CBS Evening NewsThe Supreme Court on Friday voted unanimously to uphold a new law that would lead to a ban…
CBS Evening NewsThe Supreme Court on Friday voted unanimously to uphold a new law that would lead to a ban…
Rich black fella asking for more? Hun: Former ABC News Breakfast host Tony Armstrong has pushed back against racist online…
Yes. His son. Mini-me of Todd in the looks department.
Son of Todd
Jimmy Dore on the trans athletes ban. (ex Israel he’s still on point, on Israel he’s a demented loon).…
A low degree of difficulty on that one.
Bear – one eighth zakat for the irregular fighters. It’s in the book. That 1.25% of all 2 billion muslims’ income added up is why Gaza looked like a posh suburb, before the IDF started on it.
Dutton’s opportunistic rhetoric notwithstanding, I don’t believe for a moment that a Liberal government wouldn’t be offering visas to Palestinians as well.
Dave Sharma said as much this morning.
I haven’t seen any strategy by Bowen or his labor loons in the states that will deal with the growing lack of willing landholder participants in the renewable projects.
Compulsory acquisition on the scale needed would basically start a war between Labor and the bush.
Ex minerals council head Mitch Hook told us on a recent zoom meeting that he thinks the targets are impossible and the threats made by the power industry lobby to force land access is a recipe for failure.
Boambee John
Certainly the US takes their nuke security seriously, my concern is that there is a large (50 bombs?) amount of fissionable material that can be reworked into crude nukes without US involvement if the fundamentalists can get their hands on them. Certainly, the new weapons will have much less power than the dial a yield B61s, but even if they are fashioned into simple gun type bombs, the country with the fissionable material is miles ahead of everyone else.
BJ at 4:14
Ha, ha.
I worked with an ex-RAAF engineer who swore he had a stand-up blue with a stores drone over issuing a spare part.
The stores guy would not issue the last unit on the shelf because it was his “safety stock”.
They think being called antisemitic is a mark of respect for their intelligence, that shows they’re not fooled by those evil Jews. In future histories this will be known as The Gulled Generation.
Well…he does fight Tories, squire.
99% of the Australian news media is fully on board with the federal government’s determination to import hundreds, if not thousands, of violent Arab welfare bludgers who will vote for the Liars and make it virtually impossible for a future LNP administration to govern through Arab street protests.
Simple equation. Seize the bombs/cores, start a war with the US.
Even Creepy Joe would have to react to that.
The Silence From International Bodies Over Hamas’ Mass Rapes Is a Betrayal of All Women | Opinion
Speaking of such things I am blackly amused that Indo currently has a problem with country shoppers lobbing onto the shores of Aceh.
Boat crammed with Rohingya refugees, including women and children, sent back to sea in Indonesia (17 Nov)
Golly, that sounds harsh. I wonder if the MSM will start ululating about Indo’s treatment of the muslim Rohingas? You would think that the very muslim Aceh peoples would welcome their fellow muslims with generosity and charity. But that seems not to be the case. It’s a mystery. The latest bunch arrived Tuesday night.
I Meme Therefore I Am ??
On April 10 2023, Connor Sturgeon 25-year-old commercial developer wrote a 13-page missive that detailed his motives for gunning down his 5 colleagues at the Old National Bank.
The shooter wrote in his notebook that he targeted “upper class white people” and wanted the attack to spur gun control.
He was a far-left guy who killed 5 of his own race cause “White Men are the Problem”
HB I am quite sure you have better knowledge than that.
Its like the old lawyer joke; 99% of lawyers give the other 1% a bad name.
The current generation of schoolchildren must be the most historically illiterate since public schools started. Has it never heard of the Holocaust and WWII?
Those who can do. Those who can’t teach. I also assume it’s teachas that are putting these brats up to these disgusting antics.
Never fear, our news reporters were today at the airport to welcome back Sydney Palestinians who managed to make it out of Gaza. For a few moments there I thought it was the released Israeli hostages who spoke about being so glad to be home again.
When I have had my heart issues, I have called an uber to take me to hospital.
I took the view that I’d get attention faster than I would if I called an ambulance.
I pity the people who live more than a few kms from a hospital who are in the same predicament.
Do they roll the dice on calling an ambulance?
I went to high school with one such entitled young lady.
Reports of a boat arriving undetected on our NW coast today.
Definitely not a battery explosion. More like a flying car. I wonder if it wasn’t a medical event. If he had some sort of convulsions he foot might have jammed on the accelerator. It looks involuntary.
New World Odor™
WATCH: Newly released video footage of the car at the Rainbow Bridge.
Did Knight Rider or the Dukes of Hazzard try to cross into Canada??
Brings getting “boosted” to a whole new level!
Don’t worry. The FDA and CDC looking out for your safety!
Reports of a boat arriving undetected on our NW coast today.
A government that wanted to stop the boats should be posting videos of croc attacks on TikTok for the punters to see before they set out.
But this government does not want them to stop.
The government can pay for geo-targeted ads.
Would cost next to nothing.
You’d have to think this is the pressure behind the current offshore wind initiative.
Dishonest though the proponents may be, from a technical perspective, large scale solar is probably the least uneconomic and most predictable renewable option. The problem is the need for vast areas of flat, Waggyl-free land within reasonable infrastructure distance of the market load. The sort of land which is currently selfishly held freehold by farming wastrels, who probably don’t vote Labor anyway.
Naturally, Shitweasel Bowen’s cunning Plan B appears to be the solution that experienced players are now abandoning.
Fools tread…
I think that can be taken for granted. Of more concern is the speed with which adults hitherto obsessed with neo-Nazis publicly aligned themselves with murderous antisemites.
The Cartels pay TikTok to run geo targeted ads in Mexico to tell human cargo exactly what to say to US border patrol.
It’s great business.
Roger – Yes, that’s what I was riffing off about. The Rohingya are trying it on Indo and the people smugglers are trying it on Albo. I know which of them will have more success. Given that Albo has just let in a thousand Palis they do seem to be in with a chance, you have to say.
The Aboriginal students I was at high school with, in Feraldtown, in 1971 had all their fees paid – boarding fees, textbooks, excursions, uniforms, pocket money, the lot.
Tammy Murphy’s Number One Goal is Killing Babies: I Want “Abortion, Abortion, Abortion”
If the Libs/Nats were in government, I would have more faith in them vetting any Pali visa seekers.
Not a lot more, but marginally more than Wong & co.
You’d hope the cores have gone on a quiet holiday.
Pro-Palestinian crowds try to storm air base housing U.S. troops in Turkey
Has Barnaby been drinking?
On Bolta talking about the Kennedy assassination.
I believe the nukes were removed after Turkey refused the US to fly over their territory to attack ISIS in Iraq. It may take some time and a decisive US president but Turkey’s days in the NATO are numbered. They also have no chance of getting accepted into the EU even after numerous applications and refusals.
I’d support a funnel-web spider on Australia’s crest, bern.
Target under fire for ‘sexualizing Christmas for children’ with ‘pride Santa’ decorations
Visualizing EV Market Share In The US (23 Nov)
One point two percent? That’s ginormous! Quick, someone tell Mr Bowen how absolutely awesome the real world demand for Gaia-chariots is!
My nieces and nephews are certainly a cocky bunch. Self confidence? Full of it.
Mr. 32%’s political capital account is well into the red by now.
The decision to attempt to woo back the Muslim vote in western Sydney by admitting Pali refugees is another egregious miscalculation.
If he loses control of the borders he’ll be gone before Christmas.
More Hamas Atrocities Documented, Strongly Supported By Palestinians and Ignored By Western Feminists
Barnaby can confidently be relied upon to fill any vacuum with words.
“Daily Mail” cites Barnaby as believing in the conspiracy theories.
Reposted for excellence:
Here we go. No wonder he’s ‘exasperated’ by having to answer questions about it now.
Wait till he hits our shores again. It will be on. On, like Donkey Kong.
Indo people smugglers:
‘Shop’s open, boys! Black Friday sale! Discount for unaccompanied blokes 18-50!’
their kids do though
worked with Ahmed all day today … the lad’s a gun
Bolt chyron:
Geert Wilders Sends Chills Through Europe
All the UK splodies have been born in the UK. Arguably they’re even worse.
And, G-d willing, the Labor state governments with him.
What a pity there is no credible opposition.
And then on the weekend he and his mates organise an anti-Israel protest?
I know this may have been mentioned before, but:
This HCA decision could in no way have come out of the blue, and completely unexpected to all involved.
With the amount of cash out of taxpayer wallets funnelled into Federal Gummint year after year, surely someone – anyone – could have planned for this contingency, which is that legal challenges to indefinite detention would take place, and perhaps succeed.
Are we to seriously believe that nobody – not one single person in Home Affairs, the ABF or the AFP – waved the flag and said ‘Hey, just in case this happens, should we have a plan of some sort? You know, if hundreds of violent sex offenders have to be released into communities all over the country?’
Appalling. Just appalling. Not even Scott Morrison – and believe me, I do not say this lightly – would have been caught asleep like this.
You will not think the same when you’ve worked with 30 of them.
exactly …. !
Group psychology.
An especially powerful factor among Muslims for various reasons which dinner time prevents me from exploring presently, but I’m sure Cats can join the dots.
I new a muslim once.
E’ was a reely reely nice bloke.
Didn’t drink much but.
River to the sea – yeah!
The girls protesting in Melbourne today will change Ahmed’s mind. Funny how all the media reports just interviewed angry, unsmiling Greta style girls with hijabs and Pali scarves.
They’re frightening. Hitler jugend indeed.
I don’t think teachers put them up to it so much as family. Friends, cousins, there would be a whole community behind those kids filling them with hate for Jews.
I suspect these 860 new Australian prospects have been “sponsored” by their families.
Current recently arrived folk who had hoped their relatives might join them may feel somewhat aggrieved at the queue jumping.
They will never go back to Gaza because Gaza will be too unsafe for them.
Exhibit A: FatBoy mUnty. From “Punch a Nazi” to “Aren’t Hamarse wonderful” pretty much overnight.
I am pretty sure Dutton warned the government back in June that the HC could strike down the legislation.
I would be very surprised if they hadn’t, probably during the Trump era. But if not, even Creepy Joe could not brush away the theft of multiple nuclear weapons.
I recall TailGunner saying you didden need one and he had been using a dodgy one for ages.
That all works beautifully … until someone wants you off site toot sweet with no blow-back.
Safety bro.
You’re goneski.
maybe … dunno
my Ahmed is much more interested in having Chat GPT write his SQL queries based on a loose verbal description or sorting out a SCRAM authentication handshake
yeah well, I’m more worried about the crap in the heads of my own ‘white bread’ kids heads than I am about the crap in Ahmed’s
who says he’s muslim anyway?
The current generation of schoolchildren must be the most historically illiterate since public schools started.
I think it’s a lot simpler that that ..! .. the kids saw a gratis opportunity to have a day off without repercussions .. so did what most kids, especially HS kids, would do … TOOK IT! .. the reason doesn’t matter the day off does ..!
Peter Greagg at 8.24
A critical issue in NQYZ – which was clearly raised in advance of the oral argument – was whether the precedent case of Al Kateb should be overruled. I think, fairly confidently, that the High Court gave its permission to run this argument.
This was a clear sign that the relevant migration law might be found invalid.
They rely on people only seeing parts of the picture rather than the whole thing.
Notice how determined they are to bring down Israel.
They don’t always get what they want, but they are always busy beavering away at creating the preconditions required.
They’ll knock Israel off eventually. And they’ll keep on working away to pollute our societies and weaken our cohesion and resolve.
I like Caleb Bond but I cannot take him saying that we did it to ourselves when he discusses Chris Bowen’s latest renewable lunacy. We didn’t do it to ourselves, that so and so from Fairfield did it to us. I keep voting against him but there are too many in Fairfield who are voting for him. Relax Shatterzzz, I don’t mean you but all those others in you vicinity have done it.
Isn’t it wonderful how Teal electorates have so much in common with houso electorates?
Where were the Vic Gestapo today? No old ladies in the student Marxist crowd to pepper spray?
exactly, and I consider my own kids more of threat than I do the Ahmed I work with.
I shit you not … really, I worked with Ahmed for the last couple of days
… and way too many Teams meetings over the last month
Re the hot-shots whose formation flying got a tad too close over the weekend, resulting in one spearing in.
There is an old aviation saying:-
That would appear to apply in this case.
When customers rocked up for a flight and Gung-Ho Biggles was talking about being ex-RAAF, I wonder whether he bothered to tell them he was, in fact, a techie, and not a Hornet driver.
Bear with me.
This is interesting. The only conclusive forensic proof is for Bormann and Eva Braun’s bodies? So where is Herr Hitler?
From a 3/5 star review:
3.0 out of 5 stars Science versus Speculation
Reviewed in the United States on December 2, 2015
Verified Purchase
Hitler in Argentina- The Documented Truth of Hitler’s Escape, has been reviewed many times by others on Amazon. There is no need to reiterate what many have previously written. What bothers me about the book is the continuing debate we all wrestle with as we all seek truth. So, its decision time in where you want that truth to be. I am presenting the following medical revelations from The International Journal of Legal Medicine, and from Unbound Medline. Maybe time and continuing investigations will allow us to finally have closure on this subject of continuing debate.
From the International Journal of Legal Medicine
2. Anslinger K, Weichhold G, Keil W, Bayer B, Eisenmenger W. Identification of the skeletal remains of Martin Bormann by mtDNA analysis. Int J Legal Med. 2001;114:194–196. doi: 10.1007/s004140000176.
Int J Legal Med. 2001;114(3):194-6.
Identification of the skeletal remains of Martin Bormann by mtDNA analysis.
Anslinger K1, Weichhold G, Keil W, Bayer B, Eisenmenger W.
Author information
• 1Institute of Legal Medicine, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Germany.
Contrary to statements of an eye-witness who reported that Martin Bormann, the second most powerful man in the Third Reich, died on 2 May 1945 in Berlin, rumours persisted over the years that he had escaped from Germany after World War II. In 1972, skeletal remains were found during construction work, and by investigating the teeth and the bones experts concluded that they were from Bormann. Nevertheless, new rumours arose and in order to end this speculation we were commissioned to identify the skeletal remains by mitochondrial DNA analysis. The comparison of the sequence of HV1 and HV2 from the skeletal remains and a living maternal relative of Martin Bormann revealed no differences and this sequence was not found in 1,500 Caucasoid reference sequences. Based on this investigation, we support the hypothesis that the skeletal remains are those of Martin Bormann.
[PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE]
From Unbound MEDLINE
Hitler and Bormann identifications compared by postmortem craniofacial and dental characteristics.
After Stalin told President Truman at Potsdam, July 17, 1945, that Hitler got away, a secret U.S. mission was designated to establish anthropological skull projections pertinent to a potential recovery of Hitler’s remains, i.e., by experimentally eliminating the “flesh.” Then, conversely, in 1972, when one of the two skulls unearthed next to the Lehrter Railroad station in West Berlin (where Hitler’s physician and Bormann had last been seen alive on May 2, 1945), an attempt was made to put facial flesh back on the skull with a view to reconstruct the original facial physiognomy of Martin Bormann. All things considered, it will be documented that the only convincing forensic evidence of Hitler’s and Bormann’s deaths proved to be the dental data.
The mystery bridges of Martin Bormann’s alleged Berlin skull–key clues for forensic identification or another Piltdown case?
Dental records prepared by Martin Bormann’s dentist Dr Hugo Blaschke in 1945 have been examined in the Captured Military Record Branch of the US National Archives in 1972 and compared with the direct evidence from examination of skeletal remains unearthed in Berlin in 1972 at a site next to Lehrter RR station where Bormann is known to have been seen alive for the last time on May 2, 1945. There is adequate qualitative and quantitative concurrence between all available antemortem and postmortem dental data to ascertain that the forensic identification of Martin Bormann can be considered established.
The odontological identification of Eva Braun Hitler.
On May 7th-9th, 1945, a team of Russian pathologists autopsied several bodies found in and near the Fuehrer Bunker in Berlin; among them, a female body (No. 13) was later identified as that of Eva Braun Hitler (EBH), mainly by means of a gold bridge from the lower right jaw. A postmortem photograph of this bridge also shows a separate gold filling. Data now available on the dental treatment of EBH have permitted the present authors to substantiate that this gold filling also came from the mouth of EBH. Further speculation about the fate of EBH would henceforth seem professionally unfounded.
Int J Legal Med. 2001;114(3):194-6.
I should have added a bit more to my last comment. Teal and houso electorates have something in common, neither has to worry about mortgage rates or the rent.
The whirlwind speed with which it happened.
Likewise of concern is the warp speed in which state governments flipped from spending days planning legislation to ruin the lives of anyone suspected of inhabiting their garage & thinking nazi thoughts, to ordering Jews to stay at home so police don’t have difficulty providing an escort along public roadways for anyone wanting to chant “Kill the Jews”
sancho, crapping on again about somebody he never met
…like a knob-head
A few months ago I watched a Triggernometry episode with a lapsed Muslim, her name is Sarah Haider. I follow some other lapsed Muslims on Youtube, the most famous one being, of course, Ayaan Hirsi Aly but I also recommend Yasmin Mohamed (who is half Egyptian/half Palestinian), and Apostate Prophet (who’s of Turkish extraction). Many if not most of these Muslim men and women are now estranged from their families, many live under fear of death from their families and other Muslims so they use aliases in public, and ALL of them are very, very careful about revealing their physical locations at any time. These men and women are brave. I recommend watching the Triggernometry episode with Sarah Haider. In the episode she talks about a problem no one wants to talk about in the West, in fact many in the West have their heads literally stuck not in sand but in concrete when it comes to the dealing with the problems of increasingly growing, militant and shrill Muslim communities across the West. If you dare speak up, you’re demonised as waaacist and Islamophobic. Sarah and other apostate Muslims are unequivocal about the dangers of large, shrill Muslim communities in the West, the dangers these communities pose to non-Muslims, particularly Jews and Hindus, and how they are using our “tolerance” to implement their very intolerant agenda, which is the inevitable Islamisation of the West. Our tolerance is destroying us, they use our goodwill as an emotional cudgel. These aggressive Muslim communities in the West are proof of Popper’s “paradox of tolerance”. Popper was explicit, if so-called tolerant societies such as the USA, the UK, France, Oz and others permit the existence of intolerant philosophies, such as militant Islam, then they are no longer tolerant. I believe this is happening now, we are seeing it on our streets, be it the streets of London, Sydney, NYC and so on. On Monday night 9 October, the NSW practised tolerance whilst people screamed “gas the Jews”, and because of their insipid hands off approach, the extremists, the Hamas shills, the progressive leftist adolescents etc, were emboldened, and so we’re now subjected to weekly protests and today we’ve seen high school students, boys and girls who would struggle to even locate “Israel” or “Palestine” on a map, were screeching “from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free”….which means “Yahudi free”.
We should all be very concerned about what is happening on our streets since 7 October. As for those who say….’oh don’t worry, it’s only a minority’…just like a friend did on the phone to me a few days ago, only to then receive a verbal smacking down from me that left her voice quivering and then agreeing with me. It doesn’t matter that they are a minority…for now. The Bolsheviks in October 1917 were a minority, the students and Shia Islamists in Tehran in 1978 were a minority, the Jacobins in revolutionary France were a minority, history is replete with examples where the minority have gained power over the majority, more often than not by using a nation’s tolerance or ambivalence to usurp power and then enforce very intolerant regimes.
I’ve met and liked many individual Muslims but the West, by allowing the growth of huge Muslim communities within traditional Christendom has signed a warrant for a future that will involve violence, mayhem and death. Meanwhile, Professor Ralph Schoellhammer, who lectures at Webster University in Vienna, has recently said that Jewish life in Western Europe is likely finished. And there we have it, we have tolerant societies tolerating an intolerant religion and so the ‘tolerant’ West has now given succour to rampant Jew hatred, and all the hate speech laws in the world won’t stop the intolerant from pursuing their Islamist agendas.
I have worked in a university with lots of international students none of whom were a problem. The troublemakers were the local Arab students which meant the university had to spend more money on security that the fees of the no-trouble international students were funding. Let’s just say the international students were not amused.
Summer is on the way. The stench of curry flavored BO from our ‘new’ Australians on the packed train is the new kultural enrichment!
Nov 23, 2023 8:54 PM
I’m afraid you are right, I doubt the leaders of Israel will have the resolve to use drastic irreversible measures even if it comes to being annihilated.
The risk for the remaining Jews in the world would be too great.
The backlash would be enormous, just look at the reaction to the current comparatively mild response.
Key word, comparatively.
Pull the other one, it plays Jingle Bells which Ahmed or more likely his sister Fatima will make sure is too offensive to be played in shops leading up to Christmas.
Ayaan is a very new Christian. It will be interesting to see where she goes with this, since there’s 2 millenia of knowlege for her to investigate.
Fk off Razey, you parasitical racist cnt.
Both concerns aren’t mutually exclusive. They share common traits like CRT and tribalism promoted by higher education, Matrix.
They’ll knock Israel off eventually.
I doubt that.
If – big if – the durka durkas do look like overrunning Israel, there will be some smoking holes in the ground all over Middle East starting with Tehran.
You are right, the same thing was happening in the early 70s when I was in high school. I remember one particular lunchtime protest at school that didn’t seem to make sense yet still went ahead because the popular girls had slogans to chant. I did not join.
Is meeting someone a pre-requisite for commenting on an incident?
If so, it would eliminate 93.1% of your commentary.
Look, he’s in the drink, and unfortunately took a young bloke with him.
Are you calling mech failure rather than pilot error?
A business based around Top Gun fantasies and trying to get some good shots for a doco.
What could possibly go wrong?
The crowd at the protest was 2/3 International Socialist 20+ year olds. The only school students were girls, who are easily led into activism by their commo teachers and doctor’s wives mothers. Only about 250 of them all up.
Distasteful, but hardly indicative of yoof as a whole.
Cassie, like you I also had a Muslim friend in high school, her family were migrants from Cyprus. She was totally assimilated into Australian life which I suspect was due to her religion being very much a minority. It’s a numbers game, simple as that.
Thank you.
Well said Cassie. When Optus went cactus I finished my bedtime read “Heretic” by Ayaan Hirsi Aly, she is a remarkable person. I recently heard of a female who works for an unnamed news agency who as a child watched her father behead her mother. She no longer wears the hijab but her sister still does. She has not found the past few weeks easy, hoping to leave a dreadful past behind.
I’m serious
the shit in the heads of my own kids and their cohort is a much bigger threat to our culture that Ahmed’s sister
Nov 23, 2023 11:04 AM
It’s why I come to this site. I love the history that people share, from Top Ender with his naval work, p with the Christian dates of importance.
The travelogues of calli and Lizzie, the smackdowns of the useless khunt in monty by the esteemed Cassie.
Rabz with his musique.
JC and Sal with their stoushes.
Knuckle Dragger and Sancho Panzer with the touch of humour and thinly veiled sarcasm in their posts.
Most excellent. (Thunderous applause)
all right fine, Ahmed’s surname is Kashmiri so he probably is a muslim
but he doesn’t act, talk or sound like a bomb-thrower
… unlike my own kids
The important thing is that it attracted enough hijab girls to chant along with the doctors’ wives progeny.
Achmed shows due deference to God Oracle.
Or pretends to.
That is all.
LOL. I only state facts. You werent there cnt face.
never said they were mate
On a matter of detail, “roasted alive” was a bad choice of word on my behalf. Raped, taken hostage, mutilated, beheaded, tortured, murdered… pick your own horror. I stand whatever it is I stand… corrected?
Your argument, I think, is that – because we have no way of impacting the outcome – we should feel free to chat about some hypothetical possible solution. That is a perfectly reasonable argument. Correct, even.
I’m not sure that that is not ignoring the elephant in the room is, I guess, the larger point I was trying to make.
it most certainly is for putting words in a dead man’s mouth
greasy pole yr trying to climb there sancho
but he doesn’t act, talk or sound like a bomb-thrower”
Maybe Ahmed doesn’t, but Ahmed’s son might. The simple fact is that second and third generation Muslims in the West are often much more religiously radicalised than their parents and grandparents.
I am deadly serious 24/7.
I can’t help you if you refuse to take my commentary here seriously.
And as if I would ever use sarcasm.
You need to keep your bowls hat on in the hot sun … champ.
“Black Ball
Nov 23, 2023 9:36 PM”
Hear hear.
but I dont have that data
my grandmother was jewish and I dont feel radicalized
what are the warning signs?
That was a totally uncalled for champing.
Who wears a bowls hat? I go sombrero
Words fail me, they honestly do.
Fare enough, Matrix.
who is Achmed you verballing toss-pot?
Cassie, you have it right. All the pro-Palestinian and anti-Israel protesters are very young, barely in their teens. However, where did they learn it? If it was from their parents’ generation then we have a big problem but if it’s all sourced out of Gaza then it can be nipped in the bud by letting IDF do their thing and then let them take care of Iran after that. I suspect that it may be from their parents’ generation because it is the young imams who are stirring the pot. And where did the young imams come from? From the previous generation, of course, who are among their patents.
Parents, not patents.
Sitting on a comfy garden chair watching the shifter upload barley into a silo out of a truck.
Hoping to knock off a paddock tonight ahead of the rain.
Noisy but not a bad job in the mild night air.
Well, paint was exchanged, and one speared in.
There was a failing somewhere, and my mail is that it was not an airframe or systems failure.
Which leaves … ???
Let’s see what the investigation comes back with.
I’m serious
the shit in the heads of my own kids and their cohort is a much bigger threat to our culture that Ahmed’s sister
I blame the parents
back in the day
believe it or not
I actually won second prize in the international Sarcasm Competition in Sweden
sancho, what you no, you noisome wanker
… is not sarcasm
worked with Ahmed all day today … the lad’s a gun
OK, Islam is a public religion. They don’t care about what you do in private or away from the eyes of other Muslims. Hence it is all about the extended family. Ahmed will be a great guy, until he has to get married. Then Islam is in full force. As long as he produces kids and they are Muslims all is OK. I assume Ahmed is Sunni. Shia is very different.
It is impossible to judge Islam by Christian standards.
And neighbours, workmates and old school friends almost invariably tell us he was “very quiet and polite” and “nobody saw it coming”.
of course you do
but I dont have that data
There’s lots of data and a lot of examples.
my grandmother was jewish and I dont feel radicalized
A ridiculous comparison.
You are putrid.
“Who’s interested in a formation endorsement?” asks the CFI.
I looked around the room and keep my hand down.
Not because I didn’t think I would be up to it, but because there were two hands in the air belonging to a couple of blokes I simply didn’t trust.
Over-confident gung ho types inclined to cut corners.
A couple of years later one of them managed to hit a piece of ground which was not an airfield killing several passengers.
And a jolly good evening to you, too, champ.
Ronnie RAAF types may wish to comment.
Or blokes with terry towelling hats. Or both.
I for one would have full confidence in an airline called Air Dreaming.
Probably means his family ties are with the Kashmir Valley. Often their names are about their origin -e.g. Sudani, Baghdadi, Yemeni so he is not an Arab and therefore not the real Muslim. It sounds stupid, but that is how they think. The Pakistanis changed their names to sound more Arabic, so they could (fake) trace their lineage back to the Quraysh and the tribes related to the Mo e.g. Qureshi, Ansari,
If we want to defeat this evil we need to know how it works.
Socialism was invented by white people.
No white person in their right mind would support white supremacy.
And so both socialism and white supremacy are explained.
The Mocker in today’s Paywallion:
Anthony Albanese and ministers should line up for High Court kids’ tour after fails on detention ruling
The Mocker
23 Nov 2303
Many years ago I visited the High Court in Canberra as part of a school excursion. There the friendly guides gave us, in language we could understand, an informative run-down on the court and its role in interpreting the Constitution. Assuming they still do tours for schoolkids, I was thinking the guides should arrange one for Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and his ministers.
What prompted my suggestion is the government’s woeful response – or rather non-response – to the court’s recent decision that it is unlawful to detain unlawful non-citizens indefinitely if there is no real prospect of their being removed to another country. This ruling includes cases where detainees had committed abhorrent crimes, as in the case of the plaintiff, NZYQ, a Rohingya man from Myanmar who had arrived by boat in 2012 and had been imprisoned in 2015 for raping a 10-year-old boy.
And if the prospect of this pedophile roaming the community unsupervised was not bad enough, reports soon emerged that fellow detainees in the same category as the plaintiff included rapists and murderers, including a Malaysian national who killed a pregnant woman and then blew up her body with explosives.
But fear not, for Labor frontbencher Murray Watt, representing Immigration Minister Andrew Giles in the Senate, was on the case. Be assured, he said, that the government was ready to act – that is, once the court had provided its judgment in full.
“It is important that we receive those reasons and give them due consideration before we take the next steps that the decision would require,” he told the Senate on November 9, the day after the court’s decision.
But it could be months before the court publishes its judgment. In other words, the government’s legislative strategy consisted solely of introducing the Bugger All Act 2023. And then it became even more farcical.
“To my knowledge, none of the other people … whom the decision may relate [to] have yet been released into the community,” Watt said. “I want to reinforce the point that the government’s priority is the safety of the Australian community.”
That was on a Thursday. Beginning in the weekend that followed, the government, without warning, released 93 of those in the plaintiff’s category from detention. Of these, 27 had originally come to notice through “very serious violent offences, very serious crimes against children, very serious family or domestic violence or violent, sexual or exploitative offences”. A further 21 had committed crimes relating to “national security, cybercrime, serious and high-profile organised crime, gang related” or were “high ranking” outlaw motorcycle club members. And the government has foreshadowed the release of a further 247 detainees, who have committed “deplorable and disgusting things”.
As the West Australian reported, 30 detainees, including eight child sex offenders, were released on the weekend from Yongah Hill Immigration Detention Centre and left at a motel on the outskirts of Perth. This is the Albanese government’s idea of ensuring the Australian community’s safety. The gormless Watt had no idea what he was talking about.
Neither did Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus KC. “I’d make the point that the former government did absolutely nothing to prepare for the eventuality which has occurred because of the High Court’s decision,” he told journalists.
If only, Attorney-General, someone had informed you that a significant case in which the commonwealth was a party was before the court. If only they had warned you that sometimes the court makes decisions which go against the government. If only they had reminded you that you could have, as a contingency measure, commissioned the Office of Parliamentary Counsel to draft legislation to contain the fallout. And lastly, if only they had told you that you, and not the Coalition, are in government now.
Then there is Home Affairs minister Clare O’Neil, who, like Dreyfus, needs reminding she is no longer in opposition. Just last month she used the Nixon review into Australia’s immigration system to publicly shame Opposition Leader Peter Dutton for the abuses and fraud that occurred during his tenure in that portfolio.
“We cannot run a migration system where someone can openly commit crimes like this right under the nose of Peter Dutton and yet remain in our country effectively for an indefinite period until Minister Giles and I took action,” she proclaimed. How ironic.
In a testy interview on Sunday with Sky News political editor Andrew Clennell, a defensive O’Neil tried to justify why she and Minister Giles had sat on their derrières in the lead-up to this case. The Department of Home Affairs had advised her, she claimed in respect to NZYQ, that “it was likely that the commonwealth would win the case”. Blaming our department now, are we, minister?
“Most people looking at this case would have assumed that the commonwealth was going to win the case, because it was 20 years of precedent,” she insisted, referring to the court’s decision in the 2004 case of Al-Kateb, which upheld the laws of indefinite detention for stateless persons.
This claim is disingenuous rubbish. To begin with, O’Neil, a law graduate, knows full well that lay-down misère has no place in a courtroom, let alone in the country’s highest tribunal. Also, the full bench that decided Al-Kateb was split 4-3. The justices concerned have long since retired. And in the last two years, the court’s construction of executive power has shifted from a conservative to a liberal one.
If that was not enough, it should have been obvious to O’Neil as late as six months ago that the court would revisit the Al-Kateb precedent, as evident by the observations of Justice Gleeson during a directions hearing in June. It was important, she stressed, to acknowledge “that the purpose of his [NZYQ’s] detention is for removal, and yet … capacity for removal is likely diminishing from very little to none”. Hello, Clare O’Neil?
Alluding to this in his interview with O’Neil, Clennell asked whether her department had maintained, during or after June, that the government was likely to win the case. Tellingly, O’Neil refused to answer.
The reason for her reticence became apparent yesterday, when court documents revealed that on May 26 a Home Affairs assistant secretary emailed both O’Neil and Giles’s offices concerning NZYQ. Warning of a “litigation risk”, it appeared from the redacted document the department had recommended the relevant minister exercise their discretion to release NZYQ from detention and grant him a visa, thus obviating court action.
Rushing to the airwaves after this was made public, O’Neil yesterday attempted to “clarify” what she had told Clennell. “I was not referring to legal advice when I made comments about the commonwealth’s prospects in that case,” she told Patricia Karvelas on RN Breakfast. “I was referring to … operational and policy conversations that were happening with my department that we felt might change, potentially change the outcome of the case.” She refused to discuss what legal advice she was given.
Contradicting what she had said on Sunday, O’Neil insisted the outcome “was absolutely contemplated and it was absolutely planned for that we would not win the case in the High Court”. Yet two days before O’Neil’s ABC interview, Albanese told Kieren Gilbert of Sky News regarding the decision that: “It was not anticipated for 20 years that this would occur.” The best that can be said is that the Prime Minister knows about as much of his minister’s doings as she does her portfolio.
About the only thing that we can believe from O’Neil arises from her desperate attempt to appear decisive and resolute. “I have never seen a government respond to a constitutional decision at this pace,” she repeatedly told media outlets.
Dead right, minister. I have never seen a government capitulate so quickly to the legislative demands of the opposition. Your unpreparedness and ineptitude were such that your colleagues were angered and humiliated. As the Sydney Morning Herald reported: “Eight Labor MPs from the ministry and the backbench criticised the fact that draft legislation had not been readied ahead of the High Court’s ruling, and for the fact the government caved in to Dutton’s demands to get the issue off the political agenda.”
On reflection, I need to reconsider my suggestion that Albanese and his ministers could benefit from the schoolkids’ tour of the High Court. Incidentally, does anyone know if the guides cater for preschoolers?
so lemme get this straight
rather than go by somebody’s words and deeds, we should sum them up based on their first name
therefore Ahmed is bad to the bone by virtue of his family’s choice at birth? … because grand-parents
and braggadocio crashes planes?
sancho … braggadocio crashes planes
… yet here you are
what gives?
Of course, there is this …
Totally reversible, MT. It’s uninformed opinions, which can be fixed with information, not ideology.
you are a very stupid man
are you saying that truth is based on an anecdotal story i told ?
are you retarded?
“Say, what’s a mountain goat doing up here in the cloud bank?”
Thought crimes.
Insider Paper
BREAKING: German officials raided apartments nationwide Thursday over an alleged plot by a far-right group to spread conspiracy theories and “destabilise” the state through social media networks, prosecutors said
Braggadocio is often to be found among the wreckage.
“Human factors” is an unbackable favourite in this one.
By one or both.
Your words.
You said that he dropped to 1400′ after assuring you he wouldn’t go below 1500′.
Did you make that bit up?
Yet again, I will say this. It is nothing less than abject parental failure.
No, you cannot control everything your children do once they have reached adulthood and spread their wings.
But – you cannot sit back and say ‘oh, the schools corrupted them’, or ‘it’s the great Marxist march through our institutions’ or any other version of ‘it’s someone else’s fault’.
Yes. If you are an insufficient role model, then you get what you get. It doesn’t matter how many hours you work, your child will see you doing the right thing and that is enough – should you be an actual role model for your offspring.
If it goes bad – then the people responsible for that child, regardless of the child’s age need to reflect and think about their own failings that led to said child (or children) going down the path they did.
If a child doesn’t see a parent as an acceptable role model and learn what is right and what is not from that parent, it will go its own way.
For some, though, it is always someone or something else’s fault.
mate … his first name is Ahmed and everything else here tonight has been assumed
my own children by contrast, are self avowed revolutionary cultural worriers
are you sure Ahmed is the problem ?
People often ask me, “What’s the LSALT in IFR conditions if there is a 1450′ obstacle on your flight path?”
I wish I knew.
And in the last two years, the court’s construction of executive power has shifted from a conservative to a liberal one.
I don’t think the Australian discourse should adopt the lax-enforcement, low-or-no-sentencing meaning of the word “liberal”. It simply makes no sense. If anything, it’s a weasel word whithin a statement which indicates “progressive”, ie inclined to ignoring common law and precedent, and prosecuting more and more legislation, exceptionalism, red tape, legalese and loopholes. And a switcheroo of the offenders into the victim protected class, and the common-or-garden man into the servant underclass.
“Libtard” is a much better shorthand imho.
And the Greens maintain 16 year olds should be allowed to vote…
tbh … people don’t give a flying-fcuk what you think
Learned helplessness.
It is worth considering whether the behaviours exhibited by the offspring are not as a result of parental neglect, but rather a reactionary and rebellious “up yours” to an overbearing parent.
Parents who might describe themselves as God Oracles, for example.
Oh, wait … that happened at work, not at home.
We’ve surveyed one God Oracle and here are the results of our polo.
do try not to be a self referential tosser sancho … it is tiresome
And derivative?
Oh look, Arky Peron is calling others putrid.
i walked up K2 once in winter
all my sherpas died but i made it with my drone
its all true
nobody can doubt my story which i decided was anecdotal after someone questioned it
The IMMORTAL Badfinger – memories of days gone by. Of the young lady who declined my modest suit, “because he can give me what I want in life, and you’ll only ever be a soldier.”
He finished up serving a long jail sentence for fraud, and she finished up a sole parent…snork, snork…
for genuine authenticity … you need Dot
that way … really … you wont sound like a bunch of paranoid clowns at all
your problem KD, is that you’re not really much of an original thinker
just bark at whatever they tell you to
and everybody here will just learn to live with the noise
Very tempura of you Sanchez. The times when you’re not being derivative, you acting very meta. A meta cat.
And ,just to top it off:
My faith is shattered.
Who knows what to believe now?
Should I file “Biggles of the Outback” just here with “Perky Tits”?
What Covid meds are you on?
You’re delirious man!
PS … I think aether is Bird’s catch-phrase.
It’s a freaking random word generator, FFS.
Warning, only 6 more comments until the page turn.
This has been a community service announcement.
You mock the immortal, the sainted “Biggles” at your peril.
My seconds will demand the satisfaction due a gentleman. Pistols for two, and breakfast for one.
Oh mine god- have a look at this, ’52 Jensen Interceptor.
Blame them all you like, but it doesn’t make any difference. Kids spend 3 seconds with their parents, 6 hours with teachers apologising for being adults, and the rest speaking to strangers 10,000kms away.
Responsible parenting in 2023 is grounds for removing children from parents.
Who played Algy in Biggles of the Outback?
Did Biggles let him flick any switches?
Forty-Six it was.
Now Forty.
This is why officers should never be allowed to read maps ‘n’ stuff, & must be kept away from calculating range, & so on.
More important, think back to the Holocaust. What would the IDF have done if it existed back then. If Jews in (say) Australia are really threatened, would the IDF intervene?
“The most dangerous individual on any battlefield is an officer with a map and compass..”
On a serious note, I agree with your summation, Doing risky things, and it’s your life alone at risk. No one should give a rats. However, doing risky stuff, with others, who didn’t buy into your risky behaviour: well then, you’re just a pos.
Postscript to the Port Phillip Bay prang.
They were filming for a TV show called “Any Fool Can Fly”.
I kid you not.
JC at 11:38.
That is my point really.
If people want to engage in suicidal pursuits which result in their own demise, that is their choice.
But when unsuspecting and trusting third parties go with them that is something else altogether.
Or Search and Rescue folks have to risk themselves to extract them from the predicament they got themselves into.
Like that clown Tony Bullimore years ago with his half-arsed sailing mishaps.
There were lots of American Jews fighting in WW2. Certainl,y as many their proportion of population allowed.
If the IDF was in existence in WW2, it would have been subservient to what the Americans dictated as it would’ve been a junior member.
Outside of Iran, things for the Israelis have gotten pretty peaceful over the past 20 years or so. It will take longer now obviously, but the direction has been pretty well established. A decade ago, who would’ve believed the Abraham Accords could be done? Saudi was my concern this time, and it’s interesting to see they really aren’t buying into this too much.
Israel will be fine.
Putrid of you bringing that up, Sanchez. Putrid. 🙂 Next time, ask Peron’s permission to post opinion.
The bit about landing safely was obviously left out?
I revel in my putridity.
Is that so wrong?
If you really want putrid, go visit the Lollipop shop.
Two morons duking it out to see who can be the most anti-Semitic.
Lollipop needs to be closed down. It’s embarrassing.
Perhaps, the furniture store could make a hostile takeover at the right price as those two meatheads would do well at the store.
The secret to flying is landing safely. 🙂
I’m very forgiving of children.
…and very harsh on parents. Like, tonne of bricks unforgiving.
I don’t tolerate the “oh, I thought little Billy and Phoebe would turn out absolutely A-1 after we paid strangers to bring them up, out of sight of mummy and daddy”.
Anthony Albanese and ministers should line up for High Court kids’ tour after fails on detention ruling
The Mocker
23 Nov 2303
Many thanks for posting this. The Mocker is a master swordsman. This is amongst his best.
Well, she did get a lot of government cheese…
re responsibleness in raisechildrening-
From C.L.’s frequently ace page, -And of course nobody is asking why Muhammad was employed to mind toddlers or why Australian mothers became so clueless.
The 12 arriving in NW Australia, did the local Abos conduct a Welcome to Country smoking ceremony? Did the 12 acknowledge the traditional owners in the traditional powerpoint presentation?
Johannes Leak.
Mark Knight.
Mark Knight #2.
Peter Broelman.
Morten Morland.
Michael Ramirez.
Gary Varvel.
Lisa Benson.
Ben Garrison.
Thanks Tom.
Here’s an explanation why msm reporting of the Israeli war is so biased.
After the WSJ published the story about Hamas & Iran using crypto to fund Oct 7th, I thought BTC & ETH would have a rough time.
Instead, they’ve both had great months.
Nov 24, 2023 4:34 AM
A good read that, but ignored by most alas.
Sancho at 11.53
Like that clown Tony Bullimore years ago with his half-arsed sailing mishaps.
I do remember when Bullemore came ashore, not speaking to the media because he had signed an exclusive deal with Channel 7 as well as wearing a 7 cap.
On 2GB that morning a very droll Mike Jeffreys set out a question for talk back:-
“So what do you think of Tony Bullemore? Courageous lone yachtsman hero? Or opportunistic Pommy Bastard?”
The answer of course was the latter.
Zulu, thanks for the Badfinger clip, a great band. Terrible how they were ripped off, it killed Pete Ham and Tom Evans. The music industry has a lot of crooks in it. John Fogarty was almost destroyed by similar management.
Not sure when I will be seeing it but if seen Napoleon let us know your thoughts.
I wonder how many parents of students at Uber progressive Princes Hill High came home from work yesterday to their teenagers proudly telling them they had converted to islam?
As for the revival of my neighbour, local restaurant owner, work mate is a nice muslim nonsense.
So what?
Plenty of Kibbutzim said exactly the same.
There is one ‘anecdote’ doing the rounds of extwitter of a 30 year gazan employee of a Kibbutz happily drawing a map of peoples’ houses for hamas.
And as the French, , particularly those in Nice could tell you, lapsed muslims can be the worst, they get all fervent with a ton of sin on their plate and the only way to guarantee a place in heaven is to die as a shahid.
Back in grey old Sydney. No news is good news atm. Can’t believe two days ago we were in Tronso, almost the other side of the world. Absolutely exhausted.
The Beloved tells me, if this is a false alarm, I’ll shoot him! 🙂
Still room for some gallows humour, even after a marathon in the packed tailplane of an A380. Gee those things bump around at the backside end!
Excellent piece in City Journal discussing the Jewish connection to American liberalism (leftism) and it’s history. How the GOP should pursue American Jews to their side.
The Paradox of Jewish Liberalism
The piece also cites George Washington’s letter to the Jews in Newport Rhode Island.
I’m including it separately as it’s a fantastic read for the time. Only 340 words.
A test for Ahmed and his “westernisation”.
All I need to do is mention my family and watch. If the shutters come down, and believe me they do on the most unlikely people, it’s all a veneer to get along.
The moment opportunity presents itself, he’d be in like Flynn.
Welcome back Calli.
Whatever happens, I hope it is smooth not bumpy.
Your second comment, agree, absolutely.
I wonder how many parents of students at Uber progressive Princes Hill High came home from work yesterday to their teenagers proudly telling them they had converted to islam?
Yep, last night on Sky David Adler from the AJA noted how these stupid gullible white adolescents recited the Shahada at the demo in Melbourne yesterday.
I wonder if any of these adolescent turds understand that after reciting the Shahada they’re now little Muslim warriors and hence no porky pig for them, no sex before marriage for them and no alcohol for them. Oh well, I suppose most of these menacing little Marxist turds are vegans so the Koranic edict about pig won’t bother them too much, but I’m not sure about the other two edicts….no sex before marriage and no alcohol. And the adolescents pictured yesterday at the “protest”, in fact most of them were female, and probably most of these adolescent females are professing lesbianism, because it’s now the thing, hahahahaha… their brave Islamic world they’ll soon be married off.
As an aside, Claire Lehmann has a very good piece in today’s Oz. Worth reading.
Riots in Dublin overnight about immigration. When will Europe wake up?