Sleep it is.
Sleep it is.
The change of weather in Perth has been a blessing.
Mark Dice: FEMA BUSTED – And More GREAT News! Haha!
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare February 11, 2025 11:43 pm Here’s Dylan in 1976, Desire album. Black Diamond Bay. A favorite of mine,…
Did it one night in a fit of let’s see, and liked it, it became very shiny and made me…
1973 Ford Riot- this is pretty shocking and disgusting. Were IR really that bad at Broady in those days?
I see one tangential mention from the Houthis and nothing else. So far they have taken that one ship a week ago and they or the Iranians hit another with a Shaheed drone last night. Nothing else is on the news feeds that I can see.
They had a go at a USS destroyer a few days ago with drones and it was embarrassing. I think the Iranians are acting like they are because they are exquisitely aware that the US has three full carrier groups in easy range. So they’re doing plausible deniability stuff using proxies, but nothing else. Even Biden’s bunch have limits with what they can ignore.
USA, Canada, Germany, Ireland, Yookay, Australia- are there any western countries where the government is not at war with their own people? Democracy- what a joke.
Colonel Crispin Berka
Nov 26, 2023 10:58 AM
Doesn’t seem like much yield at the point of impact, but I’d be thinking of the heat pulse doing more damage than just 110 tons of TNT. I’d imagine the area around the strike being melted into a plug that would have to be dug around if it didn’t melt the target.
‘you can vote for whoever you like as long as he/she is an approved candidate’- just like China and the USSR.
Dictatorship naturally arises out of democracy, and the most aggravated form of tyranny and slavery out of the most extreme liberty.
– Plato
Sky news on the subject of certain Greens Senators.
and we know what happens in unapproved candidates who may decide to run for office.
Well just when I was starting to hope the Liberals had learnt some lessons and might have a chance in the next federal election they blow it.
Dave Sharma to replace outgoing senator. Bed wetter, turdbull supporter and worst of all cloumet choinge believer.
FMD another term for Elbo who has done all he can to lose the next election but the libs don’t want it.
It seems like only yesterday Dubya was declaring “You’re either with us or you’re with the terrorists.” I can report this ultimatum is much easier to decide today than it was 22 years ago. Senator Thorpe has flunked.
Yes, there was violence inside the Capitol on J6, but the police committed it
A Grand Slam, ten tons including a heavy casing, could produce a quite large subterranean cavern, which usually collapsed in on itself.
And, most recently, an advocate for allowing Palestinian refugees into Australia.
She should know. Her mother arranged it.
WATCH: Nancy Pelosi’s Daughter Caught on Hidden Camera Admitting January 6 Was a Hoax
Hamas and its supporters around the world are worse than Nazis
Natural Immunity Better Than Protection From COVID-19 Vaccination: Study
Take a look at that face. Looks like an escapee from the loony bin.
Legal Expert Issues Major Warning To Judge Engoron
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Nov 26, 2023 6:28 PM
Sky news on the subject of certain Greens Senators.
These morons should study Modern History. It was the UN that approved the commencement of the State of Israel and the borders. The Arabs have then started all the wars ever since.
So, you stupid Greens. Go talk to your ‘friends’ at the UN. No good protesting here as we don’t give a rat’s arse. Posers.
How dare Faruqi steal her thunder!
The essay by Andrew Roberts should be required reading for Greens Senators….
Turkey…meet Christmas.
Oh, that’s right. You won’t pay. It will be the innocent.
Cassie, if you meet this bugger on the footpath, give him a good shove*.
For the girls.
Along with the history of Muslim conquest and the subsequent Arabization of indigenous populations across MENA.
Nov 26, 2023 6:40 PM
Take a look at that face. Looks like an escapee from the loony bin.
Legal Expert Issues Major Warning To Judge Engoron
He looks like a dead ringer of that Dr. Fauci plonker. FMD.
Thus continuing its reputation as a dumping ground. The Lieborals KK.
These morons should study Modern History.
Uh hu, Professor Rotten.
It was the UN that approved the commencement of the State of Israel and the borders.
Correctimundo. And that’s as far as it went.
Israel took the U.N. Borders to be a starting point for expansion, not a fait accompli.
The Arabs have then started all the wars ever since.
Apart from the 1956 Suez Invasion, starring France, Great Britain & Israel, the 1967
6 Day War, where Israel Annexed Gaza, part of Egypt, which had never even been part of Historical Israel going back 3,300 years, and the West Bank and East Jerusalem, part of Jordan.
Then there was the 1973 Yom Kippur War, which didn’t go so well for them, the 2006 Invasion of Lebanon …
Nice, bespoke. Did I ever tell you I was allergic to cats?
Small “c”. 🙂
Lidia Thorpe blames the colonial system when her hemorrhoids give trouble.
Dunlop, I think it was told his CO that he was confident his men would follow him anywhere, but he wasn’t sure if it was just curiosity than anything else.
Cats, if the real Jesus Christ were to stand up today, he’d be gunned down cold by the CIA …
As opposed to spending to spending many, many years in solitary without charge … 😡
Aaaarrrggghhh! Typos begone, you satanic encumbrances, I tells ya! 🙁
Same for our tourist guide who took us to Masada. She was in the reserves, having done her regular training. You wouldn’t want to cross her.
Women aren’t men and can’t do the full physical stuff men do, especially in combat, and men in combat don’t need to have to worry and get protective about weaker women in the team; ‘Band of Brothers’ as a demo of combat is enough to tell me that. But women can be fighters in other ways, as all serious wars show, as would happen for my two beautiful granddaughters here too if things went belly up, for every fighter counts when it’s serious. Israel seems to have got the right mix of opportunity but not foolishness when it comes to females in the army.
Just sold a TV without a remote, and without a manual start button for $150. It was all explained in the ad, but someone bought it anyway.
I should feel bad but I don’t.
Urgent Call to Action: Block the Pandemic Treaty NOW
And you can bet you’re life they’ll put these powers to use crisis or no crisis. They’ll create one if necessary. After all, under this “treaty” it’s whatever they say it is. Dictatorship is what I say it is.
There was a forum I read where a bloke mounted the argument that the best form of government was a benevolent dictatorship. As time goes on, I find it increasingly difficult to argue he was wrong.
Recently I encountered an argument referencing a book byPeter Turchin
In other words, the top 10% set the policy of a country. If that is replacing the native peoples with others, that’s what happens, no matter if that sets up the conditions for civil war.
Does that sound familiar?
She would have invited herself if no one else had thought of it. Because what she “has to say is so impawtant,” that’s why.
Much Iran bunker-buster spitballing.
For comparison, at the other end of the scale, the Sedan crater was 98m deep and was produced from a nuclear bomb with a explosive energy yield about 1000x greater than what I calculated from Robert’s description (104kt vs 110t TNT) and which had to be buried 194m deep to begin with.
So a bunker 100m deep in the same soil would have survived the described Thor surface impactor. Whether anything squishy inside would survive a pressure wave like that is another story, but with springs and rubber padding (like Cheyenne mountain) it is possible.
Nov 26, 2023 1:49 PM
FFS rosie, I couldn’t see what you were getting at, so I bloody well asked. Stop being so confrontational. You get like a frightened mutt some days attacking the first thing that takes your attention.
But that’s precisely what the elites guided by their experts believe they are doing, instituting a benevolent dictatorship – for our own good.
He built my hot rod Rabz.
The story is fun. 😀
(I found out last night and today that Cats do not like hard rock let alone thrash. Sigh.)
In the very obvious absence of any greater celestial beings, Cats, here’s Miss Ellie and her magnifique bottomage! 🙂
Frank the Barber, Cats.
When you don’t need any heroes.
Disturbing how easly people give up democracy when things look tuff. Get a grip.
Or retire to tiktok.
Cheyanne Mountain is a block of granite. These are not uncommon geological formations. Quick search of the Geology of Iran reveals the central mountainous region has a bit of Jurassic intrusive activity. If you were going to build bunkers that would be the place but drilling and blasting granite is a thankless slow tedious task.
Rest of Iran seems to be sedimentary with some metamorphic and volcanism. Though if deep enough even getting to those would be a stretch.
Don’t go telling all your li’l girlfriends, OK …
I’ll wait until Top Ender comes back from OS and bring the point up – I’ve thought from when I was in the army that the whole thing whilst certainly on the face of it a war crime, the conversation we had here about the Geneva convention and accepting surrender of enemy troops put a different perspective on it – especially the timeline and actions of the troops on both sides.
One of Australia’s “leading medical bloggers” is reportedly on Tik Tok advising people not to take medical advice from those “who aren’t doctors”, i.e. have an MBBS.
Caveat emptor and all that, but post-covid just who trusts their GP without question?
Oh my baybee …
Magnifique bottomage! (1992)
Ahhh, Katie – just the best … 🙂
That’s right Robert, I’ve never been attacked for expressing a different opinion before.
another 13 Israelis and seven foreign national hostages tonight.
I wonder which kibbutz the next lot will come from.
I see Dirty Sanchez has crawled out from under her crusty mirkin to grab back some of the limelight she believes is owed her. bleeeuuch.
That’s your problem right there.
are you the bloke with the long lens I’ve seen at the far end of my paddock? This is an outrage!
Knuckle Dragger
Nov 26, 2023 7:08 PM
He might know more about that model than you do.
I once advertised two not-working F&P Smartdrive washing machines on ebay. I asked the winning bidder what he’d do with them. He answered that the main drive motors make excellent electrical generators in mini hydro systems.
No that’s Winston, Pogria.
Nelson! You sold your washing machines to a drug lord. Shame.
A nuffy with a medical degree and an actual practice.
Even more of a problem.
He was pontificating on cooking oils, fwiw.
A GP who feels himself entitled to scrutinise your pantry.
Thou shalt not commit logical fallacy
Money laundering. 😀
Did you know that the heaters for dead water beds are great and sought after for propagation mats?
Alvin Purple nothwithstanding.
Is that what happened to them?
All I know is I was ahead over sending them for hard rubbish.
Cash presumably.
I’ll defer to your expertise, Calli. 😀
Not fast enough, it appears.
That’s the good thing about Australian currency, you can wash it.
Money (1973)
Greens senators can read? Who knew?
Should we use the phrase “settler colonies” to describe the spread of Islam and Arabs across North Africa and the Levant?
It’s a Sunday evening, Cats – time for some good ol’ fashioned romance:
I met you at JC Penney
Your name tag, it said “Jenny”
Goil – you know I just wanna be down with you …
I’ll pick you up late at night after work …
I said laydee, step inside my Hyundai …
I’m gonna take you up to Glendale …
Gonna take you for a real good meal* … ”
*and then, all the silly comments about me wanting to get on down with slimbos will be no more, I tells ya … 🙂
On the other hand it’s nice to get the predictable bites for just a little bit of burley.
even the Guardian went there.
Well, they were hardly mere peaceful settlers looking for new agricultural opportunities.
The Sound in 70 Cities …
Moooooo …
We are all ‘settlers’ depending on the timeframe and group selected. So it probably comes down to the improvements made and power taken by the ‘settlers’ in the timeframe in question. The winner takes it all …
geez, you sure went from being victim to hunter really fast
yr a a bit of a bargain-bin in the market-place of ideas aren’t you rosie?
Saw Napoleon.
Wolf’s review a good summary.
I think as others have said it is very difficult to tell Napoleon’s story in one movie. Not enough time. The relationship with Josephine was more than I would have liked. I would prefer more of the inter nation politics and campaigns and battles.
However Napoleon and Josephine is one of the famous pairings of history. I dont claim to know the details of their relationship but perhaps the producers were paying more attention to that story line to make it more of a love story to appeal to the female audience.
As with many historical movies there are a number of issues that can be cherry picked for accuracy. One is the first scene that depicts Napoleon being present when Marie Antoinette was guillotined. A historian says he was not there. Who cares ? The guillotine is the iconic image of the French Revolution. As I write there is a Daily Mail article about the ages of the actors in relation to Nap and Joe (in real life she was older than Nap but Pheonix is older than actress Kirby). This in my mind is petty nittpicking for the sake of it and for writing review articles.
The Austerlitz and Waterloo battles were well done but would have liked some more action in Egypt. As Wolf mentioned the natural light was an issue. It did not give us the opportunity to really enjoy the many great uniforms.
Whilst there were obviously some issues in relation to accuracy there was one that was glaring to me. That was having Napoleon leading cavalry charges at Borodino and Waterloo. Not needed. No problem with him in action as a Captain at Toulon but not during those major battles involving tens of thousands on both sides.
I was supposed to watch the movie with wife and son and his girlfriend today. However wife had to travel and was delayed for 2 weeks from today. They dont know I have had a sneak peak. So the question is do I say seen it and not recommended or remain quiet and watch it with them again. Overall I think they will enjoy it so I will keep quiet and watch it again.
I think the movie has to be looked at from the aspect of somebody with limited knowledge of Napoleon and that 20 years span. I would think the majority would not know much of the history and as a result might enjoy it more than those who know a bit more.
As with most historical / war movies I always want them to do well as this ensures more will be made.
I guess the critics will also have fun with a planned Netflix movie featuring Denzel Washington as Hannibal (the Carthaginian, not the cannibal).
Hopefully Christopher Nolan (Dunkirk and Oppenheimer) still has a few historical and war type movies in the future.
Just my thoughts.
and I moved …
Within three months:
Milei will have been murdered.
Wilders will have been driven from parliament in an EU sponsored coup.
Orban will have been jailed.
‘Big moment’: Former Liberal MP returns to federal politics
So, Dave Sharma is back in the senate. That means that there is now NO conservative in the NSW senate team. The late Jim Molan fought hard for his senate spot, yet his spot has now been handed to wets.
As for Sharma, oh well, nice guy but dripping wet. Quite frankly, if Dave Sharma is going to be in politics then the senate is the best place for him. It means the seat of Wentworth is now open. I spoke to a relative this morning after the rally, we were decrying Spender’s utterly appalling speech, and we were bemoaning the fact that she is our local MP. I said to her that I wondered who would run against the slag named Spender, and I wondered if Sharma would put his hand up again. She said that she hopes he doesn’t because Sharma, whilst a nice guy, is dripping wet, he’s not a politician, rather he is a diplomat. He’s not suited to the argy bargy of politics. She’s right. We need someone in Wentworth who will go in and punch hard. And that person is not Dave Sharma, and anyway, tonight I learn he’s going back to the senate.
That’s my favourite bit. Back foot, front foot…advance!
The Israelis, who are indigenous to the region as much as, if not more than, the other claimants (with whom they share c. 70-80% of their DNA), don’t “want it all.”
They just want to enjoy what the UN gave them in peace.
It’s the Palestinians who want it all, as in ‘from the river to the sea.’
“The people who are responsible for it are the most dishonest, the most ruthless, and the most anti-human group I’ve ever dealt with, and I spent 35 years living in Washington,” he stated. “I don’t even recognize these people. And what they’re doing—it’s so dark. They’re doing things that can’t even, on an academic level, conceivably help the United States or the population that lives here.”
Carlson at Conservative Brief
Van Nuys Boulevard 1972
Rotten – 25/11 @ 8:49pm
Agenteeeeeena is up with, wth, wth – McArthur Park
Beck, of course. He’s good value.
No I didn’t have to look the lyrics up either… 😀
Debra (2001)
progress ?
For anyone even moderately familiar with the period & the history, that’s taking artistic license well beyond the point of the suspension of disbelief.
It seems this is history dumbed down for Millenials, much like Dunkirk (2017).
We should learn not to expect too much from contemporary film makers in any case.
John Williams playing Albeniz in the Alcázar of Seville
It was originally early christian, then taken over and rebuilt by invading islamic folks and went back to catholic spanish royals after the invasion was repelled.
great music in an interesting location.
I especially love the rosie-oscillator
modern fishermen set their watches by it
Ah yes, Yarks and some random very round bottomed womanages, Hollyweird Boulevard, circa 1972 …
Well brought up young ladies – nicely reared.
Do they? Everyone here is predictable.
I knew you’d say that
One for me.
Chemical Heart (2002)
Cats, Let’s Go! 🙂
there is only one john Williams
I didn’t mean that in a bad way, either.
I’ll let you know when I’m surprised. Or blindsided, more likely.
And Spain; though they were finally booted out of there in the 15th century.
BJ, if you believe the left, Muslims were never ever colonisers or slave-traders/users, but only victims of terrible Europeans and Jews.
Sooner or later …
Rock guitarist John Williams.
Same guy. 😀
Seriously good stuff those guys did. Saw them at the Opera House once.
Institutional racism.
John Williams – Spanish Guitar is some of his best. A perfect recipe for relaxation is to take your favourite bit of booze and lie down with no distractions apart from this album.
Cordoba is just an amazing piece of music
Our culture, at its best.
Paul Wallee and the Yams:
The bitterest pill … 😕
The court heard a historian from the Crown Solicitor’s Office traced the children’s maternal heritage back to their great, great, great, great, great-grandmother, who was “an Aboriginal woman born around the 1850s who was probably living in [an identified area of NSW]”.
What does that mean? .. one 251 5x grandma or at least one 251 in each subsequent generation? ..
Plus 5X is only back to 1850 .. wierd! .. my great grandad X4 fought at Waterloo 35 years earlier so this family must have extremely short life-spans …..
And if this comes down to only 1 great gran being of 251 heritage then “moi” being a full blood Geordie must be in the running for “true-blue’ recognition .. my great gran (mum’s side) was born in Golden Point, Victoria in 1859 …………
Hey, Miss Personage!
No, I have not forgotten.
Getting yourself closer to the Lodge, millimetre by millimetre …
Via the Backdoor.
You li’l w*#@e … 😡
It is stolen propertee …
Finally got round to looking at that David Starkey video. Thanks to whoever posted it first, saw distinct parallels with Australia. If only we had people of this intellect in the former colony we are arguing the same as we inherited a lot of the British system…
Cats, all I ever wanted was to be buried deep in lerve …
Stallone Sting Snipes.
Demolition Man (1993)
Latest Dash cams Australia is up!
$60 at Jaycar solves all the issues with your TV, KD.
And that’s the deluxe option.
No, it’s not her …
The rim of her mouth may be golden, it’s only an image of her
Just a trick of the light …
Excellent summary Bourne1879.
I didn’t touch on the inaccuracies although they did annoy me a bit (I’m a bit of a history buff). As you sy Napoleon leading cavalry charges in the 2 battles was just absurd.
In regards to Marie Antoinette execution I wasn’t too concerned that they showed Napoleon was there (he wasn’t) but Marie had her hair cut (not long). A small inaccuracy in the scheme of things but it just grated with me.
My brother researched Holocaust train lists to Auschwitz at Yad Vashem, from villages on the border of Slovakia and Poland, and I wondered whether families and villiage neigbours were held together for a last possible comfort. The lists show they were, except there were none below age 12 or over 60 were somehow lost while being marched across snow covered mountans to the railhead at Trstena. My father’s mother would have been comforted, accompanied by her eldest daughter, and the knowledge her other children were safe in Palestine and Australia.
Did Hamas keep kibbutz and moshav members together? Did they mimic the record keeping of their fellow Nazis. There are associations in these news items that resound with that other period.
There’s a great song buried under all that ’80s over-production.
I thought you were intimating as much previously, Katz.
Appreciate your commentary.
Don’t like my confidence in commenters here? Changes nothing, just gives me another insight into the quality of the lurkers.
Rog, you won’t see me down the disco, mamma, busy learning from the Frank … 🙂
Cats, Let’s Go! ?
I like it Rabz!
He was an artillery officer. He’d fall off his horse in a cavalry charge.
Jona Lewie – Stop The Cavalry (1980)
As much as I don’t like Sharma (really NSW Libs, no rugged conservatives – really?), he is much better than the useless flog he defeated, Andrew Constance.
Nov 26, 2023 8:43 PM
Should we use the phrase “settler colonies” to describe the spread of Islam and Arabs across North Africa and the Levant?
And Spain; though they were finally booted out of there in the 15th century.
BJ, if you believe the left, Muslims were never ever colonisers or slave-traders/users, but only victims of terrible Europeans and Jews.
But we all know that the leftards only use language as a weapon, time for us to do the same. By the standards that leftards apply to Australia, the Muslim/Arab conquest of North Africa and the Levant was “settler colonialism”. Call it that and force the leftards to prove it wasn’t. (Hint: They can’t prove that.)
Blockquote fail, only the final para is mine.
he is much better than the useless flog he defeated, Andrew Constance.
Sad to say I second this…
Newspoll bombshell: 50-50.
Cats – another great love song …
We’re all just baybees, in my view …
Miss Laydee …
I’ll teleport from here to there, I tells ya … 🙂
I solved the issues by selling it to a couple of chicks and bloke for $150 today, which I then converted into $550 at an establishment near to me.
$150 in front, taking into account what I paid for the TV in the first place two years ago.
Still forked out $600 for a new one yesterday, but there you go.
Who was the American Civil War General, who said that cavalry were of no use, except for torturing invalids to get their gold?
As much as I don’t like Sharma (really NSW Libs, no rugged conservatives – really?), he is much better than the useless flog he defeated, Andrew Constance.”
Oh yes, Sharma is infinitely better than Constance however I would have preferred Monica Tudehope.
WIP: the Israeli women with the rifles over their beautiful shoulders. Outstanding.
Heh, sounds like McClellan. I don’t actually know, but certainly not Morgan or Sheridan.
Lol … both thorough risk analysis and a proper NPV
Newspoll bombshell: 50-50.”
How sweet it is. I’ve waited eighteen long months for this. This disgrace of a PM and government have been given the easiest ride ever by an equally disgraceful and compromised MSM but I knew that sooner or later the wheels would start to fall off and since da Voice defeat, his smirk is gone and he’s not coping.
Who was the American Civil War General, who said that “they couldn’t hit the side of a barn from blaaam” … 😕
Because the first thing I would like to say is that I’m sick of bald headed flogs selling wars door to door … 🙁
Don’t let a hot crazy 10/10 near musical instruments.
The Presets – Talk Like That (2007)
I’d take up the flag for democracy,,but I fear my hair just isn’t crazy enough. For the moment, a mad Argentinian with crazy hair holds the torch. And he knows socialists for what they are.
KD, what do reckon came out the drinks cabinet this evening? 🙂
General John Sedgewick, at the battle of Spotslvania Court House.
“Why do you duck? Fire away, men. Fire away. The damned rebels couldn’t hit an elephant at this dist………”
Good point, BJ.
And their conquests were vastly more brutal than what happened in Australia.
In India alone they killed an estimated 80 million.
American historian Will Durant wrote that “The Islamic conquest of India is probably the bloodiest story in history.”
Sassy – the goil is just so sassy
If she wasn’t a global pop superstar, Frank would would be telling her that he couldn’t possibly employ her as a hairstylist as the shop had been overrun of young womanages of late … 😕
They started off the new peso at 1:1 with the dollar on the 90s.
You gotta hand it to Taylor Swift. Her US tour had an impact on US GDP – $4.3 billion in takings.
She paid the truckies $100,000 bonus. Each!
JC – did you watch the Li’l Italy videos?
I’m not sure it’s for comfort Katz, but where each hamas group had planned to take their victims.
It’s hard to fathom that it is so close/small they could be on the other side of Gaza within half an hour, but they were.
The latest lot released said they came out of a tunnel to jeers and stones from locals, had no idea where they were going, thought it might to be killed.
Meanwhile hamasses are suggesting that they were better fed in the tunnels than in an Israeli hospital (though reports say they were only fed rice the last two weeks) and are very angry they aren’t all doing press conferences (another conspiracy).
Many if not most still have family held hostage and are coming to terms with the death of loved ones.
Still if you want to demonstrate to the world how heartness hamas supporters are…
If people haven’t seen; a terrorist instructed one mother and daughter to keep waving (in English) for the hamas propaganda vid as they were being transferred to the Red Cross vehicle.
It is relentless.
Can you link them again? I watched the first partially, then got called away and forgot. The girl in the first was deliberately annoying. Quite funny.
It wasn’t a Blaupunkt remote, I’ll tell you that much.
While it’s good to see the liars losing votes, the depressing thing about the Newspoll is that the slime commands 13%. That will go straight back to the ALP as preferences.
I always used to think that about 10% of the population are irretrievably stupid and/or crazy enough to vote for abominations such as the green slime, but that number is increasing. It’s most likely a combination of jew-hating migrants being courted by the slime, and products of our degraded education system especially those who have been to university.
Despite the poll findings I’m not optimistic about the liars losing the next election.
Seems like it wasn’t worth the whinge, then….
Unless that last bit was just copium, but you’re an honorable man who would jever do that.
Marcus Antonius Creticus
You shouldn’t be because historically I think there’s just one case where it was a one term government. However, this could very well be the next off the rank.
The morons spent an entire year peddling the brain dead voice bullshit and accusing people of being racists if they disagreed. It’s the most irretrievably stupid government since Whitlam.
The Albanian is bad enough, but big eared chalmers takes the cake for dumb.
Hamas confirms military commander of northern Gaza killed
Hypocrite: Bill Gates is funding 70 million acres of Deforestation in North America
Eric, Merrick, and Jeff
Stuck watching the Mushroom Records circle jerk, but arguably the Melbourne communal jizz is worse. Who gives a flying fuck about Melbourne who doesn’t live there?
Some great performances, but too much verbal masturbation for my liking. Yuck.
Rich American Jews. Nothing would deter them from the demonrat party
Steven Spielberg and Rob Reiner are cohosting an elite Hollywood fundraiser to support Joe Biden’s reelection — and are charging up to $500,000 per ticket.
Both men are aggressively anti-Trump.
Other co-hosts include Kate Capshaw, Shonda Rhimes, Rick Caruso, Peter Chernin, and Megan Chernin.
Whoops quotes
Why do the words “Good riddance” suggest themselves?
no doubt all solved in the director’s extended version to be available on Apple TV.
The recent trend has been to kill their own. Hawke/Keating, Rudd/Gillard, Abbot/Turnbull.
The daggers will be out again. It’s pretty much a reflection that “the party” runs the Government, not the leader you voted for. Joe Biden is in charge of fuck all, and neither is Albo.
The assumption seems to be that women are interested only in the relationship and his sex life, men are interested only in the battles.
It suggests an extremely low opinion of the human race. Possibly justified.
Napoleon was a pretty amazing psychopath. Sent into exile on an Island off the Italian coast, takes flight, regroups and then puts together an army with the potential of winning against the Brits. That’s no small effort, nor organisational skills.
Israel needs to release all of the 7800 Palestinian prisoners in Israel immediately, in exchange for the 240 odd hostages. The Palestinian prisoners need to be released into the West Bank (a legitimate war zone). Let’s see what happens.
New OT up at midnight.
Next step is for the US to confiscate the assets and bank accounts of the “Hamas Billionaires”, and to DEMAND Qatar hand them over to Israel.
It’s time to abandon “Peace though strength”. It’s time to adopt “Peace through force”. Enough mucking about. The American military is more than capable of fixing this mess, they just aren’t allowed to.
Just got back from 12 hours around Saigon.
Unfortunately not much has changed in 15 years. Still swarms of motor scooters everywhere; toll roads for the tourists and big trucks, and sadly everywhere you look there is discarded rubbish by the sides of the road. Then again the Vietnamese are cheerful and get on with life – most of them seeking to make a buck and move ahead.
If there is an award for just one man destroying a civilisation, that award will go to Obama.
And he was voted in by whites who couldn’t tolerate being called racist by not voting for him.
“Vote in haste, regret at leisure.”
Nov 26, 2023 6:23 PM
Not just for the girls, that is a really nice picture.
Rabz 26/11 @ 9:11
Oh the feeling of desolation isolation loneliness in our wide desolate brown land – oh the horror, the horror ba ha ba ha