I have to admit the English do produce good chrese.
I have to admit the English do produce good chrese.
Rhubarb crumble with custard?
I’d be interested to see how someone could say Trump has “lost his way on Ukraine. Stopped the haemorrhaging of…
I’ll tell you how MAGA lost it’s way. Trump is a populist. Ukraine is unpopular, in part due to the…
There was one shooter. If there were more Trumpster would be deadsky.
My thinking as well. If the patsy was being engaged then a number of dei hires would have died
THIS WEEK IN CULTURE 195 (rumble.com)
God I hate the left.
We really are in the age of incompetence especially in the US. A guy with a target on his back can’t be protected by the very entity that’s supposed to prevent this type of assassination
. The internet almost went down.
I reckon the reason for this is DEI.
And no one ever seems to get fired.
War could be over soon
It has been intriguing oversighting the communications between our once close English upper class and elite friends who are realising that their mindless pursuit of BDS (Brexit Derangement Syndrone) has actually destroyed the future for their precious grand children.
There is much agitation around the village box for the Sunday morning shoot. “But, but, Kier is not like Tony, he actually wants to destroy us”.
They destroyed the Party in the arrogant belief that the little people of the Left would respect their betters and permit them to preserve their privilege.
“We really are in the age of incompetence”
Do all the investors in windmills and solar farms continually hold their breath, waiting for someone to say, “Nope, that just doesn’t work, defund it!”
They must live in fear that the rubes will finally wake up and pull the funding carpet away.
Ever seen the Simpsons episode of the Monorail guy?
That’s the Labor party, CSIRO, our universities, all in a conga line behind our version of the Monorail guy .. the solar and windmill guy. (also the Green Hydrogen guy and the electrical cable to Singapore guys)
You know, a town with money’s a little like the mule with a spinning wheel. No one knows how he got it, and danged if he knows how to use it!”
?Lyle Lanley
Lillard Lewis “Lyle” Lanley (possible full name) is a con artist and shyster who sold faulty monorails to several towns, including Springfield
That’s us in Australia, fools with money.
I love Leak’s money hose that Albo uses, so appropriate.
I like the approach. Might take that on board. But from my experience so far once they have committed to the Green machine there is very little chance of bringing them back. It’s a death cult. Jonestown next.
I may be incorrect in attributing this to The Simpsons, but I recall an episode where an enormous escalator is built that goes to nowhere; it simply ends in the air. Because it’s the ‘hip, new, thing,’ everyone lines up to ride it, even though it is obvious that all those who rode before them dropped to their death. I guess it’s an allusion to the behaviour of lemmings.
Regardless of attribution or may admittedly dodgy memory, to me, that escalator to nowhere sums up the present state of humanity (or we First Worlders anyway. Maybe if we didn’t have so much leisure time and affluence? Oooooh…. hang on! What if The Simpsons’ Itchy and Scratchy were two sides of the one personality, meaning they were performing those acts of insane violence on themselves? Now that – in a less visceral sense – is First World humanity).
Here is the transcript (according to NYT) of Trump’s RNC speech.
I suggest it is evidence that the assassination attempt succeeded.
Can you guess why?
because elephants have flat feet?
Because NYT needs click bait as it is losing audience at the rate of knots.
It scared him enough to change tactics and possibly policy?
Yes. wrt the swamp.
Colonel Crispin Berka
July 20, 2024 9:46 pm
You have to help me out here.
Why do you think that?
I searched for references to the swamp, the deep state and regime and bureaucracy and couldn’t find any in that speech. Draining did not seem to be on the agenda any more.
( :
Steve Inman:
Cornfed Fred Compilation
Elites everywhere are showing themselves to be incompetent, naive, malicious and cowardly, all the worst human traits. Now that the hoi polloi can see their uselessness the only unknown is how long they will be tolerated.
And believe it not, that is how we got the original railway gauge.
Or so the tale goes.
True or not?
Sadly, not (although the starting point was a rational size of horse drawn vehicle).
The ‘standard gauge’ was set by the UK 1848 Gauge Act, which recognised the success of Robert Stevenson’s adaption of the 5’ Killingworth rollyway to allow his steam locomotive to run around corners fitted with iron plates without binding.
Trump said shoot me in the ear and kill and injure a couple of people so I can win the election?
Makes sense … he needed something, being so far behind in the polls (sarc)
July 20, 2024 10:37 pm
I don’t know how to knit or crochet, but would be willing to learn and sit in the front row to see them marched up for a decent flogging.
they may control local, state and federal govt
they may be the politicians, union leaders, judiciary and lobbyists
they might be the media, the police, the armed forces or school teachers
they may have a monopoly on violence
“Remember this. The people you’re trying to step on, we’re everyone you depend on.
We’re the people who do your laundry and cook your food and serve your dinner. We make your bed. We guard you while you’re asleep.
We drive the ambulances. We direct your call. We are cooks and taxi drivers and we know everything about you. We process your insurance claims and credit card charges.
We control every part of your life.
We are the middle children of history, raised by television to believe that someday we’ll be millionaires and movie stars and rock stars, but we won’t.
And we’re just learning this fact.
So don’t fuck with us.”
? Chuck Palahniuk, Fight Club
The stage production is off the charts. So good to watch on the big screen!
I’ll repeat, this music is not for everyone …. understandable. Half of the fun is watching the crowd.
People that suffer from epilepsy, be careful.
Paul van Dyk – Live from Transmission Prague 2024
Says the man who raced over there three months after it started to make sure it didn’t end.
BORIS JOHNSON: Why I am more convinced than ever that Trump has the strength and bravery to save Ukraine and end this appalling war
‘Loophole’ that could see Biden booted out the election race if he refuses to go
That is not happening, Lizzie. And happy birthday! You don’t look a day over 67.
There is no mechanism for the party to roll Biden at this point. He has the primary votes, the funding, and the power of incumbency. I don’t care how many anonymous stories come out about his wavering mindset, he ain’t leaving.
August 5 is apparently the date after which Biden has the nomination officially, which should be the end of the current silliness. But probably won’t.
“and the power of incumbency”
yeah stfu mUnty … gawd you talk crap
Lefturd talking points arrived early today.
Still, it’s good to see them “fortifying” the corpse and his bride as the sacrificial goats.
Why They Hate
Why They Hate – American Thinker
Tonight I rewatched The Searchers. It’s a film I like to watch every 2 or 3 years. There are some movies, all classics, that I like to sit down and rewatch every few years, classics such as The Wizard of Oz, The Great Escape, Rear Window, North by Northwest and a few others. They are the great American films of the last eighty years, and The Searchers, as far as I am concerned, is the greatest Western, and a highly allegorical one at that. It’s themes have not dated at all.
I’ve written here before how the main character in The Searchers, ‘Ethan’, played by John Wayne, reminds me of Donald Trump. ‘Ethan’ is a Confederate veteran of the Civil War, a tough and intelligent man, plain speaking, hardened by battle in war, embittered, unforgiving, prejudiced, not a likeable character. But he’s filled with ‘true grit’, and he embodies something unique in American culture, he’s a rugged and brave individual but he ain’t perfect, far from it….like Donald J Trump.
You might not know this but when The Searchers was released in 1956 and was a success on its release, it was watched by a young musical genius by the name of Buddy Holly who was inspired to write a song using words spoken by ‘Ethan’ in the film. That song was called….’That’ll be the Day’.
There’s a scene in the film where the young Jeffrey Hunter, who plays Marty, furiously confronts Ethan on his prejudice and he says to Ethan….
‘I hope you die’
To which Ethan replies…
‘That’ll be the day’.
Over the last eight years so many have wished Donald Trump would die and go away, and last week they very nearly succeeded in killing Donald Trump. And whilst Trump, standing on that podium in Pennsylvania, didn’t utter the same words as ‘Ethan’ in The Searchers, you can see the same character traits and Trump’s message to the shooter, to the elites, to the MSM, to all of those who’ve spent years disparaging him, smearing him, ridiculing him, demonising him, silencing him, lying about him, trying to jail him and lastly, last Sunday morning (Oz time), trying to kill him, the sentiment was exactly the same as what Wayne’s character ‘Ethan’ said in The Searchers….
‘That’ll be the day’.
Buddy Holly was also a Texan.
But you knew that 😀
Great comment Cassie. Must now catch up with the movie.
Hope you’ve seen Hillbilly Elegy. If not, it’s a must see.
No he didn’t act alone and the worldwide outage wasn’t a glitch.
A dress rehearsal for the election?
Here’s Why Tech Billionaires Are Leaving The Radical Left In Droves
Agree with JC when he said.
“There was one shooter. If there were more Trumpster would be deadsky”
I have watched many experts (former Seals, snipers, Secret Service etc) in past few days.
If there were two shooters then Crooks would be the “patsy” and the 2nd shooter would be the better shot. However the timing had to be exactly right. You would think the 2nd shooter would also have a better specialist sniper weapon which would ensure he hit target.
Former SEAL Tim Kennedy made an interesting point. That was that the Government via Homeland Security (Mayorkas) and Secret Service had ensured that Trump had a week security team. The many errors support the conclusion that he did not have his A team on duty that day.
Plus you have the constant flood of comments from Democrat side that Trump was Hitler and a danger to democracy. They created the atmosphere that would make attempts more likely.
Stochastic terrorism.
Or the Secret Service sniper was below the patsy in the building. They had direct line of sight to Trump and would know exactly when to fire. Robert Barnes
Wokester: “Trump is wearing that huge bandage for theatrical effect.”
Normie: “What? I couldn’t understand you through that mask you’re wearing.”
Postcard 3 from Romania
Romania features the interesting capital of Bucharest. Ravaged by successive competing ideas of government, enough remains to capture attention in a walk around. There are small old churches with painted panels; stately buildings in a Romanesque style, and fountains as a feature. Intermixed with all of this are horrible communist-build blockhouses of “apartments” and offices: featureless concrete everywhere.
The temperature however was getting into the 40s by mid-afternoon so one had to be a bit careful walking around. We toured the Parliament House – the world’s second largest building, and you might wonder why a country that’s not that rich with a population of 20 million builds such a thing. The answer was that under Nicolae Ceau?escu the general secretary of the Communist Party he wanted to and they complied. It is now 70% empty and a tourist attraction – magnificently built out of all-Romanian products.
One interesting aspect of where we were staying right in the middle of town was in the evening – when it had cooled down a bit – was the Romanians coming out to play. A major occupation in a closed off main street was walking up the length of it – about five blocks – and then back down again. Lots of street cafes. The Romanian idea of a diet is smoked meat so we were able to help out a bit.
This narrative is jumping around a bit but we are on a river cruise for the next 10 days.
Very interesting. Quite a big country by European standards I think. A lot of western countries seem to be like Romania in the late 80s.
Love the travelogues, TE. Interesting places.
We did a Danube river cruise, might consider another river cruise soon.
Thank you for your travelogue, TE.
I’m in Bucharest next year following in your footsteps, including Vlad’s castle and a Viking cruise up to Vienna. I promise not to maraud too much.
Isn’t the building you described the largest marble building in the world? Top Gear is my reference for that. The boys raced sports cars underneath it to see who could make the loudest noise.
Romania. Christmas Day 1989, when the people finally rose up and overthrew the tyrant and executed him and his missus in the street.
Should be more of it.
Yes, i should have mentioned the tunnels – we watched that Top Gear episode. They are only occasionally opened to the public.
A rich country – the cakes are the richest in the world.
it could be the most country in the world.
Small footsteps but, at least, a beginning .. shoud be lotz more of it .. Welfare cut-back if you don’t want to work …..
Should be the same here.
I wonder if the Leftists realise their refusal to to curb the invasions is merely creating resistance to their aims?
I’m going to postcard too.
A miserable day in Dublin, I went to mass at the Carmelite monastery in the morning. They first arrived in Ireland at the end of the 1200s, got booted by Henry the 8th, went into hiding for 200 years, then got a small section of their Dublin land back and started rebuilding in the early 19th century. One priest found an old Madonna and Child (probably from a dissolved Cisterian monastery on the north bank of the Liffey) in a second hand shop and she is now ‘Our Lady of Dublin’.
My cultural activity was the emmigration museum, €23, in former underground warehouses on the north side.
Also had to do a bit of eye rolling there and move on, it’s entirely modern and interactive but interesting in parts, some stuff I knew well enough.
I don’t know why the Magdalene laundries needed two mentions. Is it possible that Catholic nuns also did good things in Ireland?
Ireland until at least the 1950s was mostly poor and life was harsh for many, it’s why so many people left.
Missed the regular palli rally by that much, saw a few walking back as I made my way home.
The Spar supermarket on one city corner was ‘Gay Spar’.
All in all I don’t like the city centre, crowded, grubby, with homeless encampments and other flotsam begging.
Week In Pictures.
Some of the stuff in the comments section is bloody hilarious as well.
Thank you Tom.
Ricky Gervais meme:
You found that offensive?
I found it funny.
That’s why I am happier than you.
My favourite:
And Leake’s cartoon with Biden in the hospital bed and Obama at his bedside is in the Comments!
Houthi drone strike in Tel Aviv. One civilian dead and ten reported wounded.
IDF responds.
“Around” 10-12 F-35s are reported to have carried out the response.
About time.
There are a few international borders Israel had to cross to get at them. I suspect there are a few Arab nations that were not unhappy to have them pass through on their way to say hi to the Houthis.
That may have also had the effect of letting Iran know that they still care.
If the IDF coasted out at Eilat they could have stayed over water the whole way. Or crossed through Saudi, who has no love for the Houthis (and would likely have granted permission).
Some of these “terrorist” organizations are slow on the uptake, aren’t they? .. Time after time they get demonstrations of the Israeli reaction and still they think, “Let’s try again, this time it might be different” …. furglewitz …….!
What fun watching some MSNBC teeth and hair airhead intoning today’s criticisms of the RNC. My favourites:
“They couldn’t even attract a single celebrity”.
“They had ordinary working people on stage”.
“These people are white surpremacists, how dare they insult people of colour by having token minority preachers on stage”.
I realise it is all just a scripted production but geez, Goebbles they ain’t!
I still have nightmares about trying to colour grade
a faded 16mm print of The Searchers on the fly.
Back in the days of the Cintel Flying Spot Scanner,
there was nothing racist about the technical term
crushing the blacks.
The unbelievable gall of these precious ‘victims’.
Oh Lord. A ‘doctor’ from Macquarie uni. That tenth rate intellectual cesspit.
The PhD has been devalued everywhere in the past twenty years, with some ridiculous efforts being awarded the honour. However, Macquarie has always veered more to the left than elsewhere, especially in its law school. I taught at Macquarie on a part-time sessional basis for a while in the mid 70’s while pregnant with my second child. I never liked the place, coming from a Teaching Fellowship, tutorship and Commonwealth post-graduate scholarship at Sydney University. Things were still bearable at Sydney Uni, scholarly and measured, even during those heady anti-Vietnam and then Whitlam years. Macquarie didn’t excite with any originality of thought.
The Parkinson humourless mediocrity is VC there. Very appropriate.
They don’t like it up ‘em…
Deport, problem solved.
Whilst the UK is quickly descending into a sectarian & tribal ethno-religious state, it’s far easier for the UK to blame one of their devils for the Leeds riots……Nigel Farage.
Meanwhile, whilst sections of the UK media are now blaming Farage, all because of a tweet he put out, the same UK media are now lauding a Leeds based Islamist pin-up boy for his spurious attempts at ‘social cohesion’, even though this same Islamist was just recently elected as a ‘Greens’ candidate in Leeds, and he wasn’t elected on much of a ‘social cohesion’ platform because when he won he shouted, screamed and screeched…….
‘Allah Akbar’
‘Free Palestine’
Hmm, forget about ‘social cohesion’ in the UK (and coming here), it’s now ‘Islam cohesion’.
The UK is crumbling before our eyes.
Having learned exactly zero from the past week in the States, the UK media and their prog masters are now putting Farage in the bullseye.
And being the UK, he will have very little protection.
Farage isn’t a stupid man. He knows the burley is in the water and the stage is being set.
Better start praying for him now, those who pray.
Maybe I could try it too. I think there is some unusual power in prayerful thoughts.
Remember Chesterton: “We are the people of England and we have not spoken yet.”
Oil facilities in Yemen’s largest port are on fire.
Boo Yah!!!
Muslims never learn. You don’t fcuk with Israel.
Thanks Tom.
My favourite isn’t funny at all, but a reflection of a broken voting system.
Israel has attacked Yemen.
Hmm. Still looking at cruising in the Arabian Sea in December.
I’m hoping things will have settled down by then.
Glad this came now not later.
Yes I’m afraid so Cassie. The insane green policies have shades of Romania in the late 80s too. The despicable establishment seems to have fully quashed all the excitement and optimism of 2016.
Considering how many millennia mariners have managed to
sail the seven seas without the added benefit of fossil fuels,
it must’ve been the solar power wot done it.
Bugger, won’t link.
Solar powered bilge pumps would only go for so long if you spring a leak.
Hand powered, just like the old days?
Solar powered – legislation being passed that ships only get leaks during cloudless days and not at night.
Yeah. I’m being sarcastic yet again.
I wonder if they are going to have masts and carry sails as back up?
Statement by PM Netanyahu
There are FOUR Great Men in the world at this time.
Benyamin Netanyahu.
Donald Trump.
Victor Orban.
Javier Milei.
God, I hope more have the nads to step up.
Add Pierre Poilievre to that list. He’ll be booting out Trudeau sooner than later I think and the man takes no BS from anyone.
And JD Vance? Coming up.
Add Elon Musk to the list, even though he is not a politician he can see and express what is happening.
The center has shifted so far to the left, that a progressive like Musk is now far right!
Thanks to all of you for the extra names.
It’s a great start.
Perhaps Dover could run a side bar with the names of the Good ones, which we could add to as we find them.
With a short bio of each.
And even the alien who owns space chook said he was moved to tears by Trump’s reaction to being shot.
Haha. Sly News Australia has been live-casting Donald Trump’s Michigan rally speech, including his allegation of medlia “lies and disinformation”.
Thankfully, the rally is indoors so it’s harder for the Secret Service to get him killed.
cheerful squalor, the left’s favourite environment
Gives you an idea of how the elites think of our cities. These are no longer showcases of the best we have to offer but illustrate the capitulation of our leaders to urban terrorists.
Fearful squalor.
Chaos – the Lefts favourite environment.
If only we had here in Oz pollies with the gonads to pursue and implement these four strategic objectives. I can but live in hope ….
By this definition, fascism is what we have here in abundance, particularly in Sicktoria, NSW and Qld.
You forgot WA, SA and Tasmania along with the NT.
trump back on the circuit.
Comrade Montgomery upthread;
Fervently hoping necromancy is not dead.
lol, Bush.
I don’t think Biden will be the candidate but that they’ll keep him breathing and upright just long enough to open up the Convention to a new candidate. That said, Biden may upset this applecart by simply being stubborn and staying put. With all the money.
Lizzie, thanks for the pointer on getting a good looking Burmese(or two). I’m feeling the need for a couple of cats since the little black and white female cat from over the corner back fence got moved to Wagga for a year. It took a while but she became very friendly. I called her “Taxi” (Black and White) and found her early one morning sleeping on our front steps. It may have been a hint.
Eyrie, Burmese are expensive but I think you are ensuring their future if anything happens you. If you can afford it and cope with two, then two cats are a wonderful team. They get to love each other so much, and you equally as much. They don’t get lonely especially if you are out much during the day. In the 60’s we always had ‘two cats in the yard’ in our group house. One was a Siamese, the other a rescue tabby. In the turmoil of bringing home my first baby to the group house, and in the utter chaos of its disintegration after one of the members was having it off with my husband. This led to my departure with the baby, as I was taken in during my great distress by other kindly academics, and the cats disappeared in all the shouting and side-taking. I don’t know what happened to either of them, but I knew the Siamese would have found another home. There were rumours of that. The tabby, I fear not. I suspect she ended up as roadkill, but no body was ever found. People told me later they did search for them both.
Every day both here and in the US, the meja continue to reveal themselves to be the idiotic, spiteful and condescending, blinked liars that they are. Agree there are some good writers in the Oz but the muck served up by Kelly, Sheridan and Ullmann to name but three mean that I cannot in good conscience let any of my hard earned go their way.
I cancelled when I lost my job; its not like there are professional job ads any more.
Now I often want to resubscribe because I want to read some articles from behind the paywall. But I KNOW I will be enraged, and waste time commenting only to see the nasty mods leave my comments in purgatory until its too late to have others read them.
So blow it, no subscription for them!
I stopped buying it after they made krudd Australian of the year but that’s ancient history now
I was disappointed Ullmann shat the bed as well, albeit he was only ever ‘relatively’ sensible to begin with.
This weekend’s edition was well worth throwing them a few dollars to read in hard copy. That might be the best solution for those not wanting to subscribe.
your comment on the UK led to comparing what is happening there, to the film “28 Days Later”.
UK is the Lab experimenting with Rage Virus on Chimps. Muslims were nick named Rage Monkeys years ago. Coincidence?
Do gooders release the poor little chimps from the lab in the the “name of freedom”, doncha know.
This is equivalent to flooding the UK with rag heads because, “poor little things”, will be different in a “free” country.
But, it doesn’t work out the way the do gooders had planned. The Rage Monkeys attack and kill without remorse or any sort of human feeling whatever. The worst part is, the rage is contagious. It is Rabies like in it’s effect.
The Government has no way of dealing with the problem because it has become weak and dissipated over the years. The ordinary person tries their hardest to avoid the contagion but, they are stymied because they are not allowed to defend themselves.
The decision is made to abandon the UK for six months. It is an island. Hopefully, the contagion will have killed itself by then. If there are survivors, they will most likely be imprisoned upon discovery and quarantined, “for their own good”.
And never heard of again.
Seeing the discredited old Chills and his old slag regurgitating lawyer Starmer’s Marxist poison made me feel quite ill. The British establishment.
He doesn’t get any choice, despite probably agreeing with much of it.
I reckon he would agree with most of it
Thanks for your travel notes Rosie!
About 15 years ago when I was commenting at Butterflies and Wheels, a lady there was describing sitting in the gallery of court hearings at that time, making rosaries as a visible show of the way they as child inmates were forced to work.
It sounded pretty harsh.
The times in general were pretty harsh, especially in Ireland.
Dare I mention ‘Angela’s Ashes’. Why yes, I think I can.
Never bought a cat in my life.
Our oldest cat was picked up at a country show. The sign read ‘free to a good home’ and my then ten year old daughter raced over to me and said “we’ve got a good home dad, can we take him?”
What can you say to that?
Same here, never bought a cat tho it’s been at least 25 years since there wasn’t one living here .. at one stage I had 7 but, thankfully, ageing has them down to 2 now .. Both will, probably, outlast me .. LOL!
Fatso was gift from the Child Bride and she was very cagey about where he came from, Buddy was a stroll in who adopted us.
Elsie is just a loan.
I think she will be my last cat.
I gave her a bit of a brush down a week ago. The lacerations have mostly healed but I think some scarring will be evidence of her enthusiasm for the process. I got quite a lot of fur from her – enough, I think, to knit another cat if I want a small one.
I’m looking for a dog – more as a bit of protection and company than anything else, if anyone has a spare they don’t need any more, I’m after a middle aged mid size derg. My block is 2000 square meters so plenty of room for hole digging etc.
Apparently I have a good home.
Apropos yesterday’s discussion of prog-lefties defriending normies, I see Usha Vance, previously a liberal darling as a high-profile lawyer at a progressive firm, has been targeted by left-leaning media outlets in the US with borderline racist jokes, including deportation memes (note: she is US born).
The true haters are lefturds.
Take one step off the plantation…
The Ceausescu’s ignominious demise is one of the most heart warming tales of the last forty years.
Trump is worth bottling.
He just said in Michigan that Kamala is crazy, not Nancy Pelosi crazy, but she’s crazy.
He’s Baaack!
Our Muslima friends seem to have difficulty grasping the truth defence and fair comment.
Why is that, I wonder?
Do they perhaps view themselves as privileged and above criticism?
Takiyya says that they are permitted to lie to the infidels. The whole of their code of ethics is summed up in one word, depends.
Yes, they are full of piss and shit. 😀
I’d think “Lies” is a better descriptor, but yours is OK.
“These people lie.” IDF Spokesheila.
Isn’t it waaycissst to have different words for men and women?
Actually, they do. They are steeped into the beliefs of their cult from day one. They honestly believe they are Allahs Chosen People and are genuinely perplexed by our refusal to acknowledge this.
I’m not being disingenuous about this – their entire world view centres on them being special – and they genuinely do not understand how we cannot see the validity of their religious viewpoint. Of course this position leads them to the supposition that we are servants of Satan and must be destroyed, which is where kitman and taqiyya become necessary.
Another reason for the popularity in the Arab nations is the automatic superiority of men over women. If you are a male with an IQ of 70, you are automatically superior to every woman in the world. It must be a great relief to know when you get out of bed in the morning that you are better than Marie Curie, Golda Meir, Amelia Earhart, and Indira Gandhi. So now he can go about herding his goats with a clear understanding of his greatness in the Islamic world.
herding? Is that what they call it. Procreating with goats to produce more little mo’s.
And yet it is only the males that are special, the females are the workhorses and chattels.
Hero of the skies again… at the grand old age of 94! Scots Dambuster fulfils his life dream to fly in iconic Spitfire
Daily Mail
Amazing ..! I had to look it up cos wondered how at that age he could fly a Spitfire .. saw the pix and its been modified with a 2nd seat .. Incredible ..!
IIRC, the Spitfire is an original trainer, “The Duchess of Somewhere or other”.
Going on memory here – I’ll look for a link and post it – see how well the memory is working.
OK. Can’t find it. Bugger.
what would we do without these bozos?
Gotta hand it to West Yorkshire plod .. ensuring the streets are safe for “peaceable” rioting ……..!
Mutt of the week– $100 is as close to Free To A Good Home as it gets these days.
Yep. My brother’s beautiful purebred young kelpie, a cattle dog rescued from a box in a paddock on Victoria’s western plains, cost $1000.
They don’t seem to have the ability to match an owners requirements up to a specific list of dogs.
Am I missing something here?
Tom @08:08am…
Thankfully, the rally is indoors so it’s harder for the Secret Service to get him killed.
Haha – nice one centurion.
So they have managed to limit his rally numbers. I would call it a win for Cheatle.
It’s more important for the Arabs of ‘Palestine’ to not ever have a Jewish state than it is for them to have a ‘Palestinian’ state alongside a Jewish state.
The Arabs of “Palestine” have had a Palestinian State since 1947. It’s called “Jordan.”
And they tried to murder its king, kill its soldiers and take it over.
Joe Hildebrand must have had an interview with Jacinta Price.
This might be extracts of a book of Price’s actually. Matters Of The Heart
Whatever, they are sage words.
My friend has reached out back to me and we are agreeing to disagree.
There is more that unites us than separates us, we both know that.
Can I shorten her message somewhat?
“An Aboriginal Enlightenment.”
… or “How we forced Aboriginal Australia into growing the Fark up by cutting off all subsidies and racial legal empowerment which turned out to be velvet chains.”
Is God having a laugh at us or is it humour from hell? The boss of the Secret Service is called Cheatle while the assassin is a Crooks.
For anyone that is interested in Army Aviation:
Australian Army Flying Museum | Oakey 2024
It goes for 1:10:08 minutes
Ive booked marked it to watch the rest later when I have time.
You could just go there.
I do Eyrie.
I do volunteer work in the imaging section at the museum workshop on the Army Aviation Training Centre base most Wednesdays.
Wednesday last week marked 50 years of the CH47 Chinook being in service with the ADF. The function was held at the display area where Scott is doing the interview.
Next week the conversation is going to be ‘Did ya see Scotty’s interview???’… ‘Yair…hope he is putting up a couple of cartons for us’…’didn’t think he would scrub up so well’…etc etc etc… 🙂
Scott was also an Army loadie on the Iroquois.
Very interesting and very informative.
I was surprised at the level of enthusiasm for the Pilatus Porter – wasn’t it supposed to be a deathtrap with doors falling off and similar?
Also the Eurocopter being well thought of or am I mixing up the Tiger and the Eurocopter?
Damn. I’ve driven past the place many many times on the way to Brisbane but have never had the time to stop.
I should make the time….
Farmer Gez
July 21, 2024 8:40 am
Never bought a cat in my life.
Our oldest cat was picked up at a country show. The sign read ‘free to a good home’ and my then ten year old daughter raced over to me and said “we’ve got a good home dad, can we take him?”
What can you say to that?
Good stuff, Gez.
The cat I just buried was born in the wall cavity of mum’s laundary. She lasted 20+ years.
Any other consideration is either racism or classism, it is like telling people you will never be able to look after yourselves or your families because you are black, brown or even poor white*.
*JD Vance is a shining example of a poor white person rising to the top purely due to his own determination and actions. The left hates him because he undercuts their message, he wants to deprive the left of their dependent voters.
July 20, 2024 11:26 pm
Why They Hate
Let me see if I have this right from the article:
Considering that Allah has left the world to Islam, there can never be peace. All lands not occupied by Islam belong to Islam – they are occupied by the Infidel. Therefore they must be liberated and any Muslim who treats with the enemy – unless it is under the auspices of Kitman deception – as an apostate who must be killed for his apostasy.
That leaves us with little choice. Either we submit or we die.
?There is the third option. We kill every Muslim who fails to convert to Christianity, destroy every Mosque and burn out of existence every trace of Islam.
Those are the choices that Islam presents us with – they are certainly not mine, but they are theirs.
Choices, choices, choices.
I accept your counter offer
Its not a choice, its us or them.
what would we do without these bozos?
Oz economy is on Elon’s space rocket flights level .. gotta be cos Luigi is throwing $600 million taxpayer funds at PNG to create their very own NRL “thugby” team ……
Randa Abdel-Fattah is demanding a huge payout and an apology after it was revealed she organised a protest rally at which children were made to lead others in anti-Israel chants.
Havent looked but I wouldnt be surprised if its Marque lawyers again.
James Clyburn will go apeshit if Kamala is booted and replaced by a non black.
How about another dark skinned Indian, which is what Kamala is if we are going to play the race game? (1/2 Indian, 1/4 black, 1/4 white)
via Instapundit:
Stanley Kubrick really nailed the lighting and angles for that shot. Good thing he was such a stickler for details and insisted on filming on location!
It was my 26th birthday. I remember it well, sitting watching it in Manning House at Sydney University, shadowy figures on the TV in the cafeteria.
I see Buzz’s hashtag is “TheRealBuzz”. What a lost opportunity when it could have been “TheRealBuzzLightyear”.
Biden calls Obama ‘puppet master’ as the White House slips into chaos
Somebody is behind Biden. If not Barry,who?
And just to show, yet again, how utterly depraved and repulsive the MSM is, it’s worth watching Nigel Farage demolish the excrement called Emily Mateless……
That’s how you deal with the scum.
He would have been better off walking past and ignoring her entirely.
Politicians need to learn that all microphones are not good microphones, but I suppose that’s too much to ask of most of them.
Clown’s world:
Sen. Josh Hawley: “Today when I went to that sight, the FBI has got more security on that sight now than they did the night Trump was shot out. FBI trying to totally control the information. They try to kick me off of the sight. They said ‘Get Outta here ! You shouldn’t be on the sight’. I had the permission from the local, the FBI came out and said you have got to leave, we don’t want you here.”
Oh, I do hope that the putrid creature does run.
She’ll have to arkancide Joe first.
I have the feeling the more pressure they apply to him the more the stubborn old man is inclined to stay put.
But if he does go, he’ll hand the baton to Harris.
Btw, I had a laugh this morning when ABC reported that Biden’s doctor told the press his covid patient’s vital signs were “absolutely normal.”
Not just normal, but absolutely normal!
Well, Clinton is totally unelectable and isn’t risking a thing to run. So there’s that.
On the other hand the Dems would have to pitch hard to get their core voters over the whole ‘ignoring the entitled “black” woman’ thing and that’s not going to happen.
Too many of them remember bitterly when Bernie got shafted/bribed by the party to end his run for the party preferred candidate.
July 21, 2024 2:05 am
I wonder if the Leftists realise their refusal to to curb the invasions is merely creating resistance to their aims?
And what will they do about it?
Thanx, excellent link article ……..!
First Trump rally since the assassination attempt in blue state Michigan.
Not a spare seat in the house either.
Mak Siccar
July 21, 2024 7:38 am
The unbelievable gall of these precious ‘victims’.
Methinx the “musso” political hardliners have seen the advantages of pushing their women to the front, after the very soft Labor & Coalition response to Senator “Fat Paycheque’s” defection …..
It wil last as long as it furthers the ‘we is victims” cause ……!
Ban any opposition.
The German ruling caste is attempting to do this.
And they don’t see the irony.
Even though there aren’t many remaining from the ones who fought the last war, they have an institutionalised memory of the chaos and death that was visited on them.
It’s a cover up. And when there’s a cover up there’s something to cover up.
Drinking With J.D. Vance
Interesting free floating article.
aargh. Sorry I forgot the asterisk in ‘f*ck’ and comment on Vance is in moderation. Shame when we can’t quote others using the f word. it’s pretty common in parlance today. I loved it btw when at his Conference speech, and as the movie showed, Vance said his Mamaw used the f word freely.
Leaving aside the question of the desirability of pursuing net zero via the free market floated toward the end of this piece, Lacalle is describing our government’s policy (and that of the UK) – essentially, the malinvestment of public funds – and explaining why it will lead to greater poverty for the majority of the population.
It’s the new economic paradigm, according to Dim Chalmers.
time to quit mucking around
just put the plantation to work on some decent pyramids
One benefit of reading the swill on Twit er X is that among the swine and NPCs are some real legends.
Larry is great, even before the sad puppies saga he was unafraid to fight back and say what he means.
I’ve been meaning to try his SF books. Must do so, although I’m still working through the various novels I’ve bought.
I enjoyed a few Monster Hunter books, but Son of the Black Sword series is RIVETING.
Maybe talk to FMG minority shareholders or Victorian taxpayers about misallocation of capital.
……… is playing his part trying to cover up the inside job he and the Biden Administration has orchestrated- the (attempted) assassination of DJT.
must see!
They should NOT be putting Trump and JD on the same stage together at the same time.
It isn’t over. We live in a world of drones and more and more state actors with the ability to reach out and touch anyone.
Yes, I think you are right there, Arky. Certainly not in open field territory anyway.
Maybe a lot of commie traitors will be tuning into Trump rallies live hoping for a repeat, but accidentally getting a lecture on reality instead.
Interesting comment on an Oz article. Says he was on a Finnish plane with Finnish pilots designated as a Qantas flight. Cabin crew Singaporean. Flying Singapore to Sydney and Singaporean crew welcoming them to country!
Just proves how ridiculous it has become.
This invariable Iron Law invariably gets lost in what passes for public discussion.
The unraveling hydrogen economy is a classic case in point: the central plank of the Government’s Net Zero strategy has been kicked away by a single actor in a sea of spivs and mainchancers (for masochists and tragic energy wonks: a listing of Australian hydrogen projects – mostly feasting on OPM).
After a day of media gasping and sniggering, it’s a forgotten non-issue, too hard or too uninteresting to unpick and reflect upon.
But the basis of the figleaf Renewable Superpower Masterplan has been gutshot – leaving behind the skeleton of a ruined energy economy.
Unremarked, for all to see.
Over to you, Peter Dutton.
True, however this is not the same as saying there is NO role for governments in industry.
All levels of government are required to respond to changes in the economy brought about by new technologies.
The problem today is that governments driven by an insane religious fervour have tried to be the initial driver of a technological change which the general public does not want, instead of responding to technological changes readily adopted by the public.
The process should be:
New technology invented.Private investors speculate on public uptake of technology.Public embraces technology.Companies invest in the successful speculative activities.Public begins using new technology at increasing levels.All levels of government develop policies to help production of new technology.Like the way railroads were built. Some towns were built around stations, Whereas cities had to accomodate themselves to get stations. If cities hadn’t planned for stations and tracks, railroads might not have been so successful, but if governments had tried to pick a successful technology to do what rail did after the steam engine was invented, they would have chosen something stupid and killed off the whole thing.
Wouldn’t disagree (and I believe there can be a place for government investment to lower the cost of supply of certain goods and services).
However, the Albanese Government is working on a wholly different basis:
This model has government inventing and attempting to impose ‘transition’ and ‘transformation’ for political purposes – and then being ambushed by the fact that market forces have different information and don’t agree.
Editing a post seems to lose some formatting.
It’s another way of saying that governments are bad at picking winners. The role of government in the economy is basically to establish the legal framework for business at all levels of investment, be it small, medium or large, to be able to operate and succeed, providing the public with goods and services, employment and tax revenue for essential public services and so on.
There is a case to be made for governments building infrastructure that genuinely increases productivity where private capital is not immediately attracted to directly invest to a sufficient level, eg. roads. railways and ports in the 19th C. But even then, the governments that did so were borrowing private funds from overseas on reasonable terms and the cost was spread over a long period of time.
I cant remember last week’s WIP so I’ll link to it because it’s so good:
The Week in Pictures: Anyway. . . | Power Line (powerlineblog.com)
The EV and the milk girl are great.
An article at TheirABC about the Twiggy implosion quotes these figures for the efficiency of energy storage:
There are some simple dynamics working against hydrogen as a fuel.
It might be more efficient than petrol but it doesn’t rate against a battery-driven vehicle.
When it comes to batteries, roughly 70 per cent of the original energy produced at the source performs useful work in the vehicle.
With hydrogen, that drops to between 25 per cent and 30 per cent, while internal combustion engines at best deliver 20 per cent efficiency.
I don’t understand these figures, and no citation is provided.
Can anyone shed any light? TIA.
I suspect it is all about the efficiency of the conversion of one source to another. As usual the ALPBC are being economical with the truth, BoN has noted hydrocarbons are very energy dense (by weight, volume whatever). Given the choice between a truck load of coal and a few windy days I know what I’m choosing.
Yeah. The problem with water electrolysis is that it takes an overvoltage to start the production of hydrogen. About a volt. That extra overvoltage translates directly to heat, which is wasted. There’re overvoltages on both the positive and negative electrodes.
Vast amounts of effort have gone into reducing these overvoltages, with very limited success.
Overall it takes about 50 kWh of electricity per kg of hydrogen. The theoretical minimum is 40 kWh/kg. All you need to know is that hydrogen has an energy content of 0.142 GJ/kg, thus one GJ is 7 kg of hydrogen.
The price of one GJ of natural gas is about US$2.10 at today’s price. So you can only equal that in hydrogen by producing it at 30c/kg. Which means, since it takes 50 kWh per kg that the electricity price has to be 0.6c/kWh.
Which is ludicrous.
And that’s even before the capital cost, interest, depreciation and manning costs.
None of these problems are new. People have been looking to store grid levels of electricity since it was invented. Ditto vaccines for viruses.
Ian Verrender has done Google and come up with numbers he likes, but probably doesn’t understand.
This looks like a mix of different efficiency measures, for different technologies, incompletely described – certainly not comparable.
The thoughts of Robert Barnes – a fascinating discussion on the attempted assassination. 60 minute Youtube.
Just thought on the ‘outage’. As A.I. rapidly takes over, there will be no guarantee of the veracity of any information delivered digitally. A.I. can subtly change everything digital and people will not pick it up. Each issue will be fixed by digital repairs which will create more issues. It is an IT circle. My guess is five years before the A.I. destroys the trust. Noting will happen much for a few years. Issues- patches- security, a coverup whirlwind until a sudden the panic. Everything: your bank, your contracts, your history can be changed in a second. Even me and this statement may be fake. You will never know.
I know.
Clippy didn’t help.
I recently bought a copy of the Encyclopaedia Britannica for about $800. When I explained why, my family looked puzzled.
“Because they can’t change this copy from the internet.”
I expect the blokes from the Fire Department to turn up any day now.*
*Gratuitous reference to Fahrenheit 451.
there is a theory that Google and Microsoft have archived all the information now (pre AI) as the future information will be untrustworthy and the two companies will be the only ones with the truth. So you are on the right track.
When it comes to batteries, roughly 70 per cent of the original energy produced at the source performs useful work in the vehicle.
With hydrogen, that drops to between 25 per cent and 30 per cent, while internal combustion engines at best deliver 20 per cent efficiency.
Depends exactly what they are talking about.
Lithium batteries may be a bit better than 70% charge discharge efficiency.
Just compressing or liquifying hydrogen gives a round trip efficiency of 35% or so and then depends whether you simply burn it in a internal combustion engine with the usual thermodynamic inefficiencies in which case you get maybe 35 to 40% of that 35% or use a fuel cell.
A good modern IC engine gets a thermodynamic efficiency up in the high thirties percent and Mazda claim they an get over 50%.
Also hydrogen is a total bitch on equipment.
1) Atoms are small and treat containment like a dry airborne virus particle going through an N95 mask. Expect storage to be expensive and not lossless.
2) Hydrogen damages steel, reducing its strength. When I went parachuting years ago, one of the articles we had to read explained hydrogen embrittlement as it applied to harness buckles. TLDR: electroplating puts hydrogen into the steel, eventually making it liable to snap. A long bake in a furnace after plating is necessary to prevent embrittlement.
Yep, even rocket engineers avoid hydrogen as fuel unless it is absolutely required for performance reasons.
Musk and others have chosen methane which is liquid at temperatures not too different from liquid oxygen and doesn’t screw the stainless steel tanks in Musk’s case.
Best way to use hydrogen is by attaching the atoms to little nano sized chains of carbon atoms aka natural gas, petrol, diesel etc.
You can also attach the hydrogen to a nitrogen atom and make hydrazine (NH2) or Ammonia (NH3). The former is good as rocket fuel as it stores at room temperature and with N2)4 is hypergolic (doesn’t need an igniter, just mix) .
AFAIK the last use of ammonia in a rocket engine was in the X-15 and I gather that it was so horrible nobody will do that again.
So it is rocket science?
Rocket engineering isn’t rocket science.
So it is rocket science?
Rocket engineering isn’t rocket science.
I have no idea what I just read.
I am/was but a ‘humble RAAOC Clerk Tech.’
Last nite we hunkered down in the warmth of the fire and watched the movie of JC Vance’s ‘Hillbilly Elegy’. We both thought it was a total knockout, one of the best movies of recent years and wondered how we had missed it so far. We’re also ordering the book.
There was a point when Mamaw, his Appalachian grandma, asked by Vance as a teen why she helped him, reflected that without her, what would happen to ‘family’? For family is foundational, always, such a great truth. At that point I admit I lost it, heaving sobs, and Hairy came over to put his hand on my shoulder. This is a great story of poverty and the cultures of poverty, of the honest, proud and God-fearing Hillbilly familial past and of the druggie present in the wilds of the American rust belts. Bloody marvellous.
It ended in 2016. Never, says Hairy then, was it truer said that ‘and the rest is history’.
I think it was one of the best birthdays I’ve ever had, to watch it and feel it.
Typo – JD Vance, not JC
No surprise Marxists have had the family in their sights from the get go. Still one of the strangest indicators for long term success is a traditional 2 parent family, despite what the ALPBC would have you believe.
And that is why they invented three seat lounges, Lizzie. He would have been close enough that he didn’t need to get up and walk over to you.
Greatest labor saving device known to man, the 3 seater lounge.
(OK, I’m joking. 🙂 )
Did you receive the signed letter of congrats from the monarch for reaching the milestone?
A belated happy birthday.
One uptick for you from me, JC. Nuffink from Charlie, and wouldn’t really want it prematurely. lol. Still 18 good years to go. Hanging out perhaps for King Willie.
And even, hopefully, Will’s heir.
July 21, 2024 11:33 am
Fascinating indeed- thanks!
Great comments at 31 mins.
The incessant lawfare and assassination attempt on Trump were all Deep State ops but all efforts have failed because they have been planned and carried out by actors who are a combo of wokism, natural leftard ineptitude and DEI. Something like a Zoolander operation!
Cassie of Sydney
July 20, 2024 8:35 am
Ah, I thought the ‘Romanian’ reference as a flashpoint was curious when I first heard but add ‘Romani’ as a descriptor and it makes more sense. Can definitely behave in menacing ways.
I watched the whole thing & thought the narrator had a Yank accent .. LOL!
Couldn’t work out the reference to him being Lancashire …
Thanks for answers on energy conversion.
My (amateur) impression of what others have said is that the problems with hydrogen as a fuel are well known and have been for some time.
Why on earth did Twiggy pick this basket to put his eggs in? It seems bizarre.
Did he think he was on the verge of some big breakthrough that would transform everything, or what?
No, he’s just a woke dickhead who can’t do maths or simple physics.
Ex WA insto stockbroker. Well versed in separating people from their money. Apologies to any of them reading. Know a few guys who operate in the added alpha end of the market. Great fun on the beers but keep an eye on your wallet.
Twiggy thinks humidity will kill us all.
Obviously he hasn’t spent much time in the tropics/
subsidies m’dear … free money
Simply a vanity project that demanded heaps of moola.
Specifically, other people’s moola. Ten percent for the (Forrest) trees.
The English bint that the Murdochs appointed as the WSJ editor is destroying the best newspaper in the world.
How the hell does this story belong in the WSJ? Note: says that it’s a 7 minute read too.
The Best Slip-On Sneakers to Keep Up With Your On-the-Go Lifestyle
Agree a 100% on this. Though the downward trend started under the previous editor Murray who is now at WaPo.
This is exciting – for me at least.
I flew up here to the property yesterday. We are in the process of attempting to implement a vendor funded buyout by the property managers. Extraordinary complexity.
When I arrived, the managers who readily qualify as animal lunatics, displayed no interest whatsoever in matters financial. Instead they drove me up behind one of the sorghum paddocks where there was an ocean of brolgas, dancing.
It was mesmerising, and they are there still today.
There has been a few individuals and pairs in the past, but nothing like this.
The managers claimed that it was the benign season that attracted them to the district. But I knew differently.
Bruce has obviously been up here with his magic mince.
Hope you got some lovely photos, bons.
No, stupid me, I didn’t think of it. I will ask the folks to get out the cameras if the visitors are still there.
Having had for several years a pair of resident white-faced herons as fanatical mince lovers I suspect brolgas would like it also. Sadly the herons now’ve moved elsewhere, but they were a lot of fun at the time.
We have a few resident bin chickens if that helps.
Ten points. Poor ole bin chooks – universally hated.
Edward Snowden – My Ultimate Goal is to Return to US
Show up somewhere with an extradition treaty and you will.
Ralph Schoellhammer on The Neil Oliver Show.
The Secret Service During The Assassination Attempt
How do you know if you’re having a panic attack? *looks at trousers and grimaces*
Dr. John Campbell
Moderna v Pfizer
To be fair the homeless were on the perimeter, near the bus station, in tents along the river, and you get get beggars in every big city. I’m not one for crowds.
Most of the tourists seemed to be Americans, as expected and Spanish, not so much.
And there were men with carts (not a job relished by Irish feminists?) clearing rubbish and poor people, indigenous and immigrant, collecting refundable bottles, (which mostly involves pawing through rubbish bins which makes the refundable scheme seem redundant.
Maybe folk like me .. I don’t drive so collecting the “returnables” isn’t feasible .. I just put ’em all in plastic bags & when full leave ’em by one of the bins in the (next door) shopping centre for the “collectors” .. of whom we seem to have no shortage .. LOL!
“It sounded pretty harsh”.
I did say that, and that life for many Irish even in the fifties and sixties was extraordinarily harsh. One roomed cottages with no electricity or running water, no jobs, a massive slump in agricultural exports, single mothers were a great burden for the Irish.
My point was they could have also shown the great good nuns did in Ireland, in education, hospitals, caring for the elderly etc but they chose not to.
International missionaries got a mention, not all positive either.
That’s the woke view in action in museum staff, I guess.
Christopher Hitchens probably set the tone with his slam of Mother Theresa.
There was a load of woke in the museum. It’s the flavour of Ireland. It’s funny how the church must atone for harshness but the neglect, beatings and abuse that occured in the family home rarely rates a mention.
Hitchens did not understand the charism of Mother Teresa. It was not to found hospitals and cure the sick but to allow those who would otherwise have died in a gutter a place to die in dignity. And yes they took unwanted babies out of rubbish bins too. Hitchens also was too stupid to realise that the people who took family members to Mother Teresa didn’t go for a cure either, they knew it was a hospice for the dying.
And though they try to deny it now, lay people and governments (supposedly the source of all wisdom and virtue) knew that the orphanages and many of the schools were brutal places and took pleasure in it (‘ah to be sure, the bruvvers will give him a good hiding if he acts up’). The Jansenist heresy, with its bleak view of God and humanity, penetrated deep into Ireland and, like all heresy, it was toxic.
If the terrorists were serious, there would be a lot more nervousness among the families. One man died to protect his.
How many secret service agents would you need to protect Biden’s family?
I’m tired of hearing the words “former president Trump”.
”Former President” Is not a title. There is no such office*.
There is a “former Presidents Act”. Small “f” capital “P”.
Donald Trump is not “Former President Trump”.
He is “Mr. Trump” if referring to the man presently, or “Republican presidential candidate Trump” if referring to his current bid to regain the office, or “President Trump” if referring to his previous or future administrations, or if referring to him as a historical figure after he is gone. He is former President Trump if, and only if, you are talking about his entitlements or office** or responsibilities or pension as a former president.
*office as in a position held.
**office as in a place to do office things.
I still can’t believe this run from Tasca and team.
341.68 mph = 549.88 kph.
341 MPH: Bob Tasca III Shatters Own Record At PRO Superstar Shootout
One wonders if social media companies were subsequently complicit in scrubbing clean the online presence of a certain spotty 20 year old shootist.
johnjjj’s link upthread covers this and many more questions arising from that day. Dozen’s of unanswered questions, anomalies, missteps, brazen mistakes, ignored warnings, SS (deliberate?) shortcomings etc…
Taken in entirety, there can be no other conclusion that this was set up for bad actors as an inside job. We’ll never know the full truth of course.
Another repeat.
I had a smile on my dial the whole way through. Those billet aluminium engine blocks are works of art …. and expen$ive.
Everyone had a ball here.
A correction to the title of the clip. They are at around 11000 hp … insane!
1,500 vs 15,000 Horsepower Drag Race!!! Our Turbo Corvette Got DESTROYED By a Top Fuel Dragster!
Have any journalists bothered to ask the kids he went to school with if the little prick had a social media presence? They would know for certain. Sure, that would require a little effort.
That would mess with the predetermined story fed to the media.
One former classmate has told reporters Crooks ridiculed him for being a Latino who supported Trump.
Interesting article on Crowdstrike
‘Trump was attacked for ‘anti-war’ views’, claims Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban
The Economic Times
Hootie Tooties cop a fireworks display on port city. Giy Fawkes night in Hootie Tootie City.
Israel’s war on Gaza updates: Israel attacks Yemen’s port city of Hodeidah
Haha. The Hootie Tooties love the ritual suicide of attacking the biggest military force on earth — a perfectly suitable end for the inbred, low-IQ foot soldiers of militant Islam.
“The FBI said on Sunday that Crooks’ social media profile did not contain threatening language and added on Monday that the agency had not yet found evidence of a motive for the shooting.”
He had one.
Lok harder for both the motive and the soshul media presence.
The FBI have stated he had a social media presence.
Get Crowdflare to investigate.
They’ll come up with the “right” answer.
He didn’t like politicians.
Natch. Same agency spent years trying to find the Russia connection to DJT and came up empty handed. Can’t find Hunters laptop or any evidence of his illegal drug use. Can’t find any evidence of Epstein’s guests at p3do island. Can’t find any evidence of illegal activity with FISA warrants used to illegally surveill DJT.
How about ; he hated Trump. Now, what would make him feel so strongly about that?
July 21, 2024 11:31 am
An article at Their ABC about the Twiggy implosion quotes these figures for the efficiency of energy storage:
Twiggy has gone nuts; his missus has left him and he is under the thrall of his sprogs who are green loons.
All energy sources must be measured by a number of criteria. The weather ones lose out because of intermittency and unpredictability; just like the weather!
The others are ranked by a variety of criteria including EROEI and density.
EROEI is energy return on energy invested. All energy sources require energy to get up and running = energy invested. If the ER is LESS than the EI then you have a negative return. W&S are EROEI negative but so is H or rather Twiggy’s GREEN H. The usual way of extracting H is from methane, a wonderful gas, CH4. The EROEI is +ve if done this way BUT you also release C or carbon, as much as from a coal power plant. So to GREEN H which is extracted from water, H2O. No carbon is released hence the term GREEN BUT because H2O is a tightly bound molecule the EROEI is -ve. End of story.
Energy density is how much energy you get from a standard unit of the energy source. In MJ/L H has an energy density of 10.044. Anthracite Coal has an energy density of 34–43. Uranium 1,539,842,000.
Energy density – Wikipedia
I’ve read that you need an EROEI of at least 7 times to be viable.
Even with fusion according to a guy I knew who worked for TRW on some related projects, breakeven isn’t anything to get excited about. Ten times is considered barely viable and more like 100x to be commercial.
What you measure is what you get.
The energy balance fails to incorporate two injections to the input cycle;
1) Bloviatus, measured in management wank-words expended around promised benefits
2) Inflatus, measured in taxpayer dollars pissed away. Can be standardised against the US dollar.
Albo’s firehose of other people’s money was Leak’s genius move, I hope it gets used a lot more,
Carnegie Mellon Prof Says Trump Assassination Attempt ‘Was Staged’ (legalinsurrection.com)
This fat black kunt, a nigerian, also wished Queen Betty an excruciating death.
Professor who wished Queen ‘excruciating’ death explains defiant stance on podcast
I am so over these black/muzzie bitches.
The first thing is to not let them get under your skin, cohenite.
The second thing is their claims are easily rebutted.
And a third is that you can punish them by attacking through the reputation of their institution.
Long gone are the days when perfessers where scholars. It’s a dirty word now. Like doctor.
Or ‘face mask.’
Response to cohenite’s 5:19 p.m. post re claims that the Trump assassination attempt was staged:
The first question I ask myself when considering if such a conspiracy theory (an almost meaningless term now?) could be true, is ‘Was/is there a more effective means of achieving the outcome?’
In this case, where the outcome is Republican unity (apparently), and a whole lot of media attention (presumably having a positive effect on opinion polling), the question would be ‘Was there a simpler, just-as-effective opportunity, (retaining the ‘Trump’s life is threatened scenario’) to achieve the same result?
Hypothetically, let’s say you’re tasked with planning such a ‘conspiracy theory.’ Would you have set things up in exactly the same manner as took place in reality? (Wouldn’t you at least have found a patsy whose political ideology could be more directly connected to opponents?).
Muddy, the answer to your questions is that leftists not only hate democracy, they’re shit at politics and therefore don’t understand how it works.
For example, if you try to assassinate American politics’s most popular candidate, he will become more popular.
The American left doesn’t have a political fixer like Australia’s Graham Richardson who understands this stuff, just radical ideologues like Barack Obama, the leader of the faceless men who has been running the White House since 2020.
Therefore, the Obama/Biden White House is clueless about how to win the 2924 election and will therefore probably decide to cut its losses and put up a loser like Kanala Harris while beginning the planning for 2028.
If the Left are shit at politics, and we have putative Leftists governments in UK, US, Canada, and Australia, the non-Left parties in those countries must be even more shit than them.
I believe ‘complacent’ is the word. Maybe ‘distracted’ if we are kind.
If it was staged then we are dealing with one of the greatest marksmen in history. William Tell had nothing on him.
My predictions for the next five years:
9. The late 2020s, early 2030s begin a glorious new golden age of investment and progress.
I hear the leathery rustle of pigs wings overhead
Ukraine is viable without Russia, or at least it was.
That was the problem.
Their age demographics are catastrophic.
Made even worse by the war, as are Russia’s.
They both had a baby bust after the break up of the Soviet Union, plus men have drunk themselves to early graves, and now the war.
There are so few men aged between 15 to 35 in both countries they are in fact totally stuffed.
Resulting in deflationary pressure in Australia as Chinese consumer goods are dumped here, resolving the economic and social crisis of home-grown inflation that our ruling caste (in the form of the National Cabinet), in their wisdom, inflicted upon us (Thanks Josh, Scott & assorted ex-state premiers!) .
Not sure what fairly contained means.
I am struggling to see how it can avoid going nuclear. The west does not have the industrial base to wage conventional war with china.
Fairly contained in that the time it occurs is outside their optimal window.
It all has to come to a head soon.
It could go nuclear.
If so, better sooner than later.
Fairly contained might be they run amuck in the pacific like the Japanese did, but can’t take the Phillipines and down to Australia. They might just take Taiwan and South Korea.
Or it might mean they go for the nukes before they have the clear advantage and get glassed.
Not fairly contained means we’re f***ing all over man.
Assuming Trump does win, the biggest concern will not be his presidency – the globalists and other orcs will simply wait it out – but the period that follows. Unless conservatives begin to plan for the post-Trump presidency NOW, anything that he does will be undone.
Repeating what I’ve written previously, I believe that Donald Trump is not a ‘warrior king’ but a ‘berserker’ of Scandinavian myth. He is not here to single-handedly save us all while we recline with a cocktail and work on our tan. My understanding of a berserker is a warrior who holds off the enemy at a pivotal moment, allowing the survivors of the warrior band to regroup. He pays for this with his life and does so willingly.
A Trump presidency will be four years of enemies being held (hopefully) but not defeated.
Complacency will see the man’s exertions wasted. Is that the gratitude we plan to offer?
1.Trump wins.
2.No rapid decoupling is possible. US tries dollar devaluation. China counters.
3. Tech globalists (donor class) within Trump camp understand that no great decoupling is possible this decade and not in their interests anyway.
4. China maintains its position but is unwilling to exploit its strategic situation. Waits and does nothing re Taiwan.
5. War in Ukraine enters its final stage. Exhausted, it attempts to draw NATO directly into the conflict. However, situation in ME means that US more likely to choose one or other, not both. Chooses ME.
6. NATO now fatally undermined. European nations in crises. Russia takes Kiev, Odessa and entire left bank of Dnieper as chaos ensues in Western Ukraine.
7. Situation in ME worsens. War in Lebanon is quagmire. Israel is economically and militarily unprepared for a long war. Attempts to deal decisive blows only appear to worsen the strategic situation.
8. Matters only worsen.
I love optimism.
You won’t think it is optimism as it unfolds.
I think you have misread my comment.
A positive view of the future is a good thing.
I’m just saying a lot of people aren’t going to make it to that future as the initial chaos occurs.
My predictions are based on the following:
Trump is likely to win.
Trump will place people determined to do something about the China problem in key positions,
CCP will respond to the challenge.
CCP has f***ed up its timing. Should have played possum a little longer.
China is ripe for political upheaval.
China must be defeated economically and militarily.
These things must resolve themselves and there are limited ways for that to occur.
The J.D.Vance pick is a huge signpost as to how this is going to go.
One can also imagine the frame of mind Trump is in, after he spent four years warning these other countries what he would do if they didn’t stop their activities, be it letting caravans of people traverse their territories and deposit into the USA; or be it the trade shenanigans, only to have all those countries renege once they thought Trump safely out of the way.
Are you not enriched??
Cops & Melbourne city Council trying on more intimidatory tactics @ #FreePalestine rally today. Attempted to shut down all info & fundraising stalls.
We will not be deterred!
We will not be silent!
March will be meeting freedom for Bangladesh March at Bourke St mall.
Importing sectarian mongs is our strength… comrades…
Brought to you by Canbra the toxic parasite on the fake lake.
I think you’ll find a fair number of home-grown Marxist mongs among that crowd. It is Melbourne.
Anecdote from a mate about Bangladesh and their attitudes to women. Another country we should be very discerning accepting aspiring immigrants from.
East Timor under UN mandate his Battalion was on their second tour.
One of the border bases hosted some Bangladeshi troops at late notice for an evening. Kitchen was closed but a female sergeant cook came down and opened the kitchen for self use showed them what food the could take from the fridge as there was plenty but just don’t touch tomorrows prepared food on another shelving rack.
An hour later she came back to see if they needed anything else/help. They had disregarded the instructions and were cooking what she told them not to. She then told them off and was promptly spat on, threatened and told that we don’t take orders from women.
In tears she ran to a detachment of Brazilian MP there and told them what happened. Word spread to the company of Aussie troops there quickly but the CSM was on to it as well. He had the company & Brazilian MP detachment formed up very quickly in the car park while questions were asked.
Turns out cook wasn’t lying and Bangladeshi’s even admitted it. The commander of the Bangladeshi’s was told he had 1 hour to leave with all his troops or the CSM would be instructed to fall the Aussie troops out and they wouldn’t be responsible for what ensues as the our boys were formed up for the Bangladeshi’s safety.
Apparently it didn’t take them an hour to leave and a notice was sent to Dili they weren’t welcome in Australian bases again. A fix was they overnighted at another nation’s base further towards Dili.
On a completely different subject…
NBN news (our local bulletin) just had a segment on the changeover to metric on our roads. Signage was changed across Australia within a month.
Old footage shows guys up ladders, roadside, screwing in the new speed signs with self tappers. No witch’s hats, no warning signs, no lane closures.
Times have changed somewhat.
1974, I think.
Also a year of petrol shortages due to strikes at refineries.
Good times!
Prediction: Biden won’t run, but whoever does will make a point of it still being a Biden ticket”.. or a “Biden partnership”… or some other construction to associate it with the Biden name.
Hundreds of thousands to millions of votes will be cast for Biden.
First they will claim this didn’t happen. Then they will claim it was perfectly reasonable given the pre-election statements. No investigation would be countenanced as to why so many of them weren’t just for Biden, but ticks against the pre-printed name, Biden, against Trump.
Times have changed somewhat.
We used to just get stuff done.
Not that switching to metric for distances, speeds on the roads, quantities of petrol made any sense at all or saved anyone any money, just cost heaps. Another really stupid Whitlam idea. He even tried to ban the import of any imperial measurement equipment. That was fortunately stopped.
Gorton McMahon. Not Whitlam.
I was around then and politically aware. I remember it was Whitlam.
OK this explains it, but most of the nonsense was occurring during the Whitlam years.
Complete boondoggle and waste of money (relatively cheap hand calculators were coming into use) and as we are celebrating 55 years since Apollo 11 landed on the Moon, there are two kinds of countries – those that have landed men on the Moon and those that use the metric system.
Def pre Whitlam. Agree it was a waste of money and I still use imperial at work due to our use of US gear.
Same with drilling. I understand it because I grew up with parents using lb, mph and in.
Feel sorry for the younger gen who don’t.
The units in civil aviation in Australia are an utter hodge – podge of units, feet for altitudes and cloud bases, knots for airspeed, nautical miles for distance (except for glider pilots who use kilometers, distance from cloud in meters, visibility in kilometers, fuel in litres in small aircraft and kilograms in large ones and don’t forget the Gimli glider in Canada where confusion between pounds and kilos caused a run out of fuel emergency where it was lucky that a bunch of people didn’t die.
Keeps your mind sharp. American wire gauge vs square mil.
Back in Mildura. Really liked it last month so back for another look. Love the Mediterranean feel. Lotsa Italian names too. Lots of cypresses as well.
Spent a few nights in Mildura, when passing through. Always liked the place and the Riverland in general. Wrecked by the Greenies now.
A common confusion, often rooted in the mistaken belief that Centigrade is part of the metric system & Fahrenheit is an imperial measurement.
Fahrenheit to Celsius was switched by Gorton/McMahon. Imperial to Metric by Whitlam.
Our teacher in 3rd grade in 1970 told us we wouldn’t be using feet and inches in the future. Gorton was PM
Metric had been a legal unit of measure in Australia for more than 20 yrs when the switch was finally made.
IIRC, 1970 was when the enabling legislation was passed. 4 yrs later Whitlam finished the job.
Tommy Robinson.
I have to admit that I didn’t know about Tommy’s background, though of course, I’ve heard of him and seen various bits of his on YouTube.
In this interview – truncated, unfortunately, the full episode is here – with Jordan Peterson, he lays out how and why he became an activist (a term I usually despise, given its hijacking). At only a touch over 10 minutes in length, it’s a great introduction for anyone wanting to know of his motivations and begin to cut through the anti-Tommy propaganda.
Come fly with me come fly let’s fly away.
1320 video.
4th of July 300ft CAR LAUNCH – So Much DESTRUCTION! (2024)
I watch it every year.
It’s a hoot!
Metric conversion board started in 1971. Gorton McMahon.
Tajikistan Builds World’s Highest Dam and Sells Electricity to Pakistan and afghanistan
Tajikistan for 50 years has struggled to establish the largest hydroelectric power plant in Central Asia. This largest dam is also the highest dam in the world. Tajikistan’s power generation is a legacy of the Soviet Union’s projects. With the establishment of the Rogun Hydroelectric Power Plant (PPH ROGUN), Tajikistan is not only able to meet the electricity needs of its population, but is also able to export electricity to neighboring countries such as Pakistan and Afghanistan.
Some interesting scenes of the work done in what is one of the worlds most inhospitable terrain.
So what you’re suggesting, Bob, is that if Australia builds a mountain higher than Mt. Everest, and pumps water to the peak, we can create the best evah supah-electrickery hydro scheme and sell the excess Luxury-Energy(TM) to Tasmania?
*Keypad tones*
Hullo? Minister Bowen?
MEETING WITH VLADIMIR PUTIN: Hungarian PM Viktor Orban on Peace Negotiations and Ukraine War
WELT Documentary
Doctor doctor! We’ve got another case of “the cure is worse than the disease”! Same as with the “vaccine” for Covid!
Tommy Robinson is a truth teller. Tommy Robinson is a hero.
Anyway, “Sliante” to you mob.
Mme Zulu has retreated into her boudoir, with her laptop, and is planning the next holiday.
I’m reading William F Buckingham’s book “Arnhem 1944” – for my money, one of the three best books written about Operation Market Garden and the battle of Arnhem.
Buckingham is savage about the part played by Major General “Boy ‘ Browning – the commander of the British 1st Airborne Division – “Browning’s culpability for the failure at Arnhem is the most extensive of any individual concerned….
were the story of Arnhem an Alistair Maclean novel, Browning would have to have been the German spy in the Allied command.” Page 201.
The After the Battle series did a superb (as usual) Then and Now pictorial comparison of Market Garden.
Mme Zulu allows me my hobby of visiting old battlefields.
Standing where the Reconnaissance Squadron jeeps were ambushed on the first day of the battle, and looking onto the high ground, where the German weapons pits were, is an experience best described as sobering.
Urquhart commanded the 1st Airborne Division, Browning commanded the operation Ridgeway commanded the 18th US Airborne Corps, and unlike Browning had actual experience of airborne operations. He should have commanded the operation.
“The assassination failed, unleash ze cyberpandemik now!”
In case you’ve forgotten, here’s Joe Biden casually implying that Barack Obama is gay. From June of 2007.
Did Barry inhale?
Joe Biden, who is still in Covid isolation, is said to be ‘seething’ about being betrayed by senior Democrat leaders, especially party elder Nancy Pelosi and ex-president Barack Obama.
Gotta laugh.
Randwick Council ramps-up security after mayor’s ‘inflammatory’ anti-Israel speechAlexi Demetriadi
6 minutes ago
One of Sydney’s biggest councils will ramp up security at its next meeting after its Greens Mayor accused Israel and its supporters of “murdering babies” in an “inflammatory”speech that left a Jewish councillor and community members fearing for their safety.
The Australian can reveal extra guards and council rangers will attend Randwick council’s Tuesday session after Mayor Philipa Veitch’s fellow councillors and the wider Jewish community claimed they had been “intimidated” and left worried about pro-Palestine activists descending on the chamber.
Ms Veitch, one of the nation’s few Greens mayors, said the views expressed “were her own” and that she had always ensured meetings were conducted in a “safe and respectful manner”.
During a pro-Palestine speech to about 30 students at the University of NSW last week, Ms Veitch claimed Israel was “brutally murdering babies” and it had “completely destroyed every single” Gazan university.
“We need to keep up the pressure … coming out (to) these protests,” she said, claiming she and activists had been “silenced”
Words fail me, they honestly vooking do.
She’s not there due to brains.
Probably the worst FM this country’s seen in my lifetime, to beat Rudd that’s saying something!!!
Why is Ukraine attacking S-400 SAM sites? And why can’t the S-400 defend itself against ATACMS? – YouTube
The video doesn’t tell the full story. Ukraine also sent decoy drones. Serious damage to the Crimea air defense network.
Chris Mitchell
More than nine months into Israel’s war in Gaza, much of the world’s media still has not understood Gazan civilians are the deliberate victims of Hamas’s tactics and continue to report without scepticism everything coming from journalists inside the city, who are largely Hamas members or sympathisers.
Of course the death toll of 40,000 Palestinians – 2 per cent of Gaza’s population – is far too high. So too is the destruction of hospitals, schools, mosques and private homes.
Yet journalists have known for decades that Hamas fights all its Gaza campaigns from tunnels deliberately hidden under civilian facilities. The more tragic the circumstances of the dead the better for the terrorist death cult to boost support in the West.
Former IDF spokesman Peter Lerner told Patricia Karvelas on RN Breakfast last Wednesday that the IDF had killed or captured 14,000 fighters. Yet in much of the Arab and Iranian media the war is covered as if Hamas is winning. Odd, since the IDF has lost 350 soldiers.
The calculation in the Islamic world is about damage to the image of Israel. It is a foolish misreading of Israeli public opinion, military power and economic strength. As this column argued on June 16: “Much of the media, many university leaders and some of our politicians … (are) allowing themselves to be used in an Iranian-sponsored propaganda war to entrench Islamic fundamentalism.”
Closer to the truth about Hamas’s prospects was former Palestinian Authority Minister for Prisoners’ Affairs Ashraf Al-Ajrami, who wrote in the Palestinian daily newspaper Al-Ayyam on July 3 that Hamas was deluded. He argued October 7 would not liberate Palestinians “but cause them harm that will last for generations’’.
Hamas would precipitate “a new Nakba greater than that of 1948”. While Israel was undoubtedly being damaged by the global peace movement it was not going to collapse and the real price for Hamas’s ill-considered actions on October 7 would be paid by Palestinian civilians for years to come.
I’m probably behind the times (sorry, not 100% focus on following social/media sites) … but I came across this good rundown on the Trump shooting. Just a good (I think) analysis of what happened that day.
Let’s say the Israeli Government announced that the entire population of Israel had agreed to up-sticks and leave all infrastructure and resources in place to the ‘Palestinians,’ unconditionally. (I have no idea where they’d move to, but this is a hypothetical, so humour me for a moment).
What might then happen?
Those organisations and individuals whose identities are that of martyrs … what would they do? (If you move the chooks from the chookhouse, and leave the door open – is it still a place of interest to the foxes or wild dogs?).
They did that in the Sinai. The Israelis had built houses, good hotels and infrastructure from 1967 to 82. Now the Egyptian are back and it is a rubbish dump again.
In your hypothetical, they’d simply move in.
And destroy everything “polluted” with the stain of Zionism, as they did when the Israelis left Gaza.
Didn’t that happen before but under different circumstances – like 637AD.
Got the missus to buy me Peter Navarro’s latest book for me birthday.
Any man willing to go to prison like this man did under those circumstances deserves our $
we had how many years of tories????? conservatives are not merely spineless they have betrayed the people
“Of course the death toll of 40,000 Palestinians – 2 per cent of Gaza’s population”
If at least 14,000 were terrorists then why point out 2% of the population.
Not to mention you are relying on the same terrorists death toll numbers.
A recommendation for Dublin visitors.
Latin mass at St Kevin’s on Harrington St.
There is also an English mass which is ad orientium. (The only option in this beautiful new gothic church)
The English mass was clearly going to be a sung mass, not sure if that is every week because they mentioned that a young man was going to be ordained deacon today.
I probably mentioned this nine years ago but there are no old Catholic churches in Dublin that I know of, confiscated and now church of Ireland, or destroyed.
Oh and lunch, got a sandwich, gentleman in front of me ordered spicy chicken, black pudding and brown sauce on brown bread. I think the gent sitting near me went for just the black pudding with brown sauce.
I was tempted.
Slowly, then all at once
The Energy Transition Ain’t Happening: Hydrogen In Australia
July 21, 2024 8:21 pm
That was very interesting, took a few minutes to get accents sorted out.
(forget about subtitles, they only got half of it right)
That German twit tried to trip Orban up with baited, leading questions, the old fox was wise to him.
Lovely, LOL.
Brian Kennedy | We Have to Make Things Again—Especially Weapons | NatCon 4
He’s saying precisely what I have been saying for the last 7 years.
It’s quite possible to ignore me, but we can’t ignore what he has pointed out – not if we want to remain a free people.
Do Mass Immigration Advocates Want the Ethnic-Cleansing of Britain?
The New Culture Forum
Probably they do. Of course when they get their wish and get to sample their wonderful Multicultural Paradise, they will be aghast at their naivety but it will be a little late.
The shooter didn’t have a scope, he had a red dot optical device with no magnification. At roughly 100 metres away he was lucky to actual hit that close with the first shot.
There is an assumption he was trying a head shot.
Just been looking back at my shooting log from Kapooka.
From memory, I was pretty average shot. Some much, much better than me, some much, much worse.
At 100 metres, 1.5 magnification scope, I could have hit an ear or his cock, while aiming at the chest.
I think the “It’s an easy shot” thing might be coming from competitive shooters or specialist types, for whom it might well be. For an average person with some training, nope.
Cassie of Sydney
July 21, 2024 8:26 pm
Tommy Robinson is a truth teller. Tommy Robinson is a hero.
One bloke I’d like to have few beers with at the pub.
Good commentary from Stevo.
Steve Inman:
Classic Riot Compilation
Nope, not according to this guy.
Was Thomas Crooks a Good Shot? He Didn’t Need to Be.In the military, I used a gun similar to that of Trump’s shooter. I’m not surprised his shot came so close.