Open Thread – Mon 26 Feb 2024

Train in the Snow or The Locomotive, Claude Monet, 1875

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February 26, 2024 7:46 pm

I real eye opener though.

Indeed, miltonf. Ill send it onto my brother in the US.

February 26, 2024 7:51 pm
February 26, 2024 7:53 pm

bash jokes …

learningbash="Hello World"
echo $learningbash

February 26, 2024 7:53 pm
February 26, 2024 7:56 pm
February 26, 2024 7:57 pm

Not happy reading Bespoke- I real eye opener though. Daniel Greenfield is brilliant.

No mention of JFK’s Peace Corps but it fits the zeitgeist. Good article, thanks for posting.

February 26, 2024 7:58 pm

JC, NBC is pretty good at geo-blocking stuff.
I saw a few clips on twitter & youtube earlier but now they’ve been taken down.
I’ll keep an eye out & will post over the next few days.

February 26, 2024 7:59 pm

See if this one works.
If it doesn’t fire up the old VPN.

February 26, 2024 8:02 pm

This comment is ‘inflamatory’

No it’s not. Cronkite isn’t inflaming me or anyone else. Obviously, it hasn’t inflamed you.

February 26, 2024 8:02 pm

Feb 26, 2024 7:58 PM

JC, NBC is pretty good at geo-blocking stuff.

Yeah, that’s why I asked.

February 26, 2024 8:03 pm

this is not funny & here ought not be a place to incite or glorify violence.

You’re right; I’m going out right now to give myself a good and glorious uppercut.

February 26, 2024 8:07 pm

Cronkite, I thought you were a lover, not a fighter.

February 26, 2024 8:08 pm

No mention of JFK’s Peace Corps but it fits the zeitgeist.

Do you mean in terms of naivete/idealism?

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
February 26, 2024 8:14 pm

Not only is Taylor Swift sh*t, Albo is worse.

Cringeworthy stuff here.


Danger Dan Reviews:

Just Shake it off. Anthony Albanese Taylor Swift

February 26, 2024 8:17 pm

Cronkite, I thought you were a lover, not a fighter.

I love fighting.

Is this alamak character taking the piss or a genuine dickhead?

February 26, 2024 8:24 pm

You’re right; I’m going out right now to give myself a good and glorious uppercut.

I laughed again. 🙂

February 26, 2024 8:26 pm

Not only is Taylor Swift sh*t, Albo is worse.

The next cabinet meeting will reportedly be held at a Pink concert.

February 26, 2024 8:26 pm

No such thing as 1967 borders. The Green Line, Israel’s border with Jordan, 1949 – 1967. From 1967, The Jordan River.

Boambee John
Boambee John
February 26, 2024 8:29 pm

John H.
Feb 26, 2024 6:03 PM
What Happened To Russia’s New Doomsday Sub – COMPILATION

The sub, only one built, biggest sub built, purported to carry a nuclear powered Poseidon torpedo that has a 10,000 km range, a speed of potentially 300ks, can remain active for 7 months, then return to a refitting ship.

If the torpedo has a range of 10,000 kms, can remain active for 7 months, and can automatically return to base, why does if need a submarine to launch it? Just launch it from an established submarine base.

John H.
John H.
February 26, 2024 8:39 pm

Boambee John
Feb 26, 2024 8:29 PM
John H.
Feb 26, 2024 6:03 PM
What Happened To Russia’s New Doomsday Sub – COMPILATION

The sub, only one built, biggest sub built, purported to carry a nuclear powered Poseidon torpedo that has a 10,000 km range, a speed of potentially 300ks, can remain active for 7 months, then return to a refitting ship.

If the torpedo has a range of 10,000 kms, can remain active for 7 months, and can automatically return to base, why does if need a submarine to launch it? Just launch it from an established submarine base.

It’s BS BJ. Like the Armata, the SU 57, the body armour that can stop a 50 cal, the nuclear powered cruise missile. All this is for the domestic market. If we think the West population is gullible then Russians are either rank stupid or put up with that nonsense in fear of polonium.

Boambee John
Boambee John
February 26, 2024 8:42 pm

John H.

That is what I was hinting at.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
February 26, 2024 8:46 pm

Poseidon seems real and very feasible. I’d be surprised if the Chinese haven’t got something similar. Easy to build, much more damaging than a mere 10 warhead MIRV. We humans like to live on coasts, which is in this case a bit of a mistake.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
February 26, 2024 8:48 pm

The other thing about Poseidon is unlike airburst thermonukes you can move in right after the water recedes. Not much in the way of residual rads, they’re all in the ocean.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
February 26, 2024 8:56 pm

From reading industry publications (that must remain secret), I can report that there is a torpedo in service that has a range of 45,000 km, can travel at Mach 1.8 and can make a decent bolognese.

It is also in the shape of a 1974 Valiant.

February 26, 2024 8:57 pm

Cronkite, I thought you were a lover, not a fighter.

I love fighting.

Is this alamak character taking the piss or a genuine dickhead?

Just quoting the guidelines for this blog. If actual fighting is what you enjoy maybe here is not the fight club you need.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
February 26, 2024 9:04 pm

Update on an article I posted this morning.

Angus Templeman: Accused naked burglar will claim he was drunk when he allegedly broke into Stake Hill house
The West Australian
Mon, 26 February 2024 4:35PM
Emily Moulton

A man who was shot in the leg by a terrified grandfather after he allegedly broke into a Stake Hill house and then hid in a little girl’s room naked is planning to claim he was very drunk at the time, a court has been told.

Angus Glen Templeman appeared in Perth Magistrates Court on Monday via audio link, where he was granted strict bail despite police opposition over the “bizarre offending” that took place during the early hours of Sunday.

The court was told around 3am that, a woman living at the southern suburbs address woke to her dog barking and saw headlights at the end of her driveway before hearing a noise at her living room door.

As she went to investigate, a police prosecutor told the court that the grandmother saw a man using his mobile phone as a torch to force open the door before ripping off the flyscreen and walking in.

He said the alleged intruder then made his way through the house, stripped off his clothes, and entered the bedroom of the couple’s six-year-old granddaughter.

The woman rushed over to wake her husband and told him a man was inside.

The court was told the grandfather made his way to the room where he found the man standing naked inside the girl’s walk-in robe and pointed a .22 rifle at him.

The prosecutor said a struggle then ensued between the pair before the grandfather fired a shot into the naked man’s upper thigh.

The man then ran off but was caught by police a few hours later at his home, which was close by, he added.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
February 26, 2024 9:04 pm

KD – A Poseidon-like system doesn’t even need an engine. Just a 20+ Mt thermonuclear sea mine that can take extreme depth and low frequency sonic command input. Sub drops it on the bottom of the sea and leaves. Very hard to detect, as we saw with MH 370.

Put one on the bottom of the Tasman Sea halfway between Oz and NZ and you’ve basically taken out both enemy nations with one bomb.

February 26, 2024 9:09 pm

If actual fighting is what you enjoy maybe here is not the fight club you need.

Ah, you are taking the piss.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
February 26, 2024 9:10 pm

Put one on the bottom of the Tasman Sea halfway between Oz and NZ

I will BASH anyone that does that.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
February 26, 2024 9:12 pm

The incompressibility of water is great for hydraulics but does have some slight downsides.

February 26, 2024 9:23 pm

Funny you mention that, Cronkite. We went to a dinner last night, and two insufferables were criticizing Trumpster. There’s just no dealing with these people. They believe everything. Even though Wussiagate was an obvious big lie, they still believed it was true, and she said to me that even though the court cases have been severely pitched against him, he deserves that and even more.

Around 2018. I can’t ever forget when we were in Italy, hanging poolside. An older American couple was hanging around next to us. The old broad got in the pool for a swim, and the hubbie was reading an iPad. He excitedly called her to get out of the pool, and when she did, he was reading an anti-Trump NYTimes piece to her. They actually sounded giddy with excitement, holding onto every word. I never said anything, but I should’ve. Nice place, high up on a hill, looking down on the Med.

February 26, 2024 9:24 pm

A snippet from an interesting piece from the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs:

At the highest levels of the PA, there is also apprehension about the large-scale release of hundreds of Hamas military wing activists into Judea and Samaria as part of the Israeli-Hamas deal. Such a release could bolster Hamas’s influence and further destabilize the PA.

(I’m not au fait with the new posting rules, so my apologies for any breeches (sic).

John H.
John H.
February 26, 2024 9:24 pm

Bruce of Newcastle
Feb 26, 2024 8:46 PM
Poseidon seems real and very feasible. I’d be surprised if the Chinese haven’t got something similar. Easy to build, much more damaging than a mere 10 warhead MIRV. We humans like to live on coasts, which is in this case a bit of a mistake.

How so? A torpedo at such high speed will cavitate for all the world to hear. It would leave a radiation signal. SOSUS will detect from afar. An autonomous torpedo is going to navigate how? It would have to come to the surface to take readings then rely on inertial navigation. It would need active sonar to avoid collisions, giving away its position. They didn’t get it to work. After so much money and so much work it failed.

February 26, 2024 9:26 pm

Around 2018. I can’t ever forget when we were in Italy, hanging poolside. An older American couple was hanging around next to us. The old broad got in the pool for a swim, and the hubbie was reading an iPad. He excitedly called her to get out of the pool, and when she did, he was reading an anti-Trump NYTimes piece to her. They actually sounded giddy with excitement, holding onto every word. I never said anything, but I should’ve.

You should have bashed them both; bashed them good.

February 26, 2024 9:32 pm

You should have bashed them both; bashed them good.

And thoroughly deserved too. Imagine going on a freaking Italian holiday and you’re giddy about a negative Trump piece.
Not bashed, I should’ve drowned them in the pool. 🙂

February 26, 2024 9:33 pm

The Sicilian coast is stunning, and I don’t have to drive especially as today we have blue skies.
Pebble beaches seem to the the natural, I wonder if they ship in sand for the tourist ones.
On the intercity, because it was more convenient, although €9 more expensive

February 26, 2024 9:35 pm

If actual fighting is what you enjoy maybe here is not the fight club you need.

*815 Pm this Friday at the Garvelyy Beach Road PUB you SOBs.

No you cowards wont turn up.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
February 26, 2024 9:35 pm

I should’ve drowned them in the pool

And then bashed them.

Yeah. Gravelly Hotel-style.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
February 26, 2024 9:35 pm



February 26, 2024 9:37 pm

I didn’t know this:

During the First Intifada, which lasted until 1993, more than 1,000 Palestinians were killed by fellow Palestinians on suspicion of “collaborating” with Israel.

[From the same source as above. There are several articles worth reading on this website].

February 26, 2024 9:37 pm


I was just telling Cronkite about the Italian holiday and the horrible poolside incident. We were in Taormina. The view from cliff-side is beyond gorgeous. There are sandy beaches there, but I think most are pebbles which is a real shit too as you hurt your feet.

Salvatore, Iron Publican
February 26, 2024 9:40 pm

More like a fair bit of it was thus:

During the First Intifada, which lasted until 1993, more than 1,000 Palestinians were killed by fellow Palestinians on suspicion of “collaborating” with Israel settling personal scores under cover of Intifada.

February 26, 2024 9:41 pm

Israel’s Legal Case: A Guidebook.

This is one of a handful of ebooks available for download (I think free of charge, but I cannot confirm that yet) from the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs website.

February 26, 2024 9:41 pm

Trumpster totally destroyed their comfort zone. TDS is a real thing and should be listed as a mental illness alongside climate alarmism.

February 26, 2024 9:43 pm

Quite possibly, Sal. Likely to have been included in the tally of Pali victims of ‘Israeli agression’ also. (Just a guess on my part, that is).

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
February 26, 2024 9:44 pm

John H – I think my second comment answered everything. No need to stop at 20 Mt. If they’d added the U238 jacket to Tsar Bomba it’d’ve done 100 Mt.

Recall that Tsar Bomba was the size of a small bus, so it could be air launched. No need for such weight control issues for a thermonuclear sea mine.

Let that sucker off 4 km down and halfway between Sydney and Auckland and you’ll have a super tsunami that erases everywhere from Adelaide to Cairns. NZ also of course.

Salvatore, Iron Publican
February 26, 2024 9:47 pm

Let that sucker off 4 km down and halfway between Sydney and Auckland and you’ll have a super tsunami that erases everywhere from Adelaide to Cairns. NZ also of course.

How far inland do we have to be to avoid this super-tsunami?

John H.
John H.
February 26, 2024 9:52 pm

Bruce of Newcastle
Feb 26, 2024 9:44 PM
John H – I think my second comment answered everything. No need to stop at 20 Mt. If they’d added the U238 jacket to Tsar Bomba it’d’ve done 100 Mt.

Recall that Tsar Bomba was the size of a small bus, so it could be air launched. No need for such weight control issues for a thermonuclear sea mine.

Let that sucker off 4 km down and halfway between Sydney and Auckland and you’ll have a super tsunami that erases everywhere from Adelaide to Cairns. NZ also of course.

A weapon to cause a tsunami is has long been entertained. Their idea for the Poseidon missile was bonkas. No need to be nuclear powered, no need for such a long range or to be autonomous. It was propaganda. The West pays a fortune for weapons but at least those work.

February 26, 2024 9:53 pm

A nuclear weapon was detonated under water by the Americans. It didn’t and doesn’t cause a tsunami.

…….. At bikini atoll, The United States detonated their largest nuclear weapon ever built. It was detonated underwater in the lagoon. It was equal to about 1000 Hiroshima bombs.

The explosion resulted in a tidal wave, yes. But the results weren’t what they expected. Almost all of the energy reached escape velocity and vanished into space.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
February 26, 2024 9:54 pm

SATP – I have no idea. A Russian guy said their weapon system could do a 500 m high tsunami with a yield of 2 Mt. True or not again I have no idea. That would require several of them to inundate the Australian east coast. But as I said there’s nothing to prevent a 3rd stage Tsar Bomba scale sea mine. It’s a logical extension of the idea.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
February 26, 2024 10:00 pm

I missed it when it was on.
Can anyone tell me who won the Big Bash this year?

February 26, 2024 10:03 pm

The 2011 T?hoku earthquake and tsunami released 38,000 times more energy than the Tsar Bomba.

Also, a tsunami is not a wave. It’s a massive surge of water and no human technology can create enough of an energy pulse of such magnitude.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
February 26, 2024 10:05 pm

Muddy at 9:24.
Exactly how it is supposed to work.
A link with a brief snippet or teaser about the contents so that curious cats can explore it further if they wish.
Approved … tick.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
February 26, 2024 10:06 pm

Can anyone tell me who won the Big Bash this year?

The what?

The Big WHAT?

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
February 26, 2024 10:07 pm

Such tsunamis are known from the paleodata.

DR TED BRYANT, A tsunami expert who recently retired from the University of Wollongong, has gathered evidence that monumental tsunamis have pummelled the east coast throughout history – and could do so again. He believes that, based on studies of sediment layers and rock erosion, six big tsunamis caused by meteorite strikes or marine landslides have hit Sydney during the past 10,000 years. The most recent probably occurred in 1491, Ted says, and produced a wave that washed over the harbour’s headlands, 60 m above sea level. That tsunami didn’t travel far inshore, but others did.

Ted argues that a tsunami that hit the Shoalhaven delta near Nowra, between 5000 and 4000 years ago, ran 10 km inland, while deposits near the Blue Mountains hint that another tsunami ran over cliffs more than 60 m high, and then rushed inland.

I’ve seen mention of an extremely large prehistoric tsunami caused by a landslip in NZ, but I can’t immediately find reference, and it’s bed time. Water is very unforgiving when you get it started moving in a particular direction. The incompressibility thing.

February 26, 2024 10:10 pm

The other thing about Poseidon is unlike airburst thermonukes you can move in right after the water recedes. Not much in the way of residual rads, they’re all in the ocean.

No, the other thing is that it doesn’t exist outside of a Kremlin brainstorming session.

Maybe Shoigu was spirit cooking again.

Let the man cook! The results are novelties, to say the least.

Other Russian wunderwaffe:

Houses with chicken legs
Belarus folklore becomes real: rural vampires
White ducks

Johnny rotten
February 26, 2024 10:10 pm

Mrs Stencho Pantyhose

Your thin ice has melted. All those paragraphs and your English comprehension remains poor as well as your inability to count.

February 26, 2024 10:11 pm

And planetary forces is mind mindbogglingly enormous.

How many Hiroshima bombs equals a 9.0 earthquake?
2 million Hiroshima bombs
A magnitude 9.0 earthquake releases the equivalent of about 2 million Hiroshima bombs, or 31 billion tons of TNT.

We can probably safely harness that amount of energy in a thousand years.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
February 26, 2024 10:13 pm

Other Russian wunderwaffe:

Houses with chicken legs

Oh my lord.

Everybody run!

Top Ender
Top Ender
February 26, 2024 10:13 pm

Police now believe accused killer Beau Lamarre-Condon returned at night to the dam where he had earlier hidden the bodies of murdered couple Luke Davies and Jesse Baird, retrieved their remains and moved them to another as yet unknown location.

On Monday afternoon police had turned their focus to the area in Grays Point, in southern Sydney, where Lamarre-Condon grew up.

In a case that has confounded investigators and put a question mark over the future of NSW Police Commissioner Karen Webb, police have been unable to account for a crucial “gap in the timeline” when Constable ­Lamarre-­Condon is alleged to have dumped the bodies; why the 28-year-old police constable was able to access his pistol out of work hours; and whether he was psychologically fit to have ever have been recruited.

Adding to the mystery was how two people could have been shot with a 9mm Glock in densely packed inner-city Paddington terrace in Sydney last Monday without anyone reporting the shots.

Police have revealed a triple-zero call from Mr Baird’s phone was made from the Paddington terrace four minutes after the first shots, before being suddenly ­disconnected.

Later in the day, Constable ­Lamarre-Condon hired a white Toyota HiAce van from Sydney Airport that he allegedly used to transport the men’s bodies.

The next day, police allege, the 28-year-old made a “partial admission” to a female acquaintance that he had been involved in the death of two people.

On Monday afternoon police searched houses and a creek in the Grays Point street in which Lamarre-Condon grew up. Detectives were door knocking residents requesting CCTV.

A helicopter was also seen above the area, searching along Dents Creek, which leads to Port Hacking. Lamarre-Condon’s family home was on the waterfront of Dents Creek.

“They flew around the waterway from the house to swallow rock. They also went right over the primary school a bit by entrance to the national park,” one source said.

After a fruitless two-day search by divers of two dams in Bungonia, in the NSW Southern Tablelands, police believe Constable Lamarre-Condon feared a woman who unwittingly helped him get access to the property would alert police to his attempt to hide the bodies.

The woman, an acquaintance of his who has not been identified, accompanied him to the property, 200km southwest of Sydney, on Wednesday last week, two days after the alleged murder, apparently unaware the bodies of Mr Davies and Mr Baird were in the back of the rented Toyota HiAce.

Along the way, they stopped at a Goulburn hardware store to buy an angle grinder and a padlock.

When they reached the property – which police believe Constable Lamarre-Condon had previously visited through a former relationship – he allegedly used the angle-grinder to cut the existing padlock on the gate and left the woman there while he continued on down to the dam.

When he returned half an hour later, Constable Lamarre-Condon replaced the cut padlock with the new one and they drove back to Sydney in the van.

It is unclear what explanation the policeman provided to his acquaintance about his behaviour, but police believe it was enough to arouse her suspicions and for Constable Lamarre-Condon to worry the location would be discovered.

Police believe the acquaintance was tricked into joining Constable Lamarre-Condon and say she is not a suspect

Police allege the constable drove back to the property from Sydney later that night with torches borrowed from a friend, stopping at 11pm to buy weights from a department store.

At 4.30am on Thursday, he left Bungonia and spent time around Sydney before driving to New­castle, where he went to a friend’s home and asked for a hose to clean the van, police say.

He stayed in Newcastle until 5am Friday, when he drove to Sydney and met an uncle where he grew up in the Sutherland Shire. At 10.39am, he walked into Bondi police station.

Constable Lamarre-Condon has been charged with two counts of murder but has declined to say anything to police or assist them in locating the bodies.

Police claim that the relationship between he and Jesse Baird ended badly, prompting Constable Lamarre-Condon to break into Mr Baird’s terrace in the weeks prior to the murder.

“The relationship which ended at the end of last year … didn’t end well and we believe that the accused had attended Jesse’s home address,” Deputy Commissioner Dave Hudson said.

“We believe he had utilised a key to enter those premises. We believe he took possession of Jesse’s phone and deleted contacts and messages out of that phone before leaving the premises.”

The prior break-in was not reported to NSW Police.

Mr Hudson said police had been told Mr Baird spoke of a “man in his room” at his home but did not report it to police.

Constable Lamarre-Condon was able to get access to his firearm last Sunday by claiming he was doing a “user pays” shift, performing duties at a pro-Palestinian rally in the city, for which organisers were reimbursing police for the costs. He is Operation Support Group-trained, meaning he had completed extra training qualifying him to work user pay shifts at events such as concerts or protests.

Ms Webb said a review into the handling of police firearms would be “necessary” following the alleged use of Constable Lamarre-Condon’s service weapon.

She been criticised for taking three days to release a statement about the case, with NSW MP Rod Roberts accusing her of “hiding” and failing to reassure the public that the accused police officer “will be treated the same as any other suspect in any other crime”.


Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
February 26, 2024 10:14 pm

Feb 26, 2024 9:53 PM
A nuclear weapon was detonated under water by the Americans. It didn’t and doesn’t cause a tsunami

The 2004 Boxing Day tsunami was caused by a 1200 km long rupture in a faultline, with a sudden displacement in a very short time over the entire distance.
The massive sudden displacement of water was far in excess of whatever array of nukes you might come up with.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
February 26, 2024 10:16 pm

All those paragraphs and your English comprehension remains poor

Speaking of which:


Hahahhaaaa. Keep trying, fake part time bovver boy.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
February 26, 2024 10:18 pm

The key point:

and whether he was psychologically fit to have ever have been recruited.

February 26, 2024 10:19 pm

The 2011 T?hoku earthquake and tsunami released 38,000 times more energy than the Tsar Bomba.

It’s definitely safe to build 2.5 teratonne nukes. Absolutely no issues with fail safes, accidental ignition or pilfering & for profit or political terrorism. Let alone the sheer damage the bastards could do.

February 26, 2024 10:21 pm

The Russian scare campaign to frighten the Europeans is just bullshit on wheels. If they detonated one of those big mothers above a city, all it would do is create a bigger hole. The one problem for the Russians is that if they detonated it in Europe they would be royally rooted too because the radiation would push into Russia. Those clowns are just trying to scare people.

February 26, 2024 10:22 pm

The alarmists a few years ago used the Hiroshima bomb as a way of describing man made climate change:

The comparison between the alleged destruction cause by (Anthropogenic Global Warming) AGW and the atomic bomb dropped at Hiroshima was first raised by professor of geology Mike Sandiford. Sandiford compares the human effect on the environment to the atomic bomb:

To put these numbers into a more human context we need a new measure for our energy use. The “Hiro” is one. It is the equivalent to the energy released by detonating one Hiroshima “Little Boy” bomb every second. One Hiro equals 60 trillion watts. In these terms, our human energy system operates at a rate of 0.25 Hiros, or one Hiroshima bomb every four seconds. That is the equivalent of more than eight million Hiroshima bombs going off each year.

This is a disgraceful bit of misanthropy made nonsensical by the fact that the natural energy of the system on Earth is a million times greater than the energy produced by humans and that the energy produced by humans is incremental. We don’t set off atomic bombs when we walk out the door; our energy is expended over time.

Such is the insignificance of the energy impact of humans on the Earth’s system that if humanity were to disappear tomorrow all traces of our energy would be gone in a geological blink of an eye.

However Sandiford’s insidious metaphor has been picked up by another academic with even less pretension to expertise in the field of AGW. This time the Ivory Tower has let loose one David Holmes, a lecturer in communications, whatever that is.

Holmes outdoes Sandiford because now humanity is letting off FOUR Hiroshima atomic bombs every second. Not one but four!

These people are lunatics and should be bashed repeatedly.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
February 26, 2024 10:23 pm

and whether he was psychologically fit to have ever have been recruited.

Oh, my Lordy, wordy, yes.
Was he, in fact, bounced by the selection process, but waved through anyway.
“Yes, it does indicate emotional instability, but should we further penalise someone who might have suffered homophobic trauma? High emotion can translate to high empathy, yada, yada …”

February 26, 2024 10:24 pm

There’s no way you’d cause a tsunami with a bomb under the ocean big enough to wipe out AUS and NZ coasts.
C’mon, Bruce.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
February 26, 2024 10:26 pm

Feb 26, 2024 10:24 PM
There’s no way you’d cause a tsunami with a bomb under the ocean big enough to wipe out AUS and NZ coasts.

… mUnter jumping off the Norfolk Island pier, on the other hand …

February 26, 2024 10:28 pm

A Blue State Exodus

Only Republicans will be leaving so unless they are moving to swing states (which they are not) it makes the red states redder and the blue states bluer… Still the election is decided in the swing states where they are experts at rigging the vote…

February 26, 2024 10:28 pm

The 2004 Boxing Day tsunami was caused by a 1200 km long rupture in a faultline, with a sudden displacement in a very short time over the entire distance.
The massive sudden displacement of water was far in excess of whatever array of nukes you might come up with.

Exactly, one would have to think the Tasman sea was only a touch larger than Sydney Harbour.

February 26, 2024 10:30 pm

mUnter jumping off the Norfolk Island pier, on the other hand …

Not even that!

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
February 26, 2024 10:30 pm

Shock Zachary Rolfe evidence puts culture of elite NT police on trial

By paige taylor
Indigenous Affairs Correspondent, WA Bureau Chief
and liam mendes
10:08PM February 26, 2024

Northern Territory Police’s most elite unit created a highly offensive in-house “coon of the year” award for members who “exhibited the most coon-like ­behaviour”, former police officer Zachary Rolfe has told the inquest for the Walpiri man he shot and killed while trying to ­arrest him.

His allegations about the Darwin-based Territory Response Group rocked the upper ranks of NT Police on Monday, and commissioner Michael Murphy ordered an immediate investigation.

Mr Rolfe took the stand at the inquest for Kumanjayi Walker on Monday for what is scheduled to be five final days of evidence about events that led up to him fatally shooting the 19-year-old three times on ­November 9, 2019.

The hearings have become in part an expose of the culture inside NT Police, including in messages between police officers who variously referred to Aboriginal people as “bush coons” and “sand niggers”.

Mr Rolfe told the inquest he knew of a high-ranking officer who referred to an Aboriginal woman as “a fat gin”

While Mr Rolfe named several people in his evidence, coroner ­Elisabeth Armitage agreed to issue a non-publication order on names and ranks of those he had accused in his evidence while the allegations were investigated.

Mr Rolfe acknowledged that he, too, had used racist language: “I would say it’s unacceptable but ­accepted in the NT Police.”

Asked if he embraced the racist language used by some police, Mr Rolfe said: “I wouldn’t say embraced but it rubbed off on me.”

He said police referred to an area of the Todd Tavern in Alice Springs that was patronised only by Aboriginal people as “the animal bar”, even on the police radio.

Mr Rolfe also said it would be completely wrong to assume that the racist language was confined to police in Alice Springs.

“You’ve heard evidence about the Territory Response Group and how professional they are and they are the tip of the spear, and from the TRG a number of those members have gone on to have high-ranking positions in the police force,” he said.

“Up until recently, the Territory Response Group had an annual party where they would issue awards to some of the members.

“Among the police force we had heard of this award and we knew it to be called the ‘coon of the year award’ … for exhibiting the most coon-like behaviour.

“The staff would make the recipient dress up in a toga and they’d give him a wooden club with some nails through the end.”

When the inquest finished for the day and as Mr Rolfe left the building, an Aboriginal woman approached him and said repeatedly “you f..king prick”, while he wagged his finger at her. At one point the woman raised her shoe and Mr Rolfe’s lawyer, Michael Abbott KC, put out his hand in a protective gesture.

Referring to the alleged racism in the police force, Mr Rolfe said it was “accepted” and “known by multiple people who have given evidence here, and multiple people have lied about it”.

“Culture starts at the head and in a small place like the NT Police, we’re going to hear about this kind of stuff and this does become normalised.”

“How should I refer to Aboriginal people, to show respect?”

“Call them what you like. It’s nothing to what they call you.”

Top Ender
Top Ender
February 26, 2024 10:31 pm

60m over Sydney’s headlands!

DR TED BRYANT, A tsunami expert who recently retired from the University of Wollongong, has gathered evidence that monumental tsunamis have pummelled the east coast throughout history – and could do so again. He believes that, based on studies of sediment layers and rock erosion, six big tsunamis caused by meteorite strikes or marine landslides have hit Sydney during the past 10,000 years.

The most recent probably occurred in 1491, Ted says, and produced a wave that washed over the harbour’s headlands, 60 m above sea level. That tsunami didn’t travel far inshore, but others did.


February 26, 2024 11:03 pm

Another one for Digger and any Tassies.

Rebekah Barnett via her Substack has another good crack at TAS AMA regarding Dr Julie Sladden running for Liberals in TAS.

‘Australian Medical Association wants Covid vaccine sceptic off the ballot at upcoming election’

February 26, 2024 11:25 pm


‘Australian Medical Association wants Covid vaccine sceptic off the ballot at upcoming election’

I guess that would be me, Bourne.

There would be a spot of trouble in the camp if they ever tried that rubbish…. but that is about the level of real life intellect we can expect from elitist, head up their a**e morons…

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
February 26, 2024 11:35 pm

Digger, one of the ouens up here, reckons your book is “damnfine reading.”

February 26, 2024 11:40 pm

Let that sucker off 4 km down and halfway between Sydney and Auckland and you’ll have a super tsunami that erases everywhere from Adelaide to Cairns. NZ also of course.

There is nothing on the west coast of New Zealand so destruction there would be minuscule compared to the devastation along Australian east coast.

Bruce in WA
February 26, 2024 11:56 pm

The court was told the grandfather made his way to the room where he found the man standing naked inside the girl’s walk-in robe and pointed a .22 rifle at him.

The prosecutor said a struggle then ensued between the pair before the grandfather fired a shot into the naked man’s upper thigh.

The man then ran off but was caught by police a few hours later at his home, which was close by, he added.

So Grandad managed to retrieve his keys, unlock the gun safe, retrieve the rifle, unlock the ammo, load the rifle, then rush in to confront the intruder?

Man, in WA he is so fcuked! Lay you odds he will be charged every which way but loose by WAPOL.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
February 27, 2024 12:10 am

The court was told the grandfather made his way to the room where he found the man standing naked inside the girl’s walk-in robe and pointed a .22 rifle at him.

The court was told that Zulu Kilo made his way to the room where he found the man standing naked inside the girls walk in robe, and Zulu Kilo severed his testicles with a rusty trench knife…..

February 27, 2024 12:34 am

Shuffle down here to the Carolinas, JC, which I’ve discovered is an absolutely beaut part of the world and where you won’t hear a bad word against Trump. Indeed, the only concern I’ve heard on his behalf is the fear that he’ll be killed before November. Out of curiosity, attended a white evangelic church on Sunday morning. The after-prayers chatting made Trump’s mortal peril a frequent topic.

God help America if they do knock him off. There’ll be no putting that anger back in the bottle.

Top Ender
Top Ender
February 27, 2024 12:59 am

NSW Police says it is “disappointed” to have been uninvited from marching in Saturday’s Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras parade.

“The NSW Police Force has been advised that the Board of the Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras has decided to withdraw the invitation to NSW Police to participate in this year’s event,” an NSW Police spokesperson said.

“While disappointed with this outcome, NSW Police will continue to work closely with the LGBTIQA+ community and remain committed to working with organisers to provide a safe environment for all those participating in and supporting this Saturday’s parade.”

NSW Police Commissioner Karen Webb told The Daily Telegraph she was notified of the decision after the Mardi Gras board met on Monday night following the alleged murders of Jesse Baird and Luke Davies by Constable Beau Lamarre-Condon.

February 27, 2024 1:01 am

Police have revealed a triple-zero call from Mr Baird’s phone was made from the Paddington terrace four minutes after the first shots, before being suddenly ­disconnected.

This aspect continues to bug me.
How many triple zero calls did they receive regarding the gun shots.
Did they just think this was one of a dozen calls?
Or was it one of a handful?
Heaven help the cops at the inevitable inquest/inquiry if it was one of one calls regarding the gun shots and they didn’t zero in on it immediately.

John H.
John H.
February 27, 2024 2:13 am

Sancho Panzer
Feb 26, 2024 10:14 PM
Feb 26, 2024 9:53 PM
A nuclear weapon was detonated under water by the Americans. It didn’t and doesn’t cause a tsunami

The 2004 Boxing Day tsunami was caused by a 1200 km long rupture in a faultline, with a sudden displacement in a very short time over the entire distance.
The massive sudden displacement of water was far in excess of whatever array of nukes you might come up with.

To cause a Tsunami a huge amount of water has to be shifted in one direction. If the bomb explodes at 360 degrees it will not cause a tsunami because the power is in the water behind the wave. The possibility of causing a tsunami will depend on geography.

In future I shall refrain from mentioning Russian weapon absurdities.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
February 27, 2024 3:13 am

Police Queen demands drag dancing and the other Queens don’t want her hirelings to attend.
Seems the organisers of a lurid display of sex play have more decorum than the Commissioner of Police.

February 27, 2024 4:00 am
February 27, 2024 4:01 am
February 27, 2024 4:02 am
February 27, 2024 4:03 am
February 27, 2024 4:04 am
February 27, 2024 4:05 am
February 27, 2024 4:07 am
February 27, 2024 4:08 am
February 27, 2024 4:22 am

Thanks, Tom.

February 27, 2024 4:35 am

Tim Young

I’m shocked that CNN left this article up…
It details how Biden immediately signed executive orders reversing Trump’s border security measures when he took office.
The illegal immigration influx was absolutely created by Biden.

See that pile of Executive Orders Biden is signed immediately after his inauguration.
One is the reversing the border wall initiatives that is mentioned in the tweet.
Another one is reversing the PBM EO that Trump signed (the one that dropped insulin to 10-20 bucks a month).

I’ve lost the article I had that went through all of Biden’s day one EO’s that broke down which special interest groups or donors that benefited.
I grinds me teeths over it every time I see Biden and EO in the same sentence.

February 27, 2024 4:35 am

PBM = pharmaceutical benefit manager(s).

February 27, 2024 4:48 am

With regards to the US service man who set himself on fire.
I am surprised he was conscious for as long as he sounded to be.

I feel sorry for the cops & ambo’s who arrived on the scene to see that.
It’s one thing to turn up to something like a car wreck to see bodies mashed up.
But turning up to see a human chicken drumstick still seemingly able to make audible nosies…PTSD in the making.
So selfish & will achieve nothing.

And if the person filming the incident has any assets, I’d have a few bucks on the family of Mr Flame Grilled suing them at some stage…quietly, after they lap up all the sympathy for a good period.

February 27, 2024 5:46 am

Taormina first impressions.
Bad idea to stay down the bottom near the station.
It’s a killer climb up and only one of the two bus companies that go up has an advertised timetable.
I’m hoping there is a bar near the train station where I can get a coffee before heading up top for the day.
I should have rented up top, the convenience of being close to the station is outweighed by not being able to pop into my apartment whenever I feel like it.
On the other hand the ride up and down has spectacular views of Mount Etna and the coast, best on the way down as the haze had cleared. The road is a series of tight hairpin bends a so you get lots of opportunities to look at the coastal views towards Calabria as well as Etna.
Taormina itself has a main walking street through the centre, lots of beautiful old buildings. Shall explore more tomorrow.
Waiting for a bus back that never came (ended up walking to the other end of town to find one) got stuck talking to two youngish Poles on some sort of working holiday. They were the only ones in shirts, no jackets. Naturally they were torn about emigrating to Australia, yes for the warm weather, no for the scary snakes.

The Bungonia Bee
The Bungonia Bee
February 27, 2024 6:58 am

Turnbull and Keating contesting for title of Attention Deficit Supremo.
Malcolm has been quoted as saying Trump is a tyrant. No points for originality there.

The Bungonia Bee
The Bungonia Bee
February 27, 2024 7:00 am

Nikki Haley was at her best when as ambassador to the UN she acted on Trump’s instructions.

February 27, 2024 7:02 am

Feb 27, 2024 5:46 AM

‘…no for the scary snakes.;

Rosie, just them that the snakes ‘don’t eat that much.’
You should have told them about the ‘Drop Bears.’

The Bungonia Bee
The Bungonia Bee
February 27, 2024 7:03 am

Yes, we recall how disappointed we were when Biden on day one stopped the wall at the southern border. The MSM will now go along with fairy stories about Republicans not funding a solution to the border crisis.

February 27, 2024 7:20 am

1. Nvidia GPU Buyers Offload Chips As Supply Crunch Cools
By Anissa Gardizy Source: The Information

Companies that use Nvidia’s specialized artificial intelligence semiconductors say the chips have become far easier to access than they were last year, The Information reported on Friday. And as a result, some people who bought as many GPUs as they could during the height of the frenzy are now looking to offload some of their supply, which is expensive to keep if it isn’t being used.

GPU buyers are also reducing their orders and being more picky about the price they are willing to pay to rent the chips. It all marks a big difference from just a few months ago, when startups and investors were going to great lengths to access Nvidia GPUs.

“There was this sense of panic and scarcity. People talked about being GPU poor” in mid-2023, said Sarah Guo, founder of Conviction, an early-stage VC firm focused on AI startups.

Of course, the crunch hasn’t resolved for everyone. Companies that are training their own large language models, such as OpenAI, are still struggling to get enough AI chips.

I have found whatever The Information reports is in the corporate financial-tech media a few days later.
I get their email alerts but do not subscribe.
The last subscription offer was around $US500 per year.
I think their clients must all be investment banks.

February 27, 2024 7:24 am

Top Ender
Feb 27, 2024 12:59 AM
NSW Police says it is “disappointed” to have been uninvited from marching in Saturday’s Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras parade.

I bet many coppers are relieved they won’t have to pretend to care.

February 27, 2024 7:26 am

The Bungonia Bee
Feb 27, 2024 7:00 AM
Nikki Haley was at her best when as ambassador to the UN she acted on Trump’s instructions.

Much like ScoMo was effective at stopping the boats when he acted on Abbott’s instructions.

February 27, 2024 7:30 am

The ABC finally runs a story about Anastasia’s partner and his medico-legal problems. Of course they don’t mention Anastasia and they have only done this after her dethroning.

February 27, 2024 7:32 am

Read somewhere that Malcolm and Lucy Turnbull are trying to set up one of those dam(n)-battery things in the Hunter region. Their spiel is that they want to be part of the transformation of their beloved Hunter Valley from a debbil-debbil coal mining region into a unicorns and fairy dust ‘renewable’ energy region. All the boring big holes through Gaia and associated machinery made with steel doesn’t count, as we know from the Snowy debacle.

My question is – what’s in it for him? What with the grants and subsidies and guaranteed prices washing about at public and consumers’ expense, it’s hard to unravel the bottom line.

His explanation that he is worried about Da Planet is … unconvincing to this long time observer of Turnbuckle.

February 27, 2024 7:33 am
Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
February 27, 2024 7:34 am

Seems like respect for the police is ebbing away rapidly.

Great Reset Fightback: Farmers Spray Police With Liquid Manure Outside EU HQ (26 Feb)

Hundreds of farmers descended upon Brussels on Monday, clashing with police, spraying officers with manure, and pelting EU buildings with eggs as they protested outside an agricultural summit being held in the city.

Chaotic scenes broke out in Brussels with farmers protesting the European Union’s green agenda

Eww, smelly!

February 27, 2024 7:39 am
Mother Lode
Mother Lode
February 27, 2024 7:40 am

Out of curiosity – when is SCOTUS due to deliver its ruling on the Colorado ballot case?

I had heard speculation that it could be as early as last Thursday but that obviously has not happened. People seem very certain as to what it is going to be but unanimity would be nice – even Ketanji Brown Jackson, who is so left wing she was intellectually overtaxed by the question “what is a woman”, seemed unconvinced by the Colorado attorney’s laughable performance. And remember, for a progressive performance is far more important than logic.

February 27, 2024 7:40 am
February 27, 2024 7:41 am

Feb 27, 2024 7:26 AM

The Bungonia Bee
Feb 27, 2024 7:00 AM
Nikki Haley was at her best when as ambassador to the UN she acted on Trump’s instructions.

Much like ScoMo was effective at stopping the boats when he acted on Abbott’s instructions.


February 27, 2024 7:41 am
February 27, 2024 7:42 am

The shooting of the Sydney hay couple is being represented as a police in killing motivated by gas hatred. It’s not of course, for while the alleged killer is a policeman, he is actions were those of a jilted guy lover suffering and driven by, I suspect, humiliation.

It was good to see Liz Storer making this point on Panahi’s late show. Sky After Dark has been wilting lately. Liz and Rita warrant an earlier time slot.

February 27, 2024 7:43 am

Feeding the insatiable war machine.

Sweden set to join NATO after Hungary approves bid

February 27, 2024 7:48 am

Bugger. That’s gay, not hay or gas. It’s early for me.

February 27, 2024 7:51 am
Boambee John
Boambee John
February 27, 2024 7:59 am

Bruce of Newcastle
Feb 26, 2024 9:54 PM
SATP – I have no idea. A Russian guy said their weapon system could do a 500 m high tsunami with a yield of 2 Mt. True or not again I have no idea. That would require several of them to inundate the Australian east coast. But as I said there’s nothing to prevent a 3rd stage Tsar Bomba scale sea mine. It’s a logical extension of the idea.

What was the energy output of the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami? I suspect it was well above even the Tsar Bomba level.

Boambee John
Boambee John
February 27, 2024 8:01 am

JC at 2003

Snap, I hadn’t scanned down.

February 27, 2024 8:01 am

regarding the “hay couple”

comment image

Black Ball
Black Ball
February 27, 2024 8:04 am

You go girl. Daily Telegraph:

NSW Police Commissioner Karen Webb has been blasted over an “embarrassing” performance that saw her stand idle for more than half an hour as her deputy answered questions about the alleged double murder of Jesse Baird and Luke Davies by one of her own officers.

Ms Webb on Monday lashed out at reporters over questions about her leadership, saying “that’s offensive”.

But The Daily Telegraph understands that for more than six months there has been growing disquiet among officers as well as elements of the powerful NSW Police Association over the lack of visibility of Commissioner Webb.

A breakdown of Monday’s press conference with Ms Webb and Deputy Commissioner Dave Hudson shows that Mr Hudson answered 59 questions and spoke for 31 minutes. Ms Webb answered 25 questions and spoke for 12 minutes, many of which involved defending her decision not to front the media until Monday.

Ms Webb explained she had been in a budget estimates parliamentary hearing all day on Friday when Lamarre-Condon handed himself in at Bondi police station.

When asked why she chose not to address the media over the weekend, Ms Webb said she had attended a sunrise service in Bronte on Saturday for victims of gay hate crimes.

She then snapped back when posed a follow-up question by the journalist – who is not a public servant on a $660,000 salary – saying: “Where were you on Saturday?”

But a day after accusing her of “hiding” in the wake of the deaths of Mr Baird and Mr Davies, allegedly by serving officer Beau Lamarre-Condon, NSW upper house MP and former police officer Rod Roberts called on Ms Webb to be a “strong leader” in the “unprecedented” times.

“This is nearly unprecedented – you have a serving police officer who has allegedly committed a double murder with a service firearm. I’m sure that members of the public have a few questions and it’s incumbent on the commissioner to front up and answer them,” Mr Roberts said.

“She was like a deer in the headlights … She spoke for two minutes and then handed it straight over to Dave Hudson to do the heavy lifting.”

Some within the force said they worried Ms Webb was often “invisible” at key moments, such as during last year’s police tapering of 95-year-old Clare Nowland.

“There are more and more cops, from the ground up asking ‘where’s Karen?’ because she seems to be invisible, especially when s..t hits the fan,” one source said.

Premier Chris Minns said he was not going to “second guess” Ms Webb on when she fronts up to speak to the public.

Nixon, Whatsherface in Queensland and now Webb. All useless career cops who I wouldn’t have thought arrested anyone in their time.

February 27, 2024 8:08 am

Trying to avoid naming the problems is backfiring in Alice Springs:

“When you travel, [tourists want] to have a six-pack after a hard day of setting up your caravan or out visiting some of the amazing facilities we’ve got here,” Mr Jervis said.

“It’s not that people come just to drink, but it’s part of the overall holiday mode and relaxation mode that people are involved with.

“We’re shut from 8pm on a Sunday till 3pm on a Wednesday — that’s a big chunk of a week for a traveller.”

Yes, it is. You might as well be in Saudi Arabia.

February 27, 2024 8:09 am

Stop hay hate.

February 27, 2024 8:10 am

Spooner is right.

February 27, 2024 8:12 am

My question is – what’s in it for him? What with the grants and subsidies and guaranteed prices washing about at public and consumers’ expense, it’s hard to unravel the bottom line.

His explanation that he is worried about Da Planet is … unconvincing to this long time observer of Turnbuckle.

A real investigative journalist would probably find a good story here.

At the very least we can be assured that the best interests of Australia would not be being served.

February 27, 2024 8:12 am

Hay rights.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
February 27, 2024 8:14 am

With regards to the US service man who set himself on fire.
I am surprised he was conscious for as long as he sounded to be.

Not wishing to sound macabre, but anyway…

If this guy turns out to have been part of the QWERTY community then his self-immolation becomes itself a warning as to what QWERTY’s can expect from Hamas, and which will get worse if they ever seized in their blood drenched hands ‘from the river to the sea’.

February 27, 2024 8:18 am


BREAKING: Russian Counter-Terrorism Unit Thwarts Assassination Attempt on

A Moscow man was arrested for allegedly accepting payment from Ukrainian intelligence to plant an explosive on Tucker Carlson’s vehicle, targeting the American journalist during his interview with Putin.

“In November 2023, I was recruited by the Main Directorate of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine.

“I was trained in working with special communications, collecting, and detonating explosive devices.”

“On January 31, I received a task from the curator to pick up an explosive device from a hiding place and use it to blow up a car.”

What was promised to you?

“Four thousand dollars.”

Where was the explosive device supposed to be used?

“In the underground parking of the Four Seasons hotel in Moscow. I was supposed to pick up the explosive device from a hiding place and place it under the car.”

Who was it targeting?

“I wasn’t told.”

Do you know who the target was now?

“Yes. American journalist Tucker Carlson.”

What went wrong?

“I was detained at the preparation stage.”


February 27, 2024 8:19 am

Seems the media are a little shy on reporting that the Houthi are kicking ass when it comes to western shipping & “protection” .. nuttin’ in the online news but reading Breitbart and lotza Houthi winnin’ occurring Gulf-wize .. no news don’t mean good news these dayz ……!

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
February 27, 2024 8:24 am

Nikki Haley was at her best when as ambassador to the UN she acted on Trump’s instructions.

That parallels the case of Abbott with Bishop as Foreign Minister. Whilst he was behind her, feeding her the lines, she cut a rather impressive figure on the world stage, especially in the wake of the shooting down of Malaysian Airlines MH-17 over eastern Ukraine. Won a gong for her efforts from the Dutch as I recall.

With Abbott gone and Bishop following her own lights she flopped flaccid and inert like a discarded hand-puppet.

Before anyone bristles at mention of Abbott I do not mention this I am not re-opening the debate of his worth – how much he could impose his will on the party and how much he had to court them – just to point out the similarity of cases where a girl-boss turns out to be a gloved man-hand.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
February 27, 2024 8:30 am

I see Crossie beat me to it.

But ‘great minds’ and all that…

Rufus T Firefly
Rufus T Firefly
February 27, 2024 8:35 am

Interesting comment from Budanov, head of the Ukraine Gestapo, yesterday:

“Navalny died of natural causes.”


Hasn’t he seen the flood of evidence that proves it was (the) Putin who killed him?
Budanov will be in trouble with his own storm troopers, for this “Russian” propaganda.

At a minimum, he will be banned from X, ……., SURELY!

February 27, 2024 8:36 am

[NSW police commissioner Karen] Webb on Monday lashed out at reporters over questions about her leadership, saying “that’s offensive”.

Any police force led by a woman because diversity is not serious about law enforcement.

NSW Plod’s role in encouraging anti-semitism and giving free rein to Jew haters on the streets of Sydney is not an accident.

There’s now one law for the NSW government’s pet groups — “Palestinians”, for example — and another law for the rest.

February 27, 2024 8:36 am
February 27, 2024 8:38 am

Oh, FFS, or is this lawyers laying groundwork for a civil case?

Today a statement from the club was read out in the ACT Magistrates Court which said the theft had not only resulted in financial hardship for community members, it also had a “profound impact on the mental wellbeing of volunteers and their families”.

“The club’s executive and key volunteers experienced significant stress, trauma, unease and fear which manifested itself in sleepless nights, time off work, emotional upheaval, strain on personal relationships and physical and mental anguish,” the statement said.

The court was told the club’s reputation was tarnished over the incident and that led to “volunteers [being] subject to verbal, written and online abuse”.

Hmm, sounds like LawerSpeak to me.

Note that the amount involved was 23 grand.

“The club’s executive and key volunteers experienced significant stress, trauma, unease and fear which manifested itself in sleepless nights, time off work, emotional upheaval, strain on personal relationships and physical and mental anguish,


There must be a pot of gold at the end of this rainbow.

February 27, 2024 8:40 am

Stupidity is an obnoxious, frustrating and yet very constant and obtrusive feature of the systems that rule us. I emphasise this quality because I think the accent of much dissident commentary is too much on the malicious, authoritarian and often evil nature of government in the West. Don’t misunderstand me. The powers that be are very bad too, but it’s important not to lose sight of the fact that their collective actions and statements are often just astoundingly dumb. Probably never in the history of humanity has stupidity been so abundant, and so apparently ineradicable, as it is now.

– extracted from eugyppius’s latest substack post, 26.02.24

I would also add that authorities in Western countries are also very often incompetent.

Judith Sloan has a piece on that at The Speccie website.

February 27, 2024 8:42 am

Feb 27, 2024 7:34 AM

Dinesh D’Souza

50 years in office — name one thing Biden accomplished.

He made a lot of money.

February 27, 2024 8:46 am

Ms Webb on Monday lashed out at reporters over questions about her leadership, saying “that’s offensive”.

She is to be addressed as Her Highness.

Her voice was too pure for that particular forum.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
February 27, 2024 8:48 am

Commish Webb looks like someone’s Nanna at a costume party.

February 27, 2024 8:51 am

Lord Bebo
????? “P3dophilia is not a crime, it’s an identity”

– Congresswoman Katie Porter, Democrat

m0ron’s mob.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
February 27, 2024 8:53 am

Note that the amount involved was 23 grand.

Well, that is the amount prosecutors know will be a slam dunk guilty finding.
Often the real amount is far larger but, due to lax controls, it is hard to pin the loss on one person to a criminal standard of proof.
I know of one example of theft from a large sporting club where the criminal matter ended up being under $50k, but the insurance assessors approved $250k without a fight.
A couple of fairly rational heads within the club reckon it was not far short of $1 mill.

February 27, 2024 9:02 am

This went into moderation twice. I wonder why.

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
February 27, 2024 9:03 am

Asking the Waffen-SSM to explain how paed*philia is not a sexuality was a fun hobby for a while.
Bird has flown now. If it was kept under a lid then, the groomer mind virus is all over the place now.

February 27, 2024 9:04 am

Government inefficiency:

Code Tender Details Closing Date

Transaction Manager for the ‘very early contractor involvement’ (VECI) Contractor

Tender Process for the Northside Hospital Project
Major Projects Canberra

80000000 – Management and Business Professionals and Administrative Services

So we have two subcontractors to manage expressions of interest in the main tenders for design, construction etc.

I can’t imagine how we can possibly cut services in this country without turning into da Somalia (also, trust da soyience).

Taxpayers love services. Especially essential services.

February 27, 2024 9:10 am

Ms Webb said she had attended a sunrise service in Bronte on Saturday for victims of gay hate crimes.

Pretty sure one homosexual whacking two other homosexuals
isn’t the sort of gay hate crime they had in mind.

February 27, 2024 9:11 am



February 27, 2024 9:11 am

Fair point, Sancho, but it doesn’t explain the lawyerese about pain and suffeing.

As I said, there is a pot of gold in there somewhere.

February 27, 2024 9:14 am

As I said, Sancho, the language about pain and suffering is pure lawyerspeak.

There must be a pot of gold somewhere there.

February 27, 2024 9:16 am

Dunno what happened there.

Re-did it from memory after the first one disappeared.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
February 27, 2024 9:16 am

If this guy turns out to have been part of the QWERTY community

He was a far far lefty.

US Airman Who Set Himself On Fire In Front Of Israeli Embassy Dies (27 Feb)

He has apparent links to at least two anarchist groups, Burning River Anarchist Collective and Mutual Aid Street Solidarity – both of which are based in Ohio. Bushnell followed the groups on Facebook.

I haven’t seen anything else about him, but there’s probably information around since from the article they appear to know his name and some of his social media accounts. They’ll probably get scrubbed pronto of course.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
February 27, 2024 9:25 am

The shooting of the Sydney hay couple is being represented as a police in killing motivated by gas hatred.

A bit like the Matthew Shepard case in the US. Held up as an anti-gay hate crime, adopted into the iconography of the gay movement which would thereafter spare no effort to defend it in its unblemished tragedy, and which was used as an excuse to extend the legal definition of ‘hate crime’ to cover crimes against gays motivated by anti-gay animus.

This last was first attempted under Clinton, followed by an abortive follow up under Bush, and a predictable success under the jug-eared stammerer.

Then it came out that Shepard was a drug user and dealer (meth) and that one of the guys that killed him was in fact an occasional sex partner. This had all been known since the initial investigation but glossed over to create a cause.

Besides, by the time it all finally came out the fudge-packing tweaker had been coaxed out of his grave (probably by waving a baggy of meth and a gay-porn video over it) and the remains interred in the Washington National Cathedral.

Was there a single authentic act, not twisted by agenda, not tainted by hypocrisy, not primed to destroy some piece of America, from the entire Obama Presidency?

February 27, 2024 9:26 am

Commish Webb looks like someone’s Nanna at a costume party.

Shazza or Beryl from the local bowlo.
Loves a dart & to slap up.

February 27, 2024 9:29 am

Then it came out that Shepard was a drug user and dealer (meth) and that one of the guys that killed him was in fact an occasional sex partner. This had all been known since the initial investigation but glossed over to create a cause.

Like the recent black trannie hate crime.
Turns out it the chap that killed them was a black dude that was having adult relations on the down-low.
I had to google image his name to see he was a black guy as the mainstream articles I was reading didn’t have a pic of the perp.

February 27, 2024 9:30 am

Just wait till we get the tens of thousands of new powerlines courtesy of the Green New Dream:

The group’s barrister, Lachlan Armstrong KC, is arguing that a properly trained inspector should have been able to identify the risk posed by the tree, which he earlier told the court experts said had been dead for about five years.

Cattle farmer and fly-in-fly-out pressure welder Gary Williams told the court on Monday that he came within 50 metres of the fire when it started near to a neighbouring property at Reedy Swamp, four km west of Bega.

Mr Williams, who now lives in New Zealand, told the court he saw fire “burning up in the canopy” and part of the powerline “drooping down”.

“I could see that there was a large tree lying on the ground,” he told the court.

Any prizes for guessing whether the Unicorn Energy crowd have factored increased bushfire risk from powerlines into their calculations?

It’s a mystery.

Top Ender
Top Ender
February 27, 2024 9:42 am

Let’s go nuclear – we’re running out of time to keep the lights on

Nuclear energy was banned in Australia in 1998 after less than 10 minutes’ debate in the Senate. We’re paying for it now, writes Matt Canavan.


In March this year, Finland fired up the first nuclear reactor to open in Europe for 15 years.

Two months later, electricity prices in Finland plunged by 75 per cent. Eventually, output at the new plant had to be throttled because power prices were getting TOO low.

Despite constant promises that “renewables are the cheapest form of energy”, anyone who has got their electricity bill lately knows that this is a big fat lie.

Australia has been installing solar and wind energy at a rate four times faster (in per person terms) than Europe or North America. Yet, the more renewables we get, the higher our power prices go.

Unfortunately for Australia, we cannot take the Finnish approach because we are one of the few countries in the world where nuclear energy is illegal. Nuclear was banned in Australia via a Greens amendment in the Senate in 1998. There was less than 10 minutes of debate.

The Australian people never voted to make nuclear energy illegal. But our accidental ban on nuclear energy is now an albatross around our necks. A ban on nuclear energy never made much sense, but it is now out of date, out of step and we are running out of time to keep the lights on.

So that is why I and eight other Coalition senators have introduced a Bill to end the ban on nuclear energy. Last week, we tabled a Senate report into the Bill.

The overwhelming evidence to our committee supported the removal of the ban.

Lots of young people support nuclear energy. As 16-year-old William Shackel told the committee: “For far too long, young people like me have been sold slogans and facades of plans to address these challenges, that we are told to blindly trust … we need every credible solution, including nuclear energy, on the table.”

What confuses me about the nuclear debate is that the most vocal critics of nuclear are the most alarmist about climate change. If you really believed we face doom from global warming, why wouldn’t you want to use a safe, proven, emission-free type of power?

Nuclear power is used all around the world. France has received two-thirds of its electricity from nuclear for decades, and 54 nuclear power stations are being built across 15 countries.

Despite our nuclear ban, Australia is buying nuclear submarines. Their nuclear reactors use the same technology as those used onshore. How could it be unsafe to have nuclear reactors onshore, but it is perfectly fine to have the same type of reactors sail around coastlines and dock in our ports?

Indeed, as it stands, we will become the only country that tries to have a nuclear submarine fleet without a large domestic nuclear energy industry. There are serious questions about whether we will be able to develop the necessary skills in nuclear energy without a broader range of career options than just life 20,000 leagues under the sea.

Our nuclear ban already risks our energy security, and now it risks our national security too.

Since the submarines decision, the critics have shifted their focus away from safety concerns to the cost. Even if they are right, high costs are not a reason to make something illegal. We haven’t banned the horse and buggy just because cars are more efficient.

But, in any case, the vast majority of real-world evidence shows that nuclear energy is an affordable way to make electricity. The critics like to quote the CSIRO, yet the CSIRO does not estimate the costs of any commercially available nuclear technologies. They only look at potential future technologies like small modular reactors.

In contrast, the International Energy Agency does look at the real-world performance of countries with nuclear energy. They conclude that “… electricity from the long-term operation of nuclear power plants constitutes the least cost option for low-carbon generation”.

Just look at Germany, which this year completed turning off all of its nuclear reactors. Germans now pay 60 per cent more for electricity compared to their neighbours, the French, who predominantly rely on nuclear energy.

Australia remains in the lucky position of seeing many countries manage the “energy transition” poorly. The Germans shut down nuclear and their power prices soared. The Finns installed nuclear and their power prices plummeted. We should heed these lessons.

If you want your power bill to come down, we need to go nuclear.

Matt Canavan is an LNP senator for Queensland


Top Ender
Top Ender
February 27, 2024 9:46 am

A Captain Cook statue in Fitzroy Gardens has been cut off by vandals, just weeks after two other statues were targeted in Melbourne.

The statue, located near Cooks Cottage in East Melbourne, was understood to be found on the ground by residents on Monday morning.

February 27, 2024 9:59 am

Looks like I get responses when I insert a typo, such as hay for gay.

But gives another meaning to “hay-ride”.

Johnny rotten
February 27, 2024 10:08 am

You can Ride with Pride on the Sydney Light Rail and then Walk with Pride around town. Now who is this Pride person?

February 27, 2024 10:09 am

Pretty sure one homosexual whacking two other homosexuals
isn’t the sort of gay hate crime they had in mind.

well they all hate themselves and each other and everyone normal, so yeh hate crime

February 27, 2024 10:12 am

Do you know who the target was now?
“Yes. American journalist Tucker Carlson.”
What went wrong?
“I was detained at the preparation stage.”

Can’t wait to hear Tucker’s take on this.

February 27, 2024 10:15 am

Feb 27, 2024 7:37 AM
Nikki Haley supporters in Michigan want her to CONTINUE her campaign after 20-point loss in her home state so she can ‘pick up the pieces’ if Trump implodes: ‘It’s going to be hard for him to run for president from jail’

They’re all demorats.

H B Bear
H B Bear
February 27, 2024 10:18 am

Oh glorious day. The end of SloMo. Onward and upward.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
February 27, 2024 10:20 am

Superman did good. The bloke who copped a flogging should have just walked away.


Steve Inman:

Superman has seen better days

February 27, 2024 10:21 am

A breakdown of Monday’s press conference with Ms Webb and Deputy Commissioner Dave Hudson shows that Mr Hudson answered 59 questions and spoke for 31 minutes. Ms Webb answered 25 questions and spoke for 12 minutes, many of which involved defending her decision not to front the media until Monday.

Solution to this is simple, retire Ms Webb and promote the Deputy.

February 27, 2024 10:22 am

Feb 27, 2024 10:09 AM

Pretty sure one homosexual whacking two other homosexuals
isn’t the sort of gay hate crime they had in mind.

well they all hate themselves and each other and everyone normal, so yeh hate crime

Piss off, troll.

February 27, 2024 10:23 am

No tlicks for the Larson cartoon?

That really sucks.

H B Bear
H B Bear
February 27, 2024 10:24 am

The Green-Left Weekly Radio (now Half) Hour formerly known as AM had a retrospective on SloMo’s time in Parliament. Naturally it was extremely uncomplementary. I was in complete agreement, although possibly for different reasons.

February 27, 2024 10:31 am

The Green-Left Weekly Radio (now Half) Hour formerly known as AM had a retrospective on SloMo’s time in Parliament. Naturally it was extremely uncomplimentary. I was in complete agreement, although possibly for different reasons.

Doesn’t he have a lucrative new sinecure he’s slinking off to? Worst prime minister this century, in a very competitive field.

Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
February 27, 2024 10:40 am

Solution to this is simple, retire Ms Webb and promote the Deputy.

. Don’t wish that on him I know he doesn’t want the job, he was approached years ago, he doesn’t want it, he’s near retirement age and can do without it — a magnificent policeman with a lovely wife and family.

I have watched his face in those media interviews and press conferences and he clearly hates doing what he’s been asked to do because the person in charge is an incompetent jelly-backed coward promoted beyond capacity for the job.

H B Bear
H B Bear
February 27, 2024 10:42 am

Worst prime minister this century, in a very competitive field.

He was bad but in a very non R-G-R way. Still bad though.

February 27, 2024 10:43 am

A Captain Cook statue in Fitzroy Gardens has been cut off by vandals, just weeks after two other statues were targeted in Melbourne.

Apparently Captain James Cook’s crime was/is that he discovered and mapped the eastern cost of Australia.

Top Ender
Top Ender
February 27, 2024 10:45 am

The NDIS…all things to all people, especially involving taxpayer money:

Fraud claims, kids removed from care home after girl’s murder charge

A state care provider who looked after a 12-year-old girl accused of murder has had all children removed from its care amid allegations of fraud and neglect.

Authorities have removed all children from the state care provider responsible for ­looking after a 12-year-old girl ­alleged to have murdered a woman amid a federal probe ­focusing on fraud and neglect.

The provider the girl was living with at the time of the horror killing is alleged to have falsified documents, giving staff fake training certificates.

The organisation – which the Herald Sun is not naming for legal reasons – also faces multiple claims of a lack of supervision, failing to provide adequate food and allowing youths to ­engage in inappropriate ­relationships with each other.

A court heard in January that the substance-affected girl stabbed a 37-year-old woman several times in a Footscray flat on November 16. Two witnesses had found her in a hallway with blood on her bare feet and ankles, wearing a dress that was inside out and back to front.

The child reportedly had run away from her carers about 275 times in three years and is ­believed to have been repeatedly sexually exploited.

Following the alleged murder, the Victorian Department of Families Fairness and Housing urgently pulled seven other children out of the provider’s properties and rehoused them.

Former workers told the Herald Sun they underwent no extra training before the provider began housing up to 12 wards of the state across its ­facilities spanning Victoria in August 2022.

The training company listed on workers’ certificates – which were riddled with spelling and grammatical errors – does not exist, according to the federal education regulator.

Under state government guidelines, care workers must complete mandatory training on top of any diplomas or ­degrees they already hold if providing residential care was not part of their original study.

An Australian Skills Quality Authority spokesman said there were no records of a training organisation under the name detailed by the care provider, and no other organisations had used it.

The National Disability Insurance Scheme and Victoria Police are assisting in the investigation into “serious criminal allegations” against the care provider. The “phantom” training organisation was registered as a business in name only just six months before the 12-year-old living in one of the provider’s facilities allegedly fatally stabbed the woman.

Children live in out-of-home residential care when they have been removed from their homes because they have ­experienced severe trauma and have no legal guardian or foster parents.

Documents obtained by the Herald Sun show the provider, which received hundreds of thousands of dollars from the National Disability Insurance Scheme to care for wards of the state, also came under fire in a string of submissions to the regulator at least two months before the alleged murder.

One worker, who asked not to be named, said they believed the provider had “swindled” the NDIS out of hundreds of thousands of dollars to provide substandard residential care to children, labelling their ­practices “frightful and ­shocking”.

“Something had to be done. It was snowballing and people were starting to ask questions,” they said.

“I told them someone was going to die if nothing was done. I didn’t want to be right.”

A state government spokeswoman said the Human Services Regulator was probing the provider, which would no longer care for wards of the state.

“This matter involves serious criminal allegations about a service provider, and we call on anyone with information to provide it to Victoria Police,” she said.

It comes after NDIS Minister Bill Shorten announced a crackdown on dodgy and unregistered care providers.

An NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission spokeswoman said the NDIS was unaware of allegedly fabricated staff qualifications when the body renewed the provider’s registration in June 2021.

“The NDIS Commission has received multiple complaints in relation to (name removed), and is actively investigating this provider,” she said.

Victoria’s Commissioner for Children and Young People has launched an inquiry into the 12-year-old murder ­accused’s circumstances.

The provider did not respond to requests for comment from the Herald Sun.

Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
February 27, 2024 10:51 am

Victoria’s Commissioner for Children and Young People has launched an inquiry into the 12-year-old murder ­accused’s circumstances.

. oh yeah sure NOTHING will happen just like the Disability Commissioner in Victoria tasked with investigating hundreds of complaints in relation to abuse etc.. of people disability in five years had undertaken nothing in response to those complaints. the State protects the wrong-doers to the nth degree. Those in charge do not give a stuff about anything or anyone irrespective of how egregious is the abuse.

H B Bear
H B Bear
February 27, 2024 10:53 am

Here in the West the Police Commissioner does a fortnightly radio telephone phone-in on the ALPBC morning show. It sounds trite but the last couple of Commissioners come across as sincere and impressive. The police were handed a real shit sandwich during Covid and are increasing being asked to pick up the thankless tasks caused by other various failures, both governmental and non-governmental.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
February 27, 2024 10:56 am

Miserable ghost is miserable.

Malcolm Turnbull says Donald Trump is not committed to democracy (Tele, 27 Feb, not paywalled*)

Former Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has labelled Donald Trump a “tyrant” and questioned whether Israel’s war in Gaza is actually what Hamas wants during his latest appearance on the television program Q&A.

“The question you have to ask is firstly, is the price in Palestinian civilian lives now so high that the claim that the Israeli Defence Forces make that they’re doing everything they can to protect human life no longer credible,” he said.

Lurves going on the ABC (check)
Advanced terminal TDS (check)
Lying with nearly every word he said (check)
Antisemite (check)

It’s fascinating how Trump and Israel turn lefties into full on jackbooted Nazis. Very revealing this stuff has been.

(* It’s a fun tell that the Murdoch-owned Tele has unpaywalled an article by Turdball that’s hysterically critical of Trump. Weird how that happens.)

February 27, 2024 10:56 am

An NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission spokeswoman said the NDIS was unaware of allegedly fabricated staff qualifications when the body renewed the provider’s registration in June 2021.

Er…wouldn’t it be your job to make yourself aware of such?

February 27, 2024 10:58 am

“50 years in office — name one thing Biden accomplished”

About 10 million illegal immigrants into the US. The cost will be (and already is) astronomical.

Winston Smith
February 27, 2024 11:01 am

Tulsi Gabbard is a Trojan Horse. She may be an unwitting Trojan Horse, but still a Trojan Horse at that. I will show you proof from recent interviews that she has not changed her position on important issues like gun rights. Just because Tulsi doesn’t support endless wars or endless funding of Ukraine does not make her a Conservative. Fox has embraced her, that should tell you all you need to know.

She isn’t unwitting – she knows damn well what she’s doing – she’s whiteanting Trump just like Pence did.

Black Ball
Black Ball
February 27, 2024 11:02 am

Fark me swinging. As Kevin Bloody Wilson once sang, it’s like an angel has pissed on his tonsils. Herald Sun:

Commonwealth Games boss Jeroen Weimar scored a generous exit payout after the event was axed just months before he landed a new $500,000 government job.

The Allan government on Monday could not reveal the exact details of Mr Weimar’s exit package, believed to be about $160,000, but said it was in line with standard termination deals for executive-level bureaucrats.

Mr Weimar, who earned more than $500,000 a year as the chief executive of the Victoria 2026 organising committee, was one of a number of staff members to secure a termination package according to evidence before the Victorian parliamentary inquiry probing the cancelled event.

He formally ceased employment with Victoria 2026 on October 31, more than three months after the event was scrapped.

It is understood he stood to collect at least four months’ salary as part of his contractual obligations.

After months of speculation, evidence provided to the parliamentary inquiry this week by the Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions confirmed Mr Weimar’s exit payout.

“Following the cancellation of the Games, the department understands that Victoria 2026 paid Mr Weimar the termination entitlement provided under his executive employment contract with Victoria 2026,” it said.

Shadow Minister for Tourism, Sport and Events Sam Groth, demanded full transparency around the exit deal.

“Premier Jacinta Allan needs to come clean about how much Jeroen Weimar was paid after she cancelled the Commonwealth Games,” he said. “Given he was on a long-term contract to deliver the Games in 2026, this payout could have totalled millions of dollars.

“This whole debacle has cost Victorian taxpayers $600m and it seems the costs continue to mount in the form of secret payouts.

“Who else received payouts and how much have they also cost taxpayers?”

On Tuesday the parliamentary inquiry probing the cancelled event will hold a public hearing in Bendigo.

It will hear from local tourism and sporting representatives as well as City of Greater Bendigo chief Andrew Cooney and Shepparton council.

In total, taxpayers were slugged more than $11m to pay Victoria 2026 staff, not accounting for exit packages.

The 12-day event was cancelled on July 18 last year amid claims of a cost blowout from $2.6bn to almost $7bn.

Mr Weimar was later given a new six-month role to lead housing policy in the Department of Premier and Cabinet, a position that pays up to $533,000 a year.

FMD what a state.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
February 27, 2024 11:03 am

Apparently Captain James Cook’s crime was/is that he discovered and mapped the eastern cost of Australia.

Captain James Cook’s real crime was that he claimed the eastern coast of Australia for the British Crown.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
February 27, 2024 11:06 am


Received from anonymous source:
Yet another monument to the imperialist James Cook has been felled in so-called Melbourne. Rumour has it that this was the last remaining Cook statue in the city. Monuments such as this only serve to prop up the narrative that enables so-called Australia’s continuing theft and desecration of land and life, and to legitimise its ongoing violence. This narrative is as hollow as a monument to a long dead coloniser who met his just fate, being speared by first nations warriors in Hawaii.
The words ‘the colony will fall’ were painted beside the fallen statue – because we know the colony CAN, MUST, and WILL fall. The legacy of the imposter Australian empire is slowly but surely crumbling around us, piece by piece – brick by brick – statue by statue.
View all 33 comments

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
February 27, 2024 11:08 am

If it says it is organic then I carefully don’t buy it.

Major organic winery Salena Estate goes into administration (26 Feb)

One of Australia’s largest organic wineries has gone into administration after failing to sell the business.

Salena Estate, which was established by the Franchitto family in 1998 and covers 191ha, produces about 10,000 tonnes of wine per year from Bookpurnong, in South Australia’s Riverland region.

Anything organic, vegan friendly or is saving the Planet (looking at you Banrock Station) doesn’t get onto the Cafe wine list. GWGB.

February 27, 2024 11:11 am

Doesn’t he have a lucrative new sinecure he’s slinking off to? Worst prime minister this century, in a very competitive field.

The only thing I’ve heard is that he’s been signed by an agent to appear on the international speaking circuit. It’s reported he’s highly regarded in conservative circles overseas because he belled the cat on China and the virus. Maybe someone can ask him what he did to Australia during that period, the ripples of which will be felt for a generation or more.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
February 27, 2024 11:12 am

Malcolm Turnbull says Donald Trump is not committed to democracy

The ghost who squawks.

February 27, 2024 11:13 am

Malcolm Turnbull says Donald Trump is not committed to democracy

True. Trump is committed to a Republic not a Democracy. With ALL the Rights and Freedoms that affords. Turdball hates that. He prefers tyranny.

February 27, 2024 11:13 am

Trump is appealing the weirdo’s Judgment.

February 27, 2024 11:21 am

Captain James Cook’s real crime was that he claimed the eastern coast of Australia for the British Crown.

A true giant of navigation, some of his nautical maps are still in general use today.

  1. Huge Southport Killer News As SHOCK Twist Emerges! It wasn’t just 3 children that had to pay for his actions,…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x