@MikeBenzCyber 1,500 J6 pardons !!!!!
@MikeBenzCyber 1,500 J6 pardons !!!!!
@MikeBenzCyber Trump just designated an absolutely insane number of DOD & CIA assets as foreign terrorists will be fascinating to…
According to Wikipedia, Australia (and many other western democracies) have not signed or ratified the convention that sets up the…
@MikeBenzCyber Very clear from Day 1 action that US Censors-In-Exile will feel it’s life-or-death necessity to attach themselves to in-power…
That is a must read. Amazing. I’ve always liked Salina Zito, but her narrative in this one is mesmerizing.
Further to the discussion on aspirin:
Recently, when husband and I got a nasty round of the latest strain of Covid – I put husband (the first to contract it) on aspirin and anti-histamines, as well as Quercetin, Zinc & the other recommendations from the previous couple of years. The reason being that the damn spike protein seems to cause clotting in some patients.
I got a slightly heavier bout & a doctor reckoned I had the beginnings of pneumonia (though my oxygen saturation level was excellent, no elevated temperature & OK blood pressure) – so she put me on a drip of ampicillin and doxycycline, & then a short course of tablets of the same. Soon as that finished I was quickly onto same as husband for a week. I think we both recovered at pretty much the same rate at the end.
Classic BBC/ABC line.
“The IDF claim xxx and we have some damning footage, but we can’t conclude anything until Hamas confirm in a stat Dec.”
It’s his own quote. He did have a sense of humour.
Did? I thought he was still holding his own, stylish and witty, even today.
Bob Hawke’s ‘moral clarity?’ Best Prime Minister?
Give me a break.
His personal morality was that of an alley cat, and his political morality had a veneer of righteouness, rice paper thin. No doubt that there was the odd thing he believed in here and there, and one of them was Israel.
It was no more than that, and suggesting that he was some sort of beacon of moral clarity is ridiculous.
I would like to know why Boris didn’t do it when he was the PM, or rather why his allies didn’t pressure him when they had a chance? UK government seems to be run by pouting children, no wonder the Muslim terrorists are running rings around them.
I don’t expect a hemeroid command centre containing anything more the few radios.
Health warning – you need a strong stomach to watch this. Animals, nothing but fvcking animals.
Hattie McDaniel
From the 13th of October. And for the record the worker being attacked with a hoe was identified as Thai as soon as the footage started circulating.
BANGKOK (AP) — The first group of Thai workers evacuated from Israel after the past few days’ bloody events in southern Israel and Gaza arrived Thursday in the Thai capital of Bangkok, greeted by anxious relatives and senior officials.
Real Deal
Nov 16, 2023 3:09 PM
It’s his own quote. He did have a sense of humour.
Did? I thought he was still holding his own, stylish and witty, even today.
Unfortunately, Roger is no more. MIA.
Hamas fighters (I am not going to call these animals ‘soldiers’ for they know no rules of war).
“Cowards” works for me.
Conricus described the stuff in the mri facility as snatch and go or some such, basically people wandering around in civvies had kit bags of weapons vest etc ready to go.
Much more convenient than climbing up from a tunnel 30 metres below ground.
And I didn’t expect a sophisticated command centre, I get the impression a lot of gazans, let alone hamas are illiterates.
Anyhow idf said they were doing a very targeted entry to shifa, and they did.
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Nov 16, 2023 3:13 PM
Health warning – you need a strong stomach to watch this. Animals, nothing but fvcking animals.
I cannot watch this stuff. Animals do not do that stuff but sub humans do.
“Hattie McDaniel
McDaniel endured real racism and discrimination. On the night of the awards in 1940, she was forced to sit at a segregated table at the back of the room.
“The hotel had a strict no-Blacks policy, but allowed McDaniel in as a favour. The discrimination continued after the award ceremony as well, her white co-stars went to a “no-Blacks” club, where McDaniel was also denied entry. None of the Black cast members was allowed to attend the premiere for the film.”
Top Ender
Nov 16, 2023 2:23 PM
The Oz reports:
A Sydney Labor councillor has stepped down from the board of a Jewish pre-school after horrified parents discovered her secret Hamas-apologist Twitter account, which shared views absolving the group of war crimes and refuting that it was a terrorist organisation.
Michelle Gray, Labor’s Bondi ward councillor on Waverley Council,
Michelle is a piece of work:
Michelle was first elected to council as a representative of the Bondi Ward in December 2021.
Michelle has a combined Bachelor of Commerce/Laws from the University of Sydney. She has been a lawyer for 16 years, representing clients in civil disputes and class actions in the Supreme and Federal Courts. She currently works as a lawyer advising on a major infrastructure project.
Michelle has 3 young children (aged 5, 3 and 0). She loves raising her children by the beach, and hopes that they grow up to be kind adults, with a strong social conscience.
Michelle has lived in Waverley for over a decade.
She joined the council because she cares about the impact of climate change on the planet, and the thought of leaving the world a worse place for her children, their children, and so on, keeps her awake at night. She wants to use her skills to help make Waverley the leading council in the local fight against climate change.
Michelle sits on the Board of Emanuel Woollahra Preschool and is the President of the Bondi Beach Labor branch. In her spare time, she loves spending time with family and friends, gardening and running.
Michelle is a typical inner city goonette; full of virtuous flatulence and a complete disconnect from what stops her being a fuked and thrown away female: the West. As has been noted Israel is not the target for hamas and the muzzies; it is just a pit-stop. The West is the target; and that is being aided and abetted by educated bints like michelle. Her hubbie is probably also a typical inner city goon who doesn’t mind her being kept awake at night by global boiling rather than his flaccid dick.
Bob Collins most notably.
Nov 16, 2023 3:04 PM
MSNBC’s Mike Barnicle Says a 45-Year-Old Couldn’t Do What Biden Does Every Day”
Quite correct, the average 45 year old would be bored spotless sitting around all day, eating ice cream.
Not in my house!
I watched him play The Saint just the other day, Ronnie Barker (Also not dead) was there with him. 🙂
What is the source?
“Michelle Gray, Labor’s Bondi ward councillor on Waverley Council,
Michelle is a piece of work:”
I read in the Australian that Michelle Gray is a Temple Emanuel convert to Judaism. Temple Emanuel is reform Judaism, therefore Gray is not halachically Jewish. She has not had an Orthodox halachic conversion. I do not regard Temple Emanuel as kosher Judaism, in fact I regard it as “milkshake Judaism”, and the fact they converted someone like this woman confirms my (and others) suspicions and doubts about Temple.
The greater issue is that she’s involved with the Temple school, and no wonder parents are outraged.
I’ve been contacted by a friend in the last hour who’s advised me that Ms Gray has now been kicked off a Facebook group that my friend is on.
Good. It’s called “consequences”, Michelle.
First they are going with the “its no biggy” defense designed to downplay.
About what you would expect really.
Cool rant; Yeah so many people in need of a tolchocking. So little time.
“He’sa good boy, my Anthony.”
Nov 16, 2023 3:21 PM
Hamas fighters (I am not going to call these animals ‘soldiers’ for they know no rules of war).
“Cowards” works for me.
Jihadis is what they are. It also links all this to Islam instead of a land dispute. Jihadis, by their own manual, are allowed to slaughter and rape. It links them to Muslim Brotherhood, ISIS and the panoply of Islam maniacs down the centuries. It also isolates them from Saudis, UAE and other moderates, as they are also their enemy.
Cassie of Sydney
Nov 16, 2023 3:23 PM
“Hattie McDaniel
McDaniel endured real racism and discrimination. On the night of the awards in 1940, she was forced to sit at a segregated table at the back of the room.
My goodness, She died a month before I was born. The USA and the Land of the Free? Even then the USA did not follow it’s own Constitution just like OZ now.
“aided and abetted by educated bints like michelle”
She is NOT “educated”, she has credentials, but no obvious education.
Did Luigi’s dad have a rep for spraying it around the place?
I think the blood-lust comes comparatively easily.
Read eye witness accounts by IDF as first respondents and drug addled is mentioned frequently.
That was noticeable too in the footage of the Arab Israeli being screamed at for directions to the dance party.
I think sociopaths self select for these kind of actions, like the Gazan civilians who rushed over for a bit of gang rape.
It has always been aspirational not a statement of fact.
local oaf
Nov 16, 2023 3:30 PM
None of our heroes are dead. They are all immortalised as celluloid heroes. As the Kinks sang –
I’m thinking of a Clockwork Orange-like forced movie watching for ABC staff of the worst IDF videos.
What’s ludicrous about John Lyons’ claims is that hamas have had plenty of time to clear their hardware out, if I were a gambler I’d bet the small amount of kit was left behind by people who took advantage of the humanitarian corridor to slip away.
Bit awkward otherwise.
Moments before this post was made…
Workers of Australia, let us celebrate the strongest wages growth in over a decade
Greg Jericho
Why don’t journalists read what idf said?
But they are just deep fakes ask any student attending antisemitic riots how its done!
I humbly edge up to the edge of the spotlight – is 80 year old Perky Tits referring to me?
What an honour that would be.
Since I prefer that the Israelis reduce the opposition to rubble, your references to Hamas are just plain filthy.
Your gutter rat tctics have never worked on me, which is why you have gone from Queen Bee to blog butt of jokes.
Don’t get me started again, you fraud and liar.
Nov 16, 2023 3:53 PM
You’re just trying to depress me.
As distressing as the event was, it was not done purely for slaking the bloodlust of the palestinian fighters involved. The event was intended to scare Israelis away from living close to Gaza and induce fear into the population of Israel. And that has worked based reports of internal movement of Israelis since Oct 7th.
Sorry. It’s a coping mechanism so they do not have to deal with cognitive dissonance.
I don’t think “Command Centre” in Hamas terms means something which looks like the flight deck of the Starship Enterprise.
It is probably more like one or two servers, or 15-20 laptops and a bunch of phones.
Would all fit in a couple of suitcases.
And the fact that the Israelis built the hospital has zero relevance.
I mean, if they built a basement for storage or pathology or medical imaging, are they somehow complicit if a bunch of nut-job terrorists commandeer it to run their murderous enterprise?
They built underground facilities so the hospital could continue operating in air raids etc
Not at all. We haven’t seen any damning footage. We’ve seen footage of a dozenish small arms, etc. and a laptop that they had to reedit. We were told this was a major locus for Hamas terrorism. If you think this is credible evidence of that claim you probably should have believed that Pell could have made it to the sacristy and back in 2 mins flat.
Nazi apologists got some longish sentences at the end of WW2, the French and Norwegians also executed a few. I presume they met an uncomfortable end in the USSR.
What will be the fate of the baby beheaders apologists?
This will be an historical measure of our how far the west has fallen.
From idf claims hamas infrastructure now extends 40 metres below shifa.
It’s not as if the claims are new either.
Gives clowns a bad name.
Great idea. Then a tolchocking?
A couple of whiteboards and a dozen physical phones connected by copper wire. possibly a mobile using encrypted messaging via a crypto chain if they need international connections. Multiple locations connected by runners, flags and mirrors would be enough to survive the expected attacks by IDF.
A C&C centre doesn’t need much to function and never assume the enemy has failed to learn from previous or ongoing conflicts.
And Jeremy Clarke is sadly deceased. Life is change. The only regular now in the Real Life section is Melissa Kate, who is now writing as ascerbically as ever from Ireland, but all is not lost. Readers are invited to contribute 800 words of Real Life and try their luck. Some of these have been very good, adding extra variety to the segment. Thai Life this week was very different.
I haven’t read or heard Delingpole for yonks. Someone on Blair’s blog (pre-paywall) used to link to his stuff. He was on point and very entertaining.
Down the rabbit holes now? Might have to tune in.
These were the people that pointed the big finger at South Africa, over the policy of apartheid?
Um yeah that isn’t how it works. They are well past too little, too late – the game is over. The globalists are fully back in charge now and there are no more moves that can be made against them. Henceforth, there is no pressure Boris Johnson’s allies can exert on Rishi Sunak (not that most of Boris Johnson’s allies aren’t globalists in their own ways). Anyway, they had their chance in the driver’s seat. Why didn’t they quit the ECHR then? Furthermore, why didn’t they roll back the Blair-era constitutional reforms? At best they are utterly useless – more likely they are controlled opposition and hence malevolent.
It’s long been time the Tories went the way of the Whigs, but the rare conditions that would allow a new or minor party to grow and eclipse one of the majors are now starting to coalesce.
Perky Tits, how embarrassment.
In the past we would get tearful comments about hurty feelings and how she was hiding behind the bathroom door so that the money machine doormat didn’t know.
‘I’m leaving!’ – and of she stormed, like a 13 year old. But, like a 13 year old, she couldn’t bear the lack of attention, she was soon back.
How about The Book? For years, she claimed to be an interlecturshal writing A Book, and some here, like those who wanted Bronwyn Bishop to be PM, enthusiastictally supported this very long term project. After years of boosterism, it came to nothing.
When she’s not inserting her personal ‘experiences’ into every subject under discussion or recounting alleged conversations with her husband that nobody cares about, she’s giving advice, because she’s so caring and experienced and all that.
You’re a sanctimoninous fraud.
Go ahead, call me names. 🙂
My fave columnist from the UK Spectator back in the day was Jeffrey Bernard. Super witty/funny camp alcoholic. He was “Low Life” Taki was “High Life”.
Memo to the mob, marching in the streets, demanding a “Free Palestine.” These are the atrocities you give your support to…
lol. Normal transmission has resumed.
*reaches for off switch*
JUST IN: Vegas Police Arrest 8 Teenagers Over Beating Death of White High School Student Jonathan Lewis
Th 8 teenagers are described as just thugs. Guess which word is missing:
Apparently, that’s me.
Saw “Jeffery Bernard Is Unwell.” Live theatre at it’s best…
Zulu, It was to do with bringing down a trade competitor then humanitarian.
I remember reading an obituary for Jeffrey Bernard. Something about having to catch him between his third and sixth vodka, if you wanted any sense out of the bloke.
Yeah times when he was too pissed to write, Spectator would put that in.
“Aspiring Rappers?”
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Nov 16, 2023 4:17 PM
“The hotel had a strict no-Blacks policy, but allowed McDaniel in as a favour. The discrimination continued after the award ceremony as well, her white co-stars went to a “no-Blacks” club, where McDaniel was also denied entry. None of the Black cast members was allowed to attend the premiere for the film.”
These were the people that pointed the big finger at South Africa, over the policy of apartheid?
Yes and watch that film called ‘Race’ about Jesse Owens and his sporting marvels.
They had a celebration dinner for him in the USA to celebrate his achievements. He was not allowed into the front entrance of the building so he and his wife had to go through the rear entrance and through the kitchen and use the Goods Lift to get into the main building for the celebration for HIM.
The Land of the Free and all are equal.
Unlike Kramer, I’m not into cat fights. Especially older wymmnses cat fighting. Tell someone who cares.
Ford Motor Company closed their plant in Port Elizabeth, and several thousand – mostly African – workers became unemployed..
Something more important for us to worry about than any past histories here. Biden backing off Taiwan must make the Taiwanese feel very insecure.
Report from The Australian:
As distressing as the event was, it was not done purely for slaking the bloodlust of the palestinian fighters involved. The event was intended to scare Israelis away from living close to Gaza and induce fear into the population of Israel.
Alamak – if this was the case – it is even more appalling than my “bloodlust” theory. That you can put a baby in an oven and/or behead or impale little tots is beyond my comprehension of evil. That it is designed to achieve a political imperative………..
I have no words……
Reminds me of a tech project in the past with almost permanently p**ed CEO. He was no good in the morning before he started drinking – hands too shaky to sign my invoices.
Between the 3rd and 6th drinks he resumed normal service and my task was usually to find the CEO in one of several bars while he was capable of scrawl his sig in readable form.
Things they don’t teach you in business school.
If Israeli settlements are pushed back from the border a km or so, then a mined and observed “No go” zone can be put in place, under a “Shoot without warning policy.
This is how to really give someone deserving of it a hard time.
Cate Blanchett, From the Mocker.
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Nov 16, 2023 4:55 PM
Something more important for us to worry about than any past histories here. Biden backing off Taiwan must make the Taiwanese feel very insecure.
I disagree. The USA is in the process of arming Taiwan to the teeth.
And this is a BBC report –
As before, I haven’t scrolled back. Therefore, apology if this has been posted already. Enjoy.
Woops! Lizzie beat me to it.
I guess that works until it doesn’t e.g. on 7/10.
Xi on the way home, ” fuk mi, AnAl and Joe how do they manage to wipe own arse?”
Tony Moclair (3AW) this arvo:
‘The Rolling Stones are about to kick off on their next tour.
It’s called The Antiques Roadshow.
A Green thinks the release of rapists, murderers and assorted minor crims – which has prompted a hurried new bill in parliament – is Albo’s “Tampa moment”!
My recollection is that the people picked up by the Tampa did a virtual hijack of the ship.
The Greens and others think this country would be improved by allowing more riff-raff to come in and degrade the place. It’s happening in America, UK and Europe, so they must think we should commit demographic hari-kiri too!
Josh Szeps, who is apparently leaving the ABC, has been said by some to be the best they had.
That’s not a very high bar.
That was my recollection – the people picked up by the “Tampa” had committed piracy…..
Forward in the queue for a tolchocking, that entitled idiot.
From the Oz – may be the reason why the price of Lagavulin went through the roof.
Identify as an artist all you want, Ms Blanchett. In our own way, we find your performances most entertaining.
Kate is a kunt.
A quote from Jesse Owens.
“Hitler didn’t snub me—it was our president who snubbed me… The president didn’t even send me a telegram.”
That’s FDR for you.
Noticed at the bottlo yesterday that Bombay Sapphire was $84. Last time I looked it was in the $65 range.
When Woodrow Wilson re segregated the public service, there was an incident where a black fellow had to work in a cage like structure so he could continue to work where he was needed as he was quite competent but needed to adhere to Wilson’s segregation policy.
It was in one of Malice’s books & he’s embarrassed a range of Democratic guests on his podcast over the years.
Woodstock cans have gone up to $30.
Snap, Mac. Double Kate copping a serve must be double good. 🙂
File this under first world problems.
Robbie Williams performs at Allianz tonight.
For non Sydney Cats, that’s the one next to the SCG.
Storms are forecast.
It’s 2023 & Sydney doesn’t have a footy stadium with a roof.
For the record, I’m not going but am envious of how Melbourne have had one for over 20 years.
Lizzie & Mak. Thanks for posting the tome from The Mocker in the Oz.
He beautifully excoriates C*nt Blanchent and her sense of entitlement, superiority, smugness, virtuosity and “let them eat cake” wave of hand.
A shit actress. Friend of Kev.
Go to Gaza you waste of space and you will be raped and beheaded by the ones you love.
The Bungonia Bee
Nov 16, 2023 5:14 PM
The easiest way to stop all of this madness is to locate the riff raff next door to our elected peoples.
Then let’s see how they like it. The riff raff I mean. LOL,
Complete folly buying them.
There is a fine alternative in the flagon section.
Unless you are a young one, why would you pay the amount of money you have to see an outdoor gig.
I know a couple who paid over a gorilla per ticket for Elton John & they got saturated when the storms rolled in.
Johnny Rotten, agree that the US has been arming Taiwan but Biden’s latest visit with Xi raises alarm bells for me. Biden suddenly doesn’t want to fight for Taiwan, is my suspicion. Doesn’t want to add that to Israel and Ukraine maybe.
Don’t worry about how much military aid the US has poured into Taiwan.
Biden’s shown he can happily walk away and leave billions of dollars worth of stuff.
See Afghanistan. He’s unstable. I don’t trust him as any sort of ally, even to us here in Australia. Bring on Trump to keep world peace.
Dr Faustus
Tempting but it’s not premixed in a can.
I have standards.
You know, the Oscar I was awarded for The Untouchables is a wonderful thing, but I can honestly say that I’d rather have won the U.S. Open Golf Tournament.
– Sean Connery
The Mocker does a beauty on Khate Blandshitt – she with mouth wide enough in which to hold and auction
Robbie Williams performs at Allianz tonight.
My wife and a few of her girlfriends are there tonight. They’ll be ones throwing their underwear at the old soak.
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Nov 16, 2023 5:40 PM
Johnny Rotten, agree that the US has been arming Taiwan but Biden’s latest visit with Xi raises alarm bells for me. Biden suddenly doesn’t want to fight for Taiwan, is my suspicion. Doesn’t want to add that to Israel and Ukraine maybe.
Don’t worry about how much military aid the US has poured into Taiwan.
Biden’s shown he can happily walk away and leave billions of dollars worth of stuff.
See Afghanistan. He’s unstable. I don’t trust him as any sort of ally, even to us here in Australia. Bring on Trump to keep world peace.
I agree. But they will never let Trump win and be the US President again. They will shoot him dead.
Shall we pick up a bottle or two in the duty free? I ask Hairy as we re-enter Oz recently. Nah, prices are no different to Dans he says, in his usual hurry to ‘get through’ immigration before the line gets too long. I didn’t realise there was so much excise added though. Bombay Sapphire is my tipple of choice. Two bottles would have done me proud. 🙂
I hate Melbourne, but those mofos are way onto to shit. If I had a choice, I would prefer to live in Sydney.
Yeah Danistan etc, but movers and shakers work around that shit.
Speaking of which, a G & T and a good book for a while.
It’s nearly past the yard arm here in SYD.
Twas I, all those years ago on Sinc’s Cat, that put you on to Lagavulin when, one day, you asked for a suggestion for a new tipple.
It is my favourite Whisky but now, regrettably, unaffordable at $200 at Uncle Dans. I suspect that new marketing people took over and introduced the 8 year old stuff to generate cash flow.
A pox – no, a double pox – on those who have made our drinking pleasure less enjoyable.
Serves the silly buggers right. They were determined to stop corporal punishment in schools and did. They explained that the kids would all be well behaved if they never saw physical violence, i.e. a smack on the bottom for bad behaviour.
Instead, as anyone with any understanding of children would have predicted, they produced chaos and anxiety. In classrooms and themselves.
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
Nov 16, 2023 5:46 PM
Robbie Williams performs at Allianz tonight.
My wife and a few of her girlfriends are there tonight. They’ll be ones throwing their underwear at the old soak.
I remember when the ladies used to throw their knickers at Tom Jones in the early to mid 1960s. Apparently, the knickers had phone numbers on them and room numbers of the hotels where said ladies were staying.
That’s Las Vegas of course and not the Cardiff Empire Theatre in South Wales. LOL
lol, now you too, Tinta. Snap again.
Cate is clearly not the fave movie actress around these parts lately!
The Mocker skewers her so beautifully no wonder the impulse is to share.
OOps sorry I should have checked upthread I see Lizzie has already posted the Mocker’s mockery of Khate Blandshitt
Albanese oot and aboot, wearing his Big Boy Trousers in the US:
And you can be sure the world is grateful that Handsome Boy didn’t take Dutton’s advice and stay home to herd cats.
Kristallnacht clear.
Yeah but no.
A modern Metternich.
They’re queuing up just for the sight of him.
That’s Democrats for you, after all they were the party of slavery.
Stfu! They had their chance.
and Mak — that’ll learn me to check upthread
A Midwit version of Metternich, more likely.
Double LOL.
Don’t we have a Foreign Minister?
Oh, I forgot.
We can’t let her out. Too embarassment.
My liver will be eternally grateful to you…
so the gubmint wants people to buy the cheaper dope, meth etc.
A deviously clever plan!
I like p Robbie Williams’ music but not enough to shell out hundreds for a ticket and then be inconvenienced. I did buy his songs from iTunes so I can play them in my car via the phone.
Closet Nazi’s…..
I think her blubber saved her.
Steve Inman:
Hope the car is ok
Speaking of alcohol, all grog is regulated by the Norwegian government and sold at government stores. Very Soviet.
I had a delicious G&T from the local distillers last night. Could I buy a bottle? No way! I have to go the the government bottle-o. It’s taxed at something like 45%.
Someone has to pay for all that “free” public transport, medical and child care.
Someone last night, or maybe the night before posted something about a prestige real estate mob in Melbourne that sell houses in Toorak. Last six months every buyer was chinks.
Are we we waking up yet? Gates of Vienna now people.
I was never tempted to watch any of her movies, I didn’t even like her in the Indiana Jones movie which would have been just as good with any other actress in her role.
That’s disgusting. Those criticising uneasiness within the Jewish community only need look at it. Even the Beloved, the most moderate of men, said “it’s on” yesterday, re the ramping up of anti-Semitism within Australia.
I never thought I’d see the day it would happen, but here we are. I can ignore the dumb “woke” and even the climate idiocy, but this is something that is guaranteed to get a withering response from me should I get even a whiff of it. Nothing doing, instant, permanent unfriends.
Steve Inman:
Thug tries to snatch a bag and got a bullet for his efforts
In five minutes, I will post the Mocker’s piece on Cate Blanchett.
In full.
Minus 8 in Flam this morning. Brisk and rosy cheeks all around. Off to Bergen today, first on the fjord, then bus.
This is a beautiful little town, a jewel caught between mountain and water. Due to the high latitude, we are above the tree line, even though our altitude is relatively low. All the farm animals are in the barns, apart from some very hardy looking goats grazing the hillside opposite our hotel room.
That Cate Blanchett piece. What was it about, now? 😀
You can’t pillory that pillock too much.
Biden’s administration, I can’t give Biden any credit when he is barely sentient, has so far stiffed everyone who needed their help and trusted them. First Afghanistan then Ukraine, then Israel and now Taiwan. This is not an American trait but a Democrat trait or more accurately, the Obama Doctrine. If they win the election next year we (Australia) may be in trouble.
Nov 16, 2023 5:36 PM
My heart bleeds for you poor buggers – honestly it does.
How badly are you treated by the uncaring taxpaying farmers and extraction industries? Suffer in yer jocks, sport.
Buying up farmland too.
Historic Victorian farm sold in massive $80m deal (Courier Mail, 15 Nov, paywalled)
Great way to conquer a country: just buy it.
Earlier, at 3.59:
No. NO.
False flag! They planned it all along! 4D chess!
The R people! Lizards! Knights Templar!*
*An excerpt from minutes of the Annual General Meeting, Tartaria Association, 13 November 2023
Sounds like a shit hole. Watch out. The Tatarians live up the somewhere near North Pole. Underground.
We were in Bergen in July some years ago and the weather was beautiful however our tour guide was quick to point out that the residents make bets how many sequential rainy days would happen in a current year.
I found Bergen a very beautiful town and visited the Christmas store in the harbour which is open year round. The cable car visit to the lookout was a treat.
By the way, the temperature on that day in Bergen was a beautiful 19 degrees.
Someone last night, or maybe the night before posted something about a prestige real estate mob in Melbourne that sell houses in Toorak. Last six months every buyer was chinks.
The choice is stark: the chunks or the muzzies. If this shithole’s politicians had spent half the dosh rolled out on windmills and fuking solar panels on practical defence equipment – dozens of heavily armed patrol boats, coastal missile batteries and nuke missiles – and developed our abundant energy resources we could have told every one to piss off.
Same in Sweden with the accompanying high prices. No wonder Swedish tourists stock up in Germany before they drive home.
If Australians aren’t interested in buying those farms, and managing those farms, what choice is here?
Rosie, this very distressing video (warning) dated 9th October was the first one I saw in which the man beheaded with a hoe is identified simply as ‘an Israeli citizen’ and others took up that label in later news too (whether or not correct identification had by then been made). He turned out to be a Thai National. In the fog of war such things happen, and sometimes they are not always corrected till later.
Just wanted to show that I do know what I saw that flowed into later reportage.
I wish I hadn’t seen it.
The choice is stark: the chunks or the muzzies.
I opt for neither
You can take this to the bank: left-wing governments — especially rabbles like Elbow’s — ALWAYS make life dangerous for normies out in the suburbs.
Elbow’s activist rabble is barracking for criminals — from drug-runners in Sydney to Hamas in Gaza — with the direct result that the streets of Australia are now more dangerous for the middle class.
Meanwhile, Elbow is riding his government Airbus to anywhere overseas where he gets to avoid questions about his government’s incompetence, which is making a walk to the shops a dangerous gamble for families.
Mate of mine copped it in the neck for selling the family farm to the Saudis. He pointed out coldly that he had received NOT ONE tender of Australian money.
The Climapalooza in Dubai is in a couple weeks. Betcha he goes. He so loves to save the world.
Anthony Albanese’s brutal eight-word comeback to those calling him out for taking four overseas trips in a month (16 Nov)
Airbus Albo? Haha.
A read an interview he gave a couple of years ago where he said now that he is married with children he tries not to socialise as it’s too tempting and, being a slut, he would just backslide. Those were his words.
Just eff off you flog!
They are still pushing these flawed jabs.
Danger Dan Reviews:
It’s happening again.
Resonates a little. If {local residents} don’t want to make productive use of a continent {foreigners} may simply buy/invade the land and do the job themselves.
Smart property rights are becoming irrelevant in Australia.
Meanwhile, Elbow is riding his government Airbus to anywhere overseas where he gets to avoid questions about his government’s incompetence, which is making a walk to the shops a dangerous gamble for families.
again I ask why someone like Monis was even allowed into Australia- should someone in Canbra be liable? Duty of care sort of thing? I’m certain canbra loves anal though and Burkie of course.
Monis came to Australia and was made a citizen all under little Johnny HoWARd’s watch.
Zulu, a shocking screen grab – this can’t be Australia?
I hope the police get busy on this.
Albo needs some clear air? He’s like a fart in a lift.
More like the diarrhea in the spacesuit of that Apollo 8 (?) astronaut that got a mention here the other day.
Zulu – I suspect it is a whole lot easier to manage a farm in Australia when you are backed by a very large army and lots of nuclear weapons.
As we’re seeing from poor Farmer Gez the realities of what the bureaucracy does to the little guy is horrific. I recall that farmer who offed a Karen for objecting to clearing his land. Not something that anyone should be doing but I can understand the intense frustration. He finally broke.
China on the other hand can do exactly what they like with their nice sparkly new farm and no public serpent Karens are going to dare do anything about it.
ZK2A, if I can to choose between the Saudis and the communist Chinese, I’d choose the Sauds. Better a rich prince with a family oil well than a communist with a head full of Marxism.
looks like the ballot box isn’t working.
Tucker Carlson
Ep. 39 Candace Owens responds to Ben Shapiro.
Here’s a problem for the wordsmiths on the Cat. I used the word “salutory” to describe the comments of a fire safety officer analyzing the problems of EVs on Rafe’s page on EV’s. My understanding of the meaning of salutory being a message with portent, or warning, to be taken on board. But the word was changed by spell check to salutary, relating to welcome or safe. My Shorter Oxford now tells me that salutory doesn’t exist. Having recently had brain surgery I am keen to know the correct answer. Perhaps I am mixing the word up with another? Help!
I accidentally saw the early one of the poor broken girl being spat upon by some little shit. After that I’ve made a point of avoiding any potential video of 7/10 victims.
I loathe the fakirs and don’t doubt their boundless hatefulness for an instant. I’m just not going to take their hideous porn around with me in my head for the rest of my life.
The uniparty are at fault for the hapless Gageler being promoted well beyond competence.
He had never been on the Bench when being elevated from Solicitor General to the HC and the only one ever no bench time. Brandis didn’t even raise a whisper when Roxon appointed him. Andrews did the same crap in Vic.
Second, Lesser was too busy swanning round the country plugging the voice when this clowns name was put out as the the next Chief Justice of the HC.
Unless someone grows a set and fires a shot over his bows in Parliament that decisions have consequences and they may be that he one day enough of these will have him explaining himself to a full sitting of Parliament then nothing will change.
My bet is the latter. Sad as Judges are just as fallible as any of us with bias. This guy is already prepared before finding his feet to be this controversial, just wait till he has a few years in the position what to imagine what his ego will be like.
Mem – you are correct, but the spellchecker is also.
Mem, this took some searching, i hope it helps.
Examples of salutory in a Sentence
Charles Robert Darwin:
False facts are highly injurious to the progress of science, for they often endure long but false views, if supported by some evidence, do little harm, for everyone takes a salutory pleasure in proving their falseness.
Yet she got away with promoting her alkaline water and boasted she likes to have it with lemon. That reminded me of a very short lived advertising campaign for a shampoo with amino proteins!
Lesser is just another worse than useless NSW lieboral photios bot.
If Israeli settlements are pushed back from the border a km or so, then a mined and observed “No go” zone can be put in place, under a “Shoot without warning policy.
Not much less was already in place – and 7/10 showed that this will not guarantee safety, as has been pointed out above.
This is precisely why even the 2 State Solution just will not work. Remember the call for “from the river to the sea”. The Palestinians want it ALL. If they can, they will take it.
I have standards.
Many thanks Bruce, I’d worked myself in a real knot over it. Yes, a salutary lesson. I’m ok now.
More cute owls of the nocturnal kind, mole?
Re the Chinese farms, now I maybe wrong but I’ve heard that the new owners, use ‘guest’ workers from China on Chinese contracts on Chinese wages and conditt, the produce isn’t sold into the local or international market but sent to China, if true the Chinese are essentially running Chinese farms here.
I could be wrong, enlighten me.
Just think, he will be visiting California, a place that is worse and more dangerous than some war zones.
Great way to conquer a country: just buy it.
At the same time as destroying its economy with Wuhan pox.
No need to use an army or deploy nuclear weapons.
I am horrified that the poor guy couldn’t change and clean up until after the splashdown.
Barry Humphries told the story of a few BBC drunks getting a few onboard at the early opener before “work” to stop the shakes. They had to use the scarf trick.
Everything works until it doesn’t. The trick is to keep thinking ahead.
A free fire/no warning zone could not have been put in place on the Gaza side of the border, but if Israeli kibbutz are pulling back, the opportunity arises.
Calli, it can make for some very interesting wine experiences.
The Norwegian state buyers essentially buy by the vintage, but it all pretty much (or did, when we lived there in the early 90’s… seems they are at least a bit more diverse in places these days) gets labelled as “Red” or “White”. So you can be drinking something magnificent one moment and the next bottle is grappa!
To be fair, though, nationalising grog is probably better than the outright ban which preceded it, and they consume less than the other Nordic countries.. Turns out, if you live 5 months of the year when you go to and from work in the dark, it can become a problem.
Your travel guides are bringing back fond memories.
Fancy that, the big boofhead Starck put a ball in line and got and early wicket.
Alintas vs jaapies in the World Cup semi tonight.
Said jaapies are notorious chokers, having been given the arse in four WC semis over time. They’ve never won one.
After one over, with the Alintas bowling, jaapies are 1/1.
Australian PM Luigi the Unbelievable pays lightning visit to Australia.
After a Newtown Asian rim job and blowie (extra special saliva after 10pm).
Jets off to APEC to hang out with a drooling dementia patient to perform the ‘Newtown Skills”.
Bruce of N
“Great way to conquer a country: just buy it.”
The theme of yet another Tom Clancy novel, Debt of Honour.
Please tell me you don’t mean the mighty Samurai Blues.
I posted stuff about this the other day. Blood boiling.
We are gonna have to join forces with Grampians NAZI and Leb bikers to have a pooftenth of chance of overturning this . The enemy of my my enemy is my friend.
Huge knot hides amazing wood! – Woodturning
Jets off to APEC to hang out with a drooling dementia patient to perform the ‘Newtown Skills”.
wasn’t Anal just in the US with the old perv and ‘dr’ Jill
As we’ve known pretty much from day 1, J6 was a setup.
Tony Seruga
My partners and I have been lifetime data scientists. We own the digital ID of every mobile device/computer in the U.S. and have indexed and archived every IP address in the world. Our extensive experience in big and deep data, including geotracking and geolocation makes our dozens of data companies the top authority for providing data to corporations, law enforcement and U.S. government agencies like the CIA, NSA, DoD, DIA, NGA, NRO, FBI, as well as Interpol and foreign intelligence organizations.
There are a number of videos documenting these ghost buses as well as a number of mostly nondescript DOJ vans that dropped off ninja wearing individuals that appear in other videos to have breached the Capitol cutting fencing, removing barricades, opening doors, and other nefarious behaviors.
We also tracked the infamous J6 ‘pipe bomber’ from one of these vans. Later, we eventually tracked them to a Virginia Metro station where a perfect capture of their vehicle license plate was made.
The FBI has ALL of this information. Shortly after they were alerted, however, AT&T mysteriously ‘accidentally’ corrupted that and only that particular cell phone user’s data.
Additionally, their mobile device was used hundreds of times before and after J6 accessing keycard required DOJ/FBI parking garages and buildings.
More like the exclusion zone will be a km inside gaza.
“Anthony Albanese’s brutal eight-word comeback to those calling him out for taking four overseas trips in a month (16 Nov)”
LOL, AnAl thinks that replacing public servants with AI is going to increase employment.
What a Richard Cranium.
An Ill Wind’s Blowing Through Europe’s NetZero Hopes
Nikki Haley’s Opposition to Anonymity in the Public Square Is Disqualifying and Historically Ignorant
FBI Director Confirms Hamas-Led Threats Against Americans in the U.S. Now at ‘Whole Other Level’
Anti-Israel protests erupts into violence outside the DNC Headquarters in DC as six cops are injured in clashes with activists and police make arrest
Iran tells Hamas it will not enter the war with Israel
Not sure that getting Bavuma early is such a good thing, given the form he’s been in.
Great way to conquer a country: just buy it.
It always reminds of this.
“Who here is from China?”
Real Estate Agents
Albonese in the US.
Seems like he is working at cross purposes. If you employ AI then you probably don’t need to employ people. But then you have to sack members of your usual voting block. Much like the paperless office, AI will probably lead to an increase in the number of people with oil cans needed to grease the machine.
Or maybe it is the margaritas doing the thinking for me.
Actress Sues AstraZeneca After COVID-19 Jab Leaves Her With Brain Injuries
Dershowitz rips Obama over comments on Gaza: He’s lying through his teeth
The enemy of my my enemy is my friend.
And the enemy of my enemies enemy is going out with my ex.
Jaapies 2/8.
deKock gonski. Oh dear.
Boambee John beat me to it.
Maybe Albo can work out how to emancipate the AI so chatGPT gets a say at the ballot box instead. You know it makes sense.
Net Zero is a communist ruse attempting to trick capitalists into abolishing the economy.
Net Zero’s inevitable destination is returning us to unheated 19th century huts.
How about replacing Politicians with AI? Saves money and the AI can run referendums (online, cheap) to see what the Voters want to be done.
Win Win.
Last night saw a clip on Twitter regarding justice.
Seems an Arab female living in Israel was quite happy to share her thoughts about 7 Oct on social media.
Clip showed what looked like cops or perhaps MP’s showing up at her food and reading out from a document. She was informed going to be deported to Gaza. Lots of wailing and I assume apologies or denials. No translation provided on the clip but oops she dropped herself in it big time.
“PollieGPT – the only one that listens and does what you asked it”
The Ludovico Technique™.