He represents the WEF.
He represents the WEF.
Yes, it’s bullshit clickbait and I had a rant about it this morning.
From The Oz…….. The Australian Federal Police has said the uncovering of a string of alleged criminal-for-hire fabricated anti-Semitic attacks…
“?You told Trump to leave us alone. Now we are alone!” – #ActionSA’s Athol Trollip
Elon Musk Hit the Mother Lode of the Deep State. Now He Believes He’s an Assassination Target. – PJ Media…
Joe Biden is an addled, corrupt, and demented failure.
The White House has become a memory care facility as Biden is led around by his corrupt kids and his Marxist staffers.
That’s why 37 depraved murderers have clemency.
DNC powerhouse fundraiser announces exit from Democratic Party following attacks: ‘It’s like leaving a cult’
Europe’s far right: Calls for EU to sanction Elon Musk for ‘interference’ • FRANCE 24 English
deceptive title. its not the far right making “calls”
‘Quinton? Oh, Quinton? Please make sure that Snookums the Chihuahua’s poached chicken breast is between 38 and 38.7 degrees.’
On my estate I have a big old Darwin Special rescue dog (Dude), and son/heir’s dachshund (Freddy). Son does a bit of buffalo shooting in his spare time, and brings back massive hunks of meat that are frozen, then chopped up with a tomahawk and fed to the pair of them bits at a time.
They love it. Not dead yet.
’Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the blog
Not a creature was posting, thru the alcohol fog;
Please continue
Volume has always been an issue for car makers. The merger of Honda and Nissan creates the third largest manufacturer after Toyota and Volkswagen.
The media will emphasise their relatively lower presence in EV manufacture, “the way of the future” being leftist gospel. Never mind that going down the totally intermittent route with insufficient coal, gas or nuclear will mean trouble at EV mill.
Will Hossan bring out a 6litre V8 supercharged Patrol?
If they do, I’ll buy one.
If not, I’ll stick with the 2003 one I’ve got.
No ding dongs.
I’m sure others watched Sky last night and saw snippets from a Youtube clip that’s circulating where prominent Australian Jews (and non-Jews) said thank you to Sky Oz and News Corp for their superb reporting and commentary on October 7 and its aftermath…..the spiralling Jew hatred across the West and in this country
Both Ruperdink, his new (Jewish) wife and Lachlan attended Central Synagogue last week. A friend asked to go but I declined, it’s not my normal shul, I go somewhere else. I’m not going to turn up just to be seen (and Central Synagogue is that type of Shul).
But I do know this, the Murdoch family are sincere, they have been unflinching in their emotional and financial support for the Jewish state and for Jews in the diaspora since October 7.
I liked what Sky star James Macpherson said in response to the thank you. James simply said that he (and others at Sky) call out what is right. And what’s right is that the country of Israel deserves support and that the endemic leftist and Muslim Jew hatred in this country (and elsewhere) must be confronted and condemned. Sadly, we don’t have a government that does this, instead we have a rancid government of appeasers and outright Jew haters.
I want to say thank you to James Macpherson. He is a beacon of moral clarity along with being a superb broadcaster. He is a Sky treasure.
However, glimpsing some of those ‘prominent Australian Jews’ I note that among those saying ‘thank you to Sky and News Corp’ were names such as Jeremy Leibler (a strong advocate of da voice), Jackie Frank (former editor of Marie Claire) and others. Now I suspect these men and women were once upon a time all paid up members of the progressive left, yet since October 7 they’ve experienced a brutal shipwreck. These poor souls have had a rude awakening, an awakening to the fact that it is the left and one particular religious ideology that is the home of unbridled Jew hatred. This is nothing new to people here, nor is it anything new to right-wing Jews such as myself but for years we were mocked and scorned for our right of centre views, and for calling out the fact that the single most dangerous ideology that Australian Jews faced is from a religious ideology called Islam. Nobody is mocking and laughing at us now it. The AJA, set up in 2017 by conservative Jews, was mocked and scorned for years by the likes of Jeremy Leibler.
I like epiphanies however it is just sad that it takes a catastrophe to produce them.
I remember how Sky Oz, back in 2019 when Andrew Bolt bravely questioned the Pell verdict, was subjected to a vicious campaign by scum far-left Nazi activists. Those Nazis pressured Sky advertisers to withdraw their advertising. It worked for a while, quite a few companies withdrew their advertising. But Sky stood by Bolt, Dean and its other presenters despite the vicious unhinged campaign. Those Nazis still try to pressure advertisers but it doesn’t work anymore, because Sky stood up to the Nazi bullies. And now Sky is laughing out loud because here’s the thing, speaking the truth, be it over Pell, Israel, Jew hatred and so on, will pay off.
And yes, Sky did buy into the Covid hysteria…like most of the world but it still gave a platform to Dean and other presenters despite a campaign (led by scum such as Rudd and the Miserable Turd of Point Piper) to silence Dean and Panahi for their Covid skepticism.
I bet if some seer had told Jeremy Leibler or Jackie Frank back in 2019 that they’d be praising Sky News Oz in five years, both would have fainted from incredulity.
Leaving the left is akin to leaving a cult. Your eyes and mind are opened and you can finally see clearly, I’m reminded of the lyrics from one of my favourite songs..
I can see clearly now the rain is gone
I can see all obstacles in my way
Gone are the dark clouds that had me blind
Yes. Just like Islam and Communism.
Any philosophy that refuses to let people make their own minds up is behaving in cultish ways.
Well said Cassie. And yes, James is one of the best.
Australia now hosts a record 1,018,799 international students.
[Source: Aust. Govt. Department of Education, Sept, 2024.]
Most of the increase of 124 000 on the previous year was driven by the sandstone universities, which pay no tax and are under no obligation to provide housing for these students.
Then it’s time for them to start paying taxes – hefty ones.
Either that or drastically overhaul the international student visa system.
Some time ago, before my retirement, when I worked in the university sector there were rules about the number of overseas students a university could host. International students could not exceed 30% of total full-time equivalent student numbers. I was aghast when it came to light during the COVID lockdowns that Sydney Uni and ANU had close to, if not more than, 50% international students. To fix universities and the housing crisis bring in the 30% rule again and enforce it.
With the vast majority on a pathway to citizenship I’m guessing.
Start by requiring the universities to provide accommodation and full medical support for all of their overseas students.
Tail wagging the dog. Treasury, UniParty approved.
It was heartening to watch those Sky endorsements. I nearly dropped a plate when I saw Jackie Frank thanking Sky – she looked very fraught and tired.
I’ve been to Central synagogue both pre and post fire. Beautiful place. I loved sitting up in the gallery with all the ladies. A good perch to keep an eye on the menfolk!
And speaking of keeping an eye on the menfolk, interesting to watch Dreyfus “calling” for Russia to treat the captured Aussie according to Geneva convention rules. Haven’t seen him “call” for Hamas to release the hostages, or even to treat them well. Perhaps it’s the wrong audience.
Is Russia a signatory to the Geneva Convention?
IIRC, it was the Nazi excuse for murdering their Soviet PoWs.
He has done so.
Thanks Roger. I hadn’t seen it. I’m glad and a bit less jaded for the news.
20 years in a Siberian gulag might “teach” him the error of his wayz .. LOL!
Quite possibly true. These ladies don’t know the meaning of democracy.
Harris would’ve won “if we could regulate social media.”
Doesn’t the bimbette mean “If we could regulate your social media?
…and she got 8k ‘likes’.
Easier than making a case to gain honest votes.
Migrant gangster seen in drag trying to escape police after violent torture of Colorado couple
Not much has changed there.
Poland: Netanyahu Will Be Arrested If He Visits 80th Anniversary Of The Liberation Of Auschwitz
Should have left the pricks to the Nazis and Communists.
Sis with a miniature, overbred for length, needs only one molecule off the verboten list to turn into a fecal powered rocket.
On the other hand, the standard smooth we had on the premium pizza topping farm treated anything that wasn’t in her pack as a menu item.
Roger. I saw the same stat’s re international students. What happened to the supposed policy to reduce their numbers? You know that the big 8 were complaining about. Looking at these numbers the big increases are in unis and VET. Ie trades.
The lying bustards had no intention of stopping the migration gravy train.
I suspect a lot are doing the minimum hours and working or not even showing.
Other half years ago before this was even a big news item worked with some Indian students. All were cleaning in the morning and driving taxis after, despite being enrolled at JCU none attended.
You might say it was dead on arrival, Jock.
Jason Clare has already had to fiddle with it once to direct more visas to the regional unis, which were complaining about not getting their fair share of the
studentsriches.I expect we’ll see another increase next year as there must already many new applications to be processed before the 2025 academic year begins.
Don’t forget that the principal mission of the modern ‘university’ is to pay the vice-chancellor at least twice as much as the prime minister. They need the money!
Just further to the left being a cult, it’s interesting how the X rival, which progressives and leftists are fleeing to en masse because X under Musk control now allows for free speech and doesn’t censor/silence conservatives, is called….
Blue Sky
We all know the left want an echo chamber, a sinister chamber where everyone agrees with everyone, and if you dare transgress you will be either reprimanded, exiled or put in cult purgatory.
Most here would have heard of L. Ron Hubbard, the nutcase founder of Scientology, an all round bare-faced messiah. Back in the 1950s and 1960s, when he was first spruiking his dubious ‘Dianetics’ and then later his selling his pseudo cult of ‘Scientology, Hubbard would say how ‘he wanted to sell to members who signed up to Dianetics and Scientology……
“a piece of blue sky“.
Leftism is a cult….a dangerous cult.
Sucked in!
Because someone who would welch on a loan that some other worker would have to pay off for them, is also stupid as well as being contemptable.
I wonder if it would have worked if the Universities had to dig into their massive funds to pay them off?
Most here would have heard of L. Ron Hubbard, the nutcase founder of Scientology, an all round bare-faced messiah. Back in the 1950s and 1960s, when he was first spruiking his dubious ‘Dianetics’ and then later his selling his pseudo cult of ‘Scientology, Hubbard would say how ‘he wanted to sell to members who signed up to Dianetics and Scientology……
“a piece of blue sky“.
LOL! L.Ron was an absolute genius conman. Decades ago when the media were making a fuss about Scientology the story carried on and L.Ron was unavailable for comment as he was sailing the Mediterranean on his yacht.
See also “Strange Angel” the story of Jack Parsons, one of the original Jet Propulsion Lab group in Pasadena. An associate of Heinlein, L.Ron, Howard Hughes and others. Some stuff on L.Ron in there.
There’s been quite a bit of professional psychological research in recent years about the cult like traits of left wing authoritarianism (LWA).
The concern is that unlike the cults or RWA (right wing authoritiarianism), LWA is a mass movement.
See also “Strange Angel” the story of Jack Parsons, one of the original Jet Propulsion Lab group in Pasadena. An associate of Heinlein, L.Ron, Howard Hughes and others. Some stuff on L.Ron in there.
Hubbard was clever, and evil. Early on, post-war, he was involved with LA’s magic and satanist scenes. Dianetics and it’s daughter, Scientology, contain aspects of magic and other such dangerous stuff.
I had a cousin involved in Scientology. It rots the brain.
That stuff is in the book. I’m not certain L.Ron was evil, more of an opportunistic con artist who took advantage of gullible people. I don’t think he believed any of the bs he sold.
At an upper level its a business training and networking organization.Incredibly well organized.I worked with a guy who had left but his sons remained.They were financial planners being spoon fed lists of potential clients by other members.My coworker was rung every morning by a lady from the US asking when he was coming back.He had to be nice because of his sons who were making a motza.
They thought that bending the knee to Islam would get them off the hook?
Ha ha! Think again, Quislings!
The reason Eire takes in so many “immigrants” is MONEY .. The EU not only payz them per head but kicks in for upkeep &, more importantly, puts a lot of EU contracts (business/money) Eire’s way ….. Big money stuff that would, normally, be out of reach …!
Walking through Dan’s usual beggers ally a year or so ago, I noticed a couple under a banner ‘Old Blue’.
They are a retired couple who foster retired blue cattle dogs. They have apparently developed a reputation and are now contacted by farmers wanting a better old age for their blues (or any old age).
I’ve been out there a few times. The guys and gals are a bit hobbly and a touch blind but they still have the “cummon I dares ya” fiesty gleam in the eye. They are great fun.
When our service club decided to help out, we were surprised to learn that very few of the old fellas had ever tasted meat. Work like a maniac all day just to earn some dry biscuts does not sound like much of a deal.
A cattle property I worked on in the late seventies fed the working dogs pig pellets. Apparently, the pig pellets contained a lot of meat and were cheaper than dog biscuits.
The dogs seemed okay.
How do I get in touch with them? Sounds like just what I’m after.
Neither dogs nor humans should eat biscuits
I doubt my Spitz has ever tasted food. It goes down too fast.
Early morning coffee, and reading the “Chips Channon Diaries.”
Mention is made of one Alexander George Thynne, ( 1932 – 2020) by courtesy Viscount Weymouth, from 1946 to 1992, when he succeeded his father as 7th Marquess of Bath.
He was claimed to have had SEVENTY mistresses – did the ladies have names or were they allocated numbers? Inquiring minds want to know..
Marquis of a Very Large Hot Tub.
They all had names, just what are you suggesting?
All called ‘Darling’.
70 mistresses – I dips me lid!
Chinese undermining in the Pacific again?
Bingo, 4hrs old and barely a week after the Vice Foreign minister of PRC visits:
Penelope oh Penelope where are you? At least Peters is on to it though belatedly though.
Neither major political leader (Albo and Dutton) managed to give much of a hat tip to Christianity. Albo managed a quick mention through gritted teeth. Dutton nothing much.
The 20th Century version of the “prophet” Mohammed, the Middle Eastern warrior who founded a fake religion that mimmicked Christianity (except for its morality) as means of instilling obedience in inbred 6th Century Arab peasants, which — in an era that adores false gods — is enjoying a worldwide resurgence.
“There’s a sucker born every minute” — P.T. Barnum, circa 1885.
over the last ten years there’s been an explosion of academic research on the pedo; I believe, in some academic circles, the 1,000-year fetish of picking on Christianity is shifting its focus. There’s a lot more forensic facts we’ve found out about the Quoran, its MANY versions, and just things written in there that just don’t stack up.
I’m all for rigorous interrogation into any religion but I think a bit of focus needs to go into this.
Christmas present!
Queensland LNP sacks Labor-linked executives (Sky News, 24 Dec)
A good start. Now fire the rest of them Mr Crisafulli, and about 20,000 public sector drones.
Some of the picks are questionable though
Hallam for example is a rubbish choice. The thin skinned wan#&$was sending out concerns notices to people who mocked him with Jabba the Hut names/memes. Yes he would be likely on the weight spectrum as obese.
Was running the LGA too which is a rip off organisation that promotes build & buy local to select few Brisbane based contractors and suppliers, most of the councils in Qld have signed up and as a result don’t get best value for money for rate payers. IMO too close to the previous ALP administration too.
The LG minister here is a deadset useless clown too. Our council is an absolute mess and needs to be put in administration with new elections called. So far she’s done nothing despite a lot of correspondence from fed up rate payers.
It looks to me as if Matt Gaetz is being targeted for his part in ousting Speaker McCarthy. Of course daytime Sky gives him no support, reports as if guilty without trial.
But if a conservative objects to someone frequenting prostitutes he/she is a reactionary, repressive whorephobe. Yes, that’s an official phobia these days, according to no less than, Nevena Spirovska, the shill for Fiona Patten’s Sex Party who, unbelievably, was the media liaison officer at the County Court of Victoria during the Pell trial.
Just watched (sound down) Elbow’s Yuletide address to the nation.
I really should have picked this up earlier, but it is now quite apparent that he is doing his absolute level best to look as much like John Howard as possible.
The eyebrows in particular are the giveaway.
KD, I heartily agree, but I couldn’t uptick it as I was busy cancelling the downtick of your personal troll, who I suspect is also Calli’s troll.
Hahahaha! Nailed it!
It’s hard to imagine JWH dyeing what remains of his hair, but I take your point.
They have their own Senate ticket.
See also “Strange Angel” the story of Jack Parsons, one of the original Jet Propulsion Lab group in Pasadena. An associate of Heinlein, L.Ron, Howard Hughes and others. Some stuff on L.Ron in there.
A very interesting book is
“Astounding: John W. Campbell, Isaac Asimov, Robert A. Heinlein, L. Ron Hubbard, and the Golden Age of Science Fiction”
Hubbard sucked in quite a few early Sci-Fi authors, particuarly Heinlein and Campbell for a while, but others like A.E.Van Vogt for many years.
An interesting biography of the four men, all were a bit “out there”.
G’mornin Cats! Half a day at work to tidy up a few things and then a glorious 8 days off!
Handy tip for holiday viewing is Dr Jim Tours.
Amazing guy, Christian yes, but has totally destroyed decades of so-called Origin of Life research! He doesn’t claim “god of the gaps” and believes one day we’ll find out but we are probably a few hundred years from understanding anything.
His main arguments (you really should watch him):
He’s had plenty of debates with online Youtubers but none of the life of origins Perfessers want to debate him. He put out a video yesterday saying that if any of those Perfessers could answer any one of five simple questions, he’d delete all his videos and never talk on the matter again. Nobody replied.
I had to go fact-checking one claim he made as I was incredulous; but he turned out to right:
I was, frankly my dear, amazed.
Last I heard they had got as far as porphyrins. That was quite a while ago.
So, a bit like upgrading from a saw to a hedge cutter. 😛
That is, a “tool for life,” but still inert.
I think the discovery of porphyrins is interesting because our magnification abilities grow every year and the cell just becomes more complex, it’s almost as if “we’re drifting further away” from understanding rather than coming closer.
I’ve also heard plausible discussions about the time required for evolution….. and that the age of the universe is insufficient
When you have millions (billions?) of years to play with, nothing is improbable.
Hands up anyone who has managed to change the blade on a Stanley style box cutter, and have it work smoothly.
I just did it – first time in 50 years – and I have no idea what I did right.
Not even once, a trip to Bunnings for a new blade always ensues…
Aren’t the current blades dreadful shite!
I bought a lot of single-edge scraper and Stanley blades some years ago, and I try to make them sharp on the Tormek.
And the mini hacksaw blades… I wore the teeth away trying to cut a teaspoon to match the client’s needs. Those things used to cut through bolts like butter.
Now take it apart and do in again. And again. And again until you can do it blindfolded.
The key is to take the little flimsy insert into which the blade goes, out of the case, and carefully line up the blade with the slot cutouts. Then put the insert, with the blade, into the case, taking time to ensure the little thumb lever bit is right and everything lines up correctly. Lastly, put the other half of the case back on, without f*cking moving anything else. It needs to rotate slightly to slot the two joining tabs at the blade end to mate evenly.
Maybe the last step is to slide the casings together, while holding the back apart slightly.
Look, just jiggle it until it goes. BUT DONT move any of the internals while you do it.
Hold the lower casing with one hand, slide the top casing with your other hand, and hold the steel backing slide and blade firmly together in place with your third hand.
Final step: see how 5mm of the tip of the blade sticks out while being completely locked in place? Now hurl the Stanley box cutter against the wall while shouting obscene insults about its mother at it, before stomping off to buy a modern blade knife.
The last step is to tie the torniquet around your wrist to stem the bleeding.
Easy for you to say.
I had my mechanics genes obliterated as a youngster.
I’ve never had any trouble. Now ask me about the long blades you break off. @##%%$@!#$%%
I’ve had my Stanley Fixed Blade Knife 10-299 since 1978 – I think, never a problem. Used it as a storeman for years.
Mine was issued to me as very new classroom teacher. Still going strong, never had an issue with blade replacement. Maybe mine is the Simple Girly Edition (TM).
For dealing with really hard case students?
And yes, Sky did buy into the Covid hysteria…like most of the world but it still gave a platform to Dean and other presenters despite a campaign (led by scum such as Rudd and the Miserable Turd of Point Piper) to silence Dean and Panahi for their Covid skepticism.
Yes, very thankful for Rowan and his crew for facing down so many of the powerful and influential. What I was reminded of in those awful years – was the importance of critical thinking. Some are born with it, others have learned it through excellent teachers. But it is literally a life-saving skill.
I still am gob-smacked at the relative ease with which the “educated” were herded and isolated from the everyday world. It unnerved me, and the memory of it still does.
I still recall driving to the farm on virtually empty highways, and being stopped and asked for “our papers” (the travel exemption because of our farm) by a very very threatening constabulary.
I wonder how many have revised their trust in either “the science” or “experts”. I suspect very few.
Indeed Vicki
But I suggest some “quiet Cats” were initially worried about the ChinaFlu. I remember the day it arrived in Perth, and we were told to pack up our computers and go home. I reckon I was last man standing on St George’s Terrace; it was a ghost town. Yes, I was certainly worried seeing the pictures from overseas.
Having said that, it didn’t take long for me to realise this was just another flu; albeit human engineered and potentially purposefully leaked. And, of course, as with any flu, the elderly and immuno-compromised got sicker than the rest. I was, however, immediately sceptical of the vax.
I don’t, however, rewrite or revise my own history about my initial, if fleeting, feelings about ChinaFlu.
And in police.
I still am gob-smacked at the relative ease with which the “educated” were herded and isolated from the everyday world. It unnerved me, and the memory of it still does.
As others observed…. if you wondered how the nazis got the people to go along with it…. now you know
I still am gob-smacked at the relative ease with which the “educated” were herded and isolated from the everyday world. It unnerved me, and the memory of it still does.
The airline dispute in 1989 was the precursor. Nobody wanted to stand up and say “this is dumb”. The Union got them all to buy fax machines and kept up a one way stream of propaganda on them long after it was obvious to the rest of the world that it was a lost cause. “Don’t listen to anyone else”, “if friends don’t agree with you, get rid of them” etc.
The companies eventually said enough, unless you apply within 48 hours you will never be employed by us again. A bunch joined but there is still a “scab: list. Of course they weren’t scabs as there was no industrial dispute after they all resigned early on. Norm Gallagher must have been rolling around the floor pissing himself laughing.
A giant of cinema.
Crocodile Dundee star dies marking ‘end of an incredible era’ (23 Dec)
Not many crocs get to be movie stars, and even fewer will now in the age of CGI.
Merry Christmas to all cats and kittehs!
Loving this time, even the honeydo projects for shadecloth and potplants.
Our crazed rampaging Police Minsiter is certainly upsetting some innocents, with his boot in the face of those trying to hold onto Great Granddad’s Mauser broomhandle.
But I am totally distracted with family, its time with my favourite people in the world. Lovely lady, soldier son and I went to see the latest ‘Lord of the Rings: The Dotage of Denethor’, an anime marvel.
Woke shit stereotyping human behaviour, scripting and story aspects. The animation of the seige engine burning almost made up for animated horses that moved like… coffee tables.
And the most used line, after the grizzled warriors and senior generals have done the int work, planned the operation, covered contingencies, issued the gear, formed up for the charge and pulled the GO switch…
“WAIT” yells the little princess boss who just rode up from her side quest.
Everyone goes fight, but they were WRONG see. The form up and do te prep again, get ready and GO.
“WAIT” yells the little princess boss who just rode up from another side quest.
Everyone decides to have a wail and lament cause they are doomed.
“WAIT” yells the little princess boss who just rode up from her side quest.
Someone falls off the wall defending her stupid ass.
“WAIT” yells the little princess boss who just rode up from her side quest.
At the end, the badass princess girl boss killed the bad guy (childhood playmate who wants to marry her) by beating him in a swordfight despite his reneging on surrender, then strangling him to death with the edge of her shield. The animation of the buring seige engine ALMOST made up for the trite and stupid wokeism.
The final scene: the little princess boss rides off on her new side quest which seems to be to not get married or be stuck with boring ‘being King’,seeing all her brothers and Dad had got killed in heroic poses. With her faithful old ‘last of the Shield Maidens’ wingperson. Into the sunset.
Five people were in the cinema, every one gritting their teeth for 120 minutes at the tactical and strategic stupidity pouring from the screen.
Thanks Chris; that’ll save me $15 in cinema tickets.
I’ve been waiting for Reagan to come out on streaming but no sign yet…
Uptake of the boosters is around 20% and most of them would be in aged care homes or workers in that sector.
So, 80% of people aren’t following the advice on boosters, at least.
(Did I see the ABC running a how to avoid covid at Christmas story? Why yes, I did!)
Detainees puffing on taxpayer-funded smokesDamon Johnston
41 minutes ago.
Updated 2 minutes ago
Taxpayers are spending hundreds of thousands of dollars providing immigration detainees with free tobacco and cigarettes under a federal government scheme designed to improve “quality of life” but which is blamed for creating a black market and violent confrontations in the centres.
While most state-based prisons throughout Australia have been smoke-free for years, detainees are allowed to puff on a range of cigarette brands.
Detainees are not charged for the tobacco pouches and cigarettes, which they purchase using a system that awards them points for good behaviour in the detention centres.
The scheme places a nominal points value on the cigarettes, with the most expensive being a 25-pack of Winfield Blue and Winfield Red, which cost detainees 26 points each.
The smaller 20-packs of both brands cost 21 points, as do packs of Pall Mall Red. Roll-your-own tobacco pouches such as Champion Legendary Ruby and White Ox cost detainees 26 points.
On the outside, the cigarettes sell for about $35 to $49 a pack and tobacco pouches cost around $80.
A source said the scheme, in some cases, had created a black market trade in cigarettes and tobacco within the centres, which had led to confrontations and clashes.
The Australian Border Force – operator of the network of six centres around the nation, housing almost 1000 detainees – has refused to disclose how much providing free smokes to the detainees costs taxpayers annually.
“We have nothing further to add,” an ABF spokesperson told The Australian.
More government wasting taxpayers dollars. They could be procuring smokes from the Lebos for half the price.
Maybe AIDS finally caught up with him?
Bill Clinton hospitalized for “testing and observation” after developing fever – CBS News
Fauci should be ’round in a tick…
Aids, you say. More likely an evil look from the bitch in a pants suit. The one who’s not a President.
Roger, thank you for the correction on Dreyfuss. Sometimes it’s a relief to be wrong!
One could say “We should hear more from him” but I gather it’s a cabinet thing for him in that foreign affairs is not his portfolio. Is that an excuse? I’ll leave that for his conscience.
He also dressed down the Greens for their inflammatory rhetoric, resulting in the threat of a defamation lawsuit from Bandt. Not sure where that ended up.
Someone down ticked that….why not take it up with Dreyfus?
Fido flying high.
Number of cats and dogs exposed to cocaine has increased significantly since 2019, study finds (Phys.org, 23 Dec)
I wonder if this is why Biden’s dogs kept biting Secret Service agents? We still haven’t heard whose cocaine it was that was found in the White House safe.
I hadn’t thought of that BoN.
I wonder if the poor damn thing went through withdrawals after it was transferred?
Thirty here for Christmas and I’m setting the timer for when the wife loses it.
It’s after noon, so get ’em all in the kitchen and open the cooking sherry.
Don’t forget to record the mayhem.
Add some Methamphetamine for violent action.
…or Captagon if you’re willing to hose the place out with a fire hose after the coppers and ambos leave with the major chunks.
The Six Triple Eight – The Most Netflix Movie Of All Time
The Critical Drinker
Forget Stalingrad. Forget Normandy. Forget Berlin. According to the latest Netflix drama, the real battle of WW2 was… sorting a backlog of mail.
Mrs TE watched it the other night and proclaimed it OK but too woke. Lotsa good black ladies and fat stupid white generals not seeing how useful the ladeeze could be,
Funny, the US military diaries I’ve read from WWII, while not refraining from pointing out the failures, generally awarded points for effort and efficiency to the Forces overall.
Critical Drinker mentions other more worthy stories which would be excellent to make films of. One was “The Night Witches”, Soviet female pilots, I read the book around thirty years ago. A very good read.
Another Woke Girl Boss Of Colour shouty shouty time, judging by the video review I took in.
I occasionally go through my references about global boiling and rediscover many examples of how and why it is such bullshit. This one caught my fancy: every place on the planet is warming twice as fast as every other place on the planet: seriously:
Everywhere is warming twice as fast as the rest of the world!, page-1 – HotCopper | ASX Share Prices, Stock Market & Share Trading Forum
Wow! Good find Cohenite! Thanks!!!
In Your Taxpayer Dollars at Work News:
Detainees puffing on taxpayer-funded smokes
Taxpayers are spending hundreds of thousands of dollars providing immigration detainees with free tobacco and cigarettes under a federal government scheme designed to improve “quality of life” but which is blamed for creating a black market and violent confrontations in the centres.
While most state-based prisons throughout Australia have been smoke-free for years, detainees are allowed to puff on a range of cigarette brands.
Detainees are not charged for the tobacco pouches and cigarettes, which they purchase using a system that awards them points for good behaviour in the detention centres.
The scheme places a nominal points value on the cigarettes, with the most expensive being a 25-pack of Winfield Blue and Winfield Red, which cost detainees 26 points each.
The smaller 20-packs of both brands cost 21 points, as do packs of Pall Mall Red. Roll-your-own tobacco pouches such as Champion Legendary Ruby and White Ox cost detainees 26 points.
On the outside, the cigarettes sell for about $35 to $49 a pack and tobacco pouches cost around $80.
A source said the scheme, in some cases, had created a black market trade in cigarettes and tobacco within the centres, which had led to confrontations and clashes.
The Australian Border Force – operator of the network of six centres around the nation, housing almost 1000 detainees – has refused to disclose how much providing free smokes to the detainees costs taxpayers annually.
“We have nothing further to add,” an ABF spokesperson told The Australian.
The emergence of a taxpayer-funded “free smokes for detainees scheme” comes as the Albanese government faces fresh scrutiny over its immigration record following revelations in The Australian on Monday about hard drugs, including heroin and methamphetamine, flooding into centres.
The Australian detailed three cases of drug smuggling in the system in the past three months, including a package of heroin and methamphetamine being left in a dining room.
In other cases, a mother accompanied by her two children was found trying to smuggle 250 grams of methamphetamine into Villawood detention centre in Sydney’s west and CCTV filmed two men throwing a package of drugs over a fence, which was then picked up by a detainee.
Security staff searched his room and located a makeshift weapon and a drug pipe that tested positive for methamphetamine, fentanyl and morphine.
Opposition immigration and citizenship spokesman Dan Tehan said revelations about hard drugs was a symptom of broader mismanagement of immigration detention by Labor.
“Australians will be outraged that Labor is letting murderers and rapists out of immigration detention but letting drugs go in,” Mr Tehan told The Australian.
The ABF has defended the “free smokes for detainees” scheme. “All detainees accommodated in an immigration detention facility are eligible to accumulate ‘points’ under the Individual Allowance Program (IAP),” an ABF spokesperson said.
“The purpose of the IAP is to provide detainees with access to discretionary items likely to improve their quality of life.
“IAP ‘points’ can be used by detainees to purchase incidental items through the immigration detention facility shop. Incidental items may include personal care products, snack foods and soft drinks.
“Currently, a limited amount of tobacco is also available to detainees using IAP ‘points’. IAP points do not carry a dollar value equivalence.”
The ABF said in addition to being awarded a weekly number of points, detainees could accrue bonus points to spend on tobacco and other items by participating in programs and activities.
These programs, the ABF said, were designed to stimulate and promote the mental and physical wellbeing of detainees.
They were intended to “improve the quality of life for detainees by providing them with access to incidental items, and to enable detainees to exercise a level of self-agency over their daily lives while they are in immigration detention”.
Oz allowing comments so some moderators musta pulled Xmas duty.
How many law suits for promoting lung cancer down the track?
Arriving from Indo with a love for the smokes would blow a hole in the budget.
Eventful year for Avi. You got to love him.
A true champion.
10 best moments the media REFUSED to air this year
Wonder if there’ll be yet more disgraceful “Palli Action” at carols tonight?
Two weeks ago at our Catholic Church, during the consecration (it was dark outside so couldn’t see) but the whole assembly heard a bunch of what sounded like (foreign) teenagers repeatedly shouting out “Allah Akbar!”
I happened to be sitting next to a friend who is “agnostic” about that war but always seems to be criticising Israel and said “the religion of peace eh?” For once, the quick-talkin buddy couldn’t utter a single word out (disappointingly not even in condemnation of people trying to interrupt a religious service)….
I later thought that someone should’ve called the police, even though they seemed to be shouting as they passed by (i.e. they didn’t hang around)…
I’ve told the story before but about 7-8 years ago an Islamic man (maybe 18, 19) came up to me in the church carpark and asked if I “followed Jesus” and I said “yes, of course.”
He told me that if we didn’t convert, ours and the Jews “blood would flow in the streets.”
I had some political connections at the time and I begrudgingly agreed to their direction to call the terror hotline. Did so and the parish priest told me he got a visit from the cops and Federal Agents.
Today, we have a large metal fence around the entire perimeter of the Church. The fence doesn’t appear as robust as any Bollards of Peace…
Can I have 70,000 pizzas delivered please?
WATCH: Bengals Fan Wins Entire Stadium Free Pizza After Kicking 40-Yard Field Goal (22 Dec)
I did this once on a slightly smaller scale. I won the office NRL tipping competition, so I bought pizza for the whole department. Rang up Dominos and asked them to deliver 100 pizzas…
They arrived, delivery guy says to me quietly “It’d’ve been nice if you’d warned us a bit earlier…” “Sorry” says I. The Dominos place must’ve been absolute chaos after my call. Being a scientist I am completely thick when it comes to such things.
News today:
Just returned from lunch. I walked up to Peter Sheppard shoes and bought yet another pair of shoes I don’t need…but they’re very nice!
Walking out of Westfield onto Pitt Street Mall, my intention was to go to the Nut Shop in the Strand Arcade and then onto Abbeys in York Street but what did I see? I saw a group of Pallie and Leftist Nazis holding up a sign about the ‘genocide in Gaza’ and waving the Pallie Nazi flag…smack bang in the middle of the Pitt Street Mall.
So much for Christmas, so much for respect.
But guess what, I recognised one of the Nazis, a female who I’d see in the footage of that protest two weeks ago outside the Great Synagogue….because protesting outside synagogues is what Nazis do.
So I walked up to the ‘protesters’ and I stood in front of her and I said ‘I recognise you, you protested outside the synagogue a few weeks ago’. She smirked and then I said….
Am Yisrael Chai
I then walked off. I went to the Nut Shop and to Abbeys and I walked back onto Pitt Street Mall, only about half an hour later, and I saw that the Nazi scum had gone. Perhaps the police had moved them on?
Oh wait, silly me, the NSWaffen police only move on and charge Jews.
Pretty ballsy Cassie!
You wanna watch out for some of these “types.” They’re not all useful idiots.
Well done, Cassie. Eyeball these creeps. They are happy to shout slogans but hate to be challenged. I had similar flag waving protesters at Newtown Railway Station a few weeks ago. I told them to release the hostages. They replied by waving their flags and scream the rivers to sea riff. I didn’t eyeball them though. You are very courageous. Thank you.
“What river to what sea” usually produces a stunned silence.
Cassie, you’ve cracked the secret code: all of those pro-Palli fascists are cowards who need the cocoon of the mob to feign bravery.
All leftists are cowards — and the only antidote is bravery. None of that is available in the death cults of leftism and Islam, which both demand unquestioning obedience.
Great, great satisfaction for you to probably have moved them on, Cassie. Few people have the courage to face the foe in that way – outnumbered by creatures with no conscience or understanding.
You honour those who were slain so horribly on 7 October.
Off-topic I know, but I visited Sydney every year bar one from 2001-2011.
Every time I was there I would make a point of visiting Abbeys.
Fantastic bookshop; sadly we have had nothing like it in Melbourne for many years.
Urban big thing proposes ” fixing” Narnia by not getting the point of the whole thing at all.
Because ” modern audiences”…
Safe bet that Netflix will NOT make “The Horse and his Boy”.
From “The Times.”
One fifth of armed forces not fit to fight, admits MoDIn the case of the army, 16,335 soldiers are either ‘medically not deployable’ or have limited deployability, amounting to 23 per cent of all troops
Larisa Brown
, Defence Editor
Monday December 23 2024, 8.00pm GMT, The Times
More than 10,000 serving sailors, soldiers and aviators cannot go to war because they have been declared medically unfit, it can be revealed.
In addition, nearly 15,000 troops can only be deployed if the mission meets certain criteria, such as the weather is not too hot or too cold and they are not exposed to noise.
Overall, one fifth of the regular armed forces cannot be relied upon to fight, according to the figures disclosed by Al Carns, the veterans minister, after questions submitted by the Conservatives.
Nearly a quarter of soldiers and officers in the regular army cannot engage in combat without any restrictions and nearly 3,000 sailors are deemed unfit to go to sea under any circumstances.
In the case of the army, 16,335 soldiers are either “medically not deployable” or “medically limited deployable”, out of a total of 71,340 personnel, amounting to 23 per cent of all troops.
Only 55,005 soldiers in the army are considered fully deployable, which means they are capable of serving without medical restrictions.
Mark Francois, the shadow armed forces minister, said the figures were “deeply worrying, especially within the army”.
He said: “Not only has the army now shrunk to just over 71,000 soldiers, almost 2,000 below its established strength [but] of those, almost a quarter are not medically fully deployable.
“This requires urgent action, not just regarding recruitment and retention but also remedial action, especially physiotherapy, to ensure our remaining soldiers are truly fighting fit.”
Francis Tusa, a defence analyst and editor of the Defence Analysis newsletter, said: “This shows, again, that some of the key problems facing the MoD and the services are not necessarily equipment and ammunition — they are, more broadly, personnel issues.
“The MoD and services need to work out what is causing these medical problems, and take action. If there needs to be more physiotherapists, then hire them, even at a premium.”
John Healey, the defence secretary, has already warned that the size of the army is expected to shrink even further next year to below 70,000.
Carns said this month that the entire army would be killed or wounded within six months to a year of war with an adversary like Russia in a speech said to have angered No 10.
“Into the Valley of Death
Limped the gallant 600.”
Waddled, not limped.
So instead of getting rid of “unfit” personnel they keep ’em on “light duties” so the official figures (without any details) look good & it’s only when a full audit is dun the “problems” come to light …
Typical gummint “book keeping” ………….
300+ years of my ancestors are turning in their graves in the West of Ireland:
Ireland considers replacing Israeli Embassy with Palestinian Museum – Türkiye Today
Mine, too. Maybe the best of the Irish left all those years ago.
Similar to Scotland
I’m sure Israel can leave a little departure gift, to make certain that doesn’t happen.
The View:
“Harris would’ve won if we regulated social media”
MP’s brother called to the bench for Christmas (Tele, paywalled)
Keeping it in the family.
Snort snort.
Look at how Tanya’s husband’s career has progressed.
I absolutely dread the thought but if a Jew* or Israeli supporter were killed by one of these idiots in Australia, the following would happen:
Yes, the perp would be apprehended but there’d be burn-outs and flags flying out Lakemba way (and elsewhere) by “elated” people, whilst Albo & Co would be telling us this was “totally unacceptable but please do not let Islamaphobia take hold.” There’d be mass protests by the idiots against “its” treatment by police and incarceration. Calls of racism. Perhaps even riots.
The perp would be out of prison in 10-15 years and be “totally reformed.”
(*honestly can’t believe I am even writing this in 2024, do you really, honestly, think there aren’t some fundamentalists in Australia who secretly harbour these desires. Woeful Australia)
The horror.
In Griffith this morning and had a coffee with a bloke who has around 40 coming tomorrow and 30ish the next!
But he’s a wog.
So just keeping it in the family?
Mossad spy salmon!
Salmon activists in link to anti-Israel activities (Tele, paywalled)
Really interesting how greenies have outed themselves as antisemites in this most obnoxious and disgusting way. Makes me want to go buy some nice salmon fillets.
My 2c worth. ASIO needs to get off it collective and start looking into these issue motivated groups and overarching NGO’s.
Whether it be illegal immigrants to animal activists to green groups. There’s plenty of overseas money coming into these mobs with not so transparent backgrounds or motives.
Cattle farmers that I conversed thought due to work are deadset of the opinion that the animal activists that got the live trade ban under Gillard were indirectly being funded by Brazil. 10 years ago I would have thought it was a stretch but now not so certain.
The whole NGO thing is out of control – they’re funded by outsiders and work against Australian interests.
Brand name please, BoN?
Just so I can stock up.
I like Tassal’s smoked salmon. Tastier than the other ones Coles has, and yes they are farming them in Macquarie Harbour (which industry Plibs is trying to kill). Norwegian smoked salmon is bland by comparison: I’ve tried it a few times when it’s been on special.
Must be the Mt Lyell copper tailings that gives them their spritz.
A side of salmon for lunch tomorrow. I shall ponder these dickheads as I indulge.
Most here would have heard of L. Ron Hubbard, the nutcase founder of Scientology, an all round bare-faced messiah. Back in the 1950s and 1960s, when he was first spruiking his dubious ‘Dianetics’ and then later his selling his pseudo cult of ‘Scientology, Hubbard would say how ‘he wanted to sell to members who signed up to Dianetics and Scientology……
“a piece of blue sky“.
Is that where Pierpont’s famous holding company got its name?
I miss Pierpont (sniffle).
No writer in the finance pages would get away with it these days.
“Pierpont” introduced me to Glendronach single malt..Trevor Sykes has a lot to answer for..
And Blue Bottle, the geologist
Plus Sir Mark Time
Hi Dover.
It’s Christmas Eve and I’m bored. Watching The Nanny on Sky.
ALF comes on next – now that is fun.
Merry Christmas everyone and have a Happy New Year.
And thanks Tom for the cartoons every morning. A beautiful way to start the day.
It’s been a while..
Classic track.
Duran Duran – Hungry like the Wolf (Official Music Video)
I thought it was some sort of joke, but it’s not.
Political Polls
2028 General election poll
Harris 43% (+2)
Vance 41%
Harris has about as much chance becoming president in 2028 as I do.
Not addressed in that poll: does J.D. Vance defeat Ron deSantis for the GOP nomination?
Was the poll taken in DC?
One fifth of armed forces not fit to fight, admits MoD In the case of the army, 16,335 soldiers are either ‘medically not deployable’ or have limited deployability, amounting to 23 per cent of all troops
I hear the ADF isn’t much different. From what I’m told the only battalion 20yo that had a training company was the parachutists. Mostly full of guys recovering from jumping accidents.
Apparently all the Battalions have a similar entity these days. Not only that they have been downsized to 3 rifle companies with one of the line units in Townsville about to go to 2 companies.
We are not serious about defence.
Two companies? Just like an Army Reserve battalion.
Have to be 1 RAR as 2 is a downsized amphib unit and 3 has the M113’s but yes from second hand.
The army reserve is in even worse state from the same people. Seems young guys aren’t interested anymore.
The men and women who would have served, aren’t even bothering to front.
Why would a white man/woman serve in an organisation representing the people who despise them?
And this isn’t a new thing – there were undercurrents in the 90’s. I know when I left in ’94 that many in both the Junior Officer/NCO ranks were fed up with the pay, the senior ranks and the bloody mindedness of it all.
Add to that the 70+% who aren’t even fit to enlist in the first place.
Callii, if you’re about, do you have a common name for Tradescantia zebrina, apart from the one we all know and which I’ve just confirmed is believed to have an antisemitic origin?
It was in my grandmother’s yard when I was a teen and tended to bounce back after diligent weeding efforts. At the time I thought it was wandering dew – misheard, I guess – but soon learnt the common name without knowing it was antisemitic but always having a suspicion.
Now it’s appearing in my Mum’s garden 40 years later…
I’ve always called it “Wandering Jew”. Another species in the genus is called “Moses in the Cradle”. Seems to be an Exodus theme going on here.
John Tradescant was a great naturalist and gardener who travelled widely collecting specimens.
Wiki says “silver inch plant” is another name. I have no idea where that comes from but the leaves are silvery.
Yep, always heard it called that.
Known for the fact that it is almost impossible to eradicate – something the Jews would agree with, I think.
Hollywood hacks, hasbeens and whores melting down:
POS Clooney won’t go on same talk shows as Sylvester Stallone:
Hamill is a mess
Julia Roberts has her garters shoved up his huge arse
De Niro has left the US.
Neighbours (from both sides) coming in shortly for a drinky-poo or three sooooooo …. to all Cats and Kittehs (with the usual exclusions) ….
a very Merry Christmas, hopefully shared with family and/or friends and a prosperous and healthy 2025 which should be full of optimism for better things ahead.
Ditto. 😀
Gotta run now Cats!
Have a great Christmas if I don’t manage to login over the next few days! I’m sure I’ll pop up before 2025!!!!! 🙂
Take it easy!!!
Bon chance Gez, you are gonna need it.
I picked up some cup cakes from our diamond encrusted patisserie this morning. The woman in front of me with her helpers picked up eight full sized cakes.
She announced that there were 42 for lunch and she was doing desert. At between eighty to one hundred dollars per cake that is going to be some dessert. I guess tinned peaches and evaporated milk ain’t going to be on the menu.
PS. Has anyone else noticed that the price of prawns, oysters and bugs has nearly doubled.
Here in Port Macquarie the prawns are still the same price. No change.
Used to get a sushi/sashimi bento box with a mix of bugs and salmon. Yummy!
I wonder if the Chinese have something to do with this? The ban was lifted three days before Christmas, and airfreighters full of sea food must be flying relays to Shanghai.
The smaller 20-packs of both brands cost 21 points, as do packs of Pall Mall Red. Roll-your-own tobacco pouches such as Champion Legendary Ruby and White Ox cost detainees 26 points.
Champion Ruby and White Ox?
I suspect that someone is having a lend.
That said, an old bloke told me that you could always tell that someone had been ‘inside’ if he voluntarily smoked White Ox, which was the only brand on offer in prison. Nobody else would touch it.
Almost as bad as Gauloises.
Hairy Festeringpenis descends into muttering about ” Jew gold” phase of derangement.
The Corpse Bride.
I had my septic pumped out last week.
I’m sure I saw her in there.
Nobody else would touch it.
we used to have a packet of white ox and papers stored on the trawler for emergencies.
when we were caught out for too long the depraved tobbaccophiles would grimly choke down an ox or 2 a day…
I rolled & smoked White Ox for 20 years until I gave up smoking around 2000 …….
Via substack…
If this is the same James Macpherson who hosts on Sky, then for a journalist he’s got a remarkably good grasp of Christian doctrine.
Might even be worth watching:
Stolen and posted on the family WhatsApp group.
Pretty good. I think James had been a pastor before his media career. Thanks for posting, Roger.
Aha, there you are.
Damn fangled modern computer stuff (iPad)
Some of the Arab cigarettes are waaaay worse than white ox, even Gadam Gurung smoked by Indos are much more pungent.
Apparently the smoking rooms in any south east Asian airport are so full of smoke from stronger cigarettes than Australia you can almost get a nicotine fix from second hand smoke, from what I’m told. Could be a tad exaggerated for effect.
For all the unbelieving, yet tolerant Cats here. 😀
NZ looks like it is about to get a very very nasty east coast low for Christmas. 981 hPa atm.
Sydney to Hobart, till 27th when the southerly comes through some strong looking northerlies on the back of that high.
Can global boiling get any dumber? Yes, yes it can:
Bill Gates Launches Scheme to ‘Save Planet’ from ‘Climate Change’ by Chopping Down Millions of Trees
Frank Bergman Slay News February 13, 2024
Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates has just launched his radical new scheme that promises to “save the planet” from “climate change.” As Slay News reported last year, Gates’s organization, Breakthrough Energy, plowed $6.6 million into the project led by Kodama Systems. The project promised to remove “carbon emissions” from the Earth’s atmosphere by chopping down trees and burying them underground.
The move will see 70 million acres of forests, mostly in the Western United States, cut down.
According to the project organizers, “scientists” say “burying trees can reduce global warming.”
Kodama claims that burying the trees will prevent them from allegedly “spewing” carbon back into the air.
The trees will be buried instead of being used for conventional means, like timber for housing.
This week, Gates has just launched a new product to work alongside his tree-chopping project.
Graphyte, a carbon removal startup backed by Gates’s Breakthrough Energy, just kicked off operations at its Arkansas-based plant, according to Inc.
After the trees are culled by Kodama, they will be sent to Gates’s Graphyte for “carbon casting.”
The company’s “carbon casting” technology involves drying and compressing biomass from timber and agricultural by-products into blocks roughly the size of shoe boxes, the report explains.
The blocks are then covered in an impermeable barrier, buried underground, and monitored to prevent decomposition.
This supposedly eliminates potential emissions created when the biomass is burned or left to decompose.
The one-year-old company has just launched its goal of removing 15,000 metric tons of CO2 from the atmosphere by the end of 2024 by burying culled trees.
The company is also aiming for an additional 50,000 in 2025.
“Graphyte’s first facility producing carbon casting blocks this week will become the largest carbon removal company in the world in the next several months and alone will remove 50,000 tons next year,” Graphyte CEO Barclay Rogers said in a statement.
“This is not a hypothetical, this is happening as we speak.”
Graphyte claims its “innovation” will allow for the removal of carbon at the cost of about $100 per ton.
Carbon removal via direct air capture, by contrast, can cost anywhere from $600 to $1,000, according to the World Economic Forum (WEF).
The startup predicts its method will keep captured carbon out of the atmosphere for more than 1,000 years.
Graphyte boasts investment from Breakthrough Energy Ventures, which counts Gates, Amazon’s Jeff Bezos, Alibaba’s Jack Ma, Virgin Group’s Richard Branson, and hedge fund manager Ray Dalio on its board or among its investors.
It already inked a deal in November 2023 with American Airlines, which paid for the removal of 10,000 tons of CO2.
https://slaynews.com/…/bill-gates-launches-scheme-save…/ See less
One good business idea and thinks he knows everything. Grifters gotta grift.
Yeah, but all his big ideas were copied or bought. Every one.
Doesn’t make sense.
Why on earth would you cut down natures CO2 regulation system and replace it with one that is man made and requires power. Unless you are going to profit handsomely off it…
One of the snowball earth phases was when CO2 dropped to very low levels and like their pet greenhouse theory was a perpetuating event. Continental drift disrupted the oceans currents as well adding to the effect but glaciers and ice caps advanced towards the equator reflecting sunlight back into space further cooling the planet.
This what they are after, I don’t think so but could be a nasty side effect in dealing with systems they don’t fully understand.
On the bright side, there will be a lot more coal in a 100,000 years or so.
And how much ‘investment’ will be by the taxpayer?
Honestly, more good for the planet would be by compressing Bill and his mates into 10 litre blocks and burying them under two miles of ice in Antarctica.
The project promised to remove “carbon emissions” from the Earth’s atmosphere by chopping down trees and burying them underground.
That will become coal and oil in the fullness of time.
Speaking of matters defence. I am wading my way through Hypohystericalhistory’s 6 hour 20 minute analysis of Australian Defence Policy since WW2.
Only half way through as I am listening to it while allowed to work on my trains in the garage. I hadn’t realised how badly Gillard f’d the Navy in particular, and defense in general.
Have just delivered a paper at the Menzies Institute arguing his government’s term from 1949 to 1966 delivered strong, balanced, and wise defence decisions.
From then on, not so good.
Missed your correct spelling Top Ender.
Apologies for nitpickery but isn’t it “defence” in Australia?
Not to mention sports commentators deef ence, off ence.
Yep, Great analysis !
Merry Christmas to all from me
… and here’s a Christie present from Bill Gates
The Department of Health has been notified of a detection of vaccine-derived poliovirus type 2 (VDPV2) in routine wastewater sampling in the Melbourne metropolitan area.
An inactivated polio vaccine is used in Australia, which means it cannot multiply in a person, is not found in the bowel or sewage and cannot cause polio disease.
Plenty of previous examples of killed virus vaxxes resurrecting.
Back in the 90s Gates just seemed like a rather uninteresting nerd. Turns out to be very dangerous and evil.
Around about that time (maybe even earlier) I was already hearing extremely disturbing stories about him and how he would go to any lengths to further his ends and had in fact already done so.
Nothing has happened since to convince me otherwise.
for sure
How do I say it’s Bill Bloody Gates without saying Bill Gates?
I’m not a cactus expert but I know a prick when I see one.
Indian doctors blame Gates for a devastating vaccine-strain polio epidemic that paralyzed 496,000 children between 2000 and 2017. In 2017, the Indian Government dialed back Gates’ vaccine regimen and evicted Gates. Polio paralysis rates dropped precipitously: https://humansarefree.com/2020/04/b
These people need to be put in straitjackets and thrown in a padded cell.
This is beyond insane.
Former Democrat turned ‘Trump-ocrat’ explains why he now supports the GOP
Speaking of the navy, how decrepit is the US Navy?
When they are not running into other ships, they are shooting down their own planes from aircraft carriers.
Let’s hope Trump’s appointees sort it out.
These people need to be put in straitjackets and thrown in a padded cell.
This is beyond insane.
Even more insane than the poms importing American woodchips to run Drax power station.
Remember when the Greens went berserk about the wood chip industry in Tassie and Victoria? Midnight Oil wrote a song about it as I recall.
Now crickets.
Johanna December 24, 2024 5:44 pm
Speaking of the navy, how decrepit is the US Navy?
Not as bad as the Kiwi’s, at least they know how to turn off the autopilot
Nice little Twitter summation of the NRL & Mam situation .. LOL!
EVs are HOPELESS in winter | MGUY EV News 24 December 2024 | MGUY Australia
The rate of a chemical reaction halves with every 10 degree drop in temperature. That is a chemistry rule of thumb.
So in subzero temperatures EVs are arthritic old ladies.
Doesn’t apply to ICE engines since they operate at the combustion temperature of the fuel-air mix, not the ambient air temperature.
Keir Starmer: enemy of freedom | Exposing the PM’s authoritarian past
Why woke is losing
“Wishing you and your loved ones a joyful and safe Christmas. May it be a time of rest, celebration and cherishing those closest to you.”
No mention of prayer?
We are about to celebrate what many believe was the most profound moment in human history. Mostly, we celebrate it with excess in every way – although I know that this is not meant as any sort of profanity. It is a spiritual celebration that we have shaped over the years to become a domestic celebration of goodwill to friends, family and community.
At it’s best, I think Christmas is a time for great reflection. Our own family has suffered a death just a few days before the celebration of life. The relative was an adopted member of the family who never seemed to come to terms with her relationships. I hope she is finally at peace.
May I take the opportunity to wish all Cats a Christmas of blessings. You are all a source of much stimulation and joy. I thank everyone of you. and may God bless you all.
Yep ‘bugs’.
And on the fifth day he created Moreton Bay Bugs and declared: “you are my sweetest crustacean”.
Balmain Bugs are a close second.
Ocean rats
Words fail me, they honestly vooking do.
‘A wonderful woman’: Jimmy Barnes unveils another grown-up childBy Karl QuinnDecember 24, 2024 — 11.14am
Listen to this article
4 min
Jimmy Barnes has unveiled the latest member of his family – a grown-up daughter who, for most of her life, he didn’t know he had.
“Christmas is all about family,” he wrote in a social media post on Monday. “And we would like to introduce my daughter Katy Lee, who has been in our lives for the past five years.
“Katy is a wonderful woman and since discovering that I was her biological father, our family and extended family have loved getting to know her. It’s been heartwarming to see good relationships growing with her sisters and brothers.
“We have always respected her very strong desire to keep her family life private and will continue to support her. I’d like to take this opportunity to wish you all a very happy Christmas. I look forward to bringing you all more music in the New Year.”
Katy Lee Carroll, a real estate agent in Coffs Harbour, is the eighth known child born to the Cold Chisel frontman.
He shares four children (Mahalia, Eliza-Jane, Jackie and Elly-May Barnes) with his wife, Jane Mahoney, to whom he has been married since 1981. He has a son, the singer and TV presenter David Campbell, who was born when Barnes was just 16 years old, with Kim Campbell. And he has three other children (Amanda Bennett, Megan Torzyn and Katy Lee Carroll) from other relationships.
Barnes, 68, is one of the hardest-working men in showbiz. He joined Cold Chisel in 1973, when he was just 16 years old, and recently completed a 50th-anniversary tour of Australia with the band (albeit a year late). He has had a significant solo career as well, has authored six books, and toured a spoken-word version of his autobiography Working Class Boy.
He has lived the very definition of the rock’n’roll life, struggling with alcohol, drugs, health – including heart, hip and back surgery, the last a result, he said, of “50 years of stomping around stages” – and, of course, extramarital sexual liaisons.
This is not the first time Barnes has discovered a child he did not know he had.
In 2010, he met for the first time his daughters Amanda, who was then 36, and Megan, 37. After confirming paternity, he welcomed them into his family.
“My only regret is not knowing them when they were younger,” he said at the time. “But life is what it is, and all things happen for a reason. At the time it was probably better for them that they didn’t know me, because I was pretty wild.”
Barnes was similarly unaware of Katy Lee Carroll’s existence until five years ago. They have been developing their relationship out of the glare of the public eye since, and reportedly only chose to go public because they feared the story was about to break.
“Five years ago, I discovered that my biological father is Jimmy Barnes,” Carroll said in a social media statement of her own, which is no longer publicly visible. “Since that moment, I’ve been embraced by the Barnes family with love, warmth and incredible understanding.
“Over these years we’ve slowly, carefully gotten to know one another and this journey has been one of patience, respect and tenderness. It’s been a deeply meaningful process and I am truly grateful for the bonds we are building together.
“This journey of discovering my family has brought up a lot of complex emotions and I ask for your understanding as I navigate this alongside the joy of reconnecting with my father and his family.
“My hope is that my privacy will be respected during this time, as I continue to work through these challenges. It has been an extraordinary gift to be welcomed into such a talented and kind family and I am thankful every day for their support.
“This discovery, though exciting, has been approached with great thoughtfulness, not only for me, but also for my children and all of our extended families. As we continue to nurture these relationships, I remain committed to protecting our privacy, allowing each of us to grow and heal in our own time.”
How old is Katy Lee ? Article doesn’t say ….
Tomorrow is both Christmas Day and the first day of Hanukkah. I shall light my Hanukkah candles tomorrow night and watch them as they light up my living room. I always find Hanukkah candles quite extraordinary to watch, they burn through quickly.
Whilst different, both festivals are intimately related, because Christianity is the daughter of Judaism. There would be no Christianity without Judaism, there would be no Jesus without Judaism, he was born of a Jewish mother. Both festivals share similarities, the message of Hanukkah is about Jewish survival and bringing light to the world.
I pray that the West becomes ‘re-Christianised’. It must because for the world to survive, for the West to survive, people must find their Christian faith again.
We know the alternative, and it is both stark and horrendous.
I write these words sipping wine because I am profoundly depressed, my mother is gone. I can’t believe she’s not here, she was such an amazing woman, strong, articulate, opinionated, gutsy, utterly fabulous, people adored her, her friends adored her, her children adored her.
I wish all Cats and Kittens a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. This place is a godsend, where we can scribble our thoughts and views and know we’re not alone. I don’t mind the banter, the disputes and the stoushes because at the end of the day we agree on the basics.
I am not a super brave woman but I will not crouch and hide in the face of evil, that evil being rampant Jew hatred. This is where I know I am my mother’s daughter. I am a proud Jew and a proud Zionist. I hope my mother is proud of me.
Am Yisrael Chai.
Regardless of difference you might have with people here, I get the impression you are very much your mother’s daughter Cassie.
You’re from a line of survivors. You will find that strength. Don’t be afraid to lean on the community you have for support.
Best of wishes in these trying times.
There are many people here thinking of you, Cassie, and of your grief.
Keep on with your works, Cassie. Even though you dis me regularly I appreciate your views (and those of others like Melanie Phillips) and will try not to be offended by you.
I don’t ‘dis you regularly’.
Many hugs, Cassie. Grief is the work of a lifetime.. ours and theirs.
May the sparkle of the candles bring you warm memories and many blessings. Your utterly fabulous mum may be physically gone but the relationship of deep love continues to infinity and beyond.
Take care, we need your strength and fierce example to navigate the rough waters out there.
Spider Wort
Ta. I asked AI and I think that was one of the options, but I appreciate the feedback of NI (natural intelligence). 🙂
James Macpherson doing a good run on Bolt’s spot nails a “humanist” bint for saying about Christianity: Martyrdom is a repugnant virtue!
Wow! Did she ever say the same about Islam’s encouragement and canonisation of martyrs?
James Macpherson has done more to hasten Andrew Bolt’s demise than any other holiday substitute. Macpherson is an intelligent marvel. Blot is an arrogant, self-opinionated boor who can’t get enough of his own opinions.
Of course she didn’t, she rather likes having her head attached to her shoulders.
She is the embodiment of the modern-day lefty.
Merry Christmas dover, and thanks for all the efforts putting up with us on this wonderful space.
And Merry Christmas to all cats, whose contributions are so valuable and diverse (in the best way). I’m hoping that with Trump’s election the worm has turned and we’ll see more common sense deployed. We sorely need it.
Merry Christmas to all and thank you for the wonderful debates, witty exchanges and incites. Thanks, Dover, for allowing this to happen. I learn so much here and enjoy it very much.
Matt Goodwin on the U.K.
This is Just the START of an Immigration EXPLOSION
Rockdoctor grumbled:
Oh I don’t know. We’ve effectively assigned the task to the US Navy 7th Fleet and they seem pretty serious. 😀
James Macpherson continued on and belted it out of the park with a trio of pro-Christians and pro-Jewish guests. Good on him.
Heh, far-right.
You are disturbing the force Dover!
For decades we wasted our time and money planting as many trees as we could and now let’s cut them down and bury them, at our cost again of course. I get the feeling we are being had.
Just the Taxpayer who will, of course, be funding this insanity.
But they will be cut down with electric chainsaws and buried in holes dug by electric excavators, so it must have gayas approval, right. Right?
More than a feeling.
I can understand not knowing about one biological children, but sisters born at least a year apart?
Merry Christmas to you all.
I’ll be bringing forward the new OT for Christmas Day. Why wait until Thursday.
Thank you, Dover. Merry Christmas.
Aha, the usual billionaire suspects are now going to sell us coals which they will make by cutting down the world’s forests and compacting the wood into graphite. Their normal businesses must not be doing so well if they need to invest in the environmentalist version of snake oil.
Andrew Lawrence
Sir Keir’s Christmas message.
Throw. Them. Out.
Every. Single. One.
What happened to the so called reduction?
Keir Starmer: enemy of freedom – spiked
Three rifle companies per infantry battalion?
Not serious.
Or, or – there is a dearth of people willing to do those yards.
Do they still have to shout *BANG* on exercises or do they get actual blanks these days?
Asking seriously.
I carried an M60 – I had to shout “Automatic..Automatic..Automatic.”
Ours was gun …gun … gun
Had a few interesting experiences as a result of having to yell “bang” or gun as the case might be.
Ours was
Die Hard not on FTA this evening.
We used to be a country. A proper country.
Repeats of Big Bang Theory it is then.
As a Christmas movie Home Alone would also do just fine…since it features a certain guy.
Home Alone 2: Lost in New York
Stamer another soft handed enemy of the people- violence against them is contracted out
I can understand not knowing about one biological children, but sisters born at least a year apart?
Agree, I’ve never had much time for Jimmy Barnes.
Don’t know much about Barnes, but his son David Campbell is a woke idiot.
On the bright side at least all those women or girls didn’t have abortions.
James Macpherson on Christmas:
‘Grab for power’: Diversity is a ‘smokescreen’ for something else
I missed this news.
Two weeks ago McKinsey entered into an agreement with the DOJ to settle their involvement with Purdue Pharma.
Looks like a pack of soon to be former DOJ staffers are lining up jobs.
bons observed
There’s a technical term for that. Shrimpflation.
Please see yourself out. Cost of living crisis no laughing matter.
I think we’ll get three more Christmases before the Third World tidal wave overruns us.
And I hope those who rendered us defenceless are happy with what they created.
Our National Anthem before all music is banned by the Supreme Imam.
Environmentalism was not impoverishing us fast enough so they found something that will and does not depend on our input.
Entirely fair enough.
This is the issue with people who are accorded role model status solely because of fame, and it is the exact reason that shouldn’t happen.
I think Jimmy Barnes rocks – or rocked, until he became a vegan after-lifer in his later years. I prefer to remember him on stage, with his Jap headband on and holding up a bottle of vodka to a baying crowd.
But he rocked as a singer – not as a person, because I have no idea what sort of person he is.
Bon Scott – absolute magic on stage. Not a role model, because he was a pisswreck cone-fiend which caught up with him early.
Shane Warne – nothing better on a crikkit ground. However, according to multiple reliable (and thrown into the forgettory) sources, one of the great dickheads of our time.
I have also reliably heard that Ben Roberts-Smith – although beyond compare in his field of endeavour – was not well regarded at all within the SF community.
Of the ten greatest footballers, of any code, in our time, back it in that five will be complete cockmuppets as people.
There are even books about Bradman who – with a significant evidence base – paint him as a pro-Protestant, anti-Mick bigot who influenced selections while he was in the team and prevented people not of the same brand of faith from making a shilling from their trade, even though they had no other occupation.
Never, ever, meet your heroes.
Almost like people who are driven to succeed in the top of their field forgo pretty much everything else that might round them out.
Barnes brother John swan had a vastly better voice.
Ian Moss was Chisel’s best singer.
My Baby.
Alice Springs boy.
I absolutely cringed the time I saw Shane Warne being interviewed after a test match, and he said that this was one of those times “you can pat yourself on the back.”
Who talks like that?
I have also reliably heard that Ben Roberts-Smith – although beyond compare in his field of endeavour – was not well regarded at all within the SF community.
I have reliably heard that part of the situation is a certain element in the Special Forces community believes that since Ben Roberts Smith received a high award, they should have been decorated as well.
“Mindset is more common then you would think, young Zulu. “
So agree,so many unsung
Thanks Dover for this place, This “scrofulous” place. lol. (HT numbers)
A very mild evening here before the forecasted return of global warming tomorrow and Thursday.
It used to be called “summer”.
Hopefully with Trump back in we can again call it summer.
For the last little while I’ve been watching all the birds come and go in the big Jacaranda and Kurrajong trees. This passing parade came to a climax when a Pee Wee spied our ginger cat, earlier chased up the Jacaranda by the youngest Kelpie and who subsequently plonked himself in his favourite fork to await the chaining up of said canine menace.
Anyway, the Pee Wee let out a warning screech which seemed to summon every bird within earshot and within 15secs the tree was full of two mobs of Apostle birds (so 24), Blue faced honeyeaters, noisy’s, pee wees, wagtails and at least three blackbirds circling on overwatch. The noise was terrific for a good 8-10 mins and I’m unsure if the cat even raised his head!
They all shot through as the sun set. The dogs are tied up and the cat has resumed ground level operations. All that can be heard now is the chirping of the insects and the ringing of my tinnitus!
Its what counts for silence on the outskirts of a small country town this Christmas Eve 🙂
Merry Christmas everyone and thank you all.
Chins up.
‘Unbelievable’: Jewish host axed from radio station
This is the issue with people who are accorded role model status solely because of fame, and it is the exact reason that shouldn’t happen.
Wise words
As a long time lurker and rare poster, I add my thanks to Dover for this site, and sincerely appreciate all the wisdom, links, commentary and banter. It is a source of much new and valuable information and an exposure to much common sense and historic and modern detail.
My best wishes to all who contribute much quality content and a Very Merry Christmas to all. And may 2025 deliver the promise many see and hope for.
Early morning coffee, and reading the “Chips Channon Diaries.”
Mention is made of one Alexander George Thynne, ( 1932 – 2020) by courtesy Viscount Weymouth, from 1946 to 1992, when he succeeded his father as 7th Marquess of Bath.
He was claimed to have had SEVENTY mistresses – did the ladies have names or were they allocated numbers? Inquiring minds want to know..
Cited this episode to Mme Zulu, who tells me I shouldn’t get any ideas..
Merry Christmas to all, and thanks Dover for providing a space for conservatives and libertarians to gather and chat.
Wow just saw Dennis Walter on Melbourne Carols.
Takes me back to the GMV6 days and later WIN Shepparton.
So far he’s been the highlight, the elf crew were mildly amusing, Dami Im did a good performance, Casey Donovan rubbish like her Idol performances and the wiggle chick, well the kids liked her.
Hope it gets better.
Did he sing “The Holy City”? It was always the highlight of Carols.
Just glad Lisa Wilkinson is persona non grata these days.
Last bit of Edinburgh Tattoo, then Groundhog Day for me.
Yeah Dennis is great. One of Geelong’s finest. Rest of it, hard to enthuse.
Merry Christmas Cats, thanks for all your efforts, hope you have a wonderful celebration tomorrow.
Merry Christmas everybody. Especially Dover for this wonderful site. It’s full of lots of different perspectives, but they are nearly all based on common sense and sanity, and a fundamental decency.
Which is why numbers doesn’t like it.
Numbers Bob had his sorry arze handed to him on this site.
The problem that Numbers Bob has, is that what’s written in the past twenty years, with access to the North Vietnamese records, reveals just how completely the North Vietnamese played him for a mug…
Played the anti – war movement for mugs.
“Hanoi Bob” I’ve called him.
He denies being a Marxist even though he is.
Heh heh. Groundhog Day scene where he drops Ned Ryerson. It’s on Channel 7.
Merry Christmas
This channel is great. You get to see all these outback towns. I’ve been binge watching on the big screen. Also, the music has been excellent…. (subjective )
The amount of distance this bloke covers every year is crazy.
Road Train Across Australia – Newcastle to Port Hedland – Part 1
My favourite Jimmy Barnes song. His first hit IIRC.
Galloping a horse has been under-utilised in music videos IMHO.
Merry Christmas folks. Hopefully no family feuds.
Well, last chance to wish you scrofulous lot Merry Christmas!
But seriously, I hope that above all your Christmas is filled with love … for family, for partner, for each other, for humanity, for … whatever.
Without love, we are reduced to lowest forms of life.
So eat, drink and be merry … for tomorrow Also will find something new to tax!
Also = Albo
merry Christmas, ya bunch of mongs
… and dover has the patience of a saint !
A comedy classic, but also deep and mystical, the old Groundhog Day.
Turns out to be very instructive as to what can be achieved with the right attitude and intentions.
Why it stands the test of time I suppose. Before Hollywood went full Satan.
And I was so in lust with Andie McDowell …
Yeah she was nerdy hot.
Certainly was!
To win the American woman all you have to do is dedicate every waking moment to predicting every possible whim, desire and preference of some bossy, frizzy haired cow, over and over and over again until you, driven repeatedly to actual suicide, get it right.
In return she will roll her eyes and make snippy comments at every mistake, until you can prove yourself inhumanly perfect.
Kill me now.
This movie literally depicts a man driven past despair and suicide to meet the expectations of modern woman.
Meanwhile, her farts apparently smell like the rarest and most expensive of perfumeries.
Driving the pick-up truck over the cliff in the quarry with the raccoon in tow is your favourite scene.
You’ve been channeling Jake the Muss a bit lately. You are probably right in the grand scheme.
Yeah … nah!