Open Thread – Mon 22 July 2024

The Mountain Ford, Thomas Cole, 1846

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July 22, 2024 1:11 pm
July 22, 2024 1:12 pm

 July 22, 2024 1:03 pm

Trump backs out of debate with Harris.

Bullshit dickless.


July 22, 2024 1:14 pm

Mark Steyn observes how Kamala keeps appearing to fail upwards and smells a rat on steynonline

He thinks it’s possible the fix was always in for her

IMO Mocking a black woman may backfire on Trump if he is not careful

When was Trump ever that careful?

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
July 22, 2024 1:17 pm

I know they have got the pom-poms out for Gobblin’ Kamala, but this isn’t over yet.
The Demonrat Convention is going to be a shit-show.

July 22, 2024 1:20 pm

M0nty:“Even if that scenario doesn’t play out, Harris would be limited to one full term.”

Not so – if the VP takes over for less then 2 years, they can be elected twice,
IIRC, this is because the limit is 10 years, not 2 terms.

July 22, 2024 1:23 pm

Kamala is an interesting study. In my experience people who act like her, giggling, laughing and word salads ending with cackling, use this to get a positive response from people. They don’t get esteem through intelligent conversation, brilliant observations or smart quips, they just laugh and hope it is infectious.
Once they get true power they are vicious as they can never trust other people. “Smile upwards, fart downwards”. Victorian public service is full of them.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
July 22, 2024 1:24 pm

This audio which supposedly proves that there were seven different shooters.
Where was it sourced, what sort of microphone was used, how was it mounted and how was the recording stored?
If an “audio expert” isn’t telling you this (at least in his footnotes) he isn’t an audio expert.

July 22, 2024 1:27 pm

And we don’t have a Plan B.

Isn’t that on us?

That’s my point, yes.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
July 22, 2024 1:29 pm

Dementia Joe is the first President to not seek re-election because of a stutter.

July 22, 2024 1:29 pm

This audio which supposedly proves that there were seven different shooters.

Only seven?

July 22, 2024 1:30 pm

Some of you may remember me posting about the question I asked of an older German infantryman I worked with in my very first job.
“Where did all the SS and Gestapo men come from?”
“Well, Robert. They were always there. It happened they were given the opportunity to do what they’d always wanted.”
So I give you this video previously posted, of an SA/SS/Gestapo recruit auditioning for the job, and his friend Irma Griese.

Last edited 1 month ago by BobtheBoozer
July 22, 2024 1:31 pm

Ten hours of Khamala cackling. Seriously.

July 22, 2024 1:32 pm

Tariffs instead of confiscatory income tax sounds like a great idea. When you think of the avalanche of propaganda to cut tariffs in the name efficiency while 30 years later they piss up billions on rubbish technology with OPM.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
July 22, 2024 1:34 pm

Higgins ‘forced to sell’ house in France to pay defamation bill
Anybody got any good jokes about knickers, or the lack of them?

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
July 22, 2024 1:34 pm

BTW – has anyone done a welfare check on Mark Hamill? After all the choreographed goofiness with Biden in the White House and snide mockery of anyone suggesting Joe had had it, he must be in a very dark place now.

July 22, 2024 1:37 pm

For all the Democrats lining up behind Kamala, I have only one thing to say: wrong hole.

Last edited 1 month ago by Arky
July 22, 2024 1:38 pm

I see Manchin is considering re-joining the Dems to challenge the Cackler…

July 22, 2024 1:42 pm

“This makes no sense. If the Dems and their donors are writing off the election why not just leave Biden as the candidate and let him and Harris eat the loss? What possible advantage is gained by dropping out and eating the loss?”

Voter enthusiasm and down-ballot votes.
The dems need both if they have any chance of keeping control of the senate or winning the house back.
Don’t forget voting is not compulsory in the US, so you can decide not to vote. If you don’t go to vote for Prez, you won’t be voting for house or senate either.
And THTA’S the disaster they want to avoid.
The debate debacle made dems less likely to show up to vote (for Prez).
The assassination attempt made Repubs more like to show up to vote.
Unless Dems can “fix” this enthusiasm gap, they will lose the Prez, the senate and the house.

July 22, 2024 1:42 pm

Hmm. Noyce republican candidate you have there.
Shame if sumfin would happen to him.

July 22, 2024 1:46 pm

Titanic 2024 .. LOL!

July 22, 2024 1:46 pm

From Trump’s X account:

It’s not over. Biden is going to wake up tomorrow and forget that he withdrew from the race.

Classic Trump!!! 😛

July 22, 2024 1:47 pm

“Shame if sumfin would happen to him.”

I “ear” sumfink did.

July 22, 2024 1:49 pm

It’s not over. Biden is going to wake up tomorrow and forget that he withdrew from the race.

Trump owes me a keyboard.

July 22, 2024 1:52 pm

Shifted this from nested in the hope of an answer to WHY ..
why would the set-up (I know nuttin’ about trusts, nuttin’) make any difference .. money should all have been in the Caymans from day1 ….
And the house in the name of someone 5x removed from the couple …
And a lot less publicity about their move to France wouldn’t have hurt , either ………..

The real interest will be around that trust. Zweir established on the day after Dreyfus signed off on the settlement. Should be some interesting affidavits filed around that.

Last edited 1 month ago by shatterzzz
July 22, 2024 1:52 pm

For those asking, Trump xitted or whatever he does with a whine that the second debate has to be on Fox because he deems it to be the only fair network, which is his beta cuck way of chickening out.

Last edited 1 month ago by m0nty
July 22, 2024 1:52 pm

And we don’t have a Plan B.

Isn’t that on us?

That’s my point, yes.

In 1942, we exchanged one hegemon for another, without ever asking the obvious question since – what happens when the power of the second hegemon begins to wane or is withdrawn?

Last edited 1 month ago by Roger
July 22, 2024 1:53 pm

has anyone done a welfare check on Mark Hamill?

It’s all cool, Load – he’s just off for a reassuring tête-à-tête with Richmond Valentine.

July 22, 2024 1:57 pm

what happens when the power of the second hegemon begins to wane?

We invoke our ruinable energy supa powa!

Take that, Commie Chinamen!

July 22, 2024 1:57 pm

King’s College Choir 2024 tour of Australia

Went along yesterday in Melbourne, to Schedule 2. Different cities get one of two different performances.

Started out well with the choir singing, and accompanied as is traditional by an organ, for the first 3 pieces including one by Thomas Tallis.

The first part included a “courageous” redition of an aboriginal industry woman’s poem about finding a photo of some relative. Usual whining about massacres etc.

It was truly dreadful .. the lyrics in the handout and the poet and musical composer there beaming away to leftie applause – I say that because there were a lot like me, not applauding. What a pretencious show of insensitive blather. Do people really enjoy this kind of whining and woe of the past?

The second half of the program was the choir accompanied by wind and brass.

Again, awful – I went along to hear the Choir and what comes with that are the harmonies and harmonics of choir singing. The wind and brass were overpowering and drowned out the choir.

The encore the choir did (unaccompanied), was an evensong piece from King’s College Chapel, beautiful and the kind of thing I had expected the entire event to be.

Their ABC is going to record the Sydney event and others can judge for themselves.

There are other choirs around, ACC Australian Chamber Choir, Ensemble Gombert etc are way better than this performance I just saw.

The booklet has the folks who put on the show talking about how they want to give a unique experience and involve other music forms .. wish I had known beforehand.

I would not recommend going along, very dissapointing.

July 22, 2024 2:02 pm

The last time I recall seeing or hearing Biden was when he claimed covid and struggled to climb the stairs to Air Force One.

He announced he was ending his reelection campaign today via a letter released via social media.

I’ve been mostly away from news media since then but has anyone outside the WH seen him alive in the last 48 hours or so?

July 22, 2024 2:03 pm

FMD; duttie endorsed handsome boy’s praise of the old pervert as a great defender of democracy. I’m beginning to worry about him. Take away nukes and he looks like a dickhead.

July 22, 2024 2:09 pm

Rowan Dean is stoking a bit of the conspiratorial angle by asking why Biden’s stepping down letter was on a personal letterhead, not the Whitehouse letterhead and the signature looked different….

I guess we can all have some fun from time to time…

July 22, 2024 2:09 pm

 July 22, 2024 1:52 pm

For those asking, Trump xitted or whatever he does with a whine that the second debate has to be on Fox because he deems it to be the only fair network, which is his beta cuck way of chickening out.

There it is folks: dickless lies again. After the first debate with the old pervert where Trump agreed to every fuking demand by the demorats, now, when he makes a few demands, he’s refusing to debate.

I don’t mind you lying dickless, it’s just you’re so scabrous at it. Dickless and scabby.

July 22, 2024 2:09 pm

Binge watched Those Who Are About to Die on Prime.
If you liked Gladiator and the series Spartacus then you will like this series.
Not quite historically correct but plenty of fights and intrigue.

July 22, 2024 2:11 pm
July 22, 2024 2:17 pm

Exclusive footage from Montys basement right now.

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
July 22, 2024 2:26 pm

Let’s take it as a given that Joe goes, Kackles too, so it’ll be a Clinton-Whitmer ticket or whatever.
The real question to get cracking on is, what crisis will the Lizard People kick off in order to smokescreen the steal?
-race riots? Could do, esp if Kackles and Mick O’Bama don’t go quietly, but will need a supremacist shoot-up to really make it different from BLM.
-pandemic? Nah too soon to fool us twice, the rebellion is real
-Insane Ukraine surge? -nope, the cosplay Caligula has already leapt into the arms of Trump for deliverance
So- and I’m serious- the one thing that I reckon will really fill some daks, and satisfy the Renewable Energy Revolution rent-seekers who are connected to the main vein in Europe and deep in hock betting on EVs, windmills and heavy metal platters- is-
nuclear war.
India-Pakistan, China-Taiwan and/or Israel-Iran.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
July 22, 2024 2:28 pm

California Governor Gavin Newsom endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris for the Democratic presidential nomination shortly after President Joe Biden withdrew from the race.

Paraphrasing …

“Go for it Kamal-toe. Hopefully this dumpster fire will burn itself out by 2028”.

Last edited 1 month ago by Sancho Panzer
July 22, 2024 2:33 pm

It’s been fascinating watching Biden go through the process of coming to terms with losing office these last few weeks.
It’s timely to consider the seven stages of grief Biden went through:

  1. Anger
  2. Anger.
  3. Anger.
  4. Bit sleepy.
  5. Anger.
  6. Anger
  7. Anger.
July 22, 2024 2:35 pm

Lets do a “Oh no my mind went THERE” test.

Lawyer used balloons to smuggle tobacco on prison visitA lawyer has been caught using balloons to smuggle tobacco into a prison while visiting an inmate as their representative, AAP reports.
Kristy Lee Howell was arrested on 2 July on the same day she arrived at Parklea Correctional Centre, in Sydney’s western suburbs.
The 43-year-old appeared at Blacktown local court today, where her barrister Lang Goodsell said she would plead guilty to unlawfully bringing 106g of tobacco into the prison.

Ok, smuggling into prison.. balloons

The lawyer..
comment image?width=700&dpr=2&s=none

Luckily for them the cops missed the other 10kg secreted

Salvatore - Iron Publican
July 22, 2024 2:37 pm

Rowan Dean is stoking a bit of the conspiratorial angle by asking why Biden’s stepping down letter was on a personal letterhead, not the Whitehouse letterhead and the signature looked different….

Is Rowan Dean just playing with the heads of the dummies, or does he really not know the reason?
(sometimes it is so difficult to tell these days – being mindful of Rita Panahi’s faceplant over the weekend)

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
July 22, 2024 2:37 pm

 July 22, 2024 1:03 pm

Trump backs out of debate with Harris.


Very smart.
He has already forced one wood-duck out of the running by causing him to implode live on air.
Why do it again?

To blow up one wood-duck opponent may be regarded as a misfortune. To blow up a second would look like carelessness.

July 22, 2024 2:37 pm

the lawyer.

comment image?width=700&dpr=2&s=none

July 22, 2024 2:39 pm

Last try..

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
July 22, 2024 2:40 pm

 July 22, 2024 1:20 pm

M0nty:“Even if that scenario doesn’t play out, Harris would be limited to one full term.”

Not so – if the VP takes over for less then 2 years, they can be elected twice,

IIRC, this is because the limit is 10 years, not 2 terms.

The 22nd doesn’t explicitly say ten years, but that is the practical result of it.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
July 22, 2024 2:48 pm

Twenty second amendment to the US Constitution:-

No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice, and no person who has held the office of President, or acted as President, for more than two years of a term to which some other person was elected President shall be elected to the office of the President more than once.

Hypothetically, Obumbi could be elected as VP to Kamal-toe and take over 25 months into her term.
Although, being ineligible to serve as President should she fall over before the two year mark was passed presents a few difficulties.
Practically, the two year clause really only comes into play where someone has stepped up to POTUS from VP and runs in their own right later.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
July 22, 2024 2:54 pm

Dover earlier …

This makes no sense. If the Dems and their donors are writing off the election why not just leave Biden as the candidate and let him and Harris eat the loss?

Because this isn’t just about the White House.
The Dimocrats were fearful of a clean-sweep landslide in the House and the Senate.
They are hoping to run a “save the furniture” campaign to stem the bleeding and prevent down-ballot damage, knowing full well the Presidency is largely gone.

Last edited 1 month ago by Sancho Panzer
July 22, 2024 2:56 pm

To be fair to Rowan (in retrospect) we haven’t seen Biden on TV saying he’s stepping down, he hasn’t put out a videotaped presser and this pineapple hasn’t appeared before the press core, yet…

There could, legitimately, be a fair chance that Biden has no idea what’s going on. He had none yesterday, why would he today.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
July 22, 2024 2:56 pm

I still can’t believe this hasn’t been booted from Y-tube.

Shane Gillis impersonating Trump is a masterclass. Likewise with Adam Ray doing a Biden

July 22, 2024 2:59 pm

Fact check : TRUE

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
July 22, 2024 3:02 pm

 July 22, 2024 1:29 pm

This audio which supposedly proves that there were seven different shooters.

Only seven?

I should have said “at least seven”, and added “possibly more” because conspiracies work so much better with tautologies.
My point was that, if a microphone was attached to a television camera which swivelled suddenly during the shots, or a “baffle” (possibly a human) ducked out of the way of the microphone, the recording signature could change significantly.
Some of the “second shooter” noises could be echoes off hard surfaces.
You basement analysts never seem to want to address those possibilities.

July 22, 2024 3:06 pm

Has Monty claimed the Demonrats are the party of the little people yet today?

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
July 22, 2024 3:08 pm

Kneel at 1:42.
I forgot to mention turn-out as the key.
If your comatose Presidential candidate doesn’t rev up the base to get out and vote for him, they ain’t voting for any of your candidates, from Senator right down to Fire Chief and Dogcatcher.
I also think the fact they have gone with Kamal-toe tells you they are worried about the inroads Trump is making into the black vote.

July 22, 2024 3:09 pm

I don’t often (ever) get the Demonrats credit but will give them credit for prolly having to make the Trump team write, edit and film up to five political attack ads (depending on who Biden’s replacement was going to be)…

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
July 22, 2024 3:13 pm

Exclusive footage from Montys basement right now.

I note that the guys response is to smack himself quite violently on the head.

It is as if he thinks that it is merely a matter of having enough brain damage to make it alright again – the past few hours would be gone and Joe would suddenly be…be…suddenly make…well, anyway.

July 22, 2024 3:14 pm

I’m also (not deliberately being contrarian) but have to say the comments above about Dutton being a loser for congratulating the POTUS are a bit low.

What’s he meant to say!??? “The guy was a corrupt loser?”


Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
July 22, 2024 3:14 pm

 July 22, 2024 1:57 pm

King’s College Choir 2024 tour of Australia

I saw that advertised on Soshul Meeja and was thinking about going … then I read on and saw something about “in collaboration with First Nations songlines yada, yada” and ditched the idea.

July 22, 2024 3:16 pm

#Nevada & #Wisconsin Do Not Allow Presidential Candidates To Change On Ballots After Primary Unless Candidate Dies Or 25th Amendment Invoked.

#SouthCarolina Won’t Allow Presidential Candidate To Change On Ballot For Political Reasons.


Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
July 22, 2024 3:18 pm

 July 22, 2024 1:52 pm

For those asking, Trump xitted or whatever he does with a whine that the second debate has to be on Fox because he deems it to be the only fair network, which is his beta cuck way of chickening out.

It’s called “Front-runner’s Prerogative” bozo.
From your extensive reading of the Constitution, can you point to the section where the founding fathers stipulate firstly, that there must be a televised debate and, secondly, that it must be on CNN?

July 22, 2024 3:21 pm

‘Unlawful’: Republicans to legally challenge replacement of Joe Biden

US House Speaker Mike Johnson has warned Republicans would legally challenge the replacement of Joe Biden on the Democratic ticket for the November 5 election.

Johnson made the remarks during an interview on ABC’s ‘This Week’ on Sunday – before President Biden had officially dropped out of the race.

Johnson observed that state laws govern elections and switching candidates could face major legal obstacles.

“These elections are handled at the state level. Every state has its own system,” he said.

“In some of these, it’s not possible to simply just switch out a candidate who has been chosen through the democratic, small D, democratic process over such a long period of time.”

“14 million Democrats voted to make Joe Biden the nominee.

“So it would be wrong and I think unlawful in accordance to some of these states’ rules for a handful of people to go in a backroom and switch it out because they don’t like the candidate any longer.”

President Biden dropped his reelection bid on Sunday, amid intensifying opposition within his own Democratic Party, and endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris as the party’s candidate against Republican Donald Trump.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
July 22, 2024 3:26 pm

Read the whole thing….and keep a straight face……..

July 22, 2024 3:47 pm


Nevada: Each major political party must provide the names of their candidates for president and vice president to the secretary of state by 5 p.m. on the first business day of September of the year of a presidential election. That’s Tuesday, Sept. 3 this year because Sept. 2 is Labor Day.
That is about two-and-a-half weeks before the state’s deadline of Sept. 21 for distributing ballots to military and overseas voters. Nevada’s deadline is set in regulation.

Wisconsin: Under state law, political parties have until 5 p.m. on Sept. 3 to certify the name of their presidential nominee. Once formally nominated, a candidate can only be removed from the ballot due to death.

South Carolina: If a candidate drops out after the deadline for printing ballots — mid-September in this case — then the candidate’s name will remain on the ballot, and signs are posted at polling places to try to educate voters on what’s happened. But in the highly unusual scenario of a presidential candidate for a major party withdrawing before the general election, state election officials will likely give some leeway to the normal deadline.

By law, ballots must be sent to military and overseas voters 45 days prior to the election. For November, that date is Sept. 21. Because ballots take some time to assemble, the official withdrawal deadline is 5 p.m., 53 days prior to the election — so, a week earlier. A candidate who drops out after that deadline will remain on the ballot.

July 22, 2024 3:55 pm

Can it be true? Has Britnee been forced to abandon her idyllic French digs due to mounting legal costs?

Reports are the house was circa $700k. Have Shiraz and her blown the other $1.7k already? That’s a lot of designed dog clothing and smashed avo.

July 22, 2024 3:56 pm

Oh the ironing — if the compo ended up in Reynold’s pocket (with a fair whack to the lawyers, of course).

Cassie of Sydney
July 22, 2024 4:05 pm

On Sky last night, on the panel hosted by Caroline Marcus, there was a vigorous dispute on whether we on the centre-right and right should engage in cancel culture, you’ll know, the same cancel culture that the left have been engaging in at us over the last decade, the smearing, the silencing and the cancelling.

The panel consisted of Caroline Marcus, Evelyn Rae, Kel Richards, Joe Hilderbrandt and some woman whose name escapes me. There was a vocal dispute over cancellation, given that since Trump’s near miss with a bullet, those on the left who’ve said and posted vicious stuff about Trump’s near miss with the bullet, should themselves be cancelled.

Evelyn Rae, like me, thinks those on the left should be made accountable. I’ve written here on more than one occasion that I think the slop should be thrown back in the left’s faces. For years now men and women who the left don’t like, from Tony Abbott to Cardinal Pell to Laurence Fox to Bettina Arndt to Craig Kelly to Fraser Anning to Calvin Robinson to Pauline Hanson to Tommy Robinson to Katie Hopkins to Donald Trump to Israel Folau and to many many others have endured incessant spite and vicious lies and smears. and many have seen their livelihoods destroyed, all because they’ve spoken up and refused to kowtow to the left, and in the case of Pell and Robinson have spent time in a prison cell.

Anyway, I read this today….

Extra security expected at Randwick Council meeting after mayor’s ‘divisive’ anti-Israel comments
Security and council rangers are expected to be at the Randwick Council meeting on Tuesday in response to the mayor’s anti-Israel comments.

Extra security is going to be present at the Tuesday’s Randwick Council meeting after an “inflammatory” speech made by Greens Mayor Philipa Veitch, who accused Israel and its supporters of “murdering babies”.

It’s understood that council rangers and extra guards will be in attendance at the Randwick City Council’s next meeting on Tuesday, in response to concerns raised by some councillors and the wider Jewish community by Ms Veitch.

Last Wednesday, Ms Veitch spoke at the UNSW’s Student Strike for Palestine rally, where she said in a video: “You switch on the news and you’ll see dead babies, a brutally murdered baby. I mean, this is horrifying.
“I believe eight universities in Gaza have been destroyed. There are no universities left in Gaza. Shame!” she said.

Ms Veitch claimed at the tail end of her speech that “anyone who dares to say the word genocide is being silenced … I can’t tell you how important these protests are.”

Randwick independent councillor Noel D’Souza told this publication he had previously filed a code of conduct complaint against Ms Veitch’s comments in June after receiving complaints from the community.

Randwick independent Councillor Noel D’Souza has made complaints against Ms Veitch’s comments in the past.

“There is no room in the world for Neo Nazis and anti-Semitism,” Mr D’Souza said.

An inquiry was launched and the result was Ms Veitch being told to include a disclaimer on previous and future Facebook posts, stating “this is a personal post and does not represent the views of Randwick Council”.

However, nearby Waverley Liberal councillor Leon Goltsman has called the mayor’s speech “divisive” and “irresponsible from a community leader”.
“Irrespective of what she puts on the bottom of her disclaimer, she’s still a mayor and an elected representative, and that does not excuse that sort of conduct and behaviour,” Mr Goltsman said.

“If she’s really feels so passionate about that, she should resign. She should resign as mayor and as councillor. What she’s doing is very irresponsible, it’s very dangerous and it’s very divisive.

“It’s similar to putting a sticker on my car and saying ‘if I run somebody over, it’s their fault’. You know, at the end of the day, a disclaimer doesn’t change anything.”

The Australian revealed that Liberal councillor Daniel Rosenfeld, who is Jewish, had reached out to the council general manager and reported that he had been “very intimidated” by Ms Veitch’s “offensive” language.

“Due to the mayor’s speech, I have asked for extra security for general safety,” Mr Rosenfeld said.

“We need to stick to local matters and not international ones.”
It’s understood more community complaints and concerns have been voiced by the community.

As a result, the general manager confirmed to the councillors in an alert that security and council rangers would be present.

“Given (the) concerns that you have raised, I will arrange the security and council rangers to attend the meeting,” the general manager wrote.
Randwick Council have been approached for comment.

Some points,

Firstly, it might still escape some but we are in a war. That means we have to fight, and we have to make Veitch accountable, don’t ignore her far-left Green Jew hating rhetoric and behaviour. Pick up her slop and throw it back in her face.

Secondly, the words of Councillor Noel D’Souza (who as far as I know is not Jewish) are highly appropriate. Good on him. Note how he uses the words ‘anti-Semitism and neo-Nazis’ in the same sentence. Clever. He’s basically saying, and he’s right to say it, that the Greens are Jew hating neo-Nazis…..AND THEY ARE. Veitch is engaging in classic anti-Semitic tropes.

Lastly, I’m reminded of Alinsky, “make the enemy live up to its own book of rules”.

July 22, 2024 4:11 pm

What an absolute abortion this past 4 years has been culminating in the corpse posting a resignation letter on Twitter with a robo signature, meaning a staffer has done it all. No, face to face with the people. Nothing.

July 22, 2024 4:14 pm


Imagine 4 years of this …

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
July 22, 2024 4:18 pm


 July 22, 2024 3:55 pm

Can it be true? Has Britnee been forced to abandon her idyllic French digs due to mounting legal costs?

Err … no.
The fatal error these two make in trying to Exude Power is they think that litigation is won and lost on social media and via The Perject and The Grauniard.
Two things …
1. Neither her opponent or The Jurdge will be swayed by these sob stories; and
2. No-one else cares.


 July 22, 2024 3:56 pm

Oh the ironing — if the compo ended up in Reynold’s pocket (with a fair whack to the lawyers, of course).

Her lawyers went with this one last week …
“Reynolds thinks the money should be repaid to the Dept of Finance, therefore she has no claim on it.”
There speaketh a lawyer having no feathers to fly with.

Last edited 1 month ago by Sancho Panzer
July 22, 2024 4:18 pm

My sister is visiting from interstate, she had a turn yesterday and spent the night in hospital with appendicitis.

I was visiting her this arvo and joked that I was having sympathy pains… then they ramped up and I ended up having a turn as well, now I am also in hospital with a suspected return of kidney stones. Waiting for a doctor is going to take all night, I suspect.

July 22, 2024 4:23 pm

What an absolute abortion this past 4 years has been culminating in the corpse posting a resignation letter on Twitter with a robo signature, meaning a staffer has done it all. No, face to face with the people. Nothing.

One might have expected a sitting President to hold a press conference for this announcement. It’s telling that the MSM are not going bonkers that one was not forthcoming.

Rufus T Firefly
Rufus T Firefly
July 22, 2024 4:25 pm

And now for some levity.

I had reason to enquire about the title on one of our residences in SA and looked up the Land Services of SA website.
I noticed on the bottom of the page, a link to a:
“Modern Slavery Statement”.
(This is on the LSSA website remember, not “Slaves are Us”).

I was gladdened to read that:

“LSSA is committed to the prevention of all forms of modern slavery including servitude, forced and compulsory labour and human trafficking in our business and supply chains. LSSA supports the goals of the Modern Slavery Act and prides itself on acting ethically and responsibly, and we expect our people and suppliers to share our commitment to ensuring modern slavery practices do not exist in any area of our business and supply chain.”

It helps me sleep at night, knowing LSSA is fighting the good fight, following in the footsteps of William Wilberforce and the Royal Navy, in stopping the trafficking of humans, to all parts of the globe.

I can only hope, that soon, (given their obvious high morals), they will tackle domestic violence in the camps around Alice Springs, then maybe, Climate Change, pushing Russia out of Ukraine or Left-Handedness in top order batsmen.

More strength to their arm.

H B Bear
H B Bear
July 22, 2024 4:26 pm

shatterzzz – Did you get an answer to your question on trusts at 1:52? Actually quite an interesting question of law.

July 22, 2024 4:27 pm

Fatboy, get well.

Try and modify your diet though.

July 22, 2024 4:31 pm

Damn you southerners. Just landed in the’ville and that wind with your polar blast chilling these clime’s.

A paltry 23deg atm.

Wally Dali
Wally Dali
July 22, 2024 4:39 pm

Rufus, if you paused after the observations about domestic violence, that would have been killer dramatic irony.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
July 22, 2024 4:45 pm

I ended up having a turn as well, now I am also in hospital with a suspected return of kidney stones. Waiting for a doctor is going to take all night, I suspect.

Waiting all night?
Just ring around the chaps from school who will get you onto a pal who can sort you out.
I had to an issue earlier this year and just put it out to the Old Boys network.
The chap came straight back from his vineyard on Friday and operated on Saturday.
Top Man, too.
Get on the phone m0nster you lazy prick.

Last edited 1 month ago by Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
July 22, 2024 4:48 pm

 I ended up having a turn as well, now I am also in hospital with a suspected return of kidney stones

Gonna need a bigger ultrasound to find them.

July 22, 2024 4:53 pm

What’s he meant to say!??? “The guy was a corrupt loser?”

Why not? It has the merit of being true.

July 22, 2024 4:56 pm

Ungrit your teeth and unclench your sphincters, people: Rachel Madcow is on the case!

She has discovered that JD Vance co-founded a company called Narya, a name chosen from The Lord of the Rings – that well known haunt of the ‘far right’.

Take the name, Narya. It is something to do with elves, right? But what else do you notice? If you take the initial ‘N’ and move it to the end of the word you get ‘Aryan’.

It’s Gandalf’s ring, designed to rekindle the fires of hope and courage.

In Quenya Elvish, Maddow means Balrog.*

*well, it should mean Balrog, and I’m sticking to it

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
July 22, 2024 4:57 pm
July 22, 2024 4:59 pm

What’s he meant to say!??? “The guy was a corrupt loser?”

Why not? It has the merit of being true.

Alas, politicians and truth are but rarely found in the same vicinity.

July 22, 2024 5:01 pm

Trump would have filled his Depends when he heard.

From m0ron, the same idiot who just days ago told us that Biden pulling out is a fantasy.

To :save democracy” the Demorats shit all over democratic process and strong arm their own POTUS out of his campaign.

The left are a nest of vipers. BIRM.

H B Bear
H B Bear
July 22, 2024 5:01 pm

Teh Paywallian runs a long WSJ article on the corpse. All bets are off now.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
July 22, 2024 5:04 pm

My fellow Armenians … wut?
OK …
My fellow Albanians … oh, shit
My fellow Algerians … damn.
Can we just write a … you know … a thing … and I’ll scribble my name – Johnny Appleseed – at the bottom.

July 22, 2024 5:06 pm

I just think Dutton did okay on POTUS.

Why go all out in an unstatesmanlike fashion?

If it were Xi, or Lil Kim perhaps, but not the US… you just end up looking like an idiot; best to just be “vanilla” on this one (ice cream term used deliberately)

July 22, 2024 5:13 pm

Why do I think every time I see biden talk in private he doesn’t mess up. Is it AI. Coz whenever he speaks in public he’s a dribbling idjit.

July 22, 2024 5:18 pm

M0nty, take a trolliday and get well.

I can do Hammy impersonations and hold the fort.

July 22, 2024 5:20 pm

As far as the Left whining about being cancelled, screw them. Just remind them that we are playing by *their* rules now.

July 22, 2024 5:26 pm

Idea for a satirical comedy:

Aspiring political leader accidentally takes truth serum before big TV debate.

Has it already been done?

Here’s the ironic twist…the public actually like it & he skyrockets in the polls!

Last edited 1 month ago by Roger
July 22, 2024 5:26 pm

I see the dem hivemind has sent out the batsignal.

Joe is the most noble man EVAH!!!
He stepped down – like a boss.
Ha ha, he was only pretending to be senile!

And so on.

July 22, 2024 5:32 pm

Maybe Biden died of the ChinaFlu? 😛

Hasn’t actually been seen in public for a while and no sign of him on X, YouTube, Good Morning America….

Harlequin Decline
July 22, 2024 5:34 pm

Back in August 2023 at the urging of the Armadillo I placed a series of weighted bets on who the new Democratic Presidential candidate would be based on Biden pulling out-

Cackles at 15:1
Big Mike at 19:1
Kennedy at 11:1
Newscum at 7:1

As long as one of the above gets the nod I’ve more than doubled my money. Anyone else and I lose the lot.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
July 22, 2024 5:36 pm

H B Bear
 July 22, 2024 5:01 pm

Teh Paywallian runs a long WSJ article on the corpse. All bets are off now.

No-one knew.
Except those who did.
And those who didn’t know and were frozen out assured us they had daily contact and Wandering Joe was as sharp as a whip.
If you think all bets are off now, watch out for November 5th if Kamal-toe gets Trumped.
My go-to will be Cenk Uygar, who put on a masterful performance of eating his own young when Hillary hit her scone on the glass ceiling and fell to earth.

eric hinton
eric hinton
July 22, 2024 5:36 pm

The U tube algorithm has detected I’m on a proto-punk garage binge and just tossed up The Throb. Black.

July 22, 2024 5:38 pm

Great article by the Barsoom guy.RTWT.

A couple of extracts:

To this end, distasteful as it may seem, the liberal’s face must be pressed down into her own steaming pile of excrement. She must be made to taste it, and gag, and swallow nonetheless. She must be made to weep burning tears. She must be traumatized, and made to understand that this is what she did, that these are the rules of engagement that she established, that these are the consequences of loss in this awful game that she has forced all of us to play. She needs to beg for the game to end, for the rules to change.

Meanwhile, Greatest Sin Month was distinctively muted this year. Liberals themselves have been notably less aggressive, at least in person. Meanwhile, there’s been a hard edge of bitter resentment in the voices of normies whenever anything woke is mentioned – the bafflement and annoyance of years passed, and the fear, have curdled into hate. The left has made itself extremely unpopular with a very large number of people. The bullet that clipped Trump’s ear was gasoline on the fire. We all feel it. The exhausted disgust with leftist tyranny that quietly permeated society, abruptly crystallized into implacable resolve.

Now is not the time for pity. You must treat pity as a four-letter word. Now is the time to press the attack, to make them suffer, to grab hold of that unease creeping through the enemy’s hearts and squeeze it until it bursts apart into a wild, desperate panic.

We can be magnanimous after victory. Indeed, we must be magnanimous after victory, for our hearts, unlike theirs, are noble; it is for this very reason that it is our values, and not theirs, that should rule. Where they offer no hope of redemption, only attacking harder when someone makes the mistake of apologizing, we will need to be more generous and forgiving. Yes, we will say, you did not know any better; you were deceived; you thought you were doing the right thing; you were just going along with the crowd. It’s okay. You have seen the error of your ways; you have atoned; we absolve you. Go in peace, for we are now friends, and the past is the past. We will do this because it is the right thing to do, and because it is practical.

But before we can be magnanimous in victory we must be victorious, and while the momentum is on our side, we have not won yet.

Now is the time to fight.

July 22, 2024 5:38 pm

Eg: they are near identical.

“New program uploaded”… beep boop.



Joe Biden is a true American patriot. He’s been a fantastic President, and it hurts that the circumstances have been so unique and historic that he was obliged to drop out. He is the rarest of politicians, a decent man who lived by his values.

July 22, 2024 5:40 pm

it’s been like 70 years since a POTUS didn’t go for re-election 

LBJ 1968.56 years

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
July 22, 2024 5:41 pm

 July 22, 2024 5:26 pm

I see the dem hivemind has sent out the batsignal.

Joe is the most noble man EVAH!!!

He stepped down – like a boss.

Ha ha, he was only pretending to be senile!

Interesting that their last desparate attempt to deflect was that “this was about age”.
It is about mental capacity.
Just as I wouldn’t vote for a 20 year old Down’s Syndrome kid to run the show, nor would I vote for an 81 year old senile geriatric either.

July 22, 2024 5:42 pm


Joe Biden is a true American patriot. He’s been a fantastic President, and it hurts that the circumstances have been so unique and historic that he was obliged to drop out. He is the rarest of politicians, a decent man who lived by his values.

For those who borrow their political opinions from cabaret singers.

July 22, 2024 5:44 pm

That’s the spirit.

Donald Trump on Kamala Harris: “I call her Laffin’ Kamala. You ever watch her laugh? She’s crazy. You can tell a lot by a laugh… She’s nuts”

Last edited 1 month ago by JC
July 22, 2024 5:45 pm

It appears that a new vector of infection has been discovered for Covid.

Apparently, even a leader who’s “recovering well” may not front a camera for fear that the virus enters the mechanism, and subsequently spreads via tv screens and phones.

This is a fearful development. Hopefully they can isolate this new variant to Delaware.

Dr Fauci! We need your advice in this matter.

July 22, 2024 5:48 pm

Here’s the video of the 9 shots. Looks like Trump got hit the first one


July 22, 2024 5:55 pm

Just watched The Beekeeper, Statham’s latest which made a packet so there’ll be a sequel. The general consensus is that it is a great Statham movie: ie stupid but great action. The basic concept is timely. Some guys called beekeepers keep the hive safe so when laws don’t work they get rid of the garbage/swamp. In today’s world we’d need a few thousand of the buggers.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
July 22, 2024 5:56 pm

 July 22, 2024 5:48 pm

Here’s the video of the 9 shots. Looks like Trump got hit the first one

If we strip the hyperbole out of that piece, we see zero evidence of three separate weapons.
Adding the word “Forensic” to your letterhead doesn’t impress me.
And what evidence do they present that a single bullet struck two people, which is the basis of the “different trajectory” argument?
Finally, it is just possible that any third weapon might have been fired by another law enforcement person on the basis of perceived “dead chook” movement from Crooks.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
July 22, 2024 5:56 pm

Jonathan Meijer: World’s most prolific sperm donor says he’s a ‘free spirit’ and has no regretsKathryn Knight
Daily Mail
10 Min Read1 hour ago


On a January morning in 2007, a young man called Jonathan Meijer entered the doors of a private clinic in the Netherlands to register as a sperm donor.
It was an act he insists was underpinned by pure altruism: having seen a male friend confront the heartache of infertility, he wanted to do his bit to help others complete their dream of having a family.
Seventeen years on, few can deny that Meijer, now 43, has more than fulfilled his calling — and then some.

By his own admission, he has fathered “around 550 children’ across the globe, although there are others — among them the creators of a hit new Netflix documentary — who believe the number could be at least double that, hence the arresting title of their three-part series, The Man With 1,000 Kids.
It’s not just the title that gives pause for thought, however.
The documentary features a number of women and couples, who have had Meijer’s children, making a number of extraordinary claims about him.

July 22, 2024 6:00 pm

Kamala addressed the nation on Biden’s death (99% of which comes from actual Kamala sayings):

Joe has been unburdened by his burden. Life is a small thing, death is really big and death comes after life. When we talk about the thing, the thing is really about the thing itself. It’s the thing we’re talking about.

We now need to focus on what we need to do to get the thing done, and that means we need to really do the things that need to be done to get it done. We’re in a historical moment, a moment that is part of history. 

July 22, 2024 6:00 pm
July 22, 2024 6:01 pm

Dickless has (kidney) stones; as close as you’ll get dickless. Anyway, men get stones more than women so there’s that; and since most of the pain involves the bastard things passing through the dick, dickless is a lucky bastard. The only thing which stops them is lots of water, at least a litre or 2 a day. Some women do get them. I spoke to one who’d had 1 and also had given birth. She reckoned the stone hurt more than the bub coming out.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
July 22, 2024 6:02 pm

For those who borrow their political opinions from cabaret singers.

Then there’re singers who are also actresses…

Barbra Streisand Claims Trump Brought Assassination Attempt on Himself Because He’s Been Branded a Bully (19 Jul)

What would Hollywood even be without Barbara Streisand and Bette Midler?

Bungonia Bee
Bungonia Bee
July 22, 2024 6:02 pm

Chris Kenny: I’m certainly not a Trump fan.
Why not?
We recall when you were similarly deranged about Da Voice.
If you aren’t for Trump, who are you for?
Is there a viable alternative?
We have watched what the other mob have done. Is that what you want four more years of?

July 22, 2024 6:12 pm

Any Queenslanders out there? I have an overseas cousin who is driving from Brisvegas to Cairns . Currently in Rocky and was politely asked be the friendly copper why he was doing 87 in a 70 zone. Does anyone know the fine ?

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
July 22, 2024 6:13 pm

CAPPS is ok.

Good to see Gary Densham back in the drivers seat. He gave me a good 5 minute talk at Ravenswood International in the mid 90’s in West Oz about the clutch.

He was on track for 300 mph. The clutch said no.

July 22, 2024 6:16 pm

I don’t know any doctor chaps from school in Melbourne, Sancho. I am from the country and went to state schools.

I discharged myself but am hanging around the hospital waiting for my sister to get out of surgery.

July 22, 2024 6:18 pm

Kamala is the abortion candidate.
Don’t know about any other policies.
She seems to often use peculiar sets of words as filler because she has nothing useful to say.
I’m Kamala Harris, I’m a woman, my pronouns are she/ her I’m sitting here, (looks at shoulder), wearing a blue suit.
Yes really.
I don’t get the impression she is particularly bright.
When Joe was younger he was definitely more articulate than she is now.
Obama hasn’t endorsed her.
Why is that?

July 22, 2024 6:20 pm

Are you suggesting country people who went to state schools aren’t capable of studying medicine Monty?

July 22, 2024 6:22 pm

Is Joe dead? Or totally incapacitated to the point of not being able to address the nation?

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
July 22, 2024 6:22 pm

I was having sympathy pains…

Unsurprising, since you go out in sympathy with each and every version of The Latest Thing.

now I am also in hospital with a suspected return of kidney stones. Waiting for a doctor is going to take all night, I suspect

They are fat stones, not kidney stones. Stop listing your favourite drink as pavlova.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
July 22, 2024 6:23 pm

 July 22, 2024 6:16 pm

I don’t know any doctor chaps from school in Melbourne, Sancho. I am from the country and went to state schools.

A chap in your condition should start networking with chaps in the private sector.

July 22, 2024 6:24 pm

“US President Joe Biden gave most of his aides a mere moment’s notice of his decision to quit the race for re-election yesterday after an agonising 48 hours poring over polling data which showed his path to victory was closing, two sources have told Reuters.

Only the day before, Mr Biden was telling many aides that he would continue campaigning to defeat Republican rival Donald Trump in November.”

July 22, 2024 6:25 pm

Mother Lode
July 22, 2024 1:34 pm

BTW – has anyone done a welfare check on Mark Hamill? After all the choreographed goofiness with Biden in the White House and snide mockery of anyone suggesting Joe had had it, he must be in a very dark place now.

Allegedly overheard praying.

“Let the Wookie win”

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
July 22, 2024 6:28 pm

A lot of people defending Biden (before they got the email) insisted that his speech problems were a stutter he was born with.

Was it true, or just a re-writing of history to cover an embarrassing present?

July 22, 2024 6:31 pm

The usual bitter harridans salivating over killing babies.

Im tweaking one moustaches.

Laura Chapin
All the rage American women have been feeling since Roe was overturned is about to be channelled behind Kamala Harris.
Trump campaign is not prepared for what’s about to come.
And they will lose.

Nothing as fantastic as a campaign revolving around a bunch of haunted vaginas quest to normalise their act.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
July 22, 2024 6:33 pm

Just had a good laugh.
Vicgrid REZ document out for public comment and heavily features green hydrogen as a booming industry for local industry and export.
It seems that rural Victoria is on the doorstep of an economic boom if we just accept the wind and solar visionary plan.
How likely is it that electricity will be cheaper in the regions than Melbourne and industries will flock to the NW Victoria just gagging to set up?
You can fool some of the people…..

July 22, 2024 6:33 pm

Sancho Panzer
July 22, 2024 3:02 pm


 July 22, 2024 1:29 pm

This audio which supposedly proves that there were seven different shooters.

Only seven?


I should have said “at least seven”, and added “possibly more” because conspiracies work so much better with tautologies.

My point was that, if a microphone was attached to a television camera which swivelled suddenly during the shots, or a “baffle” (possibly a human) ducked out of the way of the microphone, the recording signature could change significantly.

Some of the “second shooter” noises could be echoes off hard surfaces.

You basement analysts never seem to want to address those possibilities.

Highly implausible.

I think Arky is on the right track with the “Time traveler from the grassy knoll” theory.

July 22, 2024 6:33 pm

Check the windsurfer storage. Maybe Joe went windsurfing to blow out the covid cobwebs…

July 22, 2024 6:39 pm

This is why the left hate him.



It’s not over! Tomorrow Crooked Joe Biden’s going to wake up and forget that he dropped out of the race today!

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
July 22, 2024 6:40 pm

Mother Lode
 July 22, 2024 6:28 pm

A lot of people defending Biden (before they got the email) insisted that his speech problems were a stutter he was born with.

The only Presidential candidate to ever withdraw because of a stutter. In an age where “otherly-abled” people are celebrated it is a disgrace that the Dimocrats would bin a candidate because of a minor affliction.

Was it true, or just a re-writing of history to cover an embarrassing present?

Well, what is interesting is that, after 40 years of campaigning and Senate hearings, no-one seems to be able to produce far-far-far-footage of the sar-sar-sar-stutter.

July 22, 2024 6:42 pm
Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
July 22, 2024 6:43 pm

Kidney stones.
Now there’s a subject in which I have some expertise. The size of your dick has nothing to do with the pain. If the stone(s) gets to your bladder then it’s smooth sailing from there usually.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
July 22, 2024 6:46 pm

no-one seems to be able to produce far-far-far-footage of the sar-sar-sar-stutter

I loved Open All Hours. Redux:

‘Muh-muh-muh-meh-monty, g-get the stuh-stuh-stuh stones out’

Last edited 1 month ago by Knuckle Dragger
July 22, 2024 6:47 pm

Obama hasn’t endorsed her.

Why is that?

Is Michelle mulling a run?

Waiting to see the polls this week?

Outside possibility, I would say.

Last edited 1 month ago by Roger
July 22, 2024 6:50 pm
Cassie of Sydney
July 22, 2024 6:51 pm

By his own admission, he has fathered “around 550 children’ across the globe, although there are others — among them the creators of a hit new Netflix documentary — who believe the number could be at least double that, hence the arresting title of their three-part series, The Man With 1,000 Kids.

Obscene. It’s why I’m opposed to surrogacy and sperm donation.

It is not a right to have a child.

And closer to home……

Qld women deserve answers

Every fertility clinic in Queensland will be investigated after shocking revelations that a Queensland sperm donor could have fathered as many as 1000 children.

The systemic investigation, ordered by Health Minister Shannon Fentiman, follows numerous allegations exposed by The Courier-Mail, including a shocking baby swap where a couple claim they were given the wrong sperm to conceive two of their sons.

The latest horror claims come from mother-of-five Shannon Ashton who believes her children, all from the same donor, could have as many as 1000 siblings after she uncovered he had donated hundreds of times in four years.

Ms Ashton said her family, including her three teenagers, live in constant fear they will become romantically involved with a biological relative.

“It makes me physically sick that my kids will for the rest of their lives have to fight off the fear of incest,’’ she said. “They will have to get background checks on anyone they might be even slightly interested in. Just last week my teenage son came across someone he is likely biologically related to.’’

July 22, 2024 6:54 pm

Chris Kenny: I’m certainly not a Trump fan.
Why not?

Because for some people, life is all about learning and following social conventions.

Trump makes them up as he goes along. That makes him baaaad.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
July 22, 2024 6:58 pm

Abortion might attract a few votes Kamala’s way but she’s not a mother and that should cancel out wider female support.
The girls tend not to put much stock in being lectured to in the abstract.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
July 22, 2024 7:05 pm

Vicgrid REZ document out for public comment and heavily features green hydrogen as a booming industry for local industry and export.

Good luck with that.

How the West’s big bet on hydrogen fell apart (18 Jul)

As we Cats predicted. Amazing that these people cannot seem to use a simple pocket calculator.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
July 22, 2024 7:05 pm

I noticed a Case header behind the stands at the Trump rally.
The shooter from the axial flow.
Did the SS check the grain tank for spent shells?

July 22, 2024 7:11 pm

I have a creepy feeling such as we experienced when Rudd finally rolled Gillard and our celebrations were cut short when the whole media mafia went all out for him. It was depressing.

I think Michelle Obama’s nomination will be similar. Short term depression amongst conservatives followed by the realisation that she can be destroyed because of her husband’s vulnerabilities.

Disclaimer. My Michelle wager remains with the bookies.

July 22, 2024 7:11 pm

July 22, 2024 1:52 pm

why would the set-up (I know nuttin’ about trusts, nuttin’) make any difference .. money should all have been in the Caymans from day1 ….
And the house in the name of someone 5x removed from the couple …
And a lot less publicity about their move to France wouldn’t have hurt , either ………..

I agree with you, even renting would’ve been better.

As to Why?
Because they are not half as clever as they think they are.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
July 22, 2024 7:24 pm

Farmer Gez
 July 22, 2024 6:58 pm

Abortion might attract a few votes Kamala’s way …

I’ll see your abortion and raise you border control f-ck up.
And don’t worry about polling.
Those two issues – particularly border control – have two distinct answers.
The one I might deliver in polite company at a dinner party, and the paper I might mark in the privacy of a ballot box.
Or the “battle box” as Dementia Joe calls it.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
July 22, 2024 7:27 pm

Farmer Gez
 July 22, 2024 7:05 pm

I noticed a Case header behind the stands at the Trump rally.

The shooter from the axial flow.

Did the SS check the grain tank for spent shells?

You’d have to be keen.
It’d be hot and stuffy in there on a summer day.
Not to mention itchy if it wasn’t brand new.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
July 22, 2024 7:35 pm

I suspect the likes of Chris Kenny share that petty little gene that the American MSM and Talking Head class possess which has them racing to label his oratorical flights when he talks about “the biggest this”, or “the most that”, or “the first something else” as his lies.

But Trump’s supporters know exactly understand him perfectly – the clue is that they all know how to mimic him, not just in cadence and hand gestures, but where to exaggerate.

It is certainly a novel thing to have a political figure’s mannerisms mimicked in good humour by their supporters. Playfully.

Their detractors, sure. Not supporters though.

Obama’s supporters just gazed at him with veneration. They were meant to witness his godhead, to lift their voices in praise and to worship. To take him at all lightly was blasphemy. Biden? Well, he was never loved.

July 22, 2024 7:36 pm

Obscene. It’s why I’m opposed to surrogacy and sperm donation.

They do it because they can and it seems to be the right way to do it, not hurting the husband’s feelings.

I don’t know how that works, rubbing his nose in it openly?

I know it’s a touchy subject, but in the ‘good old days’ women who realised the problem, went out quietly and fixed it the natural way, preferably with someone looking like the husband.

I know religion or faithfulness, morals come into this but recreation is a strong urge in some women, not so much in others.

Surrogacy works exactly the other way. Best would be if the wife didn’t know of it.
Have at me for saying it.

July 22, 2024 7:40 pm

I had a hotdoc form to fill in for a skin cancer removal. The form asked for my sex at birth, then my gender. Not being a part of speech, I don’t have one, but that wasn’t an option. Then it wanted to know my pronouns. I usually answer ‘Lord and Master’ to this, but that wasn’t an option either. I gave up. I just won’t go along with woke lunacy.
Hotdoc doesn’t allow you to tell them they are idiots. You can’t contact them. Probably sensible of them.

July 22, 2024 7:44 pm

I googled the etymology of the word “flavourful” because the word annoys and grates on me.
This is what Google told me:

Why do people say flavourful instead of flavoursome?

“Your food is flavorsome.” Is this correct English instead of ‘delicious’? Avoid flavorsome. It is unusual and archaic. The modern word is flavorful, which is mostly used in by food critics, chefs, and the like.4 Mar 2019

Archaic am I?
Get f***ed Google. I am never saying flavourful. Never. N.E.V.E.R. It sounds stupid.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
July 22, 2024 7:54 pm

If Kamala tries to run on Abortion she will have to devise some new interpretation of the Constitution to make it a Federal issue. Roe v Wade was overturned because the Constitutional amendment under which the right had been ‘discovered’ was too far a stretch. She will need something else otherwise it sits with the states – as Trump says.

July 22, 2024 8:09 pm

If Kamala tries to run on Abortion she will have to devise some new interpretation of the Constitution to make it a Federal issue.

No she won’t. Neither Kamala nor her supporters will apply logic or reason.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
July 22, 2024 8:11 pm

do people remember the Obama Presidency fondly?

At he time he was ‘The One’ but apart for the rhetoric and the fawning media he was light on achievements for average Americans. Some people might remember the time warmly – the way you can feel happy now remembering a happy time in the past, but that would be because their memory of the Obama era is unexamined. It is a feeling they remember.

Obama’s Presidency was (obviously) over when trump came in, but now people can remember how much better things were under Trump.

Now, Michelle does not have the charisma of her husband, the MSM’s current reputation will nullify the sloppy stories they come up with (“We know the NSM will lie to help their favourites Remember Biden?”) and Obama’s achievements must be compared to Trump’s.

The Dims would certainly get a bump but it would not be a return to those halcyon early days of Broncho Bummer.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
July 22, 2024 8:16 pm

Just dined in, on oven chicken kievs and potato gems.

Outstandingly flavourful.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
July 22, 2024 8:18 pm

Dessert may or may not be half a leftover packet of Maltesers.


July 22, 2024 8:19 pm

I don’t know why folks keep bringing up The Kenyan’s hubby as a contender. He said several times that he’s not interested and has repeated this only a few days ago. He doesn’t like politics.

July 22, 2024 8:20 pm

Anyone can post Tim Blair’s column?

“TV host’s embarrassing Biden rant spectacularly backfires
A US TV host’s defence of Joe Biden has spectacularly backfired, but he’s not alone. But after today’s news, it’s all fallen apart, writes Tim Blair.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
July 22, 2024 8:22 pm

Neil said…
I don’t think Kamala Harris is even legally allowed to run for President, her parents were not American citizens when she was born, i could be wrong.

From Michael Smith. Any of the bush lawyers on this blog able to help out?

H B Bear
H B Bear
July 22, 2024 8:34 pm

shatterzzz at 6:14 pm

NO..! 4 tix but no nesting …………

Sorry that is probably addressed to me. Trusts are a construct of the branch of law known as equity, separate to the common law and originally obtained by petition of the King and later through separate (non common law) courts. Equity was used to correct “injustices” that could not be remedied through common law which was seen as becoming too restrictive. The law of Equity developed its own principles and remedies, one of which was a person must come to equity with “clean hands”. This is a tricky concept that means people seeking equity must do equity.

Trusts were an equitable concept and split the legal (common law) ownership from the beneficial (equitable) ownership. Originally they appeared in real property (land) but soon extended to other forms of property. Today they are used for land, tax and death estate planning.

It would appear that the Brittany trust was established to put the $2.4m beyond the reach of creditors. Arguably this may represent a loss of “clean hands” such that Equity would not recognise the trust, essentially looking through the arrangement and saying the money is hers. This is by no means clear and would no doubt be vigorously contested. Much inquiry would be made of the intentions of all people (including the lawyers) at the time. It would make great fun.

Cassie of Sydney
July 22, 2024 8:36 pm

From Michael Smith. Any of the bush lawyers on this blog able to help out?

It doesn’t matter if your parents were not US citizens, if you were born on US soil you’re then eligible to run for president.

July 22, 2024 8:37 pm

If you were born in America, you are automatically a citizen.
Nothing to do with the status of the parents.

Hence all the Chinese ladies having their babies in America, if they have a chance and can afford it.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
July 22, 2024 8:39 pm

Health update on m0nster.
CT scan shows a dozen Krispy Kremes.
No teeth marks.
The giveaway was when he looked at the CT scanner and said, “Put some pink icing and sprinkles on that and I’d eat it.”

July 22, 2024 8:44 pm

If Kamala was born on US soil she’s eligible.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
July 22, 2024 8:44 pm

It’s Joe-ver for the fake news media that hid truth about BidenA US TV host’s defence of Joe Biden has spectacularly backfired, but he’s not alone. But after today’s news, it’s all fallen apart, writes Tim Blair.


3 min read
July 22, 2024 – 5:02PM

“Start your tape right now because I’m about to tell you the truth,” MSNBC presenter Joe Scarborough declared back in March, eyeballing his studio cameras.
“And F.U. if you can’t handle the truth.”
Scarborough then delivered his considered verdict on the subject of President Joe Biden’s mental health. Even for someone who is completely opposed to former US leader Donald Trump, Scarborough’s Biden assessment may have been a little generous.
“I think he’s better than he’s ever been,” the TV host said.
Seriously. Without giggling.
“This version of Biden – intellectually, analytically – is the best Biden ever. Not a close second.”
“I’ve known him for years,” Scarborough continued, burying himself deeper in denial with every syllable.
“If it weren’t the truth I wouldn’t say it.”
It wasn’t the truth, as just about any sentient being was by then aware, but Scarborough said it anyway. And so in various ways did media star after media star, collectively forming a defensive perimeter around their preferred candidate.
They were willingly led to their Biden-excusing ways by Biden’s White House press team, who frequently differed from their journalist allies only in terms of where they stood: behind or in front of a podium.
In June, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre launched what may as well have been called Operation You Didn’t See That, which aim to convince Americans that footage of old stumbly Joe had somehow been tricked-up by sneaky conservatives.
“We believe we have to call that out. We’ve been calling it ‘cheap fakes’,” Jean-Pierre said, referring to unedited clips of Biden being senile and weird.
Tellingly, Jean-Pierre included “media outlets” and “the fact-checkers” among Biden’s defenders. They were all on the same pro-Joe team.
“That is something that came directly from the media outlets in calling it that, the fact-checkers are calling it that,” she said in a friendly TV interview.
“And so we’re certainly going to be really, really clear about that as well. And calling it out from where we are, from where we stand.”
That rules out the stairway on Air Force One, then, where for Biden standing will forever remain an unfulfilled ambition.
Associated Press happily ran with the “cheap fakes” line, claiming that video of Biden at the D-Day anniversary commemorations in France “was the first of at least three out-of-context or trimmed videos shared widely over less than two weeks in June to fuel a narrative that Biden is mentally and physically unfit for office”.
It was more than a narrative.
It’s why Biden was forced out by his own party after the old man’s mental incapacity became undeniable.
By the end, the extent to which the 46th US president had been propped up by compliant journalists was so obvious that even ABC Media Watch host Paul Barry noticed it.
“For years, Biden’s physical stumbles have been gleefully packaged up by Republicans and the conservative media,” Barry reported earlier this month.
“And for years Biden’s supporters in the media — for which read Trump’s opponents — have dismissed it all as a beat up …
“So, why did many in the US media not look harder to find the truth?”
The answer, provided on Media Watch by former executive editor of The New York Times Jill Abramson: “Because of journalism’s innate desire to not see democracy destroyed by Donald Trump … reporters stayed away from the story because they didn’t want to help Donald Trump.”
When Richard Nixon was forced to resign, it was because the press was hounding him – not defending him
They lied to save democracy.
When journalists and their leftist readers have such basic good-vs-evil outlooks, no wonder so many of them deeply wished that Trump had been murdered.
Mentally, Joe Biden checked out a long time ago. Physically, his withdrawal from the 2024 presidential campaign is a reverse Watergate.
And Biden’s media enablers are this era’s Nixons, finally busted after years of dirty tricks.
In the Watergate scandal, President Richard Nixon stood down because his lies were uncovered by the press.
In Biden’s case, however, the roles are reversed. President Joe has to go because he exposed the media’s lies.
They were lies told on Biden’s behalf.
It was a collaborative scam run by Biden’s White House working hand-in-glove with activist reporters.
They aimed to create a fake reality in which Biden was beyond competent – a world in which 81-year-old perpetually bewildered Biden was, in that MSNBC host’s words, “the best Biden ever”.
It was a years-long campaign of concealment, and it was all blown to pieces during that history-changing presidential debate by Joe Biden himself.
Let his media mates now consider how Biden and themselves have arrived at this point. “It’s not the crime that gets you,” Richard Nixon famously and accurately observed. “It’s the cover-up.”

July 22, 2024 8:46 pm

Snap times two.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
July 22, 2024 8:47 pm

My compliments, and thank you, Cassie and Rosie.

July 22, 2024 8:47 pm
July 22, 2024 8:49 pm

I watched a couple of minutes of Biden when he was debating Obama and Mrs Clinton. No sign of his alleged stammer.

July 22, 2024 8:56 pm


July 22, 2024 8:49 pm

I watched a couple of minutes of Biden when he was debating Obama and Mrs Clinton. No sign of his alleged stammer.

Rosie, it wasn’t a stammer as such. I recall, the imbecile in the 90s and he a habit of rolling his words into a mumble.

He’s always been a fcking idiot. He’s always been the Rodney Dangerfileld of American politics – never getting any respect because he didn’t deserve any. Hopefully, Trump gets in and the corpse ends up being indicted for influence peddling along with all other family members.

But he’ll wait it out until election date and then pardon himself and the rest.

Last edited 1 month ago by JC
July 22, 2024 8:59 pm
July 22, 2024 9:01 pm
July 22, 2024 9:06 pm

I suspect it’s a show. The corpse is moving the money over to Camel Toe, which places the Demons in a corner.

July 22, 2024 9:08 pm

Things are not getting worse – they are being uncovered.

July 22, 2024 9:12 pm
July 22, 2024 9:14 pm
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
July 22, 2024 9:21 pm

Anyway, a log fire, a leather armchair and a good book – the second of the three best books written about Operation Market Garden , by Robin Neillands.

Neillands states that ” a countless number of veterans have urged me to ignore most of the story told in the film “A Bridge Too Far.”

The story of the battle is obscured by three persistent myths. The first myth is that the British XXX Corps was too slow in moving up to Nijmegen – a refinement of that myth is that they stopped to drink tea..The second is that the British 1st Airborne deliberately chose to land too far from the Arnhem bridges, and the third is that the Guards Armored failed to exploit the American sucess at the Nijmegen bridge on the evening of D+3, by immediately pushing on to Arnhem (Page 87.)

July 22, 2024 10:04 pm

Tallulah Bankhead was a Hollywood star in the early part of the 20C. She smoked around 120 cigarettes a day. Lived 66 years.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
July 22, 2024 10:11 pm

A real twist: Greens’ squeeze on home valuesJoe Kelly
2 hours ago.
Updated 3 minutes ago


Greens housing spokesman Max Chandler-Mather has made clear the minor party’s policies are aimed at achieving a real decline in housing values over time to ­ensure the next generation has a better chance of buying a home
Mr Chandler-Mather said that Labor had failed to comprehend that “the social contract has been broken”, and that an “entire generation of people who previously, I think, probably would have got involved in the Labor Party have abandoned them”.
He said that a hard working, well educated young Australian with a good job could now be “earning a $100,000-plus a year wage” and it was “still impossible for you to buy a home”.
The Greens have proposed a major overhaul to phase out negative gearing and abolish the ­capital gains tax discount, as well as the establishment of a government-owned property developer to rent and sell at below-market prices.
The party has also advocated for a rent freeze and cap on rents, arguing that 20 per cent of renters across the nation vote Green.
In an interview with The Australian as part of a series exploring the Greens’ policy platform, Mr Chandler-Mather said the party’s key objective was to halt housing price growth.
“I think our goal, our stated goal, is to stop house price growth, so zero per cent growth, to give wages a chance to catch up,” he said. “I think the net effect would be a stabilisation of house prices.

Does this mean that, certain Greens, with investment properties, will be happy to hand over those properties, to those in need of housing?

July 22, 2024 10:14 pm

July 22, 2024 9:27 pm

Ilya Sutskever | Deep learning is the future of AI | AGI will be born after GPT5

AGI will only happen when robots with sensors can turn cameras to the sky and check the spectrum when someone says “The sky is blue”, so they can decide if the statement is true or false. At the moment, they are language models which can only decide when statements belong in the same class as other statements. So they can produce bullshit similar to other bullshit, without being able to decide on whether the statements mean anything. Let alone whether they are true. At present, they know nothing of the external universe, only what people have written about it. And truth is the opinion of the external universe, not of your friends and colleagues. So two AIs discussing quantum mechanics doesn’t say anything about quantum mechanics, only a rehash of what other people have said or written about it.

I don’t say AGI is impossible, but it does require a _lot_ more than any of the language models have. It requires the effective definition of TRUTH and Meaning.

July 22, 2024 10:16 pm

Back home, exhausted. Sister’s surgery was a success. Hopefully we get her home tomorrow. We will both take it easy for a bit.

July 22, 2024 10:36 pm
July 22, 2024 10:39 pm

July 22, 2024 10:36 pm

I wouldn’t like to be near him when he finds out he quit.
He’ll be pissed.

July 22, 2024 10:42 pm


Meanwhile shouldn’t there be an address to the nation when a sitting president throws in the towel like some punch drunk fighter.

The Democrats are so damn crazy I’m actually not kidding when I say it would be nice to have some proof of life regarding Joseph Biden.

July 22, 2024 10:44 pm


Let’s recap this historic day:

• Joe Biden suddenly *RESIGNS* via @X
• White House staff find out ONE MINUTE later
• Joe Biden “resignation” letter not on official letterhead
• Biden “signature” suspect (underlined?)
• Steve Richetti helped write letter
• Jill Biden tweets *heart emoji* response
• White House *WIPES* Biden’s schedule
• WH Chief of Staff calls Cabinet, manages Comms
• Frank Biden confirms health a factor
• Family suggests Biden may have terminal illness
• Joe Biden holds no LIVE Press Conference
• Where is Joe?

July 22, 2024 11:07 pm

Vivek Ramaswamy on “Hannity” Predicting that Harris will not be the nominee. That the Democrats have one shot and it has to be their best shot and he would not

“write off the possibility that it is Michelle Obama. She checks off the same identity politic boxes, and it’s going to be some one above the fray; that doesn’t create the same type of infighting”.

I have only seen the covers of her books “Becoming” and “The Light We Carry” – prominently displayed at the bookshop and at the time I thought, just from her photos, “Ah, they are reassuring the Democrat base that there is hope for the future – “Becoming” published during the Trump Presidency and Clinton’s loss and “The Light We Carry” published as it was becoming more and more obvious that Biden was ‘not fit for purpose’.

July 22, 2024 11:08 pm

AGI will only happen when robots with sensors can turn cameras to the sky and check the spectrum when someone says “The sky is blue”, so they can decide if the statement is true or false. At the moment, they are language models which can only decide when statements belong in the same class as other statements. So they can produce bullshit similar to other bullshit, without being able to decide on whether the statements mean anything. Let alone whether they are true. At present, they know nothing of the external universe, only what people have written about it. And truth is the opinion of the external universe, not of your friends and colleagues. So two AIs discussing quantum mechanics doesn’t say anything about quantum mechanics, only a rehash of what other people have said or written about it.

I don’t say AGI is impossible, but it does require a _lot_ more than any of the language models have. It requires the effective definition of TRUTH and Meaning.

I tend to agree with Sutskever, the neural net is model of the world as seen through whatever modality it is trained through. Multi modal models are already here, but text is sufficient to create a useful model. Sure having vision and audio, touch, smell etc adds usefulness but isn’t a prerequisite to building a comprehensive world model nor a requirement for AGI.

We have to be careful not to shuffle the ontological meaning of what we perceive as consciousness and conflate it with something more than it is. For example the idea that meaning is not something these AI already possess, I would argue if you spend any time talking to them it is clear they get meaning in a not dis-similar way we get meaning. code trained AI can refactor code, this is difficult for most humans. I know when I refactored code in a former life I build up a model of the code and that allowed me to rewrite it in its new form. The key here is one cant refactor code one doesnt understand, refactoring code is at the level of the meaning of the code, it is more than shuffling text around.

As for truth, it is something we have to understand in this way: Truth is the correlation of a model to the external world. The more data and interaction one has with the external world the more accurate we are in relation to truth. However the map is not the territory, there is no red in the real world. There is no blue in the sky. That is not to say red and blue don’t exist, but its qualities depend entirely on the apparatus used to elicit that quality. red is the internal representation, not the thing in itself. As Sutskever points out the vector embeddings of colours in a LLM do in fact correlate with our visual understanding of them and so a LLM can be quite conversent about colour in a coherent way.

The LLM hallucination problem is pretty much solved by openAI, with reinforcement loop by humans which plugs the gaps in the data. GPT4 has very little hallucination unlike Google’s first release of gemini.

Once AIs become autonomous then they will be able to self correct.

There is a human like need to objectify consciousness when to me it seems consciousness isn’t a thing, its a process. Out of which comes notions of souls etc. We have to be careful not to anthropomorphise AIs as they are human like intelligences but they are not human intelligences.

An AI is basically an alien intelligence.

  1. Leaving the endless pager memes momentarily, this marketing video by the Royal Armoury in Leeds is a modern classic.

  2. Rabz on Penny Ping Pong @10:43am….  you vile incompetent arrogant lesbian slag Absolutely beautiful

  3. I was envisioning some ACME style scanners. More than once and the operator gets a little zing. But conscientious scrutineers…

  4. “civilian objects should not be weaponised” He means like schools, kindergartens, hospitals, residential housing and clothing. Right?

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x