Watching those three girls in the vehicles running the gauntlet with the Gazan crowds tells me all I need to…
Watching those three girls in the vehicles running the gauntlet with the Gazan crowds tells me all I need to…
Listening and watching the news and commentary on the hostage deal was all framed around it being Israel’s fault. Obviously…
Here’s the Sky News report: Three female hostages released in first phase of Israel-Hamas ceasefire deal after brief delay from…
In fact, he’s already scared Israel and Hamas into a peace deal last week with his threat that “all hell…
Why do I have a tear in my eye? This is only the beginning for them. The fact they survived…
why does it matter which end of your box of biscuits is opened first?
It just does, young man. Do it the way you’re told.
Very strange how the lights go out moments before collision with the bridge and the ships appears to veer strongly to the right.
holy shit!
first response is why is traveling so fast?
second is control systems failure
lost it, came back, lost it, came back, too late
we cannot see what happened prior
that ship’s out of control and either at the mercy of the currents and/or unable to manoeuvre
the lateral drift says both
It was 27. If you see the population pyramid for Ukraine you’d understand why.
ehem … fix your link boss
If you refuse to obey instructions on a biscuit packet how can we ever trust you to obey government decrees.
Interesting article on Daily Mail about Esafety Commissioner demanding Twitter remove a post by Billboard Chris about an Aussie trans. The Tweet can no longer be seen. However it is a real shame people had already copied it and sharing it widely. The story is well worth a read to see how freedom of speech is being attacked.
The video is on at least 2 x fast forward.
(check the speed at which road traffic is crossing the bridge)
good point
still be pretty fast for a great big lunking ship though
John Spooner.
Mark Knight.
Brett Lethbridge.
Patrick Blower.
Michael Ramirez.
A.F. Branco.
Matt Margolis.
Matt Margolis.
Chip Bok.
Al Goodwyn.
Tom Stiglich.
Henry Payne.
Thanks once again Tom.
March 27, 2024 12:24 am
why does it matter which end of your box of biscuits is opened first?
Because someone else may well come along and pick up the ‘packet’ of biscuits to open from the right end, whereupon gravity takes over and all the biscuits fall out/down onto the ground. Assuming of course that the wrong end was not closed tightly in the first place.
A very grave situation with probably lots of broken biscuits on the floor/ground.
The question that isn’t being asked is why haven’t the biccies been transferred to an airtight jar on opening.
especially if they were buttered
Michael Smith says Anal’s going to ram the digital ID bill thru the Senate today. More evidence that they work for foreign interests not us.
Foreign interests?
Maybe they’re just totalitarian arsewipes?
In exactly the same manner as every other Western country? Hardly. Have a look at that schematic I posted a couple of days ago (it was in a YouTube clip). Central planning 100%.
It took a while but I finally got through the Huberman hatchet job in New York Mag.
He liked having more than one girlfriend at the same time.
That is it.
For all the stuff he reviews & critiques, the key aspects for a healthy lifestyle he advocates are:
1) get decent sleep;
2) keep hydrated;
3) avoid added sugar & seed oils;
4) limit intake of processed foods;
5) get a decent amount of vitamin D either via sun or supplement;
6) be as active as you can be (walking daily as a minimum).
When the establishment are gunning for people like this, it’s a real head scratcher.
James Massola and Nick McKenzie in the smh are more enraged today that a public servant told the truth than telling the story how many resources the government & public service were throwing at not telling the truth.
When I saw that footage my first thought was “steering position sensor, voltage too low”, a common fault with auto steer systems in ag machinery, particularly non integrated ones.
Caused by either a faulty sensor or the barest interruption to the CAN bus power flow (think a small amount of moisture ingress to a multi pin plug connector).
Sometimes a simple “clear faults and reset” command will fix the issue, sometimes not, either way the system has to be interrupted from what it’s doing to effect the reset, and a direct result of the fault is a very gradual or very sudden deviation from line.
CAN bus used on:
The lights out twice before impact is either an attempt at a system reset or the fault itself. Looks like all redundancies failed as well which may mean a huge mechanical failure.
The engine definitely seems to be working hard, or back up generator.
Can’t wait for the conspiracies.
Must say after a week or so of the “nested comments” I reckon they lessen the discussion value of the Cat, rather than add to it.
Reason is, someone posts a comment, and then someone picks up on it, and responds. So does another person.
But in order to keep up with the discussion, you have to keep scrolling back and find the original comment. That in itself can be annoying enough. It might be a few pages back – you actually need to remember or write down when the original comment thread started.
But then you might add a comment of your own, and then you have to keep repeating this process until the discussion stops.
Tiresome and annoying.
Despite being an ardent supporter of nested comments, these ones aren’t working. Go back to the old style, please DB.
At a rough guess, traffic has been cut in half by this change.
Agree 100%.
From OOT:
Fitzsimian and his viperous wife live in Cremorne! Not Mosman! ‘Mosman’ is just an image that evokes a well-to-do suburb of self-absorbed Teal voters, while most people think of Cremorne as the bit that is pressed up against the sides of military road.
But if we are going to Rabz them let’s get the geography right.
Thank God! .. it’s only a Mosman/Cremorne error ..imagine how downgrading if were a Mosman/Clifton Gardens dispute …
Latest gay surrogacy story
At least the dog doesnt seem to have monkeypox yet
We’re basically living in Sodom now.
The underlying philosophy is “do whatever feels good”. It isn’t the basis for any type of sane society. Meanwhile, the “libertarians” divorced from reality, cushioned by their resources from it all, insist that “society” doesn’t exist at all.
Poor Ole SloJo.
They’ll have to rebuild the bridge with a rail line
so future Snopes can give him a retrospective
Fact check: True.
Hamas says no ceasefire now
Luvved this one in the comments …
Hamas expects the outside world to save them in the form of sympathies and protests against Israel’s warfare in Gaza. The problem is that Hamas forgets who their opponents are.
Top Ender
March 27, 2024 7:22 am
I was going to post along those lines myself, in my opinion those who asked for it are now writing comments that hardly anyone reads.
I know I am missing out on some valuable comments but time is of the essence, not all of us can sit and watch and endlessly scroll. I thought about having them open without clicking but you’d still have to scroll back endlessly.
It is bad enough try to post as is, going to the top, then refresh and go to the bottom of page. I don’t blame dover but the dimwit who designed the software.
Takes away some from the forum’s usefulness, but here we are.
Also why does it take me back to the last comment I read?
Starving man prepares food for the starving child of Gaza
Journalists as a class are getting even nuttier, if that’s actually possible.
Report: Ronna McDaniel Out at NBC News After Outcry (26 Mar)
The same thing happened to Bari Weiss at the NYT after she invited Tom Cotton to write an opinion piece. The cacophany from the leftist howler monkey chorus was earsplitting. Same now:
What in the Actual F— Is Wrong With These People? (NBC News Edition) (25 Mar, h/t Powerline)
The latter article is in the Washington Free Beacon, so not just a blog post or etc. Lots of meaty stuff between those two paras, which are the first and last in the story. It’s nice to see the bad behaviour of lefty MSM talking heads called out like this. Maybe our own nutty-left journalist might want to read the whole thing.
Perhaps you could steer me to a source easily digestible to novices as to why, in WW2, did the Americans have such a preference for (short but wider) radial engines while the Brits went with (longer and sleeker) in-line engines. The Americans did use inline engines on the Mustang at least but it seems they were used selectively.
One factor was the greater damage resistance of aircooled engines – the inlines having a vulnerable liquid cooling system. Also, the apparently lower drag of the smaller frontal area inline engines was offset somewhat by the need for drag inducing radiators.
PS, the Mustang engine was of course the British Merlin (after they replaced the original Allison).
No, ML, haven’t research in that area widely enough to help much. I did read this one a while back – it seemed along those lines from memory:
Might have something to do with industry. Radial engines are a very simple design. From a manufacturing perspective I assume it is much easier to spool up a production line churning out radials.
Seems Oz media has stopped pooling their tales of Gaza luv-ins .. on MSN News a tale of one “terrorist” family whinge-ing cos no one cares and they feel neglected by Oz then over on “our” ABC it’s all joy & happiness as another lot gushes over how life is good and the mug Oz taxpayer is providing all & more … and strange enuf for folk on “visitors” visas hoping they can make a better life, in Oz, for the rest of the “family” still in Gaza .. you get the feeling none of these “visitors” are going “home” … ever .. FFS!
Paging a Mr Othello! Is Mr Othello in the theatre at the moment?
Government Funded Study Claims Shakespeare Made Theater “Too White, Male, And Cisgender” (26 Mar)
On the other hand they probably quite like that Shylock was a villain, given the Left’s recently revealed proclivities.
Couldn’t say the yanks had any preference for radial engines, other than they had some well used examples like the Corsair.
The inline Mustang and Thunderbolt did most of the heavy work over Europe.
The Russians had the La 5 radial as a main fighter bomber. The Poms didn’t go the radial path but also had extremely successful and mostly reliable engines that they could churn out and tweek for multi task airframes.
The Wellington, Beaufighter, Halifax etc used radials.
I think the Thunderbolt (P-47) used a radial engine,
radials are usually air cooled, inlines were usually liquid cooled. The inlines had less drag than the radials which meant they could go faster in a fighter.
Damage to the cooling system of an inline was usually terminal, damage to a radial could often be survived. There is a utube video about the radial engine. I will look for it later.
Here’s a piece from Roger Simon which nicely complements the Washington Free Beacon article about nutty journalists.
Election 2024: It’s The Psychopathology, Stupid (26 Mar)
RTWT. He makes a good case that most of the progressive left has gone clinically insane. Gonna be very hard talking them down from this weird cult they have gotten themselves into.
Bruce O’Nuke:
The Democrats – and the US – are run and influenced by neurotic middle and upper class females who are unmarried or wish they were, and who failed in their chosen careers of school teachers. They are now spending their waning years herding cats and are frustrated with their continued failure to get them to march in proper rank and file formation.
You think I’m joking? Just listen to them and the ’causes’ they think are important.
See also our very own mUnturd, a sad case of TDS.
No interest in talking them down.
Hopefully they get their boosters, cut off their own genitals and visit Gaza carrying a rainbow flag.
NYC begins handing out migrants taxpayer-funded, pre-paid debit cards at Roosevelt Hotel shelter, with 450 people set to begin receiving up to ‘$18,200-a-year’ payout by the end of this week
Daily Mail
I see the Australian Senate has narrowly voted (along strictly party lines – nays from Labor and the Greens) to hold a senate enquiry into excess deaths in Australia over the covid era.
The ABS has already started cooking the books (BOM style) by changing the methodology to halve the number of ‘excess deaths’ experienced.
No doubt they will tightly frame the terms of reference to produce a ‘nothing to see here’ result.
Nasty old hail. If only someone had foreseen this environmental disaster before it happened!
ML, power to weight advantage, air cooled, used on aircraft carriers took up less space. Inline engines were water-cooled therefore needed a radiator resulting in more things to go wrong and damage to radiator requiring heavy protective shielding.
Our supposed “friends” from Ukraine are enjoying the news of 20 Americans missing after the collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore. They are claiming it’s punishment for not sending them more billions of our tax dollars.
These are the people Biden has been funneling our tax money into.
Perhaps you could steer me to a source easily digestible to novices as to why, in WW2, did the Americans have such a preference for (short but wider) radial engines while the Brits went with (longer and sleeker) in-line engines
Some discussion on this thread here:
looks like more an availability issue than a philosophical one.
The radial-engined Gloster Gladiator was still flying fairly extensively in the early part of WW2, filling in the gap before Spitfire and Hurricane production caught up.
I see commenters having problems with packets being opened from the wrong end. I give you my wife, when opening a carton of milk discovers she has opened the wrong side, will open the other side as well. Women?
makes perfect sense … balances out the universe
It’s interesting that the Mustang outperformed the ME 109 in most areas but the German fighter had attributes that the American pilots admired.
An old ace told the story of a ME 109 straggler suddenly appeared between himself and his wingman flying level with them. The young German pilot mistook them for his group.
The veteran pilot said the ME then dropped like a rock out of sight and commented they could climb straight up which he thought was amazing.
The Messerschmitt had some interesting features:
“Inverted” in-line V–block engine, fuel injection, a variable-speed supercharger and water-methanol “emergency boost”..
The fuel injection enabled it to perform party tricks like flying inverted and fancy loops. Carburetors, as originally fitted to the Brit Merlin-engined fighters, tend to develop “engine issues” if you get too “creative”.
Enter Aeronautical Engineer Beatrice Shilling. In 1940, She rapidly identified the problem and fitted the direct draught carbureter with a small disc “valve” that prevented “fuel surge” and engine stalling during evasive / combat maneuvers..
Gabor at 7.50am:
“It is bad enough try to post as is, going to the top, then refresh and go to the bottom of page. I don’t blame dover but the dimwit who designed the software.Takes away some from the forum’s usefulness, but here we are.”
PS; the software that runs the quoting system is so dumb it’s unusable.
PPS: WordPress’s coding nerds write HMTL to impress other nerds — not to make their software easier to use for people in the real world.
Russia blames Kyiv, West over Moscow gun attack
Weird how the US govt takes hours investigate a bridge collapse in Baltimore but knew instantly the attack in Moscow was ISIS
10 Times The Censorship Industry Suppressed The Truth
In todays Oz: ‘Off the books’ drug test claims in bombshell AFL ‘cover-up’
Can someone explain:
1) why performance enhancing drugs are bad in sport but OK at other times (Exhibit A: Viagra, Exhibit B: Anti inflammatories, Exhibit C: Asthma inhalers… etc etc etc)
Why performance enhancing *drugs* are bad in sport, but other strategies for performance enhancement are acceptable (training, coaching, practice, psychologists, equipment, nutrition …. etc etc etc)
Forced to take the shot and then cast aside when she was disabled by it. Someone who actually experienced the clots the embalmers describe.
Heartbreaking Vaccine Blood Clot Injury story sent to me on X:
Daniel Greenfield who is certainly not a friend of either Ukraine or Slow Joe:
Putin: Terror Attack “by Radical Islamists Whose Ideology the Islamic World Has Been Fighting” (26 Mar)
Can I just be the first to say.
in relation to the bridge collapse.
And why did the other bridge collapse 7 hours later? Reasonable minds are questioning the engineering and physics involved although Putin and UKR are obviously the culprits.
4,000 acres of solar panels were destroyed in one Texas hail storm. Locals are now worried about groundwater poisoning
As usual, the cure is worse than the disease
Is ayahuasca just the same old demon worship?
Short answer:
We’re signatories to a UNESCO treaty that bans doping in sport on the bases of the health of athletes and the principal of fair play.
If a country wants to participate in the Olympics it has to sign on.
This is why Essendon was investigated by WADA during the “supplements saga”, which was a subject much covered on Sinc’s iteration of the Cat.
We’re signatories to a UNESCO treaty that bans doping in sport on the bases of the health of athletes and the principal of fair play.
Is is fair that one AFL team has better players and coaches than another?
I couldn’t care less.
I’m providing information, not arguing a case.
you are not a horse, you are not a cowyeah, well you are not a real public health agency…
RFK Jr. has named far left Democrat donor and activist Nicole Shanahan as his vice president. Nicole provided financial support to both Pete Buttigieg & Biden. She also funded Soros-backed DA George Gascón.
Spraying manure and throwing beets, farmers in tractors again block Brussels to protest EU policies
Meet Juan Luis Rodriguez, an illegal who was just arrested in Denton, Texas for the s*xual assault of a child. He’s booked as “White.”
Biden’s border policies are responsible for criminals harming our children.
I’d be betting that plod fall over themselves to book as many as being “white” that they can get away with, to minimize the racial crime statistics and avoid being called racists by the Left.
“Why would Islamic terrorists attack Russia since it sides with Hamas?”
Daniel might want to look more deeply into the power struggles in Afghanistan in the wake of the US withdrawal. Russia, India & China have all made themselves targets of IS-K by supporting the Taliban. And Hamas is aligned with Iran, which is also an enemy of IS.
Perhaps he’s also unaware that Russia has a large Muslim minority (15-25 million, depending on the source) which Putin must placate, including 3 million Tajik “guest workers”.
I think you’re missing his message Roger. He’s being ironic and sarcastic.
It’s quite explicable that Putin would want to use this horrendous attack for propaganda purposes against his enemies. And likewise minimize fallout from his allies-of-convenience.
I think he’s laying the preparations for a formal declaration of war in the Duma (which was flagged last week) and most importantly a full mobilization, which that would legally allow. I said it’d be interesting what would happen after the election was out of the way. Never let a crisis go to waste – hence the blovating.
Sarcasm doesn’t work if you don’t have your facts straight in the first instance. Most Americans are quite ignorant of Russia and foreign affairs generally. That’s excusable if you’re just an average Joe trying to make a living and get by, but if you’re commenting on international affairs it isn’t.
He has his facts straight, if you’ve read previous posts on his blog – which this article is from.
Mr Greenfield and I both have a view that the Z War is a baddies vs baddies thing, with lots of other baddies involved on both sides.
Sadly I think the mess is too great that Trump could stop it, even if he somehow wins the “election”.
Amidst all the usual doom & gloom in the news this morning .. you can all sleep better tonight knowing that my seats for the 2 TOON games in Danistan have been secured .. & as a bonus I getz to stay with & see 3 of my grandees …… depite my medical issues ..
And egging on with the other 5 over Easter weekend .. LIFE IS GOOD ..!
“Why would Islamic terrorists attack Russia since it sides with Hamas?”
Im pretty sure stopping Syria from falling to ISIS has Putins mob on their naughty list.
Plus just existing.
An easy way to “attack” as an organisation, just post bounties/pay and wait for losers to carry them out.
March 27, 2024 8:46 am
Not being conspiratorial, I let the thought go, but what a good payback it would be to hurt the US, being the most likely candidate to damage the Russian gas pipelines.
Karma is a bitch.
GreyRanga at 8:42.
Yes, the biggest advantage of radial engines is the cooling.
I too can’t see the difference between taking drugs to get a sporting advantage and taking ventolin so someone can breathe properly.
Ventolin, Seretide etc are regulated under the WADA rules, even though they’re pretty much OTC now.
The rules are psychotic and should be wound back to actual dangerous crap like HGH, ‘roids and beta blockers.
I see RFK Jr had been taken off the nice list and put on the naughty one.
Gaslighting men into believing having their babies killed is good.
Its not even about abortion per se.
It’s about absolving women of responsibility and gaslighting men out of an opinion that is inconvenient.
Why would you support your wife if you wanted the kid and she was determined to have it aborted?
I would suggest a divorce, as much as it pains me to say.
If ending a relationship is viewed as “coercive” then you have to wonder if feminists believe men should have rights at all.
If reproductive coercion is a thing then so is being coerced to stay in a relationship (marriage) or being coerced out of living.
March 27, 2024 9:39 am
I think they are going to treat this like taking a masking agent (which carries at least the same penalty as the drugs themselves).
That is, taking action to mask detection.
You can make radial engines using lathes.
Inline engines require boring machines.
Spooling up production for a war the important thing is the manufacturing bottlenecks. In other words, how can existing machine tools be repurposed for war production.
lathes are much more common, cheaper and easier to set than boring machines.
it is easier to train a new operator on a lathe than on a boring machine.
Sounds like a $3.00 pack of panamax would fit the bill dot.
I’d say murdering your child would be reasonable grounds to end a relationship.
Perhaps the best option is not to get into the situation in the first place.
they run ships on CANbus too? … figures
1 lights on but no engine smoke
2 lights off and no engine smoke
3 engine smoke and lights almost simultaneously
4 on collision course and smoke stops
5 slight late adjustment to port though not apparently under power
6 boom
you can slow down the video to 0.25x and it looks about right
still seems a little too fast
wind is light and on-shore
anybody ever tried to point their boat onto a waiting trailer while there is wind and/or current?
can be pretty tricky
one wrong move and everybody standing on the boat ramp reckons you’re clueless and starts barking instructions.
once watched a guy at Port Albert trying to land his probs 25ft
the tide was running out at effectively right angles to where the trailer was
the wind was brisk and coming from aft
he was blown upstream by the wind and downstream by the ebbing tide and he could manage to find just the right balance with the throttle.
as soon as he turned to try for the trailer the wind took over as the side of the boat was exposed to it.
at one point he almost took out the landing we were fishing from and I even had the prow of the boat by hand trying to help fend off
took about 10 tries before he arsed it.
The good news is you can be a toxic male but not necessarily sexist when you are opposed to your partner aborting your baby.
I’d be devastated if I got my boyfriend pregnant, since I’m a power bottom.
March 27, 2024 8:47 am
Oh dear.
This story isn’t about taking performance enhancing drugs, it’s about using cocaine and other illicit substances. I’m assuming players have contractual obligations not to use off the books drugs.
March 27, 2024 9:18 am
RFK Jr. has named far left Democrat donor and activist Nicole Shanahan as his vice president. Nicole provided financial support to both Pete Buttigieg & Biden. She also funded Soros-backed DA George Gascón.
Two things about that, one good, one vomitous. The spewy one is it confirms RFK is a loon and possibly an alien; the good is he and the loonier VP will drag biden’s vote away further.
Always thought it funny essondon getting caught up in that farce. Better off giving them pentobarbitil and put them out of their misery or is that only for the western bulldogs?
In the wind and current you have to use power to actually drive the vessel where you want to go otherwise you’re at the mercy of either or both. No power, no control.
as the ship comes into frame in that video it is not apparently under power
need to know what happened before
That is really going to go down well with working class Americans who are struggling to make ends meet.
Where did the holding come from?
Bolding? 😀
Finished watching MASTERS OF THE AIR last night .. thoroughly enjoyed it tho until I saw the end credits and realised it was based on “real” folk I was thinking that episodes 8 & 9 were overdone by encompassing more of the European theatre than any of the previous 7 episodes did …
Quite incredible that one of those pilots flew 51 missions (most of any US bomber pilot in WW2) and survived …
Also noticed that none of the 3 main characters, despite staying in the air force after the war (one stayed around for both Korea & Vietnam) made general rank .. must take some doing to go to the top in the US Army Air Force ..
Also had no idea of the horrendously high casualty (mostly dead) rates of bomber crews …..
and metal casting
Alan Moran’s latest piece on the cost of fuking blackout’s grid and transmission cost to hook up his solar and wind farms covering all of Australia.
Microsoft Word – Fatal Flaw.docx (
Let’s remember daylight saving .. LOL!
Who do you think pays for our illegals who end up living in the community (those who fly in and claim “asylum”)?
The Red Cross administers the funds but the taxpayer supplies them.
I’d wager most Australians are unaware of this.
“By April 30, 1941, President Roosevelt had become aroused over the machine tool shortage. He wrote to Bill Knudsen and Sidney Hillman urging the necessity of speeding up the manufacture of machine tools. A seven-day week and twenty four hour -day schedule was recommended by the President, but although the machine tool bottleneck showed some improvement, it always remained narrow. This equipment was necessary to gear the whole production process, but the craftsmanship needed to build was a scarce article, and there were not many areas in the whole country where such craftsmen could be found. The United States undoubtedly had more machine tools than any other nation, but no shortage confounded our defense production as much as this one.”
Read the whole thing:
Similar to what the Poms did.
They had a vast number of skilled woodworking craftsmen, but wooden tanks tend not to be very useful.
Wooden aircraft though were another thing entirely. And it turned out to be one of the best aircraft of the war.
If you look at the bad of a lathe or other machine tool you can see it is finished with thousands of tiny scrape marks. As an apprentice I was told that it is a very exacting craft to get the level of flatness required, such that you cannot use another machine tool to provide the final finish. I remember looking Down at the lathe I was using at the time and being shocked at how small the little scrape marks were and how much time and effort and skill it must have required.
Flatness was a craft, not a science according to the old guys in those days.
On the Mosquito: I wonder why they didn’t make even more of the things.
A lot of downticks this morning (some subsequently corrected I see.)
Someone got out of bed on the wrong side.
Never let a crisis go to waste. US intelligence services on the make for more powers and funding.
why, in WW2, did the Americans have such a preference for…
The USN had a preference for radials, the USAAF were agnostic.
The RAF were agnostic too, but the Merlin’s utility and wartime exigencies
delayed radial engine development in the UK.
Britain’s last piston engined fighters had radials.
Radials had a better power to weight ratio than inlines,
and were more robust.
You can kill an inline with a sharp stick, but a radial can still run with a cylinder or two shot off.
A missing cylinder does tend to let the oil out. The cooling system of inlines was always easier to damage, but planes like the Mustang actually could get net thrust from the radiator.
The Americans did use inline engines on the Mustang at least but it seems they were used selectively.
The inline engine used on the P-51 Mustang was the Packard (US) made British RR Merlin engine.
That’s a lot of macaroni.
Green Macaroni to the Rescue (26 Mar)
Presumably that pork, um, macaroni sorry, was a part of the stupid $1.2 trillion spending bill passed last week. And Ramirez today is complaining about MTG pushing a spill motion for the nominally Republican Speaker who pushed this hot mess through Congress. Sheesh.
I had an uncle (through marriage) who flew those in the Korean war.
Admired the plane but they were already a bit outdated.
March 27, 2024 10:35 am
Never let a crisis go to waste. US intelligence services on the make for more powers and funding.
A hacking attack on the US Electricity Grid Infrastructure would have been better. A lot of US Road Bridges are likely to fall over soon on their own owing to their age and lack of maintenance.
I’m certainly no engineer but that bridge looked like it was made with a life-sized Meccano set.
Green macaroni may take a bit to wash down but that’s where green beer comes in.
No More Beer! (26 Mar)
Maybe switch to wine instead. The French winery on the tropical island of Rangiroa gets two and a half vintages per year.
It’s Harvesttime for Wine in … Tahiti?! (2019)
the article on the Tahitian vineyard was very interesting. Thanks for linking it.
Filed under “things I never knew existed!”
Elbow the unbelievable repeating the “we created JERBS” on twitter isnt going well.
Don’t be silly…the growth of Albovilles is nothing to do with record level immigration.
An expert on the ABC said so.
Not allowed to say that.
CNN says it’s a racist far-right conspiracy theory (19 Mar).
I of course always believe CNN.
Tip: manually edit the “180” to “1024” to biggify the toon.
A lot of hops for Australian beer were grown at Ringwood VIC.
Pretty hot and dry there in summer.
In fact, the Pride of Ringwood hop was developed from the Pride of Kent variety.
They might want to look into that.
Knock yourself out, buddy.
Do you think this mong realises just how disgusting his brain droppings are?
Disinformation continues to infect Australia’s body politic. It’s time to anchor our discourse in shared realityPeter Lewis
Lockdowns, mask mandates and QR entry codes may be consigned to the annals of pandemic history, but those wide-eyed “cookers” convinced that Covid was a deep state conspiracy continue to infect our body politic.
Having railed against the public health mandates, the erosion of fact-based consensus on issues as diverse as energy transition, First Nations justice and regulation of vapes is creating new challenges for reform-minded governments.
See, it was only the tip of tyranny, not the full acid spewing red hot barbed wire coated thrusting phallus of the full thing!!
If ever there was time for a grand bargain between media, platforms and government to reconcile our preference for freedom of expression with the public interest in anchoring our discourse in shared reality, it is now.
Regulating the status quo won’t cut it. We need to get the guardrails in place urgently before we cede our capacity for collective intelligent thought
Mongdemandius stands shattered in his news desert, demanding public funding for HIS correct worldview and facts.
…aaand 95% of The Union Of Factcheckers admit to being Left of centre.
Doesn’t that make you feel unbiased?
Just the Garuniad demonstrating its inner and all encompassing totalitarianism..
From Indolent @ 8:46
The footage shows the cargo ship never got in the approach lane in the channel. You have to be in the channel before you get into that turn. Location was precise/deliberate: chose a bend in the river where you have to slow down and commit yourself – once you are committed in that area there is not enough room to maneuver.
What rolled gold, unmitigated, ocean going bullshit.
The course out under the bridge is a straight run and in fact the ship was tracking slightly to the LHS of the centreline when whatever happened happened.
Watch this before posting more BS.
Dropping the port anchor could have contributed to the course deviation.
Or might have been a failed last second attempt to correct the initial drift.
Last ditch attempt I’d guess.
I wonder if the black smoke was coming from the diesel generators trying to supply max power to bow thrusters which couldn’t really do much in such a short time.
Have a good look at a radial engine close up. The crankcase and crankshaft are very small compared to the power producing bits (the cylinders).
Add in lack of liquid cooling with its pumps, hoses, radiators etc. NACA cowl reduces or eliminates any drag disadvantage.
How many piston airliners after WW2 used in line engines. Canadair did re-engine the DC-4 with Merlins but it wasn’t a resounding success.
The P47 was powered by the P&W R-2800 radial. At least one got home across the channel with a cylinder shot off.
In line engine US fighters were P-38, P-39, P-40 and P-51. All were pre US war entry designs.
For “collective intelligent thought” read “the approved narrative.”
He runs Essential polling, btw.
March 27, 2024 10:04 am
The main drivers were political grandstanding by minor Liars ministers, score-settling by Andrew Demetriou, and WADA/ASADA looking for a target which wouldn’t involve mainstream Olympic sports coming down on them like a ton of bricks.
Laughable when you see what still goes on in cycling.
‘Lawless’ mob rips through Alice Springs, prompting call for federal government takeover
By liam mendes
A violent riot through the streets of Alice Springs on Tuesday has ramped up calls for a total federal government takeover of the town, with the mayor calling for the territory’s government to temporarily step aside.
Parts of Alice Springs were placed into lockdown about 3pm on Tuesday after a mob attacked local businesses and cars, with sources on the ground claiming it was “payback” for the death of a young man who died when a stolen car overturned last month.
The sources said the pack were seeking revenge on someone associated with stealing the vehicle, which eventually flipped, killing the 18-year-old.
The young man was serving a suspended sentence for similar offending and had been ordered to wear an electronic monitoring ankle bracelet and adhere to a strict curfew, but was riding in the stolen vehicle late at night.
CCTV obtained exclusively by The Australian shows the group attempting to smash the windows of a popular pub, pelting bricks and throwing their bodies at glass doors as workers try to barricade themselves in on the other side.
Alice Springs Mayor Matt Paterson told The Australian the town was in a state of “complete lawlessness” and called for the federal government to step in.
“I think we’ve shown that we’re not mature enough to lead ourselves,” he said. “I’m not saying that the federal government needs to be in charge forever, but they just need to get us through the next little while, because clearly what we’re doing right now is not working.
“People just want to be safe, that is all. I don’t think that is too much of a request.
“Clearly the Northern Territory government aren’t listening, they don’t have enough resources and so the federal government needs to step in and just take control and make us safe again, quite frankly.”
He said the mob attack “goes to show that there’s absolutely no care for lawlessness in this town.”
“Yesterday was the worst I’ve ever seen, and I’ve spoken to people who’ve lived here much longer than I have, and they echoed the same sentiment, it’s the worst they’ve ever seen it,” he said.
“And then you look at the video of the people crossing the bridge with the weapons, it’s hard to fathom.”
Residents of the town have spent the past few weeks fearing payback would occur after the Toyota Hilux the teenager was riding in rolled and fatally crushed him. It was stolen from a caravan park on the outskirts of town, driven through a boom gate and taken for a joy ride.
Eight youths fled the scene, leaving their friend to die on the footpath.
A ceremony was held for the 18-year-old on Tuesday afternoon before the violent mob crossed the Todd River and attacked the Todd Tavern.
Payback, in Indigenous parlance, is a form of vendetta aimed at settling a grievance over a death, adultery or disagreement. It is understood a person the group was seeking payback against was inside the pub at the time they began smashing windows and attempting to gain entry.
The Australian can reveal the teenager, who cannot be named due to Aboriginal custom, was facing two separate counts of driving, using or riding a vehicle without consent, and had been before the courts on four separate occasions since May.
Youth patrol — a service of adults who pick up children around town and return them to their town camps — was called off on Tuesday evening due to safety fears.
For weeks, locals in Alice Springs have been fearing a war will begin between families seeking payback against the driver of the vehicle.
Earlier this month, the 18 year old’s family had been moved out of town.
Lawless’ mob rips through Alice Springs, prompting call for federal government takeover
Comment, from the Oz, awaiting approval.
There’s something about the people in the video that I just can’t quite put my finger on. It’s a mystery.
Jacinta Price wants the riot squad called in…
Bowen hit with a cluebat.
Bowen ditches doomed EV sales target (Paywallian)
Eighty nine percent in only 6 years? Wow, is that out of the world or what? Meanwhile since I’m on such things here’s a poll:
2023 Pew poll: 63% of U.S. adults say they are not likely or ‘do not plan’ to purchase an EV (26 Mar)
Seventy percent of Republican voters are hostile towards EVs. Good luck, Mr Bowen, with getting righties on board. Maybe try gulags instead. They won’t work but might make you feel better, and give you a reason to polish your jackboots some more.
From the Oz.
enough is enough
14 minutes ago
Ring Ring Ring
Hello Linda speaking
Linda its Albo – have you seen the media reports on Alice Springs.
No Albo, I’m watching the ABC and reading the Guardian, Age and SMH.
Anyway, Alice Springs? where’s that?
Beep Beep Beep
But that he died in a stolen vehicle was someone else’s fault.
Next up…a police spokesman or a politician opining that this problem is “complex”.
Just reading up on the feedback to nested comments, etc. My reasons for trying this comment plugin out is to see if it improved the page loading, and on that I think it has been successful although the comments on the OT have been down.
Nested comments being hidden also lightens the workload each time you refresh the page as those comments are only retrieved from the database when you request to view them. I completely understand and sympathize with the frustration involved in potentially missing an interesting exchange that might be going in upthread or on the previous page but that is counterbalanced by also not having to follow an exchange that your uninterested in following. I am able to make the child comments visible by default.
If you’re part of conversation in a nested comment you can request notification of replies to your comment, you can follow the person you’re responding to, and there is also the button at the top of the thread (symbolized by user and gear) that has your comments and settings if you are logged, I believe. If that works without being logged in or not let me know, I’d like to know one way or the other.
Other reasons to continue with it for a little longer is that I do like the edit function, as well as the formatting functions although the use of them needs a little getting used to. There is also the spoiler function which people posting long articles could use.
Keep up the feedback.
Its definitely a nicer look and better functions all round. Maybe the extra effort to find and follow conversations of interest could slow down the negative tit-for-tat exchanges …
One suggestion could be to allow long-running exchanges with enough votes to migrate into their own page and become stand-alone topics.
This “User and gear ” way of only buying into the conversations tat one is interested in ? …forgive me I am testing this function ..
No it will only edit …
Sure the Link to comment will probably get it done but it means you need to store these ..
Sorry to be a pest … 😉
Is there any way of locating the comment box at the bottom of the thread/page since I’m usually there when I want to comment on something I’ve just read?
Won’t we get flooded with extra emails? That’s my concern. A barrage of emails letting me know that someone else is voicing my concerns over biscuit packs being opened at the wrong end, or even worse – there being no empty Moccona jars to put the bickies in…
Not a fan of being able to edit comments as people should own what thay say and I have seen it miss used on other forums. As a host you’ll get complaints no matter what. Don’t be so eager to please.
Yeah and it makes the conversations far more coherent .. you dont have to remember the conversation you wanted it engage with as you scroll ..thorough a bunch of stuff…. and I do think it will lessen the “OH Piss off Orc … you infest our conversation space … ” Ah Hom Nastiness …since conversations go directly to where they were intended …
Peace and Mercy Over Easter to All that respect Grace and Forgiveness.
Not that I frequently do .. but once in a while a topic takes my interest. When it ever does … a waiting ..circling retinue of gate Keepers are always ready to call me “Strap On” and fantasize on my behalf what it must be like to be Sodomised in jail … and after a deluge of such accuse me of diluting the rectitude of the wonderfull hum of enlivening conversation …
A nasty vexatious conversation that I have no joy in …but others really do love the righteous indignation … and Sodomy ? If vicariously … yeah rally rally they do seem to love this badinage ..
This more up to date format cuts that nonsense right out ..
… Besides this layout is great .. it is not Late 90s … this is the way things get done now days .. I reckon it is far less clunky .. far more productive !
Would it be instructive to go back to the Netiquette of the 90s ?.. I so loved it then .. You could post any thing you wanted … Everyone used their real Names … and if some one posted something you didnt like … what did we do ? Nothing … BBS were like a virtual camp fire with polite strangers from all over the planet ..
The format that Cat used was like that but the sorts of people and attitudes have changed beyond all recognition .. It sadly wont work today ..
Just for interest where is the “notify response” button .. not seeing it ..
Peace Dover …
Even in the 90s … folks had horror personal stories … that they spoke to the rising sparks from the camp fire … they had no one else to confide in … some of them were lengthy and horrific … and they werent even confiding in Us .. they just spoke to “The Fire” ….an ancient and reliable institution .. we just read thier stories of woe or triumph ..or otherwise . We asked pertinant questions .. spoke with gentlemanly or ladylike respect…
We believed in Peace.
As to very lengthy and specific posts involving sectional interest …
How about a TL:DR … “Here is the nub of the post ” … and have a way of linking to that more wordy conjecture? … GAB have all these problems solved … Not like you are breaking new turf …
But I like the way you are thinking Dover Old Mate !!
Just move hops growing to Scotland, that should give a couple of centuries for the “research”.
Boambee John, how irrational. The whole idea is to spend squillions of munni mitigating a problem that can easily be solved by a farmer doing farmer things like adjusting crops to climate. This is why the Brightest Things In The Room – Any Room – are necessary and wonderful.
132andbush, thanks for that video, in the comments it was reported a wharfy said the ship had electrical problems the 2 days was in port. A few people on board are in serious trouble, no doubt the company told the captain in no uncertain terms to leave due to port costs as well. Still, he is responsible. Underwrighters may not pay out.
Test with new name.
Stick with Sancho
I used to have a cat named Titus.
Really shouldn’t allow Tony Windsor to drive ships in Baltimore.
He has a history.
The Murdoch press are gaslighting ludicrously again. It’s again a tell that they’ve put this wretched pile of steaming excrement outside of their paywall. Why do they like annoying and driving away their readers like this?
Groundbreaking Seize the Decade report explains how to hit climate targets in crucial decade (Tele, 27 Mar, not paywalled)
The frigging Climate Council was Flannery’s old gig and makes the Ponds Institute look almost sane. Sheesh. But this stupid article further proves we have no rightwing media in Australia, we just have overt and covert leftwing propaganda outlets, with Newscorpse in the latter category.
(Apologies to the opinion columnists at the Oz, Tele and Sky, who are fighting a guerrilla campaign against their nutty management, but I suspect you might agree with me.)
Here’s my problem with the ‘ISIS-K’ angle as the prime mover. Who is funding them? Who is the head? Where are they operating from? How do they manage their network? Do they have the capability of conducting an operation in Moscow on their own steam?
ISIS emerged as an offshoot al Qaeda in Iraq that had obtained territory in Syria and Iraq out of political chaos . From what we know of them then they were largely funded by Saudis. As soon as they turned the spigot off around 2015 their days were numbered.
The idea that this was a response to regional powers supporting the Taliban just rings hollow to me. Even if you think it may be a motive, what does the action actually achieve? The Russians aren’t going to overreact and inflame tensions with their large Muslim minorities, and the response so far in those communities appears to be to assist with the investigations and reaffirm their commitment to comity.
No, I reckon the focus should be on where ‘ISIS’ is training, in an arc from Turkey to Iran/ Afghanistan, and against who they are largely pitted against, and by whom (multiple possibilities here)?
Reasonable questions. Doubt that mutilating and torturing the captives will generate good answers, but seems like Putins praetorian guard are doing just that.
ISIS claimed responsibility on their own “news service”, if you can call it that. They’re just lying then? You pose those questions, but here’s some more. Why would they claim responsibility for such a heinous act and what could they possibly gain from that. What is their motivation?
A groundbreaking new report has outlined a pathway to ensure Australia escapes climate disaster and emphasises that current federal targets are not good enough.
There is nothing happening with the climate. What exactly are they going to protect us from?
“A groundbreaking new report has outlined a pathway to ensure Australia escapes climate disaster and emphasises that current federal targets are not good enough.”
It is obvious that only “rich” countries actually care about “the environment”, the poor being more concerned with a roof over their heads, clothes on their back and enough food to feed their family for TODAY, never mind next week.
So the obvious long-term answer is to reduce poverty and make the vast majority of people “rich” enough that they can afford to care about the next century rather than being focused on surviving day to day. This path also has the advantage of being morally superior to insisting that the poor simply cannot live a better life without destroying the planet.
Splendour in the Grass cancelled.
Looks like music festivals are falling victim to the cost of living.
Another catastrophically dangerous heatwave of 25 C?
Ticket sales not covering expenses more likely.
Add insurance, security and other costs. If Splendour can’t make the numbers work doesn’t look too positive for a lot of the others.
I noted the following:
Splendour has struggled in recent years. In 2022 the festival’s first day was cancelled due to flooding. Last year’s festival – headlined by Lizzo, Flume, and Mumford & Sons – failed to sell out, with ticket sales down 30 per cent on the previous year.
Thought so…GWGB.
It’s a fate shared by several other festivals that have fallen by the wayside recently, apparently.
The “Highway to Hell” festival in Perth last drew 150k+ fans to celebrate Oz culture icons AC/DC. Just saying …
I’m guessing the rise in admission complimented by the never ending rise in pill prices may be involved .. LOL!
Mud & rain – a glorious combination. The 10 or so couples from my over 50s village that were supposed to go down are very disappointed.
Irony Award of the day.
White House Slams Venezuela for Trying to Exclude Leading Opposition Candidate from 2024 Election Ballot (26 Mar)
when i open a pack of shapes or chips, I always open it from the bottom as that’s where all the salty seasoning ends up.
I just shake the bag or box. 😀
Destroying IS is looking like a game of whack-a-mole.
They are very much alive and well, not only in the Levant but also in Somalia and Afghanistan and they are clearly not without financial backers, probably in Qatar and Saudi Arabia.
IS-K also levies the population of the Afghan provinces it controls.
Trying to destroy ISIS is like trying to clean the mud off your walls after a flood. There is no point in even trying until the water is removed.
More and more coming forward saying ship “accident” was no accident:
WAS IT AN “ACCIDENT?” Lara Logan Intel Sources Claim Baltimore Bridge Collapse On “Second busiest strategic roadway for hazardous materials” Was “absolutely brilliant strategic attack” | The Gateway Pundit | by Patty McMurray
“when i open a pack of shapes or chips, I always open it from the bottom as that’s where all the salty seasoning ends up.”
My cunning plan stores such delicacies upside down, so that one may open the top and still get the salty goodness spread evenly and at the same time obey the instructions (“For opening instructions, see other end” on the top and “Open other end” on the bottom)
LOL I always open the other (non recommended) end on just about everything (unless liquid of course)…
AS a peanut butter luvva .. the 1st rule of peanut butter is store the jar upside down so the lidded end doesn’t dry out .. right way up the oil sinks to the bottom …
Peanut butter doesn’t last long enough for the sedimentation effect to have any bearing.
“For opening instructions, see other end” on the top and “Open other end” on the bottom”?
I thought that was only on Irish,(Polish, Victorian: insert ethnic / national slur here), beer bottles….
At my workplace in a large institution, our security people have delivered us a substantial cardboard box filled with mini milk chocolate Lindt bunnies.
A generous gift to be sure, but what does a bloke trying to cut calories do with this gift? Easter always ruins any weight loss program I have.
Titus Groats formerly Real Deal.
you don’t have to eat them, you know.
Princely gift!
Cocoa Hyperinflation Strikes Before Easter, Prices Surge To New Record High (26 Mar)
That’s an impressive hockey stick.
There is something wrong with Victorians.
Tell us something Cats don’t know.
54% of them….to be fair.
That is very convenient.
Same with Hamas.
You can exterminate the entire rank and file of Hamas and ISIS and the next day there will be another rank and file rising phoenix-like. That’s because Hamas and ISIS are just inevitable manifestations of observant Islam.
The only answer is to build a wall and put the observant ones over it. No interaction unless someone on the other side apostatizes, then rescue them. If they were faking it put them back over the wall.
Unfortunately, in “our” world once your “over the wall” .. you become a protected species regardless of any ominous signs of “not happy, Jan” …!
I mean a literal wall. Like Israel built between them and the Palis in the West Bank. Nine metres tall reinforced concrete.
I prefer Heard Island.
While Islam exists there is no solution. They are evil. Walls or rules or regulations or restrictions or integration can never work. Allowing for 10 bullets per Muslim, the starting price is 15 billion bullets…
What do you mean?
Asking for clarification warrants a downtick.
Btw, you missed on this morning. Go look!
I’m quite aware that we all pay for our legal and illegal immigrants and I think most people do too yet they still keep voting for parties/politicians who are doing this to the country. I have an impression that American voters have a higher level of resentment than we do.
Possibly; I think they’re more expressive of their resentment than we are.
No we do not keep voting for the politicians that keep doing “this” .. “This” is something that never ever comes up in the “promise ’em the earth” shenanigans that lead up to elections .. The reality is that 90% of things that are passed during a parliamentary term are not on any pre-election platforms ………
This ‘country shopper” waffling has been going on, publically, since Pauline’s original speech yet despite all-sorts of promises by ALL parties the “sugar” is still on the table and showing no signs of coming off ..!
I’d like to believe you.
Trump should be killing it in the polls (regardless of pollster bias), but he isn’t.
Bruce of Newcastle
March 27, 2024 1:38 pm
Same with Hamas.
Just do what the Daleks did – EXTERMINATE !!!!!
I don’t agree with that. Some poor souls in the Islamic countries do hear the Gospel and repent. Brave people.
Rescuing those people would be very worthwhile – like Ayaan Hirsi Ali they know the sheer misery of the places they escaped from.
In large regions of Africa, if not on the whole continent, and many other parts of the world Christians have an added stressor of being terrorised and massacred by Muslim jihadis so surviving is way more important than the weather.
Keep an eye on the merging of climate change with anti-colonialism.
A lot of poor people in 3rd world countries – particularly Africa – think the West owes them.
You could be forgiven for thinking that none of them are capable of self-awareness, they are almost like toddlers with chocolate smeared faces who deny they ate the treats.
Austfailure: How can we get to year zero quickest..
India : Coal go Vrrrrmmmm
Why wouldn’t they think it when the Western media and academia are constantly telling them just that?
The rise of Islamism, of which IS is a particularly egregious example, is only indirectly related to the United States.
Oft times critics of the US make the same mistake as US patriots, thinking that everything is about America. It isn’t. The modern Islamic revival has its own internal drivers and would have arisen if the US had remained completely isolationist throughout the 20th C.
Correct, Wahabism is a reactive element of Sunni Islamic faith that attempts to reconcile the faithful to their (low) role in modern societies where money & technology benefit most folks whatever their religion.
Islam was progressive in its early days and greatly valued learning and science. But sadly the Salafis went the easy route of blaming others to explain why the Sunni faithful were not being rewarded on Earth for their loyalty.
Also had no idea of the horrendously high casualty (mostly dead) rates of bomber crews …..
Have been doing some work on how dangerous is was serving in submarines in WWII, but as part of that looked at bomber figures.
In general across the countries operating them it was more dangerous to be in those aircrews than in submarines. They were seeing the most fatalities percentage-wise. Subs were the second most dangerous type of service.
Also of interest, was that air forces were more dangerous to serve in statistically than the others. The figures are skewed of course – the total serving are smaller. But in the Australian forces in WWII you had more chance of being a fatality in the RAAF than in the Navy, and the most safe percentage-wise was the Army.
Then again there were more fatalities in the Army, so that service tends to get the most “bad press” in that regard.
And Comrade Joe, claimed the Allies were not pulling their weight in Europe prior to D-Day – sheesh
Uboat crews had the highest fatality percentage rate, IIRC
Also bear in mind that, at the end ofWW2, Australia had the fifth-largest air force on the planet.
Sic transit gloria, and al that.
…taxing residents based on the amount of rainwater that falls onto their properties…
Coming to a property near us… it has already been discussed here years ago. If it does come here I will bill the government for all excess water that runs off my 500 acre property down the two waterways that run through. I will charge them for the collection of water that others end up having access to.
No, you could degrade or destroy these groups. They are actual organizations comprised of people, connected to sources/networks of funding, intelligence, recruits and the like, that are able to engage in activities commensurate with the breadth and depth of the above. You can degrade these capabilities by directly or indirectly diminishing any of the above.
Sure, but its also true that state actors, incl. but not limited to the US, have used these groups for their own purposes, geopolitically.
Perhaps it’s time for a Reconquista of the Holy Lands to remove this scourge?
From the mid-1930′ to 1945, nazi Germany was islam’s “strong horse. When that dodgy nag fell before the last hurdels, the search for a new one was on.
Enter Josef Djugashvili, “Comrade Stalin” to anyone who wanted to live (and many millions more who were obliterated).
!990 was a bad year for prize ponies.
Islam is not just a Death Cult, it is parasitic to the point of “body-snatching” the unfortunate host.
All as instructed in that book.
March 27, 2024 2:47 pm
…taxing residents based on the amount of rainwater that falls onto their properties…
Canada and Castro are seriously effed up.
RealDeal I initially read it as tightarse scroat. Well thats what I’m saying anyway.
Who is Angela Chao?
Angela Chao – Wikipedia
Mitch McConnell’s dead sister in law.
Winston, check your email.
Chao had a child at the age of 47?
ie bought one, surely?
I was more interested in her links to global shipping companies….
“ie bought one, surely?”
Maybe she did…. and don’t call me Shirley.
Ranga, that’s a fairly accurate description of me. Short arms long pockets. But I thought I’d pick a new name. Titus Oates was one of my heroes even though he was one of history’s quiet losers. And I like porridge.
Lysander at 1.27pm: “There is something wrong with Victorians.”
No, Lsyander. It’s just that rational Victorians are in the minority.
More than 1/2 the middle classes work for or depend greatly on Government. In my experience they just keep spending OPM until bankruptcy is at the gates … lived there under Kirner and what was interesting how many edumacated people at the time believed the economic mess was just fake news.
Very interesting. Lovely middle-class mother and daughter I coach have OPM in their family incomes (Mum and Dad are school AP/uni prof) and they know about housing costs etc but are worried about ‘glimate jange.
Because OPM is 4ever. Or until the Albo/Temu debit card is taken away.
And don’t forget we haven’t had a functioning opposition in Victoria since Andrews was elected. The liars know they are completely unrestrained and can do whatever they want. They will always be supported by the greens and most of the so-called independents.
Chinese in Pakistan told to stay alert after six killed in suicide bombing (
Another ramadan bombathon.
No surprise with all those imans exhorting their followers to remember their jihadi responsibilities.
Do you mean they’re not just sending aid to the Gazans?
Aggravated burglary advise was given to spend money on security cameras.
I said it was rubbish, these juvenile offenders aren’t deterred by the possibility of being caught on film, it’s why they wear hoodies and balaclavas.
And what would an 88 year do if the alarm went off anyhow, all she could do is ring the police who would turn up long after the offenders were gone.
A Glock 17L can be purchased without modification, the ownership rules on storage are however onerous.
I suggest our elderly take up target shooting at their local pistol club.
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. I suggest a Collingwood jersey for the club champion.
In these parts juvenile offenders are known to mug for the security cameras, secure in the knowledge that they’ll be “diverted” out of any legal consequences for their actions.
Well, that may change come the next election.
What is this new and unknown species of “rational Victorians”?
They must be the ones that arc up when I point out Chairman Dan was re-elected twice, including once after the Red Shirts abuse was known.
Brits: Inline vs radial engines
Inline? THE ultimate choice was Rolls Royce: the marginal “Kestrel” and the magnificent Merlin and Gryphon. as used on; Spitfire, Hurricane Mosquito, Lancaster, etc.
Radials: Lysander, Anson, Blenheim, Beaufort, Beaufighter, Halifax, Sunderland, etc
Then there were the radial-engined Lancasters and inline (Merlin) engined HP Halifaxes. The big problem with the Merlins was that they performed spectacularly from the factory, but were a pig to rebuild, because they were literally hand-fitted.
When Packard in the US started licensed Merlin production, they could not consistently achieve the “peak” performance of the RR originals. However, Packard’s component precision meant that you could dismantle six of their Merlins and dump the bits in a big pile and THEN reassemble six different, but perfectly functional engines that were all “to acceptance spec”. Hugely reduced “down-time” caused by hand-fitted rebuilds by highly skilled mechanics.
The US P47 was almost exclusively powered by the Pratt & Whitney R-2800 in various iterations Rated power was 2430 HP. Essentially an engine designed for multi-engined bombers. There was a prototype “in-line” version, the XP-47H, that went nowhere. In-line engines are liquid-cooled, so you have to hang drag-inducing radiators out in the breeze. Loss of coolant courtesy of enemy fire is also a bit of an issue. Radials are almost exclusively air-cooled.
The jet engine turned aviation upside down in a very short time; starting in the early 1940s. Britain entered WW2 with a motley lineup, including wooden-framed biplane combat aircraft: (Gladiator and Swordfish, etc). By 1945 they were operating jet fighters over Germany.
Bruce, I believe Meteors were forbidden from flying over Germany because of the need to protect technology.
I’ve read that. I may be wrong.
Seems like a hit piece.
“Trump is a Christian Nationalist”
That’s funny because Biden will claim to be both a better nationalist and Christian than the Donald.
Boilerplate rubbish. Phillips has drunk the leftist kool aide.
The radical, authoritarian and racialist politics are all on the Left.
These people never seem to comprehend that the Fascists and the Nazis were all lefties. If you want to know about right wing politics read the New Testament.
Awaiting for approval?
Inconvenient Truth – 32 Climate Hoaxes
17 minute video
I’m not altogether sure about that. I think leadership is important. A leader, even in Hamas, needs to be able to persuade people about the quality and value of his ideas. We can think the Hamas leadership is truly evil, and of course it is, but we can’t argue that it hasn’t taken the vast majority of the people with him/them. It’s not always certain the next crop is capable or willing to persuade people with extremist ideas. That’s why it’s necessary to kill the current crop.
Phillips is basically describing fascism in a modern American context. Also, it sounds like a mirror image of identity politics and the other swill we’re seeing from the left. I’m not suggesting his predictions are wrong, but that’s what they are. At some stage, there is a pretty decent possibility that racial whites and some aligned minorities will rise up against the abuses that we’re seeing leveled against them by the left. If he’s right, America is not going to be a happy place going forward.
However, I reserve the right to be optimistic until the November election.
Lastly, there is the issue of fertility going on. Blue states are simply not replacing themselves in the same way as red states.
Liebor look like they’re going to win (former) Premier Steve Marshall’s (former) seat of Dunstan by about 300 votes.
USA President responds to Baltimore bridge collapse.
“eh? Key pop was a bad dude, y’know?”
First SA Opposition seat overturned at a by-election in 116 years.
Fertility rates by state is interesting. Red states have a pretty decent advanatge going forward.
The last one is from 2019, but the trend hasn’t really changed.
Drill baby drill.
I’m not sure the US could convince the Saudis to raise production in order to move the price down, but the US, under Trump, could help lower the oil price to say 50 bucks a barrel by increasing supply.
Albo’s need for some Gillard clean air has never been greater. Another Australian government that won’t be running on its record at the next election.
Alice Springs raises the white flag. Pony Club next?
Picked up by CL. Note the emphasis (where their ABC can’t say in black and white Ms Keen is not a Nazi).
On 27 March 2023, the ABC broadcast a 7.30 interview with Victorian opposition leader John Pesutto. That interview referred to the organisers of the “Let Women Speak” event held in Melbourne earlier that month and included a social media post by “Posie Parker”. Some viewers may have understood the interview to suggest that Kellie-Jay Keen, who was not named in the interview, who organised the Melbourne “Let Women Speak” event, has associations with Neo-Nazis. The ABC understands Ms Keen denies any association with Neo-Nazis and the ABC does not endorse any imputation that may have been conveyed to that effect.
Weasel words, admitting to error while not doing so.
NRL apology
Rabz. Yesterday.
…taxing residents based on the amount of rainwater that falls onto their properties…
1) OK, so my tax bill so far this year is zero
2) I would consider paying a ‘rainfall received’ tax, once the govt agrees to a guaranteed supply of it.
Isn’t that included in the water rates where you have to pay some, even if you’re not connected to the supply?
Perth rainfall tax would be problematic. I expect they’ll stick with iron ore royalties.
Deadset, it was nearly snowing when I turned up last winter.
Schizoid weather, it explains the public “art” somewhat.
Climate the Movie: The Cold Truth
The final nail in the coffin for the “human-induced climate change” scam. An absolute MUST-WATCH!
Directed by Martin Durkin (@Martin_Durkin), director of 2007’s ‘The Great Global Warming Swindle’. Produced by Tom Nelson (@TomANelson).
Nice to see Elon is carrying it.
So far the usual suspects have gotten it blacklisted on Vimeo and are working to get it off YouTube,
Typical lefties, they can’t counter the arguments so they censor it.
Climate Misinformation (25 Mar)
Another excellent episode of The Five where Waters and Gutfeld eviscerate that stringulated leftie kunt jessica tarlov who lies through her blood less lips about the great man. It is a joy to behold as she degenerates into sobbing screechs. It also can’t be long before Judge Janine, who sits next to the bitch, backhands her into next week. Today after a montage of leftie cockroaches called Trump a mafia chief after the success of his Truth stock IPO, the camera switched back to the Judge as she mouthed the word fukwits. And then tarlov said the same thing about Trump!. It can’t be long before the Judge draws blood.
She hasn’t had a shag in years.
She hasn’t had a sLag in years.
Fixed it for ya Lysander. 😀
The modern Islamic revival has its own internal drivers and would have arisen if the US had remained completely isolationist throughout the 20th C.
No. The modern revival of islam occurred because the modernisation of the US economy required oil which was discovered in islam-land in the ME. That gave the towel-heads the money to attack the rest of the world. Without that dosh they would have stayed in the desert rooting camels. Of course what followed in the US and the West’s modernisation is that decadence and the left followed and islam gained victimhood status thus preventing the much more powerful West from dealing with the mad bastards. Part of Trump’s genius was stopping the chunks from buying iran’s oil thus reducing the ability of iran’s terrorists like hamas from operating.
You can’t change islam which taps into a madness in humanity but you can take away its means.
Interesting point, if you want to reduce car emissions why wouldn’t you build more, and better, roads?
Nothing worse for emissions than trucks sitting in (peak hour) traffic for hours on end.
(No, I don’t care about emissions, period).
I’m gonna dob you into Extinction Rebellion.
Media illiteracy is a pet hate of mine. Leftist Sharri Markson, who has been forced to support Israel because the left has abandoned it, announced last night that a Singaporean container ship had collided with a bridge in Baltimore.
FFS, Sharri, ships can’t collide with bridges. Collisions occur only between two moving objects. The bridge wasn’t moving. It was hit by a ship.
Bridges do move, just not enough to avoid rampaging ships.
Bridge pylons, however, don’t move.
If you look under a bridge you will see bridge bearings. We used to make them. Large pads of PTFE with dimples machined into them for the purpose of containing lubricating oil.
I learned a new word when reading somewhere about the bridge collapse: “allision”. It’s where a moving vessel strikes a stationary object. There is a presumption that the moving vessel is at fault.
Don’t know who I’ve upset, down at the Australian. Comment “rejected” on the story on the rioting Aborigines in Alice Springs.
It seems “Hear, hear!” may inflame reader’s passions…
1 hour ago
Surely these are just sweet misunderstood youths who need to be given more money for being victimised. Bruce Pascoe says Alice Springs is such a safe place and not at all scary as per the Weekend Australian review of his book.
Alice Springs is one of the very few places on Earth that a mass conversion to Islam would be an improvement.
Relatively, of course.
Malcolm Roberts BLASTS the entire Government bureaucracy for wanting Digital ID in Australia
He’s right. The government that can’t keep drugs out of the gaols, wants to know our secrets – for safekeeping.
Remember how easy it was for the Dutch Jews to be rounded up and murdered because the government had Religion as a field in their data?
The Cook By-Election Campaign in NSW is in full swing. Vinay Kolhatkar (Libertarian) election platform:
The main problem is the run of the mill Australian voter wouldn’t know the difference between a libertarian and a librarian.
Dark sardonic Mills.
I like the cut of Vinay’s jib.
So he hasn’t got a chance? Take a few Primaries off the Lieborals hopefully.
The revival would have happened without oil money, only at a less accelerated rate in recent times.
It has to do with…
The destitution of Muslim societies in the late 19th C. esp. as compared with the colonial powers of Britian and France, a historical humiliation that created much resentment.
The fall of the Caliphate after WWI and the Sykes-Picot agreement.
And more recently (from c. 1980) the translation of the Quran into languages other than Arabic.
As I wrote, all of this would have happened if the US remained isolationist.
That is just a sketch, I don’t have time for more atm.
An inevitable collision of civilisations.
Rumours of the end of history were greatly exaggerated.
Very much so. What a ridiculous man.
An inevitable collision of civilisations.
Along with Marxist haters white anting the west. Andrew Giles is a particularly good example. What a poisonous hate filled mind the BA LLB Scotch alumnus must have.
Giles seat really is a Liar fiefdom. No wonder it is filled with dross.
Illegal migrant charged with shooting dead 25-year-old Michigan woman was deported under the Trump administration
And this
New York City Council Begs Court to Authorize Voting Rights for 800,000 Foreign Nationals
Pot calling the kettle black. They should look in the mirror.
White House Slams Venezuela for Trying to Exclude Leading Opposition Candidate from 2024 Election Ballot
What a surprise: Denmark’s crime statistics according to national origin and religion. We have a winner: islam
The Effects of Immigration in Denmark – by Inquisitive Bird (
How odd!
Muslims Overrepresented in UK Prison Population by Almost Three Times (20 Mar)
The Tele has been running the antics of the Alameddine crime clan for months and months. They and their rivals have been assassinating each other in Western Sydney for a while now. One wonders why plod has been letting them do so.
We really are governed dilettantes. Very nasty dilettantes.
The jet engine turned aviation upside down in a very short time
Sure did for good reason when you look into it. The early jets were criticised for high fuel consumption but what is left out is the power. A kiddy car Vampire with a 3500 pounds thrust De Havilland Goblin at a bit over 300 knots was being powered by 3500 hp. Compare to P-47, Spitfire etc at just over 2000 hp.
Look at the mechanical complexity of a P&W R3360 four row radial of 3000 hp and its weight. 28 cylinders with two plugs per cylinder. Imagine being a young airman being sent to change the plugs in a six engine B-36. Be back next week.
The number that demonstrates to me how valuable jet engines were is the lifetime of Me-262 engines, which was as low as 12 hours flight time.
So good were they it was obviously worth rebuilding them constantly.
where Waters and Gutfeld eviscerate that stringulated leftie kunt jessica tarlov
You really do not like her do you.
The revival would have happened without oil money
The money provided the means. You then list positive incitements, national shame, destitution etc. I think they are used as excuses. Islam is its own incentive. It is adept at masquerading behind false justifications like the ones you list. These excuses make islam palatable to the left which as I say regards the horrid ideology as a victim of the West. It isn’t. It creates its own misery and like all left endorsed victims, then blames that misery on the West. The pallis are a classic case. Given the same as the Israelis the pallis created hell on Earth while the Jews created the opposite. To then say the pallis are motivated by being oppressed by the Jews ignores the totality of their own blame.
Another example are the 3rd nations who are responsible for their own misery not colonialism or racism.
The details of history and their possible causal effect are irrelevant. Islam hasn’t changed in 1500 years. If pascoe is right the 3rd nations haven’t changed in 120000 years.
Farmers shut down London!
Of course it is…which is why the translation of the Quran into languages other than Arabic was so crucial in its contemporary revival. It subjected the folk Islam which had prevailed in many parts of the non-Arabic Muslim world to the critique of their foundational religious text.
But the socio-political factors I mentioned are the cradle in which modern Islamism was nurtured.
And that’s without taking full account of Wahhabism, which pre-dates the advent of the United States by several decades.
You really do not like her do you.
She’s a leftie. I have not met, seen or heard about a leftie who should not be nuked. Convince me otherwise. In the mean time here is a cute owl.
In the olden days one would get a surprise sometimes with a passable cute owl.
Rare, but it would happen.
This one & the one from yesterday have been through the filter about ten too many times.
I think they’re AIs. I’ll do better tomorrow.
Pauline Hanson
Exposed: The Truth Behind Australia’s Rushed Digital ID Law – A Step Towards Totalitarian Control
Youth curfew in A-town.
Only 2 weeks to flatten the curve?
Thanks, Tom.
A collision – it does take two moving objects.
But just about everyone prefers to say a ship and a bridge collided.
Cute Owl Antidote.
Kim Beazley backs campaign to thwart Woodside project, save Aboriginal rock art
The West Australian
Wed, 27 March 2024 12:00AM
Dan Jervis-Bardy
Former Federal Labor leader and WA Governor Kim Beazley is throwing his support behind a push to thwart a major Woodside project in order to save an ancient Aboriginal rock art site.
Mr Beazley and former WA premiers Peter Dowding and Carmen Lawrence are among more than 40 signatories to a letter appealing to federal Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek to reject approval for Woodside’s planned extension to the North West Shelf LNG facility on the Burrup Peninsula.
The letter, co-ordinated by Friends of Australian Rock Art, urges Ms Plibersek to block the application due to the project’s greenhouse gas emissions and the potentially “profound and irreversible” damage to the Murujuga rock art.
Mr Beazley and former WA premiers Peter Dowding and Carmen Lawrence (pictured) are among more than 40 signatories to a letter appealing to federal Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek to reject approval for Woodside’s planned extension to the North West Shelf LNG facility on the Burrup Peninsula.
“Scientific evidence that industrial pollution from gas processing on the Burrup Peninsula is degrading the ancient Murujuga rock art is clear and compelling, and the outdated North West Shelf Facility is by far the largest contributor to the pollution load,” the two-page letter states.
Ms Plibersek earlier this month described Murujuga as a “natural wonder of the world” after its UNESCO World Heritage Listing nomination progressed to the next stage.
There are an estimated one to two million rock art images at Murujuga, recording 50,000 years worth of history.
Mr Beazley confirmed to The West that he signed the letter but did not wish to comment further.
The letter comes as the Federal Government’s contentious offshore gas Bill appears set to be delayed for at least another six weeks as the Greens and independents frustrate its passage through Parliament.
The legislation designed to curb “lawfare” against major gas projects passed the lower house late on Tuesday but is unlikely to be put to a vote in the Senate before the Easter break.
Traditional owners, including Raelene Cooper, who fought Woodside’s Scarborough project in the Federal Court, were in Canberra on Tuesday to demand the Bill be dumped.
The legislation would allow Resources Minister Madeleine King — after consulting with Ms Plibersek — to change the consultation requirements on offshore gas projects, with the hope of avoiding a repeat of Ms Cooper’s legal fight with the gas giant.
“This legislation is another attempt to silence the voices of the traditional custodians speaking out to protect our country,” Ms Cooper told reporters in Parliament House.