 – my bad news go-to verse.

Cassie of Sydney
September 26, 2023 9:39 am

I can imagine the fury in Warsaw, Budapest and Jerusalem at the moment.

I neglected to mention that the Ukrainian Waffen SS goons also slaughtered lots of Hungarians, along with Poles, Jews and Gypsies.

Cassie of Sydney
September 26, 2023 9:40 am

Sep 26, 2023 9:26 AM”


Black Ball
Black Ball
September 26, 2023 9:40 am

FMD another bugbear from the Left.

September 26, 2023 9:41 am

Will the Piano Man sign us out to oblivion?

WELLL…it’s 9 o’clock on a Saturday, the regular crowd, shuffles INNN…..

September 26, 2023 9:44 am







Time for a WEB.

Although these days, those fake sign language dudes are everywhere.

September 26, 2023 9:46 am

And as Calli asked, some muddled thoughts on Japan.
First up it will never have the wow factor that visiting so many places in Europe has evoked, no Gothic glory or that sense of stepping back in time, of being caught up in thousands of years of history, seeing so much incredibly beautiful art and architecture.
But it had it’s charms, I liked the Japanese people very much, like the man on Miyajima who stopped and gave my sister a lozenge when he saw she was in distress. The food culture is great fun, so many options, standing on the street and taking a punt picking out your dinner from a machine, paying your money then going inside, sitting up at the counter and giving the cook your ticket.
The countryside, all those green green mountains, so much water, the little valleys and tiny fields, so restful on the eyes, the beautiful formal gardens, wandering around shops like Daiso and Don Quijote, the Japanese hotels, walking down e-street in the evening with all the, mostly, beautifully dressed young people, laughing at the ott selfie culture, enjoying the public kimono wearing, getting the hang of metro and bullet train, hearing mass in Japanese, it was a lot of fun til it wasn’t, despite the heat and humidity.

September 26, 2023 9:46 am

Will the Piano Man sign us out to oblivion?

According to their modelling, yes.

September 26, 2023 9:46 am

Sign out also works in that sentence, please forgive my doubly remedial English.

There’s your proof I’m a troll from Senegal and Phillipa Martyr was an 18-stone African American man from Louisiana.

September 26, 2023 9:50 am

There was a line up of Ukrainians to join the Germans.
Ukrainians were Himmler’s favourite non German recruits, especially, as camp guards because they showed themselves to be more punishment innovative & bloodthirsty than, native, German SS camp recruits …….
Several hundred Ukrainian “nationals” were released from Sachsenhausen concentration camp during 1943 on the provisio they volunteered for the, newly formed, 14th SS Division (Galicia) …

Black Ball
Black Ball
September 26, 2023 9:51 am

Here’s one for you Cassie. Fascinating, via JJ Sefton

September 26, 2023 9:51 am

I have been contemplating Psalm 23.

September 26, 2023 9:58 am

What the Canadians did was a f*cking disgrace.

Canada? That pygmy thing up in Ottawa?

It’s a glorified colony, they don’t even swear in the PM with their own head of state.

Either it has meaning or it doesn’t and Trudeau, the man harbours a Nazi.

September 26, 2023 10:02 am

There is a real opportunity for the Coalition to differentiate itself from Labor on this topic and thereby break from the bipartisan endorsement of big Australia.

It may take some courage, but is likely to be rewarded by increased support from voters.

Yes, and the geniuses who formulate policy in the Coalition haven’t thought through the consequences of not acting.

The more migrants who are allowed to settle here, the more pressure there will be for chain migration of direct and extended family. If nobody does anything to turn off the tap, that pressure will soon make control of immigration politically impossible for either party. Every marginal seat will be targeted by pro migration lobbyists and activists.

People here may know, but not many in the wider population know, that after WWI the US pretty much shut down immigration until after WWII. They realised that the huge influx of previous years needed time to settle and be integrated. The post WWII boom was very much fuelled by the industry and innovation of the children of pre WWI migrants who believed in the American Dream.

Bloody politicians – they refuse to learn from history. In their unbounded arrogance, they really believe that the lessons of history do not apply to them.

Robert Sewell
September 26, 2023 10:09 am

Just to clarify:
“To be slightly fair, the Ukrainian SS chaps seemed to have been formed up too late in the war to have participated in the main slaughter of the Jews.” The Frolicking Moll.
The creation of 14th Voluntary Division SS Galizien was announced in April 1943 at ceremonies throughout Galicia.
Up until February 1944, the Division was a training unit and had no field duties.

In mid-February 1944, the division received an order to form a battle group known as SS Kampfgruppe Beyersdorff for action against Soviet and Polish partisans.

September 26, 2023 10:11 am

The ALP views migrants as tax serfs and nothing more.

September 26, 2023 10:11 am

“It should have been done in Washington’s day…”

September 26, 2023 10:12 am

Wonderful psalm, Rosie. Wishing you all the best.

September 26, 2023 10:21 am

Sep 26, 2023 9:22 AM

Illya Kuryakin has gone.

David McCallum has died. sob.

I first saw him in Robery Under Arms in 1958. I was swooning then.

Colonel Crispin Berka
Colonel Crispin Berka
September 26, 2023 10:21 am

Trump Calls for Government Shutdown

We should be thankful he only asked for something innocuous and normal like shutting down the entire government and not for something abnormal and hugely dangerous and disruptive like people marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make their voices heard.

September 26, 2023 10:22 am

Trump asked them to stay at home, but Twitter censored it and that smug Indian chick bragged about how she had meddled with democracy.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 26, 2023 10:32 am

Bloody politicians – they refuse to learn from history.

Actually they did learn from history. It’s just what they learned isn’t in our the voters’ interest.

The Destruction of the United States Is Intentional. Here’s What Will Happen Next. (23 Sep)

Kevin Downey Jr. He’s not optimistic, and thinks the next phase will be in the run up to Nov 2024.

H B Bear
H B Bear
September 26, 2023 10:38 am

The ALP views migrants as tax serfs and nothing more.

Strange da bruvvas are on board with it. I suppose if they pay their subs they see it as win-win. Unions have never been too concerned with unemployment , they raised Australian car manufacturing workers into early retirement.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 26, 2023 10:41 am

It’s good to be queen.

Michelle Obama to Rake in More Than $700,000 for One-Hour Lecture on “Diversity and Inclusion” in Munich (25 Sep)

I suppose the upkeep on that mansion on the foreshore at Martha’s Vineyard isn’t cheap.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 26, 2023 10:45 am

Must be huge headaches over in the DNC at the moment. HUGE.

I would’ve said twitching sphincters myself. You need a brain to have a headache.

Biden poll freakout (25 Sep)

The political and media world fell into a mini-frenzy over the weekend with the release of not one but two polls showing President Joe Biden in dire political shape.

I still think they’ll steal it blatantly, then dare the GOP to do something about it. Which they won’t.

September 26, 2023 10:45 am

I’ll see your Cocaine Bear and raise you Greek Sheep singing Everybody Must Get Stoned. 😀

September 26, 2023 10:49 am

The original news story lends no clues as to which sheep was the ringleader, but rumor has it that there was a dark horse among them, one that tempted the innocent white sheep into their life of crime; that animal is said to be named Barbara Black Sheep,


Thanks Pogs. 😀

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
September 26, 2023 10:49 am

I suppose the upkeep on that mansion on the foreshore at Martha’s Vineyard isn’t cheap.

Keeping the fridge stocked would not be cheap – expensive tastes but with the appetite down with the gusto of a construction worker having a hamburger at lunch.

Then there are the payouts to families of employees who ran a little too slow when the fridge was a little too far.

I will bet the autopsy report for that dead chef contains notes detailing that he looked like he had been gnawed on.

September 26, 2023 10:49 am

Commentator on

Hedgamiten Sandwich with his Avatar Photo of Vegimite Jar

Amazing number of links on Ukarine/Russia War

Scoll down to comment at

Hedgamiten Sandwich 26/09/2023, 09:00:39
Since I usually post late, a sample of 5 weeks of Ukie support

Here is what UkaNazi finance and success looks like with our tax dollars

Bookmark and save for later..

(Protip: Click on ‘Original’ Resolution in Odysee, for cleanest picture)

The Media Hiding The Truth-As Always

plus comment following

1 hour ago
Hedgamiten SandwichContinued…..

Incredible number of links

September 26, 2023 10:54 am

Saintly examples of Christian heroism
By – George Weigel – September 23, 2023

Thousands attend the 10 September beatification Mass of the Ulma family, pictured above, who were martyred in Markowa, Poland, for sheltering Jews under German occupation during World War II.

Beginning in late 1942, Józef and Wiktoria Ulma sheltered eight Jews in the attic of their wooden farmhouse: a capital crime during the German occupation of Poland in World War II. On 24 March 1944, German gendarmes came to the house, murdered the Jews, and then shot Józef and Viktoria, who was late in her pregnancy.

The terrified children—Stanis?awa (8), Barbara (6), W?adys?aw (5), Franciszek (4), Antoni (3), and Maria (1½)—were then gunned down. The bodies were dumped in a pit and later reburied in the local church cemetery.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 26, 2023 10:55 am

My admiration for Keith Richards just went up another notch, if that’s possible.

‘I Don’t Really Like To Hear People Yelling At Me:’ Rolling Stones Co-Founder Reveals Why He Can’t Stand Rap Music (25 Sep)

Long-time Rolling Stones guitarist Keith Richards laid out reasons why newer and contemporary popular genres of music just don’t do it for the 79-year-old rocker. … Expanding on hip-hop, the six stringer said “I don’t really like to hear people yelling at me and telling me it’s music, AKA rap. I can get enough of that without ­leaving my house,” according to the outlet.

😀 They have a new album out, which I haven’t tried listening to. But just doing that at age 79 and 80 is quite amazing.

September 26, 2023 10:55 am

You live and learn

My Wife speaking to German Lady whilst walking dog locally – her daughter doing Ballet in Barcelona yet did NSW HSC via NSW Govt Distance Learning – said used by many Young Australians pursuing their dreams overseas – Tennis, Athletics, Ballet etc

September 26, 2023 10:56 am

Re Black Ball’s comment at 9.40 am (copy function has died on this site) – it was a bizarre Grauniad article about how keeping pets is unethical.

As usual, it is completely ahistorical. It claims that it is only recently that people are very fond of their pets. Presumably all those paintings of, for example, early Victorians with their beloved dog(s) are just fiction. Not to mention that Roman chappie who made his horse … oh, never mind.

I agree with badness of breeding flat-nosed dogs thing – it happens in cats as well – but what’s that got to do with the price of fish?

It is worth noting that the article is illustrated by a Siamese cat and a French bulldog. They may be the pets of choice for affluent Grauniad readers, but are hardly typical.

I could go on and on about why it is factually challenged in every respect. There is no doubt in my mind that, for example, keeping a sulphur crested cocky in a tiny cage is appalling. Budgies in a spacious aviary, not so much.

Why is it that ‘ethics’ eggspurts are invariably ignorant and fact-free?

September 26, 2023 11:00 am

The Bob Hawke story today is an interesting contemporaneous account.

September 26, 2023 11:01 am

Coles & Woolworths Ripping Us Off?

Sheep prices plunge to $1 a head as farmers flood market

Brad Thompson – Reporter

A projected 23 per cent increase in Australia’s sheep flock since the last drought in 2020 has created a glut that has sent prices into free fall, as farmers scramble to sell before hot weather hits this summer.

Australia’s total sheep flock and breeding ewe numbers are forecast to hit 78.8 million in 2023, the highest level since 2007, after three straight years of above-average rainfall, according to a July update from Meat & Livestock Australia.

Hit by weak export demand and the collapse of farmer-to-farmer trade – when farmers sell sheep to each other – producers who built up flocks during three rainy years are sending them to market in droves as they face the prospect of hotter and drier weather conditions. Meat & Livestock Australia data shows cattle prices broadly down almost 50 per cent on last year and sheep prices down 37 per cent.

In Western Australia, the collapse in prices has been exacerbated by the Albanese government’s move to shut down sheep shipments to the Middle East – trade important to a state that doesn’t have a big domestic market for lamb compared with NSW or Victoria.

Prices for some WA producers have dropped to as little as $1 or $2 a head.

The situation for WA livestock producers is a far cry from 2020 when, at the end of the east coast drought, they cashed in on high prices being paid by farmers on the other side of the country looking to restock. Almost 2 million sheep were trucked out of WA in 2020, along with big numbers of cattle, as east coast producers bred up on the back of rain.

But with talk for months about an El Nino weather pattern bringing drier conditions, and scars from the last drought barely healed, many east coast farmers have been racing to get bulging stock numbers down in a weak market. Cattle prices have plunged for similar reasons, and key export markets with weakening economies have been slow to chew through a build up in meat inventories.

Bindi Murray, a farmer in Woodanilling, WA, isn’t at the point of destroying animals but is struggling with much lower livestock prices.

“I’ve got some sheep here that I could have sold as lambs and was offered $130 a head. I sold some of them a year ago for $75 and then got quoted $40 a head for them. They’re the same sheep, just a different time. It just shows the magnitude of the price collapse over the past 12-18 months,” she said.

Ms Murray is worried that farmers who missed out on rain this year will have to destroy sheep that don’t measure up to the specifications of local meat processors and are unwanted by other farmers. “People are now making those hard decisions on farms rather than pushing the problem down the supply chain,” she said.

She worries that the WA sheep industry is in danger of losing critical mass and that will have a knock-on effect on rural communities and jobs along the supply chain. She said it was heartbreaking and morale-sapping to see lamb prices collapse after a period of high prices and strong demand.

In normal circumstances there would be grazier-to-grazier trade in sheep unwanted by meatworks, but that had completely dried up.

“That trade is just not there because there’s not the confidence for people to take extra sheep on at the moment,” Ms Murray said. “The position in WA with our Mediterranean climate is when the season goes against you, you need to reduce your stock numbers to look after the paddocks and prevent any environmental issues or animal welfare issues.

“You’ve just got a de-stock and that’s the tricky bit for the guys who have got into that position.”

Ms Murray is a Sheep Producers Australia board member and took part in a WA delegation that visited Canberra this month to fight for the live trade with the Middle East.

She said the live trade, facing the axe after lobbying by animal welfare groups, was essential to robust pricing in WA and a phase-out could be “catastrophic” for some farming families and communities.

“We don’t have that big domestic demand base of the east coast and that’s part of why live export plays a really important role. It gives us diversity of demand and more robust pricing,” she said.

Cassie of Sydney
September 26, 2023 11:05 am

Apparently, there are now Nazis everywhere….here’s a smidgen

Women who don’t want dicks in bathrooms = Nazis
Moira Deeming = Nazi
Kellie-Jay Keen = Nazi
Katherine Deves = Nazi
Graham Linehen = Nazi
Julie Bindel = Nazi
Julie Burchill = Nazi
Germaine Greer = Nazi
Donald Trump = Nazi
Peter Dutton = Nazi
Tony Abbott = Nazi
People who say that you can’t change your biological sex = Nazis
Canadian truckers = Nazis
Canadian trucker supporters = Nazis
People who queried lockdowns = Nazis
People who queried vaccine mandates = Nazis
People who want to vote NO in the referendum = Nazis

I could go on with numerous other examples, I’m sure you get my drift. But of course, the above are NOT Nazis, no, no, no, they’re just smeared as Nazis in order to silence and intimidate them, and it works a treat.

Ahhhhhhh, but meanwhile, after all the gaslighting, after all the dog whistling, there are actually still a few real living Nazis left, and one was invited and honoured just the other day with a standing ovation in the Canadian parliament….and those two little totalitarian progressive goons, Justin Trudeau and Christina Freeland, fawned over him as some kind of hero.

You simply couldn’t make this shit up, the moral abyss that the West has fallen into.

Oh and when Putin was talking about Ukraine and Nazis, he was and is right. That’s the plain unfashionable truth, which is why more than a few countries, such as Israel, Hungary, Poland, India and so on are tepid about Ukraine. Doesn’t mean they approve of the Russian invasion, it’s just that they know nothing in and around Ukraine is black and white.

Fair Shake
Fair Shake
September 26, 2023 11:10 am

Coles & Woolworths Ripping Us Off?

Sheep prices plunge to $1 a head as farmers flood market

This should be front page news. I suspect the advertising dollars provided to the media by Coles and Woolworthless give them good cover when bad news pops up.

I note both are running ‘specials’ but failing to adjust their standard prices for lamb.


September 26, 2023 11:13 am

I deliberately ignored the earlier slaughters only because that wasn’t carried out by the blokes group.

However, the blokes in that Hunka’s group had served in prior very unsavory, police orientated groups, eagerly rounding up and incarcerating J*ws and other undesirables .

Himmler thought very highly of the Galician SS Division. Not an endorsement that should by association find it’s way to an applauding Canadian Parliament. Especially when Hunka’s SS comrades in Normandy committed the mass murder 156 Canadian soldiers.

I get that the Canadian Parliament want to show off their solidarity with Ukraine. But it also exposes how f*cking dumb they are and an insight into their superficial values. So thin as to be non-existent. Which is what you would expect from the vacant lemming class of western political elites these days.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 26, 2023 11:16 am

it was a bizarre Grauniad article about how keeping pets is unethical.

I had a quick look and was amazed that the word “climate” wasn’t mentioned anywhere in it. Normally a Grauniad article would go the whole pets-are-killing-Gaia thing.

I agree with badness of breeding flat-nosed dogs thing – it happens in cats as well – but what’s that got to do with the price of fish?

Science, of course, Johanna. 😀

Why flat-faced dogs seem more cuddly than longer-muzzled dogs (, 22 Sep)

A team of ethologists, natural scientists and psychologists affiliated with several institutions in Hungary has found evidence suggesting that some of the attraction by humans to flat-faced dogs can be tied to their stronger reliance on being helped than other dog breeds. In a study reported in the journal Scientific Reports, the group conducted experiments with two flat-faced breeds, comparing them with non-flat faced breeds, as they engaged in a task.

What would we be without Science™?

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
September 26, 2023 11:17 am

Which is what you would expect from the vacant lemming class of western political elites these days.

They are not ‘western political elites’. They are ‘Shites’.

September 26, 2023 11:21 am

Sep 26, 2023 10:54 AM
Saintly examples of Christian heroism
By – George Weigel – September 23, 2023

P, thank you for the link. The story was both sad and beautiful.

H B Bear
H B Bear
September 26, 2023 11:22 am

I will bet the autopsy report for that dead chef contains notes detailing that he looked like he had been gnawed on.

A dead personal chef doesn’t quite resonate like driving your car into a creek but still very Chappaquidick.

September 26, 2023 11:27 am

Uh oh, according to Cassie’s list I am a Nazi X 5.

Proud to be associated with others on Cassie’s list.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
September 26, 2023 11:29 am

A dead personal chef doesn’t quite resonate like driving your car into a creek but still very Chappaquidick.

Well, the victim was still found in water.

I imagine Barack sleeps very fitfully when Michelle shares the bed (90% hers, of course) and he makes a point of wearing the pyjamas with the salad print so she does not snack on him at night.

September 26, 2023 11:30 am

Cassie’s list makes me a rare Crested Nazi.

I’m a Nazi for things they haven’t even thought of yet.

H B Bear
H B Bear
September 26, 2023 11:31 am

You suspect Barry does not wear the Mom jeans in that relationship.

Peter Greagg
Peter Greagg
September 26, 2023 11:32 am

In more ‘too cheap to meter’ news….
From the Oz.

El Nino summer poses risk to energy grid, says BoM chief Andrew Johnson
Bureau of Meteorology chief executive Andrew Johnson has warned that the looming El Nino summer will present a challenge to the nation’s energy grid due to the “penetration of renewable ­energy”, with lower than average wind forecast for parts of the country.

Dr Johnson said the arrival of El Nino – a natural weather pattern associated with increased temperatures and low rainfall – would increase sunshine in some parts of the country and decrease wind levels in others impacting solar and wind generation.

The warning comes as Labor ramps up its natural disaster preparedness, with Jim Chalmers set to reveal in a speech at the National Drought Forum in Rockhampton on Tuesday that the Black Summer bushfires and October 2022 floods cost the economy $1.5bn each.
The latest projections also show the significant impact that climate change could have on our regions,” the Treasurer will say in the speech.

“If further action isn’t taken, Australian crop yields could be 4 per cent lower by 2063, costing us about $1.8bn in GDP in today’s dollars.”

Emergency agencies, local government and industry leaders convened in Canberra on Monday for the nation’s first National Disaster Preparedness Summit, where Dr Johnson told about 250 stakeholders the challenges of managing a national energy grid will “go up another notch” this summer.
“So just in terms of critical infrastructure vulnerability in the summer ahead, we are going to face some challenges,” Dr Johnson said.

“The other thing I’d add is that probably since the last really hot summer, we’ve had a complete step-change in the penetration of renewable energy in our system.

“And so whilst in the summer ahead we are likely to see more sunshine, we are likely to see less wind in the same parts of the country where a lot of electricity generation and transmission ­occurs.
“So this interplay between ­having more sun available for solar generation, these are big ­impacts on energy distribution systems which is going to be a tricky one for the electricity managers to manage over the summer ahead.”

Dr Johnson said the impact of the weather on power generation and distribution was so significant that meteorologists were embedded in the Australian Energy Market Operator, with the timing of the sea breeze in Sydney making the difference between “turning off a particular power station on that particular day, or using interconnectors between the states”.

“It’s a very complex job to maintain supply particularly with the penetration of renewable energy in the system at the moment,” he said.

“A former AEMO CEO once told me the history of this country is that our power grid has been run by fossil fuels, well the future of power in this country is weather, so the weather plays an absolutely vital role both on demand and supply side. There are risks every day that are all weather driven.”

Grattan Institute energy program director Tony Wood said that while extreme weather could have an impact on renewable energy generation, coal-fired power stations were also vulnerable during scorching temperatures.

“Instead of being dependent on a very large power station, as they can get into trouble in hot weather and they can be old and unreliable, having a more distributed power supply means you’ve got more flexibility,” he said.

“If you’ve got a transmission line down from the Latrobe Valley but if you’ve got renewables around you have in theory many more options.

“Because coal-fired power stations all require significant amounts of water for the cooling system … the more traditional sources of energy are not immune to the weather.”

September 26, 2023 11:32 am

The story was both sad and beautiful.

Further from CNA:

Among the nine Ulma family members killed was Józef and Wiktoria’s seventh child, who was not given a name before the Nazi killings. The Vatican has confirmed that Wiktoria went into premature labor when she was killed and the baby was born at the time of her death. The Vatican’s Dicastery for the Causes of Saints clarified Sept. 5 that the child was a newborn, adding that it received a “baptism of blood” and was therefore included among the martyrs.

Niemczak said it was moving to him that the feast day chosen for the family, July 7, is the day of Józef and Wiktoria’s wedding anniversary, the “birthday of the family.” The Ulmas’ beatification is a “great witness to the unity of a family … that a family is greater than the sum of its parts.”

September 26, 2023 11:33 am

Son of a mate has recently returned from OS. He’s doing AI. After looking what Australia has to offer he is started his own business, works from home, lives on the smell of an oily rag. Thinking about dropping some pin money on him. His old man is no slouch and he tells me the kid runs rings around him. I don’t know if it’s the small circles I move in but the young people are optimistic about the future which goes against the doom and gloom we keep hearing about. Cats and Kittahs have mentioned this including myself so it gives me hope for my grandchildren. Sure there are a mile of mutleys out there and they are exactly the same. Don’t think it’ll give you a sore head.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
September 26, 2023 11:38 am

Solar PV is just too cheap and too easily available to make discussion of nuclear in two-plus decades of any interest at all. Nukes just don’t matter.

This is a complete bollocks Greens talking point.

Solar generation is only ‘cheap’ if you are willing to take power when it’s available.
When you account for the huge cost of battery storage to give 24/7 supply and the additional generation needed to charge the batteries during the window of effective daylight, the capital cost of a utility scale PV setup is about 50% of the current cost * of a nuke built in the US and 170% of the cost of a nuke built in China.

Any savings in opex (far from ‘Sunlight is Free’ zero) are quickly chewed up by the need to replace all of the components of the PV plant every 15 to 20 years.

And you still don’t have reliable 24/7 power unless you overbuild the entire generation and distribution system.

* The current cost in the US is heavily distorted by the politically driven regulations that followed Fukushima – which resulted in the complete redesign of the Vogtle-3 plant midway through construction. No capital-intensive project survives this treatment.

(I’ll spare the blog a nerdy numbers job. The links above will take energy-adjacent wonks to current technology cost information published by the US National Renewable Energy Labs.)

Boambee John
Boambee John
September 26, 2023 11:38 am

Labor now gives priority the vested interests seeking more migrants, property developers, big business, and universities.

mUnty please note, the party of the wukkas is now happy to put the wukkas on the street so that many more overseas stoonts can move here and price them out of their homes.

Labor now is the party of property developers, Big Business and academia. And the stupid fat fascist fool thinks that the Liberals have moved in the wrong direction.

September 26, 2023 11:39 am

How much does it cost to Michael Bummer speak. It would be worth the entry fee just to get up near the beginning and shout out “show us your cock”. Priceless I reckon.

September 26, 2023 11:41 am

Macron says he will not ban the sale of gas domestic heating appliances, arguing that too many people in France have no other option to heat their homes.

September 26, 2023 11:43 am

mUnty please note, the party of the wukkas is now happy to put the wukkas on the street so that many more overseas stoonts can move here and price them out of their homes.

And their jobs.

Fair Shake
Fair Shake
September 26, 2023 11:45 am

I enjoyed watching Credlin last night as Peta reviewed ‘Das Project’ interviewing Kamahl on Sunday night.

The story line…so far…
-K says he voting No to da race based referendum a while back.

-K then changes his mind to Yes. (last Thursday-Friday?) and becomes a Saint for the Yes cause.

-Albo on Saturday nails his colours to St K’s decision and respect for St K… blah blah blah

-Das Project invites St K onto their echo chamber (Sunday)

-St K then changes his mind back to No (…on the show ?). And just like that becomes a Wacist. Wacist K or WK for short.

Das Projects hosts have a conniption and challenge WKs thinking, position, …almost his colour. 3 x Hosts pile in with their interpretations, changing what WK said (verballing as they say)…

WK says he’d prefer to see some accountability for the $40 Billion pa spent on the black fellas.

Hamish MacDonald (Think an ABC wannabe) verbals WK and fact checks him…along the lines of some Aboriginal authority is only responsible for $4.4 Billion.

Kamahl apologies about his facts. …but is adamant its a No from him. Das Projects hosts look most pleased with themselves in embarrassing the Wacist K.

Credlin (the grown up) then fact checks Hash Mac and shows a Government report from 2016? advising $34 Billion spent on Abo community. Plus a few more Billion from other sources and bang, there is your $40 Billion spent with little if any accountability. Credlin also revisits what K said vs what HashMac verballed him with.
K should demand an apology from Das Project.

Twas good sport to watch. Poor old K though. Just looked well out of his depth. Appears he was only amped up due to skin colour and coming out in support of the Yes campaign. No more government grants nor awards for him.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
September 26, 2023 11:45 am

Bureau of Meteorology chief executive Andrew Johnson has warned that the looming El Nino summer will present a challenge to the nation’s energy grid due to the “penetration of renewable ­energy”

Attention Mr Johnson:

You are apparently the CE of an organisation dedicated to predicting the weather. An organisation which, incidentally, is notoriously shit at doing the only job it has.

You are demonstrably not a leading authority on this wide brown land’s energy grid.

Stay in your lane, you contemptible dunderhead.

Black Ball
Black Ball
September 26, 2023 11:45 am

What’s happened to Natalie Barr? The yoke of Kochie cast free? Daily Telegraph:

Sunrise host Natalie Barr has taken a swipe at Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek after she accused the Coalition of running a “scare campaign” over the Voice to parliament.

Ms Plibersek appeared on the Channel 7 breakfast show to defend the “lack of momentum” in support for the referendum, now less than three weeks away.

The latest Newspoll shows just 36 per cent of surveyed voters plan to vote yes, down two points in the past three weeks and the lowest level of support thus far. Opposition has risen to 56 per cent, up three points since the last poll.

Barr pointed out lingering uncertainty among undecided voters over the design of the Voice, how it will function and the extent of its powers.

“People are saying to me that questions aren’t being answered, there are these great big motherhood statements but people are saying to me, ‘Will this have the ability to shut down mines in WA’,” Barr said.

“Can you guarantee the Voice to Parliament won’t slow down the actions of government, will a decision time after time be taken to court?

“Can you guarantee that decisions that are made by ministers and by the government won’t get bogged down in the court?

“That’s what every day Australians are [asking]. Do you think your campaign is answering those questions?”

Ms Plibersek insisted the answer to those types of questions is “really clear” – that the Voice does not have veto power over government decisions and that the parliament will “always be the ultimate decision-maker”.

It’s at this point that Nationals Senator Matt Canavan interjected, attacking the response as being “not true”.

“That’s not true because the High Court will decide,” Senator Canavan said. “You won’t decide, you can’t give those guarantees. The High Court will decide on our Constitution.”

Ms Plibersek fired back: “This is the exact scare campaign that is the problem…”

A frustrated Barr jumped in and cut her off, saying: “Matt, you have your say and then we’ll get Tanya to respond. What do you see the problem as?”

Senator Canavan said the problem with the Voice proposal was “exactly as you’ve outlined” and said many Australians are concerned about the list of “unanswered questions”.

“It will be an unelected judge in the High Court that will decide whether or not the Voice has actual traction on these issues,” he said.

“We are very proud of our Constitution. As the 10th oldest constitution in the world, it’s been changed just eight times in our history.

“There is a rightly very high bar for change and I don’t think the government has met that because they haven’t been able to expand these issues, they haven’t provided the detail and it seems like Australians, as usual with constitutional change, are rightly cynical about the government putting changes on this.”

As support for the Voice wanes, Senator Canavan said many voters are “cynical about governments pushing additional change, and I think rightly so”.

“We could have a voice. I don’t know why we have to change our Constitution.”

Earlier in the segment, Ms Plibersek acknowledged the lack of momentum the Yes campaign has managed to build.

“Look, obviously we’d love the numbers to be stronger but I’m focused on the next three weeks of the campaign and I’ll be out every day talking to people about why I’m voting yes,” she said.

“I’m voting yes to reconciliation, voting yes to listening and, most importantly, voting yes to better results. We know we get better results when we make decisions with the people who are affected. Our democracy works better when we are listening.”

September 26, 2023 11:46 am

Memories of sitting in Restaurant Kew Gardens London, travelling with 2 Board members around the World for New Sofware Selection – One member kept asking waiter to check America’s Cup last race on Radio – when we won, he shouted Restaurant attendees to Champage – Then In San Francisco Qantas Lounge there were the Australian America’s Cup Crew – we were upstairs in 747-200 1st Class on Flight SFO to SYD, and I was in Cockpit after we landed in Sydney, with Boxing Kangaroo Flag hanging out window and Fire Engines lined up on either side with Shower Parade

The day young blokes from Down Under curdled the mood of America

How the America’s Cup race spectacularly sailed into Australia’s national psyche – and my life – 40 years ago.

Jennifer Hewett – Columnist

On a glorious September morning – with just the hint of autumn to come – I joined a packed press boat sailing out from Newport Harbour 40 years ago.

The jostle of boats of all descriptions headed to the America’s Cup course was to see whether 132 years of US sailing history could be overturned by Australia II.

The Australians had come back from 3 to 1 down to even the odds, but it still seemed like a yachting miracle to believe John Bertrand and his crew would win this last race.

I’d been in and out of the pretty Rhode Island town over that summer. This was not because I knew the first thing about sailing but because my then employer, The Sydney Morning Herald, cared about little else from its US correspondent over those few months.

It was, of course, a dream assignment for a young journalist adjusting to how different American style and customs were. The grace of 12-metre yacht racing at sea was just part of it.

I revelled in walking up cobbled streets past wooden cottages to the famous Newport mansions along the clifftops built by a previous century’s generations of wealth. Now Alan Bond was the brash Australian version of new money, trying his luck yet again. When he and his wife Red threw their big party at their spectacular rented mansion, she wore a giant koala embroidered on a shortish dress. Old Newport money shuddered.

One morning during the trials to determine the challenger, I walked along the back of the boat sheds, hopping between jetties and equipment, to observe the crews’ preparations.

The British were resplendent in their sailing whites as Elgar’s Land of Hope and Glory played. On the jetty, a coffee urn, croissants and fine crockery sat on a white linen tablecloth.

The mystery surrounding the winged keel had as much of a psychological impact on the American defenders as any technical advance.

A little further on, on Australia II, young men in scrubby shorts and bare feet or thongs shouted happily at one another under the fluttering flag of the boxing kangaroo. Red gloves for aggression, pumped up chest for national pride. (I come from a land) Down Under – Men at Work’s unofficial Australian anthem of the early 1980s – echoed. There were no tablecloths in sight beyond the modest “skirt” hiding designer Ben Lexcen’s winged keel.

This had become the Australians’ secret weapon. According to Bertrand, the mystery surrounding it had as much of a psychological impact on the American defenders as any technical advance.

And in the final leg of the last race, Dennis Conner’s concern about what advantage the keel might give the Australians led Liberty’s skipper to make a fatal miscalculation. In the chopped-up waters off Newport, Conner thought Australia II’s keel rather than the extra wind Bertrand had found was why the Australians were chasing Liberty so fast.

So, the US skipper took the risk of tacking away to find more wind himself – only to discover it wasn’t there after all. It allowed the Australians to cross in front at the crucial moment and go on to win by 41 seconds.

In a demonstration of my sailing perspicacity, the previous leg of the race had convinced me the Australians had little chance of catching Liberty, so I had wandered downstairs to the café for sustenance. When I returned to the deck, I was embarrassed to find the ferocious tacking duel so dramatically altered. Fortunately, I had my own secret weapon.

On previous trips on the press boat, I had happened upon an American journalist, Peter Ruehl, who loved sailing. He had convinced his own editors to send him to Newport using the argument that Australia might just win this time. He was happy to explain the logic of race tactics whenever I asked – which was often. (A year later he was also happy to marry me and subsequently move to Perth to cover the 1987 America’s Cup and start a new career at The Australian Financial Review. But that’s another story.)

National euphoria

On September 26, 1983, all that mattered was the infectious national euphoria at Australia’s win after so many attempts over the previous decades. At the Royal Perth Club, PM Bob Hawke – dressed in a tackily colourful jacket – uttered what became an instantly famous line: “Any boss who sacks anyone for not turning up today is a bum.” The win boosted a tone of Australian self-confidence under a new Labor government.

The 40th anniversary of that joyous celebration is being relived in Western Australia with parties and exhibitions.

But back in Newport on that extraordinary evening, sirens and screams from the spectator boats and champagne and elation of the Australians had only further curdled the Americans’ mood.

In the cavernous wooden sailing shed for post-race briefings, the tone was one of angry disbelief. The New York Yacht Club was in shock at how this could possibly have happened. While Bertrand became a national hero, Dennis Conner and his reputation were discarded, disgraced in sailing lore.

Yet Conner was the one determined enough to come to Fremantle to win back the cup – although this time for the San Diego Yacht Club rather than the club that had dumped him. By then Alan Bond’s boat, Australian IV, had lost even the defender rights to another Australian challenger, Kookaburra II – funded by another brash fellow WA entrepreneur, Kevin Parry

After Kookaburra II lost to Conner, time and the variety of locations the four-yearly race has since been held meant the magic of the America’s Cup lost its pull on the national psyche. Technological advances have long since replaced the elegance of the traditional 12-metre yachts. It’s the memory of a remarkable win in a more innocent time that retains its power.

September 26, 2023 11:50 am

“A former AEMO CEO once told me the history of this country is that our power grid has been run by fossil fuels, well the future of power in this country is weather, so the weather plays an absolutely vital role both on demand and supply side. There are risks every day that are all weather driven.”

What is wrong with these people?

The whole point of energy generation for the masses is to avoid the vagaries of weather. And when it comes to weather vagaries, as Dorothea noted, we get them bigtime.

I saw the story about how SA is going to become a huge hydrogen energy producer, thanks to plenty of taxpayer money.

Ridiculous. It makes the MultiFunctionPolis look good.

Has anyone involved looked at a map of the world?

September 26, 2023 11:51 am

K should demand an apology from Das Project.

If they have any integrity they’ll issue a correction tonight.

Over to you, Hamish…

Boambee John
Boambee John
September 26, 2023 11:52 am

Cassie of Sydney
Sep 26, 2023 9:39 AM
I can imagine the fury in Warsaw, Budapest and Jerusalem at the moment.

I neglected to mention that the Ukrainian Waffen SS goons also slaughtered lots of Hungarians, along with Poles, Jews and Gypsies.

12 1

Was it mUnty who gave this the thumb down?

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
September 26, 2023 11:56 am

I saw the story about how SA is going to become a huge hydrogen energy producer, thanks to plenty of taxpayer money.

No, no, no – that’s going to be Queensland.
The Palacechook Government is well ahead of the game: she’s got a Hydrogen Strategy and five hydrogen cars.
Home and hosed.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
September 26, 2023 12:01 pm

“We know we get better results when we make decisions with the people who are affected. Our democracy works better when we are listening.”

Well, Tanya Plebersuck. Our Democracy is not working as your mob are not listening to the majority of the people. You are only listening to your mates.

Top Ender
Top Ender
September 26, 2023 12:04 pm

Better get your act together and do what you wanna do – we’re gonna go extinct ‘cos of climate change:

Humans will go extinct on Earth in 250 million years – but that’s if we were to stop burning fossil fuels right now, a bleak new study reveals.

Computer simulations suggest our planet will face a mass extinction that wipes out all mammals, University of Bristol experts report.

These people don’t know how laughable they are.

Black Ball
Black Ball
September 26, 2023 12:06 pm

And what is the cheapest, safest alternative you mongs?

Canada Bay Council has launched a campaign to see gas cooking and heating in new homes banned in the city’s inner west, instead calling for new builds to rely on electric cooktops.

The inner city council has approved a plan to investigate a proposal to see all new residential and commercial builds rely on electric replacements, claiming the move will see the rise in a “safer and cheaper alternative”.

Not continuing with the article. They want you miserable. Or dead.

September 26, 2023 12:08 pm

Lego’s Latest Effort to Avoid Oil-Based Plastic Hits Brick Wall

World’s biggest toy maker has worked for years to find other ingredients for its iconic bricks; ‘Clutch power’ is key

Lego is scrapping plans to make its toy bricks from recycled plastic bottles after determining that switching to the material would result in it producing higher carbon emissions.

The world’s biggest toy maker said it hasn’t given up on its yearslong effort to make its bricks out of something other than petroleum-based plastics.

But it said Monday it is giving up on a high-profile effort launched just over two years ago to make the bricks out of recycled polyethylene terephthalate, or PET, plastic bottles.

Lego has long sought to replace its petroleum-based bricks with more sustainable materials.

It tried making pieces from corn, but that resulted in bricks that were too soft. A wheat-based brick didn’t look right. Bricks made from other materials over the years proved too hard to pull apart or lost their grip.

Its latest effort was focused on recycled plastic bottles. The company found a one-liter plastic PET bottle could produce around 10 of its classic 2×4-stud bricks. The company has been testing bricks made from the material for their quality, durability and “clutch power”—the name Lego gives to the brick’s ability to lock together with other bricks.

Lego said it is abandoning the effort because it found that scaling up production wouldn’t cut the company’s carbon emissions: The extra steps involved in production would use more energy and manufacturing facilities would require retooling.

“We remain fully committed to making Lego bricks from sustainable materials by 2032,” a Lego Group spokesperson said. “Recycled PET is one of hundreds of different sustainable materials we’ve tested.”

The company said it would instead continue with testing and developing Lego bricks made from a range of alternative sustainable materials, including other recycled plastics.

Most Lego pieces are currently made from acrylonitrile butadiene styrene plastic. The company has also been using a bioplastic made from sugar cane for several years to produce smaller, softer pieces such as trees, branches, leaves and accessories for its minifigures.

This bioplastic, known as bio-PE, isn’t currently suitable for making harder, stronger elements such as its bricks though.

September 26, 2023 12:10 pm

Black Ball
Sep 26, 2023 11:45 AM

But no mention of the $40 Billion annually already on the table? That isn’t sufficient to get “better results”?

At least Kamahl in his doddering way brought the real issue into the open. And look at he frenzied attack he received for doing so. He was dead on target judging from that lefturd response.

The money- we dare not speak it’s name. Too crass, too rascist, too undignified. Met with handwaving and frantic virtue signalling from lefturds , just to keep OPM flooding in.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 26, 2023 12:10 pm

Solar generation is only ‘cheap’ if you are willing to take power when it’s available.

An amusing problem is coming on 14 Oct, and it isn’t the Voice referendum.

Western US Braces For Loss Of Solar-Powered Generation During Solar Eclipse (25 Sep)

The California Independent System Operator is preparing for a reduction of over 9 GW of renewable generation during the Oct. 14 annular solar eclipse as solar-powered generation accounts for the vast majority of supply during the middle of the day.

The annular solar eclipse begins in the US in Oregon at 9:13 am PT and ends in Texas at 12:03 pm CT, according to NASA. An annular solar eclipse occurs when the moon passes in front of the sun, appearing slightly smaller than the sun, so it does not block the entire solar disk.

How dare the Moon get in the way of Gaia’s holy solar panels! The grid electrical engineers will be scrambling to find over 9 GW of generation capacity on the fly. It recalls the time one cloud system-blacked all of Alice Springs.

September 26, 2023 12:11 pm

“We could have a voice. I don’t know why we have to change our Constitution.”

Take note…Canavan, like Dutton, is saying he would support a legislated Voice if the referendum fails.

The Coalition is making a rod for its own back by maintaining this position.

September 26, 2023 12:12 pm

The hydrogen thing reminds me of the South Sea Bubble.

In my ideal world, the test would be – bet your home and your investment properties on what you are foisting on taxpaters.


September 26, 2023 12:12 pm

Ms Plibersek:
“I’m voting yes to reconciliation, voting yes to listening and, most importantly, voting yes to better results. We know we get better results when we make decisions with the people who are affected. Our democracy works better when we are listening.”

Jacinta Price said in a recent interview that she was “deeply” concerned at being told that the Voice representatives would be chosen by community members.

“That concerns me deeply because I’m also an advocate against domestic and family violence and in a lot of small communities they’re controlled, quite often, by the most aggressive individuals,” she said.

“So if it’s suggested that we just leave it up to the decisions of communities in that way, that’s just opening a can of worms for the most aggressive to eventually take control and end up being the representative.”

Choosing representatives will also be challenging when there is “already infighting within the structures that exist” in Indigenous communities.

September 26, 2023 12:15 pm

Macron says he will not ban the sale of gas domestic heating appliances, arguing that too many people in France have no other option to heat their homes.

Macron the sometime voice of reason?
Strange days indeed.

September 26, 2023 12:19 pm

The hydrogen thing reminds me of the South Sea Bubble.

Time will tell.
The amount of money being thrown at this (not just taxpayer money, serious private money) will either yield a result regarding its commercialisation.
Or not.
It’s more a science experiment than rampant speculation (the South Sea bubble).
I will say some of my biggest investment losses have come from glorified science experiments that ended with a big pile of nothing.

September 26, 2023 12:20 pm

Ms Plibersek:
“I’m voting yes to reconciliation, voting yes to listening and, most importantly, voting yes to better results. We know we get better results when we make decisions with the people who are affected. Our democracy works better when we are listening.”

Albanese to Canberra lockdown protesters:

“Just go home.”

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
September 26, 2023 12:22 pm

No, no, no – that’s going to be Queensland.
The Palacechook Government is well ahead of the game: she’s got a Hydrogen Strategy and five hydrogen cars.
Home and hosed.

I would love to see these “Pollies” going up in a hydrogen balloon. And when I say “going up”, I mean really “going up”. With a Big Bang!!

September 26, 2023 12:28 pm

Idea, theory, brain fart regarding this Canadian disgrace.

Maybe those involved in the decision making are just so insulated from reality or any critical thinking that the current narrative (all Ukrainians are saints) was the only one that occurred to them.

Being ignorant doesn’t give them a pass.
And what’s worse.
They knew his history and thought it was acceptable to use him as a prop.
Or they were so ignorant of history?

As you can see, I’m really struggling with an alleged western liberal democracy honouring a genuine, real life nazi from WWII.

September 26, 2023 12:28 pm

feelthebern Avatar
Sep 26, 2023 12:15 PM

Macron says he will not ban the sale of gas domestic heating appliances, arguing that too many people in France have no other option to heat their homes.

Macron the sometime voice of reason?
Strange days indeed.

It’s the Macron-in-the-face-of-electoral-annihation Macron

Nothing more or less.

September 26, 2023 12:28 pm

Macron the sometime voice of reason?

I think it’s a political calculation.

Likewise Sunak pushing back the deadline on the sale of new ICE vehicles.

Net Zero dreams turning into political nightmares.

The only way to achieve their goals is by suspending democracy and they don’t have the balls to try that….at least not yet.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
September 26, 2023 12:30 pm


Sep 26, 2023 9:22 AM

Illya Kuryakin has gone.

David McCallum has died. sob.

The second best Scottish Russian ever, behind Sean Connery in “Hunt For Red October”.

September 26, 2023 12:38 pm

Darwin academic and climate alarmist Adam Britton reckons global warming will see man-eating crocodiles moving south. Wait until they reach the Yarra; that will fix ’em.

The big woofter is now in court and pleading guilty to sexually molesting 42 dogs. Yes, dogs.

September 26, 2023 12:40 pm

Dover, when I upticked P’s comment at 12.12, the whole ticking went into negative. I see that now it has changed.

I’m seeing why you didn’t want it. Apparently the world is full of trolls who to compensate for their inability to function in the real world, get their kicks by sabotaging sites they don’t like.

Pathetic losers.

As we know, you’re not easily deterred. 🙂

September 26, 2023 12:43 pm

Idea, theory, brain fart regarding this Canadian disgrace.

I think we have the answer. Yes, it was the Russians;

NEW – Justin Trudeau blames Russian propaganda for Canadian Parliament honoring a Nazi.

“Obviously, it’s extremely upsetting that this happened… this is something that is deeply embarrassing to the Parliament of Canada…

It’s going to be really important that all of us push back against Russian propaganda, Russian disinformation, and continue our steadfast and unequivocal support for Ukraine.”

Kanekoa asks the obvious question;

What does Russian propaganda have to do with Trudeau honoring a Nazi in Canadian Parliament?

September 26, 2023 12:47 pm

areff, some of us are trying to keep a straight face at work here.

September 26, 2023 12:49 pm

David McCallum was
on the verge of his 90th birthday and still starring as “Ducky”, the medical examiner in NCIS. It’s a tragedy if he’s dead.

September 26, 2023 12:50 pm

Because coal-fired power stations all require significant amounts of water for the cooling system … the more traditional sources of energy are not immune to the weather.

this is the sort of technological illiteracy that drives me batshit crazy.

Our coal fired stations (certainly in NSW) mostly use seawater for cooling. That is hardly restricted by the vagaries of any sort of weather.

September 26, 2023 12:54 pm

My neighbours have solar panels that hve recently been replaced after 11 years. They paid for replacements themselves because the new contract was nothing like the old one.

September 26, 2023 12:55 pm

Trudeau Classifies SS Fighter Parliamentary Ovation Scandal as ‘Russian Disinformation’ – Ridiculous Reaction as it Surfaces that He and Zelensky Met Nazi Personally

The scandal over the celebration and standing ovation in the Canadian Parliament of an elderly man who fought alongside the SS Galicia Nazi formation is still raging.

Although PM Justin Trudeau was quick to deflect any responsibility for the shameful moment to the speaker of the House Anthony Rota, the questions regarding debacle.

Since he can’t dodge the insistence by the press, Trudeau had a different idea: he offered a non-apology and segued it with by calling out ‘Russian misinformation’.

Yes, you read it right. His government calls a Nazi to Parliament, celebrates him, but HEY – it’s Putin’s fault, right?

Watch the ridiculous reaction from PM Justin trudeau:

Justin Trudeau is now blaming the fact that he and Zelenskyy honored a literal Nazi with a standing ovation before parliament on “Russian Disinformation”

— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) September 25, 2023

But that was not the only development to the story.

It seems that Trudeau and Zelensky did meet personally with the Nazi veteran, although both claim that they hardly knew who his guest was.

A social media post by Yaroslav Gunko’s granddaughter Teresa was discovered online. The caption to the photo reads: ‘Dedo is waiting in the reception room for Trudeau and Zelensky’.

With this, the scandal of the invitation of the veteran of the Nazi SS Galicia division takes a whole new turn.

Just imagine the reaction when the public learns about today’s Nazis in the Ukrainian armed forces.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
September 26, 2023 12:57 pm

“I’m voting yes to reconciliation, voting yes to listening and, most importantly, voting yes to better results. We know we get better results when we make decisions with the people who are affected. Our democracy works better when we are listening.”

This is exactly why they are losing. That marketing pap is just not persuasive.

I think they really cannot understand how anyone could be so pig-headed and obstinate as to not accept their guidance like a man in the desert offered a cup of water.

September 26, 2023 12:59 pm

Tom at 90 it’s not a tragedy, more likely expected. At 70 I wouldn’t consider my own death a tragedy, only an inconvenience. At least the pain will stop.

September 26, 2023 1:02 pm

I remember seeing an old British movie on YouTube where David Mac played the rebellious criminal yoof. The camera loved him.

Like his recently deceased contemporary Angela Lansbury, he was a hard working pro. And he had the sense to leave his personal views at home.

Vale, Ducky.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
September 26, 2023 1:03 pm

Because coal-fired power stations all require significant amounts of water for the cooling system … the more traditional sources of energy are not immune to the weather.

this is the sort of technological illiteracy that drives me batshit crazy.

It’s severe technological illiteracy, the Kogan Creek dry plate heat exchanger works in 40°+ – although, coming from Wood, it’s just as likely disinformation.

Robert Sewell
September 26, 2023 1:08 pm
OUTRAGEOUS! Brothers Who Killed Ethan Liming, Stomped on His Chest, Broke His Neck and Took His Car Acquitted of Involuntary Manslaughter Charges
It looks like the Soros plan to create a Civil War in the US is bearing fruit.

Boambee John
Boambee John
September 26, 2023 1:15 pm

Sep 26, 2023 12:38 PM
Darwin academic and climate alarmist Adam Britton reckons global warming will see man-eating crocodiles moving south. Wait until they reach the Yarra; that will fix ’em.

Parents had a holiday house on the river in Maroochydore. One holiday, we lifted the old lino, that dated back to the 1930s. Among the newspapers under the old lino was one reporting the shooting of a large crocodile near Beenleigh, south of Brisbane.

Britton needs to read more.

September 26, 2023 1:16 pm

On the Constitution I find it absurd it only requires 50%+1 for a change to succeed. 80% is closer to the mark.

Boambee John
Boambee John
September 26, 2023 1:19 pm

Watch the ridiculous reaction from PM Justin trudeau:

Get it right. That’s PM Justine Truedope.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
September 26, 2023 1:21 pm

We know we get better results when we make decisions with the people who are affected. Our democracy works better when we are listening.”

This is exactly why they are losing. That marketing pap is just not persuasive.

This particular marketing pap won’t keep well if the Referendum Says No.

Induced social division and struggle may have a place in 19th century Marxist theory to boost the dialectic and lead to social transformation; but it’s going to be a bit obvious in a 20th century Australia.

If 50%+ of the voteherd declines the Voice, Plibbers’ Government better listen to it also declining the gracious and generous invitation to walk with us to self-determination, self-government, customary law, and compensation.

September 26, 2023 1:23 pm

Boambee John
Sep 26, 2023 1:19 PM

Watch the ridiculous reaction from PM Justin trudeau:

Get it right. That’s PM Justine Truedope.

No it’s PM Justin Trudeau Castro

Of Course Fidel Castro is Justin Trudeau’s Dad. Nobody Has ‘Debunked’ Anything

September 26, 2023 1:23 pm

Top Ender
Sep 26, 2023 12:04 PM

Better get your act together and do what you wanna do – we’re gonna go extinct ‘cos of climate change:

Humans will go extinct on Earth in 250 million years – but that’s if we were to stop burning fossil fuels right now, a bleak new study reveals.

Computer simulations suggest our planet will face a mass extinction that wipes out all mammals, University of Bristol experts report.

These people don’t know how laughable they are.

It’ll be a lot sooner than that if the decline in atmospheric CO2 (On a geologic time scale) isn’t reversed. Less than 2mill years apparently.

September 26, 2023 1:27 pm

Australian Labor Party MP Meryln Swanson states the Australian Labor Party Motto for Voice Vote Early- Vote Often

Question – Why is the Australian Electoral Commission(AEC) not taking Legal action action this Lady & The Australian Lanor Party?

September 26, 2023 1:30 pm

3AW amplifying rumour imminent press conference will see announcement of Andrews’ resignation.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
September 26, 2023 1:30 pm

Britton needs to read more.

I guess that will depend on where he lands.
With a conviction for bestiality and dog torture, I’d imagine the general prison population would make his life [ahem] interesting.
But he may get the opportunity to read, tucked away in a protected unit with the other perverts.

September 26, 2023 1:33 pm

Breaking news: Daniel Andrews to quit as Victorian premier.

September 26, 2023 1:33 pm

Monty> I have a calculator if you’re unable to decide in your head whether 387 is greater or less than 1700. Or you can sign up for some remedial mathematics tutored by a capable 17 year old kid

Top Ender
Top Ender
September 26, 2023 1:35 pm


Premier Daniel Andrews is poised to make a significant announcement, after he made the unusual decision to call a snap press conference.

The Premier of Victoria has called a snap press conference with his wife in attendance as well as the entire cabinet.

More to come

September 26, 2023 1:37 pm

He’s resigned!!!

September 26, 2023 1:38 pm

Sep 26, 2023 1:29 PM

here’s a 1905 story about a Beenleigh crocodile. Might have been some human assistance on it’s journey south.


That’s Not a Croc – Now this is a Croc

The story behind the biggest crocodile ever caught in Australia: How a petite Polish immigrant with perfectly manicured nails nailed an 8.6metre monster


September 26, 2023 1:39 pm

“I’m voting yes to reconciliation, voting yes to listening and, most important

You’re a federal MP, you could turn your ears on now.

September 26, 2023 1:41 pm

Daniel Andrews says his resignation as premier and member of parliament is effective at 5pm tomorrow.

September 26, 2023 1:42 pm

Poor Meryl. She’s my local member.

Her first post was with the #vote often hashtag…soon edited to remove it. Trouble is it appears that there is an edit history written into the algorithm – apparently you can view changes to posts.

Is this true?

September 26, 2023 1:42 pm

He’s resigned!!!

The most evil useless incompetent utterly corrupt grotesque deformed jug eared fascist imbecile to have blighted politics in this country’s history.

Good riddance, you foul piece of excrement.

Salvatore, Iron Publican
September 26, 2023 1:43 pm

Beenleigh crocodile, Britton needs to read more.

Watkin Tench wrote of seeing them in Sydney Harbour in 1788.

September 26, 2023 1:43 pm

Tom, why Andrew’s resignation on Wednesday? How does this “spin”? Will there be a by-election?

September 26, 2023 1:46 pm

Eat S*hit Andrews! Absolute scum.

September 26, 2023 1:47 pm

For Dan.

Now pi55 off.

September 26, 2023 1:48 pm

No idea, Maman. That’s just what Andrews has announced.

Fair Shake
Fair Shake
September 26, 2023 1:50 pm

Daniel Andrews says his resignation as premier and member of parliament is effective at 5pm tomorrow.

Thats worth a public holiday! Oh, happy days.

Now for some real inquiries, followed by criminal charges.

September 26, 2023 1:50 pm

For Dan

I met a traveller from Victoristan,
Who said—“Two vast and flapping ears of stone
Stand in the Parliament. . . . Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk a shattered spiv lies, whose spine,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its PR guy 57 well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless stairs,
The hand that locked them down, and the redshirts that fed;
And on the pedestal, these words appear:
My name is Ozymongdius, Prier of Victoria;
Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal Wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.”

September 26, 2023 1:51 pm

Tip for Dan…don’t go bike riding.

You might t-bone someone’s 4WD.

Fair Shake
Fair Shake
September 26, 2023 1:51 pm

Eat S*hit Andrews! Absolute scum.

My favourite so far.

September 26, 2023 1:51 pm



September 26, 2023 1:52 pm

Ding dong, the Witch is dead!

September 26, 2023 1:53 pm

Lol! The RAAF just did a flyover!

They must have heard the news.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
September 26, 2023 1:54 pm

Who replaces Andrews. Another clown?

September 26, 2023 1:56 pm

A cabinet minister, a Labor factional source and another MP told The Age on the condition of anonymity that the premier was stepping down.

I wonder if this is a sign of things to come as no cabinet minister would ever divulge anything against that crook previously?

September 26, 2023 1:56 pm

I’m tipping one death stair too many from the bruvvers.

September 26, 2023 1:56 pm

Sep 26, 2023 1:42 PM

He’s resigned!!!

The most evil useless incompetent utterly corrupt grotesque deformed jug eared fascist imbecile to have blighted politics in this country’s history.

I’d disagree about the incompetence. However he did it, he did whatever he wanted and remained undefeated in the polls.

He also managed to teach me to begin to appreciate the principle of not just taking out a leader, but their progeny as a statement that his line should not be allowed to continue.

It sounds like his decision is not due to health reasons, unfortunately.

September 26, 2023 1:57 pm

Who replaces Andrews. Another clown?

He’s not a clown, that’s for sure.

He is evil personified, to me here in Vic at least. Rat cunning evil. Hopefully somehow, somewhere he will get his just deserts.

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
September 26, 2023 1:59 pm

Dear Leader Dan has seen some writing on walls. Doing a Joyce.

September 26, 2023 1:59 pm

Snap, Makka!

September 26, 2023 2:00 pm

Agree Nelson, he’s hardly ‘fallen on his sword’ as, somehow, he was still receiving record public support…

Don’t underplay the mental retardation of Victorians.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
September 26, 2023 2:01 pm

Breaking Wonderful news: Daniel Andrews to quit as Victorian premier.


September 26, 2023 2:01 pm

Can we convince Andrews and Joyce to take an Air Vanuatu flight together?

Bill P
Bill P
September 26, 2023 2:02 pm

None of his offending is alleged to have been against the reptiles.

September 26, 2023 2:02 pm

Is there a new Voice poll about to be released? Or are we wanting the Kamahl-mentum (and its associated embarrassments and revelations) off the pages as fast as possible?

September 26, 2023 2:02 pm

Most hated politician in Victoria since Kennett . Only one of them made things better and it wasnt Andrews.

September 26, 2023 2:03 pm

Ding dong, the Witch is dead! – It would be interesting to hear the Stairs View

Did Dictator Dan actually fall down some stairs or are the below rumours true?

By Staff Reporter

More and more evidence is circulating that Dictator Dan, Victoria’s former Premier didn’t actually fall down the stairs but in fact was bashed at Lindsay Fox home.

This has come from multiple reliable sources.

Maybe Ben Fordham owes ANR Founder, Jamie McIntyre an apology, after attacking him on 2GB radio last year for false claims he was inciting violence against Dan Andrew’s.

When the ANR Founder simply predicted that Dan Andrew’s in the future would not be safe in Victoria after what he had done.

If These Stairs could speak – Pictured: The two low wooden plank steps where Dan Andrews slipped and broke his back on holiday while his wife thought he ‘was going to die’ – putting him off work for months in the middle of Covid pandemic

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
September 26, 2023 2:05 pm

Doing a “Mark McGowan?”

September 26, 2023 2:06 pm

Dan resigned as there was nothing left to wreck in Victoria. Perhaps he can head to Canbra where a few things still working OK.

September 26, 2023 2:07 pm

Best news Evah!

Tomorrow is the Grand Finale

Friday is the Grand Final

September 26, 2023 2:08 pm

Doing a “Mark McGowan?”

Don’t think so. For one, Catherine Andrews hasn’t been seen outside on the footpath alongside her home selling furniture, like Sarah. Nor has Dan been seen around town with a blondie like McClown has.

September 26, 2023 2:09 pm

Can we convince Andrews and Joyce to take an Air Vanuatu flight together?

The service on Malaysian is better…

September 26, 2023 2:10 pm


Timing is everything. The bruvvers mustn’t be happy because Andrews is their man. Particularly the CMEU. I suspect that there is a major row going on behind the scenes over where to further cut out of control State expenditures- serious cuts. Victoria’s finances are appalling, so it was only a matter of time that serious actions had to be taken. Andrew’s isn’t up for the ensuing dogfight and factional carnage?

Then again, maybe he knows just what’s ahead this summer with our fkd up grid?

We shall see.

September 26, 2023 2:10 pm

How many “Covid Premiers” are left?


Pat Mac
Pat Mac
September 26, 2023 2:12 pm

Old Ozzie,
He was belted, got pissed and said a few too many wrong things to the wrong woman.

Great to see the arsehole gone, shame he gets a nice pension.


September 26, 2023 2:12 pm


The nonentity in Taxmania?

September 26, 2023 2:13 pm

To be honest, I had not paid too much attention to Daniel Andrews pre-Covid.

His eagerness to assume absolute decision-making in Victoria as Covid progressed was a lesson for me in the terrible consequences of so-called “emergency powers”. Further, it was a perfect illustration of the way in which the wielding of political power can reveal the worst in leaders when it is unchecked.

While some premiers relied unduly on their unelected and mediocre medical bureaucrats, others, like Andrews, threw off any political restraints and went full-on autocrat. The scary development was that the more savage his rule, the more his Stockholm-like subjects seemed to defer to him.

A truly horrible period in Australian history. It has left many questions about the character of Australian democracy and where we go from here.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
September 26, 2023 2:14 pm

Andrews talking about his successful strategy as Premier:

“This is a democracy, I’ve never been about being 100% popular, if you chase that, if you try and be 100% popular, you are essentially scared of doing anything that might upset anybody, you get precisely nothing done.

Let nobody say he didn’t achieve that goal.

September 26, 2023 2:15 pm

He was belted, got pissed and said a few too many wrong things to the wrong woman.

Would enjoy hearing the full saga.

September 26, 2023 2:19 pm

People here may know, but not many in the wider population know, that after WWI the US pretty much shut down immigration until after WWII. They realised that the huge influx of previous years needed time to settle and be integrated. The post WWII boom was very much fuelled by the industry and innovation of the children of pre WWI migrants who believed in the American Dream.

What’s more President Eisenhower deported over a million illegal Mexican immigrants to free up jobs for Americans. Besides, Mexico wanted their own workers back. It’s amazing what’s possible when there is a will.

Operation Wetback

September 26, 2023 2:19 pm

Spendign more time with his family, reading backlogged novels and playing a bit more golf.
Will he play by the laws of golf, change them to suit the shot or just make up his own?

September 26, 2023 2:22 pm

People here may know, but not many in the wider population know, that after WWI the US pretty much shut down immigration until after WWII. They realised that the huge influx of previous years needed time to settle and be integrated.

Including barring ‘refugee and asylum seeker’ German Jews wholesale, if I recall correctly?

September 26, 2023 2:22 pm

A truly horrible period in Australian history.

It changed my view of the country forever. The bottom line is – we are not safe from Govt. Unlike the US Constitution, we really have no rights or protections after witnessing an animal like Andrews,so quickly and easily, use the force of the State to impose his tyranny on us.

September 26, 2023 2:24 pm

Trouble is the SFLs in Victoria are too useless to put up a decent alternative for voters, so more of the same.

Real Deal
Real Deal
September 26, 2023 2:24 pm

I’ll never forget how he referred to Margaret Court as “that woman” or “that person”.

Mrs Court is still a champion, Daniel Andrews is an ex-politician.

September 26, 2023 2:30 pm

My guess is, like Jacinda on co-governance and Mark on the cultural law that failed, Dan has no ticker for fighting his own mob on stuff he brought into being. Funny how easily they walk away when the going gets tough …

September 26, 2023 2:31 pm

A glance at my Shakespearean Insult Calendar….

Away, you cut-purse rascal! You filthy bung, away! – Henry IV, Pt II

How apt.

September 26, 2023 2:31 pm

So Daniel Andrews is quitting. If it’s not the Covid enquire which is for Morrison only it has to be the new revelation of “vote early vote often” We know he can stack the seats what else did he stack.

September 26, 2023 2:32 pm

There will be a by election.
I think JC tipped it was coming a while back.
He’s probably maxxed out his pension and has something lucrative to move on to, after a well earned break, of course.

September 26, 2023 2:34 pm

Not surprising either considering the financial mess he’s left Victoria.
He’s run out of other people’s money to throw around like confetti.

September 26, 2023 2:37 pm

we really have no rights or protections

Never said by one single politician, ever. And yet we’ve waisted hundreds of millions on a Voice and not one pollie has ever put their balls on the line for an “Amendment” or Constitutionally enshrined rights to: Free speech, assembly and media.

I think, IIRC, Brandis had a quarter of a crack at this but, patently, didn’t have the cojones.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
September 26, 2023 2:40 pm

Daily Mail

David McCallum dead at 90: The Man From U.N.C.L.E. and NCIS actor passes away surrounded by family in New York

September 26, 2023 2:41 pm

Brandis had a quarter of a crack at this but, patently, didn’t have the cojones

George “deplorables have a right to be big bigotty bigots” Brandis.

September 26, 2023 2:42 pm

Loving the Kamal-mentum, voice support drops to new low, Andrews resigns immediately on a Wednesday, what’s next…

Peter Greagg
Peter Greagg
September 26, 2023 2:42 pm

From the Oz.

Why government’s Employment White Paper’s a futile exercise

The Albanese Government’s much touted (Full) Employment White Paper is not just an exercise in rather futile ‘one-hand clapping’.

Oh no, it’s far worse than that; because the ‘other hand’, so to speak, isn’t just not clapping, but punching; and punching back hard against what little there is in the White Paper to stimulate jobs.

This damaging conflict was exactly pinged by industry spokesman, ACCI CEO Andrew McKellar; and later Monday also by Minerals Council CEO Tania Constable.
On the one hand, we have this White Paper issued by treasurer Jim Chalmers and supposedly aimed at promoting jobs expansion on both a macro – overall economy – and micro – individual businesses and industries – basis.

While ‘the other’- punching – hand is that of the actual minister supposedly directly responsible for employment, IR minister Tony Burke. He’s being directly counter-productive with his massive IR re-regulation that is essentially anti-jobs.

McKellar: the positives in the (Chalmers) White Paper “will be overwhelmed by the damage from its (Burke’s) backward-looking industrial relations changes”.

And: the “White Paper talks up workplace flexibility, the workplace relations changes will do the opposite.”

Constable: the government “risks undermining its new employment aspirations by pursuing disruptive and destructive industrial relations changes that will only imperil employment and enterprise.”

And, clear-cut and direct: “for employment, it is one step forward, and two steps back”.

No ambiguity there; and, more pointedly, they are both exactly right. One hand clapping; the other punching – back.

There are two bigger points to be made about this.

First, this is no unintended accident, to be easily sorted – either positively by the IR changes being hauled back; or negatively by the government letting our Clyde Cameron Version 2.0 continue to run rampant.

No, it goes to the heart of both this, and the hopeless leadership haplessness of our peripatetic PM.

The combination gives us a cabinet where each minister is left to go off on any frolic of their own fancy.

Do you think, do you really think, the frivolous back-to-a 1970s future Burke stupidity would have ever been allowed to see the light of day in the Hawke and Keating (and Kelty) days?

Of course not; and for two reasons.

Hawke – and Keating – would have kept their thumbs on the process.

And secondly, as we are now seeing time and time again; Chalmers is just not up to it. Borrowing from the US political scene: Jim, I knew Paul Keating; Jim, you are no Keating.

Furthermore, both the White Paper and the broader inchoate stuff coming out of Canberra, is taking zero account – far less co-ordinating with – two very big things.

They are our surging, completely out of control immigration; and interest rates.

Do you think, do you really think, that bringing in 400,000 bordering on 600,000 and in fact who really knows how many – no-one in Canberra sure knows – might have some relevance to jobs, employment, wages, and things like “turbocharging a few TAFEs”?

So also, interest rates. Do you want to force new governor Michele Bullock to re-start hiking rates?

Keep letting Crazy Tony run wild.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
September 26, 2023 2:43 pm

Outgoing Victorian Premier Dan Andrew’s biggest controversies revealed
Nathan SchmidtNCA NewsWire
Tue, 26 September 2023 12:35P

Victorian Premier Dan Andrews has resigned after almost a decade in the top job, leaving behind a legacy marred by high-profile controversies.

During his nine year tenure, Mr Andrews faced pushback on a number important policy measures, from the state’s response to the Covid pandemic to allegations of branch stacking.

More recently, Mr Andrews came under fire from state and federal leaders over the controversial decision to cancel the upcoming 2026 regional Commonwealth Games.

NCA NewsWire take a look at his most controversial moments.

Commonwealth Games controversy

The Victorian government announced in July that it would be cancelling the forthcoming Commonwealth Games, which was due to be held in regional Victoria.

The move sparked pushback from the state’s Liberal Party, as well as from the Federal Government and Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, who spoke out soon after.

Covid quarantine

The Andrews government’s response to Covid pandemic faced widespread criticism for its harsh lockdown measures, despite helping to curb infection rates.

Mr Andrews faced pushback on a range of measures implemented during the crisis, including the decision early in the pandemic to lockdown a public housing tower.

Health Minister Jenny Mikakos resigned that year after Mr Andrews told a judicial inquiry her department was ultimately responsible for botched hotel quarantine.

Branch stacking allegations

The independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission last year found two former government ministers breached parliamentary codes of conduct.

The pair, who are not alleged to have committed any criminal conduct, misused public funds to fuel a vast branch-stacking operation, the IBAC found.

Red Shirts Scandal

The Victorian Labor Party was found to have misused $388,000 in parliamentary allowances to pay political campaign staff during the 2014 election.

The Victorian Ombudsman found 21 past and present Labor MPs breached parliamentary guidelines when staff were diverted to help campaign for members.

The rort was subject to a police investigation spanning more than 12 months, but ultimately no criminal charges were laid. by Victoria Police.

Broken back

In March 2021, Dan Andrews broke his back after falling on the wet stairs in Sorento, on the state’s Mornington Peninsula.

The Premier spent 111 days recovering from his injuries, which included broken ribs and spinal damage, but faced criticism upon his return.

The incident drew attention to allegations ab out the state of the Victorian health sector, as well flaming conspiracy theories about the incident.

September 26, 2023 2:47 pm

…He’s run out of other people’s money to throw around like confetti…

So which super fund will he be parachuted into?

September 26, 2023 2:47 pm

So Dan Andrews is resigning after a discussion with his family overnight.

The brotherhood has spoken!

September 26, 2023 2:50 pm

Congratulations to those Victorians who did not vote for Andrews.

Hope he never shows his face in public again.

September 26, 2023 2:55 pm

It changed my view of the country forever. The bottom line is – we are not safe from Govt.

This is correct.

You are a tax serf. The penalties for growing your own tobacco are laughably brutal and extreme.

The Public Health Acts have not been repealed. Your constitutional rights are scant and otherwise held up by a long and tortured chain of reasoning, in the popularly sacrosanct right to a trial by jury, ignored or read narrowly. The pet High Court justices literally misread a plain English section of the constitution to allow the States to break the law.

Your taxes are so high it makes housing unaffordable to some, and this cruels family formation and community. Any common law rights left are deprecated year by year. You are being left naked before an increasingly powerful bureaucracy.

Constitutional changes recently and currently revolve around doling out gobs of money to unworthy grifters.

Your right to discuss these matters is being chilled by idiotic fascist ideas like “eSafety”. You have no inherent right to arm yourself against criminals.

Our rulers have their own dynasties; Crean, Street, Beazley, Court, Cain and so on. The mainstream left and right get along with each other better than their own constituents, hence the uniparty as an idea.

September 26, 2023 2:57 pm

Most hated politician in Victoria since Kennett .

Who won a thumping electoral victory while the memory of locking up the punters was fresh in voters minds.
Says everything about how the punters saw the alternative.

September 26, 2023 2:59 pm

Listened to most of Warren Mundine’s Press Club speech before the Andrews news interrupted. Poor Warren pales in comparison to Jacinta in presentation. Nonetheless, once he got over the nerves, he had some very sound argument.

It is sobering to hear the stories of both Mundine’s early childhood and also that of Jacinta’s mother. Mundine was one of eleven children and spent his childhood in a dirt poor circumstances. In his speech he reflected that such disadvantage did not stop him from achieving independence and prosperity in his adult life. He also noted that Price’s mother, the remarkable Bess Price, was abandoned by her birth mother as she was small and sickening (a not uncommon practice in pre-settlement Australia)and was fortunately rescued by another woman. In adulthood Bess attained a university degree and represented her community in State parliament. Mundine argued that these examples are testimony to the importance of Aboriginal people using education to improve their lives.

Mundine is held hostage, to some extent, by his early positions on questions such as the date of Australia Day. He was also compelled to explain his previous support for compensation cases in the courts for specific cases, while he opposes reparations and treaty.

The toll has been heavy on Mundine, and he has confessed that pressure from “the mob” has caused him to contemplate suicide on several occasions. Like the rest of us, different personalities handle pressure uniquely. Price seems to be made of kryptonite. I hope she continues to be sustained by her close family and the many Australians who wish her the best.

September 26, 2023 3:09 pm

Ok – Dan has resigned.

Why is he exiting office so fast? What new little turgid nugget threatens to be floating so close to the surface ?

I smell a controversy larger than red shirts, boy on a bike, the Vic budget, or Lindsay Fox’s protective rage.

September 26, 2023 3:12 pm

Sep 26, 2023 1:02 PM

I remember seeing an old British movie on YouTube where David Mac played the rebellious criminal yoof. The camera loved him.

Like his recently deceased contemporary Angela Lansbury, he was a hard working pro. And he had the sense to leave his personal views at home.
Vale, Ducky.

Agree, he was a pro and a gentleman.
And he came out the winner after C Bronson stole his wife.

September 26, 2023 3:13 pm

Michael Pezzullo, head of the Dept of Home Affairs, appears to have finally fallen victim to the “insiders” club of acceptable head bureaucrats in the Labor Party’s playbook. Pezzullo is not doubt a tough cookie who doesn’t suffer fools gladly. And there are plenty of the latter in this government’s ministerial lineup.

It is the country’s loss, because it seem to me that this was a reliable and insightful bureaucrat in respect to internal and external security threats.

September 26, 2023 3:15 pm

Sep 26, 2023 2:47 PM
So Dan Andrews is resigning after a discussion with his family overnight.

The brotherhood has spoken!

Wonder which of his crimes is catching up with him. Is it the old car accident? The cancelled Commonwealth Games? The huge deficit? The COVID deaths and lockdowns? There is so much to choose from.

September 26, 2023 3:16 pm

Any company that gives Andrews a directorship should be boycotted by all Australians.

Fair Shake
Fair Shake
September 26, 2023 3:16 pm

Tuesday Andrews resigns.
Wednesday. Xi announces newly created position. Lord High wiper of Xis arse.

Coincidence, I think not.

September 26, 2023 3:18 pm

Tom, the Herald-Sun is reporting that

“Crowds erupted in applause after Eddie McGuire announced the news of Daniel Andrew’s resignation at the AFL Grand Final Lunch at Crown.”

It is interesting that Andrew’s timing of his announcement was towards the end of Warren Mundine’s Press Club Speech. The timing has taken the reporting of Mundine’s comment, that the 26 pages behind the Uluru Statement were tantamount to a declaration of war against modern Australia, off the front pages.

Andrews has a funny little ‘tic/tell’ when he is being ‘creative’ – wonder how he goes playing poker.

Mark from Melbourne
Mark from Melbourne
September 26, 2023 3:22 pm

He’s probably maxxed out his pension and has something lucrative to move on to, after a well earned break, of course.

At least one of those “something”s will have the word LinFox in it.

September 26, 2023 3:23 pm

Pezzullo is not doubt a tough cookie who doesn’t suffer fools gladly. And there are plenty of the latter in this government’s ministerial lineup.

It is the country’s loss, because it seem to me that this was a reliable and insightful bureaucrat in respect to internal and external security threats.

And that’s why he had to go, Labor are only comfortable with Yes men.

September 26, 2023 3:24 pm

Wonder which of his crimes is catching up with him. Is it the old car accident? The cancelled Commonwealth Games? The huge deficit? The COVID deaths and lockdowns? There is so much to choose from.

Internal Labor politics.

Ever since the branch stacking story broke a month or so ago, courtesy a leak from someone high up in the VIC ALP, it’s been rumoured that Dan’s time was running out.

September 26, 2023 3:25 pm

Another highly successful and popular Labor premier retires in Victoria after a long and distinguished career.

He’s done more for the people of Australia than all of you lot put together.

September 26, 2023 3:25 pm

Hope he never shows his face in public again.

Unless he’s standing in the dock of a courtroom

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 26, 2023 3:26 pm

Which safe Federal seat will he suddenly pop up in?
Albo’s time is obviously ticking down…

September 26, 2023 3:29 pm

I will launch an attack on my very expensive Scotch stocks tonight.
Thanks for the excuse Dan.

September 26, 2023 3:32 pm

Low energy, monty. Very low energy.

September 26, 2023 3:33 pm
September 26, 2023 3:36 pm

This stupid infernal error again.

All I wanted to say was to m0nty “Ever considered show business?
You are funny. “

September 26, 2023 3:40 pm

That’s funny about Meryl Swanson voting early and often; she used to be on 2sm; dumb as shit, virtue signalling and whatever it takes; a great liars party member.

This guy is still going around farting in the faces of sheilas. They love it and some of his posts top 100 million views:

September 26, 2023 3:41 pm

I’ve changed my mind, I prefer The Pear of Anguish. Actually, The Brazen Bull and The Pear of Anguish combined, would be a fitting Farewell.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 26, 2023 3:42 pm

I was impressed at how good Andrews was at not building things. What was it a road and two railways? Was there any change out of ten billion for those?

Monty and his family will be paying off their share of the state debt for a fair while methinks. I make it to be about $100,000 for each family of four in Victoria.

Colonel Crispin Berka
Colonel Crispin Berka
September 26, 2023 3:45 pm

For how many days, and in how many ways, shall we celebrate the Danparture? ^

Will Victoria undergo some Danestroika to embrace a free market economy and civil liberties again?

^ alternative nouns? Resigdanation? Eternal Dannation? Dantente?

Boambee John
Boambee John
September 26, 2023 3:46 pm

Bruce if N

And mUnty is so pleased with the performance of Dan of the Dead, that he has offered to pay the shares of all Victorian Cats and Kittehs, in addition to his own share.

All hail mUnty the Munificent.

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x