Mark Dice commentary about Valentine’s Day. OF COURSE THEY ARE!
Mark Dice commentary about Valentine’s Day. OF COURSE THEY ARE!
Triples, trailers are about another 1700 each
Similar, shoulder joint rooted after a vigorous … Sleep. I’m going drugs and rest, I suspect tendon or bursitis as…
I claim this thread, in the name of the Scottish squatters, in the Riverina, in the 1850’s, who introduced Scotch Whisky into Australia. There should, at the least, be a memorial of some sort.
Partial transcript of Tucker’s Putin interview
In the efficient 21st century Australian Army the requirement to actually shoot an unarmed person has been dispensed with & you’ll be declared a war criminal even if the ABC & the army legal ladies have to get phone-in testimony from Afghanistan sworn on a whole stack of Quran’s by a dozen different Taliban operatives.
Occupying the vacated no. 4 spot.
..and the Lord said to Moses “Come forth”. Moses came fifth and lost his pocket-money for the week.
Or poissibly no.5.
Maybe no.8. Bowling all-rounder.
It’ll be a good day Charles carks it.
Short story about a man who remembered everything by Borges.
Only few pages in length, a great read to stretch the mind a little on whats possible.
I can provide multiple empty bottles.
Good post by Digger on old thread regarding Lambie voting against inquiry into excess deaths.
Need more grass roots people campaigning to let politicians know how they feel.
Johannes Leak.
Mark Knight.
David Pope.
Brett Lethbridge.
Christian Adams.
Michael Ramirez TDS.
A.F. Branco.
Matt Margolis.
There was a post here on the old OF about the removal of a TV/radio mast and equipment it the US.
I have looked up the article and find it suspicious at least, utterly unbelievable to be honest.
I have some experience with transmitting towers and TV/Radio stations.
A radio/tv station that is on the air and experiencing some of its equipment being removed and not not noticing???
I smell a rat here, to dismantle the transmitting gear should have been a clue.
To dismantle the tower in a short time is quite possible but not without someone noticing it.
All it takes is to decide which side it will fall, cut the guy wires, use an angle grinder on the steel work and there you go.
Taking it down the way it was put up would take ages.
To do all this in secret?
Give us a break.
As I said, I smell a rat.
Gary Varvel.
Tom Stiglich.
Al Goodwyn.
Steve Kelley.
Thanks Tom and Happy Friday.
Thanks Tom and apologies for interrupting the ‘toones.
It was bound to happen one day, us early risers are a nuisance.
Good luck wiping the smile from my face. This was great to watch.
Cleetus and Clay:
EPIC SHOWDOWN!!! Millican vs McFarland
Good monring gatti e gattine
I had a very good day yesterday, very nice lunch with friends of half a lifetime at Big Tatts in the City overlooking Hyde Park then in the evening met up with our Big Boy whom we haven’t seen since my unfortunate mishap.
It went really well. He was very concerned about my leg in the Moonboot and kept looking at it. He’d been very well prepared with social stories done by the staff at his residence and reinforced many times by Max, his support worker, so much so that when we arrived our darling boy showed us the sequence and when it was time to leave showed us that he would be going back to HIS home with Max. It was a tearful farewell relieved somewhat by a gift we’d brought with us, in a large box all beautifully wrapped with a big silver bow, he put it in the van and got in, he didn’t just rip it open on the spot which is his usual behaviour – it is a Jordan basketball he’s very good at shooting hoops– when he got back to his home Max sent us a video of him wrapping the gift with great glee.
I am so happy and slept very well knowing that we can now see him much more often without great drama and aggressive behaviour. Time is a great ally in re-shaping behaviour for all of us. It’s been three months since we’ve spent time with him because of my injury anyway we’ve bitten the bullet and it didn’t explode.
Thanks Dover for allowing me to share this little vignette of my life and joy.
Good to see you’re getting some respite Tinta.
We can thank Clive Palmer for Lambie.
I can only compare Clive Palmer’s grotesque dalliance into federal politics in 2013, a dalliance enabled by his volumes of dosh which he splashed around (and continues to splash around) like there’s no tomorrow to the morning after a teenager’s party in a parental home. The parents then spend buckets of money trying to clean up the mess after the party, but no amount of professional cleaning can ever get rid of one big carpet stain.
Lambie’s presence in the senate is that carpet stain that can never be removed.
Friday OT?
Unrivalled sneakiness!
And foist position was foisted upon Wally Dali.
IIRC, the ‘clever country’ concept began when Barry Jones was a Minister. Barry has a photographic memory, coupled with the comceptual skills of a newt whose parents were tactfully advised that he might best be steered into a career in museums,
Since then, State and local governments, overwhelmingly infested by people of at best average intelligence, have enthusiastically embraced the word ‘smart’ in their media profiles. Projects hither and yon are labelled ‘smart.’
They have never heard of the actual meaning of the word. The only meaning these ahistorical nitwits know about is that promulgated by Apple.
It is safe to assume that any public project labelled ‘smart’ is a disaster in the making.
Moo and plenty of emissions to Lizzie and fellow Mean Girl Snob Cassie, from working class Queanbeyan.
Can’t wait to read about Lizzie’s breakfast menu, what the cat did, and how Cassie pretends to be a member of the IDF with volcanic emotions (who cares) while living safely in eastern Sydney.
Stop whining and do something about it!
If the Jewish community really cares and wants to act, what’s stopping them?
Curling up into a ball and demanding sympathy only goes so far. Maybe that’s your culture. It’s not mine, we harden up.
Stop feeling sorry for yourself, if you care about Israel. There are many, many people there who are actually doing it hard, as opposed to some eastern suburbs neurotic needing an extra appointment with her psychiatrist.
All this “I cried” business (in the theatrical sense) is getting very old.
Like your grate frend Liie, it’s all about you.
Thank you Tinta. Beautiful, uplifting story.
You know, it’s early in the morning, a new day, people come here and post comments about what’s going on in this country and the world. But not the resident of the Queanbeyan. No, she wakes up, consumed and obsessed with Lizzie and me, and rushes to post shrill and nasty comments.
It’s really sad.
In the NSW upper house, SFFP MLCs (Mark Banasiak and Robert Borsak) declare their opposition to Alex Greenwich’s abomination Bill (via FB):
Standing by real women defending real women’s rights
Mark and I were happy to talk to and give our support to these brave ladies today standing up for women’s rights.
Last August, Alex Greenwich introduced the Equality Legislation Amendment (LGBTIQA+) Bill 2023, set for debate in NSW Parliament. This extensive bill impacts 20 laws, introducing over 50 provisions and amending 80 sections.
Make no mistake, it threatens religious freedom, endangers children by promoting radical transgender ideology, and compromises women’s safety.
SFF won’t back down. This bill poses one of the biggest threats to our values. We will continue defending our core principles and working tirelessly to ensure its defeat.
#DefendOurValues #EqualityBillDanger
which way will the Liars and SFLs flop?
I heard that unironically used in a sentence mouthed by an APS a few weeks ago, I’m dead because my blood boiled.
Uplifting? That’s different.
Daytime Sky are at it again:
Annaliese and Michael Ware both seem to be excusing Biden’s having classified docs in his unsecured garage, while they accuse Trump of “not returning docs” when asked to do so, or worse, “lying about them”.
Joh, apart from hiring security for synagogues and schools which already happens at great expense, what else should the Jewish community here be looking at?
They have been “demonstrating” at memorials for the murder victims, and agitating for the hostage release. All done within the law.
what’s even more amazing is how she’s allowed to get away with it time and time again.
This is what happens when you have dishonest and corrupt media.
I’m pretty sure I have never ever pretended to be a member of the IDF.
On Sunday 18 February 2024, here in Sydney, there will be a a rally in support of Australia’s Jews. Many Cats will be in attendance at this rally. Will you, Johanna? What’s stopping you from getting into a car, or getting on a plane or bus and coming to Sydney to show solidarity with Australian Jews, to stand with Israel and to condemn Jew hatred? After all, Queanbeyan is only two and a bit hours away.
You know what I think, I think Johanna’s early morning nasty screed above is a sad and unhinged display of jealousy, anger and loneliness.
Tinta, anyone who whinges about their lot in life should be referred to yours.
That you and the Sunbather have not succumbed to self-pity and victimology is inspirational,
I hope that you win Lotto!
I had been wondering about Tinta’s dear Big Boy. I’m just so glad he’s in a residential care that is making such an improvement.
Makes my own recent experiences navigating the whole tangled web of aged care pale into insignificance. Others here have walked the path before me, so they’ll know.
Good news for Indian call centres.
FCC Outlaws AI-Generated Voices in Robocalls (8 Feb)
I hope it happens here too. Being incessantly robocalled by actual robots would be more than a little bit annoying.
By the way everyone, I have not come here this morning and picked any fights with anyone……but she has.
As for this…
Curling up into a ball and demanding sympathy only goes so far. Maybe that’s your culture. It’s not mine, we harden up.”
Dear oh dear, that comment belongs in the gutter.
. It’s not my preferred situation but sometimes there’s God’s plan and there’s mine and God’s is a better plan every time.
Dishonest, I never said that you did. You are making stuff up to justify your neurotic, unhelpful and attention-seeking responses, take that to your therapist – moo! 🙂
While sharing, like your dear friend Lizzie, your feelings here as a sign of what a good person you are is undoubtedly personally satisfying, it is essetially fake.
“I wept’ and so on might equally be attributed to Muslim mamas.
Lift your game.
From the Olde Frede
Johnnie R
If you have ever had a blood test, “they” have a record of your DNA.
calli all that has befallen me of late is God’s will there have been countless urgings over these last decades to slow down, look after yourself yadayadayada but ignored now God has taken me in hand so I can no longer ignore the urgings —- handed new circumstances to begin anew. So here’s cheers to new circumstances.
Gabba Olympics redevelopment “dead, buried, cremated” according to Brisbane Mord Mayor.
As predicted.
You need psychological help Johanna. There’s something really really wrong with you. Perhaps you should go out and get some fresh air. Might help.
There were your words, only half an hour ago…
and how Cassie pretends to be a member of the IDF
Perhaps your memory is failing, it happens with age.
neurotic, unhelpful and attention-seeking responses, take that to your therapist – moo!
I don’t see a therapist, but you need to.
For a start, they need to stop this ‘ecumenical’ nonsense, not just with Islam, but with their supporters.
Most of the major religions (except Hindu and others I don’t know about) are snuggling up to Islam, which is a totalitarian religion.
Tinta, it your case God closed a door, then broke your foot so you wouldn’t be tempted to use the window.
Can’t fault His sense of humour.
I see that Hitlery Clinton has entered the “I hate Tucker” frenzy.
She called him a “useful idiot”, for, ………, conducting an interview. Interesting.
In 2010, another American citizen, travelled to Moscow and gave a speech.
That individual, who was an ex President of the US, was paid $500,000 for the speech.
Oh, goodness me, it was none other than the number one passenger on Epstein Airways, Bill “I did not have sexual relations with that woman” Clinton.
So, ……., does that make him a “useful idiot” as well?
As an aside, if I asked you:
Which country’s citizens, (not the country itself), have contributed the most money to the Clinton Foundation over the last 20 years, what would you say?
The answer is, ……., Ukraine. How about that?
Finally, over US$1 Billion worth of weapons, sent to Ukraine, cannot be accounted for.
Seriously, is anyone surprised?
US donated arms were showing up in West Africa, by late 2022. Clownshow.
Daughter of murdered Brisbane grandmother tells Premier Miles he’s “not the man for the job” after he said “nobody can seriously stand up and say they could have prevented this murder”.
The alleged offender was reportedly on bail for armed robbery.
So when a few 251s get ripped off in comes the gummint with a $97million OPM bail-out .. no probs .. yet as 10s of 1000s of, potential, home owners lose the lot when building companies go under .. no money thrown at them just a lot of hand-wringing & crocodile tears from assorted troughers ……
Life (or death) is good .. as long as you tick the 251 box ……!
the rip-off insurance mob was only fined $1.2 million but the “feelinz” payments go close to $100 million ……. inflation, I suppose … just slightly higher han the 2% inflation estimate for OAPs ……FFS!
Oh, if only you did a bit of “word sparing” instead of posting great slabs of the Fraudulent Marty Armstrong.
But I think the word you were looking for was “sparring”.
The word is “turps”.
An abbreviation of turpentine, a colloquialism to describe various forms of rough alcoholic drinks.
You’re welcome.
It’s the least we can do, helping migrants with their English.
Our Doverlordship closely monitors blog performance and when open threads approach 1000 comments, it can take half a minute to load comments.
Thanks, Dover.
To dismantle the tower in a short time is quite possible but not without someone noticing it.
The pix shown was a, full-on, 4 sided tower .. the actual steal was a one piece pole (for want of a better word) so not such a big job .. cut the cables and power saw thru the “pole” .. the breaking up/carting off would have taken slightly longer tho …. LOL!
This is not plain speaking, this is anti-Semitism.
It should have no ready acceptance on this version of Catallaxy.
It is also some weird and twisted mind set of class envy.
Sinclair would not have condoned that.
I do not lie. I comment here in good faith.
And Cassie will doubtless wonder how many others here are yelling Jew!! at her today.
Canada’s population grew by more than 1.2 million last year, driven almost entirely by net overseas migration.
The National Bank of Canada has warned the country, which has a much larger rental sector in the housing market than Australia (37% of households), is facing an “extreme imbalance” between demand and supply which is being driven by population growth.
Canada is forecast to welcome 800 000 migrants this year and another 800 000 next year.
It’s a good thing for Trudeau that Canadians are nice people or there might be a revolution.
Garage? What garage?
Pre-dawn a little later this morning, due to cloud cover.
It is remarkably cool (26) for this time of year, and dead still in anticipation of big rain later in the day. No birds.
It is so quiet and still that one can hear three women screaming at each other thousands of kilometres away.
Milei moving Argentina’s embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, thereby keeping an election promise.
Absolutely effing disgraceful.
An amusing “story” being run by the ABCess fact checkers this morning.
It’s all about the PM’s claims on overseas travel.
Apparently “splitting hairs” is the new word for lying. When the days away are run, the lie is obvious.
Maybe there should be a haircut to do away with those pesky frazzled bits. Starting at the top.
I consider my libations and other acts of pious devotion to the Scotch gods mark me out as one of the elect.
Already I plan to attend to the canonical hour of Neat Speyside this afternoon.
It’s not a joke, KD. This site is full of cowards who either joke about or ignore and do not call out someone making commentary that is way beyond the pale.
The site is unpleasantly lop-sided.
How nice to see so many spreading the goodwill around.
A special acknowledgement must be given to Grade 6 girls although the Year 8 boys are not far behind.
Thought Bubbles Going Badly (the NT News):
Five years offline. We’ll get to that shortly.
Five million dollars, they spent on it.
Evidently Royal Life Saving guidelines say you have to have two qualified lifeguards on duty whenever the pool’s open. The council trained up a few of their staff for the gig, also apparently expecting them to be lifeguards on top of whatever else it is they do for the council.
Demonstrating the spectacularly low level of foresight councils are famous for, the West Daly council also failed to take into account that once trained as lifeguards, the newly-qualified council blokes could then choose between:
1. Working at the Darwin City Council and lifeguarding at the Waterfront Precinct’s wave pool, which is chockers with tasty backpackers and general good viewing; or
2. Working at West Daly Council and spending their time netting turds and scabies-infected skin patches out of the pool before going home to a house surrounded by barbed wire.
Translated: ‘Scrotes continually driving stolen utes into the pool.’
Lizzie, you mentioned your son was having, I think, $40 garnisheed out of his dole to pay power bills.
If it is $40 a fortnight that is over $1,000 a year, so his billing situation shouldn’t be getting worse, or not significantly so.
Summink doesn’t add up.
proves the point exactly.
Two ladies (of indeterminate age) engaged in jelly-wrestling is no laughing matter.
Where did jelly-wrestling come from?
I blame auto-correct.
Comment functions are not working, here’s me in manual, something Dear Lizzie will remember.
I see that Cassie’s Dear Lizzie regards any criticism of a Jewish person’s statements or acts as anti-Semitism. Typical brain-dead moron. Go to Israel, and see very vigorous criticism and debate among and between Jews. Or, are you saying that nobody else should be allowed to comment?
It is not anti-Semitic to tell Cassie to pull herself together and stop imagining that a Jew in Sydney is remotely like a Jew in Israel. No doubt it is gratifying, bullshit, nup.
Get over yourself, like Lizzie, that’s your focus, yourself.
Is there a name for your culture? Others here are sure to help out with one.
Lambie’s presence in the senate is that carpet stain that can never be removed.
Not to mention Lidia Thorpe, Pocock and all the green slime for that matter.
If you are ‘always right’, how about showing some support for a Jewish woman who contributes extremely well and honestly to many issues discussed on this site, rather than joining in or, even worse in some ways, tacitly ignoring an anti-Semitic outrage made against her and her whole people and their culture, sitting on these pages? There is a standard you should not walk by and too many here are doing just that.
Australia sets a date to achieve the first goal of The Great Reset – nationwide digital IDs
I very much have a derg in this hunt. Two little grandchildren, a beloved child and an entire family-by-marriage.
But I flatly refuse to turn this forum into a slanging match for the entertainment of the peanut gallery. Unfortunate for popcorn sales, but there it is.
The idea of withdrawal from ecumenical toadying is a good one. It’s something I strongly dislike in the church as well. It requires good will in both sides, and we know that it just isn’t there.
Looking back, I find that Dear Lizzie (copyright Cassie) said “I do not lie. I comment here in good faith.”
Which just adds another layer to her many lies over the years.
Who knows what she told the unfortunate Beta.
I generally don’t have much time for Pocock, but this week he voted for an inquiry into Australia’s post-covid excess mortality rate.
Labor voted it down by 5 votes (iirc) with help from Lambie & Thorpe.
Perhaps he’s not entirely captured by the progressive left’s narrative.
I mention this also because the motion for an inquiry into this significant phenomenon probably escaped the attention of many here.
Stop trying to justify your outrageous comments.
It only makes them worse.
An apology would be well in order, and a request to the blog owner to remove your highly offensive words. I think he would be well advised to do so anyway, before some more Jewish people become aware of them here.
You are no paragon of blog virtue, Johanna, merely a very disturbed person.
Back in the day, they were called “ecumaniacs”.
“Come out from among them” doesn’t mean cozy up to them. And that includes cozy deals with government as well, particularly where funding is concerned.
. Ironic eh?
Or as our Jools did say: “…an inedible mark on history”
Strictly speaking, ‘ecumenical’ refers to intra-Christian dialogue. The word derives from Greek and Roman usage referring to the civilized world synonymous with the empire. Thus, an ecumenical council consisted of bishops from all around the Roman empire.
Toadying between religions is ‘interfaith’ or ‘interreligious’.
Carry on.
I’m pretty sure I have never ever pretended to be a member of the IDF.
According to Hamas, all Jews that ever existed & all those who will ever be born are members of the IDF.
Aye, a day of reckoning is coming on that score.
This is the same media who says Tucker Carlson shouldn’t interview Putin. Wild times we live in
If the fakes are so good how will they be able to tell what is real and what is not?
Today is a great day to see who in the media self-selects themselves out of credibility.
The special counsel findings in the Biden docs case.
And the SCOTUS hearing regarding Trump being excluded from the ballot.
Watch for surrogates to pop up with the generic talking points.
One blushes on their behalf.
Laura Loomer
Paid protesters wearing matching outfits are each holding a single letter in front of the US SUPREME COURT that spells out “REMOVE TRUMP”.
Today SCOTUS is reviewing the Colorado Supreme Court’s decision to remove Trump from the 2024 Presidential ballot.
Where are the @HouseGOP lawmakers?
Why are none of them in front of the court today standing in solidarity with Trump?
This is terrible optics for the Republicans. The Democrats are completely controlling the media narrative and messaging on this today.
Be still my beating heart. How exciting.
Where do I buy tickets? Are there any front row seats left?
I think I will bring my own towel.
Hamas welcome to country ceremony.
We look forward to raping all IDF, past, present & emerging.
Because we’re not gay if it’s the IDF.
We are totally not gay.
PS. Not gay.
Leftists Lose Their Minds When Wall Street Journal Notices Michigan-Grown Jihadis
I remember Hillary’s Reset button with Putin’s Russia but obviously that was fine. There was also the sale of a large chunks of US uranium to the same Vlad Putin. Was she a useful idiot too or did she get something out of it?
Special Counsel Finds Biden ‘Willfully Retained and Disclosed’ Classified Info — but Recommends No Charges
Senate advances $95B Ukraine, Israel aid bill with filibuster-proof majority after border deal implodes
Feb 9, 2024 8:01 AM
The article I’ve read definitely mentioned removal of internal transmitting equipment as well as the mast.
Either way, with today’s surveillance system and time taken I have my doubts for the claim, “it’s a mystery”.
But, whatever, as the saying goes.
Joe Biden Deploys Senior Aides to Meet with Michigan’s Arab Leaders as Israel-Hamas War Fractures Left
Treasury Sec. Janet Yellen ducks questions by Republicans demanding to know why feds asked banks to scour customer transactions for ‘Trump’ or ‘MAGA’ and purchases at stores including Bass Pro Shops and Cabela’s after the Capitol riot
Controversial Pfizer Vaccine Trials On Children Raise Concerns In Ukraine
Only starvation will save the planet
Food production generates more than a third of manmade greenhouse gas emissions – a new framework tells us how much comes from crops, countries and regions
Katenjammer asked if there is a name for my culture, implying that it is anti-Semitic.
It’s Dutch, and you really need to stop accusing anyone who disagrees with you of being anti-Semitic. Pretty soon, it’ll be like the devalued ‘racism’ accusation. You want ‘anti-Semtism’ by your definiton? Go to Israel.
In my culture, public weeping and carrying on is regarded as not only self indulgent and undignified, but also for the benefit of spectators, the point being it has nothing to do with the deceased or the cause.
I doubt that funeral processions in Westminster Abbey would be improved by hysterics yelling and throwing themselves into the designated spot,
There is nothing anti-Semitic about being stoic and tough, rather than hysterical and self-absorbed.
Is there?
Johanna hard at work meme-making once more.
Obsessive simply doesn’t cover it.
However, that’s not why I came in here today, having decided to take a break from this place and go elsewhere because it has become unbearably toxic. (That doesn’t mean instagram, tic tok, facebook, twitter/X, as I have unsurprisingly never been to any of them; there are many other interactive sites now competing for commentary). I came in here today due to viewing here this morning the sort of commentary and attitudes which I know distress Jewish people mightily and which is unworthy of what this site once stood for; a site on which I have commented for over twelve years. The cowardice on display this morning is shameful. One would have to be Jewish to gather the full impact of such attitudes.
Kids Don’t Get Syphilis In a Healthy Society
The bloodthirsty, sex-trafficking Venezuelan prison gang NOW in America – and they’ve killed for the first time: Why national security experts say this is a catastrophic result of Biden’s broken borders
Looks like war in Ukraine until 2025 at least.
The House will likely pass the bill.
A border bill will be separate.
Chile: Leftists Pop Champagne to Celebrate Death of Moderate Ex-President Sebastián Piñera
24 upticks before 8 a.m..
Got to be a record.
Did you offer a free set of steak knives?
Cassie, thanks again for the dog story yesterday.
any cats that can add their names this petition to stop racial division in our National Parks appreciated!!! Reopen Mt Warning
One law for thee, another for me.
Mike Benz
So the DOJ is not prosecuting Biden bc of an insanity defense — the gov’t has to prove Biden knew he mishandled classified docs, and they say he’s too old & senile to know anything
Meanwhile, 700 years prison for Trump bc he hypothetically telepathically mindvirused a protest
Feb 9, 2024 9:22 AM
I hate to get involved in this debate as I have mixed feelings and never commented on the situation in the region and never will, but do you not think that a lot of active and lurker members have a different view than you, and need no free steak knives to vote whatever way they choose?
Toadying to the Sand Pirates is the ultimate “Unilateral gentlemen’s agreement”.
Wake up and smell the rotting corpses.
It is called humour.
Sancho, as you’ve mentioned it in good faith, that amount was not garnisheed and I doubt if he was making regular payment. My fear is that he has stopped the garnishee for his rental, spent the money, and will be hopelessly in arrears of rent and likely to be tossed out .. again, for it has happened before. I hope to see him sometime today if he is willing, which he may not be, and sort his finances out a little. I am hugely distressed by this, by his threats to ‘enshrine vengeance’ against me (form there too), and I am as ever at my wits end to know what to do about him, at the same time coping with my autistic son’s needs and two autistic grandchildren.
My ‘electric bill’ son has untreated mental health issues and there is no crack in the welfare system that he is not capable of falling through. He ended up once living in a cave for a year by Bondi Beach. Relatives have no power to get mental health care for such people, they fall into utter dereliction, may end up in prison (as he did) and it takes a lot of work (usually by their mothers, whom they blame, while other relatives shun them) to bring them round to a semblance of normal living only to have the whole merry-go-round start up again.
I don’t want to be on Catallaxy to receive total opprobation while I cope with all of this. It has been a site of friendship and fun and intellectual stimulation but it is hardly that now, and this anti-Semitism is just about the last straw today.
Keep the rants coming, Cassie. Love them.
Since ‘culture’ was mentioned upthread, and further to the Dutch being so tough, it is worth remembering that the Dutch in World War II, because they were so tough, had the highest Nazi collaboration rate in Western Europe.
It is one of the reasons why three quarters of Dutch Jews were murdered, put on trains at Westerbork and transported to Auschwitz and Sobibor where they were gassed on arrival. Over 102,000 Dutch Jews were murdered by the Nazis.
I guess that’s some “culture” to be proud of.
It definitely is anti-Semitic when you preface your hatreds with a statment about the insufficiencies of ‘the Jewish community’.
You are not stoic and tough, but you would make a good Nazi.
You’ve a lot on your plate, Elizabeth.
May God supply you with strength and patience as you deal with it all.
From The Oz
In a major blow for Joe Biden, a special counsel report found the ‘well-meaning’ president was so forgetful he couldn’t remember the dates of his vice presidency or the death of his son Beau in 2015.
So is it going to be Michelle Obama or Gavin Newsome ?
Two ladies (of indeterminate age) engaged in jelly-wrestling is no laughing matter.
What did I miss?
There is clear and overwhelming popular support for Trump being removed from the ballot. See for yourself:
US Supreme Court hears appeal against decision to kick Donald Trump off Colorado ballot over Capitol attack
Dozens? I count three, perhaps four. Here’s how you know that is all there is to it – the article mentions all of the signs being held except the one that says ‘WITCHES KNOW THIS IS NOT A WITCH HUNT”.
If they could have got a shot without the crazy witch lady in it, they would have. But these were the only people who turned up. You can only work with what you got. Then lie about it later and probably no one will notice.
Feb 9, 2024 9:33 AM
Sorry, I am a fully subscribed member of the “Dull Men’s Club” and didn’t get the funny bit, my apologies.
Feb 9, 2024 9:26 AM
One law for thee, another for me.
Mike Benz
So the DOJ is not prosecuting Biden bc of an insanity defense — the gov’t has to prove Biden knew he mishandled classified docs, and they say he’s too old & senile to know anything
Meanwhile, 700 years prison for Trump bc he hypothetically telepathically mindvirused a protest
It’s more than that, it satisfies the 25th amendment. Biden is seriously demented. Gutfeld had some examples yesterday. Even with the drugs biden is brain dead.
Newsome has a lot of baggage and would be easy pickings for Trump but the media cover for the slick bastard would be massive.
Michelle would be a real danger. It would be one vogue cover after another and we know the sheeple are as gullible as cocker spaniels.
But there is a joker and that is cackles cameltoe. If she decides she wants it slick and michelle maybe stymied. And Trump can handle cackles.
A blast from the past out of Victoriastan. John Setka steps down and anoints the (ex?) husband of one of the girls I used to work with in Melbournibad. He gave me a bunch of CFMEU stickers but I never met him at any of our social events. Would be over a decade or two now. Small world.
You are a coward then, Calli.
Johanna’s commentary was appalling and you can’t even say so.
Good heavens what amount of early morning shit-on-the-liver has prompted the malice I’ve seen on the blog.
Why start the day with such viciousness? Does it provide some perverse cheap thrill to know that a comment will wound and hurt?
Sorry but that’s not my idea of a good time and I certainly would not want my life compared to that of others here or anywhere because behind closed doors no-one ever knows what life is like for others, peeping through a window into it or just make it up out of ugly cloth.
There’s an old Italian saying oft repeated by my mother (now there was a life that none would envy) If we go to the village square with our cross in the hope of swapping it for someone else’s, we’d come home with our own.
Look for joy and you’ll find it and everything will be alright.
Comment, from the Oz, on Richard Marles slagging off Department of Defence.
You can say what you like about me, but you twenty uptickers (so far) are the lowest of the low to do that to yet more vitreol about Cassie.
This site is full of cowards.
Wow – just wow, what a claim..
Biden described as ‘elderly man with poor memory’ in classified documents report – live
Robert Hur report says he worried jurors wouldn’t believe Biden willfully kept classified materials because they would see ‘a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory’
In his interview with our office, Mr. Biden’s memory was worse. He did not remember when he was vice president, forgetting on the first day of the interview when his term ended (“if it was 2013 – when did I stop being Vice President?”), and forgetting on the second day of the interview when his term began (“in 2009, am I still Vice President?”). He did not remember, even within several years, when his son Beau died. And his memory appeared hazy when describing the Afghanistan debate that was once so important to him. Among other things, he mistakenly said he “had a real difference” of opinion with General Karl Eikenberry, when, in fact, Eikenberry was an ally whom Mr. Eiden cited approvingly in his Thanksgiving memo to President Obama.
Biden’s lack of ability to remember things would make it hard to prosecute him, Hur said:
We also expect many jurors to be struck by the place where the Afghanistan documents were ultimately found in Mr. Biden’s Delaware home: in a badly damaged box in the garage, near a collapsed dog crate, a dog bed, a Zappos box, an empty bucket, a broken lamp wrapped with duct tape, potting soil, and synthetic firewood.
A reasonable juror could conclude that this is not where a person intentionally stores what he supposedly considers to be important classified documents, critical to his legacy. Rather, it looks more like a place a person stores classified documents he has forgotten about or is unaware of. We have considered – and investigated – the possibility that the box was intentionally placed in the garage to make it appear to be there by mistake, but the evidence does not support that conclusion.
Sadly, Tinta, I think for this particularly vicious female that is what it does.
She seeks cheap thrills and wants to bring the blog down with a final curtain of uptickers for her anti-Semitic and extremely hurtful comments.
She should be cautioned, as Sinc did to her, not encouraged.
What worries me about this blog is that the uptickers seem to be real. Perhaps they are not, but the lack of any sensible attempts to halt this woman’s bile might indicate that these upticks are real ones, as are the downticks to any comment vaguely in support of Cassie (or me, for that matter). Tinta’s is the first comment to seriously address what happened early this morning. Tinta is no coward.
Christian McCaffrey is paying over $5 to be Superbowl MVP.
He is third favourite after the qb’s.
He’s the product of Stanford’s unofficial eugenics program.
Tintarella di Luna
Feb 9, 2024 9:53 AM
Amen to that.
I stand with Calli!
Sadly, that’s not the case.
Defence has been a basket case for decades.
Noy much time for Marles, but if he’s putting some departmental noses out of joint, good.
Anyway, I have more things to do than be here right now.
I’m taking a break from this fray in favour of more pleasant activities.
If you are still looking in, Cassie, take heart.
I wouldn’t blame you if you walked right away from here.
(And Tinta)
And not because I’m a male feminist, OK? Just wanted to be clear on that.
Think the Sydney Opera House chant ‘Where’s the Jews?’ is inoffensive? You’re in denial
Remember the hundreds of Middle Eastern men who last October swarmed on the Sydney Opera House days after the mass murder of Israeli civilians by Hamas? They were exuberant and triumphant but also indignant. Not at Hamas – quite the opposite, actually – but at the NSW government’s decision to project the colours of the Israeli flag on the building as a show of support.
They expressed their anger by lighting flares, burning an Israeli flag, and chanting anti-Semitic slogans. The police response was to let them run riot and to warn members of the Jewish community to stay away to ensure their safety. In fact the only person arrested that night was a businessman carrying a rolled-up Israeli flag near a pro-Palestine Town Hall rally. His showing solidarity for Israelis constituted a potential breach of the peace, he was told.
And according to some, we did a grave injustice to those angry men waving Palestinian and Lebanese flags. It was reported at the time, and video footage seemed to confirm, that some were chanting “Gas the Jews”. But as announced last week, police dispute this. Citing what they say is an expert analysis of audio recordings, they claim there is no evidence that phrase was uttered. Instead, police stand by the audio expert’s conclusion the protesters were chanting “Where’s the Jews’.
But hang on, did not police have signed statements from several witnesses who heard the protesters say, “Gas the Jews”? Yes, said NSW Police Deputy Commissioner Mal Lanyon. However, the witnesses could not ascribe those words to an individual. What’s more, he said, police would not be going back to the witnesses, given their expert’s “overwhelming certainty” about what was said. A case of ‘computer says no’, you could say.
Not surprisingly, the high dudgeon and hypocrisy that followed reached stratospheric levels. According to the president of the Australia Palestine Advocacy Network, Nasser Mashni, this video was used to “sow discord and hate towards Palestinians and our supporters”. Claiming the subtitled video was “faked,” he called for politicians and media outlets that had relied on it “to spread hate and fear” to apologise. Theirs was a campaign “to discredit and vilify protesters,” he said.
Allow me to be the first to do so, Nasser Mashni. I apologise for discrediting and vilifying the peaceful protesters who chanted “f..k the Jews” and “Zionist pigs”. I acknowledge their chant of “Where’s the Jews” was serene and conciliatory. I concede that had any Jews made themselves known to the mob at that point, the demonstrators’ immediate reaction would have been to buy them a gelato and discuss ways of effecting a rapprochement. Heaven forbid we question your narrative that Palestinians and their supporters are the real victims here.
Police had confirmed the video had not been doctored, but that did not stop Mashni from falsely claiming otherwise. As for his condemning others for spreading hate and fear, he is one to talk. Claiming last year on radio that “the power structures that exist in the world all focus upon Zionism,” he called for the destruction of Israel. It would be a falling domino that would “destroy Western imperialist control of the world” and make the world a “far better place”, he said.
The Australian Federation of Islamic Councils called for authorities to “take decisive criminal action against those “disseminating false claims” to “unfairly vilify Palestinians and Muslims”. Such behaviour, claimed AFIC president Dr Rateb Jneid, undermined the “delicate fabric of social cohesion”.
You may recall that in 2021 the AFIC invited two members of Afghanistan’s new regime to appear in a live webinar comprising a “stellar panel of speakers”. One of them was long-term Taliban spokesman Suhail Shaheen, who at the time had not ruled out a return to stonings, public executions and forced amputations of limbs as a means of ensuring social cohesion in Afghanistan. Jneid later withdrew their invitations but only after a public backlash.
According to the Australian National Imams Council, social cohesion is also high on the list of its priorities. It too has urged authorities to “prosecute those who disseminated the video and used it as a basis to foment and pursue false allegations”. If you have any questions about the ANIC’s stance or its commitment to social cohesion, just direct them to public relations director Sheik Ibrahim Dadoun. He is the same sheik who, just hours after the October 7 atrocities began, told a pro-Palestine rally in Lakemba, Sydney, that he was not only “smiling” and “happy” but also “elated”.
“This is the day we’ve been waiting for,” he said.
Let’s also give a big shout-out to NSW Council for Civil Liberties president Lydia Shelly. Last week she criticised NSW Premier Chris Minns for having strengthened laws allowing prosecution for recklessly or intentionally inciting violence against members of religious groups and those of other classifications. He should have delayed that decision pending a parliamentary inquiry and a review of the video, she said, adding this was “another example of how due process, civil liberties and human rights can be swept aside under the guise of ‘expediency’.”
Incidentally, this is the same civil liberties council that in 2016 insisted “the present problem of vilification of Muslims in our society” was such that it demanded they be “recognised under NSW law as being members of an ethno-religious group” for the purposes of prosecuting hate speech. Why the change of heart?
As for Shelly’s maintaining that Minns should have held off on the current reforms until the video was analysed, perhaps she has a point. Let’s forget for the moment that what happened in October was the biggest pogrom against Jews since the Holocaust. And let’s disregard the fact there was a whopping 738 per cent increase in the number of anti-Semitic incidents in October/November 2023 in Australia compared to the same period in 2022. Likewise let’s not remind ourselves that Middle Eastern residents of Sydney’s western suburbs were dancing in the streets last October and letting off fireworks to celebrate the massacre of Israelis. Aside from all that, what have Jewish-Australians to worry about?
Spare a thought also for the long-suffering Palestinian-Australian activist, author, lawyer and academic Dr Randa Abdel-Fattah. Having insisted from the start she could not hear “Gas the Jews” in the footage concerned, she feels vindicated but miffed, lamenting there will be no “retractions and apologises (sic) from those in the business of propaganda in service of genocide”.
The day after the Opera House protests, Abdel-Fattah tweeted effusively that “Never has such solidarity been shown to Palestinians.” Conversely, she said she was “disgusted” by the blue and white lighting on the sails of the building.
You might remember Abdel-Fattah from her appearance on all Muslim-women panel on ABC’s The Drum following the murder of 51 worshipers at two Christchurch mosques in 2019 by an Australian terrorist. “White settler societies,” she angrily declared during that appearance, were “fundamentally founded on violence”. And “violence”, she said, was “innate to these societies”.
According to her, Australia is no different. “For brown and black bodies living in this country, violence is part of our life daily,” she said. “This is part of living in a white supremacist society”. As for the Christchurch massacre, she attributed it to “media giving platforms or normalising the idea of free speech as a veneer for hate speech”.
But as for what happened at the Opera House, she says “I stand by the protest”. And as she told Sky News host Erin Molan last October, she does not see Hamas as a terrorist organisation, notwithstanding her claim that she condemns the organisation for its attacks.
A question for Dr Abdel-Fattah – what would your reaction be if, following the Christchurch atrocities, hundreds of white Australian men waving Southern Cross flags gate-crashed a candlelight vigil for the victims whilst loudly chanting “Where’s the Muslims”? And what would you say of those who supported such a demonstration?
What happened at the Opera House that evening is a foreboding reminder of the folly of trying to appease fanatics, whether religious or otherwise. You are in denial if you tell yourself that the chant of “Where’s the Jews” was innocuous or somehow less offensive than the reference to mass extermination. Wo sind die Juden?
The Mocker
The Mocker amuses himself by calling out poseurs, sneering social commentators, and po-faced officials. He is deeply suspicious of those who seek increased regulation of speech and behaviour. Believing that journalism is dominated by idealists and activists, he likes to provide a realist’s perspective of politics and current affairs.
The Australian
Or at least, not only because. I’m also a nice guy. Now where is my fedora.
What do you mean, no? I paid for the meal!
Unfortunately I can’t re post it a friend sent me the court findings of how numbers were altered on Dominon computers with a demonstration in court . With a pencil . Judge a Demo of course agreed but sealed her judgement that has just been opened. So it seems as we all suspected election of Biden rigged.
The Putin interview
Thank you, Roger. You are one of the decent people here, a true Christian.
You don’t know the half of it, as Tinta’s parable of the well suggsts might be the case.
It applies to all, of course.
Gilas has been wonderfully supportive in private emails, he too is one of the very decent people here, and quite surprised at Calli’s accusation that I was in some way doxxing him.
Calli seems quite selective in which ‘peanut gallery’ issues she engages.
Perhaps that is unfair to say, but honestly, I am too tired to care here now.
For what it is worth, this is a reported transcript of the interview of Putin by Tucker Carlson – posted today by Robert Malone:
The full interview will be released on the Tucker Carlson Network at 6:00 PM tonight.
TUCKER: What would you tell the people running America?
PUTIN: Our message is Russia is not your enemy. We don’t want war. We’re ready for peace. Your leaders seek conflict. This is not what we want. Russia stands for its own people. We do not want what is not ours.
TUCKER: Would you visit Washington?
PUTIN: Yes, of course. I’ve been to the United States Before. I enjoy visiting and have met with every president except Joe Biden. If invited I would go. Yes.
TUCKER: What is your opinion of President Biden?
PUTIN: We’re convinced he is not running the country. Let’s say we have good sources that confirm that but it’s plain for anyone to see for themselves. The US has now entered into a dark period. It has unaccountable leadership.
TUCKER: Do you think Joe Biden won fair and square?
PUTIN: I would rather not get into domestic American politics but will say my embassy reported your southern border was better run than that 2020 election. (chuckles)
TUCKER: One poll in America shows you more popular than Biden – any reaction?
PUTIN: (laughs) I don’t know if that should be taken seriously but Russian ideals have support. We believe in traditional values; marriage is between a man and a woman: men are men and women are women.
TUCKER: Who would you like to see as the next president of the United States?
PUTIN: Once again it is not for us to say or get involved. Contrary to longstanding accusations we do not meddle in your elections. We don’t need to because the same people end up running things anyway.
TUCKER: Why did you invade Ukraine?
PUTIN: Did we invade or were we invaded? Look at the history. Look at the people living there. Historically it’s we who were invaded and are simply fighting back now. The lands and people are Russian and we will have again what was always ours.
TUCKER: How will you fee lol if Trump won again?
PUTIN: We had good relations when Mr. Trump was president. There was no war. Our relations were at a high point. That said nothing is predictable or stats the same. We will have to see.
PUTIN: I remember laughing to his jokes when he was a comedian in Russia. Let’s go back to laughs.
TUCKER: Why is that?
PUTIN: There are strong financial entities in whose interest it is to keep us as adversaries. One of your presidents warned against that. We Russians do not have that problem.
TUCKER: Do you see the United States as an enemy?
PUTIN: No. Categorically no. We were allies in WWII. Russians helped settle Alaska, California and we were in Hawaii too. Our people are not enemies but those in DC are certainly not our friends.
TUCKER: Can you be more specific and name names?
PUTIN: It would be pointless. It is not up to us to solve your domestic issues. Besides, I’m sure you know the names better than us.
TUCKER: So are you saying your adversary is not Joe Biden but the people behind him?
PUTIN: Exactly. Joe Biden may not even be aware of what’s going on. He may not understand the level of sanctions thrown at Russia. Who put those sanctions together? Those our the adversaries.
TUCKER: Is that why you are championing the BRICS?
PUTIN: The BRICS would exist anyway. It’s a natural reaction to the western trading block. It’s a counterweight. When the dollar is weaponized against states there will be a natural alternative to it. That’s what we want.
TUCKER: Is that why you and Russia have been targeted?
PUTIN: It’s more complicated than that but I’m sure it’s a good part of the reason. Whenever the dollar is endangered the United States takes extreme measures. It cannot afford to have the dollar fail.
TUCKER: But isn’t Russia weaker and more vulnerable economically than the US?
PUTIN: When you look at the size of economies we are small. But few people take into account our vast natural resources. Russia has over $80 trillion in the ground. No country even comes close to us.
TUCKER What is your opinion of President Biden?
TUCKER: OK. Point well taken but don’t you have the same issues in Russia.
PUTIN: Yes. To a degree. But in Russia those interests are more aligned with the thinking of the average Russian man on the street. In the United States that is not the case. The elites have deserted you.
TUCKER: so who do you think is running the US then?
PUTIN: The forces which have always ran it. You may change presidents but you do not change those in real power. That is who we have to deal with. Joe Biden is just a facade for this power structure.
TUCKER: Let’s turn to politics. What’s your opinion of President Biden?
PUTIN: We’re convinced he’s not running the country. Let’s say we have sources that confirm that but it’s plain for anyone to see. The US has now entered into a dark period. It has unaccountable leadership. So who do you think is running the US then?
PUTIN: The same forces which have always run it. You may change presidents but you do not change those in real power. That is who we have to deal with. Joe Biden is just a facade for this power structure.
TUCKER: Let’s turn to politics. What’s your opinion of President Biden?
PUTIN: We’re convinced he’s not running the country. Let’s say we have sources that confirm that but it’s plain for anyone to see. The US has now entered into a dark period. It has unaccountable leadership.
TUCKER: But there have been persistent reports you have cancer?
PUTIN: I assure you those rumors are false. if I had cancer and beat it I would share the good news and the cure with the world.
TUCKER: Thank you for sitting down with us. How is your health?There have been some rumors
PUTIN: I’m glad to talk to you and through you to the American people. I’m fine. I feel good. Given my years I’m in the best of health but father time.
TUCKER: Let’s turn to politics. What’s your opinion of President Biden?
PUTIN: We’re convinced he’s not running the country. Let’s say we have sources that confirm that but it’s plain for anyone to see. The US has now entered into a dark period. It has unaccountable leadership.
TUCKER: When you say some fear him are you saying Musk has enemies?
PUTIN: It’s clear to see he has enemies within the United States – the way he was stripped of $50 billion in assets – we would call that being signaled out for special treatment. It’s unfair on the face of it.
TUCKER: Didn’t you fear Musk when he started supplying Ukraine with Starlink gear?
PUTIN: If anyone seriously thinks a few internet dishes can defeat the might of Russia – well what can I say. But no, we did not fear or blame Mr. Musk. The government didn’t give him much choice.
TUCKER: Alot has changed in the world. What’s your opinion of Elon Musk?
PUTIN: We see Mr. Musk as a businessman – a highly successful one. He’s built a great fortune and a huge following. He’s a unique thinker with a force of personality who cannot be bought. Some fear that.
TUCKER: Do you any advice for Elon?
PUTIN: I would say continue on. Do not be intimidated. But if the going ever gets too rough there is Russia. We would gladly open our doors to you. We have welcomed American businessmen before and would value someone of Mr. Musk’s caliber.
TUCKER: Let’s turn to Trump. First tell me how you feel about the current situation with the likelihood of him being reelected?
PUTIN: It would be a bit strange and out of order but we are well prepared. He has promised to end the fighting in Ukraine and we support that notion.
TUCKER: How could he end you end the war so fast?
PUTIN: For one thing he never insulted us. He has a great respect for Russia. We would start from a position of friendship and trust – then all problems are solvable. We could get it done. Trust me.
TUCKER: Are you referring to Biden calling you a killer?
PUTIN: We have been the recipients of numerous insults and slurs going back a few generations of politicians. Mr. Trump was a refreshing break from that. He is very popular in Russia. Perhaps that won’t do him any good. Are you in any communication with Trump?
PUTIN: No. Of course not. But should he win again our lines of communication would open up instantly whereas right now we have no dialogue with President Biden.
TUCKER: That’s shocking to me. No o e from the White House has been in contact with you?
PUTIN: That’s right. No one has called since we congratulated Mr. Biden on his election victory. It’s puzzling to us that communications are colder now than during the cold war.
TUCKER: How do you think the 2024 election will go?
PUTIN: We are just observing. It’s our responsibility to be vigilant since it will impact the world. We are hoping the election is carried out in a way where the results can be believed. In Russia we do not have mail in ballots.
TUCKER: Let’s turn to China. What is your relationship like?
PUTIN: President Xi and I are especially close. Russia and China are enjoying good relations as of now which is an obvious asset to us sunce they are one of our biggest energy partners. We will continue to be friends.
TUCKER: There are accusations China has helped you in the war in Ukraine. Is that true?
PUTIN: That is not something I can discuss. Let’s just say Russia isn’t an isolated power. That strategy has failed. We have more allies and trading partners now than before the war started.
TUCKER: Do you ever contemplate a situation where Russia and China may join forces against the United States?
PUTIN: Do you mean economically or militarily? I would say we want neither. It’s not in our interest to clash with the US because all sides would lose in such a conflict.
TUCKER: Speaking of conflicts, what is your take on the Gaza situation?
PUTIN: It is really unfortunate. The Palestinians are being devastated. Israel is acting in an unconstrained manner. It shows the terrible double standards in the world. Where are the sanctions on Israel?
TUCKER: Is Russia involved in any way especially through your alliance with Iran?
PUTIN: No. Of course not. We do not oppose the existence of Israel but at the same time we support the right of the Palestinians to self determination. We want to be even handed.
TUCKER: Are you following what’s happening on the US southern border?
PUTIN: Actually yes. It’s part of my daily briefing. We Russians find it ironically amusing your Congress will spend billions protecting foreign borders but neglect it’s own. It’s quiet laughable but deadly.
TUCKER: Deadly? How do you mean that? P
UTIN: Deadly serious of course. People are dying daily crossing your border in an uncontrolled way. It is a free-for-all. The world hasn’t seen anything like it in the modern era – reckless for a country to throw itself wide open like that.
TUCKER: Is Russia taking advantage of the border situation in any way?
PUTIN: No. Why should we. We don’t have to do a thing. America is self destructing. And as Napoleon said, don’t stand in the way of your enemy destroying themselves.
TUCKER: So then you do see America as an enemy?
PUTIN: That was just a saying but the current administration is definitely not a friend.
TUCKER: Can that be changed?
PUTIN: That’s why you have elections.
TUCKER: Thank you again for continuing to engage with me on so many different topics. Can we get even more interesting so to speak? PUTIN: For sure. I am open to most subjects.
TUCKER Let’s touch on climate change. It’s still being pushed in the United States and Europe. What’s your position?
PUTIN: Humanity is not even a Type 1 civilization on the Kardashev scale. If we can’t harness the energy potential of the planet how can we control the climate?
TUCKER: Are you at least concerned?
PUTIN: I’m more concerned with real issues. Climate change is not one of them. The Earth does a fairly good job of regulating itself. And if Siberia gets a little warmer all the better. More farmland for Russia.
TUCKER: But what would you tell the true believers who’re convinced we’re headed for disaster?
PUTIN: I’d tell them worrying about climate change is like complaining about the weather. If you don’t like the climate, move. If you are worried about the weather, get an umbrella.
TUCKER: Along those lines, how do you see the transgender movement?
PUTIN: It’s interesting to me that all the things which use to be a target of blackmail are now badges of honor. In Russia there are no laws either way but we certainly do not force our children into it.
TUCKER: Russia has been criticized for its ant gay laws and as being unfriendly to LGBTQ+.
PUTIN: We have laws which protect our children. And we do not drape our embassies in rainbow flags. That’s correct. Otherwise we do not interfere in the private lives of adult citizens.
TUCKER: Do you follow American sports? We are about to have the Super Bowl.
PUTIN: In fact yes. Russia is a great sporting nation. We hosted the Winter Olympics and the World Cup fairly recently. We like all sport.
TUCKER: What do you think of American football?
PUTIN: It’s an interesting sport. But why do you call it football when the ball is almost always played with the hands? It also seems needlessly violent at times.
TUCKER: That’s true. Will you be watching?
PUTIN: The game will not be shown in Russia.
TUCKER: So you won’t get to see Taylor Swift either then?
PUTIN: No – We have been given a reprieve.
TUCKER: Thank you President Putin for your time.
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*It has been hard to track down where this transcript first came from, but many reporters on Twitters are reporting as this being the real deal. However, as the full interview is supposedly two hours long, so it is hard to imagine that this is the complete transcript
The full interview is scheduled to be released on Twitter at 6:00 PM eastern tonight.
Last time I checked, there are quite a lot of brown and black Jews. Millions of ’em.
And real Jews, not Black Israelites.
Haldermann Springall Analysis of Dominion computers in Georgia were hacked
The Tucker interview with Putin just dropped.
Oh my lordy.
Someone asked yesterday when the first Great Flounce of 2024 would be.
Betting is open, with a red-hot favourite already.
President Mumblebum talks to dead people. Can’t remember who Hamas are. And now even his own DOJ pack him off to the nursing home! KENNEDY’S head-in-hands conclusion: Biden won’t be voted out of the White House – he’ll be wheeled out
Daily Mail
It is one of the reasons why three quarters of Dutch Jews were murdered, put on trains at Westerbork and transported to Auschwitz and Sobibor where they were gassed on arrival. Over 102,000 Dutch Jews were murdered by the Nazis
another great help was their bureaucratic efficiency, and the general publics trust in government – all the jews had helpfully self identified when filling out their census forms (another reason I dont do the census), and those records proved most helpful to the new administration in 1940.
That’s provocative.
But repetitive.
And gaming it.
Darn…Putin is overdubbed.
I was hoping to test my long-neglected Russian.
He doesn’t look particularly unwell, although he is clearly ageing, facial “work” notwithstanding.
On a more sombre note regarding Jews, tomorrow is the anniversary of the death of a great Jewish lady Chaya Mushka Schneerson.
Always in the background but in the front of helping those in need, blessed her be for ever.
(Born March 16, 1901
Babinovichi, Mogilev Governorate, Russian Empire[1]
Died February 10, 1988 (aged 86)
New York City, U.S.)
For that anti-semitic spray this morning.
I will call you tonight, Cass, when you get home from work.
Just to see that you are OK.
I will also let Hairy know what’s happened. He cares about you very much.
He’ll be outraged and want you off this site just as he wants me off it.
You don’t deserve this level of opprobrium.
Hey! Can I poke my tick in here?
Lizzie earlier.
So, in reality, it was a voluntary payment plan.
Which is not ideal for someone like him.
Again, if he can stop the payments, it is not a garnishee. Yeah, I get that Centrelink and Gummint Housing authorities are very good at “compassionate adjustments” to even court ordered payment plans.
I think you are right.
Rent arrears will be next.
Simply, because the power bill stunt didn’t work.
It will be accompanied either by direct abuse of you, or an attempt to wedge you and Hairy (“not my real Dad”). Speaking of which, does “real Dad” cop any of this.
If not, why not?
If so, it’s time to compare detailed notes, because it is possible you have both been paying the same bills.
Look, this might be hard to hear, but you are dealing with someone who could get a job as a chiropractor in the elephant enclosure at Tooronga Zoo.
That is, a master manipulator.
Take heart from Tinta’s story about Big Boy’s transformation. A chap with, it seems, very limited intellectual aptitude and prone to outbursts has learned to adapt to life which is not what he thought he wanted. It also seems Big Boy is secretly revelling in a little bit of independence and self-reliance.
Looks like there could be three of them.
Or maybe one.
What a f@cking ridiculous thing to say to the Jewish community.
Well, for the blog’s survival, either the ticking system should go, or good people here need to get far more vocally protective of the values of the site. When you see such gaming, call it out.
That anti-Semitic spray with 45 upticks and counting, and it’s all a jelly wrestling joke, any objecting response merely a call to the ‘peanut gallery’, that is just hideous. The woman makes no valid points, she’s just a lonely and sad case, obsessed with her own created memes, wrapped up in her own fragile self-image of stoicism, not worth upticking and especially not when she’s encased her views in what is sheer anti-Semitism. That the main objection, she doesn’t recognise her own anti-Jewish derision. She should apologise.
If Cats are feeling like they want a distraction there’s a lot of interesting photos and vids in this story today:
Eruption on the Reykjanes Peninsula (Icelandic TV live blog)
The Icelanders must be getting sick of these small volcanoes popping off every month or so. This one started less than 24 hours ago and is already slowing to a halt. Not before causing all sorts of chaos though – fortunately not too serious, since it has missed most of the important places like the power plant, Grindavik town and the Blue Lagoon.
FMD. Why is he President? The two tiered justice system writ large. Herald Sun:
Odious state of affairs.
Let’s see. Pre-lunch viewing.
Anthony Albanese has a plan, or the Tucker Carlson interview with Putin!
I think the latter.
Probably not a great sign.
Though Lincoln went through 3 or 4 generals before he got his Grant.
Volodymyr Zelenskiy has fired his top army commander, Valerii Zaluzhnyi, in Ukraine’s biggest military shake-up since Russia’s full-scale invasion began nearly two years ago.
In an interview on Tuesday, Zelenskiy’s adviser, Mykhailo Podolyak, said the president wanted “new decisions at the operational level when it comes to military strategy”, as the war enters its third year and the situation at the front becomes harder for Kyiv.
He said: “In 2023 there were particular expectations and we did not meet them. Now it’s 2024, it can’t just be a year that we sit and wait for something to happen in Russia. We need direct answers to real questions … because right now we are in stagnation.”
Though it does look like hes not causing ructions about leaving.
Zaluzhnyi said he accepted that “everyone must change and adapt to new realities” and agreed there was a “need to change approaches and strategy” in the war, in a Telegram message on Thursday evening.
The two men met on Thursday, after which Zelenskiy posted a joint photograph thanking Zaluzhnyi for his service, but outlining the need for “renewal” in the armed forces. “The time for such a renewal is now. I proposed to General Zaluzhnyi to remain part of the team,” he wrote.
I’m not sure it’s a two tiered justice system. It’s just the US “justice system”.
Interesting reading, on an issue raised up thread.
Seems the German police in the Netherlands had almost complete control of the deportation of the Jews, as opposed to the situation in France and other occupied countries, and they operated completely independently of the Dutch authorities.
I’m just listening to the Putin interview. As Tucker said, the first half hour is basically a history lesson (no problem there with Putin’s memory) but getting into it after that I have to say he is truly impressive, quick witted and articulate.
Black Ball
I don’t see this as necessarily bad for the Trumpster and it could be a jab against the Jack Smith indictment.
Basically, the Special C is saying it’s not worth going after him. The fact that he mentioned the dickhead can’t even recall if it’s night or day is very damaging.
Here’s my problem with the Tucker interview.
No journalist survives if they present as a counter to Putin. They’re usually poisoned.
What a day.
Special counsel.
All on the cusp of Super Bowl weekend.
That is a good point, is he?
The SC has basically concluded the Sniffer is mentally impaired, but it is still perfectly fine for him to wander around with the launch codes briefcase.
There are two possible bad outcomes:-
1. He might forget the codes; or
2. He might remember the codes.
Perhaps someone can shine a light into the darkness of my knowledge of such matters:
Can the blog owner identify the source of upticks & downticks?
Be that as it may, if it’s causing such angst to some and can be manipulated, maybe get rid of it.
It might entice the nay sayers to give voice to their objections, which can then be evaluated.
Thanks to DrBeauGan for pointing out a typo in my FB post yesterday to Senator Jacqui Lambie I made some additional corrections and reposted it.
Hey Jacqui Lambie, 3 years ago you said on national TV that you was coming after those who refused to take the vaccine.
That was me you threatened, lady.
Now, when there was a vote in the Senate yesterday to hold an investigation into excess deaths in Australia since the mandated vaccines were introduced you and your party, along with all the hapless Greens and Labor Senators plus Lidia Thorpe voted against it.
Now it is my turn to come after you so be aware that the list of those Tasmanian Senators who voted against the investigation will be repeatedly shown to as many people that I can possibly show it to by every means available to me…. especially leading into elections until the day you are not in a position to try and influence Australian citizens again.
You screamed in rabid tones at other members of parliament who had justifiable reservations about the safety of the totally untested, experimental gene therapy, non vaccines (before you get carried away with that description be prepared to respond to why they changed the accepted, over 325 year old definition, of vaccines when they released the mRNA concoctions), you sat through numerous interviews pushing the vaccines and attacking Australian citizens without consideration for their safety or effectiveness at all.
I have a serious question for you and all the other Senators.
There can only be two answers…
Either you don’t care one iota about all the Australian citizens suddenly dropping dead because you are more focussed about stuffing their money into your pocket – you do not care at all about their safety.
You are trying to protect your own sorry derriere from scrutiny of the endless rants, interviews and threats that you was coming after those of us, who had the good sense to question the efficacy and safety of the novel, untested mRNA ‘vaccines’.
3. Kamala actually has the briefcase.
Geez Johanna, I cut you a lot of slack because over 80% of your contributions here are sensible and well expressed, but this mornings spray(s) are beyond the pale !
I know Cassie and she has felt the pain from Israel quite viscerally. In this extraordinary context, everyone’s entitled to feel and express things in their own subjective way.
I’m descended from Ulster Presbyterian stock, so I know a thing or two about being dour and stoic. But lately I’ve been feeling rattled by the goings-on. Specifically, I live in Rockdale NSW and have been treated to the frequent sight of swarthies driving convoys of HiLux and AMG Mercs flying huge Palli banners around the local areas. Plus their pack behaviour in the streets of Brighton le Sands on weekends, walking 3 or 4 abreast on the footpath etc etc.
If I’m feeling intimidated and uneasy it’s entirely understandable for Cassie and other Jewish people to have a greater reaction.
With respect Johanna I think you’re living in a bit of a bubble down there in Q and need to get out more !
Sancho, at 10.55, and I really do appreciate your input.
Your views are essentially those of Hairy. Yes, my son is a master manipulator, with very high intelligence. I recognise that. But he is my son and my responsibility; I am his mother, which is not something you can throw aside, although Hairy points out to me that some do. Hairy jokes: ask him how much he wants for me to never have to see or think about him again, saying he’d pay a considerable sum for that. His own father has completely cut off all contact with him. I am the only family member who will speak up for him at all.
I can’t accept Hairy’s offer, because it is my son we are speaking of. For a start, it wouldn’t work. Without support and guidance, the money would just disappear into some money-making scheme and be stolen by others or maybe disappear up his arm (if he is using hard drugs seriously which I think he is not; mainly marihuana). Then, eventually, some welfare agency or more likely the police would ring me and here we go again. He’s been left to his own devices on numerous occasions, by his own choice, to enhance independence, and it always ends the same way. He ends up ill, thin, homeless, mentally unstable and in debt. I really thought in the last year or so we were getting somewhere, he had stable housing, he’d agreed to get his rent taken out of his dole by Centrelink before he got it, he came to Christmas, the family were fairly nice to him, and he seemed stable enough, even doing some occasional work at home in sales. Now, with this bill and other debts, he’s off the planet again. While I am happy for Tinta (who is an angel) and her son, the situation isn’t much of a parallel.
After this morning’s upsets here I have now to go and meet him and see what condition he is in, if he will meet me at all. He wants help but he is arrogant about taking it in a monitored form (understandable for someone with fierce pride), believes he is a good ‘businessman’ and can manage his own affairs. Which he can’t. For safety’s sake I want to meet in a public place, preferably a coffee shop.
Sancho, if I have used you as a sounding board, not what this blog is about, I am sorry, but as I haven’t slept much I am very tired. Thank you.
Whilst I was at it I reviewed my other related post and reposted it as well.
Every Tasmanian should be aware that these named Senators are amongst those who voted to prevent us from finding out why so many seemingly healthy Tasmanians and other Australians are unexpectedly and suddenly dying.
There are statistics printed in the Mercury that show that 1038 excess deaths have occured in Tasmania over a period of around 18 months (The highest percentage increase in Australia). This against a backdrop of an average of around 4347 deaths per year over a 9 year period to 2017. (1038 represents an annual increase of 15.92% above average) under NO circumstances is that acceptable, no matter what political party we support.
We need answers.
I believe every Tasmanian deserves answers about why this has happened and continues to happen.
A vote was held in the Australian Federal Senate yesterday to establish an enquiry to investigate the reasons for all these excess deaths after the pandemic has long passed and the deaths continue to occur all across the country.
Well, surprise, surprise. The vile Australian Labor Party Senators, dopey Greens, even dopier Jacqui Lambie Network Senators and Lidia Thorpe from Tasmania all voted against holding such an enquiry.
I certainly struggle to fathom why people we elected to represent us on every world stage and to protect us and our personal and national interests would turn their backs so callously against us. We are equal citizens in a supposedly free country who so desperately want answers about why our family members, work colleagues, friends and associates, who seemed to be healthy suddenly drop dead without any warning or apparent reason.
These bastards, who can find the answers through an enquiry we desperately need are not our superiors, they are leaches, sucking on the taxpayers teat. They demanded we take, untested experimental drugs which to this day still only have provisional approval. They only have provisional approval after 3 years and over 69,000,000 individual vaccinations in Australia BECAUSE THE BASTARDS STILL DON’T KNOW IF THEY ARE SAFE. There can be no other explanation. But they still promote their use.
But alas these charlatans, who take a salary and benefits package of $306,850 per year plus perks out of our pockets. It is time for us to hold these people accountable. It does not matter which political party Tasmanians support, every one of us should be absolutely outraged at this blatant betrayal. None of them deserve our support or vote at the next election.
These are the Tasmanian Senators who betrayed every one of us:
Helen Polly – ALP
Ann Urquhart – ALP
Carol Brown – ALP
Catryna Bityk -ALP
Peter Wish Wilson – Australian Greens
Nick McKim – Australian Greens
Jacqui Lambie – Jacqui Lambie Network
Tammy Tyrrell – Jacqui Lambie Network
They either:
– Don’t care about the thousands of Australians who have died suddenly, including all those Tasmanians
– They don’t want us (the people) to know about the horrendous mistakes they made as politicians when they FORCED us under the threat of losing jobs, houses, income, access to supermarkets, schools, restaurants, travel, shutting down businesses etc.
There are no other options, it must be one or the other, or both.
Every Tasmanian should contact these Senators and demand an answer about why they betrayed us. I certainly will be and I intend to inform everyone of their answers and continue communicating their betrayal until the next election and beyond if necessary.
Never forget that the average age of those who died supposedly from Covid before the vaccines was over 80 (above their life expectancy) to now having the majority of sudden, unexplained deaths between 25 to 60 (or thereabouts). WHERE IS THE BLOODY DISCUSSION ABOUT THIS DISPARITY? They are lying to us. Don’t let them get away with it.
This is too important to let slip past without action.
We can thank Clive Palmer for Lambie.
We can thank the voters of Tasmania for Lambie
Also, if I do come in here, which mostly I don’t want to do, may I request no downticks or upticks on anything I say. If it is possible for people to opt out of that system, I think it would improve the blog.
Thanks for the correction Roger. Interfaith it is.
There are many “stunning and brave” things I could say to refute yet another slur on my character but why bother?
I find actions speak much louder than words, unless those words take the form of prayer. I would prefer to live in genuine peace, not the type of peace that panders to my ego. I have many…many faults but cowardice certainly isn’t one of them.
Feb 9, 2024 11:28 AM
Why and what would it matter?
Might as well publish email addies then.
My view of Rule 1 of whatever club this is.
Quite possibly. The enclaves (for want of a better word, still not the right one) in Sydney and Melbournibad are on a scale and with a visibility you just don’t get in other areas of Australia.
Right at the outset I warned about the dangers of the “dislikes” and how they can be used cruelly, rather than proper dissent by argument.
I was right.
It isn’t “free speech” any more than breaking wind is speech. It is no speech at all.
He could have a cross word with the offenders.
I thought that was obvious.
And there we have it.
Thanks for the fine argument guys. Worthless.
Via National Review newsletter:
Jury Orders Mark Steyn to Pay Michael Mann $1 Million for Defaming Him in Blog Post
My position on this is though the comment could be construed as offensive it isn’t anti-Semitic. Further, if you substituted the identity group for another group identity, say if it were said about indigenous or LGBT, it wouldn’t even be given a second look on this forum.
On the matter of the upticks and downticks, they are going to stay until the new OT appears, and then, I will remove the plugin that allows both. Two reasons for this, firstly, it will, I hope, relieve the site from processes that may be slowing it down, and, secondly, it will end the complaints from many both on and off blog that have now become tiresome, sorry to say, and have overcome whatever minor info they may have provided about the mood of those here on this or that issue as opposed to this or that cat-fight.
your letters to the bush pig are excellent. Logical and clear, hard to misunderstand.
However, as Jacky-Jacky has to sound out each letter and syllable before she knows what the word is, she will give up before she is through the first sentence.
Sincerely hope your words receive a large audience because nothing will be accomplished until she is hit with a clue bat by thousands of her constituents.