Farage doesn’t support Tommy Robinson & millions of Brits do, Farage has a Muslim in the top ranks & people…
Farage doesn’t support Tommy Robinson & millions of Brits do, Farage has a Muslim in the top ranks & people…
This place (Globus ) is stocked to the hilt. —- Different Russia: What Can $150 Get You in Russian Supermarket?…
The simple things that bring joy – even relief – into your life. We have had a cow down for…
Cupla ol Lesbians.
Funny how you have to go to a lot of trouble to find the unsanitised history of many left-wingers on…
Good Moaning
Brashernats Worlds BIGGEST 1 day burnout event with Australia’s TUFFEST Cars
“Biden’s Incoherent Energy-Policy Response to the War in Ukraine
By Thomas J. Duesterberg
May 7, 2024 6:30 AM
It has harmed U.S. interests while aiding major industrial competitors in China and India.
In mid April, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin joined Secretary of State Antony Blinken in urging Ukraine to desist from attacking Russian oil refineries. Such attacks have disabled up to 15 percent of refinery capacity in Vladimir Putin’s Russia, denting both its ability to earn export income and to wage war against Ukraine. In an election year, the Biden administration’s policy clearly values domestic fuel-price stability over helping Ukraine in its war for survival. The stated purpose of the U.S.-led price cap and ban on Russian exports to the West is to maintain Russia’s supplies while reducing the income from its exports without causing a price spike by taking Russian oil off the world market.
Biden’s policy has harmed U.S. interests while aiding major industrial competitors in China and India. These huge economies are exploiting cheap Russian oil imports to build new refining capacity. Additionally, shifting oil refining to these countries has had negative environmental effects and weakened U.S. industrial competitiveness.
There are better policies to maintain global price stability, starting with reversing the regulatory squeeze on U.S. oil and gas production. Earlier in its tenure, the administration reduced the holdings of the U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve by 43 percent, which limited Washington’s ability to use these stocks to offset severe price spikes. The Biden team has also closed off the possibility of cooperation with longtime ally Saudi Arabia to keep prices stable by increasing the weight of human-rights considerations in the relationship. U.S. policy keeps Iranian oil on the market, leads to additional discounted sales to China, and helps finance the Iranian war machine.
The feeble attempt to slow Russia’s oil production by limiting its ability to export crude oil at world prices has been a failure. While Russian exports to Europe have cratered, the breach was quickly filled by huge increases in sales to China and India after the war was unleashed. China’s imports of Russian crude have ballooned from .63 million barrels per day (mbd) before the war to an average of 1.3 mbd in recent months. India’s imports were negligible prior to the onset of the war, but now average more than 1.75 mbd. The typical price discount available to Chinese and Indian importers relative to Brent crude has ranged from $37 per barrel to around $12 or $13 per barrel in recent months.
These emerging economic giants have benefited from access to a large and steady supply of discounted Russian crude to build new refining capacity and become significant exporters of refined products such as diesel, jet fuel, and gasoline. In effect, Indian and, to a lesser extent, Chinese refiners transform blacklisted Russian crude into higher-value products to supply third markets. And the profits from this arbitrage are significant: The Indian Oil Corporation has more than doubled its profits since starting this trade, and its share price has increased by 178 percent. Indian refined-product exports to the European Union (EU) alone now average over 360,000 barrels per day (bd). India can compete on price with U.S. exporters due to lower input costs, including transportation. In early 2024, U.S. refined-product exports to Europe fell by almost half, partly due to this competition.
It is also worth noting that America’s North Atlantic Treaty Organization ally Turkey has contributed to keeping Russia’s war economy from collapsing by increasing its imports of crude oil and refined products that were previously sold to Europe. It has in turn become a major exporter of refined products to the EU.
Below-market supplies of crude to China put wind in the sails of Beijing’s manufacturing-export goliath, which has become the most important engine of growth in the Middle Kingdom. In sectors such as metals, cement, and chemicals, energy costs are a significant competitive factor. The cutoff of Russian oil and gas to European markets has redistributed exports to China, which has picked up the pace of purchases since the war began. In addition to crude imports, China is the beneficiary of stranded liquefied-natural-gas (LNG) sales, which previously had gone to Europe or other Western allies. Because the Biden administration has employed a freeze on permits for new U.S. LNG export facilities and increased regulatory burdens on pipelines to get gas to existing facilities, Russian gas may partially displace U.S. LNG supply to China in the medium term. In the short term, Qatar is the main beneficiary of the Biden freeze on new LNG facilities. Europe especially has eagerly signed contracts with Doha, which now plans to nearly double its LNG capacity in the next five to seven years. Some North African suppliers have also reached deals with European nations.
A final factor worth noting is that freezing or reducing U.S. oil and gas production while tolerating Russian production, as well as increased Indian and Chinese refining and manufacturing capacity, significantly harms the global environment. Russia is one of the world’s largest offenders in the emission of methane, a greenhouse gas ten or more times as potent in exacerbating climate change as CO2. Only Iran and Venezuela top Russia in methane emissions relative to economic output. In terms of total methane emissions, China is by far the world’s largest offender, while India is rapidly catching up with its neighbor. But the U.S. and EU have far better methane- and CO2-emissions records, relative to economic output, than China and India.
The U.S. and EU price caps and embargoes on imports of Russian oil and gas have reduced the hard-dollar income from this major sector of the Russian economy — which normally accounts for 30 percent to 50 percent of Moscow’s federal budget revenues — by $30 to $50 million per day. But overall production has not yet materially affected the Putin regime. Russia has accumulated more yuan and rupees to buy manufactured goods and war materiel from China. Having access to less Russian crude and fewer Russian refined products would reduce the current advantages for the Chinese and Indian manufacturing and refining sectors, which increasingly compete with U.S. producers on the world market.
Promoting increased U.S. production would go a long way to stabilizing prices and eliminating any cost advantages to competitors now afforded by the availability of discounted Russian products. An additional benefit would be strengthening the U.S. economy and creating the jobs that the campaign strategists in the Biden administration seem to have at the top of their agenda. And even environment czars John Kerry and John Podesta should applaud the climate benefits of reducing production from the champion polluters in Russia, China, and India by substituting cleaner U.S. supplies.”
Which of those chicks is Sheba?
Yeah there’s nothing to see here, which you’re completely impervious to news etc unless it agrees with you narrow world view, given to you by such twitter rockstars /lumaries like the Russian blob bot, Deckchair war-hero.
Yeah, there’s nothing to see here because neither the bond market nor stocks have reacted to it. They haven’t.
How’s uncle Vlad doing today? 🙂
Some sobering thoughts about the EU.
“The reality is that the European Parliament isn’t a parliament in the conventional sense of the word.”
EU Parliament .. just another innovative “jerbs for the boyz” initiative for an over abundance of “gravy train” wannabes …….
How things change, I am sure there were accidents.
We had these types of playground equipment much, much later too, perhaps not as daring as those, however, butt burning steel slides were everywhere amongst other, now considered extremely dangerous.
Be honest .. LOL! ..as kids we never,ever thought about “falling off” ..
we wuz teflon-coated .. before teflon was invented .. LOL!
We had one like that at my school, but by 1950 they’d removed the razor blades from the slides and the pikestaffs from under the framework.
And the razor wire. But it was needed for playgrounds in Korea so we put up with it.
I fell off on like that, hit my head, which explains a lot but I learnt to tuck my head.
I’ve still got the scar (now very visible thru hair retreating process) from 24 stitches from a Tarzan -like tree swing that didn’t quite go like in the movies …….LOL!
Johannes Leak. Brilliant.
The Australian should put Leak’s work on the front page. Will make people think critically about issues.
I will ask Jeff Kennett tomorrow to write a petition to have this taken from him for those against to sign and send to GG and whoever .
Kennet said last night he is personally going to ask that of the GG. Backed by hundreds of thousands of Victorian signatures it might work.
Will it affect the way they vote?
Harry Burton.
Tom Stiglich.
Matt Margolis.
Ben Garrison.
Leak is indeed brilliant. That monty still backs up on Andrews says much. “”Harder daddy, HARDER!”
Ps: Monty getting it harder
Just when you thought Leak couldn’t get any better!
Todays Tele:
11 Jun 2024
In ancient times, panic-prone populations would appease their weather gods by tossing children into volcanoes.
It was their answer to everything. Rainfall a bit light lately? Too many warm days? Autumn leaves not of a sufficiently attractive hue to merit some Instagram posts?
Not a problem.
Just round up a few kids – last-born are the best, before anyone’s become too attached – and throw another shrimp on the barbie, so to speak.
By and large, we don’t do anything quite so barbaric these days – although in search of bountiful harvests, Indonesia’s history-minded Tenggerese people still launch the occasional baby goat into bubbling Mount Bromo.
They’ve swapped kids for kids. Good for them.
In Australia, this all runs very differently. Our more panic-prone politicians, desperate to please capricious climate deities, frequently cast not others but their own suicidal selves into volcanic oblivion.
They simply queue up on the molten rim of boiling Mount Greenvote and happily tip themselves in. It’s really something to see.
Kevin Rudd’s carbon dioxide fixation led him to the Copenhagen climate conference and away from the prime ministership.
Julia Gillard signed a carbon tax into law and simultaneously signed her own permanent political resignation letter.
Malcolm Turnbull, Australia’s first male Teal, volcanoed himself as Opposition leader and again as PM.
Liberal leader Peter Dutton’s entirely reasonable review of our self-destructive support for the Paris Agreement is now nudging Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and Climate Tantrum Bluster Minister Chris Bowen towards the lava line.
All Dutton has done is point out that it is “just fantasy” for the PM to be saying “we aren’t going to have coal, we aren’t going to have gas and we’re not going to have nuclear power and we are going to keep the lights on”. On that, Dutton is correct.
He is also correct to note, regarding Australia’s 2023 Paris carbon emissions aim: “There’s no sense in signing up to targets you don’t have any prospect of achieving.”
These are not controversial observations. In most Australian households, workplaces and pubs, one could loudly repeat Dutton’s comments without any risk at all of censure. Unless someone’s weird girlfriend with the inheritance and keffiyeh is within earshot.
Yet that’s all it has taken to turn 60-year-old Albanese into a shrieking teen who’s just got home from his first?Socialist Alternative rally and been allowed a grown-up drink.
“Peter Dutton is walking away from climate action,” Albanese, probably predicting a banner at the next school strike for climate rally, told reporters yesterday.
A note for foreign readers: in Australia, “climate action” doesn’t mean action that will do anything to or for the climate. We don’t have the population for that.
Instead, “climate action” means going along with whatever the UN or Greta Thunberg tells us to do. It’s a quirky Australian vernacular thing, like up-themselves republican lawyers calling themselves KCs.
“His decision to abandon the 2030 target means he is walking away from the Paris Accord,” the Prime Minister desperately continued.
Tragically, this isn’t true. Dutton and the Libs are still mainly lame on Paris and related scams. “We do support the Paris agreement,” Coalition climate squish and energy wimp spokesman Ted O’Brien said yesterday, possibly erasing any of his team’s immediate electoral gains. “We’re fully committed, including to the target net zero by 2050.”
Ditch that commitment in the same way Labor ditched its tax cut commitment and the Coalition might reasonably target a return to office by 2050. But back to Albo.
“If you walk away from the Paris Accord,” our recently poll-punished PM said, “you’ll be standing with Libya, Yemen and Iran, and against all of our major trading partners and?all of our important allies.”
That’ll be news to Labor’s Hamas faction, otherwise known as Labor. Positive engagement with Middle Eastern nations is now a bad thing.
“Peter Dutton has never believed in taking action on climate change.”
O’Brien reduces the Coalition vote, and Albanese instantly builds it right back up again. God bless him.
“You can’t shape the future if you’re afraid of it, and Peter Dutton is?afraid of the future, and he’s incapable of leading Australia towards the future that we need.”
Dear God. Our PM has apparently been taking instructions on verbal recycling from vocally looped US Vice President Kamala Harris.
Then came the kicker: “For … here are economic consequences behind not moving forward.”
It’d be a step forward if we just recognised that Australia, which is so susceptible to cyclones, flooding, to bushfires, Australia always has tough weather. Grow up, Albo, or join your mates on the grill.
FFs…’ oh the ironing’…the joke just writes it’s self.
“You can’t shape the future if you’re afraid of it,…”
The future is nuclear and coal for cheap power, Albo.
You afraid of it?
The real joke is, expecting the “man of steel” Dutton, to stand for anything at all, ……, unless of course the focus groups announce a resounding “vote winner”.
He took more than a year to arrive at the conclusion, “the screech is not a vote winner!”
Not to mention of course, he fully agrees that couples on $500K pa deserve child care rebates!
All happy with that, are we?
Relying on that pathetic sap to do anything, except in his own best interest, is beyond rational thought.
The bed-wetters in the LNP, (Birmingham, Fletcher, Hume, Tudge etc), all need to taken to a Greek island and abandoned, as soon as possible.
A vote for the UniParty, (Labor or LNP), is a vote for the continuation of Green policies, it is as simple as that.
All Tim Blair missed was the spit splutter dribble.
Thunderous applause
Lord Waffleworth got a fluffing from La Tingle (shudder) on 7:30 last night. One for the ALPBC diehards I’m afraid.
Johannes Leak is a genius
Good Lord they are going hard on this avian flu shit. Killing healthy birds for the common good. FMD
Cannot have the population eating eggs, or chicken, can you?
I wonder if any of the “authorities” who all agreed that Covid deaths, would go up, on a straight line and kill everyone, (like Prof Neil Ferguson-Imperial College London), rather than conform to a “Bell curve”, (like EVERY other virus in the history of mankind), are now involved in this culling of poultry.
Who would know? Is there really a bird flu virus, causing problems?
If there is, is it necessary to cull so many birds?
The link is to a statement by the CHO of Australia, in March 2021, stating that there is NO evidence to suggest that the AZ “vaccine” causes blood clots.
“Form an orderly line serfs and get your Cyclon-B injection!”
2024 – AZ “vaccine” is withdrawn due to causing blood clots.
Rule by “Experts”, what could possibly go wrong?
US election coming up BB. They’re gonna try something
Misdirection of some kind you think?
A secret dosier, an old flame (for want of a better word), innuendo and accusation?
Maybe something new, didn’t tip enough at a cafe?
I’m sure whatever it is, it will be blown massively out of all proportion
There will be a “false flag” terrorist attack in the US, and soon.
Within hours, the culprit will be announced, similar to when Navalny died.
Sweden, Norway, UK et al, within 3 hours claimed:
“See, we told you Putin was evil, …..”
Even Ukraine, (yes Ukraine), said he died of natural causes.
Anyway, have a guess who it will be, ……, go on.
I seriously doubt we will get to November without a nuclear exchange.
The only question will be, will it be unrestricted nuclear war, (highly probable), or restricted, (possible but unlikely)?
Those radar sites, the democracy loving Nazi’s in Ukraine attacked, two weeks ago, have NOTHING WHATEVER to do with Atacams, Storm Shadow etc.
They weren’t even facing Ukraine, but Southern Russia. They are the Russian early warning radars for Nuclear strikes.
Now, why would “Ukraine” want to attack them, rather than a military target, that may actually assist their war effort?
Moves are afoot my friends, that will put us all in jeopardy.
Those psychotic lunatics roaming the halls of the Whitehouse, (Nuland, Kirby, Sullivan etc), have the advantage, at the moment, over the saner views of the Pentagon. (The Pentagon lunatics at least realise the results of such a path).
Even the atheists should start praying, we are almost out of time.
I’d be surprised, but I think the place is way past lockdowns and shit for these evil retards to try it on again. The red states would ignore it.
Hope you’re right JC
So do I. So do I. 🙂
But JC, that was entirely the point of Trump.
Had Biden done what Trump did, ie fast track the injectable poisons, the Red states would not have obeyed.
This was different though, wasn’t it? This was one of their own, …., he wouldn’t lie to them, just get money from the Pharmaceutical companies, oh no. You can trust Trump, can’t you?
It was Trump that told the CDC to authorise these “vaccines” immediately, or “you will be fired!”
Who needs testing anyway, ……., that is for wimps.
Oh yeah, Trump’s a straight up guy.
Further to Comrade Dictator Andrews and Comrade McMaggott’s King’s Birthday gongs, as someone on Sky said last night (can’t remember who), without a doubt these gongs reek of filthy political interference. The political hands are pretty transparent and the stench around them is palpable. It’s akin to putting bare hands down a shit filled sewer. So whose decision was it? Was it Comrade Slug from Grayndler’s? Well, Comrade Slug would surely have had to sign off on them and escalated the gongs because both of these grubs, Andrews and McMaggott, have not been out of politics for very long. I know I’m preaching to the converted here but you see the left have no shame, no shame whatsoever. The Liberals could learn a thing or two, the days of playing according to Queensberry Rules are over, finito.
The left destroy everything.
Sinistra delenda est as the Doverlord might say.
Greg Combet got a gong as well, maaaaate!
Don’t always agree with Joel Kotkin but he has a good article in Spiked today. The fall of California has been extraordinary when you think what a leader it was in electronics,. aerospace, agriculture etc etc.etc. It was THE place.
There’s a lot of ruin in a nation, Milton.
There’s a lot in a state as well.
But it doesn’t take long for the crooks and the incompetent to plunder and loot them into poverty. You’re watching it all over the Western world and it’s more threat to its citizenry than that warped religion of Mohammed.
When you have a one-party state, as is the case with Democrats and California, there are no constrains on how low you can go. The only option the sane population has is to leave which is what they have been doing in droves and that means that the proportion of the crazies just goes up and up.
The same thing is happening in Victoria meaning that we can expect it to get worse as the sane residents have less and less influence.
In the EU elections on the weekend, Germany decided to grant 16 year olds the vote, presumably to try and offset a surging AfD vote.
The strategy failed, big time. The AfD scooped up 6 more seats.
Serves Germany right. Given the electoral results across Europe, some are now speculating that young people are turning right. Well, this could be true, I don’t know, however I will say this, in a system where voting is voluntary, relying on 16 year olds with limited attention spans to turn up and vote is a very risky strategy!
The Acolyte Episode 2 – A Show Made By Idiots
you think?
Mass culling of infected flocks removes the ability of these flocks to evolve towards resistance to the pathogen. By killing the more robust as well as the weak, natural selection is thwarted.
The outcome is that chicken populations are unable to move towards a detente with the flu virus.
This means that the threat of bird flu never goes away, which of course is what the elite want.
Every intervention by the State goes against the best interests of the populace.
Interesting. I had not considered that (re. the mass culling). Thanks, Barry.
When you think they can’t get any more connivingly evil they go “eviler”.
Next up they’ll try and give illegals the vote.
I had an 18 year old German kid working for us. It’s not a given young people especially boys are voting left. He said his generation outside of Berlin and a few other big cities are really pissed off with illegals and “muzzles”. They just don’t want to stop it, they want them out.
That should read hard extreme far right according to the latest meja style guide.
Yes, there will be a bit of that.
Next, they’ll have the youngsters lining up to join the Hitler Jugend. And invading Poland.
Vet network has been positioning for a Bird Flu Pandemic since Christmas. I called it out then, no-one was very appreciative, now we’ll have a pineappling of the chicken industry and only Steggles/Ingham will remain.
“Wipeout in Europe” is the heading on a very interesting article about the conservative wins in the latest EU elections. It was so pronounced in France that Macron has done a Risky Sunak and called an election for June 30th.
Most of the mass media are now spinning like tops trying to find some solace in small aspects while the large picture is anathema to them. As Elon Musk has said, what they now call extreme right is simply what was centrist twenty years ago.
EU support for the Ukraine-Russia war isn’t popular, nor is the flood of immigration (invasion) from the ME and Africa. The pristine fairyland of Europe is changed forever, and the political fallout, growing incrementally for quite a while, has now become a conservative tsunami.
Von der what’s her name is still the bureacratic head of the EU.
Macron’s job itself is safe as his presidency runs to 2027.
Nothing will change, it’s all just media blowhard
Not at all. The Netherlands, Hungary et al prove that the tide has turned.
I have heard the same sort of sentiments from highschoolers here. They are mightily ticked off about the multi-culti crap they are fed constantly while being threatened by the groups of “youths” of various origins. Labor and the Greens will not be amused when these kids get the vote. Of course this is in the outer-west of Sydney, far from the keffiyeh-clad Teal electorates.
Ag Minister Murray Watt declares there’s no cause for worry about a shortage of eggs with the bird flu outbreak.
Time to buy a few ISA Browns for the backyard if Murray says don’t panic.
Most importantly – DON’T PANIC!!!
Liar high flyers don’t end up Minister for Agriculture.
Was thinking same about this bloke.
He looks like a confused grandfather that has lost his way.
Yes – great chookies. Sadly, they are short lived, being such prolific egg factories.
El Salvador is a one-party state and it is booming.
One party is just fine if it is a party of the Right. We need to stop being magnanimous. Monty and his comrades serve absolutely no purpose. Listening to their “perspectives” does not improve us and we aren’t about to miss something important that they and they alone can perceive.
What are the chances muzzies go all splodey bits in France when the Olympics are on. The ones closest to the koran have no interest anything but the koran so can they resist the opportunity? France is having flics and the surrender monkeys around the venues but with so many muzzies it’ll be an uphill battle.
You would think the chance to Splode for Gold would be irresistible to them. Forget stadiums, security will be the biggest line item. The old model of the Olympics masking an urban renewal or transport upgrade offsetting the costs via TV rights is long gone.
Have been thinking the same thing – no doubt like many others.
Me too, Vicki.
But one thing comes to mind – the ability of the Imams to to turn on and off the violence. My bet is that they will allow minor infractions of any deal – with the “It could have been worse but we’ve kept the hotheads under control” proviso, with multiple demands of a political nature that will advantage them in the future – for example positions in ministries where they can employ only their own people and keep out contenders.
Entryism isn’t confined just to the Socialists.
My suspicion is that there are many sectors of French social management that are convinced Islam is the way of the future and are already making common cause with it while bargaining for themselves and their children. The Mullahs will go along with this because it doesn’t matter if it takes ten years or a hundred to conquer Europe.
There’s trouble brewing in the Golden state for the demons.
The first salvo we’ve seen is that some of the billionaire class are beginning to find favor with Trump. Six months ago they would never have been so overt.
The Schiff/Garvey race I suspect is closer than the last poll showing 61/37 for the pos.
Neither Trump nor Garvey will win, but the GOP could make some house seat gains. And then there will be the state race in two years time. Things aren’t going to get better.
Quacktician’s this morning for the results of my biopsy and find out if I have a 2nd dose of Cancer .. Been 6 weeks so assuming the lengthy wait is good rather than not so good news .. one way or the other the problem I 1st went in about still needz fixing ..
6, bloody, months on and nothing dun …….!
Dude, best of luck and win the Lotto too.
Let us know when you can. You are among friends here, all hoping you come out smiling.
All the best shatterzzz. Give ’em hell!
Very best wishes, shatterzzz.
shatterzzz, praying for your long and healthy life from here on.
I don’t have an Order of Australia and will never have one but I would love to see a mass return of those “honours” as a protest against those two horrible ex premiers receiving them. Many inappropriate gongs have been granted in the past as well, Brett Sutton being one that immediately comes to mind. It would also be great to see public refusals of gongs in future not as false humility but as a mark of disdain for the whole corrupt process.
Not much chance of too many “returns” 95% of these gongs are “work” related not earned ……..
Back in the dayz when they handed out “watches” you could put ‘[em to good use .. LOL! …..
I think you will find that devaluation / utter degradation of such awards is THE PLAN.
Join the dots!
More electoral carnage in Europe…
The liberal Flemish PM of Belgium has resigned after his party fell to below 10% of the vote in the national election held on the weekend, losing more than half of its seats in the Chamber of Reps. A coalition led by Flemish nationalists will likely form government with the centre-right Wallonian Reformist party that has displaced the Socialists as the majority party in Francophone Belgium for the first time.
Our Malmo correspondent will be missing for a few days.
It’s happening!
Blind justice.
Biden Attorney Who Put Pro-Life Grandma in Prison Drops Murder Charge Against Criminal Who Killed Elderly Woman
The US is screwed
China doesn’t have to start a war with the US it’s killing itself.
So we are stuffed as well re defence
You’d think an Attorney could afford a decent tailor, on top of his other sins.
FFS, even my suits fit better than that.
Does this Democrat open season on eliminating the elderly as well as the unborn apply to the occupant of the White House, I wonder?
Another example of deliberate provocation of REAL PEOPLE..
The idea is to push some bunny “over the edge” in anger and frustration.
This, in turn will be used to “justify” yet MORE “draconian” government malfeasance.
A la Lenin: “The worse, the better”.
I reckon this should be really embarrassing for Apple and a darker cloud over the medium term. They’ve partnered with ChatGPT for an AI. So much for Apple’s innovation.
What do you reckon this sort of “assistance” leads to a whole new world of unintended consequences and mental health issues?
For instance, your assistive AI knows you really want to tell xyz what you think, so messages them, or calls them .. in your voice and tells them.
Ah, so many variations of help will be available!
Excuses will become a new industry as well.
Melinda Gates now one of biggest donors to abortion in the world
She’s starting to take on the visual markers of her hatred for the human race.
Age isn’t going to be kind to her looks.
The QLD public service added 11 700 new jobs to its ranks in the 12 months to March, with corporate “back room” jobs rising by 9.29%, faster than “front line” jobs.
But wait…
Investment bank Jarden estimates that one third of all new jobs created nationally in the otherwise flat private sector job market in 2023 were NDIS related.
The NDIS is shaping up to be the government program that swallowed the economy.
You start to wonder whether the award was deliberately given to expose Andrews to the equivalent of a public flogging and embarrass him within his own party i.e. to give him the Jumping Jack Edgerton treatment.
Your not suggesting that a gummint appointed committee in Oz is capable of 4D chess moves .. shirley …! LOL!
Sir Jack don’t you mean?
Heh, fun headline!
Is Paris About to Leave the Paris Agreement? (10 Jun)
I hope it happens, since that would make both Dutton and Bowen look like idiots. Maybe it’d also give the Libs a spine.
Ok probably not, but hope is better than despair.
Macron could be playing a political game here. I don’t know enough about the French political scene.
Perhaps, if the election result tends right, he will too, which may help provide some cover for the candidate opposing Le Pen or someone from Le Pen’s outfit in the next presidential election, which I think is in 2027. Of course, he could also be betting on a win and that’s okay for him too.
Macron is not up for election, his term runs to 2027
he governs thru a parliamentary majority so losing is a real problem for him ……
I was just speculating that Macron himself may not consider it a loss if he’s flexible.
Yeah, that’s what I said.
Jupiter cannot stand the French people, apart from his Champs Élysées pals of course.
France is in such a state, he knows his policies can’t make anything better.
So, calling an election is no biggie for him, in fact he probably hopes
M. Le Pen wins, because then all of the domestic problems are hers.
If she fails to “fix things”, it is on her.
If she does “fix things”, at least somewhat, no big deal, he’s out in 3 years anyhow. He will be trying for “Emperor of the world”, but if that fails, he may take over Davos and get a white cat.
Many thanks, Beertruk at 5.55am, for posting Tim Blair who, like Leak junior, is better than ever.
No worries Tom.
Mustn’t forget John Spooner. He never forgets to add the bloody reminders of the hostages and the slaughtered in his toons. He maintains the rage for those who would slip.
Has anyone ever heard Daytime Sky express reservations about:
Joe Biden
The Biden Regime
Woke-ification of Military
The Border
Illegals in Europe
Treatment of Jan 6th prisoners
Lawfare against Trump
The True Nature of Hamas, Hezbollah, Iranian Thugocracy
The Climate Scam
The Desruction of our Energy system
And so on?
Trumble speaks to Aunty:
Geez, can we get that signed and in writing? Laughable that Trumble (and, of course, the ABC, his favourite Agony Aunty) would consider this a bad thing.
Objectively, Trumble (and I reckon even you are capable of this) were things better or worse under Trump?
Not committed to – what did he call it on the way out? – “progressive liberal[ism]”, I guess. Well, good. Can we have some of that same non-commitment to those toxic values?
Oh yair? Which ones and how close? I mean, I’d say a European leader having “ties”, ie. not an openly hostile relationship, with the president of the nation with the largest nuclear arsenal in the world is merely sensible foreign policy – especially given the theatre of any future nuclear war is most likely to be Europe – but what would I know.
Oh my goodness, they haven’t, have they? After 2+ years and $200 billion+ worth of aid, Ukraine is collapsing economically, militarily, and, most importantly, demographically. It is done as a nation. The cost of our support has been highest for the Ukrainian people. Clearly we should be supporting this worthy endeavour fought by other people’s children (as always), right, Trumble?
Another excellent reason to pull the lever for either leader if you are able to do so.
I cannot think of a former PM who I loathe more viscerally than Malcolm Trumble. I will never forgive the Liberal Party for making that silvertail scum our Prime Minister. I still enjoy preferencing the ALP over the Libs every chance I get in order to punish them in my own small way.
And the ALP will look at your vote and say yep, there’s another one who thinks Bowen and Albo are doing a great job.
Firstly, I didn’t vote for them. Secondly, who cares what dopey conclusions the ALP might draw by disaffected voters who would otherwise be preferencing the Libs?
Turdball’s “understanding” of liberal democracy is that of a French aristocrat in 1790.
His hand has been forced.
Better to take on Le Pen earlier rather than later when she will be stronger.
If she wins the domestic elections he becomes a “lame duck” prez so won’t be in much of a position to improve …!
He’s betting it all on her loss.
That’s what it’s about and he did it because they expect the conditions on the ground to get much worse to enrage the population even more.
Yeah, good point.
Sydney Morning Herald : Far-Right rise triggers snap French poll.
The NDIS is shaping up to be the government program that swallowed the economy.
Love that, Roger.
June 11, 2024 9:05 am
You give them far too much credit for cunning and intelligence.
Just good old party politics.
From Quadrant Today.
Gobsmacked. Utterly gobsmacked.
I – unusually – am incapable of responding to this piece of mind bending, reality defying, verbal construction.
Is this the “decent, honourable man” whose actions with another woman might have driven his first wife to suicide?
The one word is “Bullshit” in reply to that ridiculous claim.
I cannot think of a former PM who I loathe more viscerally than Malcolm Trumble.
Paul Keating springs to mind.
No, Turnbull is worse. Keating doesn’t dump on the party that made him PM. Turnbull does.
Turnbull reminds us that the Stupid Frigging Liberals essentially believe in nothing except holding power — just like his comrades on the loony left.
Never forget Waffleworth first tried to join the Liars under Hawke, who had the good sense to piss him off. Howard and Sinodinos begged him to stay.
My contempt for ScoMo comes close as that fraud wants us to believe that he had God on his side for what he was doing.
Spud was singularly unimpressive on the Voice until it became clear it would fail.
It is obvious that Dutton is not a leader. I saw it when he tried to join a “cool kids” Labor group after some function that was televised. What he should have done is to gather his own people around him to show that he was the man.
My question at the IPA gathering where he launched his nuclear push was about the petition signed by so many against these muzzling e-safety proposals. All he would do was say they were needed and would be well run.
This down not go down with the crowd there. He apparently has learned nothing from that since.
Why has her remit moved from ‘children’s safety’ – which Dutton is still stressing – to any sort of ‘safety’ she cares to censor or skew to be in children’s interests (such as transitioning operative procedures)? Answer please, Mr. Dutton.
As Benjamin Franklin succinctly put it:
They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.
Any military Cats satisfy my idle curiosity?
Does the military of this country still charge officers with “Conduct unbecoming an officer and gentleman?”
Seems the Brits dropped the “and gentleman” some years ago.
I will text my military lawyer and find out.
Member Legal Corps:
We now have ‘prejudicial conduct’ under s60 of the discipline act.
It covers the same principle framed in either the effect of conduct unbecoming on internal discipline, or else the impact on Defence reputation with the public.
So, no idea really and depends on the day?
No. It depends on who you offend and who finds out. Oh, and what you did.
“Conduct Unbecoming”.
In my day it was ‘conduct unbecoming’ or ‘prejudicial behaviour’ if you ‘cocked up.’
Covered a multitude of sins.
How could you ever forget ‘extras’ as punishment?
Copped a few of them over my time when I was an OR. lol 😀
“In the EU elections on the weekend, Germany decided to grant 16 year olds the vote, presumably to try and offset a surging AfD vote.”
Wouldn’t that mean 16 year olds were legally adults? Tried as adults in court, required for National Service or call up in the event of war.
Surely all those screeching teen girls on the front lines of woke would welcome the upgrade to full adult responsibility?
Knew a guy years ago who had flown Sabres in Europe in the RCAF. He said they were “officers and gentlemen” until they had a couple of squadron parties. Thereafter known as “officers”.
Bloody colonials!
Do you want a pilot that can utilise the aircraft systems efficiently, or one who is straight out of a monastery?
I’m sure if you go to any Pay Night Buffet, or Dining In Night, you will find something the wowsers and hand wringers don’t like.
Providing charges are not laid, (I have seen plenty of both and have never seen a chargeable incident), who cares?
By the by, the wives and girlfriends all enjoyed those nights immensely as well.
I want to flick your bean.
I will never understand Japanese culture.
What’s to understand?
I’ve despised Trumble since he worked for Packer and Spycatcher. I despise Howard for inflicting the poisonous trash on Australia.
Turnbull reminds us that the Stupid Frigging Liberals essentially believe in nothing except holding power — just like his comrades on the loony left.
This has been the raison d’etre of ALL major conservative right of centre parties across the west over the last thirty years. They have believed in nothing remotely conservative, nothing remotely right of centre, nothing remotely libertarian. All they’ve done for decades is to ape/mimic/copy leftist parties, be it on social issues and on economic issues and policies. It’s so sad, so pathetic, desperately trying to curry favour with progressive scum who’ll never for them in a heartbeat. These so called right of centre parties, even when handed massive electoral wins, as the Liberals were in 2013 and as the UK Tories were in 2019, do nothing to repeal or reverse or revoke leftist policies, they refuse to fight culture wars, they are actively and unapologetically supine, cowardly, and craven, instead they prefer to sit on their fat lardy arses and spend their time licking the boots of of progressive scum who will NEVER EVER vote for them!
We’re now seeing the utterly embarrassing Rishi and co desperately try to appeal to traditional conservative voters by finally talking about issues that they have steadfastly refused to talk about since 2010. But it is way too late, the Tories need to be wiped off the face of the earth and confined to the history books.
But there is light, the chooks are coming home to roost, the results in Europe over the weekend attest to this.
Even one of the Libs arguing for tighter budget policy has pointed out that the last Australian government to reduce government spending as a proportion of GDP in three consecutive budgets was Hawke/Keating.
I believe the Prime miniature will be departing the fix very soon.
He has no doubt, already organised a position at a Bank in New York.
“Apres moi, le deluge!”
What’s this I’m hearing about a new lawsuit alleging Javier Milei is a rock spider?? Surely not.
Projecting again? Standard lefty, to accuse enemies of what they KNOW they are guilty of themselves.
Showering with his 12 year old daughter? Oops, that’s another pollie. I wonder who he is…?
In the sacristy after mass I suppose.
Link, shitfa.
Or shut up.
Oh look, the Nazi has arrived.
Memo to Nazi, piss off.
This one chimes with my own car preferences.
From Cars to Star Wars, We’re Not Buying What They’re Selling (10 Jun)
My ancient (16 year old) chariot runs happily on ULP, has a CD player, is manual and has no screen. All those features are attractive to me. It’s just a car, not a spaceship. I don’t want a spaceship. A car that can drive places in is all I want.
(The stuff on the new Star Wars ultrawoke series is bonus snark 😀 )
My ’04 Patrol does everything I want it to do and doesn’t nag me over shit I don’t care about. (I did replace the CD sound system because the CD jumped tracks because of our shit roads, but meh.)
No TV screen, the controls are where I want them and I don’t have to take my eyes of the road and traffic to do something that 20 years ago I didn’t need to do.
If I wanted to be nagged, I’d remarry. But I don’t so I won’t.
Blair and Leak are never short of material.
On the subject of defence, we can never repel ICBMs, but we can make a conventional attack very costly.
Develop an army strong enough to force a major invasion. This could be done with a relatively small regular Army and a large regionally based reserve force.
Having forced China (for example) to mount a major operation, use anti-ship missiles, ballistic and aerodynamic, to strike any attacking fleet and long range surface to air missiles against any airborne force.
But, most important, keep Indonesia (which had historical issues with China) as a good friend and ally. Any conventional attack from Asia must come through or over Indonesia.
Boambee John:
Indonesia is a Muslim country. They cannot be trusted in terms of their alliances with other nations. The Indonesian Armed Forces have not yet forgotten the ‘Konfrontasi’ conflict and the casualties we inflicted on them.
Indonesia is a very good example of the failure of the saying “The enemy of my enemy is my friend.”
I distrust Indonesia not for what they’ve done, or what they are doing, but for their ability to do mischief in the future if they want to.
Hamasis on twitter insisting they were well treated.
Noa’s wealthy family apparently fed her on pita and tomatoes.
Hamas are claiming that three other hostages were killed during rescue.
100% certain they were murdered, perhaps even a while ago.
LOL. Are you still travelling?
The man surely has big swinging cojones.
The Countdown to Mars Begins (10 Jun)
For any other guy you might describe these plans “grandiose”. But given all that Elon has done so far he may just manage it. At the moment I have to say the biggest hurdle is the sclerotic bureaucracy getting in the way of all this. The intentions for Starship reuseability and launch costs are just breathtaking. That alone would be a gigantic step change in what is possible.
I like the guy.
Bruce O’Nuke:
At the moment I have to say the biggest hurdle is the sclerotic Biden bureaucracy getting in the way of all this.
Do not underestimate the nasty side of the Biden Clan to bugger Elons plans up – he’s already had issues with the bureaucracy over launch dates.
I would not put it past them to jerk him around as payback for his opposition to the Biden administration.
The interesting thing about the impressive AfD result is that it appears to be entirely within the former East Germany. It’s instructive that the East Germans are the least susceptible to liberal propaganda.
They saw the communist “future”, and know it didn’t work.
Sorry, nothing to do with communism. These are people that hadn’t been indoctrinated by post-WW2 liberalism for four generations.
My Russian friends are the same, dover
I hadn’t noticed that – interesting to say the least.
greg sheridan
Illegal immigration and cost of energy help shape European election results
The European elections have shown the continent moving to the right, substantially, but not quite dramatically. It was a tough election for incumbents. The right won in big European countries, the German Greens declined, and French President Emmanuel Macron’s Renew party was humiliated.
A few big things emerge clearly. Europeans don’t like mass immigration from North Africa and the Arab Middle East, they don’t like the high cost of renewable energy and associated climate change costs, they hate the general rise in the cost of living, and don’t have much faith in any parties, so change their vote pretty often.
Elections for the European parliament produce substantially lower turnout than national elections, 51 per cent this time. People treat them like by-elections, sending a message to their governments.
Back before Brexit, Nigel Farage’s United Kingdom Independence Party often won British elections for the European parliament. But in national elections, though it sometimes polled millions of votes, UKIP barely won a seat. Elections for the European parliament use proportional representation, so citizens get much more value from protest votes.
Increasingly, voters shape national politics partly through European elections, even though the European parliament has limited powers. In this election, parties that even six years ago would have been called far right – indeed are still sometimes misleadingly given that label – were outright winners in three leading European nations, France, Italy and Austria. These are big nations with no recent history of voting irresponsibly.
Marine Le Pen’s National Rally, the successor to her father’s National Front, smashed the polls in France. It won just shy of 32 per cent of the national French vote. That’s about what the ALP won in Australia at the last election. This is more than double the vote for Macron’s party.
At one level, it seems strange indeed that Macron would respond by calling a national parliamentary election. His position as President is unthreatened, and he has not enjoyed a parliamentary majority since 2022. The French often have their directly elected president from one party and their parliament with a majority in the hands of the president’s opponents, a happy circumstance the French call cohabitation.
Macron may have two primary thoughts in mind. With the exception of Italy, the hard-right parties have generally been very good at protest but not had any or much experience at government, and show no particular aptitude for it. Macron may feel that the French have got their protest vote out of their system and wouldn’t knowingly embrace the institutional logjam and conflict that electing a parliament directly at odds with the President may well bring.
On the other hand, Macron could also feel that even if National Rally wins a parliamentary majority, this could be a Pyrrhic victory. If it wins a parliamentary majority, and provides a prime minister, but is no more capable of solving France’s problems than Macron has proved, voters may look elsewhere in the presidential election of 2027. Macron can’t run in 2027, as the president is limited to two terms. But he certainly doesn’t want National Rally to win the presidency.
Murray Watt, with his degree in law and experience as a public serpent in QLD probably never stepped foot on a farm until 2023.
Same same Tony Burke as the Minister for Agriculture.
Tony Burqua’s constituency, however, has good knowledge of goats.
Watt is the weirdest looking freak in parliament: big call I know but his fat face looks like the arse of a flounder.
“Warren Entch, line 2”.
Antisemitic hair-sniffing pants pooer rapes Israel yet again.
UN Security Council votes in favour of ‘immediate, full and complete ceasefire’ proposal to end Israel-Hamas war in Gaza (Sky News, 11 Jun)
The proposal is nothing less than surrender to Hamas. I can’t see how Israel can possibly agree to it.
Stand firm, Israelis.
If one sees the UN as a tool of Islam, then it’s not hard to ignore them.
Wait. What?
I understood this was Biden, lying through his teeth and telling everyone the Israelis agreed to something when they had not?
It will mean Israel has to leave the hostages with Hamas because they will certainly not return them, and the UN won’t force them to.
This is a tremendous propaganda victory for Hamas and pushes Israel into an untenable position – leave the hostages to die at the hands of their brutal captors, or escalate to all out war with Islam AND the West.
Filth like Watt seem to be rather proud of their uselessness. They hold skill and productivity in contempt. Another malign consequence of confiscatory taxation.
Truss’s Cabinet was actually quite good – Braverman, Badenoch, Rees-Mogg, Wallace – and several of them survived into Sunak’s Cabinet.
Their problem was that the British administrative state opposed their attempted reforms at every turn, including Sunak’s offshore processing of asylum seekers, which he finally got through but too late.
No one now believes Sunak’s lies on immigration. As they say he talks a good game. But everything he actually does is straight from the WEF playbook.
Maybe someone like Kemi or Mogg can rescue the Conservative Party after the election disaster. But it is going to be like Cthulhu going through a goose. The voters have their chainsaws out and ready.
JC:“Neither Trump nor Garvey will win [CA],…”
There is, perhaps, something you may not have considered JC.
In CA (and other places where leftists rule), it is already law that their electoral college votes goes to who wins the (national) popular vote. This may bite them hard – even if Trump doesn’t win the vote in Cali or Michigan, he may get enough to win the national popular vote, and leftie heads will explode when they realise that their attempt to subvert the electoral college system has resulted in Trump winning CA, MI and others, giving him a “landslide”.
“Lately another, stranger element is showing up in the numbers,” Dan Neil wrote, “a motivated belief among consumers that automakers’ latest and greatest offerings—whether powered by gasoline, batteries or a hybrid system—are inferior to the products they are replacing.”
My husband is a car nut. He has been obsessed with cars ever since he bought his first car, an old Vauxhall, for 3 pounds and, at the age of 14 years old, restored it in his parents’ suburban backyard.
We have lost track of how many cars he has owned in his lifetime. British, Italian, German, Japanese & of course Made in Australia – (Torana SLR 5000). He has driven them all over Australia (in this case, the Landcruisers) & raced them in club events ( Mini Coopers & the SLR 5000) when we were young and silly.
But he loathes EVs with a vengeance. He did agree to test drive a Tesla recently. While he agreed that they are enormously powerful, and the seating is very, very comfortable, he was appalled at the way in which the screen readout detracts from safe driving. He is adamant that they are not “drivers’ cars” – “motorist’s cars” maybe – but not “drivers’” cars.
He has always predicted that the novelty will be overwhelmed by cost and – eventually – inconvenience. The battery, and charging problems in inner urban areas in particular – he believes will eventually disenchant even the “early adopters”.
When it comes to rationing – yes, rationing – the power supplies between the public, EVs and the AI sector, who will win?
Because there sure as shit won’t be enough for those two consumers and us.
Yes, expect power rationing, by edict or by price.
I did a test drive in a Tesla car, and it was all good till I put the brakes on for a hard stop.
You really felt the incredible weight of the car at that moment, and while it stopped well and all that, it was surprising and a bit unnerving.
Double the weight almost of my daily drive, it was a Tesla S or something, a sedan body shape not the SUV or the 3.
I wonder if that’s why so many people driving them, drive so slowly.
The East Germans were the most indoctrinated people on the planet. The East German communist party was the most doctrinaire in the communist world, to the extent it often told the Soviets to pull up their socks as they weren’t communist enough.
If indeed the Right won seats because of East Germany, it should offer hope that, in the end, brainwashing—and serious brainwashing—lasted just under 50 years. Brainwashing from the cradle eventually doesn’t work.
(And yeah, I am traveling. I just got back form Europe to the US and had little sleep. I travel badly).
Wow Roger. That’s one of the best articles I’ve read in the long time.
June 11, 2024 11:13 am
What’s this I’m hearing about a new lawsuit alleging Javier Milei is a rock spider?? Surely not.
Dickless lefties always accuse the other side of doing what they are doing.
Do better dickless.
Truss’s Cabinet was actually quite good – Braverman, Badenoch, Rees-Mogg, Wallace – and several of them survived into Sunak’s Cabinet.
Their problem was that the British administrative state opposed their attempted reforms at every turn, including Sunak’s offshore processing of asylum seekers, which he finally got through but too late.
Why then, despite fourteen years of conservative governance, did not one conservative government, be it under Cameron, May, Blowjob, Truss or Sunak, ever try to tackle and unwind the “British administrative state”?
As Peter Hitchens says, the Conservatives, after their defeat in 1997, became a Blue Blairite party.
It is no different here.
Everything confirms my comment above, until a conservative/right of centre government decides to get serious…and yes….that means getting dirty, absolutely nothing will change. Any future incoming Conservative/Liberal government should, on taking power, have a night of the long knives. Don’t know about others, but I would be very happy seeing bureaucratic and administrative blood flowing the streets.
I’ll stick to the metaphoric. Remove them from high office and low office too, fine them, take away their privileges and put them into unpaid community service, but let’s not head towards the devastations that happened in Argentina with ‘the disappeared’ as well as with overt killings. That way lies Robespierre all over again. Immoral, and too dangerous. Sorry, because I know some of my dear Cat friends would disagree ‘cos we’ve discussed this, but my sense of retribution – which is very strong – can’t entail bloodshed.
Good reporting from Ezra.
Rebel News HQ:
Walk with Israel event draws tens of thousands of rallygoers in Toronto
‘Sorry I backed gay marriage’ – MP – Politics, Policy, Political Views (politicom.com.au)
Gee, another conservative pollie admitting they f..ked up. Oh wait, that’s fairly unique. Now do something really unique: repair the damage you caused:
Marriage is between a man and a woman. And a man is an adult male and a woman is an adult female.
Hope that helps.
He’s libertarian innit?
Making the admission even more impressive.
Yes, good on him, he’s had a Damascus turn. I voted No on gay marriage for the obvious reason that marriage is about legal family formation and gay marriage opened the door to legalised and very damaging theft of their biological origins from children. It takes a man and a woman to make a child. Now we have the concept of a man and a woman itself under threat. Activists full of themselves has been the key to what Ruddock is prepared to call a New Religion – for that is what it is. Let gay people have a ‘union’ and even use the kindly terms of being dual husbands together or daul wives together, which many gays do should they chose to eschew ‘partner’, but do not suggest they have true marriage. They do not.
J.D. Vance has to be the guy.
Not a fan of the beard, but otherwise, he’s it.
Alternative viewpoint:
Mike Cernovich: Ben Carson As Trump’s VP Offers “Assassination Insurance” | The Gateway Pundit | by Anthony Scott
Monster, Fatboy,
Where did you dig up the Milei accusation?
Leftard talking points, the connection with reality may be limited.
As I’ve said many times, the challenge for any half decent government is taking on the permanent gubmint of Canbra pubic parasites.
Yep, it seems that it doesn’t matter who the politician is, the Public Serpents Rule !
As lampooned many years ago by Yes, Minister.
Worth looking at this series again and again, because the old tropes still apply. Good to recognise them and mount a charge against them.
Cronkite’s cute getting picked up at the supermarket. And who could blame him. Gorgeous.
June 11, 2024 12:59 pm
Cronkite’s cute getting picked up at the supermarket. And who could blame him. Gorgeous.
The little sap has a death wish: if he/she/it doesn’t crush him, she/he/it will eat him.
Now to restore balance to the universe, a cute owl.
I have to say that while the Owl in the shorts appeared a mixed up person, that was a cruel stunt.
It sure does work. Here’s the map. The most successfully propagandized electorates are almost all in the former West Germany.
East Germany is also where the relict communists are most popular. Although they’ve been slowly losing support lately – presumably as the old guard dies off.
As with all this stuff there are winners and losers. The winners under communism still pine for the old days, but the rest of the population hates their guts.
Germany’s election results in charts and maps (2021)
The East has tried it before, and didn’t like it. I think people don’t generally learn well from others and must experience the pain to really get it.
So the West is rejecting AfD because?
Media propaganda.
NAAJA board knew of chair Hugh Woodbury’s domestic assault of pregnant partner
By ellie dudley
The board of Australia’s largest Aboriginal legal service knowingly appointed a chair who pleaded guilty to a horrific domestic assault against his pregnant partner, having stood on her stomach, pushed her to the ground, slammed her arm in a door and yelled degrading slurs at her in front of their two-year-old child.
Hugh Woodbury, 42, who became head of the board of North Australian Aboriginal Justice Agency in March, served a 12-month good behaviour bond and was fined $200 without conviction after his partner, whom The Australian has chosen not to name, reported the assault to police in 2020.
The embattled NAAJA has recently lost dozens of staff and was experiencing a critical shortage in crime-ridden Alice Springs earlier this year, where services drew to a halt and vulnerable Aboriginal defendants were forced to represent themselves in court. This came amid serious allegations of corruption levelled at former chair Colleen Rosas and former chief executive Priscilla Atkins in court proceedings, which they deny.
In his role, Woodbury oversees more than $20m a year in federal government funding, administered by the Northern Territory government through the National Legal Assistance Partnership.
A police fact sheet, obtained by The Australian from the court, reveals that on July 4, 2020, Woodbury was picked up by his partner and their youngest child after drinking heavily at a house in Alice Springs.
At the time, she was 17 weeks pregnant with the couple’s third child. While driving home, Woodbury started arguing with his partner, swearing at her and “repeatedly calling her a c..t” while the toddler was in the car.
When they got home, the partner collected their eldest child, aged eight, from the neighbour’s house. Upon her return, Woodbury continued swearing and yelling at her.
He followed her outside when she went to have a cigarette, and when she tried to re-enter the house, he blocked her from doing so. She managed to get her right arm in the sliding door of the unit but Woodbury slammed it shut “causing immediate pain”.
“The defendant struggled with the victim and the defendant dragged the victim away from the back sliding door and pushed her to the ground,” the fact sheet reads.
Lying on the ground, the partner crawled into the unit. When Woodbury tried to stop her, he fell to the ground himself. He got up, and stood on her stomach.
“The victim screamed out in fear and pain, trying to remind the defendant that she was pregnant,” the fact sheet reads.
“The victim struggled again and worked her way further into the unit, crawling on the ground, which ended with her falling back on to the youngest child on the couch.”
Woodbury began throwing items at his partner from the kitchen while continuing to swear at her. She eventually called the police when the eldest child began talking to his father.
While waiting for them to arrive, Woodbury continued to swear and throw things at her.
He was taken to the Alice Springs Watch House and held due to his intoxication level of 0.154BAC.
Later, when conducting a police interview, he was asked why he called his partner the degrading name multiple times. “I can’t even remember,” he said.
He was asked why he slammed the door on her arm. He said: “Can’t answer, don’t know why.”
Police asked why he pushed her to the ground and stood on her stomach. “Not too sure … can’t remember,” he answered. Asked why he threw items at her in the kitchen, he said “Can’t remember, very stupid”.
Police finally asked why he assaulted his partner. “No excuse for what I done,” he said. “Not sure why I did it. I need help. I don’t drink that much, I don’t know.”
The world appears to be such an evil place at the moment.
Perhaps God SHOULD come and put an end to it.
Call the RSPCA and take away her cats.
Attempt to re-post what spaminator ate last night.
Fork Orners ran an episode complaining bitterly about development being held up by red tape, and even frivolous objections.
The ABC shilling for accelerated development?
“Surely not!” I hear you say. “What development was this?”
Oh … right
I have previously observed, possibly no ALPBC program has fallen further than Four Corners. On radio AM would go close.
Queensland taxpayers, you are paying for your own demise:
Queensland’s public service has added an extra 11,700 workers within 12 months, with about one quarter of state government employees now earning over $120,000 per year.
The latest figures – to be released with the state budget on Tuesday – also show the number of corporate roles in the public service is growing at a faster rate than frontline jobs.
As of March this year, the total size of the Queensland public service had reached 258,012 full-time equivalent employees (FTEs), which is up from 246,309 the same time last year.
This included 233,933 FTEs that are classed as key frontline, frontline, or frontline support roles – which is a 4.3 per cent increase from 12 months earlier.
These frontline roles take in a range of jobs, such as teachers, social workers, prosecutors, police officers, nurses, midwives, correctional officers, doctors, firefighters and ambulance officers.
In contrast, corporate service jobs – which include roles like accounting, human resources and marketing – climbed 9.29 per cent in the same one-year period, to 24,078 FTEs as of March.
The 9.29 per cent growth in corporate roles this past year is also the greatest annual jump in such jobs in the past four years.
The State of the Sector report notes savings measures brought in during the COVID-19 pandemic significantly slowed the growth of corporate roles.
“Across 2023 and 2024 recruitment in corporate services increased. This represented a right-sizing of corporate roles following their decrease during the pandemic,” the report says.
Absolutely shameless waste of public money to prop up a failed government. Timeservers R Us.
The one rule that modern governments never break is that they must get bigger each year. And the worst governments get bigger the fastest
This is Victorian level squandering of public monies.
Where’s Joh, now we REALLY need him? 🙂
Miles debt to hit $172bn to fund transition (Paywallian)
I’m told by Chris Bowen that renewables are the cheapest of all electricity generation options. Which in Queensland’s case seems to come to $31,000 per person in the state, all of which has to be paid back via their electricity bills, with interest.
About third of that would be enough to power the entire state with nuclear power stations at a wholesale electricity price of around $60/MWh. For the next fifty years.
Wild Elephants Invent Names For One Another in Surprise Sign of Abstract Thinking
Over the last few decades it has become obvious we have very much under- estimated the cognition of animals.
Known? We’ll find more.
Queensland post-Chook Liars are in their most dangerous phase. Realising all is lost, actions taken without any view to the consequences.
Absolutely right, Bear
They are at the “Tear the temple down, the other buggers can rebuild it” stage.
Queensland (State owned) over investment in coal generation has allowed the NEM to stumble as long as it has. Those days are coming to an end.
Over the last few decades it has become obvious we have very much under- estimated the cognition of animals.
Of all the people to bring this up…
Sounds like an attempted gotcha by some leftard activist on social media. Or something Monty just made up.
Sharterzz, thinking of you and your travails with the public hospital and medical system. Hope things are working out ok for you after today.
If you think the private system is any more pleasant, then think again. Apart from being able to receive needed treatments earlier by doctor of choice, you still have to fight the medical system tooth and nail for explanatory treatment and then pay through the nose for it.
My current beef is arrogant surgeons, who are legion. I’ve just spent $500 for a specialist surgeon’s ‘first consultation’ that lasted every bit of three and a half minutes. Medicare returns around $124 of it. I walked in on time, he was looking at the private-paid MRI he insists patients have before for the first time with him, said yes, you have a seriously-displaced fracture of your coccyx. He asked me to lie down, clothed, face down on his examination table, prodded my rear spine, said yes, coccyx, when I yelped, and that was it. No chance to ask anything else because he was off out of the door. See his secretary for an appointment for an injection of cortisone under sedation (sign here, she says, another $500) was his instruction on his way out to more important patients than me.
What was his prognosis? asked Hairy when I returned.
We didn’t get to that, I answer.
Wasn’t that the reason you wanted to see him? he asked.
He was gone before we could discuss it, I say.
Hrmmph, he says, We’ll see about that. I’ll come with you next time.
You’ll have to, I say, because I’ll be off my face with the drugs.
Having met one or two like him along the way, I know how you feel.
Report him to whoever is in charge of Medicare fraud, and his professional standards body.
He has failed on both counts.
Thanks, Johanna. I did think about that, because it did seem all too quick. He didn’t even explain any issues that might arise due to the injection. So it is hardly informed consent.
As Johanna said, report him.
Deary me. Hun:
The retrieval of those hostages I don’t think registers on this bloke.
Not to worry Usman, I’m sure Fozzie will be there basking in Palestine’s glorious presence.
Usman Khawaja perfectly illustrates the failure of “multi-culturalism”: he escapes a muslim hellhole, then campaigns for the ideology he escaped from to be introduced in his adopted country.
Khawaja is a low-IQ retard. If he likes Pallie culture so much, he should move to Gaza where he can bathe in it. Freedom has obviously been wasted on him.
Uzzy has gone from “hero to zero” with me over this issue.
He should offer himself as coach for the Pali cricket side.
In Gaza it’d be fun, the pitch would be a literal minefield, and the outfield would be liberally sprinkled with foxholes.
(The USA just beat Pakistan in a T20 match, that will not’ve gone down well in certain demographics, I suspect.)
The only thing he got right is they are a “nobody” .. Under FIFA’s own rules they don’t qualify cos Palestine isn’t a country but FIFA bends its rules to suit .. And you can bet a lot of Arab dollars went into Palestine the “fitba” nation recognition ..
When money, especially lotz of it, is involved FIFA will accomodate anything … Venality and FIFA are twins .. LOL!
I’d waited over six weeks for that appointment too, Shaterzzz.
Talk about lacking the bedside manner or human touch!
Out of the door these things went with him.
My GP is similar. She’s a harried mum and I think my elderly medically-inquisitive self is just too much for her. In and out, here’s a script etc. I’ve complained of coccygeal pain for over 18months and she’s never examined me physically once. Nor sent me for a basic x-ray till I insisted recently. Then shuttled me to a specialist surgeon when the x-ray, which was unclear, suggested a problem. I’ve had to put up with the pain of it just being brushed off, take a panadol etc.
Lizzie, record your sessions if you feel you need to go over the visit and refresh your memory.
You are allowed to make a written notation of your visit immediately after, depending on the State you live in.
Check with Lairy Hairy of the circumstances.
Most people have a business diary, aide memoire, professional diary etc.
Use it to protect yourself.
“The Australian Senate has just launched a major inquiry into the nation’s soaring numbers of excess deaths among the widely vaccinated population….The successful motion to launch the inquiry was brought by United Australia Party (UAP) Senator Ralph Babet. The motion was Babet’s fifth attempt to launch a parliamentary inquiry in two years.”
At bl–dy last!
Yessssss! Sending a thank you for persisting email to Babet right now!
Call me cynical .. but, I’m guessin’, as usual they’ll get the result(s) they prefer by appointing the “right” people ……..!
I disagree about the worst PM. I’ll go out on a limb and say Abbott. The others were exactly what we thought they’d be. Abbott had the goodwill of the country and squibbed it. I was more angry about that than the others and anger doesn’t come easy to me.
Totally agree, he had a huge majority, and didn’t have the guts to do anything difficult.
Gave Greg Combet a role and Natasha Adelaide-Name a role
What idiot rewards the enemies of the people who voted for him
Gave Turnbull a role, just idiotic
Good at winning, but useless at being a winner
Pretty much exactly what Ted Baillieu did in Victoria when we last elected a Liberal government. Gave in to all the luvvies, who urinated all over him and Libs completely squibbed 4 years of government. Does anyone remember a single thing he achieved? Then his successor, Napthine, tried to get a major work through way too late, and Dan Andrews cancelled it for zero consequences but cost us over $1B in penalties.
Don’t get me started!
I think we are getting a sense of exactly how much opposition he faced from within the Lieborals themselves. I don’t think that should be underestimated.
Vicki, as an unabashed Doctor Doolittle fan, I’m with you.
It’s probably not communication as we understand it, language with syntax and so on, but anyone who is interested in animals knows that they communicate in ways beyond what we currently understand, to name just a few examples.
The flocks of birds, the shoals of fish, the great migrations, the dogs that took sheep to market by themselves over the fells in Scotland – I don’t care a jot about AI, this is the stuff that interests me.
AI is just parasitic. Not interesting.
Yes, Jo – I think it is called “entrainment”. I read about it years ago. An amazing phenomenon.
.” I walked in on time, he was looking at the private-paid MRI he insists patients have before for the first time with him, said yes, you have a seriously-displaced fracture of your coccyx.”
Lizzie, do you think this was the result of that fall on the ice on your rear end during your last holiday in the Nordic country?
My sympathy as I am still suffering from repeated buffeting on the rear end when racing across paddocks in the ATV to feed that damn steer. Had it before & it diminishes over time, as most things do. But if you have a hairline fracture that is a different matter. Literally, a pain in the rear end!
Sorry – you said a “displaced fracture” which improbably more serious.
Vicki, it’s the ‘displacement’ aspect which worries me, the ‘clicking’ sensation I get of bones against each other (terrible when I am driving a car) and about which I wished I had been able to speak to this hurried specialist. Palliative treatment which he insisted on might stop the pain and inflammation but what is causing that in terms of the displacement, and will it ever disappear, or simply get worse? Also, can it affect any other part of my pelvic region’s functioning? So many issues unaddressed.
It was a very unsatisfactory ‘consultation’.
Sorry to hear of your sore tailbone too. Check on Dr. Google, there is a lot about coccyx issues and ways of palliation which might help you with an over-use problem (once x-rayed for more serious issues), some of it very professional, though not so useful for my individual questions.
This fracture was definitely caused by the fall on the ice in Finland, followed by a hard hour or two of dog-sledding sitting on a bare board over bumps. It seemed to get better slowly over the next six months, painful but not too bad, then about three months of being ok, but after that some very bad pain and the ‘clicking’ sound started – I’m guessing maybe it got weakened by the ice fall and aftermath, and that 9 months later it finally gave way and the clicking and renewed fairly severe pain started around last October after our return from Italy (maybe my passenger’s heavy footwork on the imagined brakes on those Dolomite mountain descents while Hairy was driving did the final damage lol). No time to discuss this theory with the specialist either.
Vicki – get an xray.
Before you start treatment, you have to know the cause of the problem and “Its’s probably just a minor injury” is nowhere good enough if it’s creating an issue with your mobility. As you get older, your movements don’t get better – they get worse because you compensate for them by adding more stress to adjoining joints.
My stupid bloody Sister sister has been suffering a shoulder injury for 4 bloody months now and goes to a physio. I told her she won’t get well because the physio depends on her remaining crook.
She’s probably got a bursitis somewhere in the shoulder that would go away with cortisone, or even just oral prednisone.
I’m cranky with her because she should know better.
Unfortunately she’s in Coffs Harbour and that’s too far away for me to go and give her a good kick up the arse.
Cortisone is great for bursitis. I had a shocking attack of bursitis in my left hip about ten years ago, halted my dancing for a couple of weeks till I got sick of it, and of people telling me to go to their wonderful physio or chiropractor. I saw a GP who recommended the Big Needle. I staggered in for it supported by Hairy’s arm, looked away while a specialist (using no anaesthetic) whacked in what Hairy said was a huge needle, waited five minutes and miraculously hopped off the bench (which I had barely been able to climb on to) and proceeded to skip merrily out of the door. Never had a minute’s problem with it since, as my bones are great due to oestrogen and I’ve no problems with hip joints. Bursitis is an inflammation of the surrounding capsule, the Bursa. A different thing. I think your sis needs to hear my tale, Winston.
Vicki, I like how animals can learn every language in the world yet we can’t understand them. Which one is the dumb animal. I miss my wee mate so much. My son brought his dogs over last Sunday and the oldest one was looking for him all over even though she hadn’t seen him for two years.
I miss Attapuss so much too, Ranga, for the loss is still very raw. The intense communication we had with each other in his last two days as I cared for him constantly will always live with me. Is he fading into memory? I ask Hairy as we get ready for bed, without him there putting in his two cents worth. No, we agree. Not yet.
Warning: Old Farts Only.
I just discovered a wonderful clip of Paul O’Grady (dogs on SBS mornings – great guy) interviewing Cliff Richard,The Shadows – awesome band – and Cilla Black.
Remember when entertainment was fun, not finger-wagging and preaching?
The “layman’s” version of where am I at health-wize .. Specialist visit (with 2 daughters, my hearing’s not so good) .. I do have Prostate Cancer but fairly early stage .. the good news .. Problem is that because I’ve had an enlarged prostate for so long it is gi-normous and the Cancer is behind it so solution is take both .. prostate & Cancer (which I gather is a tumor of some sort) out together or the prostate out & radiology on the C .. Seems a bit pointless so opting for former .. Now being booked in for a PET scan (25th) to ensure there is no spread of the C .. If not then the op .. waiting list time approx. 3 months .. If there is spread then option 2 comes back into play ..
No great panic cos I’m in no pain or discomfort and after having had the prostate problem for years a bit more wait isn’t gonna make much difference. ..
Check what the percentages are on incontinence on both treatments.
They are way better than they used to be but you might be able to miss out on that as an ongoing thing
Reality is it’ll be renal failure if I don’t get the prostate dealt with so my choices are very, very limited …!
Go for the prostate fix asap, Shaterzzz. Buggering around with cancer in this area is not to be recommended. Hairy had his prostate cancer treated by radiation seeds (brachytherapy) as it was early stage and suitable for that. He was debating what to do for about three months till one surgeon said do something or ‘this will kill you’. Ten years on he’s still cancer free and has had very minimal side effects from the treatment. Things have also improved a lot since then, so you can benefit from even better knowledge about it now.
Don’t put your kidneys at risk. You need them more than you need that troublesome prostate. Best of luck with it all.
As the Iron Lady said, old age isn’t for the feint hearted.
Take one day at a time, mate!
All the best, shatterzzz.
See what the PET scan results are and go from there. Treatment has gone ahead greatly in recent years. Good luck shatterzzz
Another example of strange animal prescience. I mentioned recently that a wombat which resided in a far paddock came right to the house garden gate last week. He was hopelessly covered in mange & seemed (crazy I know) to be asking to be put out of his misery. So we did. Husband shot him, and with the scoop on the tractor carried him down to one of his holes near the creek.
Today I went down to see if he had been eaten by foxes and/or feral pigs. Well – by neither. The body was left untouched the entrance to the hole. I would say that animals are damn smart – none of the usual scavengers were going to eat anything that had mange.
Surprisingly this one is at News.com.au.
‘Katie did not need the vaccine’: AstraZeneca victim was ‘doing her bit’ to end lockdown (10 Jun)
Surprising because News.com.au can almost always be relied to run the lefty line on such things, which is that vaxxes are awesome and Covid will eat your eyeballs, or somesuch.
They have this one also:
Covid vaccines may have contributed to rise in excess deaths, researchers suggest (7 Jun)
All this sounds to me like an iceberg is upending itself. All the stuff that was hidden under the surface is coming into the light, and most importantly that which used to be absolutely haram for journalists is no longer viewed that way.
Be interesting to see where this gets to. A lot of powerful necks are potentially on the block in the medical bureaucratic complex.
My belief, Bruce, is that they (particularly the bureaucrats and organisations such as the TGA) will fight to the bitter end. There is so much at stake for them. They totally violated the correct regulatory RCT process which would normally, as you know, take minimum 5 years. This, of course, was because they panicked & followed the lead of others – all encouraged, of course, by the pharmaceutical companies that stood to earn billions.
I also think that even reputable practitioners became so caught up in the process that they were too frightened to risk their jobs and careers in questioning the developing narrative. There were a few brave souls (many of whom were disbarred from practice) but most were retired practitioners and experts such as my friend Dr. Phillip Altman and also the venerable Emeritus Prof. Bob Clancy, who is currently doing amazing work in helping the vaccine injured.
We are all indebted to the determination of people like Senator Babet and others – particularly in the AMPS (Australian Medical Practitioners Society) who have given so much time to seeing that the truth emerges.
Bet it turns out to be no-ones fault and we should all be very christian and forgiveness all around
If anyone might be at fault of course, it was misinformation from overseas!
…and it’s about time.
Nearly 4 years they’ve resisted, fought back and abused those of us who were forced or refused this horrid concoction.
…and the fact checkers are still denying.
Frans de Waal: Moral behavior in animals | TED Talk
These two arrived a short time ago. When they did so they called me. So I came out and gave them food. It may not be communication in the literal sense but they knew exactly what they were doing in calling out. The price this time was the indignity of being photographed.
Yes, Bruce, my Currawongs and Magpies as well as the Kookas all come if they are within the local gully area when they hear me say Come on Birdies, dinner time. Sometimes they just have to see me out on the verandah to come over. They don’t do it for Hairy.
June 11, 2024 2:47 pm
From what I have read here, M Fraser was exactly the same if not worse.
Much was expected, little or nothing delivered despite the enormous majority.
Beware of Malcolms.
I could never comprehend Fraser – elected in a landslide, with control of both Houses, given a mandate to dismantle the whole socialist experiment Whitlam left behind – it was almost as though he was too timid to exercise that mandate, for fear of what the Left would write about him on toilet walls.
And boyo boyo boy, are we feeling it. There’s now so many inspectors, compliance officers, etc. intruding upon small business that it is near impossible to do anything but let the business run itself & devote yourself full time to the hopeless task of trying to keep an accelerating rate of compliance defects up to date.
This may culminate in someone being pushed too far & doing in a compliance inspector. (A sentiment I’ve heard from quite a number of people)
My favourite line is to say to them that they’re in a job that’d be worth “.. at least 45 grand a year mate, but the way the pubic service wastes money & overpays, they’ve probably got you fellers on at least 55 grand”
…. this usually leaves them not knowing what to say.
Already has occurred in NSW, when a farmer shot dead a license Karen (who was male, if that matters). Not an appropriate action to take but you can understand the fury and frustration with these bureaucratic insects.
June 11, 2024 2:59 pm
Reply to johanna
Yes, Jo – I think it is called “entrainment”. I read about it years ago. An amazing phenomenon.
Vicki, it amazes me that the scientific world claims to be able to understand and control all sorts about human life and death and reproduction, yet they know very little about ‘inferior organisms’, even the commonest ones that we have lived with for centuries.
Any competent farmer knows more about the animals in his/her care than the literature, which focuses on things that are useless.
I’m not talking about anthropomorphism, but observed and learned behaviour. Remember Kingsley’s ‘Calling the Cattle Home Across the Sands of Dee’, mentioned by Bertie Wooster as reminiscent of his Aunt Dahlia, as an example. 🙂
Yes – even our large scale farming neighbours will, sometimes, talk about amazing cows in their herds. One of them was saying recently that there is a cow in one particular herd which is so smart that they call her when they are mustering and signal where they want the herd to go. See will then lead the herd in that direction!
Ask dairy farmer about that. The lead cow will bring the herd for milking twice a day like clockwork.
The medical profession being unprofessional … .
This is an example of why you should always ask for a copy of the reports.
Recently had severe gut pain, enough I was contemplating going to the hospital but the pain subsided. Told my GP about, he ordered a CT gut scan. The receptionist rang me to book an appointment to discuss the scan. Walked into doctor’s surgery and he asked me why I was there. I told him the receptionist advised me to see him. First mistake.
He suggested gallstones but the radiologist report stated acute pancreatitis attack. He didn’t carefully read the report. Second mistake.
He gave me a copy of the radiologist report. It stated I had a large cyst in my one kidney. Doctor didn’t comment on that, probably didn’t read the report as carefully as me. Third mistake.
GP stated I need a full blood work up but I had that done two weeks prior. GP failed to notice that for the first time my GFR, a marker of kidney function, had taken a nose dive. Fourth mistake.
I don’t want to go to my GP and say you f**ked up so many times I should kick your ass but he deserves that.
Good Lord, John! That is beyond the pale. I have gone through a number of GPs in my time. A big mistake and that’s the end of them. I used to look at their degrees (where, and did they have an Hons degree) but found that was not always indicative of a good GP. Now I am just bl–dy ruthless. All of them , of course, failed during Covid. We have now a new Asian dr in the practice who actually takes time to explain symptoms. He usually gets photos up on the computer to explain what a problem is by diagrams, photos etc. And he is up-to-date on research. All big ticks.
One of my big gripes are the specialists who write opinions, obtain X-rays & other test results and do NOT send a copy to the person who PAYS for them – Me!
I usually ask for them, Vicki, and my GP prints stuff out for me.
Specialists another matter. Never see their reports. All verbal.
He put the biopsy report up on the monitor & wen tthru it para by para .. one of my daughter’s is far clueier than me medical-wize and she understood it all .. & got a copy off him ..
WATCH: Dictator Dan’s big ‘public health and infrastructure’ award is a big rort!
I’m sorry the Dan man makes me want to puke.
Is Dr Jill preserved in formaldehyde or sompin?
Ha, Jill, formaldehyde! That would mean Joe must’ve been embalmed by ancient Egyptian priests in that case.
A Mummy sequel with it being elected President would be a great movie. Maybe too close to reality for comfort though.
Too right. Weekend at Bernie’s was.prophetic.
‘Katie didn’t need the vaccine; she wouldn’t have died if she’d got Covid’
Broome and Derby alcohol restrictions: Booze purchase limits and takeaway alcohol sales hours reducedKatya MinnsBroome Advertiser
Tue, 11 June 2024 12:42PM
New restrictions on takeaway alcohol sales and reduced opening hours of bottle shops in Broome and Derby have been announced following the crackdown on grog proposed by the Director of Liquor Licensing.
From July 15, the sale and supply of packaged alcohol is only authorised on permitted days between the hours of 12 midday to 8pm in Broome and between 12 midday to 7pm in Derby, with a total ban on the sale of take-home booze applied on Sundays and Mondays in Derby.
The restrictions also limit takeaway sales to a single carton of full-strength beer per customer per day, or alternatively 2 bottles of wine, 1 litre of spirits or 1 litre of fortified wine.
Where the alcohol content exceeds 6 per cent, customers would be restricted to a maximum of 3.75 litres of beer, cider or pre-mix spirits.
In Broome, customers could previously purchase up to six bottles of wine per day.
Licensees in both towns would continue to be required to scan the IDs of all customers purchasing packaged liquor to ensure they are not on the banned drinkers’ register.
Where a particular product is available in a non-glass container, it would be illegal for a licensed venue to sell the glass version to customers.
As usual, the arseholes screw it for everyone else! No wonder tourism in Broome has plummeted!
Potential cancer-causing chemicals found in Australia’s tap water | 9 News Australia
I was amazed to find out recently that fluoride is absolutely banned in many countries OS.
Public-health risks from tea drinking: Fluoride exposure – PMC (nih.gov)
Conclusions:Fluoride exposure among pregnant women increases with tea consumption, with likely risks of developmental neurotoxicity to their children. As the fluoride release from tea varies widely, the fluoride concentration should be indicated on tea packages in order to allow consumers to make informed decisions on minimising their fluoride exposure.
MUF: Maternal urine fluoride
An increase in MUF by 1 mg/L was associated with a statistically significant loss in IQ of 4.5 points in boys, though not in girls. An increase of 1 mg/L in water fluoride was associated with an IQ loss of 5.3 points for both boys and girls. The daily fluoride intake was estimated, assuming a fluoride content of 0.52 mg in one cup of black tea, and an increased intake by 1 mg was found to be associated with an IQ loss of 3.7 points, again for both boys and girls [7]. In an extension of this study, the authors assessed the possible impact of fluoride exposure from reconstituted formula in fluoridated and non-fluoridated communities [8]. After adjustment for prenatal fluoride exposure and other covariates, each increase by 0.5 mg/L in the water fluoride concentration was associated with a decrease by 8.8 IQ points in the children who had been formula-fed in the first six months of life.
Who knew?
Fluoride has remarkable advantages for teeth. Calcium fluoroapatite is one of the most hard wearing and insoluble compounds that we know of. It’s what tooth enamel is made of. Out of curiosity I put it into a thermodynamics package once, the stability of Ca2FPO4 is ridiculous – 10^50 level. I suppose that’s why our teeth can last us 100 years.
Thus the idea of adding fluoride has merit. But you can provide sufficient fluoride just with toothpaste, and all toothpaste contains a lot of fluoride for exactly this reason.
So I don’t see any reason why fluoridation of the water supply is really needed. Also no one ever actually drinks much tap water anyway, so it’s pretty moot having fluoride in it.
Jeez Costello’s career has ended like collapsed cheese sooflay
He’s finished. Would struggle to get a four for golf.
As Trudeau May Finally Get the Boot, He Reveals How Liberals Really Feel About Democracy
Election deep dive: Europe turns Right
Dr. John Campbell
House Oversight in US
Bruce of Newcastle
June 11, 2024 11:57 am
This has been the pattern of every single war since WWII.
The left, or whomever, always managed to lose them at huge costs.
Whenever there is way to stuff up, they will find it.
I’m not saying it’s a conspiracy, but incompetence only accounts for so much.
The Albo Presser: I stopped counting after ten “Peter Duttons”.
Better get used to it. Albo is fighting Tories.
On the Covid/Excess Deaths Inquiry
Did anyone else notice the special category for King’s Birthday Awards for the Covid 19 Honour Role
Do you reckon anyone on that list is going to give up their reward?
Good summary of the Caitlin Clark bullshit:
Bungonia Bee the lickspittle PM doesn’t know not to use Dutton’s name. That reinforces his name in the voters mind. Leader of the Opposition. That way who’s Dutton?
According to one of our guides, Rome has already had as many visitors as 2023. We certainly thought it very busy.
The Vatican Museum is so packed with materials you could spend a day walking through it v-e-r-y slowly to appreciate it more fully, and even then you would not have inspected every detail.
Priceless and unique paintings, sculptures, mosaics, tapestries – all out and not behind glass too. In fact, the windows were open and a nice breeze blew through – surprisingly, no climate control for preservation.
No photos allowed in the Sistine Chapel. It was packed and we were all blessed solemnly by a priest. It looked like he did that every 5 minutes as the crowd moved through.
Went next door to St Peter’s Basilica where a mass was happening. Once again, decorated with gold leaf, ornate and beautiful.
Visited the Liberation Museum, formerly the Nazi SS Matzeo Prison, which was a somber memorial to Italian fighters. Women as well as men were incarcerated and tortured here, about three blocks from our hotel.
Our time in Rome has come to an end, we now join Sun Princess – their newest ship, 2nd voyage, for a working cruise from Rome to Athens.
That’s like two simultaneous holidays! So much stuff that can be easily drawn upon – Livy, Thucydides and Xenophon are epic tales. And then the story of the Aussies in Greece and Crete in 1941, that too is epic.
What are you speaking on TE, if I may ask?
This is only a 7 day one:
Doing another in August and putting in the Battle of Crete
Oh, shiny! Nice topics!
Ah Rome..if anything can draw me back..it is Rome. Once spent some time there and in Pompeii when husband went on a bike trip. It was bliss. Had been there before but now I could spend any amount of time without worrying if he was getting bored. I wandered all over the Capitoline, through the forum…imagining it all as it was…Saw the final excavation of Pompei’s theatre & recalled when decades ago parts of it had been discovered when a Roman restauranteur was expanding his cellar! We had then sat in its footings! Saw, for the first time the Ara Pacis – the great monument to Augustus’ accomplishments.
Envy you, Topender. Happy sailing.
So did Howard to an even greater extent.
Abbott at least achieved two out of three key promises.
In the long run Howard failed on every key issue and bequeathed us a big Australia hitched to the renewables bandwagon on the road to poverty.
Howard also took our guns
Correct Roger and he gave us the finger with his Trumble poisonous egg. As for Costello, associating with Fairfax says it all.
Howard revealed himself to be a nasty little phony.
Don’t forget the attack on property rights and the ICC. Call me obsessed but Howard’s betrayal still shocks me.
Has anyone in the UN or elsewhere asked why the Palestinians after nearly 20 years never approached Israel and asked for helped to remove Hamas? They must have known about the tunnels, the weapons, the lack of services etc.
Um, that’s because they don’t want Hamas removed.
Poll shows sustained Palestinian support for Hamas despite mounting Gaza death toll (21 Mar)
Destroy every building and roll the rubble flat. The Gazans can live in tents. It is hard to build rockets in a tent.
They not only didn’t ask Israel, it appears they didn’t ask anyone else for that help either.
Instead they asked for money, and got billions of it.
Who among the Palestinians was supposed to approach Israel to remove Hamas in Gaza?
IJ, PFLP, PA, I could go on. There are so many Pali groups it makes Life of Brian seem unfunny.
OK, so what was meant by Palestinians was just another militant group. And what does IJ, for instance, get out of removing Hamas in Gaza?
You’d have to ask them. IJ have been rivals to Hamas for a long time. They seem to think they’re more virtuous or something. They, Fatah and PFLP have been stealing guys off of Hamas and each other for many decades. And vice versa. Strong horse!
Not at all. You said elsewhere they are presently fighting along side Hamas so the idea they would have had anything to gain previously by betraying them is nonsense.
EXPOSED: Civil servants call for ‘VIOLENCE’ and ‘ARREST’ of Nigel Farage branding Reform ‘EXTREMIST’
If only they were ‘extremist’. Then they could get on with the violence against those civil servants.
Indolent – I’ve spoken on this issue before. The junior and mid level ‘managers’ who get positions in these organisations have this odd idea that now they are employed there, they get to choose and enforce policy – which is utterly ridiculous. The Minister sets policy – the organisation follows it.
An example is the Travel agent for say, Thomas Cook, when asked to arrange the itinerary for a round the world trip, but they will only book on ships/airlines that have gay/woke employment policies. If the customers, or in this case the Line Managers aren’t looking out for it and subjecting the staff to reviews of their work, they will get away with it.
I just remembered where I got the original idea from – it’s the Fuhrer Prinzip. The Fuhrer Principle – you should know what the Fuhrer wants from you, and you must ‘work towards him.”
They see themselves as ‘Leaders’ even if they are just minor functionaries, and are owed absolute loyalty even as they deny it to their managers.
Chris Kenny bemoans how weak leaders are failing to stand up for Western values amidst the current violent protests
It occurs to me the West is just like the guy in Baby Reindeer. It hates itself too much and feels too morally compromised to stand up for its own interests
You must have missed the European elections, Viva.
Don’t write western Europe off just yet.
Truer words were never spoken.
America, The Greatest Exporter of Toxic Ideas | Dennis Prager
The Miles Labor government will push Queensland into record debt of $172bn to fund the coal-rich state’s transition to renewable power.
Currently Queensland burns about 20 million tonnes of coal a year to generate electricity in the State.
220 million tonnes is exported. The energy transition will be lost in the noise. Qld isn’t about to lose the revenue from coal royalties.
The number of people who died of COVID19 was very Skewed | Care Home Directors tell Inquiry
Biden Will Drop Out Of 2024 Race—And This Is What May Happen Next: Steve Forbes
I dare say most of the toxic ideas America is presently exporting had their origins in 18th & 19th C. France & Germany.
TE I don’t think its a working holiday when you get to talk about the things you love best. Think about it as more of a chat spoilt by having to go sightseeing and drinks and dinner. I suppose someone has to do it. You’ve certainly covered some territory. I’ve heard the neighbours are complaining about the noise from all the parties at your place.
Actually spending quite a bit of time researching other talks, and trying to finish a book on a Japanese submarine off Brisbane I think is there…
But then again cruise liners can provide a lot of pleasant interludes with the eating and drinking and entertainment…
Just keep an eye on the kilos, TE. Those cruises can pack a few of them in to the unsuspecting. lol.
Or Weimar Germany
The seeds for Weimar, inc. Hitler, were sown in the19th C, milt.
fair point
Wild Elephants Invent Names For One Another in Surprise Sign of Abstract Thinking
They even run blogs.
I am really getting fed up with Experts™.
Expert warns 2030 emissions targets will be ‘very challenging’ (Sky News mainpage headline, 11 Jun)
Grattan Institute? Why the flying fruitbats is Sky quoting the Grattan Institute with po faced wide eyed wonder? Sheesh.
‘No safe level of exposure’: Millions of Australians exposed to cancer causing chemicals in their tap water, study finds (Sky News, 11 Jun)
WHO? The US friggin EPA? SMH? What is Sky News smoking these days?
We have been using Teflon-lined fry pans for half a century. When the Teflon coating decays, which it always does, the degredation products include PFOS and PFOA. Which then dissolve in fat and oil, and we ate it. Vast amounts of it for fifty years. With no adverse consequences.
If Sky is supposed to be a righty news channel spare us what a lefty news channel might be like.
I am really sick of the lies coming to us in broadcast news.
This is looking like the furore over radiation levels where the owners of the Korean apartments that had been contaminated with cobalt 60? had a lower rate of cancer than everyone else.
It seems you need a small amount of background radiation to keep the cell dividing machinery working.
It looks like yet another bullshit story for us to panic over.
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
June 11, 2024 2:41 pm
Talk about lacking the bedside manner or human touch!
Out of the door these things went with him.
Both your GP and orthopod appear to lack any “bedside” skills or common manners, today just quaint, outmoded concepts in a socialist medical system that pretends to promote high standards that few care to meet.
All this while they have to jump ever higher CPD hurdles with AHPRA, which then trumpets how wildly successful they are in constantly improving the “health consumer’s” experience.
You could always complain to the bureaucratic HCCC.. you might eventually even receive a letter expressing “regret” for your treatment. This satisfies most people’s atavistic sense of righteousness, but will achieve nothing of substance, either for yourself or future patients.
Your GP referred you to this guy.. the message is clear.. change GP to someone who actually cares. They are rare but do exist.
Word-of-mouth recommendation is your best chance.
Unfortunately, this is today’s reality.
Sadly, in 2021 my wonderful Irish GP, who treated us both with humanity, humour and compassion, went back to Ireland. I stayed with the same practice but am looking around for a new and more sympathetic GP who understands that age is just a number not necessarily a syndrome. But who also knows the tricks an older body can play on an unsuspecting owner of it.
Looking around now.
You’re right about Howard, miltonf. He fooled me, it wasn’t until middle class welfare, of which I received zip, though that was of no consequence, that I thought…..WHY? The other thing was, have you ever seen him try to bowl at cricket?
Howard always struck me as a suburban solicitor – the only advantage he had, was that he wasn’t Paul Keating.
Suburban solicitor was merely his day job.
He was a political tragic from university days.
By the end Howard and Mrs Bucket revelled in their ordinariness. Possibly the most overrated politician since The Great Man himself.
Here it is. Following on from Johanna’s mention of the delights of Dr. Doolittle: the complete first tale, courtesy of Project Guttenberg.
I may be away some time as I take time for a little read of it. 🙂
I read Dr Doolittle as a kid, and all the Gerald Durrell books and all the James Herriot books.
And people wonder about my menagerie! 😀
I’ve gotta say Lizzie the care I’ve had in Canberra is pretty good. Only one dud specialist. A bit shonky in the vague costs of surgery. As it happens renal problems are taken care of in the public sector promptly. Of which I’ve had 10 off. All the orthopaedic ops happen promptly as well.
I suspect that in many ways the public sector is better. There is among the senior medical staff still quite a bit of the old ethic of selflessness and giving something back. I’ve taken my autistic son with his crazy-paving calcineal (heel) bones for check ups at St. Vincents public after his accident (he’d never do it on his own) and the doctors and nurses have been so caring of him, with his obvious self-neglect and something amiss in his thinking.
Sky News’s A-graders are on a fortnight’s mid-year break. So, instead of Peta Credlin and (the unwatchachable) Blot, we get Steve Price and James Macpherson.
I think it’s verging on false advertising to misrepresent these programs with the names of the absent hosts in the advertising.
I quite like James Macpherson. I would be more than happy for him to stay in blot’s spot, and dump blot.
I’m enjoying James Macpherson instead of Blot. He’s refreshingly open to his interviewees and pretty direct in some of his assessments. A Christian too, which also comes through and makes a good change.
The replacements are better.
Lawrence fox nails his colours to the mast.
Laurence Fox
We are about to enter the era of the “Far right.”
Kids are going to be taught to read rather than imagine they are born in the wrong body.
Being white skinned won’t be a mark of the devil.
TV and film will be about plot and casting rather than how many non binary lesbian people of colour and girth you can cram into a drama.
We will stop worshipping the sun god and perhaps take some time to get to know the actual one.
Victimhood will be frowned upon.
Health services will be expected to stop dancing for TikTok and do what they are paid to do.
The police will be asked to get off their knees and regain public trust again.
Fear will be replaced by hope.
It’s going to be much nicer than the woke period, where men had periods.
The homophobic trans crap will be done.
Content of character will matter more than colour of skin.
It’s going to be good.
And to those of you who don’t like it.
Tough. We have had enough.
He and James Woods explode so many heads. Strength to your arms guys, or at least to your typing fingers.
I wish. But ain’t gonna happen. Too much has been invested to STOP it happening.
Vic shadow police minister is on Sky praising Vicplod for once getting off their … to polietely ask the pro Hamas thugs not to be so, you know – Hamassi.
He is a Vicplod copper.
There is no hope.
I watched Steve Price berating the treatment being meted out to vicpol by the raghead filth. I. Don’t. Care.
Until the bastards fight back, Patton’s Pussies deserve everything that is thrown at them.
Two people I know found the public hospitals to be excellent. Caveat: teaching hospital. They are in their late 70’s, have good health, and no prescriptions. A doctor friend advised them because they are in good health not to bother with private cover. A friend of mine also received excellent care at the same hospital. Contrariwise, a relative has a glioblastoma, had private cover, and when the reviews on the neurosurgeon were read, the advice was to avoid him! Somewhere there is a website where doctors are rated by patients.
Well, just revisited the ten-year-old me with a glance through Dr. Doolittle. A cultural reflection generations back to the period well before even I was born, to the early Victorian century, to the times of the Barbary pirates, Sinbad sailor Islamists all, and an Africa full of ‘black men’ – the good doctor being a ‘white man’ who tried to help and do good, unlike many of his race who visited Africa in those times.
What a world of imagination Hugh Lofting managed to create, of simply told homely things transferred to a world where anyone could go adventuring, and animals could be better people than people were. A whole new set of possibilities about animals opened up for a child to ponder on and enjoy. It didn’t all have to make sense logically, but just in ways that made sense to a child in a child’s world – like the empty money box needing to be refilled and the sensible allocation of household tasks suited to the animals’ capabilities.
Children love ordered disorder, and the putting of things to rights. There is a sort of security in that.
Consider Lear: ‘The owl and the pussy-cat went to sea, in a beautiful pea green boat, they took some honey and plenty of money, wrapped up in a five pound note.’ That’s ok then. They were off adventuring and well provisioned. Good times ahead etc etc…
After Dr. Doolittle no wonder I decided early on I wanted to be a vet.
Dr Doolittle comes from a wondrous age, with authors like Enid Blyton, Sid Fleischman and Randolph Stow. Who wouldn’t want to be an inept bushranger accompanied by a Siamese cat, a horse called Red Ned, a cockie called Major and sheepdog named Gyp. Thar’s gold in them there hills also, which is a nice thing about the two kids novels I’ve linked. Loved them both.
TA links to a vid on the wonder of renewables.
Lozza, like the lad from Luton, is a warrior.
How is the purported use of names indicative of abstract thinking?
It’s apparent from my observation that there is a definite heirarchy of thinking ability. Which you’d pretty much expect of course.
The birds that visit my house range from fairly dumb (crested pigeons) to quite intelligent (cockatoos). I would put cockatoos on a level with three year old humans. They have emotions, reasoning, and learning ability. And individual quirks. They can even do low level abstract thinking: if they see another bird, cockie or otherwise, accepting food from my hand they can reason that they themselves can do that too. Which visibly alleviates their fear. Had that happen dozens of times. The only other bird species I know of that can do that are the grey butcherbirds. By interacting with cockies for many years now I can see it isn’t actually that much of a big step from where cockies are, intelligence-wise, to full abstract thinking.
Sometimes I muse that the only reason we humans exist is that the Earth’s ambient air pressure is so low. If, for example, ambient air pressure was 5000 not 1000 hectopascals you could have had intelligent human-sized birds owning this planet.
That isn’t abstraction. More a work of the imagination in the Thomistic sense.
Heard an odious BBC listener sitting behind me on the train this afternoon going on about orange haired buffoon with a pvt golf course. A really obnoxious twot.
Why didn’t you bash them. It’s the only language the leftie swine understand.
As a much younger Two Alpha, I was given a direct order not to strike a prominent Lefty…I wish I had disobeyed that order…
Here’s one for military Cats – is a direct order not to punch a prominent Lefty, a lawful command?
It is a lawful command.
It is also worth the extras you’ll get for doing it.
Sometimes, things just have to be done because they are necessary.
After Dr. Doolittle no wonder I decided early on I wanted to be a vet.
It’s Dr. Dolittle. Only one o. I’ve been rereading them on kindle. I’ve got to Dr. Dolittle and the Circus.
If elephants give each other names they’ve been doing so for eons and haven’t progressed, still can’t even jump.
Well yes. Gravity does suck, if you happen to be an elephant.
Wonder if they are at 251 level yet .. hyphens and apostrophes .. after all, they’ve been around, dare I say it ..? .. over 65 000 years ..!
Casual racism at The Age.
Bird flu generally comes from China, but the reference is a bit unnecessary.
An insight into inflation’.
When I get back to Mianjjin from wrangling exploration persons in horrid places, my domestic role in the Faustus household is to do the shopping.
At the New Farm Colesworth, my strategic retail consultant, Gloomy Luis, tells me that the egg shelf has been emptied, the future is that basic eggs will go up 30% to $8/dozen, and the price will stay there.
I don’t doubt him.
Retail Australia has become a shitshow.
JC, this one is for you:
Santiago Cuneo has brought a lawsuit against Javier Milei accusing him of various rock spider activities.
fap, fap, fap.
You should be careful before using the defamatory term “rock spider” before there is a conviction.
Still, as a married-in member of the upper middle class, you can be afford the pay out.
He’s a Peronist you dickhead.
He’s so far left that he thinks Kirchner isn’t pure enough.
You don’t ever check your material do you Monty?
An accusation by gasp, a journalist.
June 11, 2024 8:45 pm
When all else fails.
Sad, even for you montage.
Ask Arnie Bertrand who started this island caper in the first place.
Cats and Kittehs who are owned by a cat, will empathise with this.
I wonder why I wake up exhausted every morning? 😀
I don’t.
I placed a heating pad in a cardboard box and covered it in that fuzzy warm stuff.
Elsie doesn’t move from there except when the food gets loaded up now.
That girl wakes up exhausted because she plays with the cat – notice it doesn’t go to the other side of the bed with the bloke? It probably gets chucked across the room – flying kitty!
Monster’s source against Milei
Sounds perfectly sane and credible.
Reading this, not surprised muntsac is panting.
Bruce of N,
here’s one for you, enjoy.
Cool! Might resemble that, from time to time. 😀
So, Mr Cueno is the Argentinian version of Aussie Cossack.
Nice, mUnter. Nice.
Satire is getting harder.
mUnturd’s “source” for the Milei story turns out to be a j’ismist fired for anti-Semitic comments.
Birds of a feather?
Either the Phillipines or Vietnam. China began in 2013.
Muslim leader Sheik Wesam Charkawi driving the bid to topple Labor in southwest Sydney
By alexi demetriadi
Community leader Wesam Charkawi is mobilising the Muslim vote across key southwest Sydney federal seats to topple Labor at the next election as prominent figures warned the ALP of electoral abandonment.
Sheik Charkawi, a Western Sydney University PhD candidate, is the brains and organiser behind The Muslim Vote campaign, The Australian can reveal.
It is one among many websites to emerge recently targeting Muslim Australians to support pro-Palestine candidates or oust sitting members who are not, including some Laborministers, and rates them on their voting record and stance on Israel.
The emergence of such campaigns, and popular and well-connected figures such as Sheik Charkawi driving them, will remain a headache for Labor HQ until and during the federal election, likely to be early next year.
Last month Sheik Charkawi – a Sunni Muslim – led calls for the dismissal of ASIO chief Mike Burgess, who had said Sunni Islamic extremism posed the “greatest religiously motivated threat in Australia”.
The Australian revealed in April how Labor feared key Sydney heartlands, such as Jason Clare’s Blaxland, Anne Stanley’s Werriwa and Tony Burke’s Watson, could be at risk, given community anger about the Gaza war.
Fight, you bastards fight! I hate peace!
I had a look through the Kings Birthday Awards the other day.
An s show of ALP politicians and COVID back slaps.
Sad for those who genuinely won an award but this is what it has devolved to with the school grade teenage level politics being executed by the government.
To be honest the Cuneo thing sounded fishy from the get go, as I said. I don’t know what quality of legal system they have over there, but at least he gets his day in court. Then we see if he’s just a crank or not. Sounds like a crank.
Suuuuure you did.
How fast can you back-pedal?
He back pedals at Olympic level.
100 acres = 3,000 acres
Anyway, “Sliante” to all you mob. I’m having a few quiet single mats, and watching Charles Bronson in “Death Wish.”
I dunno, you young fellas will bring a knife to a gunfight…
10 to Midnight is one of Bronson’s best.
Especially the ending.
Did it? Doesn’t sound like it.
The comment sounds hopeful and effusive.
So the US admits the others and not China started the land grab. Good to know.
It actually went a little further than regular antisemitism, which we’re now seeing each day from the left. The lunatic had gone way past regular, run-of-the mill conspiracy theories that the Roths*childs secretly owned the world’s major central banks. He was accusing the then Argentinian and Chilean governments of selling or giving vast portions of their respective nations’ land to those greedy Jews. That’s who Fatboy treated as a trusted source.
Getting back to your Twitter prediction that the US credit markets are in a disaster scenario.
I can’t ever recall a nation having a major bond market crisis with a free floating currency regime. Do you know of any?
June 11, 2024 8:45 pm
Santiago Cuneo has brought a lawsuit against Javier Milei accusing him of various rock spider activities.
You’re a sick fuk dickless. This leftie creep, as far as I can gather, is comparing Milei’s political activities to a pedaphile’s:
An Argentine journalist and former military officer denounces Milei for pedophilia and possession of child pornography (elespanol.com)
The alleged sexual conduct that the complainant attributes to the President, he said, “is projected to the rest of his social interactions, and now we see that also to the exercise of public office.”
For the complainant, the head of state executes “a program of planned misery, meticulously orchestrated” in order to “lead the Nation to dismemberment and the citizenry to virtual slavery” and, he added, “subjugation.”
Cúneo had already been threatening the Argentine President months ago with uncovering allegedly dark data about his life. “The psychiatric madman (that’s what Milei calls him) did not govern for a single day. He dedicates himself, in his delirious messianism,” he fired, “to the sect of pedophiles that he is part of.”
Lol m0nty has become a Pizzagater.
100 acres over a 45 year period, spread out by a few countries isn’t what a reasonable person would regard as a land grab, so why do you?
The Worldwide Pandemic Treaty – George Christensen (Citizen Go) 10 June 2024
This idea has struck me at times too. Some people just can’t let well enough alone.
struggling with struggle
Border Patrol memo instructs agents to release migrants from over 100 countries into the US
Why Trump Personifies the Courage of Our Founding Fathers
There Are No Civilians in Gaza
Hamas are the civilians.
Perhaps some of us are waking up to the reality of Islam.
Not before time, either.