Open Thread – Weekend 7 Sept 2024

Woman putting on her stockings, Camille Pissarro, 1895

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Steve trickler
Steve trickler
September 7, 2024 12:16 am



Woof Bark Growl:

Cash 2.0 Great Dane at The Grove and Farmers Market in Los Angeles 79

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
September 7, 2024 12:25 am

Podium Solanum + Alium!
Apropos nothing much, my dear departed mate Brenton’s Mum’s spud curry.
Heavy pan, low heat
2 tbsp ghee
1 1/2 tsp Panch Phora
until brown
1 large onion, diced into short matchsticks
until start translucence
2 tbsp green mint
1 tsp grated ginger
1 tsp turmeric powder
` 1 1/2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp chili flakes, mortared to powder
stir for a few minutes
500g waxy spuds, peeled and diced, stir around thoroughly
tip in- very gently! you don’t want to knock the flavourings off the spuds-
1/4 cup warm water
lower heat, cover and cook very gently for 20 min, check that it doesn’t dry out.
Top-dress with
1 tsp garam marsala
1 tbsp lemon juice
brief stir- cook another 10 min.

Last edited 5 months ago by Wally Dalí
September 7, 2024 5:29 am
Reply to  Wally Dalí

Ta, will try it out probably without the chilli as I’m still on a soft diet for a week and a half after my surgery.

September 7, 2024 7:13 am
Reply to  Wally Dalí

I will give a try. It sounds good. Growing up, my father’s wage was paid fortnightly. The first week, we had meat, the second beans, rice and potatoes. Mum made a pretty good potato Goulash. Your recipe reads like the Indian version of potato Goulash.

Salvatore - Iron Publican
September 7, 2024 12:56 am

Bluddee quiet tonight, though its picked up a bit over the last hour.

September 7, 2024 4:00 am
September 7, 2024 7:14 am
Reply to  Tom

I wondered what the Grimshaw tell-all interview was all about. Not-a-book. Should have guessed.

September 7, 2024 4:01 am
September 7, 2024 4:01 am
September 7, 2024 4:02 am
September 7, 2024 4:03 am
September 7, 2024 4:04 am
September 7, 2024 4:05 am
September 7, 2024 4:05 am
September 7, 2024 4:06 am
September 7, 2024 5:42 am
Reply to  Tom

Hehehe love it.

September 7, 2024 5:10 am

Lucky 13?

September 7, 2024 5:27 am

Kangaroo Court delays Trump show trial sentencing to November:

Any of the US savy Cat’s know what’s going on here? They wouldn’t delay something unless it’s in their favour.

September 7, 2024 8:13 am
Reply to  Rockdoctor

They got what they wanted, they can call him a ‘convicted felon’ from now to election day… not that it will hurt him.

September 7, 2024 11:38 am
Reply to  Rockdoctor

They’re afraid of the backlash at the polling booth. The literally asked him to postpone.

September 7, 2024 1:13 pm
Reply to  Rockdoctor

If he wins the election, he can then be found guilty by Merchan and imprisoned before he is inaugurated in January. Thus huge civil upset, unrest and even civil war they hope, because that will lead to Military Law and even more persecution of their political opponents. Democrats, RINOs and their globalist puppeteers will never release power back to the people. Too much at stake if Trump takes office.

Bungonia Bee
Bungonia Bee
September 7, 2024 6:30 am

New day, new thread, but same old TDS oozing from the Sky News screen.
“Trump doesn’t know how to attack Harris, his campaign’s plans were all focused on Biden”, over a banner saying Harris leads in the polls.
Then they move on to the latest school shooting, with the obvious course of action being to take away all the guns.

September 7, 2024 6:31 am

You have to assume that their focus groups showed that sentencing would help Trump in the polls

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 7, 2024 6:55 am

I suspect they also want this story to scroll off the news cycle.

“Perversion Of Justice”: DOJ Spokesman Slams Manhattan DA Over Trump Prosecution In Undercover Footage (7 Sep)

Nicholas Biase, the chief spokesman for the Manhattan U.S. Attorney’s Office, was captured on hidden camera calling Bragg’s prosecution of former President Donald Trump a “perversion of justice” and “nonsense” in a damning video released by conservative podcaster Steven Crowder’s “Mug Club.”

The recordings, taken on July 31 and August 14, show Biase, who claimed to have known Bragg for 15 years, savaging the progressive prosecutor’s headline-grabbing case against Trump over hush money payments made to a porn star.

Sending Trump to Rikers while this is being spread virally would add several points to his poll numbers. Plus there would be many questions raised by Republicans in Congress, which would be hard for the Dems to cover up.

September 7, 2024 6:57 am

The general public are probably bored with the whole thing. It’s not helping Trump or the Democrats.

September 7, 2024 7:16 am
Reply to  damon

Most of us here at the Cat are General Public. We’re not bored.

Winston Smith
Winston Smith
September 7, 2024 8:28 am
Reply to  Pogria

Not bored at all. This has been the most non boring election in the West since Noah got kicked off the Captains Chair for grounding the Ark on Mount Ararat.
“The planet is covered in water, you doofus, Noah. And you put the damn boat on the only beach within 5,000 Cubits.”

Bungonia Bee
Bungonia Bee
September 7, 2024 6:58 am

What Vance actually said:
I don’t like this. I don’t like to admit this. I don’t like that this is a fact of life. But if you are a psycho and you want to make headlines, you realize that our schools are soft targets, and we have got to bolster security at our schools so that a person who walks through the front door…we’ve got to bolster security so that if a psycho wants to walk through the front door and kill a bunch of children, they’re not able to.”

The “fact of life” is that schools are a soft target. But our own media is joining in the bash Vance chorus.

As I said the other day, the left love each new school shooting because it gives them ammunition towards their aim of disarming the population. The real cause of mass shootings is the combination of gun availability AND mental illness, and the left has also promoted mental illness. Everything they do that commentators say “doesn’t make sense” makes sense in that it hastens the disintegration of our formerly cohesive and functional society.

Perplexed of Brisbane
Perplexed of Brisbane
September 7, 2024 8:41 am
Reply to  Bungonia Bee

It has been said that if Democrats stop shooting people, the US would have negligible gun crime.

All the recent shooters (and probably some not so recent) have had some gender dysphoria / leftist outlook.

Perplexed of Brisbane
Perplexed of Brisbane
September 7, 2024 8:43 am
Reply to  Bungonia Bee

Their schools are protected by gun-free zone signs. A better sign I have read is,” Staff heavily armed and trained. Any attempt to harm our children will be met with deadly force.”

Perplexed of Brisbane
Perplexed of Brisbane
September 7, 2024 8:44 am

Then it will be safe for the Uvalde Police Department to enter.

September 7, 2024 7:04 am

Nicholas Biase, the chief spokesman for the Manhattan U.S. Attorney’s Office, was captured on hidden camera calling Bragg’s prosecution of former President Donald Trump a “perversion of justice” and “nonsense” in a damning video released by conservative podcaster Steven Crowder’s “Mug Club.”

I think the Crowder crew have a fair bit more up their sleeves wrt this.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 7, 2024 7:10 am

They keep trying this stuff on and it just keeps on flopping.

Sony’s Ultra-Woke ‘Concord’ Game Flops so Badly that It Shuts Down After 2 Weeks, All Buyers Get Refunds (5 Sep)

Sony and Firewalk Studios have announced the shutdown of its recently released ultra-woke game, Concord, less than two weeks after its launch, offering full refunds to all players who purchased the game for PS5 or PC. Sony invested an estimated $100 to $200 million in the game, proving once again that when companies go woke, they go broke.

Same with movies, the attempted social engineering doesn’t ever work: instead the punters stay home and watch reruns instead.

September 7, 2024 7:49 am

Any of the US savy Cat’s know what’s going on here? They wouldn’t delay something unless it’s in their favour.

What others have said upthread that pursuing this now would lose Dems more than would gain in numbers but also think Dems have shifted their focus to stealing/winning congressional seats with the aim of defeating Trump in congress as realise Harris is a lost cause.

Black Ball
Black Ball
September 7, 2024 7:50 am

Vikki Campion:

The intermittent power industry has become a train to a station called opulence for those lucky enough to land themselves on the luxury seats of EnergyCo, the state body bulldozing through the lives of regional NSW.

The salaries this organisation commands to construct transmission lines to link yet-to-be-built intermittent power precincts (predominantly foreign-owned) to your power bill — paid by the NSW taxpayer — are eye-watering.

This group of bureaucrats is paid more than some of the military top brass who put their lives on the line.

A special determination of the NSW Remuneration Tribunal reveals EnCo bureaucrat Douglas Parris, whose LinkedIn photo is a picture of himself in New York with Labor climate appointee Matt Kean, is paid $464,058 per annum — that’s about $9000 a week. It’s more than Premier Chris Minns on $416,440, Energy Minister Penny Sharpe on $333,072 or even Deputy Prime Minister Richard Marles on $416,212.

That’s some decent wages being paid by an organisation that could not charge your phone with the power it has delivered to the grid.

Most recent figures show EnergyCo has two deputy secretaries on more than $450,323, four executive directors on $352,329 and 12 directors on $242,943 a year, all paid more than some of the highest ranks in the military — army colonel or navy captain — which earn between $179,000 and $231,000.

Just under a quarter of the entire organisation of EnCo are in senior management, an organisation that advertises “community consultation” at Wooloomin and then, when people turn up, as exposed by The Daily Telegraph this week, lock down and say on video: “We are not here to answer questions”.

EnCo offers cash-strapped rural councils more than $250,000 to do studies to aid their development. What other developer can walk into an under-resourced council with a bag of cash and say ‘you can have this, but you have to come up with a study on behalf of your community that says our plan is good for you’?

It’s mathematics; here is the answer, you give us the equation that equals it and the money is yours.

On top of this, they ploughed $48 million of taxpayers’ money from NSW Treasury into consultants in one year, disclosed in their 2022-23 financial report. Their latest is still to come.

What part of the $48m consultancy told them they should force blind 94-year-old widows to sign away her rights on her home, as Madeline Bower revealed in The Daily Telegraph this week?

What part of the $48m investigation missed entire homes on their desktop analysis of rural land and declared it acceptable to build transmission lines over the top of airstrips, which are kind of important in medical emergencies?

This organisation hides behind a Zoom meeting when people turn up.

The head of community engagement has changed repeatedly, as we have been asking the same questions for years, with no satisfaction or major change in their original alignment.

Questions such as: What is the justification of how they came up with their plan to spiderweb transmission lines over our homes and farms instead of using existing corridors on public land?

Some consultants, who would fly into the renewable energy zone (REZ) from Sydney for “consultation”, told us it was based on a 2019 generator expression of interest, where anyone could claim they have a project on the table.

Others said EnCo cannot use the existing transmission corridors, which have been there in some instances for 90 years, because of “fire risk”.

However, Andrew Kingsmill, Executive Director of Energy Corporation of NSW (paid $397,300 according to the special determination), told a recent inquiry into undergrounding the transmission lines: “A 500-kilovolt line has never started a bushfire in Australia.”

How many 500 kilovolts lines are in NSW? He told the inquiry: “It is in the order of seven or eight.”

So, in defending building them, they are both a fire risk and not a fire risk.

The bulk of the $48m in consultancy fees went to the big global consulting firms such as Deloitte, PwC and KPMG.

Deloitte got about $2.5m, including $2m just for “accounting and taxation advisory” for the Central West Orana REZ, where there would be plenty of accountants in Dubbo and Orange who would have been more than capable and willing to get their hands on some of that loot.

Or ICA Partners Pty Ltd, with views over Sydney Harbor, paid more than $5m for “strategic commercial advice” for EnCo.

Strategy for what? Infuriating people?

Or WSP Pty Ltd, headquartered in Canada with a Sydney office, which charged more than $5.8m for biodiversity and environmental assessments in the bush.

More than $48m in consultancy and all this company gives us is being ignored, belittled, held in contempt and a fortnightly newsletter about three paragraphs long?

If what you pay represents people’s worth and value, then the Premier and the Minister are the minions and the mouthpiece of third-party consultants.

What’s the point of having a parliament in NSW if the people you need to question are not there?

Not in the so-called corridors of power, but in a bureaucracy in another building entirely.

Americans have a say in their bureaucrats. They elect more of them.

In Australia, we do not vote for the real power and get the real truth because it is in the bureaucracy where the real power lies.

A dog’s breakfast. But hey! Cheap power we keep getting told.
The Canberra bubble smelling their own farts and thinking it’s roses.

Louis Litt
Louis Litt
September 8, 2024 5:34 pm
Reply to  Black Ball

Hi Vicki
re the consultants fees for electricity market – pretty specialised and the town accountant would struggle with the concepts and tax laws.

Peter Greagg
Peter Greagg
September 7, 2024 7:51 am

Brendon O’Neill in the Oz.
BTW, he is my favourite “Lefty”.
Hard left and right find meeting of minds on Israelophobia

At first glance, Candace Owens and Clementine Ford would appear to have little in common.
The former is a brash American right-winger best known for offending snowflake students and hanging around with fruitloop rap star Kanye West.
The latter is every Melbourne lefty’s favourite feminist whose gauche man-bashing has them chortling into their macchiatos.
Owens’ fan base is mostly hard-right millennial men in ill-fitting suits who call feminists “feminazis”.
Ford’s followers come from the faux-radical chattering classes who mistake having tattoos for a personality and who probably think anyone who isn’t a feminist is a Nazi.
Chalk and cheese, right?
Not so fast. There’s something that ties these two women together. For all their differences of opinion and style, they have a deep spiritual connection.
It’s this: both have tumbled, headlong, into the cesspit of Israelophobia. Both have become obsessed to an unhinged degree with the world’s only Jewish nation. Both have said things about Israel that cross the line from criticism into blind bigotry.
Both are proof of how frazzled a person’s mind can become when they swim in the poison waters of conspiracy theory.
All eyes are on Owens and her planned speaking tour of Oz in November.
Some want her banned from the country. Jewish groups in particular are not happy that someone who has spouted so much wicked drivel about Israel and the Jews might make waves and money in Australia.
I think Owens should be free to come. I’m against the denial of visas on the basis of the applicant’s ideological beliefs. Let her embarrass herself before the eyes of the good folk of Oz with her motormouth ranting about “those people”. Her own dumb utterances will harm her far more than scrapping her visa.
I understand my Jewish friends’ concerns, of course. Owens’ conversion to the crank cause of Israelophobia has been speedy and shocking.
She once might have been an interesting if overly strident voice on the dissident right. But now she sounds like every other loon who lurks in the grim underbelly of the World Wide Web where the Jews get blamed for everything.
She whispers darkly about a “ring in Hollywood” and “also a ring potentially in DC” who are all doing “horrific things”. I wonder who she means?

She has sneered at “political Jews and “DC Jew[s]” who play the anti-Semitism card “to basically silence people”. Oh those wily Jews with their tyrannical ways.

She says the US is “being held hostage by Israel”. This is a classic example of anti-Semitism dressed up as anti-Zionism. It has the appearance of a political critique but really it’s a modern twist on the medieval belief that Jews control everything. Owens is so deep in the sewer of Jew obsession that she has even whitewashed some of the crimes of the Nazis.

She recently described as “bizarre propaganda” the idea that Josef Mengele conducted experiments on Jewish kids at Auschwitz. No wonder the oldest known survivor of Mengele’s evil butchery – Annetta Able – has added her voice to the chorus calling for Owens to be banned from Australia.

Here’s a dark irony, though: I bet some of the more leftish Aus­sies who want Owens to be kept out of the country are fans of Ford. Even though her views are also – how should we put this? – iffy.
No, Ford’s blather is not quite as nasty as Owens’. She has not played down Nazi crimes or madly wrung her hands over “political Jews”.
Yet on Israel, on the allegedly unique evil of this one tiny nation, Ford’s views are chillingly similar in both substance and tone to the deranged effusions of Owens.
Indeed, just this week, as people were poring over the nutty things Owens has said, Ford said something that every decent, reasoned person will baulk at.
“I don’t for a second believe that Hamas executed those host­ages,” she said in a comment on Instagram. “Israel’s desperation stinks,” she continued.
Think about what’s being said here. Ford is suggesting that the Jewish state is lying when it says six of its citizens were brutally slain by the anti-Semitic army of Hamas.
She is referring to the discovery of the bodies of six Israeli hostages in one of Hamas’s hellish lairs in Rafah.
Israel says they were executed in cold blood by their captors as the Israel Defence Forces approached.
Ford’s unevidenced claim that Israel is lying implies Israel is a uniquely deceitful nation. A nation so mendacious it will spread untruths about the deaths of its own people in order to … what? Cover up the truth that it killed the hostages?
To my mind, this is not criticism – it’s prejudice. It builds on, and potentially inflames, the bourgeois bigotry that views Israel as the most morally twisted of states.
Perhaps Ford thinks the idea that Hamas’s fascists murdered six hostages is “bizarre propaganda”, just as Owens says of the idea that Germany’s fascists experimented on Jews.
News flash for you both: fascists kill Jews. It’s what they do. It’s their favourite thing.
Ford’s comments benefit Hamas. She’s essentially absolving Hamas of the crime against humanity it committed in that tunnel in Rafah.
Two of the hostages executed by Hamas were women. One of those women was just 24 years old. One is forced to wonder if Ford, when she was an up-and-coming feminist, ever imagined that one day she’d be making excuses for fascist men who put a bullet in the head of a 24-year-old woman for nothing more than the fact that she was a Jew.
Ford is not alone in her sick betrayal of the women of Israel.
Across the Western world, feminists who for years depicted everything from a drunken come-on to a wolf whistle in the street as patriarchy in action have said nothing about Hamas’s rape and slaughter of Israeli women. Shame, shame, shame.
The way Ford has spoken about Israel in recent months grimly echoes the dark mutterings of Owens.
She has described Zionists as “monsters”, “sadists” and “ghouls”. When it comes to the “Zionist ideology”, she says, there are “not enough babies in the world who could be bombed” to satisfy it.
To some of us, this sounds like the medieval conviction that Jews love killing children.
Indeed, Ford says Palestinian children have been “ritually maimed” by Israel. Ritually? As in ritual sacrifice? This is seriously disturbed stuff.
And who can forget her role in the doxxing of 600 Jewish creatives? She helped to disseminate the leaked personal details of Jewish discussants in a WhatsApp group. As a result, some of the Jews received death threats. One was forced into hiding.
I’m not sure even Owens has done anything as despicable as that – to not only feverishly obsess over the Jewish nation but also to publish a list of the Jews who support that nation.
The descent of both Owens and Ford into the toilet of Israelophobia tells a depressing story about our times.
It confirms that on both the right and the left there are virulent strains of conspiratorial thinking and barely concealed bigotry.
The crank right and conceited left have merged into a kind of pincer movement, with Israel and Jews as its targets.
To counter these swirling hatreds, we need the decent folk of the right and the left to come together and say: “No. Never again.”

September 7, 2024 7:59 am

If you’ve ever needed proof that “thugby” players aren’t the sharpest tools in the shed .. FFS!
?And it begs the question .. “Why would any team doctor allow a player with these sort of injuries take the field” ..?

Last edited 5 months ago by shatterzzz
September 7, 2024 2:51 pm
Reply to  shatterzzz

Doubtful if Gutho will play NRL next season. Possibly his swan song.

Winston Smith
Winston Smith
September 7, 2024 8:06 am

Colonel Crispin Berka, Last Night:
I checked some of the other references – Quora attacks the publication. But very noticeably, doesn’t attack the study.
Good enough for me. Quora itself is a mere opinion site that commonly gets facts wrong while presenting itself as an authority on just about any subject.
I’d trust John over these whore experts.

September 7, 2024 8:48 am
Reply to  Winston Smith

I have written on Quora a bit myself, but I have to say you dont look at ‘Quora’ as the author. You read the author’s name at the top, and see for yourself what they do.
Some authors are aweson, some good, many poor, but the real problem is the idiot ‘question farmers’ that destroyed the site for a few cents per thousand clicks.
Started well, but destroyed any incentives to be good authors..

Colonel Crispin Berka
Colonel Crispin Berka
September 7, 2024 9:36 am
Reply to  Winston Smith

KD reckons it’s fake based on the research targets of Broudy being linguistics and psychology. (Though that does smell like attacking there messenger)
Perhaps have to wait for replication. Could be waiting a long time.

September 7, 2024 8:13 am
September 7, 2024 12:19 pm
Reply to  Indolent


Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 7, 2024 8:14 am

What’s the point of having a parliament in NSW if the people you need to question are not there?

They’re not there on purpose so that voters can’t ask them about why they have been running our infrastructure into the ground.

It’s peak angst as gas supplies tumble: report (Tele, paywalled)

Production from the gas facility which supplies the majority of Australia’s eastern seaboard is rapidly declining and there’s insufficient time to replace it, a widely watched consultancy says.

Fortunately it has been a fairly warm winter. But as soon as we get a cold one gas supplies are going to run out.

September 7, 2024 8:15 am
Winston Smith
Winston Smith
September 7, 2024 8:18 am

Oh dear – it looks like someone has been sprung telling porkies, and I’d bet the Golden Girls head will roll over this one.

Claims of Indigenous sites near a proposed $1bn NSW goldmine were examined and dismissed as having ‘no authenticity’ in a cultural audit overseen by elders, says Roy Ah-See.

September 7, 2024 12:20 pm
Reply to  Winston Smith

Roy is seeing his rivers of royalty gold disappear.

September 7, 2024 8:18 am
September 7, 2024 8:20 am

never trust the media about what anyone said

more adventures in the post truth era

Winston Smith
Winston Smith
September 7, 2024 8:43 am
Reply to  Indolent

The media is a disgrace. Look at what they printed he said and then view the video of what he really said.

September 7, 2024 8:27 am

Articles in the Oz and Courier Mail about Queens Wharf in Brisbane.

You will be shocked to know a restaurant owner said time and cost to fit out was double normal as had no control over who could use. CFMMEU again.

No wonder only 7 of 50 food outlets actually open.

Meanwhile it seems Qld powerbroker Gary Bullock’s union, the UWU, have the Star workers signed up. That would be the guy who was instrumental in making Miles the Premier. Seems he is lobbying Miles to bail out Star to save the jobs. The jobs that represent thousands of new members and millions in fees.

Corruption in the open.

Meanwhile Duty Free Shoppers broke their deal to open up multiple luxury outlets inside. Reason not given and legal proceedings involved. Wonder if Union related.

Winston Smith
Winston Smith
September 7, 2024 8:46 am
Reply to  Bourne1879

The Unions – Australia Mafia. A bloody great big anchor on the Australian economy.
Why can’t they be brought to heel?
Probably because they have the politicians on the payroll.

September 7, 2024 8:29 am

It’s been public knowledge for months that the DNC was paying Merchan’s daughter millions for advertising purposes which he was presiding over the Trump trial. Who actually, are the criminals here?
New FEC Filing Reveals Kamala Harris Paid Judge Merchan’s Daughter’s Political Firm – A Clear Violation of the New York State Judicial Code of Conduct

Winston Smith
Winston Smith
September 7, 2024 8:50 am
Reply to  Indolent

At what point do the American people do something about the corruption of their Politicians and Judiciary?

“New FEC Filing Reveals Kamala Harris Paid Judge Merchan’s Daughter’s Political Firm – A Clear Violation of the New York State Judicial Code of Conduct”

September 7, 2024 8:31 am

I listened to Tucker Carlson in his first roadshow event. No structure and not much actual substance about the important issues. Off the cuff rambling seemed to me. Not a good rallying call to save the country from the left.

Winston Smith
Winston Smith
September 7, 2024 9:02 am
Reply to  Indolent

It’s about time we moved all these biolabs and their demented staff to the Moon so they will only kill each other and not the rest of us.
Yes, tongue in cheek perhaps, but also a good idea.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
September 7, 2024 8:50 am

Posted on the old thread, in error. This is what happens when you don’t have your morning coffee.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
September 7, 2024 8:46 am

‘Cast of thousands’ headlined Reynolds defamation trial
Aaron BunchAAP
Sat, 7 September 2024 4:32AM
The defamation trial initiated by Senator Linda Reynolds against Brittany Higgins has wrapped up.
What started as a defamation case between a senator and an alleged sexual assault victim ballooned into a who’s who of Australian politics and media.
Prime ministers, television presenters, journalists, members of parliament and political staffers made the court transcript in the Perth trial that pitted Senator Linda Reynolds against her former staffer Brittany Higgins over social media posts the ex-minister believes damaged her reputation.
All told, more than 20 witnesses gave evidence at the five-week trial, which re-examined Ms Higgins’ alleged rape at Parliament House in 2019 and subsequent events including her decision to publicise her claims two years later.
Senator Reynolds’ lawyer Martin Bennett told the Supreme Court of Western Australia Ms Higgins and her now-husband David Sharaz created a “fictional story of political cover-up” that cast the senior Liberal as a villain in a bid to harm her.
Mr Bennett also alleged the recently married couple courted journalists Lisa Wilkinson on Network Ten’s The Project and Gold Walkley award-winner Samantha Maiden from News Corp with their “fairytale” while Ms Higgins was still working for Liberal senator Michaelia Cash.
Ms Higgins’ five-hour pre-interview with Ms Wilkinson and producer Angus Llewellyn laid bare her visceral hatred and “was the genuine, unguarded, unrehearsed, real, true expression of the motive” for the “premeditated” ambush on his client, he alleged in court.
Justice Paul Tottle also heard Ms Higgins and Mr Sharaz’s conspiracy included providing a “dossier” to Labor politicians in the lead-up to the political firestorm that erupted after Ms Higgins’ emotional tell-all television interview.
Senator Reynolds testified that Kimberley Kitching gave her a heads-up before fellow Labor senators Katy Gallagher and Penny Wong led the intense grilling that resulted in her physical and emotional breakdown in parliament.
She also delivered a bombshell when she linked the saga to Senator Kitching’s death from a suspected heart attack in March 2022, amid tearful evidence in which she alleged her friend was bullied by her colleagues.
Former prime minister Scott Morrison said Ms Higgins’ accusation her former boss mishandled her alleged rape amid a political cover-up was weaponised to discredit his government, and the political attacks were aggressive and co-ordinated.

Winston Smith
Winston Smith
September 7, 2024 9:10 am

How many heads are going to roll over this malicious and duplicitous womans (Higgins) efforts to save her job?
And how many are going to suffer irreperable harm to their careers for the bullshit that was hurled at Linda Reynolds?
What a pus oozing mess this turned out to be, and look at who was behind it – Wong, Gallagher and Wilkinson.
Labor is full of these people.

September 7, 2024 8:58 am

More than $48m in consultancy and all this company gives us is being ignored, belittled, held in contempt and a fortnightly newsletter about three paragraphs long?

This is typical of the Renewables industry. The guys at the top cream off enormous salaries so it doesn’t really matter if the company delivers results or the project was badly conceived in the first place. It’s one big boondoggle.When things look like folding they have already moved on to the next exciting project funded through subsidies and tax-payer funds.This isn’t about delivering cheap reliable energy to the public it’s about keeping up appearances for as long as the money flows.

Winston Smith
Winston Smith
September 7, 2024 10:15 am
Reply to  mem

In the 70’s, these men were right into the House Claddings scams. Then in the ’80s, they moved to kitchens. There have been diversions and backtracks since then, but in the 90’s and since, they’ve been into the renewables game.
Some of the more memorable ones were the Pink Pages Roof Insulation scam, the Roof Solar Panels Scam, etc etc.
The very same people involved all the way down the line.
They hit pay dirt with the renewables but.
They’ll retire rich and without a worry because they never had a conscience about ripping people off, nor the deaths they caused by their greed.
A thorough investigation would prove the continuum of deceit by the very same people.

September 7, 2024 12:42 pm
Reply to  Winston Smith

Not only house cladding, Winston, how about the crap Chinese napalm-y high rise building cladding?

The Tower Hamlets disaster – a green/left epic –
Building crammed with immigrants;
No effective building management as run by DEI tokens;
Therefore no effective safety/exit drills;
A fridge catches fire (!) because it operates with green mandated lighter fluid, not Freon;
Low trust Larry, the occupant, looks at his burning fridge, does not raise an alarm, shuts his door and leaves;
Fire spreads to rubbish green mandated cladding;
Building becomes a not so carbon neutral Roman candle.

It was green/left vanities and rorting all the way down.

Notice all those in positions of power who were jailed? Me neither.

September 7, 2024 9:01 am


Last edited 5 months ago by Indolent
September 7, 2024 9:02 am


Holy sh*t:

Foreign-born workers: +635K in August

Native-born workers: -1.325 MILLION in August

Yes, 1.3 million NATIVE-BORN Americans lost a job in August

Winston Smith
Winston Smith
September 7, 2024 10:19 am
Reply to  Indolent

…and the Democrats say it’s because Americans are retiring.
I say ‘bullshit’.
The replacement theory is no longer a conspiracy theory – it’s the same in Great Britain.

September 7, 2024 9:07 am

No, they’ve simply gone full totalitarian. No unsanctioned view allowed.


The UK has lost their minds.

September 7, 2024 9:08 am

Our projections show that by the year 2025, not only America but the entire planet will be under the protection and dominion of this power alliance.

They Live.1988.

September 7, 2024 9:10 am

DB — The editorial I posted from the WSJ is marked as spam. Why?

September 7, 2024 9:14 am

From WSJ: The Jews Stand Unbowed—but Alone
The muted reaction to the murder of six Israeli hostages by Hamas last week fills Bernard-Henri Lévy with despair. It “tragically confirms” his view that the Jewish state and “Jews around the world” are alone. That searing sense of abandonment and isolation gave Mr. Lévy the title of his new book, “Israel Alone,” scheduled to publish in its English translation next week.
In an interview in his home, Mr. Lévy—a liberal Jewish French philosopher and filmmaker—draws attention to one of the hostages, Hersh Goldberg-Polin, 23. “Hersh was executed for being a Jew,” Mr. Lévy says. “He was also American. Where is the collective rage in the U.S.A.? The collective grief? This indifference pains me.” Mr. Lévy has met Hersh’s parents, “the most resilient, compassionate, freedom-loving Americans.” Why, he asks, has the whole country “not rallied to wrap the Goldberg-Polins in their arms and carried them forward in their painful journey of mourning?”

The solitude is familiar. Mr. Lévy says Jews have “always been alone,” though there was “a golden moment when they had some allies,” particularly during the American civil-rights movement in the 1960s. Now, however, they are “back to the stage before—to loneliness.” It is “fashionable to be anti-Jew in America. Jews have been assimilated into the box of oppressors.”
The U.S. used to be “the most blessed place for Jews in the world,” along with Israel. He pauses and adds France to his small list of sanctuaries, citing an aphorism that is now used less and less: Heureux comme un Juif en France, or “Happy like a Jew in France.” “In reality, it was ‘Happy like a Jew in America.’ ” For all the loneliness, he says, there have always been Americans who feel a “metaphysical connection” with Israel.

Mr. Lévy uses “Israel” and “Jewish” almost interchangeably. “My reference to Israel is a part of my being a Jew,” he says. Israel is at the root of Jewish identity and inseparable from it. The point was hammered home on Oct. 7, the day that scarred the Jewish psyche more than any event since the Holocaust.

Everyone realized “that there is no place in the world where Jews are safe.” Before Oct. 7, “in the worst hypothesis, if things turned bad for Jews in the West, there was Israel. Israel unviolated, unraped, invulnerable. The shock was that even Israel could be more than unsafe—that it could, alas, be the place where the worst happens.”

There was a second shock. Rather than provoke sympathy and compassion for the Jews, Hamas’s massacre liberated hate. “This, for me, was a very big surprise,” Mr. Lévy says. “I expected at least a moment of real solidarity in the face of this enormous crime.” Instead, the murderers were “blessed, excused and praised.” The victims were “accused, cursed and held responsible for their fates.”

Even before Israel’s military response had begun in earnest, there was an “explosion of antisemitic demonstrations in New York and on campuses across America.” Mr. Lévy saw the same in France, which devastated him. “France is my fatherland, and America is the fatherland of my heart,” he says. “I would not be born without the Americans”—a reference to the U.S. role in the liberation of France and defeat of Hitler. “So what happens in America happens as if it were in my own country.”

How does Mr. Lévy explain the outpouring of antisemitism when supporting Israel should have been the ineluctable reaction? “A big part of the world was longing for something like Oct. 7, dreaming of it.” He likens the celebratory reactions to that day to the joyous outbursts in many parts of the world after al Qaeda attacked the U.S.

“People danced in the streets after Sept. 11. And they danced after Oct. 7. They loved the humiliation of the U.S. and Israel.” There was a craving among the “antiliberal, antidemocratic, anti-Western, antisemitic crowds” for “someone to do this.” He recalls “an obscene, disgusting relief that Israel was so vulnerable, that the Jews could be killed again like that in such an easy way.”

Yet for all his despair, Mr. Lévy isn’t despairing. He wrote his book to “instill courage and pride in the Jews, and to galvanize their many non-Jewish supporters in America.” He concludes that “the soul, mind, and genius of Judaism are standing firm amid tumult and torment.” They won’t succumb to Amalek, “the oldest enemy of the Jewish people,” incarnated afresh in Hamas.

That evil, which Mr. Lévy witnessed when he traveled to kibbutzim near Gaza in October, will remain with him forever. “I will never forget my first impressions: the smell of sour milk that filled the bullet-pocked, blasted, half-burned houses.” Still, he’s confident Jews will emerge stronger. “I see light, because the Jews don’t accept darkness anymore,” he says. “They don’t disarm themselves. They fight back. They behave as they should. They are proud.” Most important, “they don’t hide who they are anymore.”

Winston Smith
Winston Smith
September 7, 2024 10:39 am
Reply to  vr

I still do not understand why Israeli Jews are not allowed to own firearms and have to rely on militia and Army to protect them.
What would have been the death/kidnapping toll be if every Jewish adult had access to automatic rifles?

September 7, 2024 2:39 pm
Reply to  Winston Smith

And what about Australians? We have many many people who pretend the crimes were good, and would support them happening here. How can we defend? How can we minimise the casualties when it happens?

Winston Smith
Winston Smith
September 7, 2024 10:40 am
Reply to  Indolent

Indolent, my bet is that it will kill or sterilise them.
What other conclusion can be reached given this madmans views?

September 7, 2024 9:55 am

Zulu, isn’t it tiresome when one or two ‘journalists’ in the MSM finally work out what we did months or years earlier?

If those with the ambition to become star investigative ‘reporters’ had any gumption, all they have to do is read this site.

They would find the analysis and the evidence nicely packaged to make writing their groundbreaking piece quick and easy.

Maybe one or two of them do?

September 7, 2024 9:57 am

Oh, and very best wishes to Mme Zulu, good to hear that you two are wining and dining again. 🙂

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
September 7, 2024 10:08 am
Reply to  johanna

Thank you, johanna.

September 7, 2024 10:02 am

In play stupid games, win stupid prizes news:

A Turkish American dual citizen has allegedly been shot dead by IDF forces during a protest outside the town of Beita north of Ramallah in the West Bank.

26 year old woman Aysenur Eygi was a volunteer with the International Solidarity Movement, which facilitates visits by Westerners to the West Bank where they interpose themselves between locals and IDF forces in conflict situations, the so-called “white face defence” tactic.

In this particular situation an IDF unit reportedly came under attack from rocks and possibly molotov cocktails and responded with tear gas, rubber bullets and finally live fire targeted at the leader of the attacking group after they refused to desist.

One might reasonably question the IDF’s rules of engagement in these situations, but there is little doubt the woman concerned, and hundreds like her, are aware of the risks inherent in their activities, particularly amidst heightened tensions since 7th October.

Members of the ISM proclaim non-violence but recognise the right of Palestinians to use violence. They have also been accused by Israeli authorities of actively facilitating acts of insurgency and terror.

ABC news radio is running hard with the story without the added context.

Last edited 5 months ago by Roger
September 7, 2024 10:21 am
Reply to  Roger

“One might reasonably question the IDF’s rules of engagement in these situations” ..
Yep .. Why start with “rubber” bullets ……..!

September 7, 2024 10:34 am
Reply to  Roger

Shame they aren’t running hard on poor little Eden being starved down to 36kg when they found her with a bullet in her brain.

All for the crime of being a Jew.

September 7, 2024 10:37 am
Reply to  calli


Too late to add in edit – the IDF will investigate the incident.

In at least one past incident where the use of lethal force resulting in the death of an ISM activist was found to be unjustified the IDF soldier was sentenced to 8 years for manslaughter.

This is the difference between a civilised regime and a barbaric one.

The pampered young people of the West who support barbarism under the guise of humanitarianism need to be confronted with the consequences of their worldview.

Last edited 5 months ago by Roger
Perplexed of Brisbane
Perplexed of Brisbane
September 7, 2024 11:06 am
Reply to  Roger

Hoping they got 8 years in a 5 star resort with everything could want on the house for them.

Funny how we tie one hand behind our backs in dealing with scum. It must make the other soldiers wonder why bother?

September 7, 2024 11:16 am

Most soldiers want to serve honourably and not target civilians at the individual level.

The IDF investigation found, via photographic evidence, that the soldier in question not only targeted a civilian but lied about it in the investigation. He was found guilty of manslaughter and rightly so.

September 7, 2024 7:20 pm
Reply to  Roger

Rock throwing is not used as a tactic because they lack more lethal weapons, but in the hope of provoking a ‘disproportionate’ response from the Israelis, which can then be used for propaganda (both international, and for internal recruiting) purposes. The rock throwing incidents also allow for low-risk intelligence gathering.

I don’t have enough information to comment on the incident referred to above, but I imagine that both rock and molotov throwing brings the parties into a closer proximity, and who knows what else the throwers are armed with?

No doubt the ABCess is also providing coverage of the semi-regular stabbings and attempted stabbings (and car ramming) of Israeli citizens by West Bank ‘citizens’?

Last edited 5 months ago by Muddy
Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 7, 2024 10:03 am

Then they move on to the latest school shooting, with the obvious course of action being to take away all the guns.

And that story is about to completely vanish from the MSM…

CNN Confirms: Discord Linked to School Shooter Expressed “Frustrations with Acceptance of Transgender People,” Claimed He Was “Bullied for Being Gay” (6 Sep)

September 7, 2024 10:07 am

Some people do incredible things. This dude willingly smuggled himself in Auschwitz and then escaped. I’m guessing, getting yourself smuggled in there would have been easy in a sense as the Germans would never have believed anyone would do such a crazy brave act.

…..spare a thought for Captain Witold Pilecki, one of the bravest men in human history. A warrior of the Polish anti-communist and anti-Nazi resistance, Pilecki volunteered to smuggle himself INTO Auschwitz to report on Nazi extermination campaigns. After helping to report news of the Nazi atrocities with a hidden radio, he managed to overpower SS guards and escape. One of the very few individuals to escape the most infernal of Nazi death camps. Literally one in a million. When he reached safety, he immediately rejoined the Polish underground resistance. He fought in the Warsaw Uprising which was brutally crushed by the Nazis with the full acquiescence of the Soviets. He never stopped fighting for the liberation of Poland even after the Nazis were defeated. He joined the secret resistance to the Soviets and for this he was executed by the communists in 1947 who tried to bury his story because it was so inconvenient for them. “When God created the human being, God had in mind that we should all be like Captain Witold Pilecki, of blessed memory.”

September 7, 2024 10:19 am
Reply to  JC

Got a copy of his biography … THE SURVIVOR by Jack Fairweather ..
Tho to be on the fair side he was (as were 99% of people) completely unaware of the “real” purpose of Auschwitz .. I doubt he’d of gone in if he’d known .. At that time (mid 1940) it was assumed to be just another “detention” centre with, eventual, release for most inmates ……

September 7, 2024 10:25 am
Reply to  shatterzzz

He also escaped!

September 7, 2024 10:34 am
Reply to  JC

Yep .. April 1943 with 2 others .. all three survived the War …..

September 7, 2024 7:28 pm
Reply to  JC

How do we define ‘courage’ today?
That’s a rhetorical question, of course.

September 7, 2024 10:08 am
September 7, 2024 10:30 am

On the TENET Russia Russia Russia information op.
So it looks like the Soviets Russians have targeted the right side of new media in an attempt to soft influence opinions.
But they found out that because we all despise each other that it was like herding cats.
So they burnt their own operation to the ground and outed the whole thing before the election to try to discredit the whole lot of them.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 7, 2024 10:39 am
Reply to  Arky
September 7, 2024 10:41 am
Reply to  Arky

It is hilarious how you lot are so desperate to paint these cynical grifters as the victims for taking six figures a week to undermine the West.

Either they are evil or they are gormless idiots… or both!

September 7, 2024 10:50 am
Reply to  m0nty

or they are gormless idiots

I’ll bow to your expertise on gormless idiocy.
What is a gorm anyway?

September 7, 2024 11:05 am
Reply to  Arky

The “gorm” is that part of the brain that warns you not to press “post comment” until you verify what you’re about to say.

Sometimes The Gorm sleeps, or it is inebriated or otherwise incapacitated, or in many cases…completely absent.

September 7, 2024 11:39 am
Reply to  calli

In that case I think my gorm is lazy.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 7, 2024 11:05 am
Reply to  m0nty

A RINO is a cynical grifter now?

The Lincoln Project comes to mind…

September 7, 2024 11:17 am

OK groomer
is my response to any Lincoln Project post.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 7, 2024 10:33 am

Bugman Matt Kean gets a serve.

National Farmers’ Federation President David Jochinke grills red meat suggestion in Climate Change Authority review (Sky News, 7 Sep)

A farming executive has slammed the Climate Change Authority’s (CCA) proposal to the government suggesting Aussies needed to wean off red meat to cut back the country’s greenhouse gases.

The CCA’s 2024 Sector Pathways Review, released on Thursday, centered around a prospectus of industry changes across six main sectors to achieve a net zero target by 2050.

In the 234-page report, the CCA suggested “alternative consumption patterns”, which include “lower emissions protein sources” such as chicken, pork, and even kangaroo.

“Alternative proteins are plant-based and food-technology alternatives to animal protein,” the report said.

“They include food products made from plants (for example, grains, legumes and nuts), fungus (mushrooms), algae, insects, cell-cultured meat or protein from precision fermentation using yeast and other micro-organisms.”

Eat the damned fungus, proles, and stop defying your betters.

September 7, 2024 10:39 am

I want Kean’s rubbish searched for meat packaging. And a bit of surveillance on his family shopping habits. And maybe a barbecue cam come summer.

If he can tell us what to eat, we can find out what he eats.

Fair game.

H B Bear
H B Bear
September 7, 2024 2:52 pm
Reply to  calli

Get the guy who did Ray Martin’s bins. Some of the best FTA telly in a while.

September 8, 2024 11:39 pm
Reply to  calli

Also whenever he eats out find out what he ordered. If he is not vegan he is a fraud.

September 7, 2024 10:34 am

David Fredericks PSM – Secretary
David Fredericks is the Secretary of the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water, having been appointed at the establishment of the department on 1 July 2022.
Prior to this, David was the Secretary of the Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources from 3 February 2020, and previously was Secretary of the Department of the Environment and Energy from late 2019.
David previously held a number of Deputy Secretary positions from 2011, including being the Deputy Secretary at the Department of Finance with responsibility for the Budget, and the Deputy Secretary of Business Enabling Services. David was also the Deputy Secretary, Civil Justice and Legal Services in the Attorney-General’s Department, and also was the Chief Operating Officer.
David has held senior ministerial adviser roles at both the Commonwealth and state level, including as the Chief of Staff to the Commonwealth Minister for Climate Change and Water in 2008 before moving to the Prime Minister’s Office.
He also previously served as Director of the Economic Reform Unit in the Solomon Islands Ministry of Finance on secondment from the Australian Treasury and was Executive Director of the Policy Division in the Victorian Department of Premier and Cabinet.
He also practiced as a barrister in Sydney for five years.
David has degrees in Law (with First Class Honours) and Economics from Sydney University. He was awarded the Public Service Medal in the 2020 Australia Day Honours for services to the Budget and to reform in the Attorney-General’s portfolio.

Last edited 5 months ago by Miltonf
September 7, 2024 11:04 am
Reply to  Miltonf

It’s the kind of CV that makes me shudder.

I came across a few Davids when I was in the NSW and Commonwealth PS.

Intelligent, charming and fully focused on getting ahead. And, they do.

Most Ministers are much dumber than the public servants who advise them. The trick is to make the Minister think it was his/her own idea.

Now and then you get a Minister who has the brains, strength of character, or both to face them down.

Now and then.

Boambee John
Boambee John
September 7, 2024 11:17 am
Reply to  Miltonf

Swamp creature.

September 7, 2024 10:37 am

Tim Pool is now snitching on his colleagues to avoid gaol, LOL. More indictments to come, probably nothing more than a slap on the wrist for him.

Turns out he does have a brain under that prematurely bald scalp.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 7, 2024 11:07 am
Reply to  m0nty

Who is Tim Pool?

You’ve mentioned the chap a few times but I have never seen anything from him. Is he another Chan type?

Boambee John
Boambee John
September 7, 2024 11:25 am
Reply to  m0nty

Daily Talking Points now out.

September 7, 2024 10:40 am

The rubbish in Canbra trying to wreck our economy and society are what Kipling told us not to be in if.

Think and not make thoughts you aim.

September 8, 2024 11:41 pm
Reply to  Indolent

What took him so long?

September 7, 2024 10:45 am

I want Kean’s rubbish searched for meat packaging. And a bit of surveillance on his family shopping habits. And maybe a barbecue cam come summer.
If he can tell us what to eat, we can find out what he eats.
Fair game.

This whole globull warming hoax was always about impoverishing regular citizens. In the Australian context ‘bogans shouldn’t have nice things’. This also explains why ‘teals’ get elected in places like Brighton, Mosman and Bellevue Hill. Also explains why the Windsors are so keen on it.

Winston Smith
Winston Smith
September 7, 2024 2:50 pm
Reply to  Indolent

Here’s the clue about where the wokeshit is coming from:

In the letter, provided to FOX Business from Coors, the company’s executives said its human resources team began making plans in March to broaden the view of its DEI polices to ensure all “employees know they are welcome.” The company did not comment beyond the contents of the letter.

If the businesses had any sense at all, they’d be closely examining the HR output before it bankrupts the company.

September 7, 2024 10:46 am


Pool hasn’t been indicted. If Trump overcomes the cheat margin, it will be interesting to see how the entire Hiden family manage their influence peddling scam indictments. 🙂

September 7, 2024 10:56 am
Reply to  JC

Trump is losing bigly. He can help Kushner count that two billion he got from the Saudis.

September 7, 2024 10:49 am

Kean is a mediocrity yet he prospers. Beats me why people go on about the Vicco liboral party- NSW is even worse. Must admit the first time I went to a young liboral meeting I felt like a fish out of water. Trumble, Kean and Photios are hard to beat in the worst of the worst stakes.

September 7, 2024 10:49 am
September 7, 2024 10:51 am
Boambee John
Boambee John
September 7, 2024 11:20 am
Reply to  Indolent

Embrace the power of “and”.

September 7, 2024 10:56 am

I want Kean’s rubbish searched for meat packaging.

What’s John Safran up to these days?

Last edited 5 months ago by Roger
September 7, 2024 11:17 am
Reply to  Roger

Chuckle! I did think of him when I typed that!

You just need a good private investigator. I engaged one when an employee tried to defraud me. Amazing what they can find.

September 7, 2024 11:23 am
Reply to  calli

I don’t doubt it. Would be interesting work.

H B Bear
H B Bear
September 7, 2024 2:56 pm
Reply to  calli

One of our clients used a private investigator for dodgy insurance claims (they largely self insured). Worth their weight in gold if they are any good.

September 7, 2024 10:56 am


My grocery bill is $400. 

My electric bill is almost $280. 

Its nearly $100 to fill up my tank in Washington State. 

My health insurance is almost $450/month. 

I don’t give a F about Trump’s personality or if he has 34 felony counts. 

I need to survive!

Winston Smith
Winston Smith
September 7, 2024 10:57 am

Have you heard about Labor’s plans to bailout Star Casino? That’s right, Queensland taxpayer’s cash is going to be used to bailout a billion dollar company – while we all suffer under Labor’s cost-of-living crisis. 

One Nation has been informed Queensland Treasury Department bureaucrats are currently working in secret to provide liquid cash so Labor has the option to spend your money to BUY part of Star, giving the Casino a cash injection. You heard that right, CASH is currently being sourced to hand over to a Casino.  

This deal is likely to not only be forgone tax revenue, but it is also likely to involve taxpayers forking over CASH to buy-in on the casino.  

Mak Siccar
Mak Siccar
September 7, 2024 11:14 am
Reply to  Winston Smith

hopefully not before the scum get kicked out next month.

September 7, 2024 11:18 am
Reply to  Winston Smith

The LNP should flag an investigation of Treasury in regard to this matter when they come into office. That might give pause to these bureaucrats.

September 7, 2024 10:58 am

He was awarded the Public Service Medal in the 2020 Australia Day Honours for services to the Budget and to reform in the Attorney-General’s portfolio.

What a fetid little place canbra is.

September 7, 2024 10:59 am

They’re well down the road to total, and I mean total, surveillance and control. Without free speech there is no freedom. Period.
Lockheed Martin Develops System to Identify and Counter Online “Disinformation,” Prototyped by DARPA

September 7, 2024 11:05 am
September 7, 2024 11:06 am

What a fetid little place canbra is.

A fetid billabong cut off from the mainstream of Australian life whose inhabitants imagine themselves to be at the centre of the universe.

Last edited 5 months ago by Roger
Boambee John
Boambee John
September 7, 2024 11:24 am
Reply to  Roger

To be fair, the real culprits are the SES and Departmental Secretaries who supposedly run the PS.

The lower orders are generally kept in line by the threat of “performance assessment”, or jump ship. Some make a career of being contrary, but they really if ever make the high level cut.

September 7, 2024 11:12 am

A bit cross with the world this morning, especially all its stupidity and duplicity.

Must be missing my dergs…

September 7, 2024 11:45 am
Reply to  calli

There’s a kelpie at the local pound I’m gonna take a look at if it’s still there on Monday.
It’s a girl dog, but you can’t have everything.

Last edited 5 months ago by Arky
September 7, 2024 11:48 am
Reply to  Arky

My sexism even extends to dog choice.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
September 7, 2024 11:27 am

Reading a very good account of the Yom Kippur War – “Eighteen Days in October” by Uri Kaufman – the first full history of that war , published since 2004.

Kaufman makes the point that the Israelis won in 1967, because everything had gone perfectly. The Israeli Air Force lost 10 percent of their fighters on the first day of the war, and, though in complete control of the skies, they still lost one third of their strength by the time the war ended just five days later.
Had the war lasted just two weeks longer, the amoured corps would have run out of ammunition…

September 7, 2024 11:28 am

One hundred and four years ago my Grandfather went to a little country town in WA as the book-keeper for a land development scheme.
Sixty-five years ago my Dad and Mum bought a square mile bush block and started work with an axe, then a plow, then building sheds to get cash for bulldozer work.
Thirty five years ago Dad’s crop of fresh green peas set a record.
Twenty nine years ago Dad died and Mum was allowed to run the farm without supervision.
Two years ago Mum died.
And yesterday, on behalf of her children and widowed partner we accepted an offer to buy her farm.

September 7, 2024 1:15 pm
Reply to  Chris

End of an era.
A little sad.

September 7, 2024 2:06 pm
Reply to  Pogria

Yes, but I look with joy to their grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
When our uncle sold his place in the 1973 drought his spirit was crushed at having to leave. We are blessed; sad but not crushed.

September 7, 2024 2:00 pm
Reply to  Chris

End of your chapter, beginning of some-one else’s chapter. Even so, your chapter lives on in your memory.
something my nephew in law said to me, ‘In four generations there is no longer any memory of the first in the last.
sad but how it is. We are the only true witnesses to our mark on the world.

September 7, 2024 11:29 am

September 7, 2024 11:06 am

What a fetid little place canbra is.

A fetid billabong cut off from the mainstream of Australian life whose inhabitants imagine themselves to be at the centre of the universe.


It’s a mischaracterisation which insulates those who put it forward from the truth.

Yes, it brings all of those people together, but no, the evil does not emanate from Canberra.

It emanates from all of those dysfunctional State/Territory branches, like the NSW one that is currently being taken over, and the Vicco one which is a shambles, and the WA one that drove the party into the ditch. (To name just a few.)

What happens in Canberra is the sum total of what the State/Territory branches do, so stop deflecting.

I get that it’s easy and satisfying personally, but it’s never going to address, let alone fix, the real problems.

September 7, 2024 11:33 am


I’ve just been sent a sale catalogue by a bookseller.

Maladroit Trumble’s 2023 memoirs are marked down from $55 to $7:50.

‘When Malcolm Turnbull took over the nation’s top job there was a sense of excitement in Australia. Sky-high opinion polls followed as the political outsider with a successful business, legal and media career took charge. The infighting that had dogged politics for the best part of a decade looked to be over. But a right-wing insurgency brutally cut down Turnbull’s time in office after three years, leaving many Australians asking, ‘Why?’ Exceptionally candid and compelling, A Bigger Picture is the definitive narrative of Malcolm Turnbull’s prime ministership. He describes how he legalised same-sex marriage, established Snowy Hydro 2.0, stood up to Donald Trump, and many more achievements – remarkable in their pace and significance, and delivered in the teeth of so much opposition.’

Evidently nobody is buying it, metaphorically or physically.

Last edited 5 months ago by Roger
September 7, 2024 11:37 am
Reply to  Roger

I was pretty damn cynical about Trumble, but October 7th I discovered that there are worse things in life than backstabbers without any values.

And that is those of our country who support those worse things.

September 7, 2024 11:43 am
Reply to  Roger

That’s a steal.
A four pack of bog paper costs at least $8.00.

September 7, 2024 1:05 pm
Reply to  Arky

Yeah, but this is an unflushable.

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
September 7, 2024 11:17 pm
Reply to  Roger

$7.50? Tell ’em they’re dreaming.

September 7, 2024 11:36 am

Yes, it brings all of those people together, but no, the evil does not emanate from Canberra.

The problem with Canberra is that our politicians are collectively too far away for a good kicking when they need it.

H/t G K Chesterton.

It’s a metaphorical kicking in view, ASIO.

September 7, 2024 12:14 pm
Reply to  Roger

Not an answer.

September 7, 2024 11:41 am

What happens in Canberra is the sum total of what the State/Territory branches do, so stop deflecting.

Not at all. Canbra is the seat of the permanent gubmint which seeks to wreck our society and economy through water policies, ‘renewable’ electricity, multiculturalism and punitive taxation. If you want to sum up canbra look at Martin Parkinson’s attitude to Abbott. Accused him of ‘damaging the pubic service.’ Another example, pubes who seemed to think they ‘work’ for the UN.

The challenge for any half decent or quarter decent government is taking on the permanent gubmint in canbra.

A despicable place.

Stop deflecting.

Last edited 5 months ago by Miltonf
September 7, 2024 1:02 pm
Reply to  Miltonf

If you think that elected politicians are powerless, say so

You spend a lot of pixels blaming them.

Which is it?

September 7, 2024 11:42 am

26 year old woman Aysenur Eygi…

Nominee for the 2024 Rachel Corrie Award.

September 7, 2024 11:45 am
Reply to  lotocoti

Fax her home.

September 7, 2024 11:49 am
Reply to  lotocoti

Yes…the same organisation, the same tactics that place themselves in harm’s way, all for a people who are their own worst enemies.

September 7, 2024 11:46 am

Only in Canbra would they put up a statue of Al Grassby.

Boambee John
Boambee John
September 7, 2024 12:53 pm
Reply to  Miltonf

Only in the Canberra branch of the Liars would they put up a statue of Al Grassby.

September 7, 2024 11:48 am

Maladroit Trumble’s 2023 memoirs are marked down from $55 to $7:50.

Thanks, Roger.

First laugh out loud for the day, which neglects to mention that’s it’s probably on its way to 99 cents, which won’t even cover the cost of the paper and the bookbinding.

September 7, 2024 12:08 pm
Reply to  Tom

It certainly brightened my day, Tom!

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
September 7, 2024 11:50 am
Winston Smith
Winston Smith
September 7, 2024 3:14 pm
Reply to  Mother Lode

A wakka pakka!
Not the same as a Packer Whacker.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
September 7, 2024 11:50 am

Alarm at Greens’ ‘Hamas symbols’ on Sydney council election material
Alexi Demetriadi
18 hours ago.
Updated 1 hours ago

Local government Greens candidates in one of Sydney’s most populous Jewish areas are putting their names to pro-Palestine pledge cards adorned with inverted triangles closely associated with terror group Hamas’s military wing.
The organisation behind the material has been criticised by candidates, political leaders and security experts for its claim that the usage of red and white inverted triangles on campaign material was actually a “slice of watermelon”.
The material, which shows which candidates had signed up to its six pro-Palestine pledges, began circulating as next week’s NSW local government elections loom as the most divisive ever.
The Australian revealed in August how We Vote for Palestine was requesting candidates sign up to their six pledges, publishing rankings on their score.
Greens candidates in their droves have made the six-pronged pro-Palestine pledge, with their scorecards littered with the inverted triangle. Of the 80 candidates to so far pledge, almost half are Greens.
We Vote for Palestine founder Subhi Awad said on Friday it was an upside-down slice of watermelon, rejecting it had anything to do with Hamas. That claim was rubbished by security experts.
The Australian Strategic Policy Institute’s law enforcement and strategic policy head, John Coyne, said it appeared to clearly reference the inverted red triangle, warning against candidate’s using it. “The use, clever or not, of symbols associated with a listed terrorist organisation is not simply a political stunt,” he said.

local oaf
September 7, 2024 12:04 pm

Green = Red

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
September 7, 2024 12:06 pm
Reply to  local oaf

Is there a bumper sticker, somewhere, with that logo?

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 7, 2024 12:21 pm

Maybe some journo could ask Clover Moore for comment.
On camera. It would be quite interesting.

Boambee John
Boambee John
September 7, 2024 12:57 pm

We Vote for Palestine founder Subhi Awad said on Friday it was an upside-down slice of watermelon, 

Ah, yes, the watermelon, the traditional symbol of Palestine or Islam.

Or, more likely, confirmation that tha Slime may be green on the outside, but they are commo red on the inside.

September 7, 2024 11:51 am

IIRC the ACT was the only jurisdiction that Anal’s ‘voice’ got up in.

Boambee John
Boambee John
September 7, 2024 12:58 pm
Reply to  Miltonf

Ditto for the republic referendum.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
September 7, 2024 12:07 pm

You want Middle East peace? Hamas wants bloodshedGemma Tognini
12 hours ago.
Updated 1 minutes ago

Hamas knew the six hostages were close to being rescued. It knew that for these six, at least, freedom was close. So Hamas blew the hostages’ brains out instead. These six hostages, two women among them, were summarily executed, shot in the head to ensure they never saw daylight or their loved ones again.
It was done in cold blood. Just as the massacre of October 7 last year was committed in cold blood. Some of you will call this justifiable resistance. You’re afflicted with a sickness that horrifies most of us.
Hersh Goldberg-Polin, Ori Danino, Eden Yerushalmi, Almog Sarusi, Alexander Lobanov and Carmel Gat – they were taken because they were Jewish. Held captive because they were Jewish. Murdered in cold blood because they were Jewish. Because homicidal maniacs want to wipe Israel from the map and obliterate the Jewish people. Don’t be mad at me for saying so, it’s written in the Hamas charter. It’s where “From the river to the sea” can be found, many times. Go see for yourself, it’s spectacularly easy to find.

A woman stamps her painted hands behind a sign as Israeli anti-government demonstrators protest calling for action to secure the release of hostages held captive since the October 7 attacks.
This past week I found myself shifting between anger and despair. I’m not Jewish. I’m not Israeli. But, as many of you have, I have seen myself in those hostages, in the dead and slaughtered. My vibrant, beautiful young niece and nephew and their friends; my mother and aunty; my brother. How can a person with sober mind not see this evil for what it is and have a piece of their heart ripped out?
I wonder if they knew what was about to happen, before they were executed. If they knew that days earlier the Israel Defence Forces had rescued Bedouin Muslim hostage Qaid Farhan Alkadi and brought him back to his two wives and children. If they knew how many people around the world were hoping for their return when Hamas took them and executed them in the same network of tunnels below the city of Rafah. All eyes on Rafah? Spare me.
Hamas has since confirmed what the IDF initially reported about these murders. That Hamas knew help was close, so it ordered the executions of Hersh, Eden, Carmel, Ori, Almog and Alexander. It has threatened to send more hostages home in coffins, and in the days following the executions released videos of the dead, filmed right before they were murdered. Eden had been starved. When she was shot in the head she weighed just 36kg.
This is the embodiment of evil. This is Hamas. Its members aren’t human, they are monsters.
This is also, in case you’ve forgotten, a proscribed terror group that the Australian Greens refuse to condemn and, via that omission, stand alongside. Let me repeat that. Even after this, the Greens can’t bring themselves to condemn Hamas and its brand of Islamic extremism. Careful where you place your vote, Australia. Careful.

September 7, 2024 12:23 pm

Thank you Gemma.

You have articulated what my heart has been too full of grief to say.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 7, 2024 12:28 pm

Hamas wants bloodshed

Sounds great.

So far in a city so fortified that it makes Stalingrad look like a child’s playground the Hamas kiddies are losing over 100 terrorists per IDF soldier.

Do please keep on fighting Hamas guys.

September 7, 2024 3:41 pm

The hostages weren’t ‘executed’, they were murder3d.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
September 7, 2024 4:24 pm
Reply to  Annie

I’ve posted that comment on the Oz website five times, regarding different articles, and had the comment deleted.

September 7, 2024 12:14 pm

Humiliated Gazans still likely to keep Hamas barbarians in control

Alan Howe, The Australian, 7 September, 2024

Gaza is not just a volatile hotbed of genocidal Jew-hating, it is the epicentre of the deluded, self-pitying Palestinian sense of historical injustice. Who says so? The people of Gaza. Just ask them. Last June, the Palestinian Centre for Policy and Survey Research did just that. Its polling of the attitudes of Gazans and Palestinians more widely makes depressing reading.

The people of Gaza don’t feel helpless. And they are not, even if they have been deprived of the oppor­tunity to vote these past 18 years. They voted in Hamas back in 2006. With enthusiasm, they would do so again were an election held tomorrow.

Not only have they accepted the barbaric Hamas rule, they have adapted to it, even warming to the idea.

The poll results reveal that so many people from the region are armed with views that would make them troublesome immigrants. A total of 57 per cent of Gazans believe it was right to attack Israel on October 7 last year. That figure had been as high as 71 per cent. And even 54 per cent of Palestinians who have seen the videos of triumphant Hamas recruits murdering Israelis that day still insist Hamas did not commit atrocities.

This would indicate that the Palestinian perception of what is humane is at odds with ours.

Gazans blame mostly Israel, but also the US, for what had happened to them. Not more than 8 per cent of Gazans blamed their situation on Hamas.

The other 92 per cent seem to see no connection between their poverty and the more than 500km of concrete tunnels Hamas built with airconditioning, running water, medical centres and stores of weapons with which to kill Jews – rather than develop housing and port facilities so Gaza could flourish.

The poll shows that Palestinians overwhelmingly believe Israel is committing war crimes, but almost none believes Hamas is doing so. (The confinement, rape, torture and murder of innocent, kidnapped Israelis apparently resonates with so few.)

Once again, the PCPSR surveyed 75 communities including in the cities of Rafah, Khan Younis, Al-Mawasi and other areas of the Gaza Strip, along with displaced people in shelters and others at tent “gatherings”. It estimates the margin of error at plus or minus 3 per cent. In all, 1570 adults were interviewed face-to-face: 760 in the West Bank and 750 in Gaza.

Almost 80 per cent of Gazans, already happy with the October 7 massacres, believe the events then and since have put Palestinians at the forefront of international thinking. It has certainly done that. And about 70 per cent of Palestinians – these are people who do know which river and what sea – believe the mass demonstrations by ignorant students at Western universities and on capital city streets around the world will influence Western policies less supportive of Israel.

‘The median age of Gazans is 18. People that age have had almost no hope of avoiding the indoctrination of the daily barrage of this sinful deception.’

And it has. In May the UN voted overwhelmingly to grant Palestinians additional rights as a way forward to full membership of that body – a shameful reward for Hamas’s savagery.

Close Australian allies, including the US, Israel and Papua New Guinea, voted against the motion. Our wise and trusted Five Eyes colleagues Canada and Britain, abstained. But Anthony Albanese’s manipulative government, with an eye on Muslim votes in western Sydney and with an election due next year, voted for it.

Foreign Minister Penny Wong thought it an excellent move. Oddly, the LGBTI community she vigorously supports also seemed little troubled by it. About the same time I saw a news report in which a protester bore a placard reading “Gays for Gaza”. T-shirts with this motif soon were for sale online. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in June this was absurd and that a gay person in Gaza would be “shot in the back of the head”.

Netanyahu was probably wrong about the method. While Palestinians, even reportedly the families of gay men, harass and torment them, the last reported murder of a gay Palestinian was less than two years ago: Ahmad Abu Marhia, 25, was beheaded in the West Bank.

About 75 per cent of Gazans do not want a joint Arab security force to control the area after the war; in any election, a winning number of them would side with Hamas, whose leader-in-hiding is Yahya Sinwar. Only he could have authorised the slaughter last weekend of those six kidnap victims.

When all Palestinians are asked whom they support, they would overwhelmingly vote for Hamas rather than Fatah which, through the Palestinian Authority, runs the West Bank. And the poll showed support for Hamas was increasing.

Put it this way: in 1966, Liberal prime minister Harold Holt won the federal election in a historic landslide with a record majority, double the number of Labor seats, with Liberal support about the same level as Hamas today.

Wong may hope for a two-state solution to all this, but support for it had slumped in Gaza with only 32 per cent wanting a two-state solution and a rising commitment to armed struggle – 64 per cent of Gazans want a violent intifada to break the deadlock.

But none of these Palestinian attitudes comes as a surprise: the people of the West Bank and Gaza have been bombarded with anti-Semitic, anti-West bile for decades – it’s why so many Palestinians define themselves by their hatred for Israel, notwithstanding that this so obviously helps perpetuate poverty, both physical and spiritual, for them and their children.

In 2005 I spent a dispiriting few hours in Jerusalem with Itamar Marcus, whose organisation, Palestinian Media Watch, monitors and translates Arab language newspapers, radio and television to understand how this poison shapes the contours of Palestinian thinking.

I wrote then that Marcus “showed children’s television programs broadcast by the Palestinian Authority in which beautifully innocent pre-teenage kids glorified the activities of suicide bombers. Colourful plastic Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck characters adorned the walls in the TV studio. It would have had poor Walt Disney spinning in his cryogenic chamber.”

I was given translated newspaper stories about sports teams named after “brave” young suicide bombers. Palestinian children are taught that Jews are the descendants of pigs and apes.

Palestinians have long glorified those among them who manage to kill Israelis, especially in large numbers: in 2011, and pointedly during a visit to the area by then US vice-president Joe Biden, many young locals gathered for a ceremony to mark the naming of a Ramallah square after their “martyred” heroine Dalal Mughrabi.

Mughrabi was 19 and was leading a terror squad that sailed down the Israeli coast and landed near Tel Aviv where they bumped into a young American nature photographer on the beach. They asked her where they were, she told them, and then Mughrabi shot her dead. During the rampage that followed they killed 38 innocents, including 13 children. “We are all Dalal Mughrabi,” declared a leading Palestinian. Schools, sports carnivals, computer centres and streets are named after people who in a civilised territory would be jailed for life.

Last year an independent report identified 133 UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East teachers and staff, at schools partly funded by Australian taxpayers, who promoted hate against Jews. Just one was suspended.

UN Watch reported that their materials “regularly call to murder Jews … glorify terrorism, encourage martyrdom, demonise Israelis and incite anti-Semitism”.

UNWRA employees were zealous team-members among the murder and kidnap crews last October.

It has been 19 years since the nature of Palestinian brainwashing was first explained to me. The median age of Gazans is 18. People that age have had almost no hope of avoiding the indoctrination of the daily barrage of this sinful deception. No wonder it was easy for Hamas to muster 2900 young Gazans to enter Israel to shoot, rape, decapitate, blow up and incinerate innocents, including at least 38 children.

Now, thousands of Gaza’s citizens are being considered for visas to come to Australia. Of course, we need unprecedented vigilance while considering their applications. Quite how we check the backgrounds of people living under a terrorist regime at war with its neighbour and with no functioning administration I cannot imagine.

And it is not Islamophobic to seek to protect our country from people who might struggle to subordinate their religious or cultural imperatives to the Australian Constitution and way of life.

As Lord Pearson, an independent member of Britain’s House of Lords, told that house last month: “If we so much as try just to talk about Islam or Islamism, we are immediately accused of Islamophobia. A phobia is an irrational fear of something, but it isn’t irrational to fear the modern world’s most violent religious ideology.”

A document updated on May 24 this year by Australian National Security lists 30 banned terrorist organisations, 26 of them Islamic.

Given the unending brainwashing of Gazans, Australia could perhaps seek to deradicalise Hamas-sympathetic would-be immigrants, but those techniques are regularly questioned and probably would generate more claims of Islamophobia.

Just last May, Perth police were forced to shoot dead a youth who had stabbed a stranger and then attacked them. He had been part of a deradicalisation program for two years.

Usman Khan, one of the Islamic terrorists who killed eight innocents during the 2017 London Bridge Attacks – including Australians Sara Zelenak, 21, and Kirsty Boden, 28 – had been on two counter-terrorism programs.

The opposition spokesman on Home Affairs, Senator James Paterson, has been focused on whom Australia might issue visas to given events in Gaza: “The tragic reality is that the people of Gaza have been subject to the genocidal rule of Hamas for almost 20 years. No institution in society has been untouched by its violent ideology, including schools and the media.”

He added that young Gazans had “been raised on a diet of hate and indoctrinated to think Jewish people are sub-human and the West is the enemy. While there are undoubtedly many innocent people who want to leave Gaza and pose no risk to Australia, there are also many who wholeheartedly support Hamas and the atrocities they carried out on 7 October.”

It is the natural and noble urge of Australians to welcome here people from troubled lands who wish to make a new start in life, but we must be wary of people sequestered in their one-person worlds of hate.

You can’t shake hands with a clenched fist.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
September 7, 2024 12:20 pm
Reply to  Roger

Wong may hope for a two-state solution to all this

The Palis have rejected five attempts at a “Two State” solution since the late 1930’s – what makes Penny Wong, or anyone else, think they are interested in such a solution today?

Winston Smith
Winston Smith
September 7, 2024 6:25 pm
Reply to  Roger

And people wonder why I am so in favour of nuking the entire Islamic world.
What the Hell else can you do with them?

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
September 7, 2024 12:18 pm

In time for Christmas.

September 7, 2024 12:22 pm

The challenge for any half decent or quarter decent government is taking on the permanent gubmint in canbra.#

A despicable place.

Stop deflecting.

Blaming bad things on a place is primittive mysticism.

Tracing bad decisions back to the source – not Canberra – may make some people uncomfotrable – but I prefer truth over mysticism.

September 7, 2024 12:24 pm

“People danced in the streets after Sept. 11. And they danced after Oct. 7. They loved the humiliation of the U.S. and Israel.”
He means muslims.

Black Ball
Black Ball
September 7, 2024 12:28 pm

He describes how he legalised same-sex marriage, established Snowy Hydro 2.0, stood up to Donald Trump, and many more achievements – remarkable in their pace and significance, and delivered in the teeth of so much opposition.’

Er, what fresh horse manure is this? Turnbull achieved precisely nothing.
A cursory glance suggest that Snowy Hydro 2.0 is not in any way, shape or form something to celebrate.
Same sex marriage is something the average person has zero phucks to give about.
And stood up to Trump? How?
No wonder no one is buying this crapola.

September 7, 2024 1:10 pm
Reply to  Black Ball

Same sex marriage is something the average person has zero phucks to give about.

Furthermore, it was Tony Abbott’s achievement not Trumble’s.

September 7, 2024 12:32 pm

Blaming bad things on a place is primittive mysticism.

Tracing bad decisions back to the source – not Canberra – may make some people uncomfotrable – but I prefer truth over mysticism.

‘Canberra’ is being used as a rhetorical metonym for federal politicians and their public service enablers.

I would have thought that was obvious.

Last edited 5 months ago by Roger
September 7, 2024 12:34 pm

He describes how he legalised same-sex marriage, established Snowy Hydro 2.0, stood up to Donald Trump

Wow! What a hero!

SSM which caused untold damage to familiy relationships, and has now morphed into the despicable trans movement, robbing women and girls of safety, Snowy 2.0, a pricing fiddle with not a skerrick of new energy created…and that last…

How exactly did he do that? Wave his widdle fist at the end of his limp noodle arm?

Slink off into history’s dustbin, you insufferable wanker.

Mak Siccar
Mak Siccar
September 7, 2024 12:45 pm
Reply to  calli

Naughty Calli – you’ve just managed to grossly insult all the wankers on the planet!

September 7, 2024 12:37 pm

Turnbull is only just surpassed in horror and ridicule by this guy.

September 7, 2024 12:51 pm
Reply to  calli

Big gap, imv. Turnbull was many things, but I don’t believe he ever recklessly endangered the security of Australians at home and lied about it to parliament.

Perfidious Albino
Perfidious Albino
September 7, 2024 1:48 pm
Reply to  calli

He looks like King Julian from the kids cartoon.

September 7, 2024 12:39 pm

Going through my shame file…golly it’s a close field.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 7, 2024 1:02 pm
Reply to  calli

Speaking of Labor archaeology I was amused by this one.

Belinda Neal one of 12 former politicians standing for Central Coast Council (Ncl Herald, 27 Aug)

They’re like the Terminator. Disgraced Labor pollies never give up, never surrender and just keep on going unstoppably.

H B Bear
H B Bear
September 7, 2024 3:04 pm
Reply to  calli

Didn’t they get Thommo in the end. His days in the Red Turbo room came to an abrupt end. Joins Julia’s boyfriend as sous chef at a mid coast RSL.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 7, 2024 1:09 pm
Reply to  dover0beach

Cheney is 83 and in chronically poor health. I am not certain at all that the man himself is saying this.

Liz Cheney on the other hand is quite capable of lying and using he father for her own purposes.

On the other hand Monty and Liz should certainly get together and make fantasy websites. Both are excellent at fantasy.

September 7, 2024 1:00 pm

Not only did Hamas kill the hostages, they starved them, Eden was under 40kg at the time of her execution, they also videoed each of them and released the videos post murder.
Clementine and Candace are great examples of the far right left horseshoe.
Both should be forced to attend the autopsies of murdered hostages, in the manner or German civilians viewing the bodies of concentration camp victims.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
September 7, 2024 1:30 pm
Reply to  Rosie

For shame, have you no idea how traumatic they would find such a procedure?

September 7, 2024 1:08 pm

Tim Pool pretending to have had a sudden change of heart on Ukraine, hahaha!

He flipped quicker than a Russian conscript surrendering in Kursk.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 7, 2024 1:12 pm
Reply to  m0nty

More proof that lefties don’t get humour.

This is called sarcasm Monty. I don’t know who he is but it’s absolutely obvious from the language. The final sentence is pure Kubrick.

September 7, 2024 1:09 pm

September 7, 2024 1:02 pm

Reply to  Miltonf
If you think that elected politicians are powerless, say so
You spend a lot of pixels blaming them.
Which is it?
A lot of mindless, contradictory flailing here.One minute, it’s the bureaucrats, then it’s the politicians. Next, it’s voters.

Doesn’t help to diagnose or fix the problems.

September 7, 2024 1:12 pm

Fatboy, I don’t know why you’re so frenzied about this Tim Pool story. I can’t recall a single link to Pool from this site. I’ve never even watched a short of his pods. STFU and go eat a dozen donuts.

Boambee John
Boambee John
September 7, 2024 1:35 pm
Reply to  JC

It’s the key story highlighted in today’s DNC Talking Points. As a loyal leftard drone it is his duty to push the story, regardless of its relevance or otherwise to readers.

Shirley you don’t think that FatBoy is capable of independent thought?

September 7, 2024 1:13 pm

Seriously, has anyone ever linked Pool here?

Boambee John
Boambee John
September 7, 2024 1:36 pm
Reply to  JC

Only FatBoy that I can remember.

September 7, 2024 2:05 pm
Reply to  JC

I think Zippy used to link to Poole and Styxenhammer*. Especially around the time of the 2020 election. I remember the first as a round faced guy in a beanie and the second as a long faced hippy type similar to Russell Brand.

I suppose a site search is out of the question. 😀

*might have the name wrong.

Titus Groates
Titus Groates
September 7, 2024 1:17 pm

Seriously, has anyone ever linked Pool here?

I thought Tim Pool was the Demtel guy. “But wait there’s more!” Obviously not.

Tim Shaw.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
September 7, 2024 1:18 pm

“Eighteen Days in October” has a brief biography of Golda Meir. Born in Russia, her family emigrated to the United States in 1906. In 1921, she moved to Palestine in 1921, with her husband, Morris Meyerson, and settled on a kibbutz.

Her husband was a sensitive young man, with an interest in books and classical music, and no interest in Palestine, let alone manual labor on a Kibbutz.The two grew apart, and, in the style of the day, Golda had affairs with at least two of the leading Zionist leaders.

In 1948, she was sent by Ben Gurion to the United States on a fundraising trip that raised an amount estimated between 50 and 75 million dollars. It was a decisive event, in paying for a war that cost $274 million dollars.
(“Eighteen Days in October,”, Page 24.

September 7, 2024 1:22 pm

Musk does some research on Twitter.

Elon Musk

Sep 5





Aug 12, 2020

Kamala Harris is a radical liberal who would raise taxes, take away guns & health insurance, and explode the size and power of the federal gov’t. She wants to recreate America in the image of what’s happening on the streets of Portland & Seattle. We won’t give her the chance.

September 7, 2024 1:47 pm

Not guilty m’lordship!

“Seriously, has anyone ever linked Pool here?”

Winston Smith
Winston Smith
September 7, 2024 1:55 pm

A question for the lady cooks here:
I’m doing OK with the bread making, they’re turning out consistent – even though I’ve got a bit of work to do on shape – the bread structure is good, no cavities etc, but I’m using Teflon baking tins and they need a better release agent.
So far I’ve used butter, lard, margarine, and olive oil, but they don’t coat the Teflon and I occasionally have issues with bread sticking in the pan.
Any suggestions?
(I do have a surplus of pan roast dripping, but I think the issue is the Teflon.)

September 7, 2024 2:11 pm
Reply to  Winston Smith

There is a recipe for cake pan release paste that I’m told works like a charm.

1 cup flour, 1 cup vegetable oil, 1 cup soft Copha (our equivalent of Crisco). Mix well, keep in fridge. Coat on pans liberally with pastry brush.

Apparently it works on the most stubborn of bundt tins too – you know the ones like crowns with a central hole.

September 7, 2024 2:37 pm
Reply to  Winston Smith

Don’t use Teflon for baking. Duh.
I use aluminium, terracotta, cast iron and ceramics for baking bread. A quick oil spray and nothing sticks.

Sold all my bread today at the local market.
Focaccia and Date/The flowerpot loaf.
Yes, I bake it in terracotta flowerpots.

If you must use Teflon, line it with baking paper.

September 7, 2024 2:38 pm
Reply to  Pogria

Bloody auto correct.

Date and RYE. Sheesh.

Winston Smith
Winston Smith
September 7, 2024 6:41 pm
Reply to  Pogria

Yeah, Thanks Pogria.
I have 13 bread tins – all Teflon lined – you can’t get much else.
I’m not going to throw them out because of a sticking problem. It’s about $140 worth of tins.
I will try and get some terracotta tins, for my own use, but I’m only needing a dozen for when I’m baking for the street when the power goes out.
Thanks Calli – recipe saved. I’ll give it a try.

September 7, 2024 7:30 pm
Reply to  Winston Smith

If you have time, dig through op shops.
I make all my focaccia in old, aluminium sponge tins.
They are the perfect size, eight inches in diameter.
Usually cost between fifty cents and a dollar.

Bruce in WA
September 7, 2024 8:38 pm
Reply to  Winston Smith

Try barbecue spray. It’s heavier and thicker. Spray it, then use a pastry brush to spread it. Don’t wipe it down.

September 8, 2024 9:14 pm
Reply to  Winston Smith

IDK why your bread is sticking in a non stick pan if the teflon has not been damaged …

We always used cold dripping fat on a bit of crunched up grease paper, it added to the flavour of our plain white bread with the golden brown crust giving way to white cloudy lightness aching for cold butter made hot and golden syrup.

Good baking to you!

September 7, 2024 2:01 pm

Whi the helm us Tim Pool?

September 7, 2024 2:09 pm
Reply to  Morsie

Ask Monts. His talking points sheet might have something.

Winston Smith
Winston Smith
September 7, 2024 6:42 pm
Reply to  Morsie

He’s the Beanie Guy.
A bit of a leftie, in my opinion.

Lawgi Dawes-Hall
Lawgi Dawes-Hall
September 7, 2024 2:27 pm

Winston Smith

September 7, 2024 1:55 pm

A question for the lady cooks here

A gentleman always uses baking paper left over from some resin infusion project. Bit slippery for vertical infusions but.

September 7, 2024 2:31 pm

Butter papers are good

Winston Smith
Winston Smith
September 7, 2024 6:44 pm
Reply to  Chris

Yes, but it’s still butter on teflon, and it doesn’t work well.

Winston Smith
Winston Smith
September 7, 2024 6:43 pm

A resin infusion project. Say what?

Colonel Crispin Berka
Colonel Crispin Berka
September 7, 2024 2:28 pm


While Gunn’s appearance alongside Boy George may initially appear random, she explained the connection in her tell-all interview on Wednesday.

“The upside is you get random people contacting you that you never thought would ever notice you,” she told The Project host Waleed Aly, explaining the perks of her new-found fame.


Olympian B-girl Rachael ‘Raygun’ Gunn has been filmed having fun while getting down alongside Virgin Group founder Sir Richard Branson on a cruise ship. 

On Saturday, the 37-year-old, who went viral for her Olympic breakdancing performance, busted out moves next to the English billionaire businessman on the Virgin Voyages Celebration Voyage sailing in the Mediterranean.

On the one hand, I can’t do the moves she can do, I’m just in the peanut gallery casting aspersions hypocritically.
On the other hannnnd, geez talk about failing upwards! It must be the novelty value which will surely wear off soon. Make hay while the sun shines I s’pose.

September 7, 2024 2:35 pm

I would prefer watching you and a partner doing the clutch and shuffle to a Kamahl track over watching Raygun again, any day.

September 7, 2024 2:41 pm

When I used the search function for Poole, all I came up with was one of Mater’s fine posts. Late 2021.

I hope he’s doing okay. He was one of my favourite commenters and a really nice, kind guy to boot.

Last edited 5 months ago by calli
Boambee John
Boambee John
September 7, 2024 2:56 pm
Reply to  calli

Seems that his only fan was mUntard.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
September 7, 2024 3:00 pm
Reply to  calli

Wasn’t Mater supposed to be writing a book?

Winston Smith
Winston Smith
September 7, 2024 6:47 pm
Reply to  calli

A bit of a lefty, Calli.
He reminded me of the sort of a bloke who’d remember his cats birthday and bake it a cake.

September 7, 2024 10:34 pm
Reply to  Winston Smith

I marched with Mater in the Melbourne Covid protests. A lefty he most certainly is not.

His relationship with cats is unknown.

September 7, 2024 2:58 pm

I too was of the view that the Green/Liar/Muzzie voting trend in Brisbane was a consequence of Vic immigration. That is true to a limited extent, mostly in the wealthy western suburbs where there are a lot of ex Vic PS retirees on their huge pensions – and regiments of doctors’ wives very successfully curated by the Greens.

But the main culprits are the grossly underemployed but massively overpaid PS brought on by the Chook who are wealthy enough to take on huge mortgages in order to populate inner city shacks. Loss of employment would wipe them out so they will fight like maniacs to ensure that only hard left candidates get up.

This mob are relatively new, but they join the established inner city lefties who destroyed Campbell Newman; the teachers, the journos, academics and increasingly the arts troughers. Do not forget that inner Brisbane is the long term home of the ABC and the union chief thugs both of whose HQ are in South Bank.

The muzzies have been very smart. While small in numbers they offer a powerful bloc vote in marginal seats, which means almost all inner Brisbane seats. They are agressively courted by the various strains of putracide making up the left.

While the inner suburbs are lost, the older suburbs, the mortgage belt and the non-regional city farming areas are not. But you wouldn’t know that given the LNP’s refusal to conduct high activity campaigning in these areas.

The LNP seems to be convinced that any area not within sight of ‘Fuck You Tower’ are irrelevant. The only difference with NSW is that there is no Keane, but there are plenty of Photios’.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 7, 2024 3:12 pm

NASA/Boeing’s wayward capsule has made it back to Earth in one piece.

Boeing’s Starliner spacecraft wraps up its crewless journey home from space station (6 Sep)

The two astronauts are still stuck in the ISS until February. I doubt they will much mind that. 😀

September 7, 2024 3:26 pm

If this is a true indication of how black Americans feel and think, then Kamala is fkd and far from home;

Winston Smith
Winston Smith
September 7, 2024 6:53 pm
Reply to  Makka

Shout it out, Sister!
Faaarkyou, Democrats!

Delta A
Delta A
September 7, 2024 7:32 pm
Reply to  Makka

Wow! She didn’t hold back.

September 7, 2024 3:58 pm

Been on the road just catching up. Nothing mindless or contradictory about my statements re Canbra.. Canbra is hostile to productive people. As stated before the challenge for any half decent government is bringing these traitors and haters to heel.

September 7, 2024 4:00 pm

Another unfortunate for Australia image I recall is the foreign affairies pubes giving TLS a standing ovation.

September 7, 2024 6:18 pm
Reply to  Miltonf

The Lying Slapper demonstrated a huge unexpected reserve of class, because when she left politics she STFU.

September 7, 2024 4:03 pm

Visiting Walhalla today. Lovely spot rather mysterious.

Delta A
Delta A
September 7, 2024 7:40 pm
Reply to  Miltonf

We’ve been there twice now, both times in autumn. Incredibly beautiful! I’ve never seen much advertising but, oh, my goodness, visit if you can.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
September 7, 2024 4:05 pm

I often watch Tim Pool’s clips. He strives to think clearly, not letting himself get swept up in waves of enthusiasm. He likes Trump, but will still point out what he perceives as missteps. Similarly he will concede canny moves by the democrats – although they are generally in the service of a malign agenda he will admit to effectiveness.

There are plenty of commentators who deliver spin – such as Benny Johnson and Steven Turley. Listening to them you would think everything perpetually is going Trump’s way. They feel good doing it. It is a drug.

Pool’s ideal is that when things finally unfold he will be proven right.

But we live in a time when the idea has taken root that if you are not vociferously pro-Zelensky then you are fervently pro-Putin. Pool exists in that strange twilight space where some people are neither pro-Zelensky OR pro-Putin, and that perhaps America should focus on its own problems first.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
September 7, 2024 4:29 pm

XCLUSIVENotorious paedophile Michael Guider who killed schoolgirl Samantha Knight has died in custody – as he takes his evil secret to the grave
Daily Mail – a suitable candidate for Madame L’Amperage.

September 7, 2024 4:37 pm

If you had $10 million to spend on left wing media to try to influence them to accept, I dunno, Israel’s right to kick Hamas’s arse, how many of the little f*ckers could you purchase for the amount?
The Soviets Russia only got* a small handful of American libertarian idiots.
I have to say that Aussie libertarian idiots are far superior to the US variety. I doubt our libertarian idiots could be bought.
”Go f*ck yourself” they’d say.
Aussie integrity.

*allegedly duped.

Last edited 5 months ago by Arky
September 7, 2024 7:35 pm
Reply to  Arky

Instead of recklessly splashing the cash, you’d get a better return on your investment if used it in a more … how do I write this discreetly … ‘persuasive’ manner.

Fear is the most powerful human motivator, despite what greeting card manufacturers tell you.

September 7, 2024 4:52 pm

” Wussia 2 Tokyo drift” streaming in all good basements everywhere.

Remind me under what administration the US president OKed a bit of adventurism for Vlad the shirtless?

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
September 7, 2024 4:55 pm

Trump should bring this up in the debate.


The Next News Network:

BREAKING: Wheelchair-Bound Teen Breaks Silence! Kamala’s Career-Ending Scandal Rocks Washington

September 7, 2024 5:53 pm
Reply to  dover0beach


Last edited 5 months ago by Arky
September 7, 2024 5:08 pm

Interesting that Munter would post a link to Little Green Footballs at 1.08. At least it is good to know that Charles Johnson is still going. What next, a quick summary of Daily Kos perhaps.

September 7, 2024 6:03 pm
Reply to  dover0beach

See if you can tell me what you think the main point of my comment is.

September 7, 2024 8:26 pm
Reply to  dover0beach

It wasn’t even a point I was trying to make that you “addressed”.
Here are my points:

  1. Leftists might be cheaply and plentifully bought.
  2. The right is too damn fractious.
  3. Libertarians are stupid.
  4. US Libertarians are stupid and apparently can be duped or bought.
September 7, 2024 10:28 pm
Reply to  dover0beach

To what end?

September 7, 2024 5:28 pm

 September 7, 2024 8:29 am

It’s been public knowledge for months that the DNC was paying Merchan’s daughter millions for advertising purposes which he was presiding over the Trump trial. Who actually, are the criminals here?
New FEC Filing Reveals Kamala Harris Paid Judge Merchan’s Daughter’s Political Firm – A Clear Violation of the New York State Judicial Code of Conduct

By any objective standard merchan should be tried, convicted and executed. But he’s just one of many.

Cassie of Sydney
September 7, 2024 5:33 pm

Good riddance….

Samantha Knight’s killer dies in jail
Serial child abuser Michael Anthony Guider, who kidnapped, drugged and killed nine-year-old Sydney schoolgirl Samantha Knight, has died in jail, aged 73.

Decades later, Guider finally admitted to burying Samantha’s body in Cooper Park here in Sydney’s east, then later digging it up and dumping it in a garbage bin in North Sydney. Her body has never been found.

May he rot in hell.

September 7, 2024 5:44 pm

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
 September 7, 2024 4:29 pm

XCLUSIVENotorious paedophile Michael Guider who killed schoolgirl Samantha Knight has died in custody – as he takes his evil secret to the grave
Daily Mail – a suitable candidate for Madame L’Amperage.

Bastards like him should have been tortured to give up their dirty secrets. It is a travesty they weren’t. Milat is another scumbag who should have had acid poured on him until he revealed his other murder victims.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
September 7, 2024 6:06 pm
Reply to  cohenite

“Madame L’Amperage” was the favorite method, used by the French in Algeria, in the 1960’s.

September 8, 2024 12:06 am
Reply to  cohenite

The first drop of acid should be from an eye dropper into one eye as they are tied spread eagled on the floor…. then they will have to shoot the pigs to shut them up.

September 7, 2024 6:08 pm

Tim Pool pretending to have had a sudden change of heart on Ukraine, hahaha!

STFU dickless; every proven instance of collusion with a foreign power by US citizens has been by demorats. This like the resurgence of the wussia, wussia bullshit is both an indication of how desperate the demorats are and further proof demorats accuse others of what they are doing.

September 7, 2024 10:52 pm
Reply to  cohenite

LOL, the seethe.

September 7, 2024 6:17 pm

Interesting that the corrupt judge merchan has just vacated sentencing of Trump until after the election. I really hope if Trump wins this corrupt prick is arrested:

September 7, 2024 6:22 pm

My comment from the old Fred.

September 6, 2024 3:37 pm

A horrid cynic might think the Kremlin has jarked Tenet here. Small-change investment, RT staff safe, tipped off to the FBI – (correctly) expecting an immediate DOJ and slave media gotcha response – with the payoff being righteously indignant US influencers pointing out Russiagate 2.0 to a scornful and suspicious Nation.

No, that sort of thing does not require a level of cynicism. It does require a strong grasp of the stupid stick, though.

It’s noteworthy wrt this case that the nefarious players had to deceive the conservative channels to the upmost in order to channel money their way.
As opposed to, say, The Young Turks who are an overtly anti west, socialist, anti semitic outfit run by a bombastic slob of a human who had to be dragged kicking and screaming into acknowledging the Armenian Genocide and who in the past have taken large amounts of money from Qatar. (You know, the same country harbouring the hamas leadership.)
Oh and they still maintain a partnership with AJ+, the social media arm of the anti west Al Jazeera.
It’s painfully obvious Comrade Montgomery is an avid watcher of TYT.

Boambee John
Boambee John
September 7, 2024 6:32 pm
Reply to  132andBush

Does TYT mean Tug Your Todger?

September 7, 2024 6:36 pm
Reply to  Boambee John

For some, it would seem.

Winston Smith
Winston Smith
September 7, 2024 7:10 pm
Reply to  132andBush

Gonna need a lot more helicopters to sort out the US.

September 7, 2024 6:33 pm

A friend sent me this Instagram link of Dr. Bryan Ardis stating that many venoms have been found in the vax and that treating long Covid with nicotine patches has amazing results. How such venoms got in there is another question but there does appear to be a cure. Not that you’ll ever hear about it from any mainstream source.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 7, 2024 6:39 pm
Reply to  Indolent

This one today had some interesting observations.

Low Cortisol May Fuel Long COVID: Animal Study (7 Sep)

September 7, 2024 6:42 pm
Reply to  Indolent

Take up cigs then.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
September 7, 2024 6:37 pm

When you thought the world couldn’t get any lower….

A local charity had a freezer full of packaged meals, on the verandah of their headquarters.

If you were in a jam, you went along and took a meal – just one, or two.

Certain of the local grifters took all the meals, and what they didn’t want, they threw into the bush. It seems that the same individuals are now in the practice of taking meals in large quantities, so the freezer will be locked, and you’ll have to wait until the headquarters is attended….

September 7, 2024 6:43 pm

Utter arseholes thinking of themselves only.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
September 7, 2024 9:08 pm
Reply to  Rossini

Same local charity had a scheme by which there were bags of wood in their yard – local volunteer groups used to chop that wood – and, if you needed firewood, you took a bag.

Same local grifters got into the habit of loading a trailer load of wood, to sell, and, when one of the volunteers objected, they bashed him…

Bungonia Bee
Bungonia Bee
September 7, 2024 6:42 pm

The “West Bank” does not belong to the “Palestinians”. There is no state called Palestine. There can be no “two state solution” since those same so-called Palestinians are not committed to a peaceful solution, as Gaza has demonstrated conclusively. The MSM doesn’t want to recognise this reality.

The West Bank was part of the original UN approved territory belonging to the new state of Israel.
Jordan (previously Transjordan) took it by force soon after the declaration of the Israeli state, and in 1967 Israel took it back.

MSM bleats ad nauseum that Israeli settlements are “illegal under international law”.
Isn’t “taking by force” – as Jordan did – illegal?

Some people with more “on the ground” info than I have might explain how settlements are done. I suspect that the land is either bought, or in the absence of legal title belonging to anyone, it is Crown Land.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
September 7, 2024 6:58 pm
Reply to  Bungonia Bee

There can be no “two state solution”

The Palestinians have rejected five attempts at a “Two State” solution since the late 1930’s – their only interest is the total destruction of the State of Israel.

September 7, 2024 7:10 pm
Reply to  Bungonia Bee

Add the flag is not the flag of British Palestine that is blue and white with a star of Davis in the middle. The Gaza flag is stolen design from the Hashemite Kingdom of Hejaz that is now the western part of Saudi Arabia.

The whole Palestine movement is built on a steaming pile of bovine excrement. A very modern invention.

Boambee John
Boambee John
September 7, 2024 7:33 pm
Reply to  Rockdoctor

It is somewhat appropriate that the Palestinian flag is from part of Saudi Arabia, since the Muslim population of Palestine is descended from (to use a modern phrase) settler colonists who spread out from the Arabian peninsula following the emergence of Islam in the 7th Century. This was thousands of years after Jews settled in Israel and neighbouring regions.

September 7, 2024 7:58 pm
Reply to  Bungonia Bee

The West Bank was part of the original UN approved territory belonging to the new state of Israel.

It was originally slated for the proposed Arab state.

I’m not making a political point – there’s been a lot of water under the bridge since – but a factual one.

Last edited 5 months ago by Roger
September 7, 2024 6:47 pm


September 7, 2024 6:17 pm

Interesting that the corrupt judge merchan has just vacated sentencing of Trump until after the election. I really hope if Trump wins this corrupt prick is arrested:

Why would he do that, Cronkite? Wouldn’t the biggest bang for the buck be sentencing him before the election?

September 7, 2024 6:56 pm

Dr. John Campbell quoting a peer reviewed paper on incubated specimens of mRNA products.

Self-assembling nanostructures in the Covid vax

September 8, 2024 8:33 pm
Reply to  Indolent

No longer there
Have to wait until it arrives on Rumble

September 7, 2024 7:08 pm

hamarse’s massacre liberated hate

Indeed – and for those haters, here’s a special message:
We see you
We heard you
We know you
We will end you … 😡

September 7, 2024 7:15 pm

the Warsaw Uprising which was brutally crushed by the germans with the full acquiescence of the russians

The Molotov-Ribbentrop pact, working its magic well beyond its use by date.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
September 7, 2024 7:17 pm

“Eighteen Days in October” tells the story of an Israeli officer, giving his men a pep talk, prior to going into battle. “The entire Nation of Israel is behind you.” A reservist rose, and asked “Is there any way, we can put the entire nation in front of us?” (Page 208.)

September 7, 2024 7:18 pm

Why would he do that, Cronkite? Wouldn’t the biggest bang for the buck be sentencing him before the election?

Merchan’s conviction has been threaded by the SCOTUS immunity judgment. He knows legally he’s in shit on that basis alone. Not sentencing Trump keeps merchan clear but still allows demorat liars to say, wrongly, Trump’s a convicted felon (he’s not until sentencing).

But every aspect of the stormy trial was corrupt and grounds for impeachment, which is what happens to corrupt judges. For instance, the whole issue was whether Trump’s (non)payment of the corrupt michael cohen contravened the electoral laws. This issue had already been scrutinised by the US Electoral Commission (USEC) which said it did not. Merchan would not allow Trump to present a witness from the USEC to testify!

The slut stormy had also signed a sworn affidavit saying she did not fuk Trump yet merchan would not allow this to be presented as evidence and allowed the slut to give vivid details of her fuking Trump which was perjury. Merchan has broken just about every aspect of the Judicial Code of Conduct:

code_of_conduct_for_united_states_judges_effective_march_12_2019.pdf (

Trump has to clean up the swamp and dealing with demorat judges who have presided over the bullshit claims against him would be a start.

September 7, 2024 8:05 pm
Reply to  cohenite

Okay, thanks

September 7, 2024 7:31 pm

This is Australia. They should not be allowed to reject the official currency.

Senior citizens ‘in particular’ are affected by stores going cashless

September 7, 2024 7:32 pm

All this ‘istorical revisionism we’ve been gifted with this week Cats, here are the five key facts about that most mighty of conflicts, which no new revelations will upend:

stalin was jointly responsible for the 1939-45 war in Europe
germany and russia could not tolerate the existence of a Polish state
The allies’ stupidity and strategic idiocy gifted stalinist totalitarianism one third of the world
The battle of Britain was the most decisive battle of WW2
Allied aid to russia in WW2 was a war crime

Dunny Brush
Dunny Brush
September 7, 2024 7:37 pm

Watching today’s footy finals: the welcome to country seems to be evolving. No mention of First Nations, just first people. The Brisvegas bloke even pumped up the crowd. Head office must be paying attention.

H B Bear
H B Bear
September 7, 2024 7:43 pm
Reply to  Dunny Brush

AFL has been shoving woke down peoples throats since Fat Andy took the reins.

Winston Smith
Winston Smith
September 7, 2024 7:56 pm
Reply to  Dunny Brush

I was having a few refreshing ales at the pub while that was on.
A chappie with the full regalia – hat, full Elders Beard – came in and announced on several occasions he was Aboriginal.
I was more interested in my XXXX Bitter Draught beers, and took little notice of him. He mentioned that the settlements were short of money and it was Whities fault.
I mentioned Fitzroy Crossing and Laverton where I’d seen much munni in peoples pockets.
He started getting loud about the poor deal done to the Aboriginals, asked me what right I had to judge them. What did I know of their tribulations?
“Twenty years of sewing them up, flying them out with RFDS, and plastering their women’s broken bones”. And then turned away, expecting a punch in the head.
“So how’s those Raiders doing?” was the only reply.
He left early.
Call them on their bullshit – it works.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
September 7, 2024 8:42 pm
Reply to  Winston Smith

There is an “Aboriginal” activist – his grandmother was Aboriginal – in this town, who claims that Aboriginal parents, in the 1960’s and 70’s were not allowed to send their children to school. When I made the point that said parents were actually encouraged to send their children to school, and, if they needed to attend a boadrding school, all their fees and expenses, including school uniforms and pocket money were met by the taxpayer, the subject was changed….

Call them on their bullshit – it works!

September 7, 2024 7:39 pm

They should not be allowed to reject the official currency.

Senior citizens ‘in particular’ are affected by stores going cashless

Whatever happened to the concept of “legal tender” or did our beloved political imbeciles outlaw it?

Winston Smith
Winston Smith
September 7, 2024 8:00 pm
Reply to  Rabz

It says on the $5 note – Legal Tender Throughout Australia.
So they can go go root their boots.

Bruce in WA
September 7, 2024 9:53 pm
Reply to  Rabz

The apparent answer is “They can choose to accept it or not. It’s legal but not mandatory”.


September 7, 2024 7:40 pm

OK, Cats – who the fork is Tim Poole?

Boambee John
Boambee John
September 7, 2024 8:15 pm
Reply to  Rabz

Ask mUntard, he seems to know.

September 7, 2024 7:44 pm

Very depressing reading, may not be totally accurate but close to it.
The Houthis now rule the Red Sea, America has silently admitted defeat.

September 7, 2024 7:48 pm

Whatever happened to the concept of “legal tender” or did our beloved political imbeciles outlaw it?

Legal tender means the currency can be used to repay debts, but that doesn’t mean it can be in cash. It just means it has to be expressed as Australian Dollars.

Businesses don’t have to accept cash as long as they inform customers beforehand, and a sign will suffice.

Last edited 5 months ago by JC
September 7, 2024 7:54 pm

Short clip of Tucker with Vivek on his new book Truths.

10 Truths (That Shouldn’t Be Controversial)

September 7, 2024 8:16 pm

Thanks JC – Dim Chambers’ beloved RBA agrees with you.

It’s still a joke, nonetheless. Every crotchety ol’ pensioner (BIRM) in the country should cue up in front of their local shopping centre carpark toll booth demanding their rite to pay their parking fee in (cue spookee muzak …) cash.

You know it makes sense. 🙂

September 7, 2024 8:25 pm

Does anyone think cash will still be used in a 100 years time? I carry about $700 bucks in my wallet and it’s been sitting there for around 12 months now.

A couple of years ago I traveled to the US and the immigration dude asked how much cash I was carrying. I didn’t have any and told him so. He looked at me with a stare and I realized what I’d said. I told him that I had two credit cards and as soon as I reached NY I would be going to a teller machine and yank out some some cash.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
September 7, 2024 8:31 pm

Caaaarlton getting bent over the ute by the BrisVegas Lions.

59 points to zero at present.

That is a sans lube arrangement, and fair enough too.

Lawgi Dawes-Hall
Lawgi Dawes-Hall
September 7, 2024 8:35 pm

The Limiñanas Istanbul is Sleepy

September 7, 2024 8:36 pm

I carry about $700 bucks in my wallet and it’s been sitting there for around 12 months now.

Same, but you never know when you might be caught out – as I was in February/March when only having my card with me and no cash – wallets being a pain in the yaartz to cart around in summer.

Cash guarantees anonymity. One thing Rowey Dean has been hammering on Outsiders about cash is that it guarantees both anonymity and freedom – that stinking little faggot fascist piece of sh*t turdeaux set a very uglee precedent when he froze the truckers’ bank accounts – which only served to emphasise why the (for now) ruling caste is attempting to outlaw cash.

September 7, 2024 8:39 pm
Reply to  Rabz

Castro’s bastard son is the worst pos.

The Beer whisperer
The Beer whisperer
September 7, 2024 8:46 pm

<a href=>Nirvana meets The Beastie Boys</a>

The Beer whisperer
The Beer whisperer
September 7, 2024 8:47 pm

<a href=””>Nirvana meets The Beastie Boys</a>

2nd attempt.

The Beer whisperer
The Beer whisperer
September 7, 2024 8:48 pm

Oh, FFS, trying the link option gives a black section so I have no idea what’s going on.

The Beer whisperer
The Beer whisperer
September 7, 2024 8:48 pm

Attempt IV!

<a href=>Nirvana meets The Beastie Boys</a>
Steve trickler
Steve trickler
September 7, 2024 8:54 pm

 September 7, 2024 6:42 pm

Reply to  Indolent
Take up cigs then.


Bad idea.

Nicotine is fine. It’s found in many vegetables. Egg plant for example is loaded with it.

The culprit with cig addiction is the man-made chemical called pyrazine.

Lawgi Dawes-Hall
Lawgi Dawes-Hall
September 7, 2024 8:54 pm
The Beer whisperer
The Beer whisperer
September 8, 2024 1:52 am

Haha, yeah, that’s the one.

September 7, 2024 8:55 pm

Dinosaur Pile Up: It’s Trickee

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
September 7, 2024 9:00 pm

Here we go.

The Shocking Truth About Nicotine and Its Bizarre NWO Connection w/ Dr. Ardis

Top Ender
Top Ender
September 7, 2024 9:06 pm

Japanese sailor was last of the crew that started war in the Pacific

Masamitsu Yoshioka Navy flyer
Born 1918, Noromachi, Ishikawa Perfecture, Japan; died August 31, Tokyo, aged 106.

The start of World War II was marked across Europe this week on the 85th anniversary of Germany’s invasion of Poland. But that date was revised by historians decades ago so the war would include the Second Sino-Japanese War that had started two years before. The Axis powers – Germany, Italy and the Empire of Japan – had signed up to nurture their expansionist ambitions in 1936.

A key player in Japan’s military planning was Isoroku Yamamoto, the marshal admiral of the Imperial Japanese Navy, who drew up plans for the shock raid on Pearl Harbor. It wasn’t just to punch the Americans on the nose, it was part of a grander project to establish the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere – a euphemism for a Pacific run by the Japanese, who already had annexed Korea and would occupy Guam, Hong Kong, The Philippines, Singapore, Malaya, Burma and of course Indonesia.

These were grand plans of the few that involved the many – millions of worker ants wearing the uniform of their service. Yamamoto made clear their responsibilities: “To die for emperor and nation is the highest hope of a military man … One man’s life or death is a matter of no importance. All that matters is the empire.”

Masamitsu Yoshioka said for the rest of his life that he was fully subscribed to that credo. He had joined the Imperial Japanese Navy, then one of the most advanced in the world, in 1936, the northern summer the Axis powers joined up. Aircraft carriers were part of Yamamoto’s imaginative strategic thinking and Yoshioka worked on maintaining his early biplanes.

Excited by flight, two years later he applied to be trained as a navigator, after which he was put in a plane on an aircraft carrier headed towards the Mekong delta for bombing missions that helped the Japanese advance farther into China’s mainland.

Soon he was training for an unknown mission that required perilously low bombing raids that they practised endlessly. Yoshioka was both navigator and bomber. His fleet set off, but there were contradictory signs: the ship’s pipes were swathed in asbestos that indicated they were sailing to a cold destination, but he had been told to pack his shorts.

Once on their way the plans to attack Pearl Harbor were revealed. He was filled with dread. This would invite total war. He hoped the ongoing negotiations between the US and Japan would resolve it before they reached Hawaii. “Honestly, somewhere in my mind, I just wished that I could come home alive,” he told a reporter two years back.

He was given a pistol to shoot himself rather than be taken prisoner, an unlikely end for a navigator. It wasn’t that sort of job.

“I knew … Hawaii would be the place where I would die,” he told a newspaper reporter years later. “My only regret was that I wanted to be able to tell my parents what I was doing.”

As they flew towards Pearl Harbor, he and his pilot ran through in their minds the silhouette profiles of the ships they were to attack. But black smoke was rising from the first Japanese strikes and it became difficult to define with precision the ship towards which they were headed with an 800kg torpedo bomb that would glance the bay waters to penetrate the hull of their target.

They hit their target dead centre, later learning it was the USS Utah, which soon filled with water and sank. But Yoshioka also noticed as they flew over the stricken ship that its gun turrets had no barrels. It was a training ship built in 1912. This was failure.

Most the men on Utah jumped and swam to safety, but 58 of them were killed. In all, the Japanese sank four battleships (another four were sailing), damaged four others, and sank or seriously damaged 11 more ships, destroyed 185 planes on the ground and killed 2403 Americans. The war in the Pacific had begun; Australia’s future was in play. Nine weeks later Japan started bombing Darwin.

Four years later, Japan forced on its enemies the worst possible strategy to end its suicidal fight to the death. Enola Gay’s work complete, Emperor Hirohito allowed a recording to be made of his surrender speech. Ordinary Japanese, including Yoshioka, had never heard his high-pitched tones. Without using the word surrender, Hirohito bowed to the inevitable and nine days after Hiroshima his words were broadcast. It was over.

Yoshioka was the last survivor of those who attacked Pearl Harbor on the “date which will live in infamy”.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
September 7, 2024 9:24 pm
Reply to  Top Ender

For some reason, I’m going back to the story of the last survivor of the U.S.S. Arizona, who wanted his ashes placed on the wreck, and the last survivor of Torpedoes Eight, at Midway, who wanted his ashes scattered in the area of the Pacific where his shipmates were….

Cassie of Sydney
September 7, 2024 9:17 pm

 September 7, 2024 6:22 pm

Bush, it was a good comment, and a good rebuttal. Further to this, Dave Rubin uploaded this on X a two days ago.

Further, let’s not forget that SBS, NYT, the Beeb and of course, ‘their ABC’, frequently used and continue to use ‘sources’ in Gaza, many of those ‘sources’ have been outed as known Hamas operatives who participated in the October 7 slaughter and industrial scale rape of Jews.

September 7, 2024 9:54 pm

Went out for dinner this evening.
5% discount for cash.
That and not paying a cc surcharge.
I’ll take it.

Bruce in WA
September 7, 2024 10:34 pm
Reply to  Rosie

My local butcher wiped 10% off because I offered cash.

September 7, 2024 11:04 pm
Reply to  Rosie

We are starting to pay cash again at local outlets because of the discount. And I always pay my home and garden maintenance people cash. Best price, everyone is happy.

September 7, 2024 10:18 pm


Being paid to push propaganda isn’t really big news.

When I worked for Fox Corp, the company was paid by Joe Biden’s HHS to push the Covid jabs on to viewers.

The company even offered me $500 to get the Covid jabs.

If you’re going to push propaganda, do it the right way!

September 7, 2024 10:20 pm

“A puppet on a string” is right.


You know it’s bad for Kamala when the entire hood is voting for Trump

This entire video is incredible!! Watch & Share

The Beer whisperer
The Beer whisperer
September 8, 2024 1:54 am
Reply to  dover0beach

I’m getting old and incompetent.

September 7, 2024 10:25 pm


Finally read the full indictment involving Tenet Media. The most important point that no one seems to talk about.

The DOJ got all their evidence from emails, phone records, IP addresses, Discord messages and google searches without having the physical devices.

Meaning they have all the communications from Lauren Chen, all employees, friends, known associates…

as well as anyone that has ever communicated with Tim Pool, Dave Rubin and Benny Johnson and or associates of.

You can thank Congress for extending FISA 702.

The story isn’t Russia Russia Russia…it’s that they just collected all of your data and communications.

Welcome to the surveillance state. Pay attention.

September 7, 2024 10:29 pm
September 7, 2024 10:30 pm
September 7, 2024 10:33 pm
September 7, 2024 10:36 pm

Trump’s comment on Dick Cheney’s statement that he will vote for Kamala.

Last edited 5 months ago by Indolent
September 7, 2024 10:46 pm

What were the Tim Pool and Dave Rubin crowds supposed to have done that was illegal? If taking money to spruik for someone is that bad there will be a pretty long list of miscreants.

September 7, 2024 11:20 pm
Reply to  Frank

Pool and Rubin have not been charged.

Disgraced, embarrassed and shamed, but not charged.

September 7, 2024 11:27 pm
Reply to  m0nty

So why are you carrying on about it?

Boambee John
Boambee John
September 8, 2024 7:21 am
Reply to  m0nty

Hang on, didn’t you say a couple of days ago that Pool had been indicted? Lying again? Or did you make the major error of believing the DNC Daily Talking Points?

September 7, 2024 10:49 pm

It’s noteworthy wrt this case that the nefarious players had to deceive the conservative channels to the upmost in order to channel money their way.

Did they, though.

The agent of a buyer comes to your people wanting to pay you to blog for their service. You ask who this buyer is, they don’t want to say. You might ask again more firmly, still nothing apart from a set of talking points for you to deliver. You ask for a ridiculous amount of money, say US$100,000 a week, which is so far ahead of market value as to be almost criminal in itself. Word comes back that da, I mean yes, the anonymous buyer will pay you that money.

This doesn’t ring any alarm bells for you? No thought that this might be a foreign intelligence op? Any introspection about where this money comes from, what its purposes might be, how this might all blow back and end your career?

These are not very bright people, and things got out of hand.

September 7, 2024 11:07 pm
Reply to  m0nty

the point is

nobody paid you mUnty

for your opinion

not ever

because yr mental

Last edited 5 months ago by MatrixTransform
Boambee John
Boambee John
September 8, 2024 7:22 am

I suspect that mUnturd is back on the ChatGPT.

September 7, 2024 11:30 pm

September 7, 2024 10:46 pm

What were the Tim Pool and Dave Rubin crowds supposed to have done that was illegal? If taking money to spruik for someone is that bad there will be a pretty long list of miscreants.

Never heard of them, but what had they been really spruiking on behalf of Russia?
Taking the money is one thing but shouldn’t they be alerted by the line of propaganda they were supposed to spread?

And if they are condemned for it so should be a thousand others doing it for different regimes.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
September 8, 2024 12:28 am


Cash 2.0 Great Dane at the Ventura 4th of July Street Fair 2024 (5 of 9)

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
September 8, 2024 1:12 am

I was walking to the deli today and clapped eyes on elderly lady just staring into a empty parking lot. I can read body language pretty good. She looked lost.

I asked if she was ok … the response was garbled. She called me darling and just me grabbed me under the arm pit and said home.

I walked her home. It was just just around the corner.

Daughter walked out in tears at the front door. Maybe dementia? … a guess

I felt good for doing it.

True story.

September 8, 2024 4:46 pm
Reply to  Steve trickler

Bless you.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
September 8, 2024 2:12 am

Strap yourself in. It’s a banger!


Old School Conservative
Old School Conservative
September 8, 2024 2:49 am


…..before the driver stopped the vehicle along the Warringah Freeway, North Sydney, and ran from the scene.
After a short foot pursuit, the 19-year-old man was arrested with the assistance of the Dog Squad.
He was treated at the scene for a dog bite to the right leg and taken to Royal North Shore Hospital in a stable condition where he remains under police guard. (Manly Observer)

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
September 8, 2024 3:22 am

Time for bed.

September 8, 2024 4:00 am
Steve trickler
Steve trickler
September 8, 2024 5:28 am

A big bunch of flowers on the porch tommorow for the lady I walked home.

I’ll sneak it up.

Why? Because when she took me under my arm, history was created.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
September 8, 2024 5:30 am

VA – 80`s Hits – Moreno J Remixes Megamix (SpaceMouse) [2023]

September 8, 2024 6:41 am

Pommie polliemuppet deadshit of the day

The signs of Hoyle’s unwillingness to tolerate dissent have been there for a while. In 2022, Hoyle spoke out over Liverpool fans’ pantomime booing of Prince William during the FA Cup Final, describing it as ‘dreadful’ and ‘totally shameful behaviour’. 

Lindsay Hoyle’s war on free speech – spiked (

Last edited 5 months ago by Miltonf
Cassie of Sydney
September 8, 2024 6:58 am

Disgraced, embarrassed and shamed, but not charged.

Now those words are real chutzpah coming from you, Nazi

I think the statement issued by Rubin says it all.

By the way Nazi, not once have I ever never heard you say a critical word about how far-left media outlets, such as their ABC, the BBC, NYT SBS et al use Al Jazeera, an organisation created and funded by the despotic Qatari government, the same Qatari government that funds and shelters Hamas. Many so called Al Jazeera journalists operating in Gaza and the West Bank, journalists hired and paid for by so called ‘reputable outlets such as the ABC and NYT, are also Hamas operatives, more than a few of whom participated in the butchery of October 7. Gosh, quite a few even went along to film it, killing Jews must be entertaining in some parts of the Arab world!

So, before you accuse some on the right of being ‘disgraceful, embarrassing and shameful‘, perhaps you should look in your own backyard. I’m not aware of Rubin, Pool or Christensen ever giving financial and emotional succour to Jew killers.

Nazi, as always your righteous sanctimony is steeped in hypocrisy. But that’s okay, you disgraced, embarrassed and shamed yourself long ago.

September 8, 2024 7:11 am

Australia’s current recession in perspective

John Humphreys, The Spectator (Aus. ed.), 7 September 2024

Australia is in a per-capita recession. This should be big news, but most of the mainstream media remains dedicated to the illusion that our 0.2 per cent growth in aggregate GDP is the more important statistic. This would be relevant if the topic was geopolitical power or war preparation, but if the topic is economic prosperity and wellbeing, then GDP/person (or perhaps even GDP/hour worked) is the relevant metric.

The most recent economic data shows that our current recession has now extended to six consecutive quarters (18 months).

To put this recession into perspective, I went back through the ABS data to compare our current situation with the worst economic performance from the past, always using a period of 10 quarters.

The results weren’t pretty. We are now living through the longest per-capita recession on record (which goes back 50 years), though some of the earlier episodes saw a sharper downturn.

The most recent comparable period was the Global Financial Crisis (GFC) from 2007-09, which saw GDP/person dropping in and out of negative territory, but managed to avoid two consecutive quarters of decline (the most common definition of recession). The current recession is both longer and deeper than the GFC.

Before the GFC there was the infamous ‘recession that Australia had to have’ in 1989-91, which dropped into negative growth several times, including a particularly sharp decline in early 1991.

Going back another decade we had the 1981-83 recession, which was shorter than the current recession, but is the deepest on record, with GDP/person falling nearly 5 per cent in the 1982/83 financial year.

The earliest recession recorded was the 1974-75 downturn, which included a couple of sharp drops followed by quick recoveries.

The interesting thing to note about these last three examples is that they were all directly linked to a change of government. The 1970s recession preceded the fall of the Whitlam government, the 1980s recession saw the end of the Fraser government, and the 1990s recession marked the end of the Hawke government. It seems that people don’t enjoy getting poorer.

The exception to the rule was the GFC, though that occurred directly after a change of government, and never saw two consecutive quarters of decline.

Albanese should be worried.

Dr John Humphreys is the Chief Economist at The Australian Taxpayers’ Alliance and was formerly a Treasury official and economics lecturer.

Given that Dutton and Taylor appear uninterested in proposing a way out of this recession by identifying productivity reforms and removing government roadblocks to growth – and the Liberals/Labor lite bear no small measure of responsibility for why we are here – perhaps it’s Australians who should be more worried. The 2020s are shaping up to be a decade of going backwards.

Last edited 5 months ago by Roger
September 8, 2024 7:38 am
Reply to  Roger

Thanks for posting Roger. Very interesting. Getting a bit worried about my job tbh. Taylor seems to be spectacularly useless. I like to think Dutton can be pushed in the right direction.

September 8, 2024 7:47 am
Reply to  Miltonf

The question is who is there to push him?

September 8, 2024 9:01 am
Reply to  Roger


September 8, 2024 7:39 am
Reply to  Roger

It’s much worse than a ‘per capita’ recession …. factor in the shrinkage of the measuring instrument (the AUD) by even their admitted 3.8% and we are well in recession territory, and have been for years.

September 8, 2024 7:49 am
Reply to  flyingduk

That may go some way to explaining why much of our alleged prosperity, both public and personal, is underwritten by huge amounts of debt.

September 8, 2024 8:55 am
Reply to  Roger

Quite, its an illusion built on the shifting sands of artificially low interest rates and ever increasing debt …. its all got to go bang at some stage, I’m amazed it hasn’t already.

September 8, 2024 9:00 am
Reply to  Roger

Good to see him back.

H B Bear
H B Bear
September 8, 2024 10:24 am
Reply to  Roger

You can see why Population Ponzi is so popular with Treasury and the UniParty. Imagine explaining GDP per capita to a breakfast TV viewer. Been going backwards for 6 quarters. Productivity is shot. Energy costs have gone from some of lowest in the world to some of the highest. If China and commodity prices fall out of bed we’re finished.

September 8, 2024 7:11 am
September 8, 2024 7:24 am

Heh. Thanks Tom.

September 8, 2024 7:47 am
Reply to  calli

Try explaining the humour in this to a TDS sufferer.

September 8, 2024 7:27 am

CENIPA Initial report out on the the Brazilian ATR crash.

De-icing failed by the looks, ATC despite the icing problem kept them at the cruise altitude, pilots didn’t declare emergency and as with other crashes pilots workload beginning approach checklists at the same time as dealing with the icing problem.

Looks like a bunch of errors lined up as usual with these things:

Comments from below the article fill in some of the blanks for us non-pilots.

Top Ender
Top Ender
September 8, 2024 7:39 am
Reply to  Rockdoctor

Wouldn’t open in Chrome or Safari for me….

September 8, 2024 7:28 am

Speaking of PoS look what’s bobbed up-

Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair, whose neo-liberal Labour Party government enacted some of the strictest speech laws in modern British history, has joined the chorus of commentators demanding a new crackdown on social media.

Tony Blair Calls for Global Agreement on Social Media Speech Restrictions (

  1. Zactly, I can get my cholesterol medication anywhere overseas in a number of countries no prescription in a drugstore. Just…

  2. Obviously. That is why you take that one away. The GPs union never says it is about income. It’s the…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x