Open Thread – Weekend 10 Aug 2024

Women in the Garden, Claude Monet, 1866

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Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
August 10, 2024 12:06 am


This thread claimed for the fit-up denying Collingwood victory against the Mancravers in Sydney last night.

This will not be forgotten.

As Dot would remark, Peppercorn Farm remembers.

August 10, 2024 12:57 am

I’ve forgotten about it . Bring back the biff.

August 10, 2024 12:59 am

Footy! Bah! Got caught up with other things and forgot to put my tips in. The toothless, black and white moaners became my default tip.

Collingwood never, ever provide me with a reason to stop despising them.

I blame my childhood spent at Brunswick St oval hissing and heckling the defeated black and white army heading back over the bridge to the pubs and hovels of Vollingwood. I learned from the experts.

Last edited 1 month ago by Megan
August 10, 2024 1:01 am

Lovely painting again, dear Dover, but I spy only one woman in the garden.

Should I be looking behind the bushes?

August 10, 2024 1:04 am

And no, I haven’t been knocking back the single malt. Just general Friday night ill-temper at the degenerating state of the world.

August 10, 2024 1:06 am

In the spirit of the utter shambles that is the 2024 Parisian sports festival, I bid you all bon soir. Or summat like.

August 10, 2024 1:15 am

Try the break dancing at the Lympics , I be entering it in 2028 under my sig, “Stoma” with my crew.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
August 10, 2024 2:36 am

( :


Mondo Rock – Come Said The Boy (1983) (AU) (Extended Video Version) Refreshed Video

August 10, 2024 2:47 am

As predicted, their chickens are coming home to roost.

‘I was Brainwashed’: Historic Lawsuit Against Planned Parenthood By Detransitioner After Being ‘Pushed’ into Life-Altering Hormone Therapy

According to a new lawsuit filed by Hineman against Planned Parenthood she was administered life-altering testosterone following a brief 30-minute evaluation with a nurse practitioner despite facing mental health issues including self-harm, depression, anxiety, and autism.

Last edited 1 month ago by Zatara
August 10, 2024 4:00 am
August 10, 2024 4:01 am
August 10, 2024 4:02 am
August 10, 2024 4:02 am
August 10, 2024 4:03 am
August 10, 2024 4:04 am
August 10, 2024 4:05 am
August 10, 2024 4:43 am

A turning worm.

DOJ Turns on Joe Biden, Claims Hunter Biden Was Bribed by Romanian Oligarch to Influence US Policy When Biden Was Vice President

Special Counsel Dave Weiss said Hunter Biden and a business associate accepted more than $3 million from Gabriel Popoviciu, a wealthy Romanian businessman who sought to influence US policy when Joe Biden was Vice President in 2015.

DOJ prosecutors will introduce the evidence at Hunter Biden’s tax trial in September.

Hunter Biden certainly didn’t pay taxes on the bribe so it makes sense to add it to his tax case. But one would hope the new evidence also leads to conspiracy and bribery charges. Given the others likely involved a wide ranging RICO investigation seems possible as well.

And of course if the “Big Guy” took his %10 cut…

Last edited 1 month ago by Zatara
August 10, 2024 4:51 am

Thanks, Tom.

August 10, 2024 5:10 am

Square waves, I never heard of them. Dot they exist?
Apparently so.

Square waves are a dangerous maritime phenomenon where waves intertwine, creating a pattern that moves in multiple directions.

This phenomenon poses considerable risks for those who venture out into the water, as strong currents and sudden changes in wave direction make it difficult to stay afloat and increase the risk of drowning. In addition, square waves complicate navigation, making it more difficult to maneuver safely.

This phenomenon not only confuses swimmers but also poses a significant challenge for navigators due to the unpredictability and hazards of the aquatic environment.

August 10, 2024 5:13 am

Probably not everyone’s cup, but I liked her and some of the songs.
She had a voice that was recognisable by any Australian

Judith Durham – A Tribute (John Cotton):-
This here is a tribute for Judith Durham, the Australian legend
On 5 August 2022, her life’s fine journey sadly came to an end

Beautiful, sublime and perfect are words to describe her voice
She was a wonderful singer, for many our number one choice
Her manner of speech and dress, had so much style and grace

She always had a hairstyle with a fringe and a nice smiling face
Her input to music in Australia made Judith a national treasure
As the lead singer of The Seekers, she gave us lots of pleasure

For many of us, The Seekers were Australia’s most loved band
With Judith doing the vocals, often with a tambourine in hand

Judith was an accomplished pianist, and a song writer as well
In her solo singing career she had many success stories to tell
Songs like Morningtown Ride and Georgy Girl, come to mind
With fond memories of Judith Durham, she was one of a kind

August 10, 2024 5:16 am

Imagine this happening regularly, the greenies would go apoplectic.

August 10, 2024 6:07 am

Dover Beach, where do you get your images from – in terms of downloading screensavers? I seem to be only getting low quality ones, or sites that want to charge me for them.

August 10, 2024 6:55 am

Read three ABC articles yesterday analyzing the Labor government’s performance on a range of big issues. I was left with the impression that there might be moves afoot to replace Albo. Nothing concrete, but the mood seems to have changed at ABC headquarters. Perhaps I’m wrong?

August 10, 2024 7:03 am
August 10, 2024 7:09 am

Bob my daughter does pretty good fakes for $3-5 k depending upon size.

August 10, 2024 7:18 am

Here you go, Bob.!#resultType:masonry

I pulled up the “Impressionism” category, but there are many more. All the work is in the public domain. No watermarks.

August 10, 2024 7:21 am

Yesterday a friend phoned me to say that her orthopaedic specialist daughter had told her that hospitals had almost run out of IV supplies! This morning the Oz is reporting this is a worldwide problem due to stockpiling by the US in belief that war footing is imminent.

Apparently we only have one local producer of IV products! What an outrage. It is the story of modern Australia. Import products from the world & close down manufacturing. And what a price we pay in the long term. But what a lot of cheap rubbish we have been able to buy from the chain stores.

Rufus T Firefly
Rufus T Firefly
August 10, 2024 7:24 am

Start your weekend off, on an upbeat, brassy R&B note.
Ides of March – Vehicle.

Beautiful painting, by the way.

Cassie of Sydney
August 10, 2024 7:27 am

Everyone loved Judith Durham. She had the voice of an angel, pristine, pure, and deep. My favourite Durham song has always been The Carnival is Over, based on a old Russian folk song. My parents loved it, I still remember them playing it on the old record player, it’s a sensational song….

Cassie of Sydney
August 10, 2024 7:29 am

Almost every day Johannes Leak comes out with a corker.

August 10, 2024 7:29 am

August 10, 2024 12:12 am

Reply to  132andBush

I am not hiding who I am behind a pseudonym or a number, Mr 132. I am a rural white man myself. Takes one to know one, but I got educated. Did you?

From the last OT and hidden after midnight in nested comments.

The only reason your ID is not hidden is because for many years on Sinc’s, and perhaps this version of the Cat, you had a link to your “Loaded Dogma” blog embedded with your name. Trying to drum up clicks which is fair enough but don’t try claiming it was for anything other than self promotion.
You also have the advantage, unlike many here, of not having to worry about a baying marxist mob descending on you for your opinions.

And you say you’re a rural white man yourself?
Well given the level of projection yesterday, barely hidden in your usual slur by inference MO…
” Yep, one of Trump’s cannier moves was to exploit the natural gerrymander of the Electoral College by appealing to rural white folk with his racism.”
… I’d say it must’ve been one hell of a bigoted place to grow up. Something which carry’s over in you and a lot of us can see it.

And you got educated?
No, you got indoctrinated.

Which reminds me, has the new house been given over to people less educated, sorry, less fortunate, yet? Rent free of course.

Last edited 1 month ago by 132andBush
Black Ball
Black Ball
August 10, 2024 7:32 am

Vicki Campion on what I touched on last night. Stop getting the tongue bath and get out of the bubble Handsome Boy:

Going to Garma and believing it gives you meaningful insight into the everyday life of Aboriginal Territorians is like going to the Sydney Opera House and believing it?gives you meaningful insight into living in ?Granville.

However, some of our media and federal ministry are operating in a different reality, believing that the only way to understand and connect with Indigenous leaders is to attend a?$2750 ticketed festival in East Arnhem via private plane for a red-carpet glamping event.

Yet they tactically sidestepped the?not-so-glamorous goings-on of Alice Springs, where third-world camps exist under tarps, on makeshift mattresses in the scrub, in first-world Australia.

It is all good and well for the PM to return to Garma and celebrate the Yolgni tribe yet again, having gone in 2019, 2022 and 2023.

Yet it was galling that during the winter break, he could not take a southern detour to listen to Alice Springs and check in on the $250m of “crisis funding” he announced for the heart of the nation 18 months ago.

It doesn’t matter how many times Albo goes to Garma, he still doesn’t get it.

To understand Granville, you need to go to Granville; to understand Alice Springs, you have to go to Alice?Springs.

Garma has merit but no relevance to the vast majority of Aboriginal kids in camps who could never afford the 1770km journey to the cameras and billionaires in East Arnhem Land, no more than the Opera House has merit but no relevance for the vast majority of kids in Granville.

Fixing the crisis in Alice requires people with the courage to make politically incorrect decisions that?offend Canberra’s Zeitgeist.

That?really will be doing it for the?children.

Nothing encapsulates the complete disconnect more than the Prime Minister going to Garma to announce an intermittent power program to solve Alice Springs’s complete social dislocation.

Former NT senator Sam McMahon points out that when asked what First Nations people wanted in their electricity, they chose “affordable, reliable power”, which is culturally correct for all of us but for some Climate-200 owned seats and the rarefied atmosphere of the ACT, which wants to run the economy on part-time power from future landfill.

The NT already has at least four solar factories built, which remain coated in red dust and are waiting to be connected to the grid.

They are just sitting there, not generating a watt of power, at Katherine, Batchelor and Manton, working only as target practice for kids who happen to be handy with a slingshot.

Any reasonable person would realise an arts festival and solar panels cannot fix the issues in Alice Springs, but not our PM.

When asked what tangible outcomes there were from the $250m?crisis funding announced in 2023, the government pointed to what had been done over the past four years.

Since last year’s announcement of?a?$40.4m on-country learning program, with $30m given to Central Australia schools so far, they have yet?to see measurable outcomes in school attendance.

Of the $23.4m for improving First Nations health outcomes, $18.4m had been allocated to expanding the Central Australian Aboriginal Congress’s Child and Youth Assessment and Treatment Service, with a 300 per cent increase in assessments. Yet the government could not give actual figures of how many kids were actively included for a better life.

As far as crisis funding goes, the millions in capital and justice are yet to be efficaciously spent to show violence, domestic violence, crime and alcoholism are reduced and school attendance is increased.

The solution in Canberra is to close?your eyes tight at an urban smoking ceremony.

But the only way forward is to conduct a massive investigation into service delivery, examining where the current money is going and what tangible outcomes we are getting for?it.

It doesn’t matter how much you wish the opera to solve Granville’s problems, it won’t; just like a cultural festival in East Arnhem and photovoltaic fields won’t fix Alice.

2k for a ticket eh?
Ms Campion one thing though. Those in attendance aren’t really leaders. Could bet London to a brick that none of them would have paid with their own money. The only mantra these people have is ‘what is in it for me’.
And these 4 solar installations. Amazingly amazing that Crocodile Man or whatever the land equivalent is was never present to interfere with the building of said things.

August 10, 2024 7:33 am

Dover – check your email. Cheers

August 10, 2024 7:38 am

Here’s a nice “what meme would get you arrested in the UK” thread.

Top Ender
Top Ender
August 10, 2024 7:38 am

A very odd article in the Oz about a very odd situation in the NT:

Alice Springs principal Gavin Morris warned of cops’ inaction, days before his shock arrest

A week before his shock arrest on Thursday for allegedly physically assaulting five young children, Gavin Morris recorded an interview in which he did not hold back.

Filmed on a phone on the grounds of Yipirinya School in Alice Springs, where Dr Morris has been the outspoken principal for the past three years, he told of his fears of an unfolding child protection crisis.

Dr Morris said he believed a man with access to some of the ­nation’s most vulnerable children needed to be thoroughly investigated over a raft of serious allegations raised by students and staff.

He had made a report to police about the man, an entrenched community figure, involving a number of children, and he and other staff and students were ­interviewed by detectives and gave statements.

The embattled and outspoken principal spoke to the Australian a week prior to being charged with multiple counts of aggravated assault against children.

“What we saw around that cluster of disclosures last year was a real spike in youth crime and anti-social behaviour targeted at our school,” Dr Morris said.

“The students involved, who stole buses, who drove around the community, put themselves at harm and the broader community in danger, they were trying to tell us something. They were saying ‘we want you to listen, you aren’t taking action, we shared our stories, we trusted you with our most vulnerable stories’.”

In the interview with The Weekend Australian on August 1, Dr Morris was frustrated by what he saw as a lack of action by Northern Territory police and the Territory Families department about the serious allegations.

‘I wouldn’t put my name and my face on the line here, if I wasn’t 100 per cent convinced that there’s a very serious story here.’ – Gavin Morris
With inquiries still ongoing into the concerns, Dr Morris’s comments had not been aired when he was hauled into the Alice Springs police watch-house and charged.

The former NRL referee with a PhD in Aboriginal trauma and bachelor’s and master’s degrees in education has rarely been far from either the media spotlight or a fight in his time at Yipirinya.

His series of running battles have generally centred on dire living conditions in Aboriginal town camps in Alice Springs, which he says is a central cause of a crime wave that has led to two recent ­government-imposed curfews.

It has earned Dr Morris, 46, both powerful friends and powerful enemies, some of the latter suspecting him of political ambitions.

But in no battle have the stakes been personally higher than the one he now faces for his livelihood, career and reputation.

Allegations against Dr Morris are understood to revolve around incidents of vandalism or trouble at the school, where the 375 ­enrolled students are taught in English and four Aboriginal languages.

One incident allegedly involves Dr Morris restraining children after windows had been kicked in and smashed, and another is ­alleged to have happened after paint was smeared throughout a room. Police said they had started looking at him only in late June.

The arrest of the principal leaked out when he was still in the watch-house waiting to be charged.

It was followed by two media releases from police and led to a storm of publicity, including commentary from NT Chief Minister Eva Lawler, two weeks out from a Territory election that is expected to be dominated by crime.

In Alice Springs, break-ins, hold-ups, car thefts, armed robberies and assaults involving children as young as eight are being documented daily on mainstream and social media, and some residents are in fear in their own homes, workplaces and public spaces.

Police initially announced “six victims” of Dr Morris were aged between eight and 13 “at the time of the assaults”, which were alleged to have occurred on “multiple separate occasions in 2023”. A police statement later reduced that to five counts of aggravated assault.

Dr Morris serves on the Alice Springs Town Council and took leave from his job as a lecturer at Charles Darwin University to lead Yipirinya. He spent hours in a cell waiting to be processed before being bailed.

Around the same time, police in Alice Springs had moved against another man in the community, laying a charge that flew entirely under the radar.

On Wednesday, July 31, this second, longstanding member of the community was served by police with a notice to appear in court on a charge of aggravated assault against a 13-year-old girl.

The 73-year-old has been ­accused of grabbing the girl by the arm and trying to drag her out of a car after a Sunday church service at the Aboriginal town camp known as Old Timers in February last year. He was not arrested or taken to the watch-house, and there were no public police statements, political commentary or any media coverage, unlike in Dr Morris’s case.

The Weekend Australian discovered the charge only after coincidentally approaching the ageing community figure at his home later that day to ask him about concerns in Alice Springs over his interactions with children.

Before being told what the concerns involved, the man replied: “We take them out for bush trips. I never molest them. I never touch them.”

Asked if someone had raised allegations of that type with him before, he said: “No. I love the kids. It’d be false accusations.”

He then volunteered that two police officers arrived at his home that morning and gave him a ­notice to appear in court in September for aggravated assault.

The officers “didn’t think it was very serious at all” and he was confident nothing would come of the charge.

He had “got angry” with a young girl who took other children away from town camp church services, he said. “I don’t think I ever touched her or anything. They’ve made a false accusation. She’s got some mental things. She’s caused trouble everywhere too,” he said.

Yipirinya School staff are among those who have been raising questions and concerns about the man, who has lived in Alice Springs and spent time in town camps for the past 40 years.

Dr Morris was talking to The Weekend Australian about these issues before his own arrest.

The principal said that in ­August last year, after a series of alleged disclosures at the school about the community figure, he spoke to staff and then phoned the acting commander of the Northern Territory police southern ­region, James Gray-Spence.

“He (Spence) was in the school 10 minutes later, and that night I had two detectives at my place ­interviewing me for a couple of hours,” Dr Morris said.

“They’ve subsequently come and interviewed staff and students. But nothing’s happened. Our community is crying out to find out what’s going on.”

The Weekend Australian put it to the community figure who Dr Morris had been talking about, that among other things he had been accused of hitting children.

“I’ve never done that. What I’ve done is, when they muck up in (his vehicle) I’ve got a wooden spoon, just a tap on the hand. ­Because they’re swearing or fighting. Once they see me waving it, they straighten up. Or if they are real naughty, they might hide under the seat,” the man said.

The man has a current Ochre Card from the government that clears him to work with children, he said. He denied he was ever alone with children, saying he ­always had another adult present.

However, only a day earlier, two Alice Springs residents say they saw him driving around in his vehicle with a young boy who should have been at school, with no other passengers.

Staunchly supported by some in the community including Aboriginal families he helps, the man said the allegations were “the devil’s work” and that he was not guilty of anything.

For an unknown reason he was being slandered and targeted as “payback”, he said. His cars had been stolen and written off, his home vandalised and two weeks ago a young boy he knew turned up at his home with a wheel spanner and “tried to kill me”.

He confirmed he had many interactions with children, from taking them swimming at the town pool to long drives to the isolated Ilparpa Claypans and Simpsons Gap. Regularly taking kids to ­McDonald’s and Hungry Jack’s, purchasing frozen drinks for children had become “one of my biggest expenses”, he said.

“Every Saturday we go out somewhere. I’m looking after the kids for them. I’m feeding them.

“The reason I take kids out is because I feel for them. They’re bored at the camps and hungry. I’ll get (a mother) and we’ll take them out and give them a treat.”

The man could not think of a reason the children he said he was helping were targeting him with home invasions and robberies.

“I know who’s done it. They have nothing against me, it’s just the stuff that they do,” he said.

When pressed to answer why he insisted he was never alone with children, he became angry, saying: “Get out.”

Then he calmed down and ­decided to continue to talk.

“If I have kids, it’s for their welfare, to feed them, look after them,” he said. “They’re making it up to condemn me, to slander me, because I’m a man of god, standing up for truth. The devil’s working, the enemy’s working.”

Residents say that over the past two years they have made a series of reports to the Northern Territory government about the community figure.

In the Territory, it’s legally ­required to report incidents of suspected child harm or abuse.

But the efforts of authorities so far have not been able to assuage doubts in the community that he is fit to have access to highly at-risk children.

“My experience has been that you make a phone call to Territory Families, through mandatory ­reporting, and you don’t see immediate action,” Dr Morris said.

“You certainly don’t get any ­follow-up in terms of whether something has been followed through or not.

“A lot of my staff come back to me dismayed. In this instance, for example, there were many comments made from the Territory Families representative that this story is well known.”

At about the same time that police were called to Yipirinya about the community figure last year, students broke into their school three times.

One group entered the office block, smashed open a key safe, randomly vandalised equipment and stole a vehicle.

In a separate incident last ­August, five children aged 10 to 12 ploughed a stolen car into a tree at 80km/h, none of them wearing seatbelts. Local residents say it was the community figure’s car.

The children were wheeled into hospital in neck braces and with green whistles for pain relief. Medical staff said they were lucky to be alive, Dr Morris said.

“It’s not normal to have 10, 12, 14-year-olds breaking into businesses and homes because they’re trying to get a message across,” the principal said before his arrest.

“I wouldn’t put my name and my face on the line here, if I wasn’t 100 per cent convinced that there’s a very serious story here that needs to be, firstly, uncovered and secondly, actioned upon.”

In a statement on Friday, the school council said it was “deeply concerned” by the serious allegations levelled against Morris and that “the safety, wellbeing and education of our students is our highest priority”.

Both the principal and the separate community figure now face battles to clear their names.

eric hinton
eric hinton
August 10, 2024 7:53 am


 August 10, 2024 5:10 am

Square waves, I never heard of them.

Nor had I until my first trip up the Qld coast in a little catamaran, when we surfed down a following wave while atop of an orthogonal swell – the latter’s direction due to being wrapped around an island. One hull was either side of the cross swell for only for a second or two, but it felt like we were surfing along the top of it for ages. Inside the reef so not that large.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
August 10, 2024 8:03 am

Why do corporations do this to themselves?

Harley-Davidson Receives Bud Light Treatment At Sturgis Motorcycle Rally (9 Aug)

“It’s another day at Sturgis Rally and another day of the @harleydavidson tent being a ghost town with very few people walking inside. In a typical year their tent is PACKED,” Starbuck wrote on X on Thursday. …

Vinny Terranova, the owner of Pappy’s Vintage Cycles in Sturgis, told Fox News that ‘woke’ Harley is “branding suicide.” 

“A lot of bikers are switching over to Indian,” Terranova said, adding, “They killed Harley. It breaks my heart.”

Riders are not pleased with woke Harley. 

Manly men buy Harleys, so to get all woke and qwerty is a very good way to destroy your brand. Are there no adults in the management team?

August 10, 2024 8:13 am

Record levels of coral across the Great Barrier Reef have been reported for the third year in a row, confounding the alarmists who continue to predict doom. Yet the BBC runs a story insisting the reef is in danger! The inconvenient news has been ignored in mainstream media which, curiously, have focused on a non-story in Nature that claimed “climate change” poses an “existential threat” to the GBR.
More here

Cassie of Sydney
August 10, 2024 8:24 am

 August 10, 2024 7:29 am

Sublimely said, Bush.

I note yesterday how the Nazi got all huffy and puffy with me and used the word “Alinsky”. My goodness, did I roar with laughter at that, this is from someone who uses Alinsky here everyday against his ideological opponents. All I do is mop up his swill into a deep bucket and throw this bucket of swill back in his face and whadda you know, he doesn’t like it! Poor petal. This is someone who for years called Cardinal George Pell a ‘rock spider’ (he’s never retracted it), who for years has chortled with laughter whenever a conservative politician or commentator has been bashed, punched, pummelled or even shot with bullets (Tony Abbott, Andrew Bolt, Steve Scalise, Rand Paul), who for years has called anyone whose opinions he doesn’t like…’far-right’, and worse…’Nazi’ and suddenly the poor petal goes all sensitive about having to wear his swill.

But you wanna know the worst, the most egregious, as if the above wasn’t bad enough? The most egregious was last year, in March 2023, when he lost all credibility (not that he made much to begin with) when he described women such as myself trying to protect safe spaces from perverted cocks in frocks as ‘Nazis’, and when he sniggered, laughed out loud and justified on these pages when a woman was nearly lynched in an Auckland Park and several other women in that park were actually bashed.

I could go on.

Ya see, unlike the resident Nazi who always fantasises about punching Nazis, I’m not one for physical punches but I am one for literal punches, and I’ll punch away at this verminous progressive far-left hypocritical Nazi.

There are two Alinsky rules I like……

“Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules.”

“Keep the pressure on.”

That’s what you do with the left. You never give them an inch, you never concede. We’ve seen what concession and giving the left an inch does, we’re now living with the results, and they they aren’t pretty.

Oh, actually, make that three, here’s another Alinsky rule I like…

“Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon. There is no defense. It is almost impossible to counterattack ridicule. Also it infuriates the opposition, who then react to your advantage.”

Quite so.

Lastly, further to my comments during the week saying how Douglas Murray and Tommy Robinson say much the same thing about Islam and immigration, except that one is a Eton educated toff who is respected and who gets gigs on the MSM whilst the other is a working class yob from Luton who’s considered unclean, a pariah and who’s never given gigs on any MSM outlet, even conservative ones like GB News and Talk Radio…well….well….well….as we know the left have been baying for Robinson’s head over the last few days but now, guess what, they’re now baying for Murray’s head too. Overnight, that evil slime bag, Alistair Campbell, the same Alistair Campbell who along with Tony Blair did more than anyone to ruin the UK, is now lobbying UK Plod to arrest Douglas Murray.

You tell me, do we laugh or do we cry now?

I don’t think anything will deter, scare or frighten Douglas Murray, he won’t be silenced, just like I will not be silenced when it comes to rebutting our resident Nazi.

Last night I went to a synagogue Shabbat dinner and a prominent Jewish Australian was a guest. That person spoke well, very well, but remained uber polite and diplomatic. However, among the other guests, I can’t quite describe the seething anger towards Labor and the member for Grayndler and particularly towards Simon’s Skank aka the current member for Wentworth. It was palpable. Let’s hope the skank is gone at the next election.

August 10, 2024 8:40 am

I could read it, no problem.

This concept is ALSO one of the basic tenants of “Speed Reading” by Evelyn Wood and others. Indeed, you don’t need to see all of the word in question but you do need to see the first and last letters.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
August 10, 2024 8:41 am

Record levels of coral across the Great Barrier Reef have been reported for the third year in a row


Global warming predicted this. (And its opposite, but never mind.)

We will all by slashed to bloody ribbons in a coral-ocalypse if the government doesn’t ban our lifestyles now!

Last edited 1 month ago by Mother Lode
August 10, 2024 8:42 am
Cassie of Sydney
August 10, 2024 8:45 am

At the dinner last night were a family of very religious London Jews, here for a family simcha.

We spoke about the soaring Jew hatred across the UK now, they said it is now stratospheric, and he confirmed that it is emanating from the left and Muslims. He confirmed that Jews now avoid central London on the weekend.

Central London, on Shabbat and on Sunday, is now Judenfrei.

I had a long conversation with both of them, but being Shabbat we try and talk about happier stuff. However we did speak about the UK Board of Deputies, an organisation now fully captured by the left, and he was contemptuous. The UK Board of Deputies is simply a far-left outlet, run by UK Labour hacks. It doesn’t speak for the community, who are very, very worried about the future. I mention this only because the other day the resident Nazi, who feigns knowledge but actually knows little (so much for him ‘getting educated) mentioned the Board of Deputies to try and rebut me. He failed to rebut me…..of course because he actually knows little about the state of Jewish communal organisations across the West, whereas I happen to know a lot more. Many of these longstanding communal organisations no longer represent the concerns of Jewish constituents, many have been hijacked by young Jewish activists to push far-left ideology. However there are now many alternative communal organisations who are ready to speak up for us, and they do, they are fearless.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
August 10, 2024 8:46 am

Brittany silenced? I don’t think soFrom the moment she decided to use the media instead of the police and the courts to tell her story, Brittany Higgins has been given extraordinary latitude to say whatever she wishes, whenever she wishes.

Full comment awaiting approval.

August 10, 2024 8:48 am

ATR72 spuds in in Brazil. I travel regularly on it’s rival Bombardier’s Dash-8.

Eyrie or Sancho, even Zatara if you are around any idea what possibly happened here? Stall or something else, couple comments on Blazing catfur point to stabiliser damage:

August 10, 2024 8:52 am

Yes, absolutely. It might have all the information in the world (all that we provide) at it’s disposal in milliseconds but intelligent? Hardly.

There’s Just One Problem: AI Isn’t Intelligent, and That’s a Systemic Risk

August 10, 2024 8:55 am

Just what we need!

A vaccine could keep fresh produce healthier
It could be just me, but Israeli sites seem to be blocking VPNs.

August 10, 2024 8:56 am

On ATR crash, bingo. Ice that the ATR doesn’t handle well. Warning below:

Min altitude
12,000 ft
Max altitude
21,000 ft
Raw data
WSBZ23 SBGL 091925SBBS SIGMET 3 VALID 091930/092330 SBBS – SBBS BRASILIA FIR SEV ICE FCST WI S1809 W05326 – S2020 W05127 – S2220 W04955 – S2307 W04734 – S2338 W04639 – S2314 W04552 – S2248 W04546 – S2140 W04452 – S1804 W05226 – S1809 W05326 FL120/210 STNR NC=

valid from2024-08-09T19:30:00Z
valid to2024-08-09T23:30:00Z

Most comments on Aviation Herald backing this up or another fault of the model feathering prop.

August 10, 2024 9:09 am
eric hinton
eric hinton
August 10, 2024 9:10 am


 August 10, 2024 7:29 am

Bushcraft 101

In this lesson we learn how to get an. axe handle out of the back of the ute.

Cassie of Sydney
August 10, 2024 9:10 am

And in news just in, a bloke by the name of I Man Khelif has won gold!

Are we surprised?

Punching biological females is now an Olympic sporting category.

August 10, 2024 9:17 am
August 10, 2024 9:20 am

Oh, dear…

New Housing and Homelessness Minister Clare O’Neil has promised “profound and transformative” investment to ease the housing crisis.

When pressed for detail she pointed to the Albanese government’s promise to build 1.2 million homes in 5 years.

The problem with that plan is that the number of new builds per year doesn’t keep up with immigration and the government is already 50% behind target. Nobody in the housing industry believes it can be done without pausing mass immigration and addressing the skills shortage.

When asked about declining approvals for new housing she opined that “there is no single solution”, contradicting her earlier statement.

She’s had at least two weeks to get across the details of the portfolio and identify the problems but shows no sign of having done so.

She’s a dud.

Last edited 1 month ago by Roger
August 10, 2024 9:21 am

The buck teeth are the finishing touch.


And a dude won Miss Netherlands 2023

August 10, 2024 9:30 am

Rockdoctor, further to my nested comment on your 8.48am post, yes, it would appear that icing is a prime suspect in the Brazilian ATR72 crash.

But the bigger problem for mining guys like you is you never travel on small, recently invented Third World airlines like Voepass, which is asking for trouble.

Handling problems like the icing of pitot tubes (wing sensors) requires a long track record of success when you have to choose an airline.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
August 10, 2024 9:32 am

John Pike’s book “Vietnam and the Cold War 1945 – 1954” points out that the defeats suffered by the French, along the border with China, in 1950, were of the same magnitude as that suffered at Dien Bien Phu, four years later.Interesting reading.

August 10, 2024 9:37 am

This concept is ALSO one of the basic tenants of “Speed Reading” by Evelyn Wood and others. Indeed, you don’t need to see all of the word in question but you do need to see the first and last letters.

I don’t mean to be a smarty-pants, but there’s an illustration within this paragraph of one the problems with speed reading.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
August 10, 2024 9:44 am

She’s [Clare O’Neil] had at least two weeks to get across the details of the portfolio and identify the problems but shows no sign of having done so.

She’s a dud.

Judgement after only two weeks?
Give the woman a break; she spent two years as Minister for Home Affairs without getting across the portfolio.

In any event, she’s Minister for Homelessness – where would she be without some homeless to minister to?

August 10, 2024 9:47 am

In response to Cassie’s ” communal organisations “, not just Jewish. At the top of the heap, governments. Take Mr 32%, Luigi the Unflushable. He’s only 32% coz no other Liar is in the picture. How many Lying Labor voters would actually vote for the little Turd if they had free choice of candidate for PM like the primaries in the USA?

Titus Groates
Titus Groates
August 10, 2024 9:52 am

Re the ATR crash, the videos are horrifying. Some sort of stall. It looked like part of the tail was missing but on second look I’m not sure. Someone with more expertise than me (I have none) might comment.

I do remember the ATRs had some sort of icing issues in the 90s that caused a few devastating crashes, but i wouldn’t have a clue about the conditions in Brazil. It must have been terrifying for everyone on board.

August 10, 2024 9:54 am

How many Lying Labor voters would actually vote for the little Turd if they had free choice of candidate for PM like the primaries in the USA?

Let’s not forget…Albo was the popular choice of ALP members in their KRudd designed primary in 2013, which is why we were lumped with when Shorten lost the unlosable election in 2019.

Last edited 1 month ago by Roger
August 10, 2024 10:03 am

Our best and brightest:

Fallout from a meeting of roughly 600 students at Sydney University this week continues as it gains global attention.

Source: X

A controversial meeting at Sydney University in which students voted down a motion to condemn terrorist group Hamas and its October 7 attacks and to support the group’s “armed resistance” in pursuit of a single Palestinian state has gained international attention as the university continues to investigate reports about the gathering.

Student activist Freya Leach was one of the only people to speak in condemnation of Hamas at the event, and was jeered and booed loudly throughout her speech, telling Sky News the following day she was “in disbelief” at the scenes that unfolded on Wednesday night at the Student Representative Council’s general meeting.

yahoo! news

Last edited 1 month ago by Roger
August 10, 2024 10:05 am

Watching the “fitba’ Eeels/Panthers on the vision-hire last night &, lo & behold ………….!
The ranga is a grandee (14) and my youngest daughter on his left …

August 10, 2024 10:05 am

Punching biological females is now an Olympic sporting category.

I’m sorry, but there’s no solid scientific way of telling if any biological females were punched by biological males.
According to the organisation which thinks break-dancing is a sport.

Boambee John
Boambee John
August 10, 2024 10:08 am

Great photo in Media Watch Dog this week of David Marr and Richard Ackland, surely a leading competitor for “Men Who Look Like Old Lesbians” of the year.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
August 10, 2024 10:11 am
August 10, 2024 10:14 am

Steyn with a fantastic piece on Judith, the Seekers and Georgy Girl.

Cass – there’s a film clip of the Carnival is Over in there as well.

My favourite Seekers song and clip – Oz at its apotheosis, now long destroyed by the scourge of collectivism.

August 10, 2024 10:22 am
August 10, 2024 10:32 am

In yet more Trump dementia news, he made up a story about how he once took a helicopter ride with Willie Brown who told him some wildly salacious stuff about Kamala Harris, and they almost crashed.

The man he rode with was Jerry Brown, there was no talk of Harris, and the chopper didn’t have any troubles.

Trump made it all up.

Cassie of Sydney
August 10, 2024 10:32 am

Apparently, according to the IOC, my vagina, a vagina I was born with, is not evidence I was born female.

Last edited 1 month ago by Cassie of Sydney
August 10, 2024 10:34 am

Compare and contrast lotocati’s writhing halfwit with this little lady. Forty eight years ago.

August 10, 2024 10:36 am

Since everyone is posting music, here is a suggestion.

Mel Torme singing Donald Fagen’s The Goodbye Look.

August 10, 2024 10:38 am

There is a story in the Mail today of a sheila whining that her son’s school canteen has banned him from ordering lunch. Apparently, junior’s lunch was not received one day so, mummy dearest wrote a particularly nasty screed to said lunch Ladies.
Now she’s whining that she has to make his lunch herself. The AGONY!!!

Also, Elbow has decided that this monstrous saga needs his personal input. gag…

The kicker for me though, there’s a pic of the kid in the article. He is a dead ringer for Bowen! hahahahaha
He will go far. snork.

August 10, 2024 10:43 am
August 10, 2024 10:43 am

Round and round we go…

Albanese facing a pay-grab stampede

Natasha Bita & Sarah Ison, The Australian 9 August, 2024

Nearly 300,000 disability workers will demand taxpayers fund an above-inflation pay rise in the wake of $15bn in wage increases given to childcare and aged-care staff, piling more pressure on the Albanese government’s ability to rein in inflation. As Anthony Albanese locks horns with the Reserve Bank over its warnings that galloping government spending will keep interest rates higher for longer, four unions have joined in a Fair Work Commission application to boost the pay of 270,000 disability workers in the National Disability Insurance Scheme.

Australian Services Union secretary Angus McFarland said the pay rise would need to be higher than inflation – now running at 3.8 per cent – although unions had not yet decided how much to claim. “They deserve a pay ­increase to reflect the fact their work has become more complex, skilled and with more responsibility under the NDIS,’’ he said.

“A quarter of workers are leaving the sector every year and by fixing the pay we can stabilise the workforce.’’

Mr McFarland said disability workers had sought a 5 per cent pay rise last year, but the FWC had granted them 3.75 per cent.

He said the FWC would hear the joint claim from the ASU, the Australian Workers Union, the Health Services Union and the United Workers Union in ­December.

The Albanese government spent $11.1bn last year to directly fund a 15 per cent pay rise for aged-care staff, which kicked in last month.

On Thursday Mr Albanese ­announced a $3.6bn wage subsidy to give 200,000 childcare staff a 10 per cent pay rise in December, with a further 5 per cent rise in ­December 2025.

Despite warnings from the ­Reserve Bank that government spending could fuel inflation and lead to higher interest rates, Mr Albanese defended the childcare pay rise.

He said an ongoing shortage of childcare workers would “damage the entire economy’’.

“Every analysis says that if you continued to underpay workers … people would continue to leave the sector,’’ he said on Friday.

“(Then) people who rely upon dropping their kid off (to a centre) wouldn’t be able to continue in their work.

“The downward spiral in productivity for the economy would be very damaging.’’

The childcare pay rise will lift the starting wage from $24.80 to $27.32 per hour – more than aged-care workers ($25.85 per hour) or retail workers ($26.24).

The minimum pay for dis­ability workers is already $33.41 per hour, thanks to a 23 per cent pay rise granted by the Gillard Labor government 12 years ago.

The minimum wage is $24 per hour, and average earnings are $44 per hour.

NDIS Minister Bill Shorten said that disability support workers “do a very important job and are among the biggest winners out of Labor’s July 1 tax cuts’’.

“I’m aware unions and ­employers are considering wage matters through the FWC and I won’t pre-empt them,’’ he said.

“It should be acknowledged that since Labor came into government, disability support workers’ wages have increased nearly 15 per cent.’’

News of another taxpayer-funded pay push sparked concern from leading economists about increased government spending and the structural deficit now ­facing the nation. Judo Bank chief economist Warren Hogan said that government spending “is rising to its highest levels ever’’.

“Spending increased by over 4 per cent in real terms last year, and this year it’s 3 per cent again,’’ he said.

“So basically, we’re in structural budget deficit, the government is spending more than it makes.

“Government spending as a share of GDP is a record high, and that worries me.

“Are we going down the path of Europe or other countries where we just run deficits and government grows?”

Independent economist Saul Eslake said the structural balance was deteriorating “because this government and previous governments have taken conscious decisions to increase spending and cut taxes’’.

“The tax cut position was actually made by the Morrison government … and this government rejigged it,’’ he said.

“Additionally, in the federal budget, the government consciously decided to increase spending in a range of areas.“

According to the Treasury, the structural budget balance was in deficit in 2023-24 and will be in the red every year until 2034-35.

The structural budget balance moved from a surplus of 0.3 per cent of GDP in 2022-23 to an estimated -0.3, a deficit, in 2023-24 and to -1 as a percentage of GDP in 2024-25 and -1.2 in 2025-26.

Mr Hogan said “big government’’ risked worsening labour shortages in the private sector.

“Certainly in a war of labour shortages, an ever-growing government sector risks crowding out the private sector from the ­labour market and we’ve never even considered that in the past,” he said.

“Businesses will not grow and will not invest, and therefore that’ll limit their ability to generate productivity.”

Mr Eslake blamed state government “spending on infrastructure (using) borrowed money’’ was exacerbating skills shortages in the construction sector.

He said builders were warning that “one of the biggest reasons why housing starts are falling so … short is because they can’t find skilled trades people’’.

“State governments are paying those skilled trades people much more than they can afford to,’’ he said.

Despite concerns that the “care economy’’ wage rises will drain workers out of other low-paid industries such as cleaning, retail and hospitality, the Parenthood chief executive Georgie Dent said childcare was an essential service.

“Early childhood educators need to be turning up and services need to be running so a whole lot of other essential workers can continue in their essential roles,’’ she said.

“We’ve had services closing ­altogether, capping enrolments and closing rooms because they can’t get enough staff.’’

The RBA revealed this week that it now expects public ­demand to increase by 4.3 per cent in the year to December 2024 – nearly double its previous estimate.

Its latest statement on monetary policy said the “stronger outlook on public demand reflects ongoing spending and recent announcements by federal and state and territory governments’’.

Mr Albanese said his government had produced two budget surpluses in a row – “more than our predecessors produced in ­almost a decade’’.

“What (RBA governor) ­Michele Bullock has actually said is that the Reserve Bank’s job is to look after inflation, which it is,’’ he told Nova Perth on Friday.

“The government’s job is to look after inflation, but it’s also to look after people.

“The economy benefits (from the childcare pay rise) because women can go back to work ­earlier, or they might work an extra day or two.

“That is how you design economic policy in a way that helps people but also puts that downward pressure on inflation.’’

August 10, 2024 10:45 am
August 10, 2024 10:48 am

But after staff rumbled his attempt to get Jaxon his favourite meal of butter chicken, they told his mum he’d face a ban too if he did it again.

Butter chicken?

Holy cow! Times have changed. Not a devon and sauce sandwich? Sausage roll? Meat pie?

Next it will be foie gras with a side of beluga caviar.

August 10, 2024 10:51 am
August 10, 2024 10:55 am

Met Police Commissioner Mark Rowley told reporters

“We will throw the full force of the law at people. And whether you’re in this country committing crimes on the streets or committing crimes from further afield online, we will come after you.”

When pushed on how to handle “keyboard warriors” that may be located in a different country, Rowley said, “Being a keyboard warrior does not make you safe from the law.”

“You can be guilty of offenses of incitement, of stirring up racial hatred, there are numerous terrorist offensives regarding the publishing of material.”

“All those offenses are in play, if people are provoking hatred and violence on the streets. And we will come after those individuals just as we will physically confront on the streets, the folks and the (indistinguishable) who are causing problems for communities.”

Psst. Mark, “incitement and stirring up racial hatred” aren’t terrorist offenses you progressive Stalinist jackbooted thug. If they were your jails would already be full of local jihadi terrorists.

But, according to you the long arm of UK law is going to come after anyone who posts things you don’t like no matter where they are from?
Good luck with that mate.

August 10, 2024 10:57 am

KAREN ZERO, has been discovered.

Toby Rogers @uTobian
A bat flies into a lady’s house in North Carolina (@BelleBoggs). After a short time the bat flies away.

Crazy lady and her husband then:

* Consult the CDC website

* Call their health care after-hours line

* Call the county animal control center that sends an officer out in 10 minutes to inspect the house (officer finds nothing and writes a report to the county public health department)



* Pay “$600 E.R. copays with heftier hospital bills to come” ???


Crazy lady then:

* Writes an Op Ed for the @nytimes on how Donald Trump would destroy the administrative state (that makes her beloved hypochondria possible).

* Concludes the Op Ed by saying that she’s supporting Kamala Harris because “I live in the United States of America — land of bats, land of doctors, land of public health — and that’s worth fighting for.” ?

* The geniuses at the @nytimes then publish her piece in the Sunday Opinion Section read by millions. ?

My reflections on this piece:

* Vaccines in general and Covid in particular broke the brains of progressives.

* These people are now completely insane.

* You do not need a rabies shot if you happen to see a bat.

* Hypochondria is a serious mental illness; @BelleBoggs needs psychological counseling not rabies shots.

* Articles like this convince of the urgent need to abolish the administrative state.

* The grifters in public health need to stop taking advantage of crazy Democrats who are not thinking straight.

August 10, 2024 11:16 am

Maggie Haberman from the NYT now reporting Trump is doubling down on his sundowning episode:

NEW: In an angry phone call nearly two hours ago as he contended with airplane mechanical issues, Trump insisted to the Times he has records from a bad helicopter landing with Willie Brown that Brown says never happened, and threatened to sue the paper

When asked to see the records, Trump responded mockingly, in a sing-song, childlike voice, repeating the question

Trump previously described the alleged Willie Brown helicopter incident, in Trump’s 2023 book “Letters to Trump,” meaning yesterday wasn’t the first time he’s told the story.

In a real political party that wasn’t a personality cult, this embarrassment, which looks like it might blow up into a multi-day story, would kill off a candidacy. The GOP don’t have a Pelosi figure with the power to tap Trump on the shoulder and get him to listen.

Last edited 1 month ago by m0nty
August 10, 2024 11:16 am

There it is:

Top Ender
 August 10, 2024 7:38 am

A very odd article in the Oz about a very odd situation in the NT:
Alice Springs principal Gavin Morris warned of cops’ inaction, days before his shock arrest

Some poor bastard trying to control out of control wampum whoopers who have been running amuck for years is now facing jail time because he tried to physically control the brats who were stealing and crashing buses, breaking windows and attacking folk with weapons. This country is rooted.

August 10, 2024 11:25 am

Greetings fellow kids!
I have a weeks-long battle with our good friends the NBN.
A tale of woe in the country: every time I go to Mums house the internet is out and I spend a few hours getting it working whether for me or other family. NBN 3G, its just beside a small town but the mobile phone tower is 5 km away on the highway. So after weeks trying to get a refund for awful service I scrapped the service entirely. Now we will go back to steam telephony, probably with a manual operator if Telstra is up to their usual.
Meanwhile, the 4G internet at my crib (:::-) is very unreliable, dropping out for longtime and I hateses it. So I called up the same people as before and ASKED for NBN, fibre to the kerb.
As I ended the call, my electrician was finishing up. Turned out he used my Telstra wall socket to put in a switch for the fan! So weeks later I got the NBN, sourced the NBN box and a day or two of messing its looking good!
Before I got: 21 Mbps download, 2.18 Mbps upload.
Now I get: 42 Mbps download, 21.2 Mbps upload.
Feels like i’m winning. We will seel

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
August 10, 2024 11:29 am


Voepass #8203 ATR-72 Loss of Control Sao Paulo Brazil 9 Aug 2024

August 10, 2024 11:39 am

Tampon Tim and stolen valor probably not the best words to describe a VP candidate.

John Hindraker from Powerline has certainly given lots of interviews / information about Waltz based on article he just put up.

August 10, 2024 11:39 am
I don’t normally share stuff like this, but just how brainwashed must a man be to turn up to an interview like this?

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
August 10, 2024 11:59 am

Israeli strike kills senior Hamas commander in south LebanonAFP
1 hours ago


An Israeli strike on a vehicle in the south Lebanon city of Sidon on Friday killed a Hamas commander, the Palestinian militant group and the Israeli military said.
It is the first strike of its kind in Sidon since Hamas launched its October 7 attack on Israel, triggering war in Gaza and prompting its Lebanese ally Hezbollah to begin trading near-daily cross-border fire with the Israeli army in a bid to tie down its troops.
Hamas said in a statement that its “commander” Samer al-Hajj was killed “in a Zionist strike in the city of Sidon”.
In a separate statement, the group’s armed wing, the Ezzedine al-Qassam Brigades, called Hajj a “field commander”, saying his death was an “assassination”.
A Lebanese security source said “an Israeli strike targeted a Hamas movement security official from the Ain al-Helweh camp while he was inside his vehicle in the city of Sidon.” The source requested anonymity as they were not authorised to speak to the media.
Ain al-Helweh and other refugee camps were created for Palestinians who were driven out or fled during the 1948 war that accompanied Israel’s creation.
The Israeli military said that its aircraft struck the Sidon area and “eliminated” Hajj, whom it identified as “a senior commander” for Hamas in Lebanon.
It said Hajj “was responsible for advancing terror attacks and projectile launches from Lebanon toward Israeli territory”, and that he was “the military forces’ commander in the Ain al-Helweh camp… and was responsible for the recruitment and training” of operatives.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
August 10, 2024 12:04 pm

I see the Algerian bloke won the Olympic women’s boxing gold medal.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
August 10, 2024 12:04 pm

Ready to go.

SpaceX @SpaceX

Flight 5 Starship and Super Heavy are ready to fly, pending regulatory approval. Additional booster catch testing and Flight 6 vehicle testing is planned while waiting for clearance to fly

6:52 AM · Aug 9, 2024

There you go, Elon’s rocket is again waiting for FAA to approve the launch. Frigging bureaucrats.

H B Bear
H B Bear
August 10, 2024 12:06 pm

I didn’t do much travelling but did visit Monet’s garden on a day trip from Paris. Left at 7am and beat the bus crowds. Walked into the little village for a duck confit salad for lunch in the sun. The garden was a bit past its summer prime but a magnificent day.

August 10, 2024 12:30 pm

In Latest Bond Film, 007 Tasked With Taking Down 83-Year-Old British Grandma Who Shared Inaccurate Meme
The Bee

55 y o Merseyside woman arrested for ‘spreading false information’ about Southport attacker’s identity
The Telegraph

Last edited 1 month ago by Roger
August 10, 2024 12:50 pm

Instead of asking people to prove a negative, why not tell us exactly where you think he’s right?

August 10, 2024 12:52 pm

Do I go get a twitter account and bait this richardhead full of his own importance? I feel like it, I am never going to be in a British or British Overseas Territory ever in my life and I don’t think short of death threats that the Australian or even most overseas authorities would even spend any time on with how every country is busy with internal matters.

WTF really?

August 10, 2024 1:03 pm

Boambee John

August 10, 2024 12:53 pm

Reply to  Knuckle Dragger

That’s one small step for a man, one giant leap backwards for women.

This doesn’t apply to all sheilas, obviously. For the past decades, women have been on the bandwagon, dissing men and demanding more power and influence. Okay, now that they “have it all,” let them sort this out.
For this bloke to win the female boxing medal, ask why women got into the ring with him in the first place, as they knew they would get a beating. They could have boycotted the entire event.

August 10, 2024 1:12 pm

Lots of heat about Keating’s remarks on Australia’s security arrangement but where is he actually wrong?

I don’t think he’s wrong per se in terms of what our national interests in the region are, but he’s conveniently ignoring 82 years of history.

At what point in our history since the fall of Singapore were we capable of defending our nation and its approaches and trade routes without an alliance with the US?

We should have been working towards that goal but we didn’t, not even in the Hawke-Keating years.

August 10, 2024 1:23 pm

This Walz imbecile was voted governor of his state – Minnesota. The stuff coming out about his lies about service, cowardly behavior and stolen valor has been around for a long time. He been elected twice!

Wasn’t this known before and if so why didn’t it make a dent? If it didn’t make a dent then, why would it in the presidential election?

August 10, 2024 1:37 pm

The press seem to be awfully quiet about the anti-minority violence (especially against Hindus) in Bangladesh.

Last edited 1 month ago by vr
August 10, 2024 1:45 pm

Well, you’re shifting the burden of proof on others, and away from yourself, demanding people defend the negative (what’s wrong), so it is. But in any event let me ask you what you think is right about his position.

Colonel Crispin Berka
Colonel Crispin Berka
August 10, 2024 1:47 pm


“Then he turned around and I f*cking dropped, and I started f*cking, I was calling out, ‘Bro, f*cking on top of the roof.’ F*cking, we’re not on the same frequency?”

Can anyone find the quoted sentence in the actual audio?

It does read as though people who may need to be able to communicate in an emergency were not on the same radio frequency channel. Another stuff-up to add to the list.

And why is the first 1:38s of audio missing? It’s only the most important part, ffs.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
August 10, 2024 1:55 pm

Forever a classic.


???????? – ?????? ????? – ?? ?????????? – ???????? ????? ????

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
August 10, 2024 1:57 pm

Skyhooks horror movie 

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
August 10, 2024 1:57 pm

Brittany Higgins silenced? I don’t think so
From the Oz – comments have gone down the “memory hole.”

August 10, 2024 2:04 pm

Yikes! My apologies for that ginormous address line.

August 10, 2024 2:10 pm

Just because it’s Saturday, and because we all need something pleasant to contemplate…here’s today’s sanity saver.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
August 10, 2024 2:10 pm

Skyhooks – Horror Movie- 4K Remastered – Official Video 1974.

August 10, 2024 2:18 pm

Calli — I saw a horrific video on @AGHamilton29 ‘s twtr feed. Couldn’t stomach it.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
August 10, 2024 2:35 pm

you have to go hunting to find out what’s happening in Bangladesh.

Breitbart has had some stories.

Hindu Homes and Temples Vandalized in Bangladesh After Prime Minister’s Ouster (7 Aug)

The Bangladeshi Hindu Buddhist Christian Unity Council (BHBCUC) said on Tuesday that hundreds of Hindu homes, businesses, and temples have been vandalized since Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina was forced out of office by protesters over the weekend.

RoP being the RoP again.

August 10, 2024 2:35 pm

Calli—thanks for the link to the art website. Some great works on there. I like this one.

August 10, 2024 2:55 pm

Oh God! I have to share this!
Must add, if you have watched “Quantum Leap”, you will et it even more. Also, make sure the sound is on. Only 16 seconds.

August 10, 2024 2:59 pm
August 10, 2024 3:04 pm

You can tune a piano but you can’t tune a…….

comment image

Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
August 10, 2024 3:09 pm


Dame Edna one of her best Michael Parkinson couldn’t hold it together:

August 10, 2024 3:11 pm

The Gimp’s Performace Evaluation.
All of the above.

comment image

August 10, 2024 3:16 pm

Whoever posted that Wesley Winter doco on the Nottingham protests thanks.

1h2m but was very interesting seeing different policing method in the north and agitators trying to infiltrate the crowds. Also a guy masked of course touting for lawyers supporting the left side if arrested that I feel is an ongoing issue in all countries of the west.

August 10, 2024 3:21 pm

Some interesting names in the womens’ water polo team: Kearns and Halligan.

With those dads they were never going to be artistic swimmers.

It is surprising that there is not a Roach or a Hall. I can just imagine Barry coaching the girls.

August 10, 2024 3:33 pm

The Bangladeshi Hindu Buddhist Christian Unity Council (BHBCUC)…

Who are they concerned about?


August 10, 2024 3:52 pm
August 10, 2024 3:53 pm

Thoughts on our top rated “breaker” Ray Gunn.

My thinking is how is it that she is the best in the country ? Surely there are plenty of others who know the moves and much better.

August 10, 2024 4:50 pm

They will progressively turn us into their forward operations area in a fight between themselves and China in a fight that isn’t in our interests.

DB I am surprised you think there will be an actual “fight”. The way the world is going the US will be too preoccupied to take on a major conflict in the Pacific.

On the hand, I cant see any invasion by China. They simply wouldn’t need to invade. Terms would be agreed to & bingo…we are a vassal state to China supplying all that they want in terms of mineral and agricultural products…..

August 10, 2024 4:54 pm

BTW I think that Keating is an old s–t.

And another thing ……amazing how Burgess was restored to the inner security council meetings after he hinted about those he knew had cosied up to China.

August 10, 2024 4:59 pm

“I believe it is fluids. Info starting to appear on the internet”
Nick Coatesworth has been talking about the Australian IV shortage on twitter the last three days.
Hospitals have been trying to avoid giving iv fluids.

Last edited 1 month ago by Rosie
August 10, 2024 4:59 pm

Which peer enemy? Our Navy and Air Force would be sufficient to deter any threats.
China isn’t being particularly antagonistic. 

That is not what the late Jim Molan outlined in his prescient book, “Danger on our Doorstep”. Even old Lefties like Peter Hartcher (“Red Zone”) & Clive Hamilton (“Hidden Hand”) think that China represents a clear and present danger to the free world.

Last edited 1 month ago by Vicki
Barking Toad
Barking Toad
August 10, 2024 5:00 pm

BTW I think that Keating is an old s–t

Bad spelling Vicki. It’s C–T

August 10, 2024 5:01 pm

You won’t get tired of watching this;


Some people just don’t know when to walk away .

August 10, 2024 5:20 pm

The ABC have been running tinged clothes articles forever.
So many kilos to landfill. Second hand clothing mountains in South America. Second hand clothing destroying local production in Ghana. Opp shops don’t make any difference. Evil brands like Shein and Temu also ruining the second hand market.
Iirc the mantra is you should be only allowed three new pieces of clothing per annum.

August 10, 2024 5:30 pm

I’ve simply asked for people to point out what they think is wrong.

It’s not exactly an open and straight-forward question, is it? It’s not as though it was difficult to glean the direction you’re coming from after your previous posts on China.

That isn’t asking them to ‘prove’ anything, let alone ‘prove the negative’ because that isn’t proving something is wrong but that something didn’t happen.

You’re asking “what’s wrong,” and without putting your position forward, you’re placing the burden on others to prove their position to you. It’s asking to prove a negative.
Jeez louise. It takes you sometimes three days (one time a week) to respond to comments—well, after the conversation has become stale and one has to go back to reexamine the most minute points you raise. You’re not exactly speedy Gonzales when it comes to this, and you want a quick reply? Seriously?

Anyway, he’s right that the bargain is far more favorable to the US than it is to us. They will progressively turn us into their forward operations area in a fight between themselves and China in a fight that isn’t in our interests.

He couldn’t be more wrong. We’re dealing with a fascist nation that has had around 14 wars and serious border skirmishes post-World War II, frequently making threats and insisting a sovereign nation belongs to the CCP. It insists an important waterway is theirs and bullies its neighbors continuously. It’s growing its navy at a rapid rate, and you expect us to take the CCP at their word—that they have peaceful intentions. They broke the agreement to keep Hong Kong as a separate political entity.
You expect Australia to do away with its most important alliance and credit the CCP with peaceful, non-threatening intentions.
Would you have said the same thing about Germany’s annexations in the 1930s, before the war began in earnest?

August 10, 2024 5:30 pm

Dickless oozes:

Maggie Haberman from the NYT now reporting Trump is doubling down on his sundowning episode:

NYT stands for New York Turds. You just watch, tomorrow it will be Trump has lied about having dandruff. This is how this campaign is going to go: lies and bullshit and phony scandals. Salient demorat slime facts:

Cackles rooted willie to get ahead.
Willie was a corrupt bigwig in californication
When cackles moved on from him willie was displeased
Trump had dealings with willie as he did with most of the US
Trump was on a helicopter in the early 1990s which almost crashed
Nat holden is another californication demorat bigwig who is now claiming it was him not willie with Trump on the helicopter which almost crashed

Who gives a rat’s arse. Willie and nat are demorat shitheads and along with the NYT will lie and seek to confuse the punters.

One thing is certain no one has rooted dickless to get a head. Get it?

August 10, 2024 5:40 pm

Our Navy and Air Force would be sufficient to deter any threats.

Restricting access to our important sea-lanes. Are you dreaming we have a 400 ship navy?

China isn’t being particularly antagonistic.

They’re nasty and aggressive throughout the region, and there’s no reason to believe this will change with the CCP. Other than a couple of islands spotted across the Pacific, the only country siding with the CCP is north Korea (and Russia :-). That’s a tell in itself.

The entire problem is the difficulty of extricating ourselves out of an existing relationship with the US where the latter would make it difficult.

You see it as a problem, whereas people see it as a security blanket and happy to remain that way.

Last edited 1 month ago by JC
August 10, 2024 5:42 pm

Iirc the mantra is you should be only allowed three new pieces of clothing Mao suits per annum.

I fixes it.

August 10, 2024 5:49 pm

Got asked today whether the Russians believe in Global Warming. My guess was no. Why, because if they did it would be plastered all over the ABC and Guardian etc. Also, I seem to recall reading that the Russians have some of the top astrophysicists in the world and have long term expertise in studying the influence of the planets on earth. Anyone here care to help as this came from a house guest and it will come back at breakfast.

August 10, 2024 5:51 pm

It is interesting watching Starmer attacking the Kulaks (anybody with savings, thus middle class) as well as the treasonous working class who refuse to accept the barbarian invasion.

But he very carefully avoids any criticism of the upper class who enabled his election by destroying the Conservatives. He well understands that the upper class/corporate class share his class bigoteries and hatred of anyone capable of independant living, but he also knows that they are capable of crushing him and his third eleven ministeries. Liz Truss was a warning.

Our very own Starmer wannabe must be wetting himself with joy over Labour’s plans to destroy personal wealth. He won’t propose it himself but his mates the Greens will and he will be forced to go ahead through “community demand”.

Top Ender
Top Ender
August 10, 2024 5:59 pm

The ABC have been running tinged clothes articles forever.

There was a series called The War on Waste they ran some years back.

The compere was the so-called comedian Craig Reucassel.

Was fairly predictable but there were some standout bits. One was the big supermarkets rejecting bananas unless they were “bent enough” – the bananas not the supermarkets.

Another was a posse of young Melbourne ladies who admitted buying about 50 items of clothes a year, and not even wearing some before they tossed them. Apparently it’s de rigeur to throw out your clothes from last year as the fashions change.

Me, I have a few shirts from 30 years back, although Mrs TE goes on raiding expeditions sometimes without warning, so they are an endangered species.

Cassie of Sydney
August 10, 2024 6:04 pm

UK journalist Ian Haworth (not Jewish)….

No Jews, no news
Me too, except for Jews
Bring back our girls, unless they are Jews
Believe all women, unless they’re Jewish women

This is the double standard of anti-Semitism, that guarantees Jews will always lose

If you look at history…

Jews have been too poor, Jew have been too rich
Jews have been too religious, Jews have not been religious enough
Jews don’t assimilate, Jews assimilate too much
Jews have been stateless, then they have a state
Jews are lazy, Jews are way too successful
Jews are capitalists, Jews are communists

Jews can’t win.

Last edited 1 month ago by Cassie of Sydney
Cassie of Sydney
August 10, 2024 6:13 pm

I buy too many clothes and shoes.

August 10, 2024 6:17 pm

I buy too much craft fabric.

I bet I win by weight of stuff! 😀

August 10, 2024 6:18 pm

Cassie of Sydney

August 10, 2024 6:13 pm

I buy too many clothes and shoes.

Wifey goes with the old NYC adage, it’s a mortal sin to ever pay full retail. She buys a lot of her crap online during the end of season sales in the northern hem.

Cassie of Sydney
August 10, 2024 6:19 pm

Me, I have a few shirts from 30 years back, although Mrs TE goes on raiding expeditions sometimes without warning, so they are an endangered species.

I’m reminded of a Seinfeld episode, where George and Kramer hock George’s father’s old shirts.

August 10, 2024 6:26 pm

The Canadian Soviet has spoken. Free thinking is forbidden.

Reaction to Supreme Court of Canada Ruling and Mandated Re-Education

August 10, 2024 6:28 pm
August 10, 2024 6:29 pm

If the Eurotrash Court of “human rights” still has authority over Britain, Brexit was never really accomplished. The establishment continues to reveal its true self. Where’s the pathetic excuse of a king btw?

August 10, 2024 6:36 pm
August 10, 2024 6:47 pm

Another thing that pisses me off about the modern yookay and its open borders is that I had forbears who risked their lives in WWI and WWII. Yet Dad and I would get entry for three months with no recourse to welfare. Turn up uninvited and get free everything. How fuked can you get?

August 10, 2024 6:47 pm

Where’s the pathetic excuse of a king btw?

Dunno, but his dhimi son and DIL (with hijab) were seen bending a knee at the local terrorist cell aka mosque.

August 10, 2024 6:47 pm

Young women and teenagers have been the biggest consumers of fashion clothing since forever.
From empire to crinoline to flapper to mini.
Followed closely by young men, who now wears doublet and hose?
I remember reading years ago teenagers buying a new item on average, every two weeks.

August 10, 2024 6:48 pm

Odious morons.

August 10, 2024 6:52 pm

People who say Wills is somehow acceptable unlike his repulsive brother are kidding themselves. If globull warming keeps him awake at night he’s part of the problem.

August 10, 2024 6:58 pm

Musk having rhetorically asked “Why does the UK media, with a few exceptions, just parrot the government?” this week, Mr Farage responded and observed: “it’s dead simple… When everyone gets together with groupthink”.

The prevailing view is open borders at all costs, even if arrivals don’t speak the language or share the culture, and in spite of the clearly detrimental impact on the younger generations who can’t get housing as the population booms, he said.

Mr Farage continued: “You see for them to ever admit — all of them, the Conservative, Labour Parties and mainstream media — to admit they got it wrong would be to go against the world view they have held for decades. They believe they are ‘be kind’, lovely people. And anyone that believes in borders, culture, community, country, are somehow the bad dudes… It is groupthink, it is refusal to accept they’ve got it horribly, horrible wrong as we’ve seen on the streets of our country this week.”

Farage: Establishment Media Parroting Government is Groupthink (

August 10, 2024 6:58 pm

Yesterday my tourist homework was the Hunt museum.
The Hunts were antique dealers and amateur archelogists who moved England to Ireland in 1940.
I presume because Mrs Hunt was German though they didn’t say.
Experts on this and that they donated their personal collection to Ireland in 1976.
It’s quite amazing with ‘museum quality’ pieces from all over the world from pre history to the present.
Not a single piece is publically provenanced though there is a suggestion that one South American piece is controversial.
I love knowing the history of items so that was disappointing, though not at all surprising.
Some of the Irish stuff is bog finds. They have a Picasso poster from 1899, when he bothered to make real artistic effort and a Renoir watercolour in a drawer.
There is also some nice English/Irish medieval stained glass that someone must have saved from the destruction of Henry 8 and Cromwell.
Worth a visit should you ever land in Limerick.

Not Uh oh
Not Uh oh
August 10, 2024 7:06 pm

The women’s water polo final on later tonight. I wish them well but geez, it’s about as exciting as break-dancing. Let’s get lawn bowls in for Brisbane.

Not Uh oh
Not Uh oh
August 10, 2024 7:10 pm

Hey Dover, what is it about my very mild and infrequent comments that puts them in the ‘waiting for approval’, basket? Cross my heart and spit, I won’t say anything naughty.

August 10, 2024 7:16 pm

Annelise Nielsen is a kunt.

August 10, 2024 7:20 pm


 August 10, 2024 6:47 pm

Where’s the pathetic excuse of a king btw?

Dunno, but his dhimi son and DIL

What is it about royalty that they inevitably, at the end, spend their time and effort attempting to placate the revolutionaries who anlways intend to murder them?
And shit all over those who might be expected to be loyal?
They really need a good, hard history lesson on all their various great aunties and uncles who ended up shot, beheaded or bayoneted by revolutionaries.
History repeats because people are stupid.

Last edited 1 month ago by Arky
August 10, 2024 7:25 pm

It has to be Alicia though.


Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
August 10, 2024 7:26 pm

I’ve been trying to keep up with the threads, but I have a lot on my plate right now. Might have to start missing a few pages more often. Guess that happens to everyone at some time. Let me know if anything I link has been up already.

August 10, 2024 7:29 pm

History repeats because people are stupid.

They are so cock sure of their own invulnerability , they end up dismissing the hatred they inspire over years and meet their end, so richly deserved. These stupid stupid Royals should not be picking sides but giving it to their Govt to dial down the state violence and attending to the cause- the fkg Govt traitors waving the violent rapey shitholers into their communities.

August 10, 2024 7:33 pm
Steve trickler
Steve trickler
August 10, 2024 7:34 pm

August 10, 2024 6:26 pm

The Canadian Soviet has spoken. Free thinking is forbidden.
Reaction to Supreme Court of Canada Ruling and Mandated Re-Education


Oh, to be a fly on the wall when they try that. He’ll end up re-educating them.

August 10, 2024 7:37 pm

Still, William can expect that before they dispatch him, they’ll make him convert.
So that whole process should take some months and give him time to reflect appropriately.
Maybe he can do a tic toc or YouTube on the whole situation “This Changes Everything! We Converted and Now They Want us to Marry A Dozen Chicks! 5 minutes ago” With one of those open mouthed, shocked face thumbnails.

August 10, 2024 7:38 pm

Now the Queen has gone, I have no good will towards to Saxe-Coburg tampons whatsoever.

Last edited 1 month ago by Miltonf
August 10, 2024 7:51 pm

They really need a good, hard history lesson on all their various great aunties and uncles who ended up shot, beheaded or bayoneted by revolutionaries.

Yep. If Chilla “the tampon” Big Ears the First was blessed with a brain, he’d wake up every morning profusely thanking some non-existent deity he hadn’t (yet) gone the same way as the Bourbons and the Romanoffs.

You don’t get to lecture us peons as though you’re some sun king, you f*cking arrogant inbred knobhead.

That way Madame Defarge awaits. 🙂

August 10, 2024 7:52 pm

August 10, 2024 10:21 am

Reply to  132andBush

There has not been an actual baying Marxist mob existing in the real world since the 1970s. You lot do say some silly things.

I did grow up in the country, and yes there were a lot of racists around the place. My family was not racist – although one of my grandfathers had a few views on Italians and Japanese earned in the war that died with him.

The best counter to racism is education in the humanities. There, you can choose to learn about philosophy and ethics, and how everyone should be treated respectfully. Of course the other best counter to racism is religion, if you choose to learn its humble lessons of morality, rather than using it as a shield to reinforce your own selfish desires.

Your schoolyard level of moral logic suggests you never educated yourself beyond the philosophical treatises of Ben Garrison.

The leaders of BLM are confessed “trained marxists” and what they unleashed on the US was nothing short of baying marxist mobs. Police and ordinary citizens killed, some of them because they owned a business (of course making them a member of the oppressor class). These are the sort of people who come for conservative voices.

It doesn’t matter where you grow up there a racist people, it seems you were in a hotbed of it. It certainly rubbed off, and if not overt racism you certainly exhibit more than average levels of intolerance for people “not like you or of your ideas”.

The best counter to racism is education in the humanities. There, you can choose to learn about philosophy and ethics, and how everyone should be treated respectfully.

I can’t comment on this and will have to take your educated word for it.
All I know is if a person is acting like a cock-head then they are acting like a cock-head whether they be black, white, yellow or red. It would seem you require an “education” to work that out rather than some basic moral judgement. Each to his own I suppose.

Your schoolyard level of moral logic suggests you never educated yourself beyond the philosophical treatises of Ben Garrison.

Because I’m uneducated I’m not sure what this means. Was it meant as a zinger?
I’m not sure, but one thing I do know is it would be a waste of time to get into a moralistic pi$$ing contest with someone who can’t define what a Fascist is but slings the term around anyway as a slur on those he disagrees with.

August 10, 2024 8:00 pm

The troll’s a nasty piece of work. Haughty and condescending yet seven days ago was trawling for sympathy.

August 10, 2024 8:07 pm
August 10, 2024 8:22 pm

Given the Tucker‘s indefatigable investigation of the Nixon imbroglio coup d’etat contretemps, Cats – it’s time to go back to when heroes weren’t zeroes* and the American public finally regained its senses


August 10, 2024 8:28 pm

The Ottoman American Empire.
The above article in Tablet magazine is admittedly about ten days old, so no doubt others have posted it. After reading just the first dozen or so paragraphs though, I’m thinking ‘What the …? REALLY?

I don’t know what to make of this, but if there is a skerrick of truth in it … Wow. Just wow.

August 10, 2024 8:30 pm

There can be no shortage unless the price is constrained by the State. Clearly the TGA agreed pricing is not globally competitive, so we are left to import fluids from second choice manufacturers (i.e. from places where the inhabitants eat with their hands) until the next round of price negotiations.

TGA would rather have shortages of vital materials than have their price setting power revealed to be impotent in the face of global inflation.

August 10, 2024 8:32 pm

I need to stop reading these things…

Qatar Is Responsible For Khalid Sheikh Mohammad’s 2,977 Murders On 9/11 – That Are Only Some Of 31 Attacks And Plots That He Outlined In His Own Confession.
Again, old and likely repetitious, but important.

The (Western) world is so ferked.

Cassie of Sydney
August 10, 2024 8:45 pm

There has not been an actual baying Marxist mob existing in the real world since the 1970s. You lot do say some silly things.

Crikey, I can’t stop laughing at the Nazi’s imbecility.

August 10, 2024 9:01 pm

My favourite Paul McC song

August 10, 2024 9:04 pm

On a upbeat note…The Kingsman is on Netflix

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
August 10, 2024 9:11 pm

Rather grim statistic from John Pike’s book on Vietnam and the Cold War – of 11,000 French prisoners captured at Dien Bien Phu, seventy percent died on the march, or in captivity. The survivors were released after four months in captivity.

Of, and of the French garrison, twenty six percent were members of the Foreign Legion – circa 70 % of those were German.

August 10, 2024 9:22 pm

Richmond Valentine

The Jackson’s greatest ever role?

Others of note:
Jules Winnfield
Mace Window

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
August 10, 2024 9:26 pm

 August 10, 2024 8:48 am

ATR72 spuds in in Brazil. I travel regularly on it’s rival Bombardier’s Dash-8.

Eyrie or Sancho, even Zatara if you are around any idea what possibly happened here?

Ice could be an issue.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
August 10, 2024 9:39 pm

When people are talking about “an IV shortage”, what do they actually mean?
Infusion solutions?

August 10, 2024 9:56 pm

“The best counter to racism is”
And calling your grandfather’s war related antipathy to and distrust of Japanese and Italians racism is nonsense.
They were the enemy and the Japanese treatment of war prisoners including civilians particulary worthy of condemnation.

August 10, 2024 10:00 pm

Australian prejudices, as these things go, are benign in comparison to those exhibited overseas.
Right now in Bangladesh muslims (again) are raping and murdering Hindus.
These are the ingrained, practically unsolvable prejudices we should be concerned about.

August 10, 2024 10:03 pm

I’ve finished the Elizabeth George, as a whodunit it’s somewhat weak but as an American looking at Pakistani culture in the UK, ouch.
She tries to paint the patriach as the true muslim, but really the son is the archetype.
I don’t think that book would be written today.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
August 10, 2024 10:06 pm

Starmer is crushing the UK Far Right with expedited justice; nicked, beak, bollocking, bin – all within a few days.

Speed is of the essence.

Keir Starmer praised the “robust and swift response” of the criminal justice system, saying judges should “send a very powerful message to anybody involved, either directly or online, that you are likely to be dealt with within a week”.

Identities and details of offenders are published prior to trial and publicly denounced as Far Right criminals as they are convicted. Part of the process.

Dealt with within a week”. It’s what you can expect if you want to get involved with violent protest, you Nasty scum.

Except if you happen to be Ricky Jones, Labour councillor and union organiser, and have stood up in front of a mob and (with gestures) called for Far Right throats to be cut.

If you are lucky enough to be Ricky, you find yourself remanded in custody until a pre-trial preparation hearing on 6 September.

In preparation for a ‘figure of speech’ guilty plea, leading to a ‘You have disgraced yourself, and have suffered significantly as a result…’ community service order.

Jaswant Narwal, the chief crown prosecutor for the Crown Prosecution Service – London North, said:

“He has been arrested and charged within 48 hours, and will now appear at Westminster magistrates court this afternoon. We remind all concerned that criminal proceedings are active and that he has the right to a fair trial.

“It is extremely important that there should be no reporting, commentary, or sharing of information online which could in any way prejudice these proceedings.”

This will not play well.

Technical Note: There is no such thing as two tier justice in the UK. Anyone even suggesting or implying this obviously deserves condign punishment.

August 10, 2024 10:07 pm

EMI capitalised on Bush’s appearance by promoting The Kick Inside with a poster of her in a tight pink top which emphasised her ample boosage

Thus gaining her many, many millions more fans …

The Goil

The Movie Star

The Siren

August 10, 2024 10:09 pm

Crying racism when people distrust x or y group is also inherently illogical.
If you have been home invaded by Sudanese youth you are going to be wary of Sudanese youth at your door and most likely not want much to do with Sudanese in general.
If muslim men have sexually abused your daughters, you’re going to have issues with muslim men hanging around young girls of English descent and so on, especially when the muslim community excuse justify and cover up the behaviour.

Cassie of Sydney
August 10, 2024 10:28 pm

They were the enemy and the Japanese treatment of war prisoners including civilians particulary worthy of condemnation.

Quite so, not to mention the Nanking massacres and rapes.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
August 10, 2024 10:37 pm

Sancho Panzer
August 10, 2024 9:26


Juan has a good prelim on it.


Voepass #8203 ATR-72 Loss of Control Sao Paulo Brazil 9 Aug 2024

August 10, 2024 10:54 pm

Prejudice and discrimination are frequently conflated.
Having a prejudicial attitude towards an individual or group (or type of music/food/holiday destination/sporting team, etc.) comes as a result of a variety of factors, including your own life experience.
Discrimination is when you ACT on your prejudices, and deny an individual or group employment, housing, financial assistance (bank loans), etc.

‘Racism’ used to be when one’s prejudices were acted out detrimentally to someone on account of their racial or ethnic origin.
Now a racist is any person of western European/Caucasian heritage.

We’ve been programmed to believe that we (meaning our social betters) can control the thoughts of each individual; categorise them into ‘Acceptable’ or ‘Unacceptable’ depending upon the tribe they belong to, and apply the desired sanction.

What an utter waste of effort and energy.

August 10, 2024 11:11 pm

Make up of Hiden’s votes.

81 million votes, 58 percent of which were mail-in ballots harvested on his behalf,

Kamaltoe could reach 90 million.

Who’s behind it?

He the People. How Barack Obama ended normalcy in American politics

Last edited 1 month ago by JC
1 2 3
  1. I just waved good bye to my compasion when I flushed. Yes, I’m awful. I blame the Jews. 🙂

  2. Some more brilliant comments. Forgot to add earlier, these are under a Mail article. “All their future messaging will be…

  3. Her “I’m a victim, where is the calm and reasoned dialogue” response was so idiotic that it was heart warming.…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x