Open Thread – Fri 9 Feb 2024

Fireworks Display, Konstantin Somov, 1922

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Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
February 9, 2024 7:41 pm

Not so sure that’s right, BoN (waaaay upthread).

Mark – They were already building a bypass pipeline for hot water. The estimate was about 18 hours to complete it. Electricity also. I thought it was interesting that they’d put “sleeves” onto the struts of the electricity pylons to cope with the lava, and they’d also piled up lots of dirt at the bases of each pylon.

The sat pic of the lava flows was interesting since you can see on the photo the berm that the Icelanders built around the power plant and the Blue Lagoon. The berm has been holding. Lava has diverted around it.

All up the eruption has produced lots of fine pics and videos, with the only casualty so far being the road and the old hot water pipeline. Which they seem to’ve now fixed. Be nice if Aussies were as efficient as Icelandic emergency service people seem to be.

I had a look at a webcam a couple hours ago, the eruption is nearly dead. A one day wonder!

John H.
John H.
February 9, 2024 7:44 pm

Feb 9, 2024 7:26 PM
I fully understand that our host Dover Beach has had a gutful of mediating disputes between warring factions at the Cat over the use of ticks and downticks.

But I am very disappointed to see this unique blog feature disappear.

They add a quasi-democratic function to the blog akin to a vote — without having to explain the vote.

No-one asks your opinion in a polling booth, just a vote for one or another.

I hope that Cats will support a return to ticks and downticks.

I’m surprised it has become a topic. I’ve had a chronic down ticker so now I’m down ticking myself.

February 9, 2024 7:45 pm

I’ve had a chronic down ticker so now I’m down ticking myself.


I just gave you a thumbs up to counter your thumbs down.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
February 9, 2024 7:45 pm

Feb 9, 2024 7:21 PM

You really are a sad old plomker. Get a Life one day. Tosser.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
February 9, 2024 7:48 pm

A bit late to the party, but I have only just now become enamoured of the Mr Inbetween series.

I’ve seen two episodes in two days. It’s actually pretty good, and well written to boot.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
February 9, 2024 7:49 pm

A reminder:

English people are really Dutch people who wish they were French.

February 9, 2024 7:54 pm

White gown after 2 years of piling on Liz

and this time it’s the white-knight moan … which, is your specialty

February 9, 2024 7:54 pm

English people are really Dutch people who wish they were French.

Its worse than that.
The Dutch are what occurred when a German rooted a pig!

February 9, 2024 7:54 pm

Can I just say thank you to dover for putting up with us all and hosting this blog.

February 9, 2024 7:57 pm

Thanks for asking – very kind of you.

I have started a new job: far from perfect and irregular hours, but it’s a step in a positive direction. I may have commented recently that I’ve learned a lot about humility in recent times; we don’t choose it, it chooses us, and it’s a pineapple enema type of experience.

Technically I’m still employed by the psychos at Qld Health (stood down since the end of Oct 2021, and for the last 8 months without the appropriate authorisation), but I expect the results of a test case before the Human Rights Commission will prompt a final decision soon(ish). I don’t expect it to go in my favour, but the mental strain of the past 3 years has been so exhausting that I would only return if they paid me what they owed (approaching the six-figure mark now) first, which is enormously unlikely.

I’m still here though, and if I have nothing else (apart from a loyal dog), I have resilience.

Cheers for the concern.

February 9, 2024 7:57 pm

Top blog thanks Dover

February 9, 2024 7:58 pm

Johnny Rotten
Feb 9, 2024 7:38 PM
Feb 9, 2024 7:24 PM

You are this Bog Wrecker and Dover Beach knows it.

Yes. He does know who the blog wrecker is but is he more interested in appeasing precious petals rather than act on the obvious?

Real Deal
Real Deal
February 9, 2024 7:58 pm

I am not happy that the ticks have been removed. Often they have afforded me a glimpse of the reception of what I have put up here which is often related to my Christian faith (Catholic). I sometime use the tick/s as a gauge to see whether I have been able to share an article. Even 1 tick is evidence that I’ve shared it with another.

Yes. Nicely said.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
February 9, 2024 7:59 pm

The Dutch are what occurred when a German rooted a pig!

Your choice of swords or pistols!

Real Deal
Real Deal
February 9, 2024 8:00 pm

Corrie ten Boom was Dutch. She wouldn’t be classed as anti-Semetic I would think.

February 9, 2024 8:03 pm

Your choice of swords or pistols!

One of these!

Looking at the ticks we appear to have at least 2 cloghoppers on the site.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
February 9, 2024 8:03 pm

Knuckle Dragger
Feb 9, 2024 7:41 PM
Bloody hell.

Did someone mention ticks*?

They are thumbs you Neanderthal. Just have a butchers look (cockney slang for you)

The only ticks in Australia are the pests that are real ticks. And not on this Blog. You like everyone else need to go to Spec Savers, LOL,

February 9, 2024 8:06 pm

The segment on Michael Smith highlighting the incoherent babbling of KJ-P is indeed memorable.

What does it bring to mind? Albanese’s incoherent hate babble yesterday justifying muzzie intimidation of Melbourne Jews.

The only apparently discernable difference between the two outrageous reptiles is that we are told that Albanese is not a lesbian.

February 9, 2024 8:07 pm

Cheers for the concern.

I’m glad to hear there’s been a positive development on that front, Muddy.

The bastardry of QLD Health/the Labour government in pursuing this matter with you and others in your position is obviously beyond the pale.

I understand the exhaustion after dealing with the whole matter for so long but do keep everything in a file in case an opportunity for a remedy arises in the future. I don’t have much hope in a LNP government but they might surprise us.

February 9, 2024 8:11 pm

Great news from Sky News Australia: it is sacking the dog of a show launched last year as part of a global media deal with Ruperdink Mudrock, Piers Morgan Uncensored.

From next week, it will be replaced Monday to Thursday evening at 11pm by Rita Panahi and I’m sure many Cats (like me) will be setting the recorder at such an ungodly hour to watch it next day.

February 9, 2024 8:11 pm

aaawww, so cute. Now he believes he’s Michael Douglas.

You go Granpa. Don’t forget your precious onion.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
February 9, 2024 8:11 pm

Real Deal
Feb 9, 2024 7:58 PM
I am not happy that the ticks have been removed.

They have not,

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
February 9, 2024 8:13 pm

You like everyone else need to go to Spec Savers

Another 15 year old ‘joke’.

But keep going buddy. Claim it.

They are upticks and downticks. Upticks and downticks. Because you call the sky green when it’s blue doesn’t necessarily make it so. You’re in Australia now son, and no amount of part time bovver boy-ing will change that.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
February 9, 2024 8:13 pm

Micheal Smith News. Peak stupidity!

A trans-identified male in Michigan is suing his ex-partner for the return of his preserved testicles, which he had kept in their shared fridge following his genital surgery.

Brianna Kingsley, who identifies as a Muslim woman, is demanding $6,500 for the loss of “deez nuts.”

February 9, 2024 8:14 pm

Last night I was scrolling through Prime and found ‘The Greatest story ever told’, have never seen the movie but the credits tell me that it is chocabloc with famous and actresses.
Shall make it my evening entertainment.
Now after my cafe latte I am going to the archaeological museum on the water front, tried yesterday but it was closed 13 to 16:00 which was the reason I took myself off for a medical consultation.
It looked remarkably empty on the vast ground floor so hopefully its open and interesting.
The view to Golfo Aranci was worth the walk anyhow.
Funny in Sardinia it’s back to weak coffee after Bonifacio where the coffee was strong enough to give one palpitations.
Oh and near the station is where the migrants hang out.
I suppose aimless, well fed and safe is better than what what was on offer at home.
It it were me I hope I’d be madly studying, volunteering, working towards a better life than that.

Real Deal
Real Deal
February 9, 2024 8:14 pm

Butcher’s look?

February 9, 2024 8:15 pm

Your choice of swords or pistols!

Klompen at 10 paces.

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
February 9, 2024 8:16 pm

If that’s what it takes to make an Eva Vlaadingerbroek, then I’m prepared to ship some Berkshires to Barvaria.

February 9, 2024 8:17 pm

Feb 9, 2024 7:29 PM

I come here to read and learn. I do not want to lose that.

I should have added that I should not be expected to suck up constant abuse from one particular poster. Enough is a f/ing enough.

LOL , oh stfu you delusional headcase. You’ve been the loon initiating every single stoush while begging Dover to ban me and now suggesting I start things. Go see if the fridge door (where you keep the severed heads) is locked, you filthy lying creep.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
February 9, 2024 8:19 pm

So where is ‘Jer Cough’ Cretin?

February 9, 2024 8:20 pm


sorry just needed to put this here so people will remember to read the posts instead of counting the upticks and downticks. After all every post about this stuff just distracts from actual discourse.

February 9, 2024 8:21 pm

Go see if the fridge door (where you keep the severed heads) is locked, you filthy lying creep.

Totally rational.
Really, exactly the type of conversation you might enjoy relaxing into a couch on a Friday night and winding down to.

February 9, 2024 8:21 pm

OK….it’s dinner time here so good night, all.

And If Cassie is lurking, L’Chaim!

February 9, 2024 8:21 pm

One only has to read today’s posts to see who is the most aggressive towards others here.

Naturally it is pure coincidence and not his fault that 80% of stoushes involve him.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
February 9, 2024 8:22 pm

Oh he/she/It/Whatever is right above me moaning about that $40 glass of wine again. LOL

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
February 9, 2024 8:26 pm

Feb 9, 2024 8:17 PM

You are such a ranting Nutter. Go to bed and sleep it off you T.W.A.T.

February 9, 2024 8:26 pm

Feb 9, 2024 7:37 PM

It wasn’t the point. The point was that you knew you were blocked, as you said on the recording.

Why would you block someone then spend a whole bloody year trying to engage them with insults and juvenile nick names on a blog you mental case.

Is that a real question? Your behavior, not just with me, with the blog owner removing the stupid threads you posted and not telling him, the insults against libertarians, the nonsense you’ve posted about economics all those things combined are why you deserve to be condescended.

And why take exception to nicknames such as Thought leader and Juan Peron. You’ve attempted to introduce cockamamie ideas and your economics is basically Peronism,

If you’re looking for forgiveness speak to God. I don’t forgive.

Mark from Melbourne
Mark from Melbourne
February 9, 2024 8:26 pm

Be nice if Aussies were as efficient as Icelandic emergency service people seem to be.

Totally agree. The images of the mechanical digger not 50m from the (quite fast) lava flow working to block the road were amazing. They both know their onions and have a slightly different view of OH&S.

But if this keeps moving from known fissure to known fissure westwards, there could be trouble.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
February 9, 2024 8:28 pm

If you’re looking for forgiveness speak to God. I don’t forgive.

So you are not a very good Catholic then?

February 9, 2024 8:30 pm

A bit late to the party, but I have only just now become enamoured of the Mr Inbetween series.

A great series.

February 9, 2024 8:30 pm

Feb 9, 2024 8:26 PM

Does it sound sane to you to make a big commotion on a blog about how you “blocked” someone, then spend the next year engaging with them at every opportunity with school yard taunts and juvenile Nick names?
Or does it sound unhinged.
Take your time answering. Like maybe a couple of years you utter lunatic.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
February 9, 2024 8:31 pm

Feb 9, 2024 8:26 PM

‘Jer Cough’ Cretin, you are a “Wan Car”.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
February 9, 2024 8:32 pm

Great news from Sky News Australia: it is sacking the dog of a show launched last year as part of a global media deal with Ruperdink Mudrock, Piers Morgan Uncensored.

Interesting stuff. Piers Morgan isn’t bad, but he’s fairly centrist. Mudrock threw a hundred million at him though, and has been trying to mine him for a return ever since. From what I see though on Sky and the other stablemates (eg. Talk TV) it’s all been the vapidest of clickbait. Sparkles Markle features often. Well, whatever, but I think Mudrock’s instinct is wrong. Righties want real protein these days. That starts with the letter T, which has a tendency to send Mudrockians into hysterics.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
February 9, 2024 8:37 pm

You also say you mostly don’t want to come here but at the same time post endlessly about you family life. Regarding the feud with Johanna I am on your side more than hers.

Bourne, it is clear you don’t like me, with your comment about ‘even Lizzie with her travels’. You might not have observed but on much of my general commenting here, which constitutes by far the greater subject matter I raise than anything to do with my family life, about which you actually know little here, I can receive ten to twenty upticks. Yes, I may include my darling Hairy’s viewpoints when discussing mine. He is a man of great sense and sensitivity as all who know him would attest.

But what I really want to say before I quit for the day and longer, is that I have no ‘feud’ with Johanna, nor indeed has today been about any ‘two woman stoush’. That is a complete misnomer of the situation. For many years this disgraceful woman has tried to hound me off this site with invented memes and general nonsense. I never start anything with her, she gets hyped up for whatever reason she has, and comes in firing a spray of invective at me, and as a proxy for me, at Cassie. This morning that spray became anti-Semitic, and we’ve seen today in the news and on some links and copied material here here how very much that is infecting Australian life right now. It was not ‘about nothing much’ as Amalak (Kamala) claims; it was a seriously hideous comment and I’ve made my case here to Dover about why I would remove it if I owned this blog while acknowledging that I do not.

What Dover does about ticks is entirely up to him, and I am merely one of many who has found the downticking attack mode distressing. I am no ‘precioius petal’ by the way. Nor am I ‘responsible’ for any of Dover’s decisions.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
February 9, 2024 8:38 pm

But if this keeps moving from known fissure to known fissure westwards, there could be trouble.

Mark – This one is right on top of the last fissure, and close to the one before. If you keep track of the inflation data you can usually pick where the eruption will occur. Although I was looking at the data yesterday which suggested a location a bit further to the west. This fissure seems to’ve taken the easiest way to the surface though up the fault that the last one came up through.

Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
February 9, 2024 8:38 pm

Feb 9, 2024 7:57 PM

Cheers Muddy and best wishes.

February 9, 2024 8:38 pm
Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
February 9, 2024 8:40 pm

Johnny Rotten
Feb 9, 2024 8:31 PM
Feb 9, 2024 8:26 PM

So where are you you Wimp?

February 9, 2024 8:41 pm

Feb 9, 2024 7:05 PM

Great comment . . . and I upticked it !

February 9, 2024 8:41 pm

testing 👎

February 9, 2024 8:43 pm

works for me 👎 👎 👎 👎 👎

John H.
John H.
February 9, 2024 8:43 pm


Good luck with the case. That’s a long time in the wilderness. Hope it all goes well for you.

February 9, 2024 8:43 pm

Woddenhead’s incredible contribution this evening.

1.Johnny Rotten
Feb 9, 2024 5:42 PM

Woddenhead began with a dad joke, which I won’t post again.

2. Johnny Rotten
Feb 9, 2024 5:50 PM
Feb 9, 2024 5:41 PM
Feb 9, 2024 5:33 PM
LOL. I down thumb the stupid dumb dumb bum bum at every opportunity.
This poster/imposter is a Blog Wrecker.
What this poster/imposter knows about Life, you could write a book. What this poster/imposter doesn’t know about Life – You could fill a farking Library.

3. Johnny Rotten
Feb 9, 2024 5:54 PM
Assume, 10% “industrialization” in NATO. It’s low, but lets go with a low ball figure because it would offer more comfort to you. NATO is 45% of the world economy. It still dwarfs Russia by the size of Siberia.
Hey Dipstick. NATO and the EU does not have the Industrial might of Russia right now.

4. Johnny Rotten
Feb 9, 2024 6:06 PM
Get back to the Fat Pizza Bar. You are a tosser.

Johnny Rotten
Feb 9, 2024 6:09 PM
You are a Farking Nut Case. P*ss Off and don’t come back. EVER.

6. Johnny Rotten
Feb 9, 2024 6:14 PM
Feb 9, 2024 6:08 PM
Fat Pizza Arse No 1
Fat Pizza Arese No 2
Fat Pizza Arese No 3
Fat Pizza Arse No 4
And it goes on to Infinity. LOL

7. Johnny Rotten
Feb 9, 2024 6:23 PM
Feb 9, 2024 6:13 PM
I always use Free Speech which you cannot type. You typed the word ‘fee’. Dipstick.
As for Limey – Go back to being a Yank in NYC
And as for being a crook – Again no proof.
So I will belt in with this.
You are a fat arsed short arse bigoted Mafioso Bully. A Pompous Windbag to boot. Living in Sictoria which shows you that you have no idea about where to live in this Great Country.
And I will call you a WOG as well. Call me a Pommy and I will call you a WOG.

8. Johnny Rotten
Feb 9, 2024 6:26 PM
You are really pathetic.

9. Johnny Rotten
Feb 9, 2024 6:31 PM
Boring to who? And it is not enough (correct spelling) to me, You Farking Tosser.

10. Johnny Rotten
Feb 9, 2024 6:34 PM
This Tosser has no skills whatsoever. Apart from being a T.W.A.T.

11. Johnny Rotten
Feb 9, 2024 6:38 PM
I agree. Kick this poster/imposter in the nuts. No backing down from a twat like this.

12. Johnny Rotten
Feb 9, 2024 6:42 PM
You are even more pathetic when you run away with other comments.
Are you a Man or a Mouse?

13. Johnny Rotten
Feb 9, 2024 6:59 PM
Feb 9, 2024 6:45 PM

.P. There are no ticks, They are thumbs. If you can’t see that then you need to go to Spec Savers along with Junior Cretin and all the other Cretins..

14. Johnny Rotten
Feb 9, 2024 7:09 PM
Thank you JMH. I always knew that the Fat Pizza blokes could not spell the Engrish……………LOL

15. Johnny Rotten
Feb 9, 2024 7:13 PM
Fat Pizza Person you are a Fat T.W.A.T Get off this Blog asap as you are a Loooooooooooser.

16. Johnny Rotten
Feb 9, 2024 7:18 PM
As you are such a dick head this is a tick.
And this is a thumb
If you cannot see the difference, then you are a T.W.A.T.

17. Johnny Rotten
Feb 9, 2024 7:24 PM
Don’t ever leave as I will always be here. My name is Johnny Rotten, but I am not very rotten at all.
18. Johnny Rotten
Feb 9, 2024 7:31 PM
What a ‘Wan Car’ and Wimp that you are. Someone has a go at you and like the ‘Wimp’ that you are calls it a pile in or a pile on. FFS. You ‘Wan Car’.

19. Johnny Rotten
Feb 9, 2024 7:38 PM
You are this Bog Wrecker and Dover Beach knows it.

20. Johnny Rotten
Feb 9, 2024 7:45 PM
You really are a sad old plomker. Get a Life one day. Tosser.

21. Johnny Rotten
Feb 9, 2024 8:03 PM
They are thumbs you Neanderthal. Just have a butchers look (cockney slang for you)
The only ticks in Australia are the pests that are real ticks. And not on this Blog. You like everyone else need to go to Spec Savers, LOL,

22. Johnny Rotten
Feb 9, 2024 8:19 PM
So where is ‘Jer Cough’ Cretin?

23. Johnny Rotten
Feb 9, 2024 8:22 PM
Oh he/she/It/Whatever is right above me moaning about that $40 glass of wine again. LOL

24. Johnny Rotten
Feb 9, 2024 8:26 PM
You are such a ranting Nutter. Go to bed and sleep it off you T.W.A.T.

25. Johnny Rotten
Feb 9, 2024 8:28 PM
So you are not a very good Catholic then?

26. Johnny Rotten
Feb 9, 2024 8:31 PM
Feb 9, 2024 8:26 PM
‘Jer Cough’ Cretin, you are a “Wan Car”.

Nothing abnormal here at all. All is fine.

Top Ender
Top Ender
February 9, 2024 8:44 pm

It’s like Peter Pan in here – all this tick, tick, ticking.

Has anyone seen the crocodile that ate Captain Hook’s hand?

February 9, 2024 8:45 pm

👍 👍

February 9, 2024 8:45 pm

Mother Lode
Feb 9, 2024 1:36 PM

I gather the upticks and downticks are going to be consigned to perdition.

ML, my only problem with people asking for arguments/reasons instead of downticking is that some of the posts have nothing more than emotional content, self promotion etc.
Some are just classroom, workplace smartarsery, every place has those, best ignored.
Yes, both kinds do exists on this blog, despite all the protestations.

How do you reply to those posts without pointing out the poster’s objectionable personal traits?

That can be more hurtful than a simple downtick.
My opinion of course.

February 9, 2024 8:45 pm

I didn;t get this in time.

27. Johnny Rotten
Feb 9, 2024 8:40 PM

So where are you you Wimp?

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
February 9, 2024 8:46 pm

Has anyone seen the crocodile that ate Captain Hook’s hand?

Ask Calli.
Oops, thems is alligators, not crocodiles.
I was amused that we actually have alligators in the wider Ncl area.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
February 9, 2024 8:47 pm

Woddenhead’s incredible contribution

Pretty sure if you mention ‘part time bovver boy’, and particularly if you ask for an explanation of what exactly that entailed, the ‘bovver boy’ goes strangely quiet.

It’s a conundrum. A riddle, wrapped in an enigma.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
February 9, 2024 8:47 pm

Top Ender
Feb 9, 2024 8:44 PM

Ex – Pusser, at my local R.S.L. declares your book on the sinking of H.M.A.S. Sydney, “bloody good reading.”

John H.
John H.
February 9, 2024 8:47 pm

Taiwan has a secret doomsday plan for China

When your greatest triumph is your greatest weakness.

The problem with a saturation missile attack is that there is too much time for missile intercept from land and air hardware. What about a B21 stealth bomber loaded with a MOAB(mother of all bombs) and\or JDAMs(precision guided munitions?

Top Ender
Top Ender
February 9, 2024 8:47 pm
February 9, 2024 8:49 pm

Feb 9, 2024 8:43 PM
Woddenhead’s incredible contribution this evening

As if all your bile tonight copied into one post wouldn’t be worse.
God help us if you had to read through an entire week of your petty, relentless boring snide shite directed at all and sundry.
And you enjoy it.
You must, otherwise why keep it up. Every. Single. Day.
It’s vile. You are vile.

Top Ender
Top Ender
February 9, 2024 8:49 pm

Please thank that fellow for me Zulu.

It was good fun researching it.

Am doing one on a Japanese submarine I think is sunk off Coffs Harbour.

February 9, 2024 8:53 pm

The officer-in-charge of the investigation conceded in cross-examination the complainant’s memory of that was incorrect. The CCTV showed Beale entering the bathroom, followed by the woman, who then exited after about four-and-a-half minutes.

Memory? It’s perjury!

February 9, 2024 8:54 pm

Feb 9, 2024 8:49 PM

As if all your bile tonight copied into one post wouldn’t be worse.
God help us if you had to read through an entire week of your petty, relentless boring snide shite directed at all and sundry.
And you enjoy it.
You must, otherwise why keep it up. Every. Single. Day.
It’s vile. You are vile.

I dunno, I think you’re pretty vile yourself – more so. A short while ago you wanted me to call you and now I’m the vilest creature. Go figure.

Your comments are dumb drivel with zero understanding of facts. Even your comments supporting Ukraine makes me wonder what I got wrong.

February 9, 2024 8:55 pm

Set up a movie soundtrack thread (:

Ahem, Ticklers … 🙂

Salvatore, Iron Publican
February 9, 2024 8:55 pm

Please Roger or another wordwright correct me if I’m mistaken, isn’t the phrase: Butcher’s hook.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
February 9, 2024 8:58 pm

FitzSimian lists the 10 types of people he doesn’t like:

Pretentious wankers, like FitzSimian.

February 9, 2024 9:00 pm

The Yarks and JC insulting each other interminably, again.

FFS, just give it a rest.

There are many more worthwhile topics you could both be engaging in.

For example, the Pute, being the monster that he is.

And BTW, how soon is now, I asks ya? 🙂

February 9, 2024 9:01 pm

If you’re looking for forgiveness speak to God. I don’t forgive.

Neither do we.

February 9, 2024 9:02 pm
February 9, 2024 9:04 pm


Stop playing it down the middle. He insulted me first and I’ve replied since. Secondly, he often said he skips my comments because they aren’t worthy of his incredible intellect, but now it appears he doesn’t skip my comments. Go figure.

February 9, 2024 9:06 pm

Feb 9, 2024 9:01 PM

If you’re looking for forgiveness speak to God. I don’t forgive.

Neither do we.

Good, keep it that way. I’m hopeful that one of these days, you’re going to make an interesting comment. One time. It’s all we ask. You fake.

Salvatore, Iron Publican
February 9, 2024 9:06 pm

I’ve a feeling Fitzsimian would consider me a match to Four of the Seven types he doesn’t ‘like’

In his eyes I’d be:
1) Climate change “denier”
2) Anti-Trans.
3) Anti-ABC.
4) Racist & Sexist.

I scored 57% – woo hoo! Fitzsimian “dislikes” me. I’d be perturbed were it any other way.

February 9, 2024 9:09 pm

Pedro FitzSimians lists the 10 types of people he doesn’t like:

French Rugby Players
Izzy Folau types (who also generally play rugby)
Rugby League players
South African bouncers
Book retailers
Allegedly conservative politicians
Ozzies living outside of major cities
Uppity blacks, women and anyone else who doesn’t agree with his ridiculous half baked o’pinions on any subject he opens his big stupid gob about

Note, nowhere in that definitive top ten is his woife, the amphibian of Mosman, mentioned, even obliquely …

Very mysterious and suspicious. 😕

February 9, 2024 9:10 pm

Hilarious. The dog is still foaming at the mouth having been severely outwitted and beaten tonight. We need more of it.

February 9, 2024 9:11 pm

He insulted me first and I’ve replied since.

You’re a victim.

Salvatore, Iron Publican
February 9, 2024 9:13 pm

Not subscribing to Fitzsimons’ wanky wokester views on Trannies (blokes should be allowed into the ladies dunnies), Race relations (Yes to the Voice), & AGW (we should go bonkers over install ruinables enery) =/= being “anti” those things.

When it comes to the ABC however, I’m guilty as charged of being “Anti” & proud of it.

February 9, 2024 9:14 pm

Feb 9, 2024 8:45 PM

I envy you from the depths of my being!

Where did you find those?

February 9, 2024 9:16 pm

Victim, whatever. Nothing you ever say is or much importance anyway.

Feb 9, 2024 9:10 PM

Hilarious. The dog is still foaming at the mouth having been severely outwitted and beaten tonight. We need more of it.

Demon number 3 comes out to play. A combined 3 years on the old blog and now here with nothing to ever say, butJust throwing abuse at Liz and now trying that with me. And he now calls himself a winner. A feral winner.

Agree Kez?

February 9, 2024 9:17 pm

Thanks Tinta, John H. and any others.
It’s strange how we often think we’re the only ones who just can’t ‘pull it all together’ isn’t it? How we perceive others – even strangers we’ve met only as pixels – as living lives of balance and perfection. Humans are weird. Fascinating, complex and troubled, capable of extremes of behaviour at both poles, but certainly weird.

‘Night all.
‘Take it easy’ as a neighbour would say to me decades ago.
I didn’t know what he meant then; perhaps nothing, but also perhaps ‘Take it easy on yourself. Let go of the habit of self-criticism.’

February 9, 2024 9:18 pm

UHow do you reply to those posts without pointing out the poster’s objectionable personal traits?

Perhaps you do nothing. I have found that to be best.

February 9, 2024 9:18 pm

JC – again, I’m just (vainly it seems), trying to stick some big fat peace up the fundaments of various warring parties. 😕

Salvatore, Iron Publican
February 9, 2024 9:21 pm

Muddy, I hope you have the opportunity to administer some freedom to Qld Health.
Preferably repeatedly, in the form of an oversized suppository.
I’m pleased you shared your update this evening. Many of us are what could be termed: “Muddy-adjacent”

February 9, 2024 9:21 pm

Time for some real quality television.
MAFS crap for me.

Little Nicky is on

Salvatore, Iron Publican
February 9, 2024 9:23 pm

trying to stick some big fat peace up the fundaments of various warring parties

Rabz, there’s one party & one party only requiring a big fat piece shoved up their fundament.

February 9, 2024 9:23 pm

No biggie Rabz.

February 9, 2024 9:25 pm

Hey Dipstick. NATO and the EU does not have the Industrial might of Russia right now.

NATO/EU has an industrial capacity 30 times that of Russia, roughly equal to the difference in real GDP.

Look it up.

February 9, 2024 9:26 pm

Muddy, never forget those who put you through this shit.
And those who downplayed it because it didn’t impact them.

February 9, 2024 9:27 pm

Feb 9, 2024 8:53 PM
The officer-in-charge of the investigation conceded in cross-examination the complainant’s memory of that was incorrect.

Senior Constable Christina Tesoriero didn’t even interview ear and eyewitnesses before charging Beale.

She deserves to be severely disciplined.

February 9, 2024 9:27 pm

Have you watched the interview, Do? I couldn’t go past the first 15 mins listening to the Russian history lesson.

Salvatore, Iron Publican
February 9, 2024 9:27 pm

Whoops, 8.30, gotta zoom, hafta buy some stuff from Coles afore they close.
Cross fingers for tonight – I don’t wany anyone knocked out & their head being pounded repeatedly into the concrete.
It is quite confronting to see & there’s always worry that serious head injuries have been sustained, or heaven forbid, someone’s been killed.

Plus the minor issue of how hard it will be to drag the perp off before any more damage gets done.

February 9, 2024 9:28 pm

Do = Dot

February 9, 2024 9:28 pm

Been a less than ideal start to the year.
The latest series of Fargo was crap.
The latest series of True Detective is crap.
The first episode of the new Curb Your Enthusiasm season was pure turd.

Now the ticks are going away.

February 9, 2024 9:29 pm

The officer-in-charge of the investigation conceded in cross-examination the complainant’s memory of that was incorrect. The CCTV showed Beale entering the bathroom, followed by the woman, who then exited after about four-and-a-half minutes.

One wonders what the complaint involved.

“KB Troofer’s Lager pursued me into the toilets…”

If someone made a complaint in a timely manner and was wrong then too, why weren’t questions asked, let alone see if she was of a sound mind?

I think I can correct another part of the testimony: You’re married, I’m engaged but oi I wanna flurk you so bad in the ladies, Mr Breal.

Abusing the legal system like this is arguably worse than plain old malicious perjury.

February 9, 2024 9:30 pm

Going grocery shopping is now a hot topic at the Cat. Let’s be thankful it’s one of his most interesting since before Christmas.

February 9, 2024 9:34 pm

Senior Constable Christina Tesoriero didn’t even interview ear and eyewitnesses before charging Beale.

She deserves to be severely disciplined.

Thanks baba.

It’s utterly incredible this absurd incompetence (perhaps maliciousness as well) is tolerated.

When I said the DPP and cops needed a purge, no, I wasn’t kidding.

Professionalism, a commitment to the truth and the pursuit of justice tempered with an aversion to overzealous prosecution ought to be the bare minimum.

These well paid, highly competitive positions after all.

February 9, 2024 9:35 pm

Bolto the Beautiful™? would be proud o’ me! 🙂

February 9, 2024 9:37 pm

Have you watched the interview, Do? I couldn’t go past the first 15 mins listening to the Russian history lesson.

I read most of the transcript.

In 1991, every single a Ukrainian province voted in favour of Ukrainian independence.

Russian history is irrelevant.

February 9, 2024 9:37 pm

You’re married, I’m engaged but oi I wanna flurk you so bad in the ladies, Mr Breal.

She followed him into the men’s bathroom where the incident took place.

How TF did this ever go past the prod seeing the security camera footage?

February 9, 2024 9:38 pm

Not prod.

February 9, 2024 9:38 pm

Cats, nothing like a rogue question mark to make you wish you were, the Pute.

February 9, 2024 9:39 pm

Feb 9, 2024 9:27 PM
Have you watched the interview, Do? I couldn’t go past the first 15 mins listening to the Russian history lesson

You prove time after time on here to have the attention span of a newt.
What was that advert you quoted as proof of your knowledge of battery chemistry? Mercedes?
You numpty.

February 9, 2024 9:41 pm

CCTV showed Beale entering the bathroom, followed by the woman, who then exited after about four-and-a-half minutes.

Some magnificent work by a “two minute man” evidently.

February 9, 2024 9:44 pm

You prove time after time on here to have the attention span of a newt.
What was that advert you quoted as proof of your knowledge of battery chemistry? Mercedes?
You numpty.

What’s my knowledge of battery chemistry? What’s yours? And what advert was that, dickhead? Remind us, as making an assertion like that would require at least some factual basis.

Hopefully, you’ve got up to speed on the various facets on he science of combustion, you nincompoop.

February 9, 2024 9:46 pm

It’s like Snoop said, Rabz:

Leave your number on the cabinet
And I promise, baby, I’ll give you a call
Next time I’m feelin’ kinda horny
You can come on over, and I’ll break you off

February 9, 2024 9:50 pm

What’s my knowledge of battery chemistry? What’s yours? And what advert was that, dickhead?

Forgot what you said? Bad comprehension. Bad attention span. …and also apparently, bad memory.
I think after they took your appendix out they threw away the wrong f*ing piece,

February 9, 2024 9:53 pm

Fitzsimmons and his skank are pieces of shit; his best work:

Peter FitzSimons vs the French

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
February 9, 2024 9:53 pm

One thing’s for sure.

That tart accusing Beale of skullduggery should be on the next season of MAFS.

If the abovementioned matters – NSWPlod failing to interview witnesses and so on – are correct, then this will fall straight into the bucket of the obsolete ‘believe all women’ credo that is apparently still fashionable amongst jack agencies, and is absolutely and unambiguously appalling.

The NSW DPP don’t get to skate on this either, because they can either take the case on or not. Once again, they have chosen to take the path of least resistance and go ‘let the jury decide’ regardless of the financial and reputational cost to the bloke involved.

Across the country, that is not how it should be, it is most certainly not what it was and should be rectified toot goddamn suite.

‘He forced me to give him oral sex’

Unless a bloke’s holding a weapon to a ladeee’s forehead, this is absolute bullshit and should have been recognised as such months ago.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
February 9, 2024 9:56 pm

He forced me to give him oral sex’

“I bit. Hard.”

Louis Litt
Louis Litt
February 9, 2024 9:58 pm

Over at the Wentworth Report the latest story has Michael J stick Mann convincing the jury that sinberg and Michael Steyn had acted with malice against Mann.
Mann did not win his case about proving j curve theory re global warming.
The judge awarded damages to Mann of $1 on this issue.

The judge handed down the proof to his theory was poor.

What the jury agreed with was singberg and Steyn acted with malice, the way they spoke about Mann, so sinberg had to pay $1,000 while Steyn had to pay $1 million.

Man’s lawyer said climate change deniers need to be eradicated and drew parallels to trumps election denial.

I hope Steyn has a fund me page.

It’s clear, ridd lost on how be spoke of his colleagues, trump re malice to the latest demo chick, now Steyn and sinberg – spoke malice.

Silence this is the roarin 20s again.

February 9, 2024 10:01 pm

Have you forgotten what you said?

Strangely, despite the fact that you “forgot” what I said, you are aware of its flaws. Furthermore, since you claim that I forgot what I said, I should acknowledge that it was incorrect and refrain from responding.

Once again, this comes off as a thoughtful, logical remark from you.

Poor understanding. A short attention span.and, it seems, poor memory as well.

But you forgot what I mentioned and can’t link to what I sourced.

I believe that the wrong f*ing component was thrown away after your appendix was removed.

Perhaps. I suppose anything is possible, including you forgetting.

And with this kind of unbearable stupidity, I’m being painted as a bad guy for pointing out stupid shit.

February 9, 2024 10:01 pm

Johnny, what’s happening to you ?
You’re turning into Sid.

February 9, 2024 10:02 pm

Beale joins along list of victims of female lying:


February 9, 2024 10:04 pm

A question (and answer) posed by jupes, many moons ago:

Who is the Burt Bacharach of the 21st century? There isn’t one.

Cats – Will there ever be one?

February 9, 2024 10:06 pm

Let’s got back to the intelligent comment you posted at the Lollipop Cat. You know the site. The one you claimed was right for you and you leaving here for good, obviously because people here refused to recognize your brilliance.

You said, that we “buy imports at below cost”. Recall that?

Can you explain to us riff raff how it’s possibe that we buy imports below cost and if so, why is that a problem?

February 9, 2024 10:15 pm

The Steyn Judgment can be appealed but it was a bad move by Mark to self represent.

Mann will be even more insufferable. The lie of AGW continues.

February 9, 2024 10:21 pm


Over 12 years, legal fees would likely have approached US$ 1 million. He’s probably net square now in terms of costs.

February 9, 2024 10:23 pm

Feb 9, 2024 10:01 PM
Have you forgotten what you said?

Strangely, despite the fact that you “forgot” what I said, you are aware of its flaws. Furthermore, since you claim that I forgot what I said, I should acknowledge that it was incorrect and refrain from responding

Blimming heck. Are you having a brain bleed?
Get your wife to call an ambulance or at least check your pupil response.

February 9, 2024 10:24 pm

The 1987 waterfront archaeological museum.
Worth a visit despite sparsity.
The audioguide told me in its fine British accent with correct pronunciation of anything Italian or French that the ground floor was supposed to be the exhibition space with upstairs for admin and research but the discovery of the remains of multiple Roman boats destroyed by the Vandals in around 450 AD put paid to that. They silted up the harbour and it stayed that way for many centuries.
Oblia has had many, many colonisers, growing and shrinking in turn, under the rule of Sardinia by the Aragonese, with their focus on the West shrunk to a population of under 300 between 1500 and 1700.
Most of the old cities are under the modern one.
I figured that on the basis I was staying on Roman Baths street with a funny old bit of granite perched at the entrance to my little apartment.
Still, worth an hour with the English audio guide for the potted 5000 years of history alone.
And it’s free.

Bruce in WA
February 9, 2024 10:29 pm

Fitzsimmons and his skank are pieces of shit; his best work:

Peter FitzSimons vs the French

I know, I’m a bad person … but Lord I chuckled!

February 9, 2024 10:31 pm

Blimming heck. Are you having a brain bleed?
Get your wife to call an ambulance or at least check your pupil response.

Dickhead, you pose a broad claim to me crafted in a negative way and I was supposed to have made long ago of which I have no recollection and you want me to respond without any prompting about the facts. Are you on drugs?

And now you reply with a typical NPC comment. Either post with more detail or STFU and respond to the “below cost” zinger.

pete m
pete m
February 9, 2024 10:33 pm

JC – Mann has not paid his lawyers $1. All funded by big anti-oil.

Appalling decision by the jury but DC so what do you expect?

Mann failed to prove malice or damage. Case should have been dismissed – if not by Supreme Court then by trial judge. Highly prejudicial they got in evidence without proof authenticity.

Steyn self -rep’d but only due to not being able to afford a lawyer.

He did poorly continually comparing US legal system with Canada and UK – wasted everyone’s time and would have got on jury’s nerves completely.

February 9, 2024 10:38 pm

Pete , I know the bald, poisonous little cherub was funded by arseholes. Sad day on that score.

February 9, 2024 10:40 pm

I have no recollection

That’s the concern.
Entire conversations from not that long ago missing from your memory. Then there is this:

Strangely, despite the fact that you “forgot” what I said, you are aware of its flaws. Furthermore, since you claim that I forgot what I said, I should acknowledge that it was incorrect and refrain from responding

Seriously. You aren’t making sense at this point.
Get help.

February 9, 2024 10:43 pm

You’re a victim

of his own stupidity

February 9, 2024 10:48 pm

Okay Juan. I must be impaired because I can’t recall the comment. Let’s now head to the “below cost” shtick.

February 9, 2024 10:48 pm

Feb 9, 2024 9:18 PM

UHow do you reply to those posts without pointing out the poster’s objectionable personal traits?

Perhaps you do nothing. I have found that to be best.

I suppose that is one way, but one might as well not come here at all if making a negative response is verboten.

Cassie of Sydney
February 9, 2024 10:49 pm

but it was a bad move by Mark to self represent.

A catastrophic move, a sure way to make both judge and jury really, really cross.

February 9, 2024 10:49 pm

Watching da idiot box.

Looks like the ADF is gearing up for a meat sack drive, a male voiceover, all “things”, direct material benefits, no mistaking it for a tampon ad…

I’m not dying for a boo boo from Little Russia, not even Mia Maievsky.

February 9, 2024 10:51 pm
February 9, 2024 10:51 pm

Always good to have Trans on side. Derivative, sophistic, hegelistic and highly insightful.

February 9, 2024 10:55 pm

A catastrophic move, a sure way to make both judge and jury really, really cross

Steyn would have lost the case regardless and his legal fees would have been more than US $1 million.

f*cking gerbil worming – the monstrous stinking corpse that just will not die.

February 9, 2024 10:58 pm

below cost”


Universal Postal Union treaty negotiations

The UPU meets every few years to renegotiate its treaty. They try to ensure that it is economically feasible for someone in a developing country to send international mail. To do this, the UPU countries by economic development status. It charges lower terminal fees to economically disadvantaged nations.

The agreement that took effect in 2018 raised terminal fees for some developing countries with strong economies, including China. However, the higher fees still don’t cover the full cost for the US Postal Service to deliver these parcels.

February 9, 2024 11:01 pm
February 9, 2024 11:04 pm

Let’s now head to the “below cost” shtick.

What’s the point? By tomorrow you’ll have forgotten the exchange and be ready to rage at some other poor sod.
But it sure as hell doesn’t hurt them to be able to ship all over the world with subsidised postal rates.
Anyway, globalism is dying.
Wake up and smell the change.
Your “free trade” days with the worst regimes on the planet are ending. Thank Christ.

February 9, 2024 11:05 pm


You weren’t talking about mail/mail deliveries. Obviously you’re impaired because you were suggesting Australia buys imports at below cost and nothing to do with mail services.

February 9, 2024 11:10 pm


Over 12 years, legal fees would likely have approached US$ 1 million. He’s probably net square now in terms of costs.

In the US system Mann will not automatically get his costs from Steyn but he may. This is a terrible result. AGW is a filthy lie and this will keep it going.

February 9, 2024 11:10 pm

JC, tell us the one about the Houthi Tooties again

diplomacy and negotiation is your strong-point right?

February 9, 2024 11:15 pm

Wally Dalí Feb 9, 2024 8:16 PM

You really are a lacklustre, personage, wallee.

If you’re going to post pictures of certain young womanages, then at least make them worthwhile to look at, FFS.

Miss Eva

Miss Eva II (no need to buy her a pony, it would seem)

February 9, 2024 11:15 pm
February 9, 2024 11:19 pm

You weren’t talking about mail/mail deliveries.

Are you brain dead?
Transport isn’t a cost?
Maybe you can tell me which costs you want me to be talking about.
Presumably only the ones for which there is no current evidence of Chinese cheating.
How about research and development costs? No wait, they systematically conduct industrial espionage and intellectual property theft.
Labour costs? Oh wait, they enslave whole regions and use slave labour.
Maybe you tell me which costs you want to discuss so we can help you have a win.

February 9, 2024 11:20 pm
February 9, 2024 11:20 pm

What’s the point?

Because it was one of the most ridiculous, mouth-gaping, stupid comments I’ve read in a very long time.

By tomorrow you’ll have forgotten the exchange and be ready to rage at some other poor sod.

I don’t think so, because this one is a zinger.

But it sure as hell doesn’t hurt them to be able to ship all over the world with subsidised postal rates.

You weren’t talking about subsidized postal rates. You specifically mentioned imports.

Anyway, globalism is dying.

Supply chains are moving around, but I’m not sure global trade is “dying.” If it were, we’d be on the same economic plane as Mali with our robust, business-friendly labor laws.

Wake up and smell the change.

I’ll try.

Your “free trade” days with the worst regimes on the planet are ending. Thank Christ.

Oh yes, because import substitution worked so well here in Australia and especially in New Zealand. We make nafink, even though we’re at the top of global mining and close to the top in gas exports.

A smart guy like you should be able to take advantage of this “dying” and build a huge import substitution business (out of the “dying).”. You could be our version of Elon Musk.

Show us how it’s done in the current environment.


February 9, 2024 11:24 pm

Are you brain dead?
Transport isn’t a cost?
Maybe you can tell me which costs you want me to be talking about.
Presumably only the ones for which there is no current evidence of Chinese cheating.
How about research and development costs? No wait, they systematically conduct industrial espionage and intellectual property theft.
Labour costs? Oh wait, they enslave whole regions and use slave labour.
Maybe you tell me which costs you want to discuss so we can help you have a win.

You weren’t talking about transport services. You were talking about imports ie what we buy from overseas. You were suggesting that we should ignore the higher cost of domestic production, close down our ports in imported goods and make nearly everything here. It’s about one of the dumbest things I’ve ever read and could only have come from you because you’re basically a dumbarse way over his head.

February 9, 2024 11:29 pm

You were suggesting that we should ignore the higher cost of domestic production, close down our ports in imported goods and make nearly everything here.

Only in your diseased brain.
You could only possibly genuinely think this is my case if you have completely forgotten literally hours of conversation we have had on the topic.
Get help.
At this point I feel like this is elder abuse.
Totter off old fella.
You’re done.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
February 9, 2024 11:29 pm

“Sliante” to all you horrible mob. I offer the lyrics of the IMMORTAL Brian Cadd!

February 9, 2024 11:35 pm

Only in your diseased brain.
You could only possibly genuinely think this is my case if you have completely forgotten literally hours of conversation we have had on the topic.
Get help.
At this point I feel like this is elder abuse.
Totter off old fella.
You’re done.

Not just me, we’ve been mocking your stupid idea since the time you posted that ridiculous sludge, but now of course you’re refusing to admit to it. Par for the course for you, because your sensitive ego can’t take it.

Anyways, I think it’s enough for now.

You can’t provide enough detail of the comment I was supposed to have made about EV Mercedes and now denying the comment about “buying imports below cost”. Thought leadership at his best.

February 9, 2024 11:53 pm

now denying the comment about “buying imports below cost”. Thought leadership at his best.

Not denied.
You just don’t like it when I list the actual costs being gamed.
Because somehow in your tiny brain the absolute worst regimes on the planet will front up to your ideologically constructed “free trade” fantasy in good faith.
Well, most everyone else has after the last few years actually figured it out.
Why haven’t you?

February 9, 2024 11:56 pm

You can’t provide enough detail of the comment I was supposed to have made about EV Mercedes

Yes. You have totally forgotten sledging the shit out of Bruce of Newcastle for weeks on end with your expertise gathered off some Mercedes advertising copy.
Just like you will forget this sad evenings ranting garbage.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
February 10, 2024 12:00 am

And I will never apologise for something I didn’t do.

Depends, Calli. In general, ues. But there are sins of omission too, of not acting or of staying quiet when one should not be.

We are perilously close to a re-run of the thirties at present, as Douglas Murray noted on Rita Panahi’s show tonight. So many people who could have done so didn’t speak up against a growing anti-Semitism. Among other things.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
February 10, 2024 12:02 am

Good night, all. Witching hour. A weekend thread calls?

Have a good weekend.

February 10, 2024 12:15 am

Not denied.

Dissembling then. It took several comments to finally arrive at this point of non-denial.

You just don’t like it when I list the actual costs being gamed.

Why should any consumer care what costs are being “gamed” when comparing prices, you thick-head?

Because somehow in your tiny brain the absolute worst regimes on the planet will front up to your ideologically constructed “free trade” fantasy in good faith.

Just because your freaking in-laws live in Taiwan doesn’t give you any right to be moralizing to people about what goods they should be buying. If you don’t want to buy Chinese, Indian, Vietnamese, European, or US goods, you have choices. Avail yourself of that and STFU with your sermons.

Well, most everyone else has after the last few years actually figured it out.
Why haven’t you?

I haven’t figured out what exactly, that your comments are dense. I figured that out a long time ago. Your economic views would turn this place into an (economic) basket case just like Juan Peron.

More pertinently, if you don’t wish to buy imports from the ‘worst regimes”, then why don’t you start moralizing about not exporting mining and other assorted commodities to these worst regimes? We enjoy a very lopsided trade surplus with China. Do a sermon about immediately stopping all exports to China, and I’m sure you would receive a warm welcome by the Greens party.

Mark Bolton
February 10, 2024 12:16 am

Thanks Folks ,

I enjoy scrolling through these convos just to see where you are with these topics of conversation. Sometimes some of you do throw really great links and for that I am most trully greatful .

As Per the recent conversation as to all this unedifying ad hom vitriol. I can see where it came from. It has evolved from what was once a bit of “spicey rough and tumble” into now what has turned into an un edifying infantile sledgefest that serves none of you well.

What is even more corrosive to your presumptive purpose , when you , little ruffians get all excited and pile on, what happens is you derail the blog. All the folks who would be minded to engage in a civilized conversation go off and make a cup of tea and dont come back.

Sure you get to blow off some steam and glory in your’e red hot badinage . But all you have done is killed (or at least stunned for a few hours) a discussion by you being boring.

It isnt my blog, You Guys Live here , I dont . I am just pointing this out in so far as a helpful and well meant suggestion might help improve the atmosphere.


February 10, 2024 12:24 am

Why should any consumer care what costs are being “gamed” when comparing prices, you thick-head?

So you finally admit that the costs are being gamed?
So I was originally right now, according to you.
So now you clunkily shift from “ha ha ha dickhead claims costs are being gamed”. To “ha ha ha dickhead doesn’t understand that it doesn’t matter what costs are gamed or how it shafts local producers”.
Do you see why no one with a properly functioning brain wants to debate someone like you who uses these stupid tactics? Especially as you are kind of a thicko anyway?

February 10, 2024 12:26 am

Yes. You have totally forgotten sledging the shit out of Bruce of Newcastle for weeks on end with your expertise gathered off some Mercedes advertising copy.

No I haven’t forgotten at all.

Have you forgotten the abuse you directed to Cassie, for which after years you recently offered a groveling apology?

Just like you will forget this sad evenings ranting garbage.

Your comments are garbage, which is why you’re mocked frequently. You’re economic views belong in the garbage can.

You’re social views are mostly hogwash too. Recall the positive comments toward Duarte in the Philippines? 30,000 people dead -mostly murdered in cold blood. Thought leadership with attitude.

February 10, 2024 12:32 am

So you finally admit that the costs are being gamed?

Saying consumer don’t give a shit, doesn’t mean I admit something is gamed, you hollow skull ed nincompoop.

So I was originally right now, according to you.

You’ve never been right about a single thing.

So now you clunkily shift from “ha ha ha dickhead claims costs are being gamed”. To “ha ha ha dickhead doesn’t understand that it doesn’t matter what costs are gamed or how it shafts local producers”.

WTF, you’re drunk.

Do you see why no one with a properly functioning brain wants to debate someone like you who uses these stupid tactics? Especially as you are kind of a thicko anyway?

Lord, you’re a freaking moron. You have nothing substantial as a rebuttal and go into a low IQ dissembling mode because your tiny little ego can’t take being wrong. Now piss off as I’m done with you, you clown.

February 10, 2024 12:47 am

Got it.
Chinese imports aren’t being subsidised by the global postal agreement. Chinese wage costs aren’t artificially low because they enslave minorities. And Chinese research and development costs aren’t less than ours due to industrial espionage and IP theft. But in case it was it doesn’t matter because “consumers” aren’t also taxpayers and employers and citizens who will be asked to send their sons off to die when it all turns to shit.
And you can’t see that shifting your argument (argument in the loosest possible sense) here makes me the hollow skull.
Listen moron. They gambled. They gambled that favouring China would pay off geopolitically on the long term. Almost everyone has woken up that it hasn’t paid off, will never pay off and continuing the same policies is potentially fatal.
Only the most brain diseased ideological imbecile hasn’t woken up to the threat by now.

H B Bear
H B Bear
February 10, 2024 1:01 am
February 10, 2024 3:12 am

Oh piss off you depressed moron. You have no idea what you’re talking about. If you were really sincere in your beliefs you’d be agitating against exports as well as imports to places like China, but you’re not.

For years you’ve been talking about how we make nafink and it would be a good idea to place quotas and tariffs on all imports, not just Chinese made goods. It’s the intellectual level of someone bordering on retardation. We’re a trading nation not North Korea or Peronist Argentina.

We specialise in maximising our scarce resources in those industries that offer the best returns. Going downstream would make us poorer.

That’s something you’ve never understood. It’s all doom and gloom for you because that’s your nature.

February 10, 2024 7:05 am




With respect to upticks and downticks or thumbs up and down, why not just keep the thumbs up? They are useful in seeing what’s interesting to read when in a hurry to catch up with a thread. As explained by others, it also gives the commenter an indication what others think who may not have anything else to add. Downticks or thumbs down were not helpful and will not be missed.

February 10, 2024 7:06 am

What are the MORE in my previous comment and where did they come from?

Peter Greagg
Peter Greagg
February 10, 2024 8:33 am

Been away from the Cat for a couple of days and scrolled back.
Not sure what to say?

Anyway, thanks to Dover for this (usually) magnificent blog.

In entertainment news, I went to an Ian Moss acoustic concert last night (in Canberra).
As usual, Ian was fantastic.

In other news, Netflicks has a great Australian movie on it “The Big Dry”, with Eric Bana.
Excellent drama with many red herrings.
Worth having a look IMO.

Peter Greagg
Peter Greagg
February 10, 2024 8:37 am

Also read Night, which is very harrowing but well worth reading.
“Night is a 1960 memoir by Elie Wiesel based on his Holocaust experiences with his father in the Nazi German concentration camps at Auschwitz and Buchenwald” Wikapedia citation.

Winston Smith
February 10, 2024 5:36 pm

Feb 9, 2024 11:38 AM
Feb 9, 2024 11:28 AM

Perhaps someone can shine a light into the darkness of my knowledge of such matters:
Can the blog owner identify the source of upticks & downticks?

Why and what would it matter?
Might as well publish email addies then.

Because it’s a matter of trust, and someone is abusing that trust.

Winston Smith
February 10, 2024 7:37 pm


Reminds me though, hope Elsie is still doing well, Winston.
Duty of Care to absent owner owed there while he’s Gonzo-ing in the US.
Send him some home videos; nothing like getting a view of a loved kit when far from home. Awwww. He looks so happy in his liddle basket And doing some stretches in his fave spot under the table. Awwww.

I’ve sent a few photos, but that’s not the same.
I’ve never emailed a video, Lizzie. I suppose I could try, but aren’t there restrictions on size?
I’ll give it a try.

Winston Smith
February 10, 2024 8:01 pm


Feb 9, 2024 3:31 PM
The way Biden spat at Doocy.
Pure dementia.
There was real anger and shock when the whole press room started yelling him.
First time it’s happened.
Why did he walk off and then come back and perform even worse ?
No wonder Anderson Cooper was doing everything but shaking his head.

That was the dementia coming out. I’ve long predicted that he will have a public meltdown that will shock America and it will be physical.
He is losing self control by the month.

Winston Smith
February 10, 2024 8:08 pm

Salvatore, Iron Publican

Feb 9, 2024 3:56 PM
Sancho@ 3.40 PM has provided sane advice:
Sans up/down ticks, we simply return to “Calli@ 11.59 PM +1? or Calli@ 11.59 PM -1”

Valid point, however the page would need a different setting out, I think. It would need to be a wider print margin to cut down the lines.

Winston Smith
February 10, 2024 10:16 pm


I’m still here though, and if I have nothing else (apart from a loyal dog), I have resilience.

A dog and resilience will get you a long way, Muddy

  1. Regarding the World Trade Centercollapse: I have it on impeccable (hush-hush) authority that the primary hijackers on BOTH aircraft had given…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x