As long as they confine WW3 to Europe, have at it, guys. Screw Europe, screw the EU, screw NATO and…
As long as they confine WW3 to Europe, have at it, guys. Screw Europe, screw the EU, screw NATO and…
I like this guy’s technique with telephone scams https://youtu.be/QWgX_kWDXKg
I suggest anyone wanting to understand MAGA from a slightly deeper point of view than just listening to a thousand…
Pure delusion. Hutchinson saw the writing on the wall and put it up for sale. Naturally, BlackRock, the world’s largest…
I have to admit the English do produce good chrese.
Hopefully, it’s not like falling down a rabbit hole.
Let me try this silly assertion routine you keep on trying.
They are going to try to control the sea lanes in the South Pac, Indian Ocean and the one you deliberately left out- the South China Sea. Wondering why you left that one out?
Oh Okay, if you say so. They’re not fevered dreams, it’s countering your visions after falling into the rabbit hole
Oh, FFS, seriously? The CCP is like the ultimate boss of control-freak dictatorships—paranoid, aggressive, and hypersensitive. After all the nonsense they’ve pulled in their neighborhood—picking fights and flexing their muscles at Taiwan and now even at Japan—you really expect anyone to buy your propaganda that they’d suddenly play nice and not blockade a country that ticks them off? Please.
The “GAE” has kept the sea lanes open since WW2, you should thank them instead of pretending you’re some “Cooperist” revisionist.
JC, Dickhead Martin is back, having another shot at you over on C.L.’s
Sometimes even traffic control workers can have their day in the sun (the Tele):
On this occasion, those traffic control angels prevented 3000 dickheads from publicly displaying their virtue.
One can only hope that tears don’t penetrate lycra.
Well its happened, Jewish business targeted. How’s two tier Minns going to handle this and Webb?
Jewish deli Lewis’ goes up in flames in North Bondi – as cops make disturbing discovery
Of course the presence of a Jerrycan isn’t suspicious – every burning building has one.
Whoops didn’t see the above by Cassie.
Funny, happened last night and only coming to light now. Remember the hoo ha when Burglatory in Caufield Vic burnt down was almost instantaneous fingers were being pointed at the Jewish community there.
It certainly looks like the media have nailed their colours to a mast flying the Hezbollah Flag.
The Oz….
‘Suspicious’: Police investigating after Sydney business burned
Police are investigating what they say is a suspicious fire after a well-known kosher restaurant in Sydney’s eastern suburbs was gutted in a blaze.
No one was injured in the fire broke out at Lewis’ Continental Kitchen in North Bondi in the early hours of Sunday.
Fire and Rescue NSW were called to the blaze, on the corner of Curlewis Street and Old South Head Road, just after 4am.
Fire and rescue and police were called to the scene just after 4am.
It took 30 firefighters an hour to bring the fire under control.
The 21 residents who lived in seven units above the restaurant had to be evacuated.
Police said they were treating the fire as suspicious and were appealing for information.
“As inquiries continue, police are appealing for anyone who may have been in the area at the time or has any information or footage to contact Eastern Suburbs Police or Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000,” NSW Police said in a statement.
The westbound lane of Old South Head Road had to be closed because of the fire.
On Sunday afternoon, the business was taped off and police were examining the scene.
I am just so f*cking sick of this shit. We Jews have lived peacefully in this country since 1788. Sure, there has always been anti-Semitism but nothing like this. We gifted this country its finest soldier, a man who King George V personally knighted on the battlefield, we gifted this country its first Australian born Governor-General….I could go on…..I am just soooooooooooooooooo over this shit. I want the old Australia back.
All of Australia is sick of this shot.
It will destroy Labor.
His equivalence and islamaphobia bulltish is Gillardesque suicide. He has zero understanding of Australians.
Hear, hear!
Cassie, you may need to get Mossad to help. They will be aware of the undercurrents that are flowing through the Muslim community.
Allowing them to “let off steam” didn’t work so well, eh Mike?
This is upping the ante. So much for multicultural love.
And so it begins; Christalle nacht, next the yellow Star of David and then the transport. Gruppenfurher Monty will be delighted
I’m getting the same vibe as the last months of the Gillard Government.
Everything he touches turns to shit.
Everyone looks embarrassed.
A slow motion train wreck.
The Lying Slapper looks almost gifted next to Luigi the Unflushable.
Oh, great, just what we needed. France’s version of Phillip Adams decided to weigh in on the nuclear subs issue and, but according to you, surprise, surprise, has no clue why Australia might actually want or need them. This is the one of the hills you’ve chosen to die on, really? LOL.
But Barney Rubble (Arnie) doesn’t think the CCP wants to control the trade routes. Okay.
Oh, sure, it’s not aggressive at all—just a sweet, friendly diplomatic request. Give me a break. After everything that’s been happening around China’s borders since WWII, their antics around Taiwan, and claiming 90% of the South China Sea, you’re really going to sit there and say that “isn’t aggressive”? Do yourself a favor: look up the word “aggressive” and keep it handy for the next time you need a reality check.
Yeah, it’s one poll, which is 100X better than your delusional assertion.
Even the blind?
I’ll repeat what I posted. See if you have any comment other than a stupid assertion that America has one foot in the coffin.
Yep, America is dying.
I ‘deliberately left it’ out by addressing the South China Sea in the next sentence. Dear oh dear.
The only people that believe the above is a faction within the West. Even people like Mearsheimer understand that this has nothing to do with China being the “ultimate boss of control-freak dictatorships—paranoid, aggressive, and hypersensitive” nonsense but is simply the outcome of a rising power vying for regional hegemony against an established power.
That’s way too nuanced for me, our navy divers and the Phillipino sailors who are being beaten by the Chinese Coast Guard.*
*NB, a Coast Guard is usually deployed around the nations coast – not someone else’s.
Kamala has just implicitly accused Israel of “genocide” in Wisconsin.
How implicitly?
Even the secular Noo Yok Jews might find this a bridge too far.
Apparently at a rally in Wisconsin someone yelled out something about “genocide” by Israel.
Kackling Kamala said something to the effect “you’re not wrong.”
Sounds pretty explicit to me.
Look tomorrow for a weasel worded “explanation” that she did you hear what was said.
She heard.
If true, Kamala has gone off script which is her handlers’ nightmare.
At least trains have their uses.
Not to mention trucks.
Well, of course you would cite the Messerschmidt in defense, the well known apologist for everything supposedly wrong about Western international policy. At least you’ve stopped citing Cooper, which I guess is a baby step.
But here’s where your silly assertion comes unstuck. What is wrong with Australia wanting to take an insurance policy against China by the purchase of a few nuclear subs?
The main things wrong with it are that we have no realistic hope of building any to the correct quality in a reasonable time frame, and we could never build and crew enough to deter any nation with ill intentions towards Australia.
‘Suspicious’: Police investigating after Sydney business burned
Police are investigating what they say is a suspicious fire after a well-known kosher restaurant in Sydney’s eastern suburbs was gutted in a blaze.
If there was any doubt that Oz is in the grip of vile anti-Semitism – the latest attacks on Jewish businesses establishes the truth. I think I probably speak for most on this blog in saying that I did not think that this could eventuate in my lifetime. I am heartbroken, outraged, and desolate all at once.
I suspect that our incompetent and morally challenged Labor governments will do a lot of hand wringing and little else. Statements of moral courage need to be made in prime time news channels, accompanied by detailed and clear predictions of gaol time. If they need to legislate specifically – then state and federal governments should do it ASAP.
This is what happens when weak governments tolerate months of growing insurrection.
At 1547,
At 1730,
There’s something rather putrid happening here.
The first duty of government being to protect citizens.
Massive failure.
I think its time for a campaign to the right to have arms for self-defense.
Not that I expect to get it back, but it might embarrass the swine to step up protection of citizens and deterrence of terrorists.
More rooftop Koreans for Australia!
It’s instructive that you’ve run this line rather than addressing that Australia is never going to get those nuclear subs and that AUKUS is essentially a disaster.
No, it isn’t. The Chinese effectively accepted a modus vivendi between itself and the Nationalists that retreated to Taiwan at the late stage of their civil war. How this is characterized as ‘aggressive’ is, again, instructive.
I never made any references to public opinion.
Even the blind?
It is. It is slowly losing its place as global hegemon and in a similar manner to previous hegemons like the British.
I’d say 75% of our friends, family and acquaintances are Chinese. Hong Kongers, Taiwanese AND mainlanders.
They all understand how the Chinese communist party operates.
They understand the flex used.
From Australian lobster industry, to the Hong Kong umbrella protests, to the Taiwanese tourist industry, to fishing fleets across Asia, to those who foolishly got enmeshed in belt and road debt, from the Phillipines to Africa, the only one missing the obvious message is you Dover.
Neo-feudalism takes shape.
“Neo-feudalism takes shape.”
Reminds me of the movie Name of the Rose that showed where life’s luxuries, of that age, were available within the castle walls, rubbish tipped over the wall and the poor serfs kept outside.
Electricity which makes our world go around will be used in the same way. The rich and powerful will have their own sources of reliable electricity while the poor people will be told to go cluster around the wind turbines and solar panels.
I don’t know whether we will or not. I don’t pretend to be an international arms expert like you. On balance, with some pulling and tugging we most likely will.
Yes it is.
Haven’t been keeping up with China’s little hobby of barging into Taiwan’s space or catching up on their senior officials’ tough talk, have you?
But hey, since you’re already sold on Taiwan being China’s backyard, I suppose it’s no surprise and at least consistent you believe Ukraine is Putin’s playground too. Consistency is key, right?
No one said you made a reference to public opinion. Again, another example of your false leads.
It was to show that the mass of the Australian public correctly views China as a threat, possibly because of the actions of the CCP.
The US economy doesn’t agree with you.
Delusional. Just delusional.
Really, JC.
As always you talk shit. And keep talking boring shit. You just keep going on and on and on and on and on trying to wear peoples down. To the point everyone has no one has idea where you started and then you start trying to pick out specific arguments when the rest of of us when everyone is one is so bored and confused with the crap you keep comin up with up over a single comment.
Take Bex mate, and a nap mate… you’re are irrelevant.
No one reads your crap anyway, but there is so much of it sometimes you have to comment because as much as we want to avoid it, there is so much sewage its like walking is Los Angeles etc.
Grow up its a blog.
Mearsheimer literally thinks the struggle between China and the US is the preeminent issue of the day. Dear oh dear.
There is nothing wrong with a few nuclear subs. There was nothing wrong with a few French conventional subs either. The point is we are not going to get those nuclear subs and we dropped out of a deal in which we would have got the French conventional subs. My assertion was not so silly after all.
We had no hope of getting the Frog tadpoles, and the design difficulty of removing the reactor and inserting diesel and electric motors, batteries and fuel tanks seems to have been wildly underestimated by the decision makers.
I see we are gifting the Ukrainians 49 of our retiring Abrams tanks. Lessons of the last two years not learned.
Trump musing aloud in a crowd about ‘locker room sizes’ is not the way to attract swinging votes from middle class women, who tend to be somewhat put off by such talk from Presidents. His home crowd may like it, so maybe Trump has decided to flip the ‘I was born middle class’ type of women the absolute bird.
I doubt JD would do that though. He’s unlearned the rough edges of his upbringing.
I’m not a prude, but there is a time and a place for musing on dicks.
I see Tim Wilson and James Newbury have whipped a gaggle of rich white boomers to shout SHAME outside a Jacinta Allen presser in Brighton announcing upzoning in the inner east.
Those poor little Eastern Suburbs princesses. But enough about Wilson and Newbury.
The sheer genius. People only became aware of this since the Messerschmidt made the comment. Have can we exist without his clarity and genius thinking? What you left out, for obvious reasons, is whose side the Messerschmidt is on and who he blames for the fault-line.
Dear oh dear.
Sure, because you’re basically invalidating your earlier comments that China is a non-aggressive entity and basically a harmless butterfly who’s grossly misunderstood and who’s intentions are “to make the world a better place”.
Yes there is. They’re fcking useless in comparison.
Frog subs were totally useless and Turnbull should be jailed for concocting such a terrible deal.
At the time I recall the local Plodster in charge of the Burgertory investigation being quite adamant that it had nothing to do with “community tensions”.
Then, sure enough, a couple of likely lads with form for setting fire to other shops (which may have been selling baccy without bothering the treasury with excise returns) were charged with the Burgertory fire.
I noticed another Burgertory store standing empty in Bridge Road Richmond a few weeks ago (and they were never that well patronised anyway). Mr Burgertory might live to regret his grandstanding.
The other day the Burgertory in Surrey Hills also closed. The one in Box Hill also doesn’t seem to do any business. The Caulfield one was firebombed and not by Jews. Wonder what it all means?
China is in a conflict situation with every country on its borders.
To pass this off as a minor issue, DB, is folly.
It is a pattern of seizing land that it does not own or have any historical right to, and it is repeating.
I’m waiting for Xi to state “This is my last Territorial Claim in Asia”.
I’m with Cassie – I want the old Australia back, where anybody preaching this sort of hate would have attracted the attention of the riot squad.!
Yahya Sinwar hailed as ‘legend’ at Sydney rally as sheik says Islam will ‘dominate’Alexi Demetriadi
17 minutes ago.
Updated 2 minutes ago
A Sydney conference stacked with Hizb ut-Tahrir activists and sheiks who celebrated October 7 has heard that Islam will “dominate … bringing justice to every corner of the world” amid a “civilisational struggle” as its organisers lauded Yahya Sinwar as a slain hero.
One speaker, Sheik Ibrahim Dadoun – whose employer the United Muslims of Australia received about $1.65m in government funding in September – said that, despite Sinwar’s recent death, he remained “elated” and that “victory was coming”.
Separately, on Sunday, a pro-Palestine Sydney CBD rally heard how the terror group’s slain chief was “legendary”, a martyr who “died a warrior’s death”.
“In (Sinwar’s) death he became a legend, a legend to be told for centuries,” one speaker told a crowd at Sydney’s Hyde Park.
Sheik Dadoun’s latest comments came at a Saturday conference hosted by “Stand for Palestine”, an organisation launched by Hizb ut-Tahrir last October, which is run by its activists and has surged in popularity.
The day after Hamas’ October 7 attacks he told a rally that he was “elated … smiling” and that it had been a “great day”, although later claimed his words were taken out of context, and earlier this month called Israel a “bastard state”.
Billed as the “promised victory” conference, sheik Dadoun reaffirmed his elation, saying: “I will say it again I’m elated, I’m happy … I’ve never seen it, ever in my life, the shift and the tide that has occurred over the last year against the Zionist regime (sic)”.
“We are on that path to victory. We are on that path of the civilisational struggle where we’re going to see Islam dominate, where we’re going to see Islam bring justice to every corner in the world (sic).”
The Islamic colony in western Sydney flexes its muscles. Will any government react?
It’s up to us to react with great political force, requiring a cap on this infiltration and policies to strengthen our own culture.
Oh no you’re not.
Not while I am here to stand up for myself and my culture.
And millions of good Aussies with me in doing that.
Including our good Jewish citizens.
We have the numbers and we shall keep them and improve on them.
There are lots of white Christian South African farmers who aren’t scared of a fight who might welcome a chance to come here and join us. We can vote for that. And vote on policies curtailing Muslim ambitions in our prisons and schools. We can act to curtail the takeover of our churches. We don’t have to accept this infiltration.
10 minutes ago
Yep Sinwar was a legend alright and a very cowardly one that hid in tunnels dug with funds from many sources while his fellow Gazans died being used as human shields. As depicted in cartoon there is no ceasefire where he is now. What have some migration programs done for Australia? They may bring us untold misery to come.
And no piles of shekels to buy his way out.
I saw what they found in that bunker. What a hero.
Those poor little Eastern Suburbs princesses. But enough about Wilson and Newbury.
My oh my, the Nazi showing his homophobia.
“We are on that path to victory. We are on that path of the civilisational struggle where we’re going to see Islam dominate, where we’re going to see Islam bring justice to every corner in the world (sic).”
And all the women will be dressed as letterboxes.
These retards are starting to sound like comical Ali or the Black Knight.
Sinwar lives on. With a flesh wound.
What’s upzoning, Fatboy?
Islam unmasked.
Settler colonists whose aim is to conquer.
And all the women will be dressed as letterboxes.
And an education will consist of memorising bits of the koran. And science will be closed down. And toilet paper will be replaced by pebbles.
I can hardly wait.
You’re going to open a pebble factory?
Just saw on the news that a Teal has won Pittwater in the state by-election. Not a surprise at all, the same will happen in every financially comfortable electorate. Teals, Greens and Labor are the darlings of the Comfortables.
Liberals should simply put their energies into the mortgage belt and where actual workers live. Displace Labor from all working class electorates.
It was 54 Teal to 46 Lib.
In other words they voted for the Left. In Pittwater.
They will get everything that they deserve.
The Teals are so well organised. There were a heap of them in teal t-shirts waving placards near the big intersection before the bridge over Narrabeen Lake last week when I was out that way for a ladies’ lunch at a restaurant.
Their candidate claims to be a local but isn’t (if that was for Pittwater), however that doesn’t seem to have affected the result at all, despite the protest sign under this one’s ‘vote local’ claim saying – ‘you don’t live here’.
Disgraceful the way people in Teal electorates have no good sense at all about politics and the lies they are told.
I fear that the same syndrome will tip the vote in the US also.
Along with the Democrat fix on the counting machines or other ruses.
To do that effectively they’d need to get their house in order.
Liberal Wets have little appeal to the working class or aspirational voters.
Have long been a favourite of the doctors’ wives set.
Who now vote Teal or Slime.
Just rewatching The Death of Stalin.
Olga Kurylenko, who was a Bond babe apparently once but who did not impress me, in her older fashioned garb is stunning.
Fun fact – Stalin’s daughter Svetlana, eventually converted to Catholicism. Her Dad would have hated that. Only question is would he have been more vexed by her becoming devoted to an Orthodox religion which he fought against, or by the fact the religion she found a home in was in its quintessence, part of the West he fought against.
For Svetlana I would like to think these quibbles did not concern her: She found a faith to which she could give herself and the political concerns of a dictator were ghostly constructions devoid of substance or weight.
But she had a hell of a ride before arriving at her final destination.
Not much, just chillin’ on a lazy Sunday arvo. And my name isn’t Zoning.
But seriously, upzoning means raising limits on storeys for apartment blocks. In this case, areas near Hawthorn, Brighton, Toorak and Glen Iris stations will be upzoned to allow buildings of up to 20 storeys.
NIMBY frightbats are in an awful tizz. Zoe Daniel has already posted a whining diatribe on socials.
Labor might have found a lucrative vein to mine for next year’s election. Greens, Teals and Libs on one side, Labor and young people on the other. Wedge politics, it’s about time Labor had the shoe on the other foot.
Greens are eating the Liars lunch. And have been for some time.
Sounds like our devoted socialist is planning to expand his slumlord empire.
Come the revolution, first up against the wall.
Liars Ministers in WA are very busy collecting future job offers and zoning corner sites for fancy bars at ground level and 200 stories of luxury apartments above. NIMBY councils are being repeated kicked in the groin by Labor for representing their residents wishes accurately by not making developers rich.
I am reminded of the miraculous permission to build Observation City at Scarborough Beach, a free gift from Labor for Alan Bond entirely without corrupt inducements, no sirree.
Yes, indeedy. And that shoe should be buried ankle deep up their (Labor’s) fundamental orifices!
Nothing will actually get built, this is all about the 50% Windfall Gains Tax triggered by the rezoning. Rezone enough high value suburbs and claim to have the means to pay back all that debt.
Yeah, see the problem with that is Angus Taylor has just announced the Dutton Libs’ brand new economic policy: Reaganite trickledown austerity. Lower taxes, slashing services, cutting entitlements, flogging off public assets… the full Margaret.
You can’t offer that set of policies and then also claim to represent the working class. No amount of racism against immigrants is going to hide that the Libs still represent their billionaire donors.
Piss off, Nazi
You advising Kamala now?
Coming up in the world are we Monty?
Trump is the true representative of blue collar workers, which is why the union rank and file have been supporting him bigly.
(Btw ask the local unions who they’re supporting. Hint: not Labor.)
Most billionaires support the Democrats in the U.S.
Monty thinks that Labor, Greens, Teals and Democrats represent the working class.
mUnty is a fecking moron
The Gimp is a fvckwit.
Liberal Wets have little appeal to the working class or aspirational voters.
Eggsactly, problem is the left faction (They are not small l) has control of at least two of the biggest states and I’d argue Qld as well to a lesser extent.
Heaven forbid the working class should have aspirations beyond voting for an ALP which undermines their interests at every turn.
It is something the ABC said and also said it is very bad, right wing, and fascist.
So, you must accept it is an indubitable horror. Precisely what it is hardly matters. “I don’t get it” is an individualist objection. The collective has taken care of evaluating it and declared it is a bad right wing thing.
Interestingly it dovetails nicely with a comment I posted earlier today – it is not a matter of knowing what it is, merely of draping the pall of badness over right wing people. Regardless of what they think.
Unfortunately he’s partly right. I’ve never seen the “shift and the tide” against Israel presently coming from the Marxist UN agencies, the rearrangement of anti-US hegemonies courtesy of China, and Western governments equivocating and appeasing the Muslim diaspora.
For BoN:
Sad occurrence this afternoon. Went out into paddock to find a magnificent hawk (I believe it to be a Brown Goshawk) with a badly damaged wing – unable to fly. The damage must just have happened, for he was bleeding profusely. I could hear a Kooka cackling loudly in the distance, so maybe our hawk was savaged by a Kooka when he was raiding her nest.
We have called a local wildlife carer, who is arriving within the hour. The hawk’s injury is beyond anything we can deal with, and we feared that a fox would kill him if left in the paddock overnight.
This guy is very experienced, so we are hoping for the best.
You’ve done all you can do, Vicki. All the best to Mr. Hawk.
Hawk schnitzel?
Hawk tua.
Sad to hear. Once when I was a kid we rescued a red goshawk we found in difficulty. Glorious creature.
Can’t do that these days, the local birds would have a fit. Which they regularly do when the local pair of square-tailed kites come by.
Western governments equivocating and appeasing the Muslim diaspora.
The only solution is painfully obvious. We must deport every Muslim in Australia. And it’s equally obvious that the parasitic class won’t do it. They haven’t the courage.
We need to deport every lefty from Australia.
The difference between a “lunatic anti muslim hater” and a “Wakened European Christianity” is – apparently – a major massacre of the adherents of the Jewish faith, multiple Christian Church burnings and the overwhelming of several European nations by the invading Muslim sub 90 IQ goat herders, with the connivance of the UN and the Socialist/Communist elements in Western Society.
Oh, and five years.
…and 45,996 terrorist attacks since 9/11.
No amount of racism against immigrants is going to hide that the Libs still represent their billionaire donors.
As opposed to the racism against Jews found in much of the Labor Party and in the Australian Nazi party (the Greens). Oh, and further to ‘billionaire donors’, hey Nazi, what sayeth you about the Teals and their billionaire donors?
You know what, Nazi? I think you should piss off, you have zero credibility.
Could you class Trade Unions as “billionaire donors”?
Those on the boards of industry super funds are”comfortably well off”.
Zero credibility? You flatter him.
Gina Rinehart is the only billionaire who is supporting the Liberals and conservatives generally. All the other billionaires prefer the left side of politics.
Desperation status = The chap on the sinking Titanic who gave his lifeboat seat up to a little urchin when the water reached his gonads…..
Luigi the incontinent is appearing on spicks and specks, and alleged entertainment show on their ABCcess.
He explains its one of his favourites…
Islam destroyed Persian civilisation. It destroyed Arabic civilisation. And it is bent on destroying western civilisation. And it will probably succeed.
They’d be long f*cking gone if dickheads on both sides of the Cold War and other conflicts within the West didn’t keep propping them up and aiming them at each other like a shit covered stick.
Graphic but accurate, Your Arkiness.
(Imagine a collection of shit covered sticks because it won’t display properly.)
If only we can get them to turn on themselves. If the west displayed some backbone and causes them to return to their sandpit of origin, they might destroy each other.
I think steadfast support of Israel will be required, otherwise they will have an external focus that sort of unites them.
The science is settled.
Still stinks though
Stinks isn’t lung cancer though. That’s what we were being sold. Also, there were turnips peddling views that third and fourth hand smoke was dangerous to one’s health. I forget what was described as third and fourth hand smoke, but one was supposed to be attached to walls.
From Paul Ham’s book on Vietnam
“Occasionally, ex – soldiers and pro – Viet Cong activists came face to face, with dire consequences. Three months after national serviceman Rick Bensley came home from Vietnam, he returned to his job as a bank teller in Wagga Wagga. One morning, “a bloke came in, and wanted to send some money to an organization that was highly supportive of the Viet Cong.” Bensley recalled. In reply, Bensley drew his bank issue Smith and Wesson .38 and gave the customer ten seconds to get out of the bank. The customer fled: Bensley was given the day off. ” (Page 601.)
The Teal win in Pittwater was a legacy of Harpooned Harwin’s disastrous control of the state Liberal branch.
I note that the Liberals won Epping and Hornsby.
It should be noted that Sleazeman is a thoroughly useless leader and they need to find a new leader. Whilst Pretty Boy Minns is popular (because he’s comes across as decent although I think he’s all talk) the state Labor government is not that popular and recently the Liberals have been ahead in polling.
The link at 6:54
Luigi the incontinent is appearing on spicks and specks, and alleged entertainment show on their ABCcess.
He explains its one of his favourites…
Which is he, a spic or a speck?
ELON MUSK: “I think the value of a college education is somewhat overweighted. Too many people spend four years, accumulate a ton of debt and often don’t have useful skills that they can apply afterwards.
I have a lot of respect for people who work with their hands and we need electricians and plumbers and carpenters and that’s a lot more important than having incremental political science majors.
I think we should not have this idea that in order to be successful you need a four year college degree.”
My 2c worth he’s half right.
You need the training to be in the job, whether it be engineer, aerospace or chemistry. Even in my game, geology or mine engineer or metallurgist.
Where I agree with he is coming from is the fact that now companies are prioritising recruitment of individuals increasingly with higher degrees than Bachelor’s with said masters & higher having zero workplace experience.
My experience hasn’t been good with these types and I blame the HR behemoth.
Funny how our state premiers feel perfectly comfortable in disrespecting the king by not attending any functions with him. These are the same premiers who would break their necks rushing to attend any Muslim community function. They would never dare refuse an invitation.
What does this tell us? Who has real power in Australian states? Who can make our politicians jump with just a few words or demonstrations? It is certainly not King Charles.
NSW’s Minns met Charles at the airport on Friday night and attended Sydney events on Sat and Sunday, but did not break pre-arranged schedule to go to Canberra today.
Down to the hand gestures.
BREAKING: Kamala Harris has been caught giving the same scripted speech multiple times at multiple rallies. This is absolutely insane.
Oh fair go; of course you re-use speeches to do the same job. Change the jokes from rain in Albany or Darwin to flies in Perth; about tourists in Cairns; or a joke about Sydney in Melbourne, or about Marrickville in Sydney.
There is another, far less harsh, authoritarian way. Pay them to leave—like Sweden. It’s a persuasion tactic with a side of psychological whiplash. Just picture the mental gymnastics: “Wait, they’re actually offering cash for me to go? They must really want me gone.” It’s the kind of deal that’s hard to argue with, even for the eternally empathetic.
Make it a sliding scale too as it will entice a larger proportion at the beginning.
Musk is like a breath of fresh air.
“SpaceX had to do a study to see if Starship would hit a shark. I’m like “It’s a big ocean, there’s a lot of sharks. It’s not impossible, but it’s very unlikely.” OK fine, we’ll do it, but we need the data, can you give us the Shark data?
They said no.
They said they could give the data to their Western division but they don’t trust them.
We’re like, ‘Is this a comedy?’ Eventually we got the data, and the sharks were going to be fine.
We thought we were done.
But then they hit us with: ‘Well, what about whales?”
When you look at the Pacific, how many whales do you see? Honestly, if we did hit a whale, the whale had it coming, because the odds are so low. It’s like Final Destination: whale edition.
So then we had to do the WHALE analysis.
It goes on and on.
They said, what if the rocket goes underwater and explodes and the whales get hearing damage?
Umm, If we could make a rocket go underwater and become a submarine, that would be a feat of physics that we could not accomplish.
It’s just one crazy thing after another.
So yes, I really feel the pain of Government overregulation.”
That sort of thing never worries the greenies and governments when it comes to building wind turbines at sea, even though the harm it can cause to sea life is documented.
And yet it is the most left wing government in the country that is pushing upzoning. Curious.
Labor discovering pro-Zoomer populism could be a very bad development for their opponents. Jacinta shows promise, it remains to be seen if she can deliver.
There is one inevitable thing about the Left: they promise but never ever deliver.
Thus Jacinta.
(Btw how’s her new Hornby trainset going?)
Luigi the incontinent
The national embarrassment continues
She was slated to speak for an hour.
BREAKING: Kamala Harris left the stage of her own rally in less than 7 minutes, Harris appearing to look stressed cut her speech short in Detroit.
What seems to be missing from this Most Excellent Idea from Dumb Idiot Political Parasites is the land values in these proposed sites. Do you really think that an apartment in a 20 story block in Toorak is going to sell for $375K? Or that the apartment block will be permitted to use the Collingwood Housing Commission Towers as their blueprint?
They, and the getting ever stupider MunTard, think it’s a win against the wealthy. Although Footscray is included in this policy monstrosity so it must have become Millionaires Row when I wasn’t paying g attention.
The fact they think it’s clever tells you everything you need to know about modern Australian leadership. Or what passes for it, these days.
Have they checked that the water, electricity and sewage systems can take the extra load of thousands more residents, or just crossed their fingers.
Pogria October 19, 2024 8:32 pm
Zippster, no offence, but it would be easier to read your posts if they were separated into paragraphs.
Poggie, that’s Zippy’s AI-generated-but-otherwise-homebrew YouTube summariser app running there. I put up with its plain-Jane output as it saves me watching the video to get the same information!
Thanks Nelson.
Nobody makes them jump.
Muslims are 3% of the population concentrated in certain urban areas in western Sydney and northern Melbourne.
It’s the politicians’ choice to offer a craven response.
They’re putting their own political interests ahead of the nation’s interests. And they’re widely despised for doing so.
Angry residents confront Vic premier at housing announcement (Sky News mainpage headline, 20 Oct)
Tenements R Us eh Monty? Victorians don’t seem to like what Jacinta is offering. It’s a mystery.
Brighton NIMBYs. Who’d have thought it?
It’s unrecognizable these days. The masses of apartment complexes is really something
Footscray was included the last time this policy was rolled out… by Matthew Guy. Thus we have that big-arse ziggurat at the entrance to Footscray opposite the old Franco Cozzo store, with zero extra investment in local services for its tenants.
Upzoning is not inherently right or left, it’s a necessary part of creating a bigger city no matter what your ideology. Sprawl can’t go horizontal forever, at some point expansion has to go vertical too.
No doubt you lot will receive your talking points presently, which will likely revolve around the fascism of 15-minute city design and other such nonsense.
So you agree that WEF plans for 15 minute cities are fascist?
Wow, you are getting more and more red pilled lately. Your political commissar will be unhappy with you.
Cow paddocks is about all Melbournibad has going for it at the moment. Still not enough to get developers across the Murray.
Western governments equivocating and appeasing the Muslim diaspora.
The only solution is painfully obvious. We must deport every Muslim in Australia. And it’s equally obvious that the parasitic class won’t do it. They haven’t the courage.
There is some belated backbone emerging in some of the European nations, Italy, Poland, Hungary, even Sweden has woken up, possibly too late since their population % of the muzzie blight is now over the crucial threshold of 10%. France has the highest muslim % and momma’s boy macron was making noises recently.
The problem the West has with islam is the left has designated islam as a victim of Western hegemony/oppression/colonialism. This enables islam to hide it’s bloodthirsty agenda behind a moral justification which enabled the left to colour Oct 7 with virtue and courage.
I’ve said before: without the left the West could destroy islam and the commies. It’s as though we are fighting with both hands behind our backs.
So the solution is to nullify the left. The first part of that is devising a test to recognise who is left or not. Some of that is easy: every member of the filth and most of the liars and the seals. Once the leftoids are recognised then a method of dealing with them must be devised.
Even Israel which is fighting the war against the muzzies on behalf of the West has its leftoid problem:
Israel Fights Alone, Carrying by Itself a Catatonically Suicidal West :: Gatestone Institute
No doubt you lot will receive your talking points presently, which will likely revolve around the fascism of 15-minute city design and other such nonsense.
15 minute cities are products of communism. Get your facts right dickless. Oh that’s right there can be no facts without a dick.
“No doubt you lot will receive your talking points presently”
I was talking about this, this morning.
I’m perfectly happy for some continuation of train station proximate high rise.
What did the Footscrayites miss out on? There’s a big shiny train station, buses, a tram to somewhere, a cycle way along Dynon road to the CBD, walking distance shops, restaurants galore and both primary and secondary schools.
Here’s a good talking point.
Don’t know much about 15 minute cities, but Sydney has a two month Metro!
Closed for maintenance this weekend. Forgot something maybe.
Just saw some footage of Sinwar and his fat fatima wife, complete with Hermes Birkin bag, snuggling down in the Gazan tunnels. A day before the October 7 attack.
Hero. Proved.
I’m bemused that a jihadi would spend $32,000 on a handbag.
Well the father-in-law probably gave him a few goats to take the missus, so he saved money on that.
You realise that they stole it?
It was loot from the Jewish Massacre.
No. It was Oct 6. They stole from the Gazans. Along with oodles of cold, hard cash. The residents of the kibbutzes were not wealthy.
In other words they stole from the UN. Which is us. And allowed their own people to be human shields and face the inevitable military reaction.
They are the worst of the worst.
Yes she looked like she didn’t do much gardening.
ACT Government – Labor claims victory and a wonderful picture of the Chief Poof and his Poo Denter having a tongue kiss.
Tried to link the photo but fcuked it up.
I’m off to Melbourne this week leaving the ACT to more Labor crap.
I figure Victoria has hit rock bottom so the only way is up. I’ll be on the Hume in a few days time.
Allow plenty of time bumping along the bottom.
It means the core business was never burgers.
Distribution network?
Because the Uniparty is committed to mass migration.
October 20, 2024 7:47 pm
m0nty is right about this, while I wouldn’t like to live in a high-rise building, come to think of it, not even in a block of units, but a lot of people don’t mind, actually prefer it.
It can be done in a tasteful fashion, and lets face it, it is far more efficient than the quarter acre block with a triple fronted brick veneer.
What I find ironic, is that for decades we were deriding the soviets and east Europeans for this very thing, and now look at us.
Renting in large buildings is the norm in many European cities, like those in Switzerland and Germany etc. Home ownership is not the norm. Germany just beats 50%.
And yet even the Victorian Governments own surveys show that only 1 in 5 would choose an inner city apartment over suburban house and land – but they still press on regardless.
Under a Liberal Government it is called “inappropriate development”.
Under Labor it is “solving the housing crisis through upzoning”.
Merscheimer has been saying this for decades and he’s on the US side in this, for pity’s sake.
No, I’m not. The point of having those subs or similar platform is to project that capability over their lifetime in our region whoever threatens our interests and irrespective of any Alliances.
Dear oh dear.
Dr Faustus
October 20, 2024 6:40 pm
What I am encouraged by, though, is that the anti-Semitism isn’t reflected in the wider community.
What I am encouraged by, though, is that the anti-Semitism isn’t reflected in the wider community.
I hope our Jewish community knows this but I wouldn’t blame them for feeling very isolated and alone in Oz right now.
What is the red line that we as a wider community will not allow to be crossed? As has been said, first the Jews, then the rest of us.
Would be interesting to go through the antecedents of each of these territorial disputes.
You suggest that there are antecedents of the ‘dispute’ between China and The Phillipines, which are hundreds going on a thousand kilometres apart. The Chinese are terrorising Phillipines fishing fleets and ramming Phillipines Coast Guard boats.
Which interesting antecedents are they, pray tell?
There sure are. Just look at the claims and counterclaims that emerge between the late 19th C and the mid-20th century. The fact that the PRC inherited the claim of the Republic of China, which Taiwan continues to this day, but which the PRC modified, demonstrates this.
What working family doesn’t want lower taxes , smaller Govt and more opportunity? You leftard idiots are so convinced all wealth is actually gifted to us by Govt , you can’t see a strategy for more real prosperity if it came up and punched you in the mouth.
What working family with aspirations to home ownership wouldn’t want to see roads and utilities get established on a fast track to open up those new residential estates?
What working families want ever higher cost of unreliable ruinable energy eating into their savings?
I won’t compliment you this time by saying you’re a clueless fkhead. You’re sh*t scared because Dutton has the working families getting in behind him and all your lot have to offer are deviants, freaks and ninnies, just like you.
Thats the trick, isn’t it. If you walk around Boston suburbia you will see medium density terrace housing as far as the eye can see, all the same dark red brick. It is surprisingly charming.
New housing developments in Melbourne are… spotty. Some look homely, many look like glorified sheds or industrial estates, others like an AI designed them, then there are the brutalist dystopias.
If you want housing to be affordable within a generation, the bullet must be bitten regardless.
Have a look at the developments getting finance and away. Pre sales over the road in my Perth western suburb 3br from $1.5m. The days of stacking a few dozen 2br boxes together finished some time ago.
I can see why you failed Econ
… shame that you can’t
Be that as it may, until the Libs halve their proposed annual immigration intake from 160k to 80k and target that number to the skills we need [i.e. domestic building construction] nobody should imagine they’re offering anything else than Labor’s policies but at a slower rate.
I wonder which demorats have big dave bautista by his ugly, vascularised nuts:
(17) Dave Bautista (@DaveBautista) / X
Great link at the top of Powerline…
Joseph Epstein Yet Again by Edward Short
A snip:
Instead of joining his contemporaries in touting the fashionably vapid, Epstein has always remained true to the voices of the great writers whose books turned him into the discriminating reader we encounter so frequently in his literary criticism. It also enabled him to see the ruinous effect that the academy has had on the writing of poetry. In his groundbreaking essay, “Who Killed Poetry?”, which appeared in Commentary in 1988, he nailed what continues to make our contemporary poetry, with few exceptions, so unreadably bad:
The same unanimity of opinion that obtained in the academy with respect to such reputations as Elizabeth Bishop’s has morphed into the aggressively enforced unanimity of wokery, which continues to debase the university. On this malign development, in his delightful autobiography, Never Say You’ve Had a Lucky Life: Especially If You’ve Had a Lucky Life, Epstein is suitably mocking.
Germany awards the fellow that ordered the destruction of Nordstream the Order of Merit. Having made the award the President of Germany was heard to say: Thank you, Sir. May I have another? Absolutely broken country.
Working families in Australia want higher taxes on the rich to pay for a larger government providing better services for them, which enables more opportunities for their children.
Howard understood this. Menzies understood it too. Liberal wets get a lot of flak round here, but the median voter in Australia has most resembled their ideology since Federation.
Libs reacting to Teal wedgies by reverting to dry neoliberalism is a terrible development for their electability. Precisely the wrong move. No surprise that hopeless loser Angus Taylor is the architect.
Piss off, Nazi, go play with your Hamas buddies
They want to tax you more Monty.
I’m amused that lefties keep on saying ‘tax the rich’ when they themselves are the rich. Yet they never seem to be falling over themselves to actually pay more tax.
The US government has a mailbox where you can send cheques to if you wish to voluntarily pay more tax. We don’t have that. Perhaps Albo could set up a Gofundme for lefties who wish to pay more tax to Canberra.
The rich don’t pay tax – everything is held in trusts and companies. Have a look at the “buyer” of $10m+ real estate. The poor don’t pay tax because they’re poor. Tax is paid by the middle.
No specific mailbox, but I understand that the ATO accepts voluntary contributions.
Yes, that’s why I don’t mind too much the upzoning idea, something has to give and restricting immigration is not going to happen, no matter who is in power.
Some guidelines as to the style of building would be nice but.
God knows we have millions of useless council regulations already, a few sensible ones would be nice.
By upzoning & building 15-20 level apartment buildings Labor are only encouraging more migrants to Victoria. They will be boxes. Putting a lid on massive migration will only cease when they cannot be accommodated.
Wait until unreliable electricity requires them to walk up 15 or 20 floors carrying the groceries, and the air conditioning doesn’t work.
No comment needed.
Pull up the ladder, Jack, I’m all right!
Perhaps we should keep track of burgertories.
There are currently 15 in Melbourne
In 2023 there were 22 with claims 6 more in the pipeline.
I was wrong. You are clueless. Sure, working families are just pining for bigger Govt because they can see what a great job they have been doing.
No m0ron, what working taxpaying people want is efficient cost effective govt, not more of clownshow we have now. Where taxpayers genuinely get equal priority, not last in line behind the handouts to the LGBTQI freaks and indigenies.
You’re out of touch there, in your little prog bubble.
Which US side exactly? The interviews I’ve seen with him wouldn’t exactly be described as Messerschmidt ardently supporting the US. In fact quite the opposite.
“Dear oh dear”. Whatever happened to “cope”?
Yes you are.
You began by implying the subs weren’t really required because China is a very low threat and has all the best intentions. This is the CCP, you’re taking sides with.
Sure, regardless of alliances—though, let’s be real, what serious alliance is standing up to China? It’s obvious you’ve got a bone to pick with the U.S. And honestly, you’re not alone; most of us have issues when the Democrats are in charge. But here’s the thing—you’ve dug so deep into your anti-U.S. stance that goes far, far beyond. You’re so focused on what’s wrong with America that you’re willing to turn a blind eye to the reality of dangerous authoritarian regimes. In fact, you appear to support them.
The French submarines were complete junk by comparison. And yes, alliances are crucial—it’s not just about having the hardware; the hardware has to operate as seamlessly as possible with the senior ally. This is something for a hardware man like you that you curiously overlook.
FMD their ABC continue the fellation of Albo by having dimwitted young people asking him softball questions on some program called The Assembly.
5 minutes of my life I cannot get back. Sheesh
Albo is on a personality campaign, the show he isn’t a heartless selfish greedy money grabbing property mogul- after confiscating our money.
Kangaroo knitting season.
False election campaign has been running for months.
Weren’t they wanna be j’ismists? Studying j’ism almost discounts any chance of an intelligent question.
Sloppy journalism.
I think this relates to an earlier fire in the flats above, where an e-bike battery exploded and caught fire as it was charging.
This is true HB. If making medium density housing that doesn’t suck wasn’t difficult enough, now the requirement is to enable families to live in them. Places like Docklands might be built for rootless cosmopolitans, but these apartment blocks out in the newly-upzoned areas in the burbs have to accommodate some theory whereby the national birth rate might recover.
Urban planning is devilishly hard, so much potential for corruption, everyone pushing in different directions.
I hope your house gets surrounded by four tower blocks full of Somalis.
Am I allowed to say that?
On the other hand I hope you will welcome all the Somalis.
Somalis can be quite nice, and have great cuisine.
They build what sells. Don’t know what they need In pre sales before the banks will touch them. Still plenty of $$$ required in mezzanine finance. Money to be made if you know what you’re doing and plenty of ways to come unstuck.
Docklands showed practically zero capital growth for a decade or more. Was a ghost town when I was there around 1990.
Mersheimer has never taken the ‘Chinese side’ in that dispute.
There’s a difference between a mistake and coping.
Not at all. Firstly, I began by reaffirming my earlier point months ago that we were never going to get these nuclear subs. Secondly, I stated that subs, conventional or nuclear, would be good irrespective of the threat because of the capabilities they provide. Neither of these exclude the other.
It’s true, I don’t buy into this democratic-authoritarian dichotomy so it tempers my fear of China, etc. This also means that I’m far less forgiving of the US and don’t use the Democrats as a scapegoat for the wrongs committed by the regime itself.
The Barracuda class variant was fine. Good enough for the Royal Netherlands Navy it. Even more relevant, we would have got them. We will never get the Virginia class subs or even the proposed new class. Funny thing, the decision to junk the French deal was probably largely because Turnbull entered into it. That’s how petty Morrison was. We are governed by teenagers.
Speaking of being “governed by teenagers”, Turdballs was so petty that he cancelled the proposal to buy proven (which the tadpoles are not) Japanese subs because Abbott was about to approve them.
My understanding – and I’m happy to be corrected – is that the Japanese Subs didn’t have the range or the weapons payload, for Australian requirements?
Just as nuclear submarines were not suitable for South Pacific and Indian Ocean waters, as one less than intelligent pollies once said?
Cab driver just lobbed at the front door to return son’s wallet he found in the cab after said son woke up this morning after a night on the drink with no idea where he lost it.
There are still some good people in this world.
October 20, 2024 9:04 pm
Reply to KevinM
I thought we were at that stage already?
Yet we still have a high level of migration.
It’s a vicious circle, politicians wont give up bringing them in so accommodations have to be provided.
I am glad I am nowhere near the power levers, don’t think I would be very popular.
I would be cutting migration to near zero or only urgently needed trades and only compatible individuals who will integrate.
The fact is that there are a lot of people out there who welcome this level of migration, the pollies know this.
Not everyone thinks like most punters on this blog.
Heck, some even here welcome it.
It is going to be fascinating seeing Teals and Libs fighting side by side against upzoning. Perhaps it will become
clear that Teals are genuine Lib wets, and the remaining Lib caucus is comprised mostly of dries.
Shorten got gazumped on negative gearing, maybe Albanese might see a better way to attack the problem by supporting Labor premiers to upzone leafy suburbs.
Liars talking points came out simultaneously with the “up yours” announcement.
And just like that he waves away centuries of our real heritage, more completely than any progressive, Marxist fool ever has.
Magna Carta. The Westminster system, adversarial legal system, jury of your peers, one man one vote, separation of powers.
Wave it all away because you are butt hurt over covid and election corruption.
Kudos to those behind the lights. Running amok.
ANDAIN – Beautiful Things (Billy Gillies Rework) (Live at Transmission Prague 2021) [4K]
People need to have a bit of gratitude if they grew up in the West.
Especially if they are older than 40 and got to see her at her magnificent best.
Of course, when Monty’s leaky high rises are everywhere and the whole place looks like the arse end of any other Chinese slum, we might reconsider.
Until then, be f*cking thankful.
That’s unfortunate, because I’ve seen a video where he does exactly that—not siding with China outright, but placing blame on the US. He takes a similar approach with Russia and Putin, which I assume is why you find his views compelling.
Oh sure, downplaying the CCP threat was just a minor detail. Let’s also brush aside the refueling issues with conventional subs, and conveniently forget why those “frog” subs were practically useless in comparison.
Where would you feel more at risk running this blog—China or Australia? China or the US? How about swapping China for Russia? Or maybe Iran or North Korea?
I’m sure you’d have no trouble keeping Deckchair Landlord online in those countries. But funny thing—I noticed you leaned on the BBC as a source for the Bibi house incident last night. Would the BBC even be accessible in those places? Or would you be too busy trying to navigate their censorship walls?
Less forgiving isn’t the same as going down the rabbit hole to the other side.
The Dutch navy doesn’t have to contend with anyone at this stage trying to control and dictate terms in European waters like we do with China in the South China sea. Distances are far less. The French subs were a boondoggle to help a SA liberal politician bribe the electorate. They are useless for our purposes.
The Dutch variant is smaller, lighter and has a shorter endurance than the Australian version. The Dutch are lucky as hell because we funded all the technical design challenges and they reap the benefits of that…
Smaller, shorter? Like the Soryus?
That imagery is a wee bit satantic ….anyway. Banger of a song!
Paul van Dyk – Nothing But You vs For An Angel LIVE at Transmission
Top 20% of households average $300,000 per annum.
Number of Australian households= 9 million.
20% represents 1.8million households.
Let’s take all their income in taxes.
1800,000 x 300,000= 540 billion.
We’re $250 billion dollars short of the 2024 federal budget.
Sorry Monty, you’ll have to make up the shortfall out of your own pocket.
Funny thing, the decision to junk the French deal was probably largely because Turnbull entered into it. That’s how petty Morrison was.
Dunno about that, could be true, but I heard a rumour about a year after the French submarine signing that there was never any intent for a diesel variant to be delivered. It was always a long deal to eventually transition Australia to a nuclear French submarine.
Something like this, there would be a series of inevitable stuff ups, design issues, and eventually, to get a reasonable delivery schedule, regardless of cost, we would switch to nuclear.after having run a long series of incremental shifts towards that. The public having been frog boiled by constant media announcements. (see what I did there!)
The rumour came from a person who worked in SA State Government overseas trade office at the time and attended many many soires in Paris, Adelaide and everywhere in between.
Morrison could also have pulled out because he couldn’t stomach the transition to nuclear, with the French publicly as he would have been flailed by the local left wing media (i.e. all of them). This is a man who folded in half because a girl cried bother, 2 years after said event, no spine at all.
Could also have been the Brits too, upon realising what the game really was, worked to get it cancelled. I heard Boris Johnson got involved in the fracas at the time, hence earcly involvement in AUKUS.
One problem with any French or non 5 eyes boat is whether the Americans would have tolerated connections of their equipment to non 5 eyes equipment .. they don’t much like that apparantly.
The Americans did early on promote the Japanese boat though since they are a tier 2 country, trusted above the French but below 5 eyes.
One day, someone might fess up to what was really going on, it would be Krissy Pyne, Juliar Bishop or Turnbull for sure who knew the real game.
The Americans refused to allow Electric Boat to assist in fixing the cavitation and noise issues with the Collins Class boats until Australia divested the 49% holding of ASC held by the Swedes. Australia promptly purchased back the 49% and subsequently got the noise issue sorted with the Yanks.
Unions put David Crisafulli on notice: $1bn election-eve pay fightMichael McKenna and Lydia Lynch
55 minutes ago.
Updated 2 minutes ago
Listen to this article
8 min
Queensland’s top union leader has put David Crisafulli on notice that an incoming Liberal National Party government will face strike action if it doesn’t deliver more than $1bn in unbudgeted pay rises to the state’s nurses, teachers and police.
The warning came as Mr Crisafulli, who successive polls predict will win Saturday’s state election, officially launched the LNP campaign on Sunday centring his pitch on driving down crime rates and victim numbers.
Vowing to introduce minimum stints in isolation for uncooperative youth detainees and revoking television privileges for those who refuse to attend school, Mr Crisafulli declared crime as the “defining issue” of the Queensland election campaign.
To a small gathering in Labor’s heartland of Ipswich, west of Brisbane, Mr Crisafulli avoided any mention of comprehensive economic reform or tackling the state’s skyrocketing debt under the three-term Labor government.
The state’s total debt will hit $172bn by mid-2028, with The Australian this month revealing that Queensland’s public service wage bill has exploded by more than 75 per cent since Labor was elected in 2015.
Will this enter the vernacular, like the Sgt. Shultz defence – “I see nothing”
“I don’t know, I was in a taxi at the time”, the Albanese defence
Interesting leak if true. Why would the US be looking for such indications at this early a stage?
I can go from TECHNO to Tchaikovsky in a click of the finger.
Billy Elliot OST Pyotr Il’yich Tchaikovsky – Swan lake M/V#
Unions put David Crisafulli on notice: $1bn election-eve pay fight
From the Oz. Awaiting approval.
Australia’s best known astrologer-feminist Clementine Ford reports from the front seat of her car that the death of Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar was connected to last nights Aries full moon – which was reportedly “massive”.
Clem also mentioned she found it interesting, how the corrupt Western empire reported the story.
I’d like to see that video because it sounds like a unicorn given his already stated views.
In a argument, I’m under no obligation to accept your priors re China. Also, current Barracuda class is nuclear, the proposed diesel version was to be made for Australia because that was our specification. If we changed our minds we could have just asked them for their nuclear version.
Depends on the issue, the circumstances, but generally I’d think the blog would be fine.
I used what you would consider a trusted source. And of course it’s available in those places, Arnaud lives in China and is able to access those sites.
This is a fantasy.
EV Owners Furious With Shocking Repair Costs, Making Broken Electric Cars Not Worth Fixing!
Shine (1996) – Flight of the Bumblebee
Interesting – Hildebrand is a leftie…when such people turn on Albo maybe the writing’s on the wall…
A tale of two leaders – including one loser
They may be on different sides of the world but both Kamala Harris and Anthony Albanese are tanking at the same time as savvy voters begin to doubt their political judgment, writes Joe Hildebrand.
Joe Hildebrand
Last Wednesday afternoon, I recorded an interview on my soon-to-be award-winning podcast The Real Story with Joe Hildebrand.
It was with veteran Labor adviser, strategist and ideas man Tim Gleason – one of the sharpest political brains in the country.
While virtually every analyst and commentator wrote off Donald Trump in 2016, he penned an opinion piece for this newspaper declaring that he would win.
Last week, with Trump and Kamala Harris neck and neck, Gleason declared again that the Donald would prevail. Within hours of recording, Harris’s stocks started crashing.
You can listen to all Gleason’s reasons – including one incredible factor I had never heard of before – on The Real Story, here: https://link.chtbl.com/TheRealStory
But the ultimate reason is that Kamala Harris is just an appalling candidate. The more people get to know her, the less they like her. And this is a lesson for politicians everywhere.
Harris performed so abysmally in the Democratic primaries for the 2020 race, she dropped out with approximately 3 per cent support, yet she was picked as Joe Biden’s running mate because of a clear perception that as an old white man he needed a younger black woman.
The wisdom of that decision and the obvious basis for it has been on display ever since. This tells you everything you need to know about the moronic undergraduate thinking known as identity politics.
Kamala’s optics were perfect but her actual capacity is non-existent. The moment she is forced to think for herself or articulate even the most basic policy, it becomes instantly clear there is no genuine or coherent understanding of what on earth she is even there for.
She is a costume in search of a character.
As a result, it seems increasingly likely that a large number of Americans will be unmoved to vote for Harris while an army of Trump voters marches to the ballot box.
Meanwhile, back home in the 51st state, we had a stark study in contrasts. While Harris’s political stocks were imploding in Washington, Anthony Albanese’s property portfolio was exploding in Sydney.
This was optics at its worst: In the?middle of arguably the worst cost-of-living and housing crisis in Australian history, the PM splashed out $4.3m on a clifftop whatever-you-do-don’t-call-it-a-mansion on the Central Coast.
You could almost hear the collective gasp from Canberra. It was clearly a terrible look and had many questioning the PM’s judgment on all and?sundry.
After all, if he thought this was a good idea, then God only knows what else he was thinking.
The seasoned and cynical jaws of many mates in the Labor Party had to be scooped off the floor. A family member messaged me from overseas asking what on earth was going on, as though there had been a natural disaster. One TV segment I appeared on to discuss it carried the working title “Does Albo have a death wish?”
I, too, thought it was a terrible look.?After all, it’s not as though the PM has an abundance of political capital to burn.
Housing is the No.1 hot-button issue and borrowers, buyers, renters and seekers alike are suffering enormous anxiety and stress in ascending?order.
Indeed, I received a frustrated email from a reader on this very subject on Saturday, just as outrage over the PM’s new digs reached a crescendo.
He didn’t even mention it once.
Instead he was furious at the Greens’ misinformation campaign against negative gearing and the catastrophic effect it would have on the rental crisis.
While there is a clear argument for restricting negative gearing if you want to free up more properties for first homebuyers, when you have a housing crisis so severe it is crippling the rental market you want to be doing the opposite.
Negative gearing only works if investors rent out their properties and so restricting it will make people less likely to rent out the property they own – and this in the middle of an acute rental shortage.
And so while the PM’s personal property splurge might be crazy, this concerted political campaign by the Greens is certifiably insane.
Fortunately I am reliably informed that the PM understands this and will not be making any changes to negative gearing – which should allay concerns about his judgment.
This will be a huge relief to aspirational Australians and will be even more of a relief to renters, whether they realise it or not.
And so while the optics of Albo’s housing foray may indeed be terrible, the substance of what he is actually doing are solid and sound.
Money in the bank, a roof over your head. These are the things that ultimately matter.
All things considered, maybe looks aren’t that important after all.
Daily Tele
Wonder what this guy will go for. The taxidermy deer head in the background went for $500. Sadly there is no room in the lounge to accomodate the beast.
Since 2012, China has increased the imposition of exit bans on both Chinese and foreign nationalS.
Last summer, the State Department revised its travel advisory for China, urging Americans to “reconsider” travel to mainland China due to the risk of arbitrary detention and exit bans there.
I’m not going to spend time looking for it, so you can believe what you want and others can make their own judgement on the claim.
You’re completely delusional if you think this blog would survive a minute in China, Russia, North Korea, or Iran with the same level of criticism thrown at their regimes as people here casually hurl at Australia, the US, and the rest of the Western world.
I wasn’t talking about my trusted sources—I was talking about yours and the claims you’ve made before about using them. Honestly, I was surprised you even cited the BBC. I figured it’d be one of the last sources you’d trust, except maybe for the Middle East, since we both know which side of that boat is leaking.
Your positions and views on China, Russia, Iran and North Korea are a fantasy.
The Dutch Navy doesn’t have to endure the distances we do. French subs were totally Inappropriate for our needs.
If he does, he’s using a VPN and may not be able to much longer as the regime is closing down VPNs. Hasn’t Barney Rubble mentioned this before?
China’s internet censorship, often referred to as the “Great Firewall,” blocks access to many major international news sites. Some of the prominent ones that are typically inaccessible from within China include:
The New York Times
BBC News (British Broadcasting Corporation)
CNN (Cable News Network)
The Washington Post
The Guardian (UK)
Wall Street Journal (WSJ)
These sites are blocked as part of China’s efforts to control the flow of information and to restrict access to content that may be critical of the Chinese government or its policies. Accessing these sites from within China usually requires the use of a VPN (Virtual Private Network).
WeChat (a messaging and social media app)
The cloggies have a navy?
So the germans have something to do on their way to Paris.
To give the Germans something to shoot at.
Banned in Russia
Blocked Social Media Platforms
Blocked News Sites
Blocked News Sites
Blocked Social Media Platforms
I’m not going to even bother with North Korea. All sites are open in North Korea and nothing is banned. However, if you dare open any foreign site, even by accident, you will be immediately executed.
Hahahaha Just kidding.
Poor old Gong. I bet his social credit score is now way, way down.
I’m not saying your lying, I’m saying you probably mistook what he said.
They wouldn’t take this site seriously. There is a shit ton of criticism made by Russians about Russian policy on Russian sites. They only get attention when it becomes materially significant.
I’m surprised you were surprised though I shouldn’t be. I didn’t need the BBC report to confirm what I’d already noted 5 or 6 hours earlier. I used it because there were doubters in the thread so I used a mainstream source that they would take seriously which was simply passing on info given to them from Netanyahu’s office.
And yet they are still more plausible then your views therein.
Nonsense. They would operate over the North Atlantic, Arctic and North Seas and so on. These are distances similar to those that our subs would contend with in the Indian and Western Pacific.
What’s interesting in that list apart from what they’ve blocked (how does anyone survive?) is what they’ve allowed: NY Post, Chicago Tribune, The Times, FT, Politico, and so on.
Prominent was the key word. These are blocked too.
New York PostChicago TribuneThe Times (UK)Financial Times (FT)Politico
Basically everything from the West is blocked.
What a ridiculous comment. With endless layers of regulations already in place, he wants to impose even more, regulating style as if we’re living in some Soviet-era. As though a loser in the planning department would have any idea.
Working the drive through
Unions put David Crisafulli on notice: $1bn election-eve pay fight
From the Oz.
How bout Chrisifooli says no and don’t let them deface their publically owned vehicles like the Vic government does. Just checked the net, QPol have the best median salary of the states. They could call that out too.
With one side of the political spectrum closely tied to the Union movement I’ve long thought the Public Sector shouldn’t be unionised.
Brittany Higgins shows off blossoming baby bump as she awaits verdict in defamation trial
Daily Mail. Don’t you just feel so happy for the mother to be? Naah, me neither!
Frank Elly copping a pounding in today’s Paywallian Media Diary column. I remember when the Andrew Olle lecture was a significant event given by a major public figure. The last two have given by Leigh Sales and Frank. Beyond embarrassing. Just let it die like Olle.
Cops covering their arses.