Why the hell did they have to make so many Philip K. Dick novels into movies? There are lots more…
Why the hell did they have to make so many Philip K. Dick novels into movies? There are lots more…
Enjoy your holiday. And that’s an order!
I always feel like somebody’s watching me And I have no privacy
Read “The Ravens” by Christopher Robbins. The FACs in Laos.
Total Recall on soon, old Arnie one with all it’s cheesiness. Outta here, have a good night all.
Greetings from Marrakesh. Penultimate day of my Moroccan holiday. Nice hotel overlooking the Royal Tennis Club of all things.
I’ll do a retrospective when I’m back in Spain and have a chance to cogitate on all I’ve seen and experienced.
Don’t you know youre riding on the Marrakesh Express
All abooooard
For Marrakesh!
Love to hear more about it, Calli. Especially safety aspects.
Here is a song from my youth. It all seemed so far away and exotic back then.
Johannes Leak.
Peter Broelman.
Brett Lethbridge.
Note to Lethbridge-
his sketch of Miles would be twice as effective if he gave him small, dull, flat eyes and brown pupils. Even make the whites of his eyes skin-toned.
Unfortunately he seem hypnotized by his own brush, like Leak Snr’s daft Tintin for Rudd.
The Chook would never let this bother her. She’s a VIP.
Patrick Blower.
Michael Ramirez.
Tom Stiglich.
Al Goodwyn.
Matt Margolis.
Henry Payne.
Ben Garrison.
From the OOT
Top Ender
May 27, 2024 3:05 am
You can read it all on the Daily Mail for free. or on the OOT. 25th
I only was grabbed by this statement.
“We have spent the last 12 years trying to teach people about the allergy and to use epi-pens. It’s a volatile allergen and even if Rosie didn’t come into direct contact with a peanut, if somebody was eating one on board she could die.”
I think I am as compassionate as the next guy, probably more so eh m0nty?
I am no medico so I have to take this claim on board, but if true then this young lady, look at her in the article, should never leave a protective bubble.
At any time she could come in close contact with someone eating a peanut and breathing on her, what then?
Is that person going to be charged with manslaughter at least?
I have the feeling the whole thing was a setup.
If I am wrong downtick me a thousand times.
I had a look at the picture on the Mail, and saw a manipulative mother with probable Munchausen’s by Proxy, a 14? year old daughter who was learning how to be a manipulative bitch, and a man with a horrendous life and divorce ahead of him.
A psychologist would be able to write a dozen books just from being a fly on the wall in their house.
How can this happen?
Where are they coming from?
Maybe all of those aid truck are carrying something other the halal burgers?
the first major barrage [my bolding].
Take note of the qualifier: ‘major.’
My impression was that small clusters have been fired at civilian areas in Israel on a semi-regular basis until at least a few weeks ago.
We also don’t hear much – if anything – about the continuing solo or pair attacks from the West Bank, in which Israeli lives have been lost.
Yes, not the same as h@m@s, I know, but same-different-same.
Not wrong, I think the same.
Have they never taken daughter to a crowded shopping centre?
In fact everywhere in Britain now feels like a crowded shopping centre according to my cousin who has emigrated to Oz.
While the left’s vitriolic sprays against Harrison Butker continue apace, we still hear nothing from them against muslims, who are against abortion and homosexuality, and see the woman’s role as in the home.
You can put this lack of condemnation down to both cowardice and duplicity.
I’m fond of saying that America is stuffed because there are too many bad actors in too many positions. Gateway Pundit today has a story about the superintendent of the Denali National Park, who has asked contractors to remove US flags from their equipment because it “detracts from the Park experience”.
No American flags allowed it seems, but the official National Park Service website has a whole page devoted to “LGBTQ+ Flags”, which are presumably welcome in the Parks.
I’ve got problems with that on many levels but lets start with why the NPS, a federal agency, is promoting the LGTBQ+ sexual lifestyle (and no others, nor should there be), on a taxpayer funded website?
Because it’s US government policy following a 2022 executive order by Joe Biden on advancing equality and inclusion for LGBQTI people, or at least it’s the NPS’s interpretation of that order as it applies to them.
Bit of light relieve I hope.
Because while all of them are names, descriptions and what they are to various extents, Batman is a primarily a name, Iron Man is primarily a description and Spider-Man is primarily what he is.
Hamas and its multitude of followers in Gaza (and no, I don’t subscribe to the daft idea that there are just a few bad eggs wearing Hamas badges plus millions of innocent “civilians”) have been lobbing missiles over the fence at various Israeli villages for years. The MSM has by and large regarded that as “boys will be boys” and to this day have disregarded it as a casus belli.
All those tunnels and all those rockets have not been built by a few bad boys. But in defiantly launching a fresh batch, Hamas has again fulfilled that adage “they never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity”. They have proven Israeli authorities correct in saying it ain’t over until it’s over.
“I have the feeling the whole thing was a setup”.
Funny you should say that Kevin.
That would be Rosie’s mum, and there goes any question about how this went from nothing to existential crisis in no time. Why a scoop like that could even pay for a family holiday in Turkey…
Reposted for excellence, from the old fred. It is worth posting in full…..
Australia threatened by an anti-Jewish hateGray Connolly
I grew up, mostly, in Sydney’s eastern suburbs. Then as now, it was an affluent locality but also a very Jewish one.
An older person paying for groceries or reaching for a shelf might reveal a forearm with fading numbers tattooed in what was once dark ink.
You knew, as a gentile, never to say anything. It was impossible to comprehend what suffering these Holocaust survivors endured.
At the same time, Jewish schools and institutions looked like Christian ones, and Jewish parents picking up their children did not have to convoy, as they do now, to fortified schools and synagogues that resemble forward operating bases in Iraq.
This recent hostility to Jews is abhorrent but also baffling. After all, Jews make up only 0.4 per cent of the population, small enough to be accommodated by the MCG precinct.
Moreover, whenever and wherever you grew up, it was and is impossible to ignore the historically enormous contribution of Jews to Australia and to the nation we have become.
General Sir John Monash, our greatest soldier, was Jewish. Sir Isaac Isaacs, a founding father of our federation and first Australian-born governor-general, was Jewish.
Sidney Myer, founder of the Myer retailing empire, who in the Depression cut his own salary rather than sack any employee, was Jewish. Sir Zelman Cowen, a Rhodes scholar and naval intelligence officer in World War II, and later governor-general, was Jewish.
Down to today, if there has been one group of “lifters” in Australia, who have given so much, so disproportionately, to our country, it’s our Jewish fellow citizens.
We have made mistakes as a country, particularly in our treatment of our Indigenous people.
However, if there was something we as Australians got right, it was a refusal to allow religious prejudices to be mainstreamed.
Yes, we had sectarian tensions. But we also had prohibitions on religious tests for public office, and we had a politics that valued and defended the different faith traditions of our pluralistic Australia.
I emphasise the word “had” as I fear, increasingly, that this Australia is now under grave threat.
It is the sad case in 2024 that all too many in our country, who must know better, have acquiesced for months in the pollution of our discourse, our streets, and even our universities, by what we Australians had mercifully avoided: the cancer of anti-Semitism.
If ever a myth was exploded by recent events, it is that education is a shield against prejudice. Strong leadership and good moral example are not just shields but swords against such monsters but education in itself, absent a moral core, is but a sterile form of indoctrination.
Hence the appalling state of our campuses, where the harassment and intimidation of Jewish students and staff is now rife.
With too few exceptions, the leaders of our major universities are missing in action, or quibbling, or equivocating – trembling vice-chancellors hiding under desks, “waiting on advice”.
Worse, our police, whose sworn duty is to enforce the law without fear or favour, are now terrified of “escalating” situations where Jews are already being menaced or their schools and synagogues terrorised.
If you are from Sydney, you know the police never cowered, especially when ranks were filled by war veterans and rugby league players.
It is unimaginable that an earlier generation of NSW police would ever have allowed anti-Semitic mobs to gather at the Sydney Opera House on October 9 last year, well before a single Israeli soldier had entered Gaza, to incite hate at “the Jews”.
Yet, even as we may wish to assign blame elsewhere, it is we as citizens who are ultimately to blame.
It is we who decide, each day, by our acts and omissions, what sort of country we want to live in.
It is we who demand too little leadership from our alleged “leaders”.
For too long, too many of us have accepted mediocrity, indolence and sclerosis, and now rank and abject cowardice, from Canberra, from Macquarie St, from university chancelleries, and, worst of all, from chiefs of law enforcement.
The result of our society shamefully accepting such lamentable circumstances is the cancerous anti-Semitism we now see.
Rather than watch our world disappear, we all can help it, and we each must help it.
Never Again means Never Again. We owe our Jewish sisters and brothers a solidarity of nothing less.
Gray Connolly is a Sydney barrister and writer
Oh and yesterday, in Sydney’s CBD, there was yet another Jew hating protest aka festival. One every week…who cares what us infidels think…Jew hatred is serious weekly business. Why is this being allowed to happen? Ahh, but don’t you know, these people have special rights and privileges, remember? Getting the bus, I saw lots of hijabs, ISIS beards, and keffiyehs, and all I could think…..
RIP Australia.
Cassie, I’m more optimistic than you, but you’re right in one respect: it’s now dawning on Australia’s great unwashed that it’s not only in war that you must fight for the freedoms you take for granted.
We’re now in an undeclared war for our freedoms — and most of it is against those who rule over us in Australia with oppressive laws and rules designed to remove the freedoms we thought we had won on the battlefield in World War II.
Cassie — Gray Connolly is a mensch. His is one twitter feed I check regularly.
Why did he have to insert the obligatory “we did bad by abos”, line?
German substack commentator eugyppius yesterday:
It’s a rare moment when politicians speak with complete candour; this is why. The attempts to control the behaviour of citizens through tax “nudges”, legislated mandates and the censorship of political speech (Germany has its own problems there) is nothing but creeping totalitarianism.
are nothing but…
Didn’t find the error quickly enough to edit it. 😀
I am totally opposed to any new ‘hate speech laws’. We already sufficient have laws to cover hate speech. What we lack in this increasingly hideous woke world is the political will to enforce those laws unless, of course, you happen to be a white male who tells a joke or tells the truth about a political or social issue. Just ask Mark Latham.
If new laws are enacted, does anyone seriously believe that such laws would ever be enforced by NSWaffen Police against Muslim hate clerics? Would the NSWaffen Police turn up one morning to Lakemba Mosque to try to arrest a Muslim sheikh or imam for hate speech against Jews?
LOL, if anyone here is so naive as to think this would happen then you are living in la la land.
Any new ‘hate speech laws’ will simply be used to further strangle people like you and me.
The background issue being that once in force the law will never be overturned by a future SFL governmen.
When you let the kiddies write the stories .. LOL!
It completes a brilliant weekend for Maguire, who lifted the FA Cup on Saturday after United’s shock 2-1 win over other major rivals Manchester City.
The 31-year-old missed the game through injury,
The question is are they moral cowards or fellow travellers?
And pace Gray, anti-Semitism has a deep history in Australia. The Bulletin, the standard bearer of the anti-imperialist, republican Left in the late 19th & early 20th Cs, regularly featured anti-Semitic cartoons and tropes.
It may be that the popularity of Monash with the troops and at home did more to bury this early manifestation of the ancient hatred on our shores than any other factor.
Time Bandits is getting a woke make-over, Snow White style. ugh.
how original yet another
femdomgirl boss movieWorth mentioning that General Sir Peter Cosgrove has unequivocally condemned the antisemitism as well.
‘Hitler would be proud’ of the rise in antisemitic acts targeting Australia’s Jewish community, warns Peter Cosgrove (Sky News, 26 May)
I have to say he makes the entire political establishment look like midgets by comparison, especially the have-it-both-ways Labor Party.
Labor party do not want to have it both ways, they just pretend so, they are straight out anti-semites.
There are two Australian Labor Parties: the one before the turn of the century and the one after it.
The one before the turn of the century was led by leaders of the Australian working class like Bob Hawke.
The one that came after the turn of the century is a bunch of trade union leaders who no longer need union members (thanks to Paul Keating’s compulsory superannuation, which provides the cash flow for roughly half the country’s unions) and are therefore free to indulge their socialist ideological fantasies — the trash of the Australian middle class, as one of the ALP’s 20th century elders termed it.
Still got 9 lives .. !
Wow! That is one lucky little kitty.
Excellent clip, thanks.
“When this was explained to the passenger, he did exhibit aggressive behaviour towards our crew members, and tried to gain access to the cockpit”
I don’t think hubby was quite as polite as mumma makes out.
The pair are not receiving much love in the comments. hah.
Not surprised the family were taken off the flight. Since 9/11 it has been a huge no-no to try and get into the cockpit.
What a hideously dysfunctional family.
I get the feeling that hubby was told to make a fuss of it, as per the setup plan, on the threat of no nooky while on holidays, and got too carried away.
Even if the pair were as polite as one of King Charles’s courtiers, knocking on the cockpit door is a complete no-no. Idiots with massive entitlement pudding for brains. Self important jackasses who then publicly post about it.
The new crop of German politicians are a bit more hesitant than their predecessors but Nazi in nature no matter what. When something is so odious that it encounters pushback leave it for a while for people to get used to it first.
anti-Semitism has a deep history in Australia.
Yes and no, and any historical anti-Semitism in this country was akin to anti-Catholicism, usually sectarian based and it drew on class prejudice and Jews being the ‘other’….but it was and has never been anything like this. Clubs and associations discriminated against Jews and Catholics.
The problem with “anti – semitism” is that it suggests misunderstanding or prejudice which can be corrected. There is no misunderstanding with these people. They are quite clear about their intentions.
Mmm…the allergy is to a protein in the peanut. The protein isn’t air-borne via the odour compounds. A piece of peanut would have to find its way from the eater to Rosie who would have to ingest it. A fairly insignificant risk, I would have thought.
Follow the science!
Didn’t airlines (QANTAS) stop handing out peanuts as a snack on flights, because people with peanut allergies might be on the plane?
No, but I wish they would. In Economy and Premium Ec they still give you these little paks with the first drinks round. Pretty sure it was Qantas last time I got these, but other airlines also commit this crime against nibblies.
I loathe peanuts; they taste foul and are the lowest form of nut.
A move to Macadamias would enhance many lives. 🙂
Leak. He’s just getting better by the day. He nails that evil, pencil necked halfwit to the wall.
Daytime Sky News is clinging to any anti-Trump piece of floating wreckage they can find in the swamp that is US politics. Today it is Trump getting some boos from the libertarian crowd on the weekend. The narrative put forward is that “Trump didn’t handle the pandemic properly”.
I don’t think the US is recoverable any more, Trump or no Trump, but the libertarians remind me of the Monty Python skit about the Really Silly Party. They may have a lot of questions, but no answers.
Well he tried and in the process elevated their conference in the news, attention they otherwise would not have received. He can now make fun of them at his rallies.
BB, until Dover took it over, Catallaxy Files was a libertarian blog run by a libertarian academic who, in my opinion, loathed conservatives.
One of the reasons professor Sinclair Davidson abandoned his stewardship of the Cat was the heat he was getting from colleagues at work.
Libertarians love freedom up until the point where you have to take responsibility for it. That’s why they rightly have a reputation as bowtie-wearing fops who love freedom only as a theoretical topic of conversation at dinner parties.
And never let anyone forget, I am more than willing to repeat it ad nauseum, he was an unrepentant fluffer for Turdball.
Warren cartoon ..
I’m seeing clear parallels with the pro-Palestinian university activism of the 1970’s. Then, the real issues winding up the clockwork toys were various flavours of socialist revolution, and anti-US imperialism, and ‘sticking it to the Man’. The protestors welcoming the air hijackings as legitimate struggle were the same wunderkind who would be waving unread copies of Mao’s Little Red Book.
Fellow travellers – emboldened by the new demographics and the prospects of changing the system by launching the Greens into government.
Arky, you are a kiwi, eat your heart out.
Had an Austin A40.
Wrote it off, aged 16.
ABC reports lots of Pommy doctors heading to OZ for better pay and conditions.
Longer consultations with the Dr.Pom telling you what’s wrong with them first.
LOL, pay that one Gez.
That would be after you stand and applaud them for two minutes.
Perhaps the final chance to reduce Hamas to a smouldering rubble and what do the elites want?
Despicable turds who seem to forget about what actually was the cause of Israel’s offensive. FMD
Not too worry, both Luigi & “bummed-it” will be loudly condemning the Hamas rockets attack 1st thing this morning .. !
The protein isn’t air-borne via the odour compounds.
Sounds like poor kid’s got a psychosomatic condition.
Part of me thinks 99% of all analeptic reactions are panic-based.
I think it may be the parents who have the issues.
I wonder if they were avid maskers during covid? Because in this instance a simple mask really would be an effective prophylactic against any flying peanut fragments in the cabin. 😀
Attack chickens.
Flock of rampant chickens unleashes ‘hell’ and terrorises residents of sleepy English town (26 May)
Merciless clucking? Adjectives to infinity and beyond! Some journo had fun writing this article.
Just to clarify, Faustus, my question was in regard to the various mealy-mouthed Labour political leaders and their police commissioners and security advisers (Hi Mike!), not the demonstrators, who are merely useful idiots subject to manipulation.
My diagnosis in some cases, e.g. Minns, would be moral cowardice. However, anti-semitism, which was once a hallmark of the left in this country, has been rising in the Labor Party for some decades.
I can assure you that support for Jewish people and Israel is rock solid in the bush.
I can second that. 😀
That may very well be the case.
I would suggest however, that the opinions of the good people of the bush, do not outweigh the opinions of the majority of people on earth.
I stated on about the 10th Oct 2023, that:
“it is NOT in the best interests of Israel to enter Gaza.”
The reason given by the Israeli PM, (Ben Pfizer), was to eradicate Hamas.
How is that going? The IDF has entered Rafa, but have they eradicated Hamas in the North of Gaza? (No).
How is the Israeli economy looking now?
100,000 Israelis have now left their homes in Northern Israel. Clearly, the IDF are in total control up there.
50,000 have left their homes in Southern Israel and the IDF have conscripted 300,000. So instead of working and paying tax, they are now recipients of Govt handouts/salaries.
On top of all this, the Houtis are still controlling access to the Suez Canal/Red Sea, which is strangling the Israeli economy even further.
(Ships can go the long way around, but this significantly increases costs).
As soon as the “fighting” stops in Gaza, Pfizer and his crooked wife will face charges in Israel, that will see him die in gaol.
That, ….., is the ONLY reason this preposterous “military” action was undertaken.
Did anyone really believe that “eradicating Hamas” was achievable?
So, what are the results of this ridiculous decision by Pfizer?
-Israel has been isolated and opposed by 90% of countries.
-Israel’s economy is sliding down the toilet.
-The PM and Defence Minister have become targets for international legal organisations. Whilst nothing has formally occurred in this sphere, it is possible that an adverse outcome in any proceedings, may affect the ability of the US to support Israel in future.
-Numerous hostages have been killed, by the IDF.
-Approx 640 IDF and Police killed in Gaza. (Even more have been killed in the North)
-An exodus of Israeli people has begun. This may threaten the very existence of Israel, but it will certainly change Israel.
All to keep Pfizer out of prison.
Mmmyes and where are the Liberal Party now? Have a look at this fluff from the Daily Telegraph:
Political gun eh? Good luck son, you may need more than that though.
Crosby Textor? He’ll be fine then. They can just rely on the votes that don’t matter.
Is Isaac from Porpoise Spit? Rishi Sunak, what a coincidence!
One morning a husband returned after several hours of fishing and decided to take a nap. Although not familiar with the lake, his wife decided to take the boat out and go for a ride. She motored out a short distance, anchored, and began to read her book.
A short time later, along comes a game warden in his boat. He pulled up alongside the woman and said, “Good morning Ma’am. What are you doing?”
“Reading a book,” she replied, (thinking, “Isn’t that obvious?”)
“You’re in a restricted fishing area,” he informed her.
“I’m sorry officer, but I’m not fishing, I’m reading.”
“Yes, but you have all the equipment. For all I know you could start at any moment. I’ll have to take you in and write you up.”
“If you do that, I’ll have to charge you with sexual assault,” said the woman.
“But I haven’t even touched you,” said the game warden.
“That’s true, but you have all the equipment. For all I know you could start at any moment.”
“Have a nice day ma’am,” he said and he left.
That’s really quite brilliant.
Oh but Rushi Sinook won’t be taking the service Webly to the study, he’ll be taking the Gulfstream to Switzerland.
A couple of takeaways for me from Toibin’s book.
I get the impression that accepting EU apron strings in the 70s and 80s brought great economic benefits to Ireland. One old man Toibin spoke to said he received £9300 (pre euro) for home improvements and others marvelled at the opportunity for proper heating, kitchens with electric stoves and washing machines that was paid for by government grants.
As late as the 1940s poor Catholic children as young as twelve were taken off to hiring fairs, to work for six months for Protestant farmers to paid £5 or £6 at the end, one women in her sixties said she’d be sent at age 12, no abuse but they made her eat off a bag on the table, and she worked long and hard, starting with the hand milking at 6 am, another girl had been sent home pregnant with twins, though another old timer claimed some of the hirees had ended up inheriting farms.
Most people wouldn’t talk to Toibin about it, they were ashamed at being reduced to hiring out.
Protestants wouldn’t sell their farms to Catholics, nor the other way round.
There was talk of ‘plantations’ and something else that still rankled with Catholics. Certain people on the right side in 1641 got extraordinary grants of land and natives were driven off.
I don’t know because he didn’t go into detail but that might have been the genesis of the Irish Traveller.
One family I mentioned got twenty seven thousand acres, another the Leslie’s, eighty thousand, and the then incumbent Leslie, interviewed in the book, was scathing of the bungalows popping up in the Irish countryside, gombeen houses with picture windows he called them, and the ones that mimicked Tara were dubbed high gombeen. I suppose he though two roomed thatched cottages should still be good enough
One wealthy family, the Maddens, avoided IRA retribution in the 70s and 80s because it was known they bought their land, in 1732!
The troubles in the 70s were as bad as you could imagine, no membership of Ira, or ruc etc was necessary, you could be murdered for simply being the wrong religion and the IRA blew up anything linked to the RUC or the army, police stations shops pubs, hotels.
There was enormous historical prejudice against Irish Catholics who were mostly poor, uneducated and well, Catholic, and it was clear they were regarding by many ‘British’ as invincibly inferior, a prejudice that no doubt carried through to the colony of Australia.
Four stages of mainstream journalism
Pete Buttigieg has a VERY tough time trying to explain why “only 7 or 8 [electric vehicle] charging stations have been produced with the $7.5 BILLION investment that taxpayers made back in 2021”
You also get a sense of why some Irish might, foolish and ahistorically though it is to me, be pro Palestine, by putting the Palestinians in the role of native Irish and the Jews in the role of British occupiers.
Perhaps if they did their homework about islam in general and acknowledged that the Jews are also indigenous to the region and in the main returned to Israel by buying land not confiscating it, they might sing a different tune.
Of course it’s also the same old Marxism at play too.
It may have been based on class prejudice in the middle and upper echelons of old Australian society, but in The Bulletin, which was the most widely read publication among the urban & regional working classes, all the racist tropes got a run.
A few skeletons in The Bulletin cupboard. Back in the day when there was a mass media that actually had some influence.
IJC and the ICC are both led by muslims*. I can just see how they are concerned with world peace and not covering for their favourite terrorists, the Hamas. Any non-Muslim country would be crazy to go along with them.
*Why is the west handing over all their international institutions to muslims? Though it is one way to crash their reputations.
And before I away for other things to do, morning television sez that the 50 cent bus fares in Queensland are NOT an election sweetener. I repeat NOT, because the grinning idiot said so. It’s settled then.
I see Cranky’s terf mates let a neo-Nazi speak at their rally at Spring St yesterday. Only fair I suppose, they gave Phillip Clayton Simpson the mic last time too.
nice clown-suit mUnty
love your ability to take complex issues and politics
and strip them of all reason and argument
until there’s nothing left but relativistic gibber
Anyone else notice that Monty’s projection problem is getting worse?
fap, fap, fap.
Look like you haven’t bothered to outsource your rhetoric to AI, monts.
No ‘I’ here, whether artificial or natural.
I didn’t think it possible for this pitiful moron to sink any lower but now he is deep in the pigshit with all the other antisemites.
Completely vomit inducing.
Judge Says New York City Jury Doesn’t Need to Agree on Predicate Crime to Convict Trump of Guilt
Breaking Down the WHO Pandemic Treaty (2024)
“We have spent the last 12 years trying to teach people about the allergy and to use epi-pens. It’s a volatile allergen and even if Rosie didn’t come into direct contact with a peanut, if somebody was eating one on board she could die.”
Whatever the actual situation here, it is certainly true that allergic conditions have exploded as the vax schedule has exploded. There is a plausible causal mechanism for this:
After the switch away from ‘live vaccines’ to dead ones, or subunits, it was necessary to fool the body into thinking the dead material injected was actually a real infection risk (otherwise it wont raise an immunological response to it). This was done by adding ‘adjuvants’ like aluminium. The problem was that the body doesnt know what threat it is being fooled into responding to -so it may equally raise an immunological response to some other allergen in the environment, eg peanut protein, grass pollen etc etc etc.
So plausible reasons for broad autoimmune conditions include:
1) It just happens,
2) it just happens more because 60 is the new 40 and the unfit are no longer weeded out.
3) The vaccinations that we are so keen to spread to every person in our population, and we even nazify those who question it, actually multiply our risk factor; but it is totally not caused by vaccines, you conspiracy bigot.
Windows Will Now Record EVERYTHING You Do On Your Computer (Yes Everything)
Now? I assumed they always did.
It could once be assumed that there was a high threshhold before it would be used against you.
Now we can expect some pervert with protected class status will extract our deleted drafts and publish them to get us fired because we wouldn’t fellate their ideas in public.
Comment, over on “The Age”, crediting Gough Whitlam with “extraditing Australia from the war in Vietnam.”
Words fail me, they honestly do!
Starting with the misuse of “extraditing”!
The result of post-modern edumacation.
See also mUnturd.
That reminds me…
Colourised film of Melbourne in 1931, Spring St. included.
Quite poignant.
It shows that we’ve always had impatient drivers!
This doesn’t make sense to me. Gold is up at record levels but the gold mining companies haven’t followed. Or at least the two I checked haven’t.
Anglogold Ashanti
Haven’t reached new highs.
Is it possible that the buying of gold itself is not broad based and very concentrated by the Chinese etc?
A fair bit of the output is usually forward sold at an agreed price so the higher gold price hasn’t worked its way into the contracts yet.
Most New Yorkers believe ugly anti-Israel protests are now antisemitic, back police crackdown after Columbia chaos: poll
Contrary to media spin, Biden has NEVER been a fan of Israel. He really is the standard bearer of the immortal quote, “these are my values, if you don’t like them, I have others”.
How does it do any such thing? If we’re 8 months into a military operation and they’re launching rocket volleys from the north from areas that were supposedly cleared months earlier maybe the strategy isn’t working.
The farcical target set for the IDF, of eradicating Hamas, has never been achievable.
It has cost well over 600 IDF lives in Gaza, (many more in the North), and served only, to keep the Israeli PM’s sorry arse out of gaol.
That is all.
DB, you know damn well Hamas is like cockroaches. Clear them out with heavy metal…..but the cockies will return unless you maintain eternal vigilance and a policy of continual combat.
How can this happen?
It’s happening because Israeli hasn’t nuked iran.
Iran has little, if anything, to do with Hamas C.
Hezbollah, certainly, they hold political and financial sway over them.
The Hamas attacks on 7 Oct took Iran by surprise, as much as it took Jake Sullivan by surprise.
10 days earlier, the genius that is Sullivan stated:
“The Middle East has never been so calm.”
If Israel is stupid enough to deploy nukes, against anyone, they will be annihilated.
Turkey, (through Pakistan), Russia and probably China, would all reply.
It would only take three nukes to eradicate Israel.
Jerusalem, Haifa and Dimona.
May 27, 2024 8:57 am
You also get a sense of why some Irish might, foolish and ahistorically though it is to me, be pro Palestine, by putting the Palestinians in the role of native Irish and the Jews in the role of British occupiers.
Perhaps if they did their homework about islam in general and acknowledged that the Jews are also indigenous to the region and in the main returned to Israel by buying land not confiscating it, they might sing a different tune.
Islam has been the world’s most vicious coloniser:
Who is Colonizing Whom? | Frontpage Mag
“they’re launching rocket volleys from the north rom areas that were supposedly cleared months earlier maybe the strategy isn’t working”
I don’t believe the Israeli strategy was ever to ‘clear’ any part of Gaza permanently.
Work their way through, destroy terror infrastructure and move on.
They then exited those areas, I dont think they were so stupid as to not think hamas would come back.
Hamas reoccupied Shifa hospital (and got cleaned out again).
Remember the international outcry and insistence that shifa was a purely civilian facility?
And more tears now that the hospital was greatly damaged again.
No blame to hamas for using it as a base of course.
I read that the US strategy in Afghanistan to clear towns then hold them against insurgents was costly and ineffective and Israel was not going to repeat it.
Anyone in Gaza even children are likely sympathetic to hamas, Israelis aren’t seen as liberators.
It’s easy to move around rocket launchers and with about every building a potential hiding place for rockets so no surprise hamas has a stash to sent Israel’s way.
They don’t want peace, they just want to kill Jews.
*Why is the west handing over all their international institutions to muslims? Though it is one way to crash their reputations.
2 reasons: firstly the left has designated islam a victim of the Western colonialism and oppression and so islam is a member of that protected class where the left quislings and useful idiots get to manifest their virtue signalling. It should be noted that islam is an expert at being a victim in its first stages of growth in Western nations.
Secondly the left are gutless; and in their threadbare little hearts they know big bad islam will bash them unless they support it. This is a classic case of feeding the croc so it eats you last.
The left are filth. If the West were not hamstrung by these pus buckets it could beat islam in a day.
Cohenite makes a very good point: ALL leftists are cowards. They ALWAYS support causes that require a complete absence of courage.
That’s why leftists have spent the last decade tearing down statues and their whole lifetime attacking Anzac day. History is not the left’s friend and knowledge of history makes you an enemy of the left.
That’s why the left is dedicated to flooding America (and Australia) with the detritus of the Third World — not only to replace the old electorate with welfare bludgers who will vote for parties of the left, but also to erase history, which is being rewritten as we speak by the Marxists who control the education curriculum.
To thrive, the left needs dumb people ignorant of history.
Tom, you need to put this up on the thread, if the comment is nested it gets only a few views.
Nested comments are like shouting at pigeons.
They ALWAYS support causes that require a complete absence of courage.
If I may be slightly precocious and make a slight tweak: I’d say that our opponents’ choose only the issues and tactics with minimal risk.
While lacking moral courage, from a pragmatic sense, that’s actually smart, and has thus far worked effectively.
(This is NOT a criticism of Tom, by the way, who I believe has a more accurate grasp of these things than some).
Speaking of the pandemic treaty.
After two years of negotiations, the most recent effort by the World Health Organization to agree on a global pandemic treaty has failed.
Gotta luv the “fair & balanced” reporting of “our” ABC .. Condemning Israel for 35 deaths (Gaza MoH figures) in Rafah (mainly women & children .. same as usual ..!) without any indication that the bombing raid was in retaliation for Hamas rockets into israel …..!
The UK’s refusal to sign was a significant dent in the plan.
Two cheers for Rishi.
Bruce Lehrmann case: Lisa Wilkinson seeking $1.8m from Network Ten
By ellie dudley
Lisa Wilkinson is seeking more than $1.8 million in costs from Network 10 in relation to their defamation case against former Liberal staffer Bruce Lehrmann, a court has heard.
Lawyers for the high profile presenter and the television network have returned to court on Monday morning to determine how costs should be split, after Justice Michael Lee last month found Mr Lehrmann, on the balance of probabilities, raped Brittany Higgins on a couch in Parliament House.
Justice Lee on Monday revealed Wilkinson seeks an indemnity in respect of $1,815,000 inclusive of GST. “Give or take a few cents,” he said.
The long-awaited judgment of the matter brought against Ten and Wilkinson by Mr Lehrmann was handed down last month, finding Ten successfully made out its truth defence and proved, on the balance of probabilities, that Mr Lehrmann raped Ms Higgins in the office of Liberal senator Linda Reynolds.
(Sorry if this has been posted already.)
I sincerely hope this is true and spells its permanent demise!
It just means the turd will have to be rolled in a new layer of glitter before it’s represented to the peasants.
La Tingle goes full ALPBC. At the Sydney Writers Festival under Ol’ Leathery’s watchful gaze. The passing of the baton.
So predictable.
So boring.
A festival of safe ideas.
We’re among friends.
Ah…Australia is apparently racist.
One day we’re “the most successful mutlicultural society in the world” the next we’re a racist nation that’s beyond the pale.
The Oz’s report is paywalled…does she mention the rise of anti-semitism and its purveyors?
Of course not, that would destroy the ever so precious narrative.
Did Barry look confused again, almost like he didn’t know where he was. He does that a bit lately.
Hang on, their stated strategy was to destroy Hamas. Now you’re suggesting the strategy was simply to destroy terror infrastructure but that this is difficult because things like missiles, RPGs, etc. can be moved around. That doesn’t appear to be an effective strategy.
It is if you keep killing the bastards moving it around.
Eventually they will get the message.
I don’t know, but something tells me that the ABC reporting that the IDF bombed a Rafah refugee camp killing 35 people in retaliation for a missile volley fired at Tel Aviv would be received no differently by most normies.
Scepticism towards the media runs fairly high among normies.
Even the ABC has reported on the post-covid decline in trust in the media.
The ABC reporting Gaza MoH numbers as unalloyed truth doesn’t help their case.
That scepticism would run across both sides on this issue, Roger.
No mention of the 2, verified, Hamas commanders, among the 35, killed, either …..
If I’m looking at the same report, they do mention a Hamas compound.
Note how the resident pervert apologist and all round Jew hater appears here this morning and doesn’t say a word of condemnation about the real Nazi incident in Melbourne on the weekend when the front gate of Mount Scopus Jewish school in Melbourne was daubed with the following words…
Jew die
But you see, the pervert apologist doesn’t have a problem with those Nazis.
also, kids are easier to frighten.
Muntsac would never even breathe unevenly in the direction of an adult.
It’s hardly Malmo.
They couldn’t even manage ‘Jews Die’.
I am surprised it wasn’t spelt “Juice Die”.
Hard to imagine there wouldn’t be cctv of the perpetrators?
Tired tyres.
Electric car drivers face astronomical costs to replace tyres (26 May)
The torque is one of the nice things about EVs, they accelerate like a cat with its tail on fire. But the wear and tear on tyres, and on roads, is bigly. So far EV owners have been avoiding paying for the cost of road maintenance. Skint governments won’t let this situation go on much longer.
Where’s the ACCC with product warnings about the hidden costs of EVs?
I recall they were all over the airlines and hire car companies about hidden costs not fully declared.
Mrs Pirate seeking $1.8m from Ch 10? You’re hardly going to lose the house in Mosman over this. It would barely classify as a major reno these days.
KevinM at 4:44:-
You’ve spent the last 12 years badgering and haranguing people in schools, restaurants, hotels, planes, wherever, because your daughter has a highly manageable allergy.
It’s not because of the allergy risk.
It’s because you want to exert control over other people and you’ve finally come up against someone who called it out.
I love the way the airline simply said that they couldn’t guarantee the plane would be completely free of any microscopic fragments of peanut, so the safest thing is to shunt them off.
Munchausen by media.
May be silly.. but .. why are they catching planes if they are sooooo aware of this “problem” …….!
Leak this morning is simply magnificent.
“We are a racist country, let’s face it. We always have been and it’s very depressing,” Tingle told the audience at Sydney’s Carriageworks.
Where would we be without some Karen from the ABC scolding us eh?
Times Roman is killing the planet.
NPR: Paper books vs. e-readers: What’s better for the climate? – ‘Digital reading seems to have a considerable eco-advantage over print…But batteries require resource-heavy mining’ – Also: ‘Certain fonts can be more climate-friendly’ (26 May)
I would’ve thought readers could get carbon credits for having large libraries of paper books. After all that carbon is sequestered more effectively than any carbon farming project, since people keep books for their whole lives and libraries are full of century-old books.
This is what keeps me up at nights.
Didn’t that Indo volcano last month throw a 100 years or so of man made eqivalent CD out in a few hours .. naughty, naughty ………..!
That would be six point vs twelve point, would it?
How ridiculous! A typeface killing the planet!?
Well, unless it’s Papyrus. I’d believe it of Papyrus.
RFK Jr. Eliminated from Libertarian Party’s Presidential Nomination During First Round of Voting
That doesn’t bode well for him.
“Hang on, their stated strategy was to destroy Hamas”
Yes but not every single terrorist on the ground or every Hamas hanger on.
And they are doing a pretty good job of knocking off the leadership*.
All these dressed as civvies creeps do is dump their weapons and put their hands in their pockets then presto chango they are innocent civilians again.
I’m not going to ooh aah every time Hamas manages to sent out a few rockets.
*yes yes there are loads of opportunities for promotion
What if the latest Decision Desk HQ/TheHill battleground polling averages were to shift by a comparable margin to the polling errors we have seen in the last two presidential elections?
2024 Presidential Map Based on Previous Polling ERROR in Every State
Interesting exercise.
Will keep an eye out for any Baris comments on it.
Unskewing the polls again, bern?
That worked so well last time.
Just an amusing little thing that happened in IGA this morning:
I needed 3 liters of milk. There were 3 single liters in the cabinet because delivery hadn’t yet come in.
What would you do?
Curious about the answers.
If you need 3, take 3. simples.
I have done both at different times.
But usually would only take 1.
But that is milk. If it were say sicilian pecorino cheese or razor blades, tough for you lot; Yoinked them all!
Plonk comes in 5L cartons, get it in ya
And the Appellation Controllee says ‘Imitation Wine Product of Columbia, Packed in Xianjiang’?
Look at the use-by dates first.
Lookin at a recent pic of loopy Tingle, aging is making her look like a tranny.
More of a Batman villain IMHO.
Men who look like old lesbians. RIP
At first glance I thought it was Dana Carvey in drag.
FMD; that is one nasty bit of indeterminate humanity.
May 27, 2024 8:01 am
One gets the feeling that “Do you know who I am?” may have featured.
The torque is one of the nice things about EVs, they accelerate like a cat with its tail on fire. But the wear and tear on tyres, and on roads, is bigly.
The torque thing can be fixed in software so they accelerate no faster than a sprightly IC car. Which might a good thing anyway.
Tim Flannery is getting a lot of love on ABC over anouncing an ‘Age of Monotremes’ based on identifying three monotreme jaws in fossils from Lightning Ridge.
Not a single mention of his being a climate loon.
Flannery is also being rehabilitated in a documentary series on Foxtel, hosted by a leftard Scotsman and featuring a roll call of leftard Australian academics and activists. The series is about islands and island nations in the Indian ocean and the Australian coastline and Flannery is used purely as a zoologist with no mention of the pivotal role he played in Australian politics as a climate loon and a frightener of children.
Roger at 8:14.
And a risk with the mitigation of epi-pens.
I think this is more about Mummy being Very Important than about allergens.
I know a couple of people who have serious peanut allergies and I have never heard any concern about people nearby eating peanuts, only that the person might ingest fragments.
One of my daughters is allergic to peanuts (I blame the fad of avoiding giving babies solid food for as long as possible two decades ago). Anyway, at dance a kid would had just eaten peanuts touched the barre my daughter also touched the same spot and then her face. Massive Reaction with lips the size of bananas. The school called an ambulance. Very embarrassing.
Peanuts can also carry a very nasty fungus that can kill or at least make you very ill.
They are not a nice nut. Macadamias are my choice.
Buttery crunchy bliss.
Walnuts are OK in cakes and on brekkie cereal.
Happy to say goodbye to peanuts, tho’ they are ok in Asian satay.
Lethbridge ..
From last week:
“Although Hamas’ communications & military abilities have been degraded, only 30 to 35% of its fighters — those who were a part of Hamas before the Oct. 7 attack — have been killed and about 65% of its tunnels are still intact, U.S. intelligence indicates” https://politico.com/news/2024/05/21/biden-admin-hammering-israel-military-strategy-gaza-00159262
The Mandy Rice-Davies response might be appropriate here.
Not only that, but 30% is actually a high attrition rate for conventional war. 100% is an aspirational target for eradicating terrorist groups but armies of 30,000 – 100,000 in a population of 100% supporters do not get eliminated to the last man.
Even if it would improve the human race to do so.
It’s an estimate on the high side, and they are suggesting that the numbers of fighters now is probably larger than at the start of the conflict even counting those loses. The other things here is that these estimates are plainly guesses. They have no good idea of the extent of the tunneling at all.
If Biden keeps pushing Israel to take the nuclear option by denying them a winning strategy, Israel WILL take the nuclear option and take Iran off the board.
There’s not too many steps between what Israel is doing now and the ultimate option.
What’s the winning strategy?
Captain Climate goes down!
Starc ignites IPL final bloodbath as Aussie pulls off ultimate $4.4m redemption act (27 May)
The IPL is one of the finest things to happen to cricket since Kerry Packer, although personally I prefer Test cricket to hit and giggle since the pressure and tension is much more and the game more strategic. But in the IPL many guys who would not get a go otherwise have had a chance to shine. The real find this time is Jake Fraser-McGurk, who blazed some breathtaking innings.
Remember when social commentators opined that the advent of e-books portended the end of the book shop?
I think they topped out at 30% of the market. And the people who buy e-books still buy physical books.
EVs will probably follow the same path.
Pulled the pin on work today, the side effects of the oral chemo tablets are really knocking me around.
Given I loathe stupidity, the next few weeks dealing with Satanlink will be … Interesting 🙂
Good luck!
Hang in there, Diogenes. A damn awful ordeal.
Read a lot, keep good books handy, and watch stuff on DVD’s, anything to take your mind off it. I’ve never had chemo but I’ve friends and rellies who have, and the good news is that it so often does the trick. Keep that in mind on the worst days.
I find being in a cosseting warm bath is also good for taking your mind off bodily issues – I gave up smoking by having a bath every time I really truly couldn’t last without a ciggie. It worked for me, that was forty years ago now.
All the very best, Diogenes.
DON’T try to be a hero and do too much, rest as much as possible and if it doesn’t hurt the skin, get out in the sun.
God, you are a demented piece of shit, m0nster
Oh look pervert apologist, here are some more real Nazis…
The University of Melbourne’s pro-Palestine protesters say “Israel cannot, will not, and should not exist”, just a week after the group proudly claimed victory over the university after they occupied a campus building for over a week.
The ‘unimelbforpalestine’ Instagram account on Monday shared with its 20,000 followers a post that said “calls need to emphasise that Israel cannot, will not, and should not exist”.
The account was sharing a post from Palestinian-American blogger Mariam Barghouti, who claimed on social media that “Israel has lost all legitimacy … No more simple calls for the end of bombs, no more calls to ceasefire, the calls need to emphasise that Israel cannot, will not, and should not exist”.
The account chose to share specifically the frame that called for the end of the Jewish state.
Annihilation and eradication of Jews. Gosh, can someone remind me, when did we hear this before?
Nazism never changes and supporters of Nazism never change.
And here’s my message to the Jew haters at Melbourne university and the Jew hater who comes here….
Israel can exist, does exist and will always exist.
It will be interesting to see how enrollments are next year to Uni Melb and Sydney from local Aussie students. I realise the Unis dont care because they live off foreign students, but they seem not to worry about a trashed reputation either. Friends kid wants to do Engineering, where should he try to attend?
I think you mean Jew haters who come here.
Of course Israel will always exist. It must. The intent of these hostile far-left ‘Palestinians’ in our midst is clear but it is not the intent of the Western world so far, and we must keep it that way.
A very, very disturbing time for you, Cassie, but know that we have your back.
Oh the irony of Lambie telling others to serve.
Will they have the luxury of calling in sick the night before deployment too ?
I wonder if the perve ever uses a USB, has had a sodastream, ever needed a camera to see his insides, an epi-pen… etc…
All Israeli inventions.
I guess Muntard would refuse an (Israeli) camera inside him “cos Jews”
I stand by my claim that ass cancer is too good for him.
No no no. The m0ntster is needed as an example for humanity.
When you disagree don’t just ignore them out of politeness. Check if their assumptions and slogans could destroy your culture in the long term and make things much worserer not betterer in their minimal implementation.
Then fight their ideas with all your bowels.
The retarded proto-fascist has previously refused to condemn the crimes of communism, despite being given multiple opportunities to do so. This despite the crimes of communism far outnumbering those of Nazism and fascism.
He will not accept the reality that communism and Nazism/fascism are just the two ends of the same stinking turd.
If I was on a plane and a passenger told me they had a condition, I would take that on board, within reason.
However, if I was then asked to pass it on, it would be a hard no.
The story that passengers had done so previously is total horse shit.
Oh and pilots love it when passengers knock on the cockpit door.
Seriously, he ran the risk of getting unalived.
Go down real well on El Al?
In Heaven, Saint Peter is at his desk near the Pearly Gates when a dirty white Ford Transit pickup stops at the entrance. Inside are three travelers from Liverpool, England. He looks at them with distaste and asks “What do you lot want?”
“We’ve just been killed in a road crash and we want to come in.”
Peter replies “We don’t want any of your sort up here.”
“Well this is the Kingdom of Heaven, you don’t refuse anyone if they’ve repented their sins.”
Peter says “Wait here a minute then, I’ve got to go and ask the management.” He goes off to find the Almighty.
Peter finds God sitting on his throne, and tells him what has occurred.
“Go back and tell them all are welcome, let them in.” says God.
“Oh, very well then” says Peter, not very enthusiastically.
Five minutes later, Peter returns.
“They’ve gone.”
“What, the travelers?”
“No, the Pearly Gates…..”
May 27, 2024 12:34 pm
If you have an allergy to mayo, please don’t read any further, because she has put dollops of the stuff on this story:-
The demonisation of the crew and the florid descriptions of 100% tearful solidarity among passengers has me saying, “Sure. But what really happened?”.
I mean, out of 150 passengers there weren’t at least one or two like me saying. “Meh. I’m having my peanuts. If the kid dies, she dies.”
It’s eugenics in action.
God’s will
When the real story comes out – and it always does in this time of video cameras and portable sound devices – the whole thing is going to be very different to what was initially reported by the Suffering Ones Mother.
May 27, 2024 12:42 pm
Yes, that was the point of the story where I thought this had jumped from an angry Karen story to a potentially serious incident.
Despite her use of carefully crafted adjectives (“gently” and “politely” and “respectfully”) I doubt this was an innocuous one knuckle “tap tap” on the door.
You’re right. The pilot would be desperately trying to get clearances, run check-lists and not miss his/her timeslot, and would be less than impressed with this bullshit.
Just behind the pilot on the annoyance scale would be the other 146 passengers, dutifully buckled up and ready to go, but being held up by the drama queen.
Having been a passenger in the back waiting for a passenger who hasn’t boarded but “we are trying to find in the terminal” yes I can attest. The looks of daggers when they get on board is something to behold.
Also if this chick was carrying on like a pork chop how many lads were telling her to shut up and sit down.
As soon as I saw TV Presenter yup I was also thinking Belinda Neil at Iguana’s.
China. Go fork thyself. Daily Telegraph:
Minns may well say that but what does Handsome Boy think about this disrespect to his Beijing masters?
I’m not convinced.
And what was Handsome Boys reply?
Looks like the “broad appeal of RFK Jnr to the electorate” might have been a figment of his own worm-eaten imagination.
Picking up 2% of the vote at his own party’s convention doesn’t scream “contender” to me.
2% of libertarians wasn’t it? He would be a spoiler to both majors, being a pure protest vote.
Interesting angle that should be “further explored:”
Legal advice always comes with strings attached. I wonder how it managed to get around the Australian Constitution?
Indeed. Hard to believe our betters are still making this mistake.
Not sure why you keep Afghan citizenship. I can’t imagine there is a line to clear Customs like Heathrow.
“only 30 to 35% of its fighters”
Just a flesh wound then.
Funny caller’s idea on 4BC.
Suggested Qld Government get rapper 50 cent to promote their 50c bus fare policy.
Well we did get oppressed person of colour Shaq to promote the Voice for PM Albo.
How did that go?
Close enough.
Barry was just brilliant.
Dame Edna Everage interview (Parkinson, 2004)
“We’re not going to be in a situation where any Labor MP is going to be bullied or intimidated about going to a function, that’s their job as a member of parliament,” he said.
As if, straight out of the “Twilight Zone .. Imagine, if you can .. any Oz MP turning down a “freebie” for any reason .. Lol!
1 hour ago
Laura Tingle’s comments ‘create division’
Staff writers
Opposition Indigenous spokeswoman Jacinta Nampijinpa Price says ABC journalist Laura Tingle’s comments at the Sydney Writers Festival “create division”.
Speaking at Sydney’s Carriageworks, Tingle accused Peter Dutton of encouraging racism towards migrants looking to buy or rent property in Australia.
“We are a racist country, let’s face it. We always have been and it’s very depressing,” she said.
Ms Price rejected Tingle’s comments, claiming she has demonstrated “over and again her bias” while speaking on 2GB today.
“I’m really disappointed in this continued narrative that is being pushed within our country that does not provide any sense of pride for our children,” she said.
“It absolutely creates division , and we had enough of it during the referendum, and supposedly leading journalists like Laura Tingle should know better than to use that rhetoric.”
Senator Price emphasised that journalists shouldn’t allow personal interest or belief to undermine accuracy or fairness, in line with the Media Entertainment and Arts Alliance (MEAA) journalistic code of ethics.
“I think she needs to probably get some help for the way that she feels because that is not a reflection of the country, that is her opinion,” she said.
“Now, Laura Tingle has demonstrated over and again her bias , and I think (ABC chair) Kim Williams needs to explain why having someone so blatantly partisan sitting in the top political commentator position is in fact acceptable.”
Ms Price also said “people like Laura Tingle need to get on with doing their job appropriately instead of pedalling racism”.
Linda Burney was unavailable for comment.
Doesn’t phase me if Tingle keeps pedalling racism.
Wasn’t aware Dudzy mentioned migrants ..! .. my take was OS buyers ….!
What is this word “migrants”? Shirley they are settler colonists?
Why is La Tingle urging increased numbers of colonialist settlers in Australia?
Getting the feeling that the Trucial States leaders are preparing to dip their toes in the diplomatic water as they watch one of their own, Qatar, thumbing its nose at the West and getting away with it ………
Bahrain, long been propped up by British military, now looking towards Teheran …….. ominous ..!
Yes. They have to keep their Shia majority from rising up. Interesting place. A brothel for Saudis. Economy of pearling wiped out completely by the ‘cultured pearl’.
I know a Pom who did over 20 years with ARAMCO now retired to Thailand.
He liked the trip across the causeway to Bahrain as they weren’t as fanatical as the Saudi’s. He said the only real danger was avoiding the pizzed Saudi’s behaving badly over there then getting in their cars to go back to Saudi.
One would hope they haven’t taken a turn for the worse…
Is that… water… coming from the sky in Perth?
Right, of course it is, and how does it get up there then? (Pratchett)
Corroborating evidence from someone in Perth who mentioned it in a phone convo. She has travelled a lot, she tells me they call it ‘rain’.
But it will never fill the dams.
Lysander, it looks like mist to me on the radar. Perth being Perth, it’s probably the only moisture you’ll to get this winter — apart from the dew and the frost.
LaTingle has to go. Tell them here:
In amazing news, to me anyway, is a Tesla passed me on the Hume Hwy. I was doing 115kph. Usually they do 10-15kph under the speed limit. This is the first time an electric locomobile has passed me.
The shame ..! You wuz speeding and an elecro still passed you .. LOL!
Seems La Tingle wasn’t the only j’ismist letting it all hang out at the Sydney Writers Festival. What an unseemly circle jerk,
I hope the Sao’s held up until they finished. 😀
Dover, my usual mild mannered and not remotely defamatory comment seems to have gone into moderation. Have I used a unknown naughty word?
When they don’t name or describe the attacker you can usually guess it:
Amie Gray: Fitness trainer stabbed to death on Bournemouth beach in horror attack | PerthNow
MMM tasty:
Hunter Biden gun trial jurors can see laptop evidence of illegal drug use, judge rules in blow to first son
Hunter Biden gun trial jurors can see laptop evidence of illegal drug use, judge rules in blow to first son (nypost.com)
Blow. He he
“only 30 to 35% of its fighters”
Let’s not muck around, poll after poll shows about 80% of the palli population support hamas and Oct 7. Hamas is therefore essentially the palli population.
The retarded proto-fascist m0nty has previously refused to condemn the crimes of communism, despite being given multiple opportunities to do so. This despite the crimes of communism far outnumbering those of Nazism and fascism.
He will not accept the reality that communism and Nazism/fascism are just the two ends of the same stinking turd.
And he is the piece of shit paper that both groups use to clean their arses.
Channel 10 has a not small decision to make.
Do they arrive at a mutually agreed amount with Saint Lisa?
Or do they go down the path of this external referee which is binding.
How much of the work that Sue C did is the contested duplicated work?
Channel 10 pays this to Saint Lisa.
Then Channel 10 pursues BL & Saint Lisa pursues BL for the balance of work related to the truth defence (if any).
Considering she’s out the door, 10 won’t care about ill will.
Channel 10 has not a small decision to make. Might that be the same as a big decision?
Daytime Sky News continues to run with the libertarian boo-hoos and the meme “Trump’s handling of the Covid emergency”.
As I recall, although many might not, Trump was duped by Fauci and Blinky Birx, and didn’t actually make any of it worse than the left made it.
It was the left that went covid-fascist, not Trump.
Is a 13-year old boy running at Israelis in Goat Plaza in Gaza with an AK47 constitute as a “civilian?”
(For example, we know their woman hide armaments under their robes)
Fitness trainer?
Gun Caddy?
First Responder?
Target of opportunity. Watch your front.
The retarded proto-fascist m0nty has previously refused to condemn the crimes of communism, despite being given multiple opportunities to do so.
?Time to stop being nice to fascists. The left won’t stop what they do 24/7, and the right will have to realise it’s no more Mr. Nice Guy before things go completely down the tubes.
As I’ve said before, Monty and his ilk just want us dead. He’s just too gutless to admit it.
Lets see the pack of sniveling grubs, chanting “From the River to the Sea” explain this one away.
Pretty sobering viewing…
Libertarians are a pain in the arse: their reaction to Trump at their conference says it all: their philosophy is a set of ideals which is only loosely connected to human psychology and their emotional attachment to those ideals is very similar to leftists attachment to their fuktard ideals and virtues. Viva Frei sums it up:
Libertarians HECKLE Trump, Act Like Leftist Children, Then Get Absolutely ROASTED! (youtube.com)
Yes, I think this will make very convincing listening on 3AW and ABC right now.
Of course, Cranky refuses to acknowledge her cynical, shameful alliance with neo-Nazis in the service of hatred. Not just anonymous Grampians Nazis this time either, a six-foot bloke with a sonnenrad tattoo who would be Known To Police.
Last time I caught up with goings on at Mount Scopus, I was told my site was very popular with the lads. They love a bit of fantasy footy. Sad to hear about the graffiti, that is just not on. Still, it’s not an air strike on a refugee camp, is it.
What refugee camp?
Ninety percent or more of the people in that camp weren’t born when it was set up, therefore it isn’t a refugee camp. It is a base for Hamas though.
Did you know the dead hostages were found under a UN building. Weird huh?
Your projection is off scale to day, Monty. Haven’t noticed the leftist Nazis marching the streets every week? It’s like 1938 all over again.
Still making excuses for calls for the murder of Jews?
Fascist you are.
I was under the impression that the rockets fired at Tel Aviv were from northern Gaza, turns out they were fired from Rafah.
Still, Israel shouldnt target Rafah, because that would be bad.
“cynical, shameful alliance with neo-Nazis in the service of hatred”
I can’t believe anyone would actually write this.
It’s just verbal diarrhoea.
There was a terf rally outside Spring St, rosie, and the mic was handed to a known neo-Nazi by the organiser. He proceeded to spit hatred at the counter-protestors across the street. This is the second time in a row it has happened at terf rallies in the city.
The Nazis are not just standing nearby in black mufti in Melbourne any more, they are welcomed on stage by Cranky’s mates and given the mic. Disgraceful.
Of course the “counter-protestors” didn’t spit any hatred did they? The term “terf” is itself an expression of hatred, one you use frequently.
“Still, it’s not an air strike on a refugee camp*, is it”
You know perfectly well they would if they could.
And they would happily to deliberately target children, not terrorists.
*funny how wherever Palestinians live, it’s always a refugee camp, even if every building is a twelve storey high rise with all mod cons, with shops, schools hospitals and all nearby.
Sad to hear about the graffiti, that is just not on.
Penetrating, withering and hard hitting condemnation there. You should do the office typing for Tony Burke and Jason Clare.
This is incorrect for a number of reasons, but the primary one is that it is not ‘a refugee camp’.
Unless, of course, there are people so far ensconced in the goat’s cheese curtain that they believe a ‘refugee camp’ consists of:
Three storey concrete buildings, paid for by someone else;
Free power, paid for by someone else;
Free water supply, paid for by someone else;
Hospitals (also multi purpose, multi storey, and as one would find in any city of a million plus);
Schools (as above);
Its own ambulance system and firefighting capability;
Its own elections;
Heads of state residing in other countries;
Billions of dollars in aid flowing to it annually;
A construction industry, specialising in tunnels; and
Its own military with a clearly defined hierarchy, artillery and infantry divisions, and sophisticated intelligence and logistics systems – all populated by hundreds of thousands of volunteers imbued with the darkest ideology to ever infect this planet.
I mean, and after all, it’s not a dozen tents in the desert.
Is it.
Watching TRT World News is like watching an alternative universe.
”Students” are being glorified for their protests against Israel, and we get a dishonourable mention. The pro-Pallie propaganda is almost 24/7.
Must be a bit dispiriting, Calli.
Good to know however that Aus gets a dishonourable mention.
Who would want to be honourable in that company?
Hope I haven’t misread that mention as they were thinking we were in support of them, i.e. dishonourable in your view, not theirs.
The only Nazi here is the resident pervert apologist, he is a fully fledged unapologetic Jew hater. Nice that he comes here and admits it.
Oh and remember this about the Jew hating pervert apologist…..he’s all for violence against those whose opinions he doesn’t like, and that includes women. He thinks such violence is a hoot. I wonder if his wife knows how he gets his cheap thrills?
Watching four students interviewed and the panel presents a typical profile – two soyboys with downward glances as they remember their lines, one Irish female running her mouth and smugging in between propaganda downloads*, and the sad eyed female Palestinian female.
*looks like the Irish have switched from sectarian b/s to antisemitism
Imagine it would be seamless.
The IRA and the PLO go back a long way.
Clearly there’s another mystery word or two that triggers the Doverspaminator.
That’s what makes it fun. Like grabbing an electric fence.
Sad to hear about the graffiti, that is just not on.
Geez, I’ve heard stronger condemnation of Jew hatred from milquetoast Albo the Trot, and that’s saying something.
Speaking of what is ‘just not on’…..the wholesale slaughter, rape and kidnapping of Jews is ‘just not on‘, except anyone here ever heard the pervert apologist denounce and condemn that barbarity of October 7?
Nah, I haven’t either.
And you never will, Cassie.
Did any other Cats see a video recently of a young blonde woman trying to go for a walk in Lakemba and the cops stopped her because she was “breaching the peace?”
She wasn’t protesting, had no “identifying signs or symbols” on her… so WTAF?
Is Lakemba a no-go zone for a young blonde girl?
Can you wear a kippah and walk down a Lakemba street?
Time for a “Reclaim the streets” initiative?
Sounds like one for our Malmo correspondent. In drag if needs be.
She would have been the only woman there with no head covering.
Lakemba was colonised more than 30 years ago
You’re not welcome there if you’re not from there
Possibly with no head, as is often the case.
Are you referring to Lauren Southern?
That was from a few years ago.
The hand holding, tears & emotion from the passengers as we were hoofed off the plane after the angry little captain shouted at us from the cockpit.
Rubbish. The captain sashays down the aisle, locates the sinner and has a quiet but firm word with them, including a warning that aggression will not be tolerated.
The passenger then does the walk of shame off the plane while a dozen people faff around trying to work out what happened and get their stories straight. The captain then does a non-apology and allows the humiliated passenger back on the plane.
I know.
Speaking of the spaminator, I’ve just had a perfectly formed comment on peanut lady and her bulldust go west.
No rude words…nothing.
Join the club. It really has it’s panties in a bunch today.
And remember this, after real Nazis invaded Israel on October 7 2023, slaughtering, raping and kidnapping Jews, the resident pervert apologist disappeared for months from this site.
I think that tells us everything about him.
LOL. mUnturd using the hate expression “terf”, while bleating (with no specific examples) about “hate speech” by others.
Something about motes and logs seems appropriate.
Monty releasing his flatus on this site again. Rather unsavoury.
Shorter Laura Tingle of the ABC at the Sydney writer’s festival: “If young people can’t afford a house, it’s nothing to do with record immigration. It’s Peter Dutton’s fault!.”
We pay $1.5 billion a year for this Greens-ALP propaganda, which is the polar opposite of Australian public opinion.
Shut. It. Down. Fire. Them. All.
I haven’t turned on the rotten ABC for over a decade. Jeez watching and listening to Tingle after dinner every night would give you indigestion.
Mine was a response to mUnter.
It was rude, but didn’t have rude words in it.
It starts with the demos. Then the limp political reaction that encourages entrenchment of protests.
Then the antisemitic daubs and damage to property.
And finally a physical attack.
As inevitable as the “shocked and sad” reaction from the flaccid enablers.
Very well said, Calli, including the inevitable refusal to do anything about it.
I had a comment just into moderation as well.
Maybe it was the “k” word as to what a Hebrew wears on their head and whether they’d be safe in the “L” burb of Wst Sydney…
let’s see how that goes…
Lysander, remember that Dover Beach isn’t the censor; it’s WordPress’s anti-democratic American software, over which the blog host has no control.
I used the word “faff”. British meaning, as in pointlessly milling around, achieving nothing.
Perhaps WordPress is Anglophobe.
That is one of Hairy’s favorite words to use in traffic.
Much faffing going on ahead, etc., as he sighs.
Did any other Cats see a video recently of a young blonde woman trying to go for a walk in Lakemba and the cops stopped her because she was “breaching the peace?”
Is this the video?
Giles is a leftie activist lawyer with a history of looking after grubs coming to Australia illegally and this has continued in government with his Direction 99.
Under Direction 99, an offender’s links to Australia should be a primary consideration as to whether a visa should be cancelled. The AAT has followed this Direction in the release of illegal criminals who have committed crimes and when released have committed further crimes involved harm and death to citizens.
The tort of Misfeasance in Public Office may apply to Gile’s actions. The elements of this tort are:
The fulfilment of these elements would be based on proven criminals avoiding the consequences of their proven criminality including the criminal system being avoided with consequences to a class of citizen protected by the justice system.
I reckon some of the folks affected by this shit-head’s actions should lawyer up.
The appointment of illlegal immigrant rights activist Andrew Giles as federal immigration minister is legalised corruption 101 — Australian-style.
Giles is very happy with all the rulings to date.
Very happy.
Labor’s pollsters not so much.
I would imagine they already are.
The rise of the new elites, & the fall of British politics, with Matt Goodwin
A candidate for a customer service position at a Brisbane insurance company says they were left shocked when the job interview opened with a Welcome to Country.
Posting to Reddit, the candidate explained how the hiring manager “took it upon himself to do a Welcome to Country”, labelling the experience as “weird and unnecessary”.
“I wanted to get others’ opinions on this as I thought it was peak Australian corporate culture,” the wrote.
“At the time I didn’t give it a second thought but in retrospect it’s pretty weird and unnecessary.”
One person commented “Do that s**t and I am walking right back out the door”.
“This was for an customer service role within an insurance company. It was at the start of a very small group interview with less than five candidates.
More than 300 people have commented on the post, with many stunned by the use of a Welcome to Country.
“Do that s**t and I am walking right back out the door. Interview be damned,”
Schnoodle321 wrote.
Does Welcome to Country get overused?Yes 98 %
No 2 %
3248 votes
“I’m not going to work somewhere full of virtue-signalling woke leftist bobbleheads..”
“Cringe. Did he get up and sing the National Anthem too? Stinks of virtue signalling,”
purpleautumnleaf wrote.
“Virtue signalling has no boundaries,” Midnight_Poet wrote.
Interesting chat with our Aboriginal liasion lady here.
Shes been selected to take over Linda Reynolds seat at the end of her term/when she steps down.
Very nice lady, who knows where a lot of corruption is resting with the Aboriginal industry.
Worked with Garry Johns for a while and is huge on the “hand up not a hand out”.
She cites as an example Eastern States lawyers flying over to “represent” Aboriginal groups who are quite obviously milking fees by dragging cases along rather than seeking resolution.
I might have to put my hand up and assist her I think
Sounds like a worthy endeavour, mole.
The issue, Frolicking Moll is whether she remains in favor of “hands up – not hands out.” Because nearly every bloody public servant/politician changes their spots as soon as they get a bit of power.
If only there was a way to force politicians/public Servants to carry out their promises.
Does Welcome to Country get overused?Yes 98 %
No 2 %
3248 votes
Its not a welcome, its a humiliation ritual.
Every time you acquiesce to being “welcomed” you are showing subservience.
Correct- Soviet/Orwellian sort of stuff
Why Israel is in deep trouble: John Mearsheimer with Tom Switzer
Had an op ed in the Fin Rev last week calling for higher taxes.
As if Australians weren’t suffering enough financially.
“Intellectually bankrupt” seems an apt descriptor of their Laura.
Ayaan Hirsi Ali: The Growing Threat of Radical Islam
and ugly to boot
I remember during the RGR debacle Tingle called the Opposition ‘clunk heads’. A spiteful harridan.
A very generous description.
They Need a War to Reset Banking System and Issue CBDC: Tom Luongo
And in Even More Woke News:
An Aussie dad has unleashed at his daughter’s school after he claims she was ‘forced to make a group apology’ to the Stolen Generations as part of activities leading up to National Sorry Day.
Chris Primod criticised the school on Saturday, claiming his seven-year-old daughter told him she and her classmates were required to make a group apology.
Daily Mail
One of the local children was supposedly asked if he knew what “Sorry Day” was about.
“Is that when the Aboriginal children say “sorry” for beating us up after school, and stealing our bikes?”
Change schools.
So what are the kids apologizing for? For being white? Teachas really are low life. Those who can do…
How The Institutions Were Taken Over By LGBT Ideology | Helen Joyce
Quite fitting that she’ll see out her career at the ABC, preaching to the choir.
Likewise David Marr.
More mashed pumpkin required at the staff co-op. And somewhere for the walkers. Time to FOAD Boomers.
She should be asked what her priorities are for the additional revenue, then take the money from the ABC budget.
“National Sorry Day” should be “National Thank You Day.”
(Pulls the pin, shouts “Grenade” very loudly…)
Rituals of the new religion. Unlike Christianity though this is compulsory.
“National Sorry Day.”
When do we get an apology from the politicians and others in official positions – the CHOs, the police commissioners, the epidemiologists acting outside their scope of practice – for what they did to us during covid?
I think we need a national movement to push for this.
I would like them to be given an opportunity to apologise as they are standing at the gallows waiting their turn.
In terms of efficiency and time-management (given the numbers needed to be processed), I imagine it would be preferable to let them apologise post-mortis.*
*Metaphorically, of course.
Roger: I wholeheartedly agree, of course. Who has the courage to do so, however? Who of our public figures and leaders *Cough* know the definition of humility?
I remain, as stated multiple times recently, as bitter and disengaged as I possibly be, hence why I so frequently rail against anyone who even intimates that the Liberals deserve to politically exist.
If a meteorite landed on any parliament house in the nation, I’d bring the marshmallows for everyone. (Ditto for any social or community organisation or union that similarly exhibited rank cowardice and choose to malign and alienate part of the population they claimed to represent).
May Emperor Palpatine improve his leadership skills and again rebuild a Super Deathstar. (I still cannot believe those commie Rebels beat the much-maligned Vader).
Giving 16 year olds the vote will ensure that no right of centre government will ever be elected.
Coming to the UK under Labor and no doubt following here soonest.
They can’t go to prison for theft but they can vote. Great stuff.
And they are all deep green from school and uni, and many are unemployed due to lack of skills and the economy worsening due to their influence.
This is the bright future ahead of us, Australia.
I thought collective punishment was supposed to be a bad thing.
It’s the same with all the woke crap that centres on race, just the latest iteration of the white man’s burden.
The Hun:
‘Will not’ exist?
Go your hardest, noodle-armed beanie aficiandos. Go over there and make the IDF not exist.
lol. What a picture that conjures, weak-kneed protesters fronting up against some of those very strong and very determined and very well trained IDF men. Also the IDF women, who would quickly let any dewy-eyed young girls who arrived know a thing or two about the Hamas propensity to rape first and ask questions later. Once Hamas brutes have got you with your hands on the wall and are calling you ‘beautiful’, with intent maybe Msses Dewey might have a change of heart and opinion.
The Welcome to Country must be responded with Welcome to Civilisation.
What would you suggest? A nice red?
I saw a photo of La Tinkle today — errrgh good heavens is she transitioning?– she doesn’t look very appealing at all.
Who knows what boxes she is looking to tick.
i was quite aggrieved when the otherwise likeable Sam Neil hooked up with the skank.
Too rich and too thin, Tinta. And sour with it.
It all shows on the face at her age.
If the projected take continues over Memorial weekend in the US, Furiosa is a flop.
I don’t care.
I’m going to see it again next week.
The last time I saw a movie twice on the big screen was The Two Towers.
Plus one.
Maybe they needed to cast a smoking hot bird as Furiosa, not Anya Funny-Looking-Eyes.
Anya Taylor Joy is pretty cute. Realistically the role should go to someone like Jaqui Lambie if they want an authentic desert dwelling type with roach like abilities for self preservation.
Knuc’s re the ‘villes new mayor & his lack of right side chest confetti.
Another website I lurk on and more local government centric has reported that ACA crew flew in today and are rumoured to be interested at the goings on in Walker st. Unsure whether two names has instigated it or it is a hit piece by ACA. Definitely down their ally though.
Strap in. LOL we can’t win in our little part of NQ. One group of dysfunctional effwits to another…
One point though wonder how much stirring on an easy target is going on in the back rooms of of it BNE HQ though? 5 months off an election great distraction squirrel in the north for the party when 2 of the 3 members are probably going to be unseated.
Love it, ACA on the case.
Left side.
I see Cranky’s terf mates let a neo-Nazi speak at their rally at Spring St yesterday. Only fair I suppose, they gave Phillip Clayton Simpson the mic last time too.
Except I can’t find any source which says that Phillip Clayton Simpson was given a ‘mic’ to speak at the ‘terf rally’ on the weekend. I doubt very much he was, and even if he was, so what. However Clayton Simpson certainly did turn up at the rally, he was pictured by an American photojournalist by the name of Alex Zucco standing on the sideline, near the rally’s organiser named Michelle Uriarau, but not in any verbal or physical intimacy with Michelle. And that can happen, you always get unsavoury people turn at at rallies/protests/marches. So what.
Here’s the link.
Note how Zucco says that Clayton Simpson is pictured with rally organiser Michelle Uriarau, except they aren’t pictured together. They are pictured in the same lens shot.
But you know what? I think it’s time we exacted the same standards from the left that they apply to us on the right. Back in November 2023,Vice News posted the following tweet…
Neo-Nazis are showing up at pro-Palestine protests in an attempt to push anti-Jewish conspiracy theories and tropes into the mainstream. Here’s what you need to know about them. https://abs-0.twimg.com/emoji/v2/svg/1f9f5.svg1/6
J K Rowling responded…
Hang on. When far-right groups eager for publicity/violence agitate near women’s rallies, that makes all the women sticking up for their rights fascists. However, when Nazis join a protest YOU agree with, they’re opportunists who mustn’t be allowed to besmirch a righteous cause.
I think Rowling’s response, as always, nails it. I don’t think anything more needs to be said.
In the meantime, Monty’s turning into our own Alex Jones. Back in 2016, when Cruz was running for in the Republican primaries, Jones accused Ted Cruz of being the son of a man involved in the Kennedy assassination. Absurd…yes. Jones’ proof? A picture taken of Oswald in early 1963 in New Orleans, and in the picture, Cruz senior was snapped in the same frame as Oswald.
The truth doesn’t matter to the fat fascist fool, only the ever so precious narrative matters to him, and he would see lying to support that narrative as a sacred duty.
I will go and see Furiosa.
Cassie of Sydney
May 27, 2024 4:43 pm
She knows.
Don’t forget she shares his politics.
What a toxic environment for children, thankfully they’re fully vaccinated and no doubt looking forward to trans gendering.
Last week I posted the Margin Call column re Albo going to the Good Luck Lounge last week.
Sharri ran a piece on it tonight saying they all had a lobster each at 200 a pop.
If Albo had a brain, he would have stuck to the succulent feast for 110 a head, which for Sydney is pretty decent.
National Sorry Day?
When do we get an apology for the way we are ignored at the ballot box?
A majority voted against the Voice and associated paraphenalia. The sorry business and the condescending welcome to country included.
Every state is now bringing in some form of it and federally it is seen as a failure of method not message.
26 May is my birthday. I refuse to celebrate it any more.
Mystified why you are so all over this issue Dover. Georgia is the Mouse that Roared. Russia could take the place in a week if they wanted to.
They obviously dislike Russians after the Abkhazia and Sth Ossetia ambit annexations. Which they can’t do anything about except troll the Russians, which I take this to be. And I dunno what the EU have their knickers in a twist about. A storm in a very small teapot. Maybe someone knows where the Golden Fleece is buried and wants in the action.
I monitor the ABC quite closely because I want to know what the enemy is thinking. Which is great because it does literally tell you what to think:
Are electric cars better for the environment than fuel-powered cars? Here’s the verdict
Next up, we ask the Roast Beef Is Best For Sunday Lunch Network which meat you should be roasting for your Sunday lunch. (Hint: it’s not lamb! Sorry Hindus.)
Did as you do a search. For whatever the reason, randomly, the movie The Final Countdown.
Turns out to be free to watch on archive.org. I suppose that a forgotten movie from 1980 might be made available.
Great entertainment! And serious classical SF, it would work very well as a golden age SF short story.
The Final Countdown (1980)
Kirk Douglas has amazing screen presence, he owns every scene he’s in, but the star of the show is CVN-68, a very beautiful lady. And all her wonderful birdies! Interesting performance by Martin Sheen which echoes his effort in Apocalypse Now, a year earlier.
The movie should be watched as a double feature with her sister ship BB-63, in the movie Battleship.
Bummer, I think I broke archive.org’s bandwidth by watching that movie. The link doesn’t want to come up now.
I saw a photo of La Tinkle today — errrgh good heavens is she transitioning?– she doesn’t look very appealing at all.
If her face is that wrinkly imagine what her nether regions must look like…
I’d rather not.
Curse you – that’s a large single malt, and a new keyboard you owe me!
A lifetime of Winfield Reds results in those vertical creases around the mouth from sucking the guts out of the fag. Always a good look, particularly when coupled with a lack of front teeth.
Thanks, FM, but there are people here drinking coffee, if you don’t mind.
Gee whiz mole who frollicks, if Barry Cassidy is Scrotum Face, what is La Tingle? FMD I have stepped on a landmine here. Have at it
Smart man.
May 27, 2024 9:35 pm
I hates you!!!!
Wasn’t Sam Neill banging Tingle for a while?
That’s probably why he became deathly ill.
I did hear the same rumor, yes.
Event Horizon was the audition?