Here’s a trade. Short DC & Northern Virginia: 1) prestige properties; 2) boutique whole foods stores; 3) artisanal coffee chops.…
Here’s a trade. Short DC & Northern Virginia: 1) prestige properties; 2) boutique whole foods stores; 3) artisanal coffee chops.…
One MOAB. Just like should have happened at Tora Bora. But no, we are too civilised. Now, bend over and…
From the Spectator Australia – “Wind droughts would have been the most important discovery in the 20th Century but the…
Incredible what a drop in energy prices can do for parts of the inflation stack immediately.
There was a good poster in The Week In Pictures not long ago that showed pictures of GWB, Clinton, Obama,…
Ooh, ooh, ooh, me, pick me!
(Still Sunday here, but hey …)
Incidentally, if anyone is interested, I often read the blog of a curmudgeonly ex-Saffie now in the USA, a fierce right-winger, staunch 2A supporter, who takes no shit from no-one. Kim du Toit. His blog is called Splendid Isolation.
Thanks – good reading
Thanks – good link to a piece on Trump’s blitzkrieg strategy for dismantling the deep state here:
That article confirms my own years of working experience, learning knpwledhe management theory and then the subsequent practice of communicating the unrealised power of harnessing the connections between people, process and technology in organisations.
Not that I could ever convince a single leader or manager to develop any sort of strategy or give it a try. So exciting to see how DOGE has implemented it. With bells on.
Wasn’t it his older blog used to run ‘pop a pali for pizza’?
I think his link took me to the definitive article about ‘Inside the OODA Loop’
Oh, I thought you said Staffie. Woof.
Norsemen “Viking fashion”
Midnight Man – Flash and the Pan
Good morning all.
And a great big fcuk you to the Greens in Prahran.
Even the gays and hippies are fed up with your shite.
And in Werribee the Libs are very close.
The poof preferences might squeeze Labor over the line.
But they’ve copped a flogging.
So much for the chorus line that the supposed lurch to the right under Battin would turn voters off.
I wonder how the politburo and their corrupt police will rewrite the ‘sacristy after Mass’ script to deal with him.
Ok, belt up and tighten the straps.
Good stuff from Bradenton.
Nitro Racers Shake Bradenton – Finals Day!
John Spooner.
Marrk Knight.
Mark Knight #2.
Peter Broelman.
Fuk you pete. TDS affected idiot.
Pure j’ismist thinking. Not what you want from a cartoonist.
Michael Ramirez.
A.F. Branco.
Gary Varvel.
Henry Payne.
At least Australia will be safe from Trump’s tariffs, given our trade balance with the US is strongly in their favour. Apparently we need to give them more money, for their submarine industry this time. Lucky we’re a sovereign nation.
Bolta in Today’s Tele:
10 Feb 2025
Calling himself Aboriginal has paid off for Jack Pascoe. Bingo: he’s won an $860,000 taxpayer-funded grant for Aboriginal researchers.
Excuse me? Jack Pascoe?
Do our education bureaucrats ever check whether academics identifying as Aboriginals really are?
Seems not. Melbourne University, which has hired not just Jack, but his supposedly Aboriginal father Bruce, proudly announced Jack’s good news.
Already a winner of the university’s Excellence in Diversity Fellowship for Aboriginal scholars, he’s now also won this Australian Research Council grant to “integrate Traditional Ecological Knowledge into the management of Maar Country”.
As the ARC notes: this is a Discovery Indigenous grant to back research “led by Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander researchers”, and Jack was the recipient and a chief investigator.
I was astonished. How is Jack Pascoe Aboriginal?
You see, Jack’s mother doesn’t identify as Aboriginal, which leaves only his dad, Bruce, who first publicly claimed to be Aboriginal after a Canberra Times reviewer of his novel Fox complained that it would have been better written by an Aboriginal.
Identifying as Aboriginal turned out to be a great move for Bruce. His fake history Dark Emu won a NSW Premier’s award for Aboriginal writers, and his career exploded.
Bruce was invited to writers’ festivals and promoted by the ABC as an Aboriginal guru, given grants from Aboriginal organisations for his farm to grow supposedly Aboriginal crops, and appointed by Melbourne University as an Enterprise Professor of Indigenous agriculture.
But there was a problem. There’s no evidence Bruce Pascoe, Jack’s dad, is Aboriginal, and plenty that he’s not.
Bruce Pascoe’s search for an Aboriginal ancestor has been almost comic. In 1993 he advertised for help to prove he had an Aboriginal great-grandmother on his mother’s side, writing “Sarah Matthews was born at Dudley, South Gippsland”, in Bunurong country, but “may have come to South Gippsland on a sealing vessel”, apparently brought over as a Tasmanian Aboriginal.
Alas, Sarah Matthews turned out to have been born in Dudley, England.
In 2012 Pascoe admitted, yes, “the woman we thought was our Aboriginal ancestor was, in fact, born in England”, but he’d switched to believing his father might have Aboriginal ancestry through some “Tasmanian connection”.
It just got worse from there. Both the Boonwurrung Land and Sea Council and Tasmanian Aboriginal Centre said Pascoe’s tribal claims were false.
Trained genealogists connected to the darkemuexposed.org website found every one of Pascoe’s ancestors were actually of British descent.
Maybe they’ve made a mistake, but Bruce Pascoe has refused all requests to identify his Aboriginal ancestor.
But he calls himself a Yuin man, as well as Bunurong and Tasmanian.
But confronted on SBS in 2022 by presenter Karla Grant, who asked if his own family members accepted that he was Aboriginal, Pascoe admitted: “Many don’t.”
Still, son Jack must. He, too, identifies as Yuin on the websites of Melbourne University and the Biodiversity Council of 11 universities, where he’s one of 11 lead councillors.
So I wrote to him, asking him to name his apical Aboriginal ancestor or give any genealogical evidence of his Aboriginality, given that this $860,000 was public money for researchers of Aboriginal heritage.
Jack Pascoe did not reply, but Melbourne University’s Dean of Science Moira O’Bryan did.
Her reply is so extraordinarily evasive that I quote it in full: “Dr Jack Pascoe is a valued and respected member of the academic community and his extensive knowledge and experience makes a significant contribution to public knowledge and land management.
“Dr Pascoe fulfilled the requirements for his Australian Research Council Grant.”
I wrote back: “You realise, of course, that you have not answered a single question I put.
“Is there a reason for that? A concession that Jack Pascoe is not Aboriginal or cannot prove it?”
No response, which is now common from our universities.
For instance, I asked the University of Western Sydney why its Associate Dean of Indigenous Health, Kerrie Doyle, claimed to be of the “Winninninni tribe”, even getting an Aboriginal scholarship to Oxford, when there was no evidence that such a tribe ever existed, and when genealogical records indicated that she was of entirely European descent.
Again, no response to the evidence I gave. Just stonewalling.
Undaunted, Doyle has since been recorded by students singing a Welcome to Country song she claimed was once recorded by warrior Pemulwuy – who died in 1802.
Who in our universities dares question the race industry? Truth and courage have died.
The white Aboriginal industry scam continues.
Pascoe is the poster boy for so much that has gone wrong in the humanities. Academia is supposed to weed out the charlatans not promote them. Where are the warriors in the relevant departments calling out his BS? Are the chairs occupied by gutless wonders?
Yes. All terrified of getting the “waaaacisssm” tag
Is there nothing white men can’t do? We make better women than real women (USA excepted), and better aboriginals than real aboriginals.
a Canberra Times reviewer of his novel Fox complained that it would have been better written by an Aboriginal.
Oooof, that’s a nasty burn.
I gotta stop reading shit like this. Bad for my brain.
You are not Aboriginal if you are white.
At least not enough to qualify for grants.
Meanwhile in the outback, some full blood baby is covered in shit and hungry.
Beyond words.
Do our education bureaucrats ever check whether academics identifying as Aboriginals really are?
Nobody checks anymore – they dont need to, all you have to do is ‘identify’ these days and you are. Its the same with ‘gender’ (whatever that is). The left have shot themselves in the foot with this. We could eliminate the whole grievance industry overnight if all of us simply ‘identified’ as whatever the protected group was.
We all need to start ticking the box on every form it appears in.
I do that. I now have a thirty year history of being designated Aboriginal.
I may have mentioned this before, if so apologies, but the serious bad actors here are the ARC and Melbourne Uni.
Grifters gotta grift, I guess. But the fakirs who control the munni tap are the ones directly responsible for these insults.
How do genuine Aborigines feel about white grifters appropriating their race for financial and other benefits?
The left goes on about the evils of “cultural appropriation,” but this is far, far worse.
Fraudsters should be pursued to the full extent of the law.
Genuine Aborigines run the gamut of “There’s Plenty of Munni” to “Fukking White Conts stealing ‘Our’ Munni”
(Sorry about the language, but that’s what they say.)
A few months ago some genuine aborigines were kicking up a stink about the white grifters. I don’t follow Aus news that closely but it seems to have stopped. Probably because someone whispered in their eyes that the more identified aborigines the better.
I just got off the phone speaking to a friend. We were discussing that especially with Trump, finally we might see a very strong backlash against these types of stupidities.
Not much value pushing the barrow here but on other forums dominated by wokesters and indigenous activists I push the barrow hard and fast.
Thanks Tom. Some Good ones there.
Bolta cont’d:
10 Feb 2025
Tony Lupton has just taught Anthony Albanese a lesson on the danger of going soft on Jew-haters – and the Greens.
Lupton is the man the Greens publicly blame for their stunning loss on Saturday of the Victorian seat of Prahran, which they’d held for a remarkable 11 years.
That isn’t just a big win for new Victorian Liberal leader Brad Battin. It should also scare and shame the Prime Minister, which is exactly what Lupton wanted.
Lupton once used to hold Prahran as a Labor politician, but this year quit Labor in disgust for responding so weakly to the ongoing explosion of Jew-hatred.
He also rightly despises the Greens for whipping up anti-Semitism by demonising Israel and decided to make both parties pay by running in the Prahran by-election as an independent.
Lupton didn’t care in the least if he lost, just as long as he helped defeat the Greens – by steering his preferences to the Liberals’ candidate, Rachel Westaway. Labor didn’t run a candidate.
His strategy worked brilliantly. Lupton came third with a healthy 13 per cent, behind Westaway and the Greens’ Angelica Di Camillo, who were virtually tied.
His preferences were then enough to give Westaway a narrow win in a largely Left-leaning field.
One statistic alone should tell Albanese something: 70 per cent of people who voted for Lupton, the former Labor man, gave their preferences to the Liberals and not the Greens. That’s huge.
This suggests two things.
One, many Labor voters are appalled by the Greens’ reckless pandering to Muslim and hard-Left extremists who hate Israel.
Two, Labor’s habit of helping the Greens win seats by swapping preferences with them instead of Liberal candidates now looks immoral.
Lupton says many Labor voters want Albanese to make a stand: no preference deals with the Greens, the party that’s done most to incite this fever of Jew-hatred that shames Australia.
As he told me on Sunday: “Ahead of the federal election, I hope I’ve given both major parties an example of what principled politics looks like.
“The epidemic of Jew-hatred is getting worse by the day. What will it take for both parties to join in putting the Greens last, as they did with One Nation in the 1990s?”
Lupton has shown Albanese the way, and says current and former Labor MPs back him. Put the Greens last, for the sake of our liberal democracy.
Yes, that could mean Labor would help the Liberals to win seats with Labor preferences that would otherwise have been won by the Greens, who’d back Labor to stay in government.
But Labor’s deals with the Greens also come at a cost – in reputation and sense of purpose. Lupton has decisively proved that, too.
The ALP will also pick up current greens held seats on lib preferences, like Griffith, Kevni’s old electorate.
Useful analysis. The Lieborals rarely benefit from preference flows to this extent. The Liars would be rendered irrelevant overnight without them.
Good mornin’ all.
Another day, another blackout, another prayer gratefully given for my emergency generator. 😀
Also, good news for LA. Richard Grennell is coming down hard on Grifters.
Had a blackout for a couple of hours last night affecting about 2000 homes in the north of Brisvegas.
That was an irritation.
I wonder how places in the north feel with no water (other than what’s flowing around them) and no power for how long.
Mr Premier, are you there?
Places like Charters Towers are on limited water use and now have lost power.
Do Ergon and Energex have any contingency plans?
Here’s some tips for the ‘Top Men’:
Put generators powerful enough to run towns in high places to be used when the power is out.
Build another water tank on Towers Hill.
Get some DMR blokes and blokettes out with spray cans to mark the high points on all the roads where the water came up to and then raise the roads above that by about 5 m.
Which build dams. Are you sure you want that?
It’s not just the American left having conniptions over Elon Musk, the BBC’s News Hour had a whole segment devoted to him, featuring a Cambridge Uni professor doing the forensics but having to admit that Musk was just a teenager in the apartheid era, and that he had until recently been a Democrat supporter.
Meanwhile, over at Gateway Pundit, there’s an item about Musk suggesting that the worst 1% of judges be relieved of their positions each year until the rats nest of partisan judges is cleaned up. The actions of various Democrat appointed judges can only be described as dodgy and purely aimed at subverting the reforms that the present admin wants to do, and has a mandate to do.
Trump himself is firing a shot across the bows of corrupt DAs, with Letitia James and Alvin Bragg being banned from entering federal buildings. A number of prosecutors have had their security clearances revoked.
I’m curious as to how Trump can remove these judges.
I thought he was unable to?
Federal judges can be removed via the impeachment process.
OK, I didn’t know that. I thought they were allowed to die on the bench.
Brett Baier asks Trump “Do you trust Elon Musk?”
I don’t trust Baier, and don’t record his show. He’s not as bad as Chris Wallace, but definitely suss.
suggesting that the worst 1% of judges be relieved of their positions each year
That sets a dangerous precedent – who gets to decide who the ‘worst’ are?
Separation of Powers is worth fighting for every time it is threatened. Trump shows whatever is used against you can eventually be used by you.
The only thing is Democrats don’t care about precedents, having set many of them during Biden’s term.
Today’s Tele:
10 Feb 2025
Brewers have hit back at Treasurer Jim Chalmers for involving Australia’s independent consumer watchdog in a “pre-emptive strike” amid the escalating stoush over the nation’s beer tax, which they say is an unfair burden on the sector.
Industry groups were shocked to receive letters from the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission last week warning them of their responsibility to not misinform customers about the impact of the twice-yearly tax hike, just days after Mr Chalmers had written asking the watchdog to investigate his concerns that beer drinkers could be misled.
The Treasurer had highlighted how February’s excise indexation amounted to less than 1c per pint or schooner, and about 5c per slab of beer, but brewers say their focus is on the overall impact of the tax.
Independent Brewers Association chief Kylie Lethbridge said the ACCC had not been able to provide any examples of alcohol companies misinforming consumers and did not expect the sector would “take the foot off the gas” in its fight for fairer tax treatment.
“We’re very disappointed with the Treasurer’s pre-emptive strike … which was very much out of the blue,” she said.
“All we’re asking for is some temporary help, and a longer-term look at the taxation framework because it is unequal and unfair (compared with the wine industry).”
Ms Lethbridge said brewers wanted a temporary freeze on the excise so they could “recover” from the hikes during higher inflation years, and for a rebate scheme that helps smaller operators to be indexed as it is diluting over time.
The escalating row comes as new polling of marginal seats by the Brewers Association of Australia found two in three voters support a reduction in the excise, with only about 17 per cent opposed.
BAA chief executive John Preston said beer drinkers “know all too well” that the country had the third-highest beer tax in the world.
“While each increase is relatively small, it ignores the fact that this is the 84th increase,” he said. “Every time someone buys a slab, they pay $20 in excise direct to the federal government and … GST on top.”
But Richard Adamson, head brewer at Young Henrys – an independent brewery based in PM Anthony Albanese’s inner western Sydney electorate – said the excise system designed in the 1980s was “no longer fit for purpose”.
“We’re getting this crazy situation where beer is just getting out of reach of the average consumer,” he said, adding that wine products were now “ridiculously cheap”.
Hawke and Keating came up with the idea (about 83/84ish) of attaching the excise tax of ‘durries and beer/alcohol,’ ie the ‘sin tax’ to the CPI. That way it would not be in the budget and the attract punters attention to voice their ire/disapproval of ‘sin tax’ rises. A twice a year tax rise with no publicity.
Until now.
A mystery to me why the durrie black market exists with baccy shops firebombed and blokes are brewing beer at home. /sarc off
Reflects very poorly on the ACCC that they would allow themselves to be used so blatantly politically to attempt to suppress dissent.
Chalk it up with PBO allowing itself to be used to cost Dutton’s long lunch policy, AFP running interference in Senate on what Albo knew about the caravan of bang and now this.
Certainly a pattern here.
There was also the state excise. A 1998 high court ruling was that only the Feds could levy excise.
and it isn’t just sin taxes. The fuel excise too. Prior to 2000 Qld did not even collect fuel excise. Once transferred to the Feds it did apply (because meh constitution) starting @7.5¢ per litre but Beattie Government offset it for about seven years so it continued to not apply at th pump. But when the Bligh Government decided it wanted the loot. And now here we are at 51¢ per litre plus GST.
for all these types of excise, the indexation with CPI is claimed to be a righteous thing. Thieves. Far better that they have to pass legislation for every increase. Let’s see them get away with that.
Eli Sharabi, tortured and starved whilst held hostage in Gaza by Nazis, was unaware his wife and daughters were raped and butchered on October 7 2023. Seeing him and the other two reed thin Jewish hostages paraded on the podium by fat Gazan Nazis, it’s hard to believe many in the West support these Nazis and so many, like Pong and Slug and the Islamist Ed, spruiked the lie there was famine in Gaza. The only starving men, women and children were (and are) the hostages.
I’m sure Eli’s elation at being free is bittersweet. Imagine his grief at learning the fate of his wife and daughters. I don’t know how he is coping but one thing is sure, Jewish history is replete with similar stories.
Never forget those Gazas Nazis are supported by scum on the left here, particularly our own Nazi party, the Greens. So there is some comfort in Saturday’s by-election result but more people need to wake up.
As for the Bibas boys, whilst I still have hope that hope isn’t flowing, rather it is ebbing by the minute, the hour and the day.
I’d be quite happy to se Gaza flattened.
Leave or stay, I’m fine either way.
The bullshit about genocide and starvation and then to see these fat Hamas gangsters parading these poor people.
Beyond words.
More and more of these kinds of article:
From Western Australia to Oslo, the walls are caving in on the net zero fantasists as the costly renewables experiment crumbles across the globe (Sky News, 10 Feb)
Too much in it for me to summarize, but Rocco does mention something I’d missed at the time: BP canned yet another green hydrogen project last week, this one in WA and worth $1 billion.
Add in the efforts of Chris Uhlmann, Jennie George and many other writers lately you’d think the message may start to penetrate even Labor’s ears. I suppose they need to lose an election though before they can turn their ship.
Let’s not forget it was Chris Bowen who said once if people didn’t like Labor policies not to vote for them. He has since learned not to say it but he will mime it to the nth degree.
This bloke is a national hero.
Spread the word and support his efforts because the powerful tax leeches are trying to shut him down.
‘you can ignore reality as long as you like … you just cant ignore the consequences of ignoring reality…”
Stuff like this is good but it still skirts around the core issue: which is alarmism, global boiling, is bullshit. All the ruinables disasters are justified by global boiling being real.
How long after the uncoupling will we have to wait for our rolling pastures up and down our East coast to return? Five years? Ten years? Or will these overgrown farmlands full of unneeded gums and scrub, created by green net zero edict that blight our once-beautiful and productive vistas, never return to what they were before this madness?
New Oirish.
What’s the odds it will turn out that he’s a Paddy O’something?
Or a visiting Welsh choir boy?
Or Mohammed O’Brian from Dublin.
By way of Somalia.
Son of Ireland’s soil, no doubt
If the perp is one of the usual mob, then the Irish people voted for it and support them.
So glad Trump has golf for relaxation. It allows him to completely turn off for a while as the world fixes between the 5th and 9th hole on one of his instructions.
BTW, hard to believe Trump will become the first American president to attend today’s Super Bowl in New Orleans.
Totally worth it, just to gaze down upon the Eagles, who have pre-emptively done a Women’s Soccer and pledged to not attend the traditional White House reception…
…if they win
Trump will become the first American president to attend today’s Super Bowl in New Orleans.
First at a lot of things including restoring sanity to the United States and dismantling the “swamp” at a rate of knots …BTW remiss not to mention the first President to work at Maccas and as a Garbage collector. He’s a beauty.
What do you know? Terry Hills BOM radar is offline. They are too busy with their climate change nonsense to keep their equipment functioning properly.
Townsville radar showing lpatchy very ight rain (usually virga rain at that shade) at the moment but it is raining quite steadily.
We’ve had noting but problems since it was moved on to the Army range 60km away on the range. It’s never been through a cyclone so I’d hate to see it’s performance there.
I am on the northern beaches writing this in a cafe. There is a huge storm passing over. Noone is driving.
BoM Radar is like Isvestia and Trud – you have to interpret the results by what it has told you in the past.
The Radar at Longreach is very, very accurate. You can tell when the sprinklers are on at Longreach Airport. At least I think that’s what it must be when the sky is cloudless from horizon to horizon.
The liars solution to people complaining about the beer tax and preferential treatment of wine:
Raise taxes on wine
That’ll upset their current middle class wine drinking wanker constituency, while not making their former constituency of working class beer drinkers happy.
Nice one, Dim Charmers.
Musk’s USAID exposure is mind blowing. All sorts of crazy stuff like $0.5B to state-funded propaganda pusher Internews Network.
This is a nice comparison with the neutering and destruction of the Stasi after the wall fell.
You suspect we are just glimpsing the tip of the Deep State iceberg.
Their ABC- we have to read between the colours of the rainbow for this one-
New women’s club needs a league after leaving football netball structureNadia Bevan from Monash University has been researching gender equity in women’s sport and said she was not surprised to hear about the struggles the Kyneton Eagles were having.
Remember, “gender equity” means getting men into women’s sports, “traditional gendered norms” means men have penises and testicles, women have vaginas and breasts, -as well as massive differences in muscle fibre, bone density and reaction times- and the two should not mix on the pitch or in the changerooms.
Oh, and “AFL” actually means “Australian Rules Football”, but that’s a minor quibble.
Their ABC- we have to read between the colours of the rainbow for this one-
Big on the ‘traditional owners of the land’ but against the ‘traditional gendered norms.’
Charlie Walsh argues, powerfully, that ‘gender’ does not exist. He notes that the general definition is ‘sex = plumbing’ and ‘gender = feels’. He then goes on to ask how any man can ‘feel like a woman’ given there is no way he could know what a woman feels like. For a man to ‘feel like a woman’ might, for all that man knows, be what being a man feels like.
Trust me, real women know exactly what it feels like to be a woman. One thing is for sure, it doesn’t feel like being a man. We just do know our difference, that’s the truth of it. Every cell of us in concert with our brains and plumbing tells who and what we are and no man can get even close to that experience.
Trust me family in Victoria tell me all country footy & netball clubs are struggling. I’d say a combination of kids doing less, declining populations and smaller families is main reason.
Greater heart and lung capacity have a lot to do with it as well.
Funny how that works. The other oddity is where the asylum suddenly feel safe enough to visit the old country once they get permanent residency.
It’s obvious – any Govt. recognised “refugee” who returns to the country he “fled” while the alleged dangerous condition still applies should lose refugee status on departure from Australia.
I had a meeting on a building site about 10 years ago. Needed detail from owner of a sub- contracting business. Turns out he was Afghani – good English, friendly, seemed a switched on young guy building a good business.
He mentioned that he spent some years waiting in a refugee camp for a visa.
Told me his brother wished to join him, and reported the Brother as saying the equivalent of “ F this camp crap, I am going to pay a people smuggler” – and in 6 weeks the new “ refugee” was in Australia. The Owners view seemed to me to be
“ How silly was I to follow the rules”.
I asked to speak to the Brother as he might be able to add to the discussion on the building issue.
” No, he has gone back to Afghanistan to get married”
An Australian tradie nearby said with a grin “ Yeah, and she’s 16!”
“She is not, she is 17” the Business owner said quickly.
I asked him if it was dangerous for his Brother to go back to Afghanistan?
” No, it’s fine as long as you are a bit careful”.
Bruce Pascoe, come on down!
Legendary singer Buffy Sainte-Marie has been sensationally stripped of her honors title after allegedly ‘lying about her heritage.’
The 83-year-old Oscar-winning singer has been stripped of her prestigious Order of Canada following explosive claims she fabricated her Indigenous heritage.
Daily Mail
Fluffy Sainte-Marie!
Universal Fantasist?
Ahead of her time.
There is justifiable concern about the Seth Efrican government wanting to give itself some legislative cover for resumption of white-owned farm land.
The BBC made a very half-hearted effort to discuss this with a representative of that government, who swore that they had no such intention.
Colour me dubious, because there is a troubling small party led by Julius Malema that delights in singing “kill the Boer”, and there have been a number of horrific attacks on white folks, not just booting them off their land but killing and torturing them.
The BBC would prefer to give a “hard talk” spanking to just about any conservative politician in the world than to tell its listeners the ugly truth about those attacks and the real intentions of the governing rabble.
Curiously they’ve rejected Trump’s generous offer:
White South Africans Turn Down Trump’s Immigration Offer (9 Feb)
I don’t know whether this is complacency or if something else is going on. But if I was an Afrikaner I’d be grabbing this opportunity with both hands.
Curiously, Saputo Africa has strict and complex currency controls that restrict moving financial assets out of the place and limit the amount that can be moved.
Sorry Dr F, but that’s horseshit. The Jo-Berg based barrister who designed a complex scheme to move assets offshore without detection (from the mid-90s), ended up working with me in Defence in the late 2000s after he emmigrated. Great guy. Very hard worker. Number one clients were ANC parliamentarians and officials. Then and now. Scheme is still running very well.
I’m sorry PoliticoNT, South Africa actually does have complex and restrictive currency controls.
Story originally from Thompson-Reuters? Hmmm the same Thompson reuters that lost a t onne of yummy USAid money? The same mob who had a compromised journo doxing one of DOGE team?
Ages on both speak to me on this one too. 85 & 57. Probably too old & settled to be bothered moving. Proof will be in the numbers that actually take it up.
Let me assure you that mouthpieces in South Africa do not represent the average white South African, English or Afrikaans. The number of white people emigrating is increasing at a high rate. Our local South African Gold Coast Facebook group has daily requests for newly arrived Saffas looking for rentals and work or school recommendations. We have a number of children of friends who are too old to get in here that have just migrated to the Coast and there are more to follow.
That’s lekker. Jaapies make Aussie better.
Joe Siracusa on Sky doing chook’s bum mouth about Musk’s cuts.
We’ve had them here before, Joe. Once upon a time when governments felt some sort of responsibility to administer the people’s tax money responsibly.
After four years of a corpse in the Oval Office and the department kiddies running amok building empires with OPM, it’s a refreshing change. But not for some.
He manages to sound slightly more sensible than Michael Ware – some days – but it’s a low bar.
Did the fact check ol’ Brucie? – he’s a Melbourne hero:
RMIT University permanently closes fact-checking operation and pledges to focus on ‘core activities’ of education and research
RMIT University has quietly ended its in-house fact checking unit ‘RMIT Lookout’ following a Sky News Australia investigation and Meta’s recent decision to scrap the ‘biased’ system on its social media platforms.
Isn’t that Vitrioli’s hubby’s outfit?
Some numbers and facts about Mao’s Great Leap Forward.
They’ve found their new mantra – Constitutional Crisis
Sen. Kim: Dems Ready to Shut Down Government Over Trump Actions
They don’t have a majority. How they going to do that?
The RINO’s they have dirt on will come to their rescue.
All stops are OUT.
Trump very likely has dirt on them as well. I don’t see an advantage for them to assist Democrats.
They are relying on the Freedom Caucus – the ‘Tea Party’ group of ~30 conservative Republicans absolutely committed to minimal government – either voting against or abstaining from any vote on government spending. Which paradoxically creates an automatic leverage for toxic Democrat programs being included in government financing packages.
It will be an interesting dynamic. As their ‘non negotiable’ price for not crashing the US public sector, the Dems want all of the DOGUE initiatives undone, Musk out of Executive Government, funding for all the boondoggles and maates restored – and RINO support for Big Government and the Swamp imposed on Trump.
Freedom Caucus members, on the other hand, have to work out whether keeping themselves pure to strict libertarian principles is better than actually slashing undemocratic and wasteful government spending and intrusion into Amurkan lives.
Kind of like having reverse Greens in your coalition.
An historical moment.
Another one.
I think the Freedom Caucus has been spoken to by Trump’s people. Dems are not going to get their help.
One would hope so.
Isn’t this the classic libertarian meme?
Dems Ready to Shut Down Government Over Trump Actions
“Your terms are acceptable.”
Sen. Kim: Dems Ready to Shut Down Government Over Trump Actions
More 4D Trump chess then – that will also stop all the wasteful spending 😉
This is what we’re dealing with everywhere in government
Classic deflection.
Dismissive hand movements, laughing, asking irrelevant questions of her interviewer, passive aggressive body language and words.
If I was her employer, I’d sack her on the spot.
The DoD spends 10 Billion on vehicles and the auditors come along to sight the vehicles that were purchased and can’t do so. This bint doesn’t see that as a problem.
Hang on, just because they’re not there doesn’t mean they’re not somewhere. It’s just that we don’t know where that somewhere might be. So don’t worry about looking for trucks, look for ‘the somewhere’. Ok?
It’s all fine … “other than the dollars”.
Funny how it’s always other people’s money.
Bill Gates’ vaccine organization ‘GAVI’ was awarded $4,880,000,000.00 from USAID.
Nearly $5 BILLION in tax payer money to a single organization.
Two grants are still active; the $4B dollar grant ends Aug 2030.
No wonder Gates is speaking out against DOGE dismantling USAID.
Gates has plenty of billions, why isn’t he using his own if he really wants to save the world? He is behaving like every parsimonious Scrooge, he wants poor taxpayers to pay for his vanity projects.
Democrat Madness Triggered by Sunlight of Common Sense
Life Liberty and Levin — Mark Levin’s full interview with Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu broadcast on Saturday US time. Thankfully, it’s on Youtube.com.
The Christian view is God is awesome, I suck, and the rest of you suck too.
I suppose that’s why lefties hate Christians so much, since via this equation no one is entitled.
Thanks BoN.
Is it correct that Prahran didn’t have postal voting yet Werribee did? How can this be? And who makes such a decision?
Their crimes were called ‘worse than murder’. Now, 25 years later, the Skaf gang rapists are back together again – and some are living the high life: SPECIAL INVESTIGATION BY CANDACE SUTTON
Daily Mail. One way ticket to Gaza for the whole crowd of them.
Link to article:
Thank you, Winston.
25 years of a 49 year sentence is a good start. Now I want all the ones who were never caught to dance the Spandau ballet.
Only in 2025. There’s a serious audit of US government spending conducted by a bunch of austists. One dude gets fired for silly tweets and gets rehired. He goes by the name of big balls.
And people scoff at the idea we’re living in a simulation with a sense of humour.
A lot of kids-in-short-pants will be experiencing a little brown leakage reading the morning papers in Canberra.
Unusually cryptic, Bear.
WA election 2025: Anthony Albanese’s live export ban killing Labor’s chances of holding Albany seatDylan CapornThe West Australian
Mon, 10 February 2025 2:00AM
Dylan Caporn
Anthony Albanese’s live export ban has cruelled WA Labor’s chances of holding the regional seat of Albany, insiders fear, as the election race heats up for the Great Southern seat.
Concerns about Labor’s ability to win Albany resulted in an early year push from half a dozen senior Government ministers, including Premier Roger Cook, making mercy dashes to shore up the seat.
But voter anger at Federal Labor’s decision to end the live sheep export trade by 2028 is understood to be palpable in the regional city.
One senior Labor source told The West Australian the issue was causing headaches for the State Government in the electorate.
“Albany will be hard to win. It is the only electorate in WA where the ban on live sheep exports is putting us at risk,” they said.
The seat, currently held by the Government on an 11 per cent margin, has been in Labor hands since 2001, with former MP Peter Watson winning five terms there.
After his retirement at the last election, Labor tapped then-Albany councillor Rebecca Stephens to run, and she is now seeking a second term on March 8.
One of the great points made by Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu in his interview with Mark Levin (see my post at 9.19am for the link) is that he makes a regular video for the people of Iran – and gets millions of responses from Iranians for each one. Most Iranians loathe the mad mullahs who rule over them and are not-so-secretly barracking for Israel to defeat them.
I find that difficult to believe, Tom.
Millions of responses sounds excessive when in a police state, the replies can be tracked and the senders sent to the Religious Gulags.
Netanhayu said ordinary Iranians are so teed off with their government they no longer care if their identities are known, suggesting the civil rebellion is now widespread.
It doesn’t surprise me. I have many connections there. The mullahs have support from the rural areas. But, in my experience- yes I went there – the cities (Shiraz, Isfahan….) hate them. They do admire the Jews. Their history is one of working with the Jews. And they know their history. Smart intelligent people.
I should add they think the Arabs as just bedouin, uneducated and uncivilized.
I would agree, the Iranians i have spoken to identify as Persian, not Iranian, and wrt Arabs, Persians are more Caucasian and have a disdain for Arabs.
It’S HaPpEniNg It’S HaPpEniNg 🙂
Let Ron audit the gold reserve first!
One of the problems with a frenetic pace is that you have so many balls in the air that one or more, even the big ones, will hit the ground. I’ve seen complaints about the numbers of deportations since late last week.
Trebuchets at the border.
Catching humans when they don’t want to be caught isn’t easy.
The response to the deportation of illegal Indians was interesting.
Need to go up the chain. Make it illegal to employ them. No tax deductions for wages paid to illegal immigrants. It would drive everything underground but you would be dealing with a much smaller number.
It is illegal for companies over a certain number of employees. The law needs to be tweaked so any business will be in jeopardy if employing illegals.
The response seemed to be about the transport in military aircraaft.
So you can tell what the Trumposaurus’s aim is – India comes and gets it own people – preferentially in their Presidential plane.
Need one of those German compound words for an orange Blitzkrieg.
Die/Der(?) Orangenblitzkrieg
Apparently her proud First Nations heritage is more spaghetti Western than Injun.
The family changed their name from plain old Santa Maria during WW2 to avoid connection with Il Duce.
One would think someone born in the 1940’s would have been aware of that.
A pretty good summation of the South Africa situation. https://www.politicsweb.co.za/opinion/truths-obscured-by-trumps-distortions
Trump has a team of people in charge of the deportations, so what balls is he throwing in the air other than big balls? You realize Trump isn’t going around and doing the collection and deportations himself, right?
Hollywood strikes again:
Richard Gere Scolds Trump as a ‘Bully’ and ‘Thug’ with America ‘In a Very Dark Place’
Director Judd Apatow Takes Aim at Trump, Musk: ‘Please Go F**k Yourself’
Chelsea Handler Compares Melania Trump to a Prostitute at Critics Choice Awards
What is it about the leftoid mindset? Arrogance is a major part of it but I think the main part is the complete inability to self criticise, to be mentally flexible and even humble. When that is combined with an implacable tribalism that ostracises any deviation from the approved path people like the above hacks automatically attack a threat like Trump rather than consider what he is saying and doing. Trump is the perfect enemy to this condition: he reveals the dank, dark filth which the left position is built on and most importantly he ridicules the left. The left have no sense of humour because humour requires a capacity to recognise what is absurd. The left do not consider themselves to be anything other than perfect. That is perfect absurdity and Trump exposes that perfectly.
I saw Gere at JFK coming back to oz. He’s very short. I think his wife was taller. Had a bunch of young kids with him and looked very grandfatherly.
Next time you see the dickhead, kick him in the cods.
Dude, he’s well into his 70s with a bunch of young kids. I’m not going to kick him.
Well, call him a dickhead. Tell him Julia Roberts, another hollywood hack, was prettier than him in Pretty Woman.
I’ve never liked her looks. You want me to lie to make a point? No.
I don’t like her looks either; I said she was prettier than gere.
I guess that could mean she’s less ugly. Word it how you want, the point is gere will be mortified by anyway saying he’s not as pretty as anyone else.
Why are we bickering about this?
I’m doing it for you; I know you like a good stoush over nothing. So why do you think gere is prettier than roberts?
‘Actors are generally stupid people.’
Anthony Hopkins.
And their views on the budget deficit or defence policy or whatever have no more intrinsic merit than those of a butcher or a traffic warden.
If hollyweirdos hate Musk now I expect they are burning their Teslas and buying the Chinese EVs.
If you look around, it’s surprising how many Teslas there are driven around.
With my monster EV, I’ve “filled” up three times now and the cost is 15 bucks (around 5 bucks on the programed late night charge) . That’s 15 bucks vs around 125 bucks X 3 times = $375. At least 30% of that going to the towel-heads. No thanks.
I thought that monster EV was a Eurotrash soft roader? Lucky IT isn’t here.
The new assertive Melania may well be engaging in correspondence with Mz Handler.
The conservatives new found willingness to sue is a symbol of the breakthrough.
Chelsea Handler thought the sun and the moon were the same until she was 40. This is telling you something about her percipience. None of these people are intelligent; they are incapable of reflective thought. All they do is recite the lines they’ve learnt, either from a script or from each other. Only the very few brightest of them realise that they are stupid.
Thanks to @elonmusk and DOGE, we can now answer to the question:
How do elected officials and bureaucrats making $200,000 a year accumulate multi-million dollar fortunes?
Answer: They’re thieves who use covert schemes to loot the Treasury and steal from the American taxpayer.
How does the head of USAID make 23 million dollars in 4 years?
Not by hawking her fork, that’s for sure.
Sticky fingers.
Breaking News: Fox News is Reporting that it’s the FBI who is leaking information on ICE Raids.
I really worry about Trump; these bastards in the fbi and cia and other demorat stuffed agencies are going to try again.
Soon these FBI agents will be free to take the jobs vacated by the illegals.
This is interesting USD$10 million to make life starting with abiotic ingredients.
Speaking of the left; the left personified:
Jebus. If Quentin Bryce was POC.
Utterly revolting woman, inside and outside.
UPDATE: Trump Administration Shutters Headquarters of Elizabeth Warren’s Consumer Financial Protection Bureau – Nearly All Activities of Regulator Suspended
This is like watching the LA fires. Of course, many of these are legitimate government functions and will need to be reinstated over time. Good fun in the meantime.
will need to be reinstated over time.
This is known as a ‘zero base’ in business. When a failing company goes into administration, you cut the spending on every dept to zero, then ask each dept to justify its budget.
The CFPB had no functions until Warren invented them. Their cancellation will simply lift a fascist burden on banks and finance.
Musk’s engineering soul at work. The best part is no part. Keep removing stuff until you need to put some back. If you don’t need to put stuff back you didn’t remove enough.
Mining revolt looms: PM tries to dig himself out of strife
[Unlinkable OZ]
Pretty clear that neither of these peanuts has any idea of how critical minerals deposits occur in the wild. The laws of mineral geology are pretty inflexible and resistant to political hopes and prayers.
There are plenty of technical CM projects, but generally small-scale and distributed mineralisation. Not large-scale, not extensive, and not long lasting like coal and iron ore – not going to support the development of towns and regions, or ‘new technologies’. And generally not located near existing mining centres.
The more realistic future is non-unionised, hard-graft FIFO and temporary remote camps, with the critical minerals concentrates being exported in bulkabags to whichever end-user buys them.
Whatever he thinks, the Canbra Pustule is not recreating the Pilbara, Kal, the Hunter, or the Bowen Basin.
Boondoggles! His plan for our future is boondoggles!
Because what could Albo mean by “new energy” if not ruinables.
Plus I just like saying the word boondoggle, teehee.
Some 20yo intern will have worked hard to come up with ‘new energy’.
New Energy – like Dragon Energy, but better; smarter, greener energy than the fuddy duddy ‘old energy’ your grandparents used to use to run their gramophones and ceiling fans.
Made with 100% Australian FairTrade SuperPower renewable electrons. Contains no harmful chemicals and not tested on animals.
They don’t need tax credits – they need the damned government off their backs!
You, sir, need to have more faith!
If Lord Waffleworth was not bound by the laws of physics I see no difficulty.
Malcolm Roberts explains why One Nation abstained from voting against the new hate speech bill: to get publicity. He said on Chris Smith that with the stupid fuking lnp supporting the wretched thing that it would pass and all they could do was to publicise it and they decided to abstain which would confuse the msm and get more publicity.
Still sounds like cop-out.
I’ll give Roberts the benefit of the doubt. He’s probably overthought it but he’s heart is in the right place.
A cop out is too polite.
This legislation will be used to censor speech and thereby control thought on social issues other than antisemitism.
Should have voted against.
[And if that was his plan he should have explained it to Pauline in simpler language.]
Not buying it.
Top be fair, they were between a rock and a hard place.
Vote aye – you are curtailing civil liberties you vile garage nasties
Vote nay – you are supporting anti-semitism you vile garage nasties
That’s a false dilemma.
And the rationale for voting against would have been explained in the speeches.
It’s a matter of principles and ON failed it very badly.
They got more publicity all right – they got my resignation, the spineless bastards.
Orange oaf at the Superbowl shaking hands on the field.
You gotta love him.
I see that #95 for Kansas, Chris Jones went over and shook hands with the Prez. I would think that the NFL (players and coaches) would have plenty of closet Trump fans.
75% of Werribee counted.
Lib candidate is behind by 500 votes (or 1/5th of the informal votes cast so far).
Federal Labor taking ‘nothing for granted’ after Victorian by-electionsJoseph Olbrycht-PalmerNewsWire
Mon, 10 February 2025 7:20AM
Federal Labor is taking “nothing for granted” after by-elections in Victoria over the weekend turned up worrying results for their colleagues in the Garden State.
As of Monday morning, Victorian Labor was just ahead of the Liberals in the race for the state seat of Werribee in Melbourne’s greater southwest.
Formerly a safe Labor seat with deep working class roots, fewer than 450 votes separated the parties’ candidates.
The Irish Justice Minister condemned the “random attacks”
Man arrested and three in hospital after reports of stabbing incident in Dublin | World News | Sky News
And the swine are still confused about the motive.
Irish stupidity in all those old jokes? Not so funny now.
DOGE is the perfect tool to drain the swamp. Shine a light on them and then cut off further supplies and exit points.
This has an added bonus of alerting the entire population to their methods so they will not be able to use them again.
I can see where in the future internet observers will be interested in the source of funds should any congressperson or bureaucrat acquire unexplainable wealth. There will be many DOGE volunteers out there.
Albo gets a present…
President Donald Trump announces sweeping new tariffs on Australian steel and aluminium (Sky News, 10 Feb)
Green aluminium and green steel no longer has the magic value it did before 5 Nov.
The President introduced similar tariffs in his last term, but in 2018 Australia negotiated an exemption.
On what grounds was the previous exemption? Perhaps this time (with Musk at his RHS), the exemption might be based upon embracing US policies with respect to free speech and censorship?
And the Second Amendment.
We live in hope.
Add Castle Doctrine and Stand Your Ground into the Constitution and I’ll be in Heaven.
Gosh, that might hobble the green steel renewable thing operated by Gupta- Malinauskas partners at Whyalla.
Sure, you remember Whyalla, people – the fast sinking steel town that Craig Emerson sang about when it did not collapse the day after a Labor Government appeared. It seems to be subsiding now – no future of expansion and well paid jobs making green steel, apparently.
Gupta seems to be in a bit of bother.
Coal workers stood down as mining group’s debts mount (Paywallian)
If you try to play both sides of the climate game you will always lose. Be like Whitehaven and embrace the magic gas CO2.
Sanjeev Gupta and all who believed in him and GFG Alliance have been going down in bright and noisy flames for the past six months as his creditors claim his European businesses.
GFG is now not even attending court to wriggle a bit.
This news obviously hasn’t got to Adelaide yet, as the pitiful Premier pulls out the Stern Warning Stick:
Pro Tip: Just now, Aussie Sanjeev will be prioritising the preservation of his ‘personal luxuries’ with a priority like you wouldn’t believe.
To be unfair to Malinauskas (and the rest of the Australian government muppetry) this 100% unexpected and wholly unpredictable shock horror imbroglio has only been going on – like a slow motion train wreck – for the past 5 years.
Another FMD moment coming home to roost amongst the turkeys.
Just as planned.
State Govt. got green steel announcables for 5 years.
Aussie Sanjeev got cashflow and subsidies for 5 years.
Everybody happy.
Viable business – why do you ask?
Just young and naive, I guess.
This is why I love America with all my heart.
Taylor Swift booed at the Superbowl.
American sports fans love Trump.
Taylor Swift isn’t a sports fan — she’s a groupie.
You gotta laugh. First Taylor gets sidelined at the Grammies and now booed at the Super Bowl.
Silly bint could have stayed non political.
Solution: Mass sackings and lengthy gaol terms.
And a rap across the genitals with a lump of rusty barbwire.
… soothed afterwards with Dr Rabs’ patent dressing – with chilli concentrate and salt – may contain Yuge traces of fire ants.
Huge rainstorm passing over my place. Dark enough to turn on the lights. From what I can see of the rain gauge through the window, it rained 40 mls in half an hour.
Trump announces 25% tariffs on Aus aluminium and steel
Stop Donald or we will [umm, err ,,, ,] give you a stern talking to.
Or stop visiting the US, buying their crappy streaming services, crappy military gear, watching their B grade sports etc. There are things we can do.
Ambassador Rudd will be all over this……
We need to get our ambassador into the WH to explain why this is not a good idea…oh, krudd.
For a moment there I thought it was the Washington DC bishop again but it appears Canada has worse fake Christians.
I wouldn’t be surprised if she held the same views, Crossie.
Christian progressives are very much like their secular counterparts.
On their way up it’s “All we ask is for tolerance. We are harmless. We’re just seeking dialogue.”
Once they get power it’s “SHUT UP!”
There is nothing Christian or religious about progressive so-called Christians.
Only in name.
Everyone holding Treasury bills is getting nervous.
Not yet reflected in the Gold/silver price or the exchange rate.
But it looks like my prediction for a correction to $3,500/oz has just gone out the window.
Anyone care to bet on A$5k/oz in the next fortnight?
Impossible to discount. By EOFY is a fair bet.
Gold is a whisker off a new ATH. If anything the irregularities would be in the auctions.
That’s Rudd’s doing. This is payback, and also a very indirect, subtle way to influence our election. Morrison invited to Palm Beach was an indicator I think.
Last time he imposed steel tariffs we were exempted.
Possibly I’m thinking too hard too!
That was my first impression, JC: payback and election influence. News headlines suggest that Albo is worried but doesn’t intend to contact Trump (by telephone) until mid year.
It has the subtlety of a sledge hammer. We are being told to get rid of the rat in DC, get rid of the rats in Canbra and embrace free speech.
The only question is how do we tell Don and Elon that we agree with all of the above.
Do you think Dutton will get the hint?
[raucous laughter]
Nah, too thick and gutless.
Exactly. These slow learners have not realized how much the whole game has changed.
Bluescope down about 1.7%. There’s no panic.
You wish, but they’re not—at least not in Asia, which has always been panic central.
U.S. 10-year note futures are basically trading flat.
There’s no skullduggery in the Treasury markets. Trump is just shooting his big mouth off, and everyone understands that.
He’s so predictable in a good way. He never misses an opportunity to go for the baseball bat to the head.
He actually posted this.
He posts what everyone’s thinking.
So Taylor Swift got booed at the Game. Good.
Australians used to have that sort of “up yours”. Not sure if they still have that degree of commitment to the “right stuff”.
When Australians start booing the welcome to countries’ you’ll know we’re starting to get there.
The Musk-eteers Reveal You’ve Been Living in a Simulated Reality
Musk-eteers. Chortle, snort.
Can we hire one of these guys for 24 hrs to rewrite the Australian Tax Code ? Distill 6000 pages into 6. Thank you.
We don’t have an Australian Tax Code. We have tax legislation.
Oh dear. Forget I spoke.
This is what I mean: Trump has the biggest target ever on his back:
Iran Placed Terrorists In US With Access To Surface-To-Air Missiles To Take Down Trump Plane: Report
It doesn’t matter if he is the nephew of God, some bad players are gunning for him.
That’s true. I think Air-Force One gets an pretty decent escort, no?
Also, I think his plane is fitted out with jamming equipment too.
I think he and Musk have to go into orbit for a while and they can issue orders from there.
The one to really worry about is Musk as he probably has nowhere the protection afforded to the orange oaf.
Musk seems to have good personal security even at places where he should be relatively safe, like the shipyard at Boca Chica.
Probably reported here already, but arrived in my inbox this morning from the Free Speech Union Australia:
What is it with Australian government agencies running unlawful schemes?
Inman-Grant should be sacked.
The eSafety Commish is one serious bitch; she was pooed out of Soros’s arse. Rub and tug and the rest of his bunch AND every pea hearted/brained idiot in the lnp need dousing in flea poison and left to rot for imposing this creature on Australia. Between her and the new hate speech crap we’re all going to censor prison. I’ll share a cell with you Rog and you can pray for me.
I certainly would, cohenite.
You two have purty mouths.
Now give me your jello cups.
Why, nobody’s ever said that to me before.
Dutton must promise during the election campaign that Inman-Grant will be removed from her post and the position deleted.
This doesn’t surprise me dover. Just about all the cancer treatments and discoveries coming out of Melbourne, which is a medical research hotspot, are run by Chinese.
This is coming from a book written by a Politico reporter?
Politico can’t fold quick enough.
FULL ON-FIELD APPEARANCE: Trump Goes Onto The Field At Caesars Superdome In New Orleans, Louisiana
Is there a bigger collection of evil knunts than in Gaza? You’d probably have to look at death row prisons—and even then, they’d rank lower.
JC, it is totally beyond my comprehension why the totally brain dead western supporters of Hamas refuse to acknowledge this evil.
Albanese is too stupid to realise that every time that he talks about helping Gaza thousands of votes go out the door.
Don’t interrupt him, bons.
Words fail to describe the horrors Hamas perpetrated on Oct 7. This poor man now has to somehow get on with his life, knowing these animals butchered his family and celebrated it. In fact celebrated it around the world.
This isn’t over, cease fire or no.
bullshit, you came to the west and stole everything you could get your hands on
The wheels on the Bus go Round and Round… 😀
Yes. The good question has been: “What exactly is it is that you do around here?”, and the answer has so often been about the wheels on the bus.
Time for a real job, some of you grifters.
Haha the kid was trying not to laugh
That’s when I got the joke!
There are a number of moving parts to the weather this week with the possibility of a tropical cyclone forming around the Kimberley or Pilbara bringing widespread rain, thunderstorms and potentially wind – we explain why the forecast isn’t locked in yet…..
Australia: WA Cyclone risk, severe thunderstorms SE, temp changes in south
Tuned in to the Superbowl half time “entertainment”. OMG what a waste of time. Some rapper dude who droned on and on forever, couldn’t understand a word and then some insipid female singer.
Male dancers were good, perfectly in sync.
? Seemed like something you’d see in the ghetto. So much talent they could have chosen from. Embarrassing.
Shouda got whatsername (Raygun?) there to show them how it’s done.
The ASIC v Star hearing should provide some interesting insights into the world of modern casino operations.
The late Frank Devine (Miranda’s dad) once wrote an article about casino operations when the one in Melbourne was losing money about 30 years ago. Done in the style of a mafia boss talking to his lieutenant.
It was funny as all get out. Wish I had a copy.
HBB – I worked in casinos over 15 years. Have followed the reporting/ASIC investigations re Star Melbourne and Sydney. Melbourne – lots of huffing and puffing but it’s hard to see the illegality. Sydney – possibly in the VIP space. But not the type the public imagine happens in casinos. (You cannot launder drug/crime money on the tables no matter what you’re told.) Actual criminality is rare because there are so many layers of governance and surveillance it’s close to impossible to effect. To launder drug money for example you’d have to have basically everyone involved from the dealer all the way up to the Minister, including state government inspectors, and criminal intelligence reps. Logistically it’s impossible. I’ve only read the reporting in AFR, which although detailed, still left me asking, ‘did Star break any laws?’ Maybe. But not at the corporate level is my takeaway.
Interesting. I come at it from the directors duties area of law, which presumably is where ASIC is coming from. I thought both Crown and Star had agreed to fines in respect of cash transactions reporting requirements?
From media reporting it seems to revolve around junkets and what was said to their bankers over specific card facilities. Not your local meth dealer with a shoebox of used $50s.
Yes. Which is the bit I can’t quite get my head around. When a junket (a defined group of high rolling players who visit the casino from O/S to punt via in effect an agent ‘running’ the junket) starts hitting very big turnover rates they start getting ‘paid’ a small fee on the turnover. Not enough to threaten the casino’s margins on the game being played (a lot smaller than you might imagine) but enough – generally – to stretch out how much time they spend on the tables. (I was running a VIP casino on an Italian pocket cruiser in the Malacca Straits in the mid-90s and one night we hit USD$1b turnover. From memory we cleared about USD$5m in profit. It was a fun night. And we weren’t paying turnover %.) Every junket agent, every group of players or single player is different. Everyone gets a different deal. But what I remember reading in the AFR about Star Sydney – it was the first time in thirty years I thought maybe they’d finally found a way to rip off the (State) government.
Small price to pay if they can maintain their licence, well at least when it was originally levied. Their business seems to be tanking now. Question is, who knew what? I mean, how did the State Gaming Commission (or whatever the NSW area is) not know? It’s literally impossible in the Australian casino system. Everyone sees everything. Everything is reported. Suss activity automatically stands out.
bullshit, you came to the west and stole everything you could get your hands on
Lots of Chinese names on published papers in the USA on physics, chemistry and bio tech. They seem to be worth their salt while working in the US.
A run on the gold in bank vaults in the US?
The question for gold holders is:
Cat People news (the CM):
And nor should it be at any type of work in or near a school.
It’s not a ‘her’. It’s a bloke.
Perhaps this cat ear-wearing bloke was triggered by the students barking at him.
Lemme tellz ya about my homie Fatty Trump
His woife’s a gangsta and she ain’t no frump
He wanna send pallyweirdos to Somalia
So theys don’t end up in Venoztralia
He ain’t no threat to democracy
He just ain’t down with “muh bureaucracy”
Got his bro Elon and his coder dudes
Banning tranny midget operas in tropical latitudes
So let’s hear it for my Orange man bad
Otherwise youse just sad, sad, sad
I tellz ya!
Rabz, you’re a pote and don’t note.
Rabz and Kristin would be Pote ‘n Tate.
Fully sik ma nigga
You’re too old to be an aspiring rapper, more the perspiring rapper.
Respect! Big it up for the westside massive.
At least we dont have any reason to inflict a DOGE on out harmless little Pubic Serpents/Pollies/NGOs
How much do you thing Dept of Foreign Affairs and Australian Aid have sent Israel and Palestine since 2008?
Israel : $0
Palestine : $486,148,157 (USD)
Guess who has been funding the Palestinian protests?
The NCCA : National Council of Churches in Australia who are a fully accredited NGO who runs the Australian Churches Refugee Taskforce.
Now, can we stop claiming our Govts are agents of The State of Israel please?
I want our money back!
Unless it was for pagers, I agree.
I’ve just realised something.
I don’t hate this government enough.
As for the NCCA, I see with great relief that the Presbyterians have dodged a bullet.
So Far, Daytime Sky’s political panel are poking and prodding about the likelihood of USA President Trump’s tariffs affecting our exports of … wait for it … steel?
Surely the biggest bogeyman in the room is the Labor Party’s insane energy policies? The energy cost affects steel and aluminium prices fairly directly, particularly the latter, which has been described as “congealed electricity”.
Anti-gas activists escape jail for protest outside Woodside CEO Meg O’Neill’s homePaul Garvey
3 hours ago.
Updated 33 minutes ago
The three anti-gas activists behind a controversial attempted protest at the home of Woodside chief executive Meg O’Neill say they feel no remorse after they escaped jail time over the stunt.
Disrupt Burrup Hub activists Matilda Lane-Rose, Emil Davey and Jesse Noakes were on Monday all fined after previously pleading guilty to charges of attempted unlawful damage attempted trespass over the August 2023 stunt at Ms O’Neill’s City Beach home.
Ms Lane-Rose and Mr Davey were each fined $2,000 and were granted spent convictions, while Mr Noakes was fined $2,500.
Ms Lane-Rose and Mr Noakes were arrested shortly after they arrived at Ms O’Neill’s family home in the Perth suburb of City Beach, accompanied by a film crew from the ABC’s Four Corners program, in August 2023. They had planned to throw paint at the house and chain Ms Lane-Rose to the front gate, but ten police officers were lying in wait and swiftly arrested them.
Mr Davey was apprehended the previous evening when he drove his car past Ms O’Neill’s home.
Speaking outside court after the sentencing, Mr Davey said the activists had no regrets for targeting the family home Ms O’Neill shares with her wife and their daughter.
“Ms O’Neill is the CEO of the biggest fossil fuel company, and look, her job is to handle this kind of stuff. So no, I’m not sorry for her,” he said.
“And I think if you’re going to get a bit upset about a 19 year old’s paint stunt, it’s about time to grow a backbone.”
The protest at Ms O’Neill’s home is one of a string of incidents carried out by Disrupt Burrup Hub, including letting off stink bombs at Woodside’s corporate headquarters and spraypainting the Woodside logo on the Frederick McCubbin masterpiece Down on His Luck. Ms O’Neill has taken out restraining orders against some of the activists.
After the sentencing, a spokesman for Woodside said the company “condemns unlawful acts that are intended to threaten, harm, intimidate or disrupt our employees, their families, or any other member of the community going about their daily lives”.
“We believe these actions should be met with the full force of the law,” the spokesman said.
More two tiered justice. No wonder ordinary people aren’t supportive of the cops.
I suspect large number of cops would be pissed off by this as well.
Nothing is stopping them actually acting when these things happen……..
Or judges.
I’ve had enough personally.
Mr Davey (and no doubt his fellow activists) sounds neither remorseful nor more likely not to reoffend. I wonder what the Magistrate and his colleagues makes of this.
These protesters would the first to run to the cops if someone demonstrated on their property.
Self-entitled leftards.
This sort of evil reached its logical conclusion on a New York street.
Our CEOs will need better security. The police can’t be trusted to protect them, and the courts will go soft on those who threaten them.
They obviously haven’t learned their lesson, so the penalty is clearly way too lenient.
I got a visit from a couple of Jehovah’s Witnesses yesterday . They came to the gate (no further, they were worried about the guard hound) They asked if I would like a chat and I said that Donald Trump believes that God saved his life when the assassin’s bullet hit him in the ear, and if he was 2 inches further over and Donald didn’t turn his head, he would be dead now.
Why would God do that l asked
Why would God spare Donald Trump ?
Perhaps there is a greater purpose I said
Hello we must be going they said
“Mad Mathesis alone was unconfined,
Too mad for mere material chains to bind”.
Just substitute Maxine for Mathesis.
This is the activist judge who temporarily kiboshed Elon and DOGE’s audit of the US Treasury:
(18) Elon Musk on X: “This is an activist posing as a judge” / X
Here is Viva’s analysis. What happened is nothing short of insurrection but as Viva notes it will end at the expedited appeal stage today or tomorrow:
(536) Souther District of New York CORRUPTION Continues – DOGE Enjoined from Doing What Trump Wants! SHARE – YouTube
Once past the post they need to do some digging on this guy and his associates.
I sense many…many worms.
May have to change your name to “Blind Freddie”, calli.
Eagle eyed Fredericka if you don’t mind!
Someone has to call out the trouserless monarch.
Chris Kenny with a powerful monologue on the hostages and Gaza.
He touches on the condition of the released hostages, the cruel “parades” and the clear fact that Hamas still appears to be very much in control.
Surrounded by joyous innocent Gazans.
Those “cruel parades” seem likely to be breaches of the Geneva Conventions, not that either Hamarse or the western MSM would care.
Imagine the reaction from the left if terrorists were being paraded by the IDF.
Spent a bit of time in the Sporty Conveyance today.
A few radio “personalities” hand-wringing over the damage a 25% tariff would do to true-blue aluminium and steel exports.
I’d need to check, but I can’t recall such furious anger when the choking off of coal put a far bigger crimp in the steel industry, or power prices pushed the nostrils of the aluminium industry under the water line.
We actually export steel? Wonders never cease!
Why are we importing it then?
My steel fixers won’t touch anything from the Middle Kingdom because it’s so hard to bend into shape.
I too was pleasantly surprised that we still had a steel-making industry. I can see where the Yanks may prefer our steel to the Chinese inferior product. All we have to do is get rid of Albo and his miserable band who are putting all of it in jeopardy.
Laughable. We barely even have a steel industry anymore. And the aluminium smelters only exist to act as load levelers for frigging renewables. Whenever the grid is under stress AEMO tells them to stop producing.
Aluminium is basically solid electricity. I expect a couple will take the opportunity to say adios.
This afternoon’s Unfiltered from Alexandra Marshall at The Spectator:
Someone should introduce Michael de Percy to the so-called Liberal moderates whom Dutton will have to appease should he win in April. Labor’s right wing is often more sensible & conservative.
Who are the members of this mysterious Labor right? I think the last one was the late Kimberley Kitching and the Mean Girls dispatched her.
Made you think, didn’t I?
Thought it might draw mem out.
I’m here. You are lucky I can only type with one hand at present. It happens to be my left.
Isn’t Labor’s now deceased “right” commenting on Sky now?
The SFL are even more stupid than I thought.
Too foolish to release that the new anti-free speech laws will only be weaponized against them and conservatives.
Leftard activists will have a field day, lodging the most frivolous accusations.
The trannie and gay lobbies and Mueslis need have no fear.
Look at the problem Bernard Gaynor is having with Gary Burns and the NSW Anti-Discrimination Board and realise just how easily a government Authority can be subverted by an individual with an axe to grind.
I think the authority is happy for him to keep persecuting Bernard. Otherwise he would have been struck off as a vexatious litigant.
Angry mob of Aussies take justice into their own hands as they descend on alleged teenage criminal’s home
There’s an arzewipe of a kid in this town, who thinks its fun to wave a cap pistol in the main street, and let off caps. He can’t work out why some of the middle aged men get so abusive…
We do not endorse mob justice and take no ( or not much) pleasure from videos like this,
When the government, which has a monopoly on violence, refuses to defend the people, then they have the right (not codified) to vigilante justice.
*the monopoly of
Caroline Di Russo on Sky wearing her pyjamas.
Have some self respect girl.
Lol! The downticks took a while!
Eating your meat tea old fella?
USAID was financing this kunt:
“I demand Jihad, I want ISIS to kill all of you.” Noora Shalash, Director of Government Affairs for CAIR-Kentucky. – Whatfinger News’ Choice Clips
When I served in Lebanon last October, we found huge Hezbollah weapons caches – together with USAID care packages (not to mention UNICEF folders).
From the American taxpayer to Hezbollah, with love.
There’s a link to the study in the post.
Once injected, these aggregates are absorbed by immune cells and activate Toll-like receptor 9 (TLR9), triggering pro-inflammatory responses.
According to Dr Lee, for some individuals, particularly those with genetic predispositions, this can lead to autoimmune conditions POTS or, in rare cases, sudden death.
We proudly present our most important documentary:
This is the first doc. to expose the scale of Britain’s rape epidemic & the cover up to prevent us knowing the NATIONALITY, ETHNICITY or ASYLUM STATUS of the rapists
Rapes in England & Wales have quadrupled in just 10 years
Other European countries – such as Demark, Sweden and Germany – have experienced similar explosions since around 2015.
But why? What is causing this? What has changed?
And why, unlike other European countries, is the British state so unwilling to provide the full data on who is committing these crimes?
Reposted to my Australia Wide Facebook page – Total readers 2. (+ my mum.)
Are Democrats and the Media Colluding To Threaten Elon Musk’s Family Now? – PJ Media
The meja is evil and deserves to die
What a coincidence. Americans were paying for the censorship of their own independent media.
USAID closes Friday, Brazil ends its censorship ban on Rumble Sunday.
I wonder how long before Kansas City Chiefs fans start blaming Jinx Taylor Swift for their team’s loss at the Super Bowl.
Marc Andreessen – The Worst Evils of the Censorship Regime
Lidia Thorpe accuses government of ‘year of betrayal, delay’ over stalled Closing The Gap progressJessica WangNewsWire
Mon, 10 February 2025 11:26AM
Indigenous senator Lidia Thorpe has accused the government of a “year of betrayal, delay and deflection” in its commitment to “closing the gap” between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians, with both Anthony Albanese and Peter Dutton conceding more needs to be done.
The Victorian senator’s fiery response follows the Prime Minister’s annual Closing the Gap address to Parliament House on Monday, with the latest Productivity Commission stating only five of the 19 targets are on track to be met by 2031.
According to the February 2024 Productivity Commission report, rates of suicide, incarceration and Indigenous children in out-of home care have increased.
While life expectancy rates between Indigenous and non-Indigenous people were narrowing, they were still not on track to meet targets.
Senator Thorpe accused the government of “intentionally widening” the gaps, pointing at tightened child bail laws in NSW, Victoria and Queensland.
“This time last year, the Productivity Commission delivered a damning assessment of Closing the Gap and called for an overhaul of how First Nations policy is developed and implemented,” she said on Monday.
“A year later, things have gotten worse. It has been a year of betrayal, delay and deflection.
I want to be very clear: These gaps are widening because governments are intentionally widening them.
“The list of attacks on First Peoples by governments is growing by the day.”
She also criticised Mr Albanese’s $842.6m funding package for Indigenous people in remote communities in the Northern Territory announced last week that included $205.9m to boost policing efforts.
“This will just funnel more of our people into the court and prison system at a time where courts are crumbling, as many people are unable to access legal assistance or even an interpreter,” she said.
Speaking of white grifters, claiming “Aboriginal” heritage…
Government is attacking its citizens, you say?
Get in the queue!
The only gap she needs to be concerned about is the one between her skull and her brain.
I have no patience for rude, crude, highly paid, obscene, violent, entitled slags. Too many of them.
Yes. Well said, Milton.
More winning.
Trump has deleted the Federal dept of education.
Over 10,000 white farmers already looking to exit South Africa
And when the breeding stock is slaughtered and eaten, when the seed grain is boiled and eaten, the machinery is broken down, while the spares and fuel are sold on the “black market” , the women till the ground with hoes, in the same fashion as their great grandmothers, while the men sit in the shade, swilling beer, and telling each other how brave they were, in the struggle against apartheid….
Yes, sadly that is the sort of devolutionary future that we thought we saw in our short visit there recently.
White farming families have been murdered and tortured.
I’d get out and let the ANC and the rest stew in the juice they’ve made.
Let me tell you all how Eli Sharabi’s wife and two daughters were murdered by Hamas Nazis on October 7 2023.
They were burnt alive.
Oh and we hear a lot from Muslim and leftist Nazi scum across the West, they love to parrot lies such as how Israeli Jews are pale white colonialists, how the wicked evil Zionist Jews came from Europe and stole Palestinian orange and lemon groves. Of course it’s all lies, all bullshit but I feel the need to point out that the Sharabi family came from Yemen.
Beyond evil, and they were laughing about it too. The Israelis have been too nice.
Sky News host Gabriella Power is showing too much boobie …. and I like boobs.
With that said, good stuff from Dana.
‘Media here sucks’: Sky News host lauds Dana White for blasting Australia’s ‘weak’ media
Her boobs aren’t pushed up to her jawline which looks gross. They have a curve – not a crevasse.
The demonic party makes the old mafia look like amateurs. And the attitude too. The brazenness and arrogance.
(I think he means slush fund)
I reckon “slut”, still works.
Plenty of sluts and saphists and saphic sluts in the Demorat party
It’s sapphic, double p, not saphic. Pronounced sap fik if you want to be technical.
Now you guys got me thinking you’re right.
A link please JC – so I can pass it on to my unbelieving older sister.
‘Living in la la land’: Energy Minister Chris Bowen taken to task for ‘280 per cent’ jump in power prices despite election promise
Energy Minister Chris Bowen has been taken to task over Australia’s skyrocketing power prices, with a Sydney radio host highlighting how a promise to reduce power prices by 18 per cent resulted in a 280 per cent increase.
Highlighting the issue on Monday, 2GB breakfast host Ben Fordham said the evidence was now in and it proved Australia’s Energy Minister was “living in green la la land”.
Fordham cited figures showing the average wholesale electricity price across the five states in the National Electricity Market was $33.70 in January 2021 compared to $81.51 in January 2025.
“That means it hasn’t gone down. That means wholesale power has gone up by 140 per cent when you compare January 2021 with January 2025,” he said.
But the 2GB host said the figures looked even worse for February.
Comparing the average wholesale electricity price of electricity in NSW during the first nine days of February in 2021 was $34.70 while the average for the first nine days of February 2025 was $131.99.
“That’s almost four times higher, or 280 per cent higher. And yet in 2021, Chris Bowen was telling us that prices would be 18 per cent lower by now,” Fordham said.
More at Sky
It’s the equivalent of “Of course I’ll still respect you in the morning.”
Except he doesn’t respect us now.
Anyone know anything about the editor of the Sydney Mourning Hemorrhoid Bevan Shields – he sounds like such a pussy.
What’s funnier, his name “Bevan”. That was used to disparage where you came from before “Bogan”, became universal. Lol.
He’s such a Bevan!
Premier Roger Cook delivers Vision for Albany plan containing more than $514m of pledges to benefit seatMelissa SheilAlbany Advertiser
Sat, 25 January 2025 6:00PM
Less than two months since his last drop-in, Premier Roger Cook returned to Albany this week to summarise a slew of election promises for Albany, unveiling Labor’s plan for the battleground seat.
Mr Cook was joined on Friday by his Deputy Premier Rita Saffioti at the near-complete Albany Surf Life Saving Club to present his “Vision for Albany” which details $147.12 million allocated to Albany-specific projects.
Previously announced hefty sums such as the $50m for South Coast Highway upgrades were joined by new pledges, including $25m for Spencer Park housing, $22m for a new classroom block at North Albany Senior High School, $12m to redevelop the Spencer Park Education Support Centre and $10.8m for a business case to upgrade berth 1 and 2 at the Port of Albany.
Rude rude words, which I will not commit to text.
Teen vandal charged over anti-Semitic attack on MP’s office avoids criminal conviction (Paywallian)
So this antisemitic terrorist attacked a Jewish MP’s electorate office doing six figures worth of damage gets off without even a criminal conviction? Why do we even bother with courts and police?
Josh Burns if he had big balls would sue the little prick in civil court and make sure he pays for the damage even if he has to pay it off at $30 a month for the rest of his life. Make the little prick know what consequences are.
He’d be leaned on by the party to ‘do the right thing’ ie: the wrong thing.
1.Was he repentant?
2.What was the restitution order?
Anti-Semitism is still not taken seriously in this country by the authorities.
It looks like the Labor Party and the Judiciary – BIRM – have declared war on us and they think we’ll believe the promises before the next election.
Weell, in this case if it was first offence a course of firm discussions might be a better solution than conviction. convictions are for life Do anything else and throw the book at em..
It looks like the Federal Department of Education is no more.
It is like a dead parrot.
It is not pining for the fjords.
It is not resting.
It is dead. D.E.A.D.
Hopefully with a clove of garlic round its neck and a stake through what passes for a heart.
I think normal people are getting very pissed off about this as Saturday’s result in Prahran shows. I really hope Allen loses Werribee too.
USAID Bombshell: Biden’s Secret War on Israel Exposed
Just stepped outside to check something before sundown and saw a bird of prey – didn’t have my specs on so couldn’t tell what exactly, perhaps a kite – hovering over the glen (that’s what I call it in a nod to my Scottish ancestors; too wide for a gully). Nature red in tooth and claw, but magnificent just the same.
I am trying to imagine the trot-in-amber, aka Luigi, who has bad-mouthed President Trump so egregiously and often, going cap in hand and trying to convince him not to put tariffs on our steel and aluminium — what could he say? Australia and the US have a special relationship as a long-time allies?— hmmm well Mr Trump need only look for evidence of how Luigi treated our common ally, Israel, on the world stage in the UN, to realise what a contemptible POS is Luigi I suppose F*** off might come to mind.
I was under the impression that the Tariffs did not affect Australia as we already have a free trade agreement with the US, and basically no tariffs either way.
Please hold the line; your call is important to us. Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr….
But but but , Mark Butler said that our ambassador, Krudd, ‘is highly respected in Washington’
Problem is, he said that a year ago, and said respect was earned by bad mouthing the Trumpster. Now those actions have come home to roost. Actions, meet consequences…
The thing is, Rudd should have resigned or been removed as soon as it was clear who the next POTUS was going to be. These toxic parasites have no sense or decency.
They assume they will get away with anything because they get away with it here.
Now hear this, Mister Trump.
We here in the land down under are not scared of your “tariffs” on steel and aluminiuminuminum for we, in this mighty land at the arse end of the world know where our strength lies!
It lies with our abundant supplies of cheaply accessed coal and gas, which means POWER! Cheap POWER stretching to the horizon and beyond.
We’ve got your measure, mate.
Tell you what, make it 50%, just to make it sporting!
You blowhard!
We’ll even throw in Kevin Rudds head on a stick for the Oval Office dunny!
I was actually gifted a orange man toilet brush for Christmas.
i suspected the grifters were having a go, in the full expectation I would not be gracious, to the merriment of all.
but I now have it in price of place on the book shelf. Every now and again I show it to confuse Canberra people in teams meetings.
Bushie, if only we could quickly see sense and build new coal and gas power stations to use our cheap coal and gas which we were starting once more to cheaply access.
I’m dreaming I know. The Big Climate Scame has far too strong a grip still on the befuddled minds of too many of our voters and of our elite grifters.
Trump has ‘driven a stake through the heart’ of the ‘climate scam’
I wonder what happened to Shatterzzz?
Hope he’s ok.
He’s had some health issues of late.
Hopefully a temporary absence.
Still no word on Currency Lad.
He just stepped outside and may be some time.
Oh, noes!
Who will administer the loans, I hear you cry!
“Sliante” to all you mob.
Mme Zulu has been advised that, owing to her fantastic test results, her next medical appointment, supposed to be tomorrow, has been delayed for six months. We are opening the champagne.
Cats will do me the courtesy of ignoring any further transmissions from this call sign.
Wonderful news.
A votre santé!!
great news
How fantastic!
Your health is everything.
Good news.
Excellent news. And a blessed relief.
Great news, Zulu!
If you say so Mark.
Wasn’t there a soccer comp in Sydney where several teams fielded boys in with the young women and scooped all the prizes. Amateur sport of course, nothing to see here.
IIRC, several years ago in Queensland a teenage boys volleyball team thrashed the women’s state champions.
Same in netball. I must admit surprised at that.
Didn’t the Newcastle boys under 15s beat the Matildas 7 nil sometime in the last decade?
Similar news.
Just sitting here on the deck of the Butlands ‘Oliday Flat, looking out over Guichen Bay, hoovering up pint of Coonawarra.
My oncologist called earlier and says he doesn’t want to see me for six months.
“Am I cured?” I ask.
“No” he says. “You just shit me to tears and I don’t want to see you”.
Very perspicacious medico.
Just had a plane rocket directly overhead with a hell of a thundering roar that shook the house. Ran out into the yard but it had already gone. FlightRadar24 says it was a BAE AeroHawk from Pearce doing 390 knots at 2000 feet. (BS! It was lower than that!) I watched as it went out to sea … and promptly disappeared off the radar?? Did it fly below the radar?
I don’t always look up when I hear the sound of an aircraft,
but when I do, its rotary wing.
Or a radial…there is that sound as well.
Sorry Bruce…I couldn’t help meself. 😉
And when the breeding stock is slaughtered and eaten, when the seed grain is boiled and eaten,
Mrs Eyrie used to have trouble with Demonrats vs Rethuglicans in the US until I told her it was easy: ” the democrats would feed the seed corn to the hungry children” which nicely sums up the left wing bleeding heart disregard for the future, way of thinking.
My thanks to Donald Kingsbury who had one of his characters use that line in the charming and quirky SF novel “The Moon Goddess and the Son”.
That’s very true, Eyrie.
Instead of half of them starving now, they’d have them all starve in 6 months time.
Most kids of today wouldn’t comprehend what that meant.
” the democrats would feed the seed corn to the hungry children”
Democrats would abort the children, celebrate their virtue, then eat the seed corn themselves
Lol. So much winning.
Seriously, there will be some very broad functions which they probably need to perform.
Like, maybe mandating minimum competencies in core curriculum streams.
Or opening schools up to parental input and accountability.
If the Feds have no authority over that, leave it in the bin.
If they do, you can always rebuild it at a much reduced and focused level.
As for financial stuff like loans and disbursements of Federal education funding … that is a financial task.
It requires no specialist educational input.
Let Treasury do it.
When Elon is finished with it and puts it down, that is.
Yes, I think Elon wants to give it just a few more kicks to the head.
You know, trying to doxx the richest man in the world’s ex wives and kids might just not be the smartest thing to do when he’s a good friend of the President or at any time.
I think Elon is particularly fond of little X.
Two heroes of the IDF, taking a break from patrolling but still on guard against Jew hating Gazan Nazis…
Which ones the shooter and which ones the spotter?
Words of wisdom about marriage:
Oh FFS, peeing down again.
Road south opened today. Reckon by tomorrow na again.
LOL we either get nothing here hence Brownsville tag or we get too much.
The Democrats and their deep state allies have been desperate to bring on a constitutional crisis ever since Trump appeared on the scene.
Apparently they still believe the public will blame Trump for the chaos that will ensue.
Their strategy: manoeuvre different branches of government into conflict with each other any way they can.
They’ve been delusional for quite a while.
February 10, 2025 9:45 pm
Oh FFS, peeing down again.
Road south opened today. Reckon by tomorrow na again.
LOL we either get nothing here hence Brownsville tag or we get too much.
Lucky you. We’ve got sh*t over here.
Some demonumpty on twitter was complaining that a saving of 31 million was chickenfeed and not worth pursuing.
Yes it is, even if it initially costs more than 31 million ( which I bet it didn’t) if you find a weakness in the system and remedy it, which ought be an inevitable component of pursuing funds paid incorrectly, fraudulently etc.
Bwah ha ha ha, yes.
I have seen a few of those.
1. Dimocrats : “USAID is only 3/8 of half a poofteenth of the budget. Why bother?”
Average Joe : “WHOA! So this is just the tip of the iceberg?”
2. Here, look. Here’s the budget breakdown … feeding starving children, saving sick kittens, planting shade trees, fixing old people’s dentures, yada, yada.
Average Joe : “You pie chart doesn’t show the trannie musical thing. So it’s bullshit.”
This has been a masterful exercise in a number of areas:-
1. Planning, including keeping their plans secure.*
2. Surprising and neutralising the opposition.
3. Data analysis.
4. Communicating the results. It is no point talking about unrelatable billions in waste. Find a shopping list of the most egregious breaches of faith with the American public – trannie musicals, Iraqi Sesame St, QWERTY comic books – and get them out there.
* It must be pissing off the FBI that they had zero intel on what DOGE was going to do.
I wondered why the first target was USAID and also wondered whether there had been a lot of inside information showing where to look. I think that is a distinct possibility which then makes the young Dogies look even better. A great psyop.
Yesterday I read Kunstler, who made the observation that, cutting off the USAID funding taps will directly affect the myriad of demonrat lawsuits being started. No lovely taxpayer money to fund left lawyers so another source of cash will have to be found.
The show has only just started and it gets better every day.
It will be interesting to find out how quickly DOGE was put together and what level of preparation they had for Day One.
The word ‘blitzkreig’ needs to be somewhere in your list
Winston Smith February 10, 2025 7:37 pm
I found that Elon tweet in the screenshot
That was tweeted late last Friday 7th feb.
There has been no other reporting of Ed being shut down, and DOGE has not tweeted about doing it either, and the ed.gov web site is still up.
The kindest interpretation is that perhaps Elon has been talking way ahead of actual events and that a more concrete announcement may arrive soon.
This is unbelievable. They think they can get away with business as usual.
The @DOGE team just discovered that FEMA sent $59M LAST WEEK to luxury hotels in New York City to house illegal migrants.
Sending this money violated the law and is in gross insubordination to the President’s executive order.
That money is meant for American disaster relief and instead is being spent on high end hotels for illegals!
A clawback demand will be made today to recoup those funds.
Top Ender – old age and a liking for strong drink have dulled my memory, but, was it you who mentioned on this blog, a river cruise through Portugal? The Drouro river?
Yes it was. Douro.
Yes, we did it in August. Probably posted something about it. If you can’t find it email me.
CA AG Orders Hospitals to Ignore Trump Order and Sterilize Kids
How To Commit Democratic Party Suicide
Trump announces tariffs on Aust steel and aluminum
… your move Albo
It is not a winning argument politically to say that government waste isn’t worth pursuing.
The noise will continue from the swamp, but the next properly conducted poll is going to be a killer for the Dimocrats I think.
It is not a winning argument politically to say that government waste isn’t worth pursuing.
Particularly when it was your government doing the wasting.
And your money being wasted.
Larry Kudlow: Trump will be a major league budget cutter
Speaking of polls, I saw a clip of the CNN (I think?) poll guy the other day.
He is a very excitable cross between Antony Green and a labrador puppy, and doesn’t care about anything but numbers.
He was enthusiastically telling the host that 79% of those polled supported Trump getting Trannies out of women’s sports.
“Unheard of! Unprecedented! No issue ever draws 80% support either way! Never! This is yuuuuge!”
The lady host stood there speechless, looking at him the way a single mother does when her five-year-old walks into Thanksgiving Dinner carrying mummy’s vibrator.
“In 2021, opposition was at 55%, but now at 79%! This is a massive jump!”
Well, I’ll let you in on a secret.
Opposition to cock-sucking cross-dressers mixing it with teenagers has always been 90%++.
You just badgered some people out of standing up against it for years.
February 10, 2025 10:07 pm
Reply to Lee
Same in netball. I must admit surprised at that.
I played netball in high school with a mate and got we got thrashed by the chicks.
They rung rings around us.
Then we played basketball and redeemed ourseleves.
You better Nord Stream 2 back up quick smart. No time to waste.
Bloody master piece.
The Church – Under The Milky Way (Official Music Video) [HD Upgrade]
Memories brought back.
John Spooner.
Peter Broelman.
This guy hasn’t been paying attention.
Yes he has. He just hopes that his readers haven’t.
If Broelman really believes that then he has got another think coming.
Brett Lethbridge.
Michael Ramirez.
A.F. Branco.
Matt Margolis.
Tom Stiglich.
Gary Varvel.
Gary Varvel #2.
Sounds like Hamas have run out of live hostages.
Israel orders military to prepare as Hamas announces halt in hostage releases over ceasefire accusations (Sky News, 11 Feb)
The condition of the three guys wasn’t good, and the optics didn’t play well for Hamas. Which suggests even if they do still have live hostages they are in a bad way.
Time to clean house.
And this time don’t stop.
The nerve of these scum to come flashing uniforms and weapons during a ceasefire plus the hostages condition.
If they hide behind mummy’s skirt, too bad, so sad.
Too many bad actors in too many places.
Quite so.
The good reverend might like to glance over another scripture. Matthew 6:24
Communists will always find a way to rationalise their anger and hate.
Too many crook judges.
This will end up in front of the Supremes – which is what I think President Trump is after.
Obama judge blocks Trump plan for returning illegals.
Keep pushing, Democrats.
Tim Blair in today’s Tele <snort… 😀 > :
11 Feb 2025
Trump the transformer is at it again, and this time he’s achieving even wilder results.
When it comes to acts of magic, of course, Trump has considerable form. During his first term, the US President successfully converted various feminists into their opposite physical forms.
Left-wing actress Lena Dunham, for example, lost heaps of weight. “Donald Trump became president and I stopped being able to eat food,” she revealed in 2018.
Sadly for her, Dunham’s size reduction didn’t survive four years of Joe Biden. Not to be mean, but Trump’s second term couldn’t arrive fast enough for our girl Lena.
Meanwhile, possibly due to the Coriolis effect, Trump exerted a reverse influence on Guardian Australia columnist Brigid Delaney. “I stopped going to the gym because of Trump,” the headline on a 2018 Delaney piece explained.
“Now I can’t open jars.”
Those were truly paranormal outcomes, but Trump has now moved on to a higher level of sorcery.
With a single comment yesterday, Trump set about converting Australian climate warriors into furious defenders of our previously planet-destroying metals and mining industries.
“Any steel coming into the United States is going to have a 25 per cent tariff,” Trump told reporters on Air Force One, bound for the Super Bowl.
“Aluminium, too.”
This news naturally alarmed the Australian government and most every other Australian besides.
But look at this proposal through former Labor Prime Minister Julia Gillard’s eyes. And former Liberal PM Malcolm Turnbull’s, too, if he can somehow point them away from the nearest mirror.
If Trump had described his proposed tariffs as climate taxes, he’d have been in historic lockstep with much of Australia’s Labor Party, the Greens, the Teals, the Devonshire-tea-and-doilies wing of the Coalition and all other anti-carbon activists.
Why, Trump may even have been hailed as a global Gillard, imposer of righteous penalties upon evil emissions-intensive industries.
Those same mining and mining-related industries, you’ll recall, were previously held in such contempt by Labor Treasurer Jim Chalmers that he couldn’t bring himself to name them.
In his 2023 budget speech, Chalmers merely described steel, aluminium, iron ore, coal and gas as “the things we sell overseas”. They were also the things that generated a rare Labor surplus, but Chalmers plainly isn’t the grateful type.
Labor sure is talking up steel and aluminium now, however. “Australian companies have significant investments in US steel industry creating thousands of jobs,” Prime Minister Anthony Albanese said yesterday.
“We will continue to make the case for Australia’s national interest.”
Labor Trade Minister Don Farrell was also interested in the national interest. “We have consistently made the case for free and fair trade, including access into the US market for Australian steel and aluminium,” Farrell said in the wake of Trump’s comments.
Yet Farrell last December told the Next Step Global Conference in Singapore about “the need to reach net zero” and “giving momentum to the transition to net zero”. So much for that, then.
Albanese, Farrell and the Labor government are upset that Trump will increase the cost of our steel and aluminium in the US market. Not in our national interest, you see.
But the renewable energy policies pushed by Albanese, Farrell and the Labor government – here’s looking at you, Energy Minister Chris Bowen – vastly and unavoidably inflate the cost of all our exports to all markets.
Everything mined, made, transported and sold in or from Australia is absolutely brutalised by our colossal power bills.
Just to stay on today’s topic, the greatest inflator of Australia’s metal prices cannot and will not be Trump’s import penalties. The greatest inflator for as far as can be seen will always be the Australian government’s energy policies, which add massively to final prices even before a solitary gram of metal is shipped overseas.
Remember as well that Labor under Gillard attempted to smash mining with a “super profits” tax. Imagine if that monstrosity had made it into law, on top of madly-increased energy charges.
Given Labor’s tradition of aiming price-raising penalties at the metals and mining sectors, you’d think leftists would welcome Trump’s proposal. It fits right in with both Labor history and the Greens’ eternal anti-progress campaign.
Major Australian business groups, including some of the big miners, aren’t off the hook here. By failing to oppose local climate legislation, they have forfeited their right to complain about foreign tariffs.
If you want to cut our export costs, rip into renewables. It’ll make Australia tariff-proof.
And right on cue the Greens want a super-billionaires tax!
Paul Murray very good last night tearing Anikka Wells a new one.
Four hundred grand plus a year she gets and being scornful of a move that could help a dying hospitality trade.
Again, the list of her freebies and VIP tickets is truly eye watering.
Why the hell did so many Labor middle aged deadbeats need tickets to Taylor Swift?
Well, if it’s free and the snout fits.
Wonder how many took the kids?
Useless parasites the lot of them.
PS. No Anikka, all of Australia is not behind a drunken, racist vandal. Imagine a black taxi driver, an Aboriginal policeman and a white, male sports star.
What a clueless cow.
Matt Canavan points out that stupid lefty climate change impositions on our steel and aluminium production companies should be removed now.
I think Trump will exempt Australia from tariffs later – when Dutton and Co. are elected!
Blair got there first!
Today’s Tele Editorial:
11 Feb 2025
Australia and the world knew that US tariffs were coming.
President Donald Trump and Vice President JD Vance had, after all, campaigned on a tariff platform throughout their successful run for the White House.
Trump’s revelation – aboard Air Force One, as it happens, heading for the Super Bowl – that tariffs would apply to specific metal imports was therefore no surprise.
“Any steel coming into the United States is going to have a 25 per cent tariff,” Trump told reporters. “Aluminium, too.”
Judging by the measured tone of the Australian government’s response, it is clear that the Prime Minister and his trade officials had their talking points properly arranged in advance.
It is also clear, given the billions of dollars in export earnings at stake, that the mood behind the scenes would have been rather more energised.
A previous Coalition government managed, through deft diplomacy, for Australia to be excluded from tariffs applied during Trump’s first term.
Negotiations for a second exclusion may be slightly more complicated, given the personalities involved. Australia’s ambassador to the US, Kevin Rudd, is on record as being quite the Trump opponent.
Perhaps, for this mission, someone with not so much baggage might stand in for the former prime minister.
Australians, of course, need not be entirely beholden to the US and its government when it comes to the final market price of our exported goods, be they steel, aluminium or otherwise.
The cost of our exports is already made excessive by Australia’s absurdly expensive energy policies. Tariffs may add a surcharge to the final bill, but energy costs add to the bill throughout every step of manufacture and shipping.
President Trump’s tariff announcement need not spark a trade war, especially as far as Australia is concerned.
Instead, it should spark a wider conversation about Australia’s international trading competitiveness – and our need to cut costs at home.
It should, but it won’t.
Our current and future governments are incapable of seeing beyond the refilling of the trough.
Winston, sadly yes.
But we should still keep belting them around the head with a cluebat.
TheirABC is drooling over nasty drunk Sam Kerr’s defence:
Ms Forbes told the jury that police failed to properly investigate claims by Ms Kerr and Ms Mewis that they had been held “hostage” by the taxi driver.
“The reality is that the police took no meaningful steps to investigate on the night, nor in the two years since,” Ms Forbes told the jury.
In the police body-cam vision, Ms Kerr asked officers more than 20 times to “listen to the recording” of what happened in the taxi.
The court was told that no officer ever physically swept the car for a camera, instead relying on the word of the driver, who said he did not have one.
The driver was never formally interviewed by police and has not given evidence in the trial.
Ms Kerr last week told the court she felt the officers were treating her differently because of the colour of her skin and were choosing to believe the driver over them.
And on and on it goes.
She was persecuted, not because she was an obnoxious drunk who threw up in the cab and whose partner smashed the window – no, no, it was because she is a bit tinted in the skin department.
I am sorry for the unfortunate child who is about to be born to this toxic pair.
I am sorry for the unfortunate child who is about to be born to this toxic pair.
I’m pretty sure, on first principles, that at best, only one of the pair has a genetic investment in the child.
Quite so.
Yes, the racist bobbies.
The same ones who practically begged to take the knee.
Be more believable if Kerr was a white male.
You wonder why black kids in Alice Springs feel they have open slather to pay whitey back.
UK Labour Party announces new Health Minister, following the firing of Andrew Gwynne, whose antisemitic and racist messages sparked outrage.
Ashley Dalton who previously tweeted ‘Trans women aren’t male. They’re women’ has now been appointed as Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Public Health and Prevention.
The “climate” scam in a nutshell.
The Biden Admin used “Environmental Justice” to funnel billions to far-left groups in the name of climate equity.
$50M to Climate Justice Alliance which believes “climate justice travels through a Free Palestine”, $50M to 2 NY/NJ immigration groups, & much more.
This ends now!
Given Gaza is at sea level, isnt it going to be swallowed up by our rising seas shortly anyway?
I sincerely hope so.
Using ratbag James Matthews from Sky UK to put sh*t on Trump’s Gaza proposal doesn’t help Daytime Sky here to look intelligent.
“If it was as simple as a real estate deal it would have been done ages ago”.
No, James. It’s possible now that the place has been levelled and now that the true grotesque nature of the inhabitants has been so graphically revealed.
While I’m here, I’ve been doing an informal survey of car colours, which I regard as significant social, economic and cultural markers (drafting the grant proposal – looking for feedback.)
The survey has been conducted while sitting outside a local hostelry with a glass of good shiraz, at the intersection of a busy rural highway and local road near a school.
The question is – what colours are the most popular after deleting the ubiquitous white, grey, silver, charcoal etc non-colours.
The winner by a country mile is red. I have seen some beautiful red cars around, including a HSV in metalflake to die for. More generally, if a car is not a non-colour, it is most likely red.
Next, but a way behind, is blue, but they are around.
Yellow and green are rare. Completely out of fashion.
Never let anyone tell you that this site is not up with the latest in style!
Next week: cardigan trends on a budget. 🙂
The latest tend seems to be military.
Battleship grey, desert brown, jungle green and deep air force blue.
Blue is not a roadworthy colour. It shows blemishes and streaks.
I won’t buy another.
Metal flake HSV.
Until they need a touch up after a shopping trolley kiss.
Just watched the footage of VP JD and Usha Vance arrive in Paris with their children.
There’s a Kennedyesque aura about them!
Usha is incredibly beautiful and stylish.
So what?
If the wife of a wealthy Hamas operative was photographed looking ‘beautiful and stylish’ while arriving in Paris with their children, would you regard that as significant?
A ‘Kennedy aura’ – the serial adulterer and his trophy wife?
What on earth are you wittering about?
Bingo! I knew you’d respond with a disagreeable comment! LOL.
Yep. Some people can’t see the overall wood for the multitude of trees of various sorts that bother them.
Its called charisma Jo, you may have heard of it.
I get what you mean there, Cassie. They inflect the feelings that people had about the young JFK and his family, symbolising hope that such an iconic image can produce in people, especially when blended as JFK did with words such as ‘ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country’.
With JD there is a solid truth to the image. His life’s story so far is one of religious moral questing, military service and high achievement against some stacked cards in his youth. All admirable, as is Usha’s story too.
Sucking up to the Kennedys because she wore good clothes and he had good hair is precisely the vacuous crap that went along with Hollywood and the rest of popular culture that got us into trouble in the first place,
I admire Melania’s dress sense and style – a lot – but using it to justify her husband’s politics is nonsense.
I ask again – would you praise the wife of a Hamas leader (and they can afford it) in the same way?
Stop being such an airhead.
And she’s off!
Most of those letterbox ladies look the same.
Hamas have multiple wives and they’re all in burqas.
BREAKING: DOGE ends $2.3 million contract that was for a virtual reality training course teaching soldiers how to have “difficult conversations” about DEI – Daily Mail
The entire US should be enraged™ by this abuse of their funds.
I think the GOP should be in quotation marks.
GOP Sen. Susan Collins rails against ‘poorly conceived’ cap on NIH grant costs meant to save $4B
Another that needs to be primaried. Yeah, “vote for Collins she’s all for government waste” should do it.
USAID packages found among Hezbollah weapons cache in Lebanon: Israeli soldier
New York Post – choosing its side:
It’s a corrupt organisation handing out money to itself and cronies overseas, and no one will shed a tear when the last shovel full of dirt lands on its grave.
Democrats Create ‘Rapid Response Task Force’ to Block Trump’s Popular Agenda
Three Baby Steps Proving 4 Senate Seats Stolen in 2024
The US desperately needs it’s voting system overhauled, and hopefully President Trump can do it.
The Issue will be the RINOs who are in a position to scupper it.
I don’t think there’s any doubt that somebody did.
Federal Whistleblower Claims Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro Ordered Trump Assassination
Corruption and fraud and perhaps some expressed wishful thinking about getting Trump out of the race by means unstated, but hard to see this as actual collusion in the attempt on Trump’s life. Still Shapiro could well have been Kamala’s VP, and he’s governor of Pen, so he’s a big fish for Musk to fry a little.
After seeing the condition of the three hostages and reading this morning that the Nazis (aka Hamas) have ‘indefinitely delayed the release of any more hostages‘, I need to distract myself and focus on the trivial.
I cannot bear it anymore.
It’s very hard for you Cassie. Call me and come over for lunch or dinner sometime for some general distraction.
It’s all about you. as usual.
Why are you sometimes so nasty?
Imagine thinking Hamas had any honour.
Call off the ceasefire.
Seems to be lots of fat Hamas targets that got missed.
February 11, 2025 7:26 am
TheirABC is drooling over nasty drunk Sam Kerr’s defence:
Johanna, this is a better perspective and analysis on Kerr than TheirABCess: