Just watching Jamie and Jimmy at the end of ‘Sarfend’ Pier with the lovely yummy Joanna Lumley on their Cooking Show.
Making me hungry just watching the show.
May 22, 2024 3:49 am
The US, as well as Russia and Israel, are not parties to the Rome Statute/ICC. They felt that the prosecutor for such a court would possess too much unchecked power to make politically motivated prosecutions, such as she is doing now.
What actions might the US take at this point? Difficult to say since Biden already soiled his bed by encouraging an arrest warrant be issued for Putin (for alleged war crimes in Ukraine). That pissed away any legitimacy he might have in whinging about any other politically inspired warrants.
In any case, the US doesn’t have a dog in the fight regarding the legitimacy of the ICC as little it could do now would de-legitimize the ICC more than refusing to be a party to the Rome Statute/ICC in the first place. But hey, I’d never bet against Biden managing to find a way to make things worse.
The Australian scientist is Edward Holmes of Sydney Uni who was deeply involved in the lab leak cover up with Fauci and his closest mates. Yet still been receiving Australian Government grants.
Also worked for CDC China.
Johnny Rotten
May 22, 2024 4:24 am
Johnny Rotten
May 22, 2024 4:27 am
Rolls Royce getting into SMRs with this pilot programme –
Rolls-Royce signs £15m deal to test mini-nuclear reactors in Sheffield, England, UK.
How the 2020 Election Was Really Rigged – Will 2024 be a Repeat?
This is a special investigation into the truth behind the rigging of the 2020 election that has nothing to do with voting machines and double counting. That gets you nowhere, and it was a master distraction from the core of everything – the manipulation of the January 6th count that was in direct conflict with the Constitution as Pelosi used COVID rules to prevent the gathering of the Senate and the House as specified in the Constitution and the suppression of any challenge to six states.
Here is the documented evidence that even covers the FBI admitting that they had so many people in the crowd they could not even say how many. The storming of the proceeding was NOT to benefit Trump but to benefit Biden by ensuring that there would be no objections when all the studies confirmed that neither masks nor social distancing reduced COVID. Still, it was used by Pelosi to hold the most unprecedented count of any president in the history of the United States.
Taibbi flags a body of work showing how the blob is planning to combat social media during the upcoming election.
I’ll share what I can when it comes out.
Sources tell me at least two different active groups are working on political content moderation programs for the November election that tactically would go a step or two beyond what we observed with groups like Stanford’s Election Integrity Partnership, proposing not just deamplification or removals, but fakery, use of bots, and other “offensive” forms of manipulation.
Dr Albeiruti says the hospital is running drastically low on basic supplies — including soap, bedsheets and gloves — as well as medications such as anaesthesia and antibiotics.
If only they had billion of dollars in aid money to invest in stockpiling food and medical supplies for a war they knew was coming, because they chose to start it.
Oh wait, they did.
Why does a volunteer doctor want to leave? Have the casualties stopped occurring? And has he asked for a lift out? Because empty aid trucks are driving back into Israel every day and there is a brand new pier that aid ships tie up to.
I used Italian Vodafone in Jan €50 cash only for 30 days then €10 a month worked fine in Malta and France as well.
A Maltese Melita for only €10 was the bomb the year before though
Buy a twenty quid sim from a vending machine (they have heaps of data) and use Whatsapp for calling international. Ensure you have friends/rels on Whatsapp before you leave.
I got a SIM in Paris for €20, not from the airport (likely more expensive) but from a shop on a street near Gare du Nord. Works just fine; calls to anywhere in Europe are free for a month. Didn’t pay attention on >30 days as I won’t be that long.
Wife & daughter got cards in Spain, similar type shop, for €15. Possibly that was Vodafone. Similar deal with calls. In both cases you get a wodge of data – moot, as mostly use hotel or other free wifi.
A downside I had was with our Wise cards (recommend for travel money). Transfers between us need SMS verification … to the Aus phone when first obtained. You can add the Euro number to the account. Need to attach a photo of self holding up the ID page of passport. Took most of a day to come through. If you get the card and need to transfer between yourselves, do one in Aus before leaving.
I got a Simdirect card sent to me here in Oz. 30 days, 12GB, $38AUD. Worked a treat in Europe. Dead easy to connect. I have a cheap dual Sim phone, so kept the Oz one on roaming in case I got the stupid ‘verify’ messages.
In the past I have tried everything. I have a match box with all the past SIM cards. This was the best ( but I think the telecom companies have finally got it together)
On Monday, Colonel Richard Kemp and the AJA (Australian Jewish Association) visited the colonialist settler Palestine encampment at Sydney University….
So, lets get this straight, Sydney University security stand back, do nothing and allow the racist Jew hating pro-Palestinian and leftist scum free rein to spruik their genocidal taunts and set up filthy encampments on state government public land but the same security appear very quickly to stop Kemp and the AJA from filming their visit and ask them to leave!
Our taxes at work. Mark Slug Scott, long known to be a verminous parasitic creature, a slug constantly awarded cosy and very plum tax-payer funded sinecures by various Liberal state and federal governments, positions such as heading up the ABC (and finally destroying it), to being appointed by the Baird government to head the NSW Department of Education, to being appointed vice-chancellor of Sydney University, is refusing to step in and remove this Jew hating encampment, and Slug Scot is now an expert on free speech, lecturing us mere mortals that ‘phrases such as “intifada” and “From the river to the sea” are open to different interpretation.
Sure Slug, just like a ‘swastika’ at a far-left pro-Palestine rally is ‘open to different interpretations’, just like the posters comparing Jews to garbage are ‘open to different interpretations’.
Joseph Goebbels would have approved of Mark Slug Scott.
Australia in 2024.
And never forget, this same Slug Scott has never been confronted about what he new about the scandals at Knox Grammar but then, silly me, Slug Scott is not a Catholic priest.
Wow! A seff efrican Security wonk. And the wonk is saying Richard Kemp is making said wonk’s life a misery! Go Back to Cape Town scum, and see how miserable your life would be there.
The bike ride took us from Blois to Amboise to Vouvray to Amboise to Chenoceaux to Cours-Cheveny to Chambord and then back to Blois.
Distances were only 40-50km per day so I was dismissive about the effort involved. However the rented bike was heavy, the panniers didn’t help and neither did the drag from the dynamo on the front wheel. My partner wisely opted for an electric bike and I struggled to keep up with her.
The Loire was in flood as was a major tributary the Cher so the bike track had stretches of water. After nearly toppling in one of the longer and deeper inundations we subsequently detoured around the more menancing looking ones .
In particular we didn’t want to find out what happens to an electric bike when submerged, nothing good I assume.
It had rained every day for the last 3 months so the vineyards looked soggy with water pooled around the vines, I think the middle Loire vintage will be a bit merde this year.
Very impressed by 2 of the chateaus-Chenonceaux (picture attached) and Chambord. The latter was the brainchild of King Francis the first who wanted something that resembled the skyline of Constantinople. He got his wish.
lol, Harlequin. Go electric if you are going to ride for many km, but not if it’s wet. The perils of choice. We have done those places the easy way, by car, and they are certainly worth a good look, which I guess you get even more on a bike.
In any case, the US doesn’t have a dog in the fight regarding the legitimacy of the ICC as little it could do now would de-legitimize the ICC more than refusing to be a party to the Rome Statute/ICC in the first place.
Sure it could. Actively undermining a prosecution is clearly more delegitimizing than not being a signatory. Moreover, the UK and by extension, the US, were also behind the nomination of Khan.
Interesting how so many muslims are in so many international leadership roles, eg ICC, US elite universities, just when things are getting interesting.
-Who is the US Secretary of State?
-Who was the US Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs until a month ago?
-Who is the Dictator in charge of “Saigon on the Dnieper”?
Not to mention the disgraced former Defence Minister, the current Defence Minister and the chap who will take over, when ‘elensky gets a .45 in the head?
-Who is the UK Minister of Defence?
Are they all Zimbabweans?
May 22, 2024 7:13 am
Bloise had a little resistance museum with iirc bits of a downed allied bomber and a concentration camp inmate’s uniform.
Well worth a visit.
May 22, 2024 7:15 am
Rosie I liked the bit in his bio about studying I slam sciences under scholars. Lesson 1, hate Jews. Lesson 2, hate Jews, blame Jews. Lesson 3, hate Jews, blame Jews, kill Jews. Lesson 4, hate Jews,blame Jews, kill Jews, its not our fault, we’re the victims of oppressive colonialism, we’ve always been here, give us everything we want, we’re starving including all those fatties over there, help me strap on this suicide vest to stupid monohammad who wants to kill Jews. Yep, I slam science studies. You can’t beat it.
I bought a Lyca SIM in Amsterdam, 30 Euro for 30 days and good for almost all Europe with unlimited data and calls.
May 22, 2024 7:19 am
RE the F111 comments above, it always amused me when you would be droning along in your bug smasher and ATC would announce low level jet routes for the 111’s as lat/long and time turning points. By the time the announcement was finished I wouldn’t have found my pencil.
I had an earnest young instructor once threaten to fail my check ride because I hadn’t preplotted the F111 low level jet routes from the NOTAMS. A good glare and he decided otherwise.
I hate to be a “stick in the mud” bons, but if there is a Notam identifying a LJR anywhere near your planned track, it is definitely in YOUR best interest to plot it out, as you brief your sortie in the Briefing Office, NOT in the air.
They are usually published 24 hours, (sometimes longer), before use, so you would have that info at briefing.
By the way, I watched Bronwyn Bishop last night on Sky. For all her faults, she was and remains a true conservative, she was always of the right. Her ilk are now sadly gone from the Liberal Party, thanks to Turdbull and Scumbag. But as Bronwyn Bishop said last night, when Australia under the Howard government (of course), in a move instigated by Dolly Downer, signed this country up to the ICC, she fought tooth and nail against it.
Last night she reiterated how right she was at the time and how she remains right and as she said, whilst it is nice to hear Dolly Downer’s condemnation of the ICC’s move against Israel, all of this was inevitable and we should exit the organisation pronto.
I haven’t been there yet.
If it’s anything like Mr Wong, serving size has become incredibly small over the past year or so.
Black Ball
May 22, 2024 8:01 am
Hun just now:
At least eight of the 56 Australians on-board the Singapore Airlines flight have been injured and are being treated in a hospital in Bangkok, the government has confirmed.
A British passenger died and more than 30 people were taken to hospital, seven with critical injuries, after Singapore Airlines Flight SQ321 experienced severe turbulence and plunged 6000ft in five minutes, sending passengers crashing into the ceiling.
May 22, 2024 8:13 am
I guess that’s why they tell you to always wear your seatbelt…
Per 9 news: the plane apparently dropped 6000 feet in a few minutes…
Per the Daily Mail it: plummeted an astonishing 6,000ft in just five minutes… What’s the point of subbing a script if you don’t understand what you’re reading?
Minutes and seconds aside, the cause is, of course, obvious.
Are you referring to my comment?
The article also said no-one who was wearing their seatbelt was injured.
So yes always wearing your seat belt even when the seat belt sign is turned off which airlines always announce when you travel is good advice, which I didn’t always follow. Might now.
Referring to the standard of journalism in the story, Rosie.
They are using numbers equivalent to a slowish landing descent for a commercial aircraft. Which is at odds with things like the dropped oxygen masks.
Reuters is reporting that most of the aid coming into Gaza from the U.S. military’s pier since Saturday was stolen by Palestinians as it made its journey to the UN’s warehouse in nearby Deir El Balah.
11 trucks out of 16 trucks were cleaned out on Saturday.
How did this happen? Incredibly, the UN didn’t think about securing the aid trucks until after the aid had been stolen. a UN official told Reuters. “They just basically mounted on the trucks and helped themselves to some of the food parcels.”
Hamas has been stealing up to 60% of the aid entering the Gaza Strip, and a Channel 12 report last week revealed that the terrorist organization has made at least $500 million in profit off humanitarian aid since the start of the war on Oct. 7.
May 22, 2024 8:31 am
Hamas has been stealing up to 60% of the aid entering the Gaza Strip, and a Channel 12 report last week revealed that the terrorist organization has made at least $500 million in profit off humanitarian aid since the start of the war on Oct. 7.
Yet the aid workers saw nothing, cue Sergeant Schultz.
Egyptian intelligence quietly changed the terms of a ceasefire proposal that Israel had already signed off on earlier this month, ultimately scuttling a deal that could have released hostages and Palestinian Arab prisoners, and set a pathway to temporarily end the fighting in Gaza, CNN reported on Tuesday, citing three people familiar with the discussions.
The ceasefire agreement that Hamas said on May 6 it had agreed to was not what the Qataris or the Americans believed had been submitted to Hamas for a potential final review, the sources told the network.
Three sources familiar with the matter told CNN that a senior Egyptian intelligence official named Ahmed Abdel Khalek was responsible for making the changes. Abdel Khalek is a senior deputy to the Egyptian intelligence chief Abbas Kamel, who has been Burns’ counterpart in leading Egypt’s mediation in the ceasefire talks.
One source familiar with the negotiations said Abdel Khalek told the Israelis one thing and Hamas another. More of Hamas’ demands were inserted into the original framework that Israel had tacitly agreed to in order to secure Hamas’ approval, the source said. But the other mediators were not informed, nor were the Israelis.
Sounds like Egypt has their own deep state, and that the Muslim Brotherhood hasn’t gone away. By changing the deal like this either the terms would be extremely favourable to MB-linked Hamas or the Israelis would be blamed for walking away from it, which they ultimately did.
merchan is the worst sort of corrupt: a condescending, virtue ridden bastard who because he thinks he is better and the other side, Trump and the rest of the US, are criminals, can therefore justify any heinous misuse of the law.
I told you all @RonDeSantis had advance Knowledge of the FBI raid on Mar a Lago!
It came out today in newly unsealed court documents that the FBI authorized “deadly force” to be used against President Trump and his family during the raid on his home in August 2022!
Essentially, this means @RonDeSantis had advance knowledge of a possible assassination attempt of President Trump by the Biden regime and FBI!
Egyptian intelligence quietly changed the terms of a ceasefire proposal that Israel had already signed off on earlier this month, ultimately scuttling a deal that could have released hostages and Palestinian Arab prisoners, and set a pathway to temporarily end the fighting in Gaza, CNN reported on Tuesday, citing three people familiar with the discussions.
On the other hand it would provide an excellent excuse for the Israelis to say no to the deal. And remove some pressure coming from the White House.
So in the upshot the Israelis are favoured by the collapse of the deal. I’m not seeing much pressure on them at the moment, which suggests that Qatar and the US are indeed pretty fed up with both Hamas and the Egyptians.
Apparently there are fifty tunnels under the Egyptian border and the the hostages are being kept in them.
I’m wondering if the CSIRO economists factored maintenance and replacement costs into their calculations on nuclear v/ renewables?
Windmills, solar panels and batteries have comparatively short operating life-spans (c. 20 years with proper maintenance), whereas a new nuclear plant could function for up to 80 years, about four times as long as wind turbine “farms” or solar panel arrays, which have to be multiplied many times over across the land with battery storage to produce the electricity required and still require “firming”.
people who live in inner city suburbs will be last to lose power. Regional areas the first. Regional areas of course, are the ones being impacted by the proliferation of windmills and panels, and the power collection infrastructure required for such highly dispersed energy sources.
A ministerial direction issued by Immigration Minister Andrew Giles was central to prompting a tribunal to order the release of an immigration detainee and domestic violence perpetrator who then went on to allegedly murder a man on Mother’s Day.
Sudan-born Emmanuel Saki, 29, has been charged with murder over the stabbing death of 22-year-old Bosco Minyurano on May 12. The incident took place just weeks after he was freed from immigration detention after the Administrative Appeals Tribunal overturned a 2019 decision to strip him of his visa.
The reasons handed down by AAT deputy president Stephen Boyle to explain his decision found that “considerable” weight needed to be given to the fact that Saki had been living in Australia during and since his formative years. Saki had arrived in Australia in 2006, when he was 12 years old.
The provision requiring decision-makers to show a higher level of tolerance for criminal conduct by non-citizens who have lived in Australia from a very young age was introduced under Mr Giles’ Direction 99, which came into effect on 23 January last year.
The provisions offering greater protection for criminal non-citizens who had resided in Australia since their childhoods were introduced shortly before a visit to Australia by New Zealand’s then-prime minister Chris Hipkins in early February 2023. His predecessor Jacinda Ardern had long been critical of Australia’s preparedness to deport back to New Zealand offenders who had spent the bulk of their lives in Australia, and the new provision was seen among those in the immigration space as a measure designed to address those concerns.
which suggests that Qatar and the US are indeed pretty fed up with both Hamas and the Egyptians.
Until Qatar kicks them out (Turkey will take ’em cos Iran wouldn’t dare .. LOL!) or turns a blind eye to a Mossad “visit” then Qatar is all mouth and no action ……
Qatar is squirming atop the fence .. something they can get away with cos Brandon but won’t pass the pub-test when the God Emperor returns ……
The reasons handed down by AAT deputy president Stephen Boyle to explain his decision found that “considerable” weight needed to be given to the fact that Saki had been living in Australia during and since his formative years. Saki had arrived in Australia in 2006, when he was 12 years old.
How does how long you’ve resided in Oz mitigate any criminal act ..? Based on this fool, Boyle’s, logic I would be immune from any untoward act I may commit .. cos been here since 1967 ……. Boyle’s a furglewit and also indirectly responsible for someone’s death ..!
May 22, 2024 9:57 am
It’s amazing Cassie with the ICC. How do the Liberals never stop and think “hmmm, why would Labor and Greens support this if it was a good idea given every last one of them are disgusting psychopaths who want to destroy civilisation?”
Policy really isn’t hard. Ask Adam Bandt his opinion and then do the opposite. And then throw greenies in prison and tell them they are there because the “science” says they are superspreaders of some Chinese virus. And tell them they can’t have any lighting in their cells or hot food because it hurts Gaia.
Put this up yesterday morning, not quite relevant today, but for some reason beyond me it was blocked .. meant I could read it but no one else could .. weird …!
As a recovering alcoholic (44 years, Aug 1980) I fail to see the difference between gambling & alcoholism .. If your caught in either spiral the only answer is YOU .. No one forces you to do either ..! In my case, I simply lost control of an “enjoyment” and the downhill trip to sleeping rough & sampling “meths” was fairly rapid .. Fortunately, for me nature intervened, 10 years late, and a Cirrhosis of the Liver diagnosis meant .. quit or die .. I made the quit choice but could just as easily gone the other way .. in other wordz .. my own decision made the difference ..! Very few, if any, quit either alcohol or gambling cos gummint issues warnings .. we don’t read/watch current affairs .. we drink/gamble .. it consumes your life & wallet .. it’s your reason to struggle thru another day ….. For 44 years I’ve seen & read all the don’t drink paraphanalia they trot out but there is still the, occasional, day that I ponder “should I, one won’t hurt” before opening a can of soft drink & muttering, “F**k off” ………….! .. The trick is to never be fooled into forgetting the word, RECOVERING, cos you ain’t ever cured …….! https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-05-21/lotteries-scratchies-increasing-availability-normalises-gambling/103858088
May 22, 2024 10:01 am
According to separate reports on the ABC web news Snowy 2 will cost $12 billion to finish and a nuclear plant will cost $8.5 billion. Any sane government would halt Snowy 2.00 now and put the remainder of the money into nuclear. At least nuclear would be generating power.
It’s not about power generation, it’s about money for friends in the form of subsidies. Nobody the politicians know is in the nuclear power business but they do know lots of carpetbaggers in the renewables business.
The $8.5 billion would be a large scale nuclear facility. Not surprising as we would have to be starting from scratch. But it would generate a lot more power than an SMR.
There would need to be a brace of SMRs to match the capacity of a large scale nuclear plant, or a coal power station for that matter. But at least SMRs would be off the shelf and could be up and running a lot quicker.
SMRs are the sensible approach to start with and as knowledge and skills develop plans can head towards bigger facilities.
May 22, 2024 10:23 am
Couple of bites this morning.
CSIRO is a captured organisation. Reports outcomes were likely written before and the rest structured around that. Rog, bet your bottom dollar subsidies or even manufacturing carbon footprint wasn’t even considered for solar/wind. I still hear the lie that the fuel rebate for mines is a subsidy so people actually believe this rubbish.
Stephen Boyle of the AAT is another reason once all paths have come to an end with courts/tribunals, that the buck needs to stop with the minister for entrants who are not even residents. Immi minister should be able to make an executive decision that is untouchable by activist judicious types on this one. Yes there are dangers but the present system is captured by a noisy minority in advocacy and not serving us at all. Of course probably won’t happen under an ALP Gov and a minute chance under a Dutton Gov. They seem to be pretty quick trying to deport expat Pom’s who have been here since childhood on admin grounds.
My 2c worth as usual the left is well ahead of the bell curve and getting a groundwork of precedents laid down for when the Government changes, reintroduces/strengthens the laws or deporting crim’s (Not just Maori bikies).
Anyway off to Melbourne soon. Have great day.
May 22, 2024 10:27 am
SpaceX successfully conducted its first video call using Starlink Direct-to-Cell technology, marking a significant milestone in satellite communication. The demonstration involved a call made from an unmodified mobile phone, showcasing the potential for direct satellite connectivity without the need for special hardware. This achievement is part of SpaceX’s broader efforts to expand global internet access through its Starlink satellite network. The company plans to launch the service commercially with T-Mobile later this year, aiming to provide connectivity in remote and underserved areas.
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if it didn’t matter where on earth you were there were no roaming charges as you were paying a global company for their services?
Highlights for me in the ongoing shit against Trump:
1 The Mar-a-Lago raid was authorised to use deadly force by Garland/biden/obama. That is they were authorised to kill Trump and his family. The instructions to the FBI to use lethal force against Trump and his security is discussed here at about 6m 20 sec; this is beyond the pale: https://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/15.0.3/svg/1f6a8.svgBiden To Be CHARGED After He Told FBI To Use DEADLY FORCE On Donald & Melania Trump At Mar-a-Lago (youtube.com)
2 Merchan has prevented the US electoral commissioner from testifying that the NDA was not illegal and has directed the jury that they can find a verdict of guilty for different crimes if they can’t all agree on one crime.
It should be a rule of thumb that when people are trying to kill/ruin/destroy you that if they fail and you get in a position to reciprocate you should. These scum against Trump should be nuked. Reciprocal justice originated in the Code of Hammurabi and is referred to in both the Old and New Testaments so it is based on good authority.
A WEF spokesman told the website that the Forum will be changing its governance structure and that as a result, Schwab “will transition from Executive Chairman to Chairman of the Board of Trustees” by the start of next year.
Sounds like a way to keep the reins while reducing his workload.
Last edited 8 months ago by Bruce of Newcastle
May 22, 2024 10:57 am
What on old fiend the dirty grub polluting the WH is.
May 22, 2024 11:05 am
ABC reporting on gambling .. ?
What hypocrits.
My impression was they were all for it.
Watch what happens every year around Melbourne Cup time with the ABC in Melbourne, they have even broadcast from Flemington racetrack regulalry at taxpayer expense. They have a wow of a time during the entire event, 2 weeks worth I believe.
Years ago I remember Jon Faine (commentator/entertainer) raving about how wonderful it all was.
If that’s not the national broadcaster promoting gambling, what is? (rhetorical question, requires no answer)
We had jigsaw puzzles in the meeting room to do during lunch. Is that as bad?
May 22, 2024 11:18 am
The Mar-a-Lago raid was authorised to use deadly force by Garland/biden/obama.
Yes, and that specifically included an authorization to engage Trump’s Secret Service protective detail.
One has to wonder what in God’s name was running through their bent excuses for minds because if you wanted a hot civil war in the US that’s a damned good way to start it.
H B Bear
May 22, 2024 11:34 am
Marty and former Senator Reynolds look set to send some heads rolling down St Georges Tce. Nothing WA lawyers like more than serving it up to the wise men of the East. Suspect Brittany and the Liars are joined at the hip at this point. Dave’s folded.
Will it extend to dear Katie Gallagher and her mates though
I hope this goes on for many more yeards and they all suffer anxiety for the skullduggery their take part in
Every so often, you see consequences catching up to people and it’s grand
Another glass of Shadenfreud? Well, yes, please, don’t mind if I do!
May 22, 2024 11:41 am
According to separate reports on the ABC web news Snowy 2 will cost $12 billion to finish and a nuclear plant will cost $8.5 billion. Any sane government would halt Snowy 2.00 now and put the remainder of the money into nuclear. At least nuclear would be generating power.
When announced by Turnbull in 2017 Snowy 2.0 was to cost $2 billion, now it’s $12 billion. By the time it’s complete (if it ever is) it will probably be even more than that. We could have started work on a nuclear plant back in 2017 instead of pouring money into a hole in a mountain.
The restrictions imposed by the Commitment became new zoning rules for these tracts. Specifically, the Commitment bars “restaurants, including fast food-style restaurants,” except for the following:
A sandwich bar-style restaurant whose primary business is to sell “made-to-order” or “subway-style” sandwiches (which by way of example includes, but is not limited to, “Subway” or “Jimmy John’s”, but expressly excludes traditional fast food restaurants such as “McDonalds”, “Arbys” and “Wendys”), provided that any such restaurant shall not have outdoor seating or drive?through service….
One of the businesses Quintana recruited as a tenant for the new development is a Famous Taco establishment—a Mexican restaurant that (as the name implies) serves tacos and burritos.
He won his case! Perhaps local government pollies should be asked “what is a sandwich?” as well as “what is a woman?”
A near-complete supermarket constructed on the site of an old pub is to be torn down because it was built FIVE FEET higher than it was supposed to be. …
And it said the developers had dropped almost all eco-friendly measures that had been agreed.
I can see why that’d piss off council green progressives. How dare you! On the other hand it offers an opportunity for Elon: as soon as he has Spaceship working he can do a B-Ark for insufferable council nazis.
May 22, 2024 11:52 am
Howard should be ashamed of himself for inflicting Trumble on the country
We regularly travel the Great Western Hwy between Sydney across the NSW Blue Mtns. It continues to astonish us that, since the decision of the NSW govt to discontinue the plan to construct a tunnel to relieve the congestion and open up the West the focus has been on increasing lanes in bottle neck locations. Worse, the construction sites employs enormous numbers of workers and huge numbers of earthmoving vehicles that seemingly shift the dirt from one location to another. I am no engineer, but husband is, and he is aghast at the number of workers and machinery which will seemingly construct bottlenecks which will only exacerbate congestion.
BTW we see this multiplication of road workers on Council projects in our rural area as well. Husband reckons it is because of the plethora of regulations that generate underemployed workers.
We are doomed, says Hanrahan. But Hanrahan is frequently right.
Make work jobs for union maaates. Here in Vic the Big Build pumped enormous OPM into unions and union affiliated businesses. You don’t have to look too far to see clearly where the money ends up and from where it is taken.
Same as Councils & “work for the dole” .. Whenever you see Councils doing new/upgrade pavers projects you can, usually, bet they are using, mainly, WftD folk cos paving is very manual labour intensive requiring lotza hands so “cheap” labour comes in handy ……….
When announced by Turnbull in 2017 Snowy 2.0 was to cost $2 billion, now it’s $12 billion.
It is my understanding that this is representative of Turnbull’s grasp on economics.
Apparently his grasp of economics (as aptly demonstrated in Snowy 2.0) is many times superior to his grasp of management (i.e. making things happen)
Last edited 8 months ago by Salvatore – Iron Publican
I think it was last year when Craig Foster succeeded the amphibian of Mosman’s other half as chairperson of the Australian Republican Movement. To be honest, not being a follower of the boring game (apologies to those here that like the game), I had not heard of ‘Craig Foster’. How someone like him gets invited onto media platforms to opine on stuff he has zero idea about mystifies me. It really is a sad indictment as to how low grade and adolescent much public commentary is in this country. I’ve watched Foster on television and he strikes me as dim, duplicitous and quite frankly…….creepy. So bad is Foster that it takes a lot, and I mean a lot, to make the amphibian of Mosman’s other half look half decent but Foster has managed that spectacularly.
In the meantime, hats off to Nova Peris……
Olympian and former Labor senator Nova Peris says her relationship with fellow co-chair of the Australian Republic Movement Craig Foster was “no longer workable”, in an emotional interview where she said she had a duty as an Aboriginal person to stand up against all forms of racial discrimination.
On Tuesday Ms Peris said she was unable to continue in her role after Foster published an open letter to FIFA and Football Australia calling for Australia to back the suspension of Israel from international football.
Mr Foster responded on Wednesday, saying: “Nova Peris is entitled to her views, as we all are. For reasons that are her own, she has decided that Australians should not be talking about the devastating human rights impacts of the conflict in Gaza.”
She took umbrage with his suggestion that she was telling Australians not to speak up about the conflict in Gaza, saying it was “untrue”.
“Now that’s untrue. I went to Israel. I saw it for myself .. the atrocities of October 7 have never left my mind after bearing witness and speaking to families who still have hostages that are being held by Hamas,” she told Sydney’s 2gb radio.
“Absolutely everyone should have a moral obligation to be speaking out how people are treated… but when people are using the word genocide and apartheid.”
“I have a duty I feel as an Aboriginal person who has always stood against all forms of racial discrimination, and I hate the rise of antisemitism in this country and I feel for the Jewish people and everyone who has been affected … It’s not good for our future generations to see this kind of hatred towards a race of people.”
Ms Peris said this hatred was “making this country really ugly”.
She said while his comments were not made on behalf of the Republican movement, Mr Foster was “associating himself with people who have such hatred of this country”.
“Well when you have people like the Australian Palestinian Advocacy Network, Nasser Mashni, holding up Craig’s commentary and saying thank you Craig Foster, brilliant what you’re doing to attempt to ban Israel from soccer.
“A few weeks ago he came out and said Israel and Australia share two things in common aside from being a shithole racist settler colony, they also have the highest incidence of skin cancer.”
“You get these Palestinian people who are burning flags but also holding up signs that say ‘kill the Australian in your head’ so Craig is associating himself with people who have such a hatred of this country … I love this country.”
“It wasn’t workable for us going forward because I disagree with many of the things where he stands.
She said she was still very passionate about the Republican movement in Australia.
I’m not a 100% Australian Republican anymore* (as I hate the idea of both a popular elected GG and a Parliament-elected GG) but it is pretty rationally incongruous to support a Republic and not Israel.
*I’d support a “third way” – if, a third-way there were.
He got his foot-in-the-door thru fitba commentary for SBS cos mate of Les Murray .. It’s not what you know but who you know on taxpayer funded media ..
He wuz an average fitba player during the 1990s, a period when most were average, and so managed a few caps for the Socceroos before using connections to score an SBS gig ……..
Fozzie was a routine object of ridicule on Roy & HG (themselves both codependent on the ALPBC despite defecting to Triple M for a while) about a decade ago.
May 22, 2024 12:50 pm
It should be a rule of thumb that when people are trying to kill/ruin/destroy you that if they fail and you get in a position to reciprocate you should. These scum against Trump should be nuked. Reciprocal justice originated in the Code of Hammurabi and is referred to in both the Old and New Testaments so it is based on good authority.
I still think Trump will wimp out on getting his revenge but he should still do it for all those people who vote for him. At least he must pardon all J6 prisoners and assign a $1 million in compensation to every one who was monstered over it. Next he must prosecute all those who prosecuted the J6 people. He should be able to do that as it falls under federal law jurisdiction.
Last edited 8 months ago by Crossie
May 22, 2024 12:56 pm
Next he must prosecute all those who prosecuted the J6 people. He should be able to do that as it falls under federal law jurisdiction.
Under Climateworks’ modeling for a 1.5°C scenario, local renewable hydrogen production could grow steadily until 2030 and then accelerate rapidly to 2045.
In your dreams climate idiot peoples. Here’s who they are:
Kylie Turner
System Lead, Sustainable Economies, Climateworks Centre
Luke Brown
Head of Policy and Engagement, Climateworks Centre
Yep, you guessed it, despite green hydrogen being ludicrously uneconomic they did a modeling exercise to “prove” what they are advocating for. Incestuous much? It’s climate turtles all the way down. I had to look up Climateworks Centre, they’re Monash nutcases. It should be bulldozed and sowed with saltbush. So so many drones.
I just wish I’d never heard of him. He really is a smug sanctimonious dickhead. Responsible for one of the great lows in Ozzie football televisual “analysis” by laying into a bemused Ange Postecoglou over the latter’s management skills.
Needless to say, Ange has had the last laugh as his management career goes from strength to strength.
May 22, 2024 1:12 pm
Wait, prosecute them in federal court in DC? ROFL
Does a military tribunal count as a federal court?
Anyone else here use the NSW Home Nursing Service & find they are alwayz short on equipment/supplies .. No probs with the nurses but 3rd month in a row I’ve had to fork out for stuff (chemist) afterwards that is are part of the “raison d’etre” .. I get one visit a month for one straightforward change procedure and alwayz it’s this or that piece missing .. cos …. short supply ..
I ended up buying one of the items (bulk) on Ebay after today’s visit cos it’s rarely available ….. $20 for a year’s supply from China and NSW Health never seem to have any ..!
Not bank breaking costs but just the bloody nuisance of it .. FFS!
One of the first lessons in management that one is taught in the Health Services is cost transference.
I’ve seen – in WA – a Director of Nursing LIE about a patient condition so RFDS flew them out at a cost of about $50k just to save a bed space and staffing overnight that would have cost her budget about $300.
Newest best friend. Photo not too bad despite a snap shot, since he hadn’t ever seen a camera until this. He’s the last noisy chick before winter.
May 22, 2024 1:53 pm
“Wait, prosecute them in federal court in DC? ROFL”
Mayhap there is a black lesbian who can be the “first” to complain and make a case against them for wrongful prosecution. Once the precedent is set…
Bruce of Newcastle
May 22, 2024 1:56 pm
Heh, I think I just aced the New Catallaxy bad timing comment award.
May 22, 2024 1:57 pm
According to separate reports on the ABC web news Snowy 2 will cost $12 billion to finish and a nuclear plant will cost $8.5 billion. Any sane government would halt Snowy 2.00 now and put the remainder of the money into nuclear. At least nuclear would be generating power.
Maladroit Blight Trumble’s original costing was $2bn.
Meanwhile, their ABC reported this morning that tunnel borer Florence has broken again after hitting hard rock, having bored through just 150m of her 15km target after being stuck for 10 months in soft ground.
Wedged the thing in good and proper” one source said, with another simply saying, “It’s f****d.”
The problem apparently was not (at least directly) the hard rock but starting a curve too tightly.
May 22, 2024 2:05 pm
“…tunnel borer Florence has broken again after hitting hard rock, having bored through just 150m of her 15km target after being stuck for 10 months in soft ground. “
Clearly, this is baby bear rocker borer – the rock needs to be not too hard, not too soft, but juuust right.
Ange Postecoglou is a legend and a rare one respected across all codes. Craig Foster reads out the sports news on SBS who sooks about his sport not being dominant.
Black Ball
May 22, 2024 2:14 pm
Who needs to build bollards any longer to protect pedestrians? Daily Telegraph:
The Brookvale Bus Depot is set to become the first in Sydney to fully support a full fleet of electric powered buses.
Work on the $21 million upgrade, to begin later this year, will include the installation of 16 charging bays.
Transport Minister Jo Haylen also confirmed that the first of 229 new battery electric buses will be joining the Brookvale fleet, operated on behalf of the state government by Keolis Downer Northern Beaches, from next year.
The upgrade is part of Stage 1 of the government’s $3 billion Zero Emission Buses (ZEB) Program, which aims to have about 1700 electric buses across Greater Sydney — in 11 depots — by 2028.
There are currently about 8000 diesel and gas-powered public buses across NSW, but the government wants to convert the state’s whole bus network to zero emission technology by 2047.
Charging bays at Brookvale will be made up of three plug-in chargers and 13 overhead “fast charging” pantographs, making it the first electric bus depot with pantograph charging in Australia.
Ms Haylen pointed out that the ZEB Program’s roll out, which was outlined in the government’s second Bus Taskforce Report, would be supported by the Australian bus manufacturing industry.
It was announced last year that bus builder Custom Denning, based at St Marys, would be providing “Element 2” battery electric buses to Keolis Downer Northern Beaches.
“We want to help create healthier, more liveable communities, which has a sustainable transport network that doesn’t emit harmful carbon emissions,” Ms Haylen said.
“Our aim is to achieve this while supporting local industry and operators, ensuring our zero emissions, hi-tech buses can be built locally – with Stage 1 of the ZEB Program expected to support around 1,400 jobs across the construction, bus assembly, supply chain and manufacturing industries.”
The independent state MP for Wakehurst, Michael Regan, who has been persistently lobbying for an improvement to local bus services, welcomed the depot’s electric upgrade.
“As a regular bus passenger myself, I can’t wait to see the northern beaches’ fleet go electric,” he said.
“Converting the Brookvale depot and its single-deck fleet to battery electric is the first step in the journey towards northern beaches’ buses going electric.
“I can’t wait to be boarding electric buses from next year, and eventually B-Lines as well.
“Having electric buses rolling across the beaches will be a powerful symbol of the sustainable future that awaits us, if we make the right decisions and investments.
“So goodbye noisy polluting buses of the past, hello quiet, clean and modern electric buses of the future.”
Keolis Downer CEO Julien Dehornoy said he was proud to be working with the government to deliver the first depot to be fully converted to electric.
“Electric buses will deliver a more sustainable transport option for the northern beaches’ communities and cements our commitment to support governments across Australia to accelerate the energy transition with large-scale deployments in public transport.” he said.
The depot upgrade announcement comes ahead of a “Warringah & Wakehurst Traffic and Transport Forum” to be hosted by Mr Regan and independent federal MP for Warringah Zali Staggall on Thursday.
It begins at 7pm at Manly Leagues Club, Brookvale and will feature a panel of experts, including NSW Roads Minister John Graham, discussing “traffic and transport challenges” in the wake of the cancellation of the Beaches Link road tunnel.
Could almost detect orgasmic ululations from Mr Reagan and Ms Haylen.
Will there be any charging options along the routes once they go flat?
For a while I used to see how cheaply I could get to the airport no longer being able to expense $80 taxi fares on the Melbournibad ring roads. I think my record was about $2.50 by bus from what passes as the Radelaide CBD.
Southern suburbs of Damascus? Knesset MPs have been saying that the IDF should annex the bit of Lebanon south of the Litani River.
They just might, if the gloves come off. Those gloves have been fraying lately. /ICC
May 22, 2024 2:24 pm
“So goodbye noisy polluting buses of the past, hello quiet, clean and modern electric buses of the future.”
Shirley you mean: goodbye reliable, fast turn-around buses, hello fires you can’t put put out on some of Sydney’s busiest roads.
Nice one.
Glad I’m nowhere near them.
Sad I have to help fund them.
May 22, 2024 2:27 pm
This battery shite is so absurd. If they want electric buses put up a pair of overhead wires like Van Ness Ave in san Francisco.
Brilliant statement, I may copy it and spread it around ( still have one or two financially literate friends).
May 22, 2024 2:44 pm
“…politicians & public servants don’t understand what a stop-loss is.”
Ah, I see the problem.
You’ve definitely made a mistake there Bern – you’ve mistaken them for people who care.
May 22, 2024 2:55 pm
Adelaide hospital cost an eye watering 2bill.
Snowy 2.0 will cost 6x.
What a terrible allocation of taxpayer money.
Especially when there is so much freakin’ gas that would keep all but the most retarded greenie happy ready to go.
As always with economics it is the alternative uses of the money that is the real cost. Including leaving it individual taxpayers pockets. Kerry Packer was right.
Finland is closing all crossings on the Russian border after accusing Moscow of deliberately helping migrants into the country.
Seven of eight road posts have already shut over a rise in crossings this month.
The government now says the last, located in the Arctic Circle, will close on Thursday for two weeks.
Around 900 asylum seekers entered Finland from Russia in November, up from fewer than one a day on average.
Russian authorities have decided unilaterally to change the country’s maritime borders with Lithuania and Finland in the Baltic Sea, according to a draft government decree published on the legal acts portal, reported The Moscow Times.
The document, prepared by the Russian Defense Ministry, says that Russia intends to declare part of the waters in the eastern Gulf of Finland and territory near the cities of Baltiysk and Zelenogradsk in the Kaliningrad region as its internal waters.
In the Liars parliamentary caucus, it doesn’t matter how incompetent you are, but which faction you belong to. Former reffo liberation lawyer Anthony Giles belongs to Elbow’s socialist left faction and removing him would require a realignment of factional power allocations.
Therefore, it won’t happen. Giles is as safe as houses.
Is this the Mcbride Whistle blower who was sentenced to jail for sending out documents that said that Aussie Soldiers were good and decent soldiers and the shit thrown at them is unjustified?
McBride was actually sticking up for the Digs.
He was fed to the wolves.
May 22, 2024 4:52 pm
Excellent piece by CBD at ACE.
I have posted it here in full. It is not too long.
“Tribalism? How very unmodern…unsophisticated…ignorant…uneducated!
Don’t we live in a society in which the individual is the highest expression of humanity? Don’t we live in the modern world, which is interconnected with wondrous transportation that will get us anywhere on the planet in a matter of a few hours? And the instantaneous communication available to us is even more amazing! We are connected to everyone, and everyone is connected to us!
Except…October 7th happened, and Jewish Tribalism needs to make a big comeback…and fast.
Demonstrators chanting that Hitler was right…”From The River To The Sea” as a catchphrase…Jews being prevented from walking into campus buildings…Jews unwelcome on the streets of sophisticated European capitals…Jews being killed by protestors… all under cover of many governments’ curious sloth in upholding the law.
And to make matters worse, Israel is being demonized by supposedly sophisticated world organizations like the UN, the ICC, the ICRC, the EU, and dozens more. And the tepid and inconsistent support from the United States, which has traditionally been Israel’s solid ally is calling into question Israel’s position as part of the West’s bulwark against encroaching Islam. Never mind Europe, which is rapidly being subsumed by Islam’s march.
No longer can Jews see ourselves are part of this great experiment in liberal democracy, enlightened self rule, and robust respect for all…because we are being singled out as unworthy of those protections and support!
The message is clear; Jews are not welcome as full members of Western culture because of our connection to our ancestral home. Israel is the modern focus for 2,500 years of Jew-Hate, and the fury with which the world expresses its frustration that it has not disappeared under a tidal wave of Arab and Muslim hatred is on full display.
How to respond? Raise Judaism and Jewish culture above the ephemeral connection to the West. Return to the Tribe. Focus on Jewish culture and the Jewish people before participating in the larger Western culture.
There is a huge amount of overlap, it is not life-changing, but it does require that attention be paid. Jewish businesses require our support. Synagogues require our membership. Jewish culture requires our defense. And most of all…the Jewish people must participate in its own defense and stop relying on a Western culture that is in the process of rejecting us as full-fledged members.
But that does not mean that we are alone. Outside of the tent cities on our campuses and the progressive hell-holes of our cities is a vast and wonderful country that has been steadfast in its support for Israel and Judaism. And they are being confronted by similar pressures, since all religion is under attack.
That Jews, Judaism and Israel are on the battlefront does not mean that people of other faiths are safe. As Islam says…”First the Saturday people, then the Sunday people.”
Merchan has sent the jury home for 4 days before closing arguments. This is unheard of. The jury will go home to the anti Trump cesspit and forget cohen is a lying turd. Normally the jury is engaged straight after closing arguments and closing arguments follow immediately the end of evidence. This is fuking unbelievable.
That gives the leftist “groundroots” people 4 days access to “convince” the jurors how to vote.
This trial is giving kangaroo courts a bad name. It’s almost as if the judge is doing everything he can to get it turned over on appeal if not lose it outright (anywhere but in NYC if would be a hands-down outright loss and rightfully should have been throw out by the judge as the prosecution made no case).
Under fire Labor senator Fatima Payman has shown up to support University of Melbourne students currently involved in the protest occupying one of the faculty buildings.
Senator Payman last week broke rank with the Labor Party and accused Israel of “genocide” in Gaza and called on the government to sanction Israel.
The WA senator ended a speech last week with the phrase “from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free”, which was the catalyst for the phrase being condemned in a motion in parliament.
It is unknown how much planning went into Senator Payman’s university visit with the senator seen talking with student activist leaders and posing for photos.
In one picture she posed with student protesters in front of a Gaza solidarity encampment sign with her fist raised in the air.
Earlier, activists at the university blocked access to a second building as pro-Palestine protesters continue to disrupt classes.
Close the stinking cesspit down. I developed my dislike of Melbourne Uni after the attacks on Geoffrey Blainey. There was also some lezzo thing where they took down a perfesser in the 80s Not sure of the details.
The Hawthorn racism peace talks are on the verge of collapse on the eve of the AFL’s grandest celebration of Indigenous football.
As Richmond and Essendon prepare for Dreamtime at the G on Saturday night, it can be revealed the Hawks racism scandal is destined to be heard in Federal Court, unless there’s a “significant shift” in mediation.
Despite two extensions in the conciliation talks between multiple Indigenous players and their families, the Hawks and their former coaches Alastair Clarkson, Chris Fagan and Jason Burt, the talks are at an impasse over several issues, including compensation.
It’s not one of his opinion pieces which is good because he is a buffoon.
Still maintain that no racism was ever, er, indulged in.
You’re right, Black Ball: Mark Robinson is a buffoon who spends most of his time working with leftwing political activists like Gerard Whateley.
The case against Alastair Clarkson was only ever a political hit job that would never stand up in a court of law. That’s the major reason for North Melbourne’s poor performance in the past two years as Clarkson attempts to get games into the kids.
Knuckle Dragger
May 22, 2024 6:19 pm
‘Health perfessionals’ once again on point (the Tele):
After a staff meeting held on Wednesay morning, CEC Director of Information Management Andre Jenkins sent an email to all CEC staff, announcing “support services” available.
Mr Jenkins’ email was slammed by staff as “tone-deaf” for not acknowledging that NSW Police are treating the deaths of Harrison and his son as a tragic murder-suicide.
No. no. Wonderful colleague. Beloved friend, according to this Jenkins chap. A bit of backpedalling from the Minister:
Health Minister Ryan Park said the email was “completely unacceptable” and caused “significant distress to staff”.
“I want to make clear that it does not reflect the views of NSW Health, and that it was not in any way endorsed or authorised by Health,” he said.
Crunching the gears, going into reverse.
The email praised Harrison as “generous with his time”.
“Many of you also shared and memories of Rowan popping up in meetings with his proud dad.”
Forgetful bloke this Jenkins, missing any reference to his ‘beloved friend’ being a child killer.
Jeff Taylor has a problem with his delivery, but I don’t give a damn.
He speaks the truth.
And this truth is that Europe’s leaders are at war with their people.
May 22, 2024 6:24 pm
“Labor senator Fatima Payman joins Melbourne uni protest”
She represents WA but rocks up to a palli protest in Melbourne.
No doubt on the taxpayer dime.
The Hawthorn racism peace talks are on the verge of collapse
I sincerely hope Clarkson, Fagan et al smash this blatant cash grab out of the park.
May 22, 2024 6:27 pm
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
May 22, 2024 5:51 pm
Labor senator Fatima Payman
Was thinking, anyone keeping a tab on the numbers of our foreign born reps?
Noticed the same trend in the US and UK, no idea about the EU.
Seems out of proportion, don’t we have enough indigs to front up to the trough?
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
May 22, 2024 6:34 pm
As well as his focus on Israel, Douglas Murray has recently investigated the horrific fentanyl problem in the US, made worse by the open border with Mexico. It is this, as much as anything else, that has made the border issue such a huge rebellion against Biden and the Democrats. Even Democrats have families, and my suspicion is that they are far more likely to have children who ‘use’ recreationally than solidly Christian and/or Republican families, although of course no family in this world is immune. Democrat governors and legislatures have been changing their tune on so-called ‘harm minimisation’, unless it is backed by the mandatory rehabilitation (which I have always favoured). Colorado, with its lax approach to drug use, has been particularly hard hit. Normalised cocaine/methamphetamines and a total acceptance of legal marihuana have percolated even into the smaller towns. Mixed with fentanyl, this is a nightmare scenario. This is no longer an urban problem only in the US, although Murray’s piece concentrates on urban users.
I’ve been looking at some of the harrowing stories and vids on the internet that currently surround the drug crisis in the US, and although Mexican-made Fentanyl hasn’t yet infiltrated here mixed with any other drug for ‘polydrug’ users as it has in the US, we can guarantee this is coming to our shores soon. The two years I spent doing harrowing telephone ‘counselling’, better called ‘consoling’, family members dealing with a drug-afflicted loved one have led me very much to Murray’s viewpoint that nothing will change until the culture changes, and we get serious about ‘forced rehabilitation’ as well as leaving in place immediate harm minimisation. I didn’t know that Narcan (the antidote to OD’s) was freely available now in some US pharmacies; that’s how bad the situation is. There is so much misery in drug addiction, and addiction is the right word for it. Addictions must be broken psychologically and culturally as well as physically.
The Mexican cartels reap the major part of this US$65 billion enterprise each year. I draw it to Catallaxy attention because it is something we can’t ignore. Nor can any politician.
Just watching Jamie and Jimmy at the end of ‘Sarfend’ Pier with the lovely yummy Joanna Lumley on their Cooking Show.
Making me hungry just watching the show.
The US, as well as Russia and Israel, are not parties to the Rome Statute/ICC. They felt that the prosecutor for such a court would possess too much unchecked power to make politically motivated prosecutions, such as she is doing now.
What actions might the US take at this point? Difficult to say since Biden already soiled his bed by encouraging an arrest warrant be issued for Putin (for alleged war crimes in Ukraine). That pissed away any legitimacy he might have in whinging about any other politically inspired warrants.
In any case, the US doesn’t have a dog in the fight regarding the legitimacy of the ICC as little it could do now would de-legitimize the ICC more than refusing to be a party to the Rome Statute/ICC in the first place. But hey, I’d never bet against Biden managing to find a way to make things worse.
Trump sanctioned the ICC. Biden when he case in removed the sanction, so he tacitly supports the indictments.
As for us here in Oz, Albo is complete scum.
DFAT responds to ICC’s arrest warrants (Sky News, 22 May)
John Spooner.
Mark Knight.
Mark Knight #2.
Brett Lethbridge #1.
Morten Morland.
Michael Ramirez.
A.F. Branco.
Matt Margolis #1.
Gary Varvel.
Ben Garrison.
Thanks Tom. Love the Gary Varvel one.
The Australian scientist is Edward Holmes of Sydney Uni who was deeply involved in the lab leak cover up with Fauci and his closest mates. Yet still been receiving Australian Government grants.
Also worked for CDC China.
Rolls Royce getting into SMRs with this pilot programme –
Rolls-Royce signs £15m deal to test mini-nuclear reactors in Sheffield, England, UK.
The 2020 Coup – Will they Do It Again in 2024?
How the 2020 Election Was Really Rigged – Will 2024 be a Repeat?
This is a special investigation into the truth behind the rigging of the 2020 election that has nothing to do with voting machines and double counting. That gets you nowhere, and it was a master distraction from the core of everything – the manipulation of the January 6th count that was in direct conflict with the Constitution as Pelosi used COVID rules to prevent the gathering of the Senate and the House as specified in the Constitution and the suppression of any challenge to six states.
Here is the documented evidence that even covers the FBI admitting that they had so many people in the crowd they could not even say how many. The storming of the proceeding was NOT to benefit Trump but to benefit Biden by ensuring that there would be no objections when all the studies confirmed that neither masks nor social distancing reduced COVID. Still, it was used by Pelosi to hold the most unprecedented count of any president in the history of the United States.
Tim Pool
I knew Bidenflation was bad but I didn’t realize how bad
Taibbi flags a body of work showing how the blob is planning to combat social media during the upcoming election.
I’ll share what I can when it comes out.
Sources tell me at least two different active groups are working on political content moderation programs for the November election that tactically would go a step or two beyond what we observed with groups like Stanford’s Election Integrity Partnership, proposing not just deamplification or removals, but fakery, use of bots, and other “offensive” forms of manipulation.
One for Arky
It’s like he didn’t know it was going to happen.
Tell me he didn’t go there to treat wounded terrorists.
If only they had billion of dollars in aid money to invest in stockpiling food and medical supplies for a war they knew was coming, because they chose to start it.
Oh wait, they did.
Why does a volunteer doctor want to leave? Have the casualties stopped occurring? And has he asked for a lift out? Because empty aid trucks are driving back into Israel every day and there is a brand new pier that aid ships tie up to.
Joni Ernst: HHS Is ‘Finally Admitting’ They Funded ‘Gain-Of-Function Research’ In Wuhan
I guess that’s why they tell you to always wesr your seatbelt. But if you out of your seat, you’re in trouble. Dead passenger suspected to have had a heart attack.
Track down his SM profile.
Also; heaps of “starving” people in those photos. Check out the mother.
Is this him? Dr al-Beiruti sounds more likely to be Lebanese than Iraqi.
Anyone got a recommendation for the best SIM for Europe?
After our Optus Global Roaming experiences last year I’m tempted to avoid them.
I used Italian Vodafone in Jan €50 cash only for 30 days then €10 a month worked fine in Malta and France as well.
A Maltese Melita for only €10 was the bomb the year before though
Buy a twenty quid sim from a vending machine (they have heaps of data) and use Whatsapp for calling international. Ensure you have friends/rels on Whatsapp before you leave.
I got a SIM in Paris for €20, not from the airport (likely more expensive) but from a shop on a street near Gare du Nord. Works just fine; calls to anywhere in Europe are free for a month. Didn’t pay attention on >30 days as I won’t be that long.
Wife & daughter got cards in Spain, similar type shop, for €15. Possibly that was Vodafone. Similar deal with calls. In both cases you get a wodge of data – moot, as mostly use hotel or other free wifi.
A downside I had was with our Wise cards (recommend for travel money). Transfers between us need SMS verification … to the Aus phone when first obtained. You can add the Euro number to the account. Need to attach a photo of self holding up the ID page of passport. Took most of a day to come through. If you get the card and need to transfer between yourselves, do one in Aus before leaving.
As an embarrassed PS to my above, it is a weely weely good idea to remember where you tucked away your Australian sim.
Ripping your gear apart at the airport is just embarrassing.
I got a Simdirect card sent to me here in Oz. 30 days, 12GB, $38AUD. Worked a treat in Europe. Dead easy to connect. I have a cheap dual Sim phone, so kept the Oz one on roaming in case I got the stupid ‘verify’ messages.
In the past I have tried everything. I have a match box with all the past SIM cards. This was the best ( but I think the telecom companies have finally got it together)
Thanks all for the replies.
On Monday, Colonel Richard Kemp and the AJA (Australian Jewish Association) visited the colonialist settler Palestine encampment at Sydney University….
So, lets get this straight, Sydney University security stand back, do nothing and allow the racist Jew hating pro-Palestinian and leftist scum free rein to spruik their genocidal taunts and set up filthy encampments on state government public land but the same security appear very quickly to stop Kemp and the AJA from filming their visit and ask them to leave!
Our taxes at work. Mark Slug Scott, long known to be a verminous parasitic creature, a slug constantly awarded cosy and very plum tax-payer funded sinecures by various Liberal state and federal governments, positions such as heading up the ABC (and finally destroying it), to being appointed by the Baird government to head the NSW Department of Education, to being appointed vice-chancellor of Sydney University, is refusing to step in and remove this Jew hating encampment, and Slug Scot is now an expert on free speech, lecturing us mere mortals that ‘phrases such as “intifada” and “From the river to the sea” are open to different interpretation.
Sure Slug, just like a ‘swastika’ at a far-left pro-Palestine rally is ‘open to different interpretations’, just like the posters comparing Jews to garbage are ‘open to different interpretations’.
Joseph Goebbels would have approved of Mark Slug Scott.
Australia in 2024.
And never forget, this same Slug Scott has never been confronted about what he new about the scandals at Knox Grammar but then, silly me, Slug Scott is not a Catholic priest.
Wow! A seff efrican Security wonk. And the wonk is saying Richard Kemp is making said wonk’s life a misery! Go Back to Cape Town scum, and see how miserable your life would be there.
The bike ride took us from Blois to Amboise to Vouvray to Amboise to Chenoceaux to Cours-Cheveny to Chambord and then back to Blois.
Distances were only 40-50km per day so I was dismissive about the effort involved. However the rented bike was heavy, the panniers didn’t help and neither did the drag from the dynamo on the front wheel. My partner wisely opted for an electric bike and I struggled to keep up with her.
The Loire was in flood as was a major tributary the Cher so the bike track had stretches of water. After nearly toppling in one of the longer and deeper inundations we subsequently detoured around the more menancing looking ones .
In particular we didn’t want to find out what happens to an electric bike when submerged, nothing good I assume.
It had rained every day for the last 3 months so the vineyards looked soggy with water pooled around the vines, I think the middle Loire vintage will be a bit merde this year.
Very impressed by 2 of the chateaus-Chenonceaux (picture attached) and Chambord. The latter was the brainchild of King Francis the first who wanted something that resembled the skyline of Constantinople. He got his wish.
Very photogenic which is why it often appears in movies.
lol, Harlequin. Go electric if you are going to ride for many km, but not if it’s wet. The perils of choice. We have done those places the easy way, by car, and they are certainly worth a good look, which I guess you get even more on a bike.
And here’s the Chambord Chateau.
Sure it could. Actively undermining a prosecution is clearly more delegitimizing than not being a signatory. Moreover, the UK and by extension, the US, were also behind the nomination of Khan.
Interesting how so many muslims are in so many international leadership roles, eg ICC, US elite universities, just when things are getting interesting.
-Who is the US Secretary of State?
-Who was the US Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs until a month ago?
-Who is the Dictator in charge of “Saigon on the Dnieper”?
Not to mention the disgraced former Defence Minister, the current Defence Minister and the chap who will take over, when ‘elensky gets a .45 in the head?
-Who is the UK Minister of Defence?
Are they all Zimbabweans?
Bloise had a little resistance museum with iirc bits of a downed allied bomber and a concentration camp inmate’s uniform.
Well worth a visit.
Rosie I liked the bit in his bio about studying I slam sciences under scholars. Lesson 1, hate Jews. Lesson 2, hate Jews, blame Jews. Lesson 3, hate Jews, blame Jews, kill Jews. Lesson 4, hate Jews,blame Jews, kill Jews, its not our fault, we’re the victims of oppressive colonialism, we’ve always been here, give us everything we want, we’re starving including all those fatties over there, help me strap on this suicide vest to stupid monohammad who wants to kill Jews. Yep, I slam science studies. You can’t beat it.
Top Ender,
I bought a Lyca SIM in Amsterdam, 30 Euro for 30 days and good for almost all Europe with unlimited data and calls.
RE the F111 comments above, it always amused me when you would be droning along in your bug smasher and ATC would announce low level jet routes for the 111’s as lat/long and time turning points. By the time the announcement was finished I wouldn’t have found my pencil.
I had an earnest young instructor once threaten to fail my check ride because I hadn’t preplotted the F111 low level jet routes from the NOTAMS. A good glare and he decided otherwise.
I hate to be a “stick in the mud” bons, but if there is a Notam identifying a LJR anywhere near your planned track, it is definitely in YOUR best interest to plot it out, as you brief your sortie in the Briefing Office, NOT in the air.
They are usually published 24 hours, (sometimes longer), before use, so you would have that info at briefing.
I think the Bishop’s palace in Chartres you stayed in is now the Musee des Beaux-Arts .
They had a Monet on display but apart from that they didnt have much of interest.
By the way, I watched Bronwyn Bishop last night on Sky. For all her faults, she was and remains a true conservative, she was always of the right. Her ilk are now sadly gone from the Liberal Party, thanks to Turdbull and Scumbag. But as Bronwyn Bishop said last night, when Australia under the Howard government (of course), in a move instigated by Dolly Downer, signed this country up to the ICC, she fought tooth and nail against it.
Last night she reiterated how right she was at the time and how she remains right and as she said, whilst it is nice to hear Dolly Downer’s condemnation of the ICC’s move against Israel, all of this was inevitable and we should exit the organisation pronto.
EU defending ICC. Situation unravelling.
HD no it’s still a guest house, it had an amazing history and it looks like the family that own it have now made the garden accessible to guests.
We stayed in the suite Charles V, an extravagance for the end of our trip, a couple of family members and me.
The Margin Call column reports Albo dined at Justin’s new place Good Luck on Tuesday.
Menu attached.
I haven’t been there yet.
If it’s anything like Mr Wong, serving size has become incredibly small over the past year or so.
Hun just now:
Per 9 news:
the plane apparently dropped 6000 feet in a few minutes…
Per the Daily Mail it:
plummeted an astonishing 6,000ft in just five minutes…
What’s the point of subbing a script if you don’t understand what you’re reading?
Minutes and seconds aside, the cause is, of course, obvious.
Are you referring to my comment?
The article also said no-one who was wearing their seatbelt was injured.
So yes always wearing your seat belt even when the seat belt sign is turned off which airlines always announce when you travel is good advice, which I didn’t always follow. Might now.
Referring to the standard of journalism in the story, Rosie.
They are using numbers equivalent to a slowish landing descent for a commercial aircraft. Which is at odds with things like the dropped oxygen masks.
U.S.-Built Pier in Gaza an Epic Failure
Yet the aid workers saw nothing, cue Sergeant Schultz.
He’s resigning as Chairman.
BREAKING: Klaus Schwab RESIGNS From World Economic Forum
Interesting news report.
‘We were all duped’ | Report: Egypt changed terms of Gaza ceasefire deal (22 May)
Sounds like Egypt has their own deep state, and that the Muslim Brotherhood hasn’t gone away. By changing the deal like this either the terms would be extremely favourable to MB-linked Hamas or the Israelis would be blamed for walking away from it, which they ultimately did.
The cameraman is an absolute legend
Neocon Queen Of Darkness Calls For US To Bomb Russian Targets Within Russia
No, she isn’t calling for the “US to bomb Russia”.
She is calling for Biden to allow Ukraine to hit those targets with weapons provided by the allies, which he has so far forbidden.
Trump comment
Fully rigged. Any old crime will do.
Judge Merchan, a Democratic Party activist who as a sitting judge made illicit political donations to Joe BIden and other anti-Trump political groups, just took a key step to rig a verdict against Trump. From
@Politico: “To find Trump guilty of felony-level falsification of business documents, the jury must unanimously find that Trump falsified the documents in order to commit or conceal a separate crime. But the jurors do not all have to agree on what that separate crime was, Justice Juan Merchan ruled.” It there a more lawless approach than allowing jurors to individually pick unspecified crimes over which to convict someone? #BananaRepublic
merchan is the worst sort of corrupt: a condescending, virtue ridden bastard who because he thinks he is better and the other side, Trump and the rest of the US, are criminals, can therefore justify any heinous misuse of the law.
No, it doesn’t even remotely mean that. That’s Monty level BS.
‘We were all duped’ | Report: Egypt changed terms of Gaza ceasefire deal
Akshuly nobody was fooled, it’s standard operating procedure with those people.
FBI Authorized Use of Deadly Force During Mar-a-Lago Raid
societal trespass: the demon in the design
Sounds like a very convenient leak.
On the other hand it would provide an excellent excuse for the Israelis to say no to the deal. And remove some pressure coming from the White House.
So in the upshot the Israelis are favoured by the collapse of the deal. I’m not seeing much pressure on them at the moment, which suggests that Qatar and the US are indeed pretty fed up with both Hamas and the Egyptians.
Apparently there are fifty tunnels under the Egyptian border and the the hostages are being kept in them.
Anthony Fauci’s Top Adviser Bragged About ‘How to Make Emails Disappear’
EPA’s Clean Power Plan Rule Prioritizes Net-Zero Over Grid Reliability
Same as here.
I’m wondering if the CSIRO economists factored maintenance and replacement costs into their calculations on nuclear v/ renewables?
Windmills, solar panels and batteries have comparatively short operating life-spans (c. 20 years with proper maintenance), whereas a new nuclear plant could function for up to 80 years, about four times as long as wind turbine “farms” or solar panel arrays, which have to be multiplied many times over across the land with battery storage to produce the electricity required and still require “firming”.
And what about sticking with coal? 😀
Costs? Phtt! It’s taxpayers’ money, no limits.
Fox writes a report on why foxes are excellent protectors of henhouses.
Why do I suspect that people who advocate this state of affairs live in compounds with diesel power generators?
people who live in inner city suburbs will be last to lose power. Regional areas the first. Regional areas of course, are the ones being impacted by the proliferation of windmills and panels, and the power collection infrastructure required for such highly dispersed energy sources.
getting it at both ends
So who will head WEF next?
Kevin Rudd? Julia Gillard? Julie Bishop?
It will probably have to be a billionaire so my money is on Bill Gates.
So who will head WEF next?
The short priced favourite (media-wize) is wokeness personified ..
KRuddy with better connections. Proven record of style over substance, you wouldn’t rule it out.
Tony Blair has already put his hand up.
Mind you, it’s a family business.
SNAP, shatterzzz!
Sticking with coal is sensible. Just ask the Chinese.
Andrew Giles’s soft touch for non-citizen criminals helped release alleged killer from detention
By paul garvey
A ministerial direction issued by Immigration Minister Andrew Giles was central to prompting a tribunal to order the release of an immigration detainee and domestic violence perpetrator who then went on to allegedly murder a man on Mother’s Day.
Sudan-born Emmanuel Saki, 29, has been charged with murder over the stabbing death of 22-year-old Bosco Minyurano on May 12. The incident took place just weeks after he was freed from immigration detention after the Administrative Appeals Tribunal overturned a 2019 decision to strip him of his visa.
The reasons handed down by AAT deputy president Stephen Boyle to explain his decision found that “considerable” weight needed to be given to the fact that Saki had been living in Australia during and since his formative years. Saki had arrived in Australia in 2006, when he was 12 years old.
The provision requiring decision-makers to show a higher level of tolerance for criminal conduct by non-citizens who have lived in Australia from a very young age was introduced under Mr Giles’ Direction 99, which came into effect on 23 January last year.
The provisions offering greater protection for criminal non-citizens who had resided in Australia since their childhoods were introduced shortly before a visit to Australia by New Zealand’s then-prime minister Chris Hipkins in early February 2023.
His predecessor Jacinda Ardern had long been critical of Australia’s preparedness to deport back to New Zealand offenders who had spent the bulk of their lives in Australia, and the new provision was seen among those in the immigration space as a measure designed to address those concerns.
which suggests that Qatar and the US are indeed pretty fed up with both Hamas and the Egyptians.
Until Qatar kicks them out (Turkey will take ’em cos Iran wouldn’t dare .. LOL!) or turns a blind eye to a Mossad “visit” then Qatar is all mouth and no action ……
Qatar is squirming atop the fence .. something they can get away with cos Brandon but won’t pass the pub-test when the God Emperor returns ……
The reasons handed down by AAT deputy president Stephen Boyle to explain his decision found that “considerable” weight needed to be given to the fact that Saki had been living in Australia during and since his formative years. Saki had arrived in Australia in 2006, when he was 12 years old.
How does how long you’ve resided in Oz mitigate any criminal act ..?
Based on this fool, Boyle’s, logic I would be immune from any untoward act I may commit .. cos been here since 1967 …….
Boyle’s a furglewit and also indirectly responsible for someone’s death ..!
It’s amazing Cassie with the ICC. How do the Liberals never stop and think “hmmm, why would Labor and Greens support this if it was a good idea given every last one of them are disgusting psychopaths who want to destroy civilisation?”
Policy really isn’t hard. Ask Adam Bandt his opinion and then do the opposite. And then throw greenies in prison and tell them they are there because the “science” says they are superspreaders of some Chinese virus. And tell them they can’t have any lighting in their cells or hot food because it hurts Gaia.
Put this up yesterday morning, not quite relevant today, but for some reason beyond me it was blocked .. meant I could read it but no one else could .. weird …!
As a recovering alcoholic (44 years, Aug 1980) I fail to see the difference between gambling & alcoholism .. If your caught in either spiral the only answer is YOU .. No one forces you to do either ..!
In my case, I simply lost control of an “enjoyment” and the downhill trip to sleeping rough & sampling “meths” was fairly rapid .. Fortunately, for me nature intervened, 10 years late, and a Cirrhosis of the Liver diagnosis meant .. quit or die .. I made the quit choice but could just as easily gone the other way .. in other wordz .. my own decision made the difference ..!
Very few, if any, quit either alcohol or gambling cos gummint issues warnings .. we don’t read/watch current affairs .. we drink/gamble .. it consumes your life & wallet .. it’s your reason to struggle thru another day …..
For 44 years I’ve seen & read all the don’t drink paraphanalia they trot out but there is still the, occasional, day that I ponder “should I, one won’t hurt” before opening a can of soft drink & muttering, “F**k off” ………….! .. The trick is to never be fooled into forgetting the word, RECOVERING, cos you ain’t ever cured …….!
According to separate reports on the ABC web news Snowy 2 will cost $12 billion to finish and a nuclear plant will cost $8.5 billion. Any sane government would halt Snowy 2.00 now and put the remainder of the money into nuclear. At least nuclear would be generating power.
It’s not about power generation, it’s about money for friends in the form of subsidies. Nobody the politicians know is in the nuclear power business but they do know lots of carpetbaggers in the renewables business.
I heard $20 billion if you include the feds dishing out $6 bill to buy it off the NSW rats.
The $8.5 billion would be a large scale nuclear facility. Not surprising as we would have to be starting from scratch. But it would generate a lot more power than an SMR.
There would need to be a brace of SMRs to match the capacity of a large scale nuclear plant, or a coal power station for that matter. But at least SMRs would be off the shelf and could be up and running a lot quicker.
SMRs are the sensible approach to start with and as knowledge and skills develop plans can head towards bigger facilities.
Couple of bites this morning.
CSIRO is a captured organisation. Reports outcomes were likely written before and the rest structured around that. Rog, bet your bottom dollar subsidies or even manufacturing carbon footprint wasn’t even considered for solar/wind. I still hear the lie that the fuel rebate for mines is a subsidy so people actually believe this rubbish.
Stephen Boyle of the AAT is another reason once all paths have come to an end with courts/tribunals, that the buck needs to stop with the minister for entrants who are not even residents. Immi minister should be able to make an executive decision that is untouchable by activist judicious types on this one. Yes there are dangers but the present system is captured by a noisy minority in advocacy and not serving us at all. Of course probably won’t happen under an ALP Gov and a minute chance under a Dutton Gov. They seem to be pretty quick trying to deport expat Pom’s who have been here since childhood on admin grounds.
My 2c worth as usual the left is well ahead of the bell curve and getting a groundwork of precedents laid down for when the Government changes, reintroduces/strengthens the laws or deporting crim’s (Not just Maori bikies).
Anyway off to Melbourne soon. Have great day.
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if it didn’t matter where on earth you were there were no roaming charges as you were paying a global company for their services?
I am sooooooooo waiting impatiently for this!
Giles is a poisonous soft handed scion of privilege. What is it with posh skools and ultra leftists?
Highlights for me in the ongoing shit against Trump:
1 The Mar-a-Lago raid was authorised to use deadly force by Garland/biden/obama. That is they were authorised to kill Trump and his family. The instructions to the FBI to use lethal force against Trump and his security is discussed here at about 6m 20 sec; this is beyond the pale: https://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/15.0.3/svg/1f6a8.svgBiden To Be CHARGED After He Told FBI To Use DEADLY FORCE On Donald & Melania Trump At Mar-a-Lago (youtube.com)
2 Merchan has prevented the US electoral commissioner from testifying that the NDA was not illegal and has directed the jury that they can find a verdict of guilty for different crimes if they can’t all agree on one crime.
It should be a rule of thumb that when people are trying to kill/ruin/destroy you that if they fail and you get in a position to reciprocate you should. These scum against Trump should be nuked. Reciprocal justice originated in the Code of Hammurabi and is referred to in both the Old and New Testaments so it is based on good authority.
Tony Blair heading the WEF would be a perfect fit.
Some guy called Klaus Schwab.
Sounds like a way to keep the reins while reducing his workload.
What on old fiend the dirty grub polluting the WH is.
ABC reporting on gambling .. ?
What hypocrits.
My impression was they were all for it.
Watch what happens every year around Melbourne Cup time with the ABC in Melbourne, they have even broadcast from Flemington racetrack regulalry at taxpayer expense. They have a wow of a time during the entire event, 2 weeks worth I believe.
Years ago I remember Jon Faine (commentator/entertainer) raving about how wonderful it all was.
If that’s not the national broadcaster promoting gambling, what is? (rhetorical question, requires no answer)
It’s a tough job but someone has to do it.
‘Preschool for snowflakes’: public servants play Lego to ‘de-stress’ (Tele, paywalled)
Oh well, maybe they’ll learn some engineering skills. Stranger things have happened.
We had jigsaw puzzles in the meeting room to do during lunch. Is that as bad?
Yes, and that specifically included an authorization to engage Trump’s Secret Service protective detail.
One has to wonder what in God’s name was running through their bent excuses for minds because if you wanted a hot civil war in the US that’s a damned good way to start it.
Marty and former Senator Reynolds look set to send some heads rolling down St Georges Tce. Nothing WA lawyers like more than serving it up to the wise men of the East. Suspect Brittany and the Liars are joined at the hip at this point. Dave’s folded.
Will it extend to dear Katie Gallagher and her mates though
I hope this goes on for many more yeards and they all suffer anxiety for the skullduggery their take part in
Every so often, you see consequences catching up to people and it’s grand
Another glass of Shadenfreud? Well, yes, please, don’t mind if I do!
When announced by Turnbull in 2017 Snowy 2.0 was to cost $2 billion, now it’s $12 billion. By the time it’s complete (if it ever is) it will probably be even more than that. We could have started work on a nuclear plant back in 2017 instead of pouring money into a hole in a mountain.
Close enough for government work.
Great moments in local government.
Indiana Court Rules Burritos and Tacos Qualify as Sandwiches (21 May)
He won his case! Perhaps local government pollies should be asked “what is a sandwich?” as well as “what is a woman?”
UK supermarket torn down after it’s built just five feet too high (21 May)
I can see why that’d piss off council green progressives. How dare you! On the other hand it offers an opportunity for Elon: as soon as he has Spaceship working he can do a B-Ark for insufferable council nazis.
Howard should be ashamed of himself for inflicting Trumble on the country
He should only be forgiven if he apologises.
And Sinodinos.
Howard should be ashamed of himself. FIFY.
He has so much to be ashamed of.
Yes he certainly wasn’t the Menzies of the 90s.
The “power” struggle .. LOL!
We regularly travel the Great Western Hwy between Sydney across the NSW Blue Mtns. It continues to astonish us that, since the decision of the NSW govt to discontinue the plan to construct a tunnel to relieve the congestion and open up the West the focus has been on increasing lanes in bottle neck locations. Worse, the construction sites employs enormous numbers of workers and huge numbers of earthmoving vehicles that seemingly shift the dirt from one location to another. I am no engineer, but husband is, and he is aghast at the number of workers and machinery which will seemingly construct bottlenecks which will only exacerbate congestion.
BTW we see this multiplication of road workers on Council projects in our rural area as well. Husband reckons it is because of the plethora of regulations that generate underemployed workers.
We are doomed, says Hanrahan. But Hanrahan is frequently right.
Make work jobs for union maaates. Here in Vic the Big Build pumped enormous OPM into unions and union affiliated businesses. You don’t have to look too far to see clearly where the money ends up and from where it is taken.
Same as Councils & “work for the dole” .. Whenever you see Councils doing new/upgrade pavers projects you can, usually, bet they are using, mainly, WftD folk cos paving is very manual labour intensive requiring lotza hands so “cheap” labour comes in handy ……….
My late father always claimed Hanrahan as the patron saint of those who grew wheat in marginal areas.
Note: Wind turbuncles don’t do well in tornadoes:
Storms spin up tornadoes in Iowa that cause injuries, topple wind turbines | Fox News
It is my understanding that this is representative of Turnbull’s grasp on economics.
Apparently his grasp of economics (as aptly demonstrated in Snowy 2.0) is many times superior to his grasp of management (i.e. making things happen)
Waffleworth was routinely the smartest man in the room. Just ask him.
Cute owl for Cohenite.
Marjorie Taylor Greene vs a lefty Princeton professor (21 May)
She has muscles where I only imagine that I could have muscles.
I think it was last year when Craig Foster succeeded the amphibian of Mosman’s other half as chairperson of the Australian Republican Movement. To be honest, not being a follower of the boring game (apologies to those here that like the game), I had not heard of ‘Craig Foster’. How someone like him gets invited onto media platforms to opine on stuff he has zero idea about mystifies me. It really is a sad indictment as to how low grade and adolescent much public commentary is in this country. I’ve watched Foster on television and he strikes me as dim, duplicitous and quite frankly…….creepy. So bad is Foster that it takes a lot, and I mean a lot, to make the amphibian of Mosman’s other half look half decent but Foster has managed that spectacularly.
In the meantime, hats off to Nova Peris……
Olympian and former Labor senator Nova Peris says her relationship with fellow co-chair of the Australian Republic Movement Craig Foster was “no longer workable”, in an emotional interview where she said she had a duty as an Aboriginal person to stand up against all forms of racial discrimination.
On Tuesday Ms Peris said she was unable to continue in her role after Foster published an open letter to FIFA and Football Australia calling for Australia to back the suspension of Israel from international football.
Mr Foster responded on Wednesday, saying: “Nova Peris is entitled to her views, as we all are. For reasons that are her own, she has decided that Australians should not be talking about the devastating human rights impacts of the conflict in Gaza.”
She took umbrage with his suggestion that she was telling Australians not to speak up about the conflict in Gaza, saying it was “untrue”.
“Now that’s untrue. I went to Israel. I saw it for myself .. the atrocities of October 7 have never left my mind after bearing witness and speaking to families who still have hostages that are being held by Hamas,” she told Sydney’s 2gb radio.
“Absolutely everyone should have a moral obligation to be speaking out how people are treated… but when people are using the word genocide and apartheid.”
“I have a duty I feel as an Aboriginal person who has always stood against all forms of racial discrimination, and I hate the rise of antisemitism in this country and I feel for the Jewish people and everyone who has been affected … It’s not good for our future generations to see this kind of hatred towards a race of people.”
Ms Peris said this hatred was “making this country really ugly”.
She said while his comments were not made on behalf of the Republican movement, Mr Foster was “associating himself with people who have such hatred of this country”.
“Well when you have people like the Australian Palestinian Advocacy Network, Nasser Mashni, holding up Craig’s commentary and saying thank you Craig Foster, brilliant what you’re doing to attempt to ban Israel from soccer.
“A few weeks ago he came out and said Israel and Australia share two things in common aside from being a shithole racist settler colony, they also have the highest incidence of skin cancer.”
“You get these Palestinian people who are burning flags but also holding up signs that say ‘kill the Australian in your head’ so Craig is associating himself with people who have such a hatred of this country … I love this country.”
“It wasn’t workable for us going forward because I disagree with many of the things where he stands.
She said she was still very passionate about the Republican movement in Australia.
I’m not a 100% Australian Republican anymore* (as I hate the idea of both a popular elected GG and a Parliament-elected GG) but it is pretty rationally incongruous to support a Republic and not Israel.
*I’d support a “third way” – if, a third-way there were.
Methinks Foster has his bread buttered elsewhere…
I hope Nova kicked him in the nads on her way out.
Foster is one evil toad. Dumb as dogshit also. An unfortunate combination for we aussies.
How anyone at Sky after dark can stand him is beyond me though he fits in with their daytime people.
Don’t know about creepy .. but to me lookz like he’s got one foot in the grave .. pencil thin and sick-lish …….!
IIRC, Nova also came out against Da (In)Voice.
Surprisingly so .. considering she’s a big achiever in taxpayer funded “enjoyment” .. LOL!
He got his foot-in-the-door thru fitba commentary for SBS cos mate of Les Murray .. It’s not what you know but who you know on taxpayer funded media ..
He wuz an average fitba player during the 1990s, a period when most were average, and so managed a few caps for the Socceroos before using connections to score an SBS gig ……..
Fozzie was a routine object of ridicule on Roy & HG (themselves both codependent on the ALPBC despite defecting to Triple M for a while) about a decade ago.
I still think Trump will wimp out on getting his revenge but he should still do it for all those people who vote for him. At least he must pardon all J6 prisoners and assign a $1 million in compensation to every one who was monstered over it. Next he must prosecute all those who prosecuted the J6 people. He should be able to do that as it falls under federal law jurisdiction.
Wait, prosecute them in federal court in DC? ROFL
No, in the home states of the victims.
Bugger. There I was hoping that Schwab had been afflicted by something disgusting and outrageously painful. But no.
Am I a bad person?
You’re a very bad person, Bons.
But you could be worse.
No, you are not. This is a man who is/was dangerous to humanity.
I have added my curses. Evil people meet their
just end.
No. Next question.
Will government investment make green hydrogen a reality in Australia? (TechXplore, 21 May)
In your dreams climate idiot peoples. Here’s who they are:
Yep, you guessed it, despite green hydrogen being ludicrously uneconomic they did a modeling exercise to “prove” what they are advocating for. Incestuous much? It’s climate turtles all the way down. I had to look up Climateworks Centre, they’re Monash nutcases. It should be bulldozed and sowed with saltbush. So so many drones.
Yeah. Husband reckons “Green” Hydrogen is a farce. Dangerous production process and unviable.
I just wish I’d never heard of him. He really is a smug sanctimonious dickhead. Responsible for one of the great lows in Ozzie football televisual “analysis” by laying into a bemused Ange Postecoglou over the latter’s management skills.
Needless to say, Ange has had the last laugh as his management career goes from strength to strength.
Does a military tribunal count as a federal court?
Asking for a friend.
Anyone else here use the NSW Home Nursing Service & find they are alwayz short on equipment/supplies .. No probs with the nurses but 3rd month in a row I’ve had to fork out for stuff (chemist) afterwards that is are part of the “raison d’etre” .. I get one visit a month for one straightforward change procedure and alwayz it’s this or that piece missing .. cos …. short supply ..
I ended up buying one of the items (bulk) on Ebay after today’s visit cos it’s rarely available ….. $20 for a year’s supply from China and NSW Health never seem to have any ..!
Not bank breaking costs but just the bloody nuisance of it .. FFS!
One of the first lessons in management that one is taught in the Health Services is cost transference.
I’ve seen – in WA – a Director of Nursing LIE about a patient condition so RFDS flew them out at a cost of about $50k just to save a bed space and staffing overnight that would have cost her budget about $300.
Should have added .. the chemist charges $10 each .. $20 for 20 (inc post) from China ….. FFS!
There are ‘cat-men’?
Who knew?
Newest best friend. Photo not too bad despite a snap shot, since he hadn’t ever seen a camera until this. He’s the last noisy chick before winter.
“Wait, prosecute them in federal court in DC? ROFL”
Mayhap there is a black lesbian who can be the “first” to complain and make a case against them for wrongful prosecution. Once the precedent is set…
Heh, I think I just aced the New Catallaxy bad timing comment award.
Maladroit Blight Trumble’s original costing was $2bn.
Meanwhile, their ABC reported this morning that tunnel borer Florence has broken again after hitting hard rock, having bored through just 150m of her 15km target after being stuck for 10 months in soft ground.
Waffleworth’s near unparalleled run of success continues. FAI all over again.
From the article:
The problem apparently was not (at least directly) the hard rock but starting a curve too tightly.
“…tunnel borer Florence has broken again after hitting hard rock, having bored through just 150m of her 15km target after being stuck for 10 months in soft ground. “
Clearly, this is baby bear rocker borer – the rock needs to be not too hard, not too soft, but juuust right.
Paul Joseph Watson
Ange Postecoglou is a legend and a rare one respected across all codes. Craig Foster reads out the sports news on SBS who sooks about his sport not being dominant.
Who needs to build bollards any longer to protect pedestrians? Daily Telegraph:
Could almost detect orgasmic ululations from Mr Reagan and Ms Haylen.
Will there be any charging options along the routes once they go flat?
$21m capex. Love to see the business case on that.
“harmful carbon emissions,”
my fat a…..e. Carbon dioxide thanks. Get it right dopey Jo. Essential for life and pumped into greenhouses to make plants grow.
Teals just love making the proles ride around in Gaia chariots.
Seems doubtful she’ll ever be seen commuting in one to Sydney Airport.
Seems Victoriastanis may be taking the bus to the airport for a while yet. If its any consolation it’s not too bad.
No train service from Tealville to Kingsford Smith. Have to bus it to Chatswood or St Leonards then change.
For a while I used to see how cheaply I could get to the airport no longer being able to expense $80 taxi fares on the Melbournibad ring roads. I think my record was about $2.50 by bus from what passes as the Radelaide CBD.
Southern suburbs of Damascus? Knesset MPs have been saying that the IDF should annex the bit of Lebanon south of the Litani River.
They just might, if the gloves come off. Those gloves have been fraying lately. /ICC
“So goodbye noisy polluting buses of the past, hello quiet, clean and modern electric buses of the future.”
Shirley you mean: goodbye reliable, fast turn-around buses, hello fires you can’t put put out on some of Sydney’s busiest roads.
Nice one.
Glad I’m nowhere near them.
Sad I have to help fund them.
This battery shite is so absurd. If they want electric buses put up a pair of overhead wires like Van Ness Ave in san Francisco.
So who will head WEF next?
I think Damien from the Omen is ready.
Has anyone checked behind Obama’s ears for suspicious birthmarks?
Has anyone checked behind Obama’s ears for suspicious birthmarks?
Snowy 2.0 demonstrates how politicians & public servants don’t understand what a stop-loss is.
Why would they, when they are dipping into the bottomless well of OPM? And when the well dries up, they just slam the credit card of OPM.
Cth still has to get NBN Co off its balance sheet at some point.
Brilliant statement, I may copy it and spread it around ( still have one or two financially literate friends).
“…politicians & public servants don’t understand what a stop-loss is.”
Ah, I see the problem.
You’ve definitely made a mistake there Bern – you’ve mistaken them for people who care.
Adelaide hospital cost an eye watering 2bill.
Snowy 2.0 will cost 6x.
What a terrible allocation of taxpayer money.
Especially when there is so much freakin’ gas that would keep all but the most retarded greenie happy ready to go.
As always with economics it is the alternative uses of the money that is the real cost. Including leaving it individual taxpayers pockets. Kerry Packer was right.
Feeling very 1930s.
Lots of bad guys clearly feel there is nothing to fear from a post Barry USA. They are right.
I thought I’d seen this movie before.
Update: Giles currently shortest price to go under the Albo bus. Tip – keep an eye on Dreyfus as a roughie.
I’ll take your bet, Humphrey.
In the Liars parliamentary caucus, it doesn’t matter how incompetent you are, but which faction you belong to. Former reffo liberation lawyer Anthony Giles belongs to Elbow’s socialist left faction and removing him would require a realignment of factional power allocations.
Therefore, it won’t happen. Giles is as safe as houses.
Never been a better time to be on the Liar Left. Hawke era Liars can only look on and dream.
The ghost of Mick Young wondering why he resigned.
He would be a high flyer amongst this lot. Leaping Leo too.
Otoh, they could always replace him with another faction member.
John Beaudoin Sr.: How The CDC Is Hiding mRNA Deaths Behind “Y59.0” w/ Nick Searcy – Ask Dr. Drew
Is this the Mcbride Whistle blower who was sentenced to jail for sending out documents that said that Aussie Soldiers were good and decent soldiers and the shit thrown at them is unjustified?
A leftie is telling me this guy spilled the beans on how bad the Aussie solders are they are criminals and its all a cover up.
Clarification welcomed
McBride was actually sticking up for the Digs.
He was fed to the wolves.
Excellent piece by CBD at ACE.
I have posted it here in full. It is not too long.
“Tribalism? How very unmodern…unsophisticated…ignorant…uneducated!
Don’t we live in a society in which the individual is the highest expression of humanity? Don’t we live in the modern world, which is interconnected with wondrous transportation that will get us anywhere on the planet in a matter of a few hours? And the instantaneous communication available to us is even more amazing! We are connected to everyone, and everyone is connected to us!
Except…October 7th happened, and Jewish Tribalism needs to make a big comeback…and fast.
Demonstrators chanting that Hitler was right…”From The River To The Sea” as a catchphrase…Jews being prevented from walking into campus buildings…Jews unwelcome on the streets of sophisticated European capitals…Jews being killed by protestors… all under cover of many governments’ curious sloth in upholding the law.
And to make matters worse, Israel is being demonized by supposedly sophisticated world organizations like the UN, the ICC, the ICRC, the EU, and dozens more. And the tepid and inconsistent support from the United States, which has traditionally been Israel’s solid ally is calling into question Israel’s position as part of the West’s bulwark against encroaching Islam. Never mind Europe, which is rapidly being subsumed by Islam’s march.
No longer can Jews see ourselves are part of this great experiment in liberal democracy, enlightened self rule, and robust respect for all…because we are being singled out as unworthy of those protections and support!
The message is clear; Jews are not welcome as full members of Western culture because of our connection to our ancestral home. Israel is the modern focus for 2,500 years of Jew-Hate, and the fury with which the world expresses its frustration that it has not disappeared under a tidal wave of Arab and Muslim hatred is on full display.
How to respond? Raise Judaism and Jewish culture above the ephemeral connection to the West. Return to the Tribe. Focus on Jewish culture and the Jewish people before participating in the larger Western culture.
There is a huge amount of overlap, it is not life-changing, but it does require that attention be paid. Jewish businesses require our support. Synagogues require our membership. Jewish culture requires our defense. And most of all…the Jewish people must participate in its own defense and stop relying on a Western culture that is in the process of rejecting us as full-fledged members.
But that does not mean that we are alone. Outside of the tent cities on our campuses and the progressive hell-holes of our cities is a vast and wonderful country that has been steadfast in its support for Israel and Judaism. And they are being confronted by similar pressures, since all religion is under attack.
That Jews, Judaism and Israel are on the battlefront does not mean that people of other faiths are safe. As Islam says…”First the Saturday people, then the Sunday people.”
[Crossposted at CutJibNewsletter]
Posted by CBD at 11:00 AM Comments“
Pentagon Spox Reports: Russia Launched A ‘Space Weapon…Capable Of Attacking Other Satellites’
Ha,ha, Chris Kenny playing the old Helen Shapiro song ‘Not Responsible’ as background to his commentary on Albo and company. Very funny and spot-on.
Highlights from Gateway Pundit:
Wealthy Women Paying Big Bucks to Engage in Bizarre “Rage Rituals” in the Woods
“He’s Standing Up for You, Even if You Don’t Know It!” – Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick SHUTS DOWN Horrible Leftist Media Hack Outside Trump Lawfare Trial
WHO WANTS TO TELL HER? Hollywood Dope Bette Midler Asks: ‘What Would Have Happened if Hillary Clinton Had Claimed the Election Was Stolen?’
NEW: Trump Lawyer Christina Bobb Arraigned on Junk Charges Related to 2020 Alternate Electors
What TF was Peter Costello thinking.
Wearing black NB sneakers with a suit & tie.
Costello’s bigger problem is that his hands-off chairmanship of the Nine Network has enabled a toxic anti-women workplace culture.
LOL. Nominally more woke than if he stayed the course with the Lieborals. Pay’s less than the Future Fund.
Actually did that myself two days ago.
Got all the chicks too.
KD, photos, or it never happened. 😀
Merchan has sent the jury home for 4 days before closing arguments. This is unheard of. The jury will go home to the anti Trump cesspit and forget cohen is a lying turd. Normally the jury is engaged straight after closing arguments and closing arguments follow immediately the end of evidence. This is fuking unbelievable.
That gives the leftist “groundroots” people 4 days access to “convince” the jurors how to vote.
This trial is giving kangaroo courts a bad name. It’s almost as if the judge is doing everything he can to get it turned over on appeal if not lose it outright (anywhere but in NYC if would be a hands-down outright loss and rightfully should have been throw out by the judge as the prosecution made no case).
Plenty of time for a few friendly visits by Black Panthers?
Labor senator Fatima Payman joins Melbourne uni protest
Under fire Labor senator Fatima Payman has shown up to support University of Melbourne students currently involved in the protest occupying one of the faculty buildings.
Senator Payman last week broke rank with the Labor Party and accused Israel of “genocide” in Gaza and called on the government to sanction Israel.
The WA senator ended a speech last week with the phrase “from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free”, which was the catalyst for the phrase being condemned in a motion in parliament.
It is unknown how much planning went into Senator Payman’s university visit with the senator seen talking with student activist leaders and posing for photos.
In one picture she posed with student protesters in front of a Gaza solidarity encampment sign with her fist raised in the air.
Earlier, activists at the university blocked access to a second building as pro-Palestine protesters continue to disrupt classes.
Close the stinking cesspit down. I developed my dislike of Melbourne Uni after the attacks on Geoffrey Blainey. There was also some lezzo thing where they took down a perfesser in the 80s Not sure of the details.
I thought you meant the Senate. I’ve been to more useful dumping grounds.
The Greens are beckoning.
Pay! I’m a fat man!
Not bad!
Mark Robinson in the Hun:
It’s not one of his opinion pieces which is good because he is a buffoon.
Still maintain that no racism was ever, er, indulged in.
Clarkson and Fagan should just lawyer up and launch total war.
You’re right, Black Ball: Mark Robinson is a buffoon who spends most of his time working with leftwing political activists like Gerard Whateley.
The case against Alastair Clarkson was only ever a political hit job that would never stand up in a court of law. That’s the major reason for North Melbourne’s poor performance in the past two years as Clarkson attempts to get games into the kids.
‘Health perfessionals’ once again on point (the Tele):
He forgot to mention ‘murderer of his own son’.
No. no. Wonderful colleague. Beloved friend, according to this Jenkins chap. A bit of backpedalling from the Minister:
Crunching the gears, going into reverse.
Forgetful bloke this Jenkins, missing any reference to his ‘beloved friend’ being a child killer.
Jeff Taylor has a problem with his delivery, but I don’t give a damn.
He speaks the truth.
And this truth is that Europe’s leaders are at war with their people.
“Labor senator Fatima Payman joins Melbourne uni protest”
She represents WA but rocks up to a palli protest in Melbourne.
No doubt on the taxpayer dime.
Senators representing their states…how quaint!
It’s their party first…
Their hobby horses second…
And their electors a distant third.
I sincerely hope Clarkson, Fagan et al smash this blatant cash grab out of the park.
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
May 22, 2024 5:51 pm
Was thinking, anyone keeping a tab on the numbers of our foreign born reps?
Noticed the same trend in the US and UK, no idea about the EU.
Seems out of proportion, don’t we have enough indigs to front up to the trough?
As well as his focus on Israel, Douglas Murray has recently investigated the horrific fentanyl problem in the US, made worse by the open border with Mexico. It is this, as much as anything else, that has made the border issue such a huge rebellion against Biden and the Democrats. Even Democrats have families, and my suspicion is that they are far more likely to have children who ‘use’ recreationally than solidly Christian and/or Republican families, although of course no family in this world is immune. Democrat governors and legislatures have been changing their tune on so-called ‘harm minimisation’, unless it is backed by the mandatory rehabilitation (which I have always favoured). Colorado, with its lax approach to drug use, has been particularly hard hit. Normalised cocaine/methamphetamines and a total acceptance of legal marihuana have percolated even into the smaller towns. Mixed with fentanyl, this is a nightmare scenario. This is no longer an urban problem only in the US, although Murray’s piece concentrates on urban users.
I’ve been looking at some of the harrowing stories and vids on the internet that currently surround the drug crisis in the US, and although Mexican-made Fentanyl hasn’t yet infiltrated here mixed with any other drug for ‘polydrug’ users as it has in the US, we can guarantee this is coming to our shores soon. The two years I spent doing harrowing telephone ‘counselling’, better called ‘consoling’, family members dealing with a drug-afflicted loved one have led me very much to Murray’s viewpoint that nothing will change until the culture changes, and we get serious about ‘forced rehabilitation’ as well as leaving in place immediate harm minimisation. I didn’t know that Narcan (the antidote to OD’s) was freely available now in some US pharmacies; that’s how bad the situation is. There is so much misery in drug addiction, and addiction is the right word for it. Addictions must be broken psychologically and culturally as well as physically.
The Mexican cartels reap the major part of this US$65 billion enterprise each year. I draw it to Catallaxy attention because it is something we can’t ignore. Nor can any politician.