Finbarr Bermingham@fberminghamExclusive: the European Parliament has removed curbs on lawmakers meeting Chinese officials
Finbarr Bermingham@fberminghamExclusive: the European Parliament has removed curbs on lawmakers meeting Chinese officials
Arabism has appealed to many poms. A culture of laziness, living in tents, attractive camels.
2AM last pie in the roadhouse bain-marie retard strength. Those following me will find death a blessing.
Steve T, you might be onto something about Indian curry being crap. Waiting at the airport there is an Indian…
People seemed to like this one I made. I have such sights to show you….
Via Warwick
It would be like putting several million into New York City in short order.
Creepy Joe and KamelToe hiding their problems where they hope the MSM will not go.
*”olo” is a ladino way of saying “LOL”
**no it’s not, it’s a typo, but I’ll run with it rather than stoop to using the “edit” function
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
September 12, 2024 5:24 pm
I read somewhere else today that, as regards restitution, the organisation he stole from has refused to respond to attempts to contact it.
We’re talking about 900 grand here, money meant to improve the lives of impoverished Aborigines.
Says it all about the odious Clarke and the corrupt industry he is a member of.
We need to prey for, or even facilitate more extremist riots and assaults upon their allies the police.
It was chaos the ended TLS and it will be chaos that will destroy Albanese.
The Left do not understand limits.
Barrister of last Aussie hung’s $12m Vic farm for saleThe Victorian farm of the barrister who defended the last man hanged in Australia has hit the market, offering amazing views and even a private sculpture collection.
From the Hun
So… if you want to take a picture of the fascinating witches who put the scintillating stitches in the britches of the boys who put the powder on the nose of the face of the barrister of the last Aussie hung….
ffs Who cares?
Story below is in complete:
So was the Prado stolen and the offender an identifier of the third wave of human migrations?
Victoria is hardly the third world (although it may be heading that way). I dare say any impoverished aborigines there are in that condition for the same reasons impoverished non-aborigines are.
Why should ethnicity enter into the distribution of welfare, particularly when it allows grifters like Clarke to exploit the system for their own advantage?
This de facto millet system – now being extended to other ethnic and religious minorities – contradicts the ideas of citizenship and commonwealth which form the basis of our polity.
You imposed a Covid19 “vaccine” mandate on your staff. Including women.
Again, I’ve been aware of this for decades. It’s no secret, just ignored for convenience.
We have known this for over 20 years. Why are we accepting the non science of the ipcc?
Because it is a lucrative enterprise funded by the taxpayers via our governments to their favoured helpers.
Just Listen to How Our Government Despise Us
My Youtube summariser chrome extension stopped working a couple of weeks ago, when I finally dug into it why, turns out they started charging $20/m! I already pay openAI for chatgpt why would I want to pay someone to pass my summarisations to openai when I already have a subs.
So I thought I wonder if chagpt can write a chrome extension for me… fast forward a few hours and I now have a chrome extension that sends youtube transcripts to chatgpt API for summary and returns them in a popup box.
Best of all I now have full control of the summarisation prompt so I fixed the annoying habit of these LLM to just tell you that something was discussed without telling you what if any conclusions were reached. Also fixed the fact that these chrome extensions have access to what is on the page you are visiting that always made me paranoid. And I can even route to different AIs to get different things done with the video transcript, like asking perplexity for additional current links on the topic. I also added a little box so I can ask follow up questions about the video and no annoying youtube ads!
I didn’t write a single line of code, turns out chrome extensions are written in javascript/html/json, chatgpt wrote everything and explained how to get everything working.
For several decades now software has been eating the world and
now AI is going to eat all the software and then most of the jobs.
It’s already now possible with the latest chagpt4o and Claude 3.5 and the various agentic frameworks/workflows to create a business with zero staff.
Do you realise I didn’t understand any of what you said?
This technology is going to eat us.
Senior officers ‘let off the hook over war crimes’, says CoalitionBen Packham
29 minutes ago.
Updated 2 minutes ago
Senior commanders have been let off the hook for war crimes on their watch in Afghanistan, the Coalition and senior defence figures have warned, after Richard Marles stripped medals from fewer than 10 current and former officers for failing to prevent murders by their subordinates.
Veterans groups lashed the revocation of distinguished service awards from commanders who were mid-ranking offers at the time of the crimes, with the SAS Association accusing the Defence Minister of betraying those who risked their lives for their country.
But opposition defence spokesman Andrew Hastie – a former SAS captain who served in Afghanistan – said the punishment didn’t go far enough and higher commanders should have been held to account for the crimes identified in the 2020 Brereton report.
“I believe that our troops were let down by a lack of moral courage that went up the chain of command all the way to Canberra – including in this house,” he said in an emotional address to parliament. “From Tarin Kowt to Kabul to Kandahar to Dubai to Canberra. Those in the chain of command should have asked more questions.”
Mr Hastie, who once reported a soldier under his command for severing the hand of a dead Taliban fighter, said earlier intervention by the nation’s military and political leaders might have prevented many of the war crimes.
He was backed by retired major general Fergus McLachlan – a former armoured regiment chief – who said many veterans would be disappointed that more senior ADF leaders escaped without penalty.
Former defence chief Angus Campbell will retain his Distinguished Service Cross, despite serving as Australia’s joint task force commander in the Middle East in 2011, when some of the war crimes are believed to have occurred.
General McLachlan said: “To me, the unresolved question is why did the minister choose to cap it (at mid-ranking officers), and not at the JTF commander level? I don’t think veterans will be satisfied with this result”. He said General Campbell “should have surrendered his (Distinguished Service Cross) on the first day, when he released the Brereton report”.
Mr Marles “closed off” the government’s official response to the Brereton war crimes inquiry in a statement to parliament on Thursday, stripping medals from between six and nine serving and former officers for war crimes by those under their command.
He refused to name those who faced the penalty, citing privacy laws, but they are believed to include former lieutenant colonels and majors who commanded special operations task groups and SAS deployments.
Up to five more faced losing their medals in advice prepared for Mr Marles by General Campbell, but avoided the penalty.
Mr Marles defended the small number of commanders held accountable for the dozens of murders revealed in the Brereton report, saying he had followed the inquiry’s findings “to the letter”.
Have these ‘dozens of murders’ been tested by a formal, rigorous, legal process, or do they remain at the level of allegations? If the latter – I have not kept up with the details – it is troubling, to say the least, that reputations are being ruined.
Allegations, supported by testimony from those who believe that lying to unbelievers is acceptable?
Space X spacewalk live show
Pauline Hanson: Cutting your D**** off does NOT make you a woman!
Sure, but it does show a certain commitment to the concept…
Not at our risk though, Cohenite. That’s the issue.
Because that’s where the cats are.
Stop that!
And yet if you look at their actions over the last few decades you do notice practicality and rationality. A ‘mad mullah’ would have already been baited by now, and yet here we are, more than a month after they were humiliated in Tehran on the day of their new President’s inauguration, still waiting for their response.
They want to get their nukes up and running.
I think they’ll wait until they get three or four ready to go, then they can really do some damage.
They are indeed rational – within the framework of their own lunatic religion – and they want to do as much damage as they can.
Why take out Tel Aviv this year, when next year they can destroy Tel Aviv + New York? Or the year after, Tel Aviv, New York and London?
Mind you their women’s wombs have already turned London into an Islamic City, so the European Capitals aren’t probably on the list.
Even madmen can be patient.
I don’t see any evidence that they want to acquire nuclear weapons to use them outside of strategic necessity.
Iran’s missile facilities are buried so deep underground currently impossible to destroy but the downside is the limited ability to simultaneously launch a large number of missiles. That is a serious limitation because modern defenses must be overwhelmed by swarm attacks. They won’t have enough nukes for the job.
Here is an interesting take on the maintenance of nuclear weapons.
Is Russia’s Nuclear Weapons Arsenal Broken? (youtube.com)
Some of it will be but that’s moot. There will be enough to get the job done.
(3) The Russian Economy at War (2024) – Sanctions, growth, inflation & mounting risks – YouTube
This Aussie vlogger, AKA Mr. Powerpoint, has quickly become popular.
JC you are correct. The better figures are in large part about military production and adjustments due to sanctions. Inflation and interest rates would have most governments lose the next election.
Russian 20 year bonds 15+%.
@47.41, An Economy Overheating, he references the reserve bank analysis in 2024. She tried to resign when the war started.
He makes the interesting observation that if they were expecting a long war they would have made many more provisions to counter the sanctions.
@TrumpWarRoom Sep 11 FORMER VA GOV. RALPH NORTHAM: “The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable… Then a discussion would ensue between the physician and the mother.”
It’s incredibly annoying that this clip does not contain any actual statement that the infant is going to be killed. We’re supposed to take TrumpWarRoom’s word for it that the missing context they provide is true.
No mention of discussion content – to kill or not to kill? That is implied. No mention of consultation with anyone else – like social workers, the father? Just the doc and the mum, like finish off her ‘procedure’ properly or not?
Her choice, even with a live baby crying in its kidney dish?
Democracy Truly Does Die in Darkness
It appears the past tense should be used in this case.
Gutfeld on [fire] about debate.
This clip https://nitter.poast.org/thevivafrei/status/1833934347814273426#m
is also missing context, it doesn’t say where this discussion is happening.
But it does seem to be a law allowing abortions up to end of 3rd trimester.
Elon just posted this.
If Zuckerberg Truly Regrets His 2020 Censorship, Facebook Should Stop Smothering Free Speech
Live updates: SpaceX’s Polaris Dawn mission crew completes first all-civilian spacewalk
DEBATE: The host of the ABC News 3 on 1 debate was Kamala’s best friend and neighbor. One of the moderators has confirmed she is Kamala’s sorority sister. They’re all far-left Democrats.
Exactly. It couldn’t be more obvious. We’re making waves for all the wrong reasons.
age assurance as the trojan horse for digital ID
I just saw on The Late Debate a meme with cats in military gear accompanied by what I think is a re-done version of Zombie. It’s a hilarious take on the cats and dogs eaten by Haitians in Ohio that Trump brought up in the debate and the moderator strenuously denied. Sadly I don’t have a link.
Johannes Leak.
The ‘Queers for Palestine’ flag in the background a brilliant piece of trolling by Johannes.
Ahahaha! Leak’s given him a whole head of Iceberg now! Perfect.
Calli I met Johannes at IPA in Melbourne and I took in an iceberg gift wrapped because he had been using wet lettuce leaves in previous cartoons and I thought so many leaves needed to throw at Labor . Anyway the iceberg has appeared a few times since There is a video on IPA site recording Laugh It’s serious where he talks to me from stage about the lettuce . You will find out my real name . Anyway my friends have a laugh about The lettuce.
It’s difficult when you’re trying to draw a whole head of the stuff. My bet is he was glad of a fresh model to follow, Min.
Well done.
Onya Min!
Mark Knight.
Brett Lethbridge.
Michael Ramirez TDS.
A.F. Branco.
The idea that there were Biden or Harris policies is the real joke.
Matt Margolis.
Tom Stiglich.
Chip Bok.
Al Goodwyn.
Henry Payne.
Lisa Benson.
The pilots were having a ball, as were the people on the ground.
Dafydd Phillips:
Bed for me.
After seeing Johannes ‘s cartoon today with the lettuce I gave him at The IPA I started to think about Elbow . If he is not kicked out of PM job soon he will end up getting PM pension for rest of life . This P s me off no end as they pushed Tony out a couple of days before he was eligible to get his .
Erin Molin in today’s Tele:
Melbourne’s protesting fools are using the freedoms we fought for against us
Erin Molin
13 Sep 2024
You attacked police, horses and attendees, violently, despite proclaiming to stand for peace. The sheer hypocrisy was lost on no one, writes Erin Molan.
Dear violent protesters at Melbourne’s Land Forces expo.
I shall try to write simply to give you the best chance of understanding the contents of this open letter.
Your naivety is only dwarfed by your immense stupidity.
I’d love to sugar coat that statement but there is simply no other way to put it.
You took to the streets of Melbourne this week to protest against the violence of war … and your modus operandi?
You attacked police, horses and attendees, violently, despite proclaiming to stand for peace.
The sheer hypocrisy was lost on no one, you once again, without any external influence or help, expose yourselves as frauds.
Why do you cover your faces? Are you ashamed? Embarrassed? Or are you just cowards?
As the wonderful American university professor Melinda Roth wrote earlier this year after walking through a pro-Palestine encampment at Columbia: “If you are so proud of yourselves, why hide those faces? Why mask up? …
Real protesters are proud of what they’re doing”.
Why are you flying the Palestinian and Hamas flags at an anti-weapons and wars protest?
Did you not see the footage filmed by Hamas from October 7?
They used weapons?
They waged a war? They brutally killed, raped and tortured innocent people?
Some of you look very familiar … (the few parts of you not covered in disguises!)
I’d never imply you are professional protesters who aren’t genuinely committed to the cause.
But I swear I saw some of you at another animal rights protest …
So the violent assault on horses was indeed, inconceivable.
Now, let’s assume for a fleeting second that you genuinely want peace, despite your combative methods of trying to achieve it,
And again, I’ll try to put this simply.
The world is a big, bad and dangerous place.
Unfortunately there are evil players in positions of power who want to do us harm.
Now the only way to stop these evil tyrants (some of you may know them as rogue nations) from hurting us is to be strong.
It’s called a deterrent.
We need to match other nations’ big and scary weapons.
It’s really not that complex – but let me try and simplify it for you:
Strength is the only way we can achieve peace.
The good guys (us) need to be strong to stop the bad guys (them) attacking us.
If they fear our response they won’t invade, nor hopefully taunt, bully or impose their dictatorships.
Now we’d all love to live in a world of sunshine, rainbows and lollipops, but unfortunately that’s not reality.
But let me tell you, Australia is as close to a grown-up’s version of that kind of world as you can get, and all you’re doing is ruining that.
What a national disgrace.
The right to protest peacefully is an incredible thing, not shared by most of the countries and organisations you seem to support.
Do you understand why you live in a free and democratic society that enables you to express yourself?
Because the men and women of our Defence Force fight for your right to do so?
The very same people who you tried to intimidate and attack this week?
The very people you abused on the way in are the people willing to give their lives for your right to protest peacefully.
You are not warriors for justice – you are useless idiots at best and dangerous fools at worst.
I’ll end this letter by again quoting Professor Roth.
“You are not on the right side of history like you think you will be. No one with hate in their heart ever was.”
Join me for ‘Erin’ Friday afternoon at 5pm on Sky News Australia – my special guest is KISS legend, Gene Simmons, like you’ve never seen him before. He opens up on October 7, being Jewish, and plenty more!
Did Iran lose a missile facility at Masyaf?
Any news on the downed fighter?
Surely someone in Syria has a mobile phone.
Duncan, given my fabled computer skills, where I sometimes manage to dump the thread getting back here, I don’t like to click unless I at least know that I want to view what the link is about. A good help would be for you to provide a small synopsis.
.. and https://x.com/syr_television/status/1833939817991688660
Didn’t go the way they expected.
It’s great to see the story of 20,000 migrants dumped in a city of less than 60,000 get such enormous coverage.
The reality is many Haitians practice voodoo and voodoo involves animal sacrifice.
All religions are equal after all.
Paywallion yesterday arvo:
Buck-passing Treasurer Jim Chalmers has everyone in a miserable state
The Mocker
Updated 13 hours ago
Addressing the National Press Club in October 2022 for the first time since he became Treasurer, Jim Chalmers was emphatic about the dangers of inflation. It was “public enemy number one,” and “the dragon we need to slay,” he said.
“An indiscriminate spraying of cash would have made our inflation challenge more profound,” he warned, stressing the need for fiscal restraint. To do otherwise would not only prolong excessive inflation but also cause “higher prices and higher interest rates” that would hurt Australians.
“And I think most people get that,” he said.
They do, Treasurer. You would be surprised though who, of all people, does not get it. But more on that later.
By January 2023, and having been in office eight months, one week, and two days, Chalmers saw within himself the emergence of an economic polymath. In a 6000-word essay published by The Monthly, he outlined his great plan to force an economic evolution for the betterment of the masses. By drawing on his magisterial wisdom and the dosh of others, he would transform “neoliberalism” and deliver us “social capitalism” built on “fairness” and a “values-based” economy.
Contrary to Chalmers’ expectations, his paper did not attract universal admiration. The general consensus of commentators was, firstly, his essay was a hotchpotch of undergraduate scribblings, and secondly, that the Treasurer had tickets on himself. But true to his word, he has since transformed the economy, although slightly differently from what his philosophising envisaged.
As for his posturing about an economy that mandates fairness, you could say that Chalmers has made a start to fulfilling his egalitarian vision. We are well on the way to becoming a society in which nearly everyone is equally miserable.
A few examples will suffice. GDP rose by a pitiful 0.2 per cent in the June quarter. The pandemic period aside, this is the Australian economy’s worst performance since the end of the early 1990s’ recession. The Albanese government has realised negative GDP per capita growth for the sixth successive quarter.
The number of filings for personal insolvencies in July was up by 8.9 per cent from June. Real per capita retail spending has fallen by 6.3 per cent since June 2022. And as The Fin Review reported last month, Australian households suffered the biggest drop in disposable incomes across the OECD during the past two years.
Having failed to remake capitalism, Chalmers has now decided he will change the laws of economics. He claims there is “not any evidence” that the government’s massive splurge is a predominant driver of inflation.
This is delusional. Taxpayers are funding nearly two-thirds of the jobs created under the Albanese government. Public spending now stands at 27.6 per cent of GDP – a post-war record, while Commonwealth social benefits increased by 15.8 per cent last financial year. Yet productivity continues to slide, falling 0.8 per cent in the June quarter.
Like his leader Anthony Albanese, Chalmers has a habit of denying the obvious. That is not the only similarity the men share. Both have remarkably flexible principles. Less than two years ago the formerly serene Treasurer was giving us the thoughts of Chairman Chalmers. Yet now he resembles a frazzled Latin American finance minister, with a fiscal policy to match.
As for his bold remarks about slaying the inflation dragon, that is rich. In this pantomime, Chalmers plays ‘Brave’ Sir Robin from Monty Python and the Holy Grail, the medieval knight who does a runner when confronted by the monster, only for his minstrels to compose a ballad hailing his cowardice. (Slightly amended lyrics): When inflation reared its ugly head / Jim bravely turned his tail and fled.
But even worse than Chalmers’ pusillanimous abrogation is his blaming RBA governor Michele Bullock for the current situation, claiming rate hikes were “smashing the economy”. Compounding this weasel act was his insistence later he was “not taking a shot at anyone”.
“The Reserve Bank governor has her job to do when it comes to monetary policy; I have my job to do and my responsibilities,” he told reporters.
No-one disputes that. Unfortunately, however, the role of Treasurer and Chalmers’ understanding of what it entails are vastly different. He prioritises self-ambition and ensuring another three years of Labor government over reducing inflation. And if getting the RBA to reduce the cash rate before the next election means browbeating Bullock, so be it.
To her credit, Bullock is not budging. Not that she was seeking vindication, but it came when ALP national president, former treasurer, and four surpluses charlatan Wayne Swan accused the RBA of “putting economic dogma over rational economic decision making”.
Memo to Swanny: it is a truism that political careerists, spivs, and hacks are past masters at using the public teat to accumulate wealth for themselves, but they are utterly clueless when it comes to giving informed advice on economic growth. Give it a rest.
Swan, you will remember, also lambasted Productivity Commission chair Danielle Wood earlier this year for voicing concerns about the Albanese government’s Future Made in Australia plan, claiming she was “completely out of touch”.
As Janet Albrechtsen noted in this masthead yesterday, both Bullock and Wood deserve respect for their objectivity and apoliticism. The occasional political stoush is an inevitable aspect of their respective roles, but both have proved their resilience.
But imagine the reaction of the ABC and the rest of the so-called progressive media if it were a Liberal treasurer undermining Bullock, or if an obnoxious Coalition elder tried to put Wood in her place. Loud accusations of misogyny and mansplaining would follow within minutes. You could guarantee that on the following Monday evening, Q+A would field an all-female panel to discuss why the Coalition sees strong women as a threat.
But as expected, the sisterhood is mute when a Labor figure is responsible.
In defence of Chalmers though, I take issue with those who claim he is the worst treasurer since Jim Cairns. Obviously they forget that Energy Minister Chris Bowen held the treasury portfolio, albeit for a mercifully brief period.
The Mocker
The Mocker amuses himself by calling out poseurs, sneering social commentators, and po-faced officials. He is deeply suspicious of those who seek increased regulation of speech and behaviour. Believing that journalism is dominated by idealists and activists, he likes to provide a realist’s perspective of politics and current affairs.
Chalmers well summed up. Did I hear him accusing Libs of putting people out of work when they decreased the Public service when they got in last time
Waiting for approval:
Paywallion yesterday arvo:
Buck-passing Treasurer Jim Chalmers has everyone in a miserable state
The Mocker
Broome cable tie incident was a ‘lawful citizen’s arrest’: detective
Paul Garvey
The detective who charged a Broome man who cable-tied three young Indigenous children has told a court he still believes that the man executed a legal citizen’s arrest.
Matej Radelic appeared in the Broome Magistrates Court on Thursday to face three counts of aggravated common assault. Those charges related to an incident in March this year in which he bound the hands of three children – aged six, seven and eight – after he caught them playing in the pool of the vacant property next to his Broome home.
Footage of the incident, showing two of the children crying, caused widespread outrage and sparked fears of race riots in a town that has been struggling with increased levels of crime and anti-social behaviour in recent years.
The footage was seen around the world, with WA Premier Roger Cook labelling the images “confronting”, “disturbing” and “distressing”. The Commissioner for Children and Young People WA, Jacqueline McGowan-Jones, issued a statement saying she was “appalled” by the incident, while more than $5000 was raised to buy a pool for the family.
Additional police were deployed to the Kimberley town in the wake of the incident, given the concerns about inflamed community tensions.
Mr Radelic was represented by Perth defence lawyer Seamus Rafferty SC.
Detective Senior Sergeant Jarrad Collins was the only witness called to testify during Mr Radelic’s trial. Under cross-examination, Sergeant Collins confirmed he had written a report on the evening of the incident describing how Mr Radelic had performed a “legal citizen’s arrest”.
Asked by Mr Rafferty if he still believed that to be the case, Mr Collins replied: “Yes”.
That was seized upon by Mr Rafferty in his closing address.
“You had an officer give evidence under oath that this was a lawful arrest. God knows how he charged him after that,” Mr Rafferty said.
The court was shown body-worn camera footage from the immediate aftermath of the incident, in which Mr Radelic spoke to officers about his frustrations with having had his properties repeatedly targeted.
He said there had been four incidents at the properties in the months leading up to the March incident, including multiple cases in which bricks and pavers from the pool area were used to smash sliding doors and windows.
He said the repairs had cost him more than $10,000.
In the footage, Mr Radelic acknowledged he had tied up the children and said he took responsibility if he had done something wrong. “What would you do? If I let them go, there’s not going to be any consequences at all,” he said.
“I’m ready to take the consequences, if I need to go to jail I will … This is just ridiculous, who is going to protect me?”
He could be seen describing his frustrations about what he saw as a lack of action taken by police to apprehend the young offenders who had previously targeted his property. “I’m paying for it all the time,” he could be heard saying.
“This happened. Are they going to pay for this? Are they going to take their Centrelink payments at all?
“Who is going to pay for it?”
He told police that while waiting for them to arrive, he had been threatened by another boy with a large knife, had stones thrown at him, and had his car kicked.
The court heard Mr Radelic immediately called triple-0 after detaining the children.
While Mr Radelic’s property was a five-minute drive from the Broome police station, officers did not arrive for 37 minutes.
Mr Rafferty produced documents showing police had made the incident a “priority 3” matter, meaning it was prioritised behind other incidents deemed to need more urgent attention.
Mr Rafferty said the delay in police attending was by no means the fault of Mr Radelic, who had performed his duties as required under a citizen’s arrest by informing police of the matter as soon as possible.
Asked by Mr Rafferty if it was “simply not good enough” that police didn’t arrive at the property sooner, Sergeant Collins said: “I would have liked for us to have gotten there earlier.”
Police prosecutor Micheal Gregg told the court that there were other options available to Mr Radelic, noting that the children were already compliant before he applied the cable ties.
“The circumstances simply weren’t there to justify the force,” he said.
Magistrate Deen Potter reserved his decision until October.
More Coverage
Now go back twenty years and compare our society to what it was then.
I was 52 and the difference in personal freedoms is horrifying.
Haha, virtue seeking is bad for the bottom line.
Study Claims Banks “Greenlaunder” Trillions of Dollars of Fossil Fuels Funding (12 Sep)
Pretty good news actually. It means they’re doing their job for the shareholders whilst avoiding painful and disruptive attacks by the green-left. And on top of that it also suggests that they do not really believe in climate fairies. At last maybe the climate scam is on the downward slide.
The bad news is that they are prepared to lie to keep the peace rather than make the green idiots face reality. Indulging greens adds another layer of costs on everything therefore still economically disadvantageous.
Haitian migrants capture geese in Springfield, Ohio: police report
Just take a look at that line of buses. It could be the grand final.
Democrats are bussing illegal immigrants into your city and they’re bussing people to Kamala rallies. Can’t fix the border or the economy though.
But they have the best people in Hollywood to help them create the alternate reality.
Trump’s comment on the debate
Now just imagine, for one sweet second, if a right of centre politician or commentator attended a similar unsavoury event.
In Fatso Faruqi news, from Daily Telegraph…..
‘Alarming’: Greens’ Mehreen Faruqi headlines pro-Hezbollah mosque event
Greens deputy leader Mehreen Faruqi was a star attendee at an event hosted in a pro-Hezbollah mosque by a controversial Greens council candidate.
The Sayeda Zainab Centre in Banksia hosted a movie screening of Palestine Under Siege on August 3 where the firebrand Greens Senator was in attendance and spoke on stage. The same mosque has used its Facebook page to promote Lebanese terrorist organisation Hezbollah.
Recent posts from its Facebook page show footage of the funerals of Hezbollah fighters.
Other posts show photos of children wearing T-shirts with the Hezbollah logo and referred to the terrorist group’s secretary-general Hassan Nasrallah as “His Eminence”.
Greens deputy leader Mehreen Faruqi was a star attendee.
The Australian government declared Hezbollah a terrorist organisation in 2021 and the group has been escalating its attacks on Israel following the October 7 massacre.
The Sydney event was organised by Greens Bayside council candidate Peter Strong who previously claimed the Israeli Defence Force was worse than ISIS or Hamas.
As revealed by The Daily Telegraph this week, Mr Strong called the IDF “total terrorists” who “are worse than Hamas or ISIS”.
“Israel have dodged any ceasefire initiative, all they want to do is commit genocide and take more Palestinian land,” he said.
Mr Strong is a candidate in council elections tomorrow.
Executive Council of Australian Jewry co-chief executive Alex Ryvchin said Ms Faruqi should face consequences for appearing at the mosque.
“The Greens have done more to erode Australian values of respect, equality and tolerance than any other group engaged in public life,” he said.
The Sayeda Zainab Centre in Banksia hosted a movie screening of Palestine Under Siege
“There should be consequences for public officials who draw salaries from our income to appear at a mosque that posts in support of Hezbollah.”
Better Council Inc, a campaign seeking to unmask “radicals” running in local government elections, called Ms Faruqi’s attendance at the event “alarming”.
“We were alarmed to learn that an official Greens community event was held at a venue known for supporting a … terrorist organisation,” spokesman Sophie Calland said. “Unfortunately, this is not surprising given the Greens’ track record. The Bayside community deserves better than this kind of dangerous rhetoric and divisive behaviour.”
Here’s just one example of the stinking verminous hypocrisy. Remember the opprobrium, the howls and the screams when in January 2019 then Senator Fraser Anning attended a rally in Melbourne, on St Kilda Beach, to protest African gangs? I remember how the usual suspects, their ABC, the Malchurian Guardian, the Australian Nazi Party (aka the Greens), lightweight Liberals, even then PM Scumbag Morrison all rushed to condemn Anning. In fact I remember how Scumbag Morrison, never one to shy away from dumping on his own, condemned the “ugly racial protests” in St Kilda.
LOL. Except of course, it was a MSM beat-up, designed to smear and silence. Now don’t any of you worry about Fatso Faruqi, she will never be subjected to the same censure and opprobrium that Anning and others were because, as we all know, there’s one rule for the right and no rules for the left. The Australian Nazi Party aka the Greens should be disendorsed or, at the very least, placed last on a ballot paper by the major parties. A Labor Party with any decency (sarcasm alert) should put the Australian Nazi Party last but that’s not happening and it won’t happen. Even in tomorrow’s council elections here in NSW, in most councils, Labor are preferencing the Greens.
Anyway, sorry to rant and rave so early in the morning but I read the above in the Daily Telegraph and once again I feel sick. Fatso Faruqi no longer even bothers to hide her putrid Jew hatred anymore. She’s been emboldened by a feral far-left MSM, those useful idiots on the left, AND a spineless right. Further to this ‘spineless right’, perhaps we wouldn’t be in this this stinking morass of hypocrisy had the right been more emboldened and forceful over the last decade in calling out the fascist left? Instead all the right did, be it here in Oz, the UK and elsewhere was, rather than fight when any ‘bomb’ was dropped, it it ran for the hills, quisling style, with hands up, shouting ‘not me, not me, I’m no waaaacist, I’m no Nazi’. Now look, I understand nobody likes being called a racist, nobody likes being called a Nazi but here’s the nub and the rub, WE ARE NOT the racists, WE ARE NOT the Nazis, it is the left who are the waaacists, it is the left who are the Nazis (with a special shout out to our own ‘Nazi’ here, and aren’t we so blessed having a Nazi visit this site?).
So, never fear, Cassie’s here. I will fight, I will call out the verminous hypocrisy, the stinking double standards and the Jew hatred from the Nazi left. Ya see, I have to fight because given the trajectory of Jew hatred in this country, it’s all I can do, it’s all I will do.
I can see the public taking matters into their own hands.
I see some feral hippie abusing a horse (Police or otherwise), I will belt the bastard and be willing to be judged by the court of public opinion.
This starts in the schools, and the easily led become useful idiots.
Progressive politicians mugged by reality:
Perhaps they should stop trying to be ‘a beacon of climate responsiblity’.
They might have a hope then of pulling back from the morass that has caused, enhanced by the immigration crisis.
Why would anyone vote for this to continue?!
Meanwhile, in the cold lumpy porridge eating bit of Airstrip One, Der Sturmer’s net zero dreams are beginning to pay off.
Workers, that is.
That one has been a long time coming but the loss of jobs in the North Sea oil and ga fields will be entirely due to Starmer’s net zero policies.
Ron Paul: “I have to admit, Kamala Harris surprised me” in the debate
“She’s a much slicker liar than I realized.”
Facebook is like having an 8-track tape now,
Did I say we were going down the U.K. path? We’re already there. Or is it France? It’s hard to keep up with all censorship, all the time.
Australia threatens fines for social media giants enabling misinformation
Rand Paul: “The amount of money going to Ukraine in this Bill is more than we spend on the entire Marine Corps.”
Because it was all just misinformation. Tell that to the cat.
Ohio woman arrested after allegedly eating cat: Canton police release bodycam footage from incident
Trump says there will be no more debates
Frankie the cat:
Victory: Israel Wins Battle of Rafah — Which Kamala Told It Not to Fight
First Biden-Harris CBP One Bus Delivers Migrants from Southern Mexico to U.S.
JUST IN: President Putin warns that NATO will enter a direct war with Russia if Ukraine uses long-range Western missiles to strike inside Russia.
BREAKING: Nigel Farage To Be Banned From GB News
Pennys privates cop a flogging.
The latest please explain.
By far the most brilliant political satire ever conceived in Australia — better than the Gillies Report, the huge production staged by the ABC in the 1980s.
But though it has been created by Australia’s finest animators and writers, the Please Explain series will get no gongs because it wasn’t thought up by lefties.
Gomer Chalmers. I love it!
Great news. From Indolent’s 7.54am Brietbart story:
The only Hamas fighting force still intact is the West’s media.
If there was a means of quantifying the contribution of enablers to h@m@s, such as the western media, I wonder what we would find?
Arguably, more than the kinetic combat, what has defined this conflict has been the competition for dominance of the informational space. With the enthusiastic help of voluntary enablers, h@m@s and like parasites have won the prize in this respect. I’m sure the Israelis will be examining all of the lessons observed.
The only Hamas fighting force still intact is the West’s media.
And in the current Australian government and particularly in the Australian Nazi Party. I don’t know which is a more apt name for the ‘Greens’..
Australian Nazi Party
Australian Hamas Party
I’ll settle for the Australian Hamas Nazi Party.
No hyperbole there, just factual.
Australian Stalinist Party
Pumpkins are killing the planet.
UK Independent promotes Halloween scare! ‘Halloween pumpkins contribute to the climate crisis’ as ‘methane emitters’ (12 Sep)
I suspect watermelons, like this lady, are much more dangerous than pumpkins.
I thought growth and decay of vegetation was part of a closed system.
Called the “Carbon Cycle”. Then again I went to school long ago.
Never go on stage after animals or the child of Leak Snr.
“Dao spent more than a decade composing a narrative that spans generations of conflict and displacement, and plays with the line between fact and fiction.”
also includes the year’s bestest children’s book, which is about… er… termites.
…go on. try to convince me that the Prime Minister’s Literary Awards is not about getting gold stickers and front-of-house billing for otherwise unsellable sycophants.
“Please Explain” dances under the ban hammer… massive talent, whoever makes it. I do hope they’ll slow down the Albanese character’s voice, make his head more round, greyer- they’re having so much fun that they’re losing touch with the source material a bit.
…it must be excruciating for the Powers That Be, knowing that if they even acknowledge its existence, it’ll go from cult to benchmark.
BabylonAustralian Bee.I wish they’d add text getz hard to follow if your hearing isn’t top notch ..
Jervis Bay community win: Cruise ships won’t dock on south coast
The battle to keep a NSW south coast marine paradise free from cruise ships has come to an end. Here’s the latest.
The fight to stop cruise ships from docking in a NSW south coast marine paradise has been successful, with the state government revealing why cruise ship companies will need to find somewhere else.
The announcement came from NSW Minister for the Environment, Penny Sharpe and South Coast MP, Liza Butler, who visited Huskisson on Thursday morning after years of community campaigning against a proposal to have cruise ships port in the popular coastal hamlet.
“Following strong advocacy from the south coast community, the NSW Government has made the decision to rule out any plans to make the Jervis Bay Marine Park a port for cruise ships,” Ms Sharpe said.
The announcement comes after years of campaigning from community groups, such as the Jervis Bay Community Cruise Ship Coalition (JBCCC), which was against cruise ships docking in Jervis Bay because of negative environmental factors.
A draft Marine Park Management plan for Jervis Bay was previously released, detailing how cruise ships could port in the area.
Cruise ship companies also expressed major interest in docking at Jervis Bay.
A spokesman for JBCCC previously said cruise ships would damage the marine environment, labelling the draft Marine Park Management Plan as inadequate.
How exactly do cruise ships damage the environment?
Daily Tele
No probs when it was RAN vessels tho …….
Look for a photo from 1945 of the British Pacific Fleet anchored there, in an era when the sewage and other rubbish were dumped straight into the water.
But “pristine, untouched environment.”
Nothing worse than a Canbra lezzo except maybe a Canbra hooker
But installing hundreds of wind turbines will do wonders for the views and the marine wildlife. Funny how it all depends on politics.
Just by existing and having Middle Class people on board, silly.
It’s highly nuanced, comrade.
Oh dear, it’d be just terrible if all the land councils in Australia joined forces to take on the ABC.
ABC launches legal action against Indigenous body over Blayney goldmine claims (Paywallian)
Well I think we can see where their priority lies: green not black. Maybe all ABC kolkhozniks should be relocated to Alice Springs to learn a bit of sensitivity.
Bruce, I was going to post that in it’s entirety but I think it would have gone into moderation.
Beery – If you can paste text only it’d probably get through. The embedded links seem to be the problem – more than four and it goes to moderation. Pasting text only takes out all the links.
Ahhh…ta Matey…I’ll keep that in mind for the next time I post from the Paywallion and the Daily Tele.
Your taxes at work promoting what?
Ambassador Kevin Rudd’s 2024 Pride party cost more than$70,000
Criticism of Kevin Rudd’s 2023 Pride party has clearly not stung the former PM, with the now-ambassador to the US throwing another LGBTQ+ bash that cost more than three times as much.
Ambassador to the US Kevin Rudd has thumbed his nose at those who have accused him of turning the Washington embassy into a party house, holding another Pride party that was more lavish and expensive than the last.
A Eurovision act, drag queens and catering for 200 people contributed to a bill of more than $70,000, which also included more than $12,000 for catering, $775 for Pride flag-coloured balloons and a bunch of items the embassy ordered off Amazon, such as a $152 “balloon time jumbo” helium tank pack, heart-shaped fairy, string Christmas lights and mini pride flags.
Mr Rudd promoted the Pride party on his social media channel at the time.
Invoices obtained by the Opposition under freedom of information laws — and obtained by The Daily Telegraph — now reveal how much the June 13 event cost.
The documents reveal the party included a performance by South Australia duo Electric Fields — Australia’s entry in to the 2024 Eurovision Song Contest — with Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) paying the duo a $10,000 performance fee plus $1000 GST.
More than $2200 was paid to four-star Washington DC hotel The Darcy for four rooms.
A US-based “LGBTQ+-owned” cleaning and janitorial company called Facilities Partners and Solutions was hired for “after hours” cleaning services of the Embassy atrium.
The documents show four staff undertook the job, with DFAT paying the company $474.72.
Drag queen Crystal Edge — who was at last year’s event — was back again, and was paid $400 to “greet people at the door, announce the musical guest, and perform one number”, the documents said.
Also back was drag DJ Kitty Glitter, who received $2000 for her attendance at the event, while the room was decorated with balloons in “Pride colours”, provided at a cost of $775.
Bella Cuisine catering provided the food with guests offered a selection of “hors d’ouvres” such as “mini chicken parmas”, “mini BLTs”, “honey mint lamb bites” along with “stuffed lammies” for dessert.
The firm indicated in its invoice that “the client”, a.k.a. the embassy, foot the bill for booze.
While there were no “butlers”, Bella Cuisine provided 10 waiters, four chefs, three bartenders and a supervisor with the total bill coming in at $12,400.
If there were no photos, it didn’t happen, so another $675 was paid for “event photography”.
Washington-based Nomad Event Systems was paid $14,600 to sort the sound equipment and “decor”, which included black stage carpet, four “Lava Drape Panels” and four “Spandex Truss Sleeves”.
Almost $4000 worth of booze was provided by The Embassy of Australia “Commissary” for the event, according to the documents.
The documents also included invoices for magnets.
Opposition “waste watch” MP James Stevens said: “There are many important aspects of the ambassador’s role, but all we seem to hear about is Dr Rudd’s proclivity for partying,” he said.
“Anthony Albanese must explain why he thinks it is appropriate for his ambassador to spend our money in this way, when everyday Australians are suffering through Labor’s long and painful cost of living crisis.”
Do you know more? Message 0481 056 618 or email [email protected]
First ex PM to become a tranny?
Tabloid j’ism at its best. I love it.
Ambassador Kevin Rudd’s 2024 Pride party cost more than$70,000Criticism of Kevin Rudd’s 2023 Pride party has clearly not stung the former PM, with the now-ambassador to the US throwing another LGBTQ+ bash that cost more than three times as much.
The working class can kiss my arze
I’ve got the bosses job at last!
The UK government is lying by omission:
Government Refuses to Publish Data on Crime and Welfare By Immigration Status or Nationality
The antisemites are unhappy again.
‘Feral’: Faeces, fire, graffiti targets candidates in ugly election races (Tele, paywalled)
Here’s the graphic with the story. Such charming people these activists are.
Criminals, pure and simple.
Elon puts the boot into Albo.
‘Crackpot’ Elon Musk slammed over attack on Australia (13 Sep)
Calling Albo’s Labor government and his pet Goebbels, Mzz Inman-Grant, a bunch of fascists seems eminently accurate to my mind.
But Samantha Maiden, who wrote this drivel for News.com.au, doesn’t seem to agree. Try not to get cancelled by the Ministry of Truth, lady, for something you write that they decide not to like.
Gawd, no effing editors in todays articles.
It’s “peddling”, not pedaling a bike.
And they even spelt pedaling wrong.
In Chocolate Teapot news:
Albanese Government acts against hatred and violence
The Albanese Government’s ‘Fist of Iron’ landmark laws in operation:
Parenting 101: make a rule, then make an exception to the rule, and suddenly – ‘poof!!!’ – there’s no rule at all.
the Albanese Government’s landmark laws which criminalised the public display of Nazi and terrorist organisation symbols,
LOL, meanwhile there are Nazis running amok in Melbourne, and we have a true blue Nazi party in this country.
From the Oz…
Greens Senator David Shoebridge will address anti-war protesters in Melbourne on Friday as organisers encourage people to “mask up” for the final showdown at the Land Forces Expo.
Wow, I wonder what other ‘final’ stuff Shoebridge has in mind? After all, Nazis gotta be Nazis.
Shoebridge to speak as protesters prepare for final Land Forces showdown
Australian police crackdown on antiwar protesters in Melbourne, calling for an end to the war in Gaza.
Greens Senator David Shoebridge will address anti-war protesters in Melbourne on Friday as organisers encourage people to “mask up” for the final showdown at the Land Forces Expo.
On Wednesday, Senator Shoebridge raised concerns about the police response in parliament and shared legal information for those who were sprayed by police, which encouraged them to document what happened, make a complaint to IBAC and seek damages in a civil case.
“The Greens will continue and always state that protests should be peaceful and will oppose violence by the state or otherwise,” he said.
Disrupt Land Forces organisers told attendees to “come down, mask up, block up, get your goggles,” in a Telegram chat on Friday morning.
Police Association secretary Wayne Gatt blasted Mr Shoebridge for suggesting Tuesday’s anti-war protest was a peaceful movement, saying he made the comments from his “privileged office, protected by police, hundreds of kilometres from the frontline of a protest that saw my members set upon and assaulted.”
“It’s easy to criticise from that place of comfort, but much harder to stand on a thin line between a violent mob of masked thugs and everyday people,” Mr Gatt said.
Mr Shoebridge will also speak at an online forum organised by the Disrupt Land Forces group that was responsible for advocating much of the violence that erupted on Tuesday.
A police union official is the only one who is brave enough to react to the Greens’ threats? It must be because Victoria doesn’t seem to have a government.
Why isn’t he in remand for incitement. Was ok for vicplod to arrest a pregnant mum at home over an online comment.
Broome cable tie incident was a ‘lawful citizen’s arrest’: detective
Reality is that if the kids had of been “white” & not 251s this would have remained a non-event, with no media or plod interest ….
Moove along, pleeeze, nuttin’ to see ‘ere ..!
This bloke had had thousands of dollars worth of damage done to his property by these kids, and their excuse for being on the property was that it was hot, they wanted to go for a swim, and their mothers car was broken down.
The case is quite interesting from a legal point of view. The guy played it by the book. I expect he won’t win but it will be interesting to see how the magistrate does it.
As an aside, I watched the rugby with him at a mates place. Nice guy. I had no idea what he did and found out when I heard his name on some News story months later.
FMD have a read of this and weep.
Heh, seen on the internet…
The 5 phases of mUnty. As seen yesterday.
This seems fairly big..
Can you imagine Luigi the inconceivable doing such a productivity creating move?
Trump announces stopping taxation on overtime pay.
My UNION members he means. Not Police officers, but UNION members. In Vic, everything in Govt is a union habitat. A decrepit toxic corrupt hideously expensive parasitic edifice, leeching off taxpaying working families.
No sympathy whatsoever for Vikpol.
They have let this mob of feral professional protestors grow over at least a decade.
Vicpol have sat back on their fat arses and watched these ferals assault people, shut down events and disrupt traffic. Over and over again they have taken the side of the “protestors”.
To say I have zero sympathy for the coppers is an understatement. They have destroyed the careers of good coppers and chased off anyone who might want to do the actual role of the police in the traditional sense.
Same for nursing.
Same for teaching.
Same for army.
People with a calling, a sense of what they want to do to serve would be best served by running a mile from the fields in which you could traditionally fulfil those roles.
They’ve systematically f*cked them all up.
correct … I know bloke that was driven out of the force by the queer mafia that now runs the joint
VicPlod, the Andrews government and the union can only be separated by their letterhead. And in some cases even that is wrong.
Preach it, brother!
Let’s tell the UN where they can go too.
Oh, wait…
Mention made above about Huxley’s ‘Brave New World’, and Orwell’s ‘1984’.
I read those two great books when I was a twenty-year old in 1962, two years before I got to university. I’d also added Fahrenheit 451. Enthusiastic young people in those days were readers, swapping books, if they were urbanites and working, as I had become by then, living in an attic in Kirribilli with a girlfriend and enjoying gatherings of similar young office workers who were all readers of books in the news, or in the group’s zeitgeist of The Greats. These non-uni-oriented friends who gathered me to them as a reader, Mt. Druitt notwithstanding, also did something that was new to me: they listened to LP’s of classical music as we lazed around on that attic’s seagrass floor drinking wine and discussing books and life before the marriages that some of them were already engaged to make.
I thought all three of these books were science fiction in those early days, aligning to the likes of John Wyndham, athough by 1984 I was absolutely having doubts about that, accompanying a young Hairy on a journey through parenthood and the leaving of the Left. By the time I retired in 2002 I was recalling these books, ingrained in memory, as prognostications of the future I could see coming fast, working as I did in one of the leading faculties of the post-modern Gramsci march. I was only to happy to be able to leave. That march has run riot in the past twenty-two years, now that it’s 2024, and I have lived 82 summers.
I’m not into numerology but there is a hidden power in the numbers telling that tale. Timelines matter. We measure out our lives by numerals recalling the books that have formed us through our journeyings. 🙂
Excellent author! It’s interesting that Trouble With Lichen is starting to come true, if you read the science news, but Triffids and Kraken Wakes aren’t. I suppose that’s a good thing. 😀
The Chrysalids is coming true.
I have a T-shirt with a Venn diagram showing all three books intersecting at “You are here.”
Some people understand it.
Some beautiful vignettes of times past, Lizzie
All going according to plan :Greens Senator David Shoebridge will address anti-war protesters in Melbourne on Friday as organisers encourage people to “mask up” for the final showdown at the Land Forces Expo.
The Greens and Shoebridge are babes in the woods compared to the ALP Machine. Thuggish, conniving.. they make Machiavelli’s advice seem like child’s play. Their FEC and SEC conferences have to be experienced to see true back room deals, covert threats, last minute changes…. The Greens are being played.
Thanks to you the National Ag Rally was a huge success.
It was the first time since 1985 that the National Farmers’ Federation (NFF) has supported a rally in Canberra.
We made national news and the Prime Minister was forced to answer questions in the Parliament about why he has abandoned farmers and rural communities.
His answer that he “met with sheep farmers in Kalgoorlie” shows he thinks we’re all mugs. (There are none).
He showed he doesn’t understand WA and doesn’t care about our farmers and rural communities.
We don’t want sympathy.
We don’t want hand-outs or transition packages.
We want the government to get out of the way and let us get on with running our farms, businesses and supporting our local communities.
My mates in the convoy and I drove 3000k from Norseman to Canberra to make that point.
And now we’re in the middle of South Australia on the return journey.
It’s a lot of time and a lot of k’s on the road away from family and our lives.
But it will all be worth it if we can Stop the Ban and Keep the Sheep.
Sheep? In Kalgoorlie?
There aren’t any sheep in Kalgoorlie.
Hay Street. For the homesick Kiwi boys.
Quelle surprise!
A Bill aimed at giving biological sex precedence over gender identity has failed upon its introduction to the Senate.
One Nation’s Sex Discrimination (Acknowledging Biological Reality) Bill sought to replace “gender identity” with the terms “man” and “woman.”
Yet at the First Reading, the Bill was voted down by Labor, the Greens, and independent Senator David Pocock.
Senator Pauline Hanson said she was not confident the Bill would have the necessary support.
h/t Zulu, the FPI rides again.
(best I can do as a nod to the Forrest Place insurgents of ’74.)
I have been a virulent critic of the NFF for decades. In my view they were no more relevant to rural industry than the BCA is to SMEs.
That said, the ‘Keep The Sheep’ rally has been brilliantly organised and implemented. Like Advance they now provide an organisation that you can donate to without fear that they will sellout their members.
It would appear that the Squatocracy has been superseded by a younger and more determined group of rural professionals. Excellent news.
Looking at our assistant E-Karen,
A shadowy “not for profit” seems to have them in their pocket..
Very difficult to see where this groups funding comes from, and they are comfortable with being lied to in a speech by the minister she gave to them…
During the global pandemic, we saw the threat of mis and dis information to public safety, including ridiculous suggestions that drinking or injecting bleach can safely treat a viral infection.
What does it mean when the person tasked with combating “disinformation” on the net, lies blatantly?
That would be “mis and dis information” that was the actual truth.
The repeated Trump bleach hoax is especially fun. Ya wonder, lady, why no one believes you any more…
Just who are the radical extremists here?
Steady on. That’s a bit radical, isn’t it?
Snap, Roger.
Worth repeating, Delta!
They were just following orders.
But seriously…
At a time when government is extending its powers into our lives at a hitherto unforeseen level (except perhaps in wartime), not sanctioning these public servants sends a dangerous message.
They are meant to be public servants, not government servants.
Being run by wet Vicco libs is so not going to inspire anyone to vote for them.
Committee appointed to run NSW branch of Liberal Party (Sky News, 13 Sep)
Ok, I don’t know much about Stockdale and Alston, but the Vic Libs are totally limp and incompetent. And I have zero idea who Seaton is. They should have gotten Pauline Hanson or Latham in, instead. More cut through, at least.
Concerns I have is the Victorian Lib Party is a basket case.
Stockdale was Kennett’s treasurer, quiet and did well there. Unsure of his disposition though.
Alston, from Howard government and again I can’t remember anything notable he has stood for or done.
Seaton is one of Speakmans left wing faction white ants, IMO committee will do nothing to address the underlying problems with her there. The deckchair will be rearranged and that’s about it.
They really need to revisit Abbott’s reforms…
FFS grip the bint up, chuck her in the back then hook some chains up & skull drag the car to a side street then work on freeing her… Let the public get on with their daily lives. Damage is on her if the cars borrowed:
Cops muck around with this stuff too much. Priority should be clearing the road in precaution of a real emergency, even if said stuck people are put in discomfort.
Move her and the car to the side into the breakdown lane. Take a leaf from VW and leave her there.
If they glue themselves to the road, chisel them free, leaving 12 inches around their hand for safety, patch the hole in the road and then let them go (as per the German police) . Plod have no duty of care to safely extract hands.
Would have thrown a bucket of sloppy cow manure over her and in the car and let the ensuing flies work her over for a few hours.
Just because I could.
Curiosity has aroused it’s horrible head.
Would Obama have approved of eating the dogs?
Laura Loomer is now staying nights at Mar-A-Lago with Melania back in NY. Eww.
I am amused you are parroting the left’s daily talking points Monty. Literally no one cares. I saw exactly one article about Loomer this morning and it was on Mudrock’s TDS site the Tele. Since I’m not a subscriber I can’t even tell you what it said. I have no real idea who she is since I’ve never seen or read anything she does.
Your ignorance is not an argument, Bruce.
No one cares, Gimp.
Neither is yours. Yet you display it every time you come here.
Trump can’t even put his arm around a woman now?
If we want to get into people’s sexual pasts, then Kamala is your girl.
That’s how I feel every time I see one of your comments.
Piss off, Nazi.
Alston, from Howard government and again I can’t remember anything notable he has stood for or done.
Alston drove the privatisation of Telstra, which was a huge achievement. He is a good friend of Henry Ergas, who supervised Alston’s post graduate degree in telecommunications. And, he’s a Catholic, albeit at the more ‘progressive’ end of the spectrum.
He was the best Minister I ever worked for.
But cleaning out the Augean stables of the NSW branch is a task which may be beyond anyone’s capability.
Monty goes “ewwwww” at a picture of Trump and woman.
Is this ewwww as well?
I don’t understand people who make themselves ugly with plastic surgery.
There are those like you who achieve inner ugliness with no surgery.
And wasn’t KamelToe’s skin pale in the photo with Brown Willy.
Most of those people appear to be lefties.
Righties are happy inside their own skin, since most accept that God made them in that way and in His image. Righties accept that they are who God has made them and don’t try to overcome reality and nature with fake surgery.
(I’m thinking, as I write this, of Madonna, who seems to’ve turned herself into a pufferfish.)
So how do you explain Laura Loomer then? She looks like The Mask.
You mean like people cut their nuts off?
You don’t understand much about Kamala then?
She’s had heaps. Very obvious around the neck in that debate.
Now in English please.
see example. 2hr youtube video interview summarised in seconds.
No linky you stinky! 😛
Apologies for my scepticism yesterday.
It would appear the corpse did put a Trump hat on.
Probably more to save face in the moment than anything else.
Mask up? They mean they claim to be anti war but will do violence to get what they want.
Wowee, this brought a tear to my eyes:
kevin smith on X: “Meet Liam. A New York boy with a rare brain disorder and growth hormone deficiency. Who got a very special 8th birthday letter from a very special person. This is the side of Trump the media WILL NEVER show you. https://t.co/5NvwbyXyVk” / X
Oh! That is beautiful.
Thanks for posting, Lysander.
Sweet, sweet Angel child.
I need tissues, damn.
Dear little fellow. I love the way he checked the envelope too.
I hope he got a hug from whoever was filming, poor little chap was overcome. Such a nice gesture though.
Haha. Born-yesterday jissmists struggle with the concept of spring:
Millions of Aussies warned to brace for big chill ‘wintry weekend’ (msn.com)
Weather is hard.
They have lived in climate-controlled dwellings, courtesy of their parents, their whole, stupid, ignorant lives.
I am heading for Tassie on Wednesday.
Have been warned to pack my jumpers and bring a big coat.
It’s still winterish down there apparently. Even tho’ it’s spring.
Last day in Riga before heading to Tallinn, Estonia. A sprinkling of foreign army personnel at Breakfast in the hotel. Canadian, US, European ( not sure which country but was the only one with side burns and a goatee).
“Millions of Aussies warned to brace for big chill ‘wintry weekend’ “
Proof of global warming, right there.
Warming causes cooling you know – it’s called “climate chaos”.
So this bout of cooling is definitely proof of global warming, err I mean climate change, err I mean climate disaster.
Come on now, Kneel… The new and improved wording is Climate ‘Catastrophe’…
Idious people, Fatboy.
“Rev” Al Sharpton embracing the DEI candidate.
In the market for a new iPad and will change over to an iPhone. Went to the Apple store for some technical assistance.
The “sales” side was fine, but they insisted on technical help via a phone call which they would “talk me through”. Great. Anywhere quiet in the store to take the call? Nope.
The place was one decibel short of Bedlam. How can people concentrate in these conditions?
And yes, Zippy, I’d love to know what you did to circumvent clunky Chrome programming using AI. But not in R2D2 please. 😀
“In the market for a new iPad and will change over to an iPhone.”
I am in two minds about this – Apple, being “closed” is potentially more secure and certainly is the only manufacturer with “plug and play” (every one else is “plug and pray”). But they have gone a bit weird(er) since the two Steve’s (Jobs and Wozniac) are both gone.
I would have previously said Android, being open source, is better, but Alphabet (Google) – which no longer has “Don’t be evil” in it’s mission statement – is perhaps the octopus monster corporation in dystopian nightmare sci-fi stories, and was of course funded by US govco on start-up.
Certainly Android phones are much harder to “root” (and thereby gain total control over) than they used to be.
So pick your poison, I guess – which trillion dollar company will YOU use? 🙂
I’m android, Hairy’s iphone. We split the difference.
SHOCK CLAIM: Kamala Harris Was Given “Sample Questions” Prior to ABC Debate | Matzav.com
Chortle. She was the one doing cry-voice over impediments to baby slicing, she was the one telling porkies about J6. And a slew of other lies and gross mischaracterisations.
And she was watching him closely, just like a schoolyard d*ckhead watches their mark.
Was one of the hosts really a sorority “sister”? How can that not be a conflict of interest?
There’s also news that someone at ABC has signed an affidavit saying Kam.Allah was guaranteed, by ABC, that she would not be subject ot any “fact checks”
Kamala was forwarned of the questions, that was quite obvious from the start of that charade. And they were all questions that allowed her to promote her ‘values’ and as Calli has noted, to engage in the cry-voice (lovely term and so true). Very soft ball to her and completely biased to Trump. Two pro-Trump commenters are well worth hearing – Gutfield’s and Megan Kelly’s – both totally eviserating the moderators.
According to Richard Snarles, the Greens have embraced thuggery.
Fair enough, but this Labor government has stoked that thuggery.
Funny how she uses an example of misinformation to talk about misinformation.
“During the global pandemic, we saw the threat of mis and dis information to public safety, including ridiculous suggestions that drinking or injecting bleach can safely treat a viral infection”
Can’t compare with take two vaccines and it will prevent you getting the virus or transmitting it. Said by multiple positions and health experts.
An argument for Aboriginal defendants being heard by Aboriginal jurors
Updated 1 hours ago
Former Queensland Supreme Court judge Roslyn Atkinson has argued that juries in Australia still remain ‘unrepresentative’ of society. Picture: News Regional Media
When parliamentary debate in the early 1900s turned to a woman’s right to serve on a jury, many raised concerns over whether there were appropriate sanitary facilities in courthouses.
Male MPs wondered if female jurors should be referred to as “juresses”, and questioned whether only “sticky-beaks” would apply for service.
Some queried what would happen if female jurors were locked up with male jurors and forced to stay at court overnight, saying they were “perfectly certain” women in these circumstances couldn’t possibly keep their minds on the case at hand.
Former Queensland Supreme Court judge Roslyn Atkinson late last month drew on these examples when arguing that the absurdity of a jury system without female jurors is akin to one that lacks Indigenous jurors.
She argued that juries in Australia still remain “unrepresentative” of society, pointing to various cases where Aboriginal defendants were tried before an all-white panel.
She also said the reliance on random jury selection for achieving representative juries disadvantages Indigenous Australians, who are under-represented on the electoral roll and due to their over-representation in the criminal justice system are disproportionately disqualified or limited in their eligibility for service.
“If juries are meant to be members of the community who are peers of the defendant, then it is critical that First Nations people are also fairly represented on juries,” she said. “The legitimacy of our criminal justice system may be said to depend on it.”
She is not alone in her suggestion. Australia’s peak judicial body – the Australasian Institute of Judicial Administration – has commissioned various research papers to determine how to boost the number of Indigenous jurors.
One report said there was a “strong argument” for restructuring Australian jury representation to “affirmatively include First Nations jurors” and put forward three models to do so.
Eminent land rights barrister Tony McAvoy SC, in his foreword to the report, said there can be “no justification that permits a First Nations person in the Northern Territory to be tried before an all-white jury”.
“…said there can be “no justification that permits a First Nations person in the Northern Territory to be tried before an all-white jury”.”
Then I do not want to have Aboriginal people, Muslims, or atheists on MY jury.
If you won’t accommodate my requirements in this matter, what makes yours any more “appropriate”, hmmm?
Official US Voter Registration stats are out for August:
Dems: 61,042,
Repubs: 141,796
Fridays are the big days for the Mohammedan punchy-burny-throw things mob, aren’t they?
I keep saying; stay indoors on October 7…
Yuval Noah Harari: This Election Will Tear The Country Apart! AI Will Control You By 2034!
Video Summary (1:54:16)
### Summary In a dialogue featuring historian Yuval Noah Harari, the discussion revolves around the implications of artificial intelligence (AI) on society, democracy, and the future of human decision-making. Harari argues that while humans still wield power, they are increasingly divided, and algorithms exploit these divisions, posing a greater threat than AI itself. The conversation touches on the role of information technologies in shaping human interactions and democracy, the challenges posed by algorithms, and the potential consequences of misaligned goals in AI development. Ultimately, the discourse emphasizes the need for cooperation among humans to mitigate the risks associated with AI and maintain a functioning democracy. ### Key Points 1. **Human Division vs. AI Power**: Harari asserts that humans still hold more power than AI, but they are divided, making them vulnerable to manipulation by algorithms. 2. **Impact on Democracy**: The loss of trust in information sources and the rise of polarization can lead to the collapse of democratic processes, as people begin to view others with differing opinions as enemies. 3. **Role of Algorithms**: Harari distinguishes between human content creation and algorithmic influence, arguing that the real issue lies in how algorithms amplify harmful content, such as conspiracy theories, for engagement and profit. 4. **Historical Perspective**: The author suggests viewing AI’s evolution in the context of previous information revolutions (writing, printing) to understand its unique implications, particularly regarding decision-making capabilities. 5. **Aliens vs. Artifice**: Harari emphasizes that AI should be viewed as “alien intelligence” rather than purely “artificial,” as it learns and adapts in ways that diverge from human reasoning and logic. 6. **Need for Regulation**: He advocates for holding tech companies accountable for the consequences of their algorithms while requiring social media platforms to verify and manage content responsibly. 7. **Alignment Problem**: Harari explains the risk associated with AI when misaligned goals (like maximizing engagement) lead to unintended but serious consequences for society. 8. **Role of Institutions**: The trust in institutions (like media companies) is critical for democracy. New standards must be developed to ensure reliability in an age of rampant misinformation. 9. **Future Job Landscape**: With the rise of AI making many human roles obsolete, Harari discusses how jobs will change, emphasizing the importance of human connection and social skills in roles that are harder to automate. 10. **Conclusion on Cooperation**: The conversation concludes that humanity must work together to address the challenges posed by AI, emphasizing the need to foster collaboration to avoid a dystopian outcome. ### Conclusions – The effectiveness of democracy relies on the ability to hold constructive conversations, which is undermined by algorithmic manipulation. – Indigenous narratives crafted through historical technology evolve and can lead to societal conflicts, as seen in the Israeli-Palestinian context. – To navigate the coming challenges, it’s crucial for societies to cooperate, build trustworthy institutions, and meaningfully engage with the implications of AI, rather than cede control to algorithms or misinformation.
sounds like the Official WEF talking points
Probably because bright eyed boy Yuval Noah Harari is an official WEF talking head.
He’s notorious.
I’ve used this example before but an event or issue can be factually contradictory but both right at the same time. We all know its called a paradox or, officially, dialetheia; where a matter can be both wrong and right at the same time….
A State school principal once complained to me that existence of Catholic schools are making the pool of “education funding” smaller for them. I then spoke to a Catholic school principal who told me, no, we are saving the State schools money by educating children they would otherwise have to educate.
They are both probably factual or logical conclusions, yet contradictory.
How does a misinformation “Tzar” mediate or resolve fundamental paradoxes?
Actually, the state school principal is wrong and demonstrably so. Students at Catholic and Independent schools get less from the government. And all my lefty friends in crap state school zones have a sudden change of heart in October of their spawns yr six year and pack their kids off to private schools. More in sorrow than anger of course and they mumble something about sprog not been suited to the local school of hard knocked. Too gentle or arty or something
An eight minute video on whether Kam.Allah was wearing an earpiece or not. This guy is pretty bloody good and the earrings she was wearing look A LOT like the earpieces he’s talking about!!!
BelannF on X: “DIDN’T KNOW WHETHER TO BELIEVE THE EARRINGS WERE ACTUALLY WIRELESS EARBUDS – OR – Is the denial of Kam.alah wearing wireless earbuds a conspiracy about the conspiracy? Take a look and see what the manufacturer has on their website – VERY INTERESTING. What do you think? https://t.co/gudoMYaOo3” / X
Apologies but there’s a bit of Indolent in all of us! 😛
Interesting. Most women with jewellery change their earrings around a bit. It’s boring wearing the same ones all the times. Unless you have to for some reason. I wouldn’t mind betting these did whisper into her ear, not the whole of her responses, but simply the key phrases they wanted her to keep repeating. She slid those in, little knives under Trump’s armour. Constantly.
I’d suggest we keep and eye on the earrings in the future. She can get the style changed. I’d insist on an earringless second debate, should one occur.
Today I voted in the local council election. I voted for the Libertarian candidate as Lord Mayor and the Libertarian team for council. Given the current state of the NSW Liberals I cannot in good conscience vote for them.
Let’s hope there’s a swing away from Clover.
As I checked on my local candidates, only three gave their affiliation.
I was handed a flyer a couple of weeks back for a female candidate.
Looked okay until you read further and saw the two words that have me seeing red and screwing up the flyer and chucking it in the bin, making sure said candidate could see me.
Sustainable and Sustainability.
Damned Watermelons.
Did the same up here on port mac.
‘Disgrace’ that commanders weren’t stripped of medals: Greens
The Greens say it’s “a disgrace” that the government has allowed the nation’s most senior military commanders to keep their medals when they failed to prevent war crimes in Afghanistan.
Greens’ defence spokesman David Shoebridge said former chief of defence Angus Campbell should have been stripped of his distinguished service cross earned as the top commander of Australia’s Middle East forces in 2011.
“Of course it’s a disgrace that the senior defence leadership retained their medals,” he said.
“Of course, it’s a disgrace that the former CDF wrote his own report, which recommended he keep his medal, and then Defence Minister Marles left him with his medal.”
The government stripped distinguished service medals from up to nine current and former commanders who were mid-ranking officers when the Brereton report says 23 Australian soldiers killed 39 Afghan civilians and prisoners.
Senator Shoebridge said Peter Dutton had “an absolute hide” arguing higher commanders should be accountable for the crimes, claiming incorrectly that many occurred under Coalition governments.
According to the Brereton report, most of the crimes were committed between 2007 and 2013, when Labor was in power.
This is nice. I have sold the property and left the district, but I was involved in this before handover.
Our postie had been driving her truck on her 500k round twice a week for fifteen years.
She is a champion. Always remembers the kids birthdays, spreads the word about what’s happening, supports local events, brilliant gossip, and will carry anything.
Last weekend the district gave her a trip to Europe after secretly fundraising for a year or so. She has never been OS so she is jumping out of her blunnies.
Well done country folk.
The red line is interest expense on US Federal debt. Exceeds Defense spending now and will exceed Social Security next year. Nothing to see here.
Awesome. Now all they need do is reduce interest rates as far as negative and this can go on forever!
There isn’t enough gold!
As the amount of debt increases so does the interest rate on it.
Debt doesn’t matter until it does.
Got out of hospital a week ago. Had a rough trip of it. Three weeks earlier I had a bp of 210. Presented to Canberra hospital ED. Memory of the two and half weeks before scheduled surgery is sketchy with only remembering about four hours total. My biggest concern was the use of fentanyl for pain relief which turned out to be of no concern. The Irish doctor prescribed 50 mcg to have a zero pain benchmark. The angiogram showed very little as I don’t scan well, once to the amazement of the medical profession. A double bypass resulted in a coma for three days with strokes and seizures prominently featuring. I wouldn’t wish the delerium upon anyone though imagine the left already lives there. It’s been a struggle to write this much stinking about 3 hours. Will write more later. Any questions answered.
Taking not stinking.
Crikey. I need to hear of the bravery of others to stop me whinging so much about trivia.
All the very best, Grey Ranga!
Thanks Vicki, horrors to come.
Write when you can Grey.
10 words at a time is about all I can cope with at the moment.
Hang in there buddy, we treasure your insights.
Yikes – sounds heavy. Whatever I was on gave me hallucinations, saw rats crawling around the cornices for a few weeks. Thought that the nurses were trying to kill me.
Welcome back.
Dude! The very best.
My goodness Ranga! Take care, follow the doctors’ orders and give yourself time to mend. Glad you’re still with us.
During one of the cardiac relapses, I went septic for a week or so. Hallucinating badly – heard the nurses in ICU talking in Asian accents, and decided – typically – that I ‘d been kidnapped by North Korean submariners.
Hypoxic, on CPAP with 88% saturations when sedated and unable to fight the masks.
I was discovered out of bed and tying sheets and IV lines together to climb down the 4th/5th floor? balcony trying to escape from the Nork submarine that had kidnapped both me and the former PM.
Absolutely convinced I was experiencing reality.
You know you’re crook when your bed is placed right next to the nursing station so an eye can be kept on you.
Next step was intubation and paralysis just to keep me safe.
About a week later, after draining 55ml pericardial effusion and 1.2 litres pleural effusion, I started to come good.
But I never forgot that while I was obviously nutso, to me it was real.
Same for my second son during a total paranoia some years ago coming down off a load of ice. He was in an apartment on the top 4th floor believing paratroopers were on the roof coming in via the kitchen window. He’d called me by phone. I arrived at his barricaded door, he said it wasn’t me, but I finally convinced him it was, because his delusions also centered around ‘protecting’ me from the paratroopers. My need was to stop him jumping out of the window after them. I’d called the police and ambulance, but had to sit it out with him until they arrived. We were ducking bullets and I was yelling at paratroopers with him till then.
So sorry to hear of the medically-induced delusions of the troops here, especially Ranga, who is a great guy, as well all know.
This is what real women should be doing when a psycho tranny invades their space.
Not moaning and complaining that someone else should pass laws etc.
Fight ladies, fight.
The guys were awesome also.
For those interested the latest Top Gear has dropped. Clarkson is in Zimbabwe of all places. 2 hour Special, the last TG.
Strictly it’s Grand Tour not Top Gear but I know what you mean. Really just the initial letters the other way around – GT / TG.
The real Top Gear unlike the fake woke Top Gear.
Instapundit yesterday:
Bruce, watched this last night.
Bit lengthy at nearly two hours, but if you like model trains, Airfix kits and Scalextric:
How Are Model Trains Built? James May Explores A Model Train Factory!
Brought back memories of the Tri-ang trainset I got in the mid 60s and Airfix kits for birthdays and Christmas when a young fella.
Sadly never ended up with a Scaletrix slot car set.
Or a Mechano set.
That would have been the ‘First Four’ in TAB betting. 🙂
RFK Jr. Shares What Trump Told Him About Failing to ‘Drain the Swamp’
Video Summary
### Summary: The transcript features a discussion about Donald Trump’s experience and approach to governance based on a conversation with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (RFK). RFK reflects on how Trump has acknowledged mistakes from his first term and expresses a desire to improve and avoid repeating those errors if given another chance. The discussion emphasizes the need for strong leadership outside the established political system and suggests that Trump’s humility and willingness to bring in qualified individuals could lead to significant reforms and reduce corruption. ### Key Points: 1. **Trump’s Reflection on Past Mistakes**: Trump admits he made mistakes during his first term and wants to avoid repeating them. 2. **Need for Outsider Leadership**: There’s a sense that the country needs a president who is not entrenched in the existing political system. 3. **Challenges of Governance**: Trump reportedly felt overwhelmed by the task of filling numerous government positions and was influenced by lobbyists and business interests in his appointments. 4. **Desire for Change**: Trump expresses a wish to leave a positive legacy and is open to new approaches for governance. 5. **Collaboration and Support**: RFK suggests that if Trump can bring in capable advisors (e.g., Elon Musk, RFK himself), they could effectively reform and restore integrity to governmental agencies. 6. **Humility and New Strategies**: Trump’s acknowledgment of past mistakes is framed as a positive step, indicating growth and openness to different strategies in leadership. ### Conclusions: – There is optimism expressed about Trump’s potential to correct past governance issues if he learns from his experience and involves the right people. – The conversation paints a picture of potential collaborative efforts between Trump, RFK, and innovators to tackle corruption and restore American governance. – Overall, the dialogue reflects hope for genuine progress and reform if leadership changes approach meaningfully.
This is one of the the things I admire Trump for, admitting he he got it wrong.
Curtis Yarvin: Welcome to the Dark Enlightenment
Video Summary 1:14:16
### Summary: The YouTube video features a discussion with Curtis Yavin, a political theorist and provocateur known for his controversial views, especially his advocacy for monarchy as a form of governance. The conversation delves into the complications and evils of modern democracy and the increasing disillusionment with democratic systems in the U.S. and other places. Yavin draws parallels between contemporary governance and historical monarchies, criticizing the fragmentation and ineffectiveness of democratic structures. He discusses the notion of authority, the nature of power, and the implications of centralized versus decentralized governance, weaving in historical examples to support his arguments about the failures of democracy and the potential benefits of an autocratic structure. ### Key Points: 1. **Introduction of Curtis Yavin**: – Seen as a leading figure in the new right and the “red pill” movement. – Advocates for monarchy, not as a romantic royalist, but in favor of centralized and absolute power. 2. **Meaning of Democracy**: – Democracy is emotionally charged yet fundamentally paradoxical; often seen as good while politics is viewed negatively. – The term has been manipulated by state actors (e.g., North Korea) to mask authoritarianism. 3. **Critique of Modern Governance**: – Yavin describes the U.S. as an oligarchy, where power is held by a few rather than a true democracy. – He argues that modern executives are more ceremonial, akin to monarchs with limited actual power and accountability. 4. **Comparison Between Governance Models**: – Highlights the effectiveness of centralized power in historical monarchies versus the chaos of decentralized democratic governance. – Suggests that the most successful entities (like Apple) operate under monarch-like systems where authority is clear. 5. **Historical References**: – Draws on examples from history (like Louis XIV and Athenian democracy) to illustrate the chaos produced by fragmented political authority. – Compares modern political figures to historical monarchies to underline changes in power dynamics. 6. **Transition to Pure Authority**: – Asserts that power vacuums tend to be filled by authoritarian figures, often emerging from chaos, thereby creating an order. – Refers to FDR’s governance style as a model of how a strong executive can effectively manage vast bureaucracies. 7. **Role of Experts and Bureaucracy**: – Depicts contemporary governance as too reliant on experts and bureaucratic structures, which leads to inefficiency and corruption. – Critiques the incentive structures within scientific and governmental agencies, exemplifying this with the COVID-19 pandemic response. 8. **Religious and Ideological Framework**: – Discusses the concept of modern ideologies evolving into quasi-religious beliefs due to the vacuum left by traditional religions. – Questions the utility of religion in governance and the nature of authority. ### Conclusions: – **Disillusionment with Democracy**: Yavin posits that modern democracy often fails to deliver effective governance, leading to calls for centralized authority as a solution. – **Centralized Power as Potentially Beneficial**: Advocating for stronger authority figures or monarchs could provide clearer direction and effectiveness in governance. – **Power Dynamics and Incentives**: The fragmentation of power leads to corrupt incentive structures; unified power might yield better outcomes for society. – **Reflection on Society’s Need for Myths and Ideologies**: Suggests that as societies evolve, there may be a return or structuring of new beliefs systems to fill the ideological void left by declining traditional structures.
My personal view is that western democracy has run its course and is so corrupt and unrepresentative as to be unsalvageable.
An accurate but very depressing conclusion of yours.
What lies ahead for our grandchildren and their issue?
Ranga the Grey,
so happy to hear you are back with us. Many prayers that your healing is swift.
Also, a shout out out to Mrs Ranga. It is almost as nerve wracking for the ones who love you. 😀
It’s going to be a long harrowed recovery.
Best of luck, Ranga, makes my TKR a walk in the park.
Gotta luv the twist & convolutions of thugby management when the “white substance’ getz uncovered .. LOL! Gus, straight-faced told us yesterday that the 2nd test on Josh Addled Carr might take months to come back & it wouldn’t be fair on Joshie to be banned ….. Test result back this afternoon .. 2nd test, POSITIVE, “Addled” lied to Gus and Gus, let’s not say lied, but embellished the story to suit the thugby narrative of “boyz will be boyz” in the media … Sunday footie management at it’s best …… Soufs will be jealous …!
GreyRanga sorry it’s been such a trial but good to see it’s coming together thereafter. Hope the healing continues and that in the end all will be tickety-boo as much as possible. Best wishes for a full recovery.
Every day is better than the previous Tonya.
Bruce of Newcastle
September 13, 2024 9:21 am
The antisemites are unhappy again.
‘Feral’: Faeces, fire, graffiti targets candidates in ugly election races (Tele, paywalled)
Here’s the graphic with the story. Such charming people these activists are.
Islam is a vile, eschatological, agnotological, consanguineous ideology, devoid of benefit and virtue. But it would be nothing without the support it receives from the left. Islam is one of the main designated victims of the left. As such it is protected from the treatment it merits, obliteration, because the left frame it as a victim of western hegemony and as a justification for their activism against the West. The left did this in iran and had the Shah removed and when the mullahs waddled in 10s of thousands of the left activists who had enabled the return of the muzzies were executed. Here in Australia rub and tug is finding out his muzzie vote herds are turning against him and voting for themselves. Every time the left champions the enemy of the West and are the first executed. The problem is the rest of us are next in line.
My point has been made on multiple occasions.
The routine is that the Muslims slaughter their allies literally during the victory celebrations.
Just ask the MEK in Iran.
I recall the time when my first girlfriend asked me to tell her what colour eyes she had.
I looked long into her eyes and then told her.
Next to muzzies and commies I hate alarmists like this smug, dumb kunt the most:
Australia ‘incredibly exposed’ to climate change: Zali Steggall (msn.com)
Alarmism is the biggest virtue signalling piece of crap in the leftie arsenal. There is not a shred of evidence to support it but the West is literally being destroyed by alarmism.
Also, alarmists fall into two camps.
The grifters, of which we are well aware. Anything to steal money.
Then the the imbeciles, like steggles the turkey twat.
They believe anything if it sounds suitably scary.
Zali is an airhead but is being pumped by the media. Doubtful she even has a deeper meaning of what she dribbles other than the paper its written on given to her by one of Simons minders.
From a legal dynasty. Say no more.
Firm hand on the tiller…
In remarks to the Minerals Council’s annual conference on Wednesday that appeared designed to pressure the Coalition to advance negotiations
And therein lies my problem with lobby groups like this and BCA, they keep entertaining the beast thinking they can tame them.
They never will and the greens/left play for keeps.
“…the prime minister has made it clear from the sidelines that this …”
…doesn’t look like it will win us any votes, let alone more seats.
I remember saying back in October this would happen.
Damn, that gives me such a warm, satisfying feeling, right down to my toes.
Nice, good riddance.
Now for Sinwar.
The coldest dish of all.
The dilution and perversion of the concept of ‘justice’ makes it desirable for retribution to remain an option. There is no place (by design) in the present ‘justice’ system for victims. Of course, whether states or individuals (both, or neither) have the right to retribution is a whole other debate.
September 13, 2024 4:31 pm
I remember saying back in October this would happen.
This Jew heard the news this morning, and it made this Jew feel very happy.
Makes this gentle proud too Caddie.
One thing they should know about Israel.
Israel never ever forgets. Ask Eichmann.
No more cricket for Rashid Khan & Mohammad Nabi? Reports suggest Taliban to ban cricket altogether (insidesport.in)
Over the years, the Afghanistan cricket team had managed to make a mark on the world stage. However, their hopes of being world-beaters might just come to an abrupt halt. Everyone knows that Afghanistan is headed by Taliban, which isn’t the best promoter of sport in the country. The women are forbidden from playing any sport. But now, the men might just bear the brunt of the extremist regime. As per various tweets/reports circulating on the web, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan Hibatullah Akhundzada, has announced that he will introduce a gradual ban on cricket in the country.
I was playing with Khalif
Concentrating on bowling right
I heard a dark voice beside of me
And I look round in a state of fright.
I saw four faces, one mad
A brother from Qatar
They looked me up and down a bit
and turned to each other!
I don’t like cricket oh no!
I shove it, ah!
Gotta link it…
Heh. No loss. The very recent Test Match between Kiwiland and Talibanistan was a total fiasco.
Afghanistan vs New Zealand Test match makes history, called off with no play possible in five days (13 Sep)
Old Trafford features heavily in abandoned Test matches. I swear it drizzled for 6 weeks non stop while I was there.
Who knows, perhaps this will be the catalyst needed to give the rank and file the nads to overthrow the Taliban.
The guy i sit next to at work is an afghani mohammedean. He prays all day long but his cricket team is almost as important as his religion; will be interesting to see his reaction!
Mate who served in Oruzgan reckons the young blokes in TK were mad about cricket. Was one of the few things they had in common with our boys.
Fun facts to know and tell:
George Washington’s army used to play cricket in their downtime in the revolutionary war. But they called it wicket.
Ben Roberts-Smith welcomed at Defence party days before Marles strips officers’ medalsBy Nick McKenzie and Matthew KnottSeptember 13, 2024 — 5.00am
Listen to this article
10 min
War criminal Ben Roberts-Smith attended a Defence Force gala dinner to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the Special Air Service Regiment, five days before the Albanese government stripped officers of their medals over command failures in Afghanistan that allowed soldiers to go rogue.
The disgraced Victoria Cross recipient’s attendance at the SAS “Wanderers Ball” sparked controversy within special forces’ ranks and came as the secretive Office of the Special Investigator stepped up its investigation into Roberts-Smith.
Six sources with knowledge of aspects of the confidential OSI inquiry, including Defence officials, said the agency’s probe into Roberts-Smith had ballooned and now included several additional and equally egregious war crimes on top of the four executions the Federal Court ruled last year had involved the ex-soldier.
The OSI investigation is also examining whether Roberts-Smith committed other criminal offences, including those relating to his attempts to pervert justice and cover up war crimes.
The sources, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, said the OSI was moving to charge Roberts-Smith, but investigations had been slowed by the need to quarantine evidence from the previous Brereton inquiry, which, because it had coercive questioning powers, had the potential to poison a future prosecution.
The federal police probe into Roberts-Smith collapsed last year after legal advice warned it may have been tainted by Brereton inquiry material.
The Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions and the OSI have also engaged several leading senior barristers, including criminal law counsel Tim Game, SC, in a further indication the charging of Roberts-Smith is viewed as extremely likely – if delayed.
Multiple witnesses who testified about war crimes in the defamation case which Roberts-Smith lost in mid-2023 have also given the OSI statements, along with ex-soldiers who did not appear in court but hold potentially critical evidence.
Despite these investigations and Justice Anthony Besanko’s finding that he is a war criminal, the ex-soldier has retained his medals, including his Victoria Cross, Medal for Gallantry and Commendation for Distinguished Service.
How DARE a highly decorated soldier like Ben Roberts – Smith attend the anniversary dinner of his unit! How DARE he!
It’s not the same subject, I realise, but HOW MANY elderly Victorians died during the covidiocy, and WHO has taken responsibility for it?
Only having access to the curated information our elites and the media release, I’m open minded about Roberts-Smith V.C., but remain disgusted with the (successful) extra-legal attempts to smear him and practically ALL of his peers.
We no longer have anything remotely like an independent judiciary. It is stuffed to the gills with activists and outright communists
Thank Christ we have men like Ben Roberts -Smith who watched our backs . The cucks in the army and judiciary should hang their heads in shame. If the vicplod cannot be held personally responsible for their recent attacks on citizens how the hell do our politicians allow this attack on our HERO Ben.
The UnZud Parliament:
Shane Jones: Maori are not in jail because of colonisation.
Brilliant answers.
Well said, that man!
Comes up ‘video unavailable’ for me, Beerie. 🙁
Try this Johanna:
Should be more of it in every country that pays lip service to “indigenes”.
Wow very nice, if only the Liberal/Nationals would treat Greens in our parliament with the same contempt…
Either Firefox or MicroSatan doesn’t like it.
Oh, well.
Sorry to see that Matey.
Rightly or wrongly I am still using Google.
A hypothetical. Or maybe not.
Say an officer was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross for command in Afghanistan and it turns out alleged war crimes were committed during his time of command.
Then he is one of those who Defence Minister has said should return his medal.
However what happens if he is DSC and bar which basically means he received the medal for two different matters. One is nothing to do with Afghanistan.
In theory he should just take off the bar as he is still entitled to the medal for the other event.
Just a random thought.
Yes, quite true.
Was he a good leftist who was important enough to go to the right dinner parties?
That’s the most important question.
Done my duty and have looked up the candidates for Lake Mac for the council election tomorrow.
The Lib for mayor looks not too bad so she’ll get my vote. No chance she’ll win though, we’re in Charlie country here.
In my riding I was very pleased to read the efforts of one independent councillor candidate. A 30 year ADF veteran. So I looked him up: Somalia and Afghanistan. Very reasonable platform too. He’s going to get a vote from me. If I’m wrong I’m wrong, but his site has no mention of fatal words like “sustainability” or da “environment”.
I usually vote just after 8am, which sadly means the sausage sanga ladies haven’t yet set up. But it avoids embarrassment when all the local magpies spot me walking to the voting station and land hoping for handouts. Being nesting season they’re very keen.
Just had a thought.
Would mocking and pointing out the idiocy of hosing money into a literal black hole with Florence the Snowy River moolah magnet be illegal under Elbows legislation?
They’ve declared it a national bit of critical infrastructure, so surely disparaging it is “damaging”?
Progress page hasnt been updated since 2022….
I wonder why?
To be honest if the LNP get in they should shitcan the whole thing.
Sadly however the taxpayer will end up wearing the payout cost.
But the bloody project was not needed or wanted in the first place.
Russell Broadbent on Australia’s proposed digital misinformation bill.
Unprecedented and unacceptable – speak up now!
Have a great weekend Cats…
Outta here…
Said the bald man.
NZ parliament dude was, indeed, pithy and unflapped.
It is depressing, tho, to hear Maori- who in the rest of the Anglosphere would be referred to with the mealy-mouthed but apposite “people with indigenous heritage”- as monolithic. It seems the opposition spokesthing believes that she speaks for “Maori”, and it would also seem that the Treaty of Waitangi hilds mental sway overthe whole body politik, even tho any treaty was surely quashed by the New Zealand Wars.
See the swarmy bint covered in tramp stamps (Didn’t look tribal to me) mouthing it. He rightly padded her off like an annoying fly, I want to see more of it over here. It would be awesome seeing crazy eyes or Brandt crying about disrespect.
Victor Davis Hanson: Kamala Harris is a Communist, Trump is winning
Former Cop on Starmer’s Orwellian Nightmare. What To Do if Police Tell You to Check Your Thinking?
Our culture doesn’t deserve to survive.
Malcolm Roberts.
Former Minister Matt Kean’s Conflict of Interest Exposed!
Comer Slams FBI for Withholding Information on Tim Walz’s China Ties
September 13, 2024 5:56 pm
Russell Broadbent on Australia’s proposed digital misinformation bill.
Unprecedented and unacceptable – speak up now!
This Bill is a reincarnation of Bob Brown and the slappers media bill; discussed here:
Finkelstein, AGW and the Coalition – On Line Opinion – 24/7/2012
And here:
Finkelstein, free speech and the global warming debate – On Line Opinion – 8/3/2012
One of the many problems is that a third party organisation with supposed ‘fact-checking’ experience and credentials will be hired to serve as the arbiter of truth and untruth. Someone here – likely Indolent – posted a link recently which purported to reveal that the U.S. State Department was the driver behind the lucrative fact checking industry in the U.S., the latter which is also funded by various private organisations.
Peter Dutton goes into battle for DiggersBen Packham
3 minutes ago
Peter Dutton has accused the government of throwing lower-ranked officers “under the bus” amid a growing political brawl over Labor’s decision to shield senior commanders from the fallout from the Brereton war crimes inquiry.
Richard Marles stripped distinguished service medals from up to nine mid-ranking officers this week for dozens of war crimes by troops under their command in Afghanistan, while allowing top commanders, including former defence chief Angus Campbell, to keep their leadership awards.
Amid a growing backlash, the Opposition Leader suggested the penalty should have extended to the top of the chain of command. “Why is it OK to throw lower-ranked Diggers under the bus, but those who are higher up the chain avoid any scrutiny?” the former defence minister told the Today Show.
“And the Chief of the Army, the Chief of the Defence Force and people in between those ranks … why is there no accountability there? I think that’s why the average Digger is asking a lot of questions.”
The Defence Minister hit back, accusing Mr Dutton of failing to hold any commanders to account for the crimes identified in the Brereton report, which the Coalition received 18 months before Labor was returned to office.
“When he was the defence minister, he actively suspended making a decision in relation to command accountability,” Mr Marles said. “Difficult decisions require leadership. That’s what I’ve done as the Minister for Defence so that we can close out the Brereton report.”
Mr Marles said the government had followed to the report’s findings “to the letter”.
Greens defence spokesman David Shoebridge said Mr Marles had let the army’s most senior commanders off the hook.
“Of course, it’s a disgrace that the former CDF wrote his own report, which recommended he keep his medal, and then Defence Minister Marles left him with his medal,” he said.
Senator Shoebridge said Mr Dutton had “an absolute hide” arguing higher commanders should be accountable for the crimes, claiming incorrectly that “most of these war crimes” occurred under the Coalition.
According to the Brereton report, most of the crimes were committed between 2007 and 2013, when Labor was in power.
Earlier, Liberal backbencher Keith Wolahan, a former commando officer in Afghanistan, said “accountability starts at the top”. “We are not talking about whether Angus Campbell or others are directly responsible for this,” he said. “We are saying … ‘Should you wear a medal that says you had distinguished command and leadership, even if things happened that you didn’t know about?’ I think there is an obvious answer to that.”
In his report for the Inspector General of the ADF, Paul Brereton said he had uncovered credible information that 25 SAS personnel unlawfully killed 39 Afghan civilians and prisoners.
New CIA workplace assault case emerges as spy agency shields extent of sexual misconduct in ranks
Haitian Voter Fraud Uncovered in Springfield, Ohio
Shocking new bodycam footage shows moment woman with ‘fur on her lips’ arrested for eating cat in Ohio
Fur on the lips, a lifetime on the hips.
Not going to look. Reading it is bad enough.
That’s what happens when you eat pussey
I do.
Remember When Obama Destroyed NASA and Made It a Muslim Outreach Agency?
Stories my aunty told me meets Rules of Evidence.
Pay that one – it’s also quite true about the “Frontier Wars.”
I take my hat off to those researchers as I know how difficult it is to obtain all the factual information.
Pat Eatock? Terrible magistrate, whose decisions were frequently overturned, if the unfortunate people involved could afford an appeal.
If there were a police officer and another witness versus an ‘indigenous’ defendant, she always supported the defendant because racism. She was an absolute menace.
Now, we find that she was a fraud about her ancestry. It’s becoming a well-trodden path.
Does anyone know who appointed her?
The usual suspects, Johanna.
Don’t you mean Pat O’Shane? Would be a Frank Walker appointee I’d say.
Keir Starmer: a bad man who identifies as good – spiked (spiked-online.com)
The creep almost seems to be autistic but a lot of pollimuppetts are in my opinion.
Eatock was never a magistrate.
She was, however, a Communist, along with other indigenous activists such as Faith Bandler, Eddie Mabo and many others. At least Faith & Eddie were indigenous.
Thomas Mayo.
Recipient of the torch.
Everything old is new again.
Communist Party of Australia was behind the Wave Hill Stock-man’s strikes and the Walk offs off the Pilbarra Stations as early as the 1940’s.
All the best for your recovery, Ranga. I’m sorry that you’ve had such a rough run with your health.
Can’t keep a good ranga down.
Thank you calli.
Just caught up with your travails, Ranga.
All the very best.
Between you and Shatterzzz it’s been quite the fortnight for us.
Amazing in a nasty way how these old 70s commos are still hanging around.
Must be starting to die off Shirley?
But not their legacy.
You’ll find them all written up in the watermelon press.
Joe Rogan Experience #2198 – Bret Weinstein
**Summary**: The podcast episode features Joe Rogan speaking with Brett Weinstein about a variety of topics, including politics, current events, and theories surrounding scientific and social issues. They discuss the implications of the U.S. government’s seizure of Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro’s plane, the balance of power in democracy, the complexities of technology and biology, particularly in relation to Darwinism and evolution, as well as recent medical controversies regarding vaccination and public health. They consider the upcoming political landscape and the importance of a unified public movement to safeguard freedoms and liberties. **Key Points**: 1. **U.S. Seizing Maduro’s Plane**: The discussion begins with Rogan questioning the legality and morality behind the U.S. government’s seizure of a plane belonging to Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro, noting it as an act of war. 2. **People’s Cynicism about Information**: Weinstein mentions a “cartesian crisis” in which people struggle to discern truth in media narratives, leading to cynicism and disconnection from political processes. 3. **Voter Fraud and Elections**: The conversation addresses doubts surrounding the integrity of elections and the prevalence of voter fraud, questioning the sacredness of electoral institutions. 4. **COVID-19 Vaccines**: They discuss the potential negative consequences of COVID-19 vaccines and the role of pharmaceutical companies in promoting them, suggesting that profit motives may undermine patient care. 5. **Personal Health Choices**: There is emphasis on the importance of maintaining personal health through diet and lifestyle rather than solely relying on medication, reflecting a belief in environmental impacts on health. 6. **Political Unification Movement**: Weinstein talks about an upcoming event called “Rescue the Republic,” aimed at unifying diverse political beliefs to protect civil liberties and the constitution from erosion. 7. **Philosophical Views on Evolution**: They delve into the discussion of Darwinism, evolutionary processes, and the implications of these theories on understanding life’s complexities, with Weinstein arguing for a missing layer within Darwin’s framework of natural selection. 8. **Challenges Ahead**: Both Rogan and Weinstein express concerns about the future trajectory of civil liberties in the U.S. and the potential for deepening societal divisions, emphasizing the need for open dialogue and unity. **Interviewee’s Point of View**: – Weinstein posits a belief in a more nuanced understanding of evolution that goes beyond traditional Darwinism, suggesting current scientific narratives may overlook essential truths. – He expresses skepticism about governmental and pharmaceutical narratives, pushing for a return to fundamental freedoms and a reassessment of current medical practices. **Conclusions Reached**: – There is a growing need for political unity against threats to civil liberties and public health. – The understanding of human biology and societal structures requires a deeper, more complex analysis than is traditionally presented. **Important Quote**: “War is always the last resort.” – This encapsulates the essence of the podcast’s call for peaceful resolution and dialogue in the face of potential societal upheaval.
Perhaps I am wrong but the idea of unifying right and left is a bit like unifying functional with sickness. Not to say that the right is functional but traditional values cant just be swept away in favour of what is clearly utter nonsense. When the political system is unable to resolve deep division all that remains is politics by other means.
Bandler was Melanesian iirc.
Took up the cause as part of her Communist agenda.
ok- interesting
Campbell was awarded his DSC in the 2012 Queen’s Birthday list. The timing suggests that he commanded the Afghanistan Task Force under either Rudd or Gillard, probably the latter.
He was at the top when all the allegations went down from what I’ve been told.
From what I’ve heard too the ME vets are incandescent with anger that he and his generals are keeping their commendations/conspicuous-distinguished service medals/mentioned in dispatches.
From the vault.
Danger Dan Reviews:
Good evening all. Since I will be missing my Friday upload here is a banger from the past that I put together just before the 2022 election. Of course it is completely demonetized. Just so you know the ads that are playing on it aren’t helping me. I’m still scratching my head at how Magoo tripped and fell into The Lodge. New upload over the weekend or Monday at the latest. DD
A look back at Labor before the election.
Been busy child wrangling today. Miss eight and Master five. Phew!
Just watched some moron with an arm cemented to the back of a car. They should have left her there – she’s have a nicely cooked arm as the material cured.
That would wipe the grin from her face. She’d be begging for release.
Gluing oneself to a car is better than gluing oneself to a road.
At least the car can drive them away to some innocuous place.
I’d add more glue
IIRC, the original draft bill had exceptions for government departments and journalists. Might be good to know if the new bill still has that.
The probable goal was for the public service to have a monopoly on disinformation with a pipeline starting with them, going through the establishment media, and ending with you. It would be amazing if they had given up on that strategy.
Adding a title on the Battle of Midway to my library shelves “The Unknown Battle of Midway – the Destruction of the American Torpedo Squadrons” by Alvin Kernan.
I knew the torpedo aircraft had suffered heavy losses, but “of the 51 planes sent to attack the Japanese carriers, only 7 returned, of 126 aircrew only 29 survived. Not a single torpedo hit its target,” Good reading.
They did, however, draw the Zero defensive air cover down to near sea level, and thus unable to intercept the dive bombers that wrecked three of the Japanese carriers in around ten minutes.
Many more Japanese seamen and aircrew died in those ten minutes than were lost with the US torpedo squadrons.
George Gay – the sole survivor of Torpedo 8 – passed away in 1994. In accordance with his wishes, he was cremated, and his ashes scattered where all his shipmates had met their end…..
One part of the solution might be things like https://c2pa.org/principles/ – Coalition for Content Provenance and Authenticity.
“opposition defence spokesman Andrew Hastie – a former SAS captain who served in Afghanistan – said the punishment didn’t go far enough”
Hastie is a pastie you could throw at the wall and hose the wall clean.
A couple of “The old and the bold” and “the ruthless and toothless” that live in this part of the world would agree with that assessment..
Just finished Shabbat dinner with my elderly mother. Yes, Mum’s a big orange man bad fan but she also big canine and feline fan and she said at the table…..
Cat lives matter
Two thumbs up!!!
Mum is so right.
I am still grieving Attapuss.
Still feeding all of his frozen meat paks to the Kooka adolescents (so cute) and the young Currawong mum and dad who have a nest and a larder a flight away across the gully.
Still hearing Attapuss complaining about it all too, his very own dinner.
Pat O’Shane
Pretty sure O’Shane was appointed by the Wran/Unsworth government though I might be wrong.
Nasty woman, promoted way above her pay grade, only because of her Aboriginality. Despite being long retired, in the 2022 federal election she ran in the electorate of Leichhardt in North Queensland as a candidate for Socialist Alliance….of course.
One of the mslm sayings in addition to “river to the sea” is “First Saturday, then Sunday.” Just a statement of intent about the priorities.
Tell them Friday comes first.
This is pretty cool. I remember reading that our Over The Horizon Radar Network dedected them.
A stern response on the the radio was, “No you didn’t”
Radio silence ensued.
B-2 Spirits make Surprise appearance in Australia – RAAF Amberley
I knew the designers father.
Pressure in this game tonight is elite.
Im wondering if anyone can advise of a good domestic electric automatic drain snake
I have roots and no fat sink and although I am severe on making sure no fat down the sink, it inevitably gathers and then Im on my knees with a garden hose and a great deal of stinky effort.
I can hire one from town but there and back by the time you take it back is 1200 km. Need about 30 m of snake.
Any one with any knowledge in this area? Cheers
Helen you can’t beat roots. Easier to dig up drain and replace.
You can reline the pipes if you get a plumber with equipment to do that. Cheaper than replacement. Oh, and get rid of that tree, solves the main root problem.
You could try that proprietary root killer made specially for roots in pipes. It might work, diminish the problem a bit anyway. Also a ton of caustic soda a week or two later, after the roots have died and softened, might remove the roots and accumulated grease. Send it down, then let the pipe rest, then flood it out with hose pressure.
Or wait for your next trip to town if nothing else works. Hire at the same time as doing something else to save on the cost. Return at leisure – arrange this with sympathetic hire company guy, bat your eyes, female helplessness still works a charm.
The Gurner actually spoke truthfully for once.
Here he is spruiking the kackler’s one good point.
AI as God, Deepfakes, and The Resurrection | John Lennox
John Anderson Media
**Summary:** In the transcript, Professor John Lennox discusses a range of topics concerning artificial intelligence, the intersection of science and religion, the changing perspectives towards Christianity among atheists, and the concepts of morality and suffering. He argues that there is a growing recognition that atheism does not provide satisfactory answers to existential questions, and he posits that many are reconsidering their stance on belief in God and Christianity. Additionally, he warns about the ethical implications of advancing AI technology, particularly concerning deception and surveillance. **Key Points:** 1. **AI and Ethical Concerns**: Lennox expresses concern about the ethical problems associated with AI, particularly the risk of deception created by technologies like deep fakes. 2. **Religion and Science**: He notes a growing acceptance among some intellectuals that Christianity and science are not at odds, referencing thinkers like Jordan Peterson who see a connection between the two. 3. **Atheism vs. Christianity**: Acknowledgment of a shift where some former atheists, including Ayaan Hirsi Ali and Tom Holland, are gravitating towards a Christian worldview, citing a sense of void left by atheism regarding modern ethical dilemmas. 4. **Consciousness and AI**: Lennox articulates skepticism regarding claims of creating conscious machines, emphasizing that consciousness remains an undefined and complex phenomenon. 5. **Search for Meaning**: He discusses the pervasive search for meaning in contemporary life and how traditional atheistic frameworks fail to provide adequate answers to fundamental human issues like suffering and guilt. 6. **Modern Materialism and Despair**: He notes that many seekers are rejecting materialism, expressing a desire for something greater, and that the pursuit for truth is instinctual in human nature. 7. **The Role of Christianity**: Lennox argues that Christianity offers a solution to existential questions and a moral framework for understanding suffering, contrasting it against a purely materialistic worldview. 8. **Social and Cultural Commentary**: He warns against the cultural trend towards relativism and polytheism, where individuals may see themselves as their own gods, which can lead to confusion and unhappiness. 9. **Hope and Resurrection**: He emphasizes the Christian message of hope through the resurrection, framing it as a solution to the problem of death and as a basis for eternal life. 10. **Call for Exploration**: Lennox encourages open exploration of faith and the questioning of beliefs, urging individuals to examine the basis of what they believe and seek truth. **Interviewee’s Point of View:** John Lennox presents a well-reasoned and optimistic view regarding the interplay of faith, science, and ethics. He argues for the relevance of Christianity in addressing modern existential issues and critiques the limitations of atheism. He sees a positive turn in intellectual circles towards reconsidering faith and advocates for using reason alongside faith in exploring such topics. **Conclusions Reached:** – Ethical problems tied to AI demand urgent attention, especially concerning deception. – Traditional atheism is failing to provide adequate frameworks for understanding meaning, morality, and suffering. – There is an encouraging trend of leading thinkers revisiting and re-evaluating Christianity. – Both faith and reason have a role in addressing life’s fundamental questions. **Important Quote:** “It seems to me that people are beginning to grasp the point because they’re fed up with materialism for other reasons.”
I think (and hope) it will be many years before we see Naarm on the departure boards at any international airport.
Well at Cairns airport they still have flights to Ayers Rock
Wise. That’s so people don’t get on the wrong plane.
You have to know where you are going.
Like k’gari. Where the hell is that?
Great isn’t it but being FNQ, locals would jack up plus Airport Corp is owned by Japs who actually provide a pretty good service.
Apart from walking miles to get to the bug smasher milk runs it’s on my ranking as one of Australia’s better airports. The international terminal for it’s size is pretty good too.
I hope we never see it.
Certainly hope so. At first I wondered what you were on about – wasn’t Naarm some advertised weight-loss psych ops? Then I recalled that was Noom. Same diff, both silly names.
Episode 5 of “Turning Point: The Bomb and the Cold War” (Netflix).
Reagan and his Evil Empire Speech, the Star Wars years post the 50’s and 60’s detente, and then the final Soviet gerontocracy, and the get togethers of Reagan and Gorbachov. Both men scarred by the Chernobyl disaster, and accommodations reached. As I said before, some great footage and quite a good series.
Hairy and I amazed ourselves rediscovering similarities between Trump and Reagan, the depth of vision and humanity displayed at different times by the two men. Gorbachov’s history growing up under Stalin was quite instructive. Leadership, who is in control, their life experience and occasion they have to contemplate their actions and influences past and present, matters so much. Hope America isn’t too fooled by the fluff of Kamala. Go Trump.
There’s a new biopic of Reagan coming out soon….
September 12, 2024 8:00 pm
I’m also appreciating the resulting summaries you’ve posted throughout the day. They appear reasonably sound.
Can anyone yet vouch for their accuracy compared to the original content? Probably not, as we’re all just skimming the text summaries now… 😛
For Winston and perhaps others, I posted a link to a Tom Scott video last year as he took a similar journey to Zippy with similar effective results for his little project. It may help you Luddites see how it’s working. Having an AI engine spit out readily-usable code based on a provided outline (including refinements along the way) is an unambiguous example of it doing useful work, as opposed to, say, reviewing a contract for any conditions that are howlers.
Tom Scott video demonstrates AI being used for a programming problem:
Surprising that, being as just about every other flight from Cairns is to somewhere nobody has ever heard of.
It must have confused too many tourists (ones who have clout) or something.
Is this serious? What an absolute crock of a notice board.
All Qantas. Seems they are leaving Sydney alone.
Meeanjin is a left-wing Sydney arts magazine.
Naarm is a misprint for the bread you have with curries.
More on AI. Lousy audio with only a slideshow for visuals but great content from a guy who knows what he’s talking about and who’s blog I’ve been reading for over a decade:
A Christian AI researcher’s view of artificial intelligence (50-minute lecture)