Open Thread – Mon 16 Sept 2024

Roman Landscape, Arnold Böcklin, 1852

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September 16, 2024 12:09 am

Here by accident.

September 16, 2024 12:20 am

Have discovered the deep pain I had in my back on the left side was in fact heart pain. The pain down my left leg has all but disappeared.

September 16, 2024 12:25 am

The Albanianwill have Iran on speed dial.

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
September 16, 2024 12:37 am

Wally’s take- Swift is, in fact, a lot cannier than her airhead-mouthbreather photoshoots and my-life-is-a-hot-mess lyrics suggest.
She’s both
-joining in with the Childless Cat Lady meme, neutering it by familiarity, and
-ticking a box for Harris early, on an already saturated news landscape, and then getting the hell away from the subject.
I’ll note that she avoided the easy bait of demonizing the God Emperor. Smart girl.

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
September 16, 2024 12:57 am

Carried from the Old Fred because vanity-
Muddy, the “walks in two worlds” conceit leaves me cold… it’s an invention of the Geoff Clarks of the current day, where a massive beneficiary wants to reap the boons of the Enlightenment while claiming protected victim status at the same time.
I doubt that any of the overwhelming majority of aboriginals who left the hardships of a hunter-gatherer superstitious gentocracy and grabbed British civilization with both hands ever looked back, let alone believed that they were somehow transcending both cultures.
I think that’s what bugs me- it’s a version of “pissing down from the top of the pyramid”, the aggrandizement of someone being both a lion of self-realization and decrying the vulpine cruelty of Everyone Else at the same time.

September 16, 2024 1:23 am

Modern cars?

Just for 12 months, I like to see a rule that every car had to be manual.

Sort out the yummy mummies trekking through wildest,deepest,unexplored Australian shopping centres in V8 Patrols, LandCruisers etc.

September 16, 2024 2:04 am

Courier Mail has an article up about the success of the RSV vaccine. Below is the accompanying editorial.

Note editor is baffled by vaccine hesitancy and I suspect his last para indicates he will be in favour of the Misinformation Bill where Government and mainstream media will be the sources of truth.

That would be the same editor who does not allow coverage of vaccine injuries.

It remains a baffling legacy of the pandemic that after a global effort to develop a vaccine in record time – and a rollout that saw spiralling death rates brought under control – vaccine hesitancy is now stronger than ever.

But as Queensland’s chief health officer Dr John Gerrard points out new mums have shown no reluctance to have their babies jabbed (for free) with the new RSV vaccine because they know how deadly the virus can be.

And while the vaccine may not eradicate the disease, it has dramatically reduced its impact, so much so that Dr Gerrard has hailed it as the biggest health development he has seen in his 30-year career. And as Queenslanders would remember from Dr Gerrard’s bedside manner during Covid, this is not a man prone to hyperbole.

Since the launch of the free vaccine the number of cases of infants diagnosed with RSV plummeted from 108 during the week ending April 14 to 12 on the week ending September 9.

This is further proof – if needed – of the critical importance of vaccinations, despite what you might read on your untrustworthy social media feeds.

September 16, 2024 4:00 am
September 16, 2024 4:01 am
September 16, 2024 4:04 am

Mark Knight #2*.

*AFL star Dustin Martin is apparently being lured out of retirement to play for Gold Coast Suns.

September 16, 2024 4:05 am
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September 16, 2024 4:12 am
Leon L.
Leon L.
September 16, 2024 6:27 am

Thanks Tom

September 16, 2024 6:35 am

Trouble at the mill with nice schadenfreude for Monday morning…

Today’s Daily Tele:


16 Sep 2024

A video of an Australian soldier shooting at two men from a helicopter in Afghanistan has been removed from the ABC’s website, with an internal investigation under way after claims the clip was altered to include additional gunfire sounds.

The 15-second clip, taken from the helmet camera of then-November Platoon commander Heston Russell during a 2012 mission, was featured in a 2022 story by the public broadcaster alleging special forces soldiers had shot at unarmed civilians.

The footage, aired on Channel 7’s Spotlight program last night, featured a commando inside an airborne Black Hawk helicopter and the sound of six gunshots fired towards men running on the ground.

But in what Spotlight and Mr Russell claim is the unedited footage of the mission from the helmet cam, only one gunshot is heard to be fired in the 15-second window, before a second, separate round of gunshots occurs later on in the clip.

In a statement to Spotlight late last week, the ABC said an “error” had been found in their coverage of the helmet footage and the video clip had been taken down.

“We have removed the online video where an error has been identified, based on preliminary inspection of the audio,” the statement read.

“The ABC is seeking more information on how this occurred.”

Forensic audio engineer James Raper, who analysed the footage for Spotlight, claimed he was “quite shocked” and “evidence points to” the clip being edited.

“They’ve taken the audio of the six shots and they’ve applied it to this video in the news clip, they’ve copied and pasted it across this scene,” Mr Raper told Spotlight. “It completely misrepresents what those soldiers were going through.”

The story from the ABC was published amid a years-long defamation trial involving Mr Russell, who successfully argued the broadcaster’s coverage of November Platoon’s service in Afghanistan had unfairly depicted him as a war criminal.

Last year, the public broadcaster was ordered to pay him almost $400,000 in damages.

Mr Russell, who claims the men being shot at in the clip were “insurgents” who fired on members of his unit shortly before the footage began, said: “I literally fell off my chair when I saw this.”

It comes days after the federal government formally responded to the findings of the Brereton Report, with Defence Minister Richard Marles revealing a “small number” of military commanders had been stripped of medals. The report, handed down in 2020, found credible evidence 39 Afghan civilians had been unlawfully killed by special forces soldiers between 2005 and 2016.

The ABC did not respond to a request for comment by deadline last night.

Of course they didn’t.
TheirGreensALPBC…Your most trusted news source…apparently. /sarc off
Wonder where that leaves Albotross and his misinformation legislation?
Asking for a friend.

September 16, 2024 6:44 am
September 16, 2024 6:46 am

Of course the RSV vaccine will result in a reduction in RSV diagnoses.

Once a vaccine is introduced doctors simply stop making that diagnosis and, instead, diagnose a similar condition whenever they see those symptoms.

RSV itself only “exists” because of the pertussis/diphtheria vaccine. Children continued to be hospitalised from severe respiratory illness after that vaccine so doctors just told everybody it was RSV (along with croup/pharyngitis/etc).

What we will *not* see is an overall decrease in children being hospitalised from respiratory illness.

It’s literally the most blatantly obvious scam in history and yet, somehow, 99.99% of the population has fallen for it and continues to fall for it.

Cassie of Sydney
September 16, 2024 6:54 am

On Saturday, a friend of mine who lives in North Sydney voted in the North Sydney council election. He walked to the voting booth, and outside the voting booth right near the entrance were two Green Nazis, one male and one female. Like me, my friend is Jewish but unlike me he’s not and has never been one to become involved in verbal stoushes with Green Nazis. He doesn’t like conflict. He’s also a tad progressive, I know he voted Teal in North Sydney in May 2022, a decision he now regrets, and he voted Yes in the referendum, another decision he would not repeat.

But on Saturday my mild mannered friend did take on a Green Nazi, in a very civil and decisive way, and the following is what ensued (as described to me by my friend). Near the gate of the school in North Sydney, he walked up to the Green Nazi (a middle aged man) and asked him what his opinion was on the Israel/Gaza war and the Green Nazi said (and these are the words my friend said to me)…

Green Nazi……’Mate, this is a council election, I don’t see what Israel and Gaza has to do with a council election’.

My friend said he nearly fell over at the humungous hypocrisy.

Green Nazi…..‘but since you’ve raised the subject, Israel has murdered over 400,000 people in Gaza.

My friend…..’no, Israel has not, that is completely false’.

My friend then walked away, he rang me yesterday to tell me about the verbal exchange. And yes, Green Nazi said 400,000. That’s what we’re dealing with….liars. As I said to my friend, they lie and they lie and they lie, and they don’t care about their lies. Green Nazi knew that figure of 400,000 was a lie but he will say it regardless because too many stupid ill-informed, particularly young, idiots will believe him.

The good news is that on Saturday, in unwoke suburbs and areas of Sydney where there are considerable Jewish populations, the Greens suffered electoral setbacks. As I said to my friend, perhaps some people are waking up to the fact that the Greens aren’t some benign environmentalist party but are radical far-left Nazi extremists. As the words on one poster I saw at Bondi Junction made clear….

Rubbish not radicals

Last edited 3 days ago by Cassie of Sydney
September 16, 2024 6:55 am

September 16, 2024 6:44 am

(Sorry DB link no workee…)

Just copy the link, paste it in a new tab, it will work, not much info behind it but.

September 16, 2024 7:01 am

We watched the Ch7 Spotlight expose of the defamation of Special Forces soldier Heston Russell by the ABC with dismay and outrage. Axes must surely fall on those in the ABC who fabricated evidence against this decorated soldier. He has been awarded damages by a court, but none of those responsible for the outrage appear to have lost their jobs.

September 16, 2024 7:11 am
Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 16, 2024 7:11 am

Monday poll news.

Coalition inching closer to a minority government: AFR poll (Sky News, 16 Sep)

Peter Dutton’s chances at a minority government have increased according to the latest Australian Financial Review/Freshwater Strategy poll.

On a two-party preferred basis, the Coalition has inched further by one per cent – leading at 52 per cent. Labor has dropped by one per cent to 48 per cent.

Must be some agonizing in the Labor brains trust about when to call the election.

September 16, 2024 7:15 am

Another assassination attempt? This time the Feds shot the POS.

Cassie of Sydney
September 16, 2024 7:17 am

They want Trump dead

They want to kill him.

God bless Donald Trump

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
September 16, 2024 7:21 am

Their ABC already working to downplay the Trump golf course incident.
Is it really an assassination attempt?
-Disgruntled golfer caught in plan to shoot gulls who interfered with his round.
-Easy access to military style firearms causes panic as new gun owner uses a golf course to sight in his new purchase.
-Trump endangers the public during a golf round.
-Cat lover seeks justice.
-Walz blames a lack of tampons in Trump’s course bathrooms for firearm related incident.
-Haitian asylum seeker mistakes golf course for cat shelter.

September 16, 2024 7:29 am

What a day for Monty. Hell be waiting on the new talking points to drop like a junkie in a roach den.

Affidavit alleging ABC (America) had not just their thumbs, but their whole bodies on the scale in the Trump/Kameltoe debate.

Plus our ABC caught red handed doctoring footage to falsely accuse a chap of war crimes.

September 16, 2024 7:29 am

BoN, Labor brains trust? Contradiction in terms of ever there was.

September 16, 2024 7:29 am

Interesting interview on Ch 9 with a senior ex CIA operative re the apparent plan to assassinate Trump in the last 24 hrs. He commented on the appalling failure to provide overhead protection of Trump in the last attempt. He also said he thinks the US would collapse into bloodshed should an assassination attempt on Trump succeed.

September 16, 2024 7:34 am

Is Dutton up to the main job?

Paul Collits, Politicom, 14 September 2024

It Is increasing likely Airbus Albo will become One Term Albo. He deserves to be rapidly turfed into the dustbin of history. Peter Dutton has made a big impact as opposition leader. But what will Dutton do next? Dutton has a choice. Is he going to be happy just tinkering around the edges, or will he go big on the issues that really matter?

Gough Whitlam, Malcolm Fraser and (arguably) Tony Abbott all demonstrated the chasm between bashing a garbage opponent and governing with (positive) impact. It is important to add “positive” here.

Whitlam had impact – he nearly ruined the country.

On the positive side of the ledger, Dutton intends to do something (hopefully nothing) about climate change.

This would be huge, but the job will not be done. There is a mountain of work everywhere.

Let us just take the creeping authoritarianism of government. Surely, next to stopping a world war and killing the pandemic planning industry stone dead, this is the biggie for any incoming government.

The tyranny of the State grows everywhere, by the day.

Here, the portents are not so good. Recently his three senior senators all voted against – yes, against – an inquiry into pandemic governance.

This was unspeakable, and let us assume it was done with Dutton’s approval. Certainly, with his knowledge. Same old Liberals, we must conclude. It gets worse.

This was The Spectator’s Alexandra Marshall back in June: “Dutton’s praise of the e-Safety Commissioner spells disaster for the Liberals.”

Alexandra referred to “the main event”, which she believes is “mass global censorship of the public conversation”.

And the stakes have become higher since. Not only have we had the passage of the Digital ID legislation, but now Anthony Albanese wishes to control the internet. He will have no greater ally in this than e-Safety Commissioner Julie Inman-Grant.

Dutton has a choice.

Is he going to be happy just tinkering around the edges, or will he go big on the issues that really matter?

Righting the sinking ship that is our democracy and restoring fundamental freedoms and rights to individuals and freely associating groups.

This is core Liberal Party business, one would think. Yet all the right words on this issue are spoken by a couple of backbenchers and by the micro freedom Parties.

The latest move, tyranny-wise, post the coming of digital ID, is the proposal to stop youngsters from accessing social media, and the war against so-called misinformation and its dis- and mal- siblings via further online restrictions on free speech and beliefs.

This is merely the Australian front in a global attempt by the political class to take over the internet, and so reduce it to eunuch status. It is about the only institution left to conquer.

The family is gone. The media is gone. The political Parties are legacy only, but still they’re doing what they do.

The churches? Woke and corrupt. The universities? Enough said. The schools? Gone to pot generations ago. But, we still have the internet.

The banning of teenagers from social media is said to “protect children”.

If you believe this is about protecting children, you will most likely also believe in fairies at the bottom of the garden.

Despite all of the mealy-mouthed “defence of children” pap from the likes of Labor’s Communications Minister Michelle Rowland, the real agenda has been laid bare by George Christensen.

* The Albanese Government announced a ban on children using social media, but delayed it for two years, likely to set up Digital ID first.

* Digital ID is needed for the ban to work, linking identity to social media accounts and ending online anonymity.

* This move isn’t about protecting children; it’s about government control over everyone’s online activity.

* Both Labor and the Liberals support Digital ID for age verification, showing this is a bipartisan agenda.

* The push for Digital ID is about creating a surveillance State where the government and corporations monitor everything we do online.

* The real goal is control and profit, not child safety, driven by corporate media and government interests.

Context is everything. Look at the props being erected around this proposal. Digital ID especially.

It will mean that everyone fronting social media will have to prove their age and identity. You see where this is going? Facial recognition? Bill Gates 60,000 satellites across the world will certainly help.

Here are a few examples of the political class’s undoubted commitment to caring for children:

* Forcing vaccines on them, with permanent damage such as myocarditis to follow them for the rest of their lives;

* Locking them out of schooling for two years, a time that will forever stunt their development and learning;

* Driving the transgender agenda and ensuring that children “suffering” gender confusion can go behind their parents’ backs to get going on puberty blockers and the rest;

* Shoving gendered pronouns on five-year-olds;

* Bringing prancing female impersonators into libraries and classrooms;

* Transforming the school curriculum into a “how to masturbate” education for all.

* The political class’s commitment to children’s welfare is there for all to see. Really. And voters fall for this?

Back to Peter Dutton’s choice.

Pushing the energy envelope to include nuclear was a big step. But our current mainstream politicians, at least those leaning Right, feel constrained to keep things hovering around what gets defined as the “centre”.

The ultra-progressive wing of the UniParty feels no such compunction. Just look at the gender wars.

Here is an issue, a hill on which to die. Whether Dutton can break free of the Liberal Party’s recent past tilt at stakeholder tyranny is his moment of truth.

And whether he can bring along the wets as well will be the measure of the man.

And this isn’t just a test for the Libs. The establishment, Liberal Party-connected punditocracy will also be under scrutiny. Where will Advance Australia be, for example? Will champions emerge from the mainstream? What on earth would it take to frighten them?

Will they sit this out while the ruling class construct a fully integrated architecture of totalitarian control?

This has to be rejected in total and called out for the threat that it is.

“This is core Liberal Party business, one would think.”
That can change from day to day. Just ask John Howard.

September 16, 2024 7:35 am

Oh, and one more unsuccessful attempt at assassinating trump overnight, bloke with an AK47 at the golf course. Driven off by agents/security before he got near the Don though.

September 16, 2024 7:42 am

Karen demands to see manager.
Sees him
It told to F off.

Palesimian supporter gets a bit of pushback.

Bear Necessities
Bear Necessities
September 16, 2024 7:43 am

Reading that the alleged assassin was going to use an AK-47. A very strange choice of rifle. It was designed to be mass produced for the peasantry not sniping. Let’s see what more information comes out about this.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
September 16, 2024 7:50 am

A White House statement said: “The President and Vice President have been briefed about the security incident at the Trump International Golf Course, where former President Trump was golfing.

They are relieved to know that he is safe. They will be kept regularly updated by their team.

But next time, right?

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
September 16, 2024 7:56 am

Ryan Wesley Routh
Looks like he had body armour up on the fence to protect himself from return fire and another black bag to hide his presence. Not sure it is definitely an AK – curved magazines not uncommon in other weapons. GoPro found on site, this guy had a plan.

September 16, 2024 7:57 am

The latest Trump wannabe assassin has been arrested. That is, he’s not dead.

So this is now going to turn into a disinformation operation where everyone from the Secret Service down attempts to put words into the shooter’s mouth.

September 16, 2024 8:02 am
Cassie of Sydney
September 16, 2024 8:03 am

Just a thought for the day, we all know that the Bibas family, Yarden, Shiri and the two little boys, Kfir and Ariel, are still held hostage in Gaza. They are either alive or dead. It’s been revealed by a female hostage who was released in the November hostage exchange that Yarden Bibas was kept locked in a cage.

So, that what the left across the West now defend, be it Green Nazis such as Fatso Faruqi, our own resident Nazi, Penny Pong, the grub from Grayndler and so on. They don’t speak up for the Bibas family, no, they defend kidnappers, they defend psychopathic, sociopathic terrorist tormenters who keep a human being in a cage.

Let that sink in, that’s the left in 2024.

September 16, 2024 8:06 am


Haitians Migrants in Springfield, Ohio are filing FALSE POLICE REPORTS tying up scarce resources

I personally witnessed this yesterday when my Haitian Lyft driver, who spoke ZERO English, stopped the car and called 911, claiming he was being “surrounded” and was “scared for his life.”

In reality, he was ticked off because someone took his picture.

In the video, you can hear the frustration in the 911 operator’s voice, as the driver couldn’t even tell them which language he spoke. The taxpayers were forced to pay for an interpreter for this false 911 call, and MANY others like it.

Not being able to speak to the driver, I simply got out and left in an associate’s vehicle.

According to an officer I spoke with later in the day, MULTIPLE units were dispatched to the scene, who quickly discovered the whole thing was a farce.

The man faced NO consequences for his false report, and then tried FOLLOWING me, refusing to cancel the ride.

This is a particularly concerning issue given the FBI’s new ad campaign in Springfield begging Haitians to “report hate crimes.” A LOT of local Springfield residents are about to have their lives ruined by false reports. I guarantee it.

September 16, 2024 8:06 am

Ryan Wesley Routh

September 16, 2024 8:09 am

Apparently, he got within two holes of Trump. The question everyone is raising is how did he know Trump’s schedule.


Sources I spoke with informed me that the USSS advance team was scouting the holes ahead of President Trump as he was golfing. Agents spotted the suspect in the tree line in possession of a semi-automatic rifle which they believe to be an AK-47 or similar. The agents either exchanged fire with him, or else it was only the agents shooting at the suspect—this remains unclear. The suspect immediately fled into the trees and initially managed to evade agents, but was quickly apprehended and is now in law enforcement custody.

September 16, 2024 8:10 am

All those white nationalist nazis and yet no-one is taking potshots at Kamala.
Not to be flippant either because the visceral Trump hate has already taken one life, with two seriously injured.

September 16, 2024 8:10 am
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
September 16, 2024 8:12 am

A.B.C. – Anything But Credible.

H/T comments section on the Australian.

September 16, 2024 8:13 am

“so trump’s latest failed assassin was some schizophrenic NAFOboomer?”

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
September 16, 2024 8:14 am

The pictures of the weapon shows the front end looking AK like but the stock is not AK. Customised outfit.
Release the conspiracies!

Boambee John
Boambee John
September 16, 2024 8:15 am

I see that FatBoy was up late last night, pushing the latest DNC Talking Points.

Good luck with that, the memes are everywhere.

September 16, 2024 8:16 am

But they’ll get her across the line if it takes them a month after the election to manufacture the votes. We’re already hearing about how long it’ll take and how bad the post is!
Kamala Harris Is Much Worse Than Anyone Ever Thought

Boambee John
Boambee John
September 16, 2024 8:20 am

Farmer Gez

A recent item at JoNova quoted what is claimed to be a section from the Paris Treaty, enjoining nations from impacting food production in the quest for nett zero.

Might be worth a look at the actual treaty. Accusing the Slime of breaching the Treaty would shock them.

Last edited 3 days ago by Boambee John
September 16, 2024 8:24 am
September 16, 2024 8:25 am
September 16, 2024 8:30 am

The FBI is nothing less than an anti-American infiltrator.


NEW: The FBI is putting up BILLBOARDS written in HAITIAN CREOLE here in Springfield, Ohio encouraging people to “report hate crimes”


Instead of handling the REAL, VIOLENT crime that’s now running rampant in Springfield thanks to Kamala’s illegals, the FBI is focusing on “victimizing” the Haitian population in order to push a narrative.


September 16, 2024 8:31 am

Time cleanse.

This is an awesome little trick to pull on kids.

September 16, 2024 8:38 am


Boambee John
Boambee John
September 16, 2024 8:41 am

Numbers still waxing not very eloquent about clerical paedophilia on the Pontiff thread.

September 16, 2024 8:46 am

The pictures of the weapon shows the front end looking AK like but the stock is not AK. Customised outfit.

”Sporterised” version, probably a semi auto. Like the SKS/SKK we used to run around with.
Accurate enough if in good condition.

Last edited 3 days ago by 132andBush
September 16, 2024 8:52 am

He literally shreds her, all based on facts.

Mark Levin on Kamala Harris

Last edited 3 days ago by Indolent
September 16, 2024 8:53 am

Jacqui Lambie going full metal boilerplate on US gun laws.

Housebricks are more nuanced.

Also, she doesn’t look right. What has she done to herself? Ita has the same frozen look, and can barely enunciate words.

September 16, 2024 8:55 am

I see the Libertarians did quite well in greater Sydney council elections.

Does anyone know how Muslim Vote candidates fared?

Scant news in the msm.

Top Ender
Top Ender
September 16, 2024 9:08 am

Multiple reports name the suspect as Ryan Wesley Routh, a registered Democrat. 

September 16, 2024 9:10 am

Internet Columbos scouring Ryan Routh’s socials looking for that One More Thing that proves he is a CIA plant.

Looks at this early stage as if he was a wannabe warlord. As to whether he was a useful idiot for anyone foolish enough to pay him, who can trust anyone these days.

In particular you can’t trust Republicans, after Vance admitted on CNN that he made up the Ohio cat eating story.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
September 16, 2024 9:11 am

Boambee John
 September 16, 2024 8:20 am

Farmer Gez
A recent item at JoNova quoted what is claimed to be a section from the Paris Treaty, enjoining nations from impacting food production in the quest for nett zero.
Might be worth a look at the actual treaty. Accusing the Slime of breaching the Treaty would shock them.

Aready done.
Zero cares in Canberra and with the media about the provisions of the Paris Accord.
States are in charge of the land use, so there is a nice get out of jail for Albo & Bowen,

September 16, 2024 9:13 am

Probably a vegan.
And if he’s 58, not a boomer.

Last edited 3 days ago by Rosie
September 16, 2024 9:14 am

Ryan Routh criminal record in North Carolina:

September 16, 2024 9:15 am

Too late Monty, we’ve seen Routh social media postings.
A Berniebro and Kamala fan.

September 16, 2024 9:19 am

As seems to be common, you can’t easily pigeon-hole the politics of a bloke mad enough to actually attempt a presidential assassination hanging from a tree in a golf course with an AK-47. I am sure Cats will give it their best, nonetheless.

September 16, 2024 9:19 am

Oh and J D Vance didn’t say what you said he said.
And what’s the big deal about cats and dogs?
There’s footage on the internet of Haitians in Haiti eating human flesh.

Top Ender
Top Ender
September 16, 2024 9:20 am

Only 8c a day each?

Papua New Guinean lawyer and businessman Samson Jubi has received a “significant” payout over an erroneous ABC report claimed that he was wanted for one of the biggest frauds in the island ­nation’s history.

One source estimated the the total cost to the ABC to be well in excess of $100,000, taking into account damages and legal costs, over a series of reports in 2022 that he said had “racist undertones”.

The ABC quoted claims by now-disgraced PNG minister Bryan Kramer that Mr Jubi, a Cairns resident, should be extradited to PNG and charged as part of a criminal case, alleging he misappropriated $117m from impoverished villagers affected by BHP’s environmental catastrophe at the OK Tedi mine in PNG more than 20 years ago.

While there was never an attempt by the commonwealth Attorney-General to extradite Mr Jubi, on Wednesday PNG’s Nat­ional Court found six individuals – who would have been his co-­accused had he been extradited – not guilty of mis­appropriation.

Mr Kramer was dismissed from parliament in May 2023 after he was found guilty of seven counts of misconduct. He is challenging the dismissal.

Mr Jubi, a lawyer who has lived in Cairns for almost 20 years, told The Australian on Friday that the national broadcaster had made a presumption of his guilt. “When the now disgraced PNG minister for justice made public calls for Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus KC to extradite me back to PNG to also face charges, our national broadcaster was only too happy to offer a megaphone to his words that alleged the worst form of wrongdoing against a lawyer,” Mr Jubi said.

He said he communicated with reporter Sean Rubinsztein-Dunlop on why the charges should be “treated with extreme caution” as well as the motives held by those calling for his extradition, but his claims were ignored. “I moved quickly to retain professionals to communicate to the ABC reporter Sean Rubinsztein-Dunlop why those charges had to be treated with extreme caution and the motives of those calling for my extradition. This would have come as no surprise to the ABC, who boasts years of reporting on corruption in PNG.

“The ABC ignored those efforts, publishing an article that painted me to be a criminal on the run. The article went on to note that I, a lawyer of some 30 years, paid a modest cash for my family home,” he said.

Mr Jubi, represented by lawyer Rebekah Giles and barrister Sue Chrysanthou, said the impact the stories had on his family were “profound … Despite Australia’s reputation for fairness, its own national broadcaster presumed guilt on the mere say so of a person now convicted of seven counts of misconduct and convicted me of an alleged fraud through its publication of Mr Rubinsztein-­Dunlop’s interview on ABC News – a trusted brand.

“It was never my desire to litigate against the ABC, but I had no choice when it failed to act reasonably in its response to a letter seeking to resolve the matter. My primary concern was to have the offending publications removed from the internet,” he said.

According to a notice of discontinuance filed with the Federal Court of Australia in December, the ABC acknowledged “further information” had emerged that the ABC and reporter did not have at the time of publication. One source estimated the ABC paid about $100,000 in damages to Mr Jubi, on top of other legal costs.


September 16, 2024 9:25 am

Back and forward to the Ukraine, recruiting Afghanis living in Iran to fight there.
He’s a registered Democrat.
of course he wants anyone but Trump.

September 16, 2024 9:26 am
September 16, 2024 9:26 am

Looks at this early stage as if he was a wannabe warlord. 

And I will bet London to a brick that somewhere in his online mutterings he has found it acceptable to “punch a “Nazi””.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
September 16, 2024 9:31 am

New Monty meme.
Disgruntled Vivek supporter seeks to lodge a ballistic protest on his way to vote for Kamala – Trump implicated.

September 16, 2024 9:32 am
September 16, 2024 9:34 am

Big Hair on Sky, and I paraphrase…

Is it the Democrats inciting violence or is it the tone of debate in the US?

My advice…lower the temperature on the hairdryer and don’t sniff the hairspray any more.

Fortunately Morrow, not known for his TrumpLove, dismisses the idiocy.

Postcript…”the rules of engagement have changed with Kamala”.

Why? Because she’s female? She needs a kinder, more temperate atmosphere to shine?

You GoGirls have to stick together.

September 16, 2024 9:39 am

Thanks rosie for all the TwitLinks. You go there so I don’t have to.

I see now what others have been saying about Sky Daytime as opposed to evenings.

News slyly opines one way, where out and proud opinion goes (mostly) the other, albeit repetitively.

September 16, 2024 9:43 am
September 16, 2024 9:47 am

For those not up there with the hip lingo…

The North Atlantic Fella Organization (NAFO, a play on NATO, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization) is an Internet meme and social media movement dedicated to countering Russian propaganda and disinformation about the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine.

I had to look it up. Could have been anything. Non Affiliated Furry Operative was also in play.

September 16, 2024 9:48 am

Vance’s verbatim quote from his CNN interview with Dana Bash:

If I have to create stories so that the American media actually pays attention to the suffering of the American people, then that’s what I’m going to do.

Yes, he did admit to making up the Ohio cat thing.

September 16, 2024 9:54 am

Stop lying Monty, everyone can watch the entire interview.
He’s referring to amplifying stories on behalf of his constituents.
Not making them out of whole cloth like you and your democratic friends.

September 16, 2024 9:57 am
September 16, 2024 10:04 am

North Atlantic Fella Organization.

They have branches in the EU and elsewhere too. Not a lot of members but still.

I have to look up acronyms quite frequently, living under a rock does that.

September 16, 2024 10:04 am

Not good news about the 2nd attempt on Trump.

However WTF is he doing putting out a comment just saying “I hate Taylor Swift”?! Just immature.

Cassie of Sydney
September 16, 2024 10:05 am

Nazi boy is here.

September 16, 2024 10:05 am


 September 16, 2024 9:48 am

Just get on the Trump train.
You know you want to.
Everyone good has eventually changed their minds and realised they were wrong about him.
Robert Kennedy
Tulsi Gabbard.
Megan Kelly.
J.D. Vance.
Jimmy Dore.
That chick off the young Turks:

Ana Kasparian


Those alleging that someone shooting at Trump today was “staged” with zero evidence are loathsome, disgusting people who play a big role in tearing this country apart. Imagine providing cover for horrific political violence. Beyond shameful

The only people going the other way are the ones with sticks up their arses. The Dick Cheney types.
You find yourself in the trenches with Dick Cheney, you should ask yourself “Are we the baddies”? Why, yes you are.
Search your conscience. Do you really want to continue to stooge for the globalist, mean, corporatist, evil Cheney types? The old military industrial regime?
If you are truly not a corporate stooge type, part of your brain must be howling in pain right now,
Support the guy they want dead. Support the guy they lie about all the time. At some point it gets past team politics. It’s real this time.
Maybe next time a good guy will emerge from your side.
Probably not, but if it happens we’ll be for them too.

Last edited 3 days ago by Arky
Boambee John
Boambee John
September 16, 2024 10:11 am

DNC Daily Talking Points working hard today.

Oddly, they never mention that Putin and Dick “Darth Vader” Cheney are supporting KamelToe. That’s the company mUnturd is in right now. Next he’ll be buying shares in Halliburton.

Last edited 3 days ago by Boambee John
September 16, 2024 10:12 am

Heads up, folks: monty just loves all this attention.

September 16, 2024 10:12 am

The assassination attempts on Trump are entirely orchestrated by the Demonrat Party. They know exactly what they’re doing. By relentlessly spewing venom and accusing him of the worst things, such as ending democracy, calling him every vile name in the book, they’re intentionally stoking their most unhinged part of the base. It’s a calculated move, hoping to push one of their radical and lunatic members over the edge to do the unthinkable.

Let’s not sugarcoat it—the Democratic Party has devolved into a violent, criminal organization that stops at nothing to silence its opposition.

Last edited 3 days ago by JC
September 16, 2024 10:14 am

What is it about the Democrats and putting up cackling witches against Trump?
Why after putting up the completely unlikeable Clinton hag, who Norm MacDonald had a running gag about, literally how unlikeable she was and that even Bill couldn’t stand her, would you want to repeat that error?

September 16, 2024 10:17 am

North Atlantic Fella Organization.

Nayzee Adjacent Fabulist Overlords.

September 16, 2024 10:19 am

However WTF is he doing putting out a comment just saying “I hate Taylor Swift”?! Just immature.

That’s because you have zero sense of humor, Rooster.
It’s meant to be humorous.

In any event, as someone said.

90% of Swift’s songs are about getting into and out of wrong relationships, so it’s no surprise then, that she’d endorse KamalToe.

September 16, 2024 10:24 am

What a soothing game.

I recommend a 500kt load on the Canberaaaah for maximum soothing effect.

September 16, 2024 10:30 am

Good point:




Reading his feed, it seems like the would-be assassin is, unsurprisingly, an unstable man. The question I need to see answered is, How did he know Trump would be on the course today.

September 16, 2024 10:37 am
Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 16, 2024 10:38 am

Heh, Monty’s reaction this morning is exactly in line with this fine story.

The Left Is Powerless in Stopping the Haitians Eating Pets Story…And It’s Amazing to Watch (15 Sep)

I don’t know whether to laugh or cry, though in this instance, it’s not a statement regarding some appalling examples of liberal media bias. For the Ohio Haitians ‘eating the pets’ story, it’s pure entertainment, maybe a touch of schadenfreude: the liberal media is being tortured in their attempt to neutralize the story. Contrary to the establishment press, this story hasn’t been debunked.

It’s rather joyous! I’ve link the Instapundit version since they also have repeated a link to Christopher Rufo’s take, which I read a couple days ago and is also very good. Plus some fun tweets and a WIP graphic to boot.

September 16, 2024 10:39 am
September 16, 2024 10:42 am

Bill Ackman

If you are a journalist, your reputation is all you have. So when someone releases an affidavit which claims that you were a major player in defrauding the American people in a presidential debate, if you are not guilty as alleged, you have no choice but to immediately issue a statement denying the claims for silence is an admission of complicity. The allegations and affidavit have been available now for hours yet crickets…

If indeed this turns out to be true, which is looking increasingly likely, consider the character of the presidential candidate that would cheat in a debate, allowing her staff to negotiate the questions in advance, the camera angles, the required fact checking of her opponent, and the lack of fact checking of her own answers. Also, consider what journalists — in this case David Muir and Linsey Davis — and the network that would agree to these conditions. I thought it was bad when Kamala Harris would only agree to a debate on a favored network with a friendly moderator. If this is false, where are Muir and Davis’s public ‘over my dead body’ denials. And what does

ABC have to say? For the sake of journalism, I hope this is a fiction. Sadly for the state of truth in media, I expect the whistleblower’s allegations will be deemed to be true.

September 16, 2024 10:48 am

Must be some agonizing in the Labor brains trust about when to call the election.

The longer they wait the more painful it is going to be!

September 16, 2024 10:51 am

Not A F***** Object

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 16, 2024 10:55 am
September 16, 2024 11:05 am

FBI stooge:
”We couldn’t protect Trump because of the shrubbery”.
Are you f*cking serious?
First slightly sloped roofs, now shrubbery.
What a bunch of shit.
It’s deranged that they think these lame excuses might work.
There is a boundary to a golf course. Generally they have vegetation.
You put someone in a line of sight along the shrubs on the OUTSIDE of the course.
It’s not hard. FFS.
These arseholes talk as if they were storming through the bocage in Normandy.

Last edited 3 days ago by Arky
Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
September 16, 2024 11:08 am

We couldn’t protect Trump because of the shrubbery


Monty Python jokes may be inserted at will.

September 16, 2024 11:09 am

Reading his feed, it seems like the would-be assassin is, unsurprisingly, an unstable man. The question I need to see answered is, How did he know Trump would be on the course today.

Uh JC, Trump plays golf most days. His schedule is GTL: golf – tan – lie.

September 16, 2024 11:15 am

“Their ABC already working to downplay the Trump golf course incident.
Is it really an assassination attempt?”

No, this is clearly Donald Trump interfering in the God given 2nd amendment rights of a citizen!

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 16, 2024 11:16 am

Routh’s Xtwitter and Facechook accounts have now been scrubbed.

Funny how that happens.

September 16, 2024 11:17 am

Uh JC, Trump plays golf most days. His schedule is GTL: golf – tan – lie.

It’s high campaign season, you sloth. He wouldn’t know if he was there or not.

September 16, 2024 11:18 am

Peter Dutton’s chances at a minority government have increased according to the latest Australian Financial Review/Freshwater Strategy poll.

Poor as Labor are the most terrifying thing about the polls is I can’t name one Labor-lite shadow minister apart from Dudzy ..
Luigi’s associates are useless but they do manage to get their incompetence into the media on a regular basis …
Dudzy sez this, Dudzy sez that! .. is there anyone else on the opposition benches ..?

September 16, 2024 11:20 am

BTW, its this group that has wanted a war with Iran for decades.

So true. Iran has just been a victim in the whole ordeal. They’ve been victimized throughout these years.
I agree, Iran should seek reparations for what they’ve been put through.

September 16, 2024 11:21 am
September 16, 2024 11:22 am

You find yourself in the trenches with Dick Cheney, you should ask yourself “Are we the baddies”? Why, yes you are.

Neocons are largely irrelevant these days as they lost all political credibility during the War on Terror, except within the armed forces where they still dominate.

I can not treat seriously any Cat backflipping on positions they held so fervently during the Bush administrations. Your side caused the disasters in Iraq and Afghanistan, including the withdrawal from the latter orchestrated by Trump including his release of 5,000 Taliban. Shush.

September 16, 2024 11:25 am

And Trump, was a neo-con too, for putting poor innocent Iran through the sanctions ringer and almost sending broke.

Iran are victims and all the good intentions by the mullahs were for nought.

September 16, 2024 11:26 am

“Penny – control your privates”!

Please Explain genius.

September 16, 2024 11:28 am

Stop lying Monty, everyone can watch the entire interview.

He’s referring to amplifying stories on behalf of his constituents.

The puke funnel in operation. Neo-Nazis seed a highly racist and bogus story based on bigotry and hatred, Republicans amplify it, bomb threats made against schools, stochastic terrorism.

Meanwhile, polls that aren’t run by GOP stooges show Harris still building her lead both nationally and in swing states. Your racism isn’t working.

September 16, 2024 11:28 am

Speaking of Iran, it looks like they could be in for another round of bread riots and general discontent. The regime has just increased prices…again.

September 16, 2024 11:35 am

I don’t see this or that side as victims or villains. I see them as actors.

Yeah, naa, they’re victims of the GAO and the regime, along with Israel, the GAO’s close ally in the region, which frequently calls for Iran’s demise. You see those Israeli crowds chanting ‘death to Iran’ and even ‘death to Iranians’ after sabbath prayers. 🙂

Last edited 3 days ago by JC
September 16, 2024 11:41 am


September 16, 2024 11:28 am

Speaking of Iran, it looks like they could be in for another round of bread riots and general discontent. The regime has just increased prices…again.

Impossible. How could that happen when the Iranian economy is busting arse, figuratively speaking.

September 16, 2024 11:43 am


She single and ready to mingle.

Cassie of Sydney
September 16, 2024 11:45 am

Neo-Nazis seed a highly racist and bogus story based on bigotry and hatred

Yeah Nazi boy, and there were lots of bogus stories based on bigotry and hatred to be seen on Melbourne’s CBD streets last week. But we noted your silence because we know you have zero problem with that bigotry and hatred.

You are such a stinking hypocrite.

September 16, 2024 11:46 am

Dunno if posted by Ryan Routh hosts a Fight for Ukraine page which can be found here:

Fight for Ukraine – [email protected] | +1-808-464-8342

September 16, 2024 11:48 am


September 16, 2024 11:45 am

What’s the GAO?

Oh sheez, thanks for pointing it out. It’s GAE (Great American Empire). That’s what you call the US now, right?

H B Bear
H B Bear
September 16, 2024 11:52 am

mUnty seems triggered.

September 16, 2024 11:54 am

So some are saying the shooter’s two bags were filled with ceramic tiles and there was a gap between them for him to poke his gun out.

The tiles were meant to serve as shotgun cover.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 16, 2024 12:04 pm

I don’t know whether to laugh or cry. This flyer just lobbed into my mailbox.

I’ve highlighted the text. Absolutely bonkers stuff, with the Australian Red Cross and Australia Post pushing it. How do you counter such mad propaganda? Sigh.

September 16, 2024 12:05 pm

Ackman has destroyed the reputations of several Ivy League presidents. Iger ts Disney’s CEO and ABC big boss. Ackman doesn’t stop.




Dear Bob, I assume that you have been made aware of this affidavit which was made public earlier today in which a whistleblower states that ABC

worked closely with the Kamala Harris campaign in sharing the substance of the questions, avoiding certain topics, agreeing on the staging, committing to fact check Donald Trump and not Harris, and more disturbing details. I find the allegations credible as written and also because the affidavit was apparently made and filed the day prior to the debate and makes mention of Harris’ smaller podium and other details that only became public thereafter. While I can’t determine the veracity of the allegations, they do match substantively what took place during the debate. The moderators of the debate — David Muir and Linsey Davis — have yet to respond to the allegations. Since they have not yet done so, one must draw a negative inference. In light of the seriousness of the allegations and the implications for this presidential election and for ABC’s reputation and thereby Disney’s

and the office of the CEO, I strongly encourage you to launch an immediate investigation of this matter. Our democracy depends on transparency, particularly with regard to events which can impact the outcome of the presidential election. I ask on behalf of all voters that you treat these allegations with the seriousness they deserve. Thank you. Bill

September 16, 2024 12:16 pm

Look. You can overcome this Trump aversion thing.

First, you have to admit you have been programmed by the media you are consuming.

Next, you have to change your thought processes.

Arky, I have time for you because you seem like a decent bloke, albeit it’s a bit hard to hear you from inside those YouTube rabbit holes.

I am a leftist, which means I am a conservative since the core institutions of society are based upon leftist ideals like freedom, tolerance and community.

Trump represents opposition to all of those things. He is the anti-conservative, seeking to dismantle or sell off what he can and blow up the rest. His policy platform, such as it is, was constructed solely in service of further exacerbating inequality to benefit him and his billionaire mates. His movement is a cancer on the body politic.

Thankfully, MAGA is just about dead, like everything else he touches.

September 16, 2024 12:33 pm

Absolutely bonkers stuff, with the Australian Red Cross and Australia Post pushing it. 

The Red Cross these days is basically a government funded entity.

He who pays the piper…

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
September 16, 2024 12:34 pm

Heads up, folks: monty just loves all this attention.

Going the ‘fool Monty’.

September 16, 2024 12:35 pm

I am a leftist, which means I am a conservative since the core institutions of society are based upon leftist ideals like freedom, tolerance and community.

Freedom? “Take the vax or else!”

Tolerance? “Anyone who disagrees with me is a fascist”

Community? “We’ll be the ones who define that for you, or else”

September 16, 2024 12:47 pm

Try espousing Christian ethics in a philosophy tutorial.

Then get back to me about “tolerance” of Lefties.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 16, 2024 12:51 pm

Apparently Bowen has just released a fairy farts strategy.

New plan shows Australia’s hydrogen dream is still alive (TechXplore, 15 Sep)

The new National Hydrogen Strategy, released today by Federal Climate Change and Energy Minister Chris Bowen, aims to ensure Australia produces green hydrogen at a competitive cost. It’s also designed to guide investment and signal Australia’s bold ambitions for the world.

The document updates the first national hydrogen strategy, released in 2019 by then Chief Scientist Alan Finkel. I helped devise that strategy in my previous job as a federal public servant. I was also part of a panel convened to advise the government on the strategy released today (although it was up to the government whether the advice was accepted).

In my view, this new version of the hydrogen strategy improves on the old one, and responds to changing circumstances. But much remains unclear, including how the strategy interacts with existing policies, and whether taxpayer money will be used to fund hydrogen projects doomed to fail.

Lady, all green hydrogen projects are doomed to fail. Anyone with a pocket calculator and access to wikipedia could work it out in very few minutes. Here’s who she is:

Alison Reeve

Deputy Program Director, Energy and Climate Change, Grattan Institute

So many many drones.

September 16, 2024 12:54 pm

Arky, I have time for you because you seem like a decent bloke

have never claimed to be such.
All humans are seriously flawed.
You shouldn’t trust anyone.
The only thing that makes us bearable to each other is the existence and general acceptance of those traditional values which are the core of conservatism.

Last edited 3 days ago by Arky
September 16, 2024 12:54 pm

APSI, part of the Planet B cabal swindle asks a stupid question:

Australia needs a year-round runway on Antarctica | The Strategist (

Why isn’t there an “all year” round airport there now? Oh, cos its too cold and too much ice and snow…

September 16, 2024 12:56 pm

The Anthropology of Karens


Video SummaryThe video discusses the cultural phenomenon of “Karens” as a symbolic representation of deeper societal issues, particularly the detrimental effects of bureaucratic expansion and toxic femininity on Western civilization. The presenter argues that “Karens,” who are characterized as entitled, demanding individuals, reflect a broader trend of social decay exacerbated by an oppressive bureaucratic class that thrives on their petty complaints. Key Points: – Anthropology is often considered applicable only to other cultures, while sociology is critiqued for being heavily biased towards leftist ideologies. – The video argues societal self-analysis is lacking, particularly in examining elements like “Karen culture,” defined as entitled behavior often vented towards bureaucracy. – The presenter views Karens as emblematic of a social trend that threatens the fabric of Western civilization, implying they enable bureaucratic expansion by pushing petty grievances. – Bureaucracies have historically been viewed as a threat to civilization; the rise of the bureaucratic class correlates with societal stagnation. – The author references various historical thinkers who warned against bureaucratic growth and suggested it leads to civilizational decline. – There’s a personal anecdote about the disconnect between societal expectations of propriety and the author’s desire for deeper, meaningful engagement with life. – The toxicity of femininity is highlighted, distinguishing between healthy and toxic traits, with a particular focus on how “Karens” leverage societal norms to assert dominance. – Claims that Karens and bureaucrats engage in a mutually beneficial relationship, where Karens seek validation through complaints, and bureaucracies amplify their grievances as a means to justify their existence. – The speaker suggests the phenomenon of “helicopter parenting” and excessive regulation stifles youth growth, echoing broader issues of societal control and the discouragement of individual merit. – The contrast is drawn between the vibrancy of life in other cultural contexts versus the perceived sterility instigated by Karen-type behavior in American society. – Finally, the presenter concludes by suggesting that as societal conditions worsen, the frivolity embodied by the Karens will be acknowledged as a relic of a bygone era.

September 16, 2024 1:04 pm

Trump post on Truth Social (I don’t have a link):


September 16, 2024 1:11 pm

Pesutto’s defamation case in court today

I hope this is the end the fool and his big mouth

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 16, 2024 1:18 pm

The MSM is now blaming funny cat memes for the second Trump assassination attempt.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
September 16, 2024 1:21 pm

A matter of time now (the CM):

Troubled former TV star Andrew O’Keefe had to be revived by paramedics after overdosing on drugs at a party in Sydney’s eastern suburbs on the weekend.

Emergency services were called to an address in Vaucluse just after 3.30am Saturday, where it’s believed they had to revive the 52-year-old.

Choose to live that life (and you do make that choice), and this is what happens.

local oaf
September 16, 2024 1:21 pm


September 16, 2024 1:41 pm

Karen culture

Karens are an extension of ladies outsourcing violence.
Ladies arent less violent/vindictive etc, its just that without a state actor or roided up boyfriend/daddy theyve lacked the ability to inflict violence on those around them.

How many pub fights are women based?
Cops are quite familiar with the “come over and talk”, followed by “he breached the restraining order” tactic.
Manipulating others into performing acts of coercion on others is just as culpable as doing it yourself.

September 16, 2024 2:05 pm

Conservatives aren’t concerned with preserving the status quo.

They used to be. Before the 1960s, the status quo was based on your “traditional values”, by which you mean patriarchy, religious observance and white supremacy.

This is not an original observation, and it is one I have repeated before on here, but it is still the basis of why I am here: conservatism is now the domain of leftists, because the “traditional values” that you lot still stan are no longer dominant in western culture.

Your desire is not to conserve or protect existing society, which is supposed to be the bedrock of conservatism if the word means anything. It is to dismantle current societal values and replace them with your own. This is not conservatism by any logical definition, unless you think the only thing worth conserving is your personal power in society… which has already dwindled so far as to be unrecognisable for what it was in the 1950s. Your credo is based on a lie, because you are actually an anarchist who wants to burn everything down and hope that you can rule the ruins.

September 16, 2024 2:06 pm

New dates! Coming soon!
Trump 2024 Attempted Assassination tour.

September 16, 2024 2:18 pm

This Haitian cat eating thing is shaping up to be the perfect distillation of toxicity for the progressive types, right up there with the “Islam was right about women” episode. No wonder Munter is losing his shit.

September 16, 2024 2:20 pm

This may be already posted. It purports to be the would-be assassin’s website. It may be taken down already”

September 16, 2024 2:21 pm

In fact, it is almost preferable if JD Vance did make it up because that would be some evil Bond villain level of genius that is hard to beat.

Cassie of Sydney
September 16, 2024 2:22 pm

I am a leftist, which means I am a conservative since the core institutions of society are based upon leftist ideals like freedom, tolerance and community.

I guess we should laugh at the above vomit. Please note that the writer of the above vomit, an unapologetic Nazi and Jew hater, last year applauded and cheered on the bashing of women in an Auckland Park and the near lynching of a woman in that same park. You might ask their crime? They believe you can’t change sex and that cocks in frocks should not be allowed to enter female only spaces. Ahhhh yes, our Nazi and all round pervert apologist is sooooo tolerant.

I should remind people here that Nazi boy’s idea of ‘tolerance’ is cheering on and laughing at Andrew Bolt being assaulted on a Melbourne street, at Tony Abbott being headbutted on a Hobart Street, at Rand Paul being assaulted on his front lawn, at Steve Scalise being gunned won at a baseball match, at Cardinal Pell being framed and imprisoned for a crime he did not do….and there are endless other examples of his ‘tolerance’.

Here’s the truth, the writer of the above dross believes in violence for those who disagree with him, he does not believe in tolerance. He’s a obscene hypocrite.

Boambee John
Boambee John
September 16, 2024 2:28 pm


I am a leftist, which means I am a conservative since the core institutions of society are based upon leftist ideals like freedom, tolerance and community.

LOL. Leftism is based on greed and the lust for power. Where it can, it restricts the freedom of those who reject it, as it cannot tolerate dissent. Those who do not accept its authority are metaphorically and often literally expelled from its “community”.

Look in the mirror.

September 16, 2024 2:34 pm
September 16, 2024 2:40 pm

you mean patriarchy, religious observance and white supremacy

What you are somewhat clumsily attempting to describe is a theocracy.
Which I oppose.
But the worst of all possible theocracies is a progressive theocracy.
Because progressivism has no fixed rule.
It is, by definition, a ceaseless revolution.
Imagine the French Revolution, or the cultural revolution, but without end.. That’s what they are working themselves towards. It’s clear to anyone who reads their, as you put it “credo”. There is no limit on “progress”.
If the progressive theocracy they are attempting to institute hasn’t yet violated any of your concerns, it is because either:

  1. It just hasn’t gotten around to you personally yet.
  2. The revolution hasn’t progressed past your personal comfort level. Yet.
September 16, 2024 2:40 pm

I am a leftist, which means I am a conservative since the core institutions of society are based upon leftist ideals like freedom, tolerance and community.

This has nothing to do with the modern left. You are a classical liberal democrat or social democrat. This ideology has been supplanted by woke illiberalism, which totemises victimhood, restricts freedom and speech and couldn’t give a shit about and actually detests its traditional working class base. Community in a large modern city has nothing to do with the traditional meaning of the word where people actually lived in small communities, this is why you come here, because the left actually hates you.

September 16, 2024 2:41 pm

The New Broom and the DiL are off to Delphi today. How I wish I could be there too.

Just love another glimpse of the charioteer. Forget all the gold on display, this statue is the crowning glory of the museum. Full size, he once drove a chariot and four horses.

September 16, 2024 2:42 pm

Dickless is now brainless. He has lapsed completely into the leftoid brain (sic) set of accusing conservatives of doing what they are doing:

Your desire is not to conserve or protect existing society, which is supposed to be the bedrock of conservatism if the word means anything. It is to dismantle current societal values and replace them with your own.

Brilliant brainless, even if it was reflexive.

September 16, 2024 2:47 pm

Only in the last week or so have I actually noticed when getting about before 9am how many women are walking to work, never really noticed it before but it’s overwhelmingly women on the streets going into offices.

WHich led me to conclude that the coming white collar job apocalypse will actually be a good thing. All these women are mostly engaged in menial white collar jobs and will be the first to get the boot. One of the first unintended consequences of the AI job apocalypse will be reversing the disastrous birth rate. All these women will have to go back home and they will have nothing better to do than make babies.

September 16, 2024 2:48 pm

It wouldn’t copy directly from his website – but this is what the Don wrote to his supporters after today’s incident:

There were gunshots in my vicinity, but before rumours start spiralling out of control, I wanted you to hear this first: I am SAFE & WELL. Nothing will slow me down. I will NEVER SURRENDER!

I will always love you for supporting me .

Unity. Peace. Make America Great Again. May God bless you.

Long Time Lurker
Long Time Lurker
September 16, 2024 2:50 pm

Nothing about the persona of mOnty is original. This thing you have created is the most basic of troll. Take a position in opposition to the majority and spice it with edgy, controversial or just outright disgusting statements. But I suppose it entertains the crowd to a degree.

Cassie of Sydney
September 16, 2024 2:51 pm

The ideals the left espouse involve the denial of basic liberty, violence in place of tolerance and the state replacing any notion of community. The bedrock of a community is family and the left are now profoundly anti-family.

September 16, 2024 3:10 pm

If you believed anything m0nty says, you’d have to be enormously impressed by his capacity for self-deception.

September 16, 2024 3:22 pm

Australia is the world capital of scams and anti-competitive monopolies and duopolies (Paywallian):

The exit of Rex from domestic trunk routes has already led to a rise in airfares, with new data showing economy travellers are paying at least 12 per cent more.

Bureau of Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Economics’ data for September revealed the cheapest fares in the market were up 12.5 per cent since July, and full-priced economy were 12.3 per cent more expensive.

PS: the private company that allocates takeoff and landing slots at major Australian airports is controlled by Qantas and Virgin Australia so new competition can be quickly killed off.

H B Bear
H B Bear
September 16, 2024 3:24 pm

Republicans don’t seem to think it is necessary to shoot Kamala before November?

September 16, 2024 3:28 pm

Because progressivism has no fixed rule.

It is, by definition, a ceaseless revolution.

Imagine the French Revolution, or the cultural revolution, but without end.. That’s what they are working themselves towards. It’s clear to anyone who reads their, as you put it “credo”. There is no limit on “progress”.

LOL at Cats and their obsession with the French Revolution. Two centuries later and you’re still crying over the wicker baskets.

The equation is simple: if the landed gentry don’t want their heads on pikes, don’t go the full Marie Antoinette with Tory austerity, trickledown Reaganomics or Washington Consensus financial repression. Guillotines won’t operate as long as the powdered nobles don’t go back to thinking they are God’s gift.

September 16, 2024 3:29 pm

Correct me if I’m wrong.
If Trump were assassinated, Vance would get all his delegates and become President.
In the wake of the killing, the turnout for the Republicans would be huge. They would sweep the lot.
Even though it would politically be a good outcome, Trump doesn’t deserve to be gunned down by some dirty hippy loon.
But seriously, if they wanted political success, the democrats would be out right now in unison loudly condemning the attempts and vowing to change the narrative and the discourse for the rest of the campaign. Apparently, they’re too damn stupid to see that.
Trump might even be in the frame of mind that if he is killed he still wins the election and becomes a part of history to boot.

September 16, 2024 3:40 pm


The equation is simple: if the landed gentry don’t want their heads on pikes, don’t go the full Marie Antoinette with Tory austerity, trickledown Reaganomics or Washington Consensus financial repression. Guillotines won’t operate as long as the powdered nobles don’t go back to thinking they are God’s gift.

Clearly, not everyone can solve even simple equations, you fat lesbian. Many members of the American elite tend to support the Democrats, while Trump receives significant support from rural areas, particularly among white voters. Coastal elite regions, on the other hand, tend to lean toward candidates like Kamala Harris. Demons also shout wacism thereby taking in the votes from various, gullible minority groups.

September 16, 2024 4:07 pm

September 16, 2024 1:41 pm

Karen culture
Karens are an extension of ladies outsourcing violence.
Ladies arent less violent/vindictive etc, its just that without a state actor or roided up boyfriend/daddy theyve lacked the ability to inflict violence on those around them.
How many pub fights are women based?
Cops are quite familiar with the “come over and talk”, followed by “he breached the restraining order” tactic.
Manipulating others into performing acts of coercion on others is just as culpable as doing it yourself.
An excellent article in City Journal about that very thing:

A few students holding an Israeli flag argue with a larger group of anti-Israel protesters blocking their way. A small, soft-spoken woman enters and, with the cool authority of a veteran teacher warning her naughty fourth-graders to behave, says to the Jewish students, “I’m going to ask you not to yell.” She suggests that the Jews take a different route to avoid confrontation. She continues, “I think you want to walk that way [meaning down the path her allies are blocking] because it’s antagonistic.”

The men feel checkmated. Do they point out her hypocrisy: She thinks they’re the antagonistic ones? Should they push her aside? Walk off with heads down? Just in case they didn’t do the right thing—retreat—a group of large men, faces partially obscured by keffiyehs and chests puffed out, appear and encircle the Jews, who, by contrast, don’t look like candidates for the football team.

The encounter was “peaceful,” perhaps, but the gender dynamics bristled with psyop belligerence. A woman making a show of being a caring, civil person masks her own hostility by projecting it onto others. And just in case her targets figure out her passive-aggressive game and try something, she calls in male protection.

I encourage Kittehs to read this article, and comment here.

It certainly matches with my experience. Look, I don’t blame women for trying to win. But I also think that both men and women need to call out this passive-aggressive, lying bullshit for what it is. All this ‘I can’t breathe’ or ‘I feel physically sick’ nonsense from perfectly healthy women; claiming in unspecified ways to ‘feel unsafe’ and the rest of the arsenal of dishonest emotional blackmail should be called out as simply a tactic to get what they want.

September 16, 2024 4:08 pm

I see Shogun got the most Emmys. Lead actor and actress in a drama and directing and many more.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 16, 2024 4:12 pm

All these women will have to go back home and they will have nothing better to do than make babies.

Making babies is a climate crime, so they won’t do that.

LA Times: ‘It’s almost shameful to want to have children’ – ‘Climate Anxiety & the Kid Question’ (14 Sep)

I love how the Left are extincting themselves by means of Darwinian natural selection.

September 16, 2024 4:22 pm

“Your desire is not to conserve or protect existing society, which is supposed to be the bedrock of conservatism if the word means anything. “

We need to distinguish between fiscal conservatism and social conservatism – one can be fiscally conservative (ie we should have balanced budgets), yet socially progressive (eg. equality before the law regardless of race, colour, creed, religion, sex or sexuality).

Conservative politics is about conserving what works and what is good, it is about making significant changes slowly to be sure that they do what they are advertised to do, and that they don’t inflict more unintended consequences (ie, damage) than they supposedly address.

Progressives want change (which is not necessarily bad) and they want it done in full, right now! That’s asking for trouble. They almost never ask “And then what?” – ie, consider the second order effects of what they want to do.

“Going back to what we had before” is not in and of itself bad if what we had before provided the most benefit for the most citizens, and what is here now does less or costs more (ie it’s worse).

September 16, 2024 4:28 pm

A woman making a show of being a caring, civil person masks her own hostility by projecting it onto others. And just in case her targets figure out her passive-aggressive game and try something, she calls in male protection.

Zali to a T. You there! Obese bald man! [bottom lip twembles]

Sic ‘im, Security!

September 16, 2024 4:40 pm

September 16, 2024 1:41 pm
Karen culture
Karens are an extension of ladies outsourcing violence.
Ladies arent less violent/vindictive etc, its just that without a state actor or roided up boyfriend/daddy theyve lacked the ability to inflict violence on those around them.
How many pub fights are women based?
Cops are quite familiar with the “come over and talk”, followed by “he breached the restraining order” tactic.
Manipulating others into performing acts of coercion on others is just as culpable as doing it yourself.
An excellent article in City Journal about that very thing:

Women kill children at a higher rate than men:

British neonatal nurse guilty of murdering seven babies (

Did Charmanie McLeod deliberately cause crash that killed her and her four children? | Daily Mail Online

Raina Thaiday: Cairns mother who killed eight kids suffered from schizophrenia, had marijuana habit | — Australia’s leading news site

Last edited 3 days ago by cohenite
September 16, 2024 4:40 pm

 September 16, 2024 4:07 pm

Good article, and precisely the sort of mindset I mean.

Chances of her doing this without the threat of her sides violence = zero.

September 16, 2024 4:41 pm

September 16, 2024 1:41 pm
Karen culture
Karens are an extension of ladies outsourcing violence.
Ladies arent less violent/vindictive etc, its just that without a state actor or roided up boyfriend/daddy theyve lacked the ability to inflict violence on those around them.
How many pub fights are women based?
Cops are quite familiar with the “come over and talk”, followed by “he breached the restraining order” tactic.
Manipulating others into performing acts of coercion on others is just as culpable as doing it yourself.
An excellent article in City Journal about that very thing:

Women kill children at a higher rate than men:

British neonatal nurse guilty of murdering seven babies (

Did Charmanie McLeod deliberately cause crash that killed her and her four children? | Daily Mail Online

Raina Thaiday: Cairns mother who killed eight kids suffered from schizophrenia, had marijuana habit | — Australia’s leading news site

September 16, 2024 4:43 pm

But I suppose it entertains the crowd to a degree.

Similar to the way a methed up hobo orgy on the nature strip would be a compelling sight. You are correct though, originality is not one of his sins.

Winston Smith
Winston Smith
September 16, 2024 4:44 pm

Iraq War Vet Attacked by Jihad Terror Supporter Gets Charged for Self-Defense at Pro-Israel Rally
?Hayes fought back against the violent assault, perhaps he did not want to end up like Paul Kessler who was murdered at a protest in California, and Gannon was shot in the process. Hayes, who was also seriously injured, still provided first aid to the wounded terrorist supporter.
Gannon was not charged with anything for his assault which was caught on video. Hayes however was charged with assault and battery with a dangerous weapon and violation of a constitutional right causing injury.
Hayes was the one who was assaulted but Middlesex County DA Marian Ryan chose to pretend that a terrorist supporter assaulting a man is a “constitutional right”, but fighting back isn’t.

Last edited 3 days ago by Winston Smith
September 16, 2024 4:46 pm

Bruce of Newcastle
September 16, 2024 4:12 pm

I love how the Left are extincting themselves by means of Darwinian natural selection.

Entirely appropriate. From the article:

These interviewees have more climate change knowledge than most people do. All of them are college-educated; most of them either grew up or have lived for some time in Southern California; and most have taken environmental studies classes, either as undergrads or in graduate school.

September 16, 2024 4:49 pm

It’s freaking incredible when you about it, and he’s still up straight on his hind legs.




2 impeachments. 4 arrests. 91 charges. 2 attempts on his life. STILL STANDING.

September 16, 2024 4:49 pm

We need to distinguish between fiscal conservatism and social conservatism

Not really. For decades, “conservatives” in Western countries have blown out budgets in their efforts to bankrupt the state and enable the dismantling of New Deal welfare. It has taken centre left governments to apply conservative fiscal responsibility. This is the new natural order of government: the left defending what it built from raids by radical right-wing reavers.

September 16, 2024 4:56 pm

Dickless projects again:

This is the new natural order of government: the left defending what it built from raids by radical right-wing reavers.

He’s on a roll.

September 16, 2024 4:57 pm

The DV issue is a small piece of a bigger picture.

This is about the ‘soft’ tactics used by women to get what they want, and it goes way beyond demonstrations or family law. It is especially about the workplace and public forums of all kinds. It relates to political power, academia and the media.

It is about what these ‘soft’ tactics are and why they are working.

September 16, 2024 4:58 pm

Your argument seems to lean towards a literal interpretation of the Constitution. If your leftist views are driving you to embrace conservative values and preserving established traditions, how do you feel about the Constitution itself?
What’s your take on the recent discussions about expanding the Supreme Court or granting statehood to DC and Puerto Rico? And how does that square with border security issues? You’re contradicting yourself, you obese lesbian.

1 2 3 4
  1. dover0beach  September 19, 2024 11:53 pm Israel didn’t tamper with Hezbollah’s exploding pagers, it made them – New York TimesLots…

  2. Exploding pagers and walkie-talkies, eh? What will go off next? Their Sony Walkmans? The telex machine?

  3. dover0beach September 19, 2024 11:53 pm Israel didn’t tamper with Hezbollah’s exploding pagers, it made them – New York Times…

  4. Holland also produced a substantial number of volunteers for the SS. I had a workmate who told me his Grandfather…

  5. This was a cyber attack similar to the Stuxnet worm that crippled Iran’s nuclear facilities a decade or so ago.…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x