Open Thread – Weekend 22 June 2024

Lamp Effect, Edouard Cortes, 1903

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Cassie of Sydney
June 22, 2024 8:38 pm

New York Times columnist and former deputy editor of the Wall Street Journal, Bret Stephens, has been on a speaking tour of Australia. Stephens is a Republican but he is an avowed never Trumper. Regardless of his Trump derangement he is always worth listening to. Last week he spoke at a synagogue here in Sydney. Stephens is Jewish and he is an astute observer and commentator of diaspora Jewish and Israeli issues, and particularly on the soaring Jew hatred we are now witnessing across the West. But Stephens is also an oracle of sorts, he’s been warning for many years about the increasing Jew hatred that has found a host among the radical progressive left and particularly in the unholy leftist/Islamist alliances that we are seeing on our university campuses and streets. Jew hatred isn’t just fashionable among the left now, it’s mainstream, and it predates October 7 2023. However, since that dreadful day in October last year the band aid has been ripped off the permanent festering sore that is Jew hatred and it is now open for all to see. 
Bret Stephens has said many things which resonate with me. One thing he’s said is that the halcyon days are over for Jews in the West, and that sadly also applies to Australian Jews. And before anyone accuses me of hyperbole this week’s terrorist attack on Jewish MP Josh Burns’ office is a Rubicon moment. The ‘I’m an anti-Zionist not an anti-Semite’ bullshit doesn’t hold anymore (not that it ever did with me).
Bret Stephens is the son of a mother who survived the Holocaust in Italy (thanks to a family who hid her). He said how his mother has viewed with alarm the surging Jew hatred on the streets of the West, and she has said this to her son…
’I was born in hiding, I don’t want to die in hiding’.
Let that sink in.

Last edited 5 days ago by Cassie of Sydney
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
June 22, 2024 8:45 pm

France’s Jews mull the unthinkable: voting for a party with an anti-Semitic past
The National Rally has long been radioactive to Jewish voters and much of the French electorate. But outreach by Marine Le Pen and anger with left-wing parties over Israel has created a dilemma.
By matthew dalton and noemie bisserbe,

From Dow Jones
June 22, 2024
5 minute read
Serge Klarsfeld is a world-renowned Nazi hunter, a historian of the Holocaust and a moral authority in France who has pushed the country to reckon with its dark history of anti-Semitism.
That is why many in France were shocked this week when Klarsfeld defended the far-right party of Marine Le Pen, which counts among its founders a former Nazi paramilitary soldier. Klarsfeld, an 88-year-old Holocaust survivor, said the main threat to France’s Jews now comes from the far left and that he wouldn’t hesitate to vote for Le Pen’s party, the National Rally, in the coming parliamentary elections if the alternative were a coalition of leftist parties, the New Popular Front.

“The National Rally supports Jews, supports the state of Israel,” Klarsfeld said on national television. “When there is an anti-Jewish party and a pro-Jewish party, I will vote for the pro-Jewish party.” Klarsfeld’s comments are the fruit of a rapprochement between French Jews and the far right that is reordering French politics and helping push the National Rally to the doorstep of power. The National Rally’s anti-Semitic past long made it radioactive to Jewish voters and much of the French electorate; the party’s founder, Le Pen’s father, Jean-Marie, was convicted of anti-Semitism several times for calling the Nazi gas chambers a “detail” of World War II history.
Now the taboo is fading. The National Rally’s outreach to French Jews, particularly in the aftermath of the October 7 attack in Israel, has solidified the party’s place in the mainstream of French politics, helping put it on track to win the most seats in the parliamentary elections, which conclude next month. French President Emmanuel Macron called for snap parliamentary elections after the National Rally trounced his centrist party in European elections this month. Polls show the National Rally leading in the first round of the French elections set for June 30, followed by the New Popular Front.

It is unclear whether the candidates of the National Rally will have enough support to win an outright majority in the National Assembly after the second round of the elections on July 7.
The Oct. 7 attacks by Hamas and the ensuing Israeli offensive in Gaza have had a profound impact in France, deepening political divisions in the home to Europe’s largest Jewish community and one of its largest Muslim communities. Leaders of the far-left party France Unbowed didn’t immediately condemn the attack and then stridently criticised Israel. Jewish groups and Macron’s government say the party’s rhetoric has fuelled a surge in antisemitism in France since Oct. 7.

Those fears were amplified by the alleged assault and rape of a 12-year-old Jewish girl last weekend in Courbevoie, a suburb of Paris. French authorities brought preliminary charges against three adolescents for the crime.
The National Rally has seized the moment to attack the far left and make the case to the public that it has renounced antisemitism. Jordan Bardella, the party’s president, participated in a march against anti-Semitism after the attack and has strongly defended Israel.

“It provided a chance for the National Rally to redeem itself,” said Olivier Costa, a research professor at Paris-based Sciences Po university and France’s National Center for Scientific Research. The National Rally’s anti-Muslim rhetoric also resonates with part of the conservative Jewish electorate, he added.

June 22, 2024 9:08 pm

Let’s have some Cho-Cho-san type young womanages, Cats! 🙂

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
June 22, 2024 9:33 pm

The immortal Peter Sarstedt – “I’ll Buy You One More Frozen Orange Juice.”

June 22, 2024 9:44 pm

From the oz:

“The deal, announced by the Muslim Students Association and confirmed by the university on Friday evening, would see the university disclosing details of defence and security-related research and investments.

The University of Sydney will also double its expenditure over the next three years to support academics under its scholars-at-risk program, with a particular focus on Palestinians, the SUMSA president said.

Most significantly, the university committed to set up a working group to review its defence investments and research disclosures, and granted protesters a seat at the table.”

How about that. A dhimmi deal.

Last edited 5 days ago by Johnjjj
June 22, 2024 9:58 pm

Bowen and Anal were incubated and cossetted at Sydney Uni so what else would you expect.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
June 22, 2024 10:03 pm

Reading Margaret Cameron Ash’s book “Lying for The Admiralty”, about how Captain James Cook hid his his best discoveries, by re-writing his journals and maps to keep his strategic finds, from the prying eyes of French spies.

Outfitting the “Endeavor” for the first voyage, to observe the transit of the planet Venus, Joseph Banks, the botanist for the expedition, took with him a secretary, four servants – who would double as collectors -and two artists. Banks also took with him a goat, two hunting dogs and TWENTY TONS of baggage and equipment, including a library of over a hundred books.

June 22, 2024 10:07 pm

Some young peoples, pondering:

What if it’s not meant for me,

luuuurrve …” 🙂

June 22, 2024 10:18 pm
June 22, 2024 10:19 pm
June 22, 2024 10:27 pm
June 22, 2024 10:37 pm

It’s a Saturday night, Cats – let’s have some anthems:

That’s Entertainment

Anarchy in the UK

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
June 22, 2024 10:41 pm

Anybody on the Cat read Robert Verkaik’s book “The Traitor Of Arnhem?” His theme seems to be that Operation Market Garden – the attempt to seize the bridges over the Rhine, in 1944 – was betrayed to the Germans by the Cambridge spies – Philby, Burgess and Macclean – to further Soviet interests. It’s a theory I’d not heard before, but my copy of the book appears bound from Outer Mongolia by very slow camel…

June 22, 2024 10:45 pm

Sacré bleu!

God save the Queen … 🙂

June 22, 2024 10:51 pm

June 22, 2024 9:44 pm

From the oz:

“The deal, announced by the Muslim Students Association and confirmed by the university on Friday evening, would see the university disclosing details of defence and security-related research and investments.

I don’t have no university education, don’t know how the system works, but to me the students are clients paying a fee for a service.

What business is it of theirs how and what the university does in research or investment?

June 22, 2024 10:53 pm

“Speaking of the NDIS”
Any day in Aldi, KMart, without even trying I see at least 2 NDIS carers with client. Today there were 3 in Aldi. One was elderly with walking stick, another a truly obese woman but walking and the other a more elderly walking woman. You can pick them by the way they interact with client – very over the top in tone “now do you think this brand of muesli would be the one you would like , or this one has almonds, etc”. One carer could have taken the 3. Country will be bankrupted with rolls royce one on one care for shopping, swimming, entertainment etc. Lots of non spritely elderly rely on deliveries for shopping, relatives for entertainment or sadly, remain isolated. Reality and it’s not fair. Shorten the shirker.

June 22, 2024 10:56 pm

Nothing like some Miss Maggie on a Saturday night … 🙂

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
June 22, 2024 11:01 pm
June 22, 2024 11:14 pm

Still the song you want to play when hoping to get it on with a young womanage …


June 23, 2024 4:01 am
Steve trickler
Steve trickler
June 23, 2024 6:03 am

This footage is absolutely brilliant.

Blue Angels and Thunderbirds Fly Together Over New York City – Extended Compilation

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
June 23, 2024 6:08 am

Minus 3.3 at Canberra airport 06:00am.

Not getting out of the cot for a while yet.

June 23, 2024 6:42 am

Over 65s are unlikely to have NDIS carers, it’s more likely some other program, like the commonwealth aged care program which is meant to help elderly stay at home, out of aged care for longer, people in retirement villages can get it too.
There are people who need it, those who don’t have family nearby, people who never had children etc.
The sort of people who don’t have the computer skills to order their groceries online, and/or simply need to get out of the house.
I know churches provide this kind of assistance to the elderly too but not many people go to church these days.

Bungonia bee
Bungonia bee
June 23, 2024 7:01 am

I am well supported by Gateway Pundit in saying that the USA has too many bad actors in too many positions, from top to bottom. See today’s top stories about (1) Paul Ryan, and (2) more on the 9-11 story.

Bungonia bee
Bungonia bee
June 23, 2024 7:02 am

Why am I not being “remembered” on my iPad?
Where is the remember me box to tick?

June 23, 2024 7:23 am

I remember Auntie Belle (Isobel) looking after mum’s cousin recovering from a heart attack. Belle was 92 at the time. She died at 107. Never lost her marbles, the fire just went out.

June 23, 2024 7:26 am

Bungonia bee @ 7:10 pm

Do you know how to grow Veg? Shoot a rabbit/deer/goat?

Understand what foods store well without refrigeration (hint: tinned and dried)?

No. But I’ve got sacks of sugar, barley, corn, rye, wheat… and a still.

If you distill the rest will come to you.

June 23, 2024 7:36 am

Luigi the inconceivable quietly drops any pretence of border control.

That bill, which the government in March insisted was so urgent that the parliament pass through the House of Representatives and Senate within days of its unveiling, seeks to make it easier for the immigration minister to deport non-citizens. It would also give the government the power to effectively ban travel from countries that do not accept involuntary returns of their citizens.

June 23, 2024 7:37 am

Did I just see right? The Shorten pollimuppett in Switzerland paying homage to Zelinsky? Sometimes I think (hope) that the Anal administration thinks it’s a one termer the way they are jetting around the world pretending to be statespersons.

June 23, 2024 7:54 am
June 23, 2024 8:00 am

Finland: they’ve repealed the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics

Marathon Uses Bitcoin Mining To Heat Town Of 11,000 In Finland

June 23, 2024 8:03 am

Drivers and unions want to be treated as employees by Uber and Lyft.
Companies aren’t prepared to operate at a loss leave state.
Huge win for union and drivers!
If it happens.
A similar case went to court in Australia re taxi drivers years ago.
They are not employees under Australian law.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
June 23, 2024 8:18 am


Last edited 4 days ago by Mother Lode
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
June 23, 2024 8:21 am

Re the Marxist leanings of the Sydney University Vice Chancellor, never an academic, who came directly from the ABC to add further rot to a once-great university, my old Alma Mater, as it is for many on this august site.

The rot set in during the 70’s when two Faculties (Economics and Arts) allowed the Marxists to hive off into separate entities of their own in charge of their own curriculum. From then on they never had to seriously defend their lunacies against critique from other staff. Radical students found it an easy ride where their prejudices were simply reinforced without question.

Then the rot spread into new ‘disciplines’ such as communication (Journalism) and also infected Education Faculties. You can see how it all got to where we are today. Hairy’s view is that Arts and Education faculties are so far gone everywhere that it would be wise to close them down and start again. From my own experience, I tend to agree. The small private universities (Campion and Bond in Oz, and the University of Austin (motto: Dare to Think) in the US, (Austin founded in part by historian Niall Ferguson), show how humanities and social thought can still be valuable.

Remake our Arts Faculties in this style, with open critique available and depth and range of scholarship rewarded and enhanced.

June 23, 2024 8:25 am

Another lady who left islam with its best wishes:

Episode 37 – SILENCED with Tommy Robinson – Nuriyah Khan (

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
June 23, 2024 8:29 am

Huge win for union and drivers!

I have long held that one of the greatest destroyer of jobs in Australia, at least since the 60’s, has been the union movement which has consistently demanded businesses make bad decisions to accommodate the promises they make their members but which ultimately make the business untenable.

This is not to let government off the hook, which has imposed rules and regulations either for column inches that appease the vanity of one politician after another and has also allowed itself to be manipulated by activists, socialists, and enviroloons who have the hubristic chutzpah to think everyone else is getting it wrong and we must change society according to some utopia based on the most recent books they have read – but who have never run a business, cured a sick person, built anything, created anything people would buy, or fought off an enemy on behalf of someone else.

Last edited 4 days ago by Mother Lode
June 23, 2024 8:42 am
June 23, 2024 8:44 am

Claims Of Revolutionary Batteries Turn Out To Be Unfounded Hype By “Uncritical Media”

… no kidding

what we really need is
to be ready ready to pounce on that robot that our future selves send backward in time

we can kill it and steal the future technology
so that we finally have a clue

…. any day now I’m sure

Last edited 4 days ago by MatrixTransform
Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
June 23, 2024 8:54 am

I’m not expecting to see a leftist Week In Pictures anytime soon…

Biden Allies Spend $10 Million To Learn How To Meme (22 Jun)

The complete inability of these people to either understand or do humour is legendary.

June 23, 2024 9:12 am

I don’t really think old poo pants is a marxist or a socialist. The old perv is just a low life, amoral, immoral crook for sale.

June 23, 2024 9:20 am

BoM radar page for Terrey Hills was down yesterday .. Back up now but the map has no names/features marked on it just a coastline/ocean separation so you’re left to guess where you are located .. LOL!

Last edited 4 days ago by shatterzzz
Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
June 23, 2024 9:24 am

 June 22, 2024 10:53 pm

“Speaking of the NDIS”

Any day in Aldi, KMart, without even trying I see at least 2 NDIS carers with client. Today there were 3 in Aldi. One was elderly with walking stick, another a truly obese woman but walking and the other a more elderly walking woman

Unlikely the elderly ones were NDIS. It cuts our at 65.
More likely on Aged Care Home Package.
Not as generous as NDIS.

June 23, 2024 9:34 am

New Study: Large Atmospheric Pressure Swings May Explain Past Hothouse-Icehouse Climates, CO2 Levels

For instance, the “giant birds of the Miocene,” with wingspans of “6.5 m or more,” could not take flight with today’s air densities (Cannell, 2020). Knowing what we know about flight physics, a minimum air pressure of 1.3 bar “would have been necessary for these birds to fly.”

awesome stuff … I’ve wondered about that before

June 23, 2024 9:49 am

We all know that crappy home building is rife, and that governments have been strangely reluctant to do anything to prevent it. Well, here’s a straw in the wind.

Both the Victorian gubbmint (beholden to construction unions) and the developers agree that sub-standard buiding is perfectly acceptable and to be expected.

In its response to Ms Hutchins’ formal complaint, the state government confirmed some issues she raised — like an elevator fault and a lack of phone coverage in the basement — were identified as defects and had been addressed.
“Dunlop Avenue is a new building and there will occur some issues early on, including defects,” the agency’s response said.


In a response to Ms Hutchins in May 2023, Evolve Housing said it would raise the issues with the builder, “reinforcing the urgency for repair”, but the company declined to respond to specific questions from the ABC.
In a statement, it said general defects were “typical of any new development”. 
Built Pty Ltd did not respond directly to a request for comment, but referred the ABC’s questions to Evolve Housing and the state government.


Usually, when you buy a new something (car, appliance, pair of shoes etc) the assumption is that it is going to be free of defects – that’s one of the main reasons for buying something new.

Not when you buy a home, though, even though it’s the biggest thing you’ll ever buy. Governments and developers and builders all agree that it is normal to expect defects.

I really feel for those poor bastards who are up to their necks in debt and living in the in-laws’ spare room with their kids – for years – because their ‘dream home’ is riddled with defects and officially uninhabitable. They can’t get the problems fixed, no matter how hard they try.

Whatever the reasons for government inaction – and I think most of us can guess – it just highlights how little the political class really cares about us.

June 23, 2024 9:52 am
June 23, 2024 10:07 am

it just highlights how little the political class really cares about us.


They HATE us. Us voters are the bane of their parasitic lives at the trough. They are entitled to OPM dontcha know.

June 23, 2024 10:20 am

Leader Of Maryland LGBTQ+ Dems Caught In Alleged P3do Sting, Trying To Meet With Young Boy

As I keep saying; the left want your kids.

h/t ZH.

June 23, 2024 11:04 am

Remember how Sweden used to be thought of?

In the 70s and beyond, a socialist paradise where everyone was happy and the people (especialy the women) were exceptionally good looking. Oh, and going back further, a valued source of porn.

Read this and consider how quickly the dream has been destroyed by unfettered immigration of men who oppose every value they supposedly held dear.

As usual, the political class wanted to sit at the big kids’ table at international gatherings. So much cooler than domestic stuff, plus travel, fancy hotels, like-minded careerists – what’s not to like? These gatherings, incidentally, inflicted toy railways on cities all over the world, at ruinous costs and destruction of businesses and the local heritage.

Never mind how cheap air travel has caused tourist mayhem. The international gatherings of politicians and officials has done infinitely more harm.

June 23, 2024 11:07 am


 I must chase up the scoundrel who borrowed ours and hasn’t returned one of them yet. That’s the problem, so many people want to borrow them. We had them on display on Australia Day in the window overlooking the harbour and heads, so very redolent, and they sparked a lot of borrowing interest. Available for fifty bucks, I said, but people still borrowed then bought their own copies later. 🙂

Lending books is fraught with loss. By the time I care, I have forgotten who I lent them to, despite fine resolutions about keeping records.
But its my own fault. I feel so smug having found a wonderful book and sharing it with my friends.

Current case in point: Exactly, by Colin Winchester. COOLEST story of how humanity achieved precision and manufacturing using interchangeable parts, through to the space laser measurements of today.

Lent to two people I highly respect, and expect will give it back – if they don’t die in possession.

Another time I had the magnificent ‘Small Arms of Western Australia’, $80 from the author, someone borrowed it and I checked it had my name and number inside, and let it go.

Five years later I found it for sale again, and bought another copy.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
June 23, 2024 11:15 am

Lending books is fraught with loss.

I lent a relative of mine a very rare title, signed by the author.

Said relative rang to ask if the book really was quite rare.

“Yes, to the best of my knowledge, it’s the only copy in existence.”

“Oh, it’s just that (my partner) lent it to a friend of his, and he can’t remember who he lent it to.”

I eventually got the book back, but I don’t lend books very often, these days.

June 23, 2024 11:27 am

Great article Jo. Thanks.

I was last in Sweden in 2008 and before that the late 90’s. I loved the place. Safe, easy going, orderly and interesting. Summer in the archipelago was sublime.I won’t be going back,

These 2 paras sum up the national tragedy the Swedes have brought on themselves by handing their future over to Progressives. It’s suicide;

Sweden is not Sweden any longer. The Swedish people have primarily their elected rulers to blame. Swedish streets belong to immigrant gangs. Hence, Swedish women are losing their personal freedom in public space; they cannot move freely for fear of faith-based molestation (e.g. catcalling, groping, and rape), considered second-rank persons as both women and infidels.

Robbery, homicide, and gang rape are skyrocketing. Leading to unsuspecting victims, the use of automatic weapons and grenades is now commonplace in the gang wars. Sweden is becoming the horror example of a homogenous, civilized, and peaceful society that collapses in the face of cultural-moral decadence, self-denial, and hostile mass immigration in conjunction. Division replaces social cohesion.

Last edited 4 days ago by Makka
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
June 23, 2024 11:45 am

Sunday morning coffee, and reading Alan Dershowitz “War Against the Jews.”

Dershowitz makes the claim that Hamas sent its murderers and rapists into Israel on October 7th, because they realized that Israel and the Saudi’s were on the verge of making a peace that would limit Israeli settlements on the West Bank, and move towards a “Two State” solution. This would have marginalized Hamas, and any other terrorist groups that oppose peace, and any “Two State” solution that allows Israel to exist. (Page 57.)

That’s the first I’d heard of this – any Cats able to shed any light on this claim?

June 23, 2024 11:47 am

Here is a bit of ‘Hi Allanism’

I am the last person to ever call for regulation however comma, I am fed up with irresponsible parents transferring their risk to me by permitting tiny children to roar around the roads and footpaths on high powered ebikes.

This morning I just missed two tots charging across the traffic on their rear wheels. They flipped the bird at irate road users. There is an increasing risk to pedesterians.

As usual the bureaucrats have left action too late. When cornered they will introduce draconian legislation that restricts everyone, not just juvenile morons.

You cannot drive a motor scooter at 11 years of age but you can ride an ebike with dramatically more rapid accelleration.

Only minor regulation is needed: minimum age, some form iof permit (perhaps from school) and restrictions on where they can be operated.

Oh; and the death penalty.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
June 23, 2024 11:48 am

‘The British blew a 13 colony lead’

h/t WIP.

Brilliant. Outstandingly brilliant.

Black Ball
Black Ball
June 23, 2024 11:49 am

Here with the son at Bounce in Glen Iris. He’s attending his best friend’s birthday party.
Walking in it seems there is no shortage of cash for those taking their kids here. Magnificent array of vehicles, including a Bugatti. Mercedes, Beamers, Land Rovers, you name it it was there. What a sight to behold.
Then rather than sit around and wait for our train home, we’re off to watch Essendon v West Coast at Docklands, which I think will be closer than what pundits say, because Essendon are a rubbish side who have no place in the top 8

June 23, 2024 12:01 pm

Does my NDIS funding continue after I turn 65?Yes. If you are already enrolled in the NDIS, you will continue to receive support from the NDIS after 65 years of age. Once you turn 65, nothing changes, and you will continue to receive funding in the same way you have been. This also means that your NDIS plan can continue to evolve, as you require more care or different types of care.
Check out here too. .

Last edited 4 days ago by Ceres
June 23, 2024 12:04 pm

Yes good article thanks Johanna. That repulsive wimmin is just so typical of the type attracted to politics- grifting, narcissistic and psychopathic. So many similar ones here.

June 23, 2024 12:07 pm

Politics to me these days is largely trying to protect the country from these vile people.

Last edited 4 days ago by Miltonf
June 23, 2024 12:11 pm

June 23, 2024 12:01 pm

Does my NDIS funding continue after I turn 65?Yes. If you are already enrolled in the NDIS, you will continue to receive support from the NDIS after 65 years of age. Once you turn 65, nothing changes, and you will continue to receive funding in the same way you have been. This also means that your NDIS plan can continue to evolve, as you require more care or different types of care.

If that’s true, no wonder the NDIS is blowing out.

But, is it?

June 23, 2024 12:11 pm

I still wanna know what tits shortarse is doing in Switzerland.

Last edited 4 days ago by Miltonf
June 23, 2024 12:40 pm

It is a magnificent day here in Queanbeyan,

Bright blue sky, no wind to speak of, the BOM says its 10C. But, I have my Phalo etc orchid out in the sun. It’s grown one new leaf this winter, and is growing another.

We’ve hit -6C here recently, my objective is to keep it alive till Spring.


June 23, 2024 12:42 pm

the consent of whom, the PA, Saudis, both?
Saudi Arabia has a number of projects that would have included Israel. In particular the rail link across the east coast from Dubai via Amman to Haifa. Amman was to be an internal (inland) port – a big winner for Jordan. Goods dropped off in Dubai from Asia would make their way to Europe. The Abraham Accord had this in mind. Part of the railway has been built.
Note that this is the Sunni rail not the Shia trade route courtesy of China passing through the new crescent of Shia countries ( never underestimate how much they hate each other).
In my limited experience Saudi and Jordan would ( informally) support Israel in destroying Hamas. The palis are a nightmare for all these countries. This is one reason I think Israel ignores the western press.

It is impossible to get any formal information. Neither Jordan or Saudi let the world know what they are thinking. It is just not the Bedouin way. It is all subtle. But the Israelis know this. Hence we have to guess. My guess having experience with them all for many years is that Dershowitz is correct. But why is he telling us?

Top Ender
Top Ender
June 23, 2024 12:44 pm

In Sousse, Tunisia, and at 3am have just been blasted awake by the call to prayer, being broadcast from a minaret about 200m away!

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
June 23, 2024 12:46 pm

Sweden is becoming the horror example of a homogenous, civilized, and peaceful society that collapses in the face of cultural-moral decadence, self-denial, and hostile mass immigration in conjunction. Division replaces social cohesion.

In Europe, “is becoming” should be “is”. The European press (at least in the countries I look at) is very clear sighted about the explosion of Islamic-based, immigrant violence in Sweden.

The ‘becoming’ horror, relates to what to do to manage the situation in Sweden and elsewhere.

Yesterday cohenite posted an interesting discussion piece on the strategic failure of ‘deradicalisation’ programs – essentially because of the lack of clear moral and religious distinction between mainstream and extreme Islam.

The takeaway was that the violent fringe will always accompany the larger whole – and therefore the solution is to engage the whole with western values, thereby isolating the extremists, criminals, and nutters in their own communities.

History doesn’t give much encouragement to that approach and the time and resources required probably don’t match the scale of the immediate problem.

The ‘what else’ options are themselves increasingly disturbing in the context of peaceful, rule of law, western democracies.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
June 23, 2024 12:50 pm

One of the top ten worst ideas ever (the Tele):

People wanting to be cops who are reluctant to sign up for fear of having to uproot their lives and leave their home towns can now have a say in their postings as part of a massive push by NSW Police to boost recruitment.

As part of a new recruitment campaign revealed by The Sunday Telegraph, potential candidates from 12 different regional towns across NSW can opt to serve their local community once they graduate.

Recruiting is terrible nationwide, largely (in my view) because nobody wants to be the enforcement arm of unelected, overpaid and unaccountable ‘health professionals’, thank you very much Covid. It will be decades, if at all, before any trust from the community is rebuilt – hence the recruitment drives, lowering or eliminating of standards and cash bonuses offered for joining.

This is NSW plod brass Dean Smith:

“We know that becoming a police officer and moving away from home can be a big ask, especially if you have family and enjoy where you live,” he said.

“This new initiative will give those who apply to be a police officer a higher level of confidence on where they’ll work.

Breathtaking in its short-sighted idiocy.

Welcome to idiots from towns and regional centres, who after performing the role of local flog for years now returning as the local jack.

All those perceived grudges and little insults, built up over time will now be revisited upon the normal community by said flog, now bearing a badge and gun and with a 44 gallon drum of Do You Know Who I Am NOW on each shoulder.

I knew a bloke once from Mildura, who had an inflated self-opinion and who had played that exact flog role. He’d just joined the cops, and wanted to straight back to Mildura after his training.

I asked him why on earth he would want to back to his home town as a jack.

He said, ‘I’ve got a list’.

June 23, 2024 12:53 pm

Really? Except the tootsies decide on the who enters that sea corridor.

JC, learn the meaning of per se.

Per se it is then.

Per se isn’t really a term that should be used (as well as mind reading) what their plan of action is after the Israeli war on terror.
I very much doubt that water lane will be in free use even over the long term.

June 23, 2024 1:16 pm
June 23, 2024 1:17 pm


June 22, 2024 2:32 pm

The Iranian attempt to build a nuke bomb is just a harmless Year 12 science experiment is it, and its not to dominate neighborhood etc?

Having nukes won’t change that calculation.

In this case it would.

Remember the Iranian regime has a stated goal of wiping Israel off the map and think all the Jews concentrated in a small area is just dandy.

You really think they’d just sit on ’em?

June 23, 2024 1:31 pm

But how many lives were lost and destroyed in the course of this.

Bret Weinstein – How the COVID Narrative Collapsed

June 23, 2024 1:36 pm

My attitude to Muslims is to hope for conversion,

And which part of Islam’s violent 1500 year history both at home and abroad leads you to that forlorn hope? The moslem diversity in say, Sweden?

‘Islam’ already has nukes. You said yourself that Pakistan balances the regional situation on the subcontinent by itself having nukes.

You mistakenly construe the Paki/India situation into my agreeing to allowing Islamic states nuclear weapons. That is ridiculous.You OTOH seem to think because Israel and the west have nukes, Iran is entitled to same. Just mad.

No, treat them as you would any other state without losing sight of their character, local situation, and the like.

“Without losing sight of their character”. Exactly. Which is why I’m comfortable with the complete destruction of Iran’s ruling elites and deny them nukes.Their “character” simplifies that position for me. And that applies to any belligerent Islamic state. Islam won’t be eradicated unfortunately, but for our own sakes it needs to be contained and made inert of threats to the west. By any means we have available.

Last edited 4 days ago by Makka
June 23, 2024 1:41 pm

As many will have noted, I am a great fan of the US historian/ social commentator, Victor Davis Hanson. I regularly follow his sub stack. Here are some of his recent examples of the changes in the USA and his assessment of them:

We are returning to tribalism  
Middle class disappearing
Permanent non elected bureaucracy growing
Coastal elites love the international bureaucrats
12 yrs of decline of real wages in USA
Squeezing of the middle class
2.1>1.7 decline in fertility rate
Lotus-eater narcissism 
Young men wont get a job, marry etc
You cant use mainstream media to change anything – only online
Things are changing very rapidly – especially because of Ukraine
50 million illegals in USA
Inflation soaring – a $7 sheet of plywood 4X8 is now $55
Ports disfunctional in California – looting of cargo 
No interest in money in bank
Chaos in USA
You cannot sit on the sidelines 

June 23, 2024 1:56 pm

Regarding police recruiting seems no age limit.
Was talking to somebody currently under training at the Qld Police academy.
The oldest recruit is 57. Consider also that he has to retire at 60 so going to have less than 3 years of actual service. He is not a former cop from elsewhere.
Overseas cop recruits being paid $30,000 to move here.
The largest training intake is just over 140 and only 15% female. Compare to about 4 years ago when they were religiously trying to have 50% female recruits.

June 23, 2024 2:06 pm

The rhetoric is mixed and even if you set that aside, they themselves have to deal with the reality of a reply, which they’re well aware off.

The rhetoric isn’t “mixed” in the least. The mullahs have been very clear. They desire Israel is “wiped off the map”.

How do you know what ball game they’re playing? The mullahs can very well think that killing off all the Israelis (wipe Israel off the map) is worth it – even if they lose 1/2 or more their population (40 million). You have no basis to make any sort of calculation with nut-balls. You don’t know their premise.

Moreover, it would incite these loons to be even more aggressive with the use of proxies as they feel protected with nuclear warheads. You’re just making it up as you go along.

Last edited 4 days ago by JC
June 23, 2024 2:16 pm

 they themselves have to deal with the reality of a reply

Ah, the lure of the 72 virgins. Tough call.

June 23, 2024 2:22 pm

How do you know what ball game they’re playing? The mullahs can very well think that killing off all the Israelis (wipe Israel off the map) is worth it – even if they lose 1/2 or more their population (40 million). 

I would have agreed with this, were it not for the restraint of Iran after their greatest living hero – Qaseem Suleimani – was summarily executed by targeted missile by the USA some years ago. I fully expected a huge reprisal, but I don’t recall anything of the magnitude that one would expect.

June 23, 2024 2:26 pm

Big call dude, but nice call.



Jun 22

It’s over. The Coalition has won the next election

June 23, 2024 2:27 pm

BTW It is such a shame that a couple of Cats p—ed off “Old Ozzie”. He was such a great contributor, posting lots of excellent material.

For those who want to access this stuff, he now posts regularly on the Jo Nova blog.

June 23, 2024 2:32 pm

Jun 22
It’s over. The Coalition has won the next election

No doubt the Coalition had run quite a few focus groups all over the country before taking the gamble. But you really can sense the fact that “nuclear” was a solution whose “time has come”. We attended a forum on Energy Solutions conducted by the IPA a few weeks ago. The calibre of the speakers in relation to nuclear energy was top level.

June 23, 2024 2:45 pm

And, of course, this is why Iran will seek, if it hasn’t already obtained, nukes, and security cooperation with Russia, China, and the like.

Come back when they’ve received this guarantee. No one likes them. Not even China.

June 23, 2024 2:57 pm

Many of us have lost interest and/or stopped reading about “the space race”. This is (for me) an amazing article on private industry in space exploration.

June 23, 2024 3:02 pm
June 23, 2024 3:06 pm
June 23, 2024 3:06 pm

I’m aware of the history, that is why I’d prefer them to stay where they are now.

Steady on. You were talking about conversion. Don’t deflect.

how does Pakistan get a free ride?

I doesn’t. India is doing the job.

And, of course, this is why Iran will seek, if it hasn’t already obtained, nukes, and security cooperation with Russia, China, and the like.

Long before Russia and China became firm pals, Iran was seeking nukes with their stated intent of “death to the Jews” and “death to Amerika”. That’s nothing new. In any case, I see the real problem is in the WH, moreso than Iran in that respect. I think Israel knows what’s going on with Iran’s nuke capabilities and I trust in their ability to deal with that threat timely and effectively. Not the US.

Last edited 4 days ago by Makka
June 23, 2024 3:12 pm

Books, Loans and Returns to your own collection.

I asked my insurer once about my 2,000+ books and how it would be if fire tore through the place.

She said make sure yohave a record, take photos of all the spines as they are in the bookshelves, or get a software program and enter them all.

I did both .. so I have a record of every book in the house.

The software has a field for “Loans” for each book and you can set a follow up reminder !

You can use your phone to scan barcodes and it finds the covers (usually the correct edition too) anything too old and you have to manually enter it, but that’s not so difficult.ISBN based.

Huge piece of mind knowing you have cataloged everything and would make an insurance, replacement claim much easier.

The software I use is from the Netherlands and has been very reliable.

The do Movies, Comics etc, I just use it for books, on my home PC and back that up offsite and on my phone. You can use a cloud, web browser function, but the costs soon add up and do I really need it, no.

June 23, 2024 3:24 pm

And just to prove it’s not only islam which is totally fuked here is Week in Culture:


June 23, 2024 3:27 pm

On the current Ukraine situation as some 800,000 Russian troops dig in & Ukraine runs low on munitions – observations of defence analyst Colonel Douglas MacGregor :

June 23, 2024 3:28 pm

You don’t need to ‘like’ a country to see it as a strategic asset.

True. So strategically, it would be very dumb to furnish your asset with the means of it’s self destruction.

June 23, 2024 3:46 pm

No, the free ride was that you allowed the same reasons that motivated Pakistan to nuke up but disallowed them for Iran

No. Does Pakistan have a record of fighting proxy wars outside it’s borders over decades, beyond the historical skirmishes with Afghan tribes? Does Pakistan repeatedly threaten to bring death to other nations? Does Pakistan kidnap and hold hundreds of other nationals captive?

Pakistan has had historical and very bloody conflict with India. India has nukes and that keeps Pakistan well under wraps. Has done for over 20 years. Recent history shows the stability.

You trying to justify Iran obtaining nukes is madness. To what end – bring stability to the ME and counter militant Israel? What’s your exact position here?

June 23, 2024 3:47 pm
June 23, 2024 3:58 pm

In a discussion on finding the perfect woman some wit put this up…

I gotta tell you, it’s slim pickens, or the pickens ain’t slim.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
June 23, 2024 4:10 pm

SA cops apprehend young man with alleged 0.291 blood alcohol readingDuncan EvansNewsWire
Sun, 23 June 2024 1:32PM

A young man has had his driving licence suspended and will appear in court after allegedly blowing a blood-alcohol reading nearly six times the legal limit.
South Australian police officers caught up with the man on Sunday morning after other concerned motorists made multiple calls into police, alleging the man was driving erratically and swerving on Adelaide’s roads.

All right, which one of you lot was it?

June 23, 2024 4:23 pm

Adam Creighton got another good article up at The Oz regarding Kansas v Pfizer and poll on vaccine regret.

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
June 23, 2024 4:24 pm

I still wanna know what tits shortarse is doing in Switzerland.

Sleaze knows he is going to be challenged for the leadership so getting rid of Short Willie is his tactic.

Hasn’t worked out how to sideline the Slovenian Hag yet or the toothy Treasurer. And Marles is a dark horse.

No one, but no one is remotely concerned if Bowen throws his propeller hat into the ring. Dead man walking.

June 23, 2024 4:34 pm

mean little men

June 23, 2024 4:38 pm

Saw a reference to 43 books Amazon were asked by Biden Government to suppress as might affect Vax uptake.
Anybody seen the actual list and can post. I can guess a few but will be interesting to see.
You can guarantee our Government probably did the same as seemed very good at following US.

June 23, 2024 4:44 pm

Recently a bloke prangged his car at the roundabout in Woden. Very little said apart from the car make and colour, the amount of alcohol, 8x over the limit and the age and suburb the alleged, cough, driver lives in. Coincidentally an esteemed member of the medical profession fits the description. I’m wondering if the case gets buried or not. If it does then I know who it was.

June 23, 2024 4:47 pm


I believe it’s not that easy getting rid of a Liars Party PM. They have to go back to the party members who also vote in order to facilitate a change. These changes occurred in Rudd’s second time around.

June 23, 2024 4:47 pm

Dover there are no benefits to Iran having Nooks.

June 23, 2024 4:53 pm

Dover there are no benefits to Iran having Nooks.

The mad mullahs may disagree.

June 23, 2024 4:59 pm

I’m not sure why people here think any of these countries care what any of us thinks in regards to their interests.

So what? I can’t imagine anyone has ever believed that any opinion thrown on here would be of interest to anyone in these countries.

I very much doubt Xi, Un, Vlad or any of the Mullahs wake up every morning and run to their Ipad to see what is the latest opinion on Catallaxy.

Who here believes otherwise, or is this another mindreading exercise?

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
June 23, 2024 5:07 pm

‘Wicked and cynical’: Keating attacks Dutton
Joanna Panagopoulos
Former prime minister Paul Keating has launched a scathing attack on Peter Dutton‘s character and his nuclear energy policy, saying “only the most wicked and cynical of individuals would foist such a blight on an earnest community like Australia”.
“Petter (sic) Dutton is a charlatan – an inveterate climate change denialist,” Mr Keating wrote in a statement.
“A denialist now seeking to camouflage his long held denialism in an industrial fantasy – resort to the most dangerous and expensive energy source on the face of the earth – nuclear power.
“In advocating this, Dutton continues his party’s manic denialism, first articulated by Tony Abbott over a decade ago – turning his back on the most debated, most discussed problem of the Industrial Age – carbon and carbon sequestration.
“Dutton, like Abbott, will do everything he can to de-legitimise renewables and stand in the way of their use as the remedy nature has given us to underwrite our life on earth.
“Only the most wicked and cynical of individuals would foist such a blight on an earnest community like Australia. A community which fundamentally believes in truth and decency and which relies on its political system to advance those ideals.
“Dutton, in his low rent opportunism, mocks the decency and earnestness which recognises that carbon must be abated and with all urgency.
“As bad as that, by his blatant opposition to renewables, Dutton calls into question and deprecates all the government has done to provide Australian business with a reliable and dependable framework for investment in renewables – the one thing, however late in the piece, the country needs to rely upon to lift the carbon menace off its back.
“No person interested in public policy – regardless of their affiliations or beliefs, should consider, let alone endorse Dutton’s backwardness, his unreal world view that the most lethal technology of another age is a contemporary substitute for nature’s own remedy.
“Dutton’s policy, of its essence, is that human-induced climate change is a fraudulent concept propagated by environmentalists and left-leaning fellow travellers – a concept he believes should be deplored and opposed,” he wrote.

Paul Keating? I stopped listening to him in 1996.

June 23, 2024 5:11 pm

a contemporary substitute for nature’s own remedy.

Homeopathic electricity?

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
June 23, 2024 5:19 pm

Anybody seen the actual list and can post. 

Bourne, here.

The two images on the RHS list the 43 titles, which are all concerning vaccines.

June 23, 2024 5:30 pm
June 23, 2024 5:45 pm

The point I was making is saying there are no benefits to Iran having nukes is beside the point from the point of view of the Iranians. We aren’t giving them the technology, the capability, and they’re not acquiring it as a favour to us.

There are obvious benefits for Iran to have nuclear weapons, or at least they perceive there to be. For instance, they can cause more problems with their proxy wars and hide behind the threat of nuclear retaliation. They can also bully their neighbors and could eventually threaten continental Europe.

The problem with your view is that we don’t know what their risk tolerance is, which I highlighted earlier. However, more nuclear-armed dictatorships are not a positive as they increase risk. This is something you’re not prepared to accept and dismiss with a wave of the hand. In fact, I’d argue that, having read a lot of what you’ve said, you actually support the idea of Iran gaining nukes. I don’t know why, but it would be worth it if, at some stage, you elaborated on this view.

June 23, 2024 5:46 pm

Something unfolding at Marion Shopping Centre ADL:

Plenty of pics with cops and M4’s running around so wonder what’s cracking. No reports of Ambulances yet so hopes are no deaths yet apart from the perp…

Marion is the only shopping complex I have ever come across in Oz with a nightclub in the building, in my misspent youth on a break.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
June 23, 2024 5:52 pm

“Only the most wicked and cynical of individuals would foist such a blight on an earnest community like Australia. A community which fundamentally believes in truth and decency and which relies on its political system to advance those ideals.

?PJ Keating.

I nearly split my Depends…

June 23, 2024 5:58 pm

Oh dear, I had a big spray at Paul Keating on the Oz replies, bet it doesn’t get through the mods.

He called out Dutton as “bitter and cynical,” I couldn’t let it go. I had a run-in with PJK back in my reporting days when he was treasurer of the ‘recession we had to have,’ he caused me some trouble with my employer at the time, the national broadcaster, but no real damage, and then he wasn’t there after 1996.

“Bitter and cynical” is the core of this has-been, I am glad to see him descending into later-life irrelevance.

June 23, 2024 6:01 pm

The rhetoric is mixed over the years and Iran isn’t going to wipe Israel off the map with nukes and in doing so wipe the Palestinians off the map in doing so.


We can see how much of a flying their proxy, hamas, gives for their fellow “Palistinians”.

June 23, 2024 6:19 pm
Cassie of Sydney
June 23, 2024 6:22 pm

The tragedy of Iran is that the Shia theocracy, in power since 1979 and proving impossible to budge or soften, is a menace to the world but particularly the Jewish world It’s chief export has long been terrorism, be it Hamas, Hezbollah, Houthis, as well as other terrorist groups it funds and arms. Hezbollah has, with Iranian help, destabilised Lebanon even more than the PLO did in the 1970s.

Since 1979 the Iranians have attacked not just Israel and Israelis but also Jewish targets in countries as far field as Argentina. In 1994 a truck loaded with explosives drove into the AMIA Jewish center in Buenos Aires and detonated, leaving 85 dead and over 300 injured, the deadliest terror act in Argentina’s history.

The tragedy of Iran is that Iranians are a very likeable people. Most Iranians living in Iran loathe the regime, atheism is now dominant in Iran and the mosques are empty. Currently, Iranian expats and refugees, most of whom are now ex-Muslims as well, support Israel against Hamas.

People don’t understand why Iran has nukes, it’s not for deterrent. It stems from Shia messianic theology. If given the chance, Iran will use those nukes, against Israel but also against their mortal enemy, an enemy it hates almost as much as it hates Jews, and that is the Sunni world. Iran wants to stamp Shiism across the middle east and the world. The Shia Iranian antipathy towards the Sunnis goes back to a battle that happened on a plain in Iraq over fifteen hundred years ago, at the battle of Karbala, when the second Sunni caliph slaughtered the grandchildren of ‘prophet’ Mohammad along with other family members of the ‘prophet’. Shiism believes that only descendants of the ‘prophet’ can lead Islam, they possess divine infallible authority It’s akin to a hereditary papacy.

Last edited 4 days ago by Cassie of Sydney
June 23, 2024 6:27 pm

Thanks for the pointer to 43 books. I am surprised does not include ones by Pierre Kory, Peter McCullough and Naomi Wolf.

June 23, 2024 6:27 pm
June 23, 2024 6:29 pm
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
June 23, 2024 6:30 pm

Petulant outburst’: Dutton hits back at KeatingRhiannon Down
Peter Dutton has hit back at former prime minister Paul Keating’s attack on his nuclear energy policy, labelling his remarks as a “petulant outburst” which further undermines the national interest.
The Opposition Leader declared there was no hope of achieving net zero emissions by 2050 without nuclear power, adding that it was sad to witness Mr Keating’s “fall from grace”.
Mr Dutton said Mr Keating’s criticism that his nuclear policy was merely a bid to “camouflage his long held denialism in an industrial fantasy” and utilised the “most lethal technology of another age”, was unfortunate in the same vein as his “ramblings on international affairs”.
“There is zero chance of reaching net zero by 2050 without zero-emission nuclear power. Mr Keating should know this,” he said.
“Under Labor’s ‘renewables only’ approach, it will cost $1.3 trillion to rewire our nation. If you think you’re paying a lot now, wait until these costs are reflected in your energy bills.
“I’ll stand up for Australian families and small businesses for cheaper, cleaner, and consistent power.
“Mr Keating can continue to be a sad and despondent character, doing Mr Albanese’s bidding, while Australian families suffer under Labor’s energy trainwreck.”
Mr Dutton invoked former Labor prime minister Bob Hawkes’ words from 2016 when he praised the merits of nuclear power in tackling global warming, and Mr Keating’s history of spouting colourful takes on politics, including China, since leaving office.
“Even Prime Minister Albanese acknowledged that Mr Keating’s recent ramblings on international affairs were ‘unfortunate’,” he said.
“Mr Keating’s statement today is no different.
“This petulant outburst from a man who criticises AUKUS just undermines our national interest.
“If only we had Labor leaders like the late great Bob Hawke who embraced nuclear power as being ‘a win for the environment and an essential part of the attacking that must be made on this grievous and dangerous global warming. It would be a win for the global environment and a win for Australia’.”

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
June 23, 2024 6:32 pm

The rhetoric is mixed over the years and Iran isn’t going to wipe Israel off the map with nukes and in doing so wipe the Palestinians off the map in doing so.

Like everyone here, I’m an armchair expert.

In my considered Taxi Driver’s view, similarly to Kim Jong Haircut, the Iranian mullockracy wins by having nukes thusly:

• Creates uncertainty for those powerful external adversaries who might be tempted to go for a spot of regime change.

• Displays Big Boy’s Trousers to proxies, partners, adversaries, and the peaceful world.

• A message to the reluctant domestic punters – don’t think we’re shit, look, we are as powerful as the Great Satan.

The chances of a preemptive strike on Israel, which one way or another would be the brutal end of the Iranian regime, do seem slight.

But then, predicting rational responses from people rooted firmly in the 7th century is a risky business.

Cassie of Sydney
June 23, 2024 6:34 pm

June 23, 2024 12:45 pm

A very sound reminder from his Sydney address
Many Jews…”had lost their instinct for danger, coming of age in liberal, tolerant, civilised societies where we thought we had found acceptance and our place.”

” And the lesson of Oct 7 is that that’s in fact an illusion. We are back in Jewish history as we’ve known it for so many generations.”

I have said exactly the same since October 7. The good times for Jews in the West are over.

Even Sydney University has submitted to radical Islamists. I don’t believe Sydney University is now a safe place for Jews.

By the way, I don’t normally watch Channel Nine’ 60 Minutes but this morning I watched the 60 Minutes episode from last Sunday. The episode looks at just who is behind the pro-Palestine protests. It’s on Youtube and it’s not bad. And we should be worried about just who is financing and providing succour to these Jew hate fests. Hizbut Tahrir are very busy behind the scenes at the protests we’re seeing on our streets and university campuses.

Now deadshit Mark Scott and the rest of the Sydney Uni scum have emboldened these sinister actors further. Jews should leave Sydney University.

These protests since October 7 have not been about letting off steam, rather they’ve been about creating lots of steam…Jew hating steam.

June 23, 2024 6:37 pm

“Under Labor’s ‘renewables only’ approach, it will cost $1.3 trillion to rewire our nation. If you think you’re paying a lot now, wait until these costs are reflected in your energy bills.

Which will give us another “recession we had to have”.

June 23, 2024 6:48 pm

Petter (sic) Dutton is a charlatan – an inveterate climate change denialist,” Keating scrawled 

FFS, it’s “Dr Mutton”, you bald braindead narcissistic ol’ scrote.


June 23, 2024 6:48 pm

Campus Jihad and who is funding it.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
June 23, 2024 6:52 pm

I’ve got no idea how you accurately cost renewables as they need rebuilding every twenty years and constant expansion as the population and demand grows.
The cost of home solar and batteries is part of the plan and yet is uncounted by AEMO.
They absolutely need your investment to make it cheap and affordable.

June 23, 2024 6:55 pm
June 23, 2024 7:01 pm

I am unqualified, like in most matters, to know whether Clennel is, or is not, a capable journalist.

But I do know that the smug is overpowering.

There is a role for him on RN.

June 23, 2024 7:02 pm


That reminds me, have they named the ex-pollie who is/was an active Chinese agent yet?

Top Ender
Top Ender
June 23, 2024 7:07 pm


the most debated, most discussed problem of the Industrial Age – carbon

As opposed to militant trannies and their agenda of hacking about young teenagers; mad nation-states and nuclear weapons; wild-eyed islamists committing terrorist acts, rampant inflation in some countries; runaway cost-of-living problems here in Australia – I could go on….

From someone who collects French Empire clocks that’s a bit rich.

June 23, 2024 7:08 pm

whether Clennell is, or is not, a capable j’ismist

A staggeringly stupid, hideously uglee partisan hack, but enough about his good points …

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
June 23, 2024 7:11 pm

JC at 5:45.

There are obvious benefits for Iran to have nuclear weapons, or at least they perceive there to be. For instance, they can cause more problems with their proxy wars and hide behind the threat of nuclear retaliation. They can also bully their neighbors and could eventually threaten continental Europe.

Quite so.

The problem with your view is that we don’t know what their risk tolerance is, which I highlighted earlier. 

Or how their risk tolerance might change depending upon which Mad Mullah happens to be in the big chair on any given day.

June 23, 2024 7:12 pm

For all those Debbie Harry fans out there – Blondie, live and magnificent …

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
June 23, 2024 7:14 pm

Was thinking of movies to watch. Cromwell (1970) is available on line – I had been listening to a podcast about John Owen today. Waterloo (also 1970) I see is available variously on YT. I was considering Waterloo because I saw today St Helena now has a nice new airport. Travelling Cats might like to go and check out that interesting island, although even with a new airport it’s still somewhat hard to get to.

Both movies are pretty heavy so I think I’ll do something else.

Last edited 4 days ago by Bruce of Newcastle
Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
June 23, 2024 7:22 pm

Dr F at 6:32.

But then, predicting rational responses from people rooted firmly in the 7th century is a risky business.

When the original Ayatollah bought the farm, they stormed the funeral procession, busted open the coffin and souvenired bits of the shroud.
They eventually had to plonk a shipping container on the grave to stop the acolytes digging him up with their bare hands.
It would be unwise to overlay Western impulse control on that lot.

June 23, 2024 7:23 pm

Does my NDIS funding continue after I turn 65?Yes. If you are already enrolled in the NDIS, you will continue to receive support from the NDIS after 65 years of age. Once you turn 65, nothing changes, and you will continue to receive funding in the same way you have been. This also means that your NDIS plan can continue to evolve, as you require more care or different types of care.

I have a profoundly disabled brother who turns 71 next week. He is domiciled in a care facility and has been funded under NDIS. He has received an extension of the current funding until December 2025 but then they are going to move him out of the facility and out of NDIS.

No-one knows where he will go but he has to go somewhere. He can’t talk, can’t walk, can’t dress himself, can’t go to the toilet, can’t eat properly, can’t communicate, he can’t eat any solids and is currently suffering from aspiration pneumonia from inhaling anything that is in his mouth, he only has partial use of one arm and hand.

Tens of thousands of able bodied people get their lawn mowed and are taken to supermarkets or have meals cooked for them under NDIS but my brother is running a tightrope with a time schedule to send him to hell.

I despise Gillard with a hatred that cannot be described…

June 23, 2024 7:23 pm

Iran isn’t going to wipe Israel off the map with nukes and in doing so wipe the Palestinians off the map in doing so

MAD won’t work with messianic seventh century imbeciles – even the wussians (in their sovietski phase) weren’t that stupid.

Cassie of Sydney
June 23, 2024 7:29 pm

Dunno about others but I’m really glad that Peter Dutton has picked up the Keating swill and thrown it right back in the face of the French clock collector.

Can anyone imagine Scumbag doing that? Nah.

As I’ve said, the time for turning the other cheek is over, finito.

Further to Keating and swill, there’s a lot of smut the MSM have chosen to ignore about the French clock collector….A LOT.

June 23, 2024 7:32 pm

Invasion of the Body Snatchers is on Viceland tonight.
The Donald Sutherland one, of course.

June 23, 2024 7:35 pm

Just before I clock off for tonight – the mighty Rowie Dean asks a question that should concern us all:

Still puzzled: why can’t members of the labore party pronounce the word ‘nuclear’ correctly? Is it a speech defect due to childhood malnutrition or perhaps lower class education or is it some weird undergraduate ideological aversion to the science? Please enlighten me

In the nookular milkman‘s case, clearly too much radioactive dairy product imbibed as a yoof.

Black Ball
Black Ball
June 23, 2024 7:37 pm

I get news alerts sent from whoever does it, Google I imagine.
Anyhoo, it alerts me to a Sydney Morning Herald byline that sayeth most voters are split on the issue of nuclear power, but those same people think renewables are the way forward.
Being that publication, I can only think that those surveyed were in the inner city where renewables are not anywhere near them.
Farketh me sideways

June 23, 2024 7:43 pm

Their risk tolerance for suicide is low.

Yeah, like we’ve seen the risk-averse nature of Hamas since October 7, with most of Palestine now a demolition site. Like we’ve seen, the sheer coarseness of the Palestinian regime towards their civilians. 

And the mullahs hate their own people as much as the people hate them back. I agree, though, to some extent. The mullahs may not be suicidal, as they and their families would be hiding in bomb shelters, while Iranians evaporate.
But still, you haven’t answered the question. Do you support Iran’s move to develop and have nuclear weapons? Yes or no?

Last edited 4 days ago by JC
Black Ball
Black Ball
June 23, 2024 7:52 pm

Then this tripe from the Guardian:

Peter Dutton’s nuclear plan could cost as much as $600bn and supply just 3.7% of Australia’s energy by 2050, experts say

The Coalition’s pledge to build seven nuclear reactors as part of its controversial energy plan could cost taxpayers as much as $600bn while supplying just 3.7% of Australia’s energy mix by 2050, according to the Smart Energy Council.

??The analysis found the plan would cost a minimum of $116bn – the same cost as delivering the Albanese government’s plan for 82% renewables by 2030, and an almost 100% renewable energy mix by 2050

June 23, 2024 7:52 pm

Further to Keating and swill, there’s a lot of smut the MSM have chosen to ignore about the French clock collector….A LOT.

Hayden let the cat out of the bag sometime back in the 90s.

Black Ball
Black Ball
June 23, 2024 7:52 pm

Bolding fail, the first part was the heading. FMD

June 23, 2024 7:54 pm

Keating opening his ugly gob reminds us how vile he was as PM. Playing the anti British, sectarian card. Divisive and offensive.

June 23, 2024 8:08 pm

As I’ve said, the time for turning the other cheek is over, finito.

It never works and never has worked. It just emboldens your enemies. You hit back twice as hard. Something in the New Testament I’ve never agreed with. Much better advice in Exodus.

June 23, 2024 8:09 pm

Just like at High School- the only language the bully understands is a knuckle sandwich.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
June 23, 2024 8:09 pm

Peter Dutton’s nuclear plan could cost as much as $600bn and supply just 3.7% of Australia’s energy by 2050, experts say

It could. And then supply 97.3% of Australia’s energy by 2055.

At this stage of the game, trust ‘experts’ as much as you would trust ‘advocates’, rent seekers, taxi drivers, or anonymous internet peanuts.

Whatever you think, it’s quite a bit more complicated.

June 23, 2024 8:17 pm

Mr Dutton said Mr Keating’s criticism that his nuclear policy was merely a bid to “camouflage his long held denialism in an industrial fantasy” and utilised the “most lethal technology of another age”, was unfortunate in the same vein as his “ramblings on international affairs”.

This would be the same Paul Keating during whose time as Treasurer and PM the majority of Australian industry fled to friendlier and cheaper countries in Asia. This same Keating then crowed at the rise of the Asian Tigers whose rise he enabled and then went to work for when given the heave-ho by Australian voters. This same Paul Keating has no right to ridicule anyone anywhere.

June 23, 2024 8:21 pm

Keating obviously didn’t learn much about electricity during his stint at the SCC.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
June 23, 2024 8:24 pm

For all those Debbie Harry fans out there – Blondie, live and magnificent …

I saw first saw Debbie Harry (as Blondie) in 1979; she was magnificent, although she was bagged as ‘way too old’ for the audience.

I saw her at Hop Farm in 2010, she was still magnificent.

Pollinator (2017?) was still pretty magnificent.

There are freaks of nature…

June 23, 2024 8:42 pm

Peter Dutton’s nuclear plan could cost as much as $600bn and supply just 3.7% of Australia’s energy by 2050, experts say

And Labor’s renewables plan could supply just 3.7% of Australia’s energy needs by 2050 because the wind wasn’t fucking blowing that day and the batteries were flat.

We could go with proven and reliable technology used by major economies all over the world – or we could string together a ramshackle collection of wind turbines, solar panels and batteries in an experiment no economy has ever tried. Gee I wonder which option we should go with.

June 23, 2024 8:42 pm

“If only we had Labor leaders like the late great Bob Hawke who embraced nuclear power as being ‘a win for the environment and an essential part of the attacking that must be made on this grievous and dangerous global warming. It would be a win for the global environment and a win for Australia’.”

LOL, Potato Head laying it on with a trowel.

Sit down, boofhead.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
June 23, 2024 8:47 pm

The overnight temperature minimum for Meanjin is forecast for a terrifying 8°.

No more posting: time to mercy-shoot the dog and start burning furniture to survive the night.

Global Warming has failed us.

Meanjin out.

June 23, 2024 8:51 pm

It is sad to see Keating has lost his political acumen. Classic mistake of attacking Dutton’s nuclear policy as if it is at all realistic or workable.

There is no there there. It’s a scam, obviously. Treating it with any degree of seriousness is a tactical error.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
June 23, 2024 8:51 pm

Peter Dutton’s nuclear plan could cost as much as $600bn and supply just 3.7% of Australia’s energy by 2050, experts say

Can those same experts explain why Renewballs have contributed 18% to our energy mix over the last three months, after having thrown guzzilions of subsidy dollars at it and despite being given a rails run to supply when they are generating.
Can these “experts” calculate the cost of getting to 100% Renewballs, taking into account the diminishing marginal utility of additional capacity as we reach Renewballs saturation and the cost of battery storage to achieve the level of reliability we enjoy with coal (or could enjoy with noocular).

Black Ball
Black Ball
June 23, 2024 9:28 pm

The experts quoted in my Guardian bollocks.
Independent my arsecrack.

June 23, 2024 9:32 pm

Something I’d like to see in person.

Archeology, art and history of the ancient world ·

An aerial view of the remains of Villa Jovis, the residence of Emperor Tiberius, located on the island of Capri, Italy.
The site is situated on a cliff-side, with a stunning view of the blue Mediterranean Sea.

The ruins are surrounded by lush greenery, and the layout of the ancient Roman villa is clearly visible from above.
Villa Jovis was the residence of Roman Emperor Tiberius from 27 AD until his death in 37 AD. It is the largest of the twelve villas built by Tiberius on Capri, as mentioned by the historian Tacitus.

It features an innovative rainwater collection system, which ensures a reliable water supply despite the challenging location. This system included a network of channels and cisterns to harvest rainwater.

Villa Jovis spanned approximately 7,000 square meters and included various rooms such as the emperor’s private quarters, dining rooms, and a bath complex. The property also had an astronomical observatory, (Tiberius was profoundly interested in celestial events).

The site is associated with numerous historical anecdotes and scandalous tales, often recorded by ancient historians like Suetonius. These accounts describe the villa as a place of luxury and debauchery, adding to its historical intrigue.
Source: Wonders of the Past

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
June 23, 2024 9:56 pm

Some kick-ass footage here.

The Greatest Low Flybys & Airshow Moments ” Bobsurgranny ” ( Episode 4 )

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
June 23, 2024 10:08 pm

 June 23, 2024 9:51 pm

 Reply to  Sancho Panzer

18% is a very wrong number, Sancho. The real number is more than double that, pushing towards 40%.

 June 23, 2024 10:00 pm

 Reply to  m0nty

Someone can’t read the NEM dashboard. Solar and wind provided 18% of our power over the last 3 months. Hydro another 7%. Nowhere near 40%.

Apology accepted.

June 23, 2024 10:34 pm

This is boring as watching paint dry, but I’ve learned a new word today.


June 23, 2024 10:52 pm

Black Ball
 June 23, 2024 9:28 pm

The experts quoted in my Guardian bollocks.
Independent my arsecrack.

These people are serious arseholes. They are fuking Australia. Man made global warming is bullshit and renewables are junk. Anyone who believes they work is a grifter and a cretin.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
June 23, 2024 10:56 pm

What contribution does rooftop solar make after dark m0nster?
Or any solar?
Scratch that.
What contribution does it make after about 4:00 p.m. in winter?
So it makes sfa contribution to generation during what will be peak domestic usage periods.
If you want to include it, go do the calcs on those environmentally toxic incendiary devices they call batteries.

June 23, 2024 11:18 pm

June 23, 2024 10:52 pm

These people are serious arseholes. They are fuking Australia. Man made global warming is bullshit and renewables are junk. Anyone who believes they work is a grifter and a cretin.

We know that, but for the believers it’s like a faith. I had discussions with family members I considered sane, no facts will shift them.

To be fair, it is possible to be reliant on renewables 99% but it would ruin the country’s economy.

Can’t even calculate how much it would cost and how long it would take.

Do you really want to cover millions of acres with windmills and solar panels, build untold miles of power lines and thousands of battery banks?

June 23, 2024 11:46 pm


Rooftop solar PV is not included in the visualisations on the site


in a year across the NEM, wind and solar contribute about 32% of total energy

openNEM reports today, that wind and solar contributed about 21% of the energy

only a j’ismist would be dumb enough to believe the numbers for energy can ever rise perpetually above the combined capacity factors for wind and solar


as I type this, in the middle of the night and with a massive high pressure system covering most of Australia, instantaneously wind and solar combined are contributing …
4484 MW / 26773 MW which is 16.7% of the power.

only a j’ismist would be dumb enough to believe that without coal and gas (or nuclear) for baseload power, that we can keep the lights on

on a good day without baseload power only 1/2 of youse proles can have power overnight

on bad day like today, only 1/6 can have power.


it’s easy enough to do conversationally … to confuse energy and power

if you get all experty and continually do it … it’s proof positive that you’re a moron

Last edited 4 days ago by MatrixTransform
June 23, 2024 11:48 pm

Lancet Study on Covid Vaccine Autopsies Finds 74% Were Caused by Vaccine – Study is Removed Within 24 Hours

A previously censored paper from The Lancet has now undergone peer review and is available online.

The study, titled “A Systematic Review of Autopsy Findings in Deaths After COVID-19 Vaccination,” analyzed 325 autopsy cases and found that a staggering 73.9% of deaths were either directly due to or significantly contributed to by the COVID-19 vaccination.

Last edited 4 days ago by Zatara
June 23, 2024 11:50 pm
June 24, 2024 12:04 am


Do you really want to cover millions of acres with windmills and solar panels, build untold miles of power lines and thousands of battery banks?

And all the while sell coal and uranium to others who don’t give a crap?
Just so that we can feel righteous.

June 24, 2024 12:07 am

Q: how do you turn the post-modern into pre-modern

A: let them talk you into turning off base-load fossil fuels

June 24, 2024 12:27 am

The Australian puts up a column by Adam Creighton about Kansas legal action v Pfizer and after 16 hours only 32 comments showing.
Looks like suppression of comments to me. A regular tactic.

Top Ender
Top Ender
June 24, 2024 2:23 am

Sydney’s Captain Cook statue almost loses its feet to vandals in alleged angle grinder attack

The statue of Captain Cook in Sydney’s Hyde Park almost had its feet chopped off on Sunday morning, after two 27-year-olds allegedly took an angle grinder to the 145-year-old monument.

Police were called to the statue around 1:00am on Sunday after council staff saw a man and a woman all dressed in black allegedly attempting to sever the statue from its ankles.

The couple had allegedly set up a rudimentary rope and pulley system attached to a nearby tree in order to reach the nearly five metre high statue.

One of the 27-year-olds had allegedly been hoisted to the top of the statue where they had allegedly attempted to cut it off at the ankles using an angle grinder.

They only allegedly managed to get halfway through Captain Cook’s right ankle before they were apprehended.

A police spokesperson said the two 27-year-olds were arrested and charged with malicious damage, possess article with intent to damage property, armed with intent to commit an indictable offence and wilfully damage or deface a protected place.

Both were refused bail to appear before Parramatta local court on Sunday.

A City of Sydney spokesperson said the council called an engineer to make sure the statue was structurally sound and would not pose a risk to the public by toppling over.

Daily Tele

June 24, 2024 6:57 am

Looks like another “softball bat frost”, this morning.
The duck and goose ponds will be covered in plate glass.
I shall have a cracking good time smashing the ice! 😀
The uncovered part of the front verandah has a slick of very hard frost. When the pups raced out for their morning business, they slid across the frost and were airborne before they hit the ground.

They came back a little more slowly. Lol!

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