Zomzing like zis.. https://youtu.be/X4aVueFmOHo?si=d7j_53XoKIBcsecK
Zomzing like zis.. https://youtu.be/X4aVueFmOHo?si=d7j_53XoKIBcsecK
Good morning all. And a great big fcuk you to the Greens in Prahran. Even the gays and hippies are…
Midnight Man – Flash and the Pan https://youtu.be/EnMVWa3WIQw
Norsemen “Viking fashion”
Turn it back into farmland like it was before 2005.
In which case the Union was torturing an entire population, not just soldiers.
Err what? So you’re blaming the Union for the fact that the south, the Confederates, engaged in torture? You lament the Confederacy?
“Hey, teacher, leave those kids alone.”
Oh come on
I had a quick look at Carsales, you can pick up a 6.1litre V8 for about $35k.
And why not? Bugger the fuel cost.
Oh dear, Adam Creighton thinks Kristie Noem, the governor of South
Dakota is a conservative and would make a good VP for Trump. Tsk, tsk Adam, attractive and articulate is not conservative. She has made some mistakes that a conservative wouldn’t have, Trump can do better.
You’re putting words in my mouth, Cassie.
I’m not even convinced the Confederates engaged in torture.
Most historians now agree that the indictment of the commandant of that camp on war crimes charges was a miscarriage of justice.
Given that many, many western wallies are among the most “well upholstered” individuals to have existed in human history, their gaolers are more likely to starve to death before their prisoners.
“Oh, come on, Squire, just give me a crumb off one of those corn chippies, I asks ya!”
Lurking as I did, alongst the second hand dives of Pitt and Castlereagh Sts in the late seventies and early eighties, I often saw copies of Captain Beafheart and Taj Mahal. The album covers were interesting, but I was so poor I could not afford to buy much stuff on spec. No internet then, to look them up.
So instead I bought Pink Floyd and Steeleye Span and Sky. Served just fine, although now I wish I’d gotten into Taj Mahal’s bluest of blues. I had no idea then who he was or what he did.
It’s why I like YouTube, I can listen to these tracks now. Not turning off my adblocker but.
Much good that did him – he was hanged in 1865.
Samantha holds a Master’s Degree in (Community) Management from the University of Technology, Sydney and she is a Graduate of the Company Directors course offered by the Australian Institute of Company Directors. Her passion is for social equality and she has worked in the non-government sector for 20 years across roles encompassing service delivery, executive management, consulting, social policy analysis and advocacy. She has extensive experience in the development and implementation of social policy and sector development projects.
Another campus marxist
DEI-obsessed Yale Law dean Heather Gerken ‘is in running to be college’s next president’ – despite shaming conservative student in email, letting woke students cancel speaker and hiring trainer claiming anti-Semitic hate crime numbers are exaggerated
Nikki Haley’s NH campaign director lobbied for ‘dark money’ Biden backers in 2020 election
I seem to recall Rabbi Raymond Apple doing the morning Bible readings sometimes on 2FC.
Yes, to appease northern opinion.
Saw ‘The Iron Claw’ today. I would recommend it to all Cats. The wrestling scenes are fabulous. Bring a few tissues if you are prone to blubber a bit.
This came through:
Go Dutch . . .?
The Netherlands, where six per cent of the population is now Muslim, is scrapping multiculturalism.
The Dutch government says it will abandon the long-standing model of multiculturalism that has encouraged Muslim immigrants to create a parallel society within the Netherlands .
A new integration bill, which Dutch Interior Minister Piet Hein Donner presented to parliament on June 16, reads: “The government shares the social dissatisfaction over the multicultural society model and plans to shift priority to the values of the Dutch people”.
In the new integration system, the values of the Dutch society play a central role.
With this change, the government steps away from the model of a multicultural society.
The letter continues: “A more obligatory integration is justified because the government also demands that from its own citizens.”
It is necessary because otherwise the society gradually grows apart and eventually no one feels at home anymore in the Netherlands. The new integration policy will place more demands on immigrants. For example, immigrants will be required to learn the Dutch language, and the government will take a tougher approach to immigrants who ignore Dutch values or disobey Dutch law.
The government will also stop offering special subsidies for Muslim immigrants because, according to Donner;
“It is not the government’s job to integrate immigrants.”
The government will introduce new legislation that outlaws forced marriages and will also impose tougher measures against Muslim immigrants who lower their chances of employment by the way they dress.
More specifically, the government imposed a ban on face-covering, Islamic burqas as of January 1.
Holland has done that whole liberal thing, and realized – maybe too late – that creating a nation of tribes, will kill the nation itself.
The future of Australia, the UK, USA and Canada may well be read here.
READERS NOTE: Muslim immigrants leave their countries of birth because of civil and political unrest .. .”CREATED BY THE VERY NATURE OF THEIR CULTURE.”
Countries like Holland, Canada, USA the UK and Australia have an established way of life that actually works, so why embrace the unworkable? If Muslims do not wish to accept another culture, the answer is simple;
This gives a whole new meaning to the term, ‘Dutch Courage’ … Unfortunately Australian, UK, USA and Canadian politicians don’t have the … guts to do the same. There’s a whole lot of truth here!!!! ELECTIONS are COMING!!!!!
A Nation of Sheep, Breeds a Government of Wolves!
Let’s Take a Stand!!!
Borders: Closed!
Language: English!
Culture: The Constitution, is the Bill of Rights!
NO freebies to : Non-Citizens! We the people are coming!!!
If Trump makes it to the convention, I reckon he will nominate a black man as his VP.
A very cool brother.
IIRC, Their ABC warned Louse Milligan about her use of social media, but she used it anyway, and Their ABC subsequently bailed Seven Nilligan out with lotsa cash.
That is the leg Lattouf seems to be standing on.
Milligan’s legal bills are a hot button issue within the ABC.
So much so that senior journo’s were told that if Milligan lost future cases from her social media adventures, she would have to foot the bill.
However that was quickly shown to be a lie from management aimed at placating the mob.
I look forward to more leaks from the ABC.
Commercial shipping is supposed to be defended by naval AD. They haven’t sunk or injured any ships or crew because they probably only intend to hinder traffic.
No, they have two objectives, one political, putting a price on international support for Israel as well as hindering Israeli trade. The other is to open another front against the US and potentially set up another trap.
Ben Carson?
Racisty racists! Shannon Deery in the Hun:
Again this Treaty will not improve the lives of any black fellas except those administering it. Well their bank balances I should say.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
But I bet her PhD citations are immaculate.
Every human is the result of various revolutions of progress, isolation and migration and non should make special claims because of it. FFS. What is wrong with these people?
Tim Scott perhaps. There’re signs.
I’d still prefer Sarah Palin.
Other than Trump no one is as battle hardened as she is.
The trick of picking a VP is to choose someone so utterly frightful that nobody wants to assassinate the president lest the VP get the job.
Which is how we got Kamala.
Apart from ruling out Herschel Walker, it could be anyone.
As long as they are a black man & cool.
The claim suggests that one common culture shared over an enormous geographical area has existed without interruption or change due to natural or human influence, for 60,000-odd years. I suppose they DO have the reconstructed* oral history to prove it?
*I don’t personally object to reconstructed elements being regarded as culturally important (to some extent, ‘western’ cultures are based on myths, for example), but the naked dishonesty in depicting the same as ‘original and authentic’ is unswallowable. As is the fact that a percentage of these reconstructions have been enabled by the European observation and recording of early post-settlement indigenous beliefs and rituals. No, there’s no need to thank our ancestors.
That’s right. It’s not a regional battle. They think they can turn the world against Tha Joos then flick them off without anyone caring. The other front is the continuation of the UN demolition of US influence.
We need them to fail, and fail miserably and absolutely. For our grandchildren and then their grandchildren.
Fetterman’s strokes are more manageable than Herschel Walker’s CTE.
Malice live streamed himself reading chunks of Walkers autobiography.
The guy has issues.
Jan 21, 2024 5:16 PM
The hemi engine in the 300C is not a good engine to potter around town with stop start driving. The camshaft sits too high in the block and doesn’t get enough oil on the lobes which leads to premature wear.
Any other quirks? I’m still waiting for the insurance company to make a decision for the 380. As I’ve never owned a V8, I wouldn’t mind one to potter up and down to the Big Smoke with. They need a roo bar though – not for protection – more for the flair, I reckon.
…and a towbar.
Maybe some fluffy dice.
Mix tapes made it possible to listen to stuff not on the radio or stereo. Stooges and Radio Birdman sounded great if played loud, even on tape.
Jan 21, 2024 6:42 PM
Goose stepping Nazis and Italian fascists looked ridiculous.
Every time I see those poor bloody Nork girls doing that goosestep, I think about how close they are to snapping a tendon, and if that happens, its unrecoverable – literally.
the oldest stagnant culture on the planet riddled with animalist folk tales with less moral foundation than Aesop’s simplistic talking beasts.
They looked ridiculous but left a permanent stain across the whole of Europe. It’s self satisfying to point out how comic they appear, but that’s in no way a valid appraisal of their influence on future tendancies.
Jan 21, 2024 6:55 PM
That’s an interesting concept. Perhaps a fleet of 5 of those aluminium thingies we’re selling to the US, with a couple of hundred variable payload drones each. Considering the speed they can do, 1 each in Perf, D town and Cairns, and two sitting idle because we can’t get crew for them.
Damn straight, Katzenbloke.
Those mines on the backs of trucks weren’t just for show. They were a very clear message about their ability to block a lot of trade routes.
Same reason I’m against First Nations ideology, Eyrie. Those responsible are long gone.
Who is holding the current British to account for this? Only those British who perpetrated it at the time. Bastards, all over a grab for Boer gold.
Same as you don’t hold current Germans accountable for the crimes of the Nazis.
The guy in the crowd was probably trolling. He’s still worthy of a clip around the ear.
If I was in the crowd, I’d be telling him to go get a booster! W*nker!
Novak was cool about it.
Imbecile Shouts “Get Vaccinated!” at Novak Djokovic; The Tennis Star’s Response Is Fire!
SBS is touting their latest production. They have Abofied one of my favourite Henry Lawson stories, The Drover’s Wife. yerk.
It is evil to be brainwashing kindy kids into doing acknowledgement to country.
Where are the parents fighting back ?
O/T, I’ve seen Paul Kruger’s cottage in Pretoria. He sat on a bench at the front, drinking coffee, and running the Boer Republics, while his wife milked the cows at the back of the place.
Word has come down that Glyphosate, at least, may be in short supply again. A large summer spray program for nearly everyone and the Red Sea issues are no doubt the causes.
Fertiliser will no doubt be next with urea heading up and Granuloc at $1,150t/port already.
To the contrary, Queensland folkloric tales are quite uplifting:
There’s probably an important message for all of us in that.
And that’s as valid a position as anything else.
To sum up in it up one word, “fossilised.”
Meanwhile, the rest of the world has moved on.
In the case of Europe, the M.E., and much of Asia, thousands of years ago.
Bill Cosby?
A musical interlude – infectious good fun
The “it up” is redundant.
The Doomlord might have differed in opinions from strict conservatives (for example in matters such as policy regarding drugs) the world we live in is one dominated by excess government. In such a world at the gery least Libertarians and Conservatives have a common enemy.
In our current state there are no (or few) conservatives demanding conservative values be widely imposed (a la the power of government).
More subtley it seems to me that Libertarians are more focused on the freedoms they have determined we should have, and conservatives mindful of old ideas we should preserve. They aren’t actually opposites. Despite the clunky stereotype of conservatives held by progressives (who never let experience complicate their judgement) conservatism is not a fixed view of the world: a 1970’s and a 2020’s conservative would cleave to different priorities – such as attitudes to gays or the roles of women (conservatives resist the most hairbrained elements of progressive thought and accept change when they think it has proven itself and then conserve that new proven norm).
A 1970’s conservative would likely have had a more biblical image of what their society should be and appear in law while a 2020’s conservative more of an idea that religious belief should be allowed to flourish on its own merit.
It seems to me that Libertarians have a clear vision of what freedom looks like and would happily go to it (it is persuasive) while conservatives who do not have a vision of an end-state want any change to be managed with more caution.
Kind of balances really.
I’m not holding anyone to account, bespoke. I have no idea how you could possibly have reached that conclusion.
Samuel L Jackson
The legend of Mount Coolum is similar. It’s a long time since I read it in a local library, but basically Coolum the warrior kidnapped a woman from a neighbouring tribe, a pursuit ensued, and someone’s head was knocked off with a boomerang, rolling into the sea to create Mudjimba Island. Coolum was turned to stone looking at Mudjimba’s head in the ocean, and someone (I forget who) cried copious tears that became the Maroochy River.
I’ve obviously mangled that, and gotten the names mixed up, but the thread is about greed, revenge and regret.
Sure you may have some plausible deniability but you take everything personal and have no limits, JC.
How about those Ethiopians?
I prefer Aesop and uncle Remus.
Bruce Pascoe for Governor General!
Are those extracted meanings by we colonialists, or guides for inducted natives? What do they say about it?
Probably, possibly, perhaps, maybe.
If keeping up cultural tradition is wonderful then we better keep The Lord’s Prayer in Parliament. Oh silly me, it doesn’t work like that.
Except either of the Price ladies. Neither would be considered at all qualified. They’re both far right wing. That is, sane and sensible.
The hemi engine in the 300C is not a good engine to potter around town with stop start driving.
My daughter has a Chrysler 300SRT 6.4 litre hemi V8 which she keeps locked up in a shed. It has 350kW and 637Nm. It is an absolute brute of a car with very little finesse. She also has an Audi A6 biturbo V6 diesel which is not as powerful but still around 5 sec to 100, so no slouch. The difference in the driving is unbelievable. The Audi is so much better as an all round vehicle but the Chrysler is almost pure excitement to drive because its almost uncontrollable power…
Somewhat, but with all human endeavors there are limitations. Who and why are they being “defended” from?
I provided you with an account of the ships they’ve attacked and the ones thwarted by the US/UK. The attacks have been many.
They fired on a Russian tanker, which I posted about in the earlier this last week.They hit a ship bound for Italy, which they claimed was headed for Israel. It’s indiscriminate.
That goes without saying.
They’re after cash.
Sorry, isn’t the Governor General supposed to take the oath of allegiance to the King?
Lidia Thorpe for Governor General!
There is also Warren Mundine, he would be so a very good job.
he would do a very good job.
(Proofread is my friend)
One of the many, many reasons I wouldn’t want the job. I simply couldn’t bring myself to do it.
If king chas wanted to swear an oath of allegiance to me, I suppose I’d let him, reluctantly. Likewise, I’m quite prepared to grant him an audience if he asks nicely. But that’s as far as it goes.
Sorry, but I can’t take all this medieval crap seriously.
Marcia Langton for Governor General!
Chuck would probably arrive with a decanter of Laphroig, and two glasses.
Yes, he might be ok, but the lefties won’t have him.
I’d be against anybody who was prepared to do the job. Being willing to take the job would be a complete disqualification in my view. It’s a rubbish job. Oh, you might get to sack a prime minister once in a blue moon. But mainly it’s laying foundation stones, snipping tape and unscrewing imaginary light bulbs as you are driven past schoolies. Nobody with an ounce of self respect would have a bar of it.
In that comment you cite I took completely justifiable aim at a lunatic who was hounding me relentlessly. And that was a long long time ago, and it has never ceased since, accompanied by lies and outright doxxing.
It was certainly not directed at the wrong person.
It still isn’t. All the hysterical weeping and wailing in a deliberatly minor key about how misunderstood you are and how everyone should uptick you because you live in a motel and are just an ordinary sort of old girl who is put down by people in the Eastern suburbs (me and Cassie) with more money, well, that’s just nonsense. You have plenty of money from the sale of your house, you should have a good superannuation income from the wonderful public sector job you say you held, and no-one starves in Australia anyway, no matter what sort of a mess they make of their lives.
Get real. You are not genuine, you are obsessed and fixated, and nor are the people who who think you are some icon of plain speaking demonstrating any real acuity. You are, as Cass says, a sad case and the sooner you lay off me, the better it will be for you.
Queanbeyan Cow. If the name fits, it will be used.
Re: The indig Governor General proposal: What happens when we run out of symbolic gestures and token appointments/acknowledgements?
Do we rewind the VHS cassette and start again?
There is a dark humour though in the apparent obsession with baubles and trinkets.
That would incline me favourably. I’d offer him a havana cigar. If he said “no”, I’d smoke two of them.
If I may sign off by demonstrating my own cultural depth and lack of street cred:
Adele – Someone Like You, but it’s pretty emo.
The Houthis, but the point is that Navy ships are screening them with their AD.
Wasn’t denying this, my point was that their attacks appear not to be designed to sink the ships but to make passage through the Red Sea onerous for those being targeted or those ignoring their commands.
It isn’t indiscriminate. Ships are passing through and advertising they are not associated with the targeted countries.
Then why are they falling for the trap?
I really don’t think so.
I don’t dislike the man. I think he’s rather dim, but he can’t help that. And he likes the goon show and has some sort of a sense of humour. So I would be willing to talk to him. And put him straight about the global warming scam.
Exactly so. It’s all for children who haven’t grown up.
Come on now. You all know that we’re going to get Marcia Langton.
Plain as day.
And would sell their souls for an elephant sticker.
Meanwhile, a rentacrowd blockade of Zim line operations in the port of Melbourne has entered its third day:
VicPol, I assume, are assessing the situation – i.e. awaiting orders from their political whoremongers in Spring Street.
My vote goes to Denzell Washington. Sure win.
“Ben Carson?
Samuel L Jackson”
I don’t know if it’s permissable to post something here that’s a little commercial although non-profit, but definitely partizan. Dover, please remove this comment if it’s out of order.
AJA is selling Australian/Israel flag pin badges on eBay.
New OT is up.
Doug Parkinson at his superb best.
The Hungry Years
The lyrics touch a nerve in my case. And delivered in that voice …
The Paywallian Media Diary reporting that Andwew Pwobyn is once again enjoying the warm embrace of Aunty’s ample bosom courtesy of the “talent” dumping ground that is RN Breakfast, currently brought to us by PK and home to much loved broadcaster Frank Elly. Thus the Pwobe’s Redundancy joins the Quentin Dumpster Long Goodbye. I guess we will have to wait till Senate Estimates to find out whether they actually got around to deactivating his swipe card. Nice to see all those afternoons on his knees in the ALPBC Perth studios with Nana Hutchison didn’t go to waste.