Open Thread – Mon 26 Aug 2024

View of Constantinople by evening light, Ivan Aivazovsky, 1846

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August 27, 2024 4:38 am

Sorry Tom, I should have looked at the time.

August 27, 2024 4:58 am

Dozens of Rivian EVs Go Up in Massive Ball of Fire at Illinois Manufacturing Plant

Dozens of electric vehicles (EVs) ready to be shipped out to customers went up in flames at a Rivian manufacturing facility in Illinois this weekend.

Again I wonder how these things can even be insured.

Black Ball
Black Ball
August 27, 2024 5:21 am

Andrew Bolt:

Pray for the sake of our safety that Anthony Albanese checked what’s happened last Friday in Solingen, an obscure town in Germany.

Yes, the Prime Minister seems not to have learnt from the five Australians already killed here in jihadist attacks by Muslim refugees, and issued tourist visas to nearly 3000 Palestinian “refugees” from Gaza without even an interview.

ASIO, our top intelligence agency, said they were being let in even if they “rhetorically” supported the Hamas terrorists who run Gaza.

But maybe now the murder of three Germans in the tragi-comedy of Solingen will make Albanese see how foolish he’s been.

No European country has accepted more “refugees” than Germany. In 2015 and 2016 alone, it took in 1.1 million asylum seekers, most from Muslim Syria, Afghanistan and Iraq.

Since then, Islamist radicals have shot, stabbed and run down Germans. In the worst attack, 13 people were killed in Berlin.

Unsurprisingly, this and other signs of radicalism have rattled many Germans, but in Solingen, the current mayor, a Christian of the Left-wing Social Democratic Party, complained it was “shameful” Germany didn’t take in even more refugees.

Like Albanese with his Palestinians, mayor Tim Kurzbach treated refugees as a test of a good heart, not of national security.

He declared Solingen a “Safe Haven” city, boasting he’d rented hundreds of apartments for refugees: “We in Solingen can manage to really welcome and integrate people.”

It was, Kurzbach preached, “the first Christian duty”.

What’s more, to celebrate Solingen’s 650th anniversary, the local council this weekend held a “Festival der Viefalt” – a Festival of Diversity, with stalls and acts to showcase what other cultures had added.

How ironic – or educative – that it was at this diversity festival on Friday that a Muslim refugee showcased his own “diversity”.

This 26-year-old, identified as “Issa al H.” by Germany’s Spiegel newspaper, had been granted a protection visa after coming to Germany as a refugee from Syria two years ago, and now rewarded Solingen for its openness by stabbing eight people, allegedly, and killing three.

The other five are in a serious condition, because police said Issa aimed at their throats.

That may not be a coincidence. Islamists have cited the Koran (Verse 8:12) as a command to do just that: “I shall cast into the unbelievers’ hearts terror; so smite above the necks”.

The Islamic State has even published many videos showing it ritually cutting the throats of “unbelievers”, including Western captives.

True, Germany’s interior minister has for now not classified the Solingen massacre as a terror attack, but the Amaq News Agency, linked to the Islamic State, claimed it was.

It said Issa was an Islamic State member and stabbed a “group of Christians” out of “revenge for Muslims in Palestine and elsewhere”.

Germany’s security agencies said they had no idea he was a radical.

Police have since arrested two more Muslims, at least one in a refugee centre, reportedly on suspicion of knowing about Issa’s plans and not reporting them.

Let me be clear. I am absolutely not saying the 3000 Palestinians who Albanese and his ministers decided to let in from Gaza without even an interview are all potential terrorists.

Absolutely not. Most – maybe all – want only peace.

But what if one or two are radical and hate the West? Think of the harm they could do here.

This isn’t a baseless suspicion, unless you’re a self-admiring naif who thinks everyone who comes here is just like you, shucking off any awkward bits of their own culture the second they breathe our air.

The Islamist terror plots here should have been warning enough, but just look at Gaza. See for yourself the videos from Gaza on the website of the Middle East Media Research Institute.

You’ll see that under the rule of the Hamas terrorist group, kindergartens and schools in Gaza have staged concerts where children brandish toy guns in mock wars against Jews; Palestinian television has starred children saying they want to kill Jews, and parents saying they’ve raised their children to be martyrs in fighting Jews; and imams have given televised sermons urging Muslims to “slaughter” Jews.

Can all these Palestinian refugees who Albanese is letting in really have been left immune to 18 years of the Hamas propaganda of violent hatred and anti-Semitism?

Albanese has been as reckless as he’s been blind. He seems another Tim Kurzbach, with full heart and empty brain. He now must hope to high heaven some Australian town or suburb won’t be another Solingen.

Take it to the bank that a fair proportion of these Gazans have ill will towards the West.
But only rhetorical of course eh Mr Burgess?

Black Ball
Black Ball
August 27, 2024 5:36 am

Where’s the Environment Defenders? Daily Telegraph:

A dramatic expansion of controversial renewable energy zones into remote Western NSW has been met with outrage from the communities who will see high voltage transmission lines snaking across their land.

Privately owned poles and wires giant Transgrid has revealed it is “actively investigating” three new giant wind and solar Renewable Energy Zones near Broken Hill that would require 2000 km of new transmission lines.

Murray MP Helen Dalton said the people in her electorate did not want more high voltage lines crossing their land.

“People where I live are sick to death of Transgrid trashing our way of life, just so they can chase some green dream for people who live in the cities,” she said.

“A Renewable Energy Zones near Broken Hill will destroy rural life for many of us in NSW,” Ms Dalton said. “We cannot allow another 2000 kilometres of transmission lines to be strung up through farmland and rural countryside.”

Ms Dalton backed calls from NSW Farmers for the lines to be buried underground which would cut bushfire risk and reduce maintenance costs and power outages.

“I’m already at war with Transgrid over the fact they won’t put their transmission lines underground simply to maximise their profits. This latest plan must be opposed at all costs,” she said.

In its Transmission Planning Annual Report the company says the three REZs near Broken Hill – Noona, Northwest Horizon and Broken Hill – are “being actively investigated”.

It warns that “Initial analysis suggests that the development costs of the remote inland REZ are up to 27 per cent more expensive.”

To offset that cost Transgrid plans to use a “tapered capacity” approach where it builds wind and solar farms along the entire 2000 km length of the transmission lines.

Its report said that approach “deploys generation along the length of the corridor to provide valuable midway voltage support that can often be necessary to transfer large amounts of power over long distances.”

Transgrid chief executive Brett Redman said the inland REZs were a better option in the future than relying on offshore wind farms.

“Remote inland renewable energy zones (REZs) are emerging as a more likely source of additional renewable power in the mid-2030s. Transgrid is exploring how and where these remote inland REZs could be developed including the western portion of NSW which has excellent solar and wind resources on under-utilised, low-density land,” he said.

Nationals leader Dugald Saunders said the “bungled” rollout of the five existing REZs needed to be fixed before any new projects were considered.

“It doesn’t make much sense to take on more large-scale projects when it can’t seem to manage getting the existing ones right,” he said.

Shadow energy spokesman James Griffin said energy experts had told him the five existing REZs zoned in NSW were enough and no more were needed.

“Industry tells me the current REZs are enough and there is no need to go and look for new ones, that would be unnecessary.

“What the government needs to do is give both industry and communities clarity by getting the roll out of existing REZs right and work with what they have already got in front of them.”

Australia Institute senior researcher David Richardson said adding 2000km of poles and wires appeared to be an attempt to “gold plate” the grid with the cost passed on to electricity consumers. It would increase the size of Transgrid’s network by almost 15 per cent.

“Since the transmission of electricity has been corporatised with profit targets the consumers of NSW have been the big losers,” he said. Transmission costs are passed on to customers and make up almost 10 per cent of every bill.

“The lack of financial detail from Transgrid is frustrating,” he said. “They should be held to the same standards as a public company.”

Transgrid. Why aren’t they subject to the arduous green/black tape that has seen actual enterprise go under like the Blayney gold mine?
I’d like to see an audit of those Aboriginal co-ops in the area where these monuments to stupidity are erected and if they have effectively been bought out by Transgrid to sit down and shut up.

August 27, 2024 5:46 am

Black Ball
August 27, 2024 5:36 am

Where’s the Environment Defenders? Daily Telegraph:

Why not just refurbish old coal power plants to current level of tech or build new efficient ones?
We are not going to run out of coal for a long time.

August 27, 2024 5:54 am

Bolt showing his ignorance, referring to Solingen as “an obscure town in Germany”.

August 27, 2024 6:11 am

August 27, 2024 5:54 am

Bolt showing his ignorance, referring to Solingen as “an obscure town in Germany”.

He probably never heard of the city of steel.
Solingen steel and knives are world famous for a good reason.

Bolt is ignorant of a lot of things, or pretends to be.

August 27, 2024 6:33 am

The lead turd who investigated Zachary Rolfe for the shooting of Kumanjaye Walker, has been sacked for impersonating a junior, female Officer on an online dating site, also posting mocked up nudes of her.

Read the article. The poor female, upon finding out about the site, when to this creep to report the crime.

Cassie of Sydney
August 27, 2024 6:41 am

From The Oz….

Labour will need 10 years to rebuild Britain, Keir Starmer says, and “hard work” will be required to bring about lasting change.

Fuhrer Starmer is telling Britons the truth, he’s now PM for life. What’s on the Fuhrer Starmer’s menu to bring about this ‘lasting change’?

Islamic blasphemy laws
Abolishing free speech
Locking up the indigenous working class, Conservatives and anyone who breaches Starmer’s edicts about speech
Expelling Briton’s Jews
Taxing the middle class out of existence
Abolition of the monarchy
Replacement of the Union Jack with a crescent flag
Abolishing council elections
Mutilating adolescent girls and boys in the name of transgender medicine

I could go on. Don’t laugh at the above, ask me how it’s going in two years.

Oh and note how Fuhrer Starmer isn’t coy about talking about ‘lasting change’. Remember how the Tories were elected in 2010, ‘governed’ until 2024 and not once did they institute any ‘lasting change’, instead they spent fourteen years entrenching Blairism.

Top Ender
Top Ender
August 27, 2024 6:51 am

Why I refused to acknowledge the traditional owners at the Vic Bar Council

At every meeting of the Victorian Bar Council, president Georgina Schoff acknowledges the traditional owners of the land on which the meeting is held and pays her respects to elders past, present and emerging.

At a recent meeting, I decided to acknowledge all Australians. I posted the minutes on social media and was promptly labelled a “racist”, a “visitor” and an “introduced species”. I was publicly condemned by two of my fellow Bar councillors and was told by the Indigenous Justice Committee that I had brought the Victorian Bar into disrepute.

Australians are told that acknowledgments of country are about showing respect to “First Nations” people and the rich cultural history and connection to country they have developed over more than 60,000 years of living on this great land.

However, in my view, acknowledgments of country are not about respect, as most people would understand that word. We show respect to Indigenous Australians by celebrating their culture and language, by valuing their historical knowledge, and by holding them to the same standards as all other Australians, not by making ubiquitous acknowledgments of country.

When we are told that acknowledgments of country are about showing “respect” to First Nations people, what is meant is respect for Indigenous Australians as the true sovereigns of our land.

The term First Nations deserves attention. A nation is a distinct political society. Therefore the term First Nations suggests there was once a number of distinct political societies, separated from the others, that lived upon our land and were the first nations.

While the existence of tribes or clans at the time of British settlement is an established fact, the notion there were “nations” by any definition cannot be established. The idea has also been rejected by the High Court of Australia and is accordingly wrong in law: Coe v Commonwealth [1979] HCA 68 at [12].

The term First Nations is wrongly used to strengthen the claims of the “sovereignty was never ceded” and “always was, always will be” movement, and to give some Indigenous people of today, who seek to make treaties with the states of Australia, the appearance of some kind of legal standing.

The chief executive of the Victorian Aboriginal Legal Service has recently stated: “I am looking forward to the day when the First Peoples’ Assembly sign a justice treaty with the state of Victoria, so that we can transform the legal system so that it respects the oldest continuous cultures on Earth and delivers real justice for our people.” This is serious stuff. Based upon the September 2023 recommendations of the Yoorrook Justice Commission and article five of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, what is being sought is some kind of Indigenous-only legal system that operates within, but separately to, the legal system of the state.

Not only would such a two-tiered legal system be antithetical to equality and the rule of law, but the real-world consequences are unknown, would be without precedent and are not currently the subject of any public discussion.

Indigenous people don’t live their lives in a bubble; they interact with non-Indigenous people as they go about their lives. What would happen if a non-Indigenous person was accused of a serious crime against an Indigenous person or vice versa? Which criminal justice system would apply and how would this be determined? Who would be the judge and how would the jury be selected? Would concepts such as the onus of proving the charge beyond reasonable doubt and the right of the accused to remain silent apply? Such questions are not limited to the criminal justice system; similar considerations would apply to civil disputes.

In Australia, we are the beneficiaries of a legal system that has been developed over centuries and which is arguably one of the best and fairest in the world. I accept that the imprisonment rate is significantly higher for Indigenous Australians than non-Indigenous Australians. But this fact alone comes nowhere near close enough to proving our legal system is the main causal factor, or that a radical change to it by creating a two-tiered system based on race would close this gap. The reasons people commit crimes are complex and multi-factorial and are generally skewed towards economic, social and environmental factors. One thing I hope we can all agree upon is that race is not a factor.

Acknowledgments of country are not about showing “respect”. They are political statements signalling support for a two-tiered system based on race. They have no place in the law, including in our courtrooms, and the average Australian instinctively knows this. A colleague recently told me that when court commenced with an acknowledgment of country, their client immediately felt the judge would take a view against them and lost any notion of receiving a fair trial. This is what happens when the legal system infects itself with politics.

For as long as people continue to make political statements by way of acknowledgments of country, I will continue to acknowledge all Australians, signalling my support for an Australia where we are all equal and subject to the same laws regardless of our race.

Lana Collaris is a barrister and member of the Victorian Bar Council.

Oz with comments open

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
August 27, 2024 6:52 am

The lead turd 

There are some seriously fcuked up people working for NT plod.

Of course, nothing matches VicPlod.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
August 27, 2024 6:55 am

This looks to be good news.

Billionaire Paul Marshall Nears Deal to Buy Britain’s Spectator Magazine for Over $131 Million (WSJ, 23 Aug, paywalled)

Mr Marshall already owns at least a fair bit of GB News, and supports Brexit.

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
August 27, 2024 6:57 am

Let me be clear. I am absolutely not saying the 3000 Palestinians who Albanese and his ministers decided to let in from Gaza without even an interview are all potential terrorists.

Don’t appease Bolt you wimp. Trying to be liked by everyone, especially those who hate you.

And get that wart cut off.

August 27, 2024 7:11 am

From BB’s pasted article above.

To offset that cost Transgrid plans to use a “tapered capacity” approach where it builds wind and solar farms along the entire 2000 km length of the transmission lines.

Its report said that approach “deploys generation along the length of the corridor to provide valuable midway voltage support that can often be necessary to transfer large amounts of power over long distances.”

Translated this means “These bullsh*t forms of power generation have no hope of continuously supporting a power grid, and inventing a phrase such as “tapered capacity” gives us further scope to harvest more taxpayer funds for at least another 10 years building more of the stupid things”

When in comes to the power grid the word “capacity” should only have one descriptor in front of it, that being “base load”.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
August 27, 2024 7:25 am

Such suffering and privation!

Channel Nine’s 60 Minutes staff ‘ticked off’ over high profile staff exempt from network’s new economy class mandate as it further tightens the belt (26 Aug)

Staff at Channel Nine’s flagship news program are reportedly “ticked off” the network has mandated economy class for work trips, as it looks to further tighten the belt after a slew of redundancies.

The cast of Nine’s 60 Minutes were last week told they will travel economy and did not receive the news “well”, having just recently stretched their legs in premium economy, according to The Australian.

“The news was not well received by those who work on the program,” the publication said.

“They are tick, tick, ticked off about it.”

Two high-profile 60 minutes staff members Liz Hayes and Tara Brown are understood to be exempt from flying cattle class.

It’s what happens when everyone in the FTA MSM crowd over to the left of the political spectrum. Righties won’t watch and lefties have the ABC – which doesn’t have pesky ads.


Bungonia Bee
Bungonia Bee
August 27, 2024 7:30 am

The term First Nations deserves attention.
It certainly does. It’s a misnomer calculated to deceive.

August 27, 2024 7:32 am

I think it’s about time a wind turbine every 250m gets proposed from Cape Otway all the way round to Sorrento.
Transmission losses would the be at an absolute minimum. Huge savings.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
August 27, 2024 7:41 am

ASIO, our top intelligence agency, said they were being let in even if they “rhetorically” supported the Hamas terrorists who run Gaza.

What do they think ‘radicalising’ Muzzies involves? It is not surgery. It is not flipping a switch up their date when they are butting the floor toward Mecca. It is rhetoric. Fanning flames and whipping up a storm with words.

It seems to be the only ‘free speech’ our pollies will protect.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
August 27, 2024 7:41 am

First RFK jr now Tulsi.

Former Democrat Rep. Tulsi Gabbard Endorses Trump (26 Aug)

August 27, 2024 7:42 am

Thousand of trees are being felled to erect solar factories, wind turbines and transmission lines in native bushland and countrysides, around Australia.This is happening on an incredible scale. Not a peep from The Australian Conservation Federation (ACF). But all of a sudden the ACF launches an attack on beef farming for clearing practices that happened decades ago. Perhaps the blow back from farmers and rural communities condemning the renewable roll out is starting to hit home? Are the Greens and Labor Party starting to panic?Is this a distraction strategy launched to try and save Green’s seats and Bowen’s disastrous energy policy.There’s an election coming up in Queensland shortly and the assault on pristine native forests by the renewables industry in QLD, working hand-in-glove with the Labor government, has not gone unnoticed. The ABC, the self appointed voice for the Greens, leads the attack. And notice in the attached media release from ALPBC how supermarkets have been included as a supply chain colluder for the “nasty” beef industry. It would appear that the ALP/Greens strategy is to put pressure on supermarkets to require beef farmers to submit to yet another Green-tape compliance intervention.What this would do is add more cost and regulation to farmers and supermarkets, resulting in higher prices to the consumer and distortion of the supply chain price mechanism. Let’s hope the supermarkets fight back hard, as well as the farmers. Otherwise we’ll be eating bugs in the near future.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
August 27, 2024 7:44 am

Trump’s latest campaign ad. Kamala talking to Kamala. It’s a hoot.

It also reminds people that she is still the current VP and has been for the past 3.5 years.

Her campaign seems to be going to great pains to paper that over, presenting her as a new cleanskin candidate.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
August 27, 2024 7:49 am

The EU is getting worse.

In Europe, Growing Calls for Musk to Be Arrested (25 Aug)

Rumble CEO: Just Escaped Europe After Telegram CEO Arrest (25 Aug)

Macron: Arrest of Messaging App CEO Not Political (26 Aug)

As for the last one I suppose if you are going to tell a porky it may as well be a real stinker.

Bungonia Bee
Bungonia Bee
August 27, 2024 8:14 am

Chalmers casting Dutton as “divisive and dangerous” is very revealing. It’s a sure sign that Labor are scared.
It’s the same tactic applied to Abbott back when he was looking like winning – which he did – and it’s the same tactic used in the USA by the left who fear Trump.
Chalmers has been saved by our mining industry, not by his expertise in budget matters.

Bungonia Bee
Bungonia Bee
August 27, 2024 8:20 am

First RFK jr., then Tulsi, and now ardent Democrat broadcaster Bret Weinstein:
“Let me be perfectly clear about this. I think the modern Democratic Party is an existential threat to the Republic. Although I am a Democrat and have been a Democrat my whole life, the party I see in front of me today is the inverse of the party I signed up for. This is now the party of war, the party of racism, the party of censorship. I don’t recognize this party.”
Lifelong Democrat Bret Weinstein Now Considers Voting for Trump After RFK Jr. Endorsement — Calls Democrats an “Existential Threat” to the Republic | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim H?ft

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
August 27, 2024 8:21 am

Transgrid’s Broken Hill bid might just be the first sign that the community push back in REZ areas is biting.
The major flaw in unilateral REZ declarations is the access to land for projects within the zone. If enough landholders resist then the generation forecasts cannot be met.
AEMO have arrogantly chosen productive agricultural land for REZ because they think it’s easy country to occupy but at the same time have little control over the money and terms offered to landholders by renewable companies. The money is not attractive unless you have big parcels of land that can sustain 200+ turbines or hundreds of hectares of solar.
All the government wants from the bush is the land to exploit for energy. There’s virtually no inputs or value adding to benefit the local economy, that’s why the community benefit money is being pushed hard to win over some clueless townies. Locals should be aware that such money from companies also displaces government grants for community projects that are a just return on taxation. A game of corporate largesse by the syphoning of power bill money through a company structure that allows the government to use tax money in the marginal seats where they gain most political benefit. The old pea and thimble game never gets old for the unwary.

H B Bear
H B Bear
August 27, 2024 8:39 am

Curious that Albo and the Liars use Chalmers as their first SAV (Spud Attack Vehicle). Chalmers has been invisible for weeks, will be lucky if the RBA doesn’t hike interest rates before the election and is centre of cost of living concerns. The Liar front bench might be more underwhelming than R-G-R when Abbott wiped them out.

August 27, 2024 8:46 am

I would encourage all officials to use the words used by Lara Collins as a template for their official welcome speech to events and meetings. eg
On behalf of the xyz Association welcome to (XYZ event), we acknowledge all Australians, and show our support for an Australia where we are all equal and subject to the same laws regardless of our race. Thank you.

The Qantas Welcome to Australia could be
Welcome to Australia, we acknowledge all Australians, and show our support for an Australia where we are all equal and subject to the same laws regardless of our race. Thank you.
People would heave a sigh of relief.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
August 27, 2024 8:52 am

In Cargo Cult news:
[Unlinkable OZ]

Anthony Albanese’s plan to expand natural gas production will come under fire at the Pacific Islands Forum in Tonga this week, where UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres will pile pressure on rich nations to commit to a faster phase-out of fossil fuels.

The Prime Minister will arrive in Tonga on Tuesday night after a magnitude 6.9 earthquake north of the capital, Nuku’alofa, was interpreted by some attendees as a call to action by Mother Nature.

Mr Albanese said ahead of his departure that Australia understood “climate change remains the single greatest threat to the livelihoods, security and wellbeing of Pacific Island communities”. But the government’s Future Gas Strategy, released in May, alarmed many Pacific leaders with its commitment to opening up new gas fields and confirmation the fuel would play a crucial role in the nation’s energy mix “to 2050 and beyond”.

Mr Guterres told the forum’s opening ceremony on Monday the region’s ambition for a fossil fuel-free Pacific was a blueprint for the world, but would require a fresh commitment from big economies including Australia.

“The biggest emitters must step up and lead, by phasing out production and consumption of fossil fuels and stopping their expansion immediately,” he said. “When governments sign new oil and gas licences, they are signing away our future.”

Luckily for Handsome Boy, the Pasifica Vote in crucial ALP seats is completely disorganised – so he can hope to get away with a little spittle, a bright floral shirt, and the traditional sharing out of parcels of munni wrapped up in palm leaves.

Emperor Xi smiles at the irony.

August 27, 2024 9:01 am

Welcome to Australia, we acknowledge all Australians, and show our support for an Australia where we are all equal and subject to the same laws regardless of our race. Thank you.

We’re here! Cheated death again! Now get off the plane!

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
August 27, 2024 9:03 am

Emma Garlett: Aboriginal public housing tenants left out in the coldTue, 27 August 2024 2:00AM


Without safe, healthy housing, we will never close the gap between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians.
Without a stable and clean place to live, we can have no expectation of good physical and mental health.
But thousands of West Australian public housing tenants in Aboriginal communities are continuing to suffer, sharing their falling-apart homes with pests, without access to safe drinking water.
These are conditions that would be unacceptable anywhere else in the State. But in the hundreds of Aboriginal communities across WA, they’re commonplace.
The issue has been forced back into the public consciousness courtesy of a class action brought against the WA Government by Slater and Gordon.
The class action accuses the Housing Authority and State of WA of breaching multiple residential tenancy, contract and consumer protection laws over the last 14 years.
The lawsuit alleges that WA authorities failed to maintain, repair and carry out structural and other improvements to public housing rental properties and to do so within a reasonable time.
I have seen first-hand the state of many of these houses in WA — and their appalling condition would come as a shock to many West Australians.
There are cockroach-infested shacks with boarded-up windows. If you’re lucky enough to have plumbing that works, there’s a good chance it leaks.
Many have no working toilets or showers, or even a place to cook food.
Some have exposed electrical wiring, a significant danger, particularly for families with children. Many homes are mouldy and are infested by rodents and insects.
Others are without working lights or doors that lock. Some are missing doors entirely.
In some communities, residents can’t drink the water because of uranium contamination fears.
All the while, tenants are paying significant amounts of rent to the Government.
For homes that are unsafe, unacceptable and unliveable.
The class action will cover all Aboriginal public housing tenants in the Wheatbelt, Mid West, Gascoyne, Goldfields-Esperance, Pilbara, West Kimberley and East Kimberley unless they choose to opt-out.
It also includes Aboriginal tenants who are living in Derby, Broome, Kununurra and Exmouth.
These are West Australians who should expect much more from their Government. They have the right to safe, healthy housing for themselves and their families, just as West Australians in the State’s metropolitan areas do.
Housing is one of the most important planks of a healthy society.
How can we expect children to be healthy and happy if they are living in a home infested with rodents?
How can we expect them to succeed at school if they don’t have lighting or access to a shower at home?
And how can we expect their parents to go to work if they’re laying in bed at night worrying who might walk through the broken door, or how they’re going to provide food for their families without access to a working kitchen?
Until Aboriginal public housing tenants and their families are provided with clean, safe and healthy homes, they are being set up to fail.

Cassie of Sydney
August 27, 2024 9:06 am

Jim Chalmers has attacked Peter Dutton as the ‘most divisive leader of a major political party in modern history’, in a major speech in which he outlined his blueprint for a ‘fourth economy’.

That means Labor are now shit scared. Dutton has them in a corner.

Worth remembering that Chalmers, the slushing slug from Grayndler and all the other comrades have never stooped to describe those who are really ‘divisive’ and ‘dangerous’, and that is Greens aka the Australian Nazi party.

I note Fatso Faruqi’s appointment to a senate committee on Jew hatred. Do we laugh or do we cry? I haven’t decided yet but I know who is laughing in hell, and that’s Hitler, Goebbels and co….so I think I’ll cry.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
August 27, 2024 9:06 am

NatWest, who debanked Farage, is at it again.

Bank apologizes for ‘debanking’ Yad Vashem UK (26 Aug)

The British branch of Israel’s Holocaust museum, Yad Vashem, was “debanked” and had its bank account closed due to an “administrative error,” a spokesperson for the NatWest banking company told The Daily Mail.

“We have apologized to the customer as this was an administrative error and we will be continuing to bank Yad Vashem UK. We are working to ensure something similar does not happen again and are sorry for the upset caused,” the spokesperson said.

Administrative error eh? Sure, that is so totally believable.

August 27, 2024 9:08 am

Top Ender, our CX-5 is 4 and a half years old. Excellent vehicle. Quiet, smooth, AWD and the top model has all the bells and whistles. The electronics and driver assist are done very well and not annoying.
Anything with a CVT is totally out of consideration and that’s Honda CR-V, Subarus and most RAV 4’s except for the top model which has a horribly clunky 8 speed auto, sounds like a truck and drives like one and an interior that looks like it belongs in a base model. The Toyota styling department should also be fired. Also most of these cars don’t even have a vertical height adjustment for the front passenger seat which leaves the 5 foot and half inch Mrs Eyrie at a disadvantage.

August 27, 2024 9:12 am

I hope witnesses at the senate enquiry bore it up Faruqi.

Give the hag a taste of her own medicine. They need to come prepared to take no prisoners.

the fact that she’s there at all is an “up yours” to Aussie Jews under the pump. They should be hopping mad. I know I am for my family’s sake.

Last edited 23 days ago by calli
August 27, 2024 9:13 am

Did my annual Qld driver licence medical yesterday. You get to be interviewed by the nurse first. Who turned out to be a 5 foot 7inch skinny girl with nose ring in one nostril, blond and purple hair and tatts.
I was pleasantly surprised that she was totally professional, efficient and personable and told her so on the way out and also mentioned it to my Doc.

August 27, 2024 9:18 am

The article about acknowledgements of country at the Oz is getting huge amount of comments

Black Ball
Black Ball
August 27, 2024 9:19 am

The Prime Minister will arrive in Tonga on Tuesday night after a magnitude 6.9 earthquake north of the capital, Nuku’alofa, was interpreted by some attendees as a call to action by Mother Nature.

Cargo cult indeed.
Expect more solar panels and bird shredders to be approved before the next election.

August 27, 2024 9:19 am

While checking my junk email account just now, I noted a prominent headline on yobbo accusing some audience member of Queer & Atrophied of being a racist. The female audience member’s image was published, but I didn’t click on the story to discover why ‘some producers’ felt her question should not have been put to air.

Perhaps there is more to this than I’m aware of, but if they’ve just publicly labelled an average citizen as a racist …

August 27, 2024 9:21 am

And not just my family, mind. Stupid, dozy Christians need to wake from their cosy, protected slumbers.

Mean looks and snarky words aren’t the worst things we can expect in the near future if this tourist visa trajectory is continued. We are softer, fatter targets than our Jewish friends.

”Niceness” won’t help us. Love first, but be aware and scope the room.

August 27, 2024 9:22 am

Let me be clear. I am absolutely not saying the 3000 Palestinians who Albanese and his ministers decided to let in from Gaza without even an interview are all potential terrorists.

Let me be clear. Most of them are potential terrorists: they voted for hamas and in every poll since Oct 7 the majority of pallis have supported what hamas did.

Absolutely not. Most – maybe all – want only peace.

Bullshit. Pallis are the scum of the scummiest place on Earth, the muzzie ME. These bastards would rather have a fight then a feed.

August 27, 2024 9:24 am

Gerbil Broiling Guterres told the forum’s opening ceremony on Monday the region’s ambition for a fossil fuel-free Pacific was a blueprint for the world, but would require a fresh commitment from big economies including Australia

It is emblematic of this age of staggering global stupidity that this idiot can utter such garbage and be taken seriously (only by imbeciles, admittedly).

As for a “fresh commitment” from rapidly shrinking economies such as Australia, has the collectivist nutcase had a chat with Blackout Bowen or Blabbersack lately? Totally on board with this year zero insanity, they are.

Meanwhile the ALPBC is hyperventilating over sea levels “increasing at double the expected rate” across the Pacific. Which of course, they aren’t and the ALPBC is lying – again. Just as they were lying yesterday when they claimed that 2024 is going to be “the hottest year on record” (contained within a hysterical piece linked by Johanna about some normal August weather patterns across Australia).

More than 36 years of fact and evidence free anti-scientific horsesh*t, purveyed incessantly by catastrophist wrongologist clowns, with no end to the hysteria in sight. I’m so bloody sick of it.

August 27, 2024 9:25 am

Oh, I see. It’s a Senate committee, not an enquiry.

So a carefully curated gab fest. And Faruqi will get a nice little stipend for her “contribution “.

I despise this government and their associated parasites.

August 27, 2024 9:31 am

The chief instigator of the Solingen attack was subject to a year old deportation order.

Source: euggypius via substack

Last edited 23 days ago by Roger
August 27, 2024 9:32 am

That’s enough from me this morning.

Stock pot simmering, cake baking in the oven and the sewing machine calling like the Lorelei – time to finish another little blanket for the children’s ward. All to the dulcet tones of Bach and Handel.

August 27, 2024 9:36 am

Curious that Albo and the Liars use Chalmers as their first SAV (Spud Attack Vehicle).

It’s the battle of the Queenslanders.

August 27, 2024 9:38 am

The Trump campaign is circling the drain. Down three or four points in the polls and still falling.

Fresh from joining Trump as his new unofficial VP, RFK Jnr has promised he and Trump will prosecute those committing chemtrail crimes. This on the back of that story about him chainsawing the head off a dead whale, strapping it to the top of the family car and driving five hours with his kids in the back gagging as whale ichor leaks over them. Weird.

August 27, 2024 9:40 am

The MSO’s grub pianist made some typical leftard comments about Israel while performing and was removed by the MSO boss, an attractive woman so she’s not a leftie. Now she’s been fired and the pianist has been reinstated and peter garrett has been appointed to investigate. I hope the bastards lose every Jewish sponsor who are the main source of their money:

Melbourne Symphony Orchestra boss leaves in wake of controversy over handling of pianist’s Gaza comments (

August 27, 2024 9:43 am

The Trump campaign is circling the drain. Down three or four points in the polls and still falling.

Latest polling analysis (not CNN or any of the other msm bullshit):

Fresh from joining Trump as his new unofficial VP, RFK Jnr has promised he and Trump will prosecute those committing chemtrail crimes. This on the back of that story about him chainsawing the head off a dead whale, strapping it to the top of the family car and driving five hours with his kids in the back gagging as whale ichor leaks over them. Weird.

Average piss taking from dickless.

August 27, 2024 9:44 am

But thousands of West Australian public housing tenants in Aboriginal communities are continuing to suffer, sharing their falling-apart homes with pests, without access to safe drinking water.

Considering the pillorying of the last chap who suggested dealing with this problem…

These places are welfare sinkholes.
They exist only to provide scabs for city “abos” to pick off its inhabitants to coat themselves with to call for more munni.

Nothing will change because nothing can change.

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
August 27, 2024 9:45 am

Until Aboriginal public housing tenants and their families are provided with clean, safe and healthy homes, they are being set up to fail.

Typical lefty Arts student shyte.

Maybe if they didn’t rip up floorboards and pull studs out of the wall to have indoor fires the houses would be very comfortable.

I’m sure there are plenty of non-abo families that would appreciate and look after properties.

Cassie of Sydney
August 27, 2024 9:47 am

Morning Nazi! I note that our Nazi has zero self awareness, he circles the drain everyday.

Cassie of Sydney
August 27, 2024 9:49 am

NatWest, who debanked Farage, is at it again.

Bank apologizes for ‘debanking’ Yad Vashem UK (26 Aug)

That was NO accident.

August 27, 2024 9:50 am

The MSO’s grub pianist made some typical leftard comments about Israel while performing and was removed by the MSO boss, an attractive woman so she’s not a leftie. 

Would this be the same boss who politicised the MSO during the Voice referendum campaign?

August 27, 2024 10:00 am

Speaking of Dim Chalmers…

Labor’s spendathon is leading us down dangerous debt path

Judith Sloan, The Australian, 27 August, 2024

I came across a very old magazine from the mid-1990s containing an article on Global Leaders for Tomorrow. Along with several international figures was our then newly installed treasurer, Peter Costello, who had recently handed down his first budget. His aim, he declared, was to confront the problem of Australia living beyond its means; his target was to deliver a budget surplus by 1998-99, something that he in fact achieved. He also outlined one of his most important tasks as “overhauling Australia’s outdated tax system”. The reason this article grabbed my attention was the contrast between then and now. Can you imagine the current Treasurer declaring his main task is to ensure Australia doesn’t live beyond its means?

Jim Chalmers clearly regards such talk as passe; he would rather spend taxpayer money on reinventing capitalism. After all, he didn’t show the slightest embarrassment when he delivered his most recent budget, which forecast four substantial deficits in a row.There was no discussion of living within our means in his speech. The best he could do in the Curtin Oration he delivered on Monday night was to claim that Labor has “made future deficits much smaller”.

It’s worth bearing in mind that famous quote of Milton Friedman: “Keep your eye on one thing and one thing only: how much government is spending, because that’s the true tax … If you’re not paying for it in the form of explicit taxes, you’re paying for it indirectly in the form of inflation or in the form of borrowing.”

The figures tell us all we need to know. Notwithstanding his claim to have got the budgetary settings completely right since coming to office, Chalmers has overseen a spendathon of massive proportions. This has doubtless contributed to the persistence of inflation, along with state government overspending.

From government payments as a percentage of GDP in 2022-23 of 24.5 per cent, this financial year the figure will be 26.4 per cent. Real government spending has risen from $627bn in 2022-23 to $727bn in 2024-25, an increase of $100bn, or 16 per cent. In 2027-28, spending is expected to top $826bn. And let’s not forget these spending numbers do not include the billions in off-budget spending: think here the Housing Australia Future Fund, the National Reconstruction Fund, Rewiring the Nation and the recapitalisation of the Snowy Hydro.

(One of the thankless tasks undertaken by Costello when he was Treasurer was to shut down most of the off-budget funding arrangements that existed at the time and to bring them directly onto the budget. He was of the view – and quite rightly – that this sort of fancy accounting had no place in sound budget practice.)

The obvious corollary of this ramped-up spending by Labor is that government debt is about to explode. Last financial year, net government debt came in at close to $500bn, or 18.6 per cent of GDP. At the end of the forward estimates period in 2027-28, government debt is projected to be close to $700bn – a massive increase of $200bn. By 2027-28, it is expected that government debt will have reached 21.9 per cent of GDP, with no signs this forward march will stop at that point.

Seemingly, there is no cause the Labor government regards as undeserving of more government funding. More spending on education, more spending on health, more spending on housing, more spending on the NDIS, more spending on aged care, more spending on childcare, more spending on climate initiatives – the list goes on.

But it’s important to recall another important proposition by Friedman – that the benefits of government spending are concentrated while the costs are dispersed. This sets up a vicious political cycle in which the beneficiaries always oppose any cuts while those bearing the costs live in relative ignorance of what is going on.

Costello was also conscious of the importance of refusing to start new spending programs without very careful consideration. He was wont to say that the best spending cuts he ever made were on programs he never implemented. It wasn’t as if proposals for the NDIS or Gonski school funding were not around in his day; it was just that he refused to sign the federal government up, knowing that these areas are really the responsibility of the states.

Labor’s complete disregard for living within our means is sadly mirrored in many developed economies. A standout example is the US. The federal deficit there is completely out of control. Last year, it came in at $US1.77 trillion, or 6.3 per cent of GDP. This compares with a deficit of 4.6 per cent of GDP in 2019 prior to the massive pandemic related spending.

Neither presidents Donald Trump nor Joe Biden paid any real attention to reining in the budget deficit. Unfunded tax cuts, untouchable entitlement programs and the cost of pensions and Medicare are the main contributors to recent budget outcomes. US government debt is now more than 120 per cent of GDP, compared with around 50 per cent in the late 1980s. Ambrose Evans-Pritchard of the (UK) Telegraph has noted that the interest costs of the combined federal and state government debts in the US will reach over 10 per cent of total government expenditures in 2025 – “anything above 10 per cent is a red alert”. Other significant countries to run chronic budget deficits include France, Spain, Belgium, Italy and the UK. Clearly, the message of living within your means has completely escaped the attention of the political leaders of those countries.

The point will often be made that Australia’s government debt problem is small beer compared with the US and other countries. Mind you, we need to add in the states’ debts that have ballooned since the pandemic – in some cases, a few years before the pandemic. It is estimated there is currently around $600bn of debt held by state governments, with an expectation this will rise to nearly $800bn by 2027.

Combining federal and state government debt we end up with more than 40 per cent of GDP. For a small open economy with China as its largest trading partner by a country mile, it’s not an entirely comfortable position to be in, particularly as some states – particularly Victoria – are likely to face credit ratings downgrades in the near future, meaning higher interest costs to service the debts.

There are also early signs some key commodity prices are on the wane; high commodity prices have propped up the federal and Western Australian budgets, in particular. Even prior to the pandemic, the menace of debt and deficits had been downplayed by most politicians and the voting public seemed to go along with this new insouciance. The excessive Covid-related spending reinforced the (incorrect) notion that money grows on trees. Unfortunately, there has been no sensible reset in terms of fiscal thinking since.

The temptation for politicians to use other people’s money to buy votes is always strong. Add in the emergence of identity politics, in which some groups are defined as permanent victims, and this force can become overpowering.

I think Judith is in fact soft-pedalling it here.

And where is shadow treasurer, Angus Taylor?

Last edited 23 days ago by Roger
August 27, 2024 10:04 am

Paywalled, so I can’t read it, but those super cheap renewables are going great!!

Fury as iconic juicer crushed by soaring power bills

Surging power bills have crippled leading regional SA businesses as the country’s highest electricity costs send staple agricultural produce prices soaring.

Cassie of Sydney
August 27, 2024 10:08 am

Actually, I was wrong, our Nazi doesn’t just circle the drain, he lives in the drain.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
August 27, 2024 10:12 am

How odd.

AFP reveals Labor’s detainee crime surge (Paywallian)

Dozens of released immigration detainees have been charged with offences since the controversial High Court ruling, new data reveals.

Maybe Labor should have deported them rather than let them out onto the street to commit crimes like this.

August 27, 2024 10:22 am


Ten years ago, gold mine blocker Nyree Reynolds identified as a Gamilaroy woman when lodging a protest against a goat abattoir on traditional Gamilaroy country near Orange, NSW.

Ten years later she’s a Wiadjury woman protesting a gold mine on Wiadjury country.

Source: The Australian

London to a brick she’s neither, but is a member of the Green tribe, aka watermelons.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
August 27, 2024 10:23 am

Broken Hill Propitiatory has cut their dividend! Hellfire and damnation, I may have to drink inferior single malt.

August 27, 2024 10:38 am

Harris campaign posts short video of Trump trying to chicken out of the next debate with appropriate backing track.

It has been most pleasing to see the Democrats under Harris winning the meme wars by realising they can take the long handle.

August 27, 2024 10:39 am

I feel a disturbance in the force, like a million apparatchiks squealed at once, and then were unemployed…

“And when I take office we will ask for the resignations of every single official,” the Republican nominee added. “We’ll get the resignations of every single senior official who touched the Afghanistan calamity, to be on my desk at noon on Inauguration Day.

You know, you have to fire people. You have to fire people when they do a bad job,” Trump added. “You got to fire them like on ‘The Apprentice’ … You did a lousy job. You did a terrible, terrible disservice to our country. You get fired when that happens.”

August 27, 2024 10:40 am

Anyone else having problems with C.L.’s website?

August 27, 2024 10:42 am

ZK2A yesterday:

This one’s for military type Cats – how would you have reacted?

World War Two. During the ground attack on Arnhem, in 1944, heavy fighting was interrupted, when an S.S. trooper came forward, under a white flag, to ask for a doctor to assist in a difficult childbirth, in a house they were defending.

“All fighting ceased, and recommenced when the child was born.”

I’d have reacted the same way.
Every now and then, the enemy reacts in ways that our betters tell us is impossible, and in the midst of the killing shows us a human face.
It also shows the truth that frontline soldiers often have more in common with the enemy they are facing, than with the people who put them in those positions.
In the end, soldiers on both sides are doing a horrid and thankless job they cannot avoid.

Cassie of Sydney
August 27, 2024 10:54 am

Just further to the Jew hating slag aka Fatso Faruqi and the Nazi party she belongs to, last November this same ‘senator’ attended a Jew hating protest here in Sydney’s CBD and Fatso stood, with a big grin on her very ugly fat face, in front of a young woman who held up a rather unsavoury poster….

Faruqi is seen standing with six students who attended the protest, five of whom are holding hand-made placards. While four of the signs bear messages of support for Palestine, the fifth (circled in the picture provided) instead depicts a figure placing an Israeli flag into a trash bin alongside the words “keep the world clean”.

Firstly, don’t anyone try and tell me that the slag didn’t see the obscene words and picture on the poster.

Faruqi, who looks like some hideous toxic pudding from a Grimm fairytale, proudly uploaded that picture on her social media the same day, only later deleting the post.

But here we have yet another example of the endless hypocrisy and double standards applied to the left versus the right. Fatso remains in the senate, I fail to recall any censure motion or similar against her. Did I miss something? No. And their ABC and the leftist media ran cold on it. Fatso Faruqi was and is given a free pass for her obscene Jew hatred.

But imagine if this had been a conservative politician? We all remember the opprobrium directed at Fraser Anning. Anning is no Jew hater. In fact he’s a proud supporter of Jews and Israel. But I recall the insane levels of hysteria and screeches directed at Anning, and he was subjected to a senate censure motion.

We live in a time of staggering hypocrisy and double standards. Well, it’s time to call it out, the days of turning the other cheek are over, finito, finished. Fatso Faruqi is a disgrace, a big fat ZIT on our parliament. And now this ZIT has been given a gig to opine on Jew hatred. The absurdity is Kafkaesque. But don’t worry, I’ll call out the Jew hatred, I’ll call out Nazis, whether it’s Nazis in the Australian Greens, or the Nazi who comments here.

August 27, 2024 11:00 am

Strategist James Carville on why Donald Trump’s poll numbers are lulling Democrats into false sense of security | Sky News Australia

Famous Democrat strategist reminds Harris that Trump always underpolls and she needs to be up by 3 points nationally to win and that RCP’s polling aggregate of battleground states — which doesn’t allow for tossups — currently has Trump winning all up but one battleground state.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
August 27, 2024 11:14 am

This could be fun!

‘Coup’: French President rules out left-wing government amid bitter deadlock (27 Aug)

French President Emmanuel Macron on Monday ruled out naming a left-wing government to end the country’s political deadlock, saying it would be a threat to “institutional stability”.

While Mr Macron said he would start new talks on Tuesday to find a prime minister, left-wing parties reacted with fury to his announcement, calling for street protests and the impeachment of the President.

The fun bit is this:

Non Merci! Le Pen Vows Vote of No Confidence For Any Leftist Gov’t Installed by Macron (26 Aug)

So if the far-left does bring an impeachment motion against Microman it just might get up on the votes of Le Pen’s party.

I suspect Macron will squirm and do gymnastics for a while then submit to the far-left, since he’s a socialist.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
August 27, 2024 11:28 am

After the ghastly news that Nine is forcing their employees to fly cattle class we now have appalling news from Seven also.

Seven West Media under fire after video of ‘sexy Santas’ at staff meeting emerges (26 Aug)

Channel 7 has come under fire after footage of a dancing group of “sexy Santas” emerged from what has been described as a routine staff meeting.

The meeting of Seven Network parent company Seven West Media in Perth was reportedly held on Friday and was intended to introduce new appointments, including Chris Dore as newspaper The West Australian’s new editor-in-chief, Sarah-Jane Tasker as the first female editor and Adrian Lowe as the first LGBT appointment as head of the weekend newspaper The Sunday Times.

Deputy news director Ray Kuka was discussing upcoming programming, including the airing of Perth’s annual Christmas Pageant on December 7, when Mariah Carey’s All I Want for Christmas started playing, as first reported in the AFR.

A group of female dancers wearing Santa hats and short red dresses then appeared on stage.

A photo of the event was shared online and drew heavy criticism, with some saying it was a scene pulled directly from the 1980s.

Female staff reportedly reacted with shock, with some walking out in protest.

So Seven showed sexy Santas in celebration of appointing a feminist editor and a qwerty newspaper head? I’m not sure whether this is awesome trolling or extremely tin-eared.

Boambee John
Boambee John
August 27, 2024 11:28 am

From the Chief UN Lackey, Guterres.

“The biggest emitters must step up and lead, by phasing out production and consumption of fossil fuels and stopping their expansion immediately,” 

China is the world’s biggest “carbin” emitter, stop wasting time in the South Pacific, go to Beijing and preach there, I dares yuh.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
August 27, 2024 11:33 am

This one’s for the bush lawyers on the Cat.

The Toodyay businessman, who is fronting the Spanish Inquisition over the case involving the mythical rainbow serpent, the Wagyl, has had his case adjourned , yet again, for what, to the best of my knowledge, is the SIXTH time.

What possible grounds can any magistrate cite, for so many delays?

Boambee John
Boambee John
August 27, 2024 11:40 am

The fat fascist fool is baaaack. All over the place as usual.

He was at least semi coherent when he used ChatGPT on the weekend, but not today.

August 27, 2024 11:47 am

A group of female dancers wearing Santa hats and short red dresses then appeared on stage.


Female staff reportedly reacted with shock, with some walking out in protest.

So they do know what a woman is!

Colour me amazed.

August 27, 2024 11:49 am

Fatso Faruqi is a disgrace, a big fat ZIT on our parliament.

She’s also a virtue-signalling phony, Cassie.

I saw photos somewhere of her family when they came here, she was a child of 8-11 IIRC.

They all wore western dress. Her mother didn’t look any different from other Australians, her father and the two daughters ditto.

The hijab is an affectation to differentiate her from her political opponents and to provide a launch ramp for accusations of ‘racism’ and ‘Islamophobia’ to be hurled at anyone who criticises her about anything.

I suspect that a dig into her private life might reveal some un-Islamic behaviour. 🙂

Now that the Taliban have banned women’s voices from public spaces, her response is eagerly awaited.

…. crickets.

Black Ball
Black Ball
August 27, 2024 11:49 am

Ten years ago, gold mine blocker Nyree Reynolds identified as a Gamilaroy woman when lodging a protest against a goat abattoir on traditional Gamilaroy country near Orange, NSW.

Ten years later she’s a Wiadjury woman protesting a gold mine on Wiadjury country.

Which in itself is one of the reasons why Teh Voice went down quicker than a two dollar hooker.
The average Joe Blackfella see this and are heartily sick of it. Again whilst most want to keep a roof over the head and food on the table, these entitled arseholes swing from trough to trough with no actual work performed.
It’s obscene.

Black Ball
Black Ball
August 27, 2024 11:56 am

And in former Premier news:

Annastacia Palaszczuk has declined to endorse Premier Steven Miles despite polling putting him on track to lead Labor to an electoral wipe-out in two months.

In a further sign the once close relationship between Ms Palaszczuk and her former deputy has deteriorated, she would not offer her support to Mr Miles when asked by journalists on Tuesday.

Queensland’s 39th premier had just delivered her first major speech since leaving office to the Smart Energy Council Expo as part of her new role as its international ambassador.

Smart Energy of course an oxymoron.
So who would Palacechook endorse?
And where is Crisafulli?

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
August 27, 2024 11:58 am

Michael Kroger says the proles are revolting against people like him.

‘Silent majority are in open revolt’: Former Liberal powerbroker’s major claim after Labor’s shock defeat in NT election (27 Aug)

Former Victorian Liberal Party president Michael Kroger has declared Australians are in “open revolt” against the Albanese government after Labor’s stronghold on the mainland was broken at the Northern Territory election. …

Mr Kroger, who appeared on The Bolt Report on Monday night, claimed the election result was “hugely significant” for one particular reason.

“The silent majority in Australia are now in open revolt. They are exhausted. They are tired. They’ve had enough,” he told Sky News host Andrew Bolt.

“They’re sick of the national discourse in this country being run by the hard left through the left media.

“They’re sick of the Labor governments, particularly Albanese, being intimidated by hard left activists, and they want to return to normality.”

He said the “middle class, the voiceless, the forgotten people, the silent majority” have now “taken up arms through the ballot box because they want to take the country back from hard left activists”. 

Maybe mate you could have a word in the shell-likes of the “hard left activists” of the Liberal Party. You know like Messers Kean and Photios. Might help.

August 27, 2024 12:03 pm

The “exhausted” Mark McClown:

By October, he had four jobs – one as a senior advisor with former federal treasurer Joe Hockey’s consulting firm, Bondi Partners, and another as a strategic advisor with Mineral Resources.

The fatigued ex-pollie also joined BHP as a consultant, sat on an advisory panel of disability employment provider APM Human Services International.

On Monday, Frontier Energy’s chief executive Adam Kiley announced Mr McGowan had been appointed as the company’s new non-executive chairman – and was reportedly handed two million share options.

This fuels the fire that his wife left him, after he got a colleague pregnant, and his life was about to fall apart.

Black Ball
Black Ball
August 27, 2024 12:04 pm

Oh dear. Remove the heretic! The bubble has been infiltrated! Hun:

A question on ABC’s Q+A about the benefits of “multiculturalism” in Australia has sparked outrage, with some asking how producers allowed it to air.

Audience member Jenny Carrol told the panel and the live national audience on Monday night she doesn’t believe multiculturalism is a “great thing”, claiming the culture of the “original British/Irish majority has been demonised constantly for the last three decades”.

“Case in point – frequent vandalism of memorials to Captain Cook. How does democracy fit into this atmosphere of beat up the white guy?” she asked, later adding Captain Cook was “just doing a job”.

The question earned a swift expression of disagreement from Youth Minister Anne Aly, who said multiculturalism is “the character of our nation … not a policy that was foisted on anyone”.

It also sparked outrage online, with many calling out the producers for allowing it to air.

“Slow clap to the producers for allowing a blatantly racist question be aired,” one person wrote.

“If that question was vetted then I’d like to know who’s doing the vetting,” wrote another.

“How could #qanda allow such a dreadful and racist question to be asked by the audience member: is history too unkind to white men?” asked another.

Some commended Dr Aly’s response.

Dr Aly’s response pointed out racism was “alive and well” in Australia, many people on social media felt.

“Take a look around you. We are multicultural. It’s who we are,” Dr Aly said on the program.

Dr Aly, who moved to Australia from Egypt when she was two-years-old, told the audience multiculturalism has brought the country “immense benefits”.

“I’m not talking about being able to have some soy sauce on your sausage roll or being able to wear a sari or any of those things,” she said.

“I’m talking about democracy is more resilient and is better when there are diverse ideas, diverse thinking, diversity of faith, diversity of cultural backgrounds. Democracy is better for it.

“I don’t think we bash the white guy as you might say. And perhaps if we were to trade places for a day you might think differently, because I get quite a bit of racism. Who would have thought?”

Australian National University Professor George Brandis KC, who was Australia’s 36th Attorney-General and worked as Australia’s High Commissioner to the United Kingdom between 2018 and 2022, said it “isn’t an either or question”, claiming Australia can “accept Australia is a multicultural society” without “disrespecting British heritage”.

“We want to be the best multicultural society that we can be. On the other hand, that doesn’t — at least to my mind — involve disrespecting the British heritage, which was a very important framing set of values for modern Australia,” he said.

“When we think of our legal system, our parliamentary institutions, our system of government, our commercial practices.”

He added the vandalism of Captain Cook statues angers him as much as the audience member, Jenny.

“So many of the fundamental features of Australian society we owe to our British heritage. And rather than be ashamed of that, we should be proud of that,” he said.

“It infuriates me when people vandalise statues of Captain Cook, and it angers me as much as I’m sure it angers you.”

He also called Australia “one of the world’s most successful multicultural societies” as the country has now reached a point where “we’re proud of our very, very ancient Indigenous heritage” and the “more modern British institutions that go back to 1788”.

However New York Times best-selling US author Roxane Gay said Australia’s history is “not that complicated”.

“There were people that were the First Nations people, and it was taken from them,” she said.

Referring to Ms Carrol’s earlier comment that Captain Cook was just “doing a job”, Gay said: “Just because something is your job doesn’t mean you should do it.”

“You have the power to say ‘No, perhaps I won’t steal this land’,” she continued, garnering a round of applause from the audience.

“What is the thing that makes you feel oppressed by acknowledging that there are other cultures in the world and that we should create space for all of those voices to be heard?”

“I think that we really have to rethink what oppression feels like because when you have such a significant majority as people here do, I think it’s better to ask how the First Nations people and immigrants to this country feel about all of the British norms that are foisted upon them.”

FMD so much stupidity in so little time.

August 27, 2024 12:07 pm

A group of female dancers wearing Santa hats and short red dresses then appeared on stage.

A photo of the event was shared online and drew heavy criticism, with some saying it was a scene pulled directly from the 1980s.
Female staff reportedly reacted with shock, with some walking out in protest.

‘Female staff’ at Seven are clearly not ready for interaction with the real world, if a few lasses in short skirts dancing on stage makes them react with shock and walk out.

How would they react to a dead druggie with a needle in the arm, a catastrophic car accident, or a gory murder scene?

No doubt they are down on the police who actually have to deal with these things as well.

No wonder Seven is in trouble.

If only Steve Dunleavey was still alive. He’d have them in profit in a year.

Cassie of Sydney
August 27, 2024 12:12 pm

A Cat poll.

Who’s the more ‘divisive and dangerous’ to this country?

  1. 3000 Gazans; or
  2. Peter Dutton

Please answer using the reply button. I will tally later.

August 27, 2024 12:26 pm

Sorry if this has already been discussed – it seems that after the arrest of the founder of Telegram in France – other owners of “dissident” and free speech websites are concerned about the content on their sites:

Hey DB – we are very thankful for your provision of this blog site. Standing up for freedom of speech looks like being one of the great challenges in this age of Unreason.

August 27, 2024 12:28 pm

When nest of Marxist vipers is the ABC. Had to look up Roxanne Gay. A don at Rutgers and related to the phony at Havard.

August 27, 2024 12:31 pm

“A climate expert explains why Australia is ridiculously hot right now”

It’s above average because if it never went above that average, the average would be lower you peanut!

Titus Groates
Titus Groates
August 27, 2024 12:38 pm

The Q&A racism story that BB refers to is also unpaywalled on It also has a link to a poll asking whether respondents consider the question racist. Currently 87% of 11500 people answered “no”, not racist.

August 27, 2024 12:45 pm

A photo of the event was shared online and drew heavy criticism, with some saying it was a scene pulled directly from the 1980s.
Female staff reportedly reacted with shock, with some walking out in protest.

Once again proving that the left has zero sense of humour.

August 27, 2024 12:50 pm

Orica now warning that gas shortages & electricity prices are seriously impacting their local operations.

Their CEO is calling for urgent action to protect local jobs.

August 27, 2024 12:57 pm

I’ve been watching old episodes of the US show Jeopardy with the daughter as she likes quizzes.
The interesting thing is the adverts.
The 1970s adverts are fecking dismal. The interiors, the attitudes, the products, the scripts of the ads. Awful, awful, awful. I don’t remember the seventies being that bad, but I was only a kid for most of it. The 1980s and 1990s advertising is fun. There was a real sense of humour and fun about, The products were better, the interiors bright, the scripts relatable. The girl laughed out loud many times.
Now to today. The advertising, although it looks less dismal than the seventies, there is no humour, and there is a certain weirdness that was also present in the 1970s. Like there are constraints or an alien viewpoint inserted. I can’t quite express it fully, but the vibe is the same. Not relatable to the common person, as if taken over by a little clique with a bunch of in- group baggage.

Black Ball
Black Ball
August 27, 2024 12:59 pm

The Q&A racism story that BB refers to is also unpaywalled on It also has a link to a poll asking whether respondents consider the question racist. Currently 87% of 11500 people answered “no”, not racist.

Pretty much the same as the poll in the Herald Sun.
Wonder if the yes respondents would also agree to the Rabz method in dealing with the ABC.

August 27, 2024 1:08 pm

They’ve changed the ratings methodology for TV so it’s all a bit confusing now.

I can’t work out if Q&A got 838K viewers or 332K viewers?

does anyone understand this change:

The biggest change to TV Ratings in 20 Years is coming… here’s why. | TV Tonight

What’s the diff between Total TV National Average Audience and Total TV National Reach??

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
August 27, 2024 1:39 pm

Dipping into Gareth Russell’s biography of Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother- when being told Countess Mountbatten was being buried at sea, the Queen Mother replied cheerily “Dear old Edwina, she always did like to make a splash!”

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
August 27, 2024 1:42 pm

Well, today’s CFMEU riots are going well.

Mrs Faustus tells me that the Brisbane CBD is in partial lockdown as thousands of extremely wealthy building wukkas storm around chanting: ‘Fcuk Albo, Fcuk Miles’.

Public servants at the Tower of Power, 1 William Street, have been warned not to go out at lunchtime for their own safety.

August 27, 2024 1:45 pm

Things must be becoming truely dangerous in the former UK.

Katie Hopkins is no longer slurping red wine during her diatribes.

August 27, 2024 1:50 pm

The Solo man adverts of today stink as much as anything else.
With a chubby version of Solo Man crying at a chick flick and wearing a face pack in the bath.
Idiotic. As if the people who wrote it half watched some old ads and didn’t realise the original Solo Man was a bit deliberately over the top to start with.
That over sugared and chemical tasting shit beverage gives me a migraine anyway.
Stick with Coke.

Last edited 22 days ago by Arky
August 27, 2024 1:56 pm

Macron has /is carrying out a soft coup.
Yet the denizens of the EU seem perfectly fine with him not following the rule of law.

Compare and contrast with the treatment of Orban in Hungary.


Barking Toad
Barking Toad
August 27, 2024 2:21 pm

And in SkyNews I see that the pretend journalist Andrew Clennell has dyed its hair.

You great big fcking Mary ponce

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
August 27, 2024 2:28 pm

And on SkyNews we have the Special Envoy For Social Cohesion – Peter Khallil. Whatever the fcuk that means.

Another labor spud. Where does Luigi find these dickheads?

August 27, 2024 2:46 pm
August 27, 2024 2:50 pm
Mother Lode
Mother Lode
August 27, 2024 2:53 pm

Fury as iconic juicer crushed by soaring power bills

We might be stuck with the old methods.

August 27, 2024 3:09 pm

Wondering why 70’s ads were so dull?

Just look at the lounge rooms that received them.

August 27, 2024 3:13 pm

Biden-Harris Equity Commission Wants To Spend $20 Million To Disarm Traffic Cops

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
August 27, 2024 3:33 pm

It also has a link to a poll asking whether respondents consider the question racist. Currently 87% of 11500 people answered “no”, not racist.

So those 11,500 people are racists too.

This racism is clearly getting out of control!

It is now more important than ever to lock up people who might have wrong ideas. We cannot rely on proving their racism – the peril is far too imminent. You don’t ask people to prove they like chocolate. Or to prove that they are telling a lie. This ‘white supremacy’ thinking is a Trojan horse for Hitlers. When you have proof it already is too late!

To save democracy…etc.

Last edited 22 days ago by Mother Lode
August 27, 2024 3:51 pm


Mark Zuckerberg just admitted three things:

1. Biden-Harris Admin “pressured” Facebook to censor Americans.

2. Facebook censored Americans.

3. Facebook throttled the Hunter Biden laptop story.

Big win for free speech.

August 27, 2024 3:57 pm


Mark Zuckerberg just admitted three things:

1. Biden-Harris Admin “pressured” Facebook to censor Americans.

2. Facebook censored Americans.

3. Facebook throttled the Hunter Biden laptop story.

Big win for free speech.

Fckerberg is such a gutless, offensive little worm.

August 27, 2024 3:57 pm
August 27, 2024 3:58 pm
August 27, 2024 4:01 pm

Kennedy’s interview with Tucker is very, very worthwhile. He’s really good value.

August 27, 2024 4:16 pm
August 27, 2024 4:23 pm

If you haven’t seen it, the interview with Kennedy’s VP running mate (Nicole Shanahan) illuminates the dems gloves-off strategy when it comes to opponents. Primaries fixed to prevent outsiders, sabotage, plants in their campaign, legal persecution in multiple states, etc.

Their enemy was the dems, not the republicans.

(1hr chat, but cut into titled sections)

August 27, 2024 4:28 pm

How to sort the Gaza mob coming to Oz. Get them to swear allegiance on the Bible. It would sort out all migrants; Christian are happy, Buddhist,Hindus and atheists don’t care, Jews, 80% of it is theirs anyway.

August 27, 2024 4:58 pm

ABC Radio National’s breakfast program, hosted by Patricia Karvelas, has lost a large slice of its audience in the past year

You mean journalism is not about incessantly tweeting selfies, wearing dresses adorned with Indigenous dot art, and telling everyone when you feel ‘sad’?

August 27, 2024 5:04 pm

I’m a First Nation man.

Australia was the first nation on this continent, and I’m Australian.

August 27, 2024 5:45 pm

Havent read the McCrann article in the Australian. I gave up the paper after some leftist twit kept on blocking my comments. Anyway he seems to say the Fed should have started cutting earlier. I tend to disagree. Inflation is still on the high side. Particularly real inflation. And until last week employment was looking good. I assume McCrann like the Fed was taken in by the dodgy labour figures. Looks like the regime now thinks lower interest rates give Harris a better chance than pretending employment is better. I wonder how many other Depts are publishing dodgy data to support regime narrative. The subversion of statistics and data should be an indictable offense. we might see when a new President is in the White House.

August 27, 2024 5:54 pm

Today’s WSJ

Beijing to investors: Stop bidding up our bonds. It’s making us look bad.

In recent weeks, bond traders have been piling into the perceived safety of Chinese government bonds, driving an epic buying spree that has pushed yields on the benchmark 10-year note, which move inversely to prices, to record lows.

The rally has elicited an unusual response from China’s central bank, which is responsible for managing the state treasury and maintaining financial stability: Stop buying these notes.

The tug of war has nonetheless persisted, turning an uncomfortable spotlight on some of the ingredients that economists say are fueling demand for the bonds: waning confidence in Chinese economic growth, and a lack of attractive investment options in a country where real-estate prices and stocks are both taking a beating.

The People’s Bank of China says it is worried that a sudden reversal of the bond rally could incur steep losses for smaller lenders snapping up the notes, a kind of Chinese rerun of last year’s Silicon Valley Bank debacle in the U.S.

But economists say those concerns are overblown, and suspect the real reason for authorities’ displeasure is the message underpinning the fervor for the government bonds: a lack of confidence in China’s economic growth—a posture that grates against Beijing’s boosterish view that the country’s economic ascent is unstoppable.

Worse still, say economists, is that such gloomy prognostications can become hard to unstick, eating into consumers’ willingness to spend rather than save and hurting businesses’ enthusiasm to hire and invest.

Already, consumer confidence is in the doldrums and private-sector investment is weak. Consumer-price inflation is hovering close to zero, a sign of feeble spending and industrial excess. By trying to arrest the slide in long-term bond yields, the central bank is seeking to dispel some of the deflationary angst surrounding China’s economy, economists say—though they stress such tinkering is no substitute for higher government spending and other measures that would boost growth.

“What we are trying to avoid here is a Japan-style lost decade,” said Carlos Casanova, senior Asia economist at Union Bancaire Privée.

Last edited 22 days ago by JC
August 27, 2024 6:01 pm
August 27, 2024 6:01 pm
August 27, 2024 6:04 pm
August 27, 2024 6:17 pm

I’m on my second Cx5, probably change it over next year. No problems at all.

August 27, 2024 6:18 pm
Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
August 27, 2024 6:24 pm

If I may briefly interrupt the latest Indolent blogshart – this is reposted for absolute excellence. Roger’s link:

Ten years ago, gold mine blocker Nyree Reynolds identified as a Gamilaroy woman when lodging a protest against a goat abattoir on traditional Gamilaroy country near Orange, NSW.

Ten years later she’s a Wiadjury woman protesting a gold mine on Wiadjury country.


Which in itself is one of the reasons why Teh Voice went down quicker than a two dollar hooker.


The average Joe Blackfella see this and are heartily sick of it. Again whilst most want to keep a roof over the head and food on the table, these entitled arseholes swing from trough to trough with no actual work performed.


It’s obscene.


August 27, 2024 6:24 pm


This is how it’s done, tho unclear how much leverage UAE will be able to bring to bear. But dare I say the United Arab Emirates are already doing more for Internet freedom here than both US Democrats controlling the State Dept and US Republicans controlling the @HouseForeignGOP


Cassie of Sydney
August 27, 2024 6:26 pm

Here’s a poll tally…..

Who’s the more ‘divisive and dangerous’ to this country?

  1. 3000 Gazans; or
  2. Peter Dutton

As at 6.20 tonight, number 1 above is running at 99%. Someone did answer Anthony Albanese and that person might have a point because the slug from Grayndler IS the most divisive and dangerous PM this country has ever seen.

August 27, 2024 6:26 pm


When you say you are committed to freedom of expression, you are lying. We have a letter from France that proves this, without a doubt.

We had to shutdown Rumble in France because you have NO committment to freedom of expression.

The first comment –


Arresting a CEO for allowing encrypted violent speech on his social media platform is like arresting a landlord for criminal conspiracy happening in one of his apartments.

August 27, 2024 6:28 pm


A turbo-charged 10 mins on Telegram as an instrument of US statecraft, why the US State Dept selectively promotes Telegram as a free speech tool in some countries but pressures gov’ts to censor Telegram in other countries, and Who Dunnit behind Pavel’s arrest. w/ @nataliegwinters

August 27, 2024 6:29 pm
August 27, 2024 6:32 pm

The Bee again. The thing is, it’s more like straight reporting than parody.

Attorney General Reminds Americans That Questioning The 2024 Election Is Illegal Unless Trump Wins

August 27, 2024 6:35 pm


Just want to reiterate that this platform really is meant to support all viewpoints within the bounds of the laws of countries, even those of people with whom I vehemently disagree and personally dislike.

If that doesn’t seem to be happening, please yell at me (ideally on X).

August 27, 2024 6:37 pm


If the US Embassy in France disagreed with Pavel’s arrest, or didn’t want him to face jail, or wanted him freed now, or wanted to pressure the French government into dropping the charges, they would have said something by now.

They haven’t.

What does that tell you.

August 27, 2024 6:40 pm


The big theme I have been trying to impress on every Uber driver, every flight attendant, every White House official, every member of Congress, every friend, every family member, every follower, every subscriber, every single day for the past 8 years of my life.

August 27, 2024 6:41 pm
August 27, 2024 6:57 pm

Cassie, I’ll let you watch Blot on Sky tonight so I don’t have to. I’ll be watching another Rick Stein food video while I wait for Outback Truckers to start at 7.30pm on Seven Mate.

August 27, 2024 7:10 pm


It might be in your own interest to apply a filter to your links before hitting save, because atm I think most scroll on by regardless, which negates your purpose.

As Chilon of Sparta said, less is more.

Last edited 22 days ago by Roger
August 27, 2024 7:11 pm

BREAKING: Texas Governor Greg Abbott Removes Over One Million Ineligible Voters, Including Nearly 500,000 Dead People and Thousands of Non-Citizen from State’s Voter Rolls

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
August 27, 2024 7:49 pm

This is an interesting talk on early hominid evolution, discussing the original of the predatory food skills and in particular the fact that eating fat seems to have been a driver in early hominid brain development. The giveaway is that the early hominid hand had, as we do, a pitted shape ideally suited to picking up a rounded stone and beating the fatty marrow out of dead prey.

My contribution is to add that this shape makes an ideal cup, either in a single hand for small amounts of liquid or when joined together as an ideal drinking vessel. Important in dry savanah territory I would think.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
August 27, 2024 8:31 pm

I know it’s The Project but watch.
Weidy is a great bloke and a champion of the farming industry.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
August 27, 2024 9:14 pm

CFMEU vows to destroy Labor Party, launch High Court challenge
From the Oz. Ek roll ap die vloor..

Bungonia Bee
Bungonia Bee
August 27, 2024 9:35 pm

Stop using the term “fossil fuels” and start using the term “God-given fuels”.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
August 27, 2024 9:36 pm

Back in Alternative Reality World:

Rogue CFMEU leaders vow ‘absolute destruction’ of Labor

Tens of thousands of construction workers and other union supporters marched in capital cities on Tuesday – including up to 50,000 of them in Melbourne – to protest the Albanese government forcing the CFMEU into administration and ousting some 270 officers, including 11 branch leaders.

Melbourne hosted up to 50,000 construction workers protesting the administration.  Unions including the Electrical Trades Union and the Maritime Union of Australia joined in on attacks on Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and vowed to fund legal challenges to the government’s CFMEU administration laws.

Greens members also attended the protests with party flags. Federal Greens MP Max Chandler-Mather spoke at the Brisbane rally decrying Labor for passing “the most draconian anti-worker, anti-union laws this country has ever seen” and attacking the “political class”.

Obviously the whole Nation responds to the patriotic chant of “Fcuk Albo”. But when the ETU is out on the streets against a Labor Government, pashing with the Greens, things are getting serious.

The only outstanding question now is how Handsome Boy is going to arrange his pike and double somersault dismount.

I’m thinking a CFMEU Voice to Parliament will be on the cards.

Black Ball
Black Ball
August 27, 2024 9:36 pm

Paul Murray, despite what many think here, was a tour de force just now.
But then blows that by having Joe Hildebrand as his next guest. FMD

August 27, 2024 9:42 pm
August 27, 2024 10:09 pm

This may not be for everyone and possibly not for anyone but I will share the experience none-the-less.

On ANZAC Day this year I was uncomfortable with my weight and I recalled hearing that another, younger than me, retired Clearance Diver had undertaken a carnivore diet with quite remarkable results.

I contacted him and he explained it to me. On April 27 I weighed 97.6kg and started the carnivore diet. This morning I weighed 78.4kg. The remarkable thing is, I never feel hungry.

I have almost exclusively stuck to the diet which is easy at home but not quite so easy when traveling.

Over 95% of all the meals I have eaten have been exclusively meat and eggs (steak, chops, sausages, bacon, mince, some chicken and pork, never cooked in oil, only butter, ghee or lard) and I drank water and one Berocca tablet daily. To be fair, I haven’t drank alcohol, coffee or tea for over 40 years and since January 2016 only water. No soft drinks or fruit juices.

I have no intention of stopping but may start eating small amounts of some other food groups to control the weight loss but not bread.

August 27, 2024 10:55 pm

This bloke puts his finger on precisely what is wrong with modern sport, in a way I have been thinking about for a while.
Wish I had made this short video.
Sport is the new opiate of the masses.
Teams no longer represent the supporter base.
Sport is now just another vehicle for the woke agenda.
Give him a watch, independent thought is a rarity.

August 27, 2024 11:15 pm

Waiting for the bus to Drogheda, (which is pronounced Dro-da!) and fell into conversation with an elderly gentleman I asked him if the Navan train still ran and he told me not for a long time.
He then was pleased to tell me he’d never caught a train, or an airplane. What about a ferry? no, a boat? Not one of those either.
Had travelled by car, so there was that.
He got off the bus at a tiny village somewhere between Slane and Drogheda.
A different world.

August 27, 2024 11:40 pm

I’m guessing the cheat spread in marginal states is 5%..

Andy Ngo

A Democrat political operative in San Antonio had his home raided by the Texas Attorney General’s Election Integrity Unit in a voter fraud investigation. Investigators found 65 mobile phones and “41 computers, digital and other storage devices” at the home of


. He is chief of staff for San Antonio Democratic State Rep.

@VoteLizCampos and former chair of the Bexar County Democratic Party.

If this shit is going on in Red Texas, how is it possible for Trump to win a must-win state like Pennsylvania?
It’s funny how all this stuff is coming out now, when people like our fat lesbian have been telling us for the past 3+ years how election fraud in the US was a conspiracy theory and their elections were 100% honestly run.

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
August 27, 2024 11:59 pm

Digger, get thee to some spuds cooked in beef fat.
Very low carb, very low GI, goes very well with… well, beef. And whatever else is bleeding on your fork.

August 28, 2024 12:54 am

Hamas have released an Israeli Arab hostage.
I wonder what Sinwar got out of it.
Safe passages to Qatar?

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
August 28, 2024 2:34 am

 August 27, 2024 7:10 pm


It might be in your own interest to apply a filter to your links before hitting save, because atm I think most scroll on by regardless, which negates your purpose.


Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
August 28, 2024 2:39 am

Dr Faustus
 August 27, 2024 9:36 pm

Back in Alternative Reality World:

Rogue CFMEU leaders vow ‘absolute destruction’ of Labor

Should I file this under “T” for “Trooble at Mill”, or “G” for “Golly, that’s awkward”?
The only thing which could make this slightly better is if the allegations of CFMEU skulduggery had been published in the Mudrock Press, instead of Nein.

Last edited 22 days ago by Sancho Panzer
August 28, 2024 3:04 am

Sorry to mislead. Farhad Al Qadi was rescued by the IDF.
“He says when he heard “Hebrew outside the door, I couldn’t believe it, couldn’t believe it.”

The IDF, he says, is doing “holy work, risked their lives, did everything to rescue me”

August 28, 2024 3:35 am

What people do for gold and money.

Sebastião Salgado (1944), “Gold Mine, Serra Pelada, Brazil”, photo taken in 1986.

« The first time I saw the mine I was speechless. I got goosebumps: 52,000 men working, without a single machine, in a well 200 meters deep.

Half the people carried heavy bags of dirt up wooden stairs.
The other went down the muddy slopes, sinking into the abyss.

The photo is part of the series of images that, in 1986, Salgado took in the Brazilian gold mine where thousands of men from the agricultural areas of north and northeast of Brazil flocked hoping to find a gold nugget.

And so, every day, thousands of figures, more like ants than men, went up and down the precarious stairs of the quarry, dozens of times a day, carrying 60 kilograms of mud bags, in which they also looked for the smallest ones. trail of precious metal.

The photo, from the position from which it was taken, seems to represent an open-air circle of Dante’s Hell, showing a swarm of muddy, ocre-colored bodies, rustid by the minerals used for extraction, immersed in the ceaseless noise of the blades and peaks, rising Deaf of that huge crater.

Today the Serra Pelada mine no longer exists. The crater has been abandoned and inside the gigantic open-air quarry is a small polluted lake.

August 28, 2024 3:38 am

A legend and a beauty.


Raquel Welch

Jo Raquel Welch (née Tejada; September 5, 1940 – February 15, 2023) was an American actress.

Welch first gained attention for her role in Fantastic Voyage (1966), after which she signed a long-term contract with 20th Century Fox. They lent her contract to the British studio Hammer Film Productions, for whom she made

One Million Years B.C. (1966). Although Welch had only three lines of dialogue in the film, images of her in the doe-skin bikini became bestselling posters that turned her into an international sex symbol. She later starred in Bedazzled (1967), Bandolero! (1968), 100 Rifles (1969), Myra Breckinridge (1970), Hannie Caulder (1971), Kansas City Bomber (1972), The Last of Sheila (1973), The Three Musketeers (1973), The Wild Party (1975), and Mother, Jugs & Speed (1976).

She made several television variety specials.
Through her portrayal of strong female characters, helping her break the mold of the traditional sex symbol, Welch developed a unique film persona that made her an icon of the 1960s and 1970s.

Her rise to stardom in the mid-1960s was partly credited with ending Hollywood’s vigorous promotion of the blonde bombshell.
Her love scene with Jim Brown in 100 Rifles also made cinematic history with their portrayal of interracial intimacy.

She won a Golden Globe Award for Best Motion Picture Actress in a Musical or Comedy in 1974 for her performance as Constance Bonacieux in The Three Musketeers and reprised the role in its sequel the following year. She was also nominated for a Golden Globe Award for Best Actress in Television Film for her performance in Right to Die (1987).

Her final film was How to Be a Latin Lover (2017). In 1995, Welch was chosen by Empire magazine as one of the “100 Sexiest Stars in Film History”. Playboy ranked Welch No. 3 on their “100 Sexiest Stars of the Twentieth Century” list.

August 28, 2024 3:41 am

This is what I’d call the ultimate taking of the urine.

You should see the hundreds of supporting posts from adoring fans with no idea of how things work.

August 28, 2024 3:50 am

 August 27, 2024 7:10 pm


If you lot (TM) can tolerate my musings, I say let him be.

Sure, nobody, correction, some as I saw it has the time to follow them up therefor he is useful, so other then clutter up the place there is no harm.

August 28, 2024 4:00 am
August 28, 2024 4:01 am
August 28, 2024 4:02 am
August 28, 2024 4:02 am
August 28, 2024 4:03 am
August 28, 2024 4:04 am
August 28, 2024 4:05 am
August 28, 2024 4:06 am
August 28, 2024 4:06 am
August 28, 2024 4:07 am
August 28, 2024 4:08 am
August 28, 2024 4:09 am
August 28, 2024 5:08 am

If CFMEU workers and their families don’t vote Labor the problem is many are going to vote Green. This will impact quite a few seats.

August 28, 2024 5:16 am

Black Ball
 August 27, 2024 9:36 pm

Paul Murray, despite what many think here, was a tour de force just now.

But then blows that by having Joe Hildebrand as his next guest.


I hung around after that and afterwards watched Shari Markson and she had this young bloke on that nailed it:

Actor Nathaniel Buzolic joins Sharri to discuss the rise of antisemitism in the West

To be honest I can’t say I have ever seen or heard of him before this.

August 28, 2024 6:05 am

Today’s Daily Tele:
James Morrow: We have to ask the hard questions about multiculturalism, no matter what Q&A says

Mind your manners, because Q&A viewers are upset. But there was nothing racist about an audience member’s question.

Mind your manners, everyone.

The (dwindling) viewership of the ABC’s Q&A is offended.

And they would like a quiet word to anyone who thinks that this is a free country where the right to disagree is respected, particularly when it comes to multiculturalism.

On Monday night, you see, studio audience member Jenny Carroll committed a thought crime, telling he panel she did not believe multiculturalism was “a great thing” (strike one!) and claimed that the culture of the “original British/Irish majority has been demonised constantly for the last three decades” (strike two!).

Then, to round things out, she backed up her argument with evidence, saying “Case in point – frequent vandalism of memorials to Captain Cook. How does democracy fit into this atmosphere of beat up the white guy?”

Strike three, and one can only imagine the panic stations in some ABC control room after this question.

The whole incident, unsurprisingly, caused a number of home viewers to choke on their vegan lasagne.

“Slow clap to the producers for allowing a blatantly racist question be aired,” said one commenter.

“If that question was vetted then I’d like to know who’s doing the vetting,” wrote another.

And on and on it went.

The question was, of course, smacked down by the panel, with youth minister Anne Aly who said that multiculturalism “the character of our nation … not a policy that was foisted on anyone.”

Well, it’s a bit of an open question as to how much debate went into Australia’s official policy of multiculturalism, which was inaugurated in 1978 by then-prime minister Malcolm Fraser.

But, more to the point and with apologies to the delicate flowers who get their weekly talking points from Q&A, there is no better way to ensure that Australian multiculturalism falls over in a flaming heap of division than to say we are not allowed to talk about multiculturalism.

As awful as recent anti-immigrant riots in the UK were, their genesis could also be traced directly to years if not decades of an officially sanctioned silence about the negative side of diversity.

At its most horrific, this saw police and council workers fail to act on gangs of largely Pakistani migrant men engaging in the mass sexual abuse of girls and young women in northern English towns because they did not want to be thought of as racist.

These are the sorts of things that happen when people aren’t allowed to talk about multiculturalism, diversity, immigration, and how bringing in (as we are now) historic numbers of newcomers is not just about gorgeous new cuisines.

Because even if phrased less than artfully, Jenny Carroll’s Q&A question contained a broader truth.

Sure, key institutions like our parliament and legal system are all more or less directly descended from centuries of British history, thought and tradition.

But no one can claim with a straight face that there is not an effort in some segments of society to run our British heritage down at every turn.

Anyone with children knows that from preschool on, kids are regularly taught that Australia was unjustly taken.

The block of Australian history from the arrival of the British to the advent of multiculturalism is treated as an aberration and a vague source of shame.

Twenty years ago British demographer Eric Kaufmann coined the term “asymmetrical multiculturalism”, to describe how in a “multicultural” society every ethnic and racial identity is celebrated, with the exception of what in Australia we would call our “Anglo” heritage.

Could there be a better description of the way multiculturalism is put into practice in so many of our institutions, from academia to the ABC?

And while Aly unsurprisingly backed in multiculturalism, saying democracy is “more resilient” and “better for it,” this is not necessarily so.

In 2006 Harvard political scientist Robert Putnam found that at least over the short and medium term, increased diversity leads to lower social trust, social capital and neighbourliness.

People in diverse communities, he found, tend “to expect the worst from their community and its leaders, to volunteer less, give less to charity and work on community projects less often, to register to vote less, to agitate for social reform more but have less faith that they can actually make a difference.”

Putnam was hesitant to publish his findings at the time because he was afraid of how they might be used by the political right – exactly the sort of self-censorship that has led to tragedy elsewhere, and which ABC fans would seem to encourage.

But we will never determine whether he was right or not if we are not allowed to talk about it.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
August 28, 2024 6:43 am

Arrogant Adam Ant.

Greens Leader Adam Bandt will propose a tax hit on big business worth up to $514 billion in exchange for the party supporting Labor in the event of a hung parliament.

The proposal would see a 40 per cent tax on company profits.

In today’s National Press Club address, Mr Bandt will demand a tax hit on big corporations to fund cost of living measures for Australians.

He’s getting a bit big for his boots if he’s already demanding such stuff as the price for supporting Labor. Go home to Gaza, Adam, they’ll like you there.

Greens to propose $514 billion tax hit for big business (Sky, 28 Aug)

August 28, 2024 6:55 am

Stiglich goes there! Good man.

No mention of the forced lobotomy, but that was loooong ago. What a family.

Arky, don’t be snarky. If you saw how much work I got done in a day your head would spin. And there I was thinking retirement would be a doddle. Cuppa time and I open the Cat for my doses of Tom, Indolent or anyone else who cares to post stuff. Whether I agree with the content or not is up to me. Often it’s a couple of paras and then “click”.

I see cohenite has taken to posting muscle pics of RFK Jnr. Not bad for an old bloke and easier on the eye than the Cute Owls.

August 28, 2024 7:05 am

Another hostage rescued. Bedouin security guard. Well done.

August 28, 2024 7:10 am

Reeeeeee! High fire danger for Sydney and Illawarra screams the Sky chiron.

It has been raining so long there you’d have trouble lighting a match, let alone a bushfire.

What is it with these clowns and their temperature garbage and the dog whistling to firebugs? Fortunately the local bushland is in an uncooperative frame of mind.

August 28, 2024 7:11 am

Oh. My fan club is unhappy with the hostage rescue. Tells you all you need to know about their moral bankruptcy.

August 28, 2024 7:39 am

Doesn’t your fan club give you the big minus, in their tiny minds anyway, no matter what you comment on calli?

eric hinton
eric hinton
August 28, 2024 7:41 am

Arky don’t be snarky.

I frame no hypotheses why this tickled my fancy.

August 28, 2024 7:53 am

TIK lays out briefly, and with some acknowledged gaps a map of some of the influences of our political philosophies.

Looking at the lineage of communism/socialism, fascism and nazism , communism/socialism and fascism have more in common than fascism and nazism.

August 28, 2024 8:05 am

I’ve been wondering lately if Luigi the Unintelligible, Wallet Wizard and their motley crew see the writing on the wall. Being the small, mean types we know them to be will therefore leave this country in even worse shape than they found it – deliberately.

Like the rotten tenant who trashes a house when they get notice to vacate. That’s the only explanation I have for their increasingly bizarre, dangerous and ruinous behaviour.

Found this nice little meme. Teach your children well.

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
August 28, 2024 8:11 am

MAGA hats, 2024…
who was it that got a batch in 2020 or 2016? Arky? Dr Beau?
…anyone with the means to buy some again?

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
August 28, 2024 8:15 am

Some interesting news from Germany.

German Youth Have Woken Up! Green Party Loses 83% Of Its Young Voters In Thuringia! (27 Aug)

Today Kolja Barghoorn at his Aktien mit Kopf site here reports that a stunning 83% of the youth have since turned their backs on the Green Party in the state of Thuringia, where in September there will be critical state elections.

In Thuringia, 9000 youths under age 18 were asked in a survey who they would vote for. The winner by a huge margin was the conservative AfD party – by a long shot, pulling 37.4% of the vote – more than double compared to the 16.5% in 2019. …

The real political bloodbath has occurred within the Green Party (Grüne). In 2019 the Greens pulled in 21.7% of the vote from youths. But in the latest results, only a measly 3.7% voted for them.

Similar figures in Saxony. The Green-induced economic malaise in Germany really is starting to bite, as Steven Hayward also mentions today.

August 28, 2024 8:20 am

back from Darwin this morning

waiting in the wee hours to check bags before leaving D-Town
and there an insufferable bunch of 40-somethings

all crapping on about their good deeds and how special they are
seriously I spotted them before they even opened their traps with the self-congratulation

the missus later pointed out that our favorite darling Clem Ford was among them

CU in the NT eh?

PS … may not have actually be her … dunno

Last edited 22 days ago by MatrixTransform
August 28, 2024 8:35 am

Wish media would stop pumping these obviously family fed stories. Another no travel insurance hard luck plug for go fund me story with a twist though.

Two PI boys in Vietnam, died in mysterious circumstances. I’m certain the kiddy journo would have a whisper of what caused their deaths. First thoughts, boxers and PI’s having hot heads they got involved in something local they should have stayed out of or went somewhere off the beaten track and were victims of a mugging.

Mid way through the article mentions they are CMFEU members, hmmm. South East Asia is a know hotspot for bikie gangs laundering money, I’m certain these so called “religious guys” were up to something no good that back fired on the face of it:

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
August 28, 2024 8:39 am

David Sharaz remains the ‘where’s Wally’ of Higgins saga
Updated 1 hours ago

The poem, The Little Man Who Wasn’t There, has been mentioned before in dispatches about David Sharaz. Better known as Antigonish, the 1899 poem by Hugh Mearns was apparently inspired by a male ghost wandering the stairs of a haunted house in the Nova Scotia town of Antigonish.
“Yesterday, upon the stair, I met a man who wasn’t there. He wasn’t there again today, I wish, I wish he’d go away …”
For a lowbrow culture equivalent, try Where’s Wally. Sharaz, like Wally, is nowhere but also everywhere once details come into focus in the Brittany Higgins scandal. Yet he never comes within cooee of a witness box. Once again, as Linda Reynolds’s defamation action draws to a close in Perth this week, Sharaz won’t be called to defend his wife.
Reynolds is running two arguments about Higgins’s four allegedly defamatory social media posts. First, Higgins’s former boss says the alleged defamation warrants aggravated damages because there was “a plan” conceived and implemented by Sharaz and Higgins “as a weapon to inflict immediate political damage” on Reynolds and the then government of the day. In the alternative, Reynolds is pleading a tortious conspiracy between Shiraz and Higgins to injure her.

Neither of the two central characters will be giving evidence. Sharaz’s absence may possibly be more problematic for Higgins’s defence.
Higgins’s lawyer, Rachel Young SC, told the Western Australian Supreme Court last week her client would not be giving evidence because of her medical state, and because they believe there is enough evidence to succeed without Higgins entering the witness box. As an aside, now Higgins has chosen not to give evidence, one wonders if she still believes the legal system “silences women”?
Justice Paul Tottle may choose not to draw a Jones v Dunkel inference from Higgins’s non-appearance as a witness for her own side if there are sufficient reasons for her absence. In short, this 1959 High Court decision says that if one side doesn’t call a person to give evidence who may have shed light on the case, and there is no acceptable explanation as to why they don’t give evidence, then the court may draw an inference that their evidence would not have assisted that party’s case.
The inference may carry more weight when it comes to Sharaz. There is no person so central to this saga, apart from his wife. He could appear by video link if he is not in the jurisdiction.
If Sharaz entered the witness box, he might be cross-examined by legal heavy hitter Martin Bennett about his role in Higgins’s decision, against police advice, to take allegations of a rape and a political cover-up to the media before making a formal complaint to the police.

  1. More perseverance from Numerwank. It’s Numberwank engaging in one of his favourite anti-private school shticks.

  2. How about: I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to a person who rises and sleeps…

  3. She said so you believe Israel is in the right. I said of course, who attacked whom on October 7.…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x