Is Hegseth a potential contender in 28? Just thinking out loud.
Is Hegseth a potential contender in 28? Just thinking out loud.
Mark Dice commentary about Valentine’s Day. OF COURSE THEY ARE!
Triples, trailers are about another 1700 each
Experience suggests that this will lead to a shortfall in numbers to operate the new acquisitions.
Fair point but there are technology advancements that require less personnel to achieve better outcomes. For instance our 4500 tonne, 133 metre DDG’s (Guided Missile Destroyers) had a crew of 333. The Air Warfare Destroyers which replaced them are 7700 tonnes, 147metres, far more versatile, better armed, far superior sensors and have a crew of 186 (plus 16 air crew).
Jan 7, 2024 7:34 PM
I dont need the intersession of any presumptive earthly Authority …
Actually, you do.
1. Get baptised
2. Get your sins forgiven
3. Eat His body and drink His blood or it’s death
4. Do the will of His father
Great post Mate and i thank you dearly for it . As to the 4 I did all those. Not sure number 3 .. but yes..
But from My perspective … if they got it wrong … which they did … is it on my Soul … no I dont thinks so.
Peace Brother
Cannibalism and infanticide are signs of civilization?
I’ve mentioned previously, as have others, that one of, if not THE, greatest poison within the indigenous body, is the deeply entrenched (interred, as you more wisely express it) leadership caste. A caste which depends for its survival on neither offering (genuinely) nor implementing, practical, measurable solutions for the benefit of those it feeds from.
One wonders how long the host can continue to provide nutrients for the parasites?
DiL has discovered all the crap for her Phd has been surpassed, most upset. I asked her if all the previous studies were crap in that case. Stone cold silence. Too be fair to her the field she wanted to do had no browny points for the professorial staff. She does the practical work outside of the university with much success.
Signs of the life of a hunter-gatherer, of the reality that they are only ever a few days away from starving to death.
The niceties of civilisation are a luxury no hunter-gatherer could afford to indulge.
Jan 7, 2024 7:19 PM
That’s great, Mark.
Just remember the local Christian church of your denomination is there and could benefit from another person in the pews occasionally.
Absolutely !!! I feel a hunger ? an affinity? I so want to reconnect… WE NEED EACH OTHER !!!
Slumming it and watching The Lost City.
It’s a very funny movie, if you have my type of sense of humour. And I identify with the main character…
Daniel Ratcliffe as the evil genius, Tatum as Fabio the most beautiful man in the cosmos, and Brad Pitt…comes to a sticky, very sticky end.
Why would you use acid to get rid of a body? Surely an alkaline does a better job?
Buying 20kg of Caustic Soda is a lot less noticeable than an equivalent amount of dissolver acid.
boss of handing out ‘ticks’
… complete lack of self awareness
Where’s the cat?
We need proof of life!
Same for me, Katz. I posted stuff a year ago about how Putin is led by some fantasies about a Greater Russia, and recently I’ve strongly supported the IDF being allowed to complete the de-Hamasification of Gaza. I regard myself as a non-military type who observes from the sidelines usually. I try to stay informed about what’s actually happening though, and what some commenters I like think about that.
A short vide shall suffice, of the cat crapping on the front page of today’s Sunday Mail.
@Sancho Panzer
Jan 7, 2024 8:00 PM
Where’s the cat?
Gone off …
You’ll be off Bruce Pascoe’s Christmas card list…
Don’t get too hung up on such things Mark, that’s from John chapter 6 – which has generated quite a lot of fun over the years. 😀
I back up a bit to John 5:24, which is crystal clear.
Jesus made it simple as possible, yet it’s still a very hard thing for a lot of people to wrap their brains around.
Hopefully permanently.
What cat?
Why bother with acid or alkali?
@Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Jan 7, 2024 8:02 PM
” Odd thing about people who inhabit parallel universes – I’ve not made any comment here about Ukraine and Russia, …….”
Nor did I, but my goodness me i didnt have to … I was acussed of rejoicing in the behaeding of Jew Badies and the Rape and Imolation of … etc …
Which I never did … DUH???
But it made some satisfied to say I did …
These body shop operators need to learn them some chemistry. If you want to dissolve 70 kg of human you ain’t going to do that with 20 kg of caustic soda. Moles and stoichiometry are your friend.
This very accurately reflects the Van Fatham/Caro/Festerpenis demographic.
Phew, sea breeze is just starting to push in, here in the NE of the SW of WA… might not have been the highest temp of the year, but lack of air movement has made a pretty punishing afternoon, hence me sitting here in the office, all a-mutter on the pixels. Wife n kids are in Albany with her parents, both of which have skated through some pretty debilitating accidents and episodes without getting any closer to the door of assisted living.
Very tempted to crack a tinnie. Committed to slow-roasting some beef ribs which have been marinading, which will add another layer of sizzle to an already par-boiled house.. I’d go down the beach, but I’d have to tie up the doggo and leave her home… Sal the Champion Camp Dog has broken a toe, like rangey whippet crosses can tend to, yet I know as soon as the sun goes down she’s going to put on a grin and a wiggle and thrash her body like it’s a car she’s stolen, like rangey whippet crosses tend to. And I’ve got an horse to faff with.
Ok, midstrength it is. I’ll wash the dog, with premium horse shampoo, that’ll be fun, she can get the speed trials out of her system early and then snooze on the floorboards while I spin some psych-rock rekkids.
Jew leaves Australia to fight for his true homeland: Israel.
Remember, a Jew is a Jew is a Jew is a Jew; his tribe and his “people” are above all other things to him.
In other words, he was a Jew living in Australia, and never an Australian.
This is why no Jew can be trusted when it comes to Israel.
Source: https://t.me/lucas_gage_official/240
Wow, geez, what a skank. There’s nothing like a Jew hater in full Jew hating mode. I reckon Teresa votes Greens. I have no doubt Teresa, in a previous life, was a female camp guard stationed at Ravensbruck.
My mate is getting some work done to a heritage building. Dealing with hysterical heritage officers has just about done him in. Finally after 10 years he is removing an add on that wasn’t in the original drawings or the improvements done by the architect shortly after. There is a small side entrance that is rotten but he is not allowed to replace it until it falls down. It has site fencing around it to stop bits falling on people. In the 60’s it was cement plastered which trapped the salty moisture in the limestone. The hysterical officers can’t even read the blueprints. They just liked it the way it was coz they’d always known it that way. Pressure was brought to bear (not a polar bear, HBBEAR) through the son of the local media baron. Still not optimum but a start.
Too noticeable, buying it all in one go. Acid is in fact preferred, as long as you are prepared to stir the body within the mixture periodically.
Step 1: Buy and install a pool.
2: Buy smaller quantities of hydro acid at various businesses and stockpile them over time.
3: Then, and only then immerse body in acid (not in the pool).
4: Stir vigorously with a stout stick every fortnight for 26 fortnights.
5: Job done. Use remnants of substance as weed killer for the following year.
6: In the unlikely event you are then spoken to by the authorities, say ‘of course I bought hydro. I needed it to sort the pool out’.
@ Bruce of Newcastle
Jan 7, 2024 8:06 PM
Much thanks for your kindly reply. My interaction with organized Religion has not been smooth … apart from some Blessed moments with some beautiful Priests and Nuns …
But that said .. I”id I have a quarrel with the Church then that is between corporeal Us…. I Do not belive any man made institution has the authority to get between Me and my Almighty .and my Salvation.
I would prefer it didnt … “But if Not”
Peace Brother .
Unblurred photo of 29-year-old Hayden Skinner, the one that broke into the old folks home for some granny action.
I have no doubt Teresa, in a previous life, was a female camp guard stationed at Ravensbruck.
This cartoon springs to mind…
Currently in Coffs Harbour.
Ad on the TV for Nambucca Heads RSL. Looks nice and on a river not far from the sea
Unfortunately they have gone with the tagline “from the river to the sea”
Folks I have done some jail and heard all the crap about … disposing of bodies etc …
Yup you can bury a 13b year old girl o=in the garden shed and the coppers havent quite got the evidence to nail you but you are in jail for bever any way…
I know it must amuse you .. how about you stick to day time TV CSI .. or may be better watch some Davis Attenbourough… or Teaching Company “Linguistics” … or something Life afirming …
Life is to be cerebrated … it really doesnt last that long …
Peace Brothers and Sisters.
Have they tried not being shit?
Its a radical proposal, but generally being not shit gains votes.
‘The mood is heating up’: Germany fears strikes will play into hands of far right
Angry protests by farmers, hauliers and railway workers risk being exploited by populists such as Alternative für Deutschland
The symbolism that German farmers chose to express their discontent with the government in the first days of the new year was as unambiguous as it was ominous: by the side of rural roads across the country, there were sightings of makeshift gallows dangling traffic-light signs, a reference to the colours of the three governing parties.
The chilling sculptures are harbingers of unprecedented cross-sector protests and strikes hitting German roads and railways from Monday, and speak of a dramatic change of mood in a country long feted for its consensus-seeking approach to industrial relations, especially compared with its more traditionally strike-prone neighbour France.
Ah, I’ll lie on the floorboards and listen to Weinstein and Tucker.
And have a beer.
Thanks to whomsoever posted that Twitter link
Preferably get some mortar splattered workwear with a “Betty’s Bricklaying” logo on it.
Messy bricklayers use gallons of the stuff.
Bruce of Newcastle
Wasn’t that mercury accumulation and nervous system poisoning?
Currently in Sunny; penultimate day of our holiday. Dearly Beloved’s birthday today so junior daughter took us to lunch. Went to Catalina in Rose Bay (?). Saw Vaucluse on the Uber driver’s map as we went and wondered if Lizzie was anywhere nearby.
Faultless service and fabulous food but my God! The prices! Three courses, fixed price $150 pp BUT at least 50% of the dishes then had a surcharge PLUS the kicker at the end was a 10% surcharge ‘cos Sunday. With a modest wine daughter was up for well over $600.
At least our hotel (Parkroyal at Darling Harbour) gives us free booze and canapés for two hours from 5 to 7 for having a Club room! No need for dinner! ?
Compacted in JC’s arse
… ask the Mexican how that happened
Sunny = Sydney FFS!
That’s biblical Mark, don’t worry about it.
I was very happy to hear this morning that Shia LaBeouf has become a Christian. He was a guy who wandered over the Earth for a long while, but God appears to have called him home. Interesting arc: I liked what he did in Constantine, which is a graphic novel movie with a Catholic flavour, but after that he went full lefty TDS. Then he had a role as a Catholic monk a couple years ago. Being steeped in the Bible seems to’ve helped him come out of the wilderness. Best wishes Mr LaBeouf.
No. Question was about why Austin’s absence was kept from WH and therefore who was running the show.
Trust and Obey
Let’s break this down:
Yep. Because convicted murderers love taking to each other about body disposal and how they got it wrong. Because otherwise they wouldn’t be in jail.
That wasn’t under discussion. ‘o=’.
‘Bever’. Oh no. The bastards.
Please. Put. The. Pipe. Down.
Hezbollah calls on the residents of southern Lebanon to evacuate
I don’t care if it’s some celebrity or the derro in the gutter (Arthur Stace comes to mind).
Everyone is equal. Everyone must give account.
It’s the ultimate, ennobling characteristic of humanity.
Evening Cats from Roma.
Blew a rear axel seal north of Clermont on a s%$# section of the Gregory Developmental rd * but more later. Partial leak but enough to wet tyres and need top ups. Sunday & no-one is open so awesome. 4L of 80W-90 at Emerald bought and have been drip feeding the diff all day.
Tomorrow to find a mechanic…
Real villians, government.Gregory & Carnarvon Developmental roads dreadful. Worse than my last trip 3 years ago. Get black soil is a thorny issue for engineering but nothing has been done other than formalize the drop to 80km/h . Now the neglect has metastasized to the verges that have obvious rut marks from rain run off. Some lovely new tempory signs warning you of the drop off. Wonder how many front bumpers were ripped off/damaged by a car pulling off the road for this to occur?
Carnarvon Dev rd sth Rolleston to near Carnarvon Range still very rough.
Oky doc WTF is all our fuel excises going? Really. We spent untold millions on a doomed referendum for a vanity project. We are throwing bad money after good at Ukraine. I won’t even go into other waste like QANGO’s.
Anyway will have an extra day or two twiddling thumbs at Roma as a result. Upside, blown thru this place heaps but never looked around, will be doing that in our down time. Remenants of 2 recent bushfires Carters Towers and near the Carnarvon Range seen in January too in Queensland! Further south you get more water seen however.
* I know the area and it’s s&%$ rating so was below 80km/h and driving to conditions but was taken back how bad it is now.
About the shells, are they importing empty casings, or fully ready shells? And how? If the Russians are importing empty shells from the Norks, intending to fill them with their own explosives, while not touching their stockpiles from the eastern regions then a shipload or ten from NK makes more sense than a railcar over the 9,000 km of track that may not be in perfect order.
Given the known problems with recruitment and retention, we need to move to crewless ships and submersibles as soon as we can. Unfortunately, I suspect that not much of the new acquisition funds will be directed that way. I suspect that the RN is also planning to follow that course.
On that subject, the RN is about to pay off two Type 23 frigates, reducing the escort force (destroyers and frigates) to 15 vessels, six destroyers and nine frigates. Both LPDs are also being paid off. The RN (including the RM) is now down to about 30,000 uniformed personnel. Good luck to the RAN if they intend to try to recruit from there.
I see you came across Teresa on Twitter.
I was following her on Twitter for a while as good on the vaccine and the Voice etc. Not even sure if she is still following me.
However as with a few others 7 Oct and subsequent Tweets revealed a side I could not ignore and after making a few appropriate comments regarding her views I unfollowed her. Definite holocaust denier country in her following. She seems immature and a bit confused about what she thinks but life is too short to engage with such people. She has also taken shots at Avi.
Winston – yes, but mercury and zinc have similar chemistry. The zinc in the Derwent oysters came from the Risdon zinc refinery. At Minamata the company was using mercuric sulfate as a catalyst for manufacturing acetaldehyde. Wastewater contained mercury – which was accumulated in shellfish that the locals ate.
These days the legislation is tight. I did a job for the Pirie lead smelter once to upgrade their effluent treatment plant. The copper level we had to meet for their wastewater was lower than the naturally occurring level in sea water. So by discharging our wastewater we were making the natural ocean cleaner.
LOL. Very funny how these claims are made a week after RUS launched the largest drone/ missile attack of the war over several nights, when they supposedly should have run out of missiles by now.
Naughty boy, Ranga.
Lizzie – it’s the Curse of the Shrinking Belt. It happens to all of us.
And I refuse to believe that 130kg is obese.
I prefer to think of it as 50 kg of being prepared for when the Tim Tam factory burns down.
@ P
Jan 7, 2024 8:37 PM
I can understand .. but that doesnt even remotely describe my life … not to put too fine a point… that is so Gay … Jesus is here for all of us …
I have nearly died a few times and eventually I will do it once to frequently and forever … for good … Jesus was always there even when I was an Atheist and perhaps I am still one ..
But What Else have We ?
That’s why I come here – all the useful information.
That’s a fair comparison, but does it leave enough crew for damage control? I would assume it does, but has the question come up?
For those keen on old American cars, years ago there was an issue in the US with mercury accumulation in swordfish, which led to a skit with the punchline: “He found a swordfish in his Mercury”.
I should say that zinc is nearly harmless, since it is essential for the “zinc finger” enzyme which reads DNA. But that’s then the problem with mercury and lead – they have similar chemistry and can interfere in the zinc biochemistry. Being bivalent they can also interfere with calcium chemistry, which is important to nerve function – which is why lead and mercury also affect the nervous system.
Minamata disease may’ve been more about dimethylmercury though – a very very nasty chemical.
It will have to be done tomorrow – the Sunday Mail doesn’t arrive here until Monday.
Also, I don’t know how to do the video linking thing. Only pictures.
@Knuckle Dragger
Jan 7, 2024 8:40 PM
No that wasnt my point… what I am suggesting is you might like to look to more Life affirming themes…
Wasn’t it some kind of war crime when Israel called on the residents of Gaza to evacuate?
Russia is now looking to evacuate Belgorod.
Russia Offers to Evacuate Citizens From Belgorod Amid Ukrainian Attacks (6 Jan)
That’s the problem with indiscriminate strikes against civilian targets – the enemy also gets to return serve.
The Ukrainians are very good in the drone tech space. Not so good in the cruise missile department, but drones are cheap.
Bill Ackman is proof yet again that you can have money, but you can’t buy class.
Also see: JC.
Grey Ranga:
I’d comment about stupid, over the top bureaucracy and the damage they’re doing to the country, but I’ll probably get accused of allowing people to drive on both the left and right side of the highways or some such stupidity.
I would never say anyone was fat.
Let’s just say some would require longer in the acid bath than others.
I could never quite shake off the sense that Sydney University – the original university in Sydney – was crippled from the outset with its motto
Sidere and mutato representing a split absolute ablative.
This is a university which was founded in 1850 when classics were far more prominent in any notion of higher eduction.
I believe they have adopted a more modern motto, written in its own obsolete language that most students do not know: English.
Speaking of class, I see Summernats has descended into a Punters vs Security biffo.
@ Knuckle Dragger
Jan 7, 2024 8:40 PM
there isnt a “pipe” nor has there ever been … I dont know why you should fly this kite?
Perhaps you think it might amuse your adherents ( if there are any) to make me wilt under you pathetic attempt at badinage.
Fact .. I was in Jail …
Fact … I know about how people try to dispose of the evidence of their crimes.
None of this stuff is funny or worthy of polite conversation… it is disgusting …
and that you try to make light of such stuff belittles you Sir …
About five years for a 130kg ‘not obese’ dude.
Um, Monty, Ackman is a lefty billionaire who has been supporting lefties like Harvard and Planned Parenthood.
He’s one of yours son, but he’s also Jewish – which leads to a bit of an intersectional crisis given the Left has suddenly gotten their antisemitic jackboots on so enthusiastically lately.
Gonna needa bigger bath.
Actually, ‘ From the river to the sea’ has stirred the imaginations of the Sydney Uni, and most have been inspired to purge the land between the Cooks River Pacific of all Zionists. They plan to make the Sutherland Shire Judenfrei.
Testament to the quality of education tertiary institutions offer these days.
Leftist ” humour”
As funny as a dead kids doll.
As witty as the reserve village 1/2 wit
That’s right. Because it’s fake. An act.
A ruse. A subterfuge. Actually, it is funny.
And replace its population with Putin body doubles.
@@ Knuckle Dragger
Jan 7, 2024 8:40 PM
Wanna know what Sparky ? I got the bloke with the garage problem properly held to account …
Wanna know something else … most blokes in jail are better Citizens than I reckon you are…
My mate is getting some work done to a heritage building.
Just do what Lindsay Fox did at Boomerang.
Get the work completed at night & when the powers that be find out, pay the fine.
Zero chance of Double Bay Jesus doing that with Fairwater.
Considering the acrimony between him & some of his neighbours, they’ll be dobbing him in pronto if they think something is afoot.
Yeah, not happy with my old uni. Even the Chemistry Department has completely converted to the climate religion – going on the glossies they send me. Not ever going to donate to them, the Uni alumni begging letters I receive get binned instantly.
Ah yes Bruce, the Washington Examiner. For those rare times when the Washington Times is not stupid enough for you.
Ackman is a classic vampire squid, completely without merit as a human. No wonder he likes Trump.
My mate is getting some work done to a heritage building.
“Heritage” listing private property reeks of serfdom. The hoops and strictures which England puts on its various graded houses and gardens should never have outlived King John.
There’s also strictures put on Italian buildings in various primo tourist areas which virtually lead to a depopulation of rural areas and an ingress of absentee DINKS and weekenders. I worked on a few dodgy buildings being made into dwellings- one was a grand old pile which had been converted to a piggery, and was being converted back, and one was a stinking 300-y-o dovecote- because it was impossible to add to the rooflines of anything standing, let alone build anything new.
@ Knuckle Dragger
Jan 7, 2024 8:40 PM
Mate This idiotic sniping is a waste of both of our time … sure I did some Jail. Sure I learned a thing of two … did I make some mistakes ? Hell yes! But are we on the same team .. I reckon so. I reckon we could make this right over a beer…
Thanks John.
I disagree a bit re people who don’t actively practice , or indeed profess no faith, being unable to “do the right thing”.
I’d say there are many here in that boat, me included, but in saying that I was brought up by Anglican parent/s, Christened etc and have encouraged my children to at least follow the basics as taught at the Catholic boarding school they attended. Which they have done.
The foundations were always there but as for ongoing things like church etc, with the greatest respect to you and other more devout people, I can manage without it.
I’m still capable of fighting the good fight regardless.
Yesterday I completed the final leg of the Rozelle Interchange that I hadn’t used previously.
City bound on Victoria Road.
Saves so much time.
It is bizarre how people went out of their way to not use a toll free part of infrastructure.
It’s taken far too long to complete, still you’d have to be a retard not to give the entire project a thumbs up.
Sniping against Ackman aside, Gay appears to have been ambushed and was immensely qualified to be Harvard president.
Hiden is a brilliant and honest president.
Belgorod is suffering from FAFO. Ukraine has studiously avoided attacking Russian civilian targets and Russian national territory for nearly two years. I suspect they were told by sugar daddy not to do that. But Russia has been getting all Bomber Harris lately and that gives moral cover to Ukraine returning the favour. It’ll be interesting how this turns out – there are unstated rules to warfare and Russia just broke one of them.
At a model railway meeting I was talking to a paint historian who had been researching colours on old railway carriages, literally peeling back the layers 1by 1 to get to the “true” colour.
He was telling about a commission he had from a couple who were restoring a heritage house. He found and documented the original colours the house was painted when built in 18whetever, and couple had the house painted accordingly. Cue council threatening to massively fine them because not approved heritage colours.
Weren’t Jesus and his business partner living next door to each other and then the wives had a huge spat about renos?
Here you go Monty, the quote is delicious:
Donating to Bob Menendez, say it ain’t so! Monty, you can go verify all of that as you desire. The Planned Parenthood bit came up immediately when I looked.
It’s funny that the Left is now anathemising all their Jewish hitherto allies. Red pill scripts (kosher of course) are in short supply in the Big Apple.
@Bruce of Newcastle
Jan 7, 2024 9:31 PM
The conflict in eastern Europe has gone beyond appalling. It never needed to start in the first place ans now it has turned into a meat grinder. You have a tractor? .. No man is availablele to plow the meadow…. You have a young woman who was once a girlfriend … a man might be there to put his loving hand on his child … and build them a house…. sorrrroy no … the earth is scorched.
May the Almighty Have mercy upon those that looked upon this travesty as anything other than what it was..
Ackman is a classic vampire squid, completely without merit as a human.
So writes a Jew hating, pervert apologist, Nazi loving grub.
then the wives had a huge spat about renos?
Only part of the story.
Not the only neighbour Jesus has rubbed the wrong way.
Ackman’s political philosophy is making money, as he should. He was very pro- Trump after the 16 election.
Giving to Demons and demon causes is also a way to buy protection. Even Trump at one stage claimed to be a demon supporter and the reason was also to buy protection.
He’s neither demon or GOP.
132andBush Avatar
Jan 7, 2024 9:27 PM
Jan 7, 2024 6:48 PM
Thanks John.
I disagree a bit re people who don’t actively practice , or indeed profess no faith, being unable to “do the right thing”.
I’d say there are many here in that boat, me included, but in saying that I was brought up by Anglican parent/
Sure. That is why I use the Bell Curve. Some people, and in my opinion, most, do need a strong ethical system to measure themselves for their family. This is the majority. They dont need to act ethically all the time, but they need what is right and wrong. What do you tell your kids when they misbehave? And what do you say when they say “Why?”
Yours is a legacy system from how you were taught as a kid. Your life was framed from an early age. Like mine. I have a measure from my wonderful and strict parents.
Think of this: marketing, journalism, PR, politics, management and similar subjects are taught at University. This is teaching people to tell lies as the norm, as the standard. What can an 18 year old being taught this at Uni do?
So basically I am not talking about you who thinks about ethics. Most people just get on with earning a living and will go with the flow.
By the way, this is not an slight on religion, either. The belief is a different issue.
I wonder what her stance is re the ISIS brides and letting them back in?
Probably don’t need to wonder at all.
The Israelis don’t seem to be doing an effective genocide job, which is surprising given their usual ingenuity.
Yeah, Mark, it is. Ego so often drives such things. I’ve read about analogous circumstances in history, from Pompey to Mussolini to Ethiopia/Eritrea and Iran/Iraq. Only utter exhaustion seems to create the right circumstance for a peace deal.
@ Bruce of Newcastle
Jan 7, 2024 9:31 PM
Back in my Punk days … David Beawald … did some great music … but he oipined …
“In the Hope that there is God ….and that He is Vengeful beyond All Comprehension” … uuum OK but it is great music ..
Upthread, some lamenting about the growth of Islam and speculation that it’s because parents no longer educate children about Christianity.
Too often, we are given an undemanding faith. Not understood is that we can’t approach the Father by ourselves. He hears us only insofar as we are joined to His Son. In particular we do as all other religions do, we obey a human instinct, we offer a sacrifice; we join ourselves to His sacrifice and unite ourselves to Him by eating His body and drinking His blood offered for us. In doing this we become most fully ourselves.
Naughty. My Brother Jack.
Ackman will come after youse.
This sort of thing ..
Oooooh, Fat Boy is vewwwy angry that a leftard has deserted the tribe.
Suck it up, Fatso.
Snork, snork..
Blue octopus?
Thanks Greta.
You don’t need any qualifications to be president of Harvard, JC. It’s a largely ceremonial position, the donors run the show.
Ackman is dumb as a post, but has connections from money. He’d be perfect for the job.
Thanks Mark, I’ve never heard anything by David Baerwald before. That’s a ripper single, especially the oysters Hollandaise.
Greta and the resident pervert apologist, both Nazi sympathisers.
Ackman had two monster trades in the past few years netting the fund around $US4 billion.
He bought a huge amount of puts on stocks in 2020, just as the pandemic was rolling in and closed the position just before the Fed began easing. US$2 billion
He shorted bonds just as bond yields turned and closed the closed at the highest yields seen around October last year. US$2 billion
I ran short bonds for a decent but unspectacular run. Closing and reestablishing and screwed up what could’ve been a monste trade.
Total respect for the dude. My hunch is that he’s going to totally screw the top of US academia. Chris Ruffo is also on his side. This could get seriously ugly for the professorship
Libs of TikTok
In Canada, patriotic truckers get their bank accounts frozen but pro-Palestine protesters blocking a Jewish community get hot coffee delivered to them by police.
Good luck to the RAN if they intend to try to recruit from there.
You might be surprised how many RN officers and sailors voluntarily switch navy and come to the RAN. When they come here on exchange they see the difference in lifestyle, weather, approach to politics, more relaxed military, less arctic duty etc and they go back, complete their return of service obligations and switch over. I know of over half a dozen diving officers and sailors who have done so. I know of none who have done the reverse…
It’s the equivalent of a CEO position, you fat goofball. A CEO position managing an endowment of $50 billion and operating revenues of around US$6 billion according to Bard. The CEO has to also ensure the universities ratings are maintained and donors raked over for more money. It’s a complex job and not for diversity hires.
Yeah, he’s really dumb, just the opposite of a genius like you.
Chris Ruffo is also on his side
Rufo is one of my heroes. He, along with Brett Weinstein, Andy Ngo and Peter Boghossian all come from the Demonrat sewers of Portland and Seattle.
Yeuk. You’re disgusting.
Laura Loomer
Of course you worship Ackman, JC. You could only dream of that volume of rent.
Bill Ackman and Elon Musk called DEI ‘racist’ but companies need it to succeed, experts say
This is one reason for my optimism. All this has been made possible because Musk bought Twitter and turned it into a free speech machine. The old guard would’ve have choked off Ackman as soon as he got started.
Ngo was banned from Twitter by the old gang. Weinstein, was also shut down or muted too.
The work that Ackman &Co are doing has been incredible and appears that it will continue. He’s on a roll. He’s the ballsiest trader around at the moment.
M0nty is only upset with Ackman (an actual liberal in the American sense) because he went off the reservation and demanded the anti-Semitic professor of Harvard be sacked.
If Claudine Gray was a conservative mOnty would be praising Ackman for his wanting her removal.
@ JohnJJJ
Jan 7, 2024 9:46 PM
my sentiments entirely …
May i share an anecdote ?… from when i was in jail .. make of it what you will…
Bloke I was in jail with put a frontier between him and me … You know Electronics and Mathematics and all that stuff but I am just a down trodden bloke told I was stupid .. et gosh ectera… ~big snivel~ Poor Me … But the guy could do Suduko … now why the gosh any one would bother with that shit I have no clue … But I said to him .. If you brain is wired up to do that I can teach you proper Mathematics. .. and I did …I got Him thorough all the Cartesian stuff… it is gosh easy .. and he did … and it was. But then Calculus is a gosh piece of gosh . Which it is ..
Its all about infintesimals etc … No gosh bovver … and He got that for True ..
But that was where it got interesting … He began to realise that He was always perfectly capable of grasping High School Maths ..it flat out isnt hard … and he was doing very well ..
Just that He had made a determination that Maths at that Level was “not for the likes of Him” ..and he had been told it wasnt for the likes of Him … OK well by whom ? Did you ever try to get a grip on the subject with your own resources… Because I havent had any difficulty coaching you ? … Being the thicko you so clearly are I thought I might have “signed a check I couldn’t cash” just to make a point about level of education .. I am probably stupider than you are …if things can be measured like this … So why cant you do Calculus ? It isnt because you cant ..beacuse you are doing it now … Who told you you couldn’t ? I dont reckon it was any one else but you’re self … Because you clearly can. And If I hadnt coached you you could have done it for your self with some motivation. Only motivation we had Is on a notional bet. If I wasnt in jail to stick a boot up your arse you could have easily done it for yourself .
So “In the Final Analysis” nothing was stopping you from becoming adept at Calculus except for some lack of a conception of self worth ( council for the prosecutor … nah he was gosh up in a bunch of other directions ..) (Council for the Defence .. well there is a least one corner knocked of the pathetic piece of gosh … which he was ..at least he is now ready to encompass differentials. ) … AFAIK Old Mate never sucked one gosh in Jail… Call that a Win ?
Geez, the resident pervert apologist can’t help himself with his Nazi tropes about Jews.
The scab is well and truly off now.
No worries. I got a bit prickly when I first read your original, taking it to mean “ If you’re not going to church you won’t be any good”.
I see what you’re getting at now.
I wonder if the proliferation of these ungrounded humanists in leadership/power is why we ended up locked down with vaccine mandates and all the punitive measures?
Going to bed to the sound of gentle ElNino rain on the roof (another 30mm) and a beautiful cool breeze.
This is one reason for my optimism. All this has been made possible because Musk bought Twitter and turned it into a free speech machine. The old guard would’ve have choked off Ackman as soon as he got started.
I agree, JC.
Old Guard Twitter was banning anyone who posted anything negative about the Hiden crime family and issues dealing with the election steal. This isn’t going to happen this time around.
What would be the reaction if somebody referred to Mooslimes as “descendants of pigs” and “monkeys?”
Ackman is a classic vampire squid, completely without merit as a human. No wonder he likes Trump.
Busy rewatching Godfather 11 but smelt the usual decay of arrogant uselessness coming from the thread and realised dickless had slimed in again.
Ackman has as much to do with Trump and Trump’s values as you do with a real man. No, that’s not quite true. Ackman, a self indulgent, Jewish demorat, objected to the black lesso harvard bitch because she was anti-semitic. Like some liberal Jews the penny has dropped and he realises that while he may not be first in line to the left/muzzie assault coming he will be in the queue. So he is now crawling around in Trump’s shadow. What is happening in Israel now would not have happened under Trump but Ackman, like all rich liberals was too soft and self indulgent to see the difference.
Anyway Ackman has come around a bit but you’re still a vile piece of shit. Fuk off and die.
No, I admire his guts and intelligence.
I’ve done okay. I’m not greedy. But yes, you have to be worth a billion these days to be considered rich. The rest of us are just poor schleps.
That’s a fair comparison, but does it leave enough crew for damage control? I would assume it does, but has the question come up?
I think the Falkland’s War changed a lot of thinking and response to damage control. For instance every sailor now wears a personal 8 minute air supplied respirator during action stations so there is an expectation of less debilitating casualties. The Brits lost about 360 sailors during the war and the vast majority of those perished because of toxic gases and fumes as a result of fires started by unspent Exocet rocket fuel. The Brits also learned that having the main firefighting pumps and fire abatement equipment for the engine room located in the engine room was very counter productive and resulted in casualties and the loss of vessels.
I think damage control is still reasonably well covered because every sailor in the RAN must learn and pass pretty stringent training in firefighting and damage control on a repetitive basis. Relying solely on specialist damage control teams is counter productive to a degree because one hit can eradicate 50% or more of a ships response capability and the other team may be prevented from responding because of damage or their own commitments.
@ Bruce of Newcastle
Jan 7, 2024 9:58
I am delighted you enjoyed it … as did I .. it is ExTrOrDiNary !!! … but the rest of his stuff is Opiate moody…. probably not very good in all Truth .. but thought provoking …
First and likely only time round ..
Peace Brother …
I remember all the shrieks and outrage from the left when Musk bought Twitter, because it was the end of democracy or something.
Previously, the left had said that leftist social media platform owners like Zuckerberg could do as they liked, because, “as a private business it was their right to do so.”
Then when Musk came along the left did a complete U-turn.
And the twitter files showed us all how that worked. Lefties are liars and cheats.
@ Bruce of Newcastle
Jan 7, 2024 9:58
Just as I was pretending to my case manager I cant speak English … only Russian “Priviete” I was pretending that I was still only alive in the 80s … Catweazle .. By the Sword Divided .. Rumpole of the Bailey … The Expert … back when writers wrote and actors acted.
My Case Manager is a lady of infinite patience …
Demanded Beluga Caviar and gallons of VodKa “Chicks HuH … never satisfied !!?? ” …. do you know I might be able to rush her off to St P ? Go Fund Me for the aiplane ticket ? HUH ?
It is a match made in Heaven …
BJ, you mentioned Mercury. Old bloke at the end of the street had a 48 Mercury coupe. He owned the local garage. From new that car only ever went 2 miles a day, his holiday consisted of a 6 mile drive to a house he rented across the road from my granddad overlooking the ocean and beach. He died when I was 11 or 12, his wife sold it for $400. That car looked brand new when he died. Nice to remember.
CL 6/1 @ 10:03pm
Fascinating comment.
All I have ever read was how it was all Romes fault.
Please explain your understanding of the schism between Rome and Constinople and why Constantinople was left alone to defend against the Turks.
Jan 7, 2024 9:55 PM
Glad to see you back Sunshine …. they hate my guts far more now than they ever did yours … so now you can number in with the comfortable Normies
Cheers Mate !
Damage control in the RAN is taught very well.
They have artificial ships with all sorts of way to allow sudden flooding. You are shown how to stop the leaks using massive baulks of wood; long bracing beams, and smaller bits which you happily bang into the holes while getting very wet.
There’s also firefighting where you get to do all of the positions in the team: attack hose, waterwall, thermal camera etc. They set real fires in pans of diesel and you have to go into the artificial ship and drag out “the body” which is a dummy.
Not too good if you do the course in winter though.
Jan 7, 2024 9:55 PM
No reason not to feel extraordinary however …
@Top Ender
Jan 7, 2024 11:23 PM
Fire fighting is terrifying and if it isn’t , we need you to go home.
I can only speak about bush fires.. if you have the kit you can punch a hole in a wall of fire. But only if there is a good reason to do so…
I had some dealings with dwellings and didnt like it … I once talked a mad women out from under her bed ,, into Safety … as it happened we got the fire away from her house… But if we hadnt and if it did …
Fires are like that.
New OT up.
Iran is using the Houthis in the shipping channel like the economic oil war against Israel after the ’73 war, but they’re doing it as part of the war strategy. It’s another front – Gaza, Hezbolla, international press, the UN, and this economic front.
It’s the “Gotta_show_the_world_Israel_ruins_everything war”.
Disposing of bodies via porcine means is quick and efficient. According to Bricktop.
I see that the new talking points have arrived.
PS, using “squid”, a creature close in appearance to the octopus used by the Nazis to attack Jews, might not have been a smart choice by the DemonRats. While stupid lickspittles like Fat Boy miss the connection, others can now see the open embrace of anti-Semitism by the left.