From the Hun.Call for overhaul of Aboriginal heritage building requirements amid delays, huge cost blowoutsRegistered Aboriginal Parties are charging up…
From the Hun.Call for overhaul of Aboriginal heritage building requirements amid delays, huge cost blowoutsRegistered Aboriginal Parties are charging up…
Numbers is in his mid/late 70s, and retired years ago. The fences have been up around Australian schools for years.…
The Gravy Train rolls on: Registered Aboriginal Parties are charging up to $1500 a day for a representative to oversee…
“But every pager was subscribed to the same RIC to receive the a broadcast page. Probably used the emergency notification…
Exploding pagers apparently set off remotely? I wonder how long it will be before airlines refuse to accept devices (laptops…
For those interested, the Lehrmann decision will be handed down on 4 April.
Does anyone know when the decision in Lehrmann v Ten and Wilko be handed down?
On 4 April, the decision will be handed down.
March 20, 2024 6:07 pm
‘Sirens are blaring’: UN climate report says 2023 was ‘off the charts’
I was disheartened this morning when the otherwise excellent Air Independent Radio (AIR) news on the Melbourne racing station uncritically regurgitated tortured, invented statistics from whichever UN climate agency it was.
You cannot reason with these people: they have a mind virus; their brains are fuked. AGW was disproved in 2012 by this. Many subsequent disproofs have been done. AGW is a confection where any climate bad event is proof of itself. Now all you can do is ridicule these rats. But nothing will change until the msm grows a brain and the lights go out due to blackout’s ruinables.
Poll running at the Courier-Mail:
Should more land be given back to Native Title?
Yes, it’s the right thing to do 2 %
No, we should all just share 97 %
Not sure 1 %
3358 votes
Andrew Bolt:
Still think Albo won’t make that call because he will be gone before then.
Sky News’s decision to replay GB News’s Nigel Farage’s interview with Donald Trump at 8.30pm tonight – in the middle of Sky’s most valuable news-breaking hour hosted by Sharri Markson – is a tacit admission that half of Sky after dark’s daily schedule is dispensible “filler”.
Everyone has an opinion. Opinions are not news – end of story.
Only canbra (the ANU and foreign affairies) could incubate and cosset something like Rudd. Worthless and despicable. Just like canbra.
Bleat on Sky, “Just who is in charge at the ALPBC?”.
Yes, it’s a real mystery …
Rosie ,I buy stuff off Temu, 50% to 20% the price of the same stuff in Australia if I can buy it here at all. I’ve seen the same stuff stocked in Australia with Yank labels on it that are exactly the same things. Only one thing was subpar. I don’t know about other things as I’m not interested.
The 97% would no doubt be surprised to learn that nearly 60% of Australia’s land mass is under one form of nattive title or another or specially granted freehold.
245 comments is the new page size? Why 245 comments?
What dumb software
I lost the link to that alternative news aggregator: can anyone remember what it is?
Seems the infamous and notorious brothel madam, Stormy Summers, had gone to God. She once ran for Lord Mayor of Adelaide.
I suggest it’s no coincidence that the HQ of the green-left Socialist Alliance is registered in Ultimo.
Didn’t she run a nightclub in Perth, circa mid 70’s, Zulu?
Perhaps the Ruddster could be moved to be our ambassdor to say, Niger, Guinea or Liberia .. and if we don’t have embassies there, he could found one!
What a guy!
Taiwanese man, 56, needs COCONUT removed from his rectum
Credit where it’s due:
QLD Senator Matt Canavan doing sterling work supporting the people of SW QLD town Toobeah in their protest against a freehold native title claim which they were not consulted on.
No, it’s still 200, Tom. The 45 are the nested comments.
Any thoughts on WordPress Tom?
Look, it can happen easier than you might think.
Was it sudden?
Bet they are avoiding mentioning his vaxx status.
An area of expertise Sancho?
Grayranga, dont know what you are buying I made one purchase, never again. All items bin quality.
March 20, 2024 9:55 am
And the purpose of displaying your talents is to grab one of the lucrative sponsorships on offer. The tax payer is subsidising professional athletes to the tune of billions while living standards are going backwards. It has to stop. And that applies to the footy codes, etc., too.
Unless the athlete is competing in one of the ‘big’ sports (such as football, golf, tennis) there is precious little sponsorship available for most athletes. And those who have achieved the height of their chosen sport have trained and sacrificed for years (decades in some cases) beforehand. For the overwhelming majority of athletes in dozens of sports, even those at the pinnacle of that sport, there is no ‘pot of gold’ waiting for them.
As for government support – ha. Government support for individual athletes is either non-existent or so pitifully small as to be effectively worthless. Grants, rarely available, are a few hundred dollars at best and often less.
My Miss Speedbox is classified as an ‘elite international’ by the sporting association that oversees her sport. Her competition results prove she is the best athlete in the country for her age and she is currently competing overseas representing Australia. All of her training/coach fees, travel, physio, equipment costs etc are paid by myself. On departure a couple of weeks ago, I photographed her at the airport resplendent in her green AUSTRALIA emblazoned track suit – which I had to buy. Even the track suit when you represent your country, is not free.
Her sport, even though it is an Olympic sport, gets no corporate or government support whatsoever.
Football and a few other sports do get big corporate sponsorship of the club, and sometimes the individual athletes, but for the most part, athletes do it because they want to – there’s no money in it.
Mother Lode
March 20, 2024 8:50 pm
Was it sudden?
Well, clearly he has had his coconut injection.
Probably won’t be back for his booster, but.
March 20, 2024 8:51 pm
Coconut suppositories?
Well, I’ve read extensively on the matter.
Personally I’d never try anything bigger than a ripe cumquat.
I’m off to Paris tomorrow. Thinking of pinning a sign on my back.
‘Pickpockets already stole my credit card’.
The €1000 charge went through on my card, CBA said it didn’t but it’s moved from pending to completed.
Of course all normal people get a taxi at 9.03 and 7 minutes later run up a meal bill of exactly €1000 in a modestly priced brasserie. I suspect they ran it through the machine twice but the call centre staff aren’t bothering to read the statements properly.
Fair enough Sancho.
I expect there are unlimited internet resources on the subject.
Re the card transaction Rosie.
Simply report it as “goods and services not supplied”.
Might take a while, but it will be refunded.
I would ask them to examine their vendor records to see what the average transaction through that establishment is.
I’ll bet it is well under EUR 100.
Look, it can happen easier than you might think.
I bet it was just sitting innocently on the ground, when he slipped of his ladder, his pants being caught on a rung, and somehow the coconut just slipped into his gluteal cleft 😉
How outstanding if Trump’s first executive act was to expel KRuddy. Even The Great Man didn’t manage that.
Thanks Sancho.
To me it is obvious that the brasserie operates in cahoots with the pickpockets. The French are very particular about who is in charge of the cash register so I’m guessing a proprietor. I looked through the name and it’s a real brasserie. I feel like writing to the French VAT office and asking how they would account for the VAT on my delicious meal. A family member has this issue as an area of expertise due to a massive fraud experienced by an inlaw (puts my $2500 deeply in the shade) and will pursue this vigorously me on my return to Australia. There were also several atm cash withdrawals.
I mentioned at the end of the old thread how delightful Sens is.
It has many half timbered houses, one with elaborate wood carvings similar to those in Tours, even a half timbered church.
I thought the cathedral had survived the revolution well but all the statues on the front facade have had their heads knocked off, though it could have been Huguenot work from a couple of centuries earlier, there are also many missing altars from between the pillars inside
If you want to see the world’s first flying buttresses come to Sens.
Should I come to France against it will be a small town tour.
Diogenes your falling off a ladder story isn’t so far fetched, I believe a fall forward was a successful defence in a UK rape case.
Possibly the most useful thing you could do with a cumquat. The Bowen of citrus.
H B Bear
March 20, 2024 9:20 pm
Far preferable to use as an insert than eating them.
Another suggestion, if you are happening to be flying home from Paris on a late evening flight like me. Don’t stay there at all but slingshot in from somewhere close by.
I once went with family from Orlean straight to CDG. Very straightforward.
Coconut suppositories?
Well, I’ve read extensively on the matter.
Personally I’d never try anything bigger than a ripe cumquat.
Your story checks out.
You have standing.
Story goes that the Greek playwright Aeschylus was killed when an eagle mistook his bald head for a stone and dropped a tortoise on it from a great height – a way of cracking the shell open to access the meat.
Perhaps the guy was sunbathing nude in the back yard and a passing eagle with with a coconut mistook his butt for a split rock.
No need for supposing any kinky habits now.
it is not that Rudd was not meant to be ambassador – he is.
The problem is that he was misplaced in being expected to represent Australia.
He is in all ways better suited to representing the Celestial Rut-Fackers.
A certain irony when rosie refuses to accept that the vax might well be the cause of death among healthy people, yet chooses to jab herself to sit at the foot of the hills of Malta sipping tea.
Cannot be both ways.
“A certain irony when rosie refuses to accept that the vax might well be the cause of death among healthy people, yet chooses to jab herself to sit at the foot of the hills of Malta sipping tea”
No there’s not, getting a covid vaccine is no different to getting a flu vaccine, it’s to avoid as far as practicable, getting unwell while travelling, if I could get a bronchitis vaccine too, I would.
As for the vax being the cause of death among ‘healthy’ people maybe the vaxdesperates should stop having hysterics every time the death of someone under some red line age is announced.
Because I’ve to see one of these cases (other than a couple of immediate adverse reactions) pinned on the vaccine. The implication is that every celebrity family is part of some broad conspiracy, from the Warne family to the latest involuntary member of the cause.
Obviously I’m completely unconcerned by the constant vax scaremongering.
“Police said the death was an apparent suicide and no foul play was suspected.”
How disappointing for all the fervent believers.
Anyway “Sliante” to all you mob. The knee doctor has worked his magic, he’s prescribed some top class painkillers, and I’m just about ready to rejoin the human race.
Varadkar resigns
Because I’ve to see one of these cases (other than a couple of immediate adverse reactions) pinned on the vaccine. The implication is that every celebrity family is part of some broad conspiracy, from the Warne family to the latest involuntary member of the cause.
There is no conspiracy. The numbers are there to peruse. You however are very selfish and wouldn’t be where you are right now without the jab.
Screen test
As for government support – ha. Government support for individual athletes is either non-existent or so pitifully small as to be effectively worthless. Grants, rarely available, are a few hundred dollars at best and often less.
/ Laughs in AIS
the grift isn’t in the athletes per se, it’s the macrocosm of trainers and hangers on, not to mention facilities.
Someone is coining it.
Varadkar resigns
Slainte beadh!
I’m a bit on the fence when it comes to pollies resigning after losing referendumses- David Cameron post Brexit was moot- but Albanese should have done a Varadkar post Voice.
Geez, it was a devastating rejection by the fightin’ Irish tho
No they aren’t. You just made that up. You are not the slightest bit embarrassed that the latest vaxx ‘died suddenly’ just collapsed in a screaming heap. I’m sick and tired of being told that getting vaxxed for my own none of your business personal health reasons are selfish, well before any ‘mandate’ I might add. Now go find someone else to abuse over some concocted personal failings. I’ve had more than my fair share.
There is no conspiracy. The numbers are there to peruse. You however are very selfish and wouldn’t be where you are right now without the jab.
What numbers? Given billions of vaccines why aren’t the morgues overflowing? Why aren’t cardiologists across the world exhausted from treating heart failure, cardiomyopathy, ischemic heart disease, strokes and At Fib? For years I’ve been reading people predicting a catastrophic health problem emerging from the vaccines. The epidemiologists were bad enough with their portents of doom but the anti-mRNA-vaxxers make them appear prudent and empirical.
heya, anyone know how to analyze the cbus fund over the last 5 – 15 years? should i move it, age 57? not seeking financial advice of course eh
Another reason to visit Sens, great collection from the Palaeolithic on, including grindstones for the grains they didn’t eat, a bronze age treasure trove, the Roman ruins discovered under the courtyard of the archbishop’s palace and all the other Roman artefacts, some very fine art, painting, enamel work, ivories, fabrics, the oldest claimed to be a vestment attributed to Saint Ebbon archbishop of Sens 750AD and the vestments worn by Thomas a Becket when he lived in Sens.
They even have a Brueghel the younger ‘adoration of the Magi’
A refrigerated potato on the other hand, does yeoman’s work at relieving the symptoms of haemorrhoids.
John Spooner.
Mark Knight.
Mark Knight #2.
Peter Broelman.
Brett Lethbridge.
Patrick Blower.
Michael Ramirez.
A.F. Branco.
Matt Margolis.
Gary Varvel.
Chip Bok.
Chip Bok.
Michael Ramirez #2.
Al Goodwyn.
Tom Stiglich.
Henry Payne.
Thanks Tom. The first post just vanished !!!
Rest assured rosie as you enjoy a croissant and latte on the banks of the Seine that I am no anti vaxxer.
What I am is a strident critic of government floggery that deprived those who refused to bend the knee to their restrictive edicts 2 years of their lives. Who couldn’t go to funerals. Who were not allowed to work.
All the while the AFL and other sports were allowed to continue with gay abandon, Bunnings and Macca’s were open whilst mum and dad shops couldn’t open.
Do you get the distinction?
March 20, 2024 7:40 pm
The 97% would no doubt be surprised to learn that nearly 60% of Australia’s land mass is under one form of native title or another or specially granted freehold.
March 20, 2024 8:02 pm
Credit where it’s due:
QLD Senator Matt Canavan doing sterling work supporting the people of SW QLD town Toobeah in their protest against a freehold native title claim which they were not consulted on.
Roger, meanwhile in Today’s Tele:
21 Mar 2024
Millions in compensation will be paid to the Indigenous owners of a disused bowling club due to the Western Harbour Tunnel being built underneath it – while thousands of neighbouring property owners won’t receive a cent.
The quirk in the law – impacting the former Waverton Bowling Club site, which was handed to the Metropolitan Local Aboriginal Land Council (MLALC) in 2022 following a successful land claim – has raised accusations of unfairness, with the land council boss stating the title claim reaches “to the centre of the Earth”.
The bowling club site was vested to the land council following a successful land claim under the Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1983, meaning the council also has a right to compensation for the work completed underneath it.
Meanwhile, underground land compulsorily acquired beneath other properties comes under the Land Acquisition (Just Terms Compensation) Act 1991, meaning they are not eligible for compensation, unless it can be proved damage has been done to the properties above ground.
The Daily Telegraph understands Transport for NSW is currently negotiating with the MLALC about compensation for burrowing under its bowling club, with a figure of up to $5m being discussed.
A Transport for NSW spokesman confirmed compensation talks were under way, but wouldn’t – comment further “while negotiations associated with subsurface land remain ongoing”. “The Just Terms Act does not apply to land owned by an Aboriginal Land Council, therefore it is not able to be compulsorily acquired,” he said.
MLALC chief executive Nathan Moran said the matter of compensation was “the stark reality of law”.
“I don’t understand how people have any issue … when our Land Rights Act is to recompense us for the loss of the entire state,” he said. “We’re exercising the legal rights we have – that’s all I can say to someone who says ‘I don’t have those (same compensation) rights’.
” Mr Moran said his legal advice was that the Land Rights Act covers “all the way to the centre of the Earth”. The Act also doesn’t require a cultural connection to a property for a claim to be lodged, Mr Moran said. “I just think people don’t want to learn or understand the context (of the Act) and its uniqueness,” he said.
Waverton resident Michael Stevens lives across the road from the site and will have the Western Harbour Tunnel running underneath his kitchen. “I don’t think that’s very fair (that we won’t get compensation),” he said. “That’s discrimination against all the people on the other side (of the road)”.
The MLALC was successful in its claim after the club fell into liquidation in 2019.
Roads Minister John Graham said it would be too costly to alter the alignment of the tunnel instead of paying the MLALC compensation.
Real estate agents said neighbouring houses with similar harbour views routinely sold for $10m, putting the value of the bowling club site in the tens of millions.
Editorial Page 22
How could any sane person (Yes, I know that Albo is not sane) consider giving this knob head the job of Ambassador to any country in the World, let alone our best Ally, the USA (sorry NZ but you don’t have the muscle to count)?
Screen Test for the KRudd – lol
Roger, and here
Daily Tele:
21 Mar 2024
A gathering of the world’s biggest energy firms has been told that “activism through the legal system” has put Australia’s energy security at risk.
Santos chief executive Kevin Gallagher told energy leaders from 85 countries in Houston for the CERAWeek conference that successive Australian governments had failed to secure the gas supply that would keep the nation’s energy prices down.
Mr Gallagher’s bleak assessment of Australia’s energy policy was in stark contrast to that of the Americans, with energy giant Williams’s executive vice-president Chad Zamarin saying US natural gas was providing “large-scale energy solutions” for generations to come.
“Natural gas is the greatest decarbonisation tool we have,” he said.
In NSW, a project to tap into the giant gas field at Narrabri has been stalled by red tape for more than a decade, with Mr Gallagher placing the blame squarely on a string of energy ministers.
“Successive governments have failed to create an investment environment to allow that supply to come online and keep Australia’s energy affordable,” he said. “We have a couple of hundred years’ worth of supply for our LNG projects in Australia from the gas we have in the ground but it is of no use to anyone if it stays in the ground.”
Mr Gallagher said that “energy security is national security” but that “activism through the legal system” was holding up projects that had already been approved.
The Narrabri gas project was approved four years ago but remains stuck in the courts, appealing a ruling by the National Native Title Tribunal. “It’s important we get back to creating an environment where approvals mean approval, we can build these projects, we can invest with confidence,” Mr Gallagher said.
The Australian Energy Market Operator’s annual gas outlook is expected to warn that gas shortages will hit NSW during the peak demand period of the 2026 winter.
Mr Gallagher said that while Australia remained mired in red tape, the world was moving forward with energy investment.
“The US has overtaken us as the leading LNG producer in the world and it is Australians who are paying the price through higher energy bills,” he said.
His comments were reinforced by French energy giant TotalEnergies chief executive Patrick Pouyanne who said that his company had previously considered the US an unfavourable investment market but was now investing in LNG projects in Texas.
Coalition Senator Matt Canavan said that the US energy conference had shown how America was open for business while Australia was mired in red tape. “It is a national embarrassment that a land blessed with abundant energy supplies now faces energy shortages,” he said.
But the issue remains divisive. In NSW, calls by federal teal independent MP Allegra Spender to ban gas in new housing developments were dismissed as a “ridiculous” by NSW Master Plumbers Association chief executive Nathaniel Smith.
“In a time when reliable energy sources are crucial for our nation’s welfare, misguided proposals like this only hinder progress,” Mr Smith said.
March 21, 2024 4:05 am
Patrick Blower.
You have to be on the ball with politics and social commentary these days, some ‘toons I don’t get, this one is an example.
I have contributed to Catallaxy for many many year & appreciate Dover’s work to keep it going.
But for inexplicable reason I can’t contribute in ways past. All my posts yesterday were put into moderation & then disappeared. After persevering I finally was able to manage upticks. This morning they don’t register.
I despair.
” Mr Moran said his legal advice was that the Land Rights Act covers “all the way to the centre of the Earth”.
Now that is simply ridiculous. Beam me up Scotty –
March 21, 2024 7:17 am
March 21, 2024 4:05 am
Patrick Blower.
You have to be on the ball with politics and social commentary these days, some ‘toons I don’t get, this one is an example.
I agree which is why I didn’t give it an ‘Up Thumb’.
The bar exam will no longer be required to become a licensed attorney in Washington
Considering judges don’t need to be across the law, this is the natural next step.
AEMO announcing Victoria will run out of adequate gas supplies in as little as five years.
The stupid burns.
We are governed by people who are utterly impractical and don’t know how anything works.
I’ve told renewable bureaucrats in meetings that a farmer would never attempt to run a farm the way they intend to run a grid.
My farm has fed millions and this lot can’t keep the gas supply going.
Vicki I haven’t bothered logging in. I too had a bunch of comments go into moderation the other day but once Dover approved my old new again email address can post comments.
Make sure you are using the same email address and aren’t switching between upper and lower case, capital R was doing me in.
“Rest assured rosie as you enjoy a croissant and latte on the banks of the Seine that I am no anti vaxxer.
What I am is a strident critic of government floggery that deprived those who refused to bend the knee to their restrictive edicts 2 years of their lives. Who couldn’t go to funerals. Who were not allowed to work.
All the while the AFL and other sports were allowed to continue with gay abandon, Bunnings and Macca’s were open whilst mum and dad shops couldn’t open.
Do you get the distinction?”
While some supported (wholesale) the measures used to increase vax %.
March 21, 2024 6:57 am
Many here are saying that OZ is stuffed, I’m beginning to agree with them when I see this sort of thing happen.
How on earth can this be logically explained?
It’s insane and everyone with a functioning brain cell knows it.
Rest assured rosie as you enjoy a croissant and latte on the banks of the Seine that I am no anti vaxxer.
What I am is a strident critic of government floggery that deprived those who refused to bend the knee to their restrictive edicts 2 years of their lives. Who couldn’t go to funerals. Who were not allowed to work.
All the while the AFL and other sports were allowed to continue with gay abandon, Bunnings and Macca’s were open whilst mum and dad shops couldn’t open.
Do you get the distinction?
While people were advocating for increasing vax % by whatever means.
The energy crisis brought to you by people who think Taylor Swift is an economy booster and the AFL is a business.
The Bee
Ketanji Brown Jackson Warns Right To Free Speech Could Lead To People Speaking Freely
Unfortunately, not the Bee
$11M Raised For Massive Field Of Carbon-Sucking Silos In Central Wyoming
The Language of Force: How the Police State Muzzles Our Right to Speak Truth to Power
Abcorp would have demanded a full archaeological excavation with hand sieving and every which way of forcing tens of millions in delays, $5 million is just the cheapest danegeld option
The EPA Is About to Outlaw Your Car
Never mind the victims, we must protect the perpetrators.
Police post photos of suspects with Lego heads to protect IDs under new California law
The Bee is on fire
Mexico Begins Constructing Wall To Keep Illegal Immigrants From Coming Back
There’s a link to the preprint in the article.
Communist Cuba is on the brink of collapse
I’m sure they’re working hard on it.
Ron Paul Warns Public to Brace for Major ‘Black Swan’ Event
A day after Peter Navarro received a sentence of 4 months in prison for Contempt, Hunter Biden has defied his congressional subpoena.
Nothing will happen though, because he’s a Biden, and we have a two tiered justice system.
Wow. Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar makes a surprising announcement that he’s stepping down.
This comes after losing two constitutional referendums and facing growing backlash over his mass immigration policy.
How can any Catholic actually respect the Pope?
He’s a joke. He’s also a Marxist.
Canada’s “open banking” is paving the way to a national social credit system
Know anyone thinking of getting another COVID shot? Urge them to watch this short video on vaccine injuries first!
It seems to me that everything that’s prescribed to fight “climate change” has the opposite environmental (never mind human) effect. Odd, isn’t it.
ULEZ: The 20 mph speed limits INCREASE pollution by 35%
Digital IDs are being rolled out to toddlers and children in the Philippines and Cayman Islands
Hertz EV rental car DISASTER claims CEO’s scalp | MGUY Australia
Even the ABC finds Bowen and m0nty are full of shit:
Chris Bowen says the average time to construct a nuclear plant in the United States has been 19 years. Is that correct?
Revolution taking place in Poland NOW!
Sorry, I’ve been busy IRL and forgotten to check the pending comments. I’ve approved most over the last three days. I’ll also be looking into log-in problems with WordPress this morning.
Chairwahman: We’re institutionally racist.
Patriarchal Racist Oppressor: How?
This is perfect. It was a never-ending sushi train of shit rolls: lies, contradictions & hypocrisy and force-fed to us.
$11M Raised For Massive Field Of Carbon-Sucking Silos In Central Wyoming
If they were smart they would use the atmospheric CO2 and water to make synthetic fuel. I has me beat why people want to sequester atmospheric oxygen underground (along with carbon that is then unavailable to the biosphere).
US courts will soon resemble the episode of Star Trek where Spock & Kirk fought each other with those weird long weapons.
Someone else here would call this an example of “the Canbra swamp imposing its values on others”.
Later on, a return to normalcy:
This country has some serious issues. Especially Sidonee.
March 21, 2024 8:13 am
Wow. Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar makes a surprising announcement that he’s stepping down.
This comes after losing two constitutional referendums and facing growing backlash over his mass immigration policy.
Tennis Elbow should be next then. We can only hope. Or maybe he gets run over by an EV.
Mrs Eyrie firmly corrects anyone who calls her “partner” except when referring strictly to our business.
Can we also get back to correct spelling and grammar please? The word is “normality” not “normalcy” despite what the American barbarians are doing to the language.
March 21, 2024 7:55 am
There appears to be an ‘Indolent’ invasion this morning.
Strange how the ACT Dams (especially the Cotter Dam) were able to be upgraded to supply CanBrrrrrrr when no other Dam has been built/upgraded for mega-yonks. Those ‘Pollies’ and Public Serpents won’t go thirsty any time soon –
The best time to build a Dam is during a drought. Think how many new Dams there would be now close to 100% full if those Dams had been built during the previous droughts. What a criminal waste.
Modern Australia.
Husbands and wives are “partners”.
Sewers are heritage-listed.
We ban the ownership of plants. It’s a f^&$in’ plant, mate!
You can’t have more than three dogs.
Our first Prime Minister’s house (Miandetta) was demolished with little resistance.
So, on the new platform, I can comment without logging in, but have register and login to tick? …. what’s the point of that?…. as a general rule, I don’t register or subscribe to anything.
Meanwhile in the Terrritory:
Territorians are twice as likely to be the victims of violence, while their homes are almost four times more likely to be broken into, according to the latest national crime statistics.
The Australian Bureau of Statistics released its latest survey data for victimisation rates across the nation on Wednesday.
The survey, which has been running for 15 years, found that 4 per cent of all Australians were the victim of a violent crime while 8.5 per cent of households were targeted for a property crime.
The stats are graphs over three categories: assaults, car theft and break-ins. NT leads the way in all categories. Overall the states/territories to live in in terms of “Personal crime victimisation”, which is all of them together, are:
NT – worst
NSW – best
Don’t worry, the Victorian Government found it in their interests to take water out of the Murray Darling (Sugarloaf Pipeline) and at the same time implement a Foodbowl Modernisation Plan ahem, “saving” 225 GL of water a year.
This was in 2007, during the height of the last major drought.
Incredibly, country Victoria doesn’t have a secession movement yet.
Of course it is “fluency”. English is funny like that.
Good to see the brilliant Patrick Blower back amongst the ‘toons. Thanks Tom.
Excellent toons Tom. On all the gerfuffle about Trump and Rudd: a bit of history about what Aussie pollies have said about Trump.
NSW Upper House (October 13, 2016)
Greens motion
(a) condemns the misogynistic, hateful comments made by the Republican candidate for President of the United States of America, Mr Donald Trump, about women and minorities, including the remarks revealed over the weekend that clearly describe sexual assault;
(b) reflects on the divisive, destructive impact that hate speech from political candidates and members of elected office has on our community; and
(c) agrees with those who have described Mr Trump as “a revolting slug” unfit for public office.
Motion agreed to. unanimously
Latham got this overturned. His speech in support of its overturning has got some good parts:
Legislative Council (2019-09-26) Mark Latham moved to have this removed:
At the end of a bruising parliamentary week, what better way to animate and delight the Chamber than to discuss the great Donald Trump?
The Hon. Damien Tudehope (liberal minister): Excite and delight.
The Hon. MARK LATHAM: As the Hon. Damien Tudehope says, to excite and delight—which is always my objective in this place. I am sure that if Donald Trump were here he would also say that. It is certainly true in relation to this motion that if we strip away the Trump derangement syndrome—which is the worst form of mental derangement in modern politics—we all love the Donald. There is much to love about his presidency and his character. I became fascinated with the man during the 2016 election campaign when I saw his sense of humour and his sense of larrikinism. I thought, “This bloke is half Australian: He calls a spade a spade and whacks you over the head with it.” That is a great national trait of ours displayed by the American President. It is hardly surprising that he is the new international bestie of ScoMo from the shire. Shire values have coincided and aligned beautifully with the Manhattan larrikinism of Donald Trump.
Mark’s motion to remove from the record passed 20-19
What other pollies have said:
Greens leader Richard Di Natale (October 12, 2016)
“That repulsive creep Donald Trump.”
Energy Minister Josh Frydenberg (August 10, 2015)
“(Donald Trump is) a dropkick.”
Labor MP Emma Husar (October 10, 2016)
“Well you know Donald Trump’s a pig, he’s an absolute repugnant animal.”
The “upgrade” consisted of building a new dam downstream from the existing one, increasing the supply by a factor of around 25 times the original.
Who’s running the program?
Migration agents or the government?
Both. The Liars want the Ponzi to continue, and the migration agents want the flow of luverrrrly munni to keep coming.
John Frydenberg will be remembered as a man who sold out every political principle he claimed to believe in to facilitate Scott Morrison and the National Cabinet’s acts of bastardry against the Australian people.
Funny how the government could turn the migration spigot off just like that on account of a coronavirus but is now happy to migrate Australians out of their jobs and homes.
The Los Angeles Times goes all in on economic suicide.
Editorial: Hold the applause. Biden’s new EV rules don’t go fast enough for the climate crisis
March 21, 2024 10:15 am
Who’s running the program?
Migration agents or the government?
Globalists are running the program.
Biden finalizes crackdown on gas cars, forcing more than half of new car sales to be electric by 2030
Works for Australian politicians also.
Ep. 82 Joe Biden has put hundreds of his political opponents in jail. Here’s the latest, a working journalist who’s exposed the fraudulence of the January 6th myth.
Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying on Whether Western Civilization Is About To Collapse
Horrifying moment a mother broadcasts herself NAKED in the shower during a church funeral livestream after accidentally leaving her camera on
Daily Mail. Would have enlivened the funeral service….
U.N. Weather Agency Issues ‘Red Alert’ over Climate Crisis (20 Mar)
That’s really weird since both Arctic and Antarctic sea ice are normal or above. Snow cover is exactly on the long term average and still is not trending up or down since the mid nineties.
Maybe ice and snow can’t read lurid UN press releases.
Test again.
At this rate Labour could yet lose the unloseable election.
I wonder how much of this is driven through behind the curtain pleadings by the business community seeking skilled labour and as a bonus keeping wage pressure down.
UK Women & Equalities Minister Kemi Badenoch: Britain’s diversity drive has backfired against white males
This going into reverse in order to comment sucks a couple of big hairy ones.
I wonder how much of this is driven through behind the curtain pleadings by the business community seeking skilled labour
Or any business which depends on more warm bodies= more turnover= more profit
According to Yahoo business news, gold is on a bit of a tear. Over USD2200.
Big business has always been a shill for a Big Australia.
Does anyone remember Julia Gillard “turning on a dime” on the subject in 2011, from being against to in favour of a “Big Australia”?
Craig Emerson was instrumental in changing her mind.
After leaving parliament he became a consultant (i.e. a man who can open doors in Canberra) for some of the biggest corporations in Australia, inc. Wesfarmers & Coles.
This is the BYD Seagull. A small commuter type EV that costs less than $US10,000.
It’s the smallest vehicle in the BYD range and has six airbags plus a rotating touchscreen infotainment system.
May come to Australia but is certain to go to the USA.
Bloomberg noted this week – “that undercuts the average price of an American EV by more than $50,000 (and is only a little more than a high-end Vespa scooter)”.
“Such aggressive pricing by BYD, which surpassed Tesla in late 2023 to become the world’s top seller of electric vehicles, is indicative of how Chinese automakers will likely force US manufacturers to pivot away from mainly producing expensive second cars for the affluent and toward more reasonably priced EVs for the everyman.”
“The Chinese offensive is possibly the biggest risk that companies like Tesla and ourselves are facing right now,” noted Carlos Tavares, CEO of Chrysler parent Stellantis in February. “We have to work very, very hard to make sure that we bring our consumers better offerings than the Chinese.”
Got to pay for all those tea leaf interpreters Eyrie.
‘Dovish’ Powell Destroys ‘Hawkish’ Dots; Sends Stocks, Gold, & Crypto Soaring (21 Mar)
Wall St liked what was said also, since the market was flat until 2pm then climbed like a glider in a thermal.
In theory this should be the perfect car for me to commute to work in. Will be really interested in seeing this in the flesh.
Re the gas shortfall in Vic.
I heard a whisper about this a month or so ago.
Long story short, there is not enough gas “on the books” today to run the back up generators alone for the planned renewables build.
You read that correctly, not enough gas to run the planned back up generators and supply domestic demand.
They could always burn diesel.
[insert laughing emoji here]
Trouble at mill.
Several killed in Pakistani air strikes on Afghanistan, says Kabul (18 Mar)
Heavily Armed Militants Storm Pakistan’s China-Operated Gwadar Port, 7 Dead (21 Mar)
So Talibs are attacking Pakistan and Baluchis are attacking both Iran and Pakistan. Then there’s China’s port being shot up. Meanwhile the opening bowler for Sydney University is still rotting in a Paki gaol, for the temerity of being popular. Sounds unusually messy right now, even for the Middle East.
Dogwifhat (WIF) is literally a more sound store of value than the USD.
March 21, 2024 11:42 am
In theory this should be the perfect car for me to commute to work in. Will be really interested in seeing this in the flesh.
At current exchange rates, the $US9,700 Seagull is about $AU14,500. Plus assorted taxes and ORC etc but in theory, would be about $20k in our market. If BYD really wanted to shift some cars, a price point of $18.9k drive away would probably see many thousands sold in short order. Even at $19.9k, this is only a bit more than the Kia Picanto ($18,890 manual) or the MG3 ($19,490 auto).
BYD are shipping almost 4,000 cars per boat load to Brazil as fast as they can. Sell like hot cakes.
Shame if 4000 BYDs caught on fire while up the Panama Canal.
I wonder how much of this is driven through behind the curtain pleadings by the business community seeking skilled labour and as a bonus keeping wage pressure down.
I remember it well. From “We don’t need a “Big Australia” to reverse in a matter of days.
As for Emerson, he is a classic political sleaze, all “Me, me, me …”
I suspect cheapie BYDs are LFP batteries, which seem to be less fire prone than the top notch LCO ones. They also have less capacity, but that wouldn’t be so bad for a short range city trundler.
Petrol would still probably be cheaper given ridiculous Aussie electricity prices, especially commercial fast chargers.
A Japanese fella is pushing a wheel barrow around Oz whilst wearing a cat costume. He wants to bring smiles to people’s faces. Most people he passes are very happy and smiley after seeing him.
Near Margaret River, he was bailed up by a fat chick wearing a tablecloth who accused him of being a Chinese Spy.
He still loves Oz.
Self described genocidal Nazis.
Poll: 71% of Palestinian Arabs support October 7th attack (20 Mar)
So 93% of Palis believe that violently raping women and beheading babies is perfectly fine. What nice people they are.
Happy birthday to me ?
Wall St liked what was said also, since the market was flat until 2pm then climbed like a glider in a thermal.
A stubble fire thermal. A kind farmer started one just before I got there. Best one I ever had at 1400 feet/minute from about 2000 feet to just over 6000 feet just north of the Murray which got final glide for Benalla. Bunch of other guys arrived shortly after. Because of the smoke density all I saw of them was the occasional wing poking out the side of the smoke below me.
I wonder how much of this is driven through behind the curtain pleadings by the business community seeking skilled labour and as a bonus keeping wage pressure down.
But aren’t we always told that it’s the Liberals who are the party of big business?
Horrifying moment a mother broadcasts herself NAKED in the shower during a church funeral livestream after accidentally leaving her camera on
Moist alert!!
Hawke shattered that paradigm
I am celebrating my 48th year of living in Convict’s Paradise. What a great Country for letting me in in 1976.
Donald Trump ran the Western world for four years. Did he become a dictator? No. The hysteria is completely ridiculous.
Reading a very good account of the generalship of Douglas MacArthur, “MacArthur Reconsidered – General Douglas MacArthur as a wartime Commander” by James Ellman- not very complimentary about MacArthur’s performance – seems his soldiers in the Philippines were out maneuvered and outfought by a smaller invading force, and he followed a quest to recapture the Philippines regardless of the impact on Allied global strategy, or” the cost in American, Australian and Filipino blood.”
Oh, and at aged fifty, he took, as his mistress, a sixteen year old Filipina movie starlet, Isabel Rosario Cooper……
Running a quick set of numbers assuming an off-peak charge at 11c / kwh. I have a 60k commute. It is way cheaper than petrol, and even cheaper than my off-peak seniors train ticket ( 3 minute drive to station, and other station is across the road from where I currently work) – I get a few cents change out of $8 for my fares.
And abandoning the plans that had been developed over many years – without setting up the supporting logistics is unforgivable.
Same details here
End of an Era.
They might not show you in the brochures, but Margaret River is chock full of fatties, NDIS derroes, and lotsa lotsa pot. In fact there’s a strong mainline supply of general psych patients being manufactured by the 10-tear-olds-on-the-bongs culture. The Audi Karens and rare septugenerian surf surveyors are just window dressing.
Makes Busso look genteel. Catman was in town for about two weeks, by all accounts trying his darnedest to put a smile on the faces of as many lay-deees as he could.
A discussion came up lately with friends.
Hearing reports most of this morning of a very large missile strike on the way to Ukraine. MIG-31s and TU-95s in the air. And a considerable spike in NATO ISR on the Romania border and Black Sea.
Interesting Twitter account.
Good stuff from Hoody.
Malcolm Roberts:
Thank you Hoody for your courage in speaking the truth at the second public hearing to set the Terms of Reference for a future Royal Commission into COVID.
“I urge this Senate and I urge this government with these words: Government you must listen. This country is in dire straits. The spirit of this country has been systematically destroyed and I’ve witnessed it firsthand. I’ve done what many of you don’t have the time to do. I’ve been face to face with people who’ve lost loved ones that they know were from vaccine injury. And I don’t know whether these excess deaths are being caused by vaccines or ‘long COVID,’ or whatever else it might be. It could be an additive in food.
I don’t know, but nobody else seems to know either and that’s why we must stop. We must investigate. We must do a proper debriefing. We must apply proper human factors. And we must bring the people that I mentioned that have been locked away with censorship, back out of the dark with their data so that we can start healing the people of this country.
And if we don’t do that we have neglected an opportunity that will go down in history as one of the greatest human factor failures in the world.”
Ex Qantas Captain, Graham Hood’s Powerful Witness Statement
Same details here
Thanks – I’ve bookmarked that to watch later on.
What’s really wrong with universities?
The terms of reference, so to speak, for research projects, are utter trash.
I guess we can all inclusively have a non-functioning electrical grid, a gas shortage and shortages of petrol and diesel, and this will improve the equal distribution of wealth?
Mi casa su casa, when you live in your GP’s lounge room, they’ve got no excuse not to diagnose symptoms early? Otherwise, we can try them on the street corner, a simple majority vote and BOOM! no more social license for that guy, ever!
Nothing screams mass grave like individually dug graves with each grave marked with a cross and the details of the deceased.
I see your nested quote Dot because I couldnt be bothered wasting my time being the lockdown whipping boy again.
As if I didn’t live in Melbourne unlike the sadsacks who spit their venom at me, and endured all the lockdown restrictions, as only Melbournians could. There I was walking around in my ‘ not happy dan’ face mask risking massive fines by breaking the rules every single day yet somehow I’m now cast as Dan’s biggest fan because I echoed James Newburrie’s hope that voluntary vaccination would get us out of the Andrews lockdown trap and yes I still don’t believe the vaccine is going to kill us all narrative.
If anyone is interested in the truth they could hunt down my contemporaneous twitter account comments instead of making things up.
“ the lights go out due to blackout’s ruinables.”
I wouldn’t worry. When their phones and laptops don’t work for a couple of days, their enthusiasm for activism will take an abrupt decline.
Horrifying moment a mother broadcasts herself NAKED in the shower during a church funeral livestream after accidentally leaving her camera on
Could’ve caused a Lazarus tumescent moment
I’m wondering, when we Melbournians were subject to night time curfews, allowed outside for one hour of exercise per day, not allowed more than five kilometres from home, forbidden to see family etc etc did the bleaters follow suit as a gesture of solidarity or did they mock and jeer?
How dare I leave the country as soon as international restrictions were eased.
I don’t quite understand the issue of people willingly having the vax when people are currently not being forced to, as Rosie has explained.
Also, there’s this to consider
I asked AI the estimate of people possibly dying from receiving the vax is about 20,000. Therefore the risk of death is 1.54e-06 = 0.00000154. Or a another way of showing it .000154%.
How about the payout ratio. In other words:
if there’s a .000154% chance of dying from the vax. There’s .5% chance of dying if you contract Covid and the vax protects you 20% of the time. Do you take the vax?
By these calcs, you opt for the vax and here’s why.
Risk of death without vaccination:
Scenario 2: With Vaccination
We need to consider two possibilities here:
Risk of death with vaccination:
The risk of death from COVID-19 is significantly higher (10,000 times greater) than the risk of death from the vaccine, even considering the scenario where you contract COVID-19 despite vaccination. Vaccination offers a substantial risk reduction in this scenario.
Important to remember:
Oh, the bit from here on was AI.
We need to consider two possibilities here:
March 21, 2024 4:24 pm
I don’t quite understand the issue of people willingly having the vax when people are currently not being forced to, as Rosie has explained.
Also, there’s this to consider
BUT, they were Mandated (Coerced) to have the Jab/Boosters otherwise they would lose their Jobs.
A Criminal act,
But they’re not mandated now, dickhead.
Also, it wasn’t just employees impacted, but also people who owned businesses.
How does the AI work out the 20K estimate?
March 21, 2024 4:36 pm
But they’re not mandated now, dickhead.
LOL. According to Scomo there was no Mandate. He left it to the Dis United Sates of Australia to coerce everyone. A Big Tosser just like you. Marty Luvver. LOL And you had the Jab. Dickhead.
Human nature is weird: Schumer is a Jew but he supports hamas and opposes Israel, no doubt for internal political reasons and because he is a demorat:
Sen. Schumer Attacks Trump’s Comments on Israel | Frontpage Mag
March 21, 2024 4:24 pm
I don’t quite understand the issue of people willingly having the vax when people are currently not being forced to, as Rosie has explained.
The vax is a poison. It is not a vaccine, Full stop. Look at the numbers of deaths/injuries.
I requested an estimate and it came back with one reciting VAERS and health agencies.
But, up the number if you like. Where do you believe a credible estimate resides and we can do the numbers again for risk reward?