Dutch PM apologizes for Dutch complicity in the Holocaust.
Dutch Government Apologizes For Wartime Complicity with Nazis
A recent apology to the Jews by Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte for Holland’s war-time complicity with the Nazis, has re-opened a painful chapter of the Holocaust.
“Since the last survivors are still among us, I apologize today in the name of the government for what the authorities did at that time,” Rutte said. “Our government did not act as the guardian of justice and security.”
It was the first time a prime minister of the Netherlands acknowledged the heinous role of the Dutch police in rounding up and deporting over a hundred thousand Dutch Jews to the death camps.
Rutte, in office since 2010, has resisted calls for issuing such an apology, including by Dutch Chief Rabbi Binyomin Jacobs in 2015 and by the Party for Freedom in 2012. Rutte always claimed there was not enough “objective information” upon which to determine the Dutch government’s culpability in the destruction of the Jews.
Of the Netherland’s pre-war Jewish population of 135,000, seventy-five percent were murdered in the death factories of Auschwitz and Sobibor. Of the 24,000 Dutch Jews who were in hiding, 8,000 including renowned teenage diarist Anne Frank and her family, were betrayed to the Nazis.
Seventy-five years after the liberation of Auschwitz, the government has finally acknowledged this inhumane conduct.
“Too many civil servants carried out the orders of the occupiers,” said the prime minister after having taken part in a silent march in January commemorating the victims of World War II.
“The bitter consequences of the drawing up of registers (of Jews) and of the expulsions have not been adequately recognized,” he said. “Seventy-five years after Auschwitz, anti-Semitism is still among us. That’s exactly why we fully recognize what happened and say it out loud.”
Dutch Railway Acknowledges Guilt in Shipping Jews to their Death
The government’s apology was prompted in part by a decision last July by the Dutch state-run railway [NS], to pay millions of dollars in compensation to Holocaust victims and their families, after accepting responsibility for transporting huge numbers of Jews to Nazi concentration camps.
The company built a new rail line during WWII and over time transported more than 100,000 victims to Nazi concentration camps.
After being expelled from their homes, plundered of all their possessions, and driven onto death trains, the Jews’ were subjected to a final humiliation; they were forced to pay for their death ride to Sobibor, Auschwitz and other killing centers.
The payment, collectively amounting to hundreds of thousands of dollars (equivalent to many millions today) was stolen from the Netherlands’ Jewish Bank and the Dutch railway took its share.
The NS apologized years ago for what it called “a black page in the history of the company,” but failed to come up with any program for compensation. Finally, in July 2019, after pressure from Holocaust activists and survivors, the railway committed to paying over $74 million in compensation to surviving Holocaust victims and their families.
Survivors React
While the NS’s reparations proposal was met with effusive praise in many quarters, survivors noted that decades of foot-dragging had ensured that the majority of Dutch victims were no longer alive to benefit from the agreement.
Alfred Kurz, an elderly Jew who in 1943 was transported by the Dutch National Railway to Bergen-Belsen in northern Germany, said he was glad that “something was finally done,” but was “very critical of the timing.”
Kurz, who lives in Cherry Hill, N.J., told the Jewish Week that “the money at this point is meaningless. I’m 82 and one of the youngest survivors around. Ninety percent of those who survived are dead. Just the fact that they waited 70 years to make restitution for their bad behavior is a travesty. “
Kurz said he was six years old at the time, living with his family in Amsterdam. He remembers the Nazis “did a block-by-block roundup of the Jews. They came with sirens and dogs to rouse people out of their houses and onto the train. We were taken – my mother, sister and I.”
The train took the prisoners “about 100 miles” to a transit camp at Westerbork at the country’s border, recalled Kurz. From there, the Nazis put them on transports to killing centers outside the Netherlands. Kurz said his father had been taken by the Nazis to Auschwitz almost a year earlier and was killed there after about a month.
Noble Rescuers?
A pervasive myth of the post-war years in the Netherlands was that a great majority of the Dutch people had showed solidarity with the Jews, identified with their suffering, and had taken risks to help them.
The image of the compassionate Dutch has been reinforced by the impressive number of Dutch rescuers honored at Yad Vashem and cited at the Holocaust Museum in Washington, D.C.
Of all the nations of Europe, the numbers of Dutch heroes are surpassed only by Polish ones, writes Holocaust researcher Frank Bovenkirk.
Another factor contributing to the Dutch’s war-time image as noble rescuers is the fact that the Netherlands was the only country occupied by the Germans in which citizens participated in a general strike (in February 1941), mainly to demonstrate solidarity with the Jews.
In addition, Dutch student resistance managed to save three or four thousand Jewish children from certain death, by lodging them with foster families for the duration of the war. Under the Nazis, this was a crime punishable by death.
Lastly, there were no extermination camps in The Netherlands, and the Dutch did not actively participate in the killing of Jews. The mass atrocities, for which the Nazis had so many willing executioners in the occupied countries, did not take place on Dutch soil.
Annihilation of a Community
Yet the sheer magnitude of the destruction of Dutch Jewry overrides claims of staunch Dutch resistance to the Nazis. The image of heroic rank-and-file citizens protecting their Jewish countrymen begins to crumble in the face of the sweeping decimation of the Jewish community, and how it was carried out.
The historical record clearly attests that those who helped save Jews in the Netherlands comprised a small minority. The Nazis found little resistance to their occupation. The Dutch police and civil service and the national railway company were widely complicit in hunting down Jews and transporting them to killing centers.
No country in Western Europe had a higher percentage of its population voluntarily joining the ranks of the Nazis than the Netherlands, attests historian Manfred Gerstenfeld of the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs.
The flight of Holland’s Queen Wilhelmina and her top ministers to England days before Holland’s capitulation to the Nazis, cleared the way for the Dutch government to march in lock step with Nazi orders.
From her refuge in London over the next five years, Queen Wilhelmina made many speeches to her countrymen, infusing them with hope for victory and liberation. In all those speeches, “there was a total of five sentences about the Jews,” writes Gerstenfeld.
The laying of the groundwork for genocide began in the Netherlands with the typical Nazi pattern of social and economic discrimination against the Jews, followed by segregation. Jews were ousted from their jobs and professions and their freedom of movement restricted.
These ominous steps were followed by the identification and registration stage, in which meticulous lists were drawn up of all Jewish residents along with their addresses. Laws were then enacted requiring Jews to wear a yellow star on the armband, and have “J” officially stamped in their passports.
Wholesale Complicity
The Dutch bureaucracy assisted in all these stages. Assisted by the Dutch Jewish Council (who did not realize to what extent their efforts would be suicidal), Dutch authorities assembled comprehensive lists of all Jews residing in the country, identifying them by name and address.
Then came Nazi edicts confiscating Jewish property under a legal pretence of “registering” it, prior to the “resettlement” of the Jews.
The Dutch banks took an active role in the registration (and later partial confiscation) of massive amounts of Jewish property and assets, estimated by some historians as exceeding $12 billion in current values.
Until the death trains left Holland, the Nazis made limited use of their own troops, relying instead on Dutch policemen to do much of the dirty work. Dutch police arrested and rounded up the families, forcing them to board trains that transported them to the Dutch internment camps at Westerbork and Vught. There, Dutch guards carrying out Nazi orders prevented anyone from escaping.
From these transit points, the Jews were shipped directly to Auschwitz, Sobibor and Bergen Belsen. Only 5,000 survived. In Amsterdam, alone, 66,000 of the 80,000 Jews were murdered.
The systematic looting of Jewish properties had begun well before deportation, greatly enabled by Dutch banks. On German orders, Dutch banks sent out forms to Jewish clients “legalizing” the transfer of their deposits to LIRO, the bank the Nazis created to expropriate money from the Jews.
“Many Amsterdam stock market traders made good profits on the sale of shares and bonds stripped from the Jews,” notes historian Gerstenfeld.
Much of this collaboration came to light in the late 1990s as the Netherlands, following the lead of other European governments and in response to pressure from the United States, began to face up to some of its shameful wartime practices.
Postwar Abuse of Survivors
As the image of the “benign rescuers” began to unravel, the Dutch also had to deal with the issue of their immediate postwar attitude toward broken, impoverished death camp survivors.
This vulnerable group was given an ice-cold reception, reflected in post-war outrages committed by Dutch authorities.
“As soon as you registered after staggering back from the camps, you received a government notice demanding back taxes,” attested Dutch survivor Rabbi Joseph Polak, author of After the Holocaust, the Bells Still Ring, in an interview with Yated.
Polak and his mother survived Westerbork and Bergen Belsen, and were liberated from a death train by Soviet troops.
“The Dutch government also did nothing to compel insurance companies to honor policies survivors were entitled to,” Polak recalled. “My mother was refused on the ground that she hadn’t paid premiums during the years she was imprisoned in a death camp. The company was allowed to get away with this.”
The survivors were further hurt by the immoral application of Dutch inheritance tax laws. These laws allowed the state to claim a significant part of the assets of those who were murdered, instead of turning them over to their heirs.
What happened in continental Europe in the 40s shouldn’t be whitewashed with bullshit.
February 9, 2024 11:48 am
Dover, I apologise for any part I might have played in this nonsense.
You have been a gracious host.
H B Bear
February 9, 2024 11:49 am
We can thank Clive Palmer for Lambie.
We can thank the voters of Tasmania for Lambie
The Senate, and more particularly Tasmanian Senators, have always represented obvious difficulties for the Australian democracy. There is a legitimate role for an upper house but it does need work.
February 9, 2024 11:49 am
I have many…many faults but cowardice certainly isn’t one of them.
I for one never suspected it was, calli.
As the Bard wrote, ‘the better part of valour is discretion.’
I will refrain from commenting further on this because I don’t want to fan the flames.
February 9, 2024 11:50 am
The only support an addict should receive is paying for rehab.
After about 3 attempts you’ll know if it’s worth continuing or cutting them off totally.
Been there done that.
It’s brutal.
At some stage adults need to take responsibility for their actions.
Upticks and downticks should stay. The occasional stand-out flurry of fakes notwithstanding, on the whole they’re a reasonably accurate measure, depending how far behind the conversation you are.
On your own posts, how would anybody know? When you’ve posted the screen rolls downward & you never seen your comment again (unless you’ve so much time on your hands that you scroll back to … inspect how many ticks one has attracted)
February 9, 2024 11:57 am
Salvatore, Iron Publican
Feb 9, 2024 11:50 AM
Upticks and downticks should stay. The occasional stand-out flurry of fakes notwithstanding, on the whole they’re a reasonably accurate measure, depending how far behind the conversation you are.
It was mentioned before that ticks go according to comment, like it or not.
Same commenter 20 + up for a comment -20 for a different one.
Just because one is for a cause does not mean everyone agrees.
February 9, 2024 11:58 am
Sal, there’s sometimes room for improvement, particularly when trying to express complex reactions to some of the hot button stuff. I have come a cropper a few times when I’ve taken a mental short cut without explaining how I got there.
In a perfect world, people would converse rationally and eschew cruelty. But being nasty is so convenient when it can be done anonymously.
At least the people having the set to this morning have come out swinging in words and argument and not just idly ticked one way or the other. And just for the record, I have not ticked anything to do with either “side” one way or the other. I left the playground long ago.
On the matter of the upticks and downticks, they are going to stay until the new OT appears, and then, I will remove the plugin that allows both.
Dover, it’s sad that it has been abused in this way. It will, however, offer great respite for the few mental invalids that were forced to spend most days up and down ticking comments by people they disliked. I’m just wondering what Woddenhead, Turtlehead, and the Bush Hog, along with a couple of others, are going to do with the spare time.
February 9, 2024 11:59 am
Thanks for posting JC.
Similar but different with France too.
The alleged quantum of people in the French resistance is pure myth.
They too couldn’t wait to ship Jews off.
He could of course re-open his own blog and insert the up and down tick plug-in and offer it there. This could increase the comment traffic compared to the past when “Public House” accumulated 279 comments over 15 years.
Advice to Dover, from an experienced blogger is always worthwhile.
Knuckle Dragger
February 9, 2024 12:03 pm
If one were to retain the upticks and discard the downticks, it would compel the rage-filled, flaccid mouth-breathers with tears running down their nose and onto their keyboards to either:
1. Actually mount a cogent, written counter-argument to a given proposition; or
2. Pull their tiny heads in.
February 9, 2024 12:04 pm
Have you ever thought that it is comments like below that get you the downticks?
You also say you mostly don’t want to come here but at the same time post endlessly about you family life. Regarding the feud with Johanna I am on your side more than hers.
I am not piling on and I am not one of your downtickers but merely making an observation that most can see.
Now you seem to want special treatment with no down or upticks.
Not sure what was happening this morning but seemed to be very unusual downticking.
Personally I like the ability to up or downtick.
“Also, if I do come in here, which mostly I don’t want to do, may I request no downticks or upticks on anything I say. If it is possible for people to opt out of that system, I think it would improve the blog”.
February 9, 2024 12:04 pm
There is a legitimate role for an upper house but it does need work.
I wonder how many senators realise that one of their fundamental duties is to scrutinise legislation as to whether it impinges on the rights of citizens?
A good reason for senate representation not to be party political, I would say.
Not to mention how that duty conflicts with having members of the Ministry who initiate legislation sitting in the Senate.
John Brumble
February 9, 2024 12:06 pm
You’ve been told by two men (and possibly a half; LL is more a child) how to deal with a man.
Instead, you’re dealing with a baby. So long as you continue to do so, he’ll remain a baby and never be a man.
Poirier-Poulin quotes at length from Belgian researcher Tobi Smethurst’s description of the experience:
“I was the one who had pushed the buttons and dropped the bombs. Whether or not I knew I was doing it at the time, I had a hand in murdering those civilians. I did not experience the same trauma afterwards that the protagonist did, of course, but his reactions were certainly not too far from my own. I have taken thousands upon thousands of virtual lives, but these were the first for which I truly felt that I shared the burden of guilt.
It’s electron genocide! I think I’m still recovering from Tetris after 30 years.
February 9, 2024 12:08 pm
Clem Ford doxing Jews on social media.
For one reason, they are Jews.
Plod ?
Ps NSW plod flooding the media with their vape raids.
Wonder how many people give a shit about that.
February 9, 2024 12:09 pm
According to Ann Althouse the DC jury has shafted Mark Steyn for a million or so.
I said this earlier, with a couple of exceptions like small Denmark. They were all fcking in on it- some much more than others.
The thing that caught my throat the most. No kidding, it was one of the most saddest moments I’ve ever experienced in my life, was walking along a street in Rome and reading bronze-like plarks in the paving marking the apartment buildings where Italian Jews lived (and their names) taken away and never heard of again. You look up and there was a building where these souls lived.
H B Bear
February 9, 2024 12:10 pm
The Treasury secretary proving the old adage that if you’re a bureaucrat and the public know your name you aren’t doing your job properly. Treasury hasn’t been worth bothering about for years.
The report on Biden’s failing memory is devastating. Coincidence it drops right now with so much going on.
About six months too early.
February 9, 2024 12:11 pm
Just seen Dover’s post about stopping up/downticks.
Have no problems with it as it is his blog, but i think it is the wrong move to placate the few.
I thought and still think it works as intended.
February 9, 2024 12:14 pm
I watched part of the Biden address and the news conference. A most bizarre thing. They can no longer hide the fact that he is not only forgetful but his instinct is that of a nasty man. These are the people who are pointing fingers at Trump and even Putin. What is going on in the US?
Secret of Mana, Zelda I & III and Earthbound were pretty epic 8/16 bit blocky games. Great storytelling. Amazing music, performed in concert now.
I didn’t get PTSD. It was fun.
Zelda I is different. No maps, no mercy. A no death run was bloody tough on the retro Mini-NES.
February 9, 2024 12:17 pm
Feb 9, 2024 12:09 PM
According to Ann Althouse the DC jury has shafted Mark Steyn for a million or so.
I hate to say I told you so but I told you so. DC juries are evil and America hating, right or wrong does not even factor into anything they decide. They are there to stick it to whoever they are pointed at.
No journalist survives if they present as a counter to Putin. They’re usually poisoned.
Being cancelled by leftists/Democrats et al in the west is not necessarily lethal, but it is so bad we must admit we are going down that same path to totalitarianism.
February 9, 2024 12:19 pm
The switcheroo will happen at the convention in August.
The state ballot cut offs won’t matter because rules don’t matter.
H B Bear
February 9, 2024 12:20 pm
As the recipient of more than a few serial downticks I regard them as water off a ducks back. Have given a few upticks over the years. I won’t lose any sleep either way for what it’s worth (not much).
NSW plod flooding the media with their vape raids.
Yes…and like I said the other day, a “Health” official in B.C., Canada was spruiking the idea of smokable (crack) Fentanyl.
We’re in the very best of hands.
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
February 9, 2024 12:21 pm
However, as Jacky-Jacky has to sound out each letter and syllable before she knows what the word is, she will give up before she is through the first sentence.
As do most elephant trackers – comes with the brassard.
February 9, 2024 12:22 pm
This made me laugh.
Taking the old “single pair of footprints” pap and updating it.
I can barely imagine how this must haunt the Jewish soul.
I remember regularly reading Frank Knopfelmacher in Quadrant many years ago (if you aren’t familiar with him, worth looking up). He wrote that when he arrived in Australia in the mid-50s he found the country to be relatively free of antisemitism* compared to Europe. If it existed, he thought, Australians generally were too polite to say anything in public.
We have now made progress to the point where NSW Police turn a deaf ear and a blind eye to the vilest demonstrations of antisemitism in our history.
* An exception would have been the old Bulletin, which was anti-Asian and anti-Jewish, but which Knopfelmacher was possibly unfamiliar with.
Honestly, am I reading the special counsel finding wrong in that what dementia did with the docs is not way over the top and that the fcker has serious mental deficiencies? How does the first part not help Trumpster?
He could of course re-open his own blog and insert the up and down tick plug-in and offer it there. This could increase the comment traffic compared to the past when “Public House” accumulated 279 comments over 15 years.
Advice to Dover, from an experienced blogger is always worthwhile. 1 up 7 down
As the recipient of more than a few serial downticks
You’re a victim now of a total of 3 downers, Bear? 🙂
February 9, 2024 12:30 pm
You didn’t have to scratch very deeply for anti-Semitism to rear its ugly head back in the 60’s and 70’s. Mercifully, or perhaps providentially, I had Jewish friends at school. Good friends.
So I always shook my head in wonder at the casual bigotry about Jews, particularly when it came from those who I now know to have been nominal Christians. Nasty stuff.
Of course, casual bigotry about Christians is so endemic people just don’t notice it any more. I see Colin Fassenage indulging in a bit of giggling blasphemy on an ad for MKR lately.
My, how standards have slipped. Try that with Islam boy-o and see how far it gets you.
Now this bloke certainly has a lot of experience in Labor politics – since he was teenager in fact. And he knows a lot about unions because other than Labor politics unions is all he has experience in.
And this just about covers all Oz ministerial “jobs” regardless of party .. folk with no experience in the field vying for ministerial positions and the salary/perks attached thru toadying and brown-nosing .. no other qualifications required …… and once appointed controlling/dispensing $millions of OPM without, much if any, oversight .. eg standout examples … “plenty wrong” & “blackout Blow-in to name two plus, on the policy side, the “burka” who’s main claim to fame is mile high “bonking the hired help” tours setting the rules on how private companies can employ/pay staff …..
Barking Toad
February 9, 2024 12:33 pm
Well Dementia Joe excelled at his press conference.
Threw his staff under the box and many, many other gaffes.
Should never have taken questions, then, was just about walking off when he decided to go back and talk about Israel/Hamas. Somehow got the president of Mexico confused in there too.
Won’t ;ast much longer before they wheel him out of the White House.
February 9, 2024 12:34 pm
Australia had more sectarian issues than anything else.
What an embarrassing state of affairs that used to be.
Barking Toad
February 9, 2024 12:35 pm
…under the bus…ffs.
February 9, 2024 12:36 pm
Dipping my tick into the argument about ticks or no ticks.
It’s just kitchen heat, if you don’t like it, ignore it. Ticks pointing up or down, who cares?
If it really upsets you, find another blog.
Dover rules.
Sancho Panzer
February 9, 2024 12:37 pm
On the matter of the upticks and downticks, they are going to stay until the new OT appears, and then, I will remove the plugin that allows both.
I revel in my downticks.
It appeals to my contrarian side to know I have pissed someone off.
What on earth will we talk about now?
However, it will free up a fair chunk of Wodney’s day.
Two reasons for this, firstly, it will, I hope, relieve the site from processes that may be slowing it down
An embargo on Armstrong spam might also help.
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
February 9, 2024 12:37 pm
Reserve Bank chief issues dire warning about the future of cash – and reveals what will be happening next to the $5 banknote
Reserve Bank chief Michele Bullock issued cash warning
Armaguard and Prosegur Australia last year allowed to merge
Ms Bullock confirmed Aboriginal groups asked about $5 note
I nominate Lidia Thorpe to adorn the five dollar note.
I’m certainly not surprised by the “verdict”. The Powerline folks are still living in last century, where justice and truth and legal arguments were the foundations of the US. Now it is whether you are a lefty or not, and since Steyn and Trump aren’t they will never win a court case in a jurisdiction like DC.
There’s only one way this injustice can be fixed. It will remain to see whether that will occur.
February 9, 2024 12:41 pm
Feb 9, 2024 11:47 AM
Dutch PM apologizes for Dutch complicity in the Holocaust.
But if the Jews had only “hardened up”, JC.
It wouldn’t have happened.
Relatives have no power to get mental health care for such people, they fall into utter dereliction, may end up in prison (as he did) and it takes a lot of work (usually by their mothers, whom they blame, while other relatives shun them) to bring them round to a semblance of normal living only to have the whole merry-go-round start up again.
While dealing with the soings and arrows of public blog, perhaps you can look into involuntary Patient Orders to help manage your sons mental issues. These are common in most legal jurisdictions, sure your lawyer can advise on best approach.
Delta A
February 9, 2024 12:43 pm
Tintarella di Luna
Feb 9, 2024 5:54 AM
Great to hear that your Big Boy has managed this huge transition from Mum and Dad to assisted independent living. I have often thought of him – of you – as you’ve face the constant challenges, especially during his adolescence.
I’m sure much thought and guidance has gone into his transition; it seems that he has excellent careworkers. Such a relief for you. And yet another example of how God sometimes steps in and orchestrates events to their maximum benefit.
All the very best to you, Tinta. You certainly deserve it.
Sancho Panzer
February 9, 2024 12:43 pm
JC at 11:47.
I think collaborators fell into two categories.
Firstly, those who did it out of fear and self-preservation.
Secondly, those who enthusiastically embraced Nazism to the full.
I’ll leave it up to others to judge where the Cloggers sat on that spectrum.
Barking Toad
February 9, 2024 12:43 pm
Biden press conference was a Trump promotion. And Trump got for nothing.
February 9, 2024 12:43 pm
Australia had more sectarian issues than anything else.
What an embarrassing state of affairs that used to be.
I don’t know what pertained in Victoria but in NSW & QLD the sectarian battles were largely fought on the rugby field on Saturday afternoon. On Sunday people went to their church and on Monday everyone was back to mingling at work.
February 9, 2024 12:43 pm
That would be DC where 80+% vote Demonrat??
And on the ticks.
I like the upticks, because it allows me to see my quality links have been appreciated by the masses.
alwaysrisght is well named. I’d add that creating your own blog with/without up & down ticks is a freedom we all enjoy.
February 9, 2024 12:44 pm
To his credit James Packer has spent a lot of his life making up for a lot of sins of his father.
Most would know a story regarding a certain golf club that summed up his views.
February 9, 2024 12:45 pm
The Bulletin.
Kerry Packers fav.
Yes, but they’d tidied themselves up considerably by that time.
A different publication entirely, really.
Sancho Panzer
February 9, 2024 12:46 pm
Delta A
Feb 9, 2024 12:43 PM
Tintarella di Luna
Feb 9, 2024 5:54 AM
Great to hear that your Big Boy has managed this huge transition from Mum and Dad to assisted independent living.
To be clear, any bagging of NDIS I might do does not apply to the Big Boys in society.
My gripe is with inefficient management, rorting by indolent junkies and outright invention of clients and/or “support tasks”.
We need an impressionist oil painting of Prophet Dr. Kofi Oduro during his famous anti OnlyFans rant.
It would be epic.
February 9, 2024 12:51 pm
You didn’t have to scratch very deeply for anti-Semitism to rear its ugly head back in the 60’s and 70’s.
calli, I wonder if that was peculiar to where you grew up?
Knopfelmacher would have been speaking mainly about Melbourne but I think his observation would have generally applied elsewhere.
He was infamously rejected for a position at the Uni. of Sydney in the mid-1960s on account of his strident and public anti-Communism. At least that’s what the university senate said at the time.
My fear is that he has stopped the garnishee for his rental
Since when did it become possible to garnishee CentreLink Payments ..?
To the best of my knowledge the only money that can be deducted by garnishee from CL payments is money owed to CL for whatever reason (and even then by, agreed amount, instalments) … any other deductions are voluntary and thru agreement between the benefit recipient and the receiving party …….
Also any deductions have to be limited to NOT placing the CL recipient in dire straights .. in other words surpassing 1/4 of fortnightly benefit (excluding voluntary weekly rental deductions) ……
February 9, 2024 12:52 pm
Actually, I take that back.
A Fireworks Display as the header?
Please, please don’t ever pick a photo of Moruroa Atoll in full splodey mode.
? Vladimir Putin reacts to Chuck Schumer suggesting Americans will fight in Ukraine: “Don’t you have anything better to do? You have issues on the border. Issues with migration, issues with the national debt..”
Imagine signing up to fight for the US, to fight for Chuck Schumer, so you have the privilege of wifing up Amy Schumer.
Sounds like a great deal if the choice is face a jury for a capital crime, or enlist and be pardoned.
February 9, 2024 12:58 pm
Watching a few cuts of the Biden press conference.
If he wasn’t such an evil prick I would feel sorry for him.
Put a fork in him.
February 9, 2024 12:58 pm
If ticks are abolished, no doubt the vandals will satisfy themselves with a proliferation of
posts, causing great clutter.
And we are all diminished by the elimination of that secret pleasure of the first uptick.
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
February 9, 2024 12:58 pm
I’ll leave it up to others to judge where the Cloggers sat on that spectrum.
Mme Zulu’s parents survived the Nazi occupation – her father, interrogation by the Gestapo, her mother the “Hunger winter.” They maintained all their days that no-one knew how they would cope, until it all actually happened.
February 9, 2024 12:58 pm
My failed business owes a lot to centrepay…
Any deductions (bar court/ childcare or centrelink ordered) can be cancelled the day after they are made.
Despite contract details being supplied etc as part of the approval process.
If you wanted to design a system that allowed maximum irresponsibility and fraud, thats it.
Bruce of Newcastle
February 9, 2024 1:01 pm
Oops, slight arithmetic error. Others are 2.45%. I’m amused by Gloria La Riva, she’s deliciously fruity, and I suspect the write ins were probably for Bernie, but the wiki doesn’t says. Hard to believe but DC is even leftier than Canberra. No surprise it’s the go to jurisdiction for Dem lawfare attempts like Stick Mann’s.
Sancho Panzer
February 9, 2024 1:04 pm
Salvatore, Iron Publican
Feb 9, 2024 11:50 AM
Upticks and downticks should stay. The occasional stand-out flurry of fakes notwithstanding, on the whole they’re a reasonably accurate measure, depending how far behind the conversation you are.
What the Dutch PM should be apologising for is Holland’s absolute complicity in the EU/WEF holocaust.
Cats will recall that when Dutch farmers were the first to kick off the tractor blockade a Dutch policeman actually shot at them. Not a sign of a healthy democracy.
Mother Lode
February 9, 2024 1:13 pm
I just popped into Netflix, to check the program I was waiting on had actually arrived, and saw also that Netflix had stumbled serendipitously upon a topic they could produce without completely changing it to suit their woke agenda.
Alexander the Great!
They can legitimately depict him as gay. And openly so. Not a big shock – Alexander was a fan of Athens and Athenian society viewed homosexuality as a higher form of attachment: lots of youths canoodling in the shadow of pending battle, and lots of corpulent men lolling about at banquets fondling their calamities so they can’t even pour their wine straight – for this last part just read Plato. (Plato would laugh at what we now call ‘platonic’ love.)
So they can have a gay man ramping all across the ancient world waving his iron sword by day and his flesh one by night. (Stories about his relationship with his horse, Bucephalus, rightly belong on HBO who will give it requisite grinding graphic representation.)
But yes, the battle scenes, the blood spurting, the hacked limbs flying through the air spinning weirdly around invisible axes, the spit skulls, the frozen astonished faces above the impaled chests, the groaning pleadings to gods, the chaos, the mayhem, wantonly destructive when done by heterosexual men will be softened into the arc of a divine but tragic poem when a faggot.
Only bummer is that they could not make him black. Not that they did not want to, but after the Cleopatra thing coupled with the fact he was actually born in Macedon, such a lie overtaxed the dishonesty of even the most diversity obsessed writers. The additional fact that Alexander was widely remembered as blond – and indeed he is depicted by a blond actor – would have been incidental. And, apparently, only one of Alexander’s eyes was blue –heterochromia iridium doncha know.
I would not be surprised if they make the Egyptians black so Egyptians who join his army are black, and they will prove to be the most valiant of his troops. I base that purely upon the racial stone in Netflix’ show that always demands the most pressing attention, but I have not seen it.
Nevertheless they may overall generate a fair depiction of the old fudge-packer because they have found someone they don’t as a matter of woke mental-programming dislike.
February 9, 2024 1:14 pm
Imagine signing up to fight for the US, to fight for Chuck Schumer, so you have the privilege of wifing up Amy Schumer.
Just seen Dover’s post about stopping up/downticks.
Have no problems with it as it is his blog, but i think it is the wrong move to placate the few.
UP +1000 DOWN -0
Anyone deterred by a few anon ticks either way misunderstands the nature and goals of a public, anonymous blog with comments && ticks.
Sancho Panzer
February 9, 2024 1:19 pm
H B Bear
Feb 9, 2024 12:20 PM
As the recipient of more than a few serial downticks I regard them as water off a ducks back. Have given a few upticks over the years. I won’t lose any sleep either way for what it’s worth (not much).
The alleged quantum of people in the French resistance is pure myth.
True .. the, real, French resistance against the Nazis never exceeded 3000 most of those “classified’ resistance were in the communist faction who spent more time opposing the, actual, restance than the Germans .. their main purpose in opposing the Nazis was to be the predominant faction once the occupation was over .. not to be part of a concerted effort to free France …… This was the main reason England was very reluctant to supply arms to the French underground as they didn’t wan to arm the communists ..
There is also the “myth” of the French gummin-in-exile .. 75% of, in France, French folk had no idea who general De Gaulle was yet he was touted as their “leader” ….
Boambee John
February 9, 2024 1:20 pm
Quite possibly. The enclaves (for want of a better word, still not the right one) in Sydney and Melbournibad are on a scale and with a visibility you just don’t get in other areas of Australia.
In many ways, they seem to me to be regions that have unilaterally declared independence from the rest of Australia, but still want the financial benefits of being part of Australia.
Ghettoes is not the correct word either, as there is an implication of being forced to live there. They are choosing to be politically rebellious, but financially demanding.
Certain remote indigenous communities (Wadeye as a good example) have developed similar attitudes.
I’m posting this and I think you should read the substack piece.
The US promised not to expand NATO one inch further to the east after the breakup of the Eastern Bloc
This is actually incorrect although those words were used in a different context. What was discussed at the time was regarding the reunification of Germany and the agreement was that NATO troops would not be deployed into East Germany.
“NATO will not move one inch further east” was launched by Putin in 2007 in his speech at the 43rd Munich Security Conference and he’s been repeating it ever since. The fact that James Baker and others did actually say something to that extent is true, but it was not referring to NATO expansion.
But don’t take my word for it. This is what Mikhail Gorbachev said in an interview.
RBTH: One of the key issues that has arisen in connection with the events in Ukraine is NATO expansion into the East. Do you get the feeling that your Western partners lied to you when they were developing their future plans in Eastern Europe? Why didn’t you insist that the promises made to you – particularly U.S. Secretary of State James Baker’s promise that NATO would not expand into the East – be legally encoded? I will quote Baker: “NATO will not move one inch further east.”
M.G.: The topic of “NATO expansion” was not discussed at all, and it wasn’t brought up in those years. I say this with full responsibility. Not a singe Eastern European country raised the issue, not even after the Warsaw Pact ceased to exist in 1991. Western leaders didn’t bring it up, either. Another issue we brought up was discussed: making sure that NATO’s military structures would not advance and that additional armed forces from the alliance would not be deployed on the territory of the then-GDR after German reunification. Baker’s statement, mentioned in your question, was made in that context. Kohl and [German Vice Chancellor Hans-Dietrich] Genscher talked about it.
Everything that could have been and needed to be done to solidify that political obligation was done. And fulfilled. The agreement on a final settlement with Germany said that no new military structures would be created in the eastern part of the country; no additional troops would be deployed; no weapons of mass destruction would be placed there. It has been observed all these years. So don’t portray Gorbachev and the then-Soviet authorities as naïve people who were wrapped around the West’s finger. If there was naïveté, it was later, when the issue arose. Russia at first did not object.
The decision for the U.S. and its allies to expand NATO into the east was decisively made in 1993. I called this a big mistake from the very beginning. It was definitely a violation of the spirit of the statements and assurances made to us in 1990. With regards to Germany, they were legally enshrined and are being observed.
Gorbachev who was at those meetings had this to say when asked specifically about “NATO will not move one inch further east”:
“The topic of “NATO expansion” was not discussed at all”
“NATO’s military structures would not advance and that additional armed forces from the alliance would not be deployed on the territory of the then-GDR after German reunification”
“The agreement on a final settlement with Germany said that no new military structures would be created in the eastern part of the country; no additional troops would be deployed”
All these things were captured in a treaty that was signed because that’s how diplomacy works. You don’t just make verbal promises.
On the other hand, I would point out that it was Russia that broke the Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances whereby Russia provided security guarantees to Ukraine upon agreeing to relinquish nuclear weapons from the former Soviet Union. That was a signed treaty…not words spoken decades earlier that were taken out of context.
And oh yeah, the US and UK were also signatories of the Budapest Memorandum and were supposed to be guarantors of Ukrainian security.
At least we can now say that no one can any longer seriously believe that Putin is on death’s door and ‘media reports’ were in fact lies laid by intel.
Sancho Panzer
February 9, 2024 1:21 pm
Someone on Discord recently commented on how exactly these putrid varmints (like those I mentioned) earlier are “frauding” the system.
I think the day that Thought Leader scored 130-ish upticks on some typically half-arsed banality was what made me suspect it was gamed.
Sancho Panzer
February 9, 2024 1:21 pm
Feb 9, 2024 1:21 PM
At least we can now say that no one can any longer seriously believe that Putin is on death’s door and ‘media reports’ were in fact lies laid by intel.
A good reason for senate representation not to be party political, I would say.
When your selected and eelected thru a specific party I doubt your gonna threaten your close to $300k + freebies to play the independent .. you toe the party line … or else …!
Wally Dalí
February 9, 2024 1:24 pm
Biden will be *ss*ssinated before the ballots are printed. With the three-letter agencies in it up to their necks already, it’ll go off without a hitch, and the MSM will file the copy about alt right neo N*zi Orange Man Bad so Save Our Democracy, Vote Mark Milley-Mike Obama 2024, Karmel who?
You know it makes sense.
* I’m happy to consider snappier suggestions for the list name.
Nuremberg Rights Deniers. It ain’t snapppier, but is more accurate.
February 9, 2024 1:26 pm
Complete change of subject.
Fascinating chat between Tommy Robinson and Calvin Robinson, interesting comments about GBNews, state of the Church of England, muslims in London, Laurence Fox etc etc SILENCED with Tommy Robinson Father Calvin Robinson
I think the day that Thought Leader scored 130-ish upticks on some typically half-arsed banality was what made me suspect it was gamed.
These were legit, Champ.
Boambee John
February 9, 2024 1:27 pm
The Senate, and more particularly Tasmanian Senators, have always represented obvious difficulties for the Australian democracy. There is a legitimate role for an upper house but it does need work.
Combine Tasmania and Victoria (this would require a referendum, but a good case can be made for it). Distribute Tasmania’s 12 senators, two each to the remaining five states, one to each of the territories.
Tintarella di Luna
February 9, 2024 1:29 pm
Delta A @12:43pm and Sancho Panzer @12:46pm — thank you – I am truly blessed in so many ways and without being too maudlin about it all — Life is not easy but it’s not hard all the time either. The NDIS was something that families and parents of children (and they are always our children until we are no more) like my Big Boy (34 next month) were campaigning for, unfortunately it was a. programme of the Labor party and as such handed over lock, stock and barrel to the bureaucracy, hence the rorting and gouging. I could tell you some stories that would make you blanch with incredulity, or maybe not.
As always, where there is a human need there is a douche of leeches sucking hard and fast.
February 9, 2024 1:33 pm
Already I plan to attend to the canonical hour of Neat Speyside this afternoon
Feb 9, 2024 1:52 AM
There should, at the least, be a memorial of some sort
I can provide multiple empty bottles.
Megan, if they are hospital urine bottles, – pass.
If they are full – even more passier.
Boambee John
February 9, 2024 1:35 pm
No kidding, it was one of the most saddest moments I’ve ever experienced in my life, was walking along a street in Rome and reading bronze-like plarks in the paving marking the apartment buildings where Italian Jews lived (and their names) taken away and never heard of again. You look up and there was a building where these souls lived.
There are similar plaques in Paris, marking the places where resistants died during the liberation of Paris in August 1945.
Not the same reason as those in Rome, but noting that many (including a highish proportion of police in the plaques I walked past in 1972) took an active role.
Mother Lode
February 9, 2024 1:36 pm
I gather the upticks and downticks are going to be consigned to perdition.
My view is that they are not the same-but-opposite.
Upticks essentially endorse a comment – marks agreement. Downticks, on the other hand, are objections. The problem is that there is one way to agree, but millions of ways to disagree.
If I post that 1+1=2 then agreement is belief that 1+1=2 is indeed true. A person who disagrees might do so because they think 1+1=3, or 50, or 1,000,000, or Thursday, or white patriarchal mathematical oppression, or whatever.
Point being an objection will be on discrete points, and a down ticker who will not state their objection can be easily dismissed.
I got a down tick this morning for saying a Friday morning OT was sneaky. I am afraid I do not have the linguistic felicity to impress upon Cats how little I cared for that. Some turd with a problem they will lot own to.
Don’t let downtickers change the blog. Vote ‘’No’ to those who say ‘no’.
Dover’s call though, of course.
February 9, 2024 1:37 pm
I would point out down ticks probably avoid nastier responses.
Bruce of Newcastle
February 9, 2024 1:40 pm
Combine Tasmania and Victoria
Just give Tassie to New Zealand.
They can rename it West Island.
February 9, 2024 1:40 pm
I watched about 15mins of CNN.
Even Anderson Cooper is like WTF man.
February 9, 2024 1:40 pm
Heres the Pute interview.
id rather read a full transcript, but havent seen one yet.
I would point out down ticks probably avoid nastier responses.
Downticking is cowardly.
Those who disagree should be able to explain why, we might all learn something.
February 9, 2024 1:44 pm
Those who disagree should be able to explain why, we might all learn something.
Think of it as “I disagree”
Boambee John
February 9, 2024 1:45 pm
Bruce of Newcastle
Feb 9, 2024 12:56 PM
That would be DC where 80+% vote Demonrat?
Just a bit higher than that.
Biden: 92.15%
Trump: 5.4%
Others: 2.55%
And even the others were lefties, like the Greens Party and a communist independent. The place needs to be bulldozed.
Canberra is lagging a bit on the leftard vote percentages,
Wally Dalí
February 9, 2024 1:45 pm
The Merchants of Dearth
The Covid-19th Column?
I will always pitch in with The Gauleiters.
It has nice echoes of the checkpoints and fake boundaries imposed everywhere from national borders to 5km neighbourhoods, plus it invokes the petty-tyrant mindset of every shopkeeper, cop, “CMO” and PM who wielded the batons yet deflected any responsibility to someone else. See Daniel Andrews.
Plus, it’s N*zi. Fasc*st would be more betterer and accurate, but, you know, N*zi Germany looms large in the imagination in a way that lesser plagues, pogroms and panics can’t compete with.
Dunny Brush
February 9, 2024 1:45 pm
Whoever asked about sectarianism in Victoria: it used to be a serious issue and still has echoes today. I regard the popularity of the Pell lynching as sectarian. Was less than ten years ago that my kids got a door slammed in the face while doing a neighbourhood chocolate fundraiser because they went to the local mick school. It’s abated, but it’s still there.
February 9, 2024 1:45 pm
Given that Catalaxy was originally a good economics blog with Kates and Sloan and of course Sinc, i thought i would pose a query on Perrottets ( a supposed Conservative in the NSW Libs) and his notion that negative gearing should be revisited. This is a perennial question. Having left the Oz in high dudgeon because of arguments over comment and other matters i havent read the article. But he seems to think this will help increase housing stock. As a lawyer he is not much of a builder.
I see buying a property to rent as the same as buying any other business. Does he want to exclude interest deductions on all investments? Because we have to be fair. Do we limit deductibility to say 70% of purchase price?
There are many ways to change the deduction and in the end they all do the same thing; increase the tax take. Thats always the aim.
I should add that I wrote a response to his “Federation Review” covering the State’s future difficulties raising funds to pay for its burgeoning spending. His idea was a Land Tax. A bigger one than we have. He didnt get that the problem was spending. You could clearly see it in the graphs. My comment was to have a head count cull of all admin and middle management in the PS and get rid of a third of the generally unnecessary Qangos.
Now im not saying our tax system is great and that it doesnt need a revamp. But all cards and consequences should be on the table. The consequence of taking away interest deductions on investments and increasing CGT would be to kill the rental market even more than it currently is. Even an old Finance guy like me can see that.
Any thoughts from all you economic gurus in Catalaxy ?
February 9, 2024 1:48 pm
Katenjammer asked if there is a name for my culture, implying that it is anti-Semitic.
It’s Dutch, and you really need to stop accusing anyone who disagrees with you of being anti-Semitic.
You positioned “your culture” in contrast to one other persons here. Your assumed implications are your own fantasies.
I’ve never disagreed with anything in your comments – hardly bother reading any. There’s a few names here I just scroll past.
So my sincere apologies for not noticing you enough for your satisfaction, but I really can’t promise to change that.
This is actually incorrect although those words were used in a different context. What was discussed at the time was regarding the reunification of Germany and the agreement was that NATO troops would not be deployed into East Germany.
The idea that no NATO forces in East Germany was the red line but NATO forces East of East Germany was OK is just too silly for words. Gummi isn’t adding anything I haven’t heard before.
Mother Lode
February 9, 2024 1:53 pm
I shall join you, ML. Solidarity!
Bless you, Megan.
Perplexed of Brisbane
February 9, 2024 1:54 pm
I agree with KD.
Get rid of the downticks and do what he says.
The number of upticks for a comment should reflect it’s nature. I suspect good comments will attract a lot of upticks from the general, main group of commenters.
Offensive or vile comments will only attract them from those who normally downtick good comments.
However, Dover’s blog, Dover’s rules.
Tintarella di Luna
February 9, 2024 1:55 pm
Read and article this morning that said former NSW Chief Justice Tom Bathurst was going to review the incitement to violence laws looking at some kind of reform thereof by the mincing Minns govenment. My attempted comment has been rejected so I thought I’d bring it here:
Sorry, no hope to be found in any review by former Chief Justice of NSW — his true colours were manifest during COVID when he banned all unvaccinated people from entering any court precinct in NSW.
February 9, 2024 1:56 pm
I hadnt seen the latest Biden (Resident Mindworms) train wreck.
Looks like speedballs of monkey glands only work so much.
Upticks essentially endorse a comment – marks agreement. Downticks, on the other hand, are objections. The problem is that there is one way to agree, but millions of ways to disagree.
Could a third option be installed – a “yes but” tick. But what icon would be suitable.
Sancho Panzer
February 9, 2024 1:59 pm
Shatterzzz at 12:51.
I respect your right to defend those who would piss away public monies, and then try to extort rellos for the resultant shortfall.
But this is easy.
Open a joint account with junior which he has a debit card linked to. Get the dole paid into that account. Get the bills sent to you. Block his card every dole day. Take out enough to pay his bills. Release the card for the balance.
Next fortnight rinse and repeat.
If he doesn’t sign up to that, cut him loose.
Trust me.
He’ll be back.
Probably with a Kevin Rudd “living in a car” story.
If Centrelink start sniffing around, you will know it will only have come from one source.
Given that Catalaxy was originally a good economics blog with Kates and Sloan and of course Sinc
No, the magic is in fact deeper than time.
Bruce of Newcastle
February 9, 2024 2:03 pm
But he seems to think this will help increase housing stock.
Jock – “Negative gearing” is a bullsh1t term. It’s just deductible loan interest for investment, and is essential to the economy. Otherwise no one would invest in anything. The same applies for building a factory as for building a house to rent.
I don’t know what the Parrott is saying but reducing deductibility of interest is a catastrophic detriment that would kill housing construction deader than roadkill. So limiting it to 70% is dumber than rocks are.
A better approach would be to allow 120% deductibility on new rental construction. (With the current 100% for existing rental purchases.) That would help, so long as state governments got local councils to play along, since they seem to be the main barrier to housing construction.
If the Parrott is advocating a land tax I have two thoughts on that. One: it should also apply to all native titles based on their valuations. Two: if not he should be given a one way ticket to North Korea. Either the tax is applied to everyone equally or not at all. I prefer the latter.
Jock – our taxes are too many and too extortionate and government spending (at state federal and local levels) most of which is blatantly wasted, is utterly out of control.
The first step would be to slash income tax rates and abolish many government agencies and quangos – for instance any agency or quango with “indigenous” (or first nations, etc), “gender”, “climate” (or meteorology), or “environment(al)” in its name. Defunding (or quite frankly, abolishing) the ALPBC as well.
That would be a modest start, Milei style.
Sancho Panzer
February 9, 2024 2:08 pm
Feb 9, 2024 1:26 PM
I think the day that Thought Leader scored 130-ish upticks on some typically half-arsed banality was what made me suspect it was gamed.
These were legit, Champ.
Don’t fkn “Champ” me, champ.
Given there is intensive tick-grieving going on, do you think you need to re-open JC’s Suicide Hotline?
I’ve already reserved a number with Telstra … 1800 TICKETYBOOHOO.
got local councils to play along, since they seem to be the main barrier to housing construction
Unless the councilors are receiving many, many Aldi bags stuffed full of cash.
See Dazza Maguire and my beloved local council, for example.
Tintarella di Luna
February 9, 2024 2:16 pm
Keating tried to get rid of negtative gearing — didn’t last long, the effect was immediate and the rental market cratered with much howling from people who could not afford the rents that a protracted market created.
Also anyone remember what happened when the four-letter “c” word of NSW politics at thime one Boob Carr brought in a Vendor Tax? same thing — didn’t last long.
Labor cannot resist finding ways to screw everyone in out up down and every which way. Comes from knowing eff all about how housing markets really work.
Bruce of Newcastle
February 9, 2024 2:19 pm
BoN, NSW already had land tax well before the Parrothead – for example, it’s levied on my home and incorporated into my council rates.
So it should also be applied to native title. Think of how much money that would raise!
I am not exactly a fan of Parrott, I admit. A parrot shaped Kean puppet.
I’m going to watch Tucker’s interview with Putin over the weekend, probably in two parts as it’s a little over 2 hrs long. The general impression I’m getting from Twitter is that he’s a history autist, boomer-pragmatist, that more or less steered clear of entering into the domestic issues that some focus on. Nothing new if you’ve seen him at Valdai.
Steve trickler
February 9, 2024 2:25 pm
This event has been wicked. If you are not into motorsports, don’t click.
when the four-letter “c” word of NSW politics at the time one Boob Carr brought in a Vendor Tax?
Evidently the brainchild of his resident gay garden gnome, Mikey Vegan. It was such a stupid toxic idea, that Morrie Enema abolished it immediately upon becoming premier after Boob had departed to spend more time reading his US civil war histories.
February 9, 2024 2:32 pm
Firstly, many thanks for your hospitality.
I appreciate that you expend a lot of time and money to keep maintain this forum.
I totally respect your decision to suspend ticks – upwards and downwards.
I remain incredulous that any contributor to this august journal of record seems to lose all sense of perspective over someone else’s ticks – upwards or downwards.
February 9, 2024 2:33 pm
Mark Steyn has been found guilty of defaming climate “science”
According to the Washington Post “famed climate scientist” has won
Mann is meant to pocket $1 million because someone gave him a mean look in supermarket aisle
I suspect Mark will go to jail or have a fourth and final heart attack whichever comes first before he agrees to pay up
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
February 9, 2024 2:34 pm
Whistleblower told to expect jail term for leaking of alleged war crime documents
David Crowe
By David Crowe
February 9, 2024 — 8.47am
Listen to this article
5 min
Defence whistleblower David McBride is being told to expect a jail term for leaking information about alleged war crimes in Afghanistan, sparking new warnings that his case is being used to silence others who could expose wrongdoing.
The former military lawyer pleaded guilty to the leaks last November and is due to be sentenced next month, with his legal team hoping he would avoid jail because he had exposed problems in the national interest.
But his lawyer, Mark Davis, said prosecutors had indicated they would seek a custodial sentence on March 12.
“David McBride has got his critics, but there’d be very few people who would deny that the spark he lit has set off a chain of events that revealed grossly inappropriate behaviour done in the name of Australia,” he said.
“He’s a brave man. People see the bravery in McBride, they see that he’s a man who was not motivated by personal interest or personal aggravations.
“I think Australians ultimately respect the type of figure he is and would feel some pride to think he’s in the Australian military.”
Davis said he was left in no doubt from recent discussions with prosecutors that they would ask the court to jail McBride. “The message to us from the prosecution was unequivocal – that they were seeking a custodial sentence,” he said.
McBride was a major in the Australian Army in 2014 after service in Afghanistan and other posts when he gathered top-secret files from Department of Defence computers to compile a dossier of problems within the military.
The ABC reported the central revelations in The Afghan Files in July 2017 by using documents that showed cases were being investigated as possible unlawful killings.
Crossbench MPs including Helen Haines, Andrew Wilkie, Rebekha Sharkie and Kate Chaney called last October for the government to drop the charges against McBride, but Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus chose not to intervene.
Human Rights Law Centre senior lawyer Kieran Pender said there was no public interest in prosecuting or jailing those who revealed information in the national interest.
“Whistleblowers make Australia a better place, they’re vital parts of our systems of accountability, transparency and integrity,” Pender said. “And if we lock up whistleblowers we send a message to all Australians that if they speak up, they could go to jail.”
In an earlier case, the Commonwealth sought a conviction against a former spy known as Witness K for revealing that Australian spies had bugged the cabinet office in Timor-Leste. Witness K was given a suspended sentence in 2021.
Pender said the move to seek a jail term for McBride was at odds with government assurances about shielding people who expose wrongdoing. “We’ve now had four cases where whistleblowing laws have been of no help to whistleblowers,” he said.
“In David McBride’s case, he was forced to withdraw his whistleblowing defence after the government made a public interest immunity claim.
“The laws aren’t working and the government has promised to fix them. That’s a very welcome pledge, but these cases send a message that undermines that good work.”
Davis did not suggest the federal government could influence the judge’s decision at the sentencing.
Critics of McBride have pointed to his own statements to note that his original intent was not to reveal war crimes allegations but to show that Australia’s special forces were being treated unfairly by politicians and Defence leaders.
But former senator Rex Patrick, who has set up the Whistleblower Justice Fund since leaving parliament, said Dreyfus should have intervened to stop the prosecution because it would harm the future oversight of the government.
Dreyfus has declined to express an opinion about McBride because the matter is before the courts, telling parliament last year it would be “wholly inappropriate” to comment.
Ninety nine years, with the first forty years served in solitary, in chains..
A better approach would be to allow 120% deductibility on new rental construction.
Even better, tax incoming migrants to build required housing stock for housing said new housos. 500k * 1000/year ought to be enough to build a few units.
Also, more controversial, require those with 2+ investment units to house peoples at a standard rate adjusted for inflation. The negative effects of this will reduce demand side competition for housing stock helping spread ownership.
We need some gamechangers to break this gridlocked mess that is housing …
BTW, the interview is producing some incredibly funny tweets with accompanying photo.
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
February 9, 2024 2:37 pm
I like the upticks, because it allows me to see my quality links have been appreciated by the masses.
Dont think downticks add much though.
As I am on here today, I’ll say I agree. And ‘flounce; KD, is a word long past its use-by date here.
An uptick is an agreement, a downtick is an unknown quantity. Try removing the downticking, Dover, but leaving the upticks and I think you would have a happier constituency. At least when a large number of upticks agree with a comment you know immediately what is agreed to. You can then at least reply to that if you disagre or call it out if you think that comment is being ‘gamed’ by upticks. Mostly, one would simply enjoy that others like the comment, whether made by you or someone else. I upticked Vicki’s very helpful early transcript of the Putin interview. Wow, to that.
On your other decision, regarding removal of some anti-Semitic content, I can only say I disagree. The comment that referred to the incapability of the Jewish people in general to mount effective reaction to slanders is inherently anti-Semitic. It was followed up by a comment to a Jewish woman that she was somehow culturally lacking in resistance and reslience. These slurs inflect a whole history of the Jewish holocaust (Shoah). The scale and genocidal reach of this differs in kind to statements against gayness, trans people or aboriginal people. It currently also has to be seen in the context of the war in Gaza and the rise of anti-Semitism in general in the West. It carries deep structural hints that Jewish people somehow ‘deserve’ what they get, that they were a weak people, who let themselves be led to the gas chambers. Very, very unpleasant, and an anti-Semitic meme that once pervaded, and sadly still pervades, European cultural attitudes. Especially, indeed, amongst the Dutch. Never Again, Dover. Never Again.
If it was my site I would remove it. However, it is your site, so stay is does.
February 9, 2024 2:38 pm
We are living in a false economy. One where GDP is growing at snail’s pace, but GDP per capita has started to click into reverse…while the Government ramps up its low-skill, low-wage immigration regime.
I’m going to watch Tucker’s interview with Putin over the weekend
Same, although I remain ambivalent about watching it, as I’m simply not that keen on listening to the Pute’s ridiculous “historical” references to the gloriousness of interminable Russian imperialist aggression since 862.
He’s also an evil monstrous thug who has zero legitimacy as a head of state.
Having said that, I also detest that odious olive drab clad rat faced fraud in the ‘Kraine.
We really need to do something* about the so-called leaders blighting pretty much every country on this planet.
*No prizes for guessing what my solution to this problem would be.
Steve trickler
February 9, 2024 2:39 pm
Mann is meant to pocket $1 million because someone gave him a mean look in supermarket aisle
That prick owes the Tim Ball family a million bucks.
The idea that no NATO forces in East Germany was the red line but NATO forces East of East Germany was OK is just too silly for words. Gummi isn’t adding anything I haven’t heard before.
Well, both Gorby and Kohl said as much. Where’s the contrary evidence as I vaguely the only sticking points at the time were about East Germany. Is it in writing somewhere, suggesting an agreement?
a transcript of the Putin-Carlson interview was posted upthread. It should be on the previous page.
It won’t be hard to find, the poster had an oopsie and spilled the Bolding jar!
Don’t fkn “Champ” me, champ.
Given there is intensive tick-grieving going on, do you think you need to re-open JC’s Suicide Hotline?
I’ve already reserved a number with Telstra … 1800 TICKETYBOOHOO.
I hadn’t thought of that. Good idea. We can even hear the squealing from Mud Island and from a migrant hostel in inner Sydney.
The concern trolling is very funny coming from some quarters.
From Dot’s link above – Bwahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!
Asked to find an extra A$20 billion per year to fund government priorities like building nuclear submarines and responding to climate change, Australia’s top economists overwhelmingly back land tax, increased resource taxes, an attack on negative gearing and extending the scope of the goods and services tax.
Well, who’da thunk it, more and higher taxes! Gee, what a surprise!
Hey, you wrong about everything all the time knobheads, if your only solution to a non existent problem such as “climate change” is more and higher taxes, you’ve either run out of ideas, or never had any in the first place – and I won’t trouble your tiny little minds with suggesting you could refuse to accept the existence of the utterly ridiculous fact and evidence free “concept” of catastrophic human induced climate change in the first place.
Bolding spam will be punished with egregious reposting and the worst formatting possible.
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
February 9, 2024 2:50 pm
Mark Steyn has been found guilty of defaming climate “science”
Another shocking and politicised decision.
The hockey stick is obviously wrong. Everybody knows it is obviously wrong… Even many of its most outspoken public defenders know it is obviously wrong.. Do I expect you to publicly denounce the hockey stick as obvious drivel? Well yes, that’s what you should do. It is the job of scientists of integrity to expose pathological science. Professor Jonathan Jones, Oxford University
and many other very reputable scientists in a similar vein.
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
February 9, 2024 2:51 pm
Putin was brilliant on the climate change scam, btw.
I dunno if it was a money issue, but Steyn represented himself, which goes back to that old adage, you only have a fool for a client.
February 9, 2024 2:53 pm
Top Men
‘Australia is a lucky country run mainly by second rate people who share its luck. It lives on other people’s ideas, and, although its ordinary people are adaptable, most of its leaders (in all fields) so lack curiosity about the events that surround them that they are often taken by surprise.’
Nothing much has changed since 1964, although arguably our leaders (in all fields) are now third raters or much worse.
Well, both Gorby and Kohl said as much. Where’s the contrary evidence as I vaguely the only sticking points at the time were about East Germany. Is it in writing somewhere, suggesting an agreement?
JC, why would NATO forces in East Germany be the red line but NATO forces in the Baltics, Poland, or Ukraine be considered OK? Seriously. It’s like agreeing with Tony Soprano that you won’t sell cocaine in Bada Bing! and then being surprised that Tony’s angry that your now caught selling speed.
February 9, 2024 3:00 pm
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Feb 9, 2024 11:35 AM
Also, if I do come in here, which mostly I don’t want to do, may I request no downticks or upticks on anything I say. If it is possible for people to opt out of that system, I think it would improve the blog.
‘Australia is a lucky country run mainly by second rate people who share its luck. It lives on other people’s ideas, and, although its ordinary people are adaptable, most of its leaders (in all fields) so lack curiosity about the events that surround them that they are often taken by surprise.’
It’s all relative. We’re badly governed in absolute terms, but not relatively so. The only place that runs well would be Switzerland, which has a weakish central government.
February 9, 2024 3:03 pm
This mind blowingly incompetent, retarded & head up the arse kind of thinking is why I never joined.
Brief scan through the list of egg-surts.
None mentioned “STOP SPENDING SO MUCH YOU SPASTIC SQUANDERMONKIES” as a possible solution.
Bruce of Newcastle
February 9, 2024 3:04 pm
Milei? Open question ….
Only thing I’ve got against Milei is he has a thing about the frigging Falklands. The Argies can get stuffed. The islands were never theirs, and the Poms booted them every time they tried it on. Rightly so. He should stick to fixing his country rather than getting squirrelly about that stupid place.
February 9, 2024 3:06 pm
The former military lawyer pleaded guilty to the leaks last November and is due to be sentenced next month, with his legal team hoping he would avoid jail because he had exposed problems in the national interest.
This might prove to be a suitable case for the outgoing Governor-General to exercise the royal prerogative of mercy.
Mother Lode
February 9, 2024 3:10 pm
Same, although I remain ambivalent about watching it, as I’m simply not that keen on listening to the Pute’s ridiculous “historical” references to the gloriousness of interminable Russian imperialist aggression since 862.
I believe I saw Carlson before the interview was aired saying that there was no need to grant Putin any credence but in the whole of the whole history of the conflict we have only heard from one side – their boasting of their virtue and their damnation of their enemy.
The American political class and MSM have from day one decided we can only hear one side – and some of it has been quite preposterous. People in a war zone may need propaganda but we on the outside should be able to doubt stories like ‘the ghost of Kyev’ who shot down 15 Russian fighters in an aircraft powered by a twisted rubber band and using nothing more than a bag of gravel and strong language.
It seemed an opportunity not to just bathe in Russian propaganda but to at least learn to be a bit sceptical of the Ukrainian stories. Neither side is telling the truth, but we always hear uncritically as if one side is.
Anyway, that is how Carlson’s explanation struck me.
How many times has Zelensky – the drab olive clad kleptomaniac – been on the verge of victory? My suspicion is that Zelensky is scared faeces-less of a Trump victory in November. He won’t put up with this coprophagia. If we can just get one person in there who is not in favour of war like The Pute, Zelensky, or the Democrats, who knows – peace might break out.
JC, why would NATO forces in East Germany be the red line but NATO forces in the Baltics, Poland, or Ukraine be considered OK? Seriously. It’s like agreeing with Tony Soprano that you won’t sell cocaine in Bada Bing! and then being surprised that Tony’s angry that your now caught selling speed.
Gummi explains that if the Russians had been so worried at the time, they would have demanded a documented agreement, just as they did with regard to Ukraine.
In addition, Putin frequently discusses NATO’s threat to Russia, as he states in the article. He doesn’t actually mean to imply that it would pose a military threat, though, as NATO forces would now driving the orcs back. Because nuclear weapons are a deterrent, it hasn’t happened. And always have been.
Putin is basically saying that if Ukraine joined NATO and the EU, it would expose Putin’s shortcomings in Russia, which he’d find intolerable.
If Steyn is short of cash, Musk needs to fund and appeal.
February 9, 2024 3:16 pm
They are following the precise WEF formula of cramming people into transport hubs. Just imagine a blackout in these circumstances. And they are coming.
‘Sydney can’t grow by adding another street to the western fringe of Sydney every other week. The best way… is to have buildings that go up.’
Blocks up to 47 storeys at St Leonards, on Sydney’s lower north shore, are vertical villages, with supermarkets, medical centres and even libraries built into their design.
Restaurants, cafes and schools are all within walking distance.
They are the high-end blueprint to the city’s future, and critical to their success is being next to bus, train and light rail links.
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
February 9, 2024 3:17 pm
Get yourself a tick remover – what a very handy hint, Eric C. All dog lovers should get one; hope they have them in Australia as well as Canada.
Dog videos OK here? Cat talk and videos, not so much?
Reminds me though, hope Elsie is still doing well, Winston.
Duty of Care to absent owner owed there while he’s Gonzo-ing in the US.
Send him some home videos; nothing like getting a view of a loved kit when far from home. Awwww. He looks so happy in his liddle basket And doing some stretches in his fave spot under the table. Awwww.
Boambee John
February 9, 2024 3:18 pm
Feb 9, 2024 1:56 PM
Upticks essentially endorse a comment – marks agreement. Downticks, on the other hand, are objections. The problem is that there is one way to agree, but millions of ways to disagree.
Could a third option be installed – a “yes but” tick. But what icon would be suitable.
My problem with up or down ticks came when a stupid comment by some polliemuppet or other idiot is posted with a comment on its general stupidity by the poster.
I would like to downtick the stupidity, but also want to uptick the sensible comment. Either way is open to misinterpretation.
February 9, 2024 3:20 pm
Putins version of their being pushed back from Kiev is interesting.
Hes claiming it was because of agreements in Istanbul to pull back, which he got his forces to do – only to have US/Ukies want to keep fighting.
Not buying into this, but it is important to note this is the sort of think the average Ivan on the street will be told as well.
February 9, 2024 3:21 pm
We’re badly governed in absolute terms, but not relatively so.
It depends what you mean by governed. Yes, my rubbish is collected every week and I have potable water on tap, but venture too far above those modest expectations and one rapidly runs into the dead hand of our barely functioning bureaucracy.
On a grander scale, Harvard’s economic complexity table, which takes account of a number of economic metrics, places Australia between Uganda and Pakistan, which is down 2 places from last year and 38 places down the table from 1995.
This is largely attributable to the way government at all levels strangles business investment and innovation, forcing it abroad, thereby thwarting the diversification which is the key to any economic growth we might expect to sustain our general standard of living when the population ponzi scheme topples over like a jerry built unit tower, which it must do at some point.
H B Bear
February 9, 2024 3:22 pm
Yes, but they’d tidied themselves up considerably by that time.
Yep. More than a few skeletons in The Bully’s cupboard.
February 9, 2024 3:23 pm
Betting is tight on the Super Bowl. Line is +- 2 points.
I will stick with Mahomes and Kelce to get the job done.
Yeah that McCaffrey looks like something Mengele would have been stoked with.
49ers were cool back in the day. Montana and Jerry Rice etc. Not now since they had that Kaepernick clown. Derek Chauvin ‘taking a knee’ on his neck is a fantasy of mine.
If your into goodies v baddies plod murder mysteries’ then this is very, very good ..
Kernick never writes a bad novel but this one is, possibly, his best to date ..
GOOD COP, BAD COP .. Simon Kernick … https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/57669918-good-cop-bad-cop
H B Bear
February 9, 2024 3:25 pm
On a grander scale, Harvard’s economic complexity table, which takes account of a number of economic metrics, places Australia between Uganda and Pakistan, which is down 2 places from last year and 38 places down the table from 1995.
Like the PISA rankings, not much to show for all Canberra’s output.
February 9, 2024 3:26 pm
WTF, just read about the doxxing of Jewish people by Clem Ford and others. Outrageous to say the least.
No organisation should be employing Ford as she really is piece of work.
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
February 9, 2024 3:26 pm
Kudos to you. Your wish is now our lot.
That is not what I want, P.
I think upticks are passes, and valuable, downticks are fails.
However if I come in here and there are both, then I’d prefer to opt out personally if possible. Perhaps an asterisk beside my gravitar that says *opting out of ticks. That’s all. My tendency for the future is to avoid aggro around here, for my health’s sake.
I am not by any means the only person here who dislikes the downticking. And I have never contacted Dover about them, although apparently many others have.
So please don’t blog-verbal me.
Boambee John
February 9, 2024 3:26 pm
Feb 9, 2024 2:35 PM
A better approach would be to allow 120% deductibility on new rental construction.
Even better, tax incoming migrants to build required housing stock for housing said new housos. 500k * 1000/year ought to be enough to build a few units.
Also, more controversial, require those with 2+ investment units to house peoples at a standard rate adjusted for inflation. The negative effects of this will reduce demand side competition for housing stock helping spread ownership.
We need some gamechangers to break this gridlocked mess that is housing …
Or, rather than a new, never to be abolished tax, we could minimise immigration until new building solved the shortage.
You know, this is fcking tragic. Russian/Ukrainians are European people. They should both be part of NATO and the EU.
February 9, 2024 3:28 pm
My suspicion is that Zelensky is scared faeces-less of a Trump victory in November. He won’t put up with this coprophagia.
Trump has already said if Putin won’t come to the negotiating table he’ll redouble support for Ukraine. That could, of course, be truthful hyperboleto get Putin to the table to begin with.
February 9, 2024 3:31 pm
The way Biden spat at Doocy.
Pure dementia.
There was real anger and shock when the whole press room started yelling him.
First time it’s happened.
Why did he walk off and then come back and perform even worse ?
No wonder Anderson Cooper was doing everything but shaking his head.
Boambee John
February 9, 2024 3:32 pm
Feb 9, 2024 2:39 PM
This mind blowingly incompetent, retarded & head up the arse kind of thinking is why I never joined.
Perhaps the economic geniuses (genii?) could do a second item, disclosing how they would reduce current government expenditure by $20 billion per year, which is a quite small share of total government expenditure (not investment) at all three levels, plus QUANGoes.
Being obsessed with history suggests stasis- looking backwards- and therefore grievance central.
Sancho Panzer
February 9, 2024 3:40 pm
An uptick is an agreement, a downtick is an unknown quantity. Try removing the downticking, Dover, but leaving the upticks and I think you would have a happier constituency.
Ditch the lot, I say.
It is very Instabook to have “likes” and other emojis.
If you can’t be fagged typing a counter-argument or even a quick “Wodney at 2:30 a.m. … I agree” * then it probably isn’t worth hearing.
* Totally hypothetical.
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
February 9, 2024 3:44 pm
Get yourself a tick remover – what a very handy hint, Eric C.
I have satisfying visions of applying this gadget to downtickers here. You catch them under the neck with it, pull up, and gently twist till they let go. Result – downtick removed, along with its fat blood-bloated maker. lol.
Sancho Panzer
February 9, 2024 3:46 pm
JC at 2:49.
The concern trolling is very funny coming from some quarters.
Quite so.
It’s almost as if something valuable has been taken away.
I wonder why that would be.
February 9, 2024 3:46 pm
No organisation should be employing Ford as she really is piece of work.
That is why she is employed. The Globalists/Swamp etc are out to destroy western civilisation. The Left are their useful idiots leading the charge. Vast majority of people are not of that ilk, but have no voice. This shite slowly permeates into minds until it becomes accepted reality.
I started a new job last week. Head chef (young sheila. Ocker from Darwin. Barracks for Footscray. Good operator.) said there is a They/Them weirdo starting next week. Everywhere is desperate for cooks. I said I don’t participate in that nonsense. She agreed, was just giving a heads up.
Understand this. Putin does. That is why he is “Bad”.
Sancho Panzer
February 9, 2024 3:48 pm
Feb 9, 2024 3:39 PM
Being obsessed with history suggests stasis- looking backwards- and therefore grievance central.
Gummi explains that if the Russians had been so worried at the time, they would have demanded a documented agreement, just as they did with regard to Ukraine.
In addition, Putin frequently discusses NATO’s threat to Russia, as he states in the article. He doesn’t actually mean to imply that it would pose a military threat, though, as NATO forces would now driving the orcs back. Because nuclear weapons are a deterrent, it hasn’t happened. And always have been.
NATO sans massive involvement of the US couldn’t do shit. The Brits had to recall one of their carriers from an exercise because it broke down and they recently removed one of new ships from the Red Sea because…reasons.
Putin is basically saying that if Ukraine joined NATO and the EU, it would expose Putin’s shortcomings in Russia, which he’d find intolerable.
No, Putin like any leader in any sober, serious country doesn’t want the global hegemon parked on its door step. That is what you find intolerable; that anyone should look the US in the face and tell it to pound sand.
February 9, 2024 3:50 pm
Or, rather than a new, never to be abolished tax, we could minimise immigration until new building solved the shortage.
There seems to be quite some support for the ability to provide an uptick.
Downticks seem to be saddled with;
1) a couple of people who take a single downtick to heart, or
2) a couple of sensitive souls for whom an unjustified obvious avalanche of one-off downticks is a crushing blow, and
3) a couple of triggered snowflakes whose ego cannot cope with a long-term aggregate high number of downticks.
Dutch PM apologizes for Dutch complicity in the Holocaust.
A recent apology to the Jews by Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte for Holland’s war-time complicity with the Nazis, has re-opened a painful chapter of the Holocaust.
“Since the last survivors are still among us, I apologize today in the name of the government for what the authorities did at that time,” Rutte said. “Our government did not act as the guardian of justice and security.”
It was the first time a prime minister of the Netherlands acknowledged the heinous role of the Dutch police in rounding up and deporting over a hundred thousand Dutch Jews to the death camps.
Rutte, in office since 2010, has resisted calls for issuing such an apology, including by Dutch Chief Rabbi Binyomin Jacobs in 2015 and by the Party for Freedom in 2012. Rutte always claimed there was not enough “objective information” upon which to determine the Dutch government’s culpability in the destruction of the Jews.
Of the Netherland’s pre-war Jewish population of 135,000, seventy-five percent were murdered in the death factories of Auschwitz and Sobibor. Of the 24,000 Dutch Jews who were in hiding, 8,000 including renowned teenage diarist Anne Frank and her family, were betrayed to the Nazis.
Seventy-five years after the liberation of Auschwitz, the government has finally acknowledged this inhumane conduct.
“Too many civil servants carried out the orders of the occupiers,” said the prime minister after having taken part in a silent march in January commemorating the victims of World War II.
“The bitter consequences of the drawing up of registers (of Jews) and of the expulsions have not been adequately recognized,” he said. “Seventy-five years after Auschwitz, anti-Semitism is still among us. That’s exactly why we fully recognize what happened and say it out loud.”
Dutch Railway Acknowledges Guilt in Shipping Jews to their Death
The government’s apology was prompted in part by a decision last July by the Dutch state-run railway [NS], to pay millions of dollars in compensation to Holocaust victims and their families, after accepting responsibility for transporting huge numbers of Jews to Nazi concentration camps.
The company built a new rail line during WWII and over time transported more than 100,000 victims to Nazi concentration camps.
After being expelled from their homes, plundered of all their possessions, and driven onto death trains, the Jews’ were subjected to a final humiliation; they were forced to pay for their death ride to Sobibor, Auschwitz and other killing centers.
The payment, collectively amounting to hundreds of thousands of dollars (equivalent to many millions today) was stolen from the Netherlands’ Jewish Bank and the Dutch railway took its share.
The NS apologized years ago for what it called “a black page in the history of the company,” but failed to come up with any program for compensation. Finally, in July 2019, after pressure from Holocaust activists and survivors, the railway committed to paying over $74 million in compensation to surviving Holocaust victims and their families.
Survivors React
While the NS’s reparations proposal was met with effusive praise in many quarters, survivors noted that decades of foot-dragging had ensured that the majority of Dutch victims were no longer alive to benefit from the agreement.
Alfred Kurz, an elderly Jew who in 1943 was transported by the Dutch National Railway to Bergen-Belsen in northern Germany, said he was glad that “something was finally done,” but was “very critical of the timing.”
Kurz, who lives in Cherry Hill, N.J., told the Jewish Week that “the money at this point is meaningless. I’m 82 and one of the youngest survivors around. Ninety percent of those who survived are dead. Just the fact that they waited 70 years to make restitution for their bad behavior is a travesty. “
Kurz said he was six years old at the time, living with his family in Amsterdam. He remembers the Nazis “did a block-by-block roundup of the Jews. They came with sirens and dogs to rouse people out of their houses and onto the train. We were taken – my mother, sister and I.”
The train took the prisoners “about 100 miles” to a transit camp at Westerbork at the country’s border, recalled Kurz. From there, the Nazis put them on transports to killing centers outside the Netherlands. Kurz said his father had been taken by the Nazis to Auschwitz almost a year earlier and was killed there after about a month.
Noble Rescuers?
A pervasive myth of the post-war years in the Netherlands was that a great majority of the Dutch people had showed solidarity with the Jews, identified with their suffering, and had taken risks to help them.
The image of the compassionate Dutch has been reinforced by the impressive number of Dutch rescuers honored at Yad Vashem and cited at the Holocaust Museum in Washington, D.C.
Of all the nations of Europe, the numbers of Dutch heroes are surpassed only by Polish ones, writes Holocaust researcher Frank Bovenkirk.
Another factor contributing to the Dutch’s war-time image as noble rescuers is the fact that the Netherlands was the only country occupied by the Germans in which citizens participated in a general strike (in February 1941), mainly to demonstrate solidarity with the Jews.
In addition, Dutch student resistance managed to save three or four thousand Jewish children from certain death, by lodging them with foster families for the duration of the war. Under the Nazis, this was a crime punishable by death.
Lastly, there were no extermination camps in The Netherlands, and the Dutch did not actively participate in the killing of Jews. The mass atrocities, for which the Nazis had so many willing executioners in the occupied countries, did not take place on Dutch soil.
Annihilation of a Community
Yet the sheer magnitude of the destruction of Dutch Jewry overrides claims of staunch Dutch resistance to the Nazis. The image of heroic rank-and-file citizens protecting their Jewish countrymen begins to crumble in the face of the sweeping decimation of the Jewish community, and how it was carried out.
The historical record clearly attests that those who helped save Jews in the Netherlands comprised a small minority. The Nazis found little resistance to their occupation. The Dutch police and civil service and the national railway company were widely complicit in hunting down Jews and transporting them to killing centers.
No country in Western Europe had a higher percentage of its population voluntarily joining the ranks of the Nazis than the Netherlands, attests historian Manfred Gerstenfeld of the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs.
The flight of Holland’s Queen Wilhelmina and her top ministers to England days before Holland’s capitulation to the Nazis, cleared the way for the Dutch government to march in lock step with Nazi orders.
From her refuge in London over the next five years, Queen Wilhelmina made many speeches to her countrymen, infusing them with hope for victory and liberation. In all those speeches, “there was a total of five sentences about the Jews,” writes Gerstenfeld.
The laying of the groundwork for genocide began in the Netherlands with the typical Nazi pattern of social and economic discrimination against the Jews, followed by segregation. Jews were ousted from their jobs and professions and their freedom of movement restricted.
These ominous steps were followed by the identification and registration stage, in which meticulous lists were drawn up of all Jewish residents along with their addresses. Laws were then enacted requiring Jews to wear a yellow star on the armband, and have “J” officially stamped in their passports.
Wholesale Complicity
The Dutch bureaucracy assisted in all these stages. Assisted by the Dutch Jewish Council (who did not realize to what extent their efforts would be suicidal), Dutch authorities assembled comprehensive lists of all Jews residing in the country, identifying them by name and address.
Then came Nazi edicts confiscating Jewish property under a legal pretence of “registering” it, prior to the “resettlement” of the Jews.
The Dutch banks took an active role in the registration (and later partial confiscation) of massive amounts of Jewish property and assets, estimated by some historians as exceeding $12 billion in current values.
Until the death trains left Holland, the Nazis made limited use of their own troops, relying instead on Dutch policemen to do much of the dirty work. Dutch police arrested and rounded up the families, forcing them to board trains that transported them to the Dutch internment camps at Westerbork and Vught. There, Dutch guards carrying out Nazi orders prevented anyone from escaping.
From these transit points, the Jews were shipped directly to Auschwitz, Sobibor and Bergen Belsen. Only 5,000 survived. In Amsterdam, alone, 66,000 of the 80,000 Jews were murdered.
The systematic looting of Jewish properties had begun well before deportation, greatly enabled by Dutch banks. On German orders, Dutch banks sent out forms to Jewish clients “legalizing” the transfer of their deposits to LIRO, the bank the Nazis created to expropriate money from the Jews.
“Many Amsterdam stock market traders made good profits on the sale of shares and bonds stripped from the Jews,” notes historian Gerstenfeld.
Much of this collaboration came to light in the late 1990s as the Netherlands, following the lead of other European governments and in response to pressure from the United States, began to face up to some of its shameful wartime practices.
Postwar Abuse of Survivors
As the image of the “benign rescuers” began to unravel, the Dutch also had to deal with the issue of their immediate postwar attitude toward broken, impoverished death camp survivors.
This vulnerable group was given an ice-cold reception, reflected in post-war outrages committed by Dutch authorities.
“As soon as you registered after staggering back from the camps, you received a government notice demanding back taxes,” attested Dutch survivor Rabbi Joseph Polak, author of After the Holocaust, the Bells Still Ring, in an interview with Yated.
Polak and his mother survived Westerbork and Bergen Belsen, and were liberated from a death train by Soviet troops.
“The Dutch government also did nothing to compel insurance companies to honor policies survivors were entitled to,” Polak recalled. “My mother was refused on the ground that she hadn’t paid premiums during the years she was imprisoned in a death camp. The company was allowed to get away with this.”
The survivors were further hurt by the immoral application of Dutch inheritance tax laws. These laws allowed the state to claim a significant part of the assets of those who were murdered, instead of turning them over to their heirs.
More here:
What happened in continental Europe in the 40s shouldn’t be whitewashed with bullshit.
Dover, I apologise for any part I might have played in this nonsense.
You have been a gracious host.
The Senate, and more particularly Tasmanian Senators, have always represented obvious difficulties for the Australian democracy. There is a legitimate role for an upper house but it does need work.
I for one never suspected it was, calli.
As the Bard wrote, ‘the better part of valour is discretion.’
I will refrain from commenting further on this because I don’t want to fan the flames.
The only support an addict should receive is paying for rehab.
After about 3 attempts you’ll know if it’s worth continuing or cutting them off totally.
Been there done that.
It’s brutal.
At some stage adults need to take responsibility for their actions.
Upticks and downticks should stay. The occasional stand-out flurry of fakes notwithstanding, on the whole they’re a reasonably accurate measure, depending how far behind the conversation you are.
On your own posts, how would anybody know? When you’ve posted the screen rolls downward & you never seen your comment again (unless you’ve so much time on your hands that you scroll back to … inspect how many ticks one has attracted)
Salvatore, Iron Publican
Feb 9, 2024 11:50 AM
It was mentioned before that ticks go according to comment, like it or not.
Same commenter 20 + up for a comment -20 for a different one.
Just because one is for a cause does not mean everyone agrees.
Sal, there’s sometimes room for improvement, particularly when trying to express complex reactions to some of the hot button stuff. I have come a cropper a few times when I’ve taken a mental short cut without explaining how I got there.
In a perfect world, people would converse rationally and eschew cruelty. But being nasty is so convenient when it can be done anonymously.
At least the people having the set to this morning have come out swinging in words and argument and not just idly ticked one way or the other. And just for the record, I have not ticked anything to do with either “side” one way or the other. I left the playground long ago.
Dover, it’s sad that it has been abused in this way. It will, however, offer great respite for the few mental invalids that were forced to spend most days up and down ticking comments by people they disliked. I’m just wondering what Woddenhead, Turtlehead, and the Bush Hog, along with a couple of others, are going to do with the spare time.
Thanks for posting JC.
Similar but different with France too.
The alleged quantum of people in the French resistance is pure myth.
They too couldn’t wait to ship Jews off.
He could of course re-open his own blog and insert the up and down tick plug-in and offer it there. This could increase the comment traffic compared to the past when “Public House” accumulated 279 comments over 15 years.
Advice to Dover, from an experienced blogger is always worthwhile.
If one were to retain the upticks and discard the downticks, it would compel the rage-filled, flaccid mouth-breathers with tears running down their nose and onto their keyboards to either:
1. Actually mount a cogent, written counter-argument to a given proposition; or
2. Pull their tiny heads in.
Have you ever thought that it is comments like below that get you the downticks?
You also say you mostly don’t want to come here but at the same time post endlessly about you family life. Regarding the feud with Johanna I am on your side more than hers.
I am not piling on and I am not one of your downtickers but merely making an observation that most can see.
Now you seem to want special treatment with no down or upticks.
Not sure what was happening this morning but seemed to be very unusual downticking.
Personally I like the ability to up or downtick.
“Also, if I do come in here, which mostly I don’t want to do, may I request no downticks or upticks on anything I say. If it is possible for people to opt out of that system, I think it would improve the blog”.
I wonder how many senators realise that one of their fundamental duties is to scrutinise legislation as to whether it impinges on the rights of citizens?
A good reason for senate representation not to be party political, I would say.
Not to mention how that duty conflicts with having members of the Ministry who initiate legislation sitting in the Senate.
You’ve been told by two men (and possibly a half; LL is more a child) how to deal with a man.
Instead, you’re dealing with a baby. So long as you continue to do so, he’ll remain a baby and never be a man.
The report on Biden’s failing memory is devastating. Coincidence it drops right now with so much going on.
Super Mario can give you PTSD.
Video game trauma can last for years, says researcher (MedXpress, 8 Feb)
It’s electron genocide! I think I’m still recovering from Tetris after 30 years.
Clem Ford doxing Jews on social media.
For one reason, they are Jews.
Plod ?
Ps NSW plod flooding the media with their vape raids.
Wonder how many people give a shit about that.
According to Ann Althouse the DC jury has shafted Mark Steyn for a million or so.
I said this earlier, with a couple of exceptions like small Denmark. They were all fcking in on it- some much more than others.
The thing that caught my throat the most. No kidding, it was one of the most saddest moments I’ve ever experienced in my life, was walking along a street in Rome and reading bronze-like plarks in the paving marking the apartment buildings where Italian Jews lived (and their names) taken away and never heard of again. You look up and there was a building where these souls lived.
The Treasury secretary proving the old adage that if you’re a bureaucrat and the public know your name you aren’t doing your job properly. Treasury hasn’t been worth bothering about for years.
About six months too early.
Just seen Dover’s post about stopping up/downticks.
Have no problems with it as it is his blog, but i think it is the wrong move to placate the few.
I thought and still think it works as intended.
I watched part of the Biden address and the news conference. A most bizarre thing. They can no longer hide the fact that he is not only forgetful but his instinct is that of a nasty man. These are the people who are pointing fingers at Trump and even Putin. What is going on in the US?
Secret of Mana, Zelda I & III and Earthbound were pretty epic 8/16 bit blocky games. Great storytelling. Amazing music, performed in concert now.
I didn’t get PTSD. It was fun.
Zelda I is different. No maps, no mercy. A no death run was bloody tough on the retro Mini-NES.
I hate to say I told you so but I told you so. DC juries are evil and America hating, right or wrong does not even factor into anything they decide. They are there to stick it to whoever they are pointed at.
Say no more.
No journalist survives if they present as a counter to Putin. They’re usually poisoned.
Being cancelled by leftists/Democrats et al in the west is not necessarily lethal, but it is so bad we must admit we are going down that same path to totalitarianism.
The switcheroo will happen at the convention in August.
The state ballot cut offs won’t matter because rules don’t matter.
As the recipient of more than a few serial downticks I regard them as water off a ducks back. Have given a few upticks over the years. I won’t lose any sleep either way for what it’s worth (not much).
Kevin M
I actually like the ticking because it shows -especially the downs- when you’ve hit paydirt with some of these feral swine.
However, like US elections, it ought to be one tick one time for a particular comment, otherwise it’s gamed.
Someone on Discord recently commented on how exactly these putrid varmints (like those I mentioned) earlier are “frauding” the system.
Yes…and like I said the other day, a “Health” official in B.C., Canada was spruiking the idea of smokable (crack) Fentanyl.
We’re in the very best of hands.
As do most elephant trackers – comes with the brassard.
This made me laugh.
Taking the old “single pair of footprints” pap and updating it.
I can barely imagine how this must haunt the Jewish soul.
I remember regularly reading Frank Knopfelmacher in Quadrant many years ago (if you aren’t familiar with him, worth looking up). He wrote that when he arrived in Australia in the mid-50s he found the country to be relatively free of antisemitism* compared to Europe. If it existed, he thought, Australians generally were too polite to say anything in public.
We have now made progress to the point where NSW Police turn a deaf ear and a blind eye to the vilest demonstrations of antisemitism in our history.
* An exception would have been the old Bulletin, which was anti-Asian and anti-Jewish, but which Knopfelmacher was possibly unfamiliar with.
US justice hasn’t come too far since Salem.
Honestly, am I reading the special counsel finding wrong in that what dementia did with the docs is not way over the top and that the fcker has serious mental deficiencies? How does the first part not help Trumpster?
You’re a victim now of a total of 3 downers, Bear? 🙂
You didn’t have to scratch very deeply for anti-Semitism to rear its ugly head back in the 60’s and 70’s. Mercifully, or perhaps providentially, I had Jewish friends at school. Good friends.
So I always shook my head in wonder at the casual bigotry about Jews, particularly when it came from those who I now know to have been nominal Christians. Nasty stuff.
Of course, casual bigotry about Christians is so endemic people just don’t notice it any more. I see Colin Fassenage indulging in a bit of giggling blasphemy on an ad for MKR lately.
My, how standards have slipped. Try that with Islam boy-o and see how far it gets you.
The Biden presser is not going to plan.
Now this bloke certainly has a lot of experience in Labor politics – since he was teenager in fact. And he knows a lot about unions because other than Labor politics unions is all he has experience in.
And this just about covers all Oz ministerial “jobs” regardless of party .. folk with no experience in the field vying for ministerial positions and the salary/perks attached thru toadying and brown-nosing .. no other qualifications required …… and once appointed controlling/dispensing $millions of OPM without, much if any, oversight .. eg standout examples … “plenty wrong” & “blackout Blow-in to name two plus, on the policy side, the “burka” who’s main claim to fame is mile high “bonking the hired help” tours setting the rules on how private companies can employ/pay staff …..
Well Dementia Joe excelled at his press conference.
Threw his staff under the box and many, many other gaffes.
Should never have taken questions, then, was just about walking off when he decided to go back and talk about Israel/Hamas. Somehow got the president of Mexico confused in there too.
Won’t ;ast much longer before they wheel him out of the White House.
Australia had more sectarian issues than anything else.
What an embarrassing state of affairs that used to be.
…under the bus…ffs.
Dipping my tick into the argument about ticks or no ticks.
It’s just kitchen heat, if you don’t like it, ignore it. Ticks pointing up or down, who cares?
If it really upsets you, find another blog.
Dover rules.
I revel in my downticks.
It appeals to my contrarian side to know I have pissed someone off.
What on earth will we talk about now?
However, it will free up a fair chunk of Wodney’s day.
An embargo on Armstrong spam might also help.
I nominate Lidia Thorpe to adorn the five dollar note.
Kevin M
Think of it like vote harvesting 🙂
Biden’s theme music.
The colonial judicature righted itself after that episode.
Little hope of that now, the rot runs so deep.
Senator John Kennedy’s (LA) senate c’tee exposés of Biden’s judicial nominees are worth watching.
The Bulletin.
Kerry Packers fav.
John Hinderaker was cautiously optimistic yesterday.
The Jury Is Out | Power Line (7 Feb)
Today not so much.
A Bitterly Disappointing Verdict | Power Line (8 Feb)
I’m certainly not surprised by the “verdict”. The Powerline folks are still living in last century, where justice and truth and legal arguments were the foundations of the US. Now it is whether you are a lefty or not, and since Steyn and Trump aren’t they will never win a court case in a jurisdiction like DC.
There’s only one way this injustice can be fixed. It will remain to see whether that will occur.
But if the Jews had only “hardened up”, JC.
It wouldn’t have happened.
While dealing with the soings and arrows of public blog, perhaps you can look into involuntary Patient Orders to help manage your sons mental issues. These are common in most legal jurisdictions, sure your lawyer can advise on best approach.
Tintarella di Luna
Feb 9, 2024 5:54 AM
Great to hear that your Big Boy has managed this huge transition from Mum and Dad to assisted independent living. I have often thought of him – of you – as you’ve face the constant challenges, especially during his adolescence.
I’m sure much thought and guidance has gone into his transition; it seems that he has excellent careworkers. Such a relief for you. And yet another example of how God sometimes steps in and orchestrates events to their maximum benefit.
All the very best to you, Tinta. You certainly deserve it.
JC at 11:47.
I think collaborators fell into two categories.
Firstly, those who did it out of fear and self-preservation.
Secondly, those who enthusiastically embraced Nazism to the full.
I’ll leave it up to others to judge where the Cloggers sat on that spectrum.
Biden press conference was a Trump promotion. And Trump got for nothing.
I don’t know what pertained in Victoria but in NSW & QLD the sectarian battles were largely fought on the rugby field on Saturday afternoon. On Sunday people went to their church and on Monday everyone was back to mingling at work.
That would be DC where 80+% vote Demonrat??
And on the ticks.
I like the upticks, because it allows me to see my quality links have been appreciated by the masses.
Dont think downticks add much though.
alwaysrisght is well named. I’d add that creating your own blog with/without up & down ticks is a freedom we all enjoy.
To his credit James Packer has spent a lot of his life making up for a lot of sins of his father.
Most would know a story regarding a certain golf club that summed up his views.
Yes, but they’d tidied themselves up considerably by that time.
A different publication entirely, really.
To be clear, any bagging of NDIS I might do does not apply to the Big Boys in society.
My gripe is with inefficient management, rorting by indolent junkies and outright invention of clients and/or “support tasks”.
Feckin’ churlish Oirish.
They went on to lose 57-87.
A nice meme for the thread.
Dover’s artwork is too relaxing. 😀
We need an impressionist oil painting of Prophet Dr. Kofi Oduro during his famous anti OnlyFans rant.
It would be epic.
calli, I wonder if that was peculiar to where you grew up?
Knopfelmacher would have been speaking mainly about Melbourne but I think his observation would have generally applied elsewhere.
He was infamously rejected for a position at the Uni. of Sydney in the mid-1960s on account of his strident and public anti-Communism. At least that’s what the university senate said at the time.
My fear is that he has stopped the garnishee for his rental
Since when did it become possible to garnishee CentreLink Payments ..?
To the best of my knowledge the only money that can be deducted by garnishee from CL payments is money owed to CL for whatever reason (and even then by, agreed amount, instalments) … any other deductions are voluntary and thru agreement between the benefit recipient and the receiving party …….
Also any deductions have to be limited to NOT placing the CL recipient in dire straights .. in other words surpassing 1/4 of fortnightly benefit (excluding voluntary weekly rental deductions) ……
Actually, I take that back.
A Fireworks Display as the header?
Please, please don’t ever pick a photo of Moruroa Atoll in full splodey mode.
A commenter at CL’s blog posted this little vignette.
The dissonance is truly off the planet. The Irish accent adds to the stupidity.
Hard to disagree.
Just a bit higher than that.
Biden: 92.15%
Trump: 5.4%
Others: 2.55%
And even the others were lefties, like the Greens Party and a communist independent. The place needs to be bulldozed.
Imagine signing up to fight for the US, to fight for Chuck Schumer, so you have the privilege of wifing up Amy Schumer.
Sounds like a great deal if the choice is face a jury for a capital crime, or enlist and be pardoned.
Watching a few cuts of the Biden press conference.
If he wasn’t such an evil prick I would feel sorry for him.
Put a fork in him.
If ticks are abolished, no doubt the vandals will satisfy themselves with a proliferation of
posts, causing great clutter.
And we are all diminished by the elimination of that secret pleasure of the first uptick.
Mme Zulu’s parents survived the Nazi occupation – her father, interrogation by the Gestapo, her mother the “Hunger winter.” They maintained all their days that no-one knew how they would cope, until it all actually happened.
My failed business owes a lot to centrepay…
Any deductions (bar court/ childcare or centrelink ordered) can be cancelled the day after they are made.
Despite contract details being supplied etc as part of the approval process.
If you wanted to design a system that allowed maximum irresponsibility and fraud, thats it.
Oops, slight arithmetic error. Others are 2.45%. I’m amused by Gloria La Riva, she’s deliciously fruity, and I suspect the write ins were probably for Bernie, but the wiki doesn’t says. Hard to believe but DC is even leftier than Canberra. No surprise it’s the go to jurisdiction for Dem lawfare attempts like Stick Mann’s.
Things that make you go “Hmmmm”.
The Prophet Dr Kofi Oduro really doesn’t like OnlyFans.
…will PERISH in HELL!
What the Dutch PM should be apologising for is Holland’s absolute complicity in the EU/WEF holocaust.
Cats will recall that when Dutch farmers were the first to kick off the tractor blockade a Dutch policeman actually shot at them. Not a sign of a healthy democracy.
I just popped into Netflix, to check the program I was waiting on had actually arrived, and saw also that Netflix had stumbled serendipitously upon a topic they could produce without completely changing it to suit their woke agenda.
Alexander the Great!
They can legitimately depict him as gay. And openly so. Not a big shock – Alexander was a fan of Athens and Athenian society viewed homosexuality as a higher form of attachment: lots of youths canoodling in the shadow of pending battle, and lots of corpulent men lolling about at banquets fondling their calamities so they can’t even pour their wine straight – for this last part just read Plato. (Plato would laugh at what we now call ‘platonic’ love.)
So they can have a gay man ramping all across the ancient world waving his iron sword by day and his flesh one by night. (Stories about his relationship with his horse, Bucephalus, rightly belong on HBO who will give it requisite grinding graphic representation.)
But yes, the battle scenes, the blood spurting, the hacked limbs flying through the air spinning weirdly around invisible axes, the spit skulls, the frozen astonished faces above the impaled chests, the groaning pleadings to gods, the chaos, the mayhem, wantonly destructive when done by heterosexual men will be softened into the arc of a divine but tragic poem when a faggot.
Only bummer is that they could not make him black. Not that they did not want to, but after the Cleopatra thing coupled with the fact he was actually born in Macedon, such a lie overtaxed the dishonesty of even the most diversity obsessed writers. The additional fact that Alexander was widely remembered as blond – and indeed he is depicted by a blond actor – would have been incidental. And, apparently, only one of Alexander’s eyes was blue –heterochromia iridium doncha know.
I would not be surprised if they make the Egyptians black so Egyptians who join his army are black, and they will prove to be the most valiant of his troops. I base that purely upon the racial stone in Netflix’ show that always demands the most pressing attention, but I have not seen it.
Nevertheless they may overall generate a fair depiction of the old fudge-packer because they have found someone they don’t as a matter of woke mental-programming dislike.
Imagine signing up to fight for the US, to fight for Chuck Schumer, so you have the privilege of wifing up Amy Schumer.
Imagining it #1
Number 2
UP +1000 DOWN -0
Anyone deterred by a few anon ticks either way misunderstands the nature and goals of a public, anonymous blog with comments && ticks.
Secessionist collaborator!
The alleged quantum of people in the French resistance is pure myth.
True .. the, real, French resistance against the Nazis never exceeded 3000 most of those “classified’ resistance were in the communist faction who spent more time opposing the, actual, restance than the Germans .. their main purpose in opposing the Nazis was to be the predominant faction once the occupation was over .. not to be part of a concerted effort to free France …… This was the main reason England was very reluctant to supply arms to the French underground as they didn’t wan to arm the communists ..
There is also the “myth” of the French gummin-in-exile .. 75% of, in France, French folk had no idea who general De Gaulle was yet he was touted as their “leader” ….
In many ways, they seem to me to be regions that have unilaterally declared independence from the rest of Australia, but still want the financial benefits of being part of Australia.
Ghettoes is not the correct word either, as there is an implication of being forced to live there. They are choosing to be politically rebellious, but financially demanding.
Certain remote indigenous communities (Wadeye as a good example) have developed similar attitudes.
I’m posting this and I think you should read the substack piece.
At least we can now say that no one can any longer seriously believe that Putin is on death’s door and ‘media reports’ were in fact lies laid by intel.
I think the day that Thought Leader scored 130-ish upticks on some typically half-arsed banality was what made me suspect it was gamed.
AI body double.
Dover’s talking as Kohl and Gorbachev, with Bush I are still making decisions for the West in Europe.
Clinton and Yeltsin changed everything and they’re long gone.
Get over it.
A good reason for senate representation not to be party political, I would say.
When your selected and eelected thru a specific party I doubt your gonna threaten your close to $300k + freebies to play the independent .. you toe the party line … or else …!
Biden will be *ss*ssinated before the ballots are printed. With the three-letter agencies in it up to their necks already, it’ll go off without a hitch, and the MSM will file the copy about alt right neo N*zi Orange Man Bad so Save Our Democracy, Vote Mark Milley-Mike Obama 2024, Karmel who?
You know it makes sense.
Nuremberg Rights Deniers. It ain’t snapppier, but is more accurate.
Complete change of subject.
Fascinating chat between Tommy Robinson and Calvin Robinson, interesting comments about GBNews, state of the Church of England, muslims in London, Laurence Fox etc etc
SILENCED with Tommy Robinson Father Calvin Robinson
These were legit, Champ.
Combine Tasmania and Victoria (this would require a referendum, but a good case can be made for it). Distribute Tasmania’s 12 senators, two each to the remaining five states, one to each of the territories.
Delta A @12:43pm and Sancho Panzer @12:46pm — thank you – I am truly blessed in so many ways and without being too maudlin about it all — Life is not easy but it’s not hard all the time either. The NDIS was something that families and parents of children (and they are always our children until we are no more) like my Big Boy (34 next month) were campaigning for, unfortunately it was a. programme of the Labor party and as such handed over lock, stock and barrel to the bureaucracy, hence the rorting and gouging. I could tell you some stories that would make you blanch with incredulity, or maybe not.
As always, where there is a human need there is a douche of leeches sucking hard and fast.
I shall join you, ML. Solidarity!
Megan, if they are hospital urine bottles, – pass.
If they are full – even more passier.
There are similar plaques in Paris, marking the places where resistants died during the liberation of Paris in August 1945.
Not the same reason as those in Rome, but noting that many (including a highish proportion of police in the plaques I walked past in 1972) took an active role.
I gather the upticks and downticks are going to be consigned to perdition.
My view is that they are not the same-but-opposite.
Upticks essentially endorse a comment – marks agreement. Downticks, on the other hand, are objections. The problem is that there is one way to agree, but millions of ways to disagree.
If I post that 1+1=2 then agreement is belief that 1+1=2 is indeed true. A person who disagrees might do so because they think 1+1=3, or 50, or 1,000,000, or Thursday, or white patriarchal mathematical oppression, or whatever.
Point being an objection will be on discrete points, and a down ticker who will not state their objection can be easily dismissed.
I got a down tick this morning for saying a Friday morning OT was sneaky. I am afraid I do not have the linguistic felicity to impress upon Cats how little I cared for that. Some turd with a problem they will lot own to.
Don’t let downtickers change the blog. Vote ‘’No’ to those who say ‘no’.
Dover’s call though, of course.
I would point out down ticks probably avoid nastier responses.
Just give Tassie to New Zealand.
They can rename it West Island.
I watched about 15mins of CNN.
Even Anderson Cooper is like WTF man.
Heres the Pute interview.
id rather read a full transcript, but havent seen one yet.
Downticking is cowardly.
Those who disagree should be able to explain why, we might all learn something.
Think of it as “I disagree”
Canberra is lagging a bit on the leftard vote percentages,
The Merchants of Dearth
The Covid-19th Column?
I will always pitch in with The Gauleiters.
It has nice echoes of the checkpoints and fake boundaries imposed everywhere from national borders to 5km neighbourhoods, plus it invokes the petty-tyrant mindset of every shopkeeper, cop, “CMO” and PM who wielded the batons yet deflected any responsibility to someone else. See Daniel Andrews.
Plus, it’s N*zi. Fasc*st would be more betterer and accurate, but, you know, N*zi Germany looms large in the imagination in a way that lesser plagues, pogroms and panics can’t compete with.
Whoever asked about sectarianism in Victoria: it used to be a serious issue and still has echoes today. I regard the popularity of the Pell lynching as sectarian. Was less than ten years ago that my kids got a door slammed in the face while doing a neighbourhood chocolate fundraiser because they went to the local mick school. It’s abated, but it’s still there.
Given that Catalaxy was originally a good economics blog with Kates and Sloan and of course Sinc, i thought i would pose a query on Perrottets ( a supposed Conservative in the NSW Libs) and his notion that negative gearing should be revisited. This is a perennial question. Having left the Oz in high dudgeon because of arguments over comment and other matters i havent read the article. But he seems to think this will help increase housing stock. As a lawyer he is not much of a builder.
I see buying a property to rent as the same as buying any other business. Does he want to exclude interest deductions on all investments? Because we have to be fair. Do we limit deductibility to say 70% of purchase price?
There are many ways to change the deduction and in the end they all do the same thing; increase the tax take. Thats always the aim.
I should add that I wrote a response to his “Federation Review” covering the State’s future difficulties raising funds to pay for its burgeoning spending. His idea was a Land Tax. A bigger one than we have. He didnt get that the problem was spending. You could clearly see it in the graphs. My comment was to have a head count cull of all admin and middle management in the PS and get rid of a third of the generally unnecessary Qangos.
Now im not saying our tax system is great and that it doesnt need a revamp. But all cards and consequences should be on the table. The consequence of taking away interest deductions on investments and increasing CGT would be to kill the rental market even more than it currently is. Even an old Finance guy like me can see that.
Any thoughts from all you economic gurus in Catalaxy ?
You positioned “your culture” in contrast to one other persons here. Your assumed implications are your own fantasies.
I’ve never disagreed with anything in your comments – hardly bother reading any. There’s a few names here I just scroll past.
So my sincere apologies for not noticing you enough for your satisfaction, but I really can’t promise to change that.
The idea that no NATO forces in East Germany was the red line but NATO forces East of East Germany was OK is just too silly for words. Gummi isn’t adding anything I haven’t heard before.
Bless you, Megan.
I agree with KD.
Get rid of the downticks and do what he says.
The number of upticks for a comment should reflect it’s nature. I suspect good comments will attract a lot of upticks from the general, main group of commenters.
Offensive or vile comments will only attract them from those who normally downtick good comments.
However, Dover’s blog, Dover’s rules.
Read and article this morning that said former NSW Chief Justice Tom Bathurst was going to review the incitement to violence laws looking at some kind of reform thereof by the mincing Minns govenment. My attempted comment has been rejected so I thought I’d bring it here:
I hadnt seen the latest Biden (Resident Mindworms) train wreck.
Looks like speedballs of monkey glands only work so much.
Could a third option be installed – a “yes but” tick. But what icon would be suitable.
Shatterzzz at 12:51.
I respect your right to defend those who would piss away public monies, and then try to extort rellos for the resultant shortfall.
But this is easy.
Open a joint account with junior which he has a debit card linked to. Get the dole paid into that account. Get the bills sent to you. Block his card every dole day. Take out enough to pay his bills. Release the card for the balance.
Next fortnight rinse and repeat.
If he doesn’t sign up to that, cut him loose.
Trust me.
He’ll be back.
Probably with a Kevin Rudd “living in a car” story.
If Centrelink start sniffing around, you will know it will only have come from one source.
Just get yourself one of these.
As usual, there’s a meme/gif for that Katz.
No, the magic is in fact deeper than time.
Jock – “Negative gearing” is a bullsh1t term. It’s just deductible loan interest for investment, and is essential to the economy. Otherwise no one would invest in anything. The same applies for building a factory as for building a house to rent.
I don’t know what the Parrott is saying but reducing deductibility of interest is a catastrophic detriment that would kill housing construction deader than roadkill. So limiting it to 70% is dumber than rocks are.
A better approach would be to allow 120% deductibility on new rental construction. (With the current 100% for existing rental purchases.) That would help, so long as state governments got local councils to play along, since they seem to be the main barrier to housing construction.
If the Parrott is advocating a land tax I have two thoughts on that. One: it should also apply to all native titles based on their valuations. Two: if not he should be given a one way ticket to North Korea. Either the tax is applied to everyone equally or not at all. I prefer the latter.
Jock – our taxes are too many and too extortionate and government spending (at state federal and local levels) most of which is blatantly wasted, is utterly out of control.
The first step would be to slash income tax rates and abolish many government agencies and quangos – for instance any agency or quango with “indigenous” (or first nations, etc), “gender”, “climate” (or meteorology), or “environment(al)” in its name. Defunding (or quite frankly, abolishing) the ALPBC as well.
That would be a modest start, Milei style.
Don’t fkn “Champ” me, champ.
Given there is intensive tick-grieving going on, do you think you need to re-open JC’s Suicide Hotline?
I’ve already reserved a number with Telstra … 1800 TICKETYBOOHOO.
BoN, NSW already had land tax well before the Parrothead – for example, it’s levied on my home and incorporated into my council rates.
Anyway, what happened to Parrothead’s and mincing queen Keane’s much vaunted land tax reforms?
As I have said previously, Biden in the White House = The Swamp giving you the middle finger. How they must laugh.
See what Putin had to say to Carlson in regards to such.
Unless the councilors are receiving many, many Aldi bags stuffed full of cash.
See Dazza Maguire and my beloved local council, for example.
Keating tried to get rid of negtative gearing — didn’t last long, the effect was immediate and the rental market cratered with much howling from people who could not afford the rents that a protracted market created.
Also anyone remember what happened when the four-letter “c” word of NSW politics at thime one Boob Carr brought in a Vendor Tax? same thing — didn’t last long.
Labor cannot resist finding ways to screw everyone in out up down and every which way. Comes from knowing eff all about how housing markets really work.
So it should also be applied to native title. Think of how much money that would raise!
I am not exactly a fan of Parrott, I admit. A parrot shaped Kean puppet.
I’m going to watch Tucker’s interview with Putin over the weekend, probably in two parts as it’s a little over 2 hrs long. The general impression I’m getting from Twitter is that he’s a history autist, boomer-pragmatist, that more or less steered clear of entering into the domestic issues that some focus on. Nothing new if you’ve seen him at Valdai.
This event has been wicked. If you are not into motorsports, don’t click.
Producing DRAG Racing History! The Build up To Clay Millican vs Cleetus
Feb 9, 2024 2:22 PM
Im 8 minutes in, we are up to the 1600’s
IIRC, eighteen months?
Evidently the brainchild of his resident gay garden gnome, Mikey Vegan. It was such a stupid toxic idea, that Morrie Enema abolished it immediately upon becoming premier after Boob had departed to spend more time reading his US civil war histories.
Firstly, many thanks for your hospitality.
I appreciate that you expend a lot of time and money to keep maintain this forum.
I totally respect your decision to suspend ticks – upwards and downwards.
I remain incredulous that any contributor to this august journal of record seems to lose all sense of perspective over someone else’s ticks – upwards or downwards.
Mark Steyn has been found guilty of defaming climate “science”
According to the Washington Post “famed climate scientist” has won
Mann is meant to pocket $1 million because someone gave him a mean look in supermarket aisle
I suspect Mark will go to jail or have a fourth and final heart attack whichever comes first before he agrees to pay up
Ninety nine years, with the first forty years served in solitary, in chains..
Even better, tax incoming migrants to build required housing stock for housing said new housos. 500k * 1000/year ought to be enough to build a few units.
Also, more controversial, require those with 2+ investment units to house peoples at a standard rate adjusted for inflation. The negative effects of this will reduce demand side competition for housing stock helping spread ownership.
We need some gamechangers to break this gridlocked mess that is housing …
BTW, the interview is producing some incredibly funny tweets with accompanying photo.
As I am on here today, I’ll say I agree. And ‘flounce; KD, is a word long past its use-by date here.
An uptick is an agreement, a downtick is an unknown quantity. Try removing the downticking, Dover, but leaving the upticks and I think you would have a happier constituency. At least when a large number of upticks agree with a comment you know immediately what is agreed to. You can then at least reply to that if you disagre or call it out if you think that comment is being ‘gamed’ by upticks. Mostly, one would simply enjoy that others like the comment, whether made by you or someone else. I upticked Vicki’s very helpful early transcript of the Putin interview. Wow, to that.
On your other decision, regarding removal of some anti-Semitic content, I can only say I disagree. The comment that referred to the incapability of the Jewish people in general to mount effective reaction to slanders is inherently anti-Semitic. It was followed up by a comment to a Jewish woman that she was somehow culturally lacking in resistance and reslience. These slurs inflect a whole history of the Jewish holocaust (Shoah). The scale and genocidal reach of this differs in kind to statements against gayness, trans people or aboriginal people. It currently also has to be seen in the context of the war in Gaza and the rise of anti-Semitism in general in the West. It carries deep structural hints that Jewish people somehow ‘deserve’ what they get, that they were a weak people, who let themselves be led to the gas chambers. Very, very unpleasant, and an anti-Semitic meme that once pervaded, and sadly still pervades, European cultural attitudes. Especially, indeed, amongst the Dutch. Never Again, Dover. Never Again.
If it was my site I would remove it. However, it is your site, so stay is does.
Australia? It’s actually about the UK.
This mind blowingly incompetent, retarded & head up the arse kind of thinking is why I never joined.
These people are insane.
Top Men
Same, although I remain ambivalent about watching it, as I’m simply not that keen on listening to the Pute’s ridiculous “historical” references to the gloriousness of interminable Russian imperialist aggression since 862.
He’s also an evil monstrous thug who has zero legitimacy as a head of state.
Having said that, I also detest that odious olive drab clad rat faced fraud in the ‘Kraine.
We really need to do something* about the so-called leaders blighting pretty much every country on this planet.
*No prizes for guessing what my solution to this problem would be.
Mann is meant to pocket $1 million because someone gave him a mean look in supermarket aisle
That prick owes the Tim Ball family a million bucks.
“The NFL is too violent…”
Well, both Gorby and Kohl said as much. Where’s the contrary evidence as I vaguely the only sticking points at the time were about East Germany. Is it in writing somewhere, suggesting an agreement?
Someone here really hates Narnia references.
I guess it’s not Dover.
a transcript of the Putin-Carlson interview was posted upthread. It should be on the previous page.
It won’t be hard to find, the poster had an oopsie and spilled the Bolding jar!
I hadn’t thought of that. Good idea. We can even hear the squealing from Mud Island and from a migrant hostel in inner Sydney.
The concern trolling is very funny coming from some quarters.
From Dot’s link above – Bwahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!
Well, who’da thunk it, more and higher taxes! Gee, what a surprise!
Hey, you wrong about everything all the time knobheads, if your only solution to a non existent problem such as “climate change” is more and higher taxes, you’ve either run out of ideas, or never had any in the first place – and I won’t trouble your tiny little minds with suggesting you could refuse to accept the existence of the utterly ridiculous fact and evidence free “concept” of catastrophic human induced climate change in the first place.
Indeed, Dot. Insane, they are.
Bolding spam will be punished with egregious reposting and the worst formatting possible.
Another shocking and politicised decision.
and many other very reputable scientists in a similar vein.
Putin was brilliant on the climate change scam, btw.
I dunno if it was a money issue, but Steyn represented himself, which goes back to that old adage, you only have a fool for a client.
‘Australia is a lucky country run mainly by second rate people who share its luck. It lives on other people’s ideas, and, although its ordinary people are adaptable, most of its leaders (in all fields) so lack curiosity about the events that surround them that they are often taken by surprise.’
Nothing much has changed since 1964, although arguably our leaders (in all fields) are now third raters or much worse.
. Donald Horne got that right
Economists are not popular and neither are they weighed down by common sense.
Milei? Open question ….
JC, why would NATO forces in East Germany be the red line but NATO forces in the Baltics, Poland, or Ukraine be considered OK? Seriously. It’s like agreeing with Tony Soprano that you won’t sell cocaine in Bada Bing! and then being surprised that Tony’s angry that your now caught selling speed.
Kudos to you. Your wish is now our lot.
It’s all relative. We’re badly governed in absolute terms, but not relatively so. The only place that runs well would be Switzerland, which has a weakish central government.
This mind blowingly incompetent, retarded & head up the arse kind of thinking is why I never joined.
Brief scan through the list of egg-surts.
None mentioned “STOP SPENDING SO MUCH YOU SPASTIC SQUANDERMONKIES” as a possible solution.
Only thing I’ve got against Milei is he has a thing about the frigging Falklands. The Argies can get stuffed. The islands were never theirs, and the Poms booted them every time they tried it on. Rightly so. He should stick to fixing his country rather than getting squirrelly about that stupid place.
This might prove to be a suitable case for the outgoing Governor-General to exercise the royal prerogative of mercy.
I believe I saw Carlson before the interview was aired saying that there was no need to grant Putin any credence but in the whole of the whole history of the conflict we have only heard from one side – their boasting of their virtue and their damnation of their enemy.
The American political class and MSM have from day one decided we can only hear one side – and some of it has been quite preposterous. People in a war zone may need propaganda but we on the outside should be able to doubt stories like ‘the ghost of Kyev’ who shot down 15 Russian fighters in an aircraft powered by a twisted rubber band and using nothing more than a bag of gravel and strong language.
It seemed an opportunity not to just bathe in Russian propaganda but to at least learn to be a bit sceptical of the Ukrainian stories. Neither side is telling the truth, but we always hear uncritically as if one side is.
Anyway, that is how Carlson’s explanation struck me.
How many times has Zelensky – the drab olive clad kleptomaniac – been on the verge of victory? My suspicion is that Zelensky is scared faeces-less of a Trump victory in November. He won’t put up with this coprophagia. If we can just get one person in there who is not in favour of war like The Pute, Zelensky, or the Democrats, who knows – peace might break out.
Gummi explains that if the Russians had been so worried at the time, they would have demanded a documented agreement, just as they did with regard to Ukraine.
In addition, Putin frequently discusses NATO’s threat to Russia, as he states in the article. He doesn’t actually mean to imply that it would pose a military threat, though, as NATO forces would now driving the orcs back. Because nuclear weapons are a deterrent, it hasn’t happened. And always have been.
Putin is basically saying that if Ukraine joined NATO and the EU, it would expose Putin’s shortcomings in Russia, which he’d find intolerable.
If Steyn is short of cash, Musk needs to fund and appeal.
They are following the precise WEF formula of cramming people into transport hubs. Just imagine a blackout in these circumstances. And they are coming.
Sydney to get a brand new ’30-minute city’ with car-free streets: Here’s what it will look like
Get yourself a tick remover – what a very handy hint, Eric C. All dog lovers should get one; hope they have them in Australia as well as Canada.
Dog videos OK here? Cat talk and videos, not so much?
Reminds me though, hope Elsie is still doing well, Winston.
Duty of Care to absent owner owed there while he’s Gonzo-ing in the US.
Send him some home videos; nothing like getting a view of a loved kit when far from home. Awwww. He looks so happy in his liddle basket And doing some stretches in his fave spot under the table. Awwww.
My problem with up or down ticks came when a stupid comment by some polliemuppet or other idiot is posted with a comment on its general stupidity by the poster.
I would like to downtick the stupidity, but also want to uptick the sensible comment. Either way is open to misinterpretation.
Putins version of their being pushed back from Kiev is interesting.
Hes claiming it was because of agreements in Istanbul to pull back, which he got his forces to do – only to have US/Ukies want to keep fighting.
Not buying into this, but it is important to note this is the sort of think the average Ivan on the street will be told as well.
It depends what you mean by governed. Yes, my rubbish is collected every week and I have potable water on tap, but venture too far above those modest expectations and one rapidly runs into the dead hand of our barely functioning bureaucracy.
On a grander scale, Harvard’s economic complexity table, which takes account of a number of economic metrics, places Australia between Uganda and Pakistan, which is down 2 places from last year and 38 places down the table from 1995.
This is largely attributable to the way government at all levels strangles business investment and innovation, forcing it abroad, thereby thwarting the diversification which is the key to any economic growth we might expect to sustain our general standard of living when the population ponzi scheme topples over like a jerry built unit tower, which it must do at some point.
Yep. More than a few skeletons in The Bully’s cupboard.
Betting is tight on the Super Bowl. Line is +- 2 points.
I will stick with Mahomes and Kelce to get the job done.
Yeah that McCaffrey looks like something Mengele would have been stoked with.
49ers were cool back in the day. Montana and Jerry Rice etc. Not now since they had that Kaepernick clown. Derek Chauvin ‘taking a knee’ on his neck is a fantasy of mine.
If your into goodies v baddies plod murder mysteries’ then this is very, very good ..
Kernick never writes a bad novel but this one is, possibly, his best to date ..
GOOD COP, BAD COP .. Simon Kernick …
Like the PISA rankings, not much to show for all Canberra’s output.
WTF, just read about the doxxing of Jewish people by Clem Ford and others. Outrageous to say the least.
No organisation should be employing Ford as she really is piece of work.
That is not what I want, P.
I think upticks are passes, and valuable, downticks are fails.
However if I come in here and there are both, then I’d prefer to opt out personally if possible. Perhaps an asterisk beside my gravitar that says *opting out of ticks. That’s all. My tendency for the future is to avoid aggro around here, for my health’s sake.
I am not by any means the only person here who dislikes the downticking. And I have never contacted Dover about them, although apparently many others have.
So please don’t blog-verbal me.
Or, rather than a new, never to be abolished tax, we could minimise immigration until new building solved the shortage.
I’m watching the interview.
You know, this is fcking tragic. Russian/Ukrainians are European people. They should both be part of NATO and the EU.
Trump has already said if Putin won’t come to the negotiating table he’ll redouble support for Ukraine. That could, of course, be truthful hyperboleto get Putin to the table to begin with.
The way Biden spat at Doocy.
Pure dementia.
There was real anger and shock when the whole press room started yelling him.
First time it’s happened.
Why did he walk off and then come back and perform even worse ?
No wonder Anderson Cooper was doing everything but shaking his head.
Perhaps the economic geniuses (genii?) could do a second item, disclosing how they would reduce current government expenditure by $20 billion per year, which is a quite small share of total government expenditure (not investment) at all three levels, plus QUANGoes.
WTF is this waffling about history by Putin.
Steyn should remind the court of Mann’s refusal to obey the court order re Ball, and state that he will pay the Ball family on Mann’s behalf.
Unlike most Western political leaders, he’s historically literate, albeit more than a little jaundiced in his various take aways.
Which people would then bear responsibility for making.
It’s Dover’s blog. He can run it as he wishes. I’ve no argument with that.
Being obsessed with history suggests stasis- looking backwards- and therefore grievance central.
Ditch the lot, I say.
It is very Instabook to have “likes” and other emojis.
If you can’t be fagged typing a counter-argument or even a quick “Wodney at 2:30 a.m. … I agree” * then it probably isn’t worth hearing.
* Totally hypothetical.
I have satisfying visions of applying this gadget to downtickers here. You catch them under the neck with it, pull up, and gently twist till they let go. Result – downtick removed, along with its fat blood-bloated maker. lol.
JC at 2:49.
Quite so.
It’s almost as if something valuable has been taken away.
I wonder why that would be.
That is why she is employed. The Globalists/Swamp etc are out to destroy western civilisation. The Left are their useful idiots leading the charge. Vast majority of people are not of that ilk, but have no voice. This shite slowly permeates into minds until it becomes accepted reality.
I started a new job last week. Head chef (young sheila. Ocker from Darwin. Barracks for Footscray. Good operator.) said there is a They/Them weirdo starting next week. Everywhere is desperate for cooks. I said I don’t participate in that nonsense. She agreed, was just giving a heads up.
Understand this. Putin does. That is why he is “Bad”.
He is pining for the return of the USSR.
Contradicted here.
NATO sans massive involvement of the US couldn’t do shit. The Brits had to recall one of their carriers from an exercise because it broke down and they recently removed one of new ships from the Red Sea because…reasons.
No, Putin like any leader in any sober, serious country doesn’t want the global hegemon parked on its door step. That is what you find intolerable; that anyone should look the US in the face and tell it to pound sand.
Bingo ! Ding ding ding we have a winner!
There seems to be quite some support for the ability to provide an uptick.
Downticks seem to be saddled with;
1) a couple of people who take a single downtick to heart, or
2) a couple of sensitive souls for whom an unjustified obvious avalanche of one-off downticks is a crushing blow, and
3) a couple of triggered snowflakes whose ego cannot cope with a long-term aggregate high number of downticks.
Normal people get on with life.
Sancho@ 3.40 PM has provided sane advice:
Sans up/down ticks, we simply return to “Calli@ 11.59 PM +1″ or Calli@ 11.59 PM -1”