Good morning all. And a great big fcuk you to the Greens in Prahran. Even the gays and hippies are…
Good morning all. And a great big fcuk you to the Greens in Prahran. Even the gays and hippies are…
Midnight Man – Flash and the Pan https://youtu.be/EnMVWa3WIQw
Norsemen “Viking fashion”
Turn it back into farmland like it was before 2005.
And out in the open, no hidden frauds like the American ones embedded in USAID.
So i throw it open ;
if Australian Soldiers arent following the “profession of arms” what are they supposed to be doing ?
How is this not a plain & simple corruption of the judicial process if proven to be a verified action by DG/Jnr?
What happened to you is disgraceful. I recently enquired about doing some volunteering. They demand I get a booster. I had the 2 shots to maintain access to some facilities, when I contracted COVID I was sick for one day. Doesn’t matter, must have the shot. Nuts, lost a volunteer.
In the USA it has become ridiculous. They built 186 F22’s at 300 million plus per unit and the kill number is one balloon. The hypersonic missile they are\was trialling cost in excess of 100 million dollars each. The F35 has a readiness rate of 55%, mostly because of ongoing upgrades, currently Block 4. They already have prototype NGADs flying making both yesterday’s technology. The Gerald Ford carrier cost 13 billion and that’s just for the basic kit not all the required hardware and crew. They have so much munitions stored it justifies dropping 1 million plus cost bombs on towel heads in hiluxes and huts. They flew a BI Lancer 15 hours to the ME for a bombing sortie. A B1 Lancer costs ~60,000 per flight hour.
Let’s read the WhatsApp chat logs, shall we?
I resigned in 2021 after 20 years of service and 7 OS deployments
We are the poorer for your loss, Duk. Australia took a dive into darkness during the Covid years.
JC has no problem with ticking. However if you downtick him you are cheating the process.
Classic JC. If you believe he had no problem with the ticking then I have a bridge to sell you.
“I’ve maintained I had zero problem with ticking. The problem was that low quality commenters like yourself were cheating the process”
Blokes I worked with, blokes I loved hated killing people, it was something they had to do and they took no joy in having to do so. They were far from naughty little boy scouts.
Was at a friend’s place the other day and his infantry son dropped in.
Says his battalion, based in Brisbane, only has one Bushmaster because of the ones given to Ukraine. I have no idea how many they should have.
Slobodan Milosevic was thrown under a very big bus. He was cool and fully onto shit.
Globalist demons couldn’t have blokes like him in the way. Sickens me. I;m glad I an 55 and not 25.
Jordan’s King Abdullah: October 7 attacks cannot be accepted by any Muslim
Antisemitic Notice at Ski Store near Davos
J.D. Vance Finds ‘Impeachment Time Bomb’ Aimed at Trump in Ukraine Aid Bill
Bern earlier:-
Slippery prick.
But the moron doesn’t understand the law.
McCallum could have hauled their arses into court on a contempt charge herself.
What does the senior law officer then do?
Switch bar tables?
Excuse himself?
Feb 13, 2024 2:30 PM
yes that too !!! they got shat out onto this spinning ball of dirt … wasted resource .. for themselves as well as Us.
Hope and pray that this is true.
WHO’s Pandemic Treaty negotiations are failing; they are blaming it on vaccine patents
This channel 10 lawyer…oh boy.
You said you didn’t receive the updated speech.
But here it is in email.
But you didn’t receive it?
I didn’t physically receive it.
Channel 10 is going to lose this case.
And Lisa has played this superbly (financially not morally).
If you want to see a lawyers career go down in flames, tune into the cross claim hearing.
Lying through one’s teeth, great for your career.
Getting filleted in court, not so great.
Lisa Wilkinson (without a hint of irony):-
“I was misrepresented and stitched up by the media”.
Lisa : we really screwed up but you should see the morons we can dump this on at Channel 10.
Lawyer : ching ching (as Channel 10 will pick up costs).
No, that’s just you being a dishonest low quality commenter. I never said any thing of the sort, you lying little prick.
I said, I have zero issue with ticks whether their upwards of down. I’ve always maintained that low quality commenters such as yourself are cheating. That is, creating multiple ticks either to yourself, perceived allies, or down against the person you dislike regardless of a comment.
Rooster is not even a good liar.
Even the blog owner mentioned he strongly suspected there was cheating going on. Interestingly, the rooster chooses to ignore cheating and pretends I’m against regular honest ticks. I wonder why?
Low quality commenter and a fundamentally lousy liar. That’s the Rooster for you.
Why did Lehrmann’s lawyers drop the malice aspect of their case?
The longer it goes on, the clearer malice is/was.
That’s where you make major bank in defamation cases.
I wonder if this 10 lawyer is a diversity hire, possibly?
This channel 10 lawyer is married (she has a wedding ring).
I pity the poor fool who has to argue with this one about taking out the garbage.
Or why the tank is empty.
That you people persist in watching Chanell what ever even if it only gives you reason to bitch and complain. Hows about you dont…
Just dont.
I don’t have to have sympathy for him because al Qaida had links to Kosovo; Young, NSW had links to ISIS.
Jeebus darl, stop digging the hole deeper.
Fight fight fight.
When did “I don’t accept that” become the “right” answer re the sky being blue.
It all becomes clear now.
There must have been more to this, otherwise Lee would have just retired to his study and red-penned their homework.
Lisa says “I had opinion on speech”.
Lawyer says “Didn’t see speech”.
The weak link here is that Cane Toad got a “Speech all good” message from an EP who supposedly spoke to lawyer.
I would insist on the speech coming back to me attached to an email with a clear “The attached is approved for publication. Note removal of date in para 3”.
Based on Lee’s previous behaviour he lets this shit go on for a bit, then he jumps in, asks questions directly of the witness & then it’s done.
Can we get to that already ?
Looking forward to Janets column in the Oz tomorrow.
This Ch10 lawyer – is her surname Kerrigan? First name Dale?
CBS/Paramount are coming off the highest, longest rating Super Bowl in history (thanks Swiftys).
They need to take some of that SB money & cover the Channel 10’s subsidiaries balls up.
In house counsel not taking file notes ?
a big tick for you
Muddy from the last OF:
For all round utility, nothing beats a bullet for short range fighting.
Lasers – especially at night, point directly back at the firer – even during the day, and they dissipate over long range. They are energy intensive. A bullet can sit for a year and still be usable.
What we’re seeing now with battery based electrical weaponry is that the battery capable of storing enough energy for sustained fire is a potential bomb among our own troops.
It’s one of the reasons we don’t mix reactive armour on our tanks with supporting infantry.
I wish she had written about Kurtley Beale. One can only hope that, going forward, it is impossible to find 12 people in any jurisdiction willing to believe any woman in a he said she said case. In the meantime, we need to start throwing prosecutors in jail for taking on evidence free cases.
Lisa : we really screwed up but you should see the morons we can dump this on at Channel 10.
Lawyer : ching ching (as Channel 10 will pick up costs).
How did Lisa know the legal advice processes were shit?
Because they were always sloppy and shithouse.
The lawyerette is not covering herself in glory.
From the Olde Fredde:
H B Bear
Brainwash kids into thinking the world will end in a few years, and when they grow up they decide not to have kids.
Was this thought out or an unplanned side effect?
Very naughty (but I like you).
P.S. I’ve just forwarded it on to my Broadcast Engineer son and my bespoke car-builder son.
Lehrman case – fascinating watching!
Lady in the ill fitting white jacket (why white?) seems very composed as her high flying legal career is dissolving around her.
Channel 10 lawyer starts explaining privilege to Michael Lee….
I’m well aware of how legal privilege works.
Many many lols
During WA Inc that was BAU.
WA taxpayers picked up the tab a few years later (as usual).
Which trial ?
FFS Channel 10 lawyer.
The one you’ve been asked about for the last 90mins.
How long can this go on?
Put a fork in her.
What’s a slap down.
Legal bloodsport.
What a slap down.
Not what’s.
Who needs MAFS when you’ve got court? The best reality TV if you get a good steer on which courtroom to go to.
Had friends over for lunch.Usual crap, ” I hate what the Liberals have become so right wing blah blah blah”
Me – How have they become right wing? Environment , immigration blah blah .
FMD no wonder the Greens and teals cash in.
Re the Green Great Reset:
Did you know that “Reset” has a legal definition?
They’re laughing in our faces
You will own nothing. Because they intend stealing it from you.
A text case for trial law students of how to fillet a witness.
Paramount execs will now be worrying about damages in addition to Hanky Head’s missus costs.
Cast your minds back
I wonder how much of this has been confirmed or denied today. 😉
Well, if it is like adding equal parts of acid and an alkali, I guess it cancels out…
What happens if you lie at one of these inquiries?
“…and a desire to assist Ms Higgins” what???
Love to know what the US is making of this Ch 10 circus.
Hard Kool Aid there cobber
Jeez Louise.
Get a load of the line too.
And Justice Lee steps in and gets to the point. Give up girl.
Friends are the worst.
Seriously JC you need to get over yourself. The two people who seem most concerned about ticking are you and Sancho. You have both clearly looked into the mechanics of how “gaming” them can be done.
Now you are basically lying to say I have engaged in multiple upticking. Of course such an allegation fits in with your mantra that most downticks relevant to you can’t possibly be genuine. You simply don’t comprehend how many on this blog think you are a total ahole. Check your “stoush list” as it is very long.
However don’t flatter yourself that I would bother to work out how it is done. When Sancho went into it my reaction was what moron would take it to that length or even try to work out how it is done.
As I have indicated I would rather downtick you than engage daily when you are being your usual dickhead self. I suspect many others feel the same.
When you refer to me as a low quality commentator I guess that makes you high quality. Just laughable. You are a blog legend in your own mind. Seek therapy and get some meds as the condition is not improving.
“I’ve always maintained that low quality commenters such as yourself are cheating. That is, creating multiple ticks either to yourself, perceived allies, or down against the person you dislike regardless of a comment”
The last time I did that, I had a copper turn up at my place ‘investigating’ my threatening behaviour to a nasty bitch of a teacher, who invented a complete conversation – and a witness.
All over a slice of cake that was confiscated by her!
Lehrmann v Network Ten &
And refarding this afternoon’s proceedings –
It’s Ch10’s Executive Management that needed to make the admission and statement about Wilkinson. They are the one’s responsible for running the show (or shit show in their case).
Get them in the Dock and grill them.
‘regarding’, I mean.
For Australia’s leading MAFS blogue.
In breaking MAFS news you all need to know..
If one of the contestants says “I getting pissed later on tonight” be careful.
Be even more concerned if they say they are getting shitfaced.
Some people in this country are effed in the head. Makes the contretemps here look very pointless (which it is).
Her punishment is that she has to live with her own stupidity.
Kosovo was a ‘county’ of Serbia. Shit Muesli Albanians invaded over time and took it over. Globalists said they could keep it. Some research in to that is required. Was kind of kickstart to all the present day bollocks.
Feb 13, 2024 4:14 PM
200 million Up Thumbs.
FMD. Rooster Must I get over myself? Since the site owner’s announcement last week, you have been harassing the site with multiple versions of this gibberish and garbage. I’ve just made an effort to address your crappy, foolish, and deceptive remarks, but I’m the one who has to grow up? You are an absolute fruitcake.
I’m not lying when I claim that you have been cheating; your dishonest harassment of the site is a clear indication of your true intentions. Let’s assume, however, that you haven’t (which I doubt). Assuming you haven’t cheated, you appear more than willing to provide other low-wattage nobodies the option to do so if it allows you a safe space.
Really, figure out how to cite and link, before you dribble on. Send 350 emails a day to the site owner, expressing your anger and frustration. You are incredibly boring, unpleasant, and draining. You drain the site of any energy. An energy sink in human form.
Feb 13, 2024 4:14 PM
It’s a rum old world when a teacher regards a slice of cake as a deadly danger. How did we get to this weird place?
Bloody hell this girl is doing the biggest Dale Kerrigan ever!
Justice steps in again.
Tell me what I can and cannot put in my kid’s/nephew’s lunch box?
Feb 13, 2024 11:47 AM
They all want to be the fat Party representative in the movie about Chernobyl.
Another objective well thought out comment by another of the site’s low energy, low wattage, low quality commenters. Take a bow, Woddenhead.
The Mallee rat too. It’s usually around this time, when it’s tanked up and ready for another one of her demonic outbursts.
Sky News is reporting 150,000 Victorian homes are experiencing blackouts as AEMO orders power-shedding with demand for air-conditioning soaring on the hottest day of the summer. The problem was triggered when Gippsland’s Loy Yang power plant went offline.
Australia’s hippie power grid in action.
The bullshit circus continues
Low tax, really (Cue clown music)
Feb 13, 2024 4:34 PM
Get back to the Fat Pizza Bar & Grill you fat faced short arse Sictorian Pompous Wind Bag.
200 million Down Thumbs for you.
Devon and tomato sauce sangas were the best. Would be kyboshed.
Old Cat Stevens song “Where do the children play” should be re done as “What do the children eat”
Okay, thanks woddenhead and I bet you’ve tried to reach 200 million until you realized it would take you 3 months to hit the goal, you innumerate imbecile.
Is there any news, you morons can focus on instead of this back and forth gibberish.? Anything?
Let’s try this. Woddenhead, Rooster, Crazy Karen, what do you think of the fact that if the current rate continues the US will be absorbing near enough to 9 million illegals this year?
…and Milosevic!
No real person can believe this torrent of insanity.
200 million Down Thumbs for you.
That’s a bit many Johnny – be fair.
JC, don’t force the rest of the Blog users into constant scrolling again.
RSI and all that.
“An essential part of the new totalitarianism is the enforced belief that the internet was never invented and that the ABC, for example, is the only official source of information.”
But, but, but….
ABC, BBC, CBC, MSNBC, CNN et al ad nauseum, aren’t they all part of the “Trusted News Initiative”?
It’s in the name see – Trusted! Must be true. As Homer Simpson says “TV wouldn’t lie!”
How can you doubt that Biden is THE MAN? Badacaff care! Truindashadapresha! Well, anyway…
How can you doubt that we must undo more than a century of industrial progress in less than 10 years or we’re all dead? Experts tell us – experts I say! They’ve been telling us for 30 years that we only have 10 years or it’ll be too late, why do you doubt it?
Do you want to kill Grandma, you monster? Won’t you think of the children?
Just live in the pod, eat the bugs and get your Neuralink implant – we’ll take care of the thinking and stuff for you, OK? We’re much smarter than youse.
And it’s over for the day.
10:15 tomorrow.
She’s coming back…unless she calls in sick.
No love lost between Wilkinson’s cross claim lawyer and channel 10.
And Sue alphabet was there for most the day too….thats about 50k all up for Lisa for today.
Which ten will end up paying.
While history will be the judge of Putin’s decision to finally end NATO ambitions in Ukraine, I think on balance Russia’s strategic situation will be better for it than if it had not acted. And every NATO decision subsequently has only confirmed that conclusion.
Two SCs.
Two lawyers assisting those.
Plus solicitors assisting those.
Plus one junior that Lisa was whispering too.
Yeah. I want a million dollars and a lifetime supply of popcorn
Keep dreaming about winning the lottery, never-right. It’s the closest you’ll ever get to a mill, by the sounds of things.
A million dollars was good enough for Dr. Evil.
Yeah, reminds me of Mini-Me when he was holding the world to ransom and wanted a whole all of …. ~$5 million dollars payment. Keep aiming high there Chubby Cheeks.
Jacquie Kennedy Onassis was not permitted to directly inherit from her deceased second husband, but she did make off with 26 mn, a Yacht and part of an island.
26 mn USD in 1975 is like 170 mn AUD now.
She was not cast aside and left to beg. Her father was a stockbroker and she received 200k p.a. (in 1963/64 US dollars!, or 18.7 mn AUD p.a now!), from a Kennedy family trust after Kennedy was assassinated; on remarriage this was transferred to her children.
ABC, BBC, CBC, MSNBC, CNN et al ad nauseum, aren’t they all part of the “Trusted News Initiative”?
As someone who is an obsessive researcher and critical of source material, I say thank God for the internet. Yes – there is any amount of rubbish, but there is also access to contrary opinion from all sources. As long as you understand the process of critical thinking, it is a cornucopia of information. And this is why the “Trusted News Initiative” operatives hate it with a passion.
Long live the internet.
NATO extended to Finland and probably Sweden.
Germany on a huge military spend.
Poland on a bigger military spend.
NATO will soon more prepared for Russian aggression than in the last 20 years.
Russia has lost too many officers.
Russia sucked into an attrition strategy that has cost them too many personnel and hardware.
Russia still not producing the Armata and SU 57s in quantities to make a difference.
Russia has lost a very expensive command aircraft and AWACs aircraft.
Russia’s Black Sea fleet has fled into safe harbor.
Russia’s military has become a laughing stock.
Russia won’t even commit the SU 57 to obtain air superiority. That really sucks. What’s the point of your best fighter being incapable of entering enemy air space?
And CBS, which a few days ago suggested climate change causes polluted air by citing the Canadian forest fires causing terrible air quality along the US North East. They neglected to mention that someone is up on serious charges for lighting the fires that caused the massive burn.
Well.. well.. well..
Today’s FCA proceedings have just ended.
Bunyons did all right, throwing Ch 10 in the sewer, where they both belong.
Mr Dick (?) SC for 10, didn’t really lay a glove on the Mosman legend.
The reasons 10 didn’t want to publicise their in-house “advice” to a mere employee are now fully clear.
But the best bit was yet to come.
After a brutal afternoon’s cross-examination by Mr Elliott SC, acting for Bunyons, as well as some precise skewering of her carotids by Lee, Tisha Smithie, the Ch 10 lawyer who allegedly advised Bunyons into the deep excrement pool will be immensely lucky to just retain her practicing licence.
In fact, she’ll will be lucky to avoid having to repay Ch 10’s wages for the last couple of years.
An appearance in front of the Law Society as sure as the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics.
The blood is probably flowing down Phillip St as we speak.
One might feel sorry for her. But then.. she’s a lawyer.
All is well, after all.
I’d hate to see how it would go for Russia if they made a “bad” decision.
Putin is a regular order tyrant with 200B in his back pocket and the blood of vestal virgins to perk up his mojo. He will keep going until Russia is completely destroyed. Possibly thats a russian version of what great nationalistic leaders look like, myself I’d prefer someone like Howard who looked and acted like a suburban accountant.
He says he is not lying and then we have assume you have not cheated.
Which is it ?
He works on the basis the more you repeat a lie the truer it makes it.
Just a pathetic piece of work who spends most of his time here thinking of excuses to get into stoushes with as many as possible.
Let’s be clear about my true intentions. It is to call him out and make him look like a moron whenever I feel the inclination.
“I’m not lying when I claim that you have been cheating; your dishonest harassment of the site is a clear indication of your true intentions. Let’s assume, however, that you haven’t (which I doubt). Assuming you haven’t cheated”.
Our moronic and evil overlords believe they can control the weather.
This excellent photo places their stupidity on show. Look carefully in the bottom right hand corner.
None of the above for me, thanks.
I would attach the following probability
90% cheating. 10% not.
Very large flock of chickens coming home to roost in Victoriastan. IT’S HAPPENING as they say.
Feb 13, 2024 5:28 PM
Spot on again. It lies. It makes outrageous statements about those it dislikes. Repeats its slander ad nauseam. As I’ve said, as well as others many a time, it needs to seek professional assistance to help it deal with its obsessions. It is mentally unwell and unhinged.
The last one out of Disasterstan doesn’t even need to bother to turn off the lights.
H B Bear
Feb 13, 2024 5:40 PM
Do you mean the 100,000 premises that are without electricity? 🙂
OK – got it, Bear.
Tank’s full.
A couple of interesting comments I found yesterday:
Note the dates…
And here.
NATO is looking as good as monty after a bag of donuts at the minute. And given what I’m hearing from pro-Ukraine channels over the last few weeks, very few, if any, are laughing at the Russian military. Cursing, yes.
Bugger. Just heard it’s 500,000 with no power.
Has Chris Bowen congratulated Victorians yet for cutting down their emissions?
Any Teal or Green MP’s claimed credit?
Lucky the left are compassionate, fact based people who dont engage in racist dogwhistling and dont say disgusting things.
Be a shame if the legal association in his state was to receive a complaint.. truly tragic.
Adam Houda
Like an obedient lapdog, PM
quick to cater for zionist concerns. Meanwhile, terrorist state of israel is bombing & slaughtering civilians in areas they themselves designated ‘safe-zones’ & not a word of condemnation from our Gvt.
hypocrisy is the tribute vice pays to virtue.
Lawyer Adam Houda Threatens to Sue Sky News Australia For Calling Him a “Jew Hater”
Why have terrorists when we have the green left at home sabotaging infrastructure for our own good?
Wouldn’t surprise me in the least.
REPORT: Former Obama Adviser Susan Rice is the ‘Central’ Figure in the Biden Administration’s Approach to the Border
Yep — that’s what Sky News is now reporting.
The Albanese regime’s response? A big get stuffed to the two-thirds of Australia who voted against the Voice last year, with a renewed effort today to legislate it.
You insubordinate plebs. You will get what we give you. Up yours, Australia. Suffer in your unairconditioned jocks.
Yet Ukraine, with 10% the military capacity of Russia, remains. Even its pitiful air force of outdated Mig 29’s and Su 27’s remain operational. Remarkably just a few pieces of modern NATO equipment has set Russia back on its heels.
I don’t find anything about the blackouts in Victoria – is the media just ignoring it?
Dot is quiet today..
Hes trying to work out if tracking down this young lass falls foul of the proposed ‘doxxing” laws.
Wife her dot, wife her hard.
I prefer glowies like Lujan.
I know she’s a psyop. But dayum.
Well, they won’t be charged for the electricity during the time it is down so it 3evens out and they can have no reason to complain!
And even more, if the electricity comes from the private sector, which as Numbers used to point out the cost of which contained profit being stolen from consumers, people are coming out ahead because part of the money they are not being charged is for electricity they don’t get, but they are also not being robbed by running-dog capitalist swine!
A political masterstroke!
Dot is quiet today….he’s looking for the proof in the pudding.
Why don’t you google ‘Melbourne blackout’
500k offline according to reliable medya
One of many articles, the aged.
price soared to $16,000
LOL, Dover, you’ve been sucked in by propaganda again.
You do realize that Monty is actually quite svelte?
He’s been playing a game with certain Cats for a long long while. I’ve not said anything hitherto, as it’s been a fine joke.
You probably can find a Monty selfie on his Twitter feed. A while since I’ve checked but I can attest he’s not what he likes people to believe. And his kids are cute.
On the other hand you might be right about NATO. 😀
I know for a fact JC puts pineapple on his pizza.
Italian restaurants refuse to serve him because he also wants pineapple on his fettucini.
The mafia had no choice but to disown him due to the shame. Combined with him wearing tassled loafers it was all too much.
And I thought we are years away from being a basket case like South Africa.
Came across two new builds last week that had the copper striped.
Worse, he is said to drink cappuccino after lunch on regular basis.
Despicable stuff if true.
It’s not pizza without pineapple.
Feb 13, 2024 6:30 PM
Thanks, Rosie – I was looking for Victorian Power Outages combinations and nothing was coming up.
Even AEMO had Victoria sending bulk mega electrons to SA. Looked rather weird.
Forget Net Zero, Victoriastani’s are aiming for Gross Zero. Lily D’Ambrosio BA (Latrobe) is handling the engineering.
Not even attempts at humor are going to give you a boost to high quality. But nice try hough. There’s never any harm at attempts to self improvement.
I see the Turtlehead is linking to his old stuff, which gave me an idea. I’ll link to one of his totally normal comments each day. Should be fun. Tomorrow’s
Bill Gates should be murdered.
United Energy, which is southern Melbourne down to the Peninsula. has 160k offline right now. Link.
Let us hope territories of the Greens in Melbourne are hit and stay hit for as long as it takes.
Power “outrages” being posted here have nothing to do with renewballs. Major transmission lines are down. Just saw on TV news that some big transmission towers have been knocked over by high winds. Just wow.
That might not fly politically for long you suspect. Particularly at the former Pony Club. “Queensland electrons are for Queenslanders”, we’ve been here before.
I laughed uproariously watching Biden during the Super Bowl half-time break complaining and shaming snack makers about smaller packages. I expect all of those manufacturers donated to his 2020 campaign and probably this year’s as well and this is how he repays them. Serves them right and I doubt they will learn from this that they need to look after their business and customers and nothing else.
Feb 13, 2024 6:59 PM
Definitely citation required.
But just imagine the same situation with the many more transmission lines required to link renewables to the grid. AEMO is proposing 10 000 km of new lines, minimum.
Inner city cables are mostly underground, you nincompoop and if they have to cut power because of demand, it’s always at the extremities. So keep hoping. Stick to tossing a coin if it’s me or liz abuse for the day, and stop making comments about stuff you know nothing about.
Lastly, what are you going to do with the severed heads in the freezer if your power goes off? Ice from the service station?
Thanks, Humphrey. I laughed out loud.
PS: Our Lily has never had a real job — straight out of an arts degree into campaigning for the Liars, including in portfolios that require an engineering degree to understand.
I don’t find anything about the blackouts in Victoria – is the media just ignoring it?
Trying to formulate weasel words as AGL was already powering down Loy Yang B this arvo because of a “problem”. Storms swept through 2 or so hours later. I’ve been through much worse storms living in these parts as a child and apart for the flickering or short cuts never can’t remember an outage like this.
Pure guess but I’d say there is more than we are being told to this…
That’s tomorrow’s. There’s one each day.
Maybe this will make some voters in Dunkley bypass Labor and vote for the Lib candidate. If I were the Dunkley Lib candidate I would make this an issue even if it is a national electorate, link Bowen to the Victorian debacle and push how this is the likely future for the whole of Australia.
and at 1815 – Vic sending1080Mw/hrs to NSW.
13 February 2024 – 18:10
13 February 2024 – 18:10
Teh Paywallian reporting it as an outage at Loy Yang A. So what is it?
If only the Liberals didn’t back Net Zero.
(Yes, I know they want nuclear on the table, but that is so politically risky they have no option but to stick with ruinables as Plan B.)
I musta missed that one.
S’pose it’s an example of the “high value” comments we’re apparently blessed with?
The main issue with power generation in Oz is that all ‘reliable’ power generators are getting older and past their use by dates. These generators will require more maintenance and more downtime in the future so they can generate ‘back up’ power when required. Callide type incidents will occur more frequently based on probability.
So hows “no gas for new builds” looking now?
Dead, buried and cremated?
Or dont the have enough juice in the grid to manage any of them?
If Barry is reporting the Mornington Peninsula is down, unless it’s transmission cables, it usually means a blackout due to high demand in the denser parts of the city,
I sacked two people today. I’m the boss, you hear!!!!
The idea is to find news sources, either blogs or actual journalists, whom you trust and ignore the MSM who can go jump. I find this blog, C.L.’s and Michael smith much more reliable than anything out there. Even Sky News is a bit behind the times where they cover an issue days after it has been raised and discussed here. I sometimes think quite a few Sky producers scan this blog.
For the US news there is nobody like JJ’s morning report on Ace of Spades, he has replaced the once-popular The Drudge Report which has sadly declined into irrelevance.
Just so people aren’t confused, the sacked two people comment a paraphrase of one of Driller’s many high level, humble comments from a few days ago. High quality and very interactive too.
To Catch a Right Winger
Hopefully for something totally legit.
Like, say, a vague suspicion they had dobbed you in to “OH&S”.
Sal it seems to be consumed with the sex lives of posters, so it’s feasible to assume it has been banished to the spare room!
Pleased to say that the Teal electorate of Goldstein is untouched by outages.
Just back home after 9 hours on the road.
What’s going on with the Lerhmann thing.
Caught a few snippets during breaks along the road and I get the impression there is a level of tension between Cane Toad, Ten and the assembled legal beagles?
Yeah, it was another dobbing.
Also, had it out with Mud Island Council about a work being done that was close to one of the motel *exits. I was on the phone and gave them such a serve. Later, the town mayor and then the deputy PM called me to apologize. The Deputy PM said the White House will also be in touch, offering an apology.
* can’t call it an entrance when patrons are rushing out in droves.
Yeah it was another dobbing.
Also, had it out with Mud Island council about a work being done, which close to one of the motel *exits. I was on the phone and gave them such a serve. Later the town mayor and then the deputy PM called me to apologize. Deputy PM said the White House will also be in touch offering an apology.
* can’t call it an entrance when patrons are rushing out in droves.
What happened to you is disgraceful. I recently enquired about doing some volunteering. They demand I get a booster. I had the 2 shots to maintain access to some facilities, when I contracted COVID I was sick for one day. Doesn’t matter, must have the shot. Nuts, lost a volunteer.
Having moved to Vic, I waited until I won my Canberra Court case and the CFA dropped their vax mandate, and joined. They RPL’d *nothing* of my 25 years with the CFS, so I did the noobs course a few weeks back. Today I spent the afternoon at the station with my own fire trailer after every fire tanker in the district was at the Pomonal or Dadswells Bridge fires (hoping against hope the hideous koala perished). Tonight, am starting night shift at midnight at Pomonal. No doubt my fellow citizens will ‘thankyou for your service’.. same as the last time>
Do you have a problem with this?
Would this possibly be because: (i)Feminisation (ii)Wokeyness Or (iii) the most reprehensible treatement of VC winner Ben Roberts-Smith?
Almost entirely down to Marise Payne…
The most destructive event in Australian military history.
Backed up by Turnbull and Pyne…
Even the QLD Electrical Trades Union has warned of this.
But pollies know better.
Thank you for your service to the nation and to the CFA, Dr Duk, in spite of the gutless scum in charge of both.
And a request for 10%.
Looks like an early election in Tasmania, March 23rd being suggested as the likely date.
Rock doctor. Agl doesn’t own loy yang B. It owns LYA. It is nor.al to flex down because…..renewables.
So what do they do about the blokes, fellow troopers, who had the guts to come forward and give evidence?
The ones who had lived with the soul destroying truths of what they had witnessed and/or been forced to do. Who anguished about it and sought advice and guidance from former OC”s and suchlike, or who were dragged reluctantly to court to tell the truth.
They are to be discarded, thrown under a bus , along with principle and integrity because “BRS and his little band were the only hard charging sons of bitches there ever was”?
In another age BRS would not have been selected.
Tisha Smithie, the Ch 10 lawyer
Aah, so the surname’s not Kerrigan.
Great to hear Duk! I mean that. But I hope your unvaxxed cooties don’t infect your colleagues, that would be terribly unfortunate.
Bushie – From what I’ve seen there’s a lot of personal animus going on under the surface of these cases.
I have no time for it. To safeguard a nation you need people who will serve. Dragons’ teeth. If you persecute the people who do serve, for allegedly offing Talibs, who are indistinguishable from Hamas baby beheaders, then the ADF deserves not to have anyone sign up. And you and I should learn Mandarin.
That is my view. Take it to the bank.
From a distance, it seems to me the Stupid Frigging Tassie Liberals, like their mainland counterparts, believe in nothing. The joint is full of communist Greens voters and there’s no place for the free market.
Tassie will always be a mendicant state that needs bailing out.
They built 186 F22’s at 300 million plus per unit and the kill number is one balloon. The hypersonic missile they are\was trialling cost in excess of 100 million dollars each. The F35 has a readiness rate of 55%, mostly because of ongoing upgrades, currently Block 4. They already have prototype NGADs flying making both yesterday’s technology. The Gerald Ford carrier cost 13 billion and that’s just for the basic kit not all the required hardware and crew. They have so much munitions stored it justifies dropping 1 million plus cost bombs on towel heads in hiluxes and huts. They flew a BI Lancer 15 hours to the ME for a bombing sortie. A B1 Lancer costs ~60,000 per flight hour.
Money is a small part of the equation when the GDP is $23.3t… $1.0t buys 80 Ford Class carriers and that will be in service for over 50 years (Nimitz was commissioned in 1975 and will be decommissioned in 2016) The Gerald ford will cost a mere $260m per year in manufacturing costs ( bloody cheap to project more power that any ship in history and more than most countries navies)
The protection supplied by those aircraft cannot be measured in dollars. The reason the F22 hasn’t been required to shoot down other nations aircraft is because it costs $300m and has more capability than any combination of adversaries aircraft by factors. Other nations are not keen to test theirs against it.
To be realistic, how well do you think Putins forces would fare in Ukraine if the skies were protected by the full force of the USAF, USN and USMC? (F15E, F16, F18, F18 Super Hornet, F18 Growler, A10, F35, F22, F17, B1b, B52) I think a fair answer would be measured in maybe weeks.
+eleventy hundred!
That should be 2026 for the Nimitz…
1 BTC = 73k USD
Now there’s some eating of crow (the proof of work) to naysayers.
What is the semantic range of ‘denser’ in this context?
AUD …if this site loads before autistic pedants cream their pants over someone else’s inconsequential foibles.
No apology from the ATO?
@Salvatore, Iron Publican
Feb 13, 2024 7:50 PM
Absolutely not !! With this deluge of Euro Honeys you can hire and fire as you please.
Dafuq is a “Yojee”? (YOJ:AX)
Up 1566.67% on the ASX today.
How so?
Windies scaring the Alintas a little bit, scoring 6/220 in the last T20 including a 139 run partnership, unheard of in this format.
Straya will have to go at over 10 an over, chasing this time. There may be a few twitchy sphincters shortly.
Albrechtsen turns her attention to SloMo’s legacy in Teh Paywallian. As might be expected, it isn’t pretty.
Credit where it is due.
You’re more accurate & far more sensible than Comedians Wil Anderson & Charlie Pickering are being upthread.
You raise a very pertinent & key point:
Supply & demand. Employers don’t have freedom to sack underperforming staff unless they’re able to replace them.