Open Thread – Mon 16 Sept 2024

Roman Landscape, Arnold Böcklin, 1852

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September 17, 2024 3:07 pm

Yuval Noah Harari: “We Are on the Verge of Destroying Ourselves” | Amanpour and Company

Video Summary### Summary: In his conversation on *Amanpour and Company*, Yuval Noah Harari discusses the central themes of his new book, *Nexus: A Brief History of Information Networks from the Stone Age to AI.* He explores humanity’s intelligence juxtaposed with its capacity for self-destruction, emphasizing the detrimental effects of modern communication technology and algorithms on society. Harari argues that rather than human nature being flawed, the real issue lies in the information systems that mislead and distort our understanding. He outlines the responsibilities of governments and individuals in managing the effects of artificial intelligence and stresses the importance of making conscious choices about the future direction of technology. ### Key Points: #### Introduction: – **Book Overview**: Harari introduces *Nexus*, which examines the evolution of communication networks, from primitive forms to advanced artificial intelligence (AI). – **Theme of Pessimism**: Despite human advancements, there is a growing concern about self-destruction facilitated by information networks. #### Human Intelligence vs. Self-Destruction: – **Paradox of Homo Sapiens**: Humans, despite being labeled “wise”, are on the brink of self-destruction. – **Historical Concerns**: Previous civilizations reflected on this paradox, often attributing issues to human nature. #### Flaws in Communication Networks: – **Misconception About Information**: Harari argues information is not synonymous with truth and emphasizes that most information can be misleading or damaging. – **Connection Over Truth**: The primary function of information systems is to connect people, often through misinformation or fabricated narratives. #### Governmental and Individual Responses: – **Government Regulation**: Harari advocates for banning algorithms that act as fake humans and for corporations to be held accountable for their algorithms’ actions. – **Personal Responsibility**: Individuals can influence change through informed choices and voting for representatives who will regulate tech giants. #### Organic vs. Inorganic Information Systems: – **Differences Underlined**: Organic entities operate in cycles and require rest, while algorithms function tirelessly, imposing constant demands on humans. – **Need for Balance**: Society currently suffers due to relentless stimulation from information networks, leading to potential collapse. #### Historical Context of Information Technology: – **Gutenberg Printing Press**: Harari critiques the romanticized view that the printing press caused the Scientific Revolution, highlighting its role in inciting religious wars and spreading misinformation. – **Historical Lessons**: Just as early printed materials fostered chaos, digital platforms today can similarly influence society negatively without proper regulation and institutions to validate information. #### The Rise of AI: – **Agency of AI**: Harari warns that AI can operate independently and pursue goals, which poses new challenges for humanity. – **Non-conscious Decision Making**: AI systems may execute actions based on algorithms without consciousness or empathy, potentially leading to harmful outcomes. #### Future Directions: – **Human Participation Needed**: The choices society makes regarding AI and technology will dictate its future trajectory. – **Rejecting Technological Determinism**: Harari emphasizes that technologies can be harnessed for both good and ill, urging collective accountability and active decision-making about technology’s role in society. #### Conclusion: – **Call to Action**: Harari emphasizes the need for collective decision-making to either harness AI for global benefit or risk descending into dy

I wonder where WEF and leftoid gov obsession with misinformation comes from….

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 17, 2024 3:12 pm

Yuval Noah Harari

If there was ever a quintessential WEF fanboi wanker he would be Yuval Noah Harari. A climate bedwetter par excellence.

Dunno why he gets so much coverage. He’s such a boring little tit. Dunning Kruger to infinity and beyond.

September 17, 2024 3:51 pm
September 17, 2024 4:06 pm

On the sound of “bees” in the opening sequence of The Exorcist – I thought it was a sinister reference to beelzebub (lord of the flies), who would become Regan’s possessor. In other words, blowies or bluebottles that thrive on decay.

That film was truly horrible. Everyone seemed obsessed by the occult. They still are.

September 17, 2024 4:14 pm

Now, I am more Catholic than the Pope, but

Speaking of which, has anybody seen or heard from CL? He hasn’t updated his blog in quite a while?

Winston Smith
Winston Smith
September 17, 2024 4:25 pm

We’ve had maintenance work on the grid since 0830 this morning.
Seems it isn’t going to plan, claim is that it will return 1630.
The genset is doing a good job, but I’m getting concerned about neighbors – one has a couple of kids below 4yo. I’ve already been over to offer help but she reckons she’ll be fine – her old man gets home soon, so we’ll see how things work out.
The Intarwebs seem to be working – I thought they’d go when the power went out. Perhaps the base station has its own power supply?

Dunny Brush
Dunny Brush
September 17, 2024 4:26 pm

According to the media, Moira Deeming is to be condemned for organising the Help Women Speak rally and her reluctance to accept men claims they are women is controversial.

September 17, 2024 5:03 pm
September 17, 2024 5:10 pm

I’m tired of hearing that the Secret Service agents on the ground are doing a good job.
At some point you are part of a clown show that allows shooters to hide on roofs and in bushes with direct lines of sight of where Trump is known to be.
At some point each and every one of these morons is culpable.
Every security team. EVERY one. Has at least two individuals whose job is to roam.
Every member of every security team has a responsibility to say: “That roof isn’t covered”. “No one has had eyes on that tree line”.
This is basic, basic stuff that even civilian security guys know and do.
F*ck me, the local primary school has more situationally aware old biddies on yard duty at lunch than the US Secret Service, guarding Trump.
It isn’t as if they haven’t had a shameful history of having presidents gunned down while they’re on the job either.

Last edited 1 day ago by Arky
September 17, 2024 5:28 pm
Salvatore - Iron Publican
September 17, 2024 5:31 pm

Kerry Judd. IIRC she was the prosecutor who flatly refused to lay any charges in the Lawyer X affair.
The Special Investigator in the Lawyer X affair, former High Court Judge Jeffrey Nettle, urged multiple times that charges be laid.

Kerry Judd refused. Coz “nothing to see here”

September 17, 2024 5:33 pm
September 17, 2024 5:49 pm

This is the fukwit leading the church’s crusade against global boiling:

Peter Catt (

This mob of arrogant, condescending ratbags are parading their destructive gibberish behind the banner of looking after the Pacific Islands who are suffering terribly under global boiling. These same Pacific Islanders who have been subject to a comprehensive BOM study for 30 years which has found no sea rise and no temp rise in the air or water:

Pacific Sea Level Monitoring Project (

Kenny interviewed the pompous prick and gave him a hard time.

September 17, 2024 5:54 pm

This is the fukwit leading the church’s crusade against global boiling:

Dean of St John’s Cathedral, Brisbane.

The congregation, not to mention the historic fabric of the cathedral, has declined markedly under his oversight.

One of many clergy for whom social activism has become a substitute gospel.

Last edited 1 day ago by Roger
September 17, 2024 6:00 pm

Kenny interviewed the pompous prick and gave him a hard time.

That low-IQ Christian idiot might as well be a Hamas terrorist campaigning to end Western civilisation one mass murder at a time.

September 17, 2024 6:03 pm

Winston remarked that the lesbian bitch had been quiet of late, too quiet…

Hillary Clinton: Trump’s ‘Politics of Hate and Division’ Puts America’s Security in Danger (

Hillary Clinton suggests criminally charging citizens engaged in ‘misinformation’ – Michael Smith News

Looks like she lives in a bus shelter these days, all the booze I suppose.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
September 17, 2024 6:04 pm

Reading “Aspects of Arnhem.”

When Lt General “Boy ” Browning took over command of 1st Airborne Division, he decided there was a problem with training and discipline in his new command. To assist with the latter, he deliberately inserted a high number of Guards sergeants to the staff, as he thought only they could achieve the exacting standards required. The constant drilling led to him being known in some quarters as “Bullsh!t Browning.”

September 17, 2024 6:06 pm

LOL, so true.

Ben Shapiro

Kamala and Doug and Tim and Gwen are perhaps the most irritating foursome at the top of a national ticket ever. They’re absolute nails on a chalkboard.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 17, 2024 6:15 pm

Reading “Aspects of Arnhem.”

This article is from a few days ago:

Heroic pilot who sacrificed his life to save comrades at the Battle of Arnhem 80 years ago (Express, 14 Sep)

It’s about Flt Lt Lord, who posthumously received a VC whilst resupplying the paras.

(I don’t get a paywall, but that seems to be because I mostly use a VPN server in NZ. If you cannot read the story I can post more of it.)

Salvatore - Iron Publican
September 17, 2024 6:17 pm

When Lt General “Boy ” Browning took over command … he decided there was a problem with training and discipline … he deliberately inserted a high number of Guards sergeants to the staff, as he thought only they could achieve the exacting standards required.

Ho ho ho, I didn’t know that particular snippet. He was a Guards officer of some 30 years by that point. When you’re a hammer, everything looks like a nail.

He’s prolly as well known in the wider world as the bloke who married the hottest number around, Daphne du Maurier.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 17, 2024 6:32 pm

Just in case you didn’t detest the ABC enough already.

ABC accused of doctoring more footage in discredited war reporting (Sky mainpage headline,17 Sep)

September 17, 2024 6:34 pm

Michaelia Cash plays Albanese perfectly.

No humanising ‘Albo’ familiarity. Every reference is a formal ‘Mr Albanese’, expressed in a manner that would be employed when describing an unpopular headmaster.

A policy that all should follow.

Cassie of Sydney
September 17, 2024 6:42 pm

Melbourne’s CBD has seen real Nazis turn up to protest. That didn’t happen in March 2023, no, no, no, but it did happen last week. Melbourne’s CBD was full of Nazis.

All for little man John Pesutto, I’m going to enjoy watching him become salami mince. You see, he f*cked up big time. And all he had to do was say……’sorry Moira, I got it wrong, I apologise’. But such an admission and apology would need to come from a man, and John Pesutto might be a biological male but he ain’t no man.

I regard Pesutto as a contributor and somewhat culpable for the violence that ensued a week later in Auckland when women were punched and assaulted and when a woman was nearly lynched, after having had a substance poured over her head. Pesutto’s dismal rhetoric contributed to those hideous scenes.

I still shake my head at what happened. Victorians deserve better.

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
September 17, 2024 6:47 pm

Yes indeedy, Bons.
See also “Twiggy” Andrew Forrest
“Kamala” Harris
“Julia” Gillard
etc etc

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 17, 2024 6:49 pm

Pull my finger.

Albanese threatens double dissolution election (Sky News mainpage headline, 17 Sep)

I’m not sure this would be categorized so much a threat as a relief.

September 17, 2024 6:55 pm

Albanese threatens double dissolution election (Sky News mainpage headline, 17 Sep)

Some legal discussion happening as to whether he actually has a trigger that can be pulled in the requisite time frame.

Be that as it may, with the debacle of Albanese’s premiership following on from Shorten’s 2019 loss, the ALP is in a world of pain. You’d have to question whether they’ll ever govern in their own right again.

Otoh, there’s a great opportunity for the Liberals to harness the aspirational normie vote here, but I expect they’ll prove too feckless and divided to do so.

Last edited 1 day ago by Roger
September 17, 2024 6:56 pm

This is it. There are no more chances from avoiding a one party state.
The numbers are brutal.

NEW: Per newly released CBP data, nearly 530,000 migrants have flown into the US & have been paroled into the country as part of the Biden administration’s controversial CHNV mass parole program. Additionally, approx 813,000 migrants have scheduled appointments via the CBP One app at ports of entry to be released into the US. These are “lawful pathways” created by the Biden administration, and these numbers do not count in Border Patrol data, as they are not illegal crossings. Most of the migrants taking part in these programs are paroled into the U.S. on two year humanitarian parole grants, which also allow them to apply to work. Every single ICE source/contact I’ve spoken with has told me the same thing – they do not have the manpower or resources to find and deport such a large population of people if they overstay these 2 year grants. As it stands now, ICE’s non-detained docket is on track to hit 8 million by the end of the year, and each ICE officer currently manages an average of 7,000 cases. The agency is already tasked with tracking down and removing those with final orders of removal, aggravated felons, gotaways, etc. They physically do not have the bodies to track and remove this additional population – and there has been no government agency monitoring parole expiration, according to a recent DHS Inspector General report. The bottom line – the more than 1 million migrants the Biden admin has allowed into the U.S. via these programs are here to stay – even if they fall out of status and become unlawfully in the U.S.

If the demons rig things enough to seize control of both the House and Senate, with Kamaltoe parked in the Oval Office, they’ll scrap the filibuster and start cranking out laws with a simple majority. First up will be fast-tracking citizenship for the millions they’ve let flood in. Once that’s done, mass mail-in voting will lock in their power for good. There’s no coming back from this and we won’t see GOP house, senate or president in our lifetime and possibly our kids.

Top Ender
Top Ender
September 17, 2024 7:15 pm

Don’t be a landlord in Britain:

Over the 20 years or so that I’ve been renting out properties – five houses and two flats – I have had some excellent tenants. But I’ve had plenty of the others, too, some of whom have trashed my houses beyond recognition.

Aside from the brothel, I’ve also, inadvertently, run a drug den, a stolen property ring and a guinea pig farm. And this is all in a little market town. Heaven knows what it must be like in a big city.

Now the Government, insinuating that we small landlords are all greedy slum owners, wants to ban no-fault evictions.

Daily Mail

September 17, 2024 7:26 pm

This is it. There are no more chances from avoiding a one party state.

The numbers are brutal.

You once asked me why I was against mass immigration, JC.

This is why.

It’s an extreme example, but a good one.

Mass immigration changes a country irrevocably, for good or ill.

Most often for ill.

Last edited 1 day ago by Roger
September 17, 2024 7:38 pm


This is importing a vote herd and has nothing to do with economic immigration. This is more about finagling the political balance of the country to turn it left.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
September 17, 2024 7:47 pm

A reconstruction.

Expert Report: Andrews’ Speeding SUV Cut Corner Before Hitting 15-Year-Old Cyclist Ryan Meuleman.

Unfortunately none of this expertise is likely to lead to anyone – no matter how shitfull – being charged, disciplined, brought to justice – or kicked out by the electorate.

It’s evidence prepared for Ryan Meuleman in his action against Slater and Gordon for “failing to act in his best interest” in advising accepting $80,000 in compensation from the Transport Sccident Commission. And unfortunately the expert is now deceased.

As expected in the VicPol System, the guilty are exonerated and the innocent bayoneted.

September 17, 2024 7:52 pm

Megyn Kelly’s takedown of a certain evil talentless bimbecile is a thing of beauty. One of the latest Tucker Tour Interviews.

September 17, 2024 8:33 pm

September 17, 2024 7:26 pm

   This is it. There are no more chances from avoiding a one party state.

   The numbers are brutal.

You once asked me why I was against mass immigration, JC.

This is why.

Sweden is waking up, bit late but better than never.
First time more leaving than coming, they are cutting the benefits and tighten the rules.

Sorry can’t link

Salvatore - Iron Publican
September 17, 2024 10:09 pm

Just catching up with day Two of the Deeming vs Peanutto litigation.
Regards the most unfortunate (for Pesutto) recording of the meeting in which he banished her from the SFL party. In which a trio of SFL ministers berate her.

A recording that he did not produce in discovery, coz he accidentally forgot about it or something.(I’d try to bury it too, were I in his shoes)

… did those dickheads make the recording believing it to prove Moira Deeming to be a She-Devil?

Have I read that correctly?

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
September 17, 2024 10:28 pm

Sal can you background it for us?
Is it legal to record someone- without their consent- in Oz at the mo?

September 17, 2024 10:48 pm
September 17, 2024 10:56 pm


Yesterday, Donald J. Trump nearly lost his life. An armed gunman waited for him in the bushes. He brought a go-pro camera to record it. A secret service agent spotted the barrel of a gun through a fence and shot at the gunman. The gunman fled. He was caught. And now we slowly learn about him and his motive.

President Trump is my running mate, and my friend, but he is more importantly a father and grandfather to people who love him very much. I want him to have many more years with his family. (And selfishly, I’d like many more with my own.)

I admire the president for calling for peace and calm. The rhetoric is out of control. It nearly got Steve Scalise and many others killed a few years ago. It nearly got Donald Trump killed twice. But I want to say something about yesterday’s news, and how it illuminates the difference between vigorous debate and violent rhetoric.

Here is what we know so far: Kamala Harris has said that “Democracy is on the line” in her race against President Trump. The gunman agreed, and used the exact same phrase. He had a Kamala Harris bumper sticker on his truck. He was obsessed with Ukraine’s “fight for Democracy” and absorbed many unhinged views about the Russia-Ukraine war. HIs name is Ryan Routh, and he donated 19 times to Democrat causes and zero to Republican ones.

How do you think the Democrats and their media allies would respond if a 19-time Republican donor tried to kill a Democratic official? It’s a question that answers itself. For years, Kamala Harris’s campaign surrogates have said things like “Trump has to be eliminated.” And how have their media allies responded to the second assassination attempt on Donald Trump in as many months?

NBC News called the attempted assassination a “golf club incident.” The LA Times told us “Trump Targeted at Golf Club.” The USA Today’s top of the fold headline is “Hope in America,” and they published a preposterous letter to the editor arguing that Trump “brings these assassination attempts on himself.” CNN’s Dana Bash–who just yesterday bizarrely accused me of inciting a bomb threat–said today that Harris campaign rhetoric didn’t motivate Routh even though he echoed their rhetoric explicitly.

PBS’s weekend show perfectly illustrates the double standard of Kamala Harris’s media friends. After spending 30 seconds on the second assassination attempt on President Trump, they then focused on the real danger: me and President Trump, who are, according to them, personally responsible for bomb threats against Springfield. Of course, I repeatedly condemned those threats. And reports today suggest they came from a foreign country, not–as the media suggested–a deranged Trump fan.

The double standard is breathtaking. Donald Trump and I are, by their account, directly responsible for bomb threats from foreign countries. Why? Because we had the audacity to repeat what residents told us about the problems in their town. Meanwhile, Harris allies call for Trump to be eliminated as the media publishes arguments that he deserved to be shot.

This seems like a double standard. But at a deep level, it is entirely consistent.

Consider Springfield. Citizens are telling us that there are problems. These include the undeniable truths of higher car accidents, unaffordable housing, evictions of residents, overcrowded hospitals, overstressed schools, and rising rates of disease. They also include the infamous pet stories–which, again, multiple people have spoken about (either on video or to me or my staff).

Kamala Harris’s first strategy was to ignore these people and their concerns. Yes, she had prevented the deportation of millions of illegal aliens, and some of them made their way to Springfield. But it was a small town with no voice. Some of the local leadership even loved the cheap labor. So the suffering of thousands of American citizens went ignored.

Their next move with these stories is censorship. In Springfield, a psychopath (or a foreign government) calls in a bomb threat, so they blame that on President Trump (and me). The threat of violence is disgraceful of course, yet the media seems to relish it. They cover a bomb threat, but not the rise in murders. They cover the threat, but not the HIV uptick. They cover the threat, not the schools overwhelmed with new kids who don’t speak English. They cover the threat, not rising insurance rates or the car accidents that caused them. They cover the threat, not the failures of Kamala Harris’s leadership.

The purpose is not to turn down the rhetoric. If anything, covering the bomb threats gives whoever makes them exactly what he wants: attention. The purpose is distraction and shame. How dare you talk about the problems of Haitian migration in Springfield? You’re endangering people, simply by discussing the problems of Kamala Harris’s policies. It’s a form of moral blackmail, designed not to make anyone safe but to shut everyone up.

Springfield is the most recent, but hardly the most egregious example. There was the Hunter Biden laptop story, censored by BigTech. And who can forget that anyone who didn’t support Kamala Harris’s Ukraine policy was drenched in the blood of Ukrainian children. That last one appears to have had some effect on Routh–the most recent would-be assassin. The message is always the same: don’t you dare express an opinion on the public affairs of your nation. The message is: shut up.

This is the difference between debate–even aggressive debate–and censorship. It is one thing to attack Kamala Harris for “destroying the country” and quite another to say that President Trump should be “eliminated.” It is one thing to criticize overheated rhetoric, and another to say that a former president has invited an assassination on himself. It is one thing to say that Donald J. Trump’s arguments about the election of 2020 are wrong; it is another thing to attempt to remove him from the ballot over it.

It is one thing to say that pets are not, in fact being eaten, and another thing to say that anyone who disagrees is trying to murder people. Dissent, even vigorous dissent, is a great tradition of the United States. Censorship is not.

For the next 7 weeks of this campaign, I will vigorously defend your right to speak your mind. I believe you have every right to criticize me and Donald J. Trump, even if you say terrible or untrue things about us. But when I ask you to “tone down the rhetoric” it’s not about being nice–our citizens have every right to be mean, even if I don’t like it–or empty platitudes.

Instead, I’m asking all of us to reject censorship. Reject the idea that you can control what other people think and say. Embrace persuasion of your fellow citizens over silencing them–either through the powers of Big Tech or through moral blackmail.

I think this will make our public debate much better. But there’s something else. Reject censorship and you reject political violence. Embrace censorship, and you will inevitably embrace violence on its behalf.

The reason is simple. The logic of censorship leads directly to one place, for there is only one way to permanently silence a human being: put a bullet in his brain.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
September 17, 2024 11:01 pm
Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
September 18, 2024 12:24 am

In Hope It’s Nothing Trivial news:
Dozens of Hezbollah members wounded after pagers explode in Lebanon

Dozens of members of Hezbollah have been seriously wounded on Tuesday in southern Lebanon and the southern suburbs of Beirut when the pagers they use to communicate exploded, the National News Agency has reported.

“Tens of injuries have been taken to hospital after pagers exploded through the use of high technology,” the NNA said.

Al Jazeera’s Zeina Khodr, reporting from Beirut, said it was a “major development” in the war between Israel and the Iran-backed group and said it appears that the devices were penetrated and hacked in a coordinated attack.

“This is a major security breach – Hezbollah’s communications device has been compromised. We have seen pictures from across Lebanon of men lying on the floor wounded, bleeding. We have seen reports of hospitals asking for blood,” she said.

Now, I’ve no idea how one could remotely cause “communication devices” to explode; but here’s a heartwarming video of one such apparent instance.

Salvatore - Iron Publican
September 18, 2024 12:31 am

Seeing several Hezbollah pager videos now, mostly CCTV from retail premises.

Apparently thousands with an explosion around the groin/liver area.

Salvatore - Iron Publican
September 18, 2024 12:33 am

Now, I’ve no idea how one could remotely cause “communication devices” to explode

An unconfirmed report (& possibly quite untrue) that an Israeli company supplied the pager batteries.

September 18, 2024 12:40 am

Paging Ali.

Salvatore - Iron Publican
September 18, 2024 12:48 am

The Australian is now carrying the story of the mass spontaneous appendectomy outbreak in Lebanon.

Salvatore - Iron Publican
September 18, 2024 1:37 am

The Iranian ambassador to Lebanon is among the victims of splodey terrorist communication pagers.

Must have been unwittingly just standing really near to an undercover terrorist.

Salvatore - Iron Publican
September 18, 2024 2:28 am

Here’s an explodey pager video clip without any injuries. Someone had left their pager on the dressing table while they were at home.

He’ll certainly need a new dressing table & there’s a bit of cleaning up to do in the bedroom.

September 18, 2024 4:00 am
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September 18, 2024 4:04 am
September 18, 2024 4:04 am
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September 18, 2024 4:09 am
Barking Toad
Barking Toad
September 18, 2024 4:57 am

Exploding pagers….extracts from the Oz…

Footage on social media shows chaos inside Beirut’s main hospital with scores of men sitting and screaming while being treated on the floor.
N12 News reported that the pagers that exploded were the most up-to-date models imported by Hezbollah in recent months. Security analysts have suggested that the pagers may have been tampered with at the source.
It appears that the pagers rang before exploding, causing extensive blast injuries to arms, legs and faces as owners reached for the devices.

Hahaha – I laughed until I stopped.

September 18, 2024 5:06 am

53 years ago on this day Jimi Hendrix died.
While I am not familiar with his music or life I found the feed in my inbox sufficiently interesting to find out more.

This article explains some of the intrigue and machinations of people involved in his private and professional life.

I am sure there are many more and more comprehensive pieces written, take your pick.


“I’m in England, Dad. I met some people, and they’re going to make me a big star. We changed my name to J-I-M-I,” Hendrix told his father over the phone after arriving. The decision to change his name was made on the flight over.

On his first night in London, he met Kathy Etchingham, a former D.J. and a familiar face around the city’s thriving rock scene, and thus began what would be the most significant romantic relationship of his life. They would eventually move into an apartment owned by Ringo Starr at 34 Montagu Square in December 1966.

“During our first weeks together we did a little shopping and sightseeing and I introduced him to friends. Because we didn’t have much money we went everywhere on the Underground,” Ms. Etchingham wrote in her book “Through Gypsy Eyes.” Hendrix had never been outside of North America before, and like any other first-time visitor to London, he was drawn to attractions like Buckingham Palace and the Houses of Parliament.

“It’s a different kind of atmosphere here. People are more mild-mannered. I like all the little streets and the boutiques. It’s like a kind of fairyland,” Hendrix would later say of London.

His flamboyant style, from his fashion sense and his approach to rock and blues, was a perfect match for mid-1960s London, as “everyone is starting to experiment: in fashion, in art, in lifestyles,” Mr. Lloyd said. He accentuated his look with accessories from Portobello Road, which today claims to be the world’s largest antique market.

“I arrived here with just the suit I stood up in. I’m going back with the best wardrobe of gear that Carnaby Street can offer,” Hendrix said before his first stint in London ended.

September 18, 2024 5:07 am

Good idea.

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
September 18, 2024 5:12 am

Thanks Tom.

The ‘toons and the reports of the scrotum bursting pagers have set Wednesday off to a splendid start.

I might get on the drink early.

September 18, 2024 6:11 am

Reading about the Leb “splodeys” at Breitbart. Almost three thousand pagers blew their loads at the same time.

A major scene from the “Kingsman”, come to life. 😀

September 18, 2024 6:19 am

‘…reports of the scrotum bursting pagers…’ 

A brilliant way of de-sexing the inbreeders.

Last edited 1 day ago by Beertruk
September 18, 2024 6:24 am

Barking Toad, what you said about getting on the drink early was propitious.
I had stocked up on vino yesterday. A premonition perhaps? Whatever, reading about “Allah’smen” going off like cheap British bangers, has caused me so much JOY, I will be making quite a few toasts this evening.

Bungonia Bee
Bungonia Bee
September 18, 2024 6:35 am

Paging All Hezbollockies, Urgent Message: BANG!

September 18, 2024 6:47 am


September 17, 2024 10:56 pm


Dems need to be careful what they wish for in wanting Trump gone, they’d then have to deal with this bloke.

Winston Smith
Winston Smith
September 18, 2024 6:48 am

Salvatore – Iron Publican

 September 18, 2024 2:28 am

Here’s an explodey pager video clip without any injuries. Someone had left their pager on the dressing table while they were at home.

That’s an interesting shot, Salvatore – the sort of damage you’d get from a shaped charge. And if it were being worn, the force appears to be directed from the back of the device. Capable of removing a leg/or a large section of lower intestine. Or some unfortunates nuts.
I wonder what the death count, percentagewise, was?

Cassie of Sydney
September 18, 2024 6:48 am

Now, I’ve no idea how one could remotely cause “communication devices” to explode; but here’s a heartwarming video of one such apparent instance.

LOL, it certainly gives new meaning to the line ‘pants on fire’. Oh it’s good to have a chuckle so early in the morning.

Watching the above link, it’s like a scene from Fauda! For those who haven’t seen Fauda on Netflix, it’s worth watching, it’s superb. In the meantime, Israel has certainly mastered a new and explosive hummus recipe, and they need to patent it!

Last edited 1 day ago by Cassie of Sydney
September 18, 2024 6:52 am

What astonishes me – the guy in the market, lying on the floor in agony, and no one going to help him. No one.

September 18, 2024 6:56 am is always good for a laugh.

Especially with pagers blowing Hezball-less.

September 18, 2024 6:59 am

Rise and shine! Here’s a splendid blast from the past to get you all up and going. 😀

September 18, 2024 7:00 am

Meanwhile in other news in today’s Daily Tele:


18 Sep 2024

Coal miner New Hope’s chief executive Rob Bishop has lauded the trend of industry groups standing up for themselves and pushing back against policies which endanger the vital mining sector, as the company predicts a strong year ahead for its Queensland and NSW coal mines.

Minerals Council chief executive Tania Constable launched a broadside at the federal government last week, saying in a speech that “you could forgive our industry for feeling like it is under siege or even punished for its success’’.

“Australian mining has faced a steady stream of restrictive policy interventions, from a series of reckless industrial relations changes, and royalty raids, complex regulatory changes and the looming threats of onerous and arbitrary environmental approvals,” she said.

And Business Council of Australia chief executive Bran Black will warn, in a speech to be delivered on Tuesday night, that companies were cautious about hiring and also looking to invest elsewhere.

New Hope was a founding member of Coal Australia, which launched last month with a remit to promote the sector’s contribution to the economy and advocate for constructive policy development on its behalf.

New Hope on Tuesday reported a full year net profit for the year to the end of July of $475.9m (down 56.2 per cent) on revenue of $1.8bn (down 34.6 per cent).

Mr Bishop said production was set to increase in the current year, with the New Acland, Queensland, operation having restarted.

New Hope will pay a 22c per share dividend fully franked. New Hope shares closed 1.7 per cent higher at $4.32 on Tuesday.


Little sister is taking a ‘career break’ (leave without pay from her office job at an insurance company) to drive trucks at the Acland Coal mine. Just started 7 days on and 7 off. One or two scary moments getting under the loader, sideways after the water truck has been spraying water and uneven dumping of the reject onto the road for the graders. She said her instructor in the truck was ‘pissing herself laughing.’ and after all that ‘you are good to go solo.’

Also the Queensland government is fighting with itself in court.
The Land Council has granted the water licence to the mining company and the Environmental Defenders office is taking the Land Council to court to have it overturned. The lawfare against the mine has been ongoing for that last 15 or so years. It got all the way to the High Court, the Greentards won, but the High Court kicked it back to the Land Council. To start again. The strategy now is to keep the Greentards in court while continuing to mine. Ironically the mine uses treated water out of the Toowoomba sewerage plant via a pipeline that the mine built and paid for.

Last edited 1 day ago by Beertruk
Winston Smith
Winston Smith
September 18, 2024 7:20 am
Jeff Taylor – his latest.
Ignore the delivery – it’s part of his charm. 🙂
Obama had hate filled eyes – he always made me want to check what he had in his hands.
Starmer has dead eyes. He is the soulless bureaucrat and he reminds me of Frasers? saying – “A shiver looking to run up and down someone’s back.”

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
September 18, 2024 7:35 am

Mariah Carey appears to require a considerable amount of upkeep (Newscorp):

According to the New York Post, the 55-year-old music legend reportedly has a taste for the finer things, blowing a shocking $1.4 million a month on designer clothes, gifts and extravagant expenses.


Sources said the diva spent $66,000 on spa treatments for her dogs, $148,000 a month on exotic flowers, and $14,000 per session for hair and makeup.

Also, from one of her exes:

“Mariah don’t step out of the house, it cost her $150,000, $200,000 just to walk out of the house,” said ex-husband Nick Cannon in 2022, highlighting just how much it takes to keep up with her high-maintenance lifestyle.”

Jeez. Talk about needy. Still, she tones it down during the festive season, because all she wants for Christmas…



Cassie of Sydney
September 18, 2024 7:40 am

Two Tier Sturmer, being a good hard-left Marxist, is a stinking and very fetid hypocrite. But we all know how such hypocrisy mirrors their far-left ideology. And his missus? Well, Mrs Starmer aka Lady Starmer dons a very expensive dress and attends London Fashion Week, sitting in the front row.

Never mind that British pensioners will freeze to death over winter.

It’s socialism on steroids!

But last weekend one new Labour MP, Alex Baker, visited a pub in her constituency of Aldershot in Hampshire to have a drink and lunch, and was given such a frosty and hostile reception inside the pub that she and her partner made an ignominious exit!

LOL. Do I feel sorry for her. Nup. You see, the left don’t like when their own rules, their own words and their own actions come back to bite them on the bum. I remember how one UK Labour MP, a hard-left Marxist, said that…

‘I want to be in a situation where no Tory MP can travel anywhere in this country or show their face anywhere in public, without being challenged, without direct action.

Fair enough, but that ‘action’ applies both ways, and last weekend that ‘direct action’ happened to Ms Baker.

You reap what you sow, it’s the law of the universe.

September 18, 2024 7:44 am

Monty is correct.

You lot are just awful.

I mean, where is your compasion?

Carry on.

September 18, 2024 7:45 am

Comments under an article about the ball bangs have some gems.

Look for the Acme brand on the pagers. Beep Beep!
Don’t think there’ll be a product recall.
More in this vein.

Also calls for same in the House of Commons and more. Not much love for the banged up. Good.

September 18, 2024 7:53 am

Some more brilliant comments. Forgot to add earlier, these are under a Mail article.

All their future messaging will be sent in Remorse Code.”
Quite an astonishing feat in fairness.”

Also, how the scum will protect themselves in the near future.

Amwaj, United States
1 hour ago

These monsters will now be terrified of picking up any electronic device for a while. So they’ll get their wives or kids to answer on their behalf moving forward.


  • J
  • Jjhiggins
  • London, United Kingdom
  • 1 hour ago
  • In true chivalrous fashion!
  • ReplyShare
  • 135
  • 5
  • C
  • cdiem3
  • Amwaj, United States
  • 34 minutes ago
  • You got it.”
September 18, 2024 7:54 am

Did someone get the pager idea from a Mike Myers movie? (Dr Evil)

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 18, 2024 8:01 am

Now over 4000 injured says Arutz Sheva.

Blasts in Beirut: Hezbollah pagers explode, over 4,000 injured, 11 dead (17 Sep)

Easily the most spectacularly successful intelligence operation since the Poms fooled the Germans with the Man Who Never Was.

September 18, 2024 8:02 am

Since the two attempted assassinations of Donald Trump, we’ve been hearing a great deal about our “shared values” when it comes to the USA.
Trouble is, on some issues, values are streets apart. They’re not “shared”.
The contrasting attitude to gun control is perhaps the most stark evidence of this. In this country you may own a gun, but generally people only do so if they are hobby shooters or live in rural environments. In this country, gun ownership is not seen as a fundamental right, based on a constitutional amendment that was made two hundred and thirty years ago.
The real world outcome of this would suggest that Australian values on this issue are pragmatically superior, and it hasn’t made any difference to freedom across the two countries.
At least it didn’t when I travelled to the USA a few years ago. If anything, we were trammelled with more petty restrictions over there than we are here, ironically enough, many of them stemmed from precautionary scenarios implemented in a fearful community with almost universal gun ownership.
We don’t, for example, need control measures in schools such as single-access points, fencing, or internal door locks to enable teachers to lock shooters out at proven intervention points. 
As a retired school principal, it horrifies me to understand that arming teachers is considered by some as a solution to school shootings. 
Morning parades would have to include weapons inspections.
That’s what we did when I was in the army, after all.
The comparative firearm fatality rate is probably best evidence of the opposing cultures across the USA and Oz.

September 18, 2024 8:02 am

Eleven dead 4000 injured.
I’m very sorry a little girl was killed.
Perhaps Hezbollah shouldn’t have been relentlessly attacking Israel and killing many innocent civilians including 12 Druze children.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
September 18, 2024 8:04 am

Exploding pagers.
Message received.

September 18, 2024 8:06 am

Oh great the great repetitioner is back.
How many times do we have to read the same pointless anecdotes and shallow opinions over and over again oh great hoer of roads?

September 18, 2024 8:09 am

We don’t, for example, need control measures in schools such as single-access points, fencing, or internal door locks to enable teachers to lock shooters out at proven intervention points.

As a retired school principal, it

He must have retired a looong time ago. Every one of the 11 schools ( including 2 pracs) in NSW & Qld I taught at has had single access points during the day, surrounded by a high fence and has internal door locks

Winston Smith
Winston Smith
September 18, 2024 8:11 am

The pager saga misinformation effort gets underway:

Though Israel may have intended to take out Hezbollah fighters, nearly 3,000 people, many of whom are civilians, were grievously injured in the spate of explosions.

Typical of the media – if the civilians had pagers issued by Hamas, they weren’t civilians, they were Hamas Operatives and therefore a legitimate target.

September 18, 2024 8:12 am

Noted pimp and blackmailer Diddy might be in a spot of bother.

Feds’ March raid of Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs’ homes unearthed 1,000 bottles of lubricant, 3 AR-15s

1000 bottles of lube…
What did he have, a herd of unaroused hippopotami he was pimping out?

September 18, 2024 8:13 am

“Hezbollah will now regroup and go electronic dark, nobody will be able to keep tabs on them.”
Said someone on twitter.
It’s very difficult to run a terrorist organisation without modern communication.

September 18, 2024 8:14 am

The ABC runs an article on menopausal supplements.I won’t link to it but just say it’s hard to accept the validity of anything it publishes when it is accompanied by this confusing disclaimer:*This article refers to women but some people who do not identify as women also experience menopause.

September 18, 2024 8:15 am

Like honey to a hezzie bee ……..!

September 18, 2024 8:19 am

“According to Sky News Arabia; Mossad was able to Inject a Compound of Pentaerythritol Tetranitrate (PETN) into the Batteries of the New Encrypted Pagers that Hezbollah began using around February, before they even arrived in the Hands of Hezbollah Members, allowing them to Remotely Overheat and Detonate the Lithium Battery within the Device”

September 18, 2024 8:20 am

many of whom are civilians

Oh thanks Captain Obvious. Because Hezbies have a formal organisational structure and wear uniforms just like Western military?

Never heard of terror cells and guerrilla warfare presumably.

I wonder why these “civilians” would have Hezbie pagers? Uber eats?

September 18, 2024 8:20 am

For your viewing pleasure.
“That is F**cking Spectacular!!!”

September 18, 2024 8:21 am

Worth reading just for the comments .. hilarious .. sympathy factor .. NIL ..!

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
September 18, 2024 8:21 am

H/T Michael Smith.

Call me said…
“Call Me Maybe” by Carly Rae Jepsen has gone to Number One with a bullet in Beirut.
Number Two is Blondie’s Call Me.
Number Three is ELO’s Telephone Line.

September 18, 2024 8:23 am

Thousands of exploding pagers. Great work Israel. Will go down as one of the best military operations.
However as somebody at the Australian said imagine if a country that made EV’s had a way to remote control them.

Bungonia Bee
Bungonia Bee
September 18, 2024 8:23 am

The evolution of organised crime into a highly effective movement that has elements of bikie gangs, ethnic gangs and encrypted communications is a sure sign that we no longer have a cohesive society.
It’s probable that the mainly left leaning media slamming Campbell Newman for cracking down on bikie gangs damaged his mostly sensible government. The attacks on Newman were sufficient to get Pony Girl elected, and subsequent soft treatment allowed her to stay there for far too long.

Cassie of Sydney
September 18, 2024 8:26 am

We need Mater back.

September 18, 2024 8:27 am

Exploding pagers apparently set off remotely?
I wonder how long it will be before airlines refuse to accept devices (laptops etc) on aircraft.

September 18, 2024 8:27 am

“But every pager was subscribed to the same RIC to receive the a broadcast page. Probably used the emergency notification circuit as the detonator signal.”
I’m guessing this means only those pagers networked to Hezbollah were affected?
Would then count out any innocent pagers being used by innocent civilians.

Top Ender
Top Ender
September 18, 2024 8:29 am

The Gravy Train rolls on:

Registered Aboriginal Parties are charging up to $1500 a day for a representative to oversee archaeologists on building sites, with a developer claiming they’re wielding power like the CFMEU.

Indigenous groups have been accused of “wielding power like an unregulated monopoly” in the midst of a housing crisis as industry leaders call for an overhaul of cultural heritage requirements.

Developers are growing increasingly frustrated with soaring costs and delays related to cultural heritage management plans, with some reporting price hikes of as much as 1000 per cent and two year waits for approval on major housing projects.

Founder and Managing Director at Evolve Development Ashley Williams, who has worked on four housing projects in the northern growth corridor since 2010, said the cost burden of cultural heritage management plans (CHMPs) had “only gotten worse year on year.”

“We used to spend $100,000 at the start of a project to do all cultural heritage investigation, salvage any artefacts, lodge everything, and they took about six months,” he said.

“On our most recent project we’ve spent $1.4m on cultural heritage investigations and it’s added 18 months to two years – that’s a two year delay for 2200 homes.


Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
September 18, 2024 8:32 am

From the Hun.
Call for overhaul of Aboriginal heritage building requirements amid delays, huge cost blowoutsRegistered Aboriginal Parties are charging up to $1500 a day for a representative to oversee archaeologists on building sites, with a developer claiming they’re wielding power like the CFMEU.

September 18, 2024 8:33 am

I memed.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 18, 2024 8:33 am

The evolution of organised crime into a highly effective movement that has elements of bikie gangs, ethnic gangs and encrypted communications is a sure sign that we no longer have a cohesive society.

That’s the problem with the alphabet agencies, Albo’s misinformation legislation and Julie Inman-Grant: now absolutely everyone has a strong incentive to go to encrypted communications. And fewer and fewer law abiding citizens now trust the police.

September 18, 2024 8:33 am

Some high level intelligence gathering required in the pager operation. Plus some inside help. Does it mean they knew all the pager numbers ?
Well done whoever in IDF came up with the plan.

September 18, 2024 8:34 am

Haha. Thanks, Numbers, at 8.02am. That made me laugh out loud. Good to see you’re still fighting the Vietnam war on behalf of the Viet Cong. I’m guessing you’ve decided to start trolling Dover’s Cat because it’s the only place that hasn’t banned you.

September 18, 2024 8:35 am

“Registered Aboriginal Parties are charging up to $1500 a day for a representative to oversee archaeologists on building sites, with a developer claiming they’re wielding power like the CFMEU”

It’s been a scandal for years, demanding hand seiving of every bit of excavated dirt, adding millions of dollars and years on to every project, government or private.

September 18, 2024 8:39 am

Those wicked, wicked, Jooze.

When they’re not stealing a shoe from mad mullahs or controlling the weather or they’re sabotaging terrorists’ communication devices.

Quite possibly the funniest act of vengeance I’ve ever heard of and a wonderful start to the day.

Cassie of Sydney
September 18, 2024 8:57 am

I wasn’t going to respond to the the commentator from Toowoomba but I see he’s already here expressing sympathy for Hezbollah, and he’s now saying Mossad are recruiting for Hezbollah. This same commentator has been active on C.L.’s superb blog over the last few years, appearing in various guises, and since October 7 all he’s done is blame Israel for what happened on that dreadful day last year.

What’s interesting is that he’s decided to visit this blog. I recall how, just two and a bit years ago on his own blog, he described this blog and particularly the OT as a haven for far-right, neo-Nazi sympathisers, yet now he’s here. Odd, weird and strange, isn’t it? But I guess loneliness and irrelevancy pushes some people to do odd, weird and strange things.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 18, 2024 8:58 am

Israeli TV:

Israel’s Channel 14 is reporting that “senior Israeli military officials are preparing for a third Hezbollah war which is expected to begin almost immediately.” The US State Department has said the US “was not aware of this operation and was not involved” in the attack. The Biden administration says it is “still gathering information”.

Fun that the Israelis appear not to’ve told the Biden regime anything. I certainly wouldn’t if I was them, since the WH would be on the blower to Tehran immediately.

Makes sense that Mossad would do a surprise attack like this to lead into a hot war. Taking down thousands of Hezbie fighters, including several Top Men™, would make for quite a decisive surprise attack. We shall see.

War Preparations Build After 9 Killed, 2700+ Wounded In Israel’s Pager Attack On Hezbollah (18 Sep)

September 18, 2024 9:03 am

People still use pagers.

Who knew?

September 18, 2024 9:09 am

This [ABC] article refers to women but some people who do not identify as women also experience menopause.

I’m so old I remember when people who questioned the safety of the covid vaccines were publicly labelled “bat shit crazy” among other things.

September 18, 2024 9:10 am

The fun part will be watching Wong squirm.

September 18, 2024 9:11 am

another meme..

September 18, 2024 9:13 am

Would then count out any innocent pagers being used by innocent civilians.

The media throws in “civilians” for the sympathy vote .. They know these devices weren’t distributed to “civilians” but if Israel “may” be involved media just gotta stir the pot ………

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
September 18, 2024 9:14 am

I have been lurking in and out here over the last week or so and have seen the odd reference to Geoff Clark (former ATSIC chair and current fraudster).
After being convicted of knocking off $900,000 from his local Aboriginal Trust he was remanded in custody awaiting sentencing.
Which means real jail time.
I know a bloke who knows a bloke who is familiar with the matter and he says the most popular number in the office sweep is 4.5 years with a non parole of two.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
September 18, 2024 9:17 am

While we can all sit around chortling at the news of thousands of Hezbollah community workers being pruned, the Grauniad sees this as further evidence of Israeli brutality:

Reports continue to come in but, with at least nine dead and about 3,000 wounded in dozens, if not hundreds, of coordinated explosions, the episode demonstrates a ruthless and indiscriminate desire to target Hezbollah. The group had been using pagers as an alternative to mobile phones, which can be tracked and used to pinpoint deadly missile strikes on its commanders.

And finds an Expert to point out Israeli strategic incompetence:

“It enhances the chance of an escalation of the border crisis into a war,” Melman warned, and argued it was “more of a sign of panic” because, while he said it showed an extraordinary ability to strike at the heart of Hezbollah, it was neither very targeted, nor would it would change the wider strategic picture. “I don’t see any advance in it,” he concluded.

Just when I was thinking a 15%-20% senior* staff reduction due to death, injury, and brown trousering – plus 97.3% secure communication disruption, plus the demonstration effect, plus a Big FU to Iran – was a useful strategic outcome.

I’d better stick to endorsing weight loss shakes.

* At least senior enough to be given a Hezbollah pager to coordinate community outreach stuff.

September 18, 2024 9:18 am

It’s probable that the mainly left leaning media slamming Campbell Newman for cracking down on bikie gangs damaged his mostly sensible government. 

Whatever one may think of that little adventure in proactive policing, there was little public sympathy for the OMGs.

What did Newman in was a massive campaign by the unions re public service job cuts in his second term, including the railways, electricity companies, etc.

Everyone, it seems, is a public servant or has one in the family.

Last edited 1 day ago by Roger
Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 18, 2024 9:21 am

How amazingly amazing…

Axed Direction 63 fuels security fears (Paywallian)

Labor has quietly scrapped a ministerial direction ordering that bridging visa holders charged with an offence should be deported, fuelling security concerns about the government’s use of the visa category for Palestinians fleeing Gaza.

Any chance those Gaza country shoppers might find themselves lucrative jerbs in the criminal underground in certain electorates? Whilst collecting welfare of course.

(I think I saw a report that Labor lost up to two thirds of their vote in those council areas, but I’m not sure about that.)

September 18, 2024 9:26 am

Kill one terrorist.

Recruit ten friends and family.

Kill one Nazi.
You kill one Nazi.

September 18, 2024 9:28 am

It’s very difficult to run a terrorist organisation without modern communication.

And for hezblowah even more difficult with!

September 18, 2024 9:29 am

I think I saw a report that Labor lost up to two thirds of their vote in those council areas, but I’m not sure about that.

I’ve been looking for some reporting on that in vain.

After the Payman affair and now this, I wonder whether the ALP mightn’t be experiencing a bout of…Islamophobia.

Last edited 1 day ago by Roger
September 18, 2024 9:32 am

“Henceforth you shall forever be known as …”:

Cassie of Sydney
September 18, 2024 9:36 am

How would you feel if one of your kids was in a queue behind a Hezbollah operative and was killed/injured by an exploding pager?

Please note that the man from Toowoomba has expressed more sympathy and outrage over the Hummus attack on Hezbollah overnight than he has over the last 11 months since October 7. He has shown no such compassion for the Jewish children raped (yes, children were raped), murdered and kidnapped on that dark October 2023 day.

In the meantime, I will spare a thought for Kfir and Ariel Bibas, the children of Yarden and Shiri Bibas, who all remain in Gaza, and are either dead or alive. The last time anyone saw Yarden Bibas, he was being held hostage in a cage.

September 18, 2024 9:39 am

Apparently the detonation codeword was “Mustapha Laff”.

Last edited 1 day ago by Aaron
Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
September 18, 2024 9:42 am

What did Newman in was a massive campaign by the unions re public service job cuts in his second term, including the railways, electricity companies, etc.

This is true – although Newman was upfront about thinning the ranks of the public service.

He wasn’t helped by the judiciary very publicly collapsing on the fainting couch and biting the carpet over child prodigy, Jarrod Bleijie’s VLAD laws and his appointment of Tim Carmody as Top Beak.

Appointing a newly qualified suburban solicitor as AG – and then allowing him to go all feral on ABC 612 wasn’t the smartest move Noddy made. (Nor was appointing Andrew Cripps as Mines and Energy Minister – but that particular disaster didn’t get much attention in the Curious Snail.)

Bungonia Bee
Bungonia Bee
September 18, 2024 9:47 am

Ryan Park, NSW Health Minister.
“Gawky” to his mates?

September 18, 2024 9:50 am

former ATSIC chair and current fraudster

After being convicted of knocking off $900,000 from his local Aboriginal Trust he was remanded in custody awaiting sentencing.

Which means real jail time

Has the fat piece of malodorous filth been subject to “proceeds of crime” provisions due to his arrest and subsequent conviction and if not, why not?

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
September 18, 2024 9:58 am

Pogria @ 06:24am..

Barking Toad, what you said about getting on the drink early was propitious…..
 I will be making quite a few toasts this evening.

Err, Pogs – I was talking early – like this morning. Not evening.

You can’t wait that long to toast one of the greatest militarily gotchas of all time. Over 4,000 rocket throwers seeking treatment. And they would all be clever Hez operatives using pagers so Israel can’t track their mobile phones.

Israel denies all knowledge of this pager business of course 🙂


Last edited 1 day ago by Barking Toad
Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 18, 2024 10:07 am

One for Tom…

Piss off! Man turns sprinklers on tinklers in war against wee (Tele, paywalled)

Fed up with late-night revellers trespassing onto his property and urinating in the dead of night, a Sydney man was forced to become a “justice of the piss”. Watch his unique sprinkler solution.

“Justice of the Piss”? Headless body in topless bar! I think the journo who wrote all this was having a fine time.

September 18, 2024 10:07 am

In the looming dystopia, will using a carriage service to deny that men can menstruate be deemed misinformation by the powers that be?

Cassie of Sydney
September 18, 2024 10:13 am

This is what the man from Toowoomba has written above about the Incidents of Mass Exploding Farts in Beirut overnight…

You don’t kill an ideology by killing the people who believe in it.
That ideology, no matter how evil, is reinforced by killing its proponents.
Sad but true.

I think we need to pity him.

September 18, 2024 10:13 am

What a POS WordPress is. I corrected a spelling mistake and WordPress then classified it as spam.

H B Bear
H B Bear
September 18, 2024 10:22 am

Does this mean more Woomba and Miata News?

Dont forget the Helldrivers AGM. Start hermetically sealing your cars now.

September 18, 2024 10:23 am

How would you feel if one of your kids was in a queue behind a Hezbollah operative and was killed

I’d be pissed off that the government let them into Australia.

Last edited 1 day ago by Arky
September 18, 2024 10:27 am

Immigration and ideology add fuel to housing crisis

Judith Sloan, The Australian, 18 September, 2024

I was trying to remember who the federal housing minister had been before Clare O’Neil – it was Julie Collins – after I decided to write about the housing crisis. That tells you a lot. I use the term “crisis” deliberately because the features are all there: a collapse in housing affordability, rising rents, widespread shortage of suitable accommodation, growing waiting lists for social housing; and rising homelessness.

No doubt, Collins would rattle off various achievements, such as setting a target of 1.2 million new homes in five years, increases to the Commonwealth Rent Assistance; the establishment of the Housing Australia Future Fund; handing out billions of dollars to the states and territories, and; various ill-conceived programs.

Let’s be clear: the target is a complete joke and will not be met, not even close. Merely setting a target does not make it a good policy.

But a core problem is this: while the federal government has some levers it can pull to alter the stock of housing, most of the control rests with the states and local governments. And in any case, the building of new homes is almost entirely reliant on the private sector. Housing is the equivalent of a veritable Eton Mess.

As in all markets, the forces of supply and demand are dominant. The role of the federal government in determining the migrant intake, which in turn is the major contributor to (excessive) population growth, is at the heart of the crisis.

With the population growing 2-2½ per cent per year post-Covid – adding more than another Canberra each year – the federal government has been contributing to the housing crisis while grabbing more packs of expensive Band-Aids to offset the impact. There was never any scenario in which the private sector could accommodate this extra demand for housing in such a short space of time.

Ostensibly, the federal government is intent on lowering net migration and thereby reducing the rate of population growth. The problem is that it has utterly failed to do so. Its target for last financial year was 295,00 – it will have overshot this by at least 25 per cent.

And anyone who tries to tell you that the influx of international students has not contributed to the housing crisis is talking through their hat. You cannot have nearly one million international students and their accompanying persons in the country and not make an impression on the housing market – they must live somewhere.

While studiously ignoring the demand side of the equation caused by excessive population growth, the federal and state governments seek to intervene in the housing market by implementing measures that further add to demand, at least for owner-occupied dwelling.

For many years, economists have pointed out that the benefits of first homeowner grants, shared equity schemes and the like are essentially snaffled by the vendors and not the buyers. This hasn’t prevented governments of all persuasions implementing these schemes.

Some economists have also pointed out that lengthy and costly development approval processes hold back the construction of new apartment buildings and detached homes. If approvals could become more streamlined and cheaper, then many of the problems of securing more supply would disappear.

The reality is far more complicated and is overlaid by an essentially ideological obsession that development on urban fringes is bad and that the only way forward is up – in middle suburbs and close to existing transport links. The fact that many people, particularly with families, don’t want to live in high-rise apartment buildings is regarded as irrelevant.

Greater housing density is the flavour of the month (or year, or decade) with the federal and most state governments. The fact that unionised workers are always involved in the construction of high-rise buildings is just a plus for Labor governments.

In this context, the findings of a recent survey undertaken by the Institute of Public Affairs is telling. Residents of a new suburb on the fringes of Melbourne, made up largely of detached housing, were asked whether they would prefer to live in a closer-in suburb in an apartment, all other things being the same, including price. The vast majority preferred to live in stand-alone housing, even if it is located a long way from the CBD and the current infrastructure is not ideal.

To impose the ideology – which contains the faulty assumption that there is a lot of unused infrastructure in middle suburbs – every level of government has gone out of its way to make stand-alone housing an expensive, if not impossible, option. This is being achieved by inordinate delays to the approval of new housing estates, higher infrastructure charges and taxes, and additional costs of expanded building codes.

Add in the rapidly rising cost of labour and materials and the detached housing sector is in the doldrums, having been the central part of the creation of new residential housing in the past.

There are also serious problems in the apartment sector of the market, even though state governments, particularly the New South Wales government through its Transport-Oriented Planning zones, have been bending over backwards to facilitate the building of new high-rise buildings.

Of course, many members of the public are only too aware of the problems. Shoddy construction requiring expensive remedial work, inadequate parking (planning in both Victoria and NSW does not permit any parking in some new apartment buildings), and exploitative and unregulated strata management.

At the same time, children are often cooped up in these apartments – playing on screens, no doubt – because there is inadequate recreational space close by and it is impractical for adults to always accompany them.

In any case, it is now generally uneconomic for developers to construct apartments that are affordable for those on low to medium incomes. The cost of building apartments has risen by over one-third in five years. This makes it impossible to price these apartments to secure enough pre-sales and make a profit.

As a result, projects are not proceeding even though there are development approvals. There are scores of unused DAs in Melbourne, for instance. At the top end of the market, construction is ongoing, but that is neither here nor there to solving the housing crisis.

In the meantime, the waiting list for social housing continues to grow, notwithstanding the many additional billions of dollars the federal government has handed over to state governments to add to the stock of social housing.

Between March and June this year, the waiting list for social housing in Victoria increased by some 3000, to nearly 52,000, with another 9000 on the transfer list. (These figures were previously combined, which tells you a lot.) The net increase in social housing in Victoria has been minimal as older stock is condemned.

The bottom line is that crisis is a strong term, but one that is deserved. Disaster, catastrophe or calamity could also be used. Without constraining demand by lowering the migrant intake, the scene has been set for widespread misery and hardship.

The actions of all levels of government are mainly contributing to the problems rather than creating solutions.

September 18, 2024 10:29 am

Paraphrasing an excellent comment from the Mail article;

“From the River to the Sea, hezbollocks are all you can see”. 😀

September 18, 2024 10:31 am

You don’t kill an ideology by killing the people who believe in it.

Tell it to the Albigensians. Oh, you can’t, they’re all dead.

September 18, 2024 10:31 am

I’d be pissed off that the government let them into Australia.

And that, dear friends, was the zinger of the day.

Last edited 1 day ago by calli
Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 18, 2024 10:33 am

Via Instapundit…

NUT FREE ZONE: Here’s Some of the Most EXPLODINGLY Funny Pager Memes Following Hezbollah Pager Explosions (Twitchy, 17 Sep)

The WIP is so not going to be short of material this week.

September 18, 2024 10:40 am

This article refers to women but some people who do not identify as women also experience menopause.

Wouldn’t it be more efficient to tell the 0.000001% of the population who don’t identify as woman but really are: “By the way, this isn’t going to stop you getting fat and annoying after 50”, than to tell the 99.999999% of the rest of us, all the effing time?
I mean, before they cut these chicks boobs off, is there any briefing at all about what to expect, or is it all just loving affirmations of their “choices”?

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
September 18, 2024 10:42 am

Dover @ 10:22am….

They were Motorola devices. Probably not a good idea using Western devices.

They don’t have much choice. Their skill set is limited to getting exploding stuff from Iran and fcking goats.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
September 18, 2024 10:46 am

Over 4,000 rocket throwers seeking treatment.

This seems to be the fiendishly clever bit.

Without upsetting the ASIO kiddy with technical details, the pagers appear to have been jarked with just a few grams of explosive.

So, small bang, minimal collateral damage, few instant deaths – just as the market video shows.

Given that pagers are typically belt-worn, or carried in a pocket (and considering the time of day of H Hour), the military expectation must have been a preponderance of injuries that penetrate the body cavity, carrying with them debris – bits of clothing, pager fragments, bone chips etc – requiring complex and difficult surgery, with painful and uncertain recovery (if lucky enough to be treated successfully) and soaking up resources.

Given the numbers of injured, you would expect that many former Hezbollah operatives are currently en route to their virgins via an uncomfortable and distressing pathway.

September 18, 2024 10:48 am

Texas is Republican with lax gun laws.

In 2020, the firearm fatality rate in (for example) Harris County Texas was 16.1 deaths from firearms per 100,000 people. 

This old bunch of cobblers which has to be debunked every time people debate gun laws.
Try using homicide rates not fatalities, so you aren’t lumping suicides in with the actual firearm violence.

September 18, 2024 10:54 am

BREAKING: DNA contamination in Australian mRNA Covid shots up to 145 times regulatory limit, report shows

The first independent testing of Australian vials confirms findings from the US, Canada and Germany, highlighting that oncogenic and genomic integration risks are a global concern

Synthetic plasmid DNA contamination has been detected in Australian vials of Pfizer and Moderna Covid vaccines at levels of between seven to 145 times the allowable limit, a new report shows.

The independent testing of three modified RNA (mod-RNA) vaccine vials, including lots for children and adults, was commissioned to provide evidence in a Federal Court lawsuit over the validity of the regulatory status of the vaccines.

The case, brought by legal firm PJ O’Brien & Associates, alleges that the vaccines contain unlicenced genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in the form of synthetic DNA contamination and mod-RNA-LNP complexes which could pose an untested safety risk, including the potential for DNA integration into the human genome.

In an affidavit provided to legal firm PJ O’Brien & Associates, molecular virologist Dr David Speicher said that the amount of synthetic DNA he detected in all three Australian vials “far exceeded” the allowable regulatory limit set by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA).

Given scientific evidence suggesting that synthetic DNA can enter the cell nucleus and potentially integrate into the human genome, “it is important to investigate whether integration can take place in primary cells in the vaccinated population,” Dr Speicher said.

The Australian testing confirms independent lab findings of high levels of residual DNA in mod-RNA Covid vaccines from Germany, the US and Canada, highlighting that this is a global concern.

Rebekah Barnett, Substack, 17 September, 2024

Last edited 1 day ago by Roger
Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 18, 2024 10:55 am

Economic gravity sucks.

Back to Petroleum: BP abandons the wind business to focus on oil and gas. (17 Sep)

Why Are Renewable Equipment Companies Such Poor Investments? (16 Sep)

It’d be funny watching all this but so much of Australias’ super is invested in this rubbish.

September 18, 2024 10:57 am

Hey Achmed, is your pager turned on?

September 18, 2024 11:02 am

Is this clip from 2:05 in bad taste?

September 18, 2024 11:06 am

Given the numbers of injured, you would expect that many former Hezbollah operatives are currently en route to their virgins via an uncomfortable and distressing pathway.

They’ve been sold a pup.

Should have chosen life over a death cult.

September 18, 2024 11:06 am

you would expect that many former Hezbollah operatives are currently en route to their virgins via an uncomfortable and distressing pathway.

Peritonitis, its not just for breakfast anymore!

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
September 18, 2024 11:17 am

You don’t kill an ideology by killing the people who believe in it.

That ideology, no matter how evil, is reinforced by killing its proponents

Yes. Yesssss.

If only someone had ventilated Stalin in 1931, Russia would now be a bigger version of Texas, and with more bears.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
September 18, 2024 11:23 am

To Hezbollah

“I just called to say I Love you.”


Barking Toad
Barking Toad
September 18, 2024 11:25 am

 I’m sure China, Russia, etc. produce electronic devices,

Of course Dover.

But the rocket throwers wanted Western devices apparently. To go with their goats.

Last edited 1 day ago by Barking Toad
September 18, 2024 11:27 am
September 18, 2024 11:30 am

Every morning, without fail, around 1030am (Perth time) my Israeli rocket alerts app starts going off. It has been doing so since October 8.

It’ll be interesting to see if “it’s all quiet on the Northern front” today as might signal a deep breath being taken before….

And, I loved waking up to this news. If Mossad, it’s another act of sheer brilliance.

September 18, 2024 11:30 am

The ever practical Beloved – will this affect pager sales?

Bless him.

Bungonia Bee
Bungonia Bee
September 18, 2024 11:31 am

Depending on where you wear your pager, it could be a really bum rap.

September 18, 2024 11:33 am

Awwwww…who’s an old Grumpy this morning?

Your murderous pals get plastered all over a supermarket?


September 18, 2024 11:35 am

They’re going to need more hotel rooms…

Britain won’t turn migrant boats back to France, says immigration minister

Dame Angela Eagle says move would need agreement of Paris, whose policy is not to intercept boats unless migrants ask for rescue

The Telegraph (UK)

Iirc, not having Indonesia’s agreement didn’t stop Tony Abbott from turning back the boats.

September 18, 2024 11:38 am

Iirc, not having Indonesia’s agreement didn’t stop Tony Abbott from turning back the boats.

No it didn’t, and m0nty was sure it would lead to war with Indonesia. Maybe the war will start any day now.

Last edited 1 day ago by Anders
September 18, 2024 11:41 am

Yup, Israeli rocket app signals incoming…

(whether it’s the usual or more who knows…)

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 18, 2024 11:42 am

“I just called to say I Love you.”

It was very generous of the Israelis to provide Hezbollah with so many free sex change operations.

September 18, 2024 11:42 am

C’mon Luigi .. ya knows we wants too ..!
Scrap ASIO and sub-contract out to Mossad .. LOL!

September 18, 2024 11:47 am

This is what the man from Toowoomba has written above about the Incidents of Mass Exploding Farts in Beirut overnight…

Paging Mater, paging Mater. Numerical f**kwittery clean up required in Cat Aisle 3.

Last edited 1 day ago by Megan
September 18, 2024 11:50 am

Trump: “You won’t get rid of the drug problem unless you execute drug dealers”.

September 18, 2024 11:51 am

Ken doll to be renamed Hezbollah doll.

September 18, 2024 11:53 am

Not sure why my latest attempt to comment on the reappearance of discredited, unwanted and definitely unmourned Toowoomba crayon scribbler has gone into moderation.

Become a protected species during his long and welcome absence?

September 18, 2024 11:55 am

You think this is Ryan Routh getting off a Kamallah bus last week in NC?

September 18, 2024 11:55 am

Currently sitting in a C series or now known as A220.

Wi-Fi noice, seats good size. Problems lavatory puny, felt underpowered on take off roll. Crew gave us the low down of how fuel efficient it is.

Anyway enjoy your day. I still got 3 hour in air left & 2hr layover in BNE.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
September 18, 2024 11:56 am


If only someone had ventilated Stalin in 1931, Russia would now be a bigger version of Texas, and with more bears

And from the nested comments – Liability Bob:

Stalin died in 1953, and all that changed was the pecking order in the Soviet hierarchy.

Demonstrably proving my point that merely offing proponents of an ideology – the favoured Liability Bob method, along with cuddles and collaboration – does not work.

September 18, 2024 11:59 am

I’m doing a survey for work about their ‘Reconciliation Action Plan’. It’s optional, and allegedly anonymous. We’ll soon find out.

It’s taken me to the Reconciliation Australia website, which states:

In this survey, reconciliation means activities and actions that aim to strengthen relationships between First Nations peoples [note the capitalisation] and non-Indigenous people, for the benefit of all Australians.

Sounds promising.

First question: Is the relationship between First Nations peoples and other Australians important or not, for Australia as a nation?

(There’s no ‘Super-Duper Important’ so I’ll tick ‘No, rack off.’ Let’s see if they still want my opinion).

Crikey, I haven’t been rejected yet. Need to try harder. The second question asks the origin of my knowledge about Heavenly Superior First Nations people. I note there’s no ‘Extreme Right Wing Racial Supremacy Movement’ option.

OOOH. Bingo! Question Three:

Do you agree Australia is a racist country?

Question Four: Do you believe that ‘white’ people (i.e. usually with Anglo-European heritage and values and colonial-descendants) often have social and economic advantages in Australia, by virtue of their race or skin colour, more than people of colour have?

[NOTE the phrase ‘people of colour.’ This exclusionist phrase and concept is intended to denigrate lighter-skinned people. The answer options here are: ‘No, it’s never been that way; No, because things have improved; Yes, in some areas of society; and Yes, throughout society’].

Q5: How would you describe your level of knowledge about the following topics? [Answers from very low – very high].

Knowledge about the history of colonial Australia

Knowledge about First Nations cultures.

Knowledge about the histories of First Nations peoples in Australia.

Q6. Do you think it is important or not at all for all Australians to learn about how European colonisation and government policy has impacted First Nations Australians?

Aaaand here we get to the nub:

Q7. For all Australians to move forward on reconciliation [no assumptions there, huh?] is it important or not to undertake truth telling processes to acknowledge the reality of Australia’s shared history? Note: Truth-telling activities and processes acknowledge the historical injustices and impacts of colonialisation on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. Example of truth telling include: Formal commissions, apologies and enquiries, renaming/dual naming of places, and local talks and events.

Q8. In terms of the history of European colonisation in Australia, which of the following statements do you most agree with?

I don’t believe there have been any wrongs of the past.

The wrongs of the past must be rectified before all Australians can move on. [Except for the covidiocy victims. They can suck on a rusty star picket].

There should be forgiveness for the wrongs of the past and all Australians should now move on.

The wrongs of the past can never be forgiven.

[Sadly, there’s no option ‘E’ here, or the chance to write in my own racist, irrelevant, person-of-no-colour (Ponc) words].

Q9. How do you think the result of the Referendum has impacted the relationship between First Nations peoples and other Australians?

[The answer options range from ‘worse’ to ‘improved’ or ‘don’t know’].


September 18, 2024 12:05 pm

M0nty:Yes Kneel, Reagan is included. He blew out the annual deficit to 6% of GDP and pushed debt from 26% to 41% of GDP.

Hmm, lets see…
When Clinton left office after 8 years, total debt was $5.8T, an increase of $1.4T (+32%)
When GWBush left office after 8 years, total debt was $11.9T an increase of $6.1T (+105%)
When Obama left office after 8 years, total debt was $20.2T, an increase of $8.3T (+70%)
When Trump left office after 4 years, total debt was $28.3T, an increase of $8.2T(+40%)
Currently under Biden up to 2023, total debt is $34.6T, an increase of $6.2T(+21%)

Bush of course had the “War Against Terror” to start – Gulf war etc.

Interestingly, a closer look at the Trump numbers shows every year except 2020 with $1.2-1.5T deficit, but 2020 (COVID) with $4.23T
Without COVID, it is likely that the 2020 budget would have been similar to 2019 and 2021 at $1.2T and $1.5T respectively, Using the upper value, that would have made Trumps increase 27%. vs Biden (extended to 4 years from 3) of 28%.

Also interestingly, Trump did it with an improving economy and lower taxes, Biden spiked inflation, interest rates and unemployment.

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
September 18, 2024 12:06 pm

From the Oz…

Iran’s ambassador to Lebanon is reportedly among 500 people blinded in a dramatic attack on the Lebanese militant group Hezbollah across Lebanon, which also killed at least 9 people and injured 3,000, 200 critically.

Ha. Get out Manfred Mann’s Earth Band and sing the song

September 18, 2024 12:10 pm

Apollo Pagers site has been shut down:

I’d be interested to know if they willingly worked with Mossad or whether they knew they were selling to Nilbollocks.

September 18, 2024 12:14 pm

I’m doing a survey for work about their ‘Reconciliation Action Plan’.

Another vote winner for the Albanese government.

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
September 18, 2024 12:19 pm

The targeted explosions are believed to be have been triggered remotely by a small amount of explosive, about 50 grams, implanted inside the most recent batch of pagers delivered to the militant group. The delivery could have been organised via Iran, indicating a major intelligence breach.

A brilliant Mossad operation (denied, of course) that would have had nothing to do with the USA given their current leanings. And certainly nothing to do with the UN.

Iran suggestion is just sowing the seeds for Iran dissidents.

September 18, 2024 12:21 pm

Sorry, there is more. Scroll away if it’s of no interest. [I’ll be more concise with the remainder of the survey, which I assume anyone can access via the Reconciliation Australia website].

Q10. How do you think the Australian government should be responding tot he referendum result? [Most of the answer options involve kaboodles of Opm].

Q.11. How do you think the Australian people should be responding to the referendum result?

Q12. How do you think your organisation should respond to the referendum result? [‘Stick to business’ would have received my tick, but alas…].

Q13. Are you aware of any First Nations people working for your organisation? [‘Don’t know, it’s their private business’ would have received my tick].

Okay, there are another squillion questions, basically all in a similar vein, so I’ll skip most of them.

Q. Do you know who are the Traditional Custodians of the lands where you personally work? [I’m unsure: Does this mean the people who cleared the paperbark swamp, those who built the supermarket, or those who invented/own the intellectual property within the products we sell?].

Q. When it comes to engaging with First Nations people, are you generally confident you could do so in a way that is culturally respectful and appropriate, or not? [I think six weeks of solid cultural respect training might help].

Okay, so there’s a question of additional work benefits for indigs claiming to look after other relatives’ children, or unrelated community members. Interesting.

Something about Sorry Business days off.

Aaaand special indig managers within each workplace.

The phrase ‘lived experience’ always raises a smile.

Special First Nations suppliers/supply chains.

Oh yeah… Welcome to Country. (Does my org do them?).

Do I personally support or oppose Welcomes/Acknowledgements? NO! (Let’s see if this is truly anonymous!).

Special placements for Number Wunners in my org: Yes or no?

Let’s wrap this up.
Apologies for the length, but I suspect we’ll see the results of this survey in the news or used to influence policy, in the very near future. As a survey, it’s obviously skewed towards certain outcomes, which is not surprising.

September 18, 2024 12:22 pm

The rate of suicide amongst Australia’s rural men is significantly higher than rural women, urban men or urban women. There are many explanations for this phenomenon including higher levels of social isolation, lower socio-economic circumstances and ready access to firearms.

The bloke ending himself with a firearm likely only takes himself out.
I have known both types.
The individual who used his car had been suicidal for some time and had been planning on a head on with another car.
He was very excited one day telling us he “Almost did it”. With a huge grin on his face. Relating how the other car had kids in the back.
We didn’t take it seriously at the time.
He killed himself a few months later in a, luckily, one vehicle crash.
How many of the head on crashes you see with the engine of one car a hundred metres down the road from the disintegrated vehicle are due to some selfish prick deciding that a combined speed of 200+ Kph is the most exciting way to leave the planet remains unknown.

Last edited 1 day ago by Arky
September 18, 2024 12:24 pm

Re the survey: I was (naively) hoping there would an opportunity to write a bit of a screed about segregation and racial superiority values, but alas, I got sucked in. I didn’t complete it though.

September 18, 2024 12:30 pm

As a retired school principal, it horrifies me to understand that arming teachers is considered by some as a solution to school shootings. 

Morning parades would have to include weapons inspections.

That’s what we did when I was in the army, after all.

Just as well numbers mentions this factoid every chance he gets, who would have guessed it otherwise?

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 18, 2024 12:33 pm

Shamelessly stolen from Instapundit…

comment image

September 18, 2024 12:40 pm

BNE Olypics. Funnily enough we just nosed over no into decent to that destination.

IMO Chrisafooli needs to get rid of it before it starts costing. Read & weep:

Queensland opposition leader rules out $1.6bn Olympic stadium rebuild
Queensland’s Liberal National Party leader David Crisafulli has ruled out sinking $1.6bn of taxpayer money into a plan to rebuild a near 50-year-old stadium as the Brisbane Olympics main athletics hub.

Plans to rebuild The Gabba as Brisbane’s main stadium for the 2032 Games were dropped in March, with Labor Premier Steven Miles instead planning to upgrade the ageing Queensland Sport and Athletics Centre, previously known as QEII stadium.
Mr Crisafulli has previously hinted that an LNP government would drop the project, but on Wednesday said it was a “horrendous plan” and its prospects were “zilch”.

“I don’t think there is any scenario where any Queenslander looks at that plan and doesn’t see anything but cringe-worthiness from a desperate government,” he said.
“You can ask it a million ways, there is no one who believes that project is either value for money or provides a legacy option.”

The state opposition leader, who successive public polls suggest will win majority government at next month’s state election, said there was no Queenslander who believed QSAC was a “good deal.”

Mr Crisafulli has pledged to ask the Games infrastructure delivery agency to deliver a venue plan within the LNP government’s first 100 days if he wins the October 26 election.

“Whilst I look forward to the results of the 100-day review, if a project like that came out the other end at a time when Queenslanders are yearning to be proud of their government and their state on the world stage then I would be stunned, I would be stunned,” he said.

“You know as well as I do what has been proposed there, by anyone’s measure, is neither visionary nor cost effective,” he said.

“The idea of spending well north of a billion dollars on temporary facilities for something in the middle of the bush, it doesn’t make sense in anyone’s language.”

Mr Crisafulli said the LNP would deliver a venue plan that delivered “generational infrastructure, particularly focused on road and rail”.
The proposal to upgrade QSAC, which is not on a train line and might seat only 40,000 people, was first put forward by Olympic powerbroker John Coates.

A business case, initiated by the Labor government, is still underway and due to be completed early next year.

September 18, 2024 12:40 pm

With all the great musical references to the bollock-less hezbies, I’d like to add another. An album full, no less. 😀

September 18, 2024 12:42 pm

None of this emphasis on indig ‘kulture’ is about equality (an amorphous term itself), but rather dominance. It is about formalising the notion that one ‘race’ is superior. Just look at the language being used: ‘People of Colour’ is intended to elevate individuals born with comparatively more melanin in their skin. It excludes those perceived (arbitrarily) as possessing a lesser amount of melanin. Similarly, the phrase and concept of ‘first nations’ is intended to establish a new social class based on claimed descendance; like royalty.

September 18, 2024 12:47 pm

Apollo Pagers has issued a statement saying those pagers were made in Europe by a company that had the rights to use their IP:

Gold Apollo says it did not make pagers used in Lebanon explosion – The Jerusalem Post (

September 18, 2024 12:49 pm

Once upon a time talk of damaged wedding tackle would have caused the eyes to water but not today. The goats will have a happy go lucky feel about themselves without knowing why.

September 18, 2024 12:59 pm

An “intelligence account” on X makes a good point:

Israel now has live data of where these terrorist are (from hospital locations), who is visiting, where they live etc… the devices may be blown but anyone turning up to hospital with burns, bollockless will be tracked.

A treasure trove for sure…

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
September 18, 2024 1:00 pm

I wonder how many journalists and aid workers had a blow up pants moment.

September 18, 2024 1:10 pm

Don’t buy the official hezbollah team leader underpants.

  1. Copied from Currency Lad Buccaneer says: 19 September, 2024 at 2:32 pm Is this the reason Biden dropped out of the…

  2. Daylesford crash charges dropped at committal hearing. Possibly correct at law, seems unsatisfactory somehow. He might have had a ‘severe…

  3.  you vile incompetent arrogant lesbian slagOnly situationally so, who can forget that short foray into Jay Wetherills undergarments as precursor…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x