Open Thread – Weekend 1 June 2024

Hyde Park London, Camille Pissarro, 1890

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June 1, 2024 8:59 pm

For those Cat football fans, who will emerge as the European Champion in 23-24?

Dortmund or the mighty Real?

My head says Real, my heart beats Dortmund …

Last edited 4 months ago by Rabz
Top Ender
Top Ender
June 1, 2024 9:02 pm

IIRR Zulu, Cardigan went on to several years of a fairly happy life, although he was sometimes derided for the loss of the Light Brigade.

Also somewhat ironically died from falling off a horse.

June 1, 2024 9:03 pm

In reply to Laura “ we are all racists” Tingle , Richmond football team have a coach named Yze a forward named Kefau an aboriginal and even a Tasmanian
Cop that !

June 1, 2024 9:06 pm

Of course Ace of AoS is another chickenhawk wishing some cadre of square-jawed patriots would save him from today’s cold, hard dose of reality.

As to who these neo-Confederates might be, no one can say. They are just… Out There, like Bigfoot and Q.

June 1, 2024 9:15 pm
June 1, 2024 9:18 pm

Out There, like Bigfoot and Q.

And lefties with dicks.

June 1, 2024 9:20 pm

John, no matter what you think of him, the dude is being witch-hunted and it’s just evil.

June 1, 2024 9:29 pm

John, no matter what you think of him, the dude is being witch-hunted and it’s just evil.

Who’s John head prefect?

June 1, 2024 9:44 pm

John H , Cronkers.

June 1, 2024 9:47 pm

Greetings from Granada! The town’s a-hoppin’ tonight.

Some big football game I believe. 🙂

June 1, 2024 9:48 pm

Oh, he’s got TDS. Pity he seems smart otherwise. It’s funny how smart people get these kinks in their brains. It turns them into lefties.

June 1, 2024 9:52 pm

We’re currently is Majorca. It’s great, in fact all of southern Europe is great in summer.

I have to say that almost every other car I see is electric. Sure, it’s a small island and not Spain.

Sitting around the pool, I just met a real live Homer Simpson. A Majorcan living in San Fran who actually ran civilian nuclear reactors for a living. I told him I was in awe of him 🙂

June 1, 2024 10:03 pm


 June 1, 2024 9:47 pm

Greetings from Granada! The town’s a-hoppin’ tonight.

Some big football game I believe. ?

Calli, hope you get to visit Alhambra, we missed out as it was booked out. We visited Isabella and Ferdinand’s tomb under the cathedral instead which in hindsight was even better. We got to walk through the crypt though no photos allowed.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
June 1, 2024 10:09 pm

Geewrong are going to take the chockies against Richmond.

Ordinarily I would be consumed with rage that this pack of purty boys had beaten anyone, but I was then reminded that it was only Richmond they were flogging.

Apologies IT, if you’re reading this, but geez.

June 1, 2024 10:14 pm

Love or hate Trump, this rotten trial is an assault on justice

Whether you love or hate Trump, this conviction should appall you. This is not about Donald Trump. It’s about the weaponisation of the criminal justice system against a political opponent. It’s the type of prosecutorial and judicial conduct we expect in Putin’s Russia. Prior to this case, America was deeply divided. Now it’s tearing at the seams.

Lawfare very easily can become warfare when people lose trust in the institutions that are supposed to protect against political persecution. There were so many errors in the trial proceedings that the likelihood of the case being overturned on appeal is high, but that will come after the November election. The damage to the legitimacy of our system has been done regardless of how the appeal turns out.

The left unquestionably crossed a Rubicon with this travesty. Whether it was THE Rubicon remains to be seen.

June 1, 2024 10:18 pm

Off to the Alhambra tomorrow. Also a couple of other sites.

Just about to venture out into the old town.

We hired another Volvo SUV from Madrid because we liked the first one so much. Some sort of hybrid, though we have it running on petrol. Trying to shoehorn the thing into underground parking is a bit fraught – the left hand drive swapover plays havoc with spatial reasoning.

And if Top Ender is watching…took your advice and fled from fish and chips at Gibraltar. Fun fact – they pay no income tax there. Minimum house price – a million quid. And they can’t build them fast enough.

Entry was fun. You go through two checkpoints and then cross the runway. You know you’re in GB when you see the red phone box.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
June 1, 2024 10:20 pm



The Waterboys – The Whole of the Moon [Official HD Remastered Video]

June 1, 2024 10:26 pm

calli – the big match is Real Madrid against Dortmund – the latter being the underdogue …

June 1, 2024 10:30 pm
June 1, 2024 10:56 pm

June 1, 2024 10:14 pm

Love or hate Trump, this rotten trial is an assault on justice

Whether you love or hate Trump, this conviction should appall you. This is not about Donald Trump. It’s about the weaponisation of the criminal justice system against a political opponent

The left unquestionably crossed a Rubicon with this travesty. Whether it was THE Rubicon remains to be seen.

It was noted here before that the apathy of the people will let it pass.
Maybe a few hotheads cause some trouble, easily dealt with by willing law enforcement.

June 1, 2024 10:58 pm


June 1, 2024 10:59 pm

Please explain?
No more needed.

June 1, 2024 11:17 pm

Another significant anniversary went by with not even a word in the MSM.

the 100th anniversary of the canonization of St. Joan of Arc

I realise, that there are just too many and most people have no interest, but some anniversaries are worthy of remembering.

But I suppose the day Whitlam took power had more effect on peoples’ life. C’est la vie.

June 1, 2024 11:21 pm

Miss Ellie – just being slightly sexy – again … 🙂

June 1, 2024 11:50 pm

Miss Hannah Peel, Cats – the sort of goil that you just would want to be intimate with …

Those li’l slim arms
The brunette hair
The inviting voice … 🙂

Last edited 4 months ago by Rabz
June 1, 2024 11:55 pm

Not to mention our own beautiful li’l Ozzee brunettes

June 1, 2024 11:56 pm
June 2, 2024 12:25 am
June 2, 2024 4:00 am
June 2, 2024 4:01 am

How apt, this is the way journos operate.

June 2, 2024 5:42 am

Thanks Tom.

My favourite…

June 2, 2024 5:43 am

Bother. Here.

June 2, 2024 5:44 am

And this one, just for the Trekkies…

June 2, 2024 6:17 am

From one of my feeds;

““We are now fighting a second War of Independence.” Ret. Gen. Yair Golan texted me yesterday: “But this time it is not over territory and not being fought by soldiers. Rather, this is a war over the soul of the State.” Golan just won a sweeping victory as the new head of the Labor party in Israel with the hopes of uniting the Zionist Left and growing its political influence.
Could this be the moment for the Zionist Left to rebuild and mobilize all those who are deeply alarmed by the current situation of illiberalism growing throughout Israeli society?
Could this be the moment for those who are alarmed by the risky rhetoric and dubious decisions of the current ruling government coalition, by the lack of a ‘day-after’ plan, and this government’s refusal to acknowledge that a Palestinian state will ever come into existence?
Could this be a moment for all those who protested and fought to preserve Israel’s democracy in the many months before the October 7 massacre, and who are relentless in advocating tirelessly for a deal with Hamas to redeem the captives?
Could this be the moment to unite together under a pro-democracy, liberal, pluralistic, and Zionist Party coalition?
While we cannot predict the future and we can’t know whether the current cabinet tumult will topple the government and bring about new elections, we can hope that those in favor of democracy, pluralism, and equality will unite for the sake of the State of Israel and the Jewish people.
Shabbat Shalom.”

I’m not sure this is the right time to ask for new elections.

June 2, 2024 6:41 am

 June 1, 2024 6:17 pm

Serious question.

Can a resident legal beagle please explain the difference between these pro-h@m@s camp-ins (and associated pressure campaign, including written demands), and the legal definition of extortion, as the latter applies in Australian jurisdictions? Thanks.

No comments yet so I’ve reposted it in hopes of getting some.

June 2, 2024 6:54 am


CCW works well in gun free zones where, ironically, a lot of gun crimes occur. A gunman thinking they gave free rein until the cops show up can get a nasty surprise when one or some of the intended victims return fire.

?92% of mass shootings happen in ‘gunfree zones’.

Licenced CC introduces uncertainty into the perpetrators calculations of mass murder. There are multiple examples of CC defenders stopping shooters prematurely.
This argument isn’t about a CC – it’s about making the populace defenceless against the criminal class.

June 2, 2024 7:45 am

Can a resident legal beagle please explain the difference between these pro-h@m@s camp-ins (and associated pressure campaign, including written demands), and the legal definition of extortion, as the latter applies in Australian jurisdictions?

Its not extortion when you allow yourself to be “forced” to take actions you want too, but need the cover of another group to avoid the consequences.
Much like Labor and the greens, “Oh no the greens have forced us to be economically irresponsible, boo hoo”…


June 2, 2024 7:48 am

I love how Yanks can turn demolition into a great spectacle.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
June 2, 2024 7:49 am

The EU bureaucracy has found a new enemy!

EU blasted as Brits can’t believe ban on one very popular crisp flavour (1 Jun)

The European Union has left many Britons baffled by its decision to ban a beloved crisp flavour—smoky bacon.

This move comes after the remaining 27 member states approved the prohibition in late April.

Despite assurances from pro-EU publications that any attempt to ban the flavour was merely a smear campaign, the EU’s bureaucrats have decided to phase out artificial smoke flavourings over the next two years.

The decision is seen by some as a reversal of the bloc’s pre-Brexit pledges.

A European Commission report cited potential cancer risks associated with the methods of extracting the smoky flavour, although snack manufacturers have contested these claims, arguing that there is no conclusive evidence linking the process to cancer.

Obviously millions of unfortunate smoky bacon potato chip eaters have been dying like flies. Must’ve been. Whole graveyards are full up with corpses of smokey bacon victims! I wonder when they will ban smoked salmon? That’d really hurt Davos attendees.

June 2, 2024 7:50 am

Postmodernism and Its Impact, Explained.

Helen Pluckrose outlines some of the arguments later explored in depth in her bestselling 2020 book, Cynical Theories (co-authored with James Lindsay). The essay charts the pernicious influence of postmodernist thinking on two generations of academics and activists. If you want to understand how we got to a place where microaggressions are denounced as violence but the brutal terrorism of an intifada is considered righteous, this is an important primer.

Cassie of Sydney
June 2, 2024 8:09 am

Yesterday in London there was a huge rally but you won’t read about it in the MSM, and if you do the rally and its attendees will be smeared as ‘far-right’ and ‘raaaaacist’. This rally yesterday was attended by normal Britons from all backgrounds and walks of life, working class, middle class, ex-Muslims, Jews, Christians, atheists, a rally held to reclaim the city from the Jew hating, Jew baiting, leftist, far-left, Muslim and Islamist scum that have hijacked the city since October 7.

The banner at the front proclaimed that…

‘this is London not Londonistan”

June 2, 2024 8:19 am
June 2, 2024 8:19 am

Cassie of Sydney
 June 2, 2024 8:09 am

Yesterday in London there was a huge rally but you won’t read about it in the MSM, and if you do the rally and its attendees will be smeared as ‘far-right’ and ‘raaaaacist’. 

I did read a bout it but everything else you said is correct:

Tommy Robinson marchers lead Anti-Muslim chant in London demo | The Independent

June 2, 2024 8:27 am

Defence minister Richard Marles, in China for talks with Labor’s allies in the Chinese Communist Party, says he won’t object to China’s confrontations on the high seas with Australia service personnel because “it’s not what adults do”. FMD

June 2, 2024 8:34 am

Obviously millions of unfortunate smoky bacon potato chip eaters have been dying like flies. Must’ve been. Whole graveyards are full up with corpses of smokey bacon victims! I wonder when they will ban smoked salmon? That’d really hurt Davos attendees.

You know that everything the elites like cannot be harmful because they just know better. Trust them.

June 2, 2024 8:42 am


 June 2, 2024 8:27 am

Defence minister Richard Marles, in China for talks with Labor’s allies in the Chinese Communist Party, says he won’t object to China’s confrontations on the high seas with Australia service personnel because “it’s not what adults do”. FMD

So what he is saying is that Albo sent him to China to crawl to Xi not to stop accepting our exports until after the election. Albo needs that part of the economy off the front pages until then. It seems it’s easier to do that then tell the Greens to stop menacing the live sheep and cattle exports.

June 2, 2024 8:49 am

Sky News could save themselves a lot of money by simply replaying CNN’s comments on the Trump trial instead of paying Annelise Nielsen to report from the US. Her reports are hardly insightful or even impartial, she is just a pretty airhead.

Top Ender
Top Ender
June 2, 2024 8:58 am

Turning Japanese a good sub alternative

By Top Ender

Australia’s submarine program staggers along, rather like an aged pensioner who wants to keep working.

The latest pedestrian bollard into which it has crashed is an assessment of the proposal to extend the life of the current six Collins-class vessels, the last of which entered the water in 2003.

The review, by former US navy deputy assistant secretary Gloria Valdez, says the government-owned submarine company ASC lacks the design and engineering experience to extend the life of the submarines for a decade.

It’s hardly surprising. The Collins boats would literally be pulled apart, including cutting the hulls open in a process which is supposed to take two years each. The cost is an airy $5billion Aus. Given ASC’s expertise since it last put a vessel in the water is limited to maintaining the six Collins boats, it has a steep climb ahead if it is to reach the heights of such expert upgrading.

But why go down the road of experimenting with boats now 20-plus years old anyway? The current cost of a Japanese S?ry?-class conventional attack submarine is approximately US$540 million. So for around $3.3 billion the country could have six brand new capable and proved submarines, with up to date technology.

What’s this, I hear you cry. Didn’t Australia once look at buying Japanese boats? Yes indeed. So far the sorry story of submarines looks like this:

2003: the last of the Collins-class enters service, surrounded by the debacle of technology that didn’t work. Thanks to the US Navy, it eventually did.

2004-2012: nothing much happens, despite the Rudd government saying it would begin construction on new vessels “in about 2017”.

2016: under the Turnbull government, France won a contract to build a diesel-powered variant of its Barracuda-class submarine for Australia. This was one of the most stunningly incompetent decisions in Australian military acquisition history – proven nuclear boats would be re-designed to carry fuel tanks and all of the other paraphernalia for diesels because?

2021: the French deal was scrapped in favour of AUKUS, a nuclear solution.
Unfortunately in the intervening time no steel has been cut for an Australian boat, and there is no firm delivery date for when HMAS Sub 1 will be in the water. Instead we are going to see a) three American Virginia-class boats delivered, with the first possibly around 2030, b) US boats based out of Perth with Australians aboard; c) British – of course “improved” (oh no!) – boats built in Australian shipyards, and d) the Collins vessels soldiering on possibly for decades.

On the positive side there are Aussie submariners training with the Americans in the complications of operating nuclear vessels, so there is that.

The Soryu-class is being superseded by the Taigei-class, but why not leave the beta-testing to the excellent Japanese designers? The Soryu’s have an excellent track record. They use both air-independent propulsion, and lithium-ion batteries. The AIP system means they can stay submerged longer without coming to the surface to snort – that is, using a snorkel.

Although this allows the submarine to stay semi-submerged it’s still bringing it close to the surface and those things that kill you – aircraft and anti-submarine warships. The newer batteries have almost double the electric storage capacity of traditional lead-acid batteries, again adding to the submerged endurance capability. The Soryu’s fire torpedoes and the Harpoon missile Australia uses. Their performance is excellent, and their track record over the 12 boats Japan has built so far the same.

It must be said however that the best solution for Australia’s submarining needs is 12 Virginia-class boats from the USA, built there, as fast as possible. If we are contemplating an unstable Pacific environment, and possible conflict, then we need weapons systems now, not later. Building our own submarines is also fraught with danger. We messed it up last time, and we will do so this time. Submarines are the most complex machine on the planet, and our track record, littered with mistakes and problems, is not good. Why go down that road again?

There are three questions reporters could ask the Aussie Defence Minister any time he pops his head over the parapet. 1) How much steel has been cut? 2) How much have we spent so far? 3) When will the first HMAS hit the water? We actually know the answers: none; about $Aus 5 billion, and maybe in the 2030s. The overall situation is disgraceful.

Refitting the Collins class is another sorry solution in this meandering drunken walk towards a solution. They are a good boat, but they are constantly being overtaken by newer technologies. The Soryu-class are cutting edge, and the best conventional submarines in the world now.
There is however one thing to change. The Soryu was one of the four aircraft carriers that attacked Darwin in 1942. Although it went to the bottom of the sea along with the other three of that assault group at the Battle of Midway, we’d want to call them something distinctive. Hopefully Teddy Sheean VC’s name will live forever, and be one of the newer submarines, along with Farncomb, Collins, Rankin, Dechaineux, and Waller – all great fighting figures in RAN history.

Perhaps the first of class could be called Rogers? Jonathan “Buck” Rogers – the nickname comes from a popular science-fiction character – was a hero from HMAS Voyager, tragically rammed by the aircraft carrier Melbourne in 1964 off Jervis Bay. Chief Petty Officer Rogers united those trapped in the forward section of the destroyer, still afloat, before after some time its inexorable flooding with water sent it to the seabed.

Do we really want to have three classes of submarines in the Navy; all of them surrounded by uncertainty? Instead, we could buy into a proven new class for less money. At least that would give us some certainty in this meandering path towards new submarines for Australia.


Top Ender is a military historian. His latest book The Sinking of HMAS Sydney – “living, fighting and dying in WWII cruisers” – is now in the shops.

June 2, 2024 9:02 am

A few years ago I had my Driza nicked while on Skye.
At the time I thought it to be a reasonable penalty for anyone stupid enough to waste good money to visit a barren rock stuck out in the Atlantic.
Yesterday a mate sent me a photo from Skye of a hideous land whale dressed in a Driza, tartan beret and bovver boots.
His accompanying commentary was rude, suggestive and downright impertinent.
Revenge will be plotted.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
June 2, 2024 9:12 am

Joe Biden just tried to bring down the Israeli government.

Confirmed: Biden Lied About Israeli ‘Proposal’; Right-wing Ministers Threaten to Quit (1 Jun)

Reactions from parties in Israel’s governing coalition confirmed Saturday that U.S. President Joe Biden lied to the world when he claimed a proposal for a ceasefire and hostage deal had come from the Israeli government.

As Breitbart News reported, Biden presented a three-part proposal on Friday and claimed, four times, that it was Israel’s proposal.

Biden waited until the onset of the Jewish Sabbath to make his remarks, making it more difficult for the Israeli government to respond. Notably, the proposal did not call for the destruction or disarmament of Hamas, and Biden told Israelis in his speech that they could not expect “total victory.”

What he tried to do was get coalition parties to walk away from the government because of the supposed Israeli plan, which wasn’t theirs. That is a level of despicability not seen in international diplomacy, especially not in undermining a formal ally.

Whenever you see Biden and his clique do a craven and evil act you think it can’t be topped. But the stinking zombie just keeps on doing even worse things. There is nothing he won’t attempt to pursue the far-left agenda, nothing. I hope Trump has good security.

June 2, 2024 9:24 am

U.S. President Joe Biden lied to the world when he claimed a proposal for a ceasefire and hostage deal had come from the Israeli government.

Which is to say Biden’s puppet master lied to the world.

Cassie of Sydney
June 2, 2024 9:40 am

The Oz has pictures of the Higgins Sharaz splash. I suspect a lot of money, our money, was spent on the dress and the party, and the pictures show Ms Higgins dressed in her virginal white wedding dress, the dress apparently costing upwards of $30,000. I do hope La Higgins had the good sense to wear some knickers under that dress.

June 2, 2024 10:01 am

Just watching Outsiders talking about the 3 1/2 yr old being taught to say sorry for the “aboriginal genocide”. Dad called this story in to Ben Fordham during the week.
What I want to see is the program bringing in the kindergarten teacher to explain themselves, please give us all the reasoning behind this action so all the parents and the public know what they think and why.

June 2, 2024 10:06 am

Drinker’s Chasers – Furiosa Flops, Hollywood In Panic
whats not to love about another girl boss

Last edited 4 months ago by Zippster
June 2, 2024 10:11 am

Great submarine situation run down by TE.
Clearly the Japanese option is preferable short term.
Building anything in Oz going to be a nightmare due to all the extra add ons the Australians will come up with plus the Unions.
Unfortunately sub decisions look like they are decided more on how many high paying jobs providing long term rather getting them quicker at value for money.
Then you have the production power supply from windmills and solar.
We are so screwed if subs are vital to our defence.

June 2, 2024 10:14 am

1.65% charge for using card in local cafe.
Used cash while still can.

June 2, 2024 10:19 am

I mostly use cash for coffee in cafes.

June 2, 2024 10:21 am

Back from the shops, parked next to a supposed greenie with the obligatory ABC, Save the Planet and assorted other stickers over the back window. Yet too lazy to return the trolley, leaving it in the car space next to them.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
June 2, 2024 10:28 am

Drinker’s Chasers – Furiosa Flops, Hollywood In Panic

whats not to love about another girl boss

Interesting perspective from Mt Isa:

Mad Max: Furiosa flop hits Aussie cinemas in ‘disastrous’ 2024 box office (, 1 Jun)

It was supposed to be a hit.

Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga boasted Aussie Hollywood heart-throb Chris Hemsworth and rising star Anya Taylor-Joy in a beloved franchise, effusive critical praise including a six-minute standing ovation at the prestigious Cannes Film Festival in France and a worldwide marketing campaign propelled by entertainment giant Warner Bros.

There’s the problem right there. Cannes giving a standing ovation to a movie is an immediate turn off for normal people.

But the action-packed extravaganza flopped, pulling in just $32m across the US four-day Memorial Day weekend, below a projected $40m haul, for a $59m worldwide take, according to Box Office Mojo.

This weekend is even worse, John Nolte recounts the misery here.

For Stephen Goddard, the manager of a three-screen cinema in the coal mining town of Emerald in Central Queensland, the flops could spell the end of movie-going in western Queensland.

“Furiosa is actually a really good movie, but it won’t matter,” he told NewsWire.

“We will probably shut down, quite truthfully, and I know that Mount Isa is in the same boat. I have spoken to them and they are looking at it.”

“That will just about mean, you don’t have a cinema alive in the west at all.

“I can pretty confidently say we won’t get to December.”

The drop off in revenue at the cinema is stark.

Mr Goddard said he had sold just 222 tickets for Furiosa in its first week.

Ordinarily, a hit would sell 1050 tickets in a week. …

“Those are the cold hard facts and our costs have gone through the roof of course. Electricity costs are outrageous.

Cats have said the same thing, that it’s actually a good movie. I suspect the problem is audiences are now so terrified of woke preaching that one tiny sign of it is enough to turn them right off. It’s the reverse word of mouth effect.

I’m sad that bush cinemas are going to die because Hollywood has gone collectively insane and Blackout Bowen has raped them with sky-high electricity prices.

June 2, 2024 10:30 am

I wouldn’t recognise her, specially in curlers?

June 2, 2024 10:34 am

Sharaz’ bridegroom outfit is awful. He is decked out as a Mafia Priest. It seems he stopped short of wearing spats.
Also, that massive fat roll under his chin is extremely distracting. I keep thinking of sausages on the barbecue.

June 2, 2024 10:38 am

This from Peter Van “Wrongagain’s” diatrabe on Luigi on the Mail Online ..

It is an unedifying characteristic, especially for a PM who has long prided himself on his humble origins. 

Admittedly, “wrongagain” is decrying the PM but this constant media interpretation of Luigi’s con “humble beginnings” is getting stale ..
Luigi may have been raised in “houso” but the late 1960s “houso” wasn’t dependent on “humble” but circumstances .. Mummy qualified for “houso” by being a single parent not lack of income (she was a HS teacher) .. Luigi went to “private” school and had a grandaddy who owned a business so not quite so “humble” .. Plus Camperdown was/is a totally different game to life in a western Sydney “houso” estate …
But the media keeps on waffling the “humble” start tale …….!

June 2, 2024 10:39 am

Stop making sense TE, there are no votes in SA or Victoria for something that works. Your military observations are great to read. Simple to understand and to the point. Knowing some in the Defence Department the ratio seems to be 15% doing things to defend the country and 85% making sure it doesn’t happen through inertia, incompetence or bloody mindedness. Thankyou.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
June 2, 2024 10:42 am

True, dat.

comment image

June 2, 2024 10:44 am

Totally agree with below. In multiple articles and comments bashing the movie they use the term boss lady as a negative. Many don’t seem to know it is a prequel to Fury with current young actress playing Charleze Theron character. I thought Theron was good in Fury and she was great as an action girl in Atomic Blonde.
I did not pick up a woke vibe from the movie.
The “boss lady” type movies I avoid in the cinema are where they take a successful movie and try to remake with all female leads. Obvious ones here are Ghostbusters and Oceans Eight. Saving Private Raelene can’t be far off.
I wonder if there is also an element of tall poppy syndrome as by bashing Furiosa they can also say Hemsworth had a flop.

“Cats have said the same thing, that it’s actually a good movie. I suspect the problem is audiences are now so terrified of woke preaching that one tiny sign of it is enough to turn them right off. It’s the reverse word of mouth effect”

June 2, 2024 10:46 am
June 2, 2024 10:51 am
June 2, 2024 10:53 am

My memory must be shot. I am pretty sure last week there were multiple articles quoting BOM as saying 2,000 km front of heavy rain coming up to Qld over the weekend.

My lying eyes are seeing clear blue skies and not a single drop of rain in Brisbane so far today.

But hey let’s believe the predictions about the climate 50 years from now.

Anybody in Qld seeing rain today? There was some yesterday but definitely did not match the hype.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
June 2, 2024 10:58 am

My memory must be shot. I am pretty sure last week there were multiple articles quoting BOM as saying 2,000 km front of heavy rain coming up to Qld over the weekend. My lying eyes are seeing clear blue skies

No no, it was a 5,000 km wide front of pure Gaia’s fury.

5000km rain band continues to smash Australia, as BOM issues flood warnings (, 1 Jun)

There’s so much to love in that headline, it’s epic. Maybe BoM should make the next Mad Max movie.

June 2, 2024 11:00 am

Convicted criminal Vonshitzenpants back on the campaign trail with two rounds of golf and a visit to UFC.

Low energy, sad.

June 2, 2024 11:07 am

5,000km wide and still can’t hit Qld!
Aren’t there farmers suing BOM for their poor forecasting ?

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
June 2, 2024 11:14 am

Come in here Monty and explain this!

Trump Campaign Announces Nearly $53 Million Raised in 24 Hours After Trump Conviction (1 Jan)

So many people were trying to donate the website crashed.

June 2, 2024 11:34 am

Isn’t it about time some Houthi leaders met with some car bombs or other exotic endings?

June 2, 2024 11:54 am

At the end of the sermon, the pastor asked if anyone in the congregation would like to express a praise for an answered prayer. Suzie stood and walked to the podium.

She said, “I have a praise. Two months ago, my husband, Frank, had a terrible bicycle accident and his scrotum was completely crushed.
“The pain was excruciating, and the doctors didn’t know if they could help him.”
You could hear a muffled gasp from the men in the congregation as they imagined the pain that poor Frank must have experienced.
“Frank was unable to hold me or the children,” she went on, “and every move caused him terrible pain.” We prayed as the doctors performed a delicate operation, and it turned out they were able to piece together the crushed remnants of Frank’s scrotum and wrap fine wire around it to hold it in place with metal staples.”
Again, the men in the congregation cringed and squirmed uncomfortably as they imagined the horrible surgery performed on Frank.
“Now,” she announced in a quivering voice, “thank the Lord, Frank is out of the hospital and the doctors say that with time, his scrotum should recover completely.”

All the men sighed with unified relief. The pastor rose and tentatively asked if anyone else had something to say.

A man stood up and walked slowly to the podium. He said, “I’m Frank.” The entire congregation held its breath.
“I just want to tell my wife that the word is sternum.”

June 2, 2024 12:03 pm

if you are around, I reckon you might enjoy this. 😀

comment image

June 2, 2024 12:13 pm
June 2, 2024 12:45 pm


June 2, 2024 11:00 am

Convicted criminal Vonshitzenpants back on the campaign trail with two rounds of golf and a visit to UFC.

You stated yesterday he was a rapist.
I’m guessing you still have no proof.

There’s more proof that you should be wearing an ankle bracelet.

June 2, 2024 12:48 pm

Does anyone seriously think the walking corpse will be the ultimate Dem candidate?

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
June 2, 2024 12:57 pm

There’s more proof that you should be wearing an ankle bracelet

A minor correction, if I may.

*cankle bracelet*

June 2, 2024 12:58 pm

Below first part of article just gone up at Courier Mail via Mackay Mercury. Comments currently not allowed. If you Google those three clans Wikipedia does not give much information at all. Would be interesting to know current population.

Two native title claims have been determined for more than 7800sq km in Central Queensland more than 10 years after the applications were first filed.
The Barada Kabalbara Yetimalara People now have Native Title over 7512sq km of land stretching from Sarina down to Rockhampton that encompasses five regional council jurisdictions after the Federal Court of Australia handed down its decision this month.
They also now hold Native Title over 294sq km of land and waters north of Rockhampton, with the applications first filed in July of 2013.
It is understood the recent determinations are the first to affect the Isaac region west of Mackay in five years.
Those claiming to hold native title over both areas were ‘apical’ ancestors – meaning through adoption or ‘raising up’ of persons including unnamed Barada Woman (spouse of Johnny and Charlie Budby), Lucy and/or Jimmy Barber, Kitty aka Kitty Eaglehawk, Yatton Boney, Maggie (mother of Jack Mack and Gypsy Tyson), and King Boco.
Court documents state historical sources proved the ancestors had “association within and close to the claim area(s)” around the “effective date of sovereignty” in 1865.
For example, a person named JB Shannon in November, 1887 wrote about selling rations to the “n-ggers” Lucy, Sugar, Kitty and Boco for two shillings before they “sent the darkies off”.
The documents further state the evidence heard during on-country hearings – which included traditional knowledges passed down from grandparents to grandchildren like warnings to not eat emu or Goondalo as they were ancestors – provided enough facts to determine native title rights.
What does the native title determination mean?The determination allows the Barada Kabalbara Yetimarala People “the right to possess, occupy, use and enjoy the lands and waters of the application area(s) as against the whole world, pursuant to the traditional laws and customs of the claim group.”
The National Native Title Tribunal states the native title claims gives the Barada Kabalbara People the right to move about on or travel over the areas; to camp and erect temporary shelters; and to hunt, fish and gather on the lands or have access to, take and use natural resources from the lands for personal, domestic and non-commercial communal purposes.
The Barada Kabalabara Yetimarala People can also hold meetings, conduct ceremonies, maintain places of importance and areas of significance, teach, live, and be buried on or bury native title holders on the grounds within the native title boundaries.

June 2, 2024 1:21 pm
June 2, 2024 1:31 pm

The Barada Kabalbara Yetimalara People now have Native Title over 7512sq km of land stretching from Sarina down to Rockhampton that encompasses five regional council jurisdictions after the Federal Court of Australia handed down its decision this month.

The 3rd nations are the grifters no doubt in this bullshit but this and others like her are the real culprits:

The Hon Justice Sarah C Derrington AM | ALRC

June 2, 2024 1:34 pm

Yes. Marxist dons.

June 2, 2024 1:35 pm

As a rule I don’t watch Australian movies or shows. I can’t cope with seeing my taxes employed to destoy our once wondeful culture and promote evil ideologies.

That said, on Tubi I stumbled over a 1985 TV series called Les Norton. It must have broadcast when I lived OS.

Watching it was a strange feeling; like looking over the fence at a place that you revelled in and loved but didn’t realise had been completely taken away from you.

It was straight larrikin harmless good fun. Larconic, cartoon violance, revelled in offending every ‘ism’ ever fabricated, and was dedicated to taking the piss out of everything and everyone including the mob that we have to prey to before a footy match can get underway.

A murdered genre.

I was amazed by how nostalgic it made me feel. I am not amazed by how vengeful it made me feel.

June 2, 2024 1:55 pm

“Does anyone seriously think the walking corpse will be the ultimate adem candidate”

I expect a switcharoo after the democrat convention. “Biden is kind of a grin with a body behind it The intellect of the democrat party” (Clint Eastwood) .
Impossible to hide the obvious demented corpse any more. Eyes and ears don’t lie, despite that creepy wife Dr Jill parroting he’s the most astute man in the room!

June 2, 2024 2:11 pm

Convicted criminal Vonshitzenpants back on the campaign trail with two rounds of golf and a visit to UFC.

Energy far from low, m0ron. It was a spontaneous outpouring of positive loud energy for 45, something you will never see at a Biden zombie huddle ;




BREAKING: Donald Trump walks into UFC 302 in New Jersey just days after being convicted 10 miles away in New York — Crowd ROARS

Last edited 4 months ago by Makka
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
June 2, 2024 2:12 pm

No investigation into terror-praising preacher after bishop stabbing comments

  • Exclusive

By alexi demetriadi

  • NSW Political Reporter
  • 12:32PM June 2, 2024

A terror-praising Sydney preacher who applauded a teen for “standing up for prophet Mohammed” when he allegedly stabbed Assyrian Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel will not be investigated by police, as political leaders said authorities have “to get serious” on hate speech.
The Australian can reveal that a southwest Sydney cleric known only as “Brother Ismail” made the intervention on the alleged stabbing to a packed crowd at the Al Madina Dawah Centre in late May.
But that praise does not fall foul of commonwealth legislation outlawing “praising” a terrorist act, with state police confirming it would not investigate the cleric.
“These are our red lines and insults from a man (Bishop Emmanuel) followed by billions … it’s not a good idea, and this was the outcome and consequences,” the preacher said, referring to the Wakeley alleged terror incident on April 15.
“That kid, in his actions, stood up and defended the honour of Mohammed …”
A boy, 16, was charged with committing a terror offence after allegedly stabbing Bishop Emmanuel, who sustained, but recovered from, multiple injuries.

June 2, 2024 2:13 pm

I suspect the problem is audiences are now so terrified of woke preaching that one tiny sign of it is enough to turn them right off. It’s the reverse word of mouth effect. 

I’m sad that bush cinemas are going to die because Hollywood has gone collectively insane and Blackout Bowen has raped them with sky-high electricity prices.

In the early years Hollywood was run by people who knew what audiences wanted to see. A lot of them were refugees from Nazis so in their new world they were not elites and had close contacts with common people to be in the know. Those producers also knew that they wanted to make money not impress some snooty-nosed artistic elite who are not their customers. They were also quite cultured and used culture in a genuine way that either uplifted audiences or amused them.

The current Hollywood bigwigs have no connection to their audiences, don’t know what plays out there in the suburbs and don’t care. They have come out of universities convinced by their professors that their mission is to make a difference. Well they have made a difference, they have destroyed their industry. Sadly the same is turning out to be the case in every industry these new managers touch.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
June 2, 2024 2:15 pm

Brittany Higgins to wed David Sharaz at The Valley Estate in Currumbin, Qld

From the Oz – comments have suddenly gone down the memory hole..

June 2, 2024 2:22 pm

The problem with switching Biden out is that by the rules they are out of time. The state filing deadlines to get on their ballots have passed.

Is an accommodation possible? Possibly, but the Dem Convention is scheduled for 19 Aug and there’s absolutely no way it will happen after that.

June 2, 2024 3:04 pm

Only half way through as it is 3 hours. The Patrick Beth David debate over vaccines and mandates between Chris Cuomo and Dave Smith. Plenty of discussion about Rogan and ivermectin and media coverage.
Smith winning but at least Cuomo had the guts to debate what happened.

June 2, 2024 3:10 pm

My brief Performance model Y Tesla one year review.

Overall I give it 8 out 10. Not perfect but for a daily driver it is excellent. a sub 4 sec car for $100k is mind blowing. Acceleration is slingshot like yet manages to be smooth. The acceleration reminds me a bit of a japanese bullet train, speed just relentlessly increases without a glitch. It doesnt even take 2 secs to hit 60k speed limit. With the regen braking and instant torque I basically drive the car with my big toe and 1 finger, I grew up with manual cars and still drive with one hand. Use the brakes maybe once or twice during the daily drive, just as the occasional final touch to the regen. It’s a completely different driving experience to a petrol car.

The car is very much about its software, which is updated over the air currently about every 2 weeks. The latest has insane situational visuals used by the self driving computer. The minimalist interior reminds me a bit of my parents VW when I was a little kid. Dont miss all the lights, dials and controls of modern cars. Dont miss the roar of the V8s. Dont miss the heavy key fobs.

Pros: quiet, insanely quick, smooth. great sound system you can hear. software is 1st class and well designed, responsive and accessible remotely. Constant updates and improvements. Dirt cheap to run.

Cons: could do with active suspension. cutting the road and wind noise down even more would be great. lumbar support doesnt work for me, had to fix that. Factory window tinting is inadequate, had to add some. A bit more refinement wouldn’t go astray.

Overall not a luxury car as I would describe one, but not bad. The use case as a daily driver with home charging is exactly what it excels at. Would not buy an EV without home charging. Easily the most enjoyable car to drive I have owned, smokes everything except maybe a few exotics. After driving it for a few months I drove my other petrol car, a 4 sec luxury beast and it felt like a dinosaur, so I sold it (sorry JC) and bought a second Tesla.

June 2, 2024 3:14 pm

A boy, 16, was charged with committing a terror offence after allegedly stabbing Bishop Emmanuel, who sustained, but recovered from, multiple injuries.

I thought the bishop lost an eye.

You don’t recover from that.

June 2, 2024 3:29 pm

Top Ender:
Re – the uboats – the only way we will get effective, efficient, well made and deadly boats is if they are to be manned ONLY by the conscripted families of our Politicians and Unions.
And I’m dead set serious about that.

June 2, 2024 3:30 pm

The only Tesla I’ve been in is a taxi, Zippy. Seemed okay, nice suspension. That was in Tromso, so it had the snow tyres on, so a bit of road noise.

The thing that bothers me about electrics (apart from the mammoth waste concealed in the battery and the robbing of taxes to subsidise their introduction) is the silence. Here in the tiny streets of Spain, for instance, they have to be a menace as the streets are shared by pedestrians. You simply don’t hear them approaching.

June 2, 2024 3:31 pm

Very interesting comment from Powerline blog on Trump sentencing. Says Judge will do whatever helps Biden most.

“I think it more likely that Merchan will sentence Trump to house arrest. He would wear an ankle bracelet and be confined to his home, which I assume means Mar-a-Lago. The purpose of such a sentence would be to neutralize one of Trump’s key advantages: he is an excellent campaigner, perhaps the best of recent times, while Joe Biden is too senile to campaign effectively, if at all. Cooping Trump up at home, allowing him to campaign via video but not in person, would help to minimize the contrast between Trump’s vigor and Biden’s senility”

June 2, 2024 3:36 pm

Still watching Cuomo v Smith. Smith is excellent in terms of Covid and what happened and what they are discussing mirrors what happened in Australia.

June 2, 2024 3:57 pm

Former Obama Adviser David Axelrod Says Idea of Replacing Joe Biden on 2024 Ticket is a ‘Fantasy’

“This is not 1968 where the convention is gonna decide. We changed the rules. Voters nominate a candidate. They’ve nominated Joe Biden, and he’s not going anywhere,” Axelrod told Maher. “There’s no generation of elders who are gonna go to the White House and tell him that he can’t run. He is going to run and one of the reasons they want an early debate I’m sure is to focus people on this is the choice! It’s Trump and Biden.”

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
June 2, 2024 4:16 pm

Very interesting comment from Powerline blog on Trump sentencing. Says Judge will do whatever helps Biden most.

That question is more complex than it appears on the surface.

Rep. Dean Phillips Presses New York Gov. Kathy Hochul to Pardon Donald Trump (1 Jun)

Former Democrat presidential primary candidate Rep. Dean Phillips (D-MN) is pressing New York Gov. Kathy Hochul (D) to pardon former President Donald Trump because “making him a martyr” would result in an “electoral boost.”

Someone it seems has worked out that all this is doing is making Trump even more electable. And he wants a do over. Well good luck with that son, you opened this box of the seven next plagues. Suck on it.

Wally Dali
Wally Dali
June 2, 2024 4:26 pm

Did i imagine a sneaky Dem manouever where if the God Emperor is listed as a “convicted felon” in any jurisdiction at a specific date and time- say, 5:30 on the last friday in May- any other state can strike him off the polling ticket?

June 2, 2024 4:29 pm

 Sancho Panzer:
May 29, 2024 1:47 pm
 Reply to  Oh come on

OCO, there’s something very dodgy about the whole thing and I’d be reluctant to blame anyone except the shooter, and even then the story needs to come out.

How do we even know that the daughter isn’t telling the truth and the coppers wanted an incident that would allow them to confiscate every weapon in WA, but it got way out of control.

This is a one week wait until some facts start appearing.

Shorter Betty:-
Blah, blah, conspiracy.
Blah, blah, conspiracy.
But we need to wait for the facts.
How about these facts.
The bloke was a loon.
He had unlicensed guns (likely including the murder weapon).
He committed a double murder of people who had s.f.a. to do with his failed marriage.
He was a xunt the world is better off without.
Stop dog-whistling that he is some sort of victim here.

The worker told WAtoday multiple health professionals who came across Bombara in the months leading up to the deaths also raised concerns about his escalating aggressive and erratic behaviour as a result of a series of strokes and a 10-centimetre arachnoid cyst, the size of a cricket ball, that was pressing on his prefrontal cortex.


Perhaps Sancho, you might consider an apology for your hysterical slander.
But I’m not going to hold my breath.

June 2, 2024 4:45 pm

Zip wow. You sold the living room on wheels for a Tesla? A pal in the US has a new one and he said the self driving software is out of this world. It literally drives itself.

June 2, 2024 4:58 pm

“How do we even know that the daughter isn’t telling the truth and the coppers wanted an incident that would allow them to confiscate every weapon in WA, but it got way out of control.”
All you’ve done is confirm the that the murderer was a loon and your allegation anout the police has zero substance.

June 2, 2024 5:05 pm

“Self driving software ” ..why , I couldn’t think of anything more boring than not being in control when driving .

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
June 2, 2024 5:07 pm

WA domestic violence accused to lose guns
Staff writers
WA Premier Roger Cook says people who are formally accused of family violence will be stripped of their firearms under proposed legal changes.
Announcing the move on Sunday in the wake of the Floreat double murder-suicide, Mr Cook said the changes were part of a broader plan to toughen the state’s firearm laws.
“We want to keep women safe. We want to make sure that we have a precautionary approach and that safety is our number one priority,” he said.
“As a result of that, these new laws will require the police to mandatorily seize guns from someone who is subject to a formal complaint in relation to domestic violence.
“Now, many people will say these are too tough [but] we believe the principal aim should be to keep people safe.”
Elizabeth Pike

June 2, 2024 5:11 pm
Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
June 2, 2024 5:23 pm

The worker told WAtoday multiple health professionals who came across Bombara in the months leading up to the deaths

The worker.

If ‘the worker’ was a qualified doctor or any sort of specialist then you can guarantee that the piece would not have titled this person as ‘a worker’. So, a receptionist or very close to it.

Let’s look at the article:

“Ultimately, this man from looking at his current health condition had a very compromised and vulnerable brain,” the health worker said.

The ‘health worker’ looked at his condition? Or just snooped at his records? ‘Receptionist’ is looking likely…..

Speaking on the condition of anonymity,


the health professional says Mark Bombara’s family had raised concerns about his behaviour escalating.

“Hospital staff had also noticed in the ward, him being irritated and agitated and not displaying the normal behaviour you would see on a ward,” they said.

Drifting from ‘receptionist’ into ‘nurse’ territory then. Now, here we go:

The health worker also called for better information sharing between government agencies about gun ownership, saying health professionals should also be able to make recommendations to suspend a person’s firearm licence where they hold concerns.

‘Health professionals’. Haven’t we just been through three or more years where ‘health professionals’ were the undisputed gods of how society should operate?

Here are some other, and potentially more qualified ‘health professionals’:

The North Metropolitan Health Service confirmed they treated Bombara just weeks before the shooting.

“Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital treated Mr Bombara in early May for a series of small strokes,” they said in a statement.

“While he was in our care … there were no signs of reduced mental capacity, aggression or suicide risk.”

So. According to some ‘health professionals’, they should be mandated to tek er guns. However, according to some other ‘health professionals’ from the exact same place, although there was a medical condition it was unrelated to offing his ex and anyone else that got in his way.

No. Signs. Of. Reduced. Mental Capacity.

Glory seeking nurses, taking time off from TikTok dance clips to lecture society. It never ends.

June 2, 2024 5:28 pm

Zulu at 5:07 p.m. posted a press piece concerning W.A.’s new firearm-domestic violence law.

This will achieve little – if anything – regarding the issue of ‘family violence.’ An individual with anger management problems, and potentially devoid of empathy and shame, will simply find other ways to express their internal rage: knives, vehicles, arson, poisoning, (rocks, if you happen to pursue a certain lifestyle), etc.

This a ‘Do something. Anything!’ reaction, rather than a measured response, which seems to be all that policy makers are capable of.* Meanwhile, the law-abiding will continue to be stripped of their liberties. Pathetic posers.

*I honestly do not know what the most effective (which means that at some point, they need to be measured) policy responses might be regarding this issue, aside from tinkering with the legal system, if necessary. I DO know, however, that the simplification of it as ‘gender-based’ is counter-productive, but that pigeon will not come home to roost until the initiators are safely retired or dust.

I also believe that the taxpayer funds devoted to edjamuhkaytion regardingt he issue are wasted; Individuals who lack self-control, and feel no or little, guilt or remorse, are very unlikely to suddenly ‘see the light’ and change their behaviour based on a T.V./press/online advertisement. (Change normally occurs as a result of force, rather than internal choice).

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
June 2, 2024 5:29 pm

In WA Jack HQ:

Chief: ‘Right, we need to engineer a double murder with domestic violence connotations so we can FINALLY tek erl the guns orf the people.’

Lackey: ‘There’s a potential one here in the file. A bloke with an identified medical condition, although there are differing reports about how it makes the bloke act.’

Chief: ‘Perfect! Make it happen!’

June 2, 2024 5:35 pm

Apparently Trump is on TikTok.
Hasn’t shown up on the feed yet.

June 2, 2024 5:38 pm

Josh “I believe in small government” Frydenberg, chief author of our present inflation/mortgage rates drama, reportedly seeking another go at a redistributed Kooyong.

Just go away, please.

June 2, 2024 5:39 pm

Hard for the Whitehouse or DNC to say much about Trump on TikTok.
Theyve posted almost daily since Biden signed the divest TikTok bill.

But low information ones will.
And so will the useful idiots for the DNC mob.

June 2, 2024 5:39 pm

On Submarines

I do remember at the time, the USA was supporting the choice of Japanese submarines, but it was our team at the time who pulled a blinder.

Tony Abbot was onboard with buying the Japanese submarines, but then was backstabbed by Turnbull

Turnbull was never going to endorse something Tony Abbott had done, so went the French route for a never never design even though there was no chance of getting US weapons systems integrated by the French, just never going to happen.

Defense Minister at the time was Marise Payne, a lightweight in defence knowledge, and a lightweight her entire tenure in Defence. A political appointment, so a woman got the job because she had hair she could sit on and not based on merit. (Dame Edna reference)

Foreign Minister was Julie Bishop, she who just loved being feted in Paris and was a despicable self centered person and another who got the job for the wrong reasons.

Chrissy Pyne (Pine? he of poodle fame), was still lobbying for “jobs in Adelaide”, by a useless population of a tiny city and community who couldn’t even manage to make cars successfully.

There is still talk, of building things here, why bother? The focus on building in Adelaide is part of the problem, build ships or whatever in Newcastle where they have or had the skills, nothing that comes out of Adelaide is any good because it is always subsidised and poorer quality because of it. Build in WA, and establish an anctual skill centre, but give up on Adelaide as it’s never going to produce results with such a small population.

June 2, 2024 5:48 pm

Sharaz looks like a real low testosterone person.
If he doesn’t drop the pounds he’s setting himself up for a world of health problems.

June 2, 2024 5:51 pm

Nice family.

Joe Biden’s son cheated on his wife with countless prostitutes. Then he cheated on his wife with his dead brother’s widow. Then he cheated on his dead brother’s widow with her sister. Then his brother’s widow begged him to stay away from his niece because of his inappropriate behavior. Then he impregnated a stripper and denied the child was his during his next engagement.

Just a reminder before Biden gives us his weekly speech on decency and the media tells us how great this family is.

Sent from my iPhone

Hiden himself cheated on his wife and that’s why she crashed the car into the truck.

June 2, 2024 5:52 pm

Never forget America is an idea — a dream of human freedom — that can’t and won’t be destroyed by fascist Marxist idealogues.

The Washington DC Deep State can only harrass America; it can’t destroy it.

Without the federal government, America keeps carrying on the free market.

The government is just an irritant trying to restrict economic freedom.

June 2, 2024 6:02 pm

Just to offer some clarification about what I said , that interest rate levels are no indicator for monetary stance.

Deposit rates in Argentina are around 70% while the loan rate is around 80% a year. Conversely interest rates bordered around zero to 1% in Japan until recently. Which interest rate level was loose or tight?
Let me answer. Argentina is or was loose while Japan was tight.

As economist Sumner says, never argue from an interest level only.

I used to think that the shape of the yield curve offers some insight. However that’s been proven wrong for now.

June 2, 2024 6:07 pm

I bought a new car this week . Not electric . But it does have a hologram that tells you your speed and the speed zone you’re in . It’s right there at the end of the bonnet.
I gave the old car to my daughter who was absolutely thrilled . Her car was a leftover from a broken relationship and she saw the new car as an end to her curse.
That’s when my troubles began …
i misunderestimated the value of my old car by about $5000
So daughter no 2 screamed “What about me” ?
Very hard to get an actual value of a used car. Private sale vs trade in value . Detailing the car and waiting for buyers vs giving it to a dealer with no hassles .
Anyway I have transferred some money to a certain account and hope this settles matters

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
June 2, 2024 6:14 pm

BTB from the nested commentary:

Uh huh.

Attack the person who speaks up anonymously because if they didn’t do it anonymously, they’d be a deregistered nurse.

So it’s a ‘nurse’ then.

How about we address the issue here – a man who had several demonstrated cerebral events, had become violent and controlling at home, was mismanaged by two separate government departments and should have had his firearms removed, and was let free to carry out a double killing.

How about we address the issue that the dead woman’s daughter – who, if she is to be believed, was witness to this bloke’s horrible domestic violence for years, said nothing all that time until her mother was shot by a dickhead?

If she – or her mother – had made single report of substance, I am told there would have been an immediate domestic violence order slapped on him. Because the jacks of today are about ‘protect wimmin’ and so on.

That order would have resulted in the immediate confiscation of all the bloke’s shooters, because I am also told that in every State and Territory in the country, if you get an order of this type, you automatically become a prohibited person from owning or possessing firearms until five years after that order ends.

So yeah nah. 1. The chick on the telly is after compo cash; and 2. I doubt very much this was a false flag that got out of control.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
June 2, 2024 6:18 pm

From further nests:

you’re refusing to counter the main point, and starting to sound quite silly and shrill.

Get back to it – Why was a man with a demonstrated medical condition that has a history of causing violent and irrational behaviour, allowed to keep a firearm collection?

No, the ‘main point’ was a suggestion that the WA jackery orchestrated a double murder in order to tek er guns. But it ‘got out of hand’.

Wasn’t it? Why yes. Yes it was.

June 2, 2024 6:19 pm


Does Australia have the same self driving software as the US?

June 2, 2024 6:35 pm

On under sea coffins

This stupid stupid country will never obtain any that replace the blob collins “audible in space” class noise machines.

Despite wasting hundreds of gazillions of taxpayers dollars attempting to do so.

Thanks, forkwits!

Bungonia Bee
Bungonia Bee
June 2, 2024 6:40 pm

Brittany Higgins to wed David Sharaz at The Valley Estate in Currumbin …
Back in my youth that was the venue for chook feeding … sorry, bird feeding, every afternoon at 4pm. The more things change the more they stay the same?

June 2, 2024 6:49 pm

I just stopped watching Andrew Clennel.

He no doubt would claim that he is simply asking the hard questions from a balanced agenda.

For me, he displayed BBC level arrogance, spoke (yelled) over his guests and was biased towards Labor. Perhaps I am being unfair.

Could journalistic informed Cats provide some information about this bloke?

June 2, 2024 6:50 pm

Tesla FSD V12 First Drives

The version in the video is 3 months old, and many versions behind the current. They are rolling out updates about every 2 weeks with exponential improvements.

I have FSD12 in my car (wife still hasnt received it) and the situational awareness is mind blowing.

We dont have self driving allowed here yet and I have only used FSD11 autopilot which I didnt like at all, it wants to stick to the dead middle of a lane, nobody drives like that on highways. Used to taking a bit more of a racing line around bends and giving cars space when passing etc. FSD11 still has a ton of hand coding and doesnt feel natural. FSD12 on the other hand is end to end AI and has been trained on human driving, havent tested it on highways yet. Curious to see how it does.

I also dont use the auto-parking at home as it wants to park dead center in the space and I park off to one side, no way to tell it to do so… yet.

It’s only a matter of time before you’ll be able to tell the car what you want it to do.

Oh come on
Oh come on
June 2, 2024 7:02 pm

The stunning and brave statement by WA’s answer to Grace Tame and Brittany Higgins:

I’d like to start by saying how truly, deeply sorry I am to [redacted] Petelczyc for the losses of her beautiful mother, Jenny, and sister Gretl; losses she has suffered at the hands of my father’s violence.

My mother and I fled our family home on March 28 in fear of our lives and to remove ourselves from an abusive situation.

Between March 30th and April 2nd, I spoke with police on three separate occasions to raise the alarm about my father.

On each occasion I alerted officers to my father’s guns, and told them my mother and I felt there was a real and imminent threat to our lives.

I specifically mentioned that there was a Glock handgun which was unaccounted for.

My understanding is this ultimately would be one of the weapons my father used take the lives of two innocent women.

I also asked the police if we would be able to take out a 72 hour temporary protective order.

We were told no, and that there was nothing police could do about the situation at that time.

On April 2nd, my mother and I were given a police escort to our home to collect some belongings. This was the third occasion we warned police about my father’s guns.

One officer said, “oh don’t worry, we know all about the guns”, and when he called for backup, he warned his fellow officers to wear bullet proof vests.

We were ignored by five different male officers across three occasions of reporting.

By that point we felt completely helpless and I had to focus on getting mum to safety. I did everything I could to protect my mother, and when my father couldn’t find us he murdered her best friend and her best friend’s daughter.

The gun reforms being discussed currently are an important step, but it is my unwavering belief that even without his guns my father would have committed a horrific act of violence which likely would have claimed lives.

What my father did was an act of domestic violence.

My mother and I made clear that lives were at risk, and we were repeatedly ignored. Repeatedly failed.

Those failures have cost the lives of two incredible women. My father should always be considered accountable for his actions.

They were his and his alone, however, there are authorities who should have helped us stop him, and they failed.

I want answers.

Hang on. She made the request for the 72 hour protection order between 28 March-2 April? And just thought everything would be sweet subsequent to that? I reckon the surviving daughter wants answers too – from Ariel Bombara and her mother.

Presumably after some questioning, Ariel makes it a Man problem:

Men will kill regardless of what weapon they use. If they want to, they will find a way.

Ariel, anyone who wants to will kill, regardless of what weapon they use. They will find a way.

And then there’s the news today that Mark Bombara had a cyst on the brain. Which puts a rather different spin on what happened. Did the daughter know this? If she did, her actions start to look quite reprehensible. She must at least have known about her father’s sudden change in behaviour. She couldn’t publicly at least in part mourn the loss of her father for what he was? She had to throw him under the bus entirely by depicting him as a wife and child beater?

Incidentally, it’s interesting to compare the photo of Mark Bombara the media has predominantly displayed with the photo that at least some are displaying of him today. Presumably they had access to both photos of him and more. The broad editorial choice of using the one on the left is illuminating. It aligns with the misandrist narrative that’s currently in hyperdrive. The humanising photo on the right that would draw the reader to speculate the man may not have been a lifelong gun-toting, murderous psycho and ticking time-bomb, and that there could have been other factors driving him to kill that were beyond his control, is too complicated for this narrative.

Last edited 4 months ago by Oh come on
June 2, 2024 7:07 pm

Beyond me why people pay for Sky- the bad stuff seems to outweigh the acceptable stuff judging by comments here.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
June 2, 2024 7:09 pm

The stunning and brave statement by WA’s answer to Grace Tame and Brittany Higgins

Bang on the money.

June 2, 2024 7:11 pm
Last edited 4 months ago by Zatara
June 2, 2024 7:12 pm

Perfesser von Wrongsolen opining on everyone’s least favourite knobhead:

It is an unedifying characteristic, especially for a PM who has long prided himself on his ‘umble origins

“I’m ever so ‘umble albansleazey, I tells ya – born a bastard in an ‘ouso flat, condemned to a loife of fighting torries …”

Oh just f*ck off, you staggeringly stupid window licking numptie.


June 2, 2024 7:14 pm

Via Zippster’s 10:14 a.m. post linking to Judicial Watch:

As a result of Judicial Watch’s legal actions, New York City removed ‘almost half a million names’ from their voter roll [date unstated, but within the last 18 months I think]; L.A. Country removed approx. 1.2 million names (end of 2022/beginning of 2023).

This cleaning of voter rolls (those who have died, or moved residence to another jurisdiction) are meant to take place on a regular basis, but apparently don’t, according to Judicial Watch.

June 2, 2024 7:19 pm

Why does politix attract such trashy people? Maybe anyone who isn’t trash is frozen out.

June 2, 2024 7:24 pm

June 2, 2024 2:22 pm

The problem with switching Biden out is that by the rules they are out of time. The state filing deadlines to get on their ballots have passed.

Is an accommodation possible? Possibly, but the Dem Convention is scheduled for 19 Aug and there’s absolutely no way it will happen after that.

Given all the crap that’s going down I’ll believe it only when he concedes on the night of Nov 5th.

June 2, 2024 7:26 pm

What’s tyre wear like?

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
June 2, 2024 7:31 pm

On under sea coffins

Aerial coffins is my current viewing. That bad ole demon at Mach 1. I’m an hour and a half into The Right Stuff, which I found is free on the Internet Archive. Ridiculously good movie.

Last edited 4 months ago by Bruce of Newcastle
June 2, 2024 7:32 pm

Random thought:

Should Mr. Trump became POTUS again (I know, I know), I’d love for him to instruct that a new U.S. Navy vessel be named the Ashli Babbitt.

June 2, 2024 7:38 pm

Jon Voight looking good and supporting Trump:

(17) Jon Voight on X: “45th President” / X (

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
June 2, 2024 7:38 pm

Rats, it’s died. I just broke the Internet Archive again.

Oh come on
Oh come on
June 2, 2024 7:40 pm

The ABC’s War on Men continues. We all know they’re violent women-killers, but did you know they are also basket-case recidivist criminal losers?

Meet the residents of Rainbow Lodge, the broken men with nowhere else to go

The top story today. The second top story is yet another addition to the series on the plight of older single women, a noticeable and rather odd fixation of the ABC’s.

At this caravan park, women aged over 55 have found a way out of the housing crisis

Where do they find the people to feature in these sob stories? Frequently they are depicted as victims of circumstances beyond their control, yet there are always odd gaps in the narratives that explain how they ended up where they have:

When Lesley Wheeler, 72, noticed rental prices on the rise in her outer Melbourne suburb of Frankston six years ago, she had a stark realisation that the only way she was going to survive retirement was to own her own property.

“Four months prior to turning 65, I’d been told by some job service: ‘Don’t even bother looking for another job because at your age you won’t get one and you’re a woman’,” she said.

“I kind of realised that I was going to be stuck. I had no superannuation left, as I had to use that previously, and no other resources other than a pension.

You had to use that previously? On what, I wonder?

The tertiary-educated, well-travelled university lecturer, who had worked for the federal government in senior roles, set about researching tiny homes, throwing every cent she had from a modest inheritance at designing a customised dwelling.

She’s a “[t]ertiary-educated…university lecturer…who had worked for the federal government in senior roles”? This is rather vague. You have to be more than ‘tertiary-educated’ to be a university lecturer assuming we’re using the definition of ‘university lecturer’ most would apply (ie. not an ESL teacher working at a university in, say, China – she is well-travelled after all! – a role which could encompass the meaning of ‘university lecturer’ at a stretch). Also, senior roles in the federal government pay well. Why couldn’t she afford a normal house?

We’re told all this because hey look – even a successful single woman who was a university lecturer and was employed in senior government roles can only afford to live in a caravan park.

And here’s another one:

Jane, 57, is a single mother who went to university as a mature-aged student to become a teacher.

But her world fell apart when she entered a violent relationship after her children had left home. 

The residential youth worker and foster mum went from living in a $1 million house in 2018 to bed-hopping between her children’s houses after a back injury.

Was it the violent relationship or the back injury that caused her to end up in the caravan park? She didn’t actually own the $1 million house, right? Why would a back injury mean she had to move from the house to her kids’ couches? This isn’t really a riches to rags story, is it? Get the feeling that perhaps Jane might be the author of her fate far more than is being let on?

The ABC pulls this deceptive bullshit constantly.

Last edited 4 months ago by Oh come on
June 2, 2024 7:48 pm

The ALPBC pulls this deceptive bullshit constantly

At our expense, not that any of us needed to be reminded …

June 2, 2024 7:49 pm

The ABC is a pathogen on this country. I see they advertise by the Westgate Freeway- ABC iView is ‘free’. Bullshit and just fuk off.

June 2, 2024 7:51 pm

Actually canbra is a pathogen on this country. Nothing good comes out of canbra especially not the ABC.

June 2, 2024 7:58 pm

I’m watching “Race”, on world movies. The Jesse Owens/Berlin Olympics biopic. Not bad, although they lifted some dialogue from “Chariots of Fire”, and they got some of the German translation wrong.

June 2, 2024 8:01 pm

re the movie “Race”, they have also depicted Leni Reifenstal as a brunette.

June 2, 2024 8:03 pm
June 2, 2024 8:03 pm

A kangaroo court adjudicated that Fatty Trump had raped a barking mad slag in Bergdorf Goodman …

Despite there being less than zero evidence of this alleged assault taking place.

muttles, you really need to step out of the bizarre parallel universe you evidently exist in and grab some reality time.

Spending the entirety of your pointless existence purveying bullshit and refusing to accept you are a massive failure is nothing other than a massive downward spiral into ever more self delusional imbecility.

Just give it a rest, FFS.

June 2, 2024 8:07 pm

they got some of the German translation wrong

‘itler, upon seeing Jesse Owens win the 100 metres:

“Sacré bleu!”

June 2, 2024 8:18 pm

UFC fighter Sean Strickland at his post-fight press conference, re the suspect judging leading to his split decision win at UFC 302:

Once I go through my feelings and my ovaries stop hurting, I let it go.

Funny bugger.

June 2, 2024 8:20 pm

Sean Strickland again:

Trump is here man. We got a convicted felon; let’s put on a show for this man!

June 2, 2024 8:26 pm

This is a cracker of a post-fight press conference.

Canadian interviewer (Sean had just observed and commented on his iPhone. Sean very much dislikes this Canadian):

What sort of phone do you have?


I got a fking Android dude, cos I fking love freedom in America!

June 2, 2024 8:32 pm

In a crazy world find solace where you can:

Aquamarine (Chris Coco’s Balearica Mix) – YouTube

Top Ender
Top Ender
June 2, 2024 8:48 pm

Postcard from Cape Verde

Mindelo, the capital of Cape Verde, has not that much to recommend it. A sun-blasted group of ten islands off the African coast, this independent country of 600,000 was founded by the Portugese in the 15th century. It was a slave transit centre, and as a result a lot of the locals are of African descent.
We did a tour using an independent company. I did not help matters by slipping on a kerb and bashing a knee and some ribs in a fall – still feeling the latter three days later.  We travelled up to the highest point of the main island on roads built from the local stone. The hillsides were terraced with rock ridges as well. A lot of houses were abandoned, broken windmills abounded and the only livestock seen were goats.  We were nearly blown off the top.  Three so-called soldiers appeared, but they looked a pretty relaxed bunch going by the colourful T-shirts complementing their cammie trousers and boots. They were there to “guard” the island communications towers. 
Cape Verde is stark terrain almost everywhere. At lunch in a German café I was struck by how the small sheer mountains, denuded of any vegetation, looked like something out of a dinosaur movie. All it needed was wisps of smoke coming out of the now-dead small volcanoes, and a T-Rex or two to come on a casual stroll around a corner. The guide however waxed lyrical about how the inhabitants were all a) happy, and b) but poor because of the evil government. 
According to our guide when the rains come in August, the countryside blooms with planted vegetables. It was difficult to imagine. The wind was extraordinary and apparently blows all year round, except the rainy season.  The town has colourful houses and mosaics. 
We are now on to Rome for five days, and then board another cruise liner – me doing three talks over seven days – and visiting Crete and Istanbul, before arriving in Athens.

Cassie of Sydney
June 2, 2024 8:54 pm

As far as I am concerned, Sky Australia is worth every cent.

I argued here a few days ago that Sky, whilst not perfect (nothing is), is a million, a zillion times better than the vomit offered up on Nine, Seven, Ten and their ABC.

Cassie of Sydney
June 2, 2024 8:59 pm

As Ralph Shoellhammer said on Outsiders this morning, according to the left there is no ‘right’ anymore, everyone is far-right, ultra right, extreme right, hard-right and uber right, all of these smears are designed to silence dissent and anyone even remotely critical of the left!

June 2, 2024 9:34 pm

I’m watching “Race”, on world movies. The Jesse Owens/Berlin Olympics biopic

Did they reference FDR not shaking his hand either?

June 2, 2024 9:36 pm
June 2, 2024 9:36 pm

If the PM wrap of the Trump verdict was showed to Baris he would go off onto one of his rants.
And he had all weekend to put it together.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
June 2, 2024 9:48 pm

After a few hiccups in the middle of the movie the Internet Archive eventually got me all the way through The Right Stuff.

The nicest awesomest thing was the bartender. Played by an actor called General Chuck Yeager.

He was a righty, but is no longer with us. I used to love his tweets.

June 2, 2024 9:55 pm

Did they reference FDR not shaking his hand either?

Didn’t know that. What a prick.

Cassie of Sydney
June 2, 2024 10:02 pm

Further to my comment above about how those of us on the right are now smeared as ‘far-right, extreme right, uber right, ultra right’ and so on, here is the UK blogger, Richard the Fourth’s summary of yesterday’s ‘far-right’ march through London…..

Do We Have a Two-Tier Policing System?

Seeing the footage, it’s nice to see a sea of union jacks and Israeli flags, flags you won’t see at the weekly Jew hating marches.

This afternoon, on my way to meet a friend for coffee, I got off the bus at Taylor Square here in Sydney and running towards the bus was some elderly geezer wearing a “Free Palestine” t-shirt, and his backpack festooned with Palestinian flags. So I yelled at him “Go Israel” to which he swivelled his head and I then gave him my middle finger.

I’m over being nice.

The Beer whisperer
The Beer whisperer
June 2, 2024 10:04 pm

What better to watch on a Sunday night than a panel of morons?

Channel 7 is trying to fix the cost of living by blaming everything that isn’t causing it, headed by that great big eggheaded moron Kochie.

Scott Phillips is far too diplomatic. I’d be calling the other morons out as people that should be cleaning toilets and fired from that for being incompetent.

A trillion people has no impact on housing, apparently.

Did I mention that they are morons?

Bungonia Bee
Bungonia Bee
June 2, 2024 10:12 pm

Beyond me why people pay for Sky- the bad stuff seems to outweigh the acceptable stuff judging by comments here.
We pay for Sky by paying for Foxtel, which delivers a whole lot more. Such as Fox News (After Dark) including The Five, Laura Ingraham, Jesse Watters, Sean Hannity, and the number one late show Gutfeld.
The bad bits of Sky News are for the most part delivered during the day. Kieran Gilbert always sounds like he belongs elsewhere (as did Speers before him) and Laura Jayes often comes across as similar. Andrew Clennell has difficulty remaining impartial but does a much better job than those other two. Peter Stefanovik in the early morning is good when he allows his inner reasonable male to assert itself, although he too can fall into the fault ditch of just reading what others have written.
When all is said and done Sky is way better than the local alternatives, but this is due to the evening crowd: James Morrow, Peta Credlin, Rita Panahi, Andrew Bolt, Paul Murray, Sharri Markson, and the Late crowd.
Plus of course the redoubtable Rowan Dean!

Last edited 4 months ago by Bungonia Bee
Bungonia Bee
Bungonia Bee
June 2, 2024 10:53 pm

BBC finds a jew who condemns Israel. Not that hard, given that even before the October 7 disaster (visited on Israel by Hamas/Gazans) there was significant division within Israel. This guy, a former Human Rights Watch character, says his conversion to saying Israel has committed genocide came about when “humanitarian aid was held up by Israel”. That’s disputable, but more relevant is the fact that Hamas stands accused of stealing that same aid once it made it into Gaza. Has Hamas been accused on a daily basis of genocide?

June 2, 2024 11:41 pm

Trump sentence prediction: Between 6 months to two years on each charge to be served concurrently.
Bastards aren’t breaking all these conventions and going to all this bother just to get some headlines.

  1. Remembering the TITANIC In that vein but more seriously… A sad, but inevitable end to a great ship (17 Oct)…

  2. Border Patrol Agents Warn They’ll Leave En Masse If Kamala Harris Wins: ‘NOT DOING THIS SH*T AGAIN’

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x