Open Thread – Mon 9 Sept 2024

The Tuileries Gardens, Afternoon, Sun, Camille Pissarro, 1900

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September 10, 2024 4:01 am
September 10, 2024 4:02 am
September 10, 2024 4:02 am
September 10, 2024 4:03 am
September 10, 2024 4:04 am
September 10, 2024 4:05 am
September 10, 2024 4:06 am

Matt Margolis. Brilliant.

September 10, 2024 4:07 am
September 10, 2024 4:08 am
September 10, 2024 4:08 am
September 10, 2024 4:09 am
September 10, 2024 4:10 am
September 10, 2024 5:04 am

Mark Steyn, worth a read.

September 10, 2024 5:05 am

James Murdoch obviously has no problem with this. The Murdocks can go and jump and no way will I ever buy their papers.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
September 10, 2024 5:33 am

@ 6.05, those that attacked that lady would have copped a flogging from me if I was on the bus.

Charges against me would have ensued …no doubt.


SC Reviews:


September 10, 2024 5:51 am

Tim Blair in today’s Tele:

America stinks of weed, and if we’re not careful the Greens will do the same thing to Sydney

Tim Blair
10 Sep 2024

Widespread decriminalisation of the devil’s lettuce has turned the world’s greatest superpower into something with the sour aromatic qualities of a mopey teen’s bedroom.

I’m now back from a month in the US, and there’s no easy way to say this, so I’m just going to come right out with it.

America stinks.

As just about anybody can tell within moments of arrival, the whole place absolutely reeks of marijuana, from coast to malodorous coast.
Widespread decriminalisation of the devil’s lettuce – dope is legal in 24 states for recreational use and in 38 states for medical use – has turned the world’s greatest superpower into something with the sour aromatic qualities of a mopey teen’s bedroom.

By “medical use”, incidentally, authorities generally mean “medical excuse”. Rock up to any one of the more than 12,000 approved marijuana dispensaries currently polluting the US and you’ll usually need only a vague note of approval from a helpful doctor.

The door is basically wide open and everyone’s walking on through. “All conditions could qualify! No medical records required!” promises a provider in the state of Virginia. “Over 99 per cent approval rate!”

You’d be surprised at the enormous number of middle-aged American women, in particular, who’ve lately discovered an urgent need to treat decades-old childhood basketball injuries and the like with medical cannabis. Once any so-called “medical” gear is outside the dispensary, of course, it’s game on for whoever wants it – and a gamey stench for whoever finds themselves within nasal detection range of your typical US stoner.

I cannot overstate just how disgusting this all is. Anti-tobacco activists wailed for years until they largely removed that product’s relatively delicate scent from society, but in the US it’s been replaced by hippie armpits.

America has swapped second-hand smoke with marijuana’s second-hand stank. Other odours have also been pushed aside. As one New York City resident observed online a few months ago: “The unofficial scent of NYC has gone from the stench of urine to the aroma of cannabis.”

The word “aroma” is doing some heavy lifting there. But a reply to that comment pointed out that dope for urine isn’t a straight sensory trade.

Instead, the two team up to form a revolting compound. “Turns out cannabis scents don’t actually mask urine,” the reply said. “It just smells like cannabis flavoured urine now.”

In the New York subway system’s boiling summer confines, you’d really prefer dealing with an old-fashioned crazed gunman.

At least they let you breathe. You know, for a time.

Older readers who perhaps danced with Mary Jane in eras prior may think I’m exaggerating. By their recollections, dope wasn’t much of an odour issue at all.

But marijuana has become far more potent over time and stinkier with it. This is why marijuana’s presence is powerfully noticeable even in outdoor settings.

Why, your correspondent was practically assaulted by a Cheech and Chong cumulonimbus upon turning a footpath corner in Phoenix, Arizona. It turned out that the smoke’s source was a cluster of youngsters killing time between pizza deliveries.

A few slices may have failed to reach their destinations.

Another shock awaited in Las Vegas, where a quick tour around the celebrated gambling capital revealed four or so legal dope dispensaries.

It wasn’t hard to work out that the staff at my hotel preferred a certain level as their inhalation zone. I don’t want to smear the place, but let’s just say it’d be wise to avoid the 46th floor at any future Vegas lodgings.

Even in states where marijuana use is broadly illegal, such as Texas, laws are either rarely or only lightly enforced. If you wish to avoid daily encounters with the olfactory equivalent of a Woodstock sleeping bag, you don’t have many options.

Which brings us to Australia, where for now we’re mostly free of public cannabis infection. Even inner Sydney and Melbourne are safe or safe enough. Adelaide, not so much.

We’ll all be at risk of repeating America’s error, though, if the Greens have their way.

“We are excited to bring our Greens’ Legalising Cannabis Bill to a vote in parliament this year,” Greens senator for NSW David Shoebridge announced in June.

“This will be the first time any legislation has been brought in the Australian parliament to create a legal cannabis market, and if we get it right, we could have legal recreational cannabis by the end of 2024. It’s pretty exciting!”

It’s pretty nauseating. Still, let’s attempt to make this an exercise in societal advancement.

Before pushing for legal dope, the Greens should invest their own money in scientific programs to rid the stuff of its stench.

Once they’ve succeeded, that technology could be exported to a grateful world – at which point local legalisation may happily be considered. After that, the next great dope-themed challenge: creating a scent-free Greens voter.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
September 10, 2024 6:06 am
September 10, 2024 6:22 am

Your taxes at work.

A family member has a profoundly handicapped 50yo sister.

Elegible and on the NDIS scheme.

Due to unavoidable circumstances, she has had to go into care for one week.

The bill? $16000.

I will have to look into this and see the paperwork as I find that unbelievable.

Cassie of Sydney
September 10, 2024 6:39 am

James Murdoch obviously has no problem with this. The Murdocks can go and jump and no way will I ever buy their papers.

Why is any of this James Murdoch’s fault?

As I wrote in a post a few days ago, the Murdoch family, whilst not perfect, are a helluva lot better than most other uber rich families.

September 10, 2024 6:56 am

This popped up in The Australian Business Review email this morning.

What’s really driving the space race between the US, China and Russiacomment imageBy ROBERT GOTTLIEBSEN
Business Columnist
Most view Elon Musk’s space adventures with amusement. But they don’t realise that it’s part of a space race between the US, China and Russia which is becoming an integral part of …

Appears to be Gottliebsen pontificating on something he knows little about, again. Can someone with a sub please post the story?

I view Musk’s space achievements with inspiration, awe and amazement, not amusement.

September 10, 2024 7:10 am

Swamp monster on Q&A states there’s not enough housing (No sh&% sherlock) but can’t bring herself to criticise the population ponzi that’s causing it. Looks like Oxford can churn out idiots with PhD’s as well:

The Sustainable Australia initiative is where I sit on legal migration 70K p.a., refugees I think unless from Asia Pacific, should be near zero even if it means walking away from the UN conventions. Someone has to start it and if we don’t I’m tipping the way it’s heading US with a Trump admin or Germany will be the first to break.

Cassie of Sydney
September 10, 2024 7:18 am

Catherine, the Princess of Wales has released a statement and video announcing ‘her slow return to royal duties but where she also states that staying cancer free is her priority and she warns the road to healing and recovery is long despite finishing chemotherapy’.

Amen and memo to Catherine, you go girl, you take your time! What wonderful news to wake up to, all the more because there isn’t much wonderful news around. The Wales have released a heartwarming video of Catherine, William and their three beautiful children, you can see the love between all of them.

And before the various miserable Dickens like curmudgeons arrive here to throw iced water on a feel good story with barbs about the monarchy, let me state here and now that, in 2024, when we are cursed with the likes of the grub from Grayndler, da Fuhrer Sturmer, Miniscule Macron, Cackling Kamala the expert fellator, Turdeau, that cane toad from the UN and all the rest of the ruling elite garbage, I’ll take the monarchy any day over them.

I was reminded of the importance of the monarchy to the UK soul just two and a bit weeks ago when King Charles visited Southport. Unlike that putrid Stalinist Sturmer, who arrived in Southport within hours of the stabbings only to be rightly heckled and booed after which he quickly fled in a very undignified and cowardly manner, and then later, rather than attempting to address the problems the UK is facing, particularly with immigration, instead decided to declare war on the English indigenous white working class, smearing them all as ‘far-right’ and ‘waaacist’, compare those ugly scenes to when King Charles arrived in Southport, where crowds of ordinary working class English men and women, still reeling from the grief and anger of having little girls from their own community stabbed to death, lined the streets to respectfully and warmly welcome the King. It was dignified, there were no shouts of anger, no heckling, no booing.

Given the UK will now have to endure five years of Labour, and without a doubt the UK Marxist government will assault the monarchy because they hate the very idea of a hereditary monarchy, I’ll take Chuck, Camilla, Catherine and William any day over over creepy Stalinist Sturmer and his very unmerry comrades.

September 10, 2024 7:19 am

Poor widdle Timmy Bwair copped a whiff of some weed smoke in the street. This is but one of the profoundly important “right-of-centre” issues that the Murdoch press heroically allows to be discussed within its hallowed pages. That, and Brittany’s knickers.

We cancelled our subscriptions during covid, when the Murdoch papers relentlessly pushed the establishment narrative (which was built on lies) and suppressed all dissent.

September 10, 2024 7:22 am

Just watched the Rebel News vid on the attack on Melbourne buskers.

Best quote…”Who the heck brings a baby strapped to their chest to what often turns out to be a violent protest? They really do love their human shields.”

Pay that one, Avi.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 10, 2024 7:22 am

Darth Vader has died.

Star Wars legend and The Lion King star James Earl Jones dies aged 93 (9 Sep)

Loved his work, from Dr Strangelove to Conan the Barbarian.

September 10, 2024 7:23 am

“Progressive” politics collides with electoral reality:

German Interior Minister Nancy Faeser has ordered that “migrants” who attempt to cross Germany’s land borders illegally be turned back.

The Social Democratic Party, to which Faeser belongs, is currently trailing Alternative For Germany in the key state of Brandenburg, where voters go to the polls in a little over a week.

It seems that electoral humiliation has a way of focusing minds on what voters want, although I doubt those voters will be satisfied with mere announcements.

Source; eugyppius@substack

September 10, 2024 7:29 am
Cassie of Sydney
September 10, 2024 7:32 am

My question why Vic Pol allowed it to happen.

Because Vic Pol was politicised a long time ago, they’re now a far-left paramilitary force, and they’re on the side of the Jew haters.

September 10, 2024 7:33 am

Not sure what Broelman is on about.

The Reserve Bank Governor was giving the distressed an excellent heads up. It won’t get any better so consider selling up before you’re in the middle of a fire sale. Salvage something, anything.

The blame lies fair and square at the feet of Wallet Wizard and Luigi the Bountiful (to everyone but the productive).

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 10, 2024 7:42 am

The Social Democratic Party, to which Faeser belongs, is currently trailing Alternative For Germany in the key state of Brandenburg

This issue will be an interesting wedge also:

No, Grazie! Italy Demands EU Drop ‘Absurd’ Green Scheme to Ban Combustion Engine Vehicles (9 Sep)

The conservative government of Giorgia Meloni in Italy has called on the EU to scrap its green agenda scheme to ban the sale of new combustion engine vehicles by 2035. …

Italian Minister of Economic Development Adolfo Urso expressed a similar sentiment, noting the issues being faced by German auto giant Volkswagen, which is considering shutting down factories in Germany for the first time in its history amid rising energy costs, declining demand for electric vehicles and competition from Communist China.

“In an uncertain landscape which is affecting German automotive industry, clarity is needed to not let the European industry collapse,” Urso said. “Europe needs a pragmatic vision, the ideological vision has failed. We need to acknowledge that.”

The SDP is in a close coalition with the Greens. I doubt the latter would agree to drop the ban, but if they don’t all mass market car companies in Europe will die.

September 10, 2024 7:42 am

 September 10, 2024 6:56 am

This popped up in The Australian Business Review email this morning.
What’s really driving the space race between the US, China and

Can someone with a sub please post the story?

Here you go Eyrie:

Space race between the US, China and Russia heats up

Robert Gottliebsen
10 Sep 2024

The world of Star Wars and science fiction is rapidly approaching our earth.

Most Australians view Elon Musk’s space adventures with mild amusement. They don’t realise that it’s part of a space race between the US, China and Russia which is becoming an integral part of nuclear submarine movements and global communications.

We will have to be part of it if we are to be a serious AUKUS partner.

Moreover, the space game is evolving in a way that is becoming more deadly for Australia than most other countries.

New materials which one day may threaten our resource industries are being developed in earth’s atmosphere via artificial intelligence and quantum computing. This will be accelerated in the vacuum conditions in space. Resources are our main source of government income and a vital part of our sharemarket, so we must be part of the new frontiers (including the Moon).

I have been attending the Australian Davos Connection’s leadership summit for two decades, but rarely does an issue emerge of such community significance that is not on the national radar.

Australia has had three leaders who understood the long-term importance of the nation being involved in space exploration – Bob Hawke, Kim Beazley and Richard Marles.

Six months before becoming Deputy Prime Minister and Defence Minister, Marles showed he understood how vital space was to Australia’s future when he said: “The Australian Space Agency is really a critical first step, and it’s really important … but we need to take a much bigger step than that going forward if Australia is going to fulfil its destiny as a country which is leading the world in terms of our space industry.”

However, Anthony Albanese appointed the Member for Chiffley, Ed Husic, as Industry and Science Minister. Husic did not have the vision of his Deputy PM, and the Marles vision – which was also basic Coalition policy – was ­abandoned.

Whichever party wins government at the next election will need to restore the Marles vision if we are to be a true US partner.

Delegates to the ADC conference were told the facilities in space and on the Moon had the potential to control global communications and will almost certainly be used in future conflicts.

Space technology to track submarines in deep waters is being developed, which means that the billions we are spending in nuclear submarines will be of limited value unless we are part of the defence space systems that will be set up in space to counter our rivals.

The US sees Australian involvement in space as a natural and expected adjunct to involvement in nuclear submarines.

But back on Earth, artificial intelligence and quantum computing are beginning to accelerate the reconstruction of atoms to produce new materials.

Obviously, much of this work is being concentrated in the medical area. But in due course, materials will be produced that will be a substitute for the minerals being produced by our miners.

And in the near-vacuum environment of space and the Moon, reconstructing atoms is likely to be even more successful.

Moreover, asteroids in space contain minerals that are very valuable back on earth.

Where small quantities of minerals are used, such as rare earths, the asteroid material might be “mined” and be brought back to Earth. Again, science fiction is coming to Earth and, as a major miner, Australia must be part of the technologies.

If we go back to the 19th century, the great Cobb and Co set up a magnificent transport network based on horse-drawn vehicles. Cobb and Co did not realise future land transport would not involve horses, and it went out of business.

The use of drones both in the Ukraine and Gaza wars is rewriting the rules of military equipment technology, but there is a lot further to go, and the new era will include control of these and other weapons from space. Whether aircraft carriers and other surface ships like frigates will have a role in this new era is questionable.

There is some evidence Ukraine has been able to disrupt the communication systems used by Russian drones, but if similar technology is applied from space it is likely to be devastating.

Already the US is investing large sums in communication bases in Norway, because Norway’s position near the top of the world goes as close as possible to duplicating the advantages of space. In time, China and others may use the Antarctic in the same way.

Meanwhile, the challenge of rebuilding Ukraine and perhaps Gaza is being looked at in an unconventional way, perhaps using some of the new materials that have been developed with systems akin to 3D printing.

The combination of the new computer systems and the potential of space means that the world is entering yet another revolution that will be similar to both the industrial and internet revolutions but will move much faster. It will almost certainly mean that the cumbersome technologies we are using to generate power without carbon will be transformed, as will be transportation of electricity.

Perhaps we should all rewatch the Star Wars series to prepare ourselves for the new world. Even better, make sure that the next generation is very familiar with mathematics chemistry and physics, which will be important.

September 10, 2024 7:53 am

‘Every Creek, River is an Indigenous site’

Paige Taylor, The Australian, 9 September 2024

The historian who helped convince Tanya Plibersek that Regis’s $1bn goldmine at Blayney would destroy Indigenous heritage had earlier tried to register every river, creek, lake and swamp in the shire as an Aboriginal site.

The application included rivers, creeks, lakes, swamps and waterways that no longer flow and land 100m on either side of the above.

It was unsuccessful, but that didn’t dissuade Plibersek from exercising her special ministerial powers in the case.

Incidentally, airhead Liberal Susssssan Ley had previously halted a go-kart track development in Bathurst on the advice of the same group.

Last edited 9 days ago by Roger
Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 10, 2024 7:54 am

Weird how this happens…

Capital Flight: Record Number of Millionaires Set to Flee Britain Amid Looming Labour Tax Raids (9 Sep)

Nearly ten thousand millionaires are predicted to flee the jurisdiction of the United Kingdom this year amid expected tax raids from the left-wing Labour Party government of Sir Keir Starmer. … According to a report from The Times of London, a firm which helps wealthy people relocate abroad said that in August — the month after Prime Minsiter Starmer came to power — they had seen a 69 per cent increase in inquiries from wealthier people seeking to leave the UK.

If Kamala does what she has indicated on CGT then there will be a flood of escaping millionaires and billionaires from the US too.

September 10, 2024 7:54 am

Pissarro rules OK

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
September 10, 2024 7:55 am

Appears to be Gottliebsen pontificating on something he knows little about, again.

Looks like he’s been huffing GNoME with the Davos crowd.

September 10, 2024 7:58 am

Was ist los?
The new reality in the New Germany.

Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
September 10, 2024 8:05 am

Your taxes at work.

A family member has a profoundly handicapped 50yo sister.

Elegible and on the NDIS scheme.

Due to unavoidable circumstances, she has had to go into care for one week.

The bill? $16000.

I will have to look into this and see the paperwork as I find that unbelievable.

That is just utterly disgraceful — please keep us posted as to who the service provider is, was there a quote, what is the NDIS rate etc…? Isn’t there a law against usury?

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
September 10, 2024 8:08 am

Was ist los?

The new reality in the New Germany.

That’s not knife crime.
This is knife crime…

September 10, 2024 8:12 am

The world needs Trump to win

The combination of Harris, Starmer, Trudeau, Macron and Albo will be a disaster.

Especially with Putin and Xi on the other side.

September 10, 2024 8:14 am

I’ve been trying to work out what was being built in the distance in Pissaro’s painting. You can see the cranes. Presuming the big, hunched shape in midfield is the Louvre. Any ideas?

A quote for today.

September 10, 2024 8:15 am

Anthony Albanese punches miners – then says ‘play nice’

Simon Benson, The Australian, 9 September 2024

There aren’t too many sectors of the economy with which the Albanese government has not yet picked a fight. But the government’s notion of conflict resolution seems to be asking an opponent not to react when it punches them in the face. The Prime Minister has now clearly decided that he wants to take on the big miners, with their big profits. If this wasn’t his in­tention, then it’s another clumsy example of poor political management.

And while Albanese’s speech to the miners on Monday night wasn’t aggressive, it was clearly written with intent. The mining companies see it as dismissive of their concerns, littered with contempt for their success.

Assuming Albanese’s intention was to raise the temperature, this is a high-risk strategy. Tania Constable has called his bluff and signalled as sharply and coherently as possible that the sector isn’t for turning.

The gloves are now off. But industrial relations is just one front. Constable listed a list of grievances the sector now has with the Prime Minister.

While few have been surprised by the private message that the government wasn’t happy with their campaign against Labor’s industrial relations changes, what came as shock on Monday morning to mining bosses in town for Canberra’s annual mining festival was that Albanese has personally decided to take the fight into a public arena.

But why the government feels aggrieved by the stance the sector has taken is bewildering.

Unlike some of the woke agendas that big business signed up to with Labor, the IR reforms go ­directly to the mining companies’ bottom line. Did the government seriously expect some of the country’s largest taxpayers to simply roll over and take it?

This is a policy agenda from Canberra that is going to cost them money and it should have been no wonder to anyone in government that the mining lobby has decided it was going to go harder than it has on other issues.

Albanese says he doesn’t want conflict with the sector, with rhetorical claims to how im­portant it is not only to the nation but to Labor’s own clean-energy strategy.

Following Resources Minister Madeleine King’s spray at BHP a fortnight ago, Albanese’s pugilistic missive in his speech to the Minerals Council dinner was already starting to look a bit like unfinished business from the Swan/Gillard days and Labor’s last attempt at a mining tax.

Two theories are now doing the rounds about King’s aggressive crack at BHP in Perth two weeks ago. The first is that this was a reflection of long-held personal enmities between certain figures in the company and the WA Labor Right faction to which King belongs.

The second was that the attack was directly authorised by central command – being the Prime Minister’s office. This has been rejected with Albanese reported to have issued internal demands for colleagues to cool things down.

Albanese’s double-down, however, makes it likely that the second theory has some truth to it. Considering the simmering tensions between BHP and King, which sources claim is personal in origin, it is probably a case of a bit of both.

Whatever the genesis, what is clear now is Albanese has flicked the switch on a new set of emerging battlelines that pit Labor as the champion of the worker against the monolithic might of the big miners. And presumably anybody else who decides to stick their head up.

One gets the sense that a new class war, of the kind Albanese promised would not be repeated after Labor’s 2019 blunder, is back on the political table. The PM wouldn’t be taking this approach if Labor hadn’t done some polling to support a thesis that there is a political dividend for the government by going back down this road, with an electorate pummelled by the fall in living standards and perhaps more receptive to another blame-shifting exercise.

But the question must now be asked, especially in light of the war with the RBA over inflation: How many fronts does Labor want to be fighting on as the election date comes racing towards it?

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
September 10, 2024 8:21 am


21 minutes ago
Can we then invoice someone for all the infrastructure, improvements, health care, education etc that wasn’t here previously,

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
September 10, 2024 8:27 am

Sexual violence in the spotlight of veteran suicide royal commissionRhiannon Down
12 hours ago.
Updated 11 hours ago


Listen to this article
5 min
Defence personnel convicted of sexual offences will be automatically discharged under sweeping recommendations made by the Royal Commission into Veteran Suicide.
The three-year inquiry into veterans’ mental health has recommended the Australian Defence Force commence separate inquiries into sexual violence within the military and the weaponisation of the military justice system, in a bid to stamp out unacceptable behaviour including bullying.
The seven-volume report revealed high rates of bullying, harassment and violence, and recommended that the existing complaints management system and disciplinary processes should be improved.
The royal commission acknowledged the high incidents of sexual violence – including reports of gang rapes – within the military, which often went unreported due to victims’ fears of repercussions or fears their complaint would be met by an inadequate ADF response.
The report found 800 sexual assaults had been recorded within the ADF in the last five years, though 60 per cent of cases were not believed to have been reported.
In an effort to address the “devastating impact” sexual violence has had on current and former soldiers, the royal commission recommended any member convicted of sexual offences, including stalking and intimate image abuse, should be automatically discharged.
The ADF should also ensure that victims who report sexual ­assaults do not face adverse consequences and update existing systems to ensure that they cannot be deployed with their alleged perpetrator, the report recommended.
It noted that the ADF did not currently know how many members had been convicted of sexual offences, and recommended keeping records of all personnel who have convictions for such offences in civilian courts.
The royal commission also advised further research into the prevalence of military sexual trauma, including the link to suicide, should be conducted and data on sexual violence be published.
The report acknowledged that women were more likely to be the victims of sexual violence within the military than men, with ex-service women dying by suicide at double the rate of women in the broader population. It also noted that commanders had not been trained on how to respond to allegations when they emerge.
“Men and women serving in the ADF have signed up knowing they may be required to make the ultimate sacrifice for their country,” the report said. “However, for many members, the greatest source of danger comes from within the ADF itself.”
The commissioners advised that the inquiry into sexual violence within the ADF should be carried out independently and focus on the effectiveness of the military justice system compared to the civilian courts, the underlying drivers of sexual violence in Defence and the effectiveness of anonymous reporting.
“The “ongoing challenge” of high incidents of unacceptable behaviour was also addressed in the report, with a 2022 survey finding 33 per cent of men and 52 per cent of women who were permanent serving members had experienced inappropriate conduct the in the past year. The report highlighted shortcomings in administrative and disciplinary processes, including the significant discretion commanders have to determine and investigate matters, with little transparency. This has resulted in processes being subject to abuse, posing a risk to members’ mental health.
The report also addressed the role of the ADF Inspector-General in overseeing the justice system to ensure impartiality and fairness which has also fuelled the perception that the office is not independent from Defence, undermining confidence in its effectiveness.
“The ADF has yet to fully address the structural and cultural barriers to preventing and managing unacceptable behaviour,” the report says. “These include the role of leaders and the pressing need for complaints mechanisms outside the chain of command.”
The report urged the ADF to prioritise a separate inquiry into the weaponisation of the military justice system by the end of this year, after the royal commission heard accounts of commanders singling out members for minor infractions as a form of bullying. The royal commissioners – chair Nick Kaldas, Peggy Brown and James Douglas – urged Chief of the Defence Force Admiral David Johnston to prioritise an inquiry into the practice by the end of the year.

September 10, 2024 8:29 am

Anyone tell me why QPol can’t release the name or country fled to by attacker of baby with hot coffee?

They have an arrest warrant and the dude looked Chinese so there’s buckleys chance he’ll be bought to justice if he has fled there.

Also anyone who aided and abetted, needs to be charged and put through the wringer.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
September 10, 2024 8:33 am

While few have been surprised by the private message that the government wasn’t happy with their campaign against Labor’s industrial relations changes, what came as shock on Monday morning to mining bosses in town for Canberra’s annual mining festival was that Albanese has personally decided to take the fight into a public arena.

Probably not a profound “shock”.

Handsome Boy has had his tea leaves read regarding ‘his’ government’s role in the CFMEU kabuki.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 10, 2024 8:44 am

This will no doubt be covered in Bruce Pascoe’s next book.

Professor Warns Of “European Christian Imperialism” In Outer Space (9 Sep)

Wesleyan University Dean of Social Sciences Mary-Jane Rubenstein, a “philosopher of science and religion” (who’s also affiliated with the school’s Feminist, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Program), says she’s noticed how “many of the factors that drove European Christian imperialism” have been put to use in “high-speed, high-tech forms.”

Rubenstein wonders if “colonial practices” like “exploitation of environmental resources and the destruction of landscapes,” all “in the name of ideals such as destiny, civilization and the salvation of humanity,” will be part of man’s expansion into space. …

Rubenstein (pictured) says various Indigenous beliefs “stand in stark contrast with many in the industry’s insistence that space is empty and inanimate.” … These include a group of Australian natives who say their ancestors “guide human life from their home in the galaxy” (and that artificial satellites are a danger to this “relationship”), Inuit who claim their ancestors actually live on “celestial bodies,” and Navajo who hold Earth’s moon as sacred.

If the Rainbow Serpent ever gets hit by one of Elon’s speeding Starlink satellites there will be blood and body parts everywhere…

September 10, 2024 8:50 am

Cassie of Sydney
 September 10, 2024 7:18 am

OCO (I think) posted this in Catallaxy years ago:

I finding that the idea of the Monarchy is not there to wield power, but to obstruct others from having it, increasingly convincing.

I have used it over the years in the odd comment at the Paywallion and Daily Tele.
Don’t think the mods have ever knocked it back.

Last edited 9 days ago by Beertruk
September 10, 2024 8:54 am

The primary reason the hot coffee baby attacker was able to escape the country was that the pigs never issued a useful description, only describing the crunt as having “tanned” skin rather than being of asian ethnicity as apparently he was.

The pigs are 100% to blame for this scrote escaping.

September 10, 2024 8:55 am

“JUST IN: Notorious antisemite Candace Owens has been SUSPENDED from YouTube for a week due to her vile remarks targeting Jews. Additionally, her antisemitic interview with Kanye West has been removed from the platform”
Candace blames ‘Zionists’

Black Ball
Black Ball
September 10, 2024 8:56 am

Mmmyes she really has no clue.

The Allan government’s controversial new “Airbnb” tax has been labelled a dud with new data warning it will do almost nothing to address the state’s housing crisis.

Legislation to be debated in parliament this week would introduce a 7.5 per cent tax on short stay bookings the government hopes will entice investors to shift stock to the long term rental market.

But a study of about 500 short stay property owners, by New Focus Research, has found that more than 90 per cent of owners had no plans to let go of their investments.

So another tax on property owners. As night follows day, who then will be hosed with the extra cost?

Tourism operators warn the new tax would instead be passed to holiday makers, pushing the price of holidays up in the midst of a cost of living crisis.

Of course.

The research also found that 51 per cent of respondents said they would reduce how often they travelled, and 55 per cent would shorten the length of their stay.

Victorian Tourism Industry Council chief Felicia Mariani said coastal and regional areas would be most impacted.

She said this could have devastating impacts on regional Victoria’s visitor economy which employed more than 118,000 people and contributed $10.3bn to the state’s economy.

“Short-stay accommodation forms a critical component of the accommodation supply in Victoria, especially in our regional areas where the quantum of traditional accommodation options is not adequate to meet the demand of visitors,” she said.

Want to take the kiddies for a Great Ocean Road tour? Sell one of your kidneys first.
I’ve had the blessings to be able to take mine to places I never went as a kid, but if shit like this continues apace, makes it more difficult to afford it.

September 10, 2024 9:11 am

If the interview of Kanye by Candace Owens was recent I wonder if she asked him why he liked his Australian wife to parade around almost naked wherever they go?
I appreciate there must be a financial reward involved but hopefully the lady has an exit plan.

Black Ball
Black Ball
September 10, 2024 9:21 am

Via Ace Of Spades, Beege Wellborn from the Hotair site.
Coming to these shores no doubt.
Which lead to this picture.

September 10, 2024 9:35 am

Via Ace Of Spades, Beege Wellborn from the Hotair site.

Everything is culturally relative.

Until it’s happening in your front yard.

September 10, 2024 9:41 am

Told you so:

September 10, 2024 9:41 am

I heard a short clip of Harris talking about Trump. Was saying whatever he says in the debate will be a lie.
The way mainstream media goes they might report that as a fact.
The fact checkers are going to have fun with what they say. If Trump keeps cool and focuses he should have enough to let the people know what a disaster she has been and will be.
Let’s hope he does not blow it by going off track.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
September 10, 2024 9:45 am

Morning coffee, and reading Graham Lord’s authorized biography of David Niven.

Seems the second Mrs Niven, Hijordis Tersmeden, was at a celebration of the POTUS, Jack Kennedy, forty sixth birthday, aboard the Presidential yacht, the “Sequoia.” In what seems to have been Kennedy’s style with the ladies, she was bundled below decks and ravished. Kennedy suffered chronic venereal disease for many years, which he may well have passed on to Mrs Niven…

“Don’t worry about chopping any wood for the barbie, love – I’m bringing home a load!”

September 10, 2024 9:56 am

Professor Warns Of “European Christian Imperialism” In Outer Space 

Onwards Christian Crusader Astronauts! F**k Yeah!

September 10, 2024 10:01 am

New Trump election slogan, in view of Haitian tendencies, should be

Save your pets
Vote for Trump.

September 10, 2024 10:06 am

Professor Warns Of “European Christian Imperialism” In Outer Space 

?Yeah well Christian white guys have put people on the Moon and turned points of light in the sky into landscapes. Indigenes, not so much.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
September 10, 2024 10:06 am

One state is pushing ahead with an Indigenous treaty… but a ‘deeply concerning’ act to make it a reality has raised alarm bells

  • A treaty meeting was held in Victoria
  • Media were banned from the event

Daily Mail.

September 10, 2024 10:10 am

WTF has happened to Candace Owens!? This rabid mental putridity has also stained Liz Storer’s mind as well.

For me antisemitism is like TDS: it speaks about the person fundamentally. it doesn’t matter if the person is obviously smart as these 2 tits on legs are: the fact they have this large abscess on their brains negates their otherwise brilliant anti left outlook.

Salvatore - Iron Publican
September 10, 2024 10:11 am

Anyone tell me why QPol can’t release the name or country fled to by attacker of baby with hot coffee?

They have an arrest warrant and the dude looked Chinese so there’s buckleys chance he’ll be bought to justice if he has fled there.

Rockdoctor: He’s a backpacker, my gut says not from China.

September 10, 2024 10:14 am

Via Ace Of Spades, Beege Wellborn from the Hotair site.

Someone needs to explain that all cultures are equally valid.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 10, 2024 10:15 am

All together now: awwww

Wind Turbines Destroyed by Typhoon Yagi (9 Sep)

September 10, 2024 10:18 am

This story is interesting to say the least. Via Daily Telegraph

“Former state opposition leader David Speirs says he’s embroiled in a digital hoax over video of him appearing to snort white powder – but a world expert disagrees”.

My question is who has a video camera covering his kitchen bench? Then how does it get to the media?

Cassie of Sydney
September 10, 2024 10:20 am

WTF has happened to Candace Owens!? This rabid mental putridity has also stained Liz Storer’s mind as well.

For me antisemitism is like TDS: it speaks about the person fundamentally. it doesn’t matter if the person is obviously smart as these 2 tits on legs are: the fact they have this large abscess on their brains negates their otherwise brilliant anti left outlook.

An excellent assessment and analogy. What makes it even more galling for me is that, in November 2023, Liz Storer stood in a synagogue here in Sydney’s eastern suburbs and told a group of us Jews that she had our backs. I was there. I heard Storer.

We call out those on the fringe and far-left for their putridness, however we also need to call out those on the fringe and far-right for their putridness.

That’s why Brendan O’Neill’s piece in the weekend Oz was spot on, where he compared the skank Candace Owens to the skank Chlamydia Ford.

By the way, Owens should be given a visa to visit these shores, the best antidote to bad speech is sunlight and being exposed/rebutted and ridiculed by good speech. Owens is a hyper-ventilating moron and idiot, she’s easy to expose and ridicule.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 10, 2024 10:35 am

WTF has happened to Candace Owens!? 

I’ve been wondering if she’s suffering from a mental illness.

Can that sort of thing be brought on by hormonal effects? She’s had three children now since Jan 2021. Before then she seemed OK. If I were her I’d get checked, both mentally plus a brain MRI in case it’s cancer.

Kanye likewise – I believe he went off his manic-depression meds and that’s when he started to spout antisemitism.

September 10, 2024 10:39 am

Meanwhile, in Airstrip One.
She’ll probably do more time than the filthy migrant.

September 10, 2024 11:06 am

I’ve been wondering if she’s suffering from a mental illness.

Antisemitism seems to fill a need in some people for a neat solution to all the worlds ills. Very like TDS and the QAnon stuff that custard got into. Or the God hypothesis.
‘It explains so much!’ as someone said of the last. The same can be said of the theory that the evil jews are responsible for your not being as rich or powerful as you feel you ought to be.

Human brains are badly constructed and have many flaws.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 10, 2024 11:07 am

The Queensland Government today has some helpful advice for Queenslanders.

Just in case you thought the Labor Party and their bureaucratic allies couldn’t possibly get more inane or stupid.

Not Uh oh
Not Uh oh
September 10, 2024 11:24 am

Where’s Joe?

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 10, 2024 11:28 am

Ditch the witch!

Massive truck convoy descends on Canberra as National Farmers Federation rallies against Labor’s anti-agriculture agenda (Sky News, 10 Sep)

Different witch of course. Today it’s Tanya who is wearing the red shoes.

September 10, 2024 11:39 am

Does anyone know if the ‘keep the sheep ‘ begging website is kosher or a scam?

September 10, 2024 11:41 am

Former Australian Federal Police detective superintendent David Craig criticised Queensland Police for leaving the accused man’s race out of their first public alert.

‘His description was reported as “a person [with] tan skin…” that doesn’t narrow it down very much,’ Mr Craig told Channel Seven‘s Sunrise program. 

‘He should’ve been called out as a man of Asian appearance, just as we do people of Caucasian appearance. It didn’t happen quickly enough in this case.

‘This is not racial vilification terms. These are identifying terms.’

New opinion released about coffee pouring baby attacker identification delays.

From DailyMail

September 10, 2024 11:41 am

Our brains are okay. We just have to be selective about what goes into them.

Winston Smith
Winston Smith
September 10, 2024 11:45 am


The combination of Harris, Starmer, Trudeau, Macron and Albo will be a disaster.

I was thinking of that this morning.
There isn’t a Democratic State not under attack by the Allied Communists and Islamists.
Together, they have created an existential – and I don’t use that word lightly – threat to us.
WW3 is around the corner, and our respective governments are disarming us, denying us the right to protest, and gaoling the people who protest against this erosion of our rights on a weekly basis, while bringing in more and more of the occupying forces who will never integrate with us.
Which of course is the aim of it all – we are to integrate with the invaders.
Or else.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 10, 2024 11:47 am


Could alternative meat meet a growing demand? (, 9 Sep)

Inside a UC Davis engineering lab, tiny round pellets swirl in a brown liquid inside a 5-liter glass tank. The tank, a bioreactor, is brewing edible fungi high in protein and designed to look and taste like meat.

In another lab on campus, a liquid nitrogen tank nicknamed “cryocow” holds frozen vials of cow muscle stem cells. Scientists hope to one day turn these cells into lab-grown meat, creating the burgers of the future.

Growing demand eh? It always amused me during the Great Meat Panic during the covid lockdowns that all the meat and poultry shelves were stripped bare but the fake meat section was untouched.

September 10, 2024 11:47 am

Human brains are badly constructed and have many flaws.

Envy is the worst human trait and the cause of nearly all evil.

September 10, 2024 11:52 am


They’re not nuclear tipped and you most certainly implied that.

Not at all. Here is what I said: What do you think deploying intermediate range missiles in Europe is if not a nuclear threat?

It’s obvious that placing missiles that can carry nuclear warheads is a veiled threat made directly to the Russians.

Oh, at first I thought you were harking back to the Cold War days, but then I realized your point later— because I missed the memo that the U.S. had decided to redecorate Germany with nuclear missiles.

Luckily, John H swooped in with a reality check: it was actually Mr. 87% over in Belarus putting up launch pads like it’s his personal home improvement project, and the U.S. responded to that genius move.

But sure, combine his ongoing, casual threats of nuclear war with the Belarus stunt, and you’re saying both sides are just, what, circling each other like…. it’s a school dance? Nah, that’s cognitive dissonance with a side salad of delusion.

It’s obvious that placing missiles that can carry nuclear warheads is a veiled threat made directly to the Russians.

Hopefully. Hopefully it acts as a deterrent.

People can change their minds. It’s not unheard of.

You’ve slipped from ‘Not true’ that they said one thing and then later did another re redlines to now saying, it is true but people can change their minds’.

Different part of the discussion. And yes, people are allowed to change their minds.

Cassie of Sydney
September 10, 2024 11:56 am

Candace Owens descent into unhinged Jew hatred has not been caused by hormones, it’s been caused by hate.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
September 10, 2024 12:03 pm

In What Could Possibly Go Wrong news:
Social media age limits to go before parliament ahead of next election, Albanese says

The Albanese government plans to impose a minimum age for teenagers accessing social media and gaming platforms, with legislation to be introduced into parliament before the next election.

The prime minister will announce the nationwide move on Tuesday but will stop short of specifying the age, arguing the government wants to wait for the conclusion of an age-verification trial which begins its final phase this week.

Unless age-verification is different down under, the conclusions are likely to be similar to the UK/EU: the most effective single method is a universal eID ‘token’. Sooper-secure, third-party variety, of course.

There’s certainly a real issue with kids roaming free in the murky online world. But an ‘Albanese Government $6.4m solution in time for the next election’ does not fill me with great confidence.

September 10, 2024 12:08 pm

You know, with the threats to the agric and mining sectors that’s being reported in the Oz in various articles are correct.. If these Liars Party morons aren’t careful, they could actually crash the financial markets, that translates into a wholesale crash in equities, bonds and the currency. The economic crash comes next.
They’re treading on very thin ice.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
September 10, 2024 12:19 pm

Reposted (in part) for excellence:

Antisemitism seems to fill a need in some people for a neat solution to all the worlds ills. Very like TDS and the QAnon stuff that custard got into.

‘It explains so much!’ as someone said of the last. The same can be said of the theory that the evil jews are responsible for your not being as rich or powerful as you feel you ought to be.

Bang on the money.

Personal brilliance – nay, genius – is not being adequately recognised, and people are being denied their rightful stations in life. It is very clearly a conspiracy orchestrated by some or all of the following:

Gummint, in all its forms;
Corporations, especially ones with Jews in them;
The military/industrial complex (Jews again);
Chemtrail manufacturers;
The Royal Family (lizard people);
The traffic management and OHS industries;
Woolworths (injecting their potatoes with bromide); or

I do not consent! Travelling in my conveyance!
1619! Maritime Law!

Someone else’s fault!

September 10, 2024 12:25 pm

Just way to good not to share.

A shortened downfall vid.

I lost it at the ‘Haitians’ line.

September 10, 2024 12:33 pm

Today is first time have heard the term the Hannibal Directive. Saw it mentioned at Revolver News which linked to a recent ABC Oz article. However Wikipedia covers it in far more detail including the Oz article.

From Wikipedia intro:
It is s the name of a controversial procedure used by IDF to prevent the capture of Israeli soldiers by enemy forces. According to one version, it says that “the kidnapping must be stopped by all means, even at the price of striking and harming our own forces.” It was introduced in 1986, after a number of abductions of IDF soldiers in Lebanon and subsequent controversial prisoner exchanges”.

The name comes from Hannibal telling his soldiers to take poison rather than be captured by the Romans. It is laughable that it is claimed the Israeli operational name was randomly computer generated.

The Wiki article goes into detail about the order and conflicting views including within military; incidents when implemented; likely use on 7 October including attacking Hamas vehicles fleeing back to Gaza with captives on board.

How many countries armies now or in the past have had such orders whether from the top or just a lower level? Arsenic pills for spies to take if captured has definitely been a thing. However more to prevent likely torture. In the case of IDF also likely to relate to consequences of capture include mistreatment and prevention of large prisoner exchanges.

Not many armies face the operational dilemmas like the IDF does.

September 10, 2024 12:33 pm

The Houso thug has never encountered resistance from farmers, miners and blackfellas in Marrickville. It’s those bloody selfish hard right, out of touch, rejectionist country bogans who are causing all of Australia’s problems.

We need to legislate. The Greens will help. That’ll fix em.

September 10, 2024 12:37 pm

And why do you think that the decision to place intermediate missiles that can carry nuclear warheads in Germany was triggered, alone, by the placement of tactical nuclear missiles in Belarus by the Russians in 2023?

The decision came after the Belarus threat. That’s why.

Because John H told you?

John was actually responding to you as a result of your misdirection through omission by nicely explaining settling missiles in Germany came as a response to the Belarus renovation.

It’s been pointed out repeatedly that the ‘threats’ are a means of short-circuiting further escalation of the conflict. You don’t like this because it limits the projection of American power via its proxies.

Nice example of what I suggested and also an interesting description that Ukraine is a US proxy, seeing it was invaded under Mr 87%’s blood and soil ideal.

John H.
John H.
September 10, 2024 12:38 pm


 September 10, 2024 11:52 am

Different part of the discussion. And yes, people are allowed to change their minds.

I addressed DB’s argument about Tomahawks carrying nuke warheads. There are better delivery options. The nuclear threat exists on both sides but only Putin keeps making verbal threats. He wants the Russian public to believe that NATO is hell bent on invading Russia. NATO can’t do that and has no intention of doing that.

John H.
John H.
September 10, 2024 12:41 pm

I read the Commission summary on veteran suicides and sent it off to a few friends. The replies mirrored what I thought: a load of bollocks. The comparison group was wrong, the emphasis on sexual assault against women is a diversion from the substantive issue, and blaming the military culture is off the mark. I hope the full report is much more thorough than that pile of trash.

September 10, 2024 12:42 pm

John H
It’s a crude, badly executed replay of Nazi Germany’s Blood and Soil shenanigans of the 30s. Personally, I blame Churchill for what’s happening now. 🙂

Last edited 8 days ago by JC
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
September 10, 2024 12:46 pm

“Keep The Sheep” were hoping to raise $500,000 to target five marginal Labor seats at the next election – they are through that, and headed for $600,000.

Over to you, Handsome Boy.

September 10, 2024 12:47 pm


If KamalToe performs badly in the debate and the polls, immediately after, show a decline, would they try to replace her too?

It’s a low prob bet, but it’s not zero.

September 10, 2024 12:52 pm

Tucker Carlson is touring USA this month and at each location he has a different guest. Includes people like Megyn Kelly, Dan Bongino, Glenn Beck, Jimmy Dore, Larry Elder, Trump Jr etc.

Incidentally I do get an anti Semitic vibe from Dore.

Probably pre 7 Oct you could have included Candace Owens in such a group so it is interesting that she is not on the list.

September 10, 2024 12:52 pm

Save the pets, vote Trump.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 10, 2024 1:03 pm

Elon is hoping to launch four tourists this afternoon. After two weeks of waiting the weather today apparently is reasonably favourable.

Live coverage due to commence 2:05pm Ncl time, if I have my timezones all lined up correctly (if the ‘watch’ link doesn’t work try SpaceX’s twitter feed).

The mission page says only a 40% chance of go to launch, so it may be scrubbed. (The problem is the weather conditions off Florida have to be favourable for the re-entry and splashdown of the capsule.)

September 10, 2024 1:05 pm

Are ducks a popular pet in the USA?

Bro, you’re seriously asking if people in the US have pet ducks? This is the country where some folks keep lions and tigers chilling in their backyard. Ducks are basically starter pets for some.
There was dude who had a full-grown tiger just hanging out in his NYC apartment… until,, it decided to attack him. Like, who knew tigers weren’t meant for apartment living?

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 10, 2024 1:08 pm

AI’s are weird – in both the “save pets” images, there is a cat and a duck.

The Oz has kittens…literally.

‘Cats for Trump’: campaign harnesses fury over immigration (Paywalled)

Images of Trump acting as saviour to cats and ducks have flooded social media amid intense debate over immigration and racism in regional Ohio that threatens to intrude into the presidential debate.

The AI image is rather fine.


September 10, 2024 1:09 pm

Seriously though, it’s all about Haitian illegals setting up shop in a small Ohio town and killing wildlife and pets. Amongst other things.

Because third world gotta third world.

A gift from the Border Czar.

September 10, 2024 1:12 pm

. It is very clearly a conspiracy orchestrated by some or all of the following:
Gummint, in all its forms;

That one has its attractions, but founders on the fact that every time we hear from government, it’s painfully apparent that it is composed of ignorant halfwits. The Jew theory at least has going for it that Jews are, largely, intelligent. If they can get all those Nobel prizes, they are smart enough to run the world and exploit our innocence. You couldn’t say that of our political class.

September 10, 2024 1:13 pm

Adam goes for the head shot and doesn’t miss.

Adam Creighton

Forget cats and ducks; in over 3 years covering the US I’ve never been so shocked by a set of statistics. A poor, regional Ohio community has been forced to endure a 33% plus increase in population, 20k, all foreigners from an alien culture, within a few years, a community already socially and cultural humiliated, ravaged by fentanyl deaths and waves of economic immiseration, and then contemptuously smeared as ‘racist’ when it complains. If the figures are actually true, what an obscene indictment of American elites. Louis XVI wouldn’t have dared.


The pet story appears to be true.

Important vid.

Last edited 8 days ago by JC
September 10, 2024 1:13 pm

“Bro, you’re seriously asking if people in the US have pet ducks?”

No, JC, I’m asking if they are a POPULAR pet.
I’m trying to figure out why an AI would use ducks in both those images.
Presumably, these were generated from a basic text description, and I find it hard to believe both descriptions would have included “with a cat and a duck” (or even “goose”) rather than “with pets”.
Perhaps more accurately, would an LLM AI trained on internet data assume a duck(goose) is a “normal” (as in popular) pet in the USA?

September 10, 2024 1:20 pm

“Seriously though, it’s all about Haitian illegals setting up shop in a small Ohio town and killing wildlife and pets.”

Thanks Cali – that would explain it, I guess.
Although why anyone would care about wild ducks is still beyond me.

“It’s wabbit season!”
“Duck season!”

September 10, 2024 1:21 pm

The combination of the Cackling Kamel, der Stürmer, Turdeaux, Micron and Albansleazy will be a disaster.

The stupidest most preposterous ruling caste in human history. Possessing all the gravitas of a fart and the collective intelligence of a turnip.

Last edited 8 days ago by Rabz
September 10, 2024 1:21 pm

Seriously spare a few minutes, and just watch the vid of the people talking about what they have to put up with in their neighborhood and keep in mind what Adam C had to say. It’s actually heartbreaking what they’re doing to these folks.

Last edited 8 days ago by JC
September 10, 2024 1:25 pm

One of the keywords would be “goose”.

AI did not differentiate between a wild goose (the one that was killed) and a more common domestic white goose. If “pet” had been entered, it would have gone for the most popular pet. Given the popularity of cat videos it’s a no brainer.

Interesting to see the limitations – GIGO.

September 10, 2024 1:34 pm

Cats for Trump …!

September 10, 2024 1:34 pm


September 10, 2024 1:25 pm

The Haitians aren’t illegals.

Sure, if you accept the current Administration’s policy that allows 99% border walk-ins to be processed as refs.

September 10, 2024 1:36 pm

I presume the nice white ducks are minding their own business gliding along a lake.

Then along comes a Haitian and no more duck.

Save the ducks, stop Haitian arrivals.

September 10, 2024 1:46 pm

You know, the real story behind the pet eating is likely a hoax, at least on scale.

The demonrats have been cranking out hoaxes like it’s their side hustle since the first week of 2016.
But hey, forget the ducks and cats—let the demonrats get served a plate of gourmet crow instead. Extra crispy.”

September 10, 2024 1:47 pm

Immigrants are taking ducks, geese, swans even species of seagulls, all of which are protected species, and only a couple of which can be taken legally during hunting season if you have the required permits, from public parks and beaches as well as stealing family pets.
People have a right to be ticked off.
At the very least Immigrants should be educated about their responsibilities.
As for dumping large numbers of Immigrants, who I’m willing to bet are mostly young and male into depressed small towns, great work.
Sentld them to Martha’s Vineyard.

Black Ball
Black Ball
September 10, 2024 1:52 pm

Mike O’Connor in the Courier Mail:

What a sad and sorry state we have become when the cries for help from alleged rape victims are ignored while the pleas of gambling bosses for taxpayer dollars are welcomed.

Star casino, hailed to be the jewel in city’s tourism crown, has been in the news following its less than grand opening but for all the wrong reasons.

International retailers representing prestige brands have walked away from a $600 million deal to open in the complex, promised restaurants and bars have failed to materialise and the hotel has only opened partially as Star executives try desperately to find a way to tunnel their way out of the mountain of debt burdening the company.

Riding to the rescue down George Street came those dynamic caped crusaders Premier Steven Miles and Treasurer Cameron Dick with offers to look at cutting a deal on the hundreds of millions of dollars in taxes due to the government, a handout by another name.

In the same week Premier Miles said that his government would not commit more money towards fast-tracking DNA results from the backlog of more than 1000 rape kits sitting in the Queensland’s government’s forensics laboratory.

While the Premier and the Treasurer were discussing how they could help save Star’s corporate hide from the debtors that are circling it and from the consequences of its own poor governance and executive ineptitude, Queensland police said they were still waiting on the results from 1058 rape kits. Of these, 420 were submitted for testing more than a year ago.

It beggars belief that as of this moment, there are hundreds of victims of alleged sexual assaults who 12 months later are still waiting for the results of forensic testing from their alleged attacks and that the government has no interest in spending the money necessary to remedy this disgraceful state of affairs while considering handing millions of dollars to a casino.

When asked if he had called for a briefing on the backlog, Mr Miles said that he had not.

What he has said is that the government was undertaking a recruitment campaign and would explore outsourcing samples to other labs but refused to commit any further funding to this debacle which has unfolded under Labor’s watch.

It is now two years since a commission of inquiry revealed that the laboratory suffered chronic systemic issues and had failed to operate effectively for years.

Following the release of the commission’s damning report, the Palaszczuk-Miles government gave an assurance that it would do whatever it took to rebuild the public’s trust in its forensic services.

Domestic violence is atop the political agenda with the Albanese government announcing a $4 billion program to combat it although a closer examination of this reveals that only $400 million of this is new funding with the rest a rehash of previously announced initiatives but hey, that’s politics Aussie-style.

Given this you might think that the Queensland government might pause for thought and consider that victims who allege that rape has been part of the domestic violence which they have suffered would be entitled to have confidence in the government’s forensic testing services.

As it stands at the moment they cannot. Much has been made about protecting jobs at the casino. Our local wine bar closed its doors last week with the staff all laid off and no special handout for the proprietor.

Barely a week goes by without another building company going to the wall leaving a trail of debts and subcontractors out of pocket but there’s no handout for them.

At the mention of the possibility of a few thousand union member jobs being threatened at Star however, the government springs into action.

Opposition leader David Crisafulli should make it one of the central planks of his election platform that he will deal with the forensic backlog as one of his government’s highest priorities should he win office.

The government has had two years to fix this and its failed response is a stain on the state’s reputation.

Women’s Legal Service Queensland chief executive Nadia Bromley has said the testing delays would almost certainly cause some victims to withdraw their complaints before charges were laid, a situation she described as “heartbreaking.”

“I think people can only tolerate things for so long and having that sort of unending process, I think probably just continues the trauma,” she said.

She’s right. The women of Queensland deserve better.

Just another case of up yours to those people who saw their business disintegrate during the government response to covid.
Hard pressed to find a more despicable outfit in Australian life, other than the Greens. Maybe a gaggle of montys.

September 10, 2024 1:54 pm

Seriously spare a few minutes, and just watch the vid of the people talking about what they have to put up with in their neighborhood and keep in mind what Adam C had to say. It’s actually heartbreaking what they’re doing to these folks.

Absolutely, JC!!! Good grief – those testimonies say it all. Watch the testimonies of these poor (literally) people who have to endure, without effective policing, serious assaults on their way of life.

Quite frankly, those videos of the town people will shock you to the core. Put yourself in their shoes! They are basically the people JD Vance talks about & it is these people who are suffering from the failure of the Dems to secure the southern border.

September 10, 2024 1:56 pm

“on 7 October including attacking Hamas vehicles fleeing back to Gaza with captives on board”
Obviously not a great success then.
In any case if captives were in the boot or even just a passenger in a sedan the IDF would have no way of knowing if there were hostages in any particular fleeing vehicle so Hannibal directive is moot.
Hamas and innocent civilians took hostages in vehicles ranging from golf carts to motor bikes to cars to tractors to trucks, they even hustled them over by shank’s pony.

September 10, 2024 2:07 pm

Here is a partial list of questions for David Muir and Linsey Davis to consider asking Harris on the debate stage in Philadelphia tomorrow night (pigs might fly too):

January 6 Questions for Kamala Harris (

  1. Tomorrow will mark 23 years since the 9/11 terror attacks, which resulted in the murder of nearly 3,000 people. You compare January 6, which resulted in the deaths of four Trump supporters, to 9/11. Please explain to the loved ones of 9/11 victims how those two events are the same and why they should not be insulted by your comparison.
  2. The Biden/Harris DOJ continues to investigate, arrest, and prosecute J6 protesters. New arrests were announced just last week as the total caseload reaches 1,500 defendants. Why is the government still charging J6ers while violent BLM rioters from 2020 who assaulted federal police and destroyed federal property in Washington have had their cases dropped? Why isn’t your DOJ continuing to investigate and prosecute BLM rioters who caused the lockdown of the White House in May 2020 or burned St. John’s church and other areas of the nation’s capital?
  3. You brag about your credentials as a prosecutor. How can you possibly defend the selective prosecution of J6ers while BLM and pro-Hamas protesters go free?
  4. In general, do you support pretrial detention—meaning denying release of a defendant awaiting trial—for nonviolent political protesters? If not, what do you say about the fact your DOJ has held nonviolent J6ers in prison for months and years in some cases before they go to trial?
  5. Why did you leave the Capitol at 11:15 on January 6 and go to the Democratic National Committee headquarters and why did you later misrepresent the circumstances of your presence at the Capitol and DNC?
  6. How were you alerted about the discovery of a pipe bomb shortly after 1:00 p.m. on January 6?
  7. Are you shocked that your Secret Service detail, bomb-sniffing canines, the Capitol Police, and D.C. Metro police missed the device, an explosive the FBI said was planted the night before?
  8. Are you disappointed the FBI still does not have the pipe bomb suspect in custody?
  9. If elected, will you make the J6 pipe bomb investigation a priority?
  10. Is Matthew Graves, the U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia handling the ongoing J6 prosecution, on your short list for attorney general?
Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 10, 2024 2:11 pm

Looks like SpaceX’s tourist mission has been scrubbed, since they’ve now removed the ‘watch’ button from the mission page. And nothing on the twitter feed. Weather sucks.

Cassie of Sydney
September 10, 2024 2:11 pm

Adam Creighton

He’s always pretty good.

September 10, 2024 2:13 pm

Just rewatched a Pence – Kamalala debate.
I think the Trump- Kamalala debate will be a wash, unless the booze has further damaged her bird brain, she has a few tactics down that will be highly irritating to one side and the other will find agreeable.
In general she was capable, unlike Joe, of cramming before an event and seeming plausible to her side, which is all they need.
Trump will be Trump.
That’s all, no big shift either way, I reckon.
I will probably give watching a miss because Trump won’t say anything he hasn’t said a thousand times, and that bird gives me a migraine.

Last edited 8 days ago by Arky
September 10, 2024 2:19 pm

Hamas and innocent civilians took hostages 

I saw what you did there.

Like the “good” doctor who was holding a young lady captive. Fun for all the family…until they became swiss cheese once the cavalry arrived.

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
September 10, 2024 2:41 pm

Cats for Trump!…
Yeah notice how they always put a brown one in the crowd right behind him?

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 10, 2024 2:42 pm

Oops, my 2:11pm comment is awesomely wrong.

Just checked the SpaceX feed and it’s live. Looks like the show is on!

I love Elon’s spacesuits. They are stylish and very like the ones in 2001 A Space Odyssey.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
September 10, 2024 2:49 pm

Frustrated farmers demand Albanese ‘speak up’ on live export phase-out

‘Fired up’: Farmers unite to protest Albanese government policies
Thousands of farmers have rallied in Canberra this morning to protest live sheep export bans, water buybacks,…
Anthony Albanese has defended Labor’s mooted phase-out of the live sheep export trade, as primary producers and other agricultural industry participants converged on Canberra to protest the ban.
The Prime Minister told question time that the value of Australia’s live sheep export industry had diminished substantially in recent years, while onshore processing had increased in value.
“Over the decade, the Liberals and Nationals were in government, live sheep exports by sea decreased by over 1.5 million. That is just a fact of what occurred,” Mr Albanese said. 
“At the same time, exports of sheep meat have escalated to some $4 billion of value.”
Farmers who were present in the gallery appeared visibly frustrated during Mr Albanese’s answer, throwing up their hands and shaking their heads in dismay.
One farmer, who demanded Mr Albanese speak up, was removed from the chamber by security.
The Albanese government has announced a $107m support package for farmers and other supply chain participants to adjust to the ban which is set to take effect in 2028.

“Handsome boy” slobbering after the inner city Greens vote….

September 10, 2024 3:04 pm
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
September 10, 2024 3:04 pm

Adam Bandt’s business class travel a bit rich; High-flying airport boss’ alleged flingYoni Bashan and Nick Evans
17 hours ago.
Updated 2 minutes ago

Bit off-brand to see Greens leader Adam Bandt flying in luxury in the business class section of QF1280. This was on Sunday during the one-hour journey between Melbourne and Canberra ahead of a parliamentary sitting week.
No such comfort for Labor ministers Tim Watts and Catherine King, spotted as they were further back cheek-by-jowl in economy.
Bandt’s colleagues probably wouldn’t approve of this indulgence. After all, it was Queensland Greens MP Max Chandler-Mather who spurned a Chairman’s Lounge membership last year and still refuses to travel business class. He says it’s because he “already spend(s) too much time with politicians in parliament”.
Bandt can do what he wants, of course. But isn’t this Mr Eat the Rich? Isn’t he the guy who routinely rails against wealth in all its forms, even announcing a series of “Robin Hood” tax hikes on profit and productivity a week ago?
“The aim is simple,” he said. “To make the big corporations and billionaires pay their fair share of tax to make life better for everyone.”
Well, yes, life’s definitely better in a leather seat with a premium snack. But did taxpayers foot the bill? Bandt ignored Margin Call’s question asking if he paid for the ticket himself, which, if he didn’t, does put him at risk of resembling an enormous hypocrite.
The only poetic justice here, if at all, is that Bandt ended up seated next to Senator Jacqui Lambie, who’s been torching the Greens with great relish and vigour for months, attacking them for “whipping up division and hate”, displaying “the most despicable examples of leadership”, and for refusing to support her motion to condemn the vandalism of war memorials.
So hardly the comfortable flight he was probably hoping for.

Do as I say, not do as I do…

Cassie of Sydney
September 10, 2024 3:16 pm

I have a very eccentric Burmese cat. I can assure everyone here he’s a Zionist and a Trumpist.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 10, 2024 3:18 pm

I’m amused that Elon has the support staff in black ninja suits with numbers on their backs. Very 47 Ronin.

He has a wonderfully dry sense of humour, which has infected his whole company.

September 10, 2024 3:35 pm

David Thompson had a video of an apparent refugee butchering a cat in a driveway.Not certain where.

September 10, 2024 3:36 pm

Just a reminder that this was debunked last year.
I got into a bit of a twitter punch up over this last night but didn’t realise it was a thing as I only saw it on one post.
I just dropped the facts and then muted the trolls, who were both white supremacists and progressives.
France 24 did good work last year showing this was a false narrative.
The damage was done at Nova before the IDF arrived.
It doesn’t take that long to butcher a few hundred unarmed people, and of course 40 people were taken hostage, including the body of Shani Louk.
It’s funny how those claiming it was an idf massacre ignore the footage shot by hamas, and the testimony of survivors, not to mention those killed who were in continuous contact with loved ones, Eden Yerushalmi was on the phone with police.
“I’m in all the shootings in the south,” she told the police, “I need you to help me. I’m alone in the bushes, there are gunshots and all the Arabs are here.” In the recording, Yerushalmi also said, “They’re shooting at me, I can’t believe this is happening. I’m behind a bad bush. They (the terrorists) are here, they see me. They’re shooting at me. I’m dying. That’s it, I’m dead.”
Was she lying?

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 10, 2024 3:47 pm

I don’t think SpaceX realize just how many people watch their coverage.

Now up to 200,000 watchers and the feed is dying of insufficient bandwidth.

It’s nice that so many people are watching but it’s really annoying that we can’t see anything because of the bandwidth glitching.

Ah well, 21stC problems.

Davey Boy
Davey Boy
September 10, 2024 3:54 pm

“The Australian Bureau of Statistics is dropping the proposal to add an ethnicity question to the upcoming 2026 census despite similar questions being asked in the censuses of the UK Canada and New Zealand. Australian government departments know to not ask a question when your Masters don’t want the answer to it. In the past year 737,000 people arrived in the country the majority from developing markets providing the greatest change to ethnicity and total population in our history yet the ABS has decided to cease tracking the data that … the government will have no problem however in asking the last time you scratched your bum.”

from Put another Aussie on the Barbie
Australian Institute for Progress
Keynote speech by Matt Barrie

The full speech lays out in sobering and rage-inducing detail, the depths of Government policy retardedness and malignancy across a multitude of domains.

(and as an aside, it appears to me that the kerfuffle over introducing a sexuality question in the 2026 Census has been a classic case of deflection)

Matt Barrie calls Australia out for its housing, immigration, and industry policies. About once a year Matt gives a keynote address, and this was it for 2024, delivered in Brisbane to an audience from the Australian Institute for Progress.

Matt is the founder of , one of the world’s largest freelancing and crowdsourcing marketplaces with over 70 million registered users. He was Libertarian of the Year in 2016 and in 2019 a Gold Stevie winning Executive of the Year in 2019. 

He brings impeccable commercial and intellectual abilities to the task of mapping out the mess we find ourselves in.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 10, 2024 3:55 pm

LOL, SpaceX has just cut the video quality to 1080. Neat answer to the problem since they’ve just reduced the bandwith by three quarters.

Still glitching though. I wonder if there’s a cyberattack?

Salvatore - Iron Publican
September 10, 2024 3:55 pm

David Thompson had a video of an apparent refugee butchering a cat in a driveway.Not certain where.

Apparently that event is fair dinkum.
There’s also police bodycam of the arrest, right there on the driveway with tabby looking like a chook a fox caught.
The IQ 67 in the police bodycam is the same one that was processed in court & found guilty of eating the pet tabby.

September 10, 2024 4:00 pm
September 10, 2024 4:01 pm

You’re all talking as if there is something wrong with eating cats.

September 10, 2024 4:04 pm

There is a Military Arms convention right now in Melbourne.
All the ugly Cat slags were there in red shower curtains and Mr Squiggle face paint. Rather surreal.
It was supposed to be an anti-war protest, but most of the placards were the standard “Israel Bad”, and go vegan.

I did wonder if the Gimp was in attendance as it was, as the Gimp himself often recites, extremely low energy.

Maybe he got an offer to walk him? haw!

September 10, 2024 4:06 pm

I have come to really like this guy. It took a while.

September 10, 2024 4:07 pm

Last comment was re Elon. Out of sequence. Sorry.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 10, 2024 4:08 pm

Glitching gone. SpaceX does a bit on their spacesuits. Amazingly awesome. They are so far beyond NASA it isn’t funny. Yet their suits are comfortable and svelte. They even have a heads up display.

September 10, 2024 4:10 pm

I had a look at the Cernovich thread about Catholic charities;
a sewer within a sewer.
It’s the Catholic cabal running the world, no it’s the Jewish cabal, no it’s the Catholic cabal and on and on.
Like attracts like.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 10, 2024 4:21 pm

The SpaceX live coverage is now up to 340,000 watchers.

A TV station would do pretty well picking up such a feed.

September 10, 2024 4:26 pm

Bit off-brand to see Greens leader Adam Bandt flying in luxury in the business class section of QF1280. 

I had a interstate work counterpart who always flew overseas in first class, naturally a rusted-on liars member and hard boiled lefty. Whenever I challenged him about it his standard reply was “Mate, when the revolution comes we’ll all fly this way”. That said with only a hint of sarcasm and a big grin.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 10, 2024 4:32 pm

SpaceX coverage just hit 400,000 live watchers. Wow.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
September 10, 2024 4:40 pm

From the Hun.
Drone used to deliver meth, cannabis to Melbourne detention centreA Melbourne detention centre worker has been sentenced to two-and-a-half years in jail for using a drone to smuggle meth and cannabis to an inmate.

Carpe Jugulum
Carpe Jugulum
September 10, 2024 4:42 pm


September 10, 2024 4:01 pm

You’re all talking as if there is something wrong with eating cats.

Tastes like the dark meat on poultry, No it does not taste like chicken, had some in Honkers years ago.

September 10, 2024 4:45 pm

Greenfilth leader Bum Bandit flying in luxury in the business class section of quaintarse

Suddenly lost the ability to walk, has he?

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 10, 2024 4:46 pm

Well over 450,000 live viewers now. Really interesting to see how mk1 punters are interested in this sort of show.

September 10, 2024 5:00 pm

The only reason I got my last dog (now gone to dog heaven and perpetually chasing rabbits) is because he got put on death row for the supposed crime of eating an entire basket of prize kittens.

September 10, 2024 5:00 pm


The clear signal from Tomahawks in Germany being made to Russia is their nuclear capability now sitting in Germany.

LOL. Even though nuclear launch pads were set up in Belarus first, it’s the subsequent US response that implies the nuclear threat. If you stretch this any further, you’ll need a bungee cord to reel it back in!

September 10, 2024 5:04 pm

William Hague has an article at the Oz about Governments and big tech and cracking down on bots and misinformation etc.

Hague mentions and quotes Yuval Harari quite a bit. This is my rejected comment.

“Yuval Noah Harari’s name is familiar.

He is often referred to an adviser to World Economic Forum boss Klaus Schwab yet his Wikipedia entry makes no mention of this role despite multiple references to it elsewhere online”.

There are over 60 comments on the article and yet not one mentions him. I can’t remember the exact comments but do recall he made some highly controversial ones a few years ago.

Guess which web page Hague also appears on ?

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 10, 2024 5:09 pm


Coverage at 550,000 watchers and the weather has decided to be a bastard.

Launch put back at least two hours.

I hope the astronauts didn’t have an extra coffee this morning.

Let’s light this candle!

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
September 10, 2024 5:09 pm
September 10, 2024 5:23 pm

Open border “rights” wankers now aghast that a few refos knock off a duck or two
Funny shit.

Last edited 8 days ago by Arky
H B Bear
H B Bear
September 10, 2024 5:28 pm

Flamingo lives matter.

September 10, 2024 5:29 pm

Examples of the Starmer gulag that was once Britain:UK: Starmer’s Dictatorship? :: Gatestone Institute

Peter Lynch, 61, a grandfather in Rotherham, a place where children have for decades been experiencing rape, other sexual abuse, and torture at the hands of mainly Muslim grooming gangs while police and the city council looked the other way, shouted at police, “you are protecting people who are killing our kids and raping them” and “scum”. Judge Richardson told Lynch: “You did not yourself attack any police officer, as far as can be detected, but what you did was encourage by your conduct others to behave violently and you were part of this mob. What a disgraceful example you are as a grandfather”… [and] sentenced him to two years and eight months.Jordan Parlour, 28, was also sentenced for writing on a Facebook post: “Every man and their dog should be smashing f..k out Britannia Hotel”, a hotel in Leeds housing migrants that was reportedly being pelted with stones at the time by protesters. Parlour’s post received just six likes with one Facebook user asking “why?” Parlour replied:

“They are over here given a life of Riley off the tax of us hard-working people earn when it could be put to better use… come here with no work visa, no trade to their name and sit and doss and then there’s more people being put out homeless each year, they get top band priority on housing and many more other reasons.”


Judge Guy Kearl said in his sentencing remarks:

“You were arrested in the early hours of 5th August and interviewed by the police. Your motivation became clear when you informed the police that you had promoted the idea of attacking the Britannia Hotel as a result of anger and frustration at immigration problems in the country. You went on to say that you did not want your money going to immigrants who ‘rape our kids and get priority’.

“Although you said that you had no intention of carrying out any act of violence, there can be no doubt that you were inciting others to do so, otherwise, why post the comment? You expressed remorse but by that time it was too late….

“[T]his offence is so serious that an immediate custodial sentence is unavoidable. The sentence that I pass has been reduced by 1/3 to reflect your guilty plea. The sentence is 20 months imprisonment.”

In 2021, Judge Guy Kearl ruled that a pedophile, who was found guilty of downloading “hundreds of vile child sex abuse images” on his computer, did not have to serve any time in jail.

Pensioner David Spring, 61, recently retired, was sentenced to 18 months in prison, “as a deterrent to others” for making threatening and hostile gestures towards police. He had called officers “c..ts” and joined in chants of “you’re not English any more” and “who the f*** is Allah.”

Judge Benedict Kelleher was asked to consider Spring’s caring duties for his sick wife. Instead, he told Spring that “severe” sentences were needed to deter others. So the pensioner was sent straight to prison. The judge said:

“At that point you did that [the shouting and swearing at police] you must have been well aware it was a particularly volatile situation and police were doing their best to keep order. Your actions showed a complete contempt for the police at that time… What you were doing could and, it appears, did encourage others to threaten the police and add to the disorder.”

Last edited 8 days ago by cohenite
September 10, 2024 5:31 pm
  • Examples of the Starmer gulag that was once Britain:

UK: Starmer’s Dictatorship? :: Gatestone Institute

  • Peter Lynch, 61, a grandfather in Rotherham, a place where children have for decades been experiencing rape, other sexual abuse, and torture at the hands of mainly Muslim grooming gangs while police and the city council looked the other way, shouted at police, “you are protecting people who are killing our kids and raping them” and “scum”. Judge Richardson told Lynch: “You did not yourself attack any police officer, as far as can be detected, but what you did was encourage by your conduct others to behave violently and you were part of this mob. What a disgraceful example you are as a grandfather”… [and] sentenced him to two years and eight months.

Jordan Parlour, 28, was also sentenced for writing on a Facebook post: “Every man and their dog should be smashing f..k out Britannia Hotel”, a hotel in Leeds housing migrants that was reportedly being pelted with stones at the time by protesters. Parlour’s post received just six likes with one Facebook user asking “why?” Parlour replied:

“They are over here given a life of Riley off the tax of us hard-working people earn when it could be put to better use… come here with no work visa, no trade to their name and sit and doss and then there’s more people being put out homeless each year, they get top band priority on housing and many more other reasons.”


Judge Guy Kearl said in his sentencing remarks:

“You were arrested in the early hours of 5th August and interviewed by the police. Your motivation became clear when you informed the police that you had promoted the idea of attacking the Britannia Hotel as a result of anger and frustration at immigration problems in the country. You went on to say that you did not want your money going to immigrants who ‘rape our kids and get priority’.

“Although you said that you had no intention of carrying out any act of violence, there can be no doubt that you were inciting others to do so, otherwise, why post the comment? You expressed remorse but by that time it was too late….

“[T]his offence is so serious that an immediate custodial sentence is unavoidable. The sentence that I pass has been reduced by 1/3 to reflect your guilty plea. The sentence is 20 months imprisonment.”

In 2021, Judge Guy Kearl ruled that a pedophile, who was found guilty of downloading “hundreds of vile child sex abuse images” on his computer, did not have to serve any time in jail.

Pensioner David Spring, 61, recently retired, was sentenced to 18 months in prison, “as a deterrent to others” for making threatening and hostile gestures towards police. He had called officers “c..ts” and joined in chants of “you’re not English any more” and “who the f*** is Allah.”

Judge Benedict Kelleher was asked to consider Spring’s caring duties for his sick wife. Instead, he told Spring that “severe” sentences were needed to deter others. So the pensioner was sent straight to prison. The judge said:

“At that point you did that [the shouting and swearing at police] you must have been well aware it was a particularly volatile situation and police were doing their best to keep order. Your actions showed a complete contempt for the police at that time… What you were doing could and, it appears, did encourage others to threaten the police and add to the disorder.”

September 10, 2024 5:32 pm

It’s been explained at least 12 times a year to self-proclaimed chartered mathematicians that open borders and a welfare state go together like long socks and sandals. Yet, here we are, still throwing cheap shots

Last edited 8 days ago by JC
September 10, 2024 5:33 pm

Oops, sorry about the repetition.

September 10, 2024 5:40 pm

Connect the dots. These are just 3 today.

William Hague article which is actually from The Times.

PM announcing age verification and the way to do that is by facial recognition.

Bill Gates post about Digital ID. See Michael Smith news.

September 10, 2024 5:41 pm

It was worth repeating.

Just watched two London men being arrested for holding a sign that read “Hamas is Terrorist”.

England is finished and it’s too late for anyone to get out unless they are very rich and connected.

September 10, 2024 5:44 pm


September 10, 2024 5:33 pm

Oops, sorry about the repetition.

Those cute owls? I can’t forgive you.

September 10, 2024 5:51 pm

By popular demand, a cute owl:

September 10, 2024 5:51 pm

Just watched two London men being arrested for holding a sign that read “Hamas is Terrorist”.

How can you be arrested for agreeing with your govt?

Is Starmer going to revoke Hamas’s terrorist group status then?

Last edited 8 days ago by Roger
September 10, 2024 5:53 pm


 September 10, 2024 5:41 pm

 Reply to  Arky

You’re mistaking grimacing for sulking every time you try to get my attention—which, honestly, is happening more often than your therapist would approve. 

Have you thought about you’re setting up shop as Australia’s answer to Elon Musk, or are you waiting for a public holiday in your honor to launch your genius?

 Reply to  JC
Meaningless piffle.
Here’s a simple question for you now.
See if you have the balls to answer:
This mythical situation where the USA or Australia scraps the welfare state. It will improve the overall economy, yes or no?

Last edited 8 days ago by Arky
September 10, 2024 5:55 pm

From the report on Kenny, they were arrested for “impeding the march”, which is a blatant lie because the demonstrators were simply walking around them or stealing their union jack flag.

The police marched them off and cuffed them on the ground, four to a man.

One of the most disgusting abuses of power I have seen, but there will be many more.

They’ll be lucky to get out of this one without violent revolution.

September 10, 2024 5:55 pm

It’s a yes or no answer JC.
Just to facilitate a discussion I’m sure we both find equally unpleasant.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
September 10, 2024 5:57 pm

 I’ll take Chuck, Camilla, Catherine and William any day over over creepy Stalinist Sturmer and his very unmerry comrades.

Don’t forget Anne, she’s a keeper too. Edward and Sophie are also good backstops. Funnily enough, I found myself deep in discussion of Monarchy today too.

During an interminable wait at the Children’s Hospital today my autistic fourteen year old grandson and I had a Socratic style of discussion about his ‘ideal’ political system. He is busy compiling in his mind an ideal political system binding together some basic elements: Socialism for housing (he’d love his mum to no longer worry about the rising rent) and other ‘necessary’ things, controlled by an elected Senate of Capitalists, and all of it kept in line by a Monarchy. What is so special about a Monarchy? I discoursed back to him. We talked a bit more about it and the gist is that he saw that people wanted to ‘believe’ in Monarchy, the family of the people, that a Monarch was kept in line by this, and would work with the people, above politics. And tryanny? I enquired. Then the people kill the King, he answered, especially if kings want to expand to Empires and Emperors. Ok.

I steered the conversation towards reviewing historically Plato’s Republic, then the Utopian Socialists, Communists, Marxists, and Democracy, identifying firstly the driving engine of growth under capitalism, ie economic productivity, and the way in which this was important to provide a tax base in a ‘mixed’ economy. He is really quite thoughtful about it all, in the way a fourteen year old in a State High School system can be, given input so far from his Green tinged teachers, his Trump-hating American mother, her gay brother and his loving Marxist-left grandfather (my ex).

He’s obsessive about it all, as autistic kids can be, but he’s really quite smart too. He thinks ‘global warming’ is a ‘lesser level problem, easily solved by nuclear power’ and that what goes on in Gaza with Israel is not Australia’s business (take that, teachers).

Winston Smith
Winston Smith
September 10, 2024 6:01 pm
Chicken feeders.
Quite a variety.
Now I need one for Elsie.

September 10, 2024 6:03 pm

Incidentally, did I see Wong backing Starmer’s stance on arms to Israel…

September 10, 2024 6:07 pm
September 10, 2024 6:09 pm


As 20,000 non-citizen Haitians destroy a town in Ohio and reportedly kill and eat peoples pets, here is Border Czar Kamala Harris bragging about allowing them to flood into our country:

“We extended Temporary Protected Status to over 100,000 Haitian Migrants…They need support”

September 10, 2024 6:12 pm

They’ll be lucky to get out of this one without violent revolution.

This is Australia, Calli.

Australians just want to be left alone, even though an activist minority led by the Greenfilth is determined to end the riches that pay for our lifestyle in taxes and royalties.

The activist minority is determined to take us back to the 17th century with its subsistence economy via the junk science climate scam, of which Australia is the world capital.

Millenials are the dumbest generation in human history.

September 10, 2024 6:17 pm

William Hauge yet another one outing himself as part of the problem.

September 10, 2024 6:21 pm

Clennell is a piece of shit. He is an arch leftie. He’s on Credlin snarling at her because she is stating that rub and tug have no achievements and he is stating they do have positive things such as cheaper childcare. WTF does she have the bastard on?

September 10, 2024 6:22 pm

Millenials are the dumbest generation in human history.

Guys in their 20s? A lot of the ones I work with seem to get it. Maybe that’s partly because they leant a trade rather than going to uni.

September 10, 2024 6:24 pm

I’m not smug or cocky about Australia- I know we’re in great danger too but I’m hopeful.

September 10, 2024 6:26 pm

England seems to be reverting to feudalism which suggests to me they’ve never really recovered from 1066.

Last edited 8 days ago by Miltonf
September 10, 2024 6:35 pm

Guess I’ll have to answer my own question:

This mythical situation where the USA or Australia scraps the welfare state. It will improve the overall economy, yes or no?

Why yes, I think it’ll improve the economy as people have to work for a living.

OK, next question: these refugees emptied out of prisons and insane asylums as Trump says, are they mostly economic refugees or political refugees?

I guess they are mainly economic refugees pouring over the borders.

So, if they are mainly economic refugees, and abolishing the welfare state improves the economy, then on opening the borders, would you expect more or less people in your local park knocking the ducks on the head and eating your cats? Given that it’s an entire people smuggling racket encouraged by foreign countries and run by criminals and driven mostly by economic factors?

All views in this post are mine, including quotes, to be clear.

Last edited 8 days ago by Arky
September 10, 2024 6:43 pm

Further question for open borders enthusiasts (but only after the welfare state is abolished).
Where would be a more profitable spot for a professional beggar, a street corner in Caracas, or a street corner in the USA?
Which place has the tastier park wildlife?

John H.
John H.
September 10, 2024 6:52 pm

The clear signal from Tomahawks in Germany being made to Russia is their nuclear capability now sitting in Germany.

The navy is dismantling most of their Tomahawks to be replaced with much more capable cruise missiles like LRASM. Why waste a nuke on a Tomahawk when the JASSM is much more capable and\or hypersonic missile delivery confers a much greater kill probability? Do you ever concede anything?

Cassie of Sydney
September 10, 2024 6:52 pm

Millenials are the dumbest generation in human history.


Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
September 10, 2024 6:54 pm
September 10, 2024 6:57 pm

On GB they are apparently splitting inmates up and putting them into different wings.

One doesn’t need to imagine to know the likely demographics of the other inmates.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
September 10, 2024 7:00 pm

Federal Agriculture Minister Julie Collins absent from Canberra farm rally after missing WA Cabinet roadshow
There you go, Australia’s farmers, that’s what the Federal Minister thinks of you!

September 10, 2024 7:01 pm

Millenials are the dumbest generation in human history.


I know a dozen or so young millennial men born towards the end of the spectrum for the cohort.

They’re all pro-Trump for various reasons.

None of them think Trump is perfect, but he offers hope.

Last edited 8 days ago by Roger
September 10, 2024 7:03 pm

SpaceX to launch 4 tourists

Yeah right. “Tourists”
Two are SpaceX employees. Scot Poteet is former USAF pilot and worked for Jared “Rook” Isaacman running Draken International providing jet fighters for adversary training to the military. Both current in high performance military jets.
The ladies are pretty good looking too.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
September 10, 2024 7:13 pm

None of them think Trump is perfect, but he offers hope.

THAT is the important bit – they don’t subscribe to some childish heroic fantasy. Not perfect, but the best choice.

(They don’t even have to affect that tired, quasi-intellectual cynical pose of ‘least bad’. Trump is actually good – just make sure to avoid exaggerated mythologising.)

September 10, 2024 7:18 pm

correct ML

September 10, 2024 7:22 pm

Numbnuts, you can’t just rip out the welfare state like it’s a weed and expect everything to be sunshine . It would need to be phased out progressively and methodically over several years.
First off, those draconian labor laws and government-mandated wages are like a job-killer machine. People removed out of the job market for these reasons definitely deserve some sort of compensation by those who take advantage of regulation such as union members. You’d need to take a sledgehammer to labor market regulations and wage rates and move everything to private treaty.
Also, there’s a little thing called morality. Folks who spent their lives working and planned on a pension and benefits should be treated with some respect.
So, if you want to dismantle the welfare state, it’s got to be a concerted almost linear process built into people’s expectations. Plus, you’d need to cut taxes down to the bone (except for national security, of course) over a period of time. The government should be prohibited from raised debt except for specific projects that become self-funded and non-recourse.
And let’s not forget massive deregulation would be required all across the economy and removal of almost all government intervention.

Honestly, talking with you is like trying to have a deep conversation with a goldfish—your arguments are just way too simplistic and low-rent.

  1. More perseverance from Numerwank. It’s Numberwank engaging in one of his favourite anti-private school shticks.

  2. How about: I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to a person who rises and sleeps…

  3. She said so you believe Israel is in the right. I said of course, who attacked whom on October 7.…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x