Open Thread – Mon 16 Oct 2023

View of the Cannaregio Canal, Francesco Guardi, c. 1770

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Dino Saur
Dino Saur
October 16, 2023 11:16 am

Maybe the disaffected Yessers should actually read what the Constitutional amendment was. Indeed, still not sure that “in recognition of” actually mean they were officially recognised.

As for “there shall be a body”, while the Parliament was to sent it’s rules, who was to form it, the Surf Lifesavers?

The question of identity was not established either.

There was no stipulation that Aboriginal /Torres Strait Islanders were to be the only ones on the Voice. Indeed if you read this, it has been expertly manipulated otherwise

Presumably the reasons include
1. avoiding the racist tag,
2. avoiding issues over just who is an Aboriginal
3. allowing those with White Saviour Complex, membership?
4. allowing non indigenous “experts”, membership?
5 and so on

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 16, 2023 11:16 am

H B Bear
Oct 16, 2023 10:10 AM
Some interesting observations about the relationship between Advance Australia and the Lieborals in that Albrechtsen article. They (the Lieborals) aren’t there yet.

Apparently the pearl-clutchers at Liberal HQ had to break out the smelling salts at the suggestion that the words “race” and “division” might be used in the campaign.
Even though the whole premise of the thing was … you know … division by race.
As it turned out, the foot-dragging by the Liberals was a good thing. The campaign lead was taken up by Advance Australia, which means it wasn’t diluted and neutered by the Photios Phaction, or hampered by Kean-leaks.

October 16, 2023 11:16 am

Clearly staff were well away that any opposition was going to have them labelled racist so they kept their thoughts for the ballot box.
Perhaps the endless acknowledgements, often repeated by every virtue signaller at meetings, might be discouraged.
Am so so glad I’m no longer in employment.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
October 16, 2023 11:16 am

I’m now expecting a total shut down between the resources sector and the traditional owners.

Perhaps we could shut down the Centrelink payments in response.

We are going to see legal process, partly funded by the tax payer.

Given how much dosh the likes of Rio and BHP gave to the Yes case I think we’re going to see quite an outbreak of galloping schadenfreude.

Partly an ‘insurance policy’, partly ESG. In the case of Rio, fence/image rebuilding.

Come to naught.

Wally Dali
Wally Dali
October 16, 2023 11:17 am

SA will definitely get Voice, Treaty, Reconciliation, Reparations, …and RSA style tribal funds for evah.
Like famous poll victories over Scottish independence, the EU Remainers and the Swamp, we can expect Gramcsi’s penetwated bureaucracy to continue with implementing their agenda undaunted… unbowed, unembarrassed.
So, Albotross will declare Oz Day ’24 will be a day of “solemn reflection”.
Muchas beer and Cypriot lamb at my place, tho.

October 16, 2023 11:21 am

Bang on Dino Saur, at 11:16 AM today and kudos.

October 16, 2023 11:22 am

Perhaps it’s just me, but it seems more than a little improper for the govt to spend many millions of taxpayer money barracking for one side of a political issue.

Their job is to execute the thing, not fund the promotion of one side of it.

October 16, 2023 11:23 am

I have given some thought to the parlours state of our universities and intellectual institutions and have noticed that western intellectuals have had common sense trained out of them, what is even worse, they have had natural instincts trained out of them as well. Normal people recoiled in horror from the recent massacres in Israel yet far too many intellectuals had no trouble justifying these horrific acts. As for the demonstrating and rioting students, they want to please their professors, to show that they belong in the rarefied intellectual circles.

However, last Monday nights Lakemba rioters have no such excuse, they have been taught to straight out hate Jews in particular and every non-Muslim generally. What is dangerous is that the Judeo-Christian civilisation and culture has been eradicated from our public life and our intelligentsia have joined forces with those who wish us death. Where do we turn?

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
October 16, 2023 11:23 am

There was no stipulation that Aboriginal /Torres Strait Islanders were to be the only ones on the Voice. Indeed if you read this, it has been expertly manipulated otherwise

IIRC this point was raised in Parliament by Dutton during the ‘debate’ on wording – to which, spittle faced, Albanese referred to the Calma-Langton report as evidence of details that made it a stupid comment and misinformation.

It never resurfaced.

H B Bear
H B Bear
October 16, 2023 11:23 am

Clearly staff were well away that any opposition was going to have them labelled racist so they kept their thoughts for the ballot box.

The power of the pencil. Magnificent! Every time.

October 16, 2023 11:25 am

“Everyone knows how to spell Tory. “Torrie” is the Albo affectation. ‘I fight “torries”, that’s what I do.’”

Sounds like that old pinko folkie, Woody Guthrie, who had is guitar emblazoned with:

“This guitar kills Fascists”.

Then again, Guthrie senior was eclipsed by one of his proteges, Pete Seeger; “Americas most successful communist”.

October 16, 2023 11:26 am

Perhaps the endless acknowledgements, often repeated by every virtue signaller at meetings, might be discouraged.

I think I mentioned the time my daughter was called into a staff meeting after hours to deal with some crisis.

They were getting stuck into the problem when someone piped up, “Wait…we haven’t acknowledged the elders”.

There was a brief moment of silence, some eye rolling, and they continued with the meeting.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 16, 2023 11:26 am

Partly an ‘insurance policy’, partly ESG. In the case of Rio, fence/image rebuilding.

Interestingly Twiggy didn’t donate, he was careful to stay on the sidelines.

On the other hand he has been farting hydrogen copiously again today, so I’m not won over.

Fortescue in line for US green hydrogen funding (16 Oct)

October 16, 2023 11:28 am

Failed Voice could force corporate Australia to rethink position on divisive issues

As if Australians have any choices- Coleworths, Banks Inc, Big4Accountants, WesBunnings, Ruinablenergy Inc, etc.. 80% of Australia’s economy are so mono/duopolised.

Australia’s boards don’t give a sh*t about the sheeple.

Johnny Rotten
October 16, 2023 11:29 am

Pfizer launches cost-cutting drive as covid sales fall:

So short Pfizer shares and buy more Weapon Companies shares. BTW this is not Investment Advice – It is farking common sense.

H B Bear
H B Bear
October 16, 2023 11:29 am

Faustus -which is why a full draft (in the form it would be enacted) Act and Explanatory Memoranda should accompany any Referendum. This was undergraduate, hands over the homework stuff. Exactly like the republic referendum. It deserved to suffer the same fate.

Johnny Rotten
October 16, 2023 11:31 am

Partly an ‘insurance policy’, partly ESG. In the case of Rio, fence/image rebuilding.

They ALL know that ESG really means – Economic Suicide Guaranteed.

October 16, 2023 11:32 am

From the NYT:

Lefties basically call losing undemocratic, despite winning 165 from 460 seats to possibly form an unstable minority government.

Przemyslaw Adynowski, a Warsaw lawyer, said he had voted for Civic Coalition in what he described as “probably the most important election in 30 years.” A victory for Law and Justice, he added, would complete Poland’s “phase of transition from democracy to an authoritarian system” and put it at odds with its allies in NATO and the European Union, except for Hungary, a much smaller nation with little clout.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
October 16, 2023 11:32 am

They were getting stuck into the problem when someone piped up, “Wait…we haven’t acknowledged the elders”.

I know a bloke who broke wind, loudly and long, during the acknowledgement of the elders.

Cassie of Sydney
October 16, 2023 11:32 am

From the Daily Telegraph….

Man unleashes rambling ‘Jews wiped out’ rant at pro-Palestine rally in Sydney

A man who claims to fix planes at a Sydney air force base has been filmed during a foul-mouthed, anti-Jewish rant at Sydney rally.
Lachlan Leeming

A man who claims to “fix planes” at an air force base has escaped arrest at Sydney’s mass pro-Palestine rally despite screaming “get the f-ing Jews wiped out” in a wild rambling diatribe at Sunday’s event.

Video shows the man yelling the inflammatory phrases at the rally with police watching on, in footage posted on X (formerly Twitter) by user Chriscoveries.

“Get the f-ing Jews wiped out,” the man yelled at the protest, with another man walking up to him and warning “that language is not acceptable”.

“I don’t care, as a Muslim I have a right to say,” the man yelled back.

A policeman then approaches the man and warns him “it is an offence to swear in public” before clarifying “you’re free to go sir”.

The man states he’ll go back to Richmond Airport, understood to be the Royal Australian Air Force base, where he claims: “I fix planes”.

In a parting diatribe, the man appears to get former Prime Minister Scott Morrison mixed up with his successor Anthony Albanese.

“Australia has become a nanny state. What are the Aussies doing … Sco Mo … Albo? You’re siding with the Jews,” he cries.

The same police officer warns again “we don’t want a confrontation or an argument or anything like that” before instructing the man to move on.

Another man at the protest, wearing a red shirt emblazoned with the Communist hammer and sickle and brandishing a sign ‘All Israeli troops and settlers out of the West Bank and Gaza’, professed his love for designated terrorist groups Hamas and Hezbollah.

“I love Hamas and Hezbollah in this present war against Israel … as a Communist,” the man said in video captured at the scene.

He also implored China to get involved in the war on the side of Palestine, before again praising Hamas and regional power Iran in a rambling diatribe.

The man then goes on to declare Aussies should fight against their own “political elite”.

“We want China, who’s the only major power not involved in a major war … to get involved in Palestine,” he said.

“As a Communist person, I’m happy to say that I like Hamas and Iran.

“What can we do in Australia to fight against Israeli terror? Fight against the Australian political elite who hold hands with the Israeli government.”

Police confirmed there was no arrests made during the event and there were no reported injuries, with more than 6000 attendees estimated to be at the event.

The protest, was in stark contrast to the chaotic scenes at Sydney Opera House, which led Premier Minns to apologise to the Jewish community, saying the government “failed” to make them feel safe on Monday after the Opera House was lit up blue and white in solidarity for Israel.

It followed the Hamas attacks on Israel last Saturday, which killed hundreds and has since escalated to war on the Gaza Strip.”

A few points here, ya reckon if a group of far-right men had screeched “get the f-ing Jews wiped out”, they would not have been arrested?

Yet a Muslim man can stand on a Sydney CBD street, almost directly opposite the Great Synagogue and screech “get the f-ing Jews wiped out”, and our NSW police do nothing, in fact they call him “sir”. That Muslim man should have been arrested.


This is the same NSWaffen who dragged a Jewish man away before he had a chance to unfurl his Israeli flag.

The NSWaffen are now dhimmis. They are a disgrace. I will never trust them again, I despise them.

October 16, 2023 11:34 am

Term Limits
Sunset clauses

Don’t start me.

LOL, seemed like a good idea at the time.

October 16, 2023 11:35 am

…a stupid comment and misinformation.

Briefly caught a Yesser on the ABC yesterday lamenting that if only they’d had the new misinformation laws they could have effectively silenced the No campaign online.

October 16, 2023 11:35 am

Global Warming Contines – Snow Today Perisher

October 16, 2023 11:35 am

I heard a Moderna mRNA ad on the wireless this morning.

Hard to see the RoI for that ad spend.

Maybe coinvestors or VICGOV are getting cold feet on the mRNA facility in Mel.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 16, 2023 11:36 am

I know a bloke who broke wind, loudly and long, during the acknowledgement of the elders.

Question asked…

Why Do Democrats Keep Farting On Camera? (15 Oct)

October 16, 2023 11:39 am


Term limits
Recall elections
Jury nullification
CIR to strike down bad laws
Sunset clauses on all legislation

Johnny Rotten
October 16, 2023 11:43 am

Why Do Democrats Keep Farting On Camera? (15 Oct)

Maybe because they are arseholes………………..LOL

October 16, 2023 11:46 am

Re Greg Craven, he was one of the drivers of implementing the Uluru Statement and constitutional recognition, along with Pearson, Michael Kirby & Rachel Perkins.

Then he got sidelined from the process by the Trots.

October 16, 2023 11:48 am

“I don’t care, as a Muslim I have a right to say,” the man yelled back.

“I love Hamas and Hezbollah in this present war against Israel … as a Communist,” the man said in video captured at the scene.

And didn’t our ASIO Boss say that “far right wing extremists were the “biggest threat to Australia’s security? Not violent moslems or Commos wanting to “kill the Jews”?

Thomas Mayo- (Union hack, ex-wharfie, Trot) architect of Sleazy’s rascist referendum, paid tribute to the Communist Party of Australia for their help in getting up and organizing the referendum.

It’s quite clear, the referendum was a Communist designed tool to bring us further into a Socialist totalitarian environment. That is the Govt of Australia today. And assuming that’s a fair assessment, where TF is the LNP on calling out this fkg plague living among us?

Cassie of Sydney
October 16, 2023 11:49 am

Heston Russell has won his defamation case against the ABC…

A former special forces commando has won his defamation case against the ABC after a Federal Court judge ruled the public broadcaster could not prove articles that alleged war crimes were reported in the public interest.

Heston Russell sued the ABC and journalists Josh Robertson and Mark Willacy over two articles that, he claimed, through the use of links and his photograph implied he was complicit in the execution of a prisoner captured during a joint drug enforcement operation ­between Australia and the US.

He will be awarded $390,000 in damages.


October 16, 2023 11:50 am

Heston Russell wins.
Awarded $390,000.

October 16, 2023 11:51 am

Does the Constitution itself get a sunset clause?

October 16, 2023 11:51 am

He deserves 10 times that amount.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 16, 2023 11:52 am

TE quoting the Hun quoting Marcus Blackmore.

“Some of the companies came out and said ‘Well, we‘ve got a responsibility to have a say in these sorts of things on behalf of our staff’. But I bet none of them did it on behalf of the staff. None of them.

“I think what will happen in the boardroom, before they come up with a similar sort of thing again, is the board would want to see the views of the staff. Because if the staff are all opposed to it, or even if 60 per cent of them are opposed to it, then you don‘t want to alienate your staff.”

I disagree.
It’s not about employee opinion.
It is about shareholder money. It’s not yours to spend on personal vanity projects.
The priorities for directors should be:-
– Shareholders. The primary focus is increasing the wealth of shareholders and valuing the capital they contribute to the business;
– Customers. Providing goods and services to customers efficiently and effectively, at a price which both attracts customers and generates profits for shareholders;
– Employees. Running the business for the mutual benefit of employees and the business, to enhance shareholder value.
– Suppliers. See employees above.
– Everyone else. Take a number. Your call is important to us.

October 16, 2023 11:53 am

Does the Constitution itself get a sunset clause?

After the covid abominations, it’s proven worthless- in the sense Govt can pick and choose whatever it wants to uphold.

October 16, 2023 11:55 am

Does the Constitution itself get a sunset clause?

Do you want one or not?

Let’s compare the US and the UK (Airstrip One).

October 16, 2023 11:56 am

The priorities for directors should be:-

1) Lobby the sh*t out of Govts and donate profusely to support that effort with the prime objective of creating red/green/black tape to a) prevent competitivness and b) fleece consumers/taxpayers.

2) refer- 1) above.

3) Daylight.


Barking Toad
Barking Toad
October 16, 2023 11:57 am

Heston Russell wins.
Awarded $390,000.

Hope costs were awarded against their ABC as well.

October 16, 2023 12:01 pm

Heston Russell sued the ABC and journalists Josh Robertson and Mark Willacy over two articles that, he claimed, through the use of links and his photograph implied he was complicit in the execution of a prisoner captured during a joint drug enforcement operation ­between Australia and the US.

He will be awarded $390,000 in damages

The ABC, like the Nine newspapers, no longer screens what it publishes for libel before it is published.

The ABC, like the Nine newspapers, is a reckless activist factory happy to slander its ideological enemies because it knows taxpayers will pick up the bill.

That $390,000 should be immediately deducted from the ABC’s 2023-24 annual budget.

October 16, 2023 12:03 pm

“Some of the companies came out and said ‘Well, we‘ve got a responsibility to have a say in these sorts of things on behalf of our staff’

Same with Unions from my experience. No vote of the membership is taken. The board or counsel, or supreme soviet, or whatever they call it make the decision and inform the membership what their opinion will be.

Johnny Rotten
October 16, 2023 12:04 pm

Heston Russell sued the ABC and journalists Josh Robertson and Mark Willacy over two articles that, he claimed, through the use of links and his photograph implied he was complicit in the execution of a prisoner captured during a joint drug enforcement operation ­between Australia and the US.

He will be awarded $390,000 in damages.

The Long Suffering Taxpayer is farked once again.

Sorry, Cassie of Sydney. You and all of us will as taxpayers pay for all this.

Not The ABC or the Feral Guv’ment.

The System is FARKED.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
October 16, 2023 12:09 pm

Re Greg Craven, he was one of the drivers of implementing the Uluru Statement and constitutional recognition, along with Pearson, Michael Kirby & Rachel Perkins.

Then he got sidelined from the process by the Trots.

Yes he was x 2.
It all seemed so easy when the polls were saying 60%+ Yes – and apparently rising.

Everyone was energised with the Voice Train; Trots, ALP strategists, Torrie fighters, marketing executives, the First Nations industry, the Project – most of the Love Media.

Fish in a barrel.
Simple generous offer that only stupid racists could refuse.
Experts on board: no veto; not a Third Chamber.

Just keep the target small and skate home.

Then Craven pissed in the soup bowl about scope – and over the side he went.

October 16, 2023 12:10 pm

Sorry, Cassie of Sydney. You and all of us will as taxpayers pay for all this.

Not The ABC or the Feral Guv’ment.

Yes, but it will come out of the ABC’s budget, as will the legal costs, which will likely be higher than the defamation payout.

The ABC has in recent times spent more than $20m just defending its staff in defamation cases.

October 16, 2023 12:11 pm

Sydney Moaning Herald Crying Page

The devil in the details: Inside the Yes campaign’s defeat

The prime minister argued Opposition Leader Peter Dutton risked making himself irrelevant if he opposed the Voice. It was a fatal misjudgment.

As recently as March, Anthony Albanese was assuring his colleagues they could defy the weight of history and pull off a historic referendum victory without bipartisan support.

The Voice was a virtuous cause: a call from Indigenous Australians for constitutional recognition and a greater say in the political process. He argued it would be embraced by the nation even if it were spurned by the Coalition.

The prime minister argued that Opposition Leader Peter Dutton risked making himself irrelevant if he opposed the Voice and that in an age in which politics was much less tribal and people were less wedded to political parties, the Yes campaign could and would succeed without the Coalition.

It was a fatal misjudgment.

Australians rejected the Voice in every state and territory except the ACT. Nationally, more than 60 per of Australians voted to oppose it.

The emphatic verdict left Yes supporters shell-shocked. It shattered Indigenous leaders who had campaigned for years for a constitutionally enshrined Voice but were ultimately unwilling to compromise on its scope and power.

When a crestfallen prime minister addressed the nation on Saturday night, he took responsibility for the loss and insisted reconciliation was not dead.

“The truth is that no referendum has succeeded in this country without bipartisan support. None,” he said.

His critics will now ask why he was prepared to acknowledge this truism in the smouldering ruins of defeat, but not heed it from the outset.

The Final 2 Paragraphs really Sums Up Sydney Moaning Herald as An Elitist Bunch of Piss-Ants

In Parkin, Mayo, Perkins and others, a new generation of Indigenous leaders has been forged during this campaign who will inherit the mantle from Noel Pearson From Noosa and Rabid Screaming “Australians are Stupid & Racist” Marcia Langton.

Their public advocacy will likely be characterised by a bitter feud with Price,

a lone-wolf Indigenous leader who is trying to extinguish white guilt and make Australians comfortable with our settler history.

I have Cut & Pasted Sydney Moaning Herald Article into Notes to Print for my Wife – 14 Pages, who wanted it for any furure discussions with Grandkids

October 16, 2023 12:14 pm

Same with Unions from my experience. No vote of the membership is taken. The board or counsel, or supreme soviet, or whatever they call it make the decision and inform the membership what their opinion will be.

Social democracy, good and hard.

October 16, 2023 12:14 pm

Heston Russell sued the ABC and journalists Josh Robertson and Mark Willacy over two articles that, he claimed, through the use of links and his photograph implied he was complicit in the execution of a prisoner captured during a joint drug enforcement operation ­between Australia and the US.

He will be awarded $390,000 in damages.

Those damages need to be taken out of those two journalists’ salaries.

Johnny Rotten
October 16, 2023 12:15 pm

Oct 16, 2023 11:53 AM
Does the Constitution itself get a sunset clause?

After the covid abominations, it’s proven worthless- in the sense Govt can pick and choose whatever it wants to uphold.

Dead right. The Feral Guv’ment did NOT adhere to the Australian Constitution. They picked and chose and selected the parts that they wanted.

The only reason to close a State Border is in times of War. Closing a State Border does not stop a virus as the virus can just float above the state line and go anywhere it wants.


H B Bear
H B Bear
October 16, 2023 12:17 pm

Then Craven pissed in the soup bowl about scope – and over the side he went.

A not so useful non-idiot.

Dino Saur
Dino Saur
October 16, 2023 12:17 pm

“There was no stipulation that Aboriginal /Torres Strait Islanders were to be the only ones on the Voice. Indeed if you read this it has been expertly manipulated otherwise”

Read in “plain language”, it could
be argued that no supporting document is required. That it was deliberately written this way to allow for other possibilities, otherwise why us such wording. Especially if there was to be a challenge to the identity of persons sitting on “the body.” Such a situation is not inconceivable.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 16, 2023 12:17 pm

Heston Russell wins.
Awarded $390,000.

He deserves 10 times that amount.

Maybe Ms Higgins could spare some of her $3 million payout.
Must be a wonderful thing to be a lefty.
Certainly lucrative.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 16, 2023 12:17 pm

Bragging time.
Just compared my Faulty Predictions against the AEC results.
National Result – My prediction 59% No. AEC actual result 60.6% No. Underestimated No by 1.6%.
NSW – My prediction 57% No. AEC actual result 59.6% No. Underestimated No by 2.6%
Victoria – My prediction 54% No. AEC actual result 55.0% No. Underestimated No by 1.0%
Queensland – My prediction 67% No. AEC actual result 68.8% No. Underestimated No by 1.8%
SA – My prediction 61% No. AEC actual result 64.6% No. Underestimated No by 3.6%
WA – My prediction 66% No. AEC actual result 63.6% No. Overestimated No by 2.4%
Tasmania – My prediction 51% No. AEC actual result 59.5% No. Underestimated No by 8.5%
NT – My prediction 55% Yes. AEC actual result 60.5% No. Underestimated No by 15.5%
ACT – My prediction 60% Yes. AEC actual result 60.8% Yes. Underestimated Yes by 0.8%.
Sort of gives lie to the theory of a certain God-Oracle that these things can’t be forecast.
Got NT back to front and undercooked the Yes vote in Tassie by a long way. They didn’t play into the national result in a big way. The big kicker into the national result was underestimating the No vote in NSW by 2.6%.

Robert Sewell
October 16, 2023 12:20 pm


Oct 15, 2023 11:06 PM
The Cure for Socialism

The cure for Socialism is Socialism.

Robert Sewell
October 16, 2023 12:23 pm

Robert Sewell

Oct 16, 2023 11:16 AM

You see, it’s the Palestinians who steal from us, and they’re trying to rob us of our identity, of our victimhood. You couldn’t make this shit up. This is the story of Jewish history, even when we are the victims, even when we’re butchered, slaughtered, raped, we are erased by the Palestinian fiction that it isn’t the Jews who are the victims, it’s the Palestinians.
I’m f*cking sick of it..

The massacre of the Jews wasn’t even 48 hours old before the Left and the Gazans were shrieking about their Palestinian ‘victimhood’.

October 16, 2023 12:24 pm

Those damages need to be taken out of those two journalists’ salaries.

Someone will lose work as a result, but most likely it’ll be the content creators the ABC outsources most of its production work to (anything that isn’t news related, that is).

Either that or regional news services, which are already flagged for future cut backs.

Robert Sewell
October 16, 2023 12:25 pm

Robert Sewell

Oct 16, 2023 11:50 AM
Cassie of Sydney

Oct 15, 2023 8:13 PM
Jews are slaughtered in their beds but we Jews can’t even assemble down at the Opera House to watch the building be painted in the colours of the Israeli flag. Oh no, the Palliie Nazis put a stop to that, and they celebrated by screaming out “gas the Jews”.
But you see, they’re in charge now, much of the West has submitted.

Cassie, a slight correction here – “Much of our political caste have submitted”.
The Political Caste are actively undermining their citizens while allowing the enemy to arm themselves.
So what do we do when the Iranians are able to manufacture nuclear weapons?

October 16, 2023 12:25 pm

Then Craven pissed in the soup bowl about scope – and over the side he went.

Nah. Craven wasn’t a victim. He said it was a flawed debacle and then promoted it at great length and with dedication for months thereafter. He was more interested in his reputation for Niceness than the good of the country.

October 16, 2023 12:25 pm

AlboSleezy & The Australian Labor Party/Greens/TEALS -The Voice Referendum has really brought Australia together!

ABC reporter says Indigenous communities to rethink whether ‘kindness is the best approach’

An ABC reporter says the Voice result may cause Indigenous communities to rethink how they interact with the rest of Australia.

An ABC journalist says the failure of the Voice referendum may cause Indigenous communities to rethink how they interact with the rest of Australia and whether “kindness is the best approach”.

Indigenous leaders may no longer restrain their “black anger”, according to the ABC’s Indigenous Affairs reporter Isabella Higgins, who predicts a rise in “black sovereignty” and a rejection of the “Australian regime”.

Higgins appeared on the ABC’s Insiders panel on Sunday, the morning after the Voice to Parliament referendum was resoundingly defeated.

Asked about the mood among Indigenous Australians at the Yes event in Sydney’s inner-west on Saturday night following the result, Higgins said the community was “resilient” and had “risen from the ashes many times”.

“They said, our communities won’t stop running if this is a No vote,” she said.

“But I think it’s also been the conventional wisdom in the communities that when we’re talking about reconciliation, we use kind language, we’re generous, we extend the hand of friendship, we invite people in to share our culture, and I think if we look at the campaign messaging around the Voice, it was similar to that.

“So I think this failing, this being rejected, so categorically by all Australians, it will change the way Indigenous Australians want to interact with the rest of the country. It will change whether kindness is the best approach.

“I think often in the community, it is well understood that black anger is not tolerated and so we see leaders pull in their rage, pull in their sadness and constantly use language of generosity, use graciousness to try and appeal to the Australian people.

And after, this I think there will be a generation of leaders who have been burnt by this and who won’t be interested in doing that any more.”

From the Comments

– To all Aboriginal people from a no voter. We did not reject you, we rejected a law. All Australians want Indigenous people to thrive, but the Voice to parliament was just not sensible as constitutional change. You already have this, you can organise this yourselves and most Australians would love to see this, especially if it opens transparency of where the money goes that is given to Indigenous communities.

This is how The Voice was proposed to all Australians by Albanese.

Buyer: I want to buy a house
Seller: Here is a house you can buy from me its $30 billion dollars
Buyer: can i look inside to see what it looks like ?
Seller: No, but trust me there is no damages, it is all renovated , has furniture .
Buyer: Why cant i look inside the house ? How will i know there is no damages and that it is renovated
Seller: You will have to trust me, once you hand over your $30 billion dollars then you will see for your self, but remember there is no refund so what you buy is what you get, even if you dont like it.
Buyer: No im not going to buy it, i will go somewhere else to the seller who can show me everything in the house before i spend $30 million.

Seller (getting angry) : Come on man, you are racist if you don’t buy it.

– Sovereignty and disengagement is not very practical given what modern day Australia is. It is not going away. They need to cop this result on the chin, accept it was about the model presented and work to find another way – a practical way.

This presenter’s comments, along with Lidia Thorpe’s, are just silly and emotional and not grounded in reality and should be received as such.

– Kindness?? Stealing peoples cars and caravans, raiding peoples cars to steal what ever of value is inside (in mates case $5000 in camera gear) is your idea of kindness??

– Let the audit begin on the so called aboriginal organisations who are supposedly looking after the aboriginal people!!!! And see where all the TAXPAYERS money really goes to!!!!

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 16, 2023 12:26 pm


Oct 16, 2023 10:26 AM

The Prime Minister has flagged that, post the Voice referendum, his government will turn its full attention to the decarbonisation of the economy and the prospect of Australia becoming an renewable energy superpower.

Blaming Dutton not getting much traction then.

I think there would have been some “frank and open” discussions yesterday where Luigi was told to cease and desist fighting Torries on this issue.

October 16, 2023 12:26 pm

Those damages need to be taken out of those two journalists’ salaries.

We also should campaign for legislation that the ALPBC budget be reduced by 10 times every defamation judgement against them. In addition, an equal budget to the ABC budget for a information service that is dedicated to explaining issues in a rational and centrist way, up to rationalist bloggers and Cats/Kittehs to allocate.

October 16, 2023 12:31 pm

Dino Saur
Oct 16, 2023 11:16 AM
There was no stipulation that Aboriginal /Torres Strait Islanders were to be the only ones on the Voice. Indeed if you read this, it has been expertly manipulated otherwise

That aspect was very murky. The Final Report to Parliament on the Voice said that em>The National Voice would consist of 24 members with gender balance structurally guaranteed. The base membership model provides for 2 members from each state, the NT, ACT and the Torres Strait. But, there is no information about how Voice members get to that position – except that they are ‘appointed’ after being ‘collectively determined’. No information on who selects the people, by what mechanism, under what oversight? Validated by who? All avoided with a ‘leave it to us’ approach.

Then, the ‘Ethics Council’ (!?) decides who is eligible and will be 3-5 people …. with a majority of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people – “in appointing people to these positions, there would be consideration of appropriate skill sets such as governance, law, dispute resolution and cultural guidance.

I think we could be certain that the Council would be to be seized by the most extreme elements as it represents a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to selected who will be granted Voice membership. Judge, jury and executioner.

Non-Aboriginal people could be advisors of the Ethics Council – they will be the ones with appropriate skill sets in governance, law, dispute resolution and cultural guidance. They will also be selected based on their compliance ‘to the cause’ and one or even two non-Aboriginal persons would probably have been elected to the Council.

The Voice was, among other things, a gigantic $$ feeding opportunity for the fringe and radical elements. How much ‘good’ would have ever made its way to those who need it will never be known, but I suggest very little.

October 16, 2023 12:31 pm

It is about shareholder money. It’s not yours to spend on personal vanity projects.

Berkshire Hathaway has the best model that I’ve seen.

October 16, 2023 12:32 pm

In Queensland – proud winner of the hate-the-Voice race – the Chook announces it’s full steam ahead for treaty-now, treaty-yeah.

Let’s hear from the SFLs:

In the face of the Voice rejection Opposition Leader David Crisafulli on Sunday committed to continuing Queensland’s path to treaty and truth-telling if the LNP is elected next October.

October 16, 2023 12:32 pm

Quote fail.

The National Voice would consist of 24 members with gender balance structurally guaranteed. The base membership model provides for 2 members from each state, the NT, ACT and the Torres Strait.

Salvatore, Iron Publican
October 16, 2023 12:35 pm

Let’s hear from the SFLs:

In the face of the Voice rejection Opposition Leader David Crisafulli on Sunday committed to continuing Queensland’s path to treaty and truth-telling if the LNP is elected next October.

It’s not without very good reason he’s earned the moniker of: Christwhatafool.

Johnny Rotten
October 16, 2023 12:35 pm

The Political Caste are actively undermining their citizens while allowing the enemy to arm themselves.
So what do we do when the Iranians are able to manufacture nuclear weapons?

Very simply to give ourselves Nuclear Energy for power and electricity.

Then to now arm ourselves with nuclear weapons just like China/Pakistan/India/North Korea has.

If they have, then them so should have we.

Simple stuff.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 16, 2023 12:36 pm


Oct 16, 2023 10:54 AM

Thank God! Dutton walks back his referendum campaign brain fart (Paywallian):

To be fair, it wasn’t his brainfart.
Symbolic Recognition was, and is, Coalition policy. Has been since Howard’s day. I initially thought it was some genius “strategist” trying to use it to wedge Luigi.
If Dutton had abandoned it during the referendum campaign, he would have had the Photios Phaction screaming about him not following the party platform.
I think he has played it well.
If Yes got up it was irrelevant. If No won easily it was also dead.

October 16, 2023 12:36 pm

Found this BS on Quora (yes I know)

I was a junior in high school when I was attacked by the police. They tackled me and zip tied my arms. Once that was over with they were actually pretty cool guys.

No. This is a complete fabrication. The offence list mentioned below is very long & serious and the offender would be in their sixties even with light sentencing. I’m wondering if would have actually been a lifer with the three strikes laws? This makes the
“misidentification” part of this garbage seem like complete crap.

Read on. All I am trying to say is social media is completely compromised with paid shills, bots and so on.

I can’t imagine any man, let alone a young man, being okay with being assaulted against their will in public by the police (you can’t win this fight, you pretty much have to submit or else) and falsely arrested.


The reason they attacked me is because an armed robber had just held a woman at gunpoint two blocks away. The man fit my description, same shirt color, same pants color, long hair, and a backpack. I had left school early that day and was walking home at the time. When they realized it wasn’t me because of tattoos. They asked me if I was hurt and if I need medical treatment. I told them that it was ok. It was an honest mistake. They offered me a ride home and I took that offer because it was like a hundred degrees outside. It was on the drive home that the real danger started. We saw the suspect across the street from my house walking out of a liquor store. The guy was yelling at the store clerk as he walked out and this is why we turned our heads. He would have gotten away if he had not yelled. Because it was only a brief second that he came out of the door and got into the passenger seat of someone’s car. They let out and spread directly in front of the vehicle that was pulling out in the street. The car stopped but then suddenly went forward slamming into the police car door. Then the man got out and ran. He had put his leg over and pushed the gas. The driver had no clue what he had done. The man jumped over a wall and headed into a retirement community. He had run up to a car and pulled an elderly woman out of the car and sped off. The elderly lady suffered from a massive head contusion that lead to her death a few weeks later. I remember like it was yesterday. This all seemed to happen in a split second and then here comes a pristine Pontiac Grand Prix speeding toward the intersection that I stood on. Cops were coming behind him, in front of him, and to the side. Only one way to go and that was through the window of the liquor store. He had hit the store owner directly before he hit the glass, killing him instantly. The car hit a support post in the center of the store. The roof collapsed and trapped him in the car.

The officer that sat in the passenger seat of my ride home rushed to try and help the store owner. He didn’t know the condition of the criminal. He could have been shot. But he tried his hardest to get to him. The criminal had been released from Chino prison a few days before this incident. The man that he got into the car with was his father that drove from Arizona to pick his son up. This guy had several violent offenses on his record including rape, armed robbery, and assault with a deadly weapon on a minor with intent to sexually assault them.

It was this incident that gave me respect for police officers. They see crazy things and put their lives in danger for our safety. Sure there are some crazy ones out there. But look at what they do every day.

Here’s what I’m getting at. If you are disrespectful, run away, or taunt a police officer, you are wasting everyone’s time. Mistakes can be made. But if it came down to getting sued or jail time for tackling the wrong person then we would have no cops. Who in their right mind would want that kind of liability? Sadly we are not far from this happening. Police are quitting their jobs every day. Los Angles was a major police department that was defunded like a hundred and fifty million dollars. This will mean pay cuts and downsizing. The other issues are the dangers of the job. This incident just happened yesterday in Compton CA. A man walked right up to a police car and opened fire. Both officers are in critical condition in a nearby hospital. Here’s the really messed up part of this story: Protesters have shown up at the hospital and chanting they wish they would die referring to the two police officers that were shot.

These police haters might soon get their way. Many cities might turn lawless. They will be stuck there, however. A bunch of kids that thought it would be cool to destroy towns and attack others with different political views will be locked in a perimeter with a bunch of mindless criminals. Everyone for themselves, without the knowledge and means to get clean water and unspoiled food. These will be our new prisons. But taxpayers do not have to pay for it anymore. A terrorist group of rebels does not deserve sympathy. Especially after all the people killed when getting to this point.

You really must ask yourself a question that weighs deep into our miserable futures. Is a police officer just like you and me? Do they deserve to be treated disrespectfully? Or are their jobs different than everyone else’s? This whole fiasco has been leading us into directions they are far worse than it is now. If the police quit, the military moves in. That means people are going to die. Or… it becomes a private matter. Private security will become the new cops. This means the areas with money will have cops and the areas that don’t have money will become much like I described the perimeter city. Either way, we are headed there, and it will be a dark scary place.

To answer your question. I’m sorry. You will hear many answers here, but not one of them correct. Some people think it’s ok for police to make mistakes. I sure do! But others feel it is a direct target on their race or the way they dress.

There’s a really simple solution to all this by the way. Stop committing crimes and the police will no longer be needed.

October 16, 2023 12:38 pm

Those damages need to be taken out of those two journalists’ salaries.

Aren’t the editors supposed to ride herd on what is allowed to be printed/broadcast? I’d think they should be held financially responsible as well.

October 16, 2023 12:38 pm

Apparently Hamas are making it difficult to approach the crossing on the Gaza side.
Still it’s a positive.
Israel-Gaza war live updates: Rafah border crossing with Egypt set to reopen, US Secretary of State says

October 16, 2023 12:39 pm

I think there would have been some “frank and open” discussions yesterday where Luigi was told to cease and desist fighting Torries on this issue.

Hence the strategic pivot overnight to the “good vibe” Net Zero story.

At a time when electricity companies are reporting record numbers of customers who can’t pay their bills (ref. a senate hearing a few weeks ago).

Cassie of Sydney
October 16, 2023 12:39 pm

“Nah. Craven wasn’t a victim. He said it was a flawed debacle and then promoted it at great length and with dedication for months thereafter. He was more interested in his reputation for Niceness than the good of the country.”

Yep, just like Brennan, Leeser, and I suspect Kenny too.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
October 16, 2023 12:39 pm

Suggestions for future referenda:


Net Zero

Term Limits
Sunset clauses

I would love to see government programs being set up required to have monitoring and management, and targets. Let the government set up a programme to (staying with current theme) increase the number of indigenous kids going to school. The programme begins and from the earliest stages it is evaluated against what was supposed to happen. Investigate what is not going right.

Assess if it is merely wonky or if it is defective in its essence. If wonky, tweak it – adding in a means to monitor if the tweak works.

Hold people accountable.

That is how it works in private sector projects – a badly run project costs the precious lifeblood of money.

As I say, I would like to see that. But politicians and the public service would make sure criteria were hazy and easily gamed. It is other people’s money so there is no unyielding financial imperative. And I believe the PS is already structured to ensure no one person is responsible, and in fact just when you think you have tracked down responsibility it dissolves into a puff of smoke.

The astonishing ballooning of the various public services make this possible.

Johnny Rotten
October 16, 2023 12:41 pm


Australia cannot have a Treaty with it’s self.

Get real you YES stupid people. Look in the mirror. Talk to your local Member FFS

October 16, 2023 12:41 pm

This is why you can never fall for any astroturfed back-the-blue nonsense.

The lab discovered a large quantity of sperm cells on fluid that remained on the pubic hair cuttings, and performed STR-DNA testing to analyze the biological material. Forensic analysts found two male profiles and compared them with the samples taken from both defendants. On July 30, 2010, the lab issued a report on the evidence which conclusively excluded both Dupree and Massingill as possible sources of the DNA found on the victim’s pubic hair samples. According to the court record, both the robbery and the rape were part of a single, isolated incident committed by the same two perpetrators.

31 years in prison. I hope his payout was in the tens of millions of dollars or more.

Dupree was awarded $2,472,000 in state compensation plus a monthly annuity of $13,800.

Not really enough.

October 16, 2023 12:42 pm

Nah. Craven wasn’t a victim. He said it was a flawed debacle and then promoted it at great length and with dedication for months thereafter. He was more interested in his reputation for Niceness than the good of the country.

Like the rest of Australia’s fake conservatives, Greg Craven knew he’d suffer no penalty for selling out his “principles”, just free virtue-signalling points from the establishment bullies who police the public discourse.

The only thing he has cemented in the past year is his reputation for duplicity.

October 16, 2023 12:44 pm

Unusually something useful from The Sydney Moaning Herald

Given my own area Balgowlah Boys High Booth was only 39.4% NO, surprised to see over the Bridge – beauty Pint Public School 44.1% NO, Balmoral Scout Hall 42.1% NO & Mosman Square Seniors Centre 42.4% NO

Vicki – Middle Harbour Public School – 40.0% NO

October 16, 2023 12:44 pm

In the face of the Voice rejection Opposition Leader David Crisafulli on Sunday committed to continuing Queensland’s path to treaty and truth-telling if the LNP is elected next October.

In Qld I think it’s time for a moniker change. Not the SFL’s, but the Clown Show Liberals.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 16, 2023 12:45 pm

Suggestions for future referenda:

Net Zero
Term Limits
Sunset clauses

Not going to be any more referendums. The elites have learned a lesson.

Referendums ‘taken off the menu’ after vote (Oz, 15 Oct, paywalled)

Constitutional law experts say the voice referendum has killed prospects of successful referendums, shooting down hopes of Australia ever becoming a Republic.

Back to old fashioned undemocratic methods then.

October 16, 2023 12:51 pm

Still it’s a positive.

Yes it certainly is. But I haven’t seen any positive news on the hostages (which may be a positive if talks are working behind doors somewhere). The hostages are really all that matter for the moment.

October 16, 2023 12:51 pm

[Craven] was more interested in his reputation for Niceness than the good of the country.

Sidelined by the Trots but continued to support their project.

Craven by name…

October 16, 2023 12:55 pm

Constitutional law experts say the voice referendum has killed prospects of successful referendums, shooting down hopes of Australia ever becoming a Republic.

Albo has managed to kill two birds with one stone.


October 16, 2023 12:57 pm

Constitutional law experts say the voice referendum has killed prospects of successful referendums, shooting down hopes of Australia ever becoming a Republic.

This is a spiteful lie set to demoralise the majority for not voting the right way.

People wanted a republic but liked the Queen and were split on the mode (which in itself may mean it will never happen).

Only hardcore ALP voters wanted the Voice crapola.

October 16, 2023 1:00 pm

Hamas terrorists took Speedos to a naval battle…

That didn’t go so well:

October 16, 2023 1:00 pm

Hamas have to have a reason to give them up.
Apparently they were going to be bargaining chips for prisoner exchange.
Israel wants them back, we all do.
Hopefully they think of something that makes it possible.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 16, 2023 1:03 pm


Oct 16, 2023 12:31 PM

It is about shareholder money. It’s not yours to spend on personal vanity projects.

Berkshire Hathaway has the best model that I’ve seen.

The most annoying term to creep into the corporate lexicon is “stakeholders”.
That is, people who have no skin in the game, but would like to dictate terms to the company.
This is why I am totally against directors and management of public companies trying to factor “employee opinion” into some corporate political stance.
Firstly, corporates shouldn’t have a political stance. Democracy is about individual suffrage, and corporate entities have no place sticking their beak in unless their is an issue specifically impacting shareholder value (e.g. BHP campaigning on a mining tax).
Secondly, any attempt to ascertain employee opinion will be hijacked by Unions and HR operatives, ably assisted by skewed Employee Satisfaction Survey consultants.
Stay out of it.

October 16, 2023 1:05 pm

Wow, Stew Peters is a straight up terrorist apologist.

October 16, 2023 1:06 pm

IDF saved many lives preventing hamas terrorists reaching land.

October 16, 2023 1:08 pm

Firstly, corporates shouldn’t have a political stance. Democracy is about individual suffrage…

In an age of identity politics that’s a revolutionary idea.

October 16, 2023 1:09 pm

I agree, it was the same issue when corporates waded in on ssm and especially now they should get their noses bloodied.
Qantas haven’t paid a dividend for a long time but wasted millions on a failed political campaign.
That’s not what anyone normal buys shares for.

Cassie of Sydney
October 16, 2023 1:11 pm

My ire is directed at the likes of Leeser, Craven, and other pseudo Liberals like Speakman, Rockliff, Bragg, Archer, Bummingham, Fatty O’Farrell, Felicity Wilson and others, none of whom had the decency to sit back, say nothing, but worse, actively campaigned for YES.

All of them should be punted.

October 16, 2023 1:12 pm

Bern, Sanchez.

I can understand where the miners are coming from. I don’t agree with it, but can see how they side-saddled onto the YES side. They operate in remote areas and felt they needed to curry favor with the remoters.

From all the rest it was a vanity display.

October 16, 2023 1:21 pm

This is a spiteful lie set to demoralise the majority for not voting the right way.

Even with the advent of King Charles people are hardly clamouring for a republic, dot.

I think the last major poll this year showed only c. 38% support.

What the ‘constitutional experts’ have inadvertently stumbled on is the high level of distrust of elites.

Ironic when Charles is very much one of the elite, but there it is.

Better a monarch 17000km away than a progressive president here with a bully pulpit from which to berate the masses.

October 16, 2023 1:21 pm

He will be awarded $390,000 in damages.

He deserves more. The process has been a $1million punishment. Unfortunately the money comes from the sucker taxpayers yet again. In this case, I’m happy with where it’s going.

Congratulations, Heston.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 16, 2023 1:21 pm

I’ve said this several times.
I think the corporate Yes sponsors put this thing in “Park” about two months ago. Sure, they had already chipped in big bucks, but the use of retail premises and employees to promote it was nipped in the bud. No doubt that was their intent but I think they were genuinely shocked at the real employee and customer backlash.
The irony is, despite kicking in millions of shareholder cash, they will now get a whack from Yes for “dropping the ball”.

October 16, 2023 1:22 pm

The most annoying term to creep into the corporate lexicon is “stakeholders”.

Thank Jamie Dimon for pushing it through the The U.S. Chamber of Commerce.

Not to worry too much though, as there’s a very large and growing private sector well away from NYSE, Nasdaq, ASX etc whose objectives are fully aligned with the shareholders. That’s private equity, and other assorted non-listed corps beavering away and ignoring the bullshit.

Globally, the private equity market is growing far faster than public markets. Breaking the market down by strategy subclass and region provides a more detailed picture of where this growth is coming from.

Get a load of the charts. Private equity is making fast headway.

When people criticize public companies, they ought to see the corporate governance that comes with listing. It’s basically a slab of green left nonsense.

October 16, 2023 1:24 pm

I witnessed my pet hate McGrath on prime intoning that the LNP in QLD is a democratically run party.

Hey Textor’s boy, who came to our branch and told us to pull our heads in? I may have misunderstood. Perhaps he meant for us to democratically pull our heads in.

October 16, 2023 1:26 pm

Better a monarch 17000km away than a progressive president here with a bully pulpit from which to berate the masses.

The perfect president for the aussie republic is someone who doesn’t want the job and has no favours to repay to the current elites. Until we find that unicorn better to trust a distant family with little time or interest in us.

Boambee John
Boambee John
October 16, 2023 1:29 pm


You missed a few.

Hardcore ALP, Green and Teal voters.

October 16, 2023 1:30 pm

The perfect president for the aussie republic is someone who doesn’t want the job and has no favours to repay to the current elites.

I’m available.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
October 16, 2023 1:30 pm

Then Craven pissed in the soup bowl about scope – and over the side he went.

Nah. Craven wasn’t a victim. He said it was a flawed debacle and then promoted it at great length and with dedication for months thereafter. He was more interested in his reputation for Niceness than the good of the country.

I’m not awarding the coveted victim status to Craven – just remarking the obvious; once he’d been useful to the Voice he was sidelined.

Publicly polishing his niceness? Quite possibly. But nevertheless, his criticism of the failures of the Yes process is trenchant and directly contradicts the currently preferred stupid-racist-misinformed-victims-of-Dutton narrative.

I’ve not yet seen such a complete (and bleedingly obvious) takedown of the political process from anyone else in the commentariat.

So polish away.

October 16, 2023 1:32 pm

All of them should be punted.

The SFLs’ Photios/Textor “broad church” doctrine is a recipe for permanent exile to opposition. Why vote for the SFL green-left when you can get the real thing from the Filth and the Liars?

… as we have seen in NSW where the ascendent Minns ALP right faction runs the show (but with all the usual activist dregs filling the cabinet/ministry)

Even though Yasmin Catley, the police minister, has threatened to derail the government over plod’s protection of Sydney’s Hamas goons, Mins has virtual 100% media protection and should be able to hold out the disunited SFL clownshow for at least two terms.

October 16, 2023 1:32 pm

The perfect President would be a daughter of Judge Roy Bean.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
October 16, 2023 1:34 pm

The irony is, despite kicking in millions of shareholder cash, they will now get a whack from Yes for “dropping the ball”.

Yes. The search for blameholders will be wide and comprehensive.

Too many arses to cover to worry too much about the obvious ironing.

October 16, 2023 1:34 pm

In the Realms of it’s a Small World – German Daughter-in-law posted photo with my Son and Friend from Australia/Singapore on London Tube on way to Madonna Concert

tube literally stopped in front of us with Friend facing us. It was so random! Love it.

October 16, 2023 1:34 pm

A small part of corporate governance requirements for listing or to maintain listing on the ASX

A small excerpt of from the ASX required for listing below

It’s like Adam Bandt running the ASX.

Good practice governance considerations included:
– identification of board and management level
accountabilities for identification and management
of material social and environmental exposures;
– linking ESG performance to remuneration; and
– external assurance over environmental and social
exposure disclosures.
• In the landscape of multiple reporting frameworks, and
investor and regulator focus on decision useful material
environmental and social information, we observed a
maturing of reporting, particularly among the S&P/ASX
200, and encourage entities to continuously review their
reporting to improve focus on material exposures and
overall quality.

There’s a part suggesting renum should be linked to social and environmental issues.

When criticizing the large corps, it’s worthwhile keeping in mind what they’re up against.

October 16, 2023 1:35 pm

The perfect President would be a daughter of Judge Roy Bean.

John Dutton’s daughter wold be my pick.

October 16, 2023 1:35 pm

JC, How can a retail investor get a piece of the private equity action? Are their any retail funds?

October 16, 2023 1:37 pm

The perfect president for the aussie republic is someone who doesn’t want the job and has no favours to repay to the current elites.

That’s gotta be Noel from Noosa.

Just imagine that when going for a Republic. Imagine Noel from Noosa becoming the president and then remain silent because that’s where it would likely go.

October 16, 2023 1:37 pm

I’m available.

Feel free to use the title as its open AFAIK.

Yours etc
“President For Life”

Johnny Rotten
October 16, 2023 1:38 pm


Australia cannot have a Treaty with it’s self.

Get real you YES stupid people. Look in the mirror. Talk to your local Member FFS

And I have always said that –

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
October 16, 2023 1:39 pm

Constitutional law experts say the voice referendum has killed prospects of successful referendums, shooting down hopes of Australia ever becoming a Republic.

I’m surprised to see “constitutional law experts” out for a drive so quickly and expressing Big Opinions.

October 16, 2023 1:40 pm

Barry, there are funds that specialize in focusing on smaller private investors for equity. I almost stuck some money into one a few years ago, but it dropped out of my mind.

I’ll try and find out again.

Bern should be able to help with some names too, I suspect.

October 16, 2023 1:44 pm

I’m surprised to see “constitutional law experts” out for a drive so quickly and expressing Big Opinions.

Starting to suspect there many of these “constitutional law experts” and their opinions are of little value and easily given. Kinda like the opinion of a used card sales folks on the wares for sale.

Johnny Rotten
October 16, 2023 1:48 pm

The most annoying term to creep into the corporate lexicon is “stakeholders”.

Thank Jamie Dimon for pushing it through the The U.S. Chamber of Commerce.

Not to worry too much though, as there’s a very large and growing private sector well away from NYSE, Nasdaq, ASX etc whose objectives are fully aligned with the shareholders. That’s private equity, and other assorted non-listed corps beavering away and ignoring the bullshit.

The Most Annoying Crepe or Creep is You, you farking creep so get FARKED.

October 16, 2023 1:48 pm

Oct 16, 2023 11:55 AM
Does the Constitution itself get a sunset clause?

Do you want one or not?

Not really a deep thinker, are you?

October 16, 2023 1:48 pm

Video: The underground city of tunnels that is Hamas’s “ace up its sleeve”.
It is located 40 meters below the surface of the earth

Hamas’ “ace up its sleeve” in the event that Israel attacks Gaza, is an underground city, 40 meters below the surface of the earth.

In the densely populated city of Gaza, there is an underground city with tunnels, the so-called “Gaza Metro” .

The tunnels created by Hamas, start from the territory of Gaza and reach Egypt, as characteristically states an article of the French newspaper “Le Figaro”.

According to military analysts, the ground attack that Israel is expected to launch has the characteristic of an asymmetric threat, due to the extensive tunnels that exist under the Gaza Strip.

And this is because the forces of Israel are likely to “fall” into an ambush by Hamas terrorists at any moment due to the tunnels that exist.

Also, it is considered very likely that the kidnapped Israeli hostages have been led into these tunnels and are thus at risk of injury.

ason Jay Smart

Terrorists from Hamas have shown their underground storage for rockets.

It was for the construction of such concrete tunnels that international aid to Gaza was sent.

The “Gaza Metro”

Underground passages in Gaza are home to weapons caches, Palestinian fighters and possibly Israeli hostages. Some were destroyed by the IDF, but rebuilt over time.

The network of underground passages and tunnels crosses the Gaza Strip, Israel and Egypt, which are also used as real secret corridors.

And if it was initially smuggled through the galleries, now it has turned into a real military tool for the Palestinian armed groups. It has heavy armament, including guns, missiles and lots of ammunition.

The surprise attack on Saturday, October 7, in the early hours of the morning, on Israeli soil by thousands of Hamas terrorists proved this. The terrorists of the Palestinian Sunni organization crossed the tunnel with ease.

And while the Israeli army prepares for a major offensive in the Gaza Strip, the underground network could seriously harm the troops of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF). Arrays of rocket launchers hidden a few meters deep can emerge from a hatch system to detonate and disappear again.

The Israeli army had bombed the Gaza metro in 2021, but part of this network remains unknown to Tel Aviv authorities, which makes its operations difficult.

Hamas “knows its tunnels inside and out,” Colin Clark, director of research at the Soufan Center in New York, told AFP.

The tunnels in the tunnel, as the French publication explains, are of different height, width and complexity.

They were originally built to transport contraband products such as cigarettes, milk, clothes, car parts, etc. from Egypt. These underground passages were closely monitored by the Palestinian Authority security services who had blocked access.

But in the early 2000s, Israel stepped up its fight against these tunnels, which it suspected were allowing Palestinians to obtain weapons.

After the 2005 withdrawal of Israeli occupiers of the Gaza Strip and the takeover of the territory by Hamas in June 2007, arms smuggling increased.

What does the Gaza Metro have?

“It has everything from spare parts for Iranian or Chinese missiles, to anti-aircraft missiles, including tons of explosives, necessary to detonate the rockets fired by Hamas into southern Israel ,” the French newspaper said in a 2019 report.

The opening of the tunnels is done in a complex way and is a real operation managed exclusively by Hamas, as the French publication points out.

During several ground operations, mainly in 2006, 2008 and after 2014, as well as during the war in 2021, Israel did everything in its power to destroy the underground network that was built over the course of time and over the years it was turned into a weapons depot and bomb making workshops.

However, Hamas tirelessly continued to build this labyrinth of galleries despite the espionage measures employed by Israeli intelligence.

Nikki Haley
I’ve been to the Gaza terror tunnels. I’ve seen how Hamas operates.

It hides weapons in tunnels underneath schools. It uses women and children as human shields. Hamas is evil. #FinishThem

October 16, 2023 1:48 pm

^there many^there are many
^used card sales^used car sales

damned mobile phone keybards …

October 16, 2023 1:50 pm

I’m surprised to see “constitutional law experts” out for a drive so quickly and expressing Big Opinions.

LOL. They got straight back on the horse that bolted.

October 16, 2023 1:51 pm

I heard a funny story about a private equity firm buying out a French bakery and coffee business with many outlets in Melbourne called Laurent. I don’t know if it’s operating out of state. It has a really decent French bakery selection.

The founder sold out, and the equity guys moved in. They went to the respective chefs and wanted to know the various ingredients and costs that went into each product line. The chefs had no idea. They just used what was needed, and there was no real costing involved, so they made the outlets cost everything out and began to rationalize ingredient purchases.

Robert Sewell
October 16, 2023 1:54 pm


My record of backing the wrong horse is so strong I remained silent. I did not want to win the Codpiece of Shame.

Conceptually interesting – who got that remarkable piece of jewellery?

October 16, 2023 1:58 pm

When people criticize public companies, they ought to see the corporate governance that comes with listing. It’s basically a slab of green left nonsense.

Stay private forever.
Sell/merge to another private entity.
Wait for the big boys to give an all cash offer.

To answer the question upthread, the only offerings worth looking at (in my opinion) are for the wholesale investor class.

October 16, 2023 2:01 pm

Pete Seeger; “Americas most successful communist”.

Chomsky and Bernie Sanders would be much richer though.

October 16, 2023 2:04 pm

The funny thing is in Australia, listing on ASX is often seen as the goal for many private equity plays.
In my opinion, that shouldn’t be the goal.
Beretta might sound extreme, but I think it’s a good role model.

Robert Sewell
October 16, 2023 2:09 pm

I was one of the few that was pushing the line that the AEC was nowhere as honest/incorruptible as we thought.
I was wrong this time. But it doesn’t mean we can hang garlands around their necks and sing hosannahs. We still need to keep a damn close eye on them.
On the other hand, my exhortations as to “What will you do when the next morning we wake up and find it has passed.” seems to be coming true from a different angle. Victoria is now bringing the same thing in through state legislation. And that’s despite the very clear NO that the Australian voter wants. 45%/55% in Victoria.
It will be interesting to see if WA tries the same thing that they had to pull back from before the Referendum.

October 16, 2023 2:11 pm

I’m surprised to see “constitutional law experts” out for a drive so quickly and expressing Big Opinions.

Like an epidemiologist in a pandemic…when the media comes calling they can’t resist.

October 16, 2023 2:14 pm

Oct 16, 2023 11:13 AM

I agree Roger.
Referenda on immigration and energy policy now!

Where in the Constitution are these things mentioned?

Plebiscites are possible, but they would have to be supported by the Government and would be non-binding.

Cool your jets, folks! 🙂

October 16, 2023 2:14 pm

Amex has just sent the pre-sale tickets email for The Lehman Trilogy.
Not sure I could commit to three plus hours at the theatre.
And it’s a case of needing a multi racial cast to play a Jewish family.
Apparently that’s the only way to follow the generational shifts (or at least that’s what some of the Broadway critics said).
Very Cloud Atlas.

October 16, 2023 2:14 pm

Has Outsiders been canned?

October 16, 2023 2:14 pm

The Prez of Oz should be determined by randomly selecting a name from the electoral roll. Serve for 4 years, then freed from other civic obligations like having to vote or do jury duty.

October 16, 2023 2:17 pm

Like a cancer, Hamas will be difficult to entirely eradicate from Gaza. In order to limit any effective re-growth of Hamas there, Israel will have to occupy the place. I

Occupations are always, ultimately, prohibitively expensive – they need to either:

1) Dismantle it (flatten it and remove ALL its inhabitants)
2) Seal it off completely and let it rot – yes, I know this appears to have failed this time, but something is definitely smelly about the border security ‘ failures’ this time.

October 16, 2023 2:18 pm

Speaking of the pandemic, texts released in the UK, where they are undergoing their covid response inquiry, reveal that, at the time, prominent No.10 staffers thought Carrie Johnson was dictating Boris’s covid policy.

It’s also been revealed that the government’s chief scientific adviser, Sir Patrick Vallance, thought members of SAGE (Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies) were altogether too fond of the TV cameras and weren’t helping the situation.

October 16, 2023 2:20 pm

Attorney General Kyam Maher, who is also the state’s Aboriginal Affairs Minister, said the large No vote in SA did not change anything at a state level……

Is any further proof required that we no longer have ‘representatives’ , but ‘rulers’?

October 16, 2023 2:20 pm

Where in the Constitution are these things mentioned?

Any political question can be put to a referendum.

October 16, 2023 2:22 pm

I am really being entertained today by the YES side and all their excuses and tears.
Very happy to see the ABC showing how out of touch they are with mainstream Australians.
Annnnnnnnnnnnd Russel Heston won 400k and will get costs, the ABC will be weaping today.

October 16, 2023 2:23 pm

Attorney General Kyam Maher, who is also the state’s Aboriginal Affairs Minister

Isn’t he the identifier whose claimed “aboriginality” was under question some time ago?

October 16, 2023 2:24 pm

Secondly, any attempt to ascertain employee opinion will be hijacked by Unions and HR

I got this from the QTU

We also acknowledge the work of QTU officers Micheal Beale, Rachel Bos and Emerson Zerafa-Payne, our entire QTU officer team, all QTU employees, and you – our QTU members who have throughout the campaign stood in solidarity with First Nations colleagues, friends, family, and students.

I love the breezy assertion that because I am a teacher I both supported, and voted yes. I worked in 2 different staff rooms at 2 different schools during the campaign and I am sure the union management would be horrified at the of teachers who hinted, or flat out stated that they were voting no. ( Eg all members of a science faculty wearing dinosaur t-shirts after St Ray Martins comments)

October 16, 2023 2:24 pm
October 16, 2023 2:27 pm

I worked in 2 different staff rooms at 2 different schools during the campaign and I am sure the union management would be horrified at the of teachers who hinted, or flat out stated that they were voting no.

If only what is said around the staff room table could be monitored.

October 16, 2023 2:29 pm
October 16, 2023 2:29 pm

Let’s recreate history to show that he’s not a moron, but a deep thinking public intellectual.

I was one of the few that was pushing the line that the AEC was nowhere as honest/incorruptible as we thought.

Let’s go back to the action replay.

Yeah, you’re the resident fair elections Mufti, Turtlehead, you ridiculous moron.

You continually had the vapers about the ref and, at one time, suggested the AEC could rort 90% of the vote. When it was explained that such a level of cheating would be impossible in the Australian system, with compulsory voting not being detected, you continued on that dirt track leading to a steep cliff.

Then, on the day before the election date, you put in a prediction of around 60/40 that No would win.

You’ve got the consistency of the 100 liters of bolognese you make each year to freeze. Shut up; you’re an idiot without limits.


Out nowhere, for no reason at all.

The Most Annoying Crepe or Creep is You, you farking creep so get FARKED.

Wodney, go chew on a bag of dicks, you lowlife limy disgrace.

October 16, 2023 2:33 pm

Only 2 yes electorates in WA

To my shame, Curtin

October 16, 2023 2:35 pm

Can you lot keep the biff down? Some of us are trying to gloat here.

John Brumble
John Brumble
October 16, 2023 2:35 pm

JC –
Big miners liked ‘Yes’ for the same reason all big corporates like big states and lotsa regulations: barriers to entry.

Every time there’s a new mine declined; every time there’s more regulations and more requirements, they know that there’s less chance that any upstart will come in and create competition.

In the meantime, every time it happens, their mines that were approved 20 years ago have their NPV increased, and holdings that were not economical to mine suddenly become so. They keep their existing mines open for longer, operating at improved margins and don’t have to keep spending money on the very risky process of exploration.

October 16, 2023 2:36 pm


1. Trying to keep it real
2. Always necessary to reply to Wodney’s random abuse.

Excuse the interruption.

October 16, 2023 2:38 pm

Not my words but taken from a Leftist polling site, analysing demographics of No/Yes vote:

Finished School, i.e. completed year 12. As you would expect, yes did very considerably better in seats with high educational attainment and occupational categories related with it. Such seats also tend to have high numbers of people in their twenties and thirties and renters, and few labourers.

Secular. Seats with a lot of people who identified as having no religious affiliation were significantly stronger for yes. This is a favourite variable of mine, because it reliably associates with support for post-materialist causes including a republic, same-sex marriage and the Indigenous Voice, and also with voting for Greens and teals.

Owned. Yes did worse in seats where a lot of people owned their homes, which in turn correlates strongly with the 60-plus age cohort, a measure of which might well have taken its place in the model.

Age0to19. Seats with a lot of children — or, looked at another way, mortgage-paying families — tended to do poorly for yes.

The four “state” variables tell us only that yes did better in the two bigger states than the three smaller ones, which we can tell more efficiently by looking at the results. In particular, they tell us that it did so over and above what might be expected from demographic variation between the states on the variables described above.

October 16, 2023 2:41 pm

John B

Thanks, yeah I agree. They still continue to operate in those remote areas and I suspect they peddled in the direction of YES because they felt they had nothing to lose.

When you think about it, it’s actually pretty rational. They’re essentially exporters with relatively little interaction in Australia. Where’s their downside.

Note, I’m not supporting it, but trying to figure out why they went that way. Their downside in terms of domestic public opinion impacting them is zero.

October 16, 2023 2:47 pm

Excuse the interruption.

Not at all. Keep on with the keeping it real.

October 16, 2023 2:49 pm

I think I’ll write to the QLD state director of the LNP to advise him that if Crisafulli persists with his treaty nonsense they’ll lose primary votes to PHON and forego a lot of sweet revenue – $6 per vote, to be exact.

October 16, 2023 2:52 pm

The reason they attacked me is because an armed robber had just held a woman at gunpoint two blocks away. The man fit my description, same shirt color, same pants color, long hair, and a backpack. I

funfact, some years ago I was asked to attend an interview by a detective (at the time, this was not unusual, and usually related to some road accident or assault victim I had AMEd. On this occasion, said Detective arrested me at the start of the interview and said he was ‘investigating the bicycle bandit bank robber’ , to which I said (of course) , ‘oh shit, its not me is it’, to which he replied ‘ YES, i am investigating you as a suspect, there were 2 likely related robberies last month.. I replied ‘ you do know I have been deployed with the ADF in Kandahar this last 6 months?…. (his face betrayed the fact he didnt know that..)

What sort of intel system flags me as a suspect, but doesnt know im on the govt dime OS at the time?

October 16, 2023 2:55 pm

Big miners liked ‘Yes’ for the same reason all big corporates like big states and lotsa regulations: barriers to entry.

Every time there’s a new mine declined; every time there’s more regulations and more requirements, they know that there’s less chance that any upstart will come in and create competition.

In the meantime, every time it happens, their mines that were approved 20 years ago have their NPV increased, and holdings that were not economical to mine suddenly become so. They keep their existing mines open for longer, operating at improved margins and don’t have to keep spending money on the very risky process of exploration.

But enough about BHP. How was Portman Mining’s return on capital?

Pedro the Loafer
Pedro the Loafer
October 16, 2023 2:56 pm

When you think about it, it’s actually pretty rational. They’re essentially exporters with relatively little interaction in Australia. Where’s their downside.

JC @ 2.41pm.

Fully agree. The amount of black tape that miners and explorers have to go through would baulk all but the most determined companies.

It was very much in the big boy’s interests to declare their support for the “Yes” campaign to avoid future aggravations from the tribes and bullshit “sacred site” objections and payouts like Juukan Gorge.

The public position was a pure PR exercise to demonstrate to the world how caring and inclusive they are. The boardroom and shareholder reality was probably very different.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
October 16, 2023 2:57 pm

Isn’t he the identifier whose claimed “aboriginality” was under question some time ago?

“Dark Emu Exposed” questioned his claims to “Aboriginal” status, yes.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
October 16, 2023 3:00 pm

1 hour ago
Greens, teals accuse Israel of war crimes
Ben Packham
Ben Packham

Sydney teal independents Kylea Tink and Sophie Scamps, and Tasmanian independent Andrew Wilkie joined with the Greens on Monday to accuse Israel of war crimes.

The independents backed Adam Bandt as he unsuccessfully tried to amend a statement of support for Israel with one condemning “war crimes perpetrated by the State of Israel, including the bombing of Palestinian civilians”.

Mr Bandt said The Greens condemned the Hamas attack on innocent Israelis and called for Israeli hostages to be released, saying there was “no place for anti semitism and Islamophobia”.

But he said the upcoming invasion of Gaza loomed as “not just a humanitarian catastrophe, but a war crime”.

“Australia cannot stay silent and, indeed, back that invasion,” Mr Bandt said, backing UN condemnation of Israel’s decision to prevent food, water and fuel from getting into the enclave.

The Greens’ amendment was defeated 107 to seven, with a number of MPs outside the chamber at the time.

The motion was ultimately supported overwhelmingly, 134 votes to four, with only the Greens voting against it.

The Executive Council of Australian Jewry said it was extraordinary the Greens could not condemn “mass rape, torture, tying up families and burning them alive, and the abduction and captivity of children and the elderly”.

ECAJ co-CEO Alex Ryvchin said it was time for decent people to stand together against terrorism and to call for the release of 165 Israeli hostages.

“Yet the Greens are so hardwired in their loathing of Israel and distrust of the Australian Jewish community that they could not even extend symbolic solidarity with our community,” Mr Ryvchin said.

“The only vigils or public gatherings they have attended have been to oppose Israel in its darkest hour. Let there be no doubt – the greens are the party of hypocrisy and dishonour.”

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 16, 2023 3:02 pm

Speedbox and Dino Saur.
The composition of da Voice was deliberately vague.
I reckon it was going to be far bigger than the 22-24 person body hinted at. I reckon they were going to “listen” to the argument that 22 people can’t represent 300 groups.
They would then either expand it to 400-600 reps, or create a second tier of local “consultative bodies”. Of course, they are not going to put that out there beforehand, because questions arise about the cost of paying all these reps.
The other thing I have no doubt they had in the works was to “hit the ground running” with members of da Voice appointed by Luigi.

“Elections take time to organise and we need to get on with the urgent business of Treaty and Macarena (what? That was always part of the deal), so the usual suspects (Noel from Noosa, Marcia Plankton) are appointed on a temporary basis”.

Except, once they are in place and control the election process, it’s a job for life.

October 16, 2023 3:03 pm

We’ve been on a war footing for week here at the Cat and lost track of the politics.

Is this for real? Is it even a possibility that a GOP majority leads to a demonrat speaker? If this occurred, the GOP deserves to lose every single house seat without remorse.

FOLKS – Make a call for Jim Jordan…. Please…. For America. We cannot afford a Democrat Speaker or Deep State McCarthy back in to do NOTHING. At least with Jordan there is a chance, no?

October 16, 2023 3:06 pm

My computer nearly went for a fly across St George’s Terrace… upon receiving this from the boss:

Dear Colleauges
on Saturday, Australians had the chance to vote toward indigenous recognition and a voice to parliament. (Lysander notes: Boss doesn’t didn’t mention it lost).

It’s important to be respectful in this time given blah blah blah… (Lysander notes: Obviously we can only talk about the travesty that it didn’t pass).

Staff may be impacted by these events (note: Still doesn’t mention outcome) and are able to access a day’s leave if they need to find support during this time (Lysander notes: GGF’d).

*I hate talking in the third-person.

October 16, 2023 3:06 pm

Sometimes it feels like al jizzera and the gourdian speak with one voice.

October 16, 2023 3:06 pm

Teals and Greenslime, as though there’s a difference, go full Hamarse.

Greens, teals accuse Israel of war crimes

The independents backed Adam Bandt as he unsuccessfully tried to amend a statement of support for Israel with one condemning ‘war crimes’ by the country.

Teals are NOT independents. They’re full on Greenslime.

Bruce in WA
October 16, 2023 3:08 pm

Ahhh, WA … beautiful one day, a police state presided over by a moron masquerading as the Minister for Police:

Western Australia is set to become the first jurisdiction in the country to limit the number of guns someone can own under proposed firearm law reforms.

Key points:

Details have been revealed of proposed changes to WA’s firearm laws

Eight licence types have been developed for specific gun users
Feedback on the proposed laws can be given on the WA Police website
The Firearm Act review would see recreational shooters limited to owning five guns and farmers restricted to 10.

Competitive shooters will also be limited to 10 firearms but can apply to own more if they are competing at a national or international level.

Impacted firearm licence holders would be required to dispose of excess guns before the laws come into effect.

Disposal can be done through surrendering the guns under amnesty, selling them through a licensed WA dealer, or via a state government-funded buyback scheme.

Police Minister Paul Papalia said it would be up to those who own more guns than the new laws allow to choose which firearms they kept and which they dispose of to be within limits.

“Public safety is paramount, and that has been the key consideration when drafting the proposed legislation,” he said.

“If there are fewer firearms in the community, there are fewer opportunities for them to be used illegally.”

Currently there are 360,916 licensed firearms in WA, which is more than double the amount in the state in 2009.

It is estimated the law change would see about 13,000 guns disposed of, but the government expects most licence holders will not be impacted.

Compensation amount non-negotiable

For those who are affected, the WA government has committed to funding a voluntary buyback scheme.

The value of compensation for surrendered guns would not be negotiable but will be calculated based on the type of firearm and when it was first licensed in Western Australia.

There will be no compensation paid for ammunition or accessories surrendered with firearms.

The government would also not pay for any unlicensed guns, but they can be surrendered under amnesty legislation.

“My job and the job of my officers is to keep the community safe, and illicit firearms pose a significant risk to the safety of the community and to my officers, especially when in the hands of serious and organised crime groups,” WA Police Commissioner Col Blanch said.

“We know that licensed firearms can quickly become illicit firearms and be traded in the underworld.

“That is why it is so important that we make sure that only firearms that need to be in the community remain licensed, and that they are stored and secured appropriately by their owners.”

And …

New licence types to be introduced

Under the proposed laws, there will be eight specific licence types which set out limitations for different users.

The licence categories will be:

Primary producer

An individual licence will be required for recreational hunting or target shooting and restricts the holder to owning five firearms.

Competitive shooters who are current members of a licensed shooting club can own up to 10 firearms and shooting clubs will have to apply for a club licence.

Farmers will fall under the primary producer licence type and can own up to 10 firearms, but the guns can only be used for primary production purposes.

Total, utter, mind-bending BS!!

October 16, 2023 3:10 pm

Hubby and mate were “brought in for questioning” at ages 17 and 18 because they had pulled over to sleep on the side of the road in a vehicle same make as a murderer. His mate matched the description ( they were broke and were driving a long way home after a band concert). His parents were also contacted and were beside themselves when it was explained why the boys were detained. Took a day to sort out. Long time ago in rural NZ, fun times!

October 16, 2023 3:14 pm

Completely OT but very amusing in a WTF sort of way.

I just stumbled again on the story of the CIA operative who was sent to Tajikistan to determine whether it would be a suitable location for a base of operations against the Taliban.

It was so incredibly dangerous that he worked out of the Russian Embassy and travelled to the airport exclusively in Russian or Tajik military convoys.

He desperately needed an interpreter and cabled Langley to send one out.

The reply said that there were no interpreters available but it had been reported that his workplace equity training status had lapsed. They would be happy to send out a team to help him through the requal process.

He was tempted to say yes.

October 16, 2023 3:23 pm

but something is definitely smelly about the border security ‘ failures’ this time.

Oh yes?
Please provide some detail around your suggestion that Israel was somehow complicit in the rape torture and murder of her citizens.

October 16, 2023 3:23 pm

Also, are we back to 250 comments per page?

October 16, 2023 3:25 pm

From Cater’s article:

The descent of these Rousseauean-inspired idylls into welfare sinkholes riddled with social dysfunction was immediate and is now all but irreversible.

Nails it.

The threat of “black rage”…thanks for confirming my suspicion that “reconciliation” was anything but.

As for Teslas…they’re everywhere. A very self conscious one parked next to me at S&B this morning. ECO was part of the numberplate. Seriously.

Thankfully it was an open air carpark.

October 16, 2023 3:27 pm

‘Chief People Officer’.
Just FOAD QANTAS you ridiculous corrupt scam.

And the woman who screwed over everyones’ QATAS Frequent Flyer points has been appointed to the board of Myer.

No wonder, no f*kn wonder.

October 16, 2023 3:27 pm

Thankfully it was an open air carpark.

So you keyed the finish then?

October 16, 2023 3:27 pm

The Prime Minister has flagged that, post the Voice referendum, his government will turn its full attention to the decarbonisation of the economy and the prospect of Australia becoming an renewable energy superpower.

Oh dear ….

October 16, 2023 3:27 pm

Here Duk

Read Zat’s comments and the link to the NYTimes piece explaining the “smelly” chain of events that eventuated.

October 16, 2023 3:32 pm

“The perfect president for the aussie republic is someone who doesn’t want the job and has no favours to repay to the current elites. “

Actually, the perfect president would be one with the power of the line-item veto.

October 16, 2023 3:32 pm

Tesla sales for ‘passenger’ vehicles was the highest in Australia a month or so ago.
I’m guessing a lot of back orders were finally delivered.
At 58k starting price they still aren’t the car for the average Joe.
Waiting to see if servos are going to add fast charging stations. Personally I think that is a very bad idea.
One towering inferno will be one too many.

eric hinton
eric hinton
October 16, 2023 3:33 pm

Advice sought.

An elderly lady who does bpay by phone, and no or little internet banking is being told by Telstra that in an upgrade to Opticomm network, they will only offer her a pay in advance plan and direct debit from her account. Anyone know of an alternative that would allow her to continue as she has?

October 16, 2023 3:34 pm

Big miners liked ‘Yes’ for the same reason all big corporates like big states and lotsa regulations: barriers to entry.

They must especially love the prospect of billions being tied up because consultation!

October 16, 2023 3:35 pm

Frank, I wouldn’t dream of vandalism, not in my nature. It looked beautiful, sleek, shiny.

Like a cobra. Or an artillery shell.

I got the hell out of there and parked next to a safer daggy old carpenter’s ute. (I avoid plumber’s utes on account of the oxy tanks). 😀

October 16, 2023 3:35 pm

After the initial elation to the failure of this attempted leftard coup d’etat, some final reflections on what went on at the polling booths I volunteered at, in a Western Sydney Liars den, with a large immigrant population:

NOers like me got plenty of glares, sneers and insults from YES voters, I was called racist x1, white colonialist x1, asked how I could sleep at night etc..

YESsers outnumbered us 3-4 to 1 on average.
The only time one of them was verbally attacked by someone, who presumably was going to vote NO, was last Friday, when YESsers were allegedly panicking, and literally harassing people in the queue.

Overall, the whole thing was a civilised affair, with no obvious animus between YESsers and NOers. After all the vitriol perpetrated in the media, a pleasant surprise.

Immigrants predominantly looked like they were going to vote NO.
While holding a NO placard facing the traffic, many thumbs ups and shouts of “Vote NO!”, almost exclusively from people of ME appearance. One even stopped and offered bottled water.

Pale, predominantly older Anglos were the most frequent insulters, clearly YES voters.
Chineeze Ozzies (?) were the next most common brainwashed group.
It was so predictable that, on voting day, I eventually stopped handing out HTVs to them.

A significant proportion of voters (~5%) are morbidly obese and/or seriously arthritic. They had incredible difficulty negotiating stairs and even access ramps.
One doesn’t see this on normal days.
It was so incongruous that one has to conclude that these people usually spend their days stuck at home.
Why they didn’t apply for a postal vote is anyone’s guess.

Broken record moment:
Our organizations was severely underfunded, as well as badly organized.
As all Cats would know, the NO HTV leaflet was embarassing in its lack of informational detail and choice of colours. It didn’t even reproduce a sample ballot paper correctly.
Compare this with the YES HTV leaflet, plenty of persuasion blurb, detailed ballot paper, and multilingual.
We ran out of the printed material and had to ration caps and T-shirts. YESsers had plenty to spare.
Chalk and cheese.. $365 million making a difference.. at the printers.

We had the problem of having to push a negative message and, due to our low numbers, had little or no time to explain our position.

YESsers waffled on, selling smiling unicorns and fluffy joys, with gay abandon, and at will.
They still lost, proving that a stinking pig of an idea, no matter how well hidden with perfumed bollocks, still stinks.

Lastly, thank-you to all Cats reading and commenting on my wordy-walls.

October 16, 2023 3:37 pm

Talking about Telsa and EVs.

Toyota claims to have developed a battery that is now going into production that will extend distance to 1200km and requires 10 min charge.

Again, Toyota makes this claim. If true, it’s a game changer

Next-generation Toyota electric-car batteries planned to double driving range

The world’s largest car maker by volume has published new details on the battery technology planned for future electric cars – which could help to boost driving range beyond 1200km.

October 16, 2023 3:38 pm

‘Chief People Officer’.

Chuckle. Who thought that title up? Sounds like a collector of LEGO figurines.

October 16, 2023 3:38 pm

Barry Avatar
Oct 16, 2023 1:48 PM
Oct 16, 2023 11:55 AM
Does the Constitution itself get a sunset clause?

Do you want one or not?

Not really a deep thinker, are you?

I don’t like being a mean prick but when people start smarmy shit for no reason, well you can eat shit.

Barry, Barry, Barry…

If you are going to make claims of judging other’s ability to engage in deep thought, where were you going with this?

A. Hard core secessionism. A rare hot take.
B. Pettifogging “conservative” who wants a government that existed before Gough Whitlam but doesn’t like change. Utterly typical, we still have batterds who are suffering LNP members.
C. Mind numbing pedantry pointing out the constitution is a form of legislation, ignorant to s 128 existing at all.
D. Following C. the irony of State constitutions originally “only” being legislation that mostly can be repealed or amended by each Parliament, the existence of savings provisions and the existence of s 51 (xxxviii) Federally which should be changed immediately to clear up nationhood and possibly other rather wide ranging, dangerous powers (wholesale repeal; probably not alteration).

To be one a deep thinker Barry, what you need to read is the very beginning of s 51. Ignoring this is the height of brain dead, mind numbing pedantry.

The Parliament shall, subject to this Constitution, have power to make laws…

Oh dear, our little yapping pup Barry. It looks like you’ve rolled around in your own shit!

October 16, 2023 3:40 pm

My Chinese contacts, admittedly small in number, voted no.
Chisholm which has a significant Chinese cohort and went back to Labor last federal election also voted no, albeit by a small margin, though I expect that to increase as postals get counted.

October 16, 2023 3:41 pm

The Prime Minister has flagged that, post the Voice referendum, his government will turn its full attention to the decarbonisation of the economy and the prospect of Australia becoming an renewable energy superpower.

There is no such thing as a “renewable energy superpower” in the world, nor will there be with current or forseeable technology.

Albo; still with the lying and gaslighting.

October 16, 2023 3:41 pm

‘Chief People Officer’.

Chief People & Kulcha Orificer.

Johnny Rotten
October 16, 2023 3:47 pm

No One Here knows what the IDF will do next.

And I like that.

October 16, 2023 3:50 pm

They still lost, proving that a stinking pig of an idea, no matter how well hidden with perfumed bollocks, still stinks.

Heh. No disguising that stench. And the harassment is your badge of honour, Gilas.

Something that was disturbing though – the number of aboriginal flags at the Pro-pallie rallies. Strange allies.

October 16, 2023 3:51 pm

Interesting story, hzhousewife. Barlow and Chambers came to mind, I thought of your husband being attacked. I’d be more worried about being rolled than arrested.

October 16, 2023 3:51 pm

the decarbonisation of the economy

Anti-scientific gibberish.

October 16, 2023 3:51 pm

Wodney, go ask Marty’s sentient AI and report back. She’d know. Destiny knows everything.

October 16, 2023 3:53 pm

Something that was disturbing though – the number of aboriginal flags at the Pro-pallie rallies. Strange allies.

It’s not about the principle, but the side.

Since, if you were to apply the principle that “first nations land belongs to first nations” then there’s no way you can apply that to invading/colonising Gazans/Arabs in Israel.

However, since X side is hell bent on destroying Australia, its rights, its people and Judeo-Christian culture, X doesn’t care about consistency.

H B Bear
H B Bear
October 16, 2023 3:54 pm

Sancho Panzer at 1:21

I think the corporate Yes sponsors put this thing in “Park” about two months ago. Sure, they had already chipped in big bucks, but the use of retail premises and employees to promote it was nipped in the bud.

Like it or not thanks to the High Court and Keating Australian miners are in the Aboriginal Industry as well. Others less so. I have no doubt there will be more discussion around the board table next time. Albo and Alan Joyce should see if they can get a group discount on some remedial courses on brand management, with a particular emphasis on brand damage.

Johnny Rotten
October 16, 2023 3:55 pm

The Prime Minister has flagged that, post the Voice referendum, his government will turn its full attention to the decarbonisation of the economy and the prospect of Australia becoming an renewable energy superpower.

Prease tell the Guv’ment that the Chinenese Guv’ment is already here and fat you are already Farked.

October 16, 2023 3:55 pm

Chief People Officer a.k.a. Chief Propaganda Officer

HR never were, never will be for the little people.

Davey Boy
October 16, 2023 4:01 pm

the staff petals at Telstra have been offered ‘well-being support’ following the Voice referendum (counselling provided via a 1300 hotline number).

Telstra held regular staff meetings to ‘educate’ their staff during the lead up to the vote, and were pushing out the Yes case via their internal comms (Yammer), so HR/Telstra management were actively promoting the Voice towards employees.

Real Deal
Real Deal
October 16, 2023 4:05 pm

As for Teslas…they’re everywhere. A very self conscious one parked next to me at S&B this morning. ECO was part of the numberplate. Seriously.

Oh yes. One Tesla in the inner-west park near us had the number plate “No O2”. Self deluded.

Real Deal
Real Deal
October 16, 2023 4:07 pm

That should be “No C02”

Johnny Rotten
October 16, 2023 4:08 pm

Oct 16, 2023 3:51 PM

Nice to see you here again so such a T..W .A.T.

October 16, 2023 4:09 pm

ECO WRR is the ultimate vanity plate.

H B Bear
H B Bear
October 16, 2023 4:12 pm

Albo determined to give The Great Man a run for his money. C’mon bruvvas. Chop chop.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 16, 2023 4:13 pm

H B Bear

Oct 16, 2023 11:29 AM

Faustus -which is why a full draft (in the form it would be enacted) Act and Explanatory Memoranda should accompany any Referendum. This was undergraduate, hands over the homework stuff. Exactly like the republic referendum. It deserved to suffer the same fate.

Part of the Grand Plan was to brand this as innocuous R Recognition with a Ladies Auxiliary tacked on the side to give advice. They were going to sleep-walk Australian voters into this loosey-goosey thing, then spring the trap.
Full on blak-veto embedded in the Consishushun.
There is a lesson for the Republican Movement here.
If they go to a referendum without having chapter and verse on how we elect (and remove) a President, what limits there will be to Presidential powers, and how stand-offs between the Executive and the President are resolved, it will go down like the Hindenburg as well.

Johnny Rotten
October 16, 2023 4:14 pm

Does the Constitution itself get a sunset clause?

Which part?

You Farking You Dot of Dottinness?

H B Bear
H B Bear
October 16, 2023 4:16 pm

Sancho – exactly it was a Trojan horse in wolf’s clothing. Very Fabian.

October 16, 2023 4:18 pm

Methinks that the political minders will take a week or two to get the message into the very thick heads of our politicians.

“End of the world, dogs and cats living together! What do you mean they didn’t want a constitutional change? Next they will be saying they don’t like wind turbines!”

  1. Sounds like a fallback job. No-one else wants the toxic bestard.Even this mob have got him on a fixed term.

  2. There you go 2nd stadium is near Harrup Park Country Club also close to the airport. Just been subject to…

  3. Cenk needs his nose driven into his head, ‘Shut up’: Douglas Murray clashes with Cenk Uygur over Israel-Hamas war

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x