@MikeBenzCyber the real reason Biden pardoned Mark Milley
@MikeBenzCyber the real reason Biden pardoned Mark Milley
Was overseas over the Christmas period and was stunned at how cheap alcohol is in Europe. I haven’t looked it…
@MikeBenzCyber 1,500 J6 pardons !!!!!
@MikeBenzCyber Trump just designated an absolutely insane number of DOD & CIA assets as foreign terrorists will be fascinating to…
According to Wikipedia, Australia (and many other western democracies) have not signed or ratified the convention that sets up the…
The NY Times is yet to apologise for using a photo of a bombed out building in their story on the hospital bombing they knew was totally unrelated.
Matt Walsh
So we went from an entire hospital with 500 hundred people inside being destroyed to a partially damaged parking lot?
I’m old enough to remember when all news readers on the ABC also had that sort of voice.
So, wrong on the two presumptions he did make (hospital and casualties) and rightfully waffled on the other.
Learn the lesson people, if Hamas is talking it’s lying. NO detail can be trusted until independently verified.
Just like “news” website had running tallies on COVID deaths, they should have a number of hostages in a banner at the top of their websites.
This is the key issue at the moment.
Just like the entire Australian left, which loathes democracy because it keeps delivering results most people are happy with that godless brainwashed lefties hate –i.e. the October 14 referendum.
Cassie, you are not too harsh. Queensland Liberals couldn’t find if they tried anyone with less charisma to replace that Freckelton woman who also was devoid of personality.
OK, so just to clear – the common understanding of ‘Terra Nullius’ in the deliberately corrupted public discourse – the one touted to prove that the British claim to Australia was fundamentally invalid – is that it meant there were no people (something like Terra sine populo?) here.
Or is the claimed meaning different.
I know that Terra Nullius, at the time and in the context of exploring, meant that it was a land without a sovereign or a national leader – a person or group of people to whom a ship’s captain could have spoken to on behalf of the British Monarch – and this assessment was plainly correct. It is not as if the British had not come across other new nations before and they weren’t labelling them all Terra Nullius.
The Gaza Hospital story was a classic blood libel
Probably the best way to sum it up.
Reminds me of the old joke.
A young lady goes to visit her elderly Jewish grandmother and is appalled to find on her living room table copies of “der sturmer” & other neo nazi papers.
She confronts her Nanna asking how she could do such a thing given they had lost relatives to nazis etc.
The old lady lets her rant and says.
“I read these ones because in them we Jews control the world and are all powerful, much nicer than the reality”
Ive stuffed the telling, its much better a verbal joke than a written one.
But there is an awful habit, like a dog returning to its vomit, for the “west” to engage in lizardbrain thinking on the Jewish people.
This is the ADH video that Cassie originally posted.
Ready to go at the “commandments”.
What’s more, Crisafulli looks like he is permanently surprised, and perhaps he is. Everyone else is also surprised that he is still the Liberals leader.
An aboriginal flag is cultural appropriation. Having it at half mast as a sign of mourning is also cultural appropriation. And so is the flagpole.
Democrats: Hamas Is Just As Bad As White People
Biden’s Trans Health Official Imposes ‘Pronoun Mandate’
I always assumed that to be the case. The Latin language has the right description for their side of politics – sinister.
Farmer Gez would be interested in your comment on the following
Refer below: Since when did the AER become a court? In this case they have a vested interest in these transmission lines going all over the country!
Colin Packham
The Australian Energy Regulator has rejected a legal challenge launched by a local Victorian community group against a high-voltage transmission line, allowing work on the infrastructure project to proceed.
The ruling is a boost to Australia’s energy transition prospects, but it will anger local residents in western Victoria who are campaigning to have the 400km, 500-kilowatt cable installed underground.
The project is one of five priority projects that the Australian Energy Market Operator says is vital for Australia’s energy transition. The government has set a target of having renewable energy generate 80 per cent of the country’s electricity by 2030.
But the projects are controversial and are being opposed by many local communities, who argue the transmission lines will inhibit business, damage the environment and increase the threat of bushfires.
Community groups have vowed to oppose the projects, rejecting financial offers of compensation.
The Moorabool and Central Highlands Power Alliance in June launched a legal challenge against the assessment of AEMO and Transgrid when developing a route for the transmission line, arguing the developers failed to identify all credible options and did not properly consult all parties.
But the AER on Tuesday ruled that it determined AEMO and Transgrid had followed the correct processes and rejected the legal challenge.
The outcome is a blow to communities that will be affected by the transmission line, and the group said it was taking legal advice in relation to the ruling.
The case encapsulates the growing difficulty Australia will have if it is to successfully wean its $2.5 trillion economy off its coal dependency.
Coal is still the dominant source of electricity in Australia, generating about 60 per cent of the country’s power.
The federal Labor government has set an aggressive timetable of rapidly replacing coal generation with wind, solar and batteries, but the rollout of new zero-emission sources is being curtailed by delays in building new transmission lines.
Australia must build 10,000km of high-voltage poles and wires by 2050 to allow the transfer of renewable energy across the country.
Without assurance of being able to connect into the grid, many renewable energy developers are on the sidelines until they have confidence that the infrastructure will be built.
The aggressive transition timetable has added pressure on coal generators to retire, though all of them are under sustained economic and social pressure, while many are already approaching the end of their technical lifespans.
If Australia cannot build the transmission infrastructure and new generation, it faces a looming electricity generation shortfall.
AEMO in August warned the transmission lines must be built urgently to bring on new generation capacity or the nation would face a decade when reliable electricity supplies could not be guaranteed.
Shortfalls in electricity supplies will lead to higher threats of blackouts and price rises for families already doing it tough.
I prefer West rural Ireland English.
Learn the lesson people, if MSM is talking they are lying. Bloggers and social media jockeys are much more reliable than the university educated propagandists.
Unless it’s the perpetrator sharing video of what they are doing (Hamas just can’t stop uploading) one should be patient before jumping on any story from anywhere in a war zone.
This is in the Congress
Dinesh D’Souza
Do any of these people look in the least bit afraid they will be put away for years like the #January6 protesters? Of course not. In a #Policestate, some people are above the law
So the Joooos bombing the hospital resulting in 500 dead pallyweirdos didn’t happen.
Well, colour me completely unsurprised.
As for the knobheads who swallowed it hook line and sinker, I’ll refrain from pointing out they’re a bunch of gullible mouth frothing Jew hating imbeciles.
Noosa Noel et. al., are going to be in even deeper mourning if an audit happens.
What a manipulative weirdo manlet.
Who is he?
On the heels of the oh so scientific
sounds just like a JDAM proves it woz the IDF wot done it
comes the hamarse don’t do airburst proof it woz the IDF wot done it.
Or maybe tTHerRmOBarIC!!!
A Snakeye with a daisy cutter fuse would be less retarded.
Anti – Semitism has lost a lot of its force as a term. Anti – Semites could not care less about being accused of anti – semitism these days. It is really Israel hatred and Jew hatred. Just my opinion.
I find the plummy voiced ppe Oxford graduates of the BBC particularly repulsive. Supercilious and condescending.
If you want to be condescended from the rear entry, tune in to ABC Classics FM and hear how far under the undergraduates have dragged our standards.
There’s an odd thing happening in pop music at the mo- a baby-voice affectation where the r sound is elided to the point of being a vowel- ie, ground is sounded as guound, heard becomes hoid. Women and men, US and UK singing it thus. As far as I can work out, it started with Adele wanting to sound less posh. Like our ABC presenters wanting to sound roots, so they pronounce JJJ as “chippa Jay” and Sydney as “Gadigal”…
There’s an ad on Spotify for UWA, where the glottal fry filly talks of “sosha chenge and sosha wek”. Sh8ts me to tears. And an extended skit for an accounting firm by Dylan Allcott- who operates a qango getting disabled-looking people onto ads because- and I’m holding my head in my hands as I think about this- representation of invisible disabilities- where he wheezes his way through something which sounds like it was both written and performed by fourteen-y-o’s after their first cone.
Catturd ™
INSURRECTION! Screaming Far Left Protesters Storm Capitol, Shut Down Rotunda – Demand Israeli Ceasefire in Gaza
The Ill treatment of political prisoners in Washington DC is unspeakable. The US – land of the free eh. What a fuking con.
Point is, I expect better standards and clear communication from both Their ABC and my free media.
The correct waffle would have been:
Never speculate. Anyone who has done basic emergency response media training would have learned that.
The sorry little creature has so many hands up the back of his jacket he can’t manage the 101 stuff.
While familiarity might not breed contempt, it certainly does seem to increase scepticism.
Cars cooked! Steel vaporised!
You know where this going people!
Seen him occasionally on Sky talking a big game, especially about the crime epidemic house sized backside Pluckachook has gifted Queenslanders.
My general impression otherwise is he’s an extremely unimpressive figure, as his latest contortions regarding indodgyknee special privileges demonstrates. A deer in the headlights, hence the surprised expression.
Chief Nerd
“Seizures/convulsions ‘met the statistical threshold for a signal’ in children aged 2 to 4 following receipt of a Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine and children aged 2 to 5 following receipt of a Moderna COVID-19 vaccine, researchers with the FDA and three large healthcare companies said in a new preprint study.
A safety signal is a sign that a health condition may be caused by vaccination, but further research is required to verify a link.
Overall, 72 cases of seizures/convulsions were recorded within seven days of a shot among toddlers and other young children. Most happened within three days of a shot.”
I only have to endure the despicable ABC when some one on the shop floor at work puts jjj on. Pisses me right off. On a slightly related subject didn’t garret Barker lawyer filth tip a lot of money into ‘yes’. Nothing I loathe more than north shore leftists.
Robby Starbuck
So after all the drama yesterday it turns out the Gaza hospital wasn’t bombed, the parking lot was, and 500 people didn’t die. Oh and the rocket wasn’t from Israel, it was from a failed rocket that Palestinian terrorists shot at Israel. Absolutely insane.
New World Odor™
Remember when Tucker said in Aug 2023 that ”they’re not going to do COVID again…They’re going to go to war with Russia”?
This seems especially possible if things continue to escalate in Israel/Palestine.
Good to see Ed Husic making sensible statements re: Gaza and Israel.
Pawle names him just before the footage rolls of him mouth foaming in Hyde Park, calli.
This disgusting country. nayzees screeching unmolested about slaughtering Jews in the streets of our increasingly horrible alienating and unrecognisible urban agglomerations.
No prizes for guessing who’s to blame.
Is Hornsby really North Shore?
It may as well be in Bathurst with the commute.
The media goes full Hamas. Never go full Hamas.
This is unbelievable. Germany
Star of David painted on houses where Jewish people live in Berlin as antisemitic attacks rise
Losing it Anthony?
And the saying can be shortened to “familiarity breeds” .
And there is absolutely zero excuse for it.
Scientists Discover Previously Unknown Mechanism Significantly Impacting Earth’s Climate
Not to mention “Naan”, a locality (apparently) which I’ve never heard of (apart from the Injun bread).
Less than 50 min on the train to Wynyard is not exactly Bathurst.
Boambee John.
There is a great deal of “appropriation”, even the use of “First Nations” is an appropriation. It is as though they are ashamed of tribal type governance. A kind of self directed racism really as also evidenced by an apparent extreme shame at being hunter gathers.
Pity, as to have lasted 65,000 years as hunter gathers, and not required much adaptation, they must have been rather successful. Australia is a harsh land and yet they survived. Much of the rest of the world needed wheels, pots, footwear.
Lizzie, we had 70% Americans on board our recent Viking sojourn, and they almost all seemed to be Republicans, or at least anti-what is happening in the USA at present.
What a manipulative weirdo manlet.
Who is he?
The name is mentioned, Ethan Floyd.
Im going out on a limb here and going to guess before looking hes a member in good standing with the socialist alliance
Found a new twitter account. @ethanfloyd160
hes a “school learning support officer (SLSO) Inner Sydney high school.
And a BA (indiginous studies) from Sydney Uni.
His linkedin is the perfect study of a serial grifter burrowing his way into a nice lifelong academic/kid accessing post to keep spreading his cancer.
Oh, and hes a proud member of the longnose tribe.
Those of us with the clarity of mind and a solid understanding of history knew that this despicable antisemitism would raise its supremely ugly head once we opened the doors to the adherents of an ideology that clearly states its deadly intentions with regards to Jews.
Our betters assured us otherwise. Diversity being our strength and all. Now we are stuck with them. Our politicians are scared of upsetting them, as are our spineless police organisations.
Not sure where the West is going to go from here but it isn’t anywhere good.
The other thing that shits me about jjj is the affected cold alienation as if they were forced by circumstance to sell their bodies at the wall. When in reality they’re on big fat tax leach salaries.
Are you able to list the “commandments” please?
OK, so the deceitful media and the bolshevik Gutierrez promoted the Palli hospital conspiracy. Tthat is to be expected.
But FFS, how is it that nobody in our squillion dollar public service pulled Albanese’s cord and told him to wait for confirmation?
Or, more probably, did the little man clown see the conspiracy as a chance to recover some cred with the Greens and his mussie pets after being forced to criticise his beloved Hamas a week ago.
A Blabbersac/Wong Government might actually be an improvement.
“Who is he?”
A Jew hater.
I’ve been trying to think of a suitable way to describe mUnty’s pathetic effort yesterday.
“Drive by” seems over the top for what he offered. I contemplated “cycle by”, “walk by” and “crawl by”, but finally settled on “slither by”.
Nice to see Ed Husic out himself. I’ve long thought there was a stench around him. Piece of shit.
Husic is a Bosnian Muslim. Ah yes, I remember how Hitler enlisted his great mate, Palestinian leader Amin al-Husseini, to organise SS squads of Bosnian Muslim males, so they could slaughter Balkan Jews and Serbs.
So what people are saying is EVERY detail from the initial Hamarse “muh hospital” cataclysm was incorrect.
Well Im sure “once bitten, twice shy” media will immediately stop using them as a credible source from now on then.
Is Husic pushing the hospital hoax?
I haven’t seen what he’s saying.
Antony is a Laborite, every now and then over the years he has slipped.
That said, he values his professional reputation above his personal views. Until recently, he was the best in the business. In public, he was impeccably impartial.
There are some private companies getting into the biz, and their software might just be better.
Good time for him to retire with grace and kudos.
Shane Howard from band Goanna hands back Order of Oz medal in distress over Voice result, says Daily Mail.
Bit of a one hit wonder from 40 years ago. Bunch of white guys singing about giving the land back. Bit of cultural appropriation up front with the dij.
Oct 19, 2023 9:08 AM
Robby Starbuck
So after all the drama yesterday it turns out the Gaza hospital wasn’t bombed, the parking lot was, and 500 people didn’t die. Oh and the rocket wasn’t from Israel, it was from a failed rocket that Palestinian terrorists shot at Israel. Absolutely insane.
Confirmed by the ~Audio Recording of the Hamas terrorists released by Israel Defence Force – Western Mainstream Media especially BBC & ABC are pure Grabage
LISTEN: IDF shares classified audio of Hamas terrorists on Gaza hospital blast
The conversation between the two terrorists was translated into English can be seen below.
Audio transcript translated into English
The conversation between the two terrorists was translated into English goes as follows:
They are saying this was Islamic Jihad.
That this was from us?
It seems that it was from us, yes.
Who is saying this?
They are saying that the shrapnel of the missile are local pieces and not Israeli shrapnel.
What are they saying [there]?
My god, from us, it didn’t just explode, but in a hospital!
They may have fired from the cemetery behind.
It seems that they fired this from the cemetery behind the hospital, and it failed and landed on the hospital.
There is a cemetery behind it?
Yes, it is right in its area!
Where is it exactly? When you enter the general courtyard area?
When you enter the courtyard area, so that you do not continue towards the city, but instead from the right side, that is where the hospital is.
BJ – watch the video – Cassie linked to it yesterday morning. Or look up Fred Pawle – ADH TV.
The scenes from Hyde Park last Sunday are absolutely infuriating.
That is a disgusting song of hate and lies.
“Industry Minister Ed Husic has hit out at Australia’s response to the Israeli-Hamas conflict, asking why buildings had not been lit up with Palestinian flag colours.
“We don’t see any public landmarks in Australia that are being lit up in red, black, white and green,” Mr Husic told Radio National on Thursday”
Firstly, Weasel Husic, there are numerous reasons why. Please note that Weasel Husic is engaging in moral equivalence when there is ZERO moral equivalence between Hamas in Gaza and the Israel. But okay Weasel Husic, if you insist, let’s do it, let’s get the Opera House lit up in Pallie colours. And when it’s lit up in those colours, I’ll get a group of Jews together and we’ll go down to the Opera House, burn a Pallie flag, and we’ll screech “kill all Palestinians” and “gas Palestinians”.
Firstly, who reckons here that we Jews wouldn’t be arrested if we decided to pull such a stunt?
But here’s the truth, we wouldn’t do such a thing, because one side is decent and the other side is not.
More confirmation that the scab of anti-Semitism is falling off the left, and that left isn’t the far-left, and more confirmation that the bullshit of multi-culturalism is a LIE.
Trainee skool teacha iirc.
Drivelling mediocrities – a cut price midnight oil. They had at least two “hits” if I remember correctly, the indodgyknee whinge one and another about sitting on a patio and breathing humid air.
Spot on Rabz.
This Ethan Floyd?
A proud Wiradjuri Wailwan man (which is a lie).
And editor of Honi Soit, apparently.
MMM or Gold seemed to playing that song of hate and lies on the hour in the lead up to the vote. Great that most people didn’t fall for the cloying emotional blackmail.
Nah…that was another mediocre band whose name escapes me.
Singer from Brisbane who I used to know back in the day.
asking why buildings had not been lit up with Palestinian flag colours.
Polling must be bad.
How did his seat do in the Voice?
Read Geoffrey Blainey The Triumph of the Nomads. Now (see Bruce Pascoe) they prefer to claim to have been low grade agriculturists.
How a few lawyers turned Yes into No
Lawyers who tried to sell a maximalist Voice model as a modest one fell into abstraction, sophistry, and legal fiction to do so.
Louise Clegg – Lawyer
Our systems of government and justice are adversarial for a reason. We worked out over centuries that the process of debate, scrutiny, interrogation and cross-examination gives us the best chance of getting to the right outcome, or to the truth where facts are contested.
That’s why our founders debated the Constitution up hill and down dale for over a decade before they settled on it. And that’s why every lawyer – especially those involved in any kind of litigation – knows that good interrogation always sheds light (and frequently unexpected light) on any kind of claim, including facts and legal arguments.
The added benefit of a proper process is that it helps those with an interest in the result accept disappointing and sometimes devastating outcomes.
One of the reasons for the result in the Voice referendum is that the Australian public consciously rejected the Yes case legal arguments.
That happened because the product was poor and was not subjected to a proper process before it was put to the people.
At some point ahead of Garma 2022, the Yes camp abandoned minimalist models published in 2020 and proceeded with an infinitely more maximalist model.
The proposal would create an Indigenous body with constitutional status equivalent to the other arms of government, and its remit would extend to both laws and policies of general application.
The Yes lawyers then did what all good lawyers do: they set about making arguments that this audacious model was nonetheless safe and modest.
Some of them believed it.
For instance, knowing from previous referendums that Australians are averse to entrenchment of “rights”, the Yes lawyers insisted correctly that the Voice did not create a right for any individual.
But in rejecting claims by No activists that the proposed section 129 would give special rights to one race of people, the Yes lawyers overlooked the fact that they were proposing a novel and globally unprecedented group or collective right for all Indigenous Australians.
Race-based proposal
Undeterred, they maintained the fiction that no rights were being created – with the average Australian scratching her head, saying: “Well if this is not a special right, why are we even having this argument?”
Then came the insistence that the proposal had nothing to do with race. In polite society the R-word is understandably avoided.
It’s also true that the Voice proposal was about acknowledging the special place in our society of our Indigenous people.
But there was simply no denying that this was a race-based proposal.
Consistent with international human rights law, our parliament makes special laws for Indigenous people under the races clause in the Constitution.
Our soon-to-be new chief justice reasoned in a controversial case about Indigenous identity that he would not be party to a “race-based constitutional limitation”. It’s therefore not surprising that to the claim that the Voice was not concerned with race, everyday Australians said out aloud: “Now I am really confused.”
Yes lawyers also readily dismissed the incontestable fact that the proposal deeply offended the principle of equality of citizenship.
Had the remit of the Voice been confined to redressing the ignominy of the races clause, or merely to Indigenous affairs, such dismissal would have been warranted.
But the enormous equality question and the concomitant spectre of unintended consequences was largely avoided by the Yes lawyers.
Devastating indictment
They failed to appreciate that many Australians, even those without a tertiary education, might understand that equality of citizenship is a fundamental tenet of liberal democracy and that a high bar might be required to toy with it.
The harsh reality is that the No camp’s claim that the Voice divided us by race by giving special rights or privileges to one group of people over others was an accurate and devastating indictment.
No amount of false fact-checks and Facebook bans generated by Yes lawyers could get around it.
What is more, they could point to no precedent for anything like the Voice in any comparable liberal democracy.
A process of robust public scrutiny and debate prior to the Garma model being given to the prime minister on a silver platter would have exposed the proposal to the brutal arguments that fairly and squarely defeated it.
Such a debate could have yielded a more modest, sensible model that would not have offended the common sense of the vast majority, and therefore one that political conservatives would have found hard to object to.
Had the Yes case narrowly prevailed due to the unprecedented money and institutional support it received, the failure to provide a proper process for debate would have contributed to non-acceptance of the result by a great swath of Australians.
As it stands, the non-acceptance of the result now lies with a minority whose education and political and media preferences enable them to swallow abstractions, sophistries and legal fictions.
We would do well to consider two things to avoid similar disasters in the future.
The first is that the design of important, contested legal reform should not rest with a handful of mostly academics, or a group of people with identity characteristics and no viewpoint diversity.
Academics provide invaluable input, but this episode has shown that broader input from people from more walks of life, different disciplines and political values was necessary.
Secondly, before taking positions on behalf of their vast memberships, legal professional bodies should implement new protocols which would provide platforms that validate and encourage dissent and debate.
Failure to do so in a profession which at its apex is increasingly more progressive than the broader population will throw up poor solutions, and result in a further loss of trust in the profession.
While politicians, corporates, Indigenous and non-Indigenous activists, campaign managers and internal pollsters are coming in for criticism, the unsuccessful referendum can be partly attributed to the failure by a small group of lawyers in the academy and the profession to heed the lessons of history.
These proponents of change, more than others, ought to have known at the outset that to get to the right result their very best friends were always going to be the sceptics, critics and dissenters.
Ol’ Shane from Goanna not doing well in the comments section:
Horatio Leafblower, Brisbane, 2 minutes ago
Ah, poor man. Never heard of him.
LaborWokeLosers, Melbourne, Australia, 7 minutes ago
How much tax to stolen land has he paid from hes royalties for 35 years ?
Take it back and give it to someone more worthy
GreenMachine, Noosa, Australia, 19 minutes ago
Oh please take the medal back. You wrote some song so you deserve it. Spare the whole country going into mourning (The song was “Solid Crock” ? )
Ozgem, Perth, Australia, 26 minutes ago
Hand back all the royalties you ever collected from Australian people too.
Aussie993, Topend, Australia, 30 minutes ago
These noble platitudes resonate well on a superficial level, but their implementation will result in a fractured society like South Africa.
Bindiboo, Gawler East, Australia, 30 minutes ago
His choice, how could he be so stupid
Oldpom, melbourne, about 2 hours ago
Hadn’t heard of either him or the song till it made the media.
Rumplestilskin, Nowra australia, about 2 hours ago
On your bike. That you had to work in your reflexive Trump Derangement Syndrome and Anti-Brexit spray says all we need to know about you. Have a good cry over a photo of Jessica Ardern and youll feel better. BTW welcome to OUR country.
Wickedlywoke, DerangedDanland, Australia, about an hour ago
He could prove how woke he is & GIVE his House to some of the poor people he Virtue signals to??
Ovrtaxed, Gold Coast, Australia, about 2 hours ago
How about these rich and elitists lefties start throwing their own money towards the natives, NO, thought not.
The BOTW column in the WSJ writes about the rugby tackling French nun.
Ganga Jang. The goana song was something about coming to Byron bay.
Skynews has the banner up saying 471 killed in the hospital blast.
A total lie.
If Sky is going to devote screen space to that, why can’t they have a live banner up of something truthful like the number of hostages Hamas took over a week ago.
White phosphorus shells fired into the refugee camps – the population of Jordan may be 70% Palestinians, but the ruling class are the descendants of the Bedouin “desert” Arabs, who despise the Palestinians with a passion.
World debt is in the order of $320 trillion USD this is 3 x world GDP, 80% of which belongs to the ‘rich’ countries. This debt will never be paid off. A reset is inevitable, either a jubilee or catastrophic implosion. If interest rates even hit 10% on this figure a full 30% of world GDP would go toward just the interest! Combine this with deep divisions within western societies, I don’t see a pleasant outcome. Who has solutions? Certainly not the cretins in ‘government’.
Labor backflips on aviation monitoring after Qantas drops opposition
Ayesha de Kretser
Senior reporter
Treasurer Jim Chalmers has reinstated the competition watchdog’s mandate to monitor Qantas and Virgin Australia, as a Coalition motion to extend a probe into aviation was blocked by the Greens and independent senator David Pocock.
Prime Minister Anthony Albanese claimed as recently as September 4 that Australia had the most competitive aviation market “bar none”. During the inquiry, Senator Pocock grilled Qantas about its claims regarding competition, given it and Virgin control 95 per cent of the domestic market.
Senator Pocock also demanded to know how many politicians had taken up the offer for free upgrades as members of Qantas’ Chairman’s Lounge, before rescinding his membership this month.
Labor’s backflip suggests the government has decided to refocus its attention on cost-of-living concerns.
“A competitive airline industry helps to put downward pressure on prices and deliver more choice for Australians facing cost-of-living pressures,” Dr Chalmers and Transport Minister Catherine King said in a joint statement.
A Senate inquiry found only Qantas had opposed extending an original mandate, put in place during COVID-19, for the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission to continue monitoring the airlines after June.
But in a submission to the Senate inquiry on October 6, Qantas softened its stance after having originally lobbied Treasury and the Department of Transport, saying the airline “accepts there is a perception that industry oversight of some sort would restore public confidence”.
The original ACCC monitoring mandate was put in place by the former Coalition government when Virgin entered administration to ensure airlines remained competitive.
Until now, Ms King has repeatedly claimed that there was no need to – and that no one had even suggested – reinstating the ACCC’s monitoring powers.
“The 12 reports under the previous government found declining service standards and higher prices but were not acted on,” the joint statement read.
“In contrast, the Albanese government will use ACCC monitoring to help inform the aviation white paper which is setting the policy direction for the sector out to 2050. We will ensure healthy competition plays a key role in shaping the future of the sector.”
Previously Ms King has claimed that the white paper, the forerunner to which former ACCC boss Rod Sims described as being “extremely thin on competition”, would deal with domestic aviation competition concerns.
‘White are our deeds, black are our battles,
Green are our fields, red are our swords.’
The swords are red with the blood of their enemies.
I don’t think we should encourage them.
bern and others
Thanks, what an idiot. He might have more than one neurone, but lacks the synapses to connect those few that he has.
Weird how the pali’s RNG never rolls low.
The UK should shut down its gas network and ban private vehicles from cities if it’s to meet its “climate targets”.
That’s the recommendation to government from the anti-humanists at the National Infrastructure Commission.
Sunak has said no. Would Starmer?
Way back when, the daughter of a local farming family had a traditional 21st birthday party, given by her parents, in the local hall.
The Disc Jockey played Midnight Oil “Lets give it back.”
There was a bellow, from the father of the birthday girl “Turn that fvcking rubbish off!”
Not surprised at Sky news and propaganda.
They were called out a week ago by Bennett (being interviewed by the journalist, dontcha know).
And then yesterday we had ms snake lips (Botting) attempting to browbeat Mark Regev over the hospital.
Both interviewers are propagandists and were called out as such. Sky is a disgrace.
Herald Sun website still running with 500 dead
My, how he has acclimatised…
The hypocrisy and stupidity of this sanctimonious brain damaged knobhead is astounding.
Thanks, you Scamberra cretins.
Well spotted, Faustus.
I’ve been invited to the Quadrant magazine post referendum dinner…..
Pocock is another trash import. You’d think his Rhodesian roots might alert him to the dangers of race divisions and baiting, but he’s either too dumb or too venal to care.
Another ornament to our parliament. The place glows like a Christmas tree, full of tinsel people.
The numbskull is very “appropriately” portrayed in the “Please Explain” cartoons.
Why Pluck-A-Duck Canberra Voted YES to Voice – It’s ust Australian Taxpaywers Money – Labor Party Tone Deaf
PM’s office orders paid referendum loss leave
Wednesday, 18 October 2023
The referendum was a significant event, and the vote will be a cause for reflection for many.
We acknowledge the emotional costs of a long and sometimes acrimonious public debate
Leave provisions including personal, miscellaneous or cultural leave may also be available
Read Ms Jody Broun
Chief Executive Officer
National Indigenous Australians Agency
Professor Glyn Davis AC
Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet
Dr Gordon de Brouwer
Australian Public Service Commissioner
Statement & Weep
54 comments in the article in the West Australian – TWO are in support.
Sounds very e-rhotic.
Bwah ha ha ha.
I see Leak has taken away Luigi’s Voice crop top and given him back the other half in the form of a Treaty-Reparations tank top.
Nice work.
“Industry Minister Ed Husic says Palestinians are being ‘collectively punished’”
No-ones holding a gun at the Palestinians head stopping them from leaving. Oh wait….
Yes, well, before getting too excited, remember that he’s on the way to a mankini.
Good thing the Opera House didn’t exist in 1945 or the usual suspects would want it lit up with the German flag.
Ok – I hadn’t seen Husic’s words on the Pali flag..
I was referring to his words regarding Hamas – condemning its barbarism and stating that they had ‘absolutely’ set back the idea of a two-state solution.
I think he’s actually being quite reasonable… he’s quite correctly pointing out that innocent Palestinians are being collectively punished for Hamas’ barbarity.
He’s just a dickhead.
A weathervane would have spun 180 degrees at 7:30 Saturday night (or at least called it “under review”).
He was still chanting “Treaty, Yeah!” on Monday morning, until someone spelt out the electoral consequences for him.
Vewy good.
The seconds taken to correct the spelling of his name.
Hamas have more political rights in the US than Donald Trump.
So, has Hamas come out and announced that the Israelis deliberately targeted a parking lot to force Palestinian civilians to walk while oppressed? Is there no end to Israeli sadism?
And is CNN, MSNBC, CNN, and the rest dedicated hours to exploring the horrors of being made to walk oppressed? White people would not understand, but black people and Hispanics are forever walking to the shops under the crushing weight of systemic oppression.
Anyone with half a brain can see it wasn’t an Israeli airstrike.
Here’s the image of the hospital carpark where the conflagration occurred.
You reckon it’d look so pristine after an Israeli airstrike , like this one?
Electoral Consequences: Tim Nichols back in the Big Chair for next year’s election and a bran nue LNP candidate for Broadwater.
Representing an upper Gold Coast electorate doesn’t necessarily give one the clearest view of flinty-eyed Queensland.
It won’t work but he’s a brave man for offering.
Jerusalem Catholic Patriarch offers to be exchanged for Gaza hostages (16 Oct)
I suspect the hostages are basically dead people, they have no chance. But Hamas did say yesterday they’d release them one hour after the IDF stopped bombing. Which I disbelieve, but it suggested they’re under a tad of pressure from somewhere. So maybe some Arab nation has enough sway to get a side deal of some kind going. Israel won’t deal, of course.
Act collectively, get punished collectively.
Hamas is the elected government of Gaza. There are plenty of videos of Gazan ‘civilians’ participating in the 7 Oct attacks, killing, looting, capturing hostages, and celebrating afterwards… right up until the bombs started falling, at which time they changed hats and reverted to victims status.
So nah.
Lt Col Jonathon Conricus (IDF spokesperson) putting Laura Jayes in her place over Hamas & hospital scam.
She half-heartedly seems to accept the clear evidence but not quite.
SkyNews daytime is getting worse.
He comes from FNQ & owns a cane farm up there, so he’s got no excuses.
When a politician goes wobbly like this, I suspect undue influence of wife and/or children.
Hamas is the elected government of Gaza. There are plenty of videos of Gazan ‘civilians’ participating in the 7 Oct attacks, killing, looting, capturing hostages, and celebrating afterwards… right up until the bombs started falling, at which time they changed hats and reverted to victims status.
Yep, right down to Palestinian children spitting on the bodies of Jewish girls being paraded through Gaza’s streets.
I’ve always thought Anthony Green has done an excellent job over the years with his ABC election coverage. I don’t watch him anymore, not because of him, but because I can’t bear the panellists.
Sky’s election coverage is now excellent, on a par with Green, and the panellists are always better.
Re Lawyer Clegg.
There certainly was no competent analysis of s129 among those who should have debated loudly in public ,politicians, the legal fraternity, activists, the media (but then, this would be the highly educated cohort). It’s drafting was incompetent or outstandingly manipulative. A gold mine for the legal fraternity and a High Court “ambulance ramping” episode of indefinite longevity.
It appears many Yessers, blinded by their great intellects, fell for “trust Government, sure can!” A large number of No voters, some with very little formal education, disclosed they had , in their words, “read thousands of pages”. They didn’t swallow “If you don’t know, vote no”.
The Amendment was constructed such that it can be read “in plain language” which gives a very different interpretation , than if relying upon the supporting documents. The “ambulance ramping”/log jamming would remain a given.
Albanese changed it at the lost moment available didn’t he?
There was but the best way to destroy the opposition is to make out as though they don’t exist.
I’m not a nagger, but get it seen to by a doc/nurse ASAP. Tibial lacerations can get infected really easily especially if the shin bone is involved which it nearly always is.
Nag nag nag.
It’s Happening! news (the Hun):
Mini-nuke. Obviously.
US Blocks Brazil’s Bid for Israeli Ceasefire in UN Council
Someone needs to tell the UN they aren’t driving this train.
JDAM. Definitely a JDAM.
“Video captured by CCTV cameras from a house in Doreen shows an orange light flash in blink or you miss it speed, before a booming sound is heard seconds later.
Mini-nuke. Obviously”.
Or a Muslim missile.
From Powerline (a very good US site)…
Today, pro-Hamas insurrectionists illegally occupied the Cannon House Office Building. Capitol police made a few desultory arrests, but the illegal demonstration was allowed to continue. Logan Ratick has a series of short videos. Here are some of them:
So, will these Hamas insurrectionists be arrested and thrown into a cell, with no charges, no trial, for years? And when charged, tried, will they be sentenced to decades in prison?
You watch…..nah, nah, nah.
Pocock was once regarded as best in the world for achieving turnovers. It went to his head.
Eyeless in Gaza
How the U.S. blinded Israeli intelligence gathering efforts on Hamas and other Palestinian groups inside Lebanon
Tony Badran
Tony Badran is Tablet magazine’s Levant analyst. He is a research fellow at Foundation for Defense of Democracies, where he focuses on Lebanon, Hezbollah, Syria, and the geopolitics of the Levant.
Some were arrested. Don’t know about the repercussions.
…one and another about sitting on a patio and breathing humid air.
Nah…that was another mediocre band whose name escapes me.
Mensies leave
Menopause leave
Gender affirmation leave
Pandemic leave
Throw in maternity leave and women have to do about 2 years of actual work and they retire with a fully funded superannuation account.
I’m still confounded that the same musicians are responsible for “Underneath the Radar” and the the first song that made me realise “dancing” was about ecstasy abuse, “Born Slippy”.
A coping mechanism against evil
Melanie Phillips – Oct 17, 2023
Alongside its volunteer army, Israel has become an army of volunteers
Tucker Carlson gets his old investment band back together:
Typical Adelaide. Too good for regular clap. (As noted above.)
Here is Hall & Oates Voice to Albo….
Yeah, but I can’t go for that
No (no), no can do
I can’t go for that
No (no), no can do
I can’t go for that
No (no), no can do
I can’t go for that, can’t go for that
Can’t go for that, can’t go for that.
They were alright, bit of a one hit wonder. Aussie as. The Up there Cazaly of Australia Day.
Mother Lode at 8:46 – as was carefully spelt out in Mabo and found to apply in the Torres Strait which had a much stronger Pacific Islander influence and pattern of land use. Didn’t seem to bother Keating who brought Mabo holus bonus to the mainland where Cook and anyone else was dealing with textbook hunter gatherers.
Isn’t Pocock’s wife working in Hansen-Young’s office?
Must be some DEW around that time of night.
Labor’s Weasel Husic and “Terrorism expert” Anne Aly have now come out as full blown supporters of Hamas terror.
Weasel Husic..
Mr Husic said he had heard shocking rhetoric towards Palestinian people, including “human animals”, and urged more compassion towards the civilian population in Gaza.”
Well Weasel Husic, my preferred description is “human garbage” because comparing animals to the human garbage that murdered 1400 Jews is unfair. A croc in Darwin Harbour has more morality and decency than those Palestinians who celebrated and are elated by the murder of more than1400 Jews.
Memo to Weasel Husic and the rest of the scum on the left….we Jews see you. we Jews hear you, and we Jews will never believe you when you falsely claim you’re not Jew haters.
Mother’s little helper Dot?
Women are turning to cannabis to treat menopause symptoms, study suggests (MedXpress, 18 Oct)
We’ve come a long way from Bex and a nap.
Leaker of Trump Taxes Worked for Biden Beltway Donor That Just Won a Big New IRS Contract
By Paul Sperry, RealClearInvestigations
October 18, 2023
Above, Charles “Chaz” Littlejohn, the Booz Allen contractor behind leaks to the media of the tax returns of President Trump and other wealthy Americans. The name of well-connected Booz Allen has been kept hidden until now. Trump’s lawyer, meanwhile, likens Littlejohn’s recent sentencing arrangement to “a Hunter Biden plea deal.”
The Internal Revenue Service recently awarded a lucrative contract to help modernize its computer databases to the same Washington firm, Booz Allen Hamilton, that employed the man who pleaded guilty last week to stealing and leaking thousands of private tax returns of wealthy Americans, including former President Trump, according to records reviewed by RealClearInvestigations.
The massive IRS theft is the third major breach of confidential and classified government information by Booz Allen contractors over the last decade – including Edward Snowden’s 2013 leak exposing the National Security Agency’s worldwide anti-terror surveillance program.
Cyber-thief Charles “Chaz” Littlejohn was working on an IRS contract for Booz Allen in 2018 when he stole more than two decades of Trump’s personal tax records from IRS computers.
He later leaked them to the New York Times, which published negative stories on Trump’s long-sought returns several weeks before the 2020 election, which Trump narrowly lost in a handful of battleground states.
After the election, Littlejohn leaked a trove of sensitive IRS data on Elon Musk, Michael Bloomberg and other billionaires – including major conservative donors – to ProPublica.
The left-leaning news site used them to write a series, “The Secret IRS Files,” about how the rich use loopholes and tricks to avoid paying taxes. Congressional Democrats cited the series in their push for higher taxes on the wealthy.
Trump lawyer Alina Habba said she suspects Littlejohn was an operative in a broader political conspiracy to sabotage the former president before the 2020 election.
“What Mr. Littlejohn did, I do not believe he did alone,” she said last week at the Washington courthouse where he pleaded guilty. Habba added that the leak probably “cost my client thousands of votes and was all by design.”
A Democrat donor, Littlejohn struck a deal with federal prosecutors in which he copped to a single count of disclosing tax information without authorization. Though facing a maximum of five years, his plea deal calls for an estimated range of eight to 14 months when he is scheduled to be sentenced on Jan. 29.
“That looked more like a Hunter Biden plea deal,” Habba said. House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Jason Smith (R-Mo.) agreed, saying Littlejohn is getting a “slap on the wrist.”
American Justice Absolutely Stuffed
Wally Dalí at Oct 18, 2023 11:51 PM
No place for Green in the modern social sciences if he can’t get a statistically significant correlation out of that. Maybe John Black will help him in due course. Green is still at the ALPBC for a reason.
No idea; I was referring to QLD LNP’s David Crisafulli.
(Further confirmation of my prog-left political caste thesis, however.)
Anne Aly has never served in a single police or military counter terrorism unit. Her expertise on terrorism comes from having read a lot of books on that subject.
Yup, yup and yup Roger.
Ann Aly can be viewed behind Albo in Parliament, and she knows it – she pulls amazing faces and overacts, I can’t stand watching Parliament because of her.
Anyone else having comments as “pending ” at the OZ for days on end or is it just me?
Disturbing new footage emerges of Hamas massacre in southern Israel
Disturbing new footage “from the eyes of Hamas” has revealed the harrowing acts committed by terrorists during the bloody rampage in Israel that left 1400 dead.
Samuel Clench Alex Blair and Frank Chung
Horrific new footage of Hamas rampage
The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) has published a new compilation video showing extremely graphic footage from the Hamas massacres in southern Israel on October 7.
The footage “from the eyes of Hamas”, which is too graphic for news.com.au to publish, was recovered from car dashcams, security cameras and cameras worn by the terrorists during the bloody rampage which left more than 1400 people dead.
Initial footage shows Hamas terrorists entering Israeli communities, shooting civilians in their cars and on the street as they try to flee and looting corpses.
Another dashcam clip shows Hamas members throwing a grenade into a bomb shelter and shooting a man as he tries to run away.
In footage recovered from Hamas GoPros and phones, the terrorists are seen invading the towns of Be’eri, Kfar Aza, Sufim and Re’em, going door-to-door and entering homes.
In one clip terrorists are seen carrying a body into a car before stealing the man’s baseball cap.
The horrific aftermath of the massacres is then shown from the eyes of first responders. “We see homes, including children’s bedrooms, covered in blood; endless rubble; people burned alive in their cars; and a dog shot and disfigured,” the IDF wrote.
Me, also.
These days, it’s an accumulation account. Run out of leave, go on LWOP, nothing accumulates.
Oh you mighty warriors of Islam, you fearless fighters for Palestine – I hope the I.D.F. gives you a lesson on soldiering you’ll remember all your days – all your remaining days, both of them!
Had morning coffee with another (ex) lawyer yesterday who made a number of similar points. The most disingenuous was the ex High Court judge who said the Voice would be non justiciable. Quite appropriate as apparently we are in the run up to Christmas so the sound of bells isn’t far off.
Yeah, I always felt a bit sorry for the people who bought their album when they could have just bought the single for all they would end up listening to.
I find it hilarious.
She looks like a complete doofus.
Once a kennedy always a Kennedy:
RFK Suddenly Wants Reparations for Black Americans, Just as Biden is Losing Them to Trump.
Is there a reputable site collecting donations for Israel that isn’t handing it off to Hamas on the side, or taking 93.7% of the funds for admin? I really liked the Pizza fund for the soldiers in the Lebanon campaign.
If you can put up a link, I’m sure many of us can sling a few bob their way.
It’s how they handle difficult points.
Put them into perpetual ‘pending’
I’ve a comment there in it’s 2nd year of ‘pending’
Morsie – stop trying to comment at the Oz – it’s a mug’s game.
Oct 19, 2023 12:23 PM
Anyone else having comments as “pending ” at the OZ for days on end or is it just me?
Same – I’ve got one that is about four days old “still Pending”.
I actually think it is the result of some moderators not liking what is submitted, but not having a policy reason to reject your comment, so they just sit on it for a day. Then when it is released it, it is relegated 500 comments below the current approved comments and thus never read.
Sometimes you get what you ……. deserve.
We have temporarily suspended your entry to the pool / membership as at 6PM this evening. Once we find the people you allege have harassed you, they will also be temporarily suspended. We have not taken this decision lightly, but we are deeply concerned for your welfare and this decision keeps you free from alleged harassment in the short term
‘Ring of legitimacy’: Expert analyses IDF’s ‘compelling evidence’ on Gaza hospital blast
Sky News US Contributor Michael Ware has analysed the “compelling evidence” the Israel Defense Force has released following an explosion at a hospital in Gaza.
Mr Ware broke down the IDF’s evidence from the Al-Ahli Arab Baptist Hospital blast.
He said the intercepted audio of what the IDF claims is an admission from Hamas that the hospital strike was carried out from within Gaza has a “ring of legitimacy” about it.
Mr Ware’s remarks come as the fighting in the Israel-Gaza conflict continues to intensify while the death toll climbs higher each day.
The hospital explosion in Gaza pushed the Palestinian death toll to almost 3,500.
From the 6 Mins 57 Secs of Compelling Evidence against Hamas
– 450 Misfires since the start of this war
– Angle of the Rockets fired from the Hosipital and angle of leaving the site
– Hamas Claim 471+ people have died – Sky Reporter asks “Where are the Bodies”
Cumborah Kid – they’ve been using that tactic for ages. It’s why I ditched my Oz subscription about five years ago.
Pocock thought himself a good candidate for the greens but there were others in front so he got the short shrift. They missed an opportunity to add to their numbers but he’s still a dripping wet greenie. Wouldn’t piss on him if he was on fire.
I’m sure the average person watching the TV news looks at Albanese spitting all over the place with Aly behind him mugging for the camera in the most ridiculous manner and thinks, “These people are running the country?”
NYC – a female at Baruch College gives the middle finger to a billboard truck featuring kidnapped Israeli children being held hostage in Gaza.
The other student films her and they walk off, giggling together.
Recognize them? DM us.
Just watched Botting being eviscerated by Conricus on Sky.
She is so biased she doesn’t realise how idiotic she looks. Ma’am, just because a guy’s in army fatigues and looks young doesn’t mean he’s a dummy grunt. This man is smart and taking no prisoners, calling out every one of her spurious “points”.
She must imagine herself as an investigative journalist, but all she comes across as is a propagandist. All her questions are heavily skewed towards upholding the lie that Hamas circulated over a day ago, that had been systematically disproven by people much smarter than she is.
Is this the best Sky can do?
Ann Aly can be viewed behind Albo in Parliament, and she knows it – she pulls amazing faces and overacts, I can’t stand watching Parliament because of her.
I wondered who that bint was. She knows she’s on TV at Q time and acts accordingly. Even nodding at the wrong time like she has no understanding of what is being said.
Seems a Sydney restaurant owner wants the Opera house lit up with Palestinian flag.
Is anybody keeping track of those people still blaming Israelis for the hospital car park job ?
The Welcome to Country lady in Adelaide should no longer get such jobs if she is going to insult the attendees.
In other breaking news the Yes leaders are going to take another week of silence. This is because they have successfully ruined chances of Treaties and Truth Telling in Qld. Way to go Queenslanders Noel Pearson and Dean Rankin.
Dr Faustus Avatar
They don’t bloody well speak for me, Doc.
Shane Howard was sitting at a table next to us in a restaurant years ago. He kept looking about the place so people could see his face. Nobody knew who he was unless, like me, thought him a complete tosser. Still, a good song. Liked to make out he was a working class hero, when infact his old man was a bank manager and the little shit wanted for nothing.
It all seemed so easy when she was editing the school newspaper.
Premier denies RASHAYS owner’s plea for Opera House to be lit up in colours of Palestinian flag
The founder of a popular restaurant chain has called on the government to light the sails of the Opera House in the colours of the Palestinian flag, but NSW Premier Chris Minns has knocked back the plea. What do you think? Take our poll.
Should the Sydney Opera House be lit up in Palestinian colours?
Yes 19 %
No 81 %
992 votes
Daily Tele
Great Synopsis of Construction of Sydney Opera House
The secrets beneath the sails of the Sydney Opera House
What are some of the unknown stories about Australia’s best known building?
From the day building started in 1959, Sydneysiders watched it take shape.
The concrete segments underneath the tiles were made in plywood moulds in the onsite casting yard. The erection crew were very efficient at making the segments and were faster than their colleagues who assembled them. The surplus was trucked to Long Bay jail for storage. The precast segments were put together one by one – like a giant Lego work – and stressed together in the same way a bridge is built.
When a new segment was poised just above the last one, the crew would use a stick or household paint roller to spread the epoxy resin that glued the segments together. This white resin – said to be the consistency and colour of condensed milk – glued the rib segments, which were then threaded with 350 kilometres of steel stressing cables.
I worked on the concrete segments underneath the tiles were made in plywood moulds in the onsite casting yard during weekends and Uni Holidays, and moved from Onsite at the Opera House to Rosebery where I did aggregate exposure on the precast panels forming the walkway on the lower deck
I didn’t mind Liverpool Hospital – I worked there for 18 months in Cardiac Stepdown and Cardiac Medical.
Cas was good – we had Medics from the army do a stint in A&E, mainly for the firearm/knife traumas that would be – literally – dumped in the driveway outside while the driver and other unwounded accelerated away. None of them had the brains to think due to this, cameras were installed specifically to take photos of the vehicle.
… as well as the pulley.
And the cord.
As well as the little clips attaching the flag to the cord, and the little tie-off toggle to wrap the cord around.
And the Captain Phillips head screws.
Not to mention the concrete anchoring the whole thing into the ground.
A very old trading pal in a text conversation sums it up nicely.
The latter of which never happened.
Grate work, bat flu bedwetters.
‘Western world needs to wake up’: Aussie Israeli weighs in on the war
Crossie Avatar
Oct 19, 2023 8:43 AM
James Dibble was believable.
Even the Sydney Moaning Herald
US says intelligence shows Gaza militants were behind hospital blast
Tel Aviv: US officials say their own intelligence shows that the deadly blast at the Al Ahli Arab Hospital was caused by an armed Palestinian group, as the Middle East reels from the aftermath of the explosion.
The intelligence assessment came as US President Joe Biden wrapped up his hasty one-day visit to Israel that had been complicated by the blast at the hospital, which Palestinian officials say killed 471 people on Tuesday.
Tel Aviv: US officials say their own intelligence shows that the deadly blast at the Al Ahli Arab Hospital was caused by an armed Palestinian group, as the Middle East reels from the aftermath of the explosion.
The intelligence assessment came as US President Joe Biden wrapped up his hasty one-day visit to Israel that had been complicated by the blast at the hospital, which Palestinian officials say killed 471 people on Tuesday.
Israel later released drone footage which it said showed it was not responsible because there was no impact crater from any missile or bomb and no structural damage to surrounding buildings.
I think there’s a huge flooding of YouTube comments, most likely aided by a biased algorithm, on the Piers Morgan interviews.
The one with Ben Shapiro has at best a few neutral comments but vastly negative. I watched the one this morning with the Palistinian “ambassador” who was nothing more than an obnoxious and shifty loudmouth and the one I watched yesterday with Bassem Youssef.
All comments bar none are full on rah rah for “Palistinians” or openly anti Israel.
It’s a full on war of deception in the new “town square”.
In the clips I’ve seen Morgan let his Palestinian guest do him like dinner. They ran all over him spouting their propaganda and lies and he never really challenged them at all. They interrupted him, talked over him, never let him finish a question.
Given that’s totally out of character for him I was not impressed at all at him bending over for them.
Meanwhile, one of the January6th protestors is ‘celebrating his 1000th day in gaol without being sentenced. 3/4 of those days in solitary.
Nah. That’s out and out colonial aggression.
But it was a Palestinian rocket, not Israeli.
“Oh well then, it must have been a mistake caused by Israel’s war on Palestinains.”
Sickening anti-Israel bias in the West sees the world teetering on the edge of the abyss – Paywalled
The speed with which so many gleefully rushed to judgment over the hospital attack was disgraceful
We have just been subjected to a grotesque masterclass in misinformation, moral inversion, anti-Semitic hate-mongering and hypocrisy.
Within minutes of Hamas claiming, with zero proof, that Israel had bombed a hospital, the world erupted into instant, unequivocal condemnation of the Jewish state.
The pent-up rage on social media, the utter certainty with which the allegations were repeated on the broadcast media, the uncritical acceptance of the vilest propaganda from terrorists, the willingness to attribute the worst possible motives to a tiny democracy fighting for its survival: it was a chilling spectacle – the successful whipping-up of a global lynch-mob, a terrifying glimpse into the darkest corners of the human psyche.
Millions of people in Britain, Europe, America and the Middle East knew – they just knew – that Israel must have bombed the hospital, that Hamas’s claims must be true.
Isn’t that what an “illegitimate” nation of “settlers”, “ethnic cleansers” and “war criminals” would do? The sense of relief, of glee, from the Israel-haters was palpable.
Their sickening coalition of two-faced virtue-signallers, hard-Left activists, Islamist extremists and old-fashioned racists had kept quiet over the past few days, refusing to condemn the pogrom of 7/10, destabilised by a Hamas genocide that contradicted their worldview.
But their cognitive dissonance – the gulf between the reality of jihadist massacres, and the anti-Israeli propaganda that they have imbibed – was becoming unbearable, and they couldn’t wait for confirmation of their detestable prejudices.
Now, they thought, a little over a week after the worst murder of Jews since the Holocaust, the normal order of things could return, and Israel could again be blamed for the death of women and children.
To call such people useful idiots is far too kind:
the extreme, irrational demonisation of Israel is the new blood libel of our times, an attempt at inflaming passions and provoking war, terror, death and destruction.
As Jake Wallis Simons argues in his brilliant, eponymous book, Israelophobia is the latest manifestation of anti-Semitism.
The grossly disproportionate criticism, the hysterical denunciation, the virulent double standards, the delegitimisation and dehumanisation:
this allergic reaction to Israel is so acute it can only be explained as the current iteration of the world’s oldest hatred.
The same people who spent days claiming that the massacre and incineration of babies by Hamas was “unverified”; who didn’t believe witness statements from Israeli doctors or soldiers; who conveniently ignored the fact the murderers had live-streamed their atrocities; who wanted to view every piece of evidence, every picture, every video for themselves before finally, almost reluctantly, accepting that Hamas had indeed committed war crimes – these very same people all immediately jumped to judgment.
Hamas’s word was enough. No proof was needed.
The bias, the lack of objectivity, point to an abhorrent, endemic culture of anti-Semitism among swathes of the West’s cultural elites, even among those who see themselves as “tolerant” and “liberal”.
We should all care about the truth, however inconvenient or upsetting. I don’t know for certain what or who caused the explosion, but having scrutinised the evidence and especially the judgments of trustworthy open-source experts, it appears very likely that it was an Islamic Jihad rocket that misfired. It seems very unlikely that Israel was to blame. If the evidence were to change, I would change my mind. So why have so many of those who rushed to condemn Israel remained silent now that the facts point to Islamic Jihad as the guilty party? Or is that a stupid question?
It should be obvious that Hamas are despicable liars, and that many of the civilian deaths inside Gaza have been caused by their own failed rocket launches.
Palestinian deaths are helpful to the terrorists – in effect, a suicide cult who don’t value their own people – as they can blame Israel.
It is also sadly true that all democracies – America, Britain, France and Israel – sometimes get it wrong, and even tell untruths in wartime. At some point, it is inevitable that Israel will accidentally hit civilian targets.
Yet anybody who understands anything about Israel, about the Israel Defense Forces’ legal apparatus, about the values of its people, knows that it is more committed to a clean war than almost any other democracy, let alone all the tyrants and fanatics that surround it.
The critical point is that this conflict – and the death of Palestinian civilians – is entirely the fault of Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Hezbollah, Iran and other terror groups. It is they who inflicted a pogrom on Israel.
It is they who don’t believe in Israel’s right to exist, and don’t believe in the peaceful coexistence of Arabs and Jews. It is they who hide among civilians, and store bombs in schools. It is they who are responsible for forcing Israel to defend itself, with an inevitable, tragic impact on civilians. We must hold the terrorists morally responsible for every death, Israeli or Palestinian.
Depressingly, Hamas’s psy-ops are succeeding.
The pro-Israel alliance is fraying. The Iron Dome camouflages the scale of Hamas’s daily attempts at massacring Israeli civilians: the IDF’s strength is paradoxically its central weakness in the info wars.
Much of the West is petrified at the prospect of a prolonged ground conflict, and cannot stomach large-scale casualties, for fear of a domestic political backlash.
Yet without entering Gaza, how can Israel punish the murderers and destroy Hamas?
There is such a thing as a just war, one conducted for the purposes of self-defence, even one that requires invading another country and fighting street by street until total victory is assured.
It is what happened in the Second World War, when the Allies liberated Europe, and in myriad other conflicts, though Israel would be far more restrained than most Western armies ever were.
There is a fundamental, profound moral and legal distinction between deliberately torturing, raping and exterminating women and children, and the accidental, tragic death of civilians used as human shields as a result of careful, considered action taken by a law-bound army engaged in self-defence.
Rishi Sunak and Joe Biden are holding firm, to their great credit, but the global anti-Israel propaganda is reaching a crescendo.
The world is inching ever closer to the abyss, and Hamas’s stooges are helping to drag us into another dark age.
He kind of reminds me of someone who posts here…
Could it be Monty?
‘Burning Tesla 2024’ calendar
And Yes there is a ‘Burning Tesla 2024’ calendar
In the The Burning Tesla Shop.
Did you notice the article does not once state the level of CO2 in the atmosphere during this period?
Magen David Adom – https://www.magendavidadom.org.au/
Been checking my emails, microsoft has been hiding Avi and some Brietbart in the junk folder.
Quentin Tarantino visiting the IDF for some morale boosting. Good on him. Had no idea he actually lives in Tel Aviv. Has done for two years as he is married to an Israeli. Good to see he is not spitting on his new homeland.
Australian Labor Party & The Greens strike again at The Australian Consumer!
Farmers warn of higher prices for dairy products and more cows sent to the abattoir after NSW gov’t suddenly cut agriculturalists ability to harvest rainwater
Frustrated farmers have warned the price of dairy products are likely to rise and they will struggle to deal with looming crippling droughts and deadly bushfires after one state government suddenly cut their ability to harvest rainwater on their properties.
Milk prices are likely to rise, hundreds of cows may be forced to the abattoir and farmers will struggle to cope with managing droughts and bushfires after the New South Wales government made a significant change to water rights for agriculturalists.
The Minns government late last month dropped a bombshell on farmers when it suddenly announced the Coastal Harvestable Rights – which dictates how much rainwater can be harvested on properties – was slashed from 30 per cent to 10 per cent.
The previous government had lifted the cap to 30 per cent to give farmers living along the coast a chance to store water to prepare for droughts, bushfires and grow food.
NSW Water Minister Rose Jackson, who claimed the move would enhance water sustainability, has come under fire from angry farmers caught up in the change.
Graham Forbes, who runs a large cattle farm in Gloucester, about 120 kilometres north of Newcastle, said consumers are likely to be impacted, with the price of dairy products to rise as the supply of milk will be “severely impacted” by the decision.
“We would not have the security to be able to produce milk in dry times, and also the cost of producing milk will be significantly high,” he told SkyNews.com.au.
“We don’t have the ability to put the price up, they (dairy farmers) do it for economic reasons or they leave the industry and that’s what’s been happening.”
Mr Forbes flagged his property had already been going through a dry spell prior to the decision, saying there had only been about 40mms of rain in the past five months.
“We need water every hour of the day, we’re securing our future,” he said.
In their annual special report, Sky News Australia meteorologists warned of scorching heat, bushfires and drought between now and April.
Northern, central and eastern Australia, in particular, are looking at a 90 per cent chance of exceeding median temperatures through severe weather season.
There is also likely to be increased flash droughts which can impact agricultural areas.
Fellow farmer Chris Magner on the Far North Coast said drought security was vital to surviving, saying the dry conditions were already starting to hit “very, very hard”.
“People are running out of feed and they’re running out of water. If they run out of water they’ve got to sell their cattle,” he told SkyNews.com.au.
“I was talking to meat works and they can’t keep up with the kill rates of cattle coming in and that’s right across the state. Everybody is trying to reduce numbers as quickly as they can and it’s putting more and more pressure on abattoirs.”
Mr Magner also echoed remarks from Mr Forbes about prices of dairy products.
“When we start to lose numbers in dairy, and I’ve formerly been a dairy farmer, when we see milk production crash it puts tremendous pressure on the local market and it could take some considerable time to build up afterwards,” he said.
Ms Jackson told The Daily Telegraph earlier this month the decision would enhance water sustainability for the whole state heading into an expected drought.
She also claimed the government had extensively consulted with the NSW Irrigators Council (NSWIC) and farmers’ groups about the looming decision.
However, NSWIC, as well as farmers, called out the Minister’s comments and flatly rejected suggestions there was consultation.
Chief Executive Claire Miller said irrigators were “absolutely blindsided” by the decision.
“We haven’t had any consultation on this one… we still don’t know exactly what the reason is for rolling it back, we’re obviously scrambling around today,” Ms Miller told Sky News Australia Sydney reporter Kenny Heatley late last month.
Phil Ryan, who also has a cattle farm in Bega, in the state’s south, warned milk supply could be threatened in NSW and Australia due to the new rainwater cap.
He pointed to the “declining pool of milk” in the country and how dairy production was not lining up with the growing population, which could hit 33 million by 2041.
“It (the new 10 per cent water cap) will put a nail in the coffin, almost. (The) timing of the government’s announcement is really, really poor for the farmers who will be thinking about how they get through this dry period,” Mr Ryan said.
About three years ago he had 220 cows, but that has since dropped by almost half after recently selling a truck of 34 of the animals to another farm.
“A lack of feed more so than a lack of water,” he said of why he had to offload the cows.
“But managing all of that consumption use is part of managing dry conditions. We had 34 millimetres of rain (recently), which is the most since February.
“In the 2018/19 drought I was forced to sell cattle then and I did it a little bit too late and they weren’t worth very much. This drought isn’t all that widespread and it enabled me to get a lot more money for the animals and to sell them as milking cows to another farm instead of an abattoir, so it’s a much better outcome for the cows as well.”
Mr Magner, who is also chair of of the Richmond and Wilson Combine Waters Association, said he met with bureaucrats from the Department of Primary Industries for a one-hour virtual meeting on October 6 to discuss farmers’ concerns.
The Water Minister was not present at the meeting, but the officials explained they required more “science” before they could consider lifting the cap back to 30 per cent.
Summed up perfectly in The Comments
– It must be emotionally devastating to work hard providing food for the entire country plus exporting produce, navigating all the taxes, levies, fees, biosecurity, erosion of rights over your own properties, etc.
Only to watch election after election of soy latte sipping inner city hipsters who contribute nothing and whose biggest achievement is bringing us all cupboards full of even thicker plastic grocery bags than we had before, vote in idiots to destroy the country with socialist ideology.
– Just another lunatic environment policy from the socialist clowns. Great job! further adding to the cost of living. When will voters wake up to these Labor clowns.
– Once again inner city ideologists sprouting their ignorance…..maybe they need to be reminded that food is not produced by supermarkets
– So… because the Government doesn’t build any water resources infrastructure or plan for drought ever, they will instead live on hope of scavenging water runoff from private properties who did plan for their requirements and built water storage assets, by legislating that they cannot have 90% the rain that falls on their own properties.
Then they will take that valuable recovered rain and… watch it wash out into the ocean.
Hmmmm….. ? so much sense. And not an over-reach or abuse of Government powers at all.
– The most important thing for life on this planet is water. yet lefty green, teal and Labor fools will not let us build dams. It is absolute stupidity.
– Remember… the government know exactly what they are doing. They just don’t have our best interests at heart.
All part of the plan.
And Finally
Ann – 1 hour ago
I have come from the land, and have retired after 60 years.
Dam water is everything, it waters your crops, and animals. Even if you have gardens around your homestead, you use dam water, for everything. Start the pump and wash dirty machinery down. We put in as many dams as we could, as we had to water our 2,000 plus flower/plants daily especially through the hot season. It doesn’t just affect livestock farmers, but all produce growers.
The water is free, it comes from the rain clouds in the sky to fill up our dams. It is free. No water, you don’t have crops or livestock. There is a saying with Farmers, water is like liquid Gold! Which is very true indeed. When it is dry we pray for rain.
To the Premier in NSW, this is a no brainer! You are only putting up the cost of living across all bases, even small industries/businesses.
Obviously, you have no idea where your food comes from. Also, our dams were used at times by the Fire Brigade to put out fires in the vicinity. No Brainer! This doesn’t make any sense.
Reading the Tea Leaves in Queensland
Premier backs away from Treaty after LNP backflip
Annastacia Palaszczuk says the state’s Path to Treaty would only go ahead with bipartisan support, putting the major move at risk following David Crisafulli’s backflip on the issue. VOTE IN POLL
Mini-nuke. Obviously”.
Or a Muslim missile.
Meth lab exploding?
Chalk up another one to the very disintegrating system of justice that we seem to have now in this country and add another to the pile of the “two-tiered” application of the law.
Elon Tears Apart Disgusting Sentence for Man Convicted of Posting Hillary Clinton Memes
Douglass Mackey was sentenced to seven months in prison on Wednesday. He intends to appeal, and let’s hope that’s successful.
His big crime? He got convicted for spreading a meme.
His conviction was ridiculous.
Mackey was convicted on a single count of conspiring with others to interfere in the 2016 presidential election after he shared from his far-right Twitter account phony advertisements that encouraged Clinton supporters to vote via text message.
“Avoid the line. Vote from home,” one meme says. “Text ‘Hillary’ to 59925.”
U.S. District Judge Ann M. Donnelly handed down the sentence, calling the conspiracy “nothing short of an assault on our democracy.”
Who in their right mind would believe such a thing? If you fell for it, you truly don’t deserve the vote. Anyone with even one brain cell would know that it was nonsense, the type that is spread from both sides of the aisle. If anyone actually tried texting that number, they would have gotten a message that it wasn’t associated with the Clinton campaign, so it wouldn’t have been a very effective conspiracy in any event.
This is truly a troubling case when they actually pursue criminal charges for such speech.
X owner Elon Musk didn’t hold back when he eviscerated the government for going after Mackey.
He also pointed out the contrast in the treatment of this case versus the matter of the Hunter Biden laptop.
Musk noted that Mackey’s actions “had no material impact on the election.”
He then asked, What prison sentences were given out to those who suppressed the Hunter Biden laptop information? That *did* have a material impact on the election.”
Gotta love it when Elon lets lose on them like this. He seems to have no fear and isn’t willing to shut up about what he thinks. He knows that he’s being targeted as well with multiple investigations, but he’s talking out anyway.
Marjorie Taylor Greene Minces No Words in Letter to Capitol Police After ‘Ceasefire’ Mob Invades Capitol
“I am formally requesting that the United States Capitol Police preserve all video surveillance footage, photographic evidence, police reports, and arrest records from all House Office Buildings on October 18, 2023. The group that organized the insurrection, Jewish Voice for Peace, is a pro-Islamic anti-Semitic group that seeks the destruction of the state of Israel, according to the Anti-Defamation League.
By launching an insurrection in the Capitol complex, these actors caused elevators to be shut down, staircases and hallways to be blocked, exits to be made inaccessible, and official legislative business to be obstructed, putting Members of Congress, their staffs, and Capitol visitors at risk.
The Committee on House Administration must investigate this incident and review all footage and evidence provided by Capitol Police, and the insurrectionists involved must be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.”
Top story at Courier Mail.
According to Premier treaties can’t go ahead without bipartisan support so she won’t go ahead.
Still planning truth telling.
The Yes campaign leaders are not going to be very popular in Qld !