Zomzing like zis.. https://youtu.be/X4aVueFmOHo?si=d7j_53XoKIBcsecK
Zomzing like zis.. https://youtu.be/X4aVueFmOHo?si=d7j_53XoKIBcsecK
Good morning all. And a great big fcuk you to the Greens in Prahran. Even the gays and hippies are…
Midnight Man – Flash and the Pan https://youtu.be/EnMVWa3WIQw
Norsemen “Viking fashion”
Turn it back into farmland like it was before 2005.
First time first
Leeroy Jenkins!
Always impressed by your artwork choices, Dover. Bravo
A Womanage who is not a Technocrat … 🙂
The proper version …
My kid told me a hilarious tale about something that happened at her job more than ten years ago that was told to her. This occurred prior to her working there.
A software engineer came to work with a pet. The pet was a freaking python snake. After escaping the cage, it was discovered a few days later behind a cupboard.
Reminds me of a software genius from hometown Busselona who was in NY, his apartment building was close enough to the twin towers to cop rubble on the roof on 9/11- barred from entry for a couple of weeks before a structural review could clear it. Lots of residents were irate about having left their pets in- the NYFD let everyone back in on the sly to extract them- but not all pets were found… and their flatmate couldn’t find his carpet python… damn coldblooded killer turned up again years later in a skip bin, some dude in a bodega gave the flatmate a call as a reptile handler, and he called it back out to him by name.
but seriously… no way will I ever trust one
For Shame McGowan (Pogues)
And the band played waltzing matilda
Pair of Brown Eyes
Wally, link doesn’t work.
Oooh I got another late night tale c/o wifey.
Youngish tattoo’d n pierced couple bring their 30kg python in to the vet. Thing is wasting away, they admit that they’ve been neglecting it a bit, it’s gone off its mice, they reckon it’s depressed.
No says Dr Dali, this damn thing is a heartless reptile, the most likely is it’s anticipated a big meal opportunity in its environment and it’s pre-fasting in order to have the digestive room to take it on- is there a new pet in the house, another snake, or a cat or dog?
Young couple have gone white. “We’ve just had a baby.”
Interesting choice if true.
Cruel – but this bloke has no chance for a second date:
Johannes Leak.
Mark Knight.
Mark Knight #2.
David Pope.
Christian Adams.
Michael Ramirez.
A.F. Branco.
Matt Margolis.
Gary Varvel.
Al Goodwyn.
Lisa Benson.
Ben Garrison.
Thanks Tom.
Vikki Campion:
Eye watering numbers. Lol at the ‘calculator’ devised by someone who obviously lives in a bubble.
The general consensus is that Labor will be a one term government so that gives Bowen not much time to totally destroy Australia’s landscape, and seascape with plans for offshore wind installations. Which I think the calculator may well explode trying to work those offshore numbers.
Why is it that so many of us like Dover’s choice of artworks? No abstract rubbish? Thanks for them, boss. That Russian guy Ivan Shishkin was unknown to me.
Winston Peters is kicking goals in NZ. He’s been around the block a few times now so he understands the media and how to treat them.
In the Paywallion. Apologies if this was already posted in the last OT:
Businessman won’t donate a cent more to STC
A businessman who has donated thousands to the Sydney Theatre Company says he will “not donate a cent more” after several actors in two STC plays protested against the “occupation” and “genocide” in Gaza, and the company gave a “mealy-mouthed” apology.
Long-time Jewish donor Michael Markiewicz donated $10,000 in 2020, but estimates he donates $5000 most years.
Mr Markiewicz, who arrived in Sydney from overseas on Friday afternoon, said he would also cancel his 2024 STC subscription and ask for it to be refunded if the company didn’t take up the Jewish community’s offer of an “education session” with the entire cast of The Seagull.
“Now that I understand the actors union supports their actions, I am pessimistic and won’t wait long,” the son of Holocaust survivors wrote in a letter to STC head of philanthropy Tom Tansey and artistic director Kip Williams.
Yet, philanthropist Colin Tate AM, who has donated $105,000 to the STC in the last 12 months, said his money was safe and donors should “calm down and not pull funding” from an organisation already in a tough financial situation, due to “three people wearing scarfs”.
“The STC has a very large makeup of wealthy Jewish funders. And I think it would be a shame for that funding and power to damage the independence of what is a great institution that runs theatre and plays designed to challenge us,” he said.
The STC was thrust into turmoil this week after three actors, led by Hollywood star Hugo Weaving’s son Harry Greenwood, chose to wear Palestinian scarfs during the encore of the Chekhov classic in Sydney last Saturday night.
Mr Tate attended the play on Saturday and did not notice the stunt, saying it was “overblown”.
Since then thousands of patrons, including Amrop chairman Mr Markiewicz, signed an open letter to the STC calling on the company to prevent future political stunts; the STC apologised for the hurt caused to thousands of Jewish patrons by an actors’ protest and the company’s own “immediate response”; and two of the 11 STC Foundation directors, Alex Schuman and Judi Hausmann, resigned.
Videos surfaced on Thursday of actors from The Visitors, a joint venture between the STC and Moogahlin Performing Arts, giving a three-minute-long scripted speech in support of Palestine following their preview performances in Canberra and Geelong, beginning on October 8. The companies have not responded to questions about whether they knew about these protests.
In his letter to the STC, Mr Markiewicz gave The Seagull actors and the STC’s handling of the fallout, a spray, saying he had “no expectation” the STC would stand in his corner against anti-Semitism.
“If (actors) Megan Wilding, Mabel Li and Harry Greenwood are humanitarians, what initiatives have they taken against … Hamas using Gazans (their own) as human shields. They want and encourage (some of) them to die,” he wrote. “(Or) the slaughter of the 1200 civilian Israelis on October 7. Some were burned alive, decapitated, gang raped … (and) the abduction of the 240 civilians.”
He told The Weekend Australian that the STC’s apology was “mealy-mouthed” and “politically-correct”.
“If the lines used in your apology appeared in an STC play about PR spin they would get a positive review. They therefore insult the intelligence of even an infrequent theatre goer and further alienate those of us who believe in Israel’s right to exist and that these behaviours support those who seek nothing less than Israel’s destruction and death to Jews worldwide.
“Is the STC community one I choose to be part of at the moment? Most definitely NOT.”
In the STC’s apology on Wednesday, it said: “We support individual freedom of expression but believe that the right to free speech does not supersede our responsibility to create safe workplaces and theatres. We believe that it was not the intent of the actors involved to cause any harm or offence.”
Mr Markiewicz wrote: “How can you possibly suggest … they didn’t intend to cause offence? So they have no responsibility for their actions? These are educated and informed people who have to grasp complex concepts, learn and absorb a lot of information and lines. Again ludicrous and insulting”.
Bugger…this should have been in bold as well:
Mr Markiewicz wrote: “How can you possibly suggest … they didn’t intend to cause offence? So they have no responsibility for their actions? These are educated and informed people who have to grasp complex concepts, learn and absorb a lot of information and lines. Again ludicrous and insulting”.
JC at 00:17
Cool story bro.
Seymour Hersh released a column saying Ukraine/Russian peace deal is being negotiated between their top generals.
Gist of it is Putin has told his guys to just get it done.
And that Zelensky is a spectator on the Ukrainian side, ie his generals are calling the shots.
Time will tell if Hersh is right, like he was with the Nord Stream where his scoop on that ended up being spot on.
Or if it’s complete horse shit.
Give it 24-48 hours for a bunch of rebuttals and see what seems more likely.
Sounds plausible, Bern. It kind of feels over too.
If the Minns and Albanese governments are confident of their numbers, they should underwrite any cost blowouts.
This is an interesting point.
Politically, this could be a good wedge issue for the stupid retarded libs.
If Bowen & co are so confident renewable targets will bring down the cost of energy, why not guarantee price caps for households & small business?
Would be a good wedge that would score points.
Economically, it would be suicide of course because taxpayers will have to pick up the tab for the enormous gap between what the renewables mob are promising and what is actually happening & will inevitably get worse.
Anyway, good political wedge to see Bowen blow a gasket.
Dec 2, 2023 6:03 AM
I still think, that a short notice privately to the board and stop donating is the go.
Makes them more aware of the seriousness of the intent.
This looks like a ‘look at me’ action.
Sure, a news paper report about it is warranted.
it’s a powder keg, and the West are paying for it.
idf made some good use of the ceasefire downtime
Hard to get invested in any major news these days.
So much deliberate lying from all parts of the media universe.
One has to make a mental bookmark and then see what else is reported over the following days.
There’s always been lying but I can’t remember it being so blatant.
What’s worse, it seems like there is literally zero consequences for the lies.
Lying seems to get rewarded.
More good use of down time
Since 7:00, the IDF has struck over 200 terror targets including areas booby-trapped with explosives, terror tunnel shafts, launch posts, and operational command centers designated by Hamas for use in the renewed fighting.
Forward towards the goal to eliminate Hamas for good.
confirmation of what was suspected. Possibly why the Bibas family might have been killed too.
Israelis getting a lot of faces to look out for too.
geolocating every piece of footage. More innocent civilians.
COP 28 have reached an agreement on contribution of agriculture to climate change.
Allow farmers to farm and you’ll have food.
Allow politicians to farm and you’ll starve.
These people are quite insane and led by a royal lunatic.
looks like hamas just plain ran out of civilian women hostages to return.
He told The Weekend Australian that the STC’s apology was “mealy-mouthed” and “politically-correct”.
Markiewicz is 100% right. It was not sincere.
I’ve written this here before and I’ll write it again, in this increasingly grotesque and hideous woke culture we find ourselves living in, there is still one thing that does pull some weight, and that’s the dosh.
Pull the dosh.
Last year, after being defamed and smeared for the words and sins of her long diseased father, Gina Rinehart did the right thing and pulled her dosh from Netball Australia. Despite Dan Xi Man gallantly coming to the rescue prior to the Victorian state election last year, Netball Australia has not fared well financially since.
Leftism under its many guises, be it progressivism, wokeism and so on, destroys everything. It’s akin to acid.
Mia Regev confirmed the death of this hostage.
Yes tampon I has quickly destroyed all the good will from.his mother’s reign. Yes they are insane and the thought of regular citizens enjoying prosperous lives really bugs them.
I used to think tampon I was a slightly amusing idiot. Turns out to be much more dangerous and actually hostile to the demos. So what is the point of keeping them?
as sickening as hamas is, the complicity of the msm is incredibly disheartening, no doubt in the cause of diversity, hamasisis apologists are who really runs too many media outlets.
someone’s saying it out loud.
Thank you rosie for your trawling of the web for information and stories to post here.
I don’t have the fortitude to venture onto Twitter and the like. I believe it takes moral courage to go through all the posts and comments and still remain sane.
It looks as though the trickle of “trade-able” hostages has run out. It’s little comfort that the fat, grinning old coot with his stick popping in to Israel for a bit of looting and worse is now a dead man. He just doesn’t know it yet. May Allah receive him in the usual way.
The BBC’s Science In Action has gone full climate retard.
They now want to attribute ALL emissions from countries which were under colonial rule for the last century or so TO those European countries that had administrative powers.
So Holland picks up all Indonesian emissions back then (before WW2) and the UK has to wear all emissions from the raft of nations including major emitter India prior to 1947.
As Cassie says, leftism also relies on the theft of funding from its enemies — taxpayers.
For example, funding for the Sydney Theatre Company ends up (inevitably) supporting terrorism as the left’s favourite victims this year are violent arab terrorists rebranded for sympathy as “Palestinians”.
Stop the funding and the incessant leftist activism will also stop.
To destroy Hamas you have to neuter Iran.
They are no longer Science based.
They have reverted to animism and shamanism and propitiation of the gods through sacrifice.
This is the Progressive cul-de-sac. It’s where every -ism leads.
Dec 2, 2023 7:35 AM
Thank you, rosie from me as well. Links have been useful.
A coalition of United States Senators, including Rick Scott (R-FL), Marco Rubio (R-FL), Tommy Tuberville (R-AL), Mike Braun (R-IN), and J.D. Vance (R-OH), have sent a compelling letter to President Joe Biden, urging an immediate travel ban from China in response to a recent outbreak of a mysterious pneumonia-like illness.
The Dems want that virus for at least the next twelve months.
leftism also relies on the theft of funding from its enemies — taxpayers.”
Which is why a future Coalition government MUST pull/cut funding to the Jew hating, far-left, woke collective known as “their ABC”. We taxpayers are funding an organisation that hates most taxpaying Australians.
As to whether a Coalition government will have the nerve to do this, I dunno, probably not. Successive Coalition governments between 2013 to 2022 were, on the whole, gutless about most things. So yes, I’m probably engaging in wishful thinking, and remember, it wasn’t too long ago, actually January 2022, that a federal Coalition government under Scumbag the Munificent increased funding to their ABC.
And Islam.
The BBC and other Western media outlets are far more than mere useful idiots (Melanie Phillips, 1 Dec)
Paging a Mr Goebbels. Is a Mr Goebbels available down here? He wanted to consult to the BBC.
It was a machete.
While it’s at top of mind this morning, I’d like to give a shout out to the Mater hospital in Mayfield, Newcastle. That’s where Dad spent his final days, in the surgical ward.
The doctors and nurses there were exceptional, professional, intuitive and kind. You come across some lovely people working in health, but this is the first time I’ve encountered them en masse. I think I know why.
No wonder the ACT was so desperate to “acquire” their own little bit of faith-based health. Over time the cohort there will be diluted with the usual careerists and pseuds.
Thanks rosie. I should be able to recognise one by now. Perhaps my brain didn’t want to acknowledge what my eyes saw.
I’ve seen them used, too. By people barely out of the trees.
Once the judiciary has enough left-leaning judges, courtesy of various presidents since the Clinton era, but particularly during the eight year Obama reign, anything becomes possible.
Trump has been ruled to have no immunity to lawsuits regarding his actions on January 6 2021. The federal appeals court is a prime example of left stacking.
The evil spirits roaming the world must count islam as one of their success stories.
Dec 2, 2023 7:35 AM
May Allah receive him in the usual way.
72 goats. Who knows if they are virgins or not.
Poor goats.
Patricia Heaton and many others are calling for the defending of UNWRA which is fundamentally running schools for jihad in Gaza, Judea and Samaria.
I’m not sure if I linked the vid here where it comes from the horse’s mouth.
Musk mentioned it as one of the three essentials to bring some semblance of peace to this part of the middle east.
Perhaps governments like Germany might actually sit up and take notice of what they are perpetuating.
Trump/Carlson in 2024?
I don’t think either off them would be that stupid.
Oh, I was thinking of something more like this guy.
The goats are safe.
And in that one quip that fellow reveals himself as either dishonest or ignorant – neither of which traits recommends his company.
One thing I have picked up from people I know in the theatre scene is that actors rarely understand the works they perform in. They understand the story – the sequence of events, they understand their own characters’ motivations (at least to the extent required to make them angry or sad or happy), but they don’t understand the ideas the piece is presenting.
The Arafat rags are just another way for them to not understand things, so it comes to them naturally.
Yes, ML.
“The scarf went on”.
Funny how they’d never excuse wearing blackface these days. They’re very dainty about some things.
The Republicans have expelled one of their own Congressmen, George Santos, for lying about his education and background. Apparently, he was one of a few who voted conservatively. He hasn’t actually been convicted of anything.
Chaya Raichik
They won’t expel Swalwell, Schiff, Omar, Tlaib, Bowman for actual treason but they’ll expel Santos. This is why we lose. I’m so sick of cowardly and spineless Republicans!!!!
On this basis, Biden would have been thrown out of the Senate 50 years ago.
here comes the next round of pandemic scare story
because it’s the low energy political path
It’s time for criminal charges to be filed against the NZ Ministry of Health officials. NOW!
After 7 weeks of silence, UN chief calls to investigate Hamas sex crimes on Oct 7
They are playing an extremely dangerous game. The cops, the DC Mayor, Pelosi, Schumer, etc. enjoy ‘qualified immunity’ for their actions. That can disappear as well and shite is really going to hit the fan if so.
In any case, discovery is going to be fun if they actually do try to sue Trump.
What sort of democracy can “mandate” what products and quantities must be sold? I thought that went out of fashion with Soviet five year plans.
Nearly 4,000 Car Dealers Beg Biden to Stop as EVs Kill Profits
As I said, bought and paid for.
Paul Ryan Caught Trying to Steer Endorsements to Nikki Haley
Colin Tate has long been known for his leftist views. He wouldn’t be so dismissive if something triggered and offended other minority groups.
Believe all women, except Jewish women.
One thing I have picked up from people I know in the theatre scene is that actors rarely understand the works they perform in. They understand the story – the sequence of events, they understand their own characters’ motivations (at least to the extent required to make them angry or sad or happy), but they don’t understand the ideas the piece is presenting.”
Having dabbled in thespianism, I agree.
Cassie of Sydney
Dec 2, 2023 7:16 AM
None of any of the ‘apologies’ are sincere. They never are.
It never varies.
It is the same SOP every time.
The intent is always the intial action to piss people off then every ‘mealy mouthed aplogy’ afterwards to pretend ‘not to cause harm or offence’:
“We believe that it was not the intent of the ‘insert name/group here‘ involved to cause any harm or offence.”
Every bloody time.
To be honest Cassie, it does show who the retarded idiots are.
She’s EXPOSING the WEF false flag coming in 2024, Journalist Whitney Webb | Redacted
Has anyone else met Olive and Mabel?
Unfortunately they aren’t allowing discovery. Which is why it is all an evil charade.
Judge Denies Trump Bid to Subpoena ‘Missing’ Jan. 6 Records (27 Nov)
They don’t dare actually examine the evidence, certainly not for Trump’s legal team to do so.
I had no.idea how evil the us is establishment was.
The kaffiyeh IS a symbol of terrorism, just like the swastika IS a symbol of Nazism.
But being of the left, these adolescents at the STC will be given second, third, fourth, in fact endless second chances. All is always forgiven when you’re on the left, nothing to see here, no accountability, move along until next time, of course. Just like the Plibersek staffer, the “young man” who attended the 9 October “protests” where “gas the Jews” rang out over Sydney Harbour, he was outed, and Plibersek appeared on television insisting he had been spoken and he’s contrite….yeah, righto, until next time, until he attends another far-left, Islamist frothing, Jew hating protest, and he’ll get caught out again, only to be again forgiven…yet again. It’s a cycle of double standards, hypocrisy, historical ignorance and profound Jew hatred.
Who reckons if three thespians appeared on stage wearing swastikas on their sleeves, that they’d still have jobs at the STC? That’s right, none of them would. But there’s little difference, both are symbols of Jew hatred, both are symbols of mass murder.
Who Are the Controligarchs? Author EXPOSES Bill Gates’ Plot to OWN YOUR FOOD
What is scary is that they act as if Republicans will never again win a federal election and that there will never be an accounting for their abuse of process and laws.
The driving issue behind this strangling of the citizenry with regulation is the size of government and the administrative state.
Work expands to fill the available time and resources and that is the nub of the problem.
The major issue with freedom is that the bureaucracy is too big. Cut it back to size and it will not have the means of controlling us.
In vote rigging they trust.
All hail vote rigging.
What is really scary is that it would make no difference at all if Republicans did win a federal election because they would do nothing about it. I’m not talking about Trump but the party itself. Totally suborned.
The Olive and Mabel Backstory
EXCLUSIVE: Biden Admin Praised YouTube’s Censorship, Used It To Pressure Facebook To Intensify Suppression Of Vaccine Stories
Meet the Roadrunner.
Israel promises Hamas the ‘mother of all thumpings’ after cease-fire ends and shelling re-starts
Why Our Legal System is Collapsing
“In the English legal system, there was the King’s Bench, which followed the law, and then there was the Queen’s Bench, which exercised “equity” for sometimes imposing the law strictly was unjust. Take the case where an 18-year-old boy has been prosecuted for child molesting a 17-year-old girlfriend because her father pressed charges. After all, he did not like his daughter dating that boy. Under the law, someone under 18 is supposed to be incapable of understanding anything and thus cannot consent to sex – but they could change their sex or be vaccinated without parents ever knowing.
This was an abuse of law. Many could be prosecuted for that crime if a senior in high school dated a freshman. It is what you would call “inequitable,” and some countries have defined that as a percentage between the ages. That is far more reasonable than this arbitrary line of being 18.
This concept of “equity” goes back to ancient Roman times. The image was Aequitas pictured holding the scales in one hand and a cornucopia in the other. However, Thrasymachus observed that there is no justice, for it will always be defined as the self-interest of those in power. Just look at the people imprisoned for being escorted into the Capitol Building on January 6th. It was orchestrated and instigated by the Deep State so that they could try to use the 14th Amendment to prevent Trump from ever holding office again.
They rigged the 2020 election, and that is something the CIA has done in other countries all the time, and the former head of the CIA has admitted doing so on FOX News. I was asked to invest $10 billion into Russia for the 2000 election to be rigged to take over Russia. On a rumor that someone sold the market to undermine the Republicans during the Great Depression, Hoover launched investigations that turned up nothing. Still, they created the Securities & Exchange Commission anyhow. As Herbert Hoover wrote in his memoirs, apologizing for those investigations:
“Sometimes when a government is enraged, it burns down the barn to get the rat.”
There is no rule of law. It is always the will of those in power – nothing more. Even Charles Dickens has written about how corrupt the legal system had become back in 1853. Dickens wrote in Chapter I of his famous novel Bleak House, “In Chancery,”
“Suffer any wrong that can be done to you rather than come here!”
Indeed, the current state of American federal courts has once again reached its lowest point, completing the revolution of the wheel of political fortune. This desperate attempt to prevent Trump from being elected is destroying the very foundation of law, and people who even hate Trump should be very concerned. Once they do this to Trump, they set the precedent and will do it to whomever they do not want to run. The very idea of a democratic system has crumbled to dust. They should fight Trump at the polls, not orchestrate fake insurrections, and try every scheme possible to stop him using laws that have never been applied to anyone else in such a manner.
Fauci was using a private email so his shenanigans would not be discovered under the Freedom of Information Act. Guess what? That is why Hillary has a private server – to hide what she was doing from being discovered. Look at Pelosi. How many millions did her husband make from stock trades on inside information that would cause anyone else to be in jail for 20 years? If I had my mother buy stock in a company I was advising on a takeover, that would have been illegal. The same rules do not apply to politicians.”
No bold type being used here.
And this is NOT Investment Advice. This is being stated for the uninitiated here.
Do as I say, not as I do…
COP28 Dubai has the largest “carbon footprint” of any climate conference thus far:
400 000 attendees expected.
97000 delegates.
400+ journeys by private jet (Sunak, Charles & Cameron each taking their own)
In response to critics, organisers say a deal struck at the conference will more than offset the emissions.
That means you will pay.
Report: Truce fell apart after Hamas proposed new talks to release male hostages instead of freeing remaining female abductees
US DC Court of Appeals Just Destroyed America
“The legal system is clearly trying to absolutely destroy Donald Trump for simply going to Washington to “Drain the Swamp,” which he discovered included both sides. We now have a ruling that is so BIASED against Trump that it has now effectively removed all immunity for anyone in Congress and even prosecutors. All you need to allege now is that any act by any of these pretend representatives or protectors of the people they pulled off was NOT in their official capacity but as a candidate for the next endless re-election term. The average Congressman spends about 60% of their time preparing for the next election as a candidate.
U.S. Circuit Judge Sri Srinivasan, who was NEVER even a judge, was controversially appointed under former President Barack Obama to the position of Chief Judge no less of the DC US Court of Appeals. This biased judge, in trying to destroy Donald Trump, wrote in the ruling:
“In arguing that he is entitled to official-act immunity in the cases before us, President Trump does not dispute that he engaged in his alleged actions up to and on January 6 in his capacity as a candidate. But he thinks that does not matter. Rather, in his view, a president’s speech on matters of public concern is invariably an official function, and he was engaged in that function when he spoke at the January 6 rally and in the leadup to that day. We cannot accept that rationale,”
This decision was unimaginable for any true court decision. Srinivasan went out of his way to make sure Trump could be sued by hundreds of people over January 6th. We should file class action suits against EVERY politician in Washington who voted for mandatory vaccines and loss of jobs for refusing to comply when they received ANY money whatsoever from Pfizer – like Fauci. This so-called judge, who was never a judge before, is outrageous. Back in 2010, the Obama administration nominated Srinivasan to one of two vacancies on the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, thinking he was clever because, never being a judge, nobody could review his past rulings. That was unheard of.
The nomination of Srinivasan was rigged, for he was opposed even by Obama supporters since he was only a prosecutor. Then, in June 2012, Obama nominated Srinivasan to the seat on the D.C. Circuit on January 2, 2013. His nomination was returned due to the sine die adjournment of the Senate, meaning it was adjourned without a date to reconvene. Obama resubmitted it the next day.
To twist the law like this to desperately find a way to hold Trump guilty on every possible move has turned the entire rule of law upside down. I now encourage an onslaught of class-action lawsuits should be unleashed on politicians with any connection to Pfizer. Even Judges are no longer immune under this decision if they ruled for political or personal purposes and not in their official capacity. Any judge who ruled on COVID and had shares in Pfizer acted illegally. When the computer forecast that the 2024 election will be the death knell to the longevity of the United States, NEVER in my wildest imagination would I have ever guessed that the rule of law would have collapsed in such a manner.
Our Computer Projected that the 2024 election will NEVER be accepted by either side.
For a judge to move from the district court to the Court of Appeals, he typically must be 65.
Srinivasan was previously NEVER a judge but is also 56 years old today and was in his 40s when appointed.
Was his qualification being non-WHITE?
BTW, this is NOT Investment Advice. This is being clearly stated for the uninitiated here.
Nothing is so permanent as a temporary government program.
– Milton Friedman
More spam
Report at Instapundit that there were some 200 FBI staff at January 6.
The FBI, eeeevillll insurrectionists. Disband the FBI, charge every senior officer with insurrection.
Well, by now you all know what Anthony Hopkins said about actors espousing their political views, so I won’t repeat it.
unwra unhappy
More Marty gas.
The Berlin Wall lol.
FWIW – quite a read
“The Frauds Never End”
And another
“The Magic Moment”
Check the bit around the Moderna board of directors!
Conclusion –
” What follows from here in this new civil war of truth against untruth is that untruth will lose because untruth is fundamentally unsound and can’t stand on its own. The US bureaucratic blob, like the fictional product Soylent Green, is people. There are, obviously thousands of them, virtually a whole army, guilty of crimes. The whistleblowers are popping out all over now. We’re approaching the magic moment when the whole blob army flips and rats out each other in the attempt to save their asses. Wait for it.”
Most of what has been revealed about UNRWA lately seemed pretty accurate to me. Not as if they haven’t been doing all of it for decades if not generations.
COP 28 Dubai. What a loverly place for the 3rd only nuclear bomb attck to do the same as the previous two. Stop a world war, coz that is this is. A world war through regulation. Not one of the arseholes attending would be missed, especially by the majority. Then again there are so many wets around maybe not the majority. I don’t really care.
What is really scary is that it would make no difference at all if Republicans did win a federal election because they would do nothing about it. I’m not talking about Trump but the party itself. Totally suborned.
So true… they are largely an empty chalice of nothingness. Many are identical to their vile Democrat ‘opponents’…
This video is quite long, but there is no need to watch it all, just watch the first 9 mins.
Glen Deisen is a Political Scientist and Alex Mercouris is a Political observer.
The guest is Larry Wilkerson, (ex Colonel US Army), the Chief of Staff for Colin Powell.
If you are interested in knowing why the US has been so f#cked up for 30 years, Wilkerson will tell you, in NO uncertain terms.
Please stop.
KB or QB depends on the monarch. It dealt primarily with criminal cases. Common pleas was for civil cases. The Court of Chancery dealt with equity and I defy you to find an equitable or administrative law defence to criminal charges; never mind cases such as Barton v DPP.
The Court of Chancery also run on hefty fees. He who seeks equity must have deep pockets.
I have been thinking of writing a similar comment, so thank you to Calli for doing so.
rosie has done a superb job of digging out the truth that the LSM doesn’t have the courage to disseminate
Wally Dali
Dec 2, 2023 12:09 AM
Always impressed by your artwork choices, Dover. Bravo
Hear, hear!
Or as they say in parliament: hear, hear!
Seconded, BJ.
Hard-living Irish musician Shane MacGowan received last rites before he died, family says
Bleak House. Jarndyce vs. Jarndyce.
If El Trumpo wins, then Marty should pack it in and retire in Kansas, near the Missouri border.
Gosh, BJ is a lucky man; brains and beauty:
Black Ball
Dec 2, 2023 5:19 AM
Vikki Campion:
Welcome to the wonderful world of Disney economics, and it would be a joy to watch if we didn’t have to pay for it.
It’s simply impossible to make that sort of projection. LOL.
They intend that Republicans will never again win a federal election, and will use any means, legal or illegal to try to ensure that.
The Soviet communists also acted as if they would be in power for ever. How did that work out for them?
That’s the fat old Arab “innocent civilian” with the scimitar I was asking about the other day.
I hope Mossad catches up with him and chops his ugly frigging head off with that sword.
Or even more worser, held up an anti-abortion poster.
They’d be gone the next day.
The Mail is finally presenting articles on the horror of Oct 7 and what has been done to the hostages. About time.
The young boys taken hostage were branded with hot exhausts to mark them to prevent them from escaping. They were also drugged a lot of the time.
I’m sure Janet A has read the Moller memo, Brittany Higgins did this all to herself.
That’s the cost of selling your soul to Katy Gallagher and Penny Wong.
Where does a fish rot from?
I can’t blame you for that, Calli.
I do it to maintain the rage and bear witness to the criminal cult and their activities.
There will be an accounting for their actions.
Too humble and no flair.
I’ve failed to notice sometimes. It’s actually remarkable a fellow commenter can do better than the press.
Where’s the black and white displate of herself? The Rosie Funkopop for her Prager U doomer cucks to buy?
At least ask for a coffee, get a 1985 sentient AI DOS supa compuda and blame the world’s woes on not following one particular dictator you have a platonic crush on.
This just in:
Martin Armstrong’s sentient AI supercomputer has just predicted the assassination of Julius Caesar—to the very day!
One does not simply…criticise the establishment whilst citing a protege of one of the establishment’s most successful generals.
I was swelling with pride, until I realised that you were taking about the other BJ.
Please in future refer to him as Bananaby, to avoid confusion.
Martin Armstrong’s sentient AI supercomputer has just predicted the assassination of Julius Caesar—to the very day!
Something along the lines of, ‘beware the ides of March?’
The world-saving masterwork that thousands of vampire squids feasting on OPM at the UAE COP28 (including our own pox drop, Bowen) have signed off on:
It’s a short read.
Anyone thinking this is sensible, meaningful policy should be beaten with sticks.
Edward Luttwak’s personal recollections of Henry Kissinger.
Justin Raimondo criticised US policy 20 years ago and the conservatives declared anyone not committed to the President’s crusades for democracy were unpatriotic, cynical and weak.
Now we get conservatives quoting regime protégées on what was done wrong.
I can accept the wisdom of others, but wise men were often fools. Being talked down to as though a former fool always had higher intelligence is a sick joke.
If you can only learn lessons through loss, you might have something valuable to say, but parading your IQ around and failing to belittle others may be less than impressive.
hmm, many but not all.
the universities spew out Performing Arts Grads and they’re heavily invested in the politics of day (Intersectional/post-colonial/feminism/etc)
a disturbing thing is that they seem adore the play Medea especially when re-imagined with a feminist bent.
Medea is a prophet who catastrophically screws up and misses being betrayed by her “partner” Jason
in fit born of love and revenge the silly bint lies to everybody, kills her rival and then murders her own children before escaping in her grandad Helios’ sun chariot
I get the feeling they think the play is a bit of green light for what they want to do next
whereas I think they are just mental murderous witches
The recent actions of this pathetic excuse for a king tells me that the monarchy does not deserve to continue. That’s even without the disgusting antics of the others.
The penultimate sentence:
‘To maintain momentum, we intend to benefit from relevant regional and global convenings in order to share experiences and to accelerate national and collaborative action.’
Have they not heard of Skype?
Grey Ranga
We need Jesus back to heal the clueless.
COP 28 is embarking on a reverse loaves and fishes.
I think you mean indoctrinated.
A far cry from the ability to think and understand.
Will Their ABC report the “hot exhausts” statement with the same enthusiasm with which it reported the allegation against the RAN?
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Dec 2, 2023 10:00 AM
Thanks, Zulu. I was hoping someone would post Janet’s article.
New Kuwait is kabooming stuff in Greater Tartaria near Lesser Tartaria.
Why should we believe Grandview Hart re the Thulevind Carboniferous Warp Pipe?
Blowing up a warp pipe in 80 m of Freya’s Tears doesn’t seem too much of a feat.
The Middlegard Kreigsmarine Langskips were all accounted for at the time.
As always, the only winners will be the lawyers. Except for those noble ones who, effectively, have acted pro bono.
Yes. As a potted history of the English legal system it rivaled mUnty on economics.
Joe Burns top scored in Qld’s second innings against WA in the Sheffield Shield. Hopefully he is in line for a call up to the Aus Test team this summer.
They intend that Republicans will never again win a federal election, and will use any means, legal or illegal to try to ensure that.
Not quite.
The security state will ensure only establishment candidates are nominated.
Meaning an establishment winner, regardless of the party.
Whata about …..
A lot of shit happening:
DeSantis Flaunts ‘Poop Map,’ Exposing San Francisco Literally Covered in Human Feces — Criticizes City’s Clean Up for Dictators but Not Citizens (VIDEO)
Traffic Stop Reveals Unusual Concealed Carry — Ex-Convict Hides Handgun in His Butt
The NSW police suffer from institutionalised Islamophilia and have done so demonstrably at least since the Cronulla “riots”. This bias prevents them from adequately policing the overt harrassment, intimidation and incitement to murder by Hamas supporters. Victoria police are the same.
I can’t see any signs of anyone in authority taking any action to address this let alone acknowledge that the bias exists. I try not to be pessimistic for the future but it is difficult sometimes.
A cryptic reference to Chrysanthou SC who is still waiting for the $700k odd to hit the bank account.
Some early reports that TikTok is being hit with a form a porn bomb.
I haven’t seen it on my feed yet.
If true, will advertising get pulled?
Well, when you’ve got $3 meg in the other pocket, you would say that, wouldn’t you.
The trouble with the book, particularly if Ten and The Toad lose this case, is that every assertion and side-swipe will have to be carefully examined for risk of litigation … which won’t leave much.
a chance to participate in a cosmic drama, to facilitate utopia. A godless heaven here on Earth.
Specifically, do you know of any “artists and visionaries,” or people “good at spreadsheets”?
Because there may be a job going, come the revolution
Check the transcript. “The book is crap.”
Farmer Gez
Dec 2, 2023 10:26 AM
We need Jesus back to heal the clueless.
Ta Farmer Gez. Brilliant. I’m stealing it and going to use it.
Looks like I will have to attened a turnout with Mrs Beertruk’s ‘Cuzzies (IN Zid™).’
Especially on one of them, a 30ish knowitall greentard voter who works for Tel$tra if the opportunity arises.
Porn bomb is probably a Gen X term.
Not sure what the term used today is.
Basically means that whoever you follow, your feed is inundated with porn until they find out who is doing it & remove them from the platform.
Highly sophisticated.
fb was hit with this in their earlier days, as was twitter.
I will take a bullet for the greater good & report back if I see it.
“If I ever actually finish the book, I will donate all $200,000 whatever to charity. I don’t care about the money.”
Who said noblesse oblige was dead?
Marty’s tips for the 2023 Melbourne Cup first three:-
1. Without a Fight
2. Soulcombe
3. Sheraz
I’d get some money on folks.
Marty is never wrong.
Most people will tell you litigation is all about the principle. The entire process is noble.
I didn’t watch the clip, but read the statement above it. If true – and given what else has proven factual, I have no reason so far to doubt it – … there is a state of mind where words and even facial expressions no longer exist to represent one’s perception and understanding of the external world; where the expletives of outrage seem like silent, empty, thought bubbles.
At the risk of diluting what I’ve written above: It’s the enablers we can reach and tear apart. I don’t know how, but any media organisation or individual who/which carries and promotes the h@m@s message, and omits observable evidence that would contradict the former, is an accessory* to the murder of unarmed civilians.
It’s not about ‘taking sides’ anymore. The same outlets frothed interminably when the mistreatment of Iraqi prisoners in Abu Ghraib was first revealed; treatment which did not (as far as my memory allows, and I read the very detailed ‘torture files’ book published as a result) entail a single intentional death.
Homo sapiens in extremis.
Methinks the lad protesteth too much.
– Martin Armstrong (Leavenworth alumni, 2011).
calli, 8.02am, condolences on your sad loss.
Awhile back I spent 6 weeks at the Mater, in ICU and recovery in the same surgical unit after contracting a flesh-eating bacteria which did its best to carry me off. Thanks to the skill and care of the medical and nursing staff I made a full recovery, but it was the full commitment and kindness of the people there through some touch-and-go moments, to my family as well as myself, that stays with me.
Losers say that.
I say sophisticated because it involves the setting up of 100’s of accounts over a period of time which then go follow lots of legit accounts plus a lot of the other 100’s of fake accounts.
Then over a short period of time they start uploading images & more importantly start sharing them which gives the impression of something going viral.
Which then tricks the platform into promoting the posts in the generic feeds.
I can only imagine how platforms have to adapt to combat this stuff on a daily basis.
At this stage we know more about the cash flowing between Brittany and her publisher than the Australian government (read taxpayers). Will this continue to be the case? Pirate Pete’s ticket clip remains an unknown at this stage too. Hopefully he was acting pro bono given the trouble his missus has caused.
actors rarely understand the works they perform in
Actors are people who are paid to imitate other people. Why would they be especailly qualified to tell the rest of us anything? Anthony Hopkins summed them up:
Hopkins told [Brad] Pitt that in interviews, he’s often asked to give his vows on current affairs both inside and outside the arts industry. Hopkins said he feels unqualified to discuss such matters publically as an actor.
“I don’t have any opinions,” Hopkins said. “Actors are pretty stupid. My opinion is not worth anything. There’s no controversy for me, so don’t engage me in it because I’m not going to participate.”
Marty’s tips for the 2023 Melbourne Cup first three:-
It’s not the first time time we’ve had a nutty king. At least this time he has little power and influence. Emagin what a president Albo would do.
“Haggy Plotter and the Chamber of Regrets, or, It Wasn’t Meant To Be Like This, pt II” by Brinny Hoggins
Fully updated and redacted
Emily’s List Publishing
…straight to the $2 bin
Roger if I ever finish my book I’ll donate more than $200,000 to charity coz I’ve got $3mil+ a darn sight more. I don’t think britnee the knickeless has to worry either about finishing the book.
The English Civil war was quite useful so long as you were not there at the time.
The Toad moving to Ten is looking like a more expensive signing than Buddy Franklin moving to Sydney.
But at least Buddy attracted a few viewers and kept the ball out of his own net.
Wally Dalí
Dec 2, 2023 11:04 AM
…straight to the $2 bin
Over valued.
Valued at less than ‘Landfill.’
I would love to see someone – like Rita Panahi, for example – publicly and seriously pose the question ‘Is there a point at which media outlets become accessories (after the fact) to a crime?’
Failing that (admittedly a challenging/tenuous point to support), I’d like to see her introduce into the wider lexicon the concept of enablers.
Marty is good a picking last weeks lotto numbers too. Just like all the astrologers and fortune tellers. You know, all those rich ones.
King chuck is a dickhead; a very nasty one by all reports. The big disappointment is prince willy who is flat out vomiting the same climate garbage as chuck. I don’t blame chuck for hazza though because obviously he’s a product of the ginger who was plugging Di at the time. But as a family the royals are pretty fuked. Anne is good value though; all that horse riding no doubt took the blood flow away from her minge and to her brain.
They breed ’em tough in South Australia…
The “ginger” never appeared on the scene until Hazza was a toddler.
Mr Armstrong, as quoted earlier:
Magna Carta!
Birth certificates!
I do not consent!
It would be just delicious if the publisher sued Britnah for the return of the advance.
She’s really quite generous offering to give to charity $200,000 paid as an advance for a book which she now can’t be bovvered wif finishing.
Truth is, they will have to butcher it so much for fear of providing Ms Crysanthou a permanent income stream that it will be no more substantial than a Noddy and Big Ears book.
Speaking of which, there’s a cardboard cutout of Buddy Franklin, promoting his cookie cutter book about his football “journey”, titled- er- “My Football Journey”.
You’d think that with a million-a-year playing deal he’d splurge a few more spondoolas on some imaginative packaging for his entry into the Christmas memoir melee.
I suppose we can look forward to the sequels “My Parenting Journey”, “Speaking To Buddy: My Go-To Body Book” and “My All-Time Greatest BBQ Faves Cookbook” in good time…
. hear hear thanks rosie
At present all we really know is Brittany trousered (no pun intended) $100k of the $300k book advance, a hardly unremarkable sum and somewhere between zero and $3m from Australian taxpayers, of which I suspect we haven’t heard the last. Unlike last time, she is only a witness in these proceedings and I would not expect her to be running up substantial direct cash costs. Time might be a different story.
Yeah, no. That’s what cretins like dumbgeld, the ACT clown council and the braindead lamestream meeja want you to believe.
More like an “incorrect” verdict was delivered by the jurors.
KD – don’t forget maritime law, particularly useful for those roadside traffic stops.
The “ginger” never appeared on the scene until Hazza was a toddler.
Yeah, the plugging was retrospective. The story probably has less credibility than obuma being a fag and michelle a bloke; which is a dead cert.
“My battle with the Black Dogue.”
Google search printouts in the jury room does reek of Texas Book Depository.
The death of the Pogues singer reminds me of the tragic death of Kirsty MacColl, the other lead singer in their famous Christmas song. She died pushing one of her children out of the way of a speeding powerboat. Vale both of them.
I think the Britnah book deal thing has blown up Bandana Man’s career as a literary agent.
‘You have no standing! Travelling in my conveyance! Assented by the King!’
‘The living man!’
That does sound awfully like an attempt to attribute *blame* rather than physical origin.
It is logical for the chain of command, but it is a distraction from the fundamental point that both extreme disruption from +2°C of warming and the possibility of +2°C of warming from MMCO2 have only unreliable models to support them and a lot of proxy evidence against them. Attributing blame when there does not seem to actually be a problem.
The blamed countries could spin it the other way and claim credit for greening the planet and raising living standards, but screwing the pooch while Chucky is chairing would take remarkable gumption.
What a fantastic Janet A column today in the Oz.
If only Sheridan could maintain that level of rational thought.
Quite so.
Sterling effort.
It’s raining.
Did I mention that it is raining?
One storm does not a wet season make but it certainly turbocharges the morale.
I’m going out to play mud pies.