She doesn’t have the awesome dentation of the other Jacintoria.
We’ll see if she’s also a flightless birdie though. ALP produces them.
Thinking of a certain chook.
September 26, 2023 8:11 pm
sad but true Roger and the lieborals aren’t any better
Why on earth do you keep sliding in this part of jigsaw when it doesn’t fit? Of course the Chinese aren’t going to block “their own trade”. This isn’t the problem. Read what I said earlier about about demanding ships entering the waterway must request permission from them as it’s considered Chinese territorial waters. I honestly don’t understand the purpose of this part of the argument. Many other countries use this waterway for trade that has nothing to do with China.
And those countries would be permitted to innocently transit those territorial waters.
It’s not all, but part of the dispute.
I used ‘the rest’ and ‘largely’.
Okay, then tell us who you would use and why it has merit?
I’d use multiple sources, that have been reliable in the past,
H B Bear
September 26, 2023 8:15 pm
Whatever it was, it was sufficient to persuade him to exit parliament with one day’s notice.
Joining Gillard, Sneakers and a handful of NSW Premiers. When your numbers don’t come up …
H B Bear
September 26, 2023 8:20 pm
The Victoriastan hospital handpass certainly has Mother Russia overtones. I’m sure whoever receives it will be looked after by the Liars. Carmen Lawrence did quite nicely in WA and Bambi had a good run too.
And those countries would be permitted to innocently transit those territorial waters.
We don’t need permission from this lot to access what is regarded as open water. And you’re making the Law of the Sea and you go? It doesn’t work like that.
It’s open water and everyone has the right to access this waterway. It connects Indian Ocean Pacific Ocean trade, which I read is half the world’s.
As I said, they’re acting like bad neighbors in Housos.
Victoriastan voted the Lieborals in and got 4 years of Baillieu blancmange. No wonder they weren’t keen to repeat that.
Ted was a huge disappointment. Such a lovely bloke, and solid. I really thought he could govern much in the Dick Hamer fashion (which is about as righty as you can get in Vic these days). To his credit, Kennett knew that wasn’t how it would play out, but couldn’t do anything to stop it.
Instead, Ted was disinterested, some might say lazy, and just caved to the left as required. Napthine tried, but the damage Bailleau did to the Libs in this state is incalculable.
Barking Toad
September 26, 2023 8:27 pm
Whoever steps in to replace Dear Leader Dan won’t be worse than anyone from the Lieberal Party.
September 26, 2023 8:30 pm
Napthine tried, but the damage Bailleau did to the Libs in this state is incalculable.
yes that’s my take- and then we got Guy followed Prosciutto who seems more interested in attacking the few good people in his party than the ALP.
Kenny is a schizoid loon: on every other issue he oozes sense but on the screech he is birney in drag: nuts.
H B Bear
September 26, 2023 8:35 pm
Kennett was turfed at the earliest opportunity after fixing the Cain-Kirner debacle. Bracks and Brumby did an OK job, with Cain-Kirner a sufficiently recent memory to ensure those mistakes weren’t repeated. Chairman Dan (like Albo) is a creature of the Liar Left and treated the State like it was Year Zero.
Knuckle Dragger
September 26, 2023 8:35 pm
Klaus news (the Courier-Mail):
An exclusive $4m plus holiday home on Hamilton Island where George Clooney once stayed has been destroyed by fire.
Fire broke out at Papillon on Hamilton Island’s exclusive northern precinct on Tuesday morning with smoke seen billowing from the well alight 2661smq home.
Obviously a DEW.
Only an MSM-consuming sheep would think otherwise.
Listening to the wash up on Bolt as he speaks to Kroger about Victoria, Andrews and debt. They harp on about debt and fiscal responsibility. But here’s the rub, the unfashionable rub, and that is the young don’t care about debt. I don’t believe the Liberals, federally, in Victoria, in NSW, or in any other state, can continue to focus solely and squarely on debt. IT DOES NOT WORK. Whilst debt can be a factor, it can’t be the sole factor. The Liberals also need to talk about the importance of growing small and medium sized businesses in this country, of growing home ownership in this country, of the absolute importance of religious freedom in this country, of the importance of individual responsibility, of the importance of the family, and the importance of free speech, and so on. That’s the way up for the Liberals. And come to think of it, didn’t Robert Gordon Menzies speak about these things in 1942? Why, I think he did.
Boambee John
September 26, 2023 8:41 pm
Sep 26, 2023 7:26 PM
‘doctor’ and ‘professor’ are dirty words in my mind now
Have been for some time.
See also: Gerbil Worming, COVID, Vaccines, and so much more.
H B Bear
September 26, 2023 8:41 pm
After SloMo and Josh we won’t be hearing about another Beazley black hole for some time.
September 26, 2023 8:42 pm
ALP’s Victoria reminds me of Tony Soprano’s “family”. Various competing squabbling factions, bosses rising and falling, making sure the big boys always get their cut, make sure in a takeover you win comprehensively or retribution will be delivered, profitable alliances matter for survival and – excessive greed is fundamental. Take as much as you can without killing the host (that’s us).
De Santis is an idiot debating Newsom.
All downside.
This is an exercise in proving up Newsom’s likability with DNC voters who will vote for whoever has a D next to their name.
It goes on and on, what the swamp and MSM did to Trump: here is that bloated bastard Miley and one of his lies about Trump as reported by the great Greg Kelly:
There is no justice until shits in medals like Miley are stripped naked in public and branded with the word traitor.
Boambee John
September 26, 2023 8:50 pm
The Liberals also need to talk about the importance of growing small and medium sized businesses in this country, of growing home ownership in this country, of the absolute importance of religious freedom in this country, of the importance of individual responsibility, of the importance of the family, and the importance of free speech, and so on. That’s the way up for the Liberals.
And that is also the path to the suburbs abandoned by the Liars in favour of their new maaaaates in Big Business, Big Super, Big Ruinables, Big (anti-free speech) Brother and all of the other former hate figures for the leftards.
mUnty is desperately trying to divert attention from all those abandoned by the Liars.
Debt doesn’t matter until it does as Greece found out. If the state is running a deficit and the credit markets repudiate the debt, that becomes a default. Maybe that is the best thing that could happen (we default) and we’re shut out of the credit markets, which means the state has to live within its means.
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
September 26, 2023 8:54 pm
Daily Mail.
Warren Mundine: Indigenous people should just ‘move on’ from the horrors of Australia’s colonial past claims leading No campaigner ahead of the Voice referendum: ‘We cannot lay in the foetal position for the rest of our lives.’
Russians With Attitude
“Putin orders Russian army to win battle to create the illusion of having won battle”
Sep 25
Replying to @TheStudyofWar
6/ Putin may have ordered the Russian military command to hold all Russia’s initial defensive positions to create the illusion that Ukrainian counteroffensives have not achieved any tactical or operational effects despite substantial Western support.
Hilarious stuff by ISW.
September 26, 2023 8:58 pm
Cassie – on debt agreed.
We’re immune to shreiks of horror at spending and increased debt.
We watch politicians spray taxpayer’s money around like bubbly on a winner’s podium.
In one breath they point at their enemies faults at budgetary restraint and in the next announce some crazy scheme or project we’re all meant to be happy about.
We all know, there’s plenty more $ around and that it just doesn’t matter.
Labor come into power federally after ruinous spending during covid, only to reap a motza from export taxes and announce a surplus.
Talking about which party is a better fiscal manager is of zero interest to anyone and if the Liberals want to rest on those laurels, they will be in opposition a long time.
Black Ball
September 26, 2023 8:59 pm
John Pesutto shares his thoughts:
I want to acknowledge Daniel Andrews for serving as Victorian Premier for nearly nine years and 21 years in the Victorian Parliament. I wish him and his family well for the future.
The reality is Daniel Andrews is leaving now because things are falling apart in Victoria and he knows it.
Under Daniel Andrews, Victoria is broke and Victorians are being punished for his incompetence. Victoria has record debt approaching $200 billion and Labor has introduced 50 new or increased taxes since 2014.
Life has got harder for every Victorian over the last nine years. We have a health crisis, a housing crisis, education outcomes have fallen behind the rest of Australia, and energy prices have skyrocketed.
The cost of major projects has blown out by over $30 billion and we have seen unprecedented waste and mismanagement. Our roads are broken and our regions have been neglected.
Victorians endured the longest lockdowns in the world during the pandemic because of Daniel Andrews’ mismanagement. More than 800 people died because of bungled hotel quarantine and the mental health of young Victorians suffered as they were locked up in their homes.
Victoria’s reputation internationally was trashed by the $600 million debacle that was the Commonwealth Games with $380 million in compensation alone.
Corruption has flourished as demonstrated by an endless stream of IBAC reports and our public service has been politicised and power centralised in the Premier’s office.
Businesses have left Victoria in droves and investment has dried up as businesses are punished with some of the highest taxes in Australia.
It doesn’t matter who replaces Daniel Andrews because all these things are in Labor’s DNA. The government is tired, corrupt and incompetent.
We need a vision for all of Victoria and not simply a new Labor leader. To grow our state, fix the budget, build our health and education systems and to restore integrity to government.
You can watch my press conference from today on YouTube and also comment on the Premier’s resignation on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
Right you worthless clown. Now is the time to make yourself worthy. Nowhere in this email have you said what you would do to get this state back from the depths of Hades. Get onto it please, post haste.
September 26, 2023 9:00 pm
Russel Brand – How do they build a case now?
Well for starters, since the cops have already broadcast the sexual assault allegations to the world and are recruiting others to come forth with allegations against him (why does that sound so familiar?) they should release the names of his supposed accusers and details of the allegations so he can defend himself in the court of social media. None of the accusers would appear to be minors as the offenses are described as “non-recent”.
How did these anonymous accusers manage to find each other, band together, and contact Channel 4 to kick off this “investigation” one wonders? But I digress.
The man’s career is being ruined NOW, potential jurors are being poisoned NOW (by the combined efforts of the police, media, and govt) and he’s had no chance to defend himself from these potentially bogus allegations.
I don’t particularly like the man but fair is fair.
Black Ball
September 26, 2023 9:01 pm
Wishes him well for the future?
Andrews gave you a personal belting not long ago that you couldn’t run a raffle or somesuch, let alone the state. And you wish him well. Not the greatest of starts against a new opponent starting tomorrow.
It’s Remarkable
September 26, 2023 9:03 pm
…” which means the state has to live within its means…”
We don’t need permission from this lot to access what is regarded as open water. And you’re making the Law of the Sea and you go? It doesn’t work like that.
It’s open water and everyone has the right to access this waterway. It connects Indian Ocean Pacific Ocean trade, which I read is half the world’s.
To repeat. Cargo vessels are permitted to innocently transit territorial waters. It makes no difference if the waters are territorial or international in this respect.
Mark from Melbourne
September 26, 2023 9:07 pm
Kennett was turfed at the earliest opportunity after fixing the Cain-Kirner debacle.
Kennett turfed himself. He was shown some polling which vaguely suggested that a new dam might – possibly – cost him a seat in Gippsland and promptly cancelled said dam, lost said seat to an independent, and lost other seats because he wouldn’t walk the walk.
To repeat. Cargo vessels are permitted to innocently transit territorial waters. It makes no difference if the waters are territorial or international in this respect.
And also to repeat, these are not territorial waters.
Putin may have ordered the Russian military command to hold all Russia’s initial defensive positions to create the illusion that Ukrainian counteroffensives have not achieved any tactical or operational effects despite substantial Western support.
Huh!??? I’m critical of Putin but that’s some dumb cope.
It’s bloody trench warfare! Ukraine has advanced, but there are many lines, possible salients and the progress is so slow. The gains are very marginal and cannot be reinforced without committing to entrenchment.
It’s time to negotiate a peace.
Russia likely doesn’t want the cost of maintaining permanent garrisons, with hundreds of battalions. Both nations now suffer crippling demographic losses. Russia might use the southern flank as a bargaining chip for recognition of pre war borders. Both parties can save face that they defended themselves.
Putin may have ordered the Russian military command to hold all Russia’s initial defensive positions to create the illusion that Ukrainian counteroffensives have not achieved any tactical or operational effects despite substantial Western support.
This makes absolutely no sense; if Russia is still holding its initial defensive positions then how could Ukraine have had tactical or operational success?
NSW proposed building ONE dam (Needle’s Gap) and the shrieking could be heard on Pluto.
September 26, 2023 9:22 pm
Cargo vessels are permitted to innocently transit territorial waters.
Not if the people whose territory those waters are in say “No”. Which they could do to anyone, at any time, and for any reason.
China is attempting to claim territorial waters which are anything but and that’s exactly what Freedom of Navigation Operations are designed to prevent.
“The drafting of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) was driven in part by states’ concerns that strong national maritime interests could lead to excessive maritime claims over coastal seas, which could threaten freedom of navigation. Freedom of Navigation Ops (FONOPs) are a method of enforcing UNCLOS and avoiding these negative outcomes by reinforcing freedom of navigation through practice, using ships to sail through all areas of the sea permitted under UNCLOS, and in particular those areas that states have attempted to close off to free navigation as defined under UNCLOS and international law and custom.”
September 26, 2023 9:26 pm
Warren Mundine did a great job with his speech at the Canberra Press Club. He finally raised the issue of the rest of Australia saying sorry to aboriginal people. He said that aboriginal people now need to forgive and everyone to move forward, no more regrets and to get on together, assume responsibility for own lives. A brilliant idea that simply invalidates any need for Da Voice.
Both headlines were from The Western Advocate in 2014.
Greens MP slams Needles Gap dam: ‘stupidest idea in the state’s history’
Controversial Needles Gap Dam will be a ‘lifeline for the area’: Perry
CENTRAL Tablelands Water general manager Tony Perry says Needles Gap is the best option for water security for the region, despite 18 years of lobbying for an expansion of Lake Rowlands.
The Greens are despicable shits.
Sancho Panzer
September 26, 2023 9:28 pm
Sep 26, 2023 4:19 PM
One of my contacts says Andrews has been propping up the building industry for years via ‘Big Build’ and the wheels are about to fall off.
Ie projects being cancelled left right and centre.
Before departing for Japan I posted here a conversation with a Top Man from one of the rail projects.
His view was that Dan would be goneski before November, and there would be a clearing of the decks of Major Projects.
Outer suburban rail loop would be first on the block. He didn’t say this bit, but I suspect the Outer Suburban Loop will go the way of Airport Link. That is, not cancelled outright, but just quietly shelved and never spoken about in polite company again.
September 26, 2023 9:28 pm
“Magda slammed online”. I think that is part of the problem, she’s never been slammed, excuse me while I be sick.
“Magda slammed online”. I think that is part of the problem, she’s never been slammed, excuse me while I be sick.
Grey Ranga, for inflicting that on the rest of us, your penalty/penance is to busk on Oxford street Sydney for two consecutive Friday & Saturday nights.
Preferred instrument, state school issue plastic Recorder.
September 26, 2023 9:40 pm
Cassie I saw Dolt with Kroger on. Why does such a failure keep getting invited on. Between him and Credlins hubby its no wonder the SFL keep failing in Exdanistan.
China is attempting to claim territorial waters which are anything but and that’s exactly what Freedom of Navigation Operations are designed to prevent.
There are several claims over these waters as an earlier diagram demonstrated. Freedom of Navigation operations are entirely focused on only one of these claimants.
he’s also playing fast with facts by employing his usual idiotic ‘scope’ game
In other news water is wet, mud is dirty, grass is white & the pope kisses airport tarmacs.
September 26, 2023 9:52 pm
China is actually attempting to create territory for itself.
One way China does this is to use their military might to seize islands claimed by others not powerful enough to fight for them, or ones with contested ownership.
Another way China does it is to find a submerged reef out in international waters, pump sand and concrete until they have an island, stick a flag on it, and viola, Chinese territory.
Since international law says territorial waters extend 22 Km from the shoreline they have just created a 1500+ SqKm chunk of China in the middle of international waters where none existed before.
Do that a dozen times or more (as they have) and you have seized an area larger than many countries and positioned yourself to strategically control a large body of formerly international water, the South China Sea, which is of course exactly why they are doing it.
Russia likely doesn’t want the cost of maintaining permanent garrisons, with hundreds of battalions. Both nations now suffer crippling demographic losses. Russia might use the southern flank as a bargaining chip for recognition of pre war borders. Both parties can save face that they defended themselves.
Given Lavrov’s recent statement that it’s capitulation or nyet, not going to happen unless something drastic occurs.
Yes JC, you’re right, and the Liberals still must push a strong message around budgets and . fiscal responsibility these must also be accompanied by a party willing to fight the “culture wars”, be it around free speech, religious freedom and so on.
From 2013 through to 2022, the Liberals did sweet f*ck all fighting for those important liberal principles, and they even threw out the window any idea of fiscal responsibility and economic reform. So, perhaps the way forward for the party to is emphasise the importance of budgets but also to emphasise the importance of free speech, religious freedom, educational freedom, the reality of biological sex, liberty, freedom and so on.
What was that line Scumbag Morrison once said about free speech….
“‘It doesn’t create one job”
What a dickhead. Such a weasel never should have become PM, and it shows his profound ignorance. Free speech is the essence of a free society and a free economy. I would argue that free speech creates thousands of job.
It doesn’t matter either way. You are beating a nonexistent horse.
Of course it matters. It’s crucial because they have the ability to deny access to whomever they choose, which is what they’ve been doing. This is why Australia joined a flotilla organized by the US Navy to show they lack of control over those waterways. China would have authority over access to territorial seas, which they may limit at any time. Their territorial claim is akin to Australia’s 200-kilometer perimeter.
This is before they make phony claims about fishing rights for nations bordering the South China Sea and threaten to sink their neighbors’ fishing vessels. The South China Sea is a vital source of seafood in the neighborhood.
This narrow sea corridor carries half of the world’s international trade.
And there’s one more thing. One of the goals of constructing these artificial islands is to further limit access by claiming ownership of the islands. Close waters between islands are recognized as a river system under international law, limiting further access.
Perhaps you should reconsider your decision not to read the Chatham House article.
What a dickhead. Such a weasel never should have become PM, and it shows his profound ignorance. Free speech is the essence of a free society and a free economy. I would argue that free speech creates thousands of job.
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
September 26, 2023 10:13 pm
“Sliante” to all you mob.
I’ve taken delivery of James Marshall Cornwall’s book “Grant as Military Commander.”
Captain Ulysses S. Grant took to drink, out of boredom, with whisky at twenty five cents a gallon…
Talking about which party is a better fiscal manager is of zero interest to anyone and if the Liberals want to rest on those laurels, they will be in opposition a long time.
The whole set of language around fiscal responsibility and small govt and private enterprise seems dated and irrelevant to the new gen of voters who have not been through a debt crisis. Especially for those who saw the Govt spend $$$ like water in the pandemic.
Either new set of text or a new set of leaders required to make this stuff work with voters under 40. Or a debt crisis that results in real pain. Hopefully the first.
No, it doesn’t matter. Innocent passage permits transit in territorial waters. The only exceptions to this are listed in Article 19, section 2 of UNCLOS.
Their claims to EEZ is no more phony then the other claimants in the area who themselves have substantial claims.
Sure, it’s large because most of that trade is entering and leaving China.
The island thing is being done by all the claimants because it strengthens their claim.
and btw, points to thefrollickingmole for torturing Shelly earlier today
Colonel Crispin Berka
September 26, 2023 10:45 pm
House Republicans announced Monday that the first impeachment inquiry hearing into President Biden will be held on Thursday at 10:00 a.m. ET.
“Since January, House Committees on Oversight and Accountability, Judiciary, and Ways and Means have uncovered an overwhelming amount of evidence showing President Joe Biden abused his public office for his family’s financial gain,” Comer said in a statement.
Only about 3 years too late, no biggie.
As Harris is unelectable and no other notables have confirmed they’re running, it’s looking like a RFK vs Trump election. Wouldn’t that be super?
Kamahl AM @OfficialKamahl
Is it true 4 decades there has been almost no discernible improvement in the lives of Indigenous Australians?
“In fact, if the NDIS or Medicare were delivering outcomes as bad as this $100 million a day, there would be a Royal Commission.” If so,why not one now?
Crikey this bloke is good.
September 26, 2023 10:54 pm
Enough Dictator Dan Downfall, enough Tennis Albo Invoice Apocalypse. Take some time to chillax and remember and enjoy the talents of a great voice actor. That’s all folks! (Thanks YouTube algorithm)
The Age of Incompetence.
Read an interesting piece today about the non-boomers. It’s becoming evidence in the US, and I think here too that the boomers are moving quickly into retirement now and their jobs are going to the young. As bad as the boomers at some things are, they were well trained and generally disciplined in doing a good job (by and large). They made things operate efficiently. The younger gens are comparatively useless and lazy. The piece suggested that we’ve now entered an age of incompetence that you can see almost anywhere. Things just don’t work well anymore, or at least compared to when when boomers were at their peak. The working from home nonsense is one manifestation, as very few jobs don’t require collaboration. The lack of dedication to a job is another example.
One day, I accompanied my kid while she was heading to work. We were walking along on a nice NY morning, and she said she felt it was inhuman to go to work on such a nice day. Inhuman!
Even in the top rungs you see incompetence readily accepted. The Albanian is PM grade, Chalmers isn’t treasurer material. Hiden is demented and his VP has the IQ of a rock. It’s all through the systems.
As Harris is unelectable and no other notables have confirmed they’re running, it’s looking like a RFK vs Trump election. Wouldn’t that be super?
I thought that too at the beginning of RFK’s run, but the Demon establishment would rather be crushed under a train than allow RFK the nomination. In fact, RFK is toying with the idea of running on the Libertarian Party ticket as their candidate. I read this a few days ago and don’t know if it’s progressed any further. RFK will not be the demon nominee.
RFK wants to ban fracking too.
September 26, 2023 11:13 pm
EEZ has nothing to do with the cargo trade. It has to do with fishing, drilling and mining rights. If China’s claimed/implied EEZ was accepted as accurate it extends almost 1000 miles from its coast and overruns those of Vietnam, The Philippines, Malaysia, and Brunei. That claim was shot down in the Permanent Court of Arbitration (Philippines v. China, 2016).
The Tribunal concluded that, to the extent China had historic rights to resources in the waters of the South China Sea, such rights were extinguished to the extent they were incompatible with the exclusive economic zones provided for in the Convention. The Tribunal also noted that, although Chinese navigators and fishermen, as well as those of other States, had historically made use of the islands in the South China Sea, there was no evidence that China had historically exercised exclusive control over the waters or their resources. The Tribunal concluded that there was no legal basis for China to claim historic rights to resources within the sea areas falling within the ‘nine-dash line’.
There are several claims over these waters as an earlier diagram demonstrated. Freedom of Navigation operations are entirely focused on only one of these claimants.
That would be the claimant that is eating up islands and reefs that don’t belong to them like Pacman and building military bases on them to exert illicit control of the South China Sea by force because none of the other claimants have the military strength to stop them.
No, it doesn’t matter. Innocent passage permits transit in territorial waters. The only exceptions to this are listed in Article 19, section 2 of UNCLOS.
China isn’t abiding with the laws. A case went before the tribunal and found for the Philippines on every point of contention and China is ignoring the decisions.
Their claims to EEZ is no more phony then the other claimants in the area who themselves have substantial claims.
The other claimants aren’t making military threats and demanding civilian craft gain permission. Nor are they warning off naval vessels from other countries to leave the waterway. The other claimants , as you call them, are responding to China’s ridiculous claims. They aren’t threatening anyone else.
Sure, it’s large because most of that trade is entering and leaving China.
The island thing is being done by all the claimants because it strengthens their claim.
If they are, who began the island construction shtick first?
I read the article; where did I say I didn’t?
You certainly didn’t say you did.
Where are you heading with this? Surely, you’re not going to blame the US.
The Verona Roman Arena was equal to the one at Arles. A huge place of brutal entertainments that by the sixteenth century had to be cleared of so much debris and old cadavers before the civic fathers stepped in and turned it into a restored masterpiece.
We walked ourselves out of puff today from eleven till five pm. The usual extravaganza of beauty in palazzos and churches. The famous Piazza del Urbe and others leading from it testawith their palaces and monuments are testament to the families of fame who give their names to the histories of Verona, as an ancient capital of the Lombard Kingdom and then as a free Commune, also becoming Venetian, then a part of Austria after Napoleon and then back to Italy with unification. Much wealth and glory in large basilicas and smaller and olderC14th familial churches.
I sat on some marble steps in the small square of the Palazzia de Ragione while Hairy took the elevator up the great Medieval clock tower (I dislike elevators in Italy) and saw an epiphany. The square was suddenly empty. A family came through an archway and held back as their two-year old daughter, a blonde toddler dressed only in a beige singlet and short beige shorts, ran into the centre of the square. The bell tower chimed the hour and the child stopped, looked up in wonder and then delightedly clasped her hands together and clapped them, beatifically looking up.
A moment in time.
We spent quite a while then in the church of Sant’Anastasia viewing the 1443 Pissanello fresco of S. Georgio and the Princess, high on an archway, and also displayed on video beneath in all of its detail. It is high Medievalism, an Arthurian influenced fantasy of the hero off to save the princess from the dragon on the opposite shore. She is shown with her retainers against the fretted golden city, their horses and the one St. Georgi is about to mount depicted with nostrils flaring over the moment. This stunning and unusual fresco rivals the thematics of Boticelli, with Santa Geordi (an Odin derivative), shown as a Lancelot figure with a face of determined grace fighting off the perils of sin and heathenism (the dragon). The princess too is fair of face, with her mantle of peacock feathers against the glinting metal the fresco uses for Santa Geordi and her armed retainers (who have the dirty fingernails so beloved of Carravaggio).
On the way out we pass by an altar dedicated to something I’ve never seen in Christainity so far – an altar to the Holy Ghost. And there it was, a grail-like light, this one coming from a dove high up, and all adoring people below gasping in wonder.
September 27, 2023 5:57 am
RFK will not be the demon nominee.
My money is on Michelle. That is if they even have an election next year.
It’s a disgusting racket everywhere, Melbourne as much as Washington.
Tintarella di Luna
September 27, 2023 6:13 am
Word is Hunchback quit when Alcosleazy confirmed no Royal Commision into that piece of excrement’s handling of the plandemic..
That’s exactly what the Sunbather said yesterday when I rang him with the news of Andrews’ resignation.
Tintarella di Luna
September 27, 2023 6:17 am
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Sep 27, 2023 4:56 AM
Thank you Lizzie, felt so close and so real – sent a shiver down my spine. Great descriptions — gee I am so lucky to have such knowledgeable people who provide such beautifully written vignettes of what they are experiencing in their travels — to all of you thank you
Boambee John
September 27, 2023 8:06 am
Salvatore, Iron Publican
Sep 26, 2023 10:45 PM
This is first class work:
Kamahl AM @OfficialKamahl
Is it true 4 decades there has been almost no discernible improvement in the lives of Indigenous Australians?
“In fact, if the NDIS or Medicare were delivering outcomes as bad as this $100 million a day, there would be a Royal Commission.” If so,why not one now?
Crikey this bloke is good.
Untrue. There has been significant improvement in the lives of indigenous Australians living in developed, urban areas (that is, assimilated Australians with some indigenous ancestry). There has been almost no discernible improvement in the lives of indigenous Australians living in remote communities (“on country”) and in camps near rural towns.
The focus of indigenous policy is on those already doing well, not those being left behind.
…” which means the state has to live within its means…”
Would they not simply print more.
That’s precisely what the Federal government would do. Because they lack the self restraint to cut their outlays.
Remember that debt is investment? That’s the mentality we’re up against.
Whatever it was, it was sufficient to persuade him to exit parliament with one day’s notice.
As I’ve written here before, the ALP is basically a racketeering outfit with a parliamentary front.
I’m gonna quote Rambo:
She doesn’t have the awesome dentation of the other Jacintoria.
We’ll see if she’s also a flightless birdie though. ALP produces them.
Thinking of a certain chook.
sad but true Roger and the lieborals aren’t any better
OK…good night all.
And those countries would be permitted to innocently transit those territorial waters.
I used ‘the rest’ and ‘largely’.
I’d use multiple sources, that have been reliable in the past,
Joining Gillard, Sneakers and a handful of NSW Premiers. When your numbers don’t come up …
The Victoriastan hospital handpass certainly has Mother Russia overtones. I’m sure whoever receives it will be looked after by the Liars. Carmen Lawrence did quite nicely in WA and Bambi had a good run too.
We don’t need permission from this lot to access what is regarded as open water. And you’re making the Law of the Sea and you go? It doesn’t work like that.
It’s open water and everyone has the right to access this waterway. It connects Indian Ocean Pacific Ocean trade, which I read is half the world’s.
As I said, they’re acting like bad neighbors in Housos.
“Danistan” is not a compliment!
Russel Brand – How do they build a case now? Ron Swanson
Ted was a huge disappointment. Such a lovely bloke, and solid. I really thought he could govern much in the Dick Hamer fashion (which is about as righty as you can get in Vic these days). To his credit, Kennett knew that wasn’t how it would play out, but couldn’t do anything to stop it.
Instead, Ted was disinterested, some might say lazy, and just caved to the left as required. Napthine tried, but the damage Bailleau did to the Libs in this state is incalculable.
Whoever steps in to replace Dear Leader Dan won’t be worse than anyone from the Lieberal Party.
Napthine tried, but the damage Bailleau did to the Libs in this state is incalculable.
yes that’s my take- and then we got Guy followed Prosciutto who seems more interested in attacking the few good people in his party than the ALP.
Then look at the lieboral mediocrities in NSW.
Kenny is a schizoid loon: on every other issue he oozes sense but on the screech he is birney in drag: nuts.
Kennett was turfed at the earliest opportunity after fixing the Cain-Kirner debacle. Bracks and Brumby did an OK job, with Cain-Kirner a sufficiently recent memory to ensure those mistakes weren’t repeated. Chairman Dan (like Albo) is a creature of the Liar Left and treated the State like it was Year Zero.
Klaus news (the Courier-Mail):
Obviously a DEW.
Only an MSM-consuming sheep would think otherwise.
Listening to the wash up on Bolt as he speaks to Kroger about Victoria, Andrews and debt. They harp on about debt and fiscal responsibility. But here’s the rub, the unfashionable rub, and that is the young don’t care about debt. I don’t believe the Liberals, federally, in Victoria, in NSW, or in any other state, can continue to focus solely and squarely on debt. IT DOES NOT WORK. Whilst debt can be a factor, it can’t be the sole factor. The Liberals also need to talk about the importance of growing small and medium sized businesses in this country, of growing home ownership in this country, of the absolute importance of religious freedom in this country, of the importance of individual responsibility, of the importance of the family, and the importance of free speech, and so on. That’s the way up for the Liberals. And come to think of it, didn’t Robert Gordon Menzies speak about these things in 1942? Why, I think he did.
Have been for some time.
See also: Gerbil Worming, COVID, Vaccines, and so much more.
After SloMo and Josh we won’t be hearing about another Beazley black hole for some time.
ALP’s Victoria reminds me of Tony Soprano’s “family”. Various competing squabbling factions, bosses rising and falling, making sure the big boys always get their cut, make sure in a takeover you win comprehensively or retribution will be delivered, profitable alliances matter for survival and – excessive greed is fundamental. Take as much as you can without killing the host (that’s us).
A well run crime syndicate.
Plankton has been pretty quiet since Eugene and SpongeBob dropped this sick drill rap beat.
De Santis is an idiot debating Newsom.
All downside.
This is an exercise in proving up Newsom’s likability with DNC voters who will vote for whoever has a D next to their name.
It goes on and on, what the swamp and MSM did to Trump: here is that bloated bastard Miley and one of his lies about Trump as reported by the great Greg Kelly:
There is no justice until shits in medals like Miley are stripped naked in public and branded with the word traitor.
The Liberals also need to talk about the importance of growing small and medium sized businesses in this country, of growing home ownership in this country, of the absolute importance of religious freedom in this country, of the importance of individual responsibility, of the importance of the family, and the importance of free speech, and so on. That’s the way up for the Liberals.
And that is also the path to the suburbs abandoned by the Liars in favour of their new maaaaates in Big Business, Big Super, Big Ruinables, Big (anti-free speech) Brother and all of the other former hate figures for the leftards.
mUnty is desperately trying to divert attention from all those abandoned by the Liars.
Debt doesn’t matter until it does as Greece found out. If the state is running a deficit and the credit markets repudiate the debt, that becomes a default. Maybe that is the best thing that could happen (we default) and we’re shut out of the credit markets, which means the state has to live within its means.
Daily Mail.
Hilarious stuff by ISW.
Cassie – on debt agreed.
We’re immune to shreiks of horror at spending and increased debt.
We watch politicians spray taxpayer’s money around like bubbly on a winner’s podium.
In one breath they point at their enemies faults at budgetary restraint and in the next announce some crazy scheme or project we’re all meant to be happy about.
We all know, there’s plenty more $ around and that it just doesn’t matter.
Labor come into power federally after ruinous spending during covid, only to reap a motza from export taxes and announce a surplus.
Talking about which party is a better fiscal manager is of zero interest to anyone and if the Liberals want to rest on those laurels, they will be in opposition a long time.
John Pesutto shares his thoughts:
Right you worthless clown. Now is the time to make yourself worthy. Nowhere in this email have you said what you would do to get this state back from the depths of Hades. Get onto it please, post haste.
Well for starters, since the cops have already broadcast the sexual assault allegations to the world and are recruiting others to come forth with allegations against him (why does that sound so familiar?) they should release the names of his supposed accusers and details of the allegations so he can defend himself in the court of social media. None of the accusers would appear to be minors as the offenses are described as “non-recent”.
How did these anonymous accusers manage to find each other, band together, and contact Channel 4 to kick off this “investigation” one wonders? But I digress.
The man’s career is being ruined NOW, potential jurors are being poisoned NOW (by the combined efforts of the police, media, and govt) and he’s had no chance to defend himself from these potentially bogus allegations.
I don’t particularly like the man but fair is fair.
Wishes him well for the future?
Andrews gave you a personal belting not long ago that you couldn’t run a raffle or somesuch, let alone the state. And you wish him well. Not the greatest of starts against a new opponent starting tomorrow.
…” which means the state has to live within its means…”
Would they not simply print more.
To repeat. Cargo vessels are permitted to innocently transit territorial waters. It makes no difference if the waters are territorial or international in this respect.
Kennett turfed himself. He was shown some polling which vaguely suggested that a new dam might – possibly – cost him a seat in Gippsland and promptly cancelled said dam, lost said seat to an independent, and lost other seats because he wouldn’t walk the walk.
And also to repeat, these are not territorial waters.
States don’t have access to the printing press.
Huh!??? I’m critical of Putin but that’s some dumb cope.
It’s bloody trench warfare! Ukraine has advanced, but there are many lines, possible salients and the progress is so slow. The gains are very marginal and cannot be reinforced without committing to entrenchment.
It’s time to negotiate a peace.
Russia likely doesn’t want the cost of maintaining permanent garrisons, with hundreds of battalions. Both nations now suffer crippling demographic losses. Russia might use the southern flank as a bargaining chip for recognition of pre war borders. Both parties can save face that they defended themselves.
This makes absolutely no sense; if Russia is still holding its initial defensive positions then how could Ukraine have had tactical or operational success?
Building a dam eh?
NSW proposed building ONE dam (Needle’s Gap) and the shrieking could be heard on Pluto.
Not if the people whose territory those waters are in say “No”. Which they could do to anyone, at any time, and for any reason.
China is attempting to claim territorial waters which are anything but and that’s exactly what Freedom of Navigation Operations are designed to prevent.
Warren Mundine did a great job with his speech at the Canberra Press Club. He finally raised the issue of the rest of Australia saying sorry to aboriginal people. He said that aboriginal people now need to forgive and everyone to move forward, no more regrets and to get on together, assume responsibility for own lives. A brilliant idea that simply invalidates any need for Da Voice.
Both headlines were from The Western Advocate in 2014.
The Greens are despicable shits.
Before departing for Japan I posted here a conversation with a Top Man from one of the rail projects.
His view was that Dan would be goneski before November, and there would be a clearing of the decks of Major Projects.
Outer suburban rail loop would be first on the block. He didn’t say this bit, but I suspect the Outer Suburban Loop will go the way of Airport Link. That is, not cancelled outright, but just quietly shelved and never spoken about in polite company again.
“Magda slammed online”. I think that is part of the problem, she’s never been slammed, excuse me while I be sick.
Who downvotes a plea for peace?
You need Jesus.
Noah, get the fallout shelter.
It doesn’t matter either way. You are beating a nonexistent horse.
And anti-humanity.
which specific waters JC?
Grey Ranga, for inflicting that on the rest of us, your penalty/penance is to busk on Oxford street Sydney for two consecutive Friday & Saturday nights.
Preferred instrument, state school issue plastic Recorder.
Cassie I saw Dolt with Kroger on. Why does such a failure keep getting invited on. Between him and Credlins hubby its no wonder the SFL keep failing in Exdanistan.
Hope you sleep well Sal.
oh, snap
Matrix, he’s referring to the Celestials & their dog-in-the-manger attitude toward their reach of the big fella swimming pool.
There are several claims over these waters as an earlier diagram demonstrated. Freedom of Navigation operations are entirely focused on only one of these claimants.
“Magda slammed online”
I read that as “Magda ‘slimmed‘ online”……and thought, when?
I get it Sal.
he’s also playing fast with facts by employing his usual idiotic ‘scope’ game
That’s a large Scotch, and a new keyboard you owe me…
In other news water is wet, mud is dirty, grass is white & the pope kisses airport tarmacs.
China is actually attempting to create territory for itself.
One way China does this is to use their military might to seize islands claimed by others not powerful enough to fight for them, or ones with contested ownership.
Another way China does it is to find a submerged reef out in international waters, pump sand and concrete until they have an island, stick a flag on it, and viola, Chinese territory.
Since international law says territorial waters extend 22 Km from the shoreline they have just created a 1500+ SqKm chunk of China in the middle of international waters where none existed before.
Do that a dozen times or more (as they have) and you have seized an area larger than many countries and positioned yourself to strategically control a large body of formerly international water, the South China Sea, which is of course exactly why they are doing it.
… well… at least that requires less brain bleach than Grey Ranga’s interpretation.
Given Lavrov’s recent statement that it’s capitulation or nyet, not going to happen unless something drastic occurs.
Sep 26, 2023 8:50 PM”
Yes JC, you’re right, and the Liberals still must push a strong message around budgets and . fiscal responsibility these must also be accompanied by a party willing to fight the “culture wars”, be it around free speech, religious freedom and so on.
From 2013 through to 2022, the Liberals did sweet f*ck all fighting for those important liberal principles, and they even threw out the window any idea of fiscal responsibility and economic reform. So, perhaps the way forward for the party to is emphasise the importance of budgets but also to emphasise the importance of free speech, religious freedom, educational freedom, the reality of biological sex, liberty, freedom and so on.
What was that line Scumbag Morrison once said about free speech….
“‘It doesn’t create one job”
What a dickhead. Such a weasel never should have become PM, and it shows his profound ignorance. Free speech is the essence of a free society and a free economy. I would argue that free speech creates thousands of job.
in the nightly JC beauty contest, at least JC is prettier than magda
Of course it matters. It’s crucial because they have the ability to deny access to whomever they choose, which is what they’ve been doing. This is why Australia joined a flotilla organized by the US Navy to show they lack of control over those waterways. China would have authority over access to territorial seas, which they may limit at any time. Their territorial claim is akin to Australia’s 200-kilometer perimeter.
This is before they make phony claims about fishing rights for nations bordering the South China Sea and threaten to sink their neighbors’ fishing vessels. The South China Sea is a vital source of seafood in the neighborhood.
This narrow sea corridor carries half of the world’s international trade.
And there’s one more thing. One of the goals of constructing these artificial islands is to further limit access by claiming ownership of the islands. Close waters between islands are recognized as a river system under international law, limiting further access.
Perhaps you should reconsider your decision not to read the Chatham House article.
Actually factually incorrect.
Compare Western writing and film to the USSR.
What a plonker.
Snap, Cassie.
“Sliante” to all you mob.
I’ve taken delivery of James Marshall Cornwall’s book “Grant as Military Commander.”
Captain Ulysses S. Grant took to drink, out of boredom, with whisky at twenty five cents a gallon…
It’s the foundation of everything – be it social and economic. Glad he’s gone.
“Magda slammed online”. I think that is part of the problem, she’s never been slammed, excuse me while I be sick.
Dunno Ranga. Hulk Hogan powerslammed King Kong Bundy at Wrestlemania 2. All 400 pounds worth. I reckon he could do it to Mags.
the foundation of everything is either food or poetry
the rest is a wank
I trust Zulu, that you are familiar with “If Grant had been drinking at Appomattox” by James Thurber?
Essential reading before you go much further…
The whole set of language around fiscal responsibility and small govt and private enterprise seems dated and irrelevant to the new gen of voters who have not been through a debt crisis. Especially for those who saw the Govt spend $$$ like water in the pandemic.
Either new set of text or a new set of leaders required to make this stuff work with voters under 40. Or a debt crisis that results in real pain. Hopefully the first.
No, it doesn’t matter. Innocent passage permits transit in territorial waters. The only exceptions to this are listed in Article 19, section 2 of UNCLOS.
Their claims to EEZ is no more phony then the other claimants in the area who themselves have substantial claims.
Sure, it’s large because most of that trade is entering and leaving China.
The island thing is being done by all the claimants because it strengthens their claim.
I read the article; where did I say I didn’t?
and btw, points to thefrollickingmole for torturing Shelly earlier today
Only about 3 years too late, no biggie.
As Harris is unelectable and no other notables have confirmed they’re running, it’s looking like a RFK vs Trump election. Wouldn’t that be super?
This is first class work:
Crikey this bloke is good.
Enough Dictator Dan Downfall, enough Tennis Albo Invoice Apocalypse. Take some time to chillax and remember and enjoy the talents of a great voice actor. That’s all folks! (Thanks YouTube algorithm)
The Age of Incompetence.
Read an interesting piece today about the non-boomers. It’s becoming evidence in the US, and I think here too that the boomers are moving quickly into retirement now and their jobs are going to the young. As bad as the boomers at some things are, they were well trained and generally disciplined in doing a good job (by and large). They made things operate efficiently. The younger gens are comparatively useless and lazy. The piece suggested that we’ve now entered an age of incompetence that you can see almost anywhere. Things just don’t work well anymore, or at least compared to when when boomers were at their peak. The working from home nonsense is one manifestation, as very few jobs don’t require collaboration. The lack of dedication to a job is another example.
One day, I accompanied my kid while she was heading to work. We were walking along on a nice NY morning, and she said she felt it was inhuman to go to work on such a nice day. Inhuman!
Even in the top rungs you see incompetence readily accepted. The Albanian is PM grade, Chalmers isn’t treasurer material. Hiden is demented and his VP has the IQ of a rock. It’s all through the systems.
isn’t PM grade
I thought that too at the beginning of RFK’s run, but the Demon establishment would rather be crushed under a train than allow RFK the nomination. In fact, RFK is toying with the idea of running on the Libertarian Party ticket as their candidate. I read this a few days ago and don’t know if it’s progressed any further. RFK will not be the demon nominee.
RFK wants to ban fracking too.
EEZ has nothing to do with the cargo trade. It has to do with fishing, drilling and mining rights. If China’s claimed/implied EEZ was accepted as accurate it extends almost 1000 miles from its coast and overruns those of Vietnam, The Philippines, Malaysia, and Brunei. That claim was shot down in the Permanent Court of Arbitration (Philippines v. China, 2016).
That would be the claimant that is eating up islands and reefs that don’t belong to them like Pacman and building military bases on them to exert illicit control of the South China Sea by force because none of the other claimants have the military strength to stop them.
China isn’t abiding with the laws. A case went before the tribunal and found for the Philippines on every point of contention and China is ignoring the decisions.
The other claimants aren’t making military threats and demanding civilian craft gain permission. Nor are they warning off naval vessels from other countries to leave the waterway. The other claimants , as you call them, are responding to China’s ridiculous claims. They aren’t threatening anyone else.
Sure, it’s large because most of that trade is entering and leaving China.
If they are, who began the island construction shtick first?
You certainly didn’t say you did.
Where are you heading with this? Surely, you’re not going to blame the US.
New OT up.
The Verona Roman Arena was equal to the one at Arles. A huge place of brutal entertainments that by the sixteenth century had to be cleared of so much debris and old cadavers before the civic fathers stepped in and turned it into a restored masterpiece.
We walked ourselves out of puff today from eleven till five pm. The usual extravaganza of beauty in palazzos and churches. The famous Piazza del Urbe and others leading from it testawith their palaces and monuments are testament to the families of fame who give their names to the histories of Verona, as an ancient capital of the Lombard Kingdom and then as a free Commune, also becoming Venetian, then a part of Austria after Napoleon and then back to Italy with unification. Much wealth and glory in large basilicas and smaller and olderC14th familial churches.
I sat on some marble steps in the small square of the Palazzia de Ragione while Hairy took the elevator up the great Medieval clock tower (I dislike elevators in Italy) and saw an epiphany. The square was suddenly empty. A family came through an archway and held back as their two-year old daughter, a blonde toddler dressed only in a beige singlet and short beige shorts, ran into the centre of the square. The bell tower chimed the hour and the child stopped, looked up in wonder and then delightedly clasped her hands together and clapped them, beatifically looking up.
A moment in time.
We spent quite a while then in the church of Sant’Anastasia viewing the 1443 Pissanello fresco of S. Georgio and the Princess, high on an archway, and also displayed on video beneath in all of its detail. It is high Medievalism, an Arthurian influenced fantasy of the hero off to save the princess from the dragon on the opposite shore. She is shown with her retainers against the fretted golden city, their horses and the one St. Georgi is about to mount depicted with nostrils flaring over the moment. This stunning and unusual fresco rivals the thematics of Boticelli, with Santa Geordi (an Odin derivative), shown as a Lancelot figure with a face of determined grace fighting off the perils of sin and heathenism (the dragon). The princess too is fair of face, with her mantle of peacock feathers against the glinting metal the fresco uses for Santa Geordi and her armed retainers (who have the dirty fingernails so beloved of Carravaggio).
On the way out we pass by an altar dedicated to something I’ve never seen in Christainity so far – an altar to the Holy Ghost. And there it was, a grail-like light, this one coming from a dove high up, and all adoring people below gasping in wonder.
My money is on Michelle. That is if they even have an election next year.
It’s a disgusting racket everywhere, Melbourne as much as Washington.
That’s exactly what the Sunbather said yesterday when I rang him with the news of Andrews’ resignation.
Thank you Lizzie, felt so close and so real – sent a shiver down my spine. Great descriptions — gee I am so lucky to have such knowledgeable people who provide such beautifully written vignettes of what they are experiencing in their travels — to all of you thank you
Untrue. There has been significant improvement in the lives of indigenous Australians living in developed, urban areas (that is, assimilated Australians with some indigenous ancestry). There has been almost no discernible improvement in the lives of indigenous Australians living in remote communities (“on country”) and in camps near rural towns.
The focus of indigenous policy is on those already doing well, not those being left behind.
It’s Remarkable
Sep 26, 2023 9:03 PM
That’s precisely what the Federal government would do. Because they lack the self restraint to cut their outlays.
Remember that debt is investment? That’s the mentality we’re up against.
Sep 26, 2023 9:27 PM
The Greens are Communists.
But they are shits as well.
How do we elect Politicians who rule for 10% of the people and ignore the rest?