Open Thread – Wed 1 Nov 2023

The Forerunners of Christ with Saints and Martyrs, Fra Angelico, c. early 15th Century

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Cassie of Sydney
November 2, 2023 2:05 pm

Nov 2, 2023 1:58 PM”


November 2, 2023 2:09 pm

We need to regularly access that debacle that is the Warringah Expressway realignment. A nightmare that goes on & on, causing traffic mayhem & driver terror.

Sounds a bit like the 3rd railway line (freight) addition Cabramatta/Warwick Farm .. well into it’s 2nd year now .. coupla weeks ago they re-layed & re- opened the 1km bike path (dug up & closed way back in the beginnings) .. riding towards it today .. and .. 3/4 of it ripped up again for no, obvious, reason …….

November 2, 2023 2:13 pm

I was also interested to see in Lorenzo Warby’s essay that many muslims and Christians migrated to the Palestine mandate in the late 19th century after Jewish migrants from Europe created new opportunities for work and prosperity.

Estimates from British mandate period are possibly half the Arab inhabitants at the time of Israel’s establishment were recent arrivals. It was the nerve centre of British interests in the Middle East. Plenty work available on construction of ports, roads, etc attracting labour from all surounding areas and states. The vast number of short term Arab immigrants was the reason the UN made an exception to usual classification of refugees, declaring anyone a refugee who had been there for at least two years. Even then, the numbers kept increasing for months when Arabs from surrounding states realised being a refugee in Palestine was better housed and fed than their own home state.

November 2, 2023 2:14 pm


Sunshine is wonderful. It has been said that even a blind man appreciates the warmth of the sun on a cold day. It has also been said that daylight is the best disinfectant. Light is a timeless metaphor for knowledge and understanding, and warmth represents kindness.

In our generation Australia and wider Western society have fallen blind to a modern day form of sun worship.

This is characterised by the mistaken belief that the modern world can be powered by solar panels, along with wind turbines, all backed up with gigantic batteries of electrochemical cells.

Blind reliance on sunshine, wind and water is seen by many as a universalenergy cure-all. Some see ‘renewable energy’ as the key to freedom from high energy costs. Others think it is the answer to minimising adverse environmental and social. impacts. Yet others spruik it as the solution to energy security.

All of those simple-minded views are worse than mistaken. They are dangerously delusional.

Whether through the ignorance of our political leaders; or the cynical selfinterest of financiers, investors, and the boards and managers of corporations; or passive acceptance by the public; these three misunderstandings—on cost, the environment, and security—are widely held. They are found in business and the military. They circulate in the halls of academia and the corridors of government.

Wind and solar power are sold under the labels ‘renewable energy’, ‘clean energy’, and ‘green energy.’ That’s fine, as long as we realise that these are marketing labels, not technical terms.

The belief that wind and solar power are ‘the cheapest form of energy’ is adeceptive half-truth. The Levelised Cost of Energy (LCoE) is the metric of choice used to mislead the public and our political leaders about costs. CSIRO plays thisgame, as does AEMO, along with many others.

It is echoed by the media.

If wind and solar energy are cheap, then they are also nasty.

Low value energy dilute, intermittent, unstable, and unreliable—is not cheap after value-adding to upgrade its quality, match it to our real-world service needs, back it up, and stabilise the electricity system.

Contrary to popular opinion, the more wind and solar power that is added to a system, the more expensive it becomes to deliver as a service.

You get what you pay for, or in this case what your neighbours have unwittingly been compelled to subsidise.

On top of the high economic cost and hidden financial burdens of harvesting flows of wind and solar energy are vast physical footprints.

Nuclear energy requires similarly tiny land areas as do coal, oil, and natural gas: a small fraction of the land area required by wind or solar power, hydropower or biomass.

Nuclear power requires a small fraction of the material throughput for construction and lifetime fuel of all other energy forms, whether hydrocarbons or ‘renewable’ energy.

An interactive chart shows that nuclear energy has the smallest total environmentaland social ‘footprint’ of all energy sources, when mortality, emissions, land use, material use, critical minerals, costs, capacity factor, and solid waste are considered.

So we must ask ourselves:

• What is energy security?

Reduced to its essence, energy security is the power to be free and todo work. Energy security is national security. A nation cannot have one without the other.

• Why does energy security matter?

Without energy security a nation may be rendered powerless. Without adequate capacity to do work, a nation will rapidly grind to a halt. Civil unrest then becomes a real risk. Unable to defend itself, and without the capacity to do work, such a nation will then be liable to lose its freedom.

• What needs to be done about it?

We must raise awareness and understanding—from our own house to Parliament House. We must re-learn our own history. The Snowy Mountains hydropower scheme was initiated in the late 1940s by Chifley’s government with reference to the Defence Act: thereby acknowledging that energy security is national security. We need to act on the increasingly mature public discussion that has nowopened up on nuclear energy.

That means using the precious remaining years of the 2020s to create real options, so that we are in a position to deploy nuclear plants from the 2030s, if we need to.

In the meantime, Australia would do well to follow the common-sense advice of Dr
Maria Korsnick, President and CEO of the Nuclear Energy Institute in Washington,

‘Stop blowing up your coal plants – you’re not ready to live without
them yet!’

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
November 2, 2023 2:19 pm

Sancho, I know this because I have seen how nations are voting in the UN.
This may come as a surprise to you, but there is very little support for Israel there.


As opposed to the monumental amount of attention given to every UN conference, resolution, motion, steering committee and focus group action item.

The UN has been utterly pointless since 1953, when the Korean War ceasefire began. They are an irrelevant yet noisy sounding board populated by ex-politicians and sinecure-hunters – of whom all are rampant handpatters, and who despite my best efforts continue to survive on largesse provided by taxpayers.

November 2, 2023 2:20 pm

Bundy should only be used for cleaning blocked toilets.

I am quite fond of the Mt Gay Black Barrel or Angostura 1824 rums , drunk just like a Scotch with a little water or ice. For mixing I much prefer the Beenleigh or Mt Gay Eclipse rums, and use Beenleigh White Rum in place of Bacardi, especially when doing a ‘Straits Sling’ ( almost a Singapore sling, but soda in place of pineapple juice, and with orange bitters as well as normal bitters.)

November 2, 2023 2:20 pm

There is one Bundy product that is available only at the distillery which rates very highly on the yummatory scale; a spiced Christmas rum. Makes one a very contented bear.

I was pissed when Dark and Stormy got taken out of cans into those ugly AND non-utilitarian bottles.

The design on the cans was very smooth too, highly aesthetic.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
November 2, 2023 2:23 pm

Class action probe into Indigenous public housing
Aaron BunchAAP
Thu, 2 November 2023 10:58AM

Thousands of Indigenous tenants living in “substandard” public housing in remote West Australian communities could be financially compensated.

Lawyers are exploring the potential for a class action that could also seek to have the dilapidated homes repaired and improved.

“Site visits to several remote communities have confirmed tenants have been living in substandard housing,” Gemma Leigh-Dodds of Slater and Gordon law firm said on Thursday.

Investigators found houses that lacked safe drinking water and working showers, toilets and cooking facilities.

Others had broken windows, blocked pipes, security issues, and many had no air-conditioning.

Tenants’ repeated requests for repairs were also often ignored.

Ms Leigh-Dodds said Aboriginal tenants were entitled to significantly better treatment and may be entitled to compensation under Australian law.

“Public housing lessors hold a contractual relationship with thousands of tenants living in remote communities pursuant to tenancy agreements for receipt of public housing,” she said.

“Those contracts provide express conditions that the landlord provide tenants with housing in a reasonably secure and comfortable state of repair, including in compliance with health and safety laws.”

The proposed claim could provide redress for alleged breaches of contract, including repayment of rent where the property was not reasonably comfortable or safe.

Claimants may also seek damages for the inconvenience experienced while dealing with housing issues, any money spent rectifying housing problems, and the disappointment and distress caused by the defects.

There are more than 20,000 people and more than 4000 households living in remote communities in WA, according to ABS data.

Several thousand are expected to join the claim.

And where substandard housing is the results of tenants own actions?

November 2, 2023 2:24 pm

I see more people have locked horns with the ADF political nudge unit, trying to bully an actual right-wing (you know, free enterprise, civil rights, prosperity, normalcy) out of existence. Mmmmm that full pay on a pension must be good.

Awaiting orders and the best lines from the Top Men in the APS/ANU BA/LLB graduate programme.

“The West and UN allowing Israel to fight for its very survival is like having your Mum not lend her S Class to you when you finally get the girl you knew at ANU who went to KRB to go out for drinks…”



November 2, 2023 2:24 pm

We knew the police were useless – now we know they are cowards too

They say they want to avoid an increase in community tension, but it feels as if there’s only one community they’re actually concerned about – Paywalled


A few years ago, when Left-wing activists started calling on the Government to “Defund the police”, I ridiculed them. Now, though, I wonder whether they might have had a point.

It’s not that I think we shouldn’t have a police force. It’s just that it’s growing less and less clear what we’re getting for our money.

These days, the police hardly ever solve crimes such as burglary and theft.

In 2021, a mere 5 per cent of burglaries in England and Wales were solved.

And if your bicycle or laptop has been stolen, forget it.

You won’t be seeing them again. (I’m referring to the bicycle or laptop, although I might as well be referring to the police, since you probably won’t be seeing them, either.)

Even if officers can’t track down our valuables, surely they can at least help us to feel reasonably safe when walking our streets.

But apparently not. Look at the approach the police have taken to the anti-Israel mobs overrunning our cities.

It hasn’t just been ineffectual. It’s been downright cowardly.

Take the tearing down of posters depicting Israelis taken hostage by Hamas terrorists.

It was bad enough seeing members of the public do it.

But it’s staggering to see police officers doing it, too. Yet that’s what happened this week in London – and reportedly also in Manchester.

In response to the outcry from Londoners, the Met released a statement.

Officers, it explained, had received “at least two calls” from residents in Edgware, objecting to the presence of the posters.

And the Met, it went on, had a duty to take “reasonable steps” to “avoid any further increase in community tension”.

Note that phrase, “community tension”.

It seems to be the police’s explanation for everything they’re currently doing – or not doing. There is, however, just one small problem with this excuse.

It makes absolutely no sense.

After all, doesn’t removing the posters risk inflaming “community tension”?

And marching through cities, calling for “jihad”? And holding mass anti-Israel protests inside railway stations (as we’ve seen in London this week) while chanting, “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free” – a slogan the Home Secretary has called “a staple of anti-Semitic discourse”?

Do none of these activities cause “further increase in community tension”?

I’m pretty sure they do.

Obviously, they heighten tension among people who are Jewish.

But they also heighten tension among those of us who aren’t.

We too find these scenes disturbing and intimidating.

Yet the police have done next to nothing to prevent such scenes recurring.

So forget our communities. When the police say they want to avoid an increase in community tension, it feels as if there’s only one community they’re actually concerned about.

Officers aren’t always reluctant to take a firm line over illicit mass gatherings. In 2021, they certainly didn’t hold back during the lockdown-breaking vigil for Sarah Everard – the 33-year-old who’d been murdered by one of their colleagues.

But then, that particular mass gathering consisted almost solely of women. The police weren’t scared of them.

When it comes to the mobs swarming our streets today, however, it’s a different story.

Plainly, the police are scared. Scared of upsetting them.

True enough, upsetting the more radical elements might be dangerous.

But letting them do as they please is even more dangerous.

It will embolden them – while intensifying the fear and resentment felt by everyone else.

In theory, tiptoeing around “community tension” may appear pragmatic. But in practice, it means caving in to bullies. This isn’t sensitivity. It’s appeasement.

November 2, 2023 2:27 pm

The UN has been utterly pointless since 1953

the UN only exists, today, cos for reasons known only to themselves, the Yanks allow them to squat, rent-free, in New York .. it the USA kicked ’em out the UN would fold cos no other country would accomodate their free-loading HQ on prime real estate turf ……

November 2, 2023 2:29 pm

A fit of pique is what you have when you snag your stockings. Or burn the toast.

Assuming English isn’t your strong point, and that’s being kind because otherwise you sound like something else all together. Something quite unpleasant.

There are no recent historical precedents for what happened to the victims of the October 7 massacre. Not in any country we’d call “western” or “civilised”. It’s the sort of thing that happens from time to time in Africa.

What astounds me is the west’s response and Wormtonguing. It’s as if a moral compass has vanished from our lands.

November 2, 2023 2:32 pm

As for the UN, that choice piece of real estate on the East River needs to be redeveloped. By bulldozer and dynamite. They are a festering, parasitic cancer on western democracies.

November 2, 2023 2:32 pm

Chief Rabbi criticises Sadiq Khan’s ‘irresponsible’ calls for Gaza ceasefire

Sir Ephraim Mirvis tells London mayor that his plan for a truce would only act as a ‘stepping stone to yet more Hamas terrorist brutality’ – Paywalled


Sadiq Khan was criticised by the Chief Rabbi on Wednesday over his “irresponsible” demands for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza.

Sir Ephraim Mirvis told the Mayor of London his plan for a truce would only act as a “stepping stone to yet more Hamas terrorist brutality”.

He issued the warning after the pair met at City Hall to discuss the conflict and the impact recent protests have had on the Jewish community.

In a statement after the talks the Chief Rabbi praised Mr Khan for his “unequivocal commitment to fighting anti-Semitism across London”.

He added: “I also explained to him why I believe a ceasefire now would be an irresponsible stepping stone to yet more Hamas terrorist brutality.”

‘I’ll always stand with Jewish Londoners’

The Labour Mayor broke ranks with Sir Keir Starmer last Friday when he issued a public statement calling for a truce in the ongoing conflict.

Sir Ephraim was asked about the comments on the same day, but he declined to criticise them or say whether he agreed with the decision.

Speaking following their meeting Mr Khan said he was worried by the rise in anti-Semitism “since the appalling terrorist attacks by Hamas”.

“I assured Rabbi Mirvis I’ll always stand with Jewish Londoners and work to ensure all communities are united and feel safe,” he said.

He separately expressed concerns over a sit-in staged by pro-Palestinian activists at Liverpool Street station on Tuesday night.

Demonstrators filled the concourse of the station, chanting and waving flags, in scenes that were described as intimidating for Jewish commuters

Asked for his message to the protesters, Mr Khan told ITV: “I think people should recognise that Jewish Londoners are feeling incredibly scared.”

Labour divisions

It came as Sir Keir faced fresh frontbench unrest, with a key ally suggesting the party’s MPs were now free to defy the party line on Gaza.

More shadow ministers broke ranks after the Labour leader gave a speech in which he branded the rebels’ demands for a ceasefire unrealistic.

He has faced the biggest crisis of his time in office over the past fortnight, with growing public resistance to his support for Israeli military action.

The bombing of a refugee camp at Jabalia, which Tel Aviv said had been carried out to kill a top Hamas commander, prompted fresh unrest in the ranks.

Tanmanjeet Singh Dhesi, the shadow exchequer secretary to the Treasury, responded by becoming the 17th frontbencher to call for a ceasefire.

His intervention came after Seema Malhotra, the shadow skills minister, also backed a ceasefire and said “the international community must act”.

David Lammy, the shadow foreign secretary, dropped the strongest hint yet that those who oppose Sir Keir’s stance will not be disciplined.

Asked whether demanding a ceasefire amounted to rebelling against the leadership, he replied: “I don’t think this is a binary.

“It’s a gradient in the sense that all of us want the fighting to cease, there’s no dispute about that.”

He added: “It’s not wrong to desire a ceasefire but… it’s incredibly unlikely that will be brought about in the coming days.”

Bridget Philipson, the shadow education secretary, also suggested a softening of the stance as she said the party did not back “a ceasefire now”.

“That’s not to say that we won’t get to that position, I hope we do see an end to the conflict and an end to hostilities,” she added.

Sir Keir has called for “humanitarian pauses” in the fighting to allow aid deliveries into Gaza but has said he does not support a ceasefire “at the moment”.

November 2, 2023 2:35 pm

Nov 2, 2023 2:24 PM
an actual right-wing (you know, free enterprise, civil rights, prosperity, normalcy

Listing things that are traditionally liberal or at best centrist as “right wing” is a strange thing to do.
Do you really think the Overton window has shifted so far that anything that isn’t completely nuts is now “right wing”?
Where would that leave things like nationalism or fiscal responsibility?

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
November 2, 2023 2:35 pm

Laughter is the best medicine – unless you’re diabetic, then insulin comes pretty high on the list.

– Jasper Carrott

November 2, 2023 2:35 pm

And while I’m at it…London is run by a sinister creature called Sadiq Khan. No guesses where his sympathies lie.

He also runs the police. It’s Tammany Hall British Style.

If I were a Cockney, I’d get out. Trouble is there’s nowhere to go any more. The place is eaten away by Woke and PC.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
November 2, 2023 2:37 pm

To simply throw away peoples lives, in a fit of pique, rather than think through what is best for your country

Tell that to Hamas, Firefly, and go back to making huggies with the UN despots.

Israel is doing what Israel knows it must do. Try to understand and accept this.

Oh, you can’t, because you’re a basic wittering leftie. OK.

November 2, 2023 2:38 pm
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
November 2, 2023 2:39 pm

Salvatore, Bundy is sharp as hell when you drink it and gives a brutal hangover.

Hope that clarifies things for you. 🙂

November 2, 2023 2:40 pm

Where would that leave things like nationalism or fiscal responsibility?

Within normalcy and free enterprise.

November 2, 2023 2:41 pm

The Stalker is here 24/7.

We own it, body and soul.

November 2, 2023 2:42 pm

Do you really think the Overton window has shifted so far that anything that isn’t completely nuts is now “right wing”?

Hey I don’t make the rules.

Just look at the US. Rogan and Tim Pool will vote Trump. They’re just normal lefties.

So the answer is yes. This DEI/intersectionality stuff has gone full ham.

November 2, 2023 2:43 pm

Bundy is like what they disinfect and mop hospitals with.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
November 2, 2023 2:43 pm


She’s only got to live to be 675 years of age, and she’ll be free!

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
November 2, 2023 2:49 pm

And while I’m at it…London is run by a sinister creature called Sadiq Khan.

And he has a very punchable head … I wouldn’t though. I can’t condone that. He does look inbred; one butt ugly bloke. His head is a mess.

Something out of a freak show.

Cassie of Sydney
November 2, 2023 2:49 pm

I don’t believe the world I’m living in, I want to get off. Jewish women are raped, Jewish men, women and children are slaughtered, Jewish men, women, children and babies are currently still held hostage in Gaza, even before Israel responds, apologists for Islamic terror come out to celebrate and to screech “gas the Jews” and “kill the Jews” on the forecourt of our Opera House, pro Palestinian protesters across the world threaten and intimidate Jews, Jewish boys in Bellevue Hill are threatened with death, and on and on it goes and yet all we get is the usual sleazy immoral ‘moral equivalence’ and we’re told to worry about “Islamophobia”.


You know, I’m seriously thinking about making Aliyah even though I’m in my late fifties. If I’m going to have my throat cut, I’ll have it cut in Israel.

I’ve cried for over three weeks. Everyday I wake up and I have a lump in my throat.

November 2, 2023 2:51 pm

Seems fitting…

The pest guy I had around the house today to spray and destroy the nasty bugs and cockroaches outside turns out to be Jewish.

(And he said he only mentioned it after seeing the mezuzah on our doorway and my {honorary} kippah on the bookshelf).

November 2, 2023 2:58 pm

You can understand why Israel is piqued.

November 2, 2023 2:59 pm

Britain looks cooked. Sadiq Khan and what’s his name the prime minister. Many historical greats rolling in their graves.

November 2, 2023 3:00 pm

“1400 or so years of persecution & discrimination by one group against an entire people cannot adequately be explained by “They’re jealous of Israel’s post-1948 material achievements””

The biggest “insult” was when Mohammed said to the Jews “We are all the same people” and the Jews said “No, we’re not”. That resulted in Mohammed turning his back on the Jews while praying – and is the origination of “face Mecca while praying” in Islam, as previous to that, they faced Jerusalem. It went down hill from there…

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
November 2, 2023 3:00 pm

Nov 2, 2023 2:27 PM
The UN has been utterly pointless since 1953

the UN only exists, today, cos for reasons known only to themselves, the Yanks allow them to squat, rent-free, in New York .. it the USA kicked ’em out the UN would fold cos no other country would accomodate their free-loading HQ on prime real estate turf ……

There is NO United Nations. These Nations have never been united and never will be.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
November 2, 2023 3:02 pm

Cassie of Sydney
Nov 2, 2023 2:49 PM

No harm in switching off from the news for a few days. It’ll do you good.

Just saying. All the best.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
November 2, 2023 3:05 pm

Steve trickler
Nov 2, 2023 2:49 PM
And while I’m at it…London is run by a sinister creature called Sadiq Khan.

And he has a very punchable head … I wouldn’t though. I can’t condone that. He does look inbred; one butt ugly bloke. His head is a mess.

Something out of a freak show.

Just give him a ham sandwich and some full strength booze.

November 2, 2023 3:08 pm
Winston Smith
November 2, 2023 3:09 pm


Nov 2, 2023 1:17 PM
Israel has too much respect for their people, living and dead to air dead baby porn (other than the snippets already reluctantly released)
Every single one of the dead has living relatives.
The reason for not broadcasting is the same, the difference between civilisation and barbarity.
In any case even with footage the naysayers will claim photoshop AI, whatever.

No, rosie. I disagree with you 100%.
But I’ve given my reasons – ones that hold up in historic terms, and I’m not going to indulge in a battle of virtue signalling about it with you.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
November 2, 2023 3:13 pm

Just looked over the last thread and thanks to those people who responded to attack by Firefly with his/her ridiculous ideas about Israelies being ‘piqued’. I’ve made my own response (which may seem redundant), as like many, I duck in and out of here while doing other things with my day.

Noticed too that no-one ‘got’ my comment re George Floyd and Fentanyl.

There a man in prison doing 40 years for killing this Fentanyl addict called Floyd, when Fentanyl was probably the cause of Floyd’s death. That was my point. Hostages killed, as Winston noted, by Fentanyl could have been saved with a dose of Narcan. A pretty clear indication that Fentanyl and human life don’t agree with each other, something which was ignored in the Floyd BLM hysteria, crucifying one police officer trying to do his duty.

November 2, 2023 3:15 pm

Apartment slump bites Central Equity as developer calls for incentives

Dubbed the Meriton of Melbourne, Central Equity’s profit has fallen to just $4.7m as it calls for incentives to help builders get projects out of the ground.

Daily Telegraph & The Australian Paywalled but you would not call being Dubbed the Meriton of Melbourne , a ringing endorsement!

November 2, 2023 3:20 pm

I think a few of us predicted this a few days back.
Ask civilians to flee south, isolate and enclose the north, Kessel.

War Mapper
#Gaza map update:

#Israel has continued to advance towards the coast, south of Gaza city. They are less than 800 metres away from cutting Gaza in two.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
November 2, 2023 3:25 pm

You know, I’m seriously thinking about making Aliyah even though I’m in my late fifties. If I’m going to have my throat cut, I’ll have it cut in Israel.

I’ve cried for over three weeks. Everyday I wake up and I have a lump in my throat.

Nolli Illegitimatum se Carborundum, Cassie. Don’t ever let the b@rstards grind you down!

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
November 2, 2023 3:26 pm

Eisenhower sent photographers into the death camps in 1945 to record for posterity. There was a reason for that, because so much can be gaslighted away. I think Israel has struck a reasonable balance, showing gruesome details to a representative group of journalists, with assurances of veracity of the documentation (i.e. no photoshopping).

Hairy simply says Eisenhower didn’t ask for relatives’ permission, and of course, he is right. So I’m torn. To some extent, I think dead bodies pictured can make a point. The relatives of the two parents killed after managing to save their twin babies by placing them in a safe room may indeed not wish to show the photographs of the slaughtered parents. But I wonder what the dead parents themselves would want? Maybe for the world to see this brutality? Same for the women raped and tortured. If that was me, I’d be thinking I hope my body gets shown so that these sub-humans get what’s due to them. If my kids wished, they could pixillate my face.

November 2, 2023 3:30 pm

Hamas Terrorist Attack Ignites Open Hatred of Jews Around the World

Hamas terrorists kicked the lid off hell and invaded Israel on October 7 in a barbaric attack that included mass rape, murder, torture, and kidnappings. Ever since from the streets of Berlin, Paris, Rome and on to the very heart of London, New York’s Times Square, and the steps of the Sydney Opera House, there has been a dramatic surge in anti-Jewish hatred.

The Hamas attacks, a pogrom in everything from name to historical definition, have left Jewish people reeling from a multitude of threats.

Here are just a few of the recent examples of Jews being publicly vilified and in some cases attacked simply for their faith and belief Israel has every right to exist.

. Germany

Segments of the Jewish population in Berlin are being forced to consider a question many once thought unthinkable in the wake of the atrocities committed by Adolf Hitler and his Nazi followers and the subsequent promises of “never again” — is it time to leave Germany?

Spiegel International reports testimonies from a host of Jews in the national capital are worried about their futures and those of their families as a rising tide of antisemitism is seen once more to cast a shadow across the city.

In recent days assailants hurled two molotov cocktails at a synagogue in central Berlin and the Star of David was found daubed on the facades of several buildings where Jews live in Berlin.

The attacks have come even as German citizen Shani Louk has been confirmed as a victim of the horrific Hamas attack.

Antisemitic acts have increased sharply in the country amid the latest turmoil in the Middle East, the Federal Association of Research and Information Centres on Anti-Semitism (RIAS) confirmed to AFP.

. France
. Australia
. United Kingdom
. Russia
. South Africa

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
November 2, 2023 3:33 pm

Eisenhower sent photographers into the death camps in 1945 to record for posterity. There was a reason for that, because so much can be gaslighted away

There had been allegations of atrocities, made against the German Army who invaded Belgium in 1914. Some were true, some were exaggerated war-time propaganda. Eisenhower was taking no chances of any similar allegations being made, regarding the existence of those death camps.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
November 2, 2023 3:34 pm

Cassie, I feel for you so much. I’ve told you about how, in our urban ‘commune’ in 1967, one of us, a just-graduated doctor, suddenly upped sticks and went to fight for Israel, when we had barely registered that he was Jewish, so secular was he, and not a Zionist. So I am familiar with the impulse you are feeling.

However, darling, you would have to be able to help rather than hinder. Basic medical training would be a good thing for you to pursue now if that’s what you think you might end up doing, going over to assist. It might be a good thing to do anyway, to take your mind off things and make you feel you were organising to be useful. St. Johns Ambulance have a good course which I did some years ago. It only takes a day or two. There is other paramed training too if you wanted to gain full skills.

It is the sense of being helpless that you are fighting. You are not helpless.

November 2, 2023 3:35 pm

In Danisbad if the police are afraid to break Hamarse supporters, that makes a reasonable case for the army commandos to do it for them.

November 2, 2023 3:35 pm

” 16 minute vid on the difficulty of tunnel fighting. Clearly bombing them out will save many Israeli lives.

Pumping them full of seawater?”

Expanding building foam at all found entrances/exits? Lots and lots of it – like 2m thick.

November 2, 2023 3:36 pm

Still trudging through the OT, so I might be missing some more entries..

Thanx to all who responded to my query from 3.01pm yesterday.
I’ve looked for evidence of what happened to poor Ms Louk, both before and after that photo in the back of a ute, tattooed R calf, with her avulsed L hip/knee and bloodied head.
But no go.

As Christopher Hitchens famously said:
What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.
In this era of ubiquitous, cheap mobile cameras, absence of video/photo basically means that the story is embellished.. at a minimum.

That is all…
Peace.. and thank you.


Nov 2, 2023 8:36 AM

Please see above.
If you have a link to actual evidence, I would think that this blog would appreciate it.

November 2, 2023 3:40 pm

You know, I’m seriously thinking about making Aliyah even though I’m in my late fifties. If I’m going to have my throat cut, I’ll have it cut in Israel.
I’ve cried for over three weeks. Everyday I wake up and I have a lump in my throat.

Cassie, for what it is worth – our hearts are with you. Despite the grief that many of us feel, we can’t, of course, feel what you feel.

I always find it hard to deal with evil and the suffering of their victims. It challenges every feeling for the Divine that I have.

There are no more words.

November 2, 2023 3:45 pm

Good news.

Dark and Stormy cans are back baby!

Christmas is gonna be lit.

Cassie of Sydney
November 2, 2023 3:45 pm

“Concern rises for Australians still in Gaza after others flee”


Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
November 2, 2023 3:46 pm

It’s about whether the costs involved in an action are commensurate to the good to be obtained by that action.

Considering ‘the good’ is also a moral calculation, Dover.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
November 2, 2023 3:50 pm

In this era of ubiquitous, cheap mobile cameras, absence of video/photo basically means that the story is embellished.. at a minimum.

Yes, Gilas. But do not forget that some people may have such evidence but then see an advantage in destroying it. In this world, nothing is ‘untampered’. That is why one must ‘piece together’ an account that may be truthful from as many sources as possible.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
November 2, 2023 3:53 pm

Emperor Hirohito Calls For Ceasefire After Bombing Of Pearl Harbor!

Albanese joins US call for pause in Israel offensive (Paywallian, 2 Nov)

The Prime Minister added to Joe Biden’s push for Israel to pause its military operation in Gaza over humanitarian concerns.

Maybe you’d do better Albo if you called on Hamas to surrender unconditionally. Then your cherished humanitarian side could have free rein.

(He couldn’t hold it in for long could he?)

November 2, 2023 3:53 pm

I’ve looked for evidence of what happened to poor Ms Louk, both before and after that photo in the back of a ute, tattooed R calf, with her avulsed L hip/knee and bloodied head.
But no go.

She was dead and partially nude with her limbs contorted and broken in the back of a ute with fat bearded hamas scum inviting palli innocents to come and spit on her.

At the concert she was alive and vibrantly beautiful. Before and after. Are you saying there is a lack of evidence that the hamas scum brutally raped and killed her?

November 2, 2023 3:54 pm

Nov 2, 2023 9:05 AM

Hamas terrorist: Shot crying children ‘until we didn’t hear noise anymore’

See Belaya Tserkov and Sonderkommando 4a..history repeating…
Utter evil will always be with us.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
November 2, 2023 3:54 pm

In Danisbad if the police are afraid to break Hamarse supporters, that makes a reasonable case for the army commandos to do it for them.

The book I am reading on the SAS details how Margaret Thatcher called in the SAS to overwhelm a group of prisoners holding an old and sick prison warder hostage and free him when the police declared it was beyond them. In went the SAS through a hole they blew in the ceiling and out came the hostage.

November 2, 2023 3:59 pm

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Nov 2, 2023 3:26 PM

Eisenhower sent photographers into the death camps in 1945 to record for posterity.

There was a reason for that, because so much can be gaslighted away. I think Israel has struck a reasonable balance, showing gruesome details to a representative group of journalists, with assurances of veracity of the documentation (i.e. no photoshopping).

Hairy simply says Eisenhower didn’t ask for relatives’ permission, and of course, he is right.

So I’m torn.

To some extent, I think dead bodies pictured can make a point. The relatives of the two parents killed after managing to save their twin babies by placing them in a safe room may indeed not wish to show the photographs of the slaughtered parents.

But I wonder what the dead parents themselves would want?

Maybe for the world to see this brutality? Same for the women raped and tortured. If that was me, I’d be thinking I hope my body gets shown so that these sub-humans get what’s due to them. If my kids wished, they could pixillate my face.</em>


I agree with Hairy & your latter thoughts – I did see the QR Images and Video that the Israel UN Ambassador shoed as a one page piece of Paper with the QR Code – I took it from the Picture on the Ireland UN Desk

For a while Google would not show – Error – then it suddenly became available to show

The Dumpster Bin full of Charred Bodies – God only knows what happened to the Women with the Gag in her mouth, looks like she was burnt alive – the body burnt to a crisp with their hands tied together -the charred, totally blackened skull with white teeth standing out – bodies side by side burnt to a crisp – the 4 min video of brave Hamas Palestinian Barbarians shooting unarmed young people enjoying themselves

Charred bodies everywhere, beheaded soldiers, charred babies

As I said then – How could any Australian especially The Australian Labor Party, Greens, some TEALS etc, support the Palestinian Gazan’s who rejoice at Hamas, having seen those images & video?

I find it suspicious that the Goolge again now shows an Error on that QR Link – Is Google Censoring Israel?

I would suggest people read the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

and then read a book I read a a 10 year old in 1955

The scourge of the swastika : a short history of Nazi war crimes / by Lord Russell of Liverpool.


“Lord Russell rises above the well-known abuses of the Holocaust to highlight Nazi abuses on a broader and more savage scale.” —Military Review

This factual account of German war crimes of World War II is a formidable indictment of Nazi brutality and of the monstrous organization which so terrorized occupied Europe and murdered at least 12 million civilians.

Along with The Knights of Bushido: A Short History of Japanese War Crimes, by the same author, it was a phenomenal bestseller when first published.

Drawing on documentary evidence submitted to the Nuremberg Trials and brilliantly written by an expert intimately connected to the prosecution of war criminals, this searing condemnation of the Third Reich’s crimes is factual, objective and unstinting in its efforts to expose the truth behind real or alleged atrocities.

It examines Hitler’s instruments of tyranny and repression the SS, Gestapo and Army; German crimes against prisoners of war; outrages committed on the high seas; crimes against civilian populations; the mass use of slave labor; the concentration camps; and the “Final Solution.”

“An authoritative and evidential source of the horrors of the Holocaust . . . A benchmark classic that deals effectively with Hannah Arendt’s ‘banality of evil.’”—The Times Higher Education

“This is not an easy read—the subject material means that it never could be, but it is a very valuable, legally informed account of some of the most appalling atrocities ever committed, and a valuable reminder of why the Second World War had to be fought.” —History of War

You can read the book here

November 2, 2023 4:01 pm

“Site visits to several remote communities have confirmed tenants have been living in substandard housing,” Gemma Leigh-Dodds of Slater and Gordon law firm said on Thursday. Investigators found houses that lacked safe drinking water and working showers, toilets and cooking facilities. Others had broken windows, blocked pipes, security issues, and many had no air-conditioning.

Tenants’ repeated requests for repairs were also often ignored.

This is entirely incongruous with what we see on our TV almost daily. Our farm is in what is a remote area in terms of TV free-to-air coverage. As a consequence, our reception is relayed by satellite from the station at Alice Springs (of all places!). The community advertisements for the Aboriginal community are mind-boggling, & tell you a lot about what actually transpires in these communities.

The advertisements range from instructions about how to leave water for your dogs (yes, actually!), to go to Community Health when you see “little dots down there”, instructions to kids on how to wash their face so that their eyes don’t get infected, advice to prevent male on female violence and so on.

But the one that really aggravates us is the instruction to contact Community Housing (or whatever it is called) when your shower head isn’t working, or the shower leaks etc etc!!!!

If they won’t even contact the authorities to get the blasted things fixed…….!!!!!!!

Fair Shake
Fair Shake
November 2, 2023 4:02 pm

A friend of mine in NSW Police back in the day advised in prep for the 2000 Olympics the SAS had war gamed and were on standby should the NSW Police advise they no longer had control of a situation. Example being a dirty bomb in a crowd. SAS sniper was trained to take the shot and if civilians were collateral, keep shooting til the bomber was down.

Sounded good in theory.

Then along came the Lindt Cafe. My faith in NSW Police evaporated.

November 2, 2023 4:02 pm

Oh yes – and the latest ad is a plea not to dump their rubbish in the bush as there are centres in the community for your rubbish!!!

November 2, 2023 4:02 pm

I was also interested to see in Lorenzo Warby’s essay that many muslims and Christians migrated to the Palestine mandate in the late 19th century after Jewish migrants from Europe created new opportunities for work and prosperity.

Arabs really are regressive aren’t they.

November 2, 2023 4:04 pm

Given Israel’s nuclear capacity, its elite and efficient weaponry, its extremely talented officers as well as the red-hot anger I have over Hamas’ Genghis Khan tactics, I’ll add this “gem” to any Wong person offering up a stupid argument:

You know Israel has shown restraint when civilians in Gaza still exist.

November 2, 2023 4:04 pm

How could Eisenhower ask relatives’ permission?
They were, with few exceptions, all dead.
Not to mention Eisenhower wasn’t a Jew living in a Jewish country, dealing with the murder of his compatriots.

November 2, 2023 4:09 pm

Dean (Dani) Laidley has put his/her name up to coach the West Coast Eagles women’s team. ROFL. Women trying to play footy is putrid and uncouth.

November 2, 2023 4:09 pm

“This is not an easy read—the subject material means that it never could be, but it is a very valuable, legally informed account of some of the most appalling atrocities ever committed, and a valuable reminder of why the Second World War had to be fought.” —History of War

Over the years, one tends to put all that evidence to the very backstairs of the mind. My husband likes to watch WWII docos that are aired on one of the commercial channels on the weekend. Occasionally, they do document the Nazi war crimes. But I doubt if much of it is taught in schools any more.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
November 2, 2023 4:09 pm

Cassie, as the Christians here often attest, prayer is a very useful thing to do in times of trial and stress. Making a commitment to pray regularly at a place of your own choosing, whether a religious site or just some you like to go to sit, might be a kindness you do to yourself now to seek relief from the morning waking miseries. A Rabbi might be able to make suggestions to you re this far better than I can.

In Medieval times the populations believed that the prayers of the monastics kept the world in proper order. So even if you feel helpless here in Sydney you can still ardently pray for Israel, as I am sure you are doing already, along I am sure with most other Jewish people here, and many Christians too. Formalising your prayer to yourself might help, that’s all, perhaps joining in with a prayer group too.

November 2, 2023 4:10 pm

But the one that really aggravates us is the instruction to contact Community Housing (or whatever it is called) when your shower head isn’t working, or the shower leaks etc etc!!!!

Basic home maintenance instructions would be more helpful, Vicki.

November 2, 2023 4:12 pm

In this era of ubiquitous, cheap mobile cameras, absence of video/photo basically means that the story is embellished.. at a minimum.

What are you suggesting?
That Shani Louk should have recorded her own rape and murder?
That the dead beside her should have?
Someone fleeing for their lives should have had some considerable for your needs and stopped?
Btw What embellishments? The bare minimum of facts speak for themselves.

November 2, 2023 4:13 pm

Sean Davis

The Bidens keep claiming these are loan repayments. So where are the original loan payments from Joe Biden? And why were these loans never on his financial disclosure forms? It’s almost like there never were loans and these were all just bribe distributions.

November 2, 2023 4:16 pm

Then along came the Lindt Cafe. My faith in NSW Police evaporated.

While army commandos directed traffic!

November 2, 2023 4:17 pm

Shani Louk was alive.
Then she was in the back of a ute dead.
Are there seriously questions about the gruesome details that happened in between?
Will that decrease the depravity of the Hamas actions?

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
November 2, 2023 4:19 pm

Dean (Dani) Laidley has put his/her name up to coach the West Coast Eagles women’s team. ROFL.

The Weagles AWFL side should sign him as forward. He towers over the ladies.
I’m sure they could double their goal scoring with just that one pick.

November 2, 2023 4:20 pm

Top 10 4×4 tracks in Australia

Ten of the best 4WD tracks in Australia. How many have you travelled?

We present the Top 10 4×4 tracks in Australia to put on the bucket list, in no particular order.

With countless 4WD tracks scattered throughout Australia, no doubt we’ve had to omit a few worthy of this list – so please let us know what we’ve missed in the comments section below.


Binns Track, NT
Oodnadatta Track, SA
Canning Stock Route, WA
Birdsville Track, Queensland
Madigan Line, NT
Simpson QAA Line, NT
Blue Rag Range Track, Victoria
Border Track, Victoria/SA
Old Telegraph Track, Queensland
Climies Track, Tasmania

Only 2 Tracks I haven’t done

Old Telegraph Track, Queensland & Climies Track, Tasmania and have only done start of Madigan Line NT, as 14 Ton 4WD Truck had spiked 3 truck tyres (Had 13 plugs in one of the Tyres we were limping back to Alice (new Truck Tyres) then Plenty Highway to Tobermorey Sation for Welding repairs then home to Sydney

It’s a Great Country – Have been to Bathurst Bay Cape Melville National Park (CYPAL) Tropical North Queensland

and driven

Laura-to-Maytown-FNQ as it says Track Features

Difficulty: Very Difficult
Length: 30km to 100km
Sharp Rocks
Steep ascents/descents
River crossing(s)

November 2, 2023 4:20 pm

I have an idea. Since Ms Wong, Luigi and the cadaver in the WH are so keen for a ceasefire…

Could we do a hostage swap with them? A President, a Prime Minister and a Foreign Minister would be excellent bargaining chips as we value them so very much.

Worth many…many captives.

I know they’d be first to put up their hands as soon as the idea is run by them.

November 2, 2023 4:20 pm

Do you really think the Overton window has shifted so far that anything that isn’t completely nuts is now “right wing”?

Err Arks, presuming this is not a trick question, then, yes, I do.

Normal run of the mill views held by about 90% of the population around the turn of the century are now routinely demonised as “extreme right”. Admittedly, by complete collectivist nutcases, but they and their j’ismist enablers are an extremely loud and obnoxious bunch, as we know.

Real Deal
Real Deal
November 2, 2023 4:22 pm

If anyone can put up the Mocker’s latest in the Oz. It is a brutal evisceration of that weasel Tony Burqa.

November 2, 2023 4:24 pm

A President, a Prime Minister and a Foreign Minister …

Throw in a treasurer and a recently retired state premier to seal the deal.

November 2, 2023 4:26 pm

Nov 2, 2023 4:13 PM

Sean Davis

The Bidens keep claiming these are loan repayments. So where are the original loan payments from Joe Biden? And why were these loans never on his financial disclosure forms? It’s almost like there never were loans and these were all just bribe distributions.

Not that anything will happen, because it’s the Hiden crime family. That’s straight out tax evasion if they can’t demonstrate the original loan. The amount is above the threshold that would cause a felony charge to non-0’Hidens in the US.

November 2, 2023 4:26 pm

“Concern rises for Australians still in Gaza after others flee”


If you choose to live in a terrorist state, with the attendant possible repercussions for terrorism, it should be of no concern to Australia.

November 2, 2023 4:27 pm

And in other news…just to leave the horrors of southern Israel behind for a moment…I have put up the Christmas decorations.

Yes…I know. A month early. We’ll have housesitters and small fry staying here soon, so I want them to see the place all decked out in anticipation. Also, we won’t be home until a few days before Christmas and I don’t fancy jet-lagged jollity and tree light festooning. I’ve also been having fun with cellophane and tinsel and stickytape – gifts for those I won’t see until New Year. I’m covered with glitter.

Normal transmission may now resume.

November 2, 2023 4:28 pm

Hi Cassie. You live in Sydney, Australia. Not Israel. Get your shit together and climb back on the horse. No need for Aliyah.

November 2, 2023 4:29 pm


A BOGOF! How can they refuse?

November 2, 2023 4:33 pm

Nov 2, 2023 4:02 PM

Oh yes – and the latest ad is a plea not to dump their rubbish in the bush as there are centres in the community for your rubbish!!!


you have been to places like Balgo, Kintore, Papunya, Yuendumu, Kiwirrikurra, Mt Liebig, etc – you know when you are approaching an Aboriginal Community by the rubbish on the side of the roads from 20km out

November 2, 2023 4:33 pm

Hey doofus, every Jew in the world is fearful because of current happenings, along with vivid reminders of what occurred in the 1940s, when 6 million people were obliterated for simply being Jewish. Don’t go telling Cass to get on her horse. STFU.

November 2, 2023 4:33 pm

With countless 4WD tracks scattered throughout Australia, no doubt we’ve had to omit a few worthy of this list – so please let us know what we’ve missed in the comments section below.

Ozzie – Obviously, if you have done “the Canning”, you have done the Tanami Track. But then, given the tracks you have travelled, you probably consider the Tanami a highway!

Well done! We have travelled the main routes of Oz – including the Tanami & other rough tracks before they were resurfaced and “tamed”. But we haven’t done anything like the routes you have travelled – which, of course, require specialist vehicles & not your old Landcruiser!

Cassie of Sydney
November 2, 2023 4:34 pm

Hi Zafiro aka Jew hater. Get your shit together and F*CK OFF.

November 2, 2023 4:34 pm

Women trying to play (AFL) footy is putrid and uncouth.

I wouldn’t go that far. But it is unnatural.

AFL footy is a collision sport designed for tough male bodies, not intrinsically fragile female bodies.

Suggesting that chicks should play netball instead may well be seen as paternalistic, but it was based on expertise about the difference between male and female bodies when they play a collision sport like AFL.

So hospital emergency departments are now full of young females on Saturday nights being treated for injuries that (male) experts knew would result from females being encouraged to play a collision sport.

As a result of mad 21st century sexual politics, the human race is becoming dumber, not smarter.

November 2, 2023 4:37 pm

you have been to places like Balgo, Kintore, Papunya, Yuendumu, Kiwirrikurra, Mt Liebig, etc – you know when you are approaching an Aboriginal Community by the rubbish on the side of the roads from 20km out

Absolutely. We use to enjoy & laugh at the TV series “Bush Mechanics”. But the rubbish around towns and camps is something else.

BTW the last time we were in Yuendemu, it looked like Beirut, with fires in the middle of the main street. The only fenced in dwelling was the copper station & the general store & petrol station.

November 2, 2023 4:42 pm

We present the Top 10 4×4 tracks in Australia to put on the bucket list, in no particular order.

Have you done the Maralinga tour thing or Mitchell River in Vic and the other Mitchell River in WA?

I was thinking of some adventuring this Christmas, but obviously stay out of the heat as a novice & fuel is damned expensive.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
November 2, 2023 4:44 pm

But the rubbish around towns and camps is something else.

It’s the” Government’s” job to collect that rubbish.

November 2, 2023 4:45 pm

But the one that really aggravates us is the instruction to contact Community Housing (or whatever it is called) when your shower head isn’t working, or the shower leaks etc etc!!!!
Several years ago NSW Housing Commission started charging tenants (excluding OAPs) for “minor” repair jobs cos of the number of call-outs involving changing lightbulbs to squeaky doors/windows & simple screwdriver fixes, self inflicted damage ect …
The favourite was if you wanted a move & HC wouldn’t come to the party … light a fire and ring 000 ………

November 2, 2023 4:46 pm

Laura-to-Maytown-FNQ as it says Track Features

Did it on bikes a year or so back as part of a tip trip. Awesome track. Knocked it off in 5 or so hours.

It looked like real slow going – 2-3 days – in 4wd, due to all the rutted out parts, step ups (and downs) and steep inclines.

Stephen Williams
Stephen Williams
November 2, 2023 4:46 pm

Talking about rubbish, Tonga and Fiji are almost public tips, rubbish everywhere on the roadsides, even on smaller islands. Got Noumea and it’s clean, amazingly clean, now the question is why the difference?

November 2, 2023 4:47 pm

I’m not a jew hater. I hate what has been going on in that part of the world for my entire life. Is that OK?

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
November 2, 2023 4:48 pm

Monique Ryan accused of bias in her response to Hamas, Gaza and Israel

By cameron stewart
Chief International Correspondent
4:36PM November 2, 2023
No Comments

The principal of a Melbourne Jewish school has written a blistering letter to independent Kooyong MP Monique Ryan, accusing her of “unacceptable” bias in selectively expressing outrage at the death of children in Gaza rather than the deaths of 1400 Israelis at the hands of Hamas.

The letter from the principal of Bialik College, Jeremy Stowe-Lindner, said Ms Ryan’s responses to the October 7 massacre of Israelis and the retaliatory bombing of Gaza by Israel had repeatedly played down the suffering of Israel and of the Australian Jewish community.

It follows a Facebook post by Ms Ryan on Wednesday in which she wrote ‘as a pediatrician, I find the human suffering in Gaza intolerable,’ and called for a humanitarian pause so that aid can reach people.
Read Next

Mr Stowe-Lindner said he represented the only Jewish school in Mr Ryan’s electorate where “multiple family members (are) attending, online and in person, funerals of murdered loved ones in Israel.”

“Your reference to the suffering only in Gaza is unacceptable,” he wrote.

“Perhaps a reference to the intolerable suffering of the families of 1400 Israeli civilians on October 7 who were murdered, raped, beheaded would be appropriate too? Or to those Jewish families sheltering in bomb shelters from 5000 Hamas rockets in just a few hours on that day who were wiped out through hand grenades being thrown into their shelters? Or to that catastrophe as a pogrom, the deadliest day for world Judaism since the Holocaust?”

“Intolerable also is the reaction of mobs calling for Jews to be gassed here in Australia, or apparently peaceful crowds with placards proclaiming ‘from the river to the sea’ which for those with any understanding of geography is a call for the ethnic cleansing and destruction of the world’s only Jewish state,” he wrote.

Mr Stowe-Lindner wrote that it was impossible to understate the trauma and alienation of these events for the Jewish community.

He said Ms Ryan’s Facebook posts had only made one reference to Hamas, which was in response to the massacre of October 7.

“(There) you wrote that “Hamas has made the road to a two-state solution much harder. Israel has every right to defend its people.” Is that all you have to say? “Much harder?”

“Only one sentence on Hamas as making things ‘much harder’? And a vague comment about a country’s right to self defence but no comment in any post about suffering in Israel or the murder of Jews?”

Mr Stowe-Lindner said a more appropriate response from Ms Ryan would be to also acknowledge the suffering of Israelis and the Jewish community.

“Were you to post a reference to Israeli children who have been taken hostage for almost a month, a reference to babies who have been murdered, a reference to pregnant women who have been gunned down, an acknowledgment of the suffering of children on all sides – this would ‘tolerable’, as would an unashamed and unreserved condemnation of Hamas, a terrorist death cult,” he wrote.

Ms Ryan has been approached for comment.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
November 2, 2023 4:48 pm

Stuffed up the bolding, sorry ’bout that.

November 2, 2023 4:48 pm

I’m not a jew hater. I hate what has been going on in that part of the world for my entire life.

This should be good.

Imma head out and get some popcorn.

November 2, 2023 4:50 pm


…and…HERE. WE. …GO!!!

Boambee John
Boambee John
November 2, 2023 4:52 pm

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Nov 2, 2023 3:54 PM
In Danisbad if the police are afraid to break Hamarse supporters, that makes a reasonable case for the army commandos to do it for them.

The book I am reading on the SAS details how Margaret Thatcher called in the SAS to overwhelm a group of prisoners holding an old and sick prison warder hostage and free him when the police declared it was beyond them. In went the SAS through a hole they blew in the ceiling and out came the hostage.

See also the Canadian occasion, when the Army was called to assist provincial police with a prison riot.

Standard infantry, not SAS. Lined up outside the prison at dawn. Ordered to fix bayonets, those bayonets being chrome plated ceremonial bayonets.

As the dawn light glinted off the fixed bayonets, the prison doors opened and the rioters came out with their hands in the air.

November 2, 2023 4:53 pm

If Israel showed the footage of the baby in the oven, pregnant woman getting her unborn child ripped out and beheaded, laced together couple burnt to a charred lump – the response would be “Cunning Jews, playing emotional games for sympathy so they can get away with slaughtering Palestinian children”.

Winston Smith
November 2, 2023 4:53 pm


Hairy simply says Eisenhower didn’t ask for relatives’ permission, and of course, he is right. So I’m torn. To some extent, I think dead bodies pictured can make a point. The relatives of the two parents killed after managing to save their twin babies by placing them in a safe room may indeed not wish to show the photographs of the slaughtered parents. But I wonder what the dead parents themselves would want? Maybe for the world to see this brutality? Same for the women raped and tortured. If that was me, I’d be thinking I hope my body gets shown so that these sub-humans get what’s due to them. If my kids wished, they could pixilate my face.

Quite right, Lizzie. Tell the truth and shame the devil.
But I’m curious as to why the ones shown the videos were the journalists? A greater pack of lying, one sided distorters of truth are the filter through which these barbarities are filtered?
No. Put the evidence on the net – just like the ones of the Holocaust.

November 2, 2023 4:55 pm

But I’m curious as to why the ones shown the videos were the journalists? A greater pack of lying, one sided distorters of truth are the filter through which these barbarities are filtered?

It might be a strategy to win them over the long term, seeing their sneering dismissal of Israeli problems.

Show them the sickening stuff, make them feel special etc.

November 2, 2023 4:57 pm

You didn’t get many images online (most people only had dialup, even in the USA) early on so the Holocaust stuff has really been on the net in mass media form since around 2000.

That’s 55 years later and like rosie said most of their entire family had been murdered anyway at the time.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
November 2, 2023 4:58 pm

I am amazed at radio DJ’s today. I am firmly convinced that AM on my radio stands for Absolute Moron. I will not begin to tell you what FM stands for.

– Jasper Carrott

November 2, 2023 4:58 pm

For those feeling justifiably down about Israel I recommend watching today’s opening of The Five. Watters and Gutfeld go to town on the bastards and bitches tearing down lists of the Israelis taken prisoner by the hamas dogs. This is peak comedy which highlights the base message. It reminds me of Thomas Love Peacock’s immortal words:

The worst thing is good enough to be laughed at, though it be good for nothing else; and the best thing, though it be good for something else, is good for nothing better.

Winston Smith
November 2, 2023 4:58 pm

Vicki and Liz are right. Go and do something that empowers you – even a shortie first aid course is good for that.
Then go and help.

November 2, 2023 4:58 pm

Several years ago NSW Housing Commission started charging tenants (excluding OAPs) for “minor” repair jobs cos of the number of call-outs involving changing lightbulbs to squeaky doors/windows & simple screwdriver fixes, self inflicted damage ect …

Should happen the house full of NDIS recipients next door. But then they would just get more cash. The system at all levels encourages dependency to promote the service industry.

November 2, 2023 4:59 pm

ROFL. Go get a big load of popcorn you pompous know-all.

November 2, 2023 4:59 pm

But I’m curious as to why the ones shown the videos were the journalists?

Each one that has been shown it and then reported on it have looked haunted.

Cassie of Sydney
November 2, 2023 4:59 pm

“I’m not a jew hater. I hate what has been going on in that part of the world for my entire life. Is that OK?”

Yes you are, you’ve made it very clear here that you don’t like Jews and Israel. Your comments reek of antipathy towards Jews.

If you want a site where Jew haters can run amok with gay abandon (and I use the word ‘gay’ deliberately as you seem to have a thing about “poofters”), rack off to Dash Cat.

November 2, 2023 5:01 pm

the hamas dogs

Please don’t degrade dogs like that.
Dogs are angels.
Hamas are demons.

November 2, 2023 5:03 pm

Nov 2, 2023 4:59 PM

ROFL. Go get a big load of popcorn you pompous know-all.

Your first comment on this blog was making a joke about a baby that had just been murdered by Hamas, it was cooked like food.

You giggled about this and support organised child murderers only a few inches away from cannibalism.

If you’re so clever and high and mighty, why don’t you say what username you used to comment under?

Cassie of Sydney
November 2, 2023 5:03 pm

Nov 2, 2023 4:53 PM”

100% right. Look, there are still people who deny the Holocaust, despite the images, despite the evidence.

November 2, 2023 5:04 pm

…and now to buy some popcorn!

November 2, 2023 5:05 pm

as a pediatrician, I find the human suffering in Gaza intolerable

As a housewife in a lovely beachside suburb, I find the dearth of intelligence of paediatricians turned politicians sadly lacking.

Perhaps, dumbdumb, you might like to educate yourself on what happened on October 7…and maybe the history of Gaza. But that’s hard. You might have to put in some effort.

Cassie of Sydney
November 2, 2023 5:05 pm

“Please don’t degrade dogs like that.
Dogs are angels.
Hamas are demons.”

100% correct.

November 2, 2023 5:05 pm

If only Vicplod were operating in Tonga and Fiji. They’d straighten out any old sheilas chucking trash on the street.

H B Bear
H B Bear
November 2, 2023 5:06 pm

The Weagles AWFL side should sign him as forward. He towers over the ladies.

Wouldn’t hurt. They aren’t travelling much better than the blokes. The whole club needs to get back on the gear.

November 2, 2023 5:06 pm

Nov 2, 2023 4:01 PM

“Site visits to several remote communities have confirmed tenants have been living in substandard housing,” Gemma Leigh-Dodds of Slater and Gordon law firm said on Thursday. Investigators found houses that lacked safe drinking water and working showers, toilets and cooking facilities. Others had broken windows, blocked pipes, security issues, and many had no air-conditioning.

Tenants’ repeated requests for repairs were also often ignored.

This is entirely incongruous with what we see on our TV almost daily. Our farm is in what is a remote area in terms of TV free-to-air coverage. As a consequence, our reception is relayed by satellite from the station at Alice Springs (of all places!).

The community advertisements for the Aboriginal community are mind-boggling, & tell you a lot about what actually transpires in these communities.

The advertisements range from instructions about how to leave water for your dogs (yes, actually!), to go to Community Health when you see “little dots down there”, instructions to kids on how to wash their face so that their eyes don’t get infected, advice to prevent male on female violence and so on.

But the one that really aggravates us is the instruction to contact Community Housing (or whatever it is called) when your shower head isn’t working, or the shower leaks etc etc!!!!

If they won’t even contact the authorities to get the blasted things fixed…….!!!!!!!


One of mates was born in Boomi near NSW/QLG Border and Goondiwindi

The Toomelah Aboriginal Station was originally established as the Euraba Aboriginal Reserve in 1897 by the NSW Government’s Aboriginal Protection Board. It was initially located on Whalan Creek a few miles south of the town of Boomi, New South Wales.

By the 1970s, the overcrowding and lack of basic facilities at Toomelah were starting to become public knowledge.

I remember in 70s watching Dep PM and Leader of the National Paty Doug Anthony along with 1st Aboriginal Senator Neville Bommner & assorted TV cameras in tow walking down the main street of Toomelah

Neville Bonner said Doug Anthony – Look at that Raw Sewage running down the centre of the Street

Doug Anthony replied “Neville, there are 30 young guys standing around doing nothing – they could dig a trench and pits for a Septic System rather standing by Idly”

Neville responded “Typical Whiteman Response”

Doug Replied “Until Aboriginals pull their Fingers out and do something themselves, then your People are going nowhere”

Media attention focused on Toomelah in 1987 when a large brawl between hundreds of whites and Aboriginal people occurred outside the Victoria Hotel in Goondiwindi after a Toomelah resident was refused entry and beaten up.

The incident resulted in several investigations revealing that the Toomelah community had no household water supply, no sewerage, poor housing, poor access to medical facilities, high rates of malnutrition and 80% unemployment.

In May 2012 the ABC’s 7.30 program ran a special report dealing with child abuse, housing and the collapse of social services in Toomelah. In August 2013 a house fire killed a 14-year-old girl while two other children managed to escape.

A specialised unit of the Australian Army was deployed in Toomelah in 2017 to run a six-month works project to restore infrastructure including roads and the community hall

Army begins six-month program to rebuild NSW Indigenous community of Toomelah

When you hear the Army has been sent in to clean up a town whose reputation has been plagued by unemployment, vandalism and negative publicity, it sounds a little concerning.

But in this case the troops are being welcomed with open arms.

The Toomelah community, near the Queensland-New South Wales border, cannot wait to get started on a six-month works project that will overhaul most of the local infrastructure, and offer health and employment prospects for its 300 residents.

“There’s quite a lot of history of unemployment, and school retention is another issue,” Local Aboriginal Lands Council chairman Carl McGrady said.

“But I think one of the most prominent factors is intergenerational unemployment.”

An advanced group of the 6th Engineer Support Regiment has built an army camp on the outskirts of the community, called Camp Birt.

The Army is sending 200 soldiers to spend the next six months working in Toomelah, with a strong focus on health and welfare.

“I have a team that will augment the local clinic for medical and dental services, and bring in a vet to look at some of the animals in the community,” contingent commander John Venz said.

Major Venz said there would also be physical training to work with young people on the value of healthy activities and healthy eating.

November 2, 2023 5:07 pm

Monique Ryan accused of bias in her response to Hamas, Gaza and Israel

I’m not surprised or dissappointed, it’s exactly what I expect from her.

We’ll see how she goes next Federal election in Kooyong.

November 2, 2023 5:11 pm

I also noticed from the hostage taking video that Hamas have subcontracted their dirty deeds to Africa.

From the news that comes to me from Christians there, I’m not surprised at the depths of cruelty.

November 2, 2023 5:14 pm

The first 14mins of Sharri is playing videos that we’ve been sharing here for the last 24 hours.

Cassie of Sydney
November 2, 2023 5:14 pm

“I’m not surprised or dissappointed, it’s exactly what I expect from her.”

Agree, Ryan is simply showing her true colour, which is green.

November 2, 2023 5:14 pm

OK. You think I am a Jew hating poofter. I am not. I have been asking questions, yes. Just looking for some clarity.

H B Bear
H B Bear
November 2, 2023 5:14 pm

We’ll see how she goes next Federal election in Kooyong.

Needs to pull a Tony Windsor.

November 2, 2023 5:15 pm

Only some Calli.
There’s a lot of Pali’s straight out of central casting participating too.
F*ck they are a backward mob.

Boambee John
Boambee John
November 2, 2023 5:16 pm

Some points for the Slugs and Grubs lawyers.

What form of lease do residents of remote communities sign? What lessee and lessor responsibilities are included in those leases? What rental is paid? How many residents are behind with their rental payments? What penalties are included in the leases for being behind with their rental payments?

I’m sure others can think of more points, but I doubt that they matter. The relevant governments will simply chuck OPM at the problem, to make it go away.

Winston Smith
November 2, 2023 5:19 pm


Nov 2, 2023 4:53 PM
If Israel showed the footage of the baby in the oven, pregnant woman getting her unborn child ripped out and beheaded, laced together couple burnt to a charred lump – the response * would be “Cunning Jews, playing emotional games for sympathy so they can get away with slaughtering Palestinian children”.

You need to insert at the * symbol: the mohammedans and the communists
Rational human beings would be horrified and enraged.

November 2, 2023 5:19 pm

Just looking for some clarity.

Pull the other one.
These odd balls (at best) “I’m just asking questions” are getting quite tiresome.
Similar to Custard and he’s recurring Executive Order shtick.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
November 2, 2023 5:22 pm

But I’m curious as to why the ones shown the videos were the journalists?

Maybe they were being warned?

Media group calls for investigation into deaths of 34 journalists in Israel-Hamas war (1 Nov)

Obviously there’s a pressing need for replacements for those selfless heroic journalists in Gaza. Parachutes aren’t especially expensive.

Cassie of Sydney
November 2, 2023 5:24 pm

Here’s some clarity, you’re a Jew hater and a nasty troll who’s also made it clear that you don’t like “poofters”, that description is your own, from one of your nasty shallow comments yesterday.

By the way, there are gay men fighting in the IDF, men who on any day would make you look like the cowardly weasel you are.

Winston Smith
November 2, 2023 5:24 pm


Nov 2, 2023 4:59 PM
But I’m curious as to why the ones shown the videos were the journalists?

Each one that has been shown it and then reported on it have looked haunted.

Good. Confronting them with evidence of treachery to their own culture is the first step in rehabilitating their professional careers.

November 2, 2023 5:25 pm

Cassie, you used to go on Tim Blair’s blog as Cassandra, Yes? I was on there for 8 or 9 years. I’m not a leftoid, or poof or jew hater. Ask a few questions, then get jumped on.

Winston Smith
November 2, 2023 5:28 pm


100% right. Look, there are still people who deny the Holocaust, despite the images, despite the evidence.

Nothing will serve as evidence for these people Cassie. They are in the same category as Flat Earthers – conversation with them is impossible, so don’t do it or have anything to do with them.
(Laughing and pointing is acceptable.) 🙂

H B Bear
H B Bear
November 2, 2023 5:29 pm

Some j’ismists get a bit excited pulling on the body armour. Been reading to much Graham Green.

November 2, 2023 5:29 pm

Nov 2, 2023 4:33 PM

With countless 4WD tracks scattered throughout Australia, no doubt we’ve had to omit a few worthy of this list – so please let us know what we’ve missed in the comments section below.

Ozzie – Obviously, if you have done “the Canning”, you have done the Tanami Track. But then, given the tracks you have travelled, you probably consider the Tanami a highway!

Well done! We have travelled the main routes of Oz – including the Tanami & other rough tracks before they were resurfaced and “tamed”. But we haven’t done anything like the routes you have travelled – which, of course, require specialist vehicles & not your old Landcruiser!


I was lucky enough to be road testing new 4WDs across Australia via a 4WD Journo mate (and yes done Tanami numerous times even when Rabbit Flat still open), and when I could not organise a new 4WD, with Irish Ex-Chairman from UK , would rent Landcruiser Troopys from Travel Car Centre (who no longer exist unfortunately – the Swiss Germans in Brookvale sold out to a young Indan Couple then Covid hit) and join my 4WD Journo Mates Trips

My Dress Up Barbie Doll 1994 Toyota Sries 80 GXL 4.5l Petrol 3 up (including UK Ex-Chairman) did Solo Simpson end of Nov 99 from Birdsville – originally to Mt Dare, but having said to ex-boos we will stay at Birdsville Hotel – booked out as Lake Eyre Conservation Group were holding meeting in Birdsvillem but we were invited to Their Dinner and Park Ranger said “Do you realise Mt Dare closed for the Season?” – No and as we had calculated Fuel on Rig Road to Mt Dare – changed to QAA, then French Line to Oodnadatta – did not see any humans or 4WDs in 4 Days – No one at Purni Bore – as the days got hotter, harder to get over sand dunes even with lowered tyres & ARB Front and Rear Difflocks – lost one wheel from underneath – used 205l of 210l

Since then my 4WD used for VIC & NSW Highcountry 4WD

PS good site –

November 2, 2023 5:38 pm

Monique Ryan said: “as a pediatrician, I find the human suffering in Gaza intolerable”

It’s worth remembering that one of the founders of Hamarse, a bloke called Rantisi, was a pediatrician. He was a particularly nasty character who was terminated by an Israeli action many years ago. His widow, who was a senior honcho in that death cult, was dealt with in a similar fashion a few weeks ago.

I had a bit to do with pediatricians in my former professional life. Most of them were decent caring docs but a significant number were intolerant know-it-all leftists who were convinced of their own infallibility. It’s also got to be said that a tiny minority of them liked kids a bit too much as well.

November 2, 2023 5:38 pm

Cassandra was male and clever contrarin that frustrated both sides.

November 2, 2023 5:39 pm

TIME Magazine Profile Depicts Grim Führerbunker-Stage of Zelensky’s Conflict

2 NOV 2023

The talk of the blogosphere is the new devastating TIME magazine profile on Zelensky which paints the most grim, 1945 Führerbunker portrait of Zelensky yet. Bernhard covers it well on MoA, but I’m going to retread some of the same points to take the analysis into a slightly different direction of anticipating what comes next vis a vis the current political turmoil in the U.S.

November 2, 2023 5:40 pm

Ask a few questions, then get jumped on.

But what could possibly be the need to ask a few questions if:

Nov 2, 2023 4:47 PM
…. I hate what has been going on in that part of the world for my entire life. Is that OK?

All your life and you’ve now decided to ask questions?

November 2, 2023 5:43 pm

First responder: ‘They took the baby and put it, literally, in a kitchen oven’

An Israeli first responder recalls tending to the body of a baby burnt in an oven.

It was on the fourth day of the war between Israel and Hamas, Asher Moskowitz recalled, that he saw the baby among the corpses at Camp Shura.

Moskowitz had come to Shura, a military base near the central Israeli city of Ramle, as a volunteer with the United Hatzalah emergency response corps. The base had been transformed into a center for identifying those killed in the Oct. 7 massacre by Hamas, the terror group that controls Gaza, and Moskowitz was soon pulled into the gruesome task of helping to unload and transfer dozens of bodies that arrived there.

The baby came from Kibbutz Kfar Aza, one of the communities hardest hit in the attack. It arrived in a small bag whose contents told a grim story: a tiny body, burnt and swollen, with the telltale marks from being pressed against a heating element.

“They took the baby and put it, literally, in a kitchen oven,” Moskowitz said in a video testimony recounting the assessment of professional staff at the base.

The video was recorded at Hatzalah’s request to preserve a firsthand account of what Moskowitz saw, and it was shared with the Jewish Telegraphic Agency on Tuesday.

The video, one of several recordings of Hatzalah volunteers describing what they saw, had not been made public as of Tuesday afternoon.

“The body hardened and, unfortunately, appeared to have also swollen,” he said. “And really, the heating element of the oven was on the body itself.”

The list of atrocities that has emerged from Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack on Israel is so long as to feel endless.

First responders and survivors have related stories of burnt bodies, of people tied up and murdered, of partygoers gunned down en masse at a music festival.

But the story of the baby burnt in an oven has attracted particular attention this week for a number of reasons, in addition to the tender age of the victim.

The presence of an oven evokes the horrors of the Holocaust in graphic terms, creating a link between the antisemitic genocide of 80 years ago and Oct. 7, which was the bloodiest day for Jews since then.

The story has also drawn attention because it was shared publicly for the first time when Hatzalah’s founder and president spoke at an American political convention in Las Vegas.

“We saw a little baby in an oven,” Eli Beer, the founder and president of Hatzalah, said in a speech to the Republican Jewish Coalition’s annual conference on Saturday night.

As the story spread on social media, some responded with shock that there were yet more revelations to come about atrocities committed on Oct. 7.

At least one prominent Palestinian Arab voice drew condemnation for responding with a joke.

And a few people wondered aloud whether the story was true, given that it had not previously been reported.

The Israeli government has been engaged in efforts to head off or refute claims that the massacre and its attendant atrocities were fabricated or exaggerated.

In the days after the massacre, Israel invited foreign journalists to tour Kfar Aza and other ravaged communities, and last week, it showed them 43 minutes of raw footage from Oct. 7 to counter what a government spokesperson called “a Holocaust denial-like phenomenon evolving in real time.”

November 2, 2023 5:49 pm

Interesting conjecture earlier on by the Turtlehead regarding Switzerland’s issuing iodine meds to the population. Small country with nuclear plants and historically taking precautions in certain areas for this reason below.

On October 16, the Swiss government announced it would be issuing new iodine tablets in certain areas. “Iodine tablets are one of the Swiss Confederation’s precautionary measures to protect the population in the event of a major accident at one of the country’s nuclear power plants,” the announcement reads.

Unreal. Moving very quickly from puffed up mufti and back to clown.

Let’s watch the pitiful attempt at payback over the next few days. Always fun to watch.

November 2, 2023 5:52 pm


Hamas official says group aims to repeat Oct. 7 onslaught many times to destroy Israel

How could any Australian especially The Australian Labor Party, Greens, some TEALS etc, support the Palestinian Gazan’s who rejoice at Hamas, having seen those images & video? and heard this response

Ghazi Hamad, of terror group’s politburo, hails the major assault in which civilians were systematically murdered, saying ‘there will be a second, a third, a fourth’

A senior member of Hamas has hailed the systematic slaughter of civilians in Israel on October 7, vowing in an interview that if given the chance, the Palestinian terror group will repeat similar assaults many times in the future until Israel is exterminated.

The remarks by Ghazi Hamad, a member of Hamas’s political bureau, were swiftly shared online by Israeli and Western officials as a vindication of the Jewish state’s resolve to destroy the terror group’s military capabilities in its ongoing war in Gaza, and as proof that no ceasefire can be reached until the threat of additional murderous attacks is removed.

“Israel is a country that has no place on our land,” Hamad said in an interview with Lebanese TV channel LBC on October 24, which was translated and published Wednesday by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI). “We must remove it because it constitutes a security, military and political catastrophe to the Arab and Islamic nation. We are not ashamed to say this.”

In the interview, Hamad said that Israel’s existence is “illogical” and that it must be wiped off all “Palestinian lands,” a term the terror group uses to mean the West Bank, Gaza and Israel, minus the Golan Heights.

When asked whether this meant the complete annihilation of Israel, Hamas replied: “Yes, of course.”

“We must teach Israel a lesson, and we will do it twice and three times. The Al-Aqsa Deluge [the name Hamas gave its October 7 onslaught] is just the first time, and there will be a second, a third, a fourth,” Hamad continued. “Will we have to pay a price? Yes, and we are ready to pay it. We are called a nation of martyrs, and we are proud to sacrifice martyrs.”

He also repeated the false assertion that Hamas had not intended to harm civilians, but that there were “complications” on the ground.

Overwhelming evidence has emerged over the past three weeks of deliberate attacks against Israeli civilians, as part of the instructions given by Hamas commanders. In many cases, the terrorists went from house to house and executed or burned entire families, and some 260 civilians were massacred at an outdoor music festival.

“We are the victims of the occupation. Period. Therefore, nobody should blame us for the things we do. On October 7, October 10, October one-millionth, everything we do is justified,” Hamad said.

On October 7, some 3,000 terrorists led by Hamas burst across the border into Israel from the Gaza Strip by land, air and sea, killing some 1,400 people and seizing at least 245 hostages of all ages under the cover of a deluge of thousands of rockets fired at Israeli towns and cities.

The vast majority of those killed as terrorists seized border communities were civilians — including babies, children and the elderly. Entire families were executed in their homes, and over 260 people were slaughtered at an outdoor festival, many amid horrific acts of brutality by the terrorists.

Israel has responded with a large-scale military offensive in Gaza aimed at destroying Hamas’s infrastructure, and has vowed to eliminate the entire terror group, which has rules the Strip since taking over in a bloody coup in 2007. Jerusalem says it is targeting all areas where Hamas operates, while seeking to minimize civilian casualties.

The Hamas-run Gaza health ministry has stated that Israeli strikes have killed more than 8,700 people. However, the figures cannot be independently verified, and are believed to include both civilians and Hamas members killed in Gaza, including as a consequence of terror groups’ own rocket misfires.

As the images of destruction and civilian casualties in Gaza have proliferated, Israel has come under growing calls for a ceasefire, which it has dismissed as long as its goal of crippling Hamas hasn’t been achieved.

UK Foreign Secretary James Cleverly appeared to back Israel’s stance Wednesday, posting a clip of Hamad’s interview on X and writing: “How can there be peace when Hamas are committed to the eradication of Israel? This is an official from Hamas committing to repeat the atrocities from 07/10 again and again.”

US presidential candidate Nikki Haley said: “Believe terrorists when they tell you who they are. This is why there should be no ceasefire until Hamas is destroyed.”

White House National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby condemned the “chilling comments.”

“That’s what Israel faces,” Kirby told reporters in Minneapolis.

November 2, 2023 5:53 pm

Nov 2, 2023 3:53 PM

Are you saying there is a lack of evidence that the hamas scum brutally raped and killed her?


I simply asked:

1. How does gang-roping pulverise a skull to such an extent as to produce residual fragments?

2. How were they able to DNA identify this woman? Where had she previously offered tissue for DNA typing? (If the IDF had the body, why the need for DNA typing?)

These “facts” were added in the last few days, repeated without any references to explanatory evidence, whereas the original photograph of Ms Louk in the Hamarse ute went up within hours of the outrage.
The crime was appalling, and with bells on.
It doesn’t need potentially embellished details as added extras.

I failed finding any further information and, as a rational skeptic, will question why.
I asked for any links I may have missed.. If other Cats have them, please share.
After all, we all believe in the truth.

PS. Thanks again to all who commented.

November 2, 2023 5:53 pm

The public defender should be making his way soon.

November 2, 2023 5:55 pm

I have hated what has been done to Israel for my entire life. It has no geographical location, like say, the ME.

The first time I started to “hate” was when I was eight years old and my young Jewish friend refused a little club badge that had pictorial links to Germany. I asked her why, she told me and I educated myself. Firstly I was shocked, then disgusted. It’s a heavy load for a child to bear, one with all her family about her and no history of horror.

High school and Anne Frank and Corrie ten Boom, and World at War. Little glimpses of history through a clouded lens. Then Munich. That one was well and truly focussed.

Time has passed, but my love for Israel has held unabated. I believe it was divine providence that guided my journey for now two of my grandchildren are Jews.

November 2, 2023 5:56 pm

Here’s a list of things perpetrated by Ghengis Khan, see if you can spot any difference at all to Hummarse.

Massacres: The Mongols conducted large-scale massacres of civilians in many cities and regions they conquered. These massacres often involved the indiscriminate killing of men, women, and children.

Destruction of Cities: The Mongols often razed cities to the ground, leaving little behind. This resulted in significant loss of life and cultural heritage.

Forced Relocations: Genghis Khan and his successors forcibly relocated populations as part of their military and political strategies. This led to the displacement of many people.

Looting and Pillaging: The Mongol armies engaged in widespread looting and pillaging of captured territories, seizing valuable resources and wealth.

Use of Terror Tactics: The Mongols were known for their use of terror tactics to intimidate their enemies, such as the construction of pyramids of severed heads.

Use of Siege Weapons: The Mongols employed advanced siege weapons and techniques to conquer fortified cities, which often resulted in prolonged and devastating sieges.

If it walks and talks like a Khant, it is a Khant.

November 2, 2023 5:57 pm

Two separate Halloween incidents captured by doorbell cameras display a stark contrast between cultures

There’s a funny idiosyncrasy among conservative-thinking or “s–t-posting” social media users, and that is they’ll often use alternating upper-case and lower-case letters in succession to mock a leftist position. See a few examples below:

“No CuLtUrE iS sUpErIoR oVeR aNoThEr”

“DiVeRsItY iS oUr StReNgTh”

“MuLtIcUlTuRaLiSm Is GoOd”

Well two separate Halloween incidents, captured by doorbell cameras, prove all those leftist assertions completely and utterly false.

Here’s the first:

The contrast couldn’t be more stark, and frankly, farcical.

Naturally, I assume the people in the first video are… transplants to America… and soon-to-be Democrat voters. Obviously you can hear they’re not speaking English, with the children repeatedly yelling “¡Dame!”, an imperative that means “Give me!”

We see the adults, most likely parents, encouraging the children to take it all, grabbing all the full-size candy bars they can—at one point, one of the women stretches her shirt out to make a sort of collecting apron, taking even more of the candy. A girl, who appears to be an older sibling, exploits her position, and grabs candy out from the hands of a younger brother or family member.

The scene is evocative of a swarm of locusts. Then, lastly, you see the scavenger man, after the locusts have been through, swoop by one last time to make sure the candy bowl carcass really has nothing left to give.

Oh but the second video, the second video warmed my heart.

A young boy, upon discovering that an outside bowl is empty, decides (on his own) to leave a few pieces of his candy, so that subsequent trick-or-treaters will have something for their bags. This time, the mother doesn’t encourage her boy to be selfish, but affirms her son’s sacrifice, small as it may be, because he’s put the needs and desires of others before himself. The little sister toddling behind him, sees a big brother who uses his bigger, older, and stronger position to put those who are smaller, younger, and weaker first. Instead of taking and taking and taking until there is nothing left, he gives.

You see, there is absolutely a superior culture, the Judeo-Christian one, and the rest are absolutely inferior.

Diversity is absolutely not a strength, because anyone who subscribes to and upholds the values of the superior culture, the one that by the grace of God has long-reigned in America, is going to have an issue with seeing the behaviors of those who spread the “values” of an inferior culture.

Multiculturalism, or the idea that all cultures are equally valuable, is a total joke. Is LGBTQ++ culture as equally valuable and worth preserving as a traditional family culture?

Is a culture in which men use babies as human shields one we want to see persist?

Is a culture of greed and selfishness a “valuable” one? Absolutely not to all three.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
November 2, 2023 6:00 pm

TIME Magazine Profile Depicts Grim Führerbunker-Stage of Zelensky’s Conflict

2 NOV 2023


Zaluzhnyi heavily stressed that the current positional nature of the war is largely a result of military parity between Ukrainian and Russian forces, noting that a deep and dramatic Ukrainian penetration of Russian lines will likely not be possible with the relative technological and tactical equilibrium currently between Ukrainian and Russian forces. In his interview with The Economist, Zaluzhnyi acknowledged that technological and tactical parity between opposing forces in Ukraine has resulted in a “stalemate” similar to the case of the First World War.


November 2, 2023 6:00 pm


1. How does gang-roping pulverise a skull to such an extent as to produce residual fragments?

If at least one of her legs was broken as it appeared to be so in the vid (it looked contorted), why wouldn’t the torturers smashed in her skull? There appeared to be dried blood in her hair as per the vid.

2. How were they able to DNA identify this woman? Where had she previously offered tissue for DNA typing? (If the IDF had the body, why the need for DNA typing?)

She had family in Germany. Charting family DNA and sending the result to Israeli authorities could be done by email quickly enough.

November 2, 2023 6:01 pm

When your population is 15% Muslim, you arrest people offending Muslims

The most important thing to know is that London is 15% Muslim. That’s far from a majority, but Muslims need a lot of what the Nazis used to call “Lebensraum”—that is, territory where they dominate the local population. Flexing their muscles, they act as if 15% is a majority and the general population, made ignorant by leftism and scared by the threat of jihad, accepts its status as a minority. If you understand these principles, you will appreciate the different approaches the London police have to things that call for Jewish genocide (that’s fine) and things that offend Muslim sensibilities (that’s bad, very, very bad).

Ever since the events on October 7, which saw over 1,400 Israelis brutally murdered, including pregnant women having their bellies ripped open, a baby baked to death in an oven, women raped to death, and children with eyes gouged out and limbs sliced off, London has been the heart and home of pro-Hamas marches and protests, with hundreds of thousands of people taking to the streets:

It’s easy to get these kinds of crowds when you have over 1.3 million Muslims in your city (again, 15%). Even if only 10% of those Muslims are radicals, you’ve got over 130,000 people right there. And then you must add in the useful idiots whose brains have been corrupted by non-stop leftism:

Many of these protests have been openly antisemitic. That is, this is not a border dispute.

This is a “death to all Jews because the Koran demands it” thing, which doesn’t even pretend that there’s a distinction between a nation and a faith.

November 2, 2023 6:02 pm

1. It doesn’t. It means that a tool was used to hammer her skull in.

2. DNA may have been obtained by family members within Israel, or fast tracked for a match from Europe. For all we know, there may have been something already on record.

Gilas, I appreciate your ability to differentiate between emotive reporting and cold hard reporting of facts. There’s a lot of forensic work to be done, probably more than you or I can imagine.

My view is that the work on this particular person was done because she was one of the first identified.

November 2, 2023 6:04 pm

unfortunately the school system is sh!t. Best to teach your kids the truth at home (to the extent any can…and I’m sure you have).

My 16yo daughter told me how they “watched some sh!t about man made climate change in HASS class.” I was very glad with her term and that she spoke up in class to ask why the docco only showed one side when she was able to name scientists who disagreed with the AGW argument.

More happily… My 15yo son told me his teacher told them “a tear wells up in the eye of every American when they remember Franklin D. Roosevelt”

I asked him “if the tears welled up due to the US still paying off his debt, today, from the New Deal?”

It’s fun and every Cat should practice this! 🙂

November 2, 2023 6:11 pm

My 15yo son told me his teacher told them “a tear wells up in the eye of every American when they remember Franklin D. Roosevelt”

Now if “teacher” had said Teddy, I might believe it! Panama Canal, National Parks, and…Night at the Museum!

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
November 2, 2023 6:16 pm

My 16yo daughter told me how they “watched some sh!t about man made climate change in HASS class.”

Spot the hockey stick!

The Daily Chart: Public School Refuseniks | Power Line (1 Nov)

Home schooling has become — by a wide margin — America’s fastest-growing form of education, as families from Upper Manhattan to Eastern Kentucky embrace a largely unregulated practice once confined to the ideological fringe, a Washington Post analysis shows.

The parents are gritting their teeth and fleeing the indoctrination and propaganda. Good.

November 2, 2023 6:20 pm

The Politically Incorrect Guide to the Great Depression & the New Deal

The New Deal made Things Worse… Much Worse

Lysander, maybe share these two videos with the kid.
FDR and the New Deal were awful.
America loves to believe a version of history that is factually incorrect.
Regardless of how many elections FDR won.

November 2, 2023 6:23 pm

This site is extremely slow to load. Also I’ve been getting the odd error message, meaning that I have to delete cache (Crossie had the same problem). This has all started in the past ten days or so.

It may be something at my end, but I suspect there’s a glitch at the server end as well as it only happens here.

November 2, 2023 6:25 pm

Zaluzhnyi heavily stressed that the current positional nature of the war is largely a result of military parity between Ukrainian and Russian forces

It’s over for the Putincels.

November 2, 2023 6:25 pm

On an optimistic note, if this is the real McCoy it’s one of the most important technological breakthroughs in a long time.

Think what it can do to the cost of desalination.

Light can triple the evaporation rate of water, MIT study shows
MIT scientists have found that light can evaporate water without any heat, a phenomenon they call the photomolecular effect.

MIT is one incredible place.

Bill P
Bill P
November 2, 2023 6:27 pm

The most important thing to know is that London is 15% Muslim.
I’ve read that once a country/city gets to 5% Islam, that’s the point of no return.
Makes sense. Islam is a cancer.

Real Deal
Real Deal
November 2, 2023 6:30 pm

Forgive the length of this, but I think The Mocker pretty much sums up Burqa and teh rest of the ALP Left faction.

Politics is all too local for Labor’s equivocators on Israel and Hamas
The Mocker

Given Tony Burke’s arduous workload as cabinet minister and Leader of the House, you would think he had little time to spare for his electoral duties. But the horrific terrorist attacks by Hamas on Israelis last month have galvanised this devoted MP into making his constituents in south-western Sydney his foremost priority.
So mindful is he of endearing himself to those who lose it whenever Israel is so much as mentioned, he implied last week the country’s defence forces were committing the worst atrocities imaginable against Palestinians. Asked by ABC RN Breakfast host Patricia Karvelas whether he believed the actions of the Israeli government constituted genocide and apartheid, Burke did not repudiate the suggestion.
“I prefer to provide the facts as I just did, and I think your listeners will find their own words to be able to describe it,” said the Member for Watson, or rather the Member for Weasel Words. “I think when we go straight to ‘do we use this word’ [and] ‘do you use that word’, we end up in an argument about linguistics”. In other words, you might very well say that, but I couldn’t possibly comment.
But there was no equivocating when Karvelas asked Burke whether he supported the Canterbury-Bankstown Council’s unanimous decision last week to fly the Palestinian flag.
“I support the decision completely,” he said. Council’s act was a case of “truly representing the grief that is in the community”.
When the discussion turned to the Minns government’s decision to light up the Sydney Opera House in the colours of the Israeli flag following the attacks, Burke outdid himself in the sophistry stakes. He did not endorse that show of solidarity, but that was only due to aesthetic considerations, you see. Pointing out the structure was “an arts and cultural precinct”, he stressed the need “to start considering getting back to that”.
So just to clarify, Burke heartily approves of local-government functionaries using public resources to advocate for the Palestinian cause. But it was inappropriate for the NSW government to use Australia’s most famous building to extend our sympathy to Israel when its citizens, including women and children, have been murdered in the most barbaric manner possible. All good?
There is no need for you to waffle and prevaricate, Minister. Next time just say: “There are plenty of angry Middle Eastern types in my electorate who would like nothing better than to see Israel wiped off the map. But the only existential crisis that I am worried about is the thought of losing my seat.” If nothing else, you will at least be respected for your frankness.
And Burke can take comfort in the fact that the last few weeks have not always meant a state of grief for his constituents. Why, as the Daily Telegraph reported on October 10, people took to the streets of Punchbowl the night before to celebrate the deaths of Israelis by letting off fireworks and waving Palestinian flags.
This took place literally one block from Burke’s electoral office. But it was not until October 16 that Burke formally responded. His delay in doing so, he claimed in parliament, was due to “the state of my health last week”. Consequently, his “public commentary was very limited and that when comments were eventually given to the media late in the week they were not published”.
But immediately before condemning Hamas and “the minority engaging in hate speech”, Burke maligned Israel by subtly implying its actions were no better than those committed towards the destruction of the Jewish state.
“There is the fear of something as joyous as a music festival being something where people will feel they cannot relax, the fear of something as routine as attendance at a pizza shop, the fear of being confronted at a checkpoint, and the fear of sleeping and not knowing whether, by the time morning comes, a bomb may have struck or a knock on the door may have come saying that your home is to be demolished. There is the base fear of the constant risk of terrorism and the base fear of living with a seemingly endless occupation,” he said.
Get it? Being stopped at an Israeli checkpoint is akin to what happened at the Supernova music festival massacre. And to think that Burke had prefaced his remarks by saying “It’s important when we talk about actions that we don’t fall into games of false equivalence”.
As this masthead reported, Burke’s intrusion into the foreign affairs portfolio and his tacit acquiescence in accusations of an Israeli-led genocide have led to disquiet among his colleagues. But he is no lone dissenter. Fellow cabinet member Ed Husic accused Israel of having “collectively punished” Palestinians for the actions of Hamas. In addition to saying it was “hard to argue” against Husic’s accusation, outer ministry member Anne Aly said Israel could “be investigated” for war crimes.
Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has officially supported Israel’s right to self-defence, but his inability to control his errant ministers will only embolden others.
He too is compromised. After all, in 2014 he embarrassed then opposition leader Bill Shorten when he went off script and told the Nine Network that Israel’s retaliation against Hamas rocket attacks amounted to “collective punishment”.
No doubt Albanese frets over which high-profile figure will next break ranks. November is the month for punting, and my money is on Sue Lines, WA Labor senator and President of the Senate. In February 2022 she attacked Israel in parliament for the “crime of apartheid”. That was not her first outburst. In 2019 she told a West Australian Labor Friends of Palestine event that the “Israeli lobby” stood between the party and its progress ¬towards formally recognising ¬Palestine. Presumably she regards as a protege newly elected WA Labor senator Fatima Payman, who last month, in response to retaliatory attacks by Israeli Defence Forces, said that Israel should be condemned for “indiscriminately killing men, women and children”.
Then there is Labor MP Josh Wilson. Addressing a fringe event at the ALP National Conference in 2018, he told the audience that Israeli checkpoints were places where Palestinians “go and they die”. His immediate predecessor, former Rudd government minister Melissa Parke, withdrew her candidacy for the seat of Curtin in 2019 after she reportedly told a public meeting that Israel’s treatment of Palestinians was “worse than the South African system of apartheid”.
Likewise Tasmanian Labor senator Anne Urquhart approvingly cited in parliament in 2014 the words of Ali Kazak, former head of the Palestinian delegation to Australia and New Zealand. The actions of the Abbott government regarding the Middle East, he said, were designed to “appease the extremist Israeli lobby”. At the time of those remarks, she was Deputy Opposition Whip in the Senate. She is now Chief Government Whip.
Attending a pro-Palestinian outside Parliament House last month, Labor MP Maria Vamvakinou stood alongside Greens leader Adam Bandt, and declared proudly that “we stand with the people of Gaza”. Although not attending that event, Assistant Minister for Health and Aged Care Ged Kearney must have felt a hankering for the cause. In 2021 she appeared at similar rally organised by the Melbourne University ALP Club.
In 2021 the Queensland Labor state conference passed a resolution accusing Israel of “ethnic cleansing” and “oppression and dehumanisation of Palestinian people”. In 2005 then Labor MP Julia Irwin told parliament “Israel will rule Gaza like a walled ghetto, a giant penal colony, a concentration camp”. And in 2002 a young Tanya Plibersek, now cabinet minister, spoke of the “rogue state which consistently ignores UN resolutions whose ruler is a war criminal – it is called Israel, and the war criminal is Ariel Sharon.”
In short, Labor regards Israel and its citizens, to use one of the party’s fashionable expressions, as suitable for collective punishment. This is nothing new. In 2004, the late Barry Cohen, a former Hawke government minister, observed in The Age that “the handful of pro-Palestinian supporters has grown steadily as the party has become dominated by the education mafia; former public servants and party union apparatchiks”.
His conclusion? “Anti-Semitism is now rampant in the Labor Party,” he said.
As to whether that is true or not, I will leave readers to find their own words. After all, we do not want to end up in an argument over semantics, do we, Tony Burke?

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
November 2, 2023 6:30 pm

Those ALP focus group results in Western Sydney must be dire.

Penny Wong reiterates call for ‘humanitarian pause on hostilities’ amid Israel-Hamas war (Sky, 2 Nov)

‘Relieved and grateful’: Penny Wong says govt will ‘continue to press’ for Aussies still stranded in Gaza to flee via Rafah crossing (Sky, 2 Nov)

Aussies huh? Why exactly were they in Gaza? I’m all ears. Of course I can’t see the ears of half of them since they seem to be wearing some sort of garment over theirs. And the other half could do with a shave.

Boambee John
Boambee John
November 2, 2023 6:30 pm



I simply asked:

1. How does gang-roping pulverise a skull to such an extent as to produce residual fragments?

2. How were they able to DNA identify this woman? Where had she previously offered tissue for DNA typing? (If the IDF had the body, why the need for DNA typing?)

I have provided possible answers to boyth of these questions.

The likely cause of the skull damage was a botched attempt at beheading (not every Muslim carries a scimitar, and is an expert user of such). See the video of the attempt at beheading a Thai worker with a blunt hoe.

As for DNA, her family is in Germany. I suspect that those killed or missing, whose families are overseas, were asked to provide DNA samples for comparison with unidentified bodies and body parts. Getting a DNA sample from Germany to Israel does not seem an impossible task.

You should NOT expect CSI style videos on everyone attacked.

Rufus T Firefly
Rufus T Firefly
November 2, 2023 6:31 pm

Well Boambee, when was the last time France voted against the US?

“Do you think the people who fought Nazis were evil?
It’s ok, you won’t answer this.
I’m not sure what you’ve been injecting Figures, but I’d lay off for a while if I were you.

Dot is one of the few Nazi lovers on this forum. I have NEVER entered any support whatever for the Nazis.
I was an Officer in the ADF for twenty years, spent six months in Somalia 93/94 and was awarded the AASM.
Please, do advise your military experience, faggot!
If you would like to send me your e-mail, I would be more than happy to arrange a meeting and we could discuss things man to man, you mincing f*ck!

November 2, 2023 6:32 pm

The Hamas-run Gaza health ministry has stated that Israeli strikes have killed more than 8,700 people. However, the figures cannot be independently verified, and are believed to include both civilians and Hamas members killed in Gaza, including as a consequence of terror groups’ own rocket misfires.

More important, don’t get sucked into that numbers game. It’s not a pub darts competition with body bags to determine the winner. If Hamas still exists then the game isn’t over. That’s the main rule.

Boambee John
Boambee John
November 2, 2023 6:33 pm


Then Munich. That one was well and truly focussed.

My sister was there, in the Olympic Village, at the time.

Real Deal
Real Deal
November 2, 2023 6:39 pm

Sorry about the above formatting of the above article. I thought I put paragraphs in it but they disappeared and now it looks like one of None’s posts from the Sinc-Cat.

Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
November 2, 2023 6:42 pm

I see Moonarse Monique has royally mooned her Jewish constituents, winking boldly with the blind eye while finding it intolerable for for the deaths of babies and children of Gaza –not a mention at all, after more than three weeks, by Moonarse of the Hamarse murdered, butchered, incinerated, beheaded and ovened babies of the kibbutzim and towns of Israel. Not a word. A more caring paediatrician cannot be found in all of Goldstein. Furious doesn’t come close.

November 2, 2023 6:46 pm

Dot is one of the few Nazi lovers on this forum.

This is a horrible and defamatory comment and you knowingly are making this in a repeated fashion. No one on this forum has ever defended the Azov regiment, but like you, often they give a free pass to Rusich and RIM, along with Putin smooching Hamas kahunas.

I have NEVER entered any support whatever for the Nazis.
I was an Officer in the ADF for twenty years, spent six months in Somalia 93/94 and was awarded the AASM.
Please, do advise your military experience, faggot!
If you would like to send me your e-mail, I would be more than happy to arrange a meeting and we could discuss things man to man, you mincing f*ck!

Please tell us if you are still on the Commonwealth payroll.

You’re proposing we meet up and duke it out? You’re at a minimum 20-30 years older than me, you dribbling imbecile. You’re 61 (?) you flaming idiot, grow up, halfwit.

How will this affect:

1. The war in Ukraine.
2. Your cowardly insinuations about Israel (thus tacitly supporting Hamas).
3. The fact that you in all likelihood STILL work for the Commonwealth and were tasked by Malcolm Turnbull to literally destroy the Australian Conservative Party?

It’s pretty funny you bring up the gay stuff again. You’re the idiot who said something like “I’m not gay but if I was I’d root you, but I’m not”.

You need help and should get an MRI for repeated TBI.

Maybe you should account for the donations to your fake political party you kept for yourself.

Boambee John
Boambee John
November 2, 2023 6:46 pm

Rufus T Firefly
Nov 2, 2023 6:31 PM
Well Boambee, when was the last time France voted against the US?

And your point is? But, please feel free to list all of the occasions, to edumacate us.

November 2, 2023 6:47 pm

‘Relieved and grateful’: Penny Wong says govt will ‘continue to press’ for Aussies still stranded in Gaza to flee via Rafah crossing (Sky, 2 Nov)


Boambee John
Boambee John
November 2, 2023 6:51 pm


Perhaps start in 1956?

November 2, 2023 6:52 pm

A few days ago, I had some fun with CS Lewis characters. Wong = Hardcastle, for example.

After Real Deal and the Mocker…

Burke = Shift the ape.

November 2, 2023 6:53 pm

Youn Jews set up a council and police-approved hostage exhibit today at Bondi Beach…

Muslims arrive to wreck it.

Perplexed of Brisbane
Perplexed of Brisbane
November 2, 2023 6:54 pm

Cassie of Sydney
Nov 2, 2023 3:45 PM
“Concern rises for Australians still in Gaza after others flee”


There are no Australians in Gaza. The media and left are only concerned about arabs who came here as ‘refugees’ long enough to get citizenship so they could go back there and whine for help when things get tough. They should not be considered for return until the hostages are freed. If not then they can receive the fate of the other terrorists.

November 2, 2023 6:54 pm

Tinta! Perfect.

November 2, 2023 6:55 pm

I see Moonarse Monique has royally mooned her Jewish constituents, winking boldly with the blind eye while finding it intolerable for for the deaths of babies and children of Gaza –not a mention at all, after more than three weeks, by Moonarse of the Hamarse murdered, butchered, incinerated, beheaded and ovened babies of the kibbutzim and towns of Israel. Not a word. A more caring paediatrician cannot be found in all of Goldstein. Furious doesn’t come close.

It’s scary when you realise that doctors like Monique Ryan actually hate humanity and enlist themselves into ideologies that promote mass murder and genocide.

I wouldn’t let her near any child of mine.

November 2, 2023 6:57 pm

Nov 2, 2023 6:00 PM

If at least one of her legs was broken as it appeared to be so in the vid (it looked contorted), why wouldn’t the torturers smashed in her skull? There appeared to be dried blood in her hair as per the vid.

She had family in Germany. Charting family DNA and sending the result to Israeli authorities could be done by email quickly enough.

Appreciate your replies, JC and Calli.

What every Cat has generously done is surmise some possible explanations to my questions.
All well and good.
All definite possibilities but, in the end, very educated guesses.
Not the evidence that explains some curious media statements and non-sequiturs.

eg. Why repeatedly associate a skull fragment with gang-rope?
A more direct link between cause and effect would be better, no?

One should now accept the fact that no additional evidence is available.
As Sir William of Occam established long ago, raising readers’ emotional responses would appear to be the simplest explanation here.

Anyway.. enough. Salutes all.

November 2, 2023 6:57 pm

I really should spank myself silly for believing their ABC but I was somehow convinced the Libs “would never win Kooyong” again.

Having taken a dive into the numbers once more, the Mong only won by 6,000 votes*. That’s only 2,000 people changing their minds (out of 100,000+).

Note also, there were over 3,000 informal votes and some 7,388 didn’t turn up to vote.

7,091 second preferences from Liebor and 6,090 from the Greens toward her 4,000 vote win prolly won’t shift here but I reckon there’d be at least some (1%-2%, at least) voter remorse which, based on a typical one term swing against, goes some way to regaining that difference… Josh should come back!!!

November 2, 2023 6:59 pm

Whoops! Maths fail: That’s only 3,000 people!

November 2, 2023 7:00 pm

All good, Gilas.

November 2, 2023 7:02 pm

OldOzzie Avatar
Nov 2, 2023 6:01 PM
When your population is 15% Muslim, you arrest people offending Muslims

The most important thing to know is that London is 15% Muslim. That’s far from a majority, but Muslims need a lot of what the Nazis used to call “Lebensraum”—that is, territory where they dominate the local population. Flexing their muscles, they act as if 15% is a majority and the general population, made ignorant by leftism and scared by the threat of jihad,

Correct. Islam operates through population stages; explained here:

Stage 1: Infiltration
Stage 2: Consolidation of power
Stage 3: Open war on leadership and culture
Stage 4: Totalitarian ISLAMIC “THEOCRACY

November 2, 2023 7:03 pm

Monique Ryan said: “as a pediatrician, I find the human suffering in Gaza intolerable”
how does she feel about late term abortions?

November 2, 2023 7:04 pm

Peter Hammond goes into more detail about islam and population of muzzies:

November 2, 2023 7:09 pm

There are multiple witnesses that heard women being raped and murdered at the music festival.
Israeli pathologists have stated that women and girls were raped until their pelvises broke.
The poor girl taken from the boot had obviously been raped.
Why is it unreasonable to surmise, dead broken legged Shani Louk was another one so treated?

tablet magazine

November 2, 2023 7:10 pm

‘Relieved and grateful’: Penny Wong says govt will ‘continue to press’ for Aussies still stranded in Gaza to flee via Rafah crossing (Sky, 2 Nov)


As I mentioned this morning, it appears we are also evacuating the Gazan family members they bring with them.

November 2, 2023 7:10 pm

None of this is getting us any further, Gilas. Contrary to the “tone” of some of my comments, I like hard fact also and distrust the media intensely.

I think we have a situation very similar here to four years ago. Our gut feeling tells us what’s true, some media brays one thing, while another tells us something different.

I trust the reporting from Israel to a point…I don’t trust Hamas and our MSM at all.

November 2, 2023 7:12 pm

Media group calls for investigation into deaths of 34 journalists in Israel-Hamas war

They might want to start here:

Israeli airstrike destroys Gaza media building housing the offices of the Associated Press, Al Jazeera, and Hamas military intelligence

The Israeli military gave the AP and other outlets an hour to evacuate the building before the airstrike. If they were still there it wasn’t the IDF’s problem.

November 2, 2023 7:18 pm

Zat, it wouldn’t surprise me if Hamas stopped them from evacuating.

Picked the wrong side.

Mark Bolton
November 2, 2023 7:20 pm

Only ever said I interested in propaganda and how it works. I wont try to be regular contributor here I am across lots of differently opinioned discussion groups. I was just taking the temperature..

November 2, 2023 7:22 pm

Sub zero.

November 2, 2023 7:24 pm

I was just taking the temperature..

Rectal thermometer?

Mark Bolton
November 2, 2023 7:28 pm

OK one thing I will say … Catalaxy was once a great aggregator – really worthwhile … now all you are good at is ad homs and insults and “stick your thermometer up the fundament. ” And even then not great at that…

Not What you guys were good at back in the day ..

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
November 2, 2023 7:33 pm

We still put up a fair bit of stuff Mark!

The Cat rule is this: scroll wheels are your friend.

Scroll. Scroll. Scroll.

1 4 5 6 7 8 10
  1. Carryover question- why are the S.F. Liberals so unpopular in the West? -I don’t think they’re unpopular, just totally uninspiring.…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x