Open Thread – Mon 9 Oct 2023

The Fishmarket, Dieppe 2, Camille Pissarro, 1902

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October 11, 2023 10:15 am

NSW police will have no excuses now.

Lotza , “I’m sick today ” callz this weekend, then ………!

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 11, 2023 10:15 am

Daily Tele poll, in an article about Burney in 2020 saying a Voice to Parliament would be the “vehicle” to negotiate a treaty

This one was amusing.

Noel Pearson has warned there is “no Plan B” if the referendum fails on Saturday and says there will be no other path for reconciliation.

But he says he is still hopeful, saying he can “feel the love in the air” from quiet Voice supporters across the country.

“There is just too much evidence of Australians coming out in very quiet ways and giving us the thumbs up that they’re voting yes,” he told ABC Radio.

He’s delusional. The quiet Australians have been shyly avoiding the baying howls of the Yes activists, and only now that it’s clear they’re not alone are some of them cautiously indicating they won’t vote to divide Australia by race.

(h/t to the Oz, which has a headline this morning: ‘Quiet Australians’ could win it for Yes: Pearson. The story isn’t linkable though as it’s buried in the “politicsnow” news article.)

October 11, 2023 10:16 am

minns is an evil incompetent imbecile. Always was, always will be. I’m sick of people who should know better making excuses for him. If he wasn’t an irredeemable arsehole, he wouldn’t be in the labore party.

Monday evening was a test, which he and his fellow collectivist shitheads failed dismally, entirely unsurprisingly. The cops are an absolute useless disgrace, who’ve indulged the violent sexist racist moozley monsters fraser blessed us with, again, but when you’ve lived in Sydney as long as I have, you’d have known this for decades.

I’ve been in email contact with some Israeli friends, one of whom flew back in there on Friday night, terrible timing to say the least. They’re relatively safe for the time being, although one them said he’d lost a good friend who was a mayor of one of the southern cities that was overrun – he was then butchered by evil monsters, while defending his community. My friend described him as “A true leader and proud Zionist. A really great guy whom I’m going to miss deeply”. My friend also has a new grand daughter and he and his wife have now met and embraced her. When you think of what happened to those poor babies in the kibbutz, you can’t help but feel incredible sorrow and incredible anger.

BTW, Liz Storer was spot on about various hate marching monsters being deported. They are a problem that needs to be dealt with, as we are now at risk of those monsters attempting to enact the same sorts of atrocities here – and we’ll be on our own, unarmed and unprotected by a state that holds us in contempt.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
October 11, 2023 10:16 am

Such support will be available for students and graduate researchers struggling with trauma associated with the referendum until the end of the examination period on November 17.

Trauma associated with the referendum being defeated?

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
October 11, 2023 10:17 am

Ok, we need to drop the “Nazi” obsession, it’s a distraction.
What is right in front of us is Islamism. It might get to the same “gas the J*ws” coclusion, but it is a different beast, arguably older and wiser than the mid-century Germans.

October 11, 2023 10:17 am

I know there’s not much to laugh at but the Bee is trying:

Emperor Hirohito Calls For Ceasefire After Bombing Of Pearl Harbor

October 11, 2023 10:20 am

Free speech isnt free if we restrict speech we dont like.

Indeed. That is until two groups of free speakers, one with a propensity for horrific violence, show up at the same time.

The solution of course isn’t to silence the speakers, but to stomp those with a propensity to violence into a mudhole until they understand the rules of civilized society.

October 11, 2023 10:22 am

Libertarian philosophy addresses this – dont hurt people, dont take their stuff – UNLESS they do it to you…..

If that’s their answer they’ve entirely missed the point.

If confronted with a person who says he wants to kill me, I’m not going to wait until he acts before I take action to defend myself from attack.

The same right applies to the public when faced with people who use free speech to advocate violence. That is a threat to public order and the freedoms associated therewith. The public, in the form of the properly constituted authorities, has a right to defend itself against that threat. To tolerate it, under the guise of respecting freedom, is to invite the eventual forfeiture of one’s own freedom at the hands of those who do not respect it.

Cassie of Sydney
October 11, 2023 10:23 am

“Ok, we need to drop the “Nazi” obsession, it’s a distraction.
What is right in front of us is Islamism. It might get to the same “gas the J*ws” coclusion, but it is a different beast, arguably older and wiser than the mid-century Germans.”

No distraction, Islamism and Nazism are one and the same, and I will call them Nazis, because that is what they are.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 11, 2023 10:27 am

Need to be very careful with reports atm

Appears to’ve now been confirmed Dover. Your point is true though.

(Link is to Instapundit and is SFW.)

October 11, 2023 10:28 am

Last November, Russia introduced a motion in the UN, to “Oppose Nazism”.
Led by our intellectually challenged PM and vile Foreign Minister, Australia abstained.

Yet in March, Putin hosted Hamas in Moscow.

October 11, 2023 10:30 am

Ok, we need to drop the “Nazi” obsession, it’s a distraction.
What is right in front of us is Islamism.

What is the difference? They both desire world domination and both want to exterminate Jews. Personally I can’t see any difference between Muslims and Nazis.

October 11, 2023 10:31 am


It’s an awkward issue of syntax, in as far as past, future and present tense. The principles are right. Israel used anticipatory first strikes before and were justified in doing so.

October 11, 2023 10:33 am

islam and nazism are one and the same

Collectivist totalitarian idiotologies, whose central tenet is implacable Jew hatred and their annihilation.

Sounds very similar to me.

October 11, 2023 10:33 am

Noel Pearson has warned there is “no Plan B” if the referendum fails

As with Albanese’s tearful warning I noted earlier, I take this as an admission that Pearson has no further positive contributions to make on the issue and should never be heard from again.

October 11, 2023 10:34 am

I was unaware until yesterday that the demonstration did NOT have a permit. The police should have stood in a line in front of them, with horses in support

Dogs. Three Alsatians straining at the leash. Amazing how the blowhards start to shrink away. Very, very effective for that particular demographic.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 11, 2023 10:34 am

Free speech has two components to it:

1. being free to say something
2. being accountable for what you said.

I, for example, can say the Bible defines marriage as between a man and a woman. That is an example of (1.). In some places I can be arrested for saying it, where despite it being manifestly truthful the government can indict me for contravening their laws. That is an example of (2.)

It is my choice to say it, and if I do so knowing I can be arrested for saying it that is also my choice. Thus, under point (2.), those terrorist supporters should be arrested for what they said, and tried in court for supporting terrorism – a very serious charge.

October 11, 2023 10:34 am

Screaming “gas the Jews” is not free speech.

sadly, yes it is ….. you either have free speech or u have ‘free speech except for….’ and that is the slippery slope which now sees people arrested for praying outside abortion clinics, and autistic teens arrested for saying a (fat, bluehaired lesbian) police constable looks like a lesbian.

Once you grant the power for authoritarian figures to restrict speech, they do so – and you end up with experienced doctors like myself and Paul Oosterhaus getting silenced by AHPRA for (correctly) stating that Ivermectin works for Covid, and the injections were insufficiently tested and ran serious safety risks.

There is no perfect solution, but giving governments the power to restrict speech is a 2 edged sword which WILL be used against you as well, not just bad people you dont like.

It is said that ‘sunlight is the best disinfectant’, and the actions of those citizens amongst us at the opera house serves best to publicise their views, and make us aware of their dangers.

October 11, 2023 10:34 am

The EU objects to people passing off Arma3 clips as the real thing.
It’s Elon’s fault Euro-sophisticates aren’t all that sophisticated.

October 11, 2023 10:39 am

Collectivist totalitarian idiotologies, whose central tenet is implacable Jew hatred and their annihilation.

A point not lost on Hitler or the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem during WWII.

October 11, 2023 10:40 am

Stiglich from Tom’s toons sums up the left, particularly left women:

comment image

Syria now joining in. This would not have happened if Trump had not been cheated.

October 11, 2023 10:42 am

There is no perfect solution…

Because it’s not a perfect world.

And if governments abuse their authority it’s because we allow them to.

Cassie of Sydney
October 11, 2023 10:42 am

Screaming gas the Jews is incitement to violence. That is not free speech.

Black Ball
Black Ball
October 11, 2023 10:43 am

Some bloke Paul Williams writes at the Courier Mail:

The Voice to Parliament referendum will be lost this Saturday.

With this week’s Newspoll showing the No vote ballooning out to 63 per cent and the Yes vote shrinking to just 37, it’s now clear there is no path to success.

Nevertheless, like Don Quixote tilting at so many windmills, I’m voting Yes this Saturday because to do otherwise is simply illogical.

For decades, politicians have lamented that successive Australian governments have spent billions of dollars on First Nations’ welfare with very little effect. While not entirely true (there have been measurable improvements in heath and education), it remains a tragedy that First Nations people still trail – often by huge margins – non-Indigenous Australians in terms of opportunity, education, income, health and life expectancy.

Part of the problem has been that non-Indigenous politicians and public servants in Canberra (and other capital cities) have been the gatekeepers in deciding where, and to whom, money should be allocated. What even the most altruistic pollie or public servant believes is best for Indigenous people 3,000 km away might not be what local Indigenous people know to be true.

That’s why a Voice to Parliament to advise MPs and the executive government (including public servants) on where best to allocate money is a no-brainer. And while previous bodies such as the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission also advised, there was no requirement for governments to consider that advice. A Voice to Parliament will at least compel gatekeepers to listen but, even then, decision-makers are under no obligation to act.

For pollies to complain that First Nations’ money is too often wasted, then vote against establishing a body to ensure money is spent appropriately is not just hypocritical – it’s madness. Indeed, the very definition of insanity is repeatedly banging one’s head against a wall and each time expecting a different outcome.

I’m also voting Yes because future generations will look back at 2023 and scratch their heads as to how and why we eschewed common sense. Don’t believe me? Just look at how Australian values have changed since Federation.

In 1901, it was universally agreed that only white Europeans would make good Australian citizens, and that atheism did not exist (the “no religion” option was not offered in the 1901 census). In 1914, loyalty to Great Britain was the guiding principle of the Australian government. And, until the 1960s, Australians believed women should be forced to resign as school teachers when they married while, in the same decade, most Australians believed that if South Vietnam fell to the communists then Australia, too, would be invaded.

At the 1988 referendum, Australians rejected the “fair elections” proposal that would have ensured “equal votes” and eliminated the notorious zonal systems then existing in Queensland and Western Australia. Today, does anyone still believe Australia was right to reject a move designed to make the votes of all Australians equal?

Australians needed to be on the right side of history then, and we need to be on the right side of history now.

I’m also voting Yes because certain political figures in this country have turned an opportunity to assist Australia’s most disadvantaged people into a political football. Let’s be clear: the vast majority of No campaigners and No voters are not racist. Virtually every Australian wants to close the gap and improve First Nations people’s lives everywhere.

But Australians in 2023 are a frightened people – fearful of their family’s future when even putting food on the table is a challenge. When a pollie emotionally manipulates those families by telling them a Yes vote will give one group of Australians more rights than others, it is disappointing. When we realise those pollies are saying those things not because they’re true but because it will damage the Albanese Government, it’s outrageous.

Last, I’m voting Yes because First Nations folk – the world’s most ancient people who’ve occupied our continent for at least 65,000 years, and who now struggle to keep languages and culture from extinction – need and deserve Constitutional recognition.

Sixty years ago, Indigenous people were not fully counted in the census. Seventy years ago, they could not vote. Before that, Indigenous people could not pass delineated boundaries and enter certain cities and towns. And yet they were here before us. Long, long before us.

At what point do we offer some form of legal recognition? What will it take to right historical wrongs, even if just symbolically, in our nation’s founding document? If not now, when? If not us, who?

And who is Paul Williams?

Dr. Paul Williams, Associate Professor in Politics and Journalism at Griffith University

Ah I see. FMD where to begin with all the usual tropes in this, right side of history, 1967 referendum gets a run, other people’s money.

Black Ball
Black Ball
October 11, 2023 10:46 am

Screaming gas the Jews is incitement to violence.

Yes it cannot be construed any other way.

October 11, 2023 10:47 am

Free speech has two components to it:

1. being free to say something
2. being accountable for what you said.

100% agree…. you police the crime that results from the speech, not the speech itself. If anyone actually ‘ kills a jew’ at anytime, irrespective of what is said at a protest, we already have laws to deal with that.

October 11, 2023 10:48 am

Dr. Paul Williams, Associate Professor in Politics and Journalism at Griffith University


Last, I’m voting Yes because First Nations folk – the world’s most ancient people who’ve occupied our continent for at least 65,000 years, and who now struggle to keep languages and culture from extinction – need and deserve Constitutional recognition.

Sixty years ago, Indigenous people were not fully counted in the census. Seventy years ago, they could not vote

Every word a fuking lie.

October 11, 2023 10:50 am

I’m also voting Yes because certain political figures in this country have turned an opportunity to assist Australia’s most disadvantaged people into a political football. Let’s be clear: the vast majority of No campaigners and No voters are not racist. Virtually every Australian wants to close the gap and improve First Nations people’s lives everywhere.

The gap will close when Aboriginals don’t live in tin shacks in the middle of nowhere or aren’t hand patted into a life of underclass criminality and generational welfare by worse than useless self appointed moral busybodies.

October 11, 2023 10:51 am

Party solidarity above all else, I guess.

October 11, 2023 10:51 am

100% agree…. you police the crime that results from the speech, not the speech itself.

See speech act theory. Words are powerful, they do things.

If anyone actually ‘ kills a jew’ at anytime, irrespective of what is said at a protest, we already have laws to deal with that.

We’re asking for those laws to be enforced, which NSW police failed to do on Monday evening.

October 11, 2023 10:54 am

Dot Oct 11, 2023 10:50 AM

Dot Johnson is right!

October 11, 2023 10:55 am

And who is Paul Williams?

A name that is certainly familiar to me as a former reader of the Courier-Mail and watcher of the state based 7:30 Report that came out of the ABC’s Toowong studio in days of yore.

Dr. Paul Williams, Associate Professor in Politics and Journalism at Griffith University

Ah, yes…a professor of politics and journalism at Griffith University; not surprising that there’s quite a few untruths in that letter then.

October 11, 2023 10:56 am

Screaming gas the Jews is incitement to violence.

yes it is, but the problem with criminalising the incitement rather than the violence is that speech is now equated with violence, which was the thin end of the wedge which can now see people jailed for ‘misgendering’ etc.

Our own govt is in the process of introducing a bill which will criminalise disagreeing with govt policy, eg on social media.

We need to understand that, throughout history, governments (not smaller groups) have been the dominant perpetrators of violence against their own and other citizens, and they *will* use free speech restrictions against us in a way that produces far more harm than that which is caused by hamas supporters shouting ‘gas the jews’

October 11, 2023 10:57 am

When a pollie emotionally manipulates those families by telling them a Yes vote will give one group of Australians more rights than others, it is disappointing. When we realise those pollies are saying those things not because they’re true but because it will damage the Albanese Government, it’s outrageous.

This is a bald-faced lie, exposed badly by the inconvenient fact that the Albanese government could have easily countered this argument by releasing all the legal advice they received on the legal implications of placing the voice in the constitution. They chose to keep the people they are asking to vote on this in the dark.

They also chose not to table the legislation that was slated to follow this vote, saying we all need to trust them to do their job. Well Albo, would you vote for legislation proposed by you opponents without reading it. Thought not, why are you asking the people to do this then?

October 11, 2023 10:57 am

Just another doctor, just another academic, just another Marxist don. Doctor and academic are dirty words.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
October 11, 2023 10:58 am

Sixty years ago, Indigenous people were not fully counted in the census. Seventy years ago, they could not vote

Every word a fuking lie.

Linda Burney got away with repeating those lies on the floor of both State and Federal parliament, and was never held to account.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 11, 2023 10:59 am

I suppose if you surgically remove your penis and testicles it makes it more comfortable to sit on a bicycle seat.

Top Two Positions in Women’s Cycling Tournament Dominated by Trans-Identified Men (10 Oct)

Actually from the photo in the linked story it’s pretty obvious they did, in fact, suffer from um, discomfort. The winner at least, anyway. That’s quite a bulge.

October 11, 2023 11:01 am

That some of them say things we dont want to hear is the price we pay for freedom.

In support of Jews being slaughtered, they screech “slaughter the Jews”.
What’s next. Probably that idiot line about one man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter – for those stupid enough to not understand the difference.

October 11, 2023 11:02 am

Anal really is a disgusting little manlet. Bludge uni course, cushy non job in mister urine’s office to parliament. Never wanted for anything.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
October 11, 2023 11:06 am

the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem during WWII.

Uncle to one Yasser Arafat.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
October 11, 2023 11:06 am

All this talk of protests without a permit and unsavoury things said at said protest is short sighted – the real point is that citizens MUST be free to (peacefully) assemble and MUST be allowed to say their piece.

Unlike Sydney’s Jewish community – arguably themselves citizens – who were requested not to assemble at the Opera House and were (or, at least, one was) detained by the police for attempting to ‘say their piece’, for general safety and policing control convenience.

That’s the real point I’m reading here.

October 11, 2023 11:07 am

Hamas, the elected government of Gaza, has now issued an edict to Gaza residents to not evacuate following warning of Impending Israeli invasion.

“All of the places which Hamas is deployed, hiding and operating in, that wicked city, we will turn them into rubble,” said Netanyahu. “Leave now because we will operate forcefully everywhere.”

Egypt, the muslim brothers of the Palestinians, has now closed the last crossing site between Gaza and Egypt.

Israel has cut off water and electricity to their enemy Gaza after the act of war it committed on them.

All of which actions enhance Hamas’ ability to play siege victim to the world.
Time to get busy Israel.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
October 11, 2023 11:09 am

Daily Mail. Well done!

Israeli woman Inbar Lieberman, 25, is hailed a hero for saving kibbutz Nir Am from invading Hamas

Twenty-five-year-old Inbar Lieberman, the security coordinator of kibbutz Nir Am, lead a group of residents killing more than two dozen advancing terrorists
Lieberman distributed guns to 12 people and coordinated their response amid the unfolding attack placing them in strategic positions to save the kibbutz
Lieberman killed 5 terrorists herself, while the others gunned down 20 more over four hours, while a nearby kibbutz suffered a heavy loss from invading forces

October 11, 2023 11:10 am

40 children beheaded! If true I hope the Gaza strip is nothing but rubble by weeks end.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
October 11, 2023 11:13 am

Egypt, the muslim brothers of the Palestinians, has now closed the last crossing site between Gaza and Egypt.

Doesn’t that make a statement?

October 11, 2023 11:13 am

the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem during WWII.

Uncle to one Yasser Arafat.

Something important again I was not taught in school.

October 11, 2023 11:16 am

ALP senator for WA Fatima Payman, usually quick with the selfies and hashtags (including #istandwithpalestinians), has finally commented on social media:

‘The atrocities and loss of innocent lives has deeply shaken me. The price tag for peace can not be the destruction of Palestine. The global human conscience will simply not accept it.

The two-state solution is the only viable solution. This can only be achieved through the recognition and restoration of the basic rights and responsibilities of both parties.’

Her brothers and sisters are not happy:

‘Your statement is spineless and far too late. There is no two state solution, there are the people native to the land and the colonisers. The next election may be years away, but we will not forget the silence of our so called “Muslim representatives” in Parliament’ writes one.

Evidently Fatima, being university educated and all, though ‘decolonisation’ was a metaphor.

October 11, 2023 11:17 am

Israel has a small window (10 days, 2 weeks) to really decapitate the snake.
In Gaza.
In Lebanon.
In Iran.
Any Hamas big wig is a legitimate target regardless where they are hiding & who they are hiding with.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
October 11, 2023 11:17 am

Mehreen Faruqi sparks outrage over comments about Israel following terror attack

Greens Senator said it was a ‘disgrace’ Parliament showed support for Israel
Her comments have been widely criticised

Oh, and the Greens open their filthy mouths on the issue.

October 11, 2023 11:19 am

The two-state solution is the only viable solution.

Israel gave them everything they wanted in Gaza.
Look what’s happened over the last 17 years.
If they think that’s what’s going to happen in the West Bank, they are retarded.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
October 11, 2023 11:21 am

Pro-Palestinians to defy Minns, rally on Sunday
Joanna Panagopoulos
Joanna Panagopoulos

Pro-Palestine protest organisers say they will march again, defying NSW Premier Chris Minns who told media further rallies were “not going to happen”.

“Protest organisers have already proven they’re not peaceful, shouting racial epithets at Jewish community members is not the definition of a peaceful protest. So the idea that they are going to commandeer Sydney streets is not going to happen – and I’m sure the NSW police will make that clear this morning,” Mr Minns said on Wednesday morning.

On Facebook, the Palestine Action Group Sydney said they will be back at 1pm on Sunday.

“While pretending to care about the loss of civilian lives, Israel is busy murdering hundreds of civilians, including children and whole families, in the Gaza Strip,” the group wrote.

“As is their usual policy, they are also targeting journalists on the ground who are reporting on these war crimes.

“In Netanyahu’s words, they ‘are only just getting started’. This is why we must protest, and why we’ll be back at 1pm Sunday at Town Hall: Stop the War on Gaza! Free Palestine!”

Co-organiser Fahad Ali also said on X: “Palestinians have a right to peaceful assembly. We have a right to freedom of expression. We have a right to protest against the massacre in Gaza.

“We will be marching again this Sunday at 1 pm at Sydney Town Hall. See you there.”

Don’t the New South Wales coppers have teargas and truncheons?

October 11, 2023 11:22 am

If the Pali supporters want to have a protest, fine.
Go through the channels everyone else has to.
Pay the fee, pay the insurance.
Stick to the pre-agreed route.
And if anyone breaks the law, they get arrested.

And where are the HRC after the Pali disgrace this week.
Pretty sure 18C was breached multiple times.
Or does that only apply to conservative columnists & anti trans activists.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
October 11, 2023 11:23 am

The two-state solution is the only viable solution.

Someone want to point out to this demented bint that the Palestinians have rejected every attempt at a “Two State” solution since the 1930’s.

October 11, 2023 11:24 am

Don’t the New South Wales coppers have teargas and truncheons?

Only if they are anti lock down and anti vax mandates.

October 11, 2023 11:24 am

We need to understand that, throughout history, governments (not smaller groups) have been the dominant perpetrators of violence against their own and other citizens, and they *will* use free speech restrictions against us in a way that produces far more harm than that which is caused by hamas supporters shouting ‘gas the jews’

All true, of course, duk. Further, we can now identify potential sources of harm to our way of life amongst the acolytes of Hamas.

However, the point that many are making is that the Jewish community were warned against even attending the Opera House as it displayed the colours of Israel. And, as we all know, the few Jewish supporters at large in the city were detained by the police. That is the outrage.

Similarly, no application for the protest at the Opera House was made. Those present were breaking the law. THAT is the argument.

Again, freedom of speech is something we all value amongst our highest ideals. We argued for that vehemently during the Covid autocracy. However, inciting the murder of fellow citizens (“Gas the Jews”) is quite another matter. It seems to me that the police – just as during Covid – were picking a particular side.

Damn obvious to me.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 11, 2023 11:27 am

Egypt, the muslim brothers of the Palestinians, has now closed the last crossing site between Gaza and Egypt.

The border between Gaza and Egypt is 12 km long. The inhabitants of Gazan recently demonstrated they have no need to use the official crossing points.

Of you go Gazan fence demolishers. Egypt is thataway ? .

Be interesting if either Egpyt or Hamas start shooting at fleeing Gazans. They just might.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 11, 2023 11:28 am

Oops, Dover’s site doesn’t like ascii arrows. Ah well. South by west, Gaza people, south by west.

October 11, 2023 11:29 am

It seems to me that the police – just as during Covid – were picking a particular side.

During COVID, like the “wrong” thing on fb & get a visit from the plod.
Now, scream in public “gas the Jews” & you are safe knowing that the plod has your back.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 11, 2023 11:32 am

The amusing thing is that Gaza was Egyptian until the 1967 war. After Sadat made the peace deal he got Sinai back but weirdly had no interest in getting Gaza back as well. It’s a mystery.

October 11, 2023 11:33 am

During COVID, like the “wrong” thing on fb & get a visit from the plod.
Now, scream in public “gas the Jews” & you are safe knowing that the plod has your back.

What a country!

October 11, 2023 11:33 am

Someone in the Jewish community (preferably high profile) should be contacting the HRC complaining about Monday night in Sydney.
If the HRC has the resources to go looking for people to complain about Leak Snr, they have the resources to call NSW Plod to see who was saying “gas the Jews”.

October 11, 2023 11:39 am

Don’t the New South Wales coppers have teargas and truncheons?

NSW police no longer enforce the law.

Without the intervention or approval of legislators, they have even removed incitement to violence from the criminal statute.

NSW police no longer see protection of the community as their job.

Neither does the NSW government.

October 11, 2023 11:40 am
October 11, 2023 11:42 am

I’m big on the right to protest, freedom of assembly etc.
And if you live in the middle of Bumf*ck Idaho, who cares where & when you do it.
And if you live in a major centre there are rules you have to follow because its’s major centre where people who also live there should have ample notice so they can make others plans.

October 11, 2023 11:46 am

Battery cars are going to go the way of Beta.

Could they just wait until QLD completes its ‘Electric Super Highway’ network of charging stations please.

October 11, 2023 11:46 am

Why do the Dodson thugs dress as if they have just walked out of Woodstock?

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 11, 2023 11:52 am


Investors Dump Renewable Energy Funds At A Record Pace (10 Oct)

The S&P Global Clean Energy Index, comprised of the 100 biggest companies in the renewable energy sector, had a year-to-date return of -31.08% as of October 9, while the iShares Global Clean Energy ETF had a -29.78% YTD return as of October 6.

A perfect storm of soaring costs, supply chain delays, rising interest rates, and low electricity prices at auctions have been hurting renewables-related companies in recent months.

Economic gravity is exerting itself like on Wile E Coyote in a cartoon. Suckers.

October 11, 2023 11:57 am

What would have been government and police response to the pro-palis had they been saying “death to labor politicians, gas the politicians “? I’m not good at guessing, dealing with facts as they come to hand, pretty good. Spineless Supine bestarreds. SS, sums them up.

October 11, 2023 11:57 am

During COVID, like the “wrong” thing on fb & get a visit from the plod.
Now, scream in public “gas the Jews” & you are safe knowing that the plod has your back.

Does this mean Nazism is no longer problematic?

Asking for a friend in the Grampians.

October 11, 2023 11:57 am

Don’t the New South Wales coppers have teargas and truncheons?

Minns better not lose the ADF’s phone number because his gutless police force will be of no bloody use.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 11, 2023 11:58 am

Can we rename them the National Socialist Party of America yet?

Democrats support Palestinians over Israel, GOP overwhelmingly stands with US ally: 2023 poll (10 Oct)

Democratic sympathies for Palestinians has increased over the last decade, and a Gallup poll published in March 2023 found their affinity toward the Palestinians finally eclipsed their support of Israel, 49% to 38%.

Meanwhile, across the proverbial aisle, Republicans overwhelmingly support Israel with 78% supporting the Middle Eastern ally. Only 11% expressed sympathies more with the Palestinians.

And you’d have to say those 11% of Republicans are likely to be lefties trolling the polling agency.

October 11, 2023 12:02 pm

…it’s now clear there is no path to success.

Nevertheless, like Don Quixote tilting at so many windmills, I’m voting Yes this Saturday because to do otherwise is simply illogical.

Massive failure of logic and argument right there. The Dumb it is spreading like a virus.

Oh, wait…

October 11, 2023 12:02 pm

Democratic sympathies for Palestinians has increased over the last decade, and a Gallup poll published in March 2023 found their affinity toward the Palestinians finally eclipsed their support of Israel, 49% to 38%.

The Bee is on to it:

‘Hamas Terrorist Added to Panel of The View’

October 11, 2023 12:05 pm

Noel Pearson, ATSIC and hundreds of other Aboriginal controlled entities that have access to taxpayer funds are proof positive that ivory tower decisions re funding are not being made.
‘Wash your hands’.

October 11, 2023 12:06 pm

A perfect storm of soaring costs, supply chain delays, rising interest rates, and low electricity prices at auctions have been hurting renewables-related companies in recent months.

That’s because renewable energy is a thought bubble by dope-smoking hippies with gender studies degrees.

October 11, 2023 12:08 pm

I’m an idiot.
Thought my flight home was 1.30pm. Turned out it was 11.15.
Luckily the flight was delayed and I made it, comfortable lying.

October 11, 2023 12:10 pm

I’m with Roger and Cassie.
‘Free speech’ doesn’t include incitement to violence and we the people via our elected representatives have the right to make hate speech illegal.
If the braying mob come out again it would be nice to see those sound makers deployed.

October 11, 2023 12:12 pm

That X account someone, loticoti?, linked the other day showing the lifestyle of special Gazans was an eye opener.

October 11, 2023 12:13 pm

Don’t the New South Wales coppers have teargas and truncheons?

A few Septic Waste tankers and a couple or three Pig Farmers slurry tankers would be ample to stop any Morlock protest before it took one step.

October 11, 2023 12:17 pm

Oct 11, 2023 11:57 AM
Don’t the New South Wales coppers have teargas and truncheons?

Minns better not lose the ADF’s phone number because his gutless police force will be of no bloody use.

They are only good at(enjoy) pepper spraying old ladies and throttling young women.

October 11, 2023 12:17 pm

Dan Bongino nailed it on his monday podcast:

* Freedom fighters don’t shoot unarmed civilians in the back as they attempt to flee
* Freedom fighters don’t set fire to civilian houses to drive the occupants outside so they can be kidnapped, tortured, raped or killed
* Freedom fighters don’t use kidnapped civilians as human shields
* Freedom fighters don’t threaten to murder kidnapped civilians if they don’t get their way

These are war crimes – there is no excuse for doing such things, none.

And finally: “These are demons – all they understand is death. We should give it to them.”

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 11, 2023 12:18 pm

Experts say global warming will make beer taste better.

Beer faces unbitter future due to climate change: study (, 10 Oct)

Climate change threatens the cultivation in Europe of aromatic hops which gives beer its bitterness, according to a study published Tuesday in Nature Communications.

Apparently this is supposed to be a bad thing.

October 11, 2023 12:23 pm

Boambee John
Oct 11, 2023 9:09 AM
Oct 11, 2023 8:30 AM
ABC wailing about damage in Gaza.

In the true spirit of amity, Their (Hamarse) ABC should donate half of their budget for each of the next five years to Gaza reconstruction.

Not a red cent of our money for any reconstruction in Gaza. Israelis should flatten the whole thing and turn it into farmland.

October 11, 2023 12:24 pm

Boambee John
Oct 11, 2023 9:09 AM
Oct 11, 2023 8:30 AM
ABC wailing about damage in Gaza.
In the true spirit of amity, Their (Hamarse) ABC should donate half of their budget for each of the next five years to Gaza reconstruction.

Not a red cent of our money for any reconstruction in Gaza. Israelis should flatten the whole thing and turn it into farmland.

October 11, 2023 12:25 pm

Labor Cretins & the “Brave? NSW Police who can Thug Grandmothers but not take on Sydney Muslims

The Australian

We can’t atop 1,000 peoplepolice admit

NSW Premier Chris Minns vowed there would be no repeat of an ugly pro-Palestinian CBD rally, but police now say they can’t stop protesters turning up.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
October 11, 2023 12:25 pm

Climate change threatens the cultivation in Europe of aromatic hops which gives beer its bitterness, according to a study published Tuesday in Nature Communications.

This is serious.
Very serious.
Net Zero now.

Apparently this is supposed to be a bad thing.


Top Ender
Top Ender
October 11, 2023 12:25 pm

But wait!

Although NSW Premier Chris Minns pledged any pro-Palestine protest on Sunday won’t go ahead – NSW Police have said it won’t be authorised – top cops have admitted they “can’t stop 1000 people” if protesters turn up anyway in the Sydney CBD.

Speaking on Wednesday, NSW Police acting commissioner David Hudson was both candid on the “criticisms” of the force’s handling of Monday’s protest, but forthright that any future protest would be met with a “strong police force”.
However, with another pro-Palestine protest planned for Sunday in the CBD, authorities and the force could be helpless to stop or block any mass rally – whether authorised or not.

“We can’t stop a thousand people all gathering at the same place, it would also depend on their behaviour,” Mr Hudson said.

“We don’t have the powers to stop (thousands of) people from convening at Town Hall.”


October 11, 2023 12:25 pm

If NSW plod are sifting thru towel-head footage why hasn’t that imam been arrested yet? .. plenty of vid of him screaming his “hate” speech on the web …..!
Oh! that’s right .. he’s a mate of Luigi cos he introduced him to the “peaceniks” at Lakemba mosque last week .. also a good maaate of Craig Foster .. it’s not what you do/say but who you know .. Oz culture 101 …. FFS!

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
October 11, 2023 12:27 pm


The ABC budget IS our money.

October 11, 2023 12:27 pm

Victoria Police investigating allegations four men of Middle Eastern appearance saying ‘we’re on the hunt to kill Jews’

Detectives are investigating allegations four men threatened to “kill Jews” amid the ongoing Israel/Hamas conflict.

Victoria Police are investigating after four men allegedly declared they were “on the hunt to kill Jews” in Melbourne’s inner-east on Tuesday afternoon.

Officers were told a man was on Toorak Road near Williams Road in South Yarra about 4pm when he was approached by the young men who were in a car.

The Australian Jewish Association (AJA) first shared the news on its social media pages, after hearing audio from the man and told people to “stay safe”.

“We’ve heard audio from someone who was questioned by them, ‘do you know where any Jews are? Why, They’ll know what we’re going to do with them… we’re on the hunt to kill Jews,” the AJA said on X, formerly known as Twitter, on Tuesday night.

Detectives from the Melbourne Crime Investigation Unit are looking into the incident.

“There is absolutely no place at all in our society for anti-semitic or hate-based behaviour and Victoria Police is committed to responding to any such acts,” a police statement said.

Victoria Police Chief Commissioner Shane Patton told 3AW cops have since established who the driver of the car was.

“They’ve been spoken to already and the investigations are ongoing. They’ve given a different version of events,” Mr Patton said.

“In effect, they’ve said they were yelling out but there was nothing anti-semitic about it. We will now go through the process of taking statements and if there’s evidence there we’ll charge them.

“There’s no evidence of a plan to kill anyone. There were comments made by people in the car who are driving or in the vicinity and what those comments were now needs to be established and we’ll do that through taking statements.

“But we haven’t come across any evidence to suggest anything was going to occur.”

October 11, 2023 12:29 pm

.. if you thought Qantas couldn’t sink any lower, they’re apparently gouging people trying to escape Israel by changing their flights.

Emirates is allowing changes gratis.

Cassie of Sydney
October 11, 2023 12:29 pm

Hear this, the Palestinian Nazis and their far-left scum supporters were emboldened to screech ‘gas the Jews’ at the Opera House, and the whole time the NSW police stood by AND DID NOTHING.

How long before these emboldened Palestinian Nazis and their far-left scum supporters turn up and start screeching ‘gas the Jews” in Bondi Junction, Rose Bay, Randwick, Waverley, Dover Heights? Will the NSW Police again stand by AND DO NOTHING?

Just watch, the illegal protest on Sunday go ahead and there will be violence and more threats against Jews. Why am I so sure of this? Because they can’t help themselves, the crux of their hatred is loathing of Jews. These people have no respect for our laws. Their intent is clear, sooner or later they will make their way to Bondi Junction, to Rose Bay, to Randwick, to Waverly, and to Dover Height, and I’m now quite sure that I can’t rely on NSW Police to protect the Jewish community.

This Jew now knows where she now stands. This Jew is no longer safe in the city she was born in.

October 11, 2023 12:30 pm

Climate change threatens the cultivation in Europe of aromatic hops which gives beer its bitterness


Hops like warm weather.

If we can manage to grow them in Australia I’m sure a slightly warmer Europe would present no problem. Might even get better harvests.

October 11, 2023 12:30 pm

Presumably the police felt that Jewish adults could be reasoned with whereas the screaming children waving banners could not be

Just like the screaming children in Antifa and blm and trans rights groups

Screaming imbeciles should never be allowed to rule the streets but that is where we are

October 11, 2023 12:30 pm

“If NSW plod are sifting thru towel-head footage why hasn’t that imam been arrested yet? .. plenty of vid of him screaming his “hate” speech on the web …..!”

Even should plod do this, do you think AG would allow DPP to prosecute the case?
That said, if plod want to be taken seriously, they could at least try.

October 11, 2023 12:31 pm

What’s with this ‘ pro – Palestinian ‘ rubbish. They are pro -Hamas and that’s all there is to it.

October 11, 2023 12:33 pm

These people have no respect for our laws.

I never much liked Peter Costello (fwiw), but I respected him for saying such people should leave Australia.

October 11, 2023 12:38 pm

but police now say they can’t stop protesters turning up.

A small correction – insert *won’t* in place of the word *can’t*

October 11, 2023 12:39 pm

Democratic sympathies for Palestinians has increased over the last decade, and a Gallup poll published in March 2023 found their affinity toward the Palestinians finally eclipsed their support of Israel, 49% to 38%.

In the 117th Congress:
– Senate – 11 Jews, all Democrat (except Sanders who is “independent”)
– House – 25 Jews are Democrats, 2 are Republican.

Apparently being Jewish is just a check in the political box to some. Important when conning their religious base during elections but when it comes to a choice of supporting the Jewish homeland or following marxist agenda, Israel loses.

October 11, 2023 12:41 pm

What’s with this ‘ pro – Palestinian ‘ rubbish. They are pro -Hamas and that’s all there is to it.

If they use “pro-Hamas” politicians & the media can no longer run the moral equivalence line credibly.

Not to mention that Hamas is listed by the Australian government as a terrorist organisation.

October 11, 2023 12:43 pm

This Jew now knows where she now stands. This Jew is no longer safe in the city she was born in.

Cassie, you know how to contact me. If we are in Sydney, we will come any time you need us.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 11, 2023 12:43 pm

That’s because renewable energy is a thought bubble by dope-smoking hippies with gender studies degrees.

That’s so old hat Tom.

Top British University’s Arab and Islamic Studies School Offers Degree in ‘Magic and Occult Science’ (5 Oct)

For Just $83,140, Princeton Will Train Your Son to Be a Drag Queen (6 Oct)

Our future leaders! Degrees seem to’ve suffered slight decline in scholasticism lately.

October 11, 2023 12:43 pm

“Not a red cent of our money for any reconstruction in Gaza. Israelis should flatten the whole thing and turn it into farmland.”


A couple of fuel/air explosive devices dropped on strategic places would do the trick.

Of course, the Israeli’s are too civilised to do this. Instead, they will “invade” and fight building by building if they have to. Which only goes to show why we should be on the Israeli side, not the Hamas side.

October 11, 2023 12:45 pm

Should’ve been less surprised to learn those poppets
spouting ahistorical pabulum for the feelz campaign
were authorised by the strayan edumacation union.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
October 11, 2023 12:48 pm

Hops like warm weather.

If we can manage to grow them in Australia I’m sure a slightly warmer Europe would present no problem. Might even get better harvests.

Thank goodness for that, Bruce must have been referring to Experts.
Hop Men.

Bar Beach Swimmer
October 11, 2023 12:48 pm

“We don’t have the powers to stop (thousands of) people from convening at Town Hall.”

Mazing; they during covid.

October 11, 2023 12:51 pm

“Not a red cent of our money for any reconstruction in Gaza. Israelis should flatten the whole thing and turn it into farmland.”

My recollection is that many Israelis had to abandon their farms in the area that became Gaza in order to achieve the political solution of the time.

October 11, 2023 12:52 pm

Disturbing video shows tradie threatening Jewish teenagers with an Israeli flag in Sydney’s Bellevue Hill: ‘If I see that flag, I’ll kill youse all’

Four Jewish teens threatened by construction worker

A construction worker threatened to kill four Jewish teenagers if they did not remove an Israeli flag from their car.

Footage of the confronting incident shows the man – who is wearing an orange high-vis vest, a black cap and who appears to be of Middle-Eastern descent – marching up to three teenage boys who were about to tie an Israeli flag to their car in Bellevue Hill, in Sydney’s Eastern Suburbs.

He points a finger at them, repeatedly telling them to ‘put it back in your car’.

I swear if I f***ing see youse with that flag I’ll f**king kill youse all. I’m telling youse right now – all of youse,’ he threatens.

The incident happened on Monday, the same day pro-Palestinian protests in Sydney’s CBD turned ugly, with thugs chanting ‘Gas The Jews’ and ‘Death to the Jews’ in the shadow of the Opera House.

A spoeksperson for NSW Police said: ‘On Monday, officers attached to Eastern Suburbs Police Area Command received a report, four teenagers had been vernally threatened by a man on Bellevue Road, Bellevue Hill about 6.30pm.

‘Detectives have commenced an investigation. No arrests have been made and inquiries are ongoing.’

Robert Sewell
October 11, 2023 12:52 pm

One wonders what hell is awaiting the Israeli ground force when they break into Gaza.
No doubt it has been turned into a nightmare defencive trap using unlimited Iranian weapons and Obama funds.

That’s an easy one – don’t go in until the place has been depopulated.
Don’t bother with extensive use of high explosive, use napalm, Fuel Air Explosives, and flamethrowers.
Doesn’t matter how well Hamas dig themselves in, no one can survive if the oxygen is burnt out of the air supply. e.g. Hamburg, Dresden, Tokyo, etc. Then send in the bulldozers to create the Gaza Pier.

October 11, 2023 12:54 pm

Don’t the New South Wales coppers have teargas and truncheons?

I think they can do better than that$width_740%2C$height_417/t_crop_fill/q_86%2Cf_auto/8fc3a74c92bfaf5a8c469d48bae8cb98a55ccb63

October 11, 2023 12:54 pm

Don’t bother with extensive use of high explosive, use napalm, Fuel Air Explosives, and flamethrowers.

yup – the right mixture trickled into those tunnels and ignited will do wonders

October 11, 2023 12:55 pm

What’s with this ‘ pro – Palestinian ‘ rubbish. They are pro -Hamas and that’s all there is to it.

The Pillar

There are almost 1,100 Palestinian Christians living in the Gaza Strip — a small minority among the region’s population of more than 2 million. In 2017, there were approximately 47,000 Christians living in the West Bank, and more than 100,000 living in Israel.

Caught in the middle of the region’s conflicts, those Christians face unique challenges to their own security.

October 11, 2023 12:55 pm

The handwringing of our elites how Australians voting No to a racist referendum proposal will blacken our name in the world didn’t pan out as they predicted. It’s their protected terrorists chanting “Gas the Jews” that have horrified the world.

October 11, 2023 12:57 pm

If that Pali protest is to go ahead on Sunday in Sydney, can anyone in the know please let us know where the Jewish supporters will congregate.

I’m sure many of us available would like to offer our support.

October 11, 2023 12:59 pm

Thank goodness for that, Bruce must have been referring to Experts.
Hop Men.

Or not.

The Pride of Ringwood hop was bred from the Pride of Kent and grown locally for use in lagers. It was once ubiquitous in Australian beers (and got a bad name for that reason) but a quick check of the interwebs informs me we now grow 8+ varieties commercially, mostly in VIC & TAS. Those places are warm by northern European standards and can experience higher than the mid 30s in January.

I will say this about the use of hops, though – some of those fashionable American style IPAs are ridiculously over-hopped.

October 11, 2023 1:01 pm

Oct 11, 2023 12:55 PM

The handwringing of our elites how Australians voting No to a racist referendum proposal will blacken our name in the world didn’t pan out as they predicted.

It’s their protected terrorists chanting “Gas the Jews” that have horrified the world.

The Gateway Pundit – America

Palestinian Sympathizers in Australia Chant Antisemitic Slurs “F–k the Jews” and “Gas the Jews” in Front of Sydney Opera Following Hamas Massacre (VIDEO)

Australia’s political leaders have expressed outrage and condemnation following a pro-Palestine protest in Sydney on Monday. The rally, aimed at showing solidarity with Palestine, took an ugly turn when the protesters began shouting anti-Semitic chants.

Almost 2,000 demonstrators gathered in the heart of Sydney’s central business district to show support for Palestine. The protest kicked off at Town Hall and then moved towards the Sydney Opera House. Despite the overarching message of solidarity, the event was marred by instances of extreme anti-Semitic rhetoric from some attendees, causing widespread outrage and concern.

Some of the protestors voiced extreme anti-Semitic views, including the highly disturbing chant of “gas the Jews” and “f–k the Jews.” There were instances where the Star of David was burnt in front of the iconic opera house.

Daily Mail reported:

There were scenes of chaos at the Opera House as the demonstration was hijacked by radical Muslims – some wearing black masks – who threw lit flares at police and chanted ‘f*** Israel’ and ‘f*** the Jews’ beneath the steps of the iconic harbouside venue.

At one point, there were even chants of ‘gas the Jews’.

Daily Mail Australia witnessed a large crowd of men attempting to set light to an Israeli flag with firecrackers before stamping on it and tearing it to shreds.

Cries of ‘Allahu Akbar’ (God is great in Arabic) and ‘death to the Jews’ rang out as some members of the crowd swarmed towards the police barrier, brandishing torn pieces of the Israeli flag – despite the rally organisers calling for protesters to respect the police.

Over 100 cops formed a ring of steel along the steps of the Opera House and didn’t intervene when flares or other projectiles were thrown at them.

Instead, they placed the lit flares in buckets of water as acrid smoke filled the air.

The police are now facing criticism for permitting the protest to proceed and did not intervene while advising Jewish Australians to ‘stay home’ for their well-being.

According to law enforcement, they allowed the pro-Palestine demonstrators to proceed to the Sydney Opera House, believing it was more effective to oversee their movement rather than attempting to obstruct it.

October 11, 2023 1:01 pm

Disturbing video shows tradie threatening Jewish teenagers with an Israeli flag in Sydney’s Bellevue Hill: ‘If I see that flag, I’ll kill youse all’

“Sorry we are not currently accepting comments on this article.”

Of course not.

October 11, 2023 1:03 pm

I remember at the time of the Lindt Cafe siege some social media slime invented how she offered a Muslim girl that “I’ll ride with you” when she was supposedly abused on a train. Where were these self-declared good people to stand or walk with the guys with Israeli flags when they were monstered by police while the terrorists were allowed to rampage through our city?

October 11, 2023 1:03 pm

“We don’t have the powers to stop (thousands of) people from convening at Town Hall.”

NSW phat phuck coppers will bend the knee and wave them through.

October 11, 2023 1:03 pm

My recollection is that many Israelis had to abandon their farms in the area that became Gaza in order to achieve the political solution of the time.

Part of the Gaza agreement was that all the settlements were dismantled & the settlers moved.

October 11, 2023 1:05 pm

Well, taking time for lunch & watched a bit of Pat Dodson’s Press Club address. I wish all Australians could have seen it – he makes no excuses – he maintains that the Mabo decision proclaimed that the Aboriginal population have prior claims to ownership of the entire country. No ifs/buts.

So – this is why the Uluru committee decided that Treaty & Reparations are the way to go following a “Yes” vote & subsequent change to the Constitution.

Yet he still insists Australians “have nothing to fear”. Really ????

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
October 11, 2023 1:06 pm

Minns better not lose the ADF’s phone number because his gutless police force will be of no bloody use.

Lindt Cafe……

October 11, 2023 1:06 pm

Israel doesn’t want to go into Gaza & occupy it.
They just want to make life for Hamas very very uncomfortable.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
October 11, 2023 1:08 pm

Voice ‘about fixing injustices from white settlement’

Labor senator for Western Australia Pat Dodson says the voice is “not about separatism, elitism or special privileges” but about fixing injustices born from white settlement in Australia.

“What drives me is the need for us to acknowledge the Aboriginal peoples as the first peoples, not that they have special privileges, but there’s injustices that need to be fixed, as a consequence of the settlement that has taken place and the way in which that settlement has happened,” he said at a Press Club address in Broome.

Senator Dodson is the government’s special envoy for reconciliation and the implementation of the Uluru Statement from the Heart.

“We know from our High Court, our own High Court in Australia, that made it clear that the legal fiction of Terra Nullius was a lie, deliberately constructed to dispossess and displace the Aboriginal people and to enable governments of the day to use us as play tools,” he said.

“What drives me is to stop that nonsense, give the Aboriginal people their voice, so they can also take responsibility for the direction of the future we’re seeing some of the direction, needs to be participants in society.

“It’s not about separatism, elitism, special privileges, it’s to navigate the course under our direction, judgement, and under our responsibilities and accountabilities.”

“We ask the Australian people, the decent good people in this country – and that’s all Australians, I’m not separating anyone out here – to support the simple proposition, the very humble proposition to create the recognition of the Aboriginal people in the constitution and to give them an instrument, a voice, a body, through which they can say to the Parliament and to the executive what the concerns are.”

H B Bear
H B Bear
October 11, 2023 1:10 pm

I will say this about the use of hops, though – some of those fashionable American style IPAs are ridiculously over-hopped.

You’re not wrong. Weird hipster doofus hops too. Worse than Earl Grey tea.

Boambee John
Boambee John
October 11, 2023 1:11 pm

Oct 11, 2023 11:57 AM
Don’t the New South Wales coppers have teargas and truncheons?

Minns better not lose the ADF’s phone number because his gutless police force will be of no bloody use.

Hmmm. Defence Force Aid to the Civil Power? What say you Dot?

October 11, 2023 1:13 pm

There are almost 1,100 Palestinian Christians living in the Gaza Strip

When you chose to live on a stack of dynamite surrounded by children with lit matches it’s hard to complain when it goes boom.

Robert Sewell
October 11, 2023 1:14 pm


Oct 11, 2023 8:15 AM
If ground penetrating radar can show up all the underground aquifers in the river Nile, why can’t it detect tunnels?If ground penetrating radar can show up all the underground aquifers in the river Nile, why can’t it detect tunnels?

the question was about infrared, not radar
some things are transparent to infrared
the ground certainly isn’t one of them

The question was also about detecting tunnels, MT.

October 11, 2023 1:16 pm

Israeli lawmaker calls for using ‘doomsday weapons’

Gaza should be “flattened” with nuclear-capable missiles, a member of Knesset from the ruling party has stated

Israel should use Jericho missiles to “level” Gaza “without mercy” after the weekend’s attacks by Hamas, lawmaker Revital Gotliv has said. Gotliv is a member of Knesset from the ranks of Likud, the party of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

“Jericho Missile! Jericho Missile! Strategic alert. before considering the introduction of forces. Doomsday weapon! This is my opinion. May God preserve all our strength,” Gotliv posted on X – formerly Twitter – on Monday, according to a machine translation from Hebrew.

Jericho is the name of an Israeli intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM), whose most recent iteration is capable of striking almost anywhere in the world. Israel is widely understood to have anywhere from 100-200 nuclear warheads, something the government in West Jerusalem has neither confirmed nor denied.

On Tuesday, Gotliv followed up her post about nuclear missiles with another, calling for “crushing and flattening Gaza.”

“Only an explosion that shakes the Middle East will restore this country’s dignity, strength and security! It’s time to kiss doomsday. Shooting powerful missiles without limit. Not flattening a neighborhood,” she posted. “Otherwise we did nothing.”

“Not with slogans, with penetrating bombs. Without mercy!” added Gotliv.

Palestine accuses Israel of using restricted weapons (VIDEO)READ MORE: Palestine accuses Israel of using restricted weapons (VIDEO)

October 11, 2023 1:18 pm

You’re not wrong. Weird hipster doofus hops too.

With “notes of orange peel, clove and pine”.

To me they smell and taste like potpourri.

October 11, 2023 1:18 pm

Just watched the video of the tradie threatening the kids .. he is clearly visible, the words are audible and he’s standing next to his car (hand on open door towards end) .. should have no trouble getting the licence plate off the vid .. and, of course, to be there confronting the youths you’d have to assume he’s on the job thereabouts .. it ain’t exactly a full on industrial area ………!

October 11, 2023 1:20 pm

When you chose to live on a stack of dynamite surrounded by children with lit matches it’s hard to complain when it goes boom.

From today’s Catholic Weekly I read:

“Our community is very unique in the sense that Christianity didn’t come to us, it came from within us.

“We are the continuation of 2000 years of Christian presence in that land.”

October 11, 2023 1:21 pm

Babies beheaded, 40 children shot dead in a single settlement, and families burnt alive by Hamas… SAM GREENHILL meets survivors of the death squads and hears their stories of unimaginable horror

Hamas massacred 40 children in one kibbutz alone, sparking global outrage

Babies beheaded, grandparents slain and families torn apart – the full horror of ‘Israel’s 9/11’ was starting to emerge last night.

Hamas gunmen massacred 40 children in one farm settlement alone, their small bodies lying in their rooms riddled with bullets.

And as shellshocked survivors told their stories, one bereaved grandson, Shmuel Harel, told me: ‘They are the new Nazis. This was a holocaust, pure and simple.’

He said his terrified 90-year-old grandmother’s last moments were being dragged into her living room and shot twice in the head.

A sobbing Israeli woman said she had to listen in helpless horror as her 12-year-old autistic daughter was kidnapped while clinging desperately to her grandmother.

October 11, 2023 1:21 pm

Well, taking time for lunch & watched a bit of Pat Dodson’s Press Club address. I wish all Australians could have seen it – he makes no excuses – he maintains that the Mabo decision proclaimed that the Aboriginal population have prior claims to ownership of the entire country. No ifs/buts.

And that would be the primary basis for expanding Voice powers to direct governments in future on any issue or law, backed up by a friendly court ruling or rulings.

Cross fingers the country has/will narrowly avoided a soft coup this time.

October 11, 2023 1:23 pm

… the Mabo decision proclaimed that the Aboriginal population have prior claims to ownership of the entire country.

The King might disagree.

Robert Sewell
October 11, 2023 1:23 pm


I repeat my comment of last night about the undesirability of complimenting the enemy by using their chosen name. I’m writing of h@m@s of course.

Muddy, it’s a 4th order issue.
While these sociopaths are murdering babies, we just call them by whatever brand of Islamic Lunacy they call themselves.
It’s not as if there are only one type.

October 11, 2023 1:25 pm

The question was also about detecting tunnels, MT

fair enuf

October 11, 2023 1:26 pm
Robert Sewell
October 11, 2023 1:28 pm

Doc Faustus:
Re the GPR subject.
Thanks for the explanation. I assumed there was one, but didn’t know of it.
My experience of the technique is from survey where old diggings from 2-3000 years ago, where the mine tunneling in Egypt came up in a gold mine survey.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
October 11, 2023 1:28 pm

I will say this about the use of hops, though – some of those fashionable American style IPAs are ridiculously over-hopped.

I’m a big fan of well-hopped beers and ales and I agree. As Bear notes above, it’s about ‘tasting note’ wankery rather than creating a decent flavour.

October 11, 2023 1:30 pm

Luton Airport car park collapses:

All flights are suspended until 12pm as fire rips through newly-built site and five people are taken to hospital as explosions are heard and firemen battle to stop inferno spreading

The inferno was caused by a car fire, London Luton Airport said in a statement

A witness described the speed in which the blaze tore through the car park’s upper floor as ‘incredible’

The newly-built car park building at Luton’s Terminal 2 has partially collapsed, Bedfordshire Fire and Rescue Service confirmed, as crews work to wrestle control over the blaze.

Pictures of the inferno will no doubt cause worry for British holidaymakers who left their vehicles at the airport before jetting off overseas, with video showing debris collapsing on cars.

Cars on the top deck of the multi-storey have been left completely burnt out by the huge fire

Looks like the whole car park has just fallen down through the flames!

October 11, 2023 1:33 pm

Pat Dodson, eh?

They really do have no Plan B.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 11, 2023 1:34 pm

Gaza should be “flattened” with nuclear-capable missiles, a member of Knesset from the ruling party has stated

Understandable given the emotion levels right now, but dropping nukes onto a place only a few miles from your own country seems contraindicated. The fallout alone would be a serious issue.

Also unhelpful when it’s looking increasingly likely that our friend Vlad is about to test a nuke in a month or so.

Analysis: Russian nuclear test would send warning signal, prompt others to follow suit (9 Oct)

October 11, 2023 1:35 pm

“We can’t stop a thousand people all gathering at the same place,

No, you can’t. What’s to stop them “gathering” outside a synagogue or school?

The Rum Plod won’t stop them.

It’s “free speech” too, so that’s okay.

October 11, 2023 1:35 pm

Meanwhile, The PM Hosts a Fun Run in NT

Thank you Stu of NT!

From the Comments

– AnAl is giving the whole of Australia “the runs”.

– Once a dick always a dick.

– Media blackout from midnight tonight. Should have been a month ago!

– He’s what you call a blot on the landscape. While the country suffers from cost of living pressures, world turmoil continues and protests cross Australia, Albanese continues his country wide Voiceless tour and ignores every other thing a responsible head of government should be attending to. That t-shirt must be odorous by now.

– As the scale and horror of the massacre is revealed, I notice that the global leftist media (NYT and BBC) are backing off from using the misnomer “militants” – a soft and pliable descriptor – to describe the terrorists.

In case I have not made myself clear, it is an obscenity to label stone age fanatics who behead babies and kidnap young women to become sex slaves as no more than militants.

Albanese might take this on board in his future choice of words.

October 11, 2023 1:37 pm

As Bear notes above, it’s about ‘tasting note’ wankery rather than creating a decent flavour.

Just differentiating their product is incredibly hard. Pushing the recipe off the fashionable limits is one way to do it.
A few weeks ago we went to a gin bar in Darwin which had maybe 60 different gin varieties from around Australia, all with varying ‘botanicals’, and a ‘fashionable tasting note’ for each. Those distillers and blenders used ‘hipster’ and ‘native’ variety ingredients to great effect.
I shudder to think how long it would take to taste every IPA in the bottleshops round my home. Simple solution I have achieved is to ask for Cooper’s Green.
Job done.

October 11, 2023 1:40 pm

I shudder to think how long it would take to taste every IPA in the bottleshops round my home

But it had to be done, and I was not a shirker.

October 11, 2023 1:42 pm

The horror in Israel has put the failure of Western multiculturalism on shocking display

Civilisation is at a crossroads: one way, there are deluded progressives cheering on mass murderers – the other, everything we hold dear


Several years ago, I was chairing a panel of writers talking about motherhood

when an Orthodox Jewish author made an observation I have never forgotten. Twins were not viewed as a blessing in her community, Sally said.


“Because when they come for you, it’s too hard to pick up both of them and run.”

The other mums on the panel were stunned into silence.

When they come for you, the Jewish mother said, not if.

On Saturday October 7, Itay and Hadar Berdichevsky realised that “they” had come for them. Gunmen were breaking down the door of their house in a kibbutz not far from the border with Gaza.

The couple, both aged 30, placed their 10-month-old twins in a secure place. In their panic and dread, with seconds to spare, the parents locked away their treasures for safekeeping.

Itay and Hadar were murdered by Hamas thugs. Twelve hours later, Israeli soldiers (IDF) found the two babies in their hiding place. They were alive, but they were orphans; the mother and father, who spent their last minutes on earth protecting them, were gone.

In the five days since Hamas’s monstrous attack on Israel, we have heard many such devastating stories, flinched at graphic videos like the one of the battered young woman meekly being bundled into a Jeep, her jogging pants full of blood.

Such images make you feel physically sick. But watching the TV news, and listening to the radio, I notice how quickly certain broadcasters prefer to move the conversation on from these so-called “unimaginable” traumatic events to the plight of the Palestinians.

(In particular, Jeremy Bowen, the BBC’s International Editor, has provoked the ire of some British Jews with his flinty lack of compassion for Israel’s sorrow).

With indecent haste, before the 900-plus victims have even been laid to rest, reporters seek the opinions of extremists who are permitted to explain that mass murder, rape and the abduction of children and ladies in their 80s are somehow justified because the Palestinians are oppressed.

One Hamas representative actually told Radio 4’s World at One that his side had not killed any civilians.

Would presenter Sarah Montague have interviewed the head of an Einsatzgruppen Nazi death squad in 1943 to provide similar “balance”?

October 11, 2023 1:42 pm

Bill Ackman

I have been asked by a number of CEOs if
would release a list of the members of each of the Harvard organizations that have issued the letter assigning sole responsibility for Hamas’ heinous acts to Israel, so as to insure that none of us inadvertently hire any of their members.

If, in fact, their members support the letter they have released, the names of the signatories should be made public so their views are publicly known.

One should not be able to hide behind a corporate shield when issuing statements supporting the actions of terrorists, who, we now learn, have beheaded babies, among other inconceivably despicable acts.

If you support Hamas, you are either a retard or evil.
Best to avoid employing either of those groups.

October 11, 2023 1:44 pm

Yael Bar tur
This is Inbal Lieberman, 25, security coordinator of Kibbutz Nir Am. She heard gunfire and opened up the weapons stash, grabbed volunteers one by one from their homes and put them in positions. All 25 terrorists were killed on the fence due to her heroism. The Kibbutz suffered no losses. ??

25 Hamas killed.
A good start.

October 11, 2023 1:44 pm

Coffin lid slams open and look who pops up.

Christine Milne AO. AO no less.

Terrorist attacks are horrendous but so too are war crimes. Collective punishment is a war crime. Cutting off food, water and energy to Gaza and subjecting people to indiscriminate bombing is a war crime @SenatorWong Will Australia condone war crimes committed by Netanyahu Govt?

October 11, 2023 1:46 pm

The Israeli flag was turned into two question marks.

Boambee John
Boambee John
October 11, 2023 1:46 pm

Knuckle Dragger
Oct 11, 2023 12:27 PM

The ABC budget IS our money.

Crossie and KD

It was a flippant suggestion, made in the sure and certain knowledge that Their ABC would not willingly give up a cent of their budget to anyone.

October 11, 2023 1:48 pm

subjecting people to indiscriminate bombing is a war crime

She is such a retard.
Israeli has broadcast on TV instructions in Arabic to residents of Gaza of how to get to the “safety corridor”.
No bombs have been dropped on that corridor.

October 11, 2023 1:48 pm

Germany Resurrecting 3 Coal Plants in Quest to Stay Warm this Winter

It seems the German govt leaders decided not to commit suicide just yet. Steiner will be there any moment to save them.

Back to nuke plants next winter?

October 11, 2023 1:49 pm

I shudder to think how long it would take to taste every IPA in the bottleshops round my home.

Let’s see…

I’m getting cat’s piss up front with notes of pine-o-clean following and…yes, it’s definitely grandma’s lounge room in the background.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 11, 2023 1:49 pm

A few weeks ago we went to a gin bar in Darwin which had maybe 60 different gin varieties

Local bottlo lately has been trying to flog off the stuff no one buys, so the lady hopefully asks if we might be interested in their cheap reduced specials.

Two recent ones were a dealcoholized gin and a lime flavoured run in a fluorescent green bottle. No thanks, says I.

Booze seems to be an area of furious, if not always successful, innovation.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 11, 2023 1:50 pm

Rum, not run. Run though I did, away.

October 11, 2023 1:51 pm

This Jew now knows where she now stands. This Jew is no longer safe in the city she was born in.

Appalling but true, Cassie. All due to the monumental block headed stupidity and arrogance of politicians over the last fifty or so years.

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
October 11, 2023 1:51 pm

Over the last few days, noticed ABC radio news has gone from pronouncing “Hamas” as “Clhamash” back to “Hamas”…
“Uluru” from “Oolaroo” to “Ullurrru”.
*Any sightings of That Wong Chap’s “Occupied East Jerusalem” lately?

October 11, 2023 1:53 pm

Gaza should be “flattened” with nuclear-capable missiles, a member of Knesset from the ruling party has stated

You can never find a good neutron bomb when you need one.

Davey Boy
Davey Boy
October 11, 2023 1:54 pm

team Yes now sending out mass SMS containing the “80% of indigenous support the Voice” lie.

Rufus T Firefly
Rufus T Firefly
October 11, 2023 1:56 pm

Rufus T Firefly
Oct 11, 2023 10:09 AM
Last November, Russia introduced a motion in the UN, to “Oppose Nazism”.

I’m sure they were genuine and sincere.

So, ….., are you suggesting that we should NOT support that motion, because of who put it forward?

Are you retarded?

October 11, 2023 1:57 pm

The Telegraph UK – All flights suspended as large fire breaks out at London Luton Airport

Witnesses report cars exploding as fire service tells people to avoid the area

From The Comments

– Another EV no doubt.

– It could be an EV but given Luton’s demographic it could also be related to events in the Middle East.

– EV drivers are a bit like vegans – they always tell you within the first 5 minutes of a conversation that they drive a Tesla or some other milk float. Avoid them at all cost.

– Almost certain it was an EV

– Seems strange for such a large fire to take hold so rapidly in a structure that is almost exclusively concrete – the flames must have leapt from car to car with remarkable speed. Not that there’s any possibility of foul play in Luton at this time of course.

– Damn that climate change.

– After being together in the same car park for 2 weeks, they all synchronised their time of the month.

October 11, 2023 1:57 pm

“80% of indigenous support the Voice”

Except when they don’t, which will be in various polling booths this Saturday.

Bar Beach Swimmer
October 11, 2023 1:58 pm

Luigi at Ayres Rock with tears and justification. “I’m a conviction politician;…couldn’t kick it down the road”.

October 11, 2023 2:01 pm

Oops missed this one!

If the dodo and EV had existed in the same era, the EV could have been used to cook the dodo … and in the strangest of places too! I’m sure it would have been a delicious treat.

October 11, 2023 2:09 pm

“We are the continuation of 2000 years of Christian presence in that land.”

Procession of Saint Januarius during an eruption of Vesuvius in 1822.

With respect, I’m sure the some of the Christians at that procession thought the same sort of thing. Others obviously didn’t. Being Christian and living where other Christians have for however long doesn’t keep the volcano from consuming you.

October 11, 2023 2:18 pm

Don’t the New South Wales coppers have teargas and truncheons?

Dyed water cannons and dobermans and razor wire to funnel the crazed mob into vans straight to the courts.

I could do a better job at controlling terror than the NSW Police Commissioner at half his wages.

October 11, 2023 2:21 pm

This Jew is no longer safe in the city she was born in.

Cassie – be aware that the majority of the population supports Israel.. but they are silent.

How we energize them away from ‘standing meekly by’ is the question.

October 11, 2023 2:22 pm

Let’s see…

I’m getting cat’s piss up front with notes of pine-o-clean following and…yes, it’s definitely grandma’s lounge room in the background.

So, like Emu Export, Carlton Light, XXXX Gold and every other 1970s factory beer then?

And when any of them are used they put the product in cans labelled ‘Fosters’ and send it to England.

October 11, 2023 2:23 pm

Putting this up as an example of the crap (and barely disguised justification) that the “Free Palestine” type people are sharing on SM.

“I built a new house. There were people living where I wanted to build it so I just started building it on top of them. They tried to stop me so I had to kill them for being terrorists. If you disagree with my actions you’re basically a NA$I. I have a right to defend my house.”

From one Caitlin Johnstone

Salvatore, Iron Publican
October 11, 2023 2:24 pm

John Oct 11, 2023 2:18 PM
I could do a better job at controlling terror than the NSW Police Commissioner at half his wages.

.. at half her wages.
John, don’t risk being convicted of “misgendering”

October 11, 2023 2:25 pm

“Noel Pearson has warned there is “no Plan B” if the referendum fails on Saturday and says there will be no other path for reconciliation.”


Firstly, The Voice is Plan B and upscaled and permanent version of Plan A, which is what we have now. For lots of money and we get meetings, committees, reports, visits to sites, insults to everyone else especially the taxpayers, complaints to the UN and anyone who will listen, corruption, greed and a gap that is not closing as it is seen as non-aboriginal’s problem and they have no involvement in solutions other than to complain.

There is no responsibility for lifting themselves out of the mire they have created by insisting on using dead languages, such that people from the hhomelands cannot visit a city without a bodyguard and translator.

The Voice is an underhanded emotional plea to the goodwill of a christian based society. No shortage of people throughout the world who scam us because we are polite and care about others, hence so much outrage here at the ingratitude and hatred directed at us by people like Pearson and the professor woman, Marcia (?). Ever seen the yotube video, “you can go now”? A defeated people’s attempt at rewriting history.

Secondly, it underlines that Reconcilliation is not and never was and never will be a 2 way street, there is zero ownership for it on the aboriginal side of the house. The expectation is we should just chip in forever and that’s what the Voice is about, that they can lay the blame for everything at our feet and we pay and practically worship them because 200+ years ago their lifestyle was disturbed.

They don’t have a living history, it’s just made up. Can any of them name a historical figure from their history beyond 100 years of British settlement? Of course not, it’s just a fantasy that sadly many charitiable and caring people help them sustain.

The Voice is an enhanced version of Plan A, but embedded in the Constitution and if it gets there, we are dooming generations of kids to misery and isolation. English is the universal language and they don’t learn it or they think it is clever to use it for their own butcherous slang.

Scools in the NT closed out near the homelands because no one ever went to school nd the teachers were in constant danger, so were the nurses who kindly went out there.

Where has all the money gone? Countless Ministers of the commonwealth and states have spent billions of our taxpayer’s money and the Voice salespeople behave as if not a cent has been given to them, what frauds!

Ungrateful frauds

October 11, 2023 2:27 pm

A bit jerky, but Dutton’s roasting of Albanese for hiding from the Israeli and Lakemba situations was pretty well done.
What he failed to say was that Albanese is exclusively devoted to saving his career as a consequence of Voice disaster and doesn’t give a rats about bloody Jews.
Funny how he could spend only two hours in crisis torn Alice but is spending days being stroked at Ayres Rock.
The ABC coverage is going to be excruciating.

Robert Sewell
October 11, 2023 2:27 pm


Oct 11, 2023 9:45 AM
All this talk of protests without a permit and unsavoury things said at said protest is short sighted – the real point is that citizens MUST be free to (peacefully) assemble and MUST be allowed to say their piece. That some of them say things we dont want to hear is the price we pay for freedom. Free speech isnt free if we restrict speech we dont like.

This is an admirable position to take – unfortunately, it has been overtaken by events. The refusal to allow us our own peaceful assembly while allowing the Hamas supporters theirs has negated it.
To Hell with the Arabs and the camels they rode in on. We either fight now, or we are relegated to secondary class citizens by our own government.
Appeasement does not work – I thought we’d realised that.

October 11, 2023 2:28 pm

Palestine accuses Israel of using restricted weapons

Serves every last one of you right, you sub- human gutless murderers.

October 11, 2023 2:29 pm

Cassie – be aware that the majority of the population supports Israel.. but they are silent.

Edmund Bourke’s “good men”

October 11, 2023 2:31 pm

That some of them say things we dont want to hear is the price we pay for freedom.

We haven’t been free in a long time, so why in the hell should THEY be?

October 11, 2023 2:34 pm

Great review of the origins of Israel and of the recent attack.

What is actually going on in the Middle East – Nick Freitas

October 11, 2023 2:34 pm

Serves every last one of you right, you sub- human gutless murderers.

Donate: Friends of the IDF

Robert Sewell
October 11, 2023 2:34 pm


It is the progressive left across the West who’ve enabled these Nazis.

The Progressive Left are the orchestra waiting at the gates of the Extermination Camps to lull the victims into a false sense of security.

October 11, 2023 2:36 pm

.. at half her wages.
John, don’t risk being convicted of “misgendering”

That explains a lot.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
October 11, 2023 2:43 pm

Luigi at Ayres Rock with tears and justification. “I’m a conviction politician;…couldn’t kick it down the road”.

I can understand the tears. Completely.
The polls are telling him he has an existential problem starting on Sunday.

Sitting up behind him, sharpening their steely knives, are loyal colleagues who will be asking:

• Why he has blundered his way through each and every classical textbook error in the Referendum process – in favour of fighting Torries in Parliament;

• How he proposes to deal with the newly scratched running sore of Aboriginal disadvantage now that he’s announced there is ‘no Plan B’;

• How he’s going to recover the trust of Corporate Australia now that Team Luigi has turned a 70% certainty marketing advantage into a loss-leader;

• What damage has been done to Labor’s 2025 electoral prospects by BBQing whatever goodwill he had on a single issue – while letting the politics of everything else bob around like jobbies in the national swimming pool.

The best he can hope for now is a Bradbury squeak over the line, followed by the ongoing political horror of implementing the Voice and whatever he imagines Makarrata to be, with Greens hands up his jacket, in front of a bitterly divided national Greek Chorus.

Tears of a self-performed wedgie.

October 11, 2023 2:49 pm

I’m in moderation for using a derogatory term to describe Albanese’s attitude towards Israel and Lakemba.
My point was that Dutton did a reasonable job nailing Albanese for being the least concerned, involved and supportive of all the Western leaders in relation to the war and is completely AWOL in relation to the Lakemba terrorists.
He missed an opportunity to highlight that Albanese’s only interest is saving his career due to his Voice disaster.
This man who would spend only two hours in crisis torn Alice can spend days being stroked at Ayres Rock.
What a creep.

October 11, 2023 2:49 pm

Yes propaganda inside Canberra airport, no surprise.
Even the Melbourne carpark bus was flashing ‘vote yes’.
Too late.

October 11, 2023 2:49 pm

Edmund Bourke’s “good men”


October 11, 2023 2:50 pm

The best he can hope for now is …

is more than usual amount of electoral fiddling.

October 11, 2023 2:52 pm

What drives me is the need for us to acknowledge the Aboriginal peoples as the first peoples….

no, the indigenes who were here at settlement were the ‘first people’ …. but they are all long dead, as are the original settlers. No one here now has any responsibility for what happened.

October 11, 2023 2:55 pm

The inferno was caused by a car fire, London Luton Airport said in a statement

Whats the odds a Tesla started it?

Mark from Melbourne
Mark from Melbourne
October 11, 2023 3:00 pm

Free speech isnt free if we restrict speech we dont like.

Never were truer words spoken.

But “we” showed more than adequately that “we” don’t like Jewish speech on Monday. It has been pointedly made clear that free speech will not be tolerated if it happens to have a Yiddish accent. That sort of speech should shelter in place. “Watch the wall, my darling, while the gentlemen go by”.

The issue here isn’t with free speech so much as it is – does this sound familiar? – authorities deciding what constitutes acceptable speech.

Monday was an absolutely clear example of the right to free speech being taken arbitrarily from our Jewish brethren, not by some baying mob, but by “us”.

Unless being led off in handcuffs (‘for your own safety”) because you were carrying a *rolled up* flag, or having to take cover behind cops because you dared unfurl one, counts as free speech.

We already knew we had an “authority” problem. This is just more grist to that mill.

October 11, 2023 3:04 pm

The vast majority of Palestinian Christians have been persecuted out.
I’m surprised there are 1100 left.

Real Deal
Real Deal
October 11, 2023 3:08 pm

Tears of a self-performed wedgie

Liberty quote, Dr F.

October 11, 2023 3:09 pm

Thank you Mark.

  1. Lizzie, unfortunately our recent American guests (from Seattle) were incorrigible Democrats. But they also are in despair re their country…

  2. There were conservative posters back before he was first elected. They said “New Labour, New Danger”.

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x