Rarely a word said in the media. Why is it when it’s a choice between Communism and Freedom, our media…
Rarely a word said in the media. Why is it when it’s a choice between Communism and Freedom, our media…
Faaaaaark. Don’t get me started on tire shops.
Had convo with husband about this earlier today. Drove past a tyre store closed down and so got to talking…
You need to get out more, Dover.
“We don’t need no steenking customers!” Sounds like they’ve taken on the business model of the underpants gnomes.
The Russians (well ok: DNR militia) were doing this nearly 2 years ago. It seemed amusing at the time, but as you say there’s a serious benefit in a water cooled machine gun vs drones.
I’ m reading Seymour Hersh’s account of the Presidency of John Kennedy “The Dark Side of Camelot.” Seems that, for most of his adult life, Kennedy was infected with V.D……
Thank you, JC. That does need to be called out, along with her ‘that creature’ comment and now her desire to have me gone; learn to scroll. I will go, as I said, when I choose, if I chose, and if further comment arises about last Friday’s disgrace, then I will answer it if I happen to be passing by.
I did a dance class this morning and feel considerably better, loved by friends are a very difficult weekend with my older sister. Certainly better enough to thank Cassie for her kind words on this thread and to continue thinking about whether the best and good use of my time is being here, particularly before we leave in early March for nearly six weeks overseas.
That Freedom site is such a sewer, I had a brief look, and that was enough for me.
Made by people who were once here? Demonstrates that you may not really know what sort of people you are dealing with on a blog till they give themselves away.
Australia Censored: Defending free speech with John Roskam
Bookmarked, to assist JC when next he whinges that he doesn’t stoush troll & all stoushes he’s involved in are started by others.
Great idea that.
Never suggested that, “Pub owner”. I always said there will be return serve.
By the way, whatever happened to the I’m done with you and never interact again.
Lasted 24 hours.
The only business you’re in is blowharding. Driller Blowhard Pty Ltd. ABN 321 35 230
Salvatore, Iron Publican
Feb 12, 2024 5:52 PM
JC Feb 12, 2024 5:36 PM
Oh – yeah. Noted. The creature cannot elude multiple exposures. BTW, Sal – are you and I having an affair as the dipstick stated a few pages back? Bwahahaha.
What would Mary’s shoe sniffer know about a good idea?
Where Israel really blew it October 8 was to let incompetant idiots take control of the Information Battle Space … sure that sticks in Washington but it always will because they are already bought and paid for .
Beheaded babies … what 40 ? ” Sure you want more?
Not only has Israel tottaly blown it with America … shabbos goys that they are ..
the rest of the planet that wasn’t happy with the brethren of the diminutive millinery are less so now.
And You guys will shit on me and threaten me. Who cares what I think?
I am just passing on information that comes from elsewhere.
He’s exactly right. I’m just sorry this wasn’t really covered in the Tucker interview.
Voice Unchained
Vladimir Putin says the west is at war with itself by attacking the nuclear family, normalizing pedophilia and destroying its own traditions, culture & national identity.
This seems to be the reason why Tucker Carlson’s in Russia and is seen as a threat !
What Isreal would have been far better served by would have just been to tell the Truth. That might have worked well but Israel didnt and decided to take that ride.
20 terrorists arrested inside Gaza hospital
Israeli forces rescue two hostages from Hamas captivity in Rafah
She’s really something.
Watch: Grammys Best New Artist Nominee Ice Spice Performs Her Top 40 Hit… (9 Feb, rest of the headline truncated for decency – BoN)
Probably NSFW, despite being a Breitbart news article. We may just be at peak decadence for the cycle. Nero and Caligula might have trouble surpassing her.
Someone called Taylor Swift was booed at the Super Bowl.
No, I most certainly didn’t. The mere thought would be too horrible to contemplate. And as much as I have contempt for the Driller, I don’t want him aimlessly wondering the Malee desert minus his head.
Driller, for your sake don’t not respond to any romantic approaches from the black widow, Crazy Karen.
The learning to read stuff is interesting.
I taught myself before I started school and was mystified when my children struggled, no idea about the change in classroom methods.
Solution was DIY and that included paying a speech therapist for speech and reading lessons for two of my children.
A great investment that I thoroughly enjoyed being involved in.
One of my daughters reminded me the other day of running into her old prep teacher after finishing school who was obviously very surprised to hear she was doing arts at Melbourne.
Written off at age five.
I disagree with the author. I think it’s entirely deliberate. They want WWIII.
Warning Sounded: ‘Biden has Opened the Floodgates of Hell’
If people object to reading then they are on the wrong blog.
Look for one with pictures.
I dissect fairly forensically what people say.
That is the scholar in me. It is all we have to go on with a blog.
If you can’t be bothered to read my comments, too bad.
It won’t stop me putting my views into literate prose.
Not ‘sighs’ and other exasperations of the illiterate.
Freed hostages?
That’s extraordinarily good news!
story with photos
‘Luxury Beliefs’ That Only the Privileged Can Afford
The speed with which Catholicism collapsed in Ireland has parallels with what happened in Quebec somewhat earlier. It would make for a valuable comparative study for anyone interested in the future of the Catholic Church in Western countries.
yes it’s extraordinary. The church in Ireland just seemed all powerful and loved (or feared). Things just ain’t what they seem sometimes.
What’s one private jet when you can fly two? Taylor Swift ramps up the old carbon footprint to new levels
My God. You are still so obsessed with yourself, I’ve run out of paper bags to vomit into.
I think I may sit back and have some fun, tonight.
Either f/off or stay. Your alleged fans here are waking up, bimbo.
DHS Secretary Mayorkas Tells NBC Hack: “We Don’t Bear Responsibility” for Open US Border and 11 Million Illegal Alien Invasion
“Sydney council has been accused of alienating members of the queer community after it refused to host any drag queen storytime events.
The Liberal-led Hills Shire Council voted 10-2 that it would not host the events, which are popular among other councils in Sydney and interstate, or any “sexualised material designed to target children”.
Link – might not work
times of Israel story on hostages
I suppose my view had been formed as an Australian protestant who has rubbed shoulders with people of Irish descent all my life and quite a few Irish. Met two today!
99/00/01 I lived in a share house close to central Geelong Big old dump 1/4 acre block. Right up the end of the backyard was a caravan and annex etc. Bloke Terry and his dog lived there. He actually owned it all.
“Gday mate. What unit were you in?” WTF? “What unit were you in?”
103 Battery at Holsworthy. “Oh. Thought you might have been grunts.”
This dude could tell I was ex military somehow. He was SAS Vietnam. He is on an honour list on a SAS website. Real thing.
He told me some Top Secret shit. There was a G-man who would visit him every 2 or 3 weeks. checking he was chill etc.
No problems Liz. The black widow is still trying it on with all the bile that comes from a lonely, old damaged female sitting in the middle of the desert, angry those severed heads are talking to her.
yeah sure ! pile on me .. But any one who has ever had any thing to do with PR must have freaked out with “Oh Gawd 400 babies beheaded and women raped so hard by these Hamas savages that thier pelvises were fractured … i saw it with my own eyes”
At That point Israel lost. If you had told the Truth you might have been able to keep a rein on this ..
Going broke, selling beer to Australians…
I’m sure they can, whereas parts of yours are in a freezer.
The church in Ireland just seemed all powerful and loved (or feared). Things just ain’t what they seem sometimes.
I think Father Ted might have been the last straw.
Victor Davis Hanson: The Demise of Europe
Feb 12, 2024 6:03 PM
LOL. The fat faced short arse Mafioso Bully has started up once more. ‘Argy Bargy’ time has arrived brought to you by the poster/imposter who doesn’t start one..
Yes it is a good idea and it was a good idea for me to come here. If only to annoy you.
Sec Def back in hospital.
Ha ha yes- maybe I watched too many episodes of Father Ted. Plus I’ve seen Once a Catholic twice (actually set in London).
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare Avatar
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Feb 12, 2024 6:09 PM
Let us not forget.
He has to resign.
Unfortunately shatterzzz, because Dai Le knocked off Mean Girl 2 in the last election, the Liars are out to get her.
One trick is, Liars pricks in the public service or union offices spam her electoral office with thousands of bogus queries.
Then, come next election, they spruik that Dai Le only answers 31% of questions from “the public”.
I lost most of my respect for the RC church after the cranky frankie putsch.
Labour’s DEI dystopia
Carpe Jugulum
Feb 12, 2024 6:24 PM
Your comment is awaiting moderation.
German political obsession with Ukraine reaches dangerous levels
The folks that see the Holocaust as a Spielberg hoax and a grift are dining out on this ..and are making headway…
way to destroy you own platform …
And it may or may not me beliving this stuff … really why should any of you care ?
I have no control over how badly this will backfire on Israel ..
Yoo-hoo, Cassie and Calli? Cat got your tongue?
They’re cheap. You should come better supplied.
The door’s over that way, toilet down the hall.
I can do first aid should you require it.
OCO – I linked it for you. Look up Putin’s Peter The Great speech. Specific countries have been mentioned by his insiders, I think that is the case with Moldova and Kazakhstan. But it really lit a fire under the Moldovans at the time, they weren’t at all happy. The Kazakh government weren’t happy either. Medvedev has been especially mouthy.
Suddenly! It all changes.
I’ve had a lot of amusement from Facebook’s Short Reels. They are often just homey stuff with pets, kids, horses, planes, cars, motorbikes.
Suddenly, like today – there’s a rash of women (pretty nice ones) saying they can’t get a man. Looks like a scam.
All of them have an Instagram contact (haven’t tried it)
I think you might be here alone, JMH, because I’m off now too.
FARMER PROTESTS SPREAD: Desperate Farmers Protest Against New Laws That Will Bankrupt Them
BB – possibly an AI.
Man Uses AI to Talk to 5,000 Women on Tinder, Finds Wife (7 Feb)
It’s an AI-driven arms race between the sexes. Mutually assured destruction…
I’m just glad they finally got around to banning ham sandwiches. Eternal life can’t be far of now.
I’m also glad the government adverts on the teevee tell me footy training is now a girls thing.
Do you keep that in the fridge too, GMH?
All the big bank propaganda is any human being except a white guy.
A gap in transmission between 1830 and just now?
Men are now being convinced that only girls can do the manly stuff. When men do it its toxic.
Yet another good reason not to watch TV.
A pause to allow the database hamsters to refresh and reload.
Plus any Cats that need to stock up on bags could do so.
Yep, I kept getting a could not establish connection to the database error.
I’ve said this before.
All the big corporate or government advertisers try to shoe-horn as many minorities into their adverts as possible.
Black, Asian, headscarves, gays, whatever.
With one exception.
Government domestic violence adverts.
Invariably pale, stale males.
Ze cat, she was dead. And now ze is alive again! Is a miracle.
We probably should send Dover more money.
The idea of using a Maxim for drones??
Hmmm … could work.
(Possibly NSFW)
Oops … link no work. No idea why; I cut and pasted the link.
No contact with web site allowed after hours (NSW). Try again in the AM.
Government domestic violence adverts.
Invariably pale, stale males.
Yes cultural marxism. Just imagine the canbra Coven of pubic serpent wimmin with their BAs from the ANU and University of Canbra.
My wife relies on me to unscrew the jam jar.
And she’s pretty fit, goes to gym, does weights, etc.
Which men be ye referring to?
Mark Bolton in his lounge room
Bondy and Big John (RIP)already ahead of you. It can be done but takes some effort.
They are trusted to have and use good judgement. They failed. They abide by exactly the same rules.
Canbra wimmin
I’ m reading Seymour Hersh’s account of the Presidency of John Kennedy “The Dark Side of Camelot.” Seems that, for most of his adult life, Kennedy was infected with V.D……
Nassir Ghaemi wrote a book called First Rate Madness.
There’s a decent chapter on JFK which goes through his physical & mental problems.
Alan (spit) vooking(spit) Bond(spit.) When that thieving prick kicked the bucket, some dimwits suggested he be given a State funeral…
When a bloke teaches you how to walk in the bush… how not to make a mistake and get your legs broken … when He looks after you and with his soft spoken leadership …just tells you Ok .. we take a rest here …and never so long as our blood went cold. He knew the exact moment we needed to be getting going. That Man knew how to lead men .. as he demonstrably had. His word took on a credibility. Mostly in so far as teaching us young buggers to bush slog … He only once said ..just like in VN only no Charlie Uniform November Tango is shootin at me … but instantly regreted it … It sounded too much like he was bragging .
Well .. veracity ? Hard thing to pin down .. but a bloke that isnt putting tikets on himself … clearly knows his way in the jungle and is a brilliant and inspiring Crew leder to a bunch of young blokes … Chewy Bone Oh .. why would he lie ?
Doxxing to be made illegal in NSW.
File this under “laws that will be selectively enforced”.
No wonder Marylin topped herself, copping a nasty dose from JFK.
It’s 1 and in the cities it’s estimated at .6 They’re gone for all money, and apartments…
Interesting the Wall Street Journal is citing Australian “experts”.
If Bondy was still with us he’d probably be bidding for Channel 10 now.
It is quite clear that some people here will never get on and it results in constant insults and never ending mostly repetitive arguments. Some days it definitely impacts the flow of the blog due to the sheer number on the back and forth. I found the upticking and downticking option useful as I could indicate support either way without having to get involved.
An idea for consideration.
It is simple. Lets say there are three pairs of people that are constantly at it.
A v B
C v D
C v E
They are simply told they can no longer interact with each other. Mention the other and a suspension for 3 days with no posting ability.
Obviously there could be responding via a proxy but this would become apparent.
Just a thought.
Bruce of Newcastle
That’s a trap quite a few European leaders have fallen into, Bruce.
Looks like interesting reading, I’ll bag a copy.
More here:
Sorry, it’s a long piece, but I thought folks would be interested.
Part 2.
My regional bank’s advertising features the worthy causes they’re sponsoring in the local community, including the youth footy competition.
It beats lesbians of colour and rainbows.
Vote with your money.
You’re always thinking of ways to support my banning or placing restrictions and limitations on the blog in general. Just as you’re concerned about stoushes, believe me, there are people here who are concerned with your low quality contributions (along with others). The only way to reduce low quality would obviously be to ban you, but no one is advocating that just yet, but we should.
Here’s a thought, start up Rooster’s blog and see how you go. I’m serious, you’re always posting about how unhappy you are with this or that, therefore show people how it’s done. Off you go. I’m supporting you, Roost.
Mark Bolton
Feb 12, 2024 6:15 PM
This is why we need up and, in this vile case, downticks.
I don’t want visitors to believe that this is how all Cats think.
OK Thanks.
You wouldn’t need to go even that far to end the juvenile carryings-on.
The Bourne Nonentity at 8:28.
Have you done the sums for Dover on how much the monitoring and moderation would cost?
Try it at Public House, Drills. Have Rooster support you.
While you’re here, see if you can comment on something worthwhile like the huge population contraction in the world’s biggest and most potentially dangerous nation.
Further Old Mate was planning on going Off Grid ..and he damn well did … back in the 70s before such eccentricities were even remotely fashionable .. Man had no desire to build a career in military admin .. nor to repudiate such .. he told me his war story and I belived him He had no motivation to lie to me …again Chewy Bone Oh ..
A horrific story an one I believe..
I only hope I would have the guts to do what he did …. I doubt that I would.
Jacqueline Kennedy’s reaction…..
Public House would be a great way to test Rooster’s mathematically based Blog Interaction Theory. Assuming Public House paces comments at its historical average of 279 comments in 15 years. It would mean having to deal with 9 comments a month or 2 comments a week. I think that sort of pace would be easy to work with as a test case.
If one were to take this course of action, one would need an algorithm.
Otherwise, it would be solely dependent on the additional ‘moderators’ to determine who could converse with whom, and/or when. On a whim.
Agreed Delta
Posting hamas talking points again and again and again.
Meanwhile the IDF has made a successful foray into Rafah rescuing two hostages at zero loss of live in the IDF.
Hamas claiming 51 then one hundred innocent civilians killed.
I’ve seen footage of a Gazan hanging from a wall, no context other than somehow IDF were responsible.
Someone gave very precise intel about the location of these two
Is there a connection?
Don’t know.
Israel being a people who truly believe in the sanctity of life will be celebrating wildly.
As they should.
No shit. Approx 48 hours ago, Driller promised to never converse with me again or about me. It took less than 24 hours for a triggering to break his undertaking.
Indeed. ‘Intimate intelligence’, I believe, was the term used.
This means that at least some Palis (or Hamas dudes sniffing the wind and hoping to cut a deal at the eleventh hour) are sick of having their cash and food stolen and being used as human shields for people living in Qatar.
“Starship Troopers” depicts the US as a fascistic society? It was filmed as a deliberate slap in the face for Heinlein? It shows how citizens are lied to by their own government? The bugs are actually innocent creatures fighting for their own survival against the evils of colonisation?
Well, must admit, I hadn’t quite regarded it that way. But, see what you think.
Wolfman, I’d love your take on this.
Feb 12, 2024 8:28 PM
How about this as an alternative? Never respond to any one that posts a nasty ad hom …
Never respond to anything that isnt kind and Life affirming and interesting.. and even then with something that might contribute to a civilized conversation … even if it is just pointing out others might have a contrary view point you might not like…
A lot of people will . And a lot less politely than I do …
If I was in charge:
The deplorable word.
This place would look like Charn.
Vote with your money.
absolutely- I’m with a regional bank but I still have to use big 4 atms (free of charge though).
Mavis calls for the Beetrooter to resign. I’m sure nothing is further from his mind.
NOW, the link works … except it’s the wrong one. That’s the Maxim gun link.
This should be the Starship Troopers link.
KD at 8:56
Who would decide these things?
Why, The People, of course.
Haven’t you paid attention to anything?
Does the WSJ worry about demographic decline in Western countries or is this more of their ‘China’s in trouble’ agitprop? Have they seen the numbers for South Korea?
I’m inclined to Hamas adjacent as they knew which room they were in.
Of course it could have been a family hosting but given the apparent quantity of hamas on guard duty I’d say very intimate, and probably had made themselves scarce.
Sassari far more substantial than Oblia, no doubt a reflection of the decline of Oblia under the Aragonese regime.
The religious buildings alone are testament.
The West is importing replacements, China, not so much.
Don’t know if it’s a local thing, but the big 4 banks have removed their stand alone ATMs and now there are only 2 ” no name” ATMs you are both limited in how much you can get out, and they charge $1.50 to do so.
Amazing how they all independently, at the same time, removed the tellers.
If I were a cynic.
Specifically, a CommiTtee of Teh PeoPle.
Attention to what?
They do actually, Dover and I’ve read pieces in their op-eds about the problem in the west. This was a news piece though focusing on China and they possibly believe the issue is more acute there because of the one child policy. I actually read about Sth Korea and Taiwan in the WSJ.
The population numbers for China could very well be incorrect because I’ve read a few times the regions/provinces lie about their numbers in order to gain more funding from Beijing. They also have a census, which would surely make it harder to cheat, but the provinces may have a large amount of input on how it’s conducted. Dunno.
Yet western “social” scientists continue to assume, arrogantly and wrongly, that they are smarter, and their population models are better.
Central planning can never, ever, work because the latest data are always out of date, and projections forward are essentially the assumptions of the researchers, not the latest measure of reality.
That the rescuers were able to make an unforced breach in the perimeter, as claimed, would indicate either inside assistance or a dreadful lapse in terror-monkey security.
As I commented earlier – after Bern first broached the news – the involvement of Shin Bet suggests either an informer, or the unit (of Shin Bet or the police, I cannot remember) that specialises in inserting ‘Arabic’ agents.
One wonders why the raid was staged when it was, as apparently it had been mooted previously but cancelled for unstated reasons.
Whatever the takeaway is about China , the problem focuses on our exports. Exports pay for our imports and the last time commodity prices were in the doldrums, the aussie reached a low of .4850. Potentially a massive problem for us.
SK is .78 and the government is introducing financial incentives for youngin’s to meet up. The problem is longstanding in Japan and present in many countries. Even Russia has a problem. Issue is compounded by huge drops in sperm count but I think the problem is more sociological than biological.
Re the beheaded babies.
The fact this was not true was used against me yesterday in a very tense and ongoing debate with a lefty Palestinian supporter friend.
I countered with the fact that any babies being murdered was an atrocity.
The sad fact is these non verified reports, when proved false, are not helpful.
for a joke, a mate bought my missus one of these … Avanti Jar opener
first time she used it she didn’tjust crack the seal to assist before twisting the lid off.
nah … tore it off like a bottle-top off a stubby
excellent behaviour
I don’t have a link, but I would cite you the case of the terrorist cell that wasn’t having a successful run – their operations were failures, and Israeli police rounded up their members. They were in the habit of patronizing an elderly Arab, who ran a stall selling tea, and who they talked quite freely about upcoming operations in his presence.
Imagine their consternation when the Israeli Army raided their headquarters and arrested the lot, and one of those present, in Israeli uniform, was an elderly Arab who ran a stall selling tea…
John H
The incentives, where they’ve been introduced have just taken the birthrates up a fraction only. Hungary went apeshit with incentives. It went up a tiny bit but still well below replacement.
I think it’s more than an economic problem, I think large numbers of sheilas just don’t want kids in developed countries.
Happy to oblige – here for my nightly visit.
I’m quite a fan of director Paul Verhoeven who makes confronting and commercial films but I don’t rate this as one of his best, despite some interesting ideas and sequences.
I liked the satire and the bugs were a fearsome adversary (not sure they were innocent creatures) but as a whole it never felt it quite jelled for me.
Films of Paul Verhoeven I really like and admire are:
Soldier Of Orange (1977)
RoboCop (1987)
Total Recall (1990)
Basic Instinct (1992)
Black Book (2006)
Grain prices are certainly going the wrong way. Not very encouraging given the input costs.
We have been lucky for the last few years though. High prices with good seasons, it never lasts.
Interesting. Thanks.
Not having read the novel, I’m in no position to make a comparison or analysis.
What did seem strange to me on first viewing was that despite their advanced technology (space travel), humanity was still utilising kinetic weapons for their infantry. There were also no supporting arms/weapons to be seen, apart from the small nuclear bunker-buster RPGs.
With hindsight, if not for Dizzy (Dina Meyers), I could not have cared less about any of the main characters.
To paraphrase The Critical Drinker: ‘Anyway, I’ll go away now.’
Good luck with it all, Bush.
We really are a trading nation imports, exports and trade balance reaching ~50% of our GDP. Extraordinary.
Those trade routes better stay open.
Bush, I dunno much about the commodity futures markets, but can you say hedge by buying a grain put option in a good year for the outer years? Too expensive?
Verhoeven only did that because he was so threatened by the zeitgeist of the book. Which is conservative libertarian. Lefties hate that, with a passion.
Fascist societies are lefty. The Left has been gaslighting us on fascism for eighty years. They own it.
I like the idea of franchise requiring completion of national service, and all pollies must’ve served. That would be an excellent shock to the system!
national service is yr education
and dying is yr duty
… it’s a better end than building pyramids for a lifetime
JC that’s why I suggested it is sociological. Remember the decades when it was said a woman could have it all? That myth is no longer embraced. The problem now is for most to raise a family requires two incomes because the big incomes come later in the career. It is unrealistic to expect women to obtain their degree then work for a few years and give up career prospects to raise children.
I remember interviews with Japanese young women who said they saw their mothers stuck at home alone because the husband was always at work or socializing after work. That put them off, they didn’t want to be condemned to a life stuck in the house. Raising a family has to compete with so many other ways to live and childhood memories of absent fathers and lonely mums are potent disincentives. Was Cats in the Cradle a prophetic song?
I sometimes wonder if government attempts to encourage more children have the perverse effect of making it too expensive. For example, a residential developer said he loved the first home buyer’s grant because it boosted housing prices. Child care subsidies and even textbook subsidies might be another example of that. Family payments are a huge welfare cost yet attract little attention.
We can’t assume a universal cause across nations or a single dominant cause. For example, Russia is a strange case that doesn’t easily fit into the picture.
I currently have two young brushtails bouncing on my tin roof. It’s fun! They each got half a slice of bread and half a large carrot. They are elder sister and young brother.
Today was excellent, I got the third young grey butcherbird to accept food from my hand for the first time. Yesterday one of the northern magpies’ chicks did that also, he did it again today, with some preparatory arrangement… It’s an acclimatization exercise, you have to get them used to the stress and fear, in small progressive steps, for them to overcome it. And reward them when they try. They’re like small children.
What’s the story there?
Having a kid is a vote for the future. No wonder there’s a few issues.
and very, very bug-like
Could you imagine serving alongside the likes of Anthony Albanese? Lidia Thorpe? Linda Burney?
With relish! It’d be so much fun. I could even imagine myself being Lee Ermey, although I never got further than private. I can dream though.
Albo cleaning a toilet with a toothbrush, what a wonderful fantasy!
Starship Troopers was funny and dorky. Was kind of a piss take yeah?
Whenever I reread Starship Troopers I do so in company with rereading Forever War by Joe Haldeman.
Our society is becoming very much like the latter, with institutionalized homosexuality, population reduction and standardization of thought. I wish it were more like the former, with service, individual excellence and dynamism.
I read a couple of articles about Japanese fertility, those that marry have children, but a increasing number don’t ever marry, especially low income men, though you’d think, given what marriage is, it would apply to both low income men and women, presumably low income women are more successful in marrying up.
Oh and anecdotely, professional women approaching forty often get that incredible urge.
Then it’s IVF, with mixed results.
“Recruit Albanese! You horrible, disgusting disgrace to the Queens uniform! There is one thing lower then shark sh!t at the bottom of the ocean, and you are IT!”
Culurgiones Sardi.
Recruit Albanese LOL. He reminds me of some schmucks who got punted early doors at Kapooka.
details of the Rafah rescue.
hostages reunited with their families footage
another great super bowl ad
“Recruit Albanese! Caught with your hands in your pockets! Two grades of people are permitted to have their hands in their pockets in this military district! One are pregnant women, the other are p##fters! It is obvious that you are not pregnant, so we must endeavor to curb your disgusting tendencies! Three times around the parade ground! DOUBLE AWAY!”
Wolfman, thank you for that. Must admit I’m not a real fan of any of those movies. I find them … abrasive.
Muddy: Yes, apart from magazine capacity, I found the weapons pretty anachronistic. But Denise Richards stirred my hormones mightily, so I was prepared to forgive most things.
Was going to post a Playboy nude, but the, it’s not THAT sort of blog.
So this will have to suffice (a poor second).
not that hungry, actually
…, but THEN, …
Hi Rosie. I caught a bit of your travelogue here and there when on the blog. Interesting. Corsica. Foreign Legion home base. My favourite Army.
we love our children
Eylon Levy quoting David Shoebridge complaining about how the IDF rescued Israelis during Super Bowl.
the greens
Busy day.
158 camels and 7 horses eliminated.
Jack Out The Back:
Join Jack and Danny as they have a long hot day dragging dead camels away from the water points, but have to shoot more as well, because the camels just keep coming. Join them as they fix a few of the yards and a tank that’s been attacked by the camels. Another day of hot and heavy work that is physically and emotionally straining at time.
Cleaning up and making repairs; Camels causing chaos.
Well at least JC recognises who is the problem. 2nd to react was his proxy.
“You’re always thinking of ways to support my banning or placing restrictions and limitations on the blog in general”.
JC, a paranoid moron
Our society is becoming very much like the latter, with institutionalized homosexuality, population reduction and standardization of thought. I wish it were more like the former, with service, individual excellence and dynamism.
Ya Bruce for President!
Pauline Hanson and Malcolm Roberts. Jacinta Price from the Alice. That is it. Tell me if I am missing anyone.
1.49 fertility. Obviously not about wokeness. Alcoholism is a huge problem. Life expectancy 73 years, woeful. Might be that to get ahead is very much about who you know and corruption.
I’d vote for a bank tax to support cash management services to support anyone offering cash deposit/withdrawal service (7-11 bunnings, pubs, utilities, …). Around 500M/yr should be enough.
Life expectancy was declining all through the ’90s and was around 65 years of age by 2000. Putin turned it around and its been steadily climbing since then, an average of 8 extra years v 2000 in two decades is pretty good.
How did Putin achieve this miracle?
How do you know that was Putin? A country doesn’t quickly recover from 100 years of communism. It might just be a natural recovery that has nothing to do with Putin.
One guess might be that applying market forces to the price of vodka has made it far more expensive for the kulaks to drink themselves into oblivion.
I don’t know if it was Putin or the Fairy Godmother who made it happen, but I find it strange that people on the one hand give credit to someone like Trump for all the good that happens in one country, but steadfastly refuse any positive achievement to an other leader, who happened to had more time in office and worked through a much more difficult problem.
Biased much?
Interring. I took a look at countries having a similar GDP level to Russia’s and it’s still lower.
Greece, Chile,Turkey all higher. Greece and Chile much higher.
Not really.
Trump lowered the corp tax rate and the economy boomed pre-covid. He did things to the border and the inflow went down to a trickle. He avoided wars and strengthened NATO by forcing countries to pay some more of their way. He made people aware that the media was mostly fake news.
The Soviet Union broke up, and communism fell. Russia turned more toward private enterprise and while it took a decade or so to turn things around, Russia is better for it. Is Putin really responsible for that or the fact that the place is no longer a communist shithole? 30 or so years since communism and the place still hasn’t reached lifespans enjoyed in Greece, Chile and Turkey.
However, Putin is the best investor the world has seen. On a salary equal to around 150K, he owns something like 20 villas, with one costing US$1 billion and recently built a new one with a modernist touch. He’s worth an estimated US$200 billion. Incredible achievement.
Asking to substantiate the causation is not bias it is logical. For example, one question to ask is did child mortality decline during the relevant period and if so why. Another issue when did nutritional improvement begin and in what age groups. Simply saying Putin did it, without any explanation of how he did it, that is bias.
I did not attribute the change to him, neither did you give a reason for refuse.
But there is a lot behind the scenes that we could discuss.
One thing you have keep in mind, after the regime change the old communist leaders and insiders did more damage to the then economy than the whole Soviet regime ever did, the Soviets were simply incompetent fools following a failed doctrine of Marx and co.
The oligarchs who bought the means of productions, sometimes on a non repayable state loan, absolutely gutted the Russian economy.
It took a strong leader and sometime unpalatable means to reverse that.
BTW, those unpalatable means happen in the US as well, strange suicides with a bullet wound in the back of the head comes to mind.
Or the more civilised way of legal procedures to achieve the same end that is silence and disable the opponent politically, financially, like with Trump and others, never mention the poor baskets languishing in jail after the last “uprising”.
Comparing countries only works if you set a common starting point, if you were miles behind the starting line it takes time to catch up if ever.
But we heard it all before on this forum so it’s a waste of time even talking about it.
PS Putin’s wealth and villas, if you how that system works you would know that they are all financed by the state and will revert to the state, the leader has the use of them only, and unlike Zelinsky’s overseas acquisitions they are located in Russia.
rescued hostages held by local family
some more details
al Jazeera out of Israel
Chris Gunness is another piece of work
John Spooner.
Mark Knight.
Mark Knight #2.
Peter Broelman.
Brett Lethbridge.
Christian Adams.
A.F. Branco.
Matt Margolis.
Bob Gorrell.
Tina Norton.
It’s a parody of a parody of a parody.
‘I don’t want to be here’ and variants have popped up for years. At one stage, she claimed to be hiding behind the bathroom door with her phone, having told the Beta that she was giving up at last.
It was hilarious! 🙂
Narcissists don’t understand dignity and restraint, which may apply to some of your friends,
I take no sides in this, but sometimes a few phrases makes me stop in my tracks, who on earth would utter and why, something like “the scholar in me” makes me do it?
I think there are quite a few real scholars on this forum who would never declare to be one to support their argument.
Whatever makes them happy.
Thanks Tom.
I was listening to Dave Rubin yesterday and in the December of 2020 the full count of illegal crossings at the border totalled 17, with Biden in December 2023 the totall of crossings was over 191,000 illegals crossings and that was only counting those who’d come from south of the border, it did not count illegals from the Middle East, Asia or Africa. So there you have it.
footage from the rescue
Couldn’t sleep and have been watching beautiful fashions in fashion shows in Damascus – 6 years ago, the fashions are opulent, lush, lots of flash and flesh — when the designers come out the women are covered with only eyes showing, any male designer is in ordinary clothing.
The gowns are just gorgeous, the models are well-fed and beautiful and walk normally without the camel-crossing gait, all the models are fair-skinned with only one exception I have seen so far, have seen no Nigerians at all, and no dour faces either.
This was 6 years ago though so clearly no DEI at play. Lovely fabrics and fashions, most enjoyable.
smart gazans getting out of Rafah
Tintarella di Luna
Feb 13, 2024 5:13 AM
Trump lowered the corp tax rate and the economy boomed pre-covid. He did things to the border and the inflow went down to a trickle.
I have absolutely no argument against it.
My problem in understanding the savage critique of the lower GDT and slower advance in living standard, is the blindness in comparing the two.
It is like this, Trump can open a tap on an existing system with an executive order and make the water flow, Biden can close that tap with his own order and stop it.
Example, the gas pipeline, etc.
Russia has to build the system first, big ask, hence the unfair comparison.
I know we are talking ideologies, waste of pixels, but still from time to time one has to join in and try to set the records straight.
How successfully?
Not very.
Sorry JC, I was in bed.
A few farmers do and I’m not sure how it goes for them. You always hear varying reports. And I admit I don’t know enough to comment.
On farm storage is key and is what a lot of people have turned to.
– It enables a speedy harvest.
– You know what quality and quantity of grain you have, not everyone else, as it’s not “in the system”.
– The grain market can fluctuate wildly and the ability to jump in at the top of the market from your own storage, straight to an end user, is money in the bank. The price spike thanks to the Ukraine invasion being a prime example. Even I did well out of stored canola that year, picking up +$350/t. The people I work for picked up +$400/t on 1,500t.
Gez may know more on futures etc.
Just scrolling back through last night’s posts & read BoN’s post re feeding birds by hand & the joy this brings. So agree. Husband gets enjoys watching the variety of birds coming to the bird feeder he built recently & to the 4 birdbaths in our garden grounds at the farm. Such a delight.
What? How can that be?
The MSM has told me that the Gazan civilians are trapped – penned in – so if Israel attacks they will do knowing that innocent civilians had no way out and that they were sure to kill them.
According to US Senator James Vance of Ohio, the new spending bill before Congress contains provisions such that were Trump to cut funding to Ukraine against the advice of career (swamp) experts (who have seen this damn thing grow so out of hand already) then it would be a violation of ‘budget law’ and provide grounds for impeachment.
They are trying to tie Trump’s hands regarding foreign policy already.
Trump is the only one who has spoken about resolving the conflict but the Democrats seem to have monomaniacal determination to keep it going.
I don’t want to be here, guys.
This is all so silly. Congress passes a new budget each year and the President has unchallengeable executive authority. If he had any discretion at all it can’t be delegated to people outside of Congress or the Presidency. A Congressional “expert” is not a constitutional officer and the President can override any underling.
It will create a sound byte that dum dum normies will believe as a biased media packages it to them on commercial radio and other dinobore TV “news”.