The Arky half track!
The Arky half track!
It looks more like mum is thinking “What are we going to do with you, son?”
To everyone’s relief, no more Woodstock pics or comments from me. Roger, self appointed PHD professor on everything Woodstock, has…
I am currently reading Ian Mortimer’s ‘Medieval Horizons – Why the Middle Ages Matter’. Food poisoning and sweating sicknesses brought…
Winterised Ford T
Yes it is I
Interesting…Labor health ” care”.
1030pm here in WA at RPH.
“Wake up mizaris, we’re transferring you to a different ward. You’re going home.”
Have not seen a consultant. Have had no firm diagnosis.
Was it a Discharge Ward?
No beds, just a semi comfy chair, and ring the rels to pick you up?
Nope. Bed. Blankets. 4 hourly obs.
“Bed management” Mandarins.
Messed with the wrong little old lady…
John Spooner.
A.F. Branco.
Chip Bok.
Tom Stiglich.
Lisa Benson.
We Aussies are masters when it comes to taking the piss. In this case, the Qantas crew @4:27 had a wait, what moment?
Kennedy Steve got them good. You just know a few moments afterwards they would been have saying, he got us good.
The radio response from the flight deck …uh
Great clip. Watch in full.
Kennedy Steve – ATC JFK from years back.
No-one else awake yet?
Andrew Bolt:
One could argue he never had the plot to start with Mr Bolt.
As Damon said a couple of days ago on the olde fred, what are his achievements? What has he actually done that has benefited his constituents in Grayndler and indeed Australia since he became Pwime Minister?
Expect serious discussion on whether he will lead Labor to the next election.
So his mum spent her life in housing commission on a disability pension Who sent him to private school then?
One wonders why he left her there.
Entered parliament in 1996 and on a decent wicket after working for Uren while at Uni.
She died in 2002. Still in public housing.
Dear old Mum.
The man is beneath contempt
One wonders why he left her there.
Simple. She was being looked after by the taxpayer and probably did not want to relocate. He was happy not to be forced to help out in any way especially financially.
The Liars are stuck with him. Too late for a bait and switch with Plibbers or some other sap. Must only be 50:50 against holding the job after the election. KRuddy’s changes to leadership challenges are (unsurprisingly) unhelpful. My God he and Waffleworth were truly hopeless.
What’s the surprise with Albanese’s house at Copa? He’s a multi, multi-millionaire, who will soon be out of parliament on a HUGE pension, and he wants to get away from the shytehole electorate he lives in. Has anybody here EVER seen Ashfield, Newtown etc? It’s a shyte-hole full of D’head leftists. Seriously, every ALP luminary does the same stuff; Keating lived with the cultured Jewish crowd in HIS Waverley mansion whilst “representing” Lakemba and Wiley Park, FFS. Rudd ran off at the mouth about climate change for his inner-city F’wit voters and then bolted for a direct waterfront property well away from THEM. Go Albo you good thing!
With a nice $100 million taxpayer-funded driveway…
PM announced $100m to upgrade roads leading to new coastal mansion (Sky News mainpage headline, 16 Oct)
Obviously a complete coincidence.
Incredulous ..! some of the things you read .. CentreLink will no longer be accepting payments in .. wait for it ..! FOREIGN currency ……. ?From December 19 onwards, foreign currency cheques and money orders will no longer be accepted as payment methods for Centrelink debt recovery.
Supposedly the US has given Israel 30 days to get aid to Gaza or lose out on some arms shipments. I guess this is to appeal to a certain voting bloc dear to Democrats, but I wonder if that voting bloc is smart enough to see that the 30 days takes us past the election when the ultimatum becomes reversible at no electoral cost?
One part of the Albo sob story that I don’t get is the bit about how his mum has lived in public housing (taxpayer subsidised) for 65 years.
Her loving son has been on good money for decades, and has even amassed an investment property portfolio.
How come loving son hasn’t set his mum up in better accommodation? Is it that, contrary to his implication, she is on a very sweet deal, not a hardship gig? Or is he too stingy to do it?
Neither possibility reflects well on him.
Johanna, mum’s been dead for a while.
I can understand why you didn’t know. The compliant media keep trotting out the same picture of him and mum whenever they need clicks.
It’s become as laughable as the “You kids have it easy today, I walked five miles, through snow to get to school.
Uphill both ways…
That’s nowt.
My dad sawed my legs off for firewood before I started school.
“With a dead cat on my head to keep me warm!” as my late dad used to say.
From what I’ve read “mum” didn’t grow up in “houso” but was allocated one cos “single mother” ………
I don’t remember hearing about widows with children being given public housing in the early 60s. Does anyone know if that was the case?
I think she “ inherited” it from her business owning Father.
I made this point the other day. ,It was reported Mum was born in that house. My question was how are you able to inherit public housing?
Didn’t KRuddy live in a shoe or something?
Not a comparison with taking nothing though
Thanks for that, Rosie. Interesting read.
3rd day in Queensland and the Sun is shining. Some things I have learned on this trip.
It’s almost impossible to eat half a chook with the wooden cutlery that Red Rooter give you.
Queensland drivers need an engraved invitation to merge onto a freeway.
Bribie Island is Gods waiting room but has fantastic fish and chips.
Today may be the day that I try a 1Kg donut.
There is bakery at Kenilworth who have a branch at the wharf at Malloolabah. They do a 1kg donut and a 1 kg sausage roll.
Ah, now the sausage roll would be really right up my alley (phrasing)
The merging or changing lane gaps that disappear get worse the further north you get.
Don’t try to Lane split/filter on a bike either, both of the above are normal behaviours elsewhere I driven in Oz but a capital sin in Qld for some reason.
I travelled from Cairns to Melbourne by car with a view to getting off to an early start each morning.
I spent the night in a motel in Mackay and ordered toast for the next morning.
There seemed to be an inordinate delay in my toast arriving so I went to the kitchen.
Lo and behold, here’s the motel operator trying to extract a mouse from the toaster.
Mrs Albanese/Ms Ellery died in 2002, apparently she lived in public housing her entire life, doesn’t quite square with her father running a printing business, if he too lived in public housing.
Maybe it was a choice for him.
I believe it was a brother of sorts, apparently quite common in those days for better off family to support lesser fortunate members as my mum confirmed.
I have family who are ex-housos and one who still lives in Airds that is rapidly being demolished & turned over to developers. The older generation who resided in Miller or Bradbury all say 50yrs welfare was nowhere near as generous as today and people had to work. Different to the multi generation dole bludgers we see these days and most I hear were grateful for their house.
Ver much different times.
Albanese’s mother’s life and early death is so heavily featured in the msm I’m surprised anyone would think she was still alive.
It’s an essential part of his schtick, her being a disability pensioner.
Albo’s conveniently timed new road to his holiday shack is getting a bit of twitter coverage.
Maybe he’ll get to enjoy more time off soon.
A Grauniad opinion piece so perfectly Grauniad it has to be parody.
Also: If Rose is a creative pattern cutter, but has never worked as a creative pattern cutter, is she a creative pattern cutter?
I try a 1KG donut
And 36 hours later another 1KG wonder.
Thanks Pogria.
I didn’t know she was dead, because he keeps talking about her as though she’s alive and the media keep repeating his schtick.
Who rabbits on endlessly in public about a parent who died 25 years ago?
It’s just creepy, or very cynical.
Creepy, Johanna.
I didn’t know she was dead either. He seems to be talking about her in the present tense and so does the media.
Mind you, I don’t consume any media apart from the occasional misclicked link. I’ve got better things to do with my time, like scratch my arse or pick my nose.
Very cynical. Whatever it takes is the refrain.
Or both? Embrace the power of “and”.
Quality voting.
Apparently this is a school principal saying no visitors allowed, there is no context to the clip.
I’ve seen others where Maronite villagers are blocking entry roads and shia are sleeping at beaches because people won’t rent houses to them, because once in they might never leave.
Looks to be a fraught situation with hezbos going north.
Next thing you know they will dig tunnels under the properties and store bombs and rockets there.
Shirley not
Hamas recruitment video
That supply of millstones will be only just enough.
Poor little children.
Dedicated to Albo’s new home away from his other homes:
If you see a faded sign at the side of the road that says
“15 miles to the Grub Shack”
Grub Shack, yeah, yeah
I’m heading down the Avoca highway
Looking for the grub getaway
Headed for the grub getaway
I got me a car, and a protective detail
And we’re headin’ on down to the Grub Shack
Where no one can see us so we can spend plenty
So hurry up and bring that taxpayer’s money
The grub shack is a little old place where
We can spend together
Grub Shack, baby (the Grub Shack, baby)
Grub Shack, baby, Grub Shack
Grub Shack, baby, Grub Shack
Grub Shack, baby, Grub Shack (grub, baby, that’s where it’s at)
Grub Shack, baby, Grub Shack (grub, baby, that’s where it’s at)
Grub shack baby, yeah!
Very GOOD.
Good from me too.
Brilliant, Load.
Another winner for a chopper ride:
Yet another Judge winning a seat on a helicopter ride.
Trump would be wise to have relatives of these people introduced at his rallies. Highlighting the Dems’ persecution of peaceful people would get him some more Christian votes.
“Supposedly the US has given Israel 30 days to get aid to Gaza or lose out on some arms shipments.”
It’s northern Gaza and Israel have already resupplied hamas via the Erez West crossing.
Quadrant magazine. Anything that shows indigenous culture in a bad light is to be suppressed…
The sea view house was probably not as huge an issue as the road upgrade to it. The whole country is pock marked by pot holes yet he gets a smooth ride to his weekend love nest? This will sink him and many, many votes that might otherwise have gone to Labor.
From the Grub Shack one can easily go looking for rock lobsters.
Rock Lobster!
I was thinking a B52. Payload – Houso Boy
Rock somethings, that’s for sure.
My goodness the sheer tin eared idiocy of labore politicians is a wonder to behold – from the Oz:
OK – so let’s examine the logic here. Torrie fighting communist buys $4.3 million modest coastal cottage (with bonus $100 million road upgrade thrown in) courtesy of money plundered from taxpayers (and ahem, other “unknown sources”) over a period of almost three decades.
Much self righteous wailing (possibly audible in space) ensues from labore politicians and j’ismists bloviating about everything except the staggering hypocrisy.
The solution proposed by the braindead labore politicians supposedly outraged about the appalling optics? Why, let’s make accumulating a “property portfolio” even more difficult for everyone except parasitic politicians!
The sooner these obnoxious infuriating utterly irredeemable imbeciles are gifted some electoral oblivion, the better.
We should start referring to the grub shack as a dacha. Their behaviour is very Soviet so let’s used the right terminology.
Why are political parties addicted, as much as any smack user to turbomigration?
What does it actually improve apart from the nebulous “GDP”.
The current crop of lobotomites seem incapable of placing even the smallest cap on numbers.
I hate to say it, but at some stage the “You have to go back” meme is the only option left.
So what is it, corruption or hatred of Australia?
Future Labor voters is the most important reason otherwise they would stop.
What does it actually improve apart from the nebulous “GDP”.
It puts more pressure on housing and therefore raises the value of the politicians housing portfolios.
That’s it.
That’s the sole benefit to the nation.
Unbelievable, they’re pauperising the country just to add a few thousand to their net wealth.
I’d like to see the loan terms – especially the interest rates.
ACT Liberal leader Elizabeth Lee forced to apologise after she was caught on camera sticking up her middle finger at journalist
Noah Yim
16 minutes ago.
Updated 3 minutes ago
ACT Liberal leader Elizabeth Lee has been forced to apologise after she was caught on camera sticking up her middle finger at a journalist after he had turned his back following a tense press conference.
The ACT election will be held on Saturday.
“I engaged in poor behaviour that was unprofessional, and I apologise”, she said afterwards.
“I have history with this journalist. I respect the work that journalists do, including asking the tough questions, and I think that I have demonstrated during this term that I’m willing to step up and answer tough questions.”
Ms Lee and RiotACT reporter Ian Bushnell had a tense exchange at a press conference on Wednesday.
Mr Bushnell questioned Ms Lee about the timing of costs and details on election pledges.
“Isn’t it a bit late in the day to be having these discussions?” Mr Bushnell asked.
“Isn’t it late in the day for [ACT Chief Minister] Andrew Barr to still have not submitted costings for his policies?” She responded.
“We’re talking about your policies,” Mr Bushnell said.
“No, you can’t throw things at the opposition and expect to have no comeback when the fact is, this is a treasurer who’s been in charge of the ACT treasury – are you finished?”
“I just want you to answer the question.”
“Are you finished?”
“Answer the question.”
“Are you finished or not? I will answer the question in my own way, Ian, you don’t get to dictate how I answer the question.”
After this, footage shows the reporters turning away as the press conference ended, and Ms Lee walks to the side and briefly flashes up her middle finger aimed at Mr Bushnell’s back.
Ms Lee and the ACT Liberals are seeking to end Labor’s 23 continuous years in power in the ACT.
“Well done” to the lady, says I
Ditto. Just watched Janie Seal “fact checking” James Ashby on Sky.
No Janie, your job is not to represent the guy who isn’t there. Your job is to get your interviewee’s answer and invite an answer from the person being criticised. It’s really simple. Get them on the show for a rebuttal.
I’m so weary of activist germalists who insert themselves into stories.
Apologising was the wrong response. She should’ve said that he deserved it and that she would not be apologising.
The MSM would have conniptions but the resulting coverage would be well worth it.
I wouldn’t have apologized. I’d have doubled down, saying he deserved it & announce that I remain unrepentant.
Comrade Montgomery,
What invective loaded bombast straight from chunk yoghurt do you have for us today?
The “Trump has a senior moment on stage and is obviously senile” narrative lasted barely half a day.
“lasted barely half a day “. Are we talking 4 or 5 boxes of Krispy Kremes?
Three years for “unlawful assembly”? Is there such a thing. I thought that peaceful assembly was specifically mentioned in the Constitution.
Reports in that One Direction (a boy band) singer Liam Payne has fallen to his death from a Buenos Aires hotel balcony.
I suppose, then, that his last ‘one direction’ was…
The Enemy’s gate is… down.
Was he vaxxed?
Oh well, in that case!
Kamala Harris to black men in Detroit:
“You may not know this, but you would appreciate this. I grow chili peppers.”
Billionaires back new ‘anti-woke’ university in Texas with $200M in funding as disgust over campus protests grows
Workers forced to stay at factory drowned during Hurricane Helene — while CEO snuck out and survived, scathing lawsuit claims
But there’s no money to help the victims of two catastrophic hurricanes.
Biden announces $425 million security aid package for Ukraine
Panicked Don Lemon Delivers Disturbing News for Harris Campaign on Black Votes
This is what happens when there’s an invasion.
EXCLUSIVE‘Evil’ super gang seizes four apartment complexes in major Texas city in new terrifying show of strength
The fact that these gang members aren’t dragged outside, propped against a wall and shot, is proof that the US under the Biden/Harris Regime is circling the drain.
What I’d like: Every journalist who asks AnAl a question prefaces it with “Speaking as one who’s mother lived her entire life living in the one housing commission house…”
Nearly every single bridge in New York needs repairs — and many of them are ‘structurally deficient’: report
Yet more tin eared idiocy. Reminiscent of Shrillary’s revelation she carts around “hot sauce” in her bag.
The claim is based on the parody of the targeted group provided by their ‘focus groups’ who are selected from Democrats.
They’re incapable of working out why they keep on getting answers that don’t relate to the reality of the groups.
The Revised FBI Crime Data Reveals that it Originally Missed 1,699 Murders in 2022. Given that Almost all Murders are Reported, How Does the FBI Miss that Many Murders?
Perhaps they were the exact number for their President to claim that ‘crime is going down’?
In all the right people, who can’t even imagine losing in their entitled lives.
Nolte: Halperin Says Trump Victory Will ‘Cause Greatest Mental Health Crisis in History’
Open the FEMA Camps to lock them up.
Leftards are always in a mental ‘elf crisis, who will notice?
Another example of how they actually care about health and safety.
This girl was brutally assaulted twice in one day by a boy dressed as a girl. Their principal responded by suspending the victim.
That is not an uncommon response even in NSW schools. The lesson is that if there are no complaints there are no problems.
Victim blaming is now acceptable? Wow!
Sorry to be morbid here, but you’re telling me Jimmy Carter is able to actually cast a vote in this condition…
Even BET can’t hide how stupid Kamala is.
A $4 million beach house for retirement is a bad obvious look.
But the real hidden crime is the pension used to service the mortgage.
$250,000 plus for life (AAP)
The IPA says $400k.
That road is the main artery. It has needed upgrading since at 2011 when we moved to the coast ( other end up in beautiful downtown Budgewoi)
And yet it only gets fixed when Albo buys a house on it.
“Dammit Harris, it’s chicken, not chilli!
Koreans like chilli, brothers dig on chicken!”
Or his well to do uncle prior to that…
Australia’s birth rate has hit 1.5, which demographers say is close to the point of no return.
The finger is pointing at declining living standards, unaffordable housing and a lack of hope for the future due to the climate change scare.
One could also mention a punitive tax system.
Well played, Uniparty.
Nothing that can’t be fixed by bringing in highly talented and willing to be assimilated people from Haiti and Gaza.
Would one be game enough to mention that the high abortion rate may be adding to the problem?
My sister came to visit yesterday, got driven down from Brisbane by my nephew. This is the first time she’s visited in 25 years. Stayed for 2 1/2 hours and left. I’ve visited her for at least a week a year for quite a while. Missed during the coff lock down. Don’t think I’ll bother anymore or am I just as bad if I do that or in this case not. Nephew was embarrassed. Not quite as bad as wifes aunt. Uncle went to visit after not seeing his sister for 20+ years, he’d been there for half an hour when she asked him when he was leaving. He was showing his granddaughter where the family lived when they came out from Ireland and Scotland in the 1830’s. Both lots were pioneers. Aunt has a flash holiday house nearby where they were going and never offered to let them stay. Just as well cousin was there to organise it. Families?
I could swap some awesome, dreadful family stories with you. Lol.
I have always believed I was the white sheep in a black family. The ex’s family were worse than mine. 😀
Anybody looking for some “Thinking persons fiction”, I can recommend Robert
Harris “An Officer and a Spy.” – it’s based on the “Dreyfus Affair”, and has some resonations in today’s society…
Good book, I read it every now and again. The movie is or was free to download in two parts on the internet. Also rather good.
Anything by Robert Harris is good reading, though that one does tend to drag a bit compared to the others.
Great painting with lots of swagger. Reminds me of when I was young(er).
Latest betting odds on Trump:
Faith in President Donald J. Trump‘s reelection prospects has surged to new highs in the betting markets, with at least one now projecting Trump to have a 60 percent chance of winning the presidential race. Betting website Polymarket projects that Trump has a 59.7 percent chance of winning the presidency compared to his opponent, Vice President Kamala Harris, at 40.2 percent.
Trump Hits Historic New Highs in Betting Markets. (
Albanese tells the “Brought up in a matchbox by a poverty struck single mother” schtick all the time.
Do the sums.
Albo started working for Uren while still in uni, went on to pre -selection in ’96.
Mother passed away in 2002.
So the miserable germ left her in public housing.
No investment properties then eh?
I saw that earlier today. Upon being informed of her mistake, “oops, my bad”, was the sum total of her apology.
They walk among us.
It sure was all Greek to her.
This is just awful.
UNRWA ‘very near’ to possible breaking point on Gaza operations, says head (16 Oct)
It would be so totally terrible if Hamas guys could no longer shoot at Israelis from inside UNRWA clinics. Or store weapons in tunnels and HQs underneath them. Why, they might even be forced to leave Gaza completely. How catastrophic!
I’ve got a sister who works at the Primary School, next town down the road.
Proximity to the coast has driven up property prices which is forcing younger families out. Enrolments are sliding off a cliff and the viability of the PS looking dodgy.
Which puts the HS on shaky ground.
The flow on effect will widen.
Retirement communities don’t sustain a lot of services.
Great painting with lots of swagger. Reminds me of when I was young(er).
Latest betting odds on Trump:
Faith in President Donald J. Trump’s re-election prospects has surged to new highs in the betting markets, with at least one now projecting Trump to have a 60 percent chance of winning the presidential race. Betting website Polymarket projects that Trump has a 59.7 percent chance of winning the presidency compared to his opponent, Vice President Kamala Harris, at 40.2 percent.
Trump Hits Historic New Highs in Betting Markets. (
Theres an interesting 3rd rail neither side of polly-ticks has explored for housing.
1: Cease migration to 50,000 a year – skilled/family only.
2: Make interest deductible on the family home.
3: Income splitting for couples/families – the sheer mongnitude of taking 40% of a couples income because one of them works a well paid job is insane.
I’ve been calling for the income splitting aspect of your proposal for years.
#1 and #3 are great ideas, #2 will be a nasty bite to government taxes, and will cause them to refuse the entire package, unless you make it for the first 10 years or so and limit it to the same criteria as the First Buyers Home Loan. Then it would help out the families during their greatest need time. They can renegotiate their loan after ten years when their children are less of a drag on finances.
Look, I’m against government interference in any market let alone the housing one, but it is not a free market any more and unless ALL government interference is ceased, then the young need and deserve help.
Stroll at Albano.
Excellently droll, Dover. Not quite clifftop, but lakeside will do. 😀
In good news news!
New Wallace and Gromit coming out.
Vengeance Most Fowl? Cool!
Most excellent news!
Trannies and their supporters on the warpath again: and the feckless libs wriggling with carrots up their arse as usual:
MP breaks party ranks on transgender birth certificates (
Doesn’t sound like Kamala’s spot on Fox went well…
‘I’m Speaking’: Bret Baier Interviews Kamala Harris (Twitchy, 16 Oct)
I thought he’d soft soap her, but he seems to’ve been doing a decent job.
Can these dead bones live?
Think about Anthony Albonese’s ex- neighbours.
Living next door to Albo.
Plibbers called when she got the word, She said: “I suppose you’ve heard – About Albo”.
Well I rushed to the window,
And I looked outside,
But I could hardly believe my eyes – As a big limousine rolled up
Into Albo’s drive…
Oh, I don’t know why he’s leaving, Or where he’s gonna go,
I guess he’s got his reasons,
But I just don’t want to know,
‘Cos for twenty-four years
I’ve been living next door to Albo.
Twenty-four years just waiting for a chance,
To tell him how I’m feeling, maybe kick him in the pants, Now I’ve got to get used to not living next door to Albo…
Parliamentary leather,
Since 1996.
Now the super rolls in,
He’ll give the voters the slip,
The voice for abos,
Plibbers mine fix, and house prices are high,
Just for a moment, I caught his eye, As the big limousine pulled slowly
Out of Albos drive.
Oh, I don’t know why he’s leaving, Or where he’s gonna go,
I guess he’s got his reasons,
But I just don’t want to know,
‘Cos for twenty-four years
I’ve been living next door to Albo.
Twenty-four years just waiting for a chance,
To tell him how I’m feeling, he sure ain’t J.D. Vance,
Now I gotta get used to not living next door to Albo…
Plibbers called back, asked how I felt, She said: “You know his mother was a houso”.
She said: “Now Albo is gone,
But I’m still here,
You know I’ve been waiting
For twenty-four years”…
And the big limousine disappeared…
I don’t know why he’s leaving, Or where he’s gonna go,
I guess he’s got his reasons,
But I just don’t want to know,
‘Cos for twenty-four years
I’ve been living next door to Albo.
Twenty-four years just waiting for a chance,
To tell him how I feel, and maybe get my Victa back,
But I’ll never get used to not living next door to Albo…
Now I’ll never get used to not living next door to Albo…
Your finest work, yet, Archibald.
Living next door to Malice.
Maybe get my Victa back.
Pretty good, Arkles.
Some more, this time from PJ Media:
BREAKING: Kamala Shouts, Whines, Cannot Answer Basic Questions in Fox Interview (16 Oct)
Quite interesting her desperation to not answer any question except with meaningless word salads and TDS.
And you guys think that the Wildebeast isn’t waiting in the shadows to rescue the Democrats?
I watched Kamala’s interview with Bret Baier on Fox. It was as you would expect, she gored the questions and simply carried on about Trump and then got angry when asked to address the question. The interview finished in about 15-20 minutes, not sure who pulled the plug, Fox or her people. She is incapable of answering anything at short notice.
Apparently she arrived late, so the interview was truncated.
It’s a Mystery. She can’t possibly have done it on purpose.
Cowardly low life.
Surely they could have borrowed more time from the next program for an important interview like hers.
I was quite mystified when Bret Baier kept telling her he needs to wrap up. Surely an important person like a presidential candidate would be allocated at least a whole hour. It must have looked even worse to Fox or her people than it did to me that the interview was cut short. It was obvious that she was antagonistic and had no intention in answering any questions.
Biden to Obumma : “So is Kamala doing ok?” (Hilarious)
Noice. We can never (figuratively) bash economists too hard or frequently enough.
Can these dead bones live?
Numbers Bob is there, banging on about conscription and the Vietnam War…
He must be in a bit of a bind. The Left all support Ukraine, but North Koreans have arrived on the front line fighting with the Russian Army…
Looks like they will be needing them- at Kursk.
Yes, there were probably more tanks blown up around Kursk in WW2 than anywhere in history.
Slowly but surely, Anal and the Extreme Left are disarming Australia.
October 17, 2024 8:52 am
Why are political parties addicted, as much as any smack user to turbomigration?”
I don’t understand why the Liberals even have an immigration policy.
Before the 22 election, they proposed 160,000/year and I believe recently reiterated that policy.
Albo has already brought in 1,200,000, probably 1,500,000 by the next election.
That’s nearly 10 years worth of what the Liberals think is appropriate!
They should be proposing a total cessation of all immigration for the next decade.
Did he pick up on the “replace the voters” move in the USA?
You think our lefties have any ideas of their own? It’s all monkey see, monkey do.
Daytime Sky still showing no sign of liking Trump. Fine, you’ll all go down as helping the USA go down, and I don’t mean in a good way.
Because for nigh on five decades their family policy has been to get as many child-bearing age women into the workforce as possible to increase the tax base.
From c. 2001 John Howard turbo-charged migration to counter the looming demographic consequences of the above policy.
The sugar hit boost in consumption masked the decline in the production of the goods and services that create wealth. Lacking the courage to tackle the productivity problem, it was easier to keep the foot on the immigration accelerator every time we hit what should have been a recessionary bump in the road.
That’s what it boils down to.
Do you really consider that they think that far ahead? Do you really consider they understand wealth creation? You realise that most of them are lawyers, right?
Migration was merely buying votes for family reunion and exports of education via student visas.
No, buying votes was a secondary benefit.
It’s always about the economy, which is why Labor is polling so poorly now and finding migration a hard sell.
The relevant discussions will be found in the cabinet papers.
The change occurred due to de-industrialisation.
During our Industrial Age, housing was where you kept a productive workforce, therefore it was a cost to be kept down.
During the current Stupid Age, housing is financial assets.
Houses are assets on balance sheets against which money can be created.
Immigration drives housing, drives the financial sector, which is all that is left in a post industrial apocalypse.
It’s a means to pull people’s future potential earnings into the present and enrich c*nts.
Same with welfare, same with electrification, same with degree loans.
Don’t think of a degree, a car or a house as the thing. Think of them as the hook required to get people to sign over potential future earnings, and then that to be traded on the financial markets.
That’s all it is, and that’s why the policies around all those things are what they are.
Just watched the Kamalala- Fox interview.
She ain’t no retail politician. She’s just a cocksucker.
Word that reached my ears is that the lady is seldom sober after lunch.
Shrillary Mk 2?
Albo’s beach house might see him knitting the kangaroo.
Jodie will get to it asap.
This feminism seems pretty racist to me.
White women must have all the jobs and fulfilling careers, while the dirty work of birthing and raising children is outsourced to immigrants from the 3rd world.
Who turn us into the third world.
Just as planned.
The Left only wants gay men to have babies.
The Left has had the family in its sights from the get go.
Soviets tried eliminating the family and failed.
But our leftards are soooo much smarter. Just ask them, they’ll tell you.
It’s also left to the housing commission residents in outer suburbs.
H B Bear
October 17, 2024 11:41 am
I think the Women’s Weekly wedding photo shoot might be on the back-burner.
Or maybe not.
An Antipodean Royal wedding.
Ideally with something borrowed from The Great Man’s special day. Surely the Museum of Australian Democracy at Old Parliament House would have something in the archives.
I wonder if he’ll get his teeth fixed for the nuptials? “But my teeth are fixed!”
Pity he can’t get his weaselly voice fixed.
Pulling this out of embedded because it’s one of the best things I ever wrote:
October 17, 2024 11:53 am
Reply to Roger
The change occurred due to de-industrialisation.
During our Industrial Age, housing was where you kept a productive workforce, therefore it was a cost to be kept down.
During the current Stupid Age, housing is financial assets.
Houses are assets on balance sheets against which money can be created.
Immigration drives housing, drives the financial sector, which is all that is left in a post industrial apocalypse.
It’s a means to pull people’s future potential earnings into the present and enrich c*nts.
Same with welfare, same with electrification, same with degree loans.
Don’t think of a degree, a car or a house as the thing. Think of them as the hook required to get people to sign over potential future earnings, and then that to be traded on the financial markets.
That’s all it is, and that’s why the policies around all those things are what they are.
Getting women into the workforce predates that.
Not so much.
By the early 80s in trade school our teachers were saying “there is no future in this”. And talking about globalisation.
Late seventies the rot was already in,
Chicks in the workforce was much rarer then.
Certainly in the cops, or c suit.
they aren’t suburbs … they’re farms
I’ve got a baby crow that can hardly fly. I’m giving it lessons, as in chasing it so it flys. About 10m, 300mm off the ground.
There is only one type of good crow.
Regarding Elbows mother. You all need to recall that many immigrants and others utilised public owned housing. It wasnt welfare in those days. When we arrived from Scotland in 63, many of the Brits moved into housing commission. Its what they had in Britain. The same would apply to Europeans. One of my fathers close friends was an electrician working in a mine. Made great money. His wife was a cleaner at the local HS. They were doing great. But lived in Housing Commission. Never owned a house
Im not defending the PM. He is a twit. And this story he recalls is romantic twaddle of the “oppressed working class”. He thinks he is inventing his own folklore. What I would like to know is what disability and didn’t she ever work? Why didnt he help her?
Albo’s whole log cabin story needs work. Mum getting up the duff to some Wog sailor wouldn’t have flown so well with many immigrant families in the 50s (or any time really).
I’m sure he’s said she was a HS teacher several times … 1st I’ve heard of her being on the “rorters” tho …..
In the early seventies whole swaths of Canberra public servants moved into housing commission homes they could eventually buy with a mortgage like no other. These public servants would continue to live in these housing commission homes (and kept the mortgage going at minimum payments) while also buying or building a beach house at Batemans Bay and an OS holiday each year.
(legend is, and no doubt some truth, a lot of those beach houses had marble components curtesy of new Parliament House construction.)
I believe Quentin Dumpster fought tooth and nail to keep one even after years on the taxpayer teat at their ABC.
My understanding is that her disability was rheumatoid arthritis. Like many hundreds of thousands of non-welfare sucking Australians.
Well, RA is diagnosed from a blood test.
I’d like to see those tests – and then repeat them.
I think we should draw the line at digging the old girl up.
At Warbirds Downunder in Temora.
Driving through the little town we saw Paleface Park by the side of the road.
Will be writing to the Town Council to tell them to keep up the good work.
Lots of carbins being burned on Lake Mac today and over the weekend. Powerboat races!
Looks like the Telegraph is trying to out-click News!
Dismembered husband ‘wasn’t cheating’ by having a mistress: family
The niece of a man allegedly chopped up by his wife in an horrific case of domestic violence says he was “not cheating” by having a mistress in Egypt.
Not as good as any day in the NT News.
The US had that policy from the 1930s to 1960s though it was mostly to assimilate the huge influx until then.
We need to halt the incoming until housing is cheap again and there are plenty of well-paid jobs for the current population.
It also wouldn’t hurt to start using the terms integration and assimilation as ways to make us all equal, and that includes the indigenous. Assimilation may be out of favour now but it assures we are all on the same page and can fully participate in the economic and social life of the country. It gives a sense of belonging that is very much missing in this age of multi-culti.
What about all the Porto Ricans moving into West Side in that time?
“The same would apply to Europeans. One of my fathers close friends was an electrician working in a mine. Made great money. His wife was a cleaner at the local HS. They were doing great. But lived in Housing Commission. Never owned a house”
Knew a family in Melbourne who lived in one of the housing commission high-rises. The man sneered at dad for getting a mortgage and spending money on a car. Dad said at least he could sell up and move wherever he wanted and could drive anywhere not just where the train could go.
Just realised a couple of letters fell off the end of my name, all fixed now.
Turdtowns is the place to visit if you want to experience the long term effects of de-industrialisation without the need for a Dettol bath and flea powder dusting afterwards.
The die is already cast. Past Govts have totally fkd our Brit/Euro heritage , since the 70’s. Multiculturalism is clearly a leftist brainfart that the cowardly LNP has never challenged. Once we did have something to “belong to”. Now it’s a hodge podge of various national identities inhabiting the continent. In many places now it’s like being in a foreign country.
I think ME muzzies are the first though to have a large amount of ingrates that basically despise the hosts and are here for the lurks and perks.
We’ve become a nation of tribes.
Luigi the Unbelievable’s back story smells of tripe.
As Rosie said, her father supposedly having an established printing business doesn’t gel with eligibility for public housing.
And nor does going on a Mediterranean cruise when the average middle-class holiday was two weeks in a caravan at Rye.
It was the father who got the nice new public house – they were built to help alleviate the housing shortage for workers, not to warehouse lifelong welfarians- that came later, in the 70s, about the time Tony Ellery’s Mum “ inherited” it.
Commentary from Mark Dice. It saves me from having to watch the interview.
She is filth. A disgusting creature.
Kamala’s Fox News Interview Trainwreck! Bret Baier Humiliates Her By Just Asking Relevant Questions
On the immigration debate being had here.. I’m always a little wary of saying “let’s only bring in those who are fit to work!” It sounds a little “master race” to me… Conversely, I’m not saying “open the flood gates.”
My parents came over on a ship in the 60’s and they had very little skills given they were farming folk. However, in those 70+ years here, they have made an enormous contribution to society… They did, however, know how to assimilate.
I dare say there’d be a number of Cats who wouldn’t be here had that principle been adopted.
Methinks there also needs to be some genuine humanitarian intake but needs to be tight. British born patriots trying to escape Islondonbad may be one such example! 😛
White South Africans are great. Hard workers, similar sporting interests and lifestyle and damn happy to assimilate.
They wouldn’t need to come if the Muslims were booted out.
I find everything to do with our Aboriginal brethren (and particularly the activist parts thereof) utterly depressing. I can only hope that Jacinta N Price can one day get true power and fix the whole rotten stinking mess, and also change the prevailing extremely hostile attitude towards whitefellas perpetrated by politicians, bureaucrats and activists.
I remain pessimistic as there are too many snouts in the trough of this grievance industry.
Black Deaths, Blue Shirts, Killer Lies
The idea that white men in blue shirts enforcing Western laws are the biggest threat to black lives is the lie that won’t die. It’s not the biggest lie perpetuated and proliferated by failing institutions which ostensibly exist to ascertain truth, but it is one of the most widely believed. Despite the sadness and seriousness of the issue, it’s amusing to watch the collective cognitive dissonance, the fake performative questioning, reporting and advocacy around indigenous deaths. There is the “courageous exposition” of red herrings and the decisive dealing with straw men; and the people who are sure they are on the “right side of history” who are making things worse. Their inability to identify and propagate the truth is causing real suffering.
Back when she was in school, Miss Entropy had to do a grade 12 paper and presentation on a controversial subject. She bravely chose AboriginalDeaths in Custody.
being a smart girl, her presentation was portrayed as journey of discovery where her original assumptions were overturned, supported by statistics. Armed with facts and able to answer all questions, the teacher was forced to support her “journey”.
well done, princess, well done.
What is it with Liars politicians and their overwhelming need to tell Four Yorkshiremen stories about the upbringing?
First we had Kokoda Kev telling us he lived in a car (probably went to sleep on the way home from the drive-in).
Now we’ve got the Dickensian tale of Luigi living on stale bread crusts in a houso flat.
The cost of the “private” school education may be responsible for thr stale bread crusts .. LOL!
How else do you get working class cred.
Straight into a cushy Labor gig with Uren or a PS in the Goss gov doesn’t cut it.
Trying to be part of the cream, not the dregs.
The Liars love their myths. Add Peanut Head and TLS accents after attending respectable colleges.
October 17, 2024 12:02 pm
Regarding Elbows mother. You all need to recall that many immigrants and others utilised public owned housing. It wasnt welfare in those days.
Yes, originally public housing was simply a way of supplementing housing stock, which was very low after WWII. Rents were a bit lower than the private sector, but not by much.
It only started to be targeted to low income earners, the disabled, the chronically unemployed etc in the 1970s. Prior to that it was simply an option in the rental market, and the houses were pretty basic.
While they were not flashy, public housing estates were usually quite respectable places to live, and the vast majority of tenants had jobs, unlike today. They were meant to be a stepping stone to better things.
Once dysfunction started being rewarded with lifelong cheap accommodation, the results were predictable.
Yeah, now we even have housos in the Lodge.
That’s the difference, your parents weren’t eligible for much in the way of financial support and had no choice but to assimilate.
Immigration these days is a very different beast and is no longer the nett benefit to the host society it once was.
Fair call!
Whem I waz yong, Ah lived in ole in rode I dud.
One Nation leader Pauline Hanson has condemned the ‘organised theft’ of a town’s land which she says has been quietly handed over to a Aboriginal corporation against the wishes of the community.
Senator Hanson said the deal to hand over 210ha of Toobeah Reserve – near the NSW border in western Queensland – to the Bigambul Native Title Aboriginal Corporation was quietly arranged behind closed doors due to the upcoming state election.
Toobeah has been bitterly split by the move, with publican Michael Offerdahl leading the fight against what he described as a secretive ‘Aboriginal land grab’ that will hand over $2million worth of land comprising of over 95 per cent of the town.
More at the Daily Mail
More faux Aborigines?
Nut job going crazy with a broken bottle in a Melbourne shopping centre.
When you see him, it’s a safe bet there will be no description of him being “early man”.
I missed most of the debate but watched the review on Fox after.
She turned up 15 minutes late and Fox were worried they would not have the show set up for broadcast in the 45 minutes they had left.
Her people were trying to wind up the interview a bit earlier, but they eventually got BB to stop. Not sure if they got the advertised 30 minutes?
Why they would turn up late to the likely most important event they had that day is a surprise…deliberate to shorten the interview or just poor planning?
A sure way of shortening the interview was to turn up late.
Laura Ingraham said it was an attempt at a “power move”.
That failed!.
One of the keys to understanding the last 20 or more years – and not just Middle East affairs – is Syria:
Israel and Syria are formally at war and have been since 1948 as I recall. Maybe Assad or his dad should’ve done a peace deal like Jordan and Egypt?
B2 Bombers have flown from Missouri to hit targets in Yemen.
A fabulous song combined with a stunning visual montage.
Chris Rea – The Blue Cafe
It is a great track. Chris Rea criminally underrated in my view.
I enjoy Chris Rea, but this calls forth a Doonesbury line:
originally public housing was simply a way of supplementing housing stock, which was very low after WWII. Rents were a bit lower than the private sector, but not by much.
This is what my mother described. Also later turnip touched on it with the lack of welfare, most of my aunties and uncles worked, some in the Moorebank industrial area across the Georges R from Liverpool.
Most were grateful for the house they lived in from what I have been told. It wasn’t considered an entitlement. That came later.
As for Albo quite sure wasn’t his dad, it was an uncle that owned the printing business and supporting the lesser fortunate of the family wasn’t uncommon especially if it were paying the school fees so the children got a good start. My mum recalls this happening a lot especially among Catholics.
As for his public housing credentials, yeah he got a leg up by politics. However I’d hardly describe his contribution to the nation as positive. I’d rather those who came out of those areas who built businesses like a couple of my cousins or even the likes of older relatives above who worked on a production line quietly trying to get ahead. They deserve accolades not a self aggrandising politician with precious little substance.
A great election ad from a Nebraska Republican. SFL’s should take note.
Yeah, keys to understanding Mid East affairs.
They’re examples of how St. Gough lifted millions out of poverty.
That usually gets a mention.
Titus Groates
October 17, 2024 1:38 pm
Reply to Steve trickler
It is a great track. Chris Rea criminally underrated in my view.
Nuclear Kamala
Crisis Magazine – October 16, 2024
We’re on the brink of nuclear war. Team Kamala could push us over.
I don’t think Sinwar being treated while imprisoned by the Israelis is quite the same thing as members of al-Nusra, etc. fighting in Syria being treated for injuries in Israel.
The broader point of Syria being one of the keys to understanding the broader picture remains true. You don’t even need to know that much to see how different the situation appears had Syria not been racked by civil war these last 13 years.
Israel needs to evict all the non Israeli citizens from its country.
Treating the enemies citizenry is stupid and counterproductive.
Let them lie in the beds they made for themselves.
Is Israel being condemned for the humanitarian treatment of Syrians civilian or otherwise during the civil war now?
This shouldn’t be a revelation to anyone paying attention back then.
Anyone who sought treatment was given it, including pregnant women.
“At the end of February 2013 on a Saturday night much like any other, a routine Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) military patrol along the border with Syria came across a group of seven badly wounded Syrian combatants located close to the border fence. They were mostly unconscious and clearly in need of urgent medical care. A local operational decision was made, based on their medical condition alone, to take in these individuals and transfer them by military ambulance to the nearest hospital capable of caring for severe trauma,”
Why not?
The entity that has shown enmity towards Israeli has been the Ba’ath party.
Ignoring the fact that it was the Ba’ath party with their heavy handed tactics against civilians that started the civil war.
I’m curious, in your eyes (now) has Israel ever done anything right?
Paleface Park
That would be named for the famous trotter, Paleface Adios.
No doubt it’ll get the kibosh eventually.
Like the expression ‘beyond the pale’ which is now racist thanks to ignoramuses.
200 starts, 97 wins, then he went to stud and sired plenty of good ones.
When I was growing up we were so poor …
Can we have a dedicated thread with the above title.
Never attribute malevolence to that readily explicable by stupidity.
I’ll go with “and”.
Twitter has a story about a ftm transgender with the recognition certificate, nice new male birth certificate etc who had put her employer in a quandary.
She’s four months pregnant and he doesn’t know what to do. She plans to take two weeks ‘paternity’ leave while her partner who must be male larping as female takes maternity leave.
He doesn’t want her working on her own in a food van til due date but what leave can she take?
“Lebanese MP Nadim Gemayel has criticized Hezbollah, stating that they are now facing the consequences of their own actions. He asserted that Lebanon will not step in to resolve Hezbollah’s crisis, emphasizing that the group must first disarm.”
Kamala is surprisingly incoherent.
It would be painful to watch if I didn’t despise her so much. If she wins the election we might as well resign ourselves to the end of western civilization..
I do not believe for one moment that the Grayndler Grub has a scintilla of mediterranean DNA is that stale pale body.
I have my doubts, too.
A big ABC heartstrings story to kick the career along- and then more recently it’s back to “ Father unknown” on the documentation.
Nothing Tony Ellery says can be taken at face value, I am afraid.
It has been obvious for years that Kamala has never been particularly coherent.
Kamala Harris signals black Americans could be paid reparations if she is elected president in November
Daily Mail.
Votes to buy?
Trump special
What a coincidence.
Tweedledee and Tweedledum (Matt and Martin), Kamala apologists and Trump-haters, show up on C.L.’s blog within an hour, after about a week’s absence.
Aka Bobby Robert
Bob Whittaker AKA Numbers?
No doubt.
Enjoy their godlike radiance as the font of all knowledge, sarc aside imagine JC and Buc’s will have some fun with them.
Hope C.L.’s ok, 6 weeks. Must be a long bloody cruise…
…mum used to cut holes in our pockets so we’d have something to play with.
You had pockets?
… deplorables hardest hit.
They will be taxed to pay for it. You didn’t think that the pollies, bureaucrats, academics and oligarchs would pay?
The Brahmin socialist is struggling to motivate the black male vote.
H/T Michael Smith
Greg said…
I have heard about Albabese’s mother for years and years. If she had a tough time in her early years I sympathise with her and understand the difficulties she may have endured. But I believe that his mother and father met on a cruise ship in Europe. In about 1960 cruising around Europe was very expensive and reserved for the wealthy. So what went wrong? How can you be cruising around Europe at vast expense while living in social housing? Something doesn’t add up.
Except there were no cattle class 747 seats for young Aussies then… you travelled by passenger liner.
Not many could afford a return cruise.
It wasn’t mass travel.
But it WAS mass travel, even if not accessible to many. I know postage stamp Poms, who came and went again as a family, then came back again to stay.
My wife went with her parents to live in England for a year… passenger liners both ways, not ‘cruise’ ships. For years her family would meet family or friends or colleagues at the Fremantle Passenger Terminal, and have them overnight at their home, on the way from England to Sydney.
‘Going to England’ was a thing for Aussies who could, LONG before ‘Going to Europe’ of the 1970s onward.
That may be about to change, for example:
“Dim Chambers, why do you possess such a staggering ignorance of basic economics?”
“Well, I grew up in a middle class family …”
Inspired of course, by a certain overseas political imbecile.
Being part of the Wayne Goosesteen brains trust must surely disqualify you from the highest office for eternity?
Tintarella di Luna
October 17, 2024 3:06 pm
I reckon mum was potted by some minor local luminary whose family had enough cash to ship her off on a cruise to save embarrassment.
The Itie waiter back-story is simply a cover.
Interesting that Luigi was an out-and-proud Itie but suddenly became a little coy when all the Sec 44 mud was being thrown about citizenship.
The media were remarkably uninterested in the provenance of baby Luigi. This could just be the normal reflex of giving the Liars a free pass. Or perhaps they were briefed that the whole Itie heritage thing was bullshit.
Quite possibly. A lot of stories told to protect the family name in those days.
Still reckon the bloke in the black tie is Luigi’s “daddy” ..
Kamala Harris signals black Americans could be paid reparations if she is elected president in November
Daily Mail.
Send the invoices to Africa. Slavery is still in full swing over there.
Or try the Arabs.
I’ve read one history of the slave trade which claimed that not a single African would have ever crossed the Atlantic, without the full co – operation of the African kings and tribal chiefs.
Roy Clark:
Roy Clark performs, “Yesterday When I Was Young” on Hee Haw 10th Anniversary Celebration which aired October 22, 1978.
Yesterday When I Was Young by Roy Clark | Live on Hee Haw (1978)
When I was growing up we were so poor …
We could only afford one first name to be shared among all 15 of us.
The same text books were handed down year and always had the correct name.
Because those two things are not the same.
I can understand the ‘enemy of my enemy is my friend’ rationale here.
Yes, yes, if not for the ‘heavy-handed tactics’ the Salafists, etc. would have remained non-violent. They would have stuck to podcasts, blog posts, and the occasional town meeting.
Just watched Hillbilly Elegy (Netflix) because in recuperation mode and my wings are clipped.
So I’ll add my voice to others here who have recommended it. Excellent performances all round, and Howard’s direction is low key and sensitive. It’s a story played out around the world, drugs, family breakdown, delinquency. They’ve avoided melodrama, which is refreshing. Good score also by Zimmer.
A genuine “Four Yorkshiremen” story if you like.
Amazing the US felt the need to break out the B-2 against Yemen.
Makes sense. The Houthis have shot down a whole bunch of Reaper drones, so they have some serious AA capability.
Didn’t even muss the hair of the IDF though when they came calling recently.
Almost certainly a memo to Vladimir.
The Pentagon has its own hymn sheet that doesn’t defer to whoever’s in the White House. Logistic support for Israel is baked into the US military industrial complex’s pie. That must annoy the hell out of the Democratic Party’s ideologues.
Always worthy of repeat.
Thomas Sowell – Black Rednecks
In contrast to the close relationship with his mum, Albanese knew nothing much of his father — just a romantic, tragic story. He knew his father’s name was Carlo Albanese, that he was Italian and that Maryanne Ellery had met him on her greatest adventure, a trip to Britain and Europe when she was 25.
He recalls that from when he was young, he’d heard that Maryanne and Carlo had married after a short courtship during her eight months abroad, but that his father had died in a terrible car accident, leaving her pregnant and widowed. The story was accepted without question among those who knew it, both within the family and around the neighbourhood; there was no reason to doubt it.
But one night, when her son was 14, Maryanne sat him down at the kitchen table and said, “We need to talk.” Then she told him the truth, a startling rewrite of his life’s story. Maryanne Ellery had, indeed, met Carlo Albanese on her trip to Europe — a four-week ocean voyage she and her older brother had taken from Sydney to Southampton in March 1962 on the Fairsky, a cruise ship of the Sitmar Line. Carlo was a steward on board, and he and Maryanne had begun a romance. Not long after, the good Catholic girl discovered she was pregnant.
According to this new version of his origins tumbling out onto the kitchen table, Maryanne had told Carlo of her situation. The response was not what she might have hoped — he could not marry her; he was engaged to wed a girl from his town in southern Italy, and that was what he was duty-bound to do. So, contrary to the story upon which he’d built his life to date, young Anthony learnt that his parents had never actually married at all. There had been no fatal accident.
Still a single woman, Maryanne had arrived back in Sydney in October 1962, nearly four months pregnant. She moved back in with her parents and acquired and wore wedding and engagement rings — to this day, her son doesn’t know where they came from — and took her lover’s surname as her own, not bothering with the deed poll. When her son arrived on March 2, 1963, he became Albanese too — pronounced then in a plain, Australian way without any Italian flourish: Alban-eez.
After his birth, Maryanne had gone about her life in an elaborate, well-intentioned ruse. Seeking to avoid the innuendo she feared might come from being an unmarried mother in a tight-knit working-class Catholic community in 1960s Sydney, she presented herself to the world as a young widow, to protect her son from scorn and maintain their family’s public reputation.
I can see a movie here with Tom Hanks playing rub and tug and Lucy Lui the massage parlour piece of fluff.
*counting on fingers*
Eight months abroad. Meets father of child on four week journey out. Comes back “nearly” four months pregnant.
Just got home after 2 weeks away ,wedding and birthday. The birthday was in Traralgon and my cousin took me around Morwell. There was a big section that used to be (still is?) housing commission, most was taken up SEC workers, and well maintained, drove past last Saturday for the first time in 50 years … uuuuurrrrrrggggghhhhh what a shithole !
October 17, 2024 12:00 pm
I’ve got a baby crow that can hardly fly. I’m giving it lessons, as in chasing it so it flys. About 10m, 300mm off the ground.
Don’t you dare ditch it. If it becomes a pet, so be it. Look after it.
Give it a feed.
I wore out before it did. It is now sitting on a low branch about a metre of the ground. It’s parent has been down to see it then fly’s back up into the Chinese Elm. Parent is squarking at it.
I’m officially calling it.
Let me check the time: it’s 4:10 pm.
Scribbles on pad,
The woman are officially insane.
Or to put it in language the brothers can understand: bitches be crazy.
Just had the bird on 3AW spend the second afternoon in a row inflicting her insanity upon her listenership about the football idiots and the blow up doll.
Listen sweetheart, there is reality, and then there is this thing in your brain that tells you anyone gives two shits about your feelings. Learn to distinguish the two.
F*ck me it’s painful. Every unwanted glance or misguided pickup attempt from every man spewed up in a rainbow technicolor yawn from her and her crazy bird followers.
Wolf whistles from building sites 40 years ago got a mention.
Sexualising that poor blow up doll.
Shock, horror, a bar maid might have been offended.
Blokes, until you start returning fire this shit could get truly unhinged. You need to start making the women live up to these sick and idiotic standards too. Next time some old hag female colleague makes you feel uncomfortable at the Christmas party, breathing boozy breath in your face and putting the hard word on you, DO SOMETHING. We all just blow it off as men. Don’t. Fire back. The girl boss puts her hand on your chest, while making a comment about your tie, put in a complaint.
This is where we’re at, and unless we can as a nation get a divorce and males and females go their seperate ways, this is the battle we must fight for our young blokes.
When I was growing up we were so poor…
Pre-Monty Python: We Were So Poor (
Trigger warning: sexist rant upthread, don’t read if your wyminsses fee fees are tender.
The trigger warning come after the rants, right?
We’re all going to die in the nuclear fire of WW3, and the last thing you’ll hear on this Earth is some moronic bird complaining about the gender pay gap or men’s attitudes.
“Women are the most affected in the nuclear hellfire”!!!!
Use the red Witch of Altonas drone for the full horror.
Your ears couldn’t melt off quick enough.
“How can you be cruising around Europe at vast expense while living in social housing? Something doesn’t add up.”
The cruise doesn’t gel with the poor old house story but
public housing wasn’t ‘social housing’ back in the early 1960s.
Back then, like in the UK and Ireland working class families lived in public housing, it was normal.
Governments build them to replace poor quality housing stock and/or to relieve shortages caused by ww11.
As for ‘inheriting’ them, that happened too, remember the story about three generations of families living in the same two story terraces in The Rocks til Plibesek’s husband pulled the plug and sold them all?
This Tucker Carlson interviewee really exposes the grifter running to be president of the US –
Kamala Harris is a grifter from way back
Look at this. Babushka is Mum to these birds. Cats are in heaven.
Show these clips to children. No cartoon crap!
Beef Stuffed Eggplants: A Delicious Village Recipe
Can anyone confirm:
Albo’s mother was a teacher, in the early to mid 1980’s, correct or not?
Very good movie called Winter’s Bone starring a young Jennifer Lawrence set in the Ozarks. Quite chilling.
Lawrence was still quite centred when she made that film. During interviews, she stated that she wanted to buy a farm, a dog and a gun when she was older.
Too much Hollywood sent her completely bonkers.
Yes, the film is excellent.
On October 7 2023 and on the days and nights thereafter, the IDF and Israeli internal security captured quite a few Hamas and Gazan terrorists on the run in southern Israel, and many of those terrorists were injured, some seriously.
Those same injured terrorists, almost all of whom had participated in the rapes and murders of Jews on October 7, were provided with medical treatment in Israeli hospitals. When news got out, several hospitals were besieged by furious Israelis who were rightly outraged that the rapists, murderers and kidnappers of Jews were being given medical treatment. Call me ‘inhumane’ but I agreed with the protesters. Personally, I think the Gazan Nazi scum should have all been executed on site and their bodies dumped in the Red Sea for the sharks to feed on but Israel doesn’t operate like that. Unlike its neighbours, Israel is a functional society, a humanitarian society and a decent society.
I’m not aware of any of the Jewish hostages still remaining in Gaza (of which there remains 101 Jewish men, Jewish women and Jewish children*) receiving any medical treatment whatsoever since that gruesome day in October 2023. On the contrary, Eden Yerushalmi, one of the six young Jews murdered by Hamas in August, had been starved.
Food was scarce, and the captives were starved, leading to drastic weight loss. Eden Yerushalmi’s body was discovered weighing merely 79 lbs. Inside the tunnel, remnants of their harsh captivity were found: a few protein bars, a generator and a small flashlight that was unreliable. The hostages were unable to stand.
I watched the funeral of Eden Yerushalmi. You could see the bones through her funeral shroud.
*Further to the 101 hostages who still remain in Gaza (most of whom are probably dead), at last Monday’s rally here in Vaucluse, that monumental Labor effwit, Mark Butler, gave a pathetic speech. He once again repeated the story about how his great-grandparents were Jews, to the yawns of most in the crowd, and during his speech he said there remained 97 hostages in Gaza. F*CK. What a dickhead, he couldn’t even get right. Many people hissed, myself included, and we shouted………………….
101 hostages
It was notable how Stephen Lowy, in his speech, lauded praise on Peter Dutton and Chris Minns. He did not laud Mark Butler.
I agree, they should have been executed. I’ve said many times, the Israelis are too nice.
Our political and media class is – with only a handful of exceptions – a Theatre of Grotesque.
Sancho Panzer — I agree with you — the Section 44 would not have been relevant to Luigi because Italian-ness follows the mother’s line since about 1948 — but I believe Luigi was conceived here in Oz and the Italian papa is just a fantasia
Hence the lengthy cruise with brother to chaperone.
Paul Ham’s book “Vietnam : The Australian War” has an interesting chapter on “Draft Dodgers.”
Seems that, if you wanted to claim to be a conscientious objector, you had to prove your beliefs against your participation in military service, of any kind, at any time, “It was “not sufficient” to object to a particular conflict, such as Vietnam.”
“…..most applicants were granted full exemption: of 1242 conscientious objector cases that went to court during the war, 72 per cent were granted total exemption, 14 per cent non combatant duties, and 14% refused exemption. ” (Page 284.)
Commie cousin told me that you had to swear to the court that if your sister was being raped, you would not defend them out of your pacifism.
No two things are identical. Even two cartons of milk can differ. What’s similar in this case is Israel providing medical assistance to those who are, by circumstance, their enemies. In fact, one could argue that Israel went out of its way to help Sinwar, as removing a brain tumor is a significantly more humanitarian act.
Excuse me, but the Ba’ath Party started it. in 2011, Schoolchildren wrote anti-government graffiti on a wall, and they were arrested and severely beaten. The town rose up in protest, and your Ba’ath Party shot into the crowds, killing people. These individuals were not Islamic extremists; they simply wanted freedom. That’s the Ba’ath Party for you.
The Syrian opposition is very complex, and suggesting or implying that all those opposing the Ba’ath Party are Islamic extremists is nonsense.
Wasn’t Saddam’s party also Ba’ath? Weren’t they socialist parties, at least in theory.
Finished rewiring the engine bay, and just fired up the Model A for the first time in what must now be around four years?
What a little champion she is.
95 years old, and after a few cranks burst into life again.
Well persisted Arky!
Do you use a hand crank? My Dad showed me that on an old car when I was little, possibly the WW2 flathead V8 light truck. Tuck the thumb back with the fingers, don’t grip around it.
No, she has a starter.
But as a kid we used to do that with an old Austin.
Are you going to call her Phoenix?
A lady of fire and heart!
I’m having trouble with the naming of this one.
It’s a hard thing. Earlier this year my friendliest noisy who would land on my hand each day came to grief. First I knew was when she ran to me along the grass, dragging a wing. She had broken it.
All I could do was feed her and comfort her. She died the next day.
Your beautiful lady has been reborn, something I cannot do for my ones.
My condolences Bruce.
Sorry for that Bruce.
Wonderful news Arky !
Harris and Gillard have something in common.
They just can’t stop talking about their competitor. Gillard was obsessed with Abbott. Harris just can’t say “Donald Trump” enough.
She also can’t answer a simple question. All she does is become belligerent and incoherent under pressure.
She’s not going to handle that 3am phone call very well.
Albo and Chalmers do the same thing.
Dutton Derangment Syndrome.
It’s always someone else’s fault.
That’s the history of the Jews in Israel.
Excellent comparable. Kamaltoe is the American version of the lying slapper. In fact they’re both slappers.
Also the insane hatred their side have for the political opponent. Tony Derangement Syndrome was out of hand.
October 17, 2024 5:01 pm
Reply to Steve tricklerI wore out before it did. It is now sitting on a low branch about a metre of the ground. It’s parent has been down to see it then fly’s back up into the Chinese Elm. Parent is squarking at it.
Look after him or her, just do it.
From Wiki. Bill Shorten’s mum was the teacher.
Another tale of woe.
“Albanese grew up with his mother and maternal grandparents in a Sydney City Council home in the Inner West suburb of Camperdown, opposite the Camperdown Children’s Hospital.His grandfather died in 1970, and the following year his mother married James Williamson. He was given his stepfather’s surname, but the marriage lasted only 10 weeks, as Williamson proved to be an abusive alcoholic.Albanese’s mother worked part-time as a cleaner but suffered from chronic rheumatoid arthritis, with the family surviving on her disability pension and his grandmother’s age pension.”
Was it Shorten who grew up in a VW or was it Rudd? I can’t remember which Yorkshireman is which these days.
Katies copping a flogging on X.
Could happen to a nicer man jawed harridan.
Awesome own goal.
Very distressing news in today’s Worst for Perth taxi drivers. 6PR is broke.
As in, not working or outta cash?
The latter. Everyone doing it tough at Nine.
Oh No! Where will I get my racing news?
Anyway, …
6PR is pretty good radio and I listen most days… It’s not conservative radio but it does tend to lean right…
Although I see they’ve shelved Juliane Sprag and Tod Johnston (who were the left-leaning presenters so that doesn’t bother me).
Karl “Boris” Langdon safe for now. Any word on Basil?
Basil only comes on as Lord Mayor and Liberal MP Candidate… not sure he’s got his own show on there?
Karl is a douchebag. Typical of any Eagles player (current or former) 😛
NYC Calls On Army… As Migrant Gang Invades Queens
What the statistics don’t reveal is that 80% of new jobs being created in Australia are government jobs.
Government jobs don’t create wealth, they consume wealth.
So all Treasurer Jim “wallet wizard” Chalmers is doing with his laughable economic policy is draining the national wealth and providing more reasons for the Reserve Bank to increase interest rates to quell the inflation monster Chalmers has created through his expansionary budgets.
Official stats are becoming like accounting standards – have to back out half a dozen things to make them make sense. I suppose that is what people have always done.
Clears throat…
Let’s not forget the critical roles SloMo and Josh played in getting the inflationary ball rolling.
Yep. Don’t expect to hear about Beazley black holes any time soon.
Liberalism is Collapsing via its own Racial Hypocrisy
H B Bear
October 17, 2024 5:57 pm
Tickler will be distraught.
The crumbling of the EU empire
Anthony Albanese and partner Jodie Haydon talk love and life in their first ever joint interview
Bucket please.
Hmmm, my knitting the kangaroo comment was right on the mark. (Creepy music) Spooky.
Has the reason the first Mrs Albo walked out on him ever been revealed? I mean we know why Shorten left his first bubble…
Incidentally, housing commish Albo’s property portfolio is all the more impressive given he has an ex. Most of the successful blokes I know who got divorced in their 40s/50s live in units. As do their ex wives.
The first Mrs Albo? The former Deputy Premier of New South Wales?
Which may explain the ALPBC’s love of funny in Melbourne comedians.
You had one job. Another Albanese fvck up.
Another interesting statistic from Paul Ham’s book – “The most popular illegal way to avoid national service was simply to fail to register: almost 12,000 youths took this course between 1965 and 1972, and only about 200, on average were prosecuted per year. The rest slipped through the net.” (Page 285.)
And a great many more signed up for four years in the CMF, which got your name taken out of the draw.
Numbers, get in here and explain why you took the retard choice.
You had to have signed on for six years in the be exempted.
I sit corrected.
I’ve had this argument with Numbers on this blog – he claims the Citizen’s Military Forces option wasn’t widely known..
Still a form of slavery.
Good for them. Resisters of slavery.
Senator Gerard Rennick
Misinformation bill equals censorship to suit the big end of town – Senate 11.10.24
Russell Broadbent
Interview with Dr John Campbell
Gad Saad
My Thoughts on Kamala Harris Post the Fox News Interview
Court Delivers “First Known Conviction of a ‘Thoughtcrime’ in Modern British History” ? The European Conservative
Adam Smith-Connor, who served in Afghanistan, was prosecuted for breaching a ban on protests within a buffer zone around a clinic in Bournemouth, Dorset, in November 2022.
His head was bowed and hands were clasped as he prayed for his unborn son Jacob, whom he now regrets aborting more than two decades ago.
Reporting on the case, the Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) legal advocacy group said the conviction was “the first known conviction of a ‘thoughtcrime’ in modern British history.”
It added that Smith-Connor must now pay £9,000 (€10,770) in legal costs to the prosecution, just for praying in his head for three minutes.
Even more disturbing…
It’s not a ‘thoughtcrime’, it’s a ‘prayercrime.’
Already screwed, just declare bankruptcy. Give them their pyric victory on a platter.
Here we go:
U.S. Military Just Cleared To Use Lethal Force Against Americans During Upcoming Unrest! (
This is exactly what the what the Democrats are claiming Trump will do.
Here you go girls currently protesting in favour of Islam – here’s your future job at 1:09:27, and a job for the kiddies.
Not quite what you expected, eh? No Infidel slaves to do the work while you sit around on your arses directing and abusing the Philipino maids?
Winston, it loaded to this page. Could you please re-link?
Here ya go, Calli:
I don’t know why it did wot it did.
Sancho Panzer
October 17, 2024 6:31 pm
H B Bear
October 17, 2024 5:57 pmVery distressing news in today’s Worst for Perth taxi drivers. 6PR is broke.
Tickler will be distraught.
Happy, actually. I haven’t tuned into that sh*t of a joint in years.
So not a fan of 6PR, then?
You know, you don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone.
You’ll miss it.
I know you will.
Used to play pool at 6PR back in the late 70s while my friends father did the Saturday afternoon sports program. Used to get the VFL results off the telex, cut them up into relevant sections and sticky tape them to new A4 sheets. They could afford a CafeBar back then and a can vending machine. All gone now I expect.
Nine newspapers spread election misinformation after using doctored video to describe Donald Trump as ‘dazed’ at rally
I believe this is the same one m0nty was crowing about yesterday(or day before?) and which I already debunked by finding the original. Trump looked bored and wooden but not confused.
It is definitely a problem that “seeing is believing” when what you see has been manipulated. Given how cliques/bubbles work, hardly anyone who saw the doctored version will see the correction and the original.
For those who believe in following the money, Sportsbet now have Donald Trump at $1.62 to win and Kamala Harris at $2.25. The only reason I have looked this up is that I put money on The Donald three weeks ago and got $1.91. When I placed my bet, both candidates were paying the same.
Just noticed the latest default position from cornered politicians…
Kamala – check out my website
Plibbers – check out my website
PM Office – check out my website
Golly they’re pathetic.
Albanese, for one, has always had a reputation for being lazy.
Even the Australian msm is reporting the shift in the odds.
With much anti-‘Trumpian’ hyperbowl.
Sancho Panzer
October 17, 2024 7:27 pm
So not a fan of 6PR, then?
You know, you don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone.
You’ll miss it.
I know you will.
Did you read what I said above? Go do a crossword from a Women’s Day magazine.
( :
I firmly believe the MSM is the enemy of the West. It should be purged, and by purged I mean Stalin. The problem is if you do that you destroy Western values. Therefore the only solution is a takeover but apart from Elon most billionaires are weirdos and leftoids.
The msm is killing itself.
ICEHOUSE – Street Cafe
Further to Albo the Trot’s sob fiction of his mother’s life, how she met her Latin lover on a cruise, his houso upbringing and all the rest of the bunkum, bunkum which reeks of a tawdry Women’s Weekly piece circa 1975, isn’t this classic misinformation and disinformation?
Ya see, this is where I yearn for the Liberal party of old, where you had backbenchers like Wilson Tuckey who could and would take an iron bar to the sob fiction.
And why not? Albo the Trot puts the stories out there, he could easily decline to use it for political purposes. He’s fair game but nobody on the right would dare because they’re all big pussy cats. Meanwhile, of course, anyone on the right is fair game for political, social and economic ruin.
The explanation is that the Liberals have a few closet skeletons of their own they’re worried about.
You can’t take the moral high ground with a compromised attack unit.
What kind of a sleazebag constantly exploits his late mother?
Golly they’re pathetic.
Rubbish people
Geez, I love it when the chickens come home to roost, from The Oz….
National Gallery Council member quits after accusing Israel of committing ‘holocaust’
Artist Abdul-Rahman Abdullah has resigned from the board of the National Gallery of Australia, just one day after it was revealed he accused Israel of conducting a “holocaust” against Palestinians, comments that sparked outrage in the Jewish community and the Coalition.
In a statement, the NGA confirmed that its chair, Ryan Stokes, had been contacted by Home Affairs Minister Tony Burke, who also oversees the arts portfolio, informing him of Mr Abdullah’s immediate resignation.
Mr Burke has remained tight-lipped about his appointment of Mr Abdullah and declined several requests from The Australian for comment.
The Australian revealed on Wednesday the Labor-appointed artist had shared derogatory social media posts calling on Israel’s opponent’s to “end this sickness” and “end Zionism”.
Opposition home affairs spokesman James Paterson welcomed the news of Mr Abdullah’s resignation after calling on Mr Burke to sack the artist he appointed.
“Mr Abdullah’s resignation from the NGA Council is welcome. But based on the information on the public record, he never should have been appointed in the first place,” Senator Paterson said. “Tony Burke must explain why he thought it was appropriate to appoint someone to an important cultural institution who thinks Australia is a ‘deeply belligerent, inherently bigoted and selfish country’. It’s impossible to see how this appointment was in the national interest even if Tony Burke thought it was in his political interests.”
Mr Burke appointed Mr Abdullah in September 2023, shortly before the Hamas terror attack on Israel on October 7. At that time Mr Burke said Mr Abdullah’s appointment would provide the NGA with “authentic leadership” that reflected “modern Australia”.
“It’s essential that our important national cultural institutions have authentic leadership that reflects their objectives, as well as modern Australia,” Mr Burke said at the time. “The National Gallery is one of our premier cultural institutions and I’m pleased to see it continue in safe hands.”
Based in the Peel region of Western Australia, the visual artist’s work, focusing on sculptures and installations, has been widely exhibited across the country.
In the fallout from the war in the Middle East, Mr Abdullah took to his social media account to accuse Israel of committing genocide and apartheid, including images of people burning, purportedly as a result of Israeli missile strikes in Gaza.
Before switching his profile to private, each of the images was timed to disappear from his social media within 24 hours.
Executive Council of Australian Jewry co-chief executive Alex Ryvchin said the artist had demonstrated a “complete ignorance of what Jewish people believe, and complete disregard for their welfare”.
“He has articulated why the Palestinian movement has been a catastrophic failure. It is predicated on stripping Jews of their lawful rights, earned through millennia of toil and tears, instead of accepting Jewish self-determination, which is the meaning of Zionism, and seeking a peaceful Palestinian state alongside a Jewish one,” Mr Ryvchin said.
“It also demonstrates the vicious slander and disinformation that is marginalising Jews in the arts. It is totally unacceptable for someone in a position of leadership to behave in this manner.”
Opposition arts spokesman Paul Fletcher said Mr Burke’s silence was not good enough.
“The NGA is one of our most significant national cultural institutions and must uphold the principles of inclusion and respect. These comments do neither and instead seek to stir division,” Mr Fletcher said.
“Tony Burke needs to show leadership and condemn these comments. Offering silence isn’t good enough.”
As for Abdul-Rahman Abdullah’s ‘authentic leadership‘, I think it is more likely ‘authentic Jew hatred‘.
Patterson has been landing a few punches through this period.
Further to Albo the Trot’s sob fiction of his mother’s life, how she met her Latin lover on a cruise, his houso upbringing and all the rest of the bunkum, bunkum which reeks of a tawdry Women’s Weekly piece circa 1975, isn’t this classic misinformation and disinformation?
I presume all this shite’s being pumped out in an attempt to counter the bad optics of the tax leach’s real estate acquisition.
How stupid are they, eh?
Murpharoo spinning like a top.
Fascinating. An extract from Netanyahu’s ‘day after’ planfrom the Jewish News Syndicate.
[Bolding mine].
One of my earliest guest posts on SincCat was a review of a Mark Moyar book about Obama’s foreign policy and the neutering of the U.S. military. This piece by Caroline Glick reminds me of Moyar’s book.
With the spring carnival upon us, this remains the greatest race ever.
Watched as a kid and can hear the crackle and emotion of the legendary Bill Collins once Bonecrusher crossed the line.
Just superb.
Since 2022, the Biden-Harris administration has forbidden negotiations with Russia and empowered Ukraine to continue a war that has resulted in the depopulation of that country and the destruction of its communities
So things are going exactly according to the plan.
well done girls