Open Thread – Mon 29 July 2024

The Thames Below London Bridge, John Atkinson Grimshaw, late 1800s

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July 31, 2024 1:21 pm

Today’s NYP cover.

“An old truism in politics is that if the win is big enough, the other guy can’t steal it… Venezuela’s latest election just put paid to that nonsense.”

I will suggest that the steal in the US is well and truly on. As I said in 2020 – the Democrats and the Corporate Kleptocrats can’t afford a Trump victory. And so he won’t.

Their options with law fare have dried out, the attempted assassination means that another one (staged by some lone loser) is unlikely to succeed, and Biden has crapped out of the game. (The fact that his polling was so low and he would be extremely unlikely to turn it around was the final straw).

Kamala is now polling in double digits in some of the swing states.

it is now totally “plausible” that she has the support.

Biden has said EFF YOU to Obama – who reportedly wanted a contested selection at the DNC – and endorsed Kamala. They just putsched Biden … too soon to putsch Kamala. It is hers to lose.

So. Will she? And what will happen if she does EFF it UP big time. [Odds are that she will!!!]

Interesting times!

July 31, 2024 1:22 pm

C’mon, Cats, seriously. “Industry nous” just ain’t gonna cut it.

It’d be a good start given we have no Trump, Farage of Milei on the horizon.

July 31, 2024 1:30 pm

Haniyeh has been killed in Tehran.

That’s quite the security lapse.

July 31, 2024 1:32 pm

Dover: July 31, 2024 1:16 pm

Breaking news: Haniyeh has been killed in Tehran.

I reckon that this is going to become more common. The lead “bad guys” popped off pour les encourager les autres to pull their heads in ..

The risk that Netanyahu etc take on – is that they themselves and their families may be treated the same.

July 31, 2024 1:38 pm

BTW for Indolent & others:

Indolent posted an article by Dr. Phillip McMillan. This researcher is worth reading in respect to the latest on Covid. Most recently he discussed the long term autoimmune effects of not only the mRNA vaccines, but of Covid itself. This is scary stuff. Us unvaccinated may not escape from long term effects of the dreaded Spikopathy.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
July 31, 2024 1:41 pm


Hamas chief Ismail Haniyeh killed in Tehran home
staff writers
24 minutes ago.
Updated 2 minutes ago

Hamas chief Ismail Haniyeh has been killed in a strike on his residence in Tehran, Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) has confirmed.
The IRGC said in a statement the attack was carried out early Wednesday.
“With condolences to the heroic nation of Palestine and the Islamic nation and the combatants of the Resistance Front and the noble nation of Iran, this morning [Wednesday] the residence of Mr. Dr. Ismail Haniyeh, the head of the political office of the Islamic Resistance of Hamas, was hit in Tehran, and following this incident, he and one of his bodyguards were martyred,” the IRGC statement read.
A statement by Hamas said an “Israeli” raid killed Haniyeh. Earlier on Tuesday, Haniyeh had attended the inauguration of Iran’s new president and met Iran’s Supreme Leader, according to Iran media.
In April, an Israeli strike killed three of Haniyeh’s sons in Gaza and four of his grandchildren.
Israel confirmed the killings, saying the sons were “Hamas operatives” who were “on their way to carry out terrorist activities”.
Speaking to Al Jazeera, Haniyeh, who was based in Qatar at the time, suggested the strike was an attempt to shift Hamas’s negotiating stance over the Israeli hostages, but insisted it would not work.

Bungonia Bee
Bungonia Bee
July 31, 2024 1:42 pm

Israel might as well top a few Iranian leaders, since they are behind both Hamas and Hezbollocks.

Bungonia Bee
Bungonia Bee
July 31, 2024 1:45 pm

The risk that Netanyahu etc take on – is that they themselves and their families may be treated the same.

Bibi Netanyahu is no stranger to risk. He was part of the special forces group that had to storm a hijacked airliner all those years ago. His brother Yoni told him to step back – “just one of us needs to do this.”

July 31, 2024 1:46 pm

why for my comment has gone into moderation???

July 31, 2024 1:52 pm

I can’t watch news reports on those UK stabbing.
They bring up the little ones faces it tears my guts out.
Overlaid with the demented and stupid commentary from a media complex partly responsible.

Cassie of Sydney
July 31, 2024 2:04 pm

Bibi Netanyahu is no stranger to risk. He was part of the special forces group that had to storm a hijacked airliner all those years ago. His brother Yoni told him to step back – “just one of us needs to do this.”

It was Yoni, not Bibi, who stormed the airline at Entebbe and freed the hostages in 1976

Yoni died in that raid.

July 31, 2024 2:06 pm

They just putsched Biden … too soon to putsch Kamala. It is hers to lose.

What happens to the nominee position if Kamala is suddenly removed, some sort of accident perhaps?

Does Obama then get to play different cards?

Is Hillary back in play?

July 31, 2024 2:07 pm

In Priority Enrichment news:
Muslim leaders put ‘fair deal for Palestinian refugees’ onus on new minister Tony Burke

FFS not even 48h, quicker than I thought they’d be.

Burke is a part of the RGR failure. He will fail here too.

July 31, 2024 2:11 pm

Pretty clear that Netanyahu’s trip to the US was to get the green light to actions that risk escalation and he got it

I suggest that if Kamala gave the green light, there would have been some red stuff spilled in her household given her husbands daughter is a big Pallie supporter!

Bruce in WA
July 31, 2024 2:11 pm

Bob the Boozer:

Society is capable of swinging from licentiousness to prurient. From one extreme to another.

Aren’t they more or less the same thing? Did you mean “prudery” perhaps?

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
July 31, 2024 2:13 pm

William Calley, face of My Lai massacre, dies at 80Alistair BellReuters
Tue, 30 July 2024 11:44AM

William Calley, who during the Vietnam War led his US Army platoon into the Vietnamese hamlet of My Lai and carried out one of the worst war crimes in American military history, has died at age 80.
The Washington Post and The New York Times reported Calley’s death, which happened in April, but neither paper mentioned a cause.
Calls to Calley’s son, William L Calley III, were not returned.
American soldiers killed 504 people on March 16, 1968, in Son My, a collection of hamlets between the central Vietnamese coast and a ridge of misty mountains, in an incident known in the West as the My Lai Massacre.
The killings shocked the US and galvanised the anti-war movement.
Initially charged in a court martial for 102 deaths, Calley was sentenced to life in prison in 1971 for the killing of 22 civilians.
He was behind bars only three days before president Richard Nixon ordered him released under house arrest.
Despite being told My Lai was a hotbed of communist guerrillas, US forces met no serious armed resistance and found few weapons, according to the Army Historical Foundation.
Still they killed almost everyone there, and raped women and girls.
Four soldiers were charged over the massacre but only Calley was convicted.
Calley spent three years in home detention at his apartment in Fort Benning, Georgia, and was then paroled and cashiered out of the army.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
July 31, 2024 2:19 pm

Btw, if you hadn’t already seen it the IDF also potted the no. 2 Hezbie yesterday. In Beirut.

What’s the bag limit for senior terrorists?

Memo to insurance companies: don’t sell life insurance to Mr Nasrallah.

Bungonia Bee
Bungonia Bee
July 31, 2024 2:22 pm

It was Yoni, not Bibi, who stormed the airline at Entebbe and freed the hostages in 1976
I was talking about Sabena Flight 571 at Tel Aviv, 1972, not the storming of the airport terminal at Entebbe 1976. I know Yoni was killed then. He was lucky not to have been killed a number of times before that, but very unlucky on that occasion. After all, he had been involved in various actions as an infantryman, and tank commander (very risky) before his special forces career.
Please don’t try to make me look silly.

July 31, 2024 2:26 pm

The only thing the current US polls are identifying is how massaged they are by the Dems. Biden was close despite his approval and the wrong track polling being in the toilet for years. Harris was always worse, until, magically, just when no one could hide that Joe has a potato for a brain, her polling improved out of site. A miracle, the saviour of democracy who never won a primary and now doesn’t have to face one. Halleluja

July 31, 2024 2:26 pm

Great news about Hezbollah no 2 and Hamas leader.

Colonel Crispin Berka
Colonel Crispin Berka
July 31, 2024 2:28 pm

m0nty said

An interview in which he confirmed that his reference the other day to his voters not having to vote any more after November was to his explicit plan to abolish democracy and install fascist rule.

Hyperlink the interview and name the timecode where Trump says this.

July 31, 2024 2:37 pm

Will the Greens be in mourning for the loss of their mates.
Faruqi in particular is going to be upset at the blow to her side.

Bungonia Bee
Bungonia Bee
July 31, 2024 2:38 pm

Watch the whole interview (Laura Ingraham & Trump) – He said that a lot of Christians didn’t tend to vote. That’s the bit that is arguable, I don’t have facts on that. Then he said they wouldn’t have to vote again if he got in because he’d be set for four years of fixing the mess.
Bear in mind that voting in the USA isn’t compulsory, and it’s a perennial task to “get out the vote”.

July 31, 2024 2:45 pm

Was the UK stabber a Muesli?

Cops haven’t said yet? (Although that is their usual ploy)…

Bungonia Bee
Bungonia Bee
July 31, 2024 2:46 pm

Starmer says “Today is not the time for politics”. Yes it is.
His side of politics has been the most ardent champions of “non-discriminatory immigration” for years – there and here.
This tragedy shouldn’t have happened, and it’s a very political matter.

July 31, 2024 2:54 pm

Here’s Trump back in June with similar comments to the ones the media are dishonestly twisting:

“The evangelicals and the Christians, they don’t vote as much as they should,” Trump told hundreds of supporters at a Washington conference put on by the Faith and Freedom Coalition, a conservative advocacy group.

“They go to church every Sunday, but they don’t vote,” he said, adding in a half-joke that “in four years, you don’t have to vote. Okay? In four years, don’t vote. I don’t care.”

If elected, Trump would be ineligible to run for president again in 2028 because of term limits.

Last edited 1 month ago by Anders
Bruce in WA
July 31, 2024 3:05 pm

Just in case you’ve forgotten how damn good they were.

Guitar Tango

July 31, 2024 3:06 pm

In other news having billions of bucks doesn’t protect you. Not a martyr, dead! The world is a better place.

Last edited 1 month ago by GreyRanga
Bruce in WA
July 31, 2024 3:06 pm

Bummer! Let’s try that again.

Guitar Tango

July 31, 2024 3:12 pm

Truly hate flying even at the best of times (usually involves a few pints + medicine)… off to Melbourne (again!) tomorrow morning… scheduled for the same time as a rather kicka$$ weather front is coming thru.

Yay… 🙁

July 31, 2024 3:12 pm

Silly me politicians are never responsible.

July 31, 2024 3:48 pm
H B Bear
H B Bear
July 31, 2024 3:52 pm

Snoozer Kelly dishes up a worse than usual plate of slop as an op Ed in today’s Paywallian.

July 31, 2024 3:53 pm
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
July 31, 2024 4:03 pm

California dad is granted full custody of four-year-old son after boy’s mom tried to raise the child non-binary

  • Harrison Tinsley announced his victory in the years-long legal battle

Daily Mail.

July 31, 2024 4:16 pm

Some good news: tachyons may exist and we may be able to time travel to get away from the BS currently happening. Sabine explains it; I think:

July 31, 2024 4:22 pm

Influenza kills a few people every year, mostly the elderly and young children.
53 and a very sick husband is unusual though.

July 31, 2024 4:37 pm

Bibi is great value. You kill a Jew or order Jews to be killed and he will guaranty you will meet your maker for a talk.

Cassie of Sydney
July 31, 2024 4:39 pm

I recall watching a documentary back in 2010 when the US midterms were on. They interviewed many people, quite a few in their 50s, 60s and 70s who’d never voted in their lives. I remember being staggered.

There’s something to be said for compulsory voting.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
July 31, 2024 4:39 pm

Hamas says Haniyeh was killed in an airstrike; Iran’s Revolutionary Guard says it’s still investigating
A commenter:

Haniyea’s residence in Teheran is only some 150 meters from the Presidential palace! The military technological gap between Iran and Israel is a gaping chasm, and the Iranians know it.

Not sure what’s worse, from a Revolutionary Guard perspective.

Israeli aircraft operating over Tehran, or Israeli agents operating in Tehran.

July 31, 2024 4:47 pm
They don’t say that the PM was moved away after three minutes, when the crowd turned ugly.
Sometimes you can see a major turning point in the evolution of a people fed up with the bullshit. President Trump waving his fist at the shooter was one. Seeing the British PM with his entourage of sycophants being turned away from a problem they caused was another.
The Saxon is beginning to hate.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
July 31, 2024 4:49 pm

Some good news: tachyons may exist

Fun paper this week on warp drives. Alcubierre gets a mention.

New study simulates gravitational waves from failing warp drive (, 29 Jul)

I figured that if you can detect gravity waves from a failing warp drive, and if the only other gravity waves we can detect are from merging neutron stars, that the warp drive may be somewhat beyond our capability right now…

Despite Dot’s interest in such things I didn’t link the story at the time since he’s still on his sabbatical.

July 31, 2024 5:00 pm

Is this true fellas? 😀

comment image

July 31, 2024 5:32 pm

There’s something to be said for compulsory voting.

And much to be said against it.

July 31, 2024 5:33 pm

But directly on your point, Roger, this latest incident does suggest there are insiders within the Iranian regime passing information to the Israelis.

I don’t doubt it, dover.

July 31, 2024 5:36 pm

Do we know if it was an air attack, or on the ground?

July 31, 2024 5:41 pm

Musk reckons this is real and it probably is.

If you want to make a quick $15 million, all you have to do is capture Venezuela’s Maduro and hand him over to US authorities. Information leading to his capture works too.

He’s wanted for drug running apparently.

PS. Keep in mind that I’m pretty sure you’d have to pay tax on the proceeds to the US government on this windfall, so take that into account if you’re going for the money.

Last edited 1 month ago by JC
Top Ender
Top Ender
July 31, 2024 5:44 pm

From my book The Truth of War, formerly Lethality in Combat:

The Calley massacre

Lieutenant William Calley, the US Army 2nd Lieutenant officer who was held responsible for the My Lai massacre in Vietnam, put his experience into his own words after his trial. The account is significant.

Calley’s troops were sniped at from Vietnamese villages, but they hardly made any contact with the enemy. They searched hamlets; found friendly villagers, but then found Vietcong flags. Calley was constantly asked what his unit’s body count was. They took reprisals for being sniped at, burning villages down. He interrogated civilians for the locations of the VC, and got nowhere.  

Calley took a VC prisoner; sent him to the military police, who got nothing out of him, and Calley took the same prisoner again three weeks later. On querying this with the MPs he was told: “…So why didn’t you go and shoot him? I can’t,” the MP said. “I’m at headquarters with the Geneva people on me.”  The MP complained about having to house and feed prisoners, and accept their word that they were not VC. He finished up by advising Calley to shoot his prisoners if he didn’t want to see them released.  

This frustration was commented upon by Second Lieutenant Robert Ransom Jr, an infantry platoon commander in Vietnam. He noted that: 

…more than once we have captured or killed people with weapons whom we recognized as one of those smiling faces we had picked up and released earlier. It’s maddening because we know damn well that they’re dinks but we can’t do anything to them until we catch them with a weapon or actually shooting at us. 

Despite these sort of difficult situations for himself and his men, Calley did not execute “suspected VC” or civilians in the field. He says however, that: “Everyone said eliminate them. I never met someone who didn’t say it”. Then his troops lost a squad leader to a booby trap set in a village; killed an injured Vietnamese woman in reprisal, and then planned their response. According to the court-martial record, Captain Medina told the preliminary briefing that the women and children would be out of the hamlet and all they could expect to encounter would be the opposition. The soldiers were to explode brick homes, set fire to thatch homes, shoot livestock, poison wells, and destroy the enemy. The soldiers, approximately 75 in number, would be supported in their assault by gunship pilots. 

Medina later said he did not give any instructions as to what to do with women and children in the village. Some soldiers agreed with that recollection, others thought that he had ordered them to kill every person in the village. It does seem that Medina intentionally gave the impression that everyone in My Lai would be their enemy. As we have seen, women, children, and old people in Vietnam sometimes could be.

On 16 March, 1968, when landing from helicopters, the troops took ground fire. They began killing civilians; at first one by one in different ways, and in different areas; then more, and then many together in a ravine. Several soldiers testified they killed the civilians: in one case the witness said he regarded them as Viet Cong, and added during testimony, that he still did.  Calley was in tactical command on the spot, and it seems he took part in the shooting of around 500 civilians, executed by single shots; and bursts of automatic gunfire. By lunchtime, there was no-one left alive.

With the operation over, Calley and his men returned to normal operations. In Calley’s account, there was developing a casual attitude towards death, and the general feeling was to 

…kill every man, woman and child in South Vietnam. GIs said to use napalm, or low-yield atomic bombs…or to line up along the China sea and say, “Prepare to shake hands with your ancestors. We are rolling through….a GI became a quick philosopher and would say, “God, if I go and kill everyone here, I could leave”. 

Some while later, after two of the men present had complained of the actions, Calley was transported back to the United States and tried. He was found guilty, and served a period – under three years – in an Army prison, and was then released. He is still alive, and works in his father’s jewelry business.

During the trial, and after it, he received considerable support from around America, which included letters from numerous veterans. This was for a variety of reasons, perhaps partly because in Richard Holmes’ words, with the advent of television beaming the conflict into lounger-rooms “War has become moving wallpaper, and its familiar pattern no longer horrifies us” , but also because, in summing up many arguments, such procedures were acknowledged as being the norm. In His Own Story, Calley recounted that he had received around “5000” letters during the period of his trial. He listed some of the statements in which some recounted events similar to the massacre:

I served in Korea from June 1953 to August 1954. I heard of many similar incidents.

I’m a retired marine. I spent twenty years in the service of God and Country. I was in two operations in Korea where women and children were killed.  

In 1943, 1944, 1945, and 1946 I was a first lieutenant with 45th Infantry Division. I was witness to many incidents similar to the one you’re being held for.

I served in combat in the German war. My fellow soldiers and I did on occasion kill enemy soldiers, civilians and children. Marquess of Queensbury rules do not prevail in war.

During my duty in Africa we were under orders to shoot the Arabs to keep them from taking our clothes.

I was given the order to seal a cave where a mother and her eleven or twelve children were holed up. This took place in 1944 on the island of Ie Shima.

On Okinawa, I saw men throw grenades on old men and women, figuring what the hell – they’re the enemy…

Many years ago I had a platoon, and we went through the villages as you and your people had to. 

Calley recounted that he was amazed that he had been charged when it was common practice to target civilians:

I couldn’t understand it. An investigation of Mylai. Why not Operation Golden Fleece? Or Operation Norfolk? Or Operation Dragon Valley? Or why not Saigon itself? We had killed hundreds of men, women and children there in February and March, 1968: in Tet…simply read it in Stars and Stripes. Or the New York Times. 

His allegation that such massacres were carried out is supported by others. Cherokee Paul McDonald said of his Vietnam experience: “Both sides had their My Lais – ours were rare and highly publicized, theirs were continuous throughout the war and after and largely dismissed, ignored, defended, or rationalised by brave intellectuals.”  

David Hackworth, who commanded Tiger Force, although not in the period covered by The Toledo Blade, supported this scenario:

“Vietnam was an atrocity from the get-go,” Hackworth said in a recent telephone interview. “It was that kind of war, a frontless war of great frustration. It was out of hand very early. There were hundreds of My Lais. You got your card punched by the numbers of bodies you counted. 

The US Army today refers to these incidents as “misconduct stress behaviour” and notes without ironical inflexion that: “…overstressed human beings with loaded weapons are inherently dangerous”.  Its Handbook gives examples of such frustration in the field and also orders:

Commission of murder and other atrocities against noncombatants must be reported as a war crime and punished if responsibility is established. This must be done even though we may pity the overstressed soldier as well as the victims.

A central point of this work though is that if infantry are placed in a situation where civilians may be identified as combatants, then those soldiers will doubtless make mistakes and kill civilians who are not combatants. The politicians – and behind them the people – who make the decisions to send warriors into such situations need to accept their part of this responsibility. The worst consequences of these situations may be seen as we proceed.

Colonel Crispin Berka
Colonel Crispin Berka
July 31, 2024 5:46 pm

Well I’ll be darned.
NY Post via Sky

A Paris 2024 Olympics spokesperson admitted the controversial drag show version of “The Last Supper” seen in Friday’s opening ceremony was indeed inspired by the iconic da Vinci mural — despite attempting to vehemently deny it following fierce backlash.

“Thomas Jolly took inspiration from Leonardo da Vinci’s famous painting to create the setting,” an Olympics spokesperson admitted to The Post in a statement on Saturday, referring to the opening ceremony creative director.


But as the fallout continued to intensify, the spokesperson reached out to The Post with an “updated statement” Monday, featuring “explanations” from Jolly himself — and which notably made no mention of “The Last Supper” or da Vinci.

The spokespersons say it was a Last Supper but the creative director doesn’t mention it. They can’t get their story straight. Still there was nothing straight about that performance. lol

Personally I could not see the resemblance.

  • Number of people is not 13.
  • The poses did not match.
  • There was no food and cups on the table.
  • The costume colours left-to-right didn’t match.

It was shoddy parody even if that had been the intention.

July 31, 2024 5:47 pm

Just perfect.

“Weirdo” JD Vance…

July 31, 2024 5:47 pm
July 31, 2024 5:49 pm

David Hackworth, who commanded Tiger Force, although not in the period covered by The Toledo Blade, supported this scenario

The same David Hackworth ran a fine dining restaurant in Brisbane for many years.

Last edited 1 month ago by Roger
July 31, 2024 5:50 pm
July 31, 2024 5:51 pm
July 31, 2024 6:05 pm

Apparently the far right and “misinformation” is to blame already for riots in the UK. The Oz is already running the narrative for Australia.

Nup not that people might be a tad upset an immigrant killed innocent WASP kids in an absolute horrific manner, are again seeing a cover up in the making by an unholy alliance of media/government or even more two tier policing. Noooo its all about those far right boogy men.

Then again a quick search on one articles author Constance Kampfner throws up the tripe she writes for the Times and one could characterise her as far left looking at the Headlines/intro blurb.

July 31, 2024 6:14 pm

Execrable loon is execrable..

What is it about anti Semitism that just turns people howling mad?

Were they always mad?
Did anti Semitism send them mad?

July 31, 2024 6:15 pm

Apparently the far right and “misinformation” is to blame already for riots in the UK

also in Venezuela

never met one myself

they must be awful terrifying people that need repressing


July 31, 2024 6:16 pm

QLD Muslim leader Ali Kadri, who a few years ago promised on national TV to encourage Australia’s Muslims not to cooperate with authorities if the latter continued to refer to “Islamic terrorism” (think about the implications of that for a moment), has publicly put his hand up for Albanese’s Islamophobia commissioner.

Last edited 1 month ago by Roger
Cassie of Sydney
July 31, 2024 6:20 pm

What is it about anti Semitism that just turns people howling mad?

Good question. We should ask Monty.

July 31, 2024 6:26 pm

The Victorian judge who set free the criminal country shopper this week, was in fact appointed by the Stupid Frigging Liberal state government in 2013 — not by the activist state attorney-general Rob Hulls, who set out in the first decade of the century to wreck the judiciary with criminal-friendly judges and magistrates.

Wally Dali
Wally Dali
July 31, 2024 6:32 pm

Dare I say it, Mental Health Problem Knives come out all the time in Blighty, but the mobs only hit the streets if it’s nice out in the evenings in July.

Cassie of Sydney
July 31, 2024 6:39 pm

Further to the Tehran hit and Bibi.

The Israeli response, since Munich, since Entebbe, since every atrocity committed on Israelis and Jews, is that we don’t expect the world to come to our aid because here’s the blunt truth, they don’t and they won’t. They’re not interested, in fact much of the world prefers dead Jews to living Jews.

After Munich, Golda and the Israeli government knew the world wouldn’t hunt down and bring to justice the perpetrators of the slaughter, so it was left to Israel to do it and do it they did, brutally and methodically.

I remember asking my ex about Entebbe, he had been an IDF commander, he was at Entebbe, he knew Yoni and Bibi. He was always a circumspect man, very reticent (except in bed) and he didn’t like speaking about things such as what happened at Entebbe. But he always said (as my father said) that no one was going to save the Jews at Entebbe, it was up to Israel to save them and save them they did, in an extraordinary operation.

Never again means never again.

July 31, 2024 6:39 pm

Were they always mad?

Did anti Semitism send them mad?

Consider this possibility:

Not mad, but bad.

Last edited 1 month ago by Roger
Cassie of Sydney
July 31, 2024 6:44 pm

I’m sure Senator Fatso Faruqi the Islamist must be devastated at this news about Haniyeh Perhaps the fat slag will move a condolence motion for Haniyeh?

Wally Dali
Wally Dali
July 31, 2024 6:47 pm

Albanese’s islamophobia Commissioner
Good And Hard!
gotta say, seeing the steady and largely successful push for islamists to install themselves as our Crybully Overlords, i’m leaning towards accelerationism.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
July 31, 2024 6:47 pm

We’re back from Fiji. Flew in yesterday with Qantas. Had to suffer some welcome to country statements. Everyone looked weary about them. As bad as the stolid boring food (I wish they’d get more multi-culti about that). We also had a female pilot. Hairy thinks I am being ridiculous but I clutched his arm when she announced who she was. She sounded very girlie, a bit too much like Kamala to my mind, in charge of a far too big plane. The plane was late so she taxi’d it over to the runway very fast and then … didn’t stop. She whirled it around ninety degrees at speed and we were off down the runway super fast. Oh dear. Then my headphones wouldn’t work, only played the muzak not the movie sound, so I said to Hairy I knew it, she’d forgotten to turn them back on after the announcement. He pointed out kindly that I had them in his armrest not my own, and he was only watching the flight map with the background muzak. Deflated, down but not out, I still had a mild panic when we hit turbulence prior to landing. Did she even know where she was?

Yes, she did. We landed OK. Just a few bumpies.

I am glad we had normal sort of Captain shaking our hands goodbye as we left the cruise. I know women can do anything even though I can’t, but there are some things I just wish they wouldn’t do, even though they can, as Amelia Earhart showed … didn’t she?

July 31, 2024 6:50 pm


July 31, 2024 6:39 pm

Were they always mad?

Did anti Semitism send them mad?

Consider this possibility:

Not mad, but bad.

Possibly this. Envy is the worst of the 7 deadly sins.

As a whole, Jews are a relatively high-income group. About one-in-four Jews (23%) say they have family incomes of $200,000 or more. By comparison, just 4% of U.S. adults report that level of household income.

Pew Research in 2021.

Last edited 1 month ago by JC
July 31, 2024 6:57 pm

Then again a quick search on one articles author Constance Kampfner throws up the tripe she writes for the Times and one could characterise her as far left looking at the Headlines/intro blurb.

How dare they serve up this muck and expect people to pay for it. Remember too The Times was anti-Trump central back in 2016.

July 31, 2024 7:05 pm

I like how-to-vote cards as an input to reverse-engineering of candidate or party priorities.

July 31, 2024 7:12 pm

Just when you think Bolt is getting it he implodes:
attacking the citizen protesters of Southport.

Cassie of Sydney
July 31, 2024 7:14 pm

Just when you think Bolt is getting it he implodes:
attacking the citizen protesters of Southport.

Yep, so I’ve switched him off

July 31, 2024 7:15 pm

Is this true fellas? ?

I like you, Pogy.
That’s funny.

July 31, 2024 7:16 pm

If Bolt reads the Cat I can tell you, you are a disgrace. FOAD. Putting up with immigrant trash has to stop. The people protesting in Southport are not far right, you idjit. They along with anyone with a brain are sick and tired of apologists like yourself defending the indefensible. You stand for nothing, POS. No good shaking your, it’ll fall off. Never again will I watch a second of DOLT.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
July 31, 2024 7:17 pm

Coalition signals a return to funding remote housing
Paige Taylor
7 minutes ago

The Coalition has flagged it will again help states pay for housing in some remote Aboriginal communities, a conditional commitment that could guarantee the future of settlements where up to half of all dwellings have been condemned.
Senator Jacinta Nampijinpa Price, the Coalition’s spokes­woman on Indigenous affairs, says a future Coalition government would again invest in remote communities “where we are going to see practical outcomes”.
“The Coalition is committed to addressing Indigenous disadvantage on the basis of need rather than race,” Senator Nampijinpa Price told The Australian.
“We know there is a need for housing in remote areas, and if Australia does choose a Coalition government at the next election, we would be looking to work with the states and territories to ensure we invest in places where we are going to see return on investment.
“That is, where we are going to see practical outcomes, not just investment in an Indigenous community for the sake of it.”
There has been deepening concern about overcrowding and deteriorating infrastructure in hundreds of remote Aboriginal communities outside the Northern Territory – most in Western Australia and Queensland – since 2014. That is when the Abbott government handed the states permanent responsibility to provide services such as power, water and roads in remote communities. Then, four years later, the ­Coalition government stopped contributing to housing in remote communities in all states.
Despite repeated efforts from the states, successive federal governments – including the Albanese government – have not reinstated commonwealth funding for remote Aboriginal housing in any state. Successive governments have continued to fund NT communities.
In June, the Albanese government announced the largest ever remote housing investment in the Territory. The $4bn, 10-year remote housing partnership agreement is designed to halve overcrowding in 73 Aboriginal communities across the NT.
That commitment has been lauded because of evidence that overcrowding sets children on the wrong path early, making them far more likely to get rheumatic heart disease or ear infections that make it difficult for them to hear and learn in class.
At Parnngurr on Martu land in the WA desert, overcrowding is rife and half of all houses have been independently assessed as fit for demolition. Parnngurr leaders are proud of results at the local school where children have begun passing NAPLAN and attendance is routinely above 90 per cent. They say their dry community is a sanctuary and many more Martu people want to live there than can be accommodated. They claim dozens of Martu families are stranded in the nearest town of Newman, where alcohol and violence is rife.

More doors and verandahs chopped up for firewood.

July 31, 2024 7:25 pm

The people protesting in Southport are not far right, you idjit.

Is this the approved newscorpse position?

July 31, 2024 7:38 pm

Senator Jacinta Nampijinpa Price, the Coalition’s spokes­woman on Indigenous affairs, says a future Coalition government would again invest in remote communities “where we are going to see practical outcomes”.

Tying housing funding to practical outcomes in indigenous communities is a good move.

That being said, many non-indigenous poor Australians already send their kids to school clothed and fed but don’t have affordable & secure long-term housing. Some are even living in tents.

What about one rule for all, regardless of skin colour?

Last edited 1 month ago by Roger
July 31, 2024 7:38 pm

Fair bit of anger out there among the Brit alt media.

Funnily enough all making same points:

MSM selective reporting to out & out misinformation (i.e Stamer getting heckles was truncated out of the broadcasts, rioters in Southport being labelled EDL)

Tin eared politicians from both Torries & LP.

Tempers have finally boiled over the polite British manners and that the establishment needs to take note as it is in real terms unprecedented in the modern era.

With the two tiered policing system and cover ups what did the establishment would think happen (i.e Riot at Southport got the full riot police treatment vs riot a Leeds 3 days ago they pulled back and avoided the area).

Wow we do live in interesting times…

July 31, 2024 7:41 pm

The idiot white dudes for cackles include jeff bridges; which shits me because he’s made a few good movies which I’ll now have to take out back and blow up:

Celebrity-studded ‘White Dudes for Harris’ call raises $4m for vice-president | Kamala Harris | The Guardian

July 31, 2024 7:41 pm

Starmer lawyer trash is bLIAR lawyer trash MkII.

July 31, 2024 7:44 pm

The idiot white dudes for cackles include jeff bridges; which shits me because he’s made a few good movies which I’ll now have to take out back and blow up:

I saw that.
Comrade Montgomery makes an appearance.

July 31, 2024 7:50 pm

For poor ol’ now very (allegedly) dead hamarse haniyeh.

Enjoy hell, you evil piece of sh*t! 🙂

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
July 31, 2024 7:56 pm

About these embedded comments. On Quadrant Online you can see all replies to a particular comment, which means you know what’s being said, and can read them or not according to inclination. On this site, you don’t know who is commenting and have to open them up all the time to get the flavor of the site. It’s tedious and there is always the fear of missing something important, funny or interesting if you pass a few over. You also can’t search back with control F on hidden comments – they don’t come up.

Why can’t the Cat be more like the Quadrant site re the comments?

Or CL’s site, where there is nothing embedded, as on the old Cat?

CL’s site has the wonderful CL, who has a very sharp quill. So good.

July 31, 2024 8:00 pm

“I said, vote for me, you’re not going to have to do it ever again. It’s true,” he said. “Because we have to get the vote out. Christians are not known as a big voting group. They don’t vote. And I’m explaining that to them. You never vote. This time, vote. I’ll straighten out the country, you won’t have to vote anymore. I won’t need your vote.”

Thanks to Berka for finding that transcript. Yes, that is what I was referencing.

Trump is unmistakeable with his promise to dismantle democracy, along with the rest of the liberal institutions of government. The Project 2025 playbook would be implemented in full under Trump 47. One of Trump’s enduring qualities is a lack of subtlety: he is too dumb not to just blurt out this stuff in his speeches.

Everyone who is not in the cult is heartily sick of Trump kidding on the square. He does not deserve the benefit of the doubt. I would go so far as to say that Trump himself is not even the instigator of all this; that is Stephen Miller and his fellow fascists at the Heritage Foundation. He will go along happily on his way into dementia if they find a way to keep feeding his narcissism.

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
July 31, 2024 8:05 pm

Those who have sworn off Olympics viewing are missing out on a bit of good action- no, not the silly transvestite-infested BMX, nor the pathetic “breaking”, nor the woeful girls’ skateboardin (no trannies there, where I think birdlike lightness has advantage over the inertia-dependent BMXGTQI).
But Simone Biles is quite stunning- every run-up has her at 80% speed on the first step, and she’s going bonkers racing up firsts for pulling off womanouevres with twists and pikes etc. Maybe not as beautiful as that corkscrew-curled girl’s floor routine in U.S. college comp, maybe a bit cold and detatched from her teammates, and maybe a distressing amount of white-girl-arm-dancing on the floor, but it’s genuine history in the making.

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
July 31, 2024 8:08 pm

Katelyn Ohashi, UCLA. Joyous.

Cassie of Sydney
July 31, 2024 8:17 pm

Everyone who is not in the cult 

It takes a cultist to know a cultist. Written by a pervert who’s deep into the cults of transgenderism and Nazism

July 31, 2024 8:19 pm

Trump is unmistakeable with his promise to dismantle democracy,

You are one, if not the, most stupid people to comment here. Ever.

July 31, 2024 8:20 pm


When a random act of violence is committed by a vulnerable person against even more vulnerable children at a time when weapons exports are in question, ask: 1. Cui bono? 2. Which country’s spy agency uses MK-Ultra brain control, ours or a foreign one? 3. Was it our government?

July 31, 2024 8:23 pm

You are one, if not the, most stupid people to comment here. Ever.

Not only stupid but nasty

July 31, 2024 8:24 pm


The beating up of Angela Carini, an Italian woman, by Imane Khelif, an Algerian man, live streamed from the Paris Olympics as “Women’s Boxing” is a testament to the infiltration of The Temple of Satan in our society disguised as Wokeism. Let’s stop this abomination.

Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
July 31, 2024 8:26 pm

An amazing Gymnast — a few years ago she went off the rails I think the blek-pushers got to her and started messing with her head — glad to know she’g got it together again — she is a truly marvellous athlete.

July 31, 2024 8:32 pm

The Palestinian militant group Hamas has released a statement saying its top political leader Ismail Haniyeh has been killed in Iran.

In the statement, the group mourned the death of Haniyeh, and pointed the finger of blame at Israel, saying he was killed in “a treacherous Zionist raid on his residence in Tehran”.

Iran’s paramilitary Revolutionary Guard also released a statement saying Haniyeh was “assassinated” but gave no details on how.

One less piece of sh!t

July 31, 2024 8:33 pm
July 31, 2024 8:34 pm

I see the monty(pro)jection is still a significant source of white noise.
White noise.

July 31, 2024 8:37 pm

Trump is unmistakeable with his promise to dismantle democracy,

Pathetic dickless. it is plain that Trump is exhorting Trump supporters but never voters to vote this once and get him in for his second delayed by massive electoral fraud term and then they can go back to being never voters.

Typical leftie, dickless projection since the left are the ones who hate democracy and want to destroy it so they are never beholden to the hoi polloi, who they also hate.

You fat little shit dickless, denying the good and virtuous their vote.

July 31, 2024 8:41 pm
July 31, 2024 8:45 pm
July 31, 2024 8:47 pm

Iran’s paramilitary Revolutionary Guard also released a statement saying Haniyeh was “assassinated” but gave no details on how.

Coded language which really means “The F35 which launched the missile was not seen on our radar”.

July 31, 2024 8:49 pm

When you mock Christianity, ridicule Western civilisation, and promote gender confusion to the entire world — all the while insisting it’s a virtuous act of diversity and inclusion — you are evil

well said Senator Babet

July 31, 2024 8:53 pm

That “weird” line that Harris is pushing has really got you lot spooked, hasn’t it? Remarkable. It is your foundational belief that you are the Chosen Ones and your enemies are the weirdoes. Now you find that the opposite is true, and it is sending you insane.

It is always easy to tell when Cats are panicking and out of ideas, because the ad hom stuff ramps up markedly.

July 31, 2024 8:55 pm


 July 31, 2024 8:00 pm


It’s sad seeing you fall for these hoaxes. You’re tripping up on every single one.

Really, it’s sad.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
July 31, 2024 9:00 pm

Dismantling democracy.
Supporting socialism
Coaxing Communism
Assisting anarchists
Massaging Marxists
Alliteration is all the rage in the suburban Soviet.

July 31, 2024 9:00 pm

I’m a bit puzzled about the timeline for these incidents, it’s all a bit mixed up. See if you can help me put them in the correct order. A puzzle if you like.

  • Melee involving Qatar airlines male passengers at Manchester airport in which female copper gets her nose broken.
  • Male Qatar airlines passenger kicked in head by copper.
  • Protests in Rochdale.
  • Tommy Robinson arrested.
  • Three little girls murdered and others stabbed around the corner from a mosque in Southport.
  • Mosque in Southport attacked, riot and police van set alight.
  • Police call for no one to “speculate”.
  • Policeman under investigation for kicking someone in the head.
  • 17 year old arrested but “not terror related”.
  • Qatar airlines passengers released without charges.

*Southport, Rochdale and Manchester are all within a crow’s fart.

July 31, 2024 9:01 pm

Missed Blot tonight but caught Sharri interview with Dutton, Dutton was good. Excellent that he went to Israel, there on a great day too.

July 31, 2024 9:09 pm

“Trump is unmistakeable with his promise to dismantle democracy”
More gaslighting.
Trump is appealing to a group of traditional non voters, to just this once, to get out and vote.
But of course blatant, shameless lying is in progressive DNA.

July 31, 2024 9:11 pm

Blue haired tattooed nose ringed non binary freaks are the new normal.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
July 31, 2024 9:16 pm

Don’t read much fiction, these days, but Robert Harris’ book “V-2” is on the cerebral side – check it out!

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
July 31, 2024 9:17 pm

Another good rant from Simon. The finger is pointed directly at the religion of peace.


Reverend Simon Sideways

July 31, 2024 9:18 pm

Mental health might be the cover but there was nothing random about the Southportattack.
The perp arrived at a planned event for female primary school aged students by taxi.
Someone pointed him at them.
And that taxi driver…

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
July 31, 2024 9:30 pm

Trump is appealing to a group of traditional non voters, to just this once, to get out and vote.

I believe it was evangelical Christians that he said tended not to vote. Christianity and religion are constantly under assault by progressives so Trump told them they need only come out to vote this time, then they would not have to later because he would have sorted things out for them.

He was saying people disinclined to vote ought to do so this time then they wouldn’t have to if they didn’t want to – which is how things have always been in a land without compulsory voting.

Not a dismantling of democracy in America – a restatement of people’s options in America.

July 31, 2024 9:31 pm

I’m daytripped in Cobh which is pronounced Cove, thankyouverymuch.
At least one of my ancestors was involuntarily exported from this port, if I can read the journal entry from home correctly.
I called in at the Tourist office for directions to the emigration museum, was also offered the Titanic experience at which I turned up my nose. Haven’t even seen the movie says I. Well we all know the ending she replied.
It’s a pretty town with painted houses, I’m going to take the boat trip and visit the museum. That’s enough tourist homework for one day.
And I got asked for directions on my way to the station, the bus station? yes, that way, on the other side of the river.

July 31, 2024 9:55 pm


July 31, 2024 2:04 pm

Trump campaign throw Project 2025 under the bus.

You realize Trump has credibly maintained that he didn’t even know what Project 25 even was.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
July 31, 2024 10:10 pm


The Parade Scene: Ferris Bueller’s Day Off (1986)

July 31, 2024 10:37 pm

Liz Storer is dead to me.

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
July 31, 2024 10:41 pm

Calli- hi!
Muddy- I hadn’t clocked the team-mates ghosting her routine- what a hoot!
…re-watching the routine, I was subjected to a “stayz” ad on YouTube which portrayed the collegiate fun of renting a house with your mates… they were all high school age, dressed like clowns, made up like frights and cheering a huge flatscreen which said “No D-Names here”, a reference to “dead names”, ie names which are written on birth certificates and rejected by youth with serious mental damage.
Kinda spoiled my night, but also re-enforced the importance to kids of healthy group pursuits, teams, effort and application- and public displays of self-respect.

July 31, 2024 10:46 pm

Sad to see Liz Storer has gone all anti-Israel. She has accepted the lie of 40,000 dead Palestinians since 7th October last year and insists that Israel must stop pursuing Hamas or they will precipitate WWIII.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
July 31, 2024 10:51 pm

Going to bed. Sleep well all.

Salvatore - Iron Publican
July 31, 2024 10:59 pm

Liz Storer is dead to me.

Er.. who or what is Liz Storer?

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
July 31, 2024 11:19 pm

I said, vote for me, you’re not going to have to do it ever again. It’s true,” he said. “Because we have to get the vote out. Christians are not known as a big voting group. They don’t vote. And I’m explaining that to them. You never vote. This time, vote. I’ll straighten out the country, you won’t have to vote anymore. I won’t need your vote.”


It’s there in plain language, there for all to see.

Last edited 1 month ago by Dr Faustus
July 31, 2024 11:32 pm

Lovely to see an older morbidly obese bull dyke lesbian couple with their whitewall haircuts tattoos, military cargos and one with a walking stick.
And yeah they’re yanks.
Apparently though, I’m the weirdo.
Right Monty?

Last edited 1 month ago by Rosie
Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
July 31, 2024 11:38 pm

“I said, vote for me, you’re not going to have to do it ever again. It’s true,” he said. “Because we have to get the vote out. Christians are not known as a big voting group. They don’t vote. And I’m explaining that to them. You never vote. This time, vote. I’ll straighten out the country, you won’t have to vote anymore. I won’t need your vote.”

n i n e

e l e v e n

Coincidence? YOU decide!

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
August 1, 2024 12:06 am

Word on the street is that Patriot Front were gunna immanentize Project 2025, but need another burst of shrapnel to take out Trump so’s J.D. (stands for “Jrand Dragon”) Vance can tweet out the gas whistle on X (formerly MK Ultra).
Hidden In Plain Sight.
You Know It Makes Sense.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
August 1, 2024 12:40 am

Insomnia strikes again.

I asked my local Deli owner when was the last time he and wife had a holiday.

6 years! I looked at the son behind the counter and said let your parents have a couple of weeks off.

Salvatore - Iron Publican
August 1, 2024 1:19 am

Zatara, you posed a pix yesterday of a baddie being arrested.
Apparently** that is not the killer.

Supposedly the swarthy bloke between two coppers was the one carrying a balaclava & a knife, on his way to (can you believe it) attack the community vigil being held in the wake of the attack on the toddlers.

This may have been part of the catalyst that caused the riot to kick off.

(** nothing is certain, as we’re still within the 48hr minimum information time frame)

Salvatore - Iron Publican
August 1, 2024 1:27 am

Here’s another angle of the swarthy type being arrested. To support the report that he is not the killer, he looks to be a helluva lot more than 17yo.

(**all information, including that the killer is <17, is to be treated with a grain of salt, partly coz still within 48hrs, partly coz cops/govt are prepared to lie to us about this stuff – in the name of soshul coheezhun)

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
August 1, 2024 9:43 am

M0nty thinks Trump will destroy democracy. But consider this:

Trump took a bullet for democracy. In his first term, he didn’t do undemocratic lawfare against political opponents as the Democrats do when in power, and he didn’t dismantle nor try to subvert, as the Democrats do, the institutions of democracy such as the Supreme Court, where the Democrats undemocratically tried via lawfare to halt legally-made appointments. The so-called Jan 6 insurrections were sheer spin by Democrats, fairly mild protests, with none but one protester killed, and no plan for any ‘takeover’. Jan 6 was nothing like the Democrat-enthused and Kamala supported burning of whole city areas over the misadventure death of an arrested fentanyl addict.

President Trump’s unwillingness to immediately concede the 2020 election has many precedents with previous Presidents in a similar situation waiting on court decisions (hanging chads issue, for example). As for maintaining the rage, we had that for years here over Whitlam, and Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election harped on for the whole of the Trump Presidency about ‘Trump’s illegitimacy’ in his win and she also paid for the Russia Hoax trying to demean Trump. It is undeniable that during Trump’s Presidency the Democrats used every illegal trick in the book to try to impeach and ‘get rid’ of him. They failed. I hope Trump wins big, in spite of all the Democrats and Rigged Tech can throw at him. If he doesn’t win I think that American democracy will be finished.

That is the view, by the way, of the Texan business owner (employer of many) and his wife with whom we became friendly on our recent Fiji Island cruise. He is hard-headed about Trump, scornful but scared of the media manipulation ahead re Kamala, and his wife agrees that this time, even though she doesn’t like Trump’s style, she will be voting for him to save America from descent into a third-world kleptocracy. There are many quiet Americans like these two. Keep the flame of hope alive, Cats.

August 1, 2024 9:50 am

Late for “work” and the “boss” offers the excuses …! Thugby League ya just gotta luv it …. LOL!

August 1, 2024 1:21 pm

Elsternwick is a Jewish area. Often seen orthodox Jews at Rippon Lea, the adjacent suburb. I hope Officeworks gets given hell for that if it’s true.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
August 1, 2024 8:31 pm

The local paper reports that the Toodyay businessman, charged with upsetting the Wagyll – a rainbow serpent central to Noongar mythology – was charged in March 2023. Hearings have been adjourned FIVE times. He’s due back in Court on August 21.

We are supposed to take this malarkey seriously?

August 1, 2024 8:49 pm

Surely you know the name Barbara Spectre, the Jewish woman who didn’t like the idea of a Swedish ethnostate?

She’s an American Jewish woman and out of touch with reality. But she’s an academic philosopher, so what did you expect?

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x