Open Thread – Weekend 6 July 2024

Spring, John Atkinson Grimshaw, late 1800s

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July 6, 2024 9:50 pm

The Wallabies vs Wales starts off with an extraordinary bollocking by Uncle Someone. Welcome to Wasteland, apparently.

This is marxist demoralization- an attempt to cower & divide people. Hopefully it’s just pissing people off. It’s certainly pissing me off.

John H.
John H.
July 6, 2024 10:01 pm

John H.

 July 6, 2024 8:31 pm

 Reply to  Dr Faustus

Yep. I often entertain the notion that no matter how well any human institution is constructed at some point a complete overhaul is required.



John Brumble

 July 6, 2024 8:52 pm

 Reply to  John H.

…so that it’s regulated… yair.. we geddit.

You didn’t get it, you leapt to an irrational conclusion. My statement was not about government, it was not about regulations, it was about any institution. In contradiction to your argument it is completely obvious that too many regulations are easily side stepped and\or create too many red, green and employment costs.

What made you jump to that conclusion?

July 6, 2024 10:15 pm
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
July 6, 2024 10:23 pm
John H.
John H.
July 6, 2024 10:28 pm

Harlequin Decline

 July 6, 2024 9:35 pm

John H,

Good video on fasting and cancer. Appropriately nuanced by caveats and with casual and statistical information presented.

Thanks. He’s not for everyone but he provides a more rigourous approach than most health related websites and youtube channels.

Today I read a study about the latest weight control drugs craze, drugs that for several years have been used for diabetes. The finding was those drugs are protective against a range of cancers. Those drugs impact on insulin, insulin growth factor, leptin, ghrelin, and food intake, all of which are related to fasting. The news release though noted an interesting exception, the drugs appeared to increase thyroid cancer. All the studies are epidemiological but the consistency with other studies demands attention. If I had cancer I wouldn’t take the drugs but I would improve my fasting strategy, and possibly go ketogenic.

There is another potential problem with those drugs …

Wegovy, Ozempic linked with sight-threatening eye disorder in study | Reuters

This was supposed to be my no reading year. Lasted til about April. Lack of discipline!

July 6, 2024 10:28 pm
July 6, 2024 10:59 pm

Kellie-Jay Keen’s Party of Women in the 2024 UK election:
16 candidates run
5,077 total votes (average of 317)
Zero candidates elected
Zero deposits returned


July 6, 2024 11:32 pm

Keir Starmer: My father was a toolmaker.
David Starkey*: We noticed.

* paraphrased.

July 6, 2024 11:43 pm


today we went down to Cape Schanck and met a mate of the missus’ perchance to sight some migrating whales

earlier in the week her friend actually saw some whales and that’s something I never saw despite living on the Mornington Peninsula for a large part of my life

so we didn’t see whales but we did see some things you don’t see every day

had barely started walking and a bird landed at our feet olive and grey with big round black eyes.
the bird’s looking at us like we are in the way and it moves like a chess piece and we move, and then it moves and then we move and then it grabs a Twisty or chip out of the dirt and ducks into the scrub

an Olive Whistler I said and nobody believed me
but google said otherwise

We eventually got to the lighthouse where the woman serving at the kiosk/gift-shop was dressed like a pirate and I struck up a conversation with some old bloke there about light- houses

turns out this fella has written a few books and made his retirement all about photo-graphing and cataloging light houses.

like … literally every single lighthouse in Australia
nice work old man

so after that we go to have a look at the missus’ mate’s time-share
and she’s on her own cos hubby and the boys have football umpiring gigs back in Melbourne

she’s been doing the washing and playing her violin and looking for whales and waiting for them all to return

her violin is still on the kitchen table alongside folded teenage boy jocks, the prosecco is flat and dusk is creeping over everything
so it was time to go

driving home I got to musing about robots and AI things and wondered what the alleged future might look like.

which humanoid robot will notice and name an Olive Whistler?
why would a robot even go whale watching?
will AI photograph every lighthouse or simply manufacture an image for each one based on all the lighthouses it already knows about?
how does an AI know anything for sure about a lighthouse when it has never even actually seen one?

one thing for sure though … when the humanoid robots have visitors over it wont leave the violin beside the kids jocks on the kitchen table

July 7, 2024 12:38 am

So if Abbott was the “mad monk” becos of his religion, when can we start referring to Payman as:

The mad mullah?

John H.
John H.
July 7, 2024 12:43 am

If you want an example of how convinced people were that a nuclear war is going to happen this account of aircraft designs is interesting. A bomber at a sustained Mach 2 speed, was designed and built to release a fighter jet loaded with a nuclear weapon for the final delivery stage. Very long vid, suggest you do some skipping but the evolution of bombers like that example is extraordinarily creative.

Forgotten Prototypes: 1950s Experimental Planes | Full Documentary (

John H.
John H.
July 7, 2024 2:05 am
July 7, 2024 2:11 am

John H.
July 7, 2024 2:05 am

F14 beats F35(DCS)

A better pilot in an inferior plane can beat the crap out of the other one in a better plane.

July 7, 2024 2:17 am

“I’m gonna come in the overflow room”

Umm, thanks for the warning Joe.

Top Ender
Top Ender
July 7, 2024 3:08 am

Report finds axing cashless debit card led to crime and misery in Indigenous communities

Axing the cashless debit card in Indigenous communities has led to a surge in gambling, public drunkenness and alcohol-related violence, with more children going hungry, missing school and wandering the streets at night.

James Campbell

The Sunday Telegraph

A federal government report has found axing the cashless debit card in Indigenous communities has led to a surge in gambling, public drunkenness and alcohol-related violence, with more children going hungry, missing school and wandering the streets at night.

The bombshell findings, which confirm dire warnings made before Labor axed the card in Indigenous communities, are laid out in a report commissioned by the government and released under Freedom of Information laws.

Written by academics at the University of Adelaide, it says admissions to hospital emergency departments have also increased since the card was abolished.

The authors found in all areas the card has been abolished there had been “a large increase in the numbers of people seeking emergency relief services”, including “access to food vouchers and boxes, clothes, and the payment of items such as school fees, fuel and car registration”.

The report, which also includes criticism about the speed with which the card scheme was abolished, has led to renewed Opposition calls for the card to be restored to protect vulnerable Indigenous communities.

The report is based on interviews with people in the Bundaberg-Hervey Bay community in Queensland, Ceduna in South Australia, and the East Kimberley and Goldfields in Western Australia, with one local telling the authors “the gambling, the alcohol, violence on the street” was “all back”.

“It happened immediately here, as soon as that (the CDC) ceased … the impact was immediate. It’s affected not only adults but the kids as well.”

Community members told the authors people were spending more of their money on alcohol and gambling products rather than purchasing groceries or paying bills.

“Other people wanted to get off it because they like alcohol and … now they got more alcohol and cigarettes than they got food on the table for some people. They just blow it all on grog. The next day they scratching their head for food,” one interviewee said.

Another told the authors past cashless card users “know that they can get the access to cash now, they’ll just go and spend it straight at the pub instead of having those priorities set in place where money (is) set aside for the kids’ food.”

The report concludes the “qualitative evidence suggested that alcohol consumption and misuse increased considerably in Ceduna, East Kimberley and the Goldfields (after) the card’s abolition”, with “incidence of public drinking and intoxication … also perceived to have risen, along with the consumption of higher alcohol products and rates of alcohol-related violence”.

Gambling was reported to have increased in Ceduna and East Kimberley.

Some interviewees told the authors that while they had not been in favour of the cashless debit card while it was in operation and supported its removal, their views had changed.

“The Cashless Debit Card, I was not for it. But then now that it’s gone, I have to say, holy moly, it really did make a difference,” one said.

Opposition Social Services spokesman Michael Sukkar said the card’s abolition was having devastating consequences for the affected communities.

“Not only has violence, public drinking, intoxication and gambling increased, as the Coalition predicted it would, but drastic increases in the number of children not being fed or clothed properly, not attending school and being out on the streets unsupervised at night has occurred,” he said.

“The tragedy here is not only for the communities experiencing a spike in alcohol-fuelled violence, but for the innocent children that are being abused and neglected as a result.”

He said Labor had “repeatedly ignored” the Coalition’s warnings that abolishing the CDC would give the green light to drug- and alcohol-fuelled violence in the vulnerable communities that once had the card, “and now we are seeing the aftermath of this Government’s neglect”.

Opposition Indigenous affairs spokeswoman Jacinta Price said the report was a pertinent reminder of the need to address the real causes of harm and disadvantage in Indigenous communities head-on.

“Unsurprisingly, the report notes that a majority of stakeholders were disappointed with the cessation of the CDC, “ she said.

“The reality is, it is these simple but practical measures that target the real causes of harm which result in positive outcomes for our most marginalised.

“We know that alcohol, substance abuse and gambling have absolutely decimated our most vulnerable people, and yet this government felt at home removing a key measure that would combat them.”

A spokeswoman for Social Services Minister Amanda Rishworth said it was important to note there was a mix of views on the cessation of the card, and that as the evidence for the review was collected more than 12 months ago, people’s views on the card and their communities may have changed.

Know more about this story? Email [email protected]

Daily Tele

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
July 7, 2024 3:58 am

One hour with cops in Arizona. Eye opening. Clips like these should be shown to students in High School and above.

Fentanyl being cheaper than water?….bleak.


Peter Santenello:

Note: This video is for educational purposes.
Getting a camera in with a police department is almost impossible. But today we’re lucky as we ride along with the Glendale (greater Phoenix) police department to get a behind-the-scenes look at their challenging job. Join me for this eye-opening and rare access.

July 7, 2024 4:00 am
July 7, 2024 6:41 am


July 6, 2024 10:59 pm

Kellie-Jay Keen’s Party of Women in the 2024 UK election:

16 candidates run

5,077 total votes (average of 317)

Zero candidates elected

Zero deposits returned


A woman who thinks men, who like dressing as women, should not be in the same toilet and change rooms as little girls gets nowhere politically and monty celebrates.

His children should be removed from his “care”.

July 7, 2024 6:52 am

…when can we start referring to Payman as:

The mad mullah?

The mad mullette.

July 7, 2024 7:14 am

Despite being Harvard educated, Lammy has often faced criticism for his basic grasp of facts, for example, having asserted that King Henry VII succeeded Henry VIII and that it was Marie Antoinette — not Marie Curie — who discovered radium. Mr Lammy has also been widely mocked for saying that biological males who claim to be transgender can have cervixes.

ha ha maybe that’s because of going to Harvard

Team of Dolts: Meet Keir Starmer’s Trump-Hating, Anti-Brexit Cabinet (

July 7, 2024 7:31 am

Lammy has often faced criticism for his basic grasp of facts, for example,

His powers of observation.

July 7, 2024 7:47 am

Looks like Hamas are murdering the looters who try to loot Hamas loot.
Will Gazans turn on them en masse?
Probably not.

Last edited 2 months ago by Rosie
July 7, 2024 7:50 am

Starmer is the “acceptable” and electable face of Labour.

Harking back to Daniel Greenfield’s piece about “turns”, it’s who’s behind the figurehead that counts. He was referring to the US, but it translates perfectly to the UK as well.

Not looking too good for everyday Brits, especially their children. I have extended Jewish family there also. I wouldn’t be surprised if they repatriate to Australia sometime soon.

July 7, 2024 7:53 am

“Many commentators have observed that there was a growing divide between the old-school left and progressive identitarians that was increasingly causing tension. Payman has formalised the schism”
After reading the article about the parallels between islam and marxism I doubt that is true.
I also think islam will swallow marxism if and when they are the last men standing.

Cassie of Sydney
July 7, 2024 7:54 am

His children should be removed from his “care”.

Indeed. He’s an unashamed pervert apologist and Jew hater. He’s also now clearly obsessed with Kellie-Jay Keen. Whilst I knew, who else here knew that Keen ran in the UK General Election on Thursday, in a constituency in Bristol? That’s right, probably no one apart from myself, but he did. He’s obsessed.

As for Kellie-Jay, she’s indefatigable. She won’t stop, nothing will stop her in her battle against the lie and ludicrousness that is transgenderism. After all, this petite woman, a happily married mother of four, found herself smack bang in the middle of a frenzied, frothing, howling mob of perverts and degenerates in an Auckland Park. As she later said, she only felt safe afterwards when her plane touched down in Dubai. Perhaps we in the west should absorb that fact for a wee minute because it tells us everything about how far down a Mariana abyss the west has fallen.

And remember, our own pervert apologist and Jew hater thought what happened to Keen in that Auckland Park was a hoot, hysterical, funny and that Keen (and the other women there) deserved to be punched up…and some were. He admitted it here on these pages.

But nobody should be surprised by the pervert apologist and his morally bankrupt progressive comrades’ penchant for women to be punched up. They now like and approve of rape as a weapon to use against women they don’t like, just ask those Jewish women in southern Israel on October 7 2023.

July 7, 2024 7:58 am

Thanks Rosie.

Interesting article, but who are they trying to kid?

The message is that there is a new type of political power alignment in the West, based on political Islam. Not to be confused with non-political Islam, which seeks to coexist in pluralist societies.

The who shebang is political from the moment of inception. Capture, convert, control…at the point of a blade if necessary. The only reason so-called “pluralist” systems exist is that the first thing isn’t quite complete.

Cassie of Sydney
July 7, 2024 7:59 am

I also think islam will swallow marxism if and when they are the last men standing.

100%. The template is there…..the Iranian revolution.

July 7, 2024 7:59 am

And…top of the world to you, my little early rising fan!

I complete you.


July 7, 2024 8:07 am

The new feudalism.


The Democrat party elites and politicians …

Want you to eat bugs – while they dine at 5 star restaurants.

Want you to take the bus – while they fly private jets.

Want you to drive an electric golf cart – while they drive motorcades of limousines.

Want you to live in government shoebox housing – while they live in $25 million dollar mansions.

Want to take away your guns to protect your family – while they have armed security.

Want your kids to fight and die in their endless wars, while their kids get 5 million dollar no-show jobs in Ukraine.

Want to throw the book at you for any mistake – while they get away with everything and are above the law.

Want you to live next door to millions of unvetted illegals – while they hide in their luxury gated communities.

Want you to lockdown and not go to work – while they never miss a paycheck.

These are evil people who want to rule over you from their ivory towers.

If you don’t clearly see this by now, they’ve already brainwashed you and they have you right where they want you.

July 7, 2024 8:07 am

The message is that there is a new type of political power alignment in the West, based on political Islam. Not to be confused with non-political Islam, which seeks to coexist in pluralist societies.

Funny…they all seem to start out as moderates.

July 7, 2024 8:09 am
July 7, 2024 8:13 am

I’d suggest Western journalists who want to opine on Islam first read the Quran.

July 7, 2024 8:17 am
July 7, 2024 8:19 am

It takes all kinds I suppose but I disagree with this “Among animals she found that which she never found with humans.”

She must not have looked hard enough, true, human beans as Dr BG calls them, sometimes are not the most pleasant companions but still preferable to animals.

To counter that, crows are smarter than human criminals.

July 7, 2024 8:19 am

Boris Johnson has urged the “Tory survivors” who now form the Opposition not to “absorb other parties” in a bid to rebuild.

…Johnson wrote in the Daily Mail: “I say to my fellow Conservatives, we are the oldest, most successful political party in British history.”

“We are capable of endless regeneration. We don’t need to try to absorb other parties, to try to acquire their vitality like a transfusion of monkey glands.”

He added: “We need to occupy the space ourselves – and my humble suggestion to the 121 is that they need to rebuild that giant coalition of 2019, get back to some of the big themes that proved so successful that we won seats across the country.”

The Telegraph (UK)

Mmm, yes…

Regenerate as a broad church proclaiming nebulous “big themes.”

That’ll get the voters excited!

Last edited 2 months ago by Roger
Cassie of Sydney
July 7, 2024 8:19 am

In today’s Sunday Telegraph there is a long interview with James Packer. Asked about the Middle East, Packer says…..

‘It is heartbreaking to see all the death and destruction. I am worried about anti-Semitism being on the rise.

I am not Jewish, but I am a Zionist.

Kol Hakavod, James.

July 7, 2024 8:21 am
July 7, 2024 8:24 am
July 7, 2024 8:27 am

Taking Down the Bureaucracy

Vivek Ramaswamy

Shutting down the tyranny of unelected bureaucrats is the most important issue of our time – and it could also be the most unifying. Americans may disagree on a lot, but we believe in self-governance.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
July 7, 2024 8:30 am

Want you to take the bus – while they fly private jets.

Want you to drive an electric golf cart – while they drive motorcades of limousines.

Now they don’t even want to allow you an electric golf cart.

Sadiq Khan to impose congestion charge on electric vehicles (6 Jul)

Sadiq Khan is extending London’s congestion charge to all zero-emission vehicles from the end of next year.

The move, which will extend the £15-a-day tax on motoring to battery-powered electric vehicles from Christmas Day 2025, was widely condemned on Tuesday.

Mark Harper, the Transport Secretary, said: “Taxing cars even if they’re zero emission shows Labour’s plan to use motorists as cash cows. If they get into government there will be worse to come, with pay-by-mile taxes and fuel duty hikes to help close their £2,000 tax black hole.”

The AA described the scrapping of the green exemption as “a turkey bone in the throat” for owners of electric cars wanting to drive them in the capital.

It’s not about clean air, it’s about control. To make you do what they want you to do they have to take away your freedom and prevent you from escaping. And having a car is the biggest symbol of freedom and escape.

July 7, 2024 8:35 am

Two articles in the Courier Mail today about major increase in flu and get vaxxed. Earlier in week it was Covid. Judging by the comments they are letting through the public has lost trust and very Vax hesitant.

Editorial: We all have a duty to protect the vulnerable – get vaxxedAs the state faces a back-to-school “flunami”, now is certainly the time for us all to roll up our sleeves, writes the editor.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
July 7, 2024 8:39 am

Regenerate as a broad church proclaiming nebulous “big themes.”

That’ll get the voters excited!

They’re not coming back Boris unless you ditch your wife’s green religion.

Climate-Skeptic Reform Party Takes A Third Of The Tory Vote In The UK Election (6 Jul)

July 7, 2024 8:40 am

We have too many prisoners, says new PM Starmer

Presumably they are there for committing crimes.

If that’s not a justifiable reason for imprisonment then by all means, tear up the laws, disband the cops and courts, and let the new dark age rip.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
July 7, 2024 8:42 am
July 7, 2024 8:46 am

If the Tory party were salvageable, which I doubt very much, it would only happen if rubbish like Blojob were to just go away and stay away.

July 7, 2024 8:47 am

Totally agree. Watch Senate estimates as the civil servants don’t answer questions and delay. You get the feeling the politicians job is to protect them.
Covid and vaccines is the perfect example and the civil servants just keep pushing the jabs even though it is clear they don’t work as advertised and people have lost faith in them.
I have zero faith in our politicians preventing further mandates and coercion. They are too scared to challenge them.

“Shutting down the tyranny of unelected bureaucrats is the most important issue of our time”

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
July 7, 2024 8:48 am

Here’s why you should always pay with cash in a supermarket.

NatWest Bank uses ‘carbon footprint tracker’ to monitor spending habits of customers – Bank angers farmers by urging customers to buy less red meat & replace dairy products with plant-based alternatives (6 Jul)

Use a card or a phone and you are telling the woke bank exactly what you are buying.

Cassie of Sydney
July 7, 2024 8:56 am

Yesterday, Nigel Farage arrived at Westminster and sat down with some other newly minted MPs at a press conference.

Before Farage could even speak, two supposed ‘working-class’ men and one supposed ‘working-class’ woman stood up and proceeded to heckle and abuse Farage. They screamed ‘bigot’, ‘racist’ and ‘Islamophobe’ at Farage. Farage, always quick witted, responded well.

But, but, hmm….supposed ordinary working class men and women?

Except, of course, they weren’t ordinary men and women who decided to shlep to Westminster to harass and harangue Farage on his first day as the MP for Clacton. In the last twenty-four hours, the three amigos have been exposed as actors who are part of a far-left activist group.

The UK group “Antifa Watch” has exposed them.

But you see, this again confirms to me the following, there’s a war being fought, and the far-left and not so far-left will stop at nothing to wreck and ruin anyone and anything on the right, even resorting to physical violence. Now, I don’t and never will advocate and condone violence, it’s pointless however we can still fight and we need to get down and dirty, and that includes exposing our ideological enemies for the Nazis they are. I have no doubt that some in the Liberal and National parties have known about the questions around the Jew hating Senator for Kabul’s Afghani citizenship, so why haven’t they exposed this? No, instead, once again, they sit on their flabby arses and do nothing. It will take Labor to bring down the Jew hating Senator for Kabul.

The left throw slop at the right all the time and until we pick up that slop and throw it back, absolutely nothing will change in the ideological zeitgeist.

July 7, 2024 9:01 am

Paul Kelly struggling to process the passing of his political world:

…the defection of Muslim senator Fatima Payman from Labor, her calculated tactics of maximising the damage and her role as a symbol of Muslim political power is a transforming event for the country with one guarantee – it will create new divisions in this country’s political system provoking a strong backlash from the right.

This won’t be confined to Pauline Hanson. Much of the country sees the pro-Palestinian demonstrations as an attack on the Australian way of life. Payman has broken the unwritten rules of multiculturalism.

Parties defined by religion are a serious threat to the country. Just as the Muslim issue has driven politics in Britain and France – and in the Democratic Party in the US – the announcement of a Muslim vote campaign targeting Labor MPs at the next election will trigger reverberations going to the heart of Australian values of unity and tolerance.

Sooner or later this will lead to an inevitable debate about Muslim immigration to Australia, a debate both understandable but dangerous in its populist dimensions. What will be critical is how the Peter Dutton-led Coalition handles this issue as well as how Albanese Labor defends its seats.

The essence of Western populism is a civilisation ethic; the ­populists want economic justice, immigration restraint and cultural unity. Their mostly extreme calls are empowered by the abject failure of liberal and conservative governments of both the left and the right.

The central story of the 21st century so far is the inability of executive governments to manage the challenges of sustainable economic growth, equity, climate, immigration, multicultural cohesion and national security threats.

Australia faces a series of divisive, populist and religious political challenges between now and the next election.

The Weekend Australian 6 July 2024

July 7, 2024 9:10 am

The left throw slop at the right all the time and until we pick up that slop and throw it back, absolutely nothing will change in the ideological zeitgeist.

Agree 100%- the meek will not inherit the Earth.

July 7, 2024 9:13 am


 July 7, 2024 8:17 am

Sounds awfully familiar.

We have too many prisoners, says new PM Starmer

But of course they need to let real criminals go so they have room in prisons to put in there all the conservatives and Christians who don’t agree with having transgender overlords or those who pray near abortion clinics. I’m sure there are innumerable thought criminals who will need to be jailed before they give voice to their rebeliousness.

July 7, 2024 9:18 am

Being Sunday and thinking about The Sermon on the Mount got me thinking about the village of Ebenezer near Windsor. I believe the oldest church in Australia is there. Ebenezer – the stone of help from the Book of Samuel. rather wonderful.

July 7, 2024 9:18 am

Agree 100%- the meek will not inherit the Earth.

It’s a poor translation.

The Greek word, interpreted in the Biblical context, means those who exercise power wisely, as God does.


July 7, 2024 9:19 am

Johnson wrote in the Daily Mail: “I say to my fellow Conservatives, we are the oldest, most successful political party in British history.”

“We are capable of endless regeneration. We don’t need to try to absorb other parties, to try to acquire their vitality like a transfusion of monkey glands.”

Says the former PM who still has a cannula sticking out of his arm from a green transfusion.

July 7, 2024 9:26 am

The Greek word, interpreted in the Biblical context, means those who exercise power wisely, as God does.

We should also always consider the cultural milieu in the Mediterranean world which Jesus taught, which was one of paganism. Implicit in the saying is a rebuke of the powerful of the day who did not acknowledge God, usurped his role and too often exercised power without mercy.

So, what Jesus means is that when the kingdom comes, power will not be abused but will be exercised justly.

It’s an eschatological promise but also with implications for living in this world.

Last edited 2 months ago by Roger
July 7, 2024 9:33 am

He added: “We need to occupy the space ourselves – and my humble suggestion to the 121 is that they need to rebuild that giant coalition of 2019, get back to some of the big themes that proved so successful that we won seats across the country.”

Dear Boris, as soon as you won all those seats in 2019 you dropped all the big and popular themes and ran to the greens. You told half the people who voted for you to drop dead. So now they returned the favour.

You think you are so smart yet you couldn’t work out the give and take with the electorate. Wouldn’t those 5M votes that went to Reform Party have been handy in keeping together your giant coalition? Should the Conservative Party take your advice that five millions votes for Reform could grow to ten million in five years time.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
July 7, 2024 9:33 am

WA Senator Fatima Payman tells Labor ‘it’s not me, it’s you’ as she starts tenure as independentJoe SpagnoloThe West Australian
Sun, 7 July 2024 2:00AM


Former Labor Senator for WA Fatima Payman has accused Anthony Albanese of “petty” behaviour since she quit the party on Thursday, adding many members feel let down and disenfranchised by the Government she was once part of.
Senator Payman — who quit Labor to sit on the crossbench, citing its “indifference” to the plight of Palestinians in Gaza — on Saturday said she would not get involved in a public tit-for-tat with the Prime Minister over her decision to quit.
Mr Albanese this week said the WA public had voted for his party and not Senator Payman, who received about 1600 votes in the 2022 election, and she had “at no stage” stood up in caucus on the Middle East, WA or “about anything else”.
Asked about Mr Albanese’s assertion that voters voted for the ALP, not her, Senator Payman told The Sunday Times: “I am not going to get into the petty back and forth that he has been engaging in.”

But she said she was not alone in feeling disenchanted with Labor.
“They may have voted for the ALP, but I feel like the ALP has strayed away from its own values,” Senator Payman said in a wide-ranging interview just hours after she returned to Perth, in which she paid tribute to her “rock”, husband Jacob Stokes.
“West Australians voted to change the Government (in 2022). They voted for fairness, justice and equality.

July 7, 2024 9:34 am

Odd translators chose ‘meek’- Semon on the Mount only in Matthew apparently.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
July 7, 2024 9:37 am

We are off soon to join a fundraising lunch for Toby Young, founder of the British Free Speech Union, who is speaking today in Sydney.

Any other Cats going, say hello.

July 7, 2024 9:39 am

A cavalcade of the Kamel’s soaring oratory featured on Outsiders makes her look and sound like she just fell out of a coconut tree onto a yellow school bus while pondering the passage of time.

No wonder the dumbocrats are desperately thrashing around trying to ditch both her and that festering syphilitic ol’ corruptocrat corpse.

In the meantime, my Sunday morning peace is being rudely shattered by some pigs in space.

July 7, 2024 9:46 am

Australia faces a series of divisive, populist and religious political challenges between now and the next election.

To Kelly: Well, no shit, Sherlock! What TF did you expect when we invited them in? That they would magically change their ideology to become normies like us?

Multiculturalism IS the problem, it transformed this country. I’m referring to the hordes arriving after Gough. We were never consulted about the transformation the Uniparty has inflicted on us. They just went ahead and fkd the country by importing the voteherds.

Now lamenting the political destruction, never mind the social shit soup we have become and now endure.

Well now that it appears Islam has the numbers politically to sway Govts, we can thank our glorious leaders for ruining what once was a wonderful place to live.

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
July 7, 2024 9:47 am

Er no, it’s not “heartwarming”, it’s devastating. Seems like the deadhead drive for diversity has put women in the frontline soldiers’ positions, and now crowd control around the Head Of State in the middle of Raghead Stabby Land is handled by emotionally incontinent weaklings.
Heartwarming moment King’s Guard bursts into tears after being surprised by her parents while on duty | Daily Mail Online

July 7, 2024 9:51 am

We have too many prisoners, says new PM Starmer

maybe you should stop importing 3rd world criminals then?

All of which can be traced back to the problem of western women not having enough babies… because equality. herding women through higher education and into the workforce correlates strongly with below replacement fertility rates. There are numerous studies that show that the more education women have the lower the birth rate

Rather than admit the failure of equality as a civilizational unsustainable idea, they double down on importing the 3rd world

comment image

check this one out – countries going over the fertility edge like lemmings

July 7, 2024 9:59 am

Odd translators chose ‘meek’- Semon on the Mount only in Matthew apparently.

Translators face difficult choices. Meek in the 17 C could mean submissive, as in a servant submissive to his master’s will, which alluded also to the believer submitting to God’s will. In the centuries since, it has been denuded of that meaning.

Also, a casual contemporary reader of the New Testament is looking at English words that translate Greek words without the Biblical context, knowledge of which has largely disappeared. When translating the Greek NT, for example, the translators would have looked at how the Septuagint (a Greek translation of the Hebrew scriptures from c. 2ndC BC) used the word and this would have led them to the Hebrew word and context which illuminated the meaning. In both Hebrew and Greek, one Biblical word can carry a lot of freight in terms of meaning but even monoglot readers of the Bible in translation in previous eras could pick up on this because the culture was informed by the faith.

Modern English doesn’t have the same resonance, especially when read in the context of our very flat (i.e. lacking dimensional depth) culture.

Last edited 2 months ago by Roger
Barking Toad
Barking Toad
July 7, 2024 10:04 am

Extract from Sheridan piece in the Oz……

I have previously written that Starmer resembles a British Anthony Albanese. He came from a working class background, did well at university where he was a far-left activist. Unlike most politicians, he had a big career before politics, as a human rights lawyer, then Director of Public Prosecutions.
Starmer is brainy and works hard. Too deep immersion in the law has rendered it impossible for Starmer to write felicitous prose or create memorable images. Perhaps he’s a British combination of Albanese and Mark Dreyfus, with a touch of Gareth Evans.
Starmer has provided a small target. It’s not clear people are voting primarily for Labour; they voted ferociously against the Conservatives. Starmer tried not to interrupt while the Conservatives committed political suicide.

UK is ferked for a while. Let’s hope Australia wakes up to Sleazy quicker.

July 7, 2024 10:05 am

The King James is still my favourite although it can be heavy going at times.

July 7, 2024 10:06 am
July 7, 2024 10:07 am


The absolute state of England. This is the new mayor of Brighton.

July 7, 2024 10:11 am

The Greek word, interpreted in the Biblical context, means those who exercise power wisely, as God does.

We should also always consider the cultural milieu in the Mediterranean world which Jesus taught, which was one of paganism. Implicit in the saying is a rebuke of the powerful of the day who did not acknowledge God, usurped his role and too often exercised power without mercy.

So, what Jesus means is that when the kingdom comes, power will not be abused but will be exercised justly.

It’s an eschatological promise but also with implications for living in this world.

Roger, thank you very much. I have been repeatedly niggled throughout my life by that inane assertion in the sermon on the mount.

No more!

July 7, 2024 10:12 am
July 7, 2024 10:15 am

Yes thank you Roger

July 7, 2024 10:26 am

To Kelly: Well, no shit, Sherlock! What TF did you expect when we invited them in? That they would magically change their ideology to become normies like us?

Indeed, that was/is the prog-left secularist conceit, Makka.

“Our progressive culture is so superior that these backward religious folk will relinquish their beliefs once exposed to it.”

People like Kelly are having difficulty digesting their failure to diagnose the problem that Islam presents in Western countries.

Last edited 2 months ago by Roger
July 7, 2024 10:36 am

Roger, thank you very much. I have been repeatedly niggled throughout my life by that inane assertion in the sermon on the mount.

If I could offer one suggestion to anyone listening to the Gospel reading in church today or any other day, it would be to remember that the Gospels have three contexts.

The first context is the Hebrew scriptures (the Old Testament).

The second context is the 1st century pagan Mediterranean world.

The third context is today.

We should attempt to understand the first two contexts before applying the message to the third. There are commentaries and study bibles with cultural notes produced by reputable scholars that can help you do this. You may even be blessed with a preacher who explains it all in the sermon (if your church follows the Revised Common Lectionary, note that the Old Testament reading, the Psalm and possibly the epistle are usually related to the Gospel reading; this was done on purpose!).

Here endeth the lesson! 😀

Last edited 2 months ago by Roger
July 7, 2024 10:39 am

July 7, 2024 10:07 am

The absolute state of England. This is the new mayor of Brighton.The absolute state of England. This is the new mayor of Brighton.

I see it but don’t believe it.
Well yes I do.

July 7, 2024 10:43 am

Why did they need such huge flywheels?

July 7, 2024 10:49 am

Horizon movie.
Went to see it last night. Only opened last Thursday and due to length and perhaps low interest Event cinemas only having 2 showings per day.
Wife and I were one of only three couples in the cinema. One couple left after one hour.
Apparently Costner been working on the project since 1988 and had put over US$30m of own money into it. Seems plan is to have 4 parts as movies so am guessing about 12 hours. Part 2 is next month.
Movie 3 hours long and movies cover 12 year period starting just before Civil War. Four different story lines which can be summarised as follows :
Costner saves a prostitute and a kid and being chased.
Sienna Miller and Sam Worthington Indian attack and aftermath.
Jeff Fahey leading group who go Indian hunting after the attack.
Luke Wilson leading wagon train through Indian country.
All heading towards the virgin land at Horizon.
Now to be clear I am a long time Costner fan from days of Dances With Wolves, Untouchables and The Bodyguard, Field of Dreams.
Plenty of recognisable faces in the smaller acting roles.
Some particularly good scenes are Costner and another character walking up a hill and find going to same cabin. The Indian attack. Farewell of some of the young soldiers going to fight in Civil War.
The last 5 minutes was basically previewing scenes from future parts.
I enjoyed it and recommend it if you are a Western fan as plenty of good characters and interesting storylines.
Not sure why it is not doing good box office and critics not reviewing well. Perhaps we are now at stage where people wait for things to go to streaming.
I think it deserves to do well. May take a while to recoup it’s budget but I note this from the Wikipedia entry:
Costner later explained plans for additional monetary gains through licensing the film series every several years through streaming and home video media, regardless of their box office performance”.

If streaming companies willing to spend well over $100m for some exclusive movies then this series worth multiples of that and that alone should recoup it’s costs.

My wife did not like it so much as there is killing of women and kids.

If you are a Costner / Western fan go and see it as might not be at the cinema for long..

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
July 7, 2024 10:50 am

Via Instapundit…

David ‘Iowahawk’ Burge Declares He Is Running for President (5 Jul)

Vote early and often Cats! 😀

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
July 7, 2024 11:12 am

Faruqi won’t say if Hamas should be dismantled
Greens international justice spokeswoman Mehreen Faruqi has refused to say whether she believes Hamas should be dismantled and has declared “it’s a bit rich” of Anthony Albanese to say the pro-Palestinian protest on top of parliament house was not peaceful.

And in reference to the pro-Palestinian grafitti on the Australian War Memorial, Senator Faruqi said that “a bit of paint” paled in comparison to what was being done by Israel.

Senator Faruqi slammed Labor for not backing a Greens motion to recognise Palestine “without caveats”, including that such recognition be part of “a peace protest”, and said it was “offensive” of the government to describe the Greens’ actions as purely political.

But when grilled on the role of Hamas in Palestine, Senator Faruqi would not back the need for the terrorist organisation to be dismantled.

“The situation (with) Hamas.. I can’t keep repeating it again and again. It has nothing to do with Palestinian statehood and Palestinian self-determination,” she said on ABC’s Insiders.

When asked again if Hamas should be dismantled, she said: “The Palestinians need to decide where they want to go with their own region” and that the matter should not be up to western countries.

“Instead of questioning the Labor government hard on why they aren’t stopping the slaughter, why they aren’t putting sanctions on Israel… That’s the question to ask – not a hypothetical theoretical scenario,” she said, in response to being asked a third time on if Hamas should be dismantled.

“Hamas is listed as a terrorist organisation. And there is no – absolutely no change that we are demanding in that.

“Hamas is an organisation that exists in the region that we are talking about here. Who will dismantle it? It is up to the people in Palestine and that region to make sure that people can live in peace… It’s not up to me to say who should be gone or not.”

Senator Faruqi defended the pro-Palestinian protests outside of the Prime Minister office, which has left Mr Albanese and his staff choosing a different location with which to work from, and said it was not “a blockade”.

“People do have a right to go outside the Prime Minister’s office and request, request, that he meet them,” she said.

“The Prime Minister should just meet them rather than blaming those who are protesting a genocide.”

July 7, 2024 11:19 am

Anyone who watched Outsiders this morning saw it unceremoniously closed down towards the end? There had been an item relating to the time Trump apparently said to a Taliban rep that he had a photo of his house. Straight after this Rita began saying words to the effect that Trump “scared the shit out of….” She was abruptly shut down by the studio & the telecast went to the following Business show!

July 7, 2024 11:28 am

Multiculturalism IS the problem, it transformed this country. I’m referring to the hordes arriving after Gough. We were never consulted about the transformation the Uniparty has inflicted on us. They just went ahead and fkd the country by importing the voteherds.
When I moved into this, totally separated from private, brand new, “houso” estate in 1988 it was 98% white .. most worked, Dads at least, back then folk who were in the position to save for deposits did & by 1995 it was down to 30% white and, well known as, the drug capital of SW Sydney, those that could get out were gone/going and by 2000 it was 10% white .. now out of 69 properties there are 4, English as their Language, families left …..
The big difference in changing “nationality” occupation is simple .. The, original, white families, tho poor, were working and saving to improve themselves .. once the boat-folk came in they didn’t work, most didn’t speak English or intend too .. They’ve had no incentive to “improve” cos cheap, subsidized, rent, welfare payments & favourable treatment, across the board, from all levels of gummint and the realization that they’ll always get away with the “lettuce leaf” treatment that white folk pay penalties for ……..
This anti white, gummint, discrimination is entrenched and isn’t gonna change .. any time soon ..!
In 1988 there were “strict” occupational rules for “houso” .. break any of ’em and you were evicted .. no ifs or buts! .. By 2000 those “rules” (most of which still exist, on paper, today) had been pushed onto the backburner as the boatfolk weren’t concerned by them and no one was intent on enforcing .. thus you now have the, fascinating, “houso” “inheritance” scheme where the parents either die or move on but the folk left (usually grown kids & families but not alwayz) in occupation just carry on as if nuttin’ has changed .. generally, as long as your NOT white* ……

A very simplified version of how the now version of “houso” evolved …

Last edited 2 months ago by shatterzzz
July 7, 2024 11:29 am
July 7, 2024 11:31 am

DOVER, my straight forward self written post @ 11.28 has been flagged as “spam” for some reason .. could you release it, pleeeze ……
I didn’t save it & too long to recall from memory ..!

Last edited 2 months ago by shatterzzz
July 7, 2024 11:32 am

“The Palestinians need to decide where they want to go with their own region” 

You’re in a loop luv. The Palis have already overwhelmingly decided where they want to go – with Hamas. A terrorist organisation.

July 7, 2024 12:16 pm


If your country is being turned into a pile of rubble and before long the residents will be living under tents, what does losing look like?

July 7, 2024 12:20 pm

What can have led to the hideously horrible ‘domestic homicide’ in Sydney where children were apparently forced into the house to be burned alive? The woman was only 29 and the man 28 yet apparently there were ?8 children in the house.
Our local residents’ group, normally concerned with building applications and planning issues and the state of the local parks is inviting us to a talk on domestic violence. We will be hearing from the CEO of a specialist multicultural family violence service provider. We live in a small suburb with a predominance of older people – why is this suddenly an issue for us?
Something is very wrong.

July 7, 2024 12:30 pm

Can’t remember the the wording of the entire post that got “spammed” but this is the gist of it …

Multiculturalism IS the problem, it transformed this country. I’m referring to the hordes arriving after Gough. We were never consulted about the transformation the Uniparty has inflicted on us. They just went ahead and fkd the country by importing the voteherds.
When I moved into this,totally separated from private, “houso” estate in 1988 it was 98% white .. most worked, Dads at least, back then folk who were in the position to save for deposits did by 1995 it was down to 30% white and, well known as, the drug capital of SW Sydney, those that could get out were gone and by 2000 it was 10% white .. now out of 69 properties there are 4 white families left …..
The big difference in changing “nationality” occupation is simple .. The, original, white families were working and saving to improve themselves .. once the boat-folk were in they didn’t work, most didn’t speak English or intend too .. They’ve had no incentive to “improve” cos cheap, subsidized, rent, welfare payments & favourable treatment, across the board, from all levels of gummint and the realization that they’ll always get away with the “lettuce leaf” treatment that white folk pay penalties for ……..
?Back in 1988 “houso” had strict occupational rules (most still on the books..!) but by 2000 they had been, conveniently, forgotten …..!
The anti white discrimination is entrenched and isn’t gonna change .. any time soon ..!

July 7, 2024 12:43 pm

Let’s start with the false and misleading premise of the piece. that the battle that Israel is waging is comparable to the conflicts that the US has been in since World War II. 
Every single war the US has been involved in since WW2 has been a result of choice. The US chose these fights, and they weren’t existential. On the other hand, Israel’s war is totally existential. The US wasn’t fighting someone next door. They were quite distant from the continental US. The US chose to enter these fights and then chose to exit. Israel doesn’t have this choice. It will turn into a fight to the death if needed, and Israel won’t lose this war even if it means they have to kill every last Palestinian. Existential wars are different.
Furthermore, if Israel needs to change tactics and kill more of these swine, it will do so.
I’m a little taken aback that you’re clinging to a Foreign Affairs piece because I assumed you were no longer associated with the “regime”.

July 7, 2024 12:50 pm


A towel head was a half broken AK 47 and a couple of rounds is going get blown up soon enough, so I wouldn’t be hopeful for the Palis if I were you.

Moreover, if the IDF needs to go back to northern rubble and kill more of these swine it will do so.

Last edited 2 months ago by JC
July 7, 2024 12:50 pm
Steve trickler
Steve trickler
July 7, 2024 12:51 pm

I’ve got a few kilograms of drumbsticks to cook up, so I’ve taken notes from this clip.

Turn on CC and you get all the ingredients listed on screen.


Wilderness Cooking:

The Village Has Its Own Best KFC! Crispy Chicken Legs For All Children

July 7, 2024 1:07 pm

Just so we’re on the same page here. When people link to what you consider “regime” publications, you become critical of the link, but rarely the substance. How does your position hold by linking to one of the most “regimey” publications (Foreign Affairs) and that “it’s worth a read”?

July 7, 2024 1:13 pm

It’s going to be messy jemmying the old perv out though. Dr Jill will resist like a vicious alley cat.

Black Ball
Black Ball
July 7, 2024 1:17 pm

I see Andrew Giles is in some hot water. Again.
A bit laborious to cut and paste from the Sky app but the story is that he has apparently misled parliament by his utterances on the use of drones to surveil the detainees let free by the High Court. Let me see if I can find another way

Black Ball
Black Ball
July 7, 2024 1:20 pm

Sky News can reveal the document that Immigration Minister Andrew Giles relied on when he made his wrong statement to Kieran Gilbert in May, alleging that drones were monitoring detainees released after the NZYQ High Court decision.

The document shows that the Immigration Minister was told that there was drone surveillance to assess properties where the detainees were staying but not the detainees themselves.

Sky News Political Editor Andrew Clennell says clearly Mr Giles didn’t read the document properly and tried to blame his department for the blunder.

Don’t you feel safe knowing this bloke is in charge and across his brief? Good Lord

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
July 7, 2024 1:24 pm


A classic from Paul.

Paul Hertzog – Steal the night (HQ Audio)

Black Ball
Black Ball
July 7, 2024 1:26 pm

Speaking of ministers totally in charge:

NDIS Minister Bill Shorten says regulations that allow participants to access government-funded sex workers will be scrapped, saying it “doesn’t pass the test” for a service that is reasonable or necessary.

Appearing on Sky Sunday Agenda, Mr Shorten said while most NDIS participants were “doing the right thing,” he conceded the “rules have been a bit loose at the margins”.

In turn, this has led to service providers rorting the system, allowing people to claim services such as international group trips to Japan, steam rooms and cryptocurrency.

“The way the scheme works is you get a personal budget. We want to make sure that you get your personal budgets done with a good needs assessment,” he said.

“Then what we want to do is make sure that you’ve got the ability to get things that are reasonable and necessary.

“Part of me is sort of groans whenever I’ve got to go through some of the rubbish that some people have claimed, but that’s not what most people are doing.”

Asked specifically about whether participants could continue to claim the use of sex workers under the proposed new reforms, Mr Shorten ruled it out.

“It’s just not a sustainable proposition. It just doesn’t pass the test,” he said.

However, he added the government was only aware of “one or two” examples of it happening.

“It’s not what’s happening in most of the scheme,” Mr Shorten said.

“While people with disabilities are currently able to access government-funded sexual support services, strict eligibility requirements apply.”

Previously disability advocates told a senate inquiry that the NDIS should include a sexuality framework with women with disabilities choosing not to date out of fear of being exposed to high rates of sexual violence.

“Even though I could date on Tinder, it was toxic, and it was violent, and it was volatile, and if I hadn’t met my partner I would be looking to have access (to sex support) because it was not safe to continue to date men in the community,” said People With Disabilities president Nicole Lee.

Mr Shorten remained on the warpath after the Coalition and the Greens stalled passing major reforms for a further eight weeks, with the legislation to be subjected to an inquiry.

Labor has said its NDIS reforms will save $14.4bn over the next five years, and will focus on tightening rules around services and expand safeguards and assessment criteria on people accessing the scheme.

The disgruntled minister has claimed the delay will cost taxpayers $1m an hour, until parliament resumes sitting following the midwinter break.

It’s not any delay that’s costing taxpayers Tits, it’s the NDIS itself.
As far as Nicole Lee, not sure what she is on about. Is she saying disabled women should be using NDIS for getting their rocks off?

July 7, 2024 1:31 pm

I was on statins for a short time (I can’t tolerate them) and my blood works went haywire.
The Great Cholesterol Scam and The Dangers of Statins

July 7, 2024 1:45 pm

The war against communist expansion in South Vietnam was sold as an existential threat to the US.

All wars have to be sold, even non-existential ones. According to you now, Vietnam was existential. Can you row this boat a little further as would be good to see how far you get to the drop.

I’m not ‘clinging’ to the article. It’s an interesting article largely because it appears in a regime organ.

Interesting. It’s an interesting article because it appears in a regime organ. Which means you’re going to discuss substance now, rather than attack the publication. Excellent to know.

July 7, 2024 1:47 pm

Having to repeatedly enter areas you previously cleared isn’t a winning strategy.

Because Foreign Affairs says so?

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
July 7, 2024 1:50 pm

( :

Together In Electric Dreams (12″ Extended Version) 720p HD

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
July 7, 2024 2:11 pm


Taylor Dayne – Tell It To My Heart (Moreno J Remix)

July 7, 2024 2:26 pm

Stop pretending that Vietnam wasn’t put forward as an existential threat in the middle of the Cold War.

Doesn’t the last phrase justify the reason, however flawed? It may have been false as the war finally closed, but the threat of attack from North Vietnam’s ideological pals was real.

A proxy war conducted by the usual suspects.

In Israel’s case, October 7 was an actual attack across the border, not a distant conflict. What sh*ts me to tears is that Israel gave them the land in good faith and have been supplying them with medical care, electricity, water and jobs for years. And this is how they’ve been repaid.

And now Israel is the Bad Guy.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
July 7, 2024 2:27 pm

WA Senator Fatima Payman’s comments like ‘cane toad poison from the East’, Premier Roger Cook declaresDylan Caporn and Oliver LaneThe West Australian
Sun, 7 July 2024 11:15AM

Roger Cook has lashed out at WA Senator Fatima Payman, describing her comments that Labor members were “disenfranchised” with the party as “poison from Canberra” coming across the border like cane toads.
Speaking after Senator Payman unleashed on her former political party in an interview with The Sunday Times, Mr Cook said Western Australians needed to “resist the poison” from the East.
Senator Payman said she was not alone in feeling disenchanted with Labor.
“They may have voted for the ALP, but I feel like the ALP has strayed away from its own values,” Senator Payman said.

“Rusted-on young Labor members have told me that they feel disenfranchised and have resigned.
“Not just because of Palestine, but other issues as well. People wouldn’t feel disenfranchised if the ALP was sticking to what was in the platform.”
The escalation in comments came as the fallout from Senator Payman’s decision on Thursday to move to the crossbench, criticising the Albanese Government for its stance on the Israel-Gaza war.
“This is just more poison from Canberra that’s coming across the border to Western Australia,” Mr Cook said on Sunday.
“The debate you see from Canberra from time to time it’s personal, and it’s nasty. That’s not the way we do things and WA.
“We need to look at social cohesion, we need to look at how we as a community can work together.

More of the much vaunted unity of the Labor Party, I see.

John H.
John H.
July 7, 2024 2:27 pm

Black Ball
 July 7, 2024 1:26 pm

Speaking of ministers totally in charge:

NDIS Minister Bill Shorten says regulations that allow participants to access government-funded sex workers will be scrapped, saying it “doesn’t pass the test” for a service that is reasonable or necessary.

Appearing on Sky Sunday Agenda, Mr Shorten said while most NDIS participants were “doing the right thing,” he conceded the “rules have been a bit loose at the margins”.

In turn, this has led to service providers rorting the system, allowing people to claim services such as international group trips to Japan, steam rooms and cryptocurrency.

That’s bollocks because it has long been known that companies will often fleece taxpayer money for profit. That’s what companies are supposed to do. Shorten has been extremely foolish. A bit loose?! A golden egg for service providers is a more apt description.

July 7, 2024 2:30 pm

On music, this has been a bit of an earworm for the last couple of (very jetlagged) days.

The singer died in 2016 after a car accident, leaving behind a widow and three children. But he also left behind a great song.

Salvatore - Iron Publican
July 7, 2024 2:43 pm

Faruqi won’t say if Hamas should be dismantled

She’s very quick to say that Israel should be dismantled.
We get the picture, loud & clear.

July 7, 2024 2:43 pm
July 7, 2024 2:44 pm

Still reading “The Survivor” by Jack Fairweather on the early years of Auschwitz and quite stunned by how much info was sent to London but ignored .. Mainly, cos it just wasn’t believed and the general thoughts being the Polish-gummint-in exile was “guilding the lily” to, hopefully, get more attention/money & arms …..
Prior to the Wannsee decisions Autschwitz was still a fairly open camp, they employed locals in the, ongoing, building work & minor administration jobs. These folk came & went each day plus as the camp was 80% Polish prisoners they were also allowed outside the “wire” for construction purposes .. so getting info in & out was fairly simple .. It was still possible for non Jewish Poles to be released up until a coupla months after Barbarossa started .. It was only once the Russian PoWs started arriving that they (Nazis) started to seal off the camp from outsiders..
I also had no idea of Nazi staff numbers that, apparently, exceeded 2500 SS by the end of 1941 .. I’d alwayz thought camps were skeleton staffed using fear & reprisal rather than numbers ..
You realise this book isn’t exaggerating up cos not only does it name ‘sources” (prisoners) but, often, the Nazi staff involved and in a lot of cases includes, official, photos taken on arrival & registration ……

Salvatore - Iron Publican
July 7, 2024 2:52 pm

Still reading “The Survivor” by Jack Fairweather

Shatterzzz, where was this printed, the only book I can find to match is titled either: “The Volunteer”, or “A Rebel in Auschwitz”

July 7, 2024 3:02 pm

Know through my extended circle a family on the NDIS. Boy, they thought when Shorten got elected that he may fix some of the dodgier parts like sex workers being paid for and getting some more therapist that in most place including capital cities are now over 12months.

How wrong they were. Under Billy Shortens watch the grift has accelerated and waiting list blown out. He seriously needs to stop being combative with everyone and do his job!

As for Sukkar the shadow minister, where is he? Shorten should be easy pickings…

Cassie of Sydney
July 7, 2024 3:08 pm

The Jew hater named Mehreen Faruqi should be censured by the Australian senate.

We have a Nazi party in this country, and that party is called the Australian Greens.

July 7, 2024 3:08 pm

Shatterzzz, where was this printed, the only book I can find to match is titled either: “The Volunteer”, or “A Rebel in Auschwitz”

This the Amazon Kindle description link to the soft cover copy I have (front cover) .. published 2019 .. 503p .. the story is 399p the rest indexes & appendices ..

Last edited 2 months ago by shatterzzz
July 7, 2024 3:15 pm

One of the obvious problems during Covid era has been bias of the media to promote the Government line, particularly in relation to vaccines.
Some papers have reporters who specialise in health matters. Their “reporting” is often just passing on the latest Government or institutions line. This can be a CHO or something like the Immunization Coalition which might as well be a big pharma release as they are the main sponsors.
These articles then form the basis for news and comments on the radio and then that is picked up on the evening news.
You can see some reporters output relies heavily on such articles and as such they form a significant part of their employment renumeration. Even if such reporters had their doubts, and surely some must, they seem hardly likely to comment negatively on sources who have been feeding them stories for years.
Reporting on vaccine injuries or even inconsistencies in expert advice is hardly likely to endear you to your editor who just wants regular articles to fill some space.
This is a major problem for the integrity of the media and does great harm to the concept of “informed consent”. If you are not told the whole story how can you make an informed decision.
Never forgot the Liberal Government had to be dragged into even setting up a vaccine injury compensation scheme by their own Senator Rennick. Recent Senate estimates reveals only 324 out of over 3,000 claims have even been approved. In one case highlighted by Senator Roberts a lawyer was only compensated $4,000 for what was claimed to be hundreds of thousands in lost income for a proven and accepted injury.
Unfortunately the politicians are just the front men for the unelected and unaccountable civil servants who will carry on regardless as their are no consequences. Just like the former head of TGA John Skerritt who now works for a lobby group for big pharma. As indicated in Senate by Senator Roberts big pharma actually said Skeritts new role was a reward for ensuring quick approvals. I don’t even recall seeing that being mentioned in the mainstream media when it should have been front page news. However perhaps the reason it was not was because it might cause you to doubt the integrity of the decision making going on. As we now anything that might cause vaccine hesitancy is bad and better to not let the public know the full details.
Meanwhile rest assured that it will not be long line before all vaccines will be MRNA produced in a Melbourne facility (100m jabs per year) jointly funded by Moderna, Federal Government and VIC Government. All supported by a Federal CHO (Kelly) who stood beside Federal Health Minister Hunt and referred to the Novel Prize winning drug Ivermectin as a horse dewormer. From the same Government that banned Ivermectin but approved the use of the failed Ebola drug Remdesivir. The same CHO who just came from WHO back full of pride that Australia had signed up to the WHO Pandemic treaty.
Scum does not even come close to describing some of our health and media leaders.
Look for inclusion of more vaccines for kids as more and more are approved. Plus in some cases for employment. Police Commissioners in both Qld and WA have both indicated they might mandate more jabs again on the future and this is one of the reasons they resisted the court cases. You have to control the police if you want to control the public.
Never forget what they did and worry that they have zero remorse and with some of our leaders will have no hesitation to do it again.

John H.
John H.
July 7, 2024 3:28 pm
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
July 7, 2024 3:41 pm

The denial and disinformation facing October 7 survivorsBy Chip Le Grand
July 7, 2024
Posters of Israeli civilians abducted by Hamas were defaced in Inkerman Street, St Kilda East.

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14 min
Not long after the war began, three women went to their local member of parliament to register their dismay about Gaza. The women were aged in their late 20s or early 30s. One was a lawyer, another worked for a design firm. One wore a keffiyeh draped around her shoulders.
The federal MP, who asked not to be identified for fear of inciting anti-Israel protesters to target his electorate office and staff, offered a considered response. He, too, was appalled at the deaths of innocent Palestinians and acknowledged the terrible history of oppression of people who live on the Gaza Strip. He also condemned the atrocities of October 7.
It is here that the woman wearing the keffiyeh interjected. “That never happened,” she said. “The 7th of October never happened. It is fake news.”

Young Israelis last month returned to the site of the Nova dance festival, the site of one of the worst massacres of October 7.Credit: AP
This flat denial of murder, rape, and mutilation of Jewish and Arab Israelis, a daylight carnage captured on hundreds of security cameras, dash cameras, mobile phones and body cameras worn by the killers, left the MP flummoxed. “That was in November,” he says. “Already, the disinformation campaign had done its work.”
Nimrod Palmach, an Israel Defence Forces reservist and among the first Israeli soldiers to arrive at Kibbutz Be’eri where Hamas and other Palestinian militants killed nearly one in 10 residents, is disgusted but not surprised at the virulence of October 7 denial.
Palmach saw things that day he will never forget. People shot in the head. Bodies of dead women, stripped half naked. Burnt corpses. “I felt like I was in zombie land,” he

He remembers a moment late in the day, as the kibbutz was wreathed in smoke and he was lying in the scrub pinned down by Palestinian gunmen who’d taken control of a farm building. It occurred to him then that even if he survived to bear witness, some people would never believe him.
“I was shooting with one hand with a machine gun, and with the other hand, I am holding my phone to take photos and to document,” he tells this masthead from Tel Aviv.
“We are the only country in the world that has to go through a massacre like this, an act of barbarism like this, and people will not believe us, will want to see proof, will blame us for manipulating the truth.”
Stephen Smith, a Los Angeles-based genocide scholar, says that October 7 denial, like Holocaust denial, is a spectrum of disinformation. “There is flat-out denial, which is hard to justify because Hamas filmed themselves with their bodycams,” he says. “It’s also minimisation and marginalisation of the significance of the event. It is making the public doubt the veracity of what occurred on that day.”
Reasonable attempts to confirm facts about October 7 are not denial, Smith says. Rather, it is the attempt to obscure, distort and misrepresent the deadliest day in Israel’s history.

Posters of Israeli civilians abducted by Hamas were defaced in Inkerman Street, St Kilda East.

In Australia, this can be seen in avowed feminists refusing to accept that Jewish women were raped on October 7; a respected journalist promoting conspiracy theories about Benjamin Netanyahu’s government sacrificing its own citizens to secure a pretext to invade Gaza; a prominent Palestinian activist telling shoppers they have been lied to about October 7; and a vandal on Melbourne’s Inkerman Street scrawling the word “fake” across the image of Ariel Bibas, a four-year-old boy abducted by Hamas from a kibbutz.
Sara Aniano, a disinformation analyst with the New York-based Anti-Defamation League’s Centre on Extremism, says the prevalence of October 7 denial, although difficult to quantify, is disturbing.
“I have seen super progressive, left-wing influencers promote the same narrative as neo-Nazis,” she says. “We have seen state-sponsored media from Iran and Russia sowing division. It has been a mix of orchestrated, highly co-ordinated and more organic campaigns.”
Danny Ben-Moshe, a Walkley Award-winning, Melbourne film-maker and Holocaust researcher who travelled to Israel to help document the stories of Palmach and other October 7 survivors, is struck by the parallels between arguments used to deny the Holocaust and those now being employed to downplay the truth about what Hamas did nine months ago. The difference is the speed with which October 7 denial set in.
“It took about 20 years for Holocaust denial to gain momentum. It took a matter of days for October 7 denial to take root,” he says.

July 7, 2024 3:54 pm

Stop pretending that Vietnam wasn’t put forward as an existential threat in the middle of the Cold War.

Jeez Louise, it could’ve been put forward as an attack by Martian aliens, but it was for all intents a war of choice. The Vietnamese didn’t attack the US and neither were the Americans followed and defeated on their home turf. On the other hand an existential war is exactly what Israel is living through. Big difference that you refuse to acknowledge.

This sounds very whiny.

Does it? Your return argument here just sucks. It’s pathetic. You’re constantly hostile to links to “regimey” publications and when something agrees with your bias you ignore your simplistic assertions and link to regime publications. How funny.

July 7, 2024 4:11 pm

I see that Jacinta Allan was given projections 4 years ago that the Loop to Nowhere would have stuff all punters.
Herald Sun is trying but the rest of the media and the electorate will remain indifferent until the Libs get there act at least partially together

July 7, 2024 4:20 pm

It’s a ridiculous assertion that somehow Israel must maintain an area it has had confrontations with hamas 100% indefinitely.
Hamas don’t wear a uniform, they melt into the civilian population and like the rats they are, they return.
Insisting that the IDF maintain a presence in particular location is a demand for more IDF casualties as hamas with mostly sympathetic civilian population would inflict far more casualties than they do now.
Not to mention so called gazan civilians wouldn’t hesitate to lynch IDF soldiers if the opportunity arose.
While Vietcong certainly lurked the entire civilian population of South Vietnam didn’t see Americans as subhuman to be killed wherever they might be found.

July 7, 2024 4:28 pm

Given that Payman’s man Stokes has masterminded a conspiracy to undermine Australian democracy and to insinuate foreign violent extremeism into our culture, I am comforted by the knowledge that ASIO will be devoting significant resoures to counter this emergent threat.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
July 7, 2024 4:32 pm

Some people may know the ventriloquist Jeff Durham.

He is the guy who has Achmed the Dead Terrorist puppet.

Here is a snip of one of this shows where he interviews Biden after the debate (using one of his existing puppets, so don’t get too hung up by the appearance.)

July 7, 2024 4:36 pm

Stop pretending that Vietnam wasn’t put forward as an existential threat in the middle of the Cold War.

It may have been claimed, but it wasn’t true. Proof: The US lost the war but still exists. After a fashion.

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
July 7, 2024 4:36 pm

I see that Jacinta Allan was given projections 4 years ago that the Loop to Nowhere would have stuff all punters.

Jacinta Allan is Dan with a vagina but no hump.

Useless waste of space but managing to continue to fcuk Victoria

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
July 7, 2024 4:39 pm

Seems Senator Payman is getting her knickers in a twist, because she wasn’t allowed a “support person” present, while she was getting her horoscope read to her by Albo……

July 7, 2024 4:40 pm

Senator Rennick, one of the few pollies worth feeding interrogates some bastard from the CSIRO about nuclear and their fuking lying report:

Bureaucrats like this bastard are destroying this country. If you watch closely you can see the shit-stains on his tongue from where he has licked blackout’s arse.

July 7, 2024 4:45 pm

In Israel’s case, October 7 was an actual attack across the border, not a distant conflict. What sh*ts me to tears is that Israel gave them the land in good faith and have been supplying them with medical care, electricity, water and jobs for years. And this is how they’ve been repaid.

Yes Calli. Few seem to know anything about the history of the occupation of Gaza – especially the relocation of Israeli farmers to permit the Palestinian settlement. Gazans have been supported ever since – by the Israeli services you have mentioned & monetary support from Qatar and other Islamic nations.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
July 7, 2024 4:48 pm

Operation Bagration – 1944.

July 7, 2024 4:48 pm

Senator Payperson really is a piece of work- I don’t how this will play out but hopefully in a bad way for Anal and the ALP.

Kim Howard
Kim Howard
July 7, 2024 4:57 pm

Well I watched Tucker Carlson in Melbourne, and what he said is true, I Hope he will be vice President with Trump, that would be twelve years of Peace, and then we could hope for Desatis after this another 8 years of Peace and then Trump Junior another 8 years of Peace, that will see me out I think

July 7, 2024 5:08 pm

Allen offers Victorians nothing except division and declining living standards.

July 7, 2024 5:09 pm

Because the distinction proves nothing.

It proves a lot, actually. It proves that the link you posted is hogwash because even drawing on Vietnam as a template for insurgencies and comparing what’s going on in Gaza, is pure drivel.

My substantive return argument was the earlier one that its interesting that a regime publication is countersignaling their earlier narrative.

Have you been sleepwalking since October 7th? The “regime,” as you refer to it, has been generally hostile to Israel, so it’s no surprise there are negative pieces in what you now find to be an influential and readable publication.

This is no different to regime media saying Biden is at the best of his game then and now signaling that he can’t wipe his own arse.

I’m guessing this is a point you’re trying to make, and not even you understand what it means.

All you’re doing above is moaning about disagreement.

Explaining to you that wars of choice and existential ones are different is not moaning. It’s actually quite a basic distinction, and even I’m surprised you’re attributing Vietnam to an existential war. Lord almighty.

I’m being simplistic, biased, with the gall to link to a regime publication that is in muted tones critical of a policy that appears not be working. He maybe very well be wrong but if your plan B is to double down on plan A I’m not sure that’s going to work.

Are you suffering from amnesia now or pretending to? At least you’re broadening your reading to “regime” publications, and even defending doing so too. At least we’re having to contend with Virgo the Warlord and Tiny Serge this time.

BTW, as for the claim I’m constantly critical of regime publications, this is just nonsense. People are constantly linking to them and I largely say nothing about them.

Well, not really. Your criticism of “regime” publications has been just that oftentimes—that it’s just a regime publication, and the argument as far as you’re concerned ends there.

July 7, 2024 5:12 pm

But that isn’t the assertion. The question being asked is what is the point of the operation if they just increase the pool of willing recruits to Hamas, increases support across the board, and so on? That is a reasonable question.

The silly piece wasn’t simply asking that question. It was suggesting the Israels are losing the war because it’s similar to Vietnam when it’s nothing like the US war in Vietnam.

July 7, 2024 5:18 pm

As for Sukkar the shadow minister, where is he? Shorten should be easy pickings…

With a couple of exceptions, the shadow cabinet is missing in action.

July 7, 2024 5:24 pm

People seem to think this war isn’t just a variation of Islamic colonisation.
So what if the vast majority of Gazans are on board and will pick up an RPG if a fighter gets killed?
They have been bred for it.
That’s not new news for anyone who has a clue about Islam or who even saw the response within Gaza on 7 October.
Israel can only hope to deteriorate the physical infrastructure and make it harder for gazans to attack them, possibly the only way is to limit that is by controlling the border with Egypt.
We all know Islam’s desire for world domination never goes away.
I remember how muslims flocked to Syria for the creation of el-sham; they won the propaganda war for a couple of years, until finally they didn’t.
And of course it being muslim on muslim not all that many people cared.

July 7, 2024 5:29 pm

Much mirth on Outsiders about the possibility of some popular guy called Carbone running against and beating the pustule on legs, blackout. Rowan in titters and tatters about blackout being beaten by Carbon(e).

July 7, 2024 5:41 pm

Would be good if Bowen got Keneallyed

Cassie of Sydney
July 7, 2024 6:16 pm

I just want to preface this by saying the effing, bleeding obvious…..

Israel did not start this war.

I also say this…

Israel did not want to go to war. Israel never wants to go to war. However, Israel is always ready to go to war because it has to be, the neighbourhood it resides in demands this readiness. The sole Jewish state on the planet lives among the maniacal, the homicidal, and the genocidal, its neighbours are proud unashamed Jew haters who want to wipe Israel off the face of the earth and that doesn’t just mean getting rid of borders, they aim to eliminate the Jewish inhabitants within those borders. And we witnessed a taste of this on October 7 2023, when Hamas Nazi Muslim scum invaded southern Israel and proceeded to merrily rape, torture, butcher and kidnap almost 1500 men, women and children, the bulk of them Jewish.

Nothing justifies what happened on October 7…NOTHING.

I should also remind people that the area invaded by Hamas Nazis on October 7 2023 is not within 67 borders. NO. It is within 48 borders. Because, you see, Hamas and almost all Palestinians don’t recognise Israel’s 48 borders. Hamas is very clear about its intent to not just destroy Israel in its entirety, but to eliminate every last Jew on the planet. It’s in their charter.

Hamas is an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood, both are demonic Islamic vampiric death cults and both operate in a similar manner to the SS, they have blood initiation rituals similar to how the SS operated. They celebrate the spilling of blood, particularly Jewish and Christian blood. It pleases Allah. Just ask your average Copt about the Brotherhood.

I find the trivialisation and denials in the West about October 7, about the rapes, the murders and the kidnappings, among people who should know better, obscene, enraging, nauseating, infuriating, heartbreaking and ultimately depressing. We lost six million in World War II. The world Jewish population in 2024 has still not reached the level of the Jewish world population in 1939. That’s what happens with a REAL genocide, not the concocted bullshit ‘genocide that leftist and Muslim scum like to spruik about Gaza. Don’t you know, there’s been an ongoing genocide in Gaza since 2005? Meanwhile the population has doubled. But the good thing is that in 2024, when the homicidal, the genocidal and the murderous come after us, we Jews have an army to defend us, we Jews have any to seek revenge, unlike between 1939 to 1945, unlike in Safed in 1929, unlike in Kishnev in 1903, unlike in Ukraine during the Cossack Uprisings, unlike in so many other towns and villages in Europe and the Middle East across the centuries. And I am glad we have any army because it is very clear to me, very clear, that the world, when it comes to Jews, has learned nothing since 1945, and the only people who will defend us Jews is US Jews.

Anyway, I’m depressed enough without ranting further but hear this…

I am a proud Jew, I am a proud Zionist.

By the way, we still have over 100 hostages in Gaza help captive, but the International Red Cross is still yet to visit any of them, Amnesty International has not uttered a word, the world is forgetting……but we Jews will never forget them.

Am Yisrael Chai.

Last edited 2 months ago by Cassie of Sydney
July 7, 2024 6:29 pm

That wasn’t a rant, Cassie.

It was a well constructed and reasoned reminder.

And it was a reminder of the truth.

July 7, 2024 6:38 pm

The Australia From The Outback documentary episode, which I’ve just watched on Fox Docos, is one of the few series not drenched in communist propaganda and one that I would heartily recommend when it is rebroadcast.

It’s a straight-up-and-down rendition of the outback in the past 250 years, with a dutifull acknowledgement of the blackfellas, who were here before the whites forced them to live by the rules of civilisation where their women can’t be beaten and murdered without legal consequences.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
July 7, 2024 6:48 pm


The document shows that the Immigration Minister was told that there was drone surveillance to assess properties where the detainees were staying but not the detainees themselves.

Sky News Political Editor Andrew Clennell says clearly Mr Giles didn’t read the document properly and tried to blame his department for the blunder

The prospect of ‘drone surveillance’ on hundreds of released criminal detainees, all across this wide brown land.

I will assert that any reasonable person reading any document of the type would have, in all likelihood, stopped and thought ‘Hang on. That has to be horseshit.’

That Giles dropped his shoulders and went ‘oh-kay’ demonstrates his absolute disconnect with reality.

July 7, 2024 6:49 pm

The turd who barbecued his missus and kids was white.
Words to describe how I feel escape me.
Blessings to the little ones.

July 7, 2024 6:53 pm

The world Jewish population in 2024 has still not reached the level of the Jewish world population in 1939. That’s what happens with a REAL genocide, not the concocted bullshit ‘genocide that leftist and Muslim scum like to spruik about Gaza.

An inconvenient truth to share with the gullible pro-Pali in your life.

In my case the step-father of a future daughter-in-law (happily, the prospective d-i-l has a good head on her shoulders!).

Last edited 2 months ago by Roger
July 7, 2024 6:55 pm

regime media

This is puerile.
That the US has elected a president of a party that has spent the last eight years driving itself insane over Donald J. Trump doesn’t make it a “regime”.
It’s a democratically elected bunch of lunatics, for sure, but it isn’t a regime.

Last edited 2 months ago by Arky
July 7, 2024 6:59 pm

This is an illusion.

“Sure, sure”.

Without US support the military campaign would have ended months ago. The US has also provided unending diplomatic support to Israel. It’s just nonsense to say they’ve been generally hostile.

Military support is one thing, and even that has actually been conditional with constant threats of turning off the spigot. However, the “regime” you often refer to isn’t just the US administration. It encompasses the Washington establishment and Western Europe. It also includes the current Australian government. Hardly Zionists, and hardly Israeli supporters. There certainly has been a fracturing in Israeli support, which is why Foreign Affairs could carry a piece like that. But keep deluding yourself Israel has unlimited support in the West.

I’m not attributing to the Vietnam war was an ‘existential’ conflict, I said the argument then was that it was ‘existential’.

The Israeli war is nothing like Vietnam.

So it’s “nothing like” Vietnam even though public support for the Viet Cong increased, it’s numbers increased, etc. Sure sure.

There were obvious limitations to US engagement. They wouldn’t jump over the border and invade North Vietnam. Israel is not that limited and goes pretty much where it chooses to go in Gaza to kill the swine. Also, their ability to access arms and ammunition is much more limited than Vietnam.

Moreover, the swine can’t go hiding in thick jungles like they did in Vietnam. Mopping up operations aren’t a sign of defeat.

Cassie of Sydney
July 7, 2024 7:08 pm

The turd who barbecued his missus and kids was white.
Words to describe how I feel escape me.
Blessings to the little ones.

Pogs, I read it this afternoon. I cannot fathom how anyone could do such a thing.

July 7, 2024 7:12 pm

Enjoying the arguments tonight.

Off in under a week for a big family bash – the progressive side, unfortunately. No popular cause they won’t full throatedly support. I hope, forlornly, that the subject of Israel is avoided. But it won’t be.

Taking this meme with me…

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
July 7, 2024 7:15 pm

Alice Springs curfew being considered after 20 youths attack off-duty police officersTricia Rivera
39 minutes ago

A second curfew is being considered in Alice Springs after a group of 20 male youths allegedly attacked and robbed four off-duty police officers on Sunday morning.
Four officers – three female and one male – were walking along the Todd River walkway near the Scott Terrace bridge on their way to a hotel on Barret Drive at about 2.15am when a group of 20 male youths appeared from behind and allegedly assaulted them.
One female officer, who was punched in the face and kicked multiple times, had her mobile taken off her while another female was pulled to the ground and had her bag stolen.
The male officer was also punched and kicked multiple times.
The youths fled the scene after the alleged attack, and the four officers returned to their hotel to call the police.
Two female victims suffered minor wounds and were taken to Alice Springs Hospital.

July 7, 2024 7:16 pm


How many Americans, during the Cold War, believed they lived in real danger of being invaded and taken over. 3 people out of 200 plus million perhaps?

Put that up against the threats posed to Israeli security. There is a credible threat that every last Jew currently living in Israel would be killed.

That’s the difference between a war of choice and an existential war. The murderous loons want every Jew dead.

Last edited 2 months ago by JC
Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
July 7, 2024 7:19 pm

Aux les barricades, Calli. Family and friends are the frontline in wresting brains back from the Brain Dead Dhimmi Gramsci’ite Lizard People Mainstream Media Fake News Cultural Relativism Death-To-The-Infidel-Enlightenment Cult, and I, for one, relish the fray.
Undefeated and unapologetic.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
July 7, 2024 7:20 pm

This monster’s name is Dean Heasman. He is 28 years old.

Police sources said it would be alleged Heasman tried to drag some of the young children back into the home as they ran for their lives after he had deliberately lit the blaze.

Heasman alleged efforts to “prevent the rescue” attempts of neighbours and firefighters – resulted in the deaths of the baby girl and her two older brothers, aged three and six, police say.

Heasman is, they say, in an induced coma under guard.

Tried to drag children back into a burning house? No worries. This is very simple.

Gutshot. Hung. Shot again. Buried face down. Dug up, shot once more and then ripped apart and eaten by dogs.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
July 7, 2024 7:28 pm

Four officers – three female and one male – were walking along the Todd River walkway near the Scott Terrace bridge on their way to a hotel on Barret Drive at about 2.15am when a group of 20 male youths appeared from behind and allegedly assaulted them


I will confidently assert that these people are very new in that line of work, and absolutely assured that the sight of a badge – if produced – would make ne’er-do-wells sprint off in terror.

Nobody – and I mean nobody – who knows what’s going on walks from town across the Todd River at night. Idiots.

Also, if 20 roaming villains fronted those four it is extremely unlikely that it would have been restricted to punches being thrown and a bag pinched. It is extremely likely that the number of miscreants has been exaggerated.

Incidentally, it’s ‘Stott Terrace’ and ‘Barrett Drive’.

John H.
John H.
July 7, 2024 7:55 pm

(5) Iran Films One Of America’s Most Powerful Submarines – YouTube

Sheesh, a single converted Ohio class sub can carry 154 Tomahawk missiles. No target can defend against that many missiles. The s300 network failed to stop most of the 59 tomahawk on the Syrian air base.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
July 7, 2024 7:55 pm

Sir Frank Lowy: The Australia I love is the land of the fair go, not of anti-SemitismCameron Stewart
3 minutes ago

Sir Frank Lowy cannot reconcile the Australia he knew with the Australia he has read about since the October 7 attack on Israel triggered the Israel-Hamas war.
From his home in Tel Aviv, Lowy, one of Australia’s most successful immigrants, has watched in despair as the country that once welcomed him with open arms as a Jewish post-war refugee has been blighted by unprecedented levels of anti-Semitism.
“I’m very disappointed because Australia is a fair country and Australian people are fair people,” he says sadly. “And that fairness has somehow lost its way.
“How does an evil like anti-Semitism find its way there?
“I have no explanation for it, I have no words for it but I am greatly disappointed. I sincerely hope this is a temporary affair.”
For Lowy, now 93, the issue is closer to his heart than most.
“I am not neutral about this,” he says. “I suffered from anti-Semitism (in the war). I lost my ­father and my mother lost her family through the cruelty of anti-Semitism. We need to get rid of these poisonous feelings in our society.”
The rise of anti-Semitism since October 7 is all the more painful for Lowy because he has a deep and abiding love for Australia for giving him the opportunity to move past the horrors of his wartime childhood and build a new life here.
And what a life it turned out to be, creating the $33bn Westfield global shopping empire, transforming Australian soccer into a mainstream sport, setting up the Lowy Institute think tank and giving tens of millions of dollars away to philanthropic endeavours across the country.
Lowy has been named as one of the 60 most influential people of the past six decades in The Australian’s 60th Anniversary Collector’s Edition magazine, to be published on Saturday, in recognition of his multiple achievements and his impact on the nation’s life.
Australia was Lowy’s home for 66 years from 1952 until he moved to Israel in 2018, and he wants to remind all Australians how the country once greeted Jewish refugees like himself.
“I was welcomed immediately,” he says of arriving here at the age of 21. “I never felt like a stranger. I went to work in a factory and they accepted me; they did not ask me who I was or what language I spoke. They just said ‘What’s your name?’ I said ‘Frank’ and I was accepted. It was a very warm feeling.”

July 7, 2024 8:17 pm

Payman has opened Pandora’s Box. That fat slug faruqi on insiders today completed the vindication of Dr Peter Hammond’s description of the stages of islamic subversion of Western host nations by refusing to repudiate hamas..

Several muslim knife terrorism attacks show how the political bullying by islam is accompanied by violence. Sharia demands, acts of intimidation such as mass prayers and marches on public space will complete the takeover; all facilitated by vote chasing filth and liar mongrels and gutless conservatives.

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
July 7, 2024 8:38 pm

I just had the best afternoon evah. Well, it was a workday, and the wifey and kids are with the in-laws, so I just worked all day, but-
Went out onto the road to re-join a fence, I had a bloke with a John Deere 333 skid loader pushing a firebreak through the bush along the river, the straight-ish fenceline has the river sometimes very close and sometimes distant, so it’s an old stand of untouched bush with some thumping marris and blackbutts. We cut the fence for access and he’s done a magic job, long overdue, 3m wide red dirt firebreak, now it’s time for a spark, I had planned Friday sundown with a healthy easterly but some stuff came up of course.
So, I’m there with the ute parked up twenty yards up, Sal the reno dog listening to some Kvelertak on the back, me daydreaming a bit and watching the bullants between twitches- road is pretty tight, but I was aware of a bike coming up with a bright LED headlight, so I’ve said g’day as this douche with a neckbeard and oh-so-ironic foil wraparound sunnies whispers past on a ten thousand dollar bike- held a long look straight at me but no response, whatevs, he’s calorie counting or something. I get back to the pliers and critters and I’m kinda aware that the bike has stopped a hundred metres up, he’s looking aback- so he rides back and says,
“You know, you can’t restrict access to the river.”
My reply, nodding towards the split jarrah fenceline- “Yes I can, and I always have.”
“But you can’t restrict our access to the river.”
My guard was up now after, my chummy first reflex, so I’ve paused a bit and lowered my voice- the bloke had a huffy and puffed-up air about him, even in his ridiculous multi-zip-flap lycra skivvy, so I disciplined myself to extend a handshake and do my defusing routine-
I’ve got as much access to my river as I want, thanks. Look, I didn’t catch your name, I’m Wal…”
Nek moment, the guy screams like an idiot- a bullant has hit him behind the knee. He mangles his bike trying to step out of it, grabs a water bottle, splurges it down his leg, I casually lean against a fencepost (slyly double-checking for more bullants, they co-ordinate attacks) and say
“Ah. Bitten by a bullant, eh.” but he’s on the bike and away, trying to speed off while phoning someone for- what? An epipen? A lawyer?
Made my day.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
July 7, 2024 8:42 pm

France braces for more protests as polling stations open this morning for second round parliamentary votes that are expected to be won by hard right Marine Le Pen’s National Rally
Daily Mail.

July 7, 2024 8:47 pm

How many Americans, during the Cold War, believed they lived in real danger of being invaded and taken over. 3 people out of 200 plus million perhaps?

Probably correct but anyone who knew what was going on might believe they would die in thermonuclear hellfire in the next hour or so. There were one or two close calls.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
July 7, 2024 8:49 pm

Steve Inman:

Knuckle Sandwich Compilation

July 7, 2024 9:04 pm
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
July 7, 2024 9:16 pm

Dr Monique Ryan, MP, books several flights to the taxpayer..

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
July 7, 2024 9:24 pm

“How does an evil like anti-Semitism find its way there?

“I have no explanation for it, I have no words for it but I am greatly disappointed. I sincerely hope this is a temporary affair.”

Frank Lowey


1) A significant Muslim population suddenly landed – with support from activists who hate the West and all it stands for:

a) with enough political power to directly threaten politicians’ careers;

b) bringing the implied threat of terrorist violence – ‘nice country you’ve got here – shame if something happened to it’…

2) It will not go away. There is no realistic possibility now of Australia regathering the ‘culture’ that existed up to 40 years ago. There will be no ethnic cleansing, or repatriation, or assimilation; the cost of any of that would be too horrible for any reasonable person to agree to.

Islam has entered the gates, the Prophet victorious, accompanied by trumpets and applause from the good and great and hateful.

I, too, am greatly disappointed.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
July 7, 2024 9:43 pm

Troughing news (the Hun):

Daniel Andrews has engaged one of Australia’s most expensive silks in a bid to keep secret his phone records from the day of a near-fatal 2013 car crash with a teenage cyclist.

Philip Crutchfield KC – who charges up to $25,000 a day – will lead Mr Andrews’ ­attempts to fight a Supreme Court subpoena.

25K per day.

If Andrews follows his prior form, he’ll throw Mrs Andrews under the bus and consider it collateral damage.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
July 7, 2024 9:54 pm

Daniel Andrews has engaged one of Australia’s most expensive silks in a bid to keep secret his phone records from the day of a near-fatal 2013 car crash with a teenage cyclist.

Without going into any of the factual or legal details, just on the shifty behaviour exhibited, you would have to conclude, Far King Guilty M’Lord.

Top Ender
Top Ender
July 7, 2024 9:58 pm

No protests here in the south of France in our area. Then again it’s all small villages and towns – max about 5,000 people in the bigger places. The one we’re staying in is about 200 people.

Meanwhile in Qld:

Should young criminals receive adult sentences for serious crimes?Yes 95 %
No 5 %
3181 votes

Vote here in the Courier-Mail if you can climb the firewall

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
July 7, 2024 10:01 pm

One smoooooth track. I picture myself at a bar drinking scotch on the rocks and enjoying this.

Christian Prommers Drumlesson – Can You Feel It – MR FINGERS

Top Ender
Top Ender
July 7, 2024 10:03 pm

Bolta talks revolution:

Reform is on the rise, feeding off voters’ growing frustration with rising prices, mass immigration and politics as usual
Talk about a democracy deficit. Prime Minister Keir Starmer has won massive power, but little support.

Andrew Bolt

Britain’s bizarre election result gives Australians one more thing to boast about. We’re a lot more democratic than our former masters.

Britain’s new Labour government has a massive majority – two thirds of seats in the House of Commons – yet only 20 per cent of British adults voted for it.

What’s more, thanks to a first-past-the-post electoral system, Britain’s parliament now looks nothing like its people.

Talk about a democracy deficit. Prime Minister Keir Starmer has won massive power, but little support. It’s a recipe for political disillusion, even revolution.

Starmer’s first problem is that 40 per cent of voters couldn’t get excited enough about any party to bother voting.

Of those who did, just 34 per cent chose Labour, yet it won 64 per cent of the seats.

That’s because the conservative vote – small “c” – was split. The Conservative Party – smashed for being incompetent and gormless in government – still got 24 per cent of votes, but only 18 per cent of seats.

But the biggest scandal is that the other, and new, conservative party – Nigel Farage’s anti-immigration Reform – won 14 per cent of the vote, but five seats. In contrast, the Left-wing Liberal Democrats won fewer votes – 12 per cent – yet got 71 seats.

So the combined conservative vote was bigger than Labour’s, yet Labour rules triumphant.

Blame Britain’s first-past-the-post voting system, which worked when voters had two main choices – Labour or Conservative – but is a con now that nearly half the voters vote for someone else,

Under first past the post, your vote for Reform is wasted if it comes third. Without our kind of preference system, that vote won’t be added to the Conservative total, letting Labour win seat after seat with just over a third of the vote.

Farage is now demanding electoral reform to break up a system that’s suited the Labour and Conservative duopoly which has ruled Britain for a century. He also wants the unelected House of Lords sacked – another institution stacked by the ruling class.

If Labour doesn’t see the case for change, let it be warned: Reform is on the rise, feeding off voters’ growing frustration with rising prices, mass immigration and politics as usual.

It’s not impossible that Reform, too, could next time win 34 per cent of the vote and most seats. A revolution could come if this undemocratic system isn’t fixed.

Comments agree!


Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
July 7, 2024 10:37 pm

Farage is now demanding electoral reform to break up a system that’s suited the Labour and Conservative duopoly which has ruled Britain for a century. He also wants the unelected House of Lords sacked – another institution stacked by the ruling class.

Interestingly, prior to Blair’s Cool Britannia restructuring of the House of Lords, the upper house system worked well.

The active Lords were almost completely acting in the UK’s interest – as opposed to political interests of the governing party. Lord Inbred Rumpty Pumpty didn’t participate, and the Lords that did were by and large smart, engaged, interested and free to comment independently of Party Whips.

The result: discipline on the outpouring of Lower House policy (plus a whole bunch of legislative administrative stuff done properly).

Blair turned this unique, functional, self regulating, but non-democratic structure into a non-democratic extension of the Commons Circus.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
July 7, 2024 10:38 pm

You’d have to be a brain dead moron to attend a Biden rally. Effin losers, the lot of them.


Mark Dice:

Joe Biden Digs Himself in EVEN DEEPER! Commits Cardinal Sin of Democrat Party!

July 7, 2024 10:44 pm

2) It will not go away. There is no realistic possibility now of Australia regathering the ‘culture’ that existed up to 40 years ago. There will be no ethnic cleansing, or repatriation, or assimilation; the cost of any of that would be too horrible for any reasonable person to agree to.

Repatriation is the easiest of your choices and the most likely outcome. I’m sure there were people in Spain who thought as you do prior to 1492 but Isabella and Ferdinand got their way anyway.

At some point the majority population will simply be totally fed up with the troublemakers and they will decide that everything will be much better if the troublemakers were expelled en masse.

Louis Litt
Louis Litt
July 7, 2024 11:09 pm

The most concerning thing about the UK election was the lowest voter turnout amid a turbulent world political environment. The last time this happened was WW 1.
What is interesting was back then socialism was causing internal social violence, lashings of sex and lots of behind the scenes homosexuality – MolkevV Hardin being the biggie.
History repeats itself – it’s unthinkable.
people accuse the Christian religion of blinding or brainwashing when through the centuries it provided a framework of decency and civility.
these people with all the knowledge of the world, the science, the maths , the history, flock to garbage, and roll in like a washed kelpie running around the yard after his bath and roll in a cow pat.

H B Bear
H B Bear
July 7, 2024 11:34 pm

Chairman Dan under the pump. Can his mates save him now? Will they even try?

July 7, 2024 11:41 pm

At some point the majority population will simply be totally fed up with the troublemakers and they will decide that everything will be much better if the troublemakers were expelled en masse.

I don’t think it will happen, not in my lifetime anyway.
Too far down the path to serfdom/dimmitude we are.

We don’t have men and women of the faith and character leading us like Ferdinand and Isabella

Salvatore - Iron Publican
July 7, 2024 11:46 pm

Daniel Andrews has engaged one of Australia’s most expensive silks in a bid to keep secret his phone records from the day of a near-fatal 2013 car crash with a teenage cyclist.

Philip Crutchfield KC – who charges up to $25,000 a day – will lead Mr Andrews’ ­attempts to fight a Supreme Court subpoena.

If asked what phone calls I’d placed or received on a random date 11 years ago, I too would spend $25,000 a day for as many days as it took to ensure nobody found out who I’d called, or been called by.

July 8, 2024 7:26 am

Doesn’t matter there will be someone eager to take their place.

July 8, 2024 7:27 am
  1. Ridiculously good. I just wish they could mix it to bring out her vocals much more clearly. On the other…

  2. Is the coverage of Melania Trump’s spoken position on a woman’s right to choose life or death for her baby…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x