Open Thread – Mon 22 July 2024

The Mountain Ford, Thomas Cole, 1846

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July 22, 2024 11:11 pm

So they can produce bullshit similar to other bullshit, without being able to decide on whether the statements mean anything. Let alone whether they are true.

so basically, yr saying mUnty is AI ?

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
July 22, 2024 11:19 pm

Bald and Bankrupt:

Inside Rwanda: Where Britain Sends Its Illegal Migrants

July 22, 2024 11:35 pm

mUnty is an ontological cul-de-sac

July 22, 2024 11:46 pm

I would argue if you spend any time talking to them it is clear they get meaning in a not dis-similar way we get meaning.

No. I’ve seen lots of their dialogue and they have no contact with reality. It’s all getting the sentences to be appropriate to the input. Purely syntactic.

And I’ve said nothing about consciousness for good reasons.

July 23, 2024 12:10 am

For humans etc consciousness is basically derived from a spatial understanding in how one fits into the environment. It basically relates to survival.

Software could end having an entirely different form.

July 23, 2024 12:16 am

Kennedy allowed Khrushchev to push him around, build the Berlin Wall, start insurgencies around the world and create the Cuban missile crisis.
God subsequently allowed Oswald to paint the interior of a Lincoln Continental with his brains.
Trump stood up resolutely for the interests of his country in the face of unprecedented malice and calumny.
God subsequently allowed Trump’s brains to remain where they could best do their future work.

Last edited 1 month ago by Arky
July 23, 2024 12:16 am

House oversight committee hearing starts out with an attack on gun ownership.

July 23, 2024 12:18 am

and JC is an epistemological dead-end

Last edited 1 month ago by MatrixTransform
July 23, 2024 12:20 am

Try harder, Trans.

July 23, 2024 12:26 am

Gerald Ford survived two attacks on his life over a period of about two weeks. God must have thought Ford was quite something even if he was voted out of office.

July 23, 2024 12:31 am

careful JC … the forum might find out how stupid you are

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
July 23, 2024 12:33 am


I played this song to a close friend ( RIP ) about 15 years ago. He was full blown into rock and heavy metal. I said listen to the lyrics …. a story is told. He was impressed.

Barry Manilow – Copacabana – 1978.

July 23, 2024 12:34 am

It knows you are Trans, you sad drunken troll.

July 23, 2024 1:17 am

We can do it if we want to, pyramids move over.


The Troll A platform is a Condeep gravity-based offshore natural gas platform in the Troll gas field off the west coast of Norway.

Built from reinforced concrete, in 2014, it was the tallest structure that has ever been moved to another position, relative to the surface of the Earth, and is among the largest and most complex engineering projects in history.

It was a televised sensation when it was towed into the North Sea in 1995, where it is now operated by Equinor.

It is also the heaviest object moved and the object with the second highest displacement at 1.2 million tons (the object with the highest displacement is the Gullfaks C, which had a displacement approaching 1.5 million tons[3] in comparison with Troll A’s 1.2 million).

Troll A was towed from the afternoon 10 May 1995 until the platform was in place 17 May 1995. It was lowered to the seabed in 303 meters of water, and had penetrated 36 meters into the soil by 19 May 1995[citation needed]. It was self-supporting with no further mooring required.

You’d think so sitting in the ground that deep.

July 23, 2024 1:18 am

Makes perfect sense to me.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
July 23, 2024 1:46 am

( :

David Bowie – Let’s Dance (Official Video)

Mak Siccar
Mak Siccar
July 23, 2024 1:47 am


Brittany Higgins says she has been forced to sell her house in France as “the unspeakably high price” of speaking out on sexual assault in her defamation battle against ­former defence minister Linda Reynolds.

Ms Higgins is believed to have bought the house last year for about $600,000, raising questions about what has happened to the rest of the $2.4m compensation payout from the commonwealth.

Her lawyers have told the court she has less than $10,000 in assets, outside whatever is left in the “Brittany Higgins Protective Trust” set up to hold the payout.

The announcement Ms Higgins is selling her home in Lunas, in the south of France, comes just days after a court ordered she must reveal details of the trust to Senator Reynolds.

July 23, 2024 2:05 am

Mak Siccar
July 23, 2024 1:47 am


The announcement Ms Higgins is selling her home in Lunas, in the south of France, comes just days after a court ordered she must reveal details of the trust to Senator Reynolds.

My heart bleeds for her, not.

Labor is washes its hand of her I presume?

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
July 23, 2024 2:08 am

Mark Dice:

Is This a Joke? Kamala May NOT Be Democrat Nominee! – Another Shoe To Drop?

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
July 23, 2024 2:20 am

 July 23, 2024 12:26 am

Gerald Ford survived two attacks on his life over a period of about two weeks. God must have thought Ford was quite something …

God also delivered the plagues to the people of Egypt. The sparing of Ford’s life was more in that column of God’s Works.

July 23, 2024 4:00 am
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July 23, 2024 4:26 am

Rep. Connelly Loses It When Secret Service Director Won’t Criticize Guns (

Another foul geriatric with the usual bludge ‘degrees’.

Connolly graduated from Maryknoll College in Glen Ellyn, Illinois,[1] with a B.A. in literature in 1971, and completed a Master of Public Administration from Harvard Kennedy School in 1979.

Worse than useless.

July 23, 2024 4:34 am

The higgins is a real horror and again I ask, how could such a person with zero experience in the real world (like having a real job) be appointed as an ‘advisor’. Shows just how broken democracy is.

July 23, 2024 5:01 am

Shows just how broken democracy is.


Show me a system of government anywhere, anytime in history where incompetents have not secured jobs due to nepotism or favours for allies or a host of other reasons.

Nowhere in the tenets underlying democracy is there anything that makes this style of government different in that respect. Why would it be?

As long as people in power have jobs in their gift …

Stop bloviating.

July 23, 2024 5:32 am

Not quite there yet, but getting there.

July 23, 2024 5:52 am

Just thinking what it must be like being a cartoonist who has been drawing the Biden character for so long and is now having to switch him out of his pivotal role in your cartoons but not yet having a confirmed subject to replace him.Ramirez I’ve noticed is edging him closer and closer to the grave. Must be very strange indeed.

Bungonia Bee
Bungonia Bee
July 23, 2024 6:10 am

This morning’s BBC Newshour is a real hoot! Amy Klobuchar continues to assert that Joe was really good as POTUS, while the Beeb tries to pretend they never suspected that he was a hollow vessel and asserts that there must have been a cover up at high levels of the Dems!
Now they all have to pretend that Kamala is competent.

July 23, 2024 6:38 am

Just looked at the ABC website. Readers are invited to give feedback. EEk! No I don’t want to download an app to get the main news.

July 23, 2024 6:54 am

Don’t take this to mean that women are not aggressive; they are. Their strategies, however, are frequently more cunning than men’s, and invisible not just to their more guileless victims but even to themselves. They’re masters of the covert psyop. Social exclusion—keeping out people whom the in-group deems deplorable—is a preferred tactic, as described by popular “mean girl” ethnographers like Tina Fey and Rosalind Wiseman, the latter the author of Queen Bees and Wannabes.

July 23, 2024 7:03 am

Due to the left’s worship of DEI it looks like they are stuck with Kamala for the moment. However, they are already showing somewhat unenthusiastic support and I expect them to quietly pile on the pressure and put her in the spotlight until she implodes (as Biden did).

That way they get a clean sweep of the lemons they sold the public 4 years ago. Not even the Dems are stupid enough to actually want her in the Oval Office.

Notice Obama hasn’t endorsed her yet.

The Bungonia Bee
The Bungonia Bee
July 23, 2024 7:16 am

Wayne Root has a pretty good record in predicting political outcomes, and he says that Michelle is still a distinct possibility. I said recently that her saying she’s not interested is just a smokescreen.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
July 23, 2024 7:23 am

 July 23, 2024 4:34 am

The higgins is a real horror and again I ask, how could such a person with zero experience in the real world (like having a real job) be appointed as an ‘advisor’.

A few reasons:-
1. Their masters are massive egotists who like sycophantic kids who will hang off their every word;
2. Many of the positions are gopher jobs but with grand titles of “xyz advisor” when no-one take their advice on anything;
3. Often the MP fancies his chances of a root.

Cassie of Sydney
July 23, 2024 7:45 am

Has anyone seen Old Joe?

Just think, Old Joe and his Demonrat apparatchiks have spent the last three and a half years nefariously using big tech, the MSM and lawfare to try to silence and even imprison Donald Trump yet now we have a situation where it’s dementia ridden Old Joe who’s been silenced. He’s disappeared, in hiding!

And note how nobody on the left is saying that this is a travesty. Like the cultists they are, they’re all now lock, stock and barrel behind the Cackling Queen of the Head Job.

We gotta laugh.

July 23, 2024 7:47 am

Miranda Devine in today’s Tele:


23 Jul 2024
We’re still stuck with Joe Biden as US President for six months. He might have passed the political torch to VP Kamala Harris, but he still has control of the nuclear football. Or maybe Dr Jill and Hunter do.

Either way, it’s a frightening message to send to the world: the US President is too cognitively impaired to run for re-election in November but he’s staying on as commander-in-chief until January. You can bet that leaving the president in place, despite the obvious peril to America, was part of the deal Biden struck to go quietly as Nancy Pelosi and the Obamacans ratcheted up the pain.

Last week, when the president was digging in his heels in Rehoboth Beach amid damaging leaks from his own side that only got his Irish up, one insider told me: “This is not a contest. This is the president’s decision … Publicly pressuring him when they have no alternative (candidate challenging him) instead of trying to work something out with the leader they want to retire is backfiring.”

Of course “working something out” for his own benefit has always been the point with Biden, whether it’s his donors providing grace and favour jobs at inflated prices for his wayward son and other family members, or Chinese President Xi Jinping blessing Hunter’s lucrative business venture after he flew into Beijing with dad on Air Force 2.

Grifters gotta grift!

Staying in the White House until January 20 gives Biden plenty of time to orchestrate pardons for Hunter and his brother Jim and whomever else in the family is in legal trouble. Regardless of what he claimed before Hunter’s felony gun conviction, the pardon was always coming. No way does the family trust Kackling Kamala to do the deed.

Six months is plenty of time to bask in the saccharine praise of his traitorous fellow Democrats. It’s already rampant on MSNBC and X as sycophants trip over each other to wax lyrical about the greatest president that ever lived, a good and decent man, Honest Joe, who always put his country first. “One of the most selfless things a president can do,” gushed MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow. “He put his ego aside.”

I guess that’s one way of describing saving your own skin when there’s a gun at your head.

For an insight into how it might work, there are few people more knowledgeable about the back room deals of the Chicago political machine than Rod “Blago” Blagojevich, the former Illinois governor and Barack Obama intimate who was impeached and spent eight years in a federal prison on public corruption charges over a deal to sell the Senate seat Obama vacated when he became president.

“When you know the guy who’s the conductor of the orchestra – and that’s Obama, someone I have known since 1995 – it’s very easy for me to see his hands all over (the deal to remove Biden from the ticket),” says Blago, 67.

“It’s classic sneaky Chicago backroom politics. The leaking of dirt using third parties and a coordinated campaign that was planned and has been unfolding for the last few weeks. It’s clever and unless you’ve experienced it yourself you may not see it. It’s just as obvious to me as the DNC working with the DOJ who is working with Biden and the Oval Office using the DOJ as a political weapon to use against Trump.”

He saw Obama’s solicitousness when Biden froze on stage last month as a signal to the party that it was time for the ailing Big Guy to go.

For a campaign that was supposed to run on “saving democracy”, we now see another election in which the Democratic bosses, not the American people, are choosing the nominee.

Obama and Pelosi, together with Hollywood elites, Wall Street financiers and Silicon Valley billionaires (except Elon Musk) decide just how much democracy we deserve.

Blago says that “Obama and co” knew that Biden’s brain was kaput in 2020 when they selected him as the candidate to kill off Bernie Sanders’ populist momentum.

“They were able to hide him in the basement (during the 2020 campaign) because of the unique situation with Covid. What surprised me is they got away with it for so long because the media protected them.”

As for what Biden extracted from his capitulation, Blago suggests a deifying presidential library along the lines of the one Obama’s donors have funded for him on the shores of Lake Michigan at Hyde Park in Chicago, that Blago drives past every day.

Board seats with fat salaries for family members could be on the cards. Donors will provide, one way or another, says Blago, who adds this warning: “Obama sent an emissary to make a political deal with me and I ended up in
jail for eight years.”

Whatever goodies the Bidens end up with, the next six months will be a grift fest to behold, with Dr Jill kicking off proceedings. She jets off to Paris for the Olympics this week.

Miranda Devine is a New York Post columnist

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
July 23, 2024 7:51 am

Nobody Could Have Ever Foreseen This news (the Hun):

Weakened bail laws which caution judicial figures from contributing to Aboriginal incarceration are being exploited.

An extraordinary case in the Supreme Court of Victoria has exposed an alleged firearms raider lying about being Aboriginal to get bail.

Her “blatant deception” was uncovered in recorded prison phone calls, with the case raising questions about further potential rorts of the state’s softened bail laws.

Haley Terei, 32, was granted bail in the Supreme Court in May and June on eight charges related to a high-end burglary in which seven firearms, ammunition, $470,000 cash, gold nuggets and other valuables were stolen from a Hastings home in December.

Terei. Not usually a traditional indig surname from anywhere, but hey – let’s not be judgy:

The mother-of-four submitted an affidavit to the court stating she was an Aboriginal woman of the Yorta Yorta nation and that her cultural heritage had been “whitewashed” by her father following her Aboriginal mother’s death when she was three.

Uh huh:

Justice Rita Incerti freed the woman from custody, citing new bail laws which require members of the judiciary to ensure “incarceration rates of Aboriginal peoples are not further compounded unless there is good reason”.

I would have thought pinching half a mill in cash (which might make someone a really good flight risk if set free), plus gold, plus guns was a good reason. Anyway:

Terei’s claim of Aboriginality was exposed in court on Friday as a complete lie.

Unconvinced of Terei’s supposed indigenous heritage, a dogged police officer analysed an extensive number of recorded phone calls between her and associates while she was in prison.

The calls revealed Terei’s mother is not Aboriginal and is in fact alive, living in New Zealand.


Justice Incerti revoked Terei’s bail, describing the lies about her heritage as “troubling”.

What’s more troubling, Justice Incerti, is your gullibility in believing absolutely everything you’re told by scrotes.

July 23, 2024 7:52 am

Anyone seen Joe yet?

In days past hospitalised presidents (even ones with bullet wounds) were wheeled out onto balconies to assure the nation.

I was only kidding yesterday. Now I’m not so sure. Nothing, no lie or deception, is beyond this current administration. And that includes their lapdog media.

I’m surprised (not) about the dearth of “calls” for his appearance. After all, they do say he’s doing well.

July 23, 2024 8:00 am

Ha, Cassie!

While I was “composing” you pressed “Post Comment”.

The early bird caught the worm! 😀

July 23, 2024 8:01 am

So what has happened to Britnee’s other $1.8M ?

July 23, 2024 8:13 am

It never seems to occur to indigenes that they get incarcerated more because they commit more crimes.

Mak Siccar
Mak Siccar
July 23, 2024 8:21 am

And now for something completely different.

Fascinating stuff. An extract follows.

In the total darkness of the depths of the Pacific Ocean, scientists have discovered oxygen being produced not by living organisms but by strange potato-shaped metallic lumps that give off almost as much electricity as AA batteries.

The surprise finding has many potential implications and could even require rethinking how life first began on Earth, the researchers behind a new study said on Monday.

It had been thought that only living things such as plants and algae were capable of producing oxygen via photosynthesis — which requires sunlight.

But four kilometres (2.5 miles) below the surface of the Pacific Ocean, where no sunlight can reach, small mineral deposits called polymetallic nodules have been recorded making so-called dark oxygen for the first time.

The discovery was made in the Clarion-Clipperton Zone (CCZ), an abyssal plain stretching between Hawaii and Mexico, where mining companies have plans to start harvesting the nodules.

The lumpy nodules — often called “batteries in a rock” — are rich in metals such as cobalt, nickel, copper and manganese, which are all used in batteries, smartphones, wind turbines and solar panels.

July 23, 2024 8:21 am

Does NoShoJoe know he’s withdrawn from the race?

Cassie of Sydney
July 23, 2024 8:23 am

Nothing, no lie or deception, is beyond this current administration. And that includes their lapdog media.

Correct, as I said yesterday, just four weeks ago, prior to the ‘debate’ and the bullet in the Pennsylvania field, the administration and its lying lapdog media were telling us all how ‘on top of the game’ Old Joe is, how mentally and physically fit he is, and now the lies and the bullshit has crumbled before our very eyes.

We know there was never anything there, we know there has been nothing there since 2020. But if you dare to speak outside the narrative, you’re far-right.

They have no shame. We know that. It won’t stop them.

As I wrote yesterday, don’t think for a moment that the Cackling Queen of the Head Job won’t become president. The Demonrats are experts at fortifying and shoring up election results. Plus, many young women will be suitably enamoured of her. They revel in what they call “Girl Power”. These same young women think Michelle Obama and Jacinda Ardern are inspirational. And the campaign is about to get dirty, very dirty.

If Cackling Kamala wins and becomes POTUS, I’ll use the term ‘President Fellatia’ to describe her, inspired by the late Frankie Howerd from that 1970s BBC programme ‘Up Pompeii”. Oh and the analogy of the West in 2024 to Pompeii before Vesuvius erupted is rather appropriate, methinks.

July 23, 2024 8:31 am

Compare the pair…

Trump gets the top of his ear blown off and is out playing golf next day, cameras clicking away.

The US President catches “a mild case of Covid” and is never seen again.

And people pooh pooh conspiracy theorists! Here’s a thought – don’t give them anything to work with.

July 23, 2024 8:35 am

If Cackling Kamala wins and becomes POTUS…

Should she visit Beijing, they’ll probably grant her an audience with the Third Undersecretary for Fisheries.
If he has a gap in his diary.

July 23, 2024 8:39 am

“When you know the guy who’s the conductor of the orchestra – and that’s Obama, someone I have known since 1995 – it’s very easy for me to see his hands all over (the deal to remove Biden from the ticket),” says Blago, 67.

Many thanks, Beertruk, for posting Miranda Devine’s excellent and most informative piece on the Obama crew running the disintegratng Biden puppet White House.

Miranda’s old man, the late Frank Devine, would be proud of his girl.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
July 23, 2024 8:45 am

KD earlier:-

What’s more troubling, Justice Incerti, is your gullibility in believing absolutely everything you’re told by scrotes.

There is now also the little matter of perjury. It will be interesting to see if the Jurdge is receptive to that being added to the pile. I wonder if the Jurdge will also thank the police officer concerned for his/her diligence in chasing this down and, in doing so, making the Jurdge look like a prize dickhead.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
July 23, 2024 8:54 am

Many thanks, Beertruk, for posting Miranda Devine’s excellent and most informative piece on the Obama crew running the disintegratng Biden puppet White House.

On the other hand, you could pop over to the Oz to see Paul Kelly waving the pom-poms for Kamal-toe (more in hope than expectation).
Trump is horrid but hopefully Kamal-toe can reveal qualities she doesn’t have.
Or something.

July 23, 2024 8:58 am

Labor to ‘savage’ family businesses

Robert Gottliebsen The Australian 22 July, 2024

In the US, both political parties encourage aspiration and family business. In Australia, we have embraced the reverse strategy and decided to hit our family businesses hard. And alarmingly, the vast majority of Australia’s 2.5 million family enterprises – which account for some five million workers or around 40 per cent of the private sector work force – have no idea they are about to be savaged by the Albanese government.

Today, I detail some of the globally unprecedented blows they face starting next month. They will be required by legislation to share management control of their business with newly appointed union delegates.

Forcing on family enterprises a decision-making process that is entirely incompatible with the staff trust that causes those businesses to succeed will create incalculable damage to Australian productivity and standard of living. But it will substantially increase the current token union membership in family enterprises.

Large enterprises can handle Albanese’s legislated management formula because usually they have the market power and can pass on the cost.

Most family enterprises don’t have that market power and gain their competitiveness by their trusting relationship with their workforce and the efficiency that delivers.

Let me explain how the family business will be hit.

• Unions have the power to appoint a delegate to any business employing at least one person. It is not clear how the various unions will share that right, but the Fair Work Commission indicates one union delegate per fifty employees is appropriate.

• The tasks and powers of the union delegate(s) are wide-ranging. They must be consulted on all major workplace changes including rosters and any process or procedure in which employees are entitled to be represented, including resolution of grievances or disputes, performance management and disciplinary processes. The definition of whom union delegates can contact in an enterprise effectively means everyone.

• Enterprises employing 15 or more people must be given time to attend the Trades Hall for “training”. Those with under 15 employees can do their training online. Transport enterprises are excluded because they have their own set of rules designed to push up costs by around 10 per cent by eliminating efficient and safe independent family owned truckies.

• It will be dangerous to retrench or sack a union delegate, and employers must give them access to space to do their work and to use the workplace communication system. The union delegates’ rights to share information among delegates in rival enterprises will be the subject of much controversy.

• Almost certainly, union delegates will be instructed by Trades Hall to insist that employers obey the new laws on casual employment. As I set out on April 23, the new law defines casual employment in such a complex way that most businesses currently employing casuals will be acting illegally if they continue with the current arrangement after August 26, 2024.

They will need to be punished. Businesses that obey the law and remove casuals will cause great anger among casual workers who are currently getting 25 per cent premium for their casual work which they use to pay rent and mortgages.

Delegates to family enterprises may be instructed by their union bosses to wait until after the election before “dobbing in” their employer’s “illegal” casual hiring.

The Albanese government legislative aim is to convert casuals to part or full-time employees so they are much easier to recruit as union members. But, not only do most casuals like the current “illegal” flexibility and cash rewards, casuals in many areas lift business productivity and competitiveness.

• Enterprise agreements and arrangements will be gradually replaced by industry awards that incorporate the most expensive provisions that unions in a particular enterprise were able to negotiate with companies that had no choice but to give in.

This eliminates any competitive advantage and its impact on Australian family business productivity is incalculable.

I meet many smaller family enterprises, and the horror and disbelief that I encounter when I personally explain what is about to happen to the employee trust that drives their enterprise is heart-wrenching.

I will never forget the emotion in one of the few family businesses to survive after the closure of the automotive making industry.

The person who drove the parts business into new global areas stood up and said to his son with some with emotion: “We must sell”. Unfortunately, it was too late.

The above rules are merely snippets from the 700 pages of industrial relations legislation, which from August 26 will form the basis of running businesses in Australia.

Along with government imposed rises in long-term energy costs and other government imposts, the legislation locks in higher than necessary inflation for longer, which impacts interest rates.

It is also significant that the vast majority of jobs that have been created over the last year or so have come from activities that were either government owned or relied on government income to operate. Health and education have been important.

Australia needs to restore balance, but the legislation is designed to push employment away from family businesses that do not rely on government income.

Yesterday the Australian Chamber of Commerce released the result of a survey which revealed that 45% of small businesses have considered closing their doors in recent times.

This ought to be a bread and butter issue for the Liberals. But then, not many of them these days have run a small business.

Cassie of Sydney
July 23, 2024 9:01 am

I’ve long liked Miranda’s commentary. But even Miranda isn’t immune to roaming off the reservation. I remember her Turnbull fellating, it wasn’t pretty.

July 23, 2024 9:04 am

The higgins is a real horror and again I ask, how could such a person with zero experience in the real world (like having a real job) be appointed as an ‘advisor’.

For starters, Canberra is not the real world.

That’s not to say appointing people who aren’t up to a job doesn’t happen in the real world, but the consequences of failure aren’t as easily dodged.

July 23, 2024 9:06 am

Looks like no one is running the shop.
Who has The Football?

July 23, 2024 9:17 am

No. I’ve seen lots of their dialogue and they have no contact with reality. It’s all getting the sentences to be appropriate to the input. Purely syntactic.

And I’ve said nothing about consciousness for good reasons.

you are equating contact with reality with our set of senses. vision, sound, touch etc. we dont have a txt sense. our sense of language is primarily auditory. an LLM only sense is txt. According to Sutskever that is sufficient to build AGI and I agree.

I mentioned consciousness because its all tied together.

AIs are not human intelligences, we cant relate to a txt sense because we dont have one. however it doesn’t matter because all senses go through a embedding tokenising process and intelligence doesn’t care if the input sense is txt, vision, audio, lidar, touch or whatever. the very high dimensional space (32 bits of 3000 dimensions+ in current large models 2^32^3000) of the embeddings defines the relationships between the tokens on a temporal basis.

if we want to make AI more human like then sure give it human like sense, trichromacy, 20hz-20khz audio etc.

The sole reason AIs hallucinate is ironically for safety reasons they are heavily restricted in their contact with users via txt based reality. No internet access, no long term memory, no learning from user inputs and small context windows, they forget anything outside the context window. As far as general knowledge goes, they dont have the ability to verify what they know and in fact generally neither do we, we generally rely on trusted sources. Once they are allowed to be autonomous they can go out and research like we do.

human senses are not required for AGI.

July 23, 2024 9:24 am

Looks like no one is running the shop.

Would you believe Harris will attend a sorority event in Indianapolis rather than Netanyahu’s joint address to Congress?

July 23, 2024 9:24 am

I suspect the job of “Media Advisor” is not as most people think. I imagine it is basic office dogsbody, making appointments, managing the Faceblog, keeping the email list up to date. I doubt the politician wants any advice from their “advisor”.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
July 23, 2024 9:25 am

‘Get a job’: Commentator hits back after David Sharaz erupted onlineA TV commentator has told Brittany Higgins’ husband David Sharaz to “get a job” after an ugly war of words erupted between the pair online.


7 min read
July 22, 2024 – 8:50PM

Sky News contributor Prue MacSween has urged Brittany Higgins’ husband to “get a job” after he called her vile on social media for her discussion of the couple’s decision to sell their French home to pay legal fees.
The bitter feud erupted after Ms Higgins revealed she would be forced to sell the property less than a year after buying it to fund her defence against Linda Reynolds defamation claim.
But the commentator has hit back after Mr Sharaz unleashed on the 72-year-old on social media.
“I would have thought he’d be better placed to use all his efforts to find himself a job rather than trolling on X,” she said.
“I have no interest in his opinion of me. I think he should be focused on considering the repercussions of his strategies & political games. They are pretty vile.”

Mr Sharaz, 33, hasn’t worked full-time since shortly after Ms Higgins received a $2.4 million payout in 2022.
He left his job in radio by mutual agreement after his social media posts sparked controversy and Senator Reynolds announced she was suing him for comments on X formerly known as Twitter.
He is facing the posibility of personal bankruptcy after confirming he will not fight senator Reynolds claim of defamation over his own social media posts on X, the same forum he used to call Ms MacSween “vile”.
His response came after MacSween wrote: “Too smart by halves. Mon Dieu Higgins has to sell her French Chateau to pay for her mounting legal bills. C’est la vie.”

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
July 23, 2024 9:31 am

Hey! Biden declared he was effectively resigning on 21st July, right?

That was the third Sunday in July.

National Ice Cream Day.

Going out on a high, I suppose.

July 23, 2024 9:32 am

For patriots and military history nerds.

The following linked documents – viewable online via the National Archives of Australia’s website – are short collections of personal narratives of Australians in the Papuan Beachheads (Gone-Sanananda-Buna) Campaign of late 1942 – early ’43. They embrace acts of courage and self-sacrifice that would appear almost completely alien to us now.

It is interesting also that the collation of both was the result of the ABC (radio) that now hangs its hat on nostalgia but despises its host country and citizens.

On the Road to Sanananda (8 pages).

Bloody but Unbowed (39 pages).

I note that these are what I’d term ‘easy reading’ and do not contain excessive military jargon.

(It seems obscene to label one anecdote amusing, but it involved an Aussie patrol returning back to their own lines via the enemy’s perimeter where one Japanese was heard to ask, in clear English ‘Did you see anything?’).

July 23, 2024 9:37 am

Man who tries hard not to believe in conspiracy theories loses last vestiges of resistance to conspiracy theories..

No records of any comms for the Trump shooting between any on the on the ground people involved.

July 23, 2024 9:39 am

I doubt the politician wants any advice from their “advisor”.

They’re not policy advisers, but they’re not admin assistants either.

A 3 year Bachelor of Comms degree would be the base qualification.

Last edited 1 month ago by Roger
July 23, 2024 9:43 am

I’ve long liked Miranda’s commentary. But even Miranda isn’t immune to roaming off the reservation. 

There are two parts to a reporter’s job: a) the bedrock — finding out what actually happened; b) the fluff – writing opinion based on an analysis of the facts.

The problem with journos when they wander off into b) is that the difference between them and their readership disappears. They all have an opinion and are pushed and pulled by the same social forces and fashions.

Like the Cat’s former publisher, Professor Sinclair Davidson, Miranda Devine was seduced by the persona of Malcolm Turnbull. Both she and Davidson embarrassed themselves as fanbois/fangurrrls.

Thankfully, Devine is still in the thick of an excellent career, which lately has moved its base to New York.

On my desk beside me, I’m looking at the cover of her brilliant book, Laptop From Hell, an investigative journalism masterpiece describing the collusion between Big Tech and the mainstream news media to suppress the corruption of the US president and his family.

Devine surely knows the difference between that great work her embarrassing professional lapses like professing her admiration for a political charlatan.

Salvatore - Iron Publican
July 23, 2024 9:46 am

This ought to be a bread and butter issue for the Liberals. But then, not many of them these days have run a small business.

Spot on Roger.
This is the reason closing of the sheep livex market has not resonated.
The Liberal Party has almost nobody in it who has ever been in business.

Comments under that article are the first time I’ve seen a comments thread at The Australian in which the comments are pro-business, instead of derogatory & sneering of small business operators.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
July 23, 2024 9:48 am

Which is best: Animals, or A Momentary Lapse of Reason?

King’s guard horse bites tourist so hard she faints (22 Jul)

The clip shows her in a black baseball cap and a Pink Floyd t-shirt standing next to the soldier.

As she poses for her photo, the steed suddenly bites her arm so hard it actually pulls the woman towards it.

The tourist shouts out in pain and heads away from the animal before inspecting her wounds.

I think Animals wins this one. (The photo is quite tasty!)

Cassie of Sydney
July 23, 2024 9:50 am

Golly gosh, the Telegraph is reporting that two more men have been charged over the Wakeley Church riot. Such assiduous, meticulous, laborious and scrupulous policing from the NSWaffen Police!

And yet, and yet, the NSWaffen Police are yet to charge one person involved in the Jew hating riot on the steps of the Sydney Opera House on Monday night, 9 October 2023.

Politicised priorities by the police, Cassie.

July 23, 2024 9:56 am
July 23, 2024 10:04 am

The higgins is a real horror and again I ask, how could such a person with zero experience in the real world (like having a real job) be appointed as an ‘advisor’.

My understanding is each parliamentary role has an allocation of staff, with various titles.

You fill those positions, or usually, have them filled for you with “gofers”, whose role is purely clerical, but have fancy titles in line with political egos.

I mean to say, a Minister cannot have mere clerical staff, they must have important people, advisors who can give their role wider breadth, importance and pomposity.

The reality is they are ticking boxes to fill employment headcount positions, after all the taxpayer is being tapped for the payroll at any rate, so whatever you can get you can get.

If you were any good, and wanted to be in a public service career in Canberra, then you would be in any area except political advisor at a low level.

No shortage of egos though in the “advisor” steam, that’s what I suspect is Higgins problem, and her ego won’t let her back down and it will destroy her.

Too much time on the hot air machine having kudos blown up her skirts

July 23, 2024 10:08 am

Politicised priorities by the police, Cassie.

And by their political masters, which really stinks.

July 23, 2024 10:11 am
July 23, 2024 10:14 am

‘…an Aboriginal woman of the Yorta Yorta nation…’

There has been a miss print.
It is the ‘Rorta Rorta nation.’

July 23, 2024 10:15 am

Spot on Roger.

This is the reason closing of the sheep livex market has not resonated.

The Liberal Party has almost nobody in it who has ever been in business.

I don’t have much faith in Dutton, but if he’s at all serious about representing the ‘forgotten people’ (and he has alluded to Menzies’ speech recently) this is the issue.

Last edited 1 month ago by Roger
July 23, 2024 10:23 am

This is the end of the Democratic Party as we knew it
Joe Biden’s withdrawal will open the floodgates to unrestrained California-style progressivism.

Joel Kotkin, spiked 22/7/2024

Last edited 1 month ago by Roger
July 23, 2024 10:45 am

They’re being so brutal with Cheatle I almost feel sorry for her.


And then she opens her mouth.

H B Bear
H B Bear
July 23, 2024 10:53 am

The phrase American oligarchs seems to crop up not infrequently with the corpse’s demise. Once the $$$ taps got turned off all over in less than 2 days.

July 23, 2024 10:58 am

I bet it’s left to the incoming Trump administration to sack the diversity hire running the Secret Service.

That way Kimberley Cheatle becomes a victim and the lefty tribe has a new reason to hate Trump.

H B Bear
H B Bear
July 23, 2024 11:01 am

Kamala Harris is the Kristina Keneally of American politics.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
July 23, 2024 11:03 am

The Liberal Party has almost nobody in it who has ever been in business.

Far less small business.

Coming out of Corporate Australia, or a professional services firm doesn’t give a reasonable insight into what happens after 5pm in small business.


Cassie of Sydney
July 23, 2024 11:12 am

Here’s the truth, conspiracy or no conspiracy, they wanted Donald J Trump dead. Because of the hand of Hashem, they failed. They’re now all running for cover.

July 23, 2024 11:31 am

Cassie, as much as women like you are amazing, the fact is that you can have universal suffrage or you can have civilisation.

You cannot have both.

Plenty of men shouldn’t vote either but first and foremost women should have never been given the vote. It never made any sense. Even apart from how women collectively might vote (and we can see that unmarried women are completely deranged politically), voting for all men was agreed to based on the fact that they were eligible for the military draft.

eric hinton
eric hinton
July 23, 2024 11:37 am

The first lady of hurt, Sandy Posey, is dead and I’m Shattered*

*Apologies for lack of current affairs content. I only follow politics so I can get the cartoons.

Top Ender
Top Ender
July 23, 2024 11:40 am

I doubt the politician wants any advice from their “advisor”.

I know a couple of people who have worked in such positions.

It was made very clear to them their primary job list:

1) get the politician re-elected
2) go to point 1

July 23, 2024 11:46 am

Due to the left’s worship of DEI it looks like they are stuck with Kamala for the moment. However, they are already showing somewhat unenthusiastic support and I expect them to quietly pile on the pressure and put her in the spotlight until she implodes (as Biden did).

The Harris campaign received US$81 million in campaign contributions from small donors in the first 24 hours, with 60% of those from first-time donors.

Every Democratic Governor has endorsed her, including several who were touted as rivals. The vast majority of Democrats in Congress have also endorsed her, including Pelosi who was by far the most important.

As for Obama, apparently he has a history of not giving his endorsement until the convention, so I wouldn’t read anything into that.

Meanwhile, Republicans are having public meltdowns all across the board. Stephen Miller braying like a walrus. Catturd smacked down by Montel Williams. Trump can’t think of any bigger insult than that Harris… laughs.

Come to think of it, is there any video of Trump laughing? I can’t remember him ever laughing. Smirking, plenty of that. Smug grins, every time. But no actual laughter. Is he even capable of it?

July 23, 2024 11:48 am

Presedentish [I met a man who wasn’t there]
Hughes Mearns
Yesterday, upon the stair,
I met a Prez who wasn’t all there
He wasn’t all there again today
I wish, I wish he’d go away…
When I came home last night at three
The Prez was waiting there for me
But when I looked around the white house
I couldn’t see him there at all!
Go away, go away, don’t you come back any more!
Go away, go away, and please don’t slam the door… (slam!)
Last night I saw upon the stair
A little President who wasn’t all there
He wasn’t all there again today
Oh, how I wish he’d go away…

July 23, 2024 11:53 am

Withdraw as a candidate or we will go for the 25th amendment and remove you from office seems to have been the deal. Plus you get to remain in office for 6 months.
If Biden was serious about helping his party he would let Kamala take over now to give her some time as President. Oh wait, after giving the appropriate pardons for his family members.
What a great time to be a political journalist. Although assassination attempt and Biden stepping down would have meant lots of sudden weekend work.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
July 23, 2024 11:55 am
Barking Toad
Barking Toad
July 23, 2024 12:02 pm

Thanks Zippster for posting the links to the Congressional hearing grilling the Secret Service director.

Jill’s selection as diversity hire should be sacked if she hasn’t the decency to resign.immediately.

July 23, 2024 12:03 pm

Come to think of it, is there any video of Trump laughing? I can’t remember him ever laughing. Smirking, plenty of that. Smug grins, every time. But no actual laughter. Is he even capable of it?


He never met you.

July 23, 2024 12:13 pm

The Liberal Party has almost nobody in it who has ever been in business.

Far less small business.

Forgive me, I just paid up for a Liberal event in Perth, special guest Tony Abbott.

Not sure I want this… Choice seems to be a) destroy Australia by letting Labor have Government or b) destroy Australia by letting Labor-Lite have government.

July 23, 2024 12:29 pm

Parasite is lauded by the BBC for suckling so well off its host..

Canberra, AustraliaRanking third in the index, and one of the few non-European or Asian cities in the top 20, Australia’s capital scored particularly well for its low air pollution, its number of green spaces and a high sense of inclusion among minority citizens. This doesn’t surprise Bryden and David Campbell, co-founders of Brand Rebellion, a brand and workforce consultancy based in Canberra.
“What truly stands out is the strong sense of community,” said Bryden. “There’s a genuine connectedness and a willingness to help and support others, making it a warm and welcoming place to call home.”
She also mentioned how the city’s proximity to nature informs how the city puts sustainability front and centre. “Canberra is advanced in clean energy and renewable initiatives,” she said. “The city has ambitious targets to achieve net zero emissions by 2045, and this is evident in the ongoing electrification and adoption of renewable energy sources throughout the area.”
Canberra has also adopted technology to make the city more liveable and more attractive to startup founders and other businesses – something that helps create a virtuous cycle of innovation. “The city’s smart city initiatives, including smart lighting, waste management and traffic management systems, significantly improve the efficiency and sustainability of city services,” said David. A robust high-speed internet supports overall connectivity and the growth of remote work, while innovation hubs and co-working spaces like Canberra Innovation Network help foster tech development and entrepreneurship.

Where is Caberaaaahs power plant?
Where is Caberaaaahs industries not devoted to siphoning taxpayer monies or servicing pubic serpents?

FFS, it literally praising a tick on the ballbag of the country.

July 23, 2024 12:31 pm
July 23, 2024 12:35 pm

My rejected comment underneath Courier Mail article by Mike O Connor about the Voice.

“Does anybody know if the Truth telling has started? If so is there anybody representing the 97%?
Or are we just going to get one version of history?”

One might think the moderator was a Yes voter.

July 23, 2024 12:38 pm

 July 23, 2024 12:10 pm

Russell Fry Laces Into Secret Service Director Over Her Answers About Trump Assassination Attempt

This is incredible. The bottom line is this assassination attempt should not have happened. Trump was nearly killed, a great citizen was killed and several others wounded. Fry was great: Washington is the only place in the US where you are so bad at your job you get promoted. This bitch has ice in her veins and is completely indifferent to being exposed as hopeless.

July 23, 2024 12:42 pm

Joe was bribed to go. Pardons all round obviously; but as well, since pelosi was the driving force I reckoned she threatened to smother joe with her tits:

Pelosi Made a Forceful Threat to Biden Before He Reversed Course ‘on a Dime’ and Dropped Out: Report (

July 23, 2024 12:43 pm

Just a brief one. How come Jill Biden, a schoolteacher of no particular distinction, had a a say in the appointment of the head of one off the US most important security agencies

July 23, 2024 12:46 pm

92% staff turnover, you say?

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
July 23, 2024 12:53 pm

If Joe stood down for the final 6 months, and Kamala took over until January 2025, it would be a bit strange for her to get a Presidential library.

Perhaps she could have the gift shop in Biden’s library. Or a salad bar with different combinations named after her speeches.

Or at least a newsstand in California.

Last edited 1 month ago by Mother Lode
July 23, 2024 12:56 pm

 July 23, 2024 12:46 pm

92% staff turnover, you say?

Unsurprisingly dickless, you miss a vital point of difference between Trump’s staff TO and cackles. Trump was surrounded by swampies who insinuated themselves in, from fatty pence downwards. When they revealed themselves he got rid of them. The number of them who went straight to the msm proves that point.

Alternatively, staff leave cackles because she is a kunt.

July 23, 2024 1:05 pm

PJW’s take on Jumpin’ Joe’s exit…

Fun but also disturbing.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
July 23, 2024 1:08 pm

Kamala or Hillary.

Cackles or Cankles.

July 23, 2024 1:09 pm
July 23, 2024 1:14 pm

This is the worry: there are just enough dickheads, shitheads, ratbags, nongs, twits, leftie loons and other detritis in the community to get cackles into the WH; especially since the msm will be up every orifice cackles has up to the election:

On the plus side more conservatives are growing balls. This lady has some when she interrogates the bitch who heads the SS:

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
July 23, 2024 1:34 pm
Cassie of Sydney
July 23, 2024 1:37 pm

There’s lots of pics and footage of Trump laughing.

Our Nazi is blind.

July 23, 2024 1:38 pm

Odd how Monty was trawling here for sympathy last night and now back spraying spite and venom.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
July 23, 2024 1:45 pm

Odd how Monty was trawling here for sympathy last night and now back spraying spite and venom.

Yeah. Normally a person would go to friends for sympathy. Maybe he did. Maybe people who can’t stand him are the best friends he has.

July 23, 2024 1:46 pm

Just filed a privileged motion to impeach Kim Cheatle, Director of the Secret Service. This will force a vote within the next 48 hours.

— Nancy Mace (@NancyMace) July 23, 2024

Cheatle is fresh out of friends. Both sides want her scalp, if for different reasons.

Cassie of Sydney
July 23, 2024 1:53 pm

Odd how Monty was trawling here for sympathy last night and now back spraying spite and venom.

He got none from me. I don’t give out sympathy to Nazis.

Cassie of Sydney
July 23, 2024 2:03 pm

Oh, and I don’t recall much sympathy from the Nazi when Andrew Bolt was assaulted from behind on a Melbourne street, when Tony Abbott was headbutted on a Hobart street, when Kellie-Jay Keen was nearly lynched in an Auckland park, when women were bashed in that same Auckland park, when Nicolle Flint was stalked and threatened, and when George Pell passed away after enduring years of vilification. .

Not an ounce of sympathy from him. In fact, I remember him posting comments both minimising and chortling at the violence directed at the aforementioned people.

July 23, 2024 2:04 pm

Guarantee the money kamel got was not really from individuals but made to look like that for a groundswell effect.

Cassie of Sydney
July 23, 2024 2:16 pm

Since we live in clown times, here’s some clown news from The Daily Telegraph…..

‘Insulting’: Women’s soccer team with transgender players continue undefeated run in Sydney league
The Flying Bats have five transgender players, scored an impressive 59 goals in the Premier League Women’s Division, conceding only three. But their latest 12-0 victory has some continuing to question their participation in female competition.

A women’s soccer team that features five transgender players have continued their dominant season following a commanding 12-0 victory over the weekend. 

The Flying Bats have won every game in their 2024 campaign with some victories coming by huge margins, the squad have also scored an impressive 59 goals in the Premier League Women’s Division and only conceded three. 

The Daily Telegraph has previously spoken to club officials in the North West Sydney League, who say some parents have pulled their daughters out of the games over safety concerns and say the players did not anticipate signing up to play against biological males in the female Sunday comp. 

They also believe the Flying Bats team, which is supported by Pride Football Australia and is part of the “biggest LGBTQIA+ Women’s and Non-Binary Football club in the World” should instead play in the Mixed competition on Saturdays, which includes men.

Binary Australia spokeswoman Kirralie Smith said it’s “insulting” that the league allows the Flying Bats to continue to play in the women’s competition. 

The Flying Bats FC Women’s team, a female soccer team with five transgender players.

“It’s absolutely extraordinary, it’s not surprising at all but it is absolutely insulting, offensive and mind-boggling that the North West Sydney Football Association and Football NSW allow this to continue,” Ms Smith told 2GB’s Ben Fordham on Tuesday. 

“We know that the girls are objecting, we know that two clubs have already forfeited both their games against the Flying Bats and yet this continues because they would rather protect and promote males in the female competition than actually listen to what the female girls are saying.
“They don’t want to play these blokes but they are being threatened and gaslit if they want to withdraw.”
The Flying Bats sit on top of the ladder and will come up against the Normanhurst Eagles FC on August 4, who they previously beat 6-0 in round two.

Do we laugh or do we cry?

July 23, 2024 2:19 pm

The vast majority of Democrats in Congress have also endorsed her


As of close of business today only 9 of 212 Dems in the House and 20 of 48 in the Senate endorse Harris.

Not even half, and certainly not the “vast majority”.

The Harris campaign received US$81 million in campaign contributions from small donors in the first 24 hours, with 60% of those from first-time donors.

So their propaganda says, but there is no evidence of any element of that outlandish, overcooked claim. None. Zero.

As for Obama, apparently he has a history of not giving his endorsement until the convention

No, he doesn’t. Someone went out of their way to invent that one because there has not been an open convention on the Dem side since 1968. Which means that since 1968 the Dem candidate has always been picked before the convention.

This time the question is open, and he still hasn’t endorsed her.

Last edited 1 month ago by Zatara
July 23, 2024 2:22 pm

Do we laugh or do we cry?


Teams of women who are put up against these dangerous, deceitful men should refuse to play.

The End.

Give them their rancid cup at the end of the bogus competition. Stuff ‘em.

July 23, 2024 2:27 pm

More on the Streisand Effect and the attempted assassination:

Mobile Data Reveals Someone Who Regularly Visited Thomas Crooks’ Home and Work Also Visited a Building in Washington DC Near FBI Office.

Someone needs to engrave in large letters, the Nixon Edict on the forehead of the Director:

“It’s not the crime that gets you the time – it’s the cover up after.”

Last edited 1 month ago by BobtheBoozer
July 23, 2024 2:29 pm

Cheatle. She is tough. The Brits thought the Afghan men were tough until they saw the Afghan women scouring the battlefield to stab the wounded (under the arm into the heart) and take any valuables. She is in that class.

Cassie of Sydney
July 23, 2024 2:30 pm

Teams of women who are put up against these dangerous, deceitful men should refuse to play.

The End.

Give them their rancid cup at the end of the bogus competition. Stuff ‘em.

100%. It is girls and women who can stop this putrid nonsense.

They have to walk away.

Hear this, transwomen ARE NOT women.

July 23, 2024 2:30 pm



Joe Biden @JoeBiden is dying and final preparations are being made for him.

He was supposed to leave Delaware today, but his health has deteriorated.

Due to his accelerated decline, Joe Biden has cancelled nine trips that were scheduled for the next two weeks.

Biden is expected to leave his beach home in Rehoboth, Delaware on Tuesday afternoon and arrive back at the White House at 2:30 pm, although that could be changed to Wednesday, July 24th. It all depends on how much he continues to decline…

Biden has been dying, and he is dying rather quickly. This is why Kamala flew to Delaware today and why Biden’s White House Chief of Staff Jeff Zients called for an emergency meeting and call with all White House staff today.

The medical emergency Joe Biden had on July 5th, 2024 on Air Force One that I exclusively reported almost killed him. His time left is limited.

Biden’s staffers and his family are holding on for dear life right now.

Kamala Harris @KamalaHarris will be made President very soon….

Bookmark this tweet.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
July 23, 2024 2:34 pm

m0nster (obviously still has the donut bowel obstruction):-

The Harris campaign received US$81 million in campaign contributions from small donors in the first 24 hours, with 60% of those from first-time donors.

Err … have you ever seen a busker set up in the Bourke St Mall?
They always salt a few coins in the hat to start. This is what is going on here. Even though the candidate is decided by Nazi collaborating billionaires and the Film Actors Guild (FAG), they like to pretend that the little people are running the show.

Every Democratic Governor has endorsed her, including several who were touted as rivals. 

Well, how close would you stand to this dumpster fire? You certainly wouldn’t want to get in the dumpster with her. It is about 47 years too late for her to be an actual sacrificial virgin, but she is a symbolic one at least.

July 23, 2024 2:34 pm
July 23, 2024 2:35 pm

Another idea.

Women in the opposing teams should get their boyfriends or brothers to identify as Trans for the season and play in their places.

And then scour those Bats into the next century.

It would never happen again.

July 23, 2024 2:37 pm


JUST IN: Elon Musk says his son is “dead” thanks to the woke mind virus after he was put on puberty blockers, says he vowed to “destroy the woke mind virus after that.”

“I was essentially tricked into signing documents for one of my older boys… This was before I had really any understanding of what was going on.”

“There was a lot of confusion and you know, I was told, oh he might commit su*cide…”

“My son Xavier is dead, k*lled by the woke mind virus.”

“I vowed to destroy the woke mind virus after that… and we are making some progress.”

July 23, 2024 2:42 pm
Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
July 23, 2024 2:46 pm

 July 23, 2024 1:08 pm

If Harris polls even worse than Biden how does that help down ballot races?

Not saying it’s a great choice, and that is possible, but they know Biden was going to get trounced, possibly resulting in loss of the Senate and a consolidation of Republican numbers in the House.
They figure they have limited choices so have rolled the dice on Kamal-toe being able to at least hold a Senate deadlock.
A couple of points:-
1. I think Trump is making enough inroads into the black vote and that where they think Kamal-toe will hold the line; and
2. Paradoxically the Dimocrats are in this position because of the poor showing by the Republicans at the mid-terms. It lulled them into a level of complacency that resulted in them thinking they could sleep-walk Dementia Joe over the line again.

July 23, 2024 2:48 pm
July 23, 2024 2:50 pm
July 23, 2024 2:51 pm
July 23, 2024 2:51 pm

comment image
Josh Hawley
NEW – Whistleblowers tell me law enforcement personnel were in fact STATIONED to the roof the day of the Trump rally, but abandoned it, citing the heat. They also say law enforcement were supposed to be patrolling the building, but opted to stay inside instead

July 23, 2024 2:53 pm
July 23, 2024 2:54 pm
July 23, 2024 2:56 pm
July 23, 2024 2:58 pm
July 23, 2024 2:59 pm

I think there’s a play going on here between the Obama and Clinton camps. The Kenyan wants to have an open convention and has not endorsed Kamal toe. The Clintons have gone all in with Kamal toe and endorsed her.
There’s also another part to this. Follow me on this one.

It’s obvious to anyone. Alex Soros is a serious pillow-biter and is marrying Hillary’s old flame. I can’t recall her name, but it sounds like Abdula, so let’s call her that. Abdula is still very close to Hillary, which likely means they’re still having torrid sex with each other. Alex also looks like he’s of very low intelligence, which means that if these two gays marry (Alex and Abdula), the Clintons will have access to some of the $US26 billion loot that Uncle George leaves behind. 
All in all, the Clintons will control Kamal toe and the Kenyan will be on the sidelines.
Oh and the pillow-biter has firmly endorsed Kamal toe.
How’s that for a conspiracy theory?

Last edited 1 month ago by JC
July 23, 2024 3:03 pm

Can’t believe Indolent hasn’t latched onto the hottest news of the day, that Biden is in hospice care and may not survive the night. Cookers are all over it. Indolent is so off the pace.

July 23, 2024 3:05 pm

If the neither the Corpse nor his disgusting wife come out and make some sort of soothing statement about the resignation, I reckon it was a coup. They have to come out in the next few days.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
July 23, 2024 3:05 pm

I don’t recall much sympathy from the Nazi when Andrew Bolt was assaulted from behind on a Melbourne street, when Tony Abbott was headbutted on a Hobart street…

Progressives believe there a true, inherent difference quality between when things impact them or their opponents. Like the way a child will steal a lolly from another child but howl the roof off a house if it happens to them.

The inner child of a progressive is a mean, vicious, spiteful, little brat.

They see their opponents as evil so any morality based on good and evil breaks down because evil is both the measure and what is to be measured. Freed from any obligation to at least go through the motions of being moral beings they can indulge their viciousness without any moral check. They really enjoy the idea of people being killed. Not just as a flippant joke which they would disown as soon as someone said “Seriously?” (which is how I think of Obama in a woodchipper – I don’t seriously want that, but the image might yield a chance for a bit of snark or two*), those people who wish Trump’s assassin succeeded wish it in full.

* For example, it was a point of humour that Obama always talked about himself. Everything was made real by being interpreted through Obama’s experience, like how he understands the difficulties ordinary people face like not being able to buy arugula.

So it is easy to imagine that, if he were being steadily into the spinning threshing rending blades of a woodchipper he would not simply scream “Ooooow!”, he would be saying “My ooow! I…I…If…if…if…Mike and I…oooow!”

Guy was a horrible person – but a person.

July 23, 2024 3:11 pm


July 23, 2024 3:02 pm

Not saying it’s a great choice

Alternatively, he may actually be incapacitated and they simply had no choice.

Could be, but if the wife, at least, doesn’t come out in the next few days, we know it’s a coup.

Dunny Brush
Dunny Brush
July 23, 2024 3:12 pm

The Flying Bats/ transgender in sports weird moment is an obvious attack on women. But an also a less obvious attack on men, who are now expected to meekly standby and suppress the protector urge while our daughters are beaten by men. Meekly, which is a horrid thing to force men to become – but enforced by devastating accusations of bigotry and the resulting loss of work. The transgender issue a diabolical yet genius gambit by the hard left. Everybody should just walk away from these comps and offer no reason.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
July 23, 2024 3:13 pm

Zatara at 1:46.

Cheatle is fresh out of friends. Both sides want her scalp, if for different reasons.

Always back self interest.
Some Republicans may think she deliberately sabotaged Trump’s security, but the Dimocrats think she is an incompetent. Old hands in Congress would have had a few WTF? moments when their DEI hires turned up and bungled the basic security protocols they had become used to. But are they going to say anything when she is a Dr Jill sponsor child? It speaks volumes that they would live with C-grade security rather than cross the Biden cartel.

July 23, 2024 3:17 pm

Laura Loomer, who is a bit off the planet, but not totally, is sticking with the story (even more) that there was a medical emergency on AirForce 1 , which the Demons said was bullshit.

July 23, 2024 3:18 pm

Does anyone here fly drones?
I’m looking at using one for pig/dog night shooting – needs extended range/hover time, IR camera, able to get spare batteries with quick changeover.

July 23, 2024 3:20 pm

Despite the evidence emerging of phone connections between the assassin (who looks like an alien) and someone in the fbi/doj and the claims of multiple shooters and the arrogance of cheatle, I’m still inclined to massive incompetence and bureaucratic indifference as the cause of the assassination. But if so, then the question has to be asked: when does unchecked incompetence and indifference become the equivalent of intent.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
July 23, 2024 3:21 pm

CrimeCourts & JusticePerthWA News

Sakina Muhammad Jan: Jail call for mum who made daughter Ruqia Haidari marry her killer Mohammad Ali Halimi
Emily WoodsAAP
Tue, 23 July 2024 12:21PM

A mother who forced her daughter to marry the man who would go on to kill the young woman should be jailed to send a message, say prosecutors.
“The community needs to know you can’t do this, you can’t operate in this manner in Australia,” prosecutor Darren Renton told the County Court in Melbourne.
“The ultimate risk is that people get murdered, and that’s what happened here.”
Sakina Muhammad Jan, 48, is the first person in Australia to be convicted of causing a person to enter into a forced marriage since it was criminalised more than a decade ago.
She faced a pre-sentence hearing on Tuesday, after a jury found her guilty of the offence in May.

Less than six months after Jan’s daughter, Ruqia Haidari, married Mohammad Ali Halimi, he killed the 21-year-old woman at their home in Perth, WA.
He is serving a life prison term for the murder.
Ms Haidari told several people, including teachers, social workers, police officers and driving instructors, that she did not want to marry Mr Halimi.
On August 19, 2019, she told her mother she did not want to marry him, but Jan said it was not her choice.
Ms Haidari was married to him two days later, just two months after meeting Mr Halimi for the first time.
The court was told on Tuesday this was not the first time Jan had forced Ms Haidari into a marriage.
When she was aged 15 her mother forced her to marry a different man, which ended in divorce.
After the divorce, Ms Haidari was considered as “bewa” by the Hazara community in Shepparton, meaning she had lost her value.

July 23, 2024 3:25 pm

 July 23, 2024 3:03 pm

Can’t believe Indolent hasn’t latched onto the hottest news of the day, that Biden is in hospice care and may not survive the night.

That’s how you were describing your condition last night dickless.

July 23, 2024 3:26 pm

There’s that, Sancho. I also believe there’s been a concerted attempt on Trump’s life, and much more so since 2020.

It actually looks like aiding and abetting attempted murder. I think the American legal system refers to it as depraved indifference.
They weren’t just demonizing Trump for the sake of mere rhetoric. They were brainwashing their supporters hoping one or more of the millions would take the shot. They knew what they were doing.

Cassie of Sydney
July 23, 2024 3:33 pm

Indolent is so off the pace

Remind me, who was it who wrote here, just three days ago, that…..

Biden can govern

Now that’s what I call being ‘so off the pace‘.

Just eff off, Nazi, you have zero credibility.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
July 23, 2024 3:35 pm

How’s that for a conspiracy theory?

I had speculated that the rug-muncher and the pillow-biter was a sham marriage behind which facade they could live separate lives of sodomist and sapphic dissoluteness. But coupling it (with their many other deviant couplings) with Machiavellian opportunism lends additional credibility.

As you say, Alex does not seem the mental equal of his father or that sulphur stinking and alcohol reeking chthonic monster Hillary.

Last edited 1 month ago by Mother Lode
July 23, 2024 3:38 pm

What a disgrace the DEI appointment, SS Director Kimberly Cheatle is. Stonewalling on steroids.
Bi Partisan support for her resignation in House Oversight Hearing today with AOC even sounding sane. Women such as Nancy Mace, Anna Luna, Marjorie, Lauren Boebert starred with their cut to the chase questioning. Cheatle was like a cornered rat.

July 23, 2024 3:38 pm

Just listened to very interesting Tucker Carlson interview with Jack Posivic about assassination attempt and Biden etc
About 15 minutes from the end Tucker reads out a text from Charlie Kirke. He says he had been told Biden had a medical event in Las Vegas and LVPD were initially told about a visit to hospital but then Biden was flown east.

However I think there is footage of him descending steps from plane in Delaware.

Biden also cancelled meeting with Netanyahu.

Talk about fueling conspiracy theories!

Definitely need proof of life !

July 23, 2024 3:48 pm

AI generated video

Tim Fu · Sora Showcase

Not perfect, lots of weird artifacts, but this is only the first generation.

I am not sure who is going to have a job in 10 years.

Was watching some videos of cities at the turn of last century. In the 1890s there were only buggies and horses on the streets. In the 1900s the first cars started showing up but still mostly horse and buggy. by 1910s the scenes show about 50:50. by the 1920s it was over only cars on the streets.

AI will go from co-pilot and helpful assistant to pilot and autonomous within the next 5-10 years and maybe even sooner

Last edited 1 month ago by Zippster
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
July 23, 2024 3:53 pm

Susie O’Brien: Chickens coming home to roost for Brittany Higgins in Linda Reynolds caseHaving spent years creating legal turmoil for many others, it was inevitable that Brittany Higgins’ actions caught up with her — even from the other side of the world.

No doubt Brittany Higgins is hearing the coqs crowing from the charming rural French home where she and husband Dave Sharaz have been living since late last year.
The roosters are coming home to roost for the rape survivor. She has said she will have to sell the five-bedroom Dordogne maison to fund her defence in defamation proceedings brought by former Defence Minister Linda Reynolds.
I can’t say I am all that sorry to hear it.
Having spent years creating legal turmoil for many others, it was inevitable that Higgins’ actions caught up with her – even from the other side of the world.
Like many other women, I was in Camp Brittany when she first went public with her claims of being raped by Bruce Lehrmann in Parliament House.

I believed her about what happened that night and still do.
However, in the process of bringing down Lehrmann, Higgins and Sharaz did a number on Reynolds, accusing her of trying to cover up her rape claims.
They tried to exploit the personal claim against Lehrmann for political gain.
That’s where they lost me.
It doesn’t help that the French abode was purchased with funds from an unprecedented $2.4m handout from Australian taxpayers. Higgins, who should have had the good grace to pocket the funds and lie low, has been documenting her new lifestyle on social media, including her engagement, wedding and trips to the Maldives, Paris, London, Byron Bay and the Gold Coast.

Cash-strapped taxpayers didn’t like the couple’s airport appearance last December, where they triumphantly departed for rural France decked out in matching cream-coloured outfits. Who did they think they were? Love Island contestants?
All of this is why it’s outrageous for Higgins’s spokeswoman to assert that the “price of speaking out about sexual assault remains unspeakably high”.
“Brittany is now forced to sell her home in order to defend herself again.”
Higgins is not paying the price for being a sexual assault victim – for which she was handsomely compensated by federal taxpayers.
She is paying the price for her political vendetta. Saying “au revoir” to her French hideaway is just the beginning.
When she left Australia, Higgins said she relocated to France to escape online bullying and trolls, but she can’t escape her own social media attacks on Reynolds.

H B Bear
H B Bear
July 23, 2024 3:59 pm

The Killary v Barry theory certainly would explain things. Even if Killary accepts her window of opportunity has closed they still need friends for Chelsea’s run.

July 23, 2024 4:05 pm

If Biden is indeed dead, or close to, it is hardly surprising. He has been juiced with various cocktails of drugs for the past couple of years.

He has most likely been ignored and not bothered with a gradual withdrawal. A massive shock to the system of a fragile old man.

I still can’t dig up a shred of sympathy for the old turd.

July 23, 2024 4:13 pm


If you have no experience then try DJI or Autel Robotics. Not cheep but reliable and less of a learning curve.

July 23, 2024 4:21 pm

“Trump gets the top of his ear blown off and is out playing golf next day, cameras clicking away”
That isn’t true.
It was fake news intended to make Trump look callous ie not visiting victims.

July 23, 2024 4:22 pm

Harris Secures Enough Delegates to Become Democratic Party Nominee

Vice President Harris is set to clinch the Democratic Party’s presidential nomination, weeks ahead of the convention.

if there is any doubt whatsoever that a demonrat president is nothing but a mouthpiece for the demonrat machine then selecting this witch/clown would dispel that.

Last edited 1 month ago by Zippster
Cassie of Sydney
July 23, 2024 4:27 pm

Susie O’Brien: Chickens coming home to roost for Brittany Higgins in Linda Reynolds caseHaving spent years creating legal turmoil for many others, it was inevitable that Brittany Higgins’ actions caught up with her — even from the other side of the world.

I see Maiden is still running defence for Knickerless at

Maiden was also intricately involved in the Porter shit.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
July 23, 2024 4:32 pm

Cassie of Sydney
 July 23, 2024 2:16 pm

Since we live in clown times, here’s some clown news from The Daily Telegraph…..

‘Insulting’: Women’s soccer team with transgender players continue undefeated run in Sydney league

All because no-one has the (ahem) balls to stand up to these cocks in frocks fantasists who are living out some perverted vision of themselves.
What will be the end result?
1. World sporting bodies are starting to wake up that this will destroy women’s sport and have drawn the line. So none of these cocks in frocks are ever going to play in a World Cup or the Olympics.
2. Genuine female talent like an up and coming Mary Fowler will give the game away, or even give up sport altogether.
This is, in fact, a massive positive sleeper issue for Trump. He (or Vance) has already taken a stance on this. No surprise, it will draw overt support in the conservative mid-West. However, there are also parents of aspiring young sportswomen in the Northeast who may say nothing about this at dinner parties, but will have their say at “the battle box” (I’m gonna miss those Joe-isms).
This isn’t just about gold medals and national representative honours. In the US it is a pathway to a college education via sporting scholarships. This is why I believe Lenny Thomas (the swimmer) has retained his cock. As soon as he graduates he will quietly drop the nail polish and push-up bra.

Last edited 1 month ago by Sancho Panzer
July 23, 2024 4:40 pm

It’s perfectly possible that a frail 81 year old man has had, as they say, ‘a bad turn’.
Amazing timing though, if true.

Wally Dali
Wally Dali
July 23, 2024 4:41 pm

Talk about mind virus…
There is no such thing as “transgender”.
There is only transvestite.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
July 23, 2024 4:44 pm

Harris Secures Enough Delegates to Become Democratic Party Nominee

You gotta wonder what those 15 million Democrat voters are thinking, who turned up to vote for Joe in the primaries only for him to be unceremoniously dumped and completely replaced in only two days.

July 23, 2024 4:49 pm

Benjamin Netanyahu Arrives in US and There’s No One There to Greet Him

  1. But at a separate cost to them and society. How many of the homeless would have formerly been in an…

  2. Good stuff… The rise of the Keffiyeh Karen (18 Sep) In her ready and confident fury, her rudeness, her iron-fisted…

  3. Suuuuure, that’s why they lobby for special treatment, but in a mainstream school at a cost to other kids.

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x