You never hear about the time it took six years to come out from underwater after 2008 or whenever. Good…
You never hear about the time it took six years to come out from underwater after 2008 or whenever. Good…
This cloth was brought back as a relic and for years shown off every year Back Their knowledge of conservation…
Simon Holmes A’Court at the National Press Club. Starts by praising Tony WindsorThats not really a surprise. Must have missed…
Just had an experience that has left my gast flabbered. Been going to the same nut, bolt and fastener shop…
Baron of the Taiga@baronitaigas12mIf Putin rejects the ceasefire, the people who have been calling him Hitler for 4 years will…
He and the Orange-Oaf just re-hired big balls, which is a giant fck-you and we don’t care what you think to the American left.
Stay on message.
The correct expression is :-
“I really don’t care, Margaret”.
But, yes, I think that was why they had a re-think.
They cave on this kid over a few tasteless, but probably tongue-in-cheek and “ironic” Insta posts, then the MSM will keep trying to dig up shit on all of them until they find one of them stole a Mexican kid’s burrito in third grade or whatever.
It only stops if you tell them to f-ck right off … and then maybe retaliate with a good hard look at the record of the WSJ bint who used to work at USAID.
Musk did s twitter poll asking if they should rehire bb, overwhelming yes and JD Vance weighed in arguing that young people shouldn’t have their lives ruined because of a few careless remarks.
Big Balls needs a statue dedicated to him.
It only ever happens in a bizarre parallel universe where normality reigns.
Baby steps. Will they go nookular against cancel culture?
I bloody hope so.
Thanks JC, I don’t disagree with anything you’ve written.
I’m sorry everyone but like most other Australian Jews I can’t help but view everything at the moment through the prism of Jew hatred that has exploded in this country post-October 7 2023. My own synagogue has been targeted. I feel unsafe.
I’m watching the footage of the three Jewish male hostages being handed over by the Gazan Nazis and you can see how the hostages have been starved. The hostages look exactly like those liberated from the death camps, weak, frail, gaunt and starved. Yet there are people across the West, and many in this country, who support these Nazis, and who are willing to cast a vote for a Nazi party called the Greens.
Where is Shiri Bibas? Where is Kfir Bibas? Where is Ariel Bibas?
I get it.
Yeah Cassie – I second JC and everything that’s implied. We get it (AND we love you, AND we want to protect you).
Well said.
There are lot of us out here supporting you and your fellow Jews. I’m so sorry that this has happened…let’s pray we can turn it around before it gets any worse.
Like you, I’m not that optimistic but I cling to hope.
One more thing about the Libs.
We’re the second largest gas&coal exporter in the world. We’re likely to suffer gas shortages and the price has gone up lots. We let others burn this stuff while we’re building renew balls running up the price of energy by about 40%. Watermelon is talking about nuclear.
Has Watermelon ever considered or spoken about the fcking absurdity of this?
There is no need for that, Cass. I will protect you.
When you’re down …
JC – the ultimate outcome of their agenda is no electrickery for the peons.
Wind, solar, nookular, it’s all bollocks.
It is not about going greenfilth – it is about going without.
Remember that the next time you see some staggeringly stupid ozzie political parasite attempting to square the circle of “the energy transition”.
You will exist in caves, in the dark, enduring an existence worse than that of medieval peasants.
At least the non-peons will be easy to find. They will be the ones driving around in their electric cars and they will be the only ones with lights on at night.
Search Youtube for Songs of the Third World War – Leslie Fish.
I recognise / remember most of them. I was in primary school at the time.
The awesome bit is debatable.
Top 30 One Hit Wonders From The 80s You Forgot Were AWESOME
Wow, Midnight Oil are the only full time musos I’ve ever heard of from that lot. I’ve never heard of any of the others – excepting the three or four movie stars.
From those 30, the only song I’ve heard, or even recognise the sound of, is “Come on Eileen” – though had no idea it was “80s”
To the best of my knowledge I’ve never heard any of the other tunes, ever.
Comparing two recent parody videos.
The 1st from The Onion on the left wing.
Megachurch Conducts Successful Nuclear Missile Test
The 2nd from the Babylon Bee on the right wing.
Foolproof Ways To Avoid Getting Deported
The Onion correctly highlights that it would be terrifying for some religions to gain nuclear weapons, but totally fails to identify Islam as the one that would be the most dangerous, instead ridiculing the ego of Christian megachurches gaining a hypothetical nuke.
On the other hand the Bee highlights a recent issue that has actually happened and points out the irony and hypocrisy of the people involved.
The left aren’t funny.
This is a long form interview with Mike Benz with time headings provided.
Mike Benz: “USAID is effectively a rent-a-riot operation. That raises questions about the Black Lives Matter protests.”
Rep. Mary Miller, R-Ill., referred to Rep. Sarah McBride, D-Del. — a man who identifies as a transgender woman — as “Mr. McBride.”
The chair recognizes the gentleman from Delaware, Mr. McBride, for five minutes,”
He was born and has the genetic structure of a male. I no longer support the Left because they demand an inch and take a mile. Their demands of fair treatment will always become excessive as they use ‘fair treatment’ as a wedge to bring in perversions.
Deborah Harry – I Want That Man (HQ)
Once I had a love and it was divine
Soon found out I was losing my mind …
BREAKING: Greens LOSE to Liberals in key Victorian by-election | 6 News
The numbers in the Oz were suggesting that.
And I think there is a lot of guessing in Werribee about preferences in a Melbourne Cup field of candidates.
Burning a 10% margin in Werribee is one thing.
But vacating the field to the Greens in Prahran, only to have it pinched by the Libs?
There will be some blood-letting over that.
Bruvvas won’t be happy. Wonder who made that call?
But I am surprised that isn’t getting more airplay.
Remember, the by-election was called because the smarmy c-nt the Greens had in there got caught #me-tooing the help. And the fact that he couldn’t do a mea culpa and limp along until next election hints that there might have been others.
Two green voting demographics who will be pissed off by that:-
1. Young women with an indeterminate number of cats; and
2. Older retired public servant type ladies with an indeterminate number of cats.
You would think a bright young ALP strategist would have identified that opening (so to speak).
The ALP is looking to preferences when it really matters.
Cats, ultimately, it was all going to go ‘orribly wrong …
Berlin – Take My Breath Away (Countdown, 1986)
GLOBALIST MELTDOWN – Gordon [Brown] in a panic about USAID being shut down.
So let me be clear… Gordon is now the:
United Nations Special Envoy for Global Education,
World Health Organization’s (WHO) Ambassador for Global Health Financing
USAID allocated approximately $21.4 BILLION to programs implemented through the United Nations and other international organisations, which include the WHO
We see you Gordon, we see you
We see you Gordon, we see you
But he can’t see us.
?Is that the right one, the (nearly) blind former UK PM?
Except for Miss Madge Quaalude …
AEC website for the byelections
In rough terms:-
Werribee ALP leads Libs on 2PP 50.5/49.5.
In Prahran Libs lead Greens 51.5/48.5.
One thing we can rejoice over is that this is absolutely confirms the end of Prosciutto’s career.
If the Libs had wobbled a bit here, the whiteants would have been running riot again.
But the Lieboral non Parliamentary party lives on. Kroger, Kennett et al. Failure is not an option.
Thanks for that.
Nightmares await … tied to a chair and being forced to listen to that puffed up drone.
And I like a broken record, I ask once more, why is Kroger still there after his countless years of massive failure?
Why is he still on Sky.I turn off everytime becomes on as a power broker
I’ll go from AC/ DC to this music with a simple search.
Love Theme, Orquesta Real de Xalapa, Esencial
Unreal Steve
A different version of “Smokie – Living next Door To Alice…” Up there with the Angels “Am I Ever Gonna See Your Face Again!”
In Kuching Sarawak this was played by a British cockney oompa band complete with lederhosen and all at an Octoberfest,to a largely Chinese audience.Total cultural mish mash
Was watching John Howard interview with John Anderson.
Got about 10 minutes in, couldn’t continue. Started yelling at the TV. Missus quite concerned for my blood pressure,
What a scumbag. What a fool. What a turd. What an ignoramus. What a c*nt.
What a smug, stupid, little pissant.
The only good thing is he looks awful and will probably relocate to a well deserved hell soon.
Gave us the stupid GST, broadening the tax base and laying the groundwork for the current government metastasise.
Globalist tool.
Completely unable to admit the mistakes made as his policies dissolved the middle class, and eliminated our industrial base.
The fool said the following, to paraphrase “China won’t invade Taiwan because they wouldn’t want to deal with a rebellious province for decades to come”
You moron. Chinese are not rebellious people. The one characteristic of Chinese, in particular the Taiwanese, is that they will obey authority. Like most Asian peoples they will work until they drop if the boss orders them to do so. If Taiwan falls there will be no rebellion.
He said it in such a smug and supercilious manner, content in his ignorance.
Just f*ck off and have a stroke Howard. You are the worst pm this country ever had. The damage you inflicted will haunt us for generations.
Time some prosecutors looked into Blair, Howard and Bush and the legality of the invasion of Iraq.
They buggered up the Middle East and caused so many deaths, including many good men on our own side.
Can’t happen now because Trump signed an executive order for sanctioning anyone who helps the ICC prosecute the USA or allies citizens.
Imposing Sanctions on the International Criminal Court – The White House
The foolishness of this pissants comment about China not wanting a rebellious province, seen in the light of the take over of Hong Kong, and remembering Tiananmen Square, just breathtaking. Also his take on past Chinese leaders being cooperative with the West, don’t you get it John? Don’t you understand yet? They fooled you. They got what they wanted out of you. You blithering idiot.
The Chinese do revolt. I was replying to your comment about legal action against Blair, Howard and Bush not your rant about the Anderson interview. What I don’t get is your abusive attitude arising from an inability to understand simple English.
Check the times stamps: I wasn’t replying to you.
Incredible technology. An indictment on humanity.
America’s CCA drone fighters will change warfare forever
Here’s the thing.
For all the hysteria about ‘climate change’, saving the dolphins’, ‘use your pronouns’ and the additional moaning about kids being indoctrinated in the Marxist! Long! March! Schools!, please remember that children are smarter than they’re taken for. The Hun:
Nuffy cat woman, soon to have several dozen cats of her own. Fair enough. And:
Indoctrinated children? Perhaps not:
As that child should.
If you want to be a cat, expect to be barked at and perhaps eaten by people pretending to be dogs.
We’ve been through this before.
Leave a copy of “101 uses for a dead cat” lying around.
I still have my copy, perhaps I could post it to the principal at Marsden.
Would I be breaking the new hate speech law?
Umm, I susp ct the cat might be a Tom thinking it a she-cat too.
Week In Pictures.
The one I lolled at:

I liked that one a lot too, Winston.
I always scroll through the comments for WIP because people do put up some other good lols there too.
There is one clip in the comments this week of a young black woman saying she’s sorry she voted for Kamala because she’s so impressed with what Trump is doing.
Plenty more people like her I suspect in the US now.
Thanks Tom. Another good WIP!
The Democrat Zombie Left has not knuckled under, they have just tried to pretend for a short while that they accepted the results of the 2024 election.
The real fight back program has begun to emerge. They will stop at nothing to impede reforms wherever possible. Their street fighting groups will be out, the Musk/DOGE group will be targeted at every turn. Gateway Pundit has the story.
I dont know, that article was a bit hysterical. Dems havent accepted anything. Eyes and minds have been opened ,what has been seen cannot be unseen. MaGA time.
Perhaps, but the spigots previously funding those street fighting groups are rapidly being turned off. No doubt the Dems were just waiting for a plausible / manufactured trigger to unleash the riots again, they’ve just been wrong-footed by Donald/DOGE big time.
There are a lot of judges left over from Democrat periods, back as far as Clinton. They are happily ruling against reforms, although higher courts may eventually reverse their interference.
The censorship industrial complex.
USAID has pushed nearly half a billion dollars ($472.6m) through a secretive US government financed NGO, “Internews Network” (IN), which has “worked with” 4,291 media outlets, producing in one year 4,799 hours of broadcasts reaching up to 778 million people and “training” over 9000 journalists (2023 figures). IN has also supported social media censorship initiatives.
The operation claims “offices” in over 30 countries, including main offices in US, London, Paris and regional HQs in Kiev, Bangkok and Nairobi. It is headed up by Jeanne Bourgault, who pays herself $451k a year. Bourgault worked out of the US embassy in Moscow during the early 1990s, where she was in charge of a $250m budget, and in other revolts or conflicts at critical times, before formally rotating out of six years at USAID to IN.
Bourgault’s IN bio and those of its other key people and board members have been recently scrubbed from its website but remain accessible at archive.org. Records show the board being co-chaired by Democrat securocrat Richard J. Kessler and Simone Otus Coxe, wife of NVIDIA billionaire Trench Coxe, both major Democratic donors. In 2023, supported by Hillary Clinton, Bourgault launched a $10m IN fund at the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI). The IN page showing a picture of Bourgault at the CGI has also been deleted.
IN has at least six captive subsidiaries under unrelated names including one based out of the Cayman Islands. Since 2008, when electronic records begin, more than 95% of IN’s budget has been supplied by the US government (thread follows)
Trench Coxe.
Sounds like a nasty dose of VD.
Magic Pog, just magic.
A lot of it about during WW1.
Geert Wilders for Breitbart: Unlike Trump’s America, EU Bigwigs Censor to ‘Protect Democracy’ From Voters
As a German friend said of the DDR “not very democratic and not much of a republic”.
That is a paraphrase of Voltaire, who wrote that the Holy Roman Empire was “neither holy, nor Roman, nor an empire.”
More howling.
Woke Lancet Freaks Out over Trump’s Climate, Gender Realism (7 Feb)
Sounds like Lancet has been a recipient of lots of USAID dosh. Which wouldn’t be at all surprising. I do hope they go bankrupt.
Don’t these idiots realise raising their voices against the corruption police gains them nothing but attention from them?
All these formerly illustrious dead tree journals/mags seem to be self-immolating. The last time I bought Wheels, they were attacking Tony Abbott. Their death can’t soon enough.
Most j’ismists aren’t’ terribly bright, soft Left or worse believers. Car j’ismists are no different. UK Car magazine is no different.
With the internet, who needs printed special interest magazines?
Piers Akerman in the Daily Telegraph:
Or as JC added last night, use whatever we have now as we have bountiful reserves of the shit.
And just keep the coal coming. Not hard I would have thought. But here we are.
Still no-one dares mention the overarching swindle: “climate change” is a political invention and doesn’t exist.
“Not hard I would have thought”. Its easy for you to say BB coz you abound in common sense. One thing thats not welcome in political parties. Hence the ingrained hate of The Donald from the demented party and RINO’S. Its hard to argue against common sense.
And don’t forget the Lucas Heights Nuclear Reactor. When it was first built, there were not a lot of homes in the immediate area, Since the, State and Local Guv’ment have had no problem in allowing Housing encroachment on the facility.
Obviously, not a problem then.
This is a bit of a long read, but I was completely enthralled by it.
As with Lara Trump’s cadre of Lawyers waiting in each US State before and during the elections to stamp hard on skullduggery, so it is with the Tsunami being unleashed through the US Gov institutions.
It has been in the planning for years. The article explains how the super sonic speed with which the grifting institutions have been hit has overwhelmed, and panicked, decades of Born to Rule.
I am so very happy to read that, there are still so many Patriots willing to fight for their people and country in the US.
Read the article if you have time, you will not be sorry. Even if you only read the first few paragraphs.
Saw it and read it the other day. I also emailed it to a load of people. Top Stuff.
Read it yesterday and the blitzkrieg came to mind.
Lots of background planning involved but the really amazing part is the bromance is less than a year old,yet all this was made to happen.
Excellent. Hopefully that judge the other day is being ignored or is too late!
Enjoyed reading that article the other day, like watching The Kingsman where you’re wanting the good guys to get it done.
Very long but enlightening article. I just wish the fever would break here.
Rapid Onset Political Enlightenment: How Barak Obama Built an Omnipotent Thought Machine, and How It Was Destroyed
Millions of Americans began feeling increasingly exhausted by the effort involved in maintaining parallel thought-worlds in which they expressed degrees of fealty to the new order in the hope of keeping their jobs and avoiding being singled out for ostracism and punishment, while at the same time being privately baffled or aghast by the absence of any persuasive logic behind the changes they saw—from the breakdown of law and order in major cities, to the fentanyl epidemic, to the surge of perhaps 20 million unvetted illegal immigrants across the U.S. border, to widespread gender dysphoria among teenage girls, to sudden and shocking declines in public health, life expectancy, and birth rates.
Until the fever broke. Today, Donald Trump is victorious, and Obama is the loser. In fact, he looks physically awful—angry and gaunt, after a summer and fall spent lecturing Black men, and Americans in general, on their failure to vote enthusiastically enough for his chosen heir, Kamala Harris, the worst major party presidential candidate in modern American history.
As COVID provided cover for increasingly extreme and rapid manifestations of rapid political enlightenment, numbers of formerly quiescent citizens began to rebel against the new order. Unable to locate where the instructions were coming from, they blamed elites, medical authorities, the deep state, Klaus Schwab, the leadership of Black Lives Matter, Bill Gates, and dozens of other more or less nefarious players, but without being able to identity the process that kept generating new thought-contagions and giving them the seeming force of law. The game was in fact new enough that Donald Trump didn’t get it before it was too late for his reelection chances, championing lockdowns and COVID vaccines while failing to pay attention to the Democratic lawyers who were changing election laws in key states.
Remember this: The people who are screaming about Pres. Trump’s and Musk’s audits of federal govt spending are the same people who wanted to hire 80,000 new IRS auditors to audit YOU.
This is Steve Soboroff.
He has just been named the “Recovery Czar” for the fires in the Palisades that ravaged Los Angeles.
He is going to be paid $500,000 over the next three months, and that money is coming from charities that were set up to help fire victims.
The corrupt, communist Democrat Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass appointed Soboroff.
Talk about political corruption. Why does he need to be paid nearly $167,000 PER MONTH for 3 MONTHS to “consult” the Mayor of LA on how to rebuild?
Trump should ring fence the entire disaster zone, make it Fed jurisdiction for say 4 years and allow the owners to rebuild under the watchful eyes of the Army Corps of Engineers. Tell the Cali Crook Cartel to fk right off.
I think we can safely say that the rot in this country began after John Howard lost in 2007 (hard to believe that was now over 17 years ago). I can’t speak for others here I’d happily swap John Howard as my forever PM over Rudd, Gillard, Tone Abbott, Turd, Morrison and now Slug. John Howard, whilst not a perfect PM, was a giant compared to the aforementioned midgets who followed him.
I have long thought and still think the GST was a positive taxation initiative (insofar as any taxation is good). The problem with the Howard government was that after introducing the GST in 1999 it then ceased any initiative at reforming and improving Australia’s tax system.
Times were generally good and the Howard government flowed with that. The Howard government was guilty of laziness but nobody thought that at the time. That old adage is highly appropriate…..hindsight is a wonderful thing but foresight is better.
Two weeks ago a friend of mine accompanied his mother to the Sydney Jewish Museum for the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz, a death camp this woman was taken to as a teenager and where on arrival her mother and sisters were gassed immediately. She was the sole survivor of her family. This friend told me that John Howard was the guest speaker that night and how amazing he was because….yes….whilst Mr Howard is now physically fragile, he stood up on the podium and spoke passionately about the atrocities of Nazi Europe, the hideous ugliness of the explosion in Jew hatred in this country since October 7 and how ashamed he is as an Australian at this ongoing Jew hatred .
Ya see, John Howard, whilst not perfect (nobody is), WAS a leader, something we now sadly lack in this country.
So, dunno about others but I’d happily swap as my PM the current Slug for a physically feeble, dottery and frail John Howard.
Agree. He cops too much criticism.
I was saying it at the time.
In particular about the GST.
A good leader would have left a party capable of winning future elections with conservative policies.
A good, truly conservative leader wouldn’t have expended all that political capital on the economic side, and absolutely none on dismantling the things that came to harm us later: the ABC, academia, progressive education, the energy debate. Global warming idiocy.
Australia does not have a conservative, centre right or right party. It has a liberal party, which at times pretends to be a “broad church” into which conservatives can go and be parodied as mean and greedy pricks while achieving absolutely nothing. The entire Howard cabinet played into that narrative and in doing so set this country down the path of reliance on China, social progressivism and helplessness.
We haven’t even touched on gun buy backs, immigration, or the systematic destruction of any true conservative movement of the time, the imprisonment of Pauline Hanson.
Howard ramped up immigration to levels never seen before, oversaw the transformation of Australian universities into visa mills, housing went from an affordable necessity to a vehicle for investment by international capital.
Karen Bass, the DEMOCRAT @mayorofLA just retained a WOKE, Democrat, anti-White, pro-BLM and pro-racial REPARATIONS Illinois based consulting firm called @HagertyConsult to oversee the rebuild of areas in The Palisades and Los Angeles destroyed by the recent fires!
The Communist Mayor of Los Angeles, Karen Bass, just announced yesterday that she has selected Hagerty Consulting to assist with infrastructure restoration and environmental mitigation in LA.
Nobody bothered to look into this firm…so I did.
Hagerty Consulting will conduct “full project management” and coordination of all private and public entities,” the mayor said Friday. The work of rebuilding public infrastructure will also fall under Hagerty, Bass said.
Hagerty Consulting was founded by Steve Hagerty and his wife, Lisa Altenbernd. Steve Hagerty was the 21st mayor of Evanston, Illinois from May 8, 2017, to May 10, 2021.
As Mayor, @MayorHagerty created a REPARATIONS PROGRAM for black residents. The Evanston Reparations Committee was established by the City Council of Evanston, Illinois in 2019 as the FIRST publicly funded reparations program for Black Americans in the US.
During the George Floyd Riots, Hagerty supported BLM and encouraged people to “march”, aka RIOT, for “social justice” and police reform, which included making all police officers wear body cameras.
As Mayor, Hagerty supported Green New Deal initiatives and pushed for his city to fight climate change with renewable energy. Hagerty and his Illinois based firm are now in charge of overseeing the environmental aspect of the rebuild in the Palisades and ALL PROJECT MANAGEMENT on California Tax payers’ dime.
Hagerty is also part of George Soros’s Open Society Foundation’s “Mayor Exchange” program.
Karen Bass has previously said that she thinks “that maps of L.A. were drawn to protect the wealth of white people and destroy the wealth of Black people & other people of color”.
See receipt below
Bass has hired a pro-REPARATIONS firm out of Democrat stronghold Illinois to oversee the rebuild of LA so that it can comply with racial social justice initiatives that Karen Bass and Steve Hagerty support.
President @realDonaldTrump and @JDVance MUST STOP ALL federal funds from being used to fund a racist, woke consulting firm tied to California Governor @GavinNewsom’s mega donors in the Pritzker family, as @JBPritzker is the Governor of Illinois, and Hagerty Consulting is an Illinois-based, Democrat consulting firm whose founder supports racial reparations.
It’s worth nothing that in November 2024, just days after the Presidential election, Gavin Newsom purchased a $9 million California home from the Pritzker family, as was exclusively reported by @LoomerUnleashed.
Read somewhere that Newsom wants to set up a $50 million fund to fight the Trump government, while demanding many millions more from the same government to rebuild after the recent fires.
The one that got 84 million from taxpayers
Shannon Deery reporting on a rather alarming turn of events. Hun:
The corruption watchdog? Good Lord. Is the complainant suggesting plod are taking gratuities from assorted bodies to not go after perpetrators of anti Semitic behaviour?
Or more just getting plod to do their jobs in a manner expected of them Joe Public?
Either way, to go to IBAC is a huge move.
Isn’t this the Victoria that had recommendations to prosecute over the lawyer X scandal, and the DPP refused? Or was it another thing?
Justice Nettle. Wound up the investigation. No point in continuing he said since Govt/DPP not interested.
Vikpol need to prosecuted for their violence against citizens during covid first and foremost.
More proof we don’t need the hate speech laws. At least Menachem Vorcheimer can see we have enough legislation already to protect Jewish citizens here. It’s always been the state that has the yellow streak to act but won’t because it affects their pet vote herd. And soon you wont be able to criticize that or YOU will be prosecuted.
As yesterdays by-elections show, the Filth need very single feral vote just to stay in power and occupy the Treasury (now full of IOU’s).
I do hope Sicktoria is healing. Perhaps.
Makka Johnson is right!
“Victoria Police have at their disposal significant laws to address the conduct in question but have consistently failed to utilise them.”
You can bet they will be happy to use any new powers they get to address ‘antisemitism’ against YOU, however, should you dare to ask questions about rampant incompatible immigration, multiculturalism, ‘gender’ diversity etc etc etc
So will the complainant to IBAC be going to jail soon? That complaint is bound to be deemed ‘reckless’.
Outrageous. Obama Judge Paul Engelmayer didn’t just bar @elonmusk and @doge from Treasury systems, he barred the Secretary of the Treasury himself. Without citing a single law or even allowing Trump admin to appear in court! This outlaw should be reversed immediately and Engelmayer should be forbidden by higher courts from ever hearing another case against the Trump admin.
We just need to keep the shredders going for another 3 days, do whatever you can to stall.
EXPOSED: Doge uncovered that USAID funneled $84 million in Haiti relief funds to Chelsea Clinton—and guess what?
$3 million went to her wedding
$10 million bought a luxury mansion
Meanwhile, Haiti got next to nothing. Who else is sick of this corruption?
Since its introduction in 2001, Victoria’s Racial and Religious Tolerance Act, which requires the written consent of the Director of Public Prosecutions before prosecutions can begin, has been rarely used.
It was used against Catch the fire ministries iirc. Rubber bullets for anti lockdown protestors but the rabble in the melb cbd runs amok every Sunday. The gubmint in Spring st is evil and marxist.
So yesterday’s two bi elections still too close to call?
Prahan looks like a lib win, Werribee is line ball.
Hopefully, two bye bye elections for the incumbents.
by election. No incumbents.
LOL. Of course. Empty seats then.
Wait till they start on the green energy grifting.
I think there’s a lot of swollen bank accounts in this country which need investigating.
At the DNC meeting this week. From a piece asking if this political party can be saved.
Molly Ball of the Wall Street Journal elaborated:
Like the death of the Lieborals some years ago, things are never as bad – or as good – as they seem. That said, I am enjoying the Trump pendulum swinging like a bull in a china shop.
Howard looks good compared to what came after him but I’m still hard pressed to say anything complimentary about him particularly after giving us Turnbull and what he’s said about Trump. At the same time, I still want Dutton to win and it’s good to see the Vicco Liberals starting to ‘get it’.
MURPHY, Steve Liberal 11578 29.04%
LISTER, John Australian Labor Party 11448 28.71%
The Liberal guy actually ahead in raw votes in Werribee atm – unfortunately the teacha will probably scrape in on preferences
But the big swing against the Greens in their pet state will scare the shyte out of Albo and Allan. With both primary and preferences plummeting the job to get re-elected just got a whole lot harder.
Watch the Filth really start splashing around the OPM bribes now.
The bribes for votes in WA are completely out of hand already.
Analysis of preference flows might be interesting. Might it be that there are now many (there are some here on the Cat) who are hoping for the LNP to win, but don’t want them to get the $ attached to a number 1 vote?
That payment per primary vote is a classic example of the swamp in action.
I also used to think Hanson used it as her main source of income, until she was accidently elected. Oops.
Just picked up that there were 56,464 registered voters in Werribee and that 13,993 of these are outstanding with not all votes yet counted. So Libs still in the mix. Pre-polling and postal votes are likely to make-up the majority although there may be many eligible voters that just didn’t vote. It will be interesting to follow this as pre-poll voting in Prahran favoured the Libs.
Back in Australia, the Victorian by-elections provide a glance at the future.
Allegedly bellwethers for the Federal election, the early results are grim for both Labor and the Coalition.
Prahan: where Labor vacated the field and left the Greens replacement candidate to retain the seat, looks to have fallen to the Liberals – with the Libs currently on 36% of the primary vote.
Werribee: Looks like a comfortable Labor hold on preferences – but with Labor and the Liberals both on less than 30% of the primary vote.
Despite the improvement in the post-Prosciutto Liberal performance, there is clearly no love for either of the main parties – and no obvious conservative renaissance happening.
Setting the stage for an inconclusive Federal result – potentially with Comprehensive Failure Albanese tapped on the shoulder and stepping down for a Plibersek minority government with freak show characteristics.
At which point, abandon hope.
I’m amused that the Animal Justice Party candidate in Prahan is a lady by name of Faith Fuhrer. She should probably change her name.
“Mein” rolls off the tongue.
The Lieboral Primary vote is underwhelming. Remember you’re in deepest, darkest Victoriastan. I’m not sure I would read too much into it.
Just fiddling around with the entrails of the Victorian roadkill – trying to extract a sign from above.
Unfortunately, while I’m happy to be told otherwise, the signs I’m seeing in the squished guts of a formerly leading state aren’t saying anything good for an Australia poised to swan dive into Argentinia 2.0 ruin.
You might be right. China won’t be pulling Australia out of the next one. You suspect at some point the luck runs out. There does not appear to be any appetite for a policy lead solution. Ironically Argentina may have turned the corner.
This is how it’s done Dutton. Just apply rigorous scrutiny over OUR money.
This, in the Land of GAAP. No listed business would get away with anything remotely slightly like this.
The one bright spot, the “consensus in the room” should tell the DOGUE handlers that wholesale sacking isn’t going to be functionally catastrophic. In fact, the resulting ‘loss of corporate knowledge’ would be an excellent start.
If there are no details where the money went then Trump and his congress need not budget for that money. The savings are piling up all by themselves. The other indicator is that fraud in DC Treasury was astronomical. My guess is that the fraud has been in place since the last actual budget was passed in over a decade ago, there have only been continuing resolutions since then. This also incriminates Republicans like Paul Ryan who was viscerally opposed to Trump’s first admin.
An extremely unimpressive performance by bridget mckenzie on Outsiders, desperately attempting to defend the indefensible regarding the new labore/greenfilth blasphemy laws.
Yup, she was squirming.
Famous atheist Phatty Adams…
Isn’t it time for a puff of prettier smoke to announce a female Pope? (Paywallian)
Inane stuff. Maybe, after all these years, he’s running out of lefty drivel to write about. We can always hope so, anyway.
A sad and pathetic cry for attention.
another tired old turd
What a scumbag. What a fool. What a turd. What an ignoramus. What a c*nt.
What a smug, stupid, little pissant.
Thought you were talking about John Anderson for a moment. Gutless turd caved to the Air Traffic Controller union in 2004.
Excellent. There’s a message there, but the latter in particular are too blockheaded to get it.
What were their %s in these electorates last time?
H B Bear: February 8, 2025 8:57 pm;
Humphrey, the Australian Electorate are in the same position as the drunk waking up in the gutter, but the first question isn’t “WTF? How did I get here?”
Instead, it’s “Where’s the nearest Early Opener.”
The Australian people deserve everything that’s heading it’s way until they ask the fist question.
One bright light on the horizon is the Trump Phenomenon. The conservative side of politics now has something to compare it’s so called conservative leaders against. While we see Howard as a Conservative, and not as a Socialist, we can’t do a comparison that’s fair.
International capital markets are usually first off the mark with a run on the AUD or collapse in bond prices. Bit harder at State level. Cain/Kirner provides some guide for those with long memories who haven’t died in the interim. Qld arguably falls into the same category.
The Australian people deserve everything that’s heading it’s way until they ask the fist question.
Arguably that is where we are now/have been for the last 3 years. 7 quarters of falling GDP per capita is woeful.
Woeful too is that it is not shouted out by our MSM every day.
Be thankful you live in Australia and you can make a comment like that without the government coming down on you like a ton of bricks – for now.
.FA cup results – nothing to mention – except Ipswich ? hoorah .
championship – Sheffield it’d keep on winning while Sunderland draw against An Inform Watford.
Cheatski are out.
Regarding ex cops as leaders- I can understand the concerns but a darned sight better than lawyers or skool teachas or BAs
It’s still the bottom of the barrel. We do deserve better than that.
A successful businessman with real world achievements with a love of his country and its people- Gina
You bet!
Then volunteer.
I’m busy working and paying ridiculous taxes. I figure that’s sufficient atm.
But if Gina stepped into the ring I’d carve out some time to help get her up.
Police recruitment wasn’t what it is now two decades ago. Potentially no better or worse than any other group except ex teachers and real estate agents.
Went to Billy Joel and Adders Symphany Orchestra concert last night.Wonderfull show – melody allways wins.
endless the possibility of pop music done classically although the singing, voice will never be operatic.
Maybe Lind Day George could pull it off.
Sometimes just STFU Rowan
Why do people keep talking about Obama this and Obama that? He was just as much of a puppet as Joe Biden. About the IQ of a smart dog used by those behind the scenes to fetch the ball when it was thrown.
That has always been my belief also.
My opinion too.
When he was running for Democratic nomineee and then President, I heard quite a few of his speeches and thought he would be OK.
Then his inauguration speech was a fizzer and successive teleprompter fails also showed his lack of knowledge. I quickly changed my opinion.
Yes remember when the teleprompter broke down
But Chris Bowen told me that renewable electricity is the cheapest!
Nickel Industries CEO Justin Werner warns of ‘challenging’ future for Australian mining (9 Feb)
Indonesia doesn’t believe in climate fairies. Nor does China.
Why do people keep talking about Obama this and Obama that? He was just as much of a puppet as Joe Biden.
but I do think he genuinely hates the USA built on hard work, innovation, skill and achievement
Likely, but those behind him hate the US also.
Word has obviously gone out to all the lefty journalists and commentators to focus on gaining/expanding the women’s Labor and Greens vote. Expect to be deluged with material. Women as victims, domestic violence impacting women, women being passed over in careers, women wearing the bulk of household chores. Women’s health issues will be big. You could bet on VicHealth and similar in other states to have a long list of potential projects on their priority lists that will be pushed to the fore. They will treat women as dumb pawns in their power play to hold onto the Government purse strings. This woman is not for buying.
If Dutton has the spine, now is perfect timing to get clear air between the SFL’s and the Filth.
Ditching Paris , leaving WHO , recanting on the censorship laws, BIG tax cuts and pausing immigration now would get the SFL’s 2 terms at least.
Not much love for the Green slime here;
Nobody normal votes Green, obviously.
Unfortunately, there’s no sign that normality has returned to Prahan.
In 2022, the Greens candidate (whose resignation has caused this by-election) got up with a primary vote of ~36%. As at last night, the Greens replacement candidate had ~36% primary.
They walk amongst us.
Inane stuff. Maybe, after all these years, he’s running out of lefty drivel to write about.
Adams has only ever written about the “others” which he is not- wonderful women, m*slims and First Nationses, debbil debbil colonialists, capitalists and Christians. He got boring a loooong time ago.
Although he’s quite happy to be willfully puerile, judgemental and phantasmagorically profane about such gifts as JC (of Nazareth), chemistry, and free speech, funnily enough his one insight into a genuinely notorious world which might be thrilling and/or drive some genuine social justice- him getting beaten up by his step-father- is something he won’t talk about.
Haven’t read Phatty or Gemmel for years. This is unlikely to change.
Hope she doesn’t expect any nursing in her old age, or help of any kind with house or garden or vehicle, or doesn’t want to travel. Because all those things will require active participation of people younger than she.
Did you catch this part?
Elon said “I was told that there are currently over $100B/year of entitlements payments to individuals with no SSN or even a temporary ID number. If accurate, this is extremely suspicious.”
Over $100 BILLION is being sent every year to people in America with no Social Security number
This may be the biggest money laundering scandal since Ukraine, ActBlue, and all the other globalist scams
This is why Democrats are freaking out – their DC gravy train was just exposed
Yeah I did.
An Obama judge has now ruled that the doggies aren’t allowed to access Treasury database, not even read only. And the really fun thing is he also ruled that the newly appointed Treasury Secretary can’t access his own data either.
It’s gloves off time. I wonder what can be done about these cockroaches in black robes?
Obama-Appointed Judge Blocks Trump Admin Officials’ Access To ‘Sensitive’ Treasury Records, Cites “Cybersecurity Risk” (9 Feb)
Can anyone else see the obvious workaround ?
It’s as obvious as the wart on a witches nose, be the Guardian of the Law probably hasn’t seen it.
Ignore them of course. Can the judge enforce his own ruling? Anybody who does uphold the ruling and prevents access is then marked for removal from his job.
Oh dear!
Actually Mrs Campbell iirc? A canbra power couple
Yes, which might explain a lot about Gen Campbell’s “leadership” priorities.
She had him firmly by the balls? They together didn’t fill her dainty hand?
Wow, what an extensive but hollow CV.
Jacinta & our DOGE need to go like a dose of salts through DFAT as well. How many of these BS ambassadors do we have? Could be quite a saving winding them & their offices up.
Sheesh. If it’s not a trannie, it should be.
Or ambassador to Easter Island.
Jack The Aussie on X: “This woman has already racked up $350k in taxpayer funded travel expenses. It’s the eyes, always the eyes. https://t.co/bsVbqKnble” / X
Crazy Eyes.
Crazy eyes dangling like a pair of Brahmins balls in front of a crazy brain, and blocking the light of sanity from ever penetrating.
Marvellous Melanie Phillips is on Outsiders.
LOL. There’s always a punchline with him.
The master of the back-hander.
The Bee
Nation Asks If That Security Guy Can Please Just Follow Congress Around And Keep Them From Doing Anything Ever
The UK leads the way on building a censorship and surveillance Gulag. Australia is following suit;
I am tempted to say Apple, of all companies, will call the Uks bluff. However, pretty sure they already rolled over for China.
That’s where 47 and Mr Tesla step in with a reality check for Apple – who’s your Daddy?
It would have to be the UK Orange man goes for?
James Morrow’s current live feed on Sky might has well been lifted from Cat-Land. What a great time to be part of this family.
Staggering cost to taxpayers of Daniel Andrews bronze statue in Melbourne
Daily Mail.
Will it get the captain cook statue treatment, or will it be hidden away?
The Al Grassby treatment, inside a building controlled by the Liars, and locked up overnight.
When American tanks roll into Dannograd to liberate us, I really hope that this is the first statue to be toppled.
Would be better if our own tanks did it.
Looks intriguing…and possibly one for the sidebar, dover:
Why Aquinas Matters Now
Will look in to it.
Looks like its pitched to the intelligent general reader.
Also in Kindle, which is handy.
Sky reports:?
Donald Trump says he is determined the United States will return to the moon during his presidency.
In just over two years, NASA’s Artemis 3 mission is due to put humans back on the lunar surface for the first time in more than 50 years.
A mission to Mars is also slated to follow if the moon landing is successful.
However, mounting astronomical costs and the threat China could land on the moon before the US could see Elon Musk’s current economy drive stretch to the space race.
All those extra Ls could do with a nuking, to make place names more intelligible.
British Cancel New Nuke Plant Because? ‘Impact on Welsh Language’ (7 Feb)
so the Stupid effing Liberals probably take Prahran and almost take Werribee
stupid Liberals have basically arsed it in one electorate and nearly arsed it in the other
they simply do not understand their voter AT ALL and they were utterly unprepared for the swing in sentiment
maybe they should have done something (anything!) rather than sitting around for the last 4 years arguing about who’s a Nazi
Bernie Finn and Moira Deeming … both in the West
Vik Lib should read the room … get a clue … stfu about imaginary nazis … and do their job
that sort of thing
Moira was doing a lot of campaigning in Werribee as the upper house member – and being welcomed by many voters.
somebody should run into it with their car
then make a statement to the polis that the statue ran into them
white is going up the board and it’s white’s move
Advance the Pawn on the 7th row to become a Knight – check to the Black King, and threatens the Black Queen = game over for Black.
just like that !
take the queen and advance the other pawn
king cant get you because the knight covers d1
ffs … d8
If white is going up the board, how can the black pawn move up to become a knight?
the white pawn Winston
promotes to a Knight
The Vic libs made a good start be giving the salami the arse. Yeah their best talent is in the West. Bev Macarthur is good too. Dare I say it but more talent than in the nsw branch at least at state level.
Bye bye, Pauline. PHON can get r**ted.
Looking very uncomfortable, too;
My resignation is in the mail.
Next time she tells Faruqi where to go, she could end up in jail again. That would be poetic.
I’m starting to think that her Svengali, James Ashby, is running the show.
The Labor party are really trailing their coat with this statue.
However, mounting astronomical costs and the threat China could land on the moon before the US could see Elon Musk’s current economy drive stretch to the space race.
Artemis as currently structured is hopeless and unnecessarily dangerous. There are simpler and cheaper options using existing hardware apart from a lunar lander. As currently structured it is designed just to give NASA’s Space Launch System, SLS (aka Senate launch System, backed by Alabama Senator Richard Shelby now retired), something to do. SLS is an expensive, dangerous and stupid rocket program along with the Orion capsule.
Labor loves racist lesbian thugs who break the windows of taxis and chunder all over the seats.
‘Australia behind her’: Sports Minister Anika Wells defends Australian soccer star Sam Kerr amid racial harassment trial (Sky News, 9 Feb)
Yeah na. Not this black duck.
Also cant say I know anyone who is.
4K1G up this way streams 2GB in mornings, been no support on talk back radio as well.
The Sports Minister does not talk for the whole of Australia. Ever heard of Free Speech Woman?
Have you missed the new anti-hate speech legislation? Your comment could be seen as ‘reckless’ by the wrong people.
I suppose mine could be too.
Dear Donald,
Can you please free us from the shackles of tyranny?
We pray for Australia to be annexed by the USA.
thanking you in advance
[insert name here]
sending the letter to Donald the Great
Australia is already a Vassal State of the USA. The UK is the same.
If only that were true Rotten. If anything we are a vassal state of China.
We have nothing to offer the US except for a few ports and airfields that are already rented by Chinerrr.
Australia is Airstrip 2.
A Lesbian of colour can do no wrong alp canbra world. Marxist identity politics.
They are known as a ‘Triple Threat’. Female, Lesbian and Aboriginal.
Well done Judge Janine.
Yes, Albo believes the noble savages must have a Voice in order to tell us how we should run our lives, give up our property rights and allow confiscation of still more of our tax dollars.
Stand by for the uproar, at her being described as “Aboriginal.”
Fuking scumbags. The irony is the poor bastard told the grubs not to litter; they are litter.
Janine Lacy is Mark Latham’s ex-wife a conservative and clearly sick of the BS
I’d never heard of it. Was it being deliberately hidden, or was it widely spoken of?
The Noticer is a decent source for the stuff that doesn’t get noticed, I find.
Hadn’t heard of Anika Wells. Lawyer, former alp staffer, got swan’s old seat.
Married with kids. Seems quite nice.
But I don’t vote for her because of ALP policies.
Yes, I rather like her, in spite of the fact that she is ALP. I recall an episode of Kitchen Cabinet, where it was disclosed that she has a serious autoimmune disease which causes considerable difficulties for her, which she rarely discloses.I note that she is always working during the boring speeches of her colleagues in the televised parliamentary sessions.
Working hard to keep men in girls sports, perhaps? Or, working hard to squander more of our hard earned? I don’t give a toss what she is afflicted with, I KNOW she is a left wing parasite, in a hive of leftist parasites. And that’s all I need to know.
Correct just another lawyer cum apparatchik
she has a serious autoimmune disease which causes considerable difficulties for her
she should be able to take a vax for that…… Oh wait….
I’ve found you either love or hate Andrews in Vic from being there a bit this year. Not talking about garden variety love/hate either, it’s at the extremes.
Any Vic cat’s want to hazard a guess how long before it’s defaced?
We should do a sweep ala Melbourne Cup.
As soon as it’s put up.
Can I be first, and run afoul of the new Thought Crime laws to boot?
I’m thinking-
-crumple a bicycle under the plinth
-SS hat and armband
-wire retainer on the jaw for that time when a bloke socked him good for feeling up his daughter
-and then go a-goose-stepping in front until the plod shows up, whereupon we drape ourselves in Keffiyehs and wonder what the fuss is
Andrews certainly had a lot of partisan support from the rusted on left and perhaps some misplaced ‘strong man’ respect during Covid. I would like to think that in time, once the economic impact of his politics fully hits home and everything that has been suppressed leaks out, he will be reviled in history as the evil prick he is.
i would guess the statue will go in some ‘protected’ area of parliament.
Yes Andrews lovers do exist. I’m the opposite and I know many who feel that way.
I know die hard union delegates who (say they) loath Andrews and Vic Labor. But who knows what they vote in the booth.
More on the weirdo teacher (FFS) who calls herself Miss purr; it’s a fuking bloke:
‘Miss Purr’: Queensland teacher allegedly behaving ‘like a cat’ in class | news.com.au — Australia’s leading news site
Another place (besides Parliament and the PS) where the mentally ill are given tax payer funded sanctuary- teaching our kids.
Parents have become so lame.
I never threatened teachers verbally or physically when my son was at school, but I let it be known, very strongly, what I expected from them.
I have a ton of used cat litter that I was going to drop down the wombat burrow. I’ll even pay for delivery if a parent wants to drop it onto the desk and seat of this loony. Judging by the haircut, a definite DEI hire.
I would be worried about a lot more than the hissing and licking. Especially as it has been found that she is forcing kids to do what she wants in return for lollies.
P**S her off, NOW!
It’s a man.
I wouldn’t want a mental case like him anywhere near my children.
A twisted bloke posing as a female who thinks she is a cat, a bloke who forces kids to let him lick their hands.
Education Dept, where are you on this?
Busy composing messages of support.
Victorian Liberals set to claim victory in Prahran, likely ‘just short’ on Werribee
Victorian Liberals are set to claim victory in the inner-suburban seat of Prahran over the Greens, but fear they might fall “just short” in taking Werribee from Labor.
With Liberal candidate Rachel Westaway moving into the lead, Opposition Leader Brad Battin is expected to decalre the Liberals are back in town in Prahran at a press conference later today.
“It will be a positive message,” a Liberal source said of what Mr Battin will say this afternoon.
Liberal sources have told The Australian that despite the 10 per cent swing against Labor in Werribee taking the vote down to the wire the opposition still faced a major challenge to fall over the line.
“I think we will fall just short,” one source said.
they “fell short” years ago
bunch of clowns
If you consider the 10%+ swing in the heartland of Vic Filth Royalty , with the SFL fielding a late start nobody candidate, this is a very good result for Batten and the SFL’s. Albo will be in panic mode now.
I’m dirty on them for the wasted last couple of years
they could have worn their sensible hats and campaigned instead dribbling about nazis
Even worse on primary votes.
Lot of that of course went to odd and sods like the Victorian Socialists and Legalise Cannabis, which says a lot about the place. But losing a third of your primary vote would have the staffers in a tizzy, I suspect.
Voters send Allan government a message in Werribee by-election while Liberals pull ahead of Greens in Prahran (Sky News, 9 Feb)
All those votes would come back as compulsory preferences. Can’t see much leakage to the Lieborals through this phenomenon.
Paul Hopper, the independent, only needs to get 51% of the preferences currently going to minor parties and other independents in order to win.
Yep. If I could overcome my revulsion and nausea, I’d love to be a fly on the wall of federal liars central this morning.
(Political) Blood on the floor- that’s what we want to see. A cabinet re-shuffle exiting Bowen, perhaps? More time with the family? The acceptable face of rabid Marxism.
When the union Filth start getting into an internal blame game that produces political scalps, the carnage is uplifting.
Probably par for a byelection against a tired and unpopular government. Agree nothing positive for Federal Liars.
Tony Thomas takes a look at ol’ Bruce Pascoe’s finances over at Quadrant in Black Duck, Red Ink, White Mendicant.
Ya typical predatory Leftist.
Poisonous old turd
Dark Emu Exposed outs Pascoe’s son as jumping on the bandwagon….
A number of lessons from USAID. Various factions of the GAE had developed a wide patronage network at home and abroad. That the US Left is largely a creature of the GAE. It uses that network to contain the dissident energies of both the Left and the Right.
Case in point, ‘Woke Right’.
Victorian Greens concedes Prahran by-election
Victorian Greens have conceded defeat in the Prahran by-election.
Greens leader Ellen Sandell blamed the loss, in part, on preference flows from a former Labor MP running as an independent for the defeat.
The preferences are voted on/chosen by the Voter. Not an MP or a Political Party.
A lot (most?) just follow the HTV of their preferred candidate.
I’ve always maintained that if you need a HTV card you shouldn’t exercise the franchise, but John Howard squandered the opportunity to reform compulsory voting.
Handing out “HTV” cards can be a depressing exercise, when you realize just how ignorant some people can be……
Very entertaining offering Shooters Party HTV cards to daggy old cat ladies, in my experience.
Before that I was volunteering for an independent lib who was a great Member. Even the Greens voters were nice then.
HTV cards and preference deals aren’t going anywhere. Even if the Lieborals wanted to do anything (they don’t) they would never get the numbers. “Independents” need them as much as the rest of them.
One mustn’t expect too much of the Liberals.
They can’t even identify their own best interests, let alone the nation’s.
Clayton’s conservatives.
That being said, I’m quite pleased with Angus Taylor’s progress as Chalmers’s shadow. Whether he’d be given carte blanche in a LNP government is another question…ditto Jacinta Price.
Betcha no mention of Green antisemitism, natch.
The people who are OK with all this also think that entering an amount for a “legal settlement” under “legal expenses” in a set of private company accounts is a felony.
When I was a lad, back in the days of steam driven compudas, we had this quaint concept of “mandatory fields”. If something was required to satisfy audit or tax requirements, you had to enter something in that field, or the transaction couldn’t be completed.
One wonders why this ancient custom escaped the IT whizzes at Treasury.
Having had some experience as a DOGGIE in the past, you quickly learn to sheep-DOGE them into three groups:-
1. Contributors to the core business of the enterprise;
2. Deadweight, who contribute nothing;
3. Those who actively work against the interests of the enterprise. Giving this group the “Merry Christmas Mr and Mrs Ceucascu” treatment straight off the bat is immensely helpful.
Great point; the left exhibit hypocrisy which is so huge it would fit in the combined kunts of all the demorat skanks.
You could usually just enter enough blanks ( ie space) to satisfy the requirement. When we found that one in one system I worked on, we had it the code strip leading and trailing spaces , which had the effect of invalidating the input. We then had to strip leading and trailing repeating characters ( letters repeated 3 or more times) . We gave up when we notice ” blah blah blah ” or ” afyhvdgnhgvdfhugvfhyhg” being entered. One enterprising user even used lisum.com to generate gibberish mandatory inputs.
From the way Elon describes it, there were two fields:-
1. A categorisation code for the expenditure type. Sort of like a chart of accounts/project code. This should be mandatory and like a fixed menu list you have to choose from. Example “Code 4271 – printing and stationery”.
2. A free form text field which, admittedly, could be populated with junk. Example “Printing cost for annual report”.
Of course, the transactions with no code or description immediately raise red flags.
Was this just laziness or an attempt to hide something?
The next phase will be to run coded payments over industry codes for the payee.
For example, if a transaction is recorded as “Code 4271 – Printing and Stationery … Printing cost for annual report” but the payee is a travel agent or some non-descript entity in Europe, the bing-bongs will go off.
A reference to Trump?
A short read about the insidious but unsurprising workings of our state-sponsored censor. And well done that lady!
The eSafety Commissioner’s Latest Fail
Gosh! It’s pretty clear what , how and who this Stalinist E-Commissar is going to “protect”. Especially now, enhanced with new Cheka powers.
(Wiki : Cheka- Ostensibly created to protect the October Revolution from “class enemies”)
And it isn’t us normies.
DOGE is a new twist on Socialists running out of other people’s money.
Noting Rockdoctor’s call at 11.36 for Jacinta to run our own version of DOGE through DFTA.
Agree, but a couple of examples to show we’ll need a systemic, not just ‘individual reports of’ approach.
Over ten years ago I was running the Aboriginal Benefits Account in Darwin (see the Lands Right Act, but basically a grants fund I worked closely with the Land Councils on). Governance of the fund was a shocker and I requested a five year itemised list of expenditure from our national office (FaCHSIA) in Canberra. I suspected the Department was mis-using funds. Turned into a trench fight. At one stage a DEPSEC rang me to direct I stop requesting financial information as it had caused several members to go on stress leave. I kept at it. Eventually I was given a six month list (to coincide with my first six months in the role), and I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. I was supposed to be the sole authority over the fund in immediate operational terms (the Minister had the ultimate say) but every woman and her dog had their hands in the till. Eventually I was moved to a different role as I’d become an obstruction.
Recently I’ve been overseeing a large cyber project in a CMWLTH department with a significant number of contractors (that is, everyone but me). The project had long been running before my arrival and slowly over two years I gained control, reducing workforce by about 95% to an actual needs level (4 instead of 50 – and these fuckers get around $2500 a day). But try as I might the private contractor team running my finance/procurement/contract cell refused point blank to provide me with a copy of the accounts. No matter how many times I asked – nada. In the end they realised the gravy train was coming to a stop and so rolled off. I’m in a new area but have been trying to audit the accounts but it’s been shut down……by one of the finance contractors who is now APS.
Last example – have a look at the ANAO performance audit list. In particular the one that recently looked at DFAT’s procurement of passport services. Long story short we pay twice what we should for our passports because DFAT are fucking useless at managing procurement and contract management. Now – apply that across every single government department and agency.
Point is every single program is mismanaged. Jacinta better be planning carefully in advance the way the Republicans did. Half arsed commentary about pulling welcome to country political statement payments is just minor fluff.
I think a lot of Werribee electors twigged that Pallas was doing a runner from the mess he made. Didn’t even live in the electorate apparently- lives/lived in Williamstown. Much nacer.
You would think he’d at least see out his term. What’s he doing now? Spending more time with his parliamentary pension?
A good leader would have left a party capable of winning future elections with conservative policies.
A good, truly conservative leader wouldn’t have expended all that political capital on the economic side, and absolutely none on dismantling the things that came to harm us later: the ABC, academia, progressive education, the energy debate. Global warming idiocy.
Australia does not have a conservative, centre right or right party. It has a liberal party, which at times pretends to be a “broad church” into which conservatives can go and be parodied as mean and greedy pricks while achieving absolutely nothing. The entire Howard cabinet played into that narrative and in doing so set this country down the path of reliance on China, social progressivism and helplessness.
We haven’t even touched on gun buy backs, immigration, or the systematic destruction of any true conservative movement of the time, the imprisonment of Pauline Hanson.
Howard ramped up immigration to levels never seen before, oversaw the transformation of Australian universities into visa mills, housing went from an affordable necessity to a vehicle for investment by international capital
Yes. As a once fan of Howard I have to say he set Australia on our current path to ruination.
Abbott, Turdball, Scummo and now Albo. He sent our lads into the follies of Iraq and then Afghanistan.
Not of any consequence.
I would forgive the likes of Howard if they could admit the errors.
But just as science advances one death at a times, so too politics changes as these people leave the earth and their “legacies” can be judged, not on the immediate results, but by how they influenced history.
It isn’t about hindsight, it’s about how men cannot honestly admit to error, even as the results of those errors play out in front of everyone’s eyes.
They are not handling it well, no sirree.
“We Need To Go Gangster Here”: NY Mag Editor And Scott Galloway Demand Doxxing And Prison For “Little Pricks” From DOGE (9 Feb)
Lefties are such charming people.
Impotent Rage
You cannot talk to them, you cannot reason with them; there is only one way to deal with them.
Helicopter rides. Lots and lots of helicopter rides.
Ahem – the righteous, glorious and long overdue implementation of HOP Time™.
those arrogant little pricks are f*ing HEROES!
Talking to a dentist mate the other day – he said that when people get a whole of mouth dental replacement, they can’t exert much pressure on their bite as they could before with their old teeth. He rattled off some kilopascalnewton numbers but they meant nothing to me.
Is this lessened bite capacity true?
Not much point in having new teeth if you can’t chew on a steak.
Send in the DOGiE’s.
She also wails about the horror of finding herself out of a job. First, she will be perfectly fine considering how much she is worth, pretends to care about her subordinates. Second, her staff merely followed her instructions, she is the one who put them in jeopardy. Did she really expect to remain in her position after the changeover in government?
I have this distant memory decades ago of the Left getting all excited about Catholic views on condoms and suchlike.
Pro-Abortion Ohio Democrats to Introduce ‘Contraception Begins at Erection Act’ (8 Feb)
Stop it or you’ll go blind! I don’t think this is going to play especially well with their voting base, particularly gay guys.
File under “The Left Can’t Meme”.
Every sperm is sacred
Every sperm is great
If a sperm is wasted
Our Gaia gets quite irate
Very hard to say anything complementary about Howard and his spiteful dissing of Trump destroyed any small amount of good will I might have had for him. birm
Payback. This is the same shit they did to Trump and his supporters.
Trump has to do this to protect future politicians of both parties. Letting these bastards off the hook would simply confirm them in thinking that their side has the right to do what they did, that there would never be any repercussions.
Someone is terrified of the truth coming out.
Send in the army.
Insane ruling. Trump has to ignore these judgments and wait until someone takes him to court.
Ignore him, argue in court, later. He has no basis in law to do such a thing. Run roughshod over the arsehole.
run over him … with a cybertruck
Time for the Dali Edit
A First Nations mother-of-seven has become the sixth person charged over the horrifying alleged stabbing murder of malubimba/Newcastle man James Callahan late last year.
Auntie Dianne Fernando, 39, was charged with murder
etc etc
Indeed, not a very nice “Welcome To Country” for the poor lad.
For shame, you forgot to mention that she was one of the “Stolen Generation.”
Is this one of the “aunties” we’re supposed to have respect for being a caretaker of the country.
3rd nations; actually hunters and gathers of a disassociated tribal society: no nation. Check the photos:
Aboriginal mother-of-seven charged over Newcastle stabbing
Fernando? I wonder if her family is from Walgett? It was two Fernando cousins (Vester and Brendan) who raped and murdered a young nurse on the grounds of the Walgett Base Hospital
I was going to ask this very same thing, Kid, having been in the regional newspaper reporting game at the time. One of the Hamilton accused absconded to Moree after the murder. Another has the Cooper name, known to plod for various criminal reasons from that period.
Fertilise an egg, perhaps, to become an embryo?
If people are going to try and create legislation they probably need to have a bit of a think before they hand out press releases.
That should save mUnty’s tube socks.
MOANS – Make Ohio A Non-wanking State.
Fernando- heard that name elsewhere recently- some agitator on the mid nth coast?
That was the drums you heard.
massive snork! with spit!
Control yourself.
Likely; it’s a big mob (extended family) in NSW & SE QLD.
Someone needs to weld a bent pushbike to it.
After reading down I see Wally D beat me to it.
won’t serve prison time due to mental illness
No worries, indefinite detention in the mental lockup ward then
islam is a mental illness
Incidentally , there’s a very good (if brutal) series called American Primevil, about the settlement of the American west. It does not portray the Mormans in Utah in a good light- at all.
Fairly accurate then.
It is an interesting movement in the context of north American religious history, but those who label Joseph Smith “America’s Mohammed” aren’t far off the truth.
I was in Salt Lake City around 6 years ago. Even then homelessness was a problem and quite visible in all its grimness.
So I asked. Even during Trump 1.0, many itinerants and vagrants were using SLC as a base for grift…until winter when they bussed on out to California and warmth.
I can only imagine the horror of four years of Biden and the deliberate dumping of illegals, vagrants and all sorts. Like the wild west redux.
Offering refugee status to South African whites is one of the grandest gestures I’ve seen for a long time. It’s especially grand considering the current policy towards illegals and the obvious way the American left will try to twist this.
These folks are being brutalized.
Trump is god.
Any chance we can? Of course not.
Lots in WA and Old, got in early after the 90s. Son works with plenty in WA mining.
Reposted for excellence:
Aaahahahhaaa. On point.
Does anyone have any idea how they would physically get the cash to the protestors? I doubt it would be direct debit to numerous accounts. -:) So, if it’s done with cash, that would be a lot of envelopes to distribute. Lastly, they could have bagman doing the job, but how could they be trusted with a lot of money?
Maybe like Hamas. Send in supplies which are black marketed?
Big Man distribution? Deposit funds into a dummy account with a nice noble sounding name, distribute pennies locally.
How it works in PNG.
It’s Africa. You’ve heard of ‘Africa Rules’?
It’s where there are no rules at all.
LOL, he’s even banned the dept. head. It’s never going to hold up in any shape or form. But I reckon, this is a play for time – to hide shit.
I’d call in the Reserves and force entry for duly authorised personnel.
Guess that’s just me though.
I would opine that what needs to be seen has been seen, and recorded. The judge may be a few days too late.
This is the clearest proof yet that Democrats are committing insurrection.
Brace yourselves for the ugliness;
Such a likeness to Michael Moore.
Ahem. It IS Michael Moore.
PS: USAID has been financing the entire American left with billions of taxpayer dollars, which is why lefties are squealing — Elon has discovered their secret cookie jar.
How much U$AID went into the Hollyweird woke DEI freakshow deviant industry? I bet Mel has a clue.
If this this is the Michael Moore I’m thinking of he seems to be a tad upset. https://www.michaelmoore.com/p/the-coup-detat-has-begun
Looks like the portrait in the attic.
They all seem to be melting before our eyes.
Hey Zulu,
here’s a gift idea for a gent with your discernment. 😀
Victor Davis Hanson: Whatever you do, Donald Trump, please don’t slow down.
Yes. Do not give the left time to focus and regroup.
When did ‘woke’ begin in a big way in the early 2010s in the midst of Occupy Wall Street? What does the GAE by that? The answer is in my earlier comment today.
I’m guessing GAE is not Genicular Artery Embolization
It isn’t Gathering of Aboriginal Elders, either, alwaysright – but it could be!
Woke’s modern genesis began with the death of Princess Diana and the manic endless online faux grief , victimology and virtue signalling tsunami it spawned.
maybe but it’s very much a metastasis of political correctness
I think the Dianna thing shocked the world as to how powerful the online opinion making industry could become . Woke dived in after that – Blair in point with his UK demographic changing immigration laws dressed up as caring for unfortunates. The harnessing of a powerful new global force.
There was no Woke movement until the 2010s. There were precursors but nothing like that witnessed in the 2010s and 20s and certainly not with the elite support. And one thing Woke did was completely sideline class politics from the mainstream Left. It absolutely suffocated the class politics of the 2000s that started with antiglobalization protests in the late 90s and ended with Occupy.
Are you kidding. It was around in the 90s – at the workplace and in schools. It just went by a different name – political correctness.
Not even close in the 90s. Not as widespread. Not as radical. Not as ubiquitous. Not as punitive. Completely lacking the elite support it had the last decade and a half.
We went from ‘Don’t ask don’t tell’ to people being hounded to bake pro-LGBT cakes or else.
But PC could be seen as a precursor, as mentioned?
You said it wasn’t around prior to the Occupy movement. It certainly intensified, but it most certainly was around.
My kid had a white teacher telling the class that he’d moved to black Harlem to cure his innate racism brought on by his parents.
Did you miss this?
I didn’t miss this?
So you missed the qualifier about antecedents.
Stands on its own as being wrong.
You’re just confused because it went under another name.
Not at all. The qualifier in the next sentence indicates exactly what is meant. It’s entirely consistent with the subsequent clarification I made as well.
Given I mentioned precursors and have read Bloom, Hughes, and Paglia on these precursors I’m not unaware of them. It’s simply that the last decade and a half of woke was different for the reasons already raised.
There was a woke movement but under another name. The fact that it sped up and intensified doesn’t change this. In fact Paglia was all over it before 2010. Obviously you didn’t read much of what she wrote.
To avoid your confusion, do you agree there was a woke movement before 2010- yes or no?
No, before late 2000s, there was a disparate number of movements re sexuality, race, gender, and the like, that often worked independently and at cross purposes to the other. They also didn’t have the level of elite support that woke gained in the 2010s. Those two things are critical differences.
I hope you told him if his parents brought it on it wasn’t “innate”!
In passing, that’s what Hitler did on the Left in Germany, substituting race for class.
Carry on…
Bolt: Prahran by-election result should scare and shame AlbaneseThe Greens’ reckless pandering to Muslim and hard-Left extremists who hate Israel has just cost them the Prahran by-election – and Anthony Albanese should be very afraid.
2 min read
February 9, 2025 – 3:37PM
Tony Lupton has just shown Anthony Albanese the danger of going soft on Jew-haters – and the Greens.
Lupton is the man the Greens publicly blamed for their stunning loss on Saturday of the Victorian seat of Prahran, which they’d held for 11 years.
That isn’t just a huge win for new Liberal leader Brad Battin. It should also scare and shame the Prime Minister, which is what Lupton wanted.
Lupton once held Prahran as Labor politician, but has quit Labor in disgust for responding so weakly to the explosion of Jew-hatred.
He also despises the Greens for whipping up anti-Semitism by demonising Israel, and decided to make both parties pay by running in the Prahran by-election as an independent.
He didn’t care if he lost, as long as he helped defeat the Greens – by steering his preferences to the Liberals’ candidate, Rachel Westaway. Labor didn’t run a candidate.
It worked brilliantly. Lupton came third with a healthy 13 per cent, behind Westaway and the Greens’ Mark Dessau, who were virtually tied.
One statistic alone should tell Albanese something: 70 per cent of people who voted for Lupton, the former Labor man, then preferenced the Liberals, not the Greens. That’s huge, and enough to give Westaway a narrow win in a largely Left-leaning field.
This suggests two things.
One, many Labor voters are appalled by the Greens’ reckless pandering to Muslim and hard-Left extremists who hate Israel.
Two, Labor’s habit of helping the Greens win seats by swapping preferences with them instead of Liberal candidates now looks immoral.
Lupton says many Labor voters want Albanese to make a stand: no preference deals with the Greens.
As he told me on Sunday: “Ahead of the federal election, I hope I’ve given both major parties an example of what principled politics looks like.
“The epidemic of Jew-hatred is getting worse by the day. What will it take for both parties to join in putting the Greens last, as they did with One Nation in the 1990s?”
Lupton says current and former Labor MPs back him. Put the Greens last, for the sake of our liberal democracy.
Yes, that could mean Labor helps the Liberals win seats that would otherwise have been won by the Greens, who’d back Labor to stay in government.
But Labor’s deals with the Greens also come at a cost – in reputation and sense of purpose. Lupton has proved that, too.
In the recent Qld election putting greens last meant the lib’s preferences elected ALP in former green seats. I expect the same at the federal election. Rudd’s old seat of Griffith for example currently populated by a hyphenated green dweeb.
Teh Paywallian has a good summary. Preferences were the key. No Liar candidate was unusual, won’t be repeated at the Federal election.
Officer Lew (@officer_Lew): “BREAKINGhttps://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/15.0.3/svg/1f6a8.svg: A thorough review by Roger Stone, of New York Attorney General Letitia James’s financial disclosures indicates that she may have overstated the value of her assets to secure loans for several commercial properties, mirroring the very accusations she made against President Trump.” | nitter.poast.org
It’s different when they do it.
Has Luigi said the by-elections are state matters only and have nothing to do with federal government, which of course is exactly the case?
Anyone got a book running as to the time he will say this?
WA Premier dismisses danger of by-elections backlash
WA Premier Roger Cook says he believes the health of his state’s economy will insulate his government from the sort of backlash suffered by Victorian Labor in this weekend’s by-elections.
The double-digit swing against Labor in Victoria comes just weeks before West Australians vote on whether to return Labor for a third term in the west.
Labor looks on track to be returned, although the government is preparing to lose anywhere from six to 12 seats as the opposition attempts to rebuild.
Asked about the Victorian result on Sunday, Mr Cook said the two states were in contrasting positions economically.
“I think we know that Western Australia is in a very different place to Victoria,” he said.
“We have the fastest-growing economy in the country. Over 340,000 jobs have been created since we were elected in 2017. You see the fastest population (growth) in the country.
“People know that WA is the strongest economy in the country. So people in WA are having a very different experience to those in Victoria.”
WA doesn’t have to worry about jobs. The jobs created were not by Govt, but the ginormous resources, mining and mining services industries.Everyone knows that.
Which means voters can focus more on the woke clowns running Govt. And that will be their undoing. The average sandgroper is not woke no matter what Cook wants people to believe.
WA Lieborals just need to be competitive after their near death experience. Unfortunately Baz will assume a much higher profile post election unless something goes seriously astray.
If only they had spines!
The gun laws are absolutely vicious, but Libby Mettam has said she is 100% behind them. The hopefuls and candidates and party people i met are all for farmers and outdoors people but the Members seem to be just ruling class nitwits.
With $100B in unaccounted for payments indicates not only that the people disposing of the money are at fault but the IT departments which programmed the systems to avoid recording details. This is not only fraud but participation of almost everyone in DC.
How do they imagine the rest of the country will trust them again or believe anything they say? Politicians will probably have an easier time of it as they can claim not to have known, that they were also victims of the dastardly bureaucrats. The bureaucrats are screwed unless they dob in the politicians.
I am really looking forward to the shakeout of all the revelations.
I am really looking forward to the shakeout of all the revelations.
We’re not even a month in!
Davis also claims that Trump is going after them for the Russia hoax.
That would be perhaps his highest impact action, and even better, he is well aware of Ferguson’s perpetuation of the lies with Four Corners.
He does seem to be in unforgiving mode, and why not given the unprecedented criminality employed against him?
The great frustration for the Dems is their inability to harness the electorate in their ‘resistance’. The people are grateful to him for flicking the crazies and the MSM are either impotent or have read the tealeaves.
Bondi appears to be a genuine pro. It is hard to imagine that she will not pursue every act of criminality regardless of when it occurred..
There’s some anger out there at Labor. Was relayed a conversation yesterday about an aunty. Solid blue collar ALP but the rant against Albo & his government was quite impressive apparently.
Wasn’t a fan of Dutton as well till she found out he was an ex-cop. She spent her life living in Sydney’s crappier western suburbs, she reckons someone like him may sort some of the law & order problems.
Yup law & order is Minns bag but she doesn’t get into politics really so I’ll cut her some slack.
Anyway if that’s repeated across Australia Albo could be in trouble.
hope so
Serial underperformed Giles has turned Laura Norder into a Federal issue. Hasn’t done the Liars any favours.
My nephew is solidly Labor but yesterday at Big Sis’s birthday party he was mouthing heresies about too many Indian immigrants, and how one where he works is always on the grift, it’s a way of life for them etc, and how they bring in all their rellies getting extra points to do so by moving to Areas such as Nowra, close to big cities and with all facilities.
He also had a couple of chops at how the cost of living was biting people locally and that young people couldn’t afford even in this area to live and buy a house.
Red pilling increasing. We didn’t mention Trump but suspect in secret they might be approving.
He does seem to be in unforgiving mode, and why not given the unprecedented criminality employed against him?
He played nice 2016-2020, trusted snakes like Fauci and Pence. Remember when the disgusting old woman tore up his speech? They tried to kill him and jail him. Endless lies and insults. Who wouldn’t be pissed off and want revenge.
There’s nothing like success for revenge. A lot of DJ Trump hangers-on will be thinking if they did it to him we’re in line in the coming years. Have to get Kash Patel confirmed first.
I want helicopters!
I want to see Melania’s revenge. DJT will have to rein her in or it could be a bloodbath.
This is still just the U.K. but not for long.
Youtubers Getting ARRESTED
It is good. Governments that arrogntly exceed their perogatives always come unstuck. Communists never learn this truth.
JC is correct. PC has been around for a long time. The Humanities faculty at Murdoch University was called the School of Social Inquiry when the uni was set up in 1975. The others had similarly PC names.
Murdoch was too close to Fremantle. It was doomed from the start.
Never ever knew anyone who went to Murdoch.
Vets didn’t get any choice.
I think the term ‘PC’ came to prominence in the 80s. There must have been another word for it prior to then but it escapes me.
Prior to the 1990s or maybe the 1980s, the left still hadn’t completed their long March through the institutions.
Therefore they didn’t openly practise cancel culture, they were still concerned to appear to support free speech, and said sanctimonious stuff like “I might disagree with you but I will give my life to protect your freedom to say it”, which obviously now we can see they were lying about.
This is the way of the parasitic autonomous complex. While they needed free speech in order to crack open society they took the form of free speech advocates.
Once they won control, and had overturned existing norms, they took the form of the speech police.
When values and truth don’t matter, only power, it frees the parasitic complex to take any form for the accomplishment of any task, and then shed that part of itself or let it atrophy into hibernation once the task is complete.
BOM need to close the Harveys Range radar & move it back to Mt Stuart. Last week and half has been woeful.
Bucketing down but hey it’s only light rain apparently and when we had light rain we were getting nothing apparently.
At least we had some sun today albeit breif and obscured. 2 weeks I reckon.
In The History Man by Malcolm Bradbury, written in 1975 and set in 1972, Dr Kirk cancels one of his students because he didn’t like his politics. By the 70s, lesbians seemed to have fully moved in Arts faculties.
Lesbians are lovely. No more intercourse with men until we have free abortion. On demand!!!!
I wonder what happened to these slags from 50 years ago. Uni faculty or skool teachas perhaps.
For sure, within the movement they cancelled each other.
The phrase politically correct goes back to Stalin, I think.
But that wasn’t the face the mainstream left wanted to show the public while there were still things to break, norms to overturn, decency laws to rescind, and a thousand ways to lever apart normie society and the nuclear family.
They talked at great length about the nuclear family throughout the 1970s. It was one of their obsessions to kill it.
yes all their talk about ‘white bread’ suburbs. The poisonous writings of Humphrey McQueen.
Humphrey McQueen – Wikipedia
At the ANU- where else?
“I wonder what happened to these slags from 50 years ago”, Milton, Germaine Greer, for one, is in an old people’s home in southern NSW, near Wagga, I believe.
ABC Emeritas
as far as I can tell the only difference between the our woke and previous versions is a matter of degree
they’ve just scaffolded the latest mental on top of the previous versions of mental
and it doesn’t matter if you’re talking about the Frankfurt School, Simone de Beauvoir, Foucault, “bell hookes”, Judith Butler or Raewyn Connell.
call it political correctness, post-modernism, post-structuralism, or the more recent flavor which they’ve coined “Intersectionality”
it is all radical marxism dressed up as social change and called ‘progress’
Its all the same thing and all has the same end goal
facets of the same gem
and if it wasn’t for Trump …
their next move would be putting you against the wall
now stfu and eat the bugs
When they put you against the wall, make sure you keep your arse up against it.
Agree but, “facets of the same gem”? I think I would find a different analogy eg same rabid dog but with a different bark.
Post-modernism was the change from class based ‘struggle’ to identity politics. It hit London around 1982.
took another 5 years to properly infest here
by the mid-90s was up and running
now … we have ‘safe’ schools
Montmorency primary School
‘The resistance’ cost a lot of money which is not clearly as available this time around. One of those spigots has just been cut. And there is simply more elite support for Trump this time around.
Hamas are sadists.
Only increased food for these three hostages a week ago.
probably only because they realised the parades werent getting the reaction they expected
Own goal. The comparisons with Holocaust survivors are all over the internet.
I thought Trump’s Gaza plan was a bit out there. Now I say make it happen. They are sub-human scum.
Sure, it wasn’t as all pervasive as it is now, but it was definitely there.
I started a job in 1990 and it was my first exposure to this brave new world.
It was 5-6 years of horseshit mostly done to garner academic recognition for the CEO and his 2-I-C. It ended in tears with the company virtually given away to a US parent.
The Australian company was focussed heavily on becoming Volvo … flat org structures, cellular work teams, consultation with everyone about everything.
Once the US company took over it moved more towards the focus on identity politics we now know as DEI.
Nice try but nope.
More like thay are funding the likes of Buchanan (bitter, resentful and on the fringe) to destabilise Trumps momentum.
It is funny how much bolshie talking points you’ve adopted.
Hilarious even, comrade.
Which one’s?
‘It’s a lie. Pure and simple’: Kevin Rudd’s office bluntly rejects USAid claims circulating online.
Kevin Rudd, Australia’s ambassador in Washington DC, has hit back at “fake” claims an institute he once led received money from USAid, the US foreign aid agency being targeted by Donald Trump.
The office of Rudd, a former Australian prime minister, issued a statement seeking to dispel claims circulating online suggesting that Rudd and the Asia Society – where he has held various roles since 2015 – benefited financially from USAid.
Ruh roh…
“ I did not have financial relations with that Agency.”
The usual defence. He is talking about direct aid i.e. a cheque with USAID written on it. USAID worked through multiple organisations . Simply turn over the books Kev and we’ll see.
Link only leads to Gmail.
We often hear complaints about the left appropriating words and language and re-purposing them to suit their own ends.
Remember we had to re-define the meaning of the word “misogyny” to reverse engineer it to fit The Lying Slapper’s needs?
Which brings us to the word “Woke”.
Honestly, I think the first time I heard it might have been from the Duke of Dimness, Prince Harry.
He was quite proud of describing himself and Princess Grifter as “woke”.
It is now an insult.
Who voluntarily describes themselves as “woke” now?
They’re idiots.
Woke is a verb, past tense, “I woke before Dawn”.
They’re using it as an adjective.
Other words they ruined:
Problem (by applying -matic to the end of it and implying problems have a motive).
Pride. (A sin).
and many many more.
“Woke”, like “groovy”, does not have its origins in the King’s.
Etymology isn’t everything – usage is much more definitive – but is does provide a starting point in understanding the meaning of a word.
From old English, woken, to awake.
-Etymology online.
It’s a bit like saying admire me cause I’ve got belly button gunk.
Etymology is Afro-American
More here:
Will there be a string of Luigi Mangiones popping off the beneficiaries of the graft because it forced healthcare costs up?
Watching the early stages of Naked Gun before an early counter meal, as the ironing and yard work and housework is sorted.
OJ Simpson crushing it in his death scene.
Bridget McKenzie on Outsiders trying to defend the fuking lnp’s support of the hate speech laws just passed.
Mckenzie is another fake Nat with her snout in the trough and caught red handed more than once. If I was still in Vic I’d exhaust preferences before she featured.
Wiki tells me true or not apparently owns a flat in Melbourne, you know what after the Stephanie Ryan I wouldn’t be surprised if true.
Watch them stop commercial fishing.
And in no time at all Chinese fishing boats will be there to collect the lot.
Helicopter’s safety system was off before deadly crash near Reagan Airport, officials say
Oh Humas parade their uniforms and shiny guns in Balaclava and the media does not notice!! they are funded for goodness sake!!!!
Excellent interview on Fox just now, Levin with Netanyahu.
Australia’s new ‘hate speech’ laws are about nationalist containment
Hang on. I don’t believe this is the case. Conservatives, to my recollection, weren’t asking for new laws. They wanted current laws to be implemented and applied.
The term “Ideologically Sound” predated “Politically Correct”.
UFC President Dana White slams the entire Australian mainstream media landscape
“the biggest bunch of pussies” he’s ever seen
I remember Frank Sinatra was not impressed either with our media.
Trump sanctions the ICC, which may affect pretty boy george clooney and his missus:
Trump Sanctions International Criminal Court And Those Who Assist It
One of the Lefts tactics is to start a crisis. Then as people are getting used to it and are starting to get their heads around it, they start another crisis. Same again, wait as people start to come to grips with the latest crisis, then change the crisis to a new one.
(Global Freezing, Iceball Earth. Then Global Warming – Planetary boiling.)
People are unable to cope with a series of unfolding crises, like a fire taking hold of a building that has started collapsing during an earthquake while a tsunami is inundating the bottom floors.
They use this disorienting technique often.
President trump is doing it in return in a game of Whack-a-Mole.
They don’t yet know how to wrest the narrative from him, and that’s why he needs to keep up the pace.
Too slow and they can mobilise their defences.
Too fast and the crises merge into one.
Once you see the game, you can start defeating it.
This time it is slightly different though. Here in Oz and all around the world people are waking up each day wondering what has been exposed or what international agreement has been canned, who is crying the loudest etc.
All the things that people world wide were reticent to say out loud are now being said.
As the man supposedly said “we are living in interesting times” and I am loving it
What is the ‘Jewish lobby‘ and who are they?
I suspect they mean this, linked in the story;
It’s the entry hall in the Meshuggeneh Hilton.
Werribee voters face long wait for byelection result in cliffhanger countBy Chip Le Grand and Rachel EddieFebruary 9, 2025 — 7.40pm
Listen to this article
6 min
The Werribee byelection result won’t be known until Friday, with Labor’s hold on the western suburbs seat to be decided by 4111 postal votes issued by the Victorian Electoral Commission but which have not yet been returned.
The cliffhanger count in a seat the Liberal Party has not held for 46 years has upended the established order of Victorian politics and delivered a potent message to the Allan government, which has promised to do more to ease cost-of-living pressures, provide better roads and address growing concerns about crime.
Strategists from both major parties expect that, if the outstanding postal votes follow the pattern of those already counted, Labor’s John Lister will retain his narrow lead from Liberal candidate Steve Murphy.
Meanwhile, the Liberals declared victory in the Prahran byelection, where former Administrative Appeals Tribunal member Rachel Westaway clinched the seat from the Greens and provided an early boost to her newly elected party leader, Brad Battin.
A VEC spokeswoman confirmed that postal votes for Werribee would keep coming until 6pm Friday. All votes lodged on Saturday, early votes and postal votes already returned were counted by 12.45am on Sunday. The remaining postal votes will be counted on Friday.
The delay to the result will frustrate both major parties, which have each raised concerns about the VEC’s conduct of the Werribee byelection. A VEC spokesperson defended the slow count. “We always prioritise accuracy over speed when counting votes for an election, to ensure an election result is trusted and stands up to scrutiny.”
Labor says that because they might not have lost Werribee that voters don’t like Liberals.
Greens concede defeat in Prahran as Jacinta Allan claims Werribee result shows Victorians ‘don’t like’ Liberals despite Labor vote collapse (Sky News, 9 Feb)
Merely a flesh wound.
Based on experience of working with election stats I would caution that postal votes are more likely to slant to Lib than Labor. It’s related to the socioeconomics of those that can afford to go on extended holidays.
We’ve seen this movie in the US.
Describing Jewish communal organisations as a “Jewish lobby” is an age old anti-Semitic trope
I’m not getting that, Cassie. Replace the words with “Catholic”.
Andrew Bolt: Who in our universities dares question the race industry?Calling himself Aboriginal has been a great career move for author Bruce Pascoe, and now it has paid off for his son to the tune of an $860,000 taxpayer funded grant.
From the Hun
The grift is deep.
And out in the open, no hidden frauds like the American ones embedded in USAID.
I have a plan for Gaza.
Rebuild it below sea level and give Israel the keys to the dyke.
Put in a mezzanine floor with ocean views, luxury villas with foundations that require a certain level of dryness and sell them to Arab leaders.
Flatten Gaza, and turn it into a car park, for the local franchise of Dan Murphy’s.
Turn it back into farmland like it was before 2005.
Fromthe article by Bolt.
For instance, I asked the University of Western Sydney why its associate dean of Indigenous health, Kerrie Doyle, claimed to be of the “Winninninni tribe”, even getting an Aboriginal scholarship to Oxford, when there was no evidence such a tribe ever existed, and when genealogical records indicated she was of entirely European descent.
Again, no response to the evidence I gave. Just stonewalling.
Undaunted, Doyle has since been recorded by students singing a welcome to country song she claimed was recorded by the warrior Pemulwuy – who actually died in 1802.
Re the new hate speech laws and the crude and insensitive words…..’Jewish lobby‘, we Jews are a tad sensitive in this country at the moment and we have good reason to be a ‘tad’ sensitive. Synagogues have been torched, vandalised and graffitied, suburbs daubed with Jew hating graffiti, convoys of leftist and Muslim scum invading suburbs where lots of Jews live, on the holy sabbath, to taunt us, Jewish schools have been targeted and vandalised, the Pallie Nazis even had a protest outside Carmel School in Perth, my own synagogue targeted, my rabbi now has increased security, and the worst, if that’s possible, amidst all the Jew hating dross, was the torching of a child care centre in Maroubra, except they torched the wrong child care centre.
Jewish history is very clear, it begins with violent words and it ends with violent actions. We take our history seriously, we know what’s coming. Surely you can’t blame us for that?
I’ve said before there’s no need for ‘new laws’, what we need is a willingness from state police forces to enforce existing laws.
what we need is mass deportation of anything that reeks of islamic fundamentalism
$860,000 taxpayer funded grant.
More evidence of canbra’s contempt for ordinary working citizens. Outright theft along with demanding money with menaces.
The key to Israel is Iran (Persia). Full stop. It always has been. 1979 was a turning point. Full stop. You can’t solve a problem until you locate the source, That is where the peace lays. The quicker the arse kicking, the better. It’s long overdue.
Does anyone know how big balls got his name?
I think he self identified.
https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-news/musk-doge-techies-young-what-we-know-1235256687/ Rolling Stone article about Musks’ computer nerds hired by DOGE its a good read
Big Balls is Edward Coristine
I suspect that “Big Balls” is an Elon sock puppet. He knows how this shit works. He’s been “reinstated” and JD and Trump are giggling their arses off,
Allan is a nasty piece of work and deeply unimpressive.
Marc Andreessen – The Truth About DOGE’s Purpose
Liberty Vault
The basis of PC and Woke came in with the Wimmins Lib and evolved into dykedom ( Amazon Acres anyone?). It is the feminine nature for ‘concern’ and keeping the peace. (i.e. nesting) As this spread into all other areas at universities: sociology, psychology, arts then into government, economics. Young men disillusioned by the Vietnam war retreated into coding and then computer games. Society became safe and there was no need for male protection. The Wimmin ruled the public sphere and took the burgeoning new ‘concern’ jobs, particularly government jobs. This injected enormous wealth. Just look at any restaurant or the main shops now – women. PC/Woke is just your mother worried that people will get upset and up set the nest.
yeah … you wish
woke is armies of brain addled gen-z who’ll happily surgically mutilate themselves for a 1 minute’s stint on tik-tok
and their idiot gen-Y parents who think the sky is falling and make all the best empty gestures while sipping latte and congratulating each other
they all agree … you’re the problem nanna
Follow the money, cut off the money.
It really is that simple. It’s a truism.
Trump: “If you elect me, I will expose the federal govt”
Americans: “Ok!”
Trump: *proceeds to do that*
Rep. Daniel Goldman, a multimillionaire heir to Levi Strauss, has been linked to over $30 million in nonprofit funds parked in a Cayman Islands tax haven.
As financial director of the Richard W. Goldman Family Foundation, he controls assets funneled offshore by BBR Partners LLC.
In 2023, Goldman backed Biden’s push to tax the rich, claiming “the wealthiest among us must help to provide more access for others.”
Meanwhile, SEC filings show his foundation’s money sitting in offshore accounts – just like the ones Democrats attacked Mitt Romney for in 2012.
Nothing will happen. It never does.
It’s different when they do it.
Any, Sliante to all you mob.
The reading in my library is Ann Huxley’s “Four Against the Bank Of England.”
In 1873, four young Americans took the Bank of England for a bit over seventeen million bucks in today’s money, using forged bills of exchange, and came unstuck when they presented two forged bills, for payment, and forgot to include the dates of issue. The Bank sent the bills back to the “issuer” for correction…
“We have no record of issuing these bills and can only assume they are forgeries”….
“Clang, bang, watch your fingers on the door…”
slainte mhath Zulu
last week from from Amazon I got
Gad Saad’s “The Parasitic Mind”
Kurt Schlichter’s “People’s Republic”
Let me see if I have this right. The Treasury Secretary CANNOT access any data from the treasury? Wow. Who is afraid the secrets are coming out. This judge was not elected nor was he given the mandate by the people. Enough is enough. WE THE PEOPLE demand transparency. IT IS OUR MONEY, NOT YOURS.
Re: commentary on ‘the hate speech laws’ – end of free speech, revival of blasphemy laws etc. etc.
I assume these comments refer to the Criminal Code Amendment (Hate Crimes) Bill 2025 as passed last Thursday night.
A quick glance (admittedly by a Hay Truck Stop unprotected sex worker) tells me that these are amendments to existing legislation in the Crimes Act outlawing urging or threatening violence.
Specifically they relate to criminal threatening behaviour – not about saying hurty words.
I see the previous ‘good faith’ defence being removed – so Islamic hate preachers can’t claim religious belief as a reasonable basis for calling for the physical extermination of Jews and kaffirs.
I see recklessness about the words used, rather than intent – cutting out the ‘I didn’t actually mean kill, when I said kill’ defence.
I see new offences relating to destruction of properly as evidence of threats of violence.
I see tougher sentences proposed for shite behaviour by threateners.
To be honest, if that sort of speech (in the broadest sense) is being further curtailed and penalised, I actually don’t particularly care – because we have a crisis of dickheads threatening decent Australians and in my personal life I have always followed the fark ‘threateners’ to the maximum extent principle.
Having said all that, the legislation is deliberately not focussed on anti-semitism. It provides the enhanced protection against threatening behaviour to the usual groups of special people, specifically people:
The net result of this seems to be that:
Which doesn’t seem quite fair.
The new laws aren’t working for Jews in vicco.
Unbelievable !
Melbourne, Australia – @VictoriaPolice reportedly issue “move on” orders against 2 Jews who reported the presence of a flag of a proscribed terrorist organisation in Melbourne CBD today
Details to come
Mrs Faustus, herself a law trade person, surprised me with her uncharacteristically cynical analysis:
‘the courts won’t touch it; it will only ever be used as a standover threat by politicians and by the QWERTY community sorting out their domestic relationships.’
have you tried dropping 4 litres of hypochlorite into the hot-tub to see what happens?
Zomzing like zis..
Had to leave the room – MAFS – intimacy week.
Bru of Newcastle – 9/2 @ 10:00am
energy is part of the cost driver but have a look at employment contracts, employment hourly rates and labour transportation cots – FIFO
Then environmental laws – this will kill mining in Australia.
Time to push the reset button.
That’s why labor jobs are these effeminate ndis and education jobs.