vr March 7, 2025 11:43 amWhere are we on tariffs now? The constant exaggeration and then walking things back is not…
vr March 7, 2025 11:43 amWhere are we on tariffs now? The constant exaggeration and then walking things back is not…
Downgraded to cat 1.
I note with interest that Alfred is slowly,slowly making its way towards land. Very slow indeed. Perhaps he’s waiting for…
Lizzie, the rubber suits in which the Gimp spends most of his time, suspended from the ceiling, are simmering Petrie…
I don’t really care, Gimp.
James Paterson on 3AW this morning said it best, I think.
“I wouldn’t write them off. They may come back into the fold”.
His emphasis was on the electorates coming back … not on designing entire Green-Left policy structures to attract them.
This referendum should tell them they are on a winner with sound conservative policies and a spokesperson who isn’t scared of the ABC and can string a sentence together.
““Professor Peter Slezak, who is Jewish,”
A Jew hating Jew, our history is riddled with them.
I’ll bet good money this just results in a legal dogfight of monumental proportions – look at the West Australian experience with what was described as a “de – facto” treaty – SEVEN Noongars claimed they hadn’t been properly consulted…..
I tend to agree with you, Sancho. Like all things bureaucratic though, vigilance is always handy.
Remember…the only overwhelming “Yes” came from the ACT.
They are the outliers. Make sure they stay that way.
At which point is someone in the Opposition going to call out TheirABC for blatant violation of their Charter?
This is not just the petty political interference that we have been forced to become accustomed to. This is taking a side in the most important political process we have – a Constitutional referendum.
It is hard to imagine a more egregious breach of the ABC Charter.
If the Coalition had any guts, they would move that the Parliament reprimands the ABC for their coverage of the the referendum and its aftermath. Sure, they would lose on the numbers, but a robust and very public debate needs to be had.
I remind the missus from time to time.
that the problem isn’t government
it’s neighbours, friends and family
our suburban block adjoins five others
two are normal
one is to stupid to vote
and the other wants you dead and will steal your stuff
… and a couple of doors up the court is the Animal Rights mole who has failed to get anywhere in 4 elections now
Marcia Langton today:
“It will be at least two generations before Australians are capable of putting their colonial hatreds behind them and acknowledging that we exist.”
You’d think some introspective silence would be advised to digest the result.
Some reflection on what Jacinta Price was arguing and why it struck a chord with the electorate.
A mea culpa for her role in the referendum’s demise.
No… we’re all racists.
Time to shuffle off the public stage, Marcia; you’ve clearly got nothing more to offer.
Compulsory voting has the unintended consequence of making organised cheating — now widespread in American swing states — very difficult in Australia.
But make no mistake: to be a “progressive” is to want to steal elections because they know better than us. Progressives hate democracy.
How amazing! Minns let the illegal Hamas supporting protest go on without a single arrest.
‘People listened’: Pro-Palestine rally avoids Opera House drama (Tele, 15 Oct)
All you need to know about Labor. They’re genocide supporting hypocrites.
Heartbreaking: Irish Father Shares Relief His 8-Year-Old Daughter Was Killed by Hamas Rather Than Being Kidnapped by Monsters ‘Death was a Blessing’
Look at the poor little sweetheart. She was deliberately murdered by the hamas dogs. Hamas puts their kids into extreme danger as shields; and the leftie grubs bleat equivalence. If I was her dad I know what I’d be doing.
Memo to Marcia Langton – how many generations will it be before YOU put your hatreds behind YOU?
On what basis should the Hyde park crowd have been arrested BoN?
Because you didn’t agree with their politics?
Can a free Palestine peacefully co-exist with Israel?
Re Marcia Langton:
Her perpetually sour face says it all. In spite of her attainment of professorial status & the benefits that go wth it, her demeanour is one of persecution. She is a really unlikeable public figure.
In two generations seething with hatred Marcia there probably will be so much intermarriage the issue of who’s who in the colonial zoo will be even more muddied and the demands from FABoriginals even more farcical.
Yeah, weren’t you the same guy who normalized relations with the ChiComs?
Thanks for nothing.
Forbes top 50 richest out. Gina still well ahead of twiggy; gina’s litigious daughter no 4 with 12 billion. Apparently gina’s sprogs, except for the youngest, are woke tools; I suppose that explains why gina doesn’t spend much of her $31 billion on anti-woke ssues.
Free Palestine is code for from the river to the sea.
Gazans bind themselves in chains and blame the Israelis next door.
Terrorism supporters. That attracts serious gaol time Rosie.
Then there’re the hate speech laws.
And illegal protests are illegal, as we saw when Covid mandate protesters got monstered by plod. Does one special bunch of people get a free pass?
We need to run a book.
Who breaks Pearson’s “Week of Silence” instruction first?
Wishing someone a slow and painful death is the mark of a psychopath imo.
it’s written into the Hamas Charter
Palestine rejects a two-state solution both on paper and in practise
so … no
Yeah, that’s why we’re wanting Jacinta Price for PM.
If I was an Israeli soldier, on deployment in the Gaza Strip, I’d be seeing her face, every time a Pali put up their hands and tried to surrender…
Albos downfall
I couldn’t resist
Not the Hyde Park bunch.
But the @rseholes outside the Great Synagogue with their flags should have been given similar treatment to Mr. Spiro at the Town Hall.
If not, why not?
Incorrect BoN it wasn’t authorised but it wasn’t against the law to attend.
Nor is supporting Gazans explicitly supporting hamas.
Even I pity their situation as pawns of hamas.
Because unlike Mr Spiro they weren’t at risk of being torn apart by a mob?
Quite a few out of the blocks today: Langton, Perris, Parkin, Mayo.
Seems Noel only speaks for Noel.
Curse you, that’s an afternoon glass of red, and a new keyboard you owe me!
Deary me. Courier Mail:
I realise that the putrid old hag was Albanese’s senior in the Trot hierarchy, but seriously, how could anyone, even someone as stupid as him, nominate her to be the spokesthing for your career defining signature policy proposal.
I guess it worked for him when they were beating up Torries in the Glebe branch, why not the whole country?
Yeah, weren’t you the same guy who normalized relations with the ChiComs?
To be fair to him at the time, the strategy was to divide any China & Soviet Union relations.
In the early 70’s, who would have thought that corporate America & DC would have sold out to China so thoroughly.
According to Reuters, data provided from the Energy Information Administration (EIA) showed the Strategic Petroleum Reserve had about 351.3 million barrels as of September 29.
Biden sold the U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserves (SPR) to Europe, India and China.
Clover blames Trump!
Is there anything this man can’t do?
Many thanks, Mole. Magnificent.
Joe Biden wished George Floyd a Happy 50th birthday on Saturday.
“We have been rejected by the Australian people. Reconciliation is dead.”
— Aboriginal activist and artist Sally Scales, a Pitjantjatjara woman
Erm…can I still buy a dot painting?
For those with the Messiah complex who want Jacinta to be PM – I wonder how many of you wanted Julie Bishop to be PM ten years ago?
Get a grip.
If she became PM tomorrow, she would be slaughtered. Being the PM is not about giving the odd inspirational speech, or leading a single successful campaign, no matter how important.
Some people here seem to confuse being the PM with being the President of the United States. The PM needs to understand all the intricacies of Parliamentary procedure, at a minimum. She can’t possibly do that, having been there for five minutes, and anyway is in the wrong House.
Every time someone makes an inspiring speech, some people here demand that he/she should be PM. Messiah syndrome.
You complain about lefties running on the Feelz, and then this crap?
Did anyone ask her if she wants to be PM?
Thought not.
More good news on the family front. Extended family in Perth are having twins. Yay!
When does it start? If after the result was announced, Farcia has already done so.
The Three Horsemen of the Mongopolypse!
Classic. Perfect. Unassailable.
I salute you!
Yes it was Rosie. It was reported to be an illegal protest. I repeat it was an illegal protest. I have seen no reporting otherwise. Anyone attending it was breaking the law.
Break the law and get the consequences. Two tiered justice is the modus operandi of the Left. Our nation cannot afford such practices.
RS does Luigi know where our strategic reserve is? Its so strategic its not even here.
Basket of deplorables: 60% of Australia.
Well what else was I supposed to think?
Two wicked old ladies on the same page here.
Give the lass time to prove herself over a number of issues. She’s a winner, but needs space.
Also….remember Joh for PM?
Oh, and more fantasising:
Pull the other one, it plays You’re the Voice.
BTW, look at the photo of the ‘indigenous’ mother. FFS.
Poor kid. I can just see the future of bitterness and hate this child will grow up with.
Luigi the Munificent* – quite possibly the biggest loser in Ozzie history. 🙂
The man is a moron.
*With OPM.
** chuckles
Just watching Khartoum for the umpteenth time. Curious programming.
Take note Hyde Park grubs.
According to ABC Comments-Are-Turned-Off News misinformation, disinformation
and conspiracy theories from the official and unofficial No Campaign
stopped the country from being lead forward into those broad, sunlit uplands.
Frank Elly sounds like she thinks a
Winnie MandelaLidia Thorpe United Football Club would be a good idea.No more talk of reparations and a treaty?
Roger at 1:10
No one does lipstick on a pig like the Liar Left and their media mates.
A breather, a quiet moment ahead of what will likely be a Week of Wonders as ‘No’ trickles through the Nations’ political systems.
Just finished a batch of Café de Paris butter – in two hours to be melted on to a thick cut, medium rare eye fillet.
To be served with a jacket potato with ‘Brekkie Creek’ bacon sauce and a tomato, fennel and basil salad.
No BoN it was an unauthorised protest but
Hudson being the NSW acting police Commissioner David Hudson.
Perhaps you should take it up with him.
Rand Paul: Unraveling Government Lies and Cover-ups During the COVID Pandemic
Top Biden Official Under Criminal Investigation
This morning I caught the train from Strathfield to Central. My sister lives in the inner-west. I wanted to get home here to the eastern suburbs before the trains and the CBD became full of Pallie Nazis.
I walked up the station ramp at Strathfield and saw, on the platform, about ten police. I approached a group of the police, there were five of them in a cluster, and I asked if they were at the station to monitor the planned Palestinian protest in the CBD. One of them, a male, said yes. I told him I was Jewish, and I asked him if they were going to provide a personal escort for the Palestinians, like they did last Monday night, and if they’ll stand back again and do nothing whilst protesters scream out “gas the Jews” and “kill the Jews”? I then told the constable that I now have zero respect for the NSW police after what ensued last Monday night and that I don’t trust them to keep Sydney Jews safe. He looked askance and said “I’m sorry about that”, to which I said, “the NSW Police should be apologetic, and please pass this on to your superiors”.
The protest today should not have gone ahead, they’ve very deliberately thumbed their noses at the NSW government, at the NSW police and at the Jewish community. They’re in control now, and they’re using it it intimidate us. Apparently the protest passed without incident, which is good. I have no problems with legal rallies/protests but what happened last Monday night was a descent into barbarism. As for its legality, I’m still not sure if it was legal. My understanding is that it was not, however the NSW Police have just preferred to roll over and submit.
Were Joe Biden’s classified memos valuable to Hunter’s clients? Congress wants to know
I went to the beach to read my book (in the shade now summer has started).
Many thanks, Dr Faustus. You’ve just reminded me I have a 200g eye fillet in the freezer. Tomorrow’s dinner with Dijon mustard and chips. Mmmm.
Even I pity their situation as pawns of hamas.
It’s hard not to.
I doubt that he knows where the Strategic Reserve is.
But you can bet your last dollar that if this shitshow turns into a shitshower, his son will be over there supervising it from a safe office under Cheyenne Mountain.
So the great Dijon shortage of 2022 never eventuated, eh?
Another conspiracy theory bites the dust.
Some reflections on last evening Cats.
About twenty people present, a surprising number of whom were conservatives, including one I’d never realised.
The four most unrepentant of us gathered out on the balcony with champagne.
And apologies for the misreporting of the results in the teal electorates. 😕
Met a conservative woman last night who was totally clued in. She mentioned AGPs* – and I knew immediately which monsters she was referring to.
There were two Poles there (and their son who is an Ozzie, so he gets a pass) one of whom admitted to me that he was hoping the conservatives won the election. Unsurprisingly, he had nothing remotely positive to say about the EU. He and his woife have been living here since 1982. Meanwhile his woife marveled at how I managed to keep my adidas basketball boots so white. Hint Ma’am, they are brand new, which always helps. 🙂
We all saw how anti-lockdown protesters were treated.
The double standards are sickening.
Rosie – Do you not understand English? It was an illegal protest. Therefore anyone attending it was breaking the law.
Furthermore they were supporting a terrorist organisation: Hamas.
Terrorist supporters attending an illegal protest should be arrested and charged under NSW law. That Minns did not do so means he’s a hypocrite.
NSW premier ‘utterly disgusted’ by Sydney’s anti-lockdown protest (2021)
Oh dear my mistake I meant this link from today. Only out by 2? years. Anyone could make such an error! Bad me.
Did the anti Jew hate march take place in Sydneystan today?
Two grievous political failures.
Minns’s premiership is diminished by this.
I prefer sirloin to any other cut but getting it marbled is the hard part. Dijon goes so well with steak.
Ve do not accept mistakes Bon.
Quote from Ace:
Going the Gloat! 🙂
I don’t get rightwing leftards like Minns — especially now that the ALP represent no-one because unions are no longer required to have a membership to support them as they’re now on Paul Keating’s compulsory superannuation gravy train.
I no longer have the information, but wasn’t 5% the point at which Muslim communities started making demands of their host nation for ‘special treatment or violence’?
They must be getting close especially as our political classes refuse to stand up to them.
She’s fun.
‘We’re in a war’: Lidia Thorpe calls for ‘truth-telling and treaty’ with Indigenous Australians, arguing Voice referendum ‘should never have happened‘ (15 Oct)
Lady you can sign the treaty on the deck of HMAS Canberra, in Sydney Harbour, using the pen the Japanese Foreign Minister used.
Just because you say this on repeat doesn’t make it true.
Ostensibly it was a rally to support Palestinians who are not synonymous with Hamas.
And iirc the NSW government was using emergency powers to prevent the free movement of people in 2021, something you seem to have conveniently forgotten.
Those powers lapsed, a long time ago.
If you think the acting police Commissioner is wrong about it not being illegal to assemble in Hyde Park take it up with him.
Last night Chris Kenny was nasty and hysterical on Sky about the failure of the referendum and tonight it’s Joe Hildebrand’s turn. He’s giving it a good go.
Barry at 3:10
Agree – and it violates the principle of an election at a point in time. All applications for prepoll and postal should be accompanied with a stat dec (with a few well publicised prosecutions). Present AEC procedures are doing no one any favours.
Let’s have some vintage Bowie, Cats!
And some Ronson with a Lake Placid Bleu Telecaster in the Hammersmith Palais*.
“Strap the guitar on and just thrash it to death …” 🙂
*From 39:37, Cats.
I can live with that, Bear. My parents would be more than happy to comply.
I would surmise there have been quite a few discussions behind the scenes involving the police, lawyers and the government and the rally organisers.
At the end of the day, the government hasn’t provided the police with the powers they required to act legally.
That makes Minns’s promise that the rally wouldn’t go ahead look hollow.
Don’t draw a line in the sand if you’re not prepared to stand to it.
Yes it is, Rosie, because (a) I have cited reports (b) argued from fundamentals and (c) given direct evidence of wrongdoing.
It was widely recognised to be an illegal protest, including by the NSW Government.
Yet they defied authority and went ahead. All of them should have been arrested and charged.
On Sky News’s new show Sunday Showdown, Joe Hildebrand is now Sky News’s useful radical idiot retained by Ruperdink Mudrock to be the media voice for the ALP.
Sadly, because of that undisclosed arrangement, he will be supporting his family with that arrangement long after Sky News’s other on-air useful idiot Chris Kenny is shown the door in the next three months because he has become a ratings disaster.
Did anyone from the AEC ask Albanese his reason for voting early?
How dare these mediocre reporters lecture us on how we should vote. Fuk off Kenny, Hildebrand and Fartin.
Grate. So the illegal Jew hate gathering did go ahead, thanks to that soft communist utterly incompetent cockgobbler minns and the labore partee.
Nice multicu*tural society you’ve got there, imbeciles. Pity if allan’s snackbar just happened to start popping up everywhere … 😡
Rococo Liberal at 5:13
Without SloMo every Lieboral’s job will be significantly easier at the next election.
Yes. As soon as I saw him on – click.
Which is a shame because I like Caleb’s show but I refuse to watch morons who are only there so that Sky can pretend at being diverse.
Same same Reece and Conroy.
We have it on all counts. Firstly, we live in Wentworth. Enough said there. Secondly, we’re still friends with a very few old lefties from our own leftie days, and some of our kids, our 20 year old grandson, and my Big Sis and deceased brother’s families are good lefties too. The familial tradition, via Nana (my mother, daughter of a Welsh coal-miner), has tended always to Labor. Not everyone sees how corrupted Labor has become.
Most of the Yes voters we know are good and decent people who would have voted Yes in order to help aboriginal people, without spending much time thinking about how, like our Balmain wallpaper store owner. A lot of the blame can be sheeted home to the mass media, feeding concerned Australians nonsense and lies. Also, that old university indoctrination dies hard in those exposed, like my Big Sis (who serially marries Greenies), and me post-grad at uni during the Whitlam years.
I’m hopeful the Referendum result will bring some to rethink what they were fed by government and institutions, just a Covid has done. It’s a fulcrum on which the tilt is towards the good. We can work on that for further pushes against the post-modernist Marxists currently running things under the leftist Labor banner. Australians have voted NO very firmly to all of that.
What’s this hostile and antagonistic attitude towards BoN?
What did he do or post I’m not aware of, please tell.
Ashes to Ashes is still my favourite Bowie.
Apparently Mick Jagger continues to be a fundamental orifice.
Mick Jagger’s ‘still an a**hole* says Keith Richard as he talks change of group dynamic (14 Oct)
If he hasn’t resigned by about several hours ago, then he needs to be jerbsacked.
Hopefully the Ruperdink Mudrock still has some sort of special veto at Sky.
Kenny, you insufferable sanctimonious knobhead – your position in your bully pulpit is now untenable.
I don’t have a problem with a peaceful protest by Palestinians and their hard-left comrades in Socialist Unity, the Greens and Labor politician staffers. But perhaps you may not have known, and this is what this protest today was about in Sydney’s CBD, and the protests in London, in NYC and all the other major global cities, we Jews aren’t the victims here. No, no, no. Despite the fact that over 1200 Jewish men, women, children, babies (and animals) were butchered by Palestinian Nazis on Shabbat morning, 7 October 2023, apparently it isn’t the Jewish dead who are the victims here. Did you not know that? You see, the REAL victims are the Gazan Palestinians, oh yes, because they’ve been subjected to years of Hamas control (that they voted for), to an apartheid Israel that doesn’t exist (there is no apartheid in Israel), to an occupation that doesn’t exist (Israel pulled out of Gaza in 2005) and the PA runs most of the West Bank, to those meanie meanie beastly Jews who stole Palestinian land, again a fiction. I could go on. I linked to quite a succinct youtube explanatory video on the history of the Israel/Palestine conflict on the Israel/Gaza thread. It’s good.
You see, it’s the Palestinians who steal from us, and they’re trying to rob us of our identity, of our victimhood. You couldn’t make this shit up. This is the story of Jewish history, even when we are the victims, even when we’re butchered, slaughtered, raped, we are erased by the Palestinian fiction that it isn’t the Jews who are the victims, it’s the Palestinians.
I’m f*cking sick of it..
I especially liked the video footage of the supporters in Melb
words to the effect
… as a communist, I support Hamas and Hezbollah in the fight in the war against Israel
rosie, yr an idiot
When you’re purveying actual science as opposed to “Scientism” you’ll attract some hysterical incoherent screechers, audible in space as they may be.
Simple Jack Hildebrand. The maggot has gone Full Retard.
“rosie, yr an idiot”
No she is not, I understand what she is trying to say.
Miss Ellie: “To live in fear, is not to live at all …”
The price will be higher, to soothe the wounds.
The difference between pallis and hamas is the width of thorpie’s frontal lobe. Palli kiddies begin their hatrad of Israel from an early age:
Terror Show at a Gaza Kindergarten Graduation Ceremony Translation by Yuval King
One of the reasons the liars are so pro palli and muzzie generally is this:
How can I pass up that intro? Poetry in motion!
She Blinded Me With Science – Thomas Dolby (1982)
“…at the Home for Deranged Scientists”
Renewable Energy Sector Toppling as Investors Pull out Billions
“It looks like a green energy bloodbath.”
Rosie is a thoughtful person who asks questions and is not inclined to change her mind unless given a compelling answer.
The very antithesis of an idiot, in fact.
Not that she needs my support.
“Those stupid smelly hideously uglee and common outer suburban working class Neanderthals, I tells ya!
How dare they!”
Yet they wonder why 60% of the peoples in this country utterly despise them.
Like, it’s any sort of mystery, man. 😕
Calm down fellers. Rosie is spot on.
Under the prevailing legislation & powers of today (i.e. Sunday 15th October 2023) people going to Hyde Park, Sydney is not illegal.
It’s if a whole lot of people turned up with picnic rugs for a Sunday afternoon.
I disagree with rosie over the protests.
Neither of us are idiots. Well, I might be, but the voices in my head say “no!”.
Just like they did yesterday. 😀
We did pre-poll this time, won’t again. An out of the way location, average set-up. If we can’t do the day in future, we’ll be going postal (deliberate).
I.e. involving the great unwashed.
For Clover, a far more elegant – and effective – democracy is where an elevated enlightened class (such as her!) tells the people how to think and they dutifully and gratefully comply.
Asking them their opinion before giving it to them? That is Trumpianism.
Favourite attendee at Hyde Park: The ethnic Vietnamese in Communist Party clobber, wanting Australia to be communist (in addition to Israel wiped from the map)
“Sydney Lord Mayor Clover Moore has blasted the “ugly, Trumpian tactics””
Sydney Lord Mayor Clover Moore has said nothing about the very “ugly, Nazi tactics and taunts” uttered last Monday night, at the Sydney Town Hall and then at the Sydney Opera House.
Hey Clover, any condemnation, any denunciation of “gas the Jews”.
Seriously though, if the protesters had confined themselves to the park, I’d have given the buggers a pass…through gritted teeth.
It was the clowns outside the synagogue that got my dander up…pure provocation.
Try that at Lakemba.
I say no too.
The ethnic Vietnamese in Communist Party clobber, wanting Australia to be communist
What’s stopping him emigrating then? Last time I was in Vietnam still plenty of hammer & sickles about.
Rabz – The official video is fun. The track is absolutely awesome, really good. But the video is hilariously bad.
Of course, over time you seem to have to end up shooting at them.
Four leaf Clover is a phony pony full of baloney. Didn’t she get a garage built for her Surry Hills abode after championing public transport. Only for the little people obviously.
Minns is fortunate that it didn’t get out of hand again.
If the war expands to include other powers, as threatened, he won’t have that luxury.
Neither will the nonentity in charge of VIC.
I hope they have anticipated this development.
New York based comedian Aaron Berg (yes he’s Jewish) has a character called Isis-Faggot that he used to break out whenever there was a terrorist attack.
The gist of the character was so say the most depraved sexual things of & finish it off with an Allens Snackbar.
This week he launched a new character Hamas-Homo which was along the same lines but no way near as depraved.
As he’s Canadian by birth & does regular gigs north of the border, I can’t help but think their new censorship regime would be in the back of his mind.
The last thing he’d want to do is a Hamas-Homo bit then get targeted the next time he was up there.
They’ll handle it about as adroitly as the Lindt Cafe siege was handled.
The ethnic Vietnamese in Communist Party clobber, wanting Australia to be communist
Very odd.
Most Viet migrants don’t have much time for the politics of the old country.
They want to own their own home & run their own business.
The way the Stupid Retarded Libs haven’t been able to capture that community is beyond belief.
I love the internet, and search engines. Took a couple minutes but I found the track!
Paranoid Android – Radiohead (1997)
Very long time since I’ve listened to it.
If it comes to that (heaven forbid), just call in the army’s special forces.
It’s a no brainer, as my American cousins would say.
Keep in mind, if you tried Isis-Faggot or Hamas-Homo here in Australia, the HRC would be all over you.
You can chant “Gas the Jews”, the HRC is fine with that.
Rabz in fine form tonight. Most excellent
calli, my understanding is that they confined themselves to the north end of Hyde Park. They didn’t march.
Happy to be corrected on this.
I am not aware that at either of the rallies anyone has stood up and regretted/rued the dead Jews. But that’s because, with these people, even when Jews are butchered, slaughtered, and raped, it’s their fault.
It’s obscene, utterly obscene.
That’s summed up the premiers alright, no brainer.
Not just Hyde Park. A thousand or so outside the State Library in Melbourne today chanting ‘Free Palestine’ then setting off for Parliament where they listened to rants. Rinse and repeat next Wednesday.
Yes, peaceful on the face of it. But the tone of the rhetoric is not.
Jews gathered last evening in a park at Caulfield. Quite different atmosphere. No targets, no ranting speeches, just supportive of Israel.
The Hamas supporters seem to be settling in for a campaign. It may be peaceful but it’s also intimidatory. Used to see the odd yarmulke on public transport in Melbourne or around uni. No longer.
The fact is the pallis, like hamas and the rest of islam in varying degrees want Israel destroyed and the Jews exterminated. They are subject to constant conditioning when young and do not recognise Jews as humans. It is pure anti-semitism.
I don’t see how Israel can co-exist with any of the mongrels. And why should they based on this comparison:
Comparison of Arab and Jewish Nobel Prize Winners
Jews are slaughtered in their beds but we Jews can’t even assemble down at the Opera House to watch the building be painted in the colours of the Israeli flag. Oh no, the Palliie Nazis put a stop to that, and they celebrated by screaming out “gas the Jews”.
But you see, they’re in charge now, much of the West has submitted.
Although I’ve been impressed with Macron.
No, Cassie. They didn’t march. But a few jokers placed themselves outside the synagogue with their flags. After the police instructed them to move on while in their car.
I posted pictures earlier.
The Hamas supporters seem to be settling in for a campaign. It may be peaceful but it’s also intimidatory. Used to see the odd yarmulke on public transport in Melbourne or around uni. No longer.
Re Hyde Park mob.
I’d rather they’d never been allowed to emigrate here in the first place.
Every time I see anyone in islamic dress I have to grit my teeth.
I didn’t see calli, when did you post them?
Can you post again.
Some more Bowie.
David Bowie – Hurt (1994)
I particularly like the Johnny Cash version.
You’ll have to scroll down. Tried to embed the video but didn’t work.
Those eponymous Peace Academies aren’t going to establish themselves.
This one’s better.
Let’s remember that our right of free assembly and free speech were defenestrated by the go ernment for the duration of the China Virus.
And the propogated spectre of Grampian Nazis has allowed a goose-chase against wrongspeak.
CL has a post up about QLD banning thoughtcrime, check it out.
Let the @rseholes into the open, I say. At least it’ll force the Liars hand into either owning the railhead vote, or more maybe eventually condemning and outlawing Islamism.
Thanks calli, and you’re right, we’re being deliberately intimidated. They parked there deliberately. There’s no way this would have been allowed to have happened at Lakemba.
That’s raghead of course
Seems retiring Greens Senator Janet Rice was leading the chant for a “Free Palestine.”
Remember the days of yore when immigrants to Australia were expected to leave their old world enmities behind?
More enlightened times.
Cats, I’m entirely unsurprised at collectivists and their (not so tame) moozley pets getting all excited (again) about the prospect of an ongoing Jewish bloodbath, but riddle me this – why aren’t they out in the streets screechingly screeching* for an a long overdue end to the wussia/’kraine contretemps?
*audible in space
A bit of distance is a good thing.
From A Million Miles – Single Gun Theory (1991)
Not at the Australian Open tennis. Watch a bit of tennis, have a few beers and settle some old scores. A great day out.
Was it you who mentioned seeing Khartoum for the umpteenth time?
That is a “good” movie, of course, as the mighty warriors of Islam (TM) win. Don’t hold your breath waiting to see El Cid once, much less many times. A “bad” movie. Even though El Cid has Muslim allies, he defeats the invading Muslim army.
They aren’t cuddly, old Gay GP tree huggers anymore.
In 1967, Australians were counted…
I’ve seen Janet Rice up close. Feral.
They don’t BJ. The Mahdi dies. The expansionist dreams are dashed.
Gordon goes to his eternal rest. This is the subtext.
Don’t worry miltonf. You’re safe. 😀
Russia is aligned with Iran & Syria (& China).
Expect some major flips on that if the war expands.
1941 deja vu.
Kids and/or grandkids who never lived under communism but have been indoctrinated by the modern education system?
Agreed – absolutely ‘orrible, BoN – some silly ol’ poof.
Which is why I posted the video that showcases a certain young woman’s awesome bottomage instead 🙂
“That” being prog-left support for Ukraine, in case there was any ambiguity.
For the Left, it’s always about politics, not principle.
The women blow and the men chunder!
Men At Work – Down Under (1980)
And getting closer and lovey- dovier by the day.
Not sure the West can support wars in Ukraine, The Middle East and South Asia all at the same time.
Not while transitioning to net zero anyway.
We’re one more shoe to drop away from having to make some major decisions vis- a- vis who the hell we are and what we’re all about.
East not south.
Most Viet migrants don’t have much time for the politics of the old country.
Exactly FTB, the amount of SVN flags I have seen round Cabramatta is quite amazing including one prominent one on a house on Railway ave other side of Canley Vale. I even saw one up at Cessnock on a winery near Pokolbin rd. The guy at the protest must have a screw loose…
I’m remembering an ANZAC Day march, way back when, when the A.D.F contained a fair percentage of Vietnam veterans, and a group of South Vietnamese ex – servicemen marched under their flag.
Is WW3 kicking off?
what exactly is rosie trying to say?
and why cant she just say it?
I don’t speak mong?
Excellent one liner about the Hyde Park rally … er informal legal gathering & the sea of lefty flags & banners in a photo of Hyde Park.
A “Yes” campaign rally, with one extra flag added.
Lets go sailing.
What Time Is Love? – KLF (1988)
you could have a go.
try using whole sentences to construct an argument
Yes, but Khartoum has fallen, and the Mahdist army is not finally defeated until 13 years later, at Omdurman.
Great analysis by PML on the screech and possible consequences for next election; conclusions:
rub and tug is a vindictive, arrogant piece of shit who will enact revenge for his loss; ie: mis and dis bill, more ruinables, every woke issue plus introducing the screech in every shape and form.
The media in this semi shit hole is stuffed, particularly the abc; its treatment of the great Jacinta and Mundine deserves anything imaginable.
Dutton will be the focus of the government/media attack
It will be hard for the LNP to capitalise on the NO vote mainly due to Teal subversion. Ergo another rub and tug government, albeit a minority one.
I slightly disagree with the final conclusion. I think by then the effects, including blackouts, of the ruinables push will be well and truly manifest and that will translate to votes. The virtuous arseholes in their comfy suburbs won’t cop regular blackouts.
The difference between Bishop and Price is considerable. The former was always a gormless bimbo on the make. Price is intelligent and articulate.
I don’t believe in messiahs, but I like seeing sane, realist bright people in politics. Price is one. Bishop never was.
what are you trying to say?
put a finer point on it instead of the normal nebulous gibber
Great fight between Tszyu and some tough sob who went the distance. Tszyu looks the goods:
Asked AI to come up with something funny, using three key words.
In Nebluous, sipholistic limericks went nebulously derivative, with everyone reciting them in one-legged hilarity …
… while inserting various ill defined implements in their fundaments …
AI is malevolent dangerous joke.
Programmed by collectivist autists.
What could possibly go wrong?
ah …the other site idiot chimes in
with no point to make
go an uptick yrself again JC
Anyone seen the footage of the animal in the US who went on a date, filmed most of it which included her eating 48 oysters?
The bloke went to the bathroom & did a runner.
He didn’t even finish his only drink while she guzzled down a few.
And she went mental.
AI = Human Stupidity (again)
You heard it here, first Cats.
1. Not much ,and will be used like any other tool
2. Fcuking frightening and will end up killing us.
Pick your poison.
I tend to choose 1. At the end of the day, most of AI’s functionality will be outlawed and just used to cheat on homework for those that are smart enough not to get caught.
I’ve only ever used ticks once and I informed Calli 30 seconds later that it was meant as a joke. How ironic that you, you are demanding Rosie used full sentences rather than some disjointed bilge mixed in with unused words to make one sound smart. Go flick a switch, you asshat.
There’s a target every evening with you.
The battle of Omdurman featured a charge by a British Lancers unit, the designation of which escapes me, who had no battle honours, and whose regimental motto was alleged to be “Thalt Shalt Not Kill.”
What in the Woild?
2032 – Hausfraus schlock in bleu … 😕
is this where we are?
pro Pali demonstrations are pimped as benign?
where openly communist sentiment goes without challenge because … feelz?
but it isnt illegal because … well, they have good intentions?
Yarks, as he imagines himself …
you are full of shit
… and everybody knows it
Why is it stupid to use another tool that may be useful?
Okay. You believe you’re smart too.
what’s rosie’s point JC ??
what the actual … is rosie’s point?
rosie … what’s yr point?
Because the “tool” has been programmed by collectivists, JC.
I’ll continue to utilise my ol’ increasingly unreliable grey matter, rather than be hijacked by slick fraudulence.
Speaking of dinosaurs, here’s some rock ‘n’ roll … 🙂
Funny that, since you’ve disgraced the site with your presence, you’ve been asked to explain some of the numerous drunken and stupid assertions you make. And you’re now wanting something from me? How derivative, solipsistic, nebulous.even.
I’m applying your standard, Trans. No explaining and just assertions.
here’s some more
MT, the gubmint and the rozzers should have nothing to do with anyone having a get-together and saying stuff out loud.
If they push and shove or stop others from their full liberty, then yep truncheon time.
If they call for violence, then yep lock ’em up.
It ain’t hard
Free speech is free speech
Free assembly is free assembly
Violence is a crime
Incitement to violence is a crime
stfu JC
There are new ones coming out that will be much more reliable than GPT. Musk is coming out with his.
The trouble with an honest AI is that it would be totally honest and above board. I’m not sure humans are ready for that because we generally live through lies and delusional beliefs. At least lot’s of us do. It’s going to be a cliff hanger once it starts to accelerate.
Go flick a switch.
How many free incompetence passes do the dickheads in the (alleged) NSW government get, FFS?
That slimy effeminate cockgobbler minns has now blown* two in the last week.
“Kill the J*ws, Gas the J*ws”
While lurking in front of Sydney’s main Synagogue.
Great look, NSW. 😡
reckon I just did numb-nuts