Farage doesn’t support Tommy Robinson & millions of Brits do, Farage has a Muslim in the top ranks & people…
Farage doesn’t support Tommy Robinson & millions of Brits do, Farage has a Muslim in the top ranks & people…
This place (Globus ) is stocked to the hilt. —- Different Russia: What Can $150 Get You in Russian Supermarket?…
The simple things that bring joy – even relief – into your life. We have had a cow down for…
Cupla ol Lesbians.
Funny how you have to go to a lot of trouble to find the unsanitised history of many left-wingers on…
Hostages Rescued, and Many Truths Revealed
The Bee
Liam Neeson Criticized For Killing 31 Innocent Human Traffickers Just To Get Back One Hostage
Sounds familiar….
When parody becomes reality.
Whilst the Globalist cabals remain in the majority in the EU, it is clear that the trend is against them.
Obviously, there are two possibilities for the EU elitists.
Regrettably, I think the self serving, tyrannical, obtuse EU leaders, like Jupiter, von der Crazy, Michel et al, will opt for the latter.
Like our own Caesers, they couldn’t give a flying f#$k about the European population and to reverse, what have been catastrophic policies for every nation in Europe, is simply a step they will not take.
We shall see what happens.
The climate scam isn’t complex. We are always 7-10 years away from climate catastrophe.
It will never get any better or any worse, just always on the edge of Armageddon.
“Even the rain that falls, will not be enough to fill the dams.”
Australian of the Year 2007 – Prof Tim Flannery
Great man.
The scientists are a pack of lying bastards – just like our politicians.
I quoted a tweet, JC. My only point if any doing so was that the US economy isn’t sailing as well as some think.
“It just becomes clearer every day that January 6th was a hoax.”
The response to January 6th, especially from organizations like the FBI, was one of the most corrupt things that has ever happened in this country. @TuckerCarlson and @tristanleavitt discuss the FBI’s response:
We cannot survive this. I don’t know what the solution is. But no nation can survive this.
Any time a Democrat is president, they’ll fill up the country will illegals. I’m not sure where that leaves us. But we are in serious trouble. One election can’t fix what’s broken here.
Cronkite’s cute owl is all over the internet.
Here, it’s doing a Jabba the hut imperso.
You’re just playing with words now, JC. You began this with the claim that China started it, only to find that, no, Philippines and Vietnam had a massive head start, and so now you’re focusing on the size of the ‘land grab’.
I’m not playing with words at all. You made the claim that the CCP wasn’t the first to create artificial islands and by doing so ignoring what’s going on. Actually, the CCP is the first to begin a land grab, which would be defined as exactly what the CCP has been doing since 2014. Not only has the CCP constructed countless islands for military bases, but it’s also claims almost the entirety of the South China Sea as its own.
100 acres over 45 years is a massive head start, is it?
Next, can you provide evidence the “massive” acreage (100 over 45 years) those countries established were for military purposes?
It wasn’t the first; that is established. You passed over that and shifted to new ground; that it simply created larger islands compared to the others. As to whether the reasons for this are ‘military’? They’re strategic, exactly like China’s.
Of course I shifted to new ground for the simple reason that 100 acres over 45 years isn’t the land grab that you were insinuating with the “not the first” claim.
Moreover, you ignore what China is doing, which is the very definition of a land grab.
Comment better formatted below
Apple could be in trouble if this happens, and Tim Cook deserves it too for taking away ads from Twitter.
I would.
Musk is saying he won’t allow Apple phones at his businesses because of security reasons.
You shifted ground because you were wrong and your rhetorical question failed to hit the mark. And I’m not ignoring what China is doing. It’s just no different to what any of the others are doing; they can just do it on a scale the others can’t because they’re far better resourced.
I replied to your irrelevant remark that because a couple of nations created 100 acres of islands over a 45 year span, therefore they made the CCP do it – create 3000 acres of militarized islands and claim nearly all of the South China Sea. This CCP caper occurring since 2014. Moreover, those nations weren’t claiming all of the South China Sea.
No, JC, you asked rhetorically, ‘Who started it?’ and I answered and sunk that question. You then shifted to ‘But China has done it on a larger scale’. Don’t care. As to this last bit, “those nations weren’t claiming all of the South China Sea”, nothing hinges on whether they are making the same or different claims. They’re different nations with differing claims, although China’s and Taiwan’s are largely identical for the obvious reason.
I’m not playing your silly game. The point of contention isn’t 100 acres over a period of 45 years, it’s what’s been going on since 2014, which for the CCP, is the very definition of a massive land or sea grab. The-other-side -made-me-do-it is starting to wear thin these days.
Great clip.
2010: The Year We Make Contact, Dave Bowman’s mother scene
Hunter Biden was dramatically found guilty of three criminal charges today in his blockbuster gun and drugs trial.
A jury in Wilmington, Delaware unanimously convicted Joe Biden’s son of two counts of lying on a federal government form to buy a gun, and one count of possessing the firearm while abusing drugs.
Jurors deliberated for less than three hours after a trial that had lasted over a week.
The swift and historic conviction marks the first time a sitting U.S. President’s child has been found guilty of a federal crime.
Hunter nodded slowly and appeared resigned as the guilty verdicts were read out.
The conviction will put to the test a public promise by Joe Biden that he will not pardon his son.
Daily Mail
Male and female He made them.
John Spooner.
Well is that a surprise given the Pink Batts- COLA debacles just to.name two infamous Labor projects
Peter Broelman.
Brett Lethbridge.
A.F. Branco.
Matt Margolis.
Gary Varvel.
Al Goodwyn.
Funny how it’s the same issues all over the free world.
Tom Stiglich.
Chip Bok.
Henry Payne.
Tina Norton.
I hope when D J Trump is elected if the demonrats don’t cheat too much that Miley is charged with treason.
Yes, yes, yes… He is a treasonous weasel…
Cmon Ranga I live her music. Her old man’s a goose though.
It was warm last evening and Wifey was planning a dinner with ice-cream as part of the dessert. I went down the street and bought a small tub from a ice-cream parlor, which I paid for with my Visa card
This afternoon, I just received an email ad from the chain. Seriously, WTF? Is Visa now selling private information. This is no coincidence either.
Lizzie, sorry to hear your specialist gave you the bums rush.
I swear, some of these cosmetic surgeons are mercenary sharks.
A total pain in the arse.
Anyway, don’t rush into anything.
Watch a few episodes of “Botched” first.
The quest to retain/regain perkiness is often tinged with regret.
Sancho, trust me, Lizzie needs none of the services of any wanna-be Nassif or Dubrow – just a good GP who gives a continental about her health and well-being and not about maximising his returns.
Thanks, Tinta.
One of the perils of looking a bit younger (sixties rather than eighties) when one is older was brought home to me yesterday. Hairy had dropped me off at impossible-to-park St. Vincents Hospital Private Clinic in the inner city on the way to see his physiotherapist in North Sydney, and I said I’d get the bus home rather than a taxi. I’ve never done that before, lol. Quite an adventure. He told me where the bus-stop was at Kings Cross and I walked up to it. Used my aged-discount Opal Card for the one and only perk (pace BBee, there is no ‘few’ here) that the govmint giv us, and plonked myself down in a window seat, which I then noticed was for elderly ‘priority’. Suits me, I thought, until other elderly people started getting on and staring at me for taking up an elderly person’s seat. So I moved up to the stepped back-of-the-bus. Didn’t want to make a fuss, but had to hang on tight as the bus careered to a stop at our street, nearly catapulting me down the aisle. The driver had been so careful with all the other elderlies too, even getting out and helping with the wheely-chair folk.
Yes, ‘cosmetic’ surgeons are total sharks, GP’s creating havoc by going where they shouldn’t. It’s the ‘plastic’ surgeons who do the proper work. lol, Sancho, you don’t even know the difference. Live on in happy ignorance.
Luckily my upper assets are still in good enough shape without any of the efforts of either of these sorts of medicos. Bums rush though is the right term for my treatment yesterday by Dr. High and Mighty. My poor rear is in bad shape, not in appearance but in general sitting-down function, and I could do with some TLC and proper answers re it. Luckily a few extra kilos to sit on, so Dr. Google tells me, is not a bad thing when nursing a severely fractured coccyx.
Anyway, dear Hairy has expended effort yesterday putting together the new office chair he has thoughtfully purchased for me and which I am currently sitting on. It is so much better than the old dining chair I have been using. This one swivels and has arms so I can easily turn from the desk raise myself out of it. Greater love hath no man, I commend to him.
Today is a big one for Kemmerer—for the coal plant workers who will be able to see their future job site being constructed across the highway, for the local construction workers who will be part of a 1,600-person skilled labor force building the plant, and for the local businesses that will take care of the new workforce.
Imagine how Gates will be ridiculed for building a plant across the road from a coal fired power station.
Just read something about local councils taking over tourist attractions from private operators, resulting in years of red tape and doing nothing, now this:
As a long term resident of the region, I never liked it aesthetically. But, it’s there, and for a while there was even a revolving restaurant.
The money shot is the view. In autumn, the patchwork of colours rivals what you see on the train to Canada, At other times, it is still spectacular.
There is no doubt that it could be made into a viable business, until you hit the ACT gubbmint’s web of regulation. Only a disabled blind transexual could operate the lift, with a carer and support person.
All of them would need to have periods of paid leave for training, respite and surgery.
What should be a no-brainer for tourism is boarded up. Like the attractions taken over by local government mentioned above (also boarded up) the dead hand of regulation kills everything.
It’s still 42 I’m afraid.
Another one bites the dust:
Pioneering Sydney “indie” brewery Malt Shovel (est. 1988 but long since purchased by Lion) will close its doors in August.
Lion Australia managing director James Brindley described the current climate as
Some of the breweries signature ales may continue to be produced by Lion in other facilities.
Hunter’s guilty verdict is being retailed by the special council and all the media as “nobody is above the law”. This serves two purposes. One, to try and tarnish Trump, and secondly to paper over the completely opposite attempt to give Hunter an astonishing plea deal that smacked of very special treatment indeed. Fortunately the judge back then wouldn’t go along with it, so it has now been memory-holed and the newly packaged chook feed is that nobody is above the law.
I’ll wait until after the actual sentencing before celebrating the resurgence of American jurisprudence.
It’s probably also best to wait until Biden is out of office to see if daddy pardons him.
The charges are also the least that they could possibly bring against Hunter. His financial dealings closely allied with The Big Man are obviously beyond examination.
BBC NewsHour this morning in the second half ran a long diatribe by some American academic against Big Fossil.
Big Fossil is so rich it can control the flow of disinformation and misinformation! Note: how this differs from Big Media is unclear.
Big Fossil is nasty and wants to preserve its money flows at any cost, so is spreading lies to hurt noble little Renewables.
Someone should tell the Beeb “never go Full Fossil Retard”.
They might try to say it’s not us, it’s that academic that said it.
But they obviously approve the message.
What it reveals is their fear that the plan is failing, that the wheels are falling off EVs big time, and that everyone is realising that net zero has net zero sense.
One look at the British countryside on TV tells you the renewables scam owns the political establishment (as well as the media establishment) with giant monuments to 19th century backwardness as far as the eye can see.
God’s bounty, fossil fuels, still do all of civilisation’s heavy lifting, but are now a pariah because they aren’t fashionable with stupid people — including the BBC.
This Commissioner is also the woman who believes she is ‘protecting’ vulnerable children when she shuts down debate on the whole issue of the perils of physically ‘transitioning’ children.
Debating about the inane details while merely accepting the overriding fact that one is being censored at all is picking nits off of the elephant in the room.
What has “catastrophic consequences for our society” is the existence of:
The Anglo tradition of savage political and social satire (I’m thinking specifically of Jonathan Swift at the moment) is a huge part of what made our culture what it is, or was.
I’ll also note Peter Dutton’s recent fulsome expression of support for Ms. Inman-Grant.
Too often the term “one of the only …” crops up in written and spoken commentary. Please!
Use the correct form of words, which might be something like “one of the few …” or “one of only a few ..”.
umm, ok. If only I could remember to do that. That’s one of the only things that bugs me about only. 🙂
Militant vegans deface the Charles III blood portrait.
Major update issued on King Charles’s new portrait after eco-activists vandalised picture (11 Jun)
Yes, you have it right in one: they are actually protesting cheese.
As a sub-assistant cheesemaker, I can confirm that cheesimals are caged 29 hours per day, beaten with 2nd-hand, unwashed rugby socks, and tortured by playing Celine Dion songs at 4 x normal speed for precisely 117 minutes three times daily until they excrete a minimal volume of 3 litres of liquid cheese from BOTH ears, after which they are fed an eggcup of grapefruit rind and sedated with a tennis racquet. It’s all perfectly above-board.
I’d like to see the Commissioner’s face when he gets the letter from HRH Charles:
“Commissioner. You are required to attend His Majesty’s presence to explain the failure to secure the Official Portrait of His Majesty, and the failure of the Constabulary to arrest the Vandals responsible for the action.”
Yeah like that’s going to happen – Charles has no intention of defending the Monarchy.
“Those of us who have constantly focused on the lack of a clear dividing line between Hamas terrorists and the “innocent civilians” that the Gazans wail about were proven correct again, as these four hostages were found to have been held in “civilian” apartments, registered to Gazan civilians, but under 24-hour guard by Hamas militants, clearly making a mockery of the innocence of such “civilians.”
Read the whole thing about the hostage rescue.
SloJo past his bed time.
Kiwi cows allowed to let loose.
New Zealand Reverses Left-Wing Plan to Tax Cow Burps, Farts (11 Jun)
Now do all the other ridiculous climate rubbish Mr Luxon.
Article in the Oz about VIC CFMMEU boss Setka demanding AFL sack the head of umpires because he was previously in charge of body investigating his Union. Says will affect any AFL building projects including Hobart stadium.
Tried twice but Oz moderators rejected this comment “Seems like a case of blackmail to me”.
It clearly is blackmail. Over 400 comments so far and going to be interesting to see if any action taken in relation to what he said.
Remember that Setka and Queen Skank Fiona Patten, not that useless turncoat from the Labor Right Merlino, were the real deputy premiers to our newly decorated Comrade Andrews.
To quote the great Nelson Munz “Ha ha”
It’s more than a small worry when they start to interfere with who can head up ASIO. Small numbers when mobilised can do a lot of damage. We should regard ourselves as warned.
They don’t seem to understand compulsory preferential voting. Vote for their Mooslime token candidates if they like, the Liars will still get the second or third preference.
Any political candidate with an ounce of self-respect would be willing to lose rather than truckle to this lot.
Point to one.
That’s the point: I can’t!
And this is how 10% of the voting population swings governments to their cause.
Labor – making the French Surrender Monkeys look like heroes.
I can’t resist. Unfortunately, though, this was not a comedy it was a documentary.
If the right people don’t have power – Yes, Prime Minister
Just noticed it. Did you see when Humphrey gives his secret little smile? Why, it’s exactly the same smile that Biden gave when asked about Trump’s conviction. It was momentary, but Outsiders clipped it expertly. Biden turned and smiled that secret Humphrey’s smile, the one that knows, authorises and upkeeps the whole vile and self-serving system.
UN food agency pauses aid work at US pier in Gaza over security concerns after 2 warehouses ‘rocketed’
Two of the UN World Food Program warehouses were rocketed today. The international press focuses on the fact that “food distribution is paused”. It’s like they are reporting “it rained today”.
Rescued Israeli hostages describe punishments, fear and isolation
For six months, the three men lived in a single dark room, sleeping on small mattresses on the ground.
Their sole contact with the outside world came from the guards who brought them food and at times abused them. They could hear the Gazan family that lived downstairs, including children, but never met them. One day, when the family went out, they were allowed downstairs to use the kitchen.
Their captors doled out punishments if the captives didn’t follow their strict rules, including locking them in the bathroom and piling blankets on them during the hot summer. They repeatedly threatened to kill them.
The hostages played cards, studied Arabic, taught each other Hebrew or Russian and kept time in journals. The three became close friends, and it was that bond that helped them through the ordeal.
Their guards at times told them that no one cared about them or was coming for them.
But one day, they were allowed to watch Al Jazeera’s Arabic broadcast and saw a rally in Tel Aviv by the families of the hostages. One of them spotted his own face among those whose freedom was being demanded. It also happened to be his birthday, which he knew because the captives had a notebook and were able to keep track of the date.
“It made him feel he hadn’t been forgotten,” said Aviram Meir, the uncle of one of the hostages.
When Israeli special forces burst into a building in central Gaza on Saturday in a high-risk daylight operation, they got to the room where Almog Meir Jan, 22 years old, Andrei Kozlov, 27, and Shlomi Ziv, 41, had spent most of their time since they were taken captive from a music festival in Israel in the Hamas-led attacks on Oct. 7.
The account of their time as captives in Gaza is based on interviews with relatives of the hostages, and Israeli security and medical officials. Some of the details are being reported for the first time.
Much remains to be revealed about what the three men and Noa Argamani, 26, who was also taken captive at the music festival and rescued in the same operation from a building about 200 yards away, went through as captives. Relatives of the hostages said they were advised to not probe for details, and expect to learn more about their loved ones’ ordeals as time passes.
Israeli security officials have asked the hostages and their relatives to keep details of their captivity a secret.
Sky News ran an interview with a particular point of view, so they must have approved it:
“The Biden family are very grounded, a normal sort of family.”
Nate Silver (538 Polling) on X, Monday 10th.
HUGE WIN! 9th Circuit Court of Appeals Rules Covid Vaccines Are NOT Vaccines
No, it was me that wasn’t playing your silly game. It’s obvious that China wasn’t the first to start this play in the South China Sea and that the Chinese are using their new found power to assert what they believe are their rights over swathes of it. Lastly, I wasn’t asserting ‘the other side made me do it’, you did by asking ‘who started it?’. If you must, you could say from the original Tweet I was implying, ‘both sides are doing it’.
Dr. John Campbell
Future developments
Despite the recent disaster, they’re plowing ahead with further MRNA “vaccines”.
No they didn’t.
Alito and Roberts secretly recorded in latest attempt to undermine Supreme Court
Just 19% of Biden Supporters Say Marriage and Childbearing Should Be a Societal Priority
Good, they are taking themselves out of the gene pool.
Biden Allies: Why Won’t Americans Stop Complaining About the Cost of Food
Tucker Carlson Discusses Latest FBI Whistleblower Evidence – FBI Security Clearances Issued Based on Political Ideology
‘We have the Israelis where we want them’: Sinwar’s words revealed – WSJ report
My first question after reading this is ‘Who leaked this information?’ The U.S. or the Israelis? I’d lean toward the former.
The telstra tower is going to celebrate the telecommunication achievements of the local aboriginal community who no doubt are doing very well in the consultantion phase and will now ticket click for eternity.
Opening in 2026, if I’m still visiting canberra on a regular basis then, I’ll continue to look at it from a respectable distance.
Gender dysphoria diagnoses among children have spiked 133% since 2019, data indicates
It is indeed.
Want to see something spike? Wait until the lawsuits start.
FBI Interrogates Co-Workers About Whistleblower’s Views On COVID Vax, Trump, And Second Amendment
Hunter Biden should be on trial for money laundering, tax evasion for his Burisma bribes, illegal influence peddling, and operating as an unregistered foreign agent of corrupt foreign governments. But he’s not, because a corrupt prosecutor refused to charge him for anything related to the Biden crime family syndicate.
Just as a reminder, Milley disobeyed the direct orders of the Commander in Chief as an active member of the uniformed military, which means he is subject to the full Uniform Code of Military Justice
If anyone wants an example of the verminous hypocrisy running amok in this country (and the West in general), and the different standards always applied to left and right politicians, here’s yet another example…..
On the weekend, a rabid frothing Nazi, a putrid little man who happens to head a far-left political party in this country called the Greens, addressed a pro-Pallie rally in Melbourne where the Hezbollah flag was proudly flown, where in attendance was a Nazi of Palestinian heritage who’s on record as saying at rallies that there’ll be more ‘events’ like October 7 2023, that October 7 2023 was just the beginning. Of course, Vic Plod haven’t bothered to charge or arrest this Pallie Nazi for his exhortations of violence. But these facts and threats, all out in the public space, didn’t stop this Greens Nazi from sharing a stage with this Pallie Nazi. I’m curious, does Adam Bandt desire more rapes and murders? It begs the question, just who is the bigger creep here, Adam Nazi or the Pallie Nazi? I dunno, but one thing I do know is that creep attract creep, and actually the more dangerous creep, the more insidious creep, is the little Green Nazi, because he and his fellow Nazis sit in and soil our parliament.
Which brings me to our very own Nazi here, who for years has come here and when not smearing innocent men as ‘rock spiders’, when not advocating for and laughing at violence against those whose opinions he doesn’t like, such as gender critical women such as myself, women who don’t want cocks in frocks in our private spaces, has long loved throwing around, with gay abandon, the smear….”Nazi”. In case you’ve forgotten, he wants to punch Nazis! Gosh, I hope then he attended the Melbourne rally on the weekend because there were lots of Nazis in attendance that day….to ‘punch’.
Anyone recall how Senator Anning was crucified for his words in a senate speech? Called ‘far-right’, ‘extreme right’, ‘Nazi”….yet the words and actions of real Nazis, like Faruqi and Bandt, are curiously ignored. No senate censure for them!
You all know how I have long called out this verminous hypocrisy, and no doubt some here think I have been vewy mean and rude calling out these hypocrites for what they are…..real Nazis….especially the one who visits here, but here’s the truth, we’re in a war, a war that exploded on October 7 2023, and until those of us on the right get off our polite treadmill and start throwing the truth at these frothing little Nazis we will continue to see the verminous hypocrisy and the never ending double standards run amok.
I say…NO MORE.
Finally, I’ve long said that the Greens are our very own Nazi Party. Greens MPs and senators are our very own Nazis, and those who vote for these Greens Nazis are themselves Nazi sympathisers and are no different to those Germans who voted for Adolf Hitler in 1933.
Last night I went to synagogue for a talk, it is something we always do on the festival of Shavuot. We’re supposed to stay up all night, study Torah, listen to people speak and debate/discuss and argue. A woman spoke about how she’s been doxxed, and she is currently enduring continuous harassment from pro-Palestinian far-left and Muslim Nazis. Her crime? She is a Jew, she is a proud Australian Jew and she is a proud Zionist. This woman said it is time for us to be brave, to stand up and to fight back. As she said, she is not for turning.
And nor is this writer, I am also a proud Jew, a proud Zionist.
Hear this…..
Plus ten million.
Cassie, while I don’t disagree with anything you’ve written, I fear that the word ‘Nazi’ has been repeated so often – normally against the right – that it has little, if any, meaning. Certainly the historical meaning would be largely unknown to anyone below the age of 40. I don’t yet have an alternative, however. (I’m referring to porcine filth beyond our clowder).
Bandt is an effeminate little man who seeks to be a revolutionary leader.
A grub who resembles Himmler in looks and behaviour.
Harsh, but fair.
Himmler is an excellent moniker for Bandt. In future, he should be addressed as “Adam Himmler”. Even if his retarded acolytes do not know what the name means, A Himmler certainly will.
There’s a history of Greens leaders going fanatical in response to rank and file pressure. May explain the grubs position. There would be plenty of Greens even worse than Bandt.
You know about all these people “fighting climate change” and reducing “emissions”?
Well the truth is, these window licking morons are not winning.
The plant food index is at an all time high of 426ppm, and it still cold in the Sunshine state.
GISS only records a 0.23 degree C increase over the last 130 plus years (is that even within the measurement errors?).
Scary graph here.
Yes, but “climate variability” just doesn’t do the job of scaring gullible children out of their wits and making them afraid of a non-existent bogeyman.
The primary driver of the climate change movement is making stupid people who believe in nothing hate themselves.
We need to start planning a party of vegetables for when it gets to 500 and they rejoice, but the Greens howl in terror.
The 9th Circuit win on the covid vaccine mandate could be enormous. Basically they are saying that any vaccine that doesn’t prevent transmission does not come under the Jacobsen vs Massachusetts ruling (a bizarre ruling in 1905 that has set precedent for the appalling vaccine mandates every American school has).
Of course, no vaccine prevents transmission of a disease for the simple reason that there is no such thing as transmission of a disease but if we just stick to the government talking points, the DTaP cannot be mandated according to the ruling because none of the components of that vaccine are capable of preventing someone having or passing on the supposedly pathogenic bacteria.
The same would go for the IPV (polio), as it would for Hep B (not so much because of the nature of that vaccine but the nature of how that virus supposedly spreads) as it would for the various meningitis vaccines.
The only vaccine left on the mandated schedule would be the MMR.
I repeat, I am only using government talking points about the nature of how each of these vaccines works according to them. In reality, no vaccine works in any manner and diseases are not contagious.
Everybody who believes diseases can be spread is a monumental imbecile. FMD. How often do I need to say it? If you believed that diseases could be spread you wouldn’t visit a doctor if someone was holding a gun to your head – and you certainly wouldn’t take your infant children there.
So how did you get VD?
Sounds like the sort of response Monty would give.
Be better.
Larry Kudlow: This Trump proposal is ‘genius’
Steve Bannon Responds to Being Ordered to Prison
If the necessary thresholds are met, harassment is a criminal offence in NSW.
The EU elections have them moaning and howling.
UK Times: Europe’s Green rollback has arrived! The ‘days of climate consensus have gone’ (11 Jun)
Celebrate! ‘Rise of the Right threatens EU net zero ambitions’ – Nationalists plan ‘to kill’ net zero, warn European Greens (10 Jun)
Euro election shock: Voters ‘rejected the eco-socialist consensus that has prevailed for decades’ – ‘The green blob is slinking away its tail between its legs’ (11 Jun)
Oh noes! Can we have some lamentation of the women too please?
‘The green blob is slinking away its tail between its legs’
To find a comfortable exile in the antipodes, courtesy our idiot political class.
Via one of Indolent’s links:
While written about Israel’s northern border and hezbollocks [as always, I refuse to compliment them by using their chosen name], this statement is equally applicable to the war in Gaza. In the latter, the prime combatants – h@m@s and pij [pronounced ‘pig’] have taken no responsibility for the civilian population, which allows them to focus their resources on fighting Israel. My point here is that when pro-porkers compare the technology of Israel’s armed forces with that of their idols [who would gut them without remorse], it is disingenuous, because Israel now – apparently – has the responsibility to feed and ensure the safety of the citizens their enemy refuses to acknowledge. This constrains Israel – the defender – and frees their enemy.
If the necessary thresholds are met, harassment is a criminal offence in NSW.
Indeed, and there are existing laws, but strangely, curiously and oddly there seems to be an unwillingness to use these laws against those who scream ‘f*ck the Jews’, who scream ‘kill the Jews’, and who scream ‘gas the Jews’ (and yes, those words were said on that dreadful October 9 night). In fact, if you’re of the left, the hard-left and a Muslim and you display genocidal antipathy towards Jews and Israel, the NSW Police will provide you with a first-class personal escort and stand back whilst you incite and harass.
But then again, the NSWaffen are able to rise to the occasion, like a morning glory special, helped along with a dose of Viagra from NSW Police HQ, because if you’re supposedly of the far-right yet haven’t broken any laws, if you’re catching a train at North Sydney station on Australia Day, the Viagra soaked NSW Police will swoop down on you like a furious magpie in spring in Centennial Park.
“including the Palestinians – are a bunch of racist Islamic fundamentalist c**** who won’t coexist with non-Muslims unless they’re a subjugated second class minority”
We are seeing the same creeping transition in every country in the Anglosphere because our governments won’t put a stop to islamic exceptionalism, this is what they are openly working towards and it is why hardline palestinians will never live in peace with their Jewish neighbours, their existence is an humiliation.
The hardliners need to be subjugated by in name only muslims.
That’s another point peaceniks don’t understand.
Even in muslim countries conflict is a constant as there will always be a group who thinks the current dictator’s brand is insufficiently islamic and will seek to overthrow it.
It’s the nature of the beast.
The Muslims are trying to organise an anti alp vote in certain seats. Laughable. During the 2019 election I was handing out for the libs. A Muslim lass had a go at me. She asked what the party had ever done e for her community . I said we are giving you a vote on gay marriage that the alp would just pass if they were in power. That got her. She tuned around muttering that they got more money and welfare from Labor. I don’t think that has changed.
Easily bought.
And she can be sure that the Marxist pervert war on religious schools waged by the ALP left and he Greens won’t apply to Islamic schools. Just look at the Gillard/McClellan leftist political sham of a royal commission.
According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, 29 of the 151 federal electorates have 5 per cent or more people of Islamic faith – 27 of those 29 seats are held by Labor.
If Labor looked after the other 95% of the electorate they would not need to genuflect to the 5% that are Muslim.
Inevitably (the Tele):
She done broke his heart.
Achey breaky heart.
For you, KD:
Rory McIlroy’s divorce called off after wild backflip
In which case, if the legal threshold of criminal harassment has been met, there would be grounds to make a formal complaint about police refusing to investigate the matter. She could also obtain legal advice about civil action against the alleged culprits.
I would advise the lady concerned to keep scrupulous records of the incidents, if she hasn’t already, and to report to her doctor any adverse impacts on her mental or physical health.
It’s time to stand up to these bullies.
Importantly, we need ways for the rest of us as a community to expose this behaviour and demonstrate against it.
Apparently more shit was coming out of both ends than usual.
Both ends? TMI from TMZ.
And in news just in……
Jarryd Hayne’s conviction has been quashed.
So will the politicised DPP charge him again, for the fourth or fifth time?
Have they tried dunking him in Sydney Harbour? That usually gets the result you are looking for.
AI systems are learning to lie and deceive, scientists find
Of course they are. They would have the same mindset as the people programing them.
ABC banging drum for more yoof crime. We plebs should run away & let them to our stuff…
Apparently we are extremists and more in danger if the Qld Castle laws petition makes it to law.
No wonder my contempt for legal types like the Law Society of Qld has no bounds…
I wanted to see an insurance company reject a stolen vehicle claim after the coppers said leave your keys on the kitchen table for the thieves to steal.
Pathetic that we are put in this position by them.
Jarryd Haynes’s conviction for rape quashed. He now joins John Jarrett, Craig McLauchlan, Michael Diamond, Geoffrey Rush etc.
The grounds for the quashing were:
The trial judge erred in ruling the complainant did not have to give evidence about a 2021 interaction with the man she messaged the same day the jury found she was sexually assaulted in 2018, and that the judge’s ruling resulted in a miscarriage of justice.
The complainant had deleted her phone texts where she spoke about having a consensual root with Haynes.
The Rules of Evidence are being stretched tighter than a drum in this area of the law.
Under a fair justice system she should be charged with making false accusation and be subject to the same penalties she tried to inflict.
it was obviously a bullshit claim, just as knickerless
Clearly thats not the system we live under
BREAKING: Four Democrat Leaders Arrested and Charged with Election Fraud in Bridgeport, Connecticut
“Victor Davis Hanson JUST Exposed This to the ENTIRE World!!”
Gee, I wonder what on Earth is going on with power bills? I’ve followed politics for a very long time and I can’t remember a time when a single govt gave out any energy subsidies (other than general concessional subsidies for disabled, centrelinked, aged).
In the last three years, every State now gives out a subsidy, including the Feds:
Does anyone notice a pattern here? And where is “our” media on this?
Don’t Labor know how absurdly cliche’d they look, out there again in the hard hats and hi-viz?
Then Albo lays it on thicker with his grab bag of stupid policies.
They are Neoteric. No values and only care about the latest trendy thing.
Annabel Crabb has a colossal whine about No Powerful Wimminzez in Australian Meeja Unfair!!!1! –
Australia’s media industry is no meritocracy. Instead, the shamelessness of mediocre men is rewarded with untold power
I wouldn’t bother clicking through as it is exactly what you’d expect from Crabb. However, she does exhibit somewhat less self-awareness than usual with the two prime examples of mediocre men she selected: Peter Costello and Ben Roberts-Smith.
Um, Annabel. Say what you want about these two, but if you look at what they’ve achieved in their lives, they are objectively far from mediocre. Unlike a certain ABC hack and her tedious commentary which unfailingly takes the form of a series of ill-advised forays into creaking humour and/or pseudo-gravitas.
What is it about the Left that causes them to lose all critical thinking processes? Ideology, no doubt. The latter is a scourge.
I am prepared to listen to a rant about unfairness from some women.
Not a craven nepo baby like Crabb.
don’t try to act normal mUnty
you’re exactly the same sort of retard that Crabb is
Crabb is an utter lightweight. She should feel a twinge of embarrassment every time her salary hits her bank account – but I doubt she does.
No prizes for guessing who Annabel reckons should be a powerful media figure.
High as kites.
Cocaine should be available ‘like alcohol’, say NSW Greens (tele, paywalled)
And those kites would be Hamas kites. Sounds to me that since they got their antisemitic Nazi boots on the polls aren’t going the Greens way, or they wouldn’t trying mad policy stunts like this.
The Greens hate people and they want less of them around. Simple.
If this proposal gets up, we’ll have noseless idiots alongside our chinless idiots.
I have some advice for Mr Haynes. Please, please DO NOT launch defamation proceedings against anyone
UK animal rights activists target King’s portrait
Animal rights protestors have covered an official portrait of King Charles III with the face of the eccentric, cheese-loving animation character Wallace to campaign for better animal welfare on farms.
In a video shared by Animal Rising, two campaigners are seen sticking an image of Wallace, from the Aardman characters Wallace and Gromit, on top of Charles’s face and a speech bubble at a London gallery.
Activists said the protest was aimed at raising awareness about practices at Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA) certified farms.
Jonathan Yeo’s striking red portrait of Charles is on display at the Philip Mould Gallery in London, after being unveiled by the king himself last month.
The speech bubble pasted on Charles, who is an RSPCA patron, read: “No cheese, Gromit. Look at all this cruelty on RSPCA farms!” in a reference to Wallace’s faithful canine companion.
Off with their heads!
Apparently nobody was concerned enough to stop them and they had to wait around for a while to get any attention at all.
Big question asked.
Are men dissatisfied with their penis size more likely to own a gun? Researchers find out (Phys.org, 11 Jan)
Always fun when a widespread social meme gets overturned by scientific data. Got to love sociologists though, the B-Ark is going to packed with them.
The real mystery is where they found a Texan and a Florida man who would answer a sociologist’s questions at all.
Much less inquiries about the size of their penis and their feelz about it.
This was Texas A&M, not Austin, and it is possible that the researchers were normal humans and know gun owners very well and wanted to milkshake the wokesters.
This argument about coxxx and gunzzz is bloody irritating, and I remember being REALLY pissed off at The Australian about Oct 1996 when they gave the page opposite the Editorial to Phillip Adams, to explain that I and my friends like guns because our penises are too small to satisfy our wives. Just what a million innocent people being punished for Port Arthur needed to hear.
Had a coffee in Freo about 2000 with a clinical psych who was a prominent arguer against shooters on the Matilda forum. He expressed frustration that shooters repeatedly used the quote from Freud, that a fear of weapons was a sign of retarded social and sexual maturity. I agreed its a useless quote, but pointed out that we all had 30 years of idiots saying “Oh you like guns? Ahurrr, you know what Freud would say about that!1!!”
Many want Howard to be buried so they can take a dump on his grave. I am saving mine for that smug idiot Adams.
Did he leave his hat behind?
Another song I haven’t heard in a very long time.
They just pop into my head and I look them up.
Slipping Away – Max Merritt & The Meteors (Lyrics)
Love that song!
Although the guy echoing Max with “the hairdo” looks like he’s taken the Greens’ advice and is absolutely off his chops.
This would work as a Bee headline except for one problem: it isn’t satire.
New York to Require Gun Sellers to Hang Signs Saying Guns Can Be Dangerous (11 Jun)
You can see why the Left wants to ban guns: the proles might get fed up enough use them on officious Karens like these.
stairs and thongs should carry warnings
men who are unhappy with the size of their penis are more apt to buy a gun
It’s way past time that truth was told about the normal size of vaginas, and therefore what size of penis is a good fit. Too big a penis causes problems.
Some Cats post June travelogues from the French Riviera or the Greek islands. Today I am in… Ballarat. Where it is nipple-chillingly frigid. I am touring our new investment. Could do with a bit more climate change up here.
We’re not your friends champ.
Expanding your reach as a slumlord? Typical kulak, never ending greed.
A gulag? Be careful Monty the Left is likely to put you into it, since you are contaminated by wrongthink.
Yes Cats, I am a capitalist boss and part of the petit bourgeoisie, and yet I also support social democracy. It amuses me endlessly how much this blows your tiny little minds.
Stop lying. When have you ever said “enough’s enough. We need more freedom and less socialism in any particular field”?
And you also support Nazis
It’d probably be warmer in Malmo. When are you leaving again?
I trust you’re “paying the rent”, monty.
Ask the local mob what the going rate is.
While he pretends to care about the cost-of-living crisis, PM Anthony Albanese, a former federal transport minister, is campaigning to raise one of the key Australian economic input costs by at least 10% to eliminate competition in the trucking industry.
Robert Gottliebsen is today’s Paywallian:
I’m beginning to think that AnAl doesn’t expect (or want) to win the next election. His priority is to entrench in legislation every leftard wet dream, and leave the Libs to try to repeal it all with a hostile Senate.
Meanwhile, AnAl will have fixed himself up with a sinecure with the UN.
And all it cost Fox to have the Govt destroy competition on his behalf was a couple of snags snd a glass of chardy at the infamous BBQ with Albanese.
The Liars always have trucks in their sights for their paymasters.
Linfox, Toll, Coles and Woolworths, “OK, we’re agreed. Get Tony Bourke back in and tell what’s going to happen.”
The Voice, sure … whatever it takes!
A crankshaft discovered in a steel billet. One of the best advanced manufacturing video presentations I’ve seen.
I love this shit.
The issue confronting the next generations is “How do we do this in a zero gravity, airless environment?”
OK you engineers – get cracking.
From the video, it’s interesting to note there is still a demand for low/semi skilled wukkas.
“How do we do this in a zero gravity, airless environment?”
Well, in zero G, you can at least create foamed steel…
In Zero Gravity, yes, but not airless. I can see the advantage in foamed steel, but quality control of bubble size and fracturing would be very difficult to maintain. You’d be better off – I think – manufacturing structural steel in 3d mesh. in which case, how do you roll steel from slab to 2mm thickness to make the mesh. Can’t do it with heavy rollers – you’d need hydraulic pressure rollers to exert enough force to flatten the hot slab.
Dunno – I’m not an engineer.
In a sane world the NSW DPP would resign over what she has done to Hayne. And in an even saner world, she would be in prison along with his false accuser.
Somebody in the conservative side of politics needs to come up with legislation that makes prosecutors face some kind of consequences for endless lawfare chasing social media approval. Eg, they have to put up a bond for every case they bring forward – if they lose they lose. And if it comes to light that prosecutors left out exculpatory evidence it is a mandatory 10 year prison sentence.
Of course, the LNP is only slightly less misandrist than the left so expect them to be just as disgusting trying to destroy men as the current Labor governments are.
Figures – the same thing is happening with Bernard Gaynor and Gary Burns. Despite the High Court ruling in favour of Bernard Gaynor, the NSW DPP refuses to stop Burns from persecuting him.
Something like >30 court actions by Burns to financially cripple Gaynor for standing up to him.
God bless you Indolent, you provide us with a lot of good reading. But I suspect that many Cats pass it by, because of the volume.
Could I put it an urgent recommendation for one of Indolent’s posts this morning? It is a short (8 mins) discussion by the indomitable Victor Davis Hanson on the the fact that the West is on the cusp of disintegration as a result of societal and economic transformation. It has been posted in the last few days. It is a compelling argument and has serious implications for all of us.
Hanson is right that the West has been captured by a Left consisting of the media, the academy and those who control the corporate world. Gramsky predicted it all. We live in dangerous times.
“Victor Davis Hanson JUST Exposed This to the ENTIRE World!!”
Carlson added a fourth evil axis – the judiciary.
Yes, Vicki, I’ve just stored the VDH interview for future ref.
June 12, 2024 12:50 pm
In true socialist fashion I’m sure you won’t have a lock on the door and anyone is welcome?
The young real estate agent set off the alarm and took ten minutes and three phone calls to get someone to come and fix it. So yes, there is security in place.
You are confusing socialism with laissez-faire, Bushie.
champagne socialist
noun [ C ] POLITICS UK disapprovingUK
a rich person who says he or she supports a fair society in which everyone has equal rights and the rich help the poor, but who may not behave in this way.
mUnty the slumlord? Pay your share.
Cassie of Sydney
June 12, 2024 10:45 am
The report I heard (and I just caught it so might not be 100% correct) said he would be up for another trial. I am not sure if that was from the DPP or just enthusiastic wishful thinking by the radio j’ism.
It would be a tad unusual for a DPP to announce another trial without carefully reading the judgement, but here we are.
They can still get him for that forward pass and the head-high tackle.
Cronkite at 10:43
From memory, wasn’t there also a very explicit invitation from her to Haynes for a bit of “no strings rumpy-pumpy”?
What we got here is a simple opportunist, or a jilted wannabe WAG.
Neither constitutes rape.
Wishing you the best of tenants monty.
Are you renting out by the room, by the bed or by the hour?
Rosie, my clientele is classier than yours.
Only thermos-wielding Hawthorn FC members need apply.
You bought in the wrong place.
Gulag style.
A terrible loss for ireland.
Sad (not)
It’s very nice in Canberra with the sun out.
I’m off home to Melbourne for some sleep catch up.
I’ve had miss 4 hop in most nights, a bit squeezy in a single camping bed except for yesterday morning when miss almost 2 decided there was room for three, then there was arguing about pillow space on the one and only pillow so someone decided it was time to make some breakfast.
Sounds wonderful!
Enjoy. Even with grandchildren, it doesn’t last; they grow up.
A reader’s comment on a Powerline article mused what the response may have been had h@m@s & porcine company attacked another nation in their region (leaving aside geographic reality).
What ‘proportionality’ might have been demonstrated by other than Israel, and would the international community (really just the bloated west, let’s be honest) have shown more than a token interest?
AOC now on the wrong team.
Better do those sums carefully mUnty. Population Ponzi running out of steam.
Did Senator Graham give the game away?
It seems US wants control of Ukraine
The greater majority of predictions are wrong. When someone makes a prediction examine all their prior predictions. That will give us some idea of how accurate they are.
An example from just yesterday. A trader stated that next year we will experience a depression greater than the Great Depression. Later that night I read an analysis by 3 economists who predicted the future is uncertain but it certainly won’t be disastrous.
Well JC, if Victor Davis Hanson is wrong he will be in good company. Although he is a splendid historian and very prescient social commentator, there are countless commentators who note the predicament of western civilisations at the moment.
As I recently wrote to Hanson, who is a formidable classical scholar, there are many great transitions in human history of which contemporaries were unaware, however the threat of great military commanders and the breakdown of many of the social and moral traditions of Rome in the late Republic is not one of them. They were acutely, and tragically aware, of the decline of their political and social fabric. And they were right.
I suspect that those of us who think that the post war (WW I & II) affluence of western nations is contributory to their decline will be proved to be correct.
It doesn’t matter how well informed or the company a person keeps. Prediction is precarious and we should develop a metric to assess the quality of predictions. “Prediction is difficult, especially about the future.” How’s that Doomsday Clock ticking? Japan’s economy should have imploded 20 years ago. People thought nuclear war was inevitable. Many people believe predictions because of confirmation bias. How many people engage in the analysis I mentioned? It at least provides a baseline. Hansen thinks the Left is in control but just yesterday people were celebrating the ascendence of the Right in Europe. There is already a rebound response occurring against wokery and immigration there and here.
John H, Indolent isn’t making predictions as such – he’s providing links for readers to look at and make their own minds up.
Bob, I think JC may be referring to Victor Davis Hanson.
I know that. Not my point. Predictions have a terrible track record. “Economic forecasting was created to make astrology look respectable.” The trader I mentioned has a long history of making predictions which are nearly always wrong.
This may come as a surprise John H. But there is more to life and human affairs than “trading”.
As the rest of the Western World has discovered Aus has a Minister for Men’s Behaviour, Ryan Long has decided to come here and take the position as Minister for Women’s Behaviour.
For equality, etc… 😀
Where is DOT?
Bruce Lehrmann asked for $13,250 following alleged ‘extensive damage’ to Sydney apartment
By liam mendes
Bruce Lehrmann is being asked to pay $13,250 for alleged “extensive damage” at the multimillion-dollar property in the north-eastern Sydney suburb of Balgowlah provided for him by Seven Network, and pay lost rent.
The former Liberal staffer failed on Wednesday to appear at the NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal, where on Wednesday it was heard Lady Gaenor Meakes, the property owner who launched proceedings against him, was seeking $13,250 for coverage of alleged damage.
Her daughter Matilda Meakes, a paralegal appearing on her behalf, confirmed the scope of the claim, stating $13,250 was the amount her mother was claiming. The bond payable for the premises was $10,600.
Mr Lehrmann recently filed an appeal to the Full Court of the Federal Court following his landmark defamation suit loss in April this year during which Justice Michael Lee found, on the balance of probabilities, that he sexually assaulted Brittany Higgins inside Parliament House on the morning of March 23, 2019. The defamation suit was against presenter Lisa Wilkinson and Network 10.
For the Balgowlah apartment, there are two proceedings against Mr Lehrmann: the first, relating to alleged property damage and the second to loss of outstanding rent, with the tribunal previously hearing the two proceedings would likely run together.
Matilda Meakes, a paralegal
Bingo daughter trying to get in on the get Bruce action to make a future name in the legal biz after she finishes her bridging law degree.
LOL she wants $13k & bond was $10K. Percentage wise loss to bond ratio I’ve lost worse than that with much less amounts. FFS kiss it good bye and put him on the negligent tenant data base instead of wasting everyone’s time at NCAT…
See either he isn’t being invited to the party or couldn’t be bothered dealing with it at the moment, if he isn’t showing.
NCAT sucks
Bruce does like to party.
June 12, 2024 1:19 pm
True that, we don’t all have the time to wade through all the links in hope of finding a gem.
A short info would be helpful.
I don’t know if to envy or pity those who read it all, but hey, it’s their choice how they spend their time.
One Russian Kamikaze tank destroyed an entire Ukrainian Tank convoy
One Russian Kamikaze tank destroyed an entire Ukrainian Tank convoy
IIRC that was quite a while ago.
Yes I think it was
There’s the queue. Incidentally, you may be waiting awhile.
Used to know a guy who ran a small business and he reckoned any bill under $10K (That’s over 10 years ago now) wasn’t worth the lawyers fees to chase to court. That’s with people who had the money…
Blood & stone comes to mind.
You expect Bruce is in DGAF mode by now.
If Channel 7 provided the property, isn’t Channel 7 responsible for paying rent and damages?
Make it $9999 and take it to small claims, no lawyers
The inexperience of young Matilda precludes that.
Despite election wins, be it the 2016 Trump election win, the miracle win of Morrison in 2019, the landslide win by the UK Tories in 2019, despite the elevation of Meloni in Italy, despite numerous other examples, the left remain in control across the West. The left controls bureaucracies, corporations, education, academia, big tech, sporting bodies, the judiciary, the law, publishing, media, even the head of the American Library Association is a f*cking Marxist. I could go on. For effs sake, even the Bureau of Meteorology and our police forces have been politically corrupted by leftism.
Whilst there are some bright spots, the outlook remains gloomy, however those bright spots are such things as Elon Musk’s purchase of Twitter (now X) in 2022, and then there there are politicians and governments that have pushed back against the left, successfully too but the push back comes at a price. There is Orban in Hungary however the US and EU are busy trying to get rid of him, there’s Ron DeSantis in Florida, and of course, there’s Milei in Argentina. Why, according to the left, these people are all either ‘far-right’ or ‘Nazis’ I note that the left, unable to beat Milei electorally, are now trying to smear him as a peterfile……LOL……except it isn’t funny.. The left will stop at nothing to smear, to besmirch and to silence their ideological enemies. Just ask the late George Pell, ask Donald Trump, ask Bolsonaro…..ask even Bibi, busy fighting a war, but now targeted by lawfare.
VDH is a seer of sorts, a man who I listened to a lot in 2020. Everything he said during the year of Georgina Floyddina and the accompanying riots has turned out to be true, I find him very measured, very articulate, very knowledgeable and almost always….very accurate..
We are on the same page, Cassie.
H B Bear
June 12, 2024 2:32 pm
And Vic Labor, urged on by the Green-Nazis, is very keen to stick it to da man.
In this case, fat landlords.
Do you fit that description, m0nster?
The pricks at this group say “we’re not a political party” and “we don’t donate to parties”
Authorisation (climate200.com.au)
Then they have this line at the bottom (which sounds a lot like a party):
Yeah, sure you’re not a political party Climate 200… their big gala dinner to be held next week, let’s see who is on the speaker’s list:
A table of 12 is a steal at $2995, individual tickets are $280.
Jump in now to secure your tickets, places are limited.
Guest speakers:
Classic green astroturf.
Lots of astroturfing going on lately.
Hope they all go broke, including the ringmaster Simple Simon.
Was he unable to drag in the world’s first male Teal, name of Turnbull?
(H/t to Timmy Blair)
Losing your charisma are you Simon, as well as your money?
woke women and their simps
Even the SMH sometimes publishes something worth reading. (Apart from Noel Whittaker’s financial advice, which is always good).
Today it was a nice obituary by Michael Easson on John MacBean, a Labor man of an integrity rarely seen today.
Why do I mention this here? Because MacBean (who was a centrist with no ideological objection to private enterprise) fought to stop Simon Holmes a Court’s corporate vulture of a father taking over BHP. Why? Because his raiding would probably spell the end of the Australian steel industry.
Bob Carr, by the way, was sound enough when he had sensible members of the working classes like Ducker, Unsworth and MacBean to keep his feet on the ground. Without them, he has disappeared up himself.
Cassie earlier:-
m0nster breathlessly reported here yesterday that Milei was “facing charges” of being (to use his favourite mis-characterisation) “a rock-spider”.
The implication being that he was facing criminal charges. It later transpired that the “charges” related to a possible, maybe, threatened civil lawsuit which might be brought by a discredited left-wing feral j’ism.
File this in ‘how to stand up for yourself’ when you feel like roadkill in the medical headlights.
I told Hairy about not getting the info I needed re my displaced fractured coccyx due to a specialist medical consultation that lasted under five minutes. He was all for getting in touch himself with senior medical people he knows personally at that hospital from his own senior exec networking days, who sit on the main oversight committee for morbidity and mortality, including malpractice, but I said no. That might be unfair. Also, I will fight my own battles. This morning I wrote out my actual and detailed clinical concerns for which I said I sought full medical disclosures before deciding upon treatments and emailed them directly to the clinician.
A very quick invitation ensued to meet up tomorrow to clarify things.
I’m giving him the benefit of the doubt.
Maybe he just had a too busy day yesterday.
But don’t be afraid of taking them on. Put it down in writing. As Gilas said, he who knows the medical insiders well, going through the ‘proper’ channels of the HCCC might get you an apologetic letter sometime next year and no changes. Direct action – as Cassie has said it is not just for the left – we on the irate centre-right should also practice it. It shows the limits of our tolerance.
Well done, Lizzie! I have not ever thought about a written complaint. I just change GPs or specialist. But you are right to do so. Who knows, it may just cause them to change their (often) supercilious treatment of patients.
I wouldn’t go near him again no matter what happens. He will not be pleased.
Medial doctors are human, well mostly.
Wowee, it doesn’t end there either! Listen to the hide of it:
lights! cameras! action!
The American Library Association has been a Marxist organisation for the last 30 years. Over 25 years ago, as part of my job, I was on a listserv with a lot of American librarians who were rather uncomplimentary about their top professional body. I expect our own ALIA isn’t any better.
I wonder how many of these entryism jobs and organisations there are. I’d bet enough to put the Left into being a very lucrative earner.
I wondered when the green-progressive religion would get around to inventing their own heaven.
On such things I see Twiggy has gone full-on Hamas luvvin. There’s something about greenery that sucks them right into antisemitism. I don’t know why, but it keeps on happening.
Forrest’s auto gate plan to allow aid into Gaza (Paywallian)
Why on earth would an iron ore miner get unnecessarily involved with a bunch of genocidal rapists on the far side of the world like this? You’d think he would have enough to do, what with all his green pipedreams.
My guess would be that he is a publicity hound and thinks that any publicity is a good thing. Almost every action he has taken in the last decade seems to be to court publicity, he is really quite shallow apart from being greedy.
Is there OPM to grift?
Ex- cop mate has been set up as ” therapeutic victim” for the coroner inquest into the shooting ( not by him) of the mad bitch in Gero about 5 years back.
Cop union – we will represent you – oops no we wint- use this firm instead.. lo and behold that set of lawyers who have complained about the lateness of the brief, will not be available for court on those dates. Oh and he’s also the cove who was attacked with the axe/ hammer by a juvenile mob a few months back.
Coroner has refused an adjournment.
So he will quite possibly be the only person in court unrepresented while they attempt ” procedure” to make the family feel better.
I’m sure it will be a first class inquest followed by a fine hanging.
Fade to black?
Yeah, sure you’re not a political party Climate 200…
Before the last election the Libs appealed to the AEC to have the Teals formally declared a Political Party which would have meant restrictions on their electioneering, funding and advertising. The AEC ruled that they were not a formal party but it’s time that appeal was revisited. They are in an analogous situation to terrorist organizations who take advantage of not being part of a government to operate without sanctions or legal responsibility.
Yup totally Vagabond.
I don’t know what the SFLs are up to but they should appeal the AEC decision. Just go to the Climate200 page and see it badged in teal with pictures on every page of Zoe, Steggals etc… its ridiculous.
Dutton should understand: You have to take out the cnuts before announcing cuts to climate goals… they are the real enemy as the public would expect attacks from other parties but the grey Teals… they disgust me for starters….
“the grey Teals”
Lysander, I have long thought of the filthy Teals as “Ducks”. They duck underwater as soon as threatened, and shit all over the place.
Avi Yemini
WATCH: Gay Melbourne councillor PROVES he’s Hamas’ useful idiot
Russell Broadbent
Time to Rebuild our Construction Industry
As mentioned earlier by others, the MeToo movement slips down another notch:
That is my distinct recollection also. A no-strings re-sleeve, which magically became wape when one party actually believed the ‘no-strings’ bit and left in a taxi while there was still sweat in the air.
A JWWAG. Added to the lexicon.
Best to keep those on file. Just somewhere where the wife won’t find it.
Twiggy the Twat.
Green hydrogen, OrGAniCk beef, solar electric undersea uplands, Zelenskiyyy, and now running water for the Raghead Rape Brigade.
I now condemn, on principle, everything that shiny slimebag is into.
Hardly a surprise. Fake is fake.
Vegan Fake Meats & Heart Disease, Early Death
‘This isn’t a joke!’ | Husband of murdered MP slams physical attacks against Nigel Farage
A man who is the blueprint for what a real man is supposed to be.
Zelensky cancelled elections in his country
He arrested his biggest political opponent, banned dissenting media, and shut down opposition political parties
Now he is targeting 350+ Americans with an enemies list
Why the HELL are we sending more money to this little dictator?!
Wall Street firms part of ‘climate cartel,’ colluded to curb emissions: House report
Send This Article to People Who Say “Ivermectin Doesn’t Work for Covid-19”
One of the Teal supporters if a Perfessor at UWA, William Bowe and I’ve been editing his wiki page to show that he is a Teal.
“Strangely,” it keeps getting edited back…
Unfortunately, Leftards usually have more time up their sleeves than conservatives who are usually dutifully employed…. AND BUSY!!!
Doctors Revolt Against ‘Gender-Affirming’ Child Mutilation In Defense Of Basic Biology
Dickie Dawkins, whose day job when he wasn’t trying to commit deicide was as a biologist, is now being cancelled or saying the same thing.
We are only at the start of the reaction but momentum is building.
The spurious ‘science’ on gender issues published in respectable journals like Nature should now be addressed and called out for the nonsense it pushes. It uses medical anomalies found in intersex individuals, which are due to chromosomal errors during mitosis and meiosis in early embryological development, to argue for an invented ‘biological continuum’ rather than the two basic human sexes within which, as a process of nature, there is of course much individual variation in sexual expression.
This variety is due to our complex human developmental, environmental and social plasticity. Put simply, many factors impinge on how we experience and view the sex within which we were born and which gives us our basic bodily patterning. Our brain plasticity means we are very open to change via social pressures; but we can never ‘change’ our foundational sex. Genetic errors that produce intersex individuals are no evidence of more than two sexes. These people are rare and need medical help to ascertain how best they can function.
Added to this pseudo-science of belief in a ‘continuum’ of ‘sexes’ rather than just two basic and stable sexes in human evolution, there is published risibly ‘peer reviewed’ material on the range of psychological ‘genders’ that is married to this biological continuum concept. Fake as can be. Think of a number, double it, take away the number you first thought of, and try to believe you’ve arrived at something stunning and new – it’s that sort of sleight of hand dressed up as science.
It’s likely that Rafe has already covered this, but I found it interesting. Perhaps Climax 200 can tell us how it is to be achieved?
This is the report itself, apparently, at the International Energy Forum.
(I must note that I haven’t read the report – big words scare me).
Hunter’s Conviction Is A Fig Leaf To Cover The Biden Family’s More Serious Crimes
Media Pretend A Gun-Toting Addict’s Conviction Legitimizes Legal Gymnastics Of ‘Get Trump’ Lawfare
Before we get to that…what rent is monty paying to the local indig mob?
What Paddy shot
Rescued hostages were beaten ‘almost every day,’ says doctor who treated them
The young man in the red shorts received more than regular beatings.
Thank god the Israelis have some of the best medical and psychiatric care in the world.
BREAKING: IDF Eliminates Senior Hezbollah Official; Highest Ranking Officer Neutralized Since Oct. 7
American College of Pediatricians statement on gender
No Shit, Sherlock!
That wasn’t aimed at you Indolent. 😀
How the phuck can this happen? Old mate must have had a few. Hand in your licence moyle
‘Under no circumstances should Mr Andrews retain the Companion of the Order of Australia’Victorian Nationals leader Peter Walsh has launched a petition urging the Governor-General to remove Daniel Andrews’ “inappropriate and unjustified honour”.
From the Hun.
When you have your dick cut off, you become monty. Never go full monty
You know what to do!
An interesting piece from three weeks ago by Caroline Glick in the Jewish News Syndicate about Egypt’s role in the current war in Gaza, which includes the following:
It is worth reading the whole article.
“Andrew Forrest’s plan would help open up an aid bottleneck into Gaza and address security concerns around aid shipments.”
This is great news.
I wish all genocides could be ended so easily.
Party political grandstanding aside, I’m a little surprised that no recipient of the AC has come forward to publicly return their award in protest.
To my mind, that only denigrates the value of the bauble further.
Just terrible: a black woman stabs a white 3 year old boy to death and his mother. Check out the black woman:
PURE EVIL: Ohio Woman Accused of Stabbing Mother and Her Three-Year-Old Boy to Death Smirks and Giggles as Charges Read in Court (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Ben Kew
Does Ohio still have the death penalty?
Ohio still has the death penalty. Repub leanings. Repub AG. Family doesn’t seem in a forgiving mood.
I’d say this disgusting person is in a spot of bother.
She might realize that about the time they strap her into the electric chair?
Government response from the Honourable Penny Sharpe MLC, Minister for Climate Change, Minister for Energy, Minister for the Environment, and Minister for Heritage, to a petition presented by Mr Ruddick on 8 May 2024 entitled “Re-open Mt Warning”
Re-open Mt Warning (nsw.gov.au)
Despite the 10,000 signatures Mt Warning ain’t opening any time soon.
Reconcilliation is sure a one way street isn’t it?
Do they think we are going to be encouraged to be generous to a bunch of surly and mean (uncharitable) people?
I’m sure they all understand why the Voice went the way it did
Party political grandstanding aside, I’m a little surprised that no recipient of the AC has come forward to publicly return their award in protest.
To my mind, that only denigrates the value of the bauble further.
Nomenklatura stick together.
Penny Sharpe is more proof that nothing good comes out of canbra.
Yeah, maybe.
Do you think it fair that you have a second property and so many others don’t?
Some people might think it only fair you hand the keys over to those who don’t have a property at all, Hawthorn members or not.
Actions don’t matter.
Only which tribe to which you belong.
By his previous statements, he has his domicile, and definitely one, possibly two “investment” houses in Melbourne. This would be at least his fourth.
If I had bought an existing house off someone else as one of those speculating like JC, you might have a point, Bushie. However, I have had both of my investment properties built from scratch, which adds to the stock of housing. This gives me more moral authority for ownership.
the West is on the cusp of disintegration as a result of societal and economic transformation. It has been posted in the last few days. It is a compelling argument and has serious implications for all of us.
Hanson is right that the West has been captured by a Left consisting of the media, the academy and those who control the corporate world.
Quite so. Even the conservative media wastes time (theirs and ours) banging on about how ridiculous all those attacks on our foundational concepts are.
The only explanation needed is that it’s a war, and it’s for keeps. Arguing about how silly it is misses the point.
Only You can do it
Some people might think it only fair you hand the keys over to those who don’t have a property at all, Hawthorn members or not.
Or maybe let someone who has fallen on hard times live there free of charge. After all the left is all about caring and sharing. Isn’t it?
I’m watching A Fish Called Wanda. Haven’t seen it for ages/years.
There was a robbery at Hatton Gardens. It set me wondering if the “Diamond Geezers”, got the idea for their heist from this film. 😀
“Don’t EVER call me Stupid!”
Wevenge! 😀
I’ve been watching Malcolm Roberts grilling pubic serpents. They should be jailed for contempt and lying. What a bunch of oxygen thieves. The CASA mob are particularly odious. Bunch of brigands looting an industry.
Joe Bethancourt from 15 years ago and still absolutely relevant
Joe isn’t with us anymore unfortunately.
This afternoon our cruise liner will be starting the passage up the Dardanelles Strait. Very interesting area of course, and coincides with a talk I’m giving on the Gallipoli campaign. As the majority of people on the ship are not Aussie have to do a bit of backfilling knowledge-wise, and come at it from a combined British-French-Anzac approach.
According to a quick bit of research I was doing it’s not just the Australian submarine AE2 that rests on the seabed here. There are another four British-French boats – some sources say 7 – that met their end in actions against the Ottoman forces. For all that though they did a lot of damage. Again the sources are hazy but several enemy warships and a lot of freighters were sent to the bottom by the intrepid submariners. Three of the six Victoria Crosses awarded to Allied submariners in WWI were
I have the position of the AE2 wreck on my personal chart but I think it will be in the early morning hours when we pass near her. However on the way back south there will be another opportunity to be near the site where Lieutenant Commander Stoker decided to pull the plug rather than let his boat fall into the hands of the enemy.
RIP to all those who paid the ultimate price in these areas in the 1915 actions.
The largest and most prominent memorial in the ANZAC area of operations is to the New Zealanders on top of Chunuk Bair. All the Kiwis I know think this a right and proper thing.
Always interesting to sail over a significant site, TE.
We sailed very near to where the Titanic went down when we did ‘the crossing’ on the Queen Mary. Lots of Titanic memories and memorabilia were on display and there was a sense of occasion about it. The Captain made an announcement.
Aaaand there it is.
“Do you think it fair that you have a second property and so many others don’t?”
I think you’ll find Monty is a real socialist like Mehreen Faruqi and is the owner of multiple properties, this is iirc the fourth, that he’s admitted to.
Like all socialists, what’s yours is his, and what’s his stays that way.
Snap, see my nested response to 132 and Bush’s comment at 1932. Four is the same number I came to.
That’s a bit much. It presupposes the controllers of this society would rather rule over a ruined society than not rule over a functioning one.
Can we get a date for the start of world war three and who’s going to be on which team?
It’s fun that the 2,000th anniversary of Jesus’ death on the cross may come as early as Easter 2029…
Which no one other than me seems to notice. I certainly haven’t read any commentary about it anywhere.
Not into numerology though. As Jesus said, make sure your lamp has oil and you are ready and waiting whenever the bridegroom arrives.
So, I’ve managed to change the Wikipedia page of this Clinate200 warrior William Bowe who struts around like an independent Antony Green election commentator:
let’s see how long it lasts this time!
You do God’s work Sir.
I only manage to do this after working a 10 hour day. Lefties have all day long to fck around with it.
alas, I will change again if I have to
Ahem! 10 hour working day!!!
Went to see Johannes Leak and Fred Pawle at an IPA function in Brisbane tonight. Johannes talked entertainingly about the background to some of his cartoons. He has a formidable talent and I reckon he’ll be around for many years to come. He explained that after the State Library of NSW bought his (wonderful) portrait of Jacinta Price, some staff whacked on a hissy fit and the management caved, and hid it in the basement, only to be seen by appointment, accompanied by a security guard. This is how much he and Jacinta Price are feared!
Is hiding a portrait of an aboriginal lady in the basement racism?
Asking for a state library.
I was there last night as well. Worth the pesos.
Noelene Donaher has died.
She was our first reality tv Matriarch.
I liked her.
Made Sylvannia Waters internationally famous. The Good Life on a waterfront, Down Under.
I recall her as very nice woman in that show, standing up for herself and her family. Rough as hessian bags, and proud of it too. Laurie, her husband, was a real Aussie too. Wealthy enough, they sent their boy to a private school, where I heard he copped a lot of unfair ribbing. Shame.
Let’s talk about Iron Dome
A lovely picture that describes in all its ugliness, the ongoing human disaster that is Islam.
June 12, 2024 8:42 pm
The original flouncer.
“I swear to God, Laurie, I’m gonna bloody leave you!”
Fun though. 😀
We’ve all said that at one time or another. Noeline was the first to say it on Aussie TV. She was no Bette Davis, but still a hoot.
Moreland council doesnt like tenants.
Someone here, I think Bear, was asking about the film documenting the phase in Melbourne, where “the powers that be” tried to knock everything old down. I went and saw it and would totally recommend. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uzu5KZ096Ck
it’s also available on SBS on demand.
Talk about a face like a dropped pie! It’s as if the pie had been scooped with a shovel and dropped again. eeewww
She owes Trump a million bucks, in costs awarded by courts.
I love how she’s squirming and trying to get off this hook.
Cough up, woman.
Prop comedy news (the Tele):
Wait for it….
This drug-f*cked ‘former socialite’ carried her INFANT SON into court, and carried him as she stood before the beak pleading for clemency. Unbelievable.
Filth. Absolute filth of a ‘mother’. Naturally, the judge was a handpatter:
Yes, but not for the reason you think, Er Honour.
Tears of joy:
This stupid, stupid judge has clearly not foreseen that this will result in every low-rent skank in the dock forever more will be dragging in various children, stepchildren, nieces, nephews, prosthetic legs, copies of Woman’s Day and used newsagent scratchies to convince idiot judges that they’re really good people.
I loathe these women. I want to give them the old fashioned Syphilis treatment they used to give men in the 1800’s
She’s studying to be a “support worker”, for chuck’s steak!
The skank had previously been before the courts in 2022:
Subscribe to the Townsville Bulletin
Oi, Knuckles! What have you got against that bastion of intellectual thought, The Womens Day?
Next you’ll be denying their place in our intellectual progression on “Picture” and “Post”.
Sorry I’m like a dog with a bone but I’ve also alerted (their) ABC to update this page to reflect Willie Bowe’s “independent profile” on their website and to include his links to Climate200 and Teals.
The reason I’m pissed off if Willienruns a blog: https://www.pollbludger.net/ and it’s full of Muntards. I make one pro-Trump comment and I’m immediately banned.
At least free speech reigns at da Cat!
LOL retreat to your safe space Lysander, there’s a good chap.
New rules of what to calling trans people by the Olympic committee.
Fox news
I’ll go with cheats.
Lets talk about genocide, this time in Iraq.
No point rosie. No ones listening and only the victims give a damn.
Australia certainly won’t allow them to live here, just like the white South Africans.
Courts & JusticeInfluencersWA News
Tash Peterson: Notorious WA vegan declared fewer than 20 per cent of her earnings
Notorious vegan Tash Peterson earned more than $400,000 by the end of the 2022 financial year — most of which came from her OnlyFans account — but only declared $70,000 in business earnings to the Australian Tax Office.
That is what the WA Supreme Court was told as the outspoken animal rights activist was cross-examined during her defamation trial.
In the footage, Ms Peterson accused the clinic of promoting “animal slavery” and using the two cockatiels — Bruce and Gandalf — as advertising props because they were outside the clinic in a cage.
She also accused vet Dr Kay McIntosh of being an “animal abuser” who “eats her own patients” and the clinic of “enslaving animals and forcing them into murder factories”.
Dr McIntosh and her husband Andrew claim the video not only damaged their reputation by bringing them into “hatred, contempt and ridicule” but that Ms Peterson and Mr Higgs deliberately created it to not only gain publicity but also earn money.
They are claiming Ms Peterson uses her activism stunts to direct people to her OnlyFans page, on which subscribers pay her a fee for the risque content she creates.
The Taxation Office should have her sorry arze for breakfast then, shouldn’t they?
Should do … but my gast would be totally flabbered if they do anything about it.
West Australian vegan makes a shedload, baring her meat on OnlyFans…
INXS – Never Tear Us Apart (Official Music Video)