Norsemen “Viking fashion”
Norsemen “Viking fashion”
Turn it back into farmland like it was before 2005.
And out in the open, no hidden frauds like the American ones embedded in USAID.
I remember Frank Sinatra was not impressed either with our media.
And in no time at all Chinese fishing boats will be there to collect the lot.
Hamas hostage taking strategy is much more than bargaining chips. They add another layer as human shields. It generates a division within Israeli society over priorities. It makes a final resolution last over decades and by shifting them out of Gaza, leaves it open so even if Hamas is gone Israel won’t know who to deal with for negotiations. It’s an extremely effective, utterly cynical and cunning strategy. It’s evil – a long way beyond anything addressed in the Geneva Conventions.
It’s a warfare innovation dredged up from the deepest foul depths of hell. Especially including infants and beloved alte kakers. Has this ever been done before in warfare in history.
Hindustan Times with the hamas propaganda. Thousands of delusional comments.
Correction, ‘Cenotaph’.
Note to self – Check twice, post once.
The Oz is running this article, with a photograph of the Grand Mufti of Jeruselum, having tea and bikkies with Adolph Hitler, in Berlin…..
For good ol’ JC:
Hey Ladies! 🙂
I’m too old to be looking at young girls. Stop. That’s for spritely 50 year olds.
Squire – as a man, you are never too old to admire female pulchritude, FFS – otherwise you may as well be dead. 🙂
I gave up cigs 10yrs ago, having smoked mostly a packet a day for 53yrs.
There is not a day goes by that I don’t wish I could have a smoke. It’s easier now than it was. I’ll always be a smoker, it is just that I don’t smoke now. Went cold turkey.
They say it takes 10yrs off your life if you smoke. They may well be right. but at this time I’m still here.
There’s a book review about Bridgewater Associates, a massive hedge fund based in the US and run by a lunatic who turned the place into a cult of sniping, arse-covering and pile ons between staff. I won’t go into it except , guess who worked there?
Nothing changed running the FBI.
A quote from your good self, not so many moons ago.
Referencing a blonde Hollyweirdette, though, which was less than ideal.
Just Brunettes. They are the Best. 🙂
I’m basically three a day and max four if I’m out with pals (without my wife). If three of four kill me then so be it. However, that drug offers lots of hope. 🙂
Really, is there anything better than a fag and a coffee in the mornings?
Greetings, graegooglery, you inadequate imbecile! 🙂
When I gave up cigs I also gave up coffee for the next few years. The association was too great.
I drink coffee now, but it’s now the same.
Israel National News – Arutz Sheva
Israel National NewsDefense/SecurityCol. Richard Kemp: If anyone can rescue the hostages, it’s the IDF
Col. Richard Kemp: If anyone can rescue the hostages, it’s the IDF
now not the same
And yes, that’s correct. I think Miss Dior is the best looking gal in the world. However, I suspect she’s a bit of a headcase, so it’s a case of look, but never get close.
Take that, ‘elf nayzees! 🙂
Don’t mean to be a damper on the celebration, but please make sure they tie down the jumping castle properly bro.
I was wrong islamic jihad are talking about the humanitarian release of two hostages with proof of life videos (not released)
I was a 60 a day man (Chesterfields, American Marlboro, Winston); gave up 25 years ago. Still miss it about once a week. Couldn’t afford it now. I’d given them up once before, about 5 years prior, before I went back on them. My wife cried for a week … 🙁
Oh … I didn’t realise you were British.
My 2c worth.
Been a very dry winter/spring in NQ. The harsh el nino feels right mostly even before BOM declared it in this part of the woods. Tomatoes went nuts this year and other vege’s we planted did well this year that like hot dry days and cool nights. We haven’t had that for probably 5 years.
Last week though I have finally noticed a belated build up for our wet season, we got a few mm last night that was welcome but from an easterly flow that convective showers were able to form from. Back in early Sept we had a similar set up that lasted about 5 days.
Today na different, definite change back to lack of humidity and no showers. Weird for November, no real heat.
I still think the Tongan volcano is affecting climate on a scale that even climate scientists don’t understand.
Cats – tomorrow night’s radio show is imminently imminent, but there still is not a “theme”, so to speak.
Some mentioned “Cities”, some mentioned some other concepts …
The topic of tomorrow night’s thread will be “Cities” …
Here’s a taster: “Mooooooo ….” 🙂
I don’t know how someone with an average income can afford a pack a day. A pack of 20s is 57 bucks. That’s 22k a year after tax.
Mole at 4:01 and KD at 7:10 re the Rooter Scorned.
Themes which jumped out at me:-
1. The cut-off came at a very inopportune time. Just as his career (and earnings) took off, and her career “flat-lined”, aged in her late 30’s. Someone switched the points on the gravy train track.
2. He became “distant” and didn’t join in her fabulous Halloween party under the 12 foot ceiling. It is just possible he didn’t like her vacuous friends and had no time for American holidays.
3. Speaking of 12 foot ceilings, the loss of “the beautiful flat” seemed to matter more than the loss of the husband.
4. The loss of the marriage meant s.f.a. actually. It seems she spent her whole life manipulating situations to her advantage. Suddenly she was publicly humiliated with no recourse and no ability to “steer the narrative”.
No, reading the article, that’s a cult.
Why do you think I gave them up?
Err, wut?
Have things taken a turn for the worse at Chateau Zulu?
Mme Zulu is surprised at how much money she saves by not smoking…
Not where I shop.
711. It was actually $57 and change two evenings ago. Yeah, i know that they can be cheaper in certain places.
Squire – as a man, you are never too old to admire female pulchritude, FFS – otherwise you may as well be dead
Or Robert Morley who preferred baked potatoes.
I prefer this.
There was an amusing story I read a few years ago. This drug dealing dude who specialized mostly in cocaine reckoned he was getting out of the drug business and heading to cigs and tobacco. The margins were better and the punishment was much less if you were caught. Win win.
Yeah servo and B&H sounds pricey.
I think Miss Dior is the best looking gal in the world.
She looks like a bank teller.
This is beauty.
That’s not real, Cronkers. You couldn’t keep a boat in that sort of water. It’s an artist image.
That’s not real, Cronkers.
Of course it’s real; I’ve been there.
At least it’s good to see you’re finally giving up on the indeterminates and skulking back to the real thing.
But, yeah, this sort of extortion will never, ever result in a black market …
Until it did/does … 😕
A while back a younger relative of Mrs P made a sudden discovery of infidelity on her husband’s laptop.
She is, let’s just say, a highly volatile young lady (which may have contributed to the aforementioned crawling under the fence by the hubby).
I wasn’t fully apprised of every aspect of the unfolding drama – by choice – and wasn’t aware she had flown the coop immediately.
Anyway, apparently he turned up on the doorstep with some fresh fish, hoping to cook a peace offering dinner.
“F-ckin’ hell” I said. “I hope he’s still got the spear-gun or he is a dead man.”
JC earlier.
Err, are you in the ACT Greens?
There was nothing indeterminate about Liz; ad she was an original cute owl. The modern cute owls follow her lead. You’ve obviously got macular issues.
There was nothing indeterminate about Liz; and she was an original cute owl. The modern cute owls follow her lead. You’ve obviously got macular issues.
Why not just a free-for-all, Rabz? that way i’m not restricted 🙂
Yeah, wearing your virtue reality goggles. Which is perfectly fine as we can all dream a little.
Burton claimed she was too hairy. (True) And he’d know.
Go and get your eyes, checked, Squire.
Brunette Bimbages Trout Pouting …
Hey man, where’d ya get that lotion, I asks ya
Well dance like hypnotising chickens …
Very rootable, but i’d suggest a fake driver’s license in case you’re a good root. I doubt you’d want a Hollywood actress coming back for more.
Nov 10, 2023 7:01 PM
“But I can’t say Sylvester, George!”
Rabz’ Radio Show 11 November 2023 – There is no theme …
This is the sort of high qualitee commentage that makes this esteemed blogue so readable, Cats. 🙂
Miss Dior, the final scene, in Closer. The walk.
Not doing too flash tonight, but they’re a good team Afgornystorn. Where have they risen from so suddenly? Are they all Pakis of Afghan heritage maybe?
JC – seriously?
This is what it is all about – Flashing Lights … 🙂
I reckon that’s a real street scene. The blokes who looked around recognized her and looked around in surprise. The Deli that you see at the end of the clip is the famous Roxy Deli, which I think is on 6th Ave (?) and we used to order in great sangas for lunch when working in the area.
There will be. Bwahahahaha…
“Sliante” to all you mob.
Ladies and gentlemen, charge your glasses, and be upstanding to the memory of one of the greatest Englishmen, who ever lived – Winston Churchill included.
I give you Enoch John Powell……and his “Rivers of Blood” speech…
Which poof downvoted it?
Dude I live with said the quota system for South African sport has been axed. He lived there until 13 then emigrated to Aus. Good to hear. Look at their team tonight in the cricket. All there on merit.
I think Miss Dior is the best looking gal in the world.
Elbows are too pointy.
As well as the hip bones …
Goils tread a fine line – between being 9.9s and the rest.
Skinny chicks do get lusted after for reasons that are beyond a dinosaur like myself.
Curves, thanks. 🙂
Cities … heh?
Dschinghis Khan
Terrorists and Saboteurs Are Surging into America
Meanwhile organized criminal gangs rob people with an open pass. Remember that the FBI has the manpower to stop these crime waves. They are choosing to allow you to be terrorized. They do not exist to protect, they are a secret police now. Gestapo.
Old mate of mine once said that his favourite type of women were the ones that liked him.
I never normally drink craft beer. Just stick with the old tried and true etc. Bought a six pack of Mountain Goat organic steam ale LOL. After first sip I sneezed about ten times.
Very fruity. Smooth though and starting to go down OK.
Pablo Picasso – being an a*sehole, again …
Un femme blonde … 😕
Afgorns ended up with a half-decent score of 244 considering they were 6/130 at one point. Bloke at no.5 held them together and was 97 not out. no.11 couldn’t get off strike to give him a chance for a ton.
Xi won the Solomon Islands and Albo won Tuvalu.
So China is still ahead by about 700,000 people and 3100km in proximity.
If Aussie can’t keep Vanuatu on-side we’ll be coconut juice.
Here in Meanjin a pack of 20 imported Chinese readymades costs ~$15, openly available in Sunnybank (cheaper if you buy a 200 carton). Loose choppy is less again if you roll your own.
Canbra Top Men have inadvertently brought acceptable crime to the average smoking man. However, nobody could have foreseen this outcome.
There was a big riot in the Solomons not long back where the locals went ape shit on the Chinese, no?
New OT up.