Open Thread – Mon 26 Aug 2024

View of Constantinople by evening light, Ivan Aivazovsky, 1846

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August 26, 2024 12:10 am


August 26, 2024 12:12 am


August 26, 2024 1:04 am


Top Ender
Top Ender
August 26, 2024 2:47 am

Hi from Lisbon. Today’s historical walk was conducted by a guide with a Sociology degree who had turned to being a guide on graduation. (Do NOT say “do you want fries with that?”)

It only took about 30 minutes for him to start expounding about the evils of the Portugese explorers and conquerors. Some black lady from America asked him whether reparations should be paid and they fully agreed. I expect they got together later in regard to breeding.

August 26, 2024 2:55 am


August 26, 2024 3:20 am

When politics override survival instinct.
Until the survival instinct takes over again but with a much greater cost.

If we stayed in Gaza, Oct. 7 wouldn’t have happened,’ says general who led evacuation.

‘Do not fear, my servant Jacob,’ and take action.

August 26, 2024 3:34 am

What a brave, foolish? lady.
Without them we would still be sitting in caves shaping arrows.

Georgia “Tiny” Broadwick (1893-1978), the “doll girl.”

Married at age 12, a mother at age 13, abandoned by her husband by age 15. Joined Charles Broadwick’s World Famous Aeronauts and traveled the country jumping from balloons.

Became the first woman to jump from an airplane, one built and piloted by Glenn Martin, over Chicago in September, 1912.
Asked to demonstrate parachuting to the U.S. Army in 1914. On her fourth jump, the static line became entangled with the plane’s tail.

Georgia cut it and pulled what remained, thereby inventing the ripcord. You can see her on You Tube on To Tell the Truth.

August 26, 2024 3:38 am

Milk for the nation.

In the 1940s,  was a city grappling with the effects of World War II, including food shortages and rationing.
Amidst these challenges, a milk vending machine represents a fascinating glimpse into how urban life adapted to the needs of its residents during this period.

The milk vending machine, a relatively novel concept at the time, was designed to provide a convenient way for Londoners to access fresh milk amidst the constraints of wartime.
This machine would have been an important addition to the urban landscape, offering a practical solution to the difficulties of obtaining fresh dairy products during a time of scarcity.

Typically, these machines were placed in strategic locations, such as near residential areas or public spaces, to ensure accessibility for busy city dwellers.
The design of the machine likely featured a metal exterior with a glass window to showcase the milk and a simple mechanism for dispensing the product.

Customers could insert coins to receive a measure of milk, which was then dispensed into a container they provided.
During the 1940s, with rationing affecting many aspects of daily life, the introduction of vending machines for milk helped streamline the distribution process and ensure a more consistent supply.

These machines were a testament to the ingenuity and resilience of Londoners during a difficult time.

The image of a milk vending machine from this era captures the spirit of innovation and adaptability that characterized wartime London. It reflects both the challenges faced and the creative solutions implemented to meet the needs of the population.

August 26, 2024 4:07 am

Johannes Leak. Brilliant.

August 26, 2024 4:08 am
August 26, 2024 4:09 am
August 26, 2024 4:09 am
August 26, 2024 4:10 am
Steve trickler
Steve trickler
August 26, 2024 4:11 am

She was magical.

Carpenters – Rainy Days And Mondays

August 26, 2024 4:11 am
August 26, 2024 4:12 am
August 26, 2024 4:57 am

Look what the Murdochs have vomited up-

Russia Collusion, 2024 Version: McMaster’s Tell-All Revives Election Conspiracy Theory (

These old military turds with their BAs and MAs and PhDs seem to me to be just glorified pubic serpents

August 26, 2024 4:58 am
August 26, 2024 5:02 am

Evil old k*nt

Europe is experiencing a crisis evidenced by a “wave of populism” that threatens European universality, Pope Francis warned Saturday.

Not Happy: Pope Francis Decries ‘Wave of Populism’ in Europe (

August 26, 2024 5:04 am

What a horrible old man- has a bit of history with the dirty war in Argentina iirc

August 26, 2024 5:04 am

August 26, 2024 4:57 am

These old military turds with their BAs and MAs and PhDs seem to me to be just glorified pubic serpents.

What value of a PhD if you can get one in break dancing?

August 26, 2024 5:08 am

A dime a dozen

August 26, 2024 5:16 am

Whatever the truth, Francis the Humble, it would seem, has much to clear up about what he thought, how he behaved, and what he did during his country’s Dirty War.

August 26, 2024 5:53 am

Fret no more my friends of more corpulent bodies.
We are in the wrong tribe.

Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
August 26, 2024 6:17 am

The Demonrats cannot believe that the the cacklerhea hasn’t worked, the entire nations knows she’s a thoughtless, inexperienced, unelectable fake — they’re in a panic how many manufactured votes will they need is the big question?

August 26, 2024 6:35 am

Breakfast mmmm and giggling at the name.

CHAMP Iced Coffee from Aldi.

August 26, 2024 6:45 am

From the Olde Fredde:
John H.

 Nor is the inability to produce what Putin called the world’s best tank, the Armata, and bring it to the battlefield, the struggling replacement rate of lost fighter aircraft…

Do not underestimate the Russian capacity for deluding idiot Westerners.
I remember one Corporal who was surprised by the ramshackle Red Army fielding T34 tanks and Ilyushin Sturmovík Fighter Bombers.
Just because they publish numbers, don’t expect them to be accurate. I wouldn’t mind betting the T54/55 that are being destroyed on the Ukrainian Front are being replaced in storage by new Armatas.
Because there’s another thing that Russia is damn good at, and that’s ‘maskirovka’.

August 26, 2024 7:24 am

To add a little to the Ukraine discussion:
My now retired airline pilot pal is married to a “Russian”. Turns out she’s actually from Ukraine around Kharkiv and speaks Russian but not Ukrainian although she can understand it. She also pines for the days of the USSR when there was no nonsense between Ukrainian speakers and Russian speakers and they were all in the same country.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
August 26, 2024 7:37 am

You’d think they’d learn by now.

Death Of Woke: Queer Activist Video Game Funded By The EU Can’t Find Players (25 Aug)

The aggressively advertised game features a cast of queer activist “punk rock” characters that set out on a road trip across an America controlled by “conservative oppressors” that are really uncool. … The game was released this week to the deafening sound of crickets. On gaming service Steam, the project garnered a maximum of 83 players on launch day. A total flop of epic proportions.

Add to this one that Disney pulled the merchandise for qwerty Star Wars series The Acolyte after they cancelled the show: it was not selling well either. But then predictable outrage from the woke forced them to put it back up again. Whatever else you can say about the qwerty lobby they’re certainly loud.

Nolte: ‘Acolyte’ Merchandise Removed Then Quickly Returned to Disney Store (24 Aug)

August 26, 2024 7:55 am

UPDATE: Foo Fighters Caught in Major Lie After Threatening Trump With “Appropriate Actions” For Playing Their Hit Song “My Hero” at Arizona Rally with RFK Jr.

The next question is whether the Trump campaign will attempt to sue the Foo Fighters for defamation. While many would say this is a waste of time, some of his 45th President’s biggest fans want him to take this step.

I’d like to see him do just this – if he doesn’t, every Leftist will try to have a bite at him. Sue the bastards.

August 26, 2024 8:01 am

Gotta luv ‘clickbait” Mail online headlines ..
Young man shot dead in Parramatta …….
Read on and your standard targeted killing gangster on gangster … FFS!

August 26, 2024 8:03 am

Kamala’s Legacy: Three Years After the Botched Biden-Harris Afghanistan Withdrawal, Taliban Announces New ‘Vice and Virtue’ Laws Banning Women’s Voices and Bare Faces in Public

And yet the Feminists overwhelmingly back the Biden/Harris administration despite the fact that their cowardice in Afghanistan delivered 21 million women into the slave religion of the Taliban.
It goes to show that the Feminists support the Ideology, not the Principle.

Last edited 24 days ago by BobtheBoozer
August 26, 2024 8:15 am

Another front in UK Labour’s assault on free speech:

Labour’s move to ban speech on abortion won’t stop outside clinics

All dissent on the subject is being problematised if not criminalised

The call for buffer zones outside abortion clinics, where individuals cannot speak or even think about abortion, was supposedly introduced to protect women from interference in accessing these clinics.

Leaving aside the fact that harassment is already against the law and an arrestable offence, it is evident that for some MPs this move to ban speech against abortion won’t stop outside clinics.

The Critic

August 26, 2024 8:19 am

A German Warship, the Braunschweig, sailed up the Thames last Monday and announced its arrival by blasting the Darth Vader theme from Star Wars.
The ship also played “London Calling”, by the Clash upon it’s arrival in the UK.
Krauts with a sense of humour, who knew? 😀

Watch the clip in the article, it’s pretty cool actually.

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
August 26, 2024 8:22 am

Why SkyNews in daytime is unwatchable.

Lettng idiot Joe Siracusa have a platform. Curtin University” Dean Of Global Future”.


Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
August 26, 2024 8:24 am

War is peace.
Freedom is slavery.
Ignorance is strength.

NYT: Harris’s New Strategy: Equate Fighting Climate Change With ‘Freedom’ – Framing As ‘Patriotism’ – ‘A novel way of framing climate change’ (24 Aug)

There you go: Kamala now has the full set.

August 26, 2024 8:25 am

Nothing worse than having TV on in the daytime. Was actually better when it was just music and test pattern

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
August 26, 2024 8:27 am

One of the things I love about the God Emperor is that he doesn’t concern himself counter-sue-ing the dweebs who ostentatiously sue him.
Just a casual drive-by sledge from the stage should cook Grohl nicely.
“Dave Grohl? He doesn’t want us to play his songs, his songs are only for the OBAMMAS… only for private shows that you and your favourite president aren’t invited to, no we have to stay locked down, only the real rock-n-rollers play Martha’s Vineyard you know… maybe I we should ask ZZ Topp to play for us, they’d do a better job… they die of old age in ZZ Topp, you know, not like these Neverminders and Hawkinses, ZZ Topp are a hard-working American band, they don’t play in CHI-NA like the Kung Flu Fighters, is that what they’re called?… etc etc

August 26, 2024 8:33 am


AG Merrick Garland essentially threatened anyone who may question the results of the 2024 election, and any election after, using J6 political prisoners as an example as a fear tactic.

This is insane.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
August 26, 2024 8:43 am

From the Oz.

Lia Finocchiaro, the first political leader to topple a Labor government in six years, immediately marshalled crime-fighting resources to deal with the Top End’s law and order crisis as she predicted her party’s victory could be a template for conservative oppositions across the nation.
The gravity of the crisis in Alice Springs that helped end eight years of Labor rule in the Northern Territory was evident after polls closed on Saturday, when police were called to deal with what one described as “one of the worst nights of carnage”. Roaming vandals damaged more than 60 cars, smashed hundreds of windows and attacked at least eight businesses in the small Central Australian town.
On Sunday, more violence spilled on to the streets after a football match where people fought with weapons, including a hatchet, a baseball bat and sticks.
Ms Finocchiaro on Sunday met with police commissioner Michael Murphy and the head of the ­Department of Chief Minister Ken ­Davies during which she and Mr Murphy had “a lengthy discussion about my expectations on law and order”.

August 26, 2024 8:44 am

Gerard Rennick quits LNP, launches ‘People First’ party

Geoff Chambers The Australian 25 August, 2024

Maverick Queensland senator Gerard Rennick has quit the LNP to establish a new ‘People First’ party ahead of the federal election, marking the fourth Coalition crossbench defection since 2022. Senator Rennick – who narrowly lost preselection by three votes to party treasurer Stuart Fraser for third spot on the LNP ticket – will apply for party status with the Australian Electoral Commission on Monday to establish his Gerard Rennick People First party. The 53-year-old will run at the next election on a platform underpinned by five key economic, energy and social policies. People First policies include increasing the tax free threshold from $18,200 to $40,000, paying childcare support directly to families, ending renewables subsidies and abolishing renewables on agriculture land and waterways, making superannuation voluntary and re-establishing a public bank and government insurance office.

Senator Rennick, who maintains a close relationship with Opposition Leader Peter Dutton despite his recent preselection fight with the LNP, said “I have decided to fight for the Australian people as an independent senator at the next federal election”.

In addition to Senator Rennick, Andrew Gee, Russell Broadbent and David Van have exited the Coalition since the 2022 election. The rogue senator has linked his preselection loss to withholding his vote from the Morrison government during the pandemic in protest against mandatory vaccinations.

“While I would have preferred to lobby for issues that are important to the Australian people inside the tent of the LNP that option is no longer available to me,” Senator Rennick told The Australian.

“I believe that government overreach is killing individual responsibility, aspiration and entrepreneurship in Australia.

“Governments need to get back to service delivery of essential services and standing up for Australians who try to stand up for themselves. As such I want to draw on my experience to promote a range of policies that will empower Australians and their families to live a prosperous life and provide abundant opportunities for their children.”

Senator Rennick, who has almost 320,000 followers on Facebook and Twitter, was expected to alert Mr Dutton and LNP president Lawrence Springborg of his decision to resign from the party on Sunday. The Queenslander, who decided against joining other conservative minor parties, is considering running other candidates on his Senate ticket.

Minor parties including Pauline Hanson’s One Nation, the Jacqui Lambie Network, Katter’s Australian Party and Clive Palmer’s United Australia Party are all hopeful of picking-up a Senate spot amid Labor concerns of replicating its disastrous 2019 election results that saw only one ALP senator elected in Queensland. Senator Rennick was elected to the Senate in 2019 on the back of Labor’s capitulation.

Senator Rennick told The Australia there “needs to much greater accountability and transparency within our bureaucracy, judiciary and corporations … too many leaders today do not put the interests of the people they are meant to serve, first”.

“There is also a lack of vision from the same leaders who in the main seem to promote ideologies that seek to divide and shame us, rather than inspire us. As such the Australian people have become cynical and divided rather than optimistic and united,” he said.

“This needs to change. Australia is a great country with tremendous opportunity that has a proud history of tolerance, resilience and egalitarianism. We owe it to our forefathers whose legacy gave us so many opportunities, to do the same for our children.”

In a speech delivered in the Senate last week, Senator Rennick said “I did lose my Senate preselection because I withheld my vote from a party because Greg Hunt didn’t take my concerns about those vaccine injuries seriously”.

“I’m happy to lose my position in this party over that because that’s what representing the Australian people is all about: putting the people first. Listen out for that phrase in the future: putting the people first. I make no apologies for doing that. I come in here as a genuine, impartial person who cares deeply about the Australian people.”

August 26, 2024 8:45 am


Merrick Garland, flanked by Obama henchman and key Russia collusion architect Lisa Monaco, cites growing J6 caseload to warn Americans not to “interfere” in the certification of the 2024 election. (h/t @wendyp4545)

First, the transfer of power happens on January 20 not January 6. (And DOJ let off the hook hundreds of 2017 inaugural rioters.)

Second, there is no law guaranteeing the “peaceful transfer of power.” Which is why the Constitution provides several weeks between election day and inauguration day with both a state and congressional certification process and opportunities to contest the results.

Third, as he brags about the nearly 1,500 J6ers arrested and charged so far for January 6–including at least seven last week during the DNC–most face misdemeanors.

Fourth, SCOTUS overturned how this thuggish DOJ used 1512c2 and his prosecutors in most cases are now sheepishly dismissing the count. And we are still awaiting a long delayed opinion by DC appellate court on DOJ’s most common misdemeanor on Jan 6 cases.

Every time I see Lisa Monaco I fume that 48 Republican senators confirmed her appointment as deputy AG.

I don’t think there’s the slightest doubt they’re already planning the steal.

Last edited 24 days ago by Indolent
August 26, 2024 8:49 am


BREAKING: Joe Biden has ENDED Secret Service for RFK Jr.

Two days after RFK Jr. declared a “Unity Party” with Donald Trump, the White House has pulled his Secret Service.

Kennedy is still on the ballot in 40 out of 50 states. He did NOT drop out of the race.

Now, after partnering with Trump, Kennedy is a major target.

The empire is deliberately putting him in danger.

Regardless of where your vote lies, this man deserves protection for the bravery he has shown.

August 26, 2024 8:49 am
August 26, 2024 8:50 am
August 26, 2024 8:51 am

Visas granted to Gazans as of 31 July:

USA: 17
UK: 168
AUS: 2922

Source – Chris Mitchell, The Australian, 25 August 2024

August 26, 2024 8:59 am
August 26, 2024 8:59 am

This may be the cause of the Boeing StarLemon problems. Via
This commenter once worked for the FAA in space launch licensing.

I was astonished to read that the cause of the thruster issue was the swelling of teflon poppets in the NTO side of the thruster feed system. Teflon!?!?! You don’t use teflon in NTO applications, you use kalrez. Rocketdyne had learned that lesson in spades, and I was even more astonished to find that Aerojet-Rocketdyne had made them. My wife worked at Rocketdyne many years ago, and told me that Aerojet has been putting its own people in charge there ever since the acquisition. Aerojet wasn’t a liquid rocket engine manufacturer, and has now converted Rocketdyne into an incompetent liquid rocket engine manufacturer.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
August 26, 2024 9:00 am

Well that certainly sounds serious.

‘Perfect storm’ warning issued to east coast energy market (Paywallian)

Australia’s east coast energy market is facing higher global LNG prices, volatile renewables penetration, coal plant outages and extreme weather, increasing fears of gas shortages, spiking power bills and blackouts.

Hey Mr Bowen! Would you like to do something about all this? Pretty please?

August 26, 2024 9:02 am

the censorship and surveillance state flexes

the west has become what we used to vilify china and the soviets for.

Last edited 24 days ago by Indolent
August 26, 2024 9:11 am
August 26, 2024 9:12 am
August 26, 2024 9:16 am
August 26, 2024 9:18 am

Australia’s east coast energy market is facing higher global LNG prices, volatile renewables penetration, coal plant outages and extreme weather, increasing fears of gas shortages, spiking power bills and blackouts.

It’s not just Bowen, Bruce.

The LNP also lacks a detailed plan, other than reducing our emissions to net zero by 2050, that is.

It’s why we call it the Uniparty

Last edited 24 days ago by Roger
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
August 26, 2024 9:22 am

Voice Yes campaigner Thomas Mayo shares single text that ‘prove some Australians are horribly racist’ – and busts myths about Aboriginal people

Daily Mail. Somehow, I don’t think I’ll bother buying this book!

Black Ball
Black Ball
August 26, 2024 9:26 am

CFMEU are angels! Do you get that Albo? A report on the John Setka interview last night on Spotlight:

Disgraced CFMEU heavyweight John Setka has revealed details of an “incident” with Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese when the pair were in a lift together.

And while he refused to repeat what was said, he did say he believed Mr Albanese was “scared”.

Appearing on Channel 7’s Spotlight program on Sunday night, Setka was asked by journalist Sharnelle Vella about the last time he had spoken to Mr Albanese.

“It was an incident in a lift … but it wasn’t much of a conversation to be honest,” Setka said.

He was then asked what happened.

“That’s probably for another time, but I haven’t got much time for Anthony Albanese to be quite honest,” he said.

Setka conceded there was a “very brief conversation” but said “I never said anything intimidating to him”.

Ms Vella pushed the subject saying “you’re not going to say what you said to the prime minister in the lift, but tell me, what was his reaction to what you said? Did he have a physical reaction to what you said?”

Setka again denied he said anything “bad” but that Mr Albanese “was scared”.

“When someone starts trembling you know they’re scared,” said Setka.

“I hadn’t even said a word.”

Ms Vella said Channel 7 had asked the prime minister to confirm whether the incident was “all true”.

“He declined to answer our question,” she said.

Setka was also asked about claims footage of a late night visit to a union official’s house that cost him his job was part of a personal, rather than union dispute.

Setka resigned after he was caught on grainy CCTV footage leaving a suitcase at the front door of the home of another union official with a message that labelled him a “dog”.

The footage, captured on a home security camera, led to his resignation last month and ultimately the collapse of the CFMEU, with the union put into administration on Friday.

Setka, 59, has spoken for the first time about his fall from grace, and claimed that Labor powerbroker Tony Burke “outplayed” him when he was negotiating his departure.

“I wrote Leo the Dog on his suitcase, and I dropped it off in his driveway,” Setka said in the interview with Channel 7’s Spotlight.

“If that’s intimidating, I think people maybe ought to drink a cup of concrete and harden up a little bit. Really? I mean, that was his suitcase, and I returned his suitcase.

“I have never ever gone to people’s houses. I have never ever had a history of going to people’s family homes or intimidating them ever.”

The suitcase was left at the door of CFMEU assistant national secretary Leo Skourdoumbis, who is part of the union’s manufacturing division.

The pair were previously close and it’s claimed that they had a personal falling out not related to their work in the union.

That footage made Setka’s role untenable and he quit the union just after 6pm on July 12.

The resignation followed discussions with Mr Burke, who has now been promoted to Home Affairs Minister, and Australian Council of Trade Unions secretary Sally McManus.

Setka had been a controversial, powerful and militant union boss for 12 years.

He said he quit to prevent the union from being put into administration in a deal with Mr Burke and Ms McManus.

“The truth is there was a deal struck. I offered myself when I heard that there could be an administrator appointed,” he said.

“I said, you know what, I’ll go, I will pull the pin today because my job is to protect the union and its members.

“That’s my job and I’ll go today. But they leave the union alone. My job is to protect the union. So, I said, ‘I’ll leave today, but they don’t bring administrators in’.”

The Federal Labor Government passed new laws last week to allow the CFMEU to be put into administration.

“At 20 to six the call came through, yes, there’s a deal,” Setka said.

“Now, when you do a deal with the government, you would expect them to honour it.”

When asked about the change in policy, Setka replied: “Well look, maybe I did get outplayed.”

Setka was a powerful force in the Victorian construction industry, inking deals that saw “stop and go” sign workers earning $206,000 a year on Big Build projects in Victoria.

However, the union was accused of being infiltrated by bikie gangs and claims of kickbacks being paid to union officials, which have been denied.

Setka was also convicted in 2019 of harassing his wife Emma Walters, who was later charged herself with an alleged plot to kill him.

Ms Walters was found guilty of making a threat to kill and fined $1500 without conviction in December last year.

Setka had been due to retire this year and had been making headlines, including a threat to disrupt the AFL’s planned build of a new football stadium in Tasmania.

He had demanded the league sack umpire’s boss Steve McBurney because he had previously been head of a union watchdog.

I wonder what the response of the Prime Minister would be if a journalist asked him what was said about the elevator conversation?
The interview itself would have been fascinating to watch.

Rufus T Firefly
Rufus T Firefly
August 26, 2024 9:32 am

Senator Rennick told The Australia there “needs to much greater accountability and transparency within our bureaucracy, judiciary and corporations … too many leaders today do not put the interests of the people they are meant to serve, first”.

Never, has anyone uttered a truer statement Roger.

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
August 26, 2024 9:33 am

Visas granted to Gazans as of 31 July:

Herding the goats into western Sydney for the Burqa seat save.

Black Ball
Black Ball
August 26, 2024 9:36 am

Lol Thomas Mayo. Fresh from the Bendigo Writer’s Festival, from the adoring throngs of white people who gush over his every word, has decided this is his ticket, to write a book.
No doubt be studied by Year 12 students in future curricula. Just outstanding. Except when it isn’t.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
August 26, 2024 9:36 am

‘Get out as quickly as you can’, Watt warns Australians in Lebanon

Government frontbench minister Murray Watt says the government is “very concerned” about the escalating hostilities in the Middle East, following Israel and Hezbollah trading blows.
“It was very disturbing to see this occur yesterday,” Senator Watt told ABC TV.
“Our advice is for Australians who are in Lebanon they should get out as quickly as they can. That’s something the government has been saying for some time now.
“But the events overnight underline the importance of people getting out. We have advised people not to travel to Lebanon because of the risk involved. I would be encouraging anyone who has friends and relatives in Lebanon to be encouraging them to get out as quickly as they can, while commercial flights are still available.”

August 26, 2024 9:44 am

Can’t remember where I saw it but there is a graph showing all the Gazans western countries have taken in since 7 Oct. Australia was 3 X all the other countries combined.

August 26, 2024 9:48 am


August 26, 2024 9:18 am

I wonder if Durov was arrested in France by request of the US?

Do you think Durov would’ve been arrested in Russia or China if he ran the same app there?

August 26, 2024 9:57 am

First paragraph explains everything. America is being destroyed by effeminate beta men, and masculinized feminazis.

Fairleigh Dickinson University, Madison, NJ, August 23, 2024 – Voters nationally give Vice President and Democratic nominee Kamala Harris an edge over former President Donald Trump in November’s election by a seven-point margin (50 to 43), but race and gender remains central to the vote. When voters are made to think about the race or gender of the candidates, Harris’ lead grows substantially; when they’re not, support is essentially tied. Harris is also helped by strong support among the slightly less than half of men who reject traditionally masculine identities. Trump’s strongest support is among men who hold traditionally masculine identities, while women and other men strongly favor Harris.

“Trump has built his political career around a very specific performance of whiteness and masculinity,” said Dan Cassino, a professor of Government and Politics at Fairleigh Dickinson, and the Executive Director of the poll. “In the past, that’s been seen as a strength, but it’s no longer clear that it’s working.”

In the overall sample, Harris leads Trump 50 to 43 among likely voters, with 7 percent saying that they will support someone else in November’s election (with undecided voters included, that lead is 47 to 40). Both Trump and Harris have the support of 95 percent of their partisans, and Harris leads Trump 38 to 33 among independents who do not lean towards either party. Similarly, Harris has a strong lead among self-identified liberals (87 to 10), progressives (93 to 5) and moderates (62 to 30). Trump leads among conservatives (76 to 19), and MAGA voters (95 to 4).

August 26, 2024 10:01 am

Nice painting.

Video of RFK JR with Trump at rally. This has legs. 2 great guys; and the way RFK talks is growing on me. The downside is RFK now has no security protection, although given what happened to Trump this could be a good thing:

August 26, 2024 10:20 am

America is being destroyed by effeminate beta men

Soft men make for hard times.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
August 26, 2024 10:27 am

In Hey Mr Bowen! Would you like to do something about all this? Pretty please? news:

An AEMO spokeswoman on Sunday said “the possibility of colder weather into early spring does bring about some risks”; however, it was confident demand could be met. “In the event that there is gas storage or supply shortfalls, AEMO has powers to help manage potential operational risks,” she said. The AEMO reiterated that “new investment is urgently needed if gas supply is to keep up with demand from homes and businesses, and for gas-powered electricity generation”.

La, La, La…
Not listening…
Not listening…

Energy Minister Chris Bowen’s spokeswoman said the AEMO is “satisfied that supply of gas in the east coast system was adequate and current supply and demand forecasts mean there is no threat of shortfalls notwithstanding the recent period of unseasonably high demand”.

And here’s why:

“This winter has shown why the Albanese government’s plan to turbocharge renewables with large amounts of long-duration batteries is more critical than ever to secure cheap, clean, reliable energy for households and businesses following a decade of Coalition energy inaction and neglect,” the spokeswoman said.

So, no.
Political blame allocated.
“Large amounts of long-duration batteries” assumed.

It’s all in good hands.

Black Ball
Black Ball
August 26, 2024 10:45 am

In Disgruntled Ex Employee news, Courier Mail:

Shane Doherty was once among Queensland’s most powerful people thanks to his loyal service to premier Annastacia Palaszczuk as her deputy chief of staff.

Having exited the top office when Premier Steven Miles moved in, Mr Doherty isn’t so keen to promote government policy.

“F*** yer 50 cent fares. They’re not much f***en good to yer if the f***en bus doesn’t f*cken stop,” he wrote on Facebook.

“It can all go get f***ed.”


Freshly dumped from Pauline Hanson’s One Nation, Member for Mirani Stephen Andrew has officially applied to join Katter’s Australian Party.

The bush-going Mr Andrew was unceremoniously dumped by Ms Hanson last week amid questions about his links to the three Katter MPs.

Now he’s put an application in to join the Katter party – which holds three central Queensland seats – before the end of the term.

While his parliamentary achievements are limited, the 55-year-old is regarded as a hardworking and well-known local member.

He repeatedly votes with the Katters and shares similar conservative ideology.

Mr Andrew lists his interests as saltwater fishing, camping; vintage Sako and Brno rifles and old stone and glass embossed bottles displaying Queensland towns.

Mr Andrew let out a loud “woo-hoo” when Speaker Curtis Pitt first called him the “independent” member for Mirani.

August 26, 2024 10:53 am

Countries that ban Telegram

It’s a little more complicated in Russia. See the highlighted sentence.

Main article: Blocking of Telegram in Russia
On 16 May 2017 Russian media reported that Roskomnadzor was threatening to ban Telegram. On 13 April 2018, Telegram was banned in Russia by a Moscow court, due to its refusal to grant the Federal Security Service (FSB) access to encryption keys needed to view user communications as required by federal anti-terrorism law.[Enforcement of the ban was attempted by blocking over 19 million IP addresses associated with the service. However they included those used by Amazon Web Services and Google Cloud Platform, due to Telegram’s use of the providers to route messages. This led to unintended collateral damage due to usage of the platforms by other services in the country, including retail, Mastercard SecureCode, and‘s Tamtam messaging service. Users used VPNs to bypass the ban as a result. On 17 April 2018, Russian authorities asked Apple and Google to pull the service from their stores as well as APKMirror, however Apple and Google refused the request.] On 28 March 2018, Roskomnadzor reportedly sent a legally binding letter to Apple asking it to remove the app from the Russian version of its App Store and block it from sending push notifications to local users who have already downloaded the app.] On 27 December 2018, the largest search engine in Russia, Yandex, removed from their search results.[citation needed] On 18 June 2020, the Russian government lifted its ban on Telegram after it agreed to “help with extremism investigations”.

I’m guessing the Frogs will have him up on child porn charges.

I find arresting him is a fool’s choice though. The arrest has immediately implies that every senior exec at Telegram is at risk and now they won’t travel to risky places. Arresting him makes little difference to the operation.

Last edited 24 days ago by JC
August 26, 2024 10:53 am

Having exited the top office when Premier Steven Miles moved in, Mr Doherty isn’t so keen to promote government policy.

“F*** yer 50 cent fares. They’re not much f***en good to yer if the f***en bus doesn’t f*cken stop,” he wrote on Facebook.

“It can all go get f***ed.”

Not a policy wonk then.

August 26, 2024 10:58 am

This poisonous pos should’ve been deported ages ago and sent back to Ukraine to fight in front line. Better still, deported to Russia.


While Durov holds French citizenship, is arrested for violating French law, this has broader implications for other social media, including Twitter. There’s a growing intolerance for platforming disinfo & malign influence & a growing appetite for accountability. Musk should be nervous.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
August 26, 2024 11:06 am

The LNP also lacks a detailed plan, other than reducing our emissions to net zero by 2050, that is.

It’s why we call it the Uniparty.


The Coalition, which is close to releasing its gas policy, has committed to speeding up approvals, unlocking gas in basins including Beetaloo, defunding the Environmental Defenders’ Office, reinstating its National Gas Infrastructure Plan and an annual release of offshore acreage for exploration and development in the NT and Western Australia.

(Unlinkable OZ)

Technical Notes:

1) Any commercial gas from the Beetaloo would be cloistered in the NT and would require huge, risky development expenditure and a massive new pipeline south to supply Eastern Australia.

2) Aside from Santos (and then, only just), none of the Beetaloo operators are investment grade – so huuuge ‘what-could-possibly-go-wrong’ government co-investment, or many years of corporate stuffing around.

3) Defunding the EDO is a great idea, but given the EDO is a private activist organisation, run and funded by insane persons, this will do sweet tweet to increase gas supply.

4) The National Gas Infrastructure Plan was a summary of problems in the east coast gas system, but typically of anything out of the Morrison Government, no practical solutions.

5) Restoring the annual release of exploration acreage in Commonwealth waters is a great idea. But the release in offshore WA and NT will do sweet tweet for medium-term (say 10-year) gas supply on the east coast because exploration-appraisal-development lead times and the need for intercontinental pipelines.

All this information has been in government hands for years (vide the Gas Infrastructure Plan). None of the problems now rearing out of the long grass were unanticipated; in fact they have all been explained in tedious detail at all levels of government.

Australia falls into a strategic gas supply hole somewhere between now and 2028 – exacerbated by the growth in intermittent demand for backup electricity generation as key coal fired generation is retired.

Unfortunately Canbra is ruled by Canutes who think they can command reality.

Black Ball
Black Ball
August 26, 2024 11:11 am

Via David Thompson, a tweet of note from Amnesty International on Mr Tickle. Can you spot the flaw? Good Lord.

August 26, 2024 11:12 am

Does anyone have a reference for a thoughtful analysis of what is going on in the Bush Pig ‘s Tasmanian sty.

What I have seen to date reads like a review of a fifteen year olds’ schoolyard catfight.

August 26, 2024 11:13 am

I seriously doubt Weirdo Walz will become the next Vice President.
He could go to the UK and try his face at Gurning. That could be something he could win.

comment image

August 26, 2024 11:14 am

Why would Durov run the platform as a French citizen when with a $15 billion dollar net worth he could’ve easily taken out US citizenship, or just walked in through the southern border. How smart is he really?

August 26, 2024 11:18 am

Is Telegram blocked in China?

Yes, Telegram is blocked in China. The messaging app and its website were censored in 2015 after a distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack on its servers in Asia Pacific, which some believe to be a state-sponsored act from China.

Tip: You can still use Telegram or other sites blocked in China if you use a VPN.


On 13 April 2018, Telegram was banned in Russia by a Moscow court, due to its refusal to grant the (FSB) access to encryption keys needed to view user communications as required by federal anti-terrorism law.

Russia in 2020 reversed that after Telegram agreed to provide the encryption keys, according to Wikipedia.

Last edited 24 days ago by Arky
August 26, 2024 11:21 am

Just got a text from liverpool Hospital .. admitting me this afternoon instead of tomorrow so they can thoroughly check over my lip probs before surgery …..

August 26, 2024 11:21 am

Quadrant has put up the speech by RFK Jr in which he has a good go at bias of the media.

Seems the Australian is choosing to ignore that part of what RFK Jr said. Not even a column from their US based journalists.

August 26, 2024 11:23 am


I can’t find it. Can you link the story, please?

August 26, 2024 11:26 am

One needs to check as original sources as possible and multiple independent sources when checking claims made by either side, but especially those made on behalf of Russia.
The rate at which complete garbage is being generated and repeated without common sense or bothering to look for confirmation is astonishing.
It’s 2024. You can check what you are being told, without resort to partisans or stooges on either side.
It’s not hard.
But as we saw during covid, people tend not to bother either thinking about what they are told, or independently checking.

Last edited 24 days ago by Arky
August 26, 2024 11:43 am

The National Gas Infrastructure Plan was a summary of problems in the east coast gas system, but typically of anything out of the Morrison Government, no practical solutions.

We don’t need more plans from the Uniparty.

We need them to put the appropriate legislative framework in place – including domestic reservation if necessary – and then get the hell out of the way.

August 26, 2024 11:44 am

Seems JC would be the only one on this blog who can’t find the Quadrant site.

He is a bit of a broken record with his stalking repetitive posts every time I make a reference to another site.

August 26, 2024 11:46 am

But as we saw during covid, people tend not to bother either thinking about what they are told, or independently checking.

We used to assume that we were being told the truth except by advertising agencies. So we filtered out the ads and assumed everyone else was largely truthful.
That’s gone; we live in the post truth world. We can’t trust authority and we can’t trust “the science”.

Check everything.

eric hinton
eric hinton
August 26, 2024 11:47 am


August 26, 2024 8:36 am


In fields other than STEM, PhD stands for:

Piled higher and Deeper”.

Well, at least that is according to someone near and dear who has a PhD in analytical Chemistry

Any field that has the word “science” in Its name is guaranteed thereby not to be a science. – variously attributed.
Climate science
Breaker science…
The Dismal science…

Last edited 24 days ago by eric hinton
August 26, 2024 12:04 pm

Many Gen Z Men Feel Left Behind. Some See Trump as an Answer.

It turns out the strategy of telling men over multiple generations that masculinity is evil, and that they are inherently sexist and tyrannical, is not as appealing as Dems wish. Go figure.

Harris is a nasty, incompetent, irritating woman who seems to think her biological sex entitles her to the presidency. She represents the worst and least admirable branch of feminism, the feminism that demands privileges and power simply for being born with certain body parts.

?Trump, on the other hand, projects strength and confidence. With all his faults, he is a charismatic leader who promises to make America respected and prosperous. That message could and does appeal to some Gen Z men who are looking for an alternative to Harris and her ilk.

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
August 26, 2024 12:14 pm

he did say he believed Mr Albanese was “scared”.

But, but…Albo is tough.

He fights Torys ya know

August 26, 2024 12:22 pm

Rooster, asking for a link is not stalking and not an outside of the solar system request. Link the story and stop acting like an old Karen.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
August 26, 2024 12:50 pm

Just got a text from liverpool Hospital .. admitting me this afternoon instead of tomorrow so they can thoroughly check over my lip probs before surgery …..

Best of luck.

I wouldn’t normally encourage lip service but in this instance I think we can make an exception.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
August 26, 2024 12:51 pm

Underworld identity Tarek Ayoub shot dead in ParramattaA man known in underworld circles as the ‘Angel of Death’ has been shot dead in Sydney’s west overnight in the city’s first gangland-related shooting since February.
Josh HanrahanWilliam Tyson and Tamaryn McGregor

Daily Tele. Why do the words “Good Riddance” spring to mind?

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
August 26, 2024 1:02 pm

Daily Tele. Why do the words “Good Riddance” spring to mind?

Doubtless too his business card would have had the post nominals ‘KTP’. That is how you know he has really made it in his career.

‘KTP’, of course, stands for ‘Known to Police’.

Last edited 23 days ago by Mother Lode
August 26, 2024 1:14 pm

Robert F. Kennedy Jr

What “MAGA” really means

The phrase has troubled liberals who think it is a call for a return to an America before civil rights, gay rights, and women’s rights. But I have a more generous interpretation, one that is truer to my experience of Donald Trump as he is today. “Make America Great Again” recalls a nation brimming with vitality, with a can-do spirit, with hope and a belief in itself.

It was an America that was beginning to confront its darker shadows, could acknowledge the injustice in its past and present, yet at the same time could celebrate its successes. It was a nation of broad prosperity, the world’s most vibrant middle class, and a idealistic belief (though not consistently applied) in freedom, justice, and democracy. It was a nation that led the world in innovation, productivity, and technology. And it was the healthiest country in the world.

I have talked to many Trump supporters. I have talked with his inner circle. I have talked to the man himself. This is the America they want to restore.

eric hinton
eric hinton
August 26, 2024 1:25 pm

A man known in underworld circles as the ‘Angel of Death’ has been shot dead in Sydney’s west overnight in the city’s first gangland-related shooting since February.

Finally! We can party like it’s 1985. Those were the days; you could go for a stroll in Miller’s Point and wonder if it was etiquette to step over or around some minor colourful racing identity bleeding out on the footpath in front of his mum’s place.

August 26, 2024 1:37 pm

That’s gone; we live in the post truth world. We can’t trust authority and we can’t trust “the science”.

I think the first word I really used a lot was “why?” It drove my poor mother bonkers. I still remember her standard desperate reply…”Y is a crooked letter & you can’t make it straight!”

I had no idea what she was talking about & it really annoyed me. But after all these years I feel so sorry that we could not have connected better. Dad was more on my wavelength, although he had only a very basic education. Towards the end of his life we had many many deep discussions re “the meaning of life”. I know that he cherished those discussions.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
August 26, 2024 1:38 pm

BREAKING NEWSCharlise Mutten’s killer Justin Stein is sentenced to life in jail without parole

  • Justin Stein sentenced for murder of 9-year-old Charlise
  • Stein, 33, shot her in face and dumped body in a barrel
  • Killer looked alert and nervous in the court room

Daily Mail.
Speaking of Good riddance!

August 26, 2024 1:55 pm

Good essay on some of the reasons why a cackles regime will completely root the US:

Democrats ended their four-day convention on Thursday with a vacuous speech by the party’s installed candidate, Kamala Harris. Her short stint on the main stage made the regime media, which has blessed her with 84 percent positive news coverage since the Pelosi coup according to one analysis, drunk with joy.

Harris, like the roster of speakers before her, spent most of the speech demonizing her general election opponent and repeating one of the party’s most consistent campaign themes: Donald Trump will use his authority to vanquish his foes should he return to the White House. “Consider…his explicit intent to jail journalists, his political opponents, and anyone he sees as the enemy,” Harris claimed.

Other DNC speakers similarly warned that a Trump presidency would result in the mass arrest and incarceration of Democrats. Michigan State Senator Mallory McMorrow warned that Trump “would be able to weaponize the Department of Justice to go after his political opponents.” McMorrow, who must have missed the news of the armed nine-hour raid of Mar-a-Lago in August 2022, further insisted Trump would “turn the FBI into his own personal police force.”

“That is not how it works in America. That’s how it works in dictatorships!” McMorrow shouted.

Now, one can agree with McMorrow and others that the full weight of the federal government’s law enforcement operation should not be used to settle political scores. That sort of thing is indeed the stuff of banana republics.

And it is exactly what’s been happening in America since January 2021.
Not only did the DOJ and FBI open criminal investigations into Donald Trump resulting in two unprecedented federal indictments against a former president, the Biden/Garland/Monaco DOJ prosecuted and imprisoned two of Trump’s longtime confidantes—Peter Navarro and Steve Bannon, who is currently behind bars in Connecticut—and assisted other politically-motivated prosecutions against Trump in New York and Georgia.

The Threat of Attorney General Matthew GravesFurther, the prosecution of Americans who protested Joe Biden’s election on January 6 is active and ongoing. During the course of the DNC convention, U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia Matthew Graves announced the arrest of seven individuals for their participation in the Capitol protest more than three-and-a-half years ago. (At least half reside in swing states including North Carolina, Michigan, and Pennsylvania, an effective way to keep the “insurrection” in the headlines.)

And as Graves gradually closes in on his promised caseload of 2,000 J6ers—his latest press release boasts that “more than 1,488 individuals have been charged in nearly all 50 states for crimes related to the breach of the U.S. Capitol”—the impeachment report released this week by House Republicans confirmed that Graves refused to consider prosecuting Hunter Biden for tax evasion, something whistleblowers disclosed to Congress last year.

Special Counsel David Weiss asked Graves in early 2022 to partner with his office in bringing charges against Hunter Biden for tax crimes committed in Washington in 2014 and 2015; a decision needed to be made quickly as the statute of limitations was about to expire. But Graves rejected Weiss’ request. 

“On March 19, 2022, Graves met with five or six members of his office…where they decided not to partner with Weiss’s office on prosecuting the Hunter Biden case.” As a result of that decision, the report noted, “Weiss was unable to bring charges in D.C.”

Now that sort of brazen bootlicking does not go unrewarded in the nation’s capital, which is precisely why Graves is very likely Harris’ top candidate for attorney general if she wins in November.
And Graves’ cover-up of the Biden family crime racket and the continued prosecution of J6ers aren’t the only reasons why Harris would choose Graves…….

Kamala Harris’ Likely Pick for Attorney General: Matthew Graves (

August 26, 2024 2:03 pm

US election could be an historic landslide.
Put the polls, which we know are bullshit attempts to lead public opinion, aside.
Consider: RFK defection to Trump. A Kennedy. A Democrat.
The cheating? Unknown.
I smell a huge victory in the making.

John H.
John H.
August 26, 2024 2:27 pm

Australian Genius Guerrilla Tactics That Completely Wrecked Japan (

This highlights something that has always impressed me about “grunts”. To live and fight under such horrific conditions, to continue when plagued by malaria, other parasites, and deprivations that today would be considered intolerable, is an example of a toughness that perhaps has been lost today.

Cassie of Sydney
August 26, 2024 2:32 pm
  • Justin Stein sentenced for murder of 9-year-old Charlise
  • Stein, 33, shot her in face and dumped body in a barrel
  • Killer looked alert and nervous in the court room

Good news but meanwhile, what about Charlise’s mother?

Bungonia Bee
Bungonia Bee
August 26, 2024 2:41 pm

Another stinky, smoking feather in Sky Daytime’s cap – Ant Lowenstein.
Billed as “Independant Journalist” we know he’s a useful idiot leftist from way back.
Yes, Ant, people get killed when Israel bombs either Lebanon or Gaza.
There’s an answer to this problem. Stop attacking Israel.

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
August 26, 2024 2:45 pm

Underworld identity Tarek Ayoub shot dead

These “identities” always seem to have Gaza type names.

Thank you Albo and Tony Burqa.

Bungonia Bee
Bungonia Bee
August 26, 2024 2:46 pm

Why Kamala wasn’t at the Demonrats Convention: she needed four days to learn that speech.

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
August 26, 2024 2:50 pm

Another stinky, smoking feather in Sky Daytime’s cap – Ant Lowenstein.
Billed as “Independant Journalist”

Just another reason to understand that SkyNews daytime is unwatchable when they have that goose on. 

Cassie of Sydney
August 26, 2024 3:00 pm

When will mothers, who deliberately put their children’s lives in danger, be made accountable for their actions?

Too often children are abused and murdered because their mothers choose to associate with and/or shack up with highly undesirable males who shouldn’t be anywhere near children. These males are usually not the biological fathers of the children.

Charlise Mutten’s mother was supposed to be ‘clean’ of drugs, she’d assured Charlise’s grandparents and biological father of this, hence Charlise was allowed to travel down from Brisbane to Sydney to stay with her. The little girl was excited to spend time over the Christmas holidays with her mother and her mother’s wealthy lover.

But the mother being ‘clean’ was a lie, a big, monstrous lie. Instead the mother was intimately involved with the hideous creature called Stein. The two had met in rehab and ‘connected’. It was a connection made in hell. The mother clearly thought her life was going to be a bed of roses with Stein because Stein had the dosh to buy the drugs, and the two of them could ride off into the sunset together.

The mother also bears responsibility for her child’s savage murder. She’s since had Stein’s child.

Little Charlise should be still alive today, instead her life was taken from her by a monster. Hear this, Charlise was put in that mortal danger by the very person who should have kept her safe, her mother.

Charlise deserved better. I hope her soul is at peace.

Last edited 23 days ago by Cassie of Sydney
August 26, 2024 3:12 pm

Has anybody been on the Sydney Metro yet?
I thought it was a nice touch for the premier to invite former premiers to the opening.

Rufus T Firefly
Rufus T Firefly
August 26, 2024 3:17 pm
Cassie of Sydney
August 26, 2024 3:27 pm

Mossad is like the FBI.
Deep state captured by the Left.

Absolute codswallop.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
August 26, 2024 3:39 pm


Incoming NT chief minister will hold police portfolio
By Caroline SchelleTurning to news in the Northern Territory, where the incoming chief minister Lia Finocchiaro held a press conference in Darwin.
The Country Liberal Party won the election in the territory over the weekend, and Finocchiaro said it would get to work tackling crime in the territory.
“I will honour the commitment to make sure that as chief minister I will also hold the police portfolio, so that community safety is the number one priority of our government and our police know they will be supported,” she said.

The territory’s police commissioner Michael Murphy would also continue his role to “drive change and support” in the force, and she added that she also spoke to the NT Police Association president.
“It’s very, very important to me and to my entire team that we steadily fix the direction of the Northern Territory,” she said.
It was particularly important that there was a “whole of government response” to addressing law and order.

Salvatore - Iron Publican
August 26, 2024 3:44 pm

Current read. To my shame I forget which Catallaxian recommended this book.

Well put together novelisation of RSM Heywood’s 1939-45 letters to his family.
Being constructed of what are in effect contemporaneous notes, one must consider some weight to the following;

Oft mentioned on this site by Zk2A is Gunner Walter Brown, formerly Sergeant Walter Brown 1st AIF & recipient of the VC & DCM for actions on the Western Front. Preferring to not become a prisoner of Japan, Brown is reported as last having been seen loaded with ordnance & heading toward Japanese positions, to take as many with him as he can manage.

Heywood teamed up with several other like types as Singapore fell, one of whom was Brown.

Heywood writes that Brown & several others commandeered a small craft & made it to Java.

August 26, 2024 4:00 pm

Today, the following citation from Isaiah 6:8 is very relevant. For some reason, it makes emotion well up in my heart.

Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? … And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I. … Send me!”.

Cassie of Sydney
August 26, 2024 4:19 pm

Mossad is so politically captured and compromised by the far-left that the organisation it manages to terminate Ismail Haniyeh in the middle of Shia Tehran, and it manages to terminate Hezbollah commander Fuad Shukr in the middle of Beirut.

Shin Bet is so politically captured and compromised by the far-left that the organisation manages to regularly hunt down and kill Palestinian terrorists in Tulkarm, and other West Bank towns.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
August 26, 2024 4:22 pm

I’d never seen this before.

A comedy skit with Trump.

eric hinton
eric hinton
August 26, 2024 4:32 pm

John H.

 August 26, 2024 2:27 pm

Australian Genius Guerrilla Tactics That Completely Wrecked Japan

I don’t wish to make light of the Kokoda campaign. But. The visuals backing the voice over are hilarious. Russell Coight levels of editing brilliance. Can someone confirm if, at the 14m 18s mark a Private Mel Gibson has been teleported out of the hell of Gallipoli to fight in the hell of Kokoda?

August 26, 2024 4:47 pm

The Melbourne Symphony Orchestra is now wearing a skinsuit.

The Melbourne Symphony Orchestra’s managing director has left the organisation, amid controversy over the orchestra’s handling of a pianist’s onstage comments about the war in Gaza.

An investigation into the MSO’s policies around “artistic expression on stage” has also been commissioned, to be led by former Midnight Oil frontman and ex-Labor minister Peter Garrett.

After eight years of service which nobody complained about, the Managing Director, Sophie Galaise, was forced out by supporters of Hamas.

Now they have hired a former rock musician and Labor Minister to review their policies.

I hope that every Jewish supporter of the MSO closes the chequebook with a loud SNAP!

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
August 26, 2024 4:49 pm

When will mothers, who deliberately put their children’s lives in danger, be made accountable for their actions?

At least they have stopped making them ‘Australian of the Year’.

August 26, 2024 4:57 pm

I could not believe what I heard on the bloke next to me phone. He’s on speaker so I hear both ends of the conversation. The duks have managed to do a complicated op that is a third of what he needs but the rest probably won’t be able to be done. Its given him anothe couple of years maybe more. His wife says “I can’t cope, I need you home”. If I’d hadn’t held my tongue I’d liked to have reached down the line and slapped her into next week. He wasn’t going to last till Christmas and here’s this so’n’so bitching about herself not coping. He’s going to be dead you self centred cow. Cope then. I’m ropeable.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
August 26, 2024 5:07 pm

Incoming NT chief minister will hold police portfolio


The territory’s police commissioner Michael Murphy would also continue his role to “drive change and support” in the force

I have heard it said that Murphy and Jamie Chalker were candidates for the job that ultimately went to Chalker, and that Murphy has held a revenge torch ever since as he believed that he won the role.

Chalker and then-Chief Minister Michael Gunner went to school together, which I am sure is some sort of coincidence.

It is also apparently noteworthy, according to sources that Murphy – almost alone in the entire NT top brass – studiously kept his mitts off the Rolfe fiasco from start to finish. In those terms, particularly through a political lens he’s virgin snow.

Chalker was appointed by, and was ultimately the subject of a heroically incompetent sacking attempt by successive Labor governments.

Although appointed by yet another Labor rabble, Murphy has had less than a year in the big chair and may yet save himself by promising to do actual police work and not fill gaps caused by the health and community services portfolios.

Time will tell.

August 26, 2024 5:12 pm

I hope that every Jewish supporter of the MSO closes the chequebook with a loud SNAP!

The MSO was a big supporter of the Voice & constitutional recognition.

The management made a rod for their own back.

A lot of learnings to be had here.

If anyone in the administration of the Yartz remains teachable, that is.

Last edited 23 days ago by Roger
Barking Toad
Barking Toad
August 26, 2024 5:14 pm

Oh the ironing!!!

Is that Chris Bowen!!??

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
August 26, 2024 5:22 pm

I hope that every Jewish supporter of the MSO closes the chequebook with a loud SNAP!

A couple of years ago, for a few weeks I was in Melbourne. A friend of an acquaintance, who I met was a member of the MSO.

Specifically, he played the flute. I asked how much he was paid for this, and he indicated quite proudly that he was remunerated to the tune of a shade over $100K for this.

‘What about the bloke on the triangle?’ I asked, which was in my view a reasonable question. ‘Does he get $100 large for that?’. The answer was yes.

On further enquiry, I ascertained that about 75% of that income came from MSO donations.

Last edited 23 days ago by Knuckle Dragger
August 26, 2024 5:27 pm

Has anyone seen this?
How many stabbings this fortnight?

August 26, 2024 5:31 pm
And this.
I’ve heard nothing from the media until I opened Jihadwatch.

August 26, 2024 5:43 pm

There actually is such a thing?

Amazing how Victoria, still broke and bankrupt, now all of a sudden has millions to splurge on the Gay Games? Can this fked up state get any gayer?

Why bother having a separate event when they could fold it into the Olympic Games. No one would see the difference.

August 26, 2024 5:47 pm

Jackie is politically akin to the second wife who cheated with her husband behind the back of the first wife.
Surprise surprise she’s being cheated on too.

August 26, 2024 5:57 pm
August 26, 2024 5:58 pm

This makes me sick just to think about.

Baby Deaths in Australia; Born alive and gasping for air.

August 26, 2024 6:02 pm

He’s another one whose death would bear looking into.


JFK Jr was right!!!

August 26, 2024 6:06 pm

Amazing how Victoria, still broke and bankrupt, now all of a sudden has millions to splurge on the Gay Games? Can this fked up state get any gayer?

Even the ABC is having serious doubts about Victoria’s future.

August 26, 2024 6:07 pm


A Harris DOJ could be more terrifying and destructive than the Biden/Garland/Monaco DOJ.


Harris’ likely pick for attorney general is DC US Attorney Matthew Graves. I explain why here:

Kamala Harris’ Likely Pick for Attorney General: Matthew Graves

August 26, 2024 6:09 pm

Always up for some good advice.

comment image

August 26, 2024 6:10 pm


A major missile strike on Ukraine!

In some parts of Ukraine, electro started to disappear.

Today 11 Tu-95MS, 6 Tu-22M3M, ships of the Black Sea Fleet, Shaheed drones and ground based Islander missiles are targeting Ukrainian military infrastructure and other targets.

Hits are recorder all over Ukraine in the Kharkov, Sumy, Kirovograd, Vinnytsia, Kyiv, Zaporizhia, Khmelnytsky, Dnipropetrovsk, Odessa, Chernigov, Lutsk regions.

August 26, 2024 6:19 pm

When it comes to gangland/tribal shootings in Western Sydney I tend to have this as a solution.
Sadly two many cats there.
“There once were two cats from Kilkenny. Each thought that was one cat too many, So they started to fight And to scratch and to bite- Now, instead of two cats, there aren’t any.”

August 26, 2024 6:22 pm
August 26, 2024 6:24 pm

To pull the plug on the Commonwealth games and then put up a hand for the gay games, that’s some chutzpah.
I hope they are stocking up on monkey pox vaccine and various other STD remedies in preparation.
Personally I think we should be hosting the trans games.
Wouldn’t that be a hoot.
The men pretending to be women will smash all the records held by the women pretending to be men.

August 26, 2024 6:28 pm

The (I suspect futile) panicmongering about the weather goes on.

Days ago, I heard via the BoM and TheirABC about a heatwave on the way.

Well, it has barely hit 18C here, in a place where it can hit 40C in summer. Yes, there have been a few mild days and nights. So what?

Undeterred, here they go again:

Here is the headline:

40 degrees in August? A climate expert explains why Australia is ridiculously hot right now
Ridiculously hot? Talbot Duckmanton is now auditioning for Florence’s job.

August 26, 2024 6:59 pm

Everyone predicting a gas shortage for Summer. Good. That means the weather will be fine for the mass lynchings of the liars, filth and other alarmists responsible for this mess.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
August 26, 2024 7:20 pm

Alice Springs’ ‘weekend of carnage’ in Northern Territory election aftermathLiam Mendes
2 hours ago.
Updated 2 hours ago

The change in Territory government did nothing to stop rogue youths in Alice Springs leaving locals fearing for their lives, with dozens of vehicles smashed, businesses ransacked and Aboriginal Police Liaison Officers outnumbered when weapons were brandished during a dispute at a community footy game over the weekend.
Chief minister elect Lia Finocchiaro has vowed to tackle the issues of youth crime and ‘reset the agenda’ for law and order after meeting with the NT police commissioner on Sunday.
The Australian has obtained dozens of photographs and video footage of the weekend carnage in the red centre, where roaming youth vandals damaged more than 60 cars, with many of the vehicles dedicated to helping improve the lives of young Indigenous Australians.
One young woman, named Clarin, on Sunday evening had her car approached by a group of children – some whom look as young as eight – fearing she would be hijacked.
Extraordinary footage of the encounter shows the children approaching the vehicle from the Todd River at 8pm before the 28-year-old chef and student from Indonesia slowly reversed her car to get away, when the children started pelting rocks at her vehicle.

“The kids tried to approach the car and then (I) try to reverse the car and then the kids started to throw the stones on my car and I drove away,” said Clarin, who was still shaken by the incident on Monday.
Clarin, who requested her surname be withheld, said that before her vehicle was attacked the children had tried following and throwing stones at the friend she had just dropped off.
“I was so panicked, she was panicked, my other friend panicked as well,” she said.
“I was worried if they threatened me and asked me to leave the car and then they can hijack my car,” she said.
At least eight businesses were attacked on Saturday night, with photos obtained by The Australian showing hundreds of vehicle and business windows smashed.

August 26, 2024 7:38 pm
Cassie of Sydney
August 26, 2024 7:38 pm

Currently watching Bolt and his expose on the ADF’s woke bilge. Just awful.

One thing is for sure, we no longer have an army of any consequence.

Oh wait, we do have an army, this country has any army of indigenous crocodiles that infest our north. They’re our army now. I think I’ll trust the very unwoke crocodiles to defend this country more than the gender obsessed wokelings now infesting our ADF.

August 26, 2024 7:49 pm
Top Ender
Top Ender
August 26, 2024 7:57 pm

Mining magnate and businesswoman Gina Rinehart addressed the 2024 Bush Summit in Bendigo and spoke about the significance of the mining industry on the Australian economy which was not being taught about in schools.

Instead, “woke causes”, “propaganda” and an “anti-Australia” sentiment was permeating the education system.

Speaking at the event hosted by the Herald Sun, and introduced by Sky News host Rita Panahi, Ms Rinehart was critical of the education system for the drop in defence force personnel and for a increase in an anti-Australian sentiment in schools.

Ms Rinehart said Australian schoolchildren should be learning about the importance of coal mining and the importance it had on the economy, while also developing an understanding of the work regional communities did rather than “taking them for granted”.

More at Sky

Top Ender
Top Ender
August 26, 2024 8:08 pm

Cassie: Currently watching Bolt and his expose on the ADF’s woke bilge. Just awful.

What was he saying please Cassie?

Cassie of Sydney
August 26, 2024 8:12 pm

What was he saying please Cassie?

It was about how our ADF, now uber woke and obsessed with gender ideology, is going to advise the Japanese about the importance of gender ideology in the armed services.


Dunno about others but I think I’ll trust our indigenous crocodiles to defend this country more than the woke women and men in the ADF.

August 26, 2024 8:32 pm

Sky News’s policy of appointing Joe Hildebrand as the Albanese government’s designated media apologist is backfiring.

Tonight, Hildebrand has been arguing that the rushed approval of Australian visitor visas for Gaza Arabs is more important than Australian national security.

I’m sure Joe’s on good money for his new role, but he’s now making a living predominantly as an Australian Labor government puppet.

August 26, 2024 8:38 pm

40 degrees in August? A climate expert explains why Australia is ridiculously hot right now

Probably more weather recording sites now. Did the ABC even think to ask that question?
Of course not, there’s a planet to save.

Also the ability of digital thermometers to record short lived spikes in temperature.

Last edited 23 days ago by 132andBush
August 26, 2024 8:38 pm

I see Cassie already referred to Bolt.

He mentioned an Australian naval deployment on a Japanese Naval ship. The RAN contribution was providing people to advise on diversity issues! The other contribution was musicians.

Cant find the source of this story but yet another example of wokeness in ADF. Would be interesting to see photo of the RAN “sailors” deployed.

Bolt mentioned visit of Candace Owens and clearly in favour of her being banned. His two guests disagreed. One was Daniel Wild of IPA. Both agreed Candace was initially a very good commentator, especially on subject of BLM, but had gone off the rails recently. I definitely agree on that.

However at the risk of appearing to defend Candace I think Bolt “verballed” her in one respect. He used a reference to Frankists as one of his comments about Candace’s anti semitism. I did actually listen to that Candace episode and it was confusing to say the least. She went into background of Frankists and linked it to paedofiles and such activities in USA. If you only got a soundbite you might think the whole Frankists storyline was related to Jews.

From Wikipedia :
Frankism is a Sabbatean religious movement of the 18th and 19th centuries, created in Podolia, named after its founder, Jacob Frank. Frank completely rejected Jewish norms, preaching to his followers that they were obligated to transgress moral boundaries. At its height Frankism claimed perhaps 50,000 followers, primarily Jews living in the Polish Lithuanian Commonwealth, as well as in Central and Eastern Europe.

My understanding of what Candace was saying about them was that their intent was to make Jews look bad. However I think it was the same episode where she linked Jews to assassination of JFK (ie. Jack Ruby was Jack Rubenstein), 9/11 (ie. Israel knew it was coming) and a reference to the USS Liberty attack. Overall I took the episode to show she was anti semetic.

My impression is that Candace is very religious but looks down on the Jewish faith and this was the cause of her issues with Ben Shapiro.

Meanwhile Senator Faruqi on an anti semetic committee in the Senate !

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
August 26, 2024 8:44 pm

I hope the bloke at the end did not get arrested for tonking the w*nker.


Steve Inman:

Best of Ludacris Cam Vol. 4

August 26, 2024 8:51 pm

What’s opposite of honeymoon? Divorce? Sure hasn’t taken long.

 Sir Keir Starmer was under pressure to reveal who authorised a Downing Street security pass for a millionaire donor on Sunday amid a growing cronyism row engulfing the Government.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
August 26, 2024 8:54 pm


One more.


Steve Inman:

Animals vs Humans 2

August 26, 2024 9:11 pm

Candace is now nuts.
There are many examples of cults that have/had abhorrent sexual practices.
Islam is one.
No wonder the founder of the Frankish cult converted to islam.

Last edited 23 days ago by Rosie
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
August 26, 2024 9:27 pm

This one’s for military type Cats – how would you have reacted?

World War Two. During the ground attack on Arnhem, in 1944, heavy fighting was interrupted, when an S.S. trooper came forward, under a white flag, to ask for a doctor to assist in a difficult childbirth, in a house they were defending.

“All fighting ceased, and recommenced when the child was born.”

“A Magnificent Disaster -The failure of Market Garden, The Arnhem Operation” David Bennett, page 141.

August 26, 2024 9:29 pm
August 26, 2024 9:51 pm

If anyone in the administration of the Yartz remains teachable, that is.

One of those questions that answers itself in the act of being posed.

Cassie of Sydney
August 26, 2024 9:57 pm

Re Candace Owens and Jacob Frank.

Firstly, I’ve never had much time for Owens however I did once think she was a fairly reasonable advocate for conservative blacks. I once thought she had some interesting stuff to say about blacks and Donald Trump however I never equated her with someone like Larry Elder, a black man who does have a formidable intellect and who is someone I respect. Owens has long struck me as a rabble rouser and someone who shoots from the hip, neither of which are wise. However, over the last two years, and particularly since October 7, she’s gone down some very murky rabbit holes full of conspiratorial gunk and crap, particularly anti-Semitic gunk and crap. She’s allied herself with the likes of Kanye West and Nick Fuentes, both rabid anti-Semites. Conspiratorial rabbit holes are filled with concrete, it’s very hard to yank yourself out you’ve gone down one of these concrete filled holes. Owens now spouts Holocaust denial and so on. She’s obscene but she’s also something else, she’s a complete idiot and her opining on Jacob Frank, a figure from Jewish history who I happen to know quite a lot about, proves her idiocy. But, but, do I think banning her is the answer? No, coz this country is about to let in 3000 rabid frothing Jew haters who, I can assure all of you, are rabid Jew haters and Holocaust deniers, down to the very last man, woman and child.

As for Jacob Frank, I could fill pages. I have an interest in false messiahs in Jewish history. Frank was a ‘false messiah’, a charismatic man who, along with his equally reckless and charismatic predecessor Shabbatai Zevi, caused monumental religious, theological and emotional anguish and trauma to European Jews in what is now Germany, Poland, Ukraine and the Baltic states. In the 17th and 18th centuries Ashkenazi Jews, my forebears, were the victims of daily, weekly, monthly and yearly persecution, persecution which involved endless pogroms and expulsions. Jews were bereft and desperate for strong leaders, they yearned for a messiah who would lead them to redemption in the Holy Land, Eretz Israel. Shabbatai Zevi capitalised on this in the 1600s. To cut a long story short, Zevi and this followers arrived in what is now Turkey and the Sultan, realising Zevi was a charlatan, gave Zevi two options, death or conversion to Islam. Zevi chose conversion and took his thousands of followers with him into Islam. This false messiah was devasting to European Jewry. As an aside, there are still today in Turkey descendants of Zevi’s Jews who practice a syncretic form of Judaism and Islam

But back to Frank, one hundred years after Zevi, he arrived on the scene in the mid to late 1700s and the story was the same as Zevi’s. A charismatic charlatan. The Frank story is yet another story of catastrophic spiritual upheaval for European Jewry. Frank ended up converting to Catholicism and taking thousands of his followers with him. It was devasting to Jewish communities. And it contributed to many Jews fleeing Poland and Prussia, with the result that many washed up on the shores of England… ancestors among them.

The rabbis of old gave us Jews very specific instructions about what to do if we’re told the ‘Messiah’ has arrived. We’re warned very clearly about the dangers of false Messiahs, the rabbis tell us that if we’re cutting wood, if we’re planting vegetables, if we’re milking a cow, or if we’re preparing dinner and we’re told by an excited neighbour that the Messiah has arrived and that we have to run to meet him, the rabbis wisely suggest we continue cutting wood, we continue planting vegetables, we continue milking the cow, and we continue preparing dinner. It is best to concentrate on the here and now because we’re bound to be disappointed, and that’s what the likes of Frank and Zevi did to us Jews.

As for Owens, she knows shit, she is shit but banning her just makes her a martyr to other shits. The woman has zero credibility.

August 26, 2024 10:06 pm

This is what it’s all about. A blatant attack on free speech. The article has instructions on how to prevent deletion.
BREAKING: Apple is Set to Automatically Delete the Telegram App from Your iPhone

Cassie of Sydney
August 26, 2024 10:09 pm

Shabbatai Zevi and Jacob Frank were not messiahs, rather they were ‘cult leaders’.

August 26, 2024 10:10 pm

He manages to get “democracy” in 8 seconds of pushing censorship.


“No guarantee of free speech” – Walz

Top Ender
Top Ender
August 26, 2024 10:15 pm

OK Cat motoring experts.

Looking at replacing the Mazda CX3 which is now six years old.

It’s also ridiculous when putting people in the back seat – far too squashy. Not that we cart more than us two around much but when we do…

We quite like the SUV concept however no need for 4WD in any form.

Anyone had any good experiences with anything along those lines?

August 27, 2024 12:28 am

Worth a look.
Medieval town on the banks of the Boyne
Trim Castle, recently famous for the filming of Braveheart, is somewhat intact. I didn’t bother with the guided tour of the keep, I figured I’ve heard/ read enough of the Norman invasion of Ireland nit to need to hear another telling though I think I may be related to this particular Norman Lord.
There are the remains of various abbeys, mostly scant though if you take the very pleasant walk along the Boyne to Newtown the remains of the Cathedral are somewhat intact.
I’ve just been reading about he Black Friary but all that’s left of that is what was excavated in 2014.
The Augustine Abbey tower remains the tallest Medieval tour in Ireland.
Oh and Jonathan Swift was a Church of Ireland vicar here, massive congregation of fifteen souls but being the gentry it was a comfortable living.

Last edited 23 days ago by Rosie
Steve trickler
Steve trickler
August 27, 2024 12:37 am

Mark Dice:

RFK Jr. Endorsement of Trump ROCKS Kamala Campaign and Causes Media Meltdown

Top Ender
Top Ender
August 27, 2024 1:37 am

The loonie world of sport today…

Australian women’s soccer team featuring five trans players wins grand final amid tight security after going undefeated all season
Daily Mail

August 27, 2024 1:44 am

Pontcysyllte Aqueduct

Today this wouldn’t even get to the planning stage.
We build roads and bridges instead, though, it is still in use.


The Pontcysyllte Aqueduct, located in Wales, is an impressive and historic structure designed to carry the Llangollen Canal over the River Dee. Here are some key details:

• Construction: It was built between 1795 and 1805 by the engineer Thomas Telford, who was renowned for his contributions to civil engineering.

• Design: The aqueduct is made of iron and stands 38 meters (125 feet) above the river, making it the highest aqueduct in the UK.
• Length: It stretches 307 meters (1,007 feet) across the River Dee.

• Significance: The Pontcysyllte Aqueduct is a masterpiece of engineering and is considered a key achievement in the development of canal transport.

• UNESCO World Heritage Site: It was designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2009, recognized for its historical and architectural significance.

The aqueduct is still in use today, allowing narrowboats to traverse it, and it’s a popular attraction for visitors interested in industrial heritage and engineering marvels.

August 27, 2024 1:46 am

Soldiers acquisition all sorts of things useful or not.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
August 27, 2024 2:33 am

I thought this song was original to Ghostbusters.

Incorrect. Things we learn.

Mick Smiley – Magic ( Original MTV version )

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
August 27, 2024 2:58 am

Good to see Harold Ramis again, even if it’s CGI.

I’m so glad the fem nazi version died in the arse.

Original Ghostbusters Are Reunited | Ghostbusters: Afterlife | Now Scaring

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August 27, 2024 4:26 am
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  1. More perseverance from Numerwank. It’s Numberwank engaging in one of his favourite anti-private school shticks.

  2. How about: I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to a person who rises and sleeps…

  3. She said so you believe Israel is in the right. I said of course, who attacked whom on October 7.…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x