Open Thread – Thurs 24 Oct 2024

Corfu the terrace, John Singer Sargent, 1909

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October 25, 2024 4:01 am
October 25, 2024 4:01 am
October 25, 2024 4:02 am
October 25, 2024 4:03 am
October 25, 2024 4:04 am
October 25, 2024 4:05 am
October 25, 2024 4:06 am
October 25, 2024 4:07 am
October 25, 2024 4:08 am
October 25, 2024 4:29 am

Every Holden fan knows this, but it should be general knowledge.
Much more info if you look up Holden and origin.

Holden was founded in 1856 as a saddlery manufacturer in South Australia before moving into the automotive field in 1898. It became a subsidiary of the United States–based General Motors (GM) in 1931, when the company was renamed General Motors-Holden’s Ltd.

October 25, 2024 4:32 am

Those pesky Romans again.


This Roman lighthouse is the oldest surviving lighthouse in England and one of the oldest in the world. It is located on the south-eastern side of Dover, Kent – England.

It dates from around 46–50 AD, during reign of Emperor Claudius. In comparison to modern lighthouses, its height of just 25.4m is quite short, but in its day, it was a towering landmark.

It was built using flint local to the area and mortar. It was an important feature of the Roman trade routes and military operations; its flickering light was critical in guiding ships safely to shore.

After nearly 2,000 years, original Roman stonework on the seaward side is weather-worn, and today it stands at just 19m high.

October 25, 2024 4:35 am

A Japanese sign puzzle.
I get one for cert, one is ambiguous, the other two???

October 25, 2024 4:37 am

A beautiful old house I’d like to se in the flesh so to speak.

October 25, 2024 4:39 am

Have to admit, in a way it’s true in my case, but we tune out a lot of stuff outside of marriage too.

October 25, 2024 4:45 am

Thanks Tom.

Winston Smith
Winston Smith
October 25, 2024 4:46 am

Does anyone know if a CNC milling machine still works if it isn’t connected to the Intawebs?
Yes, it’s an odd question for this time of day, but I woke up at 0300 with it and it’s bugging me.

October 25, 2024 4:51 am

Pyramids, schpyramids,

There are the Chinese ones we can’t visit as they are under military control, now we have the Russian pyramids.

I ask you, didn’t the ancients nothing better to do than piling stones up?


October 25, 2024 4:54 am

You no like my posts? Why? Am I offending?

Winston Smith
Winston Smith
October 25, 2024 5:43 am

UK: Muslim cop apologizes for posts about ‘dirty Zionist’ Jews, also spoke of Muslims ‘imprisoned by Kuffar’

A Metropolitan Police officer has apologised for posting offensive tweets about Jewish people and non-Muslims, but denied they warranted her dismissal.

Pc Ruby Begum, 29, admitted during a police misconduct hearing on Monday that she used offensive language such as “dirty Zionists. Hell is waiting” while serving as a special constable.

She also admitted using the term “kuffar” to refer to non-believers, saying: “Kuffar lips have been all over my mug, there is no way I’m using that thing again.”

Great idea – make Muslims Special Constables. I’m sure they’ll be even handed.

October 25, 2024 6:29 am
Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 25, 2024 6:53 am

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
 October 24, 2024 10:41 pm

Ten things to put the world right.

From Arky, up thread.

Self funded retirees shouldn’t have to pay income tax!

If you are over 60 and no longer working your super fund is tax free.

October 25, 2024 6:56 am
October 25, 2024 7:08 am
October 25, 2024 7:34 am

This sucks. hahahahahah

comment image

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
October 25, 2024 7:37 am

Last day of shearing and loving the tech.
My jobs are sheep movement with the happy kelpies, keeps you upbeat, and back lining.
Paint branding is a thing of past with electronic ear tags on all sheep. Back lining is the application of a chemical protection for lice and flies. The machine we use catches the sheep as they go down a race and holds them while I treat them with gas operated applicator. Sensors detect the sheep then an air driven rubber lined board comes across and clamps them in place. A foot pedal controls the air system release. You can adjust the catch pressure for different sized sheep.
We’re using more injections these days rather than oral drenches. The machine makes the job safe and quick. Electronic scales and tag scanners are part of the system. With auto drafting gates you can record and seperate on weights for the market. Direct sales to abattoirs necessitate getting the lamb weights above a certain number for the contract.
The set up is about thirty five grand but it’s about the best thing we’ve ever bought, in constant use which tells the tale. This old bloke can work it all day and not be absolutely stuffed at night.

Mak Siccar
Mak Siccar
October 25, 2024 7:52 am

From today’s Oz.

Labor turns blind eye to menace of Islamist extremism
Henry Ergas

Last weekend’s rallies that hailed Yahya Sinwar as a “legend” who “died a warrior’s death” came as no surprise. Nor was it surprising that the Albanese government, instead of denouncing the United Muslims of Australia, whose representative was among those praising the terrorist, immediately defended it for “working closely with the government”. 

In effect, ever since October 7, 2023 the government has stood by as Islamist organisations ramp up their support for terrorism and issue statements that are vilely anti-Semitic. 
What is puzzling, however, is that the government’s reluctance to tackle those organisations has been matched by that of ASIO and of the state and federal police forces, which, it appears, have shied away from calling for them to be proscribed. 

It is true that stringent criteria have to be met for listing a group as a terrorist organisation. According to Division 102 of the Criminal Code, the government “must be satisfied on reasonable grounds that the organisation: (a) is directly or indirectly engaged in, preparing, planning, assisting in or fostering the doing of a terrorist act; or (b) advocates the doing of a terrorist act”.

But it is equally true that groups such as Hizb ut-Tahr, even when they are not directly involved in violence, “foster” the doing of criminal acts that range from anti-Semitic attacks to domestic and international terrorism. 

To say that is not to ignore the theory, initially formulated by Bob Lambert, inaugural head of Scotland Yard’s Muslim Contact Unit, that “soft Islamists” can act as a rampart against the most violent forms of Islamist extremism.

“Salafis and Islamists,” Lambert claimed, “often have the best antidote to al-Qa’ida”, as they channel radicalism into religious, rather than political, fervour. Moreover, providing the “soft Islamists” with financial assistance would make them easier to control and facilitate monitoring their supporters. 
Lambert therefore advocated forming generously funded “partnerships with Muslim groups conventionally deemed to be subversive to democracy”. Having received the Blair government’s approval, his unit proceeded to establish a far-reaching network of agreements that included the Muslim Brotherhood and Hizb it-Tahir.

Adopted by a broad range of Western security agencies, that strategy, which came to be known as “Lambertism”, proved utterly disastrous. 

That was first and foremost because the so-called “soft Islamists” do not only preach that the West, and everything associated with it, is corrupt and hence “haram”, that is, prohibited, to righteous Muslims. 

They also claim, as did Taqiuddin An-Nabhani – who founded Hizb ut-Tahrir in 1953 and whose work remains the group’s dogma – that there is an irreconcilable conflict between Islam and the “colonial disbelievers” whose goal is to “enslave” Muslims and destroy Islam’s inherently superior civilisation. 

To believe that Islamic piety can be reconciled with Western values such as democracy, equal rights for men and women and religious freedom is consequently “a kufr concept” (ie, a violation of the faith) that equates “the truth (haqq) and falsehood (batil), the religion of truth and distorted religions, misguidance (dhalala) and guidance”. 

It is Muslims’ duty, said An-Nabhani, to rigorously disavow those values, chastise any Muslims who adopt them, and in that way and many others undermine the West, hastening the Caliphate’s triumphant restoration.

Lambertism gave those views a far wider and more authoritative platform than they could otherwise have secured. As Shiraz Maher and Martyn Frampton concluded in an influential review of the policy, titled “Choosing our friends wisely: Criteria for engagement with Muslim groups”, it led the British government to “underwrite the very Islamist ideology which spawns an illiberal, separatist, intolerant and anti-Western world view”. 

And to make things worse, it supported groups that, while purporting to “address the grievances of young Muslims”, were “at the forefront of stoking those grievances, including alleged state-sanctioned ‘Islamophobia’?”.

Nor did the damage end there. The “soft Islamists” consistently argued that violence is not just legitimate when Muslims are under attack: it is a praiseworthy act of religiously prescribed heroism. But “if Muslims are justified, even lionised, for carrying out acts of violence in places where they are ‘attacked’, why not also in the West, where the very same narrative says Muslims are under attack?”. 

The concern that Lambertism helped propagate Islamist violence was fully borne out by terrorism experts Hugo Micheron in 2020 and Johannes Sale in 2021. Using statistical analysis and careful case studies, they found, controlling for a wide range of socio-demographic factors, that the active presence of groups such as Hizb ut-Tahrir was a powerful predictor of subsequent anti-Semitic attacks and of outright jihadism. 

Confirmed again by Micheron in 2023, those evaluations show that while Hizb ut-Tahrir, the Muslim Brotherhood and their myriad front organisations repeatedly claim to be non-violent, they provide “the mood music to which the violent extremists dance”. 

Lambertism has, as a result, virtually disappeared from the European scene, replaced by a more realistic understanding of Islamist extremism. As the German Federal Administrative Court noted when it mandated Hizb ut-Tahrir’s proscription, an organisation that advocates killing Jews, urges men to beat “arrogant” wives and calls for homosexuals to be executed can hardly argue that it adheres to constitutional values. 

Upholding that decision on appeal, the European Court of Human Rights held that it is entirely consistent with the rule of law for democracies “to prevent individuals or groups with totalitarian aims” from “taking advantage of rights and freedoms to perform acts aimed at destroying (those) rights and freedoms”.

Just how far that principle should be pressed is a difficult question. Precisely because of that question’s complexities, the Executive Council of Australian Jewry has proposed, in a submission to the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security, that an intermediate status be created. While falling short of proscription (which would remain in place for terrorist groups) the new status, modelled on the state and territory laws applicable to criminal gangs, would allow the government to impose controls on organisations such as Hizb ut-Tahrir that can be shown to represent a substantial “risk to public peace, safety or order”. 

That proposal is inevitably controversial. What is not is that between October 1, 2023 and August 31, 2024 there were at least 1800 anti-Semitic incidents in Australia, a 324 per cent increase compared to the previous year. Nor is it controversial that the government has done nothing whatsoever to stem the tide. 

On the contrary, it continues to endorse organisations involved in rallies such as those that glorified Yahya Sinwar, using your taxes and mine to finance outfits that even were they lawful, are unquestionably awful. It also continues to shy away from revoking the visas of non-citizens who participate in those organisations’ activities. 

And by constantly placing anti-Semitism and “Islamophobia” on the same plane – as if there were Jews marching in our streets shouting anti-Muslim slogans – it allows the perpetrators to cast themselves as victims, echoing and amplifying the Islamists’ mood music. With Islamist extremism destroying our social fabric, it is high time Labor changed its tune.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 25, 2024 7:55 am

Farmer Gez
 October 25, 2024 7:37 am

Last day of shearing and loving the tech.

You don’t miss the wrestling and the random kicks in the nuts?

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 25, 2024 7:58 am

The machine we use catches the sheep as they go down a race and holds them while I treat them with gas operated applicator. Sensors detect the sheep then an air driven rubber lined board comes across and clamps them in place. A foot pedal controls the air system release. You can adjust the catch pressure for different sized sheep.

Or, as they refer to it in New Zulland, bondage.

October 25, 2024 7:59 am

Hezbollah still winning, Israel still stuck on the blue line.

October 25, 2024 8:01 am
October 25, 2024 8:01 am

The Chip Bok cartoon that misfired at 4.06am.

October 25, 2024 8:06 am

There’s no difference between political and religion in the muzzie world. Everyone becomes very religious when the headloppers come to visit.

Lawgi Dawes-Hall
Lawgi Dawes-Hall
October 25, 2024 8:09 am

I do love the country hour on the Cat but sometimes the clarity of a farmer’s thought can be unnerving.

Farmer Gez:

Paint branding is a thing of past with electronic ear tags on all sheep…. We’re using more injections these days rather than oral drenches. The machine makes the job safe and quick.

Farmer Schaub:

Paint branding is a thing of past with electronic ear tags on all men….We’re using more injections these days rather than oral drenches. The machine makes the job safe and quick.

October 25, 2024 8:21 am


Wow even I’m shocked by this flagrant level of corruption

Gen. Mark Milley, who bashes Trump and made our military woke, is now a Senior Adviser at JPMorgan

JPMorgan is co-investing $15 Billion to rebuild Ukraine

The same Ukraine that Gen Milley helped destroy working for Biden/NATO

This is why Trump is winning

Americans are sick of this Swamp

October 25, 2024 8:29 am

Exactly! These people have no self-awareness and the hide of a rhinoceros.


“If Trump is elected, he might do everything we’re already currently doing.”

– Tim Walz

October 25, 2024 8:30 am

Excellent article by the other cat.

joy will be mandatory

and the fact that one side of the political spectrum is so much more likely to excommunicate anyone who is not “just like them” is what renders them so lost.

they are precisely what they purport to hate: intolerant, non-inclusive, and non-diverse. it’s so glaringly obvious that the only way they can escape self-indictment is to project these failings onto everyone else and bellow “racism, sexism, phobia” at anyone not exactly like them. then their own chorus backs them volubly to make sure that they all get to stay in the tribe and don’t face expulsion for any tiny apostasy.

for the inquisitors are everywhere and ever eager.

Last edited 4 hours ago by Indolent
October 25, 2024 8:38 am
John H.
John H.
October 25, 2024 8:43 am

The latest Newspoll taken just days before the Queensland state election shows LNP leader David Crusafulli has lost support, but would still score a narrow victory on Saturday.

In a shock result, the Newspoll shows the battle for government is on a knife-edge – upending expectations of a definitive win for the Liberal National Party after nine years in opposition.

The opposition leads Premier Steven Miles’s Labor government 52.5 to 47.5 per cent after preferences, the poll to be published in Friday’s The Australian reveals.

Crusafulli is so bad he is losing support against the most tedious of premiers and a government bereft of initiative and capability.

Cassie of Sydney
October 25, 2024 8:47 am

Mak Siccar
 October 25, 2024 7:52 am

From today’s Oz.

Thanks Mak, I have just finished reading Henry Ergas’ piece. It’s superb and as always Henry is right on the money. We should be very concerned about our current Islamist loving government (and that’s not hyperbole). This hard-left government pals up to Nazi Islamists. Yesterday we learn about the ‘study’ (laugh) trip to ‘Palestine’ sponsored by the very unsavoury and unapologetically Jew hating ‘Palestine Action Group’…a trip that slime bag Tony Burqa, our current Minister for Home Affairs, took part in.

By the way, there’s no such country as ‘Palestine’, there’s a group of Levantine Arabs who call themselves ‘Palestinian’. It’s long been a trick to try and destroy the Jewish state.

If you were to take a time capsule back to 1939 Haifa, Jaffa, or Jerusalem, Ramallah or Bethlehem, and you stopped and asked a local Arab…….

‘are you Palestinian?’

They would have blinked and looked at you as though you were from another planet. However, if you’d asked them..

‘are you an Levantine Arab?’

They would have nodded in full agreement

But I digress.

Further to the Ergas piece, it confirms why I (and others here) subscribe to The Oz. Those churlish naysayers here who like to diss on News Corp forget or ignore its good points. This piece would not have been published in Nine Newspapers (The Age and SMH) or in the grotesque Malcolm Guardian.

News Corp’s good points far outweigh its bad points.

Just further to news in from yesterday, I see that Yazbek the Jew hater pled guilty here in Sydney. LOL, he really had no choice. I note that upon leaving Downing Street Court he didn’t even have the decency to say he was sorry for his shocking acts (plural……he also held up a Hezbollah flag), he simply mumbled effete woke wank words. It’ll be interesting what punishment he receives. I bet he gets off on some good behaviour bond because, you see, he’s not an 82 year old woman from Five Dock. Yazbek the Jew hater should be given a stern warning to steer clear of Jews. I don’t trust the man (or his wife).

A shout out to Pogria from last night here at 8.47 p.m. I only caught up with viewing Bolt and Sharri late last night. I was delighted to see Graham Lloyd from The Oz echo what I have been saying here for two weeks now that without a doubt Mrs Yazbek must have also been in on the act. Hear this, Rebecca Yazbek knew what her hubby was up to, she’s known since at least 2014 when she accompanied him in their car to a Jewish community rally in Dover Heights where he tried to stalk Jews before being yanked out by security. Mrs Yazbek is just crying crocodile tears now because of the Vesuvius like fallout since his arrest.

And besides, like always attracts like.

Today is Simchas Torah, which in the Jewish calendar is exactly one year since the October 7 atrocities. We all know what happened that day. The worst attack on Jews since the Holocaust. It’s a day when we’re supposed to dance, drink and eat but I can’t, every Jew on the planet has a heavy heart. I will go to Shul but all I can think of are the faces of those who remain in Gaza, most of whom are probably dead. I see the faces of Shiri, Ariel and Kfir BIbas as they are being taken hostage by Gazan Nazis. I see the sheer horror and terror on Shiri’s face, it was broadcast to the world.

And yet across the West there are many who deny, many who trivialise and worse, obscenely, many who justify what happened that day. They extol and laud the Gazan Nazis, the rapists, the murderers and the hostage takers, as ‘freedom fighters’ and we have a current federal government guilty of all three.

On a lighter note, for the cooks here, the special food eaten on Simchas Torah, for us Ashkenazi Jews, is stuffed cabbage rolls.

October 25, 2024 8:52 am

This is really surprising.


Media claim: Prediction markets have a strong bias to favor Trump, because it’s mostly young people and mostly men.

Reality: This is NOT quite true.

Here is the demographic data from Kalshi, the American-only prediction market

Bungonia Bee
Bungonia Bee
October 25, 2024 8:56 am

fluffy Annaliese does it again. she must think it’s one in the eye for Trump that the man who holds some sort of record for the number of big mac burgers he has eaten endorses Harris.
This morning Kenny Heatley did his bit for Harris too, having on some geezer who was an Obama adviser (and what’s worse also for some period Ambassador to Australia) saying Harris is just dandy and qualified to be President.
The USA is going down fast, while our media are active accomplices.

Top Ender
Top Ender
October 25, 2024 8:59 am

Our politicians cannot let Lidia Thorpe get away with breaking her oath and making a fool of our parliament. It’s time for some humiliation.

“You are not my king,” this race-baiting Senator shouted at King Charles at Parliament House on Monday.

“You committed genocide against our people. Give us our land back … F. k the colony.”

Let’s leave aside Thorpe’s “genocide” lie, her rudeness, her cretinously foul language and her idiotic assumption – primitive, really – that the unelected head of state of our democracy has the right to “give back” Australia to anyone, let alone to a grifter like Thorpe, whose ancestors are actually of mostly British descent.

To all the politicians wittering their dismay and issuing futile calls for Thorpe to resign from parliament, I have a request.

Get serious. Note those first five words of Thorpe’s harangue: “You are not my king.”

Right there Thorpe publicly disowned an oath or affirmation she made under section 42 of our constitution – which every politicians must make before they’re allowed to take their seat.

In 2022, the newly elected Thorpe stood in our parliament and swore she did “solemnly and sincerely affirm and declare that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance” to our then Queen and “her successors”. You know, King Charles III.

This was her pledge to follow the rules by which this country is run.

But now she tells the King to whom she’d promised her “true allegiance” that he’s “not my king”.

Breaking your word was long considered the act of a scoundrel. Breaking your sworn oath of loyalty was even worse, and once called treason.

Our politicians cannot afford to tolerate this oath-breaking by a Senator of our parliament.

If they now agree treat their oaths of allegiance to King and constitution as trivial, what of the rest of us? What of the oaths and affirmations we must swear when we give evidence in court, or sign some legal document?

Just kidding, your honour?

No, Thorpe must be asked by the president of the Senate to clear up any, er, confusion by restating her pledge of allegiance to the King on the floor of the Senate.

Show it on live TV. If Thorpe refuses, she should be out, even if parliament must first vote itself the rights it once had to kick out politicians for sedition.

If she caves, she’s publicly humiliated as a two-timer of no principle, who’ll say anything for a headline and a Senator’s $233,660 salary.

True, this will seem a lot of fuss over an oath that many on the Left will think anachronistic. Indeed, some politicians already warn that trying to punish Thorpe just gives her the attention she’s after.

Reality check: she’s got the attention already, and not in a good way.

The ABC, typically, is treating Thorpe almost as a hero, with headlines like “Lidia Thorpe: ‘Get used to truth-telling’”, “Lidia Thorpe’s King Charles protest was a masterclass on how to make front-page news in 2024”, and ‘Not really accurate’ to ‘very ballsy’: First Nations Australians react to Lidia Thorpe’s message to King Charles”.

For politicians to just splutter helplessly as Thorpe gets media parts for breaking her vow would be to signal that none think our constitution, king and vows are much chop.

They’d also seem contemptibly weak while Thorpe again disgraces our parliament.

What a foul record she has. After heckling the King, she even shared an image of Charles beheaded on her Instagram page, before deleting it and blaming unnamed staff.

Before this, Thorpe celebrated when protesters burned the doors of the Old Parliament House, tweeting: “Seems like the colonial system is burning down. Happy New Year everyone.”

She abused police at a violent protest, screaming: “You are the criminals in this country.” This year she wore a mock headband in the colours of the Hamas terrorists who slaughtered 1200 Jews.

She’s meanwhile spread incendiary falsehoods about our past, including baseless stories of white men burying Aboriginal babies up to their heads in sand and holding “tests to see who could kick the babies’ head off the furthest”. She last year preached a race war against white Australia: “This is a war! … They are still raping our women.”

And now she’s broken the oath she swore as a condition of sitting in the parliament she shames.

Our politicians have a choice: do nothing and let the new barbarians gloat at their weakness? Or defend our constitution and hold Thorpe to account for breaking her worthless word?

Herald-Sun with 84 comments agreeing so far

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
October 25, 2024 9:00 am

‘I won’t be silent’: Thorpe says rivals ‘frothing’ over push to oust her

Independent Senator Lidia Thorpe has accused parliament and the media of “frothing” at the prospect of ousting her from parliament.
“Over the last two days the media and politicians have been frothing at the idea that they may be able to eject me, a loud Blak woman, from parliament,” Senator Thorpe said on Twitter/X, “What does that say about this country?”
“To those who want me to be silent about these issues, stop and take a look at yourselves.
“I won’t be silent.” 
Senator Thorpe also spoke on the death of an Indigenous prisoner in Casuarina Prison on Wednesday, advocating for potential hanging points to be removed from prison cells, an issue she has prominently campaigned on.
“This week yet another Aboriginal person died in custody because this country refuses to remove hanging points from prisons – a recommendation from the Royal Commission 33 years ago,” she said.
“These are the real problems in this country that I’m talking about.”

October 25, 2024 9:04 am
October 25, 2024 9:06 am

Reconfirmation of what we already knew.

Obama Long-Form “Rediscovered” as a Forgery

October 25, 2024 9:07 am
October 25, 2024 9:07 am

Speaking of apologies, how about the aborigines apologise for the extinction of the megafauna? Or the destruction of the prehistoric landscape, which, and don’t kid me, was not let untouched.

October 25, 2024 9:07 am

More shoddy reporting from the Oz:

Muddle East ceasefire would help my CPI war: Dim Chambers

Dim Chambers will make an hysterical* case for a ceasefire in the Muddle East and open a new front in labore’s push to end conflict in the region, warning the ‘global middle class’ will be hurt.

This is so ridiculous it’s amazing how much wrongology can be packed into a single sentence. So here we go:

Dim Chambers knows absolutely nothing about basic economics
Labore is at war with the middle class
Labore has precisely zero influence over events in the muddle east

So enough of the ridiculous fantasyland idiocy, j’ismists.

*My replacement for the word “economic”

October 25, 2024 9:07 am

Matters must be satisfying for the GOP when the Dems traditional late campaign false sexual assault allegations are immediately turned against them bigtime.

#camela groped me – memes are everywhere and some are hilarious.

Bungonia Bee
Bungonia Bee
October 25, 2024 9:09 am

“LNP majority at risk in surprise poll” says the banner on Sky News.
Sounds like the media feeding its own interests again. They are investing heavily in coverage of the QLD election and want it to stay a cliffhanger. If it is that close I’ll blame all the Victorians who went up there.

October 25, 2024 9:11 am
October 25, 2024 9:12 am

‘I won’t be silent’: Thorpe says rivals ‘frothing’ over push to oust her

No. Please keep talking. Or yelling, howling, screeching as the fit takes you. Pop in some transparent lies, obfuscations and sneers too.

You’ve set your “cause” back at least a decade and alienated many of your more cautious allies.

You’re onto a winner, Lidia!

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
October 25, 2024 9:13 am

What is puzzling, however, is that the government’s reluctance to tackle those organisations has been matched by that of ASIO and of the state and federal police forces, which, it appears, have shied away from calling for them to be proscribed. 

The Big Bang Theory.

These agencies know the things that can’t be said out loud. There is no way they will risk blame for the probable consequences.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 25, 2024 9:17 am

Bad Penny is taking a break from lambasting Israel for the crime of existing.

‘Whole world’ must reduce emissions, Wong says (24 Oct)

Penny Wong is calling on the “whole world” to cut back on emissions at a historic summit in Samoa, where climate change poses a deadly threat.

The Foreign Minister is in the Pacific nation for the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM), which is also being attended by Anthony Albanese and King Charles.

Maybe they/them should have a chat with a Mr Xi in Beijing, since China seems to have no intention at all of reducing “emissions”.

October 25, 2024 9:17 am

These agencies know the things that can’t be said out loud. There is no way they will risk blame for the probable consequences.

The road to dhimmitude.

October 25, 2024 9:20 am

Bad Penny is taking a break from lambasting Israel for the crime of existing.

When Penny isn’t tailoring foreign policy to suit the tastes of a certain demographic in western Sydney, she’s busy angling for a post-politics position at the UN.

Lawgi Dawes-Hall
Lawgi Dawes-Hall
October 25, 2024 9:20 am

Re Farmer Gez upstream, has any progress been made in the last fifty years re shearing machines and/or chemical de-fleecing? Or perhaps insertion of the dorper gene?

Cassie of Sydney
October 25, 2024 9:25 am

What is puzzling, however, is that the government’s reluctance to tackle those organisations has been matched by that of ASIO and of the state and federal police forces, which, it appears, have shied away from calling for them to be proscribed. 

Let’s not forget Mike Burgess comments from December 2023..

Mike Burgess has ­advised that these (pro-Palestine rallies) serve as a pressure release, which is valuable given the real risk of a domestic terror attack,”

Right, further to this comment from the smirking Dickensian faced Mike Burgess, I’m reminded of my pressure cooker, a device I like to use a lot but if I was to leave it on the stove for too long it would go…….


Re the Islamist Nazis taking over our streets every week, using violent rhetoric and actions, I sense the ‘big kabooming’ is not far off.

October 25, 2024 9:28 am

Crisafulli is so bad he is losing support against the most tedious of premiers and a government bereft of initiative and capability.

Lethbridge’s cartoon nails it.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
October 25, 2024 9:32 am


Stan Grant stars in new documentary Before 1770 that aims to ‘challenge false narrative of Captain Cook’
3 min read
October 25, 2024 – 5:00AM
National News News

Journalist Stan Grant features in a contentious new documentary that aims to “challenge the false narrative of Captain Cook” by celebrating the history between Muslims and Indigenous Australians in the pre-colonial period.
Produced by the Islamic Abu Hanifa Institute in Berala in Sydney’s west, Before 1770 recreates the journey of sea cucumber fisherman, called Macassan trepangers, from the Indonesian island of Sulawesi to northern Australia.
Promotional material for the documentary said it was “designed to encapsulate the history of Muslims in Australia before the First Fleet.”

Director Sheik Wesam Charkawi said Before 1770 was a story of family, connection and mutual respect that was anchored in fact.
“Certainly, we want to challenge the false narrative of Captain Cook,” he said.
“Australia was not discovered. Aboriginal people are the world’s oldest continuing culture.”

The oldest, continuing culture is that of the San Bushman of Southern Africa, but anyone unkind enough to point that out gets deleted..

Bungonia Bee
Bungonia Bee
October 25, 2024 9:34 am

The UN Communist Many Feasto strikes again.
Guterrez demands immediate and huge cuts to emissions.
We need some-moa cuts or it’s toodle-oo Tuvalu.

October 25, 2024 9:44 am

Duelling Banjos Burgess has ­advised that these (weekly moozley nayzee hatefests) serve as a pressure release, which is valuable given the real risk of a domestic terror attack

A domestic terror attack by whom? It is a mystery. Those pesky Jooze, presumably.

Dr Mutton needs to jobsack duelling banjos as soon as the gliberals win the next feral erection – and no stuffing around – it’s “out the door, imbecile, toot de sweet, do not pass go, do not collect an AO”.

October 25, 2024 9:45 am

Stan Grant stars in new documentary Before 1770 that aims to ‘challenge false narrative of Captain Cook’

“I’m ready for my close-up, Sheik Charkawi…”

October 25, 2024 9:48 am

designed to encapsulate the history of moozleys in Australia before the First Fleet

As transcribed in felt pen on a postage stamp.

October 25, 2024 9:50 am

“I’m ready to get on down, Sheik Yerbouti*…”

*With apologies to the Zappa.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 25, 2024 9:50 am

Mike Burgess has ­advised that these (pro-Palestine rallies) serve as a pressure release

Bit’ve gratuitous pressure releasing going on in Portugal right now.

Crisis in Portugal as riots spread with Lisbon looking like a war zone (24 Oct)

Passengers were forced off a bus in Lisbon before it was sprayed with petrol and set on fire in horrifying scenes. It came as Lisbon entered its third evening of riots on Wednesday night.

According to the Public Security Police (PSP), it was one of two buses set on fire in the early hours of this morning in the municipalities of Seixal and Loures, in addition to two burnt the previous night in Amadora and Oeiras.

Speaking to the Lusa news agency, mayor of Seixal Paulo Silva reported: “An organised group of around 20 people stopped the bus in Arrentela, made the passengers and the driver get off, and sprayed the vehicle with petrol.”

The riots erupted on Monday evening in response to authorities shooting 43-year-old Cape Verdean man, Odair Moniz, which according to the PSP happened when officers “intercepted an individual who had been fleeing from the police” .

I suspect plod is very keen not to shoot dead any fleeing special people in the run up to the election. Having Bankstown, Greenacre or Dubbo go up in flames would not be auspicious for the chances of the Australian Labor Party.

October 25, 2024 10:04 am

A reminder that the Liberals can stuff up the most basic of infrastructure projects just as well as Labor:

The first of two new ferries for the Spirit of Tasmania will be delivered from Finland next month but it will have to be mothballed or leased out overseas because the new berth required to accommodate the ships at Devonport will not be completed until 2027…that’s if all goes according to the, er…plan.

Cassie of Sydney
October 25, 2024 10:06 am

Rebecca Yazbek was not entirely supportive of her husband’s views as she herself did not participate. but she did crack down on him like a good wife should.

Rebecca Yazbek knew and has long known, whether she fully supports everything her husband has ever done, that I don’t know but apples never fall far from the tree and as I said above…..LIKE ATTRACTS LIKE. And there’s a history here, in 2014 Rebecca Yazbek drove with her husband to Dover Heights to check out a Jewish communal rally. It was a huge rally, I know this because I was there that day. It has emerged that Rebecca Yazbek sat in the car whilst her husband walked into the rally and stalked Jews. He was yanked out by security guards, his face already known for his anti-Jewish activities.


Are you saying she did not know what he was doing at that rally that day in 2014? You’re kidding me.

Are you saying that a few weeks ago she did not know he was planning to attend a rally in Sydney’s CBD to celebrate the mass murder of Jews and at that rally hold up a placard of the Israeli flag with a swastika superimposed on it? Sorry, I don’t buy that. Did Al the Jew hater prepare that placard at home?

I tell you what, SHE KNEW AND SHE HAS LONG KNOWN. She’s only crying crocodile tears now because her restaurant business is imploding around her.

Earlier this year I watched a film called The Zone of Interest. It’s an excellent film, very disturbing, based on the book by the late Martin Amis. When I think of Mrs Yazbek, I’m reminded of the real life character from the film, Hedwig Hoss, the wife of Rudolf Hoss. The film chronicles very well her knowledge and collaboration with her husband. Oh no, Hedwig never got her hands dirty but she knew exactly what was happening in the neighbouring extermination camp and she benefited from the mass murder. The film opens with a scene where Hedwig is trying on, in front of a mirror, a fur coat, a fur coat once owned by a Jewish woman.

Perhaps my analogy to Hedwig Hoss is a little unfair to Mrs Yazbek but given the times we live in, given what I am seeing on Sydney’s streets every week, I don’t think so.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 25, 2024 10:09 am
October 25, 2024 10:22 am

Grant like so many in the polico-meja left carries on like a spoilt spiteful brat.

Top Ender
Top Ender
October 25, 2024 10:26 am

The first of two new ferries for the Spirit of Tasmania will be delivered from Finland next month…

Dunno why Incat is not building them, seeing as they are a major shipbuilder and based in Hobart.

Presumably they can’t or won’t build the right sort of ferry. They did have a catamaran ferry on the Bass Strait run about 20 years ago. Went on it once and it had a peculiar roiling motion which made a lot of passengers vomit.

(Speaking of Incat, I interviewed its founder Bob Clifford some years ago for my book By Derwent Divided, about the Tasman Bridge disaster. Just saw the other day he has retired to Surrey in the UK.)

October 25, 2024 10:28 am

Aboriginal people are the world’s oldest continuing culture.

The oldest, continuing culture is that of the San Bushman of Southern Africa

Be that as it may, progressives have been fetishising primitive cultures since the 1700s (Rousseau) and probably earlier, the conceit being that primitives represent the innate goodness of human nature uncorrupted by civilisation.

You don’t have to be an anthropologist to know this is bunkum.

Yet the conceit lives on, unperturbed by the fact that life in such cultures was “nasty, brutish and short.”

Last edited 2 hours ago by Roger
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
October 25, 2024 10:32 am

Director Sheik Wesam Charkawi said Before 1770 was a story of family, connection and mutual respect that was anchored in fact.

Wasn’t it the Muzzo fishermen, along the north coast, who introduced smallpox into Australia?

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 25, 2024 10:33 am
October 25, 2024 10:42 am

The best adjective for Thorpe is ‘dirty’.

October 25, 2024 10:45 am

Geez think of the deadshits that voted for that trash. The pubic serpents, the red skool ma’am, the soshal ‘workers’ etc etc.

Top Ender
Top Ender
October 25, 2024 10:45 am

Wasn’t it the Muzzo fishermen, along the north coast, who introduced smallpox into Australia?

You know better than that Zulu.

It was whitey with blankets. They managed to weaponise it in the UK at Porton Down and then carted it around the world in vials in friges before attacking noble advanced non-savages with it. Then they lied about having invented vials, friges, and Porton Down hundreds of years ago.

Didn’t Bill Shorten say something along those lines in Parliament?

Top Ender
Top Ender
October 25, 2024 10:48 am

On Bill and germ warfare:

“It’s time for truth-telling,” he said.

“We poisoned the water holes; we distributed blankets infested with diseases we knew would kill.”

It was back in 2017. Bolta demolished it:

This is not truth telling at all. For a start, “we” didn’t do any of this, since none of us was born then. But I challenge Shorten to back up his other claims. We poisoned the waterholes? We distributed blankets infested with deadly diseases?

When, Mr Shorten? Where? Name a single example.

In fact, Shorten has zero proof.

Activists and far-Left historians cite only one single case where they say blankets might have been poisoned, claiming rogue soldiers or convicts in Sydney in 1789 might have used smallpox scabs kept for inoculation to cause an epidemic among local Aborigines,

But that theory has been debunked. First, not even the conspiracy mongers have any proof of a crime so at odds with how Governor Arthur Phillip dealt with Aborigines. Second, as Dr Jack Carmody from Sydney University’s School of Medical Sciences says, the smallpox scabs would have been inactive and unable to infect anyone after being kept in Sydney for so long.

The poisoned blankets myth is actually an import. Infamously, a British general, Jeffrey Amherst, in 1763 discussed spreading smallpox among American Indians using blankets. That fact was wildly exaggerated by US historian Ward Churchill, a radical activist, who then claimed US soldiers had also handed Indians smallpox-infected blankets.

But Churchill was dismissed by his university after it was shown he’d simply made up his evidence. His claim was fake.

Yet Shorten now repeats an Australian version of that myth.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 25, 2024 10:49 am

This one is quite entertaining.

Charges pending after harassment over pro-Trump sign leads to shooting in Vegas (23 Oct, via Lucianne)

Political tensions are high as America heads to the polls to decide the next president, but some people are taking their disagreements too far.

Jennifer Lund, 38, and Timothy Parks, 45, are each facing charges including assault, battery, and stalking after an incident with three men that resulted in one of them firing a gun. Court documents claim that Lund and Parks were traveling together in a vehicle when they spotted a residence with a sign indicating support for former President Donald Trump.

“Parks parked his Tesla in front of the residence with Lund in the passenger seat… [playing] the song ‘[Expletive] Donald Trump,’” the court documents explain. It was shortly after that three men approached the vehicle. During the confrontation, one of the men reportedly punched Parks, while surveillance footage allegedly showed one of the men pulling out a firearm. When the vehicle took off, it reportedly ran over the foot of the man who punched the driver. The other guy with the gun fired at least seven shots at the fleeing Tesla.

“Lund stated since [the people] put the Trump sign in their yard, she feels like she has every right to tell them how she feels about it,” said authorities, according to the documents. “Lund advised this was not the first time she went to that house to play the ‘[Expletive] Donald Trump’ song. Lund states she hates Donald Trump and hates every person who represents or votes for him.” 

Sounds like a fine time was had by all, except for the guy who had his foot run over by the Tesla. What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.

October 25, 2024 10:53 am

The best adjective for thorpey is ‘dirty’.

Indeed, Milt. Whenever I have the misfortune to see the stupid vile slag (let alone hear her godawful physically painful squawking) she looks like she’s covered in dirt – and no, I’m not referring to the liberally applied fake tan.

Yet another ridiculous utterly useless barking mad collectivist imbecile that needs to be removed (and forcibly, if necessary – enough) from public life.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
October 25, 2024 10:54 am

Birmingham ramps up pressure on Thorpe’s senate status
comment image
James Dowling

Opposition senate leader Simon Birmingham has stepped up Coalition criticism of Independent Senator Lidia Thorpe, saying her defence that she swore allegiance to the “Queen’s hairs” was a “smart arse” statement.
Senator Birmingham, speaking on Sky News, argued Senator Thorpe had only partially fulfilled the requirements necessary for her to take office by wavering in her affirmation.
“The tone and the words on the ABC (interview) seemed to be proudly declaring in a smart arse type way (saying) ‘I didn’t say the oath, I didn’t read heirs and successors, I read hairs’. That was the tone of what was said,” Senator Birmingham said.
“Of course as soon as someone said ‘well if you did read hairs, if you did that intentionally and if you didn’t make the oath and take the affirmation as required by the constitution that could call into question the validity of your seat’ (then she walked the statement back).”
“Members of parliament need to both make and subscribe to the oath of affirmation of office.”

October 25, 2024 10:55 am

Let’s not delude ourselves. The average gardener cares more for his plants than aborigines did for ‘country’.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
October 25, 2024 10:56 am

Judge called out after allowing teenage criminal to perform a Welcome to Country before he was sentenced

  • Boy, 17, was being sentenced over break and enters
  • Judge Penelope Wass invited him to do Welcome to Country

Daily Mail.

October 25, 2024 11:13 am

I can prove Thorpe a liar. The queens hairs contain her DNA which are passed to her natural children. Therefore Chales III is her king.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 25, 2024 11:16 am

I think this is a nice thing, since the lady is both a trouper and exceptionally talented. Icelanders overachieve.

Butterfly for Björk (RÚV, 24 Oct)

A butterfly species has been named after Björk Guðmundsdóttir, called Pterourus bjorkae. The species is primarily found in deciduous forests in the eastern part of North America.

Pterourus bjorkae belongs to the swallowtail family and is a subspecies of the tiger swallowtail, or New England Tiger Swallowtail. Bjorkae is the largest subspecies, with an average wingspan of about 8.5 centimetres.

The bjorkae is bright yellow with dark patterns and orange spots. The butterfly’s larva resembles a small snake to appear more dangerous and scare off predators.

A pretty lady too!

comment image

(RÚV is the Icelandic public broadcaster, which I keep an eye on since they have lots of nice news about volcanoes.)

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
October 25, 2024 11:19 am

‘Re Farmer Gez upstream, has any progress been made in the last fifty years re shearing machines and/or chemical de-fleecing? Or perhaps insertion of the dorper gene?’

Chemical shearing has dropped off the radar because the fuss with fleece collection was a pain.
Robot shearing never completely replaced a shearer in the operation, so you’re better off with the shearer doing the whole job.
Dorpers are glorified goats with hair. It’s hard to run them with wool sheep as the dropped hair in paddocks contaminates the wool and value of course. Most are run in properties that concentrate on killers.

October 25, 2024 11:20 am

I have decided Lidia Thorpe is a conservative double agent

October 25, 2024 11:25 am

John H.

 October 25, 2024 8:34 am

 Reply to  GreyRanga

Take heart. I think, perhaps more correctly hope, that the tide is turning on these issues. There was a report last week that some European countries are enhancing deportation strategies. It isn’t specifically stated but the intent is directed to a category of immigrant known for blowing things up. Europe has had enough. In Australia and I imagine other countries the anti-discrimination acts afford protection for religionists. That needs to change.

The religion exception is only for muslims and the Dreamtimers. There is no mercy for Christians, I believe the bishop in Tasmania is still battling it out in court. I also remember the two preachers in Melbourne who ended up in jail some years ago.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
October 25, 2024 11:51 am

“Certainly, we want to challenge the false narrative of Captain Cook,” he said.

“Australia was not discovered. Aboriginal people are the world’s oldest continuing culture.”

Almost certainly probably definitely going to be a quality, balanced piece of historiography – although it’s not immediately clear what Cook’s ‘false narrative’ was.

Perhaps he denied that Jantzoon and Hartog and Tasman ‘discovered’ Australia in a European context in the seventeenth century.

October 25, 2024 12:06 pm

“No 10
and no turbos”

Gen 3 Chev V8 with twin turbos is good for >1000 HP on stock pistons, rods, crank and heads.
Plenty of aftermarket ECU mod software available (Oz spec ones need to be “unlocked”, but otherwise same).
Over the last 1100 L of fuel, trip computer in mine says average consumption is 15.3L/100km. Not bad for a 5.7 (not turboed though 🙁 ). Just about to need it’s 350k km service, likely still has hone marks on the bore (seen them with 380k km with those still visible to casual glance). It has the dreaded noisy lifters when cold and oil is getting old, but otherwise fine. Had 2 x water pumps and an “engine reseal” (sump, rocker covers, rear main), otherwise untouched other than regular servicing.
Stocker 300HP engine – plenty good enough for a shopping trolley and getting to/from work (for me, just work is over 400km/week)

October 25, 2024 12:25 pm

“LNP majority at risk in surprise poll” says the banner on Sky News.
Sounds like the media feeding its own interests again. They are investing heavily in coverage of the QLD election and want it to stay a cliffhanger. If it is that close I’ll blame all the Victorians who went up there.

Someone is wrong, the Betfair has 51 seats up.

For the ALP it’s bad. 19 pick ups for LNP 7 close though. Cooper & Mc Connell to the greens, Mt Ommaney & Mulgrave are close for very safe seats and may go LNP if swings are big enough

LNP has 1 line ball Ipswich west could be lost to the ALP.

Green should retain what they have.

Bookies can be wrong but given track records I’d trust them over Pollsters. Me thinks there a huge effort by left leaning institutions like the 4th estate to put the finger in the dyke for the ALP.

As for Chrisifooli this is where his small target strategy is giving them a chance to mount a last minute onslaught.

John H.
John H.
October 25, 2024 12:29 pm

“Australia was not discovered. Aboriginal people are the world’s oldest continuing culture.”

To be pedantic. They didn’t discover Australia. They had no concept of Sahul as a continent. Their only understanding was the surrounding areas where they lived.

Cook and others discovered Australia as a continent.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
October 25, 2024 12:31 pm

Article appearing unbidden on a newsfeed on my office compute:

Voters should welcome Labor’s hard-won stability.

Sourced from the SMH.

October 25, 2024 12:36 pm

…it’s not immediately clear what Cook’s ‘false narrative’ was.

Or whether taxpayer funds were used in the making of the documentary.

October 25, 2024 12:39 pm

Democrats have suckered the Trump campaign into competing for the “bro” vote.
But as I outlined yesterday, chicks vote at greater proportions and there are more of them to start with.
It’s a strategic error for Trump to compete for modern men, who can’t even change a tire, never mind find a polling booth.
No. Trump must compete for the chicky babe vote.
An immediate turn around to craft policies designed to ensnare the congenitally irresponsible is required. ASAP.

One: A pledge to immediately widen the borders to welcome millions more sullen, dangerous and highly excitable young foreign men. Ohhh. Dark and mysterious!

Two: Ladies, in the past you could go to the bathroom and meet only other women. Boring. Let’s inject a diverse and unpredictable range of persons into the bathroom experience. You could open the door to discover an old guy in a wig with a semi. Who knows what’s behind the door? Could be anyone or anything. Could be a naked ginger wrestling a pig. Anything at all. Exciting!

Three: Lower all special forces standards to stop the systemic discrimination against women and people of weight. Equity now! Immediately start five new foreign wars to test our new equity forces. Ladies! You too can die in a hole in the ground with limbs blown off, bleeding out while drones buzz around filming your final seconds. Attention AND the central role in a life and death drama. What all women really crave. And equal. So, so equal.

Four: Climate justice. For a century everyone could plug their homes into a grid producing cheap and reliable electricity. Men abused this system to imprison many, many beautiful princesses in the homes of unbelievable average and, ewwwwww, nice men. Gross. Instead we will hook homes into a grid powered by various cons and scams owned by a tiny number of oligarchs, whose male children will cruise the neighbourhood in Lambos and Ferraris offering you, the ladies, many, many opportunities for drama and possible enrichment. Tre exciting!

Five: Criminal reform. For thousands of years society imposed an unfair and discriminatory set of laws against the hottest and most exciting men who all women want to date. Serial “murderers” were unfairly executed, while many of the best minds for experimenting with substances, fencing goods and pimping were locked away from contact with women, leaving only the dull and dreary dregs of average men from whom to choose. Criminal reform will immediately refresh the dating pool for all women

Last edited 32 minutes ago by Arky
October 25, 2024 12:40 pm
  • Boy, 17, was being sentenced over break and enters
  • Judge Penelope Wass invited him to do Welcome to Country

Daily Mail.

Her fuking honour should be removed immediately. I suppose next when she has a muzzie terrorist before her she will allow him to do a call to prayers.

John H.
John H.
October 25, 2024 12:45 pm

US says THAAD anti-missile system is ‘in place’ in Israel | Reuters

Good ol’ Uncle Sam. He has so much stuff lying around he provides Israel with the optimal high altitude missile defense system in the world. That, with the Iron Dome, provides Israel with the best possible anti-missile defense.

October 25, 2024 12:56 pm

…it’s not immediately clear what Cook’s ‘false narrative’ was.

Or whether taxpayer funds were used in the making of the documentary.

Further context – reports Labor has been directing a lot of funding to western Sydney’s Muslim communities for “cultural activities.”

October 25, 2024 1:00 pm

Many of you read Jo Nova’s site. But just in case you missed this doozy:

Sometimes I think I am getting too paranoid about the state of the world – then I read something like this…….

October 25, 2024 1:05 pm

As Santamaria said of the alp- this party of school teachers and left wing lawyers.

October 25, 2024 1:13 pm

Mike Burgess has ­advised that these (pro-Palestine rallies) serve as a pressure release

It seemed likely to me that Burgess had advised the Albanese government (& probably the state governments) of this. Our spook agencies have been astonishingly quiet as the Pallies rage around our city streets.

Henry Ergas (God bless that man’s courage and intellect) has today, in the Oz, written an excellent analysis of the contemporary policy of security agencies on this very policy around the western world. Read it and weep. Or not. Time for a change of government at every level.

October 25, 2024 1:14 pm

For all the Cats following the US Election..

The Kamel’s rank incompetence at any task (except, maybe, giving blow-jobs) is now obvious, even to the most TDS-deranged Dementocrats, as well as most of the MSM.
Hence her poll numbers are tanking.
Only Deep Blob-affiliated propaganda outfits like MSNBC and The Atlantic are still pretending that this is going to be a close election.

All the while, Trump has formed a “Team of pirates” ie: JD Vance, RFK Jr, Tulsi, Vivek, Elon, Ackman et al, who have committed to reform the sclerotic, corrupt DC UniParty hegemony that killed US democracy in the 1960s.
This Team has an overwhelming political momentum, now obvious to all-who-are-not-brainwashed Dem retards, who still make up 40% of US voters.

Scott Adams today highlighted the fact that the extreme language used by
the Dementocrats Kamel Kampaign ie. that “Trump is Hitler, a Fascist etc..”, is irresponsible, inflammatory, unhinged and puts both Trump and the Kamel
at high risk of assassination by their respective haters.

The Kamel’s only quality, and the one incontrovertible fact that can’t be denied, is that she possesses an aromatic hairy clam, the prime Dementocrat criterion for suitability to the Presidency.
But so does that shrieking harridan Hillary, who was oh-so-cruelly denied in 2016 by Hitler himself…

Hence I pose the following “recreational” scenario, hoping that I am dead wrong:

In the next week, the Kamel is taken out by an assassin who, by some incredibly fast and clever sleuthing by the trusted FBI, is identified as a MAGA-loon.
The MSM and the Blob-Deep-State go ape-shit, claiming they were right about Trump, and MAGA, all along.
The cellulitic-old-slag Clinton is installed as the emergency Dementocrat candidate, the only true patriot that will save America and the World from the new Nazis.

… and the rest is history.

Top Ender
Top Ender
October 25, 2024 1:18 pm

Mel Gibson says he’s voting for Donald Trump this November and believes Kamala Harris has the intelligence of a fence post. 

Daily Mail

October 25, 2024 1:19 pm

Farmer Gez October 25, 2024 7:37 am

Last day of shearing and loving the tech.

Sounds different to my uncle’s farm near Euroa where I can recall the combustion-driven shears were replaced with shiny red Sunbeam-branded electric ones.

Once I came back from exploring the property proud to relate I’d found some ancient water channel possibly dating back to (in my mind) Roman times. All I got in return was a scolding mixed with relief that I’d managed to avoid falling into the dormant sheep-dip bath…

October 25, 2024 1:20 pm

On a lighter note, for the cooks here, the special food eaten on Simchas Torah, for us Ashkenazi Jews, is stuffed cabbage rolls.

Cassie, I am still recovering from the massive Lox Bagel I ate this week at Avner’s! Didn’t have any dinner that night!

  1. Charles is also her legal successor. So is William, in due time. Successor seems to have been ignored in all…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x