Open Thread – Weekend 2 Dec 2023

The Annunciation, Henry Ossawa Tanner, 1899

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December 3, 2023 5:51 pm

He’s been really sensible and low profile

And about to give a very self serving and self referential address at the NPC about how he and only he, can save the taxpayer extorted black hole that is the NDIS from finally destroying our already in the trillions of dollars red feral budget …

Yeah, no.

If they’re the last of us, Teats Peanuthead and Dr Mutton, then God help us … 😡

Winston Smith
December 3, 2023 5:51 pm


Dec 3, 2023 4:37 PM
your link to Moran Yanai. The downtick is mine. Terribly sorry, I didn’t mean to. Sunday afternoon semi-snoozing, I’m all thumbs.

If you repeat the downtick, it cancels the first one. That’s how we can see a ‘0’ appear.
And if you you were to downtick instead of uptick by accident, then cancel it with a second one which releases the downtickthingy to enable you to do an uptick. Or something.

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
December 3, 2023 5:52 pm

I see the psychopath “thumbs down” is still stalking Calli.

Pathetic loser.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
December 3, 2023 5:53 pm

we better watch out

Bibles and dictionaries for Christmas?

I have three bibles, including a lovely fine paper leather bound copy of the Cambridge King James, and another King James my mother wrote in; and three dictionaries in English, including the Shorter Oxford (it’s absolutely huge even tho’ not the full Oxford) and the lesser Oxford and an outdated Macquarie that is somewhere. I gave away the very large Websters, American competitor to the Shorter Oxford. Used it as a doorstop mostly.

So I’ll have another sort of book for Christmas, thank you.

Cassie of Sydney
December 3, 2023 5:54 pm

By the way, the Muslim and leftist scum who went to Caulfield a month ago, and then the night after drove in convoy, under personal escort by the NSWaffen Police, from the western suburbs to Sydney’s eastern suburbs, to harass and intimidate Jews, were simply doing what they’ve done for fifteen hundred years. That’s the historical story of Islam towards religious minorities, be they Jews, Christians, Yazidis and Zoroastrians. The historical pogroms in Safed, in Jerusalem, in Gaza, in Hebron, across North African, in Toledo, in Cordova, in Cairo, in Alexandria, in Beirut, in Damascus, and so on always began with hoards of young Muslim men rampaging through Jewish neighbourhoods, murdering and raping. The Nazi Muslim scum of four weeks ago know their history of how to intimidate religious minorities, and they know we Jews know our history, and make no mistake, if they could have inflicted sexual and physical violence four weeks ago, they would have, and if they could inflict violence on Australian Jews, they most definitely would.

Great country we are now!

December 3, 2023 5:57 pm

And about to give a very self serving and self referential address at the NPC about how he and only he, can save the taxpayer extorted black hole that is the NDIS from finally destroying our already in the trillions of dollars red feral budget …

Haven’t the state premiers threatened a revolt over that?

Cassie of Sydney
December 3, 2023 5:57 pm

Dec 3, 2023 1:11 PM”

Thank you Rosie.

December 3, 2023 5:59 pm


Re Outback Stores – Looks like Improving

Kiwirrkurra was always a Great Store off Well 33 on The Canning Stock Route – Clean & Well Maintained Community

Proudly supported by Outback Stores

Name of store:Kiwirrkurra Roadhouse & Community Store

Store Address: Kiwirrkurra Community, via Alice Springs, WA 0872

Phone:(08) 8956 4935

Email:[email protected]

December 3, 2023 6:00 pm

Haven’t the state premiers threatened a revolt over that?

LOL, Rog – what are they going to do, tax us even more?

Oh bleep, hold that thought … 😕

December 3, 2023 6:02 pm

However did The White Lotus ever get made?
However did they manage to get a series two & now a third series in production?

Stories that go no where.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
December 3, 2023 6:03 pm

The film ‘Race’ is now on SBS World Movies which is all about Jesse Owens the famous athlete.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
December 3, 2023 6:03 pm

Gina Rinehart purchases South Perth property to house nearly 20 WA war veterans
Joe SpagnoloThe West Australian
Sun, 3 December 2023 12:01AM

Gina Rinehart has partnered with the Australian Air Force Association and RSLWA to provide much needed accommodation for WA war veterans.

Mrs Rinehart’s Hancock Prospecting has purchased a property and paid for the refurbishments of an apartment complex in South Perth, which is expected to house nearly 20 war veterans.

RAAFA will manage the nine, two-bedroom apartments and RSLWA will direct tenants to the complex.

The property, which will be known as Sir Valston Hancock House – after a former leader of the Royal Australian Air Force and uncle of Mrs Rinehart – is expected to be ready to accept residents in the first half of next year.

RAAFA chief executive officer Michelle Fyfe said about 300 veterans returned to civilian life each year and while most did not need help finding accommodation, “this new targeted program will ensure there is somewhere to turn for those who do”.

“We’re all too aware of the pressures many West Australians are facing to secure accommodation amid the ongoing housing crisis, and veterans – particularly those moving out of Defence back into community life – are no exception,” she said.

“Across Australia nearly 6000 current and former ADF personnel – or 5..3 per cent of our veteran community – are facing difficulty securing accommodation, which is a rate nearly three times higher than the broader population.

December 3, 2023 6:05 pm

What Arab Nations Are Reportedly Saying to Israel in Private Is Quite Interesting

Breaking News! The Arab summit did look nice on video, but here is the DRAMA that actually happened behind the scenes folks, and you may want to sit down for this.

Most participants pushed for a joint statement including 4 points:

(1) prevention from providing military equipment to Israel from U.S. bases in Arab located in Arab countries.

(2) freezing of all diplomatic relations with Israel temporarily.

(3) threat of oil embargo similar to 1973

(4) closing airspace to Israeli planes

Proposal was NOT accepted due to opposition of: UAE, Saudi Arabia, Morocco, Bahrain, Sudan, Egypt and Jordan.

Look beyond the talk and lip service – this is the real game being played. Saudi block vs Iranian block…

December 3, 2023 6:09 pm

Stories that go nowhere

Much like modern life, which is rubbish.

December 3, 2023 6:12 pm

I’m not concerned about the color of the actor as long as it good acting.

I recall the ‘progressives’ freeking over none gays playing the part and others not being members of the correct tribe.

There reactions was hellerìus

December 3, 2023 6:13 pm

LOL, Rog – what are they going to do, tax us even more?

They want $5bn+ extra funding annually in return for cooperation to get NDIS expenditure down.

December 3, 2023 6:14 pm

E Bike Fire – Delivery Driver in Serious Condition on 8 News

Interesting Fireman was being Hosed down from exposure to Smoke from E-Bike

December 3, 2023 6:14 pm

Zatara, pity about FSU today.
The committee will not like that win.
I reckon the final four will be Georgia, Michigan, Alabama and a coin toss between Texas & Washington, and I’m leaning towards Washington.

December 3, 2023 6:15 pm

to get NDIS expenditure down

Rog, that horse bolted long ago.

December 3, 2023 6:15 pm

9 News

December 3, 2023 6:17 pm

I’m not concerned about the color of the actor as long as it good acting.

If they really wanted to black Hannibal up, Michael B Jordan would have been a better choice due to age.
Weird how Netflix couldn’t find an actor of North African descent to play the role.
There’s a million of them running around French cinema.

H B Bear
H B Bear
December 3, 2023 6:17 pm

Very disappointing to hear the Dean and the panel claiming this morning that Teats Peanuthead was some sort of possible successor to the albansleazey …

At best you would have to say the Liar Right is preferable to the Liar Left. PeanutHead might be the exception to the rule no one is unelectable though.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
December 3, 2023 6:18 pm

Teats Peanuthead was some sort of possible successor to the albansleazey – “He’s been really sensible and low profile”.

That is what passes for showing leadership now, is it?

I must admit to being more impressed with Dutton of late. He has picked a few fights where he has come out on top. Compare that to the effeminate simp, Trumble, or the emasculated Morrison who seemed to think that anyt Liberal policy would be palatable to voters if it was just left-wing enough.

H B Bear
H B Bear
December 3, 2023 6:19 pm

The NDIS is a hell of an albatross around anyone’s neck. Gillard’s Fabian Godzilla.

December 3, 2023 6:22 pm

There’s a million of them running around French cinema.

I see what you did,burn. Lol!

December 3, 2023 6:22 pm

They want $5bn+ extra funding annually in return for cooperation to get NDIS expenditure down.

We aare being ruled by the radical fringe who represent 8% of the workforce outside of the public service dupported by the Greenfilth fringe, who get 10% of the popular vote.

PS: the NDIS was an ALP brain fart that the Stupid Frigging Liberals went along with to artificially inflate Australia’s big government.

December 3, 2023 6:22 pm

“He’s been really sensible and low profile”


An amoeba for PM?

Wait until his extra-curriculars are broadcast. Or is there a sacred hush over that?

December 3, 2023 6:24 pm

Pardon the typos.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
December 3, 2023 6:25 pm

Hannibal as a Carthaginian was of course Phoenician colonist from the Mediterranean coast of Israel and Lebanon and…Gaza.

And that area was settled by the Sea Peoples around 1300 BC. And they were Mycenae Greeks. We have extensive DNA and archaeological evidence now (which is fun since Hamas as it happens is actually a bunch of Greeks, not Canaanites as they like to claim.)

So Hannibal, assuming no interbreeding, would look more like Alexander the Great than Michael Jordan.

December 3, 2023 6:26 pm

Rob Rinder on October 7 attacks: ‘The paramedic saw headless bodies and heard terrorists laughing’

The TV personality joined the medics who fought to save the lives of those caught in the massacre – and was touched by the hope they bring

By Francesca Ryan

It was 5am when Rob Rinder touched down in Tel Aviv. The airport, usually bustling with life, was eerily quiet – “a ghost town”. He headed towards Sderot, a city by the Gazan border, just an hour away. “The massacre was so close to everyone in Israel – not just emotionally, but physically, too,” he says.

Britain’s much-loved broadcaster, barrister, former Strictly quarter-finalist and author was in Israel to visit first responders from Israel’s ambulance service, Magen David Adom (MDA), meaning the Red Star of David.

Accompanied by the chief executive of the British fundraising wing of MDA and a cameraman, his mission was to capture the stories of those who helped save lives on October 7.

He’s no hero, he insists, but admits he didn’t tell his 70-year-old mother, Angela, about the trip until he was home, for fear of worrying her. His brother Craig, though, was given the heads-up. “I have the unconditional support and love from my family which, of all of the privileges in life, is the most important one,” he adds.

Rinder, 45, is no stranger to Israel: he spent two and a half years working with “a community of courageous colleagues” to make The Holy Land and Us – Our Untold Stories, a two-part BBC documentary exploring the stories of both Palestinians and Jews following the establishment of Israel, including some of his own family.

It was made with “a great deal of time, heart and passion”, he tells me (indeed, the documentary is shortlisted for Best Specialist Factual Programme in the 2024 Broadcast Awards).

He is also familiar with conflict – he was in Sierra Leone at the civil war’s end to help teach non-violent debating skills (the head of his chambers was the Chief War Crimes Prosecutor at the time) and two years ago he went to the Ukraine border to interview those fleeing from the east.

But this, he says emphatically, “is different”, adding, “There’s denial of this massacre happening in real time, and there’s an increasing and truly malignant metastasisation of anti-Semitism.”

His maternal grandfather, Morris Malenicky, was a Holocaust survivor, while last year, Rinder, alongside his mother, received an MBE for his work in Holocaust education.

Rinder’s acclaimed BBC documentary series My Family, the Holocaust and Me is now being used by UCL’s Centre for Holocaust Education in schools. For Rinder, the rise in anti-Semitism is personal and “deeply disturbing”.

We discuss some of the experiences Jewish people have shared with him over the past two months – teenagers being racially abused on the streets, adults being ostracised by colleagues at work, children being bullied at school. And also the online hatred. “Whether it’s being called ‘dirty Jew’ or a ‘Zionist shill’ – what I thought was only in the darkest recesses of society, is coming out in the public sphere.”

He tells me about a conversation he’d recently had with a reporter for a major American television network.

“He’d interviewed survivors from a kibbutz and showed me messages he’d received from people claiming that those in his reports were actors. I’ve grown up in a family with a Holocaust survivor. I’ve spent time trying to teach about the dangers of anti-Semitism. But here, my friend was warning me that it has reached horrifying new levels.”

Rinder grew up in a working-class community in Southgate, north London. His father was a black-cab driver, and his parents divorced when Rinder was young.

“It was rich in love if not in other things,” he says of his childhood. He was brought up to believe that “nobody gets to write your narrative” – a spirit he credits to Morris, his Lithuanian grandfather.

Rob Rinder hopes his powerful video interviews with 7 October responders, screened at charity events and across social media, will help highlight the work of Magen David Adom

When we chat over FaceTime, Rinder is backstage at the Cliffs Pavilion, in Southend, rehearsing for his panto role as Captain Hook. He’s just flown in from Rome (filming a future project he can’t disclose), but his mind is very much back in Israel.

“I felt that the response to this denial and everything that goes with it had to be to listen. And who better to listen to than the paramedics of MDA, Israel’s emergency ambulance service,” he says.

“These people have no incentive but to save lives and to run towards danger – the very best of humankind.” MDA was established in 1930 by a Jewish doctor as a medical volunteer service, but it was only in July 1950 that MDA officially became Israel’s national emergency service.

Fast-forward to 2023 and the organisation has about 1,500 permanent staff and 27,000 volunteers, with approximately 10 per cent of MDA’s income still funded by charitable international donations.

Its workforce reflects the nation it serves and Israeli society as a whole, so includes Jews, Muslims, Christians and others.

Today, MDA is in urgent need of funds and hopes that Rinder’s powerful video interviews, screened at charity events on social media, will help. The lives of 11 MDA paramedics were lost that morning, along with 12 emergency vehicles.

For Rinder, it is that humanitarian spirit that draws him to MDA

To capture personal testimonies, Rinder journeyed south from Tel Aviv with a videographer. Rinder shows me one of the videos – it packs an emotional punch. The stories speak for themselves, but Rinder’s sensitivity and empathy on screen is very moving.

In Sderot, less than a mile away from Gaza, there are only 15 seconds between the sound of sirens and rocket impact, hence the need for bulletproof vests. More than 200,000 Israelis have been evacuated from border towns as Hamas rockets continue to fall.

Out of the window, “it was those outward vestiges of modernity that struck me – the things that superficially seem to protect from inhumanity and horror – a McDonald’s, a supermarket”.

He has subsequently discovered that his first stop, the city’s ambulance centre, was intended for massacre – it was listed as a target on plans found in the possession of terrorists.

There, he met the volunteers who took calls, drove ambulances, and treated the wounded on October 7, including former paratrooper commander Ophir Tor, 61.

Before our interview, Rinder sends me some chilling CCTV footage posted on Instagram. A man in a T-shirt is seen swerving bullets. As he goes out of shot, three armed terrorists come into view.

An unsuspecting minivan approaches. One of the terrorists stands in the road and points a rocket at the windscreen. And then an explosion. A vanload blown to smithereens – elderly people on their way to the Dead Sea, decapitated from the blast.

After narrowly missing those bullets, Ophir (the man in the T-shirt) tried to warn others to hide. He saved the life of a mother and son by ushering them away from the carnage and then helped others to the relative safety of the centre, before starting his shift.

“He saw bodies in the road – children’s bodies, headless bodies – and described it ‘like watching a horror film’. And he remembered hearing the terrorists laughing.

‘They were enjoying it. They came only for death,’ he told me.

“Ophir immediately went into survival mode,” says Rinder, adding that something about his “quiet understanding” reminded him of his own grandfather.

In 1942, Morris’s mother, father and four sisters and brother were taken to Treblinka concentration camp, where they were murdered. Morris, then 19, was sent to forced labour in a glass factory before being sent to concentration camps, where he miraculously survived until liberation. He was one of 300 survivors known as the Windermere Children, brought over to the Lake District by the Jewish charity the Central British Fund.

Back in Sderot, Ophir retraced his steps with Rinder, “as if deconstructing a crime scene… a head blown off here, a rocket attack there. We ended up in the ambulance centre car park, where he listed the bodies of that day, scores of them: Holocaust survivors, children, young IDF soldiers,” adds Rinder. He had what Rinder describes as a “kindness of eyes… and was so stoic, so logical”.

After the army, Ophir decided to volunteer at MDA after his best friend and comrade had died in his arms.

“He became a paramedic to heal people because he couldn’t save his friend,” Rinder says.

From there, he travelled 45 miles to Kibbutz Magen, where a civil defence team managed to fight off terrorists, with only one member of the 350-strong kibbutz killed. They have all now been evacuated.

Driving south, Rinder passed the site of the Nova Festival – “a right turning up an innocuous road”.

“What we’re learning now is that many of those young people were engaged in activism for a peaceful two-state solution for Israel and Palestine.”

On Kibbutz Magen, Rinder met Shunit Dekel, 43, who had landed in Israel that morning and went straight to serve at MDA.

She couldn’t get to her children, who were at home under attack. “She told me that the ambulances were being shot at and the volunteers going to save lives were being murdered, too.

“She told me how people who escaped the festival were ambushed by terrorists from every angle. Just as they’d thought they’d reached safety, they were shot dead.

There was just no place to hide. If you drove north, you were shot. If you ran, you were shot. If you went to a shelter, you were shot.”

Another testimony he shares is that of Sharon Temis, 25, whom he met in the regional dispatch centre in Ashdod. She is a trainee doctor and also volunteers as an emergency dispatcher.

On October 7, she was on the way to the airport for an overseas trip when she saw her phone’s red alert. She immediately turned her car round and went to the control centre. On a normal day there are a few “red calls”, for high-emergency situations.

On that morning, the screens of every dispatcher were entirely red. There were too many calls to answer.

Rinder says: “She described the screams of children, of men, of women, of grandmothers: ‘Save us’, Where are you?’, ‘Help us!’, ‘Please come now’. The ambulance tyres and doors were also being shot at.

And the paramedics, too. Their radios started to go silent ‘making that soft sound the sea makes’.

“She spoke of a boy – Yotam, 12. He was whispering on the phone to her: ‘My parents and my brother and sister are dead.’ Sharon asked him where he was – he was hiding under a bed in his room.

He could hear voices. She said to him: ‘I will stay with you, Yotam. You must be quiet for your Ima and Abba’ – for the sake of his mother and father.

And she did. She answered other calls along the way, but she stayed with him on the call until he was rescued. He is the only survivor from his family.”

She does not know where he is now, says Rinder, but she “hopes he is with grandparents”.

Sharon Temis is training to be a doctor and volunteers as an emergency dispatcher in her spare time

Before Rinder leaves, Sharon’s colleague tells him that they also had to dispatch an ambulance to treat a terrorist that day. “I asked her why and she smiled – a real smile – and said: ‘Because we are for humanity. We save lives. Whatever kind.’”

For Rinder, it is that humanitarian spirit that draws him to MDA. The night before his trip, he posted an image on Instagram of him standing alongside members of the Jordanian Red Crescent (Jordan’s equivalent of the MDA).

In the caption, he highlighted that the Jordanians joined the International Committee of the Red Cross on the very same day as MDA [back in 2006] with a quote from Maya Angelou: “Hope and fear cannot occupy the same space”. The picture was taken on a charity bike ride a few years back – but represents so much more, a collaborative ethos Rinder feels is key in this age-old conflict.

“The starting point at the beginning of any mediation, before we can even come to a table, is to do the preliminary work of understanding that you and me share a common place on this earth as human beings,” he says. “And that’s where we start – with goodwill. For me, MDA and its volunteers are the best example of that goodwill, even against the backdrop of conflict.

“MDA also shares blood between Jews and Palestinians, and it’s impossible to think of a more, not just poetic, but profound and clear illustration of a shared humanity than sharing blood.”

MDA donor blood is used in Israeli hospitals for both Palestinian and Israeli patients and MDA exchanges blood with other members of the International Committee of the Red Cross if a rare blood type is needed.

“Now that MDA is a member of the International Red Cross it is also sharing its advanced medical technology.” (The Jordanian Red Crescent team has recently visited Israel for that specific purpose.)

I ask Rinder how he felt as he headed home from his mission, but the seemingly simple question stumps him: “I don’t know. All I know is I wanted to capture on film these accounts of humanity and that’s what I did.

And just like the other work I’ve done, if you walk away feeling touched by the stories you’ve captured, that’s always a good starting point.”

What touched him most?

For that, he has a swift response: “The thing that always touches you most isn’t the horror, it isn’t the savagery, it’s always the good and the hope.”

Back in the UK, last weekend he was on the streets too, along with more than 100,000 others, to march against anti-Semitism.

This weekend Rinder plans to attend a vigil of humanity and hope with Israelis, Palestinians and all faiths, organised by Together for Humanity, which perfectly chimes with his ethos.

Sadly, he feels the battle against anti-Semitism will be a “lifelong fight”.

“You can’t disinvent the hate,” he says. “You can only do what you can to educate children and empower them to stand against it.”

December 3, 2023 6:27 pm

I have no desire to view photographs or film of the victims of a subhuman species – homo h@m@s. It distresses me still that some here continue to acknowledge these disturbed animalistic creatures of dark malice with their chosen name, which, as I have referenced previously, means ‘courage’ in Arabic. (It has a duel meaning: as an acronym, and ‘courage’ or ‘zeal.’).

I would, however, like to see The Cat community vote on an award for The Most Morally Degenerate Media Representation of the tragedy.

(I’m not fussed about the wording, and perhaps there can be two or three categories. There would not be a physical award, but the results could be published here, amongst ourselves).

I intend the latter – the award – quite seriously. Please offer feedback if you think it has potential (albeit limited).

H B Bear
H B Bear
December 3, 2023 6:30 pm

Wait until his extra-curriculars are broadcast.

Not just the j’ismists need to cooperate like in Hawkey’s day.

December 3, 2023 6:30 pm

Pardon the typos.

I forgive you this time, Tom.

December 3, 2023 6:30 pm

I don’t know if this book has been referenced here, but is a brilliant read: The Closing Of The Muslim Mind: How Intellectual Suicide Created The Modern Islamist Crisis/ Robert R. Reilly.

I fear this is now happening in the West.

December 3, 2023 6:32 pm

Muddy, I like rosie’s Hamasisis.

An accurate amalgamation of the same animal.

As for the most morally degenerate depiction, I’ll leave that to others.

December 3, 2023 6:33 pm


The hot takes have come thick a fast. They are all indistinguishable garbage.

December 3, 2023 6:35 pm


pity about FSU today

Pity? They went into this weekend ranked #4. Tonight they won their conference championship with a freshman 3rd string quarterback and with the most brilliant defensive effort I believe I have ever seen. They finished their regular season 13-0.

Alabama, Texas, and Georgia are 1 loss teams.

The committee reports out at noon today but my bet would be Washington, Michigan, FSU and probably Texas will be in the playoffs.

December 3, 2023 6:36 pm

I have no desire to view photographs or film of the victims of a subhuman species

If the Oct 7th deniers aren’t forcefed the images, they will continue to deny it.
So it has to keep being shared.
Not accusing you of being an Oct 7th denier.
Just saying why they have to keep being shared.

December 3, 2023 6:39 pm

For FSU fans, I hope you’re right.
Listening to the ESPN committee watchers, they are saying otherwise.

December 3, 2023 6:40 pm

‘there is no such thing as the separation of powers. It’s a doctrine that’s judicially made up…In Canada or Britain or New Zealand there is no separation of powers doctrine that allows Judges to strike down legislation.

The Constitution is based on the SOP principle: legislature, executive (including the GG) and the HC. But the separation is incomplete because the Prime Minister, ministers and the GG are part of the Executive and the Parliament.
High Court judges, the Prime Minister and ministers are appointed by the GG, who is part of the Parliament and the Executive.

So, it is not surprising the waters get muddied every now and then when one power flexes its muscles. But the alternative, with a concentration of power, is worse.

December 3, 2023 6:42 pm

‘ESPN committee watchers’ are butt-hurt that no SEC team will make the playoffs for the first time ever.

December 3, 2023 6:44 pm

Calli & Bespoke.

Thanks. I am actually serious about a media ‘award’ (in name only) but am unsure of how to proceed. Hence my request for feedback. I cannot countenance them escaping responsibility like they have with the covidiocy.

December 3, 2023 6:44 pm

Joaquin Niemann becomes the first Chilean to win the Australian Open golf, joining the greats of the game from Jack Nicklaus down.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
December 3, 2023 6:45 pm

Earlier, and apropos of stores in remote Australia:

you quickly find the “community store” – read shop fortified with heavy gauge wire and roll-down doors – has their top selling items as 1) chips 2) hot chips 3) Coke 4) lollies and 5) roast chooks

A crew called Outback Stores appear to have taken over most of the general community stores in recent years. How they got multiple contracts from the Big Men remains to be seen (or maybe there are clues, somewhere).

In any event – in the first year or two after they really got a foothold, Outback Stores made a great deal of supplying fresh fruit and vegetables to said communities. They were actually quite a bit cheaper than what you could get in Alice Springs, Katherine or D-Town, and from what I am told were also really decent in quality.

This lasted for about six months, before demand trumped good intentions and it went back to Coke and chicken wings.

December 3, 2023 6:46 pm

Rog, that horse bolted long ago.

Someone has to bite the bullet before it becomes one of the largest expenditure lines in the budget.

December 3, 2023 6:47 pm

The hot takes have come thick a fast. They are all indistinguishable garbage.

Oh, I don’t think so, bespoke. I think we can exercise a modicum of discernment.

December 3, 2023 6:47 pm
December 3, 2023 6:47 pm

Dec 3, 2023 5:16 PM

Something good comes out of COP28:

20+ countries have signed an agreement on the sidelines to triple their investment in nuclear energy

Note who’s missing…Us!

We could do more than triple our investment without costing a cent.


Winston Smith
December 3, 2023 6:49 pm


It distresses me still that some here continue to acknowledge these disturbed animalistic creatures of dark malice with their chosen name, which, as I have referenced previously, means ‘courage’ in Arabic.

I don’t speak Arabic here, but I do speak English. In my language, ‘hamas’ means ‘barbarian thug.’

December 3, 2023 6:50 pm

Any Cats watched The Fall?
From a decade ago.
Looking for a series to binge watch.
Reviews are mixed but Gillian Anderson interests me.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
December 3, 2023 6:53 pm

Everyone’s favourite bloke Daniel Andrews, continuing to impress the punters after his ‘exit from public life’ (the Hun):

It’s not just the golf course where all and sundry are teeing off at Daniel Andrews – it seems Melbourne’s social circuit is also fraught with traps.

A tuxedoed Andrews found himself in the rough again just after midnight at this weekend’s plush NGV Gala, which has been dubbed Melbourne’s own version of the prestigious Met Gala.


a glam Melbourne mum summoned up all her Dutch courage to approach the ex Premier for a selfie. But it was all a ruse.

No sooner had she snapped a picture of the pair grinning into the camera than she turned on Mr Andrews, giving him a piece of her mind about his tough pandemic restrictions.

She hated the way the then Premier dealt with lockdowns and how it “screwed up all our children”, the feisty mum said.


Despite being “very drunk” himself, according to curious onlookers, the ex politician for once bit his tongue and copped it on his hairy chin.

But almost immediately afterwards Mr Andrews raced off to find his wife Catherine, resplendent in red, before they both made a swift exit.

I have no idea why this cretin continues to believe he is a river to his people.

December 3, 2023 6:55 pm

So, it is not surprising the waters get muddied every now and then when one power flexes its muscles. But the alternative, with a concentration of power, is worse.

The states are also intended to balance the power of Canberra, something Canberra has been actively working against for the best part of 80 years now.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
December 3, 2023 6:55 pm

Wodney earlier:-

As I stated earlier, all the paintings that I have ever seen and the films that have ever been made (that I know of) show Jesus as being WHITE.

Oh, well, there’s your evidence then.
Paintings done 1500 years after His death and fillems made 1900 years after His death.
Fillems made in Hollywood. Where Anglo and Dutch actors were painted to look like Injuns and Negroes.
Go service the lady-boy you moron.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
December 3, 2023 6:56 pm

The first foreign interview with incoming Dutch PM Geert Wilders

Unlikely he’ll be PM. The purples will more likely join up in a green-red-blue-oops teal* coalition like Germany to keep those noisome conservatives from PVV and the farmers’ party out.

(* ie Mark Rutte and the VVD)

Top Ender
Top Ender
December 3, 2023 6:56 pm

Any Cats watched The Fall?

Gave up on it around 4 episodes into series 1.

Gillian Anderson was good but the premise – powerful woman solves crimes – is getting a bit hackneyed these days. They threw the Irish charm angle at it but ho-hum.

December 3, 2023 6:57 pm

Dec 3, 2023 6:50 PM
Any Cats watched The Fall?
From a decade ago.
Looking for a series to binge watch.
Reviews are mixed but Gillian Anderson interests me.

I thought it was very good. Not easy viewing but very well done.

December 3, 2023 6:58 pm

Thanks Zatara.
Will be a great test for the BCS, how much will ESPN influence their decisions.

December 3, 2023 7:05 pm

I have no idea why this cretin continues to believe he is a river to his people.

Perfect! To quote another, “whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad”.

On Gillian Anderson – impressive. And aeons away from her Scully role.

December 3, 2023 7:07 pm

Someone has to bite the bullet before it becomes one of the largest expenditure lines in the budget.

Rog, I’m not a politician (for which everyone on this continent should be grateful for) but the NDIS would never have leapt into life from my drawing board, being a sea of red ink.

Especially allowing the states to completely renege any so called responsibility, which they never exhibited in the first place.

Competitive federalism died with Joh ‘Jelke Product*.

*The bloated sack of protoplasm on the right of the photo, Cats.

December 3, 2023 7:09 pm

What would you describe the creature to the left as, Rabz?

Suggestion…a pus filled bottom boil?

Cassie of Sydney
December 3, 2023 7:12 pm

I don’t want to see a black actress play the Norfolk born, Kent raised Anne Boleyn, it’s insulting to her memory. I also don’t want to see a black actress play the long suffering Queen Charlotte, who had a difficult life, particularly when her husband went mad, that’s also insulting to her memory. As for Cleopatra or Hannibal being “black”, apart from the fact that it’s laughable, it’s racesplaining history. NO.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
December 3, 2023 7:13 pm
December 3, 2023 7:18 pm

calli, a pus filled house sized bottom boil …

I tells ya!

December 3, 2023 7:22 pm

Ya reckon Rabz?- must admit to having a soft spot for JBP (before he lost it). As for pleasurechook…

December 3, 2023 7:22 pm

u mad bro


December 3, 2023 7:24 pm
December 3, 2023 7:27 pm

Cats, if you’re ever tasked with trying to describe to an extra-terrestrial being the concept of Rock ‘n’ Roll, just play them this wondrous l’il ditty.

Deafeningly loudly, of course …

As we would all want to 🙂

December 3, 2023 7:27 pm

I know it’s fashionable here to talk about denying women the vote. I disagree. What I would like to see is voluntary voting.

Let’s compromise. Women get half a vote and are allowed into universities only if they do STEM.

December 3, 2023 7:34 pm

must admit to having a soft spot for JJP (before he lost it)

Milt – I wasn’t aware he ever “had it”.

But that’s good ol’ Queenthland* for ya. Braindead imbeciles (BIRM) leavened with 9.5 bimbages on the “Hot/Crazee Scale”.

When too much tropical brain pan fried idiocy is barely enough.

*Courtesy of KD.

December 3, 2023 7:36 pm

Joh made Qld the envy of the commonwealth in the 70s and 80s. Or allowed it to become the envy of the commonwealth.

December 3, 2023 7:38 pm

Tonights SBS News is full jew hate.

They have always been far more insidious than ABC.

December 3, 2023 7:39 pm

Women get half a vote and are allowed into universities only if they do STEM.

Meanwhile, men gat a full vote and are allowed into universities to do social “sciences” and cake decorating?

Ping off.

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
December 3, 2023 7:39 pm

The Most Morally Degenerate Media Representation of the tragedy.
Excellent idea.
I’m sure that Their ABC will devote just as much cross-promotion to our award as they indulge the Shonkys, IgNobels and Darwins. /sarc
The Wormtongue?
The Disseminator, a gilt turkey baster?
The Quibbler?
Oooh, that’s a good one- The Qibla. A nice black cube, as Monty Burns would say, as black as your heart???

December 3, 2023 7:40 pm



December 3, 2023 7:42 pm

Agree though that JBP made a fool of himself with Milan Brych.

Cassie of Sydney
December 3, 2023 7:44 pm

And now the BBC have cast an actor of subcontinent heritage as Isaac Newton.

Laugh or cry?

December 3, 2023 7:45 pm

the Shonkys, IgNobels and Darwins

err, Wallee, they are known as “the Wankleys” for a very obvious reason.

In the meantime, Joh Hildebeest cries into his vanity mirror every night knowing he will never, evah be gifted with one.

December 3, 2023 7:47 pm

Meanwhile, men get a full vote and are allowed into universities to do social “sciences” and cake decorating?

Hmmm. You’ve definitely put your finger on a problem there. Perhaps we should restrict men to be alpha males, none of whom would be seen dead doing social “sciences”. Beta to Omega males would count as honorary women.

Some of them would like that.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
December 3, 2023 7:48 pm

‘Heartbroken but not beaten’: Thousands join Palestine rally
Madeleine Heffernan
By Madeleine Heffernan
December 3, 2023 — 3.06pm

Listen to this article
3 min

Thousands of pro-Palestine protesters rallied for the eighth consecutive Sunday in Melbourne’s CBD, two days since fighting resumed in the Middle East after a weeklong truce.

Samah Sabawi, a Palestinian writer living in Melbourne, told the crowd that many of her family in Gaza had died during Israel’s bombing campaign since Hamas attacked on October 7, and that she was “heartbroken, but not beaten”.

Nasser Mashni, president of the Australian Palestine Advocacy Network, told The Age at the rally that the conflict had dehumanised Palestinian people.

“We are so othered, and it hurts,” he said.

The protesters listened to speeches outside the State Library, holdings signs such as “This is a war on children”, “Only kids in Gaza know how to play hide and seek with death” and “Bombing children is not self-defence”.

Police estimated that 5000 people attended the rally, but rally organisers and some observers put the figure higher, at 30,000.

Veteran Indigenous activist Professor Gary Foley, of Victoria University, said words were mightier than any “military mindset that Israel might be deploying now”.

“I see huge crowds that are starting to appear around the world in support of the Palestinian people,” he said. “You can’t conduct an exercise in horror, as is happening right now, without there being consequences further down the track. What is a young Palestinian person in the midst of all this chaos, what are they supposed to think?”

Christy Cain, national secretary of the CFMEU, called for an indefinite ceasefire. “That is genocide and that is an apartheid, and we will call it out,” he said.

“We want fuel to get through. We want electricity and fresh water. We want food to get through to the Palestinians living in Gaza.”

Hamas killed 1200 Israelis and took more than 200 hostages during an attack on southern Israel on October 7. Since then, the Health Ministry says the overall death toll in Gaza has risen to more than 15,200, including at least 200 since the ceasefire ended on Friday, AP reports.

Police estimates of attendance at the Sunday rallies held each week since October 10 have waxed and waned – between 10,000 on the first Sunday and as high as 45,000 three weeks ago. The Melbourne rally was last week addressed by federal MP Lidia Thorpe.

December 3, 2023 7:48 pm

Tonights SBS News is full jew hate.

They have always been far more insidious than ABC.

Hard to believe that’s possible but there you go. There is no reason whatsoever for it to exist with the internet.

Salvatore, Iron Publican
December 3, 2023 7:48 pm

Sally Rugg (former teal staffer & fair work litigant) posting heavily anti-Israel stuff all over social media.

December 3, 2023 7:50 pm

If any of youse are wondering why I’m so down on Queenthland (again) I had the misfortune to have to travel to Brisbanini on Wednesday for a stupid frigging work meeting.

The flight back to Sydneystan was delayed by two and a half hours. No thappee, I was. 😡

December 3, 2023 7:50 pm

Laugh, Cassie. And don’t hold back. They’re idiots.

The BEEB will ultimately crash and burn in a pyre of its own irrelevance.

I’m waiting for them to cast the Bard as a sub-Saharan. Complete with bush knife.

Salvatore, Iron Publican
December 3, 2023 7:52 pm

Nova Peris-Kneebone, former Olympian, former feral parliamentarian, has come out hard in support of Israel, condemning & damning the slaughter, rape & kidnapping of 7th October. Quite strong, no chance of getting wires crossed about what she means.

Though she does tend to drift off topic into how oppressed she also is.

December 3, 2023 7:52 pm

And the insane wouldn’t get a vote at all. That would include the mad downticker and all trannies.

December 3, 2023 7:52 pm

Sal – her correct moniker is “Sallee Rugg-Muncher” (former teal staffer & fair work litigant*).

*Thanks, taxpayers!

December 3, 2023 7:53 pm

Cut the ‘alpha male’ rubbish, BG.

Sounds needy and creepy.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
December 3, 2023 7:53 pm

Letting women vote results in the Teals.
Case closed.

December 3, 2023 7:54 pm

Had a beaut time in Brissi in October- great botanic gardens, New Farm park, lovely lunch at Cleveland. Great place.

December 3, 2023 7:56 pm

Tonight’s SBS Nooze is full of Jew hatred


Wankley Award winning stuff.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
December 3, 2023 7:57 pm

Speaking of rallies, the Grampians/Gariwerd Nazis are clearly hoping to do a bit of piggybacking* (the Hun):

Ballarat locals were left shocked when dozens of masked men dressed in black from the National Socialist Network paraded down Sturt Street in the city’s centre on Sunday afternoon.

Led by a single unmasked man and another holding a megaphone, the group were heard shouting “Australia for the white man” while they marched down the middle of the road.

By ‘dozens’, a more accurate description would be ‘a dozen and a half unco-ordinated poseurs dressed all in black and unable to walk in the same direction at the same time’.

They went down part of Sturt Street, then got into their cars and repeated the process for a couple of hundred yards on the road leading to Sovereign Hill.

Then it was back into the Commodores and to the front of the local jack shop, where they took photos before going home because it was getting close to pudding time.

The group were also heard singing Rule Britannia as they marched and were seen taking photos at Ballarat’s Eureka memorial.

Hahahaaa. Flogs.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
December 3, 2023 7:57 pm


December 3, 2023 7:57 pm

Let’s play ‘What words are missing?’

H@m@s [my edit as always] killed 1200 Israelis and took more than 200 hostages during an attack on southern Israel on October 7.

O.K., I’ll go for ‘unprovoked,’ ‘murdered,’ ‘civilians,’ and ‘raped.’

December 3, 2023 7:58 pm

The BEEB will ultimately crash and burn in a pyre of its own irrelevance.

hope so and I hope the ABC and SBS do too

December 3, 2023 7:59 pm

And now the BBC have cast an actor of subcontinent heritage as Isaac Newton.

Just wait until he whips up a korma.

The Beer whisperer
The Beer whisperer
December 3, 2023 7:59 pm

My wife is watching a documentary by Miriam Margoyles, of Australia.

Anyway, in passing hear her say she wants to “meet an aborigine”.

Next thing she’s speaking to………..

*drum roll*



What an idiot.

December 3, 2023 8:00 pm

I had a lot of admiration for Dev Patel. A great actor, and most watchable.

He had a choice when presented with the “woke” role of David Copperfield. He could have said, “No. I will not play an Englishman. I will not do Whiteface.”.

Instead, he succumbed to Woke. And thus became exactly what is denigrated by those he clearly supports.

It’s not an accident of language that actors are hypocrites.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
December 3, 2023 8:02 pm

Let’s play ‘What words are missing?’

Muddy – You missed “atrocity” and “war crimes”.

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
December 3, 2023 8:03 pm

Rabz I thought I was being subtle, shivving in the “awards” which are given in contempt.
There’s also an award which is given by the banshees of Emily’s List for the most sexistness WASP evah of the year… can’t recall what they call it, but it’s really a mark of based honour for the Beetrooter or A666ott or whoever they pick.
A bit like Dr Duk and Cookerpedia.
but I’m digressing- back to the Wormtongue/Blackheart- I believe the concept of taqqiya is due for seizure and weaponization against these snakes.
The Bill Leake Memorial Kiffiyeh Sash for Taqqiya and Wahabi Whattaboutism, going to the Biggest Qibla in Australian Journalism.

Cassie of Sydney
December 3, 2023 8:03 pm

Samah Sabawi, a Palestinian writer living in Melbourne, told the crowd that many of her family in Gaza had died during Israel’s bombing campaign since Hamas attacked on October 7, and that she was “heartbroken, but not beaten”.”


December 3, 2023 8:04 pm



Blessed with a house sized bottomage, it is …

December 3, 2023 8:07 pm

Peter Costello ought to be ashamed of himself being associated with that despicable zombie organization.

December 3, 2023 8:07 pm

It’s unfortunate that people in Gaza have suffered. It’s what actual war looks like.

A bit different to an “incursion” involving murder, rape, torture and abduction of your enemies. But there it is.

Return the hostages and it’s over. Whoops, no hostages left?

Bye bye.

December 3, 2023 8:08 pm

My polyester goil

Who just would not be my li’l Miss Yael, Cats! 🙂

Cassie of Sydney
December 3, 2023 8:10 pm

Bye bye.


December 3, 2023 8:13 pm

Albo competing against Whitlam’s legacy is perhaps understandable for a full-on narcissist – ish.

But, Albo competing against Fraser for the nation’s most destructive immigration policy is, is, just fuc*ed.

December 3, 2023 8:17 pm
H B Bear
H B Bear
December 3, 2023 8:17 pm

My wife is watching a documentary by Miriam Margoyles, of Australia

Always much fun to be had when Aunty brings one of their faves out to the colonies.

Boambee John
Boambee John
December 3, 2023 8:18 pm


I would, however, like to see The Cat community vote on an award for The Most Morally Degenerate Media Representation of the tragedy.

I am unable to vote, as I have not read, listened to or watched anything from the MSM on this horror.

But based on previous performance, I nominate Their ABC for malignant deceptiveness, if there is such a category.

Winston Smith
December 3, 2023 8:21 pm

Cassie of Sydney

Dec 3, 2023 7:44 PM
And now the BBC have cast an actor of subcontinent heritage as Isaac Newton.
Laugh or cry?

Third option – Ignore.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
December 3, 2023 8:24 pm


Dec 3, 2023 6:02 PM

However did The White Lotus ever get made?

A producer with too much money?

However did they manage to get a series two & now a third series in production?

Stories that go no where.

Yeah, a bit Seinfeld.
Stories about nothing.
Usually starts with some dramatic scene and then they spend six episodes pulling a dozen disparate characters together around that event.

H B Bear
H B Bear
December 3, 2023 8:25 pm

Albo competing against Whitlam’s legacy is perhaps understandable for a full-on narcissist – ish.

Mavis is on the working draft as we speak.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
December 3, 2023 8:25 pm

Return the hostages and it’s over.

And surrender. Israel invoked Article 40 Aleph, which is a formal declaration of war, for the first time in 50 years. That requires Hamas to surrender either unconditionally or by negotiation. The latter seems unlikely. The third option is extermination, if they want that.

December 3, 2023 8:26 pm

Samah Sabawi, a Palestinian writer living in Melbourne, told the crowd that many of her family in Gaza had died during Israel’s bombing campaign since Hamas attacked on October 7, and that she was “heartbroken, but not beaten”.

Uh huh. Name them.

Now tell us how many of them were Hamas.

Boambee John
Boambee John
December 3, 2023 8:31 pm

Dec 3, 2023 7:54 PM
Had a beaut time in Brissi in October- great botanic gardens, New Farm park, lovely lunch at Cleveland. Great place.

Were the jacarandas blooming in New Farm Park? Dick Ed posted a photo of them a couple of years ago that was traced to Peshawar. I hope the New Farm Park ones are still there.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
December 3, 2023 8:31 pm

This lasted for about six months, before demand trumped good intentions and it went back to Coke and chicken wings.

Like Top Ender, I have a patent out on closing down the outstations and remote communities as the solution to most aboriginal issues. It won’t solve the entire diabetes issue; aborigines may have a genetic susceptibility to diabetes, and the fast food culture also exists amongst working-class populations in the rural townships, where diabetes is also rife. But it would be a start to a normal life and hope for better nutritional standards in the next generation.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
December 3, 2023 8:33 pm

Uh huh. Name them.

Excellent. The Maggie Thatcher response. Always catches them out.

December 3, 2023 8:33 pm

Don’t recall tbh BJ. Lovely spot though. Certainly say them in Grafton.

December 3, 2023 8:34 pm

Don’t recall tbh BJ. Lovely spot though. Certainly saw them in Grafton.

December 3, 2023 8:35 pm
December 3, 2023 8:38 pm

Gina Rinehart purchases South Perth property to house nearly 20 WA war veterans

RAAFA chief executive officer Michelle Fyfe

Hmmm. Michelle Fyfe. Where have I heard that name? Recently departed WAPlod Big Cheese With Lots Of Shiny Bits On Her Shoulders? Maybe didn’t cover herself with glory as a WAPloddess?

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
December 3, 2023 8:39 pm

Interesting piece in this month’s Quadrant by Salvadore Babones, rehashing quite expertly the old saw that Marlow wrote Shakespeare. I dunno, maybe he did.

Salvatore, Iron Publican
December 3, 2023 8:40 pm

Knuckle Dragger Dec 3, 2023 7:57 PM
Speaking of rallies, the Grampians/Gariwerd Nazis are clearly hoping to do a bit of piggybacking* (the Hun):
Ballarat locals were left shocked when dozens of masked men dressed in black from the National Socialist Network paraded down Sturt Street in the city’s centre on Sunday afternoon.

That was sooo funny.
While they’ve twigged that Nazi marches are now socially acceptable (since 7th October) the dull-witted country bumpkins wore straight black without any adornments of Palestinian flags or Keffiyah, likewise the drongs haven’t updated their banners from “Australia for the White Man” to “Israel = Genocide” “Gas the Jews” “Occupiers Out”

I commend them for marching & hope they do more of it, next time in the proper PLO uniform.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
December 3, 2023 8:41 pm

Anyways, being called to dinner by one Hairy cook, and an evening of home festivities.

December 3, 2023 8:43 pm

It’s just sabotage, I tells ya! 😕

December 3, 2023 8:48 pm

the dull-witted country bumpkins wore straight black without any adornments of Palestinian flags or Keffiyah

Not fake nayzees, again! 😕

December 3, 2023 8:50 pm

Miriam Margoyles,

Who is that frump, and why does she get a TV gig?

H B Bear
H B Bear
December 3, 2023 8:51 pm

Maybe didn’t cover herself with glory as a WAPloddess?

Top cops out of favour? Out the trough Bomber. Music’s stopped.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
December 3, 2023 8:51 pm

Dec 3, 2023 7:59 PM
And now the BBC have cast an actor of subcontinent heritage as Isaac Newton.

Just wait until he whips up a korma.

The new Dr Who will be a non-white person.

December 3, 2023 8:54 pm

Moose and Squirrel*

*Of the distraction sort, with a bit of Wussian Brunettage …

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
December 3, 2023 8:56 pm

The new Dr Who will be a non-white person.

Unlike Jesus. Who was whitey white-white, and – according to millennia of artists – apparently from northern Germany judging by skin tone and golden/chestnut beardery.


December 3, 2023 8:56 pm
Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
December 3, 2023 9:01 pm


Dec 3, 2023 7:42 PM

Agree though that JBP made a fool of himself with Milan Brych.

I had forgotten that shit-show.

December 3, 2023 9:01 pm

Cheers cohenite. Plebs like me appreciate the laymans explanation.

Any idea how this crap can be curbed? Not like you can appeal a HC decision.

December 3, 2023 9:01 pm

Boambee John:

I nominate Their ABC for malignant deceptiveness, if there is such a category.

Thanks, B.J. So noted.
If I can get enough feedback to assist my present intermittently-functional cognition, I’ll pop it all into a guest post.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
December 3, 2023 9:02 pm

The new Dr Who will be a non-white person.

Doctor Who: Ncuti Gatwa Will Be The First Black Gay Doctor (Aug 2022)

Of course.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
December 3, 2023 9:04 pm

The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion.

– Albert Camus

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
December 3, 2023 9:06 pm

Cassie of Sydney

Dec 3, 2023 7:44 PM

And now the BBC have cast an actor of subcontinent heritage as Isaac Newton.

Laugh or cry?

Does his head wobble when the apple hits it?
And he says, “Oh, my goodness gracious me … it must be gravity.”

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
December 3, 2023 9:16 pm

Knuckle Dragger
Dec 3, 2023 8:56 PM

And as for a black Madonna –

“According to Christian belief, Mary is a Galilean Jewish woman from Nazareth”

Goggle in the know………………………………….

December 3, 2023 9:18 pm

I confess. I’m disappointed that the part of Sir Isaac Newton isn’t being played by Cate Blanchett.

She did Richard II after all.

And she claims to be able to change gravity.

December 3, 2023 9:20 pm

The Kate.

The Best.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
December 3, 2023 9:26 pm

“According to Christian belief, Mary is a Galilean Jewish woman from Nazareth”

According to you, Jesus was a Swiss albino.

Did you forget what you posted earlier, at 2.51:

every painting and film that I have ever seen shows Jesus as a White Man

Or were you busy Ponzi-flogging for your benefactor?

December 3, 2023 9:29 pm
John H.
John H.
December 3, 2023 9:35 pm

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Dec 3, 2023 8:31 PM
This lasted for about six months, before demand trumped good intentions and it went back to Coke and chicken wings.

Like Top Ender, I have a patent out on closing down the outstations and remote communities as the solution to most aboriginal issues. It won’t solve the entire diabetes issue; aborigines may have a genetic susceptibility to diabetes, and the fast food culture also exists amongst working-class populations in the rural townships, where diabetes is also rife. But it would be a start to a normal life and hope for better nutritional standards in the next generation.

Long ago some doctors took some aborigines back to a traditional lifestyle. Within weeks their metabolic metrics showed huge improvement. Not just diet, also about movement but they appear to have a different metabolic response to carbs.

These findings add weight to the hypothesis that rapidly digested carbohydrate in western diets may be one of the factors in the lifestyle change which precipitates diabetes in indigenous populations.

Until the current group of activists are removed from influence it is a lost cause. There are so many things wrong with their approach to the issues. When governments fail they are kicked out, when companies perform badly management and directors are sacked, when activists fail they get more funding; they should be sacked.

December 3, 2023 9:35 pm

Dec 3, 2023 9:18 PM
I confess. I’m disappointed that the part of Sir Isaac Newton isn’t being played by Cate Blanchett.

She did Richard II after all.

And she claims to be able to change gravity.

Funniest quote of the day !

December 3, 2023 9:36 pm

Cheers cohenite. Plebs like me appreciate the laymans explanation.

Any idea how this crap can be curbed? Not like you can appeal a HC decision.

The HC rejection of indefinite detention is based not on the Constitution but Australia’s signatory to international conventions. Remove membership of same and introduce laws saying that non-citizens who are not refugees and therefore do not face refoulement must be returned to their home nation, no matter that they face the death penalty or any penalty inconsistent with Australia’s laws in their home nation. Those who are genuine refugees, regardless of whether they have left a third nation of safe asylum, have committed heinous crimes and are not citizens, stay in detention.

December 3, 2023 9:37 pm

Cats, speaking upon his demise (untimely or otherwise), the Kissinger was a “controversial personage”.

Hanging around with the Nixon, back in the good ol’ days …

We don’t need no Re-Ron … 😕

December 3, 2023 9:38 pm
December 3, 2023 9:42 pm
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
December 3, 2023 9:47 pm

Good doco, disproving one of the tenets of Pali propaganda.

December 3, 2023 9:48 pm

I’m a Womanage

She is just …

The Beer whisperer
The Beer whisperer
December 3, 2023 9:48 pm

Albo competing against Whitlam’s legacy is perhaps understandable for a full-on narcissist – ish.

I’ve heard a lot of hyperbole here on the Cat, much of which proclaims someone or other os worse than Whitlam.

But the proof is in the pudding.

Albo has put forward the voice to executive government (voice to parliament was a sales pitch, not the reality), the Digital ID (Big Brother legislation), legislation to destroy the sole trader, and the aptly named “misinformation” bill, which gives the government carte blanche to lie and punish truth tellers simultaneously).

Whitlam was a cowboy. Albo is a radical Marxist destroying free speech, privacy and freedom.

Albo is the biggest threat to freedom this country has ever faced.

I’ll concede Cats underestimating formerly harness Albo.

As Jordan Peterson recently said, “if you think strong men are dangerous, just sed what weak men are capable of”.

Remember, weak men operate in packs, under the safety of herds. Isolate and deconstruct. Or suffer the consequences.

December 3, 2023 9:49 pm
December 3, 2023 9:52 pm


Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
December 3, 2023 10:05 pm

every painting and film that I have ever seen shows Jesus as a White Man

Would have to be among the top five silliest statements ever posted at this Cat and it’s predecessor.

December 3, 2023 10:05 pm

It is what it is, Cats – and I like it! 🙂

December 3, 2023 10:14 pm

Nuclear for Australia Founder William Shackel discusses how the world is “going nuclear” as he attends the COP28 summit in Dubai.

This Shackel guy is the lad who muted turtle on Q&A. He’s an odd looking young fella but makes sense on nuclear, although he still stays on script about global boiling which is why he gets in the room I guess.

December 3, 2023 10:18 pm

shows Jesus as a white man

As opposed to a long haired beardo hippee of the Hebrew faith, which were the only portrayals I ever saw him as when a yoof at school, back in the (cue spookee muzak ..) Nineteen Seventies.

Thanks very much, you brown flared trouser wearing idiots. Go and suck on the goon bag before trying to get it on with a braindead blonde bimbage from the States who’s experiencing some work experience in this stupid, stupid country.

As for the latter, lie back and think of Signor Alan Grassby. You know you want to.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
December 3, 2023 10:25 pm
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
December 3, 2023 10:27 pm

Babies of diabetic mums born with birth defects: doctors

By natasha robinson
Health Editor
9:23PM December 3, 2023
No Comments

Babies of mothers who have type 2 diabetes in pregnancy are being born with congenital defects including holes in the heart and malformed kidneys, frontline clinicians reveal as the ­nationwide diabetes battle extends into a new front.

Endocrinologists at public hospitals have highlighted the trend as the numbers of pregnant women with youth-onset type 2 diabetes grows, with as many as 15 per cent of babies born to these mothers having some form of congenital malformation.

Doctors are reporting holes in the heart, open spines and malformed kidneys are being seen in the babies of these mothers, and they are now calling for women of childbearing age to be screened for type 2 diabetes before falling pregnant.
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It comes after the The Australian reported the national diabetes epidemic was pushing hospitals to the brink of collapse, with up to one-third of ­patients in urban centres affected by the condition and kidney di­alysis clinics at absolute capacity in Central Australia, where one in 100 people has end-stage kidney failure and is forced to depend on the largest dialysis clinics in the southern hemisphere in Alice Springs.

“I see people in my clinic who have not been seen in pre-­pregnancy and they come in with a high blood glucose which could have been managed,” said David Simmons, a southwestern Sydney endocrinologist.

“I have to talk to them about why it is that their baby has a hole in the heart and is going to need major surgery because their type 2 diabetes was undiagnosed or undermanaged or the baby may have some other congenital malformation that may have been able to be avoided.”

Professor Simmons said the rate of congenital malformations among women with type 2 diabetes in southwest Sydney was as high as 15.6 per cent in peer-reviewed research against a background national rate among those without diabetes of 2 per cent.

“We don’t have many places in pre-pregnancy clinics,” Professor Simmons said.

“We don’t have a pre-pregnancy approach to ensure women enter pregnancy with the best possible management.”

The number of people with type 2 diabetes, a condition in which patients become insulin resistant and develop dangerously high blood sugar levels, has tripled in the past 30 years. The disease is forecast to affect one in 12 Australians by 2050, costing the nation at least $45bn a year.

One in 10 deaths is attributable to diabetes currently, and a minor or major amputation is performed every two days in Australian hospitals as a result of diabetes complications. The condition is also the leading cause of premature blindness and causes heart attack, strokes and nerve problems.

There is no national data on the prevalence of type 2 diabetes in pregnancy, but the numbers of such women is growing as the age of diagnosis of the condition – previously a disease of middle age – gets younger and younger.

Alice Springs-based endocrinolgist Elna Ellis said the rising rates of women with type 2 diabetes in pregnancy was now a “significant burden” on the health system and was entrenching intergenerational disease.

Some patients in Alice Springs hospital were presenting with extraordinarily high blood glucose levels before even being diagnosed amid a primary care workforce shortage.

“We would not infrequently have patients presenting with glucose levels of 30 or higher,” she said. “We have really been struggling to recruit qualified people as diabetes educators.”

Dr Ellis said it was devastating to see children as young as four now being affected by type 2 diabetes. “It is heartbreaking as a doctor to see that,” she said. “That trajectory to me is absolutely shocking and heartbreaking. If I had to envisage that that potentially was my child, I would be absolutely devastated. And even more so if I felt that there wasn’t enough action being taken to raise awareness of it.

“Where we could do far better is in terms of prevention. Unfortunately, our primary healthcare is not adequately resourced and in fact was annihilated following the Covid pandemic. So much of the focus, unfortunately, is on acute presentations.”

According to Darwin endocrinologist Matthew Hare, who wrote his PhD on the topic at the Menzies School of Health Research, Aboriginal women in Central Australia have the highest rates of type 2 diabetes in pregnancy ever reported globally.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
December 3, 2023 10:32 pm

As for the latter, lie back and think of Signor Alan Grassby. You know you want to.

Donald MacKay was unavailable for comment.

December 3, 2023 10:34 pm

Saying ‘there is no such thing as the separation of powers. It’s a doctrine that’s judicially made up…In Canada or Britain or New Zealand there is no separation of powers doctrine that allows Judges to strike down legislation. So the real question was the Migration Act, does the Migration Act allow indefinite detention and is the Migration Act constitutional? And back in 2004 the HC 4-3…said yes…Implicitly they must have overruled [the 2004 decision]…. But they haven’t released the reasons for the Judgement.’

By Parliament (including the King in Parliament, firstly needing Parliament to assent, then assenting to Parliament’s wishes) accepting precedent and the common law, which predated Parliament, there has been legislative support for judicial independence. Criminal law often refers to the common law. Then there is equity as an avenue for relief and Roman law precepts coming from canon law even predating the Normans. Imposition of certain writs and rules like the mischief rule (arising from a suit in equity) meant that laws were impossible to enforce in part or whole; however, Parliament or the King had legislated for this to be so. Now the Court of the Exchequer that dealt with the mischief rule was a derivative of the function of the Curia Regis. Surely it was no longer part of the executive per se save for the Chancellor of the Exchequer (who seldom sat as a judge), but it absolutely had legitimate power to make these decisions.

Given the various Acts made in the UK and elsewhere creating the UK High Court and reforming the judiciary, adoption of human rights legislation or treaties and revision of administrative law; the idea that the separation of powers and judicial review not being real is a very weak claim.

Indefinite detention is a strange term. Can’t they voluntarily go back?

What about contempt of court?

The matter is really this simple. Most of the Migration Act legislation as it accumulates deprecates executive power. Deportation ought to be an administrative decision and parole ought to be judicially reviewable. Those two precepts would have avoided this whole sordid affair.

December 3, 2023 10:34 pm

A goil

December 3, 2023 10:40 pm

Oirish self parodies, blundering as they did into Harlem …

December 3, 2023 11:22 pm

Unlikely he’ll be PM. The purples will more likely join up in a green-red-blue-oops teal* coalition like Germany to keep those noisome conservatives from PVV and the farmers’ party out.

The most likely possibility is that he becomes PM anyway or wins a subsequent snap election in a landslide with the BBB.

He has the numbers.

December 3, 2023 11:46 pm

Paris at Christmas. FMD

Tourist is stabbed to death and ‘British man is knifed in front of his wife and child by assailant who shouted Allahu Akbar before attacking people in central Paris near the Eiffel Tower’ – as suspect is arrested

Throw them all out .

December 4, 2023 12:05 am

Had a great dinner last night and met an Argentinian dude who knows Milei.

He’s leaving NY this coming week for meetings with him.

I’d say he wasn’t optimistic about Milei getting his policies through because he believes the country’s institutions are so ossified and will prevent him from getting important policies accepted in the Congress.

Anyway, he promised me he’d tell Milei he has an admirer all the way from Australia next time he meets him.

I had to laugh, as his wife wasn’t enthralled about accompanying him to Argentina. She said she wasn’t looking forward to going to dinners at night at 10 pm and eating steak every single time. Apparently, it’s mostly what they eat.

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
December 4, 2023 12:30 am

Ah- Argentina.
Decrepit towns, aged steaks and young reds.

Real Deal
Real Deal
December 4, 2023 7:25 am

Regarding the appearance of Jesus (not the actual Incarnation but what as a human, he looked like), it is a well established fact that he looked exactly like most of the members of Supertramp circa 1979.

Anyone who watches the video of the Logical Song will be compelled to agree.

Louis Litt
Louis Litt
December 4, 2023 12:57 pm

Zulu – 2/12 @@ 11.34pm

Well done in putting this up. It takes a bit to get past the first few lines and now throwing hte paper out in the bin in having to read this shit nad people thinkiig it is acceptable.

My take is that if you a caucasion female you are open slather for rape ande murder. Expecially if you are well groomed ,gracios and happy.
Thinking of all happy private school girls in particuar from teh English Schools – you are hte target.
Just look at how Nicloe Flint, the liberla candidate for Elder – gorgeous lebenese woman, Samantha Armatage are treated.

Louis Litt
Louis Litt
December 5, 2023 10:14 pm

Dot 2/12 @ 5:39

These people have passed being 17 yrs of age.
This is the rubbish you talked about when at school to realise how beneficial it was.
He probably was involved in the coke advert in the 70s about people from all over the world walking over a bridge together while listening to John Lennons Imagine.
In real life he lives by the Christian ethos all the while pretending he rebels against it.
Pathetic, idiotic.

Not Uh oh
Not Uh oh
December 5, 2023 10:42 pm

Anyone seen the security footage from the anti-Semitic food throwing incident at Westfield Bondi yesterday. My b.s. detector is off the scale.

1 4 5 6
  1. You tried this yesterday re production v productive capacity and ran aground. Leaving that aside, I really don’t know what’s…

  2. After watching the glorious and beautiful displays of Orange lights, in memoriam for Shiri, Kfir and Ariel, throughout most of…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x